‘ 180. LONDON'S Dreadful Visitation: or, a Collection of all the Bills of Mortality for this present year: beginning the 27t]i of December 1664 and ending the 19th of Decem¬ ber following. Title within a curious woodcut border com¬ posed of skulls, skeletons, bones, spades and pickaxes on a \/ black ground; and ivith the rare folding bill at the end. 4to, half morocco. London: E. Cotes, Ibba $7.00 * Fine copy. Inserted is Xo. 3 of the Oxford Gazette, 1 leaf folio, Oxford, London reprinted, Thos. Newcomb, 1665. FROM . THK T.IBRARV" OK SIR WILLIAM OSLliR,BART OXKORU The "previous copy" was H 1020 in Maggs catalogue 315 and cost £ 9. 9.O., according to Maggs's bill, 29 July, 1913. |_Q^^_oLorwS JVu-ixdl^^ X^C^dtixiicrn- . P’/ive- . 3c>M>Ux>UTr- ^ (K-a-cdLce "tixTo cjc^xtXiS oco^x>ijx*jx. lusL^crvy^ tka* ' C^eo-^aJi-olt- UiX' e/rvcl. A Os^orcd Gct^jefie S, 16 ^5 ^jxjiji^tlfyiAcL tY% Lor^cloy^ |^dJ3 ooi J^u>rrv "tki* C/>^JoL ikLs /xrxjM'Ti^ t/xA-r 7^ c>^nd decrcat ed the next Week to three, then increafed to four¬ teen, next to fevcnteen, next forty three, and then great Perfons began to retire into the Country. In June the Bill increafoto 112, next 168, next 267 next 470, then do many Tradefmen go into the ^untry ; and'many Minifters take occafion toab- iCTt themfelves from their Charge. In July tlie Bill ’ rifesto 72 5, then to 1089, next i843,next to 2010, Now moft Pariihes are infe nnd fb Itflencd more and more to the end of the year, when we had a Bill of 97306, which diedof-allDifeafes, whichwas79000 mme than ti^ year before, and ‘the'nuinher ot them which died of the P/agne was reckoned to be68596 that year; but others fay that the. e died of that fatal I.Jife.tft,inlittIcmore than a years Ipacc, near I00000 pe* foils 'uMlethlrn, Sir John Chamfney, hir jobn joj/iej/rj, and SitJolmGrepamyOf which fomc wctc Lord Mayors, Gfr. I find that in the Wj of Qu. Elt^. there died in ten Months fcven Aldermen ot London, Tiz. EdufardBanks, BjchardChamberlain, SirMtir- tinBowet, SirH^chard Mallory, Sir IVilliam Hetvst, Sir 'Thornu Whtte, and Bichard Latnbcrt, one of the Sherifls for that year. In the 36?/; ofQu. EUK- dyed of the Pk«jf«e in Lond (1 In the Fourth of Q, before Harveft, Wheat | was fold for four 2vl^kstheQiurteT, Halt at 44^ *e ^ t| Quarter, Pcafeat46r.8 d. ^ >^sfoldfor3 r. the Quarter, Malt for 6r.8 n. 3 4,f. Inthe Gentry, Wheat wasfoldfo 4-the ^ , Quarter, Malt at 4 s. 8 f/. and in (ome places a Bulh oi^ve for a pound of Candles, which was 4rf. r^d that in the Third Whale came up' within eight niilcs ^ ^ body was feen divert times above water, and u ^ to exceed the length of the largeft Ship Je Rw ver, butwhen llie tafted the frelh-water, and fent- edthcLand, fire returned into the Sea. , v. .^' I find recorded by divers Writers, that the jt. ^ ,3 ?7/y one Bernard Calvart Qf^tdover, , from St Gwr-f’s Church in Southwark % a from thence palled by Rargeto C-^fi«in_Fr^« from thence returned back toSt. | fame dav, fettine out about thme in the Mmniing, i and returned akmt eight in the ftitutionoftheAir, gathered by but no others, and therefore termed by Foreigners Sudor An?licu%, that is, the EngliP^/weat) k given t by Polidtr Virgil 561. Thus; ^ihus H^bm na ufit venit, &c. by which means it pew to a Cu- tm,X Lr aLaft deftriidion Diftemner) this kind of help was found cttcaual.^ If any perfon was taken wi* this J*/. ^ inuft zo to Bed with his Cloaths on , It by ™ght, Td the partrbe in lied, then he miift reft and not ftir for 24 hours compleat, in the mean bipt, he . muft be fo covered as not to provoke Sweat, but let it proceed of Us ovm accord, hemiift neither eat nor dr?nk any thing but what will juft ferve to keep him alive,—he muft not fo iimch as put fo';* band or foot to be cooled, for that s dcafh unavo.dab e If the Patient obferves this, he iscertaimy cured, cl e loft - and thisDifeafe (faith he) invadpl only £«?- land*(or Engltjh~men) which men atthat t'.mc made ^teecded by , nje- ' ing Plarne, /hichifvvept away nwny> that the | Kinzwasfofccd tobmovehis Court tromoncplace . JJanLher. ty Mwmtng-fMi 'IS£ ^For this Prefent Year: Be2inningthe27‘'’ of Decoder 1^(34. and ending the ipdi. of Vecmkr following : As alfo, 7he gET^B^Al or Uole^tars l^lLh According to the Report made to the King’s Moft Excellent Majeftv, fif PariP)-clerks ef London , _ By the Company EEzas /> O K.- arc to be fold by/. Cotes living in Jla Printer to tlic C ompciny 1665 1‘he P R I N T E R W R E A D E R» Courteous ^ader, Prefume that the Candor of thy Ingenuity is fuch,. that thou wilt not rafdy condemn me of Ln~ frudence in the Reprinting the(e jad fheets.. Firft underftand the Realons moving me thereunto,, and then I am fomewhat confi¬ dent that thou wilt Approve ot my Defign* 1 know that Romances and Play-books too mucli gratifie. the Humours of the Populace j but humble and fincere Chriltfans, with Delight recall to mindc Gods Mercies, and with Awful nef^ tremble at His Judgments: Behold, the enfuing Papers will aflKl thy Meditation in both: Confider His Mercy to T/.vf and Mee, that we are yet in the Land of the Living, to 'ft>ork out our Salvation Vfith Fear and Trembling: His "judgments on many Thoufands in or near this City, whom He hath in One, year fivept a^vay with the ‘Beefome of a Temporal VeJlruBion : O let us not imagine, that they were greater Sinners than we the Survivors!, iox^ Except v&ejpeedily andjeriotifly ^pentyjve jhall all- likfiTvife perip?^ either Simllitudme^ox CerutuUmeTdrKt: But I iun a Printer no Preacher I fhall theretorc wave fiich Difcoiirfe',. • and briefly, yet perlpicwoufly, render a faithfull Account, wiry I undertook this Publication. In the year 1615. the flroke of the Lords hand was Heavy upon this City and Suburbs, which year was ever fince called. A. 1 . Thci ■ : I, ' __ To the ^^der. 'I'he GrcjUt blague *. NoW though thou haft ftcn probably fe- ; veral Printed General Reports, given in by the (Part[h Clerks in : that year • yet I am not able to Recover all the particular Weekly Bills thereof- the fight of them hath been much defired theie times- ‘but it is beyond my power, as yet, to anhver mens ex- pcdations. That Pofterity may no: any moVe be at fiich a hits I refolved to communicate unto the Nation , tbele lubie- quent leaves: In all humility befeeching the Omnipotent, to conferr upon us,ruch an unifome and cordtal (^epencatice,th^z every one of us may fearchoutthe blague oi his own Heart and and (purge our [elves, hy Hisgratious afliftance, fro?n all filthimjs of Flefh and Spirit ; that fo He may in the riches of His tender Compaftion, return in favour to this finful City, and reftore Health to our Habitations: That neither the Phyficians of our Souls or Bodies, may hereafter 1 ki fuch great numbers forfake usj and that neither my fclf, or ariy other of my Profeffion, may have occafion,for the future,to Print fuch Dreadful lines. r London i ■ A L\ XV^lhallows Barking Alh^lloWs Breadftrccr Alhallows Great—— Alhallows Honylanc* Alhallows Lej Alhallows Lumbaidftreet Alhallo w s Stayning--^ Alhajlows the Wall¬ s' Alphage S' Andrew Hirbbard S' Andrew Underfhaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe S' Ann Aldcrfgatc— S' Ann Blackfryers-^ S' Antholins Parifti— S' Auflins Parifh— S' BartholomewExchanpe S' Benner Fynck- S' Benner Graccchurch- S' Bennct Paiilfwharf-—^ S' Benner Shcfehof- S' Bccolph Billinglgare- Chrift 2 "-7 Saviours Southwait- S Sepulchres Parih—- - S' Thomas Sourhvark— Trinity Minorics-- At the PcftlioUiC —^—- BHri:d in the 1 6 Pdrijhes wjtbm tbt eoui oi tbt 125 o S' Giles in the fields— Hackney Parifti-—- S' James Clcrkcnwel— S' Katk.-ncar chc Towef |4 H 3 Lambeth Parifh- 9 i S' ClementTknes-- 18 Paul CoYcnt Garden-j. S' Itp9nard ShorcdicCh— S' Magdafen Betmondfey S' Mary Newington-^ BHrltd in the $/it P^r^fs i^Mrddlefcr and Surrey 67 Martin in the fields —7 ) | Kbiy Savoy 8 II S' Majry JHington-—'i S' Mary^WhitcclappeU^ Rothorith PaTifh-— Stepneyparifh- Flagke^ t S'Ma^aret W^ftninfter; T-f j war< __ , , . , tkf Peftpjrfc- — 39 Flegut-o --— ; g ‘Male* — jSeaiales— 'In *11-- 2 2 it Baricd ! Females — : In all- H 7 2-0 Plaguf— i BcCTcafed'in the Buries this Week- —12 9 Parilhes Infedled- Parifhes clear of the league rif Afix,e cf BrtAdforth hj Order^of tht Lord lirdot and Court of A’ldermtWj, A penny. Wheaten Loaf to contain Eleven Ounces j and three ^ half-penny White Loaves the Kke weight. The ^Difeafesand Cajualties A Bortive — Aged-- Apoplexie — Canker-- Childbed- Chrifomes- Confumption- Convuifion— Dropfie- Executed- Feaver- Flox and Small-pox- French-pox- Griping in the Guts • Headache • Head-naould-fhot- Jaundies- Infants— Killed in a Crane at Alhalibws Barking ■ Kingfevil- Ovcrlaid Palfie — Plague Rickets- Rifing of the Lights- Scurvy - Sore Breft —- Spotted Feaver- Stilborn- Stone-- -»- Stopping of the Romach- Suddenly-- Surfeit- Teeth- Thrufh- Tiffick- Winde-- Wormes- 1 liur. l^lag. S' /L Lban Woodftrcet- X^Alhallows Barking Alhallow^s Brcadflrecc— Alhallows Great Alhallows Ho^lanc-- Alhallows Lcflc- Alhallows Lumbardflreet Alhallows Stayning-- Alhallows the Wall- S' Alphage - — S' Andrew Hubbard¬ s' Andrew Underfhaft—• S' Andrew Wardrobe —* S' Ann Aldcrfgatc S' Ann Blackfrycrs-- S' Antholins Parifli S' Auftins Parifh— S' BartholomcwExCiHnge S' Benner Fynck-- S' Bcnilec Graccchurch- S' Bennet Paulfwharf--^ z S' Bennet Shcrchog——^ I S' Botolph BilUngT|atc- Z Chrift Church S' George Botolphlanc— S' Gregory 67 S' Pauls— S' Hcllcn. Bur.‘Flag, S' James Dukes place¬ s' James Garlickhithe— S' John Baptift- S' Chriftophers - S' Clement Eaftchcao-— S' Dionis Backchurcru— S' Dunftan Baft¬ s' Edmund Lumbardftr., S' Ethelbcroug] S' Faith——— S' Foftcr- S' John Evangelift-—- S' John Zachary — S' Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine Crechurch- S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pmintney— S' Leonard Eaftcheap— S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Magnus Parifh- S' Margaret Lothbury— 1 S' Margaret Mofes- 1 S' Margaret Ncwfifhftre. S' Margaret Pattons— S' Mary Abchurch-—— I S' Mary Aldcrmanbury- S' Mary Aldcimary—— 2 S' Mary le Bow- S' Mary Bothaw-- S' Mary Colcchurch-— S' Mary Hill—=-- S' Mary Mounthaw- 1 S' Mary Sommerfet-I S' Mary Stayning- S' Mary Woolcnurch-— I S' Mary Woolnoth- S' Martin Ircmongerlane I S^ Gabriel Fenchurch-— Buried in the 97 Purifier within the tf uUf • 66 S' Andrew Holbuin- S' Bartholomew Great¬ s' Bartholomew Leffc-— S' Bridge>--- Bridcwel Prccind--- S' Botolph Aldcrfgatc— 17 1 6 S' Botolph Aidgatc— S' Botoluh Bifnepfgate— S' Dunftan Weft--- S' George Southwark— S' Giles Crippk'gacc-— S' Clave South walk¬ s' Martin Ludgatc— S' Martin Orgar s— — S hdartin ^)iicwicch“—~~* S' Martin Vintrey-- S' Matthew Fridayftrect- S' Maudlin Milkftrcctj- S' Maudlin Oldfifhftrcct-* S' Michael Baftifhaw S' Michael Cornhil- S' Michael Crookedlane S' Michael Q^iccnhithc- S' Michael Quern-- S' Michael Royal-- S' Michael Woodftreet- S' Mildred Breadftreet— S' Mildred Poultrcy- S' Nicholas Aeons-- S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Olaves- S' Clave Hartftrect- S' Clave Jewry—^ S' Clave Silvcrftrcct_ S' Pancris Soperlanc- S' Peter Cheap- S' Peter Cornhil— S' Peter Pauifwharf.- S' Peter Poor-—r—— J S' Steven Colemanftrcet 2 S' Steven Walbrook-— S' S within- Bur.jPiag. S' Thomas /^oftlcs Trinity Parifli—— Piague^ Saviours Soumwark— S Sepulchres Parilh— S' Thomas Souchwark- Trinity Minorics- At the Pcftlwufe- »« tht 16 vUbtitt [be lydts, »Hd a tkt PfIibfHfe-- ?Ugit;~ o 16 Lambeth Panih—■— S' Leonard Shored help¬ s' Magdalen Bermondfey S' Maxy Newingcoiv-- s' Giles in the fieldi. Mackney Pstiih--- - S.' James Cltr'wnwel— 9 S' Kith, near the Towerll , . . tHrUd in then tin Parijiits in Middlefex Surrey- IQ 2 4 5 4 7 ' S' Maty Iflingron- S' Mary Whir«happel-'r7 Rothorith Parifh-——”; Stepney Piriflv •,3 3 , It a I is'Martin in the fields— ,17 I I S'Mar€aret Wcllminftcr{l4 S p'iilSSrSSl-t I & ^ =■’»»->* I ' ^ — SnrUd in tke^ Pdiljiies in ibt Cu) *»d Likmusnf WeOttainflci— 4 5 _ O —------ ■ B 2 ~ and Cajualties tdkW'eek^ Infants-— Kildtwojone at St.GiJcs in the Fields, and one by a fall from a Mall at 5 t. Mary White- ^ chippel Kinglevil- Mealles- Ovcrlaid Palfie — Rickets — ‘S Rifing of the Lights- Ruptare--- Scovrring-- -9 i 7 ' I Spotted Fcaveir- Stilborn—-~ Stonc-- -»— topping of the ftotnach- Suddenly *- Surfeit—- Teeth-—-- Thralh- Timpany--- Tiflick- Ulcer-—^-- Windc--- -i; -;8 3 % 3 - 1 ^ 3 - -1 z 5 —rr --“3 Buried-jFetnalesn— j 6 ^> Plague {:inall-34 9 y - 5 a. C Males ChriRined-s Females— C In all-255? , ^ Inaeafcd in the Burials this Week—__ _ Parifhes cle ar of the Plague-13 0 Parifhes InTcAed Tie Afix.e of Bread ftt forth iy Order of the Lord Mdor and Court of Addermen A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Eleven. Ounces ^ and three ^ ;' half-penny White Loave s the like weight. . • .. „ a ^ I London 3 From tt yjo f January lo the i o. 166 ^ but- A Lban Woodftrccc- XjlAUiaIIow s Barking 4 Alballows Brcadftrcei— Alhallows Great - — ^ Alhallpws Honylanc- Alhaliows Lcffcr- 5 Alballows Lurobardftrcci Alhallows Staining-- Alballows the Wall- 17 Alpbigc- 1 3 Andrew Hubbard -j ^ Andt;:w Undcrfliaft— Andrew Wardrobe— Ann-.Aldcrfgatc- S' Ann.BUcktiycrs- S' Anclfelitis Paridi—— S' Auftins Parifb Piag.i Bur. S' George Boi?olphlanc— S' Gregory by S' Pauli¬ s'Helen¬ s' BarcholomcwExchang S' Bennet Eynck- S' Bennet Graccchurch S' Ben4C!: Paulfwhart*—i4 S' BeniKx Shcrcboc- . ~i S' BotolphBillinglgacc. Cbrifta Churcb—- S' CbriAo-phers- S' Clenpent Eallcheap— S' Dionis Backcburch— S' Dunftan Haft¬ s' Edmund. Li imh a i dfti S^ Etbclboro^h- S' Fmh--- S' Foftcr-- X Plag, S' James Dukes pkee— S' James Garlickbicbe— S' John Baprift-I S' John Evangelift- S' John Zachary- S' Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine Crcchurch S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney-* S' Leonard Egftcheap¬ s' Leonard Fcfterlanc— S' Magnus Parifn— S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret - S' MargarccNcwfiHiftrcct S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary AbchurOh¬ s' Mary Aldermanbury— S' Mary Aldermaty S' Mary le Bow — S' Mary Bothaw— S'Mary Coicchurch- — S' Mary Hill—-- S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Scanning- S' Mary WoTi^lchurch-— S' Mary Waolnoth—— S' Martin Ircmongcilanc S' Gibficl Fcnchufch— Bt^ried in the 97 Pdriptesr^Uhin the ^aUs S' Martin Ludgarc S' Martin Orgtiis— -I S' Martini Oui'.vjtchl-—} S' Martin Vincre^^jf—- 2. S' Matthew Fridayftreer- ^ S' Maudlin Milkftrc::— S' Maudlin Oldfifliftrcctui S' Michael Baflirtiaw. S' Michael Cornhii- S' Michael Crookedlanc S' Michael Quccnhithc-^i S' Michael O uem-—^— S' Michael Roya!-* S' Michael Woodftrcct— s' Mildred Brcadftrect— S' Mildred Poulcrcv .— s' Nicholas Acorn-- S' Nicholas Colcabby— S'- Nicholas Oiaves ’ S' Olavc Harcftrccc- s' Olavc Jewry . Bur. Pbg. -’4 S' Olm Siivcrftrcet—_ S' Pancras Soperlanc—jl S' Peter Cheap-! S' Peter Cornhil-' S' Peter Pauliwharf. S' Peter Poor———^ S' Steven Colcmanftreet S' Steven Walbrook-— S' Swifhin S' Thomas Apoftlc- Trinity Pariflj—- 9 5 * PUgHi- ^5 s' Botolph Aldgatc-- 13 Saviours Soutliwark-*1 12 S' Bc/:olph Bilhopfgatc— 10 S. Sapulchrcs Parifti ■ —' 21 s' Dunftan Weft-- 5 S' Tnomas Southwark— 11 ,S' George Southwark-— 13 . Trinity Minorics— s' Giles Cripplcgatc-—' 128 At the Pefthoufc- S' CHavc Southwark- 13 - S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Lelie¬ s' Bridget-- Bridcwcl Prccinft- S' Botolph Aldcrfga Buried in th* X 6 Pnrifhe^ wrriMiu theiVAUsi AndM thi PtfUnnfe-^ 142 PUgHt^ O S' Gilcsin theEcIds- Hackney Pariih- 12 5' James Ckrkenwcl .—17 Kath. near the Towered SuH^d in the IZ OKt pArnhet in Middlefcx And Surrv* Lambeth ParJIh—r- 15 S'Leonard Shored itcji-r! 8 S' Magdalen Bermondsey [6 S' Mary Newington— 1 3 S' M;try liiington———j I S' Marv Whitechappcl—|i 3 I RothorithParifh .——I ! Stepney Pariih——140 { lCO“ - o S'. GIcmcnt Danc &-—-^{8 | 1 S' Martin in the fields—^24 s' Paul CoYcnt Qa^den-^J J I Mary Savoy--— (3 ( | ‘* 1 terfof At the Pefthoufc Buried in the $ Pnrifbes w the City and Liberties ef Weftminfter-^ ^ 7 O . S' Margirct WelLminltcTil 9 ^ eofet r ^ ^ Bortive- , Aged— Ague—- Bloody flux - Childbed- < hrifomes— Confumption Convulfion— Cough- Dropfie- jDrowned at St.Mary VVhite- chi ppel-^-- reaver- riox and Small-pox- riux- ]Erench*pox- 'Males- ChriflnedsTemale lln all Gricf- Onping in the Guts- ImpolfchuiBc- Intancs Killed with a Cart at St. Giles Cnpplegate Kingfcvil- Overlaid- Quinfle- RieJeets- Rifing of the Lights- Sciatica - Scowring- Scurvy- Spotted Fcaver- Stilborn- Stopping of the flomaeh'- Strangury-—--- Suddenly —————__ Surfeit- — _ Teeth- - Tiffick- Ulcer-- yVindc-- Buried Males 203^ Temales— ipj> Plague^ o InaU—— 3^4' Increafed in the Burials this Week_ _ _ Parifties clear of the Plague-- 1 3 p Parifhes Infedted —— © Tie Afix.e of tre^dJet forth bj Order of the Lord Maior ^d Court of Aldermew A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Eleven Ounces, and three ^ f half-penny White Loaves rfie like weight. London 4 FroniiNc»U> of January to the 17. I 664. |Bur.iPlag.| •iiur. \ Lbin Woo2 ! 8' OlaYcs SilYerUrcct-^^ S* Pancras Soperitne—I jS' Peters Cheap -——',2 S' Peters Comhll— S* Peters Paalfvrkr^i-"- St Peters Poor——' S' SccYcns ColcmanAr S' StcYcns Walbrtjoji— , S' Swithtns———“ S* Tho;iias ApoPie— Trinity PaniK——' Buried in the 97 Paripjes i?ithin the ^PaLIs Tq 4 S' Andrews Holborn—, S' Barthoi^emew Great I S* Bircholwmcw Lrfe- 1 S' Brides PariAi , Bridewcl Pwinct S' Bocolph Aldfrrr|atr|9 S'Botoipb Aidjatc—- S'Botolpi: EiiEopfjtte S'DunftaisWcA-- S'Gsofgc Southwark- $*Giles Crippleuafe-" SaYiouts Southwark S' Sepulchres Parifi»— Thomas Southwark-- Trinity Minories—— At ihcPdlhoufc— Is'OUYCsSoichwtrk— in the 16 I'nrifhet withoHtthe wdls, nnA « the Pi^heufe^lSd --.. S' Gilts in the kelds— Hackney Pari^- — S' James Clctkcnwcl— S* Kach.nccr the Tower 1 Lambeth parilh-i— 4 S'Lcontid Shoreditch i 2 S'Masdden Berinood; 5 S' MtryNcwinjitdn-* 7 j i;‘ Maty ^ U'Mary Whiftdha^p 1 Redri'^* Fa'nfiir.-- j 1 Stepney Pari^i —- K Bmed inthe l^^ut[PaYijhesm Middlefcx and Surry-^ liS Plagu c- I s' Clemestt Danes——.17 IS'Hfcta* « cht*tl AfMloftruifaftnhh Ordtr oftht Urd MAin AndC.m A penny Wheatentoaf to contain Eleven Ounces and a half and ’ __three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. 1 i-ondon 6 From the*T^of January to the 31. x^^4. Bur PL Woodlkrcei \ ^Alhallows Barkini iMhailows Bmditrccc- jAihallows Grctt- — AlhiUows Uonyiaiie— 1 Alhallowj Lcfc——• I Alhallows LtiNibardftr 1 Alhtlkms Staynin|-— Alhallows chc Wall— IS* Alphtf€ S' Andrew Hubbard— S' Andrew UndcrAiaft- $• Andrew Wardrobe¬ s' Ann Alderfiarc- S* Ann Bltckfrycrs— S' Anch^lins Ptriii — f AuAim ParUk S' Bartholomew Exch. S* Benner Fynck- S' Benner Gracechufcl $' Benner Paulfwharf— S' Bonnet Shcrchof s' Botolph BfUinsiiacc Chrita Church S' ChriAophers- $' Clcmenr EaAcheap- S' Dionis Bockchurch S' DunAans EaA S' £daa« LumbardAreet S' Ithelh^mrsh. S' FaKhs I S' FoAen- i s' GcoTfe Bocolphlanc s' Gretories by S' Pauls S' Hellin< James Dukes place¬ s' James Oarlickhichc S'John Bt^tiA Bar S' John EvanjeliA— S' J^hn Zachary-— Kacharine-ColenatiY- $' Katharine crechurch S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney- S' Leonard EaAcheap- S' Leonard FoAcrlanc- S' Magnus Pariii— S* Margaret Lothbury S' Margaret Mofes—■ S'Margaret NewiAiA S' Margaret Pattons— S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldcrmanbut) S' Mary Aldcrmary — S' Mary le Bow- S' Mary Bochaw—— S' Mary Colcchurch— S' Mary Hill- S'Mary Mounthaw— S' Mary Sommerfet— S' Mary Staynings—* S' Mary Woolchurch- S* Mary Wolnoth- ^ S* Martins Iremongwl 1 S* Gabriel Fenchurch Buried in the 97 TaYipjes whin the ^dlls I S' Andrews Holborn— I S* Barrbovis-mew Great 1 S* Bartlaolomcw Lace¬ s' Brides Ptriii- Bur s' Martins Ludgac S' Marduis Orgarn—• S' Martins Outwicch— S' Mucins yimrev— S' Mathew FridtyArooc S' Mandlins MilkAricc S' Maudlins OldSAJ. I S' Michael Boftfiiaw<-| S'Michael CornhiL«^ I S'Michael Crookcdla. I S' Michael Quccnhiche S'Michael Q^em~— S' Michael Royall— S* Michael WoodAreet 1 S* Mildred BreadAreet I S' Mildred Poultrcy—- S' Nicholas Aeons*-— $' Nicholaps Coloabby- S' Nicholas OlaYU—- S' Olares HartAeeot— S' OltYcs Jewry S* OltYcs SilYcrArecc- S* Pancras Sopcrlaoe— jS* Peters Cheap—— $' Peters Cornhil— S' Peters Ptulfwharf— St Peters Poor¬ s' SteYcns ColcmtrtAr S',StCYcns Walbrook— s' Swithins S* ThoiUas ApoAlc Trinity . 8 ? Plague^ S'Botolph Aldgate- S'Botolph Biikopfgace S'DunAans WcA^- S'George Southwafk- S'Gilcs Cri^^plegaw— 12 10 6 6 25 12 Saviours Southwarb Sepulchres PariAi-— Thomas Southwtrk- Trinity Minories—— At the PeAhoufe- I Bridcwel Precinct— IS* Botdph Alderfgatc ^ - Buried in the 16 Parifhet without the iVallsy and At the Pefthou.fe^t 4 ^ PUgt^e o S' Giles in the iclds Hackney PafiA— S* lames Clcrkenwel— S' Kath«neer the Tower Buried in the 11 out Parijbes in MVddlercx and Surry—115 Phgue^ 1 k*»nfc— » 7 1 Mary Iflingtan— S'LcowndShotediceh ia ! S'Mar,y Whiwchippel II 121 S'>ilafd»iifeales and Cafualties this If^eek^ Bortive- Aged — A Bedrid Jen- Bloody flux- Bruifed- Cancer-- Childbed-- Chrifoms ——- Confumption— Convulfion- Cough- Dropfie-- Executed-—— Feaver- Floxand Small-pox- Flux- Found dead in the Street { an Infant at St. Bcnnet Pauls* wharf-;- Fxench-poi - — ■ ——— C Malts CViriftned|Femiles ^ In all— 2 16 1 1 1 ii '5 77 44 2 I 33 20 5 Gripinginthc Guts -—•— Jaundies--- Impofthume-- Infants — —- Kild with a Fall at Sr. Giles Crippicgate Kingfevilj — Marthercd at St. Martins in the Fields- Ovcilaid---* Quinfic-- Rickets- Rifing of the Lights Scowring—-- Scurvy---- Stilborn — — Stone—- Stopping of the Stomach Suddenly---- Surfeit^- Teeth____ Tttruik-- 13 2 3 1 I'iflick- Ulcer- Vomiting —■ VVinde—~ Wormes - I 8 8 1 2 9 1 3 6 9 16 2 18 1 1 3 I 21 ^^7) CMales- BuricdcFema'cs On all— Deercafed in the Burials this Week- Pariilrt-s clear of the Plague- 130 Parilhes TnfedleJ i^^SpJague- o 4cp_ ' Michael Cornhil— s' Michicl CrookedU Michicl Quecnhiciu ,* Michael Quern-- S' Micluiel SLOyall—- s' M i chac I W’t^ rcct _ Mildred BrcadArcc. S' Uilcircd Poultiej — ;r Nklsoiis Atony— V NichoU* Col cabby- S' Nicholas OlnTCt— S* Glares Karcftroct— S* Glares Jewry 'i' Glares iilrcrAfcet— S' Pancris Eopcxlinc— S' Peters Cheap—— S' Peters Cor::hU— S* Peters Paxifwbarf— S* Peters Poor- S' Stevens CokminAr Srcrciis 'fyaibrook— i'* ^ithins — ——' Tliorttas Apfiftks— rrinicy Pari^;-- 80 Plague^ O 5 ' Andrews Holbarnc— '2^ Bartholomew Gtcai S* Bartlwloaaew Leffc- S* Brides PatiS*—- Bridewei PfeciRcr-—~ s Botolph Alderfftte- T 2 13 4 $*Hotolph Aidg^tc- S'Botolph Bi^pfg&u S'Duni^ana Wei — j'Gcorgc Southwark S'Gilet Cripplcgatc— S'Oiarcs Sovthwark— 14 9 6 9 2l 13 Edtkd in the l6 Pa/ifijes mthouc (he ai the fefi houfe-^l^O flnguc--- O s' Giles in the Seida^ aiickacy Piri^-- 99 ^ CkJWKnc l>a»C 5 irdcn ? { S* Sarkmrs Sov.chwark TO S* Sepulchre- Parish-- 20 S* Thoaas Southwark-* I friniry Minoriei-— Ac the PcEtioufc— -121 Lambeth Pariwi— — • I 1 1 Mary irlmj^con— 4 i S' Lconnrd Shoreditch 10 vyhitcehapp^^i 13 - j i' Magdalen Bermond 4 ^edri? Paiign— - il* ^ Mary Newif-^n — St’ipncy Paf^ik—— 37 iq* Utcdfii i« ti'C kale: \ \S* MirfjJtct i 8 I -l 3 I Rxrifd iit rhe s Porifhes hi the City aitd Ukrtics of Wcflmm!lci— 64 Plague-O C 3 The T>ifeafes and Cafuakies um W' Bortive A Aged- Canker — Chilbed Chrifoms- Confumption ConvuHion — Cough-- Dropfic-*—— Feaver- FIox and Small-pox - Flux ——- French-pex — Gangrene-*- Gowt- Gripingin the Guts Jaundies—r::±:::rir Kild «, one aboard a Ship, with/ a Capften Barr, at Sr. Kathe- rins Tower, and one with a fall of a Houfe at St. Mary Whitcchappel- — Impofthumc —- Infants--.. Kingfevill- Overlaid - —-- Palfie- Poyfoned her fdf at St. Anne Blackfryers— - — — Rickets-^--- Rifing of the Lights Scurvy — Sore Icgge-- Spotted Feaver- Stilborn-—— Stopping of the ftomach ■ Surteit--^--- Teeth- Thruih- Timpany — Tiffick ——p Wiade'—— Wormes — xMalcs— CMales— "^ 9 ^? Chriftned Buricdi Nkholai Acorn—■ I $' Etrtliolo»ew Excht S* Margaret Ncn&Ard I s' Nicholai Colcabby- I S* Bennee Pynck—— S' Margaret Pattons— S' Nicholas Olrreft¬ s' Btnitct GrtMchuccl' 5* Mary Abchnrch— s'Oltvcs HartArcct— 3 S‘ Besmet Paulfwhirfe- S' Mary Aldcrmtabury 1 5* Olares Jewry—— S' Benmec Sherthe*— S' Mary Aldccmary — i* Oltreft SilvcrArccc— 1 S' iocol^ Billinilfat^ * S' Mary le Bow- T i' Pancfts SoperltM— CKrift Chnrch-— 6 S' Mary Bochaw—— I S* ChriAophexs '' S' Mary Cnlechxrch— S' Peters Cornhil— I S' ClcMenc EtAchet^ S' Mary Will- I $* Peters Panirwharf— S* Dionis Btekehnren- S* Mary Monnthaw - S'Peters Poor-- I S* Dnaftuis BaA——— 3 S' Mtry Sowmerfet— t 5' Stetens ColtmanAr. 