PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY BY Miss Helena Johnson ROYAL REGISTER (ARCHIVE .JAMAICA- Ak^$#C, FOR THE YEAR 1S10. TIIE SECOND AFTER BISSEXTILE , OR LEAF YEAR. CALCULATED TO THE MERIDIA>^Oir l^t'MbTAL'. — - - --- - . — /^ -* /f) ^T KINGSTON: Printed by Alex. Aikman, Junior* JEWISH CALENDAR MONTHS. SABBATHS, AN!) HOLIDAYS FOR THE YEAR 5570 AND 5571 OF THE CREATION. 5570. Month Shebai, Saturday,. . .1810, «/an. 6 Month Adar , Sunday, Monday,. . Feb. 4, 5 Month Vcadar , Tuesday, Wednesday, ... .19 Purim , Tuesday, Wednesday,. .20, 21 Month Nisan , Thursday,. Passover , Thursday, Friday,. .19, 20 Mmnth Jyar , Friday, Saturday, ........ Pesach Sheny , Friday, ^ ... ... 33 Omer, Tuesday, . J/onM Sieaa, Sunday, .- Pentecost , Friday, Saturday,. .8, 9 JJemfft TamuZy Monday, Tuesday,. Fast Tamuz , Thursday,. Month Ab, Wednesday, . Ninth Ab, Thursday, . .9 Fifteenth Ab , Wednesday, . Month Fluty Thursday, Friday, .. SS71. JV >!0 Fear, Saturday, Sunday,. Fast Guedalya , Monday, . Tabernacles , Saturday, Sunday, . Hosannah Raba y Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 19, 20, 21 Month Hesvan , Sunday, Monday, . .28, 29 Keslivc, Tuesday, Wednesday, ... ,.. .Nov. 27, 28 . Dec. 3 . 22 JionM Tebeth , Thursday, Friday, . .27, 28 4 ASTRONOMICAL CHARACTERS. THE PLANETS, $C. O The Sun O* Mars I 3 I Georgian 1) The Moon Pallas ££ Ascending Node ^ Mercury Ceres Descending Node 9 Venus 11 Jupiter cf Conjunction © The Earth ly Saturn SIGNS OF THE ZOniAC. cP Opposition. IT Aries cQ. 1*0 X Sagittarius C Taurus TTJ Virgo Vp Capricornus H Gemini Libra ZZ Aquarius 25 Cancer Til Scorpio X Pisces. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES Dominical Loiter. G Golden Number, or Lunar Cycle. 6 Epact. 25 Solar Cycle.27 Roman Indiction.lj Septuagesima Sunday ... Feb. IS OuinqtiagtVtma Sunday March 4 SJirovc-Tucsday.. .6 AND MOVEABLE FEASTS. Ash-Wednesday.March T Palin Sunday ...April 15 Easter Day. 22 Low Sunday.29 Rogation Sunday.May 27 Ascension-Day.". 31 Whit-Sunday.June 10 Trinity Sunday. 17 Advent Sunday.Dec. 2 ECLIPSES. O invisible.April 3 © visible.Sept. 28 Middle, llh. 42m. A M. EQUATION OF TIME. Shews how many Minutes Clocks and Watches ought to ^o faster or slowci than a true Sun Dial, or time of Sun’s Rising and*Scttin<> > . To rectify the Clock or Watch, set it so much faster or slower as appears in the Calendar. Example.— On 4th January set it 5' 12" faster than the Sun, and if it differs afterwards any day,so many Minutes as set forth for that day, it goes true. 5 JANUARY begins on Monday, hath XXXI Days. f* New Moon, 5tli day, 10b. 7m. a. m. )) First Quarter, 12th day, 7h. 25m. a. M. ' O Full Moon, 20th day, 1 ill. 59m. a. m. (f I^st Quarter, 28th day, 6h. 7m . A. M. © Sun enters Aquarius, 20th day, 8h. 58in. A. *r. M v. © © « (( rites D D CALENDAR. rise a sets A ft SCt.s. 1 M Circumcision 6 32 5 28 25 3m # 4 g T 6 32 5 28 26 4 8 3 \V f> 5 2 5 28 27 5 12 4 T Clock fast 5' 12" 6 ,32 5 28 28 G 14 5 F Sun's Declination 22° 37' 42" S. b 31 5 29 N D seO 6 S Epiphany. Twelfth Day 6 31 5 29 1 6a.52 7 g 1st Sun. after Epiph. Prs. Char. ofWs. 6 31 5 29 2 7 55 8 M Lucian. Plow Monday [born, 1796 6 31 5 29 3 8 55 9 T 6 31 5 29 4 9 51 10 W 6 31 5 29 5 10 45 11 T Clock fast S' 13" 6 31 5 29 b 11 37 12 F Sun's Declination 2l° 39' 56" S. 6 31 5 29 7 Morn. 13 S 0 31 5 29 8 0 31 14 G 2d Sunday after Epiphany 6 31 5 29 9 1 21 15 M 6 30 5 30 1( 2 9 16 T 6 30 5 30 11 2 58 17 W 6 30 5 30 12 3 47 18 T Queen's birth-day k»'pt. Prisca 6 30 5 30 i. 4 34 19 F Clock fast IT 3" 6 29 5 31 14 s . 20 S Fabian 6 28 5 32 F vi rise. • 21 G 3d Sunday after Epiphany. Agnes 6 27 5 33 16 6a.40 22 M Vincent 6 27 5 S3 17 7 30 T Sun’s Declination 19° 27' 59" S. 6 27 5 33 lfc 8 20 W f> 27 > S3 t< 9 10 25 T Conv. of St. Paul. Cl<\ck fast 12' 39" 6 26 5 34 2C 10 1 26 F 6 26 5 34 21 10 54 27 S Duke of Sussex born, 1773 6 26 5 34 22 11 40 2S G ■ 4th Sunday after Epiphany 6 25 5 35 23 morn. 29 M j Sun’s Decimation 17° 57' 11" S. 6 25 5 35 24 0 46 30 T King Charles I. Martyrdom 6 25 5 35 25 1 45 31 W 1 6 24 5 36 2ti 2 45 A 6 FEBRUARY begins on Thursday, bath XXVIII Days. £1 New Moon, 3d day, 9b. Im. r . M. 2) 1* irst Quarter, 11th day, Ih. 46m. a. M. O rull Aloon, 19th dav, 5h. 51m. A. M. Cl Last Quarter, 26tb day, 3h. 30m. p. m. O Sun enters X Pisces, 19th day, Oh. 45m. A. 31. Vi D W 1) CALENDAR. o rises O sets e$ 1 T F Clock fast 13' 56 ' 6 24 5 36 27 3 45 2 Punfic. of Bd. Vn. Marv. Sun’s Dec. 6 23 5 37 28 1 .14 3 S Blase [16° 50’6 'S. 6 23 5 37 N 2) sets 4 ft 1 5th Sunday after Epiphany 6 22 5 38 1 Ga.28 5 M Agatha 6 22 5 38 2 7 28 f> 1’ 6 22 5 38 3 8 27 7 w 6 21 5 39 4 9 20 8 T Clock faj't 14' 35" (i 21 5 ,‘19 5 10 13 9 F 6 20 15 40 6 11 7 10 S Suns Declination 14° 22' 13' S. 6 20 15 40 7 11 58 n ft 6th Sunday after Epiphany 6 19 5 41 8 morn. 12 M 6 19 5 41 9 0 47 13 14 T 6 18 5 42 10 1 W Valentine 6 18 5 42 1) 1» 2 25 15 T Chock fast 14’31" 6 18 5 42 s 12 16 F Sun's Declination 12° 2F 20" S. 6 17 5 43 13 3 56 17 S 6 17 5 43 14 4 40 i'sj ft Septuagesima Sunday 6 16 5 44 15 5 23 19 M Clock fast 14 7" 6 16 5 44 F CT rispc 20 T (3 15 5 45 17 7 4 o. 4 21 W Sun’s ^Declination 10° 35' 35" S. 6 15 5 45 18 56 22 T 6 14 5 46! 19 8 49 23 F 6 14 , 5 46,20 9 45 24 S St. Matthias. Duke of Cam.horn, 1774 6 13 . 5 47 21, 10 41 25 ft M Sexagesima Sunday 6 12 i 3 48 22 11 37 26 Clock fast 13 16' 6 12 i J 48 23 morn. 27 i T j Sun's Declination 8° 23' 20" S. 6 11 : V 4 9 24| 0 1 37 281 \vl 6 111' 3 49 25 35 7 MARCH begins on Thursday, hath XXXI Days. © New Moon, 5th day, 8 h. 16m. a. m. First Quarter, 12 th day, 9h. 40m. p. m. Full Moon, 20th day, 9h. 24m. p.m. I,ast Quarter, 27th (lay, lOh. 32m. p. m. 0 Sun enters T Aries, 2 lst day, lh. 5in. a. m. MW D D 1 T 2 F 3j s 4 Cr 5 M 6 T 7 W' 8 T 9 1 P 10 _] 1 S I_ 11 G 12 .M 18 T 14 w 15 It 16 F 17 S 18 G 19 M 90 T >1 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 25 Cr 26 :M; 27 | T 1 28 W 29 1T i 30 F n S 1 CALENDAR. David Chad. Clock fast 12',31" Sun’s Declination (F 51' 15" S. Quinquagesima Sunday Shrove-Tuesday Ash-Wednesday. Perpetna King William III. died, 1702 Clock fast 10 54" Sun’s Declination 4° 8 ' 26'' S. 1st Sunday in Lent Gregory Martyr Ember Week Sun's Declination 2° 9 53' S. Clock fast 8 ' 59" St. Patrick 2d Sun. in Lent. Edw. K. of W . Sax. Benedict Clock feist r 10" Sun’s Declination O ' 3 58' 52" N. 3d Sunday in Lent. Lady Day James T. died, 1625 Clock fast 5 19" Sun’s Declination 3° 20’ 9' N. Fred. Prince of Wales died, 1751 0 0 d ([ rises rises sets A % sets. 6 10 5 50‘26 2 33 6 10 5 50 27 3 30 6 9 5 51 28 4 22 6 8 5 M 29 5 12 6 8 5 52IN J) sets 6 8 5 52 1 7 a. 8 6 7 5 53 2 8 6 6 7 5 53 3 9 0 6 6 5 54 4 9 52 6 6 5 54 5 10 43 6 5 5 55 6 11 31 6 5 5 55 7 morn. 6 4 5 56 8 0 23 6 4 5 56 9 1 10 6 3 5 57 10 1 55 0 3 5 57 11 2 40 6 2 5 58 12 3 22 6 1 5 59 13 4 4 6 1 5 59 14 4 44 6 06 0 F | ([ rise.-, 6 0 6 0 16 6 a. 48 5 59 6 1 17 i 7 44 5 59 6 1 18 ! 8 39 5 53 6 2 19 9 38 1 5 58*6 2 20 10 39 5 53 6 2 21 11 3b 5 57 6 3 22 mom. 5 57 6 3 23 0 86 5 57 6 8 24 1 31 5 56 6 5 56 6 4 25 4 ! 26 2 22 3 9 A 2 APRIL begins on Sunday, hath XAX Days. New Moon, 3d day, 8h. 30m. p. m. First Quarter, lltn day, 5h. 25m. p. m. I l ull Moon, 19th day, lOh. lm. A. M. „ Last Quarter, 26th day, 4h. 21m. a. m. © Sun enters & Taurus, 20th day, lh. 42m. p. M. 0 o ! ([ rises sets j* ■ $f/s. y 5 55 6 5 |27 ! 4 6 5 51 6 6 28 * 47 5 54 6 6 N . 3) sets . 5 53 6 7 1 6a.51 5 .53 6 7 2 7 4S 5 52 6 8 3 s 42 5 52 6 8 4 9 32 5 51 6 9 5 10 23 5 51 6 9 6 11 11 5 50 6 10 7 11 58 5 50 6 10 8 morn. 5 49 6 11 9 0 43 5 49 6 11 10 1 26 5 48 6 12 11 2 8 5 47 6 13 12 2 49 5 47 6 13 13 3 28 5 46 6 14 14 4 10 5 46 6 14 15 4 52 5 46 6 14 F CT rises 5 45 6 15 17 7 £ i.37 5 45 6 15 18 8 37 5 44 6 16 19 9 38 5 44 6 16 20 10 37 5 43 6 17 21 11 34 5 43ji 6 17 : 22 morn. 5 42 i 6 18! 23 0 28 5 42! < (5 18: 24 1 17 5 42 I j 18: 25 2 5 5 41 6 19 1 26 2 49 15 41 6 19 5 27 3 33 9 MAY begins on Tuesday, hath XXXI Days. D New Moon, 3d dav, 9h. 39m. A. M. T First Quarter, 11th dav, llli. 34m. a.m. O Full Moon, 18th dav, 7h. 43m. p.m. Q Last Quarter, 25th day, 10b. 18m. a. m. Q Sun enters II Gemini, 21st day, 2h. 11m. p. >r. M W D D O 1 O M 1 d rises CALENDAR. i rises ;j •ets. j. A Of sets. St. Philip and St. James j 416 19128 b 40 6 20 29 4 16 4 58 Invention of the Cross 5 40)6 201 N ]) sets Clock slow S' 23' 5 40 ! 6 20: 1 7 a.28 Suns Declination 16’ 12' 10'N. 5 3916 21 2 S 20 2d Sun. after Faster. St. John Evang. 5 .‘39 i 6 21 3 9 9 Duches* of York born, 1767 5 .'19 6 21 4 9 56 5 38 6 22 5 10 42 5 38 6 22 6 11 25 Clock slow 3' 50" 5 38 6 22 7 morn. Sun’s Declination 17° 50' 30" N. 5 37 6 23 8 0 6 5 37 6 23 9 0 45 3d Sunday after Easter 5 36 6 24 10 1 27 5 36 6 24 11 2 7 Clock slow 3' 58" 5 36 6 24 12 2 47 Sun s Declination 19° 3 59" N. 5 35 6 25 13 3 30 Princess of Wales born, 1768 5 35 6 25 14 4 16 5 34 6 26 F (J rises Queen Charlotte born, 1744. Dnnstan 5 34 6 26 16 7 a.26 4th Sunday after Easter 5 33 5 33 6 27 6 27 IT It I 8 28 ! 9 27 Princess Elizabeth born, 1770 5 33 6 27 1910 24 5 32 6 28 20 11 16 Clock slow 3' 36" 5 32 6 28 21 morn. Sun’s Declination 20’ 55' 45" N. 5 32 6 2b 22, O 5 Augustin 5 32 6 2b » 231 0 51 5th Sun. after Easter. Rogation Sun . 5 31 6 29 1 24' 1 35 5 31 6 29 ► 25 2 18 King Charles II. restored 5 31 i 6 21 • 26, 2 56 5 3C ) (i 3C ) 271 3 38 Ascension Day. Holy Thursday 15 SC ) 6 30‘2* 4 22 A3 10 ff—*-■-— - ———-— - • . ' ^ JUNE begins on l'riday, liath XXX Days. © New Moon, 1st day, lib. 31in. p. it. 5 First Quarter, lUtli day,3b. 13m. a. m. O Full Moon, 17th day, 3h. 11m. a.m. (£ Last Quarter, 23d day, 5h. 40m. i». m. © Sun enters ffi Cancer, 21st day, 10b 47m. p. m. vl D AV 1) CALENDAR. 0 rises o Sets a A (J riser N sets. J F Xicoinede 5 30 G 30 N 1) sets i S 5 30 6 30 1 7 a. 2 3 G Sunday after Ascension 5 29 6 31 2 7 51 i M King (k-orge III. born, 1738 5 29 6 31 3 8 36 T Duke of Dumb, born, 1771. Boniface 5 29 6 31 1 9 21 0 \v 5 29 6 31 5 0 7 T Great Earthquake, 1692 5 29 6 31 6 10 4V s F Clock -low T 30' 5 29 6 31 7 11 20 9 s Sun’s Declination 22° 55'45" N. 5 29 6 31 8 ll 59 10 a AA'hit-Snnday 5 28 6 32 fi- morn. 11 At AA hit-Monday. St. Barnabas 5 2* 6 32 10 0 40 12 T Wbit-Tuesday 5 28 6 32 11 1 20 1 < AY Ember Week 5 28 6 32 12 2 3 14 T 5 28 6 32 13 2 49 15 F Clock slow 0 7" 5 28 6 32 14 3 42 In Sun's Declination 23^ 21' 3,7 N. 5 28 6 32 15 4 38 17 G Trinity Sunday. St. Alban. 5 28 6 32 F rises IS M 5 28 6 32 17 8 a. 6 19 I 5 28 6 32 18 9 3 20 W Trans, of Kdw. K, of West Sax. 5 28 6 32 19 9 56 21 T Corpus Christi 5 28 6 32 20 10 43 22 F Clock fast O' 5 ' 5 28 6 32 21 11 27 23 S Sun’s Declination 23° 27’ 9" N. 5 28 6 32 22 morn. 24 !o 1st Sunday after Trinity. Nativity of 5 28 6 32 23 0 10 25 : \1 [St. John Baptist 5 28 6 32 24 0 51 26] T 5 28 6 3 l . 25 1 33 27 !W 5 28 6 32 26 2 16 28 II T 5 28 16 32 27 3 o £9 'If St. Peter. Clock fast 2' 54" 5 2816 32 28 3 46 so 1 S Sun’s Declination 23° 12’ 32" N* 5 28l6 32 29 4 32 11 JULY begins on Sunday, hath XXXI Days. ft New Moon, 1st day, lh. 59 ni. p. m. First Quarter, 9th day, 4h. 2 m. p. m. Q Full Moon, 16th day, 9h. 43m. a. m. J Last Quarter, 23d day. Mil. 33m. a.m. New Moon, 31st day, 5ii. 3n>. a. m. © Sun enters & Leo, 23d day,9h. 37m. a. m. \1 W 1) i) 1 (r ! 2 M 3 I 4 VV 5 T 0 7 V s 8 G 9 M 10 T 11 VV 12 T 13 F 14 S 15 a 16 M 17 T 18 V\ 19 T 20 F 21 S 22 G 23 M 24 T 25 VV 20 T 27 F 28 S 29 G 30 M 3i It CA LEND A R. 2d Sunday after Trinity Translation of St. Martin Flock fast 4 0" Sun's Declination 22° 44' 21" N. lid ward 1. died, 1307 3d Sunday after Trinity Clock fast 5' 5" Sun s Declination 21 5 53' 7" N. .©.Odi? nse * \nses ] st tl. A of sets. 5 28 6 32 . N ; D *ts 5 28 6 32 1 7 a. 12-j 5 28:6 32 2 7 i 5 29|6 31 3 8 ; 5 29 6 31 4| 9 5 29 6 31 5 9 i 5 29 6 31 0,10 : 5 29 6 31 7 11 5 29 6 31 8 11 30 6 30 9 inoi 5 30 6 30 10 0 5 30 6 30 11 I 5 SO 6 30 12 2 5 31 <6 29 13 3 4th Sunday after Trinity. Swithin Clock fast 5' 48" Margaret. Sun’s Dec. 20 3 43' 41" N. 5 3110 29 ! 5 31 6 29 5 31 6 29 5th Sunday after Trinity. Mary Mag. St. James St. Anne. Clock fast 6' 5" Sun’s Declination 19° 17' 10" N. 1 25 l ' 26- 2 127 3 0 56 Oth Sunday after Trinity 5 34 6 £6 28 4 2 5 35,0 25 29 4 52 5 35 0 251N 1 T> se»c. gSSjgiSS I £!£t£iSp£Z I 12 | AUGUST begins on Wednesday, ham XXXI Days. D First Quarter, g t h day, 2h. 1.3m. A. m. O Moon, 1-1 th day, 4h. 39m. p. \t. (f I»ast Quarter, 21st day, 4h. 36m. p. >r. O New Moon, 29th day, 8h. 28m. p. >r. 0 Sun enters 7$ Virgo, 23d day, 4h. 2m. p. w. \V I) W T F S G M T W T F S G M T W T F S G M T hv T F 31 CsILENDAR. © ! 0 mes sef.v. Ummas Day. Queen Anne died, 1714 5 36 (!lnrL fact 'V KA 11 e. Clock fast 5’ 54" Sun’s Declination, 17° 55' 54" N. 7th Sunday after Trinity Transfiguration of our Lord Princess Amelia bom, 1783. Name of Clock fast 5' 13" tJ< "“ St. Lawrence. Sun’s Dec. 15 c 38'20"N Duchess of Brunswick born, 1737 8th Sunday after Trinity. Prince of [Waies born, 1762 Assumption. B. V. Mary Duke of York born, 1763. Clock fast Sun’s Dec. 13° 30' 23" N. [4' 4' 9th Sunday after Trinity Duke of Clarence born, 1765 King Richard 111. slain, 1485 Clock fast 2 29' St. Barth. Sun's Dec. 11° IT 31" N. 10th Sunday after Trinity St. Augustine. Great Storm, 1722 St. John Baptist beheaded Clock fast O'33" Sun’s Declinat ion 8° 43' 49" N. 5 36 5 37 5 37 5 38 5 38 5 38 5 39 5 39 5 39 5 40 5 40 5 40 5 41 5 41 5 41 5 42 5 42 5 43 5 43 5 44 5 44 5 45 5 45 5 46 6 24 6 24 6 23 6 23 6 22 6 22 6 22 G 21 6 21 6 21 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 19 6 19 19 6 18 6 18 ({ (£ me* A . Acts 6 17 6 17 6 16 6 16 6 15 6 15 6 14 5 46 0 14 5 47;6 13 - 47 6 13 5 48 6 12 5 48 6 12 5 49 6 II 18 1 7 a. 16 2 7 53 3 8 31 4 9 10 5 9 51 6 10 31 7 11 17 8 morn. 9 0 5 9 1 0 1 1 58 l 2 59 i 4 2 ([ rises ) 7 a. 9 5 7 54 8 41 i 9 26 i 10 11 t 10 57 11 41 morn. 0 27 1 15 2 3 2 52 3 42 4 32 J) sets 6a.38 7 17 f SEPTEMBER begins on Saturday, hath XXX Days. ]) First Quarter, 6th day, iOh. 17m. a. m. O Full Moon, 13th dav, lh. 10m. a. m. (f Last Quarter, 20th day, 8h. 58m- A. M. • New Moon, 28th day, 1 lh. 39m. a. m. 0 Sun enters Libra, 23d day, Oh. 36m. p. m. M W 1) I) CJ LEND A JR. Giles 11th Sunday after Trinity. [Great Fire of London, 166G, a S.J Clock slow V 38' Knurchus. Sun's Dec. 6° 19 13 N • Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary I2th Sunday after Trinity ri/jrk alow 4J l rt Holy Cross. Sun's Dec. 3 0 29' 37" N, 13th Sunday after Trinity Lambert Ember Week Clock slow 6' 29" 0/ ,. T St. Matthew. Sun s Dec. 47 3 N. King George 111. crowned, 1761 14th Sunday after Trinity St. Cyprian Clock slow 8' 53" Sun’s Dec. \° 57' 5" S. 0 cclips. vis. St. Michael. Queen of Wirt, bom, 1706 15th Sun. after Trinity. St. Jerome o o 25 1 45 6 0 6 0 26 2 3i 6 1 5 59 27 3 24 6 1 5 59 28 4 13 6 2 5 58 i 29 5 3 6 3 5 57 N D sets 6 3 5 57 1 6 a.4 6 Ifi 4 ■ 5 56 i si 7 29 OCTOBER begtns on Monday, hath WXI Days. }) First Quarter, 5th day, 5h. 7m. a. ir. Q Full Moon, 12th day, llh. 59m. a. m. (f East Quarter, 20th day, 4h. 10m. A. m. Q New Moon, 28th day, Ih. 51m. a. m. 0 Sun enters 171 Seorpio, 23d day, 8h. 40m. p. >r. M W o o 4 9 7 3 VY 6 5 5 55 5 10 0 4 T Clock slow IV 7" 6 5 5 55 6 10 56 5 F Sun’s Declination 4°40 i 13" S. 6 5 5 55 7 il 55 6 S Faith 6 6 5 54 6 morn. 7 G 16th Sunday after Trinity 6 6 5 5-1 9 0 56 8 M 6 7 5 53 10 1 55 9 T St. Denys 6 7 5 53 11 2 57 10 \\ r 6 8 5 52 12 3 56 11 T Clock slow’ 13' 4" 6 8 5 52 13 4 56 12 F Sun’s Declination 7° 2 V 3S" S. 6 9 5 51 F ([ rises 13 S Translation of K. Ed tv. Conf. 6 9 5 51 15 6a.55 14 G 17th Sunday after Trinity 6 10 5 50 16 7 41 15 M 6 10 5 50 17 8 29 10 T 6 11 5 49 18 9 18 17 W Etheldred 6 IT 5 49 19 10 6 18 T St. Luke. Clock slow 14’ 39" 6 12 5 48 20 10 56 19 F Sun's Dec. 9° 55' 55' S. 6 12 5 48 21 11 46 20 S 6 13 5 47 22 morn. 21 G 18th Sunday after Trinity 6 14 5 46 23 0 35 22 M 6 14 5 46 24 1 24 23 T 6 15 5 45 25 2 11 24 \Y 6 15 5 45 26 3 2 25 T King George TIT. Acc. 1760. Crispin 6 If, 5 44 u 3 52 26 F K. Geo. 111. Prod. 1760. Clock slow 6 16 5 44 28 4 43 27 S Sun’s Dec. 12° 44 54" S. [15 50 6 17 5 43 29 5 36 28 G 19th Sunday after Trinity. St. Simon 6 17 . 5 43 \ (J sets 29 M [and St. Jude 6 IS . 5 42 1 7 a. 6 30 T 1 6 18'5 42 2 7 59 31 \Y 1 6 19 '5 41 5 8 55 15 NOV EM BKR begins on Thursday, hath XXX Day?. D First Quarter, 3d day, llh. 50tn. p. m. Full Moon, Uth day, lb. 22m. a. m. a Last Quarter, 19th day, 111. lm. a. m. <9 New Moon, 26th day, 2 h. 37m. p.m. 0 Sun enters £ Sagittarius, 22d day, 5h. p. w. M W I) D T F S G M T VV 1’ 9 F 10 8 CALENDA R. All Saints , ^ . Duke of Kent born, 1767. Ail Soul: Princess Sophia born, 1777 _ 20th Sunday after Trinity Gunpowder Plot, 1605 Leonard Clock slow 1G S ' 1 Princess Aug. Sophta born, nos Sun s Declination 1G J 50'30 S. 1* (> 19 M 20 T 21 W 22 |23 24 25 26 27 28 29 iSOi F 21st Sunday after Trinity. St. Martin Bri tius Machutus. Clock slow 15'IT' Sun's Declination 18° 43' 24' 8 . Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln 22d Sunday after Trinity Edmund, King and Martyr Cecilia. Clock slow 13' 43" 23d Sun. after Trinity. St. Catherine Clock slow 11° 32' ©1 © < l ! (J rises SISts i€ts. :\ 1 $ sets. 6 19 . 3 41 4 9 54 6 20 . 3 40 5 10 5-1 6 20 - 3 40 6 11 5 6 21 5 39 7 morn. 6 21 5 39 8 0 53 6 21 5 39 9 1 52 'i 22 3 38 10 2 48 6 22 5 .‘58 11 3 44 6 22 5 38 12 4 40 6 23 5 37 13 5 35 i 6 23 5 37 F d riso 6 24 5 36 15 7 a.10 G 24 5 36 16 7 59 6 24 5 36 17 8 48 6 25 5 35 IK 9 38 6 25 5 35 i (: 10 2 5 31 l 5 f 7 40 fi 2< ) 5 31 1 5 1 8 41 SAG 2915 31 L < : 9 42 * 7 1G DECEMBER begins on Saturday, hath XXXI Days. T) First Quarter, .3d day, 7h. 36m. a. M. O Full Moon, 10th day, 5h. 13in . P. M. ([ Last Quarter, 18th day, 9h. 40m. p. M. ^ New Moon, 26th day, 2h. 2m. A. >1. 0 Sun enters V? Capricornus, 22d day, 5h. 27m. A. M. M w o o sets. , A Sf sets. 1 s 6 2S > 5 31 5 . 10 41 2 G Advent Sunday 6 30 1 5 30 > 0 ; u 41 3 M 6 3C >5 30 1 7 mom. 4 1 ' 6 31 5 29 > 8 0 38 5 \V Clock slow 9' 14" 6 31 5 29 i 9 1 34 6 T N icholas. Sun’s Dec. 22° 30' 10" S. 0 31 5 29 i 10 2 28 7 1 - 6 31 5 29 11 3 22 8 s Conception of the Blessed Virg. Mary 6 32 5 28 12 4 15 9 a 2 d Sunday in Advent 6 32 5 28 13 5 9 10 M 6 32 5 28 F (f rises 11 1 ' 6 32 5 26 15 6 a. 30 12 w Clock slow 6' S" 6 32 5 28 16 7 22 13 T Lucy. Sun's Dec. 23° 9' 49" S. 6 32 5 28 17 8 9 14 F . . v C 32 5 28 18 8 57 15 S * G 32 5 28 19 9 44 1 G G 3d Sunday in Advent. O. Sap. 6 32 5 28 20 10 33 11 M 6 32 5 28 21 11 21 18 1 ' 6 32 5 28 22 morn. 19 W Ember Week. Clock slow' 2' 45" G 32 5 28 23 0 10 90 T Sun’s Declination 23° 27' 12" S. 6 32 5 28 24 0 58 21 F St. Thomas 6 32 5 28 25 1 49 * S Shortest Day 6 32 5 28 26 2 43 23 G 4th Sunday in Advent 6 32 5 28 27 3 39 24 M 6 32 5 28 28 4 38 25 T Christmas Day. Sir I. New ton born, 6 32 5 28 29 5 37 26 W St. Stephen fl(>12 6 32 5 28 N ]) sets 27 T St. John. Clock fast 1' 45" 6 32 5 28 1 7 a. 13 28 F Holy Innocents*. Sun’s Dec. 23° IS' i 6 32 5 28 o 8 17 29 S [14" S. i 5 32 , 5 28 3 9 18 30 C 1st Sunday after Christmas i 5 32 r> s8 4 iO 16 n M Silvester ( 3 31 5 89 5 il 16 17 BRITISH LISTS. ROYAL FAMILY. GEO ROE TTT. Ivin®; of the United Kingdom of Great-Biitali* and Ireland, Elector of llanover, &c. born June 4, 1738. Suc¬ ceeded his Grandfather George 1C. October 25, 1700. Married, September 8, 1761, Princess Charlotte (Sister of Charles Lewis Frederick, IJnke of Mecklenburgh Strelitz), born May 19,1744; crowned Sept.22,1761, by whom he has issue: 1. George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales, born August 12, 1762. Married, April 8, 1795, to Caroline Amelia Elizabeth (daughter of the late Duke of Brunswick), born May 17, 1768; by whom he has issue Princess Charlotte Augusta, born Jan. 7, 1796. 2. Frederick, Duke of York, born August 16, 1763. Married, Sept. 29, 1791, Frederique Charlotte Ulrique Catha¬ rine, eldest daughter of the late King of Prussia. 3. William Henry, Duke of Clarence, born August 21, 1705. 4. Charlotte Augusta Matilda, Princess Royal, bom Sept. 29, 1766. Lady of the imperial Russian Order of St. Ca¬ tharine. Married, May 18, 1797, to Frederick Charles William, King of Wirtcmburg. 5. Edward, Duke of Kent, born Nov. 2, 1767. 6 . Augusta Sophia, born Nov. 8, 1768. 7. Elizabeth, born May 22, 1770. 8 . Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, born June 5, 1771* 9. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, born Jan. 27, 1778. 10. Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge, born February 24, 1774. 11 . Mary, born April 25, 1776. 12. Sophia, born Nov. 3, 1777; 13. Amelia, born Aug 7, 1783. Sister to his Majesty. Augusta, born Aug. 11, 1737. Married, Jan. 17, 1764, to the late Elector of Brunswick. Niece to his Majesty. Sophia Matilda, born May 23,1773. Nephew to his Majesty. William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, born Jan. 15,1776. 18 T1IE HOUSE OF PEERS. Scotch and Irish Peers have equal Panic with the English Peers since the Unions in 1707 and 1801. Sjteakcr, Lord Eldon. PEERS OF THE BLOOD ROYAL. 1 ] Val ^ nd Electoral Prince of Brunswick Lunenburdi l'"} e n { Lol '"^H a»d Rothsav. !: 1 of » 'Hester and Car- , irk ; Baron ot Renfrew, Lord <>t the Isles, Great Steward of tl ScotIand and Uigh Stewart of Plymouth. ^ 1,84 Bake of i ork and Albany* ” D “ k ' “ f Cto ““ - ,m " r K "“ «”> Ilfs Royal Highness- Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumber- 1Qm , } . Ia ” (1 an . d f.«v«otdale, and l'arl of Armagh. 1^01 H^Roy^l Highness Augustus Frederick, Duke of Su^ev Pari of Inverness, and Baron of Arklow. - iiis Koval i Irghness Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cam- 1*01 TI br i^t’ Kar L of 1 »ppcrary, and Baron of CulJodcn. Jibl His Highness William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh, and Earl of Connaught. DUKES, AND TIIEIR ELDEST SONS. 1483 Howard, Duke of Norfolk l-WO Seymour, Duke of Somerset 1675 Lennox, Duke of Richmond - Fifzroy, Duke of Grafton 1682 Somerset, Duke of Beaufort 168.3 Beauclerc, Duke of St. Alban's. 1G94 Osborne, Duke of Leeds *- Russell, Duke of Bedford - Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire 1702 Spencer, Duke of Marlborough 1703 Manners, Duke of Rutland 1711 Hamilton, Duke of Brandon 1715 Bertie, Duke of Aneaster Sc Kestevcn 1716 Bentinck, Duke of Portland 1719 Montagu, Duke of Manchester 17^0 Sackville, Duke of Dorset 1756 Clinton, Duke of Newcastle J766 Percy, Duke of Northumberland Earl of Surrey Lord Seymour Earl of March Earl of E us ton Marquis of Worcester Earl of Biirford •Marq. of Carmarthen Marquis of Tavistock Marq. of JIartington Marquis of Blandford Marquis of Granby Lord Dutton Marquis of Lindsev Marquis of'Titchfield A iseount Mandeville Earl of Middlesex Earl of Lincoln Earl Percy. MARQUISES. 1551 Paulet, Marquis of M incliester Earl of Wiltshire 19 1784 Temple, Marquis of Buckingham -Petty, Marquis of Lansdown 1786 bovver, Marquis of Stafford 1787 Ferrary Marquis of Townshend 1789 Cecil, Marquis of Salisbury -Thynne, Marquis of Bath 1790 Hamilton, Marquis of Abercorn 1792 Cornwallis, Marquis Cornwallis 1791 Seymour, Marquis of Hertford 17‘)d .Stuart, Marquis of Bute 1801 Cecil, Marquis of Exeter EARLS* 1142 Talbot, Earl of Shrew sbury 1 Stanley, Earl of D-rby looi Herbert, Earl of Pembroke & Mont- 1601 How ard, Earl of Suffolk & Berkshire 10i7 Eger ion, Earl of Bridgewater 1618 Compton, Earl of Northampton 1622 Fielding, Carl of Denbigh 1621 Fane, Earl of Westmorland 16^7 Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth 1628 Grey, Earl of Stamford & Warrington -Finch. Earl of Winchelsea and Not¬ tingham -Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield - Tufton, Earl of Tiianet 1660 Montagu, Karl of Sandwich 1661 Coningsbv, Earl of Essex - Brudenell, Earl of Cardigan - Howard, Karl of Carlisle ] 662 Srott, Earl of Doncaster 1672 Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury 1679 Berkeley, Earl of Berkeley J6S2 Bertie, Earl of Abingdon -Windsor, Earl cf Plymouth 1690 Saville, Earl of Scarborough 169 j Nassau, Earl of Roehford 1696 Keppcl, Earl of Albemarle 1697 Coventry, Lari of Coventry .-Villiers, Karl of Jersey 1706 Poulett, Earl Poulett - Cholmondeley, Karl of Cholmondeley 1711 Harley, Earl of Oxford and Alortiuicr -- Shirley. Earl Ferrers - Legge*, Earl of Dartmouth 1714 Benhet, Earl of Tankcrville Earl Temple Earl of Wycombe Earl Gower Earl of Leicester Viscount Cranborn Viscount Weymouth Viscount Hamilton Viscount Brome Earl of Yarmouth Earl of Windsor Lord Burghlcy. Lord Talbot Lord Stanley Lord Herbert V isc on n t A n d ove r Viscount Cracklcy 1/OrJ Compton Viscount Fielding Lord Burghej-sh Viscount Mordaunt Lord Grey Viscount Maidstone Lord Stanhope Lord Tufton Vise. Hinchinbrook Viscount Malden Lord Brudenell Viscount Morpeth Lord Tvnedale Lord Ashley Viscount Dursley Lord Norreys Lord Windsor Viscount Lumley Viscount Tunbridge Viscount Bury V iscount Deerhtirst Viscount Villiers Viscount Hinton Viscount Mai pas Lord Harley V ' *ount TamworfU Viscount Lewisham Lord Ossuteton 1714 1718 1719 1721 1 722 1729 1730 1731 1711 20 Finch, Earl of Aylesford Hervey, j lari of Bristol Com per, Earl Com per Stanhope, Karl of Stanhope Sherard, Earl of Harborough Parker, 1 iarl of Macclesfield Fermor, Earl of Poinfrct Graham, Karl (.’raliam Waldegrave, Earl Waldegrave Ashburnhain, Karl of Asiihurnham Howard, Earl of Efiingham Stanhope, Earl of Harrington Wallop, Earl of Portsmouth ' rj*? ~ ~Y 7 7T*,« ‘ v. »u.i. U i>i v istoum i^yii Grevnle, Earl Brooke and of Warwick Lord Brooke Lord Guernsey Eord Hervey Viscount Fordwich Viscount Mahon Lord Sherard V iscount Parker Eord Leominster Lord Belford Viscount Chewton Viscount St. Asaph Lord Howard Viscount Petersham Viscount Lyiningtoft Hooart, Earl of Buckinghamshire L itzwilliam. Earl FitzwiiHam . 19 V« yndbam, Earl of Egremont * ; Hareorrt, Earl Hareorrt i A or* ! 5 , of Guild i\ml U.yl V orke, Karl of iiardw icite -yyy Vane, Earl of Darlington E.VJ Strangways, Earl of iichestor ■! f< I - West, Earl He Lawarr 1.C5 Bouverie, Eart’of Radnor —Spencer, Earl Spencer 17**> PiefcJ:arl of Chatham >772 B?V::arst, Em! Bathurst ~— Hill,. Earl of Hilsborough 1 * . 6 Bruce, Earl of Aylesbury —*■ Villjers, Earl of Clarendon 178-1 Neville, FarFof Abergavenny - Page t, Earl of Uxbridge - Gordon, Earl of Norwich - Chctwynd, Earl Talbot - Cirosvenor, Earl Grosvenor 1780 Pratt, Earl Camden ~ Murray, liarl Strange ,. vn i murray 1789 Edgeombe, Earl of Afount-Edgcombe Viscount \ alletort — Fortescne, Karl Fortcscue Viscount ! brington 1790 Digbv, l ari Digby Viscount C oJcshill Eord Hobart Viscount Milton Lord Cockermouiri Viscount Lord North Viscount Royston Viscount Barnard Lord Stavordale \ iscount Cantalupe V iscount Folkestone Viscount A1 thorp Viscount piit Lord Apsley Viscount Eai Lord Bruce Lord Hyde Visco" • t Neville Lord i aget Lord Gordon Viscount Ingestrie Viscount Belgrave Viscount Bay ham Lord Murray lirford Digbv, Earl Digby Percy, Lari of Beverley 1792 Murray, Earl of Mansfield 1793 Herbert, Earl of Carnarvon 1790 Jenkinson, Earl of Liverpool 1797 Jervis, Earl of St. V incent 1800 Cadogan, Earl Cadogan -*• Harris, Earl of Malmesbury 1801 Erskine, Earl of Rosslyn - Graven, Earl Craven Lord Lovaine Lord Murray Lord Porehcster Lord Hawke* bury Lord Jervis Viscount Chelsea Viscount Eitz-Harris Lord Loughborough Viscount Dlfingtoa 21 1801 Onslow, Earl of Oh>low - Marshall), Earl of Romney - Pelham, Earl of Chichester -—- Eger ton, Earl of Wilton 3804 Clive, Earl of Povvis 18(35 Nelson, Karl N elson 1806 Pierrepont, Earl Manvcrs -Walpole, Earl of Orford -Grey, Earl Grey 1807 Lowther, Earl of Lonsdale 1809 Ryder, Earl of Harrow by 1519 Devereuv, Vis. Hereford 1641 Bellasyse, Vis. Fan con berg 1712 St.John, Vis. Bolingbroke 1720 Boscaw en, \ r is. Falmouth 1721 llyng, V is. 7’orrinzton 17 16 Fitzgerald, V r is. Leinster 1762 Noel, Vis. Wentworth ”T— Courtenay, Vis. Courtenay 1763 Ward, Viscount Dadley and W ard J 1766 Maynard, Vis..Maynard 1776 Hampden, V is. Hampden Viscount Cranlev Viscount Marsham Lord Pelham Viscount Grey Viscount Clive Viscount Trafalgar Viscount Newark Lord Walpole Viscount iiowick Viscount Lowther Viscount Sar.don. 1789 Germain, Vis. Sackville 1789 Townshend, Vis. Sydney 1796 Hood, V is. Hood 1797 Dnnean, Vis. Duncan 1800 Hood, \ is. liridport 1802 Curzon, Vis. Curzon -- Dundas, Vis. .Melville 1805 Addington, Vis. Sidmouth 1806 Anson, Vis. Anson 1807 Lake, Vis. Lake -Cathcart, Vis. Cathenrt 1S09 Wellesley, Vis. Wellington. BA RONS. 1265 Stapleton,Ld.LeDespencer 1269 Clitford, Lord De CliObrd 1296 Tuchet, Lord Audley 1298 Trefusis, Lord Clinton 3807 Brand, Lord Dacre 1322 Velverton, Lord Grey of Ruthycn 3-I !7 Twlsleton, Ld. Saye & Sole 1148 Stourton, Lord Stourton 1492 V erney, Lord W. de Broke 1 558 St. John, Lord St. John 3597 Ellis, Lord If. de Walden 1603 Pet re, Lord Petre -Spencer, Lord Spencer 1695 Arundel, I.ord Arundel 1608 Bligh, Lord Clifton IGI5 Dormer, I^ord Dormer 1616 Roper, Lord Teynham 1613 Byron,.Lord Byron 1662 Scott, Lord Tyr.edale 1072 Clifford, I.ord Clifford 1689 AshbunihamL.Ashbunibam R3 1711 Hamilton, I.ord Dutton 1711 Boyle, Lord Boyle - Drummond, I.ord Hay 1712 Willoughby, Ld. Middleton 1725 King, Lord King 1728 Monson, Lord Monson 1711 Bromlev, Lord Montfort 17s9 Ponsoiiby, Lord Ponsonby 1760 -Legge, Lord Staweii —— Watson, Lord Sondes 1761 Robinson, Lord Grantham -Curzon, Lord ScarsduJe — Irby, Lord Boston 17G2 Fox, Lord Holland of Hol¬ land and Fo.Jey -Perceval, Lord Envoi and Holland of Knmore -Vernon, Lord Vernon 1763 Moreton, Lord Ducie 1766 Campbell, Lord Sunriridge and Hamilton 1776 Hawke, Lord HawTce H 7 whilst, Lord Brownlow -Lord ft ivory 1- o n° ^ v ’ f ord F< »L*v 1 _ J^Cardonnelj.d. Dynevor l7 c n r,r 'v, Lord Walsingham 1780 Bagot, Lord Bigot l 7 oo n' t 5 r - v ’ L ? rJ Southampton lW2 S ,ln » , nT, * ord Ashburton on. Lord Gran .icy ,“Odnex, Lord Rodney ? Lord Gordon «Ux Scott, Lard jMontagn Douglas, Lord Douglas of Ambreshury -•B<' r "siV>r(l, Lord Tyrone — Lord Carleion -Jiarbord, Lord Suffield ( arleton, Lord Dorche?ter I7 ~ ' 1- Hawke; bury }l%Z Lord Hrathfield ^ 1 7 * S £ e «von, Lord Kenyon V r , ’ Lord Braybrooke —- Ambers, Lord Amherat 90 u ,1 n-'‘r 1:t< T’A4 Berwick X>«fr, Lord L tfe Crimston, Lord Vo re Jam -Doi.prs Lord Douglas of Douglas —- Lord Gage ~ Vt ro * ,vtllp ’ Lord Grenville Ldl Dallas, Lord Douglas of LoclUcven } hurlow, Lord Thurlow l-ncn, f^ord Auckland 17P1 liUpatrick, Lord Upper O.-sory - Phipps. Lord Midgrave - L ff'Iton. Lord Lyttelton - I 1: ; «, Lord Mend ip • '— 'll : idgea:an, Lord Bradford I7Di Peachey, Lord SMcey -S ,, i " d “> Lord Hundas l-oT f T”; Lo , rd „ Var,) orougli li9oIfood, Lord Hood (^son of ,_ p v, wt Hood) I <95 Stuart, Ld. Stuart of Castle- Muart Stewart, Lord Stewart (tarlres — Stop ford, Lord Saltersford liawnay. Lord Dawnay - Broderick, Lord Broderick, Kovs, Lord Rous Calf home. Lord Calthorpe Burrell, Lord Gwydir 1 I-" aw } ? Ld. l)e Dunstanville Lord Harewood -Rolle, Lord RoIIe — Campbell, Lord Cawdor 1/97 Mey, Lord Wellesley Smith, Lord Carrington — l owns jcnd, Lord Bayning — Grenville, Ld. Glnstoiibur? -Uowletf, Lord Bolton J \V'»yP“'omul, l.ord Minfo V ode house, Ld. Wodehouse if ns hour Lord Xorthwick Ppvvis, Lord Lilford Lister, Lord Ribblesdale 1799 2 ^ ke i nZi ^, T ^ rd S ™hrth nyj Scott, l.ord LIdon H^bbon M. F.izg iWrt ,tt IbOl Moore, Lord Moore Loft us, Lord Loftus -Butler, Lord Butler i n . )bv ’ !' ord Larjsfort Arden Lord Hvanley Fjuherb-ri, Ld. St. it,lens Hph.nston , Lord Keith IHiK) ii;,? '?®," 1 ’ W.Hutchinson )riQ2 Mit.ord, l ord Ucdesdale -aw. Lord Hen borough -Perceval Lord Arden — Onlroyd, Lord Sheflield I8(b Middleton, Lord Barham wood' V °° d ’ I - ordC ' olli “f- 1806 Lrskine, Lord Erskine Browne, Lord Monteagle 23 T803 Montgomcry,Ld. Avd v^an -Maitland, Lord Lauderdale -Forbes, Lord Canard -Crewe, Lord Crewe -Lvgon, Lord Beauchamp -Ponsonbr, Cord Ponsonbv 1806 Kennedy, Lord AiTsa -Campbell, L. Breadalbanf -Gardner, Lord Gardner l SOT Sutton, Lord Manners -Gambler, Lord Ga»nb ; er 1809 Hopetoun, Lord ilupMoun. REPRESENTATIVES FOR SCOTLAND. Far! of Caithness Karl of j Iotoe Karl of Strathmore Karl of K* ll.e Karl of Haddington Karl of Dalhousic 1 arl of Selkirk Karl of Balcarrcs Lari of Aboyne Earl of Aberdeen l ari of Glasgow Lord Cathearf [His Lords!) : p is also a Peer of the Realm] Lord Forbes Lord Saltoun Lord Sinclair Lori Napier. REPRESENTATIVES FOR IRELAND. Marq. of TTeadfort 1 rl of Wrstmeath Earl of Chari mont Karl of Kingston Karl of Rod n Eat ! of Gian lore Karl of Longford Karl of Enniskillen J arl of i me Karl of Wicklow Karl of Lucan I arl of Londonderry f arl Convngbam ; arl O’ V ,n Earl of Bandon Lari of Donoughmore \ .arl of Caledon : iri of Limerick arl o k ' Clancarty ; arl of Rosse • i of (Liar! v ile V Northland V iscount Mount joy Viscount Carletoii Viscount Long uevi lie Lord Cabier Lord Callan Iiord i’v raw ly Archbishop of Ar¬ magh Bishop of Clogher Bishop.of Kilmbre Bishop of Killaloe. PEERESSES. 1766 Louisa Greville, Countess of Mansfield, widow of David Earl of Mansfi. Id, and lady of the ilon. Robert Fulke Greville y brother to the Karl of Warwick. 1261 Charlotte Fitzgeritd de Ros, Baroness de R®s, lady of Lord Henry Fitzgerald. 1314 Priscilla Barbara lhsabeth Burrell, Baroness \V iilonghby de V p’sb'. lady of Ii«rd Gvvydir. 1663 Arab Ha ilume, Baroness Lucas, widow of Lord Hume, son of the lat»» Earl of Marehmont. 1788 Sophia Charlotte Curzon, Barone s Howe, widow of the lion. P n Ysln'ton Curzon, and daughter of the late Karl Howe. 1801 Mar»-Aime Almr . ouibie, Birouess Abercrombie, widow of Str Ralph A ben rombi", K. B. 180> Mary Hill, Baroness rfaud vs widow of'the-Marq. of Downshire. ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. With the Sums each See is ch gtd with m ltie King s Books. ARCHBISHOPS. £ s * Canterbury, Rf. TIon. Charles Manners Sutton, D. D. 1 2 York, Rt, Hon. Edward Venables Vernon,. D. C. L. ifciO 0 0 *. (?. 0 3 1 3 2 9 8 8 8 3 24 r r , bishops. H»n-Joh'. Rnndo'ph, R D. 11 ichard ”v ats balisbun,, John Fisher, f) j) J '. ot7 iC '\l h ' n . r y Batliu^D. c L Chari s Moss, D. jj C * L * * “ /e '’ 1Jow > cr **»«ard Sparke, D. R Bishopric?: in the gift of tie in i r- Sodor and Mam, Cl ’ ,0 ‘ “ Pcer °-f lhc Iicalm - Man “y <• iauaius Crigsn, U. D. OI.ERKS AXD OFFICERS Sv'^?-^ isht r ^e'wf r e n?“ M ’ Wl ^“ £. 1000 0 1821 I 2873 18 C. L. 559 17 “ 151 14 828 4 - 1ST il 5S3 l 414 17 929 13 - 677 l 131 16 - 315 7 21747 18 - 500 0 426 2 1385 5 834 II 381 11 768 12 294 II 420 13 - 358 14 420 13 OP the ROUSE OF PEERS. r 7 5 2 Sir Cfc ~*> ' v “>- Walmsley, G t&%!r V F Ur ° f tkt m «<* hod, S.r !• rajicis Wolyncu*. p on ««n Usher, Rt.Quarme F*, i? S«u‘!icria7d. />M ’ 5Ir - C ' urics 2S THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. ELECTED JUNE 2, 1807. 5T/iC Figure aflev the Name shews in how many Parliaments the Jlent* ber has served* Those without Figures are new. * Vacancies* ENGLAND AND WALES, 513. Speaker, Right Hon. Charles Abbott, 6000'. Abingdon, Berkshire* Henry Bowyer, Esq. Agmondesham, Bucks. Thomas Drake T. Drake, Esq. 4 Thomas Tyrwhilt Drake, Esq. 2 Alba*** St* tfattfaPdihlte* Joseph ilaEey, l.sq, Daniel Giles, I sq. Aldborough, Yorkshire , Henry Fynrs, Esq. 1 Gilbert Jones, Esq. Aldtburgh, Suffolk, Sir John Aubrey, Bart. 9 J ohn M^lahon, Esq. 2 And over, innits, “ Thomas Asheton Smith, Esq. 3 lion. Newton Fellowes. Anglesey shin* lion. Berkeley Paget. Appleby, Westmorland. James Ramsay Cuthbert, Esq. Nicholas Wm, Itidley Colborne, Esq. 2 Arundel, Sussex* Sir Arthur Pigot, Knt.2 E'rancis John \Vilder, Esq. 1 Ashbui ion, Devonshire, Walter Palk, Esq. 3 Lord W in. Ch. Caverr. Bentinck. Aylesbury, Bucks. Sir George Nugent, Bart. 1 Thomas Hussey, Esq. Bunbu ry ,' Oxfo rdsh ire. Dudley North, Esq. G Barnstaple, Devonshire. GeoAVoodiord Thellusson, Esq.l William Taylor, Esq. \ Bath , Somersetshire. Lord John Thynne 3 Charles Palmer, Esq. B°aumaris, Anglesey shire. Sir Edward Price Lloyd, Bart. X fUddi'.nhhirtt FraneU Pyui, Uq. 2 . Right lion. Rich. Fitzpatrick 9 Bedford* Samuel Whitbread, Esq. 4 William Lee Antonie, Esq. 2 Bedwin, Wilts. James Henry Leigh, Esq. 2 Sir John Nichol), Knt. 2 -ftr rr. t Wo ' ■ B Right. Hon. vkorge(Percy)Loni Lovaine 3 Hon. Jocelyn Percy 1 Berkshire. George Vansittart, Esq. G Charles Dundao, Esq. 4 Berwick, Northumberland, Alexander Allan, Esq. I Sir Alexander Macdonald Lock¬ hart, Bart. Beverley, Yorkshire, Richard William Howard Vysc, Esq. John Wharton, Esq. 3 Betcdky, Worcestershire. Miles Peter Andrews, Esq. 3 Bishop's Castle, Shropshire* William, Clive, Etsq. 3 John Robinson, E*>q. 2 B lee kingly, Surrey. William Kenrick, Esq. 2 Sir Charles Cockerell, Bart* C- TV .£°'W»> Conned”. M Orfander Bart Davies Giddy, 1< S q o ’ Yorkshire. BSyfSSgfg . finssinn/, Carmcall. •^An-MbaM Stuart Wort- K i^Dr!art. J ° hn ( °‘' Va - v) EarI T . T-iwo’nshire. Tliomas f’vdell, | «„. J "q!T> A1CX “ Ud " M^ocks, nobtrh?'n 0 A V ! m},tonskire - A 1 * 1 Bradshaw, Fsq. 2 •Anthonv Henderson, Esq. 2 Tn , T Brambtr, Sussex, John Irvtntr, ),q. I ifenry Jodtlr.-II, i; S q. S rr >2 , Breconshire, i nomas Wood, Fsq. 1 c- r. , Brecon. r g 0 !** Salisbury, Bart. 3 T - Shropshire. Jnoraas r T F,q. i ime HawkiOB Browne, Fsq. S W \n tdge ^ ate ^ Sof >”rsetshire. *ibam Asteli, Fsq George Pocoek, Fsq. p- , B^rtport, Dorsetshire. « Hon. Sir F. van N f . p ,. an g SirSainut 1 Hood, K. B. 1 P >/0 1 , Some rs< t shire. j ^ Guarles Bathurst 4 1 van BaiiJir, 1 sc. 3 p. | .. Bucking:, am : hire. iW .t Hon Bichard (Chandos * Temple) Farl Temple 3 (V*-, Wiltshire. .)ek>ll, Fsq. 6 Drury Smith, Fsq. j r i Cambridg s/dre. ixora Charles Somerset ^fan¬ ners 2 Risht lion. Charles P. N orite 4 p . f > l diversity of. J.arl of JLustoh4 bir V oary Gibbs, Knt. 1 Robert Aianin-rs, i , (| . g J iIoiJ * f.d ward Fjiirh 0 n, Retford, Cornwall. Robert Adair, Fsq. 3 p ; i. Tr Buckingham. ^ J , < ’ Mai Grenville 5 iliai. Richard Neville 2 n; Themas CaUtr, Fsq, T . n Canterbury, Kent. \ °j w Baker, Fsq. 2 Fdward Ta> lor, Fsq. r _*, Glamorganshire, Lord W Stuart 3 til fW/^o«y/r2>e. l homas Johnes, Fsq. 4 ir T . Cardigan. lion. John Vaughan 3 t i S' u T ,f . r, V*» Cumberland. *\Vs!u r i nStiai1 C-urwen, Fsq. 4 Vf alfy r Sp: neer Stanhope, 11 0 3 r , ('twarlhenshirc. Lord Robert Seymour 4 Carmarthen. George Campbell, Fsq. 1 c . D , (arujirvonsAire. S.r Robert Williams, Kart. 3 it Carnarvon. Hon. Charles Paget 1 CW4. Rising, A o/Te/A*. Richard Sharp, j sq . j J iion. bulk.-,rev,II, Howard. rp. _ Cheshire. Tnomas Cholmond-ley, Fso 3 Davi s Davenport, 1 sq. 2 ^ rv ^ hosier, Cheshir . \ ‘‘. cm ? 9 r ^osvenor, Esq. 4 dohn Fgerton, ) S q. Q * <27 Chippenham, Wilts . John Maitland, Esq. 2 James Dan kins, » sq. 5 C/i riitch nrch , // . 7 nts. Right Hon. George Rose 5 William Starves Bourn**, Esq. 3 Cire ncester , (Ho ucxste rsft ire. M'ehael flicks Beach, Esq. 4 Joseph Cripps, lsq. 1 Clitheroi , Lancashire, lion. Robert Curzon 3 James Gordon, I'sq. Cookermouth, Cumberland. Sir James Graham, Bart. 2 Right'Hon. William (Lowther) Viscount Lowther. Colchester , Essex. Robert Thornton, Esq. 7 Richard Hprt Davis, Esq. Corf-Cast If, Dor set sh ire. Ilenrv Rankes, Esq. 7 Peter William Baker, Esq. Cornwall. Sir William Lemon, Bart. 9 John Hearle Tremayne, Esq. 1 Co entry, W ar wicks hire, Peter Moore, Esq. 4 William Mills, Esq. \ Crick lade , Wiltshire. Right Hon. Henry George (Her¬ bert) Lord Porchester 4 Thomas Goddard, Esq. 1 Cumberland. John Lowther, Esq. 3 Right Hon. George (Howard) Viscount Morpeth 4 Dartmouth , Devonshire. Edmund Bastard, Esq. 7 Arthur llowe II olds worth. Esq. 2 Denbighshire. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. 4 Denbigh. Robert Myddelton Biddulph, Esq. 1 Derbyshire. Lord George Aug. Ilenry Caven¬ dish 8 Edward Miller Mundy, Esq. 6 Derby. Wifliam Cavendish, Esq. 2 Edward Coke, Esq. 5 Devizes , Wiltshire. Joshua Smith, Esq. 6 Thomas Grimston Estcourt,Esq.2 Devonshire. John Pollexfen Bastard, Esq. 7 Sir Lawrence Palk, Bart. 6 Dorsetshire. William Morton Pitt, Esq. 7 Edward Berkeley Portman, Esq. Dorchester, Dorsetshire. Robert Williams, I'sq. 2 Hon. Croplev Ashley Cooper 4 Dover , Kent. Charles Jenkinson, Esq. 1 John Jackson, Esq. 1 Downton, Wiltshire. Hon. Barth. Bouverie 1 Sir Thomas Plumcr, Knf. Droit wick, W orcester shire. ITon. Andrew Foley 8 Sir Thomas Edward Winning- ton, Bart. Duntrich , Suffolk. Right Hon. Joshua (Vanncek) Lord Huntingfield 5 Snowdon Barne, Esq. 3 Durham, County of. Sir Ralph Milbanke, Bart. 4 Sir Henry Vane Tempest, Bart. Durham , City of. Ralph John Lairbton, Esq. 3 Richard Wharton, Esq. 1 East Looe, Cornwall. S?r Edward Buller, Bart. 2 David Vander Hevden, Esq. Edmuhddjury, St. Suffolk. Lord Charles Fitzroy 2 Right fl^n. John Henry Upton) Viscount Templetown 2 Essex. John Bullock, Esq. 8 Eliab Harvey, I'sq. 2 E vesham, f V or testers h ire. William Manning, Esq. 4 Humphry llowortn, Lsq. 28 Exeter, Devonshire. Sir Charles Warwick Bamp- fvlde, Kart. 3 James Buller, Esq. 3 Eye, Suffolk. Mark Singleton, Esq. I Right lion. Charles Arbutlmot. Flintshire. Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart. 4 William Shipley, Esq. Foweu, Cornwall. Right lion. Reginald Pole Ca- rew 2 Robert Wigram, Esq. 1 (iatton, Surrey. Sir Mark Wood, Bart. 3 G. Bellas Grecnongh, Esq. Germain's, St. Cornwall. Sir Joseph Sidney Yorke, Knt.4 Matthew Montagu, Esq. 1 G lamorganshire. Thomas Wyndham, Esq. 3 Gloucestershire. lion. Geo. Cranfield Berkeley 7 Lord Robert Edward Henry So¬ merset 2 Gloucester. Henry Howard, Esq. 4 Robert Morris, Esq. 2 Grampo u nd, ( o mss all. Hon. George Augustus Frederick Cochrane. William Holmes, Esq. Grantham , Lincolnshire. William Earle Welby, E^q. Thomas Thoroton, Esq. 2 Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire. William Ellice, Esa. John Henry Loft, Esq. Grinstrad, East. Sussex. Sir Nathaniel Holland, Bart. 2 Charles Rose Ellis, Esq. 3 Guildford, Surrey. Hon. Thomas Cranley Onslow 3 Hon. John Chappie Norton 3 Hampshire. William Chute, Esq. 3 Thomas Freeman 1 Ieathcote,Esq. Harwich, Essex. Right^Ion. John Hilcy Adding* William Iluskisson, Esq. 2 Haslemere, Surrey. Right Hon. Charles Long 6 Robert Ward, Esq. 1 * Hastings, Sussex. Right Hon. George Canning 4 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. // aver for dwesi', Fern b roke shire. Right lion. William (Edwardes) Lord Kensington3 Jfellestone, Cor me all. Sir John St. Aubyn, Barf. Right Hon. James (Blackwood) Lord DufTerin and Clancboye. Herefordshire. Sir John Geers Cottercll, Bart. 1 lliomas Foley, Esq. 1 Hereford. Thomas Powell Symonds, Fso.3 Richard PhiJipScudamore, Esq.2 Hertfordshire. Sir John Saunders Sebright, Bt. Hon. Thomas Brand 1 Hertford. Hon. Edward Spencer CowperS Nicolson Calvert, Esq. 2 lieydon, Yorkshire. George Johnstone, Esq. 3 Anthony Browne, Esq. 1 Heytesburu. Wilts. Charles Moore, Esq. 2 Ei^ht lf? n - James Edward (Har¬ ris) Viscount Fitz-IIarris 2 High am Ferrers, Northampton¬ shire. Right Hon. William Windham 6 Ilindon, Wilts. Benjamin Hobhouse, Esq 3 William Reckford, Esq. I tr Honiton, Devonshire, lion. Augustus Cavendish Brad¬ shaw 2 Sir Charles Hamilton, Bart. Horsham, Sussex. Joseph Marryatf, Esq. Henry Goulburn, Esq. w 29 Huntingdonshire. Right lion, George John (Mon¬ tagu) Vise. Hinchinbrook 1 William Henry Fell owes. Esq. G Huntingdon. John Calvert, Esq. 2 Samuel Farmer, Esq. Hythe, Knit. Thomas Cod trey, Esq. 2 William Deedf's, Esq. Itch ester , S omerset shire. Right Hon. Rich. 13. Sheridan 7 Michael Angelo Taylor, Esq. 1 Ipswich, Suffolk. Sir Home Popham, K. M. 2 Robert Alex. Crickitt, Esq. /tv’s, St. Cornwall. Samuel Stephens, Esq. Sir Walter Stirling, Hart. Kent. Sir Edward Ivnatchbull, Bart.2 William Ilonywood, Esq. 2 King's Lynn , Norfolk. Sir Martin Browne Folkes, Bt, 4 Right Hon. Horatio (Walpole) Lord Walpole 7 Kingston upon HuV, Yorkshire. Right Hon. Philip llenry (Stan¬ hope) Viscount Million 2 John Staniforth, Esq. 2 Knnresborough , Vorkshire. Lord John Townshend G Right Hon. Charles Augustus (Bennett) Lord Ossukton 2 Lancashire. Thomas Stanley, Esq. 8 John Blackburne, Esq. 6 Lancaster , Lancashire. John Dent, Eisq. 4 Peter Patten, E.sq. Launceston , Cornwall. James Brogden, Esq. 3 Rich. Henr v A lex. Bennett,Esq. 1 Leicestershire. George Ant. Legli Keek, Esq 4 Lord Robert Manners 2 Leicester. Samuel Smith, Esq. 6 Thomas Babington, Esq. 3 Leo mihste r, Tferefordsh ire. Sir John Lubbock, Bart. 3 Henry Bonham, Esq. 1 Leske.ard , Cornwall. Hon. William Elliot 4 Right Hon. James (Hamilton) Viscount Hamilton. Lestwithiel, Cornwall. George llolford. Esq. Ebenezer Fuller Maitland, Esq. Lewes , Sussex. Thomas Kempc, Esq. 2 Henrv Shellev, Eso. 2 L i t chfield, S' tafia rdsh ire. George Anson, Esq. 2 George Granville Venables Ver¬ non, Esq. 1 Lime Regis, Dorsetshire . Right Hon. John (Fane) Lord Burghersh 2 Henry Fane, Esq. 2 Lincolnshire. Charles Chaplin, Esq. 2 Hon.Charles Anderson Pelham2 Lincoln. Richard Ellison, Esq. 3 John (Sayille) Earl of Mexbo- rough. Liuerpool, Lancashire. Banastre Tarleton, Esq. 3 Isaac Gascoyne, Esq. 3 LoyDos . Sir Charles Price, Bart. 2 Sir William Curtis, Bart. 4 Sir James Shaw, Bari. 1 llarvey Christian Combe, Esq. 3 Ludgershal , lYiltshirc. Magens Dojripn Magens, Esq. 2 Thomas Everett, Esq. 2 Ludlow, Shrcpshire. Right lion. Edward (Herbert) Viscount Clive 1 Henry Clive, Esq. Lymington, If ants. George Duckett, Esq. John Kingston, Eisq. 2 Maidstone , Kent. George Simpson, Esq. 1 George Longman, Lsq. I so. Malden % Essex. Joseph Holden Strutt, Esq. 4 Charles Callis Western, Esq. 4 Malmesbury , Wilts. Sir George Bow’yer, Bart, Philip Gell, Esq. Mallon, Yorkshire. Hon. Robt. Lawrence Dundas 4 Bryan Cooke, Esq. Marlborough , Wilts. Right Hon. Charles Brudenell ( Bruce) Lord Bruce 3 R’ght Hon. James (George (Stop- t'ord) Vis count Stop lord 1 Mar!oic % Bucks. Owen Williams, Esq. 3 Pascoe Grenfell, Esq. 2 Matce'r, St. Cornwall. R'ght Hon. Geo. Granville Levc- son (Gower) Earl Gower Serope Bernard, Esq. Merionethshire. Sir Robt. WilliamesVaiighan, Bt. Michael'"^ St. Cornwall. Sir James Hall, Bart. John Bruce, Esq. M iddlesex. William Mcllish, Esq. 3 George Bvng, Esq. G Midhvrst , Sussex. Hon. James Abercrombie Thomas Thompson, Esq. Milbo rnt - Bart, S o mersetsh i re. Right Hon, Henry Wm. (Paget) Lord Paget 2 Hugh Leycesier, Esq. 2 M hie head, Somersetshire. John Fcwnes Lmtrell, E’sq. 2 John Dennison, Esq. 2 Monmouthshire. J.ord Arthur John Henry So- mei'set 2 Sir Charles Morgan, Bart. 3 Monmouth. Lord Charles Henry Somerset S M o ntg omeru shire. Cha. V/atkin Wros.W vnn, Esq. 3 * Montgomery . W’^i^hed Keene, Esq. 12 Morpeth) Northumberland. William Ord, Esq. 2 Hon. William Howard 1 Newark. Nottinghamshire. Stapleton Cotton, Esq. 2 Henry Willoughbv, L$q, o Newcastle under Line) Staff ordsh. Edw. Wilbraiiam Bootle, Esq. 4 James Macdonald, Esq. 2 Newcastle upon 'A/ie, Nurthumb. Sir Mat. White Ridley, Bar}. 9 Charles John Brandling, Esq. 3 Newport , Cornwall. William ISorthey, Esq. 3 Edward Morris, Esq. 2 Newport , Hunts. Right Hon. Henry John(Tenqdc) V iscotmt Palmerston Leonard T. W. Holmes, Esq. Newton , Lancashire . Peter Heron, Esq. I John Ireland Blackbnrne, Esq. Newtown) Hants. Barring. Pope Blackford, Esq. 1 Hon. George Anderson Pelham. Norfolk. Sir Jacob Henry Astlcy, Bart. 1 Thomas William (poke. Esq. 7 N orthalUrton , Yorks hit e. Henry Peirsc, Esq. 8 Hon. Edward Lasceljes 4 Northamptonshire. Wm. Ralph Cartwright, Esq. 3 Right Hoh. John Charles (Spen¬ cer) Viscount A It harp 2 Northampton. Right Hon. Spencer Perceval 4 Hon. Edward Bquverie4 Northumberland. Right Hon. Hugh (Percy) Earl Percy 2 Thomas Rich. Beaumont, Esq. 4 Norwich) Norfolk. John Pattcson, Esq. 2 William Smiih, Esq. 5 Not Hugh ams hire. Right Hon. Charles Herbert (Pierrepont) Vise. New ark 3 Ant. Haruolpn Eyre, Esq. 2 SI Nottingham. Daniel Parker Coke, Esq. 8 John Smith, Esq. 3 Okehampton , Devonshire . Albany Saville, Esq. Gwyllym Lloyd Wardlo, Esq. Or ford, Suffolk. William Sloane, Esn. Lord Henry Moore 1 Oxfordshire . Lord Francis Almaric Spencer 3 John Fane, Esq. ? Oxford, University of. Right Hon. Sir William Scott, Knt. 6 Right lion. Charles Abbott 6 Oxford, City of. Francis Burton, Esq. 7 John Ingram Lockhart, Esq. Pembrokeshire. Right Hon. Richard (Philipps) Lord Milford 6 Pembroke. John Owen, Esq. Penryn , Cornwall. Henry Swann, Esq. 1 Charles Lemon, Esq. Peterborough, Northampton - shire. Right lion. William Elliot S Right Hon. Francis(Russell)Mqr- quis of Tavistock. Petersjield , Hants. Hylton Jollitte, Esq. 3 Hon. Booth Grey. Plymouth, Devonshire. Sir Charles Morice Pole, Bart. 2 Thomas Tyrwhitt, Esq. 6 Plympton, Devonshire . Right Hon. Henry Robt. (Stew¬ art) Viscount Castiercagh 3 Hon. W r m. Asheton Harboid 1 Pontefract, Yorkshire. Right Hon. John (Saville) Vis¬ count Pollington Robert Pemberton Milnes, Esq.l Poole, Dorsetshire. Sir Richard Bickerton, Bart. Beni, fester Lester, Esq. J C2 Portsmouth , Hampshire, John Markham, Esq. 3 Sir Thomas Miller, Bart. 2 Preston, Lancashire. Right Hon. Edward (Stanley) Lord Stanley 3 Samuel Horrorks, Ksa. 2 Quetnborough , Aewf. Right Hon. John Charles Vi Hie rs Joseph Hunt, Esq. Radnorshire. Walter Wilkins, Esq. 6 Radnor , A etc. Richard Price, Esq. 3 f Reading, Berkshire. John Simeon, Lsq. 2 Charles Shaw Lefevre, Esq. 3 Retford , ATo/fz nghamshire. Charles Craufurd, Esq. 1 Sir WiUiasft Ingilby, Bart. Richmond , Yorkshire. Hon. Charles Lawrence DundasS Hon. Lawrence Dundas. Rippon, Yorkshire. lion. Frederick Robinson George Gipps, Esq. Rochester , Kent. SirTho. Bouldrn Thompson, Bt, John Calcraft, Esq. 1 Romney, Rent. Right Hon. Thomas (Scott) Earl of Clonmell Hon. George Ashbumham. Rutlandshire. Right Hon. John (Henniker Ma¬ jor) Lord Henniker2 Cnarles Noel Noel, Esq. Rye, Sussex. Stephen Rumb. Lushington, Esq. William Jacob, Esq. Rye gate, Surrey. Hon. Edward Charles Cocks 1 James Cocks, Esq. Salop, or Shropshire. John Kynaston Powell, Esq. 6 J ohn Cotes, Esq. 2 Salt ash, Cornwall . Matthew' Russell, Esq. Michael G. Prendergrast, Lsq. 32 u Kent. , , • (ha. CVcii Cope Jen kinson John Spratt Rainier, Esq. So rum, Acte, Wilts. Ki£ht Hon. Wm. PJcydell (Bou- '!; ne ) V iscount Folkestone 3 *V illiatn Hussey, Esq. 10 Sanim, Old, WHO. Hon. NicholasVansittart 3 Jc s:as Dupre Pore her, Esq. 2 Scarborough, Yorkshire. lion. Edmund Phipps 4 Charles Manners Sutton, Esq. 1 t i * Seaford, Sussex. John Lrach, Esq. 2 George Hibbert, Esq. 1 i' . Shaftesbury, Dorsetshire. i d\y. Eovcden Loveden, 1 >q. 6 Right Hon; Thomas Wallace 3 Shorehatn. Sussex . Sir Cha. Men ick Burrell, Bart. 1 i nnothy Shelley, Esq. g ti Salop. Hon. M.iiham Hill 3 Sir Thomas Jones, Bart. Somersetshire. V. illiam Dickinson, Esq. 4 ilio. Buckler Uthbridge, Esq. 3 Southampton, Hampshire. George Henry Rose, Esq 4 Josias Jackson, Esq. Southwark, Surrey. Sir Thomas Turton, Bart. 1 Henry Thornton, Esq. 7 Staffordshire. St Edward Littleton* Bart. 6 Lord Granville Leveson Gower 4 Stafford. Hon. Edward MoncktonT Richard Mansi 11 Phillips, Esq. 1 Stam ford, Lincolnshire. Evan Foidkes, 1 >q. 3 Charles Chaplin, jan. Esq. Step rung, Sussex. James Martin Llojd, Esq. 2 Robert Hurst, Esq'. 