K s M c G I L L UNIVER- SITY'—, LIBRARY A New EDITION of THE COURT and CITY REGISTER, O R, Gentleman’s Complete ANNUAL KALENDAR, < For the Year 1770. . CONTAINING, I. New and Correa LISTS of hot; H O US ES of parliament; II. The COU R»T REGISTER. HI. LISTS of the A R M Y, NAVY, Universities, Public Offices, Hospitals, (Jc. With many Improvements, and the Addition of fome new LISTS. LONDON: Printed for J. Jollif fb, in 67. Jtmef „ °odb ai.l, ana J. Walter, at Cbaring-Cr^t : ^. KEARiLty, Johnson and Pavne, L Hawes' an d Co. J. Hinton, R. Baldwin. E. Stevens. T . Caslon.C. R'viNGToN.E.aniC. Dilly, J. Robson J. Williams, S. Crowder, Robinson and R 0 * Berts, B.Law, J Wilkie, Z. Stuart VV r 0H v SION, T. Lowndes, T. Longman, I. Fuller F Johnson, C. Hawkins, H. Hughs, and B. Collins. Drue 23. tounJ } or ivitt an Almanack jj. ^d, bound . I N D E DMIRALS A 4 miralry Office — ———Court 137 /or. of Doctors Com. 1 1 3 ica Com. of Merc hants 215 ?nt Victuallers — 144 | ?M 5 to the Army — 170 is de Camp ~ rSi lermen-of London — 2^4 ibaftadors — loo vf*E RICA, — 277 licable Society — 2-17 ie!ia,Princefs, herEftablift- nent 92 tiqwary Society — 226 'hdeacons 202 ny, Lift of — 173 iHery Company — 211 •lum 2 3*> di»orsof Lind Tax — 104 A N K of England — 21 5» Bankers- — 216 •kruptcy, Commif. of 106 tholomew’s- Hofpital onets — — *9* hkm — .229 nd of Works $6 iewell — 229 tifh Herring Fiftiery — 220 cifh Mo feu m — i(h Lying-in Hofpital 232 A MBR 4 DOE Univ. 235 Capes, of the R. Navy 150 imberlain,Ld. his Office 70 mcellors of Diocefes 202 mcery, Court of — 104 iplains in Ordinary — 78 — - — of the Navy 162 trter-houfe ^28 rife a- hofpital 169 — 149 Chr./Vs Hofpital — 22S City Lond, -lying-in- hofp. 2 3 2 College x>f Doctors of Law 1 1 3 College of Phyficians — 22 1 Commiffioners of Sewers 2 iz Committee of City Lands 212 Common Council — 206 Common Pleas, Court of 10 1 Con>. Lift, of the Houfe of 2 I Company for propigating the Gofpel in New England 133 Comptrollers of Army — 1 89 Lonluls — ^ — JQt Cornwall, Duchy of — gg Corporation for Seamen 232 Cuunfel, King’s, and Seijeants hi Court of Affiitants — 225 Cumberland, Duke of, his Eftabliftiment — go Curators — 107 Cuftoms — — u6 p^EANS — — 202 DoCtorsCom. Court at 1 1 3 Drawing Room in Tower 169 CAST India Directors 21 3 Equitable Allurance Office V 2I$ - 103 ^ ii« ♦ 119 Common 109 Exci/e-o! pi LA Pleas — - Firft FruiA Office — Foreign Prices — 9; Foundling-hofpital — . 230 QENERAL Officers 173 George’s St. Hofpital 230 Gloucester, Duke of, hit EL tablifhmcnt A — 99 L.w..|^jv.. 1||ir - . , iinaf' (iv ) Governors in America — 278 Gambia — 2? 2 Guernfry, Gibraltar, and Minorca — — ibid. in Gr. Britain — 287 Gr onr!o*h, Board of —81 Greenwich- hofpital — 141 Guy’s hofpital — 229 I JACKNEY Co. office 135 Hand in Hand Fire Office 218 Hanaper. office — 105 Haflar, Hofpital at — 143 Hawkers & Pedlarg Office 135 Hera Ids -Col Jeee 93 Holp, for Ft • Proteftants 229 Honfekeepers Houfhold, his Majefty’s HonihoM, ‘Queen's — Hudfrn’s-Bav Com. — JEWEL Office J Imprefh- Offices — Infu ranee -Offices — Judges in Dodturs 75 81 88 215 73 104 217 Common* 1 1 3 Juftires of Wales — ill T/ING’sJBench, Court of 10" ^ King’s He ufhold — 81 King’s Kitchen 83 Knights of the Garter — 93 — ■ ■ Bath — 94 Th’fMe — 04 LANCASTER, Dutchy Court of 112 — ^Officers of the Co. 1 1 2 Laudable So. for Widows 2-6 Levet-days 80 Lieutenants of Count ics )8o Lieutenants of the Navy* 1^5 Lieutenancy of* London 209 Lock Hofpital — 231 London Atfurance — 218 London Hofpital -- - 231 London Worfchoufe — 229 Luke’s, St. Hospital — 232 fyjAGDALEN Hr.11% 23 Mai /halfea -court — 11 Mafter of the Horfe — 8 Mafler of the Robes — — 7 Mailers and Comnrjandtrs 1 5^ Mefliengers — 74 Middlesex Hofpital — 231 MJitia, City Million Bank — — 21 Mil orca ■ 28: Mint — 13 Miffic, Band of ■■■■ 7 < AVAL Officers and Store keepers — 141 Navy -Office — ■■■ 137 Navy Slop-Office — ' 1 < QFFICERS of the Houfe ol Commons Officers of the H. of Peers v» Ordnance, Civil — ... j$: Ordnance, Military — - 16 Oxford Univerfity — 233 pAY of the Army — 171 Pay of Naval -Officers 161 Pay-Office, Navy — — Pay mafter ef Land F6rces 16c Penny-Pofr, * Penftoners, Band of — $ Pipe-Office J ; Plantation Governor — 2 ' PU mouth Hufpita! — — 14 Poft- Office ja Preachers at King’sChapel i Prebendatiet — Privy-Seal — ■■ — rn Privy. Council . 69 Prodtors — — 1 1^ Q ueen’s Houffiojd — g* J^ANGERS and Keepers 76 -Remitters of JDeeds — 110 Regifh-rs in Do£tv.M Corh. 113 Royal Chapels — ■ 77 Royal Nurfery — ^9 • • us . j j Swetfe ** *** c ‘ ' km - — ~ icir iffl >i|**( l 0 Jn< — uH ***' :m ta'P gctjtoMp* - 1 — ict ca Swafcdto - i kcX f :»Gru.-' feaFircOffa Sifnsvi^sLn’n TAliyCeert 1 ToOfcf — Ib'it Tat.r2fUc.i0* - s c 0 Atotob C %n - IA — M — Mfcti — - — Cu»n — . 0.2XJuri -Cxr - CrfUL&oen 1 j j (wS*. " I — ^[*107 - — U&cvj „ _ E#fcQfct _ • ' - N H *• n ** rsn - ' Hcrff — j. * ^o^ej — » 7- ^ ~»^ceri 1 54 H*TL *7 — c — It “ — ’Jl • — 74 C6cm indStort- — 141 '37 At — lAC ISrftkHotfeol * 6 *'H. ofP«n V | ’ ><3 V ~m — i6g '-tty — ijj v Arrr* —171 V.n -Office ri 163 ' * ’ #37 f w« Forces - ni k*of — lJ JJC| & *tfWT — 17: H jaj • ^ Chisel c - ) e oyal Family, Lift of — 95 .oyai Navy ; 145 'oyal Society — **3 'ALT -Office 5 Secretaries of Slate 1 1 ^ e ni - Gam bva — — 282 errand King's O-unlel 11 1 herifts — — * 9 ° ick and Hurt Office — 142 ick.and Vtaimm Sramen 232 > xoen -y Receivcn-Office 1 42 iigpeV-Qffice n* iiim -College — 223 imaii-Fox Hofuitai — 231 Society ^f<>r Chiiftian Kn.w* lecge 227 society for Gofpel — — 228 — for Em ouragem- of Arts 220 Stamp Office — 134 South Sea Company — 214 Sun Fir* Office ■ — 218 Superannuated Lieutenants 133 Superannuated -Officers — l>o qpALLY Court — 103 A Tax Office 104 Thomas'" St Hofpital 22 Tow-r of London — 170 Trade, Board of — U& rradefm. &c. to the King 7 5 Treafurer of the Chamber 88 Treifury — 102 Trioity-houfe 5 ^3 Truftee? of Mordcn s Co). 163 Turkey Comoany — 21 S \7 J CTU ALL! N G- Office 14 3 Uni n Fire-Office — 2*9 \X FALLS, JuOiccs of in VV Wjles, Frncefs Dowagrr of> herOfficciS 9* War Office J ^S A'ardiobe, Removng — 7 * Stan ling — 7% — . — Or at ■ » 7 We fhninftcr- Court — * 1 t W,ftminftcr-Inhrmar> — ■ 3 ° Weftmiofter- Fire-Office 219 Wcftminllcr Lying-in H» tal 233 Widows and Children — 1 >5 Widows and Cbidren of Cler- gyman 22t* Woolwich Acad and Lab. 168 yAROS — — ’39 * Yeotnen of tfcc Guard 84 — — 11 UtAfeU -ft « k' K'tptrt ’ 4 . 'fefft — IM c n Cert- M3 771 . — «9 SCOTLAND. Admiralty C *urt 24^ ,Bank . : 247 - Royal ibid. Bmnets — 239 Chancery *46 College of Phyfic ans — 246 Commiftary -Court 245 Cumroiffioners fur Fisheries, See. , *46 Court of Seffion «— 243 — ^ J u ft. ciary — - 243 ^-—•—Exchequer ■ 244 Cuftonns • 1 ■ - - 248 Excife- Office — — 24S Grea f Seal-Office — Lyon-Office — Mint Officers of Slate — *- Peers Police, Ertab!ifbment Poft Office Privy S«.al — Regffier Office Signet — — — Stamp Office Tax Office — — Univerfitiet — 1 1 A 2 ( Vi) IRELAND. Agents _ ^ Artillery Hankers - Barrack-Maftcrs — Baronets — — Battle Axe Guards Chancetv College of Phy/Icians Commons, Houfe of 2^0 270 273 770 27 270 263 *74 2 <6 -Alphab. Lift of 261 Com. and Col. of Revenue 271 Cotr.miftioners of Appeal? 273 of Works 2 70 Court of KingVBench 264 - — Common Pleas ibid. Exchequer — 26 c Fxcheq. Cham. 266 Corn t of Admiralty — 2 68 Court of Delegates ■— * eans — — , Engineers — : Excife — General-Officers ^ Governors, &c. — , King’s- Council — . Laboratory — — ^ Ordnance — ... Patentee-Officers — - Peers x Poft Office Prerogative Ccurt . Privy. Council „ Rangers, &*c. . Rrgifters and Records - State-Officers — ■ . — Trinity-College — 1 ■ 26S I v ~o 2 rll j 269 j 266 - 2^0 % i6g 9 2-2 I ? S 1 *73 26S 250 I -267 \ 267 j 267 j 273 5 Cleuks and Officers of the Houfe of P E E R S. A S 5 lty C W r » Ef K .f P cr of the Stole-Room. Firma ‘> E *bank. t.cceJJaryU'w^ Mrs. Flickfon. T HtE i. ili: the HOUSE of P E E R S. SPEAKER, Right Hon, W ILLIAM, Lord Mansfield. K- G.---K. T.-~ or K. B. Kt of :be Garter fTkiJUe.orBatb. L.L.D. Doff or of La'll’!. F, R . S, Fellow of tbe R oyalSocitty Ir.cloftd that [ ] art tour , Country Stats. b, m. w- batch’ lor, married, widower. Tbe Stott Petrs take Place of alt tboje oj t be fame Rank , created fincetbe Union, 1707. f Tboje with tbit Mark are Privy-Counleliors. TJnder Age. Don't fit in the Houfe. Roman Catboltck Peers. Generally refidt in tbe Country .B. PEERS of tbe BLOOD ROYAL, 3. 1762. •rTIS Royal Highnefs Georc, e-Aug cstus- tja, jq, J""^ FriuikIck, Prince of Wales, Duke of ornwall and Rothlay, Earl of Chefter, Eiedloral Prince of ■runfwick and Lunenburgh, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Ren- ew, Lord of the lfles. Great Steward of Scotland, and Cap- lin General of the Artillery C mpiey, K. G. b. 1764. &HisR.H.Wm. Hen. O.ofGloucefter and Edinburgh, 'Jov.i±. E. of Connaught in Irel Ma^.Gen, of his Maj. Force 1 ', Coi.of the 3d Reg. of Ft. Gds. Ranger and Keeper of Windl. Foreft, and Cr^nboum Chace, Raager of Hamptoo-C . Park . Sc Prtf. ottheLond Infirmary ,K.G,£-[Lodgrs at Craaboum and Hampton-Conrt. ] 1766. & His Royal Highnefs Henry Frederick Duke of iff. 2 t. Cumberland and Strathern, and Earl ot Dublin in Ire- land, Ranger of Windfor Greai Park, and a Rear- Admiral of ti e Blue squadron, K.G. [Gr. Lodge in Wmdfur Park j a. DUKES, 13. 00111,1 Edw. Howard, D. of Norfolk, E. ot Arundel, E. JaSi Marfiul, Hereditary Marital, Premier Duke, Fat., j u „e z 3. and Baron of England [Arundel Call. SujJex, Work- fop manor, Nottlngbam/birt } m. CDU) VI* Edward S^yfnoai y Duke o£Somerfet t Baion Sc\ - 1 546.* mour [Maiden Bradley, Witti , and Berry Pomeroy, Feb, j 6. Devon] b. Cbl. II. William Fitrroy, D. of Cleveland and Southampton, 1670 .Aug. 3 - Lari of Chichefter, Comptroller of the Seal orGrecnwax office. Receiver and Compt. ot the Profits of the Seals in the King’s Bench and Common Pleas (Ruth, broke Suffolk and Combe Park, -Wey] w. 167c, Aug. a. £ Charles Lenox, D. of Richmond, Lenox,- aiKPAubiyuv, Earl of Mutch and Datnley , Ld Lieut- ar.o A J Hcufe oj PEERS. Dukes. Curt. Rot. of the County of Sutfex, Major General. Hi*h Northampt. his Maj. Gamekeeper at Newmarket Chanc XP^ ir \V f Ca^Tlb • M * Ltl and Cuft ' Rl 't. of the C.‘ , °' Da,tmuuth ’ K ' G - [Rufton-hall, lfe f 'n , ^ “^ rfield Lod S e > Nontamfton/b. 1 m . oTworci an EnG 0m ^ rC K ? ufee *■“*<*» Marquis . M> of Tavi- and Devon, Col. 0 f the ill' R e-‘ „°f ^ n U ' U ^ S T Bedf( ' rd Admiral of the Coafh otVevon hST? 1 ’* Militia ’ V ' Corporation ol Hur.tinedcn mJ . i Hl S h Steward. 0 f :h e the oundling-HofpiraJ one nt tk ^ 0ufe > P»e/ia, of Chancellor of the UnTver! of n M ^ ° f ^rter-Woute, uLD.[ Woourn Abbey , BtHfordfr Sul. c ' f Berd, 1*9*. May i*. Hartington, Ld Hieh Treafurer f r o / De ' 0,)< h>re, Mar.of;- of Cork' in thatkingdTm rci ^ - 3n n ° 0V ‘ of '** C. Chilwick Middlefex J k * f C hatfw ^rth Dtrbyjbire * and «• - ««*-. |J ° !( HtTp. Gov. o, eh. Chirtor H HiCTA' * rt,ld ‘ 01 ,hc • . ; tuv KtS. C «w»l. H«li ■‘■ttl Cnftoo, ’ r -*J*7 Fasti, Cfcu*. ■-- 4 . flf !I*C. ..tjho-4iU. 9 . A it*, E. of hrrrt -iryRc- *nr*rt oftbe * ' Tom]*, * and a fbe ' * r r : - of hi! Ci^D Park - B* % P^Ht VKr. Dc!T- at a Errtr of r« f. fl. 5. - W*]KG« M . .* Tarf- « « fke^rd •ry JVilis % Drumiaar g Dumjriajbir *] r-i 1. f * Douglas Hamilton D. of Brandon, Ld. Dutton, alfo Duke of Hamilton in Scotland, [Hamilton, Lar.crjtjb .J />, , gr£0. L* Pcreg. Bertie, D. of Ancaller and Keftevtn, \1. of I 7 j 5 Juh 29. Lindfey, Ld Gr. Chamberlain of Engl, by In- I heritance, Matter of the Horfe to the King, Ld Ltrut. and- Cutt. Rot. of Lincolnfh, Recorder of Button, Keeper of Waltham- Foreft in the faid County, and ranks as a Lieut. General in the Army [Grimtthorpe Lmcolnjbire J m. ■ 1715. July 29. Evelyn Pierpoint, D. of Kinetton, M. of Dorc'hett. rarrks as a Lieut- Gen in the Army[Tho;elby and Holme- Pierpoint near Nottingham. Pierpoint-Lodge near Farnham Surry , and Finchley A 4 idd.] K. G. tn . <1716.7^/76. William Hen. Cavendifh Bentinck, D. and Earl of Portland, M. of Tichheld, one of theTrutt£es of the Britifh Mufeum, Prcfideni of the Bririfh Lying-in Hofpita], LL. D. and F. R.S. [Welbeck Nothrgbamjh.'] m. 1719. S7pr. 30. George Montagu, Duke of Manchefter, Vlf- count ManaeviIle,^Lord Lieutenant and Cuftos Rotuloium of Huntingdonfh. H gh Steward of Godmanchefter, LLD. [Kimbolton Cattle Hunttngdonjb.^m I719. dprit 30. Hen. Krydges, Duke of Chandos, Marq. of Carnarvon, Maf. of the Hanaper, (for Lift j and H. Steward of the City of Winchetter [Biddefdcn Hants] K. B. m jjzg- June. 13, Jn. Fied. Saclcville, D otDorlet, E. of Mid- dlc/ex, Vice Acmirai of the Ccatts, Loid Lt. and Cuff. Ret* of the Co. ef Kent and City of C outer bury, and Hi^h Sttw*- ard of Stratford upon Avon, [Knowle n. Scvenoaks, b . 1 720. June 13. Francis Egerton, D. of Bridgewater, M of Brackley [ Worlley-Hail, Lancajhire , A/h ridge, Bucks] b % dfWi4wJ, of fne dcKjtu'if JL 1756. Nw. 13. Henry Fienes Pelham Clin- ton, Duke of Newcsfle under Lyne in Stafford /hire, Earl of Lincoln, Lord Lieutenant and Cuttos RotuJorum of Nottinghanifhire, Steward, Keeper, and Guardian of the Forelt of Sherwood, and Park of FoRwood, in the County -of Nottingham, High Stew ard of Eatt Retford, Auditor of the Exchequer for Life, Comptroller of the Cuttoms in the Port of London, H. Steward of Wettm. ?nd Prt/idtnr of Wehminfter Infirmary, K, G. L L. D. aad F R S % [Oat- f 4 Houje of PEERS. Earls. lands near Weytridge Surry, and Clumlei Park Lodge Not. tmgbuimjh. J Lord Wark worth of Wark worth Caftle, Lord Lt. and Cult. Rot. of the Counties of Middlefrx and North- umberland, V:ce Admiral of Northumberland, and Vice Ad- Irtral or all America, F.R.S. [ Alnwick -CaftJe Northum- berland t and S.on Houfe Middle fix J K.. G. 1 . 1766. AW.5. GeorgeMontagu, D. of Montagu, Marq. ofMon. thermer, Gov. and Cap. of Wmdfor-Caft. Pref. ofSt. Luke’s Hofp. and F.R.S. [Dean, Nvrtbamptonjh. Blaekh. laKfi t, and Richm. Surry] K. G. m. M A R QJLT 1 S, 1 . “ C»gO. II. ^fChar. Watfon Wentworth, M. or'Rockingham E. 1746. Apr. j 9 . of Maitcn, (alfo E. of Malton in Ird.j Lord Lieut, and Cud. Rot. of the Weft Riding of Yorkfti. City of York and County of the fame, and Curt. Rot. of the North Rid. a Gov. of the Charter Houfe, K. G. and F.R.S, [Wentworth-houfe York/h.] m. EARLS, Si. $CI1. VI. J Geo. Talbot, E. of Shrt wlbury, Ld. Talbot, E. of 144a. May 2o. Waterford and Wexford in Ircl. [I fie worth Middlesex, Heathorpe r.ear Chipping-nortim, OxfordjbAm. C)tll.VH. Edw. Sianley, E. of Derby, Ld Strange, I Knowllev- 14? 5. Oct* 27. Hall Lorcajhirc ] iDfn.VllI, Francis Haftings, Earl of Huntingdon, Lord *529. Dec, 8. Haftings, F. R.S. [Dunningion Park, near Leiccfter y Lcdftone- Hall, Yorkfbire } b . 45 3 U). VI. Henry Herbert, E. of Pembroke and Monteomery IS , 1. Ocl. 1 1. Ld Herbert, a Ld. of the K.’s Bedch.Ld". Lt.and Cuft. Rot. of Wiltihire, High S ew, of Salifbury, Col of the I ft or Roy. Reg. of Drag, and a Maj. Gen. [Wilton mitt\ m 313 ft. I- Henry Howard, E. of Suffolk and Berklhire, V. An- I6JV 2i. daver, Rcc. of Litchfield, LL.D. [Charlton " tlu > Levens near Kendal ton ^efimorl. Elford Stafford ft. w lb -5. May 4. James Cecil, E. of Salifbury, Vifc. Cran- burn, [HaifieiJ Houfe and Quickfwood Hertford ftire] m «b ,5. May 4. Browniow Cecil, £. of Execer. Ld Burleigh Ld Lieut, an ■ Cuft.Rot. of Rutland FRS.[Borleigh Houfe’ near Stamford Line ’ln(hir e \ John Montagu, E. of Sandwich, V. Hinchinbrook, : 1660. July 12. Joint Poll-Matter Gen. Governor of Charter- [ houfe, an Elder Brother of the Trinity Houfe, and ranks a? a L eut. Geo. in the Army, Rec. of the Corporar. of Hun- ti gdon and Gamine heller, LL. D. and FRS . [Hinchin- broke Houfe n^ar Huntingdon] m % 1661. Ap r . 20. William Anne Holies Capel, E. of Eflet, Vjfcxmnr Malden, Lord Lieutenant and Cud. Rot. of Hert- fordshire [Calhio. erry Park near Watford Hertfirdfhire ] m . l66i, Apr. 20, Arthur Annefley. E. of Anglefey , L. Anne- fl*y, (Vjfct Valencia in irh.) [Ciemoling Park in Jrel."]>n I; X 66*. Apr* ao. Frederick Howard, £. of Carlille, Vile. MnrpFtb [Cattle Howard near Malton, Yorkjhire J b . K.. T. 16 6z. Ftl\. 15. Hen. Scot, E r of Doncatter, Ld Scott, (D. Q f Buccleugh in Scotland) [ Adderbury Oxf\ Dalkeith, E-tt Park, and Smeaton, near Edinburgh, and Mclrols, Rox* burgbjb '. J K.T. m* r 167.2. Apr . 23. Anth. Alhley Cooper, E. ofShaftefbury, Ld Aihley> Ld Lieut* and Cufl. Rot. of the C. of Dorfet, and of the Town of Poole, Rec. of SJiaftefbury, a Vice Prefident of $t# George k Hof. and FRS. [ Winbourn S: Giles Dorfei/b]m • ’ 1674. June George Henry L**e, E. of Litchfield, V. Q'^are ndon, Cuttos Brevium in the Court of Common Pleas* of the Band of Pensioners, and Ch.of the Univ. ot Oxj% noiije oj r ML ML K I>. JLA R L9, LLD. and FRS. [ Ditchlev near Wiodftock, OxforM . T m. 1679. S. f>. ij. Frederick Aintuftu? Berkeley, E. of Berke- ley, Vifc. Durfley , C nibble of St. Briaveil’s Caftle in the rveep rot tne Deer and W. ojs in the F..reft of Dran. and H Stew, ot the City of GUe. [ Berkeley icaftld Gloat. W »6Sa. Nov. 30. Willoughby B-rtie, E. of Abingdon, Ld Norreys High Steward of Abingdon and Wallingford. fRv- cote Oxfbrdjbirt , and Witham Perkt, but hear Oxf. ] trt, t6 * 2 ‘ £? c - ** Th .mas Nod, E. of Ga : nfbom U gV V. Camb- j n * ",S h Steward of the Corporation of Chipping . Ca mb - den, Gloucedefflnre [Exton Rut.'. ] b. 1682. Z?rr. 5 ^ Robert D'Arcy, E. of Holderne/Te, Lord r J ^^‘l en r” d Adm of[f - e Cinque Forts, and Gov. of Dove, Cattle (J>r Ltfc), Ld Lt. of the North Riding of ' orkfh. ana \ ,ce Adm. of the fame, Keeper of the Liberty ano fore ft of Richmond, Cor.ftable cf Middle ham Caftle York fhire, and Gov. of Charter- houfe f Hon by -Caftle, he^ """ ***&• «* ,6 * 1 ' Dec. 6 Other L.wis Winder Hickman, E. of PH. Ld W ' ndf “V Conft ' ot Fllnt faille, *nd Cuft. Rot. of Fhntfhire, La. Lieut, ana' Cuft. Rot. of the C. of Gla- morgan, Comptroller of Chdh re and Flintihire, and LLDi Itllio M f , . C r n6 ' Warnuickfi. Charlbury OxforjJbire} m . Itt III. Ill $$» Ric. Lumley Saunderfon, E. of Scarbrough Vifc 1 r L* Lui1llt: > ( Vifc - l- u micy, in Irel ) Deputy E* a'-fhal of Eng. C. ot theNortharn Bat of the Lincolnfh. SlJ f n ' WOr ^ Llnc °t"A Sandbeck rorkjh. Lumley- near Durham ] w. ; t 6 l S r* M 4 y fr ' ■ Hen ' ZuI ? : fteindeNaftau,E.ofRoch- jotd, v. funbndge, Secrctrry of State for the Northern Department, Vice- Adm. of the Coaft, a^d Lord Lt. and Cuft. i/s V°i E ^ [bfton Sutfoft, and St. Ofvth EJitx 1 m. t\ r IO i ^^Keppel^arl of Albemarle, J V . Bury, aLt General Coh ot the 3 d or King's own Rcglrtient if I \ i^d K> G ' t Ba ^ot Park , Surry U. William Coventry, E. of Coventry, Vifc. fcrome C e e w and . Cuft <» Rot - of Worcefterfhire, I Crome Court near WorcefterJ m . Vi ^' 14 • ‘ >Geo - Bu(re y Villiers, : E . 5 Of Te'rfev Vifc ?- 06 e ZT. J’” 1 " 1 * E ' r !> l " , > V. Hinton, R«, Bridg- 1,00. Dtc. water, [Hinton Si George, Somtrfajtire, and 7 £*.uj. Houfe of PEERS. ■ ; '• C';«(! er ■ 5 •- GW;jJ • A-i?:- L 4 ■'• Or.J r., w,V,CirV- j Ciiif. r - L-i . V*"i .% : : of ■ iu tU L*ij BWt, : \U£ja,±i • • I. of P!:« • osCjI.Am, • "t C. ef C'j- r±-, li) LLD. *■ i**. -i^V c. : . '>pu:y E* 't' UflC^lK }r*k. Lanky Twickenham, m . j 17.-6 -Dccr. 79. *&Geo. Cholmondeley, E. of Cholmondeley V. Ma’.pas, ( V. Cholmondeley ot Kells in Irel.)Ld Lt. Ouft # Rot, and Vice-Adm. of Chefliire, Gov. of the Caffe of Che- fler 3 Steward of the R. Manor of Shene in Surry , a^d ranks as a Lt. Gen. in theArmy, K.B.fCholmondeleyC^y^ire,]^, ■ \ * 7 l». J u b 2 4 * Edward Harley, E. of Oxford and E. Morti- 1 * mer, Ld Harley, a Ld of the Bedch. to his Mijcfty, Ld Lt, and C. Rot. of the Counties of Hereford and Radnor, a if Truftee of the BritiTh Mufeum, LLD. and FRS. [ Ey wood and Brampton Bryan Cattle, lUnfordjhirt ] m. j t7H* 4 ty. 3. Wafhington Shirley, E. Ferrers, V. Tamworth, Capt in the Royal Navy FRS[Stanton- Harold Lcicefferjb.] m 1 t7ii 6 Va. 4. Wm Wentworth, E, of Strafford, V« Wem worth FRS. [Wentworth-Cartle Torkjb . Boughton No^tbampfh.] m •1 1711 S*p» 5. $£ Wm Legge, E. of Dartmouth, V. Lewi/ham, Recorder of Litchfield, LLD. and FRS. [Sandwell-hall Stafford, Blackheath Kent t Woodfham-Hall, Torkjb .] m . ; 1714. Off* 15. Cha. Bennet, E. of Tankerville, Ld Oflultton [-Qhillingham Cattle Nortbumb . & Dawney-court Bucki] h* 1714- Off. 15 Heneage Finch, E, ofAylesford, Ld. Guernfev, LLD. [Packington Warivickjh , Aylesford Kent . Albury near Guildford, Surry 1 m. 1714 03 15 i: Geo, Wm Hervey, E.of Brittol, Ld Hervey, Groom of the Stole [Ickworth- Lodge Suff, i] b \ 1714*. Off* 15. Rob. Carteret, E. Granville, V. Carteret, he- reditary Bailiff of the Me of Jerfty, [Hawnes Bedford^u) jj 1714. Off. 15. & George Montagu Dunk, E. of Halifax, V. Sunburnt Lord Privy Seal, Ringer and Warden of Salcey Foreft and JBufhy Park, Lord Lt. and Cutt. Rot. of Northa np- ton/hire, a Gov of Charter Houfe, and ranks as a Lt. Gen. in • . E.rfRcch. • y Neither# C • r%**,V. Saty, / • » :'*at m M.W*. ' * . U Jrfijt, / Jhfef.rilt. ... [VUOieoi, . Itc 0 ; Bndf- tht Army, [Horton, A^rr£jro/>.Stanfte <1 Park ,Suff] K.G. *zv % £2 i,7- Jfuz 3. Henry Yelverton, Earl ofSufler, Vif # Longue- vjie, Col. of the Northamp^nlh, Mlitia, [Eadon Mauduit, TfGrtbjmfttonp?. Brandon JVar^wickJhire , Shedlington Bed - fordjbir* 9 Chefhunt, Hcr'fordfoire ] m. 1717- Mar. iS. George N flau Ciavering Cowper, E.Cowper, V fordwichr The Mote n.Cjnrerb, and Cole-Green Hertj.]b* 17 f£ Apr, y , Philip Stanhope, E. Stanhope, Vifc. Mahon, F /? [Chevening near Sevenoaks AT^w/] w, 17 ig. Afjy 4. Bmnet Sherrard, E. of Harborough, Ld Sher- rardf Baron Leitrim in Ireland) [Whiflendine Rutland ] m $7*1. Nov. 1 5. Thomas Parker, Earl of Macclesfield, V # Parker, F. R. S. L. L. D [Sherborn-caflle Oxfordjb . J m . 8 Houfe of PEERS. Earls. I7li.Z>r._n. George Fermor, E. of Pomfret, Ld Lempfter, a Loro of the Bedell, to his M.ijerty, and Keeper of the lower Pa rks & H. atWindfor[Eafton-NeftonAV.‘^;r/>/oA&. and S u f . bu • y Mrdd/tft * : J w 171:- Afry 33. Will'am Graham Earl and Baron Graham of Belford (Dolce of Montn.fe in Scotland,) Chancellor of Giafgow Univerfity, [ Glafgow, Lanerkjbire , Myodoc'k Cjftl t Dumbartonjh, Kincairn Pertbjb. and Buchananin the Highlands] m. >712. May 24. John Ker, E. and B. K>r of Wakefield (D. of Roxburgh inScotl.) a Ld. of his Maj. Bed-ch. [Friers, ' Rox- burgb/h. Broxmouth, near Dunbar, and Old Windf Berks~\ b ©CO' II. 1729 S f- * 6 - John Waldegrave, E. Waldegrave, Vifcount Chewton, Matter ef the Horfe to her Mijcfty, Col of the Queen’s, or 2d Reg. of Dragoon Guards, Gov.’ of Plymouth, and a Lieut. General J Naveftock EJjtx] m, 1730. May 1-4. n A/hburnham, E. of Alhburnham, V. St. Aiaph, Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, LLD. [ Alhburnham Place Suf/iecCy Chelfea Middlcfe* i.J m 1731. Dec. S. Tho. Howard, E. of Effingham, Ld Howard aCapt. in theArmyf The Holm, near Rotherham, Ydrkfh.Xn I741. Feb, 6. Geo. Walpole, E.ofOrford, V.Walpole, R. of Hyde and St. James’s Parks, a Ld. of the King’s Bedcham- ber, Ld. Lieut, and Cuttos Rotulorum of Norfolk and of the City and County of Norwich, and Steward of the Corpora- tion of Yarmouth [Houghton Norfolk , Haynton Deionjh 1741 Feb, 9. Wm Stanhope, E.of Harrington, V. Peterfham, a* Lieut. Gen. Col. of the 2dTroop of Horfe Gren. Guard*, and Contr. of the Cuft. in The Port of Dublin [Gawfew ortft Cbejbire. Peter/ham Surry ] m t 1743. a#Kji. JohnWallop, E. ofPortfmouth, Vifc.Lymin»- ton, [Hurlborne near Whitchurch Hanti ] m . 1746 .July 7. Fran. Grevile, E. Brooke, and AW. 27. 1759 E.of Warwick, Ld. Grevile, Recorder of Warwick [War- wick Cattle, and Little Eaiing Middlejex ] K. T. m. 1746. July 8. .> Granville Levefon Gower, E. Gower, Vifc. Trentham, Pref. of the Council, Ld Lt. and Cuft..Rot. of the County of Stafford, Recorder of Stafford, and a Gov. of Chaiter-Houfe. [Trentham Hall Staffordjb ] m J746 Aug. 10. «• Jn Hobart, E. of Buckinghamfhire, Ld Ho- bart, a Lord ot the King’s Bedchamber [Blickling Norf, and Marble-Hall, near Richmond, 5 wrry] *w 1746 Sep. 6- *Wm FitzwiJliam, E. Fit z william, V. Milton (alfo E. Fitzwilliam in Ireland) [Milton Ncrtban*to»lb. near Peterborough.]* Houje of PEERS. Earls. 9 74?. May 27. Si Henry Arthur Herbert, Earl of Powys, Vif. Ludlow, Ld Lieut, and Cuft. Rot. of the Counties of Salop and Montgomery, and Recorder of the Town of Shrewfbury, ranks as a Lieut. Gen. in the Army [Powys- caftle Montgomery Jhire 3 Oakley- Park Salop j m 749 OS?. 18. * Geo. Wyndham, E. of Egremont, Ld Cock- ermouth [OrchardWyndham SomerfetJh.Sc Petworth Suffix] b 749 Ot?. 18. Rich. Grenvilie-Temple, E. Temple, Vile, and Ld. Cobham [Stowe near Buckingham J K. G. m, 749 Dec. 1. •> Simon Harcourt, E. Harcourt, Vifc. Newn- ham, Ambailador to France , and raiks as a Lieutenant General in the Army, F. R . 5 . [Stanton Harcourt, and Newnham Oxfordjhire ] m 750 Aug . 3. $£ Francis Seymour Conway, E. of Hertford, Vifc. Beauchamp (Ld Conway in Ireland) Lord Chamberlain of his Majeftv’s Houftiold, Lord Lieut, and Cuftos Rotulor. of the County of Warwick, and of the City of Coventry, Rec. of Thctford [Ragley V/ar'iu . Sandy well, GlouceJt e rJ}j. j K. G. m. 752 Mar . Fran. North, E. of Guildford, Ld North, H. Stew*, of Banbury, [ Walderfhare near Dover Kent, Wroxton-Ab- bey near Banbury. Oxfordjh j 7 ure *6. Thomas Bellafyfe, E. Fauconberg, Lord Bdlafyfe [Newborough hal] Torkjh. J 70 \ ll^J une * 7 * l&Steph. Fox, E. of Ilchefter, Ld Stavordale, Joint Com. of the Army Accounts [Redlynch Somerfeefe>.]m. \ ©eorsein. 1761 Mar. 18. JnWelt, E.Delawarr, V.Canta- lupe Col. of the ift Trcop ot Horfe Guards, a Major Gene- ral of his Maj. Forces, and Lord Chamberlain to the Queen, [Bolderwood Lodge, Hants.] m. j 1761 March 21. if Wm Talbot, E. Talbot, Lord Henfol, Ld Stew, of his Maj. Houfti.Col. of the Mil. of Glamorganshire and LLD. [Henfol Glamorganfoirey Wiodfor Berkjbtre] r B 10 ISCOUNTS. 1764 May 19. * * Robt Henley, E. of Northington, Ld Henley 13 . o f Grange, in Hampfhire, Ld. Lc. and Cuft. Rot. of the C. and Town of Southampton, Recorder of Bath, and a Gov. of Charter Houfe, [Grange, near AJresford, Hampjhi r e ] m. 1765 Sep. 28. Wm. Eouverie, Earl of Radnor, Vif c . Folke- ftone, Recorder of Sarum, F.R.S. [Longford-ca/tle, Wilts, and Colefhill near Farringdon, Berkjhire j m. 176;; 0 &. 5. Jn. Spencer, E. Spencer, Vifc. Althorp, in theC. of Northampton, [Althorp, near Northampton, Wimbledon - and Yi2.l\ trfezSurry ,He>\snf\o\v Mi d.St. Albans, Hcrtf crdjh .^n: , 1 1766 Aug. 4. •> Wtn Pitt, E.of Chatham, V. Pm, of Burton Pynfent, and Fi John Ligonier, Earl J Ligonier, Lord Rip- ley (V. Ligonier in Ireland.) Col. of the ift Regt.of F. Gds and a F. lVarfhal, KBar.d FRS. [Cobham Surry] b VISCOUNTS, 13. €?&. VI. i' EaftGrinfteadStf^*.*, Abergavenny Caftle, Mon- mcutbjbire ] iv . 296 Jan* 26. John Talbot Touchet, Lord Audley of Heleigh (E. of Caftiehaven in Ireland) [Heleigh-caflle, Staffordjh « and Groveley, WUts\ b. 2 DUJ* JL 1307 Thomas Barret Lennard, Lord Dacre [Bel- houf tEJJeXy and Sevenokes Kent ] m. a Ld of the King’s Bed ch. [Stoke Gifford, nearBriftol] b VI. \ William Stourton, Ld Stourcon [Stourton Caftie :44s May 13. Stuffordjbire] m }?en* VII. John Pey to Verney, Ld Willoughby de Broke, (491 Aug. 12. Lord of the Bedch, to the King, L.L D. [Compton Verney and Chefterton, Wat'tnjh, Brafted Kent]m 2 Sim. VI. 1546 Henry Willoughby, Lord Willoughby of *sb, 1 6. Parham j Col. of the 2 a Reg. of Tower Hamlets, w. 1550 Jan 19. Henry Bayley, Lord Paget of Beamlefert, Staf- fjrdjbire . [Beaumaris in Anglesey] b.JyoLjLt-t* \ £{13. i^sfijan. 13. * Henry Beauchamp St John, Lord St. | John ofBletfo, [Woodford Nortbamp . Melchburn Eed- \ fordjh.] b. [ Cam. L 1603 July 21. X Rob. Edw. Petre, Ld.Petre of Writtle [ Thorndon Place, and Writtle-Park E(fex J m. \ 605 Mjy 4 J Henry Arundel, Lord Arundel of Wardour (Count of the facied Rom. Emp.) [ Wardour-caflle Wilts, Imam-hall near Coltfworth Line.] m 608 July 9. John Bligh, Ld Clifton of Leighton Bromfwold, (E. of Darnky in Ireland) [Cobham Hall Kent} m . 6x5 June 30. X John Dormer, Ld Dormer of Wenge, [Pe- terley near Wenge, Bucks . Ewdfworth Hants , Grove- park near Warwick Warwickjbre] 1 2 Houje of PEERS. Barons. i6j6 July 9. J Hen. Roper, Lord Teynham. if [Linftead Lodge near Fcver/ha m, Kent] m 1643 'July 1. Edward Leigh, Lord Leigh, High Steward of the Univerfity of Oxford. [Stoneleigh Abby, near Warwick] b 1643 Off. 24. Win B)rou, Lord Byron of Rochdale TNewfled Abby, Nottingbamjbtre] m tfija. r ^5 7 Feb. 4. J Marmaduke Langdale, Lord Lang-* dale | Holme, Yorkjfy ,] iv 165^ May 19. •> John Berkeley, Lord Berkeley of Stratton Conftabie of the Tower of London, and Ld Lt. of the Tower Hamlets [Abb*y-Bruton Somerjetjh .] b 1663 March z 3. Richard Arundel, Lord Arundel of Treriee [Trerice Corn.] **• Wm Craven, Ld Craven, of Hamfted Marfhal, H.Stew. of Newbury, Eerks[Combe Abby JVariv* Beenham B erks , W y k i n VFarkzu Ukjh . ] m 1672 Aprils. I Hugh Clifford, Ld. Clifford of Chudlev, [ U gbrook Dt'von ] 3 »me 1711 Stpe. 10. Edmund Boyle, Lord Boyle, (Earl of Corke and Orrery in Ireland) [Marfton Somerjetjh .1 m , 7 . 1 1 P tc - 3 1 ❖Tho.Hay, Ld Hay of Pedwarden (E.of'Kinnoul in Sc-) Rec. of the Town ef Camb. and Cb. of the Un, of St. Andrew’s in Scotland [Dupplin-Caftle Fertbjh.l, w 1711 ‘Jan. 1. Fra. Willoughby, Ld Middleton IWollaton Hall near Nottingham] b \-ji \Jan. 1. Robert Hampden Trevor, Lord Trevor, F.R.S, [ bromharr , Bedfordjbire , St. Ann’s Hill Chertfcy, Surry, ar.d Hampden, Bucks] iv * I711 Jan. j. Sam. M.-iham, Ld Mafham, a Ld of thf King’s Bede and Rcmen br. in the Ct.of Lxr. [Oates-haJl Eil'cx] m 1711 Jan. 1. •> Allen Bathurft, Lord Bathurft I Circncefter GiouCiJicrjb.] *w tf'CO.L Rich. Oiillow, Lord Onflow, Lord Lt. and Curt. Rot. of Surry, High Steward of Guildford, and LLD. (Uandon Place near Guildford .Sur.] K. B. m *7*6 June 22. Rob. Matfham, Ld Romney, Col. ofW. Bat of Kent, lh Mil. LLD. and FRS. Pref. of the Society for encou- raging Arts andManufatturesfTheMote byMaidftoiieATe/?rl m ,7 ’f rd jt ”/ U Clla ‘ Cado ? an > L<1 Cadogjn, Col. of the id Tr. of Hotfe Gds. Gov. of Gravcfend and Tilbury Fort, a Gen. ri! h tfo ajCli l’ S For ces, a Truflee of the Btitifh Mufeum, & (.Caverlham Lodge, 0 x on. near Reading TO . Mat< Ducie Morton > Ld Ducie ce Morton’and Lrf Ducie of Tortworth in Gloucerterfh. Apr. i 3 , l7 6, w kh Remainder to Tho. and Franris, Sons of X Fran. Reynolds tiq,l.Spimg-Paiknear Durlley, and Tortworth Glouc.\ b ’ ■ i Houfeof PEERS. Barons. 13 723 May 27. Thomas King Ld King [Ockham Surry ] m II. 1728 May 27 John Monfon Ld Monfon, LLD. [Broxburn Eury near Hodfdon Hertford/h, South-Cariton and Burton near Lincoln ] m 735 J jn Francis Godolphin, Ld Godolphin, Gov. of SciL lfl. [Baylis near Windfor Bucks ] m 741. May 9. Tho. Bromley, Ld Montfort, High Stew, of the Town of Camb. LLD. Lt. Col. of the Cambridgefli. Militia [Horfe* heath Hall Cambridge , Drayton MiddL J b . 741. May 12. Fred. Henry Xhynne How, Lord Chedworth [Stowell and Chedworth Gloucefter J 1742. April 20. Geo. Edgcumbe, Ld. Edgcumbe, Rear Ad. of the Blue, Lord Lt. and Cuff. Rot. of Cornwall. [Mount Edgcumbe Devon, ntzx Saitafh Cornwall, Sc PutneySwrrj?.] m . [743, Z)er. 20. •> Sam. Sandys, Lord Sandys, [Omberlley Court Worcefttr, 1 w. 1746. April 17. Tho. Bruce Brudenel, Ld Bruce, a Ld of the Bedchamber to the King, Col* of the Wiltshire Militia [Tottenham Wilts] m . 1746. July 5. Matth. Fortefcue, Ld. Fortcfcue, High Steward of Barnftaple [Caftle-Hill Devon,] m, 1747. June 29. Hen.Liddel, Ld Ravenfworth [Ravenfworth CzftU Durham] m. 1747. 14. Andrew Archer, Ld Archer, Recorder of War- 1 wick [Umberfiade Warnuickfh . Pyrgo EJfex] m. 1749. June 12. Wm Pbnfonfey, Ld Ponfonby, Vice Ad m. of Munfter in Ireland, (E. of Befborough in Ireland) [Rce- hampton and Putney Surry , Syfonby Leicefterjk.] no J7 -o. Mar, 28. Vere'Beauclerk, Ld. Vere, Ld. Lieut, and Cuft* Rot. of Berkfhire [Hanworth> Middle /ex] m. *7&.June 3. Thomas Villiers, Ld Hyde, [Hindoo Wilts 9 Grove Hertfordjhire] m . xjcfiiJumq. Horatio Walpole, Lord Walpole, [Wooltert on JVpr/b/i J ^7. 1756. iVbv. 8.. Wm Murray, Ld Mansfield, Ld Ch. Juft.of the K’s Bench, and a Gov. of Chart. H.[Cane-wood Midx]m • 1756. Nov. 17. Wills Hill, Lord Harwich, Sec. of State tor the Colonies, firft Lord of Traaeand Plantations, Register of the Ciurt of Chan. in Irel. F.R.S (E. of Hulfborough in Ireland) [Twickenham in Middleftx ] m, 1756. Nov. \8, Geo. Lyttelton, L Lyttelton, F.R.S.[Hagley Park, near lionxbxid^e ,W or cejlerjh» ArleyH-’ll^ StaffordJh,]m . 1760. May William Petty, Ld Wycombe, L. L. D. xanks as a Mu, Gea» in the Army, (Eail of Shdburn« in H Houfe of PEERS. Barons. the Kingdom of Ireland) [Wycombe Buckt, Bow wood Park near Caine VViltt J m. 1700. May 22.' Lewis Monfon Warfon, Ld Sondes, one of the Auditors of the Impieft for Life, [Lees-court near Fever- fham Kent, and Rockingham-caftle Nortbampton/hirc ] m. <3e0. III. Thomas Robinfon, Lord Gtanth.im, K. B. •76 1 April 7 and F R S. [Newby upon Swale, Yorkjb. ma i , ;-^/’ r *9 Ric h Grofvenor.LdGrofvenorjLt.Col.of theChelh. Militia, and LLD [Eaton-hall near Cbcjlcr, Coombe Surrylm. 17 >r Ap. 10 Na. Curzon Ld Scarfdaie [ Keddlefton Derby} m *76r. Apr. 10. Wm Irby, Ld Bofton, Ld Chamb.to the Pjfs.Do. of Wales [Spalding Uncolnjbirc, and Beaconsfield Bucks] w *762 May 4. Th. Pelham, Ld. Pelham of Stanmer in Suf- lex, Comptroller of his Majefly’s Houlhoid. fStanmer near Lewes, SuJJe xj m. 1 7 ^ a y 7- ft J ri Perceval, Ld Lovel and Holland of Enmore ■ - Mm °f S0".erfe ( fh. F. R. S. (alfo E. of Egmont in Irel.) 2 Enmore Cartle, Somerfet, Turnham Green Mid 1 m j? 6 z. May 8 John Montagu, Lord Montagu, of Boughton, Marquis of Monthermer, eldeft Son of the D. of Montagul [Loughton, NortbamptonpJ] b. b ’ 7 n ■ Milton- Abbey m A - 1 * * * " in lr.1.) [Milton. % .SS U *““»■ K- B. ' 7 ^£*?*** V n na , W ^ Vernon > Lord Vernon, of Kin- derton. [Sudbury in Derbyjhtr e ] w, < ?«°- FoxL ; a nf>L d Bin g iey ) [Bramham p arkn«r Tadcafter To'kjhire. and Hoifley near Guiltord 5«rryl m ,7 r.‘ t r 'f l HC1 F , WX - L ° rd Holknd > B «on of Fox'ley, Clerk cf the Pel s in 1 Ireland for Life, and alfo for the Lives. 1 7 /V; n'f ** ? e “*. DiBb y> Ld Di S b y of Sherborne in Dorfnlbe. (Ld Digby in the Kingdom of I, el.) [Sherborne LadgezC. Jetjbire J *zv. ° */&6. Dec. 22. John Campbell, Ld Sundridge of Ooombank in Kent, Commander in Chief in Scot). Col. of -he 1 ft or Roy- al Regiment of Foot, titular Marq. of Lorne b Scotl. as eldeft ion of the Duke of Argy! e> and a Lt. Gen m. Houfe of PEERS. Scots Peers. 15 SCOTS PEERS ( t6.) EleSltJ the a6th of April 176S. *ba. II. Alexander Gordon, D. of Gordon, Marquis-and Earl W. Nyv. 1. of pantley, a Captain in the Army Litratn- bojv Aberdterrjbirt G rdon Caftle, Bamj]hrt.\ m 7. mmllll. not June * John Campbeft* D ofArgyU Marquis of Lorn, Col. of the Scots Greys, Gov of Lim.rx- in Ireland, and a Gen. of his Maiefty’s Forces [Coombank a Kent, Inverary, A-gyUJh. Rofneath, Dumbarton]},. Campbel- towo, KntyreA K- T. to _ * nne 1703. R Murray, I>. of Athol, M. of Tuh.bardtn, Ap. 30. [Ounkeld, Blair Caftle, in Jfbol, and lullibard.n I 0 tn.lll.i 7 ox. January 3 - 4 r Wm ' H:n ' Kerr »^- ° f L ° th a"j E. of Ancram, Col. of the nth Regiment ot Dragoons, a Pj a Lt. Gen. [Me whittle in EMnburgbJbtre, and Monteriol Lodge in RoxburghJhire~\ K. T. m. 1432. $ fames Hay, Earl of Errol, Lord Hay. - , 5 ant. VI 1606. 7»(>iioJohnLyonBpwes,E. of Strathmore, - Glamis and Kinghorn, [Gibfide in the C. f Durham, Glam.s Forfarfhire t and CafHe Lion in the Co. of Ferro ] 1606. JAy 10. James Hamilton, El of Abercorn, Ld Paift-; , 'alfo Vifcount Strabane in Ireland,) a Privy Coun.ellor there rPaiftey Renfrewjh. Dudingrton near Edinburgh, St. hy- phen's Green Dublin, Witham Ejfex\ b. a Clja. I Jn Campbell, E. o< Loudoun, Ld .Vlauchlin.a Lt. G-n. iC?3 May la. Gov. of Edinburgh Caftie, Col. of th. 30. h Ree. of Foot, & F. R. S. [Loudon- Caftle Atrjhtre] b. 6 « a m VII. William Murray, Earl At Duomore, Ld h.ncat. e 16S7. Ajp. i 6. [Dunmore aid Fincaftle, Pcrtbjbi f «. a jKllI. II L J* Douglas, E. of March and R iglen, Ld Douglas* i5q 7 Abril zo. L >rd Nidpath, Vice Adm. ot Scotl. a Lord of the King’s Bedchamber [Nidpath Beebleljh. Barnton, M«/- 1697 * °. a). Hugh Hume Campbell, E. of Marchmon^ Lord Polwarth, Keeper of the Great Seal ot Scotland, FR . [Reibraes , Berwick/hire.] m. 3 9 Cnne ft 4 - NeiiPrimrofc, E. ofRofeherry,V. Pr.mrofe and U Y70T. Dalmenie. [Bamnougle and Dalmeme in Ltnlubgow, ‘ Rofeberrv near Edinburgh^ and Bickfley in A orfo *] m, ,702 X 14. Jn Stewarf, E. of Bute, Ld Uount-Stewarf, Vlnger of Richmo -d Park, a Gov.of the Ch Houfe, a Truftee of the Britilh Mufeum and Chanc. of tne Mari- fha.ll C . 1 . Aberdeen [M iunt-Stewart and Roth -fay Caftle me of Btffe.Kew Su r ry, and Luton Hao Btdfordjb.\K.G Earn VI. 4%Dav. Maruy,V. Stormont, Amb. Extra, and Pie- to the Emperor of Germ, and the Emp. Q. 16 Houfe of PEERS. Peeresses. Sccon P tt thjb, Kumlingon Caftle Jinn ami ale] K, T, w, 4. 1661. .j. Cha. Ingram, V. Iiwin, Ld Ingram of Irvine in the Co. of Air. [Hills Suff. and Temple New/ham, Torkfh.] m. Sfltll II. Cha* Shaw Cathcart, Ld Cathcart, AmbafTadcr to 3436. the Court of Rufiia, fiift Ld Com mil*, of Police in Scot!, a Lt. Gen. [Sundrum A'irfh . Shaw Park, Clackmanjh • Sauchie Stirlfh. Peterborough-Houfe Par Jons Green] K.T. m N The F *g ur ** after the 16 Scots Peers, fhew the Number ot Parliaments in which they have fat. 4 - Were not in the laft Parliament. § Chr.fen iince the General Ele&ion. 11 Peereifes in their own Right, by Creation or Defcent. J Emima Campbell, Marcbtonefi Grey, and Lady Lucas, Lady to the Earl of Hardwickc, St J ames' i-fquare [ Wreft-Houfe near Ampthill, Bed/.] _ May l? ^ 0 Melefina de Schulenberg, Countefs of Walfingham, and Lady Aldborough, Lady of the Earl of Chefterfieid, South Audley - f! rce * April ro, 1722 Lhz. Percy, Barone f Percy, Lady of the %ueen\ Bedchamber , /7 11 a f / h P i ) T f h 1 y> /I / rf Vi . 1 K . . _1 - _ J iviu igaict 1 uuun-v.0Ke, n aronejs Uiittord, Lady of the late E. of Leifpft , f»r Viam A7y..//i/£ 1 r\ . . _ Mary Stewart, Eannefs Mount. Stewart. tfWortJev Mary Stewart, Eannefs Mount- Stewart. tfWortJpv ARCHB ISHOPS and BISHOPS Houfeof PEERS. Bishops. 17 Dr. Richard Terrick, Ld. Bp. of L,n .~\ Lo.,. a ton, Refifter of the Order of the Garter, 3d Bro. to the E.of Albemarle tf”'" P “J q'J,, j , p, eb . of Doth, and Re£t. of Alaph» Flint jh \ 1 1 8 Alphabetical Lift of the Houfe of Peers. Dr. Edmund Law, Lord Biihop of CarJifle, Prebendary of Dur- Jam tod Lincoln, and Mafter of Peter Houle College in amferidge, [Role Caftle Northumberland^ r? 1:4:9 D ,® hut * Ba fingtcn, Ld. Bp. of Lard„< 7 , Can. Ref. of 6r °' t0 U - V,k - Barrin i lon * Dr.JohnHinchcJiffe,Ld.Bp. of Peterborough, Re&or of Green- bcT > ^ a ^ er of Trinity College, Cambridge. [ Pcter- - "° Ug * 4 »4 il 7 t ^ The HOUSE of PEERS in Alphabetical Order, with their Town Refidcnce., V Hands for Duke, M for Marquis, E for Earl, V for Vifcount, L for Lord, Bp for Biihop. Tf* Figures after the Names refer to thePages cn which each Lord is ?nc 7 ition£d*with bis titles in the for egoitiv Lift* A BerrOrn P 1 f L Cm /*>,, r _ or % r A Bercorn E 1 5, Grfv.Jqu. AbergavennyLr i,Curx<.n Jircet< May-fair Abingdon E 6 y Geo.fi r cet 9 W € ft. Albemarle E 6, Be rkley-f quart Angiefey, E 5, St Jam. Jquarc Anc after D 3, Berk/y fquare Archer L 13, Je> myn-flreet Argyll D 15, Hobo Jquare Arundel of Waraour L 11, Wimple fireet Aru ndei T rer ice . L ii y Wimplcfi, Aftiburnham E 8 y Do i ue fire t Athol, D 15, S. Audley-firce Ayiesfcrd E y,Grcfvn:cr jq. Bango;, Bp 17, Whitebait Bath and Wells Bp 1 7, Hill fir Bathurft L 12, St. James' sfq. Beaufort D 2, Grofm .or fireet Beaujieu L 14, Dover fireet Bedford D 2, BUomJburyjquare Berkeley E 6, Berkeley brow Berkeley Stratton L 12 > Berk, fa Beffcorougl E \^\Cac endifijjq Bingley L 14, Cavevdtjb Jq t BclingbrokeV \o y N .Burling, fi Bolton D 2, Grofiuenor-Jquare, Bcfton, L 14, Grolvcnor-fired Bottetouit, Lit, (at Virginia) Bridgewater D 3) tlevlandrow Biiftol E 7, St. James' s-Jq. Briftol Bp \*j y D eanryofStP aul% Brooke E St. James's-fq. BruceLi zSymcur-rowjMaxf' BuccJeugh D 5, Grofve n orfq . Bucks E 8, New Bond fireet ButeE r5 South Audley fireet Byron L 12, Mortimer ft. _ Cadogan Li 2 y NewBurhngt or fi # Camden L 14, Lincoln s inn fi % Canterbury Abp j6, Lambetb Carliflf E 5, St. James's Plaee* Cariifte.Bpj7 fJn'ionfir.Wefim . Caft It haven £ n, Cathcart L 16, Albemarle Jl. Chandos D 3? Dover fireet Chatham E 10 . Oid Bond-fir # Ched worth L 13, Berkley jq % Che Tier Bp 17, Downing (j reet Clufter field E 5, SAudlsy.Jb Chichefter Bpi 7 Albemarle fir , Cholmondd y E 6, Piccadilly Cleveland D j y St .J amt s' s fa . Clifford L i2, . Ji Clifton L 1 1, Berkley fq, Corke E 12, South ft, Cornwallis E 9, South fir. Coventry E 6, Piccadilly Courtenay V 10 y Grofvenor fq. CowpsrE. 7, at (Florence) aven L 12, Up.GrofvenorJirA Harcourt E 9, Leicejler-fie'.it _ U . / / - / / LT /« •« -1 TT a C t /7 f //l L T M B E R L A N D ,D I » ^ allmall acre L 1 1 , Bruton fireet nYingt.on^g y Cievland b.SJfq irtmouth E7 yCba.ft.StJa.f eLawarr E 9, Queen Ann flreet enbigh E 5, Marg.fl .Cav . fq erby E 4, Grofvenor fquare evontfiire D 2, Piccadilly igby L 14, Dover ft. ormer L 1 1 SoitoAudley (IrcU orfet D 3, Whitehall ucie L 12, Brook flreet udleyV n, aga inftGrcfv.g a 1 1 ►unmore E 15, Piccadilly ►urham Bp 16, Tenterden Jt Hanover fquare dgcumbe L 13, Ufi.Grof.fi r. ffingham E 3 , Albemarle fir, IgmontE 14, Pall-mall ;gremont E 9, (at Oxford) ;iy Bp 17, Kenjington fq. Lflex E 5, Stanhope -JlrMayF Exeter E 4, Grofvenor fir . ixeter Bp 17, Upper Brook fir : almouth V 1 o y St.James sfq 7 auconberg E 9, GeoA.Hanjq . "errers E7 ^George -flreet ,We fttn Vitzwilliam ES y Geo.ftManfq. Fortefcue L 13, Wimple ft . ^ainlborough E 6, Princes ft. Ha r. over fq. Hardwicke E 9 , St. James's fq. HarringtonE % y Stableyd 9 St.j. freet ower E 8, Whitehall rafton D 2, Arlington flreet ranthara L 14 Whitehall ranville E 7, Arlington- freet rrofyenor L 14 Grofvenor fq. ruildford E 9, Cur&n-Jlrett , May-fair ‘ali fax E 7 y Manchefter-buM. amilton, D 3. irbo rough E 7, Sheen's/?. Manchefter D 3, Welbeck-Jlr Cavendifh fquare Mansfield L 13, Bloomfbury fq. March E 15, Piccadilly MarchmontE i^fdurxonflMja. Marlborough D 2, Mar thorough Houfe, Pall-mall Maiham L 12, Cork flreet Maynard V 11 y Line -Inn- Yie % Middleton L 12, Arlington ftr . Milton L [4, Tilney Jt % Monfon L 13 y A.b: marie -flreet Montagu, D 4, Privy Garden, 20 Alphabetical Lift of the Houfe ofV e E Rs. MontaguVio,yfr//^?c« Jtr. 'Sandwich E Privy-Garden Montagu L 74, Albemarle fi. MontfortL i^ySeymour Place Montrofe D 8, Up. G reft, fir. Ne wca ft leD 3 , New Palace yarc Norfolk D 1 ; St. Janes's fq. Northampton TL^^GroJutnor >q, NortbingtonEio,£ffl<\/Hfl 'field* Northumberland D 4, iW tbumberlard Houje, Char. cr. Norwich Bp 17, Upper Gref •< verier fired Onflow L 12, Marlborough fir Orfcrd E8 fireen fi.GroJv.jq. Oxford E Harley fireet Oxford Bp 17. sir gyle Build. Paget, L x 1 Pelham, L 14 , Sti etton fireet Pembroke E 4, Privy Garden PeterborowE 5 , N Bur lin fir. Peterborough Bp 18 Petrc L 1 1 Curz.cn -fireet Plymouth E 6, Bruton fireet Pomfret E 8, V ignore fireet • Portland D3, Cba. fir, Berk, fq Portfmouth E 8, Saville Row Poulett E 6, Hill ft . Powys E 9, Albemarle fireet Queenfbury D.9 , Burling. Gard . Sandys L i^JJp.Groft, Greet* Say and Sele V 10, Golden- fq* Scarbrough E 6 South And, fir, Scarfdale L 14, Audley fquare Shafte/bury E 5, Graft. Jquare Shelburne E 13, Berkley -//• Shrewfbury E 4, Stanhope fir, Somerfet D 1, UpperGroft fir. Sondes L 1 4, Graft enorfq . Spence. E 10 St James's Place Stamford £5, Sackvi lie fireet Stanhope E 7, Dover fireet Stormont V 15, (at Vienna ) Stourton L .u, St. James's fq. Strafford E 7, St, James's Jq. Strathmore E 1 $firoft,fquarl Suffolk E ^Duke-JlrcetJV efim, SufTex E 7, South Audley -fir, Talbot E 9 , Lin coin s-inn - fields TankervilleE 7, Hertford fireet ThanetE 5, Gr often or fquare Temple E 9, Pall-mall Teynham L 12, Torrington V io Up.Grft fir . To vnfhend V 1 o,S. Audley fir, Trevor L 12 Greenftr.Grof.fq. Vere L 13, St, James' sjquare Vernon L 14, Conduit fireet Radnor E 10, G r oft tnor fireet jWaldegrave E 8, Whitehall r . T • a f « W T a • a U hi n Af « V E Ravenfworth L 13 ySt.Jam.fq Richmond D I, Privy Garden RochefterBp 17, Rochford E 6, Berkley fquare Rockingham M 4, Croft . fq, Romney L 12, Arlington ft. RofeberryE 15, Tylney-row Roxburgh D 8, Hanover fquare Rutland D 3, !?»/ ghtfbn dge St. Albans D z } Brujftls St.Afaph Bp 17, S. Audley fq, St. David’s Bp ij >G reft Jtr ect St. John L 11, Conduit -fireet Salifbury E 4, G rofver or fireet Sahfbuty Bp i-],AlbemarU-Jlr. Wales, Prince of, 1 SJ Pill Walpole L 13, Bruton fireet Warwick E 8, See E Brooke Wentworth V lo^aville-row Weftmorland E 5, Sackvi Ik -ft . Weymouth V 10, Arlington fir, Willoughby de Broke L 11, Hill fireet Willoughby of Parham L 1 1, Thrift fireet , Soho Winchelfea E 5. Wincheller Bp 17, at Chelfea WorcefterBp 17, Upper Brook* 1 fireet, G r oft enor -fquare YorkAbp 1 6,DartmQutb-firea le HOUSE of COMMONS. SPEAKER, e Right Hon. # Sir Fletcher Norton, Knt. ill oftbt COUNTIES, BOROUGHS &<. in the Order then re called <*>■-' in the Honfe ; with the Nahn of the Membe t etumedfr each, the Placet tbyHW* a ' ,d tb ‘ ,r Cc *”"->' S ' a:! - cte , C. (lands for County ; Bor. for Borough ; n. for near. e Figure after the Name (hews in how many Parliaments the Member has ferved : ofe printed in Italic Cbaraflers (without any Mark) were new Members at the late General Election. Privy -Qounfellors. § Chofen fince the General EledLen. J- Voted in upon Pection. ENG L a N D 4S9. BEDFORDSHIRE 4. T. Hon. John (F.tz Patrick) Earl of Upeer-OflVy, Ne- phew to the Duke of B dford a:u Eari Gower. [Ampihill Park in this CoJnty t ] . .. ^ * ibert Hen'.eyOngley, oi Old Warden in thisCounty Eiq$ i Borough of Bedford . chard Vernon, Efqi Brother-in-Lw to the Puchefs of Bed- f,»r , one of the Clerk Comptrollers of ihe B^ard of Green Cloth, ! Hilton mar Wolverhampton] S xm - u l Whitbread, Effj of Cardington near Bedford, and ot Loadon, Brewer, Br ither-‘*n-law to Earl Cornwallis. BERKSHIRE Q. rt Vanfittart, of Shottefhrook near Maidenhead, Efq; Cotone efthe Mihria of this G»*y, and LLD. i I n. Thomas Craven, [Beenham Place in this County J a Capt. in the R. Navy, Brother to Lord Craven 5 Borough of Reading . ofcn Dodd of Swallowfield near this Borough, Efq; Lieutenant Colonel of the Beikfhire Militia, 3 lerjs rjnfi:’a* T, Efc a Dirett r of the Fart India Company, and Brother to the Member tor B rk$,[Fayv!e> Court, Berks] Borough of Abingdon. fohn Morion, of Tack ley > near Wooddock, Ox ford th Efa LLD. Ch. Juft, of Chefter, Coi n, at Law, and rankvasKini sL.otfnle .4 Bor out A of Netv-W ineijor. Hon. A’lguflus Keppell, next Bro. to tbeE. of Albemarle, * Rea- -Ad oftbt Blue, A dan Eld. B">.o. to Sir Jeffery Amherit, Aid de Camp the King, Groom of the Bedchamber ro the Duke ci Ghu*> Ur y Capr, of a Comp toy in ift Rtg. of Foot Guards, and nks as CjI. in the Army [Tr uolcticld in Hant ] 2 Boron? h of L?Jkerrett 9 alias Lifkeard . ird Eliot, of Efqi aComnt. of'lr and Planta- on*, and Rrc . Gin. for the Ducby of Cornwall 4 uei Salt , Ejq\ of the Inner Temple, London, one of the ire&ors ot the South Sea Company. Borough of Lofinvithiel. en Caver d Jb 9 Ejy-y one of the Council of Royal Soei< ty, m of Sir Hen. Cavendifh, Br. [Dovendge, near (Jet x. ter, 1 by fh rf.] la Brett , E]fl\ [Greenw ch, K o. 1. Geo. Bofcawen, n ( xt Bro % toVifc . Falmouth, Lr t G* r/, f Scully f) lards % a. L: . Gen. and Col . of t be z*d Reg % of F,oi 9 the Lodge m Chariton Foreft, O'xfordih rej 5 vard Hu h Bafcawen, Ej^ z Son of the late Admiral B«».- awen, A 'rvbtw to Ifijc. Falmouth, a -d BiOtOer-\n-i u w [ c » ] 24 Houfe of COMMONS. to the Duke of Beaufort [Erifcy in tbit County , and Hatch- lands in SurryJ z Borough of Bodmyn . Ceorge Hunt, Efqj of Lanhidrotk, near tbit Bor % and of*h lol- lingt* n in the County oj Cherte r 4 fame* Laroche , jvtt. Efq; Merchant c/Bti/loI Bo? ough of Helfon. Wm Evelyn, F.fq- } Uncle to Sir Fred, and Col. of the 29 tb Reg . of Foot [ Wo; ton /wSunv] 2 Ft. Hon. farm Hamilton, Earl of Cl \mbr affil , r n thr KJngcT. of Del. aiidChjet Reinerr.biancer of the Exchtq* in that Kii:gd. Borough of $ a It afo. Martin Bladen JJa w>e 9 Son of S t Edward Hawke 'ibemos Brodjlaw, EJq\ Joint Secietat\ o! the Trvafury Borough of Eafl-Looe. J oka Fuller, Ffq- } a Comm.fiioner of the Admiralty. Recorder of this Borough, and Comptroller of the Mint [Stock n»ar Plymouth] 2 Ri.haid Hi tRy ^/*Truro, Cornwall , Efj\ C'unfl.to the Adm. and Navy, and ranks as Kinfs Courjei . At*d % of the Du by if Cornwall, Auditor and one of tie Directors *f Greet ‘urb Ihfpiiat * fcf Attorney-General to the Queen 3 Borough of Portpigham 9 or Wefl- Loo e. James TVwnfend, Efjy Son of Mr- Townfend, Member for Wigtown, Scotland, Aider* an, and one of the Sheriffs of the City of London f Tottenham, Mtddlefcx. and Biuce- Cafile, Fjfix ] t William Grate* of Bake in Cornwall, Efoj a Matter in Chmc. Bo? ough of Grahipound . CJrey Coop°r, Ffq\ Joint Secretary to the 1 refury % and K;r%*i Ctun in the Duchy Court ©/"Lancatter [Richmond, Surry] 2 Charles W elf ran Cornwall , Efq j of Barton pi iors xx.fffincl ejlcr Borough f amelforef . Chat Its Pkilips. Efq-, of this Borough V/m. W jfon, EJq ) of Keythorpe, Leic (lerjhire % Borough of Penryn. Hon. Hugh P go* y Brother to Ld Pigrf and a Captain in the Waiy* Borough of Pregony. * _ - on ^ Thoma* Pownall, Efq$ [Wrttcbrop near Marlow, Bucks , *nd Saltfktby in L’mcoli fh rr] 3 " - ----- - ~ ~ •#>.): John Grey, Uncle to tie E. ^Vatamford [Ej.fiel Staffer dJ}o t Houfe of CO M M O N S: 25 Borough of Boffnney. r. Hon. John (Stewart) L7 Mount -Set wart, Son and Heir toE. of Bute * r George Ofborne, Bt. Nephew to the Earl of Halifax, Cap- tain in the ^d. Reg. of foot Guards , and rank* as Lieut, Uj\ inthe 'Army, [Chickfand, BedfordJh.J Borough of St. foes. lam Drummond, Ffq\ Brother -in -Law to the Duke of Bol- ton [Caftle-Drummond, Perthjhire j a ( 'omas Duranty Efq; of Scottow near Norwich. Borough 0/ Fowey. lilip Raflileigh, EJq\ [Menabiily, near this Bo. and Wickham, Hants} Son of the late Member a ames Mody ford Hey woody Efq; Brother-in-LaW to Lord /ft ** [Mariftow near Plymouth} Borough of St- Germans. George Jennings, Ejq\ [Newfelis in Hertfordshire.} Benjamin Langlois, Elq; Sec. to his Maj EmbaJJj at Vienna Borough of Mid/ho If or Mitchell. tmes Scawen, of Maidwellnt ar Noi/hampton, JiCq} ^ ohn Stepherfon of Brentford Butts in Midalefex^ Llq;a Dire ft. of the Eaji India Company. a Borough of Newport. /:111am D' Grey, Efq; his Majrfty’s Attorney General, Comptroller of the Revenue of the ftrft bruits and Tenths, B other to the Member for No folk. .•* z dchard Bull, Eiq; $f Chipping- Ongar, EfTex j Borough of St. Manxes. [ ,bno r. eergg Bofcau'en, Efq\ Son of the Gen. and a Lieut, in the ad Troop of Horfe Grenadier Guards [Trevallyn, DenbigtJh.J Borough of Callmgton . me Wilfiam Sharpe, E(q; F. R 4 6'. f Eaft Barnet in Herr - fordjbire ] 3 ho. Worfley, Efq; Surveyor -General of the Board oj JVorks , Brother-in-law to Ld. Grantham [Hcvingham, Torkjhire^z CUMBERLAND 6. rriry Curwen, Efq ] Major of the Cumberland Militia [Work* iigtbxrfttor Cockermouth in this Co.] ^ Henry Fletcher, Efq] a Direftor of the Eaft India Com- pany [Ciea in this County >1 [c n - 26 Houje of COMMONS. City of Carlifle. Pe. Ihn. Lord Edward Charles Bentinik, only Btithet to toe Duke of Portland 2 George Mu J grave, Efq; Borough of Cockermcuth . § Sir James Lov't her, Hr. Son-in-law to the E. of Bute, Lt. and Cufl. Rot. of the Countie* of VFtj' norland arid Cumber* lard, an Alder or the City of Carlifif, and Col. of the Cum - btrland and IVtfmorlond Mil. [ Low r her Hall, IVcftmorlavdy the Fhtt near Wn tehaven, and Lak-ham, Middlfex J 5 § George Johnftone, Efq; a Capta n in the Royal Navy Derbyshire 4. Hon. Ld Geo. Cavendi/h, Lt. andC . Rot. of thii C. & if Uncle to tie D. 0/Devon/h re [Twickenham Park,Middleltx, a*d Holker near Larc^fter] 4 ^ J Godfrey. B agnail Clai k , Efq; [button, Derbyfhire J Borough of Derby. Rt. Hon. Ld. Fred. Cavendi/h, Col. of the 34^ Reg. of Foot, id Uncle to the Duke of Devon/hire, and a Major General- ’ 4 W Ilijm Fi'zherbert, Efq; a Commjfioner of Trade and Flan* tations [Tifiington Hall near AfhburnJ ^ 1 DEVONSHIRE 26. . |} Sir Rd. Warwick Bampfylde, Bart. Lieut. Cel. of the EjJI Reg. of the Militia of this County [Poltimore near Exett-rj 5 John Parker, of Saltram near Plympton and White way near Chiidkigh m thii Co. Ffy-, Col. of the JVeftern Regiment of Militia of ibis Co. and Nephew to E. Poulett '2 Borough of /IJhburton. Cha. Boone, Efq; one of tbeF>oprie:on of Cizviley'sIronFcrgai Laurence Sulivar, Elq; Merchant in London, and a Direflbnsf 1 the Raft Jid/a Company [Theobalds Herts. J Borough of Tiverton. at.Rvder s/’Streatham in Surry and Shiplake ir.Oxfdrdfh. Efq; Son of the late Chief Juft, an dSon-in- Law totbcBp.of Lon. 4 febn Duntxe of Five 1 ton, Efq; Borough of Clifton- Dartmouth Hardnefs. •{Jr Rt. Hon. Rich.( Ho we)Ld Fife. Howe, of the K qflrzl. Tr. of the Navy, a Capt. in tbs R. Navy, Cot. of the Chatham Divificnf Marines, [Langar near Nottingham, and South- Hill, near Bagfhot} Richard Hopkins, Efq; one of the Clerkt 0 f the Board of Green Cgib [Ov ng, near Aylelbury] z Houfe of C O M M O N S. 27 Bor 0117b of Okebampton. hotnas p i 1 1 » Elq; [Boconnic near Lcltw»tt.iel, Cornwall] z ho mas Brando/ Hu in Hertford (hi re*, Efq; 5 Borough of lloniton • r George Yonge, Bare. [Efc>tt near (J:tery St. Miry in tba County, and l r o>Cs Cray P ace m Kent, J 3 rajs Crosby , Effy an Aicerman ot Londj/t [Dulwich in S'^rryJ Bojouyb of Plymouth. j*RightHon. Wm.Wildman (Barnngton}F//r. Barrington in tbg f&ngd'jtn of Ii eland, Secretary at War A F6.