4 s' Edn. LumbtrdArect S* Mary ^aynings——^ S’' StcTcns Walbrook— S* Ethclboroofh»» S' Fiithf————— S' Mtry Wookhurch- S* Mary Wonkoth— 1 S* Swithins S* T^mat Apofttt*-— 2 S* FnAcf* -- X $* Marems Itemongcr^ Tfinit) Ptriii;-—— t S' ®tbfkl Fcnchmrch- Buried in the gj Pirifhes within the - — 8j VUgue— 0 $* Arnirews Molbomc— 13 S‘Botolph Aldgatc-j: ^3 S'Samw^rs Xt*4chwark:l2 Bartholomew Orett 4 S'Botolph Biibopfgatr ^ )' Scpekhrcs 2 ? S' Btrthoiowew Lc|*c- 2 S'DunAans Wet- ] 10 >* Tfeaias South-K ark- 1 s' Brides PtriAi- 12 >'George Somthwark- ^ rrinky Mmories-—-- 1 Bridtwd Prteiatt— 1 i'Giles Cr^pplegacc— • Vt the PcAhoiefc' > — V iottdi* Aiittf^st*- S i'OitTcs Sonthwafk— - II Buried in the l6 Pa)ip7Cs mthout the andni ih i’ Teflhouft — 18 © ?Ugue.~ o S* Ciics in the fccida— - 1411 1 ijimbcth parish 7 S' Mary lAingcon—' If tekney FariAi- ■ ■— S' Leonard Shoreditch 5 'Mary Whitcch ippcJ 1 [I S'ltmcs Ckfkejtwcl-- ( 5 i' Magdalen Bermond y ^edriff P»ri&— i— c' Kath. necr the Towci ? •P Maty Newin|i:f«i — 7 Stepney Pariib—— — ^ K turiea in the 1 2 $ut yarifhes in MiJdlcrcx nuJ Surry — Ill Plague -I S'ClcntCM Dmkj—— 1 < 9 \ 13' Mrartms in ctAc kddslj? \ S' Marirarcc Weftmiaft. \^n I 1 S PaulC^venrttnfden O ( tr Wtey Srroy -|l 1 1 trhrre&f dsttktP eAhonff 1 - 1 1 Buried in the 5 Parifbe\ in the City and Ukrties of WcOnVtnflcr— ^76 Phguc-- 0 Dropfic Drowned at Lambeth — Leaver riox and Stnall'pox Hux — Lrcnch-pox Gowt-- Griping in the Guts Jaundies Males— 113 Chriftned Buried Plague- i ^Inall- 2J43 cln all-4^2^ Increafcd in the Burials this Week-—^ 6 ^ Parishes dear of the Plague-12^ Pariihes Infcded- %ht 'Afsize of Bread ftt forth hy Order cf the lord Maiorand Com ofAldermtn^ h penny Wheaten Loaf to contaiii Eleven Ounces and a hair, and three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. London ^ From the hptTf February to the 2 r* 16^4* A Lbtms Woodlrcct AlhnIloYn larkini AUuIIows Brcftdftrcct- AihtUows Groac—■■■- Aihallows Hony^e-— Alhtllows Left - Alhallows LuMbardltr AlhiUows Scaynin^-— Alhallows eke Wall— Al{»ha{C Andrew Hubbard— S' Andrew UAderlbafc-> $* Andrew Wardrobe¬ s' Ajiii Aldcrf|ttc —— S* Ann Blackirycrs— S* Anth^lifu PariAi — $• Auftins Pariii-— 5* Banholomcw Exch. S' Bcfinci Fyndi- S' Benner Grtcechiifdi $' Bennct Paulfwharf— S' Be&net Shex ehog < S* B»tiilph BillingiV ChriAs Church- S' CkriAophers- S'ClcwcAt EaAchcap- S' l^icmis Backchurch S' li^jiilans Baft¬ s' HdiB. L«m.Wdftreci $' EchcHxdiidrsk- S' Ftkhs - ■ — S' Fofters- S* Oabritl S' George Bocolphlanc S' Gregories S' Pauls S' Heilins—— S< James Bttkes place S' James Qarlickhkke S' John Bapeift— S' John EYangelift— S' J®hn Zachary - - S' Katharine Coleman* s' Katharine crechurck S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pouneney- S' Leonard Eaftchcap- S' Leonard Feifterlane- S' Magnus Parifti- S'Margaret Lothbury S' Margaret Mefes- S' Margaret Ncwftftift S' Margaret Pattons— S* Mary Abekureb— S' Mary Aldcrmanbury S' Mary Aldermary — 1 S* Mary Ic Bow—- S' Mary Bothtw— S' Mary Colcchurch— S'Mary Hill- S'Mary Mounthaw— S' Mary Sommerfet— y Mary Staynings— S* Mary Woolchurch- S' Mary Wolr^atk—- S* Martins Iremongerl. Bar Plr jFenchurck I Buried in the 97 Parijhes within the ?2 S^ Martins Ludgatc— S* Mardni Orgars— S* Martins Ouewitek- S' Mnrtins Vintrcv— S? Mathew Fridtyftrect S' Maudlins Miikftreet, S' Maudlins OldftftUl. S* Michael Ba£ftiaw— I S' Michael Cornhil— 1 1 S'Michael Crdcikcdia.,2 s' Michael Qif«nhithc 2 S' Michael Quern— S* Michael Royall— S' Michael Woodftrcei 2 $' Mildred Brcadftrsec S' Mildred Poulcrey— l S' Nicholas Aeons—!i $' Nicholas Colcabby- S' Nichohs OlaYet— S' ©laYcs Hartftj^^c— S' OltYcs Jewry— S' GitYcs SilYerftrect- S' Pancras Soperlanc— (S' Peters Cheap ■■ S* Peters Cornhil— S' Peters" Ptulfwharf- St Peters Poor—— S' StcYens ColcmanAr S' SccYcns Walbrook— $' Swithins S* Thoaias Apoftlc Trinity PariT Plagu — e s' Andrews H®iborn— S' Barciik<;la.mcw Great S'Barcholtinacw Lcffc- S' Brides Parifti— Bridcwtl Precinct¬ s' Botidph Aldcrfgttej Buried in the I € Parifbes without the tValls^iOiid At the Pefihoufe^l ^8 VUgue^o Giles in the fteld Hackney Pauifti—- S* James Clcrkenwcl— S'Ka[h.accr the Tower Buried in the 12 out Parlies m Middlcfcx and Surry——89 Plague-^-- O 18 1 1 Lannbctla Parifti■■ S' Mary Iflingcon— ? 1 S'Leonard Shoreditch 1 0 S'Mary Whitcchappel 9 % 1 S'Magdalen Bcrmond .;2 Radritf Psrilii——— 6 ] S' Mary Newington—13 Stepney Parifli - 30 21 x'Bocolph Aidgatc — 9 1 ^ SaYioun Southwark 12 2 S'Batolpk Biftiopfgtte 10 S^ScDulckrcs Parifli— i? S'DunftansWcft- 6 S* Tbosms Southwark- 3 13 fJ'Gcotgc Southwtrk- > Trinity Minoriew— $'Giles Ciipplcgaie— 3? At the Peftkouf^—• 2 1 S'OiiYcs Southwark— 17 S* Clement l^es—) 12 \ \$'Ms4:ans in the ftelds|2 J I liPaulCoYent Garden! 4 I (S'Mary SiYty — U I Buried in the % Purijbes in the city and Liberties of Weftrainfter- D W Margaret Weftminft. iH i Wliat»f tn tht Pethawfe ]—■! .-64 VUgue^O The T>ifcafes and Cafualties ms TFee\, Bortive- Aged — BJeediMg— Childbed- Chrifoms Collick- Confumption—— Convulfion — Cough- Dropfie---- Drowned at S Kathar.Towcr - reaver- - rioxand Smalhpox-- Flux--—-- Found dead in the Street at Stepney-- Griping in the Guts c Males — CnriftnedcFc miles tin all— I 2 I > 1 U> - Impofthume Infants -- K logic vili Mouldfallen* Kild accidentally with a Car bine, at St. Michael Wood ftrcct Ovcrlaid- Ricktts --—- Riling of the Lights Rupture - Scalded jfi a Brewers Malh, at St. Giles Crippicgate— Scurvy — —-- Spotted Fcaver -- Stilborn *— --- Stopping of the Stomach Suddenly- Surfeit Teeth - Tiflick l^lcer- Vosatting Windc— Wormes CMales- #T Buned'vFcma'es — i^^SPlague o *• cin all — - 393J Lecrcafed in the Burials this Week-—_ Parillies clear of the Plague --— 130- Parilhes Infcftcd- 7le jfsiz.e cf Bread fet forth by Order of the Lord Malor and Court ofAldermenl A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Eleven Ounces, and three half-penny White Loaves the like w^eigHr.'_ Loadon |• Fr©m the 21 of February to the 28. _ 166/^, s'A Lbias Wc» > Trinity Minories- At the PefthCHtfci " ■ • . Vlague^o Buried in the 12 out Parl^ei in Midfilefex and Surry-— \ S' Mary iBington—• ' S'MLary Whiccchappel I Redrift Parifla—- j Stepney Parifti —— -106 Plague —-o p—/ - . A. II buried i» the $ Pmjhes in the City Md Liberties of Weft.nmRer- i« the WdsliS ”r M««t« ,2z 6-7 PUiue^o \lM*ry $»T«y——12 D a The Vifeafes and Cafuahies this Weel^ A Bortive Aged- Apoplexie — Bedridden 38 Burnt by a fall into the fire at Sr. Giles in the Fields Childbed--,,-la Chrifoms-— - —- (ra Confumptiort- Convulfion — Cough- Dropfie-“ Drowned in a Tub of water at St. Martins in the Fields— Executed-'-—- Feaver-- ---~-~ FIox and Small pox-- Flux —---- 9 % 28 1 16 2 ^ 15 2 Chriftned CMalcs :s—— nr Females— 11 2 n all- ^3' Frcnch'pox -—7 Found dead (an Infant ) St. Andrew Holborn- — Gowt- at Gripingin the Guts-—- Hanged her fclf at St. Saviours Southwark- — Head-mould- (hot Infants Kildby the fall of a Scaffold at Sr.,Bartholomew the Great- Lethargy- —- Rickets ---—~ Rifing.ofthe Lights Scurvy I ft '4 Spotted Feaver Stilborn- Stone Stopping of the Stomach Surfeit-- Teeth---- Tnraib---- Tiffick ——.——;—r— Windc- Wormes - 1 16 4 1 3 10 t 5 9 70 4 ‘5 3 2 increafed in the Burials this Week Pari(hcs clear of the Plague- 130 Males—— Buried Luaibacdftrcat s’ Ethc’beroagh——« S’ Faiths FaBcft 5’ ©abrkl Fcncharch-- Bmr^ PI I 2 I 2 l 3 I I 2 3 2 I I I 1 S’ GcotfC Botolphlane S’ ^regohes ky S’ Pairl S^ Hellcni ■■ — — Jaacs Dakcs places Jaacs Gaclickhkhc- S’ Bipcift—— S* John Erangclift- S* John Zachary——-- St Kachariftc Cokaan- S* Kttharinc ccccharch $» Lawrence Jewry-— S’ Lawrence Pountney S’ Leonard EaBchcap— S’ Leonard Podcclanc- $’ Magna s ParWh— S’ Margaret Lochbary- S’Margaret Mofea- S’ Margaret NevrSAft S’ Margaret Patconi— S’ Mary Abchatch^- S’ Mary Alderaaabary S’ Mary Alder a ary — s’ Mary ie Bow¬ s’ Maty Bochaw - — S* Mary Colechttfch— S’ Mary Mill - S’ Mary Mounthaw — S* Mery Somsierfet— S’ Mary Staynings - S’ Mary Wookharch- Mary Woolnoth—^ Ma reins Ircaongerl I Bar 1 5 2 1 2 1 3 3 I Pi S* Mardns l^adgate— S’ Martina Orgari—- S’ MtniiB Ontwitch— S’ Martins Vxntrey— S' Mathew Fridaytrcct S’ M^kdiina Milktrcct S’ S’MUWBaAAaw— S’ Michael —— S* OlaretSilycrtftot¬ s’ Panerts Soptrianc— $* Peters Chtan Burled the gj P^rifhej within the ^*'dls j-8? S’ Peters Cornhil— S’ Peters Panirwharf— S* Peters Poor . . $’ Sterems Cr^lcMtiiftr. S'* StcTcn: Walbrook— 5* Swiihins — .— S’ Thomas Apoftlts— Trinity Pari A- Plague -o Bar PL f Andrews Molbome— Barthobaanw Orea; f Bartholomew Lef c- ;* Brides PariA J 9 2 II I 7 S’Bocoiph A^ate— S’Botolph BiAopfgat; S’OunAans Weft —- S’Gcorge Jo^ichwark- S’Giles Cripplegatc— S’Olaree Sonthwark— iridewel Precinct— ;* Botoiph Alderfgace- , . Buried in the ifi Paripjes without the u-alls^ and ai the ?elihoufe—lj6 20 II 4 3 30 H S’ SaTionrs $(wthwark(i7 j’ Sepulchres PiriA— 26 S' Thomas Southwark- 1 rrinity Minorics—— .\,t the Pefthouft - — Flague-- o f Gibs in the Beida— iackney PatiA— (tyames Cicfkcnwel— ►t Katb. neer the Tower 14 8 S Lambeth Parivb— S’ Leonard Shoreditch s’ Magdalen * Bermond. S’ Mary Mewingxon — turieainthe tZOUtPartJhes in Middlefcx Surry-^IC?^ S’Mary IBi^con— S’Maty Whittchapps) Aedriff PariA— Scepney PariA— Plague - O 17 37 t element Dm«s—- 1*0 \ IS’Martins in the kddsjJs J IS’ Marcarcc WeBminB. ( ^'UtxrUroy -Ji | {k Pefthasft Muritd in the y Pnrifhei in the City and Ukrties of Wcftnninfler--77 Vhgtu-O 30 Hi-, 'i+l is if; [m j T'he Difeafes and Cafualties this Wee^ i\‘ Bortivc' Aged - Ague -- Apoplexie - Bleeding Burnt (accidentally)at Sc.Giles Cripplcgatc-- — — Chilbed --—::- Chrifoms --- Cold—-- - --- Confumption w—-r- Convulfion- C@ugh—-- Dropfic— Executed-iM- Feavec—---- Fiftula ■ Gowt—- Griping in the Guts Hcad-mould'lhoc— Jaundies—--^ Impofthume Infants-- CingTevill- Flox and Small'pox-' — Found dead ( a Woman) at St. Andrew Holborn-'^- French-pox---— 1 2 I I 5 i8 1 87 38 6 44 4 35 I ’5 I LivergrowB- Ovcrlaid Palfic-— Rickets- Rifing of the Lights Scewriflj—r-?-*- Scurvy — Spleen- Spotted Feaver- Stilborn ■■■ Slone- Teeth —— Xkcafti- — Timpany ^ Tiffick — nicer- Vomiting — Wiadt ~ Wormss 5 Males — 157 Chriftned'^Females 109 Cin ail—23^ Increafed in the Burials this Week Parifhes clear of the Plague-- it^Malcs —• a 1; Buried-^Females - ^22]^ Plaguc- Cln ail- 44* J --45 Parilhes Infcdled- Stopping of the ftomachr Suddenly — —- — — — Surfeit----— 'I »5 1 2 1 12 5 I 1 r 12 7 4 4 11 12 10 2 9 3 10 iS 1 2 iS 1 r 2 5 7he Jfsiz>e 0 / Bread fet forth hj Order ^ the lord Maiorand Court of Aldermen j A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces and a half, and three ^ half-penny White Loaves th^li kc weight . , London 1 1 Fromthky Mirch to the 14, $'A Lbniit Woodlrtet ^Alhallons BiikiiOf Aihriiiows Brctdftrcct- Alhtll^j Greae— Alhallaws W«nyl*«c-^ Alhalknis Lc2f&— Alhailo^«5 Lusabardilr Alb&iiaws Stiyninf— Alhaliaws the Wall—r Alphtjc S' Andrew H^abbard— S* Andrew Uaderfiitft- Aadrew Warorobc- S* Aaa Aiderfgate- S' Ajmi Bltckfrycrs——" S' Antholins PariAi— $' Auftims Ptrifii—— S' Barthobimew Excha S' Mcniuc Fynek- S' Bcsiaei ^racecharcb 5* BesjfcJt Faxirwbarfc- s' BsMCt Sherch:^—- S' lotoiph Chrit Church-.-- S' Chriftofhc.t^ — $* fileiKiic Ettciicaj>- S* Dittnis Backchxtcn- S' E s' Edin* Lumbaro£tect i.S* Eittclborou^h S' Faiths— S* FnAcri BnrlW 2 i ? I 1 I S« Georsc BotelphUnc S* Sr€$ories ^ $' f luU 3^ Helkn; Bur K JmMcs Dttkci place— fMMt Gerlickhitbc- . J»hii Bapii^ 3» Evtufclift- 3' John Zichary—— 31 IbtharincCokMan- 3* Kadiarinc crecharch S' Lawrence Jewry— S' Lawrence Foaiuncy S* Lecwmrd laftchcap— $' Lcomird Fof.etlans- S' Hannas FariiSi- S' Marsatci Lothbacy- S'Marijatet MoCty— S‘ Marsarec Kcr»EiL6 S' Margaret Fartoas— S' Mary Abch^rch- S* Mary AUermaabwry S* Mary Aidetmary — 5* Mary ^ - S' Mary Bochiw—•— S' Mary Caltfharch— S' Mary 1 ^x 11 —— — S' Mary Aiounthaw - S' Mary Saraaatrfc:— S' Mary Stayning^-— S' Mary Wookhurch- V Mary Wcninoth'- S' Martins lr««ongctl 5' Gabcki F«Ot«Iph - *0 \ ^ Sa^i^ss soathwark>l 7 a S'BwolfX Bift«K>fg«c i8 ! 1 sepulchres Panui— 22 ?'Dttnlttaj W- 10 Tl^HBfts Southwark^i 2 14 j'Gsoije loathw^^k- 6 frintcy MiwWies——— 4 S'Gilct Cripplcgi:*— 36 \t the FtAhonie—— 6 s'Olires SQ'ithwtrk— iO I' $' Andrews hkilb^rnc- S Bartholomew Griav s' Banlioiaas'w LsJe- s' Brides Psh^— Bridcwcl Frteinct S'Botcheh AUcriftre- Burkd ill the \6 Vari^hes j^nhm che yi-aih^mdAi the Fe !iimfe---lgj s' Gilts it cht kcki>— rlacknCY Fari^ 5»lfsm«s Ciefkciiwci— icrthcTowci ^li'ieei hi the ^2 eulFojiJhes m Mlddlefcx Surry iST flague— O 16 [LitEbtclj Parifti ''"" 2 ' S'Mary lAits^toa—^ 3 S' LesMti Siiofcdicfh 10 i'Mary Whitechappel s iAegdeilcii Bemood. 7 2 J* kiftry NewiwfrsHi — 4 Stepney Part& ■—»' 41 :«c;l«»«ac l>««»-! 'O i M»ni« »cJ»e SeUsj50 ■ ? talCtiTCntOM:ie» ? f .'S* MuPy S»»oy---13 turitd intht 5 Vttfi^a In thtCit) ini l-ibcTlltt of Wefttninfter— I S" ;arec J 'tilht Paabottfe:— VLigiie-^0 TheDifeafesand Cafualties thts^ee!^ Chilt)cd Chrifoms Coliick- Confutnption < ConvuUion — Cough Diftraded Dropfic— Feaver. Floxand Small-pox— Flux- 6 31 I I I 6 *5 i 85 34 4 I 40 ^9 16 Frcnch-pox- CjanereBe — Govvt- Grief — Griping in the Guts Jaundies-r~ Impofthumc -- Infants Kingfevill- Livcrgrowa- M^ther Mouldfallcn-- Overlaid ---- Rickets-- Rifing of the Lights Rupture Scalded fa child) at St. Maud¬ lin Milkftrect Scowriag—r~- Scurvy- Spleen- Spotted Feaver- Stilborn-—. Stopping of the ftomach ■ Strangury—- I X I 12 I I Suddenly. Surfeit- Teeth --— 6 3 2 I II 4 I 4 iz Kild two, one by a fall from a Scaffold at St. SepulchrcSjand one by a Cart at St. Martin in| * the Fields- X 3 Tkrufh.-— Timpany —. Tilfick- Ulcer-- Voinitiog- ^Winde Wormes —^ I — 15 z — I -r—- r Plague - o . .n CMalcs— 222 Chnftned rMarch to the a i. Burl PL iS*Atbtas Wocxilkrcci \ ^ Aihallovrs Ikrkin| I Albtllows Brcftditlrccc- I AlbailoK^s Grcdt-? Alhaliows Honylanw— Alhallows Lcfic- I Alhallows Lumbardftr Alhallons Scayninj^- Alhaliows eke Wall— I S** Alpha^c - - S' Andrew Hubbard— S' Andrew Underfiaaft- S' Andrew Wardrobe¬ s' Ann Alderf|axe - S' Ann Blackfrycrs-— S' Anth^lins Paridi — Auftins Pirift» S* Bartholomew Ex eh. S* Bennet Fynck—— S* Bcnnci Graccckurd s' Bermet PauUwharf— S' Bcftnct Shcrtluxi — S' B-’tolph Btllir?^|att Chrits Church- S* ChriRophers- $* Ckaienc EtRchcap- S* Dionit Backchurch S* EKimRans EaR——— J S' Edm. LnmbardRrcet 5* EthcR>oiiT|h S' Faiths I S* FoAw- S' George Botolphlanc s' Grej^of its by S' Pauls Hcllms Bar - I 3 James Dukes place¬ s' James Garlickhkhc S' Jolin Baptiit- S' John EvanjcliR— S' John Zachary- S« Katharine Coleman s' Katharine crcchurck S' Lawrence Jewry- S* Lawrence Pountney- S' Leonard Eaftcheap- S' Leonard Fofterlanc S' Magnus Pari&—■ $* Margaret Lochbury S' Margaret Mofes- S' Margaret NcwkAift S' Margaret Pattons— S' Mary Abchurch- S* Mary Aldcrmanbury I S' Mary Aldcrmary — 1 S* Mary Ic Bow— [ $* Mary Boihaw- S' Mary Colechurch— S' Mary Hill- S'Mary Mounthtw— S' Mary Sommerfet— S' Mary Staynings- r Mary Woolchurch- S' Mary Wolnoth- S' Martins lfemonie A(stz,e of Bread fet forth by Order eftht Lord Maier and Court efAUff^ A penny WHeaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half and three halfpenny White Loaves the like weight. ^ r ^ London 14 From the 21 of March to th 5 28. 1665, B*r Woodftrccr' ^ Alhaliows Barking Alhallows Brcidftrcct- Alhalloirs Grs^at- Alhallows Hoiiylanc— Alhiliioxvs Lcf« Alh&liovrs Lurobardftr Aihallotrs Stayning— Aihailcws ckc — S* Aiphigc ? S* Andrew Hubbard— Andrew Undcr^afe- S‘ Andrew Wardrobe¬ s' Ann Aldcrfgate — S' Ann Blackfrycrs- S' Anchejiins Parifla — 5^ Auftins Pari& S' Bartholomew Exch S' Bcxinct Fynck S' Benner Graccckurci S* Bennn Paulfwharf-^ S' Benner Sherehoc — $* B;>.'Cclph Brilin-^igatc Chrits Church——— S* Chiriftophcrs" ■ — s' Ciement Etftchcap- S' Dioiiis BsfCkchurcF S' DunAtns BAA¬ S' Edm. LumbardArect S' EthclboKTgh- $' Faiths—— S* FoAars— 5 ' Gabriel Bof s' George Botolphlant $' Grerorics hjf S' Pauls S' Hellins .— - s' James Dukes place¬ s' James Garlick'hichc s'John Baptift S' John Evanjelift-— S' J®hn Zachary S' Katharine Colcmanr- S' Katharine crcchurcE S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney- S* Leonard Eaftchcap- S' Lcenard FoAcrlanc- S' Magnua Pari^—- s' Margaret Lochbury S' Mtrgarcc Mofes- S'Margaret NewAAift. S' Margaret Pattons— S* Mary Abckurch S' Mary Aldcrmanbury S' Mary Aldcrmary — S' Mary Ic Bow { S* Mary Bothaw S' Mary Colcchurch— $* Mary Hill-, S* Mary ^Mounthaw— S' Mary Somaaerfet— ^ Mary Stayniugs -- S'Mary Woolclwtrch- S' Mary Wolnorh—- $' Martins Iremongtrl Penchurch' Buried in the 97 Varijhes vpithin the PL {But S' Martini Ludgare —r S* Martins Orgar^^^-' 1 S' Martina Outvirck-H S' Martins Vincrev—/ 2 S' Mathew FridfmrA^ S' Maudlins S' Maudlins' * S' Michael i s' Michael Cornhi^—« I S' Micha-cl Cr®okedla. S* Mkhacl Q?ccnhith< 1 S' Michael Quern— Michael RoyalL—rr*!t S' Michael Wo&dftr^et i S* Mildred Brcadftrkt i S' Mildred Poulcrcy— S' Nicholas Aeons— S* Nicholas CoUAbby - S* Nicholas Olayes-ir-'^i S' Olayes HarcAreeu—Ig S' Olates Jewry——] S' Olayes SilycrArcet-i S' Panct'as Sopcrlane—] $* Peters Cheap¬ s' Peters Cornhil— S* peters Paulfwharf— St Peters Poor S' Stcyens GolemanAr- S' Scevem Wilbrook—^ S^ Swithins- S* Thomas ApoAle Trinity PariM— 68 P/ 4 g«r- S' Ajadrews Hoiborn— S' Barthok.mcw Great S'Barthoifitwicw Lege¬ s' Brides PariAt Bridevrel Precinct—— S' Bocolph Alderfgaw S'Botolph Aldcttc— 1 6 S'Botolph Bmiopfgate 13 S'DunAansWeA-^ S'Gcorgc Southwark- 4 S'Giles Cripplcgate— 52 Is' OUyes Southwark— 12 2 S' Sayiours SouthwtrW 19 S' Scpiilckres PariAi— ^ i S' Thomas Souchwark- Trinity Minorie5;- At the PeAlioufc— Buried in the 16 Parses without the tva/ify and at the Pephoufe-^lSO LAUibcthPanii—— S \ S' Mary Iflington— i 3 2 S'Leonard Shoreditch | ; S'Mary^^itcchappel 8 3 S‘Magdalen Betmond. {9 . Rcdriif.P^^iflkrr-—“ 4 S' Mary Newington— 4 1 Stepney PanAi - 12 Giles la the fecids— Hackney PiriAs- ■— S' Umcs Clctkenwcl— S' Kath.nccf the Tower Emed hthe I lout Parijhes and Surry—74 r . : ~~T Plague -O VS'Maruni in the. Acids j21 j'Citmessit Dtmes—J 2 \ \l s!?aulCovc»tOardcn (2 | \$'M4ry Stvoyi—IJ Buried k the s Parijbes inehe cit) and Liberties of Weflmmftcr-^ yi W Mai|arcc VCdtapirtA.|i2 tbrPeit^ul^ 1 — Pli^UC^O £ a The T>if eafes and Caf ualties this Tf^eeJ^ A Bortive- Aged— Childbed — Chrifoms — Gold- Confumption- Gonvulfion — Cough-- Dropfie-— Fcaver- Floxand Small-pox- Flux- Frenck-pox Gangrene Gripingin the Head-mould ftiot- Jaundies- impofthumc Infants - Kild with a fall fiom a Win¬ dow at St. Alphage-- Kingfevill- Overlaid— Rickets-- Rtfing of the Lights — Rupture Scowring—--—— Scurvy — —- Spotted Feaver- Stilborn- - Stopping of the Stomach Suddenly Surfeit- Teeth Tnrmik Tiflick — Wince— Wormes CMaIcs^=^ i \6 \ Ghriftned^Females—^ * 2 ^ Buried Lin all- 138 *> Decreafed in the Burials this Week Parifhes clear of the Plague- 130 MalesI7p" Fcma'cs - 174J In all-= 353^ Plague 10 •Pari/hes.Infc(5leJ- 7 he jifsize of Bread fet forth Order of the Lord Mater and Court of^ermen' A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half and ^ three half-penny White Loaves the like wei«nt.^ ^ Lcndon ij From the zVof March ro the 4 of Aprif $*ALbans Woop^; Redriif Pari>3^ <5- Katb. neer the Tcwct I4 IV Msry Kewiagton — 4 Srepney Pari^- i/t Middlcfcx j/ii Surry—86 Vhgiir — :i s Ckmert .18 j fcal CcYtat Carden J \ Is' Martins tm the Selds ;S» Mary gsroy——i 13 \ Wr^Ktir,? I ( ^tretf titi PfeAbow Bwr/>d the 5 P4rJ/][?fs i?i the City and Liberties of Wcflminflcr —^ 6 "eT~^ ' ^9 S' r>otolph Aldgate— ■ 1' S'Sarioun 5 cuthwark(T 4 2 S'Botolph SiOioprgatc 8 /Sepulchres PariAi^ iS >*DunAan 5 WeA^—- 4 / Thomas Southwark- 2 fi /George Southwark- 5 ffiftity Mi-noricj^—-.1 2 >’Giles Cripplcgate^ 29 It the Pcahottfe——1 2 /Glares Southwark— II 1 Llagne- o 1 i 1 , '4 i! i iN; 11 i m m The ^Difeafes and Cafualties this W'eek^ e Bo«ivc ’YAgcd— Apoplexie — Chilbed- Chrifoms ConfuiTiption Convullion — Cough -- Dropfic—— Feavcr Plox and Small*pox Flux- Found dead at St. Andrew Holborn*-- French-pox Gowt---- Griping in the Guts Head-mould flioc- Jaundies — Impofthumc Infants - •-- Kild at Sr. Clement Danes- Kingfcvill- Livergrowa- OverUid ■ PJurifie- Purples- Rickets Rifing of the Lights — Scalded at S. Andrew Holborn! i Spotted Feaver- Stilborn- Stone Stopping of the ftomach- Suddenly —■ ' —— Surfeit- Teeth- Thrufti- Tiflick — ". ' Wtndc •■'•~r;' :r rrr.’rir'..T:r!: ■!1 f Males— I 3 l> CMales 171 3 Chriftned BuriedcFemales- 173 J Plague- on all- 243 y tin all- 344 j Dccrcafed in the Burials this Week--4 Parifhes clear of the Plague- ^13 o Pari{l||s Infeded—- ^fsize ef Brcidftt forth hj Order tjt the lord JdaiorandCourt tf Aldermen^ ' A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces, and three haU'pcnuy White Loaves the like weight. f I London VjutiWik4 of April 10 the 11, S'A Lbins ^'oodfeft ‘^iiihallcr/s AlhtUows Dmditicci Alhallows Great—— Alhalbwi Hon^lauc— Alhallrms LeCc — —— - Alhalio'^'o LuiJkbardiV ^ Alhallow* Scayninj^— Alhallow^: chc Yyali~ S* Alpha^c———^— S’ Andrew Hubbfird— S* Andrew Undcrli^aft- Aadrew Warc*rabe- $* ktm Alderfgaw— Aan Blackftyers— Antholins Pari^tk- AtfAiftv PariAi^-— $’ l^rtholo»cw Exd^a $' Bennee Fynek¬ s' Stcn»«T Grarcelwrd Besiftvc PaulfwFjtrfe Benntt Srjerchc^— 's* Botolph BiUijigls»t. ChriA Church— S* Chriilovhers-- SV Clca.