2 Stockbiidg <•', Hampshire. Joseph Foster Barham, Esq. 1 George Porter, Esq. 3 Sudbury, Suffolk. Sir John Cox HippLlev, Bart.4 Emanuel Felix Agar, JEsq. Suffolk. x\ r (,la - bury, Bart. 9 Iho. Sherlocke Gooch, Esq. 2 Surrey. Samuel Thornton, Esq. 7 George Holme Sumner, Esq. I it Sussex. Hon. Charles Win. Wyndhaml John E tiller, Esq. 3 Tam worth, Staffordshire. Sir Robert Peel, Bart. 4 » illiam Eoftus, Esq. 3 lav/ ./ ock, Devonshire. Lord William Russell 6 ivJght lion. George Ponsonbv. Jaunt on, Somersetshire. John Hammett, Esq. 3 Alexander Baring, Esq. 1 Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire. Christopher Codrington, K«o 3 Charles llanbury T racy. Esq. i . x@5!f° ra ' Norfolk. Lord William Fitzroy 1 Thomas ( re.evev, ivsq. 2 J'firsk, Yorkshire. William Erankland, Esq. 1 Robert (.Yeenliill, Esq. 1 Jiverton, Devonshire. Wilbam Eitzhugh, Esq. 2 Right Hon. Richard Ryder 4 Tot ness, Devonshire. William Adams, Esq.2 Benjamin Hall, Esq. 1 Tregony, Cornwall. .Tames Oc^llagimi., Ksq. 2 W illiam Gore iangton, Esq. Truro, Cornwall. John Lemon, Esq. 3 Hon. Charles Frederick Powlett Townshend. Walling ford, Berkshire. Richard Benyon, Esq. 2 William Lewis Hughes, Esq. IVareham, Dorsetshire. Hon. John William Ward 2 Sir Samuel Komilly, K, lU u Warwickshire. foi Dugd. Stratford Dugdale, Esq. 2 Sir Charles Mordaunt, Bart. 2 Warwick. a! Right Hon. Henry Richard (Gre- t: ville) Lord Brooke 2 diaries Mills, Fsq. 2 Wells, Somersctshire. «j Clement Tudway, Fsq. 4 Charles WilliamTTa\ lor, Esq. 3 Wendover, Bucks. George Smith, Esq. t Francis Horner, Esq. Wenlock , Shropshire. Cecil Forrester, Esq. 4 Hon. John Bridgeman Simpson4 Weobly, //• refords hire. Lord George Thvnne 4 Right Hon. Charles(Einch) Lord Guernsey. Westbury , Wiltshire. Hon. Henry Lascelles. . F rancis Whittle, Esq. West Loot, Cornwall. James Bailer, Esq. 2 Ralph Alien I)aniell, Esq. 2 Westminster, City of. Right lion. Thomas (Cochrane) Lord Cochrane, K. B. I Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. 3 Westmorland. Right Hon. John (Penningtoif) Lord Muncastor 2 James I.owther, Esq. 8 ft ey mouth and Regis, Dorsetshire. Sir Janies Murray Pultenev,Bt. 6 Gabriel Tucker Steward, Esq. 4 Richard Tucker Steward, Esq. 2 Charles Adams, Esq. 3 Wh itch u rch, IIa mpsh i re. Hon. William Augustus Town- shend3 Hon. William Brodrick 3 Wigan , Lancashire. Robert Holt Leigh, Esq. 3 John Hudson, Esq. 3 WiHon, Wiltshire. Ralph Sheldon, Esq. 2 Hon. Charles Herbert 2 Wiltshire. Henry Penruddockc Wyndhara, Esq. 4 Richard Long, Esq. 1 Winche r, IIamp s b ire. Sir Richard Gamon, Bart. G Henry Carcw St. John Mildmay, Esq. Winchchec, Sussex. Calverlv Bewick, Esq. 1 Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart. 1 Windsor, Berks. Edward Disbrowe, Esq. 1 Ricltard Ramsbottom, Esq. 1 Y\ oodstock, Oxfordshire. Hon. Win. Fred. Elliot Eden 1 Sir Hen. Watk. Dashwood, Bt. 6 IVor cestershire. Hon. Win. Beauchamp LvgonS lion. William Henry Lyttelton l Worcester. Abram Robarts, Esq. 3 William Gordon, l iq. 1 ft of tonsil asset, Wiltshire * John Murrav, Esq. Benjamin Walsh, Esq. Wycombe , Blicking namsh irc. Sir John Dashwood King, Bt. 3 Thomas Baring, Esq. 1 Yarmouth , Gr ot, Norfolk. Hon. Edward Harbord 1 Gillin Wilson, Esq. Yarmouth, Hampshire. Sir John Ordr, Bart. Right Hon. George (Anuesley) Viscount Valencia. 1 or k shirr. William Wilberforce, Esq. 7 Right Hon. Charles Wm.(Went¬ worth Fitzwilliam) Viscount Milton 1 York. SirWm.Mordaunt Milner,Port.4 Sir Mark Masterinan SyKc.^Bt, _ Aberdeen. James Ferguson, Ksq. . Ayr. David Boyle, Ksq. Argy’e. John Douglas Eduard Henry Campb< 11 4 r, Banff. K.ght lion. Sir Win. Grant, Knt. Berwick. George Baillie, jun. Esq. 3 e- t ? ut \ and Caithness. 5ir John Sinrla ; r, Bart. 2 Clackmannan ami Kinross. David Clephane, Esq. 2 Cromart.:. Kobt. Bruce AmcasMacleod, Esq. Dumbarton. Henry Glassford, Ksq. Dumfries. Sir W m. Johnstone ilope, K.M.l Edinburg i. Rt. IJon. Robert Dundas Saun¬ ders 3 Elgin. Francis William Grant, Esq. 1 William We ms ss, Esq. Forfar. Hon. William Ramsay Maule 2 Haddington. Hon. Charles Hope 3 SCOTLAND, 45. COUNTIES. BOROUGHS. Inverness. Charles Grant, Esq. 3 - Kincardine. W 'lliam Adam, Esq. 5 Kirkcudbright , Stewartry of. Hon. Montgomery Granville John Stewart 2 L an ark. Lord Archibald Hamilton 1 Linlithgow. Hon. Alexande r Hope 3 , °/ kne y and Shetland. Malcolm Laing, Esq. Peebles. S;r James Montgomery, Bart. 3 Perth. Lord James Murray. Renfrew. W ill am Macdowall, Esq. 4 Foss. Hugh Innes, Esq. Roxburgh. John Rutherford, Lsq. 2 Solid, k. >V ilham Elliott Lockhart, Iso. 1 „ Stirling. Hon. Charles Elphinstone Fle¬ mings Sutherland. George Mac p hereon Grant, Esq. Wigton. William Maxwell,jun. Esq. 2 I c A£ Z,7 ’ Ar/'hiV.oia _ vu,u, UMU IJ, James Farquhar, Esq. Anstruther (East and West), Crail, Kilrenny, and Pitten- zceem. Right Hon. Sir John Anstruther, Bart. 1 Ayr, Irvine , Inverary, Rothsay, and Campbeltown. Duncan Campbell, Esq. Archibald Colquhoun,*Esq. Dumfries, Sanquhar , Annan, Lochmabtn, and Kirkcudbright. Sir John S. Heron Maxwellffit. . Edinburgh. Sir Eatrick Murray, Bart. 1 Glasgow, Renfnw, Rut her glen, and Dumbarton. Alexander Houston, Esq. 35 Inverness, Fort rose, Nairn , and Forres. Peter Baillte, jun. Esq. Jedburgh, Haddington, Lauder, Dunbar, and North-Berwick. Sir George Warrender, Bart. King horn, Dys art, Kirkcaldy, and Burntisland. Ronald Crauford Fcrgusson, Esq. 1. Perth, Dundee, Forfar, St. An¬ drew's, and Cupar. Sir David Wedderburn, Bart. 2. S.lkirJc, Peebles, Linlithgow, and , Lanark. William Maxwell, Esq. 1 Stirling, Culross, Invcrkeithing, Dunfermline, and Queens- ferry. Alexander Campbell, Esq. Stranraer, Wig ton, Whitchorn, and New Galloway. Lyndon Evelyn, Esq. Tain, Dingwall, Dornoch, Wick, and Kirkwall. William Henry Frcemantle, Esq. IRELAND, 100. COUNTIl^. Antrim. Edmond Alex.M‘Naghtm. Esq.3 Hon. John Rich. Bruce O Neill 2 Armagh. William Brownlow, Esq. William Richardson, Esq. Catherlogh. David Latouche, Esq. 2 Walter Bagenal, Esq. 2 Cavan. Nathaniel Sneyd, Esq. 3 John Maxwell Barry, Esq. I Cla e. Sir Edward O'Brien, Bart. 2 Augustine Fitzgerald, Esq. CorA*. Right Hon. James (Bernard)Vis- count Bernard 1 Hon. George Ponsonby 1 Donnegal. Sir James Stewart, Bart. 2 Sir Henry Conyngham Montgo¬ mery, Bart. Down. Hon. John Meade 1 Francis Savage, Esq. 3 Dublin. Hans Hamilton, Esq. 3 Richard VVogan Talbott, Esq. Fermanagh. Hon. George Lowry Cole 2 Mervin Archdall, jun. Esq. 3 Galway. Richard Martin, Esq. 3 Rigut lion. Denis Bowes Daly 2 Kerry. Right lion. Maurice Fitzgerald 2 Henry Arthur .ferbert, Esq. 1 Kl'dare. I.ord Robt. Henry Fitzgerald 2 Robert Latouche, Ivq. J Kilkenny. lion. James Butler 2 Hon.Fred.Cavendish Ponsonby 1 King's. Thomas Bernard, Esq. 2 Hardress Lloyd, Esq. Leitrim. Henry John Clements, Esq. 2 John Latouche, Esq. Limerick. William Odell, Esq. 1 lion. Wind bam Henry Quin 1 I.ondonderry. Lord George Thomas Beres- ford 2 Hon. Charles "William Stewart 2 Longford. Sir Thomas Featherstone, Bart. 3 Rt. Hon. George John (Forbes) Viscount Forbes 1 Louth. Right Hon. John Foster 3 36 . Mayo. R'S'd Hon. Denis Browne iion. Henry Augustus Dillon 3 Meath. Sir Marcus Somerville, Bart. 3 Thomas Bligh, lsq. 2 Monaghan. Charles Powell Leslie, Fsq. 3 Tho. Charles Stewart Corr , Esq. Queen's. Hon. William Wellesley Pole 3 Henry Parnell, Esq. 2 Roscommon. Arthur French, 1 .sq. 3 Hon. Stephen Mahon 1 Sligo. Charles O'Hara, Lsq. 2 Edward Sing Cooper, Esq. 1 Tipperary. Hon. Montagu Mathew 1 Hon. Francis Aldboro Prittie 1 Tyrone. James Stewart, Esq. 3 lion. Thomas Knox 2 IVa ter ford. John Claudius Beresford, Esq. Richard Power, Esq. 2 Westmeath. Gustavus Rochf'ort, Esq. lion. Hercules Robt. Pakenham. vy ex ford. Abel Ram, Esq.' 1 William Congreve Alcock, Esq. Wicklow. M illiam Hoare Hume, Esq. William Tighe, Esq. 2 BOROUGHS AND UNIVERSITY. Armagh. Right Hon. Patrick Duigcnan, D. C. 1.3 ’ Atitlone, Westmeath. John Frew in Turner, 1 sq. Ban don-Bridge, Cork. Right lion, (ieorge Tierney. B cl fast, A ntrim. Edw ard May, I.sq. 3 Carrickfergus, Antrim. James Craig, Esq. Cashel. iipperarv. Robert Peele, Esq. Catherlogh. Andrew' Strahan, Esq. 3 Clonmel! , Tipprrari/. William Bagwell, Esq. 2 Coleraine, Londonderry. John Poo Beresford, Esq. Cork. Mountifort Longfield, Esq. 3 Hon. Chris. HeU Hutchinson 3 Downpatrick, Down. John Wilson Crokcr, Esq. Drogheda , Louth. Hon. Thomas Henry Foster Dublin, City of. Right Hon. Henry Grattan 2 Robert Shaw, Fsq. 2 Dublin, University of. John Leslie Foster, Fsq. Dundalk, Louth. Thomas Hughan, l sq. Dungannon, Tyrone. Claude Scott, Esq. Dungarvan, Waterford. Hon. George AValpole. Ennis, Clare. William E'it/gerald, l sq. Enn is ki lien, Term an agh. Charles Pochin, Esq. Galway. James Daly, l' S q. 2 Kilkenny. Hon. Charles Harward Butler 2 Kinsah, Cork. Henry Martin, Fsq. 2 i J i meric k- Charles Vereker, Esq. I Tisbumc, Antrim. R'ght Hon. Francis (Seymour) Earl of \ srmouth 2 / Londonderry. Sir Geo. Fitzgerald Hill. Bart. 3 Mullou:, Cork. Denham Jcphson, F S q. 2 AWy, Down. Hon. Francis Needham 1 \ 31 fiortaclington, Queen's County. Jlon. Wiliiam Lamb. Ross ( \nc), Wexford. William Wigram, Esq. Sligo. George Canning, I sq. Tralee, Kerry. James Stephen, Esq. Ct.tlRKS AND OFFICERS OF Clerk of the House , John ilat- sell, l’sq. Deputy, John Ley, J>o. Clerk Assistant, Jeremiah Dy¬ son, Esq. Second di. John Henry Ley, F?q. Clerk of the Committees of Pri¬ vileges and Elections , George White, Ksq. Clerk of the Fees , John Doring- ton, Fsq. Clerks attt tiding Committee , Ed¬ ward Straccy, John Henson, Arthur Henson, Henry Colts, Esqrs. Waterford. Right lion. Sir John Newport, Hart. Wexford. Richard Neville, Esq. Youghull, Cork . Sir John Keane, Hart. TUB HOUSE OF COMMONS. Clerk of the Journals and Papers , George Whitt am, Esq. Clerks of Engro ; - merits, Edward Stracey, Fsq. Mr. David Jones. Printers of the Journals , §c. Luke Hansard and Sons. Sergeant at Anns, Francis John Column, Esq. Deputy , John Clementson, Esq. Chaplain , Rev. Charles Proby. Secretary to the Speaker , John Rickman, Esq. Trainbeurcr , Mr. Rowland. Printers of the Yotes , John Ni¬ chols and Son. THE KING'S MOST HON. PRIVY COUNCIL. Lord President, Earl C'amdfn. Privy Seal , Earl of Westmoreland. Prince of Wales Duke of York Duke of Clarence Duke of Kent Duke of Cumberland Duke of Sussex Duke of Cambridge Duke of Gloucester Arrhb. of Canterbury Lord Chancellor Archbishop of York Archbwh. of Armagh Duke of Norfolk Duke of Richmond Duke of Grafton Duke of Red ford Duke of Marlborough Duke df Athol Duke of Montrose Marq. oj Buckingham Marquis of Lansaown Marquis of Stafiord Ware?. ofTownshend Marquis of Salisbury Marquis of Hertford Marquis of Bute Marquis Wellesley Marquis of Douglas h arl of Aylesford Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Derby Earl of' Pembroke Earl of Winchelsea l'arl of Chesterfield Earl of Sandw ich Earl of Carlisle Earl of Elgin Earl of Tankerville Earl of Macclesfield Earl of Ashburnham Earl of Harrington Earl of Buckingham¬ shire Earl Fitzwilliam Earl of Hardwicke Earl Spencer Earl of Chatham l ari Bathurst Earl of Aylesbury Earl Grosvenor Ear! of Mount-Edg- coinbe 'Far! of Carnarvon Earl of Cholmondeley [Earl of Liverpool Fail of Lauderdale i Earl of St, Vincent Earl of Malmesbury Earl of Moira Earl of Courlonn Earl of Carvsfort Earl of Donofighmore Earl of.Onslow J^arl of Chichester Earl of Clancarty Earl of Powis Earl Grey Earl Temple Earl of Harrow bv Lord C. 11. Somerset Lord Charles Spencer Lord Robert Spencer Lord Fred. Campbell Viscount Strangford Viscount Howe Viscount Calwav Viscount Palmerston Viscount Melville Viscount Sidmoutli Viscount Catheart Viscount Morpeth Lord Ossulston Viscount Stopford Viscount Castlereagli > isrount W r cllington Lord G. L. Gower Lord J. Townghend Lord George Thy line Lord John Thynne Bishop of London Lord St.John Lord Holland Lord Walsingham Lord Carteret Lord Grenville 38 Lord Auckland Lord Mulgrave Lord Bayning Lord ( Jastonbary Lord Min to Lord St* Helens Lord Henley Lord Tej «n mouth Lord Whitworth Lord Glenbervie Lord Rodesdale Lord Lllenborough Lord Arden Lord Sheffield Lord Barham Lord Erskine Lord Manners Charles Abbott Sir George Vonge, Bt. Hon. R. Fitzpatrick John Foster Hon. J. C. Villiers Thomas Steele Sir A. Macdonald, Kt. William Windham Sir Joseph Banks, Bt. Hon. John Trevor Sir Wm. Scott, Knt. Hon. T. Grenville Isaac CoiTy George Canning W illiam Dundas Hon. C. P. Yorke Sir Wm. Grant, Knt. Thomas W allace Charles Bathurst William W ickham George Rose Charles Long Sir John Boriase War¬ ren, Bart. John Smyth John Hiley Adding- George Tierney ilon. T. Maitland Nathaniel Bond Hon. Sir A. Paget Sir Evan Nepean, Bt. Sir James Mansfield, Knt. Sir Wm. Drummond, K. C. Sir C. Arbmhnot, K.C, J ohn Hook ham Frere Nicholas Vansittart R. Pole Carew' John Sullivan R. B. Sheridan William Elliott George Ponsonby Sir John New port, Bt. Sir Jn. Anstruther,Bt. SirJa. M.Pulteney,Bt. Hon. Spen. Perceval Hon. Robert Dundas Saunders Hon. H. Pierrepont h ran. James Jackson Hon. Richard Ryder. Sir John Nicholi;Knt. SirDav. Dundas, K. B* Hon. Wm. Wellesley l JCha. Manners Sutton 'Hon. Hen. Wellesley. -— wen. Wellesley. Clerks of the Council in ordinary , Hon. Robert W ? alnnlc Sir C4 An t, - Cottrel., Knt. Sir George CiTetwynd, &£WIffi2£ Keeper of the Council Records, Sir Stephen Cottrell, Knt. JOINT GREAT CHAMBERLAIN OF ENGLAND 39 THE KING'S MINISTERS. Lord Chancellor , Lord Eldon. Lord Privy Scaly Earl of Westmoreland. President of the Councity Earl Camden. First Lord of thr Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer , Right lion. Spencer Perceval. Secretary if State forth Home Department , Rt. Hon.Richard Ryder. Ditto for the Foreign Department , Marquis Wellesley. Ditto for the Colonial and War Department, Earl of Liverpool. First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Mulgrave. Master-General of the Ordnance , Earl of Chatham. President of the Board of Tradey Earl Bathurst. President of the Board of Controuly Rt. Hon. Rt. Dundas Saunders. The above form the Cabinet, Lord Chamberlaiiiy Karl of Dartmouth. Lord Steward, Earl of Aylesford. Master of the Horsey Duke of Montrose. Treasurer of the Navy, Right Hon. George Rose. Secretary at War, Lord Viscount Palmerston. Paymasters of the Forcesy Right Hon. Charles Long and Lord Charles Henry Somerset. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. Attomey-Generaly Sir Vieary Gibbs, Knt. Solicitor-General , Sir Thomas Plumer, Knt. Fostmasters-Generaly Earl of Sandwich and Earl of Chichester. J.ieutenant-General of the Ordnance , Sir Thomas Trigge, Bart. Master of the Minty night Hon. Charles Bathurst. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Duke of Richmond. Lord Chancellor, Lord Manners. Secretary of Stat<\ Right Hon. William Wellesley Pole. OFFICERS OF THE KING’S HOUSEHOLD. Lord Ch am her lain, Earl of Dart¬ mouth, 1200/. Vice-Chamberlain, Lord John Thynne, 1159/. 8*. 4 d. Secretary , John Calvert, Eso. Groom of the Stole, Earl of Win- chelsea, 2000/. Lords of the Bedchamber, Lord Willoughby de Broke, Earl of Onslow,Lord Boston,Viscount Wentworth, Earl Pouictt, Ld. S% Helens, Lord Somerville, Viscount Sydney, Lord Am¬ herst, Lord Rivers, Lord Ar- clen, Lord Charles Spencer, 1000/. each. Grooms of the Bedchamber, Ge¬ neral Sir George Osborn, Bf. Sir Philip Hales, Bart.Gcneral Hon.William Gordon, Charles Herbert, Esq. lion. Geo. Vil- liers,Hon. Robt.FnlkGreville, Sir llarrv B. Neale, Bf. Capt. Hon. Arthur Kay eLegge, Lieut. Gen. Hon. Ed ward Finch,Hon. Henry Verney, lion. E. Capel, Brig. Gen. Archibald Camp¬ bell, Hon. Frederick West, 500/. each. Lord Steward o f the Household , Earl of Aylesford, 1460'. Treasurer , Lord Ossulston, 1200'. Comptroller, Viscount Stanford, 1200 /. V Paymaster to the Household, George Talbot, Esq. 5001 . Master of the Household , * 500/. 7f ^ ///- A/,(7 /*s7i a/, Si r James B1 an d Burges, Bart. 500/. Master of the. Robes, Hon. Ilenrv Scdley, 800/. Captain of the Yeomen of the (iuard , Earl of Macclesfield, 1000 /. Lieutenant, Edmund Phelps Esq. 50 01. Ensign, Augustus Atkins, Esq. 300/. H Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, I'arl of Mount- Edgecombe, 1000/. Lieutenant , Philip Lake God- sal 1, Esq. 500/. Standard-Bearer, Edward Daw¬ son, Esq. 310/. Master of the Horse, Duke of Montrose, 1266/. 13#. 4 d. Clerk Martial and First F.querry, Lieut. Gen. Robert Manners, 500/. * Equerries, Lieut. Gen. Francis E. Gwynn, Lieut. Gen. T. Garth, Major-Gen. Wm. Cartwright, 300/. each. 6 ’ Master of the Slag-Hound*, Mar¬ quis Cornwallis, 2000/. Grand Falconer, Duke of St. Al¬ bans, 1200/. Master of the Ceremonies, Sir Ste¬ phen Cottrell, Knt. :A)0/. Assistant, Robert Chester, Esq. Master of the Band of Musir, Sir William Parsons, Knt. 30D/. Poct-Laureat, HenryJames Pve, Esq. 100/. Lord High Almoner, Most Rev. the Archbisuop of York. Hercdit, Grand Almoner, Mar¬ quis of l xetcr. Dean oj ltie Chapel Roual, Bishop of London, 2(XK Black Rod ,*ir E. Molvneux, Bt. Phusit tans in Ordinary, Sir 1 meas Pepvs, Bart. Sir Eraneis Mil- man, Bart. Dr. Henry Revel! Reynolds, Dr. Wm. Heber- den, each 300'. Physicians Extraordinary, I)r. Janies Carmichael Smith, Sir Henry Halford, Bt. Dr. Sam. Foart Simmons, Dr.Edw. Ash. Physician to the Household, Sir E'rancis Milman, Bart. 200'. Surgeon to the Household, James Penrose, Fsqj 280/. Apothecary to the Household, E. Holdieh, Esq. 160/. Apothecaries to the Person , Eve- rard Aug. Brande, Esq. 320'. Robert Battiscomb, I so. 160/. Printers to his Majesty , Charles Lyre, Andrew Strahan, and Joun Reeves, Esqrs. RANGERS, KEEPERS, See. Lord Warden and Lieutenant of Windsor - Forest and Great Park , Duke of York. Deputy Lieut, and Banger, Earl Harcourt. Out-Ranger, Viscount Cranley. Windsor Little Park , Sir Fran¬ ce Molyneux, Barf. Bagshot Park and Walk, Duke ot Gloucester. ISi eic-Tjodge-H alk, Princess So¬ phia of Gloucester. Windsor Home-Park , General Hie hard Grenville, 690/. Hampton-Cou rt Park , Duke of Kent. Cranbourne-Chace, Hon. George Villiers. • St. James's and Hyde Parks, Vis¬ count Sydney. Deputy, Lord William Gordon. It ich m ond- Park, * Deputy , Countess of Mansfield. New Forest, Duke of York. Sherwood-Forest, * Greenwich Palace and Park , Princess of Wales. Epping-Forest, Samuel Bosan- quet, Ksq. Bushy-Park , Duke of Clarence. Salcey-Forest, Viscount Ipswich. Snowden-Forest, Lari of Ux¬ bridge. 11 'ichwood-Forest, Oxfordshire, Duke of Marlborough. St. Briaval's Castle, in the Forest of Dean, Lari of Berkeley. Carnarvon-Castle , Win. Middle- ton, Lsq. Taunton-CastUfJ. Hammett, Lsq. Whittlebury- Forest, Duke of Grafton. Rockingham-Forest, Earlof Up¬ per Ossory. Steward oj Bromsulon-Yale Ma¬ nor, Sir Watkins Win. Wynne; Bart. Constable of Gloucestsr-Castle, Nicholas H>ett, Lsq. Ranger of Richmond-Forest and Constable of Middleham-CustL', Yorkshire, Duke of Leeds. Surveyor-General of the King's Woods, Oaks, Forests, and C/iaces, Lord Glenbervie, 3000'. Master of Gum?, Duke of Graf- t6n. Chief Justice In Eyr : North of the Trent. Pig.d Hon. John Charles Villiers, 2450/. Ditto South of the Print, Right Hon. Thomas Grenville, Tib 61. 13$. Ad. Secretary in Eyre and Keeper of the Seat, John Hanson, Lsq. Surveyor-General of the King's Land Revenue , * 200 1 ) 1 . Deputy, James Pillar, 659'. Registrar of Land Revenue, Jas. King, Ksq. 4 301. OUEEN’s HOUSEHOLD. Lord Chamberlain, Earl of Mor¬ ton, 1200/.* Vice-Chamberlain, Edward Dis- browc, Lsq. 500'. Mistress of the Robes, Marchio¬ ness of Bath, 500.'. Indies of the R ed-C h amber,C oun- tess of Pembroke, Countess Harcourt, Viscountess Sydney, Countess of Harrington, Couh* tess of Macclesfield, Countess of Chesterfield, 500/. each. Maids of Honour, .Miss Caroline Vernon, Miss Augusta Brude- nell. Miss Seymour Coleman, Miss Barbara Chester, Miss D Dashwood, Miss L.Wrottesley, Miss L. Courtney, 3001. each. Bed-Chamber Wo nun, Mrs. .So¬ phia f ielding, Hon. Mrs. A. M. Lgerton, LadyKadstock, Hon. Mrs.Courtenay A. Boyle, 3001. each. Keepers of the Robes, Mrs. Char¬ lotte Bcckedorlf, Miss S. Bec- kedorif. Physicians, * 200/. each. P/iysician Extraordinary , Wm. lloberden, M. D. Surgeon , Thomas Keate, Esq. 150/. Surgeons Extraordinary , Robert Jveatc, Andrew Mathias,Tsars. . 100/. each. Apothecary, Aug.F.EraRde,Fsq. j Ditto to ti c Household^ GriifcUi j done;', Esq. Treasurer, Earl of Aylesburv, ! 500'. Seer l ary and Cowptroller, Earl of E fling ham, 500'. Attorney-Genera', George Har- di ngc, Esq. 250.'. Solicit Oi-General, Richard Rich¬ ards, Esq. 180'. Master of the Horse , Earl Jlar- court, 80 01. Equerries, li. Brudcnell, Esq. Hon. Edward Stopford, Hoc. A. Upton, 220h each. Ladies of the Bed-Chamber to the e'der Princesses, Marchioness of Ely, 1 ady A. C. Mur¬ ray. Ditto to the younger Princesses , Ladies Albinia Cumberland and Isabella Thjnnc. PRINCE OF WALES'S HOUSEHOLD. Comptroller-General and Audi¬ tor-Genera \ * Treasurer and Receiver-General, General Samuel Hedge. Tics-Chamberlain, C. Nassau Thomas, Esq. Gentleman Attendant , Lieut.Col. Benjamin Blomfidd. Privy Purse, John MLMahon, Esq. Vice- Treasurer andCommissioner . of Accounts, Robt. Gr.iv, Esq. Keeper of the Pi ivy Sra f , private I Secretary, and Secretary Ex- traoidinary, J. M*Mahon, Esq. I Chaplain to the Household and librarian. Rev. James Stanier Clarke. Physicians, Dr. R. Halifav, Sir Walter Earquhar, Bart. M. U. Dr. Gilbert Blane. Physician to the. /leasehold. Dr. Gilbert Blane. Surgrvn, Thomas Keate, Fsq. Surgeon to the Household, John Phillips, Esq. Apothecary, Mr. R. Walker. Equ'rrie *,'General Turner and Baron Ebon. PRINCESS OF W A Vice-Chamberlain , Anthony St. L'-ger, Esq. Mi stress oft/, c Robes, Lady Glcn- ’ be7 vie. ladies of the Bed-Chamber, Count* ss of Carnarvon, Lad} LES's HOUSEHOLD. Charlotte Lindsay, Lady Char¬ lotte Campbell. Privy-Purst, Miss Harman. Btd-Chamber Women,' lion. Mrs. Lisle, Miss Garth. Pkj/ai. ian, Dr. M. Underw ood. PRINCESS CHARLOTTE’S ESTABLISHMENT. Governed', Dowager Lady Dc j Sub - Preceptor and Chaplain, Cf-flbrd. Rev. C. F. Nott. Sub-Govecnes', Mrr. Udnev. I Comptroller and Paymaster, Preceptor, Bishop of Salisbury. I Henry Norton Willi?, Esq. 43 OFFICBRS OF THE DUCHY OF CORNWALL. Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal, Wm. Adam, Esq. f 'ice-A dmir a!,ThomasTy rwhitt, Esq. Lord Warden of the Stannaries an l St ward of the Duchy in Devon and Cornwall, Thomas Ty rwhitt, Esq. Vice •Warden, Cornwall, John Thomas, Esq. Vice-Warden, Devon, Warwick Hele Tonkin, Esq. Surveyor-General, Benj. Tucker, Esq. D puty Surveyor-General, Robt. Gray, Esq. Auditor and Secretary , J. M‘Ma- hon, Esq. Deputy Auditors, Robert Gray, Robert Abbot, Esqrs. Engrosser to the Privy Seal, Charles Bicknell, Esq. Receiver - General, Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Deputy Receiv ’r-G&n ral, Chas. Carpenter, Esq. Hnvtnor of the Duchy Ports in Cornwall and Devon, Cuke ot Grafton. Constable of Lamiceston-Castle, Duke of Northumberland. Attorney-General, William Gar- row, Esq. Solicitor-Gen. Jos. Jekyll, Esq. The Prince of Wales's Counci f , William Adam, Esq. Duke ot Northumberland, Earl of Sr# Vincent, Earl of Moira, Lord Keith, Lord Hutchinson, Thos. Tyrwhitt, Esq. General Sam. Hulse, John hf*Mahon, Esq. lit. lion. R.B. Sheridan,Lieut. Col. Benj. Blomfield, Benj. Tucker, Michael Angelo Tay¬ lor, John Nesbit, Wm. Gar- row, Joseph Jekyll, Esqrs. Clerks of tae Council, Richard Gray, Robert Gray, Esqrs. DUKE AND DUCHESS OF YORK’S HOUSEHOLD. Comptroller and Master of the Household , General Richard Grenville. Treasurer and Secretary, * Grooms of the Bed - Chamber, Lieut. Gen. Wm. Morshead, H. Bunbury, Esq. Captain C. Craufbrd, Thomas Stepney, Esq. Ladies of the Bed-Chamber to the Duchess, lit. lion. Lady Anne CuJling Smith, Rt. Hon. Lady Eliz. Spencer. Equerries, Lieut. Gen. Sir Charles Asgill, Bart. Brig. Gen. Wm. Wynyard. Secretary for Foreign AJfairs, Major-Gen. De Bude. Physician to the Household, Dr. George Pearson. Surgeon, Thomas Keate, F.sq. Apothecary, E. A. Brando, L*q. DUKE OF CLARENCE’S HOUSEHOLD. Treasurer and Comptroller, Lord Keith. S ub- Treasurer,J ohn Barton, Esq. Grooms of the Bed-Chamber, Vice-Ad. Sir John B. W arren, Bart. Admiral Sir Cha. Morice 1)5 Pole, Bt. W\ Dalrymple, Fsq. Equerries, Hon. John Rodney, John Byde, Esq. Physician , Dr. Gilbert Blane. Surgeon, F. Knight, Esq. Apothecary, Mr. i'egaru 44 DUKE OF KENT’S HOUSEHOLD. Comptroller, * Grooms , Colonc 1 John Agmond ; Lieut. Col.Geo.Stracoy Smith, Lieut.Col. J. Willough¬ by Gordon. Equerries, Brig. Gm. Frederick Augustus Wetherall, Colonel George Anson, Lieut. Col. Fre¬ derick Hard} man. Treasurer, John Barton, Esq. Secretary, Cant. Thos. Dodd. Physicians, Dr. Mervin Nooth, Dr. James Haworth. Surgeons,' Robert Keate, Fsq. Mr. P. Travel*;, Mr. J. Doratt. DUKE OF CUMBERLAND'S HOUSEHOLD C omptroller, Lieut Gen. Richard V jse. Grooms of the Bed-Chamber, Major-Gen.AAVhetham, Lieut. Gen. H. Wynyard, Capt. Ste¬ phenson. Equerries , Hon. Lieut. Col. W. Cclyear, W. Tvndale, Esq. Brig. Gen. John Slade, —- Thornton, Esq. Physician*, Dr. C. M. Pember- ton, Dr. Wm. Domeier, Surgeons, Messrs. Joburns and Broderip. DUKE OF SUSSE Treasurer and Comptroller, Lord Graves. re j', C. Powell, Esq. Grooms of the Bed-Chamber, Hon. Captain George Hope, . iiear-Adm. SirTho. William^ Knf. Lieut. Colonel Sir John Douglas, Knt. —— Ogg, . Eiq. X's HOUSEHOLD. Equerries, Lieut. Col. Walker, J. G. Guthrie, Esq. Major S. rreelb, J. Swartz, Esq. Physicians, Dr. Edward Fryer, Dr. Robert Wright, Dr. Wm. Damper, Dr. Arthur Brooke Faulkner,Dr.- Herdman. John Doratt and John Phillips, Esq. DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE'S HOUSEHOLD Uu£ kX - CriCl “ 0D> I S r*r' S “’ ph - Woolricbr, Esq. .■ 1 U I Apothecary, Ci. A. Braude, Esq. UU KE OF GLOUCESTER'S HOUSEHOLD. E r n iV'. Ca P f - Edmund Cur- rey Ma,or Samuel (;. Hi ee ins, », P*: kcaJmgJamcsBwid ford. 1 *V«cr«M, Sir Henry Halford, Bt. M. D Dr. Jos. Brandreth. Surgeon , Win. Ferguwon, Esq. Grooms of the Bed-Chamber, Lieut. Col. Thomas G. Ebring- ton, Thomas Dalton, Esq. Ma¬ jor Ralph Hamilton, Capt. Sir Home Popham, K. M. Lieut. Colonel Alex. John Goldie. HERALDS COLLEGE, 1340. Earl Marshal, Duke of Norfolk. Kngs of Anns, Garter Principal , Sir Isaac Heard, Knt. Clurmccux , George Harrison, Esq. Norroy, Ralph Digland, Esq. Six Hsralds. Windsor , Fran. Townsend, Esq. Chester, G. Martin Leake, Esq. Lancaster , Edmund Lodge, Esq. Somerset, John Atkinson, Esq. Pork, George Nayler, Esq. Richmond,'Jo s. Hawker, Esq. Pour Pursu-v Portcullis , J. Dodington Forth, Gent. Rouge. Dragon, James Cathrow, Gent. Ji'ue Mantle, Fra. Martin, Gent. Rouge Croix m.Raddyile, Gt. it siArar , T. Powell Symouds, Esq. Deputy, Ralph Bigland, Esq. KNIGHTS OF TIIE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER. In stituted J an. 19, 1350. THE SO?EREl(IS. Prince of Wales Marquis of Backing- Duke of York ham Duke of Clarence Duke of Northum- I)uke of Kent b*‘rland D. of Cumberland Earl of Chatham Duke of Sussex Marquis of Salisbury Duke of Cambridge Earl of Westmore- Prince of Hesse Umi Duke of Gloucester Earl of Carlisle j). of Marlborough Duke of Buccleugh Duke of Grafton Earl Spencer D. of Devonshire Earl Camden Prelate of the Order , Bishop of Winchester. Chancellor, Bishop ot Salisbury. Registrar, Dean of Windsor. Garter Principal King of Arms, Sir Isaac Heard, Knt. Usher of the Slack Rod, Sir Francis Molyneux, Bart. Motto, Honi scit qui mal y pens :.— Ribbon, illue. Duke of Rutland l ari of Hardwieke Duke of Beaufort Marq. of Abercorn Earl of Pembroke Lari of Winckelsea Earl of ChestertbiJ i arl of Dartmouth Marquis of StafforJ Marquis of Hertford Earl of Lonsdale. KNIGIITS OF THE.MOST HONOURABLE ORDER OF THE BATH. Instituted 1591), revived 17*5. TIIE sor l re ias. Grand Master, Duke, cf York. Sir Robt. Gunning, Bt. V iscount Galw ay JRight Hon. Sir Mm. Lord De Bluquiere Viscount Howe ) arl of Malmesbury Lari of St. Vincent Right Hon. SifCeorg* Yonge, Bart. Viscount Bridport Lord llenb v 03 Meadows S?f Rob. Abercrombie Lord Whitworth Lord Keith Kisrht Hon. Sir John Horlase'Warren, Bt. Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks •^ir Alured Clarke SirJamesHenry Craig Sir John Colpbys Sir Henry Hervey Sir Thomas Graves Lord Hutchinson Sir Thomas Trigge Sir J. T. Duckworth Sir James Saumarez. Bart. 46 Sir Eyre Conte Sir J. Fran. Craddock Sir David Dundas Right Hon. Sir Arthur Paget Viscount Wellington Hon.Sir George James Ludlow Sir Samuel Hood Karl of Norfhcsk Sir Richard James Strachan, Bart. Hon. Sir Alc.v. Forr. Sir John Stuart 'ir Philip Francis SirGeorgellilaro Bar- low, Bart. Viscount Strangford Sir Richard Goodwin Keats Sir George Beckwith Sir David Baird Hon. Sir John Hope Sir Brent Spencer Lord Cochrane Sir John Cope Sher¬ brooke. Cochrane 'oemaL 1*/V. mia '." Vi , ncfnt > of Westminster. uenealogt A a ' , ! Blanc Coursmtr Herald, George Navler I so Until King of Arms, John Palmer CuJIiim Es^u q * (' n ^ e S l ^trar and Secretary. John Charles Herrins Eso OcnlUman Usher oft!,, Black Bod, and Brunswick Herald^ Isaac Heard, Knt. Motto, Triajuncta in uno. — IlinnoN, Red. PRIVY SEAL OFFICE Earl of VVcs( -1 Ja r, Ma r dan - Clnkr, KicbardGrenville, Jacob | eaA y ’ ^ SECRETARY OF S er -f° r the Home Department, Right lion. Rich. Ryder,6000/. Under-Secretaries, John Beckef .Nicholas William Ridley Col- bome, Esqrs. 1500'. each. Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Marquis Wellesley, b000/. Under-Secretaries , Charles Cul¬ ling Smith, William Hamil¬ ton, Esqrs. 1500/. each. Sec. for the Colonial and WarDc- jpart. Earl of Liverpool, 6* interpreter of Oriental Lan- guage? y * 47 TREASURE Commissioners for executing the Office of Treasurer, Rt. Hon. Spen.Perceval, 4000.'. Rt.Hon. J n. Foster, H on. \V m. 15 rod rick, Hon.Wm. Elliott, Rt. lion. Jn. Otway, Earl of Desavt, Snow¬ den Barne, Esq. 1600/. each. Joint Secretaries, Rich. Wharton, RECEIPT OF Chancellor , Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, 1800/. Auditor, Lord Grenville, 4000/. Clerk of the Pells, Hon. Henrv Addington, 6840/. for himself and Clerks. Tellers, Marquis of Buckingham, Earl Camden, Earl Bathurst, Hon. Wm. Fred. Elliott Eden. Chamberlains of the. Tally Court , lion. Frederick .North, Monta¬ gue Burgoyne, Esq. Commissioners for Auditing Pub¬ lic. Accounts , Mr. Strgcant Praed (Chairman), Sir Charles -OFFICE. Esq. * 3229/. 17*. each. Law Clerk and Assistant Secre¬ tary, George Harrison, Esq. Solicitor, Henrv Charles Litch¬ field, Esq. 2000/. Keeper of the. Papers, Wm. Ste¬ venson, Lsq. 100/. EXCTIF.QUFR. W. Rouse Houghton, Bart. Fr. Perceval Elliott, Rich. Daw¬ kins, Charles Moore, J ohn Sar¬ gent, John Anstey, John Wiii- shaw, Philip Dearc, Esqrs. Secretary, John L. Mallet, Esq. Chief Inspectors of Accounts, Bernard Cobb, George Harris, Richard Whitcomb, Esqrs. Commissioners ofTaxes,\\ illiam Lowndes, Barne Barne, Edw. Medows, Henry Hodgson,Tho. D. Lamb, Esqrs. b00!. each. Secretary, Matthew Winter, Esq. CUST Commissioners , Richard Frewin, William Roc,Esqrs. Sir Alex. Munro, Knt. Francis F. Lut- trell, John Buller, Gloucester M ilson, Jas. Hume, Jn. Mil* liams, Jas. W illis, Esqrs. 1000/. Secretary , H. Richmond, Esq. 700'. Collector Inwards and Outwards , Duke of Manchester. Comptroller Inwards and Out¬ wards, Karl of Guildford. Receiver - General, Augustus Pec hell. Esq. 1000/. Supervisor of the Receiver-Gene- OM S. rat's Receipts and Payment h, C. H. Greville, Esq. Solicitors , John Vivian, Thomas Wm. Carr, Esqrs. Commissioners for Appeals, Rt. Hitkes, John Touciiet, Rich. Bevan, John W. Bramston, Faruley Wilmot, Lsqr*. Comm Gilbert N. Neyle, Esq. (Chairman,) J. Bindley, W. R. Spencer, VV. Lake, i. Much Hatton, Henry llallam, Ilenry liouverie, Lsqrs. 800/. each. Secretary , C. Fdtvards Bercs- ford, Esq. 300'. STAMP-OFFICE. tfer. Get?. Jos. Smith, Fsq. 200 f . Comptru’Ur , Patrick Brydune. Esq. 400/. Tellers of Stamps, Messrs. T. C. Hudson and C. G. Piaster 100'. eacli. Registrar oj Warrants, Mr. John Cox, 110/. Postmasters - G ru ral, Earl of Sandtvich and Fail of Chi¬ chester, 500 01. each. Secretary and Resident Surveyor, Francis I reeling, ] sq. H00/. Receiver-General , Thomas Mort- iock, Esq. 800/. Accountant-General, John Spen¬ cer, Esq. 700/. Sinv yor and Superintendent of Mail-Coaches, T. Ilasker, Fsq. 700/. 1 Superintending Pr id nt of the Inland J.ttt r- Office, Daniel Stow, I sq. ‘>001. Accountant for Rye and Cross POST-OFFJCF. Road Letters, John Brown, Esq. 290/. Comptroller of the Foreign Let - l r Office, Arthur Stanhope, Fsq. 700/. v Comptroller of the Twopenny Pud-Office, Edtv. Johnson, Fsq. Accountant, Ci»a. Freeman, Fsq. Collector, JohnW’. Ferguson, Fsq. Superintendent of the Ship Letter Office, VV. Bulien, Fsq. Inspector of Packets, John B. Bennett, Fsq. Agent for the Packet-Beats ct Falmouth, Benjamin Pender, Esq. 400/. First I.ord Commissioner , Lord Mulgravc, 3000/. Lord v Commissioners, Sir Rich. Bickerfon, Bart. Robt.Ward, Jan. Buller, William Domett, Kobt. Moorsom, Esqrs. Vise. Lott ther, 1000/. each. A I)M1R AI ,T V-OF FI C F. H/ Secretary , John Wilson Cro- ker, Lsq. 400J/. 2J Sec. John Barrow, Fsq. 2099/. Secretary to the First Lord, Capt. Edward O’Bryrr., 300/. Paymaster oj the Royal Marines, lion. George Villiers. 40 ADMIRALTY-COURT. Judg* of the Admiralty, Sir \Y iliiam Scott, Ivnt. 2500/. King's Advocate - General, Sir Christopher Robertson, Knt. Admiralty do. Win. Battine, Esq. Counsel to the Admiralty and Navy, Thomas Jervis, Esq. Solicitor to the Admiralty and Navy , Charles Bickncll, Esq. NAVY PA Treasurer of the Navy, Rt. Hon. George Rose, 4000'. Paymaster,John Smith,Esq.BOOL Deputy,John Swaffield, Esq. 600/. Cashier of the Navy for paying Bills, W. Cresswell, Esq. 660/. NAVY Comptroller, Si rThomas Boulden Thompson, Bart. 1500/. Deputy, Sir Francis John Hart¬ well, Bart. 1000/. Surveyors, Sir Wm. Rule, Knt. Henry Peake, Esq. Commissioners, Samuel Gam bier, Esq. Hon. Henry Eegge, Hon. Edward Bouverie, John Deas Thompson, Thomas Hamilton, R. O. Middleton, Isaac Schom- berg, l.sqfs. 1000/. each. King's Proctor , N. Bishop, Esq. Admiralty do. G. Goatling, Esq. Registrar, Lord Arden Marshal , John Crickett, Esq. Judge-Advocate to the Fleet, Hon. H. Ryder, 18?/. 10>\ Deputy, Thomas Binstead, Esq. -OFFICE. Ditto of the Victualling for pay¬ ing Bills, E. Clark, Esq. 660/. Accountant, G.Fennell, 1 sq.660/. Inspector o f Stamen's Wills and Powers of Attorney, J. Bed- ingficld, Esq. 660/. ) FFICE. Secretary, R. A. Nelson, Esq.' Extra Commissioner, Inspector of D pt ford and Chatham Yards, Charles Cunningham, Esq. Resident Commissioner at Chat¬ ham, Sir Rt. Barlow, Kt. 1000/. Ditto at Sheerness, W m. Brown. Esq. 1000/. Ditto at Portsmouth, Hon. Geo. Grey, WOOL Ditto at Plymouth, Robert Fan- shaw, Lsq. 1000/. TRANSPORT-OFFICF. Commissioners, Sir Rup. George, Bart. Ambrose Soane, James Bowen, Esqrs. Hon. John Douglas, John Harness, M. D. Him. Courtenay Boyle. Secretary, Alex. M‘Leay, Esq. VICTUAEUNG-OFFICF. Commissioners, John C. Searle, Esq. (Chairro.), Geo. P.Towrv, E'sq. (Deputy Chairman), Ni¬ cholas BrowhjWm. Boscawen, Thos.Welsli, Jn. Aubin, Esqrs. Hon. Edward Stewart. Secretary, William Gosling, Esq. 50 GREENWICH HOSPITAL. Governors , The Great Officers of State, &c. Directors , Admiral Vise. Hood, Wm. Brow ell, Isq. Adm. Sir Jn. Colpo\s, K.B. 1 ord Auck¬ land, Jii. Cleveland, I tq. Rev. d.Cooke, Matthew 1 ounereau, Win. Palmer, Esqrs. Sir Robt. Preston, lit. John Venn, } sq. Sir Win. Bellingham, Bt. Jos. Hunt, Ksq. Sir F. J. Hartwell, Bart. Right Hon. Cha. Long;, Kobt. Robertson, M. 1). John Harrison, Esq. Earl of Rom¬ ney, Sir William Geary, Bart. Wm. J. T. Saverv, G. Parker, F. G. Coodenough, 9am. Gam* b;er, E_sqrs. Jlou. and Rev. E. Eegge. ^loool * Ion ‘ ^ isc * Hoo(I > Lieutenant-Governor , William Brow ell, I sq. 400/. Treasurer , Adm. Sir John Col- po>s, K. B. 2004 Seen tar^, John Dyer, 160/ Auditor y Lord Auckland, 100/. Surveyor John V enn, 1 sq. ‘<004 Physician, Dr. Robertson, 1834 Surgeon, Mr. Wm. Miller, 1004 Secretary at War , Viscount Pal¬ merston, 3009/. Deputyy Wm. Merry, Esq. Examiner of Army Accounts , WAR-OFFICE. Paymaster of Widows' Pensions, Right Hon. General 11. E. E ox. Deputyy C. P. Crawfurd, Esq. Paymastcrs-Gcneral , Right Hon. Charles Long and Lord Charles Henry Somerset, 2000'. DcputiesfYX io. P. Courtenay,Esq. Lord Robt. Edw. H. Somerset, 500'. each. Accountant-General, David Tho¬ mas, Esq.12004 ARMY PAY-OFFICE. Keene Stables, Esq. Cashier, 10004 Cashier of Half- Pai /, * 7004 Computer of Off-Reckonings, and Superintendent of the ylrrear Department, Augustus Henry Bradshaw, Esq. 6004 Constable and Chief Governor , G< neral Earl of Moira, 10004 Lieutenant - Governor, General Charles Vernon, 7004 Dep. Lieutenant-Governor, Co¬ lonel John Yorke, 3654 TOWER OF LONDON. Major, Colonel Matthew Smith, 1824 10*. Chaplain , Rev. William Coxe, 1214 13*. Ad. Physician , Dr.Tomkyns, 182410s Surgeon, Mr. J. Rose,454 12s. 6 d ORDNANCE-OFFICE. Master-General, Lieut.Gen. Earl I Lieutenant-General General Sir of Chatham, 15004 j Thomas Triage, K. E. 11004 Surveyor-Genera \ Colonrl J ames Murray Hadden, 800?. Clerk of the Ordnance, Hon. Cropley Ashley Cooper, 600'. Principal Storekeeper, Mark S ngleton, Esq. Clerk of the Deliveries, Thomas Thornton, Esq. 500'. Treasurer, Jo*. Hunt, F.sq. 560 r . Secretary to the Master-General, Sir William Bellingham, Bart. 300/. Secretary to the Hoard, Rob* rt I£. Crew, Esq. 510/. Superintendent of Transport Capt. Taouios Dickinson, S00\ CINQUE-PORTS. Lord Warden, Keeper, and Ad- miral, Earl of Liverpool, 3000/. Lieutenant, Viscount Mahon. Deputy Lieut* nant and Registrar, Thomas B. Lane, E>q. Constable of Dover-Caitle, Earl of Liverpool. Captain of D^al-Castle, Earl of Guildford. Captain of Walmer-Castlc, Geo. Leith, Esq. Captain of Sandgate-Castle^Vm. Evelyn, Esq. Captain of Moat's Bulwark, John Latham, Esq. Sec. to Lord Ward. J. Smith, Esq. Judge of the Admiralty-Court, Joseph Phillimore, D. C. L. CHELSEA Commissioners , The Great Offi¬ cers of State. Governor, Gen. Sir David Dun- das, K. B. 500/. Li utmant-Governor, Gen. Sa¬ muel Ifulse, 4001. Major, Lt.Col. R. Matthews,270/. Adjutant, Capt. George Acklom, 100 '. HOSPITAL. Treasurers, Pavmasters-General of the Forres for the time being. Deputy, John Wilson, Esq. Secretary and Registrar, George Aust, Ksq. Comptroller, Loftus Nunn, Esq. Physidan, Dr. Benjamin Mose¬ ley, 100'. Surgeon, Tho. Keate, Esq. 100/. OFFICERS OF THE MINT. Instituted in 1066. Warden, Sir Walter J. James, Bart. 450/. Master and Worker, Right Hon. Charles Bathurst, 3000'. Comptroller, John Tekell, Esq. 30O'. Assay Master, Robert Bingley, Esq. 425/. , f Surveyor of Meltings and Clerk of the Irons, Right lion. Spen¬ cer Perceval, 1V0/. Chief Engrav. L. Pingo,Esq.200/. BOARD OF WORKS. larv'mr-Gtneral and ComptroU 1 Examining Clerk, C. Alexander lcr, J ames '.Vyatt, Esq. I Cra-g, Esq. 52 HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY. Jfigh Chancellor of Great- Britain , Rt. Horj. Lord Kldon. Principal Secretary, Jas. Fairer, Esq. Ma ' Ur or Keeper of the Rolls, lugnt Hon. SirWm. Grant, Kt. Chief Secretary, A.W.Orant,Esq. Masters in Chancery , AleAander Popham, Jn. Campbell, Fran. . 81 rat lord, John S. Harvey C. Cox, James Stanley! R obt.Stecle, Ed w. M orris, Chk! Ihomson, — Alexander, Esq*. C/frArar of the Crown, J arl Ba¬ thurst, Hon. Amley Bathurst. Deputy, Thomas Rashleigh, 1 \q 'fnountant - General , Nicholas Smith, Esq. ^egiHrar, Duke of St. Albans. -Eo/d Chancellor's Registrars , , Records, down to 1483, «rc Aep/ Me /?o//.v Jacob Crofts, Thos. Walker Esqrs. * JWer of /Ac Ralls 1 Registrars, I no. Raynsford, Henry Bur¬ rows, Esqrs. Trustees aj the Hanapsr Office. John 1\ Batt, Valentine 11 . >» ilmot, Esqrs. Clerk of the Dispensation-Office . Hon. Apsley Bat hunt. Chief Examiner, Henry Flit, croft, Esq. Deputies, Messrs. James and John Nursey Dancer. Warden of the Fleet, and Keeper of rVestminster-JJ all, Jn. Ives, Esq. 500/. ’ Keeper of Records in the Tower, 8 . Lysons, Esq. Clerk of the Records in the Rolls Chapel, John Kipling, Esq. the Tower, and since that time in Chapel . 7 , COURT OF KINGs BENCH. Lord Chief Justice, Right Hon. ^ord Ellenborough, 4000/. Judges, Sir Nash Grose, Knt. Sir Simon Le Blane, Knt. Sir John Bayly, Knt. 3000/. each. Attorney-General, Sir Vicary Gibbs, Knt. J Solicitor-General, Sir Thomas Mumer, Knt. King's Coroner or Attorney, Jas. 'zem pier, Esq. Clerk of the Rules , Crown Side, Henry Barlow, Esq. Chief Clerk, on the Pleas Side, Osborn Markham, Thomas Le Mkinc, l.s(|rs. Cln k vj'lhe J{„les, C. Short, ]\sq. CustodesBrevium, Lord Kenyon, John Richardson, Lsq. Clerk to the Lord Chief Justice, Thomas Platt, Esq. Receiver-General of the Profits oj the Seals, Duke of Grafton. Deputy, Mr. Poole. Marshal of the Prison , William Jones, Esq. COURT OF COMMON PLI AS. OJUe of Cast odes Brevitim,Mn. “» n U F/ q W0StJ "- J “- D f/^\ Oeorge Humphreys, Lora Chief Justice, Right Hon. Sir James Manstield, 3500/. Judges, John Heath, l sq. Sir Alan Cftambre, Knt. Sir Soul- den Lawrence, Kt.3000U each. 5S proionotaries , Geo. WoodrofFe, Geo. Watlington, Robert Ray, Esqrs. Receiver-General of the Pro fits of the Seals , Duke of Grafton. Deputy, Mr. Poole. Hereditary Chief Proclam at or, * Warden of the Fleet, John Eyles, Esq. COURT OF EXCHEQUER. Chancellor, Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. Lord Chief Huron, Right Hon. Sir Archibald Macdonald, Kt. *1500'. Baron*, Sir Alcx.Thomson, I\nt. Sir Robert Graham, Knt. Sir Geo. Wood, Knt. .‘>000.'. each Cur si tor - Huron , Francis Ala- seres, Esq. Secretary to the Chancellor, * King's Remembrancer. Rt. Hon. Thomas Steele. Deputy, Abel Moysey, Esq. DUCHY COURT Chancellor, Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. Attorney-General, JohnOrd,Esq. King's Sergeant , Sir Thomas Plumcr, Knt. King's Counsel , William Walton, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, Snowden Barne, Esq. Deputy, Henry Playford, Esq. Hereditary Chie f Usher,* Sergeant at Arm Henry Brough¬ am, Esq. Cl rk of the Pip'-Office, Lord Wm. Henry Caven. Bentir.rk. Deputies, Thomas Lowten, Jo¬ nathan Kendal, 1 sqrs. Comptroller, John Tekell, Esq. Deputy, Thomas Farrar, Esq. Clerk o fthePfeas-0/}ice,yVi\\\am Stewart Hose, Esq. Deputy , John Dax, Esq. OF LANCASTER. Robert Capper, Wm. Thomas Roe, Esqr-\ Auditor, Alex. Popham, Esq. Clerk of the Council and Rtgis- trar, Hon. George Villiers. Secretary, John Miiler, Esq. BOARD OF COUNCIL FOR TRADE AND FOREIGN PLANTATIONS. President, Earl Bathurst. Dev. President, Right Hon. Geo. Rose. The Lord Chancellor.. The Archbishop of Canterbury. First Lord of the Treasury. First Lord of the Admiralty. The Principal Secretaries -of State. The Chancellor and .Under- Treasurer of the Exchequer* Speaker of the House of Com¬ mons. Chancellor of Duchy of Lan¬ caster. Paymasters of the Fqrces. Treasurer of the Navy. Master of the Mint. Such Officers of State in Ireland as are Privy Councillors in England. Lord Frederick Campbell. Lord Glastonbury. Lord Whitworth. Earl of Clancarty. Right Hon. Sir John Nicholl, Kt, Lord Redcsdale. Secretaries, Sir Stephen Cottrell, lint. William Fawkener, Esq. S4 La*? CUrli ■, John Rcevrc, p s q Esq Ckrk ' bCOrge Chimera, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR INDIA AFFAIRS. Riftht Hon. Thomas Wallace. President , Right Hon. Robert Dun das Saunders, 2tXXK Corn. 1500/. each, Lari Camden. Earl of Liverpool. Earl Bathurst. Right Hon. Richard Ryder. Right Hon. Spencer PerceVaJ. Lord Lovaine. Lord Teignmouth. CORPORATION OF T Founded ii Master, * .Deputy, Capt. Joseph Cotton. Elder Brethren^ Duke of Marl¬ borough, Capit. George Burton, Capt. Thoirms Brown, Capt. Sir Robert Preston, Bart. Lord Barham, Capt. Francis Cress- well, Capt.Gilf. Lawson Reed, Captain Henry iiinde Polly, Capt. Thomas King, Capt. Jo- Lord Francis Almaric Spencer Sec. Geo. Peter Hoi ford, Eso Assistant See. and Chief Clerk, J Mcheux, Esq. 500'. Accountant, T. N. W ittwer, Esq. Judicial. Examiner and Iltportt r Charles Poole, Esq. * Solicitor, William Groom, Esq. HE TRINITY-HOUSE. in 1512. Spencer, Capt. A be! Chapman, Capt. Sir Andrew Snape Ha- mond, Bart. Capt. Sir William I Riser, Bart. Capt. Geo. Cur- Ws Capt. John W r oolmore, Earl Camden, Capt. Richard Lewin ( junior;, Earl of St. Vincent, Jonathan Wilson, Capt. William Raven, Capt. John roulerton, Capt.Thomas Mor- sejifi Huddart, Earl of Chat- ton, Capt^GeoVge^Ballan^ni ham l^rd GrenviUe, Viscount Secretary Barnes Court j Melville, Viscount Iiood, Earl I * 0Urt > i b ^ Governor, John Whitmore, Esq. Deputy, John Pearse, Esq. Directors , Alex. Hiring, John Bowden, Cornelius Buller, James Campbell, Bicknell Co¬ ney, George Dorrien, Samuel Drew, W m. Haldimand, Jere¬ miah Harman, John Josiah Holford,Thomas Langley,Tho. Lewis, Bec-ston Lo»g,William Manning, Eben. Fuller Mait¬ land, Win, Mellish, Esqrs. Sir BANK OF ENGLAND. Incorporated in 1694. Richard \eave, Bart. Jeremiah Obve, Thomas Raikes, John Baker Richards, Edward Si¬ meon, Henry Smith, Samuel t hci nton, Samuel Turner (ju¬ nior), Esqrs. J Secretary , Robert Best, Esq. Accountant - General, William Dawes, Esq. ChirfCashler. Henry Hase, Esq. Solicitors, Joan Winter. Joseph Aa\ p Lsqrs. 55 EAST-IND1A COMPANY. Established in 1700. [The six Senior Directors go out in April, when as many new ones are eke to 1, who serve the office for tour years. They have a sa¬ lary of MOO', the Chairman of 500/. Chairman of the Directors, Cha. Grant, Esq. Deputy William Astrl\, Esq. Directory John Bebb, Esq. Sir William Hensley, Hart. Hon. IVni. Fnlfarton Flphinstone, John Inglis, James Pattison, John Jackson, Campbell Mar- joribanks, (ko. Smith, Sweny Toone, John Alex. Banner- man, John Iludleston, Charles M ills, Richard Chicheley Plow- den, Abraham R charts, George Aberrrombie Robinson,Esqrs. Sir Francis Bating Hart. James Daniell, Esq. Sir Hugh Inglis, Hart. Sir Thomas Theapliilu3 IVietcnlfe, Bart. George Millet t, William W.igrain, Robert Wil¬ liams, Fsqrs. Secretary , William Ramsay, Esq. Atccoant . Cha. Cartwright, Esq. I'rr-asurer, John A. Gilwour, Esq. EAST-IND1A ESTABLISHMENT. BENGAL. Supreme Council. Governor-General, lA)rd Minto. Commander of the. Forces and 2d in Council, Lieut. Gen. George Hewitt. 3 d in Council, John Lumsden, Esq. 4th in Council, II. T. Colebrooke, Esq. Chief Secretary, Neil Benjamin Edmonstone, Esq. Military Secretary , Lieut. Col. P. Carey Supreme Court of Judicature. ZUief Justice, lion. Sir Henry Russell, Knt. Judges, Hon. Sir John Royds, . ’ll ... XVilKavn ftnr- roeghs, Bart. Advocate-Gen. R. P. Smith, Esq. Standing Council, Edward Stret- tel. Esq. _ , . IT Clerk of the Crown, Ralph Uve- dale, Esq. , _ _ Judge-Advocate, Lt. Col. Henry Fox Calcraft. MADRAS. Council. Governor, Sir George Ililaro Bar- low, Bart. K. 1». Commander of the Forccs, Lieut. Gen. Hay M‘Dowail. William Petrie, Thomas Oakes, James Henry Casamajor, Eisqrs. Chief Secretary, George Buchan, Esq. Council. Gov, lion. Jonathan Duncan. E2 Military Secretary , George Strq- chey, Esq. Court of Judicature. Chief Justice, lion. Sir Thomas Andrew Strange. Knt. Judges, Hon. Sir Henry Gwillim, Knt. I Ion. Sir Francis iViN agh- ten, Knt. ./ udge-Advocate-Gcncral, Major James Leith. BOMBAY. | Commander of thr Forces, Major- Gen. lion John Abercrombie. Thomas Eechmere, Robert Rick¬ ards, Esqrs. Chief Sec. Francis Warden, Esq, Military Secretary , Capt. J. Ni¬ chols. 