[Bccket Berks J 5 ran. Holburne, Efqj Admiral of the Blue [Crauford- Bridge , MidJtefex] % Borough of Beeralfoti. irFr. Hen. Drake, Bt .Rang.avdMaJi.oJ Da r t more Fa/vy? in tbisC . &aCJ£ .Contro/.cf the Ba.cf Gr m ClotL[Ruckhnd n . l’aviftock] 4 Ion. G.orge Hobart, n<.xt Brother to the Earl oj Bucit- inghamlhne [Biy borough and Nofton, Lmc'Jnjb. J j Borough cf Plympton- Earle. \au) PI. Oirry, F/y; a Capt. in the R. Navy [-^P.ymptonJ 2 Vm, Baker, Efq\ son of the late Mr U . Baker , [Bayi^:o > /-Jcrtb. j Borough of Totnejs . )*bi ip Jennings, Effi LtCol. of the irtTrnop of Hcrfe-Guard* 'eter Biirre J, Elq; A r frbcw to the late M mb r jjr Gram* pMind, ksutnieyor Gene rat 0/ the Croion tainds, and one of the Dutwi of Greenwich Hoff. F.R.S [Beckenham* Kent] 3 Borough of Barnjiu t It. n.Cievland Efq; Aecfh .pt ant of tie Sixpenny Receivers Office and one of the Du effort oj Greenwich Hfpital , S >n ot che l*te Sec. of the Admiralty [Tapley near B ddef.rd.J lenys R>lie, Efq; [Hudfcot, near Southfnolton, Devonjhire , Tudtrly, near Wallop, Hiints y Shapwich, Somerfetjbire . J z Borough of Baviftock ’+ Rt. Ihn. Richard Rigby Paymjte -General of the Army , Mafler of tbe RolB in Irel. Jor Life, enc of the Dep. -Rangers oj Phceaix-Park near Dublin, & a ?riv% Counf in Ireland [Miftleyhall near Maningtree, Ejfex j 5 icn. Neville Neville, Efq \ [B*limg >eare, Bucks, and Staniake, Berks] 4 City of Exeter. >hn Walter, Efq; [Scevenftone, and Bvfton, near Exeter, Devon. Sarfden, Oxfordjb , ] ^ ^ dm Duller, Efq; NrpUw to tbe Member for Eaft Looe [King** Njmpton* Dcvoifbne* and Morval in Cet iwa/l^ 2 28 Houfe of COMMONS. Dorsetshire 20. George Pitt tf^Stratfield-fea, neir Siich^fter, Hants, Efq; LLD • Col. oj (be Dorfet fh. Militia, and Groom of the King's Bed- chamber 5 Humphry Sturt,Efq;[Horton nearQianho\\xT\,tn tbit C J LLD.3 Borough of Dor chef er . Uon % John D imer, Brother to Lord Milton, LLD. [Came near Dorchf fler] a Wm Ewtr % Efqi aDir.of the Ba^k, a Mercb.inLont.aTruflee of Mord.Coll andTreajff the LevantComp, [ Richmond in Surryja Borough of Lyme- Regis* Rt Hon. John (Fane) Lord Burgherfh, bon to (be E. of Weft- morland, and Brother -in -law to the Duk of Gorcon [F* r- ften near Lyme. Apthorp, n. Oundle, Northamp .J Z Hen. Hen. Fane, Bro.to the Earl oj Weftmorlano [Wormfley ntar Stoken Church, Oxfordfti ire. J z Boroughs of Weymouth and Melcambe- Regis. Rt Hon . Drigue Billers (Ql.-iius) Ld Walt bam in Ire/. [New Hall, near Chelmsford, Effex ] Sir Cha . Havers, Bart . [Rufhrook, Suffolk J Jeremiah Dyfon, Efqj one of the Loras Commiffohers of the Treafury [Stoke near Guildford, burry] 2 John Tucker, of Weymouth, Elq; Payma/ter of the Marine* 5 Borough of Br id port. Thomas Coventry, Efqj of Servants Inn, Drp Gov. of the South Sea Company [Strand on the Green, near Ch fwick] 3 Sambitoke Freeman, Bfy- [Farley Court , Oxfordjhire J * Borough of Shaft OHy or Shaftfiury. Ralph Payne , EJ r , W m Cbafin Grove, EJq\ [Zeales and Chefirbury^ Wilts J Borough of Wareham . Rob. Falk, Efq\ of Ajhburton, Devonffire, late Governor of Madrafi [Greenwich, Kent] $ Whit/hed Keene, Efqj Borough of Corff-cajlle. John Bond s/ Grange, near Wareham, in Dorfet/hiie, E/a-, a J» bn Jenkinfon E/q\ Gentleman U/her to the Queen, arid Bro to the Member for Appleby Pool , Dorfetjbire Th«Calcraft,Efq;LtCol. of* he 5°thR#of Ft, [Ar carter, Line ! \ § Jofliua Maugei, E% © ttVarterne, near Lymimton, HanU Houfe of CO M M O N S. 29 Durham 4. •I. Fre. Vane of Raby C«itle in ti'it Co. and at Chelf a Coliefe> Erotber to Earl Darl.ngt*»n ~ urlbo, Claveringy Barf, of Atwell P a r k near Durham x City of Durham . fn Lambton, Efq; Col . of the 6 Ztb Reg, of Foot and a Maj, Gen. [Lambton Hall, near this Ciy] 2 [ohn Temped, jun. of Sherborn, near this City, Efc; 5 E e o r, cr Yorkshire 30. Y\t George Savrle, of RufForc, n. Mansfield* Notc»ngham/h. B ir\ CoU of the i (l Bat* of the Yorkjhire Wed-riding *1 h b t . Br’itber-t n* law to the Earl of Scarbrough, and LJiS. 3 Edwin Lafcclies Efq; fGa * thorp- Hail near Wethcrby] 5 Borough of Aldborougb . Hon. Aubrey Beauderk, only Hon to Lord Y'ere, and Son-in- Law to the E, of Befb trough z Andrew Wilkinfun, E(q; Storekeeper of the Oidnance [Bo- rough bridge, in t hi’- Co.] * 0 Borough of Borougbbridge. Nathaniel Cholmiey, Efqj of Houfham and Whitby Abbey/* this Co, 3 James Wed, Efq; of Alfcot, Warwickshire, High Steward of St. Albany, Recorder of Poole, Doffetfh rc, and Er^iaer.r^ of t be Royal Society S Borough of Beverley. Hu b Bet bell, Efq\ [Rfe/ie^r Be veil v] Charles Anderfin, Ejq\ , B‘jriu~b of He non, •J* Sir Charles Saunders, Pice Admiral of the lEbite , Lieutenant Gen, of Marines , one of the Elder Bret Iren of to' Trio-ty Houfe , a- d K. B. [Hambhdon, ne~r Waltham, Hants] . 4 Beilby Bbompfn, Efj\ [ Merit ke .near Y irk] Boiougb of Knarejhorougb . Hon, Robert Boyle VValfingham, Pro, to the Earl of Shan* n >n, a Caf>t. in the R. Navy [Gainibor i"gh, Lincoln/b,] \ Sir Anthony Thomas Ab ’y, Bart , King's Counsel j^AibynSj near On^ar, EjJ'x J Borough of Malta n, Rt Hon, fohn (Dawriay) Hifc. Downs, oj the Kingdom oj Ire- land [C >wii k Hall. Vorkflihe] 3 Savile Finch, Efq; [Thurlbur) near Rotherham] 3 Borough cf Northallerton . Dan. Lafcelles, Efq ; Bro, to the Member for this Zountj fPlump- ton^hall near Knarelborough] + 18 3© Houfe of CO M MON S. Edward Lafcelies, Ef n [Sti F kro„, near Ferrybridge] * i n. f r ™ „ BorCU » h Por.tefraa. of ^beCroZn ?T’ , M ‘ jVr ° f,ht Receiver IhnA tZ a Z Rt ” ts No.tb«n. & H n f A? ; ISerib, ». Blythe, Nottioghantftirel 4 § Henry Mrachey, Efy [Sutton Court near Brirtoll r WMf . _ T Borough of Richmond. * / r G^ldf°rH 0n ’ ‘ Vcr f/ &> Fletcher Norton A&* V / Swi, ‘ Cs, ““ s wtv borough of Piton. /ir^ rf lt ‘ e V 0/ A £t, , ,die - V ' R ya] **' '** *'• Efq; *» of t hefcfTc f rn ,” prejt for L, f f > *«**/>»*£•/ Re. r 3 \ of the she Up. (./York 6 Biggin, / Ycrk'/Wej S ° n ’ ia "’ Law ,0 ^Aijlabn [Brarnham Borough of Starloroiifb. George Manners, Efc; ofCteWy „ ea r N%omoAet Fountayne Wentworth O/baldefton. Efq; Z?. c . Wf _ [ Hunmanby near Burlington in tbit Ctunry] j c- -tl r. . , Bonugh of Think. S lr Tho. Frankland, Bart. Vuesldm. „f the Red rKerhv nmr H^rtord Beikt, a „d Th rke by'rotk/f.l ^ "*% Frar.kland of Munt ham Jn ^^jjex } Efq* ^ ^ r C/Vy Tc/vi. ct,ir : T lli ^ h u^\yf' UncU tu th E>. o/Devofifhire , LW /f**'* Of King on uLcn Hull. Rt. Ho.I.d Rob Manner *,/ alt Tiro, to tic D /Rutland, Co/. o/7/>, A- f ( nhCe (- 1 “!*.** f'i’ 0 f Diagotn Guards, Lt. Gov. crib. Garrijon in tit, Teton ana Cttadd , and a Lieu,. Gen. [Blcxom, near Slefhrd, Line. 1 Win. Weddell, E\q j [Newby near Ripnn, in tin County J a E S S E X 8. Sir Wil Maynard Bart. Recover of Saffron Walden, Ccufin to V, fount Maynard [Waltons ». Saffron Wald. 1 \ John Luther of Mylefs, near Ongar in tbit County , Efq } a Borough of Colehefter. E 14 ™* , Gra y», /, [ hii Bor. Recorder of Ipfwich, 6? bRS.ee Kaac Martin Rebow,, of tbit Borough , Efqj Co/, oj tie Eajiern Battalion of Ejfex Militia |W Colchelter] ' . 3 Hm f‘ °f COMMONS. 3 , 'ohn Bullock of *""<»«< dm, ./ m?jg?£Z wi.h, m ,> ,ti, c. Ef » Robert,, Eft- . f fr^ ° f . 'dward Harvey', Efo- 8 JT* mdPtantat 2 •homuTrac,%H- C j9^ T E * s H ‘ * £ 8. cWc. [Sandy ’Ju "" **- Em(lone t /« Oxfordfh 1 S , Great Tew , • Sou,hw " 1 g^izir - Br!M ’ ^ * rWi , p.. Bor ° u g h of Tewkejbury. Barc.'f, «! cSvK”|'»” .’“T , p ““echncch,/„S,', f. « ro C^Hn n fd,„„/ u ^“a“4 SSaST* f H» P cl fe-c fe>,//, E f, , Son t0 (b , Mcmbtt for ^ s ^! arte Barrow, F.^^Bacr^fuwTnd LED f ft rWr /£/* C/ryJ a 1* L D. [Hygrove Uojtf'y'.ALn,, aid ReJuer TrFc ° J ‘r Md,in & ™ 'fiend. of Barbadoes [Matfon nfcioucefterf Chancer ^ *’ r Hamplhire, /« Southampton.. A f . 39 . «• Herefordshire 8 ^SS^^^^Dcoy.cvieE rotas Foley, yen, E/„ i £X*2£^"*-AJ | c , °f Hereford. • Scudamore, E/ fi /-Rent Church ««r /*/, 0 ,_ 7 */W fMc-end, „„ City) j] * of Leominjier. CarnaC ' E/?i late Comm - *e Arf e , L Za«, jg,* 3 J Hmfi of COMMONS. * I 1 /Tf r.*sl 0\ I. V r £ 0 / - - Hon. Hen FrC ^JJ Sff \L Efqi Bro.toViJWc y n ‘ outh ; "2 B. V r^ ^ iH'MdV the Kt*g. o/Ir ,l an d It *H«"- S'-mon Luttrelstown in iheC.oJ Dub\ 3 [Fou'Oa *«» Hertfordshire 6.^ ikiand [B)akef . Wm. Plu ^' er ’p a f lU V/ rJstX Lord ftp /» '*« G**?] 1 W3re> N e%v J C add-on in this Co. *- *»• John Cal«er>, Dj»i S?(l| «”•• “» "f ,b ' { l>a.l n«W*j L.”J.n ..J MWdlcIca. * >«*•■ ‘Z' 1 * 4 ££ ,r h. A». d» mw »/ lhe Simth n.p.tm. I j (t .S."»», £ /i U " i " 4 fcouor.ltothe Eoa.d of Ordnance *&&%?«£*-. ***'» B - k "~ h * „, RE 4 ,r;» \ F t Ludlow, in the K ngd. .of W. ^: c witur^ *. >r t“- ■” '*££■* Btdckambcr , H j x'.: f*" Cowp " tsh " b "'”d ncrfetjhire, and Panfanger, >-' r •] __ Brother Vc J J . irr„. „ Merchant in Londo Rob „ ^ - - Mr BMh l °> *T** Houfe S ,> Bro.lc — Deal » - *. I ^Tof^ZH^^Dir o/Cr.H,: f. ! ? 1 JW 33 Houfe of COMMONS. Borough of Maidftone . . \ ha.MjrJham Son to Lord Romney, L. L.D.[ the Mote near this Borough.] bert G rcgory , EJq • a DireH. of the Eift India CompfV a*ence, near Wcftram, Kent, and Rowles near Chigwell, EJfix ] City 1 of Canterbury . ilium Lynch, Efq; of Groves near Wingham, Kent, bis Mu Jeff's Envy Extraordinary to the K. of Sardinia 3 chard Milles, £ fq\ of Nackinrton near this City 2 Lancashire 14. . Hon. L 6 Tdg 4 r cb Hamilton of Afbtcti in this Co, Uncle to the Duke of H ami Lon Rt.Hon. James Smith(Stan!ey)£orrfStrange,/ the Cr.nun :n the Co. Palatine, Ncfbczv to L, Dude , and Prwttfi - Marfa l of B.; rbad >e s c Borough of P ref on. John Burgoyne.Ey^; Col. of the 2d 01 Queen’s Reg. of. Light Drag. gov. of Foit Wili am in Scotland, and Son-in-Law to E.o i Derby. [Lamb-ire Oaks in Surry ] 2 iir Henry Hoghtcn, of Ilougbton Tower , ;n Lancapire , Bart, Borough or ' Town of Liverpool . Wil. Meredith , Hart. [ Henbury n . Macclesfield Cheshire] 3 chaid Pennant, Efq; cf Winnington, Chefhire 2 • Borough of IV tg an . 0 . Byng y Ffq\ Cnufm to I.d Torrirgton , and Ncph. of the ate Admiral |;Wortham-P-rk nca' Basnet] lutjunt Hot bam y Efq\ of the Middle Tetnpte^ 3d Son of Sir Beaumont Hot bam, Bart. Borough of Clitheroe . 7. Afheton Curzon, L L D.Brctber to Lord Scarfdale, and Brother .in -law to Lord Grofvenor, a Vice Pref.oftbe AJylum Hagley - Hali n. Rugely,^/. and Penn, Bucks] 3 thaniel Lifter, 2 T/?; Brother to the late Member [Armitage icar Ridgeley, Staft'ordfhirt] a . Borough of New ion. er Legh^Lyme near Diily in Chefhire, is 3 H^dbackhall in uinczfhh?, pf?-) fD] 34 Houfe of C O M M U JN 5. Anthony J.imes Keck, Efq; of Haugluon Grange :n tb/s w». Son of Artb. Kttky Efqj Serjeant at Law 2 Leicestershire 4. Sir Tho. Cave c/Stanford-hall in Leicefterfh Bt . Sc L.L.D. 3 Sir John Palmer, [Carlton, near Rockingham, Northarnp.J z Borough of Leicefer . Hon, B^°th Grey , Brother to the Earl of Stamford Eyre Coote, Co), in the Army, upon half Pay [Weft- J park near Fording- Bridge, Flam] Lincolnshire 2 2. Rt. Hon. Loid Browniow Bertie, Brother to the Duke of ’** Ancafer \Swnfead and Grinfborp in this County] 2 Tho.Whichcct of Harpfwell , near Gainfboro’ intbisC . Efq; 6 N Borough of Statnford. George He ward, Efq; Col. of the 7th Reg of Dragoon?, Lr.- Gen. and Governor of Chelfea Hofpital [Stoke Place, near Windlor, Buck?] Geo. Aufrere. Ejq\ one of the Gent . of the King' s Pri'V* Cham!?, I Merest* in London, [ Chelfea f Middx] 2 Boougb of Grantham* Rt. Hon. Lo'd George Sutton, youngeft Son to the Lube of I Rutland [Kelham near Newark in Nottingbamfhire, and I Bufti-hilJ, Middleftx ] 2 I Borough of Bofon. / Rt. Hon. LdRob. Bertie, Bro* totbeL ) . o/Ancz^.cvfol.oftbeR % Eng. Fux.il* or *jth Reg . of Ft, Gov. c/’Duncannon in Iiel. a Lt Gen . and a Ld of the Bedck. to bis Maj. {'Chiflehurft , Kct*t]z Charles Amcotts, Efq\ Alderman if this Borough t Cap\ in ibe Lincolnlh. Militia^ and LL D. [Kettlethcrpe near New- ark, and Harrington near this Borough,] 2 Borough of Great Grimjly . Anthony St. Leger, Efq; a Lt.CoJ. in the Army, upon half Pay [Park Hill near Bavvtry, Y.'rk/hire] Joi.MellifhjEfqjMerch. in Lond\\$u{h-\d\\n t F,n&fa\&Middx.]z City of Lincoln . * Tho* ScropCy of Colby in this County Hen , Ccrfar.tine John Phipps , a Capt, in the Navy, and eldeft Son to Lord Mulgrave of Ireland Middlesex 8. § John Glynn, Efq ; Serj, at Law . [Glynn w.Bcdmyrr, Cornw.] ^ Hon. Henry Lawes Luttrell, Lieut. Col. of theift Reg. of *] Horfe, and eldeft Son of Lord Irnham z 35 Hcufe of COMMONS. City of Wejiminfler. tllon.Hugh(Percy) E Percy, cldeftS c/z^ZLa/^Jorthumberl. and S n in-Li Hindon, Wit:] 4 ■ Rt. Han. Th >. Harley, AlJermm, and CoJ.of the Yellow Regrm-nt cf the Militia of this. C ty, Prefident of St Bar . tb‘lme e i 6 % % Hofpital, and 2d Brother to the Earl of Oxford [Woo Uy Ljne near Croydon SurryJ ir/oxv Trecotbicky Efq; Merchant, and Alderman of this City [Add ngt on, SurryJ Monmouthshire 3 . homas Morgan, Efq\ cfTredecar near Newport in this C>: n. Brother to t be Member for the Co, of Brecon, Lieut, andCufi. Rot. of the Counties of Monmouth and Brecon,. Lr. Coi . of tb: Monmouthfti. Mil. [Bickento tburv, near Hertford] z ha Hanbury 0/ Pon ypool, n . Uikein this C . Efq\ 2 Borough of Monmouth, e bn Stepney , Efq-, S :n and Heir of Sir John Stepney, Eart. [Llanelly , in Carmarthenihire "] Norfolk 12. r Edward Afthy y Bart [Melton CcnftabL, No folk J homas De Grey, Efq\ Brother to the Member for Newport, Lt, Col, of Weft. B'aUal. Norf. Mi ht id [Merton, Norfolk J z Borough cf King s-Ly n. on, Thomas Walpole, Brother to Lord Walpole, a Merchant in London , [Carfhalton, SurryJ 3 r John Turner, Bt. an Aid, of tbit Town [Warham, near Weils, Norf . j 5 Town of Great Yarmouth. harles Tcwnfrend, Ejh] a Commijficner of the Admiralty^ and Coufn to Fifcount To*nfh end [ Hon i ogham in this County. J4 on . Richard Walpole , a Banler in. London, and Brother jud,ord Walpole, and the Membtr for Lynn, Perm h of f bet ford. %Rt Hen* Hen. SevmObi C« nwav, ofl'axk i late in Eeikfh r.e+j i » > 1 36 bfcufe cf C O M M O N S. He.«l ) r , Jj. e'en, of rbe Ordnance, Col , cf the 4 th Re - J Dr ago /.*, bon-in-la*iv to tie Duke of Argyll, o?j'y ^ hrcther to the Earl qfhlcTlfcr 4 iandJdeut.Gen.tn the Jjr.tny, 5 John D iivur.cnd, Efqj Banker in WeHm, cne of the Gent, of the Pr;\y Chain, to his Majeily, and a Director or the Sun Fi:e- Clhce fStanmore, Midd . J Borough cf C afile - 7 ? ifing , Thoma^ Whately, Efy B?irificr at Law [Norifuth Jr Surry] Jen/, i; on Shut to, Efq, ol H'rafting^ neat Non mark ct City of Norwich, Faj hr rd Ha 1 hord , EfScn ofS i> W.MordcnHatbord, Et, LLLf. &? K.B. [ Middleton , Larcajh-ire m j - • - Edward li«^c°n, if> • Chairman cj the Committee of Privileges, and Elections^ Recorder if this City [ larleham rear Nor wit hj 5 Northamptonshire 9. Sir Edmund Ifham, ^/Lamport near Northampton, Ct. A/pfftr to tie Deputy Earl Marjbal , L L D . ‘ 6 Sir William Dolben, Bart, [Finedon, North amptonfhire, 2 City of P eterhorough. Matthew Wyldlore , Ffq; of this City. ^ § Rt. Hon. Henry, Lord Belafyfe, Son cf Earl Faucon- berg, and Son-in-Law to the late Member , Sir Matthew Lamb, Bart . , Borough of Northampton, Sir George Bridges Rodney, Barf, Vice-Admiral of -the Blue, Mailer of Greenwich HofpitaL and Biother-'n-Law to the Lari of Northampton [Great Alrefotd, Harts,! a f Hon. Thomas Hcwe, youngtfl: Brother to Lo:d Howe ar d to the Member for Nottingham. Borough of Brack ley, Robert Wood, Ffq; Mafer of the Revels in Ireland, a the under Secretaries of State for the Southern' Dt paTfmVfc ? z IVilltam Egmon, Efq; Coufin to the Duke of BrtdgivahVl and Brother to the B:ihop of Litchfield , CUrk of • the °jfce y Gent, Ujher quarterly Waiter to the Trine efi Dow a er cj Wales^ and Captain of a Troop in the Hofe Guar did , ' Borough of Nigh am Ferrers % Frederick Montagu, Efq; of P apple wick, in Noitin g h a nfhirfz Northumberland 8. • ^ ; S:r Edward Blackett, of Mat fin, Northumberland, BSjftyox^ George Sh3ftoe Delaval, of Bavington near Newcaftle Efc* Lieut, Co.onet of Militia of this, County . ’ i? , Houft of COM M O N S. 37 Borough of Morpeth . •r Bedford , Efq; Nephew of the Lord Mayor cf London Stapleton , near Elandjordy Dor jet Jh rr] Matthew White Ridiq % Bart. Son to tie Member for New- sfile [Biakedcn, near this Borough] ‘Town of Newcafile upon T\ nr. Walter Blackett of Wallingron, in this County, Bart. 6 tthew Ridley, Efq; of Heaton-hall, Newcaftle 4 Town of Berwick upon "Tweed. John HufTcy Delaval of Fordcifile n. Woller, Northumb. 3art. and Doddingron, Lincolnjhire 2 '.ert Paris Taylor, Efq; [Grately Lodg j , Hants,] Nottinghamshire 8. n. Tho. Willoughby, Brother to Lord Middleton [Weft ^eake and Woollaton in tits County ] 2 in Hewett, of Shire-Oaks near Workfop, Efq; Brother-in* aw to Sir George Saville 4 Borough cf Eafl Retford . Cecil lVray y Bart. [< Shenirgford , YorkJbire y and Summer Caftlty Linulrjbire ] 111 Offley, Efq; of Whicbnzry near Litchfeld . 4 Borough of Newark upon Trent. Right Hon. John Shelley, Treafuicr of the King's Houflicld, Keeper of the Records in the Tower, Chrk of the Pipe in the Exchequer, only Sou of Sir John Shelley , Bait. 4 Manners, Efq; Son to Ld. Wm. Manners ,and Houfe-keeper to his Majefly’s Palace at Whitehall [Strotlon, Lincolnfh.] 3 Town of Nottingham . on. Wm Howe, Bro. to Lord Howe, Col. of the 46 tb Reg, of Foot , and Lieut. Gov. of the Ifle of Wight [HexftabJe, Kent ] ihn Plumptre, Efq; [of this Borough , and Fredville near Nonington, Kent] 3 O X O N 9. t Right Hon. Lord Charles Spencer, next Brother to the Duke cf Marlborough, a Commiffonet of the Admiralty , and Vc r durerof Which wood Foreil, Oxfordfhire. [Kenfing- ton, Middle ex .] * 2 ight Hon. Pbthp Wtnman y Lord Vifccunt Wenman of the Kingdom of Ireland, , [Thame- park, Oxford fire ] Uni (s,Lfai, King’s Sett, at Law, [nearRcading, Bcrk>] Borough of New IVoodftock. Rt. Hon. Lord Robert S fiercer, Broth, to the D of Marlborough Hon. William Gordon, Lieut- CrJ. in the Army on IJa/f. Pay, Brother to the E. of Aberdeen [Fyvie- Caftle, Abcrdeeiifhire] 2 Bor ough of Banbury. 0$ Rt. Hon. Fred. (North) Ld. N.irth, Fit/} Lr-d of the Tea. fury, Chancellor and Under Trcafurer of the Exchequer , eldeft Son of the Earl of Guildford [Dillingron, Somerfetlhire] 3 Rutlandshire 2. Tho. Noel of Exton in tbit Co. and s/'Walcot Not thamp. Eicut. Col of tie zd Bat t of the A'iiluia of tbisCo t and Prcjider.t of the Ajylum - libara liippijley Co x e, Efq; ofSton.Et.fton, n. V/ells, in this J. Borough of Taunton. 'exandir Popbim, Clq'; Ba-rifler at Law, Taunton. athaniel Webb, Efq, cf tbit Borough. * Borough of Iuelchefier. :tcf L»s>!r, F.fq; [B ioths n. Knottesford, Che/hire] > Brffivn'.no Ca//,Bait.[fle/to», rear Vrar.tbam,Lincoltt/bir ] Borough of iviilborne Port. ? J d-.vard Walter, of Staibridge, Dorfct, and Bury Hill noSttDor king, Surry, F.fqj ’ " nomas Hutchings Medlycott, of Ven, ne a r tbit Bor FU 3 City of Wells. * JhZ lament T udway , Efq; of this C. Banifter at Law obert Child, EJ’q ; Barker \in London fOfteriev-Parlr Brentford, Middfcfex, and Upton, Warwicklhirej * - ■ 2 Borough of Bridgewater. tniamtn'jiHin, Efq; of this Borough. , Hon- Anne Foulett, Brother to Earl Poulett City of Bath. r Jn. Saunders Sebright, Bt. Col. of i8th, or Royal Irifl, R ee of Ft. and a Maj. Gen. [Beach wood Manor n. St. Albanal* hn Smith, Efq; [Ccmbhay near this City, j f Borough of Mirtehead. ■nry Fononts Luttrell, Efq; \_DunJier Cajlii near thisBoroueh Nethway, Devon.] 5 * Charles \Vh:tworth,fCnt. Chairman of the Committee of IPayt and Ulcans, and L. G. of Tilbury Fort [Ley bourne , near Town Mailing, Kent.] City of Bri/lol. >Rt.Hon.Rob.(Nugent)Jy. Clare in tbeKingdom oflrel. Joint Fue-Treafurer of Ireland [Gosfield- H.warBraintree Effex :1 e at tenu Backdate, Efq; [ Clifton , near Brijlol,] M J J Southampton or Hampshire 26. Hon. Robert ( Henley ) LdHenley, Son of the £. of N 0 > thin?t on and one of the Tellers of the Exchequer forLije, L.L. D/ ’ S roeon Stuart, Bt. one of the Chamberlains of the Tally Court in tbeExcl>eqforL.fe[.HinkyM3niiuU near A lt?n in this Co]z 40 Houfe of COM MO N S. City of IVincbe tier. Henry Penton, of Eajlgate-bcufe in this City, Efq* Letter. Car- rier to his Majefty 2 Gco k Hewlett, Efq) bis Maj . Gr. Porter, Cent . Pr ; r i. W.and Couf.toD .of Bolton [Amporc, Bafingfloke, Hants] 2 Town of V or tf month. Sir Ed. Hawke, K. B. Fir ft Commijfioner of the Admiralty , Vice Adtn.of Gt .Brit . an Adm. of tbs White, and 'in elder Bro. tf the Trin. H. [Swaland, n. S )Uthampton ] 4. Sir Mar.Fcthe»ftonhaugh,Bt. F.R.S. [Uppark n. ChichefurJ 3 Borough of Newport , in the ljle of Wight. John Eames, Efq; one ot the M afters in Chancery 2 Hans Shane, Efq ; a Truftee of the Britijh Ad of cam [South Stone ham, liampfh^ ] Borough of Yarmouth , in the lfle of Wi^ht. t Hon. George Lane Parker, 3d Major to the ift P.cg. of Foot Cuards, Brother to the Earl of Maccltfi Id, and ranks as Col in the Army. f Thomas Dummer, Efq; [Cranbury, Hants.] Borough of Newtowne, in the Ifie of Wight. Sirjohn Barrington, Bt.fSwainflon, near this Borough]* 6 Harcourt Poweil of Richmond, Burry, Efq • * ^ Borough of I symington. Sir Harry Burrard cf WaJl-hampton, near this Bor. Bt. Banger of New-Foreft, Hants, and Governor of Caiihjt Caftle 5 Hu c oMeynell, Efq; [Bradley near Derby] 2 Borough of Ch rift church. HcnThoRobinion, a Com.of'Tr. fef Plant. Son' to Grant karri James Harris, ol the Clofe, New S arum 9 Efq; Coufin to the E.o i Shaftesbury, Trufleeof the Briti/h Mufeum, and FRS 2 Borough of Andover. Sir John Griffin Griffin, K. B. Col. of the \fl Troop cf H . Gren . Guards, Son-in-law to Mr. Clayton, Member for Marlow, and a Lieut. General [Audley-End, EJJ'ex ] 4 Benjamin Letbieullier , Efq; [Middleton, kiamffh.] Borough of Whitchurch. gfe Rt. Hen. Tho. Town/hend, Jun. Bon toMemb.forQ^ m b. U niv. and Couf. to P.Towndi. [Frcgna!>n.FcoT'sCray, Kent] 3 lion. Henry Wallop, Groom ot the King’s Bedchamber, ne*t Bro. to the E. of Porifmoutb Borough of Petersfeld . W m. Jolliffe, of this Borough, Efq; Son of the late Member 3 ff Hon. Welbore Ellis, F.R,S v Brut* Han? Stanley, pt'Imv Hall. HantsX - 11 •>y . Cir. ! :* v A wire tjj . 'i a^r^rt, I f Ct cbcfuTji » Viyn pooil 'Wifi. •• tft Reg. c( 1/ L ; , isiri-b r^f/. .Vj* & f ■ L*. C’tv'tii' CWjli* tfis, i5i FRS i ».iW. /rCairk. *T HUT*,**?* t y,V<+’ J 1 . jy^.M ft Houfe of COMMONS. 41 Borough of Stockbridge. >. TVorge, Efq ; ranks as Col. in the Army. i. Fuller, Eiqj j Banker in London, [»«>- Darklnjr, Surry, *ict Maidenhead Thicket] ^ 2 Town of Southampton. 'Ion. Henfy (Temp’e) Ld Vijc. Palmertlon, of the Kingdom Ireland, and a Commiffion r of the Admiralty. [Bioadlands, Mr Rumi^v, Ha.-it?, and Eaft-Sheen, Surry] z Hr. Tuans Stanley, Cofferer of bis Maj . Houjh and one of >eTriifiecs of He Bn* j{h\l j l . [ pnultons n % Rumley, Hants] 4. ; Staffordshire io. vVi.fiam Bagot, Ba t. [Bhthfield near Litchfield] 3 John JKr itejley, Bart. Brother-in* Law to the Duke of raf forty and a Capt, in the Army Borough of Stafford. a dIVbit-vortb, Efq; [Bathacre Grange n. this B.Shropfh.l {on. W m. fChetwynd) Klfc. Chetwynd, of the Kingdom of eland, [Ingeilry & Hazeler, in this Co.] g Borough cf Tamwortb. ardThnriow, E/7; King's Counf e l y and Counfel to the Board Trade [of the Inner Temple] 2 laflcs Vernon, Efq; Lieut, of the Tower of Londort^nd has e Rank of a Maj. Gen. in. the Army [NewForeil, Hants] Borough of Newcafle under Line. Forrcfter, Efq; Barrifter at Law 3 3tge Hay, L.LD. Dtfan of the Arches, Judge of the Prerog. •nrt of Cant. Pref. of the Coll, of Drs. cf Law Exercent in 2 EccLfiaftical and Admiralty Courts of Canterbury 3 City of Litchfield. G IherL Ef/i Compt . of the K's. LKardrcbe, and Paym. of Xcrfons toV/id .of Sea Of. [Cotton, n. Sto nt y Staffordjh.]z Suffolk 16. *ohn RottSy Bart. [Henham-hall, near Beccles, in Suffolk] ho. Cha.BunlurjjBatr. Maj. of the Weft Bate, of Militia of s Co. ajyd Brother- in-Law to the D. of Richmond. [Barton / Milner, near Bury, in this County. 2 Borough of Ipfwich. ids Staunton, of Holbrook Hall near this Borough and oj Tiford Hall ?/z Elfex, Efq; 3 in IVotldfiorty E/y; [ Finboroueh, n. Stow Market, Suffolk . LJGt cu fo of Dunwich. riMfiiffn Neck, Efq; (Sen of Sir Jffoua) a Merchant .ondon JHcvcmn^kram, Suffolk] 42 Houfe of c O M M O N S. Miles Barne, of Sotterly near Beccles, in tbit County, Ffy, 3 Borough of Orford. Rt Hon. Francis (Seymour Conway) Id Fife. Beauchamp, bon of the Earl of Hertford, a Privy Ccuvjelfor in Ireland 2 Edward Coleman, Efq; a Capt. in the j i\ or Royal Reg. of Drag. Borough of Jlldelurgh , in Suffolk. Zachary Philip Fonnereau, Efq; Merchant in London, and "one of the Directors of Greenwich Kofpital * Nicholas Linwocd, F.fq; [ftchell near Crondcllj Hants] 2 Borough of Sudbury. Patrick Blake, Efq: [Largbam Ha H , Sv ff. Bucbam* Welly X\ 7 or f 1 Walden Hanmet, Efq; [ Holbrook-Hall , near this B rough, fon-P lace, Bucks] \ Borough of Eye . Bt % Hon. Jo(h, (AUtn)Ld.Fifc. Allen of the K. of Ireland, Capt. of a Comp, in the l/cReg. of Ft Guards, and ranks as a Lt Col. 2 Hon. Wm. Cornwallis , next Bro. to the E. of Cornwallis , and a Capt. in the Navy Borough of Bury St. Edmund's. Hon. Ch. Fitzroy , Vice -Chamberlain fo the Sheen, Col. of the 14 ‘b Reg- <>f Dragoons, Brotbtr to the Duke oj Grafton [Weft Horsley , near Guildford , SurryJ j Rt. Hon. Auguftus John Hervey, one of the Grooms of bis Ma- jefty's Bedchamber, Col. of Marines, a Capt. in the Navy, next Bro. to tbe E. of Briftol, and Privy Co. in Ire], z Surry 14, ijf/ Rt, Hon. George Onflow, a Comm • of tbe Ereaf. and High Steward o/Kingfton [Ember Court n. Thsmes-Ditton] 3 Sir Francis Vincent, Bart. D'Abemon n. Cobbam ] 2 Borough of Gat ton. Hon. John Damer, eldeft Son of Lord Milton f of. Martin Bank, in Z.0».[Eaflwick,».Leatherhsad, Surry Borough of Hafemerc, Hon.Tho. More Molyneux, of Lofely near Guildford, in this Co. Capt. of a Company in tbe 3 d Reg. of Foot Guards, and ranks as Lieut. Col. in the Army. * Wm. Burr ell, LL.D. F. A.S.and Cbanc.cfWoTCzft. aDirchl . of tbe S.S.C.and Bro .to the Memb.forT otnefs [ B e c ken h a m , Kent] Bor quo h of Blechingly. Sir Robert Cayton, of Marden near Godftone in this C. Bt. § Fred. Standert, Efq; Merchant in London [Greenwich, Kent] 1 Borough of Reigate. H. ]n Yorke, id Brc. to theE. ©/*Hardwicke,aC/ oftheCr.andj Patent, for making out, CommiJ. of Bankr. [Sondley r.Windf.J 4 I , p , Ho *f e n °f COMMONS. 4 ? nes Cocks, EfqjC/rri of the Deliveries in the Ordnance Ofice waftlwhteh n. Ledbury, HersfordfliireJ ■*' Borough of Guildford. ' ¥ r \ °’ J \ Ra "Z' Windfor Fo *ft, and Coufin the Member fr this County [Ockham near Guildford, angrove-Lodg-, near ChertfcyJ > '#] 3 -• wig s LOunjet, ELD. > near Rip^on, Yo>kjh. ar.d Wonerlh, near tbit £ Borough of Southwark. ^ph Mawboy, B.«. o iV a ux. h all near this Borough, id < t Botlrys near Chertfey this Count v B ' ry 1 hrale, It/y; [Strea ham Common ;>? Surry] 2 Sussex 20. ion. LI Geo. Hen Len-x, only Br. to the D. of Richmond ’f^ rw at Marquis cf Lothian, Col. of the 2 5 thReg! *•■**> [Weft Stoke tn tkit County] chaid Hare urt, oj Wignall Lewe?, in tbit County £f q * Borough of Horjb am. Hon. James Grrimke, zd B>o. to E. Temple, [Burleigh. Sorr.crton, Somirfetih.] L 6 * it Fra t oj Cofcomb in Gloucefterfli. Efqi a Mailer in lancery, ar.d Nefh. 10 Lord Cm Jen. Ji * J ” Borough of Br amber. T a AT h °r°r’ E,q; S n cretar - V to !he barter Genera! theOrdn. [Sci;,vc'on n. Bingham in Nottin°ham/h 1 harks Ambler, Efqj King’s Counfel. 3 Borough of Neiv Shoreham. * Samuel Comift of Sharnbrook in Bedfordshire Bin ce fdm. of the Blue [Smiths-Hall «. Maidflone Kenfl 2 * T e rZ’ q - f 7 V* a Lo 1* UncU t0 Str Brownloie fluty Chan-fan of the Half India Company, and one of the reacts of Greenwich Hofpital. [ Wanftead in Efl‘ ex / Borough of Midhurft. J Je f: lko (Sfratgways) Ld Stavordale Son oftheEo fUchefiet Ccarles James Fox, 2 d Son to Ld Holland, and Haymaker the Penfions to the Widows of Land Officers. ' ‘ Borough of Eaf Grinfed. d”Lo L i , e ?'s^j , " i '' u "“ ,K,it D - tw win, Ef r , Col. of the 57 tb Reg. of Foot, & a Majo r Gen 1 Borough of Stejning. hnYV.mcr, of Eaft Sutton Place, ». Lenham, in Kent Bf * Edioords Freeman, Efa one of the Gent, of 44 Houje of COMMONS. Chamb. and a D.reflor of the South Sea Company, LL.I 2 > [Batsf rd , Glot/cf erjbire. ] Borough of jiruncielL -o ; I Sir George Colebrcoke, Bart Banker in London, Remembrancer of the Fuji Fruits, Chirographer of the Ct. of For?:.. P'cas , Chairman of the Eaft Inda Comp. [Gatton in Surry, ard Arnolds near Southgate, M’dd/ejex] ^ 3 Laucblin Mackleane , FJ/ j Borough of Lewes. ■ £ Hon. Tho. Hampden of Hampden , Buiks, eld. Son ,to I.d Tfeyor, FhomasHay y E a\ L •Col. of the yth Reg. of Dr a# [Gh;i- bourne in this Co. j City of Chichefler . Hon. WilHam Krppel. a Maj. Gen. Cc 3 . rf the. J4 h Reg. of ft or, and ad Brothtr to Earl of Albemarle 2, Rr Hon. Tho. Con<>lly, Brother-in-law ' to the P s f Rk*S*- mond, and ore of the Privy Courcil in 1 1 el £ Strait on* hah near Wolverhampton] j Warwickshire 6. Sir Char. Mordaunt, of Walton n % Kejnron ir.^iiC. 7 § Tho.Gco.Skipwith, Efq; eldejl Jen to' Sir Fran. S' ipti;; l : Bk, Borough of Warwick. Rt Hon. Geo. Lord Grcvi/fe, EJdefl. Son to the E, of J 'fa if vu x § Paul Methuen, o/'Corfham, in the County of Wil • \'4q v \ City of Coventry. Hon. Henry Seymour Conway, id Son to the E'. of Hat fa d. C/e? k of the Hanapcr in Ireland, and Conftable of\) ubl icf ff- 2 § Sir Richard Glyn,Birt. Aid. of London, and Pre\ .Jewell and Bethlem Hofpitals, Col. of the Orange Reg. of City Mili- tia , Treasurer of the Artillery Ccmp. a Banker in London, ard LL.D. [Blandford, Dor Jet fire, and Chelfea AiidcileJ vv] 3 Westmorland 4. John Robinfon, of Appleby in this Co . f.fj • Col. ofjth« Wefif moreland Militia 2' Fho. Fenwick, £fq • Counfellor at Law. Borough of Hpplehy. Ph. Hcnywood, Efq; Governor of Kingston upon Hull, Oil, 1 of the 4th R. of Horfe, & a Lt. Gen. [Market- bal fin £// ] 3 Charles Jenkinfon, Efq; a Ccmir.ifiioncr of theTieafiiiy, ani 1 Auditor of Acccunts to the Prince^-dowager of Wales 2 Worcestershire 9. Hon. John Ward, Eldeft Son to V. Dudley £7 Ward* L L. t). 3 R* Hon. WmDowdefwell, [ Pull Court tf.Tcwkefbury] ,3 Borough of Evejham . J i R n /linn t . Efa: Son of Sir "John \ Harrow on the HU ! , Mid ] tioufe of COMMONS. 45 0. Durant, Efq; [Tong Caftle in ShropfhireJ Borough of It ich, or Droytvcich. >bert Harley, Efq; Uncle to the E. of Oxford, Burr, at Lava and Recorder of Ttwkfbufy, Glouc. [Ramfgate, font'] t Edward Fciey , Elq; id S ;/j of the Member for Herciordihirc. Borough of Benvdhy. >ir Edw, \\ innington, of Stanford Court in this Countv. Br City of Worcefter. rmyCrebb Boulton o/Leatherhead, Surry, Efq; o„e of the Dtrc&trs if the Eaft India Ccrrpjr.y . hn Walfh, Efq; [\V3rfield, near Oakinghsm, Berks 1 Wiltshire 34. ward Popham, of Litdecott n. Huugerford, Efqz lomas Goddard, Ffqt, c/*Swindon, in this County City of Nenv Sarum. >n_ Edward Bouverie, next Bro. to the Earl of Radnor [l>lapre and Hardingflone, Northampton/hire 1 * '.Stephen Fox ,* IdeftSon toL.tfc lar.d[tF, nUr fcf v n. thisCity 1 Borough of Devizes. arles Garth, Efq 5 of this Borough, Agent for South Carolina % ne* Sutton, Jun. Efq; [New Park, near tbit Borough 1 2 Borough tf Marlborough. James Long, o/Draycot, in this County, Bart. ion. James Brudenell, next Brother to the Duke 0# Montagu and Mafter of the Robes to his Majefly Borough of Chippenham. Edward Bay ntun, of Spy-park near tbit Borough, Bare, lurveyot Gen. of the Ducby of Cornwall 6 fenry Dawkins, Efqj L. L. D. and Son-in-Law ro ihe Earl t Port more (Standiinch in this CountyJ Borough of Caine. t. Thomas Fitzmaurice, Bntber to the E. c/Shelburne * r. Dunning, Efq. [Ealtrg, Middl.] J Borough of MalmefburJ. Hon Arthur [ Cbiclefsr ] Eari oJ Donegal, i n the King- om of Ireland, [FifherWick near Litchfield] an.! h J ° maS r°r rde to the Earl ** Suffolk, A /hired near Ep/om, burry ] J Borough of Criciiade. • George Dtnrter, jd Son to Lord Milton. 4 Robert Fletcher, Knt. Jare-Commander in the Eaft-Imlie*. c Borough of Hindoo , , iSt, Leger Douglas, Efq } ^Springfield Place, near Cltltff. 46 Houfe of COMMONS. ford, Efiex, and IV: lj don. Middlef xj William Huflejr, Efq; of Saliflvjry 2 Borough of Old Sarum Rt. Hoo. William Gertard Hamilton, Chancellor of the Excbcq, and one of the Tn V y Council in Ireland. [Hampton Court] 4 jfobn Ciaufu'd, of Auchi names in Scotland, F.fq. Borough of Heytejbury. Charles Fitzroy Scudamore, Efq; of Holme Lacy, Hereford. Hi re, D.puty. Ranger of Whittlebury Foreft, Curfitor of the Ct.of Chan' .in Ire!, and Dtp, Cofferer to his Maj. Houfe Id J W m. A ’Court, F.fj- Col. of the 1 itb Reg. of Foot , a Lt. Gen. Borough of Weflhury. Hon. Peregrine Bertie, a Captain in the Navy, only Brother to the Ear I of Abingdon, [ Weflon on the Green, near Bicefler in Oxfordlhire, and Yattendon near Newbury, Berks] 4 William Blackftone, Eiq; Sol. Gen. to the l^uetn, and ranks as King's Counfel, LL.D. [Wallingford, Berks] 2 Borough oflVotton-Baffet. Hon. Henry St. John, Brother to Lord Vifcount BoUngbroke and Lieutenant Colonel of the 67th Regiment of Foot, * Ttioma- Eftcourt CrefwelJ, Efq; of Bybury near Girencefter, and Pinkney, in Gloucejterjhire. Borough of Ludgarjhall. Sir Penijlon Lamb, Bart. [Broeketc Hall, •* Hertfordshire] Rt. Hon. John (Stewart) Lord Garlies, only Son of tb e Earl oj Galloway Borough of IViiton. H< n. Nicholas Herbert, Secretary to the If and of U. ma.ca, Vr.de to tbe Earl of Pembroke [Great Glemham near Saxmundham, Suffolk J 2 Henry Herbert, Efq; Recorder of this Borough, Nephew to the prefent and late Memb. ano Coulin-german to. the Lari ot Pembroke, LL. D. - Borough of Down ton. Thomas Duncrmbe, Efq; Colonel in the York/hire Wjltfra and Brother- tn.Lano to the Ear 1 of Carlisle [D uncombe' Park, 1 oikfhire., and Burford near this Borough] a Rich Croft ts, of Saxmundham , SufF. WWeft H arling.Norf.Efq • Borough of Great Bedt of Haftingsjn Skjfiex. ill .'am Afbburnham,Efq; D-putv Keeper of theGreat Ward- robe, and Son to the B'fhop of Chichefrer . z □nuel Mutin, Efqj Bor. at Law, and Trcofurtr to toe Princefs Dc/ivager f Chifelhurfl in Kent] 4 Town and Port ofSandwjch in Kent. . Hon. Henry (Cnnyngham) Pifc.C mvngham, & l r '(c 14 ifn. f rhe Prov.cfUlfteT m tb t Kingd. of irel. {R^mfratf ,Kent.]2 • nip See phens, Elq} Sec . td the Adm. [North-End, Midd.j > Town and Port of Dover, in Kttit . Hon. Sir Jofeph Yorke,K,8, idBro. to theE. of Hardwick? , bu Moj t /Smbaj) % Extra, and P/crip, to the Star 3 General \ Col . oftbe 5 tb, or Royal lrifh Reg. of Dr.i^oont, and a Lt Gen. 5 Sir Thomas Pym Hales, Bart. [H&tvletts, K->nr.] Town and Port of New- Romney, in Kent. Edward Der;ng, Bt t [Surrender! During near Afhfoid, Kent, and Cowley, Middlefex.] ; 2 fh-trd Jackfon, E q; Bar. at Law, and Counfel to toe South* Sea Company. [ Wefenham-hall, Norfolk) 2 Town and Port of tiythe , in Kent, in Sawbridg*, Efq; Alieiman and one cf the Sheriff* of London. [OH nrigh in Kent] •'Mam Evelyn, Efqj Son of h* late Member [St Clair //; Kent] Town of Rye, it: Suffix . ^n Norris F.fq; of Heropslead in the County of Kfe Fuller, of R fe-Hill near Battle, Suffer Ef^j 3 T^wn of if inch effect , in Snjfi x> ^t. Hon. Perry [Wyndham Obrien] Eai 1 of Thrm nd In Ireland, Uncle tc rte Earl of Egremont , and Lo d Lieu' . of tbet'o. of Somerlet [Shotgrove, Saffron Walden, Life xj 5 Arnold Nefbitr, Hi q 3 a Mercia*' in London. T'-^wn and P rt ofSeaford , in Svjfcx. WonWm Halt(Gaue) Vifc.Gage, otthe K'npum of /rf/uM, Paymafttr f.f thi Penfions, [High Meirfow in Gtouceft.r- fn re, near Monmouth ani Fiilc, rear Lewes S iVexJ FKS. or^e M dUy, ot Bux’cd Place, near Miresfield, Suit x, : ft ) ; W A L E S 24. Cou>ty of ANGLESEY. ^en Me) rick, Efqj [Bcdorgan in rh!s County] [E a J 4$ Houfe of COMMONS. Borough of Beaumaris. lr Iugb Wiliams, Barr, ot Baronhill and Carey, and ranks as Lieut. Cel. in the Army. County of B R E C O N. Charles Morgan ,•£/?. next Bro. to the Member for Monmouth fb. Town of Brecon. Ji hn Morgan, Eft- Brother u 0 the Members for Mor.moutb - 'fare and this County \ r zr CoH,,t y °f CARDIGAN t. Re.hhn \\ ilmot (.VaughanJ V'ifc. L-fburne, of the Kingdom ot Ire), one ot the Lords ot Trade and Plantat. and Ld. Lieut, et th.s County. [Mamhead ee* r Chudleig'i, Dcvonlhire, Ormdon.Ridge near Berwick, and Croifwood, Cardiganih.J 7oivn of Cardigan. Uph Congreve, Efoj ofJtidtrmaflw Houfe in the Co. ofBe>h. County ^CARMARTHEN t. Oeo.R.ce Efq; sfn-in-law to Earl Talbot, Ueutenatit and Cudos Rotulorum of this County, Coh oi the Mil tia there- ot and a Cotnmifli -tier of Trade and Plantations [Newton CajHe m this County] 1 2 Borough of Carmarthen. Qnfftb Phillips, E/fj of Cwmgilly in this County. County of CARNARVON. Thomas WynW, Efq s Lieut, of this County, Colonel efthe Mi- Auditor of the Land, See. Revenue j or Va.t!, elotft Son of $.r "*okn Ifyr.r., Bt. and Son in L.w to the tarlot Egmont [Glyn in this County] , % Borough if Carnarvon. ^'yffryrssoi Clynvillon, 'Efc id Son of sir John Wvnn of* Giyfivill n, tn this County, Copt. ir. the id Rrg-. f Guards, ur.d ranks as Litut . Col. in the Amy. County tf DENBIGH z. Kit Lynch SaJulbury Cotton, Bart. s/Lleweoey in this C. and Comb, cm ere in Che (hue. Reviver General of, the King’* Qu‘t-Ren cs in N.rth Wa'es ^ ... Borough of Denbigh. Rich. Myddclton 0/ Chirk -ca ft] e in this C. Ebi Lieut, and Cu(t. Rot of Denbigh/hire, Ree. of this Town and Core, and Colonel of the MiUtia of this Couny + County of FLINT 2. Sir Roger Moftyn. o/Moftyn in this Co. Bart. Lieut, of this Cov and Col* qj the RJihsia (hereof Houje of COMMON S'. 49 Ft rough of Flint. n Glynne of Hawarcen, n. Broadlane in this County , Bt- a pt. in the Mil. for this Co. & LL.D. [ Hawarden CaAle] z County of GLAMORGAN. 2. . Geo. Variables Vtrron, Son to Lord Vm.on [New ck irk, SufTcx, and Brit* nfcrry m this County ] z Borough of Cardiff. )ert Mack worth, EJ Son of the late Member y Major Of c Glamorganshire Militii. [be Knoie, near Neath, tn amorganfhire, end Buntingdal- 1 n Shropshire} » County 0/ MERIONETH !. ► Pugh Pryce, EJq\ of Gogarthcn, Cardiganfh're z County ^/MONTGOMERY 2. Cynafton ,of Hardwick n, EJlcfmere in the C.o^Salop, Efq\ 4. Borough of Montgomery . ?Iive,Efqj®/'Styche tf.Draytom/jShropfh Fatke'ofLdQXwz 3. County ^PEMBROKE 3. jehard Philipps, Bl. of Picton-caftls m this County , and arbiton Place, Surry Borough of Pembroke. Viliam Owen, "0/ Orielton in this C. Et. J ieut. andCufl, t. 0) Pembrokeshire g c Fo*ivn of Ha'verford'weft . tam Edwardes, Efq$ of Johnson rear tbuBrr^ ^ County ^RADNOR 2 • Price, Efq\ of Knighton, in this County. Borough of New-Radnor. ird Ee . Co I, in tie Army, x -.[* J] Efq; Z County of B A M FF. Right Honourable James (Duff) Eail of Fife, in the Kingdom «f Ireland [Duff-Loufe BamfF/hireJ a hiimjf , Elgin , Cullen, Kintort , iff Tv-uerurie . iir Andrew Mitchell, of TbainfW, K. B. His Ma'ufiy't Mini] ter Plenipotentiary r 0 the fCirg. of Pruilia 4 County of BERWICK. >m« Pringle, Efq ; (, id f Son 0 f Si, Robert Pringle of Stitchill) Lt.Col. of 5Qtt> Reg. of Foot , Mafter of the Works in Scot. 2 County of BUTE and CAITHNESS. Kenneth [Mac^cn^.U^jfc,f ortraf» y of the Kin. oflrcL Cour. ty o/'CROMAR TIE. William Pulttney , Ely, formerly Jo bn ft one. County of DUMBARTON. - ■ Archibald Edmonlfone, jun. of- Duntreath, Stirlingfh Nephew to the Duke of Argyll 1 ■' County of DUMFRIES. Archibald Docglas,0/Kirktown, Efq$ Col. of the Ijth Reg. bt Dragoons, and a Lieut. General [With>m in EiTex.] a County of EDIN 8-URGH. Sir Alexander Giimour, Bart, of Oo:g Miliar , near ' Edinb'. a Clerk Comptroller of the Board of G.een Cloth. City of Edinburgh. Sir Lawrence Dnndas, of Kerfr, Bart. Vice Adm. of Shetland and Oikneys [Moor Park, Hei tfordfb. A/k Hall, Yorkfh. 1 2 County of ELGIN.' , Fra io sJff'’ ^ ^ 6/ li * R ‘ Z ' FC ° r - r Dun Phaile, County of FIFE. : ^ John Scot, of Bakomie. Efqj Col. of the rftb Rf, merit of Foot [Clay Hill, near Sou h-Mims, Hertfbrd/h.J 3 Pittennutem , Anjirutber-Epjler, Anftruther-WeEer Crai/l, and Kibennie. * Sir John Anibuther, of Anftruther, Bart, % Burghs (fKinghorn,Dyfart, Kircaldie ,andBurntiflanJ. James TownJenJ Ofwaltt,.Ef ?i of Du r. niter. Son of the late NS, K'afsa j ® Bu Htjtftfi I r *i 4 | I •‘ -y'cf Stittii!,;* rtfrija&ir, .■ HNESfti. I *'*«£*. of Iitl,l IE. ON. - » f krbdL 1% S. '•£&!.] I -H. ' •-* r . rt ir Em | M Kc~y. «f Siw* I hr 'Oaafhji, I : tf. irif ft* I t ] irttixT-fflpij i islarrliutt. • f StaMtbe^l eM *«* Houje 0. Lye/?, Brother to the Earl of Strathmore [Glatnis Cattle and Hall* Green in Scotland J Dundee , Perth , St. Andrews % Couper , and Forfar, eorge D emptier of DunnUben , Efqj a Director of the Euft -India Company, Provort of St. Andrew’s, and Secietar} to the mofl ancient r Order of the Thiftle for Life. County of HADDINGTON. r (rfo. Sutrie, Bart % ofBalgoun lunbar, Nortb-Berwick , Haddington, Lauder, and Jedburgh. 2 trick IVarrendtr, ETqj Z,/hn Rofs, of BaJnagoun, Efy\ Capt. in the Navy 3 Rutherglen , Gla/gozu, Dumbiirton , 47^ Renfrew^ fRt. Hon. Lord Frederick Campbell, fecond Son to the Duke Argyll, and Lord Regitfer of Scotland 2 County of LINLITHGOW. H?fx, Efji a Merchant in London, and Son of the Hon % Charles Hope Weir, late Member fxsr this County [Craigic* HaU, near Cramond Bridge in this County.] Counties of Orkney and Zetland. hesnas Dundas, Efqj of Finga/k, Brother to the Member fcr Army* ** * Loch - 52 Houfe J/COMMONS. Edinburgh. [Carre half, Stirlingshire] , 2 County of PEEBLES. Rt. Uon. J 3fn e s Montgomery, £f ; Lord Advocate for 'cotl. z , . 1 rJ e ,*r Ltnfth&o'w, Selkirk , Lcrnerh. * Jan.es Dickfcn of Broughton and Kilbuch.r, E%; County of Perth. Davd Grame o/Gorthy, Efy. Secretary and Ctrr.pt, oll (r of County of RENFREW. WCcivaU, Ej r , of Cafllcftmple in Scotland County of ross. ^Right Hon. James Stewart Mackenzie^/ Rofehaugh, Ffq : Ld. Ke.f, oj the Friiy Seat if Scot l . oviybro.to tie £.f Bute 4 fortro/e, Inver nefs , Nairn, and Forrefs. "tlcoZ ZJ EJn 3 L CUt - C0J ‘ fa ‘ he A ->* ^ Dingwall, Taint, Domock , Wick, and Kirkwall. Hon. Alexander Mackay, of Sfrathtorg.-e, truth*., n^oGdUuvr, street her § Chauncy Townfend, Elqj Merchant in London • " : * ' ’ ’ ' ' r. • 4 » f 53 3 Alpbaheti cit L 1 S T of the Counties/ Cities, 2 nd Bd- Highs, with th* P agti where their Representatives arc to c found* Bingdon 21 I^Agmonde/h.za borough York .29 eburgh lover •leby ndel* burton efbury bury 1 Staple 1 ford -county ford -town iv:n, Great r alfton c Shire vick : rly dly op’s-caftle hingly nyn >ughbridge inney on kley nber pert znorth 4* 4° 44 4 \ 26 22 3* *7 3 y 21 21 46 2 2 1 V 29 45 3$ 4a 24 -9 *5 34 36 43 7 3* 39 39 22 22 cl ringham co rinrham- to. StEdmunds 42 e 4 ; neton 2 < bridge -coun. 22 bridge-umv. 22 bridge-town 2 - rifoid 24 erbury 33 Carlisle 26 Caftle-Rifing 3 6 Chefnire 2 : CheSler 23 Chichefter 44 Chippenham 4~ Chip. Wicomb 22 Chrift-church 4 C Cirencefter 3 1 Clitheroe 3 Cockermouth 2 t Colchefter 1 ° Corff-caSUe 2 $ Cornwall-county 23 Coventry 44 Crick lade 45 Cumberland-co* 25 Dartmouth 26 Derbyshire 26 Derby 26 Devizes 45 Devonshire 26 DorfetShire 2 $ Dorchclrer 2 > Dover 4? Down^on 46 Droytwich 45 Dunwich 4 Durham-county 29 Durham-city 29 EaSi-Looe 24 EaSi Grinfted 43 EfTex-county 30 EveSham 44 Exeter -city 27 Tye 4* Fowey 2 : .Gatton 42 GlouccSierShire 3 1 GJoucefter-city 3 1 Grampound *A Grantham 34 Grimiby Guldeford Hampshire Harwich Haflemere Haftings Hedon HeiteSbury HeJfton Hereford/hire Hereford -city Hertfordshire Hertford-towo Higham Ferrers 36 Hindon 45 Honiton 27 Horfham 43 Huntingdonshire 31 Huntingdon town}* Hythe 47 Ivelchefter 39 ipfWich 4 1 field 4c 34 »Ripon 39'RocheAer 39: Romney, New 25 Rutlandshire 3 Rye 3 : Salop- county 3*7 Saitpfh Sandwich Sarum, New Sarum, Old Scarborough Sea ford Shaftsbury Shore ham Shrew/bury Somerfet/hire ^ Southampton -co 39 Southampton-to. 4 j S outh war ke Staff rd/h in- Stafford Stamford Steyning Stockbridge St. Albans St. Germans St. Ives St. Mawes Sudbmy Suffolk Surry SufTex Tamworth TaviAock Taunton Tewkfbury 1 hetford Thirfk Tiverton Totnefs T regony Truro Wallingford Warwick At ire Warwick Ware ham Wells- city Wendover Wenlock Weobley Weftbury vV eft- Lone Yeftmin iter W e ftm«rland Weymouth Whitchurch Wigan Wiiton WjJtAiire Winthelfea Wind for Winchefter Woodftock Wotton-BaAet WorceAerAme WorceAer Yarmouth, Great Yarmouth, Bor. , Yorkfhire York C ty WALES ; SCO I LAND < LIST A N PH ABETICAL OF THE ftouie of Commons, & c . printed in Italic Characters were' new Members at General Election in 176S. fen fince the G:n . Election. J Voted in upon Petition. Woere ice Place of Rejider.ee is left b/ant, they a*-; cb:ejif f Tu*von j but a ny Gentleman fending an Account 0/ :h- Rtfi - f or Removal of any Member , it jhall be injerttd *u> tb'fhanks , Names. Iff here cbofs. Tw.- Rt fiience. v Sir.Ant.Tho fCnarefb rou^Ji S iv.lle Row O.i tLt.G.Wm r-Tetfb iry, \V;ltS Park- lj {fie t Robert K-rjro 'spO ^C ns, George L tchfield s, Wiliivn Nippon, Yorkfti. Grofv nor-fquare r > Ci'a^Us Rppir. Hill frgrt V fcounr Ey°, SiffilJt Edward-ft.Cav. fq« Bent imm RndTeho rnhim, Wil iarn Hiftingi >c >tlan1-yard , Sir f'hn ',al«.‘p Ovnty Brurnpt on 9 Sir E. heard Norfolk Gco.-jhcet , TVrf m. y, 7' bn ■ Vailing ford JaV.-fir.B -z-Al-Jf, re, G j or^e St imtord Mincing -’ane ^ Edward N .rw.ch Bru oo-ftrec: , Aitho y. Aylfcfbu r y Thr^gnorton- ftr. , S r Wi Run S ’ afford fn rz Bruton-'^reet , iff’ (U an Flymp f O'i % Dev. Tdnfi lJ Co Temple yi, Charles 1 r ; t op Coilnty Grofvreno'-fqu its fyldeSri^cli.War Devnifhire -hariei-Or.SrJam. , M.iei Oumvich B *rkl- y- 'quire , ifa.ic vV y co Tib Ma .ch^fter Bu’lds igfop. V.fco int P.vmouth, Dev. C.avcni»ih-lh:i NDwtov/n. Han:^ Featherftuuc Build. w ClurJrs Giojceft r '♦tr^od in, Vifroant Leom after F Great Brook- ‘1 rest s 5 Jin alphabetical Lift of the Houfe ^/Commons AZ/IM-rr ff/; f ^ ^ « Names t Brylev, Nathaniel Bayntun, Sir Eovvard Beauchamp. Vile. BeancJerk, Aubrey Beck lord, V/ ilium Bickford, Peter § Beiaiyfe, Lord ^ Benner, R. H. A. Bentinck,Lord Ed.Cha Bertie, Ld Brownjow Bertie, Lord Robert Bertie, Peregrine Bethel , Blackett, Sir Walter Blackett , «S7r Edward Blake , Patrick Bond, John Boon, Charles Bootle. Rich. Wilbr. Bofcawen,L.Gen.Gco. Bofcawcn, Ed. Hugh Bojcawcr . , George, jun. Boulton, Henry Crab/ Bouverie, Edward Brad flew, Thomas Brand, Thom.’s Brett, Sir Piercy Brett , Charles Brickdale , Matthew Bridgeman, Sir Henry Bridges, Sir Brook Brudehell, Hon. James Brudenell,Geo. Brid. Bui), Richard Buller, John, fen, Butler , Jobn y jun 9 Bullock, John Bunbury, Sir Chares Burgher/h, Lord J Burgoyne, John Burke, Edmtnd Burke William Burn, Where choje . At Jngdon Chippenham Orford A Id boro ugh London Morpeth Peterbeough Newport, Comw. Carlifle Lincoi /hire Boflon, LincoJn/h. Weft bury B e% erley NewcaftieuponTy, Northumberland Sudbury Corff Cattle Afhburton Chetter City Truro, Cornwall Ditto Ma William Cottcn^Sir/n.Hynde Celt on. Sir Lynch Sal Coventry, Thomas C°*e, tlilp jley Richard Craven, Hon. Thomas Craufut d y John CreiwelJ, T • Eftcourt Crtfwell, F.ajl court Crew.’, John Crofts, Richard Crosby > Brafs § Crowlr, Curz.n, A/heton Curwm, Henry Cu( l } Ptrtgrisie Cu P> % tr hi rcrxinloz ve Darner , Damer, Hf-n. John Darner, H'.n. George Darling, Sir Robert Dave, j , Sir ( harks C Dawkins, Henry h Dempfter, Gtorge Dering, Sic Edward De G»ey, Wm. De Grey, Thomas DeiavaJ, George ^Javal, Sir J. Huffey Dicktr.Jen, William 5 Dicjkfon James v Cillon, Dorid, John Dciben, Sir William Senegal, E :rl D,ugi ai> miham V°-gt*hJobnSt.L'gc r Vooglas, Archibald p,,wdcjwellR t .H Wm £°*' ne - ^rd Vif ount i Df “ k e, Sir fr. Henry j Cfjofe. Shircham G> ar? pound Eye Cambridgeshire Drnb gh/hire fir dport Sotf'.crfttjhire Bnk/bite Old < arum Woo r ton Bdflct Cirencejtcr Dhdhire Doivnton Ho mien Richmond Cliihcroe Cumberland Shon ham IvtUbcfer Gatton Dorch*. fler Crickiade Wer.dover Weymouth, See. Chippenham Dundee, Per h, See. New Romney Newport Norfolk, Countv Northumberland Berwick on Tvveec, Marlom Peebles County We/lbury Reading North amp tonfliire Maimsbury Kirkcudbright , See. Hi n don Dumfries/hire Worcefterihire Malton Beeralfiou, Dev. f Ton n- Ref de reel Pj i Jia meot - hr J Golden- feu are I Dt rly Co. Jti n. fr, I V-gj Lane J Duke- Ax . Wtflm. I Serjean f $-inn | Ufper Brook ft reet I Dp, G»ofv. ft reel J «SV. James's Place Ch^liea |Z)i7f0 I Grufvenor-fquare I Jcrnynfrett \Suriy Street David- ftreet hack vi.Je-ftreet Cloak -lane Dole-} mg ft reet Tifncy.rvw Tilney-row Cl a. jlrect Berk . /y. Mile, end H ignore fir eet Dpper B ook-flreet Percy. ftreet ht. JamesVifheet Lincojns-inn- fields Spring- Gaj dens St. AJbans-flreet Mil bank Norfolk f reet Ciavcn-ilreet Curzon-ftr. May f. Budge- Hr. W e flm, St. James’s ffuarc. P alace-yard Mount -ft* ect Piccacil »y Dpp-r Bronk-hreet j Cha*hreet, Berk-fq # ]Juha-ibr # May -fair 7 alphabetical LiJI of the Hiufte of Commons. 59 Name*. Where ckoje. Town- Ref dene t. e, William, Sen. William, jun. imond, A dan. m ondi John ner, Thomas amb, Thomas as, Sir Lawrence as, Thomas as, Thomas Hi John J°h n John nt y George it, Thomas 1, Jeremiah s, John nftone. Arch, rdes, William 'n, Samuel on , William Edward , Sir Gilbert Welbore n, William n, William , William Henry iaby 4 Sir Charles rftonhaugh,S.M. vs y William ick y Thomas de, Paule Earl of r, Sir John 1 , Savile eibert, William raurice,Hon. Th >y, Hon. Col. )jr. Sir Rob* tcher, Henry , Th«.mas, fen. , c ihomas, jun. Edward Agmondciham Ditto St. Ives Thetford Yarmouth,!. Wight Down ton Edinburgh Orkney, Stirlingfh re Tiverton Caine Aylesbury EveJhjm St 9 Ives Weymouth . fi-fr. Newport, Hants Dumbarton/hire Haverford-w'eil Chefhire Brackley Li/keard Roxburghshire Petersfield Flelfton, Cornwall Hytbe Dorchefter Lime Regis Kent Portfmouth Ludlow W iftmoreland Hertford Bamfffh re Sceyning Malton Derby Caine Edmond (bury Cricklade Cumberland H ere fa* d rh &Droi t . Iierefordjhire Droitwich Grofvenor-fquare Ditto Golden-fqua-e Cbaring-crofs Mortimer- ftreet Grofvenor-fquare Arlington-ftreet Savile-row Sackville-ifreet Norfolk -fir eet EJJex - court , T tmple Lime-ftreet Portman-fyuare G lanville-ftr . Soho CJiffbrd-flreet Bedford -row Argyle-ftieet D >ver-ftreet Charing-crofs South A ur-place St. Martin’s lane Temple Craven-Greet South. b.Cfianc.la, 6 2 An alphabetical Lift of the Houfe of Commons. Names. Jenkinfon, Charles Jenkinfon, John Jennings, Philip § Jennings, George Jcnyns, Soame Johnftone, Gro. Jollyffe, William Jones, Robert Irnham, Lord Irwin, John Iftiam, Sir Edmund Keck, Antb. James §Keene, Whitihed Kennedy, David KepptJ, HinAuguftu Keppel Hon. Win Kynafton, Edvvard Ladbroke,$ r Robert Lamb, Sir Penifion Lambton, JVlaj. Gen. § Langlois, Benjamin Laroche , James Lalcelles, Edwin LafceJIes, Daniel Lafcelles, Edvvard Legh, Peter Legh, Peter Lencx, Lord George Letbieulier , Benjamin Lewis, Edw. Linwood, Nicholas Liiburne, Lord Vile. Lifter, Nathaniel Long, Sir James Lowndes, Kichard § Lowther, Sir James Ludlow, Earl Luther, John ^ Luttreli, H . Lawes Luttrell, H. Fcivne: Lynch, William Lyon y Hon . 7 Lomas Mackay, CoLAlcxr. Where cbofe, Appleby Corf Cafile Tctnefs St. Germans Cambridge Town Cockermouth Petenfield Huntingdon Weobley Eaft Grinftead Northampton/hire Newton, Lanca/h. Wareham Airjhire s Windfor Chichefter Montgomerylhire London Luggerjhall Durham St. Germans Bodmin York /hi re Northallerton Northallerton Newton , Lancalhin Ivelchefter Suftex Andover Radnor Alborough Cardiganfhire Clitheroe Marlborough Bucks Cockermouth Huntingdon [hi re EfTex Middlefix Minehead Canterbury Montroje , Aher . See. Dingwall, &c. Town Residence. Parliament* ftreet P a riia merit ji / eet ‘t'vendijk-jtyuare Tylney Row Old BurJing'on-ft. George. fir. TPefim. Clem.IaneLom.ftr, South-AudJey ftr. Cha.ftr.St. James’s Spring-garden St. A ban’s-ftreet Br uton-ftreet Jermyn-fireet Audley-fquare Berner’s-itreet Pall-mall St. P eter’s-hill S ackvi lie -fire et New Bond- ftr ect (at N ^eyina ) ijermyn-firtet (Old Bond-ftreet Cockfpur-ftreet M M Cha. ft Berkeley- fq St. Alban's-ftreet Wigmore-row Privy- garden M.fair Srrutton-/)reet Spring-gardens Admiralty Half-moon-flr. Bo-.d ftreet Palf. mall Charles-ft.Berk.fq. Grofvenor-fircet Harley-ftreet Pond fir ect. Pall Mall M J M I (at Turin)Curz. ft. G r ojvenor-j qu are (in America) CWUKUB, * *&*<, '* -'& r - T?Ct y*xj Row , - : iadmilr, : ''-Aallgflr. T * ■ A 1 **-> r«t • •- :^re V »-ar«t ^-aii Feicr’i-LH i * - i / 1 s Fjm§) .. LU'iintt ct :rr-&ftt .is." Ecf*r!fT.^ . A.UflVfircct 1 -Z'XZ r.w ~*n UTX3 * 3 i fr, H jus JSt or^'p:«as u rix« £r. . ; nsr *C«i3 Im/ a-f.2ck.fy nj.fast f * : ] fi» f i -*«*. nft An alphabetical harms. Mackenzie Hj aS’uart M.ickljn 9 Laucblin Vlackworih, Hrrbe't *['b Dm vu j y l ilb jim Manner*, Lord Rooerc Vlanners, J hn Mime s } Grange Vlirtn, Samuel Mir tin, Jofipb If itjb.im, lion. Charles 1 ljflerton x Jim s ) Mangey jofhua Jawbey, :> r jofeph »fay jird, Sir V V ; 1 1 : a m If/iilry, George led yc m, T. Hu f ch. ldL/h, Jofeph 'le. edi'h, SirYViLiaiP 4 ;tkuen y P:i :i eyne!!, H-jgo tf-yrick, Owea 'lilies , Richard ikch'll. Sir Andrew lolefw >rtb, SlrJ hn i iyneux,Tho. More flontagu, Frederick ljntgomery , H. Ja. I ,rdaun% Sir Charles Iorgan, Thomas I.rgaa, Cnar.es forgao, Join lorrice, Humphry lo.ton, John lolly n. Sir Roger lount-Stum, Ld, Imroy factor f may, Ja nes tujgra'ue, G.orge yddieton, Richard ' jr a y George c/bict, Arnold -viile, Rich, Neville Arundel Cardiff R.nf r i nghern y &C. Plympton Pembroke Oxford UniqjerJity Ward' am LeiceRerfhire Southampton Forfar (hi re Devon /hire Yarmouth Shaftesbury Liverpool Winchefter WeRminRer Pembroke (hire Camelford Carmarthen Lincoln Bridgnorth Penryn Wallingford D >rfetfhire Oakhampton Hertfordshire Nottingham Wilts Taunton Bridgewater Town Refidertce . Spr ne* gardens New B md-Rreef Wcibeck-Rr Ca. fq. Downing flr-tt S > j t h - Aud:ey-Rr. Lincoln's-inn-fid. LincolnVinn-fields New Burling ton -R. Great George -f reet I Curzon-Rreet Welbeck-R. Cav.fq Thrift-Rr, Soho Charles-Rr. Ber fq. Wandfwortb Conduit-ftreet St. Jam*s' s-fir. Spr: ng. gardens Albemai le-Rreet Admiralty ChcRei fie d-Rrcet Sack ville-Rreet Savile Row ££geen Anne ft reet idanover fquaie Harley-ft- Cav.-fq, B-rkley-fquare James-Rr- WeRm, blow a rd- ft reet Pall Mall Harley - ftreet Scbo-fquarc Ditto Argyll ftreet HalLmoon Rreet Piccadilly \ Cavendifh fquare ] Jermyn-llreet Argyle-buildincs K' Bench Wa.Teniy 1 Albemarle-Rreet An alphabetical Lift ft the Houftecf Commons. 65 blades. Powell, Ha t court P wjjstv, George Pownall, Thomas I Prat , Robert I Price Chace | Pr nzle, J arms 1 Pfingje, John Pryfe, John Pugh Puitni\v rtf Menu, | arr.es Townfliend, Hrn.Tho Tow nfhend, Tho. jun- W here choje . Olcucefier H untirgdon Cattle Riling Cad ngton N waik War w.