This is a reproduction of a book from the McGill University Library collection. Title: Toronto : a city of beautiful homes Publisher, year: [Toronto] : Press Pub. Co., [191-?] ([Toronto] : Hunter-Rose Co.) The pages were digitized as they were. The original book may have contained pages with poor print. Marks, notations, and other marginalia present in the original volume may also appear. For wider or heavier books, a slight curvature to the text on the inside of pages may be noticeable. ISBN of reproduction: 978-1-926846-90-3 This reproduction is intended for personal use only, and may not be reproduced, re-published, or re-distributed commercially. For further information on permission regarding the use of this reproduction contact McGill University Library. McGill University Library Residence of the late Goldwin Smith, now a Public Park TORONTO I T IS safe to say that no City of equal size in America contains so many substantial and artistic homes, and so delightful a series of residential districts as Toronto. It is essentially a City of Homes — and on the different pages of this Souvenir Booklet are those of its leading Professional, Finan- cial and Commercial Residents. The buildings are all constructed from mar- ble, stone, or brick, not a single frame house of any note in the entire City. Residence of A. E. Ames, Esq., Kingston Road Residence of E. W. Cox, Esq., Isabella Street Residence of E. T. Malone, Esq., Queen's Park Residence of F. H. Deacon, Esq., Crescent Road, Rosedaie Residence of Mrs. Massey-Treble, Jarvis Street Residence of W. K. George. Esq., Highland Avenue, Rosedale Driveway to Residence Residence of H. Pollman Evans, Esq., Binscarth Road, Rosedale Residence of Willijm Dineen, Esq., Sherbourne Street ' v>: . v Grounds surrounding the residence of Jno. C. Eaton, Esq. Another view of the grounds of John C. Eaton, Esq. a a, Residence of Frederic Nicholls, Esq Homewood Place f A ^ ■1 1 H v |..' * Iff . J 1 1 M, L7 Residence of H. H. Williams, Esq., Avenue Road Residence of W. S. Dinnick, Esq., Lonsdale Road v‘ C<- ; Residence of R. L. Patterson, Esq., Todmorden Entrance to Residence Residence of S. F. Wilson, Esq., Dale Avenue, Rosedale iwK ■ : Residence of Capt. C. A. Boone, Crescent Road, Rosedale Residence of W. J. Gage, Esq., Bloor Street and Walraer Road Residence of Geo. Weston, Esq., Palmerston Boulevard Residence of R. P. Gough, Esq., Crescent Road, Rosedale Residence of Julian Sale, Esq., Binscarth Road, Rosedale Residence of G. H. Wood. Esq., South Drive, Rosedale 4rvM.w )f » | 71 ■ fliflSE iSSfi 'tif . j Residence of R. R. Bongard, Admiral Road Residence of T. P. Phelan, Beau Street, Rosedale Residence of Stephen Haas, Esq., St. George Street Residence of Mrs. G. Spain, Nanton Avenue, Rosedale K Residence of Jas. B. O’Brian, Esq.. Rosedale Residence of J. H. McKnight, Esq., Russell Hill Road Residence of R. W. Prittie, Esq., High Park Boulevard Residence of R. J. Score, Esq., Huron Street Residence of Geo. Milligan, Esq., Crescent Road, Rosedale Residence of E. G. West, Esq., Rosedale Road, Rosedale Residence of Hugh Blain, Esq., Clarendon Avenue Residence of W. Hyslop, Jr., Scarth Road, Rosedale Residence of W. B. Russell, Esq., Chestnut Park Road, Rosedale Residence of Chas. Ed. Potter, Esq., Poplar Plains Road Residence of J Avenue Road .fit; ft Residence of J. Fraser Macdonald, Esq., Madison Avenue Country Home of James Ryrie, Esq.. Oakville Residence of Alfred Rogers, Esq., Yonge and Glen Road Residence of A. E. Chatterson, Esq., Palmerston Boulevard — _ Residence of D. J. Sellers, Esq., Carlton Street Residence of J. A. McKee, Esq., Walmer Road Residence of Geo. A. Bingham, Esq., Murray Street 1 1 t 1 * % . f mm [ gt* Residence of Sir Edmund Walker, St. George Street Residence of L. Goldman, Esq., St. George Street Residence of G. Miller, Esq., Warren Road and Lynwood Avenue Residence of E. C. Boeckh. Esq., St. George Street Srja n f h* ii TjiTTB- m I 1 . L 3 i ki j .. • Residence of J. L. liurnand. Esq., Admiral Road Residence of Wilbur C. Matthews. Chestnut Park Road, Rosedale Residence A. Ltvy, Esj., Forest Hill Road Residence of Norman B. Gash, Esq., Spadina Road Residence of John W. Drynan, Esq., Lowther Avenue Residence of C. n. Goulding, Esq., Constance Street Residence of the late J. N. McKendry, Esq., North Bathurst Street The Press Pub. Co. Ltd. PUBLISHERS The Hunter-Rose Co. Ltd. I R1NTERS J. R. Wilson PHOTOGRAPHER •mini s#l T :;;; 'mi ■! a UI!hi""^;>A ‘Iroiraw’,, feil ! 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