56 Governor and Commander in Chief, Colonel Norman Mac- alister, 9000-. Chief Justice * Recorder, Sir Ja. Mackintosh, Kt* Standing Counsel , S. M. Tariep- land, Esq. Clerk of the Crown, Joseph Dou¬ glas, Esq. prince of Wales’s island. Council. Governor ,Colouel Ale v. Beatson. Lieut. Gov. Lieut. Col. Edward Swift Broughton Recorder, Sir Edm. Stanley, Knt. Secretary , T. Stamford Ha dies, Esq. Counsel , Robert Oliphant, Esq. ST. IIFLENA. Wm. Webber Doveton, Robert Leech, Esqrs. Chief Sec. Thomas If. Brooke, Esq. WEST-INDIA DOCK COMPANY. Instituted in 1799. Chairman, Thomas Ilughan, Esq. Deputy , James Bailey x Esq. Directors, Robt. Milligan, Henry Davidson, Thomas Plummer, IlarveyChristian Combe, John Smith, Robert Lang, Richard Lee, Samuel Thorp, Lsqrs. Sir John Earner, Knt. Edmund Pusey Lyon, JosephTimperon, Henry White, Esqrs. Sir John William Anderson, Bart. John lieury Dcliell, John Irving, Robert Slade, Henry Wildman, Esqrs. Sir James Shaw, Bart. Joseph Welch, Esq. Secretary, Thomas Marsham, Esq. Standing Counsel, Ed. H. East, Esq. Solicitor , Timothy Tyrrell, Esq. Engineer, William Jfessop, Esq. 11 sident ditto , Thomas Morris, Esq. Collector of Dotk-Dues, Edward Dew, Esq. PrincipalDockmaster and Store¬ keeper, John Strover, Lsq. Black wall and Import Dockmas¬ ter, Capt. John Power. Export Dockmaster, Capt. Wm. Scargill. Deputy Dockmastcrs , Cnpt. B. Lanty, Capt. William Spower. FOREIGN MINISTERS RESIDING IN ENGLAND. jIvstria, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Prince de Stahremberg. Swedes, Env. Extra, and Min. Pi n. * Consul, Claes Grill, Esq. Swedish Pomerania, Baron Nplcken. Hesse C asset. Minister Resi¬ dent, Richard LorenU, Esq. Han over, Minister of State t Count Munster Meinhovel. I wo Sicilies , Env. Extra, and Min. Plen. Prince of Castcl- cicala. Consul-Gsn. Francesco Sastrrs, Esq. Sardinia, Env. Extra, and Min. Plen. Count St. Martin de Front. Spain, En. Extra.And31in.PUn. Admiral Apodaca. Consul Gen. Don Josef Alonso Ortiz. Brazils, Env. Extra, and Min. Plen. Souza Coutinho. Consul-Gen. J. C. Lucena, Esq. Constantinople , Charge d'Af¬ faires, Sidki Kfendi. Persia , Envoy Extra, and Min. Plcn. Murza Abdal ilassan. Mehmandar, Sir Gore Ouselev, Bart. America. Env. Extra, and Min. Pten. William Pinckney, Esq. Secretary of Legation, John Henry Purviance, Esq. Consul at London, William Ly¬ man, Esq. Do. at Liverpool , J. Maurv, Esq. Ditto at Bristol , Elsas Vandcr Horst, Esq. BRITISH MINISTERS ABROAD. Austria, Env. Extra, and Min. PI n. * Secretary o f Legation ,* Su edes, Env. Extra, and Min. Plen. * Sec of Lega. Aug. John Foster, E s q. Portugal, Sec. of Lega. Louis Casamajor, Esq. Brazils, Env. Extra, and Min. Plen. Viscount Strangford. Sec. of Lega. Francis Hill, Esq. Seven Islands, Resident, Spe- ridion Foresti, Esq. Spain, Envoy Extra, and Min. Plen. Hon. Henry Wellesley. Sec. of Lega. Barthd. Frere, Esq. Constantinople, Ambassador Extra, and Min. Plen. Robert Adair, Esq. Sec. of Lega. Stratford Canning, Ksq. Sardinia. Env. Extra, and Min. Plcn. Hon. William Hill. Sec. o f Lega. Joseph S n th. Esq. Tiro Sicilies, Env. Ectra. and Min. Plen. Lord Amherst. Sec. of Lega. Andrew Snape Douglas, Esq. America, Env. Extra, and Min. Plen. Francis James Jackson, Esq. Sec. of Lega. Charles Oakifcy, Esq. BRITISH CONSULS FOR T1IE PROTECTION OF TRADE. Gottenburgh , J. Smith, Ksq. lAsbon ( Consul General), John Jeffrey, Esq. Madeira ( Consul Gen.), Henry Veitch, Fsq. Brazils (Conoil General), Sir James Gambicr, Knt. Bahia, Fred. Linde man. Esq. Pernambucco, John Lempriere, Esq. Circle of Westphalia, Herman Hey man. Esq. Cadiz, James Duff, Esq. Tiro Sicilies and Malta. Robert Fagan, Esq. E 3 Morocco , James Green, Fsq. Algiers, * Tripoli , William W T ass Lang ford, Ksq. Tunis, J. Rose, Esq. A>1ERIC K. For the Eastern Stales (Consul Gen,), residing at New-York , Thomas Barclay, Esq. For the Middle und Southern States ( Con. Geu.), residing at Philadelphia , Phineas Bond, Esq. For Morth-Carolina, Soulh-Ca- rolina , and Georgia , residing at Charleston, Benjamin Moodie, irginia , John Hamilton, For A etc-Hampshire, Matsarhu- setts, and Connecticut, residing r>* at Boston , Andrew Allen, iun. Lsq. t or Maryland, William Wood. Esq. For Louisiana, Joseph Charles Mellish, E:q. Lord lieutenants in Fed ford, Earl of Upper Ossorv Jierks, Earl of Radnor Fucks, Marquis of Buckingham Cambridge, Lari of Hard wicke ( /tcsf.-r. Lari of Stamford Cornwall, Earl of Mount- Ed*- combe ('umberland, Earl of Lonsdale Derby , Duke ol Devonshire Devon, Karl Fortcscue Dorset, Lari Digby Durham , Earl of Darlington Cast os Rot. Bishop of Durham ! JC sex, Lord Braybrooke Gloucester, Lari of Berkeley Derr ford, Earl of Essex JL rtford. Marquis of Salisbury | Huntingdon, Duke of Munches- j ter Font, Earl Camden iMncashirt, Earl of Derby dsticesti r. Duke of Rutland Lincoln, Lord BrownloW diddle sex, Duke of Portland Monmouth, Duke of Beaufort Norfolk, iIon. William Ashcton Harbord IS ort Hampton, Earl of Northamp¬ ton A o rth um he r Inn <1, Duke of North¬ umberland Nottingham, * Oxford, Duke of Marlborough ENGLAND AND WALES. Rutland, Earl of Winchelsoa Shropshire, Lari of Powis Somerset, Earl Poulett Southampton, E. of Malmesbury Stafford, Earl of Uxbridge Cudps Rot. Marquis of Stafford Suffolk, Earl of Easton Surrey, Earl of Onslow Sussex , Duke of Norfolk. Tower-1 /am lets, I arl of Moira Warwick, Lari of "Warwick Westmorland, Earl of Lonsdale D77v, Earl of Pembroke W orce'ter, l ari of Coventry Yorkshire, Lost Riding, Lord Mtilgra\e; West Riding , Earl 1‘ itzw iiliam ; A orth hiding. Duke ol Leeds. wales. Mnglesea, Earl of Uxbridge Jireeon, Duke of Beaufort Cardigan , Thomas dolines, ],'sq. Carmarthen, Lord Dynevor Carnarvon, Viscount Bulkeley Denbigh, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Barf. Flint, Ea,rl Grosvenor Glamorgan, Marquis of Bute Merioneth, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart. Montgomery, Earl of Powis Pembroke, Eord Milford Radnor , Lord Rodney. 59 ROYAL NAVY. ADMIRALS. ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET. Sir Peter Parker, Bart. ADMIRALS OF THE RED. Robert Digbv, Esq. Right Hon. Alex. Lord Viscount Britl port, K. B. General of Marines and Vice-Admiral of England. Sir Chaloncr Ogle, Knt. Right lion. Samuel Lord Vis. Hood, Governor of Greenwich Hospital. Sir Richard Hughes, Bart. Right lion. Win. Lord Gotham. Right I ion.Charles Lord Barham. Right lIon. John Earl of St. Vin¬ cent, K. B. Lieutenant-General of Marin fs. Samuel Cornish, Esq. llis Royal Highness Win. Henry Duke of Clarence. Sir Richard Onslow, Bart. Bimjamin Caldwell, Esq. Hon. William Cornwallis, Rear- Admiral of England. Charles Buckner, Esq. William Peere W illiams, Esq. SirJohnColpoys,K. B. Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital. ‘admirals of the w hite. Skrftingion Lutwidge, Esq. George Montagu, l-.sq. . Right lion. George Lord Keith, K. B. and K. C. James Pigot, Esq. Right Hon.Win. Lord Radstock. Thomas Mackenzie, Esq. Sir Roger Curtis, llart. Sir Henry Harvey, K. B. Robert Man, l.sq. Sir George Young, Knt. John llenry, Esq. Richard Rodney Bligh, Esq. Alexander Graeme, Esq. Isaac Prescott, Esq. Thomas Spry, Esq. Sir John Orde, Bart. M. 1 . ADMIRALS OF THE BLL'E. William Y'oung, Esq. . Rt. Hon. James Lord Gambicr. Charles Chamberlayne, Esq. Philip Patton, Esq. Sir Charles Moricc Pole, bart. M. P. John Leigh Douglas, Esq W illiam Swiney, Esq. Charles Edmund Nugent, Esq- Charles Powell Hamilton, Esq. Edmund Dod, Esq Sir Charles Cotton, Bart. John Thomas, Esq. James Brine, l .sq. Sir Erasmus Gower, Knt. John Holloway, Esq. George Wilson, Hq. VICE-ADMIR ALS OF TTIE UFO- Sir Cha. Henry Knowles, Bart. Hon. Thomas Fakenliam. Robert Deans, > sq. Right Hon. Cuthbert Lord Col¬ li ngwood, Major-General oj Marines. , _ „ James Hawkins W hitshed, Esq. Arthur Kempe, Esq. Smith Child, Esq. . Right Hon. Charles Lord Lecale. Thomas Taylor, Esq. Sir J ohn Ttios. I>uckworth, K. B. Sir Robert ( aider, Bart. James Richard Dacres, Esq. Hon. George Cranfield Berke¬ ley, M. 1. Thomas West, 1 sq. James Douglas, 1 sq. Peter Aplin, 1 sq. Henry Savage, Esq. Bartholomew Sam. Rowley, Sir Richard Bickerton, Bt. M. 1 George Bowen, Esq. VICE-ADMIRALS OF THE WHITE. Robert Montagu, Esq. John Fergusson, Esq. Edward Edwards, Esq. Bt. lion. Sir John BoriaseWar- ren, K. 15. and K. C. Edward Tyrrel Smith, Esq. Sir Thomas Graves, K. B. Tho. Macnamara Russell, Esq. Sir Henry Trollope, Km. Sir Henry Edwyn Stanhope, Bt. Robert M‘Douall, Esq. l>ou^las. Esq. Jolin YVickey, Esq. John Fish, Esq. John Knight, Esq. Edward Thornborough, Esq. Sampson Edwards, Esq. George Campbell, Esq. M. P. Henry Franklanri, Esq. -Arthur Phillip, Esq. Sir YVm. George Fairfax, Knt. VICE-ADMIRALS OF THE BLL'C. Sir James Saumarez, Bart. K B and K. S. Thomas Drury, Esq. Albemarle Bertie, Esq. Rf. Hon. YVm. Earl of Northesk. James Vashon, Esq. Thomas Wells, Esq. Sir Edward Pellcw, Bart. Sir Isaac Coffin, Bari. John Aylmer, Esq. Samuel Osborn, Esq. Richard Bogor, Esq. John Ghild Purvis, Esq. rheqphilus Jones, Esq. William Domett, EY ijliain O Bryen Drury, Esq. YYilliam Essington, Esu. John M‘Dougall, Esq. James Alms, Esq. Sir Edmund Nagle, Ivnf John Wells, Esq. Richard Grindall, Esq. George Martin, Esq. Sir Richard John Strachan, Bart, and K. B. Sir William Sidney Smith, Knt. and K. S. F. Thomas Sotheby, Esq. Nathan Brunton, Liq. William Hancock Kelly, Esq. John Schank, Esq. H Hon. Michael De Courcy. of the White ,7 il tarn Bentinck, Esq. "aul Minehin, Esq. Philip p Auvergne, Prince of Bouillon. John Hunter, Eso. Francis Pender, i ?n. William Albany Otwav, Fsa George JLumsdaine, Esq. Sir Samuel Hood, Bart. K.B K S K. S. F. and M. P. Henry Nicholls, Fsq. Herbert Sawyer, Esq. Davidge Gould, Esq. * And E*’ ^ oochvil1 Bart. Robert Devereut Fancourt, Fsq. So Edward Builer, Bart Y( p Hon Robert Stopford. Mark Robinson, Eso. I nomas Re veil Shivers, Esq. Francis Pickmore, Esq. do £ n Stephens Hall, Esq. John DiIkes, Esq. YVim? AI J MI u AL8 OF TnE blue. Tin -;iim-rc, Thomas Foley, Ksq. ( liases Tyler, Esq. Kobt. Carthew Reynolds, Esq. 61 Tsaac George Manley, Esq, John Osborn, Ksq. Edmund Crawley, Esq, Charles Boyles, Esq. S i r Thomas W i lliauis, K n t. Thomas Hamilton, Esq. Sir Thomas Couklen Thompson , Bart. M. P. George Countess, Esq. CAPTAINS, With the Year of their Commissions from which they take Post , ■ ■*1 /"ii. . r\ !_ 11' ! 11 ! « Robert Watson, Esq. Rt.Hon.AlanHvdeLord Gardner Manly Dixon, Esq. George Losae.k, Esq. William Mitchell, Esq. George Hart, Esq. Thomas Bertie, Esq. Rowley Bulteel, Esq. William Luke, Esq. 1732 Lambert Brabazon 1790 John Laugharne Jeremiah Beale Henry Warre Wm. HaYgoodyColonel of Marines George Gregory John Ferrier Ric»i. Ineledon Bury Robert Moorsom, Col. of Marines Tsaac Sehomberg Sir Charles Hamilton, Bart. M. P. Colonel of Marines lion. Henry Curzon, Colonel of Marines William Bligh 1791 Lawrence Wm. Hoi¬ sted Edw. Oliver Osborn 1793 Philip Cha. Durham Israel Pellew Alexander Fraser Sir Benjamin Hallo- well, K. S. F. George Hope Rt. Hon. Lord Amelius B.-auclerc William Taylor Janies Nicoil Morris Charles Cunningham George Burdon William Brown Hon. George Grey Sir Tho. Byarn Mar* tin, K. S.' John Law ford Frank. Sotheron Charles Craven Thomas Wolley 1794 William Carthew Sir Richard King, Bf. Edward Griffith Edward James Foote Richard Lee William Bradley Jas. Newman Newman Wm. Pierrepont W m. Ed ward Oracraft Robert Gambicr Middleton Peter Halkett William Bedford Philip Wilkinson Charles John Moore Mansfield William Shield Hon. Charles Elphin- stone Fleming, M.P. Charles Vinicombe Penrose William Hotham Sir William Johnstone,-- Hope,K.M.&M.l\ Henry Inman Right Hon. Lord lien- George Hopewell Ste¬ lla ry Pallet I .... S»r Harry Bur. Neale, CharlesWm. Paterson; Pnltney Malcolm l^. irt y George Cockburn William Nowell Sir Jos.*SidneyYorke, Thomas Surridge | James^Bjsset Knt. M. P,‘ Hon. Arthur Kaye Legge Francis Fayerman Right Hon. Geo. Earl of Galloway Thomas Francis Free* mantle, M. P. Samuel Hood Linzce Thomas Graves Janv3 Carpenter Robert Barton Graham Moore --- Matthew Henry Scott John Bazrlv Joseph Hanwell iSir John Gore, Knt. 'Henry Wm. Bayntnn jWilliam Browell John Clements Richard Morice Simoit Miller Sandford Tatbam Christmas Paul SiX^Barlo,, K,. Hon Jrancis K-rring- pir Fraki. Laforey, Bt.l ton Gardner I John Honey „ 1795 Henry Hot ham George Burlton Charles Dudlev Pater Percy Fraser John Dawson Sir Home Popham, K M. & M. P. Josias Ron ley Edward Codrington George Parker Milliam Charleton Robert Plampin Frederick Watkins Charles Patton Edw. Levcson Gower John Draper Hon. Hen. Blackwood John Erskine Douglas George B> ng Ross Donelly John Poo Reresford, ^Villiam Edge John Monkton Henry Lidgbird Ball Charles White Thomas Eyles Thomas Le Marchant Gosselin Joseph Larcom Charles Rowley T homas Rogers Samuel James Ballard Robert Holies W m. Grenville Lobb Alexander Wilson James Bowen John Cooke W r alter Lock Henry Jenkins David Milne George Dundas James Young James Macnamara Donald Campbell Robt. Waller Otway Richard Dacres, Got*, y the Naval Asy!, i nomas Western 62 Temple Hardy John Win. Snran^er John Barrett ° William Lukin Shuldham Peard Edward Fellowcs 179G Richard Henry Alex. Bennett, M. P. WilloughbvTho.Lake Charles Ogle Henry Raper Win. Charles Fahie George Eyre George Andrews Robert Lambert Joseph Bingham Robr. Dudley Oliver D’Arcy Preston .Man Dobson Thomas Boys John Clarke Searle Samuel Brooking Sir Charles Brisbane, Knt. Governor of St, Vincent's John Talbot Robert Larkan Charles Stuart John Kalliday John Gitfard John Irwin Wra. Gordon Ruther¬ ford John West Joseph BuIIen Stephen Poyntz James Hardy Thomas Pearse Hon. John Colvill John Cochft Sir Arch. Collingwood Dickson, Bart. Robert Redmill Robert Winthrop Henry Digby Charles Lkiiis John Sprat Rainier, ium | M. P. Benjamin Wm. Page Tfon. Ph. Wodehouse Thomas Alexander 4 , H97 Andrew Smith W m. Robt. Broughton .tames Stevenson Edward Marsh Sir Edward Berry, Bt* W iiliam Prowse W iiliam Bowen Lord Mark Robt.Kerr Iho. Moutray Mailer Sir James Athol Wood, Knt. .'nomas Ilarvey Rich.lIiisseyJVtoubray Henry Richard Ghn John Bligh Peter Puget Tbo. Llphinston Sir Ed. Hamilton, K4 Tiiomas Baker Henry Evans Sam. Sutton Hon. Courtenay Boyle William Ogilyy Sir Robert Laurie, Bt. M. P. ’ * Wm. Hall Gage John Maitland Isaac W olley John Miller Stair Douglas W iiliam Cuming James W'alker Hon.Cha. Paget. M.P. Rob rf Campbell Robert \\ illiams John Philips Richard Worsicy T , ms • obn Clc land Askew Pa hard Holies Henry Heathcote Joshua Rouley Wat- son Andrew Fitzhcrbert ^ Evans Edward Wm. Camp* bell Rich Owen George James Shirley Rich. Rumva Bowyer Geo. Frederick Ryves David Atkins Tho. Gordon Caulfield John Hamstead George Scott Thomas Dundaj George Fovvke James Keith Shepard Richard If. Pearson Samuel Peter Forster George Astle JohnTremayne Rodd John Baker Hay Loftus Otway Bland Sir Thomas Master- man Hardy, Bart. "William Cumberland Robert Cuthbert < ira ham Fden Hamond Robert Honyman Richard Rctalick Bartholomew James Rob. Lewis Fitzgerald Rt. Hon. Charles Her¬ bert Viscount New¬ ark, M. P. Josiah Nisbet Thomas Bowen Volant Vashan Bal¬ lard Hugh Downman Hon. Thomas Bladen Capcl William Ilanwcll 1799 John Crawley Thomas Man by James O'Brvcu David Lloyd William Sanderson Richard Matson Richard Raggett John Mackellar James Oughton George Barker Charles Adam John Stiles Richard Williams SS Michael ilalliday William Granger .1 ohn Chambers White Charles Campbell George White Adam Mackenzie James Oswald Francis Vesey Henry Garrett Nathaniel Portlock Walter Bathurst Adam Drummond Right Hon. Lord Wm. Stuart, If. P. Robert Hall Thomas Sparke Robert Lloyd John Chesshvre 1800 Sir Thomas Living¬ stone, Bart. Lucius Hardyman Christopher Laroche Joshua Sidney Horton Thomas Bay ley | Henry Bazely lid ward Brace J ahleel Brenton Robert Mends .1 ohn Wood Francis Wm. Austen Bendall Robb Little- bales Robert Philpot Patrick Campbell Norborn Thompson Micajah Mai bon Sir Michael Seymour, Bart. lid w.Stirling Dickson Ed ward R otheram John Perkins Charles Grant Tho. James Maling John Ac worth Orn- manney Henry Stuart Henry Waterhouse Zachary Mudge George Wolfe William Selby 1801 Henry Hill Jonas Rose Sir Tho. Lavic, Knt. John Mason Lewis Charles Wollaston William Cham pain Alex. Wilinot Schom- berg F.dw. Durnford King William Waller Henry Vansitfart George Mundy Philip Beaver William Bolton George Sayer Robert Munsel Charles Tinling Philip Bowes Vere Broke Andrew Broun Fred. Lewis Maitland .James Brisbane William Birehall John Ferris Devon¬ shire Frederick Warren Richard Peacockc James Carthew Thomas Briggs John Broughton Hon, George lleneage Laurence Dundus John Stewart Rt. lion.Thomas Lord Cochrane, K.B.and M. P. Nicholas Tomlinson William Parker Tristram Robt. Rick* etts George M‘Kinley James Katen Richard DallingDunn Charley Dash wood 1802 Henry Edward Regi nuld Baker Thomas Press’and Richard Curry William Hoste Lenox Thompson Ct!rs Fiflaing 3 i o.George Shortland William SkipKcy Alarms Samuel'Hill Stephen Tho. Digby lion. Fred. Paul Jrby Christopher Cole Sir George Ralph Col¬ lier, Knf. .Joseph Baker Daniel Woodriff .Andrew Sproule Jn.Wcntwort h Loring John VVinne Sir Rolif. Howe Brom¬ ley, Bart. Hon.Duncombe Plcy- dell Bouverie Henry Richardson Richard Bridges Richard Goddard Richard Poulden Charles Otter Thomas Hurd Thomas Miles Daniel Dobi£o Philip Somerville Richard Peliowe John Dick Peter Ril.oleau John Nash Stephen Rains Thomas Hand Carry cry Predam Ep- worth Matthew Buckle John Alb'ii . Edward Henry Co¬ lumbine Isaac Cotgrave George Bowen John Russel James Noble Samuel Warren Anselm John Griffiths George Burdett James Nash 04 Peter Spicer James Seward John Taylor Michell Thomas Bhilip Durell Alexander Becher Patrick Tonyn George Reynolds John Hatley Francis Holmes Coffin Jcilery Raigersfeld Charles Ryder Christopher John Wil¬ liams Nesham Charles Bullcn John Wight Henry Folkcs Edgell Cornelius Quinton James Dunbar William Butterfield Charles Papps Price Richard Byron William Young George Tobin John Wairwright James Sanders Sir Win. Henry Wcb- ley, Iv. S. Edward Galwey Richard Jones Richard Haw kins Thomas Cowan Wm. Henry Daniel Geo. Christo. Pulling Jacob Walton David Colby Augustus Brine Jas. Coutfs Craw ford John Hayes Sam. Campbell Row r - ley Bulkley Mackworth Praed John Whyte Samuel Mottley i d. Walpole Browne John Smollett Rouett William Ricketts George Miller Hon. Wm. Trench George Blake Edward Sneyd Clay Thomas Richbell Hazard Stackpoole Ben jamin Carter Charles Inglis Charles Carter I'homas Browne John Conn Edward O'Biyen Fra. Godol phi’n Bond Stephen Folvill John Browning Ed¬ wards Wm. llenryson Archibald Dickson Clotw ort':y Upton William liemvBrcwn Tremlett Samuel Pjm George Argies Tho. Charles Brodie Samuel Butcher Charles Worsley Boys Robert Jackson Robert Barrie Daniel Oli v< r Guion James Giles Vashon Bridges Watkinscn Tay lor Cha. Bayntun Hodg¬ son Ross Wilson Rathborne Henry Matson Charles Malcolm 1803 John Serrell Peter 1 lev wood Frederick Cottrell Murray Maxw ell John Stuart Charles Marsh Schom- berg Francis William Fane Peter Hunt 1804 Hon. George Elliott William Durban Henry Whitby James Hillyar Lord William Eitzroy Lord George Stuart Sir James Lind, Knt. Charles Pelly Joseph Nourse Robert O’Brien Keith Maxwell William Fothergill Matthew Godwin Hugh Pigot Janies Master vilusbury Pry ce Hum¬ phreys Ed wds. Lloyd Graham John Tower Kenneth M‘Kenzie Edward Hawker Alev. Campbell William Ferris William Roberts Charles Richardson John Charles Wool- combe William Lvall 1805 Hon. John Astley Ben¬ nett George Aldham Francis Temple Rirh. Budd Vincent Arthur Farquhar Sir Wm. Bolton, Knt. Henry Lambert James Alex. Gordon Hen. Frederick Win. Aylmer John Shortland Richard Thomas Peter Parker John Quilliain John Piltbld John Stockham lSOG William Heniiah Wm. Price Cuinby Georg 2 Digbv James Rich. Dacres Peter Rainier Hon. 1( *nry Duncan David Ramsay G5 Henry Vaughan Thomas Campbell Joseph Lamb Popham John Surrnan Carden John Svkes James Wat-on Charles Jones John Hancock JohnWentworth Hol¬ land John Yelland Woodley Losack John Impey Alex. Robert Kerr ! Donald INPLeod H mry Maoaton Om- mannev Archibald Dull' Philip Lewis J. Ro-j sentiagen John Bush by Robert .lender Neve Edmund Heywood Donald Hugh Mackay Francis Mason Major Jacob llenni- ker Francis Jackson Snell Matthew Forster William Green Philip Carteret James Johnstone Sir Thomas Staines, Knt. and K. S. F. Thomas Browne William Kent Alex. Shippard Pownoll Bastard Pel- lew John Bowen Thomas Smyth Henry Laroche Robert Henderson lames Bowen (2) Lucius Curtis Sir John Louis, Bart, lion. Edward Rodney Brian Hodgcon John Duer F Hood ITanaway Chris¬ tian Hon. Arch. Cochrane John Cramer Nathaniel Day Coch- | rane John Ayscongh ■ I'ho. John Cochrane Wm. Hugh Dobbie W in. I urlong Wise Edmund Roger William Jones Lye Robert Corbet Francis Kempt Geo. Francis Seymour Hon. George Pouleit Hugh Cook James Haldane Tait Gilbert Heathcote W illiam Beauchamp Proctor Charles Foote Cha. James Johnson Edward Ratsey Richard Piercv Edward Hawkins Ricli.Turner Hancock Jas. Murray Northcy Philip Dtunarcsq Charles Philip Butler Bateman Mauritius Adolphus Newton Do Sunvk Wm. C >ok Arthur Lysaght lion. Jocelyn Pcrcv. M. P. * Hon. Authony Mait- land Frederick Langford Hon. Granville Proby. 1807 Joseph Edmonds HonJ Jeorge Granville Waldegrave Ifon. George Cadogan l.d ward Tucker Edwin Henry Cham* berlaync lion. Wm. Pakenham Joiin Edgcumbe William Wooldridge John Oakes Hardy William Maude Sam* Hood Inglefield Edmund Palmer Wm* Augustus Mon¬ tagu John Bastard George Burgoync Salt Valentine Coilard John Fvffe lid ward Chetham George Cocks Reuben Mangin William Croft John Piiiilimore Francis Beau man James Robt. Phillips William King Pringle Stoddart Andrew King William Bow les Hyde Parker Charles Sibthoi p John Haw l ay ne James Whitley Deans Dundas Samuel Jackson Sir Edward Tho.Trou- bridge, Bart. James Lucas Yco Charles Gordon George Harris ISOS Thomas Garth Geo. John Honey John Ciavell Wm. Standway Par¬ kinson James Murray Gordon George Langford Wm; Henry Dillon James Bradshaw 66 Thomas Searle Robert Yarker Henry Hope Thomas Usher Rowland Bevan William Ward Robert Cathcart Robert Elliott CuthbertFeatherstone Daly Edward Ruslnvorth John Richard Lumlev Philip Pipon George Pigot Hon. Warwick Lake Edward Woolcombe Fleetwood Brough¬ ton Reynolds Pellew ilolin HaI.tead Geo. Cha. Mackenzie Ed ward Pelham Bren- ton Fra. Augustus Collier eorge Miller Bligli Samuel John Pechell 1809 Wm. Wilbraham Charles Gill Jas. Wilkes Maurice, Gov. ofMariegalante Charles Dilkcs 1 loir. Ja?. Wm. King William Dawson James Prevost Jas.Wooldridge. This officer broke the boom in Basque Roads, for which he has a gold chain and medal Joseph Spear William Wells Thomas Withers Charles Napier John Richards George Sanders Rt. Hon. Lord Jamey Townshend Thomas Thrush George Bell Henry Hart William Flint Francis Newcomb James Cauldfield John Joyce W illiam Godfrey William Goate Richard Harward W illiam Mounsey John Martin Hanchett Francis Lynn James Robertson CuthlKrt Baines Joseph Nunn James Lss James Ellis William James David Phips Edw .Joshua Moriarty Arthur Walter William Redmon Peter Baskerville Morgan Laugharne Milliam Ponsonby Robert Hanning Hit¬ chens W illiam Smith David Maekay John Luck. Edw. Seymour Bailey James. Deacon John Forrest Wm. Shepheard Robert Tomlinson William Don C.OMM ANDERS. 1782 Edw*. I.ongcroft I Richard Oakley George Cadman I Anthony Gibbes 11783 Goodw in Colquitt | Wiliiam Titcher Charles Bartholomew Alexander Mackay 1787 Stephen Peter Monat Henry Deacon John'Edwards (1) 1789 Thomas Dewey Samuel Kempthorne 1790 George Maxwell Daniel Folliott Samuel Featherstone Win. Hugh Kittoe 1791 Richard Roger 1794 Cna. Robinson Ambrose Crofton Richard Rudsdell Peter iVPKellar William Burgess John Larkan John Marsh Joseph Turner George Luke Thomas Dal by 1795 Henry Wray John Edwards (2) George Robinson Jeremiah Edwards Hen. Hutchings Birk- head 1796 George I)avey Martin Hinton Christopher Kilncr Alex. Ruddach James Godench George Harrison John Moncur Edward Killwick James Boorder John Davies (1) Henry Pro by n James Collins Joseph Westbeach Thomas Dickinson Robert Pearson Kanceford Tookey Richard Hughes Josiah Wittman 1797 Christopher Neville 07 John Crispo James Hills Jacob James John Mortimer William Bevians Richard Prater John Luce George Paris Monkc Edward Williams (1) Matthew Wrench John Gascoyne Robert Keen George Irwin John Hall William M‘Guire Edward Ellicott John Lawson llenry Carew Alex. Milner Nicholas Kempe John Forbes Drum¬ mond Henry Samuel Butt Edward Kittoe Charles Herbert Edward Hutchinson Thomas Leef 1798 Thomas Linthorne Christopher Watson Charles Burrough Robert England Thomas Halton Joseph Brodie George Davies John Gardner Edward Bass Charles Webb John .Mathias Spread Thomas Roberts Thomas White (1) John Anderson John Robert Lea Thomas White (2) John Hill John Whipple James Barker John Jone's George Sayer William Moore George Jones 1799 James Andrew Worth Philip Hue John Harward George Ross William Robinson James Slade Henrv Compton David Gilmour John Burn William Foote Charles Hay Thomas Junes 1800 William Buchanan John Thicknesse John Henry Martin John Pengeily James Nasmyth Mar¬ shall Terence O'Neill Richard James Law¬ rence O’Connor Robert Williams Francis Douglas Richard Thwaits John Child John Hudson Francis Beaufort 1801 Peter Rye James Y'cifch John Bayley John Henrv Cartier Matthew Flinders David Mudie Andrew Mott Robert Tinkler Robert Brown Tom l id ward H odder William Morcc William Wilkinson Joshua Johnson Thomas New James Liliicrap Walter Groseett Andrew. Thomson Francis John Nett 1802 Eewis Shepheard Thomas Hi]] Benjamin Walker James Irwin George Morris John Thompson (1) Henry Harwell W illiam Richan Arthur Grumley John Manley Philip Lamb John Rich irdson V* illiam Cashman Robert Evans John Arthur Norway Michael Dod Edward Grey Thomas Lyne Tho. Folliott Baugh Joseph James Isaac Ferrieres J'.*iin Lamborn John Baker Philip Lyne AlexanderInnes John Chilcott Robert llavley Judd Henry Waring John Douglas Charles Coote Charles Montagu Fa¬ bian George Clarke Ilurdis James Agassiz Speiman Swaine Samuel Colquitt Edward Church Matth.Barton Brad by Gustavus Stupart J ohnWillough by M ar- shall Win. Humphry Faulk nor George Andrews Robert Forbes Christopher Strachey Henry Gordon 68 Anthony Abdy Henry EvelynPitfield Sturt James Gifiord Digby Willoughby Richard Janverin Robert Sauce George Wm. Blarney John Coode Malcolm Cowan Thomas Burton 18 (3 Francis Stan fell Timothy Clinch John Simpson George Le Geyt James M‘Farland iso* Robert Pettet Robert Tucker Buekland Stirl. Bluett Charles Pickford Jeremiah Coghlan John Smyth William Hughes Pitt Burnaby Greene Henry Gage Morris Henry Whit marsh Pearse William Richardson Henry James Lyford Samuel Chambers John Marshall George Adey Creyke John Lawrence (1) W illiam Henry Byam Ccarles John Austen M illiam Autridge Edw. Wallis iloare 1S0J Thomas Maynard Edw. Augustus Down James Grant Thomas Coe Thomas Cole Fitzowen Geo. Skin ner Edward Crofton James Til lard William Layman Thomas Whinyates John Eake James Nicholson Wm. BrookingDolling Josepii Oliver Bcntinck Cavendish Doyle James'Pringle Richard Arthur John Richards Lapc- notiere William Hellard Xesbit Palmer Jolin Thompson (2) Robert Clephane Arthur Atchison George Mouhray John Bedford George Acklom Alex. Cunningham John Pasco Tho. Fortescue Ken¬ nedy Edward Williams (2) Benjamin Crispin Eyles Mounsher John Yule James Stuart John Smith Edward Barker James Li 1 burn Lewis Hole W in. Westcott Daniel James Green Richard Spear Thomas Fife • John M‘Kerlie Thomas Rich. Toker Hex. Rich.M‘Kenzie 1806 John Langdale Smith James Rogers W illiam Charlton William Ellison Thomas Oliver John Palmer W’illiam Rogers Wm. Buckley Hunt Fredt rick Hickey Harry Ilopkins David Valentine Joint s Mandersoa John I'llis Wm. Barnham Rider Joseph Packwood Alexander Gordon John Miller Adyc James Anderson Delamore Wynter William Peake Francis Dickinson John Evans James Stevenson William Knight I lew Steuart James Galloway John Maxwell Hon. Alex. Jones George Crawley William Raitt Joseph Gulston Gar¬ land John DuffMarkland William Balfour John Hollingworth Tho. Edw. Svmonds JJon. Wm. Walpole Geo. Manners Sutton Thomas Francis Clia. -Mainvraring Robert L. Fowler Richard Smith John Ellis Watt Win. Henry Shirred* Jn. Sanderson Gibson William Sanders Jpseph Pearce Samuel Clarke Beniamin Clement William Sumner Hall •Booty Harvey Rich, llenrv Muddle Henry Hume Spence Henry Thomas Davie* Edw. Reynolds Siblcv Robert Bioye Arden Adderley CO . George Gu»tavus Lcn- nock William Rhcpheard William Landless Richard Win. Parker John Tancock John Haswell Phipps Hornby Charles Kempthorne Quash Charles Claridge Clement Sneyd Philip Browne Thomas Heddington Thomas Ren wick John Hardy Godby Martin \\ liite William Fisher Wm. James Hughes John Lainpen Manley Nicholas Lockyer Hon. Henry Dawson Thomas V dung John Parish John Bradley Charles Fred. Payne lbOT William Love Robert Mitidrd Peter John Douglas William Mather Thomas Bull Sulivan Henry Jligman Samuel Jeffrey John Bowker William Ramage Hon. Wm. Gordo n Donald Campbell William Coote Colin M‘Donald (ieo. Edward Watts Edward Dix Fra. George Dicldns Edw. O'Brien Drur^ Abel Ferris ; Henry Boys ■ Corbet James D’Au | vergne Abraham Lowe FS George ITewson John Williams Robert Balfour Aiex. M 4 Vicar John Taylor James A'bcrdour .lames Boxer Henry Haynes Alexander Renny James John Gordon Bremer Tho. Bickcrton Ash¬ ton Hicks Joseph Hoy John Houston John Strutt Peyton Andrew Hodge Benjamin Warburton Richard Buck ISOS Samuel Fowel! George* Jackson William Stephens Edward Harvey Geprge Henderson Henry Prescott Hon/ George Alfred Crofton.* Thomas Piiito Thomas Tudor Tucker Robert Maunsell Jas. Pattison Stewart Frederick lioffman John Portrous Charles Bertram ,lohn Law rence (2) Christopher Bell Edward Burt David Braimer Nisbet Josiah "Wil¬ loughby W illiam Paterson Hon. Mich. DeCourcy (George Hills Richard Spencer Henry Bourchier Thomas Dench Charles Warde Henry Faxwhawc William Farington Henry Baugh William Outfield Cha. Chamberlayne Irvine Right Hon. RalphVis. Neville John Davie Edward Hen. A’Courl Isaac Hawkins Mor¬ rison Richard Wales John Gore Robert Hall George Downie George Price John Ferguson Edmund Waller George Trollope John Brett Purvis Robt. W. G. Resting Robert Parrey Tho.Cuthbrrt Hichens Fran. Alex, llallida} John Lloyd Joseph lfott John Gourly West by Perceval Thomas Mansell Augustus Baldwin Paul Lawless Sir Henry Clements Thompson, K. S. Edward ScobelJ Robert Preston "William Russell Colin Campbell Wm. Dowers Geo. Wasteli Hooper Geo. Blennerhassett William Robiiliard Thomas Wells Charles Kerr Justice Finley Wm. Richard Smith John Wilson WJlIiam Henry Wnor- wood Peter Fisher 70 George Pringle Thomas Parry Jone^ Parry James Donnor George Ferguson lSOi) John Jam *s Ridge Edw. William Garret William Ferrie Alex. Nesbitt Thomas Iluskisson George Haisled John Bellamy Ewell Tritton Xevinson De Courcy David Sloan Thomas Hui loke Manley Hall Dixon Wm. Flint Alex. R nton Sharpe Win. Hill Wm. Bisscll Wm. Bone Thomas Donnitliorne rnmielGeo. Pecheli Wm. Hext Edward Stopford Henry Spark Join's Arthur Batt Bingham Wm. Howe Muleaster Wm. Fitzwin. Owen lion. Willoughby Ber¬ tie John Griffith Humphry Fleming Senhouse Alex. J laser Alex. Kennedy Edmund Sex ten Pery Knox Hon. Tillieux Fraser John Thomson Clement Milward James Murray Charles Solheby Robert Hocking* Wm. West Tho. Gold wire Muston John Cook Carpenter John Alexander Christopher Nixon John Cookesley Hon. Valentine Gard¬ ner Wm. R. May Geo. Bennett Allen N ich. Brent Clements Charles Allen John Toup Nicholas Johu Smith Cowan W m. Hay garth George Spearing Charles Besson Wm. Hunter George Noble Janus George Wm. Oakley George Stain forth Edmund Bower Henry Tuite Arch. Dow Win. Grieve John Burroughs Sir \\ m. Cunningham, Barf. Stephen Stephens Charit‘8 Roberts William Alston Brand- reth James Godwin Thomas Cunningham Urry Johnson Johii Hall John Worth Rowland Money Hon. William Walde- grave Charles Geo. Rodney Phillott I u is w * a 6 ;to i r* r ■* >dr 71 SUPERANNUATED OFFICERS. REAR - ADMIRALS, At 22s. 6(1. per day. Sir Digby Dent, Knt. Thomas Shirley, Samuel Thonyson, Robert Keeler, Richard Smith, Kvelvn Sutton,Alex Scott, Wm Uudd, n g. Charit, 8 and>-, .IflhH Ingram, Richard Willes, Escirs. CAPTAINS, At 12s. 6d. per Jay. Chaloner Ogle, Esq. Sir Andrew Snapc Hammond, Bart. A.J.PyC MoHoy, Jofm Nicholson Arden, Joseph Ellison, Mat. Smith, Lsqrs. FIFTY COMMANDERS RETIRED FROM LIEUTENANCIES, With 6s. 6rf. per day. hlavne \lc\ Todd, John May,JamesGaborian,Thomas (ownstnd, w. Watts, Robert Carter, Henry Baynes, bam. John, John V etts, John St. Barbe, Lsqre. 72* ESTABLISHMENT AND PAY OF NAVAL OFFICERS. Distinction by Epaulet .—All Flag-Officers, and Captains three years Post, wear two; other Captains, one cn the right shoulder; Com¬ manders, one on the left. Admiral of the Fleet 1 Compensa. money... AdmiralsoftheRed 16) .... of the White 16s .... of the Clue 16} Compensation.. Vice-Ads. ontheRed20) .... of the W’hite 20> .... of the Blue 21) Compensation.. R. Ads. of the Red 19 .... of the .... of the Compensation.. Total Flags....169 First, or Capt. of a Fleet Commo. having a Capt Compensation. Table-money to Adms.) andVice-Adms. rora-f manding in Chief liVUlUll . . the Red 19) 1 White 20> * blue 21) Captains.720 £0 < Commanders.536 Lieutenants.3148 ♦Physicians.^ Masters, from 12/. 12.0 to 7/. Is. per mon. 51 lC Surgeons.) Dispensers of Hospitals Hospital Mates,at home Ditto, abroad. Assistant Surgeons.. 526 Full Pay per Diem. Half-Pay per'Dieni. K.4SK icith the Army. £.s. d. £. *. d. 5 10 3 2 0 0 3 0 0 Field-Marshal. 3 17 0 2 0 0 C Generals. 1 3 0 2 15 0 1 10 0 i Lieut. Generals. 0 15 4 * 1 IS 6 12 6 ^ Major-Generals. 0 11 0 1 18 6 . _ Major-General. 0 6 9 Brigadier-General 1 0 0 From From $ Three years Post 1 3 0 0 12 0 ( Colonels. to to ^Under 3 years 0 12 0 0 7 0 C Lieut.Colonels. 0 12 0 0 G 6 Majors. 6 >. 6/^. to 6>. 1 1 Ofo 5s. to 4s. Captains. 1 11 6 10s. to 15s. 10*. to R 0 6f 0 jj Captains. 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 6 6 0 2 0 0 7 6 0 2 0 0 3 6 2s. to 3s. Lieutenants. - rrnere no rcsiacnce is provided, allowed 1/. Is. for lodging M«ATo ,a fif TaT terv,c I’ ,5s ' ; bis.-. Hospital Mates. 10... 6 d. + And upwards, according to the time of service, 73 Secretary to Admiral of the Fleet, 500/. per annum. Ditto to Admiral couunanding in Chief, 400/. per annum. Ditto to Vice or Rear Admiral or Commodore, with a Captain commanding in Chief, 300/. per annum. Ditto to Flag Officers and Commodores, not having the chief com¬ mand, 150/. per annum. SHIPS IN COMMISSION. Those names in Roman are British built, those in Italic have b^cn taken from the enemy, and the Letter after the Name signifies the Power from whom taken; viz. F. French, B. Batavian or Dutch, S. Spanish, D. Danish, I. Italian, /?. Russian, T. Turkish. rs. Receiving Ship, ps. Prison-Ship, ss. Store-Shin, hs. Hospital- Ship, gs. Guard-Ship, bg. Brig, go. Gun-Brig, bb. Bomb, fs. Fire- Ship, iv. Fire-Vessel, ten. Tender, gv. Gun-Vessel, cu/. Cutter, sch. Schooner—t built of fir, $ of cedar, ^ of teak. First Rate.. .100 Guns and upwards 875 to 850 Men. Second .98 to 90 . 750 to 700 - Third. .80 to 04.650 to 500 .... Fourth .60 to 50.420 to 380 .... Fifth .44 to 32.300 to 220 .... Sixth .30 to 20.200 to 160- Sloop *.18 to 14.125 to 110 .... Abercrombie, F. W. C. Fahie 74 Ahoukir. Geo. Parker 74 Aehille, Sir R. King, Bart. 74 Ajax, R. W. Otway 74 Alfred, J. R. Watson 7 4 Arrogant ( rs.), Win. Flint 74 Assistance (ps.), Lieut. Ldward Morres 1 74 Atlas, Rear-Adm. J. C. Purvis, Capt. J. Sanders 74 Audacious, Donald Campbell74 Africa, L. O. Bland 61 Agincourt / ss.) Win. Kent 64 Ardent, Robert Honeyinan 64 ~irgonuut , /• (hs.) Lt. James J, Xisbet Palmer 18 Albicore, C. J. D Auvergne 18 Amaranthe ( bg.), G. Pringle 18 Apelles, Thomas Oliver 18 Arachnc, Samuel Ciiambers 18 Ariel, Thomas White (2) IS Atalante, Fred. Hickey IS Avon (bg.), H. T. Fraser 18 Abundance( ss.) t J . F ry er, mas.16 Jcteon, F. Viscount Neville 1 G Alert, Alex. Rennv 16 Alonzo, Id ward Barker 16 Argus, F. James Stuart 16 Arrow (sc/..), Lt. Rd. ilawkes 16 Attentive (gb.), Lt. lit. Carr 16 Avenger, Thomas White ( 1 ) 16 Achat* s, T. Pinto 14 Acute(g 6 .^, Lt. John Bucke 14 Aggressorf gb. ),Lt. Jn.WatsonM Archer(g7/.Lt. Lawr. Smith 14 Attack (gb%), Lt. Tho. Swaine 14 t Adonis( cut.), Lt.Dav. Buriian 10 + Alban( cut.), Lt. Henry Weir 10 £Alphea (sets.), Lt. Wm, Gib¬ bons 10 Altna (bb.), John Bow ker 8 Ant (sch.), Lt. Young 8 Adelphi (rocket vessel), Peter Fisher. Barfleur,Vicc-Adm. Hon. G.C. Berkeley, Captain Sir T. W. Hardy, Bart. 98 Belldsle , / '. Geo. Cockburn SO Brave,F.(ps.)Lt.Ju. RiboloanSO Bahama,S.fps.)Lt.Jas. MiineT 1 Bedford, Adam Mackenzie 74 Bellerophon. S. Warren 74 Bellona, J. E. Douglas 74 Blake, E. Codringtou 74 Bombay, Win. Cuming 74 Bulwark, Hon. C. E. Homing 74 Belliqueux, George Bvng 64 Birnjaisant, F. (pa.) Lt. Wm. Henry Boyce 64 Buckingham^ ps ^Lt.Geo.PauHH Batavier, B. (hs.) Lieut. Tho. Dorset Birchall 50 Bristol (ps.), Lt. Wm. Barber Watts 50 Belle Foufe. F. J. Rri-bane 38 Blanche, F. William Wells 38 Blonde, F. V. V. Ballard 38 Boadiccn, John Hatlev 38 Bucephalus, Charles Felly 32 Baracouta ( bg .),- 18 Beagle ( bg.), W. B. Dolling 18 Belette (bg.), E. S. P. Knox 18 Bermuda, A. Cunningiiam 18 Blossom, Francis Beaufort 18 Bonne Citoycnnt, F. R. J. L. O'Connor ]g Brazen, L. Shephcard 18 Brisk, J. Coode ]g Badger, J. L. Manley 16 Beaver, E. O'B. Drury 16 Briseis, J. M. Ad ye 16 Britomarf, W. B.Hunt 16 Bustard, J. D. Markland 16 Basilisk (gb.), Lt. Sam. Crew 14 Blazer (gb.), Lt. F. Banks 14 Bloodhound (gb.), Lu Thomas Warrand 14 Bold (gb.), Lf. Tho. Strong 14 Brevdageren, D. ( gb.) Lt. Cka. Clarke Dobson 14 Bruise r( g5.,),L(.Tho. Smithies 14 Bacchus, D. (sch.) Lt. Charles D. Jeremy 12 Barbara (sch.), Lieut. Samuel Trevor Dickins 10 Bramble (sch ), Lt. John Fle¬ ming ( 2 ) 10 Brcamf sch.), Lt.Geo. G. Miall 10 Ballahouf sch.), Lt.— Bennett 4 Caledonia, Ad. Lord Gainbier, Capt. Wm. Bedford 110 Caesar, R. Adm. W. A. Otway, Capt. C. Richardson “ 80 Canopus, F. R. Adm.G. Martin, Capt. C. Inglis 80 Christian VIJ. D. Sir Joseph Sidney Yorke, Knt. 80 Captain, C. J. W. Nesham 74 Centanr,R.Ad. Sir Sam. Hood, Bart. Capt. Sir Wm. Henry Webley, K. S. 74 Colossus, 1 ’. Alexander 74 C onqueror, Edward Fellowes 74 Courageux, Robert Plampin 74 Cumberland, Hon. P. W ode- house 74 Caton, F. (hs.) Lt. Wm. Brett 64 Crown (ps.), Lt. James Rose f4 Centurion (ss.), - 50 Coromandel, hs. for the army 50 Camel (ss.), I). Weir, master 44 Cambrian, F. W. Fane 40 r5 Ceylon,-W. J. Lye 38 + Clyde, Commodore F.W. C. R. Owen 38 ^Cornwallis, Charles Cole 38 Caroline, Henry Hart 30 Chi£'onnc, F. J. Wain Wright SO Clorinde , F. Thomas Briggs 30 Curra$oa, John Tower 30 Castor, William Roberts 32 Cerberus, Henry Whitbv 38 Ceres ( r>.), Lt. William Cullis 32 + Circe, J. C. Woolcombe 32 Cleopatra, tali, retak. F. S. J. Pec hell 32 Cornelia, IFenry F. Edgoll 32 Champion, Robert Henderson 24 Comus, Matthew Smith 22 C onjiancc, K J. L. Yeo 22 Cossack, G. Digby Crocodile, E. H. Columbine 22 Cvane, SirTho. Staines, Knf. 22 Camilla, John Rowen 20 Calvpso ( bg.), M. B. Bradby 18 Castilian ( tog.)* - Cephalus (bg.), V. Harvey IS Challenger ( bg.),W r . B. Rider 18 Oharybais( bg.), R. L. Fowler 18 Chancell , /’. Hon. W. Gordon 18 Cherub, T. T. Tucker Clio ( bg.), T. F. Baugh Columbine ( be.). Geo. Hilli Coquette, R. Forbes Crane, I). Wvnter Cretan , I. (VF. Pay ne Crocusf bg.). Hon. W. Walpole 18 Cruiser, T.R.Toker IS Cygnet, Edward Dix Cadmus, T. Fife 18 ___,_™ 16 Calliope, J. M l Kerlie 16 Chanticleer, R. Spear Cherokee, Richard Arthur 16 Childers, (gs. bg.)R. Ad. SirE. Nagle, Kt.Capt.J.Packwood 16 Comet, Richard H. Muddle 16 Cordelia, T. F. Kennedy 16 Cormorant, (ss.) W. A. Lang- ton, master 16 Corso, S. (gs.) Ft. Geo. Taylor 1G Curlew, John Taucpck 16 Censor (gb.) f Lt. Joshua Lati¬ mer Rowe 14 Chargerf^a.J, Lt. John Aitken Blow ' 14 Cheerlyf £&.),I,t.Tb.Foulertonl4 Conquest (gb*), Lieut. Walter Boswell 14 Constant (gb .), Lt. Jn. Stokes 14 Contest (gb .), Lt. J n. Gregory 14 Cracker (gb.), Lt. Jn. Levett 14 Conflict ( gb .), Lieut. Joseph Bainbrigg Batt 12 Con founder (gb*), Lt. James Valobra 12 Cheerful (cut.), Lieut. Daniel Carpenter Chub (sch.)y Lt. — Lines 10 Cuttle f sch.), Lt. Robt. Berry 10 Cuckoo (sch.), Lt. Silas Bis¬ cuit Paddon 8 Dreadnought, R. A dm. Tho. Sotheby, Capt. G. B. Salt 98 Dannemark , D. James Bisset 74 Defence, Charles Kkins 74 Defiance, 11. Gotham 74 Donnega!, F. F. P. Brenton 74 Dictator, lt. 11. Pearson 64 Diomede, Hugh Cooke^ 30 Dolphin (cn Jlute), C. Watson -14 Diana, John Davie 38 V Doris, W. A. Montagu 38 [ Dover, Edward Tucker 38 ^Dromedary (*?.), S. P. Prit¬ chard, master Dedaignctise , F.- Desiree, F. A. E’arquhar Dryad, 1'. Galwey Daidalus, S. II. Ingleficld Druid, Sir m. Bolton, Ivot, 32 Dido (ps. for army deserters, Fie of n ight t 28 Daphne, Philip Pipon 22 Dart, sheer-hulk at Barbados . Dasher. R- W. G. Testing 18 Dauntless, Josiah \V illiams 18 Demerara (bg.), Hon. George Moysey 18 Derwent (bg.), J. S. Titley 13 Dispatch (bg.), J. Liliicrap 18 35 36 30 36 32 Dotterell (bg.). T. O. Muston 18 Dauntless, J. Wittman 18 J) light, F. I ord Balgonie 16 Diligence, Alex, Gordon 16 Drake, Evles Mounshcr 18 Driver,G‘. P. Monke ]6 Daring (gb.), l.f. Geo. Ilayes 14 Defender ( gb.) Lt. John Geo. Nops J 4 Diana (bg.), Lt. W m. Kemp- thorne ]4 Diligent % F. (ss.) Rd. Turner, master 14 Desperate (gb.), Lt. Robert Lllery J 4 Dexterous (gb.), Lt. Robert Tomlinson 14 Discovery, bos. ship for troops at Sheerness . Dappcrf gb.), LlHv. Hertford 12 Deeouvcrtr , F. ( bg.)Lt. Joshua Ricketts Ron lev ls> Deptfordf tn. ).Lt.Geo.Antraml 2 Diligentf ss.), Alx. Black, mas. 10 JJrsperante , F. (scb.) Lt. — Campbell 8 Devastation, ( bh.) John Taylor 8 Edgar, James Macnamara 74 Elizabeth, Hon. Jf. Curzon 74 Excellent, John Vest 74 Europe, (p*.) Lt. Win. Stales 6-1 J 'xped'tion, "William Dawson 44 y xperimentto ),Lt.Jas.Fegen44 Endymion, fir n. T. B. Capcl 10 Emerald, E. L. Ma ; tland 36 Ethalion, T. J. Cochrane 36 Euryalfls,Hon.G.M. 1 . DnndasSG Enterprise (rs.), Lieut. Wm. Collins Barker gs Eurydice, James Bradshaw 24 Echo (bg .), R. Keen ]y Eclair, C. K. Quash J 8 Eclipse (bg.), G. A. Crcykc 18 J geria, Lewis Hole * 18 + h Ik (bg.), Jer. Coghlan 18 Riven, D. John Haswell 18 Emulous, Gustavus Stupart 18 Enchantress (gs. £\ ps. », Lieut. James Easley • ]8 Espoirf^.j, Robt. Milford Jg R»f derm , f). John PengeHy 18 1 phera, J. S. Peyton ‘ 16 Erebus (fs. ), Wm. Autridge 16 Ew, D. (py.) Lieut. Richard Win. Simmonds 74 Fisgard , F. William Bolton .‘18 Frey a, D. John Haves 38 Furieuse , F. John Simpson SS Fortunee, H. Vansittart 36 Franchise, F. C. Dashwood 36 Fox, Hon. A. Cochrane 32 Frederickstein, D. T. Searlc 32 Fylta , D. Hon. Edw. Rodney 22 Favourite, Ben}. Clement * IS Fawn, Hon. G.‘ A. Crofton 18 Ferret (bg.), Richard Wales 18 Fly (bg.), John Thompson ( 1 ) 18 For. st- r i bg.), J E. Watts IS Frol c, Thomas Whinyates 13 Fleche, F. G. Hewson 16 Fancy (gb.), Lieut. Alex. Sin¬ clair 14 Fearless (mortanbi ig ), Lieut. Abraham Garland 14 Firm (gb.), Lt. John Little 14 Flamer (gb.), Lieut. Anthony Bliss W m. Lord 14 Forward (gv.), Lt. Dan. Shells 14 Furious (gb.), Lt. Jn. Mundell 14 Fervent (gh.), Lt. John Ed- wafd Hare 12 Firefly, F.(bg.) Lt .Da v i d Boyd 12 Fury (bb.), Robert Balfour 12 Flor del M ir , S. ( sch.) Lieut. Joseph Daly 8 Furnace (bb.), -- 8 Friendship ( ten.), Lt. William Wilson 6 Fierce ( sc ft.), - 4 Glory (ps.), Lt. Richard Sim¬ mons 98 Gibraltar, S. 11. L. Ball 80 Ganges, Peter llalkett 74 Genereux, (ps. j Lieut. Win. Lanyon 71 Guildford (ps.J,Lt.Jos.Croueh74 Glatton ( gs.), G. iM. liligh 50 Gladiator ( convict-ship), Lt. Jolm Price (1) 41 Gorgon ( /is.), K. B. Tom 44 Gutrrierc, i '. R. Lloyd 38 Gloire, F. James Garthew 30 Garland, VV. II. Sherrill* 22 Ganymede, F. R. Cathcart 20 Glomme.n, D. Piekford 18 Gluckstadt, D. Edward Bass 18 Qoree (for. Favourite ), taken, retak. F. J. Simpson 18 Goshawk ( bg.), J. Lilburn 18 Grasshopper( bg.), Henry Fan- shawe 18 Goldiinch (bg.), A. Adderley 10 Gaimet (bg.), J Stevenson 1G Galgo (rocket transport), J. Uellard 1G Grenada, F.(bg.)\A. St. Briggs 16 Griffon, F. John Gore 1G Gallant (gb.), Lt. Peter Giles Piekernel 14 Growler ( gb.), Lieut. Richard Grossman 14 Guaehapin (bg.), Lieut. W. Wolland 12 Green Linnet (sch. ),- G Grouper( sch ),Lt.Wm.\\ inlark 4 Hibernia, K. J. Neve 110 Hector( ps.), Lt. Edm.Nepean 74 Jlercule (ps.), —- 74 Hero, James N. Newman 74 k Hindostan ( ss.), John Pasco 50 Hydra, George Mindy 38 Horatio, George Scott 38 Hussar, Alex. Skene 38 J {elder, B. John Serrell 36 t Hebe, John Fyfte 32 Heroine, 11. H. Christian 32 Hyperion, T. C. Brodie 32 Ilind, John R. Lumle.y 28 Hy»na, taken, relak. F. (ss.), George Andrews, master 24 Halifax, Alex. Fraser 18 Harpy (bg.), G. W. Blarney 18 t Harrier ( bg.), Jas. J. Ridge 13 Hazard,- 18 Hecate ( bg. ), W. Buchanan 18 Helena, J. A. Worth 18 ilerald, George Jackson 18 Gosper, E. W. Hoare 18 Hornet (hs.), Lieut. Charles Williams (2) 13 Hunter ( bg. ), Colin Campbell 18 Hyacinth, — Carter 18 Halcyon (bg.), 11. W. Pearse 16 Hart , F. Lieut. John Duncan 16 Hawk, F. (bg.) 13. Bourchier 16 Helicon ( bg.), 3. Swaine 16 Hr rines( ss j, Tho. Hoski us, mas. 16 Heureux, J . M. Holliday 16 1 lope ( bg .), J oseph Pearce 16 Hound, N. Lockyer 16 Hardy (gb.), Lt. Tho. Dutton 14 Haughtv (gb.), Lieut. William Williams 14 Uorttnzia (sch.), J. Lt. F.dw. Blaquiere 14 Havock ( gb.), Lt. Wm. Rich. Bamber 12 Hearty (gb.), Lieut. William Wickham 12 Herring (sch.), James W. Sprott, acting Lieut. 8 Ilolly (sch.), Lieut. Samuel Sharpe Treacher 8 Impeiueux, /'.John Law ford £0 Illustrious, W. R. Broughton 74 Implacable, F. T. 13. Martin 71 Invincible, Ross Donellv 74 Irresistible ps. (former. Steifi¬ gure, tuk. retak. F. ),G.Fow ke 74 1 78 Inflexible Cs *.), T. Brown 61 Intrepid, O. Andrews f»l Isis, Woodley Losack 50 Indefatigable, II. 1 .R.Baker 44 lmperieuse, S. Rt. lion. Lord Cochrane, K. 11. 40 Inconstant, F. S. Dickson 36 Iphigrnia, ii. Lambert 36 Iris, lion. Gran. Proby 32 Indian, ('. J. Arstcn 18 Imogen ( bg. ), Wm. Stephens 16 i udignantY gb. ), Lf.Cha.Jones 14 Jnsobnt , A'. (gb.) Lieut. John Row :\iorris 14 Intelligent (gb.), Lt. Nicholas Tucker 12 Industry (gv. g*-), - 0 I ntegritv ( cut. ), - 6 Jason, lion. J. W. King 32 Jamaica, t\ Arthur Ly sag lit 24 Jnw, Kid. Stopford 24 J a louse, IL G, Morris 18 Julia (bg.), - 18 Julie, 7. Samuel Fowell 16 Jasper, W. \V. Daniel 16 Junipei(.st7r. )%Lt,Nath,Vassal 1 8 James ( ten. ), LI. John Couch S Kent, Thomas Rogers 74 Kangaroo, John liaker lb Kingtisher, 1.. Trilton 18 K ite ( bg. .), Joseph .1 aines 16 Leviathan, John Harvey 74 Isyden, li. (g .) Tho. iLher 64 Lion, Henry lit athcote 64 l.c opard, \ . Adm. Alb, Bertie, Capt. J. H.Tait 10 Luvinia, Lord \\ illiam Stuart rS i.eda, Geo. Saytr 36 1 a onida*, Janies Dunbar 3b Lively, George M'Kinley 38 J vice, A. A. VV. Schomberg 38 Lightning, B..C. Doyle 18 Lit v, Tho. Graves 18 Jjtilt li .it, J). John Crispo 18 Lynx, J. W. Marshall 18 Leveret, John Worth 16 Lvia, M in. Itevians 16 Liberty ( bg.), Lt. Geo. Mills 14 Linuet ( bg.), Lt. JohuTrcacy 14 Locust (gb.), Lt. John Gedgr 14 Lady Nelson (bg.), Lt. James Symons (1) 10 t Laura ( cut.), Lt. F. Wills 10 Lucifer ( bb.), Robert Hall 8 Magnificent, George Eyre 74 Majestic, Thomas llarvev 74 Marlborough, Graham Moore 74 Mars, James Katon 74 Milford, Henry Wm. Bayntun74 Minotaur, John Barrett 74 Monarch, Richard Lee 74 Montague, R. II. Moubray 74 MonmoiitliGv.v.L Michael Dudd64 Malabar ( ss.), Francis Brad- si aw, master 50 Mngmmimef rs.), Lieut. James Alollineux 40 Milan, F. Sir Rt. Lawrie, Bt 38 Manilla, G. F. Seymour 36 Melainpus, Id ward Hawker 36 Modest* , A. Hon. Geo. Elliot 36 Magicitnne, / Lucius Curtis 32 Medusa, Hon. D. 1\ Bouverie 32 Mermaid, M. J. Ilenniker 32 f Minerva, Richard Hawkins 32 Mercury, Hon. Henry Duncan 28 Matilda /'. (/is.), Lt. Thomas Dorset Birr hail 24 Martin, John Evans 18 Mercurius , 1). Tho. Renwick 18 Minorca ( bg.), P. Hornby 18 Minstrel, John Ilollinwofth 18 Moselle ( bg.), Henry Boys 18 Mosquito ( bg .), R. Pettet 18 Mutine(5^.y, C. M. Fabian 18 Myrtle, Thomass Innes 18 Magnet ( bg .), John Smith 16 Manly, talc. 11. retak.( bg.)Lt. Ldw. Nath. Greens word 16 Merope, John Houston 16 Musette, F. T, P. J. Parry 16 Mai inert gb. j.Lt. Jos. Griffiths 14 Martial i gb.), Lieut. Joshua Kneesha w 14 Monkey (gb.), Lt. Tho. Fitz¬ gerald *" 14 Mosnmbique, F. (sch.) Lt. Jas. Atkins 14 79 Maria(l), (ten.) Lt. —- 10 Maria (2), ( ten.) Lt.- 10 Mullet (sch. ), Lt. lit. Standly 10 Meteor (bb .), James Collins 8 Misletoef sch.), Lt.Rt. Ramsay 8 Markerelf sch. ;,Lt.Tiio. Bishop 4 Neptune, Sir J. A. Wood, Knt.93 Namur ( gs. ), Rear-Adni. John Wells, Capt. A. Shippard 74 Norge, D. J. S. Rainier 74 Northumberland,W\ Hargood74 Nassau, T). Robt. Campbell 01 Naiad, 11. Hill r 3S Niemen, F. Sir M.Seymour,Kt. 38 Niobe, F. John W. Coring 38 Nereide, F. Robert Corbet 36 Nymphe, F. Hon. Joe. Percy 36 Nymphcn , ]). Keith Maxwell 36 Narcissus, Hon. F.W. Aylmer 32 Nereus, Peter Heywood 32 Niger (hs.), Lt. Timothy Bird 32 Nyaden, I). Fred. Cottrell 32 Nemesis, Win. Ferris 28 Nautilus (bg.), Tho. Dench 18 Ned Elven, D. J. Lamborn 18 Nightingale (bg.), Wm. Wil¬ kinson 16 Nancy (bg), Lt. John Arthur Kilwick 16 Net ley, F.