‘ 4 gh" S' fakhs- S* FrsAiff- I ;* Gcorf!;c Botalphlane S* Grcgorici ky S' PauU 5^ Hcllcn?' j5» James Dukes place- S» Janaes Gariickhkbe- Johft BapeiA—- S* ^hnEyangcUft—-- S* John la-ehary—— Sr Katharine Cokman- S- Kitharine cccchurch S* Lawrence Jewry- S* Lawrence Pountney S' Leonard Eaftchcap— S' Leonard Pofttrlane- S' M*gn«i$ ParA-— S* Margaret Lothbury- S'Margaret Mofes- S* Margsrec New&Att- S' Mifgartt Pancons— S' Mary Abchvrch—— S' Mary Aldcrmtab^ry S' Mary Aldcrmary — S* Mu:y le Bow- S' Mary Bochaw- S' Mary Co!:chttfch— S* Msry Kill—-—— S’ Mary Mounth^r/ - ' S* M^ry el¬ s' Mary SrayAing^-— V Mary T^ooktwreh- s* Mary Waokotb-— S' Martins Ircnsongcrl Bur PI 3 2 2 I 3 2 I I I i ’ 2 I i 2 S* MirctRs Lodgatc- S* Martins Orgura— S* Martioj^ Ouewkeh— I s' Manins Vincrey— S' Mathew FridayArcei S S' Mewdlins Milkftrect 3 * Matfdlias Oldhfik^tr 5 ' Mkhacl BifiSAiaw— I S' Michael Cornhil— ? S* Michael Crookedla. I $* Michael Quccahithc 4 /Michael Qu-ern— 5' Mkhtci Koyall- I S* Wicb4el ’^fciOG^ircci * 5* Mildred Breadftree- S' Mildred Pouicfcy- St Niciioias Aeons— ^ / Nicholas Coicabby- ^ / Wrehoks OlaTcj— S* OlaTCi HarcArwr— i >* Olavci Jewry —— ■ - i / Glares Siivcr^trect-^' S' Pdneras SopCikna— S* Pneri Cheap-— S' peters Carnhil—^ S' peters S'feiers Pt)i6r—— S‘ Stevens Colc»sriftr ttCTt'fis Walbrook— S' S^vichiAs —— S' Tho»ai A^oA1cs~ rrinicy Parijk - ■■■- — » 81 Pla^ite- O S' Gabriel Pcnchurch- Ruriedinthe gj ?ari\he5 rchhinth^ '^’dh S' Ardrews liolborne-^ 3^ Bf-rthoiosiew Gfcai S- Barchoieswew Leffe- S‘ Brides - Ecidewei PrccifiCt— Bocoiph Aldctfgate- , * y,, . Bariid in tl>e 16 l^arijhcs mtJm: the y>'alls^ md at the fePmfe—J^g 16 - 5 *HoiOlph Aldgate— 20 S'Saviours Srrithwarkjl? ' S'Botolph BifiriOpfgatc :0 S* Scpselchrcs 16 S'Dunftans WcA — 6 / Thotfits $a*.Kh- S' Leonard Foftcrlane— S' Magnus Parifh- S' Margaret Lothbury— s' Margaret Motes-- S' Margaret Newfifhftrc. S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch. S' Mary Aldcrmanbury-^ s' Mary Aldcrmarv- S' Mary Ic Bow-— S' Mary Bothaw — s' Mary Colechurcl S' Mary HilL- S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Stayning—- S' Mary Woclchurch— S' Mary WoFolnoth *— S' Martin Iremongerlane S' Gabriel Fcnchurch-— Buried inihe 97 ?arifbes tvltbin tin ^ ■ S' Marjiin Ludgarc- — ! S' Martin Orgars—-1 S' Martin Out witch- S' Martin Vincrcy-- S' Matthew Frfdayftrcct-i Maudlin Milkftrcet-r-;t S' MaudUnOidfiftiih-cct-’i S' Michael Baflifhaw —43 S' Miclucl Cornhil- S' Michac4 Crookcdlanejl S' Micluel Qiicenhithe- ^ S' Michael Q^uern S' Michael Royal¬ s' Midiael Woodilrcct- S' Mildred Brcadftrcct— S' Mildred Poultrcy- S' Nicholas Aeons— S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Olaves-, Olavc Hartftrcct- S' Olavc Jewry.- S' Olavc Silvcrftrcct— S' Pancras Sopcrianc—- S' Peter Cheap —— S' Peter Cornhil S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor^- S' Steven Colcmanftrect S' Steven Walbrook S' Swithin- S' Thomas Apoftlcs- Trinity Parifli 66 S' Andirew Holborn- S' S' Bril Briicw wfi F 19 S' Botolph^i^gatc— * 17 Saviours Southwark-— j 22 S' Botolph ^houtgatc— H S Sepulchres Parifh- !i2 S' Dunftin Weft^--- ! S' Thomas Southwark—> 2 '7 S' George Southwark— I Trinity Mincrics-- t S' Giles Cripplcgate— 18 At the Petooufe —- i S' Olavc Soutliwirk.—— 10.1 . 1 1 Precind— ph Aldcrfg-., ^ » i* the 1 61’trKhes rvUhsMt the mUt, atd u the Peftbtkfe--^ 12 <5 FUgn:- o •» ___ S' Giles in the fields-— V5 1 Hackney Parifii-*—- 4 S' ]amesClerkcnwel— lO S' kath. neat the Towcf J Lambeth Parifh-;— S' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalen Berrhondfey S' Mary Newingioiv-— eur'ud lit the 12 »« i* Middlcfci Sumy— S' Mary Iflingron- S' Mary Whitechappel- 9 RotlicrithPaTifn-^- Stepney' Parifh—-— I 9 ?kgHe-^ AS' Martin in the fields—. 21 , 1 \S' Mary Savoy--—12 [ s' Clement D-ines^—— s' Paul Cevent Garden-jj Vu'Udin the 5 Ptri^tsia tUi City ltd »/ Wtftminf c rgarci I ^Vinrenf H iIjc Pc{\Ii6irf‘e— '— 59 - F V. The "Difeafei and Cajualtiestfm JV^ek. French-pox—*—- Griping in the Guts — Head-mould-lliot- Iflipofthuine- I nfints-- Kingfexil- Overlaid- Pliirifie- Rickets- 1 I' Rifing of the Lights- Rupturc-- Scurvy — Spotted Feaver— Stilborn- Stone-*— Stopping of the ftoioach- Strangury--- Suddenly ■ -- Surfeit-— Teeth- Thrulh--- TiflSek- Ulcer-: Wotuaci- • 4 > -8 ’l‘ |8 •ir it 8 9 17 3- 5 : 1 GhriftfietkEetnaksr.^ 1-2o 5 > Baried PUgue— o Clnall**- 237^ -3^;*^ Decreafed'in the Burials this Week-- 3 g Parifhes clear of the Plague-r 30 Parifhes InfeAcd-^ o Tie Apze of Bread fit forth iy Order of the Lord Medor and Court of A'ldtrmtUi A pctuiy Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces, and ^ree half-penny Wh ite Loaves the like weight. r London i8 froc ^ A Lban Woodftrccc- xVAIhallows Birkingj 3 Alhallow% Breadftrccr— AlhaUows Great-— Alhallows Honylanc- Alhallows Lefie- 8 ot April to the 2 5, S' George BotolpMai\c— S' Gregory iy Pauls— fS'Heilcn- Alhallows Lumbaurdttreet Alhallows Scayning-- Alhallows the Wall¬ s' Alphage S' Andrew Hubban S' Andrew Underfhaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe — S' Ann Aldcrfgatc- S' Ann Blackfryc;rs-- S' Anrholins Parifh- S' AoiUns Parifh— S' BarcholoraewExchangc $' Bennet Fynck- S' Bennet Griccchurch- S' Bennet Paulfwharf--^ S' Bennet Shcrchog— S' Botolph Billingfgate. Chfift Church S' James Dukes place¬ s' James Gariickhithe-* I S' John Baptift ■ ■ — --IX Bur. Plag. 1 S' Chriftophers - S' Clement EaftcheaD-— j S' Dionis Backchurefu—|i S' Dunilan Haft¬ s' Edmund Lumbardftr^ S' Ethelborough- S'Faith—— S' Fofter- S' John Evangelift-—1 S' John Zachary — I S' Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine Crcchurch- S' Lawrence Jewry— S' Lawrence Pounmey— , S' Leonard Eaftclieap— S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Magnus Parifh—— S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes—' S' Margaret NcwSfhftre S' Margaret Pattons— S' Mary Abchurch-— S'Maty Aldcrmanbury- S'Mary Aldcrmary^- .S' Mary Ic Bow- S' Mary Bothaw - S' Mary Colcchurclv-— S' Mary Hill S' Mary Mounthaw— S' Mary Sommerfet— S' XIary Srayning S' Mary Woolclmrch-— I S' Mary Woolnoth — S'Martin liemongerlane S' Gabriel Fcnchurch-—J Uriid in the 97 Pdri^bes within tin S' Boiolphr Aldgate- S' Botolph S' Mutin Ludgatc—— ■ S' Manin Orgar s —. — S' Martin Outwitch- S' Martin Vxntrcy—— S' Matthew Fridayftrect- S' Maudlin Milkftrect— S'Maudlin 01 dfi(hftrcct- S' Michael Baffiihaw-^ S' Michael Cbrthil- S' Michael Crookcdlanc S' Michael Quccnhiche- S' Michael Quer S' Michael ^yal S' Michael Woodftreet- S' Mildred Brcadftrect— S' Mildred Poultrcy—— S'^ Nicholas Aeons—— S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Olavcs- S' Clave Hartftrcct S' Clave Jewry- S' Clave Silverftrceu— S' Pancras Soperlam S' Peter Cheap 16^5 Flag. Bur.i S' Peter Cornhil— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor. S' Steven Colcmanftreet S' Steven Walbrook-— S' Swithin ---- S' Thomas /^ftics— Trinity Pari»—» ^5 S' Andrew Holborn S' Bartholomew Great¬ s' Bartholomew LcfTc— *S' Bridget Bridewri Prccind [16 gate¬ s' Dunftan Weft. S' George Southwark— S' Giles Crippicgacc— S' Clave ^uihwark H 12 5 5 „ 2S : 18 Phvif- ^viours Southwark- S ^ulchrcs Parish— S' Thomas Sourhwark- Trinity Minorics- At the Pcfthoufc — S' Botolph Aldcrfgatc— Bmtd tn the 16 ?nri!bes wirtotf the t ynUs, cul m tke Pejlhenfe^ 145 S' Giles in the hclds— Hackney Parilh—-—— S S' James Clcrkcnwel—o Si Kaih. near the Towciftf Buriedi\ the^Mt Perches UMiMlclcJ ced Suti t cy^ II 9 S' Clcmcnt'D-inos——t S' Paul Govern Garden-^ J | 1 i Lambeth Parilh—- 17 S' Leonard Shoreditch— 10 S' MagiUltn Betmondfey 5 S' Mary Newington- f S' Mary Iflington-—I i S' Mary WhitcchappeL'p KotHocith Parilh-——j Stepney Parhh - "**",37 te' Mulin in the fields—\29 li^y Savoy- I S' Margaret WeftminftetfZ 3 I I Hhtreaf nt tier Peflhoufc——| F2 V* Iff \m 11. mp M [mi "The Difeafes and Cajualties tms W'eel^. -- i lestms \ Bortive — jnkAgcd— AevLir ——— Gangrene-'- Griping in the Guts • Jaundies • I 22 Ag Cancer-- Childbed—:— Chrifomes — Confumption- Convullion— Cough 4 25 1 2 5 8 79 . 33 Dropfic---— - Drownd 3,1 wo at St.Katharine Tower, and one at St. James C'erkenwell--- Feaver -—--—— 'FiftUla-- Tiox and Small-poi-!— Flux--^- Found dead in the ftreet at St.Giles in the Fields ■■ Frcnich-pox: -^—r- 16 I ^7 S topofthumc Infants— Kild 2, ©neat St. PaulCovent Garden, and wc by a Horfe * at S, Sepulchers- —™— -! Kingfevil--1, Mou ld f allen-- i Plague-^-2 Plurifie -—-I PurpIes^-1--d— -1 Rickeis- jio Rifing of the Lights-8 Scowfifig Scurvy - Spotted' Fcaver— Stirborn- Stopping of the ftomach- Suddenly Surfeit- Teeth. Thrufh Tiffick Ulcer - Windc Chriftned" 'Males—^ 12 2’ j Females—royj .In all-. 229, Buried Increafed in the Buiiah this Wcek- ParifhescIwFCjfthe Plague-129 Parifhes.InfeAed^ Tke Afix,e of Bread fit forth Order of^the Lord'MMor and^jOourt of Mdermrtf Apenny WheatemLoaf to contain Tm ©unccf ^.and Arec __half-penny White Loaves the like weight. London Is' A LVinWoodftreec- i\Alhillo«s BarVdng Mhallows Breadfttect. Alhallaws Great- Alhallows Honylanc— Alhallows Lefle-- Bur. AUiallows Lumbard{lrcct| ^ Alhallo)^‘s Staining--r Alhallows the Wall-13 S' A!?na|c-- I S' Andrew Hubnard— * 1 S' Andrew llndcrfliaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe—,5 S' Ann Atdcr(«tc.- S' Ann Blacktrycrs- S' Ancholins Pariflv I S' Attftins Parifh- S' BartholomewExchange S' Bennet Pynck -—— S'Bcnnet Oraccchurch S' Bennet Paulfwhaif— $' Bennet Shercho|—- 1 S' Botolph BilUngfgatc Chrifls Church- I S' Chriflophcrs—■— - ' S' Clement Eaftchcap— S' Dionis Backchutch— S' Dunfhn Eaft-^ S' Edmund Lumpirdftr S' Ethclborou|h^- S' Faith-- S'^ Poser¬ s' James Dukos pkee— $' James Garlickhithe— S' Jphn Baptift- S' J6hn E^angcliS— S' John Zachary- S' Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine Crediurch S' Lawrence Jewry*- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftchcap^— S' Leonard Ecfterlane S' Magnus Parifh- S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes- S' MargarctNewfifliftrcct S' Margaret; Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldcrmanbury— S' Mary Aldcrmary- S' Mary Ic Bow -- S' Mary Bo thaw ■■ S' Mary Colcchurch— S' Mary Hill- S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary S;a,ynin;^— S' Mary Woolchurclw— S'Mary Wbolnoth--* S' Martin Ircmongcrlanc rosier--- S' Gabriel Ecnchurch— B»rUd in tht 97 Pdri[bes mtbin the trills S' Maudlin Milkiheci— ' S' Maudlin Oldliniftrect-^- S' Michael Baliifhaw—I ^ S' Michael Cernhii- A Michafl Cro^kcdlanc S' Michael Quccnhithc- S' Micha.cl O nemo¬ s' Michael Royal— S'Michael Woodflrcct- S' Mildred Brcadftrcct— s' Mildred Poulttcy — S' Nicholas Aeons-- ■ S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Oiaves'- S' Clave Harrftrcct-*- S' Clave Jewry’^ - S' Clave Silvcfftrcct—- S' Pancras Sopcrlanc-— S' Peter Cheap—- S' Peter Cornhil-— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor¬ s' Steven Coltmanftrcct S' Steven Walbrook^— S' Swithin -• S' Thomas i^oRlc. Trinity Pariin— 7 o. Pldixe^ S' Aaidrcw Holboitt ^-4 Bartholomew Great—4 S' Bartholomew Lcflc—i S' Bridge:—-- S? BotobhAldgatc--^ 1 ^’ S' Bc':.olph Bilhoprgatc—[,1 I. S'Dunfhn Weft-— George Southwark--7jJ^ *S' Gile^ Cfipplegatc—-il 8 S' ClaveSoucnwaik^- \l6 Bridewei Precind--—I S' Botolph Aldcrigatc-—4 Biiried in tkr 16 PMrifhts without tUe tht 11J Pligut^ O Saviours Southwark-—~|l6 S. Sepulchres Pariih—^|l 3 I S' Tnomas Southwark— Trinity Minorics—— At - the f Pcfthoufc-- S' Giles in the fielo"*- I Hackney Parilb- I s' James Ckikenwcl Lambeth Pariih— -^—[5^ S' Leonard Shoreditch— 1 8 S' Magdalen Bcnr.ond(cy[l 5 S' Mary Ncwjngton-j4 ‘^5 kath. near the Towerj5 , ^ Bit yd hi rbe T 2 Pdrifb^s fa Middlefcs Surry- [s' Clement Danes-—" [S'^ Pai^ Covent Garden¬ [I'? 1 1 s' Martin in the iiclds— 2<5 I I 5 1 ;l s' MaryS^voy-- 2 1 s' Mary lliington-r-13 S' Marv Whirechappci—j \ I RothcTithParifh ——rU Stepney Pariih-:-. 127 PUiht - O S' Mir^teT Wcllminfhr?(^b utkt. PcBhcufc—— E h 66 P//gwf— o I 7 k'>- *7 he T>iJ eajes snd Cafualtieswis W Apoplexie—--- Broke his neck by a foil aboard a Ship ac St. Kaifherines * Childbed-- C hri fomes--- Coliick Confumption Convulfion— Cough—- Dropfic - Drowned in a pond at Stepney j Tea ver--- Flox and Small-pox- Flux- 7 7 I ^7 I 38 I 3S 9 French-pox- Gangrene- Criping in the Guci- Impofthume-• Infants- Killed 4 , one at St. Andrew CMalcs- 125 Chriftneds Females— 114 .In all- 237 16 I Holbo n, one at St. Martin in th. Fields, one by the kick of an Horfe at St. Andrew: yVardrobe, and one by a fal from a G^ret Window at St. Oiaves in Southwark- *™. Kingfevil—-_____ Livergrown-- Mealies— Murthcred at St. PaulCovent Garden-- Overlaid_- Quinfie-^--- Rickets- Riling of the Lights- Scurvy--- Spotted Feaver- Stflborn-- Stone Stopping of the Ifoaaach-- Strangury __ ■Surf^if- Tecih—- - Tilfick—_ Ulcer- Vomiting-— Winde— ^7 Wormes — Wounded- CMalcs- Baxied ^Females—— .In all- I 16 ( 3 4 3 6 1 9 16 3 2 X 4 '2 Plague—' s_in«u--- Z57 > cinall_ 188 \ Deercafed in the Burials this Week_ ^ _ Pariaies clea r of the Plagu e——J 3 ^ Pariflics Tnfedcd _1- o “i3 o ____ 3- . — -o The Ajlize of nuAdfet forth hj Order of the Lord Maior wd~CoHrt'ofMden A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces, and three _ half-penny White Loaves the like weight. London 20 nin icl;(( fiSf OWiI -I Hi .Alhallows Birking Alhallows Brcadftrcct-- Alhallows Grcic- Alhalfews Honylanc- Alhallows Lcffc- Alhallows Lurrbatdftrcrc Alhallows Staining-- Alhallows the Wall- Alphaje- S' Aiwtcw Hubbard——i S' Andrew Undcrlhaft— S' An'drew Wardrobe¬ s' Ann Alderfgacc- S' Ann Blaclcfrycrs- S' Ancholins Parilh^- S' Auftins Parilh- S' BartholomcwExcbang* S' Bennet Fyi^l^ ~ S' Bennet Gtaccchurcn A Lban Woodflrccr- . 3 S' Bennet Paulfwbarf-^ S' Bennet Shcrcbof- S' BotolphBilUngfgate- Chrifts Church" — S' Chriftophers^- S' Clement Eaftchcap— Dionis Backchurcl;— s' George Bot-olphlane— S' Gregory bj S' Pauls— ^ S' Hellen- S' James Dukes pkee— S' james Garlickhitlic— S' John Baptift- s' Dunftan Haft¬ s' Edmund Lumbardftr< Ethclborough-— S'Faith-- S' Foftcr. S' John Evangelift S' foba Zacnar)— S' Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine Crcchurch S' Lawrence Jewry-— S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftchcap— S' Leonard Fcftcrlaiae— S' Magnus Pariib* Margaret Loebbury— ^ Margaret Mofes- S' MargarctNcwfilbftrcct S' Margaret Patrons— S' Mary Abcburch- S' Mary Aldcrnnanbury— S' Mary Aldcrmary- S' Mary ie Bow - S' Mary Botbaw S' Mary Colecburch — S' Mary Hill s' Mary Mountbaw— S' Mary Sommerfet^- s' Mary StayT.ing—- S' Mary Woolchurcb-— S'Mary Woolnotb--— S' Martin Ircmongcrlanc S' Gabriel Fcnchurcb— EttrUdin ike 97 Pdrifks width tbt ^^alts S' Martin Orgars S' Mar an Ouewiter s' hlartin Virttcy-- S' Matthew FridsyftreerJ s' Maudlin MilhOrcc:-^! S' Maudlin OldniFiftrctr-i"^ S' Michicl Balfia taw— ^ s' Michael Cornhi!—-1' S' Michacf Crookculant ^ S' Michael Q^iicenliithc- 2. S' Michael Quern*--1 s' Michael Royal- S' Michael Woocftrcct— I s' Mildred Brcadftrcct— S' Mildred PoultTCy -— s' Nicholas Aeons-— S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Olavcs-^—| S' Olavc Hartftrcct-— ^ S' Olavc Jewry-2 S' Olavc Silvcrftrcct— S' Pancras Sopcrlanc—^ S' Peter Cheap S' Peter Cornhil-— S' Peter Paulfwharf S' Peter Poor S' Steven C«slcmanftrccc S' Steven Walbrook— S' Swithin -- S' Thomas Apoftlc-— Trinity Parifli-^ 54 $' Andrew Holborn- S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Lcllc— Bridge Bridcwel Precind- Aldcrfga,,- BitYUd intbfl6Pdrifke^ivhk»HttkeiVMlli^Mfui£tthtFellh9itfe^ 12 3 ?lsg^- I S' Giles in the fields Hackney Parifh^—- S' James Clerkenwel —[4 r $' Kith, near the Tower 5 • ^ -- 114 S' Clement Danes--- S' Paul Co vent Girder^ tMritd in tit J Pdr^s in ikt City tad Librrties ^ Wtflmir.fter— 5 & PUfut— 4 17 I S' Botolph Aldgatc-- 1 Saviours Sduthwark——") 14 S' Bc-tolph Biihop%tc —[7 1 S. Sepulchres Parift'.^-- 12 I S' Dunftan-Weft-5 S' Tnomas Southwark—' f .S' George Southwark-—jj Trinity Minorics- I S' Giles.Cripplcgatc-124 At the Pcfthoufc- .2 S' Olavc Southwark^--!1 6 i J j L'lmbcth Parilh--- Mary illinuton—-*[ i IS' Leonard Shoreditch— 9 S' Marv widtechappcl—12 1 S' Magdalen Bermondfeyp Rothof ich Parifh-— j ^ ' t S'Mary Newingtoju—{S Stepney Pariih---jO '^6 [4 [ s' Martin in the fields— ^5 I j S' Margiitt Wtftn jmUfjiTO 1 ^ T ( S' Mery Savoy^ -— — r 1 ( if'hercdf tbi Penhoufe-| ‘iJiieaies and Cafualtte^wh IP^eeJ^ A Ocd- Cancer- Canker — Childbed- Chrifoincs— Conlumption Convulfion— Droplic- iDrowiid at St.Olavcs in South- war k --—— - leaver--- flox and Stnall-pox- Irrcnch-pox-- Griping in the Guts- IJaundies- Impofthumc-- Infants Killed by afalldownftairs at ^ Alhallows the Great . - Chriftned" 'Males — Jpemalcs .In all hingf vil- Murtnered 2, 'one by the Mo- thtr (an Infant) at Sc. Giles Cripplcgate, andone(anIn. rant) at it, Clement Danes Overlaid Plague— Plurifie- Rickets Riling of the Lights Scowring-— Spotted Reaver Stilborn-- Stone- Stopping of the ftomach- Suddenly -- Surfeit-- Teeth--- — Thrulh__ Tilfick- Ulcer--- 3 Vomiting- yVinde— Wormes VVoundedat Sea (atStepacy) Buried Males _iz_; Pemales In all — i8$7 :s- i 347S Dccrcafed in the Burials this Week____ Parifhes clear of the Plague- 17 6 Parilhes Infeated Plague- 41 The Apz.e of Bread fa forth bj ^der of tht Lord Maior and Cottrt of Aldermen A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces, and three ^ half-penny White Loaves the like wei^rht —— - ■ ■ ■' -- ----I - - - _ . , . . -i__ I ■ - - III _• London »i FroMi-the 9 of May to the 1 6 , 166^ \ Bur* Plag. A Lban WooddrccrJl XVAIktllows Barking 1 AlhaUovirs Breadftrcct— Alhallows Great— Alhallows Hom^lan< Aihallovr s Lcile- Alhallows Lumbardftrcct Alhallows Scayning-- Alhallows the Wail¬ s' Alphage —- S' Andrew Hubbard¬ s' Andrew Underfhaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe — S' Ann Aldcrfgatc- S' Ann Blackfryers--— S' Anchoiins Parifh- S' Auftins Parifh- S' BartholomcwExchangc S' Bennee Fynck- S' Bennet Graccchurch- S' Bennet Paulfwharf-- S' Bennet Shcrchog— S' Botolph Billinpiatc- Chiifl church — I S' Chriftophers S' Clement Eaftcheap-— S' Dionis Backchurclu— S' Dunftan Baft¬ s' Edmund Lumbardftr.) s' Ethclborough. s'Faith-- S' Foftcr. 3 s' George Botolphlane— S' Gregory bj S' Pauls— S'Hcllen Bur, 1 Plag. S' James Dukes place¬ s' James Garlickhithe— S' John Baptift s' John Evahgelift-*-- S' John Zachary — S' Katharine Coleman— s' Katharine Crechurch- S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pemntney— S' Leonard Eaftchcap^— S' Leonard Foftcrlane— S' Magnus Parifti S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes-— S' Margaret Ncwfiftiftrc. S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch-- S' Mary Aldermanbury- S' Mary Aldermary .S' Mary le Bow— (S' Mary Bothaw — S' Mary Colcchurch— S' Mary Hill 3 S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Mary Sommtrfet- S' Mary Stayning-- S' Mary Woolchurch— S' Mary Woolnoth- S'Martin Ircraongwlane S' Gabriel Fcnchurch-—jl Surkd in the pj Ptrilbes within the »mUi ■ Bur. S' Martin Ludgatc- S' Martin Orgars— S' Martin Outwitch- S' Martin Vintrey- S' Matthew Fridayftrcct- S' Maudlin Milkftrect— S' Maudlin CMdfifliftrcct- S' Michael Baffiftiaw. S' Michael Cornhil- S' Michael Crooked lane S' Michael Queenhithe- S' Michael Q^uern-- S' Michael Royal¬ s' Michael Woodftreet- S' Mildred Brcadftrcct— S' Mildred Poultrcy- S' Nicholas Aeon: S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Olavcs- S' Olave Hartftrcct- S' Olave Jewry- S' Olave Silvcrftrcct-— S' Pancras Soper lane-— S' Peter Cheap -— S' Peicf Cornhil— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor. Phi I S' Steven Colcmanftrcct S' Steven Walbrook— S' Swithin-- S' Thomas Apoftlcs- Trinity Pariwj—- 55 15 1 7 [ 3 S' Botolph Aldgatc $' Botolph Bilbopigatc— S' Dunftan Weft-- s' George Southwark S' Giles Cripplcgarc- S' Olave Southwark S' Andrew Holboin-- S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Lefle— S' Bridget—--- Bridcwcl Prccind^- S' Botolph Aldcffgatc— in cbt 1 6 Md »t the Peflbi^fe— T ? 6 16 9 S ■!'3 Saviours Southwark-- S Sepulchres Parifli- S' Thomas Southwark— Trinity Minorks—• At the Pcfthoulc -- 32 I 3 4 4 i - Lambeth Pariih- S' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalcn^Bcrmondfcy S' Maty Newingtorv— 5 1 8 •> 4 S' Giles in the ftslds^- Hackney PariQ»-- S' James Clerkcnwel^— S' Kath. near the Tower , , . - BnrUd U tbt 12 9 Jit Par ishes U Middlesex ^Hci Surrey— 1X6 Martin in the fields —\26 Mary Savoy-——II s' Mary Iflingtoa-,■ S' Mary Whitechappcl-,: Rothorith Parifh-- Stepney Parifh-—^ p/.rgge—• I S' Margaret Wcftminftc'l T 6 €( the Pcfthouic^- vent J 1 ^ ' A /r n -A Bnrifd in the 5 P*rip,es h eW ciiy vd Lib trtits tf Weftminfl er— _ __-- -Q s' Clenfvcr.t D-iots--1 1 s' l>iulC<#venf<&sti3'en-|3 I ; Ijiw' I' i. ii ! ■ !'■ M f v .iw; \ The T>ifeafes andCafualtieswis Week^ A Bortivc Aged- Ague—^— -'2 Childbed-- Chrifomes- Confumption - Convullion- Coiigh-.- 3 ^ropfie- ExcGUted- 3Feaver- Flox and Small-pox- French-pox- Grief-- Griping in the Guts • ■ jaundies- Impofthumc-^— Infants-T-'-^-— Ki!d 2, ©ne by a fall from a Garret window at St. Nicho¬ las Coleaby, and ®nc with a Cart at Stepney- .Lethargy —-— Livergrown --- Overlaid-1 Plague-i Plurific- Purples--- 1 - Quinfic-_- 1 Rickets—-- Riling of the Lights- Scowring- Spotted Fcaver- Stilborn -- Stone--- Stopping of the ftomach- Strangury- Suddenly- Surfeit—-—-- Teeth- Tilficfc- Winde--- Wortnes---- lo ' Males . , C Males—— igol ChriUnedcJ Females— ii-iS Baried< Ft males_ \n-%> :inali-—— 227 >> tin all-352 Increafed in the Burials this Week--- • Parifhes clear of the Plague- 1 2 8 Pariihes Infe^ed- Piaguc-^' rbe of Brend fet forth hj Order of the Lord Maior and Court of Mdermati A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces, and three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. London 22 Fromtne 1 6 of May to the 2 i<;^5 Bur. Plag. A Lban Woodflrcct- jJ^AHiallows Barking Alhallo^^•s Breadftrcct— Alhallovrs Great— Alhallows Horn’lane Alhallows LeSe— Alhallows Lumbardftreet Alhallow s Stayning-- Alhallows the Wall- Alphage S' Andrew Hirbbar^ S' Andrew llnderDiaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe S' Ann Aldcrfgate— S' Ann Blackfryers-— S' Antholins Parifh— S' Auftins Pari/h- 3 S' George Botolphlane—: S' Gregory hj S' Pauls— S' Hcllen—--- 5' James Dukes place—, S' James Garlickhithe— Bur.iPlag. 