< k ttrre Newport y Hants Ja h G iouceftetfliire Oxfordshire ty Qodftock *Bletcfcingly Southampton Ipfwich Midhurft ■it. Michael Monmouth Sandwich Irvine y &c. Wight of Jhire Fontefraih Lancalh re Hair.pttiire Dnrfufhire A/hburton Haddir.gtQrJhire Gnmham Devizes St. Albans Hereford Br l luick Duiham City Winch. Jfea Hey don Bramb-r Weobfy Southwark Tarn worth Wijidfor Weft c \v Cambridge Univcr. W'hitchurci / L, here cboje. Yarmouth Wigtown Gloucefterfhire London Weymouth&M.R. Wells King’s Lynn York Somerfet/hire Durham Dunwicb Berks Reading Buckingham/hire Glamorganlhire Bedford Tam worth Surry Bedfordihire Chipping Wycomb Whitchurch, Hants King's Lynn Yarmouth , Nc r folk Wcrcerter Knare/borough Exeter Miiborn Port Weymouth, &c, Worcefterfliire Lancafter Dunbar, See, Taunton Kinefton uponHull Bi/hopV Cattle /Sutherlandfhire Oxfordjhire Burroughbridge Caftle Riling Lincolnftwe Bedford Bridgenorth O Town RefiJtiice + Auftin Friars Gr.Geo ft.Han.fq, Jobn - fh\ Gr. Ir.n GreatGrorge-ftreet Wimple-fitcet Cleveland-row G roftvenorftfect Hill -ftreet Scotlana-yard St . James' s ftreet Curzon-ftr.May-f, Curzom ftr.May-f. Park-place Ceorge-ft. Weflm. Cork-ftreet Dp. Grofvenor-ftr # Grofvenor-fquare Dover-ftreet Hill- ft, Berkeley New Broad -ftreet New Broad ftreet C heft er field -ftreet Portugal-ftreet Pall-mall Grofvenor-fquare Harley -ftreet New Palace yard Albemarle- ftreet King-fr.Sr.James’s Sackville-row Pall-mall Cha.ft, St.Jam.fq. Golden-fquare King-ft, Cov. gard. Suftolk- ftreet PaU mall ChifuelLftreet North umber Wfei t— Names* Whit/hed, James Whitworth, Sir Char Whitworth, Richard Wilkinfon, Andrew Wj Miami, Sir Hugh WijJoughby, Hon.Th WiJfon, William fWinnington, Sir Ed. Wood, Robert Wollajicn , William Worge, Richard Worfley, Thomas Wray, Sir Cecil JVrotteJley , Sir John Wyldbore y Matthew Wynne, Thomas Wynn, Glyn Yonge, Sir George Yorke, Sir Jofeph Yorke, Hon. John . Where cbofe . Cirencefier Minehead Stafford A id borough, York Beaumaris Nottingham/hire CameJford I Bcwdley [ BrackJey Ipfivich Stockbridge CalJington Retford Stafford/hire P eterbcrougb Carnarvonfhirc Carnarvon Honiton Dover Ryegate Rrf deuce, N T ewRn r Ji ngton a Cork-l?r. BurJ.gail Cleveland- court Line. Inn-fields Cockffftr -f reef Groivenor-ftreet Charl-s-fl-.Berk.fq Brook- fireet Stanhope ft.MayfV Wimple-flreet Bedford -row Scotland-y 2 rd Greek freet , Soho Bolt on- ro7v 9 Berkfq Parliament -frect Grofvenor-fquare Dean-flreet Admiralty At the Hague) Berkeley- fquare Officers of the Houji ./Common,. John Hatfell , Efq; Clerk of the Houfe of Common,. John Ley, Efq; Clerk Affiant. J HardingeStracy, Efq; Clerk of Committee of Privilege, andPbn' Newdigate Poyntz, Efqj J ^ dEleShons « Olkorn Harwell, E % 7 «rt, D I \scmmitti>p*. & Kardinge Stracy, Efq$ George White* Efq; Mr. Edward BarwelJ, Mr. Robert Gunnell, | Clerk, of tie Ingrofmentu John Roller, Efq; Clerk of the Journal, and Pater, Nicholas Bonfoy, Efq; Serjeant at Arms. ^ Henry Hill Efq; Deputy Serjeant at Arm,. Rev. Mr. King, Chaplain. John Knowles, Efq; Secretary, f Mr. Dunn, Trainbearer , | the Speaker . John Whifton, Benjamin White, Charles Rathurfl- T m, D ™*’ and ' Vlll,am Bowyer, Printers of the Votes ’ ’ Mr. William Eardley deliver, out the Votes to Members, Mr. [ 6 9 ] >feph Pearfon, 7 adfrey Barwell, \ Door-keeper s* /hlia Stevens* lieu J: -keeper. fhua St evens, _ J)n KJirby, ( Mtjjergen. r itlvam WhfAam, f tacks iVYilh ani 5, ^ njamin Rolph, Loiver Door-keeper » lajefty’s Moft Honourable Pri vy-Councii. c Ib-j : ; rr.jz 'l . J thus *'• are Rl-nbe^s oj' Patlia>-.:r.t% J Ik E or Gloucefler Duke of Cumberland /nop of Canterbury Camden iho p of York ower Wfbl f Grafton Portland NewrafUs Bedford Marlborough Leeds Pvutland Quee^./bury Argyll A nearer Richmond Northumberland Bolton Somerfet s of Rockingham albot Huntingdon Denbigh Chefterfield Sandwich Shaftefbury -itchheld ■Jolderneffe Earl of R'och’foM Albemarle Jsrfey Cholmondeley Kinnoul Marclinfont Bute Halifax Buck nghamft’re Ear! Powis Earl of Dartmouth Scarborough A ft burn bam Earl Temple Harcourt, Earl of Hertford Harawicke Ilchefter Northington Chatham Earl Ligonier Earl of Breadaibane Egmont Hillftorrugh Beiborough Shelburne '** Earl Verney *• Earl of Thomond Marquis of Granby C z Vifcou Vifco'Jfl? Tcwnfltend Stormont Falmouth Barrington Weymouth Howe Bateman Clare Bi/hop of London Lord Le Defpenccr Berkeley of Stratton Bathurfi: Sandy s Hyde Mansfield Lyttelton Grantham Holland Tyrawlcy Edgcumbe George Sackvllle % George Cavendilh Charles Spencer x Frederick Campbell '** Strange North Cathcart Pelham x JamesStuartMacken7ie,Efq; K George Grenville, Efq; x James Grenville, Efq • ; * : Hen. Seymour Conway, Efq; Sir Edward Hawke William Dowdefwdl, Efqj Sir John Rulhout, Bart. [70.3 *'* .Wellbore Ell's, Efq; '** S:r Gil beit Eli of, Bart. ' ' Hans Stanley, Efq; Humphry Morice, £ fq ; A x Richard Rigby, Efq; S ; r Thomas Sew v 11 , Sir John Eardley Wilmot * v ‘Sir Charles Saunders [f.iac Bane, E f qy- *'* John Shelley, Efq; '*• Thomas Tcwnfiiehd, Jun ’*• George Onflow, Efq* : - Sir Jof-ph Yorke, K. B. x f homas HarlrV, Efqj Sir Fletcher N< rton, Knt Sir J*mes Gray, K. B. Thomas Rob infen, Efq. C'er hi of t btCourci tin Qrdinar^ William Blair Philip Sharpe Hon. Robert Wajpole • ; Stephen Cotrerel, £fqrs. Clerks Extraordinary , George Cnctwynd William Faalkener Richard Orlebar Robert Tarrant, E qrs. Keeper of the Council Records Ph.lip Shai pe, Efq; Keeper: of t be Council Chambe. T.D.ing, JohnPickel, Gen r Gffice Keeper r Ch. DiclcinfoJ Neccfj'a 1 y Wutna n y £ r . Hatcl Lord Chamberlain of the King's Hovjhold , and the OJficd and Servants under bis Dire Eli on, ( Stable-Yard , Ja??Les'$ t Lord Cbambzrla\n y E A R L of Hertford, , Wages I col. a year Board Wages iiool, a Year. Vice Chamberlain , Bon. Thomas Robinfon Wages 6ocl. a Year Board Wag-s 559L 8s. 4d.V Sec ret a. [ 71 ] 5 tary to Ld Chamberlain , Lobert WilmoC a iarcf Trevor, Efq; Deputy tarn Ely, Fuji Clerk :rt Wilmot, Second Clerk Burgefs, Chamber •keeper* s of theKing s Bedchamber , of Briftol, Groom of the ;>le, aoool. d Robert Bertie of Or ford March Oxford Brace of Pomfret Maiham W illoughby ce Broke of Denbigh Botetourt e of Roxburgh Vifcount B jiinbroke of Jerfey of Pembroke !ar\ loool. a Year each. ooms cf the Bedchamber , ames Peachy, Bart, c. Col. Edmund Nugent Yilliam Breton, Knt. . Lt. Gen. Cornwallis t. Gen. Moftyn srge Pitt, Elqj lliam Northey, Efq; ames Wright, Knt, \ Mordaunt, Efq; nry Seymour, Efq; dcs Both am, Elq; ,Hon. Aug. John Hervey n. Hen. Wallop n. Col. William Harcourt liar* 50c!. a Tear, Gentlemen of the Pnzy Cbhmb, Richard Dalton, Elq; Sir Charles Sheffield, Bart. Solomon Day rolle, F. R.S. J. Burnaby, Sir H. Gough, Bt. Timothy Earle, Efq; Sir’Williarri Wolleley, Bart. Chrift. Roberts, John Short, Chrift. Towers, John Leman, C.Joye, W. D. Grimes, El'qrs. Sir Francis Charleton, Bart. Hen. Neale, Selwood Hewett, W. Baynes, C. Stuart, Wm Ballard, Tho. Barker, Ch, Churchill, Ja. Theobalds, James Brydges, Efqrs. Sir John Stanley, Bart. Ralph Congreve Thomas Noel ;< Tho.Ed wardsFreeman, Efqrs Sir William Breton, Knt. Sir Thomas Robinfon, Bart. John Willis, Efq; Sir James Caldwell, Bart. Nigel Kingfcote Hen. Sherbrcok Hugh Powell, James Beale, Tho. Lowfidd, Th. Loekycr, Cha. Gafcoigne x John Drummond John Thoxnlinfon Charles Anderson Jervoife Clarke Donatius Obrien, Efqrs. Sir Peter Soame, Bart, Charles Gibbons Richard Croft Thomas Hotchkiru Peregrine Bertie, jun. Lee Steae, Rob. Bird, Efqr*. ' M'l ■“ °J the Ceremonies, oir Charles Cotterel Dormer, Knt. Salary 3-0I. a Year. ■djjijiant, Stephen Cotterel, 6s. 8d. a Day. Marjhal, Stephen Cotterel, Elq; 1 col. a Year. Cup.bav onarius, William Ramus, Geo. Erneft Brine. Bar her, T, Vincent, r 7 ol ' llair'arejfer, William Patch Pages of the Bed- chamber, * Mcll. J. Little, WmR og Bnetzcke, R. Evans, Bryant, Efqrs. ico/. each . 3 thy King, AjRfiant. h Ely, ? , ienNoft, S S(rvants ' iding Wardrobe Keefers, At. St. James’s, nas Williams, Efqjuol. W indsor-Castls, h Hewitt, Efq; 160I. Iamp ton-Cour t, and ber of the private Lodge , Mrs Eiiz. Mortyn,2col, At Kensington, Mary Churchill, iool. r robe Keeper , and Keeper the Royal Apartments at merfet Houle, Brietzcke, iool. *ster of the Robes, f J. Brudenell, cool. w y James Madan, Efqj Tibby Major :s y Alexander Charles, Malliet, Ed. Baglm, er f John Yvounet to the Robes, JohnBiihop 1 vrrier of toe Robes, s Kie.nert, acL rs, John Teede i as Tajlor. John Malliet. •, Mark Gueneau. nger, John Bifhop, drefs of the Eody Linen, Mary Smith. pfirefs and Starcber , ^dil. Goodricke, 400I. NeceJ/'ary Woman, .Brandenburg, 21I. 5s. iry Woman at Ken- iTOjv, Sarah Dimfdall. J F. V/ E I. - 0 F F T C T, 1597, MaJ 1 er } Earl of Darlington, Patent Fees 450I. a Year. feo. T.Dinely,Efqj 106I. 15s. •''William Egercon, Efqj 50I. Groom , Ed.Yardley, Efq: iocl. 8s. jd* ^W.Egerton,E%i 3 I6s8ii Goldjmith, T. Hem in g, Efqj Serjeants at Arms , 8. iool. ' Henry Adams, Jofeph Smithy J. A. Stain/by, N. Kenderley, Alex. B rker, G. B. Kennet, C.Simpfon, vV.BibbinSjEfqrs, Serjeant at Arms attending the Loi‘d Treajurer , Henry Brougham, jun. Efq* 5 s * 6d. a Day. Serjeant at Anns attending the Lord Chancellory Rich. Jephfon, Efqj 3s. a day* Serjeant at Anns attending the Houfe of Commonly Nicholas Bonfoy, Efq, Salary iool. a Year. Serjeant at Amis attending the City of London, R.Berisford,£fqj 6s 8d a day. Groom Porter, 550I. a Year, George Powlett, Efqj Majlcr of the Revels, Solomon Dayrolle, Efqj icolj His Yeoman, 46I. us. 8d. Thomas Underwood, Efqj Hiftoriographer , Richard Stonhewer,Efqj 200I Knight Harbinger, Richard Stonhewer, Efqj Mafer of Mechanicks, Anth. Shepperd,D.D.F.R.S 2cc/. In jp eft or of the Plays, William Chetwynd, Efq^col Deputy , Ed, Capdl, Efqj 2col Post f 74] Poet Laureflt, Wm, Whitehead, Efcj; iool. Receiver of the Civil Lift De- ductions from all Salaries ex - cecding 50I Th. Able, Elq \ Deputy , J. Holland, 60I. Embellijher of Letters 1 9 the EafernPrinces, J. Holland, 60I Forty MeJJengers in Ordinary , at 45 1 a Tear , and daily Pay when employed , viz. Jofeph Sharp, N. Carrington, John Driver, William Dick, George Collins, James Wat- fon, Henry Lamb, Robert Jackfon, William Poll6ck, K. Blackmore, M. Roworth, W. Goodall, James Bullock, JohnGarftin, Jam. Cleverley, Henry Major, T ho. A rd roan, Wm Pearfon, John Dariow, John Walker, Edward Mann, Wm. King, Dan. Ardouin, And. Staley, Ric. Slaughter, Tho. Sanfom, George Long, Wm. Cock, Richard Evans, Jofeph Hind, Tho. Ruflel, T. Dav. Lauzun, C, Coates, Ch. Mattocks, Jn. Hewett, Wm. Needham, Rt. Glynne, Step. Monnot, Wm, Pearfon, Roderick Ogg. Exti'aor dinary Meffengen y Jn. Padmore, Wm. Potter, William North, J. Edwards. Clerks of the Cheque, 99I. 15s. Philip Sharpe Thomas Chetham, Efqrs, Mtjfengers to the Chancellor oj the Exchequer , MeJJ'rs, Edward Harland Samuel Bowerman. Mef'cnger of the G . Wardrobe , Mr. Richard Port. McJJenger to Lord Chancellory Mr. Harry Harmood. MeJ]\ to the Printing-P refs, Edward Bibbins, jun. — . Band of Mufick y 24. 40I. Mafier , Dr. Win Boyce, 200I. Conductor, C. Weideman, iool* Ja. Nicholfon, John Barnard, 1 Ferd. Norton, Tho. Jackfon, 1 Tho. Vincent, Ja. Williams, George Peat, J. Abington, Geo. Morgan, Edw. Gibbs, John Jones, Thomas Jones, Ab. Browne, Wm Howard, John Perkins, John Gordon, Stephen Philpot, James Dell, Peter Bencll, Rd. Adams, RoufeCompton, Char. Scola, Stephen Jones, Fred. Nulfen, Philip Hayes. Serj. Trump.Vz\. Snow, icol. Extra Mufcian, C. Burney, Vocal Performer in Ordinary , John Beard Efq; iool, Injlrument-kcepery Henry Ann Mcuchett, 40I.. Inf rumen comaker, Tho. Smith Organ-Builder , John Byfie]d. Phyficians in Ordinary, 300I. Sir Edw.Wilmot, Bart. FRS. Sir William Duncan, Bart. Sir Cl. Wintringham, Kt FR S Dr. Richard Warren, FRS. •V* :: 'k Ccinuib: ixc^tr, "i HaUd :t J* EJlicotr, 150/ Surveyor of the Pi fare,, Ceorge Knapton, Efq; 200/ J r ’ nc ',pal Portrait Fainter, A. Ramfay, Efq; 2 ool Fainter in Enam. and Miniat. Jeremiah Meyer, Efqj Librarian, Rich. Dalton, Efq; Deputy Librarian, MrValot.on ■tSooLJetler and Stationer by Pa- tent, William Caftle n at j "„° rd - MrsS: ' rah MrfW Beokjeller, John Nourfe Bookbinder, W. Shropshire Seal Engraver, l nonaas Major Rat-killer^ John Gower all v ^ a year Herb -fl t eiver, Honor Batt.fcombe, 24/ Mafttr 0 f , hi H 48 . With Badges Coats, Shirts, Stockings, ?, 1 ^" d 12 penfionary, v 3 ~ s ^ a year each Mrf'rcftheMerbanich, A p h ® n y Shepherd, D. D. r.K.S. 200/ DiJ. tiler, Charles Bedell DiJlilUr of Milk- mater, Pin-maker, Comb maker, Spatterdafj-niakcrt , Efron Eaton, f cn . and jnn. Ltjbbook- maker, Mrs S.Ford 76 J Rangers, Keepers, &c. Hirdfor For if add G r eat Pa r. k] Duke of t umberland Oit/fa^ez-j'^Geo. Onflow, Efq; ffandfr Little Park, Earl of Pemfret Cranbourn-Chace & Hampton. Court-Pa, k, D. of Glccefler Oep. of Hampton-Court-Park, , Ear] of Litchfield Richmond, Earl of Bute Df- Ranger, Sid.Medows,Efq; °f Trent, Duke of Leeds of Trent, >- Right Hon. Sir Hetcher Norton, Knt. St James's Park. E. of Grford Dep. Hon. Capt.Th'o. Shirley A 'ew Foref, «Sir Harry Bui- rard, Bart. Sherwood FcreJJ, D. Newcafile Greenwich Park, Lady Cath. Pelham, and penfion ipool, per annum Epping Forejl, Earl Tylney Bajhy Park and Salccy Fond, Earl of Halifax °f Game, D. of Grafton rrichwood For eft, Oxfordfiirc, Dart more Foref, Devon, "Sid Francis Henry Drake, Bar*. St briavel's C a f!e in tleFdref ,,ff Ceane, Earl of Berkeley . mtttlebury Foref, Nordampt. Duke of Grarton Waltham Foref, Lincoln fi, e, Duke of Ancafter Richmond Foref, Torkjbire, Earl of HuJder neile Surveyor Genera! of his Ma- jefy's 14 'cods andVarks,- John Pitt, Efq; Survey dr )r Gen, of the Crown ,&c\ **• Pee. Burrell, Efqj > Z-ach. Chambers, Efq; John Wood. of t be Ila / riers , Ear! of ugh, 2oco / * a Year, *f the Buck-Hounds, c * Bateman, 2341 /. * of the Stag- Hounds, fejmeJI, Efq; 800I [men at 60/, each, Ssf 6 v Mafer of the Buck- 4 s iuntfman and bisHorJes, Ives, 100/ 4 ajlcr -Falconer, St. Albans. 210/ ullljf's cj~ the Thatr.es Staines, John Scott, r. Brumell, Efq; L 77 J Wardrobe. 1485. utb Scotland Yard. File Earl of Alhburn- 2000/ Alhburnham,Ef. 150/ David Lloyd, 50/ ji. Gilbert, Efq; 300/. erk, Sir Geo. Mont, ni, 300/ rls, William Cham- ie, D. Lloyd Robes and Wardrobes 'll R-ider, Efq j jq6 I 'jeant Skinner, )>d, Efq; i 3 J 6s Sd ‘Irras Worker , and i>Lr, Paul Saunders, ix day Edw. Henney, 20I 'or ter. Ditto, 3d CJaudc Shivers, 2d Houfe-maid, MrsStevenfon.iol 17^1^ R * B ^oot, and N. Pearfe Mercer: , Robert Carr, Efa- and IF. Hinchliff * ^ ^ lum TOer, and Percnal Bentley ”{yt, rerS ’ Rd - Harrifon, rr , t M ar y ingall * Lpbolflerer, William France fUftcetnan, Edward Parker jJ c,s >J ane Humfrays.The Hole, and John White J °ulifo d Cbalrmaker > Cath ' c £f7 k 7 Edward Smith Bookseller, Samuel Baker “"^7^ J oh " Harrifon, and Thomas Cundall Sempftrefs, Marta Lloyd 7/ W /S’„ Henry i afi >ay Herald Painter y Robert Morris Sword Cutler, John Bland be. t -maker, Ann Becket Feather- drejjer, W. Gwilli m Hatter and H after, Rd. Tayler IIea " or P “per- banging-makers, Meffrs. s, r xr h - Sta tioner, Henry Foudrinw Royal Chapels, ftf<- " Lord High Almoner, the Archbifhop of York. Sub -Almoner, Rev. Richard Kaye. LL. D 97I us 8d Dean of the Chapel, Bilhop of London, 200/. [ 78 1 Sub-Dean, Anfclm Ba.yly, LL.D. 91/. 53- Confcjjor of -the licufhold. Dr. Daw W. Morgan, 361 10s Clerk of the King s Clofet, Bp. of Winchefter, 61 . 18 s. Deputy Clerks , iv^-NevvtonOgle,D.D. Dean cf Winchefter, Re* z/.Cha. Poyntz, M. A. Re'v. Wm. Buller, M. A. Canon Reji- dentiary of Winchefter, Gkfct-Keep. J n . H art} Gent. 41 /. £0 ditto for w ajking the Chap- lains Surplices , and other Nc-. cejj arics for the Clofet , 50/. Chaplains in Oa dikary. ■ i. January , D;\ Wm Parker, Re & or of St. James's, Wcftminfter, and, a Preb . of St . Paul's Ca- thedral, Rich. Kay e,LL.D. F . 7 ?. Sub- Almoner to his Majefty, a Preb . of York, RcEior of Kirkby in Nottinghamfh. Brother to Sir John Lyf- ter Kaye, Bart , Z)r. John Rofs, Preacher at the Rolls , Prebend, of Durham* il/r. Ant. Hamilton, Vicar of Fulham, iv^ 7 . of Orfet, Ef- fex, Preb . of St. Paul's, and Son- in-law to theEp. of Lond February, Dr.] n.Moqre, Preb, of Durham and Cancriof Chrift- Church. J)r K John Butler, Prebendary of Wincheiler. Dr. Beilby Porteous. Dr. Thomas. Daropier, Canon of Windier, ar.d Fellow of Eton College , March , Dr. Hen. Bactun, Warden 3 Merton College, Oxford. Dr. Chriftopher V^i\(oti,Carm Rcfidentiary of St. Paul’s* M/\Wm Mafon, Pr recent or & Rcfidentiary of York. Hon. and Reverend Brow blow North ,MA. Canon of Chrift Church, Oxford, fecond Sort to the Earl of Guildford. ' April , Dr. Edward Barnard, PrGvoft of Eton College and Canon of Windfor. Mr. Robert Carter, Reflor ef Broughton and Wadding- ham, Lincolnfhire. Dr. Spencer Madan, ReEiot of Weft Halton, and Vicar of Haxay, Lincolnfhire. , * Dr. Robert Fowler, Preb. of Weftminfter. May, Dr. Edm. Pyle, Archdeacon oj York .and Preb. of s Winton 4 Dr. Rich. Fawcett, Vicdr oj Newcaflle. Edw. Smallwell, B.D. Mr. John Longe, ReEIor oj Spixworth, Norfolk. June, Dr. Hen. Stebbing, PreacUi at Gray’s Inn. Mr. Edward Beadon, ReElcnoj North Stoneham, Hants. Dr. Gregory Sharp, Mafkr of the Temple, F.RS. Dr. C Hall, Dean of Booking, ar.d RcEior of Southchurcb. July, • - Mr. James W orfley. Vrtb, oj Y ork, and Rector of Stoni- grave; in that County [ 79 ] John Vivian. Jeorge Taylor, Rector of ton, Statiordihire j amc< Scott Augufty Alexander Jacob, LcRu- of St. Dunftan’s in the eft Andrew Wood, Minifer Darlington Cleaver Lewis Boifdaune, ReElor Eaftmeon, Hants, and i plain to Haflar Hofpital September, 3 . Matt. Schutz, Rc&or March Gibbons, Bucks fohn Hothan\, Vicar of rthall, and Archdeacon Middlefex fhomas Barnard, RcRor Newmarket and We- rsfield, Suffolk De Chair OSlober, fho. Wright, Re El or of kin, York/hire ames Smith, Momivg- 2chcr of St. Alary Je v ieoree Watts, ReRor cf :ford^ Wilts, hemas Percy November, oh it Douglas, Canon of ndfor, and RtRor of St, ftin, London bo.Marriot, RcRor of St. :hael Bafli/haw, London xid, Prebend of 'Brecon, Lecturer of\V eft-Ham, x illiamHolwtU, B.D, December , Dr. John Sumner, Caron Windfor, and Provoft if King's College, Cambridge Dr. Za. Brooke, Marg. Prof. of Divinity at Cambridge Thomas Francklin, M. A. Vicar of Ware, Hertford /hi re Hon, Dr. NicholabBokaw’en, Brother to Lord Falmouth, Dean of St.Burien, Cornwall Lcn Pricjls in Ordinary , Rev. Anlelm Baylv/LL. D. John Smithy B. D. William Pinkney, A. M. Henry Evans, A. M. Thomas Baker, A. M. WilliamFitzherbcrt, A.M, Moles Wight, A. M. Benjamin Pearce, A. M. Dr. Da. W.Morg an John Gibbons, a\ M. 73 1. Sixteen Gentlemen ef bis Ma- i'fty* Clape! Royal, 73/. Bernard Gates, two Places William Perry, Nich. Ladd, T. Vandcrnan, W m Savage, Rob. Denham, Tho. Barrow, Ralph Cooper, R. Hudfon, Samuel Mence, Jn. Reynolds, Edm. Ayrton, John Soaper, Wm Clarke, Ph. Hayes, B.M. Gentleman Extraordinary , George Medley, 41/. jox, Organifs and Combcfers, Dr. William Boyce, Dr. James Nares, 146/. each. Violift, Dr. Nares, 40/. N. B. Five Clergy r^cn and 8 Gentlemen wait every Month. Serjeant of the Vejiry, Wm Lovegrove, Elqy 73/. M Serjeant for ivajhing Surd H f licet, [ 8o ] flics s, Szfc . 60 A and at Whitehall, 49/. zs . Yeoman of. the Veflry, William Rowling, 54A 1 5* *. Groom of the Vefiry, — — Horn, 5 t/. 12 s. 6 d. Crgan- blower, JohnRay, 20 A Bell-ringer , Wm Seamer, 15/. Tuner of the Regalls , Mr. Barnard Gates, 56/. Dr. Nares, keeping and maintaining ten Children of the Chapel Royal, at 24A a Year each , 240 A teaching them, 80A Whitehall Chapel. Reading Chaplains, Rev. John Evans Rev. L. F. Cowley, Sol each. Clofet-kcep.T .Kichixtfcm, 50A Chapel- keeper, J. Martin, 50 A Somerset House. Chaplain , Dr. Lewis Brute. Hampton Court. Chap/ah, R eader,andP reader, D.r. Lillington Kensington. Houjhold Chaplain , Mr. Richard Dinfdale. German Chapel. P reader s } Rev. Fr. Mich. 2iegcj\hagea,. 2844 a Year . Rev. Mr. Hen. Al. Butjenter; 24 3/. * Reader, Rev.Mr. Albinos, 6^A c/ i Fra. Tutrc,>,M Cbrift Cb. Rich* Farmer, BD Em an .Col. z R. Kennicott, DD Exeter Edward Bctham, A M King's figures icjcie :ic Oxford Cbapla ins, Jbenv •which half of each 'cr.&tUyvJditj tcofe for Cambridge, Henry Bright, John Baffet, ^o/each Keep it of lee- 11 ,ujes , ,'harles Eldridgr, i.oo/. Almonry, A Woman, Rev.Th'o, Dyer, 50/. Groom, Robert Gib fun, 40/0 Serjeant P.orjer * tidward Thomas,. Efq> T20/. Yeomaji Poricrs, t cl. ♦V . G a r J ner, W m . Armi tage) vVm. Man by, Hugh Watts. Grooms, 5’c/^ ' ' rV Alexander Law, lfaac Ciarke, Evan Roller. Porters at S omerfet-boufe, . A William Stevenfon, .50/, ^ Bafil Ro^rs, Nath. Groves. . Porter at the Gate of the ^ Queen's Houle, , 4 Thomas Davenport. Ajfflant Porter , Sweeper of the Courts at ditto, Thomas Thompfoii. Wattbman at ditto, ' Humphry Wheelwright. Car-takers, Yeoman, 50/. •*’ , Benjamin Scephenibn.. Groom, 40/. Jofeph johnion. Marsjialsea. ydcj Itfarfijl, Sir Sid n ^ y Mead JC £i&h£ /I'f a if j at s Me(i T , -2 p/ . Peter Gwyn, Randal Carter, Rob. Lee, FJen. M.ickendcr, Herbert Homan, R^Franklity Coy oner of t be, Yer^e,, 30/. Henry Norton Willis, f Clerk of the K&ge, 30/4 Jegon Wellard. Debenture Op.e, . Fit/: Clerky Wili . Second I Clerk , John Thompfon, tel mar: at St* fames' s, les Parrott, 45/. js. 6 d. higer y Anne Higgs, 25/. f/r ater Engine-turner^ Fourfnantle, 25/. Gift ern- cleaner, rt Packer, 55/. 135. 6 d. >er of the Courts at St. 5 's } Mary Rickley. Wine Porters, h Hinton, John Earl. per of the Eire Buckets, s Eaton, 30/. r ofp arkgate, Kenjington, Elly, 27 U Decker to the Maids of r & Bcd-CbambcrkVcmen , min Paine, 50/. Decker to the Chaplains, aniel Groves, 50/. Kitchek, Clerk Comptroller, Seeker, Llq* 50c/. ^Ch .Ram us,Efq-$2 50/. , H. Norton Willis, 150/. Cierki, H. Wheelwright, 1 Jofeph Ramus, 5S/. Porters , 3 cl. Wall, John Love. Firjl M after Cook, 1 Philpct,Eiq; 2,37/. ioj. Second M after Cook, getmey er, Eiq$ 2 1 7/. 10 s f 'etman of t be Mouth, % Couture, 140/. coman of the Kitchen, Smith, 13 cl. Grooms , 1 op/. Dixfon, WmWeybrow. Children, 9 cl, each, 6 Mathews, Ge. Harris, rd Greye* Mafter Scnverers, Tho. Le\ws, John Hughes, So/ slffiftant S cower ers, 30 /. each, Samuel Maycock, Daniel Stratford, John Sawyer. 6 Turn-brccbes, 30/. 2 Door-keeper Sy 30/. 2 Soil-carriers, 30/. Purveyors, Of Bread, John t)^vis, Tho; Wheeler, Tho. Arigelie, 50/. Wine, John Carbonell, Edward Marjoribanks, Ludolph Schaart. Fifth, Tho. Fordham,Jof. Ar- nold, Eliz. Mafhfield. Poulterers , William Hutton, Walt. Williams, Tho. Horne. Liner.- Drapers, John Good- child, John Stewart. Grocers, David Palairct, Tho. Wells, William Pickering. Oilman, Edward Fancourt. Purveyor of Muftard and l r i - ricgar , Edwards Lyde. Butchers , Eliz. Knutton, Sa- rah Brotherton , Thomas Sears, William Marnham. Purveyor of Bacon, Butter , and Cbcefe. Louis Ramus. Braziers and Ironmongers , Chamberlain, Norris, & Hart. Pewterers,]. Durand, G. Bacon Tallow- char, dins, Handcock, Johnfon, and Netherfole. Wax-chandlers, Ifaac and* John Barrett. Oyftcrs , Elizabeth Cattle. Glaf&me#, Strang w ay sTaylcr, — May dwell, Rob. Cartony. China-man, Strangw. Taylcr, Turner, Jonathan Ordway, Brewers, Vf . Smith, T. Be Mley Tea-man, Roben Sanxay* H 3 1 84] IT he Office*: of Yeomen of ike Guard: to hi: Mkjefy, inf it u ted by Henry. VII, anno i486. — At firf there ivew only 50 Ye'ojnea x ■but afterward: 100 ; Of which 8 are called Ujhers, wbobavi each loLperann. more than the other Yeomen* H UGH Vifcount Falmouth, Captain , loooLa Year* Thomas Bifiiopp, Efqj Lieutenant , 500/# Enfign, 300/, Chcret Jones, Efq; Clerk of the Cheque , 1 50/, Savilc Cockayne Cull, £fq$ Exon:, 150/. William Trent, William Gafcoigne, Nath. Caufton, Samuel Warburton, Efqrsj Secretary , John Jeffreys, Efqj Eight Ujher:, 49/11; 3 d. Wm, Johnion, Nich. Gurr, Robert BlakeLyv ^ Peter Campbell, John Broughton, Wm. Jones, John Bull, Sam. Brown. 100 Yeomen at 3 9/ in 3 d* 4 Superannuated , at 25/. - 6 Yeomen Hanger: and 2 Yeo- men Bed- goer:, at 10/ each . MeJJengers , Wm. White he«d> Henry Evans. * Efiablijhed 1 590, r “ “ 7 X’^ Hon, Band of Gentlemen Penfoncr: y E ARL of Litchfield, Captain, iobc l* a Year Sir Robert Goodyere, Knight, Lieutenant, 500/. John Lee Warner, Eiq; Standard-bearer , 310 La Year . William Deffc, Efqj Clerk of the Cheque, 12c/. a Year* Gentlemen of the Band, who iS John Bricknell, wait in the New Year ana Midiummer Quarters, 1 2 3 4 5 € Francis Dezfe, William Braithwaite, John Davis, John Simms, (ohn Clarke, Gideon Goffet, 7 Wjlliam Sands, 3 Thomj.s Poultncy, 9 John Bullock, iq. Richard Bridger, 11 James Parker, 12 John Mills, 13 Fletcher Main, .14 George Allcock, 15 John Baldwin, 16 Abraham Ewings, 17 W 4 JU© Spengcr, jun 1 IT 1 19 Richard Speed, 20 Thomas Sweetland,Efqrs; * 100/. a Year- each % Gentlemen of the Band, who wait in the Lady Day and Michaelmas Quarters, I* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 rtfl Samuel Aveline, G eorge D ura nr, A J John Moon, i .*>1 William Hervatty T> Thomas Wilkinjfon, Kirks Townleyj Mark Stone, John Paddey, J John Kempfter, 10 John Bannerrrian, 11 Alex. Gordon Dorrett, 12 Richard Wilkinfbn, 13 Abraham D.Rippe, 14 Francis antis Standley, illiam Spencer* hn Mariihulj Iward Weft, • 1 85 j . 1 3 Charles Cock, 19 Charles Whiftone, 20 Frederick Brook, Efqrs. loo/, a Year each . Cade, Eiq; Pay-majier. Char. Friday, Gent. Harbinger* Lmes Walker, Axe-keeper and Mcjfenger* ist of Officers and Servants under the Matter o/Horfc* VLaflez of the HorJe y U K E of Ancatter, 1266/ 13 $ 4 d a Year . nor and Cierh Martial, thy Carr, Efq; 260/. rnes y 3 del a Year eacb } thy Carr, Efq; min Carpenter, Efq; im Hamilton, Efq; hop, J.Johnfton, Elqrs; us Delaculiers, El'qj z ville Ramfden, Efq; igcs of Honour , 260/ Manners, Efqj las Thoroton, jun. Elqj is Mackenzie, Efqj Grevilie, Efq; r. of the Crown St able , on Durell, Efq,* 25 61 Sr. Amour, Efq; 200/ t tleman of the Horfey d Berenger, Efq; 256/ llerk. of the Stables , Reid, Efq; 224 1 Jerk of the Avery , s Palmer, Efq; 125/ ccpery R. Drake, jun. 9 3/ lidi ng-Pu rvey or , Drake, Efq; 200/ rvifor of Highways, Fmitb, Efq; S2 / a Year . veyvrs and Gra niters, e Craddock, Efq; Seorge Swinev, 94/ Serjeant of the Carriages* Mr. Yorke, S 6/ ? c 'Oman of the Carriages * George Pain, ^61 a Year. Yeomen RiderSy Mr. Jam. Montagu, jun. 186/ Mr. William Higgins, 13c/ Affijlanty Thomas Smith, 60/ RidyigSunv, Geo. Garrick, Efq' Serj. harrier , Geo. Shaw, 9S/ Marffi.Farr.hi'iddcU Shaw, 5c/. 1 co.h rfr.Grif.Howell, 36/ 101 E f ^ S adle r y R.Harrifon, 58/ YeomahSadler, J.Harditty, 36/ Coachmaker,] 6 hu Barnard, 3 61 Harncfs Maker , W. Ringtted. Pitt Maker, William Kerr. Sedan Cbairmaher to their Majeflies , Samuel Vaughan. Ahews-keeper, James Montagu, fen. 36/ Stable-keepersy Somerfet- houf ?, Geo. Garrick. 36 la Year . St. fames s, Sam. Thornlev, Kenfington, Rt. Daniel Daniel. Hartipt on-court , R. Griffin, 3 61 IVir.dfor, Geo. Woods, 27/ 6 s Newmarket y John Turner, 2 5/ Twelve Footmen , and four for the Mafter of the Horfe, 53/ Six Coaehmcny and one for the MajUr of 4 he Horfe , 6*/ King's c Kings Coachman, Thomas Bowlcy, 73/. a V. King sPofi-chaif e-man, 40 l.aT. Samuel Thomas Cbaifcman , T h. St i Iceman, 40/. Eight Pofiillions, 30 la Tear . Seven Helpers, 30/ a Tear . Fok/* Chairmen , ^zl a Tear . *1 twelve Hunting Grooms, and Six for the Mafier of the Horfe, 60/ : ,}{« John White, George Johg* John Peters, ]q£ Tauntw oo/, a Year. . Treasurer of the Chamber Office, at Craig's -court, >: Hon. Henry Fred. Th?iin Salary 469/. 8 j, 4 Ycaf. Deputy, Andr. Douglas, Eft , Comptroller of the Chamber Tho. Jones, jun. Efq; 150/. Clerk , Peter Adams. a Office keeper, William Web* The EJlahliJhment of Her M A Lord Chamberlain, 1 200/. F p A R L Delawar [j Vice Chamberlain, 500/. ••Hon. Colonel Fitzroy Mifrefs of the. Robes, 500/. Du chefs of A nc alter Ladies of the Bed-chamber, cool Duchefs of Hamilton Countefs Dow. of Effingham Countefs Dow, of Egremont Countefs of Hertford Vifcountefs Weymouth, Maids of Honour *, Mifs Diana Beauclerk Mifs Charlotte Keck Mifs Mary Tryon J E S T Y ’ 3 Ho u$.hom Mifs Anne Bofcawcn ^ Mifs Vernon Mifs Frances Courtenay; ; Bed-chamber Wcmerr,- \coi Mrs. Catharine Dafhwohd Hon. Mrs'. Frances Tracy Hon. Mrs Cath.Eliz. Herb Hon. Mrs. Anne Brudehell Mrs. Mary Beu^Wif > * Mrs. Margaret Keepers file Robes, \ Mrs. Sc h vvcl ! enberge*4 Mrs. Hagedorh Their Affiant, n Mrs. Eli z . Lockley \ - ' * All the Mauls of Honour are ftiled Hon, and. ran] Barons Daughters. Semp C 89 ] refs and Laundrefsy borah CheUvvnd 7 Ujhers of tic Private ban: her, 200/. rs Caldcr, Bart. r ran. Stanhope, Efq$ Fielding, Efqj oUjhersDdily Waiters , Allen, Efq; ohn Jenkinfon. jydickcns, Efq^ 15c/ hers Quarterly Waiters, juier, John Cowflade, vely, Efqrs. 100/. brfe ians, 200/. k Akcnfide, F.R. S. Pringle, F. R. S. an Extraordinary , lam Hunter, zed, \an to the Honjhold, rge Baker, F. R. S. urgeon, 150/. neil Hawkins ‘5 the Houjhold, 1 50/. Bromheld, Efq$ Apothecary, Hermann Brande dry to the Houjhold, n Devaynes the Pack Stairs, 80/. /m White, J. Nicolai, ipman, Fred. Albert s °f *k c E refence, [ic is Vallotton ry Sutherland [Ter, Lewis Albert Woman to the Private vits, jane Moore, 5 61 . Woman to the Pub* c Apartments , ae White, 34/. Andrew Stone, Efq; ^ 7 inc. Mathiai,EIq; jor Gen. Graeme Comptrok :< MajorGen. Gramme Attorney -Gtmral, ''•Richard Hulfey, Efq; 250 h S ol lie it or-General, „ - 180 /. to attend the T’reafuYer , Gei. Hawkins, Wm Fletcher Mrfer of the Horfe y 800 /. Earl Waldegrave Equerries, 220 /. each, jolmSchuti, jamesCrawfurd, Efqsj Lt. Col. Edw. Mathew Pages of Honour, 150 /. each, Walker Dawfon Faucitt,Efqj Francis Bat. Dafhwood, E(qz Clerk of the Stables, William Cowden, Efqjjjo/* Bottlcman, 50/. Five Coachmen, 45/. each. Eight Footmen, and 3 tor the Mafter of Horfe, 41/ is ea. Two Grooms, 5 5/. joj. each. Four Chairmen, 39/. i 7 *. 6 Mr. Flower. [91 J j of Cook, Mr. Card. Porter, Mr. Giddings. Houfekeeper , Mrs. Flower. Three Houfe Maids, Two CoachmeA, -Four Grooms, TwoPoftilions and Helpers. Ckrk of the Stables, Mr. Ssiel). I s and Servants belonging to her Royal Highnefs the Prin - cefs Dowager of WALES. yd Chamberlain , 300/. 3RD Bottom Seer . C. Ramus, Efqj Vies of the Bedchamber , Charlotte Edwin, tefs Dow. of Scarborough, untefs Dowager Howe, : Dow. of Berkeley, 500/. ' Purfe, Mrs. Pitt. ridf of Honour , 2 CO /. Mottyn, Mifs Neville, V’anfittart, Mifs Evelyn, KLeck, Mils Egerton *. chamber Women , 200/. ?hvering,Cath.Cornwal, Granville, Mrs. Egerton, falkinfliaw, MrsBreton res of the Back Stairs , alman, Mr. Latman, Lngel, Mr. Nicolai, fen. FicoUi, jun. it get of the Prefence, 'inky, and Mr. Higgs, ry and Board Wages y 80/ cf Hcnour te tbePrincefs , iff. Thomas, Efq; > Maitland, Efq; ico /. GentlemenUJhers of the Privy Chamber , 200/. William Wentworth, Efq; Colonel Montolieu. Gentlemen Ujhers Daily Wai- ters, 150 /. Robert Robinfon, Efq; Robert Green way, Efq; Gentlemen Ujhers Quarterly Waiters , 100/. George Powler, Efq 5 Capt. Eger on, John Parfons, Hzruy Leighton, Efqrs. Cl. of the Chfet, C. Barton, Dl? Chaplains, Francis Fawkes, A. M. William Degulhon, Thomas Taylor, LL. B. Phyfcians, Sir John Pringle, Bart. M. D, and F. R. S. Dr. Daniel Peter Layard, Surgeons, Caefar Hawkins, aad William Bromfield, E ors. Apothecary t John G owl and, Dead - d refers, 127/. MifsReynolds, Mrs Heianekia The Prince] V s Maids of Honour are f iled Hon. and ran* rons Daughters. 4 ■ ] I Lcunirefs, [ Laundrefs, Margaret Winter, Sal. & Board Wages, 127/. Necejfary Woman, Mifs Angel, 80/. Officers and Servants belonging to the Houjhold , Treafurer, :< S am. Martin, Efqj Txrfl Clerk , Wm Watts, Efqj Second ditto , Robert Ward Meffienger , Daniel Mead Auditor of Accounts, :< Charles Jenkinfon, Efq; Secretary , James Creffet, Efq; Superintendant of the Houjhold, Lord Bofton, 300/. a Year Clerks of the Houjhold, 500/. William Scott, Clotw. Upton, Daniel Boone, Efqrs. Clerk Extraordinary , John Seeker, Efq; 300 /. Clerk of the Kitchen , 300/, John Griffiths, Efq; Clk. AJffant, John Midgeley Office-keeper, Wm Holmes Yeoman of the Pantry , William Weftphale, 14.0 /. Yeoman of the Wine Cellar, John Frederick Duill, 200/, Groom of the Beer Cellar, William Brett, 40/. iM 92 ] MaJlerCcok, G eo. Hay ter, 1 50 1 Yeoman, ,-70/, Groom, Tho. Windfield, 60 Silver Scullery, Yeoman , Samuel Parkin Affiftant, Mary Walker Houfekeeper, Cath. Walkinfhaw, 250/. Table Laundrefs, loo/« A. Pavonarius Housekeeper at Carlton-houfe, William Reynolds, 140/. Houfekeeper at Kew, Margaret Saliar, too/. Table-decker to the Bedcham - ber Women, Wm Holmes Officers belonging to the Stables, Commiffioner of the Horje, Thomas Bloodworth, Efq^ Clerk of the Stables , Ph. Child Equerries, A. Leflie, Efqj Hon. Col. Maitland Coachmen, Tho. Haley, Tho, Tupper, Walter Viney Grooms, Michael Nicholfon, J. Brackmiller, Hen. Rufliton Chaifeman , Tho. Marchant Affifianr, Eight Footmen, 5 Poftillions, 5 Helpers, 2 Chairmen. Eftablijhment of her Royal Higbnefs the Princefs Amelia, Ladies of the Bedchamber . Bedchamber L ADY Louifa Clayton Lady Harriet Vernon Lady Anne Noel, 400/. each Privy Purfe, Mr. Brinks, 1 00/. Gentlemen UJhers t Major Rolt, Lt. Col. Stephens, and Capt. Wadman, 100/. Page of Honour, WaAiington Shirley, 100/. Bedchamber Women, 100 /. Mrs. Fr.Rufiel, Mrs. Middleton Mifs Howard Wardrobe W^omen, MarthaPierce, AnnCook, 30/, Ncccffiary Woman, Mrs. Godin, 40/. a Year Domeftic Chaplain, Rev. William Bell, D. D« Chaplain , Rev. John Ryley, M. A# Pagt\ [93 3 cs of the Back Stairs , ughs, J.Ludman, ico/. Elder, 80/. a Year ter of the Back Stairs, ■$ Mufgrave, 40/. Houfe Steward, Wner, 10c/. Clerk sf the Stables, J. Stillingfleet, 70 /. Coachman y vacant William Kingfton, 40/. each Four Footmen, 41/. is . each Two Poftiilions, 20/. a Y. each Two Helpers, 20/. a Y. each. C ° L LEG E ' * 1 11 340 - (St. Bcnnet't Hill.) York, George Fletcher, Efq; Windjor, Henry Hill, Efq-, Somerfet , Ra. Bigland, Efq; Lancafcr , If. Heard, Efq; Richmond , Peter Dore, Efq; Pursuivants. Portcullis , Peter Toms, Gent. Rouge Croix , Henry Haftings, Gent. Rouge Dragon , T. Lock, Gent. Blue Mantle , Geo. Harrifon, Aar foal and Hereditary arjhal of England, FI E Duke of Norfolk Dep, E. of Scarborough Pr incip . King of Arms, n Martin Leake, Efq; ncieux King of Arms, arles Townley, Knight rroy King of Arms, is Browne, Efq; Her alps. Jn. Martin Leake, Efq; Gent. r Extraordinary . Norfolk , Steph. Martin Leake, jun. Efq: /, Thomas Bewes, Efq; Mowbray , J. Edmonfon, Efq: vrlMarJkal's Secretary , John Martin Leake, Efq; of the College , Ralph Bigland, Efq; 3 H T S of the Mcjl Noble Order of the G A R T E R. uted January 19, 1350. Shewing the Situation of their tiive Stalls on each bide of the Chapel at Windfor, at the Nation , September 22, 1762. t Sovereign te of Saxe Gotha dgrave of Hefle CafTel ice of Orange ceofMecklen. Strelitz te of Rutland te of Kingfton te of Bedford :e of Grafton :e of Northumberland quis of Rockingham of Bute of Albemarle 1 The Prince of Wales 2 Duke of Glouceiler 3 Duke of Cumberland 4 Prince Ferdinand 5 Prince of Brunfwick 6 Earl of Chefterfidd 7 Duke of Leeds 8 Duke of Newcaitle 9 Duke of Montagu 10 Earl of Hertford 11 Earl Temple 12 Earl of Halifax 13 Duke of Marlborough Dr, [ 94 ] Dr. John Thomas, Bi/hop of Wincheffer, Prelate of the Ord Dr. John Hume, Bifhop of Salifbury, Chancellor. Hon. Dr. Fred. Keppel, Bp of Exeter, Dean ofWindfor, Regifh Stephen Martin Leake, Efq; Garter Principal King of Am Sir Francis Molyneux, Knight, U/her of the Black Rod. KNIGHTS COMPANIONS of the Mott Honourable Order the BATH. Jnjlituted 1399* ana revived 1725. 3 5 7 The Sovxr eign Earl of Breadalb; ne Sir William Stanhope Duke of Chandos 9. Lord Ligonier 1 1 Sir Thomas Whitmore 13 . 15 Sir John Mordaunt 17 Lord Onflow 19 Sir Richard Lyttelton 2 1 Sir Jufeph Yorke 25 Sir W. B. Prohor, Bart, 27 Sir George Pococke 29 Sir John Griffin Griffin \\ Sir Charles Frederick Sir Charles Saunders Lord Clive Sir William Draper 33 35 37 2 4 6 i 10 12 H 16 18 HisR.H.Bp of Ofnabr Earl of Cholmondeiey Earl of Inchiquin Lord Grantham Vifcount Fitzwilliam Sir Henry Calthorpe Sir Edward Hawke Earl of Mexborough Sir Edward Walpole Lord Beaulieu 22 Lard Carysfort 24 Sir James-Gray 26 Sir John Gibbons, Bart 28 Sir Jeffery Amherft 30 Sir Francis Blake Dela* »Sir George Warren Earl of Bellamont Sir Andrew Mitchel Sir Horace Mann, Bart 20 3 - 34 36 38 Dr. John Thomas, Dean of the Order. John Stiff.eld Brown, Efq; Genealogift and BiantCourfierHerj William Whitehead, Efqj Regiffer and Secretary. Henry Hill, Efq$ Gentleman Uflier and Brunfwick Herah Mr. Henry Foulkes Meffenger. KNIGH TS cf the hloji Ancient Order of the TJi LS I LJ Inflituted 1540, revived 1703, The SOVEREIGN 1 Earl of Portmore 3 5 7 9 11 Earl of Dyjart Earl of Warwick Duke 0/ Argyll Duke of Bucclpugh Marquis of Lothian 2 4 6 5 10 12 Duke of Roxburgh Earl of March Lord Cathcart Duke of Athol Earl of Carlifle Vifcount Stormont Dr. Rt Hamilton, Dean of the Order. Geo. Dempfter, Efq; Campb.HookejEfqj LionK. atArms, RtQuaime, Efq; Gt 1 . v . * ‘ Ccnealoi o LI k ST h /a R r Va L i F / MILy * IT^Grtat Britain^Fr ^ 4 ’h t’ 7 ? 8 5 proc,aimed King of w OfloD f’ 3nd IreJand > and El^or of Ha- s' iz tk a. Prince Frederick, born Au°uft 16 . ’ i ~. 2 ,* Bi/hop of Ofnabrug, Februar^,^’ 7 ^ * ^ 3 . Prince William Henry, born Auguft 2I ,' I? 6, 4 * 7i e ^%T%6r efs RoyaI o/ Eng]an ^ torn 5. Prince Edwfard, born November 2, 1767. li^T 06 Kr AUe r U r a S ° phia ’ born N °vember' 3 , 176S. rta, daughter of Frederick II, Duke of Sav#» PntK “ di d »3 - w„'^" e w o ;‘ ; 7 T tt p S j nu the late Pr,nce of Wales, 9 born Aug. 1 j, 17-7 5 married to ths . rrinceof Brunfwick Lunenburgh, January 16 i-fi. His prelent Majefty. 6 January 10, 1,64. Pr.W.ll am Henry, DukeofGlocefter, b.Nov.zc I7 ,- Pr. Hen. Frederick, D. of Cumberland, b. Nov. 7, I7 ?<' Pnncefs Caroline Matilda, born July ->2 t--,. 7 ’ 7 * 5 ,' **&?***: ^ K'.’cS . Denmark, who was born January nq itaq 'rinrer M A Jeft r £ ‘^f.by Qii e en Choline, now living, 9 ‘ • rincefs Amelia Sophia, born June 10 U, ^ rincefs Mary, born March 5, i 72 i-l • Carried fn th» 'nnce of Hefle Caflel. l ulv t0 the 1 RTHS, MARRIAGES, and ISSUE TFtbT ^QyT. REIGN PRINCES of EUROPE 7 L • F R A N C E. King of France and Navarre, born t - 1710, fucceeded his great-grandfather, Lewis XI V^SeS* * Tol^-V^ 25 ° a - and married Sept: f Pohnd ’’ ° nIy daughter t0 Staniflaus, fete D “ hrfs » f L »- ia i 0rla r^°, U ’ fa MarIa Therefa^ born 11 May, 17-7 ophia Philippina EJiz. Juftina, born 27 * 3 4 . Louifa 1 96 ] 4. Louifa Maria", born 15 July, 1737- Ifiue of Lewis, late Dauphin of France, by the late M2 Jofepha of Saxony, j. Louis Auguftus, Dauphin of France, born 23 Atig. 17 L. Stan. Xavier, Count de Provence, born 17 Nov. 17 3. Charles Philip, Count d’Artois, born 9 O&ober, 1757 4. Maria Adelaide Clotilda Xaveria, born 25 Sept. 1759 5. Elizabeth Philippa Maria Helena, born 3 May, 176. S P A I N. CHARLES III. King of Spain, born 20 January, 17 His iflue by his late Queen, « J. Maria Jofepha, born 16 July, 1744# 2. Maria Louifa, born 24N0V. 1745, married $ Aug. 1 jr to the Archduke Leopold of Auflria, Great Duke of Tufca 3* Philip Anthony, Duke of Calabria, 13 June, 1747, clared incapable of fucceeding to the throne, on account of invincible weaknefs of undemanding, 4. Charles Anthony, Pr. of Afturias, 11 Nov. 174S, m ried to Louifa Maria Therefa, Pifs. of Parma, 4 Sept. 1765 5. Ferdinand Ant. King of Naples, born 12 January, 17 mar. 7 April, 17 68, to the Archduchefs Mary Caroline Lou 6. Gabriel Anthony, born 12 May, 1752, Grand Prior the kingdom of Spain. 7. Anthony Pafcall, born 31 December, 1755. S. Francis Xavier, born 17 February, 1757. PORTUGAL. JOSEPH, K. of Portugal, born 6 June, 1714 ; his Q^M AnnVidlcria, Infanta of Spain, b. 31 Mar. 1718. Their if: 1, Maria Frances Ifab. Princefs of Brazil, 17 Dec. 17 married (1760) to her uncle, Don Pedro, by whom /he itlue, 1. Jofeph Francis Xavier, Pr. of Beira, born 19 Aug. 17 2. John Maria Jofepha. 2. Maria Anna, 4 O&ober, 1736. . 3. Maria Dorothea, 21 September, 1739.' 4. Maria Benedifta, 24 fuly, 1746. Don Pedro Clement, (brother to the King,) born 5 J 3717, F.R.S. married his niece the Princefs of Brazil, 17 DENMARK and NORWAY. CHRISTIAN VII. K. of Denmark, LL.D.& F.R.S. b. 2 j 1 1749, m. to Princefs Caroline Mat;lda of England, 8 Nov. 17 ■ tmd has iflue, Frederick, Prince Royal, born 28 Jan. 1768. ■ SWEDEN. ADOLPHUS FREDERICK, of Holfiein Gottorp, K of Sweden, b. 14 May, 17x0, married 17 July, 1744, to Lot t lr* ca ; third filler to the King of irrufTia ; born 24 July, 17 [97 1 Their iffue, i.Guftavus, b. 24 Jan. 1746, Chancellor of the Jniverfity of Upfal, married Nov. 4, 1766, to the Princefs toyal of Denmark. 2. Charles, b. 76ft. 1748. 3. Frederick Vdolphus, b. iSJuly,i75o. 4. Sophia Albertina, b. Oft. 1753. GERMANY. JOSEPH BENEDICT AUGUSTUS, crowned K. of the Romans in 1764, fucceeded his father as Emp. 18 Aug. 1765. torn 13 Mar. 1741, mar. the Pfs. Jofephina Maria of Bavaria, .3 Jan. 1765, who died in 1767. He had by his firft wife (Prfs. f Parhia) a daughter, Therefa Elizabeth, born 2oMar. 1762. Brothers and Sifters to the Emperor, 1. Mary Anne, born 6 Oftober, 1738. 2. Maria Chriftina Jofepha, born 13 May, 1742 5 married 0 Prince Albert of Saxony. 3. Mary Elizabeth, born 13 Auguft, 1743. 4. Peter Leopold, b. 5 May,i747, Gr. Duke of Tufcany, gov. eneral of the Milanefe, and col. of foot in the Ruftian fervicej narried, 5 Aug. 1765, to the Princefs Maria Louifa of Spain. 5. Mary Caroline Louifa, born 13 Auguft, 17525 married t April, 1768, to the King of Naples. 6. Ferdinand Charles Antoine, born 1 June, 17545 married o the Princefs Maria Beatrice of Modena. 7. Maria Antonietta, born 2 November, 1753. 8 f Maximilian Francis, born December 8, 1756. Prince Charles Alexander, of Lorrain, brother to the late, and incle to the prefent Emperor, born December 12, 17125 and 3 rand Mafter of the Teutonic Order 5 a widower. Charlotte of Lorrain, born 17 May, 17 14, After to the late and lunt to the prefent Emperor 5 Abbefs of Remiremont, in Lorrain. Electors. Three Ecclefiaftical Eleftors, called Eieftoral HighnefTes 5 and Six Secular ones, ftyled Moft Serene Eieftoral HighnefTes. % Ecdef.] 1. M.E meric Jofeph, Baron Breidbach of Burri/heim b. 1 1 Sept. 1707, Archbp. andEleftorof Mentz, 5 July, 1763. 2. Archbifhop and Eleftor of Treves. 3. Maximilian Frederic, Count de Konigicgg Rothenfells, born 3 May, 1708, Archbifhop and Eleftor of Cologn, April 5 , 17615 Bifhop of Munfter, 1762. Secular.] 1. Maria Therefa, Queen of Hungary and Bohe- mia, Emprefs Dowager of Germany, born May 13, 1717. 2# Frederick Auguftus Jofeph, Eleftor and Duke of Saxony, born 23 December, 1750. 3. Charles Frederick, Eleftor and Marquis of Brandenburg. 4. Charles Theodore, Duke of Newburgh Sultzbach, Eleftor J alatine, born 11 December, 1724, married in 1742, to Mary <3 * . 1 98 J Elizabeth ofSultzbach, born 17 January, 1721, by whom has a Ton, born 6 July, 1761. ' S-Mauinilianjoftpl, Eleftor and Duke of Bavaria, b. 1 "» - A "“ 6. George III. KingafGit* Britain, &c.Ele bo ™ 10 Aug. i 9 7 9 io, died 1768, by whom he hath iffue,-i. Frederica Louifa, born - January 1742.— 2. Err.eftLewis, born 30 January, 174c. ‘ The houfe of Mecklenburg is divided into two branches vL Mecklenburg Schwerin.— Frederick, Reigning Duke bor r- , 7 .'- I7 . 17 5 . m arnedin 1746, Louifa Frederica, daughter c Frederic Louis, Hereditary Prince of Wurtembern sfutearr born 3 February, 1722: They have no iffiie. 8 2 pi* Brother and Sifters are, t* Pi mce Louis, born 6 Auvuft 17, r ... • • . Charlotta Sophia, daughter of Francis Jcfias, Duke 'of'Ul V ' 74 by wh. m he £$ SH.xt:„\ F ;r b S:7/ 5 s Detmbe '' «»s**-**u. b0 ™ ' Cover nefs o. Merk!enK fsAr c C,i r b ' 8Mar> *73*7 Canonefs of Hervorden Duke, (K„iK^£;“^. Reding , r , , T His Brothers and Sifters are, 7 i«; Col “ el in tht <»- * the * Ch^ef&tr^ sss >. «»«■ POLAND STANISLAUS AUGUSTUS Lrn t Count Poaiatowlki,) elefled King of Poland^Seute \ ^ crowned November 25, I7 6 4; and F R S ’ * 7 ’ FREDERICK III. King of Pruffit,’ and E letter of Bran. [ 99 ] r urgi born 24 January, 1712; married 12 June, 1733, ^ueen, Elizabetk Chriftina of Brunfwick Wolfenbuttle* 1 8 November, 1715. ie ilTue of William Auguftus, next brother to the King* and late Prince Royal of Pruflia, by Princefs Louifa Ame- lia of Brunfwick Wolfenbuttle : • Frederick William, Prince Royal of Pruflia, bom 25 ember, 17445 married July 14, 1765, to the Princefs Eli- sha Chriftina Ulrica of Brunfwick, . Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, born 7 Augtfft, 1751} ried in 1767, to the Prince of Orange, RUSSIA 4 ‘ATHARINE II. Emprefs of all the Ruflias, ('Princefs of lalt Zerbft,) bom 28 March, 1729, afcended the throne dy, 17*62, upon the depofirion of her own hufhand, Peter She was married to him (whilftDuke of Hoiftein Got- ) 1 September, 1745, by whom fhe has iflue Paul Petro- GreatDuke of Ruflia, born 1 October, 1754'. He is alfo :e of Holftein Gottorp. SARDINIA. :HARLES EMANUEL III. King of Sardinia, born-27 *il, rjor ; afcended the throne on the refignation of his *er, 30 September, 1730. By his fecond Queen he hath iflue, /iftor Ame Maria, Duke of Savoy, born 26 June, 1726} rried r2 April, 1750, to Maria Antoniatta of Spain, born November, 1729. And three daughters. \nd by his third Queen, a Princefs, born in July, 1740; Benedict Maurice, Duke deChablais, born 21 June, 1741. ORANGE, WILLIAM V. Prince of Orange and NaiTau, b. 8 March* |S. Hereditary Stadtholder, Captain-rGervral^and Admiral the Seven United Provinces, and Knight of the Garter; mar. 1767, to the Prfs. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina of Pruflia. I T A L Y. FRANCIS LAURENTIUS GANGANELLI, elefled : e 19 May, 1769, and took upon him the name of CLE- ENT XIV. FERDINAND IV. King of the Two Sicilies, third (on of Catholic Majefty, born 12 January, 1751; married 7 >ril, 1768, to the Archduchefs Mary Caroline Louifa. TURKEY. MUSTAPHA III. Grand Signor, born 21 December, 1715, ceeded to the throne of Turkey upon the death of his uncle, : late Sultan, November 29, 1757. ‘ fr Zl h L N ° r l b ; r ” Prfiv . !flcit > Germany and Hungary, Envoy extr. BaronReigersfelt. »f vn- ns T °wns, Wr. Elkring, Furnival’s-Inn Poland, Envoy extr. Count Barzin/k:. „ Ru fl>a, Envoy Ex tr. M. de Mou/fin Poulchkin. Holland, E T y w X 1 tr> and Pleni * Count ' " c >Y e de «-en, Hill-ftreet P 'rr'J' Pala iret, Piccadilly and Erandenburgh, M? r f ,eni P°- C ™n! Maltzahn, Hanover-fquare Denmark, Envoy Extra. Baron Dieden, Secretary, M. Hanniker Conful, Mr. de Paffow Bavaria, Envoy Extra, and Minift Plenip. Count de Haflan Golden-fqu. Minifter al for the Eledtor Palatine Saxony, Env. Ex, Co. Bruhl,Piccadil Sweden, Env.Extr. Baron de N©lckej Argyll-buildings Hanover, Miniftcr, Baron Helker. Hefie Caflel, Min. M. Murhard. Bifhop of Liege, Minifter, Harley- ftre et IT, sS^TPT^r, France, Amb. Count de Chatelet Lo- mond, Great George-ftreet Secretaries, M. Ltfcalli er , M. Premarets, M. Bontems Spain, Amb. Extra. Prince de Mafle- rano, Great Ormond-ftreet Secretary, Sennor Ottomendi TwoSicilits, Envoy Extra. Marq. de Ca- raccioli, Stanhope-ftreet Secretary, M. Bonini Portugal, Envoy Extra. M. de Mellc Carvallo Sardinia, Env. Ext. Count de Scarnaf; LincolnVlnn-fields Modena, Envoy Extra. Venice, Refid. M. d’Imberti,$oho-f Republic of Genoa, Minif. M. d’Ageno Tripoli, Amb. Hi , minis i m „ France, Amb. Extra. Earl Harcourt Sec. Hon. Robert Walpole Spain, Amb. Extr.G. Pitt, Efq; Sec. James Harris, jun. Efq; Sardinia, Env. Ex, &Plen.W. Lynch, Ef. Secretary, Geo. Cooke, Ef< Conflantinople, Amb. John Murray, Efqj Naples, Envoy Extra, and Plenipote William Hamilton, Efq; - [ 101 ] Swift Cantons, Mtnifter, W m Norton, Ef Portugal, Envoy Extra, and Plenipoten. 1 Ru/fi a , Florence, for. Mann, Bt.K.B.Refi. Venice, * er » Sir James Wright T ^nna, , * rwinces* ««iitay!.'Jiv5 0ri ,r, j Copenhagen, Extr. Rob.Gunning.Efq: Poland, 4 ’ Plenipo. Tho.Wrough- i, Efq; 6 Saxony, y E«ra. Robert Murray ;> th, Efq; y Pruffla, ^ r ^ eni P‘ & ^ nv °yExtra. Andrew Mitchel, K. B. Holland, Ext and Plenfpo. Hon. ' r J ofe P h Yorke, K. B ! St R n • . MnPi - eliV,athlas -efq. Min. Plenjpo. to the Eleft. of Bavam & Min.t ot heDiet ot Rat. Lewis de Vhhje, MA . Bruflels, sx!3r**’ w - Electors of Cologne, Mentz, 7. r . ,ers ’ & Clr ole of WeftphaliJ* Min. Plen. Geo. Cre/fcner, efq! * J uic pn r orJce, K. B. I te P^ en Poyntz, Efq; at Rotterdam, Richard f _ Sweden » l E c?J"r;'".rr - * J*. QRrkXT r.* I . __ Galicia, Tame? R^nl-c Portugal, SBON, Sir John Hort, hart. Con ful-general °> John Whitehead ra &Aveiro, J.Na»*> Jofeph Miller Jo/iah Hardy *s, Albert Nelbitt ^ena, D. Bomeefter, efq. Galicia, James Banks, efq. Malaga, John Mar/h, efq. Seville and St. Lucar, Wind- nam Beawes, efq. I t m Italy, j Cagliari, Barrington Taverner Genoa, James Holford “ghorn. Sir John Dick, Bart. Meifina, George Tatem Naples, Ifrac Jamineau Nice, John Bockland Venice, John Udney Malta, ViceConf. - Dodfworth, efq. Zante, John Sargent, efq. A1 *. /1 Barba ty. Algiers, Agent and Conful- general, Hon. A. C. Fr a f cr . [ 102 3 Tripoly, Edward Barker, efq. Tetuan, Jof. Popham, efq, Tunis, James Trail, efq. Poland, Trevor Corry, efq. Ruffia, Sam. Swallow, efq, Denmark* Elfinore, Nich. Fenwick, efq. Norway, .Bergen, Alex. Wallace, efq. Auftrian Netherlands, Rob. Irvine, efq. Confuls appointed by the Tur 1 Company . Aleppo, William Clark, efc Smyrna, Hayes, efq. Cyprus, John Baldwin, efq. Tripoly in Syria, — Palment Latichea, Edw, Purnel, efq. Officers of the T R E A Lords Commffioners (5) : Charles Jenkinfon * : Jeremiah Dyfon :< Ch.Townfhend, efqrs. 1600I. a Year each JointSecretaries, :< GreyCooper, ; ’ : Tho. Bradfhaw, efqrs. Private Sec. to the Firft Lord, Richard Stonhewer, efq. Chief Glerks, Milw. Rowe, efq. Sir Ferdinando Poole, bart. William Davis, efq. Thomas Pratt, efq. Other Clks on theEftabliftim. Th. Tomkins J. Mill Hoby, Fred. Reynolds, James Royer, John Watkins, Charles Lloyd, Wm Speer, Cha. Schutz, Wm Beldham Francis Dancer, Th. Chowne Ed. Bisfhopp, Tho. Cotton Geo. Herbert, Hen. Fowler E.Chamberlayne,J. Ma. Leake Wm Mitford, Thomas Dyer Edw.Boughton,G.Ed. Ramus Jn BalcbenWeft,W.Brummell S U R Y. ( Whitehall . J Thomas Gocdenough, Br; Broughton Extra Clerks, DeanPoyntz, WmEdw.Sm Clerks of the Revenues, William Speer, 400I. George Herbert, Hen. Fou Fr. Dancer, J. Royer, 20ol.e; Edward Boughton, 100I. Extr. John Balchen Weft, 5 Thomas Pratt, efq. for tak care of the Papers, 400I Office-keeper, Benedict Schaller, 300 1 . year, and to find Coals 1 Candles for the Office. Sellicitors, 500I. Hugh Valence Jones, efq. Thomas Nuthall, efq. Affift. Thomas Francis, efc MefTengers of the Excheqi John Walker, Tho. Harril Wm Rofs, Tho. Gibbons Meffehger of the Chamb< Sam. Barnefiey, 6s. Sd. a Ranger of Books, WmWa! Necef. Woman, Mrs. Foy Bagbearer, Poor-keeper, Hanbury Pol Officers of the Receipt cf ^hanrciior and Undsr 1 R T.hon.LordNcrt'n,i3col Auditor, d. of NewcafUe •hiefClk. R. Jennings, efq. Clerk of the Debentures, dward Wilford, efq. 1 . of the Reg tiers & ItTues, aUholomew Lucas, efq. Clerk of the Caffi-bock, olomon Paul Julhot, efq, ffif.Cl. JnHoghfon, In Willis orirukingout t xcheo. Bills, hief Clerx, W. Bail lie, efq. BiftantClerk.JohnHughfon. elf. to th Auditor’s Office, >hn Jackon i the Offices for Annuities under the Auditor, lemon Paul Julliot, Th-'. ift, Richmond Thorny- aft, efqs, Ch : ef Cler.ss, C erks. Winchefter, N. Paxton, . Moone, J. G. Dawfon, Wiench, R. Jennings. Er.e Fedford, & K. Fynes 'o. Little foot, Meffer.ger Examiners of the Telltrs. uachers, John Hays, Tho. pley, Henry Saixby, efqrs. Clerk of the Pells, fir Ed. Wa(po e, K.B 4 pu y, Edward Sle.ch, e q Clerk Wm. Hammond, efq. E pf Exitus, H. Thomas ft oi Peclarat Wm. Blake ft of Patents Robert Brown 1 iftant Clerk, C. Roberts Engrcffing Clerks, ri. Blake, Wm. Affon E<*e Ani-ui y Pells Office. V ef Clerks, Zac. Chambers I >n Fother-y, efqrs. ? er Clerks, Wm. Oram, i W. Roberts, G. Gillio, ) . y i s Jl i aj ejly' s Exchequer. Wm. Affon, L. Theobald, J. Mulcafur,- J. Touch t Four Tellers of the Exchequer iTheHon Th.Townfhend,ef. His Deputy and firrt Clerk Charles Townffiend, efq. 2 Earl of H rdwicke His Dep. Ss firfl Cl. Dan. Wrar 3 Lord Henley Hi Dep. Sc fiilf Cl. W. Price. 4. Geo. Gr-nvilje, j ,rt. e'q. Hi; Dep Sc fit ft Cl. Cha L!o_>d ThieeC . in a h Office t<-fidi.s 1 • J ne '> T. Per.yng Ceu.ge Harris, W. Wright- J. Stonehoule, J. L ngton J. D iver, T. CuihLcr.f n «• Cro-.es, T. Smith J Wells, Sa ilbjry Caic Porter to ti e E.ch J. Jackfrn Su». intend of Exch. Watch. JohnTnefl ve&johnjackfon, 36 1 ios each Ei^ht efabhffied Watchmen, at 36I ios { er ann. each, i A L L Y -Cou R T, Chamheila’ns* Sir John Miller, bart. r Simeon Stuart, birt. Dep t es, Samuel Smith ohn B ridee, Abra. Farley Richa.d Sieven on, e q-s. Tally- Wri er Kr ihe Auditor, Ab'ah?m Ackvorth, efq. CJk?,W . 1 ones, Sc F. Mowbray Clerk of the Introitus, William Monifon, e'q. Tally-Cutter, Tho. Lamb, e f U.her of the Exchequer, Hon. Hr race Walpole, efq. His Dep. Grof. Bedford, efa. His Clerk, Chirfes Bedford ^ eoman Lfherand Deputy Tally Cutter, John Trcflove K Paymafler of Fxchequer Bil s, Edm. Boit, Georg R t2 > Nat. Harwell, e q. GomptroPer of Excheq. Bills Peter Leheup, efq. Clerks, WitJiam Jores Mf.Coikf, 1 . Marfden, efqrs ( IO* ) Tax Off ice. CcmmifTioners. 