( bg.) Lt. C ha. Bu r man 14 Nonpareil ( bg.), Lieut. James Dickinson (2) 11 Nile( lug.), Lt. Chris. Symons 12 Orion, Sir A. C. Dickson, Bt. 74 Oiseau, F. (ps.) Lieut. Walter Kennedy 36 Orpheus, P. Tonyn 36 Owen Glendower, Wm. Selby 56 Observateur, F. Rich. Smith IS Osprey. Timothy Clinch 18 Otter, N. J. Willoughby IS Oberon ( bg.), Geo. M. Sutton 10 Onyx, John Parish 16 Opossum, W. 11. Byam 16 Orestes, J. R. Lapenotiere 16 Oroonoko ( gb.), Lieut. James Hoskins 14 t Olympia ( sch.), Lieut. Henr v Taylor * 10 G 2 Pompee, F. V. Ad. Hon. Sir \ I\ Cochrane, K. B. Capt. Jn. Richards 80 Pegase, F. (ps.) Alex. Pyper, master 74 Phntagonet, Thomas Eyles 7 i Powerful* C. J. Johnston 71 Princess Caroline, D. Cha. D. Pater 74 Princess of Orange, 3.V. Ad. Geo. Campbell, Capt. Fra. Beau man * 71 Puissant , F. Robert Hall 74 Polyphemus, V. Ad. Bar. Sam. Rowley, Capt.W. P. Cumby64 Prince Frederick, B. (pi.) V. A din. J. Sutton, Lt. Abdiel Orfcur 61 Prothee , F.(ps.) U. William Todman 61 Pantherf ps. ), Lt.Tho.Gill(l)50 Piedmontaise , F. Cha. Foote 50 Prmoyante, F. ( ss.) Daniel M‘Coy, master 40 Pearlen, D. Nor. Thompson 38 Phaeton, F. P. B. Pellew 38 Pomone, Robert Barrie 58 President, F. C. M. Schomber,' 38 Princess Cha riot t*, F. G. Tobin 38 Penelope, John Dick 86 Phoebe, J. Hillyar 36 Phcenix, Zachary Mudge 56 Psyche, F. John Kdgecnmbe 36 + Pallas, Hon. (ico. Cadogan 32 Pearl (slop-ship), Lt. Charles Woodgcr 32 P, i nr ess, B. (gs.) Kdw. Kill- wick 28 Porcupine, Richard Elliott 2’4 Pandora ( bg.), R. Janxerin 18 Partridge, Wm. Foote 18 Peacock ( bg.), Wm. Peake 18 Pelorus,- 13 Persian (bg.) S. M. Colquitt IS Peruvian ( bg.) Fra. Douglas 13 Peterell,- 18 Pheasant, John Palmer Is Philomel ( bg.), Geo. Crawley 18 Pilot, J. T. Nicholas 18 T Plover, Philip Browne 18 Podargus, William Hellard 18 Pa rt-Mahon (bg .), J. Lawson 18 Procris ( bg .), —- 18 Pv lades, W. H. VViiorwood 18 Parthian, Hon. H. Dawson 18 Paulina (kg*), West. Percival 16 Ptlican, F. Edw. H. A Court 16 Pert, F. Wm. Sumner Hall 16 Phipps ( bg. pur. ), Chris. Bell 16 Pickle, F.(sch.) Lt. Andrew Craw ford 16 Porpoise (ss.), Wm. Bligh 16 Port d'Espagne, S. (bg.) S. G. Pechell 16 Prometheus, Thomas Forrest 16 Pultusk, F. Lt. — Elliott 16 Pelter ( gb.), Lt.Wm. Evelyn 14 Pj?Tcer(gb.), Lt. John Sibrell 14 Pi richer (gb.), Lieut. Samuel Burgess 14 Protectory gb.), Lieut. George . Michener 14 Plumper^#. ),Lt.Wm.Frissell 12 Patriot (go.), Lieut. Edward Wogan Mansell „ 10 Puz, S. (sch.) Lt. Dan. Pring 10 Porgey( sch.), Lt. HughGoold 10 Prevost (sch.), Lt. Sam. Slout 10 Pilchard (sen.), Lt. William Henry Dore 8 Pike (sch. ), tak. S. rrtak. F. Lt. Ilenry Joshua Philadolphus Proby 8 Prospero (bb.), - 8 Quebec, Hon. George Poulett Quail (sch.), Lt. John () born 8 Royal Sovereign, D. Colby 110 Royal tVilliam (g*. built 1719, reduced lto7 ), Adm. Sir R. Curtis, Bt. Capt. John Irw iu 80 Renown, P. C. Durham 71 Repulse, John Hal li Jay 74 Resolution, Geo. Burlton 74 Revenge, Hon. Cfca. Paget 74 Rochester (/> .), Lieut. John Hindes Sparkes 74 Rodney, —- 74 Royal Qak, Lord A. Bcauclerc 7 4 Russel, R. Adm. W. O. Drury. Capt. T. G. Caulfield 74 Raisonable, Josias Rowley 64 Ruby, Robert Williams 64 Roebuck ( g ?.), V. Adm. Billy Douglas, Capt. Rich. Curry 44 Resistance, C harles Adam 38 Rota, J). Philip Somerville 38 Rhin, F. Charles Malcolm 36 Resolue, F. (rsA R. Adm. Sir E. Buller, Lt. John Harris Ni¬ cholas 36 Rainbow, F. J. Wooldridge 24 Racehorse (bg.\ Wm. Fisher 13 Racoon, Wm. Black 18 Raleigh (bg.), George Saver 18 Recruit (bg.), J. Murray 18 Redw ing (bg.), F.. A. Down 18 f Reirideer(J^. ),P. J. Douglas 18 Rifleman, Alex. Innes 18 Ringdove (bg.), Win. Dowers 18 Roman , T. - 18 Rosamond, Benjamin Walker 18 Rosario, Booty Harvey 18 Rose, Thomas Mansell IS Rover, F. J. Nott 18 Royalist-, John Maxwell 18 Ranger, George Ackloni 16 Rapid (sch .) Wm. Mather 16 Rattler, H. Iliginan 16 Rattlesnake, J. J. G. Bremer 16 Raven (bg.), G. G. Lennock 16 Redpole, Colin M‘Dona!d 16 Reynard (bg.). Mew Stewart 16 Rhodian (bg.), Geo. Moubray 16 Holla (bg ), Samuel Clark 16 Ronoe , J. John 4Vilson 16 Re dbreast (gb.\ Lt. Sir George Mount Keith, Bart. 14 Richmond (gb.), Lieut. John Walker 14 Rinaldo, James Irwin 14 Papule, F. (sch. ) - 12 Re but!'(£•/>.), Lt. Charles Tovey Leaver 12 Resolute(g5.\I.f. Fdw.IIarriesl2 Salvador ad Mundo , S. ( gs.) Ad. W. Young, Capt.T.W olley 112 San Josef, 'S. V. Adm. Sir J. T. Duckworth, K. B. Capt. R. D. Dunn 110 St. Georg*, R. Adm. Fr. Pick- more, Capt. B. James $8 Sandwich (ps.), Lieut. Joseph Cox well 90 Sussexf hs. ),Lt.Wm.Cockcraft90 San Rafael, S. (sheer-hulk at Plymouth) 84 San Nicholas , S. (ps.) Lt. Wm. Snow 80 San Antonio , S. (ps.) Lieut. Richard Heacoek T4 San Damaso, S. (ps.) Lt. Tho. Thompson 74 Sail Domingo,R. Adm.Sir R. J. Strachan, K. B.Capt. Charles Gill 74 Su»4 Ildefonso, S. (ss) Lt. Ed¬ ward Harley 74 San Juan, S. ( rs.) Lt. Thomas Spence 74 San Vsidro , S. (ps.) Lt. Geo. James Decceurdeux 74 Saturn, William Cumberland 74 Sceptre, S. J. Ballard 74 Sc ip io Hi F. R. Adm. Hon. R. Stopford, Captain C. P. B. Bateman 74 Spartiate . F. Sir Francis La- forey, Bart. 74 S u fib! k( ps.), Lt. Alex.Gilmour7 4 Sultan, Edward Gritfith 74 Swiftsnre,V. Adm. SirJohn B. Warren, K. B.Capt. J.Conn74 Sampson (ps.), Lt. John Wa- therston 64 St. Albans, F. W. Austen 64 Standard, A. P. Holler 64 Stately, R. Adm. Tho. Bertie, Capt. J. W. D. Dundas 64 Serapisfen flute), Wm. Llovd, master - 44 t>Salsette, W. Bathurst 38 Sea-Horse, John Stewart 38 Shannon, P. B. V. Broke 38 ^ Sir Francis Drake, G. Harris 38 Spartan, Jahleel Brenton 38 Statira, Cha. Worsley Boys 38 G 3 81 Surveillante , F. Sir G. R. Col¬ lier, Knt. 38 SybUle, F. Clotworthy Up ton 38 Seine, F. David Atkins 36 Seiniramis, William Granger 36 Sirius, Samuel Pym 36 St. Fiorenzo, F. Henry Matson 38 Success, tak. retak. F. John Ayse.ough 32 Squirrel, Lord Wm. Fitzroy 24 Sabine, James Don nor 18 ^Sabrina (bg.) Edw. Kittoe 18 Samarang, 8. Richard Buck 18 Sapphire, George Davies 18 Sappho ( bg.), Wm. Charlton 18 Saracen (bg.), B. S. Bluett 18 Savage ( bg.), - 18 Scorpion ( bg.), F. Stanfell 18 Scout (bg. ), A. R. Sharpe 18 Sc>lla (bg.), Arthur Atchison 18 Snake, Thomas Young 18 Sparrow-Hawk, Jas. Pringle 18 Spitfire, John Ellis 18 Star, William Paterson 18 St. Christopher, F. - 18 Stork, George Le Geyt IS St. Pierre , 7". Alex. Kennedy 18 Sunnam, B. - 18 Swallow (bg.), J. Bedford 18 Sarpedon, James Green 16 Sarpen. J). J. S. Gibbon 16 Satellite (bg.), Robert Evans 16 Serpent (bg.), Jas. Gilford 16 Shark (rs .), 1*. Denman 16 Sheer water, E. K. Sibiey 16 Sheldrake, John Thickncsse 16 Skylark. James Boxer 16 Snap , F. — Barclay 16 Sparrow (bg.), Edw. Burt 16 Supcrieurc, F. (bg.) H. F. Sen- house 16 Sprightly^ gb ^,Lt.Sam.Gordon 14 Safeguard ( gb.), Lt. Wm. Field 14 t Sea-Flower (Ag-.^Lt.Gordon Stewart 14 Sentinel (gb.), Lt Wm. EUet- son King 14 Sharpshooter (gb.), Lt. John Goldie 14 P, e (gb.), Lt.Cha.Champion 14 Sp de.r, S. Lf. Wm. San a lord Oliver 14 82 Starling ( gb. ), Lieut. Charles Frederick Napier 14 Sfaunc hfgb.), Lt. Beni. Street 14 Meaiy (gb.), Lt. Arthur Stow 14 Strenuous (gb.), Lt. John Nu- pent 14 Swingerf gb.), Lt Fran.Bligh 14 Saf- tif F. (guard-vessel), Lt. Robert Dwyer 14 Sandwich (sr)i. ), Lt. Edward Kingston Folev 10 Shcerness ( rs. ), Lt. Geo. Fox 10 Skipjack (scb .), Lieut. John Tharp Thompson 10 Somrrsf sch. ),U.Gro.DiekinslO Surl v( cfit .), Lt. Richard WelchlO JSvlvia (cut.), Lt. Augustus Vere Drurv 10 Shamrock f *cA.) Lieut. Went¬ worth Parsons Croke 8 Snapper (scb.), Lt. Edmund Jenkins 8 Subtle, l\ (sch.), Lieut. John Brown (1) 8 Sorlinqsf ten. for taking sound¬ ings l, Lt. Tha. Thompson. Temeraire, ft. Adm. Manley Dixon, ('apt. I dvr. S. Clay*08 Tigre , F. Sir R. Hallow- 11. Kt. 80 Tonnant, F. S»r Cha. Hamil¬ ton, Barf. 80 Terrible, Lord Henry Paulet 74 Theseus, John Poo B^rcsford 74 Triumph, Sam. Hood Linzee 74 Trident, R. B. Vincent 6-1 Tromp, It. (As*.), Lt. Michael M‘ Car thy 50 Trusty ( hslj. Lt. Daniel Little Couch 50 Thetis, George Miller 8S Thalia, J. (». Vashon 36 Topaz , F. A. J. Griffiths 30 + Trent (hs. ), \V. Grossett 36 Tribune, George Reynolds 36 Tartar, Joseph Baker 32 Terpsichore, .7. M. Gordon 32 Fu irterelle (ps.), Lt. James Y'oung * $2 Thames. Hon. G.O.Waldcgravc32 tTriton (g$A, Wm. -Cash man 32 Thisbe (gs.), V. Ad. Sir 11. F, Stanhope, Bart. Capt. Wm. Rogers 28 b Tortoise («$.), Tho. Cook,mas. 20 Talbot, Hon. Alex. Jones 18 Termagant, H. F. P. Sturt 18 Thais, Isaac Ferrieres 18 Thracian (hg.\ James Grant 18 Thrush, John Griffith 18 Trincolo, F. G. Skinner is Trompewtc , F. W. B. Dolling IS Tweed, T. F. Symonds 18 Thorn (lent to the Marins So- cktu) f G. Cranston, master 16 T v phone ( g-. ), Wm. Foote 16 Tartarus,T. F. C.Maimvaring Tyrian, Henry T. Davies 16 Thresher (gb.), Lieut. Josiah Dornford 14 Turbulent^ gb. ),Lt.Geo.Woodl4 Iransit (sch. four masts), Lt. Terror (bh. gs.), Lt. Thomas W. Whitaker 10 Ticklerf cut. ), Lt. Rich. Burton 10 Trinidad (srA.),Li. Chas. Sidley 10 Thistlef sch.), Lt. Peter Procter 8 Thunder (bb.), P. Law less 8 # . 1 uu 11.1v * aiiipiyr Undaunted, T. J. Mating 83 Unicorn, A. R. Kerr 32 Utile ( gs. ), Lt. Win. Gilchrist 16 Urgent (gb*), Lt* Peter Rigby 14 Ville de Paris, V. Adm. 1/ord Collingwbod, Capt. Richard Thomas 110 Victory, 1 ». Adm. Sir Jas. Sau- mafez, Capt. Geo. J. Hope, 2d Capt. lmifip DumaresqlOO *9 Valiant, John Bligh 74 Vanguard, H. K. Glynn 7; Venerable, Sir H. Popham 74 Vengeance ( p<.), Commodore Hugh Downman 74 Victorious, .John Talbot 74 Veteran (ps. ), Lt. John Hdul- ton Marshall 61 Vigilant (ps. ), Lieut. Wm. So¬ merville 61 Vlicter , D.(sheer-hulk at Shcer- ttess) 40 Virginia F. Edward Brace 38 Volontaire , F. Charles Bullen 38 Venus, D. James C. Crawford 36 Vestal, I . L. Graham 28 Volage, P. L. J. Rosenhagen i*' Vulture, Martin White 16 Vimiera, F. (bg.) Ldw. ScobelUG Virginia (£a zle (sefi.), Lt. James Bray 10 Wildboar (sch. ),Tho. Burton 10 WhitingftrA.), Lt.Uv.Wildey 8 York, Robert Barton 74 Zealous, Thomas Boys 7 4 Zee taint, IF ( cotiv. ship ) - 64 Zenobia(A/,'.),A.K. Mackenzie IS Zephyr ( bg.), F. (n Dickin" 16 Woodlark (bg.), G. L. Watts 16 Dorset (built in 1753% L. Bra- bazon 10 Mary (1727% Sir Edw. Hamil¬ ton, Knt. 10 Medina (1702), P. Baskerville 10 Princess Augusta(1710%C.Ogle 8 Royal Charlotte (1749), E. J. Poote 10 Royal Sovereign (1804) Sir 11. R. Neale, Bart. 10 William and Mary (1807% T. F. Fremantle 10 HIRED VESSELS. Adrian (cut.), Lt. — Carter 8 Adelphit ten. ),Lt.Js.Simmonds 8 Admiral! iardnerf guard boat), Lieut. George Dove. Ann ( bg.), Lt,- 14 Active( cut.), Lt. Step. Cousins 8 Ariadne (cut. ), Lt. Jos. Derby 8 Albionfeat. % AW. Watson,mas. 6 Alert ( cut.), Lt. Jn. M‘J)ougal 4 Betsey Cains (cut.), Lt. Tho. Gidnev 16 British Pairf cut .)Richard Ro¬ gers, roaster 9 Black Joke ( lag*), Lt. Moses Cannadey 4 Charles,- 14 Concord (tm.) t Lieut Henrv Pouk T 34 Ceciliafscfi.^Lt. Rich.Kevern 6 Charlotte (cut.), Lt. Nathan Jeremiah Ball 6 Cleveland (ten.), Lt. William Parker 6 Countess of Elginf cut.), Lieut. Michael Comerford. Dart (cut.), Lt. Geo. Norton 10 Duke of York (cut.), Lt. John Forbes (1) 8 Dover (cut.), Lieut. Edwin Thrackston 4 Endeavour (&£.), Lt. Samuel Sawyer 12 Earl Spencer (cut.), Lt. W r m. Bo t Intel 1 10 Ebrington (ten.), Lt. William Mounier 10 Elizabeth, 1st (ten.), Lt. Ro¬ bert Morris 10 Elizabeth,2d (ten.), R.W\ Ha¬ milton, master 10 Eliza ( cut.), T. Hall, master 8 Eliza(ten.), Lt. RobertSkipsey 8 Findon ( cut.), H. Kay,master 12 Fame ( sch.), - * 8 Fancy ( cut.), - 4 Cleaner ( ketch), Lt. — Green 14 Gambier (cut.), Lieut. Robert Moodie 12 Harlequin, Lt. Philip Charles Anstruther 16 Hebe, Edward Ellicott 16 Humber, F. Robert England 16 Hardwicke (cut.), - 10 Hope (ten.), Lt. Stephen Per- drieau 10 Idas,lst( cut.), Lt. Ja?. Duncan 10 Idas,2d (cut.), Lt.W T in. Wells 10 King George (cut.), Thomas Mekeek, master 10 Lord Eldon, C. C. Irvine 16 Lord Cochrane (bg.), Lt. Jo¬ seph Tindale 14 Lord Melville (ten.), Lt. Felix Richardson 10 Lyra (ten.), Lt. Thomas Flinn 10 Louisa (ten.), Lt. John Page 8 Marristonf bg.), James Barker 12 Maria {ten.), Lt. Gilbert John Michell 8 Neptune, lstf ten.), Lt William Parker 10 Neptune, 2d (ten.), Lt. Wm. Wilinot Clifton 10 Nimrod {cut.), J. Tapley, mas. 8 Norfolk (ait.), Lt.-- 8 PrinceWilliam, Andrew Mott 16 Providence ( bg.), Peter Rye 16 Phoebe (cut.), Lieut. Edwin Charlton Harris K Pittffl^.), Lt.Wm. Perkins(l)* Phoenix (ten.), A.Ridley, mas. 10 Princess of Wales ( cut.), Lieut. Edward Southcott 10 Princess Augusta {cut.), Lieut. Andrew M‘Culloch 8 Poll (cut.), Lt. John Williams 4 Rowena, Lt. Geo. Glanvill 14 Redesdale( cut. ),Lt. Hen. Fryer 8 Rosa (ten.), Lt. J. Campbell 8 Sandwich( lug.) Lt. Wm. Atkinsl4 Suffolk,- 16 Speculator (lug.), Lieut John Macredie 10 Sheerness (cut.), Lt.- 8 True Blue (ten.), Lieut. Alex. Lighterness VESSELS IN ORDINARY. A lexandre, F. 80 Akbar 74 Albion 74 Alcide, (rs.) , 74 America 74 Alkmaar , D. (ss.) 50 Adventure, ( rs.) 44 Assurance 44 Astrea 38 Alarm (built inl758, the Jirst vessel cop¬ pered in the It. JV.)32 Ambuscade, tak. rt- tak. F. 32 Andromache 32 Andromeda 32 Aouilon Alligator Amphitrite Arab, F. Ariadne Autumn Aimwell, (gb.) Britannia 8 32 28 28 20 20 16 14 100 Berwick Brunsw ick Brake l, B. Bad r ZaJfer,T. B uue, F. Braave, B. Boston Barbados, F. Brilliant BacchantF. Barbette, K Bergers, F. Bittern Bonetta Bull-Dog {bb.\ tak. retak. F. Borer, ( gb.) Boxer, {gb.) Buffalo, ( ss.) Cambridge Camp rdown , 1?. Canada Carnatic Culloden Chatham, Chichester, (*s.) Carrie re, F. ( rs.) Clara , S. Cuba, S. Concorde , iF. Carysfort Cyclops + Cameleon, (5g.) Combatant Courier , 2>. Cynthia Colombo , F. (bg.) Cricket, ( fcfcA j Dragon Delft , ff. Diadem Dordretcht , Tl. Drochterland , B. Didon , F’. Diamond Decade , F. Eagle Elephant £uropa 74 74 50 40 30 36 & 2b 28 22 22 18 18 16 12 11 14 1 80 74 74 74 74 50 44 38 38 38 30 28 28 18 18 18 18 16 14 74 61 61 64 50 40 38 30 74 74 50 85 Egypt imne, F. 40 Fngageante , F. 38 Epervicr , /’. (5g.) 16 Kugeme ling, f sc//.) Express, {ten.) Fortitude Felicite , F. Fama, S. Fredericks waarn, D.36 n vends Fisk, D. 18 Fuerte , S. Fairy Falcon oliath Grafton f ) Gueldtrland, B. Grampus f Glenmore Galatea GVelan, F. 18 10 16 74 74 61 50 36 32 16 V<7/-< ago, F. 80 itfa/do, K 74 1/onf Blanc, F. 74 Medway 50 Melpomene, F. 38 Malacca 36 f Maidstone 32 Myrmidon 22 Mcgmra, 16 Merlin 16 Mondovi, F. (bg.) 16 Morgiana, F. ( bg.) 16 \imrod, F. Nearque, F. Nimble, {bg.) N ieuport, (go.) Ocean Odin, D. Overyssel , B. Omen, D. Prince Prince George Prince of Wales Pitt Poictiers 15 16 14 6 98 74 6t 10 98 93 98 74 74 61 36 36 28 20 20 18 18 4 FF ir yfpparent, D. 74 Haerleni, B. 64 ffpn-Fruen, D. 38 Hamadryad , S. 36 Hippomenes, B. 18 Heron 16 Hecln, (bb.) 12 Iris, D P 44 Indefatigable , F. 40 Infanta Don Carlos, S . Inspector Investigator Incendiary (fv.), Juste, F. Jus tit ia , D. Juno Kron Princen, D. Kron Princessen , D.74 London 98 Lancaster Oi beamier, Fc*. F. rctnkMtcvolutionaire, F. J8 Latona38(\Ra$M«Ns50| Romulus 36 Lapwing 20 Rail leu r Ligtrra , S. 24 i Rambler, {bg.) Lucifer, (bb.) 8|Reliance, (ten.) Landrail, sch. 4|Row-Boat, (gy.) Malta, F. 841 Sans Parcil, l. Princess Sophia , D. 74 Prudent Perseverance Pique, F. Pegasus, (rs.) Poulette, F. Prompte, F. Penguin , B. {bg.) Pluto Phosphorus, (fv.) Project/ mort.bout) 4 Queen 98 Royal George 110 Rainilics 71 Robust 74 Regulus ^ 41 timommer, F. 38 16 16 12 4 SO 86 San A ntonio,S.(ps. )74 Skiold, D. 74 Spencer 74 Superb 74 Syercn, D. 74 Santa Dorothea, S. 36 Santa Gertruyda, S. 36 Santa Margarita , S. 36 Southampton 32 Sphvnx 20 Sophie, (bg) IS +Sylph,(&£.) IS Scourge 16 Speedy 16 Spy 16 Swan Swift Spiteful, (gb .) Strombolo, ( bb.) Sulphur, (bb.) Tree Kroniti, D. Thunderer Tremendous Texet, It. f Tamer Thoulen , It. Torche , t\ fJtr'echt, B. Vindictive Vryhtid, B. 161 16 14 12 12 74 74 74 61 38 .36 15 61 74 74 VESSELS BUILDING. Vcrtu, F. Far, T. Valorous Victor Volunteer, (gb.) Volcano, (bb.) Vigilant, (seA.) Windsor-Castle Waldemat, D. Wassenaer, B. YVatp, F. Wolf, F. Watchful, (gb.) Yarmouth Zebra, (bb.) 36 28 18 15 14 10 8 98 84 61 18 16 14 61 10 Anson, near Hall 74 Armada, PlymouthlA Asia. Frindsbury 74 Augusta, Fortsm. 74 Anacreon, Ping- more 16 Benbow,CAa/Aa.»n 1CK Boyne, Portsmouth 9b Barham, Blackwalll 4 Blenheim, Deptford 74 Belvidera, Plym. 36 Briton, Chatham 38 Clarence, Plymouth! 4 Conquestadore, at Northern 74 Cornwall, D ptford 74 (Tossy, Frindsbury 74 Crescent, JVoolwich 38 Creole, Dartmouth 36 Devonshire, D ptf. 74 Dublin, Rvtherhithe!4 Duncan, Deptford 74 Dartmouth, Dartm. 86 Edinburgh, Rot her- hithe 74 Egmont, Northjleet!* Forte, Shecimess 3b Gloucester, North- j\ et 74 Howe, Chatham 100 Hannibal, Buckler- shard 74 Hogue, Deptford 74 Havanna, LiverpoolS6 Hotspur, War sash 36 Impregnable, Chat¬ ham 98 ludus, Deptford 74 Julius, Chatham 74 Lacedemonian, at Woolwich 36 Leocadia 36 M ed way, Northjleet 7 4 Minden, Bombay 74 Mulgrave, Upnor 74 Marathon, Chatham 74 Macedonian, Wool¬ wich 36 Menelaus, Plym. 36 Nelson, Woolwich 120 N isus 36 North-Star, Dartm. 18 Orford, 74 Orlando, Chatham 18 NAVY AGENTS. Pembroke, Black¬ ball 74 Pyramus, Portsm. 36 Perseus, Ringmore'Zl Primrose, Portsm. 18 Portia, Deptford 16 Queen Charlotte, Deptford 110 Redoubtable, at Woolwich 74 Rippon, Bursledon 74 St.Vincent, Plym. 120 Scarborough, Har¬ wich 74 Stirling-Castle, Ro¬ chester 74 Scamander, Chat¬ ham 38 Surprise, Milford 38 Saldanha, South Shields 36 Trafalgar, Chatham 98 Tenedos, Chatham 38 Theban, Wacsash 36 Union, Plymouth 98 Vengeur, Harwich 74 Vigo, Rochester 74 Abbott, II. N°. 12, Clement's Inn Adams, H. 5, Ordnance-Row, Portsea Alexander, S. Broad-Sl. Portsm. Appleton, J. Chelsea, o/41, Loth- bury Atkins, J. Austin-Friars Bar d i n, W .21, Anglesea-S. Dublin ni fcirt & Collins, 10, John-Street , Adelphi Broughton & Co. Terrace , jVete Palace- yard Charters, Bourne, & Co. Dorset- Street , Dublin Clerk «V ft oss, Hunter's Square , Edinburgh Clementson, .T. 41, Clement's Inn Cooke & Halford, 41, Norfolk- street. Strand Cook, Son, & Leopard, 2, James- Street, Adelphi Cronin, William, CorA* Davie, Dav. Craves, Plym. Dock Devereux, Jn. Gosport Easton, John, G7, Chatham English, —, Pump-court, Temple Evans, Jas. 10, G; e. S7. Adelphi Evans, Maurice, 12 \ John-Street, Adelphi Farqunar, I*. & J. Cock, 15, Th rogmort o n-S trcct Forbes, Bettesworth, & Co. 69, Portsea Gilchrist, J. & C. Symond's Inn , Chancery-Lane Goode, T. 6, Stanhope - Street, A'eiccasffc-S£reef, S trand Greenlaw, J. L. Frederick-Slreef, Old D. Liverpool Hatful), Edw .15, Geo. St. Adelphi llewlins, H. and E. 8, Cross- Street , Portsea Hunt & M* Adams, 37, South- ampton-Slreet ., Strand Jarkson,Jn. M. P.9,JVeK? Broad- Street, Royal Exchange Joseph', Sam. 31 iddle-St. Gosport Kane, James, Gosport Kempstcr, G. 10, Half - 3loon- Street, Piccadilly Kent, Win. & Co. Chatham and Sheerness Kiug, Richard, 1, Lyons Inn Inline, J. 51..‘18, Bishop-St. Dublin Lark Sc Woodhead, 22, Essex- Street , Strand Levi, Isaac, 14, Mount-Pleasant , Whitechapel-Road Lock, Petfcr, West-Square, St, G orge's Field * Lyte, If. 10, Geo. Street, Adelphi Man\\,J A\,Mansel-Street,Good- man's Fields Marsh & Creed, 26, Norfolk-Sf. Maude, T. 13, Great George- Street, Westminster Molyncux, Jn. Highfield-Strect, Liverpool Ogilvie, James, 13, Saville-Row Ommanney and Druce, 11, Cecil - street. Strand Page, Jn.70, Great Russel-Street, Bloomsbury Peacock, C. 5, Clement's Inn Peyton and Grenfell, 12, Upper Phames-S treet Pin 1 pot & Greenland, 33, St. Sici- thin's Lane Poulain, Jas. Salters' Hall-Court, Cannon-Street Rattray, Millar, & Co. 31, South Bridge-Street, Edinburgh Senhouse & Davidson, 1, St. Swi- thin's Lane, Lombard-Street Smith, T. (Broker) Sunderland Smyth, J. (J. & Co. Stonehousc, Plymouth Snowden, S. A. 30, Southside- Street , Plymouth Spens, W. 22, Surreu-St. SI rand Standert,W. A 23, Clifford's Inn Stanger, H. 13, Clement's Inn ! Sykes, J. 22, Arundel-St. Strand iWd, John & Co. Plymouth Toulmin it Copland, 23, Surrey- street, Strand Unw in, George, 3, Lyon's Inn Webbe, J.20, ISew North-Street, Red Lion-Square Wilkie,Jn. 15, Hoicard-St. Strand Willis, Juket, Jackson, & Lang¬ ley, Salisbury-Square Wilson & M‘Inerheny, 1, James- street, Adelphi \\ indsor, J. W.ll, Bishop-street' ¥ Portsea Wood, Robert, Sunderland Yeomans, J. V. Portsmouth . BRITISH ARMY. COMMAXDFR IX CHIEF OF ALL HIS MAJESTY'S FORCES , General Right lion. Sir David Dundas, K. 13. Colonel of the 2d or Royal North British Dragoons, and Colonel in Chief of the 95th or Rifle Regiment. Military Secretary, Lieut. Col. Henry Torrens, 89th Foot. Assistant Secretaries , Lieut Col. S. Brown, V ork Light Infantry Volunteers, Capt. Thomas Mating, 2d Garrison Battalion. Private Secretary, Capt Bcnj. Lutyens, 11th Light Dragoons. Aides-de-Camp, Capt. Lord Arthur Somerset, 91st Foot, Capt. Geo. J ail of Tyrconnel, 1st Foot-Guards, Capt. Hon. A. Gordon, 3d Foot-Guards, Capt. Hon. J. Stanhope, 1st Foot-Guards. Adjutant-Clew rat, Major-Gen. Jl. Calvert, Colonel 14th Foot Deputy, Maior-Gcn. Wm. Wynyard,Col. Royal West-India Rangers. Principal Assist. Adjutant-Gen. Lt Col. u. Darling, 51st l oot. Assist. Adj. Gen. Recruit. Departm. Lt. Col.Theoph. Pritzlcr,7th Ft Quartermaster-General , Lieut. Gen. It. Brownngg, Col. 9th Foot Deputy , Major-Gen. Hon. A. Hope,'Col. 5th \YV. t-india Regiment. Assistant Quartcrmasters-General , Col. L. LindenthaU, 97tii Foot, Lieut Col. D. Paterson, Ret. lnv. Lieut Col. J. Brown, Royal Staff Corps, Major W. Marlay, 3d West-India Regiment, Capt. N. Trant, Royal Staff Corps, ( apt. C, A. Pierrcpoint, 20th l oot Assistant Deputy Quarfrrmasters-Gen. Lieut. S. Hehl, 2d Gar. Bat. Lieut. T. O’Neil, 9th Foot, Capt J. Haverfield, 48th Foot. Commissary in ChieJ to ail his Majesty's J orces (Ireland and East- Indies excepted ),\A.Co). Jas.Willoughby Gordon, R. African Corps, Deputy , Leonard Bccher Morse, Esq. Commissary-General of Musters, George Aust, Esq. Deputy, John Tekell, Fsq. Judge Advocate-General , Right Hon. Charles Manners Sutton. Dtputy, J. A. Oldham, Lsq. Inspector-General of Fortifications, t$c. General Robert Morse. Deputy , Colonel Wm. Fyers. • Physician-General, Sir Lucas Pepys. Surgeon-General, Thomas Kcate, Fsq. Inspector-General of Hospitals, Francis Knight, Esq. Chaplain-General , Rev. J. Gamble. STAFF OF TIIE MILITARY DISTRICTS. NORTHERN. Head-Quarters , Newcastle on Ty nc Lieut. Gen . F. Dundas Aide-de-Camp, Capt.Ord,S9th F. Major-Gen. Johnstone, at ditto Asst.Quartermaster-Gen. B. Maj. Jlandasyde, 22d Lt. Dragoons YORKSHIRE. Head-Quarters , Beverley Lieut, Gen . R. Vyse A ides-de-Ca mp, R.Maj .Ha rt, 36th Foot, Capt. Vyse, half-p. Lieut. Earl of Ancram, half-pay Major-Gen. llewgill, at Hull A. de-Camp, Capt. llinde, 15th F, Assistant Adj . (i n. Hon. G. A. C. Stapylton, 6th Foot si . Qm. Gen. Major IA. Northey. KASTLRV. Head-Quarters, Colchester J.ieut. Gen. Earl of Chatham Aides-de-Camp, Capt. \\ . F. I Jnd- l. Birch; Major H. J. Riddell, 79th Ft. Capt. J. Vernon, 12th Drag. ii *9 KEYT. FI*ad-Quarters, Canterbury I Amt. Gm. O. Nicholls Aide-de-Camp, Ens. T. Chatter- ton, GGth Foot Major of Brig. (apt. R. Gossip, 3d Dragoons Major-Gen. Sam. Graham, 1 1 \ t he Aide-df-Camp , Capt. C. Pater¬ son, 28th Foot Major of Brigade, Capt. J. G. Rogers, 71st Foot Mai. Gen. N\. Tvriss (Engineer^, Dover Aide-de-Camp, Capt. T. Fyers, Engineers Major-Gm. Hon. < . Dope, Deal Aide-de-Camp, Capt.Wm. Davis, 7tl» Dragoon Guards Major Of Brigade, Capt. Stc. Stoddart, GtlCDragoons Major-Gen. Lawson (Artillerv), Chatham Aide-de-Camp , Lieut. Douglas l*awson, Royal Artillery Major-Gen. DCney, Chatham Aide-de-Camp, Capt. S. C. Mar¬ tin, 1st Foot-Guards Major of Brigade, ('apt. R. If. Cooke, 1st Foot-Guards Brig. Gen. Hav, Maidstone. Brig. Gen. \ rghtingale, Dover Major of Brigade, Capt. J. D. Pratt, 95th F oot Assist, tdj. den. Lieut. Colonel McDonald, Ii. p. Assist. Qms. Gm. Major Dick¬ son, Capt. Tench, Lt F. G. SUSSFX. Head-Quart rs, Brighton lAcnt, G-n. Lord C. H. Somerset Aide-de-Camp, Lt. Sir Godfrey Webster, lstli Light Drag. Major-Gen. Hugonin, Brighton M aj o r of B rig ado, Cn p t. T. fid >r m holds, 2d Dragoons Major-Gen. Kerr, Hastings Aidc-dc-Camp, Capt.Kerr.02d F. Major Brig. C&pcMaule,S9ih i . 90 Mojor-Gen. Sir Wm. Erskine, | Eastbourne Major of Brigade, Capt. Henry Bertie.-, H2J F. Muor-Gjn. Housion, Brighton MicC-dt-( Lieut, iion. J. Maitland, 5/d F. ]\la : ; or oj Biigadt, Capt. John Brown, 6-id F. Assisant Adi. Gen. Lt. Col. Hon. I. Cf pel, Ft ] . G. sis ht. Qyn. Gen. Lieut. Col. Of- wav, IStii Light Drag. Major Main. Rei.6 hlontnlembert. SOUTH-Vi KST. Head-Quart rs. Southampton / inti. Gtn. Lari of Ca\an Mid s-de-Ctmtp, Capt, G. F, Har¬ vey, 18th Ltgnt Drag, Lnsign lion, i . Lambert, 1st I', G. PORTSMOUTH. Major-Gen. Arthur \\ hetham Aide-de-Camp, Lieut. G. A. \lur.- ro, 4 2d F. Major Brig. Capt. J. Whctbam, 40th Foot Major-Gen. Porter, Gosport Major of Brigade, Bre\ci Ma¬ jor L\an>. ISLE OF WIGHT. B ig. Gen. James Taylor Major Brig. Capt. Short, h. p. WESTERN. 11 ', Ply month 7 J vt. G n. R. England Majors of Brigade, Capt. W. If, Aewton, 6th Gar. Bat. C apt. J. S. Jackson, 7 'd F. Id i,*. Gtr. Mercer (Engineers), Pk mouth A ;a c-de.-Cmnp, Lt.Mercer, Fngin. Major-Gen. ThewltS, Exet< r Aide-de-Cnmp, !lr<*v. i\la jor 8 t:a p- land Royer, 13th Light Drag. Major-G■. n. Stephens(Artillery), ' Plymouth Aide-tU-Camp, Lieut. Stephens, Artillery Major-Gen. Thomas, Plymouth Aide-de-Camp, Lt.B. B.Thoma*, 9th Light Drag. Major of Brigade, Capt. J. R. Forster, 82d Foot Assist. Adj. Gen. Colonel Harry Chester, 2d Foot-Guards Assist.Qm Geit. MajorBlaquiere. SEVERN. Head Quarters , Bath Lieut. Gen. Banaslre Tarleton Aide-d.-Cump , Capt. Hen.Tarie* ton, 4tli Gar. Bat. Major-Grit. Warde, Bristol Aide-dt-Canip, Capt. Ph.Ray,3d Gar. Bat. Major of Brig. Capt. J. D. Lacy, 2d Gar. Bat. As'i\t. Qm. Gen.Cnpt.G. Brock, 37 th Loot NORTH-WEST. Major-Gut. Joseph Champagne, Live i pool Aida -de-Camp, Capt. Max. Close, Lt Car. Bat. Aide-de-Camp, Capt. J. J. Coch* ranr, .3d Loot-Guards Ass. Qm. Gut. Capt. T. Barnett, 96th Loot. iicmf. Head-Quarters, Lon don Hetteraf, Ilis Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge Aides-de-Camp, Capt. Mm. A. K eatc, 3d i oot-Guards, Lieut. Duke, b. p. Gtnrraf, lt is Royal Highnessthe Duke of Cambridge, as Col. in Chief of the King's German Legion, London Aidt-rie-Camp, Capt. Ca. Mars* chalk, Kings German Legion Brig. Majors , ('apt®. ( huden and I miners, King's German Leg. Generaf,Fo\'A Heathfield, London Aidts-tit-Camp, Col. Hammond, h. p. C apt. Jackson,2d Life-G. Liuu. G,» . Sir H. Burrard, Bt. London A ides-dt-Camp, Capt. Francis 9i D’Oyley and T’n-. C. Lc Mar- chant, 1st Foot-Guards flajor-G n. lion. Cha. Fitzroy, Windsor Aide-d'-Camp, Fusion Hon. C. Fitzroy, 1st Foot-Guards M t jor-G •/. Turner, London Aidr-de-Camp, Ensign Sir A. J. Murray, Bart. 3d F. Guards Brig. G. n. Robt. Holton, London B-de-Camp, Capt.W. JervoLe, 8f)ih Foot Brig. Major, Capt. D. Donahue, 44 tli Foot M ijor-Gen. Heron, St. Peter’s Aide*dc-Camp, Capt, R. K. Ab¬ bey, 72d Foot Brig. Gen. Hatton, Alderney Major of Brigade, Capt. John Jessop, 44th Foot Assist. (J/u. Gen. Col. Sir T. Sau- inarez, Knt. GENERAL OFFICERS. FIELD-MARSHALS. 1795 Duke of York 1805 Duke of Kent, Gov. of Gibraltar. GENERALS. 1783 Charles Vernon 1793 Charles Marquis of Drogheda lion. Alex. Maitland Wm.Visc. Howe,Crou. of Plymouth FrancisCraig, Gov. of Sheerness Hugh Duke of North¬ umberland 1796 Wm. Marquis of Lothian 1797 Hon.Henry Saint John Sir Geo. Osborn, Bt. l798SirW m.Green,Bt. George Scott, Lieut. Gov. of Windsor Loftus Anthony Tot¬ tenham Hon. \\ in. Gordon Robert Prescott Wm. Earl Hareourt, Guv. Royal Military College Henry Earl of Car- hampton William Pirton Hon.Wm. Hervey Sir Wm. Meadows, K. B. Guv. of Gull 1S01 Thomas Bla d 1 ia Felix Buckley, Gov.of Pendenni s-Ca Ah- Hen. Watson Powell Geo. Garth, Lt. Gov. of Placentia Richard Grenville 1892 John Karl of Suffolk, Gov. of Londonderry and Culmore Hon. John Chappie >1 orton, M. P.Goe. of Chat lemont Sir David Dun das, K. B. Gov. Chelsea lios. Sir Robert Abercrom bio, K. B.Gor. Edin- burgh-Caslls SirTho.Mnsgrave, Bt, ¥ Ccu. Gravesend ami Tilbury Janies Coates Ralph Dundas, Gov. Duncannon-Fort SirA lured Clarke,KB. 1803 Samuel Hulsr, Lieut. Gov.Chelaallbspita 1 Albemarle i ail of Lindsav Charles Valla nee v Sir James Steuart Jt)en- bam, Barf. Thomas Carlefon Cavendish Lister, Got*. L and guard- Fo it Charles Leigh James Ogilvie Hugh 0. bbeig Alex. 1-arlof ii^i carres Cornelius Cuyl«T,Goe. of Kitisale Clunks J'arl of Har¬ rington, Com m under in Chief in Inland Hon. Richard Fitzpa¬ trick, M. P. Nkhett Balfour Edmund Steven^Gee. of Fort-Wtilunn SirThos, Trigge^K. B. Francis Lari of Moira Peter Craig Duke of Cumberland, K.G. Duke of Cambridge, K. G. ISOS Fdraund Fanning Henry Johnson, Gov. of Iloss-Castle Hon. Hen. Edw. Fox, Lieut. Gov. of Gi¬ braltar John W atson Tadvvell Wafson Lowther Pennington Francis Edw. Gwynn, 92 7i.Gov. Isle of Wight Robert Morse Fran. Lord Jtieathfield Th.SloughterStanwix Sir Ja*. Murray Pulte- ney. Barf. M. P. Duke of Gloucester, K.G. 1S09 Robert Donkin Janies Balfour Sir James Duff, Knt. Henry Lord M ulgrave. Gov. of'Scarborough- f Castle Grice Blakeney LIEUT. Cl NERALS. 1801 Horatio Spry W m. Souter Johnston Sir Paulus/Einilius Ir¬ ving, Bart. George Harris Hie hard Vyse WilliamVis. Cat heart, Commander in Chief in Scotland BanastreTarleton, M. P. Gov. of tier wick Sir Hew Dalrymple, Knf. Gordon Forbes John Floyd Oliver de I.ancey SirJamesiienrv Craig, K. B. Gov . British America and Black- ness-Cadl" 1802 Anthony Farrington James Stuart John Whyte And.John Drummond John Farl of Bridge- w ater I lHs Walker W illiam Maxw ell George J ai l of Pem¬ broke, G. cf Guernsey John Fai 1 * if Chatham, Gov. of Jersey Alex. Campbell,M. P. W iiliam Morshrad Francis Dundas, Gov. of Carrickfergus Alex. Ross, Gov. Forts George and Augustus Hon. Frail. Needham, M. P. Henry Pigot 180.3 George Bernard SirGeo. Nugrnt,Bt.M. P. Gov. of St. Mau ds Cha. Baron Hompescli John Bowater James llethersett Charles Tarrant John Barclay William Macarmick John Freke Sir Robt. Stuart, Bf. Richard England, Lt. Gov. of Plymouth William Kcppol John Lord Hutchin¬ son, K. B. Gov. of Stirling-CastU John Hamilton Alexander Hay Simon Fraser James Stewart Sir Cha. Hastings, Bf. Thomas Davies Robt. Manners, M. P. William Lofhts, M. P. Gov. of Dunbarton- Cast le Oliver Nicoils Alex. Mercer George Ilewitt 1805 Philip Martin Sir Evre Coote, K. B. and K. C. Sir Harry Burrard, Bt. Gov. Calshot-Caslle C harles Duke of Rich- Urn. Wemyss, M. P. 1808 Hon. Robert Taylor Gerritt Fisher George Milner George Marquis of Huntlv George Benson lion. Edward Finch, M. P. Isaac Gascoyne, M. P Geo. Lord Southamp¬ ton Francis Lord Sea forth Bryd. T recothick Hennikcr Dd. Douglas Wemyss, Gov. uj Tynemouth Hon. .lohn Leslie Henry Wvnyard Y\ illiam Thornton 93 inond, Lord Lieute-\ John Despard nunt of Ireland “ jj' John Adolphus Harris Henry Read Win. John Arabin George Don, Lt. Go v of Jersey SirJn. Fran.Cradock, K. 15. and K. C. Lord Charles Fitzrov, M. P. >iap. Christie Burton Richard RichW ilford Kdw. Morrison, Lieut. Guv. and Com. Forces J amaica , and Gov. oj Chester Sir Charles Asgill, Bt. Thomas Garth Vaughan Lloyd Pierre Fred. Count de Meuron James Lari of Rosslyn Andrew CoweM Joseph Dusseaux Colin Mackenzie Archibald Robertson John Dickson Milts Stavely John Money Thomas Murray James L. (Jrquhart Sir George Beckwith. K. B. Thomas Roberts Hon. Sir Geo, James Ludlow, Lieut . Gov. of Jicruic/c Richard Lari of Ca¬ van, K. C. Sir David Baird, Bart. K. B. and K. C. Hon .11. Astley Bennet lion. Fred. St. John Sir Charles ltoss, Bt. Hay Macdowall Lord Cha. Henry So¬ merset, M. P. Gov of TorUmuuth Sir John Stuart, K. B, K.C.Countof Muida, 1st. Gov. of Grenada Dun. Campbell, M. P. Fho. Grosvenor, hi. P. John Calc raft Hon. Sir John Hope, K. B. Hon. Vere Poulctt Charles Barton William Congreve James Lord Forbes Henry Lord Paget, M. P. Sir John Doyle, Bart. and K. C. Robert Brow nrigg William hnoiii- Arthur Lord \N clling- ton, K. li. ilon.Ldmund Phipps, William Cartwright Frederick Baron llouip sell 1809 His Serene Highnc.vs \\ m.Dukeof Bruxia- ii3 wick Oels, tempo¬ rary rank George Elliot Baldwin Leighton Richard Chapman John Gotti n Richard Armstrong John Murray Sir Charles Green, Bt. W m. Saint Lcger Rd. ISorthey Hopkins Ihomas Ha’rtcup Id AJ OR-ti EN Elt AL?. 1790 George Morgan James Hugonin 1794 Francis R. Hum¬ phreys W in. Fawcett) Guv, of Lime l ick Win. Maddox Rich¬ ardson, Captain of Carisbro ok-Gust le Jefl’cry Amherst, Gcv. of Upnm-Castle Wm. Goodday Sirutt, Gov. of (Quebec 1801 Stephen Poyntz 180-J Hay Ferric r, Lt. Gov. Uunbarlou-Cast/e 1803 Patrick Sinclair Wm.Orchard Huddle¬ ston George Fead James Sowerby Sir i bo. Blomehcld,Bt. Gather Mann Donald McDonald John Pratt Forbes Champagne Josiah Champagne Harry Calvert George Coekburne I d w ard Dunne James Drummond William Dow de.-'well Alex. Mackenzie (ieorge Moncrielie Thomas Meyriek Charles CrauiurJ, M. P. Lt. Gov . of Tyne- im.nth and Clifford's J'ort (h o. Henry Vansittart Hon. Charles Fitzrcy Francis il ugonin *i 1804 F. Baron Dreschscl, K.O. I . temp, rank Otto Baron Schott**, K. G. L. temp, rank Cha. Baron Linsingen, K. (i. L. temp, rank 1805 Charles YY’m. Fste, Lt. Gov. of Carlisle Roger Avtoun George Rochfort Francis Grose Henry Richmond Gale John Spens Wm. Scott Robert Tipping Arch. Canipb: 11 Aiex. Trotter Francis Feller S:r Jam; s Atlleck, Bt. George Vaughan Hart John Robinson, M. P. George \\ arde lion. Thomas Mait¬ land, Gov. of Ceylon Richard Bright Win. Ramsay James Oampb 11 John Skerrott Hildebrand Oakes Colin Ca.apb 11 S r Geo. Prevest, lit. / t. G v. \ va-Scotiu Win. Waller MervinArchd.tll, IMP. Sir John Cop** Sher- brooke, K. B. (Jordon Drummond James \Yharton Wm. Pa ne Hon. Edward Bligh Vj m. I arl of Craven 94 Lord Win. Henry Ca¬ vendish Ben tin ck endish Bentihck [Edna. Earl of Cork l Hon. Hen. Geo. Grey i Hon. Edward Paget Arthur Whetham* SirBrentSpencer,K B. StapletonCotton, MP. Samuel Dalrymple YY m. Johnstone Rowland Hill Hon. Mm. Stapleton Denzil Onslow John Murray, M. P. M in. Twiss " Hon.Cha. Hope, M. P. S r George Pigot, lit. Frederick Maitland, Gov. of Grenada John Love son Gower Martin Hunter J». Lord Elphinstone Richard Earl of Do noaghuiore Hon. j i;. Abercrombie 1 SOS YY m. Carr Beresford John Evelcgh George i arl of Dal- hbusie Thomas Baker (George Porter, M. P James Erskine Henry Williams Henry Lari Conyng ham Chari'S Baillie Hon. Alex. Hope, M. >*. Lieut. Gov. of l. tin h u rgh-CastU L 1 r.scr Peter Heron, M. P. Robert Lawson t nomas Peter Hon. Montagu 51a- th *\v, M. P. John Ramsay J. D. Broughton Win. Dyott Ronald Crauford Fer¬ guson, M. P. Andrew Gammell Robert Macfarlane SirSam.Auchmutv,Kt James Thewles John GnstavusCrosbie ji VI ward Stack • Hugh Ly leCarmiclincl Hon. John Brodrickj Gov. of Martinique Henry W ard James Durham Hon. David Leslie James Leith -John Manners Kerr Thomas Scott Win. Robertson Matthew Baillie Tomkyns Hilgrove Turner Christopher Tilson W:n. Simpson Hon. William Mord Maitland AY m. Muhro James Campbell Thomas Picton John Gordon Cuming John Crewe Hon. George Lov. rcy Cole, M. P. Sir Gonvitle Brom- head, Bart. Quin John Freeman Geo. Earl of Granard Stafford Lightbwne John Henry Loft Sir Win. Erskine, Bt. Francis Moore Robert Vise. Lorton Wm. Henry Clinton, M. P. Edward Stephens Hon. YVm. Stewart 1809 Fred. de YVatteviHe E ran. Tim. Hammond John Hamilton *1 9LS Robt. Dudley Blake John Barnes Robert Douglas Hon. Robt. Mead Wm. Houston John Prince Geo. Michell Thomas Ilislop John Macleod Walter Cliffe Wm. W> nyard Alex. M ood Alex. Dirom Anthon.Lewis T*ayard Thomas Earl of Elgin John Earl of Breadal- bane John Slade Wm. Spencer Samuel Graham James Montgomery Frederick Augustus Wctherall Wm. Wright John Daniel Arabin Wm. Buchanan W. Murray Hon. VY in. Lumley Robert lirereton * John Timms Hervey Elwcs Moore Disney .John Mackenzie David Hunter Alex.Graham Stirling Archibald Lord Mont¬ gomerie Wm. Thotnas John Michel. FIELD-OFFICERS OF REGIMENTS. Life-Guards were raised in 1660, Horse-Guards 1661, 1st Dragoon* Guards 1685,1st Dragoons 1633,2d Dragoons 16dl, 1st iooi-Uuards 1660, 2d Foot-Guards 1650, 1st Foot 1633. TWO REGIMENTS OF LIFE-GUARDS. 1 Colonel Earl of Harrington; Lt. Colonels Terence O'Loghlm, i'.Slater Eebow: Majors Law. Bradsliaw, Tho. Janies Birch 2 Col. Viscount Cathcnrf; 1 ieiif. Cols. Charles Barton, U illiam John Arabin; Majors Robert Barton, Hon. George Murray. Col. Duke of Northumberland; Lt. Cols. John Dorriei;, John HORSE-GUARDS, ItLUF. El ley ; Majors Robt. C. Ilill, Thomas Atnorpe. SEVEN REGIMENTS OF DRAGOON-GUARDS. 1«/, or King's , Col. Francis Lord Heathticld; Lt. Cols. Henry Fane, Win. Fuller; Majors George Tecsdale, Robt. Evatt Acklom 2d, or Queen’s , Col. Charles Crau- i’urd; Lieut. Cols. James Er- skinc, Lord George Thomas Bcresford, M. P ; Majors Ed¬ ward Vicars, James Kearney 3d, or Prince of I I alts's, Colonel Richard Vyse; Lt. Cols. Sir Granby Trio. Calcraft, K. ALT. Charles Luther Watson ; Ma¬ jors Arthur Benjamin Cliftou, George Holmes Ath, or Royal Irish, Co). Miles Stavely; Lt.Cols.Jas.The\v le*, Francis Sherlock; Majors Ro¬ bert Ross, Henry Moore 5th, or Princess C/iarloife of ICates's, Col. Thomas Bland; Lt. Cols. Ilou. Robert Taylor* Jlon. Wm. Ponsonby; Majors \\ m. .1 ones, \Y in. Brooke 6///, or Ciirabin.trs, Col. Earl of Carhamptou ; Lt. Cels. Ale*.. John Goldie, * ; Majors Stephen Geo. French, James Lewis Higgins 7 th, or Princess lioyol s. Col. Sir Win. Meadows, K.B.; Hon. Stephen Mahon, vl. }\ Hon. Charles Hope; Majors Win. Latham. IViriek Max- W ell. TWENTY-FOUR REGIJ 1$/, or Royal , Col.Thomas Garth; U. Cols. John Slade, lion. G. De Grey; MajorsT. N.Wynd- ham, Richard 1\ Jervoise 2d, or Royal North British , Col. Sir David Dundas, K. B.; Lt. Cols. Robert Balfour, J. Inglis Hamilton; Majors Isaac B. Clark, Thomas P. Hankin 3d, or Ring's oion , Col. W iiliam Cartwright; Lt. Cols. AA iiliam VV alb r,' k Basil MundyjMajors Charles Pye, Wm. L/Clowes 4///, or Queen s oien, Col. Francis lliigonin; Lt. Cols. Lord R. 1'. 11. Somerset, M. J*. James C. Dalbiac; Majors Charles P. Air.dio, Burgh Leighton 5 tit, Disbanded 6///, or Inniskilling, Col. F.arl of Pembroke ; Lieut. Cols. John Prince, Richard O'Donovan; Major J. Rigby Fletcher, F. S. Miller H/i, or Queen sown, Col. Lord Pa¬ get; Lt. Cols. Richard Hussey V ivian,l dw ard K errison; Ma¬ jors Charles Denshire, George Cholmley 8th, or King's Royal Irish , Col. John Floyd ; Lt. CoK. .1. Sul¬ livan Wood, H. Gore Wade; Majors Christopher Johnston, Henry Westenra 9 th, Right J). Col. 11arl of Ross- lyn; l.t. Cols. lion. Bryd. Tre- cothiek ilemiiker, Tho. Ma¬ hon; Majors Cha. Ward Ordc, AYm. Chabot H)th, or Prince of Wales's L. V. Col. Prince of Wales; Lieut. Cob*. Geo. Leigh, Gco.Quintin; Majors Charles Palmer, Lord Cha. Somerset Manners, M. 1*. 11/// Light J). Col. Marquis of Lothian; Lieut. Cols. Henry .j ohnCumining, James Wallace ENTS OF DRAGOONS. Sleigh; Majors Richard Dig- gens, Arch. Money 1 2th, or Princess of Wales's L. D. Col.SirJ ames Steuart Denham, Bart.; Lt. Cols. Mervin Arch- dall, Robert Browne; Majors Overington Blunder), W iiliam Frederick Spicer 13/A Light D. Colonel Francis Craig; Lt. Cols. Robert Bol¬ ton, Michael Head ; Majors Patrick Doghertv, Jos. Muter 14///, or Duchess of Pork s L. 1). Col. Earl of Bridgewater; Lt. Cols. Samuel Hawker, Neil Talbot; Majors F. B. Hervey, lion. Charles Butler 15///, or King's L. I). Col. Duke of Cumberland? Lt. Col?. Ro¬ bert Ballard Long, Colqulioun Grant; Majors F.arl W aide- grave, A. II. Belches 16//.’, or Queen's L. D. Col. Earl llarcourt; Lt. Cols. Sir James Atfleck, Bt. Sir Stapleton Cot¬ ton, Bart. M. Ik George Anson, M. J*.; Majors Clement Ar¬ cher, lion. Lincoln Stanhope 17/A Light D. Colonel Oliver de i^tncey? Lt. Cols. Hon. Henry Geo. Grey, Evan Lloyd ; Ma¬ jors Oswald Werge, Cha. Mor- land 18/A Light D. Col. Marquis of Drogheda; Lt.Cols.Hon.Cha. AN iiliam Stewart, M. P. Oliver Thomas Jones; Majors Thomas L. Allen, Loftus \Vin. Otway 19/A l.ight I). Col. (Jssuye)\ isc. Howe; Lt. Cols. James Kenne¬ dy, J ohn O.Vandeleur; Majors Edw. Parker, A. J. Dalrymple 20/A Light J). C ol. Lord \\ iiliam Bentinck; Lt. Cols. Sir Robb r J homasAV ilson, K. C. Thomas llawker; Majors AVm.AVillianis Blake, Thomas Parker Butler 21 st Light V. Col. Banas. Tarle- ton; Lt. Cols. James W barton, Richard Pigot; Majors W m. Spearman, Thomas Bates 2 2d Light D. Col. Crane is Edw. Gwyn; Lt. Cols. James Hare, Henry Davis; Majors Thomas Cage Monin sor, Robt.Travers 28rf Lig t l). Col. Wm. Payne; Ft. Cols. Henry Seymour, Earl of Portarlington; Majors Jas. 97 Moore, IIon.FrederickC.Pon~ son by 24 th Light D. Col. Wm. Loftus; Lt. Cols. W m Saint Leger, Sa¬ muel Need ; Majors Philip Pililpot, Francis Newberry 25 th / ight J). (Lf sicarree) Col. Richard Rich Wilford; Lieut. Cols. George Pownall Adams, Robert Hollo Gillespie; Ma¬ jors Wm. Carden, Joan Jones. ROYAL WAGGON TRAIN. C oJ. Com. Digbv Hamilton, tern. I ley, tern, rank; Majors Charles rank; Lieut. Col. Wm. Lang- j Tudor,Thomas Aird. THREE REGIMENT! D/, three battalions,Col. Duke of \ ork; Lt. Col. Sir Harry Bur- rard, Bart.; Majors Hon. John Leslie, Y\ m. Thornton, Arthur W hot ham 2r/, or Coldstream, two hats. Col. Duke of Cambridge; Lt. Col. ONE HUNDRED AND TI1R 1st, or Iioyal Scots, four bats. Col. Duke of Kent; Lf. Cols. Robt. Nicholson, Arch. Stewart, An¬ drew Hay, Henry Conran, J. S. Barnes, Andrew F. Bernard; Majors David Kattray, Neil APKellar, Frederick Muller, John Gordon, Thomas Deane, Sw an Hill, Jer. O'Keeife, Tho¬ mas Fraser 2d, or (Queen's Royal, Col. James •Coates; Lieut. Cols. Wm. Ire- monger, * ; Ma¬ jors Hon. James Ramsay, John Kingsbury Sd, Last Kent, or the. Ruffi, two bats. Col. Cha. Leigh; Lieut. Cols. Richard Blunt, Richard Bingham, W. Henry Bunbury, Archibald Drummond; Majors Win, Stewart, Henry Roberts, Henry King, George Morris 4 th, or Ring's own, two bats. Col. J.arl of Chatham; Lieut. Cols. OF FOOT-GUARDS. Andrew Cowell; Majors John Calrraft, Kenneth Alexander llow ard 3^,t wo bats. Col. Duke of Glouce¬ ster; i t. t ol. George Milner; Majors Win. Knoll is, Sauna 1 Dairymple. EE REGIMENTS OF FOOT. James Wyncb, Henry William I spinasse; MajorsFra.Brooke, Edmund Fauncc,ThomasHovv- ard, David Williamson 5//< orNorthwnberlandytvto bats. Col. Richard England, Lieut. ( ols. William Coekell,Charles Pratt, Hon. H. King; Majors Edward Copson, Tho. Fames, Charles Broke, Henry Ridge Oth, oil A Wartcicks hi re, two bats. Col. Sir Geo. N ugent, Bt; Lt. Cols. Barnard Foord Bowes, Alt-x. M. Murray, Wm. Wade; Majors Thomas 'Cam ie, Dive Jones, John Gardiner, Henry Gomm 7 th, or Royal Fusilrers, two bats. Sir Alured C larke, K. B.; Lt, Cols. Hon. E. M. Pakenham. Sir Win. J. Myers, Bt.; Majors Edw. Blakeney, Tliep. Pritz- ler, John M. NoOth, Robert Jl. Burton 93 8/A, or the King's, two bats. Col. Ralph Dimdas; Lt. Cols. Cor¬ don Drummond,George Airey, Daniel Hoghton.Robt.Y oung; Majors Peter Tho. Roberton, James Ogilvie, Ldward Cot¬ ton, Francis Battersby 9//;, or Eu't Norfolk, two bnts. Col. Robert Brounrigg; Lt. Cols. Henry de Berniere,john Cameron, George .Molle; Ma¬ jors Henry Craufnrd, David ‘Campbell,* Thomas 15. Aylmer, * 10///, or North Lincoln, two bat*. Col.Hon. IT. E. Fox; Lt. Cols. Patrick Ross, James Short! : Majors Francis Wm. Cashel), John Otto BeyeV, Octavius Ca¬ rey, J. P. Hamilton 11///, or North Dev //, two bat?. Col. Sir Charles A » i U. Bb? Lt. Col?. Ja*. Fofster, Ceo.Cuy ler; Majors Frederick Newman, AVilliam Gordon APGregor, George G, Hely, Henry 11. Bradford 12///, or East Suffolk , Col. W m. Picton; Lt. Col?. James Tay- lor, Geo. Win. Richard liar- court, John Picton; Majors John Wilson, Robert Nixon 13///, or 1st Somerst /, Col. Alex. Campbell; Lt. Cols. lion, Cha. Colville, John Keane; Majors Francis seller,Charles Turner 14///, or Buckingham, two bats. Col. Harry Calvert; Lt. Cols. James Watson, Montagu Bur- rowes,JasperNicholls; Majors Nathaniel Burelem, Geo. Mil¬ ler, William \\ ood, Fr. Skolly Tidy loth, or York East-Riding, two bats. Col.Hen. Watson Powell; Lt. Cols. Henry Green Barry, W m. Sibbald; 'Ma jors Phinras Riall, Andrew Davidson, Her¬ cules Kenny, Alex. Milne 16/A, or Bedford, Col. SirCharleS Green, Bart.; Lt. Cols, (^uin John Freeman, John Skinner, Henry Tolley; Majors Bra- bazon Dean Vernon, Francis Heaton Thomas 11th, or Liecc ftr, Col. George Garth; Lt. Cols, Rich. Stovin, Frederick Hardvman: Majors Clement William Whitby,* 18///, or Royal Jrih, two'bets. Col. Sir James Murray Pulte- nev, Bt.: Lt. Cols. David Dou¬ glas Wemyss,Henry Ttic. Mon- tresor, James Grave?, George Jlorsford; Majors Ed, Walker* Wm.Thomlinson,John Burgess Halley, Isaac Edward Inston IS///, or I s/ York North-Riding, Col. Samuel Hv.lse; Lt. Cols. Hon. Patrick Stewart, lleurv Samuel Eyre; Majors Roger Mathews, Alex. Lawrence 20///, or East Devon (Maid a). Col. Sir John Stuart, K. B.; Lieut. Colonels Robert Ross, Andrew Wauehope; Majors Wm. Wal¬ lace, Charles Steevens 21'/, or Royal North British Fu¬ siliers, two bats. Colonel Hon. William Gordon ; Lieut. Cols. Tho. Meyrick, Fred. Adam, Wm. Paterson; Majors Charles Darrah, Alex. Dunbar, Robert Henry, William Armstrong 2 2d, or Cheshire, Col. Hon. 1 d- ward Finch; Lieut. Cols.John Dalrymple, Robt. Kelso; Ma¬ jors idling ham Lindsay, V\ in. Shaw 23d, or Royal Welch Fusileers, two bats. Col. Richard Gren¬ ville; Lt. Cols. Henry Watson tills, William Fdgell Wyatt; MajorsThomas Pearson, Frau. N. Ojfley, Charles Sutton, Tho¬ mas Dalmer 24///, or Warwick, two bats. Col. Sir David Baird, K. B.; U. Cols. Randolph Marriott, Geo. Duncan Drummond ; Majors M illiam Kelly,Charles liicks, Thomas Chamberlain, Samm 1 Tax lor Popham 25///, or King's own Borderers, two bat?. Col. lion. Charles Fitzrox ; Lt. Cols. Wm. Dyott, John Stewart, Georg ' Robert Ainslie; Majors Francis Prin- sep Scott, J. Alex. 1 ;»rquhar- son, Alex. Light, V. W.TIom- pesch 2 Glh, or Cameronian , two bats. Col. Lord 1 Iphiiistonc; Lieut. Cob. William Maxwell, M. 1*. Hugh Henry Mitchell; Majors Fountain kl ogg, Hon. llenry Murray, Alexander Francis Tailor * ZUh,orlnn iskilli ng( M ida\ three bat-. Col. Earl of Moira; Lt. Cols. Samuel Graham tlhputy Gov. Slirhug-Castle ), Hon. G. l ow rey Cole, Lemuel Warren, Ilaviland Smith,Jn. Maclean; Majors William Bridges Ney- noe, W. 11. K. Frskine, Geo. Janies Reeves, John Birming¬ ham, Charles Thompson, Peter Nicolsoti 28 th, or North Gloucester , two bats. Col. Robert Prescott; Lt. Cols. Charles Philip Brlson, Hon. Alex. Abercrombie; Ma¬ jors John Frederick Brown, C harles Bevan, Robert Tsixon, John Ross 29 th, or Worcester. Col. Gordon Forbes; Lt. Cob. Fred. Mait¬ land, Daniel White; Majors George 11. B. Wav, Thomas 1 gertoa SO///, or Cambridge, tw o bats. Col. Robert Manners; Lieut. Cols. William il’tinson, William Lockhart, William Minct; Ma¬ jors Philip Vaumorel, Alex. Hamilton, George Gray 99 3b/, or Huntingdon , two bat*?. Col. Lord Mulgmve; Lt. Cols. Hon. Robert Meade, llenry Bniee, William Howe Camp¬ bell; Majors Alex. Leith, Geo. Augustus Tonvn, John W. Wat¬ son, Guy C. L*Estrange 32 d, or Cornwall , two bats. Col. James Ogilvic; Lt. Cob. Rich. N. Hopkins, Samuel Venables Hinde,Manley Power; Majors William AugustusJohnson,.) n. Wood, John liicks,John Ben- net 33d, or 1st York West-Riding, Col. Lord Wellington ; Lieut. Cols. Arthur Gore, J ohn Camp¬ bell; Majors Francis R. West, William Lambton SAth, or Cumberland, two bats. Col. Lord Southampton; Lieut. Cob. John Maister, William Fenwick, Chichester McDon¬ nell; Majors Joh/i M. Everard, J.Toml. Terre w est, Henry Ro¬ berts. llenry C, Dickens 35///, or .Sussex, two bats. Col. Duke of Richmond; Lt. Cols. John Oswald, Francis John Wilder, Lorenzo Moore; Ma¬ jors Charles William Clarke, George Berkeley, Caesar C. Armett, John Henries 3G//z, or Hereford , two bats. Col. Hon. Henry St. John; Lieut. Cols. Alex.' Mackenzie, Ro¬ bert Burne (Gov. of Carlisle), Hon. Basil Cochrane; Major* Lewis Davies, Duncan Dar- rocb, Alex. Mackenzie, Wm. Cross 37///, or North Hampshire, Col. Sir Hew Dalrvmple, Knt.; Lt. Cols. F. J .G. Maclean, William Spread; Majors Simon Hart, Reginald James 3 8th, or Is/ Stafford, Col. lion. Sir George James Ludlow, K. B.; Lt. Cols. Hon. Charles J, 100 Greville,John Nugent; Majors Edward Miles, Hon. J. T. Deane, Wm. 15. Loftus, Chi¬ chester Crookshanks 39///, or Dorset , two bats. Col. Nisbett Balfour; Lt.Cols.Hon. R. W. O'Callaghan, Geo. Wil¬ son; Majors Cavendish Sturt, Charles Bruce, Patrick Lind¬ say, Roger Parke 40///, or 2d Somerset, two bats. Col. Sir George Osborn, lit.; Lt. Cols. Gore Brown, James Kemmis; Majors H'* nr yThorn- ton, Richard Archdall, John Gillies, William Balfour 41 >•/, Col. Hay Macdowall; Lt. Cols. William Thomas, Henry Proctor; Majors Jasper Grant, William Evans 4 2d, or Jioyal Highlanders, two bate. Col. Marquis of Huntly; Lt. Cols. James SCrling, Lord Blantyre, John Farquharsoii; Majors Charles Macquarrie, Robert Maeara, Robert llenry Dick, Hamilton Rose 4&/, or Monmouth ( Light Infan¬ try), two bats. Col. Sir John Francis Cradock, K. B.; Lt. Cols. Richard 8 to wart, Vi illiam Gilford, Edward Hull; Majors CharlesM‘Leod, Daniel James Hearn, Richard Tiers, C. C. Patrickson 44///, or East Essex, two bats. Col. Sir Thomas Triage, K. B.; Lt. Cols. Christopher Til-on, Alex. Dirom, Arthur Brooke, Charles Bulkeley Egerton; Majors Charles Phillips, John M. Hammerlon, George Hard¬ ing, Edward Gregory 45///, or Nottingham, two bats. Col. Cavendish Lister; Lieut. Cols. William Guard, Hon. Jn. Meade, M. P.; MajorsWilliam Gwyn, George Piirdon Drew, Thomas Forbes, Wm. Smith 46 th, or South Devon, Col. John White; Lieut. Cols. Edward Barnes * ; Ma¬ jors Dugald Campbell, Richard P. Payne 41th, or Lancashire, two bats. Col. Hon. Rich. Fitzpatrick; Lt. Col. Thomas Joseph Back¬ house, John Bsrne Skerrett, William Wardrobe; Majors James Cuming, William John¬ son,- Humphrey Bland, Jona¬ than Yates 48///, or Northampton, two bats, Col. Lord Charles Fitzrov; Lt. Cols. Hon. David Leslie, George Henry Duckworth, George Middlemore; Majors Robert Sewell, Geo. Morison, James Erskine, Wm, Brooke 49M, or Hertfordshire, Col. Hon. Alex. Maitland; Lieut. Cols. Isaac Brock, Roger liall Shea Or; Majors J ohn V i iicent, Charles Plenderleath 59 th, or West Kent, two bats. Col. Sir James Duff, Knt.; Lt. Cols. Goo. Townsend Walker, Charles Stewart; Majors Cha. Hill, Charles Napier, J. B. Harrison, James Armstrong 51a/, or 2d l ork West-Riding (light Infantry), Col. William Morsbead ; Lieut. Cols. Ralph Darling, John M. Main war¬ ing; Majors Samuel Rice, Fre¬ derick Sparks 52J, or Ox ford t Light In fantry), two hats. Colonel Hildebrand Oakes; Lt. Cols. Robert Bar¬ clay, John Ross; Majors Hon. Hugh Arbuthnot, Henry Ride- wood, Edward Gibbs, John P. Hunt 5 3d,or Shropshire, two bats. Cols. Hon. John Abercrombie; Lt. Cols. Stafford Lightburne, Se¬ bright Mawby, George Itidouf Bingham; Majors John Buck- 101 land, Jolm Mansell, William Ttrorsby, Nigel Kingscote 5-1/A, or fi rst Norfolk. CM, Lord Forbes ; Lt. Cols.