3 S' BartholomewExchange 5 S' Bennec Fynck- S' Bennec Gracechurch- I S' Bennec Paulfwharf-— S' Bennec Shcrehog— S' Bocolph Billingfgace. Chrift Church- S' Chriftophers - S' CIcmcnc Eaftchcap-— S' Dionis Backchurcru— S' Dunftan Eaft-- S' Edmund Lumbardftr S' Echelborough^- St Faith- S' Foflcr- - S' John Baptift- S' John EYangelift--- S' John Zachary-- S^ Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine Crcchurch- S'’ Lawrence JeWry- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eiftchcap- S' Leonard podcrlanc- S' Magnus Parifh— S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes--j - S' Margaret Ncwfifbflre.p S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchuichw-—j S' Mary AldcrmanburyJ S' Mary Aldcrmary-I S' Mary Ic Bow-—— I S' Mary Bothaw-— S' Mary Colcchurch—- S' Mary Hill--- S' Mary Mounchaw- S' Mary Sommerfet-I S' Mary Stayning—-- S' Mary Woolchurcb-— S' Mary-Woolnoch- S'Martin Ircmongcrlanc S' Martin Ludgatc—— S' Martin Orgars— S' Martin Oatwitch—— S' Martin Vintrey-- S' Matthew FridayUreet- S' Maudlin Milkftrecr— S' Maudlin Oldfifhflreec- S' Michael Bailifluw-—^ S' Michael Cornhil- S' Michael Crookedlanc S' Michael Queenhithe-'^ S' Michael Ouerru- S' Micb.acl Royal- S' Michael Woodftrcct- S' Mildred Brcadftrect— S' Mildred Poultrcy- S' Nicholas Aeons— S' Nicholas Colcabby. S' Nicholas OiavesH- S' Olavc Hartftrcct-^ S' Olavc Jewry- S' Olavc Silvifrftrcct-— S' Pancras Sopcrlani S' Peter Cheap — S' PctcT Cornhil— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor — — S' Steven Colcmanftrcct S' Steven Walbrock S' Swithin Bsr. S' Thomas Apolllcs- Trinity Ape Pariui- S' Gabriel Fcn-Church-— turitd In the 97 P^riShes rpltbin the S' Andrew Holboin S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew LcfTc— S' Bridgee^--—” Bridcwel Ptccind-- S' Botolph Aldcrfgate— 63 • PUguf- 125 2 S' Giles in the fields-— Hackney Patilb-—-- S' James. Cletkcnwcl— S' Kath. near the Tower 4 ^ 7 3 i 5 Lambeth Pariih—-— S' Leonard Shcicditch— S' Magdalen Betmondfey S' Maty Newingto I 10 7 ct 1 _- 1 o S • Marttn m tnc 1 S' Margaret Wci>.P--inile^|2.1 | i*. ike 5 Ptri&if h ike Ckj Liktrttes »/ Wcft,pinfief—. 68 5 ^_ 16 j S' Botolph Aldgatc——■ 11 Saviours Southwark- 15. 2 S' Botolph Bilhcpfgatc— 11 S Sepulchres Parifli- 18 1 S' Dunftan Wcftl-- z 1 S' Thomas Southwark— 3 1 7 ! 1 1 7 ! $' George Southwark— S' Giles Cripplegatc— S' Olavc Soutawark—— Trinity Mincrics —- At the PeRhoufc-- j. S' Mary Iflir.gton—-—*12 S' Mafy Whitechappcl-jl 4 Rochorith Parrh- - . Stepney Parilli.—-—3 S Btested in the 12 ent Pnri^ces i4Midd.lefcr Surrey— 129 Pisigitc—• 7 li I % \ m ^M- f The T>ifeafes and Cafualties this Week^ Bortive • Aged- A ^laUcd- Bloody {lux - Canker- Childbed- Chrifomes- Confumption— Convulfion-— Dropfic- Drowned 3, one at St. James Ci'erkenwei, one at St. Kathe¬ rines Tower, and ©ne at St. Clement Danes- ^xecuted- IFeaver riox and Small-pox- Fiux 4 n I I 1 4 9 75 35 ^6 3 I 34 M I Found dead in a Ba-natStcp-[| ney -_ j Foundmurtbered ( aihild)in| the ftrect at Sc. Margaret/ VVeftminfter- 1 French-pox- -j Crief- Gripinsr in the Guts--— Hanged her fcif at St.Maudlin Miljddreet (being diftradied ) Jauiidie,s i8 Chriftned- Males-- I21 .Females— no- ■ In all-231 tmpofthumc- Infanis-- Kild 3, one at St Mary New¬ ington, one with a Cart at St. Giles in the Fields, and one with wraftling at St. Mxrga- fctVVtftmiafter--^ Kingfevil----— Overlaid- Plague -- Rickets—,—-- 2 n Rifing of the Lighis- Rupturc- Scowring- Scurvy- Splecn- 3 3 3 H to 6 2 Spotted Feaver— Siilborn-- Stone- — 2 li; ,—'2 Stopping of the {\omach-18 '2 11 2-3 L !3 1 Suddenly Surfeit- Teeth-- Thru(h- Tiffick- Ulcer- Vomiting— Wormes— C Males— But icds Females- <:inall~ — — 19 4> Plague— 14 — 385 1) Incrcafcd in the Burials this Week- Parlfhes clear of the Plague- ■I 2 7- Pariflies Infcded- 52- The Apice of Sr end [et forth hj Order cf the Lord Maior and Court of Aider me* ^ A penny. Wheaten: Loaf to contain Ten Ounces, and three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. J of May to the 30. S* \ LbxnWocdftteet- i IXAlhailows Balking' J Alhillows Bteidfttcet— Alhallows Great-— Alhallows Honylanc-- Alhillows Leffe—— Alhillows Lumbardftreet Alhillows Staining- Alhillows the Wall¬ s' AlpViigc—- S' Andrew Hubbard S' Andrew Undetlhaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe¬ s' Ann Alderfjate- S' Ann Blicktryeis-j5 5' Antholins Patill.- S' Auftins Pitilh—- S' BartholomewExchinge S' Bcnnet Pynck- — S' Bennct Gracechutch S' Bennet Piulfwhatf— S' Bennet Shetehoe- S' Botolph Billingfgate - I Chrifts Chnrch' - S' Chriftopher!' S' Clement Eaftcheap— S' Dionis Backchurch— S' Danftan Eift—- S' Edmund Lumbatdlli S' Ethelborough S' Fiith-- S' Fofter- S' George Botolphlane— S' Gregory l>y S' Pauls— S' Hellen--- , S' Jimcs Dukes place—'i S' James Girlickhithe— S' John Biptift- S' John Evangelift-- S' John Zachary—- ' Katharine Coleman- > Katharine Crechutch S' Lawrence Jewry—■ S' Lawrence Pountney—' S' Leonard Eaftcheap— S' Leonard Foftcrline— S' Magnus Parilh - S' Margaret, Lothbury- S' Margaret Mofes S' MargaretNewfilhftreet S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch-- S' Mary Aldcrmanbury— S' Mary Aldermiry -- S' Mary le-Bow- S' Mary Bothaw^—■ S' Mary Colechutch S' Mary Hill- S' Mary MounthaW- S' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Stiyning— S' Mary Woolchurch-— S' Mary Woolnoth--- S' Martin liemongetlane| 1665, I 3 ■Bur. Pia|* Martin Ludgatc-- ! S' Martin Oigart^—-— j Martin Ouiwitcb.— j S' Martin Vintrey-- . S' Matthew FridavArccrJ S' Maudiin Milkftrcct— Maudlin OldSfhflrcct-i Michael Baflilhaw-—T3 S' Michael Cornhil-- 1 S' Michael' Crookcdlancj S' Michael Quccnhithc-L . S' Michael Quern- f, s' Michael Royal- S' Michael Woodftrect—♦ S' Mildred Brcadftreet— ^ ^ S' Mildred PouUrcy- j S' Nicholas Aeons-- J S' Nicholas Colcabby—U S' Nicholas Olaves-- S' Olave Hartftrcet--— j' S' Olave Jewry—- S' Olave Silverftrcet—P S' Pancras Soperlanc- S' Peter Cheap¬ s' Peter Cornhil-— S' Peter Paul^^arf- S' Peter Poor S' Gabriel Fcnchurch— BKritd i* thr 97 Ptrifhfsvilbi* the »'a11s S' Steven Colemanftreet S' Steven Walbrook- S' Swithin-—- S' Thomas Apoftlc-— Trinity PariUi- ■ ^ 6 Vld§,lit- S' Andrew Holborn ——.ib S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Lcftc—| S' Bridge:-—-- Bridcwcl Preemft-- S' Bototpn ^^ UflL^ufi- T■ Fligue— 4 S' Giles in the fields-•, 5 3 Hsekney P*tift>— - j , s': James Cletkenwe! —,9 o' Kath. near the Tuw;t|J' Lambeth Parilh- ^ S' Leonard Shoreditch- 9 S' MigdiJcn Betmondfcyj9 I S' Mary Newington—/j i 1 1 s' Botolph Aldgate-- - S' Bc-tolph BilKopi'gate- s' Dunftan Weft - - - II 4 5 I 1 Saviours Southwark- - 1 S. Sepulchres Pari(h^ - S' Tnomas Southwark— i M i i8- 1 » 1 S' George Swthwatk^— Giles Cripolegate - S' CKave Southwark- - I19 I Trinity Mincrics - At the Pcfthcufc— -- i 1 I Mary liuiigton—-1 ' S' Mary Whitcchappcl— t 9 Kothoi ith Parifh —- S' Clement Danes-' Paul Covent Garde in tht 12 out ?£r*(b'S h MiddlfCcx and Surry- ir Stepney Pariih- I‘l5 t:)4 o 14 S' Martin in the fields S' Mary Savoy¬ s' Marprer WcUmiiilicrj: I nUreef ai tki Pcflhoufe- bItwT#(W l »* Li bmier^W eftir.ir. fttr— PUgut- 4 _ ^ 3 ^ f >■ The ^Dtjeafes and Cafualties this Wee^ Killed with a fall off a Hot A Borttve- Agcd- Childbcd- hrifomcs- Confumption ~ Convullion- Cough—-- Droplic- Feavcr-— FIox and Small- Go vt — Griping in the Guts- Jaundies- 1 m pofthume- Infants- l^po> 4 I? 8o !<) 2 27 30 20 I I St. Martin in the fid Js-- Ovcrlaid----- Plague--- PJurifie—__ (^infie_ _ Rickets-*-___ Rifing ofthc Lights- Scowring—-—_ Scurvy— Spotted Feaver Stifborn-— Stone- 8 4 1 * . of the ftomach- Suddenly __ Surfeit__ Teeth------ Timpany--^- Tilfick- \ - Vomiting- Winde--- Woroaes-—---- 17 2 1 14 4 2 r n s 2 n I? 1 2 2 2 4 C Males — Chriftneds Females .In all. CMalesizr::: ,^3 Buried ■^Females-— 202^ -In all-400^ Increafed in the Burials this Week Parlfhes clear of t he Plag ue- 125 ParifBes Tnfeaed Plague- 17 15 -:- -- MUC^C^-5 Th Afiz.e ofBrud fet forth by Order of the Lord Mdior anS Court A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces, and three ^ ^ _ half-penny White Loayes the like weight. - ™ ■ - //. 1' A Lbsn V/oodflreet. XiAlhallows Barking Alhallows Brtadfttett— Alhaliows Great- -- J Alhallows Honylanc Alhallows Lcfl .ondon 24 From the 3 »»jRvlay to the 6 of Juhp. 1665 Bur-iPlag.! ^ S' George Botolphlanc— Alhallows Lumbardftrcct Alhallows Staining— Alhallows the Wall— S' Alphagc- ct A _ J w • vaf Andrew Hubbard- j' Andrew Undtrfliafc— S' Andrew Wardrobe— 5 S' Ann Aldetfgate - S' Ann Blacktryers S' Antholins Pariili S' Auftins Patilh— S' BirtholomewExchangc S' Bcnnct Fynck-- S' Bcnnct Gracechurch S' Bcnnct Pauirwhaxt— S' Bcnnct Shcrchor-- S'BotolphBilUngfgatc. Chrifls Church- S' Chriftophers* S' Clement Eaftchtap— S' Dionis Backchiirch— S' Dunftan Eaft-^- S' Edmund Lumbardfttt S' Ethelborough- S' Faith- S' Foflcr---- S' Gabriel Fenchurch-- Flag.] S'Gregory S'Pauls— ? S' Hellcn> * - —— S' James Dukes pkee— S' James Garlicl^ithc— S' John Baptift--— S' John Evangclift-'- S' John Zachary- S' Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine Crcchurch S' Lawrence Jewry- S' La>YTcr.cc Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftchcap—i S' Leonard Fcfterlanc— 1 5 S' Magnus Parifb-^ S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes—- S' MargarctNcwfilhftrcer S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldermanbury— S' Mary Aldcrmary - s' Mary Ic Bow- S' Mary Bothaw-- S' Mary Colcchurch S' Mary Hill—--- S' Miry Mountluw- S' Mary Sommerfet-- J S' Maty Stay Ding¬ s' Mary Woolchurcl}-— S'Mary Woolnoch-—-,2 S' Martin Ircmongcrlancl Martin Liidgatc- Martin Or gar s- jS' S' S' Martin Outwitch- S' IdatrwT \*inttcy-- S' Matthew FridavllrcctJ S' Maudlin MilkfiTCcc— S' Maudlin OldfilT.flrecH S' Michael BafliOiaw*.—^ S' Micheel Cornitil—— S' Michael Crookcdlanc. S' Michael Queenhithc- S' Michael Quern'—! S' Michael Royal- S' Michael Woodftrcct— ; S' Mildred Hrcadfircct— S' Mildred Poultrcy —- S' Nicholas Ancons-- S' Nicholas Colcabby.— S' Nicholas Oiaves— S' Olave HartBrectw- S' Olave Jewry-— S' Olave Silverftrcct—- S' Pancras Sopcrlanc— S' Peter Cheap-- s' Peter Cornhil- - S' Peter Paulfwharf-—- S' Peter Poor-—--— S' Steven Colemanftrect S' Steven Walbrook S' Switbin-— Bur. Plag* S' Thomas Apoftle-- Trinity Pariih-^- « f^97 Purifier the — > 6 9 PUgM- S' Barthol S' Bridget ip 1 ! ,15 1 I s' Borolph Aldgatc--^'j X ^ S' Bc-toiph Bifliopfgatc—o S' Dunftan Weft --j o S*' George Southwark^— S' Giles Cripplcgatc-* • 8 S' Oiavc Southwark Bridcwcl Prccin(ft- S' Botolph Aldcrfga.. . . Btitied in the T 6 ?m{bn iritbmi the w'/tiZr, mi tbt 1 3 5 hi Saviours Southwark—“|6 S. Seoulchres Partfh S' Thomas Southwark —5 Trinity Minorics- I At the Pefthoufc—-— I o Giles in the ftcids Hackney Patifiv ',74 James Ckrkcnwel — 5 ^ Kftth. near the Tower j 3 in the 12 cut Parffh^s in Middiefex Ktd Surty- "[ Lambeth Patilh-^|4 1 S' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalen Bcfnriondfeyjy J S' Maty Newington-—-, 3 S' Mary ” I S' Mary Whitcc?5ppcl— ! i 5 Kothc-TithParilh —— j 1 , StCpney Parifti--— . 2 8 138 - 3 2 Clement Danesw.-*-jx 5 s' Paul Covent Gardcn-12 1 1 j S' Martin in the fields—j2.2 1 1 $' Mary Savoy——X 1 r 1 1 S' Margaret Wcftminfterj 1 3 tybtrref « the Feftboufe-( Buried in the 5 Fdrifbes in the City Mitd Uberties ef Weflminficr— 6 3 P/^g;rr— f |l 1 ‘‘Y:, U im^ The T>ileafes and Cafmltiesthis IVeek^ Ged- Blaftcd • •^uifed- Childbed— C hrifomes— Collick— Confumption Convulfion— Cough—- Dropfic- Drowned at Stepney • Feavcr- t’iftula-^- FIox and Small-pox- fflix- Found dead in the Abby, at j St. Margaret VVcftminfter—j Gangrene- _ ■■■ »..- -^-1 Grijnng in the Guts- Jaundies—- Icnpofthume- Infants Kingfevil- Meailcs • Paine— Plague- Purples--- Rickets- Riling of the Lights- Rnpture- Scurvy- Sore mourh- Spotted Feaver- Stilborn- Stone- Stopping of the ftomach- Strangury--- Suddenly ^ -- Surfeit--—- Teeth- Timpany- Tiflfick-i- Vomiting- Wornaes - rMales—^ CMales^— aiip Chriftnc d PUeoc- a a mmn- -234S . <:iDaU- 405 S Increafed in the Burials this Week------ ^ Parifhes clear of the Plague- 12 3 Par ifhes Infected - y The Afire of Bread fet forth hj Order of the Lord Maior and Court of Aldtrwin. A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three * _half-penny White Loaves the like weight. Cs London Bur. Piag- \ Lban Woodftrcec-jj jCVAlhillows Bifkiiigli Alhailow^s Brcadflrecc— Alhaliows Great— Alh&llows Hoiy’lam Alhalloiivs l^dksrrr . Alhalfows Lumbardflrcet Alhilliovrs Stayning-—- Alhallows the Wail¬ s'' Alphage S"- George Botolphlarie— S' Gregory S' Pauls— S' HeUen. S' Andrew Hubbard¬ s' Andrew Underlhaft— S^ Andrew Wardrobe S' Ann Aldcrfgate— s' Anil Blackfryers-- S' AnjchoHns Parifh—— S' Aifllins PariHi— S' BartbolomcwExchangc S' Benner Fynck——— S' Benner firjicechurch- S' Benner Paulfwharf-— S' Benner Sherehog* S' Borolph Biliingfgace- ebrift church S' Chriftophers S' Clemenr Eaftchcap-— ip-- S' Dionia Backchurcrw-'. S' Dunftan Eaft—— S' Edmund Lumbardftr.. S' Ethclbofottgl S'Faith S' Foyer¬ s' Gabriel Fcnchurch-- 3 S' James Dukes place— S' James Garlickliithe— S' John Baprift s') - John Evahgeiift-—- S'^ John Zachary S' Kachaiint-Colcman— s' Katharine Crechurch- S' Lawrence Jewry- s' Lawrence Pountney— ^ Leonard Eaftcheap-— s' Leonard foftcriane— S' Magnus Parifti ' s' Margarct^Lorhbury— S' Margaret Mofes-- S' Margaret Ncwftfhflrc. S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldcrmanbury- S' Mary Aldcrmary-- S' Mary Ic Bow S' Mary Bothaw S' Mary Colechurch-— S' Mary Hill- S' Mary Moimthaw—— s' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Stayning--- S'^Mary Woolchurch— $' Mary Wpolnoth -—- S' Martin Ircmongcrlane 3 S' Martin Ludgacc.. S' Martin Orgars— S' Martin Oiicwitch S' Martin Vinrrey-- t S' Mai;thcw Fridaylhcct- S' Maudlin Milkftrccr— I S'Maudlin CSldfithllfcet*^ ■ S' Michael Bafikhawi-n ^ S' Michatl S' MichacrCro>SkcdIanc^ S' Michael Quccnhithc- -S' Michael Qjiiern-- S' Michael Koyal—-w* s' MichiacI Woodflfrcct-^ S' Mildred Brcaddrcct— .S' Mildred Poultrcy- S' Nicholas Aeons- S' Nicholas Colcabby—' S' Nicholas- Olaves- S' davc Hartftrcct S' Olavc Jewry—^- S' Oltvc SiWcrftrcct*^ S'. Pancris Sopcrlane-— S' Peter Cheap- S' Peter Cornhil— S' Peter Pauifwharf- S' Peter Poor--- S' Steven Colcmanftrccc S' Steven Walbrook-— S' Swithin S' Thomas Apoftles- Trinity Pari Bmitd in tht 9J Ptrlfies mtkintbeffnUt -- 67 ! Pt^ - 4 S' Andrew Holbor S' Bartholomew Great-— S' Bartholomew Leffc-— S' Brit^ct z 17 3 S' Botoiph Aldgatc-- Saviours Southwark- 15 S' Botoiph Bilhopfgatc— 15 S Sepulchres Pariih— 25 10 s' Dunftan Weft--;— I S' ThomAs Southwark^ z S' George Southwark— 7 Trinity Minorics - / S' Giles Cripplcgiic— 37 At the Pcfthoufc — ■>— 5 4 ( Olavc Southwark-—' ‘4 i Bridcwcl Precind— S'Botoiph Aldcrfgatc— Buried in tbe 16 Pnrilhes witheut tbe ime, mul nt the Pepenft- 179 Plngue— ^7 Giles in :he field Hackney Parilh- S‘ James Clerkenwcl-—^ S' Kath.near the Tower tic 58 Lambeth Parilh ■ S' Leonard Shoreditch— S'^ Magdalen Bermondfey S' Mary Newington^- 6 ii 6 3 tumd in tiff 12 iMt Pnripjis UMiddlesex nnd Sattcy^ 2 s'" Mary Ifliogton-——-] Mary WliitechappcU J Rcchorith Pa-r jib--“^3 Scepney Parilh- 2 71 Hanes_114 IS"- Martin m tne neias-H^ iZ I S' Mirearet Weftmmftcr.)IO SJatco^S^I'-' I- W Mary SatPy—J 4 1^ J ^ Buried in tbe 5 . P^fiets in the 'citj nnd Lii>er tart of Wcfcninfte r— 74 _ . P H r- f \ LbanWooaftfeet-U ,A.Alhall<>**s Bafkiflgii AllttUo»^i Bteadfttcct Alhallows Greats— Alhallows Honylanc' Alhallbua l-tHer —• , Alhallows Lumhardftteet Alhallows Staynin}!-' Alhallows the Wail¬ s' A^hage S' Andrew Hirbbard—- S' Andrew Undcrlhaft— S' A|idr4W Wtidrobc S'Ann Aldcrfgatc— S' Ann Blackfrycrs-- S' Aathoitns Parifh— S' Auftins Parifh—^ 3c BartholomcwExchange ct Bennet Fynck^-- ct Bonnet Gtaccchurch- Bcnncc Paulfwhart- ctBennct Sherehog- §c Bptolph BtiHnpgatc- thrift Church ■ — 5t Chriftophers - 3t Clement Eaftchcap-— 5t Dionis BackchuKh--^ St Dun^ Eall-^-* St Edmund Lumbardftr- S^ Ethclb'orou jh. S^ Faith —“ St Fgftcr--- 7 St Gabiicl Fenchuren-—1 'S' T^tolph’Aldiatc- 4' George Botolphlanc-^ S' Gregory bj S' Pauls— S' — ——“ S' James. Dukes place— James Gerlickhithc— S' Jolifl Baptift— cC C-L-'iraar/.ltf h' Jolv^.t-vstngelift- S' John Zachary — S' Coleman— s' Kathuinc Crechurch- 'S'Uwren^cc Jewry--— S' Lawrence Pountney— S' U9n4w4iE«^ft<^^^cip.— S' Lcp;n 4 ffl jFcftcrlanc— S' Magnus Paridi--— S' Margaret Lothbury— S' MOitgarci Mofes-- S' Margaret Newfifliftre. S' Margaret Pattons- ' Ahehurch-- S' Martin Lud^aw- S' Martin Or gars-- ct Vlarrin Onrwiri Miiy Aldermanbuty-. Maty AWermafy- S' Maty le Bow¬ s' Maty Bvhaw- S' Maty Colechutch- S' Mary Hill- S' Mary Moimthaw S' M 417 Sommetfet- Maty Staynini-—- S' Maty Woolchurch- S' Maty Woolnoth J . S' Ircmoiigcrlane S' Martin Ou twitch S' Martin Vintrey. 3 ivwan Yiiitifc/— - S' Nbtthcw Fridayftrecti # S' Maudiip S' Maii'fin OtdfirtVftrc jt-i ■ S' Mf6l«el' ■ ct \XirK— 3' Leonard Shotcdui^r* S'* Magdal.en Bermondfty 'S' Ma^ Newington-- 34 S^ Giles in the fieldi Hackney Parilh- S' TamesrClerkenwei—^ K«rh . near the Tower 17 4 4 ♦.ot 9 i UMiddlgferSurrey- S' Matv Iflic-gton——-j? S' ^4ary WSitechAPpe.L ^ 4 Rothorith Paflfh-—- Stepney Patilh—— • -■^iJ B Pfxgxe —‘ro5 P i f I-' I-Piul Co-fern Gitden-I- .jfjlra’mfifo/Weftmitift ■ 7 °" ^aiiiebVw.^ J5'-M^mrct WcCtminfter^ JI |7 vfotrtof ia tbi Pcllhoiifc——I P/drgttC— 19 ibi K'-., ; i«Mt It KiM two, one with a fall at St, Albans Woodftrcct, and one with a fall from a Scaffold atl’ St. Giles in the fields- Lcthargy — Overlaid — Palfic Plague Rickets Riling of the Lights Scowring Scurvy Spotted Feaver— Stilborn---— Stone^- Orcwned at St.Kathcr. Tower Teaser-r FIoz and Small-pox- French-pox— Frighted ■ Griping in the Guts-— Hanged her felf at St, James Clcrkeowcl:- Jauijdies- Stopping of the ftomach- Strangury —___ Suddenly — ,, Surfeit -- Teeth -- Thrufh — Winde— Wormes- Males ■ C Males-1 o i Chriftncd< Females— i o j clnall^^- -204 ^ ^ Increafcd in^thc Burials this Week Pariftiesclear of the Plague-111 rParifhes Infeacd Boricd^Females— 310^ Plague- 168^ ^Inall-^ 57 19 rht cf Bre4d fa forth h Order of the Lord Court of Mdermati A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three __ half- pennj^Whke Loaves the like weight. London 27 Froii^ibarioof June tothc 27. i 66 ^ \ 1 Jur-I >lag.j I 3 ur.ll >lag. 1 dur. Plag, s' \ LbinWoodftreec-i S' George Bocolphlanc— S' Martin Ludgatc—— .^\Alhillows Barking ‘ L S' Gregory* <7 S'Pauls— S' Martin Orgars—- Allitllows Breadftteet— S' Helkn- -- S' Martin Outwitch— AlhiUows Great- — . S' James Dukes pkee— ; £ S' Martin Vintrey-- '• £ Alhallows Honylane- S' James Garlicliiichc— S' Matthew FridayftreetJ Alhallows Lcffc ■ — S' John Baptift——— S' Maudlin Milkftrcct— • £ Alhallorrs Lumbardftreer S' John Evangelift- S' Maudlin Oldfifhftrcct- Alhallows Scaininr-^-— S'John Zacwy--— 1 S' Michael Bailiihaw-*— 2 i Alhallows the Wall— I S' Katharine Coleman— S' Michael Cornhil-r— S' Alphage-' ' -- S' Katharine Crcchurch- 1 S' Michael Crookcdlane 2 1 1 S' Andrew Hubbard— 1 S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Michael Queenhithe- S' Andrew Underfhafe— 2 S' Lawrence Pountney— 1 S' Michael Quern**--— S' Andrew Wardrobe— 2 S' Leonard Eaftcheap— S' Michael Royal—• S' Ann Alderfjate- S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Michael Woodftreet— S' Ann Blacktrycrs- 2 S' Magnus Parilh— S' Mildred Brcadftrect— S' Ancholins Parifti^- S' Margaret Lothbury— 1 S' Mildred Poulttcy — S' Auftins Parifti- £ S' Margaret Mofes—- S' Nicholas Aeons-- S' BartholoroewExchange I s' MargaretNewfilhftreet S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Bcnnet Fynck- 1 S' Margaret Pattons- S' Nicholas Claves— 1 S' Bennet Gracechutch- S' Mary Abchurch— I S' Clave Hartftrect-— I S' Bcnnet Paulfwhatf—I I S' Mary Aldcrmanbury— S' Clave Jewry- I S' Bennet Sherehot— ■” S' Mary Aldcrmary -- S' Clave Silverftrcct— S' Sotoljh Billingtgate- S' Mary Ic Bow -- S' Pancras Sopcrlanc— * Chrifts Church- - 3 S^ Mary Bothaw- S' Peter Cheap— — 3 2 S' Chriftophers- - — S' Clement Eaftcheap— S' Miry Colechurch— S' Mary Hill ■—- S' Peter Cornhil——— S' Peter Paulfwhaif— .1 S' Dionis Backchurch— S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Peter poor-- — ■ S' Ditnftan Eafl--*-~- . I S' Maty Sommcffct- S' Steven Colcmanftrect 2 S' Edmund LumbitcLftr« S' Mary Stayning- S' Steven Walbrook—■ I S' Ethelboiough'' S' Mary Woolchurch-— S' Swithin I S' Faith^^- S' Fofter- ■ S'Mary Woolnoth—— S' Martin Iremongcilan< S' Thomas Aooftlc*^- ■— •I S' Gabriel Fcnchurcn— I BMfitd in (Ik 97 Ptrifiis irJrlri» tbt n'tUs — — 49 Plsint " ■■ 4’ S' Andrew Holborn —— •B7 15 S' Botolph'Ai^atc-—- .114 Sayiours Sou’thwark—‘116 S' Bar:holomcw Great¬ .