500I each Ed. Yciinge, Chrift. Rieby J. Trenchard, T. vVjnciham Daniel Bull, George Blunt, t harles Deering, efqrs. Secretary, Auftm Leigh, ool Alhft. Stc. Hu. Owen, efq. 6ol Solli. Hen. Wilmot, efq. icol Clerks, ^Edward Naib, '-6ol Chrift' pt>er F< w er, 50I Geoife Stevenfon, col Michael Little, 40I Chamber Keeper and Meflrn. Jacob Knockey, 60I N cif.Wo. MaiyB! an Jey.zol Ten gem ral £ ui veyors, icol Ed. Holljnd, M rd. Cutts Samuel Lea, Alex. Stirling Ant. Oldfield, J. Palmer Wm. White, John Bennet P. Mauiice, Henry Lewis 173 Surveyors of Counties, 50I a Year in Ingland, acl a Year in Wales. foiprert- Office, Scotland Yard, ♦Auditor, Wm. Afflabie, efq High Court of CHANCER . Lords Commif. for managing the Bufinefs of the Great Set] of Great-Britain. T HE Hon. Hen. Bathurft, one of the Judg< s < f the Court of Common Pleas. Sir RichardAfion, one of the Judges of the Court of King’s Bench Deputy, Richard Blyke, efq. Clks, J n Bray Cha. Harris, Edtv. Beckwith J. Beckwith Office Keeper, Mrs. Harris Impreft-Office.Lincoln’s-Inn Auditor, LorcT Sondes Deputy, John Lloyd, efq. Clerks, Anthony Crncherode Tho. Dobfon, J f. Hughes . Br id. T. Hooke, John Walker John Fofter Office Keeper, Tho. Tuttle Audito s of the Land-Reve- nue, Land-Tax, and Win- dow-Tax, viz. for the Counties of Lincoln, Not- tingham, Chetter,& Derby, H. S elly, Fr. Warden, efqrs. Michael Sereifon, efq. Clerk, - Grey. ^ Office in Palace V ar d. Auditor for all the other Counties in England, Wm. Lowndes, efq. for Li'e tti Cierk, Hen, Lowndes, efq. 2d James Rowlands 3d Richard Gray For the Principality of Wales, Thomas Wynne, efq. Deputy, W. Middleion, efq. Clerk, John Fenwick Paymafter of Penfions, •Lord Wfcount G?ge Deputy, Samuel Bull, efq. (Ojfice in Chancery-Lane; F R. S one of the Barons of the Court of Exche- quer. MafterorKeep. of the Rolls Rt. Hon. Sir '1 ho. Sewell, kt. Matters in Chancery,, tool Rt. Hon. Sir Th. Sewell, kt. . I he. Anguiffi, Lincoln’s Ion I Thomas Lane, Bofwel Court Sir .ydney Staff. Smythe, Kt, 1 Peter Hoi ford, Sym.Jnh,FRS. O. Harris, Lincoln’s ! nn ’n Browning, Sym. I nn *n*am Graves, Sym. Inn nuel Pechell, Bofw. Court Jl,n Eames, Sym ends Inn o. Cuddon, Efiex-ftreet '•^rd Montagu, Temple •obert Pratt, Temple, Accornptant General, 3 ,‘ A D gU u fh ’ efq - Linc -Inn k, Rich. Nowell Glerk of the Crown, on. John Yorke, ©far*. f >uty Clerk of the Crown, rles Frewen, e fq. thonorary, Ch. Wilks, ef. >ert Wllmot, elq. ■uty, John Lancafter Six Clerks, mel Reynardfon, F. R. S. c Whittington, F. R. S. Mirford, Chrift. Zincke ’Oodford, Neh. V/inter, ef. Their Deputies, :eu.s Dalton, Trollop, i bolls, Wainwright, owhJHend, and Gree. hill Sixty S worn Clerks, Ir.Reynardron's Divifion, es Clarke, John Colman •ouce, Fr. Dalton, H. Legh hoyts, Francis Harris i Seaman, i Vacant, fr. Whittington’s Divifion Halfpenny, Rd. Palmer Robinfon, Jofeph Hill y Barker, W. Mich. Lally 'rollop, Abraham H.lton, AJitchell, Wm. Hobbs Mr. Mitford’s Divillon. empleman, H. Brou 6 ham r leming, Micholls, Solomon Fell Bowies, John Cottrell ( ,0 5 ) Th. Handley, Darcy Tancred One vacant. In Mr. Zincke’s Divjfian. VV m. Briftcw, R bert Sm.th f homas- William Bayn.trd • Chefter, R, Wainwright Ch Frewen, Tho. Sheppard In Mr. Woodford’s Divifion G. low fend, Fr... Ja. Serous Henry Gale, William Mea.es Lib. Woodcock, T. Brigftock K. Briflow, Thomas IvJarriot In Mr. Winter’s Divifion, John Radcl.ffe Dan. Fox, Thomas Metcalfe .!• Greenhill, E. Boutflower HerbertCrofr, Ed.Donnithorne William Benton, Geo ge Birch >• ecord-keepe , J. H. Bateman I rmcip Regjft.D. of St. Albans Lord Chancellor’s Registers kd. Howard, Jn.Dickens^iqrs. M after of the Roll? Regifters. Benjamin Gieen, and Stephen Martin Leake, efqrs. Entering Regifters, Francis Bowen, and Francis Dickens, efq-s. Cl. of Reports, i ho. Elde, efq. Rrgifter of the Affidavits, Edw. Woodcock, eiq. f \ <.S, Deputy, Paul Hunif urevs Hanape* Office. Mailer or the Hanaper, Ouke of Chandos, Sal. 3 ooc per ann. for life Deputy, John Church, efq. Clerk, John Maffieder i he S x Clerks in Chancer for the time being are Con troilers of i lie Hanaper, War . or theFJeet,jn.Lyies,cfq Keep, of Records in theTowei ( *Rf. W° n . J 0 h n Shelley, Ui.CI . Hen. ooke efq 200I Kecords down to 14S3, are «epc in the Tower, and fmce that time in the RollsChapei. Gicr.c ot the Kecords in the Kolls Ch.pel, fl ‘*rr Pooke. efq. 106 ) C!er'-' c f the Prefentafiins. Ex-a.miv ERS Offic-. Edvv. Norrl.ey, efq. Examiner His Deputies, Earned R chards, Rd. Guy Samuel Clarke, Co Pying Cl!<$ und.Mr.Northey £ Langey, jon.th. Langley w. Dance, and w. B itcher' Jo. in pooner, efq. Exami er His Deputies, Jn. Worth: Jo. Brown, W. Tones Copying Clks und. Mr Spo n-r Dennis Fell, Robert Scot J n Gray. 31 d 1 ho. Mendham CJer :s of the Petty Bag, Denry Thomas, Charles Deaves fhomas Harrifon, tfqrs Matthew Gfeaves, efq. D puty, Eii/ha Bifcoe, efq. P ine. Sec. to the Lords Corr m (Boners Hen.Wiiinot, efq Ch.ef Secretary to the Maflc 01 the Rolls, Ch. Deaves, tk > nd er Seer. 7 ho. Mendham Ltie Feaier, Gto. Hill, efq. Secretary of tlie Prelentation Francis Bu hn, efq. Stc e:ary of the Commiflion Charles H rdinge,efq. ec. cf Bar.kpts. If. Bar grave, (f Deputy tj ditto, Pye Donkin Clerk of Inrollmcnts in ditto Harry Harmood, efq ‘ e P- Cls. of the Inrollments, Humphry Hackfhaw, efq. Geor fc e EckerfaJl efq. F. R. S. Sixty Comm IT. ofBank uptc appointed by the Ld. Chancel i ho. Nugent, fohnranfhav Champion Branfill, efqrs. rw . , , „ » '“( r s- I *-uampion tfranhd, efqs. Depa.y, acob Banifter . Tho. L.fe,%A« Afton, g nti itenteeof theSubpoenaOffice 2 • homas Lane, n'fcnry ('Jiv Thom is Bury, tfq. Htnr* H«n „r„ . " LiA' His Ci.ck, J homas Ludby Receiver of tlie Sixpenny Writ Office, Thomas Guilt, jun. Deputy, Peter Sykes Chafe Wax, Afh.‘ Cowper, efq Deputy, Robert Appleyard Sealer, Richard Lloyd, efq. Deputy, Samuel Brooks D flier of the Co. Sa. Seddon.ef. Deputy, Mr. John Turner Clerk of the L-tters Patents 'ohn Cod s, efq. Deputy, Charles Howard Exam, of the Letters Patents, Thoma : Lloyd Henry Hall, t fq s. Atlguftia Cre nland Tho. Cob , gems 3 t [°\ Rennet, Rob. Fawcet e( illiam ' trong, George Hill Robert Fry, gents, 4 John Cookfon, John Crof-s Branch Buller, efqrs. Alexander Bit ], 1;. John l.ambrecbt , gen’S, 5 John Seare, Stephen Soame, jer-ingham Cheve ey, efqrs. H. Barnes, Anth. Pye, gents, 0 Jacob Keynardfpn, Charles Robinfon, efqs. Fr. Devroure, John Maidnun, Ifaac Bar- grave, gents. 7 a ho. Hotchkin, Ed. JVdmot , Zbofrin hal\c arc tbe ne7V on(s appointed by the Lor & Commifioners. am. efq. in fq. ions ion, yf. tin tto, its, I I , I I William Bumftech efq s. John Eldeftoriy Rfcb\ Auftin gents. 8 Thomas Buriel, Delme Van Heythuyfen Edward Dan - dnaVe, efqrs. Robert HafTell, Jofeph Cocks, gents. 9 John Neville, Henry Boult Cay , John Llcyd, efqrs. John Lancafter, Ricnaid Hargrave, gents. 10 C. Nalfon Cole, F. Filmer, Chriftopher Lofc, efqrs. Wm. Crawley, John Blake, gents. *1 W. Kookes, Spencer nhutz, Nat. Jones, efq. Jof. Baldwin, Sami: el Dennifon, gents. 12 Arthur Murphy, Jn. A*ex. Stainfby, Hetty Hawley, efqrs. John Rayrrer, jun. Chnflo f her Cowper. gents. MSBtrigers to theCommif. Geo. iuiridge, ^ymord's-nr. Robert Money, Chancery-lane J; Newell Rogers, .ooi’s co, ]ohn Par-, Chancery-lane David Caddell, Chancery-lane r l homas Vaughan Robert Browne Patentee for ma • ing out Com- miiiions of* Bankruptcy, ♦Hon. John Yorke Dep. hied. Ath. Hindi y, efq. Clerk, Richard Tofr, No* 5. Line. Inn Old Square Secretary of the Lunaticks, Auguftine Greenland, e q. Sec. of Decrees & f jundhons Thomas Lloyd, efq. Secretary of the Briefs, R. Groves, efq. Clerk cf the Briefs, Philip Biilingfiey. efq. Dep. Thomas L oyd » Receiver of the Fines, John FanfbaWjif.** T'07 )• Clerk of the ^ufiodies of the Ideots and Lunaticks, Hon. & Rev. G. i albot, L>. D. Dep. Cha. Hen. Talbot, efq. Chief Clerk, Morg. Thomas Secre’aryof the Appeals, Lawrence Cottam, efq. Serjeant at Arms, Richard Jephfon, efq. Gentlemen of the Chambers, . j, Way, Chief Cryer, John Cranttc Cryers, Mr. Lloyd, M. PI lw Ae m , . Ca n Creed > D * Hew Marffial, Benj. Thomas, t H r nry J° rden [Tipttaft to Lord Chief Jufti Benjamin Stiehall L To theoth r fudges jSheif. Holloway, Nath. Hi /h «? r-d Air ° c - to ch - ,'u John Way, efq. J Train-bearer, Dou Clerk of Nifi Prius j n Lond and Middlesex, John Mir.cln ^ryer at Nifi Prius in Lond and Middlefex, s. p/ a t t ' Receiver General of the Pr< fits of the Seals in the Kins Bench and Common Pie Duke of Cleveland Clerks of the AITize, Home, Jerome Knap, effi M-a, ° C ? te ’ Ifaac H °ouer Midhind, J n . Blencowe, , NT A f?, Ca ' e ’ Mr. -Sanderfo, Norfolk, Grrrard Dut Fleetwood, efq. Aflociare Mr. Bury Northern John Clofe, efq. AfTocate. Mr. w barter a°, r r .Meredith Pace. e Cia ^ e ’ Ben j a ‘nin Piit Weftern R ic . Maddock ' Attoc ate, Mr. Rawl, n f 0 „ Chief J uttice and Judges 1 °| N rf L B A S (1215) 4 V John Eardly ViJ- Bat hurft O mot, 2 fpJ *£ falter Baynes, efq. ; \r_ [ } Chief Prothonotary, • Crin-fV^’ l ll!liara M ainwaring, Cooke Second Prothonotary, ;wis Jones, efq. :condary, H Paramor I. of the Judgment, J. Buckle I. of the Dokcers, Ben. Orton Third Prothonotary, I atony Dickings, efq. B- ndary, Henry Barnes ■ erk of the Judgments, &c. I 'wland Lickbarr w ■ ertc of the Warrants, In- | rollments, and Eftreats, I thaniel Rowe, efq. I puty, H. Mackenz e ■ Chi ographer, ! *S George Cole brooke, bart. | ondary, Eliiha Bifc e, efq. [ IO9 ) -■'.O.Htwi > ra? *is, (fa. :: 1 ■ r Jo-ges, Nath.HHl ► * Doofe ^ C5 in London - j^Mi'xhull ' 25 * London S. P;att *i &f t L i Pro- fflthe Ring’s *sofl Pleas. Lad q cue e, eiq 01 Geo. Keightly, jun. gent ■ * T T „ ^ Affi it, eq. *:Hcoxr 2 eTq. . k ar.dtrfoa ~vd Douoa Mr. B27 Cl.fe, dq. ’ Afcar&r :h P ,c*. efq, Wdock efq, LvUfoa. C/er’: of tfr Trrafury, ~~T J^ereys, efq. Trealary-keeper G. Stubbs Clerk of the Juries Mr. Tho.nas Beve Deputy, Mr. Hirrifon Exigenter, Mr. Utnfreville Cl. oftheEToins, Mr. Wright Cl. of the King’s Silver- office, Widiam Daw, efq. Deputy, John Treweeke Cl. of iheErrors.G. Barnes, ef.' Deputy, M Lewis Clerk of the Outlawries, Mr. John Lnves Clerk of the Seal-office. George Perkins Clerks of the Jurats, Aldridge, Biooke. Broughton -Officiate t0 Chief Juffice 1 . Lloyd * e , red £ ,^ief Proclamator, fohn VVa]]cer, e^q Names W 9 / c «mm°n Pleas. Names, Deput es Office kept at Clifford's I,m I ilazers H "©unties \°rd, B,rh, I.; , is, 0x/w- i-Wrey?. ? T , « ing, Warw. 5 tdw- ^eepe, John Steele, B oiipyire , ■'jSpodl ' -, |j Heberden, Tho Bold % H Wu!s, d> Baird ' himfeif CWr /„* , Surry, I lr. Hull, Hare-ce. Temp* e, ■ l Ktg. Peyton, Mr. Gray, Clifford's I nn 2 aV-^v/ r T 1 !' Slbthor P e > exec -it himfelf Bart let's build m • M-tddlefix, John WiJles, Edm. Wif on , Chanee^l'ne' % ncuth > Fra «’ Gwynn, Mr. Wray, 1 it 1 Nor/. North am. RutL Shnpjh . StaffjrdJhire, Suffolk, ( no ) John Roberts* Hemit.Lenton* Tork, TorhJh\re 9 7 . Kivgf, upon Hull . , £ l ^ ,e e ^3* Mr. Gray Tcfrple over Curfit . Office Clifford's Inn *D Chancellor, X\.ICHT hon. lord North, L ° urt of E X C H E QJJ E Rr William Seabroke Wells S Sir Tho Parke® km’ ” ^ Clcrk of ^eTrr’ors In the 5 ThSto^f S° 1 1 Philio Fo C l UCr , C1 T btr ’ 7 Jr Sidney Stafford Smythe, Deputy, William’ Cecd knt. F. R. S. 8 Sir Richard Adams, knt. 12 George Perrot, efq. Curfitor Baron, John Tracy Arkyns, efq. George Montagu, efq. Under Secretary, James Beft, efq. King’s Remembrance Office Remembrancer, Right hon. lord Marfham Deputy, Francis Ingram, efq. ) Hereditary Chief Uflier* John Walker, efq. Deputy, Samuel Smith Marllial of the Court of Exchequer, Deputy, Henry Hatrell Foreign Oppofer, Richard Hammond, efq. Deputy, William Wells, efq. Clerk of the Eftreats, Horace Wa’pole, efq. Deputy, Jofeph Tullie, efq. iftSe C onda r y,G.Arbuthnot ef » Deputy-, Jofeph Tullie, efq. id Second../, Tho. Crew ’ef ,,“"',‘'"1 °‘ W!,x ’ Sworn Clerks, 88 ’ . Why, ell, efq Charles Eyre, Richard Wood Rohm' Adam Martin, John Price ' - - Ed. Tay lor , Dav . Button fowler L.Treafurer’s Remembrancer Richard Heron* efq. Firll Secondary, John Perrot, efq. Sworn Clerks, Michael Mayo W i 1 1 iam - Sea brooke Welles Deputy Foreign Oppofer, ~ T»e P 1 P EToTf C lerk of the Pipe, *13 IGHT hon. |o. Shelley 1\ Deputy, Edward Wood- cock, efq. 2 Clerk of the Nichtlls, ert Foift-r. unior. efq. Office of Pleas, Lincoln's- Inn. Attornies, Philip Burton, Elias White Edw. Kinafton, Rogers jortin Regirters of Deeds in the Co. of M.ddlefex, Office in Bcll&d. Humphiy Hackfhaw Nath. Row, Lord Mafliam Thomas Owens, efq. • J C E. Gray's-Jnn. Firlf Secondary, Robett Cranmer, efq! 2 d Secondary, f G f Hornby, cf. Six (worn Attornies, ( I Charles-Low Whytell, efq. Lha. Hornby, Hen. Cranmer Robert Winter, J-ames Farrer Thomlinfon Bunting Board-End Clerks, James Cranmer, Peter Sykes Comptroller of the Pipe, Hon. Horace Walpole, efq. Deputy Compr. V/. Sam. Wells Clerk, William Davey Augmentation Office for Acets First Fruits Office, in the Temple. Remembrancer ift Fruits, 1 Sir George Colebrocke, hart 3cp. Remembr. &fcn Cle k, |ohn Heiherington, efq funior Clerk, john Bacon receiver of the ill Fruits, T. Parry, efq. Dep. J. Bacon Queen Anne’s Bounty, Treater, Sir Jeffery Elwes, j paid half yearly between Mi- chaelmas & Chriftmas, and Lady, day 2nd Midsummer, j 'at tl- e Office in Long Acre Secretary, W. Simondfon, e q. pomp* of jft Fruits & Tenths, f William de Grey, efq. n ) of Abby Lands % NcwPa!aceyd. Keep, of Records, Ff. Brooke/ Secretary, Sam. Seddon, efq. Sollicitor, Robett Che rl er, efq* Ts n t us Oitice (Temple) Receiverof the Tenths, Stephen Comyn, efq. His Cleiks, John Smith George Kipling Augmentation Ofice, Clerk, Robert Che Her.* efq« Justices of the Grand Sef- fions for the County in Wales, Chefter Montgo- mery, Flint, and Denbigh Shires, John Morton, efq. Ch Juft. Taylor White, efq Brecon Glamorgan, and ::dn<5Y Shires, Johi* Williams, efq. Wiliiam Whitaker, efq. Cardigan, Pembroke, and Carmarthen Shires, Jn. Pollen, Fd. Poore, efqrs. Anglefey Carnarvon, and Merioneth Shires, Hon. Daine- Barrington, lames Hayes, efq. » E 1< JEANTS at LAW A Ttorney General, *Wilham de Grey, efq. < »ol Gen. King’s Serjeants 4, Whitaker, *Geo. Nares, |rV. Davy, Jn. Burland, efqrs. King’s Counfe), • denry Bankes, efq. |‘Rt. Hon. Sir Fletcher Norton \ ohn Morton, efq. and UNO's COUNSEL. Rd.Hulfv, *Cha. Amb.'er, efq. Edward Thurloe, efq * Alexander Wcdderburn, efq. *Sir Anth Tho Abdy, bare. George Hart, efq. Serjeants, George Wilfon, James Fofter, Anthony Kec)<, Jofeph Sayer, John Afpinall, *John Glynn, Richard Leigh* William jepluon, efqrs. t 1,2 ; DMtt * Lancaster, „ 70 c - . . Chancellor , IVt. vail' G JV H** ^ * y ~ Chancellor, j^ORD Strange Attorney General, •Edmund Ho/kyns, efq w le £ h T *f ,li ^ €f 9 K ^c Gen ... 7 j / ysray s-frr P f Wai,ace .- *■ «ier and Mef. YtfrkfhT' 8 °f the Rev ^nue, UncJi Fr ™’ l\ V ^tock- tl lit J^epn tull.e, €fq kec Gen ^omarn, btock- ' f • -^fiiurfij cfq. Auditor Lincoln/h Thr. p i *£££? p s , D . w f '«W'hPam “ | “ft”" 111 ' J olm F »**r-, Lsl- the JS c,’. ‘?, h ‘co r i“ ° bS’ Jo,ln Aft. S, S*:. Iiieh - w** efq. South ditto Wen m an Coke, \ Surv. of the Woods North of Trent M L Fra ^ ,s R t'ircll, and Mr. ° Attomies Tutbury m a, /n Jo ‘ bewis > Monmouth Noifolk Suffolk, &Cambrid?e, Pfl P ani , e J Jones of Fakenham Efiex, Middlefex, & Hertford, T.io Afhtcn of the Tempie xouth Pans, Fr. x.uffei, Tf Gray’*. l nn 1 Northampton £h. Tim. Roms of Northampton 7 * Chancel or. J^ORD Strange WiJham Swinnerton, efq Vice Chancellor Jn Stanhope, efq. At tor. Gen. V/dham Lucas, t fq Regifter, and firft Clerk, 5 Clks. of the Chancery Marfhalfea C« W) .‘outhwark PitUce of Weftminrter J u £es. Lord Steward of tr.e Hourtiold, 1,'ARL ;albot *2« rl111 - Sir !Um > Steward of the Court nr et n BIaCkboUrne ’ tf< J- c p. Danby Pickering, e fq. Ch p ? Smhh > c “'*or Ch. Bowks, efq. Prothonot. VVtlham Lucas, efq. Deputy *?&£?' trq - cier< * Clerk of the Peace, George Kenyon, efq h eiTenger, Nathan Barker ^ ! kc CjUrt °f bh Maie/h's bitttrgs every Friday. JJ M- De P- Mr - J°hn Stainbank four Counfels, John Chet woe d, efq. William Beckwith, efq. trancis Lawfon, efq. ' Henry-Boult Cay, e f q . I \ ( Six Attornies, I ■'J iiirn Pryor fohnfon [ Viliam Monk, Rd. Kelfall hriftopher Hobfon, Tho as Railton Six Provoft Marfha'men, ;ter Gwynn, Robert Lee I . Mackender, Herb. Homan (Decors Commons ) jUn 2 ~> i 7 6 8 J ; > J S !lt wotfhiplui George ^ a y» LL. D. official principal of che arc! es court nf ... "3 ) i Rich. Franklin, Thomas Kin?. Borough Court of Southwark held every Monday, ri!T' B r an il b ' Gafcoi Sfie, efq. C.erir, John Grace Bailiff, Robert Henlhaw Th.ee Attomies, >te. Hodfon ,l.)ohn Brewfter, Robert Tyler q - . • ~ vuui I Ot Canterbury, marter-keep- I er or com r.iffary c f the pre- rogative court of Canter- I Jury. Thomas Salusbury, bnt. I ,J dge ot the high court of rdm ral yof England, chan. I i Sr> Afa P h - and commiif. I lf 'he dean and chapter ©f I r. Paul’s, and LL. D. 1 J. Marriott, his rnajefty’s I av. gen. and matter of Tri- | ity-hill, Cambridge Arth. CcJlier, commi/T. r;n« A '6 in FfTex, and com. ol Etfje and Herts Dr. Francis Topham, judge of the prerog. court of Y 0 ,k and Mafter of the Faculties! Dr. John Bettefworth, chan- ceJlor of London Dr. Geo. Harris, his majefby’ s ad vo. in li is office of admi- ra 'ty, chsnc. of the diocefe of Hereford, Land^ff, and Surry 0 ^ COmm '^ ar y of Dr. William Macham ^ i^h t£^ Au a,Ve^t, vic3r ?en. to the Abp. of Cant, and Re- ocefe of Canterbury, and j to rhe archd of Ro a cheA and 'h= roya! peeoti.r of St. | Dr Thomas Sever, „"l"f p. th f archoeacon of Oxford r ' f T S f >r ^ > S oy ernor , j — ^ wn ot Earbadoes u5StS3V. , SS2 ’ of SV"?* •* J chapter of WetoUfl eial to the archdeacon of a dire Tcr-iS: wSSSZSP** — pctouujr or st. htherine’s, & F. R. A.S.S : fc Richard Smaibroks r Demis Cl .rke, judge of I SI REnrsTKES & other Officer;. Regiftfcr of the Arches Court William Foikes, efq. Principal Regifters of the Pre- rdgativeCourt of Canterbury Rev. Mr. Thomas Herring Rev. Mr. John Lawry, and Rev. Dr. George Jubb Principal Regifters of the Pro. virce of Canterbury, George Gibfon, efq. Rev. Edmund Gibion, and Thomas Froft Regirtcr of the Faculty Office I Mr. Robert Jubb Apq arator Genera! of the Pro- vince of Conteibury, William Foikes Marfhal and Serjear.t at Mace of the High Court of Ad- miralty of England, William Brough, efq., , Kis Dep. G. Douglas Bowden. Proctors, Philip Crtfpigny, efq. King’s ^ Prcxftor Mr. Henry Farrant Mr. Charles Alexander j Mr. Htnry Stevens, one of the 1 Deputy Regifters of the Prerogative court of Cant. m "\ Mr. William Taverner _ Codf. Lee Farrant. efq. Princ. Reg. of the High Court of Admit, ot England, Princ. Reg. of the High Court of J Deleg. and Pr. Reg. of the High Court of Appeals for L Pnzes, and a Clerk in the ■*- Prerogative Office Mr. Hen. Major, Geo. Bellas Mr, Geo. Coftling, f en . Pro. ' to the Admiralty, one of Vt * he °ep. Regifters in the Prerog. Office, and Deputy ( 1 T 4 ) Regifter of the Royal Pecu. liar of t. C-therine’s Mr. Thomas Addarly, Deputy Reg. to the com. of Surry Mr. Nathaniel Biftiop, Dep. Regifter of the Adm. and Delegates, and Court of appeals for Prizes Roger AJtham, Regifter of the Archdeaconry of Midd. Dean and Chapter of " eftminfter, and Dep. Reg. of the Dioccfe and Archdea- conry of Rochefter Mr. Wrght Bateman Mr. Rob. Longden, Dep. Reg. to the Archdeacon of Surry Mr. Mark Holman, Deputy Regifter of the Diocefe, and to he Archdeac.-of London Mr. John Green, Deputy R e . gifter of the Arches Court of Canterbury Mr. John Philips Edward Cheflyn, efq. Mr. John Sevens, one of the Deputy Regifters of the Prerogat ve Court cf Cant. Mr. William Gtering Mr. Michael Fountain < eorge Faulkner John Clarke Kobert Bargrave Charles Alex. Crickitt Edward Goodwin William Fuller Mr. John Torriano, one of the Clerks cf the Kr nS ) Law Clerk to both Ofnees, Lovell Stanhope, efq. 400 I Cazette Writer, Plight Hon, Edward Weffon, 300 1 Deputy, Francis Wace Secretary of Latin Language, Thomas Ramfdea, efq. 200 I fl Keeper of State P p.-rs, Andrew Stone, efq. Collector and Transmitter of ditto, Tho. Ramfden, efq* Sec. of State for the Colonies E ARL of Hillbborough t Under Secretary, John Pownall, efq. Chief Cl. Win. Pollock, efq. Clerks, John Larpent, jun. Amb.Serie, William Sawcr John Hutchinfon Charles-Hanbury Williams John-Lillingfton Povvnalf, 1 Chamb. Keep. jn. Phil. Mul; Deputy ditto, Wm. Mitton Neceffary- woman, Eliz, Mu!y Commiffioners f Trade and Plantations (Whitehall), 1660* Deputy Secretary, Silas Bradbury, efq. 300I SolJic. Sc Cl. of the ReportSj 1 . onnl Lords Commiffioners, (8) *~pHE Lord Chancellor, firft 1 Com mi IT. of the Treaf. I d. Pref. of the Council, firft Commiff. of the Admiralty, the Princip. Seer, of State, the Chancel, of the Excheq. theBifhopof London, and the Surveyor and Auditor- general of all his Majtfty’s Revenues in America, for the time be ing,together with The Earl of Hillsborough *Soame Jenyns, *Edw. Eliot, * 1 ♦George Rice, *-John Roberts ^William Fitzherbert "Seer. John Pownall, efq. 750I r (TJ' Rd. Cumberland, efq, 200 1 Clerks, John Tutte, 100 I John-Sharpe Palmer, 90 I W.Berkiey, Sol William Roberts Chamberlain Davies Lemuel Dole Neime, 4-I Counfcl to the Board, * ’ * Chamber Keeper DoorKp. & Meff. Edw. fear NecefTary-woman,AnnWrigl 'Commiffioners and Officers of the CUSTOMS* s Commiffioners, Amuel Mead, F. R. S. Edward Hooper, F. R. S. Henry Pelham John Frederick Henry Bankc$ ; efqrs* Sir William Mufgrave, barh Corbyn Morris, F. R, S. James Jeffreys, Tho. Boone, efqs. ioco 1 each Sec. Ed. Stanley, F. R*S> For himfelf ^.iOCl B > 3001 1 :co!, J efq. .1 --Ty wmiams uaa Powcal 1 , •? ja. Phil. Mb' 1 "ffi. Mitton . snaCjIKz.Md ; - stuti ), 16601 • SarZirj, 7 . «fij- 300I , or tbs Repora ard.rfq. :;o_l fool Pc.SKT, 90 1 bl itrcs , Dairies : Ketae, 4 I 10 the Board, rk of the Weftern Ports, Jam How, efq. 185 1 rk of the Northern Ports, 1 Lowe, efq. So I Chief Clerk, Spilsbury, So 1 Clerk of the Minutes, 1 King, 100 1 SOLLICIT OR S. ndon and Weftern Ports, rge Medcalfe, efq. 300 1 Northern Ports, .1 Tyton, efq. 250I icitor for Bonds and Cri- minal Profecurions, •rge Litchfield, efq. 250 1 Receiver General, iiam Mellifh, efq. ioco 1 Affiftant, 1 ggot, efq. ico 1 ountant of Petty Receipts, n Twells, efq. ymafter of the Incidents, >mas Beet, 70 l iptroller of the Jfiues and ayments of the Receiver ieneral, iry EJIifon, efq. for himfelf nd three Clerks, 580 1 Comptroller General, >ert Parfons, efq. 1350I year, for himfelf, two Af- ilants, and four Clerks edfor of the Out-Port Col- lectors Accounts, n Hughfon, efq. 600 1 for imfelf and four Clerks •eClor General of the Ex- ports and Imports, elham, efq. 7S0I for him- lelf and five Clerks Aififtant, John Tomkins, 120 1 *7 ) Regiiler General of all trading Ships belonging to Great - Britain, Peter Shaw, efq. 69c! for him- felf arid five Clerks Surveyor ot the Out Ports, Robert Thomfon, efq, 366 L Infpe&cr of Profecutions, Wm. Poyntz, efq. he has r s in the Pound of what i* paid into the Exchequer Examiners of the Out- Pert Books, H. Crefwicke Henry Saxby William Moreton St. Demainbry, efqrs. too! Examiner of the Sufficiency of Officers Securities, Mordecai Cutts, efq. 150 1 Clerk, 3c 1 Survevor General of the riding. Officers, For the Coaft of Kent, E. Milward, efq. 33d Clerk, 30 1 For SufTcx, William Battine, efq. 35c 1 Clerk, 70 1 Surveyor of Hants and Dorfet, F. Eddovves, efq. 250 1 Clerk, 20 1 Surveyor General of Efiex, Thomas Clamtree, 250 1 Surveyor General of Suffolk, Norton, 250 1 Port of London# Comptroller of the Cufioms, Duke of Newcaftle, 445 1 and Fees Deputy, and Deputy Regifter of Seizures, Charles Wade I Surveyor General, T. Conftable, efq. 3 oo 1 Deputy, Thomas Fanlhaw Coir.ptroIler of the Cloth and Petty Cuftoms, Lancelot Harrifon, efq. ZQ0 \ Plantation Clerk, J. Powell, 170 I Aflibant, J. Newey, 80 ] t ** a L mincr of Tobacco, J- Cabbell, efq. 200I Surveyor of Land Carriage Officers, J. Brooke, 60 1 it the E " i:d; ” ss ' Surveyor of Coaft Waiters, Edward Whitehoufe, 6 0 1 Sollicitor of Ccalt Bonds J. Hedges,* efq. 50 1 ’ V7 M- erk ,°f Coa ft ^ufinefs, William May, . 1 Tobacco Officers. Rtgifter General, Henry Halcombe efq. , 00 l FirftClk. E.CJutterbuck ,«,! Clerks William Smyth 5 E. Burton —Liur. — Graham Clerks under the Collector In wards, Fayrer Gibbon, 80 1 Charles Thredder, 4.9 ] v/ s n w ik ,e ( ; om P ,rollc G V/. s. WalKy, 80 J lienry Jackfon, 40] Inwards. Calle&ors, 663 1 13 s 4 d Edward :Louifa Mann, efq Deputy, Henry Saxby t u Xa r" e , r Du{ y on Wines, John Goldham, 80 1 On other Goods, William Moreton, 120I Regirterof, the Warrants, W liham Saxby, 40J C 118 ) w-fi rk of n the SflJ PS Entries, William Read, 60I Colledlor of Petty Cuftoms i wards, 62 1 6 s Sd hurrington Goldfworthy, ef M P n- F °T Ur ^ erquers > 1001 Weffi John Okes, H. Clat W Arrnftrong, F S. Cosby Inlptft. of S. oops and Boat! barn. Brown and Ciks. 275.1 A /l n ^ a " d Surveyors, 200 1 Meff. J. Keene, Wcnm. Nut Benj. Batley, Rich. Frewin Win. Serjeant, D. Minrt fames Price, George Leycefte ^ogerHah, Edmund H or rex Clerk, Henry Ly ford Surveyor of Paper, Mat. Rob. Arnott, efq. i 0 o Surveyor of the Keys, Mr. Forrefler Ford, JO ol Surveyor of Baggaee Thomas Wiggj ns> 1501’ Infpe&ors of the River, j« NahCleaveland, J. Martha J. Wesket, James Redmayi Computer of Tobacco, Mr. Henry Saxby ,, I ^P,t ftor of Tobacco, Mr William Hodges, * | 19 Pat. King’s Waiters, 52 1 31 Land-Waittrs, 80 I each 6 Addit. Land-Waiters, 60I r Tuie - Surv - 60 1 eacl »o T.defmen, 40 1 each 120 Di tto , 35 1 each Uei kto the Tide -Surveyor k* Johnfton, 50 1 * Examiner of Journals. Weft. Ports, J. Lowe, 2c 1 I D nffi Nt f h ' . P °r S ’ J- P <>vve 5 Il, 25] Infp. of the Exchequer Books in the Out Ports, Heneage Lcgge, efq. 300 1. Husband ( I fusband for the 4^ per Cent, Duty from the Plantations, ahn Barnes, efq. 150 1 omptroller on the Husband, /illiam How, 100 1 examiner of their Accounts, dward Stanley, efq. 250 1 eceiv. of Fines ^Forfeitures, ichard Price, efq. 400 1 Comptroller on ditto, a. Webb, efq. who has jfd. in the Pound on all Money remitted to the Receiver Gaugers, 80 1 each -olleftor of the Coal duty, obert Wefton, efq. 320 1 Comptroller to ditto, r. Robert Simpfon, 130 1 Outwards, )!Ie< 5 lor, Dukeof Manchefter (by patent for three lives) ?p. Col. Ph. Parcells, efq. >pying Clk. S. Baldwin, 30 1 rltomer and Collector of Wool and Leather, A. Barnard, efq. 50 1 >mpr. of Wool and Leather, chard Williams, 30 1 Cuftomer of Cloth, rry Player, 55 1 rveyor, H.S. Legge, efq. p. Ja. Browne, efq. . Searcher, Jn. SefTe, efq. puty, Benjamin Hill, urveyor of the Searchers, Hammond, efq. 150 1 19 ) Reg. of the Certificate Coquets and Reg. of the Debentures, Jn. Oxenford, efq. 150I King’s Warehouse. Surv. Jn. Rcbfon, efq. 200 1 AfiiRants, Jn. Gibbs, 80 1 J. King, 50I Warehoufe-kp. for the Crown, J. Walker, 60 1 W. Suckling, for the Collet. Surv. of E. India Wareheufe, Dr. S. Demainbray, 130 1 Afiifiant, Wm. Moftyn Haliday, 70 J Infpe&or of the unrated Eaft- India Goods, Dr. Demainbray, 150I For Clerks, icol Warehoufe-kp. of IndiaGoods, J. Hughes J.Palmer, iooleach At ten. on Sales, P. While, icol Compt. John Godfrey, junior Francis Coke, 50 1 Warehoufe-keeper for Pepper, William Arpiftrong, ioci Compt. Ed. Richardfon, 50 1 Surveyor of Navigation, Richard Strong, 100 1 u foer of the Cuftom-houfe, ' William Varey, efq. 400 1 Houfe-kp. J. Greening, 3S3I Deputy, Richard EdgerJy Door* keep. Dune. M*An'd rews Two Appraifers, 30 1 each Tho. Brunfdon, Tho. Pearce Engine-maker, E. NuttalL m ill E X C I S E - O F F I C E, Old Jewry. j6 43 ! ‘ommiflioners, iooo 1 each. I /Illiam Burton I- ' Jn. Wyndham Bowyer I vid Papilion « oj-ge Lewis Scott, F. R. S o. Bowlby, Richard Bagct I o, Qoarnie, Rd. Stcnhewer Anthony Lucas, efqrs. Secretary, 7^1. c tamp Brooksbank, e q. Tho. Ball, efq. ift Clerk 100 I L Edw. Rumfey, 2d Clerk, 60 1 1 John Lewis 3d Clerk, 4&I Cent If Iff ] ( 120 General Aceomptants, Henry For.-efter, Excife, 260 1 Wun ?0 Haldane, ditto, 250 1 v ' lt £ r an '® 1 Simon > Malt, 2 col rV^R 1 * 31, Hldes > &C.2I0I Goul Bruete.Soap, & c . 2C0 , jKi.ii I aron, Coaches, zocl Sam. Ruflell, New-plate, 200 1 AccoxptantforFines, Joh 1 WhaJley, 170 1 Accompt. London Brewerv Samuel Marriott, Rotert Rayment, 12oI each Clerk ottheBiiis of Exchange, Jofvph Phillipfon, ioo 1 Chief Examiners, Jft- W Uiam Rollinfon, 160I 2d - "-'till am Lufn, 126I ! ; 3 d - Thomas Cripps, u 0 I , t-orrefp. Jofeph Stevens, 1S0 1 I Cep. Joieph Deane, 120I li i 1 ^* Clk. Tho. Rogers 70 I -l.Cik. Ofwald Hoskyns^°eO ] I 1A/ .... C,erkof ‘ ^e Diaries, 5 William Arnold, i 00 l ii , v General Infpeftors, I L vr> ’ Hewby, Brewery, 160 | | Henr y Dentoa, DiftiJlery , j ! p . General Surveyors, 5 ; Benjamin Hutchins, 160 J ? a -T; C l ; , f hufac ' Ifrael Court, and I J 4a 1 each ! f-narles Moods', 12 c 1 Anthony Walker, j 20 J General Surveyors of DiRiU erv 1. and Brandy, Ioo each * i^cTvh Henry Dsnto " ) Clerk of the Securities, Thomas Rumfey, e! q. 200I Jcfeph Toiler, Firft Cleik S torek p . W. Wi I lia m s , efq . 1 2 o 1 f'. P e . n - Sir w -Milner, bt. for hmitelf and Clerks, 2 coo I benjamin Stow, efq. ift Cleik Comptroller of Cafii, Sir Richard Temple, bart. for mmfeif and 2 Clerks, 800 1 Jnfp. Gen of Co, T es , Tea, &c. Geo. Ja. Williams, efq. cool Retift,r to the CommiUioners, Thomas Rider, efq. 450 1 Rob. Pritchard, irt Clerk, 80 1 Oeo. Blenkinfop, 50 1 Soil. Spencer Schutz, efq. for h.mfelf and 2 Clerks, 6iol Auditor of Excife, John Fowie, efq. for himfelf, De P- & 5 Cletks, 1240 1 Auditorof Hides, Sec. Char esSteuard, efq. for him- A-lf and 2 Clerks, 400! Comptroller of Accompts, John Butler, efq. for himfelf, Dep. and Clerks, 1425 J ~;P* J a ^es Comyn, efq. ( Commiflioners far Appeals r° b ™ ^ ° ney ’ J' Co ^dc/ G. Chad, John Grey, and Daniel Bull, efqrs. 2C o 1 » t0 the CoUrt of A PPeaIs, cT!f m T M ? OD,ef<1 ' 1001 „, k \ of Incid ents, j. Hennell, e.kp. M rs> Cavendifi^ 200 1 J eputy, Sar. Thefieer, j 2 ol Doorkeepers, Edw. Cock, and — Dorant I |urv T Re r J ° n > , „J- BclJ > t-oacnes, q 0 J r n , . — . I. Wat on, Plate Licenc 9 go 1 ( p CT , GR j of the Excise, nfp, of Spir. Liquors Licences 1 R, r El ? g,and and Wales. [ _° 6S ' R0b ‘ Bceb ^ IPO 1 Uth, Johi Sk pf ° n PatCf 1 'ford, Geo.Rowley of God- Inan ch erte r , Huntindonlh. V ( ‘°J» Richard Eyton ■ y^rlander, Amerf. r ' 5 e > John Smeatlmian terbury, Johnjackfon «er, Tliomas Rudduck Int Tbo ’J°fP^S, Penryn -ntry, John Banning ;J er ^.W. Green, Carli/le y* William Cowper rt l w^- ,Kin ^ land ’ Roth - M hfawkfworth, ■ Milborn Port r- ®*WilIis,N'ew.up.T. 7 1 ’ W 'S f °n» CoJchefter ;| > Sam. Hobfon, in Devon ^i:fter, Thomas Beale 1 BlrdAv °rth, J mford in Lincolnihire ’ J d "- Ellard, Gofport r i,rd , |^ 1 u iam Sym ° ns -|ird Matthew Lowthain, J .hill-row, London 'ght, J a. Hawkfley, /port J n ‘ Ce . Ife 7» Lsncaft John Crofts ild > William Earle ’’ Thomas Collins ■ -^Thomas Johnfon ^ Rd. Rjchardfon, N or f. ) Manchefter, Cayley Johnfon Manborough, Miles Rogers Northumberland Norwich, John Repton Oxon, Thomas Collis Reading, John Hutchinfon Eftw’i R:chard Th Waites, Ej,lV Wilton, York/hire Rocheft. G. Vernon, Greenw. Salisbuury, Samuel Emly Salop, John Cooke .«S J ' H “ ,c ' ,in '' on ' Ch ' r - Suffolk, James Gibbs, T p f wich Surry, Thomas Burften Suffex, John Purdue, Lewes Taunton J a . Barnard, Crew- ivern, Somerfttfhire wS t 0 ?-ffT, uelHa,J > Dcvo « waies, £aft,AIexand. Amvas w S - n ey, Glamorgan * ’ wl eS, M ldd u Je ’ Ber J- Tidoe W « weft * Th'Richardfon W Wh-T- rhampt0n> J n - C arret, Whihmgton, Stafford/hire York Tll ° maS Sock ^t *ork, Thomas Stack, * T -OFFICE ^ , .... I-ommiff.oners, ' ^Na cTr* March 2 5 , 1694. It .Talkie T^/r /, . —I Gibfcn, Deputy ^ Lf.Fane, t f qs . s r 'J ' BrGw ne h Grefham, bt. j y [ ’ Grelham, bt. i dfon, efq, ^oo j S Mitchell, efq. 430 j Miielfand three Clerks /Reynalds, efq. Dep. John Hull, Sam. Jebb -'roller and Clerks, u.Edw.Wefion, 3J0 1 200 1 1 nil. njias Pe t r er Sec. Johnmou ^ Accomptant General James Creffet, efq. - 00 j 1 1 Correspond, J„l,„ mj. ;|°J • r i Clerk to the Ccrrefpondent, William Bacon, Sol Chief Acct. Sc Cl. of Securities, Francis Toplady, 180I Accomptants, H. Folks, T. Mathews, So I each Clerk, George Elliot, 7ol.aY. William King, 50 1 Houfe-kper. Cath. Lloyd, 100I Store-keeper and Clerk of the Charities and Diaries, Richard Beauchamp, 80 1 22 ) Colle&or of London Port, John Pookc, 70 1 Affiftant Searcher, Thomas Reeves, 70 1 Surveyors, 60 1 Jofeph L) ttelron, John Pook Boatmen, Jo. Lock, Jn. Hill, 3< Door-keeper, John Miller, 50 Meftenger, George Bacon, 5c Porter, William Putt, 30 1 Watchmen, 25 l John Stalker, Tho. Dinfdale, GENERAL P< Frefted by A£t of Parliament, Poftmafters General, 2000 1 E ARL of Sandwich Lord Le Defpencer, Sec. Anthony Todd, efq. 200 1 Clerk to the Poftmafter Gen« Daniel Braithwaite, efq. 100 1 Clerks to the Secretary, Thomas Todd, 60 1 Rob. Thompfon, Jn. Holford, John Osborn, 50 1 each Rec. Gen. Rt. Trevor, ef. 300I Clerks to the Receiv. General, Jj Maddifon, Jn. Bowden, 50 1 Accomptant General, John Walcot* efq. 300 1 John Spicer, Deputy, 90 1 Clks. to the Accompt. Gen. Stiles Lupart, John King, Humphry Walcot, 50 1 each Infpedlors of the mif-fent and dead Letters, R.Parfons,Sam.Bradfhaw,iool Solicitor to the Poft Office, Edmund Hoskins, 200 1 Rodent Surveyor, 300 1 Atkinfon Robinfon, efq. Comptr. of the Inland Office, Samuel Potts, tfq 200 1 Dep. Comp. John Watts, 100I )ST-OFFICE. 27 Dec. 1660. Lombard- flreet Clerks of the Roads, Chefter, Thomas Smith, jooI Affift. John Briggs, 60 1 North, William Boulton, 60 1 Affiftant, John Webb, 60 1 Weft, Jacob Jackfon, 60 1 Affift. George Oxlade, 50 I Briftol, John Silvefter, 60 1 Affift. Edward Comber, 60 1 Yarmouth, Jofhua Baker, 60I? Affiftant, John Dixon, 60 1 I Kent, Charles Crefwell, 60 1 Affiftant, Henry Potts, 50 1 Clerk of the Bye-Nights* Jacob Shann, Col Affiftants, 50 1 Tho. Bayley, John WildmanJ Sorters, John Maskal, Thomas Bayley* Edm. Barnes, Jn. Wildman, John Ridley, W lliam Rowe, John Price, Samuel> Shaw, Thomas- James Burton, Thomas Platt, John Overall, Henry Piers, Jfaac Cabane, Charles Coltfon, 50 1 Supernumerary' Sorters, 4 Wm. Ogilvie, Wm. Arnold, Sam» Ardron ; Tho, Tidcomb. evereux, Hi. C L TkZ'^Xl I ,® n AU rf ft ~» J° f - Devereux, I Beal, T. Willis, 30I each I • 2 Facers at 25 each I ‘ndow-man and Alphab’t- ■ -eeperon the General Days, ■ hn Gre n, 60 I finduv man onthe bye-days, B »Tl. Skufe, ] lh°^ ranks ^’ Wa5kaI '>50l I s Affiftant, William Rowe I f C VT r °/ t , he Letter Carriers ■ inMrchell, 60 1 1 Lett. Carriers, at ns, aWk. ■ ^r-kp.to th e Port_ m . Gen ; J Lommins | Court Poll, 2 I a Day I iry Penton. efq. ■ =ver,r of the Letters to the j on. Houfeof Commons, f; rles Coltfon, 8 S a day 1 Mail-Makers, ^ard Wakeling, ir 0 l edlors of the Carriers, :hmen,& Watermen, c 2 1 • Hargrave, And.Rhoden, • Frayer, Ch. Saverland leilengers, at 12s. a Week, atchman, John Whale, e ~k- Ann Osborne, 40 j /■' . T ~ uc <*o ana mif- font Letters, J n . Spicer, Sol Surveyors, Nathaniel Draper, Richard Arbuthnot, P * George Hodgfo^efqs.^ol l y laxwe l>. efq. 220 1 Office-keeper, Thomas Bavin, | s Letter OffxceT « >. 2nd Refident Surveyor bh Allen, efq. cool 7 ' f His Clerks, eaver, J n Atkinfon, 60 1 efq. at Dover, 150 J * James Clements, efq. at Har- wich, 1 S o j * e 5l- 3t Fa 'mouth,i2ol f ' ^ b - Goddard, efq. aC Lisbon A , B J rk ( > e ,f eff k at MarfeiUes A York G den ' efr S t oU rbridge^S tamTord f S* tain e °”s t raftbr ^ 'o^A St0ne > in Glouccfter/hirc, Sudbury. * ‘ rd on Avon > Stroud ford, 1 hoTne n Tiverto^ tU n y ’ J'^ worth » T hame, Thet- Michaelmas,) 5 Tuxford/ U ° ri ^ e -’ ( from Midfummerto ckfield, Uxbridge. /hire, Wells in Norfolk Welknetrn ’ c £ ‘ s In Somerfec- Wetherby, WhitehJ/en w- 5 S f merfet ’ Welwyn, chefter, 'windSr^^f 3 ^ ^ ^ Kent, Wisbidi, Witham in Eir-’x Wnl^k Win S ham in cefter, W 0 rkfon, WorkTaS^* Wolverhampton, W Gr . Wycombe High^Wycambe Weft ^ Woodllock > 1 mouth in No. folk, York ?' k Mai [ is dispatched f cm London to Edinbnr^ n London every Day Wednpfrla j c 3ric ^ «?•. Air» .0 ,„o (JftrSHrt' “• wick. A Port is ftkewife eftahli^ c* 4-. B “ lford > and ween Edinburgh and Aberdeen ( ur * X £ imes a Week er intermediate owns in Scotland ^ ’ Greenock ^ a ”d SSSS5S widow s Stable Of the Rates of POSTAGE cl r, n Portage of a Angle Letter in Briti/h p e „,/ ,» «<'■>« raffing through Lonff T 1 ( ) Between any Pod-Office and any Place above the Dirt- 7 Pen, ance of 80 Eng. Miles, and not parting thio’ Lond. C 4 Be’ ween Lond. Sc Edinb. Dumfries, or Cockburnfpeth 6 Between any Port-Office in Scotland and any Place in the fame Kingdom, above the Diftance of one Siage, and not exceeding 50 Engiilh Miles, and not parting through Edinburgh — ' Between any Port-Office in Scotland and any Place in J the fame Kingdom above 50, and not exceeding 80 3 Englilh Miles, and not palling through Edinburgh j Between any Port - Office in Scotland and any Place in the fame Kingdom above the Diftance of 80 Englilh Miles, and not palling through Edinburgh Between Port -Patrick in Scotland, and Dcnaghadee in Ireland, by Packet-Boats, over and above all other Rates — — Between London and Dublin, by Way of Holyhead Between London and Donaghadee, by Way of Carlille and Port-Patrick — Between any Port-Office in Ireland and any Place in the fame Kingdom above the Diftance of oneStage, and not exceeding 40 Englilh Miles, and not parting through Dublin — Between any Port- Office in Ireland and any Place in the fame Kingdom above the Diftance of 40 Englilh Miles, and not parting through Dublin Between Great Britain and the Irte of Man, by Packet-Boats, over and above all other Rates Packet-Boats on the Dover Station, which fail ever Wednef. day and Saturday , after Port, for OJler.d and Calais, Hanover, Capt. Wellard Union, Capt. Starr Prince Frederick, Capt. Story Difpatcb, Capt. Bondi; Courier , Capt. Stiles Pour Packet-Boats between Harwich and Helveetjluys In Holland, fail from Harwich every Wednejday and Saturday Afternoon, and from Helvoetjluys lot- Harwich, on Wedntj- days and Saturdays, P.o/' 0 nz»gc, Cap. Maddef. Hunt I E.of Befsborougb, P.Baggot/U. Dolphin, Capt. Sam. Cockerell | Pr.of Wales, Capt. JalBoflom Four Packet-Boats betweenF a LMouTHandCHARLEs-TowN. Sandwich, Capt. Nottingham I Eagle , Lc Dejpevfer , Capt. Pond | Swallow, Capt. Wauchop, for which a Mail is made up at the General Poft-Cffice the firft Wednejday in every Month, anc} the Packet fails from j ( I2 7 ) I Falmouth on the W cine (dev f 0 |) nw ; n , , , . , I ^ or k for Falmouth the lecond V,*, j^ 9 - ‘ ai s ^ rom i */«* Capt. JohnBolderSn I LJ uJ? J? Momh ‘ I efCumb.Qapr. Jn Goodridee // ->^>Capt. NornsGoddai d I e Packet Boats between F^fl ' Ca ^ Gf °- Oake | Madeira and the Wed Indies fart u 3nd I ' le ^ ar >d of 4 it London the firrt 7 Vednefday’ in *v “ aU i$ . niade U P I \et fails from Falmouth on i na 7ere fa> Capt. Val, Dyer ■f Capt. Ch. Ed wards I rnville, Capt. John Siddali i - — - « e Packet Boats between p A T I rom Falmouth, Saturdays in the a 7" and L,SBCN . fail from Lisbon uncertain. ^ Ahernoon. The failing 1 Capt.Peter Brown I Hanover Cam- i„ f i » |’feS;e TI ' 0maSPa - ^^.cfpi.Tho^S" 1 • BritUh Dominion in JlUER.CA ’ TV" DiCti " r anc * not pacing thro’ a CJvefOffi ^ c SHIP LETTERS ° r jj*g j i. on board of any Ship Oae Penn „ ed to » or coming before mentioned j a^nd for every Lm!r or P Uie i3 MiXaMv’f % from *»* r«* »l>a,roever . Gibraltar a »d IV t - Mai lonTm a “ rope or A,1Knca (except t. foreign letter ^ Letters from London to any Part of Hnllinri r francefpay^o foreign'poftage? 06 ^ ^ throiig^ From any Part of Holh^F^ th^Vtce d ; n or a b n y d £%£* * **“ ° r ^ i ’ '* Between London and any Part of Italy, Sicily TurO France' V r tZ r an< ^ ~ lface » and Minorca, through^ France, (except to Geneva) usn > Between London and any Part of Italy, Sicily Turkey T SrS v®?w»!iJ=fe£ : f • Bdes the faid Foreign Rates thX m *1 are > be to pay, at the Office whirh .1 ^ -^ e c ^ iar § fca Me With »Ww»t«hfchU,^cZ«WtomL l !d l P °" " «■ -I £ s: f r 0 f pap„ exceeding one Quarter of a Sheet J p 0r from Turke y> no! pafs without Payment of thn P -°^ E a E er > are a ^ owed t0 paid .Be f 0 ), iJSon^Z a muft * ever- (except by the Penny PnrtT Let . ter £ and Packets what- fpedive Rates of Single^etter/^f ° Pr ^ po ^ ion to tlle re- chargeable by Weight 8 mv !f! b . f0 ^ fpecified S Packets *«« ^ *>«* ** r 1 _ PENN y.p o S T ting within the CiUes ^London ft pa/nn S °r re-paf. I0 “* h * St,u,h wk «■ ** M • ‘ f» I ( I2 9 ) is not to exceed the Weight of four Ounces, unlefe com- from, orpafiingto, the General Port) Oire Penny upon t ng in the fame, as alfo a Penny upon the Delivery of V s are to any Place beyond the faid Cities, Bo. t Deltvery ^ ^ witIlin the Diftri,a of the Penny- 'lew and Correa Lift of the Penny.r 0 ft, (ErcEled 1683.) opptroller , Sir Fr. Charlton, Bart. 300I. His Clerk , Tamos ury°m M “tL' r ’ Rsb ' rtCa,,wel1 ’ 7 ° h 1 Sorte !; s i one at each Office, at 15s. per Week, and Foufes, E r g Jt Sub 'f crters > at Jos- per Week, and near Vtr.ty MeJJcngcrs, at 8 S. per Week. ' ]j c f t j je ^ * Ve Principal Offices, /hewing where they are •pt, and the Hours in ’which Letters and Parcels are conveyed t be follow i ng and adjacent Places. -f Penny-Post-Offich, is kept in Thrdgmrtoti-Street, oppohte Eartkolomeiv-Lane. Sorter, B. Prerswell. Aldersbrook Averyhatch Barking Bee- hive Bethnal-Green Blackm. Hoi Boafded-River Bow Bromley;;; Mid. Bufh-Hill Cambridge- Heath Cannonbury- Houfe Chigwell and Row f Chingford Copenhagen Cranbrook Dalfton ' Edmonton Frog- Lane • Green Man v Green-Street 7 l 3 Hackney 5 Haggerfton 1 Ham-Eaft 1 Ham-Weft 5 Hcxton 3 Holloway Up- 7 per 1 7 3 HollowayLow. 7 1 Jenkins 1 III ford 3 Islington 1 Kmfland Road - Laytonftone - Loughton-Hall - Lowlayton - Loxtoid 3 Mile End and Green 3 Mount-Mill 1 Newington- Stock 1 Newington- Gr. 1 Oldford Palmers-Green f. a. 1 PlaftovV in EYR 1 Ripple-Side - Ruckolds 3 Sir J. Oldcaftle - Southgate - Standford-H-H 3 Stepney - Snarsbrook i Stiatford 3 Torrington I * - Tottenham - Tottenham . , high-crols 1 Valentine ‘1 Upton - Waltham flow - Wanftead - Winchniore- Hill 3 Woods-CIofe - Woodford - WoodfordRow and Bridge M a > 1 I ? Wtjflmi fter renny-Port ^ , Hours ^ASSSS^T A a. 5 Abery Farm - A£lon E. &*w. - Aflon W ells 4 Bafewatering 2 B,’ackln-Sti!e MaHia Maps | ond Malh- Brands - Will-Hill * Heefdon 5 Neat-Houfe3 2 Nomans- Land 2 Noith-Erd - North-High- way - Netting Hill - Oxgate 4 Paddington at Green - Paddingwick* Green 71 5 Pimlico 2 Pmfets-Crofs - Pages -St rl-ej , . 2 Pa rfons- Green 7 2 Sandy- End 7 ( -Shepfurds-bufli 7; - Sherrick-Green 7 j - Shoct-up-H.li 7( 2 Si on -Hill 2 Sion-Houfe 2 Sior-T are - St. John’s Wood 2 Stanford-Brook f ■ Starch-Green • 2 Strand cn the Green 2 Sutton-Court and Little Sutton 2 Turnham-Cr. 7! 2 W al!am-Green ; 7 j * Wemly and Green 7 j 4 Weftburr:- ' Green 7 \- W eft-End lit ./• . - Wilfdon- Grc$n z Windm.!!- iane I^AARMSMlWIHWi ( r 3» ) rmitage Tenny-Foft-Oifice, is kept in Queen-Street, Little Tower-Kill. Sorter, William May. U, a. i Black wall I/l-s of Dogs |f. 1 a 2 K. David’sFort 2 Limehoufe j/w/ Hole f.'a. 7 2 Poplar 7 j 2 Ratcliff i St? p. &Cau:e. it 1 : wa r k Pen ny -°c it- 6 ffice A t 'nS t . S a vi o u r ’ rCi:* rcb-ya rd in ^Borough, end onAccounUf thsDifance of the following Places y setters and Parcels mujl be at this Ojice by Teno' Clock the preccd- ugEvening, to be forwarded by the fir ft Delivery, Sor. J. Dupre., u a. - Balam 2 BarnsT. & EL 2 Batteif. £?Rye$ • Beckingham - Elackheath i Biif. Caufeway • Brockley Upper and Lower • Burnt Afh i Camberwell • Charlton : Claph. SfCom. i Cole-Harbour i Deptford Upper and l ower • Dulw. & Com. • Ekham Gammon-Hill t Garrets Green . Greenwich \ Grange-Road Grove-Street Hou. 5 - Ireland-Green 5 ,2 Kennington 5 - Kew-Greert 5 | - Kn ghts-Hiil 7 7 Lamb.fS* Marfh 5 1 2 Lambeth(Sou.) 5 Lee - Lewi/} am 2 Lime-Kilns 2 Long-Barn 2 Long-Hedge 2 Lougber.Houfe - Martin-Abby and Mill - Marin Gate 2 Mitcham 2 Mortlake - Morden • Mottingham 2 Newington Butts 2 New-Crofs Hou. - Norwood 5 2 Peckham T. and^ Rey 2 Pigs-Mar.h - Flum^ead 2 Putn. 6? Heat h 2 Red -Ho a fe - Ricklemarlh - Roehampton Rotherhith - Roula-Green 2 Sheen Eaft - Sidnam 3 Stangate 2 Stockwell 2 Sfretham - Tooting Upper and Lower 2 V-ux-Hall Wallworth 2 Wandf.£fCom. Wimble ton - Woolwich 2 Nine Elms Element’s in Blackmore Street. On Account sf the Dif i nee of the following Places , Letters and Parcels mujl Is at this ffice by ‘Ten of the Clock of the preceding Evening, to be fer- arded by the fir jl Delivery. Sorter, J. Patience Battle Bridge Bone- Gate Brill Cole Harbour Ccney-Hatch Eaft-Barnet - Finchley - Frog Lane - Hampke.id 2 High-Gate ' - Hornfey 2 Kentilh Town * MufieL-HHl 2 Pancrafs 2 Finder - South. Green - Tctteiidge - Whetfton - Wood Green m 3 ak • ( 13 2 ) fions' by' Moneyed Jmp °5 t!ons snJ A! \>‘ v.hich pa fling throLh3,ff"LTi e M fent in Lett, Notice is givn, That un irVf K f 3 ^* before ,heir D ^ benefit t the laffi col etfion of the icecWF Receivlr ’K-Houfe befo: ■™ the printed Label at c ch v r g F' ven ’ n ? (which is notifie one oft he Five PpncipalOffii',' K ln8 ' H ° Ulc) or carried t an Hourly Conveys nee from ? tv ? ee ” all which therebe i>'g till Eight o’clock at Night Letter! ° ?£ ckin the M 9™ tf em, but more e pecialjy it ( Lr • \ ai ? d ^ rce * s P ut in a ftands, and from \vbenJe the ^ LeuJp 0 ^- 0 '^^ . the Placl will be much accelerated in iheir n r C ‘ 1n L ' er 1 ls difpatchqd Country — The Public ? is drt J both in Tow » a '^ Dmeftions of Penny- Poft-Letters narf^PP 7 cllRmy, the Writer m.» and to difccner any Delay f t£ J ?>lant ° f * ny NegIe wb£« fons in Lodgings, for wa- t „f C T Ut ’ ef| ecialiy fo p er . n , as ?lfo many Lctteis are refTd L ' ndlor' and I Thugs of Value faiJ to be Cent Ynrile' 1 •_ arcc,s ' P ilTl 9g t rough diffeient Hands bVor- ■ c emery, Notice is hereby given, That un i„f. r. u [ ltfr ° pe " 1 ’ t0 be fo carried to one of the Five p.^n ’ Offices undermentioned, th.-re fern ai d entered h* htet-enner vill no Ways be made anfwerable f!r’ h fcamage. By Order of the ComptroUe? ** I b. Letters, put in at any of the Five PrinciDal hw rrentuned, will be much accelerated in their tho e put in at Receiving-Houfes. Dehvery :hiet_Offiee is kept m Tbrogmcrron.fireet, by the Ro/alExch \y» U ™ S J d ‘ tt °'. ln B'jckmoor-Jlreet, C/are-ma.ki ^ di . t °’, )n Llt:le S u ffo!k-ftrcet , Haymarket. I outb dirto, in bt. Mary 0 very Church-Yard tl * ditto, in Xitk r£r_%!™ ar *- Company for propagating The Gofpd ~n New~Wl, nr) „ i arts adjacent in America, incorporated b v Kin? Charll t/ cb - 7 > 166 -, in the fourteenth Tear of his RciL U * Jaf,er Mauduit, Efq; Governor * Thomas Wright, E.'q ; Trea urer William La ne. Cleric ■•mpkte "Lift 7 f the jupcrar.nuated Lieutenants at V, -■ fe uL D 7 S ° ftbeir M as Luut. \ntheNa 7 J' fephShm 1 70 e bhnM.,1. eotisa-vy. ■fephSh loci Solicitor , lony Cracher de, 501 | p/V/ c/er*, 4 nas Jones, jun. 7 c 1 f d e 'erk , Win. Hem2ns,5ol Office. (Gray's Inn) Riding furvey or s, 100I each; Hugh Meredith, Jo r . Elliot, John Hewit, Jofeph Burt, Wm Smith, John Fenwick, John Tidy, Win. GuilHm, George Woodward Grove, Robert Alnwick, Supemu. Rd. Wetherelt, iod 5 rveyers in London, and ten Miles adjacent , 50I each : Richard Ham, John 1 eg-lly, Woodman, GrirfinBlackwall Hcufe- keeper, Jn. Noldre t^ol 1 Upcjcr liackney Coaches a, Jj Comm Jf oners, (5) I tnCookfon, John Soley, JB ho. Nuthjll, Rd, Capp r, j tmpleman, efq. i- c i eac i, Receiver, 1 NuthalJ, efq. 62. 1 Pr- F.dwinSarn y, f cl j yt ft 2 jinn*, the Com million * Ha; kney Coach-men, and ^ly Sam of 5s to the Recciv, :d Chairs . ( hurry Street) Solicitor, Mat*. Chetfail, 50 1 Houfekeeper , Mrs. SarahCrofby, M rffi ingerSy f'avid Dalton, Hnt. Crofby, John Baud, 40’ e*ch Street-keepers , 35I each Edw. Leek, and i t. Williams, ers are inipowered to licence every Proprietor to p>y the n* at the CfRce every Month. WHn M • j z s t y’s MI N i, (Power) ic66. Warden , f or himfelf and cie k, ? rol Jfc Gen. Wm, Whir- A .mg' s Jlffiay -wafer, \ er, 7 for himfelf and a Jofeph Lucas, efq, for himfelf I 45 °^ and clerk, 225I ■ Wafer and IVorker , Chief Engraver , 3 * ha. Sloane Cadogan, for Richaid Yeo, e q. 2col 1 r r f and 3 dej ks, 6 50 1 ^ffifant Engraver,, moder, John Euller, efq. J. Ralph Ocks, 8oi f f Surveyor of the Meltings and Clerk of the Irons , €eorge Selwyn, efq for him- felf and clerk, 132I i C 6 Deputy, John Jones Smith AJJift. to the Engraver, ^uben Fletcher, 40I 'Surveyor of the Money Prcffes, John Chambers, 40 1 M purveyor, John Vardy •ivjo Auditors, 20 1 each If higher and Tell-.r, Maurice Morgan, for himfelf * nd clerk, ia 2 l 10 s deputy, -Edward Ccucher King's fli. and Clk.of tbePaper. Mr Wiliuni D.ck, reel. ‘ *- oi, ettor, W. Chambcrlay ne,6 j :6 ) Provoft to the Comp. ofAfoncyer f afting as Eng. D. Kemp, 100J The Company, 40 1 each Warden's Deputy, Edward Lucas, elq M aft or Deputy, William Gregory, elq Comptroller's Dips ty and Clerk, William Parry, elq Dep.to the K'sClk W.Dick,;un. CLrk to the Warden, ' • John T wells, icol Clerks to the Mafter, Frederrdc Launder, Tho. Day Porter, Nicholas Kemp, 45I 3 '■t he Mafter' s A ft 'ay Mafter, Mr Standby Alchcrne Office keeper , Frederic Launder^ 35 I . The ADMIRALTY OFFICE. ' (CbtirihgJCffifs) Lords Commi si oners, (n) * - C IR Edward' Hawke, K.B, ‘ n 3 °°ol a Year John Buller, e fo Vrf. P^imfrflcn. Clia. Spen~er Vif, L.fburne ^ ra - Holburp.e, Efq- Phi?’ C cT” J a ' Fox > Iooo! C:J ch Philip Stevens, %. 8col •Jack fen, e fq D e p.s eCi ^ cc ] Clerks onjhe Eftahl! foment, Eiafnius Philips, ^cci Jarnes Alcock, j^ c l John Ibbetfon, i 2c l ^nryftartngs, i rc l •Harry Parker, 8ol Tlio. Fearne, 70 1 Wm Brytr, 60I £xt ra Oeris at mm if stoker 5 cftle Longitude, John Ibbeiifon, 8cl Monger, William Cock, 50I Afsijiants to di:to, Thomas Butler, 40! James flayfom, 3d Rich. Hoich.nfon, I orter y 30I Eliz. Bill, Houjekecper , 40I 3 Watchmen 2ol a year e^ch Eliz.Rey nolds, F/eceJf.JVo, 25I J-iin 1 ucktr, Gardener , 33I Char ts v\ right D niel Bnl ’ n • ^ K fi e ^ cr °f R e fa in \ l^k,J 0 f.B ; lfon,Ph,l.HowI;j enjammGknvillCj 3cl ‘ ‘ y I i*Hrm tlfmmm mm.i 11M& I ^dmir xzt t-Court. [ y u 4 z? oft be Admiralty , ! r • Salufbury, Kt 40c! a Y. I nfel to Admiralty andNavy, J laid HudTey, efq iool. ’ . Sedion, eiq Sollicitor to I e Admiralty ay.d Navy^ooX dgc Advocate to the Fleet, Jackfon, tfq ics perday hard Higgins, Deputy to %s per day Godfrey Lee Farrant, ReAfttr of the Admiralty Court ^•at. Bifhop, Deputy to ditto Dr Marriot, King' s Adv. Gen. Ur George Hams, Admiralty \l tto y 6$ 8d m Time cf Peace P. Crefpigny, efq K'sPro&or G. Goflling, efq Aim. ditto William Biough, Marjbal Deputy to ditto, Charles Douglafs Bowden ■ AY-OFFICE of the ifurcr of the Navy , 2ocol Gilbert Elliot, Bart. ay m after and Ac comp. w Doug as, efq; 500 1 ks for payment cf wages in Broadftreety s Hubbald, Sol s M.dpas, 4- 1 At P or tf mouthy ljellicoe, Scl Hill, 40I At Ply mou thy s Lynch, Scl am Taylor, 40L At Chatham « rt Radcliffe, 4®1 nas Parr, 40I Extra clerks at 50I SwaffieJd, Wm Smith, am Meredith, Navy. (Broad-Street.) CharJes Wentworth Di Ike, Edw. L’Epine, Harris James, Kobert Walker Clerk for paying Navy Billsy John Slade, Sol Ditto, for writing Ledgers, G, Swafiieid, R.Langham,8ol Ja. Slade, Cs Thompfon, 40I. Extra clerk, WmHulme, 50I Cafiier o f the Victualling , John Barber, efq 150I Clerks to ditto . Fr.Cocfc, 70I J. Fennell, rc! Edw. Clarke, Tfio. Farrow, 4$! Meffenger. William Ward, is 8d perday William Goffing, Porter, 1^] Sam. Cook, Door-keeper, 20J. SuiXvaw.Qvd, Hoi f e-keeper, qc\ WmMaflam, Barge-mafler , 61 | NAVY OFFICE, ( Grutcbed Pryors* > incipal Officers and Commissioners of his Maiefltfi NAVY, with the\r Clerks , &c. viz. ** Comptroller of ike Navy, I FORGE efq 50 oJ, Cockburne, Clerk f to ditto in bis Ojpce fir Accompts, Tho, Davies, cbif clerk iool 4 Patrick Mackie, Sol Rd Hatley, Rd Preftwood, 6ol Wm Longman, Alex. Hay, James Pitt, [of. Mohringk, Geo. Hartwell, 50I For foreign accounts , Richard Morris, chiej elk icol William Parry, Geo. Fearne, Tho. Soame, G. Salmon, 50I Clerks to ditto , in his ojfce for teamen's Wages . Chief clerk, Ben. Hell, 200I Bd JFalkingham, Br. Hartwell, Phil. Thomas , Barber Fehnell, Tho. Devey, Benj. Robertfon, St. Haven, Lewis R. Allen, Fr.Wilfon,& J.Davidfon, 50I 2. Joint Surveyors of the Navy, Sir Thomas Slade, knt 50c! John Williams, efq 500I more fir houfe-rent , Sol Clerks to the furveyors • R. Bromley, chief clerk, iool W. Mills, 70I S, Holman 60I Sam .Rusbatch, Henry Terry, Thomas Moore Slade, Thomas Flint, Benj. Langford, 5an. Stow, efq 300I more fir kcufe rent , 50I Clerks to the clerk of the Atfs, Jofhua Thomas, chief clk } ioo\ Thomas Thcmlinfon, 70!,. William Griffith, 60I John Kent, Samuel Male. Rob. Gregfon, Jonathan Hill,ThomasDavi< John Lymer, Jofeph Girdler John Andrews, Char] Holloway, 50). 4. Compt . of treafircr'cacc Timothy Brett, efq; S ocl. Clerks to ditto , Ed. Tilfley, chief clerk , icol Jonathan Dod, 70] Osborn Standard, 6ci Thomas Mudge, joL Ticket office under his infpeFlio Fdw.Bentham, chief c It, Rich. Horne, 2d ditto , 20‘cl Wm Player, Sol w C ir H ° m ’ William King, Wm Payntei John Hunter, George Arnok Robert Hoffman, Jof. Campbell, Philip Hyat 50I. each. Extra clerks , 50I each : CharlcsWade, Ben. RofeW-i WmWigget, Tho. Hargooc Laur. Bond, M. Harold Dum. Andrews, Sam. Turfe^ 5. Compt. of ViSuall^ng y Robert Osborn, efqi^ool- Clerks to ditto , Jof. Poole, chief clerk, 1 Montagu Samuel Ahbo t, Thomas Herne, < '39 ) \ftrCt roller of tbe Store • keeper's Accounts, Will. Bateman Efq; ^col Clerks to ditto , Holden, chief clerk 100J iei Cox, s Cotton, Win Dawer, Wakefield, John Pigott, nas Brwden am C l:man, 50C f Petifionsat tbe Navy Of \ Harris, 50I k of the remittance Bills . M rgetfon, 50I JamC9, mejfenger, j IEERNESS YARD. G IB R ALTER. r the irfpeliion of the com - H. Blankjey naval officer 2C0l | mffioncr at Chatham. Clerk, Henry Jenkins, col Purvis, cl % ofthecbeque\ 50I M A Ii 0 N. t Sowers, fiorekeeper, 150 Milbourn Warren muft. mafier ; * Hunt, mt\ fb. wrt. 15GI Gn d fiorekeeper, zeal I ph Bell, elk. offurveyi^cl clerk toditto, James White, 50I icholfon , haft Atend.iycA* — • v Peale, mr. Jbip*wrigbt's ANTIGUA * r i ftant, and mr. caulker , 80I H. Tcpham, fiorekeeper end l Fraz er, boat [wain , 70I naval officer , 200I clerk to ditto, Peter Alfop. 50I, HALIFAX, Nova Scotia Jofeph Gerrifh, fiorekeeper and naval officer 200! bouferent^ ol Clerk to do [acob Hurd col. mas Male, furgeon [befides * two percet) too! 1 Packer, Mr Mafi-maker. es Clark, Air Sail-maker* j 1 Auftin, porter , 25I D E AL . s Benjamin, clerk of the beque and fiorekeeper , 200I fending the Downs Ufl 12I s/o do. fn Trehern, 45 1 , les Warren, 20 1. HA R HfLCH. [ rirs Howard, clerk of the cheqjieand flore keep . iool for flat ionary, 5I . Sawyer, clerk to do. 30I. KINS A L E. | oxworthy. Na . officer. 95I I uff rent jg/* fat unary 5/ r > ditto , John Furfer JAMAICA . William Stcdhar:, mufier mafier and fiorekeeper 200 Houfe rent,. 