‘Christopher Darby, John Thomas Layard, Wm. S. Currey ; Majors Neil Campbell, William Clones 55///, or Westmoreland , Col. Lof- tus Ant. Tottenham Lt. Col. Robert Douglass; Majors John NugentSmyth,Robt.Frederick 56(h, or JVest f'lssex, two bats. Col. Hon. John Chappie Nor¬ ton ; Lt. Cols. Thomas Picton, Philip K., Skinner, Samuel Keating, * ; Ma¬ jors Fletcher Barclay, Movie Travers, Samuel Ba\ ley, Tho. Walsh 57/A, or West Middlesex,two bats. Col. Uird Hutchinson; Lieut. Cols. William Balfour, Albert Gledstaires; William Inglis. Duncan M‘Donald ; Majors Ralph Briu;c, David Ross,W m. Collis Spring, Robert O’Neill 58///, or /tutLind ( Maida), two hats. Col. t icorge Scott; Lieut. Col?. W'iHiam Houston, Tho. Fitzgerald, David Walker; Majors Richard Buckby, John Geo. Bradford, BrookHenry Young, Alex. Henry 59/A. or 2dNottingham , (wo bat?. Col. Aler. Ros; Lt. Cols. Fra. Fuller, James Dunlop, Samuel Gibbs, Charles 1 ane; Majors Alex. Maetcod, George \iae- gregov, Henry Austen, John Laing Wejr GO///, or Royal Amerienn, si x bat?. Col: in Chief, Duke of York : Cols. Commandant, Tho.Carle- ton, Fdward Morrison, Napier Christie Burton,W illiam Kep- pel. Sir George Provost, Barf. Hon. Kdmund Pliipps; Lieut, Cols. James Adolpnus Harris, GeoigeWuu- Ramsay, Baron Rottenburg, John Hope, Lewii Von Mosheim, Fdward ( odd, Thomas Austen, Paul Ander¬ son, Viscount Lake, William Dowdeswcll, George Mackie, Wm. Williams, James Lomax; Majors James Bathur>f, An¬ thony W'harten, Francis St. Mart, W r m. Marlton, William Wood gate, George Fornerett, James Grant, J. F.Fitzgerald, 61.vf, or South Gloucester , two bats. Col. G« orge Hewitt; Lt. Cols. James Campbell, John Stratfoid Saunders, Frederick Barlow; Majors R. Jas. Cogii- lan, James Downing, W illiam Carr Royal, Luke Godfrey 62d, or Wiltshire , two bats. Col. Sir Kyre Coote, K. B.; Lieut. Cols. John Manners Kerr,Tre¬ vor Hull, William Doyle; Ma¬ jors George Gauntlctr, David Ximiprs, Daniel Francis Blo- marf, Charles Ashworth G 3d, or West Suffolk, two bats. Col. Farl of iialcarres; Lieut. Cols. Robert Brereton, I). Campbell,Cosmo Gordon; Ma¬ jors Samuel Fa i rt lough, Holier Touzcl, John I rankland, Ro¬ bert Johns Gif//, or 2d Stafford , Col. Henry Wynyard; Lieut. Cols. James Montgomery, Sir John W'ard- law, Bt.; Majors John Ward- law, John Macdonald 65 th, or 24 J nrk nek¬ ton, John ("rowgev; Majors Sir Wm. Nicholson, Bt. H. Godol- phin Rooper, Ronald Camp¬ bell, Walter Nathaniel Leitch 7 Sd, Highland , two bats. Col. George Harris; Lieut. Cols, i^uehlan Macouarrie, >Vm. George Harris, Maurice Cha. O'Connell; Majors Andrew Geils, Geo. Alex. Gordon, J. Scott . 74 Hu Highland {Jusaye). Col Hon. Alex. Hope; Lieut. Cob Hon. Robert Le Poer Trench * ; Majors Edw. Broughton, Russell Manners 15th, Highland {India), Cob Sir Robt. Abercrombie, K. B.; Lt. CoIs.George Vaughan Hart, Sa- muei Svvinton; Majors James Guthrie, Alex. Steuart 7f>/A ( Hiridonstan), Col. S.r Tho. Mu?«:rav£, Bt.; Lt. Col. Mey- riek Shaw e; Majors Join Co- vell, Alex. Fraser 11th, or East Middlesex, Colonel Earl of Cavan; Lt. Cob.John Bromhead, John H. Dunkin; Majors Frederick Wm. Spry, Wm. O. McGregor 13th, or Loss shire Buffs, High¬ land (Maida and Jssaye), two bats. Col. Sir J. H. Craig, 1<. B.; Lt. Cob. Alex. Adams, John Mqclcod, James Maedonnell; Majors Wm. Campbell, James Fraser, Robt. Hamilton, Mar¬ tin Lindsay 79 /A, or Cameron ILighlanders, two bats. Col. Cameron; Lieut. Cols. Philip Cameron, Robert Fulton ; Majors Wm. Maundav Harvey, W in. Sulli¬ van, Alex. Petrie, Richard Bourke SO/A, or Staffordshire Volunteers, Col. Han. Edward Paget; Lt. Cols. Benjamin Forbes, John White; Majors John Ashley Sturt, John Edwards 81s/ {Maida), two hats. Col. Hen- rv Johnson; Et. Col. J. Ha¬ milton, James Kempt, Patrick IVPKenzie; Majors Hen. Mil¬ ling, James Farrer, E. D. Mau¬ rice, Edward GiRman 82 d, or Prince of Wales s Volun¬ teers, tw o bats. Colonel Henry Pigot; Lt. Cols. Wm. Grant, Tho. Bradford ; Majors Henry . King, Win. Henry Lister, Lea. Edwayd Coiners, Caesar Coi- , • clough 10S two bat.-. Col. James- Ba- four; I t. Cols. Joseph Baird, K i c hard Coll i ns; Majors J ac o b Brunt, John Nap per, Henry William Carr, Robert Scott ‘ 84 th,or York and Lancaster, two bats. Col. Geo. Bernard ; Lt. Cols. Wm. Eden, Henry Lewis Dickenson, Richard Lloyd; Majors Arch. Campbell, Ro- bertV incent, Henry Daubeny, John Lock &5fh, or Bucks Volunteers {Light Infantry), Col. Tho. Slonghtcr Stanwix; Lt. Cols. Hon. Henry Astley Bcnnett,Jlenry Cuvier; Majors /Eneas MHntoSb, Nich. A. Mein 86 /A,or Leinster, Col. SirCharles Ross, Bt.; Lt. Cols. Hastings Fraser, Edward Drummond; Majors Peter Carey, Mil bra- ham Tol. Edwards 87M, or Prince of fVales's Irish , two bats^Col. Sir John Doyle, Bt.; Lt. Cols. Sir Ed. Gerald Butler,K.M.T. C.Wm. Dovle; Majors Francis M. Miller, Hugh Gough,Alex. Rose, John Evans S8M, or Connaught Rangers, two bats. Col. "William Carr Beres- ford; Lt. Cols. Alex. Wallace, John Taylor; Majors John Silver, Daniel Colquhoun, R. B. Macpherson, Robert B. M‘Gregor 69///, two bats. Col. Earl of Lind¬ sey ; Lieut. Cols. Lord Blaney, Robert Garden ; Majors Do¬ nald M‘Bean, Henry Torrens, Richard Butler 90///, or Perthshire Volunteers , tw o bats. Cql.Thomas Graham; Lt. Cols. George Moncrieffe, John M‘i\air, Robert Smyth; Majors Hon. Mark Napier, Geo. Burrell, Thomas Wright, Thomas Steele 91s/, or ArgyUshirt, two hi*** Col. Duncan Campbell; Lt- Cols. James Catlin Craufurd, William Douglas, Berk' uhead Glegg; Majors Benj. Wynne Ottley, Augustus W'arbuVton, JohuBlainey, Donald Macnci 11 9 2d, Highland , two bat-. Colon* 1 Hon. Sir John Hope, K. B. Lt. Cob. John Cameron, Jobn I**- mont; Majors Arch. M‘Duu- nell, James Watson, Peter Grant, James Mitch* 11 93d, or Sutherland Highlanders, Col. W illiam W’emyss; Lieut. Col. Alex. Halkett; Majors Robert Dale, Henry John 94///, Col. Row land Ilill; Lieu 4 . Cols. Thomas Scott, Jas. Camp¬ bell ; Majors John Innes, Jas. Allan 95th, Rifle Corps, three bats. Col. in Chief, Sir David Dunda-, K. B.; Col. Commdts. Forbes Champagne,SirBrent Spencer, K. B. Hon. Wm. Stewart; Lt. Cols. Thomas Sidney Beck¬ with, Hamlet Wade, Norman M*Leod; Majors Dugald Little Gilmour, John Stewart, Ames G. Norcott, George W ilkins, John Ross, Andrew Creagh 90th , two bats. Col. George Don; Lt. Cols. Edward Scott, Henry Elliott; Majors Benjamin h. Lavieourt,W.C. Eustace, John Murray, M. W. Lee 97/A, or Queens German, Col. Thomas Grosvenor; Lt. Cob Lewis Lindenthall, Jas. Lyon; Majors A. W. Young, W illiam M 4 Cart by 98/A, Col. John Burke ; Lt. Cel. William Douglas; Majors Ar¬ thur Lloyd, John Stafford 99/A, Col. Earl of 1 andati; Lt. Col. James Orde; Majors John Daniel, G. Jackson 100/A, Col. Frederick Joi n Fal- 12 104 kincr; Lieut. Col. John Mur¬ ray; Majors Christopher Ha¬ milton, George Taylor lOlv/, or Duke of York's Irish, Colonel Hon. Henrv Augustus Dillon; Lt. Col. William Pol¬ lock; Ma jors Geo. O’Malley, John Welsford 102Col. Francis Grose ; Lieu*. CohWilliam Paterson; Majors Joseph Foveaux, Geo. John¬ stone 103. Dolphin ; Majors John Castle, Francis Frye Brown 7 th, Col. Isaac Gascoyne; Lieut*, t'ols. Gage John Hall, John Nasmyth ; Majors Robert Jen¬ kins, H. Clermont 8 / h, Col .Thomas Hislop; Lt. ( ols. John Augustus Provost, Wm. Stew art; Majors James W il- loek, James J. Fraser. ROYAL AFRICAN CORPS. Lt. Col. Comm. Join.Wdlou-liby I MhxwcU ; Wajors James Ch.s- Gordon; Lt. Col. Charles >\m. » holm, John Kingsley. ROYAL YORK RANGERS. ^Thomas fiSSi feST-S I ^ ROYAL WERT-INDIA RANGER*. r-il William Wvnyard; Lt Cols. I Majors Edward O'Rourke, VharlesTurneV, David Stewart; I Arch. Campbell. three CEYLON regiments. Majors Alex. Chaplin, Frede¬ rick Hankey . _ , 3d, Col. Charles Baillie; Chaiies \st. Col. Josiah Champagne; Lt. Col. Hon. William T. Moles- w orth; Majors Francis Stew'- art, Hugh Henry 2d, Col. William Ramsay ; Lt. Col- Thomas W ilbam Kerr ; i(• H* L luU it j ' " Monice, James Maitland; Ma¬ jors James Clement Edwards. 'Arthur Johnston, 105 THE KING’S GERMAN LEGION. ColoPolin Chief \ Dnko of Cambridge. Inspecting General, Frederick Baron Decken. Deputy Aajutant-Generah, 9rigadc-Majors, George Chuden, Peter do Salvo, C. Baron Kronen- lold, Gerb. Timaeus, William Delius, Wm. Baron Linsingrr., F. Baron Ompteda, Frederick Baron Uslar, H. F. HuLe man. Military Commissary, James Bathurst. FIVE REGIMENTS OP DRAGOONS. Is/, Col. Geo. Baron Book; Ft. Col. C. Baron Decken ; Ma¬ jors C. Baron Meydell, Chris. Fischer 2 d, Col. Otto Baron Sehutte; Ft. Col. A. Baron Veltheim; Ma¬ jors C. dc Jonquierres, Otto II. Voider lit Light Dragoons , Col. Cha. Baron Linsiiigen ; Lt. Col. F. de Arenschild; MajorsGro. Ba¬ ron Plesse, Otto Baron Grothe 2d Light J). Col. Vic. Baron Al¬ ton ; Lt. Col. W. Rodewald ; Majors J. Baron Bulow,Victor de Muller 3d Light D. Col. J. G. Baron Reden ; Ft. Col. Ulr. de To- bing; Majors F. de Burgwe- del, A. Baron Linsingen. TEN REGIMENTS OF FOOT. 1st fiat. Light Jn fantn /, Col. Cha. Baron Alton; Ft. Col. E. Leon¬ hard ; Majors David Martin, Fred, de Hart wig 2 d ditto. Col. Colin Halkctt; Ft. Col. Wm. Oll'encv: Majors Charles Best, Hugh Ilalkett 1/ Bat. of the Line , Col. Duke of Cambridge ; Lt. Col. C. Ba¬ ron Ompteda; Majors R. Bo- decker, A. Baron Beck 2d ditto. Col. A. Baron Barsse ; Ft. Col. Belville; Majors A.BaronWnrmb, Paul Chudcn 3d ditto. Col. H. ilinuber; Ft. Col. G. Klingsohr; Majors F. de Schlutter, Da. de Barbel le 4th ditto, Col. S. Baron Low ; Ut. Col. Cha. du Plat; Majors IF de Futtcrmann, W. de Ulmcn- stcin 5th ditto. Col. G. de Driohcrg; Ft. Col. F. Baron Bussche; Ma¬ jors Chris. Gerber, Wm, Baron Uslar 6th ditto, Col. A. Baron Hon* stedt; Lt. Col. Fra. Baron AJ- trn; Majors W. Baron Lir.siu- gen, F. Baron Omptcda 1th ditto. Col. F. Baron Drcch- scl; Lieut. Col. F. Baron Gold- acker ; Ma jors A. dc Berger. Gharlt s Thalman 8th ditto. Col. P. du Plat: T.icut. Col. G. Baron Lasperg; M ijois I - . do Vi cis>: 1, J. de Sr hro 'ilr*r. Col. artillery. t. Baron Decken; Lieut. Col. A. Rottigcr; maun, H. Bruekinann. Majors J. Ilart- DUKE Or BRUNSWICK OEI.H CORPS. Cavalry. r r',»l D f , om°\vn rU J SW i\ C ^ P 0 ' ‘ : CoJ. I>nkc ol Knmswi.k Oris; rn l w V J' , d '‘■ J-" 1 "'- Col. (i. I.. Eini!tus Irving, Bt.; Lt. Col. Hon. Win. Grey? Ma¬ jor Thomas Fort \ e 7///, Col. Thomas Murray; Lt. Col. John W ilbar Cooke; Ma¬ jor Martin Alves S//>, Col. John M atson Tadwell Watson; Lt. Col. Win. Osborn Hamilton; Maj< r Wm.Morris 0/A, Col. Colin Mackenzie; Lt. Col. Robert Walker; Major Win. V» est 10/A, Co!. Lowtlicr Pennington; Lt. Col. Henry Zouch; Major Donald Mac pile it on 11//?, Col. Andrew John Drum¬ mond ; Lt. Col. Arch. Christie ; Major Tlio. Buckeley Camp¬ bell 12///, Col. George Benson; Lt. Col. lJenrv Pow lett; Major Wm. Coiiis. ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Colonel in Chief. Lieut. General l ari of Chatham. Colonel on Second, General Sir Thomas Triggo, K. t>. Deputy sfdjutant-Ucncrat, Major-General John Maclcod. Cols. ( am. Anthony Farrington, Ellis Walker, Thomas Davies, Phi¬ lip Martin, \ aughan Lloyd, \\ m. Congreve, Win. Ore hard Hud¬ dleston, George J t ad, S • Thomas lilomefield, Bart. Robert 1 a\v- son, Edward Stephens. Robert Douglas. Colonels, Joiin Ramsey, The. Trotter, John Maclcod, John Smith, Win. Cuppnge,Thomas Seward. Fran. 1 a\c, Bailey W illiugtoir, Thomas it. Charleton, Edward Jlowortb,Tho. Deshrisay, James Murray Hadden, Charles Terrot, Geo. Glasgow, Wm. iientham, Edward Stchelin, John Aug. Sclinlch, ilenrv Hutton, Flower M. Sprowle, Wm. Borthwick. Cha. N. Cookson, John Burton. L'tut, Cots. George Cookton, Philip Riou, John 1 . Smith, William Mudge. Ileniy Mirapnell, George W t itle. Geo. W. Dixon, Wilt¬ shire Wilson, Rich. Hamilton, Brooke Young, Roylct Framing¬ ham. Win. Spiv er, John Sheldrake, George Ramsay, Jolm Le- raoine, W m. (’ox, Spencer C. Parry, Robert J vars, m. Miller. Benjamin Blomctn Id, W m. Robe, George Salmon, Rolit. W right, Joseph Maclean, John Harris, Geo. A. Wood, Richard Dicken¬ son, Thomas Charleton, George B. Fisher, 1*. W. Cole broke, F. W. Pritchard, Thomas Franklin, James Viney, Charles W aller. Major*, Robert Beevor, Frederick Griffiths, Charles Newt house, William Dixon. C. Godfrey, Francis Key, CliarliGold, Joseph Carncross, Alexander Watson, Edward Wor.-ley, Alexander Duncan. •szsam 108 INVALID BATTALION OF ROYAL ARTILLERY. Col. Com. Robt. DouglasrCol. John Barnes; Lt. Cols. Jas. Sower- by, Wm. Grant, George Wilson, Samuel Rimmington, James Sutler; Major R. Chapman. ROYAL ENGINEERS. Colonel in Chief , Lieut. General Earl of Chatham. Colonel en Second , General Sir Thomas Trigge, K. B. Cols. Com. Robert Morse, Alex. Mercer, Gother Mann, Wm.Twiss. Colonels, John Evclegh, Benjamin Fisher, Thomas Nepean, Sir Charles Shipley, Knt. Wm. Fyers. Win. Johnstone. Lieut. Cols. Win. Kersteman, Sir Charles Holloway, Knt. John Huinfrev, Robert D’Arcv, George Bridges, Samuel T. Dickens, Jndin Mackelcan, R. If. Bniyeres, John Rowley, Aug. de Butts, Wm. Fenwick, Alex. Bryce*, R. Pilkington, Richard Fletcher, Henry Evatt. ROYAL INVALID ENGINEER?. Col. Hugh Debbeig; Lt. Cols. Thomas Ilartcup, Henry Rudyerd. ROYAL MARINE?. General, Admiral Lord Viscount Briaport. Lieutenant-General, Admiral 1 arl of St. Vincent. Major-General, Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood. Cole nets. Wm. ITargood, R. N. Robert Moorsom, R. N. Sir ( ha. Hamilton, Bart. R. N. Hon. Henry Curzon, R. N. Colonel-Commandant , resident in l.ondon. John Barclay. ('otone Is- ('am m and ant. Geo.}- lliotf. Portrmouth Division Riehard Bright, Plymouth Andrew Bern, Woolwich Henry Beil, Chatham. Colonels Com. en Scconde. Thomas Strickland, Plymouth RWi i t M inter, Pert?month Theophilrs Lewis, Chatham Riehard Williams, Plymouth Law rt nee Dcshorough, Chatham James M< redith, l) oofnich Robert Hill Farmar, Plymouth Vatkin Tencb, WooheitIt. lit vicnani-Colont Is. James Berkeley, Chatham David Ballingall, Chatham (ho rge I)> or, Woo tvrich Sir John Douglas, Kni.Wcolwich John Miller, Portwiculh Martin Campbell Cole, Portrn , Richard Harry Foley, Chatham Win. Binks, Woolwich Richard Bidlake, Plymouth James Home, Edinburgh James Campbell, Chatham Robert Moncrietf, York James Casscl, Woolwich John MHntosh, Portsmouth Lewis Cha. Meares, Taunton Geo. E.Vinnicombc, Cambridge. Majors. Joseph Lambrecht, Chatham John James, Manchester Waldegravc Tane, London David Montieth, Plymouth John Boseawen Savage, Portsm. Geo. Edward Roby, Plymouth Richard Lee, Chatham Henry Lee, Portsmouth Robert M‘Clevcrty, Plymouth Wm. Henrv Boys, Chatham Henry Reddish Furzer, Portsm . Thomas Davcy, Woolwich Robert Smith, Woolwich Richard Williams, Port'vnovtr James Errol Gordon, Woolvf h Thomas Abernethie, Woolwich- \ no Explanations of the preceding Table: Pay of Col. Commandant of Horse Artillery, 2/. 19s. 3d.; Foot Ar¬ tillery and Engineers, 2/. 14s. 4d. The difference between the Subsistence and Gross Pay of the Offi¬ cers of the Life-Guards, Horse-Guards, and Foot-Guards, after deducting Poundage. Hospital, artd Agency, is paid as Arrears. * These rates include 2$. a day for a horse. + General Service, 15 .—Limited Service, 10$. + Including his Pay as a Subaltern. \ If holding another commission. Lieutenants of Militia receive only 8 d. and Ensigns 3v. 8>J. —Surgeons' Mates in Milftia and lchcibles 5 .; if holding another appointment 3s. 6d. Regimental Surgeons of the Line, those of the Royal Artillery, and "Veterinary Surgeons, after certain periods of service receive the following rates of pay, viz. Reg. Surgeons oj the Line , and of the Royal Artillery , After 7 years as such, or 10 years in a Medical capacity on full pay.14<. L/. per diem ....20 do. do.....18*. 10 d . .... 30 do. do. may retire on an allowance of 15$. Od. V terinary Surgeons , .... 3 years service 10$.; 10 ditto 12$.; 20 ditto 15$.; 50 ditto may retire on an allowance of 12$. FFES PAID ON MILITARY COMMISSIONS SIGNED BY THE KING. Rank . Field-Marshal.. General *. Lieut. Gen. Major-Gen. t... Colonel. Lieut. Col. Com. Lieut. Colonel.. Major.. Captain. Lieutenant!.... Cornet or Ensign Paymaster^ .... Adjutant |j. Quartermaster.. Surgeon. Assistant ditto.. Veterinary ditto Army. 1. s.d. 37 7 0 22 9 6 i7 7 6 12 17 6 li 56 LifeG. 1. $. d. 12 9 C 11 66 10 16 6 9 16 6 8 66 8 06 8 66 5 72 4 19 6 5 06 Horse Gds. D.Gds. and Drags. Ft. Gd>. i. s.d. t. S.C. 1. s. d. 12 19 6 12 7 6 12 15 6 ii 3 6 10 18 6 10 7 6 8 14 6 6 12 6 10 13 6 10 5 6 9 15 6 8 26 6 06 10 2 6 414 6 5 06 5 72 4 19 6 5 06 11 1 6 10 13 C 9 17 6 9 0 2 4 16 2 4 14 6 6 1 6 5 7 1 4 19 6 5 06 4 12 6 4 1310 5 7 2 4 19 6 Foot, Staff C, trap, r. i . $. (i. 11 5 6 10 6 6 9 18 6 9 14 6 9 4 6 6 13 10 4 11 10 10 2 C 4 12 6 4 13 10 5 7 2 4 19 6 Adj. Gen. 10/. 17$. 6 d.; Quartermaster-Gen. 10/. 17 .6F; Commis. Gen. 15/. 7$. 6'/.—! 2d Lieut. 6?. 11$. 10rf.—}Of2d or 3d Bat. 9/. 12$. 6rf.—1| W ith rank of Cornet, 8\ 12$. with rank of Ensign, 7/. 8-.; Lieutenant in Dragoons, 116; in Foot, Sec. 9/. 9$. 4.4. ARMY Adair, N\ 4, Pall-Mall-Court Alexander, Dublin Annit and Borough, Dublin Atkinson, Joseph and John, Elu- Place , Dublin Austen and Mnunde, N°. 10, Hen- rietta-Streety Cov nt-Gardsn Blaquiere, Dublin Bounor, Thomas, H°. 7, Clevc- land-Courty St. James's Bownns, Derby- Streety Parlia¬ ments tret Brooksbank and Bernard, N\ 19, CravenStreety Strand. Browc|], Stable- YardySt. James's Browne, Dublin Bruce, N°. 3, Caddick's Foxo Cine and Son, Dublin Cary, Colleg e ojPhysiciar\Sy TVar- tvick-Lanr Carystie and Shaw, Leicester- Place Collyer and Son, Park-Place t St. James's Combe, N°. 6, JohnStreety Bed¬ ford-Row Cox, Bartlett's Buildings Ilol- born Croasdaile, Silvcr-Strecty Golden- Square Disney, .26, Parliament-Street Donaldson, Juitt, and Boaden, Whitehall Drewe, Ntu>-Inn Fowlis, N\ y8, Abchurcfx-Lanc l’raser, N\ 7, Duke-Strect t West¬ minster Fraser and Mackenzie, Clcve- land-Roto 111 AGENTS. Gilpin, N\ 33, Fillers' Street, Strand Graves, King's Printing-Office Greenw ood, Cox, and Hammer- slev, Craig's Court Hopkinson and Sons, N 3 . 5, St. Alban's Streety Pall-Mall Horsburgh, N \ 7, Winchester- Street Hughes and Co. N°. 3, Holborn- RotOy Lincoln's Inn Fields Humfrey, Dublin Jones, $°.26, Parliament-Street Kellv, Silocr-St. Go Idem- Square Kirkland, N°. 8, Bcnntt-Stre-t, St. James's Lawrie, Robert-Street , A del phi Macdonald, N°. 4, Pall-Mall - ' Court Morton, N°. 16, Mount-Street , Dublin Oldham, 4, Fludyer-Street Ormsby, Dublin Parys, N°. 33, Craven- Streety Strand lVstage, N\ 37, Piccadilly Reed and Fraser, Dublin Ridge, 44, Charing-Crpss Rolleston and Hammond, 16, Manchester-Buildings Stables, Pay-Ofjicey Whitehall Sykes, N\ 22, Arundel-Streety Strand Taylor, Dublin Tustin and Son, Fludyer-Street Watson, N°. 37, Argyll-Street Window, y 9, Craig's Court Woodward, Dublin Wright, AT°. 0, Wellclosc-Square. 112 kings and queens, from the conquest. Kings, %c. Win. the Conqueror William ltufus Henry I. Stephen Henry II. Richard 1. John Henry III. Eduard I. Edward If. Edward TIT. Richard II. Henry IV. Ilesry V. Henry VT. Edward IV. Edward V. Richard HE Henry VII. Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary I Elizabeth James I. Charles I. Charles If. James II. Mary IE William III, Anne George T. George II. George III._ Began to Reign. Reigned. r. m. n. Star's since Ikty Reigned. Oct. ' 14, 1066 20 10 26 723, Sept. 9 Sept. 9, 1087 12 10 24 710, August 2 August 2, 1I0C 35 3 29 675, Dec. 1 Dec. 1,1135 18 10 24 656, October25 Oct. 25, 1154 34 8 11 621, July . 6 July 6, 1189 9 9 0 fill, April 6 April 6,1199 17 6 13 594, October 19 OoJ. 19, U16 56 0 28 538, Nov. 16 Nov. 16, 12 n 34 7 21 503, duly 7 Inly 7,1307 19 6 18 J83, : January25 Jan. 25,13*7 50 4 27 433, June 2l June 21,1377 22 3 \8 411, Sept. 29 Sept. 29,1399 13 5 20 397, March 20 March 20, MIS 9 5 11 388, August 31 An o'. 31, 1422 38 6 . 4 319, March \ March 4,1161 22 1 5 327, April 9 April 9,148.3 0 2 13 327, June 22 June 22,1483 2 2 0 325, August 22 Aug. 22,1485 23 8 0 301., April. 22 April 22,1509 37 9 6 263, J cltiuafy28 Jan. 28, 1547 G 5 8 257. July 6 July 0, 1553 Vov. 17,1558 5 44. 4 4 11 7 252, Nov. 17 207, March 24 March 21,1603 22 0 3 185 March 27 March 27,1025 23 10 3 161, JanuarySO Jan. 30, 1649 36 0 7 195, F«‘b. 6 Feb- 6, 16S5 4 0 7 181, Feb. 13 F»*b. 13,1659 5 10 15 il(», Dec. 29 Peb. 13,1689 13 0 28 10.8, AJarch 8 March 8,1702 12 4 24 96, August 1 Aug. 1,1714 12 10 10 82, June 11 rune 11.1727 33 4 14 50, Oct. 25 Oct. 25,1760F Cfowne d Sept. 82, 1761. m V; 113 SCOTLAND. PEER S. ^lV«rs created since the Union cannot vote for Representatives in Parliament , page 23.] PEERS OF THE BLOOD ROYAL. 1762 Ilis Royal Highness George Augustus Frederick, Prince Rothsay, Earl of Carrie k, Baron of Reu- 27ft4 Hi« Hnw V? d ? the Isks, and < Great Steward of Scotland. 1784 H,s ^ 0 ^ a n y r ^ oess William Henry, Duke of Clarence anti 1799 Si! R 0j/a ! Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathcrn. and l^vio'tdaU^ LrN ' E!jT August ™> Duke of Cumberland 1801 His Royal Highness Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex and Earl ot Inverness. ’ His Roya 1 Higaness Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cam- . bridge, and Laron ot Culloden. <64 1I,S fif H r 0 > al , William Frederick, Duke of Glouce¬ ster and Edinburgh. DUKES, AND THEIR ELDEST SONS. 1613 Hamilton Duke of Hamilton [Duke of Marquis of Clyde- Brandon in England] dan* 1 1673 Scott, Duke of Buccleugh [Earl of Don- ms i«'r. r S,W'L,„„ m, eJSSateJSS^M „r il ’ ! - »r - tL „„ ,m cJttfiPSSSi fcSfSS '™ "'SjSsf' S| “S''■ MjjjS.frato 1707 Graham,Dukeof Montrose [Earl Graham ' ijn England] - Ker, Duke of Roxburgh marquises. Marquis Graham Marquis of Beau¬ mont. lf)H Hay, Marquis of Tweeddalc 1701 Kerr, Marquis of Lothian Earl of Gifford Earl of Anemia. EARLS. iS? cSr.Eari ^riofCwwfi.rda.fd Lindsay Vbcjwrt ^Garnoci 114 1458 Sinclair, Earl of Caithness 1457 George Douglas, i arl of Morton [Lord Douglas of Lochleven in England] 1463 David Stewart Erskinr, Karl of Buchan 150J Montgomery, tail of Eglinton [Loid Ardrossan in England] 1509 Kennedy, 1:arl of Cass: 11 is [Lord Ailsa in England J 1561 Fra. Stuart, i arl of Moray [Lord Stuart in England] 160-1 Home, 1 arl of Home 1605 Bowes, Lari of Strathmore and King- horn - John James Hannlton, Earl of Ab**reorn fMarouis of Abereorn in England, and Viscount Strabane in Irelam^j 1619 Thomas Erskine, Earl of Kellie -Charles Hamilton, 1 arl of Haddington 16*i3 George Stewart, Earl of Galloway [Lord Stewart of Garlics in England] 1624 Maitland, 1 arl of Laud : rdalt [Lord Lau¬ derdale in England] 1653 Hay, Earl of Kinnoiil [Lord Hay in England] -John Crichton Stuart, Farl of Dumfries [Earl of Windsor in 1 upland] - Brurc, Earl of Elgin ar.d Kincardine - Charts Stuart, Earl of Tniquair - Charteris, Lari of Mem vs -Ramsey, 1 arl of Dalhousie 1657 Ogilvie, Earl of JElndlatc.r and Scafield 1841 Leslie, Earl of Lcveh and Melville 1616 Tollemache l ari of Dysart - Thomas Douglas, f ai l of Selkirk J GIT Carnegie, Earl of Northcsk 1051 Lindsay, Earl of Balcarns 1600 George Gordon, Earl of Ahoyne 1661 Livingstone, Earl of Newburgh 1669 Cochrane, Fail of Dundonalu 1677 Falconer, Earl of Kirtore 1678 Campbell, 1 arl of Breadalbane [Lord Breadalbane of Taymoutb, England] 1GS9 George Gordon, 1 arl of Aberdeen 16ri6 Murray, Earl of Dunmore 1701 Carmichael, Earl o! Hyndford 1703 Dalrymple, Earl of Stair - Primrose, E,arl of Rosebcrry - Bovle, Earl of Glasgow -Colyear, Earl oi Portmorc Lord Berriedaie Lord Aberdour Lord Cardross Lord Montgomery Lord Kennedy Lord Donne Lord Liuuglass Lord Glammis Lord Paisley Viscount Fenton Lord Binning Viscount Garlics Lord Maitland Viscount Duplin Lord Crichton Lord Bruce Lord Linton Lord i lcho Lord Ramsey Lord Deskfdrd Lord Balgonie Lord Humingtour Lord Daer Lord Rosehill Lord Lindsay Lord Strathaven Viscount Kinnaird Lord Cochrane Lord Inverury Vise. Glenorchy Lord Eladdo Lord Fin castle Lord Carmichatl Vise. Dalrymple Viscount Primrose Lord Boyle Vise. Milsington Vise. Mount-Stuart 115 1703 John Stuart, Earl of Bute [Marquis of Bute in England] -James Hope Johnstone, Earl of Hope*- toun [Ldrd Hope to un in Eng!andJ Lord Hope. VISCOUNTS. 1620 Carey, Viscount Falkland | 1611 Arbuthnot,Visc. Arbuthnot 1622 Murray, Viscount Stormont 1662 Osborne, ViseountDunblain [Lari of Mansheld, Engl.] J [Duke of Leeds, Engl.J BARONS. 1422 Somerville,Lord Somerville 1440 Forbes, Lord Forbes 1145 Cathrart, Lord Cath~art [Vise. Ca heart in Eng¬ land] -Fra-er, Lord Saltoun and Abernetby - Gray, Lord Gray 1489 Sinclair, Lord Sinclair 1489 Semple, Lord Semple 1509 i.lphinstone, L. Llpliinstone 1563 Sandilands, Ld.Torphichen 1606 Stewart, Lord Blantvre 1609 Colville, Lord Colville —— Cranston, Lord Cranston 1627 Napier, Lord Napier 1C2T Fairfax, Lord Fairfax of Cameron -Lord Aston of Forfar, Rev. Walter Hutchinson A?ton claims the title 1628 Mackav, Lord Roay 1613 Macle!lan,L. Kirkcudbright 1613 Murray, Lord Elibank 1618 Hamilton, Lord Bclhaven and Stenton 1550 Grimston, Lord Forrester I Vise. Irimston in Ireland, Lord Venilam in Eng.] 1651 Ruthven, Lord Ruthven — Rollo, Lord Rollo 1632 Kinnai'rd, Lord Kinnaird. PEERESSES. 1275 Elizabeth Gower Sutherland, Countess of Sutherland, Baron¬ ess Strathnaver, Lady of th*' Marquis of Stafford. 1157 Jane Elizabeth LcsiL , Countess of Rothes, Baroness Leslie, Lady of Sir Lucas Pep\s, Bart. 1635 Flora Campbell, Countess of Loudon, Baroness Mauchline, Lady of the Lari of Moira. 1695 Mary Hamilton, C ountess of Orkney, Viscountess Kirkwall, widow of the lion. Thomas Fitzmaurice. KNIGHTS OF THE MOST ANCIENT AND MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE THISTLE. Instituted 1540, rt vived 1703. THE SOVEREIGN. Marquis of Lothian Earl of Morton Lari of Aylesbury Duke of Athol Duke of Montrose Viscount Catiicart arl Poulett Lari of Aberdeen. Dean of the Order , Dr. Wm. Lawrence Brow ne, 50/. each creation. Secretary, George Dempste r, Esq. 300/. K2 Duke of Clarence Duke of Queensbcrry Earl of Roseb» rry Duke of Gordon J 116 Lord Lion King at Arm v, Earl of Kinnoul, 6001 U. | Deputy Keeper anti Kin fit U'ri- I ter , Caarles Gordon, Esq. ( Deputy Usher, AdninW ilion,Fsq. 3000'. PRIVY SEAL OFFICE. Keeper, Viscount Melville,3000 I Writer to the Privy Sea’. J am e. Deputy, Robt. Dandas, tsq.400’. | Stew a it Olipliai.t, Lsql SIGNET-OFFICE. Keeper, Hod. Robert Dundas I Deputy , Hush Warren dor. Fid. Saunders, 3000 1. | Sab-Xetp.rfJohn Home, i.sq. K 9 11 * LORD REGISTRAR'S' OFFICE. 7,on7 7? gislrar, Lord Frederick 1 W alkcr, Colin Mackenzie, IT. Campbell, L200/. McDonald JRudK.nan, Isqrs. D vufirs, George TItime, John Deputy Keep rsof Rrcords, Wm. Pringle, James Ft Trier, James I Robcrbon, Alex. Robertson. COURT OJ Lord President, Rt. lion. Robt. Blair, Lord Avontown,30G0/. l.ord Just ice Clerk, Right Hon. Charles Hope, 1.500?. Lords o f Session, J280\ rack. William Craig, Lord Craig Wm. Bailtie, Lord Polkrmmct SbAVm. MilL r, Lit. Lord Gif nice Alien Maconochie, Lord Mea¬ dow bank Rob rt Collen, Lord Cullen Sir Wm. Honey man, Bart. Lord Armadale Win. M 4 Lend Banatyne, Lord Ban at \ ne COURT OF . 7,ord Justice General, Duke of Montrose, 2000'. I ord Justice Clerk, Right Hon. Charles Hope, HOG?. Comm is si c n /*•;, 780/. each. Lords Craig, Cullen, Armadale, Meadow bank, and He+mand Lord Advocate* R iglif Hon. Arch. Colquhoim, 1500/. SESSION. Claude Irvine Boswell,Lord Bal- muto Geo. Forgnsson, Ixml Harmand Alex. Fraser Ty tier, Lord Wood* horse lee Wm. Roberlson, Lord Robertson Charles Hay, Lord Newton Arch. Campbell, Lord Succoth Pi inrip ill Cfrrks of Session, John Pringle^ James FerrifT, James Walker. Colin Mackenzie, II. M 4 Don a Id Buchanan, Walter Scott, Esqr.'i Registrar of Sasincs, Tlon. Robt. Dundas Saunders. USTICIARV. Advocate on the Circuits , Alex* Macon o: Me,- iso. Solicitor-Genera /, David Boyle. I so. W0 Principal Clerk, Robert Dnndas APQuecn, Esq. ‘200/. /> p. Cl rk, Mr. Lhomas Smith Croien Agent, Hugh Warrender, Es<{. . . • ' k COURT OF EXCHEQUER. Lord Chi f Baron, Right Hon. Robert Dnndas, 20001. Barons , Hon. Fletcher Norton, S075/.G.Buchan Hepburn,Esq. Sir John Stewart, Bart. James Clerk, Esq. 1200'. each King s Remembrancer, Sir Pa¬ trick Murray, Kart. 1000/. Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, Arch. Ferrier* Estj. 200/. ‘ . Solicitor, John Buchan, Esq.140!, Principal Auditor, JamrsTown- send Oswald, Esq. 1200/. Cl rks of the Pipe, James Walker and Jo. A. Murray, Fiqrs.20tB. Presenter of-Signatures* Sir Jas. Montgomery, Bart. 531. Rereiver-General of Land Rents , Alex' Maclean, Esq. G50?. Bee. General af Bisirpps Bents, Sir Jofm Anstrutlu r, Kt. 400/. Her. LVtfcr,J.Gn>Von;EsqA7 l/.lOi 119 COURT OF ADMIRALTY. Lord Vice-Admiral, \ isc. Cath- eart, 1000?. Judge ofthe Admit ally , Richard Hodgson Cay, 400/. Deputy , Janies Rod dir, Esq. Procurator Fiscal , Alex. Kidd, Esq. Clerk , Wm. Campbell, Esq. COURT OF CHANCERY. Directory Karl of Rosslyn.— Deputy y James Dundas, Esq. OFFICERS OF THE MINT. General, * 300 /. Mastery Rob/.Hepburn,!sq.200/. Harden, Law r. t ragic, Esq. 150/. Assay- Mastery 100/. Engraver, Mr. YV. Jamieson, 50/. Smithy Mr. Alex. Boog, 'M. POST-OFFICE. Postmaster-General, Lord Gray Secretary , Win. Kerr, Esq. Solicitor, Joseph Gillou, Esq. Accountant, John Buchan, « fc q. Surveyors, Frau. Ronaldson and James Shearer, Esqrs. Inspector of Dead and Mis-scnt Letters, YViliiam Young, Esq. Cleric of the English Road, Mr. Hume Clerk of the If est Road , Mr. S. Mathew Clerk of the Norl/t Road, Mr. David Buchan EXCISE-OFFICE. Commissi oners, 1 ThomasYV ha rt on, James Sedgwick, James Jack- « n, i r< dericl I dthcringham, Samuil Rose, Esqrs. 800?-. earh Comptroller, K. VVharton Duir, Esq. See. Adam Pearson, Fsq. 440'. Auditor^ John Phi lip Wood, I >q. Cashier, Sir James t-’raut, Bart. Solicitors, James Jackson, John Bonar, Esqrs. Agent, Kobt. Dundas, Esq. 200/. BOARD OF <" trrhbrii Ed\v. Far), Esq. 1200/. Commissioners, Jr». MefirvCoch¬ rane, Rich. Klliston Philips, Shadrach Moyse, Hen.Veitcb, Esqrs. 440/. eacli Secretary, Maurice YVest, Esq. Solicitor, Alex. Osborn, Esq. in pcctors-Ucnerol of Out-Forts, I .ord Colville, G. Cunningham, Esq. CUSTOMS. Inspector-General of Imports and Export , Alex, ('leghorn, Esq. Complroller-Gcn. Earl ol Leven and Melville Examiners of Customs, David Anderson, Pair. Blake, Esqrs. Inspector of Seisurcs, Francis Anderson, Esq. Receiver-General , John Camp¬ bell, Esq. 120 HERALD-OFFICE, Lord Lion, for Life, Earl of Kinnonl, GOO'. Clerk, James Home, Esq. Keeper of the Lion Records , Ro¬ bert Rankin, Esq. Heralds, 25 1. each. Albany, James Mitchell Foss, Thomas Husband Fothsay , Robert Dick Marchmont , Thomas Small Snotvdoivn, Kenneth M ( Ken»e Islay, Robert Grant. Pursuivant-, 16'. each. Unicorn, David Taylor Bute, Alex. Carrick, John Grieve Kiri tyre, James Geddcs Ormond , W. Allan l)instrait, Robert Thomson. ST/ Commander of the Forces, Lieut. Gen. Lord'Vise. Cathcart Aides-de-Camp, Capt. Hon. Fra. Cathcart, 2d Dragoons Military Sec. Capt. lx>rd Robert Kerr, G;h Gar.Bat. Lieut. (Jen. A. Campbell, Perth Aide-de^Camjp, Capt. Geo. Mar- lay, 25th Eoot Lieut. Gen. Earl of Rosslvn Ma':or-Gcn. Donald Macdonald, Aberdeen Major o f Brigade, ('apt. G. Mac- donell, 8th Foot Major-Gen. Lord Elphins'one, Glasgow Aide-de- Camp, Capt. T. O. J ones, 26th Foot Major-Gen. Thomas Peter, Had¬ dington Aide-de-Camp, Capt. Jas. Boyd, 89th Foot Ma jor o f Brigade, Capt. C. John¬ ston, 8th Garrison Bat. Major-Gen. Jas. Durham, Cupar F V. Major of Brigade, Brevet Ma¬ jor James Palmer, 3d Gar. Rat. Major-Gen. Hon. David Leslie, Musselburgh Ma'or-Gen. Thomas Scott, Edin¬ burgh Aide-de-Camp, Capt. Arch.Mac- lean, 94th Foot. Brig. Gen. Francis I,aye. Royal Artillery, Leith-Fort Deputy Adjutant-General, Brig. Gen. John Hope, 60th Foot Assist. Adj. Gen. Lt. Col. John Goulston PriceTucker,8thO.B. Ddjp. Quartermaster-Gen. Major- Gen. Alex. Dirom,44tb Foot Assist. Lt. Col. J ames Stewart, 69th Foot; Major Hon. Charles M. Cath¬ cart; Major Hon. John Ram¬ say, b. p.; Major John John¬ son, 77th Foot; Lieut. Patrick Tytler, 4th Roval Vet. Bat. Deputy Judge-Advocate, Burnet Bruce, Esq. 121 IRELAND. n LO*D*UEVTEXJyT JSD GOVERXOTi-GESBnAt, IS Excellency Charles Duke of Richmond, 16,000/. per annum . PEERS. [For the Representatives in Parliament see page 23.] PEERS OF THE BLOOD ROYAL. 1784 His Royal Highness Frederick, Duke of York, and Earl of Ulster. 1786 His Royal Highness William Henry, Duke of Clarence, and Lari ol Munster. 1799 His Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, and Earl of Dublin. - His Royal Highness Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, and Earl of Armagh. 1764 His Royal Highness William Frederick, Duke of Glouce¬ ster, and Lari of Connaught. DUKE, AND HIS ELDEST SON. 1766 Fitzgerald, Duke of Leinster, Earl of Otfaley [Vise. Leinster in England] Marquis of Kildare. MARQUISES, AND THEIR ELDEST SONS. 1789 Beresford, Marquis of Waterford [Lord Tyrone in England] -Hill, Marquis of Downshirc [Earl of Hillsborough in England] 1791 Chichester, Marquis of Donnegal [Lord Fishenvick in England] -Moore,Marquis of Drogheda [Ld. Moore in England] 1799 Wellesley, Marquis Wellesley ("Lord Wellesley in England] 1800 O’Bryen, Marquis of Thomond -Taylor, Marquis of Headfort -Browne, Marquis of Sligo [Lord Mont- eagle in England] -Loftus, Marquis of Ely [Lord Loftus in England] EARLS. 1327 Butler, Earl of Ormonde and Ossory [Lord Butler in England] 1543 De Burgh, Earl of Clanricardc Earl of Tyrone -of Hillsborough -of Belfast Viscount Moore Earl of Mornington -of Inchiquin -of Bcctive -of Altamont -Loftus. Viscount Thurle* Lord JDunkellyn 122 1620 Boyle, Earl of Cork and Orrery [Lord Boyle in England] 1621 Nugent, Earl of Westmeath 1622 Dillon, Earl of Roscommon -Fielding, Earl of Desmond ([Earl of Den¬ bigh in England] 1627 Brabazon, Eavl of Mrath -Barrv, Earl of Barrymore 1628 Plunket, Earl of Firtgal 1647 Lambart, Earl of Cavan 1661 Talbot, Earl of Waterford and Wexford [Earl of Shrewsbury in England] 1634 Forbes, Earl of Granard [Lord Granard in England] 1691 Ginkel, Earl of Athlone 1716 Fitzwillinm, Earl Fitzwilliam [Earl Fitzwilliam in England] 1722 Fitzmauriee, Earl of Kerry 1725 Bligh, Earl of Darnley [Lord Clifton in England] 1733 Perceval, Earl of Egmonf [Lord Lovel and Holland in England] 1739 Ponsonby, Earl of Bcsborough [Lord Ponsonby in England] 1748 Butler, Earl of Can iek 1751 Fitzpatrick, Earl of Upper Ossory [I d. Upper Ossory in England] 1753 Petty, Earl of Shelburne [Marquis of Lansdown in 1 nglandl 1756 Boyle, Earl of Shannon [Lord Carleton in England] -Skeilington, Earl of Massarerne —- Butler, F.arl of Iianesborough -Rochfort, Earl of Belvidere 1759 DulT, Earl of Fife [Lord Fife in Eng.] 1760 Ludlow, Earl Ludlow 1761 Carpenter, Earl of Tyreonnel 1762 Hastings, Earl of Moira [Lord Rawdon and Hnngerford in England] -Gore, Earl of Arran -Stopford, Earl of Courtown [Lord Sal- tersford in England] 1763 Leeson, Earl of Miltown -Caulfeild, Earl of Charlemont 1766 Saville, Eiarl of Mexborongh •-Tumour, Earl of Winterlon 1767 St. Law rence, Karl of Howth 1768 King, Karl of King ton 1771 JVlolyneuA, Earl of Sefton Vise. Dungarvoa Lord Delvin - Kilkenny Viscount Callan Baron Ardee Viscount Bnttevant Lord Killeen Viscount Kilcoursy Lord Talbot Viscount Forbes Viscount Aghrim Viscount Milton Vise. Clamnaurice Lord Clifton Viscount Perceval Vise. Duncannon Viscount ikernne Lord Gow ran Vise. Fitzmauriee Viscount Bo\le Lord Loughneagh I.d. New ton Butler V scoent Bt Ifnld Viscount Macduff Viscount Preston Vise. Carlingford Lord Rawdon Viscount Sudley Viscount Stopford Vise. Rusborough Lord Caulfeijd Vise. Pollington Viscount Tumour Vise. St. Lawrence Vise. Kingsborough Viscount Molyneux 1771 1776 12S 1777 17.50 1765 1789 179) 1795 1796 17ii7 1809 1803 1806 Jocelyn, Earl of Roden V aughan, Karl of Lisburne Meade, Lari of Clanwilltam lemple, Lari :\u^ n [ Marquis of Buck- ingiiam in England] Crosbic, Earl of laiidore Stratford, l ari of Aldborough Moor •, Earl of Mo mteash 1 Faki nham, Earl of Longford Dawson, Earl of Portarlmgton Alawvell, Lari of Eurnham Luttrell, Lari of Cariiaiupton Bourke, Lari of Mayo Ajwesley, Lari of Ann^sley Cole, Lari of 1 nnUk.ll n Creignton, Lari of Erne Proln, Lari oi Carysfort [Lord Carys- fort in England] Butler, Earl of Kilkenny Anncsley, Lari of Mountnorri 3 Culle, Lari of Drsart Scott, Earl of Clonmell Howard, Lari of Wicklow Fitzgibbon, Lari of Clare [Lord Fitz- gibbon] Clements, Lari of Leitrim Bingham, Lari of Lucan Stewart, Lari of Londonderry Co'rry, Lari of Bel more Consngiiam, Lari Conyngham Mathew, Lari of Landalf O’Neil, Lari O'Neil Bernard Earl of Bundon Stewart, Earl of Castle-Stewart Hutchinson, Lari of Donoughmore Alexander, Earl of Cali don Browne, I arl of Kenmare Ferrv, 1 arl of Limerick 1 rencii Lc Foer, Lari of Clancarty Acheson, Lari of Gosford Parsons, Earl of Ross*' Agar, Lari of Normaniown Bury, Lari of CharlevtUe Viscount Jocelyn Lord Vaughan -Gilford Earl Temple Viscount Crosbie Viscount Amiens Lord Kilworth —-— Fake nham Viscount Carlow V iscount Maxwell Lord Irnbam Viscount Bourk?* Vjsc. Glerawley Viscount Cole Viscount Creighton Viscount Proby V isc. Mountgarret Viscount Val< ncia V ;sc. Castle-Cuife Lord Larlsfort - Clonmore Vise. Fitzgibbon Viscount Clements Lord Bingham Vise. Castlereagh Viscount Corry Vis. Mount-diaries Viscount Matliew Viscount Raymond v iscount Bernard Viscount Stewart Lord Suirdale Vise. Alexander V isc. Castle-Rosse Lord Glentwortb Viscount Dunlo Viscount Acheson Lord Oxmantoun Viscount Somerton Lord Tullamore. VISCOUNTS. 1178 Proton, Vise. Gormanston 16;*) Villiers, Vise. Grandison [Earl of Jersey in Eng.l 1621 Lee, Vise. Dillon 1622 Ncttcrvillr, Vis. Netterville 1625 Needham, Vise. Kilmorey 1628 Lumley,Visc. Lumlev [Earl of Scarborough in Engl 162$ Smyth e, Vise. Strangford -Taaffe, Vise. Taaffe -Jones, Vise. Ranelagh 1629 Fitzwilliam,V.Fit£william 1612 Cockaine, Vise. Cullen 1643 Bulkeley, Vise. Bulkeley [Lord Bulkeley in Eng-3 16G1 C’holmondeley, Vise. Cnol- inondeley[Ud Chclmonde- ley in Eng.] 16S1 Dawnay, Vise. Downe [Ld. Dawnay in Eng.] 1700 Howe, Vise. Howe 1710 Hamilton, Vise. Strabane [MarquisofAbercorn,Hng. Earl of Abercorn in Scotl.] 1716 Molesworth, V.Molcswortli 1717 Chetwynd, Vise. Chetwynd —— Brodrick, Vise. Middleton [Lord Brodrick in Eng.] -Gus. Hamilton, Vise. Boyne -Allen, Vise. Allen 1719 Grinr.ston, Vise. Grimston, [Lord Verulamin England, Lord Forrester in Scotl.j 1720 Barrington, V. Barrington -Gage,V.Gage[L.Gage,Lng.] 1722 Temple, Vise. Palmerston 124 1727 Arundel, Vise. Galway 1743 Wingfield, V. Powerscourt 1751 Flower, Vise. Ashbrook 1763 Morres, Vise. Mountmorrcs 1766 Trevor, Vise. Dungannon -Southwell, Vise. Southwell -Vescv, Vise. De Vesci -Fortescue, Vise. Clermont 1780 Hew itt, \ iso. Lifi’ord -Ward, Viscount Bangor -Lambe. Vise. Melbourne -Ellis, Vise. Ciifden [Lord Mendip in Eng.] 1785 Dawson, Vise. Cremorne -Sentleger, Vise. Dunrraile 1791 Knox, Vise. Northland -Pomeroy, Vise. Harberton 1794 Maude, Vise. Hawarden 1795 Gardiner, Vise. Mount joy 1797 Carleton, Vise. Carleton 1800 Yelverton, Visc. Avonmore -Longfield, Vis. Longucville -White, Vise. B mtry -Monck, Vise. Monck -Wolfe, Vise. Kilwarden 1806 Upton, Vise. Templelown -CrCallaghan, Vise. Lismore -King, Vise. Lorton. 1181 De Courcy, Lord Klngsale 1439 Barnwell, Ld. Trimlestow n -Randel Plunkct, Lord Dun- sany 1541 Tho. Plunket, Lord Louth 1543 Butler, Lord Cahier 1620 Digby, Lord Digby [Earl Digby in Eng.] 1621 Blaney, Lord Blaney 1627 Sherard, Lord Shcrard [Earl of llarborough in Eng.] 1712 Scymour,Ld.Conway [Mar- q'uis of Hertford in Eng.] 1718 Frcke, Lord Carbery -Aylmer, Lord Aylmer 1758 Lvsaght, Lord Lisle 1762 Hanger, Lord Coleraine -Clive, Lord Clive [Earl of Pow is in Eng.] BARONS. 1768 1770 1776 1777 1780 1782 1783 Phipps, Ld. Muigravc[Ld. Mulgrave in Eng.] Perceval, Lord Arden [Ld. Arden in Eng.] Phillips, Lord Milford Wynn, Lord New borough Macdonald, Ld. Macdonald Edwardrs, Ld. Kensington Lyttelton, Lord Westcote [Lord Lvttleton in Eng.] Ongley, Lord Ongley Massey, Lord Massey Robinson, Lord Rolceby Deane, Lord Aluskerry Holroyd, Lord Sheflield[Ld. Sheffield in E ng.] Hood, Lord Ilood[Viscount Hood in Eng.] Tonson, Lord Riversdalf 4fe 1TS3 Pennington, U1. Muneaster 1*00 1785 Malone, Lord Sunderlin 1789 Eden, liord Auckland [Ld. Auckland in Eng.] -Browne, Lord Kilmaine - Lawless, Lord Cloncurry —— Lard lev. Lord Kardley 1790 Agar, Lord Gallon —— Dillon, Lord Clonbroek 1791 Fitzherbert, Ld. St. Helens [Lord St. Helens in Eng.] 1792 Cavendish, Lord Waterpark 1794 Graves, Lord Graves - Hood, Lord Bridport [Vise. Bridport in 1 ng.] 1795 Parkins, Lord Rancliffe 1796 Vanneck, Ld. Huntingfield - - Smith, laird Carrington [Ld. Carrington in ling.] -Wcstenrae, Lord Kossmore 1797 Elphinstone, Lord Keith [Lord Keith in Lng.] -Hotham, Lord Hot ham - Cuff, Lord T\raw ley - Wynn, Ixml Headley - Shore, Lord Teignmouth 1798 French, I,ord French 1806 1799 Eden, Lord Henley i PEERESSES. 1785 Anne Catharine M*Donnell, Countess of Antrim. 1797 Margaretta Emilia Foster, Viscountess Ferrard, Lady of the flight Hon. John Foster 1803 Charlotte Newcomen, Viscountess Newcomen, widow of Sir W. G. Newcomen, Bart. 1792 Mary Verney, Baroness Fermanagh, niece of the late Earl Verney. -Grace Toler, Baroness Norwood, Lady of Lord Norbury. — Anne Crofton, Baroness Crofton. 1S00 Mary Elizabeth Grenville Nugent Temple, Baroness Nugent, l^idv of the Marquis of Buckingham, daughter of the late Whitworth, Ld. Whitworth Coote, Lord Gasilecoote Rowley, Lord i.angford Blaquiere, Ld-DeBlaquiere .M or res, Lord Frankfort Major, Lord H riniker Blackwood, Lord Dutlerin and C’lanei)oye Quin, Lord Ada re Mullins, Lord Ventry Hare, Lord Ennismore Blake, Lord Wallscourt Sandford, Ld. Mount-Sand- ford Prittie, Lord Donally Preston, Lord Tara Mahon, Lord Hurt land Bingham, Lord Glaumorris Fitzgerald, L- rd Lecale Waldegrave, Ld. Rads lock Douglas, Lord < denbervie Toler, Lord Norbury Gardner, Lord Gardner [Ld. Gardner in Eng] Trench. Lord As.htown Massey, Lord Cteiina Tlieliibson, Ld. Renriiesham. Earl Nugent. ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS. ARCHBISHOPS. Armagh, Right Hon.Wm. Stuart, I). D. Dublin, Right Hon. Euseby Clea¬ ver D. IK Cashel, Right Hon. Charles Bro- drick, D. 1). Tuam , Right Hon. Wm. BiAvs- ford, D. D. L BISHOPS. ,*/ '//•, Plight Hon. Thomas Lewis O'Beirne, D. 1). Kildare, Right lion. CharlesDal- nmplc Lindsay, L 1 . D. 1): Ignore ,Thomas Percy, D. C. L. Up/'iin, Joliii Law , D. 1). Cloy nr, Win. Rennet, 1). 1). ]terry, Hon. Wm. Knox, 1). D. Clog her, John Porter, I). C. L. Kit tala arid Achonry, Joseph Stock, D. i> Kilmore , Gee. l)c le Poor Beres- ford, i). t . I . Downc, and Ccnnor, Nathaniel Alexander, D. 1>. Waterford and lAsmore, lion. Power Trench Le Poer,i).C. L. Clcnfertand Ki'macduagh, Chris¬ topher But*on, D. D. Kill aloe and Kitfenora , Lord Ro- bertTottenham Lofnis, l). C. L. Rap hoc. Lord Geo. John Bercs- ford, O. 1). ();sory, John Kearney, I). I). Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe, Charles Al. Warburton, J>. 1). Cor A: «nd /itm, Hon. Thomas St. lawrence, D. D. Leigh tin and Femes, lion. Pcrcv Jocelyn, D. D. KNIGIITS OF TIIE MOST ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER Or ST. PATRICK. Instituted 5th Feb. 1733. THE SOrLKEWX. Grand Master, Duke of Richmond. Drog- Dvke of Kent Marquis of heda Marquis Wellesley 1 ail of Courtown Lari of Cary5fort Fai l of Ormonde and Earl of Roden Ov ory Marquis of Ely Viscount Dillon Earl of Shannon Earl Cor.yngham Earl O’Neil Marquis of Waterford Marquis of Thomond Marquis of Ileadfort Marquis of Sligo. Prelate of lhe Order , Archbishop of Armagh. Chancellor , Archbishop of Dublin. Registrar, Dean of St. Patrick. Secretary, Frederick John Falconer, Esq. G nvalogist, Stuart Bruce, Esq. Usher of the l)la>k llod. Sir Charles Vernon, Knt. U! ter King of 'Anns,'Attendant on the Order, Sir Chichester For- tcscue, Knt. Pursuivant at Arms, Major G. T. Ridsdale, Bryant Conner, Theo. It. O’Flaherty, and 1\ Kennedy, 1 sqrs. Motto, Quis separabit.— llinfeox, Sky-Blue. THE KING'S MOST IION. PRIVY COUNCIL. Arclibis hop of Armagh l^ord Chancellor Archbishop of Dublin Archbishop of Cash? 11 Afchb sliej) of 'luam Marquis of Abcrcorn Marquis of Hertford -of Waterford -of Dounegal m Alurquis of Drogheda ■ Bishop of Meath -Wellesley ! Bishop of Kildare • of Thomond Lord Grenville — -of I’ly liarl Buckinghamsh. -of Harrington -of Ormonde -of Westmeath -of Granard -of Courtown -of Roden -of Gland ore -of Carhampton -of Annesley *-of Erne -of Carysfort -of Momitqorris -of Londonderry -■ of Donoughmore -of Chiclw stci* -of Limerick -of Rosse Lord Fred. Campbell -“ 7 — Hen. Fitzgerald Viscount Dillon -Carlcton --- Longueville -— Castlereagh — -Cat heart — -- Wellington — Auckland - Mnskerry - Callan - St. Helens - Ty raw ley -r D'e Blaquiere - Castlecoote - Frankfort - locale - Glenbcrvie - Norhury - Redesdale Charles Abbott John Foster Hon. Rd. Fitzpatrick - Denis Browne - Hen. P.dw. Fox - George Knox —— Robert Ward Win. Downes John Philpot Curran Hon. Wn»; Forward Standish O'Grady Sir 1 ler. I .angrishe, Bt. Sir John Newport, Bt. Sir John Stewart, Bt. Nicholas Vansittart Chief Clerk of the. Council, Viscount Clifdeni Keeper of the Council Records, E. Cooke, Isq. Sir Evan Nepran, Bt. SirW. Meadows, K.B. fheoplidus Jones Henry King Wmi Windham George Ogle Thomas Kelly David La touch'* James Fitzgerald Isaac Corry Sackville Hamilton St. George Daly Maurice Fitzgerald J n. Ormsby Vandeleur Wm. Handcock John Staples W m. W’iekhnm Charles Long Wm. Conyg. Plunkett Wm. Bagwell George Ponsonbv Wm. Elliott Denis Bowes Daly Henry Grattan Wm. Saurin Pat.Duigenan, D.C.L. Sir Geo. Fitz. Hill Hon.Tho. Hen. Foster -R. 1). Saunders -Wm. W. Pole. OFFICERS Lord Almoner, Archbishop of Armagh, (the Primate) Principal Secretary of State, and C k ief Secret ary tot hcLo rd /Ac u- tenunt , Rt. lion. Win. W. Pole Under Secretary , Sir Cha. Sax¬ ton, Bart. Secretary for the provinces of Ul¬ ster and Munster , and Private Secret, to the Lord Lieutenant, Captain Ready Under Sec. for the Military De¬ partment\ Sir Edward leaker Littlehalcs, Bart. L 3 OF STATE. Keeper of the Privy Seal, Right Hon. Charles Abbott Deputy , Dugald Campbell, Fsrt. Physician, Jas. Cleghorn, M. I). Surgeons, Messrs. Hume and Archer 4 Ulster King of Arms , Rear-Ad. Sir Chichester Fortcscue, Knt. Athlone Pursuivant at Anns, G. T. llidsdale, Esq. Solicitors in Criminal Causes, Ni- cliolas Morrison and T. Kem- mis, Fsq. Sergeants at Arms , Mac Clin- 128 took and Wm. Foster Mac Clin- | Wm. John Skeffington tock, } sqi Surveyor of Crown-Lands, Right Constable of Bullin-Castle, Hon. i Hon. F. Corry. TREASURY-OFFICE. Lords Commissioner.