[I I S' Bocolph Bimopfgate¬ • II 3 S. toulchres Pitifh——45 18 ? s' Bartholomew Lefic— -I s'Danftan Weft- ■5 S' Tnomas ■ Southwark— 4 1 S' Bridget--- • i 5 ? -S' George Southwark—- •7 I Trinity Minorics—— Bridewei Prccii.i^-* — S' Giles Cripolegaic— .42 7 At the Pefthoufc— 3 ' S' Borolph Aldcifgare-- •4 3 S' Clave Soutnwark-- - 19 r 1 Zwfiei h% tkil 6 P^Wfler wnkw the U tbt PtfilHitfe^ 215 Plttnt- ?5 _ i S' Giles in the fields-—- .185 H: 1 Lnmbcth Parilhr-^- •14 1 Mary 1 flingten—^- ■'3 r Hackney Parifh--- i 2 S' Lco/iard Shoreditch- 1 . '1> ' S' Mary Whitcchappel- .26 S' ]anics Cicrkcnwcl — S 3 8 S' Magdalen Bermondfey 6 1 Rothorith Parifli — ' I S' Kath. near the Tower 6 S' Mary Newington—| J j Stepney Parifh^——— ■i 3,7 I Buried h the 11 ph: Pdirtjbts h Middlcfex and Surry- - 29I PUgue - 153 s' Clement Dancs-^-- 128 ji6 j S' Martin in the tickis— -145 i" 1 S' Margaret V/eftminftcrjJ 8 1^6 Paul Covent Garden- 15 (i l S' M»ty Savoy--— 1 1 JHttrt^nt tbt Pefthoufc ii ^mitd in tbt $ Pxr^er in the City and Libertits tf Weftmlnftcr- — 119 P/<£«— 55 li^hf ^ifeafes And CAfualtienhis TVee^ Frcnch-pox- Griping m the Guts- Jtundies- Impofthume- Infants Killd at St. Martins in the fields Kingfevil-- Livergrown- Palfic-- Plague--^- Rickets- Riling of the Lights- ScuTYy. Shot vrith a Piftol at Saviours Southwark— ■ ■ — Spotted Feaver- . Siilborn—-- Stopping of the ftomach- Strangury- Surfeit - • — Tcetb- -. . Thrufh- Timpany-- - - Tiffick Vomiting— Winde- Wormes — S4 I 5 II I t I 26 f 9 4 1 12 It $ I 14 3* 3 t I 3 4 I Males33^ Females— 355'', In all--<^84 Parifhes Tnfedked Mague^ r6i 20 The Afiz,e vf tread[tt-forth by Order vf the Lord Maiorami Court of Aldermt*^ A penny VVheaien Loaf to conrainNtne Ounces and a half, and rfuee half-penny White Loaves the like weight. r I London 28 of Jung to the 4 of )uly. 166 ^ |But s' A LbanWoodftrettJ J I XXAlh»Uov»s Barking 4 Alhjllows Btcidftieet— » AlhillowsGiat— Alhallows Honyiani MhaUows Lefts— Alhallows Lumbardftreet Alhillows Staining* ' 1 Alhallows the Wall- 1 S' Alpitage —- S' Andrew HttWsatd- S' Andrew Undetftiafc— S' Andrew Wardrobe¬ s' Aim Aldcrftate - S' Ann Blackfrycra' S' Antholins Parifh' S' Auftins Parilb- 1 S' BattholomewExcbange 1 S' Bsnnet Fynek-—~ S' Bennet Gracechutch- 1 S' Bennet Paullwhart— 1 S' Bennet ^terehoe - IS'Soto^hBiilingiiate- Chiifts Church- S' Chriftophers' S' element Eaftcheap— S' Dionis Backchutch— S' DunRan Eaft--~**^^ S' Edmund Lumbatdjtr* S'Ethelborough - S'Faith- S' Fofter- iPlag*| S' George B«colpUane— S' Gregory (7 S'Pauls— S' --- S' James Dukes place¬ s' James Garlickhichc S' John Baptift- S' John Evangclift— T-l_ Bun 5 S' John Zachary-- S' Katharine Coleman¬ s' Katharine Crechurch- s' Lawrence Jewry'- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftcheap— S' Leonard Fofterlane—■ S' Magnus Parifti- li S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes — S' MargarerfJewfiMreet S' Margaret Pattons— S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Alderraanbury— S' Vhitj Aldermary- S' Mary le Bow — S' Mary Bothaw— S' Maty Colechurch— S' Hill-- S' Mary Mounthaw S' Mary Sommetfer S' Mary&ayning- S' Mary W-oolchurch-— S' Mary Woolnoth. ■ — I roiter----- kemongerlane i' Oabricl Feochutch—il 1 »mtdMtht97 tkt tf'dUi- Bur. Plagi S' Martin Ludgat®-*—-1 S' Martin Qrgtr w ^ S' Martin Outwicch—I S' Martin Vimrey-^—— S' Matthew Ffidavftrtetn S' Maudlin Millwect*^ S' Maodlin OidiiMHCV J ^ S' Miohifl Baffiflwww-i 8 8 S' Michael Cornbil-^— ^ S' Michael Croekcdlanc 4 S' Michael Queenhithe-J^ S' Michael Quern-— S' Michael Royal—I S' Michael WoodftreetH S' Mildred BreadRrtet— I S' Mildred Poulttcy —» S' Nicholas Aconi S' Nicholas Coieabby— S' Nicholas Olaves^—— S' Olave Hartftrect-^ S' Olave Jewry- S' Olave Silvcrfteeet- S' Pancras Soperlanc— S' Pctcf Cheap¬ s'Pcccf Cofnhil—^^*^ S' Petpr — S' Peter Pool- S' Steven C^blcmapftreet S' Stevfio Ifalbfook S' Swichin • S' Thomas ApoWc-^ Ttimty Pariflj-——~ [ S' Andrew Holboin --4^ S' Bartholomew Great—4 S' Butholomcw Lcie —y 1 S' Budget¬ s' Botolph^ldgatc. . Bridcwcl Precind-^ - $'Botolph Aidcrfgatc-—jO -f -- . - , Btifltd in th£l6 Pnrifkit mtlmt fbe Ml tbi Piflk^Mfi- S' Botpiph Bifhop?gj S' Dunftan Weft- S' George Southwark- S' Giles Cripflegate- S' Clave Southwark—— [atc-^' ' Saviours Southwark‘»'*^17 S. Seoukhecs Eaaih—^|7 8 S' Tnomas Southwark-^W S. _ S' Tnomas Southwark-^W Trinity Minorics- At the PefthottCc—^ 5 5 P/gfrie- 166 S' Giles in the fields- Hackney Parifh'--- 5 ' James Gktkcnwcl — ' S' KAch. near the Tower Suriidintbe I 2 oy J 4 1 2 Hti 149 lO Pdtiji Lambeth Prrifh——. 3 S' Lcojiatd Shored itch--: X S' Magdaicn B«rm«ndfcyj-i l S' Mary Ncwuigton .—4 bes in Middiefex Starry—- S' Mary Iflir^toa—- S' Mary WKitechappel— Rothorith Pit ifli — Snepnty Periihi** ■■ ■ ( P/ 8 5 ' Clement Danes—I“5^ 1 ^ ^ ^ lo 1^ I —-.r sc Paul ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S' Mary Iflington—-—3 S' Mary Whitechappcl-|i 6 Rothorith Pariih---^,7 Stepney Parifh———it7 p/ijjw— 286 34 MaVy Savoy-^^--Is" "[6 | ^f^reof dt tb: Pcfthoufe-- 1 3 ‘ ‘ t6o j ) The Difeafes and Cafualti hswh JVee\, Bortive • _ ^ Aged - Bruited- Cancer- Childbed- Chrifomcs— Confumptioa- ConvuKjtDn— Dropfic- Drowned two, one in a Fifh Pondjthe other in a Ditch, at Saviours Southwark- Feavcr--- I'lox and Small-pox- VIux- French-pox- Frighted — Grief Griping in the Guts Jaundies impofthume- C Males Chriftoed< Females din all— H i i lO lo 116 4 * 20 If 20 I 3 I I 3 3 . 5 3 Infants-- Kt!d oy the Mother (being DiftradeJ) an Infant at St, Michael Crooked-Jane- Kingfevil Lethargy —- Livergrown . Murthered her Infant at Step.) ney---1^ Overlaid - ^ Plague — •2 ■72$ 2 :7 1 3 32 9 2 Stopping of the ftomach-Is Surfeit--- 42 I I ■! 2 , C^infie- Rickets--- Riling of the Lights- Rupture—-- Scurvy--- Spotted Fcaver-- Stilborn--- Stonc^-- Teeth- Thrufh — Timpany- TilTick— Ulcer — Windc— Wortnes- ~!2 -!i - 3 —197 ^ Increafcd in the Buriats this Week Parifhes clear of the Pl^ue ^ Males- ^’97 Buned Females— Plaeuc— 72c In ail- i2^8 > 262 90 Parifhes Infct^ed- 40 The of Bread fet forth hj Order of the Lord Maior and Court of Aidermtt^ A peony Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three _half-penny While Loaves the like weight. 6 ' 'W London 30 From utFi i of July to the 18. \ Lbin Woo(iftrcet-|4 lA-Alhallows Barking:4 AlhalloVvJs Br^adftrect- ‘ Alhallows Great Alha'>ows Hbnylanc- Alhallows Lefi Alhallows Lumbardflrce' AlhailoTTs Stayning-- All'allows the Wall¬ s' .^Iphage —- Andrew Hubbard¬ s' Andrew llnderfhaft— Andrew Wardrobe S' Ann Aldcrfgate— S' Ann Blackfrycrs-- S' Anthohns Parifli- S' Auilins Parifh- S' BartholomcwExchange S' Bchnct Pyftck—-— S' Bcnnct Graccchurclv S' Bennet Paulfwharf. S' Bennet Sherchot- S' Botolph BilUnf^gate- Chrift Church 1 Bur. Phg S' George Bo’tolphlanL S' Gregory by S' Pauls— S' Hellen^-^- S' James Piikes place¬ s' James OaTuckhitho— 5' John Bapdil- s' John Evangclii^- S'John Zachiity Bur.rPlag. S' Chriftophers- S' Clement Eaftchcan-— S' Dionis Backchaiclw— S' Dunftan Eaft-^- S' Edm’and Lumbardftr S' Ethelbofough-- S'Faith¬ s' Kat^.irinc Coleman¬ s' Katharine Crechurch- S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Lconud EaPeheap- s' Leonard Fofterlanc— S' M? gnus Parifh ' S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes-- 1 S' Margaret NcwfifKftrcJ I J' Margaret Pattons-1 S' Mary Abchurch-— I S' Mary Aldcrmanbury- S' Mary Aldermary-- .S' Mary Ic Bow- !s' Mary Bothaw S' Mary Colechurch^— S' Mary Hill S' Mary Mounthaw S' Mary Sommetfet- S' Mary Stayning^ S' Fofter--- - S' Gabriel Fcnchurdv- BmidiHtht97?trii'bisvUlnnttMi'4Us- Bur. S' Botolph Aldgatc- S' .Midrcw Holborn- S' Bartholomew Great¬ s' Bartholomew Leffc— S' Bridget-—-- Bridewel Precir^- ^ PtriCbts'wUhtia the ntdittlit ?tptuft— 735 3 1 Ho y VjCOTgC i / s' Giles Cri^lcgatc— S 1J 1 S' Olavc Soutnwafk—- jl I I T 141 35 1 '4 <55 39 4 3 4 114 ,26 19 S' Martin Ludgate-- S' MartinOrgars——- S' Martin Outwicch- S' Martin Vintrey—— S' Marrhew Fridayfttoet- S' ; hud Jin Milkftreet— S' Maudlin Ofdfifhflrcct^ S' Michael Balfifhaw- S' Michael Cornhil— S' Michael Crookcdlane S' Michael Queenhithe- S' Michael Q^uerp-- S' Michael Royal—— S' Michael Wooiftreet- S' Mildred Brcadftreet— S' Mildred Poultrcy- S' Nicholas Aeons— S' Nicholas Colcabby S' Nicholas Olaves—— S' Olavc Hartfbreec- S' Olavc Jewry—- S' Olavc Silverftrcct— S' Pancras Sopcrlanc— S' Peter Cheap-— S' Peter Cornhil—— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter. Poor———• S' Steven Colemanflrcct S' Steven Walbrook-—I S' Swithin--—-|l S' Thomas Apoflics—T Trinicy Parif h — Kag 10 PldgfU^ 5^ Saviours Southwark- S Sepulchres Parifh- S' Thomas Soi thwack-— ? Trinity Minorics^- Ac the Pcflhoufe -— 416 S' Giles in the held Hackney Parifh-"—-- S' James ClerkcnwH^ S' Kath. near ihc Tower a68 ,21 8i Lambeth Parifh- -- S' Leonard Shoicdhch— 78 S* Magdalen Bennondfey S‘ Muy Newingwn—— 8 1 64 40 12 6 4 tJI*. Vl.». » ■■ w- Buritd in tie I» nut Pnrijhtf w.Mrddlefca nnd Surrey- 5 9$ S' Mary Iflington-j 17 S' Mary WhitcchappcU|4^ Rothorith Parifh--——!9 Stepney Parifh— Pi^^e - 4^7 IS'' Maftin in'ihe fields-\l7fll 13] S' M?irjafet_Wcftminfteri79 I? Maty Savoy- ‘4-14 Clen^t Dames- s' Paul ^ city nnd JJte rtiisef WeRmnae r — a po at tire Pefthoufe- 200 1 z wills m-Ti, The Difeafes andC4»^lfi^^if Week^ A Bortive- Aged — Apopicxie— Blafted- Bleeding- Childbcd^- Chrifonacs-^— ConCumption- Convulfion— ©ropfie- ©rowned in a Brewers well at Saviours Southwark leaver JIox and Small-pox- jFIux- Trcnch-pox- I righted -— Cowt:- Cripmg in the Guts • dies--- 3 43 3 I I lo \6 104 38 28 104 H 3 t I 2_ 35 6 . Cbziftned- 'Males ——105 !i*cn3ak.s— -In all--154 Impofthamc- Infants- Kingfevil-- ■ Livergrown — Overlaid -- Ptlfic- Plague- Quinfie- Rickets- Riiing of the Lightf- Rapture- Scowring--- Sci^vy--- Spleen- Spotted Feaver—- Starved at Stepney— Siilborn-- Stone-- Stopping of the ftomach- Suddenly- Surfeit- Teeth--- Thrufh- Timpany- TiflSek--- Uicer--*- Vomiting---- Windc-—----- Wormes- \ Males—-- 5^020 Buried''Females— 85c?;> - , ^ clnall^^-17^10 Increafed in the Burials this Week---- Psrilhes clear of the Plague—- js Parifhes Infcfted- 12 2 I I t 1084 {■ f 7 I 6 & 1 12 I S z i47 54 I I 3 -2 I 2- 10 Plague^ 10 89 483 5'4 Afix,e of Bread fetfmit Order of the Lord' Mder and Court of Atdermei^ A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a Ittlf, and three * half-penny White Loaves the like weight. ^ondon 51 Froar ^ ■ . - .. rSinf lulv rnrheic. iBur. r c4^ A LbinWoodfttm. AQullowsBitkingj* Alhallows Bteadftteet— Alhallows Great- — Alhallows Honylano- Alhallows Lefle— Alhallows Lumbar dltreet Alhallows Staininf-- Alhallows the Wall- S'Alphage—-;;- if y Andrew Hubbatd--—4 S" Andrew Underftiaft—10 S' Andrew Wardrobe— S' Ann Aldetfeate- S' Ann Blacktryers-— S' Antholins ParilH- S' Auftins Parifb- S' BartholomewExchangi S' Bennet EyM'*"-- Bcanct Gtaccchurch- Bcnnct Paulfwhwf— S‘ Bcnnct Shctchoj S^BmolphBilUnfti Chrifts Chiitch— S' C^riftophcrs< S' Ckmcnt Eaftchcap^ S' Dkinis Backchurch— S' Dunftan Eaft—- S^ Eimund LumbaTdftr. S' EtkclbofOitgb S' Faith-- S' Foftcr. 19 5 10 ^ 12 ■ s' Ocotgc B< 3 wlpWanc— S'Gregory fc; S'Pauls— S'Hclkn^--- S' James Ehikes pkee— S' James Garlickhithc S' John Baprift—— S' John Evaftgelift— S' John Zachary*- S' Katharine Coleman¬ s' Katharine Crcchurch S' Laijrrcncc jewry^— S' Lafrrcncc Pountney— S' Lconarii Eaftchcap—- S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Magnus Pari(h- S' Margaret Lothbury— s' Margaret Mofes- S' MirgaretNcwfilhftrcct S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch- s' Mary Aldctmanbury— $' Mary Aldcrmary- S' Mary k Bow - S' Mary Bothaw S' Mary Colcchurch— S' Mary Hill-- S'jMary Mounthaw S'Mary S'otomerfet-^ S' Maty Stayning—— Maty Woolchurch-— ^'Mary Woolnoth Bur. iPlag. ? 17 J J S' Martin hcmongcrlanc S' Gibrid Fenchureh— iiuntd infkt 91 tki JraUs^ S' Martin Ludgatcfe-*-; S' Martin fagart - ■ S' Martin OtttWftch-—•' S' Motfein S' Maithfir Frklayfli S' Maudlin Milkftre S'MaudlitlOUftM S' Michael BaflSimr.-- S' Michael Cafhhi>—’ S' Michael Crcokcdlane S' Michael Qucenhithc- S' Michael Quern--—^ S' Michael Royal—- S' Michael Woodftrcct— S' Mildred Brcadftrcct— S' Mildred Poultrey S' Nicholas Aeons-- S' Nicholas Coleabby— S' Nicholas Olaves-— J' Olavc Hartftrccr-' S' Olavc Jewry-— S' Oiavt Sthr^rcet— S' Pancras Soperlanc— Peter Cheap-- Bur. Flag. 22 S' Peter Cofnhil^— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Pctcf Poor. U S' Sreven Corcmtnftrcct S' Steveii Walbrook— S' Swithin — ■ ‘ — s' Thoims “ Tfinit^ Patift> » * - 241 P^^- 128 S' Andrew Holborn-Tl ^3 S' Bakthotemew Great*—5" S' Bartholomew Lefic-— S' Brjdgct--59 Bridcwcl Prccinaw-17 S' Botolph Aiderlgare—,3 5 f? 4 17 S'BctcolpMAldgacc- S' BotoipR Biihop.rgatc— ■ S' DurJ^J! Weft--—- S' Gcofgc Southwark- ''*• ’ rate¬ s' Giles Crii S' Olavc Sou awark- Saviours SbnthWar k ^ 13 ® jJ 5 ■ S. Scptikhf Parifh^- -(I ^7^4^ S'Thomas Southwark— ! 8 Trinity Minorics-—^ t At the Pufthoufe-‘ 9 iCOipn ruacr.gai 5 .-y-; j y •s/ i r < • Buried in Lke^ 1 6 Fnrifires witlnut tbtjydlLs^ mid m t^P 1210 P/egire— 755 s' Giles in the fields Hackney Parilh- I 2 I 5 ^ James Gtetkcnwcl —|I 43 ',S^ K«hv.n^*»’the Towerfl X (4 . . Buried ntife 12 ear Pier:fbes in WkldFcfcx and Surry- , Y \ —-XA . \ ^ Lambeth Parftiv S' Leonard Shcredkehr —84 S' Magdalen Bermdndfcy 11 S' Mary. Newington-—rf ' . S' Mary iilingcoit- t S' Mary Whitcchappcl— } Ho'thcfirh ParHh I Stepn^ .Parifh-^ PUi»t -— <528 y Clsinent 'l>incb--.r— I S' Mamnw tbc-hcRs.—| 27 Pji 7 ^>' Mai|iiet.Weltoinftcilrao|p8 [ S' Msty SeVoy^ - ' I ^ fcIHwbI-' -j.^ I S'PMCovWtGitden-ll? w -—j -. , -■ » B«rifd w tiH 5 Pdr'^ks »* tke Ckj mid iJhrtitf tf WffftminfteT— 47,7 Plu^nt-' 3 32 5-— -- --- - T ^ l"he ^ifeafes and Cafualttes this IVeeJ^ Bortitfe- A^cd ^ Ap»oplexic—^■ Blafted- Bleeding- Cancer- Childbcd- Chrifotnes- Collick- Confumption ConvuHion— Cough—— Dropiie- Drowned 4, one at Saviours Southwark, wo at St.Katha- rines Tower, and one at St. Margaret VVtftminfter- Pcaver--- Flox and StnaU-pox Yl^ix - French-pox Frighted Chriftned S 31 1 2 I I 19 21 3 13^ 5* I 53 Gangrene--— Griping in the Guts- Jaundies- Impofthume Infants-- Kingfevil— Livergrown Plague- Purples — Quinfie- Rickets- Rifing of the Lights- Rupture- Scowring-- Scurvy Spotted Feaver- Stilborn- Stone- Stopping of the ftoaaach - Strangury-—— Surfeit- Teeth- Thrulh- Timpany-— TiCfick-r— - Ulcer- Vomiting— Winde- Wormes — I 40 Buried 'Males- 13827 !Females-—14037 Plague—1845 -In all-2785 S 1024 - ^8 --j2 — 6 3 3 1843 3 2 10 14 i 8 6 ”4' 9 I I } * i I 103 I 5 I I Incrcafed in the Burials this Week Parilhcs clear of the Plague-Pariihes Infcfted Thf f>f Bread fa forth hj Order of the Lord Maior and Citurt of Aldermeni A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three, | Iralf-penny White Loaves the like weight. * London 32 From thejuly to the i of Auguft, 166^ S' \ Lbin Woodftrccc- 1 IXAlHallows Barking 4 Albailows Brcadftrcct— Alhallows Great-—— 5 Alhaliows Honylanc—- Alhallows Lclfe- i Alhailcws Lurr.bardf^rcct ] Alhallows Siaining-^4^ Alhallows the Wall- \y S' Alphage—^- 1 ? Andrew Hubbard¬ s'-.Andrew Underlhatt— S' Andrew Wardrobe S' Ann Aldcrfgatc — S' Ann Biacktryers— S' Antholins Parifh— Bur- 'Pbg, Auilins Parifti- S' BircholotnewExchange S' Bennci Fynck- S' Benner Gracechurch- S' Bl^nnct Paulfwharf— S' Bennet Shcreliog- S' Botolph Billinglgatc - Cl\ritls Chdrch ■ S' Chriftophers- S' Clement Eaflchtap— S' Dionis Backchurch— S' EKinftan Ead- ^7 S' Edmund Lumbardftr. S' Echelborough- S' Faith- S' lifter. S' Gabriel FciKhureh-— 13 2 S' George Botolphlanc— S' Grj.gory by S' Pauls— Bur. Flag. -lellJr. S' T>ikes pi-ace¬ s' MC? ^Garlickhidie¬ s' joh’. Baptift-- S' jehr ^.^ ingclift- S' John Zaicliary^^- — S' Katharine Coleman¬ s'Xnharinc Crechurch S' Laurence Jewry- S' Law,rcRCC Poirntncy— S' Leonard Eaftchcap— S' Leonard Fofterlanc— S' Magnus Parifh- S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes- S' MargareiNcwfiihrircct S' Margaret Pattons - S' Mary Abchurch - S' Mary Aldermanbury— S', Mary Aldcrmary-- S' Mary le Bow — S' Mary Bothaw— S' Mary Colcchurch — S' Mary Hill—- S' Mary Meunthaw - S' Mary Sommerfet' — S' Mary Scayning-* S' Mary Woolchurch-— S' Mary Woolnoth—- - S' Martin Ircmcngcrlane I 4 I 1 S' Martin LudgaiCr— 4 ^ S' Martin Oprars ——'2 S' Martin Outwitcl's_ ^2 S' Manin Vincrc\._ 6 S' Matthew Fridayftreet-^ S' Maudlin Nlilkiirccr —1 S' Maudlin OldftlliBrectJ S' Michael Bafillhaw-—• ^ S' Michael Cernhi’- 1 S' Michae^- CrookcdlaneP S' Michael Queenhithe- 3 S' Mici'.acl Qjiern--U s' Michac-Aoyal-—'I S' Michael W^ocdflrcct— 3 i>' Mildred BrcauBrecc—^ S' Mildred ♦'^oultrcy —'2 S' Nicholas .Aeons-- 1 ; S' Nicliqias Cqlcabby —‘2 S' Nicholas Olaves- \ S' Olavc Hartfticc;- S' Oiw Jewry. s' Okvc Siivcxflrcct- S' Pancras Scperlane-- S' Peter Cheap - ^ S' Peter Cornhil^-—; S' Peter Paulfwhair¬ s' Peter Poor¬ s' Steven Colcmanflreet S' Steven Walbrook-— s' Swithin - S' Thomas ApofUe-- Trinity Paxiili-- 4 6 2 2 3 I I I 3 3 II I 4 H I 2 I2 fkrijijud in ike 97 witkU the itaUs -- J 9 2 2 8 IT I S' Andrew Hoiborn- S' BartKolonacw Great— 14 S' Bartholomew Lclle— 5 S' Bridget-;- 53 Bridswd Precinct-- ',2. S' Botolph Aldcrfgate-—137 216 19 3 ; S' Boobloh Aid gate-- T T I ct 10 2 I S' Botolph BiHioproatc— I S' Dunflan Weft 36 S' George Southwark-— 12 "-3 s' Giles Cri^ S' Olavc Sout! pplegaic- ithwark.- 9^, 116 15 36 .554 177 III {Siviours Scruthwark- 1 . 5 ^ -9 >etiulchrcs Parifh- i 2 50 ^l 6 o S' Tne^is Southwark —'5 12 Trinity Minorics—^ \0 302 [At the ( 3 ^ ■ Pefthbufe- lO' 10 { i i in the 1 6 Psrifhfs x?ltb§K: the Wnlls —-76 Suriedy/ind mj the Ptftbettfe^ l 539 PUim-- 990 S' Giles in the fields-—— j2S* [2 29 ^ Limbcth P^rifti Hackney Par KB¬ S' James Ckikcnwei - -! 6 ' ^ 49 - (S' Leorard Shoreditch—■ I lib 65 ■4 Mary lllington- 27 123 1 S' Mary Whircchappel— i 1 0-jf79 S'Magdalen Ben{i9ndfey|l4 j 2 | Kothorith Pariih —— \ '] j4 S' karh- 'he Towcrj*. 0 - 1 S' Mary Newington—]lO [5 | Stepney Parifh---|I 27 17 6 'h ift ted A 4 the X 2 tuc P,i> iU}ex in MUdVcC^t Afid Surry- 6 2 Buried — 804 PUgue --— 5 87 s' Clement Danes-- 16 O s' Paul CoY«itGardcn-ll -3 }42 12 s' Martin in the fields.— S' Mflry Savoy S' _ ( ^'keritf 4 U the Pefthoufi krifined in the $ Pnrifbes in the City $Md Liberties ef Weftminfter— ,3 8 BMriid —443 ‘ Pldgnt^ 226 ji 6 o) II I7 Margaret Weftir.infttr| I 3 3 jl 01 -jll 322 « : T- A Bortivc - Aged — Bleeding- Bruifed- Childbed- Chriiomcs— CoUick^ Confumption Convuifion— Dropfic- leaver- Biiluk' rioi and Small-pox 51ux Kingfevil- Livergrown Mealies- Pallic- Plague- Plurifie — Purples- Quinfic- Rickets Riling of the Lights Rupture- Scorning--- Scurvy- Found dead in the ftreet 2,one at St.Dunftan in the Eaft,and one at St.Olave Southwark French-pox-- " ■ Frighted ---- Grief — Griping in the Guts- 5 Hanged himfelf at St.Magnus- Ijaundics-— -- Impofthumc Infants Sore legge- Spotted Feaver , Stilbt^n- Stone Stopping of the ftomach- Suddenly ' -- Surfeit-- Teeth—- Thmlh-- Tillick-- Ulcer- Vomiting— Woroaes II siuiinu - /. ,1 r Killd 2, one by a ™ » Trce^ and one by a fall irom a,* Ship at Stepney-- I CMalcs—^ ii3> CMaIc$~-i4957 _ Chriftncd Buried' John Evangelift-- b' John Zachary S' Katharine Ccleman— S' Katharine Crechurcl.- S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney— Leonard Eaftcheap- s' Leonard Foftcrlane¬ s' >lagnus Parifh- bar.lPiag 12 15 S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes-- S' Margaret Newfifhftre S' Margaret Pattons- I S' Mary Abchurch--^ S' Mary Aldcrmanbury -5 S' Mary Aldcrmary--,5 S' Mtry Ic Bow--5 S' Mary Bothaw 5' Mary Colcchurch-— S' Mary Hill y Mary Mounthaw- s' Mary Sommerfet-, S' Mary Stayning--1 S' Mary Woolchurch-—2 S' Mary Woolnoth -- S' Martin hcmongcriane 4 4 [3 S' Martin Ludgatc—p S' Martin Orgars———ft S' Martin Ou twitch- S' Martin Vintrey-- S' Matthew Fridayftrect- S' Maudlin Milkftrect— S' Maudlin OldfifliftrGet¬ s' Michael - s' Michael Cornhil- S' Michael Crookedlane S' Michicl Quccnhithc- S' Michael Q^uers*-- S' Michael Royal-— S' Michael Woodftrcct- S' Mildred Brcadftrccc— Mildred Pouiercy_ S' Nicholas Acens- S' Nicl^olas Coicabby— s' Nicholas Olaves— S' Olavc Harcftrcct— S' Clave Jewry-- S' Clave Silvcrftrcct-— S' Pancris Soper lane—- S' PeteT Cheap I Bur S' Pcicr Cornhil—— S' Peter Paulfwharf— S' Peter Poor— - - S' Steven Colcmanlhec S' Steven Walbrookfc— S' Swithin--- S' Thomas /potties— rrinity PaiiA ■■■ ■— CUrifiii^ i/* 91 r^tthin the ’ Mlt< - S' ^mdrew Hdnorn-— S' Bartholomew Great-— S' Bartholomew Lelie¬ s' Bridget •? 4 i -20S 100 18^ Bocolpii rtiugatc- 81 h^iviours StKicliwtrk-j I 5 l 17 S' Botolph Bifhopigatc— I Sc/ M 3 S Sepulchres Parifh- 12 S' Dunftan Wcfl^-— i6 10 S' Thomas Southwark— -J 9 8i 60 S' George Southwark— 60 39 Trinity Minories -— 7 S i S' Giles Cripplcgatc— 6gi At the Pcftlioufc --— 10 )7 401 S' Olavc Southwark.- ,142 ^4 Bridewcl Prccina — S' Borolph Aldcrfgatc—b / » i ■ • • h ^nthf 1 6 nnthtiit tiff 67 ^j^riedy tnd At tbt P PUfue^r z Guts in t*:c EeldJ Hackney Parilli-- S' James Clerkenwcl— S' Kath. n. ax the Tower 290 259 TO 3 I4S 156 16 12 Lamntth Parilli-.-—— S' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalen Bermondfey S' Mary Newington - 2 ? S' Mary WhiteclMip^>el-jl 77 Rothcrirh Pa«rifh--- __ _ , . . Stepney Parifh--—-jx 04 Chri'hediit II •«! P 4 r^ft.MMwd!efcr ^»^S.!frey— Sunrd —I I'OJ Plague — • 879 1 ji >83 122 H 7 ^3 16 S' Mary iflington— s‘ Cleiwnt Dane-i^'-^I^I 4"^ ¥>'' Mmin in t^ie fields—'204]t 15| S‘Margaret WeliminfteiJT99.I73 S'Paul Covent Gatden-jlO tl 6 1 s'Muy Savoy-— 8 ( 22 592 Plitikt- 4.^6 _ _—-- ^ - W'^e^>if€^esandf^^ Weef^, ""T ,'7 Itiif^is T A Bortivc- ,Aged - 'Apoplexie— Childbed- Chrifomes— Confumption- Convulfion— Cough- iDi(fara(^d Dropfie Drowned in a Ditch at Savi^ ours Southwark leaver Iflox and Small-pox- Fkix-- Cxief- griping in the Gut* • laundics- lu^oithutnc-: >ltles; 5 3 ^ I ^5 2 Z I 3 O' 58 z 3 ^ 314 1 3 TO 2 iS Infants-— Kingfevil— Lcprofic — Meagromc- Motfer — Plague- Plurifie- Purples- Quinfie— Rickets- Riling of the Ligho- Rupturc-- Sep wring - - ■ Scurvy -- Spotted Feaver - Stilborn"-— Stone--- Stopping of the Romach- Suddenly —-— Surfeit- Teeth- Thrufh-- Tiffick- Ulcer- Vomiting • w - Woroae*———--- 2 I I I 2817 1 2 3 •14 r 3 ^74 11 3 . to 2 ■ 8 S 90 4 3 3 I 90 OiriRned'^ Females— 88 -In all:-r-178 Increafed in the Burials this Week- Pariiliesclcar of the Plague- 44 Parities Infeded- Males::i::~2c>2 2l Buried <(Females— 2008 > Plague—2 817 In all-4030 '! io\6 - $6 of Bread fet forth hj Order of *h hord Malor and Court of Atdtrmtio\ A penny VSThcaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half> and three _ half-penny White Loaves the like weight. n London 34 From the 8 or Auguft to the 15. 166^ A I Lban Woodftreet- lAIIuIIows Barkii>|jl O Alhallovrs Breadftrcci-^l Alhallows Great-- Alhallpws Honylanc— fk- Alhallows Lc; Allwllows Lumbardflreer Alhallow s Stayning-- Alnallows the Wall¬ s' Alph'agc S' Andrew Hifbbard- S' Andrew Llndcrlbaft— 1 S' Andrew Wardrobe — S' Ann Aldcifjpatc- S' Ann Bhrkfryers-— S' Anrholins Parifh- S' Auflins Panfb- S' BartholomewErchant¬ s' Bennet Fynck- S' Benner Graccchurcb- : S' Bennet Paulfwharf-— : S' Bennet Shcrcbog— S' Botolph BilUnjrfiratc- Chrift church- S' Chriilophers -- S' Clemenc Eaftcheao--' S' Dionis Backchurcfu—: S' Dunftan Eaft-- S' Edmund Lumbardft $' EchcIborQu|rh- ■ ■ — S' Faith — -- S' Foftcr— S'Hcllcn.- James Dukes place—* ■ James Garlickhithc* • John Baptift- ’ John Evangelift-— S' John Zachary- S' Katharine Coleman¬ s' Mafrrius Parifh- S' Margaret Mofes— S' Margaret NcwEilii S' Margaret Patton s- S' Mary Abchurch-- S' Mary Aldermanbury-' S' Mary Aldcrmary- I S' Mary le Bow-— , s' Mary Bothaw — S' Mary Colechurc) S' Mary Hill, s' Mary Mounthaw. S' Mary Sommerfet S' Marv Stayning— S' Mary Woolcbiirc S' Mary Woolnoth . S' Gabriel Fcnchurch-—jz Ckrijtned wf the 97 ^erilhet rvltkin fhe . Bur. Pkg II -11 10 6 3 -1 I -2 I -3 2 -7 3 -6 3 -13 9 -8 4 -3 2 -I I -I -9 2 -2 i -6 3 -1 I -1 -4 2 -11 10 -2 1 -2 -I e 1 S' Martin Ludgatc-^ S' MardnOrgars— S' Martin Oa twitch- S' Alartin Vintrey- S' Matthew Fridavftrccr- S' Maudlin MilV.ftrcct— S' Maudlin Oidtiihilrcct* S' Michael Bafltihaw— S' Michael Comhii;- s' Michael Crookciilanc S' Mich:ic 1 QLicenliithc- S' Michael Q^ucrE— S' Michael Royal-7 S'MicIiael Woodatcct- S' Mildred Brcadftrcct— S' Mildred Poulrrcy- S' Nicholas Aeons- S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Olaves- S' Olavc Hartftrcct- S' Olive Jewry- S' Olavc Silvcrftrccr-— S' Pancrts Sopcrlanc^_ S' Peter Cheap -- S' Peter Cornl’iil S' Peter Pairlfwharf- S' Peter Poor¬ s' Steven Colemanftrcct S' Steven Walbrook S' Swithin S' Thomas Apoftlcs- las MO Trinity Parifti- ^ 8 Burled — 495 -^04 S' ^Andrew hoioorn— S' Bartholomew Great¬ s' Bartholomew Leffc-— S' Bridget^—-—" Bridewd Prccind S' Botolph Aldcrfgatc— 9 lojlpo i {2 61 (47 S' Botolpii Aiugatc- S' Botolph Bifhopfgatc— S' DunlUn Weft- s' George Southwark— I S' Giles Cripplegarc— I S' Olavc Southwark- 2071 ‘73 Saviours Southwark—- 100 i 5 y ipo S Sepulchres Parifh- 3^5 241 35 ^5 S' Thomas Southwark— 5 4 ->9 71 Trinity Minorics--— t 336 521 At the Pcftlwufc-- 12 12 2 I 3 114 Ck if^Jted intbf 16 Pdtifh^s the — 62 ned^ W the 747 PZ/gwr—T 9 2 4 S' Giles in tnc fields— Hackney Parifh--- S' James ClcrkcnWcl-— S' Kath. near the Tower ^77 5 t 55 -4 242 Limbcth Fariih- S' Leonard Shoreditch^ S' Magdalen Bermondfey S' Miry Newington- Om^tHned 12 §Ht Purrhef U Mrddlcfcx end Surrey— 45 18 jio 207163 H 47 137 S' Mary Iflingron 1 ?