50 1 ^Clerks, Tho. Sutton, 80I (Thomas Lega l Yates, 70I R.onei Beall mr poipwri gbtloo\ Houfe rent 30!, clerk to do* Andrew Clarke, 60I. Surveyor General of alibis Ala - jefiy's woods in America. John Wentworth, Efq; goo I Fr, Mackay, Efq; Surveyor cf bisMajefly's woods in Canada 10 s. a day, and 40I a year. The Roy ) HOSPITAL at C;* cenujch. GOVERNORS, Great Officers cfSta f e, many of the Nobility and Perfonj l high Ports undar the King, Seventy-tour DIRECTORS. L B. Rodney, William Boys, . Alexander Hood, Mr. Tindall, obn Major, Bart, luel Toachett, Efq; Mhy Brett; Efq; Jerrick Burrell, Bait. N s * Peter Burrell, Efq; Edmund Mafon, Efq; *Richard .Hufley, Efq; *Z. P. Fonnereau, Efq; Capt, Robert Petr, James Stuart, Efq; ♦Sir Piercy Brett. Knt. * John Clevland, Efq; *Sir John Bentley, Knt. ♦Peregrine Cuft, Efqj John Savary, Efbert Pett, £ (qy Hoy taker Denham Briggs, ^nol nasHan>vay,Efq; Bakc-bcufe | CbieJ clerk, 2org«Mar4h,Elq$ Cutting-bo. David Gregg, Col ex. Chorby, Efq; brew houfe ! f ‘^n’u p * w homa? Colby, Elq$ Accounts Tho. Neville, Rich. BowCbr* 400I a year each fr{f P ettv . war , r Jia mg impreft Amounts, | , f ,| ■> d ‘ dr ‘ ‘" l ™ Wm Saye-, 8c I J , • ~ **»►» Wr JV- Clerkfr keef. mg a cba* ge cn tL . * Trea urer t R« bert Hail 8ol 2f J. a 1 -_ar KSlual/mg Ojfutr ft Depiford, Beni. Co-iier. irol rj ^ x r> , rtctuaUing OHnir a '-'Co. Perry, clak to ditto 50 I Benj. CoJier, |^ 0 j Clerk f. r kost^rr „ ,1 a yC'erhofthi Cheque and ' M after mafier if the iuorkmerl&to John Dixon Sol John Smith, jun. cl f to ditto, 50 I !? /s ct*'h 9 Thi mas Wheeler Accemptant for fercs, I John Bright, 40I each Ricna d Henfha'w, tool I Short allomones clerk Clerks to ditto , I Wi iii3in Hcnlock, 50] R aIphCollier,<5o!.B. Jennings, I o rJltc , 4C Hen y Hitchcock ml I Surveyor, Benj. Glanville 6-1 11 //7 b * A I c i n 1 • * . Hen v Hitchcock, 50I. John Williams, 40I,* Extra. Wm Robertfon, Hen. Hn clerk, Thomas Price, 40! Surveyor, Benj. Glanville, 6c 1 HoytakerM St.Barbe, jun.6ol 201. Hou/e Rent. xtra. Wm Kobcrcion, Hen. 20J - ^ou/e Rent. Hickie, R-ch. Holt, Geo. j J^^han Holt, clerk 40! [ones'. Rich. Birr. anl. I Clerk at T. lUrr K’Ur,- Jones, Rich. Birc, 40I. I Llerk at T,wcr Wharf Clirk to bring up accounts oj\ Viliam Pritchard, 50J fores in arre?r, Th Gyles 60 1 butcher, J J# Motfe, 4 r j John Evans, his clerk , 50I I Mejfenger, Abrah Adams, 20I to keep charge on purfers, I ^ crte r i T.SadJer, 12s. a week Clerks to keep charge on purlers. Thomas Dyal, 8ol His clerk, James C yde, jcl. Extra. WilliamRi^kcords, sol Agent Victuallers, at the Out Ports. Extra. WilliamRi^kcords, 40 l I „ at tbe 0ut Eorts. Ckrkofrbe ijjues } ]n Wight, go! Is* e .“ # at Portsmouth, Clerk to ditto, Rob. Smith - 0 J ^ atc * lew Oakes, 2Ccl Clerk j or ft au ng purjersaccounts ’ I r/ i < 7 ^ r ’ Geo. Shepherd, gol R.S. Moody, tool ' \M r \ che po„r. 'ubA'x^m^i ^ fr^n* tjtor » e P ymouth 64. Berwick p|! 1( .L, 1 ?" J Jk 6 i , ,?'“ ba " ‘i ff-S- SSaSrffiSS djleohaim Porlfeouih 80 Canik, ,L p, “2 ^ ».<» ,766 Ck.rh.ij 74 Canada ,J 6j ShUrneft Py.rtfmouth.74 ^ntaur Portfmourh flitto |70 Cbicntfter Plymouth Plymouth 74 Corn wilt Mol, Shuldham P] dltt i° l\ r°n r T Ux Portfm - ^n,fi n a p; y-™^h 6fi n A 1763 p, y mout h 6 & Drvonflvre Pottfmth 70 ^°rfctlh. M.ClemcvtsG Po 74 Dtapn 1760 i?. H^bn P. 6 4 pj b v” . Plymouth ti %;x# 64 E(Tcx 64 Exeter 1763 74 Fame 80 Fob'droyant 64 Pr. Frederick Portfmourh ditto Plymouth ,0 airur ,Q) eptune 0 cean oj rince 0 George _Qi ndvvjch QHiion t;S , I Third Rates. 4: rica 1761 Portfmourh Albans 1764 River dent 1764 Shrernefs f a 1764 Portfmouth Lf )icn 1763 Chatham -^cide P.rtfmouth ►I Ameiia Portfmcut/i / ;ufta 1 (ford Sbeernefa., Chatham Portfmouth ditto Plymouth Pi>mcuth ditto Chatham 64 Hsmp on court Plymouth [74 Heicuics ditto ( U6 ) 74 Hero NtchWircer.t G. ditto 50 Ail fiance Portfmoul 70 lofanti 74 Kent 1762 66 Line ader 74 : p nox Plsmou'h 50 Chatham Plymouth : 50 Ch fler PI* input Pojjtfmouth ' 50 Colchdier Portfmout: duto 60 Defiance Plymout. Plymouth 60 Dreadnought, Ponfmour. 1766 She ero. I 60 Dunkirk Portlnooutj Portfmouth 60 Edgar, Robert Carpenter Portimouth 60 Firme Rich. Hughes, G. P Chatkan 70 Mag^anime 74 Magnificent .74 Mars 64 Modefle 74 Monarch 1765 Chatham ( 60 Florentine ^Monmou.h Chatham , 60 Florida 1765 64 NafTau Chatham 50 Gloucefter So Newark ditto j 50 Guernfey 74 Norfolk Portimoirh j 50 Hampihire Spitheac Ghath jOi P ort f mo util 70 Northumberland ditto 60 Jerfey Cap?. Dtckfen, ditto 70 Royal Oak Plymouth 70 Orford Chatham 74 Ramiilies R . Ed /. tojby \ Ncwcattle 1 762P01 tfniouth i Niger, Andrew IVilkinpn > Pallas Port hr. OUrJi ) Pearl Hcu.J L, Gower Nfd. Phcenix G .A. *To/7j«,Ponf. Pool P^*ti mouth QL »3 cc * i 7 . Reynolds Chatham ao K-no ng.on 1762 P 0 i tf. Sheernefs Por fmouth Chatham Ciiatham Chatham Sheernefs Jamaica Rainbow 1 Psnuvvn Repulfe Richmond Sapphire * Southampton 24 L vt>y 24 Lv me 24 Mcrc-.-ry 20 Nightingale 24 Pt riiiij/ tUn ,20 Role M Rye .20 Sea: borr ugh ao Sea.ord J. M ‘Bride, Liffcon 20 SeaJiorfc Portfmouth 24 pain* P*yinouih AO bquarcl, 7. Rotter ell t N. A . AoSuccefs Woolwich 22 rerpa^hore D ep tf 0 ,d 24 Wager Chatham Chatham I 5 L O O P S, IWn.ou'h 14 Albany Plymouth Chatham 10 Alderney F. Ricbordi Portf Plymouth io Antigui w. India* *2 Badger Woolwich x 4 Beaver, H. Belle w, Halifax ?o Bonetta J. Wallace 8 Cruizer J *Br':Jbane y aCruiz, J4 Difpatch 7 ". A hu right . 10 Diligence, Druid, J. Jachfin , 16 Favourite Malt by 18 Ferret George Murray 8 Flv M. Graham Cr. 14 Fortune * 10 Hawke Chatham 8 Hazard 7. Orro* Cru zm 14 Hornet 14 Hound, John Bu rr 10 Hunter t / : * Henjha Cr, J 4 Jamaica (W^e TVi/ic/ 10 Lynx, /. £ 7>r ; w. 14 Martin 7 i- ..«« Hazard. Jo Mei Jin ‘Ib^mas Mae Nf.utiJJus John lid n:i ten jo Otter Dep-ford P'gey James O' hurra Cr. 18 Pomona Francis Davis C> . 8 Ranger Cba. Lex. Hood Mary Jd>: Campbell William and Ma y Wm Nekton Armed Cutters all C’u':zjs, Alarm, L eu* . G ,Yo*r.ghu [band Anfon * F , tf . fibjri'ZL'jrjjjp Bofcaw cn Tomlinfon Charlotte / ezvis Gillie Coo m ndvrley 7 fa//y Berwick Endeavour D . A’. Cumby Eft her Baird Fly * Folkftone * Thomas Guborian Friendftiip John Glow Goodwill John Buchanan P . George William Judd Grace Robert Biggs. Cr. Greyhound * James Dicklnfon I Htftor * Gilbert Fair He Hornet yobn Graves Hunter Thomas PJtwnb am Kite Lt Ro ke Laurel John L.onvder , Cr. Lion * B t Friend, Lord How Rich. Phil. Sbcwen Lurcher VFalter Long Ferret James Norm™ Meckenburg William Hi/lsCt, Meredith Patrick Lejlie Cr, Morning Star John Lind heiborn Stefbm Rairs ?y T. bo on vVift lion. Harvey a i tuffs Thomas Barker ( M -9 ) VejJs C tQfg t StOnry /i/ichellea Nathaniel Allen Stork Sh r ps . rown VV.I. New Ships Building* 3 Formida >ie Chatham ^ P'irue George Chatham 3 Royal Charlotte Woolw. 3 Queen ditto 5- Ajax Deptford 1- Grafton ditto t F.lizabeth Portfmou h ! Riifbnable Chatham |. Refolution Deptford 74 fvoya! Oik Plymouth »4 fotreriJ W. olwich *?4 Monmouth, Plymouth 04 New Tr.’der.t Plymouth 9 + Wtrccfter Ponfmouth 53 Warn ick Chatham 0= P rflar.d Sheemefs •4 New Sloop Deptford i+D.tto P ymouth 74 Bedford Woolwich 74 Berw ck P. rtfmouth 74 Conqueror Pi mcuth 64 Sterling-Caffle Chatham 64 Lyon Portfmouth 5 ° B , ifto1 Sheerneli Swallow Sloop Deptford King’s- filher ditto Chatham Falcon ditto Portfmouth ADMIRALS of the Royal-Navy. Admiral of the Fleet , Sir Ed w. Hawke, K. B. vie: edrmrai of Great-Britain Admiral s rf the White . enry O/born, Efq; homas Griffin, Efq; r CharJes Knowles, Bt. Rear Admiral ol Great Britain. Admirals of the Blue . )D. John Forbes Francis Holburne, Efq; Vice - Admirals of the Red. Sir Tho. Frankland, Bart. *ke of Bolton Ice Admirals of the White . Charles Hardy, Knc. rl of Northe/k It. Hoo.SirC. Saunder?,K .B. Vice-Admiral of the Blue . tomas Pye, Efqj k * Sir Samuel Corni/h, Bart, ^rancis Geary, Efq; * SirGeo.BrydgesRodney, Bt. Rear- Admirals of the Red. Sir Wm. Burnaby, Bart. James Young, Efq; ~ Sir Piercy Brett, Kt. one of the Lords of the Admiralty. Sir John Moore, Bart. commands at Portfmouth . Rear-Admirals of the White. Lord Colville, S r James Douglafs, Knf, S r John Bentley, Knr. Rear-Admirals of the Blue • Lord Edgcumbe Commands at Plymouth. Samuei Graves, Efq; William Parry, Efq; * Hon. Auguftus Keppe./ John Amherft, Efq; His R. H. -D. of Cumberland# ( *5° ) *Sir Edward Hawke, K B.Vice Admiral of Great Britain and Lieutenant ofihe Admiralty thereof, 2cs. p£i day, and AOS* -» — mm. am* L C av V ^ C mr m w ■» m r> per month for 16 fervant?. Sir Charles Knowle , Bart. Rear-Admiral of Gr^at Britain l6s. per day, and ios. month for j2 fe rvants, 37c!.' James, Earl of March, Vice Admiral of Scotland, and Judge of the Admiralty, &c. there, ioool. Red*' Admit ah, fuperanuattd, ufon Half pay, 17s. 6d. a Dry John Ambrofe, Richard Collins, Charles Drummond, Richard Edwards, George Elliot William Fielding Thorpe Fowke ofeph Himar, John Hardy, J\ Hildefley, Sheldrake Laton, Robert Long, Roger Martin, Hon. G. Murray J m Patrick O Hara, John Pritchard, Cn. Wager Purvis, Robert Robinfon Polycarpus Taylor, Richard Waikms James Comp'on, William Bately, Ch. Colby. Suptranuated Commijffioners of the Navy , 250I. a year, rnd j* 1 ] additional 150I. each . payable by the King's Sign Manual, isH cut of Money received for old Stores * The CAPT AIN S, &c' with the Dates of their Firtt Commiflions, from which they take Pofl . The Captains now in aElual Service arc diflivguijbed by a , a figure annexed to each of tbeir names , dermting the rate, be Jhip under their command . — (y) Yacht * :{T * >■& 'Sr 1727 . S Amuel Mead Aug* 29, Com * of Cujloms 1728. W. Fleming July 26 1 74 0, Robert Pett July 15 Comm . of Vi El* Office* Rich. Hughes, fen. OEl, 24, Comm . <2/ Portfmouth# 174 *- John Brett Mar . 25 G.Cokburne^«di 1 Controller of Navy K Fred. Rogers Dec. \ Comm . at Plymouth^ *7«- Wm. Boys June 2C LtGov. of G.Hofp: F. Cornw all Feb . irf _ , 744 * r. Hanway, Apr * A * •to*.©,. Wr-a#**,. ntffeO *> o^ »!&. £*» w. at ©knhem. Jorbury AW. 17 e oldeft Capt . that r fer'isty asfucb reft being Seniors ' me qf t be Flaps :Vter Denis. B r , _y Fe£. 9 .. Arch. Stuart, FttC 2C 'i. Fo reft Mar. 9 nan ds ct Jamaica 1 745 * ■iughes 3 y^>r. 2 • J^fferis Afayi thew Buckle 29 . Man June 22 naands at theLet - IJiands. kGayton 3*r//y6 T. Stanhope. J2 ry Rofewell 21 n Hill /&£. 26 ry Dyye Sfpt.Z 1. Bladuell 17 * Barker J9 lard Spry 23 vVyelIerA/W.29 O Brien Dec • 1 n Montagu 3 Jan. 15 rles Koowier 23 ho. Craven Feb, 8 >mas Allifen 9 iarland Mar. 19 cs Sayer 22 1746. alk’ngham 4 26 Yc.Houe^.iO Ferrers,FRSf9 1 Douglas 2i h Pigot 22 ineuxSbuIJham ft May iz ert W' llarJ 31 -night July 31 now\tx$f4ug.i 1 ( I S I ) John Vaughan 11 ) ’hn Lloyd 3 Sept 4 Charles Proby 3 1 7 Commands in the Me- diterranean* Robert Duff 061* 23 John Reynolds 30 H. Paliifcr4 AW. 2 > C, Wray y ZXr. 9 Hon J Bvron 6 3c <7^. Neiufaunal* * Rt Hon A J.Her- _ ,, v f>'» J a * i s G. Mackenzie 3 24 Mar. Barton Feb . 7 *747* Peter ^Parker May 6- Richard Gwvnn 27 Hon, S. Barrington 29 Marriot Arbuthnot 22 Rob. Rodham July 9 E. Clarke &pr. u George Darby 12 John Campbell y AW. 23 Chift. Hi]), Dec. 5 James Gambler 5 Michael Everet 3 23 Wm, Lloyd Jan 12 Samuel Scot 29 Fran. Wm, Drake, 3 29 E* Hughes Feb* 6 Edu .Jekyll Mar * 3 David Brodie 9 H. Marfli 4th cape. inGrecn.hoO. 12 H. Parker fenior 24 1748. John Evan sAprl; 20 M r Wh:twe)l 6 Mark Milbank 21 James Kirk Jure 2^ Nicholas Vihcenr, 7 u1 y 5 R. Clements *^.29 ill capt. in Gseea- w.ch Hofpital. John S Ofr AW, r * 1749- Wm.M *melijaa.g A. Co.kburne 16 , J 753 • Ed. Vernon Jpr* John H^ilwall June \ 0 rdhuaRowJe)£> tV .4 Dudley Digges i£ Richard Ed wards 27 A . i. 1755 * Abraham North tS Edward Lecras ft Feb 4 Thomas Hanlcerfon March 1 1 Wm, Brown^Wei7 ThomasGraves 4 S Jamas Gilchrift jS Robert Digby/fc/£ t e John Hale 06 i. 7 Mau.SucklingDfr.2 Richard Knight, Dec* 1756. J. Galbraith Feb 6 John Rofs A/ar. * Cha. Webberyfyr/Tj Sir Wm Trclawney Birt. q Joha K night Afkry }f J- Hobbs 3d capt.ifi Greenw. hofp, 19 Jei visMaplefden ax W, Langdnn June * Benjamin Marlow & A. Hood, Treaf. of Graenw. Bofp. 10 Alexander Innes 25 Chal. Ogle (iff) 30 T. Ward July it Sam. Hood 4 22 Commands in North America . Fra. Wyat Aug. 17 Stephen Colby to Matthew Moore 20 Henry Angel 2* Sir J. Strachan B c .“ _ . «%>. Q David Edwards 24 Rich. Hughes, jun. _ Nov. 10 Wm. Norton 3 15 Fran, Sam. Drake ic T. CoJlingwood 29 , * 757 * Wm Fortefcu e Jan\ William Tucker n R Kempenfelt 17 ^Paul Hen. Ourry, 3 Feb . 3 ThomasCornewal 7 Tho Taylor Mar % William$hurmuri2 £dmd Affleck 5 23 And. WiJkinfon 23 Thbmas Bailiie. 2d cap, in Gr.hofp.30 Ar'chib. Kennedy 5 April 4 Tho Knackfton 5 Alex. Schomberg c Sam Wallis « Tho Burnett May 5 5 am Spencer June 3 *Hon.Rob.B.Wal- fingham 15 Wm Pafton Auguft 3 William Houiam 17 Sir Jn Lindfay, Kt. 6 29 Jtfich Clements 29 Tay Penny Nov. 1 W M‘Cleverty 6 1 Jofeph Peyton Dec, 2 T 9 10 21 ( 'S* ) Joffiua L^ry Henry Marrin John VVheeiock 1758. Max Jacobs 4 John Bray 6 Robert Bond 13 John Clark ,9 Thomas Evans 30 T Manning F*£. 4 Charles Antrobus 7 John Stuklev So merfet Mar « 2 John Stanton 14 Robert Car ket 521 John Carter Allen 5 22 William Brercton2 5 r ames Loggie J! • / ^P rl l 20 Charles Middleton, w May ,1 DigbyDent 5 >^46 John Laforey 26 George Balfour 26 John Stott 6 3 £ho Owen 28 Robert Kirk Otf. 1 Chnflo. Bethel 1 16 Jofeph Deane 617 John Bentinck 3 17 George Tindal 18 JohnFalkihghamiS James Smith 5 18 Charles Lucas 518 William Williamfon y 18 [ohn Dalrymple 18 Jrod Hartwell 3 18 G. Nighringale 18 Geo. Ant. Tonyn^ 14 Tho Warrick Z)hn Jervis OB, 13 imutlThompfon 4 Nc'u . 5 )Jin Hughes 5 21 T. Graham 6 21 1761V . Cathcart Grant Jan . 17 Duncm 2$ . Douglafsil/ 5 • harles Wolfrky 9 ohn Pe ghin Dfc.i ^4^ 1 5 1762. Granflcn Goodall y?*\ 13 [ ^ harles Saxton 5 28 If. Bover 5 Mar 12 \ Philip Botfler 26 3 hal. 0 '$t (2d) 20 fohh Bocterel 6 Ap'il 7 - fames Cranfton 7 ! *Huh.K.$ewart 5 7 * William Hay 5' 12 ( *53 ) Fran Reynolds 5 12 1 Rich Onflow 5 14 J Hon. Geo. Falconer ^ 3 2 7 ( J^mes Shirley 27 ^ Charles Ellvs, Fri- \ gate May 10 1 Thomas Hallom 24 < Hon. J Ruthven c 1 24 < Rob Kiiigfm^l 26 S:airDonglasM2y29 1 Lan Holmes 2 Geo Collier 3 12 I ♦George Tohnffcon Aug% 1 1 Hon. C Napier 17 Lord WCampbell 20 Hon. J Luttrej 4 Hon. H Stjchn 531 Jo !vq’B rooks Sept. 24 Patrick Drummo u! 6 Of/. 22 George Bowyer 28 Richard Smith 5 Nov. 1 * Hon Per Berrief 6 George Ourry 10 1763. Sir A Holbourne,Bt. Feb. t R Gregory Apr: ll A Peter Claike May 5 J Fergufon jfo/re 6 fofephNorvvoody/ 7 T ho Lee 4 14 HydeParker, jun 18 H Dairy mpleAW. 24 17B4. Rowl Cotton Mayy Patrick Mouat 28 ^765. # Hn.W. Cornwallis April 20 J O'Hara June zc M Henry Patch, fames Aims 2 Wilf am Allen 20 C ades Leilie 20 John M‘Briae 20 fames Bremer 20 Bonovier Glover 20 Charles Hudfon 20 Hon, C. Phipps 20 George V an^eput20 John Corner 20 FG Gordon July it John Leary 13^ M Pat'ifon Aug. il 1766. C Buckner Feb* 17 John Geil March 4 J Chadda Aprilz W D ick Ton May 2 Allan Gardner 19 Ld Longford 31 Wm Abdy June 24 JMacarthey Sept. 1 4 1768. Robert Fanfhaw, May 25 VVm Greenwood 26 Thomas B (hop do Jn Lewis Gidoin do George Gayton do f'thn Millegen do George Talbot do John Urry do John Hamdton do James Hawker do William Locker *do William Fotfter do Henry Da\is do George Murray do Charles Herbert do W Garn:er Aug . 3 1769. ; Philip Dureil Mar . , 14 ; O a t r, S 4 ) masters and commanders. 7 % 7 enZTs. VeZdlr/TfflZ tir ' H ‘ a -- dStore - ( Peter Co we Sept ic PhoSkone Off ,, /obn Hodges 2 \ Javid Hay Nov. ic 11 ey m r J u y 1 Chrift. Mid J*n 1 1 Ab:2hsm Duncomb Ivlar , j j 1 75 ?* Wiil iam Hamilton* jy James Mackenzie 'dprilA William Prat! £ Jobn Moore 2 ^ P. Dubois 2 ^ r * e * Carteret c TCJeiand S r f ; 28 l amesO,rr '(k 0 fF 19 T, K _ , 746 ~ . If ra P>avi{* t6 John Legge >/> 19 {/of Cave ^ v / Jc -1 r« Jl 47 * Edward Movof/on 1 Cookfbo Jan. 24 j .r, 747 - JF i jticjt Rtchardc - r Hanbury Off. 23 f George Blyke Mv 3 1 W Willi/m? Mar. . r’ u i 7 4 ® r 1 P 'nioel Tayiar G Huofon Fe* 1 Cljimes Mackie 20 ThoojasTievethark I H Bromedee* ^ r ? .^ra/,5 VV Corbet 6 wv in5 '. ; >h «'o*aolI V, o wJ°T 8 ' i ^'^ael KearBy 15 ;” WShackerly Aov.Jr Taylor 2 ? RToKt 75 ^ f fright/'! R Toby M*r. n I / 0 h n Martin 1760 . W O/lorn » Mer Richard Teale WilLarr Philips* 2 J Ha r mood A/„ fc y Va:es 3 Peter Forbes Tames Worthy,, W Brofrave Otf. 1761. JobnSym°ni_ 7 jr.i 5 „ W T m Kite Mar. 1 «/.. nner J William Mar/lalJii John Hay A/try 5 John Bowerbank ja J Feattus - / hom is Prefcott 21 '. W F Boui k July Francis Lynn 0<. 6 J Cunningham jp A. tt-ine, ^ ,ik F^ZtlvZ't 1 762 . T Symonds F f £. R Harwell Brx er M/ Jibn Hen/haw ; 8e »j Caldwell j f I^jJrympIe r ohn Carey ‘/■'awe 1 f nomas p fa fe r 2 i Pa /ley i e , r - Morgan * - r Wni Trufcott i George Ed, don a 'vfkm I I fc UMI<4tt«. j I es Thorp 27 arlh*lLc>€pr. 24 VeMter Otf, 14 i.Roa Bligh 22 es.G.vde Nov. 1 es Wallace* 3 ry Bellew 6 1763. ktkins ZMw, 20 1764. I Burnaby May] 1765. theringham^pi ss Camming 28 1 Gore June 20 es Jones 20 mas Pemble 2c 1 Robinfon 20 ( '55 ) C. Ommanncy 20 A S Hamond 2c Edw Cauldwell 2c 1 766. A BarcJay May 31 John Rayner^a/y 1 Philip Carteret J TWiJkinfon Sept. 4 Thomas Jordan 11 176*7. J Jackfon Jan 22 Ant Hunt G< 3 . 16 1768. J Waft ell* 16 H Philips May z 6 John Chapman do Henry Lloyd do James Shirley do George Farmer dv James Robertfondo William Maltby do John Hervey do Henry Duncan do Jam How Jones do Edw Meadows do Evelyn Sutton do William Peere Wil- liams do Robert Dring Aug . 3 George Young Sept. 29 Rob.Linzee Nov . 25 1769. SirT.Rich BtMar.t John Burr, Sept. 13 LIEUTENANTS of Hi* Majefty' s FLEET, w/Vi tie Dates of tkeir Firfi Commijfions. , 1 733 - Grant Marz r. 1739- 'owlet July 12. 174 °- mming July 14 1741. 1 Selden jfpr 13 : 3 eytnoury«»r 9 \tft^vJtAug%z Pretty Sept 28 Eimy OB 6 3 uencier$ 16 es Blair Nonr. 3 ieas Seymour 4 . Young 20 h Atkmfon 28 Tiith ( 1) Dec 10 Brady Feb 8 : Gordon 25 im Jobnfo/2 25 T Carket March 1 1 1742. Ezek Cofentine 26 John Gardiner 26 Rd Bargus 24 H.Chriftan OFt 1 Jo Bucknal 27 J Guflliard Afar 4 1743 - Benj Wells May 31 denj Heron OB 3 Daniel Jervis 7 John Skyrrr.e Nov^ Jdhn Crifpo Dec zb John Michell Jan 4 John Lind 4 ' ohn Baftard 18 John Popkins Feb 1 1744. W Dumarefque 29 ChStutevillc^r 12 Henry Byng 17 Rich Kvrby May 14 EThornbrough J 6 Anthony Fortye 6 John Cancier io W Runliman July] John Mathias 15 vV Brami£h 7 Mich Hinde n George Bryant 29 John Trebeerne 17 llaac Hoy Oc 6 J*mes F.urreaux 15 JoMaechews(i) 20 WmOrphfeur Afaz; I Samuel Tilley 16 Robert Ricchie 21 John Walfh 23 john Gillis Dec 19 James Cope Feb 9 John Neale 15 O 3 John Ha'Jam 26 ™ -AnftJI j.6 Koh Gordon j ( i 61 John Srj union Simon Turner , Robert Gideon 7 _ 174 5. Peret Fouikos 29 Jofn Bernard 29 J Puddicomhe^i^ Arch. Sea!a n 22 James Kyd May, George Gentil 1* Morgan Jones 23 Ja Lavrfon 3 i ho Cobby M>r 4 Tew s Davies Ap. 2 ^ av id B001? 2 ^ Mortimer 4 p J vid Meredith u Parkin WiiJiam Hall 21 John \V00dw3rd 25 T Whit ton A//7j 3 Prj ncis Tucker 5 George Newton 9 James Froude 14 Griffith Meare 14’ Ge^ Ellery Sept r John O Srven 2 Calder AWH Samuel Short 2 fames Gdmbs 2* r Van CourtZ^rih Th. Piaott rail Rob. Kerr A ex B own (ii| 29 ^ ilJ:am Forord ig J'yfcph S tout 29 1 homas Moody 29 Samuel Swinton 20 1748. Wrn 1.7 m J "" € 3 iwcare 141 1748. 7 ni 1 J 0 ^ 11 Part ington 17 Tho Spurlin? ^ Cw S A l Lnro 3 H 8 George Matthew 6 18I Wm. Crow g ^ TamSw^ J 3«^gb Parry », John Cope , fames Watfnn •> *5 Rriu.- wui». -.i.. a t»- • » James YVatfoa John Murray Keph Salmon "°>ie Hyde Jo-bn Ball paries Henley James Ryder *3 r 3 J 3 19 20 27 ^ 7 * Alex Keith 24 Ric Hamilton June! John Frafer 3 Wm Bunyan j Pynfent Hervey 3 John Willis Mar 1 1750./ r;ao| Tho Hudfon Oct 29 Day Phips AW. 24’ 17^1. Vi Williams 0rr 22 Ed w. White wood 3 1 J^aac Cove 11 June 3 John Motley 4 John Skinner 10] Chr. 0 ‘Brien July Henry Baker 5 27 Edward Pike 2 Tb r n wir° d ***£ 9 ‘ J a Croucher 4 * | si S^ 1 ?’ 10; Rich Williams ,T -am M KmJev 29 W Martin ( ift) 29 j, n ® rrc ^ «$/ 2 Nath Allen &/>r lgl ‘John Angier 4 i Tho T^ke Otf ? l 1 V 1- Jl VVf ° 3 ys af Sam Crape 24 John Thane Qct. 1 ; Edw Waud Nc-v q John Atjcms 3 Andrew Cook jJ Roger Will, 12 ! D. F. Patterfon , 7 A DWhiU 0 ?* im 2 3 1 iC?° uch 5 1 John Harris' July i M ’£&?&* T c ""^”W8 L W ■ ToT'T IU <,0,i 20 Step - ^e*j«nt jo I Sl.er YtosimttlfaM Jofeph Myers 24 ! W Hamrmnd ^/> f, 1 1 ’ ' • ~ - John Raw jjnfon 26 1 Robert Hay 24 John HaJJ 26) REdgcomhe Afoyi8 Rich. V avgfor 30 Sam Spendlove 28 1753, D Shuck fort hyjwrt 7 Matt Kirby Oft 31 1 7 Hen. Collir.s j 4 p> 6 Jofeph Fofs Feb . 7 Hen Cuflobardie 12 W Robinfon (1^)17 Dan Waudby i Jofeph Griffiihs 6 John Carteret 27 J Brown(iB)/W4y 2 Edw Howarth 21 Henry S-nith 25 Patr Lefley 7^23 j. Nourfe 2 - » Morris Jufy\: « Allen (irt) 1 >n Runwa 22 jcktnghorn Ap>i m Barnfley j 3 n-s Reid j6 ^timmrrgO^, 2 i Dumaref^ 23 Ha v nes Nov . ) b Walter 4 ith ChiLl f Campbell Dec . 2 oert Poole 9 Ligm Clarke 9 hard Pearfbn ib _ ? 75 6 - -xordon( 1)^19 del Burr ? Montague 19 atio Ripley 26 L\oyd(i) Fei.jg '?rd Hill 5 ( '57 ) Hally Ber wicker -y 1 Geo Col IP g wood 4 Oliver White 7 Paul Bruliis 13 George Cundat! 21 Chi ift Raper^*r^ri3 John Fergufon 17 Rd Thom a? 03 1 -harle> Wood 15 fames Mitchell 21 Richard Murray Chrfh Other W Wit iams hmes Alcouga Geo Pn Towiy David Winzar Thomas Piercy Bar. Fenwick Richard Pinfold Conolly Hodgfon 2 9 io 10 10 *4 J 4 2 3 2 3 T Hollingwood 6 Archibald Ciark 23 Robert Curry 8 Daniel Butler 23 Henry Brome 9 nL ^ Sam Uppleby 9 Thomas Eafiwood 9 Lewis Gellie William Grant Tho Porter Mar 10 John Gaunrlett 10 Henry Harvey 10 9 James Burnett j z o Chirles Biomer 12 \ \ n Mann :y PowJet 23 1 Graham ~ 23 Reddifh Ap 14 iParf 0 nsHoeyi4 *les Caefar 16 Batker May 6 •>h Hanby 14 Walton Halded M‘Doual iam Denne nas Bornfield inwaring^, 1 ert Mathias 4 Visu jf) ' v W - J 2 TnomasBrad/haw 9 1 Tho Arthur Ley 21 9 j Nich'd. s Rooke 22 9 , WMartin(2d) Ap t 2 9 ! Edw Co umbine* 2 9 j Jacob Rogers 4 9 John Purcell 4 John Maurice Thomas Plint James Baron Charles Horne William Browne 2c I Charles Caldwell 1 1 18 20 21 3 * John Oak ! ey Henry H Hart Nath Crofby David Coihns Edward Lower Ravage Trotter William Bloom *3 *3 *5 J 5 *5 *5 1 6 . 5mcs Buckingham ahleel Bren ton 6 Thomas Tonken Win, H2y garth Win. Benhey John J-.rdin Jlaac Cnarley John Richarofon William Dickens i6j William Gaven RChamperni.wne2 6 ! Patrick Straehan Richard Beale 26; John Brown (2d) v SaWhi^e Clavton29 ^ Richard T rotten 8 Henry To^rJend 30! John Hen y 27 Wm Hafwell Dec 1 j Thomas Symcs 23 Edward. Krrjwei I 7 j jArrowffnith May 6 1757. J Martin Cole g Owen 16 I John Howcrthjk. 4 ' John D.herty 10 h Tathwell 19 J Sam Reeve Morice 21 1 Wm Hansford Norman 25 J John Beecher 21 PhilPlayftowe Ju.% 1 Roch 30 1 Wm Lawes Feb 2 j Walter Leag * J3 4 : Wm Sbaughne/y 10 6 ; William Stevens u Benj Runwa 13 Jof Stephenlbn 1 5 JamesSurherlind 15 John Collins 15 fed. Phi. Sheweni7 John Cowes 17 John Glover 20 Trevor Cuckow 21 Jn Greenfield T P Braithwaite 10 Robert Bower 10 John Shairp 22 Charles Prince 25 Nath Vincent 28 Samuel Johnfon 12 John Baird 12 John Reeves 12 John Shadfor h 24 Thoma«Town!ey 25 James Di (her 31 , Geo Spearing Sept 8 John Lux 21 John Ides Short 21 Joleph Jackfon 24 Thomas Durell 27 John Hammett 29 Da Maitland OB. 19 John Stewart(i) 20 Wm Fleming 21 Wiliam Bacon 27 Ralph DundasIV^vi Lord Rutherford 12 James Adfton 19 Arthur Hayne 22 E Thompfon 26 FrLa Powlett Dec 1 George Philpot 9 Henry A(hingtoni4 Alexander Edgar 20 W Geo Fairfax 20 >758. P Bafltervilleya.13 William Spicer 13 Witham Newton 13 Wm Smith (2d) 17 (■ '58 ) RoS Tomlinfon 19 J Gorton (td) 2$ James Screech 25 Steph Puddicombe2 Samuel Parker 6 EfTex Bowen 2S Dav.Chand f er&f.20 Wm. Crofbie 20 Wil.iam Oven 25 James Carteret 28 Chrifto Rigby 29 Frederick Hayes 30 John Wood 30 Charles Dundas 31 Henry Lewis Apr 1 James Hilgrove Robert Wilfon John Haven 18 Tho Hick< t May 3 Tho Couchman J Reynolds Robert Groat ic John fames 12 MartAndcrlon 12 Francis Exton 17 Geo Hearhcote 17 Geo Mackenzie 18 Henry Lloyd 20 David K nloch 22 Henry Dodd 22 Anth Mitherell 22 Ifaac Prefcott 22 N Wils Q\ir\ejune 8 SamuelBarneiley 13 Hyde Curtis 20 Chrift Ord July 14 Hen Sauvage 20 Cha Dobfori. 30 James Wall 30 Mat Legeyt Aug 1 Abra Furneau* 2 William Don 2 Sam Ferrior 2 John Robfon 21 Par Stuart zc John CowlingSe/# John Galbraith 2 r I h U uderdown. 3 oT fimesBradby 30 Jd Glasford C&t Wm Shammoh L: V f John Read ‘ James Baker 6 Alexander Todd 6 William Palmer 8 Lamb Brabazon 10 David Arthur r ^xi John Frodfham n John Marlh 18 Samuel Steward 18 John Luce 18 Rob, Wollaflon 23 WalterColtheart 26 Hen Seb Leake 17 fames White 27 William Daniel 27 John Berrow 27 Edward Palmer 27 Henry Lambert if Peter Tate 27 fames PreAon 27 w ames Boyd 27 Charles BefTon 27 William Burftall 27 Pearfon Boys 27 TTunftMafon N\%' T ohn Marriot if. John Reid 21 Tho Tov.ers 2t | David Lockwood 2i Gideon Jchnftone26 Hemy Jackfon 28 1 759 - M.Wilkinfon Jat Tho Gabor ian 4 'a dc Havilaand 12 Edw Roberts 18 ohn Knowles . tig • Raymenc 22 Mount 22 zrt Mayce 26 v *eldrum 29 a ^>h -Shank 29 ( Breton 20 el Hill h d Selby 3, tcvens Feb . 12 ifis Logie 13 Mar/hali 15 v Harznood J9 Judd 20 May 20 Herbert 21 3rdon( 3 d) 22 Alien ( ift) 22 Wet (lii) 22 am Dare 22 t Parry ( 159 ) Alex Fr Baillie Charles Dawfon _ w John Tiylor May 1 William Bbrford Charles Little 3 Henry Dav s fd) 8 Edw. Atkinfon 12 fames Thomas 12 J Matthews (2d) 14 Wm Henderfon 22 St. Alban Roy JamesDickenfon 24. Samuel Warren 27 f P icedr* Cnubb 28 Wm Stanford 29 Thomas Tilly 22 f Hope BowcrsSe. 3 Robert Bofwell 5 Thomas Watfon 6 Roq M c DowalI 7 Edw Eiwards 7 Cnarles Mirihall 10 * * tuaii 29 varies iVUrihail 10 Ant. Gibbes June 2 Hio Tatha m !• C r * Edwards *3 ;/ Biighi ix Gilbert Fair] e Tbo Parkinfon James Nicholas Robert S.'monroi T Lawrie July jo Wm R:dman -- . Francis. "o d 'oimgwood 22 iGeorge VVnite rd Price .22 Reynell Michdl 1 Potts 22 jjoieph L ifh Gaboran > 7 j Tnomas Cock Hill Mircb 1 (Toby JCauidfield 22 Arch Dickfon 19 Tho. Edwards 19 Fran Broughton 20 William Hills 21 Philip Hue 22 p^omxsDyfon 24 Henry Paget 24 ^ Pryce Cumbye24 f iha Tyrwitt 24 j imes Rofco 24 Arthur Twyman 27 fofhui Saver 27 -r ' 7 ‘ >Jevill j 1 wlter 11 Lidd r 1 Fowler 1 ; utwidge 15 7 J Wm Herne Young 3 9ifohnFitrrh c i^ Nic Ci.ford 6 13 John V/ ad man 6 14 Rich aid Kemp ohn L ttleh id 2 3 |J a ™$ K» >rve«r 2 3 | Bernard Weftlakeio 26 J Wm Elleifon 20 29 jGrorge L»ndfay 20 Francis Parry John Buchanan ^ ) o e phAnn ngfon22 William Fox George B urn John Orde Wm Lurcock Wm Wolfe Wm Reynolds Wm O born 0n 10 J^hn P Ardefoif 10 Eiw Hawker 12 < ch Sa mders 16 Wm Gafpey 18 I ho Mil Yard 18 I hn B »urmiHer 19 f »bias Furneaux 19 j'O'ge Mouat 19 T Lf^24 Edward Bindlufs 27 James Warden 27 Robert Carter 27 Henry Smith 27 3 1 .Robert Young 28 F ranc Barford*Sk^r.2 John Burchart 3 Robert Miine 6 William Bell 6 Waller Gwenap 6 Robert Score 15 Henry Baynes OB. 4 William Biair 9 Daniel Difney ii Tho Hill Nw. 8 Richard Douglas 27 Thomas Pringle 30 W Roxburgh Dec.i Henrv Clark 3 Tho Newnham 6 Robert Potts 9 John Newton 10 Samuel John 10 John Langford io John Gibfon 10 Rob Henderfon 1 \ Wm Lockhart 18 Tho Richardfon 23 Hope Tomkys Jofeph Nunn John Slade 1761. C Thompfon-jteH John W^bb ] John Ye'rs ] John St. Bar be John Minifie 7 Hugh Baikie ^ W Jliam Topoingi Chrift Mejor Feb l Timothy Bird -to John Payne John Weyman v Cuth Baines ' 7 : Henry Pern bet t6tfi ( Stephen Harris ij Wm Quarme jlj Charles Osboine i'i Tho fyfackie Alex Fordyce John Ford A\ Thomas Lieli Anthony Park George Stoney i Hon Da Stuart j John Blankett i( A Waterfton May\ Richard Bogcr £ John Norris i Thomas Mortice S [of Harrington *12 John Crofs. adqfc John Weft » Geo Sautel Junt'i Nath .‘•hirlips 5 Arthur Philip 7 Edward IgguUen 1; John Clarge $ George Noble li G Youngbuftendi? [ofeph Garrtw 19 Henry Mailer i\ Andrew Godfrey^ f A b l A :s George 26 :sM < Naanara 25 Jones July 1 les Hunter 6 y Cromwell 6 am Scott 10 Barlow 17 ony Kyrby 17 iRobinfbn^k r ^mpthorne 6 rt Biggs Gaydon Smithett ? Cafe Brooks Ingl s (1) nas Rawe is Noct nderAgnew § 3m OakJey 13 Tunflall 13 ) Ho?ley el Hayter 28 nan Dove ji in forth 5^/1 1 s Obrien 19 ^addelon Oft 3 d Scott 3 d Down 12 in Metcalf 14 nd Bower 16 :n Norris fnglis (2) mdman Affleck Fdrfter CollinsAW.2 asAppleby 12 as Lewis 20 Duadas 25 /aillant 25 imery 2>.r. 3 rooke 4 Tuite 15 naictc 15 ( 1 61 ) GeorgeDumarefq 17 (George Day a George Truffel 32 (John Graves 1- c nr»i 76l *~ (James Scott 17 ^ H Heron 2 Timothy Kelly 17 p W Whicttle jjCbich Piowdin 19 23 *5 26 26 26 26 23 30 3 t 22 22 37 27 30 Jofeph Brown lyjHer Wyborn AbrahamCr e fpin2o Ellis Troughton Archibald Dow 26 Ale* Kirkwood Wm Thomas Fe£. 2 John Moore Samuel Greig 4 John Moore G Robinfon ( 1) William Cayley . Mar. 5 W A Brandreth Cha. Warburton 5 Wm Sredman Daniel Bradby 8 John Dilkes o t GeoSortees Mar. 17 1 Wm Budworth du a William Grieve 18 George Dawfon Q George Peat 22 Stephen Sandys 21 °nc 1 ]u arr n, a 4 John Sutton Cole 23 ,r Wa n| ftre^/.. 9 Holm Mafon a « Ifaac Sharpe 23 William Cunning. JohnS (arr May 5 ham (2) 3l William Barnett 5 Jacob Butler George Pollard 7 Robert Calder s. Faithful AdrianFor- (John Young Sept. * y C . 24 Henry Byrne 1 a Michael Jackfon 24 John Cartwright r? John Burrows 24 John Gough 27 FMackerell 24 Hen Fr Evans 27 John Kent 31 Richard Fowler 2a VViUjam Cunning- GordonSkelly Oft r ham(ift) June 5 Chriftopher Day 7 WjlJ,am Rawiin 8 James Goodwin g Thomas Bofton 9 Daniel Mathews r± Stephen Stephenszo John Stanhope it James Watt 24 Wm Davijfon 16 Richard Smith 25 John Colpoys 22 Ed ward Waple^a/yz Edward Byam David T.aird I r-U-T. • David Laird Philip Paton Chr Roberts Andrew Nixon v Vii)iam Abba John Halkim Am Reddall John Scott 2, Jbhr^Toulmin No . 4 3 John Alex Pan ton 4 7 Richard Ja go 5 7 Thomas Hayward 6 7 Hugh Lawfon 6 7 W Dickfon (2d} ic 8 Chrifto Mafon 2 p|T Sauad Grave 21 William Wird John BoV* en JL Nafir.ith Der.14 David IVPKillop it MartinWaghoiii 16 Philip Howard^ 23 Farmer) Epworrhzq Francis Afhbuiy 27 James GtA 27 G Rob Wallers 2^ Wm Smiih (3d) 51 „„ ,?6 3 C Cartwright Feb . 1 Charles Kendall Alex Ellis 14 Jeremiah Bigg 15 John Turner 15 Robert Shipm?n 27 Jn Stoddart July 30 Wm James Aug.i% John Piddle OB. 2 TUnderwood No 17 J Shorthand Dec. 12 1764. Wm Stewart Feb . 7 Stephen Parker 13 Tho Lefli eMar. 26 Roq Cowan Ap. ?g WP Burnaby May 7 Frq Tinfley ,/&£. 27 T Lloyd (2) Sept. 17 Ch Doyle Nov. 19 1765. A 1 Brown (i)Apr.i John Kendall 28 ( i6z ) Wm Crcfby June^o Philip Biown 20 Robert Tayntcn 20 Will am Fooks 20 Robert Deans 2c .Sir J Wheat Be. 20 Hon. P Stopford 20 Charles Colv 11 20 Elliot Salter July 3 Herbert Thomas 1 3 John Wright 13 TCunningham(2)i3 Tyring Howe Sep 1 Matthew Squire 20 Tho Graves OB. 30 Wal Young Ncv. 1 Arthur Clark 21 John Boyle Dec. 31 1766. Ho.RS f ratfordJ^2: J Edm Seu tWFdfiq. Tho Wetenhall 28 John Trigg May 28 Wm Robinfon (2) June 26 James Brine July 1 Erafmus Gower 9 Jofeph Harris 9 Jofeph Pennington Aug. 10 Jac Waller Sept. 4 Will. am Bett 4 William Parker 29 R Paliifler Cooper 1767. [Dec. 1 W Wardlau Mar. George Tt er AV? Oh Hope June T A br Gu) ot Aug f n Botha m Sep. 1 '68. Jan ] W H King Ja Cook (2) May 7 Zac Hirks Fi/her Thomas $ William boifter I John HiPs John SaJtWynelh John Inglrfielu 2- Nicholas Auftin 2I Tho Lloyd (3) 2! Chriftmas Paul It Robert Man 2 1 Peter Rainier it W Hyn. Atkinfonati Samuel Roger9 2(1 John Gore July 20 A J Pie MolioyAu.] John Linzee OB. 13 GRobcrtfon(2)£)i 1769. W . Senhou fejan.10 Day. Murray Fib, 19 J R Dacres Mar. 17 F' a. Lucas Apr. < Tho. Weft (la) 11 Tho. Davey May 16 T.S.Ben nt tju/yii Geo. Hume Sef, 11 C.P.Hamil onjbe,n CHAPLAINS of the Royal Navy upon Half Pay • Tbejirfl Fifteen at as. 6d. per Day, and all the reft at as. per Dm 7 'be Reverend WilHam Lee A B Edward Powell A B James Shield A B fohn Barrell A lyi William Clarke A B M ieh . Phrtipps Alh James Ozanne A M Hen. Richards A 2 V 1 William Pow A B Francis LeathesAM Robert Englifh AK Samuel Mcifield AC Wm. Lowther AB William Paul A 'M j William Hirft A M Wm. Pagett AM RichardGriffiih AB i- Lloyd A B 3 ickenfo-n AB F evv B D y Walker A B ( > 6 3 ) ; Jarn.Haygirth AM , John Snow A B Matthew Dee eAM W m Howdell A B Rev. R »berr Engl fh, Agent . Ri hard CaU AM William Scott A B Samuel DawfonAltf John Gordon AB stezs of Sif -Join Mvrdens Col l e g e at Blackbeatb, for decayed Merchants t Meet at Batfons Coftee-houle. hn March, Efq$ I Wili am Cooper, Efq$ lich^rd Chifweii, Efq; • Samuel Srmth, Efq; nm Clarke, Efq; j Treajirtr,] hn Bennet, Efqj dliam Ewer, Efq$ j Cbiplaln . en Shaw, Elq; j Rev. Mr. Mofes Browne. ,r ELDER BRfcTHREN of the TRINITY HOUSE, (Water-lane, Tower- ftreet.) M Ichael Wilkins Conway, Efquire eputy M after Sir John Major, Bart. His Grace the Duke of Bedford Earl of Sandwich John Barker, E.qj Charle- Pigot, Elq$ * Rcb-rt Jones, Eiq; Capt. Tho. Ben ret Capt. John Jolly * Sii Ch. Saunders, K B. Capt . Willi, m Loney &2//,Criftopher Huody * Sir Fiercy Brett, Knt. George Cokburne, E'q$ * Sir Edw. Hawke, K.B. i;6z Capt James Sanders Capt. Samuel Malbon Capt. Peter Bennett * Rt. Hon. Geo. Grenville 1763-William Reynolds, Efqj Capt . Nicholas Burnell 1764 Capt . Chiftoph. Sollitt, 1765 Capt . Tho. Palgrave, Capt . Gilbert Slater Capt . Robert Halcrow 1766 Sir Geo. Pococke, K, B« 1767 Capt. John Pickett * Hon, Aug. Keppell 1768 His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, Mafter. Mr Charles Wildbore, Secret . Dav. Court, Jofh. Savage, Tho. Althrop, Edw. Smith, Clerks. Pay of the Officers of the Royal Nav} in each Rate • a Officers, and the Captains to Flags, per day. iral and Commanders in Chief of the Fleet — 5 c o Admiral — — — 3 10 © Admiral — — — 2 10 o Admiral — — — I 15 © Captain to the Commander' in Chief — 1 150 id d*tto, and Captain to other Admirals 1 00 V. Admirals ?if fiiftor fetond Rat to C o 16 o R, Admirals \ have the pay of fuch Rates. ( o 13 6 P i! ,i!l 1 6 i The Pay cf Officers in each R a' e of the NAVY. officers. 2 O Captain per day lieutenant per day Afafier per month 2d m-fter & pilots of yatchts each 3 / i 05 Maker's mate Midfhip man SchooIma/l«r ( Captain’s clerk Quarter matter ] Quar. matter's mate j hoatfwain , Boatfwain’s mate , 1( - 0 Yeoman of thefteetsi 12 o I 12 Coxfwain Matter fail maker Sail maker’s mate Sail maker’: crew * Gunner Gunner’s mate x ^ Q Yeo.of powder room 1 jj o Qurrter gunner * j 60 Armourer 2 r Armourer’s mate 1 ro Gunfmith j - Carpenter 4 | Carpenter’s mate 2 o Carpenter's crew 1 6 c U ' rer - 4o Steward «■ ^ - Steward’s mate i Gook j Surgeon -f* ^ Surgeon’s fir/1 mate 3 — " ■ fecond mate 2 — — - third mate 2 fourth & fifth 1 6t, 8 Chaplain % o 19 o * One to every four guns. f Befides 2d. a month from each men. J S efides 4 d. a month from each man. (i6f ) h V A R ■ O F F I Secretary at War ** x \ Ifccunt Barrngton, Df. Sec. Chrifi. D’Oyly, Efq; 2* *irfi clerk. Pr.iiip Francis, Efqj Other C erks. Jn ReyncR?,. Harman Leece, Cha. Marfh, John Da vis , Leonard Morfe, F. R. S, Sfcb E. Channing C E. {While- hall.) Thomas Hume Bowles, James Campbe 1 , Z. R. Taylor, W iliiam Clements. Paymafer of Widows Pen font * Hen. Charles Tames Fox. Deputy y John Pewell, Efqp InfpeElcr of Accounts, &c# Wm. Smith. Mfferger, Wm Elliott Office deeper , Mrs Ann Fanren Office cf Paymafter General of bis McjeJij ’ s Forces. Whitehall. Pay- ft* 'after General . * TVT . Hon. Ruh R gby. J[V Dcp. T. Cafwall, E.'qj Cajfoier, Ar.th. Sawyer, Efq; Accompt. John Powell, Efq; Ledger Keeper , John Adam F red eric HefTe,Efq$ Computer of Off-reckonings Charles Bembr;dge, Elq;" Cafjier of Half pay y Roberi Rancoll, Efq; i \ ft clerk y Tho. Bangham, E fq 5 Clerks, R. Moiefwoith, P, G. Craufurd , Geo. Cal. HefTe, Da. Thomas, Keene Stablts, Wm Fox p arry. Da. Palairer, Peter Burrell, Barweli. Keeper of 1 he Stores. P. Burrell. Office keeper ar.d Itfeflenger. Will am Tqmiinfon Vec l!'oman y Mary Jack Ton Pay "Masters. . Gibraltar Wm Sioper, Efq; A'ovaScetiaG. J. Will am3,Efq; Neiv Fork, Abraham- Mor.ior Quebec John PowtJ, Efq; Montreal, T. Barrow, Efq; Minorca , Hon. Capt. Digby. Louifcourg, Peter EUvin, E 'qj Fore . toAmer. If. Bevan, Efq; Civil Branch sf the Office of Ordnance, Tow er cf London. A 4 after- Genera l , 1500I Lieutenant General , * Rr, H. H. Seymour Conway. Sal. uool a year Surveyor General . * Sir C. Frederick, K.B.FRS. Sal. 7cd a year Clerk of the Ordnarce y Wm RawlinfonEarle,Efq.Sa. 500I a year, and iool foi Cheque on the Storekeeper Store-keeper. * Anfr. WiJkinfon, Efq; ^ C oI Clerk cf the deliver us. * Char es Cocks, Efq; ^ 00 T/eafurcr and Faymafer y John Rofs Mackye,£fq$ 5C& Secretary to the Mafter-Gcneral * Tbo. Thoroton. Efq; 220I Under Secretary to ditto , James DrWiku ater, jcol P 2 ( 1 66 t!erk f ditto, Simon Parry, i so i Nicholas Witwer, 40 Clks iti C J° dj J J S H encer 40l. Ith'tnord. under tbeSurv. Gen. Benja,™ Allin, , 5o1 fci Miles, 60I Richard North, , c j nd xtr r clerks under di "°? Thn h ’ w r T an> * n0 V ‘4'en, rho Wool. Cl.,rk e> M. E. Wilkes, .Oka, John Kcarf * e -> 40I a Y esl . 4 * 6,1 a day 1n ? /er ** °A the John Wooler, 6oi ■ C/> in or Jit, under Cl. Ordinance T , l>K k Kem f'» ,So1 -{ oi -P IJo Loire Mountfprt, John Pa ilh, B* r3 k jm S Sdu '! dcis > ‘ homas • adlhow, 4 olayear each. a.'crks word. under Store keep Jonnfon Rob nfon, , so l * WiJjiam Gregory 60I John Wilk'inion Col Thomas Day 60I Extra, derk undfy Stm , t Richard Dtckinfon, r R.Steei, Cades Middleton, 40! L ‘ er t s , ’? c /^”ary under tie o,.S‘ kr i°f **• Deliveries. Stillmgficec Durnford, iccl John Woodwaid 7 ol 5 C/e tks Extra ordmaty u „d e , the Clerk of the Deliveries, Richard Blight, John Loci W Briggs, W. Weaver, 4 o Ctexh tn ordinary under the p Mo W.lcot, 150I F Hanrott, 60I J Cooper, e 0 pi ^ Ex ‘ r * 40 / each. *- ■ Durnford, Cut. Fifter Davk! Durnford ' William Cl. to chief engineer, A r . Cal well o , ,f roo f nafterr, Rcb.Bennot T. Hartwell, 20 J Clerk of the Works, Thomas Hartwell. i 20 ] rohn °( c tv e inJma!l ^ rmo >y Jotsn Jo hnion, E( q: J Pu^r La J ‘ d ' E V - Sutt °"i 00I ea ' p r ' b ' Bennef 4 oi fjf.fiar.t Recorders , JnBodui. gton.JnHumir-y 20I Ordnance, Kicnard Sutton, Efq- p, , ^tbiteS, '* o1 Charles Frederick Efq. AfVT'h 0 °°P er ’4 5 l r « 6 d tcher tol n r , Ur t^/'- s ar Windfor, 2 >J Rob. Pilkington 5 Furbifer at Hampton Court, t /* Lri at St J^iesV Jok: h Decly 60I Mttferger, V. m Severn, 60I Trwer S arrack MaJler, John Jones j.oi Storekeeper of Saltpetre, Edward Short, 60I ^ ^ftror.omicalOhfervator, , 00 1 kT/ 1 // V ' &cl ? ne, MaFRS. Modeller Hartwell, ,00! ... Modeller, William Bi& 73 l FFICERi Ot/T-PoaTj an " G A RRIJONs, v, , Fokts.mooth Richard Veal, 1 Sol V. Imtk Pat *i ‘ " k Hank «r t.i> t ikrii' -W -rf*''- / r— ft V^u^wMtll BilU OUU..U - Lieutenant and Lieutenant Colonel Cornet and Major in Horle-Guatcs, M jor in Grenadier-Guards Gnioon and Major - LxempC and Captain Horfe-Guards, Lieut, and Capt. Gren. Guards Guidon and Captain - Cr>gad.ei and Lieut. Hone- Guards, Sub- Lieut. Grenadier- Guards Snb Brigadier and Cornet - Chaplain - - - Adjutant and Lieut. Horfe Guards, Sub-Lieut. Sc Adj. Crrn. Guards Surgeon - - Quarter- Ma^er Horfe-Guards, Serjeant Grenadier- Guard* Corporal " - - Trumpeter Sc K.ettle drummer Hor Gds. Huuiboisor Drummer G.Cds Private man To the Colonel % ^ To the Lirurenant-Colorcl To the jor ^ To theCap'r. Guidon, Sub Lt Adj.&cWlr to eat h \ Agent to Horte Guard?, 2 ; to Gre/i. Guards 3 Warrant-men allow’d on the ertablifhment. Riding-Mafter to Horle Guards, Allowance to the Purve\ or and rough rider, to each M r ill to thp four Troops of florfe and Grenadier* Guard 1 j to Gr. Cms 2 1 JO * / l IO 1 -I 2 0 I If 1 3 3 1* ; I 7 r 6 I 2 6 » 17 6 v 6 19 6 I *5 1 4 is 16 12 j|- 17 13 16 12 11 8 2-4 IO 7 6 6 4 4 6 8 5 6 & 5 j 1 X 6 7 5 6 8 6 8 6 6 4 9 4 3 6 5 3 9 3 2 6 5 4 - 2 6 2 4 2 io|- 2 6 2 15 12 7 6 6 5 4 * 2 6 2 8 5 ** 7 4 6 4 2 IOy 5 4 1 5 6 -‘VXitayof each Rank T n m, MaTeflvV L,ud FoKes 0,1 'he Britijh Efrabli/hinf, Ccdonei and Captain - Lieutenant CoJonel and Captain " Major and Captain Captain Caplin Lieutenant or Lieutenant Surgeon Surgeon's mate Drum Major deputy Alarftal Serjeant Corpo.a' (kettle dr. in ho. gds the fame) DruRorncr Trumpeter Private Man Allowance r Colour! _ jDoforhautboi* /per troop Eftabltiii- ) C»ptain forcomo onent to C Agen; « i Rrg. of HorfekUarda' F. . f> av Stfbfift. Dragoons Foot Guards F- P<»y Subfift f. p^ I g 9 * i 1 26 I 46 7 ,j 16 1 6 1 6 16 J 5 6 15 11 61 9 *4 11 J 8 6 8 s 6 8 S 0 4 61 5 S 6 6 6 5 6 6 4 6 6 t ■ 6 6 , 18 6 i 15 6 J u 6 ; bfift. Foot. V f l 73 ) ie A LlS T 0f ,he ARMY. for grenadier -gnii "g S tgo^gtr^^oot ’ If,? § Upon hajf-pay. 7 , If- , F I E L D M A R S H A L S iarl Iwgonier, r f g HALS '°rd Tyrawiey, z f g ™ 0v - 3 °. * 757 . 'Ginibals i 7 6i. Falmouth °’ * %' d Cado S*n, 2 U g M ar . 9 ' Earl Powys' 9 iW.chae; O'Brien Dilkes it Mist UT * NA * T ° ENERAts £a r I of Jlbej^ d A Jl 17 r a , Sir Andrew Agnew, 3 •Ja. Cholmondelev, 6 d 2 *Lord R.,k a#. ’ ^ 2 ’ f ■ -v.w.ua'jnr, 10 d. May 1 I • J a * Uhoimondeley, 6 d 2 T r m 1758 * Lalcelles 47 f J an 16 J. Murray, 42 f. 21 ot Loudoun, 30 f 22 I 'JIS of Loth;ao, II d 27 f 1 3 („ Ha , rr,n g ; °n> a g g 28 1 Warburton, 27 f 29 I hirley ' 759 ' » of Bedford r >ert Eljifon ; of -A nearer ] ^{ ^Ogfton <2. [ l u i $ of Granby roy. gegi r 31 • 8* $ f ‘hoimondeJey 6 I f Halifax 7 « “- 6 uiqn > 32, r 6 ^Lord Rob. Manners, 5 d g 7 John Moftyn, i d g ^ g ^arl Waldegrave, 2 d g 10 r» 1 ^ j 76 o. *gTo C R r " Wal]| ^ HfFeb. 22 Ueo. Eofcawen, 23 f 22 ^ 3 ° f 2.2. Geo, Bofcawen I*’ f h Sf? m u re * 2 1 f * Geo - Howard, , d 3 Dec ais of Lothian, nd 27 Si- R. Rich. Cl*' r n. J an. 30 -Feb. 1 2 3 C- r» T^. , 7 Q Ufc. c Si- R ; R,ch. Gov. L. Derry k S.r Joiepn Yorke, 5 d ,, Bord Cathcart, Dec ja *Wm Whitmore, o f , J WmBelforj, Artillery 17 Bord Rob. Bertie, 7 f jg PiiiJip Honywood, 4 h 18 1761. Marquifs of Lome, Com. i„ chief m N, Britain i f Jan. 19. ( Daniel Webb, 8 f do John Fitz-Will 0m, 2 h do' James Pateifn. do * Wm A'Couit, tI f do Charles Montagu, 2 f do Wm Strode, 62 f do S»r Jef. Amherft 3, and 60 f do Jofeph Hudfon j f g do *Arch. Douglas, 13 d -do Robert Armiger 40 f do *SirJ.Grif. Griffi ,i,rft t hggde Scud holm Hod g Ton, 4 f do Geo, Aug. Ell.ot, 1 1 d do Major Generals. 1760. String Lawrence in the Eaft Indies only Dec. 9 21 21 I761. Wm Skinner Eng. Feb 18 Robert Monkton 17 f John Hen. Baftide Eng, Edw. Sandford, 10 f %z Theodore Dury, marines 23 John Parker, 41 f 25 •John Lambton, 68 f 26 Charles Col'vil, 69 f 27 John Parflow, 54 f March 1 Wm Brown, 48 f 3 Thomas G-» g*, 22 f March 5 Vifcount Townfaend, 28 f 6 *Lord Fred. Cavendi/h, 34 f 7 E, Delawar, 1 h g 8 Duke of Richmond, 9 Earl of Pembroke id 10 John Severn, 8 d 11 *oir John Sebright, 18 f 13 74 ) John Clave ing, 5 z f George Cary, 43 f George-Gray, 37 f fa. AdoIphutOugh Duke of Leinfter, - r fil aod r . « Ti‘M M OT 1763. Ja. Prevo^, 60 f J.Gore, 61 f j. Murray, 13 f Geo. V/ili‘nmfon, artillery, 1 vi U< Cyrus Trapaud, 70 f do T Sir Wm Boothby, 50 f do’. * Wm Keppell, 14 f do Rich. Peirion, 36 f doJ Ben. Carpenter, 12 d do* do CO da do' d <* do- 4 4 John Owen, 59 f Sigie Armftrong, 60 f *Edward Harvey, 3 h Earl of Shelburne V/m Haviland, 45 f Wm Rufane, 6 fcj : ^vv;" Him, L^mbart., 6 7 * *h lc * John Irwin, 57/ Cadw. Lord Blan^y, 3S f *C. Vernon, LtofiheoTwer do Wm Ganfell, 55 f do * David Graeme, 19 f do Ed. Urmfton, 1 f g do His R. H. the D. of Glou : cefter, 3 f g 1 6 Dec. 1767 W 4 bJ$M ~tA *Rob.Lord Clive, May ij, in the £, Indies only. 17 62. Hen. Whitley, 9 d Aug. 1766, Rob. Mel ville, Aug. 7, in the We ft- Indies only. _ Colon els. . > 176 2, M. Frederick . 5 The following rank as "Cols, from the igthof Feb. 1762. ( >75 ) t I of Glencaftne § Y, il? cane, gov. of Upnor ca J n Thomas, 2 f § C ries Bucknall, barrack- 5 latter in Ireland a Wefls Dal. Hornsij Jphinfton 53 f 1 ntagu Blomer, % m Evelyn, 29 f J n Salter, 1 fg % 3. Erie, 14 d •j chard Worge, Lj ie$ Johnfton; id I les Johnfton, x h f lip Shernrd, 1 f g fj *ignv de Cofne, on.deo.Lane Parker, I f g J les G, (borne, 16 f f 1 of Drogheda, 18 d l rillTatton, 1 f g I ncis Grant, 63^ I h. Bendyfhe, marine* * lex. Mackay, (y f ^ n Former, j f \ n Auguftus Pitt,' XOd f >hn Scot, 26 f * >rge Bodens, d Adam Gordon, 66 f ierick Haldimand, 60 f ■ Dert Scott, 6 f i Muir Campbell § t n Alex. Sorel, z f g J hard Lambart, J f g i :x. Maitland, 49 f j in Pomeroy, 64 f II of Egltngton, 51 f ’ mon Frafer § ft nt Walfh, 56 f * v o. DefaguBers, artiL t orge Prefton, 1 d I y Carleton, It. gov. Quebec ( arle* Hotham, 15 f I n Napier, 3 h 1 ho. Townibend, 57 f Robert Clerk, Sir Wm Draper, K. B. Cor, No Yarmouth R. Cunningham, 58 f *Wm FJowe, 46 f J. Bradftreet, dept, q m g * LordGeo. Lenox, 25 t Feb 20 Hen. Fletcher Campbell, 35c June 20 John Hale, 3 1 d 11 Robert Boyd, x f g 23 Henry Clinton, 12 f 24 ♦Charles Fitzroy, 14 d 25 Bernard Hale, 20 f Oft. 7 •John Burgoync, 2 1 d S 1763. Sir Rob. Hamilton, § June 17 R. Robinfon, de Camp to the Kir, g April 1S Francis Craig, 2 f g if Edw. Ljgonier, do x f g zi 1764. H. Gore, B. Axe-Gds 6 Feb* C. Campbell, £ And. only 9May Rich. Smith, do 11 May Sir Rob. Barker, do do •Earl Percy, 5 f Oft. 26 1765* , Wm Tayler, Aid de Camp to tbe King Mar. 7 •Eyre Cooce, § April 4 Earl Cornwallis, 33 f Aug, % 1766. Hon. Geo. Weft, Aid deCamp to tbe King do • Wm Amherfi, do 6 Aug. 1767. J ames Burleigh, marine* 4 Mar 17 68 . Wm. Whit/hed, 3 f gMar 2 t Michael Hudlon 3 f g May g Rob. Watfon, Aid de (amp to | Wm Tryon, I f g the king \ 1769. Daniel Jones, 3 t g Hon. Geo. Monfon, Camp to the King, ^ 5 Sept, m jGeo. Warde, 4 d Oft. d Wm N’ea'ton § u Sir David Lindfay, Bart i f.o) T ry Oft. 12 James Cunningham, 45 f 14 Robert Skene, adj. g. N.B.iJU . ' r u 5 Sir Wm Wifeman, Bt. 2 f g Jan. 30 Lieutenant Cot ^tL,.jp lowerMocher> 3dg J| 1 " e . b ^ l 73S* Charles Wm Pearce, § Jan. i J 739- Mor. Cracherode, Dec. 15 Jan 1740. J. Cunningham § ^ wen > governor Penoennis Caftle A Daniel Hening & Gilbert Vane § 2 5 x ?*' oa . 4 4 4 Robert J>loper,\ d g latir 1748. JullinM'Carty § •Ap. 9 '1754* Hor, Sharpe, ff'tjnd.on/yjuiy 3 Jan. 4 1758. J. Montrefor, Eng. John Bar'ow, 61 f Jorden Wren, 37 t Hezekiah Fleming § Edward Maxwell, 21 f 27 Lancelot Baugh, 1 fg Mav 7 Win Style, 1 f g 7 1 Henry Lifter, 2 f g 3 >. Robertfon, 16 f T u ] v 4 Eyre Maftey, 47 f , ,g ArUsniGraham, g Aug.a 9 18 20 2 27 Qa'rth. Gyi&tm, 2 h g Apr. 5 John Darby, i 7 f J T. Bali, lieut. gov. of Jet fey, Sraates Long Morris, §^Oft.« Thomas Ord, artil. John Wynne, 2 h Dec. 7 James £dmondftone, i f Jan^t 1760* V Campbell, John Caillaud, g Hon J°hn Vaughan, 4 '6f Ia Thomas Calcraft, 52 f Mar.^i SfaSr^* 4 » Ap ;5 Sh 1 M ICy S 1fl£ 11 f May 5 "- ob - M «"ay Keith, § Spencer Coyvppr, 1 f g July 23 2 , * • C ? rant ’ go*. ot Eaft- Florida, 40 1 W m Phillips, art]], j ugt ,, ■(■* 77 ) chard M.fefani, dep. adj. .Charles Beaudcrlr, , f g l6 C 22 j Earl of Dumfiies $1 g J sorge Ta/h, 3 fg Sept, i ^ S *7 rCtdr Bo, frond, mar. Noy,2o| i 7 6 z “ F * u ‘ iu > 3 r g 2 5 I John Lind, inVal! r an md Brlk.ne, § 27 James AgrUw, 44 f Jan - X « ot An cram, 4 h Dec. 1 (Arch. Patou n, engineer . jPatritk Mackellar, engin. I James BramhaVn, engin, » , ^ Ij^bn Lindfay, c^f chard Prefcor, 7 f J an . 22 Arthur Prefion. o d ■ades Cray, § ij |J. Tufcon Mafon, 1 • bpenccr Wilfon, 2 f g j James Ramfav, 30 f • Kt u Tr „ , 2 8[Pan- Chenevix, rnfli artil. ight Hon. Ifaac Barre 29 Robert Watflr, <-4. f ^hVVrUiantt, § Feb. n j James Set' n 0. Morrifoo, 5 mg 23 Gordon Grafiarr, 4 a f °. Cia.ke, 2tg Mar. 4 John Berkwrrfe 44 f a. Rarnsford, 2 fg 5 1 Herrera M-.nfttr, J eutenar.c- in i^ lJ tr en2 e ’ mirines 10 S« v < fFo.iSt PhiJip ia. guftm Prevoft, 60 f 20 Paul Emil. Irving, ref x. Campbel', § 22 John Nee'e, 3 f g 1. Jennrngs, 1 th gApril iflFrancis amPh, ic f n W.rght, zfg 5 I Robert Gordon, § nirley, eov. of Bahama 2 I Edward Milbank, 3 d g ,e ^ Faitrftn. artii. Aug.<;|Paul PechelJ, •ph Biome, artii. 6 J Hildebrand Okes, 23 f >mas Ofwalrf, § ic Jofeph Widdeos, § - § 10 John Douglas, id '• M “ tbew ’ if g Sept. 24 bir Wm Erlkioe, 1 1 d 2 c More MoJrneux, 3 fg 2S Gabriel Chnftre, dep. q matter 1 \V y nyard, 3 f g 26 J- gen. America 27 mas Bate, § Oft. 2 Alex. Leflie, 64 f 30 esKinneer, § ; 2 | John Campbell, 17 f. Feb. 1 3 3 3 3 4 S 5 7 5 9 ia 1Z *3 2 5 J S iS 1 9 20 2 Z 23 24 *5 icis Bonham, 3d 4 j Robert Cainpbel), Blacker, capt. inv. 5 I John Reid, 42 f r Cheiter § 6 I Jsmcr Money, § /iLS Remirgron, 43 f 7 I Hugh Mac Kay, s Cha. Muntolicu, z h. g I Charles Rofs, 8 [ Freeh. Rjmfden, Tull kens, 45 f j Q \ gov. of Cdilifle re Sloaghrer, 2 h g j 2 Wrn Grem. engineer Burtoa Pbjijpfon, 1^14 George Scott, § ' ■ n ViJc. Percivai, j fg 20 Wm Miles, 1 f nr Arch. Mac Nab, 41 f A ’ex. M. " 11 penny, 56 f * Thom *s Hay, yd Peter Bdthurft Robert Wei ft, § Wra Roy, engin. John Biaquiere, 3 1 d May 2 *2 June 25 July 23 30 James Douglas, 3 f g 2< Wm Skijiner. March.fi # Sir George O/born, 3 fg 31 Geo. Madd'fon, 4f Apfjj.z Edward Craig, 1 fg May xi John Biddurtpb, 3 i 17 Ja. Patterfoo, 63 f , June 15 Henry Gladwin, dep, adj.gen. America, Sepc. 17 Tho. D’ A venant, % f g Dec.33 061 . 11 13 VVm Gwynne, 2t g Aug. 2 Tho. Reynolcs, 2 f g 25 Dav.Weddeiburn, 2zf Sept2z Richard Pownali, 1 f g 4 23 Hon. Wm Gordon,^ Edward Nugent, § John Maunfell, § John Godwin, arcil. Sam C eaveland, ditto Robert Prefcott, § Stewart Douglas, § Wm Ne/b tt, 47 f Hon. John Monckton, § 25 *Ja. Pringle, 59 f Dec. J? Nov. V 1763 •Glynn Wynne, 2 f g Jan. 8 George OgiJvje, 3 f g Hon. WmNapier, d a g n b 17 Wm Hudfon 1 f 1764. Ch. Hemfngton, 23! Feb. 27 Pafton Gould, 30 f Mar, 23 *Pat. Warrender, nd May 4 Wm Burton, 12 d June 15 rheoph. Clements, 69 f 15 David Hepburn, 13 Wm Thornton, 1 f g Sept. 5 Alex. Johuftone, 70 t 28 Nov, *Hon. WmHarcourt, z 1 d zZ Alex. Duncan, 55 f Dec. 5 Jan.es Blaquiere, 13 d John Burgoype, 58 f 7 19 1765. # HonH.L.Lut trHl,ihFeb. 13 Robert Raitt, 2 f March 21 WmDalrympl#, 14 f 27 Ralph WaUh, 31 f April 25 John Wilkins, 18 f June 13 Tho. Howard, ifg [u!y 10 Wm Pidlon, 12 f * Hedior Monro, Edward Stop ford, David Ogd vie, 13 Auguft 21 oa.a 66 f 9 10 1766. H. Mark Mafon Maurke Carr, 29 f C.W. Roberts, 65 f Wm Hervey, 1 f g G. Rawfon 5 f Mar. r3 Apr. 23 May io A tig, 6 Oft, 4 No?, 28 j *7$ 7 ♦ Hy dc, I f g Ftb* 5 . Ga'mpjbeil, marines > Mar. 4 'ho. Twiflfctori, 3 fg *8 Andrew Forb:s, r h g May 4 ohn Thornton, 2 f g do ofrn Fletcher, 32 f June 12 Charles Mawhood, 19 f 17 fon. Arthur Brown, 2$ f do • Hollingfworth, 3 fgjulyj Ion.R.R.Mervyn,39fDec 12 1768. 3mes Dunne, 1 t h g Jan. 21 [ugh Cane, 5 d Mar. 31 I (umphryStevens, 3 f g May 9 ! • Shucliburgii 1 fg May 27 ra.hn Parr, 20 f Feb. 1 .JVIajors. 1745 r C. Leighton § May. 4 ha. Hen. Colljhs, tow. O&4 obert Milford § :ot Floyei § 4 V- 9 B ' I 747» .mes Otway^ Feh. 26 ( J 79 ) 1750. H.Hart,Lt G.SheernefsMar^ J 754* Cha. Craven, § Sep. 24 1759. * ^ James fohnfton, 61 f Dec. it 1760. Peter La’oiliere, S Jan. 17 Wm Walters 45 f 25 Wm. Pjers, § May j Ja. Abercromby § July 25 Bar. Corneille, ^ Aug. z J. Goreham, § 2 Robert Preftcn, S 26 John Campbell Rob. E. Fell § Claud. Hamilton, Arch. Campbell, § Dec. 20 1761* Nat. Heywood, § Jan. 7 John_L*Jand, § 21 David Home, 25 f 23 Cha. Chapman, § Feb. 6 Cha. Veaitch, § 18 Henry Boifragon, § 28 David Bell, 11 d 1 6 * George By ng, § 16 Ja. Johnrtone, § Jur.e 12 John Bell, brev. mar. 15 Tho.WhitwickKnightly ditto June 16 Arth. Tooker Collins, dittOi6 Cha. Lee, § Wm Wade, § Francis Alleneu, § Richard Vaughan § John Nairn, § Edw. Smith, § Tho. Ogle, § Enoch Markham, § James Hamilton, § 0^3 Aug. 17 Sep. 10 1 Charles Forbes, r» f j Vlyfles Firzmaurice, It gov of St Vincents, Peter Gordon, $ Allan M'Lean, & Jl'cb^rd Ridley, | J. WaJIcin. Crawford § d - u ma , S J am arf'llery Richard Sherlock, § 2 , Ocho Hamilton, 40 f Nov. 10 ( 4 8 © ) *7(Th. Sheldon, marines Adgi* *'nry Smith ditto ^ Fel« Buckle* u- J 7 17 18 18 *9 2 3 2 3 £ 17152, n Stratton, Irift artil. J an ,8 -'ermfon Poole, f F eb Robert Ackand, 73 i nva l. Lucius Ferdinand Cary, & George Carr 72 f * * James Dalrymple, 1 f Charles Erlkine, & Lord Wallingford, Henry Brownr gg Francis Diake. §’ S-r Jn Whitefoord, Bt & DonalH P amnk.ll a JT Feb. March l 8 12 J 3 *3 *3 J 3 2 4 26 2 3 *5 2 5 30 *3 2 4 2 4 26 , J" "uuerourd Donald Campbell, John Tucker, 71 f Theodore Defvories, S John Wrrg^tfon, § * George Ainflie, 1 J j James Murray, b Horatio Ga res, 45 f Edward Aflienhurft 3 h John Murray, & J • Robert Gordon, Mav ^ Francis Gore, ac f ^ ? Charier Webb/ Patrick Prerton, 57 f tn Cnarles Hamilton, 1 d g , Tho. Olb rt Mordauot, iod a ! Maur ceCane, § * €hr,ft Gauntleit, ma r .Ju B J Sr AU Uy ^ n na > le y> 58 f 2c ' r Allen Maclean, & A Zobell, § 5 r 0 > 26 Ricbard Parker/ § J y j \\ -j . yi Sir Ja.Langham, Bart. §Mara James Calendar, 67. f 5 * w m# ir rC ^!i 3 ^ ^ May u F orrefter, 27 f Mav Charles Croibie, § * " WmArnot, 2dg Aue to WmH a r berS > mar * 0< S.:i5 Wm Hyflop, artillery Dec. 7 P p 1764/ ;£-* C. Egerfon, 6 r an Charles Long, § Beiy. Bernard, 23 f Fhihp Skene, 52 f * Edw. Howarth, marine//^ »76f/ Tii3 " ,n,n 1 f w WmPowel. rW G. Cunningham, 2 th g Feb. dflv /W V rahrt Pefefttng*on, * f Mar. 21 <°bert Mi I ward, 59 f *, ■J nsid Orant, deputy Adit : Gen. in Ireland. Jonathan Furlong \a f 2 7 ^lex. Ca heart */ . 7 •'j». Marriot C™*™ 69 tich. Hawkins CMay 22, ^o. Blaod, 7 d June 14. viiiiam Orme, 7t>f July ,« * ter Campbell, 12 f Aug. z, emyBaffett, to f Sep. „ l nry r f ri ?e f '’ 5 6 f oho Hi, 1 , 13 f Oa.io >7 66. »• Chi/holme, 21 f Feb. 19 • Wilfon Lyon, 4I d 28 ■erce Butler 29 f April 13 ■ho Mayne 14 d May 16 • Butler 65 f ,6 mb. Upton 13 d 16 1a * Valiancy engineer z? loina* Pope td h Taly 7 hn Caldwell, yf x 8 >bert Waller, 9 d OQ. j Meadows, 4 h OSt. , Coares 66 f Oft. 3 Anflruther 63 f Nov. i; *767. l0mas Bell, § Tan. 7 : nry Calder 49 f 7 mcis Legge, 46 f April 1 i> Bfathwayt, r b g 4 May a omas Whi more 9 f atle> Tail'd, 28 f June 17 ■ ^d Hawke, 3 f do 1 n, Fleming, 64 f Dec. 12 [ ic Hamilton, 18 f l6 ■ MU ., 76g# les Rolf, it h g Jan. 21 n Corneille, 39 f Feb. 20 rge Clerk. 43 f Mir ch 9 Roberts 4 t f. •^rthyRowIeyed 3, Belleii’dW,'6 1 fA pr 2 a Campbell, 22 f . zi ( l8l ) B. Bromhead 62 f May a A!er. M'Kenzie 31 f W ’ /aneS Pn.I.p Ainflie 2 gg 24 Lord Robert Kerr 6d do RoberuKingiapn 2 j d j ulyl n ^Crp er ^ ,ff:, d * m S Jalyif Cha P ft I 3 f Aug 30 Cha. Prefton, 26 f Sept. 7 John Corrance, 8 f Nov. 21 wm G °^\ 33f do W,ll, ani 0 l rle, 14 f do Richard Allen, 35 f Dec. 23 1769. JamesD’Auvergne * h eFeb 1? James Walker, 12 d Feb. 18 lr J ame * Cockburne, Bt. 4 g f ” ^onkton 4 UMr'.'ii l ( ,h " Wharton, 60 f Apr. , 2 Robert Carr, 24 f * * Janies B uce, 70 f d ' Andrew Defacour 3, f. A/>r. 2t Zu wZtl’i / ,J “*« Ik A fr Bl sot May tg lit m 1 u’J 9 • M >y Chapel Norton, if ■ <£ ?T y J o nley>3d J u, y«8 Gabr. de Ruvyrres /„ America . A W Jliim Dundas, 68 f Oft* § James Mercer, 49 f. Nov% 6 Robert Paul, 4 f ^ ^ 1 770 . Mat. Dcrenzv. 6 f !>ix A,d deCtmpt to bi, Mo j eft, c,\ at ^‘K ann ' eacb - Fdw ^°r Sirt Robinfon > Col. E dward L'gmi^r, Col. Wm. • Taylor, Hon. Col. Weft Col. Amherft, Col. R. Wat- ion. Hon. Col. Geo. Moafon, txtr* % A LIST of- his Majefty ’s Land Forces, with theilf. Agent*’ and Stations. M /lands for Field Mar/hal, G for Gen. L for Lt.Gen. M'for MajorGen. C for Colonel, &LC for LtColi, COLONELS. Rank. Raifrd, Lieut. Cols. Majors, Men and Off. Agents. Stations, Two Troops of HORSE GUARDS raifed in 1660, I De Lawarr, Earl ft Cadogan, Ld M V * Jennings, Philip 2 Dunne, James iMontolicu, LewifCh 2 Sloughter, Robert Meflieurs Richardfon Winter London and Weftmintfer 2 Rolt, James D'Auvergne, James 1 Buckley, Felix m ' rry ~~ zCunninghamjGeorge .. _ ^wo 7 j°°P? of horse grenadier * 11 n - I* ® 93 l "Evelyn,- Sir Frederick! Adeane, James I 177 ft Haimgton, E. of L|t 7 o 2 .