*, Earl of Posse, Rt. Hon. John Foster, Vise. Wellington, K. B. Hon. Thos. Henry Foster, Sir Geo. Fitzgerald Ilill, Bart. John Barry, Cha. Vereker, Esqr«. Seenturn, lion. Geo. Cavendish Chief Clerk, James Crofton, Esq. COURT OF EXCHEQUER. Chancellor of the Exchequer , Rt. Hon. John Foster Lord Chief Baron, Right Hon. Standish O'Grady Baron*, Denis George, Win. Smith, and James APClclaud, Esqrs. Audit or»-Gencral, Earl of Roden, Viscount Jocelyn Deputy, * Clerk of the Pc Us, Earl of Buck¬ inghamshire Rccducr-Gcncral and Paymaster , of Customs and Excise, Sir George Shoe, Bart. Deputy, Arthur Hume, Esq. Teller of the Exchequer, Hon.- Richard Neville Chief Chamberlain, Wm. Henry Palmer, Fsq. COURT OF Lord Chancellor, Rt. Hon. Lord Manners Secretary, Tho. Lockwood, Fsq. Master o ' the Rolls, Right Hpn. John Philpot Curran Deputy, Rich. Etherington, Esq. Moders in Chancery, V in. llcnn, Ldw. Wesibv, Stew art King, and Thomas Ellis, Esqrs. Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper, Earl of Westmeath Deputy, Thomas Bourchier, Esq. CHANCERY. Registrars, Viscount Avonmore, Hon. B. J. Yelvcrton Deputy and Cur sit or, Tho. Pren- dergast. Esq. Accountant-General, Hen. Cope, Esq. Clerk of the Recognizances, W, M‘Kay, Esq. Clerk of the Report-Office, John Pollock, Esq. Examiners, Thomas Quinan, T. G. Digby, Esqrs. COURT OF KING s BENCH. J.ord Chief Justice, Right lion. Win; Downes, L. L. D. Judges, Robert Day, Cha. Os¬ borne, Esqrs. Right lion. St. Ceo. Daly Clerks of the Crown, Lord Henry Seymour, Lord Robt. Seymour Deputy, Walter Bourue, Esq. Protonotaries , Robt. Hamilton, Rowley Iieylaud, Esqrs. 129 COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Lord Chief Justice, Lord Nor- bury Judges, Luke Fox, Edw. Mayne, >V m. Fletcher, Esqrs. Keeper of the Writs , D. and \V. C. Babington, Esqrs. Protonotaries, lion. Tho. Ivnox, Hon. Y'esey Knox. KING’S COUNSEL Jttorncv-Gencral, Right Hon. Wm. Saurin Solicitor-General, Charles Ken¬ dal Bushe, Esq. Prime Sergeant, Arthur Moore, Esq. * Second Sergeant, John Ball, E«=q Third Scrg . W. M 4 Mahon, Esq. COURT OF ADMIRALTY. ^ Kn? n r 'i° nilh Banin S ton > I trick Duigenan, D. C. L. King s Advocate, Right Hon. Pa- | Marshal^. P. 1 Lefanuf Esq!^’ GENERAL POST OFFICE. Postmasters -Gen. Earl O'Neil and Earl of Rosse Secretaries, Sir John Leer, Bart. Edward S. Lees, Esq. Accountant, G. Rochfort, junior, l'sq. Comptroller o f the British Mail, Jackson Golding, Esq. EXCISE-OFFICE. Commissioners, F.arl of Anneslev, John Townsend, Alex. Mar- den, R. Petrr Dundas, John Therv, Richard Longbeld,Tho. Odell, Esqrs. Secretary, E. Hardman, Fsq. Solicitors J. Edwards, Fsq. Accountant, John Smart, I to. Collector for the dtp of Dublin, Sir Richard Mnsgrave, Barf Inspector-Gen ml, \V. Belling¬ ham Swan* E. q. BOARD OF Commissioners, Lord Castlecopte John Ormshv Vandcleur, Wm.* Rowley, Robt. Wynn, Thomas Burgh, Esqrs. Hon. Abr. Holy Hutchinson, Hon. Geo. Knox Secretary, Allan M‘Lean, Esq. Solicitor, R. Waller, Esq. CUSTOMS. Accouvtant , John Giffard, Esq. Surveyors Sir Rich. Ilardinge?Bt. Comptroller, Robert Tight, l sq. Inspector-General o f /pipe rts an4 Exports, Robt. Marshall, 1 S q. Agent for Irish Affairs in Lon¬ don, C. W. Hint, Esq. CUSTODES ROTULORUM OF COUNTIES. Antrim, Marouis of Hertford I Carlow , Right Hon. D. La tour he Annagh, Earl of Goltibrd ^ J Cavan, Nath. Si.tyd, i;,q. Clare, Earl Conyngham Cork\ Earl of Sdannon Donncgal, Earl of Leitrim Ltoxcn, Fail of Londonderry IhihtJn, Earl of Carhampton F rmanagh, Earl of Enniskillen Gnlica , Earl of Clancarty Ko ry, Earl of Glandore Kildare , Lord Rob f . Fitzgerald Kilkenny, Earl of Ormonde King'*, Marquis of Drogheda Leitrim, Earl of Leitrim Limerick, Lord Muskerrv Longford, Earl of Londonderry ISO Long ford, Earl of Granard Louth, Earl of Roden Mayo, James Cufijr, Esci. Meath, Marquis Wellesley Monaghan, Lord Rossinore Queen s, Marquis of Drogheda Rosco77imon, Viscount Lorton S'igo, Owen Wynne, Esq. Tipperary, Hon. F. A. Prittie Tyrone, Viscount Northland Waterford, Marq. of Waterford Westmeath, Earl of Westmeath fVtjford,S\v Fred. Flood, Dart. Wicklovcj Earl of Meath. ST A F r. Commander of the Forces, Gen. Lari of Harrington Aidts-dt-Cump , Captain John Whale. 1st Life-Guards; Capt. lion. F. C. Stanhope, 1! th 1 oot Military Sec. Col. Hugh Mackay Gordc n, hal f-pay A-:shtant ditto, Lieut. H. M‘Ma¬ nus, Oth Gal. Bat. I>’ m V ICl s—NORTHKRN. Major-Gen. Arch. Campbell, Ar¬ magh Major-G n. Geo. Vaughan Hart, l.ondond rry A id >-de-Camp f Capf.W. C. Ball, 31 th Foot Major of Brigade, Capt. J. A. Gibson, G9rh Foot Major-Gen. John Prince, Sligo Major of Brigade, Capt. Souter, half-pay Major-Gen. John Michel, Ar¬ if, agh Jii nor of Brigade, Capt. Thomas 11 id, 5th Gar. Bat. Major of Brigade, at Belfast, capt. Uerrurd, half-pay. RETURN. J lent. Gen. Sir Cha. Asgill, Bart. Dublin Aide- d?-Camp, Capt. G. A. Eou- reri' ^ih Gar. Bat. Major-Gen. T. Meyriek, Dublin Aide-de-Camp, Capt. W. H. Mey¬ rie k, 21st Foot Major of Brigade, Capt. J. Swee¬ ney, 62d Foot Major-Gen. Earl Conyngham, Drogheda Aidc-de-Cdmp, Major E Mock- ler, half-pay Major-Gen. It. Brereton, Dublin Major of Brigade, Capt. Wm. Bennett, 5th Gar. Bat. Brig. Gen. Tho. Trotter, R. A. Dublin Garrison Brig. Gen. Hon. Stephen Mahon, Dublin Major of Brigade , Capt. The. YoHi)ghusband,7th Drag. Gds. Brig. Gen. Benj. Fisher, Engi¬ neers, Dublin Majors o f Brigade , Dublin Gar¬ rison, Capt. Grogan, half-pay, Capt. Tho. Email, 40th Foot. SOLTH-KAST. Lieut. Gen. Henry Wynyard, Kilkenny A ides - d e-C'a7np . Captains H. E. JoddrillandW. Miller, 1st F.G. Major'-Gtn. Fra. Grose, Mater- ford Aide-deCamp. Ens.W. R. Cham bers, l(h?d Foot 131 Major of Brigade, Capt. Pasc. P. Hobart, 5th Gar. B it. Brig. Gin. John Leo, Clonmcll Major of Brigade. Capt. Henry Marlay, 3d FodL WESTERN. Ma jor-Gm. E. Dunne,Tullamnre Aide-dr-Ctmp, Lieut. Col. Fra. Dunne, 7 tb Drag. Guards Major-Gin. Geo.Hen.Vansittart, Athlone Aide-de-Camp, Capt.T. W. But¬ ter, 7 th Gar. Bat. Major o f Brigade , Capt. A. Lis¬ ter, half-pay Major-Gen. Mervin Arehdall, Mullingar Aide-d‘-Camp, Lieut. H. Arch- clall, Gth Drag. Guards Major of Brigade , Capt. Watts, unattached. SOUTH-WEST. JArut. Gen. John Floyd, Cork Aidcs-de-Camp , Cap*.. C. G. Ri- dout. lltli Light Drag. Cornet H. Floyd, 10th Light Drag. Major-Gen. Sir Jas. Affleck, lit. Limerick Aide-de-Camp , Capt. James P. Bridget*, l‘Jth Light Drag. Major of Brigade , Captain D. O'Donoghue, 1st Gar. Bat. Major - Gen. George Michcll, K insale Major-Gen. Sant. Graham, Cork Brig. Gen. A. Baron Veltheim, Fer.aoY Major of Brigade , Capt. C. Ba¬ ron Marsc.halk, King s G. Leg. Adj. Gen. Brig. Gen. Hen. Clin¬ ton, 1st Foot-Guards D’p. Adj. Gen. Col. Wm. Ray¬ mond, h. p. A mist. Adis. Gen. Colonel Wm. Doyle, 62d F.: Col. J. O. Van- deleur, 19th Light Drag.; Lt. Col. W. H. Beckwith, h. pav ; Lieut. Col. Sir George Leith, h. pay; Major Nich. Ramsay,5th Gar. Bat.; Major J. Harvey, 6 th Gar. Bat.; Major O'Brien, half-pav Assistant Drp. Adj*. Gen. Capt. Christopher Foss, 6th Gar. H i*. Lieut. J. A. Burton, 4th R.V. 6, Q>;arterniastcr-(ien . Major-Gen. Wm. Henry Clinton Deputy* * As.. Q. Gen. Lieut. Col. Dillon, b. pay; Major R.Owen, h. p.j. Major J. French, h. p.; Major T. G. Fitzgerald,8th Gar Bat.; Capt. Hon. L. F. Stanhope, full Drag. Guard-;; Capt. J. B. Ir¬ win. 103d Foot; Lieut. C’ol.W. Armstrong, Vlst Foot. Dtp. Barrackma > 1<* V, with 500 picked men, attacked the lort, and completely routed the enemy. They had ‘3W privates several captafns, two priests, and one*ser~ major killed ; 100 privates, and six captains made prison* < rs; many wound; d ; and lost the royal standard and ten MilES" r J h ° strj - kTS 50011 after quitted the island. Military Government ceased, and Governor D Oyley, with a bythe in!,abl,a " ,s - rogu. Lord Windsor fitted out an expedition oflOOO men against K ° de f. , L ba > " ho ,ook ,hc bin. demolished the forti- tieations and the town, consisting of iilJOO dwelling-houses thll IC !l f bcy razed to the ground. The loss sustained by the enemy was probably not short of half a million sterling mI?S uh'? 1 Asscmb, .V summoned by Sir Charles Littleton? th.^lve a r ary> an< cxcrc,sca ,he ri S ht of adjourning Storm. T,U re f |)don nSl,rrCCtion ° f im P ortancr » which happened in Cla- Junc 7 y ^reat earthquake, w hich destroyed Port-Royal Was madc b 7 1)11 Casse, with three ships 2.11 *5/.? f, : an? P 0 [ ts > and *500 men; but who, by the gallant behaviour of the Militia, were obliged to return to Hispaniola, atter haring lost 7(X) men. JadOcSV, storm. gr ° a ‘ s,orm Permanent Revenue Act settled. Peace concluded w ith the Maroons. October 20, great storm. 1751, September 2, storm. ctober, an act passed dividing the island into three counties Insurrection of the Coromantees in St. .Mary, which their coun- trymen throughout the inland were privy to. C ^!noo b » r 1 M ,lft magazine at Fort-Augusta, containing about ^00 barrels of gun-powder, blown up by lightning; by which accident 91 persons were killed and wounded, and the damage estimated at 43,OOOA sterling. 136 1765 Another insurrection attempted in St. Mary’s, but disconcerted by the hurry of the ringleaders. 1730 October 3, hurricane. 1781 August 1, great storm. 1782 April L2, Rear-Admiral Sir George Brydges Rodney, off Do¬ minica, obtained a complete victory over the French fleet, commanded by the Count de Grasse, said to he destined against this island. The Count was taken in the Ville de Paris, four other ships of tin* line were captured, and one sunk. 1784 July 30, hurricane. 1785, August 27, hurricane. 1766 October 20, storm. 1792 May 24, Lord Rodney died. lie was born in December, 1718. 1795 Rebellion of the Trelawny Maroons. August 1, Martial Law proclaimed. .... August 12, Lieut. Col. Sandford, Quartermaster M‘Bride, and six privates of the 20th, and eight privates of the 18th Light Dragoons, Col. Jarvis Gallimore, and a number of respect¬ able Gentlemen of the Militia, killed in a defile near the Maroon-Town. _September 12, Col. Fitch, one corporal, and seven privates, of the S3d Regiment, Cant. Brissett of Fort-Charlotte, and Captains Reid and Badnedge of the Accompong-Maroons, killed by the Maroons in the cockpits near Cudioe-Town. Captains Lee and Jacob Brunt, one corporal, and six pri¬ vates of the 83d Regiment, Mr. M‘Farlane,superintendent of negroes, and three Aecompong-Maroons, were wounded. 1796 January 12, the first party of Maroons surrendered, consisting of upwards of 40. .... March 18, the Maroons having all surrendered, Martial Law' ceased. .... April 27, the Maroons, consisting of upwards of 500 men, women, and children, transported to Halifax. The As¬ sembly resolved that they should be provided w ith cloth¬ ing arid provisions for three years, and to have lauds pur¬ chased for them, at the expence of this island. .... June 1, Stamp Act commenced. 1799 December22, Martial Law proclaimed. _December 23, Joseph Sas Portas, a spy, hanged op the Pa¬ rade of Kingston. 1802 The, Royal Assent having been given to the Act for constitut¬ ing Kingston a Corporation, under the name of The Mayor , Aldermen and Commonalty of the City and Parish of King¬ ston , the election of Officers took place Nov. 15: Mayor , Hon. John laques. Aldermen* George kinghorn, Wm. Savage, Stewart Bruce, Robert Rainford, John Hinde, John Gutzmer, John Bull (senior), James Stew art, James Amoss, Wm. Ross, Benja¬ min Waterhouse, and Alex. Thompson, Esqrs. 135 Common CounnUMen, Joseph Barnes, Stephen Minot, John Burrows, John Garnett, Richard Chamberlain-, Thomas Wm e Parke'r‘ M,tc ^. ,s ^, James Muir, Robf. Hamilton, ThefUlift • k ? Ge 2 rge Kinkead, and John Campbell, Bsqrs thl i ad £ scr, P fio " of thc City Seal : ()n oneX, the^Arms, Crest, Supporters, and Mottoes—Legend, Sis il¬ ium Commune LivitatU de Kingston in Jamaica. Reverse ,n a the *k rCSS ? f Minerva ’ h °M»ng the trident in one hand, and in the otner a mirror, reflecting the ravs of toe benign influence of Heaven on the produce of the island; behind her the British Lion, supporting her shield, S aii 0n Le-nd a * her / ee *> ? nd at a distance a^ship under 3 tt Vet ' 'u* Curat ’ * er **tl«* Britannia ?c(s"’h0Se S"’ ? ’ m0thrr ' COUnlr >’ Ch< ' r ‘ il,0S al " J l ,r °- 1805 April 1,^Martial Law proclaimrd.-Takcn off on the evening tin k r ?~!; n / tf he ^ ch w l ,,ad j r« B » ttve sail Of the line* thp l^nff r d under Admiral Missiessi, and the land forces under Gen. Le Grange, attacked Dominica ami hfp ery "if* ? hl 'q ,d 10 . vicId to superiority of numbers! Mav'itMar^al £'T*"'S'O^XWf.ster.wilrd forl,t,rope. .... Mav .- 1 , Jlartcal Law proclaimed, the combined French and Spanish fleet consisting of 17 sail of the line, one 50 si“ frigates, and tour smaller vessels, under Admirals liravina, JnneTT^ra 1 v ' ,umano ! r > Saving arrived at Martinique. J ™rj> '' ord ^f'son arrived at Barbados, with ten *01 of the line, and three frigates; on hearing of his Lordships Ual Uw ttken 0 oi PrOCeCded f ° r Euro P e - d “>* 2*. Mar- 1806 Felk 6, Vice-Adm. Duckworth, with six sail of the line, one 64, two frigates, and two sloops, engaged, oil Santo-Do- mingo, the squadron of Rear-Admiral Lcsseigues,five sail of the line, two frigates, .and a corvette. LAlexamlre of84 gun?, Le Jupiter and Le Brave, 0 fT4 each, were taken • L Imperial, of P20, and Le Diomede, of 74, nm oi short b J l«rr T „ th f 7. ,cmy 5 th f * n S at . rs and corvette escaped. y ch r r 1808 May Keiru!* of'che^d tmeers were killed; one died of wounds; 16 were found guilty, seven of whom were shot. 1800 A conspiracy discovered amongst the negroes of Kington bv Inafa°R f< SS,0n G C?. r S e Burges?, a private in the 2d West- wh,St - under sentc nce of death for deser- exccuted*on & ™ ^ M 135 JAMAICA LISTS. CATTAIS-GESERAL ASD GOVERXOP, Jlis Grace William Duke of Manchester, Lord Lieutenant and Gustos Rotulornm of the county of Huntingdon, and Colonel of the Huntingdonshire Militia. IJcvtenanl-Gcve.rnor and Commander in Chief o f the Forces , lib Excellency Lieutenant-General Edward Morrison, Colonel of the 4th Battalion 60th Regiment, and Governor ot Chester. Secreiarij to the Governor, John Francis Bonnet, Esq. Military Secretary , Capt. Charles L. L. Foster, 96th loot. HIS MAJESTY’S COUNCIL President)* Hon. Nathaniel Bcckford. bert, Robert Scarlett, ^Ballard Bcckford Nembharci, Thomas Witter Jackson, *Sam. White- hornc Barnett, Win. Murray. The TTon. John Lewis, *James Jones, Geo. Mackenzie,*Iran. Righv Bro cl licit, *Wm. Ross, George Pinnock, Geo. Cuth- Clerkto the. Council , Robert Robertson, Esq. Assistant ditto. Win. Bullock, Esq. Usher of the Jllack Rod and Messenger, Hugh Fraser, E 3 q. Chaplain, Rev. John Campbell. Librarian, Mr. George M‘Kf nzie Ayrey. Printer , Mr. John Lunan. HOUSE OF Returned to serve at a General E Members not in last Speaker , * Si. Catherine. *Hon. Philip Redwood, Hon. Jas. Lewis, Geo. How el, Fsq. Port-Royal . ♦Alex. Grant, John Rawltigh Jackson , Thomas LegeA Volts, Esqrs. Kingston . Hon. John Jaques, Robt. Henry, David Patrick jlolony, Esqrs. Sf. Andrew. Charles James Sims, Esq. lion. ASSEMBLY. '.lection, Dec. 1809, and Jan. 1810. Assembly are in Italic. James Stewart [formerly for Port-Royal]. St. Thomas in the Vale. Robert Ross, George Marshall, Lsqrs. St. Dorothy. Duncan M 4 Donald, Alcx.Bayley , Fsqrs. St. John . John Shacd, Samuel Quenebo- rough, I.sqrS. This mark • prefixed to names denotes absence from the island. 137 Clarendon. Hon. Rowland Williams Fearon, Win. Lliis iNembhard, Lsq. Ve re. lion. John Pusey Ldw aides, Wm. btunpson, Lsq. St. Elizabeth. Robert All wood, James Baillie Vernon, Lsqrs. Westmorland. David Finlayson, Jaiues Stew¬ art, Lsqrs. Hanover. Will iam James Stevenson, Philip Anglin Scarlett, Lsqrs. St. Janvs. James Gallovcay , Walter Mur¬ ray , Lsqrs. Trelawny. * Hon. James Stewart, Thomas Muuro, Lsq. St. Ann. Samuel Risby Whitchorne, Alex. Kidslon, Lsqrs. St. Mary. Hon. Charles Grant, Tho. Mur¬ phy, Lsq. St. George. Hector Ross, Alex. Aikman,sfii. Lsqrs. Portland. John Sutton Minot, Geo. Minot, Lsqrs. St. Thomas in the East. lion. Simon Taylor, Peter Ro¬ bertson, Lsq. St. David. John Stewart, Thomas Leigh, Esqrs. Clerk , Francis Smith, Esq. Sergeant at Arms and Librat ian, John Clement, Esq. Chaplain , Rev. Wilton Henry Lynch. # Printer , Mr. Alex. Aiknian, inn. Messenger, Mr. James \V in tie. COURT OF CHANCERY. Chancellor , His Grace the Duke of Manchester Registrar , Wm. Ramsay, Esq. MASTERS IN ORDINARY. Wm. Harris, *James Smith, Ro¬ bert Donaldson, John Clinton M‘AnutT, John Shand, George Howel, Edw. Murden, James Stewart, Henry Parry, Wm. Jowett l’itford, William Allen, John Harrison Clarke, *Cha. Oswin, Hugh M‘Lean, John James Vidal, Jam 8 Uajjleard, Isaac Munt, John Gririith, John Steel, Joseph Delpratt, John Alves, William Sa¬ vage, Richard Coinbauld, Lsqrs. MASTERS EXTRAORDINARY. For the island —* Thomas Hynes, Dominick Walsh, Janies Mor¬ ris, Robert Johnstone, Wm. Dance,Thomas Cuming, Esqrp. Kingston —Harman Galbraith, Lsq. St. Thomas in the East —John Drysdale, Robert Lergusson, Lsqrs. Portland —Wm. Galloway, Esq. St. George —Benjamin Crussle;, George Jackson, Lsqrs. St. Thomas in the Tale —Thomas Hussey, Lsq. Clarendon —John Williams, Esq. St. Mary —Jona. Forbes, James Douglas, Joseph Green, Esqrs. St. ^/in-—Thomas Winder, Robt. Burford, Geo. Fletcher Cow¬ ard, Fsqrs. St. Elizabeth —Philip Davies, Esq. Westmorland — Philip Davir 138 James Blair, James Murray, Esqrs. Ilanwer —Rich. Dickson, Esq. St. James —Wm. Plummer, hsq. Trelawny — Edward Knowles, James Blair, Esqrs. v. - . iv c, umii, i^5>qii>. Days for Motions in Chancery, the Thursday after every Grand Court. Days for Hearings , the Tuesday preceding every Surrey Assize. Courts are held in the months of January, May, and September. COURT OF ORDINARY. Ordinary , His Grace the Duke of Manchester. Clerk , Robert Robertson, Esq. COURT OF APPEALS UPON ERRORS. Judges, The Governor, Lieute- | his Majesty’s Council, for the nant-Governor, or Commander | time being in Chiet, and the Members of j Clerk, Robert Robertson, Esq. COURT OF VICE-ADMIRALTY. Judge % and Commissary, Hon. Henry John Hinchliffe Surrogate, Thomas Denniss, Fsq. Ditto at Black-River, Philip Da¬ vies, Esq. Ditto at Savanna-la-Mar, Tho. Kerr Vfrnon, Esq. Ditto at Montego-Bay and Mar¬ tha-Brae, Wm. Stanford Grig- nun, Esq- King's Advocate , Hon. Thomas Witter Jackson Principal Registrar, Owslev Rowley, Esq. Deputy Registrar, Nathaniel Marston, l'sq. Marshal, Sir Mordaunt Martin, Bart. Deputy-Marshal, Hugh Wright, Esq. Interpreter of the French Lan¬ guage, Mr. Joseph Desnous Ditto of the Spanish, Mr. Henry Hutchins Ditto of the Portuguese, Mr. A- braham De Souza Ditto of the Northern Languages , Mr. Joseph F. Wilckens. Appraiser , Mr. Peter Cochran. COURT OP ADMIRALTY SESSIONS. President, Hon. Henry J. Hinch- lifTe Assistant Judges, Commander i n Chief of the Squadron on this Station ; Members of his Ma¬ jesty's Council; Chief Justice and Assistant Judges; Captains of the Royal Navy on this Sta¬ tion; Justices of Assize; Bar¬ risters at Law ; Secretary, Re¬ ceiver-General, Naval dflicer, Collectors and Comptrollers of Customs, of the island, all for the time being Clerk of Arraigns, Nath. Mar- sten, Esq. 1S9 SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE. Chief Justice, *Iion. Philip Red¬ wood Assistant Judges, Hon. John Lewis, John Clinton M‘Anulf, Esq. *Hon. James Jones, lion. JohnJaques,*Hon.John liiatr, Oliver Hering, John James V i- dal, *James Robertson, James Come Pownall, Esqrs. Attorney4%eneral, Hon. Thomas Witter Jarksmi Clerk of the Court, Francis Smith, Esq. Clerk of the Crown, John Lynch, Esq. Solicitor for the Crown, Charles Nicholas Pallmer, Esq. COURTS OF ASSIZE. SURREY. Judges, The Judges of the Su¬ preme Court, with Hon. James Stewart, Win. Holgate, *ltich. Lake, Geo. Mills, John Camp¬ bell, James Tnglis, John Orr, Robert Henry, *Alex. Grant, Maurice "West, Esqrs. Dtp. Clerk, Thos. Denniss, Esq. CORNWALL. Judges, The Judges of the Su¬ preme Court, with John R. James, Philip Pinnock,*Wm. Loch, Esqrs. *Hon. Jas. Slew- art, *Samuel Vaughan, Wm. James Stevenson, Esqrs. lion. Wm. Murray, Hon. Robert Scarlett, Robert Allwood, .Jo¬ seph Stone Williams, Esqrs. Dtp. Clerk, Tho. K.Vernon, Lsq. BARRISTERS. ♦John Verdon, Esq. +IIon. Cha. Grant, fOlivef Hering, t Alex. Campbell, Wm. Shcriti' Tonge, Stephen Drew, Esqrs. Hon. James Lewi?, Hon. Thomas W itter Jackson, Hon. Henry John ninchlitTe, Wm. Heath, +Geo. Cargill Richard?, Alex. Whyte, Wm. Anglin Scarlett, Lewis Lamotte,Geo. Donovan, Wm. Burge, George Lurnau Tuckett, Esqrs. ATTORNIES AT LAW. William Ross, Stewart George Dallas, William Cruiekshank, Robert Finlay, Harman Gal¬ braith, Walter Brett, *flon. Ballard B. Nembhard, Jolin Gardner Milliard, David BaiUie, Jas.APLehosc, Philip Davies, Richard Ragg Parker, Tho. .Railington, James Mur¬ ray, George Harrison Town- shend, Wm. James Stevenson, David Ferrier, George Hatton lb-own, John King (inn. \ ♦Sa¬ muel Jackson, David tin lay- son, John Townshend Harris, Nathaniel Marston,Simon Fra¬ ser, Joseph Jackson, James Minot, Charles James Sims, George Gralu*m.Stone, Jd w aid Bullock, Alex. Menzies Don, Those marked thus + do not practise . M3 140 *Cha. N. Pallmer, Jonathan Clomo, Thomas Kerr A ernon, Henry Turton, Digbv Denniss, Win. John James, *Jas. Hodge Ryles, Thomas Ibbott, John March, Clement C. B. Stevens, John Cargill, Win. John Har¬ rison, John Thomas Leake, Ed¬ ward Jackson, Win. Graham, Thomas Humphreys, Lachlan M*Bayne, Lawrence Desmond, Rohi. Shepheard, *Wm. Miin- ro, Robert Corbett, John Strutt, Isaac Panton, *Jonn Dick, John M'Dougald* Wm. Taylor, George Beak, John Skelton, Richard Pusey, John Goodin Lewis, Win, Langley, Wm. James, Henry Haldane, Wm. Stanford Grignon, Geo. W. if. Stanbury, John Lynch, Wm. Cnles, Charles Southby, Rich¬ ard Poore, Piiilip Bay, Wm. R h od es James, Francis V\ Raw- limon, Robert Whair, John Millw ard,Tfiomas F. Hill,Wm. Bryan King, Henry John Ro« f Llias Hocker, W T m. S. Jack- son, James Christie, Henry Moody,jun. PUBLIC OFFICERS. Agent in Great Britain, Edmund Pusev Lyon, Fsq. 1.500/. sterling. Agent-General and Notary Public, Robert Robertson, Fsq. Auditor-General of the Revenue, Hon. James Stewart. Master of the Revels, Thomas Denniss, Fsq. Commissioners of Stamp Duties , John Clement, John T. G. Harris, I sqrs. 500/. each. Island Stor>keeper, \\ m. Bullock, Fsq. 500\ Island Bdrrackma^ter-Generat, Lieut. CoLChristopher Myers, S65/. Island Engineer and Surveyor of Public W orks, Capt. Charles L* L. Foster, 1005'. Assitajit Engineer, Major John Bonnet Peel ion. Crown Surveyor , John Fullarton, Fsq. Island Botanist , Dr. Stewart West,200/. Superintendent of the Botanic St. Andrew’s , Mr. James Wiles, 499/. Printers to his Majesty, Messrs. Alex. Aikrr.ah and Son. Public Messenger, John Clement, Fsq. Clerk of the Markets, *G. S. Sutherland, Fsq. Interpreter and Translator of Foreign Languages to the Courts of Equity and Justice, Mr. John Joseph Ittcr. Secretary of the Island, Robert Robertson, Esq. Deputy at Port-Morant —Mr. ISewall Berw ick At Pori-Antonio —Robt. Mein, Esq. At Port-Maria —Jon a. Forbes, Esq. At St. Anns Bay —Mr. James iloyle. At Faim nth —Thomas K. Ver-* non, Fsq. At Mont-go-Bay —Den. Camp¬ bell, Fsq. At Lucca —Jame*s Martin, Esq. At Savanna-la-Mar —Janie* Brown, Fsq. 141 Receiver-General , John Young* Esq. 70(XF, Deputy at Port-Morant —Win. Sherwood, sen. Esq. At Port-Antonio —Geo. Minot, Esq. At Pi Esq. St. Anns Bay —'Thomas Winder, Esq. Naval Officer , Win. Catbearf, Esq. rt-Maria —Jona. Forbes, At Falmouth -Mr. Edward Iioole At Montego-Bay —John Fray, F.sq. At Lucca —Win. Brown, Esq. A Savanna -la-Mar -James Brown, Esq. Deputy at Port-Morant —Mr. Joseph Thomas Sherwood At Port-Antonio—-Geo. Minot, Esq. At Port-Maria— Godfrey W ha- ram, Esq. At St. Anns Bay—Mr. James iioole Provast-Marshal-General , Hugh Fraser, Esq. it Montego-Bay —Mr. James Guthrie At Luce a —James Martin, Esq. sit Sava, '.net-la-Mar —Mr. Jolm Pritchard At Falmouth — Mr. Joseph Wood. Deputy-Marshal for the precinct of St. Catherine —Mr. Thomas (jireenhill For the parishes of Clarendon and Fere —Mr. James Clark For St. Ann and St. Mary —Mr. James Ait ken For Kingston , Port-Royal, St. Andrew , and St. David —Mr. James Fraser For Portland and St. Thomas in the East —Mr. Charles Gor¬ don ForSt.Gcorge —Mr. John Poison McDonald For St. James and Trelawny — Mr. Stevens Wood For St. Elizabeth^ Westmorland, and Hanover -Mr. Angus Kennedy. OFFICERS OF THE CUSTOMS. Solicitor , *Wm. Munro, Esq. Kingston. Collector, *John Carthew, Esq. Comptroller , Sampson Gideon Kemble, Esq. Land and Tide Surveyor, James Blackwell, Esq. Admeasurer of British Shipping , Mr. John Carr Overend Land Waiters and Searchers , Messrs. John Gill, *Jo!m Dur- no, John Carr Overend, Mi¬ chael Parys, Philip Pinnoek. POP.T-MORANT. Collector , Win. Pitcairn, Esq. Comptroller, Jas.Brownbil],Fsq. Land Waiter and Searcher, and Surveyor and Admcasurer of Shipping, Mr. New. Berwick. PORT-ANTONIO. Collector , Jn. 1 Ian. And rows,Esq. Comptroller , Wm. Carmichael, Esq. Land Waiter and Searcher, and Surveyor and Ad measurer cf Shipping , Mr. Wm. Thomas Dovtuer. PORT-MART A. Collector , Augustus Gould, Esq. Comptroller , Godfrey W'ha ram, Esq. Land XValter and Searcher, and Surveyor and Admeasurer of Shipping, Mr. Robert Shand. st. ann’s bay. Collector, Edward Swann, Fsq. Comptroller, Thomas Ashmeade, Etq. Land Waiter and Searcher, Mr. John Chrystie Surveyor and Admeasurer of Shipping , Mr. Edward Martin "Whitehead. FALMOUTH. Collector , Samuel Reddish, Esq. Comptroller, XV. Manby, Esq. Land XValter and Searcher, and Surveyor and Admeasurer of Shipping, Mr. Edward Shaw. 142 MONTEGO-BAY. Collector, John Anderson, Esq. Comptroller, Patrick Green, Esq. Land Waiter and Searcher, and Surveyor and Admeasurer of Shipping, Mr. John Walker. LUCEA. Collector , Robert Gilpin, Esq. Comptroller, Andrew Reddle, Esq. Land XVniter and Searcher, and Surveyor and Admeasurer of Shipp tig, Mr. John Hill savanna-la-mar. Collector, James Brown, Esq. Comptroller, Walter Murray, Esq. Land Waiter and Searcher, John Dobson, Esq. Surveyor and Admeasurer of I Shipping, Mr. John Pritchard. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Commissioners, The Governor, President and Members of the Council, Speaker and Mem¬ bers of the Assembly, Chief Justice, and Attorney-Gene¬ ral, for the time being, with the Hon. Geo. Kinghorn, Hon. John Mowat, *George Law¬ rence, Andrew' Bogle, John James Vidal, Wm. Taylor, James Inglis, John Gardner Mllhyard, James Turner Har¬ ris, Richard Kinkcad, George M ills, ve of whom form a committee Clerk, W in. Bullock, Esq. BOARD OF FORTS AND FORTIFICATIONS. Commissioners, The Governor, President and Members of the Council, and Speaker and Members of the Assembly; five of whom form a committee Clerk, W in. Bullock, Esq. BOARD OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. Commissioners, The Speaker and Members of the Assembly for the time being, itli the Hon. Geo. Kinghorn, Wm. Savage, Wm. Taylor, Andrew' Bogle, James Inglis, John Meek, Richard Kinkead, James Tur¬ ner Harris, Esqnires; five of whom form a quorum. Secretary , John Jas. Vidal, Esq. 145 COMMISSIONERS OF CORRESPONDENCE President and Members of the I bet's of the Assembly Council, Speaker and Mem- j Clerk, William Bullock, Esq. ECCLESIASTICAL COURT. TO EXERCISE ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION AND CONTROUL. Instituted April 5, 1800. Commissaries, Rev. John Camp- I Registrar , Edw. Bullock, Esq. bell, Rev. Alex. Campbell, 100/. Rev. Thomas Simcockes | Apparitor, Mr. Jas. Wintle, 40 1. FUND FOR TIIE BENEFIT OF THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF CLERGYMEN. Trustees, President of the Coun¬ cil, Speaker of the Assembly, Chiet Justice, Attorney-Gene¬ ral, Members for St. Catherine and Kingston, Rectors of Pm t- Royal, Kingston, St. Cathe¬ rine, and 8t. Andrew ; live of whom form a committee Treasurer, John Young, Esq. Cltrk , Mr. Thomas F. Hill. A deduction of 1 0 per cent, is made from the Stipends of the Rectors , 420/. each per annum, to support the above Fund. SURVEYORS IN COMMISSION. Messrs. Alex. Burt, Robert Bell, Wm. Campbell, Win. Cawley, Wm.Virgo Clarke, James Fer¬ guson, Francis John French, John Fullarton, Alex. Garden, Fran. Gordon, Patrick Grant, Patrick liew. Keetie, Philip Anglin Morris, Samuel Morris, Thomas Munro, John Reid,Ni¬ cholas Robson, John Rome, John Sutherland, Cha. Speer- ing, Arch. Turnbull, James Turnbull, Richard Weight- man. CORNWALL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. President ,!ames Campbell, Esq. of GibrUta •, in Treluwny. Vice-Presidents, St. Elizabeth, John Griliith, Esq. Westmorland , Dr. Patr. Spence Hanover , John Haughton James, Esq. St. J ames, James Lawrence, Esq. Secretary, lion. Wm. Murray Treasurer , Walter Murray, Esq. MAROONS. Scot's Hall — St. Mary. Superintendent —Thomas March, Captain in the Militia, Oct. SI, 1806 Maroons —Men 15, women J4, boys 3, girls 5, children 14; to¬ tal'51— Slaves, 2. Moore-Town — Portland. Superintendent —George Fuller, Captain in the Militia, March 10, 1808 Maroons —Men 72, women 106, boys 22, girls 22, children 126; total 34 Slaves, 28. 144 Chahi.Es-Tovtn t — Sf. George. Superintendent —Mr. Win. Dove Maroons —Men 76, women 75, boys 36, girls so, children 37, superannuated 2; total 256— Slaves, 19. Accompong-Tovvx — St. Eliza¬ beth. Superintend —Mr. Edan Mitchell Maroons —Men 51, women 66, boys 56, girls 59, superannuated 2 ; total 23d— Slaves , 8. GENERAL POST-OFFICE. Deputy Postmaster-General , John Melbourne Marsh, Esq. Chief Clerk, Robert Stokes, Lsq. DEPUTY POSTMASTERS. WINDWARD. Yallahs , John Smith, Esq. Blue-Mountain, John Stewart, Ejsq. Morant-Bay , Mr. Robert Thorn- gate Crump Port-Morant , Mr. Robert Wil¬ son Leslie Bath, Mr. Alex. Milne Amity-Hall , Mr. James Bell Manc/iioneal , Mr. Tho. Blakely. ST. VARY, ST. GEORGE , vrfA’D PORTLAND. Buff-Bay , Mr. George Perry Hope-Bay , Mr. George Dali Po/ 1-Antonio, J n. Crow ley, Esq. Annotto-Bay , George Abraham Shaw, Esq. High gale, Peter Giant, Esq. Port-Maria,, George Cooke, Esq. NORTHSJDE. Spanish-Toicn, Mr. John Lunan Bog-Walk, Mrs. Catherine Cath- cart Bugnals and Moneague , Mr. J ohn Moncrieflfe Salt-Gut) Mr. John Greenland 37. ^nn, Thomas Winder, Lsq. Dry-Harbour, Mr. Wm. Codner Bio-Bueno, Mr. Edward Higgins Duncan's , Mr. Edward Sutton Falmouth,3 ohn Harrison Clarke, Esq. I Attic-River, Mr. Samuel Hilton Montego-Bay, Messrs. Shergold and Guthrie Flint-River, James Martin, Esq. Lucea, John Dinham, Esq. Green-Island, Robt. Christie, Esq. LEEWARD. Spanish-Totcn, Mr. John Lunan 6* Id-Harbour, Mr. Michael Sa¬ muel Clarendon, Mr. Donald Dingwall Chapelt on, Mr. John Bryson Fere, John Dingwall, Esq. Green-Pond, * May-Hill, George Robert John¬ son, Esq. Goshen, John White, Esq. Laccvia, Mr. John Holliday Black-River , Alex. Girdwood, lsq. Robin s River, John Monteatb, Esq. Savanna-la-Mar, James Brown, Esq. 1 45 The Windward Post departs at 12, Northside at three, and South- side at four o'clock, every Saturday. A Post goes to Spanish-Town every morning, at seven o'clock (Sun¬ days excepted), and returns the same day. The Mails for St. Marv, St. George, and Portland, depart at 12 o’clock, every Saturday. POST-ROADS. Windward. Distance from Kingston to St. David 19 miles, St. David to Blue-Mountain 8, Blue-Moun¬ tain to Morant-Bay 3, Morant- Bay to Port-Morant 7, Port- Morant to Bath 6, Bath to Amitv-Hall 7, Amity-Hall to Manchioneal 9; total 59. Northside to Port-Antonio. Distance from Kingston to An- I to Lenox 10, Lenox to Port- notto-Bay 30 miles, Annotto- Antonio 10; total GO. Bay to Bull-Bay 10, Buff-Bay I Northside to Port-Maria. Distance from Kingston to Highgate 32 miles, Ilighgate to Port- Maria 10; total 42. Northside to Green-Island. Distance from Kingston to Spa¬ nish-Town 13 miles, Spamsh- Townto Rodney-Hall 14, Rod¬ ney-1 lall to the Moneague 15, the Moneague to St. Ann 15, St. Ann to Dry-Harbour 14, Dry-liarbour to Rio-Bueno 5, Sputhside to Si Rio-Bueno to Falmouth 17, Falmouth to Little-River 12, Little-River to Montego-Bay 11, Montego- Bay to Flint-River 12, Flint-River to Lucea 11, Lueea to Green-Island 12; to¬ tal 151. mna-la-Mar. Distance from Kingston to Spa- nish-Town 13 miles, Spanish- Tow n to Old-Harbour 12, Old- Harbour tr. Clarendon 12, Clarendon to Green-Pond 16, Green -Pond to May-Hill 5, May-Hill to Goshen 5, Goshen toLacovial2, Lacovia to Black- River 12, Black-Rive#* 1 to Ro¬ bin's River 16, Robin's River to Savanna-la-Mar 16; total 119. NEWSPAPERS. Royal Gazette , published every Saturday, by Mr. Alex. Aik- man, jun. St. Jago dr la Vega Gazette , every Saturday, bv Mr. John l.unaii Cornwall Chronicle, every Satur¬ day, by Messrs. Shcrgold and Guthrie Falmouth Mercury , every Wed¬ nesday, by Mr. James K. Kelly Jamaica dour ant , daily (Sun¬ days excepted), by ‘Messrs. Strupar and Jackson Kingston Chronicle , daily (Sun¬ days excepted), by Mr. Andrew Lunar,jun. 146 MIDDLESEX. The Members of the Council, Speaker of the Assembly, Judges of tho Grand Court, and the Attorney-General, ar Justices in every Pa¬ rish. Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas in the Island take Probates of Deeds. ST. CATHERINE’S PRECINCT. Containing the Parishes of St. Catherine, St.John, St. Dorothy, St. Thomas intheValf. Custos Rotulorum, *Hon. Win. Mitchell. ris, George Marshall, Malcolm M‘Eeod, Francis Graham, Jas. Bicknell, * Thomas Rossiter, Magistrates, and of the Quorum, George Brammer, John Quier, Robert Page, George Clarke, Esqrs. Hon. Cha. Grant, Win. Kamsav, Sam. Queneborough, John Sibbit, Win. Bullock, Ju. Shand, George How el, Francis Smith, *Cha.Nicholas Pallmer, David Finlay son, Edw. Bul¬ lock, *Adani Dolmage, *Wm. Cruickshank, Wm. Jackson, Duncan M ( Donald, * Hector Mackav, John M‘Kay, John Hudson Guy, Jn. Lunan,*Cha. Macneal, Wm. Sheriff Tonge, Robert Brown, * James Lums- den, John M‘Larty, Jonathan Forbes, Hugh Edwards, Esqrs. Hon. Jas. Lewis, * James Hodge B> leSjCalebTonge, J ohn Bau¬ son, jun. Esqrs. Magistrates, John Anderson (of Clifford), John Anderson (of Pusey), Eugene Mahony, Jas. Collins Barton, John Quest, James Seton I>ane, Alex. Bay- ley, Esqrs. John March, Robt. Wm. Har Clerk of the Peace for the Precinct, Richard Ragg Parker, Fsq. Deputy, John Skelton, Esq. Inspector and Collector of Rum Duties , James Burnett, Esq. ST. CATHERINE. Rector, Rev. Isaac Mann, A. M. Churchwardens, George How el, John James Vidal, Esqrs. Vestrymen, Francis Smith, Wm. Bullock, Robert Ross, George Marshall, John G. Millward, John Lunan, Wm. M‘Robbie, John Hanson, jun. Edw. Bul¬ lock, Edward J. Reid, Esqrs. Clerk of the Vestry and Coroner , R. R. Parker, Esq. Town-Clerk, John Skelton, Esq. Commissioners of the Supreme Court, Wm. Hewitt, Wm. Hill, Charles Stew art, Esqrs. Physicians to the Gaol , Doctors Ivee and Clare Collecting Constable, James Bur¬ nett, Esq. Ftr* wardens, EVa.Smith, Edward Bullock, Jas. Burnett, Esqrs. Messrs. C. Packer, J. Mitchell Police Constable and Town Sur¬ veyor, Mr. John B. Burrowes, 119 Parish-Clerk, * Organist, Mr. Francis Auxily B^adle y Mr. James Booth WORKHOUSE. Poundkeeper , Mr. Donald Fraser Distributor of Stamps, Mr. John Lunan. President, Win. Ramsay, Esq. Treasurer, The Acting Church¬ warden Surgeons , Doctors Lee and Clare Supervisor, Mr. .Tames Booth Overseer , Mr. John M*C nthy Clerk, Richard Ragg Parker, Esq. POOR-HOUSE. Treasurer, The Acting Church- | Provedilor, Richard R. Parker, warden i .... ’ warden I j S q Surgeons, Doctors Lee and Clare • Matron, Mrs. Bailey. FREE-SCHOOU Governors , The Governor or Lt. Governor, Council, Assembly, Chief Justice, Assistant J udges of the Supreme Court, Rector of the parish—for the time be¬ ing Teacher, Mr. Patrick Taylor Treasurer, * FLETCHER S CHARITY, For the support of Poor IVidows. the Establishment, at 5 01. 13?. 4 (J, each. Trustees, The Church vs ardens for the time being. There are three at present on doctor Gregory's charity. For Portioning poor Maidens, and Relieving distressed Strangers. Trustees, The Chief Justice, and (he Custos and Hector of the pa- nsh, lor the time being. * ROAD BETWEEN SPANISH-TOYVN AND KINGSTON. Treasurer, Wm. liullock, Esq.— Clerk, Richard Pusey,Esq._ T 0 /; Keeper, Mr. Joseph C. Doleon. ROAD BETWEEN SPANI8H-TOWN AND ST. THOMAS IN THE VALE Treasurer, John Shand, Esq .-Clerk, John Skelton, Esq.-Yi,//. Keeper, Mr. John Bryant. 1 HOAD BETWEEN SPANISH-TOWN AND OLD-HARBOUR. Treasurer, Francis Smith, Esq.—CYer*, * T r f . Keeper, Mr. Fairfax Wallis. In this Parish are 76,023 Meres of Land, 3903 Staves, and 6100 Stock . Ol • I Pertor, Rev. Lewis Bowerbank. Churchwardens, Samu< 1 Queue- borough, John Sband, Esqr». Vestrymen, John Anderson (of Clifford), Johu Oliver, Eugene N ST. JOHN. Mahonv, Edward House, Wm Westgarth, Thos. Scott, John Iallon, Geo. Taylor, William Angus, Thomas Brailsford, Lsqrs. * 150 C : nl; Festru, John Skelton, Esc. C‘> ,! ccfipg Constable, James Bur¬ in* ft, Esq. Coroner, Mr. Fairfax "Wallis Tuthingman and Constable , Mr. Thomas Kina:. In this Parish are 61,£51 Acres of Land, 6918 Slaves, and 1131 Stock. tiiZfil ST. DO 1 Pec tor,* Ciu ' W'-don*, Duncan M* Do¬ nald, Wm. Jackson, l'sqrs. f-V tr.mrn, Jas. Collins Barton, ‘ ■ o. H. brown, Robert Shaw, David Doig, Tho. Moore, Bal¬ lard Craddock, Sam. R. My- En, Fi s. Holcomb:', Roderick Ai&thison, A lex. Bagiev ,Etqr«. In this Parish arc 35,665 Acres WHY. Clerk of the Vestry, John Quest, ■ i S<|. Collecting Constable, Jn. M‘Lai¬ ty, Esq. //, a U/i -Officer at Old-Harbour, Dr. Wm. Smith Harbour-Master at ditto, John Quest, Esq. Pi > undkeeper , M r. Fairfax Wall i=, of Land, 50b5 Slaves, and £639 L’/tf. ST. THOMAS IN THE VALE. Rector, Rev. Wm. Williamson C wee/wardenv, George Clarke, George Marshall, Fsqrs. VeJrym»n, Rich. Welch, Geo. Barriffe, Alex. M‘Iniies, Geo. "IV. Hamilton, Samuel Hyde, "Wm. il. Parker, Robt. Ogil- vie, Francis Bowen, Henry Palmer, Peter Burnett, Esqrs. In the Parish are SO Sugar-Estui and Provision Settlements, 76,6 Clerk of the Vestry, James Scton Lane, I sq. Cc minis, of Supreme Court , J. S. Eane, K. Wm. Harris, Esqrs. Collecting Constable, James Bur¬ nett, Fsq. Coroner, vi in. Westgartb, Esq. Tythingman and Constable, Mr. Wm. Catbcart. ,50 Coffee- Plantations, 24 Pens i0 Acres of Land, 11,500 Slaves, and 6500 Stuck. PARISH OF CLARENDON. C>, tos Rotulo. um and Chief Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Hon. Rowland Williams Fearon. A w.» st. Judges and of lhe Quant m, V* illlam Smith,Samuel Smith, fWiij. Bullock, John M‘Rae, Wm. Ill’is Nembhard, *Chris- fop her Wm. Hutchinson, Dut¬ ton Smith Turner, Wm. Pusey Hayle, jWm. Hewitt, Daniel Tabois, John Williams, Win. Ru.scll. Wm. Shand, i Franc is Smith,James Brown,Wm. A ri¬ der or, Wm. Power Trench, Jo- *ph Peters Fcaror, Arthur M l Kcnzic, Frederick Burl tfinckc, Esqrs. Rex for,Rev.WiRon HcnryLynrh Cimrchicardens, Dutton Smith Turner, Wm. Russell, Esqrs Vestrymen, Daliiel Nairn, John Rome ? Thomas Parkes Howell, John Snaith, Andrew Dunn, Wm. Rose. James Campbell, Wm. Bryan, Thomas Kiucaid XV int, Wm. Nicol, Ksqre. Clerk of the Court, Peace, and Vestry , John Scott, Esq. Commissioners of the Supreme Court , f William Hewitt, John Scott, R. W. Harris, Esqn. CoVerting Constable, Alexander M*Rae, Esq. Inspector and Coll lor of Rum Duties, Mr. Wm. Ajton WORKHOUSE, A President , John M*Ruc, l $q. Treasurer, Alex. M‘Rae, Lsq. In tiiis Parish. are CJ Suga- - tisl Acres of Land, :£0,1S0 J PARISH Custos Rotnlorum , li Assist. Judges and of the Quorum, Janies Mitchell, James Smit <, Donald M 4 Lean, Robert Por¬ ter, <. eorge Richards, Wm. Stimpson, i bomas Samson, Ro¬ bert Cna. Gibb, John Holmes, Robert Crawford, Alex. Mur¬ chison, t sqt>. Magi-traits, VVm. Pusey Ilavle, :£v\m. Bullock, £John Pullar- ton, Jjn Siiand,|[saae. Mann, Thomas A lpress Priddie, . oho Kennedy,John Ashley, jWm. Shand, ilsqrs. Recto- ,* Caurchtcardens , Wm, Stimpson, Thomas Samson, I _sqrs. Vestrymen, Joan Holme*, James IIarbour-Ma*ter for Clarendon- Bay, John Quest, i->q. Coroner, T. P. Howell, Esq. Poundkmper, Mr. Wm. r CI1APELTON. Supervisor, Mr. John Bryson Clerk, Mr. Rowland Israeli. ten, 170 other Settlemcni 3 ilav.s, and 10,173 Stock. 3F VLRF. n. John Pusey L.dwardes. Samson, Wotton Scott, John Lowe, ieo. Booth Clark C’».Ti¬ tian 'A m. Eraser, John Ding¬ wall, Samuel liootu,oan .J.i Booth, 1 h. Jn.Lranfoot, i.sqr . Clerk of the Peace and Vestry, Mr, Wm. Staveley. Commissioners of the Supreme Court, 1 homas Sanbou, John Lowe, James Brown, i tqr?. Collet ting Constable, oaines Mit¬ ch t 11, Bsq. Impei tor and Collector of Rum Duties, John Dingwall, Lsq. Harbour-Master for SaU-ii.v.r, John Quest, Esq. Coroner, Mr. Wm. Goodall Poundktxptr, Wot. Scott, L'sq. PREE-SCHOCL. Trustees, The Representatives in Assembly, three of the Senior Magistrates, the Rector and Churchwardens, with R. C. Gibb, Joan Holmes, das. Sam- In this Pat ish are C 2S Suga. - tist 4 and other Settlements, 106,: 12 . 7616 Stock. son, Wotton Scott, John Lowe, Lsqrs. Treasurer, Thomas Samson, F$q. t' acher, Mr. Joan i'ra. Pad mo re Clerk, Mr. \\ m. Stave ley. *, 13 Cotton Plantations, 70 Cof}\ e 4c. cs of Land, 11,856 Slaves, ZuJ PARISH OF ST. MARY. Custos Rotu'orum, &c. lion. Charles Grant. A nist. Judges and ofthe Quorum, ♦lion. John Hiatt *Robr.ii b- bert, * Thomas Bourke, ♦ Abra¬ ham Hodgson, Caleb longe, John Mackay, Joseph Green, Robt. Wm. ilarns, 1 Wm. Liu* N 2 Nembhard, Richard Appleton, iti. j ames Murphy, jo&epli Brown, Henry Cox", Patrick Lynch, i sqrs. *iion. Philip Redw ood, Peter Grant, ^Jas¬ per Hall Livingston, ♦James 152 Armstrong, F«qrs. tHon. Jas. Lewis, *Cb. Win. Hutchinson, 4 P. R. Parker, Tho. Addison, ♦Hector Mackay, Samuel Oli¬ ver,*Alex.Gran‘f,iJohn Meek, Richard Mart n, James Lain?, William Tharp, hav.r nee R. Stephens, James Gibb, John Pink*George Stennett, John Cruickshanks, Esqp. Red /-, Rev. Colin fronaldson Churchwardens , Vestrymen, Clerk of the Vestry, James For¬ syth,'l'sq. Commissioners of the Supreme Court, Godfrey Wharam, Jas. Douglas, Esqrs. Coroner , Walter Pollock, Esq. Co'feeling Constable , Jonathan Forbes, Esq. Inspector and Collector of Rum Duties, Harbour-Master, and Poundl&eper , Godf. Wharam, Esq. Distributor of Stamps,* Abraham Hodgson, Esq. Deputu Harbour-Master and Pi¬ lot, Mr. John Mahon HeaHh-OJficera at Port-Maria, Doctors Win. Forbes and Win. Clerk of the Peace and Court , Kennedy Godfrey Wharam, Esq. //cad-CcmifaMe,Mr.Robt.Shand. WORKHOUSE. Supervisor , G. Wharam, Esq.— Surgeon, Dr. James Go wans. In this Parish are 68 Sugar-Estates, 201 other Settlements , 115,332 Hcrss of Land, 25,696 Slaves , and 15,794 Stock. PARISH OF ST ANN. Custos Rotulorum, l ut.ssist. Judges andofthe.Quorum, ♦Henry Marshall, Wm. Parke, Adam Anderson, James New¬ by, Geo. Cruiekshank, ♦Abra¬ ham Hodgson, Thomas Bain- bridge, Geo. Stcnnett, f James Fraser, * Henry Ajhmcadc, } Henry Cox, John Gayner, John Mosel ex M‘Ca\v. James l ain?, Win. Hind, John Shaw, Henry James Tucker, John Pink, J Robert Alexander, Esqrs. Magistrates, JAlex. Campbell, John Gordon, |John Baillie, Samuel Risby W hitehoi ne, Jn. Chrystie, Thomas Raflington, Marmaduke Hodgson, Benia¬ min Henderson, Urqubart Gil¬ lespie, Thomas Reid, Chajles e. ♦Hon. John Hiatt. M'Dermot, John Reid Galli- more, Esqrs. Rector, Rev. Gregory Ledwirh Church war dens J Tho. Bain bridge, Charles Steer, Esqrs. Vestrymen, Tho. Ashmeade, Jolin Wallace, Law rence Fyfe, Ro¬ bert Newby, Chn. Fyre, John Haw thorn, Jas. Lawr. Hilton, ('eorge Fletcher Cow ard,Tho. Groghe?an,JohnTa>lor,Esqiv. Clerk of the Peace and Court, George Stennett, Esq. Clerk l est. Tho. Ratfington, Esq. Town-Clerk, Mr. Janies Hoyle Commissioners of the Supreme Court, * Robert Jones, tJames Fraser, John Gayner, Thomas Winder, Charles Scarlett, John Reid Oallimore, Esqrs. 155 Coroner, Collecting Const rile. Collector of Tran i nt Tax, and Inspector and Col!.dor of Hum Dutie$,Tha. Winder,Esq. Harbour-Master, Mr. Wm.Car.oY Pi 1 As, Messrs, n m. Carter and Roger Dunn Uculih-0[jicer at St. Ann's Bay, *l)r. Henry Asluneade Health-Officer at Dry-Harbour $ Dr. Jofin Sadler Do. O : ho- Rio ; ll xy, Dr. J p.Wal 1 is Poundkeeper at St. Ann s Bay, Mr. George Fisher Ditto at Dry-Harbour, Mr. Win. Cocke Ditto at Ocho- Rios Bay, Mr. James Danii. WORK.-'OUSE. President, Robert Newby, j Surgeons, * Ashmeade, Sadler, Fsq. I and Wallis Treasurer, Win, Rigam, Esq. | Supervisor, :Mr. George Fisher. JAMAICA FKEE-SCIIOOL, At Walton pert. Trustee? and Governors, 1 he Go¬ vernor and Command.-r in C liff* for Ihr time being, the President and Members of the Council, the Speaker ami Members of the Assembly, the Chief Justice, Attorney- enc- ral, with the*iion.. r ohn Hiatt, M in. Parke, * Abraham Hodg- ln this Pat is ft are ^3^,338 Acr :• Pens, 3G Pimento-Waites, S>5 i^',047 Slaves, and ‘^6,1^1 Stock. , in this parish. son, Henry Cox, Charles Steer, benjamin Scott, +Jas. Fraser, George Cruickdiank, James Newbv, * Henry Ashmeade, CalebTonge.John Sh;t\v,» • >. Head Master, Rev. Greg my l.ui- w ich Under Master and Clerk to the Trustees, Mr. Win Burton. of Lund, 4*2 Sugar-Estates, 100 Cojj'ec and Go other SUtLiH*.uti, SURREY. CITY AND PARISH OF KINGSTON. Custos Rutulo.-urn, <$\ \ Hon. John Jaqncs. Assist.Judgesandof tU Quorum, . t David L/nncomo, Robert Do¬ naldson, Win. Sa\a;j;e, 1 $qrs. Hon. George Kinghoru, fWm. 1 Holgatc, i sq. j Hon. James Stewart, J James Laing, Wm, ! Ross, John liinde, Wm. Tit)- > lor, James Inglis, *Robt. Tav- 1 lor, Robert Markland, Ruaert llenry, Andrew Bogle, Joseph Barnes, *Win. Parke, George 'Mills, *Jemi Crosman, John NS Campbell, Richard Kinkead, Geo. Kinkead, James Turner li arris, ksqrs. Magistrates, *Nich. Lechrarre, Wm. Cowgill, Jtdward Mar¬ shall, l&qrs. Rector, Rev. Alex. Campbell Clerk of the Part , *Iion. Bui i.: rd Beckford Nembharci Deputy, Thomas Dennis. T Clerk o f the Court, Jam:- •. r*- hose, ! sq. 154 Commissioners of the Supreme Court, Win. Dmce,JamesClay- poole, Win. Savage, Harman Galbraith, Ah'*. Menzics Don, Janies Morns, Wm. Covvgill, J o'iin M‘ Dougal 1, Thomas Cum¬ ing, Esqr?. Cor oner, James Claypoole, Esq. Collect* ' of thv Transient Ta.r. and Inspector and Collector of Ram Duties, Jas. Morris, Esq. Physician to the Gao!, I)r. Cha. Mackglashan Health-Officer, Dr. Wm. Tinker Harbour - Master , Mr. Peter Cochran. Mayor, Tfon. George Kinghorn Aldermm *>, 1 Robert Hamilton, 1 Richard Kinkfnd, 1 John Campbell, 1 John Fow leg, 2Jo- senh Barnes, 2James Iqglis, 2Robort Henrs2John Meek, 3 George Kinkead, 3 Edward Evans, 3 David Patrick Mo- lony, 3 David M‘Caa, fcsqrs. CORPORATE F.ODY. Common Councilman, 1 William Caldwell, 1 David Aivd, l Alex; M‘Bean, 1 Stephen Hill, 2John Taylor, 2 John Sallom, 2 John Orr, 2 John Hardy, 3 Robert M‘Cletlar!d, 3 James Tur¬ ner Harris, 3 Robert Herd- man, 3 David Mite he Ison, 1 sqrs. Recorder, Alex. Whyte 1 , Esq .700?. So^citor*, James Minot, John CargTI, F?qr?. Treasurer, George Mills, Esq. (' ’’ i -<~ 7 warden, Robt. Ros^, 1 c q. C/Y>/-C^rV,Tho.D?nn»Ss,F. c q. , T^)k C’rrJ; of the Common Cnunify Thomas Cuming, Esq. 700/. Chief Cunstable and Police Offi¬ cer, Wm. Cowgill, Esq. J00'. CITV-OFFICPRS. Pal i*h.Clerk, Mr. Bartholomew O. Williams, 70?. Organist, Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, 130'. Sexton, Mr. George Seddon, 70?. Beadle, Mr. John Robbins, 85'. Keeper of the Co art-House, Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, 40'. Clerk o fthe Markets, Mr.Thomas Balfour, 300'. c«r, v\ m. UOWffiu, r^q. V; w *. Collecting Condablcwest of King- Keep of the City Clock, David , , mi IA tor.! ’.*a. Street, Mr. The. DnflW, 1*5'. Ditto, ea-'t of King-Street , Mr. David Rn«, 125?. C;> f! ector of the Parochial Rents, Thomas Cuming, Esq. fiueyvardeyf. President, George Kinkead, Esq. Vice-President, John Meek, Esq. I ns vectors, Messrs. Tho. Usher, Robt. Fairbairn, James Ham- mond,Thomas BreajcViffe, Ro¬ bert Smart, Wm. Henry Sa- MUchelson, E^q. PriiiferstotheCorporation, Mess. Strupar and Jackson Su ueyor, Mr. Patrick llew. KcefTe. Th* /hie, men and Common Council arc divdedinto three dasies. 3 The 'fist cla .s continue only one year in office, units? V second two : and the third thrce. 7 •’ : .figures atlhtkei to the ujpehu out the classes.— Elected, 2d IVeunesday ui January., Joseph Gillbank-, and James Bnuon Inspector of Fire-Engines, Mr. James Carss, 100?. Messenger, Mr. Andrew Liman, senior, 40/. r 155 Wolmer's free-schoot. Established Trustees, Common Council Treasurer , Hon. Geo. Kinghorn Master, Mr. John P. Nugent, mi. May 21, 17*). Ushers , Mr. John Panl, SOU Tutoress, Miss Amelia Cu vie Hoys under tuition. Girls. .34 .29 PARISH*ROUSF. Treasurer, The Churchwarden | Tutoress , Miss Amelia Currie, Surgeon, Dr. I d w. AM red, 800'. SOL m Matron, Mrs. Elizabeth i .■ e, 140/. I Steward, Mr. John Robbins, 1-0/. niBLIC HOSPITAL. Commissioners ,Common Council Physician,.' as.Skene, M. D.209L Surgeon*, Doctors Mackglashan, Roe, and Crosbie, 150L Assistant and Dispenser of Me¬ dicines, * Supervisor,, Mr. Charles Brown M at ron, M rs. Sarah M‘ C l ure, i 001. WORKHOUSE. Commissioners , Common Council Treasurer , The L'hnrchw arden Surgeons, Doctors Edward Car- roll and Lewis Johnston ASYLUM FOR DISEASED AMD DESERTED NEGROES. Surgeon , Dr. Lilw. Aldred, 70/.