^ S' Marv Whitechappcl-2 85.240 Kothorith Pa-riih- Stepney Parifh- Buried — 1404 . 1119 7 p 293I197 $' Maitb^ in.thc fields—j3^^p29j S' Margaret Wcftminflerji 59 ^ 2 28 _ ^ S' Mary Savoy 5 (^2 | ^reof et fbePcflhoufc--^^[12 Clement Oane? S' Piul Covent Garden. 74 *3 W 17 K 2 I Chrii^ncd^Fetnalcs- c In - 166 incre^fed in the Burial' thii Weejc- Parifhesdear.oftiiePlague^-- 34, Pariflics lnfc6Ied- Plaguc—3880: 1289- ^ 6 < 3^ A^ix>( of Bread ftt forth hy Order of the Lord MMor and Court of Aldermtw^^ A pcnny.Whcaten I>oafto comain Nine,Ounces and. a half, and three; half:penny White Loaves the like weight. London 3$ Frnm t^j ; of Au^uft CO thc 22 . ' 166 ^ S'" ^ LbinWoodftreet- A BurlPlag. II 8 16 ^-7 ^.Alhallows Barking AlhaUows Btcadftrcct— ^ Alhallows Great— Alhallows Honylan< AlhallowsLciU— • Alhallotrs Lumbardttrect o Alhallows Staining-" Alhallowsthc Wall Alpbagc-;—- Andrew Hubbard ^ Andrew Underfbafe S'Andrew Wardrobe—I S' Ann Aldcrfgatc ^ S' Ann Blacktryers- S' Ancholins Parifb- "j S' Auxins Parifb-- 1 S' BartholomcwExchangc ^ S' Bennet Fynck -—— i S' Bennet Gracccburcb- I S' Bennet Paulfwhart— S' Bennet ShercboE- S'BotolphBilUngrgatc-a Chfifts Church- S' Chriftophers- S' Clement Eaftchcap— S' Dionis Backchurch— S' Dimftan Baft¬ s' Edmund Eumbafuftr S' Ethelborough— $'Faith--- S' Foftcr---—— : S' Gabriel Fcnehurch—IX cknlineH in fb: 9 J P^v 'fhesypi^hinthr ir,ills- l S' Andrew Koi^--ai — * S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bitrtholomcw Lclie— S' Bridget S' George Botolphlanc^ S'Gregory It; S'Pauls— S' Hcllen-- S' James Dukes pkee— . S' James Garlickhithc-i J S' John Baptift- S' John Evangelift- S'John Zachary*— S' Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine C rechurch S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftchcap— S' Leonard Fofterlanc— S' Magnus Parifti- S' Margaret Lochburv— S' Margaret Mofes— S' MargarctNcwfifbftrcct S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldcrmanbury— S' Mary Aldcrmaty S' Mary Ic Bow — S' Mary Bothaw— S' Mary Colcchiirch— S' Mary Hill Flag -bur. Flag, 11 S' Mary Mounthaw—- I S' Mary Sommerfet-6 S' Mary Stayning—-"U ' S' Ma/y Woolchurch-—il S'Mary Woolnoth--•'’ S' Martin Iremongcrlanc S' Martin Ludgatc-^T —!4 * S' Martin Orgars- —18 1 S' Martin Outwitch--Jl ' S' Martin Vintrey-- 17 S' Matthew Ftidayftrcct- I S' Mau.dlin Milkftrcct— S' Maudlin Oldfilhftreer- 1 8 S' Michael Baflifhaw-I S' Michael Cornhii-j 3 S' Michael Crbokcdlanciy S' Michael Queenhithe- 7 S' Michael Quern--- I S' Michael Royal---p S' Michael Woodftrcct— 2 S' Mildred Breadftreet—p S' Mildred Poultrcy —^ 4 S' Nicholas Aeons-- S' Nieholas Colcabby—ll S' Nicholas Olaves-J S' Olavc Hartftrcct--*7 S' Olavc Jewry--1 S' Olavc Siiverftrcct—p ? S' Pancras Soperlanc-—-i S' Peter Cheap-I S' Peter Cornhii—- ' 1 7 S' Peter Paulfwharf--[5 S' Peter poor—- 3 S' Steven Colemanftrcct t f S'. Steven Walbrook. S' Swithin - ^7 s' Thomas Apoftlcw Trinity Patiih-— Bnried- 538 166 Bridew cl Precina-- S' Botolph Aldcffgacc-— \ Ip20-S‘ xiotolpu AidgAt:-'-’ 50 I S'Botolph Biflioprcrirc—' ,15 IS'DunftlnWcft—j—• 1 47 iX X? S' George Southwark-— 1 S' Giles Cripolcgaic- itnwark—— S' Olavc Sour 1160120 S. Scpijjchrct Parilh"-140 3 ',^74 S'Thomas Southwark—'24 21 Tririity Minorks ——18 At the Pefthoufe^- 2 3 bp 12 ( Saviours Southwark 2 ‘8? 236^ x 6 '\i 9 80 |60 847,.5 7 i i33ii3i 30tOJipi» \ j ^ ^ \ n * O/* j S' G;Ws ip thc fields- I Hackney Parilh-—-—— 1 James Cktkcnwcl — ^ ,_ s'Kath. ncai'toc Tow'jr|*}0 ChriH?^ h th€l2 our in MfddkrcX /titd S'itfy- ; Lambeth Pariih- S'-Leonard Shoreditch— p’__ -. r 72 j S' Magdalen Bermbndk 34 I S'Maty Newington— 13 19 lb' Mary illingtcn-- 5 ^ |45 2 y 2 'il 68 rS' Mary Whitcchappcl—J 1 9 p 70 >7; RothofithPathh --*7 p ,74 15 2 1 Stepney Parilb--’( 37^^73 49 Swrird—1571 Ftafine -1^44 I S' element Danes- I s''Paul Covent Garden l-i-I f s' Martin in the fields- i S' Mary Snvoy- — ^ 5 ' 5 |l 93 j S'Margaret Weftir.inftef|22ojl9i — II (I o' ( 'f^ken^ fU tkt Peftiioufc - [13 briffiudin til $ PirifittxtieCitfiiii limiis WeRminfter— 5 98 Ptigt— 488 Klj, r .rT' The T>ifeafeiand Cafualtiesthis IVeek^ A Rji Cl VC ■ Aged Impofthumc- Infants- Kingfcvil- Leciurgy- Lxvergrovrii - Meagromc— Plllli --- Plague- P^Jrp,cs- Quinfic- "London 3^ Erom k^r& of Atiguft to the 29. 16(55 5 A Lbin Woodftreet- XxAlhaUows Barking Alhaflows Breadltfect— Alhallows G t cat v— Alhallows Honylani Alhallows Lefl'e- ■Alhallows LumbaTdftKet AlhaHows Staining-^ • AlhaViows the Wall b' Aiphege--—- S' Andrew Hubbard S' i\ndrew Underfliaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe— S' Ann Aldcrfeate S' Ann Blackirycr S' Antholins Parifh- S' Auftins Pirifti S' BattholomewExchange S' Bennet Fynck—— S' Bennet Gracechurc; S' Bennet PauKwbarf— S' Bennet Shereliot- S' Botolph Billinelgatc Chfifts Church- ■ S* Chriftophers-—- S' Clement Eaftchean— S' Dionis Backchutch— S' Dunftan taft--—- S' Edmund LumbareBr* S' Ethclbotough- S'Faith-— S' Foftcr- Bur. 16 » II I II 8 7 44 I 18 ?5 21 .41 Plag.t Bur^ ’ “ S' George Botolphlane— S' Gregory (7 S'Pauls— 3 * S'Helkn-- 3 41 10 1 9 7 5 40 12 14 19 13 31 2 3 29 43 1 3 9 2 23 I 14 37 1 2 5 I 18 ^3 S' James Dukes phcc— S'James Garlickhithi S' John Biptift’ 9 12 18 34 4 S' John Evangelift-—— S' John Zachary-- S' Katharine Coleman— 9 S'Katharine Crechurch o S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard-Eaftcheap— S' Leonard ‘Fofterlaive— S' MagniuPariih' S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes- S' MargaretNewfiihftreet S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Ahchurch- - S' Mary Aldermanbury— S' Mary Aldermary -- S' Mary le Bow - S' Mary Bothaw S' Mary Colechurch- S' Mary Hill S' Gabriel Fenchurch— tn rhe 97 i’dri/fefi n’Allt - S' Mary Mounthaw-—~ S* Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Stayning- S' Mary Woolchurch-— S'Mtry Woolnoth- — S' Martin bemongerlane 3 2 I k 8 5 , 5 1 2 s 22 5 1 2 2 6 4 5 8 9 JO 4 5 i 4 7 6 4 5 I 3 18 14 S' Martin Ludgatei-- \9 Martin Dtgan—-*—'IO 1' Martin Outrwitch—w—^ S S' Martin Vintrey-- S' Matthew'FridayftrcetJiJ, S' Maudlin Milkftrcct—^1^ S' Maudlin OWfifhftfcet-!^ ,Bur. Plag. S' Mkhtcl Ballifhiw-—^ 1'9 S' Mich&cl Corrihil-— J S' Michael Crookcdlane^^^ S' Michael Qucenhithc-U ® S' Micliael Quern-- S' Michael Royal—— ^ 4 S' Michael Woodftrcct —[8 S' Mildred Brcadftrccr—p S' Mildred Poultrcy -—-4 s' Nicholas Acons^- S' Nicholas Colcabby—^j 5 S' Nicholas Olaves—lo S' Olavc Hartftreet-- \9 S' Olave Jewry--—j 8 S' Olavc Silverftrcct-— 2 3 2 1 4 10 I 35 t 4 12 4 S' Pancras Sopcrlanc-^ S' Peter Cheap- S' Peter Cornhil—- S' Peter Pauifwharf' S' Peter Poor. S' Steven Colcmanflrect S' Steven Walbrook—• S' Swithin - 6 9 4 22 I 7 i 58 li '3 II ii t« 4 I I ,6 4 17 S' Thomas i^oftic-^ Trinity Pariffi-- 1 7 1 29 2 lio 2 p B«7vd 700 s' 4kndfew Holborn Bartholomew Great— Bartholomew Lc S' Bridget-- Bridewcl Precind- ■ Botoiph Aldcrfga l 399 i 3 eo 71 1 12 8 181 152 12 9 91 80 S' Rotolph Ald^atc-— S' Betolph Bifhopfgatc— S' Dunftan Weft- S' George Sonthwar’re¬ s' Giles Cripflcgatc- S' Oiave Soutxiwark-- Saviours Southwark--**^l 3 19 261 S. Sepulchres Parifli—— 1^7 3 3 6 S'Themas Southwark—^27 jiz Trinity Min’orics -- 5 j4 8421^05} At the Pcfthoufc---’,9 .9 32i;209l 1 1 na 53 B 7 2 So 42 420 Giles in the held Hackney Parifh 17c 10 ’ 4 ^ 146 7 122 71 Lambeth Panib-- S' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalen Btrmondfey S' Mary Newington S' James Cktktnwel ^ S'Kath. near the Tower 87 , . . _ CkrilH^c' zjtrhf 12 put PfTifbes in Modifier xnd Surry-- $ 8 ^uritd —2,045 ?Ugur ^5 7 I S' Maty 1 ili rjg;on-*-^T—- 7 SOjl J^i S' Mary Whitcchappcl— 10 8<7 8 Rothorith Parifh 121 jl 041 Stepney Ptrilh 09 j 06 496:462 7 i <5 153 ° 442 -1759. s'- Clement uinct--11 iOl»2 t S' Martin in the rields^l 3 8712 Syj S' . . S* Paul,Coven: Garden-ji 4 ; (ll 1 Sf Mery Savoy- 5 *^—'— 12 5 PeBKouft —-—(8 Chrik’**^ «ffcc 5 Ptrifbei «t35 -3 — X H Buried Chriftned'x Females -In all -IncTcafed in the Burials^his VVetlc Parifhes dear ofthe Plague-17 parifhes Infe^ed jMalet — J Females— 3585 -In all- ja 9 ^ —3811^ Wague-^ioa ■1928 -113 Tie Afize fff Bread ftt forth by Order oftht Lord Motor and Court of Aldermen A|)enny Whcatcu Lo^ifto contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three * , _ ^ halfep^ntiV -^Vhite Lo< the like weight. luguft to the 5 September. 166$ I Bur. Lban Woo 4 ftfcei-jl ^ __ LAlhallows Barking*^ ^ AlhiUov^s Breadflrcc:-^ Alhallows Great— Alhallows Honylanc S'A I >nyii :flc- Alhailows Lei Alhallows Lumbardflreet Alhallows Seayning--' Alhallows the Wall¬ s' Alphagc ~ S' Aindrew Hifbbard- S' Andrew linderihaft— : S' Andrew Wardrobe —y S' Ann Alderfgate— S' Ann Blackttycrs--^ S' Antholins Parifh-l S' Auftins Parifh^-1 S' BartholomewExchange i S' Bennee Fynck-5 S' Benner Graccchurch- 1 S' Bennee Piulfwharf-— j 'S' Bennee Sherchog- S'Botolph Billincfgate -5 Chrift Church——— ^ S' Chriftophers—-- S' Clement Eaftchcap-— S' Dionis Backchurefu— S' Dunftan EaB-- S' J^dmund LumbardiU^ I -S' Etheiboroujh- ‘ S'Faith — ■ — S' Foiler— ■— S' Gabriel FcxKhurch-—j. Phg. I6 2i S' George Botolphlanc— S' Gregory by S*^ Pauls— ^'HclltnJ--- Flag 21 S' James Dukes place¬ s' James Garlickhithc— S' John BaptiH s' John Evangclift- - - S' John Zachary- S' Katharine Coleman¬ s' Katharine Crcchurch- S' Lawrence Jewry S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaflchcap-— s' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Magnus Parilh- S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes-— !s' Margaret Ncwfi{bftrc.^9 S' Margaret Pattons—) S' Mary Abchurch-- ,5 S'Mary Aldcrmanbury -15 S' Mary Aldcrmary- 7 S[ Mary jc Bow-— S' Mary Bothaw S' Mary Colechurch—- S' Mary Hill-- S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Stayning. S' Mary Woolchurch-«^ S' Mary Woolnoth -— S'Martin Ircmongcrlane 7 4 S' Martin Ludgatc- S' Martin Orgars- S' Martin Outwkch- S' Martin Vintrey- - '*5 S' Matthew Fridayftrect- S' Maudlin Milkfttcet— j S' Maudlin Oldfiiliftrect- ' 4 S' Michael BalSiiliaw- —^ 19 S' Michael Cornhil- ^ 1 1 S' Michael Crookedlane f S' Michael Queenhithe-' 7 S' Michael CVucr^i- -t S' Michael'Royal-: f S' Michael WoodRrecr- ^ O S' Mildred Breadftreet— ? S' Mildred Paultrcy-C S' Nicholas Aeons- S' Nicholas Colcabby— ? S' Nicholas Olaves - 3 S'Olavc Hartftreet- S' Olavc Jewry- S' Olavc Silverftrcct-—jlj S' Pancras Sopcrlanc- S' Petet Cheap- S' Petet Cornhil- S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor-^—-2 S' Sreven Colcmanftrece 47 S' Steven Walbrook^—2 S' Swichin-——-- ^ S' Thomas Apoftles-1 X Trinity Fariflv a (kri^d in the 97 Pnrifies within tbttf'sUs - 34 Bmtd - 1118 PUine- 8^ S' Apdrew Holborn^- S' Bartholomew Greac^— S' Bartholomew Leffe— S' Bridget- Bridcwcl Precind S' Botolph Aldcrfgatc— S' Botolph Aldgatc- S' Botolph Bilhopfgare¬ s' Duritan Weft^--—■ s' George Southwark— S' Giles CriTOlcgatc— 93 I79 I S'Olavc So util w ark- ^ 4 ^^ 119 18 345 4 ^ 21 ,185 17 Saviours Southwark—- ?74 S Sepulchres Parifh-544 S' Thomas Southwark—40 Trinity Minorics--25 At the PcAhoufc —-10 Cbiifintd f4ibe 1 6 P^riQjeswithm tbeims--- 64 Kmed, cui at the S' Giles in the ficlds- Hackney Parifh-—-- S' James Clcrktnwcl— S' Kath. near the Tower 102 137. 117 10 87 S' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalen Bermondrey S' Miiy Newington- 300 116 S' Mary I/lirgton-- S' Mary Whircch«p*x Rothorith Paridi-—— Stepney Pariib—— Buried —2) 4 ^ PiigHt- "2l6l 066 QkzifiiUld.in tbt 12 $ut PAri^it^ m Middlcfcx iJid Surrey— 49 Martin in the fields—',30312301 S' Margaret WeCtminSer 3481321 (21 ‘ $' Clement Dane 1142.114 . I .1.. fi* V fit tUt Mary Savoy- -124 ChiiflMd in the 5 Ptrilbes in tbt Ug nnd Libtrm »f Weftminfter— argarei dt PeAholife- 849 PUiu- The T> 'tfeafes and Caff^ltl A Bortive — Aged— Apoplexie— Bleeding—— Childbed- Chrifomes— Confumption- Convulfion— Cough—— Dropfie- jaundies Impofthumc lntancs> Lethargy 2 52 I I 58 28 10 ^ 81 I 18 Livergrown Meagromc Paine Plague Purples Qyinfic Rickets Riling of the Lights Rapture Drowned 2, one at St.Michael Quccnhithe,and one at Step¬ ney • leaver- Flux- Scowring-— Small-Pox—— Spotted Feaver StUborn-- Stone--— Found dead in «hfe ftrect 3, one at St. Mary hil), and two at St.’jfeoToIjhBillnopfgate -— Frighted --— Gowt- Gricf— Griping in the Guts ■ *. V Male* • Ghriftncd'< Females— Cin all-1 Stopping of the Romach- Strangury--- Surfeit- Teeth- ThrulVv- Tifick- Ulcer- Vomiting— Windc- Wormes— '2 J57. H 2 8 I 69 138 6 5 I 5 , Males-411^^ Buricd Plague—^988> C In all—' -8 2 5 2 -S Increafed in the Burials this Week- Parilhes cle^ of the Plague- 12; Parifhes MeAed- 75 ^ 118 Afix,e of Bread fet forth hy Order of the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen^ A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three > half-penny White Loaves the like weight. London 38 From thcVof September to the it. 166^ \ Bur.iPiag. S' \ LbanWoodftreet^P b xVAlhallows Barking’ 4 ^ Alhallow^ Brcadftrcci— Alhallows Grc«- 4 ^ Alhallows Ho^lanc Alhallows Lefle-- Alhallows Lumbardflreci Alhallows Stayning-- Alhallows the Wall S' Alphage Bar. S' George Bocolphlanc— S' Grefory by S^ Pauls— S' Hellcn S' Andrew Hubbard J' Andrew Undctlhafc—r 5 S' Ai^rcw Wardrobe — 4 <^ J' Ann Alderfgatc- S' Ann Blackfrycrs,^-04 S' Antholins Parilh- S' Auftins Parifh— S' BartholcmcwExchange S' Benner Fynck- S^ Benner Gracechurch- S' Bennet Paulfwharf. S' Bennet Sherehog- S' Borolph BillingTgatc- Chrift Church—-- S' Chriftophers -- S' Clement EaftcheiP-^ S' Dionis Backchuren-— S' Dunftan Eaft--- S' Edmund Lumbardftr, S' Ethclbofough^- S' Faith— S' Foftcr. 5 43 .IPlag 56 19 S' James Dukes place¬ s' James Garlickhithe— S' John Baprift- S' John Evangc ii-lt.* S' John Zachiry — S' Katharine Colcmar—' S' Katharine Crcchurch-i 4 S' Lawrence Jewry-- S' Lawrence Pountney— s' Leonard Raflchcap-— S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Magnus Parirti—-- S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes-— S' Margaret NcwSlhilrc. S' Margaret Pattons--o S' Maty Abchurch-- " S' Maty Aldcrmanbury S' Mary Aldcrmary- S' Mary Ic Bow-^- S' Mary Bothaw-- S' Mary Colcchurch— S' Mary Hill¬ s' Gabriel Fcnchurclw-' I Cbriflvd w tkt 97 tbt Wgtts - S' Mary Mountbaw^-j8 S' Mary Sommerfet- 19 S' Mary Srayning-6 S' Mary Woolchtirch— S' Mary Woolnoth —— J S' Martin Ircmongcrlanc S' M-artin Ludgitc- Martin Or gar s — S' Martin Outwitch- 4 S' Martin V in trey—— S' Matthew Fridayftreet- S' Maudlin Milkftreet—U S' Maudlin Oldfilhftrccr- S' Michael Baflifhaw ^—3 S' Mic! acl Cornhil -^ ^ S' Michael Crookedlane ^ 3 S' Michael Queenhithe- ^ ^ S' Michael ('^ii'Cr?u- 3 S' Michael Royal -- 11 S' Michael Woodftrcet -7 S' Mildred Brcadftrcct— 9 S' Mildred Poukrey-S S' Nicholas Aeon s.- ^ S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Olaves- S' Olavc Hartftreet- S' Olavc Jewry- S' Olavc SilYerftrcct-— S' Pancras Sopcrlanc S' Peter Cheap- S' Peter Cornhil— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor-—— , S' Steven Cokmanftrcct 30 S' Steven Walbrook ^—\z S' Swithin — S' Thomas Apoftlcs- 5 Trinity Parii Apof filE- 42 Buried - 1 154 S' Botolph Aldgate S' Botolph Bilhopfgate— S' Dunltan Weft^- S' George Southwark— S' Giles Cripplcgatc— $' Olavc Southwark—-I47 S' Andrew Holborn— S' Bartholomew Great¬ s' Bartholomew Lelie¬ s' Bridget--- Bridcwcl Precina-- . ^ ^ -- r ~f- ,1 ir jCn * c A 1 T _flmhcrh Piriill— — 46 Giles in I Saviours Southwark—^ 14^9 S Sepulchres Parilh-" S' Thomas Southwark— Trinity Minories—- At the Peftlioufc —- Hackney Parilh—--— S' James Ckrkcnwcl-^ S' Kaih. near the Tower Lambeth Parilh $' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalen Bermondfey S' Mary Newington . I ?7 1351210 1901172 156149 S' Marylflington—-— S' Mary Whitcchappcl-' 4 iS HothorithParidi-- Stepney Paridi-— - " "" L 2 Clement Danes- Mattin in the ftelds-li??!! Ml S‘ Mu^atet WSminfiefi M 9 3 3 I S" Maiy Savoy-iM [l? | »^trtol i fbejcfthoufe——19 The Difeafes andCafuakiesthis Kingfevil- Lctiurgy Planner Quinfie- Rtckets - Scowrins- Scurvy — Griping in the Gars ■ Head-mould -ftiot— Jaundies • I 4 S Impofthume- Infants-- 3 Meagrotne- Plaguc- - 6 { -^^|io V S - •^544 ‘.I Rifing of the Lights- Rupture---- 3 o -iiS -,4 3 Spotted Fcaver Stone-— Stopping of the ftomach Strangury Surfeit— Teeth •2 19-7 !i ThrulTi Timpany- Tilhck— Ulcer — --Is - 2 -45 128 6 s I 4 ' I Vomiting- Worm cs ^ Males- 3783^ '5 Females—3^07)?* Plaguc- -x 58 ii 5-2 S' Dunflan Weft S' George Southwark S' Giles Cripplcgatc- S' Olavc Southwark ■|6 ^ 3 !*> ^91 Saviours Southwark-427 403 ;atc— 1^?4 2 5 ^jS. Sepulchres Parifh’-1301 214 79^|s'T nomjj Spu^yKaFkr-^57 i $2 -l 5 30 i 3 ^S I j6 Trinity Minorics- ; 73 !Ac the Pcilhoufc- £#ocviy*» ^ 4^ w\ p y* ^ Clrx^rttdin tbt 16 p.tt,(het w: tk0iu ti’tmu<— 65 l P/r^tf-JOyo Is'Gilcsinthefieldi- tHiickncy Pwtifn—> — rS* Junes Cktkenwel , -s' Kath. near tlie Tower' 1^4011-25 Lambeth Paiifb f 93 iS 14^ 143 S' Lciyiard Shor^ijUteh—11-8 3j ^ 7 ^ S' Magdalen BcrmondfcyiZ 07 ,l oO S' Mary Newington- ‘ ^ S'Mary -|66 S' M^ry lA'Iiitccbjfppel—1 5 3 ^ 150 ^ lotrvnrithParifh —r- RotfvnrithParjfh Sieontv Pari/h- CJe'/iflRsd U tht 12 aitt Fatih'S in MiddlLaCt Surry” • 11551 ^ 5 ^”^ . - 42 r'225 8 PlAfJu- 686 --2091 [S' Clement Danes-— !$' Paul Covent Garden i68il40l S' Martin in the Mcids— ;^y 86 | 228 j S' Marpret We 4 lmiiii^etj 41 1 1 ?9p 30 [29 [S' Mary.S^voy- r-^^0 Jl^ [ Pefthoufe-^-—[7 Ckrifintd iitJu S Fdxifbfs in ikiX:u%.MJsA Libfrtks tf WcfbniniJerTrr ^ 9 ^xri (^— 9T5 T‘he ^ifeafes and Cafualties this W A Bortive - Aged- : 'Ague- j Apoplexic — ■ ■ -- j Bleeding - —-- Burnt in his Bed by a Candle at St.GtIes Cripplcgate- Canker—- - - Childbed-—■ Chrifomes--- Confumption .— Convulfion^- Gough—- IDropfic- ]?eaver-- Irlox and Small-pox- Yrightcd--- iGowt- •—-- Grief —— Griping in the Gun Jaundics- Chriftned’ Males- 95 Females— 8 i In all-17^ Impofthume- Infants Killed by a fall from the Bel- frey at Alhal'ows the Great- Kingfevil- Lethargy Palfic — Plague— Rickets Riling of the Lights- Scowring- Scurvy- Splecn-- Spotted Feaver- Stilborn- Stone- Stopping of the ftomach- Strangury.. . ■ ■■ Suddenly ——- Surfeit- Teeth- Thrufh--- Timpany .— -- Tilfick-:- Vomiting- Windc——- Wormes -—■ " - “.-[ •' m Buried 'Males ^—4095 I Females-—^4 2 o 2 j -In all-8297 Pi^ue—7ii>5 increafed in the Burials this Week---— ^07 ^ Pariftics clear of the Plague-4 Parifhes Infe^ed - —12^ ^ The Ap^e~ofVread{et forth by Order of the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen^ A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three ^ halfpenny White Loaves the like weight. London 40 From c^of September 10 the 26 . 1565 |But. iPlag.i 10 !5 S' \ Lbin Woodftreet- AlhiUows Bteadfttccc-^ Mhallows Great—— Alhallows HonyUnc- Alhallows Lettc—-— Alhallows Lumbar dttreei Mhallows Stainine- I Mhallows the Wall- 1 - Andrew Hubbird-— S' Andrew Undcrlhatt— S' Andrew Wardrobe^ S' Ann AldcrfEaic- S' Ann BUcktryers- S' AnchoUns Parilb^- S' Auftins Parifh—- 15 S' BartholomcwExchange & S' Bennct Pynck-- S'Bcnnct GracccbuTch-|? , S' Bcnnc: Paulfwbatf— 5 0 S'- Bennct SbeteboR^- S' BotolpbBillingigatc- Chrifts Chufch-- S' Chriflopbcrs— S' Clement Eaftchcap— S' Dionis Backchuicb— ; S' Dunftan Eaft--—~ S' Edmund Lumbafdftr 1 S’^'EthclbotouRb--— I S' Faith --- Foftcr--——“ S' Gabriel Fcnchutcb- ZZ S' George Bot-olphlanc-' S' Gregory^!;? S' Paula¬ s' HeUen.-- S' James Dukes pkee— S' James Garlickhitb' , S' John Baptift-— ] ‘ ^ S' John Evangelift-- S' John ZacharV’-— S' Katharine Coleman— j 3 » S' Katharine Crcchurch S' Lawrence Jewry-— I S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftchcap— S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— I S' Magnus Pariih- S' Margaret Lothbury- S' Margaret Mofes- S' MargaretNcwfilhftrect S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch-- S' Mary Aldermanbury- S' Mary Aldermary -- S' Mary le Bow- S' Mary Bothaw-- S' Mary Colcchurch— S' Mary Hill- Bur* (Plag.' S' Mary Mounthaw— S' Mary Sommerfet— S' Mary Srayning- S' Mary Woolchurch* S' Mary Woolnoth tl jBur. Flag* S' Martin Ludgateii^- S' Martin Or gars- jB S' Martin Outwitch-- 5 S' Martin Vintrey-- s' Matthew FridavftrccrJ^ S' Maudlin Milkftrect-— S' Maudlin Oldfifhftrec:-! ^ ^ , s' Michael BalTiIhaw ^—8 |i 6 S' Michael Cernhil--i? j 5 S' Michael Crookcdlanejl 5 'I ? S' Michael Queenhithe- ^ ^ | ^ ^ S' Michael Quern- 14 ' ? S'Michael Royal-14 s'Michael Woodftrect —*9 |s s' Mildred Brcadftrcct — 1 1 11 S' Mildred Poultrcy -—4 '4 S' Nicholas Aeons-- ^^7 15 s'Nicholas Colcabby —^^^^4 1^4 s' Nicholas Olaves- ^7 * 4 s' Olavc Hartftrcct-—p O i g S' OlaYc Jewry-— I s' Olavc Silverftrcct —19 S' Pancras Soperlane—[4 S' Peter Cheap— -6 S' Peter Cornhil--- S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor S' Martin Ircmongcrianc t Cbfifintd i» ibt 97 P*>i{bes within the n'tUs -- 3 8 BitrUd S' Steven Colcmanftrect S''Steven Walbrook^— S' Swithin-- S' Thomas Apoftlcw lO Trinity Parifti- -1168 ^101$ I S' Andrew Holbotn- zoz S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Lcfic— I S' Bridge: : 841 S' Botolph Aldgatc- S' Botolph Biftiop.rgare— S' Dunftan Weft- S' George Southwark-— S' Giles Cripplcgatc- S' Olavc Soutnwark •Bridcwcl Precina^— s'Botolph Aldcrfgatc-—67 - . *' " >*00 Ckiififffd iff the 16 Pdrifhes wttlMtu the — 4 ^ n tb: ?efiboHfe~^Z 600 152 4691433! Saviours Southwark *—“13 5 ^ ' 3 4 i 186145s. Sepulchres Pariih- 1 93113® 72 58 S'Tnomas Southwark —(39 15311 37 Trinity Minories- 2 7 7 1 2 2 5 At the Pefthoufe- 147^13 Hi I S' Giles in the fields 1 Hackney Pari(K- James Ckrkenwcl —' 17 ^ S' Kath. near the Towcr ;7 o Lambeth Pariih-- - S' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalen Bermondfey S' Mary Newington *—;94 194 40 I S' Mary lllingcon-- I 3S S' Mary Whitcchappci— 174, Rcthorich Pariih-— Stepney Pariih- Cbrilinid id tint 1 2 oKt Fdrifbes in Middleffcx dotd Surry - - 44 Pl^gue- 44^141 946320 20 jl8 6i6j579 164? I cl Clement Dines---|l 5 »(I 2 8 ( S' Martin in the fields— 191 ^ 7 * j S' Marpret Wcftminftctl 300|2 83 ll'WdC■ _ •Chriftned Wagjpe—5533^ In all-r54<^<3 3 PariiTics Infe^ed -1837 -123 rhe Bread fit firth by Order of the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen^ A penny Wheaten Loaf to contaiff Nine Ounces and a half, and three ^ half-penny White Loaces the like weight. 