|GalIat;n, Barth. j Ainflie, Philip | 176 , V A, r ° ne R oyal Regiment of HORSE GUARDS. ■ y ’ M. of F Mli66r|Forb e! t, Andrew |Biathwayt, Winter | 319 | Meyric, &Porter|England Four Regiments of HORSE. 1S1 181 GUARDS. m.| doJWe/hniniter Cox & Drum, (London and- • ,jr ■' 1 Johnson, Jw.es C t68o*Hoo.H. L. Luttfell 1 Fitzv/llteam, John L i68dj n. Wynne 3 "Harvey, Edw, M :i fiS-jl Wm Naper * # Honey wood. Phi L|;i^8lt>rl 0 f Ancram, , Three- Regiments of »Mortyn, Jchn L|,68. T jSloper, Robert ,W^ g , ave E , L i68jUfeiin«M, Ruflel 3 Manners, LdRob. Llj68 5 -*Moucher, Flower I Tucker, Martin Pope, Thomas Aftienhurfi,pdw, Meadows, Wm DRAGOON (Hamilton Charles Arnptt, Win ■Milhaake, Edwd LtCl 231 1 214 Montgomery 214 I Clarke 214 Montgomery 214 I Webber GUARDS. | 345 IRofs 2 3l | R o/s titter Ireland Ditto Ditto Ditto Englaijd ditto ditto ) mmm I Pembroke Earl of M|,68 3 Johnllon, James * Argyll, Duke ol G i68j Prefton, George 3 Albemarle, Earl of L 4 *Con way , H S. L.G. 5 'Yo ke, Sir Jofeph L 6 ChrJmonrieley, J a . L 7 ^Howard, Geo.^e 8 Seveine, John 9 Whitley, Henry 10 Mordaunt, Sirjn 11 Lothian, Marquis 12 Carpenter, Ben. 13 * Douglas, Arch. ^ '4 *Firzroy,HonCha.C 4 R<-rs of Light D ags 1 Elliott, Geo. Aug. L 2 *Burgoyne, John C 3 Hale, John C JfrCi *■» vj w w iN O! 9 168 5| Bonh»rn, Francis 16851 Warde, George ,.1688, Cane, Hugh .ji689!Whnmore John 16901 *Hay, Th' ma6 I( ^93 Dafcelies, Francis PrcAon, Arthur Pi’% WmAug. C * WurMtnder, Patrick Buyron, Wm Blaqtiiere, Ja # Erie, Tho. C 4 Drogheda, Earl of Cj 1759* PhtJij>fon> R. B. LrC Douglas, John LtC Stanley, Henry, Oriffith, Edward Rowlfey, Clotworthy K^*rr, Lord Robt. Bland, Thomas Moore, Wm Waller, Rob. Mordiunt, T.Ofbert Bel), David Walker, Jofeph Dpton, Ambrofe Maine, John Lambe Cox &Drumm Adair &Bulloc Wilkinfon Wybranta Blount Rofs Wybrants Montgomery Cox&Drumm Ireland Montgomery Clarke Montgomery 1759 VWU>e, Sir Wm. Ainflie, George 1759 Harccuit,Hon, Wm. Kingfton, Robt. , 7 5 9 Blaquicrc John B irch, Samuel 759I Walpole, Edw - (Lyon, Cha. Wilfon Three Regiments of FOOT GD ft I Ligomer, Earl FmI i< 56 ojurmftoD, Ed w . tyl* Shemrd,°Philip c ■ I3 ^Parker, Geo. LancC (England [ditto ditto ditto Ireland Scotland England Ireland ditto England ditto Ireland ditto ditto Cox y, John ilkinj, John Manhood, Charles "" mdwnood. r68Sjt > Brr, John 1 Sorell, Wm p 2 Craig, Francis c 1 Hudfon, MichaelC 2 J ones, Daniel c of FOOT. '» Dalrymple James 2 Norton, Chapel Pennington, John Hawke, Edward Paul, Robert Walcot, Wm, Derenzy, Matthew Caldwell, John Chance, John Whitmore, Thomas Baflett, Henry Forbes, Charles Campbell, Peter HiU, John Furlong, Jonathan I'vmg, P.Emil. Lt.C Pulleine, Henry Campbell, John Lt.C arsa.** Parry, David ro 5 8 1058 Meyricfc andf London o f5? er I a " d • Cox&Drummj Weflminfter. '346 346 529 50C 5*9 529 5 2 9 S 2 9 500 346 52 Q 529 Rofa Rofs Winter Rofs Adair ^Bullock, Montgomery Meyrick, Porter Rofs Meyrick, Porter Adair & Bullock Cox&Drumm. Bradford, - ..Cox Sc Drum, 5^9 Rofs, 529 Cox Sc Drum. 500 346 500 346 529 C2Q Cox & Drum , c °x * Drum. . Meyri^k&Porter : £° x & Dfumm. d f\ fn Rofs */* Gibraltar, Scotland Gib, , Minorca England Ireland Scotland England Quebec America A merica Minorca England Gr at Bri ain America England Amej ica ^England Arperfca Gibraltar 4 * V ®“*Jwn,/AdoiphlJr «tS Wal h ’ ftj®“ 3* L e ,ghton, Francis L ito! Fletcher ¥*1 33 CotjjwaIJis, EarJ CfX7o* O , cHr >.J ob n 34*Cavendi/h,LdF re dM . 5* Sn ^ H J ' ldebrand 3? Campbell, H. F r ivol H " fend > Samuel j« «*«*. Rw,,; mIi^oi 37 ^* ra y> George Mis 102 Wr» 38 Lord BJaney toltnn* d ,C|B * J orc, en 39 Boyd, John" Y l ; °f &«*» Robert 40 Armiger, Robert L 1717 Grl'n!"} R ° Chfort 41 Parker, John iu|i7 lai »«* -f ames 4* Murray, Ld John L 171 % r' t?* 1 *’ Arcbib ^d 43 Cary,Geor Ee J ii ^ 3 ? D Mham ’ Gord<) " 44 Abercr °m b y,JametL 17A,A Brn,n6tr ° r n > °ervas 4 J Hayiland, WilliamM 17H ft J ames ciJiaro, benjamin Carr, Robeic .Home, David l'reflon, Charles 'Porrefter, WiJJiam PaiTeJJ, Charles .Butler, Pierce [R-im/ay, James Lt.C .Mackenzie Alex. 1 Napier, Maik Gore, John °glc, VViUiam (Alien, Richard Hunter, Will.am Paliy. St George .Wrixon, Eiias Corneille, John Hamilton, Otho Roberts, William | r R . e,d ,> J° hn Lt. C Clerk, George Beckwith, John It c, Monckton, Henry 1 JBegge F, a . *ao uidJiam 5291 WhiteJorke, (Ireland ;&&*•*•*%*” f .300 Montgomery Ireland * mCotden Ck ff® Montgomery, Ireland England L runun * * Go * J /ainaica Iceland . 5-91 if &*. fcr s°° ^mm.i.Cox /tngJand 5°^ Montgomery Ireland 50^1 Clarke /Ireland 5001 Montgomery /Ireland c « M i S L*fcelles, PeregrineL Brown William M 49 Maitland, Alex. 50 Boothby, SirWill, 51 Eglintoun, Earl C 5* Clavering, John M 53£lphinfton,R.D.H.C 54 Parflow, John M 55 Ganfell, William M 56 Wallh, Hunt L 57 *Irwin, John M 58 Cunningham, R. 59 Owen, John M fioAmberft, Sir Jeff. L Frevoft, Ja. M. ? Cols Armftrong, B. M. ^ Com 61 Gore, John fit Strode, William fiq # Grant, Francis 69 Pomeroy, John M * Mack ay, Alex. Ci 1741 1741 743 753 *755 *755 *755 *755 *755 *755 *755 755 *755 €6 Gordon, Ld. Adam M €7 La mbert,Hami Iton M fi !5 * La mb ton, John M €9 Colville, Charles M > * l*~r A m Oy Neftitt, William Gordon, Benj. Calder, Henry * Calcraft, Thomas Montgomery Rich • i ones, Val .indfay, John Wal/h, Robert Duncan, Alexander Money penny, Alex. Town/hend, Tho. C Burgoyne, John Pringle, James 1755 *7J* *75 8 1758 1758 ■758 I 75 8 1758 *75 8 *75 8 Fred. Haldemand, Frevoft, Auguftine, Barlow, John Deaken, John Patterfon, James Ltflie, Alexander Roberts, Char. Weft Stopford, Edw; # St. John, Henry Reynolds, Francis Clements, Theop. M J° Kn fton, Alex. Malone, Edward Cockburn, Sir James Mercer, James Hope, Sir Alex, Delacour, Andrew Skene, Philip M‘Farlane, James Powell, William Baugh, Thomas Pringle, Henry Prefton, Patrick Bavley, R. Clayton Mil ward, Robert Wharton, John Bruce, Thomas Bellender, Robert Bromhead,Boardman J. Anfiruther Fleming, William Butler, William Coates Ja. Callender, James Dundas, William Bromhead, Benj. Bruce* lamtM 1001 Whitelocke Wybrants Montgomery Meyrick&Portei Rofs Do Fitter Mcyrick&Portei Meyrick&Pbtter -246 Vfevrick&Portcr do Jamaica Minorca W. Indies Gibraltar W. Indi es ( **6 ) ;«fc 75 O'tto *U»UU)< incjuanu.K. comm, j 3IJ (Ditto |Lmde, Jflhn ^akatjtoijotto »rWLSL-i ^ * ^ ia ^> Cha *Cotamand. 1 ~ 1 I England A P /. he Ofticehs of the 70 p nm ^ Great Britain ScilJy jjL n( u Gen Hon. John Foib«. Lieut. Gen Sir Oh 7 F ? IeS ° f MARIN£s - * * Colonell. 1 * y en * on Charles Saunders, K.. B, Chatham Portsmouth P //mouth |p° *1 w j ■ lLng^nd Afripa GlP* 9 j( 3 S m; • Colonels. “Howe, Vifcount 1 J^ieut. Colonels. XArfilltry , rfon, A J.cj BrtiHelgh. James C] ^•aaiWf'r/ L^ m „ I CJea viand. Sam Beiro/d/wiS^ £*• / 0rd ^ *• Williamfon, George M £J , . r Tho “ A ‘ 3- Defaguhcrs, Thomas C | Godw?„”‘ Ji™' I f D.»mmo„omk ’ w - Vaughan, Efq; Montgome-y, Ear) Powis. PembroU, *Si r WmO wen, Bart t > j -r-» "'wwen Kadr.cr, Ear) of Oxford. Howell G Wynne, Efq; Cufiot Kotu or urn. The SHERI Berk fh ire* Bedful dfii^e , Buck: ngharnfh ; re f 1 dumber iaridj Chefl/u e, Bomb' Sc Hunt' Comwatl) Deuonfh're, Dor ft jhire y Derby/hire, Gicucefcrfbii t, flertfordjh ire y Herefordjhhty Kent, Leiceflerjkirey LincoivJ/dye, Monmiuth)k\re y A r ort bumb^r land , • W'lr&imptsnjbire, JS'orfolk) FFS of the feveral Counties, for the j ear 1770. Ldm. Bafu), oh.BTta.-on'flefd, Efq; ^ o: ’ p 4 ! ch * l* Fleming, of Skirwrh, B it LMwltt of Fenflanton, £f r gh ^°?' r . 8 » uf Helrtone, Efq- He.rySt-ven'. of Lit.Je Torjgroh Eftl- James pa!*, of Blandford, Efq; ' q ’ ° fLea > r A John, Tyrrell o' B ireham, Eft Georg- tsm.th, Of North Nibley, Efq- i n l> JrCen ’ ° f Gadd efdenhoe y . Efq- PuceCJutton ofKinnerfley. Efq; S ’ ■ /,. h Vu*’ of Go ''npton. Efq; ‘ t bai les H-rAlihe ofNofeley, Efts- Cha'l fa M-i’ °' G,4 " d, ' ,rd Briggs, ’Ffq* Cha,ie ? M.Jborne, of Abergavenny Eft hhn s.rnrf n , . f fjorflev. £fq ^ ' rM y I/$ nUy ' ° ( F ^V. Efq. J- M ck]ethwaite,ofBeeftonSt.Andicw,Efq > ft A t hW/* ( No'tifigbamjhire, Oxfordjhirgy Rbtlandfhlre) SbrjpJhir e> , ^ orn 1 jptflJire^ S-jjford/hirc) Sujfek) j S'Utbamptov, l Surry 3 J fujtx, Wjr'wick/Hre, Worct$tWh\rt t mit(hne t Y~or kjbire, Brecon, ^emartben, J Cardigan, ■ rJamtrgan, [ Pembroke , t l adr.ory t qr ‘i h h> ie'*arv:n t 'enbigb, i int, I trrioneib% I iOntgomcry* ( l 9i ) Urban Hall, of Warfop, Efc; Francis W,fl ie , of Co -In, Efq: Join Bo al, 0: Bernaerflhorpe, Efq; K'ch. Morhal’.jun < f Onflow, ^fq: N.-tha^ei Webb, of Round bill, Eiq; I'' n Ma (h, of W rmbarnc, Efq; Elcazir Davy, of UbbrPon Hall, Efq: * Francis Hugonin, o Nurfted, E, No.r.„, N„,fo lt Dac L'?: '% Andrew,, Joliph, Sba«r.Pia„, Be.t,, July i, *rrJWf. G '» r S' Ki't'e.., Vo-tftJ, V„8. A«™, WPIoushby. Wadley, fekfttaT’ldM, Vfa/ Ayloffe, Jofepb, Frrmfi-ld, StfTe*, Nov. «, l6 i2 B irlow, Ge 0 r g e, Sketch, Pembrokefoire, Toly in ^,7 Bayley, Nicho as, A gieVy. ,J y 3> I0, 7 - _ Carrington John S *a nfton, Ifle ofWight, July 2 o ,6u BayntOn^ Edward. Spve-Pirk, Wiltlhke, Toly 0 ?,6a * Bcanmoht, George Danmow, Elley, Feb. «, ?65i * p‘ kw j 5 h t - Rorf Aldborough. York /hire,' Apri’lTc.' ,68, •< < mg fieid, Richard, Oxbo o->eh, Norfo k, J jn . 2 ) 6 f r p tn ‘^> Rote t, Rrampton, Huntingd n/Tii^ July r 1662 Be-na:d Francis, Nettieham, Lincolnfhire, Ma/ch io 1 , 2 * Jerney Hanlon. Kirby Bed n, Norfolk, May e afire B -ttenfon, R . Bradb -rne, >eve„-Oak S , Kent, Feb. 7 Uto. E >-k y, Samu*l, Sep*-, 3, , 55 ,. B.ddiilph Theophir-yEKnhnrft StafFordftfire, Nov 2 166a B.ihopp, Cecil, Parh.m, S.iffex! July 24, ,6 2 o 4 ' 8-aczet, E!waid, Mirfen, Northumber] Dec r* tfin* * Blacker, Walter, Walhngton, North.mbl. j£c.% \U\ 25EW* 4 $ Blo.int, Walter, M-.rley, Shropftiire, Cfl. , .4 ., Sl °“'. ojims), WL, j'” 4 *;- ( J9S ) *ooth, Rev. Georff, k>o:hby, William, B roadlow- Afh , Derby A. July 1 4 1660* •feeler, Philip, Tefton, Ken , July 3, 1641. * Sougntnpj Edward, Lawiord, Warwickih. Aug. 4, 1641. Sawyer, Wm, Denham-Court, B jckinghamfti, June 25, i( 56 o # Boynton, Griffith, Agnes-Bur f on, Yorkfh. May 25. 1618. Sradftia'gh, Roger, Haigh, Lancafhire, Nov. 17, 1679. Bridges, Brooke, Goocneftone, Kenr, April 19, 171^/ ^Bridgman, H.Lever,Lanca{Kaad Weilon,Sal p, June 7,1660. 5 r‘dgman, Francis, Ridley, Che/hire, Nov. 12, 1673. * ri gg cs > Jonathan, Hammerfmith, Middlesex, Aug. 12, 1641. Broughton, T. B.oug^ton, Staf. Horfham, Suf. Mar 10, 1661 Brown, John, (late of Caver/ham) Oxfordfli. May 10, 1665. Browne. James, Wcflmmfter, March 11, 1732. Buck, Charles, Hamby Grange, Lincohfh, Dec. 22, 1660. Buckworth, Everard, Sheen, Surry, April i, 1697. Bunbury, Cha. MiJden-Hal], andBarton near Bury, SufF. June 2}, 1681. Bu det, Robert, Fcremark, Derb>fhire, Feb. 25, 1619. Burdett, C*ia. Auguftin, in EalB F ondj, June 10, 1666 Burnaby, William, Oftober 24, 1767. Burgoyne, Roger, Sutton, Becford/hire, July 15,1641. Bjrrard, Ha.ry, WMnampton, Hants. M*rrh 20, 1769. Burrell, Mer. Weft-G infled, n. Hor/h.Suflex, July 12. 1766. j’JTton, Charles, Stocker tan. Le ceflerflnre July 22, 1622, 'ann, Rob. S’cke Bifbop, GloucrRer/h Sept. 13, 2662, Bare*’, Tb .ir.a~, Haccomb, Dev.nfliire, Aug. 2. 1661. '.ifti-ron, C arles, Gillingham, N r Tr*. Aug 9, 164.1, hvc y Thorn a., Stanf ord Ha ), Le ceiler, [line 30, 2641. Bavcndifo, H-nn, Do-. e iege, D iby/b. May 7, 1755. Bay'ey, Gevr^e, Broj.pam, YTrldbiir, Apul 26. 1 66 1. Baainteildym , Jarres Duns-Te*, Oxforo/h. Fa. 4, 1643. Bn»n>poey‘, 1 ho. O^c >ard!y, SomerLtih Jan. 13/1767 -ha man John, near Barkway, H-refordfli. June 27, 1720, :h}T-on, Franck, Lud/ord, H-refordfh. May 1?, io£6. :harnock,Vi!J ers, HcBect, Eedfordihire, June 27, 1720. *heere, Henry, We dm nfler, Ju’y 18, 1766. Bnefier, John. Chichiey, Rue* nghamfh. March 23, 1620 T e» vyo«-c. Job , O-kley, StafFardfh re, Apr. 6, 1700. ’ >*jcheder, John, Raleigh, Devonshire, Aug. 4, 1641. :hil , C r ur. Woodford, Bflqx, Feb. 4, 1685. :hudie gh, John, Hallden, Devonshire, Aug. x, 1622. % i.ir^es, Thomas. Afton, Hertf Simon, Jamaica, May j, 1627, S**>. r r- ,Sn - ! '"Zf&A i XT' '■ Co» r r,, Bl.uo"; c"‘n. r “fe.' ’ '■ “i> «. ■Sli; : /41 , , 4> ^CuTb R ° b r r ’ Li ^ r P°oIe,Mar! U 24 “ j ;,-( Une l8 » i66 °* D.«N nSKX&’i^' ": ,r V ?* P '- ** >*77. ?™ *• /<*",cr«j,, De .„„t;4t? p k ’ m ;lV' ,6Si ' >'7 >4. l«o. • n.n y f’ J°i"’ J“ l? >’ 1^67. *"’ ?10 " fl ’ - ''’ ^P" 1 ‘.'704- , Fn 0> i' y> J homas ’ j’ 1 y 7. 166 * 5 . j 6 '9> Dukenfield, Na han el, Dukenfied Chl’J }*’ 1 6 9 *• Dancan, William, Maryle ^ l66 '- ^>u (ias, Lawrence, A/k.* H^li Yorkfhi" ex l^ ugu( ^* J 4> *7^ 4, Dy^r, Thomas, Newton-Hall FfTex r V'et' 0 ''* 2 3> l 7^ z > Dyke, John Dixon, LulIinXne K J L 6 ’ ,6 7 8 - Eaft, William, Hall PLce" Bale’s M * ch 3 ’ l6 77- ’ J Middlefer, June 10 it ,, 66 Jobn, refi ! es j n Ireland, , une / J ne 10 > *7*3. a,j s^ **> <662. :« ; K,,R^"Ct"r p & ^*«> ■«*>• * i h « Bryn . n> L,nca< Mie, .Vfay‘2,{ U ,6u 9 ’ V hn r’ '^ £anw e | l- place, Middlefex, April 2 1 Ur, Sampfon, J-eef. n-Hea b, Kent, Mav ? io / 7 -I 5 *^ er > Woodland Willou s, Deri && 7S9 * ChMfe2 > Middlefex, Sepr. 2f Thom ’ n aWard;n > Flintfhjrr, May r.o, ,661 5 ’ 7i9 ’ J nomas, Benacre Ha l Suff ilr xj„ ’ ' • wi^’^'v *'• ' 764, BelT Us® c, c “'"'’ Yo,k|h - *>«•*. •7 ,vm* 7a»n ! pi'' P ' rl ' C ' V ’ Shrrt pAir,, June 29, 1611. ( ) Guife, John r Elmore, Gloucefterfthe, July io, t66i. Haggertfon, Thc*ma‘,Haggerfton,NorthamberL Aug. 15, I&43 Hales, Edward, St Stephen, Kent, June 29, 161 1. Hales, Tho. Pim, Howlette, Kent, Julv 12, 1660. " Hales, Chrirtopher, Lincoln, AuguftiS, 1660. Halford, Charles, Wiftow, Leicefterfhire, Dec. 18, 1641. - 1 Halton, William, M ddfefex, Sept. 10, 1642. Hanhairi, William, Winb urn, Dorfrtft. May 24, 1667* Harbord, Harbord, Har bord, Nort. Mar. 22, 1764. Harpur, Henry, Calke, Derby ft re, Sept. 8, 1626. Hatton, Thomas, Long-S ant n, Cambridgft. July 5, 3 64T. Head, . June 19, 1 67^* Heathcoie, Gilbert, Normanton, Rutlandft. Jan. 19, 1 7 3 Heathcote, Thomas, Hurfley, Hampfhire, Aug. 19, 1733. Heron, Harry, Chipchafe, Northumberland, Nov. 2.8, i 65 li He/k^th, Thomas, Ruffed, Lancalhire, Mav 6, 1761. Hefilrige, Robert, Nofeiy, Lei*. efterftire, July 2j, i 6 ig» Heuet, Tyrrell, Potton, Bedfordshire, 0£L 11, 1621. Heyman, Peter, Lancafhire, Aug. 12, 1641. Hickman, Nevii Geo. Thonock, Linctlnft. Nov. 16, <643 Hidks, Robert, July 21, 1619. Hiloyard, Robert, W neftead, Yorkfntre, June 25, 1660. Hill, Rowland, Hav/keftone, Shropflvre, Jan. 20, 1627. ^Houghton, Henry, Houghton, Lancafhire, May 22, i6ir* Holt, Lifter, Alfton, W rwickftire, Nov. 25, 1612. Honywood, John, Evington, Kent, July 19, 1660. Hort, John, Caftle-ftrange Middfelex, Auguft 29. 1767. Horton, Wrllia.r, Chaderton, Lancashire, Jan. 2T, T7G4. Hofkyns, Chandos, H . 16, 1611. Inglebv, John, Biplev, Yo klhsre. May 17, 1642. Jocelyn, Convfrs, H deH il, Her tfuidftire June 8, 1665 Johnfon, Will am, New Yo k, America, ^y.v. (8 > 17:5.. *Tnrnn, Edmund, Lamport, Nor h m> on ft. M-ydio, 1627. [ Kaye, John LyHer, Gramge, Yoikft. Pe . 4, 1642. Kemp, John, Ubbefton ,Suftblk , March 14,1642. f l 9 7 ) Dtc - **. '?■>"”• w-btain. s«ir«,,-M,"“’,f *-.U- '** ./oJ'n W,D,er > Edxnrn.on. Midlefex ftS* •ami, Pentfloa, Broc.e -Hall, HertforS- ^ ' 7 > * 7 ”. ( "?bert, Jehn, Paris, Feb. » rtfor ^‘«, Ja n .i 7 ,r 75 ^ S*r- J~ 7, . 650 . -ley, Robert, May 29 . l64I *fon, Hen.B.ouo.hal! , V , j£? rdfi,,r *> Aug. j 6 , i 6 4i -fon Gilded, Brltnh pV ^^^ 6 > * 66 S e, Wm. Harr^ell'Ck ^ am T I ' 3 ’’ l628 - ;:ard, Digby, Canto,,, YorkS^n*? 8 ' t6> ‘ 66 °- cefter, John Fleming Tablev Cheflii e^A l66 °’ I ', hu,n ’ fharlt. Warfesborough Shrolfo if S ' I0 ’ l66 °' lcton, Edw. PilJa.cn hail .l^TY War * 2 , l6 9?. Jng, Janies, Dravcot? Wifehi f ^ J«*«. *627! aine, Chi. Kirkhafi* \i~ . t C \ T t# ,f *662. »wiher, James, Lowthcr-haJ]' WefimcTeld 8 ?'’ l6 * 4 * ^er.Rev. Wm. SwiUineton, YoKit I ""' 1 * 1 l6 * 2 * •ley, James , /an. 8, ,630. * orJt «> 1 ™,Aog. 22,1764. x.worth, Henn, Huntingdon, fane a -& in, Horatio, Refident at FJc'ciL m' *t 9 ‘ n waring, Henry, Over-Peowr Cb$,¥* h & * 75S ‘ 3r > John, VVo lingworth Soffblk ’ Nov **h66o. nock, Wm G flbrdVhal' S 'J' r l5 ’ '7 6 5- 765. Richa,d,VooJbediZ; ,65l< ce, Hants, Dec. 3 i!r6m Mo «*^nt and Grove- ? J w S hich f "> Su, I6 ». J ro£tor. Wm V. " ' , 3 ’ S fd 'ih J °Sh ! V«k« ^No^lSg: 'ich : r^ 3 s/sunni ng* ^ rk (hi r e^March to 1 1 64'r - ch, Robert, Stondon, Ertex, Jan 2.1 , «“ * * 4 * RWlf’ Eft It 4 %*> **<“°’ neJ r Morpath.Northum. SSjSE , N“»t J ’S5, amp ?f - j- «. >«o. ^v^f' 4 ' *-*.«*. Woraltofti,!', June ,,°' lS6 , 'ireU,Jn. fiudentof Chrift. church Oxford t*„ , 7, * ’ clowan "' c*££j&£; f 7 ft- »«imr S’ H "P harn > Yoiklki,,, March f ,64. f, Wm Mezangere, in Normanbv, Aueufl^ T 6r 1 * * D “' * ,M - 3with, Peyton, Prefhvood in Virginia, l)/ c * wnb, Francis, Newbold.hall, Warwickth oV> 6 , z th,Jarnf, B r, ftol, Somerfctlhire, fan 2 7 i-6?' i> 1 7 °' th, G. Nottingham, and E. Stoke in thafe n 4 ’ rh'V^ d 'i| ard ’ A Sh >-opfliire, Feb. 23 i66i ’ * 9 * * 757 ' J* £ har,es > Hl11 Hal, > Ertex, Nov. 2 S 3 ’, 65 t ; .RoberbUpton, Ertex, March 30, /fifie -he, Robert, IsfieJd, Surtex, Dec. 2 , i 71 , C ’ ElTex, Feb. 5, ifcS- f/h J °P ^ enham ’ Suffolk > Aug, ad ° IT l6 , f Frank » Duxbury, Lancafhire, Feb. 8 , 16 - 7 . s Stanley, john-Thonfliis, Alderley, Che/hire, June 25, 1660. otan.ey, Rowland, Hooton, Chefhire, June 17, 1661. atap eton, Tho. Greys, Ct. near Henley, Oxfordfh.Dee.20, 1679. atapletbn, Bryan, Myton, Yorklhire, June 22, 1660. ■ tepney, I homas, at Llanelly, Carmarthenfh. Nov. ^4, i6' , r. Stonehoufe, Wm. Radley, Berklhire, May 7, 1628. + Strickland, George, Boynton, Yorklhire, July eo, 1641 Stuart, Simeon, Hartley- Mauduir, Hampshire, June 27, 1660. Style, Thomas, Watermgbury, Kent, April 21, 1627. • wan, John, Maddmgley, Cambridgelhire Swynburne, Edvv.Chapheaton, Northumberland, Sept.26, r 660. ancred, I homas, Brampton, Yorklhire, Nov. 17, 1662. Tempeft, Henry, Tong, Yorkshire, May 25, 1664. Temple, Richard, Commilfioner of the Navy, Nov. 2;, 16x2. Thomas, E.mund, Wenvoe, Glamorganlh. Dec. 24, 1604. Thomas, George, Yapton Place, Suffex, Sept. 6, 1766 Thoro d, John, Cranvvell, Lincolnlhire, Auguft 24/ 1642. 1 horold, Harmefton, Lincolnlhire, Sept. 9, 1709 Throckmorton, Rob. Coughton, Warwickih. Sept, i* 1642 T.chborne, Henry, Tichborne, Hamplhire, March 8 1621! Trelawney, Wm.Trelawnev, Cornwall, July t, x 628. Trevelyan, John Nettlecomb, Somerfetfhne, Jan. 24, 1662, Trollope, Thomas, Cafewick, Lincolnlhire, Feb. <, i6a' XTurner, John, Warham, Norfolk, April 27, 17-7 Turner, Gregory, Ambrofden, Oxfordlhire, Aue. 24 , Tw,W e „, Wm. Eaft P ft l,b,m, Kenc, J™’, a 9 ,‘rtt,. 733# T wyfden, Roger, Bradburne, Kent, June 1?, x666 Xlynte, Charles Kemys, HalfeweJl, Somerfetfh. Ian! 7, J67A Vandeput, George, Hampftead, Middlefex, Nov. 7, j 72 , ' 4 * Van-Neck, J Putney, Haveni^Bam, Suffolk, Dec. 10, i 7 c t . Vavafor, Walter, Haflewood, Yorklhire, O.R. 24, 1628 ° S X; N0 ' ,h * m ‘ Warburton, Peter, Arley, Chefhire, June 27, 1660. Ward, Edvvard, Bexley, Norfolk, Dec. 19 x66o Warrenden, John, Lockhead, Scotland, June 2, i 7 jc. wT n ’ nl n V’ Y art ° n ’ Th ° rnton > Yoiklh - ^b. 22, 1664; Watfon, Charles, late Admiral’s fon, March 22, 1 7 6o * Webb, John, Hedrop, Gloucefter/hire, April 2 j6as. Webfter, Whiftler, Battle-Abby, SulTex, May 21, 1707. Wentworth Thomas, Bretton, Yorkfh. Sept. 27, iUL ■ Wefcome, Anthony, — , March 19,1 700. + Wheate, Jacob, Giympton, Oxford/hire, Ma/2, ^696* 3, ft „ { 201 ) I 'Vhichc'otcy ^V^js a ^ifw«^v^L' rW ' - re ’ ^°S* ”, Ib6 0 . I WilJiams, Leo. Langibby Monmo.°rha! >re \ ApriI z > 1660 Wiliams, David, ^iiSStSSf"^^ l6 ^ ^j J . liaws ’J/ugh, Marie, Carnarvon Aire^’ j'unl ti ^ , Wiliams. Wynne, Watlfin wXaf ■ Williams, Booth, ClaDtoo Northam^, rv g ?' J u y 6 > 1688 ; Hedw. liSCJS olfr' ‘< 1 747 • Wi mot Edw. M. D. Ctoddtdon, Da/bS,. ,6 4* !, , ^iifon, Thcmas-Spencer, EatL Bourne Suffer 2' u 7; l7 l 9 . I <^nning t0 n, Edw. Stantford-c. WorcdferA FA -J 4, 1661 , ^ttewon^ Jo^May' AU ** 9 ' 1628 ’ ^ X6„ I! , Wm ‘ WoJfe!e y. ‘^fford/hire, KovVi^S I ;°^ a fi°n, Kaac Lawre'n^ Taviiock. 1 ^ 1 '^^ Jan ‘ IO ’ l66 5 SSsSf^.. j £2“®*-../** Waouaflav, ‘ 6,8 j yche, Cyril. Duchy of Holftein Hpr -n , § *° J l6 4* lynn, Rowland, Noftall, Yorkfhire Dec , 7 ,^ ; ynRe > J oh "> L ees Wood, Flintfhire’ Aueuff « ^ J ya ”; J ohn , Clynnllivon, Carnarvonflmf Or> I75 * yv,ll, Marmadoke, Conftable Burton Yo-kthVo 5 * I742 £ ] am ans, R fv . Robert, Barb*doe< Tan’ t, 7^ 5,l6x * 1 o, William, Pyrland, Somerfet^e T u ’ l6 ? 5 ? onge,Geo.Eflcott,Devon.andFoot , s Cr^v PI* 6 ’*: * 75 t 1 ung, William , Lt. Gov*. J Baronet* of Nov a Scotia /w Marc £ 20> I 76 9 * I»- J-mes Langtoun 29 a * W * V coigne, Thomps, Parlington, Yoikfbire < nt, Alexander, Dalv £y , Elgin(hire D e C % 2 J S reduh e w hC w af V Preft,lt ’^ F,i "^ire,*i, ^*8 •K rcditb, Wm. Henburv Chr^v« r jo j 5 * -J, iUlmd, ' s 64 ° * J 7 ’ 8 * V,J, '» Redhoufe, Yorkftire.oa. l\ Jfg ■ udes the above th^re r^, i * , net has been granted, but ne!tber°the 0 ™ Dlgnl ‘ y of have taken out their Patents as Sir 7 £° r , thei ' SUccef * “JiT***""?* Oeoige S^EJfi 202 The Re*. the DEANS , Sc c. in England and Wales, \lnthe King’s Gift , except tboje in Wales, which are in the Gift of the Bifhops .] Province of Canterbury, J Ohn Potter, D. D, Brifl Cutts Barton, DD Cb : chefter, Tho. Ball, M. A. Ely, Hugh Thomas, D. P. Exeter, Jeremiah Milles, D.D. Glouc. Jofiah Tucker, D. D. Hereford , Fr. Webber, D. D. Lubf J. Addenbrook, D. D. J.incoln, Hon . Jam York, A.M, London, St , Paul's, Right Rev . Thomas Newton, D. D. Bp. of Briftol . Wtftminfter . John Thomas, LED Windf. Rt.RevFr. Keppel, DD Bp. of Exeter, Norwich, Philip Lloyd, D. D, Oxford , Cbrijl Church , William Markham, LLD Peterb . Ch. Tarrant, D. D. JR o chef, Ben], Newcombe, D D Salisbury, T. Green, D. D. Weils y Ld. Francis Seymour, Wtncbeft. Newton, Ogle D. D. Wore. Hon. Sc Rev. Wm. Digby LLD. St. Afapb, W, Herring, D. D, Bangor , Tho. Lloyd, D. D. Precentor of St, Davids, John Morgan, B. D. Archdeacon of LlandafF, John Fulham, A. M. Province ofY ork, John Fountayne, D. D. Carlifey Thomas Wilfon, D.D. defter, Wm. Smith, D. D. Durb Hon. S. Cowper, D. D. r l he W orjbipful the Chancel- t ors of the f&vcral Diocefcs. A[l in the Gift of their refpec- ■tive Bifhops . J Province of Canterbur XGeorge Hajr, L. L. D. Dean of the Arch Peter Calvert, L. L. D. Vicar - General, Andrew Co! tee Ducarrell. L. L. D. Ccmmijfary . Briftol, Ja. Backhoufe, A. IV Chicbeft, Rog, Pettiward, D.E Ely> Wharton Peck, L. L. E Exeter , Jam Carrington, L L E Glouc . Jam. Benfon, LLD Hereford , Geo. Harris, LLD Litchfield and Coventry , R. Smallbroke, LLD Lincoln, Pulter Forefter, D. E Lond* Jn. Bettefworth, F^LD Norwich . Gen. Sandbv, D. D Oxford , Dan. Burton, D. D, Crofs LLD Rorhefter, E, Lewen, L. F.. D Salijbury, John Taylor, D.D Wincbeft J, Hoadiy, L. L. D Wells y Edward Willes, L. L. B Worceftcr, xW Burrell L. L. D S. Afapb, Sir Thomas Saluf bury, Knt. L. L. D. Bangor , Geo Harris, L, L. D St. Davids, Rd. Beadon, A.M Landaffy Geo. Harris, L. L. D Province of York, Robert Roper, L. L. D. Car life y Rd. Burn, L.L.D. Chcftery S. Peploe, L. L. D # Durb. Wm. Wynn, L. L. D, The Archdeacons in tk fever a l Diocefcs . [y^// appointed by the Bifhops oj thofe Diocefes to which they belong .J P rcvince of Canterbury R EV Jam. Backhoufe, MA Bath and Wells 3 WJls, William Willes, A. M urj, e!l, '.a ( 20 ? ) i^r/i^Tho.Camplin, L.L.D, Batb, John Chapman, D. D, Bristol i. Dprfet, J. Walker, A. M. Ch’ICHESTER 2 . ficbcjler, T. Ball, A. M. *ewes, Tho. D’ Oyly , LLD ^ Ely i -harles PJumtrce, DD Exeter 4 •.xeter, Bi/hop of Exeter , ■ortrwall, J. Sleech, A M «*»?/*> G Baker, A M larnjlapk, W. Hole, B D Gloucester i, .ichard Hurd. A. M. Hereford 2. 'erejord, Hon. J. Harley. . Clive. 1 I itchfield and Cov. 4. l!o P- William Vyfe, A M er h> Sneyd Davis, DD ' a Jj‘ John Carver, Clerk. ‘vent, T. Smallbroke, A M Lincoln 6 ’dford.' Rich. Grey, D D tch. Pul ter Forellcr D. D *nti Cha. Jenoo.e, D D. r.colr., John Gordon, D. D. icefi. John Taylor, D D oiv t John Towne, BD. London 5. r.don, John Jortin, D D K:x, Thomas Rutherforth, DD. FR ddlefex Jn. Hotham, A M cbejl. Wm.S. Powell, DO dlban , Ja. Ibbetfon, D D Norwich 4. rwicb, J. Berney, D D 'folk, Tho. Warburton folk, H. Goodall, DD (bury, J. Chapman, DD Oxford i, 0. Randolph, D D Northampton r. William Browne, A M r . . Rochester j. John La we, D D Salisb ur y 3. Berk, W m. Dodwell, D D Wm. Whitworth A W Wilts, Charles Wefton, Ah* Winchester 2. tyincbefter, Th. Balguy. D D Surry, I. Butler, L l'D * Worcester i. John Tottie, D D ,St. Davids 4. i . Davids, Rob. Wiight, MA Carmar. Charles Mofs, A M Cardigan , Brecon, Edw. Edwards, A M S, Asaph i. Bp of St. AJopb Bangor 3. ^fghfa, Bi/hop of Bang*. Bangor, BifliOp of Bangor, lonctby John Ellis j A iVf Province of Vork 4. C/ei/f/. F . Blackburne, A M •c- R/rf. Rob. Oliver, A M Nottingb. H. Thomas, D D 2 Edmund Pyle, D D Carlisle Venn Eyre, A f*5 Chester z, Cbejler , Abel Ward, A M Richmond, S. Peploe, D D Durham 2. Durham, Sam. Dickens, D D Nonbi, mb. John Sharp, D D Prebends, &c. bit Mj , _ i'fly* Gifr. London. St. Paul’f. Canons R efulcnti a ry £4 j Bijhop of Brifioi, Dean, Chriftopher Wilfon, D D Btjbop of Landaff. Litchfield & Covent. S c ( Westminster Prelends , William Tatton, D D Thomas Wilfon, DD John Taylor, L L D Toward Crane, L L D Richard Cope, DD Sub Dean Reeve Ballard, D D John Blair, L LD Jofeph Hoare, D D. Charles Burdett, D D Robert Fowler, D D William Bell, DD William Stockwood, A M Charles Wake, L. L. D. Windsor Canons* The Bifhop of Bangor Richard Wilmot, D D John Fulham, A M Walter Harte, A M John Sumner, D D John Boftocke, D D John Lockman, D D. i£d\yard Barnard, D D Robert Hort, L L D John Douglafs, D D Thomas Hurdis, D D Thomas Dampier, D D Canterbury Prebends • Francis Walwyn, D D *Thomas Tanner, D D 204) Thomas Cartels D D Richard Sutton, D D Lynford Caryl, D © Heneage Dering, D D David Durell, D D "John Benfon, M. A. ♦George Berkley, LLD, Richard Palmer, M. A. Bennet Storer, M. A. *In the Archbijhop' s Gift # Worcester Prebends • Bernard Wilfon, D D Edward Stillingfleet, A M Samuel Holcombe, A M Lewis Crufius, D D. F R S William Jennings, B D Thomas Evans, A M Philip Du Val, L L B. JThomas Randolph, D D John Young, A. M. James Majendie D D Oxford. Canons of Chriflchurch * 4 -Thomas Hunt, D D. F R § Edward Bentham, D D John Tottie, D D Daniel Burton, D D John Moore, D D Richard Cuft, D D Hon. Brownlow North# John JefFryes, D D. t Annex'd to the Margaret Profejforjhip, in Oxford by AEi Oj ■Par/, _[■ As King's Heb .Prof , , § As King's Profeff. of Dim. fhe Lord Major , Aldermen, IS c. of the City o/London. •with the Time °f their Ele Elion, the Wards over which they prefule, and their Places of Refidence. T HE Right Hon. X J William Beckford, Efq; Lord- Mayor elected Alderman of Billingfgate Ward in 17 «z. Manfion Houfe. Bridge without, 174 o X|Sir Rob. Ladbroke, Knt Father of the tity, St. Peter's hill , Coleman fireet 45 Robert Alfop, Efq ; Gr. Marlhro' ftrat Cand/exuick t 49 Sir Cha. Afgill, Bart St. James's Square Qiwgate 49 XfSir Richard Giyn, Bart. Whitehall 2. M n r ,\:| ( 20 5 ) Tarringdon loiilin 54 William Bridgen, Efq; Fourtree-hill Bridge ’within 55 Sir William Stephenfon, Knt. Old Su nn Lime-Street , 56 Sir Robert Kite, Knt. Cannon-freet Portfoken 56 X|RtHon Tho Harley, Alder fgate-Jl rut Tower 62 Samuel Turner, Efq; Mincing-lane Recorder, 7 James Eyre, Efq; Lincolns- Inn -Fields 1763 ^ Salary 600I. per Ann. Cordwainer 6 2 J*Sir Henry Bankes, Knt. Roehampton Vintry 64 Xf-BarlowTrecothickEfq; Jn-flr Gr-btn Bread-fireet 65 fBrafs Crofby, Efq; Surry-Jireet Queenhithe 65 fRichard Peers, Efq; Queenbube Wallbrookc 66 -{-William Na{h, Efq; Sivitbiti s-lane Aldtrfgate 66 -j-Tho. Halifax, Efq; Bircbin-lane Aidgate 67 f John Shakefpeare, Efq; Billetcr- Square Cripplegate 67 f Sir James Efdaile, Knt. Bunbill-rcno Cajlle i aynard 67 Samuel Plumb, Efq; Fojlcr-lane Co r nbi!l 67 -j-Brackley Kennet, Efq; Pall-Mall Cb:ap 6S John Kirkman, Efq; College- Hill. Fan ingdon without 69 John Wilkes, Efq; Bijhopfgate, 69 xjamss Townfhend Efq; AuJUn Friars Langborn, 69 XJohnSawbridgeEiq; NewLurlington-ft . \ Broad-Street 69 James RofTeter, Efq; Nickolas-Lane . { Baffijhaw 70 John Bird Efq; fVcod-flreet . , N. B. All before the Recorder have paffed the ebair ; — /iq/i f /«:W tbe office of Sheriff,— and thus £ Colonels of tbe city Militia . XjamesTowfhend, and xjohn Sa\vbridge,Alderm.andSheriffs. Chamberlain, Sir Stephen Theodore Janilen, Bart. 1765. Common Serjeant , Th. Nugent, Efq; Town-ctk. Sir j. Hodges^Kt. fudges of tbe Sheriffs Court Waiter Long xPaule Fielde,Efqs; 1 ool. Fcwr common Pleaders , John Hyde, Fr. Maferes, Michael Lade, Wm. Port, Efqrs. Comptroller of tbe chamber, Dutton Seaman, Efq; Secondary of the Poultry compter , John Shaw, Efq; — of Wcodflreet ditto, John Bennet, Efq; embrancer , Peter Roberts, jun. Efq; Solic. Mr Wm Huflej Four Ejjuires of tbe Lord Mayor's boufhold • jr Sword bearer. Heron Powney,Ef; Common cr)Yr,Pe.Roberts,Efq;. | Common Hunt, Ja.Chamnefs,Eiq; Water bailiff, WmDawfon,Efq| Chamberlain's Office. *■ J/z**/- Office . William Montague, principal Clerk. John Harrifoa, Cha. Mead, Affiants* 0 ^:^. John Ciump, clerk of tbe Chamber . Edward Bennet, C/?r£. KLeilock Pe2C)ck>)^;wa/i q/' tbe ebamb f H.Groojne> Hall-keeper » ( 20 6 ) their Places of Refidence. ber 21 > * 770 , wi.i This mark * denotes the new members n„ S A Z,^- k,A "y- & s S' Ch. Riving, a, Staining. lane M&S"* dil <' Wm.Fouch, Alderfgate ftreet * di«« te o m ,'“ r0 " ^ * i hilip Oriel ditt0 James Brogden ditto JVdgate 6. Th. Cockfedge, Dtp. Magpye- t V dit, *SamCros% dit( * T / ? Vey Arti| Jery-Laa J n Auftm Bj/hop. &tre< Breadflreet 12. Tfc Bread fi^et i2, k’Sr* 1 * ss rof w p D f^ nt6 «r£ T C j Ba M i fi a tO 4. ll m-W 1 Ba hnghall-ft. John Nicholfon d : ttn Gabriel Leekey d . t . John Webb ^ dlUo r , . Pdiingfgate 10 . Charles Earton,Z>*. Eaftcheap John Kntermafter B,Jli n f ga . Jhomas Beale Rood-lane George Ward. R.Barnevdt LowerThames-ft. tnl T Botolph-lane ft. Ty f rs Eaftcheap James Mottley Thames-ft! JohnR enn *, ^ ftc hea P John Rogers Monument-yard Rirh Jr'fiVfe?* J 4- Rich.Tovvniend,!). Cr.ch.ft. Samuel Travis j; rfk John Townfhend ditto B ward YVix Corbet-eo dit Edw. George Biftopfgate-ft.’ Reeves OrelLLco], Gheapfid •Bread- fi ditt Cheaplid ditti WatJing ft Friday, ft, Bread-ft, Fiiday.ft. Bread-ft, John Ewer W m . Tapp EignolJ Potter John Payne •Anthony Woolev Edw. PauUhill * John Walker John RulTel John Partridge Edward Barwick James Boddington. William ptnt.F^hftreet. Jacob YVrench Bridg e -f 0 George Cooper Old S Wi Marmaduke Thompfon Gwen Wi!lia ms Sam . Baughan Fifi-ft n . et _ hi ^• Barrow L °w. Thames- tl r„,°; Furvl 1 FiA-fticet hil Robert F ree] 3nd Grace-ch. ft C.CoXoy br ° n Th f tU John V° r ^ an Grac ^^"ch-ft! Jot jS Broadftreet i 0 . f Cou u 5 ^^- Finch-lane J‘ utteteB Manfion-houfe-ft, ■mea with f i Benj. Bonnet Tokenhoufe-y. J. Ellis B 3 rtholomew-lane John Stephens ditto Pet. Nich. Frifquet Lothbury N. Burrough Tfareadneedle-ft. Richard Windfor Broad-fh John Poultney London- wall * I.SeaiJEy Threadneedle-ftrcet Candlezuick 8. Matt. Perchard Abchurch-L Philip Milloway ditto John Wathen Cannon-ft. Thomas Wright Abchurch-1. Henry Voyfey Cannon-ft. William Gill Abchurch-lane Edvv, Watfon ditto Cafilebaynard 10. John Hopkins, Z>. Pater-no. r. Ph. Bell St. Paul’s church-y. John Jordaine Pater-nofter-r. * Hum. Hurford Puddle-dock T. Harrifon Pater-nofter-row Richard Machell Peter’s-hill John Pitway ditto H. Major Do^. King-ft. fohn Salt Cheapfide JEiw. Ingram Laurence-lane Stephen Camm King-ftreet Thomas Burford Poultry fohn Mariar Ironmonger-lane Thomas Na/h Cheapfide John Smith ditto Edward Lambden ditto r.Burfboc, Barge-yard, Buckl. John Boydell Cheaplide Coleman- Street 6. James Kettilby,D.Cateaton-ft, Robert Winbolt I horaas Smith Foreftreet R.Shank,8ell- alley, Colema. ft. ( 207 ) John Saffory Lothbury William Bjftiop Coleman-Il, Cor drainer 8. Lake Young Budge- row John Guy Baling-lane JMat. Howard, Bow Chur. y # • William Kirkman ditto 4 -Geo. Hayter, Pancras-lane Thomas Baker Cheapfide William Poole Deputy — Strong Pancm-Lane Combi ll 6. Francis Ellis, Dep . Cornhill James Walton Roy, Exchange Thomas Cogan Cornhill William Dawfon ditto William Shenton ditto Henry Parker ditto Cripplegate within 8. Henry Probyn, Dep . Miik-ft. John Anderlon Cateaton-ft, Stephen Unwin Cheapfide Kenrick Peck Thomas Thorne ditto John Moore ditto Jofeph Kinder Fell-ftieet Robert Thorne Wood-ftreet Cripplegate without 4. Edward Farmer Jewin-fh J. Banner Cripplegate-build. John Jones Whitecrofs-ft. Jer. Morrell Dow gate 8. John Steigler,D. Dowgate-hill R. Holder Innholder’s-hall D. Price AlhallowsThames-ft. John Hart ditto Francis Hilton Dyers-hall John Greenwood Steel-yard Thomas Perkins Thames-ft. Jo f. Stevenfon Faringdon within 17. J. Paterfon, Dep . Mugwell-ft. William Jones Cheapfide n Cb !n M ^ nard I v yLane *R V 5 U n ar Chea P fide w Ric Hollyer, Warwick. Lane John Clements Chw P fide Gedaliah Gatfield Ne, wg ft R»c- Fawfon St. Paul’s c h y. Jarvis Adams, Newgate ft. Charles Say Newgate- ftreet c£L"a$ "'T'?"- •Tk"rn"' i "c s c heapfide t ThoCaflon Stationers Court John Cumberlege Newgat e -ft. Benj. Hamnett Black fryars dn j; e • ' n ^. et . ditto raringdon without 1(7. P . North Jide. Robert Gamon, Z^. Smith*. -WatfoD Snow-hill ( zc8 ) S 0 ' ™ s Holborn- bridge John Hitchcock Fetter-lane South Side. I Lu -D- Whitechapel KobmH.rj;„ g ditto V\ m. Rogers Whitechapel 1 „ Qucenhithe 6 . JBoyceTree, D. Bread-ft.hill loZ'mS^ ?2 S. wm-' Wm. Piper Lit. Trinity-lane jower 12, Rd. Roman, £)^>, Charles Wilkins Tqwer-A, rih mn c ‘ T f WnIy ditto John Stambank Mark-lane T,r q ' , ree , man Cai henne-co. * rim'? ■Bower Thames-ft.. * VVm CH Water- lane * Bullock * — -PiuiTin^r Rob Wihbnn, Z>. Lombard ft. w.i.iam Lem Phil po t-Iane wiifissL'— James Hebert J ° JarnesThompfon ditto * Vintry Q , fof M hD Ei, “ 0n Jofeph Downes ,i; rf Pneft Shrubb . ntdde^Leu^ Cloke-lane X?S hia ” | ( aog ) rthur Baa^more Walbroolc * Ric A JfagerS within VLane ath. Tb° m as Dowgate-hill * Arnold | >hn Shove Cannon-fl. * C ha. Sommers, Walbrook. ecci-ver General of the Land- 'fax for ? "T. " City of London & co. of Middlesex, \ Claudlus Amyarid, Efqj 'eputy Receiver Thomas Kilner._‘7*e Office for the prefenl in Corah ill. r J is Majefy s Commiii. of the Lieutenancy for the City of London, by Commiffion dated July 7, 1702. he Lord Mayor,, Aldermen and Recorder, for the time being $ See a Lift eft the f refent, in p. ioq. r Gilbert Heathcote, Bart.*" r William B. Pro&or, Barr, r William Milner, Barr. SirGeorgeColebroke, Barr, enry AUcrafe George Aufrere hn Apthorpe mes Adams ’iliiam Braund trtholom. Burton ienCrabbBoulton hn Boyd muel Beachcroft nathau Barnard de Brown hn Barton Peregrine Cuft ;by Chauncey larles Cutrs atthew Clarmont hn Calvert ter Calvert illiam Clark ■lix Calvert oert Carr omas Cotton in Coles . hard Lomax Clay Jliam Daw Edward Davis J. Mar /he Dickenfon Thomas Dineley George Dealtry Samuel Ellis xZa PhilFonnereau William Fauquier Richard Fuller Samuel Freeman Robert Gelling Stephen Peter Godin ChamberJa. Godfrev John Gignoux Jof, Chaplin Hankey George Hayley John Harrifon George Hayjy Charles Hams James Henkell Henry H care Richard Hoare Matthew Howard Edward Ingram Matthew Kenrick < j * r jy Sir Alexander Grant, Bart* Sir Merrick Burrell, Bart. Sir Thomas Hankey, Knt. Sir John Torriano, Knt* Robert Kingfcote John Knapten Ralph Knox Robert Ladbroke XDan.el Lalcelles Edward Lewis Nicholas Linwood Beefton Long Robert Mar/h Jofeph Martin /ames Matthias Nathaniel Martin Samuel Mar/h (ofeph MeJlifli John Murray Arnold Nefbit Richard Neave John Nightingale Peter Nouaille Edward Payne George Pengree ames Pell Charles Pole ohn Pott Gecige Piefcott Arthur Ratcliffe Henry Raper William Reynolds John Rily John Rivington Thomas Rous John Sargent Richard Salwav John Skey Thomas Smith Samuel Smith William Smith ( 210 ) Richard Speed Laurence Sullivan Thomas Tafh John Thornton Thomas Thomas James Tierney Stracy Till Chaun. Townfliend Samuel Touchtt # Richard Tonfon Boyce Tree John Tucker Samuel Vaughan Jn AlbretchVafTmei James Vere ^HonTho Walpoh r t* Hon RichWalpoh fofeph Watkins Reader Watts Bouchier Walton Daniel Webb Thomas Wilkinfon John Wilfon, Efqrs t The above Gentlemen are Efyuires by Virtue of the Kings Commif Nafh Grofe, Gent% Clerk and T reafurer • Tho. Smith Muficr-Majler. John Crocker, Mejpnger • giments of the City Militia. Firfl Blue Regiment, xSir Robert Ladbroke, Col Lieut. Col. James Harriott, Major Philip Welch, 1 Capt. Thomas Mitchell, 2 Capt. Peter Sharp, Second Red Regiment, Lieut. Col. Robt, Willis, Major William Wyatt, 3 Capt. Wm. Stone, 2 Capt. Charles Smith, Third Orange Regiment, Lieut. Col. Alex. Dalmahoy, Major, William Miller, 1 Capt. William Jackfon, 2 Capt. James Weft, 3 Capt. John Skinner, 4 Capt. John Seaber, 5 Capt. Thomas Gates, Capt. Lieut. Wm. Matthew Col. 3 Capt. John Lane, 4 Capt, William Harris, 5 Capt, Thomas Whywall, Capt. Lieut. Wm. Rulfell xSirRiCHARD Glyn, Col. 3 Capt. Samuel Freeman, 4 Capt. John Fuller, 5 Capt. Wade Holton, Capt. Lt. B. Rackftraw, Fourth Green Regiment, Sir Matthew Blakiston, C Lieut. Col. William Howes, 3 Capt.WilliamKillingworl Major, Jeremiah Atkinfon,. 4 Capt. Robt. Downes, 3 Capt. Ben. C* le, 3 Capt, Sam. Clarke, 2 Capt, Robt. Herne, Capt. Lt. Wm. Champan Fifth White Regiment, XWilltam BECKFORDEfqj C Lieut. Col. Ofmond Cook, 3 Capt. Wm. Durnford, Major, John King, 4 Ofmond Cook, jun. 1 Capt.George Price, 5 Capt. Henry Williams 2 Capt.James Oates, Capt, Lieut, Alex, Burt, ( 1 : ~ V an? hin . 3 AlbttcbVaflinerl Jits Vert tHooTho Walpole! bHriRichWj' D0 ] t 't'tph Watk’ns Rajer Warts JoachaWiltoj •>*aiel Webb risoai WiUiisfon ':b: WJ.'od, Efqrs, ' K;-£i Cirx.il, r wm. Mrjftrsr, L * ; sf tie Six Rt* tl&4 5JI0?E, Colt Ja Skinner, ia Seaber, w a Gates, Wrc. Matthevrsi Cd. I *•!*, . kin Harris, I Locris Whywail, I r.: W.r,. Ruiftil I i: Cltn, Col. I stjl Fretaan, taMkr, wHoJaa, .B.iUifinw, P Laxhtok, Co?.® K...infwor*i,B- r- D-jwnti, ■ E.Clrkt, - , QhTff'M eirsioEfqj CaB e. Daraford, Oxk,-^ B sr. Williams ■ :.A !a.Bort,&B ( *11 ) Sixth Yellow Regiment, xRt. Hon. Tho. Harley, Co!. I i .ieut. Col. John FrtcH, 3 Capt. John Furni/h, .' or > Philip Oriel], 4 Capt. John Lind, Capt. James Wneeley, ~ • • — Cap:. James Whecley, 5 Capt. Jeremiah Wheat, Capt. James Hannam, Capt. Lieut. T. Thorp, Gt, J. B. The above Gentlemen are Efquira by virtue of their CommiJJions . The Honourable ARTILLERY Company. hs Royal Higbnefs George, Prince of Wal es. Capt. Gen* Sir Robert Ladbroke, Knt. Prefident*. Vice-Pefident. Mr Richard Glyn, Bart# Treafurer. he Rev. Mr. Jofeph Cookfon, Chaplain, Ir. Henry SafFory, jun. Surgeon, lajor William Miller, Adjutant, Tr. Thomas Kent, Engineer. lr # Edward North, Armourer. Ir. Benjamin Rackftrow, Clerk, Ir. John Crocker, MefTenger. 11 Members of the Court of Wes be^Dean, Dr. John Thomas, igh Steward, The Duke of Newcaftle, eputy Steward, James Sayer, Efq; igh Bailiff, \ Thomas Corbets, Efq: eputy Bailiff Mr. Geo. JollifFe igh Conjlable , Mr. Thomas Fellows# Burgeffes . C Mr. John Snow, Mr. \ Margaret's .>ic.Spencer,Efqj Mr - yMr, Goff, Mr# f- Mr. Tho. Berwick, Mr. r Mr. Self Mr. # 3 Rich. Pearce, Efq; Mr. J / Mr. Wm. Bacchus, Mr. chief Burgefs. r Capt, Ch. Pinchbeck Mr. . Martin's < ?i K y nafton ’ E.qj Mr. M Mr. Henry Jaftray, Mr. chief Burgefs. . Jnn's ' S J n • Machin > Efq; Mr. J Mr. Th. Chamberlain Mr. . Jama's J Brack - Bennett, Efq; Mr. J 4 Mr. Rob. Mackreth Mr. T tminster. . Martin S . jdnns Mr. Tho. E f Mr. 3 Rich. Pear j Mr. Wm. chief Bu (•Capt. Ch. F J T. Kynaftc J Mr. Henry l- chief Bu dffftar.tu Tho. Burford* Wm. Jelfe, [of. Clarke, Rich. Lewis, — ■ Godfree, Tho. Barbar, — Wiifon, Richard Ford, Charles Marih, G. Shakefpear j John Storey. John Trotter. Cba. Aibivckle Taylor, 1 2 r' Sr. Clements Mr. Gyles Alfop, ' Mr. Henry Wallis," c!erk ■ — ■ — • — Mr. John Jack Ton Court Keeper — — — Mr. William Jack foil Cry c r and Mace Bearer — Mr. James Lcecon. Committee of City Lands* Aldermen. X OIR Root LadbroJce Knt. KjSr. Pater's- hill Robert. Alfop Efqj Great Mi 'a rib or ough-jlrcct • Sir Wm. Stephenfon, Knt. Old Swan- lane XB. Cr< fby, Elqj Surry freer m. Nafh, Elq; Cannon flreet J. Shakefpear, Efq; Billiter-fq. -Brack. Ktnnett, Elq: Pall Mall J. Kirk man, Efq; College- kill. Com mon ep s EVpTho.Cockfedge Eenchurch- jlrett Regers, Bijhopjgate- fircet I^ep. J. Moorey, Friday -Jlreet. Tho. Horne, 7 bames-firet J Poultncy, London -IVall I ho. Wright, Abe bur cb- lane Ph. Bell, Sr. Paul's Cb. yard John Smith, Buckl.rjbury Wm. Bifhop, Cc l err. a n - flreet Henry Parker, Cornbill John Jones, Cripplcgate J f jhn Greenwood, Dc'ivgate Char. Clavy, Pater -r.oer-tcw 1 homas r l ibbs, Holborn-bars Dep. Geo. Mafon, Leader.hull- jlreet Jam. I homfon, Fenchurcb-Jheet Dep. Grafton, Whitechapel Wm. Humfreys, Bread-llreet- bill Euf. Kenti/h, Catherine- court Mr. Higgins Eden, Bow-lane John Shove, Cannon -jlreet D-i'. Rofe, St. Ann s -lane Stephen Tyers, Eajl-cbeap ‘ * 1 ke You n 2 , Budgc-row "/^Commissioners of Sewers, Lamps, and Pave- ments, Elebled by a Court oj Common Council , February c, 1768 f I ko I /sn in M n n ' O / • T he Lo r d Mayor All the Aldermen and their deputies AlderDate within, Mr. Charier Rivington Aldeifeate without, Ph. Oriel, Efq 5 A!deare, Mr. Wm. Plomer Raflifliow. Mr. John Nicholfon Billingfgate, Mr. Ste h. Tyer? Bifhnpfgate within, Mr. John Miles Br/hopigate without, MiSamuel Crofley Bread- ft reet, Mr John Walker Biidge, Mr Thomas Horne Broad-ftieet, Mr P, N Frifquet C lndlevvick, Mr Ph. Milloway C iftle ^aynaid, MrW. Hurfoid Cheap, Mr Tho, Bur foot Coleman-Areet, Mr T Smith Cordwainer, Mr Lake Young Cornhill s Mr Wm. Shenton Cripp ejate within, Mr. John Moore Cripplegate without. Mr John Jones D >wgate, Mr John Hart a in > M ‘?: c Jey" ' n, M R , b „ t Htrik..ui, I un..uaTe] rarringdon w ,thout, Mr The*. Iibbs, Mr, R. Gammon ■Mr I .SamfburyandMr J.Fox Langborn, Mr Tho. Witnerby : ' • , the Chairman & D-m.tv P ; J , 4 D re " or£ » Wading fir } IV ' - \ ^ C jairman, all annua!J\ eicetc 1 tk* l YY* ^ e ^ 0re cac h N-ime denote the Nunib-r of V each Gentleman has been in th* D rc£\ Y u i " ilM a >ter „ h Name -he CommiueYhey^e TheCh^* man and Deputy Chairman are uaonlll Committe * denotes Accounts, b Buying, c C .rrefpondeS h Honfc V Tr’/ 1 r ^h- e • radC ’ S P '- event tbe growth -or P, vaie i SirC-oSc S Q l S h >P? l ne ’ * Trearu, y> w Warehoufe. 3 Per? Curt ^(o bt D^ e rf a,t ‘ Cha ' r . man Ni ™ Broad-firedt > a . c * V u f ’ ® e P- Chairman. Cloak-lane Benjamm Booth, Efq; Lincoln hn, Fields, a b h g w Charts Boddam, Efq; BuWs-CroJs Enfield, a hi l Bichard Banquet, Efq; Mir.clng-lane, a b h w & 3 Henry Crabb Boulton, Elq; CroJby-Jquare, c p s t w George Cumm.ng, Efq; Nenu Broad freer, c p g s P«er nf Dempfter Efq; Greek-Jlreet, Bobl, all i Helrv Flllh’ JU kV E 'o l° 7 ’ Bench Wain, b pg\ v V?^ l F p h - r V Lf -’ Boulbampton -fircet , Blcsnjbury , ] p , William George Freeman, Elq; Surrv-fir.ct V-,,,/r , Robert Grego.y Efq; Upper Brook-Jl-t, a* gw " PS John Harr i/on, Eiq; Charter Houfe-fruare, c it tv WJham James, Elq; Gerard-flreet , .SV^, a b p g s ]°p ,n ^ anl}ll Pr E p q; Jobn-Jlriet, Bedford-row. c t w John Motteux, Elq; Walbroke, b h 1 g rohn S p Ck r [>:g °p’r Ef U ? ed I crd P eet > C™. Garden, c ft ohn Purling, Efq; Jobn-fireet, Bedford-Low, cpft John Roberts, El^j King's -arms Yard, a b 1 s Vj.iiam Sneii, E.'q- Clapbam . c ] Laurence Sullivan, Efq,: Cre*r Ormond- fir eet.. a best Henry Vanfitcart, Efq; a c ’ ? a " iel „' Vie /> E % No 7 King's. Bench Walks, b 1 p w fohn Woodhoufe, Efq; Bridewell Hofp. ] p g P T z Other Officers. Secretary Peter Michell Deputy Richard Holt Accomptant Ifaac Warren Deputy John Peppercorn Treasurer William Harris Cajhi.r Warwick Sibley P aym . of fail, wagesY nyr Burges Dep, & cl. com.Jhip, C.T.Coggan ‘Transfer Office. r l ho.Shippey, JamejDonaldfon Freight Office. iCchard Cole, Wrn Settle Auditor's Office . Auditor Gee. Oldmixon Deputy JohnHoole d jo com, of buying H. Play ford Affifant John Triftram iVarchouje keepers • At Bot. Wb, Edm Hopkins# Deputy Rich. T wift 0 / Teas Simon Holbrooke Deputy Jn Styles Mordaunt ( an ) Of Bengal Goods Geo Sible Affifant Peter Corbett To pri, trade Jo/hua Buddock Affifant John Simms Coa/l William Blackbeard Affifant Stephen Butler Pepper Philip Cray Mafer Attendant of Shippin C >pt\, John Oliver Deduty Thomas Warner Sur v. of Ship. Gabr. Snodgral Standing Council dh. Sayer Efq Solicitor Tho. Nut hall, Efq ArchiteS Richard Jupp, jun. Door &Y/>.Ed,Stillard&If.Pize Governors cf t be Company' s Set t/ements . ' Bengal Harry Verelft, Efq; Bombay Tho. Hodges, Efq; FortSt.GeorgeWarren Hailing* Efq; Fort Moriboro, Ra Wyatr, Efq St , Hellena Jn. Skottowe, Efq 7 he South Sea Company. The Bufnefs is managed by a Governor, Sub Governor, Deputj Governor, and 21 Dire&ors, chofn tricnnially before Feb, 6, The King's moft Excellent Majefly, Governor, J# p vvis Way, Efq; Sub.Gov , •X TI10 Coventry Efq; Dep Gov . xWm Burrell Efq; John Byde, Efq; And. Girardot, jun. Efq; Thomas Liell Efq; Thomas Lucas Efq; Nath. Newr.ham, Efq; Rich. Salwey, Efq; John Snvth, Efq; John Warde, Llq; Ele&ed Jan, 31, 1766 Wm. Black, Efq; Char. Grave Hudfon, Efq; Sir John Torriano, Km, Benj. Way, Efq; r Eledled Feb. 2, 1769 Vincent Bifcoe, Efq; Wm, Fauquier, E r ; xTho Edwards FreemanEfqj Phiiip Jackfon, Efq; Jofeph Paice, E r q; Samuel Salt, Efq; Cafhier y Peter Burrel Dep. Cafh. Wm. Richardfon Secretary , Claud. Crefp gny Accountant , Rob. Montague Dep. Acc • J. Robins Chief Clerk of theStock andNety Annuities , Tho. Smallwood Chief Clk. of the Old Annuities ar.d 3 per cent, 1751, S’. Bull CounfclR\chard Jakifonj Efyf Houjckceper Martha Way, 70K ck r . c * T $J CommtUe offa Company of Merchant! tradings Africa. (Office, Coopers Court, Cornhill.) For London Jarrhes Johnfon, E fq; James Fo^le French, Efq: Gilbert Rofs, Efq; .ForBriftoi Tofeph Champion Efq; Thomas Willing Efq; * Gregory O.ive, Efq; For Liverpool. Thomas Smallwood, Efq; * John Barnes, Efq; * Jofeph Manefty, Efq; Rich. Cemplin, Sec. Richaid Roberts, Clerk. ^ cte > Thofe mark’d * are new ones 1 he Levant " r Turkey Company (Office Salter's HI//, O'ivnbin i Lane, Cannon Street. ) zr] of Shaft/bury Gov, I Win Ruikl Efq; Secretary *W p° Per E & D G ‘ Mr Thomas Furie, FoS i — m Ewer > Ei 9 ; Treafu rcr | Col/eAer and Accomptant. The Committee of the Hudson’s Say Company. \fffict Fenchurch-StreetJ Gov, j ,b ye Lake Efq; Dcp. Gcrv. 1> John Anthony Merle ohert Merry, Efq; tmuel Wegg, Efq; Bar: Sir James Winter 1 skt Hermanns Bcrens^ Efq; Capt. Jofeph Sputrei] James Fitzgerald, Efq; MrWm Redknap Secretary Directors of the Million Ban k Office, Nagg’s Head Court, Gracechurcli Street. V A ««t O 1— T> _ T' A. . Burrow,Rob Burrow,Elqr$; Boddinj>ton,R.CIiffe, Efqrs; — Walt. Fletcher Efqrs 'orflerEfq, XSrRichGlynBt ' hyeI.3ke,Rd.(.ateward£fqrsj - James Winter Lake, Bart, f. Martin, Nath. Mahon, Efqrs a n k e/" England Dire Eiors jper, William, Efq; Gem. 1! ^ e > Edward Efq; Dcp. Gov, ichcroft, Samuel Eiq; ?oehm, Roger, Efq, ith Daniel, Efq; rander Guftavus, Efq; John Harrrfon Secretary. SrW. Beauchamp Prcftor Bara Jof. Paice, Tho. Page, Etqrs- Wm Rater S.Rickard s ,E<3”; r.Roge^Rob.Saluflrurv.Erors LeeSteere, Tho. Sikes/ EiarV- w . J 0 ^ n Tori iano, Mark Weyland, Efq;* Burton, Battholomew, E.v- * Clarmont, Mathew, Em - * Cornwall, John Elqj Drake, George, Efq: xEwer, William, Elqj Filher, John, Eft; 1 * GaulRn, Peter, Eft; T , * ' j^Udw’i S'.MrMiliington :: f-Mr. Bailey *.^.Ricc,EfQ; faj. 5:: barton, -| *. J ha White i ■kfoa%oi( 9 Djj| Mr. Jickfan I ' 7,./, Mi Smith ™ :i*>5MrNcwiaiid jv. Ofpct . | : -*i, Mr. Chftofd ^ is r£r Haiti - — - Ojp^if *?*op, O r W&T2Z! Cjpilp SfirU s. *cnb ; ll ad Xkhinikm -Twri-ihect f -craft r^oSte tif 5 > *?? ( Tf rejiisd! S-i"! j art ^ , ./.cbJtt-W ( 417 ) rummond (Andrew) and Co. Charing-crofs reame, Smith, Bevan and Benning, No. 56, Lombard-Greet uller and Son, No. 27, Lombard -Greet oiler, Baker, and Halford, No. 20, Birchin-lane rines and Atkinfon, No. 50, Lombard-Greet Jlyn and Halifax, No. j8, Birchin lane tolling and Clive, No. 19, Fleet-Greet Jalliday, Flight, Halliday and Co. No. 34, Lombard. Greet Hnkey, Sir Thomas, and Co. No. 7> Fenchurch-ftreet Io2re, Henry,. Richard, and Richard, No. 37, Fleet-Greet iodfall, William, Strand lunc and Robinfon, George-Greet, York-buildings .ee and Avton, No. 71, Lombard-Greet .owry, Newton and Mercer, No. 24, Gracechurch- Greet Martins, Stone, Blackwell and Co. No. 68, Lombard-Greet Jayne and Needham. Jermyn-Greet ‘refcott, Grote, Culverdine and Hollingworth, No. 57. Thread needle- Greet 1 Coffey, Neale, James, Fordyce and Down, oppofite the Bank* Threadneedle-Greet mith and Payne, No. i8, Lombard-Greet mith, Wright and Gray, No. 55, Lomb 3 rd-ftreet now, Denn and Sandby, without Temple bar I VelGFs and Rogers, No. So, Cornhill Villis, Reade and Co. No. 76, Lombard-Greet Vright (Anthony) Golden c^p, Henrietta-Greet, Covent garden directors of the Amicable Society for a perpetual Ajfurance% [Office in Serjeant’s- Inn, Fleet Greet.) Ax Thomas Adderley idm. Byron, Efq; Jr. fha. Cofter Jr. ChnGopher Hargrave ohn Jackfon, Efq; .'ho. Manningham, M, D. ohn Ri.vington, Efq; leneage Robinfon Efq; Mr John Tatham Paul Vaillant, Efq; Mr Alexander Whitchurch. The Rev. Mofes Wight M A Regifier , Mr Jofeph Baldwin Clerk, Mr Stone MeJJ'enger> John Orlton, \ )f?ices of Ins ur ance for Houfes and Goods. Rcyal Exchange , Comb ill . ; talph Knox, Efq; gov. a. Henckel), Efq; fub. gov. leeGon Long, Efq; dep. gov. Dire&ors. Jacob Blaquiere, Efq 9 *Mr William Bofanquet Capt. Richard Crabb *Mr Jofeph Defaubre Mr Martin Fonnereau Mr Edward ForGer *Mr Peter John Fremeaux John Johnfon, Efqj Mr Pendarves Kekewich Mr Charles Lindegren Mr Juhn Lockwood Richard Maitland, E fq; Mr Nathaniel Malon Mr Benjamin Mee Mr ChriAopher Puller *Mr William Raike9 MrWiiliam Robinfon Capt, James Sanders Mr John Serocold Mr Richard SheJdon Mr Arthur Stert James Tierney, Efq; John Ekins, Treafurer John Bell, Secretary Geo. Ciifr, Accomptant *Tbofe marked * were not in the lajl Direction, Sun-Fire-OfficEjCo;*^///. Char'es Pole, Efq; Chai rman, Allen’s-court, Leadenh. ft. Tbo. Watts, Secretary, Sun- Fire-OfEce, Efq; X*illie Ainfcombe, St Leonard’s Hill, near Windfor, Efq; Jn Barwick, Friday-Areet, Efq, CalverlyBewicke, jun, George- yard, Lombard Areet, Eiq; Wm Braund, -Leadenhall-Ar. Toby Chauncy Temple Efq; Jn Drummond, Charing-crofs. Cha. Foulis, Woodford, EfPx. Tho. Gardiner, Hump Aead, Efq; W. Hamilton, Lincolh’s-inn-fi. Jn Hatrifon, Charter- houfe- fq. XNich LinwoodSpring-garden Wm Mackenzie, Elq; Crutch- ed-friars Jn Mafon, Efq; Greenwich Mr Jn Mrftat, Lombard -ftreet Nicholas Pqarfe, Lotbbury H. Plant, Norfolk. ft. Strand Frederick Pigou, Eedford-Ar. Covent* garden, Efq; 218 ) Charles Raymond, Queen i I Lin.Inn Fields, Eiq; Rob. Scott, Bi/hop r gate- A. E J Cha. Stuait, Burlington A. E I Wm Thornton Alcermaobur I W Webber Q: R L n Inn Fi j London Allurance, ( Bircbin I Lave) for Houfes and Goods. § Mr J hn Hide, gov. Samuel Turner, Efq; Alder j man ard fub. gov. Tbo. Dinely, Efq; dep. gov* t| Mr Alexander Aubert John Barker, Efq; Mr John Beiens Mr John Lucie Blackman Mr John Brogden Mr Mark Cramer Mr John Free Mr .Silvanus Grove John Henniker, Efq;. Mr Thomas Hunt Herbert Hyde, Efc; Mr Thomas Lane Mr Peter Laprimaudaye James Lee, Efq; Mr James Mathias I! Mr Arnold Mello Hughes Mmet, E r q; Capt % Thomas Palgiave Henry Raper, Efq; Mr Richard Sbubrick Capt. Gilbert S:attr Mr Y von Thomas MrTho. W long, Dircflors Shcomprar.ty Crommelin Pigcu* ] I Han d* 1 n B a n d F ir e* Of f ice, again A Sepulchre's Church. I niu res. Houles only Directors, he Sixteen following -are to be 1 continued according to the Deed of Settlement. Mr. Lath am Arnold^ R, Brooke, 219 ) Efy Ben]. Cowley, Efq; Geo, Evans, Efq; Mr J.BogleFrench Mr. J. Hinde, Mr. Geo. Web- fter, Mr. T. Wellings, J Brock- hurrt,Efq; Mr. Ja. Dixon, H. ;Hurt,EfqfMr.C. 7 eacccke,Mr. Ja. Ingliffi, R. Lateward, Efq: Mr. L. Ryder, Mr. W. Scott Ele&ed, Nov. 12, 17^9. Pyer Bond, Efq; Guy B;yan, Mr. J. Fullager, Mr, Ja. Johnfon, Afr, J. Davenport, Afr. Wm. Freke, Barthol. Hammond, Efq; Mr. Ja. Ward. Clerk, John Man. Mr Robert Maitland Tho. Page, Efq; Mr John Wells For two Years* Mr Nathaniel Barber William Bowden, Efqj Mr Thomas Gregg Mr John Hiorne Mr Thomas Jordan Nathaniel PolhiJl, Efq; John Rivington, E r q; Air Thomas Rogers Clerk, William Staples Affiifi ant Clerk, T, Faircloth# Union Fire-Office, Maiden -Lane, Cbeaffde, for Goods only, on much the fame Terms as the Hand- In-Hand Office does Houfesonly, Dinner^ Elefted Sept. 26, 1769. Edward Davis, Efq; John Elliott, Efq; Air David Langton Air Henry Newdick Mr James Ramfay Mr Samuel Rickaid9 Tho. Rogers, Efq; Air John Yerbury Tee Sixteen following are to be continued according to theDeed of Settlement* EleEled Sept , 23, 1766. For one Year . Mr David Barclay, Mr Come’ius Denne Mr John Drmn Thomas Edwards, Efq; Mr Simon Fofler Westminster Fire-Office, for injuring Houfes, Bedford -• Jlreet, Covent- Garden, Directors, FteSled 051 . 