— Super visor, Mr. Charles Brown, 50/. TOWN-GO A RO. Supervisor, Mr. Cha. Brown,220/. ()v *rster, Mr. Thomas 8m rth,2t Of. Clerk and Cu. v yor, Mr. Francis AU-wood,'ISO/. Instituted July 28, 17S3. Lieutenants, Besnamki Stribling, 1 Corporals, Two, 110/. each V, m. Randall, 1 &>L each C. ivaL s, 1 orty-lour, lOU each Sergeants, Two, 125 L each I Guard-house, in Harbour-Street. In this Carish arc 1786 Acres oj hand, 6070 Slaves, and Gird Stock. PARISH OF PORT-ROYAL. Cu*tos Rotulorum , fife. Assid. Judges and of the Quorum, 1 Tftomas Oenniss, ! ?q. *Hon. Wm. Mitchell, Jn. Brailsford, 1VY m. Dance, J ames M‘Lehose, Csqrs. *llon. Samuel White- liorne Barnett, *Alex. Grant, + Duncan McDonald, * Robert Wm. Tail, Lsqrs. +Hon. James Stewart, Ambrose Nicholas Y ates, Digby Denniss, | James Clayjwole (senior), * Henry Broughton, Francis l lark, f John Rawl. Jackson, £G«y>. Brooks, *Uichard Lake, jJohn lion. Robert Jackson. TiimnasGustavus Harris, {John Thompson, JJames 1 umsden, ♦ Wro. Richard Wade, Wm. Robert Waugh, 1 4>qrs. Rev. Tho. Simcockes, Henry Pink- combe, ^Joseph Jackson, JPa- triek lavlor, J.*amcs Hunt, Wnr. v:.w t»anK, 1 sqrs. Magistrates, RalpkOilfoy, John Ask with, lisqrs. Rector, Rev. 'Thomas Simcockes Churchwardens, John Brails ford, Thomas Jackson, Isqrs. Vestrymen, Geprge Fiahley, W'm. Frank, John Cooper, Elias Clark Harvey, John Owen Wood. David Patrick Molony, John Askwith, Cha. Austin, John Taylor, Robt. M‘Kowan, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Thomas Den- niss, Esq. Deputy Clerk of the Peace, and (Uric of the Vestry, Digby Denniss, Esq. Collecting Constable, Mr Benja¬ min Stribling Coroner for the Town, Elias Clark Harvey, Esq. WOKJ President. John Brailsford, Esq. In this Parish are 32,391 Acres PARISH OF Custos Rotulorum , Assist. Judges and of thcQuorvm, James Dickson ((ircen-(ilebe), Fsq. Hon. Simon Taylor, Alex. Ector,Esq. Rev. Jn.‘Campbell, Edward Marshall,Tho. Leigh, John llinde, Esqrs. +Rev. Tho¬ mas Shncockce, |Hugh Fraser, * Isaac Fox, John Mais, ifCha. James Sims, Ksqrs. Hon. Geo. Cuthbert, James Concanen, Donald Ronald Campbell, Richard Nall, JohnTow nshend Harris Robt. Hamilton (sen.), John Col 1 ings, *Thomas Hvnes, tJolui Campbell, ^Richard Kinkead, *John Crosman, Jas. Corne Pownall, iJohn Macke- son, Maurice West, Charles Mackglashan, Robt. Hamilton (jun.),|K.ennethM t Crae,Samp- son Gideon Kemble, David M‘Caa, John Morison, Esors. Rector , Rev. John Campb 11 Churchwardens, John Campbell, Alex. Ector, Esqrs. Coroner for the Country , Charles Austin, Esq. Inspector and Collector of Rum Duties, James Morris- Esq. Pilot v, Messrs.Robert M *Kow an, James M‘Kowan, Nathaniel Coverlev, John Fisiiley (jun.), and John Taylor Hoarder of Vessels, Mr. James DutT Master of the Free-School, Mr. John Jones Organist . Hen. Pinkcombm Esq. Beadle , Mr. Jonathan Potter Sexton, Mrs. Sercomb. IOUSF. — Supervisor . Mr. Joseph Powell. of Land, 7S51 Slaves, and 1153 ST. ANDREW. \ Hon. James Stewart. Vestrymen , Samuel Win. Car¬ penter, Dugald Campbell Geo. \Vm.Schroeter, Hubert Nolan, Robert Smith, James M iles, Robt. Shepheard, John Jones, John Sim, James Smith, Ksqrs. Coroner, and Clerk of the Pea t and Court, John Townshend Harris, Esq. i Clerk ot the Vestry, CharlesWm. | Ilall, Esq. I Commissioners of the Supreme Court , Cha. W. Hall, J. T. Har¬ ris, D. R. Campbell, Esq. Co llzctingConstable , J ames Dick- j son, Esq. Inspector and Collector of Rum Duties, James Morris, Esq. Poundkecper, Coo. Dawson, Esq. Parish-Clerk, Mr. James Nelson Organist , Miss Christian Felsted Sexton , Mr. Benson Wight Con.tables, Messrs. Joseph Smith, Walter Brind, and* Martin Joyce. 157 WOTtFvHOlISE. President) Alex. Factor, Fsq. Surgeons, Doctors Mackglashan, Supervisor , Mr. James :\ i on Roc, and Crosbie. Ovi rsce;, Mr. Benson Wight lnthis P at i*h an 2i)Sugar-Estates,32n Co ffer- Plantations, Pens, and other Settlements, 84,159 A ere* of Land, 17,7 62 Slaves , and 4299Stock, PRECINCT OF ST. THOMAS IN THE EAST AND ST. DAVID. Custos Rotulorum , fife. Assist. Judges and of the Quo¬ rum *1 Ion. John Scott, Henry Shirley, Wm. Inncs, *Kean Osborn, Esqrs. tHon. Charles Brvan,*Samue!Delpratt, Peter Rol>ortson, Robt. Bogan,Win. Vick (sen.), Wm. Bryan, Tho. Leigh. John Kelly, Wm. Hol- gate, Rob. Fcrgusson ,\Vm.Mi 1- ner, James Codrington, John Stewart, Thomas APIvenzie, ♦John Carljle. James Ouch- terlonv, Tho. Thomson. ♦Sa¬ muel Thomson, # Jacob Neuf- ville, George Panton. Stewart West,*David Dick, JJohn Orr, Hon. Simon Taylor. ♦John Clark, *Cha. Williams; Peter Smith, "Wm. Weir, Sa¬ muel Francis, James Grant, ♦EbenezerTaylor, *Jas. Reid, Robt. Kdmcston, Geo. Girton Saunders. Duncan David Pat¬ terson. Lewis Cruickshank, Hugh Speed, Isaac Panton, ♦Alex, Giant, fJoseph Green, Nathaniel Logan, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace and Court , Isaac Panton, Esq. Imp tor and Collector of the Hum Duties, Frederick Fer dinand liill, Esq. ST. THOMAS Rector, Rev. John W'est Churchwardens , Robert Logan, John Stewart, Esqrs. Vestrymen , Peter Smith, John Drysdale, Robert Edmeston, Duncan D. Patterson, George G. Saunders, Patrick Kean, Alex. Kennedy, Nathauu 1 Logan, John Siiaw, Richard Dick, Esqrs. Clerk of the Vestry , Fred. Ferdi¬ nand Hill, Esq. Coroner , Win. Vick, Fsq. BATH OF ST. THO! Directors , Governor or Com¬ mander in Chief, Members of the Council and A? »*mbly, Chief Justice, and Justices of CN THE EAST. Commissioners of the Supreme Court, Jas. Ouchterlony, Hugh Speed, Esqrs. Collecting Constables , *Ebenczer Taylor. Robert Fraser, Esqrs. Distributor of Stamps , Mr. John Blake Inspector of Weights and Mea¬ sures, Mr. Newall Berwick Tything -Constable, Mr. Alex. Millar Po u j/A per, Mr.TaibotO’ Brieti Warren. As T T rr, apostle. tiie Quorum for the precinct Physic n t Dr. Steward W'cst Overseer , Mr. Alex. Milne Clerk, Mr. Alex. Millar. 158 WORKHOUSE- President, Peter Robertson, Esq.— Treasurer, Dr. Richard Dick.— Supervisor , Mr. Alex. Millar. In this Parish are 85 Sugar-Estates, 117 Coffee and other Settle¬ ments, 139,397 Acres of Land, £5,807 Slaves, and 12,521 Stock. ST. DAVID. Hector, Rev. .Tames Craw ford Churchwardens , Wm. Weir, Jap. Grant, Esqrs. Vestrymen , Joseph D*'lpratf, Robert l aw, Richard I)ick, Tiioinas Wilkie, John Tyric, George Brown, John Bill (sen/), William Graham, Da¬ vid Lamonf, William Suther¬ land, Esqrs. Clerk o f the Vestry, Mr. James Anderson Commissioner of the Supreme Court , John Tvrie, Esq. Coroner , James Grant, Esq. Collecting Constable, J ohn Smith, Esq. Tut king Constable, Mr. Thomas Croits Poundkeepers, Messrs. Jas.Drrm- mond Alack and Thomas Wil¬ liams Inspector o f JVeights and Mea¬ surer, Mr. J. 1). Mack. In this Parish are M Sugar- Estates, 51 Coffee-Plantations, Si Pens and other Settlement ,4H y 383 acres of Land , 7215 Slaves , and i.012 Stock. PARISH OF PORTLAND. Custos Rotulorum , #c. Assist. Judges and of theQuorum, Thomas Oakley (sen.%*Samurl Orr, Charles Douglas* George Fuller, Wm. Galloway, Win. Downer, James Colthirst Col- thirst, John Sutton Minot, Ro¬ bert Mein, £Tho. King, }Hugh Speed, Anthony Lindsay, J as. Clayton White, jWm. Brsan, George Minot, George Harri¬ son Cosens,"Wm. Betts,Thomas Oakley (jun.), Esqrs. Rector, Rev. Philip llumphriee Churchwardens , Vestrymen , lion. Charles Bryan. Clerk of the Peace , Court, Vestry , and Purish<, and Collector of the Transient Tax, Wm. Sher^ w ood (sen.), Escjj Commissioners o f the Supreme Court, Thomas Oakley (sen.), Esq. tHon. Wm. AndersonOr- gill, James Clav ton White, An¬ thony Lindsay, Thomas Oak* lev ( jun.), Esqrs. Coroner, Wm. I/dw. Smith, Esq. Collecting Constable, and Inspec¬ tor and Collector oj Rum Du¬ ties, Wm. Minot, I sq. Distributor of Stamps, Robert Mein, Esq. IJ arbour-Hi aster at Port-Anto- nio, Wm. Sherw ood (sen.), Esq. Pilots, Messrs. Henry Staphs, Samuel Shepherd, and John Brackenridge / lealth-Offcers , Drs. Anthony 159 Lindsay and Hugh M‘Whin- nie Imp-(tor of IV tig lit* and Mea¬ sures, Mr. Nicholas Li row n TITCHFIELD Trustees , The Governor, Lieute¬ nant-Governor, or Commander in Chief for ihe time being, four Senior Members of t)i Council,Speaker of tiic Assem¬ bly, Chief Justice, Gustos, Re¬ presentatives in Assembi,, four Senior Magistrates, Rector, Churchwardens and Vestry, with T. Oakley (jwn), John Cyt hi tig-Const able, Mr. Jn. Geo. Brown Peac - Officers , Messrs. Goldie KHso and John Paris Poundkeeper, Jn. Crow ley, Esq. MILE-SCHOOL. Steel, Win. Sherwood (sen.), John Martin, Hugh M‘YV hi ti¬ me, Wm. Downer, Esqrs. Master, George Richards Orgill, Esq. Treasurer, Anthony Lindsay, Esq. Cl rk , Mr. Nicholas Brow n Surgeon *, Anthony Lindsay and Ruga APWhinnie. WORKHOUSE. President, John Deans, Esq. I Hugh M‘Whinnie Treasurer, Robert Mein, Esq. Supervisor and Cltrk, Mr. John Surgeons , Anthony Lindsay and » George Brown. Jn this Parish are 5:1) Sugar-Estates, 76 other Settlements, 11,12? Acres of Lana , 76sfe Slaves, and i&GG Stock. PARISH OF ST. GEORGE. Custos JRotulorum, §c. Hon. Wm. Anderson Orgill. A ssist. Judges and of the Quorum, Henry Russell, £ George Bu¬ chanan, Philip Ellis, 1 lector Ross, Robert Gray, * Edward I). Htzgerald, ^Jacob Stamp, Alex. Park, |Jonn Meen, ♦Bernard Shirley, {Win. Car¬ michael, Thomas Pickersgill, James McDonald, £Alex. Aik- man (sen.), Benjamin Crosslev, Dominick Walsh, John Babb, James Barton, Geo. Richards Orgill, Henry Boud, JJoi.n Elmslie, Geo. Jackson, lienry Forbes, Wm. Dunbar, JRobt. Wm. Sutherland,Wm. Douglas, * \Y rntworth Bayly, George Oliver, {: Nathaniel Bayly Williams, Esqrs. Rector, Upv. Henry Jenkins Churchwardens, Vestrymen, Clerk of the Court, Peace, and Vestry, John King, Esq. Deputy Clerk of the peace, Mr. George Hall Commissioners of the Supreme Court, + George Buchanan, Jas. M*Donald, lleclor Ross, Esqrs. Coroner, Wm. Duncan, Esq. Clerk of the Markets, Pli. Ellis, Esq. Collecting Constable, ami Inspec¬ tor and, Collector of Rum Du¬ ties, Janies Barton, Lsq. U ealtk- OJi cer , Dr, Ro b t. B. W ray 160 Harbour-Master at Annotio-Bay, i Francis Esseu and Beswick Mr. Angus McDonald I Biggs Tytking Constables, Messrs, j Puundkeeper, Mr. George Perry. WORKHOUSF. President, Philip Ellis, Esq. j Surgeon, Dr. Robf. B. Wray Treasurer, Benj. Crossley, Esq. | Supervisor, Mr. George Perry. In this Parish are 2 7 Sugar-Estates, 104 Co ffee and 42 other Settle* meats, 107,571 Acres of Land, 15,271 Slaves, and 6081 Stock. CORNWALL. PARISH OF ST. ELIZABETH. Cvstos Rotulorum , $c. Hon. Joseph James Swabv. Ass i v t. Tv dges and ofthe Quorum, John White, David Shake- spear, *\Vm. Kellet Hewitt, Win. Row e, John Griffith,Dun¬ can Robertson (sen.\ Richard Boucher, Isaac Allen, George Graham Stone, Alex. Roe, John Robertson, Al^v. Cord- wood, John Maboil Cooper, John RackerWebb,Jas. White, Edward Owen, James Miller, Dunean Robertson (junior), Esqrs. Magistrates, Andr. White, *Cha. Forbes, * James Davy, James Baillie Vernon, Robert All- wood, Tho. Anderson, Esqrs. Rector, Rev. Wm. Vaughan Ha¬ milton Churchwardens, Alex. Rose, Jas. Miller, Esqrs. Vestrymen, Luke Bramwtll, Henry Palmer, C harles Farqu- harson, Adam White, James Daly, John Delaroche, Abe Evans, John Collins, John Salmon, Thos. Powell, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace and Court , Philip Dayies, Esq. Clerk of the Vestry, Wm. Pitter, Esq. Commissioners of the Supreme Court, Philip Davies, George Graham Stone, Richard Ash¬ man, Esqrs. Collecting Constable,3 o\ii\ Mabcll Cooper, Esq. Coroner and Poundkeeper, Ed¬ ward Denniss, Esq. Inspector and Collector of Rum Duties, Mr. Alex. M‘K*en/ie Collector of the Transient Tax, Win. Cunningham, Esq* Vender of Gunpowder, Alex. Gird wood. Esq. Distributor of Stamps, Andrew Miller, Esq. Health-Ojjiocr at Black-River, * Harbour-Master and Pilot at Black-River, Mr. John Ben¬ nett Parish Clerk and Sexton, Mr. Francis Sandcroft Constables , Messrs. John Taylor, Win. Lawrence, and Jacob Flake. 161 PrtsUent and Treasurer , Alex. Gird wood, Esq. Commissioners , Robt. Allivood, WORKHOUSE. Jn. YIc»nteath,Jas. Miller, Ksqrs. Supervisor , Mr. Cha. M‘ Knight Surgeon' Dr. Alex. Rose. In this Parish are 22 Sugar-Estates^ 1T1 Co fie-Plantations, 207 Pms and other Settlements, 5i9 Waite Inhabitants and 114 of jHZHX*!}* J ^ cienc ^ S0t,0«f Acres of Lund, *4,200 Slaves, and 29,250 Stock. PARISH OF WESTMORLAND. Custos Rotulorum, ^ A ssist. Judges,and of the vard Jarvis Ricketts, John Marshall, Joiin Falconer, Arch. Galbraith, Hutchinson Scott, Win. Hylton (jun.), Jas. < olquhoun Grant, Richard Quarrell, J Robert All wood, iWm. James Stevenson, JTho. Partridge Tharp, Jn. Graham Campbell, Win. Forbes, ♦An¬ thony Gilbert Storer, Esqrs. + llon. Robert Scarlett. John Blyth, Patrick Spence, George Kirlew, John Lawrence An¬ glin, Kenneth j\l‘Kcnzie. Geo. Marcy, Eras, (want. Geo. Robt. Johnson, John Foster, John Dobson, Charles O’Connor, Kdw. Smith, Jas. Pot ter, Esqrs. Rector , Rev. Thomas Stewart Churchwarden «, James Brown, John Marshall, Esqrs. Vesirymtn , John Ricketts,Theo¬ dore Stone. John Dobson, John Hogg, Benjamin Capon, John Buddie, John Potter, James Potter, James Grierson, John Foster, Esqrs. r. Hon* John Lewis. Clerk of th? Peace and Chu t, James Murray, Esq. Clerk of the Vestry, Eirewarden , and Inspector of Wights and Measures, John Tomlinson. Esq. Commissioners of the Supreme Court, *Cha. Lowes, ♦Robt.O. Vassall, George Kirlew, John Marshall, Esqrs. Colliding Constable, Thomas Tomlinson, Esq. Coroner, Benjamin Capon, Esq. Collector of the Transient Tax and Distributor of Stamps, Mr. John Pritchard Inspector and Collector of the Rum Duties, Mr. Alex.McKen¬ zie Xotary Public, Jas. Brown, Esq. Physician to the Gaol, Dr. Pa¬ trick Spence Health Officers at Savanna-la- Mar , Dm. Patrick Spence and Henry JDestin Harbour-Master at ditto, John Dobson, Esq. Pilots at ditto , Messrs. Robert Foreman, John Thomas, and John McCarthy Town-Clerk at ditto, John Tom¬ linson, Esq. Pcundkeeper , Mr. Thomas Wm. Hardin Organist, Mrs. Catherine Taylor Clerk of the Parish and Sexton, Mr. Daniel M ( Gibbon Beadle , Mr. — Riggs. O 162 matting's free-school. Trustee*, The Cast os, Represen- tMives'in Assembly, t'iree of me Senior Magistrates, Rector, find live Freeholders chosen on the 1st of August—for the present year, John Ricketts, James Brown, John Marshall* Walter Murray, Joseph Stone Williams, Esqrs. Treasurer, .fames Brown, Esq. Master, Rev. Thomas Stewart. WORKHOUSF. President, David Finlayson, Esq. j Surgeon , Dr. David Wilson Treasurer, Too. Tomlinson, Esq. | Supervisor, Mr. Jacob Pessoa. In this Parish art 61 Sugar-Estates, 25 Co (fee? Plantations and Cot - tori-Walks* 33 P*hs* 174,794 Meres of Land, 21.405 Slaves, and 21,lb7 Stock. PARISH OF Custos Rotulomni , S>Y. A>sist. Tudgcs,undofthcQuorum, Wm.Brown, Donald Malcolm, J Pa trick Spence, Rich. Haugh- lon Reid, Robert Gilpin, Ed¬ mund Finncane, Georg' Aial- Coln, * Patrick May wed, Ro¬ bert Kerr, Richard Dickson, J James Colquiioun Grant, Pa¬ trick Bremner, * Philip Anglin Scarlett, Esqrs. JHon. Robert Scarlett, Joan Crooks, Thomas Reid, f >V*m. James Stevenson, Ale.*. Camp bell v Liicea ), | A1 &. Campbell (Copse), * Samuel Jackson, John Maxwell,|Wm. Allen, Wot. Virgo Clarke, Jn. \Vrlley, Walter Murray, Dun¬ can Campbell, John Hill, Paul S. Samuells, I sqrs. Rev. Da¬ rnel Warner Rose, JJn. Blyth, ♦ Sir Simon HaugMon Clarke, Bart. *Rqbert Oliver Vassall, Alex.M‘Callum, Andrew Red- die, Samuel Kerr, John IVlowat Bucknor, John lluddach, Richard Quarrell, 1 isqrs. R tor* Rev. Daniel V\arner Rose Churchwardens , HANOVER. Hon. George Binham. Clerk of the P ace, Court, and Vestry, and Coroner, Robert Kerr, Esq. Commissioners of the Supreme Court, Richard Dickson. Pa¬ trick Spence, Alex. M‘Callum, Jf sqrs. Collecting Constable , Andrew Reddie, Esq. Inspector and Collector of Rum Duties, Notary Public, and Distributor of Siarnps , Win. Brow n, Esq. Collector of tne Transient Tax , Mr. Janies Keys Health-Officer at Lucea, Dr.Wm. Hopton Harbour-Master at ditto and at Green-island, Mr. John C. Dinham Pitot, Mr. Alex. Chambers Suom Measurers, Messrs. James Spence, David Grant. Win. A. Dickson. John KeantishCham- bers, and James Isaacs CL rk of the Markets, Mr. Joseph Bosley Vestrymen, *163 PourtdJcceper at L,u 'fa, Mrs.Mary Hill Ditto at Green-Lland, Robert Christie, Esq. RITSFa'r IRFF-SCnrOL. Parish Clerk and Scjrton, ME George Heming Organist, Mrs. Aiary Binham. Treasurer* Robert Kerr, Fsq. Master, iter. Daniel Warner Rose Surgeon, Doctor George Bin- ham. Trustees, The Gustos. Represen¬ tatives in Assembly, three Senior Magistrates. Rector, Churchwardens ami si x Free¬ holders, chosen annually on tue 20th ot .February WORKHOUSE. President, Robert Kerr, Esq. Supervisor, Mr. Robt. Rosea- . Treasurer, Mr. Win. A. Dicuson | Surgeon, Dr. George Binhaur, In this Parish are 6 ( » Sugar-Estate^, 120 other S tthmevts, 10^,700 Acres of Land, 23,042 Slaves, and 17,117 Stock. PARISH OF ST. JAMES. Custos Rotulorum, & Assist.J udges,and oflheQuorum, J.lolin Robert James, Donald Campbell. John Cunningham, Esqrs. *Sir Simon Uaughton Clarke, Bart. Ravnes Barrett Waite, * Jacob TEmilius Ir¬ ving, *Samuel Vaughan, David Kerr. James Peterkin, John Ingram, Richard Heath, Geo. M‘Lenan, * William Duncan, ♦Philip Anglin Scarlett. ♦John Beaufin Irving. Henry \}aite, Esqrs. Hon. Wm. Murray, Thomas Joseph Gray, Henry Thornhill Gibhcs, Alex. Jas. Findlater, X Thomas Munro, JPeter Grant, Fsqrs. ilon. Ro¬ bert Scarlett, James, rirnce, ♦ George Lawrence, j Robert Moulton, * Samuel Jackson. J George Fletcher Coward, ♦Charles Rose i His, George M‘Farquhar Lawson. Joi.n Tharp, Janies Cunningham, Alex. Peterkin, James Gallo¬ way, JWalter Murray, Esqrs. Sir John Gordon. Bart. Henry Parry, William Perry, John . Hon. John Mowat. Hewan, Joseph Bowen Ber¬ nard, Roderick Tulloch, John Coates. E^qrs. 11 dor, Rev. David Duff Churchwardens, John Coates, James Guthrie, Fsqrs. Vestrymen, Ralph Montague, John Tharp, Henry Thornhill Oibbes, James Cunningham, Henry Parry, John Ritchie, Samuel Kerr, Edward Mon¬ tague, John F ray, James Hed- ley, Fsqrs. Clerk of the Peace and Court , Samuel Jack-on, F.sq. Deputy Clerk of the Peace, John Ingram. Esq. Deputy Clerk of the. Court and ytstry, and Distributor of Stamps, Wm. S. Grignon, Esq. Commissioners of the Supreme Court , Wm. Perry. Jas. Mur¬ ray, Alex. Davidson. Patrick. Green, G. F. Coward, i *qrs. Collecting Constable, W in. Allen, Fsq. Coroner, Clement Cooke . B. Stevens, Esq. 164 Rotary Public , Donald Camp¬ bell, I.sq. Inspector and Collector of the Rum Duties, Win. Allen, 1 :q. Collector of the Transient Tux, Mr. Colin Thompson Ihalth-OJjicers at Montego+Bay, Drs. Alex. Watt and George Longmore Pilot and Harbour-Master at do. Mr. John Griffiths Poundkeeper at ditto, John Fray, Ls>q. Clerk of the Markets , Mr. Colin Thompson Parish Clerk and Sexton , Mr. Win. Miller Organist, Mr?. Walker Matron of the Hospital , Mrs. Tirze Head Constable, Tythingman,and Beadle of the Corporation, Mr. Fred. A eg. Cavendish Rice. CLOSE-HARBOUP. COMPANY, MONTEGO-BAY. Directors , John Ingram, Esq. ( President ),-Hqd. Jn. Mowat, Donald Campbell, Ray no? 'Barrett Waite, * Samuel Vaughan, Henry Parry, Rich. Hill, Thomas Joseph Gray, Alexander Davidson, Patrick Green, James Wilson, John Fray, John Coates, Ksqrs. Treasurer , James Guthrie, Fsq. Secretary, Tho. Phillpotts, tsq. IVdter-Bailiff\ Mr. JohnGriffiths. FRJBE-SCUOOL. .Trustees, The Custos. F.epresen- tatives in Assembly, three Se¬ nior Magistrates, the Church¬ wardens, w ith three Freehold¬ ers—For the present y ear, J ohr* Tharp, John Ingram, George M‘Farquhar Law son, 1 ?qrs. Master , Mr. Edward F. Hughes Governess, Mrs. M. Moodie. WORKHOUSF. President , Don. Campbell, Esq. J Supei'visor, Mr. Win. Ball Treasurer , Wm. Allen, L^q. j Surgeon , Dr. Alex. Watt. In this Parish are 89 Sugar-Estates, 77 Pens and Plantations, 118,937 Acres of Land, 25,398 Slaves , 7482 Stock taxed, and 10,000 not taxed. PARISH OF TRELAWNY. Custos : Kotulorvm , *Hon. James Stewart. A ssist. Jvdges , undoftheQuoru in, * Charles Gordon (sen.), *John Blagrove, J James Galloway, IWm. James Stevenson,-Alex. Hawthorn, jUrqulrart Gilles¬ pie, ^Patrick Smith, Edward Knowles, Tho. JVlunro. }Wm. Baker Utten, James Phillips Utten, Fsqrs. *Iion. Wm. Mit¬ chell, * Henry Shirley, John Mitchell, ^ Charles O Cou¬ nt r, J J ohn C unningliam, * J ohn Boaufin Irv ing, JThomas Par¬ tridge Tharp, Hugh Barnett, Alex. Edgar, Wm. Green, Ro¬ bert Bell. John Reid (Wake¬ field), James Lawson, Wm. .Fa i rc lough. Cha r 1 es Cam pbe 1 i, John Kasson. John Baillie, David Richards, *Ge.o. Law¬ rence, Walter Minto, Charles Gordon (jun.), JJamcs Cun¬ ningham, *George Reid (jun.), John Black, Alexander Ste* 165 venson, * George Miller, John Campbell (junior), Henry V» right, Francis Robertson, 1 Joseph Green, *Alex. Grant, John Meek. Ksqrs. Magistrates, Janies Kiili Kelly, ♦Jacob /Emilias Irving, £Tiio- mas Reid, Robert Moulton. ♦Samuel Vaughan, JJobn Reid (iallimore, Thomas Kerr Ver¬ non, 1‘sqrs. Rector, Rev. Wm. Fraser Chittckwurdt ns, Vestrymen , Clerk of the. Peace., Court , and Polec, John Baillie, Esq. Deputy ditto, Mr. J dw. Hoole Clerk of the Vestry, James Blair, Esq. Conunissiomrs of the Supreme Court, Patrick Smith, Frede¬ rick Lamont, John Stock dale Broun, JHoo. Hatton Brown, Ti»o. Kerr Vernon, Fsqrs. Collecting Constable, John Bail- lie, Esq. Collector of the Transient Tax, T. Kerr Vernon. Esq. Inspector and Collector of Rum Duties , Mr. Samuel A tterbury Distributor of Stamps, Mr. Ed¬ ward iloole Coroner, James Killi Kellv, Esq. f irewardens , John Blat 1<, Jona¬ than Brown, John Christie, James Dalmahoy, AVm. Black, Ksqrs. Inspector of Weights and ?I'a- sures , Air. David M‘Conncll Sworn Measurers of lumber, Messrs. Walter H, Birming¬ ham, Richard Lewis. Mark Patterson. IV. A. Mtustaden, and John Robey Ihaltk-Ojjicer at Falmouth, Dr. James Lawson Ditto at Rio-Bueno, Dr. Henry Wright Harbour-Master at Falmouth, Mr. Joseph White Pilots, Messrs. Arch.Main, Wm. Troop, ) dward Burv, ood, Jo¬ seph White, and Frederick Ali Her Surgeon to the Marine Ifosjrt J, Transient I*oor, and. Work- house, Dr. James Lawson Leeward Poundkee.per , Air. Wm. Holder Windward ditto, Mrs. AVa/t Teacher oj the Parish Children, Mrs. Jane lianrorce Supervisor of the IV orkhouse and Head Constable, Mr. John Price Ty thing man. Air. Tiio. Kennedy Paris// Clerk, Air. Ezra V/. Weld Organist, Air. Richard Lewis Sexton, Air. James Lewis Clock-Keeper, Air. James Brown. FALMOUTH HATKR-COMi*AN Y. Directors , Thomas Munro ( Pre¬ sident f, James Hallow ay, J ohn Mitchell, Edward Knowles, Charles Campbell, James Law - Brow n. A l x. flaw thorn. John Baillie, Robert Beil, { ?qi s Treasurer , ( ha. Campbell, > ;q Secretary, James Blair, Jcsil. Collector, - son, Wm. Green, Wjn. Fair- clough, John Black, Jonathan In this Parish are Co /?' S;t<’ v-;* -;/v and r**». m,m ./w, su,v,■*,■%,.! «>; W i stick O s 166 AIIMY. COMMJXDETl IS CHIEF J.V THIS island 4Nn ITS DEPF.yDFXCIE^ 1,,s Jixue,leac y Llaut ; [ : V, 1,,ral ElJ '' ard Morrison, Colonel of the 4th Battalion 60th Foot. ^Jdc-dc-Camp and Military Sec. Opt. Henry Boone Ilall. 55th Foot. Aidcs-dt-Camp, Capt. Kobert P^o it. 51th Foot, Lieut. Charles V allancey, 96;h Foot. Second in Command. Major-OWai John Cor,Ion Cumins, half- pay lnva];d Fencible Infantry. Aid -de-Camp, Capt. W. Gordon, 6th Foot. Brigaaici-G eneral, Lieut. Col. Christopher Darby. 54th Foot. Major oj Brigade, Capt. Jonathan Darby. 54th Foot. Bagaditr-treneral, Lieut. Col. John Simon Farley. 66th Foot. Major of Brigade. Cap t. J. N. Mail lard. 13th Foot. D puty AdnUsnt-Gcmra Lieut. Col. George liorsford, 16th Foot. Assistant ditto, arid Drprity fvdge-Advocot?, Capt. VV kick worth longe, Nova-Scot^ Fenc-bles. deputy Quartermaster-Geni al Lieut. Col. Christopher Myer?, 70th Foot. 1 J 9 Acting Assistant ditto, Lieut* G. John Tappenden, 54th Foot. Deputy Paijma*t> r-G nnaf Kenneth Macrae, Esq. A . Henry Pratt 12 Oct. 1809 LIEUTENANTS. Geo. Stuar t t Adj. 1 Sept. 1804 W. Burnett, r. 19 Oct. 1S04 1 Walter Coul ;>n 12 Jan. 1805 2Cole Mat well 6 Feb . 2R. D< lach erois 24. 2Jas. Forrest, Adj. 25. 2Jamrs Aiken 26. 2John Owen 28. lTlio. It. ( raves 28 Aug. 1804 2John Aiken 9 April 1&06 2W. McDonald 10. 1 Alex. Clark 1 Aug . Uohn Ord 4 Dvart, d. 26. R. M. Gibbons, d. 27 Oct. ISG3 R. Fletcher, d. 28. S. Bishop, d. 1 Dec . Wm. Dempster, d. 9 Feb. 1809 P. Graeme, d. 10.. S. M‘dintock 16. -Gooday, d. 23. C. O'Flaherty, d. 16 March .... Stew. YY ilders, d. 4 May .... YVm. Allix, d. 20 July.... YV. J. llancorne 10 Aug . -Carry, d. 28 Sept . -Wright, d. 12 Oct . Paymaster, YV. I vcson TaJ ug. 08 * 1 Quartermaster , YY*. Sim¬ mons 16 Jun?■ 1803 2Surg. lion. Cory 17 Orl. 1^05 1 Surg. YValt. Caner 1 June 1809 1 Ass. do. YY. Crofton25 S p. 1803 2Ditlo, YV. Seain«’in 23 Oct. POO 1 Ditto , John Bell 2 I />. 1809 Agents, Collyerand Son. 13 Oct. ... 25 . 26 . 27. 8 Feb. 1809 9 . 16 . 23 Nov. 1801 20 July 1809 12 Oct. ... LIV, Oil WERT-NORFOLK REGIMENT — RAISED IN 1755. Colon*!, Lieut. Gen. James Lord Forbes, Sept. 18,1809. Lieu ten a nt- Co'on els, Brig. Gen. Christopher Darbv, Sept. J, 1795— Brig. Gen. John Thomas La\ard, d. May 16, 1800—Win. Samuel Ctirrey, July 13, 1809. Majors, Neil Campbell, Ic.s. Feb. 20, 1806—YY r m. Clones, July 20, CAPTAINS. Jona. Darbv, s. 25 June 1803 Allan Kelly 21 Feb. 1805 r i ho. C. Kirby 25 Sept. 1806 Thar. Reeves, s. 25 June 1807 Robert Pigott, s. 9 July .... ]>. Roberts 6 Jug. 1804 Thos. Bunbury, r. SJNcv. 1808 J os. Twigg, d. 28 March 1 800 —— Blackman, r. J5.1809 YValter Crofton,s. 16. V. Campbell, r. 15 June .... LIEUTENANTS. James Leslie 15 May 1806 George Mills, r. 13 June 1800 Thomas Charteris I'red. Barbauld Jas. King Geo. Fraser John Abbott G. J. Tappenden, Lewis 8haw Adam Baillie YY . C. Bell Alex. Burnett Humph. Black G. Bromhead, r. John Sharpe F. A. Lvanson John Pi 11 on 9 Oct. 1806 19 Sept. 1805 10 Dec. 1&06 11 . 2 July 1807 s. 29 Oct . 14 Nov. 1804 2 Jan. 1809 18 May 180S J5 March \tW 16 . 23. 19 April .... 20 . 20 March 1861 169 Tho. Mackglasiian 8 ./m»?1809 W. Wool rich 27 Sept . Robert Woodgate 28. * EXSIGNS. Richard Kelly 1(5 Feb. 1809 G. II. Ldwards 19 April _ Ross Matthews 20. John Grey 28 Sept . The. OTIalloran 5 Oct. .... Philip Mandelhon 1 Nov. 1809 Alex. 15. Higgins 2. Paymaster, A. Colquhoun 4 May .... Quartermaster, G. Brown 8 May 1S06 Surg. G. Redmond 11 Sept . Ass. Do. J. (»eddes22 June 1809 Ass. Do. R. Punshonl20<2. Agents, Greenwood and Co. lv, OR WESTMORLAND REGIMENT—RAISED IN 1755. Colonel , General Loftus Anthony Tottenham, Nov. 9, 1791. Lieutenant-Colonel, Robert Douglass, Sept. 14, 1801. Majors, John Nugent Smyth, Ic. Nov. 25, 1802—Robert Frederick. Dec. 15, 1808. captains. Charles Schaw Alex. Hogg, r. G. Rvatt, s. Rich. Jones, r. Abra. Creighton H. M. Clone Lewis Fenton H. 13. Hall, s. A. Macdonald I. Campbell captains. 19 Dec. 1799 20 Apt il 1802 25 Jane 1803 25 Jan. 1801 *>Aug . 2 April 1807 26 Aug. 1801 22 Jan. 1808 25 June 4803 Mill Robt. Spunner T. Coleman Peter A. Heyliger 9 March 1809 J. L. M‘Donneil 8 June .... LIEUTENANTS. 23 June 1803 29 T. J. Williams 30 Aug. 1804 Wn». B. Hobart, r ... T. W. N icholson II Oct. 1805 R. W. M‘Donald 7 March .... Jos. Otway 24 Sept . J. S. F lligood 1 Oct. 1806 Rich. Coote 11 March .... John Bullcr, Adj. 19. Win. Kemp 20 Nov . T. G. Peacocke 3 March 1809 Jas. Indue!] 10 May 1,807 Alex. Gardner 2 .... 1809 W. H. Armstrong J. H. Weeks J. C. Johnston Tho. Cooke A M‘Donncll 3 May 1809 4 ........ 8 June .... 15 Nov . 1(5. 6th June 1805 ENSIGNS. II. Van Straubenzie 3 May 1809 Sam. Bolton 4. Robert Irvine 8 June .... A'j. M. Nicholson, r. 17 Aug . John Stevenson 15 Nov . Thomas Major 16. Paymaster, J.W. Mac¬ kenzie y Sept. 1908 Quartermaster, Ar. Hut¬ chinson 30 ... .1805 Surgeon, T. Sharpe 27 July 1809 Assist. Do. W. R. Bur- rowes 30 .... 1807 •* Agents, Donaldson and Co. LX (FIRST BAT.), OR ROYAL AMERICAN REGIMENT. Colonel in Chief of the Regiment , Field-Marshal Ids Roval Highness the Duke of \ ork, Aug. 23,1797. 17D Colonel , Lieut. Gen. Wm. Keppel, Aprils, 1806. Lieut . Co'. Major-' -en. Win. Dow drswell, June 2, 1803. Major, Wm. Marlton, July'S, 5, 1805. 'Vm. Simpson, y4dj. 1 Dec. 1807 James Wilson 6. Isaac R. Durey 2 0rf. Wm. Bidgood £9 Sept. 1799 Daniel Fanes 6 0t*. ISU9 R. H. Heslop £9.. J. T. Alliuson £ Nov . CAPTAINS. A nth. Rum pier SO Dec. 1797 C. D. H. Bouxerie . Min. Fraser, maj. s. Tho. Bunting 25/unel8Q3 Geo. Grau £4 A ov. IbCV C. Kentzinger 24 April it05 Adam Krien 23 May .... Gallianos Reynard li Dec. 1806 Fdw. Purdon £7 Jug. 1807 Alex. Campbell 16 May l80e J. P. Meyer 23 Ncv. 1809 LI Eli TEN A N1?. Ant. Suasso Rich. Philbin Fred. Trumbach Francis Beretze Geo. Germain Fred. Duncker John Gregory J. P. Correvont Alex. M'ebtter 27 Oct 1800 22 Oct. 1799 21 May 1804 \0Oct. 1805 28 i'ov . 21 Jan. 1806 4 Feb . 27 Aug. 1803 ENSIGNS. Geo. F. Stern 29 March 1809 Abra. Myers 27 July _ Tho. March 7 Oct. 1809 Hamilton Fenny 8. Wm. Goldsmith 30 March _ Samu 1 Kerr 29 Oct. 1809 M. Macnamara 2 Nov . bugene Downing . Paym. G. Robertson 15 Oct. 1&07 ^master, J.Verbrngg” 30 ALi/\ 09 Surgeon, Jn. Paries 21 Dec. 1803 As. Do. Wm. Thornton As. Do. J. D. Hibbrrt 19 Oct .09 Agents, Greenwood and Co. LX. (SIXTH BAT.) Colonel, Lieut. Gen. Napier Christie Burton, Jan. 3, 1806. Lieut. Colonels, Lewis Von Mosheim, Sept. 14, 1804—Francis Ger* rard V iscount Lake, c. May 10, 1808. Major, Anthony Wharton, July 26,1804. CAPTAINS. Gustavws Braun 30 Dec. 1797 J. W. Aid red 19 Nov. 1800 M in, battley, m. L. De Mangou 25 June 1803 Clia. De Vigny 1 Nov. 1801 Henry Renncfls 2 Du . 1805 W. If. Virgo 17 Sept. 1807 F. R. Swyny 23 May 1805 A. Ligertw ood, s. 2 July 1801 P. A. Stampa 17 Oct. 1809 LIfc.UTENANT c . F. McCarthy 16 Oct. 1SOO Robert Kelly 17. J ohn Moore, Adj. 22. W. M alther " 28 June .... David Cordon SO May 1803 Daniel Page 1 June .... G. F. Gibson 2 June 1803 Carew Reynell 26. R. II. Hughes 3 March 1804 John Blair 1 Oct. 1794 C. A. Bowers 26 .... 1804 Cha. Appelius 17 Oct. 1805 Valent, ileichard 20 Nov . Val. Klinkerfues 24. Fred. Schoern 6 Feb. 1806 John P. Passioy 5 Dec. 1807 Cha. Stiez 27 Sept. 1809 James Lewis 7 Oct 1809 Andrew 1.lliscn 12. Richard Passley 6 Nov . ensigns. Robert Fllison 16 D/..1S09 -l.rdberg 29 Sept....* John C'ouper 12 Oct :.... J. Moyers Terence M'Mahon 15 Yov. 1809 Paym.Geo. M.>lade2l Oct . Qmaster, Jo;. Wil»oii25 May I.S04 171 Surgeon, W. B. Morle 2 You. 1809 ^/i. do. John II. Walker. Agent?, Greenwood and Co. Cl, or duke op York’s um*i rkguient.—raised in 1803. Colonel, Hon. Henry Augustus Dillon, Aug. <2 0, 1806. L^eui unnt-Colonel, Wjn. Pollock, Aug. 2 0, 1806 J/fl/o/*$,Geo.O'Malley, Aug.20, 1806—John Wclsford,0cL8, Andrew Dillon Henry Ohre, r. James Algeo captains. Henry O’Grady 20 An Maurice Blake John Fogerty C. L. Fitzgerald 'lob. Kirkwood Edward Brown K. T. Fitzg raid G. Killikelly T. M‘Cormick Thomas Carter Fra. Bara* Her . 1806 21 ....... 22 ....... 23....... 24. 27 . 28 . 27 Nov. .. 16 Apnllsa) 29 Nov. 1 06 6 July 1809 LI E 1J TENANTS. "Walter Scully 20 Aug P. M'Manus 21...7 K. Killikell John Blake 24.... Wm. Girod 29.... Tho. Ljnch 30.... Robert Nolan 31.... 1806 Rictianl Blake I dw. Rociifort 1807. 2 Sept. 1806 4 5 March 1807 8 June 1809 ensigns. Daniel Keogh 22 Aug. 1S06 Anthonv Dillon Kd ward Scott Dillon Nagatcn Ja. Killikelly W. Berwick Goo. Cosens 23. 24 . 25 . 27. 3 March 1803 27 July 1$09 Paym. l\ K. Thomas 25 Sep. 1806 Qmaster, J. Kirbv 20 Aug. 1&06 Surg . B. Bloomfield 11 Stp . As. Do. A. ivPCan . As. Do. Wm. Roper. Agents, Greenwood and Co. V. WEST-INDIA REGIMENT. Colonel, Lieut. Gen. John Despard, Dec. 30, 1809. Licutcnunl-Colon Is, Thomas Barrow, col. Oct. 8, 18Q2—Alex. Mark Kerr Hamilton, April 11, 1805. Majors, Tho. Arbuthnot, April 7,1808—Wm. Brown, Sept. 8, 1808. CAPTAINS. T. Cassin 25 June 1798 C’. Reynolds 3 March 1804 T. Murray 9 June.... Richard 1 duards 23 Nov . Lut. Stanford 23 July 1807 J. VV. Downing 25 Sept. 1800 Mat. Deane 9 June 1808 G. Henderson 18 May 1809 LIEUTENANTS. Tho. Prater 26 June 1802 A. Macdonald 23 Oct. 1799 Jos. Rocjie 10 Feb. 1897 D. Sutherland Law . Hely Arch. Smith T. L. Crompton J. Stewart -Sutcliffe Henry Munro Philip Forster G. Scott 11 Feb. 1807 12 . 18 Oct . 17 Dec. 1806 4 July 1801 6 Oct. 18 08 6 March 1805 18 May 1809 SlDec __ i *- • * ENSIGNS. W. B. Reynolds Perr. Hart T. Hooper A. J. Cranstown J. Stow bridge * 1 Sept. 1807 19 May 1808 2 June .... 9. UJuly .... J. M‘Nair 6 Or/. 1808 Cha. Goodwin 1 i)cr. John Beihrie 16 Feb. 1809 — Bersinere, Adj.20April .... Ja. Grant 17 May .... T. Fitzgerald 12 1807 Paym. J. Morgan 8 A or. 1804 Quartermaster, Surgeon, Davis 4 Jfoy 1S09 As. Do. — Murray 23 May 1805 As. Do. Robt. Watt 25 Sept . Agents , Greenwood and Co. FORT-CHARLES. Governor, Brig. Gen. lion. Cha. Wm. Stewart, Lieut. Colonel 18th Dragoons Deputy Governor, Lieut. Colonel Joim Frederick Smith Lieutenant, Capt. James Arm¬ strong Master-Gunner, Sergeant James ' Dull'. NAVY COMMASDER IS CHIEF OF THE SQtf'jDROS OS THIS STATIOS , Bartholomew Samuel Rowley, E^q. Vice-Admiral of the lied. Secretary, James Meek, Esq. Agents, Meters. Atkinson, Bdgle, and Co. Contractor for Victualling the Squadron , Alex. Grant, Esq. VESSELS. Polyphemus, Capt.Wm. Price Cum by...Gi La Ft unc./iisc, F. [detached] Charles Dash wood.36 Holder, B. John Snrell.... 36 I)tedalus,Sam.Hoodlnglefit ld3^ Jiebe, John Fyil'e. 3- 1 Hyperion,Tho. Cha. Brodie. .b* Aurora, John Oner.i ib Hy ®ua($$.),( ieo. Andrews, ms. L4 Rainbow, James Wooldridge 24 Garland, Win. C bar It on. 22 Avon [brig), Henry 1 iilieux Fraser.IS Brazen, Lewis Shephcard ... lb Challenger ( bg .), n in. Barn- ham Rider.18 Dispatch, [bg.) James Lillicraplb 1 Ik [bg.), Jeremiah Coghlan 18 Lily [barque,) [detached}, W ni. Henry bherritT. MoselleHenry Boys .. Racoon, Win. Black. Reindeer [brig), Peter John Douglas. Sappho (*£.), Thomas Graves 18 Saracen [og.), BuckLtAd Siir-^ ling Bluett.iS Thrush, John (iriflith ....... lb La Musette, F. { g.) ihomas } > arry Jones Parry.16 Pelican, F. ( bg.) xA w. H( nry A'Court.. • 16 Pert [brig, fonnejly Swedish vessel Tu o Lydias, purch.) Win. Stunner Hall.16 Rhodian [bg.). Geo. Moubray 16 Satellite [bg.) Robert Evans 16 Shark [receiving ship), Ed¬ mund Denman.16 Sparrow [bg.), Ldward Burt 16 Firefly, S. [bg.) Lieut. David Boyd .Mr La Deiouvcrle,F.[bg.) Joshua Ricketts Rowley.12 Variable , l\[0g.) Robert Bal¬ lard \ ate s . 12 Bramble (scA A, John Fleming b Flor del Mm , S. [sen.) Joseph Daly. 8 18 l.*> 18 IS NAVAL YARD. Co m m issioner, Ca p t. I saac M ol ley Storekeeper, Ambrose Nicholas Yates, Lsq. Chief Clerk, Air. Peter Duffus Second Clerk, Mr. John Harvey 1st Extra Clerk, Mr.Cha. Murray 2 d E. Clerk, Mr. Pc ter M. Magnan Sd ditto, Mr. Jam* s AiBNeil Master AtL nd. Ira. Owen, Esq. Clerk to ditto, Mr. Sam. Whallcy Mas. Shipac.iico. Pitblad , Esq. Clerk, Air. Jos. dins.Donlevy. NAVAL HOSPITAL. Agent, George Maude, Esq. I Armstrong and Moses Morales Surgeon , i)r. John APflaiuara Dispenser, Mr. J. Alvarenga Hospital Mates , Messrs. S. R. | Contractor, fife. Alex.Gram, Esq. OFFICE FOR PRISONERS OF WAR. ^gv»/,Capt. John Marshall.— Con.for Victualling , Alex. Grant, Esq. Surgeon , Dr. William Crosbie. P 174 MILITIA. CiPTflS-CHSLUl’ 4A/> CO M l‘lnnes 24 3 pt. 1807 Lieut. Jas. Simpson 6 Jan. 1809 Cornet, Arch. M‘Lean . Adj. * . Copt. John Rome 19 Aug. 1803 Lt . David liollings- worth 27 Oct. 1807 Lt. John R. Brice 25 1800 Co.nct, Ar. ATKenzie25 Ftb .08 Adj. Wm. Ay ton . Qmatter, Jas. David Holland 6 Jan. 1809 Surg. > d w.C. Ed n arils 20cM8tH L>rpy. J udge-Advo¬ cate, Jas. Trower 1(3 Dec. iS0S CLARENDON TROOP. Qmister, Hugh Reed 25 Ftb. 1808 Surg. Jesse Foot 1 Dec. 1800 Surg. Samuel Bla5r21 April 1807 O py. Judge-Advo~ coir, Tho. Green* hin 3 July 1805 VERE TROOP. C./p.Rob.Cha.Gibb30^pri7l806 i Adj. Geo. B. Clark \ l ut 1 uo. Samson 20 Spt . Christian 1 4 aril 1809 Lieut. JohnWatson 1 ^p/i/1809 | <*w»> <*>•'. Wm. riarko. ST. MARY S TROOPS* FA*T HN. Dm/?.*. Geo. M‘K«iaie \bJiateQS Surg. Ja*. McIntyre 6 June 1806 Capf.Cba.M‘Biwmot / / ,iohr« Donnell an 7 1807 //. Tiio. G. lbOo Dcp. Judge-Adw>- cc/e, David M‘Vicar 16i'e&.0* Robt. Newby 26 1809 S«;.Win.ArcbeV-12 J /. lien. Williams 16- Cor. John Mignot ... • • • • • • • • Adj_. Tho. Erttcc 10 Doc. lSOd Cant. Jas. Sivrisrbt 17 ^J?r?il805 / )//> Samvel WbUfborneRose (Brev.Capt.Jpr^yKW) m I t. John Hawthorn 17 A'ev. 1809 Cornet, Win. White- home Lawrence 7 SepM^JJ FASTrnN. Qmaster, Dav. Hoi- 1 i day lbt/unel809 Surgeon , * Dcv'l. Judge-An vo- cate, J.W.Williams5 Dec. 1807 west Fiwe. Car. Don.Campbr 11 lT.Voo. 1809 ymos. Don. M‘limes19./«(-/ 80S (Jmaster, Jas. Jones 17 A of. 1809 yfgi. * Snrg. Nic. Nicholas 15 Mar . Deny. JvdfK-Adoo - ^“'“’tr^o. Mardich M‘Ken*ie, June 5, IM* Juc'ge-Mvacate. John Alves, il/arc/i la, 1809. ST CATHERINE'S REGIMENT. u- M " A UiW ; Artillery Company. m C oue C^.Cha.Wm.Packer24iNer09 7 t; John IVAlntvrc - 4 Dec- DOi /./. Jolui Mitchell 24 Acr. 1809 CArTMNF* James Tans Jfchv..)ackson an. 1800 George Cope 8 Feb. 1806 Win. Mvnro ( Lt. Col. Jvne 1,1808) 3 May ..... John Cord. Jackson 19 Ax v. lbUb Join Mill ward \ Dec . Samuel Murphy 2- - - Mats.FkasaiaJlamcslft.... 177 LIEUTENANT?. Richard Pusey 28 Jan. 180G John Goodin Lewis 8 Feb . Lewis Lamoitc 17 March .... Geo.iVPKenzieAyrey 1 May - John Lynch li Dec, 1807 Hugh U‘Lean 1 Jan. 1&08 Win. Rhodes James, Adj. 19 Nov . Wm. Taylor 1 Dec. . Wm. Anglin Scarlett 2. Tho. Peter Rennails 24 Nov. 1809 ENSIGNS, Henry Haldane 5 Dec. 1807 Henry John Ross 6. Geo. Win. Hender¬ son Stanl>ury 19 Nov. 1808 Robert lioyes Aluir- head 5 fan. 1809 Win. Jowctt Titfurd 6.. Alex. Menzies Don ^4 /Von. .. James Gay 1 card 26 . George Bodley 27. Chaplain , Rev. Isaac Mann 25 .... 1808 Surgeon,* (dinaster, Jas.W|ntle4 July 1798 Depy. Judge-Advo- < Mr, Cha. Stewart 4 Dec. 1807 Marshal, ST. JOHN AND ST. DOROTIIY's REGIMENT. Cob riel, Samuel Qttenrboroogh, Nov. 24, 1807. Lieut . Colonels. Duncan McDonald, N'ov. 13, 1803—Wm. Jackson, Nov. *4, 1807. Majors, Jos. Lumsden, Doc. 19,1805—John Anderson, May2 4,1808. J ... IV_ l'-.. ! V^.. 1 Jflf CAPTAIN?. Tho. John My tin 11 Feb. 1805 Tho. Smith 22 Nov. 1805 Jas. Lawrence Da¬ vidson 24 .... 1807 Tho. Bradford 1 ....1808 * LIEUTENANT?. Francis Holcombe 5 April 1800 John Quest 26 duly .... Malcolm M‘Leod 16 Feb. 1805 Fairfax Wallis, A di. 6 Dec . Alex. Murdoch 21 March 1806 John Tallon 2 April 1807 George Gandon M*Phcrson 3. Win. Crouch 24 Nov. 1807 ENSIGNS. Basil Pourie 6 April .... Thomas Scott 24 Nov . Edward Newel Edward Hare 30 Nov. 1S09 AU x. Lumsden 1 D.c . James Morgan 4. Chaplain,* Q master, Patrick M‘ Donnell 1....*. . Surgeon , Wm. Smith 8 May .... Ass. do. Wm. March 1 Dec. .... Dry. Judge-Advocate, Hyde Geatrel Williams 188VpL .. . Marshal, ST. THOMAS IN THE VALE REGIMENT. Colonel, John Mackay, April 29,1905. Lieut. Colonels, Malcolm Maclcod, Mayl, 1805—Robert Crown, March 10, 1809. Majors, Samuel Hyde, May 7,1805—Wm. Henry Parker, March 10, 1809. CAPTAINS. John Williamson 17 Nov. 1803 Robert Ogilvie 9 April 1804 Theobald Dillon 8 May 1805 P 3 lames Seton Lane21 March 1807 Richard Roper 28. Henry Palmer J an. leOS 178 TTF^HrVANTS. Hriv'd Miirltay 1 Jan. 1801 Hugh Ma^kay 2 April .... Tho. l-fariv 2.3 March 1805 JoJiii Staebwv V5. Samuel flamman 12.1806 Geo. K. Cooke 16. £»eo. RarrHfe 15 fan. 18U6 Wm. Lor i 26 M.trcn .... Andrew M*f»aw 25 ./wr?« .... Peter Burnett 14 Oct. 1809 George Wm. Mac* kay 18 Dec . ensign*. Robert Page SO Dec. 1606 Tim. Hussey 29 .... 1807 Jas. Grant, 3, 1-07. . Majors, A lev. M‘Rac, May 5,1807—Wm. Russell, July 3, 1807. •A.PTATNS. Jof-ph P. Foarnn 14 Oct. 1803 J t nes Campbell 22 April 1805 John Williams Wm. Rose John Snaitb Andrew Dunn Michael Coleman 25 April 1807 M r in. Strand Tho. Rodon 1 Dec. 1SC9 L! CTTTTfnVANT'. James Brown 18 June 1804 R on land Israeli 22 April 1865 'Vm. Hewitt . 23. W T m Ferguson If) July .... Wm. Pot\ er Trench 20. Horatio Grant Tho. Carstairs Robert Thomas Cha. Peek Geo. Brown 1 S pt. \m 3 July ifcOl 6 . 6 . 23 Oct . Alx. M‘In tosh, AJj. 24. Joseph Russell 12jQer. 1805 Tho. V. Do!mage 4 Jul 1807 Wm. Nice oil “ 9 Nov. Io09 AJex.MH.eaa 10. James Miller li. Burton Williamson 1 Dec. 1809 Francis Howell 1 June 1807 George Clei’.gh 27 Nov . ensigns. Alex. Dickson 17 Sept. 1306 Jas. Alex. Stewart 3 July 1807 Arch. Smith 4. Alex. M‘ Do wall Duncan Furb'3 5 April ..... John Rodon Wm. Oakes M'Xen- zie 9 Nov. 1309 John S. Ritchie 10. Wm. King Stewart 11. John Smith 23 Sept. 1606 Wm. Adam 24 .... 1807 Chaplain , Rev. M ilton B. 1/yncii Su g. Luke Phiipot Newsom Aug. 1806 As. Surg. Wm. Sells 1 Sept . A v. Sue. Tito. Mr.rpn 3 Feb* 1»83 id master, Wm. Hav 16 Dec. 1605 Qmus. Jas. ‘Suther¬ land ^ 13 Feb. 1S09 Deputy Judge-Advocate, Mm. Br san (En ter 9 Cha. An¬ derson 1 Julp ISOS Surg. Alex. Murchi¬ son 2SO A. 1806 As. Sur. Jas. Stewart 8 Jan. Ia03 Dp if. f utlge-A d va¬ cate, * Marshal, ST. MARY’s REGIMENT. Colonel, Major-General Walter Pollock. Ace. 16, 1899. :, Major- _ r _,_^ _ Lieut. Colonels, Abraham lfodgoon, Jtdj 14,1804—Wm. Uennctt, N.,v. 16, lbt)4. Majors, Wm., Juhj 14,1894—Jonathan Forbes, A or. 10,1804. ■ Angus Morrison Samuel Oli CAPTAINS. Godfrey Wharam Jtdp 1801 Jeremy Ready John Smith Wm. Tai! George Cooke Coliu Mackenzie Robert Anderson Robert Alexander Tho. Addison Alex. M 4 Kay 29 Sept. 18 June 1803 20 .. 25 Feb. 1805 29 July 1805 13 Oct . IS Feb. 1808 21 March _ 12 Map 1809 LIEUTENANTS. Colin Clones 12 July 1803 Richard Appleton Hugh Walker Win. Turnbull Thomas Hare Wm.Cooke Reynolds25 / ei. lSOo James Forsyth 11 June .... llcury Cox 12. 28 1 Aug. 10 Oct. 14 Dec. 1801 June 1805 liver V) Aug . John Rmnsa^, Adj. V! Dec . John Gardner 27 Jl\y 1806 Cunningham Bucha¬ nan l Xov . Robert Hftssard 26 Feb. 1807 John Hnufcr 18 .... 1808 John French lvilli- kellv Samuel Hannah James Boll Mark LamLells Lai chin Gordon Robert Calanaeh f »>o. J. J otuiiion Kenneth Murchison 28 Oct. 1806 Henry Paul 1 Dec. 1809 ensign?. Wui. Petcrswald 21 March J608 22 . • r > . 6 . 23 . 8 Jan. ib09 9 . 24 Sept. r- 180 John Faultier James Luwes ITay Hagart James Douglass Tho. P. Rodgers Win. Williamson Henry Cunningham 22 May .... Robert Fa ; rweather 1 Dec . Chaplain, Rev. Colin Donaldson 2T April 1808 5 Aug . 12 Sept . 8 Jan. 1809 9 . 2 March Quartermaster , * Surg. Jas. Gcwans 23 Nov. 1S05 As. Surg. Jas. Brow n ^/..Si/r.Jas.Collinridge3FcLlS03 A. Surg. Andrew Bar¬ clay Bay ley 25 April 1809 Depy. Judge Advo¬ cate, Jas. Forsyth Marsha Robert Shand. ST. ANN s REGIMENT. Colonel, Charles Steer, Of?. 7, 1807. Tick/. Colonels , Rennet William Smith, Dec. 11,1805—Thomas Ash- meade, Oct. 7, 1807. Majors Thomas Raflinston. dune 5,1806—John Shaw, Oct. 7, IS07 (Lt. Col. Dec. 9, 1805). ArtWery. Capf. Tho. Bainbridge ( Maj. De c.29,1807 ) 5 April 96 Lieut. John Parkin 14 8; //?. 1796 Lieut. Ja*. A itken 21 Dec. Ib05 Ensign, John Bain- bridge 24 J an. 1806 CAPTAINS. John Chrystie 22 Nov. 1794 Wm. Milne 17 June 1803 Geo. S ten nett (Maj. MayS 1 , 1809 / 20 Aug . Win. Bigam 14 Nov. 1805 Law rence Fy fc,Adj. 11 Dec . F.dw. Martin Wbite- hca d 15 March 1806 Tho. Wm*. TTorlock 5 June .... George Fletcher Coward 9 Or/. 1SG7 Robert Burford 31 May lb’C9 Gco.'Wms.Gallimore 1 Sept . TENANT®. Wm. Leevers 20 Jur.c I8C3 SebaHielly 21. Charles Fyfe 22. Geo. M‘I\ay 23. JobnSavervHanson24. Wm. Parke, jun. 25. Wm. Hind 85 April 1804 Jas. Lawrence Hil¬ ton 22 A ug. 1SC5 Christopher Senior Law rence 23 Aug. 1S05 Tho. Norman SO . Luke Ratigan 14 N 7 ov. Joseph Cha. Clarke 15. Henry Jas. Tucker 15 March 1806 James Johnston 5 June .... Alex. Callum 21 Oct. 1805 Ben'}. Henderson 11 Nov. 1806 Robert Bell 15. Robt.Grier Hamilton 31 May 1809 Angus Campbell 1 J une .... Adam Anderson 22 Sept . ensigns. Hamilton Brown 21 Dec. 1805 Robert Marsh 18 April HQ6 Jas. Campbell 5 June .... Oswald Brudie 14 Nov . John Tho. Steer 9 Oct. 1607 Tho. Hacker Park¬ inson lOSpt. 1603 Samuel Drake 5 Dec . Lucius Thicker SlMcylS09 Gilbert Senior 2f >S pt . Chaplain , Rev. Gregory Ledw ich Qmasier. Jas. Gaul 4 Dec. 1601 Surgeon, Jas. Robb 25 Oct. 1609 As. Surg. All n Hilton Depy. J udg- Advo¬ cate, J ohn Banbury 11 Dec. 1605 Marshal, lfli SURREY REGIMENT OP HORSE. OtloncL Major-General Peter Roberson, Sept. 30, ISOS. IJeut. Colonets , Joseph Donnell, .Sunettl, 180)(Cob Noo. 1‘2,1S07)— John Stewart, Fefe 12* 18JW. Q Majors, Janies Dickson, John 1 cnnock, 12,1808. KINGSTON TROOPS* 1IRST TROOP. Citpi. Wm. Liddell .‘EYoi>. 1807 Lieut, Wm. Tarrant 15 Dec, lbOa Lieut. John Wilson IT Ju'y 1*06 CVfl.UohnThompson 12 Ft h. 1808 Qmas.'Wm. Tinker, jun Surgeon, Edward A1 12 Feb. 1808 dred 2(5 March 1S05 SECOND TROOP. Capt. Nicholas Fran- Cornet, Arcli. M‘Cal!7 April 1808 j_ . ( ornt, Ami.iu--vain cfa fTorton 12 Fti. 1808 tfmuttr, Win... Lt. John Ball Morris 22 '«' | SM#*^e»7i,Tho. Bridie 12 TVi.isoi PORTLAND TROOP. CapLWm.Galloway22 :Vot\ lhOl Lieut. Alex. Kinluchd Oct. 1803 Li< at. Robt. iVlcin 28 March 1605 Lt. cn s. Maurice Jones Cornet, Tho. Oakley, J uu - _ 19 July 1800 Qmas. David Brown 18 FF ( >. JW# Surgeon, Cha. Brown 60cf. 1803 Copt. Henry Bond 6 Feb. 1804 Lieut. Henry Forbes 12 Dec. 180(3 Lieut. Wentworth Bayly 1 Aug. 1809 ST. GEORGE’S TROOP. Cornet, R »bt. R^ugh 1 Aug. 1809 Qmaster , Sara. Kell King Surg. Win. Norman 13 Oct. — 4 i' 1C5Uf •wg > . »ra. Borman 13 C/cL ... n . r , Adjutant, l horaas i vans, June 9, 1809. Deputy Judge-Advocate to the St. Andrew's and three Kingston „ ‘troops, Tho. Ibbott, ApnlZl, 1805. Ditto to the Portland and the St. Lieorge’s Troops , Law rence Des¬ mond, Dec. 30, 1807. KIXGSTOX REGIMENT. Colonel in Chief, Robert Hamilton, April 1, 1809, FIRST BATTALION. r . . r, , Colonel^ William Cowgill, Dec. 8, 1807. Lieut. Colonels, Andrew Heron, March 31, 1808—John Dor»]as< x , . Feb. 20, 1810. Majors, Edward Evans, Feb.20, 1810.—John Collier, Feb.<23, 1810. [The figures preceding the Names shew the Officers' Seniority.] Artillery Company. 2Capt. Geo, Stew art (Mai. April o r / March 1806 jLI. t eter Lefever 16 Mau .... 4Lt. Ant. Wilkinson 17. 6 Lt. Robert Stokes 10 Dec. 1808 Grenadiers. VCapt. Tho. Usher 10N T ot\ 1806 2L/. Robt. Tailor 3 Jan. 1805 1 *Lt. Rich. Martin 27 Nov. 1807 HOLt. Allan James 2 Jan. 1S08 Light Infantry. \\Cupt. James Tur- ner Harris 15 Feb. 1809 lOEMlbt. Mark land 16 Mau 1806 2?Lt. Wm. Dick 31 March 1808 SoLt. James Grant 31 Oct. 1809 ' First Company, Fusileers. 18Cap. Wm.Cald well 23 F«;i.l810 227J.Barna. Madden 29_1808 29LL John Woodhal! 9 Oct. 1809 1 L n v. Sam A Vat t ,AdJ.\4 Ap< v/09 Second Company , Jews, 9 Capt. James Corne Pow- nall \2Apn!.\m 4 Lt. Stevens Wood 29 May la05 34 Lt. John Biggar SO 0< 1 .1809 1 4Ens. John Pollock 2S/V£.l8lO Third Company , Mu! at toes. SCapt. James Inglis 11 AVe.lSOB 7 Lt. Alex. Evans 28 March 1806 21 Lt. Tho. V. right 28 Feb. 1808 OEns. Tho. Burnes 30 Oct. 1809 Fourth Compami, Quadroon 4 Capt. J ohu Hardy 12 Aug. 1807 6Lt. James Hunter Wood 27 March 1806 27L/.George Watson 1809 S/Smr. Patrick Law- r;c M ( Mi lion 27 Oct. Fifth Company, Blacks. 5 r upt. Wm. Allan a Dec. 1807 IM.i- ut. John Steel 6 May ItyUb 36/s/. John Montgo¬ mery M‘Pherson29 Dec. IS09 10Em. Jas. Simpson. Sixth Company, Blacks. OCop. \\ ni. i dmrston Wan. 1808 SOL/. Ant. Gutzmcr 26 0< 1 .1600 183 iibL/. George Beak 21 Feb. 18 W H h/iis. John Molonv 1 Nov. 1800 Seventh Company Quadroons . ip L Jas * * iance MMpnliS 09 y L/. Win. Linw ood 2 jtfV/y 1606 32L/. Robt. Graham 28 Oct. ItoOJ 7 Ensign, Geo. San¬ derson 3] # Qmas. Robt. Snrth 13.W1803 Surg. Ldw. Carroll 1 April 1797 As. Surg. John Al‘Crae Oct. 17J9 As. Surg . Wm. Burke As. Surg. Henry It. Tow ashen d 6 Nov. 1S09 SECOND BATTALION. r * r> i ^olonel, John Campbell, April 14,1809. Lieut. Colonels, < George Kinkead, April 14, 1809-Richard Kin- » f k‘‘ad, htb. .21, 1810 ( Br . Lieut. Col. Ftb. 16, 1607). Majors, John fowles, Feb.2\, 1810-Bartholomew Owen Williams Ftb. 22,1610. ’ A if ill fry. ICapt. Joseph Barnes ( Major Spt. 16, 1607) 12 Nov. 1799 1LA Jn. Robertson \bMarch .... %Lt. Philip Givan 1.1801 SLt. Jas. Turnbull 8 Sept. 1806 Grenadiers. 17C ( /pt. Tho. liuie 22 Feb. 1810 1 1 Lieut. David Pa¬ trick Alolonv 10 Nov. 1806 lb Lieut, Zai h. Daly \2Aug.lW7 IGLicut. Jas. Moflat 15 Sep) . Light Infantry. SCapt. J n. (,'rosman 31 Alar. 1608 17/7 Joseph Longmore2l S p. i>7 21/7. John Morce 1 April i80S 39/7. Robt. Murray 22 Feb. 1810 First Company, Fusileers. 1 4 Capt.J osepn J oms 29 Dee. 1809 SLieut. John Miller 1 J/ay 1806 31 /.Am/.T ho. Jligson27 (Jet. 1&0J bEnsign, Samuel S. Ingham 29. Second Company, Jews. 10Capt. David Alit- c in* Ison 10 Nov. 1808 1 Ft. 1 Jias Ahlbottn 2 J an. 1805 12 Lt. J osep h J ac kson 11 No v. 1606 \2Ens. Alex. Kin neat'21 Feb . 1810 J hird Company , Jews. 1 oC.-pt. Robert Ros a 21 Feb. 1810 191//. Alex. McCulloch 8 Dec 1807 olL cut. Wm. Henry ' Sav £se som.isio 2Ens. Robt. Grant 26 Oct. Is09 Fourth Company, Mulattos*. • \Capt. David viR ua (Brev. KiVayim ULt. Alex.iVbeaiilSAo.. 26/7. Andr. Cowan AJag.ll 10.... 1308 9Lns. John Jones 2... . 1809 t £°™P an Ji Quadroons. Lit apt lit. Dew’hur»t27 Oet.1809 in, 1 / ft ^lerdman26 March 1806 40Lt. Ldvvard t odd 2 3 Feb. 1810 13Km. Jas. Howie 22. S;.vth Company , Blacks. 7 Capt. A1 v.Stewart 28 Feb. 1809 HLi. tiarry Irv. Iiall28_1807 SoL ' Ut. Alex. Aik- man,jun. 29 Oct. 1809 ll&imgn, (too. Burr 11 Smith, Adj. 20 Feb. 1SI0 Seventh Company, Mulattoes. IbCapt. John Mais ( Brevet Cap.Aug.14, 1805) 201810 2bLt. Tho. Nicoli 12 April ZStieut. Geo. Lee U April I860 48ns. Joseph Fry *8 vet. .... Qwest. Geo. Colder 1 Dec. 1700 Sw'g. Arch. Mrnzi ts-%April 1707 184 A.Sur. Jn. M‘K night *2 April 1797 A.Su .Win. Tinker A.Su,. Andrew Bar- day 16 Dec. 1809 Chaplain to the Rpgim nt, Rev. Alex. Campbell. Deputy fudge-Advocate to ditto , NY in. John James, Sipt. ~6, l^a. Quartermaster to ArtUerif, i lcm Surgeon lo Mt.Ue.