5 \ Lb^nWood{lr-:t-|i^ x\AihaUows Barkin|;’ 4 ^ Alhallow^s Breadflrcct— AlKallows Great. Alhallows Ho^ianc- Alhallows Lelk—-- 17 17 5 Alhallows LMmbardflrcet 5 ^ ' >Alhallows Stayning-- 11 Alhallows ihe Wail-- J 3 28 ' S' Alphage--- n 5 : S' Andrc*Y Hubbard-- 4 ' i S' Andrew Undcrlhaft— 16 14 : S' Andrew Watdrobc 24 S' Ann Aldcrfgatc- 28 27 S' Ann Bkokfrycr?^-- 57 50 S' Aiuholins Parilh—^ 7 4 S' Auftins Parifh- 4 3 S' BartholomewExchangc 7 7 S' Benner Fynck- 4 2 S' Benner Graccchurclv 4 2 S' Benner Paulfwharf-— 15 7 S' Bennet Shcrchog- S' Botolph Billingfgate- 8 8 Chrift Church-- 44 39 S' ChriRophers- 4 4 Clement Eaflchcap— i I S' Dionis Backchurch.— 9 2 S' DunRan EaR-- 28 24 S' Edmund LumbardRr. ? 1 S' Ethclborough^- 1 i S' Faith---- 8 6 s' Fofter---—— • 8 6 S' Gabriel Fcnchutch-- ■J 3 i S' George BotolphlaiAe— S' Gregory by S' Paula¬ s' HcllL--- S' Jaines Dukes place¬ s' Leonard Eaflchcap- s' Leonard Foftcrlanc— s' Magnus Parifli—- S' Margaret Lotbbury— ? Margaret Mofes-— S' Margaret Ncwfifhftre, S' Margaret Pattons-'4 S' Mary Abchurch--- 7 S' Mary Aldermanbury- 1 - S' Mary Aldcrmary-4 S' Mary Ic Bow-I S' Mary Botbaw- S' Mary Colcchurdi S' Mary Hill-—-— S' Mary Mounthaw^-- Si Mary Sommerfet—— ^ S' Mary Stayning-; S' Mary Woolcliwrch-— S' Mary Woolnoth —' S' Martin Ircmongcrlanc: i8 S' Martlicw Fridayftreer- S' ^laudlir MJkftreet— S' Maudlin Clififhft? rot¬ s' Michael Baiiiiliaw. S' Michael Cornhil- S' Michael Crobkcdlanc S' Michael Qacenhithc- S' Michael Qu-crla¬ s' Michael Royal— S' Michael Woedftreet- S' Mildred Breadftrect— S' Mildred Poulcrcy- S' Nicholas Acons- S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Olavcs- S' Olavc Hartftrccc- S' Olavc Jewry-5 S' Olavc Silvcrftrccu— S' Pancras Sopcrlanc-— S' Peter Cheap- S' Peter Cornhil— S' Peter Paulfwbatf- S' Peter Poor¬ s' Steven ColcmanftrccT S' Steven Walbrook- S' Swirhin -- S' Thomas Apoftlcs-- Trinity Pariflv 10 cyrpfinidiHthi97?a/j^be4i:puhintbi^^^^^ -- 39 -1149 VittVa - 948 S' Andrew Holborn-- 17? S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Leffc— 7 $' Bridget—--- 9 ^ Bridcv^cl Precina- ^ S' Botolph Aldcrfgatc— 71 H 5 i S' Botolph Aldgatc-— 57 ^ 33 « Saviours Southwark- 564] IS* IS S' Botolph Bifliopfgatc— 1 S 3 121 S Sepulchres Parifi:- ^37 95 ^ 7 S' DunRan WcR—-—- 63 59 S' Thomas Southwark —, 40 <57 S' George Southwark— 140 ^3 Trinity Minorics—- ^4 2t 2^ S' Giles Cripplcgatc— 196 151 At the PcRhoufc-— 8. j 8 64 S' Olavc Southwark- 378 281 S' Giles in the fields —195 Hackney Pariih---i S' JamcsClerkcnwel-—4 S' Kath. near the Tower 5 5 78 Lambeth Parifli---- 49 139 S' Mary'Iflington—r~| 12 S' Lcon^ird Shoreditch— 9 S J91 S' Mary Whitccluppel- 42 S' Magdalen Bermondfey 128106 Hothorich Pa^riR)-—•— 39 S' Mary Newington- 81 {81 Stepney Parifb--- ( •ht'i 10 -67463 Cbti^di» tkt 12 out i-t Middlefex Surrey- 40 Smtd—l 62 i Pi.!g w - 1 4^ ItiS'llc ^ Clement pane?;* b 4 S' Martin in the fields—Op S' Mary Savoy——-jip \i’\ S' Margaret WeQminficr]; o'p y ^uereof iU /he Peflhoufe——f4 PaalCo'Vcnt GatdciwI^ 5 . . Cbri^iiitibt'y Porifbesntbt CitjMd Ubtrtitttfy/tRir.innit— iS BuTitd—690 590 *— ' w i The Difeafes and Cafualtietwis W Bortive - Aged— Ague- Bloody fluac- Gancer- Childbed— Chrifomes- Confumpiion- Convulfion- Dropfic- •Drowned at St. Magdalea Ber- mondfey-' -- Fcaver lilox and Small-pox- Tlux- Prighted — Gangrcne- -<»rkl - Griping in the Guw- jaundies • liDpofthufinc- Males- Infants-- Killed by a fall at Stepney- Kingfev U —- jj - Oyerlaid- Ptlfic-- Plague- Plannet--——^ Plurifie- Purples-—-- Rickecs- i8 4^251 Rifing of the Lights Rupture*- Scowring- Scurry Spotted Feaver -- Starved’atNurfe (at S^Maud- liii in Old Fifhftrect)- Stilborn- Stopping of the ftonaach- Suddenly ——— - —---— Surfeit-- Teeth-=- Thrulh- Timpany-—^—- Tiflick- Ulcer--- Vomiting- Winde-- Wormes--- ' Males- -2801 Chriftned’sPeoaales— 6 j ,In all-142 Decseafed in the Burials this Week Parilhes clear of the Plague- 6 Buricd-NFemales —2919 > Plague—492^' In all—- '572 0^ PariAies Infe^ied- 740 124 The A^ix>e of Bread fee forth hy Order of the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen^ A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. r London 4^ From the 3 of OtSober to the i o. \l66s J\^ bur. LbanWoodftrect-ji? _ Alhallows Barking 3 9 Alhallow-'s Brcadftrccc— Alhallows Great-- 3 ? Alhallows Hoiwlanc- Alhallows Lcflc—— ^ I Alhallows Lumbardilrcer Alhallow s Stayning-- Alhallows the Wall¬ s' Alphage - S' Andrew Hubbard S' Andrew Underlhaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe — S' Ann Aldcrfgatc— S' Ann Blackfryers-* S' Antholins Parifh S' Auilins Parifh— S' BartholomewExchange S' Bcnnct Fynck S' Bcnnct Graccchurch- S' Bcnnct Paulfwharf-— S' Bcnnct Shcrchog^- S' Bocolph Billingffacc-» Chrift Church — S' Chriftophers - S' Clement Eaftchcap-— S' Dionis Backchurcru.-^ S' Dunflan Halt-— S' Edmund Lumbardftr.i S' EthclbcTough. Faith——— S' Foftcr. S' George Botolphlane— S' Gregory by S' Paula¬ s' HeUen- Bur. Piag. 5 4 21 S' James Dukes place—' S' James GarlicHiithc S' John Baptift s' John Eyangcli-ft-* S' John Zachary — s' Katharine Coleman— S' Katharine Crcchurch- S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftchcap^— s' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Magnus Parifh- S' Margaret Lothbury— s' Margaret Mofes-— S' Margaret Ncwfifhftrc, S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurchw— S' Mary Aldcrmanbury -7 S' Mary Aldcrmary- S' Mary Ic Bow— S' Mary Bothaw — S' Mary Colechurch-— S' Mary Hiil. S' Gabriel Fcnchurch*— : S' Andrew Holborn- S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Leffe-— S' Bridget* Bridewcl Precind* S' Mary Mounthaw— S' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Stayning—- S' Mary Woolchurch-— S' Mary Woolnoth- S' Martin Ircraongcrlanc S' Martin Ludgatc—• S' Martin Orgars— S' Martin Outwicdi- S' Martin Vintrey-- S' Matthew Fridaylhcct- S' Maudlin Milkftrccr— S' Maudlin Oldfifhflrcct- S' Michael BriTifhaw. S' Michael Cornhil- S' Michael Crookcdlane S' Michael Queenhithe-^ S' Michael Q^uersu S' Michael Royal— S' Michael Woodftrcct- S' Mildred Breadftreet— S' Mildred Poultrcy- S' Nicholas Acons- S' Nicholas Colcabby.— S' Nicholas Olavcs- S' Oiavc Hartftrcct* S' Oiavc Jcwiy- S' Oiavc Silverflrcct-— S' Pancras Sopcrlanc- S' Peter Cheap- S' Peter Cornhil S S' Peter Paulfwharf— S' Peter Poor - — S' Steven Colemanflrcct S' Steven Walbrook-— S' Swithin ■> S' Thomas ^ofUes— Trinity Pafiu i - 147 127 — 51 Bane d — —1109 Plagiu -- 916 S' Botolph Aldgacc - 305 284 Saviours Southwark*- ■ 321 U 5 S' Botolph Bifhopfgacc— 145 119 S. Sepulchres Parifh— — 122 84 S' Dunftan Weft—— 6 z 56 S' Thomas Southwark— 38 32 S' George Southwark— 6 $ di Trinity Minories -- t5 S' Giles Cripplcgatc— 102 138 At the PefthDufc - 8 8 S' Oiavc Soutnwark— - 274 1177 S'Botolph Aldcrfgatc—4^ 1 . ckifinid inthe 1 6 Pttrifites the 48 BHYted, ^ Mt the Pefibinfe^lSso Pi#g«f-I570 S' Giles in the Eclds— Hackney Parifh- S' James Clcrkcnwel— S' Kaih. near the Tower 69 \6o S' Mary Iflington S' Mary Wmcecluppcl- Rothorith Pstri-fh-——— Stepney Parifh Lambeth Parifh——— S' Leonard Shoreditch— S' Magdalen Bermondfey S' Mary Newington—- CkrifiMd iit the 12 t xt Pdr^esi* Middlesex tudSanej- 38 SHritd~-l$ 12 Pl^»e — 1 340 ct riem^nr Dines- _^11 l 8 iI 04 l Minin in the fields—I167I108J S' Mirfire: WcftitiinflerjlSillgl lSuS«^tdcn-|l5 I14 IS^MuySmy-jlS I14 1 PeOhoufe-(4 | Cbripitd in tbt 5 Pirr'^sh tht CujmdLibinin if 2^ Bfirted-r^9J Plnjut- 5 ° ^^ "The Difeafes and Cajualtiesthis A Bortive — jf\ Aged— Apoplexie-- Bloody flux— Childbed- Chrifooies — Confumption- Convulfion-— Propfie- iDiftxaded— Fcaver-— Biftula- ¥iox and Small-pox- Flux- French-pox- Frighted -- Com- -- Gricf- Criping in the Guts ■ jaundies--— 4 3 ^ i I 11. 9 9 S- 53 27 - I 1 99 I 5 I I 5 3 . 2 - 3. Impofthumc- Infants- Kingfevil— Lethargy - Overlaid - lvalue Plague — Plurific— C^infie— Rickets — ' Rifing of the Lights- Rupture-- Sco wring-— Scurvy Spotted Feaver • Stilborn- Stone- Stopping of the ftomach-■ Suddenly — Surfeit Teeth- Thrufh — Timpany- Tilflck— Uieer -— Windc— Wormes- C Males71 Buried S'Dunftan Weft ——,44 3 5 S' George Southwitk .—34 S' Giles Crippleg«c-;bb ,07 S' OliveSouthwwk— I Saviours Southwark— • 3 3 . 7 ' 2'7 IS. Sepulchres Parifti--6 j 40 Is'Thomas Southwark—17 5 'Trinity Minories--'ll4 j At the Pefthoufc--14 160 I S'Malware: We{t:r.iitftci[ i 85 ‘ — — |c lyymtf *l tbt Pefthoufc ——(3 ---- ^ tvl 3- ^he ^ifeafes and Cafualties this WeeJ^ 17 ^ ^ A A Bortivc- Agcd — Apoplcxie—■ Bleeding- Bloody tiux- Childbed- Chrifotncs— Collick- Confumption Convulfion— Cough- Dropfic- leaver Flox and'Small-jpox- FIux-" Griping in the Gwi- Jaundtes- linpoBhufx»: .12 8 ' Males- Chriftned< Feoaafc !ln all Infants- Kingfevil— Livergrown Pallle - Plague- Purples- Rickets- Rifing of the Lights- Rupture- Scowfing- Scurvy- Sp^tted Feaver- Stilborn- Stone- Stopping of the ftonaach- Suddenly- Surfeit- Teeth- Thrufh- Timpany- Tilfick-- Vomiting— Windc- Wormcirr Buried Males ^—1 6ii‘ Females—1^07^ Piagiie~2^(?5 In all-3219. Decreafed in the Burials this Week-^-1849 Parifhes clear of the Plague-16 Parilhes infedked -114 Tie Afiz^ of BrtAd fet forth bj Order of the Lord Maiw and Court of Aldermen^ A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three half-penny VVhite Loaves the like weight. LcMidon 44 From T* of O^lobcr to the 24, i66 S' Ann Alderfeate- fryers—— S' Antholins Parifh- S' Auftins Pirifh S' BartholomewErchange S' Bcnnet Vync't. “ S' Bennet Gracechurch S' Bennet Paulfwharf— S' Bennet Sherehot- S'BotolphBillingfgate- Chrifts Church- S' Chriftophers- S' Clement Eaftcheap— S' Dionis Bachchurch— S'Dunftan Eaft--- Edmund Lumbardfti EtWbofough—-- Faiih- Foftcr- Bur. George Boaolphlanc— S' Ott^orfbj S' Pauls— S' Fallen¬ s' JartKs Dukes pkee— S' James Garlickhicbc— S' John Bapuft^ Plag, S' John Evangelift- S' John Zachary-— S' KatharirteColeman— S' Katharine Crechurch- S' Lawrence Jewry—— S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftcheap— S' Leonard Fofterlanc— S' Magnus Parifli— S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes- S' MargaretNcwfiihftrect S' Margaret Pattons—• S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldermanbury— S' Mary Aldcrmary- S' Mary Ic Bow — S' Mary Bothaw— S' Mary Colcchurch— S' Mary Hill- S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Stayning- S' Mary Woolchurch-— S' Mary Woolnoth-- S' Martin Irenaongcrlane S' Gabriel Fcncliurch— 2 Chriftned in the 97 Pdrip^es within the Bur. Plag, S' Martin Ludgatc*- *4 j? ''' Martin Or gars———52 i S' Martin Outwicch——[ \ S' Martin Vinercy-—!8- ^1' Matthew Ffidavftrcct- ' Maudlin Milklircet— Maudlin OldfilhftrcccJl S' MichacLBallilliaw-^ 2 S' Michael Cornhii- 4 S' Michael Crookcdlanc o S' Michael Queenhithe- 9 S' Michael Quern-4 S' Michael Royal—15 '1' Michael Woodftreet-6 Mildred Breadftreet— 1 1 S*^ Mildred Poultrey —— i s' Nicholas Aeons-- S' Nicholas Coleabby—^’.2 s' Nicholas Olaves*-4 S' Olavc Hartftrect-—— 5 S' Olavc Jewry—-2 S' Olavc Silvcrftrect— 6 S' Pancras Sopcrlane. S' Peter Cheap—-— S' Peter Cornkil-— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor 10 I S' Steven Coiemanftreet S' Steven Walbrook— S' Swithin - S' Thomas Apoftic- Trinity Parifli-— 11 Bfcned- 392 VlgtHt- I9S $' Andrew Holbom- 4 ^ S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Lclic— S' Bridge:- ^4 Bridewcl Prccindt^-* ? S' Botolph Alderfgacc-— 16 3 ^ S' Botolph Aldgatc-——* S' Botolph Biiliop^gatc— S'Dunftan Weft S' George Southwark^—- S' Giles Cripolcgatc- S' Olavc Soutnwafk' Saviours Southwark— S- Sepulchres Parish— S' Tnomas Southwark— Trinity Minorics—- At the Pcfthoufc—- 102,73 Chriftned in thi 16 PMrifbes withfni the — 34 ^ttriedynnd « the PtfihiMfe^ 603 Pltg^m 4^5 S' Giles in the fields* Hackney Parifh- % S' James Ckrkcnwel — S' Kath, near the Tower Qhfi^ud in tU I ^ But Perifbes in Middlcfcx end Sarry- Lambeth Pariih--*”’ 1^2 S' Leonard Shoreditch— 1 8 S' Magdalen Bermondfey ^6 • S' Marv Newington—124 35 S' Mary Tiling con¬ s' Mary Whiccchappcl— Rothorith Par ifh — Stepney Parilh—- Buried — 60 1 PUgut- '5 lb 60 Ut 13 7 ;2S2,24^ 498 r! 1 S' Marunin the htids^— 1 s' Maty Shvoy-- 60 1 3 1 00 1 S'Mai ' Kheruj garct Wcftminft^rjpS I ^Mtbt Pefthoufe^- 1 s' Clement Danes-—— S'Paul Covent Garden- ^ _ ^ Cknllned in the 5 Perifies in the Cltj end li&gmrr #/Weftminftet— 14 Q 17 2 The l>tfeafes and Cafmltierihis W ee\. Griping in the Guts- Jaundies- Impofthumc Infants Killed by a fall from a Scaffold at St.Mfartin in the Fields — Lethargy-—— 13 I 6 3 A Bortive-- Agcd — Bedridden — Bruifed- Cancer- Canker- Childbcd- •Chrifomes- Collick- Confumption Convullion— Dropfic- Drowned in aTubofVVa^ in a Brewhoafe at St, Giles in the Fields-——- Feaver---'- 2 24 i I I I 1 2 6 2 5 ^ 25 17 Livergrown Overlaid — Palfie Plague— Quinfie- Rickfts— Riling of the Lights- Rupturc'-- Scowring- Spotted Feaver Stilborn 1421 1 8 3 1 Stopping of the ftonsach- Suddenly--- Surfeit--- Teeth-- Tifficfc- Windc- Trench-pox- Frightcd- Wormes ^ fcitf rr I. 28 3 3 I 17 41 3 I 8 ‘Males' 60 Buried 'Males 9^1 [Females— 855' -In all-i8o< Chru'Ineds Females— 44 6 In all-^104 _ Dccreafcd in the Burials this Week Parilbes clear of the Plague-2 6 Parilhes I nfe^ed Plague—1421’ ■1413 -104 r. %he Afiz^e of Bread fit forth hy Order of the Lord Maior and Court vf Aldermen i A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three ^ half-penny White Loaves the like weight. I i London 45 Frorntttr<24 of 0 S' Michael Crookedlane 7 6 S' Michael Quecnhithc- 5 S S' Michael Quersw- S' Michael Royal-< 6 .3 S' Michael Woodftrect- z I S' Mildred Brcadftrcct— z S' Mildred Poultrey- 1 S' Nicholas Aeons*- 1 I S' Nicholas Colcabby— S 4 S' Nicholas Olaves- J 3 S' Olave Hartftrcct— 7 S' Olave Jewry- i 2 S' Olave Silvcrflrcet— 2 I S' Pancras Sopcrlanc-— r S' Peter Cheap —- 4 S' Petef Cornhil- 7 5 S' Peter Paulfwharf- 1 I S' Peter Poor———— I I S' Steven Colcmanftrcet 12 S' Steven Walbrook— I t S' Swithin-—--— t S' Thomas /^oflics-- 4 3 Trinity Pariih— — — 5 S - 315 Pidgnt - 233_ Saviours Southwark- 89 82 S Sepulchres Parifh- - 12 II S' Tnomas Southwark— 5 5 Trinity Minories^ --— 2 > At the Pcflhoufe -- 4 4 Cbrijlntd inthe T6 Pdrifhes wUhtut tbt »'nUs— l6 RmUd, titd m tbt PeJlSuitfe— 47Q PUgue- 355 S' Giles in the fields— 1 Hackney PatilH- S' James Clerkenwel— S' Kath. near the Tower 30 i 20 Lambeth Parifh—-- 33 ' 23 S' Mary Hlington-- S' Mary WhitecluppeU 9 3 5 S' Leonard Shoreditch— ‘4 10 37 ^3 S' Magdalen Bermondfey 57 40 Rothorith P&rifh-^-- 12 21 U3 S' Maxy Newington^— 11 7 Stepney Partih— ■ — ^95 8 2T 8 165 435 323 s' Clement Dane S' Paul Coven: Garden 23 6 ji6 '4 )' Mittin in the fields— Mary Savoy CbrifMd in tbt 5 Furig^erw tbt Otj md Ufiertterff Weftminftcr- ;if | r I inflcr— 16 I S' Margaret Weilminficr| 7 8 HZ ' tof 0X tbf Pefthoufe—— -[I PZ/gKC- II9_ The ‘Difeafes A BcMrtive — /\ Aged— Childbed- Chrifomes— (*)onfumption< Convulfion— Dropfic- Drowned at St.Saviouis South' wark-^— Feavcr French* pox- Cangrene Griping in the Guts lipppfthume,: —; _^_J_1_ and Cafualties this Inftnfc- 8 I Pilfie - I PItgllC - I Rickets ^ Riling of the Lights- ^-1 Srnwrtnrr— - —' f 4 I 22 11 Sni*!ll-PnY t 2 ' 1 1 8 I 6^ 27 24 *3 4 1 ^ Stopping of the Romach:— ' 1 , I 1 3 ^ 75 . 1 1 cc(n ' — I inruiii" ■ 2 12 1 line A* Wormes- 3 2 : I C Males —r- ^ 5 ® 7 C Males yt 5 7 CJbriftned'^Ftmalcs— 54 > Buricd Plague—1031 cinali-104 3 ^Inall- 13883 Decreafed in tlie. Burials this Week-418 Pariihes clear of the Plague- 3 3 Paii(hes Inf .ded- 9 7 Tht fif Bread [et forth hj OrdeP of the Lord Mdor and Court of Aldermtt] A penny Wheaten Loaf ta contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. I j London 4^ From the 31 "Woi^iobcr to they of November. 166 ^ I,Bur. Plag. Lban Woodftrcct-j J LAlhallowsBarkinf:!^. 2 i ^ Alhallow^s Breadftrcci— I Alhallows Grc&r-^ 12 , II Alhallows-Hom'ianc- Alhallows Lefle - ' ■ — Alhallows Luitbardihcet AlhaltowsScayninp. Alhallows the Wall-[^7 ^4 S' Alphage *-■ ■ — S' Andrew Hirbbard* S' Andrew Undcrlbafr— S' Andrew Wardrobe S' Ann Aldcrf^arC' 8 S' Ann Blackfrycrs S' ^cholins Parilh- S' Auftins Parifb^- S' BartholomewExchange S' Bennee Fynck- S' Bennee Graccchurch- S' Benner Paulfwharf-— S' Benner Shcrchog- S' Botoloh BilUngfgatc. Chrifl church- S' Chriflophcrs -- S' Clement Eaftchcap-— S' Dionis Backchuren-— S' Dunftan S' Edmund Lumbardft-r Ethclborough-- S' Faith-—--- S' Foftcr-——- S' Gabriel Fcnchurch-— 4 , 4 8 15 I? 2 3 3 7 i i I 5 5 12 1 I I 5 4 S' George Botolphlane— S' Gregory S' Pauls— S' Fallen-- S' Jimcs Dukes placc-^ - S' Jimcs Garlick'hirhe— ^ S' Jahn Baptift- S' John Evangelift-- S' John Zachary — S' latharinc Coleman— 5 S' latharinc Crechurch- I ^ S' lawrence Jewry-ji S' lawrence Pountney— 11 S' Leonard Eaflchcip-^ S' Iconard Follcrlanc— 5 S' Ha gnus ParilK- 2 S' Hargaret Lothbury— 4 S' Hargaret Mofes-I S' Hargaret Newfiihftrc.'p S' Hargaret Pattons- 12 S' Hary Abchurch-- 4 S' Hary AldermanburyJy S' Hary Aidermary- S' Hary Ic Bow— S' Hary Bdthaw — S' Hary Colechurch-— S' Hary Hill Bur.|Plag I 8 S' Hary Mounthaw-- S' Hary Sommerfet- S' Hary Stayning-- —I S' Hary Woolclrurch-— I S' Hary Woolnoth --1 S' Hartin lrcmongcrlanc :2 12 I Bur. S' Martin Ludgatc— ^ S' Martin Orgars——. I I Martin Oj twitch- S' Martin Vintrey-.-- J S' Matthew FridayihcctJ ? S' Maudlin Milkftrcct— I S' Maudlin Oldfilhftrccr- o S' Michael Baffilha\v -^|2 S' Michael Cornhil- 3 S' Michael Crookcdlane J S' Michael CJ^uccnhichc-r 3 S' Michael _ S' Michael Royal- 4 S' Michael Woodftrect- S' Mildred Brcadflrcct— S' Mildred Poultrcy-^ S' Nicholas Aeons-— S' Nicholas Colcibby- S' Nicholas Olaves— S' Glavc Hartftrect- S'Olave Jewry- S' Olave Silvcrftrcct-— S' Pancras Sopcrlanc— S' Peter Cheap- S' Peter Cornhil— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor—— S' Steven Colcmanftfcct S' Steven Walbrook— S' Swithin S' Thomas Apoftlcs- 2 Trinity Paril CiirifiMii»tlu 97 Ptrijbes wUlti*tk iVtUs- — a? ^uritd - 418 — 314 S' Andrew Holbotn- S' Bartholomew Great— S' Barthcloroew Lefle— S' Bridf et' 43 4 3 5 15 36 4 3 16 i !4 S' Jotolph Aldgatc- Ci5 68 Saviours Southwark- "3 S' lotolph Bilhopfgatc— 134 14 S Sepulchres Parifh- »7 S' Dunftan Weft--— lO 13 S' Thomas Southwark— 10 S' jcorgc Southwark— S' 3ilcs Cripplcgatc— S' 3Iavc Southwark- 26 tl 22 39 67 Trinity Minorics-- At the PcftliDufc -- 5 Bridewcl Prectnft——- S' Botolph Alderfgate— . . _ o. , ^ CkiftndiHibe 1 6 Ptrifiies mtiuut thtiydls— Riirud, ad u tkt 546 ?Ugiu^ 44 ^ S' Giles in the fields-—' Hackney Parifli--- S' Jam tsClerkenWei¬ s' Kath. near the Tower 3 ^ II II ^3 M 9 5 ,8 Lanbeth Parifli-—— S' -eonard Shoreditch— S' Vlagdalen Bermondfey' S' »laxy Newington- u 80 i2 39 zi 57 16 S' Mary Iflington- 6 S^ Mary Whitcchappcl-;57 RothorithParilh---—ll 5 Stepney Parilh——U 8 z Cbrtped intlul2 Surrey- 28 BHntd— 609 Platte — 488 8 128 1 S'Martin in the fclds—',61 3 1 S' Mary Savoy---18 ■ 5 ' Clement Danes--1 j S' Paul Covent Garden -15 37 7 S' Mar«retWeftmin3er(I02[p2 €i tbr Pifthoufe-.- 1 CbtiOMd in the S P/tri|ibfJ w iW city Hbtrties tf Weftminfter— 1» BgrUd—i 14 Puiue- 16 ? _J---—-n; A BortIvc- Aged — Apopleiic— Bedridden — CfeUdbcd- Chrifomes- vCollick— Confumption Convulfion— z 20 . I I IJ 6 r Si ©ropfic--* Browned at St. Olives Jouth- j waijk--- leaver- Jlox and Small-pox—- yiux-'—-- Pound dead in the Fields at St. Mary Iflington--— Pfcnch-pox- e»icf. 7 ~ 8-1 2 I I 3 I Griping in the Guts- Jaundies- Impofthume- Infants Killed by a fall at St. Marga¬ ret VVeftininftcr- n 2 2 12 Murdered by the Mother, (an Infant) at St.Gcorges South¬ wark - Palfic - Plague- Riekets- Rifing of the Lights- Scowring-- Scurry--— Splccn-- Spotted Peaver- Stilborn-— Stone- Stopping of the ftomach- Surfeit- T ceth^- Throih- Timpany-— Tiffick- Winde--— Wormes- l I Hi 4 7 • 8 I 1 2 3 2 1 3 15 47 2 r 1 2 5 C Males51 7 C Males 5>o8p Ciyiftned^Females^ 44 > Buried < Females— 879 > Plague—1414:, Cin all-— 9 5 -> ^In all-1 787 ^ Dccrcafcd in die Burials this Week--- 3517 Pariftics clear of the Plague-2 ch PariftMss I nfc^cd -11 o He Afizefif Bread fe$ forth hy Order efjiju Lord Maior and Conn of Aldermen, A penny Wheaicn Loaf to contain Ten Ounces and a half, and three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. AS—i- ^ MhiUoWs Breidftteet— Mhillows Great— Alhallows Konylani Mhallows Lefl«— Alhallows Lumbaroftrcet Alhallows Staining- Alhallows the Wall¬ s' Alphage———“ S'Andrew Hubbard¬ s' Andrew Undetlhaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe¬ s' Ann Aldetftate - S' Ann Blaclsfrycts- S' Antholins Parifli- S' Auftins Pwifn— S' BartholomewExchange S' Bennet Fynck- — S' Bennet Gracechurch S' Bennet Paulfwhart—-j S' Bennet Sherehot—^ S' Botolph Billinffgat# Chrifts Church—"^ S' Chriftophers--- S' Clement Eaftcheap- S' Dionis Backchu rch— S' Dunftan Eaft-- S' Edmund Lurabardftr. S' Etlwlborou|h F&itb I 7 ic z z 4 5 7 3 6 10 1 % 10 1 I 3 8 Foftcr- , S' Gabriel Fcnchurch Cbri|i«d in the 91 Pdrijbttmtbin:kt S' Helkn- S' James Dukes place¬ s'James Garlickhithe- S' John Baptift— - S' John Evangelift S' John Zachary- S' Katharine Coleman— 7 S' Katharine Crechurch- 15 S' Lawrence Jewry-— * S' Lawrence Pountney- S' Leonard Eaftcheap— S' Leonard Fofterlane— S' Magnus Pariih- S^ Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofes- S' MargaretNewfllhftreei S' Margaret Pattons- S' Maty Abchurch- S' Maty Aldermanbury- S' Maty Aldermary — S' Mary le Bow •— S'Mary Bothaw— S' Mary Colechurch— S'Mary Hill--- S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Mary Sommetfet- S' Mary Stayning- S' Maty Woolchurch-— S' Mary Woolnoth- S' Martin Itemongerlanc 9 S' Martin Ludgate— -i J S' Martin Otgars——*-!l S' Martin Outwitch—j I S' Martin Vintrey——!lt S' Matthew Fridararcet-'* S' Maudlin Milkitreet —4 S' Maudlin Oldfifliftreet-l 9 S' Michael Ballilliaw—-ll S' Michael Gomhil—— S' Michael Crookedlane - S' Miclttel Queenhithe- S' Michael Quern”-— S' Michael Royal¬ s' Michael Woodftreet— S' Mildred Breadftreet—il S' Mildred Poultrey —| s' Nicholas Aeons-—-I J S' Nicholas Coleabby —H S' Nicholas Olaves- S' Olave Hartftreet-- S'Olave Jewry' — S' Olave Silvetftreci—[l S' Pancras Soperlane S' Peter Cheap¬ s' Peter Cornkil- 4 S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter Poor——— S' Steven Co'lemanftreet S' Steven Walbtook- S' Swithin - S' Thomas ^oftle-- Ttinity Parim-- a 9 Bttritd- 546 PlngM- 76 z 38 28 18 I 6 4 10 I 5 S' Botolph Aldgatc-- S' Botolph Bilbopfgate- S' Dunftan Weft-- S' George Southwark— S' Giles Cripplegair- S' Olave Southwark S' Andrew Holborn — S' Bartholomew Great¬ s' Bartholomew Leflc- S' Bridgct^-- ^Bridewcl Precina^— 26 ■;>5 23 20 1? l34 i6S H 17 17 t 3 13 44 Saviours Southwark^— S. Sepulchres Parifli— S' Thomas Southwark— Trinity Minories- At the Pcfthoufe- 177 in 13 I 397 39'9 S' Giles in the fields- Hackney P«fifi - S' James Ckrkenwel — i» ot n«r the Tower,1 4 I Lambeth Pirilh- 54 S' tec-nard ShofcditcV.