20, 1768* j John Phillips, Efq; Brackley Kennetr, E:qj Mr Henry Ruflell Mr Benjamin Wood Mr William Cobbett Mr Henry Edmead Mr Thomas Giantham Mr Richard Trowbridge Mr John Bell EleEled On. 19,1769% Air John May hew Mr John Manvell Air Thomas Broukfbank Air John Simpfon Mr Francis Goodge Mr Richard Haines Mr Samuel Baker Mr fofeph Bdbh Simon Lefage, Efq; George Erowne, Secretary , ! William Peafgood, Affifant » Office for Equitable Affiu ranee on Lives and Survivorjbips , in Nieholas-Lane, Lombard-Street. PRESIDENT. J Vice-Frefi dents. Job 9 Spence* CoJepepper, Efq; I Samuel Crjofley 7 i Jos. Ciuttenden £ ^ * Dr SiTvefler, M. D. Rog Staples, E 50I. Mr Wm Bail Porter. George Cockings BRITISH W H I T E h ERR iITg F J SH E hc^rand OF , r , I750 . Ca} . tal 5CO;O S 0O H a E {JLcir Court- Room ever the Royal Exchange.! NG. <7 TTT If* ' . - 6 _J The K I N G, Governor Lord Orwell, Prefdent XWmNorthyEfq; Vice Prcfid. COUNCIL. Ele&ed Dec. I, 1768. Marked thus * were not in the laft Council m Abraham Atkins, Efq; William Beckford, Efq; XSir Walter Blackett, Bart, * homas Bladen, Efq; Sir Philip Buteler, Barr« Loid Charles Cavendjfh *The Earl of Chefteifkid * Robert Cary, Efq; Thomas Collet, Efq; DrTlio. Healdff, Fench.Build. Dr R. Tyfon, Cenf, Queen-fq. DrEd ward Barry ,Georgc-ftr eer Hanover-fquare §Dr Richard Warren, Med. Reg* Sackville-ftreet Dr Rob. Glynn Clobery,Camb. Sir Clifton Wintringham, Kt. Med. Rc£. Dover-ftreet §Sir John Pringle, Bt. Med. Regin. Pall-mall §Dr. Swithin Adee, Gr. Ruf- fel-ftreet Dr Anthony Relhan, Great Marlborough-ftreet Dr Tho. Brooke, Charles-ftr. St. James’s-fquare Dr John Green, Greenwich Dr R. Thomlinfon, Tower-hill Dr John Lewis Petit, Cenlor, Bloomfbury-fquare Dr John Turton, Pall-mall LICENTIATES. DrN.Robinfon,Hatton Garden Dr Sam. Pye, Mile-end Dr John Eaton, College-hill Dr W. Clark, Bradford, Wilts Dr John Andree, Autlin-friars §Dr John Fothergill, Harpur- ftreet, Red-lion-fquare ^Dr Peter Canvane, Bath Dr Mofes Griffith, Colchefler Dr Ch. Morton, Brit. Mufeum ^Dr Ja. Paifons, Red-lion-fq. Dr H. Heineken, Watling-ftr. §Dr John Baptilb Silvefler, Adam’scourt,01d Broad-ft. Dr Geo. Lament, Gloucefter- court, St. James’s-ftreet Dr Philip de la Ccur, Bury-ft. ^Dr Sam. Jebb, Chefterfield, Derbyfhire Mr James Dargent, Gr. Marl- boroUgh-ftreet §Dr D.Pet.Layard,Lo\vErook- ftr. Med. Prin. vid.Wallk Dr Ed. Archer, GrayVinn §Dr Ric. Jebb, Great- George flreet, Weftminfter Dr Donald Monro,Jermyn-ftj Dr Wm Hunter, Med, Regir Extraordinary-, Windmill^ Haymarket Sir Wm Duncan, Bart. Mec Reg. Queen Ann’s-flt^* Cavendifh-fquare DrS. Wathen,L ; ncoln’s-jnn-f Dr C. Kelly, Knights-bridge Dr Da.d'Efcherny, Southamp ton-ft. Bloomfbury Dr Cha. Lucas, Dublin §Dr Wm Wation, Lincoln’* | inn-ficlds §DrThomas Milner, Maidflon ! Dr Mich. Morris, Fludyer ft: DrJa9.Grcive,Charterhoufe-l Dr John Fliot, Cecil-ftreet Dr 1 ho. Dawfon, Old Jewry | Dr Hugh Smith, Gr. Tower Dr John Brickenden. Lothbui Dr Wm Grant, Cornhill Dr James Ford, A!bemarle-fi Dr Max. Garthfhoie, S . Martin’s-lane Dr Tho. Dickfon, Aldermar bury §Dr Ju Morgan, PbiladejphL f Dr Robt. Knox, [ermyn-ftr. 1 Dr Richard Huck, Spring- ga | DrSam.Chnpman,Hatton-ga Dr David Oime, Great S j Helens Dr Thomas Manningharr j Jermyn-ftreet Dr J. Cole, Low-Layton, Effi 8 Dr fohn Hill, Mincing-lahe | Dr H. Alex. Kennedy, Thrif 8 ftreet, Soho .} H Dr ChrifL NugenfFQu. Ani| fir, Cavendifh-fquare ! ' DrLuke Wayman, Alderman- b. Dr Francis de Ja Fontaine, Greek-ftreet, Soho Dr John Nap.er, Rathbone- place. Oxford-road Dr Mat. Maty, Britifh Mufeum Dr Geo. Fordyce, Henrietta- ftr. Covent-garden Dr Robert James, Bruton-ft. Beikley-fquare Dr WilJiam Bay lies Dr John Ford, Old Jewry Dr Jofeph Allen, Dulwich DflfaacSchomberg,Conduit-ft. Dr Jas. Walker, Percy-ftreet, ( z -3 ) Tottenham-Court-Road The RO ^ AT, & O C I £ T ^ ^Incorporated 1663/) Dr Fr.de Valangin, Fore-ftreet Dr Wm Vaughan, Uni.*n-to. O’d Sroad-ftrcet Dr Jp. Brifbane, Great Titch- fipld-ftrcet Dr John Leake, Craven-ftreet DrR.BromfieJd,Gerrard ftreeC Dr Rowland Jackfon, Bath Dr P, Swinton, Salifbury-co. Dr Alex. Hay, Leicefter-fields MrJn.CaverhillGieek-rt.Soho Dr W. Cooper, Arundel. llreet Dr WS^unders, Star-Ct.Bro-ft, Dr. John Forbes, York-ftreet St. James's- fquare. [No. 7, Crane-Ccurt, Fleet firut.~\ Patron . The KING X James Weft, Efq; Prejidtnt . Council \ Mr John Belcheir James Burrow, Efq; XHen Cavendilh, Efq; Earl of Hontingdon Nevil Mafkelyne, M. A # Matthew Maty, M.D. Sec, Charles Morton, M.D. Secret* Math Raper, Efq; Wm Watfon, M. D. Samuel Wegg, Efq; Treafurcr Ne*iu Council. FleEled Non/. 30, 1769* Hon Daines Barrington Rev John Blair, D. D. Guftavus Brander, Ef St Bartholomew, the lels, r. 13 D Tavlor St Botolph, AH«.fs««, .. not.octarJ.DrT.vto St Botolph, B fbopfgate, r. 2,° Wright St Botolph, AU..». c. not .» «k«P ^ M. ^ , St Brides, v. . , Mr Pritchard ChriS oh! SpMSoldt, nottn oh»S« waii.mlon St Duftan in the v - - , 4 2 Mr Eton StGeo.themartvr . Qa. f,. r. not ch», 6 o M „ St Giles, Cr.pplegate, v. .3* 5 St James, Clerkenwell, r. not in charfe ^ St John, Clerkenwell, not in cha.g 1 * f Hot J ra St Leonard, Shoreditch, v. 7 Dr Nicholls St Luke, Middlefex 3 Mr Markham St Mary, Whitechapel, r. 3 7 i ^ Wel)e aoo St. Sepulchres, M A. Librarian and Secretary, l60 1 and Children p aper Buildings, Temple. g ffi • r* J P | one of the Commiffioners for Prefident. I £ xecu t ns the Bufinels of TheMoft Rev. His GraceFre- I z * E "‘ 0 s j detick, Urd Arcbbifhop of 1 6 Trea f u rers, Canterbury, Primate of all 1 Pcrrot Efq; England, and MotropoliUn. I J' ^ c , lv „’, _ Efqi Si. SydneyStaffoidSmythe, Kt 1 Thomas Kynailon.Efqi i i C°urt ° f Aftiftants, Mr Roger AJtham. Rev. Daniel Burton, D. D. Wm. Battle, M. D. Mr K.empe Brydges, George Baker, M. D. Mr Thomas Bromwich. Edmund, Ld Birti. of Chefter John C. Iverr, Efqj Cadwaliader C ker, E;qj Mr. R »bert Coker Stephen Comyn, Efq$ Mr Stafford Crane Cap. Mic. Wiikins Conway. Rev William Dw*nifon, D. D. X^ir vvm. Do, ben, Bt. X George Durant Eiq: M. Ifaac Dudley ltev J kt s Eg- rton Dan cl Fox Efq- Thomas Gifb *rne M. D. Mr Wm, Gataker Rev J imes Halifax, D. D. Rev James Ibbetfon, D. D R/chird Ld Bi/h. of Load | Rev John Lloyd D. D. Thomas Lloyd, Efq* Mr Stephen Lufhington Mr Edward Loxham Sir Geo. Pocoek K>. B. Mr Wm Sharpe Mr Robert Sanxay Mr. Marmaduke Smith Hon, and Rev. George Talb- Rev Jirncs Tatterlall. John Lord Bi (h. of Winchefl Jnmes Lord Bifh. of Worcefte 9 Rev Sherlock W.Jlis, M. •/ 1 Rev Frauc $ Warnford L. L.I I Mr Francis Willes. Richard Warren, M. D. His Gr. Robert, Ld. Abp. c I York MelTenger, Jn Orlton, at No 8, in Den 1 mark Court, in the Stran 4 LAUDABLE SOCIETY for the BENEFIT of WIDOWS Uoeetors, Thofe marked * are the prelent Tiuffees. * MrRic. Baldwin, Mr W r Bickerton, .Mr. Wm. Bray Mr. Tho. Burford Mr. Jn. Coihoun, Mr. Btnj. Farmer, Mr, T ho. Farrer Mr. T. Harrifon, Mr. Samuel Jacam Mr G. Leekey, Mr. Edwaid Na/h * Mr Giilery Pigot, Mr. Thomas Reid, — .. a uu ,j^ ;/ " ,IC1 / * Jn.Rivington,Efq:jM]cFiiher,SecWvch I v. r? P °,° F,nch K P - H - RobinloJ; ftreet Temple-bar j r. rh». I.fingmin I »Mr f. Rowlev. f Me, Tender f Oriroh. j Mr. Jn. Smith, Mr. John Walford Wm. Waller, Efo* Mr. Tho. Walton Rev. M.Tes Wight, Mr. Lake Young, T 7uN ill^UAKV SOCIE TY Chancery- Lane, Incorpo) ated November 2, 1751 — His Majesty, Patron. 7 > p O U N C I L, eleSied April 24, 1760. Jeremiah Milie?, D. D. Dear of Exeter, F. R. S. Prefidcnt. ' U eoli Av LuT* IT L> C « r x.r ~ Jtueat, /oieph Ay Ioffe, Bt. FRS. J C.lebrook, FRS. Treaf. ^ev. Wm, Norris, AM. Sec. Greg, Sharp, LLD. FRS. Xjames Well, Efq-, FRS. Din. Wray, Eff, FRS. Thomas Aftie, Efq, FRS. S 0 C 1 L' I Ret. H* ( 22 7 ) Hon. Daines Barrington. Earl of Litchfield. Mr. Benjamin Bartlet. Guttavus Brandcr, Efq; FRS. Owen Saluflbury Brereton,FRS Richard Gough, Elq; Earl of Huntingdon. Richard Kaye, F. R. S. Cha. Rogers, Efq; F. R.S. Edward Stanley, F. R. S. Ralph Willet, Efq; F. R. S. BRfl'lijH MUSEUM, Montague-Houte, 1753.— 41 Truftees;— 2 b By Virtue of their Offices — >6 Repreientmg the Sloane, Cotton, and Oxford Famri.es, marked S. C. O. Chofen by the former 26. ~ X^ha. Gray, Efq; F. R S 20 Trusties by office Rchbifhop of Canterbury A Lord Prefident of Council FirftLord of the Trealury Lord Privy Seal Firtt Lord of the Admiralty Lord Steward Lord Chamberlain Bifhop of London Two Secretaries of State Speaker of Houfe of Commons Chancellor of the Exchequer Ld Chief Juftice King’s Bench Matter of the Rolls Ld Chief Juttice Com. Pleas Attorney General Sohicitor General Prefident of Royal Society Prefident of Col. Phyficians 6 Family Truttees. C. John Bofworth, D. D. S. Lord Cadogan, F. R. S. S.xHms Stanley, El'qj Ox. Eari of Oxford Ox. Duke of Portland, 1 5. Trustees Ele&ed. Guftavus8rander,Efq; F. R. S. Ld. Cha. Cavendifh F. R.S. Earl of Hardwicke, F. R. S. Lord Lyttelton, F. R. S. D.ofNorthumberland,F R.S. Wtn. Watfon, M.D.F. R. S. XjamesWeft, Efq, F. R.S. Earl of Bute Xjam. Harris, Efq; F. R. S. Matthew Duane, Efq; Daniel Wray, Efq; F. R. S. XHans Sloane, Efq; FJl. S. xHon Edwin Sandy s Principal Librarian. Gowin Knight, M. B. F. R.S. Under Librarians. Cha Morton, MDFRS has the Care of the MSS and Medals Matt. Maty, M. D. F. R. S. has the Careot Natural Hitt. Rev. Samuel Harper, FRS has the Care of the printed Books And. GifFard, D. D. F. S. A. Affittant to Dr. Morton Rev, Mr. Andrew Planta, Af- fiftant to Mr. Harper Keep er of theReading Room Rev. Mr. PenneckjO.D.F RS. Dan. Cha. Solander, M. D. F. R. S. Affitt. to Dr. Maty SOCIETY tor promoting Cbrittian Knowledge, 1699, meet every Tuel'day in Hatton- garden, Holborn. Treafurers, I Secretary, Rev. Henry Owen D. D. | Rev. Tho. Broughton, M, A, Henry Hoare, Efq; Robert Gulling, Efqj ' • — O * : Clerk and MelTenger, I William Lane U J 218 ) They are Overfcers of all the Charity School*, dlftribote Re ti'mTn.h a p , /? n , (l a, ’ d fll PP ortth " Hrotertant Mi L!LL” Baft-Jndier, jointly with the King of Denmar tit ' ( L" - \ • \ r ■ -L b ° L ’ 1 E 1 V for propagating the Golpel iti Foreign Fatta Ir corporated by Charter, 1701. Meet at Sr Minin’s Library, near the Meofe, Charing-crof* Frefident, The Archbi/hop of Canterbury. S p y ,T° n n df ° n ’ Er< >i I Scc - R - I”. Moore Mj Secret. Rev. Dr. BurMn.D.D. | Meir e n. Samuel Norcott * *7 J ,uflees / or Codrington College in Barbados fup P — - ^ ^taf. m that Iflmd. Annual Exnenre about 1 Charter- huun, founded governors. The KING The QUEEN Archbi/hop of Canterbury Lord Camden Duke of Bedford Duke of Rutland Duke of Marlborough Bail of Sandwich Bari of Holdernette Earl of Bute Earl Gower Earl of Nortbington Lord Mansfield Marquis of Rockingham XRight Hon Geo Grenville Earl of Halifax Bilhop of London Matter, Samuel Salter, D. D by 1 $00. St. t. Bartholomew’s Hoipital Founded by Hen. VIU. 1539. X^rHonThoHarley, Prefident John Darker, Efq$ Treafurer Rev, Mr. Tho. Sharp, Vicar W?ll. Pitcairne, M. D. Anth. A/kew, M. D. F. R. S. Rj. heardTyfon,M.D.Phyficians Wm. Robinfon, Apothecary Mr. Pe cival Pott, F. R.S. 1 Mr Stafford Crane, Mr. j R<-b\ Young, Surgeons. I Mr. W. Sharp, Mr. Ed Pitt j Mr i Earle Attittant Surgeons f A homa$.>uUi n, Elq$ m r t> j 1 Preacher, John Nichols, D.U Regitter, Hen. Sayer, Efq- Receiver, John Spencer Cole- peper, Efq; Auditor Jn. Fotherby, Efq; Upper Shool-matter, Rev. — Beardmore M. A. Under School-matter, Wm. Ramfden, M. A. Attittant, Rev. Mr. Bird Reader, Tho. Sainfbury, M. A. Writing-matt. Mr. Wm, Prior Phyfician, Dr. Jam. Grieve Surgeon, Mr. Wm. Hawkins Apo. Mr. John Devaynes Organitt, Mr. John Jones Steward of the'Courts, Edw. Bearcroft, Efq- F. R. S. Wm. Folkes^Efq- Council j 1 lerk, Mr • Charles Browne I S eward, Mr. John Cole Renter, Mr. Pm Matron, Mrs. Robinfon Porter, Alex. How Cook. Mrs. Sarah Harris Cm Mafi. I Steward Miirco Giih 1 Dune Shoo! M Jo hi Brde F»-uad« Xv Rid of b-xj Chrifi’s Hofpitai. Founded by Edw. VI. 1 3 r 2> XSir Robt Ladbroke KtPref. Daniel Webb, Efqj Treaf. Phyfician, Dr AnthonyA/ke w Surgeon, Mr. Dale Ingram Apothecary, Mr. Jo. Roberts Chief C idkj Mr. Jofcph Eyre WmKh to boti Wm 5 *« to bod Rer. M Preach Rfv.J.M; : R?. ' Mi- ncer thl.\ l flip. :a I Me- \\ .A, 'nor c UQJ S, w j f ( , CJ. and Rce. Mr. The. Smith A;hftant Cl-rk, Rob. Court Wardrobe Keeper Mr C.Green Grammar Matter, Rev. Peter Whalley, Af. A. Under Gramar Matter, R^v. James Bowyer, A.Af. Mailer of the Mathematicks Mr, Daniel Harris Writing-Matter, Mr W. Allen Drawing- Mailer, Mr. Beni. Creen Mufj. Maf. Mr Rob. Hudfon Steward, Mi. John Perry Matron, Mrs. Lois Gibfon Girls Shool Miftrefs Eliz. Duncomb Shool Mailer at Hertford, Mr. John Att wood Bridewell and Bet h leu " Founded by Fdw. VJ. irc^ X^r Richard Glynn BartPref/ of both Hofpitals, Wm KinleHde, Efq: Treafurer to both Wm Sitwell, Efq; Audit Gen. to both Rev. Air. Wight, M. A. Preacher to Bridewell Rev. J.MapletoftjReader toDo. John Monro, M. D. Phyfi- cian to both Hofpitals. Mr. Richard Crowther, Sur- geon to both Mr, John Winder, Apothe- cary to both fn. Wood houfe, Efq; Cl.toboth, VIr Robt, Waite, Steward to Bridewell Mrs. Mary Lapthorn, Alatron to Ditto Hr. Brown, Porter to Ditto Hr. John Hughe*, Steward to Eethlem 9 ) Wm.P)d, Porter to Pethl.m i>t I homas’s Holpita). Founded by Edw. V[. i *q t W.iliam Na/h, Efq; Prefidenc Wm. E .wdso, Efqj Treafurer Rev. 1 hemas Wingfield. D.D. Hofp, taller Dr M. Akenfide, F.R S. Dr J a. Greive, Dr Richard Huck, Phyficians Mr Tho. Smith, Mr Jofeph Elfc, Mr George Martio, Surgeons Mr Geo. Whitfield, Apothec. Mr J of. Cruttenden, Clerk Mr Richard Leefon, Steward Mrs Wrig ht, Matron. Lonaon W o rkhoufe, iTn, B,- /hopfgate-ftreet. * xBrafs Crofov Efq; and Aider- man, Prefident Dep. Rob. Wilfonn, Treaf. Dr Edw. Archer, Phvfician Air Wm Tyfon, Apothecary Mr John Townfliend, Surgeon Mr Jo hn Bart, Steward Holpitai lor French Procettants and their descendants, incor- porated 1718, 200 Beds be- llies 42 for Lunaticks in an adjoining Houfe Earl Ligonier,F R. S. Governor * Andrew Girardot, Efq; Sub- Governor Jacob Albert, Efq; Treafurer Fran. Duroure, Efq; Secretary Rev. John Carles, M. A. Cliapl. John Silvetter, AI.D.Phyfjcian Mr Ja. Jacquin, Surg. & Apot. Mr Adam Romieu, Steward Airs Romieu, Matron Guy’s Hulpnal, lounded by Tho, Guy, E fq ; in 1722. Lewi* Way, Efq ;F,R.S, Prefid, 2 i ( 2 3 ° ) Tho. Lucas, Efq; Treafurer Dr H. Hinckley, Dr Robt. Thomlinfon, Phyficians Mr Jof. Warner, F. R. S. Mr. Lewis Way, Mr Jas. Frank, Surgeons Rev. Rob. Pool Finch, Clnpl. Mr Piarrifon, Cle- k Mr Bt-n. Stead, Apothecary William Robiafon, Steward Sarah Wallis, Matron Wm Robinfon, Accompt. Wm Rhodes, Surgery-man Tho. Calloway, Butler John Keeh, Beadle John Hill, Porter Keeper of the Lunatic Men Mary Fitzgerald, Keeper of the Lunatic Women Weitmmfter Infirmary, infti- tuted by Subfcriprion 1720. XRt HonHugh Earl Percy Pref XHon. Edwin Sandys, xSir G. Savile, Bart. Sir Wm Beau- champ Prodlor, Bart. Vice- Prefidents Richard Edwards, Efq; Charles Lowndes, Elq; Eiifha Bifcoe, Efcf; John Baldwin, Efq; Treaf. Dr Mich. Morris, Dr James Dai gent. Dr John Brick- enden, Phyficians ; Mr Jn. Pyle,Mr A. Wharley Hum- phreys, Mr Hen. Watfon, Surgeons Mrja. Meredith Parrat,Apoth. Rev. T. Champnes, Chaplain Mr Wm Watfon, Secretary and Receiver Mrs Baildcn Matron St George’s Holpital, infti- tuted by Subfcription, 1733, The KING, Prefident Earl of Shaftefbury.Vice-P/ef. Lieut. Gen. Jof. Hudfon, Jn. Ad. Fred. Hefle, Efqj Trea. Dr Thomas Gifborn, F. R. S. Dr Don. Monro, Dr Rd. Wright, Dr Jn. Lewis Petit Phyficians Csefar Hawkins, Efq; Wm Bromfie.’d, Efq; Mr John Gunning, Mr John Hunter, Surgeons John Allen, Efq; D. Graham, Efq; J. Truefdale, Efq; Mr James Burges. Mr Matt. Yatman, Jof. Partridge, Efq; Mr. Jas. Dillon, Mr. R. , Halifax, G. Hailes, Efqj Vifiting Apothecaries MrWmDampierJ-IoufeApotb, Ifabell Gill, Matron Rev. Mr. Clarke, Chaplain Mr Jnfeph Hall, Clerk The Foundling Holpital in Lambs Coneuit Fields^ in- corporated in 1739. The K 1 NTG, Patron The Duke of Bedford, Prcf. E. of Dartmouth, L. Cadogan, C. Child, Efq; xRofe Ful- ler, Efq; X$ir Cha. Whit- worth, Knt-. Vice Prefidents John Thornton, Efq; Treaf. Rev. Mr Harper, Chaplain Morning Preacher, Rev. Mf Sellon T. ColJingwood, Secretary Mr F. Plumptree, Solicitor Dr C. Moreton, F.R.S. Dr William Watfon, F.R.S. Phyficians Mr Tho. Tomkvn, Surgeon Mr R. M'Ciellan, Apothecary Elizabeth Leicefier, Matron Evan Lewis, School maftcr William Lillie, Steward P/ef. h rrca. U. Rd. Petit W m John ntcr, bam, ; Mr !au, R. % >od>, eft (•l Ful* lit* lent* af. I I London Hofpital, inftituted 1740. Incorporated Dec. 9, 1758. Whitechapel-Road H.R.H. theDukeof Glaucefter Prefident XMarqof Granby John Dor- een, Efq; X Jof. Melhfli, Efq; Vicc-Prefidents John Leapidge E q; Treafurer Rev, Mr Audley, Chaplain Dr Tho. Dicklon, Dr Tho, Dawfon DrSam.Le/d^,Ph)s Mr R rh. Grindal, F. R. S. Mr Henry Thompfon, Mr, G. Neale, Surgeons Mr Samuel Parker, Apothe. Mr Jn. Cole, SectetaivandRec* Mr Tho, BlackaJl, Steward M Eckley E Patter Ion Matrons IViiudieiexHofpital Jor Sick and Lame, and Lying-in married Women, in Mary le Bone Fields, inftituted by Sub- scription, 1745 D. of Northumberland, Prefid. E. Gower, L. Grofvenor, Lord Scarfddle, Huh. Lt. General Cornwallis, Sir Wm Beau- champ Pro&or, Bart. xS.r Rob. Clayton, Bt. Vice-Pref. J>hn Machin, Efq; Mr W. Wright, Treafurers Dr J. Irilbane, Dr H. A. Kennedy, Dr Knox, 2nd D: Pepys, Phyficians Men Midwives, D<. Denham & Dr Krohn Mr ffaac Minors, Mr Samuel Howard, Mr James Chafy, Mr Wyatt, Surgeons Philip Scott, Houle Surgeon Rev. Mr Ja. Clark, Chaplain Mr Edmund Caiger, Secretary Mr Jofeph Roper, Apothecary Mrs £liz, Brittridge, Matron J and M’dwife Melfrs Fuller and Cope, Hoarc and Co. Coutts, Drummond, Backwell and Co. Bankers Small Pox Hofpital in Cold^ Bath-fields and at Pancras, inftituted in 1746. The KING, Pjtron Duke of Marlborough, PreC Duke of Northumberland, E. of Litchfield, Sir William Beauchamp Pxo&or, K. B. Rob. NettJeton, Efq; V.P, If Akerman, Efq; Treaf. Rev. Mr. Nichols, Chaplain Dr Edw. Archer, Phyfician Mr R. Reynolds, Bartlet’s- Buiidings, Sec. and Rec. Mr Herb. Bath,in natural way, Apoth. in Cold Bath-fields Mrs Smout, Matron Mr R. Bryce, for Inoculation, Apothecary at Pancras Mrs Sufannah Lay, Matron Sir Tho. Hinkey and Co.ClifFe and Co. Coutts and Co. Drummond and Co. Bag- well and Cu. Bankets L ck Hoipital, near HyOe- Park corner, 1646. Duke of Manchefter, Prefident M !rq.ofGran^y,EdilofShafts- bury, Earl of ^Dartmouth, L. Monfon, Lord Brownlow Bertie, xSir R. Lyttelton, K. B. Vice-Prefidents Richard Green, E/q* Treafurer Dr Noah Thomas .F.R.S. Phy* Rev. Mr M idan, Chaplain Wm Brumfield, Efq; Mr Tho. Williams, Surgeons; John Gowland, James Brumfield, Geo. Weft, R. Wooton, W. Atkinfon, T. Evans, Vjfit- ing Apothecaries I Mr Ja. Andrews, Houfe-Surg. Mr Tho, Stamfoid Secretary Mrs M urray, Matron Corporation for lick and maim- cd Seamen in the Merchants Service, Incorporated 44th June, 1747. Offi ce in the Royal Exchange Rob. Nettleton, Efq; Prefid. Council. Tho. Bennet, W. Black, Sa- muel Bofanquet, W, Bowden, Colin Currie, Geo. Drake John Free, Peter Godfrey, R. HaJcrow, Mat. Harrifoe, V/m Loney, Lionel Lyde, Benj. Mee, Hen. Norris, H. Hand. Norris, D. Powell jun. W.Raikes, S. Rickards’ Jas. Sperling, JohnVanRix- tcl, F. R. S. Sam. Water- man, Efqrs. Danief Camp bell, Sec. & R ec . The Britiffi Lying "in Hofpitl) for Married Women in Brownlow-flr, Long- Acre, inftituted Nov. 1749. XDuke of Portland Prefidem Sir William Maynard, Bart. Jn Wellbrook, Efq; V. p, Thomas Halcott, Efq; Treaf. Dr Rob. Bromfield, Dr Max- well Garthlhore, Phyficians Dr Hunter, and Dr Kelly, Confulting Phyficians Mr Wm Graves, and Mich. Underwood, Surgeons Mr Rich. Cecil, Apothecary Mrs Mary Beman, Matron and Midwife Rev Mr Steph. Degullon, Lhaplain Mr Thomas Yewd, Sec. Mrs Mary Forreft, Affiftant Midwife ( 232 ) Seven Nurfes, 52 Beds Committee every Friday Morn ing at the HofpitaJ at u o’CJock to admit and dif charge Women Sir Tho. Hankey and Partners MefT. Coutts, Bankers City of London Lying-in Hof- pital, inftituted March 30. 1750, Alderfgate-ftreet. XBarlow Trecothick Efq PreJ Sir Jam. Hodges, Knt. Henry ShifFner, Efq; Richard Morhai!, Efq; Wm. Gordon, Efq; Rich. Hoaie, Efq; Vice-Prcf. I Paterfon Efq; Treaf. Dr, Nathaniei Hulme, Phyfi, in Ordinary Dr. Benj. Martin, Phy Titian extraordinary Dr. Herman Heineken, Man Midwife in Ordinary Surg. in Or. Mr. Wm. Lucas Surg. Extra. Mr. R. Ball. Dr. Sam. Wathen, Man Mid- wife extraordinary Dr. Mufe< Griffith, Phyfici. and Man Midwife Extraordinary Mr. William Ball, Apoth. Rev. Jofeph Cookfon, Chap. Mr. John Nix, Secretary, M.tr. and Mid. Kath. Nix McfTeurs Glyn, and Halifax, Bankers St. Luke’s Hofpital for Luna- ticks, Moorfields, 1751 Duke of Montague, Prefident. Vice-Prefidents, Sir W. Beauch. Proffer, Bart. Sir Henry Bankes, Knt. John JolilFe, Efq; Wm. Davy, Efq; Treaf. Dr. Tho. Brooke, Phyfi. Mr. John Watrif^, Surgeoa I Pniverdti 1 f:rn. t ii dif- ncxr, dof- 3°i Prc; Vef* ;ian (an IC15 id* d 3 7 it. t. k elide nt Apotb. Mr. Baxter Mr. Tho. Webfter, See. MelT Fuller and Cope, andMeff Drummon d?, Bankers The Afyium, orHoufe ol Re- fuge for Orphan Girls near Weftminft-r Bridge, infli- cted 1758. Earl of Litchfield, Prefident Vice Prefidents. Sir Arch. Croft, Bart. Sir James Dafhwood, Bart. Sir Thomas Hankey, Knt, Afheton Curzon, Efq: Peter Delme, Efqj Mr. Benj. Day, Treafurer Rev. F.KelleyMaxwell, M.A. Chaplain and Secretary Dr, Rich. Jebb, Phyfician Mr. Abra. Wharley Hum- phreys, Mr. Sam. Howard, Surgeons 5 Mofes Paul Jul- Hot, Apothecary Magdalen House, Good man’s Fields, inflituted 1758. Patroness, the QUEEN The Earl of Hei tford, Pref. XV* Romney, xEarl Percy, Sir Alex. Grant, Bart. Rob. Dingley, Efq; Vice- pref. John Barker, Efq; Treaf. Abra. Venter bottom, Sec. Dr. Wm, Siunders Phyfi. Wm. Lucas, P. Barling,. Surg. Edw. Curtis, JohnPearce, Hen- Henry Ha/key, Apothecaries Rev^. Mr. Dobey, Chapl. [ohn Lander, Steward EJiz. Butler, Matron Ehz^ Fea, Afiifiant Matron VV, Vale ,W. Wilfon, MelTengers Weltminfter New Lying-in Hofpital, near Welfminfler Bridge, on the Surry Side. Inflituted by Subfcription in 1765. xEarl Percy perpetual Prefident Sir Edward Aflley, Bart. XSir Jof MawbeyBart xTho?. Dundas, Efq; J. Crewe, Efq; Major General George Wil- liamfon, Tho Hearne, Efq; Vice Prefidents Mr. Rich. Dixon, Treafhrer Rev. Mr. Stainefby* Chaplain Dr . John Leake, Phyfician and Man Midwife Dr. James Ford, Phyfician and Man Midwife extraordinary Dr. John Brickenden, confult- ing Phyfician Mr. Abraham Wharley Hum- phreys, Surgeon Mr. John Bewley Rich, Sec. Mr Wm. Davies, Receiver Mrs. Eliz. Greenham, Matron and Midwife MefTrs Drummond and Co# Child and Co. Fuller and Co. Bankers UNI Colleges. Univerfity Balioi Merton Exeter Oriel ^ue.on’s Sew College Lincoln VERSITY of OXFORD. Founded. Heads of Colleges. Elcfted. 872 1262 1274 1316 1337 * 34 ° 1 37 5 Nath. Wetherell, DD mailer Theo. Leigh, DD mailer Henry Barton, DD warden Francis Webber, DD reftor John Clark, DD provoll _ r w Thomas Fotheipill, DD provoll 17C „ „ J 0 ^ n Ogjander MA warden 176,. 1427 -Rid^ard Hutchins, DD lector 55 1764 27 S 9 * 75 ° 1768. ( *34 ) Hon. Jnhn Tracy, DD warden 176' George Horne, DD Prefident 176 Fran, Yarborough, DD principal 174 Tho. Randolph, DD prefident 4^ William Markham, LLD dean 176; Geo. Huddesford, DD prefident 3. Thomas Fry, DD prefident 175 : Jofeph Hoare, DD principal 2764) Geo. Windham, DD warden 4 ‘ John RatclifFe, DD mailer I 73 ‘| Wm Gower, DD provoft 273* David Durell, DD principal 175; j Halls belonging to Alban, Merton Col. Francis Randolph, DD principal 175* ] Edmund, Queen's Col. Geo. Dixon, DD principal 176* St M ry, Oriel College, Tho. Nowell, DD principal 176. New Inn, New Col. Robert Chambers, LLB principal 176* Magdalen, Magd. Col. Wm Denifon, DD principal 175, Chancellor , The Earl of Litchfield, elebled in 1762. High Steward, Lord Leigh, appointed in 1767. Viet Chancellory Nathan. Wetterell, DD (fecond year) Deputy Steward , Randle Wilbraham, Efq; LLD PRO- VICE-CHANCELLORS, All Souls 1437 Magdalen 1449 Brazen Nofe 1511 Corpus Chrifti 1516 Chrift Church 1532 Trinity 1 55 5 St John’s 1 5 S 7 Jelus iS 7 i Wadham 1613 Pembroke 1620 Worcefier 1713 Hartford 1740 David Durell, DD Thom3$ Fothergill,DD Prottors. James Norman, MA PROFESSORS. Regius Profefior of Divinity Ditto Civil Law Ditto Phyfic Ditto Hebrew Ditto Greek Ditto Modern Hiftory and 7 Languages $ Margaret Prof, of Divinity Savil. Profefior in Aftronomy Ditto Geometry Profefior of Nat. Philofophy Ditto of Moral Philofophy Camden, Profefior of Hiftory Abp. Laud's Prof, of Arabic Ld Almoner’s Prof, of Arabic Reader in Anatomy Vinerian Profefior of the? Laws of England £ Praeleftor in Chcraiftry George Horne, DD Juhn Clarke, DD Henry Mayer, MA Appointed or ele&e Edw. Bentham, DD Robert Vanfittart, LLD John Kelly, MD Tho. Hunt, DD FRS William Sharp, DD John Vivyan, MA Tho. Randolph, DD T. Homfby, MA FRS J ohn Smith, MD ienj. Wheeler, MA James Bandinel, MA John Warneford, BD Tho. Hunt, DD FRS Richard Browne, DD John Parfons, MB Robt. Chambers, LLB John Smith, MD * 173 1 i7« 176! *74 43 1767 3i 176: ! 7j! >73 j *752 * 75 : 176 Univerfity Orator Keeper ol Bodleian Library Cuftos Archivorum Keeper of Aihmolean Mufeum RadclifFe Library L -33 J Thomas Nowell, D D Profeflor of Botany Profeftbr of Poetry ■ — —Mujc u. Univerfity Regifter Efquire Beadles Yeomen Beadles Virger Glerk Lent Barter Art Michaelmas — John Price, B. D. John Swinton, P. D. Wm. Huddesford, M A Beni. Kennicott, D. D. Hum. Sibthorpe, M D B-nj. Wheeler, M A Wm. Haves, Mnf. D i?rr UNIVERSITY OFFICERS. Samuel Forfter, LLD C Wilham Walker, M A of Divinity < Robert Eyton, M A of Phyfic and Arts L Richard Paget, M A of Law { James Arnold, of Divinity James Thompfon of Phyfic and Arts Charles Cox, of Law William Matthews Thomas Wife OXFORD Terms in 1773. begins Jan. 14 ends April 25 • June 13 % October ij Oxford Acl, July 7. April 7 May 31 July 1+ Dec. 17 UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE. 1 343 Chancellor High Steward Coll, and Halls. Peter Houle Clare Hall Pembroke Hall Corpus Chrirti 7 or Benet Coll. 5 1 Trinity Hail *35° Gonvil and Caius 1348 King’s 14.41 Queen’s IJ.48 Catherine Hall 1475 Jefus College 1496 thrift’s jcoe 17^8 St. John’s Magdalen Trinity Emanuel Sidney The Duke of Grafton Earl of Hardw cke _ Founded . Heads of Colleges. Ele&edT Xl 57 The Bp. of Carlifle, D D mafter 17^4 1:26 Pe . Ste. Goddard, D D matter 1762 Rog. Long, DD FRS mafter 1733 J. Barnardirton, D D mafter 1764 Jas. Marriott, LLD mafter 1764 John Smith, D D mafter 1 764 John Sumner, D D provoft 17 5 £ Robert Plumptre, D D prefident 1760 Kendrick Preicot, D D ,er 1747 Lyndford Caryl, DD mafter 1 ~ Hugh Thomas, DD mafter Wm. S. Powell, DD mafter 176^ George Sandby, DD mafter 1760 The Bp. of Peterborough mafter 176^ Wm. Richardfon, D D mafter 1-3 6 Wm.Ellifton, DD mafter 1709 '•CAPUT clewed October 12, 1 769* i Pro&ors Moderators Scrutators Taxers J502 Margaret Prof, >540 Regius Prof, of Divinity x -40 of Law of-Phylic Cafuiftical Profeftor J 540 Hebrew Profeflor I f 1 1 Greek ProfelTor 1663 Mathematical Profe/Tor 1632 Arabic ProfefTor 1704 Plumian Exper. Philof. 17,9 Agronomy, Lov\ ndes’s Anatomy r ] , -Wm. Richardfon, D D. Emanuel Vice Chanceiior John Smith, DD. Cains Col. Trinit Sam. HalJifax, L L D. Law Ruffrl Plumptre, M D. Pliyfic Ja, Brown, M A. Senior Non Regen William Collar, M A. Tr.n. Col c Senior Regent C Jofhua Wigley, M A. Chrift Col. I William Oldham, M A. Pet. Col. C fobn Law, M A Chrift Col. I Robert Graham, M A Trinity Col. s William Dalton, M A Catherine Hal l Edward Ha v\ kins, h D Tiinity Col. S Th mas Prcfton, M A Queen’s Col. t John Hutton, M A St. John’s Col of Div. Zachary Brooke,. DD 17 6t T. Rutherforth, DD FRS 17 Wm. Ridlington, L L D 175$ Rullel Plumptre, M D Rob. Plumptre, D D William Difney, B D Michael Lort. ii D Edw. Waring, MD FRS Sam. Halllfax, L L D Th? 5c:'i tin f teefe b aft Ro’hfif 1764 it |l;56 St; I Crra 1 1 -43 H; ]6 Tafler Michaelmas Odlober io Commencement 1 , July Dec. 16 r 2^7 j A LIST of the PEERS of SCOTLAND. The Sixteen Peers marked thus * are eddied to re ore lent the* Scots Peeiage in theHcufeof Lords, f Peers of Great Bri- tain Jikewife. § Iriih Peers. || Minors. 4 - Reman Ca- tholic. Sons X ar e Members of the Koufe of Commons* £ are Baronets, Dukes of the Flood Royal 2. Ro^hfay ||f Geo. Auguftus, Prince of Wales, Earl of Carrie k 1764 Edinburgh f William Henrv, Duke of Gloucefter 1766 Strathern f Henry Frederick* Duke of Cumberland Dukes 9 . Names. [[Douglas Hamilton f Henry Scott 7 Charles Lerox * Alexander Gordon f Charles D^ug'as *Jonn Campbell *John Murray f Wiiih*nr Graham f John Kerr Mar qj; iss ls 3. ||joh% Hay * Win. Henry Kerr G.V.BerKt. lohnfeon L. Johnfcon Earls j y . George Li nd$ fay % James Hay of Sutherland Creat. Ti le. * 1643 Hamilton Buccleugh Lencx Gordon Queeufbury Argyll Atcoll Montrofe R.xbursh * 6-73 *|75 j6 H 4 1684 i-°3 17c 3 1707 1707 1694 1701 J 7 cx Tweedale Lothian Ann and ale Eldeft Sons. M. of Clyfdale E. of Dalke.th E. of DarnJv M. of Hunt:y M. of Drumlanrig M . of Loi n M. of Tullibardin M. of Graham M. of i eaumont L. Yefter £. of Ancram 1 399 1452. T 45 7 U>7 1469 148s 1503 1509 1556 1 56 1 1604 16^ 1606 } 606 16:9 Crawford Errol Eliz, Ceuntefs Rothes Morton Buchan Giencairn Eglingtoun CaOils Caithnefs Moray Home Wig’on Strathmore A her coin Kelly John Leflie C. Sholto Deugks, Dav d Zrikme, 1 1 d William Coniflgham Arch. Montgomery Thomas Kennedy Sinclair Francis Stewart Alexander Home Hamilton Fleming * John Lyon *§James Hamilton Alexander Erlkine X 2 V. Oarnock Lord Hay LorJ Strathnavrr L. Lefie L. Aberdour L. Cardrofs, L. Kilmaurs L. Montgomery L. Kennedy * L. Berindale L. Down L. Dunglafs L. Firming L. Ghmis L. Paifley V, Fenton 1 6 19 Haddington 1623 Galloway J623 Lauderdale 1633 Loudoun 1633 Kinnoul 1633 Dumfries Stair 1633 Elgin and 7 Kincardin 3 3633 Dalhnufie 1663 Traquair 1637 Find! a ter & 7 Seafield “ £ 1641 Leven and 7 Melvill 5 1646 Dyfert 1646 Selkirk 1647 Northe/k 1 6 c; I Balcarras 1660 Newburgh 1661 Aboyn 1669 Dundonald 1677 Breadalbane 16S2 Aberdeen 1686 Dunmore 1695 Orkney, 7 Countefs 3 1697 March and 7 Ruglin £ 3697 Marchmont 170! Hyndford 1703 Rofeberry J703 Gtafgow 1703 Bute 1703 Hopetoun 1703 Portmore l;o6 Deloraine 1620 Falkland 1621 S'ormont 1 1 16 Arburthnot 6451 Oxenford 3661 Irwin 3672 Dumblain 1424 Borthwick [ »t8 ] - Thomas Hamilton Alexander Stewart James Maitland *JohnCampbell,fr f "j-Thomas Hay Park. Crighton John Dalrymple Charles Bruce L. Binnv J L. Garlies V. M ithaod L. Mauchlane V. Duppl.n L. Crighton L. Bruce George Ramfay John Stewart James Ogilvy L. Ramfay L. f inton L. Dtik ord David Lcflie Lionel Talmafti D» nbar Douglas George Carnegy James Lindfay 4 - James RadcJifFe George Gordon Thomas Cochran John Campbell b George Gordon b * John Murray Mary Obrien L. Balgony L. Huntingtour L. Dair L. Rofehill L. Cumerland L. Kennard L. Glenlivet L. Cochran L. Glenorchy L. Hoddo L. Fincaftle L. Kirkwall * William Douglas ♦ Hugh Hume, f r f , John Carmichael b *Niel Primrofe David Boyle ♦John Stewart b John Hope, f. r. L Charles Collier Henry Scot Viscounts 6 . Lucius Carey ♦David Murray John Arbuthnot ■ — — Macgill ♦Charles Ingram -JThomas O/borne Barons 32. Henry Borthwick L. Nidparh L. Polwarth L. Carmichael L. Dalmeny L. Boyle L. Maun tile wart L. Hope V. Mil/ingfon V. Hermitage T 3 1436 Forbes 1436 Saltoun 1436 Gray 1436 Cathcart 14:6 Somerville Ij .83 Sempill 148S Mordington I 509, El ph i n Aon 1 509 Oliphant 1 5, 09 Rofs 1563 Torphichen l 5 oi Lindores 1606 Blanfyre 1609 CranAoun 1627 Napier 1627 Fairfax Reay A lion Kircudbright ForreAer Banff Elibank Halkertoun Beihaven Rollo L 2 39 J James Forbes, Lieut. Gov. ot i* t.\\ iiiiatn George Frafer Charles Gray * - * Charles Schaw Cathcart Hugh Somerville Hugh Sempill • Douglas Charles ElphinAon David Oliphant Rofs 1628 1628 i 6 33 1633 l6 *2 1643 1647 1643 1650 1651 1651 16; O 1660 1661 1682 James Sandiland 3 Francis James Lefiie Wm. Stewart James CranAoun Francis Napier, Lord of the Police Henry Fairfax Donald Mackay b Walter AAon William MaJeliah Caroline ForreAer Alexander Ogilvy b Patrck Murray b William Falcdner , James Hamilton Jchn Rollo Col villofCulrofs Alex. Colvil, Rear Adm. of the White Ruthven Newark P.utherford Eellenden Kinnaird James Ruthven William Leflie Alex. Rutheifrrd ||John BelienJen George Kinnaird A List of th Abercromey of B'rkenboig AgnewcfLochna\v28Jul. 1629 AnAruther cf that Ilk Arnot ofthat Ilk, 27 Jul. 1 629 Baird of Saughton-hal^2SFcb. 1695. Bannermao of Eifick, 28 Dec. 16S2. Bennct of Grubbet, iS Nov. 1670 BroYnofColAon, 16 Feb.i686 X 3 v COTS Bahonets. Bruce of Balcafkv, 2 iOc .*683 Burnet of Leycs, 10. Ap. 162S Calder of Moreton, 5 - Not# 1686 Campbel of Ardnamurkan, 12 Jan. 1628 Campbel of Ardkinla?, 23 Mar. 1679 Campbel of Aberuckie Carnegy of Puarrow, 20 Feb. 1663 Clerk of Pennycook, 24 Mer 1679 Cook burn of that Ilk, 24 May 1672 Coningham of Robertlund, 25 Nov. 1630 Coningham of Caprington, 2 Sep. 1669 Coningham of Millcra : g, 3 Feb. 1702 Cumming of Culter, 28 Feb. 1695 DaJmahoy of that Ilk, 12 Dec . 1679 DaJrjmple of North Berwick, 29 Apr. 1698 Dalrymple of New Hales, 8 May 1 ;oo Dalziell of Binns, Nov. 1685 Dick of Prieftfield, 2 Mar, 1677 ( ^40 ) Dickfon of Caiberry, Mar.| j6^ 2 Forbes of Fovcran, 10 Apr, 1700 boulis of Colington,7jun, 1634 Gibfon of Aldiflon, 1702 Gilmour of CraigmiJler, 1 Feb 1 678 Gordon Gordonrtan, 28 May 1625 Gordon of L *fmore, 2 Sept. 1625 Gordon of Dalphully, 8 Feb. 1704 Graham of Gartmore, 28 Tune if 65 Grant of Cullen, 7 Dae. 1705 Grey, q Mar. 1706 GrierfonofLag, 28 Mar. 1685 Halket of Pitfcrran, 27 fan. 166 1 J Hall of Dunglas, 8 0&. 1687 Hamilton of Barnton, 1 Mar. 1695 Don of Newton, 7 June 1667 Deuglas ofGlenbervy, 28 May 162 5 Douglas of KiJhead, 26 Feb. 1668 Dunbar of Durn, 29 Apr 1698 Dunbar of Hemprigs, 21 Dec. 1 /06 FJior of Stob», 3 Dec. *ae6 EJiet of M into, 19 A pi 1700 Elphingfton of Logie, 2 Dec. 1701 Er/kine of Alva, 3oApr. 1666 E/krine of Cam bo, 2oAug. j 666 Fergufon ofKilkerran, 30 Apr. 1703 Fleming of Ferm, 23 Sept. 1661 Fcrbes of Mon:mu/k* 30 Mar Forbes of Craigivar, 20 Apr.l Inglis^f'craroond, ,6 3 ° 1687 Hamilton ofRofehall, 10 Apr. x 7°3 Hay ot Park, 26 Aug. 1663 Hay of Lenplum, 26 Mar. 1667 Hay of Alderfton, i 2 Feb 1703 Henderfon of Fordel, 1 r T U J. 1664 Howbum ofMenrtrie, 21 Jun. 1706 Hopeof Rankiller, 9 Feb 1628 Hope of Carfe, 30 May 1672 Hounffon of that Ilk, 28 Feb. 1688 Hume of Renton Jardin of Applegirth, 25 May 1672 Johnfton of Ca/kibben, 31 Mar. 1626 Johnftone of Wefterhall, 25 Apr. 1700 22 Mar. Keith of 1663 Kennedy of Cullean, 8 Dec. 16S2 K inlock of Gilmerton, 16 Sept. 16S6 Kilpatrick of Clofeburn, 26 Mar. 1685 Lauder of Idin^ton, 17 Jul. 1688 Lauder of Fontainhall, 25 Jan. 1690 Laurie of Maxwelton, 27 Mar. 1685 Levingfton of Weftquarter, 20 May 1699 Lindfav of Evelick, 15 Apr. 1666 Lockhart of Carftairs, 1677 Macdonald of that Ilk, 1 4 July 1625 Mackenzie of Royrton, 8 Feb. 1704 Mackenzie of Granvill and Tarbat, 1628 Maxwel of Calderwcod, 1 1 Mar. 1627 Maxwel of Orcharton, 30 Jun. 1663 Maxwel of Netherpoliock, 12 Aug. 1683 Menzies of that Ilk, 2 Sept. 1665 Mitchell ofWeft/hore, 19 Jun. ! 7*4 Miln of Barnton, 19 Mar. 16S6 Moncrief of that Ilk, 30 Nov. 1683 Mowat of Englifton, 2 Jun. 1664 Munro of Foulis, 1715 Murray of Dalreny, 2 OcL 1630 Murray of Stanhope, 12 Feb. 1664 Murray of Auchtertyre, 5 Jul. M) reton of Gogar,* 28 Jun. 17CO Nairn of Donfinnen, 31 Mar. 1704 Nafmith of Davick, 31 Jul. 1706 Nicholfon of Leiwade, 27 Jul. 1629 Nicholfon of Kemney, 1 3 Apr. 1700 Nifbet of Dean, 2 Dec. 1612 Norcliff of Innis, 29 May 162 5 Ogilvy of Barras, Jul. 1662 Oliphant of Newton, 28 Jul. 1629 Patterfon of Banockburn, 6 Mar. 16S6 Pollock of that Ilk, 30 Nov. 1703 Pringle ofStitchel, 5 Jul. 1683 Prefton, of Craig M;llan Purves of Purve/hall, 3 Jul. 1665 Ram fay of WhitehiJI, 2 Tun. 1 665 Ramfay of BamfF, 3 Dec. 1666 Ramfayof Balmain, 3 Sep. 1685 Riddel of that Ilk, 4May 1628 Rochead of Innerleith, 4 Jun. 1704 Scot of Ancrum, 27 0 &. 1671 Seton of Abercorn, 3 Jun. 1663 Seton of Garleton, 9 Dec. 1 664 Seton of Pitmedden, 12 Dec. 1683 Sinclair of Canefby and Dum- heath, 2 Jan. 1631 SinclairofStevenfon,i8Ju.i636 Sinclair of Lonformacus, 10 Dec. 1664 Stewartof Blair, 2 Jan. 1683 Stewart of AHanbank, ijAug, 2687 ( *41 ) Powburn, 4 June ' Stewart ofCultnefs, 2 9l a n. i 698 Stewart of Goodtreefs, 22Dec. i;o(; Stirling of Glorat, joApr . 1 666 Srrachjn of Thornton, 22 Ma\ 1625 Su? tie oi Balgoun, 5 May 170: Wallace cf Cragie, 8 Mar. 1 67c Wardlaw of Pitrevy, 5 Mar. 1630 ( 242 ) Warrender of Lochcnd, 2 Jun# 1 7 1 5 Wemvs of Bogie, 22 O&. z'jo^. Whitfordof Blairquan 30DCC. 1 701 Wifheart, 17 Jun. 1706 Wood of Bonington, 11 May 1666 Weir of Blackwood Offices of State in Scotlakd. Keeper of the Great Seal. Tail of Marchmont, 3000 1 . a year % Lord Privy Seal, for Life. Right Hon. James Stewart Mackenzie, 3000 1 , Lord Regifter, Right Hon. Loid Campbe 1, 2cool. Vice* Admiral. Earl of March, 1000 1 . Lord Juftice General. Her. Urtier of Parliament. Sir Jas Cockburn, Bt. 3C0L Her. Armour Bearer. Mrs. Seton, of Touch Phyficians. Dr. Gregory and Dr. Home. Dr. Hope, Botanift. Frederick Gilbert Laurie, Efq; Apoth. Dr. Robertfon, Hiftoricgrapher for Scotland, 200 J. Jomes Abercrombie, E£j; Limner. w Duke of Qneenfbury, 2000 L M. Ramfay, Efq; Falconer Lord Prefident. Robert Dundas, Efq; I300I. Ld. Ch. Baron of Exchequer. Robert Oide, i fq; 2000I. Lord Adv cate. J ames Montgomery , Efq ; loool. Lord Juftice Clerk, Thomas Miller, Efq; Keeper of the Signet. Sir Gi bert Eliiot, Bart, of Mioto, for Life. Lord High Conftable. Earlof Errol. Knight Marefchal. James Erfkiue, Efq; 400 1 . 1-Jeretable Keeper of the King’s Houfhold. Duke of Argyl Heretable Carver, Sir John Anfiruther, Par. Cra w ford, Efq;Confervator of Scots Privileges atCamp- vere. Duke of Hamilton, Keeper of | Holyrood-houfe. Dr. Pitcairn, Deputy-keeper. Duke of Athol, Keeper of ! Falkland. Vifcount Stormont, Keeper of I Scoon. • Marquis of Annandale, Keeper I of Lochmaber?. ;Duke 0 Argyle, Keeper of Dunflaffnage and Carirck. Gov. Glen, Keeper of Lin- . lithgow. ( W. Campbell, Efq; Keeper of J of the Wardrobe, 551 1 iS4d Dun. Campbell, Under-keeper, • 40I. ( ) Receiver-General of all Hu Majetty’s Lmd Revenues; and Paymafler of the civil Ettablifhment. John Fordyce, Efq; 650 1 . Geo. lnnes, his Deputy. James Hay, Receiver-general of Bi/hops Rents, 400 1 . John Hamilton, Efq; Matter of the Works, 400 1 . John Robertfon, Clerk of the Stores, 30 1 . Rev. Dr. Alex. Carlifle, Al- monev, 41 1. 13 s. Drs. Robert Wallace, John Dryfdale, George Wifhart, Deans of the Chapel Royal. 60 1. each. Court of Session. Robert Dundas, of Arnitton, Efq; Lord Prefident, 1300I. H is Clerk, Jam. Newbigging. Lords of Seflion, 700 1 . each. Tho. Mi Jar, Efq; Ld. Juftice Clerk. Alex. Frafer, of Strichen. Henry Home, of FCaimes. Alex. Bofwell, of Auchinleck. James Erfkine, of Barjarg. George Brown, of Coltton. Andrew Pringle, of Alemoor James Veitch, of EJLock. John Campbell, of Stoneficld. James Fergufon, of Pitfour. Francis Garden, of Gardentton. Robert Bruce, of Kennet. Sir David Dalrymple, Bart, of New Hales. James Burnet, of Mountbodo. Principal Clerks of the Session. Mr. Thoma> Gibfon. Mr. James Pringle. Mr. W. Kirkpatrick. Mr. Alexander Tait, Mr. David Rofs. Tho. Gibfon, King’s Clerk, Alex. Rofs, Deputy ditto, and Pete* Low, Extractor to ditto. Sir Robert Anttruther and Robert Waddell, Principal Clerks to the Bills. Charles Inglis, Laurence Inglis, and Wm.Sco f , Deputy Clerks The Hon. Baion Maule,Cle k to the Regifter of Safines. Sir Archibald Grant, of Mo- nimulk, Clerk to the Remi- tter of Hornings. xVIr. Jofeph Wilhamfon, Clerk to the CommilJioners of Teinds. Ifaac Grant and Will. Gieig, Deput) Clerks of Hornings and Teinds. Mr. Ja. Robertfon Barclay, Cl. to the Admiflionof Notaries. Andrew' Stevenfon, his Deputy. Andrew Gordon, Keeper of the Minute Book. Court of Justiciary. Charles Duke of Queenfbury, Lord Juftice General, 2000 1 . Thomas Millar, Efq; Lord Juftice Clerk. Commiflioners, 300 1 . each. Alexander Bofwell, of Auchin- leck. Robeit Bruce, of Kennet Henry Home, of Kaims. James Fergufon, of Pitfour. George Brown, ofColfton. James Montgomery, His Ma- jefty’s Advocate, 1000 1 . Mr. Wm. Nairn, Mr. Cofmo Gordon, and Mr. Alexander Murray, Dep. Advocates. HenDundaf$,Efq;Solicitoi*40ol. Ccorge Muir, Principal Clerk, and Alex • Fla t, Deputy. Robert Auld, Wm. Campbell, and Alex Hart, Cir. ( 1 . (&* There was formerly only one Circuit in the year 5 but by the a& abolifhing Heretablc Juri'di&ions in 1748, two Cir cults w f ere appointed to beheld, one in fpring and one in au- tumn, Wor the north, fouth, and weft diftri&s. The times are in the appointment of the Judges. If the Lord Juftice General goes, he has 200 J. for each Circuit. The • Jjftice- Clerk and Commiftioners, when two of them go together, have for every fouth or weft Circuit, ( 244 ) 1 50 I. each, and for the north Circuit, 1 Sol. each. When one of them goes alone to the fouth or weft Circuit, he has 2 5 ° a nd if the north Circuit, And. Fletcher, Efq; Principal Auditor, 1200 1 . Wm. Alfton, Deputy Auditor, 200 1. The Hon. John Maitland Clerk of the Pipe, 200 J. Andrew Hunter, Deputy. Geoige Beam, Clerk. Thomas Belfches, Prefenter, of Signatures, 53]. Rev. Dr. Alexander Cavl)le, Almoner, 41 1 . 13s. 4d.. Alex.Clapperton, AlmonerDe- puty. Lord Belienden, Heretable Dftier, 27 1 1. 10s. Arch; bald Tod, Dep. Uft). 50 1 . James Stewart, George Inglis, HenryMackenzie, and Alex. Taylor a; d Da v. Taylor, At. John Fordyce, E q. Rec. Gen. of Land Rents, t ool. John Hay, Efq; Rec Gen. of Bi/hops Rents, 40c!. 300 J. There are three Deputy Tho. Tod y Examiner, 50 1 , AA it I. /N 1 11 fit* * n ... Advocates, one for each Circuit, cominiftioned by the King Advocate, at <;o j. each. Couat of Exchequer. Rob. Old, Efq; Lord Chief Baron, 2000 1. Barons, 700 I. each. George Winn, Efq; 1200J. John Maule, John Cram, Wm. Mure, Efqrs; 700!. each. Sir Hugh Dalrymple, of North Berwick, Bart. King’s Re- membrancer, 500 1. David Moncriefte, Efq; Deputy ditto and Solicitor, iqo 1 to of of William Burnet, Clerk the Port Bdndy, 40 1 . John Maughan, Rcgifter Resignations, 40 1 . J. Montgomery, Mar/hal Court. [His Majefty gives a bounty of 2000 1 . per Ann . to be diftri- hired* by the Barons tofuch poor oerfor.s as they jud^e proper.] Sir (SI! to, f Mr. A. Cto. S CM Jl SiU Cos! James ]j mes f and J John M James h; COM> Jas. Sic Dark ! 2 f] I Wm. N’j Cta. A> Arch. St* Privy Seal Office. Rt. Hon. Jas. Sruart M‘ Ken- z re r life, 3000 1. Deputy, A!e<. Menz es, Efq; David Kinlork, of G;‘meitod, “Hu •juiiviu/i, 1 ij { j Efq; Vr, ter to the privy Seal. Geo. Clark, Lord Tieafurer’s 1 Deputy, Mr. John . yme, Clcik Remembrancer, 200 1 . * to the Signet, siruilb. Ell.ot, Barf, of Min- to, for life. ■Mr. A. Macmillan, Deputy. S ndv, Under Keeper and Clerk. r Ja. Saunders^ Afliftant Clerk. Co urt of Admiralty, James Earl of March, Lord Vice Admiral icool. James Philp, Judge Admiral, and Jn. Gordon, Judge Dep, John Munro, Procurator Fifcal. Janies Sievenfon Rogers, Clerk . Commissar y Couh t. Jas. Smollet, Jas. Grceme, David Rofs, and Alex. Mur- ray* E ? qj CommifTaries. Wm. Nairn, Principal Dierk. Cha. Abercrombie, Deputy. Arch. Stevenfon, Fifcal. Great Seal 'Office. Hugh Earl of Marchmont, Lord Keeper, joooJ. Mr. Jamei Pringle, Clerk of Seflion, his Deputy. Tho. Cock burn, Ufher and Appender. James Saunders, his Deputy. EfiabLfhmenr or Police. Lord Carhcart, Prefider*,2oocJ Lords ScoJ. each. Alex. Earl of Galloway. Earl Morton FrancisLord Napier. James Earl or Lauderdale. Gentlemen. 400 1. each Lord George Hay. S r Robert Menzies* Alex. Frafer, Efq; Arch. Hope, Efq; Sec; 300I. Hon. John Hamilton, Caffiier, 100I. Hon. Robt. Sandilands, SoJ- iic itor, iocl, Office. Surveyors General. Rob. Laurie, and J-: m es Durham, Efq; Geo. Jnnes, Afiiftant to the Surveyors G eneral. Officers ot ti ie Mint.' A lex. Frafer, of Strichen, Gen- era!, 300 J. Geo. Mackay, Efqj Mailer. 200 J. Jamts Hay, (Clerk to the Sig- net) Warden, i^ol. Jds. Gartlhore, j un . Counter Warden, 60 J. Alexander Gardner, AlTav Mafier, 130 1. 7 Thomas Simpfon,Eneraver, rol Lauchlan Grant, Cleric, 40I. Wm. Richardfon, Smith, 40) . P ost-Office. Robert Oiiphantof Roflie, Efo: Pott-iuafter General. Mr. Alexander Macmillan, Accomptant. Mr. Wm. Jackfon, Sec. and Sol. Thomas Mabane his Cle r k. Mr. David Bennet, Principal Clerk. William Kcr, Infpedlorof 2 V e- Letters. ; Samuel French, his Affiftant. Wm. Ker, Charles Malcolm, and Thomas Matthew, Clerks. * Martin Moubray, Clerk to Foreign-Letters. Lyon Office. John Campbell Hook, Efqj Lord Lyon for life, with re- verfion to his brother, 300 1. Mr. Thomas Brodie, Lyon Deputy, ( 246 Mr. D. Erfkine, Lyon Clerk, and R. Donaldfon, Deputy Clerk. Heralds, 25 I. each. George Brodie. Valentine White. Robert Dods Thomas Hufband. Ken. M'Kenzie. John Douglas Pourfuivants, 1 3I 13 s 4 < ^ eac * 1 * Lord Regifter's Office. Lord Fred. Campbell, Lord Regifter, 2000I. per ann. Tbo. Gibfon, Wm. Kirk- patrick, Ja. Pringle, Alex. Home, Alox. Tait, David Rofs, Deputies. J u Kcr, Alex. Robertfon, Dep. Keepers of Records Chancery. W111. Douglas. Thomas Nicholfon. Wm. Gordon. Wm. Douglas. George Douglas Patrick Begbie. List of Commiflioners and Truftcesfor Fifheries, Manu- factures and Improvements in Scotland. Earl of Findlater Lord Cathcart. Hon. Charles Hope Weir. Lord Prefident. Lord Chief Baron. Lord [uftice Clerk. A. Frafer, of Strichen. Jo.Maule of Inner Keiler,Efq; Lord Kaims, John Grant, Efq; Wm. Mure, of Caldwell# Lord Alemoor. Lord Advocate. Solicitor General. David Kinlock. Walter Scott. Arch. Menzies. G. Clerk. John Mackenzie. Robert Oliphant. David Rofs. D. Flint, Secretary. Rob, Mac pherfon, Deputy David Scott, Efq; Director. William Smith, Principal Clerk Alex. Wacfon, Dep. Director. John Irvine, Clerk. List of the Royal College of Phyficians in Edinburgh. N. B. Thofe in Italic are pro- feflors in the Univerfity. Sir Stuart Threipland, Pref- Dr. Porterfield. Dr. Rutherford, Elector. Sir A. Dick, Bart. Elector. Sir J. Pringle, Ele£t. Dr. Foulis. James Baird, Eleffc John Bofwell, James Lind, Phyfician to the Royal Infirmary, at Hjfiar. Collin Drummond, Elector, Treafurer, and Phyfician to the Royal Infirmary. Francis Home, Eledl. Cenfor Wm. Cumming, at Dorchefter Alex. Stevenfon, at Glafgow, John Fothergill, at London. iVtlliam Cullen , Ek£t 8 c Cenfor. North Vigor, at London, Gregory Grant, Eleft. Alexander Monro % Thomas Glen. Robert Ramfay, John Gardiner, John lhpe % A ll* ' W.iill'T Jimci V Tim, Li Rob. 1’’ And. K don. JfbQr John Me fohaSe Jas. Mi James H JML Artaur > W. Si.p: Wm. M* JsmciSp Wm. Bi Hoi John Ea/I GeiatdVi to the! of Gen M. de S< to his jdb. j Jair.es Mi to the i CouotCj klTor t Univtr sLiccr.tr Jimes He David h'or William i David Spc: Ji« Aikm; J*. Lind. Henry Bil CorcrncT! ol lari of Mi Adam Auftin, Fifeal, 7'fwmas Yeung*. WiiJiam Butter, at Derby. James Walker, at London. Tho, Livin :ftor>, at Aberdeen. Rob. Petrie, at Lincoln. And. Wilfon, at Newcaftle. Maxwell Garthfhore, at Lon- don. John Gregory, Secretary, fohn Morgan, at Penfyl vania, John S eedman. Jas, Makittrick, at Andover, fames Hay. Jofcfib Black, Arthur Nicholfon. W. Slvppen, jun. Wm. MTarlane. J^mes Spence, Durham. Wm. Baylies, Bath. Honorary Fellows. John Earl of Bute. GerardVan Swieten, Phyfician to the Emperor and Emprcfs of Germany. M. de Senac, firft Phyfician to his Moil Chriftian Ma- jefty. James Mounfey, firft Phyfician to the late Emprefs of Rufiia. Count Carbury, Primarius Pro- feflor of Medicine in the Uni verity of Turin. Licentiates in Medicine, fames Houfton. David Horfebrugh. William Abernethy. David Spence, fa. Aikman. Ja. Lind. Henry Balcanquall, Clerk. Governors, &c. of the Bank of Scotland. Earl of Marchmont; Governor. • t / John Forreft, Deputy Governor Ordinary Directors. Thomas Beliches. James Falconar. Laurence Cragie. John IngJis. George Ingiis. James Seaton. James Pringle. Charles St. Clair. Andrew St. Clair. Alexander Tair. Patrick Miller. Extraordinary DIie&o r *, Adam Fairhslm. Jerries Grant, William Hav. Earl of H< peton. Sir John Ingiis. Earl of l even. James Smollet. George War render. Thomas Fairholm. Henry Dundas Wm. Ramfay, A’ex. Houflon. James Spence, Treafurer. Governors, of the Royal Bank of Scotland. •Sir Lau. Dundas, Bart. Gov. The Hon. And. Pringle, Lori Aleinoor, Deputy Governor. Ordinary Dire&ors. Alexander Shairp. David Kinlock. George Brown. Beorge Muir. D 4 V id Andcifon. Sir Robert Murray. Gilbert Laurie, James Guthrie. Lord Ellicck. V $ ' 1 ,1 V \ \ The Hon. Lord Eatjarg; Patrick. Home. George Burgefs. George BaiJlie. John Buchan. John RtiBeiJ. Chares Broun. Hr. Robert Fir. Jay. Sir James Douglas. John Campbell, 7 _ - . George Innes, 5 ^ a ^ lers * " T— Excise-Office. Alexander Udny. Richard Dauber. t *4* ) James Rafflfay. Robert Laurie. John Hepburn, Alexander Thomson# Edward Broughton. James Lowndes, Accomptants. VVaJteiMoiton and Allan Begg, ABjflant Accomptants. Robert Ranee, Store-keeper. Cath. Erfkine, Hou fe-keeper. _ Stamp-Office. Alex. Menzies, Efq; Head Diftributor and Colle&or James Bailie, Deputy ^vciiciiu L/uuoer. jtiuico oaine, ueputy Tho. Lockhart, Geo. Brown. Mr. Geo. Duncan, Compt, and Gilbert Laurie, E%; Thomas Skey, Deputy Commiflioners, 5C0 1. * Mr. John Pringle, Diftributor Stephen Penny, Comptroller, * or Edinburgh and Leith for himfelfand Clerks, 600 1 Thomas Biair, his Clerk Walter Coffer, firft Clerk to Sir J ohn Stuart, Bart. Solicitor the Comptroller. George Innes, Infpecfor JohnThompfon, Secretary, for Officers of his Majefty's Re- lelt and Clerks, 440 J. venues olCufloms, Salt Duty Jo hi Caw, fir/l Clerk to the and Seizures. Secretary. Mansfield Cardonnel Wm. Williams, Auditor, for Jofeph Tudor fclf and Clerks, s 10 1 . G. Clerk Maxwell Geo. Frafcr, Dep. Auditor. Bafil Cockrane ^Val. Scott, Cafhier, for fclf John Weft: and Clerks, 550 1. Commiflioners cool. Alexander Alifon,Deputy Cafli- Wm. Nelthorpe, Secretary, c’ er ', . for felf and Clerks, 6 10I. sL”: co ,™ 1' c “" a v *c?% ** T rSfH2?fw"t. S0 lii!? r ' f " S“,ich Mojfc , Da.MR.IJ, felf and Clerks, i 3 o I TnFn M. 7 and Adam Cardonel, Clerks J n Macgowan, Aflirtant Sir Robert Murray, Receiver Solictor, l o I. General, for felf L Clerk" Mil. Rowe, Agent at London, 3 3ol. * Id^wift, and Robert Chalmers, ^ Stevenfo »> Clerk, RiSsr ,,o, “ 1 ’ I i ^ » xrrca. • r ’ Aetomptants, •A^fonfs. Cf, Stcre-keeper. . *>0£cc, — Head :: izi Collcfior *• Deputy "•lean, Compt, % Deputy ' ■ DiMutor i‘ -it Leith it. kis Clerk * Solicitor -■ Ic:;efior 1 Majefty’i Re- Ca si!, Salt Duty rc. rxinel If [znrdl ax CTjCof. trpe, Secret/?, i Gflk', 6joL fcatpoerj, firft fiL >. DitidRcid, : Cri'ad, Clerks M'jny, Recmer wfci/aad Cldcs, cic, £;fi Clerk, p. Efo Cofflp- yni, ht fclf iad r 4 " [ ?40 ] Rich . Gardner, A fiiftant, iool. Samuel Charteris, Solicitor, for ftlf and Clerks, 300k John Margowanj and John Davidfon, Affifti-at Solicitor- John Cunningham anHTdon. Ja. Colvile, Infpe£tors General of Out- Ports, 130I. each. jnfpe^or of Imports and Exports, icol. David Rofs, Robert Menzies, Clerks John Mackenz : e, Examiner ol Cuftoms, iool. George Gardner, Examiner of Salt, 1 50I. John Nifbet, Supervifor Ge- neral ofthe Salt Duty, 1 50I. Sloops. Commanders. Pr. William Alex. Read Princefs Anne James Kyd PrincefsCaroline John Read Pr. of Wales C. Campbell Com braes Wh. A. Crawford Gid. Shaw, Afiiftant Reg.fter General of Tobacco, i 50I. William Anderfon, Gcorp.e Neil, and John Mackintolli Clerks George Middleton, Infpe&j/r of Seizures G° orge Ogilvie, Clerk Alexander Gray, Regifter of Seizures, 50I. Thomas Matthew, Clerk Charles Sinclair, Infpecfor of’ Securities, 70I. Richard Gardner, Deputy fofeph Douglas, Regifter of Shipping, 5ch George Neil, Clerk Ifabell Rowley, Haufe-keeper Mates. Edw. Gorden Alex. Houfton Alex. Law M. Campbell John Ritchie Stations. Eaft Coaft Ditto Ditto Wed Coaft Ditto The Uni verfi ties in S C 1) T L A N D. St. ANDRE W S. Chance' lor, Earl of Kinnoul Tho. Tullideph, D. D. Princi- pal Ja. Simfon, M. D Midicir.e William Wiikie, Nat. Phil. John Young, Mor. Philofoph} J. Vilant, Math? mat. John Cook, Greek Geo. Haddo, M. !>. Hebrew Alex. Morton, Humanity Robert VVacfon. Lngic Geo. Foieft, Civil Hiftory. NEW COLLEGE. James Murifon, Principal Andrew Shaw, Divinity, fcasliilt /i Um Wm. Brown, Church Hifr, Geo. Haddo, Hebrew. GLASGOW. ChioceJlor, Duke of Montrofe v ir Adam Fer^ufon, Reflor. Rev, John Crofs, Dean cf Faculty, Rcflor W. Lecchman, D D. Principal R. Trail, D. D. Divinity fames More, L. L. D. G r eck John Miller, Civil and Scofcs Law Tho. Reid, D. D. Mor. Phil. . John William fon, M^th.- james Clow, Logic r 2 5 ° i John Anderfon, F.R. S. Nat. A. Monro, M. D. An atomy PKiJ. George Mir.rhead, Humanity AJexandcrStcvenfon, Medicine T. Hamilton, Anatomy Peter Cuming, Oriental Lang A lex. Wilfon, PracL Aftr \Vm. Wi ip.ht, H-.ftory I ho. Young, M. D. Mid- winery Fr. Home, M.D. Materia Med, fa. Roberrfon, librarian ABERDEEN. King’s College. Chancellor E. cf Finlafer George Middleton, ECq 3 Rec- t( r John Chalmcm, Principal John Lumiiden, Divinity Wm. Thom, Civil Law Sir AJex. Gordon, Medic. T. Gordon, Humanity Red. Macleod, Sub. Prin. William OgiJvie, Humanity fohn Lefley, Creek James Dunbar, Philof. John Roft, Orient. Lang. Marifchal College. Chancellor, Earl of Bute Rc&or George Campbell, D. D. Prin-' cipal AI. Gerrard,D.D. Divinity Wm. Traill, Mayhem. Franc s Skeen, Philosophy George Skeen, Philofophy J-tnes ueattie, Philofophy A. Donaldfon, M. D. Mcdi. Litto Oifent. Lang, William Kennedy, Greek Iahu. Lieutenant General, and General Governor ot Ireland, His Excellency George Tovv.nshend, Vifcount 1 ownshe^d. His Mije fly’s mofi Honourable Privy Coun C .*! R chard Lord Pr.mae of aU John, Lord Arch bp of Tuam i»e«und James, Duke of ieinfter Jamo, Laron L:,r°rd, Lord Alexander, Farl , f Antrim Chancellor of Irtlard Tlv mas, Earl of Weftrreath L . d j A / C ': b ' 1 - ( l D " b,in Ar:hu C Earl ol Donegal Michael, Ld. Archbp. cf Ca/hell EDINBURGH Patron, the KING. W. Robert fon, D. D. Princ Rt. Ham.lton, D. D. Divinity Rt. Cuming, Ch. Hift. James Robert Ton, Hebrew James Stevenfon, Philofophy Robert Hunter, Greek Cerrge S'ewart, Humanity Matthew Stuart, Mathematical Adam Fergufon, Mor. PliiJ, James Ruflel, Nat. PhiJ. f. Pringle, Hiftory Wm. Wallace, Scotch Law RobertDick, Civil Law Ja. Balfour, Law Nat. and Nations K'-gh Blair, D D. Rhetoric John H^pe, M. D. Botany John Gregory, M. D. Pia Earl of Lare/borough James, Earl of Clanbr>tfil Robert, Earl of Belvideie Thomas, Earl of Louth Arthur, Earl of Arran Robert, Earl of Farnham Thomas, Earl c f Howth James, Earl of Atercorn Francis, Earl of Hertford, K G Richard, Vifcount Fitz. Wil- liam, K. B. Robert, Vifcount Joce’yn Henry, Vilcount Convnghnm Arthur, Vifcount Dungannon Francis, Vifc. Beauchamp Robert. Vifcount. Clare Henry, Lord Bifhop of Meath Frederick, Ld Bi/hop of Derry James, Baron Tyrawley jofeph, Baron Milton William, Baron Branden John, Baron Annaly, Ld Ch. Juftice of the King’s Bench John Baron Carysfort, K. B, John Ponfonby, Speaker of the Houfeof Commons John Beresford 5 1 J . , Plu'ip Ti Mall,’ principal Secre- tary of State Wu’iaai Gerard Hamilton, Chanc. of the Exchequer Rd. Rigbv, matter of the Rolls Ja s. Grenville, JoimViceTreaf. Richard Clayton, Lord Chief Jutticeof th* Common Pleas Anthony Fotter, Lord Chief Baron ofthr Exchequer Sir William Fownes, Bart. Sir William York 0 , Bart. Sir W iliam Mavne, Bart. Sir Edward Walp le, K. B, Sir Richard Atton, Knt. Sir Robert D ane Sir Thomas Maude S r Henry Cavenlih Edward Wcfton. St. George Caulfeild. Anthony Malone. Hercules Langford Rowley. . Lord Frederick Campbell Henry Seymour Conway. Wm. Henry Fortefcue. Nathaniel Clements. Francis Andrews. Thomas Conolly. John Hely Hutchinfon.. William Brownlow. Owen Wynne William Pole. Auguttus Hervey. Theo. Jones. The Lords of Parliament, and Peers of Ireland. Printed in the moft correct manner purfuant to Order of the Right Hon. the Houfe of Peers. Name. Title. Creation. HIS R. H. Wm. Hen. E. of Conaught, E D. J764. His R. H. Henry Frederick E. of Dublin, E. D. 1766 Lord Chancellor, Right Hon. James Hewitt, Lord Liftord Archbishops Promotion. 