-g, laws Johnston, Mv. }, J«®. Marshal to the Regiment , John Drewes—- Assistant, Edw. Barley. KINGSTON BATTF.AUX Cap. Peter Pcmctres 6 April 1793 ! Li cut. John Muir Lieut. Wm. Badger 26 Jan. loOO I '' •»***• Green hel _ 13^1809 Lt. j as. Greenfield 1 July .... PORT-ROYAL REGIMENT. Colonel, John Rawleigh Jack-on, S pt. %0, 1809. Lieut. Colonels , Wm. Robert NY auglt, itb. i, ibt9—Jas. Gunt, Sept. £0, lbCO. . Majors, Elias Clark Harvey, Jure 28, 1E0C—Charles Austin, S pt . *0, lt09. James A. Clay poole 16 OcY. 1809 ,!obn Cooper 17 CAPTAINS. Richard Harris £3 Oct. 1807 Arch. Dick £0 June 184)0 John Jones 1 bob. 1869 John By water 58 June .... Pet er Bo nap La#celles20.S p . John Bradford 14 (At. LIEUTENANTS. John Strutt 14 Aug. 1806 John Tho. Leake 16 G< /. .. - Tho. Legal Yates Whi. Banks Ewing Kitehie Hugh NYright John Askwith John Rieussett Tho. Brearcliffe Cha.PatrickM‘Nally 14 Oct George Hay 15..., 13 Aug. 1807 23 Oct . 20 June lfcOS . 1 Feb. IfeOO 58 June .... 29 Ale x. Thomson 13. ensigns. Sam. Jackson Dallas20. (.*o.\\ orrallSuupar^l. Cha. Grant 22. Ueo.( allwey, acting Ad j. 23. Ch (plain, Rev. The. Srmcockcs Qmas. V alter Scott 23 U< t. ifeOO Surgeon , * A v. Stirg. John G. Lorrain As. Sing. Tho. llurst As. Sing. Tho. Ewart Dl pu. J udgi-Aclvu- cutt, David l errierS3 Dec. 1793 Touu Marshal , Jacob Bassan Counliy do.Tho. Baker. ST. ANDREW’S REGIMENT. Colonel, Charles Wm. Hall, June 5,1805. Lieut. Coldncls, Hubert Nolan, June 11, —Edward Plunkett, Oct. 26, 1808. Maiorx, Donald Ronald Cai.iph II, Oct. 26, 1808-.Tamos W.l«, March 13, 1S09 —En secondt, Edmund Strachan, Aug. 10, 1813. cattains. ! Sara. Wm. Carpenter 4 June 1307 Tho. Maxwell 12 Feb. 1806 i Patrick H, Keclle 6 Oct . Andrew Duncan Robert Hunt r 26 0c/ ^ Cnarles Jas. Suns 13 March 1809 LIEU TEX A NTS. Wm. Robertson Samuel Hodman John Codings James Cockburn Henry Wiles Wm. Bezeck David Henry Borth 4 ./tine James Bond 6 Oct. . \ \ \ '»in. Augustus Morse ^ _ Charles Phipps 1J Dec.’!!!! Kobert Sh p.ieard 26 Oct. 1808 Joan r (,. Harris 13 March 1809 Alex. Campbell 14 10 May 1805 13 June .... 10 Nov . 12 Feb. 1806 13 . 14 April 1807 185 il ? er * !‘W Philip Pinnork 22 Dec. 1S09 ENSIGNS. JJ Adj. 2June 1603 Caleb Mum lord Littlejohn 26(9/. Alex Scott 13 March 1809 Charles Lee 14. Tho. Cockburn 22 Dc'i\ .. *. Chaplain, Rev. John CampbeYl* Vmaster, John Smith 6 Oct. 1607 Sur S . Horatio Bruce 20-/^.1805 Assist. Surgeon , Tho. M k Lagan 5 .... 1603 Assist. Surgeon, * Deputy Juitgi-Advo¬ cate, John Dick 25 April 1SOO Marshal, ST. THOMAS IN Till, EAST AND ST. DAVID’S RHGIMf NT Colonel,* ^ Lieut. Colonch, George Panton, Oet. si, 1807-CbarIcs Murra-, Jiobert Lindsay *»m. Carter John Smith Edward Delpratt John Bull, jun. riiomas Thomson Robert Munro Robert 1 dineHon W Jun<> 1805 1 Aug. 1806 2 ...?. 3. 13 June 1607 31 Oct. _ 2 Nov . 18 Dec. Geo. Girton Saunders 1 July isos Dunean David Pat- idj. Ebenezer Taylor 3 *. John Anderson Or- . gill oo. u . lieutenants. Kobert And^rson 20 June 1805 Ldward Collins 21 , Kenneth M 4 Pherson 22, J°hn Panton Alex. Kennedy James Reid Andrew Hunter Isaac Panton Geo. Thompson Alex. Milne 15 Jan. 1806 16 . 25 May .... 26......... 2 Aug . S. 4. Q John APClune Alex. Garden Joint M‘Kie Geo. Lindsay Charles Scott Geo. Pat on Ncwall Berwick A bra. Johnston Frederick Orr Charles Cameron Donald Clarke VI i m. Graham Jacob Neufville Wm. Pan ton o Aug. 1806 21 Jan. 1607 22 . 13 ./tine .. 14 . 15 . 31 Oct _; 2 Nov. .. 18 Dec. ... * 2S Fib. ISOS i^July .... 3 .* .*i .*.*** 10 Oct. .... 4EN SIGNS. Tho. Stratton ( ushnle 24 June Jn. Marshall Col lard .31 Oct. 1807 I ownsrtid Moore 1 Xov. . Simon Beattie 18 Dec . Tho. Bivieft SB Ft!,, isos Jorinlobtn \Ju f y Duncan MMvenzie 18 Aug. ’ * ’ * John Satchell ]<; (jet. .'. ’ \ Elias Maddock 13 .... 1809 Chaplain, Rev. John West’ Surgeon , Rich, Dick 18 May 1604 18G Assist. Surgf on. * Quart • master, Alex. Millar IJuhjmn Deputy Judge-Advocate for St. Thomas in the East, John Fer- gusson 21 Jan. 1807 j 1) tto fur St. David, * Marshal* PORTLAND REGIMKNT. Colonel, James Clayton White, A cv. 10,1807. Lieut. Colonels, John Sutton Minot, March 14, 1807—Win. Minot, I'd,. 25, IsOS. Majors* Peter Anderson, Aoe. 11, 1 ^07—George Harrison Ccsens, July !, 1*08. (ATTAINS. Henry Burke 2 July ISOS Henry Janies Pass- ley* 22 Oct . John M‘Leod 22 May 1809 James Usher 1 Jan. 1810 L.-EU TENANTS Joi n Deans 20 Dec. 1807 AVn>. Clarke 1 July lfcC8 l ieorge Cosens 2. James Bryan King X . Aiex. Hamilton 20 Oct . \Ym. Tho. Don nor 27 . . A n dre w W a Umi 22 J f ay 1 > C9 John Dickie l Jan. 1810 ENSIGNS. Richard Dormer 3 July 1S08 John Ross 26 Oct . David MJNae 1 3 Jan. 1809 James Walker, Adj, 1 .... 1810 Chap loin, Rev. 1*. Humphries Qmnst. Cha. MOlorine 1 Ju'yOS Surgeon, Anthony Lii*rIsay ‘ 6 Dec. 1799 A . Surg'. James McKenzie 179.3 A . Surg. Hugh M*Whinnie 1802 Assist. Surg. * Deputy Judge- Advocate , .f olin Da ni •’ 1 And re\v s 10 No t.OT Marshal , Nicholas Broun. ST. GLORGE's REGIMENT. Colon. I, Hector Rots, Oct. 1, 1805. Lieut. Colonels, James 'AP Donald, - pi. 9, 1807—James Barton, Aug. 1(>, I.'-08. Majors, W illiam Douglas, * pt. 15. ROS—John Poison M‘Donald, Ace. , 1809. James Paul CAPTAINS'. John Walton 4 April J&07 Sim. Collins Cod- lington 9 S pt . Audrey. Sutherland 14 Dec . Jacob Mni p 15. 16.. • Join. Aiichat 1 Man- In i t/. 10 Aug. L c 08 Ph i j» Jacqnrt 15 8 LA. John Harriott 18 Aug . Lieut. James Jones 28 (Jet. 1808 Corn A, Richard Ash¬ man 28. Adj.Jo hn Dicken- son *22 April 1809 Qmaster, Edmund Francis f»reen . Surgeon, Alex. Rose 28 Oct. 1803 Depy. ./ utlse-Advo¬ cate, Philip Davies21 Nov. ISOO WESTMORLAND TROOP. Capt. John Marshall 6 May 1807 Lint, Hutchison Scott 13 March _ Lint, John Potter 10 May ... . Com t, James Potter®. Arlj. Henry Lewis brot I lert on 5 May 1807 Qmas. (ieo. Kirlew 8. Surg. John Nisbett Sttrg. David Mason 9 Aug. 1803 IIANOVER TROOPS. LUCEA TROOP. Capt. Duncan APKen- zie 5 May 18C7 Li. Daniel Stewart 8. J«. Timothy Hall 9. Corn, t, John Davies 7. Qmaster, Wm, i no. Chambers . Quartermaster, Alex. API n tosh 5 May] SCI Surgeon , Alex. Camp¬ bell 5 April 1790 Surgeon , John Cal- d»>e 5 May 18C7 GREEN-ISLAND TROOP. Capt. David Innes 4 Nov. 1804 j Qmaster,Don. CnmerorO Mat,}807 Lt.W alter i'umb’ill 9. Surgeon, James Todd ......... li.puty J udge-Advo- cat , Wm. Leslie 24 April 1800 ST. JAMES’S TROOP. Lieut. Robt. Christie 7 May 1807 Corn. David Ldw urds 8 Cap*. Tfonrv Parry I 8 A 011 .J 8 O 8 j Lieut. David' ^inlnv 20 Dec. I 79 ‘> Lent. Samuel Kerr 24 July 1801.| Corw.Duii.iVPFarlauecTJan.lst.G 188 Cornet, George Kerr .>.V«ylS07 Qmas. Win. Vernon 29 July 1806 Qmas. Donald Moliatt Campbell 1./«nc .... Surgeon , J. Fergus son Sn/i'. James Kae 16 Iter. 1809 I)epy. J u dge- A Ov o- catc , Hubert Watt 13 ./tJy1805 TRELAWNY TROOPS. LEEWARD C7//>G John Wallace 12Z)ec. 1801 JJ. i/G Jas. McDonald 5_1802 Lt. Ewcn Cameron 25 Oct. 1808 Lt. en JoIml Young Corn. Alex. M'Carthy. Cipt. Wm. Eas«bn 1 Ocf.lSQ5 I A. Jn.Stockd. Brown 7 J an. 1705 1st. Sam. Earn*fcaw 6 March 1801 /,!. Joseph Hardy Comity Duncan Ma- the son 1 April 1796 Adj. A nth. Garvey 26 Oct. 1809 Qmas: Wm. Reeves. Surg. Cha. Trnscott 28 .... 1803 Depp, Judge-A (I va¬ cate, John Watson. WINDWARD TROOP. Corn l, Jas. Thomp¬ son 15 Feb. 1808 Cornet, Joseph Gordon Adj. Charles Lewis 6 J an. 1801 Qmastcr, Surgeon, Mark Turnbull. Adjutant, Capt. John Mowat Buck nor, April 22, 1809. Surgeon, W m. Mowat Spence, Oct. 13, 1809. ST. ELIZABETH’S REGIMENT. Colonel, Wm. Pitter, Dec. 1, 1807. Lieut. Colonels, Lewis Williams, Jan. 10, 1808—George Tomlinson, Feb. 28, 1803. Majors, John Monteatli, Jan. 10 1808—Jas Miller,Fe5. 28,1808. Artillery Company. Edward Peart 28 Feb. It08 Capt. (h o. Hudson 16 Aov. 1909 Arch. Thomson 29.. I t. Peter M‘Kinlay. George Channer 25 March .... Lieut. Adam Whit-' 17. Tho. Powell 1 Sept . Lt. James L.Smith 18. CaL*bPoweU,ense<\lMa/cfil809 Hide Corps. Capt. Jolw Griffith ( ttaj: Nov. 8, 1807) )5Aug. 1806 Gap. Job n Pusc vWifit 23 Oct . 1807 Li* ut. Henry Rhodes Morgan 10 Jan. 1SG8 Lt. George Green 12. CAPTAINS. Samuel Greaves 2 S June 1 807 Luke Bramwell 25. Wm. Green 2A Oct . Tho. Lynch Linton 10.ZaH.lbGS Duncan Robertson, jun. 12 . Joan Greaves 27 Feb . LIEUTENANTS. John Green 26 July 1S05 John Bruce 16 Aug. 1806 George Brooks 17. Tho. Stephenson IS. Tho. RiekeUslAyltoii 6 June: 1807 John find 11 23. Tho. Johnston 24. John Thomson 24 Oct . Henry Palmer 26. Wm. ‘Caw ley 11 Jan* 1808 Wm. Durham Oli- phant 13 . Stephen Denton 14 . C.iarlcs Wright 15. William Cunning¬ ham 28 Feb. 1S08 Alev. Bmce 29. Wm. Jones 1 Stpt . Thu. Pattison 2. Fran. Robins Power 3. James Daly 4. Cha. Farquharson, Adj. 16 .Vo v. 1809 John Dewhiirst 17. Henry Weller 18. Janu s Innes, cn sec. ENSIGNS. Waller Stewart 4 Feb. 1803 Harrison Townsend 4 June _ 189 George Young 16 Xov. 1S09 Andrew Miller 17. George Ciia. Fox 18. Geo. Dennis Dudley 19. Chaplain , Rey.W. V. Hamilton Qnias. Philip Levys 17 fan. 1SCX) Surg. Tho. Anderson 9 Aug. 1803 As. Surg. John Laidlaw As. Surg. John A. Mant 23 Oct. 1807 A. Shiv. Robert Ben* steaa Wright D p i. Judg< -A ilvo- cat \ * Marshal, WESTMORLAND REGIMENT. Colonel , John Ricketts, Feb. 7, 1806. Lieut. Colonels , Julines liering, Feb. 7, 1806—Oliver Korina, (Jet. 23, 1807. Major, Thomas William Hardin, Aug. 30,1807. John Hogg 24 Jan. 1608 Robert Morrice 25 Sept . Arch. Campbell 26. Murdock McKen¬ zie 27. John Taylor 28. Lachlan *M‘DttgaU 10 Feb. 1807 John Davidson II. James Riddock 12. Pure has Lain ley 18 Dec..... John Moore ID Feb. 1&03 Hugh ftl* Donald 27 July _ Edward Smith 17 Aug . Wm. Davidson IS. Taylor Catlmart 6 A t e.... George Kciler IS Aug. LsOO David Walker 19. John D. Roberts 20... 1 NsIGNS. Dennis Reid 15. Tan. ISOS George Hay 16..... Charles \pGregor 19_. ’ * \ Nicholas ( r.iham 28 Feb. .. * * Wm. Carey 13 May 1809 Robt. Locke, Adj. 17 Aug ..... Kbene/er Kemp 18......!! \ Win Hrnder>on 19. Artillery Company. Copt, J ohn G. Campbell 31 Oct. 07 Copt. Mat. Wright 30 Ate. 1809 Lieut Cfta. M\Nish. Lt. Cha. Vawriell . Rifle Company. Capt. Hugh James 30 Dec. 1807 Lieut. Wm. Robb 23 Sept. 1806 £/*«. JohnTheinpson IS Van. 1808 Ens. Stricldand lly 1- ton ‘ 17 Aug . CAPTAINS. 8 June 1799 9 . 8 Feb. 1806 28. 23 Sept . 24 . 10 Feb. 1807 John Falconer John Dobson Win. Forbes Tho. Tomlinson John Buddie John Biyth James Grierson _ Porterfield Taylor 30 Aug . James Jack 2.8 Oct . James Falconer 10 March 1608 Joseph Stone Williams 18 Aug. 09 LIEUTENANTS. Cha. Lowes 18 June 1805 Alex. Stewart 11 Dec. Benjamin Capon 13. Q3 Jrimes Chambers John Nicholson James Hav Chaplain, Rev. Tho. Stewart Qmaster, John Hunt 8 Dec, . Snr$. la;. Con-tabled May 1804 As. Surg.'Tho. Ford 4JunslSOO As. Surgeon, Jas. A. Chalmers £0 June ISOS As. Surgeon , John Paxtou Goodwin 22 Jan. 1S06 D• ut ('ofoiids, Thomas Joseph Grav, May 20,1808—ilenry r lhorn- hill Gihbes. May 13, 1809. Molars, Alex. James Findlater, May 20, 1803—Samuel Jackson, J May 13, 18C9 —{Brevet L>mt. Col. May 24, 1SU5.) captains. j Arch. Stirling ‘/I Jan. 1S07 Roderick Tulloch 1 March 1800 Henry Waite 22 Oct. 1 04 Geo. M‘F. Law son 5 Aug. 1305 Patrick Green 10 July... Alex. Davidson 11. James Cunningham22 Aug ..... t 191 805 Gro. Lawrence Sept. \k : Joseph Giles 7 ftin. 163$ Jaraps Lawrence 8 . JohnTulloch 1 Tul j ISG9 Samuel Cunningham 2 Sep /... LIEU rCNANTS. Jn. Harrison Clarke 4 July 1301 Edmund Cha. Grape 1 A pilie Christopher S. Bums 5 Aug. . .Air*, Peterkm 6. Geo. Tharpe liable 7. Joseph Bowen Ber¬ nard 8. Wm, Charles Morris 9...... Charles Bernard 19 0 7. . John Coates 3 fan. 1800 John Reid 10 .S’ pt. Geo. Longmore 19 Dec t AVm. Bellinger, Adj.29 J an. 1807 John Fray 21 June . John Waters 28. James Stothart I OJuty . James Cleland 11. James (ituhrie 22 Aug. . John Tharpe IS S-pt. . Philip Anglin Morris 1J an. 1 Charles Bernard (of Bonavista) 8 Nov .. Gordon 9 .V<™. IS03 I red. \ndrewes 19. Geo. Cunningham II. Samuel IT. James 10 March isOd Joseph Bowen 1 Julu .. . Ja*. Melvin 2 ........ Join Hamer bSept . ENSIGNS. Benjamin Ilaughton r r. : i:irp- 20 Mat} 1S08 Li'in (leghorn Is fane .... Wm. Ewart 8 Non . Cha. Gordon Gray 9. s,: jim 1 Morris " 10. John Russell 11. John Si inpson Wai te. 1 JuIp 180.9 Tlio. P.hijlpotts 2 .... Johnifen.l r>on Hay2 Sept . George Gordon 90 t . Chaplain. Rev. David Dull* Qma<. Wm. Young27 fun 1807 Surg. Alex. Mndie 9 Dec. l.sOO si v. Su> g. J. He wan 24_1803 As. Surg. Win. Bos d 26. sis. Surg. A. L. Pew. Depp, j udge-Advo¬ cate j John Anderson 13 May09 Marsha^ TII EL AWN Y REGIMENT. Colonel , Hon. James Stewart, Nov. 29, 1800. Lieut. Colonels , John Mitchell, Spf. 15, 1801—lid ward Knowles, V-u. 29, 1808. Majors, Wm. Green, Oct. 27,1801—David M‘Connell, Ncv. 29,I SCO, A rti He rtf. Capt. Robert Moul¬ ton 22 Jan. 1808 Lieut. Edw. Earl 23 April 1805 CAPTAINS. Andrew Wills 20./««e 1S03 George Miller 22 . John Campbell, sen. 17 Jan. 1805 Alex. Stevenson 18. M m. Fain*lough 16 - ipril .... Mev. Christie 10 Oct . David Richards 17. Webb Doman 19 May 1808 Tho. Mitchell KyS pl. 1809 Wm. Miller 20. Robert M‘Ghie 1 Feb. 1810 John Campbell, j tin. 2. LI Ft; TENANTS. Alex. Campbell \9sipril 1805 Nicholas Doman, Ad}. 16 Oct . Cha. Gordon, jun. 17. John R. .Mitchell 18. Wm. Holder 19. Wm. Ellis 22. Walter Minto 22 June 1803 Alex. L. Finlavson Wm. Oldham " 29 Nor. 1806 Wm. Htne 3 Dec . Robert 11. Scott 4. '/’lio. K. Vernon 2 July 1S07 Daniel Sutherland 19 May 1808 Tho. Iliggimon 20. George j Iuie 21. Echv. John Knowles22. George Ogilvy 23. Francis Robertson 20. Daniel Brown 26 Jug . dames Thompson 13 June 1S09 Charles Reynolds 16 . W m. M. K< rr 1 AM>. Anthony Fructus 2. l.dward Hoole 3 . V m. Higgins 1 Feb. 1810 Wo. Bell g. 192 ENSIGNS. Nicholas Smith 24 June ISOS (>o. Reid,jun. 26 Aug . Daniel Anderson 10 Mar eh 1S09 Win. W'ray 1 6 June _ James Elliott 18 Sept . Robert Virgo lAoe. Chaplain , Rev. Wm. Fraser Qmaster. Rich. Lew is 16 CRM807 S urg. J ames Veri: on 20./ u nc 1803 As. Surg. Tho. Willis24 Ap. 1805 A. Surg. J ohn Cow an 25. A. Surg. J. Williamson Depy. Judge-Advo- cate, James Blair 18 Sept. ISOS WT.8TERN INTERIOR REGIMENT.* Colonel, Alex. Campbell, Sept. I, 1809. Lieut. Colonel , Thomas Harding Petgravc, Sept. 1, 1809. Major, George M‘Lenan, Sept. 1, 1809. CAPTAINS. John llaughtonJames 12.7ew.07 Chari es O’Connor 14. John Morris \ 1809 LIEUTENANTS. Alex. Stephen 14 Jan. 1807 James Irving 15. James lied ley 16. Ezekiel Parr Pet- grave 22 ... John W hi B ingham 23. Walter Scott, en sec. ENSIGNS. John Parntlier "23 Jan. 1S07 Edward MomUague 23. Angus M‘Cail 20 Feb . Win.Stanford Grignon 31 Oi l.... Adj. PatrickGuthrie24 Jan . Qmas. Jas. Jackson 11 A ce. 1808 Surgeon , Tho. Whel- dale 18 Feb. 1809 Dtp.J ridge-Advocate, N icholas Robson 26 Mar. 1808 Marshal , * This Regiment was raised in 1807, on account of the great dis¬ tance of the inhabitants of the interior of Westmorland, Hanover, and St. James from the parochial places of muster. The lines of this district are as follow : From the meeting of the lines of St. Eli¬ zabeth, Westmorland, and St. James, upon Great-River, along the lines of St. Elizabeth and St. James, to the line of Trelawnv, thence north along the lines of St. James and Trelawny to due east of George Gordon s, to the Blue-Hole of Montpelier; thence to inter¬ sect the Great-River at Lethe dam, from that intersection down the rner until it arrive at that angle of the river which is due north of the New-Mills works, thence in a direction due west until it intcr- se f t the kings road, which leads southerly to Chid well and north- eily to rltnt-River, from that intersection to the nortb-weslernmost mm ot Mr. Sawyer s settlement, thence due south to the line of Westmorland and Hanover, and thence to the westernmost and souThei nmost buildings on Haddo estate, in W estmorland, thence to the southernmost building on William Haldane’s settlement in Westmorland ,and thence to the first-mentioned point. IDS GOVERNORS, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS, Sec. WITH THE YEARS WHEN THEY COMMENCED THEIR ADMINISTRATIONS. Gov. Colonel D’Oyley.1060 _Lord Windsor.1662 Lt. Gov. Sir Charles Lyttle- ton, Knr.1602 Pres. Colonel Tho. Lynch.. 1664 Gov. Sir Thomas Moils ford, Kn(.*.U364 Lt. Gov. Sir Thomas Lynch, Kn t .;.1671 .Sir Henry Morgan, Knt . .1675 Gov. Lord Vaughan.1675 Lt. Gov. Sir Henry Morgan, Knt. I... 1678 Gov. Cha. Earl of Carlisle. 1676 Lt. Gov. Sir Henry Morgan, knt. .1630 Gov. Sir Thomas Ly nch, Km.1632 Lt. Gov. Colonel Hender Molesworth ... 1684 Gov. Christopher Duke of Albemarle.1637 Pres. S ; r Francis Watson.. 1638 Gov. Wm. Earlof Inckttquin 1600 Pres. John White. Esq.1602 .John Bnurden, Esq, .1602 Lt. Gov. Sir Wm. Becstou, Kid.1693 Gov. Wm, Selwyn,Ksq.1702 Lt. Gov. Peter Beckford, Esq.1702 .Thomas Hamiasvd, u?q. :..\m Gov. Lord Arch. Hamilton. 1711 .... Peter Hey wood. Esq. 1716 ....Sir Nicholas Lawes, Knt.1718 Gov. Henry Duke of Port¬ land .1722 Pres. John Ayscough, Esq. 1726 Gov. Major-General Robert Hunter.1728 Pres. John \yscough, Esq. 1734 .John Gregory, Esq.. .1735 Henry Cunningham, Esq. was appointed Governor in 1735, but President Gregory was suc¬ ceeded by Gov. Edw. Trelawny, Esq. 1738 .... Charles Knowles, Esq. 1752 Lt. Gov. Henry Moore, Esq. 1756 Gov. George Haldane, Esq. 1758 Lt. Gov. Henry Moore, Esq.1759 Guv. William Henry Lyttle- ton. Esq.1762 Lt. Gov. Roger Hope Ellet- son, Esq.1766 Gov. Sir Wm. Trelawny, fit 17G7 Lt. Gw. Lieut. Colonel John Dalling.1772 Gov. Sir Basil Keith, Knt..1773 .... Major-Gen. John Dal- lins:.1777 .... Major-General Arch. Campbell.1789 Lt. Gov , Brig. Gen. Alured Clarke.1784 Gov. Thomas Earl of Effing¬ ham . 1790 Lt. Gov . Major-Gen. Adam Williamson.1791 .Alexander Earl of Bnlearres.1795 .Lieut. Gen. George Nugent.1801 .Lieuf.Gcn.SirEyre Coote,l(.fi,& K.C.IS06 Goi>. William Duke of Man¬ chester . .1808 194 COURTS. GRAND COURT. Last Dav of Summoning for January . 20 May ...19 September.15 When Held. February. 5th June ....5th Oetoh< r.2d Surrey As^izfs held 1 st January, 2d April, and 6:h August. Corn vall Assizes 5th March, 2d July, and5t!i November. COMMON PLEAS. Kingston. Sf. Andrew, St. David, and St. Th os. in Fast. St. Mary and Clarendon. Port-Royal and Portland. Lastdaij of sum. IV h< held. ’.astday of si m. IV he, held. La si day of' sum. 1 IV hen held. Last day of sum. When held. Feb. IS Ap. IT June 19 Aug. 21 Oct. 231 Jan. r vfar. 7 May 2 •Inly 4 •'ept- 5 Vov. 7-1 Mar. IP f"nc 18 Sept. 20 Jan. 2 Ap. s July 3 Oct. 2 Jan. 1 Ap. 2 7 My 2 Oct. 1 ran. If Ap. 17 uly 17 Oct. 16 Feb. 21 Ap. 2. June 27 Aug. 29 Oct. 2*1 Ian. 11 Jar. 8 May 10 uly 12 pi. 13 N ov. 8 St. James, St. Elizabeth, and Vere. Westmorland, Hanover, and St. Ann. Trclawny. St. Georg<\ Last day of sum. When held Lastdoi of sinn. When held. Last day of sum. When held . Last day of sum. When held. Jan. 15 Ap. 9 July If Oct. 15 Jan. 3( Ap. 24 .inly 3! Oct. 3t Mar. 26 oune25 Sept. 271 lan. 9 Ap. 10 uly 10 Oct. £ Jan. 29 Ap. 23 July SO Oct. 29 Feb. 1 May 8 Aug. 14 Nov. 13 Mar. 20 • une 19 Sept. 18 Jan. 3 Ap. 4 July 4 Oct. 3 Kingston. February...20 May.15 August ... .21 November. .20 QUARTER-SESSIONS. St. Catherine. 'anuary ... i April.5 July. 5 October .... i Pori-Royal. Portland. F bruary_13 VI ay. y anuary ....11 November .. .13 July.12 October.11 Plea* in af T P^r :* 1 \• 9 % //i '\vc j f th " 4k* OF ELECTION J OU CHURCHWARDENS AND VESTRYMEN. JANUARY. Clarendon. .1st Tuesday Vere .1st Wednesd i » Sr. Catherine. .. .2d Tuesday Sr. Elizabeth. ...2d Tuesday Port-Royal _2d Wednesday Sr. Andrew .2d Friday Sr. David .2d Saturda* St. Thomas in the 15AST .3d Monday Westmorland ... 3d Tuesda;, S r. Dorothy. . .3d Wednesday Sr. John .3d Thursday St. Ann .3d Friday FEBRUARY. St. Thomas in tjie I Sr. James .2d Tuesday Vale .1st Tuesday | Hanover .3d Tuesday MARCH. Trelawny .2d Tuesday | Sr. George _2d Wednesday Portland .. .2d Tuesday St. Mary.3 d Thursda\ HOLIDAYS AT THE Vew Year's Day (and the Dav after).Jan. 1 r«elflh Day. 5 Queens Birth-Day, kept_IS Kin# Charles 1. mart.30 M. Dav d.March I Shrove Tuesday.6 Vsh Wednesday .7 St. Patrick.....17 Lady Day.25 iuod Friday.April 20 r aster Monday.23 St. (ieorge... .2.3 Easter Tuesday.24 Kin# Char. 11. restored May 29 Holy Thursday.... .31 King's Birth-Dav._..June 4 PUBLIC OFFICES. Great Earthquake 1692 June 7 Whit Monday.II Whit Tuesday.12 Midsummer ..24 Prince of Wales's Birtli- Day.Aug. 12 St. Bartholomew.24 Great Storm.28 St. Matthew.Sept. 21 Ki ng Geo 111. crow ned.22 Michaelmas Day.29 King Geo. 111. accession Oct. 25 King Geo. III. proclaimed . .26 Gunpowder Plot.Nov. 5 St. Andrew.30 Cliristma3(and three Days after).Dee. 95 V 196 MASON LODGES. AN Cl ENT' YORK MASONS Provincial Grand Lodge , under his Grace the Duke of Jlhol, hold their Quarterly Communications every three Months , and meet the second Thursday in every Month , at Masons' Hall , near the Pa¬ rade , Kingston. UNION LODGE, N°. T. Provincial Number, and N°. CCLVIJ. on the engraved list, hold their monthly meeting on the Monday nearest the full moon in every Month, at their Lodge-Room near the Parade, Kingston. HARMONY LODGE, no. III. Prov. Number, and N°. CCLXXXI. held by the Civilians at Port-Royal, meets the lirst Wednesday in every month. ROYAL LODGE, N°. IV Prov. Number, and N°. CCLXXXIIL held in Kingston second Saturday in every month, near the Pa¬ rade. AMITY LODGE, N \ V. Prov. Number, and $°. CCLXXXIX. held in Kingston, first Wednesday every month. SOCIAPLL LODGE, N°. VI. Prov. Number, held in Spanish- Town, first Tuesday every montii. ATIIOL s LODGE, N°. VII. Prov. Number, held at Lucca, first Monday every month. IRILNDLY LODGE, N°. VIII. Prov. Number, held in Kingston second Tuesday every month, near the Parade. UNIOX; LODGE, N°. IX. Prov. Number, held at Savanna-la-Mar, first Monday every month. CIVIL LODGE, N°. X. St. Ann's. FALMOUTH LODGE, N*. XL Rio-Bueno. CONCORD LODGE, N°. XIII. Spanish-Town. ATHOL LODGE, No. XIV. Kingston, near the FVivude. ST. ELIZABETH'S LODGE, N°. XV. BladfirRiver. UNION LODGE, N°. XVI. Clarendon. CIVIL LODGE, N®. XVII. Port Royal. PUKE OF YORK’S LODGE, N°. XIII. Spanish-Town. .ST. JAMES s LODGE, under the new Constitution, held at Mon¬ tego-Bay, first and third Monday in every month. 107 TEES OF THE GOVERNOR’* SECRETARY, Tor every commission £. j. V. of a General ro serve in the Militia SO 0 0 •Colonel . 21 0 0 Lieutenant-Colonel 15 15 0 Major. 12 10 O Captain . 8 5 0 Lieutenant. 5 10 0 Ensign, or Cornet ... 3 5 0 Adjutant. 3 5 0 Quartermaster . 3 5 0 Surgeon . 5 10 0 Adjutant-General ... 25 0 0 Quartermaster-Gen. 25 0 0 Dep. Adjut. Gen. and Deputy-Ouarterm. General, each.100 0 0 Barrackmaster-Gen. 100 0 0 Deputy .....100 0 0 Mustermaster-Gen. 100 0 0 Deputy .100 0 0 Judge-Adv. Gen. ... 25 0 0 Deputy .100 0 0 Aide-de-Camp to the Com. in Chief.140 0 0 Island Engineer. 5 5 0 Physician-Gen. Sur¬ geon-Gen. & Apo¬ thecary-Gen. each 100 0 0 Every Deputy of the three last-mention- ed Officers .100 0 0 For the appointment of Island-Storekp. .20 0 0 For the commission of Commissary of Mi¬ litia.100 0 0 Armourer . 2 15 O R For the commission J'. r . •]„ of Superintendent of Ordnance Stores 100 O o Superintendent of Pioneers & Work¬ ing Parties, or of Signals and Bea¬ cons, and Miner General, or Depu¬ ty or Assistant to any of the three last-mentioned Of¬ ficers .200 0 0 Leave of absence to a Member of the Council . 5 0 0 Commission of Chief- Justice. 50 0 0 Leave of absence to ditto . 21 0 r* Commission of A ss i s t- ant Judge of the Grand Court, when by writ of associa¬ tion. 10 0 % Assistant Judge for Cornwall and Sur¬ rey Assize-Courts, when by ditto. 10 0 0 Chief Justice of Com¬ mon Fleas . 10 0 0 Assist. J udge of Com¬ mon Fleas, when by writ of associa¬ tion... 5 Custos Rotulortim... 20 Leave of absence to ditto . S O (l o o 1 Commission of justice £. /. d. of the Peace, when by writ of associa¬ tion. 5 0 0 Attorney-Gen. Judge of the Court of Vice-Adm. Receiv¬ er-Gen. Provost- Marshal, Clerk of the SupremcCourt, Register in Chan¬ cery, Secretary of the Island, Agent- General, and Com¬ missary-General of his Majesty’s Land Forces, each . 10 13 4 Clerk of the Crown, Public Messenger, Crown Surveyor, Assistant Commis¬ sary General of the regular forces, and Commissioner of Stamps, each . 5 G 8 Master in Ordinary in Chancery . 50 0 0 Master Extraordina¬ ry in Chancery ... 15 0 0 Marshal and Sergeant of Mace of Vice- Admiralty Court 20 0 0 Surveyor of Public Works . 25 0 0 Leave to each Public Officer . 10 10 0 For presentation to a Benefice . 42 0 0 Commission of Sur¬ veyor .100 0 0 Superintendent of Maroons. . 10 0 0 =£. s. d> Collector of Customs 20 0 0 Comptroller . 10 0 0 Land and Tide Sur¬ veyor . 8 5 0 Surveyor and Ad mea¬ surer . 8 5 0 Waiter and Searcher 5 0 0 Water-Bailiff. 2 10 0 Harbour-Master ... 10 0 0 Interpreter ©f Foreign Languages. 2 15 0 For every Warrant for a Pilot . 5 0 0 Privateer’s Commis¬ sion . * 20 0 0 Flags of Truce . 20 0 0 For an order in con¬ sequence of a Peti¬ tion to sell thecargo of a Foreign Ves¬ sel . 5 6 8 For every Patent of Naturalization ... 25 0 0 For Letters of Pre¬ ference to escheat property of a felon 20 0 0 For an order for sur¬ plusage land . 5 0 0 For a fiat for land on the quit-rent act 5 10 0 For each special order for land . 5 0 0 For every common order . 2 10 0 For an order for foot- land in Titchfield, Portland. 2 15 0 For every fiat for land 2 10 0 For letters of prefer¬ ence for an escheat 20 0 0 For every fiat o» let- 199 ters fif preference £. s . d. for an escheat. 10 0 0 For every fiat for a writ to elect a Co¬ roner . 10 0 0 For an order to a Mi- The Secretary must have a Table of the above Fees affixed in a public part of his-Otlice, under penalty of ^*.100; and de¬ manding greater fees, forfeits sC.500 for each ollence. nister to publish in jC. s. o o 0 o o o C Q 0 0 200 Per every commission of Chief Justice, or Assistant Judge of the Grand Court Chief Judge or Assistant Judges o'f the Court cf Com¬ mon Pleas Writ of Association for ditto Commission of Custos, or Magistrate for any precinct Writ of Association for Magistrates Commission of Master in Ordinary in Chancery Master Extraordinary 0 . Land-Surveyor Order to a Minister to publish in church intentions to apply for a private bill Order for Land, &c. given by the Governor, for any sum exceeding 20/. . ‘ . On appointment to any Office, of 100/. per or upwards Presentation to a benefice Admission of Attorney, Solicitor,- Advocate, Proctor, or Notary, in ar;y Court Appeal from the Courts of Admiralty, Chancery, Er¬ rors,’ or Supreme Court * For every Rccogiflzance and Spcr 100p 5 0 Oars and handspikes, jter dozen 2 6 Vats and butts of malt- liquor, &.c.per lOOgal- lons 5 0 Butts of wine and spi¬ rits 10 0 Pipes of wine, brandy, and gin 7 6 Hogsheads of sugar,salt, lime, coals, and slates 5 0 Ditto of salt-fish and to¬ bacco, per 112 lbs. 0 7 ^ Ditto of oats, earthen and glass ware, and others of a similar de¬ scription 3 9 Ditto of porter, beer, and cyder 2 6 Puncheons of rpm, cof¬ fee, hams, &c. 3 4 Tierces of sugar 3 4 Tierces of coffee, gin¬ ger, pimento, rice, cornmeal, bottled li¬ quor, earthen and glass ware, &c. 2 6 Barrelsofflour and other dry provisions 0 10 Barrels of tar, pitch, tur¬ pentine, wet provi¬ sions, sugar, salt, cof¬ fee, pimento, or others of a simitar dcscrip- >. ti. Hon 1 3 Crates of earthen and glass ware, 2 s. 6d. 5s. and 7 6 Hampers and baskets of cheese and potatoes, | per 112 Us. 1 3 I Jugs and jars of all de¬ scriptions, pet' gallon 0 2 Firkins of butter, beef, tongues,herrings,&c. 0 7§ Kegs of paint, at the rate of 56 lbs. 0 5 Kegs of vinegar, pease, gruts, biscuit, cur¬ rants, &c. 0 5 Boxes of soap and can¬ dles, per 112 lbs. Boxes of pickles, British compounds, and pre¬ serves, from 5d. to 2 6 Iron ware, pewter, cop¬ per, lead, tin, and brass, of all descrip¬ tions, per 112 lbs. 0 10 Bricks, tiles, and slates, per 1000 15 0 Paving-stones, each 0 Drip-stones, Is. 3d. to 2 6 Drips and potsforsugar- refiners, two for 0 7£ Grind and tomb stones, per 112 lbs. ' 1 3 Shooks, empty hogs¬ heads, or puncheons, each 0 10 Wood-hoops, per 1000 7 6 Ox-bows, per dozen 0 10 Hide 0 5 Bags of all descriptions, per 112 lbs. „ 1 3 Puncheons of temper- $. d. lime 3 9 Corn, salt, &e.])er bushel, 2\d .; if stored, ditto 0 5 Coach or chariot, includ¬ ing wheels 50 0 Chaise or cart, ditto 20 0 Chairs, tables, jointers, piano-fortes, desks, side¬ boards, &c. per cub.foot 0 10 Ploughs, each 5 0 Hams, cheese, loaf-sugar, loose 0 1 Triangles 5 0 Jack-screws 1 3 An addition of 25 per cent. 01 wharves, in the proportion of third to the purchaser. Chests of medicines 2s s. d. Cd. 5s. 7s. 6d. and 10 0 Chests of tea 2 G Chests of arms 10 0 Truss-hoops, per set Smiths’ bellows 1 3 5 0 Butt and pipe staves and heading, per 1000 25 0 Spades and shovels, per dozen 0 10 Horses,mules,asses, and horned cattle 3 9 Sheep, hogs, and goats 0 7 J All other goods, wares, and merchandise, in proportion. Sugars sold and delivered on ivo-thirds to the seller and one- Fifty per cent, to be charged on all goods not taken away within three months after being landed, and for every three months thereafter. FEES PAYABLE TO THE CLERK OF THE PEACE, KINGSTON. For every affidavit and warrant for Sessions of Peace Ditto for the Assize-Court Recognizance to prosecute and keep the peace Recognizance to appear at Sessions Filing ditto Commitment, 2 s. Cd. Discharge, 2s. Gd. Negro Trial, by three Magistrates and nine Jurors Delay Indictment when billa vera y including the sentence Bill returned Ignoramus Bench-warrant Every compromise when recognizance has been taken For filling up every summons fer servants’ wages Trial on servants’ wages Search-warrant Trial on the Inveigling Act £. s. 0 7 0 J 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 5 2 15 0 15 1 10 1 5 1 10 1 5 0 15 1 5 0 15 5 0 d. 6 6 6 6 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o s 210 Delay l or each toll . . lor each ditto v/arranted I or a Copy of ditto i .iceucefor retailing rum, &c. Njguing each subpoena for Sessions, &c. ITawking and peddling licence lor ditto with slaves or beasts of burthen £. s. d. 10 0 0 6 8 0 10 0 0 5 0 1 5 0 0 1 3 0 10 0 0 15 0 CONSTABLE’S FEES, KINGSTON. 1 or executing warrant* for Peace Sessions or Assize lor the same on board of vessels in the harbour Per the me out of the parish 1 or conducting any prisoner to gaol . < 1 ci* serving warrants on servants’ wages, and attending during trial . _ b lor executing search-warrants i or serving warrant for summons under 40s. For contempt warrant l or warrant of distress on the above Levying on goods for house-rent or taxes lor each day detaining goods in custody after levy 0 10 0 15 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 7 O 5 RATES OF DRAYAGE. JUtriblished by a Court of Common Council , 1th April , 180.'?. 1 IKST pivisioN.—From the sea to Tower-Street, inclusive. Second Division.— From Tower to Queen Street, inclusive. Third Division. —From Queen to North Street, inclusive. P '?r ° f W . ij } e ’ h <>£sheads Sugar, Earthen Ware, Coals, or Salt: division, 2s. 6d. —Second division, 3s. 9d. —Third divi¬ sion, 5 s.- ierces Sugar, puncheons Rum, hogsheads Corn or Oats, hogs- j j cads Fish, tierces CofFee, tierces Dry Goods or Tin Ware, ierces or crates of Earthen Ware: First division, Is. 3d.—Se- cc; u dsrto. Is. 8d. —Third ditto, 2s. 6d. i very in. hogsheads of Porter, every two quarter-casks, or every two hogsheads of Wine, or tierces of bottled Liquor: J !;>i division, I 3d—Second ditto, Is. 8d.—Third ditto, 2s, 6d. 211 Barrels wet Provisions and Sugar, four b-rrplc tn 1 ~ ~ • i *' 'rt °f F ' OUr >. C °™. Cor'Slnd P^teto . sd.-Sditt^L ef 54d!vision> 1 *- 3 ^‘ 0 ? 0 :. loose; First
  • ld-Hirboyr and Claren- 0 2 0 0 5 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 'Vithvwood Hay and .Milk- 0 7 6 3 0 0 River-. 0 3 9 3 0 0 VIorant-ftsv, Port-Morant. and Yallahs. 0 2 6 0 5 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 Manchion*v.l and Plantain- Garde n-River . 0 3 9 0 12 6 0 15 0 | 5 0 0 3 o r [‘vorthdde. 0 S f ‘500 5 0 0 213 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JAMAICA CURRENCY AND STERLING , A\'D STERLING AND CURRENCY . Cur. Sterling. L? w Sterl. Sterl. Cur. ||i £. £. s. d. . s. £. £. s. J 0 14 35 0 S’ 1 1 8 j 1 1 « g 4 2 ! 1 5* 2 2 1 > 3 2 2 10 a : 2 14 s 4 4 y 4 2 17 13 4 2 lOi 4 5 1 4 5 3 11 5 3 64 5 *7 (> 5 0 4 5 8J 6 4 3* G 8 8 6i 7 5 0 0 7 5 0 7 9 16 8 s “ S4 8 5 Si 8 11 1 8 9 6 8 6* 9 6 51 9 12 12 4} 10 7 2 10i 10 7 I? 10 14 0 10 20 14 5 8> ! 1 7 104 20 28 0 ■ ! 30 21 8 6§ 12 8 6^ 30 42 (/ 40 28 l1 5{ 13 9 3 1 40 56 0 13 50 35 14 3h 14 10 0 50 70 o I.: GO 42 17 l{ 15 10 *3 GO 84 0 15 70 50 0 0 ir, 11 54 70 98 0 16 80 57 2 105 17 12 U 80 112 0 IT 90 C>4 5 8‘ 18 12 104 90 126 0 IS 100 71 8 Oil 19 13 100 no n 19 200 142 17 li 200 280 G 390 214 5 85 d. d. 300 420 0 d. 400 285 14 35 1 01 400 660 0 1: 5W 357 2 lOi 2 lit 500 700 0 690 428 11 5; 3 24 goo 840 Cl 700 509 0 0 4 24 700 980 0 4 8X) 571 8 62 5 3* 800 1120 0 r 9fX) 642 17 k 6 44 900 12G0 0 e. 1000 714 5 8i 7 5 1090 1100 0 7 2000 1428 11 54 8 54 2000 2800 Ct 8 30:x) 2142 17 H 9 6* 30X1 4200 0 9{ 4000 2857 2 104 10 74 4000 5600 Op 10 5000 3571 8 64 11 74 5000 70X) 0! ui ax)o 4285 14 35 6'XX) <8400 0 7000 5000 0 0 7000 9800 0* i! 8000 5714 5 85 8iXX) 11200 0 ?! 9000 6428 11 54 90.90 12600 0 10000 7142 17 1:- < 10900 uooo 6/ 4 i i Cur. £. , -V. d. 0 1 4 ' 0 2 *1 0 4 n 0 5 7t 0 7 0 0 8 41 0 9 9\ 0 11 2.V 0 12 74 0 14 0 0 15 44 0 IG 9 A 0 18 S . 0 19 4 4 l 1 0 1 2 4* 1 3 9* I 5 2‘- 1 G St r/. 0 U 0 o.i 0 4* 0 55 0 0 ** 0 9i 0 11 1 1 CO. 1 1 Si 0 Oi 0 Oi 0 1 S3 214 RYALS OR BITS , IN CURRENCY AND STERLING. 52 Cur. Sterling .! Cur. Sterling Cur. Sterft/ig.l s. d. *. /J. 7 s. d. 9 . d. 7 s. d. s. d. 7 lira \ 0 7* 0 5± 3 13 8 ft 5 9.* 4 25 15 7* 11 H 5 2 1 3 0 10* 6 14 8 9 0 3 0 26 16 3 11 74 1 $ 1 10* 1 4 2 15 9 4* 6 84 3 27 16 10i 12 0* 1 RS ' 4 2 6 l »i 5 10 10 0 7 4 6 28 17 6* 12 6 0 5 3 4 2 2$ 1 17 10 n 7 7 * 2 29 18 1* 12 114 3 $f 6 3 9 2 8 4 18 11 3 8 04 5 >3 18 9 13 4* 6 7i 4 4* 3 H 0 !9 11 10* 8 54 1 U 19 4* 13 10 2 8 5 0 3 6| 3 JO 12 6 8 11 4 ; > 20 0 14 34 5 9 5 7* 4 0 6 21 13 n 9 4* 0 <3 20 7* 14 84 1 10 6 3 4 5* 2 K 13 9 9 9* 3| : tf 21 3 15 2 4 11 6 10* 4 10v 5 23 14 4* 10 3 6 15 21 10* 15 7* 0 12 7 6 5 4} l 1 *24 15 0 10 84 V 1 1 36 i 22 6 16 0 3 CURRENCIES U1 THE STATES OF AMERICA REDUCED INTO JA MAICA CURRENCY AND STERLING. Pennsi/fva.' V. Hmip. 1 .Veto Jersey Massachu. ISTeia - York S. Caroli- Delaware , A*. Island , and wrt and Jamaica. Sterlin tnd Marir Connectic. V. Carolina Georgia. land. 5s Virginia. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. .V. £. s. tf. 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 5 4 0 3 ft 0 4 2 0 3 0 • f 1 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 8 0 6 2§ 0 8 4 0 6 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 1G 0 0 9 4 0 12 7 0 9 0 1 U 0 0 16 0 1 l 4 0 12 5} 0 16 9 0 12 0 2 0 0 1 12 0 2 2 8 1 4 10} 1 13 7 1 4 0 3 0 0 2 8 0 3 4 0 1 17 4 2 10 4 1 16 0 4 0 0 3 4 0 4 5 4 v' 9 94 3 7 2 2 8 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 5 6 8 3 2 2 ! 4 4 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 4 16 0 6 8 0 3 14 8“ 5 0 9 3 12 0 7 0 0 5 12 0 7 9 4 4 7 ft 5 17 7 4 4 c 8 0 0 6 8 0 8 i.) 8 4 10 6J 6 14 4 4 16 0 9 0 0 7 4 0 9 12 0 5 12 0 7 11 2 5 8 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 10 13 4 6 4 5 * 8 8 0 G 0 0 20 0 0 16 0 0 21 6 8 12 8 m 16 16 0 12 0 0 30 0 0 24 0 0 82 0 0 18 13 4 <5 4 0 18 0 0 40 0 0 32 0 0 42 13 4 24 17 94 33 12 0 J4 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 53 6 8 31 2 4 42 0 0 30 0 0 00 0 0 48 0 0 61 0 0 87 6 8 >0 8 0 36 0 0 70 0 0 56 0 0 74 13 4 13 11 n 58 16 0 42 0 0 >0 0 0 61 0 0 85 6 8 79 15 6| 67 4 0 18 0 0 00 0 0 72 0 0 96 0 0 56 0 0 75 12 0 54 0 0 0)0 0 0 80 0 0 06 13 4 Gri 4 5 | x4 0 0 60 0 0 215 I A TE R E S T, AT SIX PER CENTUM PER ANNUM. 1 Year. 9 Months. 6 Months. 5 Months. 4 Months. £. £. s. d. £. d. £. s. d. £. t. £. .T. 3. 1 0 1 2} 0 o 105 0 0 74 0 0 6 0 0 45 2 0 2 5 0 i 9i 0 1 n 0 1 0 o 0 9* 3 0 3 7 0 o 84 0 1 0 1 6 0 1 2:1 4 0 4 9* 0 3 7 0 2 4i 0 2 0 0 1 75 5 0 6 0 0 4 6 0 3 0 0 2 6 0 2 o* 6 0 7 2 0 5 4i 0 3 7 0 3 0 0 2 45 7 0 8 4* 0 6 . 0 4 24 0 3 6 0 2 9 8 0 9 7 0 7 0 4 9i 0 4 0 0 3 2 9 0 10 9} 0 8 1 0 5 4ii 0 4 6 0 3 7 10 0 12 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 20 1 4 0 0 18 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 SO 1 16 9 1 7 0 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 40 2 8 0 1 16 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 16 0 50 3 0 0 2 5 0 1 10 0 1 5 0 1 0 0 60 3 12 0 2 14 0 1 16 0 1 10 0 1 4 0 70 4 4 0 3 3 0 2 2 0 1 15 0 1 8 0 80 4 10 0 3 12 0 2 8 0 2 0 0 I 12 0 90 5 8 0 4 1 0 2 14 0 2 5 0 1 16 0 loo 6 0 0 4 10 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 2 0 0 200 12 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 300 18 0 0 13 10 0 9 0 0 7 10 0 6 0 0 400 2! 0 0 18 0 0 12 0 0 10 0 0 8 0 0 5ft) 30 0 0 22 10 0 15 0 0 12 10 0 10 0 0 GOO 36 0 0 27 0 0 18 0 0 15 0 0 12 0 0 700 42 0 0 31 10 0 21 0 0 17 10 0 14 0 0 800 48 0 0 36 0 0 24 0 0 20 0 0 16 0 0 900 54 0 0 40 10 0 27 0 0 22 10 0 18 0 0 1000 GO 0 0 45 0 0 80 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 2000 120 0 0 90 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 40 0 0 3000 180 0 0 135 0 0 90 0 0 75 0 0 GO 0 0 4000 >40 0 0 180 0 0 120 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 5000 300 0 0 225 0 0 150 0 0 125 0 0 Ift) 0 0 6000 360 0 0 270 0 0 180 0 0 160 0 0 120 0 0 70M 120 0 0 315 0 0 210 0 0 115 0 0 140 0 0 800!) 180 0 0 360 0 0 240 0 0 200 0 0 160 0 0 9d00 540 0 0 05 0 0 270 0 0 225 0 0 1*0 0 0 10000 ,600 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 *2q0 0 0 *00 0 0 216 INTEREST, AT SIX TER CENTUM PER ANNUM. 3 Months. 2 Months. £. , £. s. d, . £. s. 1 0 0 3A 0 0 2* S ' 0 0 7 0 0 44 a : 0 0 10? 0 0 7 s 0 1 *i 0 0 9* 5 * 0 1 6 0 1 0 e : 0 1 9* 0 l 2} 7 0 2 1 0 1 4^ 8 0 2 43 0 1 7 9 0 2 0 1 ( 1 in 0 3 0 0 2 0 20 0 6 0 0 4 0 .so 0 9 0 0 6 0 40 0 12 0 0 8 0 50 0 15 0 0 10 0 60 0 18 0 0 12 0 70 1 1 0 0 14 0 80 1 4 0 0 16 0 00 1 7 0 0 18 0 loo 1 10 0 1 0 0 200 3 0 0 2 0 0 300 4 10 0 3 0 0 400 6 0 0 4 0 0 500 .7 10 0 5 0 0 600 9 0 0 6 0 0 700 10 10 0 7 0 0 800 12 0 0 8 0 0 (XX) 13 10 0 9 0 0 ' 1000 15 0 0 10 o 0 ! 2000 30 0 0 20 0 0 ! 3000 45 0 0 30 0 0 ! 4000 .50 0 0 40 0 0 5000 65 0 0 50 0 0 6000 80 0 0 60 0 0 7000 95 0 0 70 0 0 ; 8000 110 0 0 SO 0 0 i 9000 I?5 0 0 90 0 0 10000 110 0 0 100 0 0 1 Month. 20 Days. 10 Days. . .V. \ 0 0 1 0 0 43 0 0 3 0 0 1| 0 0 6 0 0 S 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 7 0 0 4i 0 0 2 0 0 8i 0 0 5i 0 0 21 0 0 94 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 103 0 0 64 0 0 .‘>4 0 1 o' o o 73 0 0 31 0 2 0 0 1 3* 0 0 71 0 3 0 0 1 lH 0 o ui 0 4 0 0 2 7i 0 1 31 0 5 0 0 3 3i 0 1 71 0 6 0 0 3 IP 0 1 111 0 7 0 0 4 7 A 0 2 31 0 8 0 0 5 3| 0 2 71 0 9 0 0 5 11 0 2 111 0 10 0 o 6 r >3 0 3 31 1 0 0 0 13 4 0 6 7 1 10 0 0 19 8i 0 9 101 2 0 0 1 6 31 0 13 2 2 10 0 1 12 104 0 16 51 3 0 0 1 19 5k 0 19 9 3 10 0 2 6 0' 1 3 01 4 0 0 2 12 7 1 6 4 4 10 0 2 19 2 1 9 71 5 0 0 3 5 9 1 12 11 10 0 0 6 11 6 3 5 10 15 0 0 9 17 3 4 IS 9 20 0 0 13 3 0 6 11 8 25 0 0 16 8 9 8 4 7 30 0 0 19 14 6 9 17 6 35 0 0 23 0 3 11 10 5 40 0 0 26 6 0 11 3 4 45 0 0 29 11 6 14 16 3 .50 0 0 32 17 9 16 9 2, 217 WEIGHT asd VALUE of GOLD COINS, ESTABLISHED BY LAW. ( TOON. £. ft. d. £. s. d. Afyf. gr. £. ft. d. £. ft. 15 16 4 10 0 13 23 3 19 9 12 6 3 9 G 5 0 0 15 9 9 22 19 6 5 9 S 4 19 9 14 9 6 21 19 3 4 9 0 19 6 13 9 3 20 19 0 3 8 9 19 3 12 9 0 19 18 9 2 8 6 19 0 11 8 9 18 18 6 1 8 3 18 9 10 8 6 17 18 3 12 0 8 0 18 6 9 8 3 16 18 0 11 23 7 9 18 8 8 8 0 15 17 9 22 7 6 18 0 7 7 9 14 17 6 21 7 3 17 9 6 7 6 13 17 3 20 7 0 17 a 5 7 3 12 17 0 19 6 9 17 8 4 7 0 11 16 9 18 6 6 17 0 3 6 9 10 16 G 17 6 3 16 9 2 6 G 9 16 3 16 G 0 16 6 1 6 3 8 16 0 15 5 9 16 8 15 0 r> o 7 15 9 14 5 6 16 0 14 23 5 91 ! G 15 6 13 5 3 15 9 22 5 6 5 15 3 12 5 0 15 6 21 5 3 4 15 0 11 4 9 I \ Q qQ 5-0 3 U 9 10 4 6 15 0 —r# 19 4 9 2 14 6 • 9 U 9 18 4 6 1 14 3 8 4 0 14 6 17 4 3 13 0 14 0 7 3 9 M 3 16 4 0 12 23 13 9 6 3 6 14 0 15 3 9 22 13 G 5 3 .3 13 9 14 3 G 21 13 3 4 3 0 13 f> 13 3 3 20 1.3 0 3 2 9 13 3 12 3 0 19 12 9 2 2 6 13 0 11 2 9 18 12 G 1 2 3 12 9 10 2 G 17 12 3 11 o 2 0 12 6 9 2 3 16 12 0 iO 23 1 9 12 3 8 2 0 15 11 9 22 1 G 12 0 7 1 9 14 11 ( 21 1 3 11 9 6 1 G 13 1! 5 20 1 0 11 6 5 1 3 12 11 0 19 0 9 1! .3 4 1 0 11 10 9 18 0 6 11 0 3 G 9 10 10 G 17 0 3 10 9 2 0 G 9 10 :: 16 .3 0 0 10 6 1 0 3 8 10 r 15 2 19 9 10 3 14 0 4 0 0 7 a 9 14 19 ( 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 £. 8. d. 10 13 2 19 3 12 19 0 11 18 9 10 18 6 9 18 3 8 18 0 7 17 9 6 17 6 5 17 3 4 17 0 3 16 9 2 16 6 1 16 3 10 0 16 0 9 23 15 9 22 15 6 21 15 ‘ 20 15 0 19 14 9 18 14 6 17 14 3 16 14 0 15 13 9 14 13 6 13 13 3 12 13 0 12 9 12 e 12 3 12 0 11 9 11 6 11 3 11 0 10 9 10 6 10 3 Two Pistoles. 8 16 2 10 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 9 9 9 6 9 3 9 0 8 9 8 6 8 3] 8 01 8 7 6 5 4 3 o 1 8 0 7 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 0 5 6 23 J 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 £. s. d. 2 7 7 7 7 G 9 6 f> 6 0 5 9 5 5 5 (J 4 4 4 4 0 5 9 3 6 3 3 0 2 9 2 G 2 3 2 0 1 9 1 61 T 3 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 19 9 19 6 19 3 19 0 18 9 18 6 18 13 0 17 9 17 6 17 3 17 0 1G 9 16 6 16 3 diet. gr. 6 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 0 5 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 o 1 I 0 l *3 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 Pistole. 8 1 £. s. c i- du £. s. d. 1 16 i 0 4 7 1 4 9 15 ! 9 6 4 6 15 i 6 5 4 3 15 : 51 4 4 0 15 ( 3 3 3 9 14 < ) 2 3 6 14 ( 5 1 3 3 14 ‘ 1 4 0 3 0 14 ( ) 3 23 2 9 13 £ > 22 2 6 13 f i 21 2 3 13 a ' 20 2 0 13 d 19 1 9 12 9 18 1 6 12 6 17 1 3 12 S 16 1 0 12 < 15 0 9 11 9 14 0 6 11 6 18 0 3 11 3 12 1 0 0 11 r 11 19 9 10 9 10 19 6 10 6 9 19 3 10 3 8 19 0 10 0 7 18 9 O O 6 18 6 9 6 5 18 3 9 3 4 18 0 9 0 3 17 9 8 9 2 17 6 8 6 1 17 3 8 3 3 0 17 0 8 0 2 23 16 9 7 9 22 16 6 7 6 21 16 3 7 3 20 16 0 7 0 19 15 9 6 9 18 15 6 6 6 17 15 3 6 3 16 15 0 6 0 15 14 9 5 9 14 14 6 5 6 13 14 s r 5 3 12 14 0 11 13 9 10 13 6 5 0 9 13 3 219 (hct. gr. £. s. d. 2 8 0 13 0 diet. gr. j 8 18 £. s.. d. 2 12 0 diet. ^r. G 19 2 0 3 4 20 ■£:s.d. I 8 6 7 12 9 17 11 9 18 2 0 0 19 8 3 Half Pistole. 1(5 11 6 17 1 19 9 16 8 0 2 4 12 6 15 14 11 3 11 0 16 15 19 G 19 3 17 7 9 3 12 3 13 10 9 14 19 0 Quarter Joe. 2 12 0 12 10 G 13 IS 9 4 15 1 7 6 1 11 9 11 10 3 12 18 r> 14 7 3 2 0 11 6 10 10 0 11 18 3 13 7 0 1 23 11 3 9 9 9 10 IS 0 12 « 9 22 11 0 8 9 6 9 17 9 ]] G G 21 so 10 9 10 6 7 6 9 3 9 0 8 7 17 6 17 3 10 9 6 3 G 0 19 10 3 5 8 9 (5 17 0 8 5 l IS 10 0 4 8 G 5 1G 9 7 5 6 IT 9 9 3 8 3 4 10 6 G 5 5 10 9 6 2 8 0 3 16 3 5 5 0 15 9 5 1 7 9 2 16 0 4 4 9 14 9 0 8 0 7 G 1 15 9 3 4 6 13 8 9 7 23 7 3 6 0 15 G 2 4 3 12 8 G 22 7 0 5 23 15 3 1 4 0 11 8 3 21 6 9 22 15 0 4 0 3 9 10 8 0 20 6 6 21 14 9 3 23 3 6 9 7 9 19 6 3 20 14 6 22 3 3 8 7 6 18 6 0 19 14 3 21 3 0 7 7 3 17 5 9 18 14 0 20 2 9 0 7 0 16 5 G 17 13 9 19 2 G 5 6 9 15 5 3 10 13 6 18 2 3 4 0 6 14 5 0 15 13 3 17 2 0 3 6 3 13 4 9 14 13 0 16 1 9 2 6 0 12 4 6 13 12 9 15 1 6 1 5 9 11 4 3 12 12 G 14 1 3 1 0 5 G 10 4 0 11 12 3 13 1 G Half Johann. 9 8 3 9 3 6 10 9 12 0 11 9 12 11 0 9 0 6 9 0 2 15 0 7 3 3 8 11 G 10 0 3 5 11 9 6 3 0 7 11 3 9 1 0 0 4 14 G 5 2 9 6 11 C 8 0 19 9 3 o 14 3 4 2 6 5 JO 9 7 19 6 14 0 3 2 3 4 10 6 G 19 3 1 13 9 2 2 0 3 10 3 5 19 0 9 0 13 6 1 I 9 2 10 0 4 18 9 8 23 13 3 7 0 1 6 1 9 9 3 18 6 22 13 0 G 23 1 3 5 0 9 6 2 18 S 21 12 9 22 1 0 4 23 9 3 1 18 0 20 12 6 21 0 9 22 9 0 3 0 17 9 19 12 3 20 0 6| 21 8 9 2 23 17 6 diet. gr. at\ .v. 16 10 S 5T 13 < 15 15 0 6 6 0 221 INDEX. E N a L A N D. . Page. Admirals. *,.*59 Admiralty-Court . * ’ * * 49 AdmiralfV-Office. . "as Agents, A nny . Ill ....... Navy . m Archbishops and Bishops ... 23 Army, List of the . 88 ...... Pay-Office . 50 Artillery, Koval . 107 Bank of England . .>1 Karons . t>j Page. Gloucester, Duke of, Esta¬ blishment . 44 Greenwich Hospital . 50 Irish Representative Peers . 23 Kent, Duke of, Household. . 44 Kings and Queens from the Conquest . 119 King's Bench, Court of . 53 .Household . 3 ?) Cambridge, Duke of. House¬ hold . 44 Lancaster, Duchy Court of . 5.3 Lord Licntcnantsof Counties 53 Marines, Royal . ]()8 Marquises.; . I..*. \ H Ministers, British, abroad .. 57 land .... Captains in the Royal Navy (»l Chamberlain, Great . 38 Chancery, Court of . 52 Charlotte, Princess, Establish- ment . 40 Chelsea Hospital . 51 Cinque-Ports . 51 Clarence, Duke of. House¬ hold . 43 Mint, Officers of the .... 5 ! Naval O dicers. Establishment and Pay of. 72 Commanders in the Royal _ Navy . 60 Navy, Royal, List of . 73 Navy-Office * i<^ Common Pleas, Court of _ 52 Commons, House of . 25 Consuls Abroad . 57 .Pay-Office . • ») Officers of the Army, Pay of 109 Cornwall, Duchy of . 43 Cumberland,Dukeof, House¬ hold . ;... . 44 Customs . 47 Bwkes . 18 Earls . I.!; 19 East-India Board . 54 *.Establishment ... 55 Engineers, Royal . las Exchequer, Court of . 53 Excise-OlEce . 47 Family, Royal; . 17 Fees on Mflmury Commissions 110 moils. 37 Ordnance-Office ... .50 Peers of the Blood Royal . is Peeresses_ ’ Post-Office. TJ Privy-Council ... . Privy-Seal Office... Queens Household . 4 1 Rangers, &o. . 40 Scots Representative Peers v; Secretaries of State’s Office 4 it Stamp-Office . Sussex, Duke of, liou^elioLi 4.1 fowor ot London .. .y> 222 Trade, Board of.... 53 Transport-Office.49 Trea> urv-O ffice. 47 Trinity-House.54 VicstuallingtO ffice.49 Viscounts. ,... 21 "Wales, Prince of, Household 42 Page. Wales, Princess of, House¬ hold .42 War-Office.50 West-India Dock Company. 56 Works, Board of.”.. 51 York, Duke and Duchess of. Household.43 SCOT Admiralty-Court.119 t hancerv, Court of.119 (Town, Officers of the. 110 Customs.119 1 xehequer. Court of.1 IS t v 'u Artillery, Royal.P >6 .\ Royal Foreign ... 167 Assembly, Homr of.136 Asize, Courts of.139 Astronomical Characters... 4 At tonnes at Law.139 Barristers.139 Calendar. 5 .Jewish. 3 Chancery, Court of.137 Chronological Cycles. 4 Churchwardens ‘and Vestry¬ men, Days for choosing.. .195 223 Page. . Clergymen's Widows and Or¬ phans l'uml .143 Clerk of the Peace (King¬ ston), Fees of.209 Constables (Kingston), Fees of. 210 Correspondence, Commis¬ sioners of.143 Council, his Majesty’s.136 t ourts, Table of.194 Custom-House, Duties paid at 205 Customs, Officers of the.141 Drava^e(Kingston), Rates of210 Ecclesiastical Court.143 Eclipses. 4 Equation of Time. 4 Errors, Court of.138 Fort-Charles, Officers of... .172 Fortsand FortificationSjCom- missioners of.142 Freight, Rates of.212 Goods Imported, Consolidat¬ ed Duties on.205 Governor.136 Governor's Secretary, Feesof 197 Governors, &c.192 Harbour-Masters, Fees of . .207 Holidays.195 Hors *,L'ormvall Regiment of 187 .Middlesex Regiment of.178 .Surrey Regiment of. 181 Hospital, Naval.173 Jamaica, Brief Description of.13-4 .Chronology of.... 134 J udicaturc,Supreme Court of 139 Lieutenant-Governor.136 Maroons.143 Mason Lodges.1% Militia, Staff of.174 .Lieutenant-Generalsl74 .Major-Generals ...174 Money, Tables of.213 Moveable Feasts. 4 Navy on the Station.173 Newspapers.145 Ordinary, Court of.138 Page. Parochial Officers,Clarendonl50 ..Hanover.. .162 Kingston .. 153 Portland .. 151 Port-Royal 155 St. Andrew 156 St. Ann ...152 .St. Cathe¬ rine. .. .146 .St. David . . 158 .St. Dorothy 150 .St. Eliza¬ beth ...160 .St. George .159 .St. James.. 1GJ .St. John... 149 .St. Mary .. 151 .St. Thomas in t he East 157 .St. Thomas intheVale!50 .Trclawny . 164 .Vere.151 .Westmor- land_161 Pilots, Fees of.gog Postmasters, Deputy....... I 44 Post-Office, General.114 Post-Roads. 145 Prisoners of War, Office for 173 Produce, Home Duties on . .204 Public Accounts, Board of . 112 .Officers.lio .Works, Board of... .142 Receiver - General's Office, Duties paid at.205 Regiment, 18th. 107 .51th.163 .55th.169 .60th (1st Bat.)... ! 0 J .( 6 th Bat.)... 170 .101st..171 .5th West-India. .171 .Clarendon.178 .Hanover. 191 .Kingston.182 .Portland.186 .Port-Royal. 224 Page. Rogjment, Sf. Andrew's_ 184 -...... St. Ann's.180 .St. Catherine’s .. 176 .St. Elizabeth's .. 188 .St. George's.186 . ...... St. James's.190 .St. John and St. Dorothy's.177 .St. Mary’s.179 ....St. Thomas in the East and St. Da¬ vid’s ... ..1S5 Regiment, St. Thomas in the Vale. 177 .Trelawny.191 .Vote. 179 .Western Interior 192 .Westmorland ... 189 Stamp Act, Abstract of the 199 Surveyors in Commission ... 145 Vice-Admiralty, Court of . . 1:J8 Wharfage (Kingston), Rates Tr of j---.207 l ard, rnaval... 173 ERRATUM. Page 132, for Hugh Elliott , Esq. Governor of Barbados, read Gsx. Sir George iteckicitk, K. JJ. 13 i./ .. / a s* *** ~ / / / ./ ■ L' 2 %'C " s-/i J -/6 . - <0- fc> /./n& / - ./ -... s y «-*• ■ •• - i* 'i. O . t y . ^ A*. S' - ,^5 £*, &**■ >■ 4<> * •' ' < ' J 4 /^ / ? ' / . r /"t r A' ' ^ ny / . ». V -, •■• y ' ,•■■• . . ' /' / /> ***** ■y-ct o # /ti * { L'y/i A~* t> «- 'r*$2J-* —- — - -- — 7 - v '* • ?J * / 4 i • . r{i- : ' . 4 1 ;-•'. ’,' ': ,.-■' '■■ *• ' ■ ; -yi*- ■=•'■' ' ' iPvl Vl