- S' Magdalen Bermondrey S' Mary Newington - ,46 19 *4 ,42 ho \l dS Sf M«ry 1 — M&ry Whiicchappcl- Rorbofiih Parifli- Stqjncy Parifli*- |rU. near the Tower;i 4 Ip 34 ClniM in t^e 12 a«; »» Mridlerei and Surry y ^ - 10 46 13 -215 - 375 9 29 10 ^ 9 i S'Clement Danes--— Paul CavcntGardciwl5 1 * Martin in the fieids- S' l^f y Savoy * 5 ,^ 3 s'Wagi-runV/tftnMr.il tpo 57 li-itrufuiii l'%ftnouff-'— -I — 2 T^he i)ijeafand Cafualtmthis eeJ^ A Bortive— Aged — Childbed-- Chrifomes— Confumption Convulfion— Dropfic- leaver——' French-pox— Csief Griping in the Guts- Impol^ume- IrifanB —---— \ - rMtlei: Buried Xingfcvil- Palfie — Plague— Rickets- Riling of the Lights- Splcen- Sp)ottcd Feaver- Stilborn- Stone- ^ing of the ftomach-- Suddcnly--—*- Surfeit—--- Teeth--- Thruih- Tiflfick-- Ulcer- Vomiting— Winde- Woraacs — ‘Ghiiftncd'xFemafcs— 71 Cinall-—113 ^ Dccreafcd in the Burials this Week Pariflies clear of the Plague—-31 Males =::: Females— 775' In all--1359 Plague—1056 Pariihes Tnfe^ed 428 99 Tie Apz.e of Srtad fit forth bj Order ef the Lord Maier and Court of Aldermen A penny Wheaten Loaf to contain Nine Ounces and a half, and three ^ half-penny White Loaves the like weight. London 48 From thelT' o^ November to the 21. 1 66 ^ ' iBut-lPUgl Bur-Plag.j .Bur. PI \ Lbin Woodftreet-* .£\Mhillows Barking 7 Mhallows Breadftreet— Alballovrs Great- Alhallows Honylanc- 1 Alhallows Lefle—--— Alhallows Lumbardftrcet I Alhallows Staininf-' Alhallows the Wall- 4 z z 4 4 ? t I S' Alphage^-- S' Andrew Hubbard S' Andrew Underlhaft— S' Andrew Wardrobe¬ s' Ann Aldeifgate- S'Ann Blackftyers- S' Antholins Patilh—“ s' Auftins Parilh—— S' BattholotnewExchan|i S' Bennet Fynck-- Bcnncc Gnccchurch Bcnnci Paulfwharf— Benncc Shctchof-— S^BotolphBiUingfgatc- Chrifts Chutch S' Chriftcphers——i S' Clement Eaftchcap— I S' Dionis-Backchuich—' I S' Dunftan Eaft-- S' Edmund Lumbarditt. S' Ethclborougb- S'Faith- Foftcr-- S' George Botolphlane— S' GTCfory'^7 S' Paula¬ s' Hcllen--- S' James Dukes pace¬ s' James Garlickhithe —1 s' John Baptiil- s' John Evangelift S'John Zachary— — S' KatharincX^oleman— S' KatharineCrechurch- S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftchcap— S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Magnus Parilh- S' Margaret Lothbury- S' Margaret Mofes- S' MargarctNcwfilhftrcc S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldcrmanbury— S' Mary Aldcrmary- S' Mary Ic Bow Plag.i z I f iT*ai j -kv IT >' Mary Bothaw--— )' Mary Colechurch— Mary Hill- TGUCT-—- >' Gabriel Fcnchurch—^ Ckriflntd in tbt 97 ^nUs- S' Mary Mounthaw S' Mary Sommcrlct- S' Mary Stayning— S' Mary W(^lchurch-— , S'Mary Woolnorh^-- i S' Martin Ircmongcrlane Bur. Plag, S' Martin Ludgate-^- S' Martin Orgars— 1 S' Martin Outw^jeh— S' Martin Vintrey-- 5 S' Matthew FridaWlrcct- I S' Msiidlin Milkftrcct—I S' Maudlin OldMiftrect- 4 S' Michael Baffifhaw— S' Michael Cornhil—I S' Michael Crookcdlanej I S' Michael Qucenhithc-'4 S' Michael Quern-— | S' Michael Royal--i2 S' Michael Woodflrcct— I S' Mildred Breadftreet— j .S' Mildred Poultrcy — I S' Nicholas Aeons-—— J S' Nicholas Coleabby—4 S' Nicholas Oiavts— ■ i S' Olavc Hartftrcet--jl S' Olave Jewry- — i S' Olavc Silverftrcct—' S' Pancras Sopcrlanc-— S' Peter Cheap- 3 S' Peter Cornhil. S' Peter Paulfwharf-- S' Peter Poor. S' Steven Co-lcmanftrccr S' Steven Walbrook.— S' Swithin -• S' Thomas i^oftle-—j £ Trinity Parifh--—',4 27 Bnried'^ 195 ?laine- 127 S' Andrew Holborn S' Bartholomew Great— S' Baaiholomew Lcfk— S' Bri^ct^-— Bridcwcl Prccind S' Botolph Aldcrfgate-' 25 3 2 18 2 1 6 2 6 S' Botolph Aldgatc--J ? S' Botolph Bilnop.rgate— M s' Dunftan Weft ——^ S' George Southwark^— S' Giles Cripplcgate ^ - : Southwark S' Olavc Sout l6 11 :|4? II I 17 Saviours Southwark——168 16 5 S. Sepulchres Parifh—jl 4 19 S' Thomas Southwark—; Trinity Minorics^- ' At the Pcfthoufc-- !8 Cbrijintdht tbe \6 Pstrides nfithfiu the — 31 BnYitdyAnd tbe FtHhinfe-^ 298 PlMjiu 217 S'Giles in the ticlds- 1 Hackney Parifhr- S' Tames Ckrkenwcl S' kath. near the Tower 22 16 3 2 7 Lambeth Parifh-^— —I ? 6 Leonard Shovediteb— lo S* Magdalen BermondfeyU 7 S' Maty Newington -—1 ? I S' Mary Ifli niton¬ s' Mary Whitcchappcl- Rothorith Parifh- Stepney Parilh- 6 35 n 3 30 10 eWrifi^d in the 12 9Kt PMrfjhtt w Mi-ddlefer Surrv ■ Buried ^02 Pl0%ne ^ •129:103 - 2^5 Is' Clement Dancs--^ Is' Paul Covctit Garden. 15 5 ^ 3 11 5 I S' Margaret WLftmir.ftti|46 6 14 t^kereif mi the Pefthoufe- raui v-oifcut J 1 — -/ - T I ^ cbri^ti it Ilf* 5 « ‘l>* City t»d Libtrtits »f Weftirinfler— Zl BHntd. S' Martin in the fields- S' Mary ^voy- 45 no 7g Tlye Difeafes and Caj Haiua i.rjiy *r vcf^ Infants- A B Burlcdc of Bread fet forth hj order of the Lord Maior and Court of Alder me n'y A penny V^caten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces and a half, and three half-penny White Loaves the like wei ght. _ From the iTotNovember to the 28, London 49 166$ A I x\l Bur* Plag. Lban Woodftrect- Alhallows Barking's Alhillorrs Brcadftrwi— Alhallows Great^-- Alhallows Honylanc- Alhallows Lefl Alhallows Lumbardftreci Alhallow s Stayning--^- Alhallows chc Wall¬ s' Alphagc J S' Andrew Hubbard- S' Andrew Underfhafe— S^ Andrew Wardrobe — Ann Aldcrfgatc- S' Ann Blackfrycrs-- S' Antholins Parifh- S' Auftins Parifh. S' BarcholomcwExchangc S' Benner Fynck- S' Benner Graccchurch- S' Benner Paulfwhar£i^ S' Benner Shcrcho|— S' Bocclph Billinpgarc. Chiift Church S' Chriftophers -- S' CIcmenr Eaftcheap-— S' Dxonis Backchurcru— S^ Dun^n Eaft—— S' Edmund Lumbardftr. S' Erhclbcrough- S' Faith— ■ — S' Foftcr- 12 S' George Borolphlane— S' Gregory by S' Pauls— S' Hcllen. Bur. 1 Plag. S' James Dukes place¬ s' James Garliclduthc— s' John Baprift S' John Evangelift--- s' John Zachary S' Katharine Coleman— I s' Katharine C rechurch- 5 S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Porunrncy— S' Leonard Eaftchcap. S' Leonard Fofterlanc—[2 S' Magnus Parifh S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mefes-- S' Margaret Ncwfifhftrc. S' Margaret Pattons- S' Mary Abchurch-- S' Mary Aldermanbury- S' Mary Aldermary.- S' Mary Ic Bow-- ' S' Mary Bothaw- S' Mary Colcchurch- S' Mary Hill- S' Gabriel FcnchurcH-— Ckrifined k tht 97 S' Mary Modnthaw- S' Mary Sommerfet- 5 S' Mary Stayning—- S' Mary Woolcmirch— S' Mary Woolnoth — -"|1 S' Martin Iremongerland S' Martin Ludgatc— S' Martin Orgars— S' Martin Outwitch- S' Martin Vintrey— S' Matthew Fridayftrect- S' Maudlin Milkfheet— S' Maudlin Oldfifhftrcet- I S' Michael Baflifhaw—7^ I S' Michael Corilhil—- i S' Michael CrookcdIanc 4 S' Michael Quccnhithc- S' Michael QuerR- S' Michael Royal— Bur '2 PJag. S' Michael WoodBrcct-i S' Mildred Breadftreet-U S' Mildred Poultrcy-' S' Nicholas Aeons- - S' Nicholas Coleabby— S' Nicholas Olaves- S' Oiavc Hariftrcet. S' CMave Jewry- S' Oiavc Silverftreet_ .S' Pancras Sopcrlanc-— S' Peter Cheap - ■ — S' Peter Cornhil — S' Peter Paulfwharf-— S' Peter Poor - - S' Steven Colcmanftrccr S' Steven Walbrook.— S' Swithin- Apofl ifo— BMried- Trinity Pui IJ 5 PUliu- 82 S' Andrew Holborn-- S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Lefle— S' Bridget- Bridcwci Piecind-—" S'Botolph Alderfgatc- 15 l 1 II 2 10 2 1 2 I S' Botolph Aldgatc- S' Botolph Bifhopfgatc— S' Dunftan Weft^—-—— S' George Southwark— S' Giles Cripplcgatc-— S' Olave Southwark- 22 8 8 i lO 26 8 5 S 2 2 18 Saviours Southwark- S Sepulchres Parifh- S' Thomas Southwark— Trinity Minorics--— At the Pefthoufe --- 28 16 2 Z 13 4 1 S' Giles in the ficldi Hackney Parifh-- S' James Clcrkcnwcl^— K*rh. near the Tower cyrifhid in tht 12 *Kt Piriihts in Middlcfex Safrey- 27 Lambeth Parilh—— lO 6 S' Mary Iflir.gron- - — S' Leonard Shoreditch— 6 2 S' Mary Whitccluppel- S' M^daltn BermondTcy H s Rothorith Psrifli--- $« Maiy Newington— 3 3 Stepney Parilh—■ ■— Buried —178 II •9 ■(83 p/.tg*r— I 22 3 Ch 4 ‘i,!dinth!\Tpnn(be, ^ ithtnt tht 35 ^»rud, tht Peptuft- 1 5 6 73 3 S' Clement Danes. -.Ill 14 \- :k h 1' \S' Maxtin in the fields—5 W Miiy Savoy- 13 3 5 ^ weftminftcr— I P S' Margaret Wcfimir.ftcrl 31 Whtrtof it tbf Pcflhoufc-- Bitiid — 74 4 f The ‘Difeafes and C4Mluesthts Weel^. Ague- Cancer- Childbed-- Chrifonacs- Cold- Confao^ion- Convul&n- Diftradted-- Dropfic-- Fcatrcr-- Flox and Small-poX' Flux-■ Trench-pox-—- C.ricf- Cripinginihc Ga» 2 10 I 1 6 9 I ^9 11 I u i 1 1 2 •8 Jaundiei- Impofthune- Intants- KingfevU— Overlaid — FUguc- Rickets- Ruing oi the Lighes- Scowring- Scurvy — Spotted Fetver-- Stilborn- Stone-*- 5 io 335 —ji — 2 5 •‘5 Stopping of the ftoinach-3 Strangury-- Suddenly- Surfeit- - ' ' -- Teeth---^ Tiffick--:-- ^^3 Ukcr ---- Vomiting-- YVen- Winde-^ 1 * Wornoes-— Males—• Clyiftned 'v F etnalcS' ,Inall^— 5 ^; 54^ Burled X Females— 305 din all- ^Males259" — 111 ^ ^ Plague- 3 33: 544 . ^ Dccreafed in the Burials tbii Week-3^1 Pariflaesclear of the Plague- 60 ParilHes Infe 18 r ■12 2 S' Mary Iflington——p S' Mary Wmtcc!uppcl-'jl 7 Rothorith Parifh -——^4 Stepney Parifh.——^467 1 It 2 45 Zitri€d-^l 6 o 90 Maiulr> in the fields—124 Maiy Savoy—I nRcf— 21 S' Margaret Wcfhninfterl 16 j 1 4 Si tbf Pefthoufc—! I 58 32 ZLJ o 2 The Difeafes andCafualttenhis IFeek^ ieiJhis A Bortivc ■ Aged- Apoplexic— Cancer- Childbed— Chrifomes— Cold- ColUck- Confamption- Convulfion— Dropfic- Fcaver- Hrr^htcd-^ ’ MxIm-- z 11 I 3 8 . 6 I 4 6 i 12 18 18 I Goitt - —1— - — - Griping in the Gott ■ Infants-- Paine- I PItgtte-- Rickets-- Rifing of the Lights- Scowring- Scurvy - Sere throat-- Splecn-- Spotted Fcaver- Siilborn-- Stone-- Stopping of the ftoouch- Surfeit- Teeth--- Thrafh- Tiffick--—: Uleer-- -- Wormei- — —-I —laio -U.2 < — 1 3 a I 20 3 ^ I I 3 59 ] C Males- .2^ Chtiftned^Peaialcs— 6^^ Boricd-^Females— Viyi Plague- 210 tinall—123.'^ <^InaU- 428S “ wecrcilcd in rheBurialsthitWwk____ 2itf Parifheselear of the Plague-- 82 Parifhes Infc^ed-- 4« rke jipM tf Bread fttfmb hj order ef ihe Lori Maior and Com nf Aldermen Apenny Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten. Ounces and a half, and three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. !!,ondon 51 S' \ Lban Woodftrcct- J^Alhallows Barking Alhallows BTcadftrcct— Alhallows Great- Alhaliows Honylanc- Alhallows Lcffc< From I of December to the 12. Bur.lPlag.i Alhallows Lumbardftrccc Alhallows Staining— Alhallows the Wall¬ s' Alphage- S' Andrew Hubbard- 3 S' Andrew llnderftiaft—I S' Andrew Wardrobe—'I S' Ann Alderffite- S' Ann Blacktrycrs-^ $' Anrholins Parifli- S' Auftins Pari(h- S' BartholotncwExchangc S' Bennet Fynck- S' Bennet Graccchurch- l S'Bennet Paulfwharf—*• S' Bennet Shcrehoc- S'BotolphBilUngfgatc-I Chrifts Church- —13 S' Chriftephers- S' Clement Eaftcheap— S' Dionis Backchurch— S' Dunftan Eaft-- S' Edmund Lumbardftr, S' Ethelborough-— Faith - S' Eoftcr- 3 S' Gabriel Fenchurch— CUnfbiid in the 97 Pdrifi;es irithin the trails S' Andrew Holborn —— I ? S' Bartholomew Great— S' Bartholomew Lefle— S'Bridget S' George Botolphlanc— S' Gregory by S' Pauls— '^Hellcni- ^ Tames Dukes piacc— S'James Gaclickhithi S' John Baptift- S' John Evangelift—— I S' John Zachary—— ' Katharine Coleman¬ s' Katharine Crcchurch- S' Lawrence Jewry- S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftcbcap— S' Leonard Foderlanc— S' Magnus Parifli— S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Margaret Mofea- S' MargarctNewfifhftreet S' Margaret Pattons— S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldcrmanbury— S' Mary Aldermary — S' Mary le Bow — S' Mary Bothaw— S' Mary Colechiirch— S' Mary Hill— ■— S' Mary Mounthaw- S' Mary Spmmcrfei S' Mary Stayning—-— S' Mary Woolchurch-— S'Mary Woolnoth—- S' Martin Ircmongcilane Bur. Plag. S 5 3 ; I Buried- Bridewei Precind-*- 1 S' Botolph Aldcrfgate-—.7 Chriflned in the 1 6 Pariibes wiiiwiu the watlf 7 l 4 S' Dunftan Weft -- S' George Southwark- S' Giles Cri S' Ola VC Sou S' Martin Ludgate— S' Martin Qrgars — ] S' Martin Outwitch— ; S' Martin Vintrey--T ;' Matthew Frida^rcct-I Maudlin Milkrtreet— S' Maudlin Oldfifhftrect- ^ S' Michael Bafliihaw —i S' Michael Cornhil- S' Michael Crooked lane 3 S' Michael Quccnhichc- T S' Michael Quern- S' Michael Royal¬ s' Michael Woodftreet— S' Mildred Brcadftrccc— S' Mildred Poultrcy S' Nicholas Acons-- S' Nicholas Colcabby— S' Nicholas Qiaves— ■ S' Olavc HaTtftrect-— ® S' Olavc Jewry 1665 Bur. Piag. S' Olavc Silverftrcct-r- S' Pancras Sopcrlane-^ S' Peter Cheapo . - S' Peter Cornhil-^— S' Peter Paulfwharf- S' Peter poor S' Steven Colcroanftrcct S' Steven Walbrook-— S' Swithin • S' Thomas Apoftlc Trinity nas Apoil Pariu^ p4 PlagM- 57 ;.i 8 16 3 3 2 III 3, ■ 114 ., 1 6 Saviours. Southwark--p J S» Sepulchres Parifh— 8 S' Thomas Southwark—' Trinity Minorics.-- At the Peftlioufc- ^3 51 Eftf ied,€4d ai tin ^efikanfe-^ .132 70 S'- Giles in the ftelds——j 1 .‘Hackney Parilh--![ ? ‘ James Qctkcnwcl —^3 Kath. near‘the Tower^J- 5 i Lambeth Parilh- t. I jL diiwi-- $' Legjiard Shoreditch— - 8 . IS' MagdalenBermondfey] 15 • 17 M«rv Ncwlitfron—i 2 Mtn.-- - ( - I S' Mwy 'Newlogto b W in tht 12 r.Kf' Per’^fs in MWd'cfci Suwy s* clement Dancs-i- s' Paul Covent Garden- 14 3 10 I s'. Martin iu the bclds—<- 24 S' Xfery Savoy- Ckrifined in the 5 Parifhes m the City aiU liberties ef Weftminftcr S Mary iflington- — 14 [1 SLMiry Whitcchappcl— j 187 RothoiithPariilii—r—jj I4 SccpncY Patiili—— i 61 | J 8 Buried—I Plaint -- 74 S'.Marearct Wcftminftcf |-7 i ^ 5 ■" ^efaitht. Pefthoure-—!—| ^rhereef ax the. Pefthoure 1 J Bnried — 6 9 Plagne^ 42 Or. _ - - —-_ ^ The ^)ifeafes and Cafuakies this WeeX. Frighted ■ Jaundies- Mother — Plague— Planner— Plurifie ~ Rickets— Rupture- Scurvy- Griping in the Guts-- Hanged himftlf ( being dif- traded) at St.Pctcrs in Corn- hil- Impofthume- Infants- Meagrome -- H 5 . 1 Spotted Feaver- Stiiboro- Stone—- Stopping of the ftomafch- Sorieit- Teeth- ' - - Thruih- Tiffick- lllc*r- Windc- W^oxes 1 5 5 *4 X 3 2 1 4 Maics:^^ ^87 CMalcs—2ao7 _ Cbriancd’iFcmales — Buried Plague- 243 CintU-- 13 ?3 Clazh -4423 Ittcrcafcd in the Burials this Week-14 Parithes clear of th e Plagu e-^*73 Pariihes TnfcAed - 57 ifiliil** Cijf- Hpi- if# if# Iflaf j;fto>: if# If# .'fto vsfto ifjotl iSrift fa JlfCic ^fDic fte ...if El lifE'J jifFt' |fF» ifG: (1 1 jf^ lif! f i|fi ‘ i '• •). «!■ vhn^eofBreAdfttf(n’thiiOriUr4t^f ^rd Mdor^nd C9f,ri of Al^rmen, A oennv Wheaten Loaf to contain Ten Ounces and a half, and three , ^ ^ half-penny White Loaves the like weight. .ondon 5 2 From the' December to the ip. 1665 iSur. [Vlagi \ LbanWoodfttcci-U i\.Alhallo>vs Barking ^ Alhallows Bteadarett— Alhaliovrs Great-- Alballows Honylane- AUullows Lege ; ■ Alhallows Lumbardltrcci Alhallows Staining- Alhallowstbc Wall ^ S'Alpbagc-^— Andrew Hubbard-— Andrew Undcrihaft —,-t y Andrew Wardrobe— 4 S' Ann Aldcrfgatc-15 S' Ann Blackfrycrs- S' Antholins Parifh- S' Auftins parifh—- S' BattbolomcwExcbangc S' Bennee Fynck- - S' Bennet Graccchurcb S' Bennet Paulfwbaif— S' Bennet Sherelwe- S' Botolpb Billirtgigaic- Cbrifts Cburcb—-- S' ChriBophers- S' Ckment Eaftcheap— S' Dionis Backcburch— S' Drmftan Eaft-— S' Edmund Lumbarditr. S' Ecbclboiougb S' Faith ----- S' Foftcr--7 S' Gabriel FcncburcH S' George Botolpblanc— S' Gregory S' Pauls— S' Hcllcn-- S' James Dukes place¬ s' James Garlickhitbe— I S' John Bapeift S' John Evangelift-— S' John Zachary- S' Katharine Coleman¬ s'Katharine Crcchurch S' Lawrence Jewry-— S' Lawrence Pountney— S' Leonard Eaftcheap— S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Magnus Parifh- S' Margaret Lothbury- S' Margaret Mofes- S' MargarctNcwfifhftrcct S' Margaret Pattons S' Mary Abchurch- S' Mary Aldcrmanbury— S' Mary Aldermary-- S' Mary Ic Bow- S'Mary Bothaw-- S' Mary Colcchurch — S' Mary Hill—-- S' Mary Mounthaw-- S' Mary Sommerfet- S' Mary Stayning—^ S' Mary Woolchurch-— S'Mary Woolncth--- S' Martin Ircmongcrlanc S' Martin Ludgatc s' Martin Organ—-.- S' Martin Outwitch—] S' Martin Vinrrey--- ^ s' Matthew FridayftreetJ s' Maudlin Milkfticct— s' Maudlin OldhfhftrcctJ 3 S' Michael Baflifhaw— 4 ^ s' Michael Cornhil— S' Michael Crookcdlanc ^ S' Michael Queenhithe- S' Michael Quern*— S' Michael Royal— S' Michael Woodftrect— S' Mildred Brcadftrcct-i S' Mildred Poultrcy -—\ S' Nicholas Aeons-- \ S' Nidiolas Coleabby—| s' Nicholas Oiaves—— S' OlavcHartftrcct-^- S' Olavc Jewry S' Olavc Silverftreet— j S' Pancras Soperlane.— S' Peter Cheap—-- 1 S' Peter Comhil-" S' Peter Pauifwhaif- S' Peter Poor Bur. Flag, 4 2 S' Steven Colcmanflrect S' Steven Walbrook—■ S' Swidiin -— S' Thomas AjK>ftlc [Trinity nas hjoly Parifxv*- CbriUxid in the p'J ?nrig}tswithin tbuynlls -- ?9 66 ( s' Andrew Holborn ■ jl 3 [s' Bartholomew Great— !3 t S' Bartholomew Lefle—j I [s' Briket—-7 Btidcwel Prccina-- [ s' Botolph Aldcrfgare-- S' botolph Aldgatc-- S' Bc'tolph Biihop.ro arc¬ s' DunRan Weft —- " S' George Southwark— S' Giles Cripplegatc- >19 S' Olavc Soutnwark^- 12 O Saviours Southwark-’ 1^4 S. Sepulchres Parifh-‘il I S' Tnomas Southwark —11 Trinity Minorics-— I At the Pefthoufe-- I 1 s' Oitesin tVie — "(7 iHackney Parini- --r -,4 to' Jamc? Gl«lt£nwc» c' lUth. near the Towcr ^7 I LambethPirMh---P i'S' Leonard Shoreditch-^O 4 is'Mag oo S'Alh.illowesBatki'gKl4 S'Alliallo\vc!'15''«aJn [35 S' AMiallowcsGrcac- ,45 5 S‘A:ha»ow?s HonihjlO S' Alhallovvc* l.efTc —239 S'Allilll- l.iiilibarJrtt 190 S' AlhaliovrcjStaining! I 05 ct Alh.ill> wrsthc 5 ^ A!p«.»gC-- - / * 5t Antlrew Hubbard --\] ^ Andrew Vndcrfiuhj-74 StAiui.cw Watdrobc 47^ S' Anne Aldcrfgatc— S' AnncBlackc-Fticrs- Antholins I^arlfli S' AulUns fadfli- S' BartholiExcbang-c*-|7> S' Bcnuct F3Muh- 47 S'Bcnnct (jraco chuf.^V 4 1 S'Bcp.net Pauls Wlutr. 3 >> S'BennctSbcrchog— S' Rotolpb Billingrg.atc ChriOs Church-- S' Chiiftophcrs \^nrted<'Pid.\ I S' Clements Eaftchcahj j g S' Dionis Back-church j S' Dunftins Eaft —*12 6 5 '1 b' Margaret Mofes*—- Us 25 ’ S'Matgar. NcwFiflilh 114 . 66 ' k 4 S' Michael.Cornthdl S' Michael Crookcdla. S' Michael Q,«eenchi S' Michael ejuerne — S'Michael Royall- Michael Woodftree; S' Mildred Breadflieet- S' Mildred Poultrcy - 3 . Kl i S'Nicholas Aeons- S‘ Maty Colechurch - 17 ,0 ^ j;T;jhoias Coleabby- S'MatyHiii—-- 94 .04 1 s'Nicholas Olaues—t: S' Mary Mounthaw- 50 b / 1 Hart-ftreetel 27 1 s'Olates Icwry- 147 . / I ^ olaves Siluctftreet- Hitriid i'la. IC 4 52 179 113- 99 54 iSi 109 i^c-S ,75 ■64 136 , |o ■33 a Mary —— v ' ! c'Pancras Sopcrlsnc- S' Mary Woednoth )7 ) 3 . , Cheape- 54 1 S' Marlins Irernonger.- 1 I * ' g' Cotne hill 21 3I S' Martins Ludgase— 190 I - 1 .p^lsatfc 2^1'S* MartinsOrgars- 1 7 , poorc—— .8 S' Martins 0«witch-|. Stevens Colemanft 140 s'Mattir.s Vintrey-—| 4 y ct Walbronki ^ S'iviattl. w Fridayttr. 24 ^ S' Maudlins Milkftrce S' Maiidlirw OWfiniftr. S'Mubacl Baflilhaw- I2I S'Thomas ApoBk- 164 TiiniiicParKh- S* Swithins • S‘ Clcir.cr;t Danes . - S'Paul C*>vcnf ... S=Mrir,i,nintheF.eld-l4^041;»“^' ^ VVeaminfter- 12194 '’hereof, of tho Vlu*c. ----. - '^^fothT^Ci^udueithisjear. ' ^ , ____21 Palfie * Bonlve.Y.dSCrtb,.n«-^ 7 ,™a *^A9rie and Fcaver IapP^P^^^ Suddsi^ iBcdrtd- iBlallcd •/I!&ndSm.lPox-^- «5 I'J^gue - "’(found - Fri^Kd->3Poyfoncd Burnt and Scalded Calcnmtc- Gout and Sciatica - Gvidf 27 Quinfie- 46 Rickets- g;i;4i„.hcGu«:--..s^ mSe^wy themfelv« 7' . _ j CiO-nls- <6j|^HndlC5 ” 4 *- — [Cancer, m Impoftume^- —■ 7 [Canker,andTbwft __^^^ fgvcral accidents-—46 iChildbed- 25 S KingsM- .Chviromes and ln.ants___Leprofic— [Cold andCough_ ^ Lethargy iCollickand W‘ 7 :j../Yick- 48 o 8 Livergrowne Confumption and ^ 2^26 Mcagtom an Convulfton and lAoth___^ Meafies-- lDilh‘a(ffed ^ _ j A78lMurthevcd, and Shot-- X>rop{ie and Tuppan y . ,^tr>vF»r\ald and Starved Jiovvncd ' rMalcs—485697^.. tnomit. <^Males -5 ^7 Buried Gibricl Fsnchurch-'6 St George Bito’phlanc ^ S[Orcgorics&^StFaul.30 S; HdUn—- \^^ >t James Dukes place-’40 Sc James Garlicklrithc— 13 Sc John Bapeift—- 13 St John Evaugelift—14 Sc John Ztebary—-111 St Katherine Colcmar ;i Kuhcrinc Crccchur S' Lawrence Jewry— St Lawrence Pountnc) Sc Leonard Eaftebcap- Sr Leonard FoPcrlxnc- S: Magnus Parifli- T rathhiirx iSt Margaret Moles — StM'rgiret NtwfilhO-’iS St Mangaret Pattons— St Mary Abrhuicl -- hs iSt M*i^ Aldttmanburr jSt Mary Aldetmaiy — St Ma.y le Biw^- iStWary Bothaw- IStMary Colechutch-| iSt Mary Hill- —-- ISt Maty Mounihaw — St Mary Surometfer — St Maty S-.ainings- St Maty Woolchurcb— St Maty \Voolnotb—|' Sc Martini Itetnongttl. S; Mirtini Ludgate-— St Mittini Orgars - 'gt Martins Oatwitch- iS; Martini Vinttey— i 7 3 ISt Matthew F ydayRr. St Maudlins MiHiflrec! ,Sc Maudlins Oldfnhftr S; Michael Baflilhaw- St Michael Cornhill — St Michael Crooliedla. St Michael Qjeenbithf St Michael Q_atrn — St Michael Royal!- ct Michael Woodftrect St Mildred Breadftreei St Mildred Poulttcy— St N icbolas Aeons — St Nicholas Colcabby- ISt Nicholas OUves - ISt Olave Harr-ftreet— IStOlave Jewry—-6 iSt Olave Silvetftreet—|i^ StPancn$SoperUne-:6 ISt Peter Cheap-- |St Peter Corn-hillp-U 4 St Peter Paulfwharf—U i St Peter Poor ■“ St Steven Colemanftr. S’ Steven VValbrook— S Swirbin- Biiri- Vlag- StTbomns Apoftle — iTriniiy Parifti—- St Botoipn niuvi.fc- St Botolph Aldgate^ St Botolph Biftiopfgitt C. Weft - S: George Southwark- S: Giles Cripplcgatc — Sc Olave Southwark— ScSiviour Southwark- Sc Sepulchres Parilh- St Thomas Southwark Trinity Minorics-- Ac the Pefthoufc — Sc Giles in the Fidd5«-l484 139 Hackney Padlh^-'pOB 1 '^ Sc James ClcikcnwclU.aoo lix I jcKaih. Tieny .11 Lambeth Parifti --h7^ St Leonard Shoreditch-1183 !i 5 1 st Mary St Mary Iflin gton —-i St Cicmcnt Dints- ' 5^0 -S 9 ist Martin in the Fields— Ist Mary Savoy — -' ^ ~fj^iferfes and CafmUies tlvs tear. •' . ^ _i-iR Palft A Bortiveand Stilborn- Agcd and Bedridden- tepney Patilh — ■ I '61 i^l^rgaret Wtftmtnfter— -1 [6 MHreofat ‘ ' Bmed rvr;. -All J.611 -741 -57 . I Ague and Feaver- Apoplex ® and Suddenly Bleeding.-—jTT Iq, Bloudy-flux, Scowring and Flux,o- Burot and Scalded-— * * Calenture Floxand Smal-pox—-- ^ 13 ^ Found dead in ttrects, fields, &c.|io F rench- pox.----—- ,49 Frighted—-- Gout and Sciatica- • Grief Cancer, Gingrene and FiHula- Cankerand Thrufii^- Childbed-.—- Chtifomes and Infants— 1 Cold and Cough-- ^ Collick and W mde—- Confutnption andTdlick 1 Convulfton.--- Cut of the Stone and Stone- Dift railed- iGripingin the Guts ,Hang’d & fnade away themfelves 48 Heaclroouldfbot toj Ijaiindies-.- 253 ilmpolihutne •749 Kild by feveral accidents .'32 Kings-Evil-j—■ -'40 iLeprofie and Itcb JiygaiLethargie*. W; iDropfic and Timpany iDrowned-— I Executed — - — 825 — 67 I -983 -.58 -.10 Livergtown Lunatick andFrenzie. VJesgrom Mealies— Marihcred and Shot- Overlaid and Starved- 4678 X 4319 ^ BURIED . 8997 ^ Decreafed in the Burials this year- 84568 Palfie-- Plague— Plurifie^ poyfcncd- Qnjnfic ^SgofThe Light—r; Rupture • Scutvic* CHRISTNED - Males — ; Fcmales- ’ In all- Litnbs^—- 1 5 ^P'^'^AFeaver and Purples- Spotted Fe gj-onaach— Stopping _ Setangofy." Surfeit- - - Vomiting" V^tounded « Males-•_ 64^7 Females- 6 * 5 * .^In all-— 1 * 75 ° ^ ^^508 Decreafed in the —■ plague 199^