THE DEATH AND BURIAL Who killed Cock Robin. I said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin. LONDON : Printed and Published at W. S. FORTEY'S Whole- sale Juvenile Book Warehouse, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. W.C. T COCK ROBIN. Who saw him die ? I, said the fly, With my little eye- I saw him die. This is the fly, That saw him die. r^ THE HISTORY OF Who caught his blood ? I, said the fish> With my little dish— I caught his blood, This is the fish That held the dish. 1 COCK ROBIN. Who made his shroud? I, said the Beetle, With my little needle- I made his shroud. This is the Beetle. With his little ne THE HISTORY OF \ i hd?ll dig his grave ? I, said the Owl, With my spade and shovel- I'll dig his grave. Tins is the Owl so brave, Digging; Kobin's crave COCK ROBIN. Who'll be the Parson ? I, said the Rook, With my little book- I will be person. Here is Parson Rook, Reading his book. THE HISTORY OF Who will sing a psalm ? I, said the Thrush, As I sit in a bush — I will sing a psalm. Here is the Thrush, Singing psalms in a COCK ROBIN. Who'll carry the coffin ? I I, said the Kite, If it's not in the night- I'll carry the coffin. THE HISTORY OF COCK ROBIN. Who will be chief mourner ? . I, said the Dove, For I mourn for my love— I will be chief mourner. Who will toll the bell ? I, said the bull ; Because I can pulJ. So Cock Robin, farewell Siifc 2 . 11 All the birds in the air leu sighing and sobbing, When they heard the bell Sal for pocrCock Robin. W. S. FORTEY. (late A. Ryle) Monmouth mm Court, Bloomsbury. ■JL_