1 DR. Richard Robinfon Armagh, primate of ? Y 3 All Ireland , S'* Dr. Arthur Smith Dr. Michael Cox Dr. John Ryder Duke J AMES Fitz-Gerald Lcinflcr, E. V. Earls. JOHN Smith deC rj • - Burgh, F. R. S. I CIanncarde Edmund BoyJc | Alexander M’Donnel r I homas Nugent Bali I Fielding Edward Brabazon Richard Barry J Arthur Chicheffer • w ord Lambart illiam OFryen ^ Charles Hen. Coote Charles Moore * George Talbot (j George Fcrbcs i! Will, Fite-WiJiiam J Fr. Tho. Fitz -Maurice 77 66 *754 ( 252 ) Dublin, prim, of I tel Cafhel, pr. of Munrter Tuam, pr of Conaught 3752 Creation. EJdeft Sens. J;66 M. of KiJdare Lor ds . E B. John Bligh § John Child John Perceval William -Pon fon by § X Ralph Ve*ney I William Maule _ , ^ O. dc la Poer BeresfordTyrone Somerset Ham*. Butler Carrick CharlesWatfonWent- C worth 1 Wills Hill J* John Fitzpatrick William Petty Richard Poyle § Clotwor. Skeffington Maflar eene RrinGey Butler Lane/borough T fames Hamilton Clanbrafil " Robert Rcchfort PeJvidere t Tercy V/yndh. OBricaThomond ^ John Vv r ar deifvrd Wandeffoxd 1543 Dunkellyn I660 Dungarvan 1620 Dunhice 1621 Delvin 1622 Fielding 1627 Brabazon 1627 Buttevant 1647 Chichefber 1647 Lambart Inchiquin, K. B. 1654 OBryen Mount rath 1660 Caftle-Coote Drogheda 1661 Moore Wat.&Wex, E.E. 1661 Talbot Granard 1684 Forbes Fitz- William 7 t r E p Sl/io Mil town ^ err y 7722 Clan -Mao rice Antrim Weil rhea th Dcfmcnd, E. E. Mearh Parry mere Donegal! Cavan Darnley, E. B. 1725 Clifton Tylney o/CafUem 1731 Caftlemaine Egmont, E. B. 1733 Perceval Eefsborough, E.B. 1739 Duncannon Verney 17 42 Fermanagh Panmure cf Forth 1743 Maule 1746 Eeres^ord Malton, £. M. K. G. Hillibor E. B. Upper OfTory Shelburne, E. Shannon 1 1748 Ikerri* 1750 Malton 1751 Kilwarlin 1751 Gowran* 1753 Fitz-Maurice 1756 Boyle 1756 Loughneagh 1756 Newton 1756 Limerick 1 756 Bell field 1 / 56 Ibrickan 2758 CafikeomfT 7 hcmai J James IV' fan t I Peter Utfw j Go xf. Car*, f John Ri^ 1 (j Arthur Gcrr James Stcffad Jofcph Le on RoiefM’rv* 1 Rohe* fUP' Jjrr.es Citifed John Sink Edw.Tcrwrr JTLcmiiTitf- Thomu Lri Chrrlcj C#r*. $ Edward K if edmuvd p William VTt 1 Arthur An ohn Ntccm ohn N«r.h.: Richd. Ltsrrk Ret. Philips I Philip Wei 1 Franc* Ti; Charles Jc-.rj Richard AH 71 f Charier Gr?i Richard Fitx \ Charles Cfcica Thomas Ch;ri J Jama fieik’ * Henry Barni Gforge Chela W John Dm f Wilimct V? §t Richard He yfames Ham* I Richard Nad 1 William Che Thomas Bermingham I James Duff Oarrar WeJlefly J Peter Ludlow if George Carpenter § John Rawdon § Arthur Gore James Stopford Jofeph Lee ion Robert Max well Robert Knight James Cawlfieid John S a vile Edw. Tumour § Thomas Taylor Thomas St. Lawrence Charles Coote § Edward K ng V I EDMUND Butler William Vil’ers § Arthur A nnefy John Ncttervilje John Needham Richd. Lnmley Saundenoa Rev. Philip Smyfhe § Philip Weaman * Francis Taafte Charles [ones Richard JVfolyn^jax * Charles Gregory Fairfax Richard Fitz William Charles Cockaine Thomas Charles Tracy ' It James Bulkley I s * Henry Barnwall George Cholmondeley f 9't John Sawney, 1 Willmot Vaughan ; t Richard Howe ^ fames Hamilton || Richard Na*flau Molefworth f William Chetwynd >] George Brodrick 1759 Athenry I7C9 Macduff 1760 Wellefiy 1760 Prefton 1761 Carlmgfcrd 176 1 Rawdon 1762 Sudley 1762 St^p^ord 1763-RuLboTOugh 1763 Maxwell 1763 Barrels I763 Caulfield 1765 Pollington 1765 Tumour 1766 Headfort 1767 St. Lawrence LoU 53 ’ Fife Mr r lington Ludlow Tvrccnnel Moira Arran G ^ur town Miltown Farnharn Catherlough Charlemount MexboroughK.B. Win ter ton Eeflive Howth Eellamont, K» B. 1767 Collocny Kingtlon 1768 Kingfton S C O U N T S. Mountgarret 15 50 Grandifon 1^20 Valentia E. E. 1621 Netterviile of Douth 1622 Kilmory 1625 Lumley of Waterf. E. E. 1628 Strangford 1628 Wenman of Tuam 1628 Taaffe of Corren 1628 Ranelagh 1628 Molyneux of Marybor. 1628 Fairfax of Emley 1628 Fitz-Wm.ofMeryong, 7 , K. B Cullen 1642 Tracy of Rathcoold 1642 Bulkely of Cafliell *643 Barnwall of Kinfiand 1646 Cholmondeley of Kells 7 ,, E.E.K.B. S 66 Downe 1680 Li/burne 1695 Howe 1701 Sfrabane S, E. 1701 Molefworth of Swords 1716 Chetwynd of Bearhavea 1717 Midleton 1117 \ \ “*Wr l r |1 ( 2 Frederick Hamilton J Jofhua Ailcn § James Grimfion J Wm. Wilciman Barrington William Vane § \ Wm. Hall Gage J Henry Temple J John Bateman J William Mondton Arundell Richard Wingfield William Flower Robert Jocelyn J Henry Convngham John Ligonicr H Redmond Harvey Morres ^ Stephen Moore Arthur Hill Trevor William Annefiy ^ John Meade Keneth Mackenzie £ Robert Nugent John Browne \ Ralph Gore Henry Loftus B I S H HON. Dr. Henry Maxwell Dr. Charles Jackfon Dr. Jemmatt Brown Dr. Richard Chenevix Dr Nicholas Synge Dr. James Leflie Dr. John Craddock Dr. John Garnet Dr. Samuel Hutchinfon Dr. William Gore Dr. Dennifon Cumberland Dr. John Ofwakl Dr. Edward Young Dr. Charles Dodg on Dr. James Trail Dr. William Newcome Hon. Frelerick Heryey Charles Agar, D D 54) Boyne Allen Grimfton Barrington of Ardglafs Vane Gage of Caftle-lfland Palmerfton Bateman Galway Powerlcourt of Powerfc. A fh brook Jocelyn Conyngham Ligonier of Enniskil- len, and Ligon Clonmell E.E Mount - Morres, of Caftle-Morres Mount-Cafhel Dungannon Glenrawly Clanwilliam Fortrofe niskil- 1 i ►nier of > l.k.b. y 1717 17.17 1719 1720 1 720 1720 1722 17*5 1727 T 743 J 75 r 1755 1756 :<7 762 Clare Weftport Belli fie Lofcus O P S. Meath Kildare Corke and Rofs Waterford and Lifmore Killaloe and Kelfenora , 7 6 3 lH( 1765 1765 1766 176 6 1 766 1 766 1768 1768 Promotions, 1766 1766 1745 *745 * 745 JpflK ktex ♦ JwwB*. " ^ChiilnMr Htffj D :':j Qdvj.Vfr C V Fcede.u k G Bemet Sr." f ri l Francis Hi ^ " * Joha E knrj A rimer Orwajr C:r : Toixer Fortrfoe Thcoui Vdey oha Proby Joieph Dim rr Uf. Mich. Pin William Crate ’ohn Ljlatht Wm. W;!!:- Lrm. Ardfort & Aghadoe 1755 JlTsher Kilmore Clogher Killala and Achonry Elphin Clonf. & Kilmacduage Raphoe Leigh lin and Femes Oficry Down and Connor Dromore Derry Cloyne JOrti Roberta.? antij Vtrtv Drigue Bljji ft ba biritlotd 175 7 J758 1759 I 762 1763 j 7 6 3 i 7 6 j 1765 [ George Pipe in Core ’isihn-iae PL' : ■ Ctns % Ala.Sjcj '•buh’m C:tV- 7 6 i< mbqo Ls'.ti Mime, Creation, JOHN de Coiircy * James Burler § Charles Maynard, Henry Digby Cadwalladcr Elayney Frederick Calvert Rennet Sherrard § Francis Hawley * John Bd lew James O Hara Francis Seymour Conway ^ Oeorge Evans ) Thomas Geo. Southwell Henry Aylmer Drway CufFe former Fortefcue Aland ) Thomas Vefey ohn Proby * Jofeph Darner -dw. Mich. Pakenham William Cro/bie 'ohn Lyfaght Vm. Willoughby Cole 'abriel Hanger Robert Clive rancis Vernon Drigue Billers O’mius ohn Stratford TsherSt. George George Pigot ohn Gore 'onftan’ine Phipps ames Hewitt Dudley Alex. Sydney Ctlbv kbrahim Creigh:oa ohn Ev>e Simon Luttrell i;8 3 l 2 55 / Title. BARONS, Courcy, . Cahier ^ ^ Maynard ofWickl.E, V.1620 Digby of Gealhell, E. B. 1620 L. Blay. B. of Monaghan 162) Baltimore of Baltimore 1624 L Sher. B.of Letrim.E.E.i 627 L Haul. B. of Donamore 1646 Bellew of Duleck j £86 Tyrawly, and Kilmaine 7 1706 of Kilmaine, 3 1721 Conway Sc Kilultagh, 7 E.E.K.G. S ’$* 7 'Z Carhery of Carbery 1715 Sou. of Cattle- Mattrefs 1717 L Aylmer, B. of Balrath 1718 Defart *73 3 Fortefcue of Credan 1-46 Knapton 17^0 Carysfortof Caryf. K. B. 1-52 Milt of Shrone hiil E, B. 1753 Longford Branden Lille of Mount North C Mount Florence of Flo* C rence Court Coleraine of Coleraine Clive of Plalley, K. B. Orwell of Newrv Waltham of Phi’ipttown 1762 Baltmgldfs Lord St. George B. of Hailey St. George Pigot A nnaly Mid rave Li fiord Sydnev Leix, B. of 7 F, tradbally £ 1,63 Erne 1768 Eyre 1-6 3 Imbam 1763 ( * 5 6 ) Peercfics Baronefs Le Peer Countefs of Brandon Counteis of Crandi- # fon, and V. Vhliers 5 Eiiz. Ormfby Rowley Vifcountefs Langford 1766 .Abbreviation, F,. I). Engli/h Duke ; E. M, Engli/h Marquefs E. E. Enelifh Earl ; S. E. Scots Earl ; E. V. Englifh Vii couiat ; E. B. Englifh Baron ; K. G. Knviht of the Garter K. B. Knight of the Bath ; K. T. Knight of theThi/Hc Commoner of Great Bjitain ; § A Baronet 5 [j A Mi nor ; * A Papifh The Commons of Ireland corrected to the prefent time, No. 300 With an Alphabet of their Surnames, referring to the feve ral Places which they reprefent. The figures inclofed thu ( ) are the number fent by the county. And the Name of the Counties in Capitals. 1. ANTRIM (10) J Lord Vi(c. Beauchamp. * Rt. Hon. Lord Dunluce 2. Borough of Antrim Hon. Hugh Skeffington * Hon. Wm. John Skerfington 3. Borough of Belfaft * Hon. Henry Skeffington * George Hamilton, Efq; 4* Borough of Li/burne Ftancis Price, Efq; Mar. Paterfon, Efq; 5 Borough of Randalftown Charles O Nriil, Efq; John O Neill, Efq; 6. ARMAGH Sir Archibald Achefon, Et. Rt. hon. Wm. Brown low 7. Borough of Armagh Rr. Hon. Philip Tifdail Sir Geo. Macartney, Knt 8. Bo-ough of Charlemount Hon. Francis Caulfeild Annefiey Stew j it, Efq; 9. CARRICFERGUS and Town (2) Hon. John Chichefter. * Conway Rd. Dobbs, Efq; 10. CATHERLOGH (6) Beauchamp Bagenall, Efq; William Burton, Efq; 11. Borough of Catherlogh John Hyde, Efq; * Edward Hoare, Efq; 12. Borough of Old Leighlin ^ir Fitzgerald Aylmer, Bart, * Thomas Monck, Efq; 13. CAVAN (6' Hon. Barry Maxwell. George Montgomery, Efq; 14. B rough of Beirurbet John Cramer, Efq; * George Glover, Eq; 15. Borough of Cavan Rt Hon. Nath. Clements * Thomas Nefbltr, Efq; 16. CLARE f 4 ) Fr. Pierpoint Burton, Efq; Sir Lucius O'B.ien, Bart. 17. Borough of Fnnis Charles M ’Donnell, Efq; * Crofton Vandcleur, Efq; 18. CORK (26) Richard Town fend, Efq, John Hyde, Efq; J 9. Borough of Bakimvre R’tfufJ T ft 1 Sirjotn fr, 10. Town* Thomas A tit Fraucii Eerur 11 . Bofcwfh : Sir J. Cow # AtweJI W v. 11. Brcjp Robert Bjt», Hon. fiaw l l], BofWfl > Ri&i Ftzuuz 24. Otj • Rt.Hoo.Ji.Hr Richard Lotir*. Bnb.PooLu;;., 25. Boroo^i cl Sentlege: Richard Ak ra piiTmn Agmcnd;LU 7 ) • James Keaxaey, 2;. Town or Denham fakir., * Denham je** 28. BoroufS of amej St. Job* J : Edward Bf*er< 29. JBorcn*h of f Abraham Dtrrai JaniQ Butt, E| 3 C.Tnroo< D*noi : , c. : Hokjofaph L71 31 . DOVtC M’Cwi'.a 3’- Botooeh tf i Michstl Clarke, j R'.Hon.F ru(B . 33- B oroafhrf John K^oi ju. LordVit. ^ ' ^ Vile. Sod^ Jf Jenr J f; oei i Richard Tonfcn, Efq; * Sir John Freke, Bart. 20. Town ot Bancon-bridge Thomas Adderley, Efq; Francis Bernard,’ Efq; 2 1 . Borough of CaftJemartvr Sir J. Conway Colthurft, Bart. * Atwell Wood, Er q; 22. Borough of Charlevilie Robert Barry, Efq; * Hon. James Lyfaght 23. Borough of Clognikelty * Riggs Faulkner, Efq; 24. City of Cork Rt. Hon. Jn. Hely Hutchinfcn j R^hard Longfield, Efq; j Brab. Ponfonby, Efq; I 25. Borough of DoneraiJe ! Sentleger Sentleger, Efq; * Richard Aid worth, jun. Efq: 26. Town ofKinfale I Agmondi/ham Vefty, Efq; ! * James Kearney, Efq; 2 7. Town of Mallow Denham Jephfon, fen. Efq; \* Dtnham Jephfon, jun. Efq; 28. Borough of Midleton * J [anies St. John Jeftryes, Efq; * Edward Broderick, Efq; J 29. Borough of Rathcormuck Abraham Devonflier, Efq; I * James Barry, Efq; 30. Town of Youghal I fames Dennis, Efq; I * Hon. Jofepb Lyfaght . 31. DONEGAL (i 2 ) I * Alexander Montgomery,Efq; l* John M’Caufland, Efq; 32. Borough of Ballyfhannon Vfichael Clarke, Efq It. Hon. Francis Andrews 33. Borough of Donegall i ohn Knox, Efq; -ord Vifc, Sudley 34. Borough of Killy beeg3 I ienry Hamilton, Efq; * Thomas Allen, Efq; 35. Borough of Lifford Hon. Abraham Creighton, Hon. John Creighton, Jo. Borough of St. Johnftown William Talbot, fen. Efc: Ralph Howard, Efq; 37- DOWN ( I4 ) Bernard Ward, Efq; Roger Hall, Efq; 3N. Borough of Bangor Bernard Ward, Efq; John Blackwood, Efq; 39. Borough of Downpatrick Matthew Forde, Efq; Hon. F .Charles A nnefley 40. Borough of Hillfborough Hon, Arthur Trevor Wm. Montgomery, Efq; 41. Borough of Killyleagh * Lord Vil'c, Ikerrin Sir Arch. Achefon, Bart. 42. Borough of Newry William Nedham, E'q; Robert Scott, Efq; 43. Borough of Newtown Rt. Hon John Ponfonby Thomas Le Hunte, Efq; 44. DROGHEDA and Town (2) Francis Leigh, Efq; * William Meade, Efq; 45 - DUBLIN (10) Rt. Hon. Lord Brabazon Jofeph Deane, Efq; 46. City of Dublin Marquis of Kildare Dodfor Charles Lucas 47. Univerfity of Dublin Rt Hon. Philip Tifdall Sir Capel Molyneux, Bart. 48. Borough ofNewcaftk Hon. John Butler William Steuart, Efq; 49. Borough of Swards Thomas Cobbe, Efq; ? [ a Hamilton Gorges, Efq; 50. FERMANAGH (4) Mervyn Arclidall, Efq; Sir Arthur Brooke, Bart. 51. Borough of I nfkillcn Richard Gorges, Elq; S i. GALWAY (8) * Lord Dunkellin Dennis Dalv, Efq; * W. P. K. Trench, Efq; 53. Town of Athenry John Blakeney* Efq; * Thcoph. Blakcney, Efq; 54. Town ot Galway James Daly, Efq; Robert French, Lfq; 55. Borough ofTuam * Lt. Col. William Hull Richard Power, Efq; 56. KERRY (8) John Blennerhafict, Efq; * Barry Denny, Efq; 57. Borough of Ardfert Maurice Copinger, Efq; LanceK t Crofbic, Efq; 58. Borough of Dingle-Icouch Maurice Fitz-Gcrald, Efq; Robert Fit-z-Getald, Efq; 59. Borough of Tralee Edward Herbeit, jun. Efq; * Edward Denny, Efq; 6q. KILDARE (10) Sir Kildare Dixon Burrowes,Bt. Arthur Pomeroy, E'q; 61. Borough of Athy * William Burgh, Efq; I *im Bourke, jun l fq; 65. KILKENNY (16V Right Hon. John Ponfonhy, Speaker of the Honourable Houfe of Commons James Agar, jun. Efq; 66. Borough of Cailen Henry Flood, Efq; John Flood, jun. Efq; 67. Borough of St. Cannice, alias Jrifhtown Eland Moflbm, Efq; J Lord Fred. Campbell. 68. Borough of Fnnifteage * Jofeph Matthews, Efq; * Lodge Morres, Efq; 69. Borough ot Gowran Rt. Hon. John Ponfonby. James Agar.jun, Efq; 70. City cf Kilkenny Sir John Rlunden, Bart. *Haydocke Evans Morres, Efq; 71. Borough of Knoflopher Rt. Hon. Sir W. Fownes, Bare. Hercules Langrifhe, Efq; 72. Borough of Thomaftown. James Agar, jun. Efq; * Thomas Maunfell, Efq; 73. KING'S (6) Sir William Parfons, Bart, * John Lloyd, Efq; 74. Borough of Banagher Peter Holmes, JEfq; * Thomas Coghlan, Efq; 75. Borough of Philipflown, Duke Tyrrell, Efq; Hon. R. Rochf. Mcrvyn 76. Leitrim. (6) Rt. Hon. Nathr Clements. 77. Borough ofCarrick, Henry Sandford, Efq; Robert Clements, Efq; 78. Borough of Jameflown, * Hon. James Brow*n, John Fit^gibbon,.Efq; 6c.. Borough ofHarriftown Gerard Fitzgerald, Efq; * Robert Graydon, Efq; * 63. Borough of Kildare Marquis of Kildare 64. Borough of Naas JohniBourke, fen, Efq# 79 * Limerick. ( 3 ) Hugh Mafjy, Efq; Silver Oliver, Efq; * So. Borough of A/keyton. Jofeph Hoare, Efq; * John Tunnadine, Efq; •Si. Borough of Kilmallock, Silver Oliver, Efq; * Wjrndham Qujn, Efq; • 82. City of Limerick. Edmund Sexten Pery, Efq; Charles Smyth, Efq; 83. Londonderry. (8) 1 Rqiht Hon. Tho. Conollv Edward Cary, Efq; 84. Borough of Coleraine. Richard Jackfon, Efq; Rt. Hon. John Bercsford. 85. City of Londonderry. Ri^ht Hon. Fran. Andrews, * Hogh Hill, Efq; 86. Bor. of Newt. Limavady. Col. William Burton. Richard Jones, Efq; 87. Longford, (to) Henry Gore, Efq; * Hon. Robert Pakenham. S 3 . Borough of Granard. Jervais Parker Bufhe, Efq; Rt. Hon. Anthony Alaloiie. 89. Bor. of Lanefborough. William Harward, Efq; * Mathias Erbery, Efq; 90. Borough of Longford. Henry Flood, Efq; David Latouche, jun. E'q; 91. Bor. of St. Johnftcwn, Charles Newcomen, F.fq; Ralph Fetherfton, Efq; 92. Loitth. (10) Jarres Fortcfcue, Efq; John Fofter, Efq; 93. Borough of Atherdee# JohnRuxton, Efq;, George Lowther, Ef 35 - Cfiar. '3E\ 9 Cajt. Hat} >40. Bt. 4 BciadLTv; 3 j 1 ContGcop 141. Sc:.* JotaT#*r zi f Miic: 1 14..B.M/ • ivi Abel Ram, Ex St^hen Rjs, MhH I C lurktlrjBi curm, Lin %■ Rcbm Led, I ♦Aatwa 13S. Bor. of Bannow. * Charles Tottenham, of New Refs, Efq} * Ro ert Helien, Efq; 139. Bor, of Ciomines. Char. Tottenham, of Totten- ham- Green, Efq; * Capt. Henry Loftus J40. Bar. of Ennifcorthy. Beauchamp Bagenal, Efq$" * Corn. Grogan, Efq; J4 1 * Bor. of Fethard. John Tottenham, Efo; * Major Arthur Loftus 142. Bor. of Newborough, alias Gorey. Abel Ram, Efq; Stephen Ram, Efq; 143. Town of New-Rofs. Charles Tottenham, of Ealley- currey, Efq-; Robert Leigh, Efq; * A new member. * 3 144. Bor. of Taghmon*' * John Hatch, Ffq; * James Wilfon, Efq; 145. Town of Wexford. Richard Le Hunte, Efq; Arthur Jones Nevill, E f q; 146. WICKLOW, (ic) Ralph Howard, Efq; Hon. William Brabazon 147. Bor. of Baltingias. Hon. John Stratford Godfrey Lill, Efq; 145. Bor. of Blsfinton. Charles U /her, Efq; * George Sm tb, Efq; 149. Bor. of Carle's fort. Sir William Ofborne, Bait. Rt. Hon. Sir Wm.Mayne,Bart. 150. B^r. of Wicklow Wiiliam Whitfhed, Efq; Edward Tighe, Efq; Great-Britain. J A Commoner of ALPHABET. Ky 3 The figures annexed tc each AW*, tefer to the county or tcivn the Gentleman refrefints. Ac heftnj 6, 4* B*ngham, 97 Adderley, 20 Blackwood, 38 ^ 5 ar ^ 5 , 69 , 72,1 15 Biakeney, 53, ih . A I cock, 131 BJcnnerhaffct, 56 A Id worth, 25 B1 gh, ico Alien, 34 Blundicn, 70 Andrews, 32, 85 Bolton, 13 1 Amnefey, 39 Bourke, 64, ib Archdall, 50 Armftrong, 134 Aylmer, 12 Bagenal, 10, 140 Balfour, 94 B^riy, 22, 29 Beauchamp, 2 Bell field, 132 , Beresford, 84, 127 Bufhe, 88 Beriurd, 20 Butler, 48 Campbell, 67 Cane, 130 Carew, 128 Carv, 83 Cavcndifh, 129 Catilfeild, 8 , 155 Chic heft er, 9 , Clarke, 32 Brabazon, 45, 146 Clements, 1 5,76,77, Brodrick, 28 Cobbe, 49 [ 1 14 Brooke, 50 Coddington, 96 Brown, 78 Co.'hlan, 74 BrownJcw, 6, 126 Colcioueh, 137 Burgh, 6r Cotthurft, 21 Burrowes, 60 Congreve, 127 Burton, 10, 16, 86 Conolly, 83 Cooper, j 16 Coote, 120 Z 2 Copinger, 57 C terry, 122 Cramer, 14, 104 Creighton, 35,1b Cro Krr, 121 Cro/hje, 57 Ct.fte, 97 Cocir.ghame, 107 D*]y, 52, 54 D«;w(or, ic 8 , 11 J Deane, 45 D.nnis, 30 Der.ny, s 6, 59 Devon /her, 29 Dobbs, p Dunkelhn, 52 Dunluce, Erbtry, 89 F.yrc, T34 t Faulkner, 23 ' - > *-3 Fcthcrflon, 91, 136 v. » , n .0 1 HUJJ, 9 I > Fitz-Cerald, 58 ib 62 1 13 Fitz Gibbon, 78 "Flood, 66, ib. 90 Foide, 39 For!efcue92,95, 105, 107 Foftr>. 92, 96, 203 Fownes, 71 F re let, 19 French, 54, 112 Giiborne, 129 Glover, 14 Com, 87 Gorges 49« 5* Craydon, 62 Xiiwan, 98 Knox, 33, 98 125, ib* Lcmbart, 135-, ib. Langri/he, 71 l a Touche, 90 Le Hunte, 43, 145 ( 262 )•* Feigh, 44 , 143 Levinge, joi LiJJ, 147 Lloyd, 73 Loftus, 139, 141, Longfield, 23 Lowther,93,99, 104 Lucas, 46, jc6 L>faght, 22, 30,130 Macartney, 7 M’Caufland, 31 Mac Donnell, 1 7 Mahon, 1 12 MaJone, 88, 132 Grogan, 140 Hall, 37 Hamilton 3,34, 126 Handccck, 133 Hatward, 89 Hatch 144 Hcllen, 138 Heihert, 59 Hill, 85 Hoare,i r, 80 Holmes, 74 Howard, 36, 146 Hull, 55 Hutchinfen, 24 Hyde, it, 18 Jackfon 84 Jeffery es, *28 Jephfon, 27, ib. Jkerrin. 41 Jones, 86 Kearney, 26 Kildare 46, 63 King, 1/3 Mafly, 79 Matthew, 1 1 3 Matthews, 68 Maude, 118 Maunfell, 72 Maxwell, 13 May, 127 Mayotj 249, Me 4 de, 44 Mervyn, 75 Molyneux, 47 Monck, ‘1 2 Montgomery, 13, . 31, 40, 106, 109 Mocre, 102, 1 o £ 220, 124 Morres, 6-8, 70 Mo Horn, 67 - Modfrav, 123 Ned ham, 42 Ncfbirt, 15 Nevill, 145* Newcomen 91 O’Rrien, 16 O Callaghan, 121 ♦ Oliver j 79; 81 O Neil, 5 ib. Ormiby, 117 Olborne, 128, 249 Pakenham, 87 Palmer, in Parnell, no Paifon3, 73 Paterfon, 4 Pe nnef.it her, 2 iry. Pepper, 103 [ib. Pery, 82 Pole, 108 Pomeroy. 60, 105 Ponfonby, 24, 43,65 Power, 55 [69 Prcfton, 103 Price, 4 Qain, 81 Ram, 101, 142 ib. Rofs, 94 Rochfvtt, 123 Rowley, 99 Ruxton, 9 3 Sr. George, 173 Sandford,77> 1 14 Scott, 42 ScnU’tf. ft, Skdhn/o** Smytb, 1;* h Staples, 114 Sxdc ijl SttuJrt, 4I Stewart, f, r. Stratford, 4* Sadiey. •] TilW. 3* V»lmru til, ire fc* thus ♦ aa:i i: Chiacm to be aiwiii | Lc. C0A.V1 Hon .juft f Mirer of Hen. R.:\ JL Drp. Cldc the Ro!!’,J ; j: fee, K&'i-jn Martin - C Jf C.WiJu It jc:a I dnr: It F*di Stephen- freer I 1 A n ; • W.D^re.F. 0 ; ThoruiU. AtIilt if Chancery-lane France H ir> tt 17 -lace Denis George Whits FjjoIi. I 1 Hinapcr, IV HcavSaMu, Sentlege*, 25, 6 j Skefh ngton, 2,ib. Smyth, 82, 14S Staples, J24 Steele 1 36 S ten art, 48 Stewart, 8, 122 Stratford, 147 Sudley, 33 Talbot, 36 Tighe, 100, 1 50 Tifdall, 7, 47 Tonfon, 19 Tottenham, 1 38, 1 141, 143 Townfend, iS Trench, 52 Trevor, 40 Tunn2dine, 80 Tyrrel, 75 Vandcleur, 17 Vefey, 26 Ufher, 148 Waller, 95 Walfh, no 37> 3 8 VVhitfhed, 150 Wilfon, 144 Wood, 21 Wynne, 116, 117 COURT of CHANCERY. Thus J marked in the Four Courts, and all the King’s Coun- cil, are Benchers of the Hon. Society of King’s-lnns. And thus 4- marked, Ccmmiflioners to hear and determine Caules in Chancery, in the Abfence of the Lord Chancellor ; a Judge to be always one. } Ld. CHANCELLOR, Rt. Hon. Jas Hewitt, Ld.LirFoid f Mailer of the Rolls, Rt. Hen. Rich. Rigby Dep. Clerk and Keeper of the Rolls, John Lodge,Efq; Of- fice, King’s-inns Mailers in Chancery, 4. Xf C.Walker,Efq; Peter-fl. X t John Tunnadine, Efq; Big-fhip- flreet Xf Francis Vefey, Efq; Stephen- flreet Thomas Borroughs, Efq; Six Clerks. W. Deane. Efq ; Kennedy’s la Thomas Crcker, Efq; Dar- by- fqu arc Arthur M'Gwire, Efq; Chancery-lane Francis Harvey, Efq 5 Chan- cery -lane Denis KelJy,-Efq;Big-fhip ft. George Purdon Drew, Efq; White Fryer ftreet X Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper, The Honourable Henry Scmour Conway. De- puty Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper, M:chaeiNowlan,Efq; Peter- fheet. Office, Bride-fir. X Regiilers, Wils, Earl of Hillfborough, and Geo. Roth, Efq; Deputy, Conftantine Cul- len, Gent. Briue-flreet Curfitor, Charles Fitzroy Scudamore, Efq; Dep. Mr. Ro- bert Achefon, Chriil-church- lane, within the Four-Court$- gate. Regifler a'nd Clerk of the Faculties, Darby Magiil, Efqj Henrietta- flreet Clerk of the Recognizances, William Deane, Efq; Kenne- dy’s-Jane Secretary to the Lord Chan- cellor, John Smyth,Efq; Chan*- cery-lane Purfe- bearer. Darby Magiil, Efq; Chief Examinator, Wm # Ryves, Efq: Second Examina- tor, John Godley, Efq; De- puty Examina‘or, Tho. Tench; Efq; Office, Bride-ftrcet % z 3< Ufhcr and Accountant Cc ral, Richard Power, Efq; De- puty Geo. Roth, Efq; Bride ft reef. ^ * • Purfuivant, Hugh Railly, Elq; ( 264 ) t-'ouKT of King’s Bbnch. Office, Kcnnedy’slar.c. tf Is OR D Chief Juttice, Rt. Hon. Loid Annaly, Steph. Gr. Eaft. Jf Second juttice, Chrif- topher Robinfon, Efq; Jerv;$- flreet. If Tjiirdjuft.ee, Wil- liam Henn, Efq; Cattle- Ar. | Cleik of th Crown, Pro- thonoiary Keeper of the Writs, JPhilizer, Clerk of the Entries, and Clerk of the Errors, Hen. fioyle Carter, Efq;' for Life, and Revcrttcn to Hon. H. $. Conway, fecond Son to Lord fah ^o; 1. per Ann. Deputy Clerk of the Crown, T| urnas Tifd 11, Efq; Ken- nedy's-lane. Clerk to Lord Chief Jnf- tice Annaly, Geo. Mea Jervis- n reef. 1 f L OR D Chief Juttice, Rt. Hon. Richard Clayton, Steph. Gr. South. |f Second Juttice, 1 ho. 1 enilbn,Efq; Granby-row |f 1 bird JutticejEdm. Malone, hfqj Stephen’s-grcen I Keepers of thcWrits, Wm. A: pumcTfc Efq j Lo^rr ( Clufellttr Hoar!, t z Fcrer.oco, r. Ac Aftrijcr top eictjH Ket Bbm r .g\ia fkn.R hr*. Stat^ < Leri Ajt.: Fr a. iz. h ; : WU^.C, Contzoucr cf Ccn\tile, Gent. Vice Admiral of Munfter, Wm. Earl of Belboroueh of Leinfler, Rd. Lord Vifc Fitzwilliarn of L 1 liter, Hon*. Vifc. Conyngham of Connaught^S. Eyre. Efq; CtJTflJi commas: 4f:i atom. UtHtOL Dflkoitlr Liwr. C n Lieut. Ge». A Gen. Rf, .4rw Edw. RicMfert \ mil* on La * Clivrj titr ChuksU! Major Cr.-i £m each. Setrrtarr B Ctttnfo&r E%Dejoij,l I Aid k Cr nr. 3 ic;: • C:-.r at Celtl, : - * ciuri 14, ■■ 5 *'- a. RsgiSc ■ - Cant of Tuiid,, ~ J iu Camp 3 -_ Rrtfer, Jda 7 r ts. c» Arcsghj a; j :i, Deal • . ' “'fei Tkoi -f: Lsjl'ad. ,. " M'tltH, Pv*J ■ i-K..F:a Genii, c,«U D.- ■c .{cTMkj’t Ai. -. •: ~mL, £% Bf . — h-jd.T, Em. - V . cfol u to ~Dq*:r, Hj-LO * . liJ ^ « Mw&T, ; lccorjst& - a Leif, a, Rd* r - * life. Kw» Gever.al Officers. COMMANDER in Chief. 4 1, per diem. Lieut. Gen. Michael O Bryen Dilkes isLieiit.G^fn . 3 1 . per diem Lieut. Gen. Sir Rob. Rich, Lieut. Gen. Arch. Douglas, Lt. Gen. Rt. 4 rmiger, MajorGen. Edw. Sand ford. Major Gen. R jch.Pierfon, Major Gen. Ha- milton Lam hart. Major Gen. CadwalUder Lord Blaney, end r* 1 / r>v 1 1 ' .. Charles E. of Drogheda —all as Major Generals, ih 10s. per diem each. Secretary to the Board of Ceneral Officers, Fran. Palmer, E % Deputy, A lex.Mangin, Gt. Aid de Camp to the Com- mander in Chief, Capt. Wm. Montgomery, 10s per diem. Aids de Camp to the Lord L*ent. Cols. Sandford, Burron, Walfh, and S.opford, Majors Frafer,Rooke,&Crofb e; C* p s Pringle, Fleming, F.r/k.ne, Tot- tenham, Browne, Man by, en- nings, \\ iiiiamfon, an . D ikes, Lieut. Churchill, and Enfign A'Court. Aid de Camp to Lieut. Gen. Dilkes, Capt. Tho. Webber. M u fter-m a fter-general, Robt Earl of Belvedere, j], - s . 4d. per diem ; Deputy, Rd. Robin- ion, Efqj— Office, Lower Caf- tie -yard. Comm flaries* George Ball, Gideon Tabuteau, Steph. W\ r bants, John Courtney, Mil. Weft, an i Thomas Keightley, Adjutant General, Col. Rob. i Cunirighame, il. per diem Deputy Adj, General, Maj. ( *69 ) Donald Grant. Qnarrer M after General, Co James Gifborne, iJ. per diem Deputy Quarter Mafter Ge; Earl of Beha mom, K B. Major ef Brigade, Captai William Feacocke Phyficians General, Ed. Barr and Nath. Barry, M. D. jj. Advocate General and Jude Martial, WalterHore, Efq; rc per diem ; — Deputy, Majorjof Sin- Surgeon General, W illiai Ruxton, Efq; 16s. 8J. Provoft Mar/hal, Gen. J.h Clarke, jun. Efq, 4 s. perdicm Artillery Regiment Coll nel in Chief, Richard Ear of Shannon Coionel Bernard Hale Lt. Col. Commandant, Da niel Chenevix Major, John Straton Ordnance. Office, Lower Cattle -yard. Civil Branch, Matter Gem ral, Richard Earl of Shannoi 1500I. Lieut. General, Bern. HaJi Eiq; fool. Surveyor General, R.Warc Efq, 450I. Clerk of the Ordnance, Ja feph Keene, Lfq; -ocl. Principal Storekeeper, H n John Creighton, 200I. Clerk of the Deliveries, Toh Magil, Efq; 1 reafurer, John Chai »reau Efq; aool. Secretary to the Matter Ce neraI,Rot>t,Pratt ; Ef(jj i8zlio ( Proof-Maflcr?, Tho. Tru- lock, Wm. Stocks, Clerk of the Works, Wm. Stokes Labor a tor y ; Comptrol ler, Ralph Ward, Efq; 150!. Fire-Matter, J. Straton,Efq; loo). Fire Matter's Mate, John Ratclitf’e, Gent Engineers ; Chief Engineer, . Henry Mark Mafon, Efq; as Lieut. Col. Diie£lor, Charles Valiancy, as Major Engineers in Ordinary, Tho. Jarrat and Charles Tarrant, . as Captains. 273 ) million of Defends, Jatpc Dcfbrifay, Efq; Dawfon-Streei Agent to tht Penfioneis oa< 'the Civil and Military Etta blifhmenrs, Right Hen. Nath Clements. Office, Treafur Chamber?. Agents ; Wm and John Chaigneau, E.qrs.Treaf, Chair.. Mr. J. Clarke, Treaf. Cham. -Capt. Theo. and Tafpcr Def- brilay, Efq; Cork-Hiil. Mr. Geo. Cockburne, Cav- endifh Street. Francis Heath, Efq; Lower Abbey-Stieet. Wm. Montgomery, Efq; Marv-Street. Richard Underwood, Efq Cuttom-Houfe. C apt. Tho. Webber, Henry Street. Carleton Whitelock, Efq; Lower Abbey-Street. Agent to the Half-pay Of* • ficers, Michael Clarke, anc Edw. Bulkeley, Efqrs. Cuttom- Houfe. Agents to the Widows of Officers, John Chaigneau, and John Clements Chaigneau, Efqn • Lower Cattle Yard. French Offictrs andPentton- ers and Agent Tor theTranf. Company ofBattle Axe-Guard Henry Gore, Efq; Col. a Captain. T. flungerford Townfend Capt as Lieutenant. John Ladaveze, Efq; Capt as Lieutenant, Committioners of Works, &c Dublin Cattle. Hon. Henry L ftus, Thoma Adderley, John Magill, Hon Ponfonby Moore, Tho. St George, John Monk Mafon and Hercules Langrifh, Eqrs Secretary to the Commiffion- ers, Rich. Thw'aites, Efq; Comptr. of theWorks, Lo« renzo Nixon, Efq; Tr*af. H. Mitchell, Efq Arch re 6V, Chrift. Myers, Efq Infpedlors General, Wm. Mitchell, and Peter Maturin Efqrs. Clerk and Infpeffor of Civi Buildings in Dublin, Jofepl Jarratt, Gent. Counfel,Wm. Dunkin, Efq: Solicitor, J. Morrifon, Efq. Pitrick CJe p ow, 6V. Wm.Hiff John Fafr. John FrJtkJ* tea-: nc«i *• Jaa' Nanr- .J* Clare & c. Houl/LiKt John Law*. C ThaoUi le* miif t TWfc. TULty, < MakJi Vfm, ||tt| j MMfft John Pencef* vav, Franc j Peri, Rofcrea. Richard Rim teffnrd, fg* FiragehjiAJk Barrack Masters. M.ddleton Clarke, Cattle* bar, Sfc. Nich. Crawford, Philipf- town, fefr. Sir Paul Cro/bie, Bart, Bray, Wicklow, ©V. A/tJ-ur Saewe k, Q*fccn of hr >tornaa:C C0v.U3-.C55 ll./fffa 2 -ondc; iaicrj f 2 & Patrick Cullen, Efq; Sligo, Timothy Enraght,Efq; Car- low, &Y. Wm. Hamilton, Ballifhannon John Forde, Charlemount. John Franklin, Y oughal,f2fc. Jofeph Hendei fon, Rofcom- mon, &c. Jacob Jackfon, Drogheda Navan, Hum.Jor.es, Belturbet. ' John Jones, E fqj Limerick, Clare Cattle. Hodolphus Kent, Efq; Gal- wsy, 6?c. John Lawe, Cork, £?c. Theobald Lewis, Efq; Kil- cenny, Thurles. The. Lloyd, Athlone, 5 fc. And. Makilwaine, Lond. Wm. Montgomery, Efq ; Kdnfale, John Pennefather, Clonmel Sk. Francis Perfle, Efq; Nenagh, 3 ofcrea. Richard Reeves, Efq; Wa- erford, Fitzgerald Alley, Clonekiltv, tc. Arthur Saunders, Efq; Din- le, Wc. Ed. Watts, Charleville, Hill Wilfoa, Efq; Carrick- ergus, Belfaft. G. Wrightfon, Efq; Dub. Graham John tton, at John- f on VFews. )iril i Jovernors of Forts and Gar- rifons, &c. ■ ondonderry and CuJmore Fort, ■ Gov. Lieut. Gen. Sir Robert | .ich, il , per diem % 2 71 ) Cork. Gov. Lt. Col. John Wynne, 1 1. per dim. Lr. Gov. St. John Jefferies, Efq; Limerick. Gov. Idhn Duke of Argyll, 1 1 , per diem. Town Maj. James Grant, Eiq: 4s. per diem. Kingiale. Gov. Charles Earl of Drogheda, i 1. per diem „ Lieut. Gov. Nicholas Price, Efq; JCs. per diem. Fojt Major, Be keley Wettropp, Efq; *4^ per diem. Duncannon. Govern, Lord Robert Bertie, 1 1. per diem. Fort Major, Capt. Sir Tho, Heron, Bart. Rofs Cattle. Gov. Fra;ft Lumm, Efq; les a per diem, Dublin, Town Major, Tho. Sankey, Elq; 5s. per di-.nu Charlomont. Gov. Col. James Jo^nfton, 1 1 . per diem . Galway. Gov. Robt. Sand-, ford, Efq; us. per die m. Town Major, Wm. Hen. Le Grand, Efq; ^s. per diet Carrickfergns. Nehemlab DonneBan, Efqq Maryborough. Conttable of the Cattle andFort, Cha. Earl of Drogheda. Athlone. &c. ConttabV, Charles, Ld. Vifc. Ranebgh. Committioners of the Revenue and Excife. Right H n. John Ponfonly. John Bourke, Efq; Right Hon, Ld. Vifc. Dun- gannon. Hugh Val, Joner, F/qq Earl of Lanfflnrcugr . J. MiJbfinke, Efo; A a Bellingham Boyle, Efq; Sec. Skef. Smith Efq; Solicitor Ch. Caldwell, Efq; Solic.in Eng.Sir Rt.Wilmot Principal Clerks in the Secretary’s Office, Hon. Eyffi Molefworth and Sackvillc -Hamilton, Efqrs. Clerks, Robert Lovett, Win. Molefworth, and Nevil Forth/ Clerk of the Portage, Tho. Hughes, Gent. Clerk of the Quit-rents, Richard Vernon, Efq; Regirter of the Forfeitures, Henry Sandfcrd, Efq; Clerk in the Office, Tho. Bourke, Efq; C lerk of the Seizures, R. Warter, Gent. Counfel to theCommiffioners Godfrey Lill, Efq; Solicitor fer the King’s Rents, Solicitor for the for- feited Eftates, and Solicitor for the cafual Revenue, G urges Edm. Howard, Efq; Clerk of Informations, Rr. Stafford. Examinerand Comptroller of the Collectors Accounts, Wm. Horton. Pay-mafter of Corn. Pre- miums, James Smyth, Efq; Clerk, Ship Entries, Edw. Sedgwick, Efq; Examinator of the Cufloms, Wm. Brabazon Ponfonby,Efq- Chief Cleric, John Witherali’ Efq; Examiner of the Excifc, Mi- chael Clarke, Efq; Examiner of Diaries, John Read, Efq; Examiner of the Hearth- woney, John Sheen, Efq; C 2 7* ) Storekeeper, Sephen Wright Efq;Dep. Roger Murray, Gent Cheque on ditto, R # Steele Gent. Dublin Port. Collect. Right Hon. Theo. Jones. Surveyors to the Cuftom- Houfe Quay, and to InfpeCt the Quay Officers, Tho. Har- rilon, and Rich. Charters, Efq; Surveyor and Comptroller in the Stores, John Bourke, jun. Efq; Surveyor of Excife on the Curtom Houfe Key, Love Hiat. Dublin City Excife. Collect. John Knox, Efq; InfpeCtor General of the Excife and Licences in Dublin* Hugh Hughes, Gent Dublin County Excife. Collector, Sir Edward New- enham, Knt. Surveyor, KeightlyDay, and James Sherriff, Gent. Patentee Officers. Comptroller and Accomptant General, Agdmondifham Ve- fey, and Efqrs. Deputy, Wm. Horton, Gen. Surveyor- Gen. of the Cufloms in Ire- land, Luke Gardiner, Efqr. Dcp. Tho. Howel, Gent. Cuftomer and Collector of the Port of Dublin, Wm. Earl of Harrington. Dep. William Sheppey, Gent. Comptroller, Robert Tighe, Efq; Dep. J. Sheppey, Gent. Craner and Wharfinger, Hen. Tilfon, Efq; Deputy, Edw. Hincks, Gent. Tarter of Wines, Tho. Al* Jan, Efqj torJ'r * Staxrprr oi in (!* P* • Chifw- i\ AfifM-'" of rhe D*na fcnthi HiBf O... Ho ife, C 1 ' Mato of forrjn O' 1 ‘ Ki DniHb,5t.D-- * * Suneyfln < Tottenbffl. ' Morris, for UM for Coaaofk, don, for Mv Commit Roan Tv Shiel, a:: R a Eicheo^rC TherScr? lifiitoa, Gr r Mr.WX- Cocr^anv, C. Mcflh [k j Sols, Ca5/- Kom* F Corny. Vf/: Sir Gr. ( irJ Cnrr^ 1 Ho-ncf.V Bir.krr MeflrsIU Shorn, R- Filkiacr aa Cftficm Ha from 10 tc : 6; taeir h Good Fr’.i Searcher, Packer, and Gaug- er, Right Hon. Nath .Clements. Stamper of Cards and D ce in the Port of Dublin, John Chaigneau, Efq; AfTay Matter and Receiver of the Duties on Plate, Wm. Williamfon. Office, Gold- fmiths Hall, in Werburgh- Street, onTuefday and Friday $ Houfe, Cole's Alley. Matter of Weights for all foreign Gold current in this Kingdom, James Warren, Goid- fmi:h,St.Dunftan, Skinner-row Surveyors Geneial. Charles Tottenham, for Leintter, Tho. Morris, for UJtter, RobWaller, for Conaught, and Rob. Gor- don, fo r Muntter, Efqrs. Commiffioners of Appeals. Robert Fitzgerald, James Shiel, and Robert Barry, Efqrs. Exchequer Chamber. Their Secretary, Hen. Ccd- lin^ton, Ge nt. Bri taia. Street. Bankers of Dublin. Mr. William Gleadowe and Company, CaHle-Strcet MeflTrs David Latouche and Sons, Cattle-Street. Thomas Finlay, Efq$ and Comp. Upper Ormond's Kay. Sir Geo. .Colebrooke, Bart, and Comp. Mary's Abbey* Ho *rs of A trend, from loto Bankers of Corke. Mettrs Rogers, Travers, and Sheres, Hamons-Marfb. MefT. Falkiner and Mills, near the Cuftom Houfe $ their Hours from 10 to 12, and from 4 to 6 $ their Holidays, Jan. i, Good Friday, Eafler Monday Whitfun Mon. 3 .. Banker of Waterford. Alderman Simon Newport. General Pott Office, Dublin. Right Hon. William Henry Fortefcue, Pott Matter General, and Treafurer. John Wilfon, AccomptanV and adling as Comptroller of the Working Officers. John Wilfon, Secretary to the Pott Matter General. Wm. Fortefcue, Clerk to the Pott Matter General. Ja. Lee, Clerk of the Mun- tter Road. Thomas Jones, Clerk of Connaught Road. Richard Tucker, firtt Let- ter Sorter, as Clerk of ths North Road, Trinity College near Dublin. Chancellor, His Grace, John Duke of Bedford, j Vice Chancellor, His Grace the L-rd Primate. V in tors, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, and Arch-* Bifhop of Dublin. Provoft, Right Hon. Francis Andrews, LL. D. Vice Provott, W. Clement, M. D. Sen. Prof! or, Reg. and Dean Theaker VTder, D. D. ProfefTors o\ the Univerfity. King's ProfefTors, Divinity, Rev.Brabazon - nay, D. D. Com. Law. Patrick Palmer LL. D. Civil Law. Patrick^ ^6,, Aas- ( 273 ) and Tuefday, and Tuef. Dec .25, 26,27 nan, LL. D. f^Jiyfick. W. Clement, Al.D n Rev - J oh " Stokes, n. AlJiftanrs, Mr. Dobbin and Mr. John Kearney, Erafmas Smith’s ProferTors. M-uhcma ticks. Dr. Murray, Oriental Tongues. Mr. For- fryeth, Afli/iants, Mr. Con- , /lor ’ ant) Mr. John* Kearney. O ratory , A fii/tan t, M r Law. Dr - Andrews, Af- Mr. Mich. Kearriey Natural Pihlofophy. R e 'v, Hugh Hamilton, D. D # Profeflor of Mu fie. Ouner, Earl of Morningten. irifturers. Divinity. Rev. f St M. D Law Agent Wm n‘ ! W " Abbey-Street. Jervis-Stu-er. * 1 Lr> Ge Vge Fletcher, M.D. Stt pnen-Stieet. ( 2-4 ) John Fcrrall, M. D. Uppe: Jervis Street. Rich. Wood, M. D. Droe- neda- Street, Cenfor. Sam. ClofTy, M.D. Abroad, f Arch. Hamilton, M.D. Meath-Streef. Francis Hutchinfon, M. D John Vickers, M. D. Ste- phen’s Creen, Regifter. Honoraky Fellows. Edward Barry, M D. Abroad, Eduard Smyth, M.D. Daw- ion -Street. Ezekiel Nc/hit, M.D. I,eia- Itcr-ftrect. Licentiates in Phyficlc. Ephraim Th waites, M. D. Feet-Streer. JnoRut^y, M. D. Mary ’s-lane George Miconchy, M. D. ofrafrord- Street, William Hamilton, M D Lower Abbe y-Stieet. Edmond Blackai], M 'Eiie College cf Phyficians. rs i • f > e jc t . Clement Archer, M. D.Ca- pr* ft eet. v 'Ct-!’j E r I1)E , T . Nat. B.i ry, M. D. Leinfcer- i i et. ^ ULf WS. Hen. Qoi", M. D. Stephen’s wreen. ( onf-antine B^bor, M. D ftrtet. Parnrk Hewetfon, M, D y^r , e!-Streer. Pub. Robinfon, M.D. Sack vtl* Street. J-^rncs Span, M. ]J. w,l iam Lloyd, M. D. Licentiates in Midwifery [i^'g, Cm ”> «*»■ ■** f ^fpeaors and Examiners of Apothccanes Shops, Ware- Houles, STc. with Arthur per. nn, Fifliamble-Street, and Edward Caddy, Smock- Alky ABiflant Apothecaries. ' T. he Kin g’ s Profeflora, ac . cording to the Will of the Sir Patrick Dun, Km. M. D, Dr. Henry Quin, The- cry 2nd Ph Birn, Ck W^fTT.— Of Phirwcr i hkkt. Ret. Dl Met Them* mote, Rd. Mm W- Bsi Hill Be- ■ Ttco Br Ante Q Clonmacrx V &o. CL - : Chi/bCc facra. WiL Cere. Frjixjj Cci Pitt : i, D* W£«a [ Cioafert. Ja-Bcldk Robrt El ^ Ch. Dope, William H ‘KiJdare. ACorrdL..* Cratiooijri the U*:cn f k?**eaxr ] ifao fnxz 1 6* i Chris lfal f Cc.-r trick, (V 1621 Cenl:4 jfat P.C:rr : lfal Vil.Brc tfa: Hnrj L cry and Pra&ice. ~ Dr. Nat. Barry, Chirurgery and Mid- wifery.—Dr. Conft. Barfcor, ■ Pharmacy and the Materia Medica . Rev. DEANS of Ireland, in Nov. i 765 . Thomas Webb, A. M. Kil- more, Rd. Marlay, A , M. Ferns. J a. Hawkins, D. D. Emly. Wm. Barker, A. M. Raphoe. Hill Benfon, A.M. Connor. Tfceo. Brocas, D. D. KiJala. Arthur Champagne, A. M. Clonmacnoife, Gso. Chinery, LL. D.Cork Charles Coote, A. M. Kil- fencra. Wal. Cope, D. D. Dromore. Francis Corbet, D. D. St. Patrick’s, Dublin. William Digby, A. M. Clorifert. Ja. Dickfon, D. D. Down. Robert El gh. Clerk, Elphin. Ch. Doyne, A.M. Leighlin. William Fletcher, LL D . 'Kildare. 275 -) liaac Gbldfmitb/ A. M\ CJoyne. Hugh Hamilton, D.D, Ar- magh. Richard Handcock, A. M. Achonry. Cutts Harman, A. M. Wa- terford. Jofeph Dean Bourke, A.M. KiJJaloe. Rev. Edw. Baylev, A. M. Ardfcrt. Right Rev. Dr. Charles Jackfon, Lord Bhhop of Kil- dare, Dean of Chrift Church , Dublin. Dan. Letablere, D.D.Tuam; John Lewi?, A. M. Oflory. . John Averel, D.D. Limerick William Nethercoat, Kil- macduagh. Tho. Paul, A. M. Caftiel. J. Ryder, LL. D. Lifmore, Ar. St. George, D.D. Rolle. Philip, Lord Vifc. Strang- ford, Derr)\ W French, A. M. Ardagh. Rich. Woodward, Clogher, A Corre£l Lift of the Baronets of Ireland, with the Dates of their Creations, from the firft Jnditution of that Order in Ireland (hy the Letters Patent of King James I. hearing Date at Dublin, September 30, 16 J9) to the prefen t Time. Thus marked by Privy Seal, 1620 Francis Annefly, (Earl of Anglefey) Auguft 7th. 1621 Charles Coote, (Earl ofMountratb) April 2d. 1621 George O ugh tred Courtenay, ofNewcaftle. Co. Lim- erick, (V. Courtenay) December 10th. 1621 Gerald Aylmer, ofDonedea, Co. Kildare, Jan. 25, 1621 P. Gore, of Magharabeg, Co. Donegal, (B. Gore) Feb. 2* 1621 Val. Browne, of Mohah*fFe,Co. Kerry, (V.Kenmare) Feb. 16 1622 Henry Lynch, of Galway, June 8. j6 zz Oliver Tuite, of the Sonnagh, Co. Wertmeath, June 169 , ( 276 ) *622 Valentine Blake , of Galway, July 10. 1622 Patrick Barnewall, of Cfickflown, Co.W*dmeath,Fcb.24 1623 Robert Newcomen, of Kenagh, Co. Langford, Dec. 30. 1627 Alexander Mac Donnell, of Moye, Co. Antrim, Nov. 30. 162$ Thomas Staples, of Pyl on, Co. Tyrone, July, iS. j6i# Ulick Bourke, olGlim/k, Co. Roflcomroon, Aug. 2> *628 •j* Tho. Butler, of Clcughgrennan^'o. Carlow, Aug. 16. 1628 Thomas Efmond, ofClonegall, Co. Wex'ord, Jan. 2S. 1629 Richard Ofborne, ot Ballintaylor, Co. Tipperary, 061 . 15. 1631 JohnMorrcs, of Knockagh, Co. Tipperary, March 28, ^ 64.5 E^alrr.us Burrowes, of Giltown, Co. Kildare, Feb. 1 1. 1660 Henry Piers, of Tridenagh, Co. Wcdmeath, Feb. 18. j 66 o Thomas Giffard, of Cafllejordan, Co. Meath, (an 4 Ba- rt net of GreatBritain) March 4. j66i John Percival, (E. of Egmont) Sept. 9. ]66z Col. A r. Gore, of Newtown, Co. Mayo,(E.of Arran) Ap. to 1662 Thomas Southwell, of Caftiemattiefs, Co. Limerick, (Lord Southwell) Auguft 4. 1662 Thomas Dancer, of Waterford, Augud 12. 1 63 I ridram Beresford, of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, fE. of Tyrone) May 1665 George Rowdon, of Moyra, Co. Down, (E, ofMoyra, See. Bart, of Great Britain) May.20. 1 165 Richard Gething, of Moyallow, Co. Cork, Aug. 1* 1605 ^ Henry O c Ne.le, Feb. 23. 1671 Gregory Byrne, ofTymoge, Queen’s Co. May 17. 1077 Laurence Parfons, ofParfon’s Town, King’s Co, Dec. 15, i6Si Standifh HartAonge, (Baron of the Excheq.) April 20. 1681 Emanuel Moore, of RoflTcarbury, Co. Cork, June 29. 1622 Robert King, of Abby Boyle, Co. Rofcommon, (R of KingAon) Sept. 27. 1 6S3 James Caldwell, of Wei! /borough, Co. Fermanagh, June 23, 7**6 Donogh O* Bripn, of Dromolen, Co. Clare, Nov. 9. ' J' X6 Thomas Domville, of Temple-oge, Co. Dublin, Dee. 21. 168S Patrick Bellew, of Barmeath, Co. Lowth. Dec. n. I'.'yS Thomas V efey, of Abbeyleix, Queen’s Co. afterwards l«ord Bilhop of Oflory, (Lord Knaoton) Sapt. 28. i-o;J.Meade,ofBal!intobber,Co Cork,( V.C!onwilliam)May2a 1704 T. Taylor, of Kells, Cq. Meath, (E. of Be£live)July 12. 1704 R-'l. Levinge, (Chief Juflice of the Common Pleas)Odt.26< ’ J705 Robert Maude, of Dunirum, Co. Tipperary, May 9. i 706 Richard Cox, of Dunmanway, Co. Cork," Nov. 21. 1709 Matthew Deane, of Dromore, Co. Cork, Marsh 10. 1 721 Henry Ecchlen, Knt. (Baron of the Exchequer) Oft.* 17, ? 2'’ " ^urdett, of Dunmore, Co. Carlow, remainder to tie f/24 * ' 1735 Dr.T J730 U**i 1744 ill <* l;4l ! 175I Wi. I 175! Um.U 1758 Cbadn 1 ■ Ho C xtn I; : Hi Wa. V rtjfr* 1 1*61 R. " '■ 1764 Arrhv 1 *66 Jda Bi 1766 Rx*. v 11(6 ]ct.i Pi 1 ;6S RidaJ 176! Jcha \ 1763 L*. L: 176* Jots F; tOMMAX. Aij -Jat C : ’f. i- /lid dt C/a:: *, Bond } .. dJJt’Sil ■ ud Lo,-. SttOLrjU It: PtUjjkuLh. *724 1730 173° C 2 7T ) the IiTue Male of his only Sifcr Anne, Wife to Walter Weldon, ofRaheen, Queen’s Co. J uly it. ^ iliiarn Townes, (Alderman ot Dublin) Odf. 26, Dr. Tho. Molyneux, of Dublin, State Phyfician, July 4, _ Edward Baily, of Placenuyd, Co. Anglefea, July 4. J 744 John Coulthurft, jun. of Ardrum, Co. Cork. Aug, 3. 1744 Rd. Wolfcly, of Mount Arran, Co. Carlow, Jan 15* 174^ James Semerville, (Alderman of Dublin) June 14. I75S \\ m. Evans Morres, of the Co. Kilkenny, Apr. 24* *75^ Mar. Lowth.Crofton, oftheMote,Co.Rofcommon,June is 175^ Charles Burton, (Alderman of Dublin) 061. 2. 1 759 Simon Bradftreet, of Dublin, July 14. George Ribton, ot Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Apr. 21. Booth Gore, of Artarmon, Co. Sligo, Auguft 30. Wm. Yorke, (Chief Juftice of Common Pleas) Apr. 13. James May, of May field, Co. Waterford, J une 30. Robert Blackwood, of Battyliddy, Co. Down, July 1. James Cotter, of Rochforreft, Co. Cork, Auguft 11. Arthur Brooke, ot Colebrooke, Co. Fermanagh, Jan. 3. John Blunden, of Kilkenny, March 12. Rich. St. George, of Athlow, Co. Weftmeath, Mar. 1 2* John Parnell, of Rathleague, Queen's Co. Richard Steele John Nugent, ofDonore, Co. Weftmeath, June 21. Edw. Loftus, of Mount-Loftus, Co. Kilkenny, June 2X« 1760 17^0 1761 1763 *763 1 7^3 1764 1766 1 766 17 66 1768 1768 1768 I 7^ ) S John Frtke, of Caftle-Fieke, Co. Corke, June 21. AMERICA, iftc. The Staff of the Army. £0 MM AND E R in Chief y Major General Gage Northern Diftricl , Brigadier General Carletcn Southern Dijlricly Brigadier General Haldimand Adjutant Genera), Colonel Maitland Quarter Mafter General , Captain William SherrifFe Majors, of Brigade , John Small, Philip Skeen, Tho. Moncriefffe Aid de Camps to the Commander in Chief Captain William She* riffc^ and Captain Stephen Kemble Barrack Mafter y Lt. Col. James Robertfon. Judge Advocate, H. T. Cramahe AJJifants to. the Quarter -Mafler Generaly Captain John Maxwell and Lieut. Gamble Secretary to {he Commander in Chief Captain Gabriel Maturing Civil Establishment. Vice Admircdjor all America, Duke of Northumberland ( ) Author Central of the Plantation, Hon. Robert Choimondley Surveyor General of the TVcodt for Life, John Wentworth, Efq; of Vtce- Admiralty Courts ; at Bofton, Rob. Auchmutty : at I h.IadeJphia, Jared Ingerfol ; at Halifax, Jonath.Sewall ; at barles-Town, Aug. Johnfon ; and at Grenades, &e. Alex, ^ympfon, Efqrs; Commiffioncn of Cuft. Hcn.Hulton ,Jno.Temp!e,Wm.Burcb,Cha. o ,lxton > and John Robinfon, Efqrs. 50ol.perAnn. each. rTi ?’L S V ?' Ve 0ner » Ef< U for himfelfand Clerks, 350I. Clerk oj the Minute,, Hinder, Efq; r"T- °f^/loms, James Porter, Efq; 4ool.for felf and Clerks C "" fa St “”’ ^ 3S°'- *r Solicitor, 3 6ol. ■rZi ~ v/ I y°': n ’'— ]rwin ’ E % , r , r anu imports,- -Irwin, £Iq; \.o^ n.peflors 150I I wo Regift. of Shipping iool. each •Agentfr India Affair, in Northern Difria, Sir Wm. Johnfon, Bt. y ‘ ,t0 tn Southern Difria, J. Stuart, Efq; J Indian Agent for Nenvfoundland, fafper Maudult , n 7 ZT r f L , a ” Js Jl Ncrthcrn Dtflria, Samuel Holland, Efq, Ditto ,n Southern D:fr,a, Wm. de Braham, Efqj governments. Clerk of the Survey, Kenelon Chandler, 5s. per diem. St. John's, in Bay of Fundy 9 Gov. Walter Pater/on, Efq; Lieut* Gcv. Thomas Defbrifay Cbi*f J“fice y John Duport, Attorney Gen. James Monfell, Secretary and Rcgijler , Thomas De/brifay, Prcvoft MarJhaly'VIm. Allanby, Clerk of Courts , John Buad, Naval Officer, David Higgins, Newfoundland. Commodore on that Station, Ho 4% Com. Byron Lieut. Gov. John Bradftreet Nova Scotia, Cape-Br#** ton, &c. Gov. Lord Wm. Campbell Lt. Gov'. Mich. Franklin, Efq; if Jffiice Richard Bulkley Jttdge of the Viet Admiralty at C A n A d a . ' Gov. Guy Carkton, Brig. Gen. in North-America S. ^^«nd Xaval Officer Beni/’ S*'' Rob2rt Eden, Efq* n J».«in Green ^ H. Hamerll’ y Efc S&ri/}*. I PjENSYLv-ANlA, ^ T 7*f' -T° Jofeph Sherwood ^ b Dryland Lord Baltimore, R'g-ftr, S lZ?Z-t L Z nds ’ Cha - M ^ns Kich. Cumoerland Efq- Annapolis Royal. fT!'™?' Rohert Mohckton C v L’l-afinus Philips C ™' ^■Uiam Edington, Efq; Massachusetts Bay V^Sir Francis Banrnd, Bart. Lt. Ef li ' °- „ R. Au chirm ty MjfbalJ ditto, C. Paxton, Efq: Nava! OJpcers, Benj. Pember- ton, and Fred. Bernard u/m- De 'r, n ' S Deber ^ and WiJjiam Bolian, Efqrs. Connecticut, Gov. William Pitkin, Efq; Lf. Gov. Jon. Trnmble. Efq; rreaf. Jofeph Talcott, Efq; Secret. George Wyflys, Efq; •dgent, Richaid Jackfon, Efq- -* : f*.W.S.Tchnfi»n,L.L.b; | „ New- Hampshire. [f 9v • J obn Wentworth, Efq- fe- Temple, Efq, | Naval Officer, John FI /her . m CoJhdor N r/ - Theo - At kinfon, J un . fg- r.t, John Thomlinfon Pr.ACF.NTI A. ieut - G °v- Otho. Hamilton Rhode Island. 7V ‘ Jof. Wanton />- Gov. E/i/ha Brown ' yir - Gen - Auguftus Johnfon D,,, . ~-' J 1 ‘-VANIA. UCc S ’ ?-, and Rlch -^nn, , f -tt.Gov. John Penn Em- John Swift, Colleftor ' 4 ’ Joter ^ rcIav » ComptrolTer R(/-r1r' at rn 3 eri »n a, of ditto. Rd. Peters, Efq- A J- m J? r Propriet. H. Wilmat A £ nt /‘ r C =%> R- Jackfon Extra. D. de Berdt NEW YORK. GW JonnEarl ofDunmore ~ , <1* 1 • Eh: Control ofOrd-. Th.Furnis,Efo; ^e-fp^r F. Stephens, EfJ 7 °f H. Adm. R. Morris, Efq- Andrew Elliot, Efq; Colledto’ Lamoert Moore Efq; Compt. iRegifer, Richard Nichols, Efq- I Naval Officer t Char. William t Agent, Robert Charles, Efq; New Jersey. f-v. W m Franklin, Ef q; 'c. Maurice AT j>rgan "Mi™, Frederick Smith A:,0r ‘ Gen. Jofeph Warrel Agent. Joieph Sherwood Virginia. Gr -v. Rt. Hon. Lord Botetourt Secretary, Win. Adair Attor Gen. John Randolph, Comm, £ ary Gen. Walt. Delaay Naval Officer, Nevil A Id worth, Vitto South PotomaCy Rich. Lee Ditto, Upper Diftria James's River , James Roberts Dt^Lcwer DWr/^, W.Bcrkelcy I Attorney Gen. Jt* Ditto Raphancck , C. Ntilfon ) Clerk of Common Pleas, and Clerk Ditto Eafl Shore , D. Bowman I of Crown, Wm. Coll ns, Efq; Agent, Edw. Montague. I Secretary and Clerkfif the Council, South Carolina. Andrew Turnbull, Efq; Go. Ld. Ch. Greville Montague Prov.MarJbJT . Woo^nd^Efq ; Leut. Gov. Wm. Bull, Efq; Nav. Officer Alex. Skinner,Efq; Secretary , Tho. Skottowe Regifter of Grants, 6cc. David a. Juft. Wm. Wragg, Efqj Yeats, Efq; (7^. *■/«£* Agent, Wm. Knox, Efq ; Judge cf the V . Aim. atCbarle\ Civil Ordnance in E. Florida , ‘Town, and Judge of Appeal s\ Store-keeper, and d aymaftlcr, Aug. Johnlon, 'Efq; J. Kenwood, Efq; 8s. /*r diem Nav. Off. Benj. Stevenfon I Clerk of Survey and Cheque, Jn. Pro. Maffi. R. Cumberland Penn, 5a .per diem. Clerk of Pleas , Dungal Campbell ExtraClerk , — Hall2S C<\per d:tm Provincial Agent, Ch. Garth | Barrack-majl. Lieut. Thomas ColltElor, — Hadley, Efq; Auditor. Richard Lambton Col l e cl. Middleton Wooldridge, per diem \ Surgeon, Richard Prichard West Flor ida. I Governor and Vice -Admiral) Peter Chefler, Efq; North Car^otina. Governor, W, Try on, Efq; _ , . Lieut.Gov. Geo. Mercer, Efq; L/. G**. Elias Durnford, Efq; Secretary ard Clerk of the Crown \Cb. Juflice , Wm. Clifton, Efq; Thomas Faulkner, Efq; \Att. Gen . Edm. Rufh Wegg Cl. Jufice, Martin Howard \Sec.and Reg . James Macpherfon Ait . Gen. Tho. M‘ Guire, Efq ;| Proypji Marfhal, Sam. Hannay Id aval Officer, Benj. Turner j VenduelffifldsftfavOffi.]* Jones Cl. of the Pleas, Benj. Heron Agent , Hen. Euftace M‘Cullob Georgia. Gov. Ja. Wright, Efq; Secretary, James Haberfham Ch. Juft. Ant. Stokes, E*q; Provoft Marfhal, W. Knox Kaval Officer, Wm. Rulfel At tor. General, Ch. Price King's Agent, Dr. Campbell R:c.G c n Quit Rts. Sir P.Houfton Deputy Auditor , Grey Eliot Colleger, William Spencer Comptroller , William Rullel East Fi or ida. ' Gov. Col. Ja. Grant Chief Juft. Wm. Drayton, Efq; Q.UI It. G*. Clerk of the Crown, and Clerk cf the Stores , Alex. Duncan, Efq; King's Agent, John Ellis Celle El or of the Cuftoms at Sr. Augujlin s f SirC.Burdett.Bt. ColleElor of the Cuftoms at Per . - ftacola, James Biuce Ditto at Mohille , Jn. Blackwell Civil Ordnance in TV. Florida. Storeheiper and Paymafter, Ar- thur Neil, Efq; 8 s.pcr diem. Clerk of Survey, Jofeph Smith, 5s. per diem. Clerk of Cheque, Ben. Go war, 5s. per diem Extra Clerks, Jn. Watkins, W nit Littlefoos, 3s. per diem. 5 s per diem. Surg. S . Fon tfcnelle, 6s. per diem Grenada. Gov. General of Grenada, the Gre- nadines, Dominica , *S>. 77*. c.t:/, W Tobago, Brig. Gen. Rob. Melville. Z,/c*r. W Gov. cj Grenada , Fr. Gore, Efq; Chief JuJHce, Ja. Brebner, Efq Att. Gen. Wm. Lucas, Efq; ^ Admir. Court , Alexander Symfon, Efq; Lieut. Gov. of Dominica , Sir Wm. Young, Bart. Licut.Gov. of St. Vincent's, Col. Ulyfies Fitzmaurice Lt . Gov • of Tobago, William Stewart, Efq; Cbifjuflice of Dominica, Tho. Atwood, Efq; Collector } Henry Moore, Efq; Comptroller ,Hen . Confta ble, Efq 5 Council at Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent, Tobago, Commif. and Store Keeper of all Stores font to the IJIanJs, Alexander Wood, Efq; Nav.Ojficer Ed wSedgewick,Efq Provofl Marjhal , Henry Ellis Sol. Gen. Jn. Macfarran, Efq; Surv. Gen. Tho. Gibbs, Efq* C.mmijf oners for the Sale of Lands in thelflands of Grena- da, the Grenadines, Dominica , St. Vincent , and Tobago , Sir William Young, Bart. John Hunt, Robert Stewart, Rob. Wynne, Wm.Hewitt,Efqrs. Receiver of Money arifng by the Sale of the faid I^snds, Sit WavYoung, Bart. Taylor, Efq; Jamaica. SirWm. Trelawney,Bart. Roger Hope Elletfon Cbte f Tho. Beach, Efq; secretary, Nath. Herbert, Efq; Provoji Marjh. Nevi Aldworch NavalOfficer, John Pownal Receiver Gen. T. Graham Regifter in Chancery , Andrew Stone, Efq; Clerk of Court, T. Farley rltt. Gen. Tho. Harrifon, Efgj Agent, Step. Foller Barbadoes, Gov. Wm. Spry, LL.’ D. Provojl Marjh. Fr. Reynolds Naval Officer, Rd Butcher Secretary and Clerk of Courts, And. Stone, Efq; Art. Gen. Henry Beckles, Efq; Soil. Gen. William Moore, Efq- Regifer in Chan.G. Aug.Selwin o ' ' ;; , M L 0 an. U.Aue.Se wii Secretary Regfter and Clerk of Surv.Gcn. Gedney Clefke Ef Council at Grenada, Dominica, jlrmt n*r> w-n— -r-/* ^ Agent, Geo. Walker, Efq; Leeward Islands, Surv. Gen. T. Gibbe, Efq; Cpt. GenGov. Wm Wood ley, Efq Secretary and Clerk of t be Crown, Wavile Smith, Efq; Alter. Gen. Tho. Warner Soil. Gen. Walter Jodrell, Efq; Prsv. Mar. Gen. R. Phelps, Efqj St. Christopher’s. Lt. Gen. ofCaribteelft.s, Rich- ard Hawkftaw Lofack, Efq; Chief Juftice , Craifter Great- head, Efq; Lt.Gov. of Tortola , James Pur- cell, Efq; Antigua. Lt. Gov. Lord Hawley Ch. JuJl . Steph. Blizard, Efqj Collector, John Haliiday, E% ■ ( *«» ) Moritferrat , Lt.Gcv, Maj. Gen. Carpenter Ch. Juft. Mr. Deger, Nevis, Lt, Gov. Col. Ja. Johnftcn Naval Officer, T.Seabright Chief Jufticc, fn. Dafent, Efq; Agent to the Leeward Jfands , Henry Wilmot, Efq; Bermudas, Ocv. George fames Brucre Secret. Gf Provofl Marfhal Gen, William O'Brien, Efq; Bahama Islands. Gov. Tho. Shirley, Efq; Lieut, Gw, John Gambier,Efq; Ch. JuJ 1, John Brown-, Efq; Jltt, Gen. and Ver.du'e Majler y Robert Sterling . * Judge of Admiralty , William Hutchinfon, Efq; Jamaica. Advocate General of the Admi - ralty y J. Innes, Efq; Marjbal of ditto , Andrew Franc hen, Efq; ColleElor, F-L, r n T re 1 a w ney , E fq ; Deputy R< gif er in Chancery, Geo, Kamfay Chief JuJlice, Thomas Beach Engineer , B ichard Jones Deputy Cl, Cretan, Dep. Pi ovo/17\farf.'dl,V/m.GrAy Regi/ler of the Admiralty, John Morfc Deputy R cgijfir d\ tto , H i nton Ea ft: Captain of the Fort, Lieutenant Colonel -John Dal ling, 7. icutcna r.t , T ho Trei a w ncy E fq; Naval Ojfii er, W m . K ni gh t Turk's If and. Agent, And. Symmer Africa. Bern Gambia, f i I G.v, Charles 0 ‘Hara, Efq; j Lt, Cov. Jofeph Debatt, Efq.; Bee, Tho. Burke Ch, Juft. Chriftopher MiJles Agent , Robert Brown Storekeeper , — Buffington, 8s # per diem* Clerk of the Cheque , Wm. Wil- liams, 5s. per diem. Extra Clerk , 4s. per diem. Islands, Sec. in Europe. Minor c a. Gov. Lieut. Gen.Moftyn, 730I* Sec. to the Governor, 182 1 . 10s* Chaplain to the Gov . Rev. John Morgan, 12 1 1 . J3S4d. Lt. Gov.Col.Ja, Johnfon,73ol Secretary to the Dep. Gov, Rev* Edw. Clarke, M. A. Comm if dry Gen. of Stores , Capt* W. Courtenay, 730 1 . Com . of Muf. and Dep. J, Adv « Capt. "Henry Schomberg, 182I. ics Lieut . Gov of Fort St. Philip , Lieut. Col. Herbert Mun- fler, 730 1. Fort Major, Lt. Alex. Ilamil ton, 73I. Fort Adjutant, W. Tavlcr, 73 J. Capt . of the Ports of Fort St. Phi - lip, Ro*Frampton,Efq;9il.3S Ch. Engineer , C< 1 . M* Killer Gibraltar. Gov. Lt, Gen. Cornwallis, 7 30I Lt.Gov. Col. Rob. Boyd, 7 30 - 1 . Com. Stores, Lord. Erikine, 547 1. ros. Chap, to the Gov. J. Chalmers, 121 L 13s 4d. Sec, to the Gov. 1 8 z 1 . 1 os* Dep. Jud. Adv. and Com. Mu (l. Hew Craig, 365 1 . PMaj. Cn,H , Cunnigh.91 1 , 5s N I S, •LS4 ■ I 770