si J A s^ A. PARK, LEONARD ST. LONDON. -Si SWT" WH1TTINGT0N AND HIS CAT. Dick was a poor boy, who came to London by a waggon, md got a place in the kitchen >f a merchant ; but the cook •ising him bad, he resolved to return to the country again. When near Highgate, he heard the bells chime, " Turn again, Whittington, Lord Mayor of London." The merchant had a ship bound for India, who took out his cat. He became rich, and was made Lord Mayor. JACK THE GIANT KILLER. Jack was the son of a farmer in Cornwall, and was a boy of bold temper. He killed a Giant by digging a pit, into which he fell. After which he destroyed a great number of these mon- sters. The scene represents the encounter with the Enchanter, who had his large trumpet out- side the castle gate. Jack blew the horn. The gates flew open, and the Enchanter was killed by Jack's sword of sharpness. GULLIVERS TRAVELS. Gulliver was a great traveller, in the course of which he saw a great many strange things. He once ascended to an Island, and having gone round the world, he was let down again in a huge bucket by a chain. Gulliver saw many very strange things — people called Lilliputians, so small that they walked between his legs, and others so large, that the Brobdignags could out him in their pockets. THIS Hl©¥8i THATT t&Q& WML1T Poor Jack built a house, but the rats and mice stole bis corn. Then came the Cat who killed the Rat that eat the corn. The Dog that worried the Cat that was tossed by the Cow with the crumpled horn, that was milked by the Maiden all forlorn, who was married to the Man all tat- tered and torn, by the Priest all shaven and shorn, who was awoke by the Cock that crowed in the morn. Tom Thumb was the son of a farmer, and so very little, that he was so christened, after a great many exploits in the reign of the good King Arthur ; during which he was once swallowed by a cow, flown away with by a* raven, tumbled into a large furmety pie, and slipped into a batter pudding; but was at last killed by a spider. His deeds were great, though bis size Was small. His death was mourned by one and all. THE FORTY THKITES. A woodman named Ali Baba, saw some robbers enter a cave, which opened at their ~mn^.r,d and place in it large treasures. He afterwards entered it, and became master of vast riches. The robbers got into Alt's house in Jars. He thought they were jars of oil; but a servant dis- covered them. They wanted to kill and rob him, but they got killed themselves, by the servant pouring hot oil into the jars. / 4 * , * LITTLE BED RIDING HOOD. She was very pretty and very simple, and her mother made her a red cloak, through which she took her name. Little Red Riding Hood was sent to take a pot of butter to her grand- mother, and met a large wolf on the road, who Avent first and eat up her grandmother, and afterwards eat poor Little Red Riding Hood. OLD MOTHER HUBBARD. This reminds us of Old Mother Hubbard^ Who went to the cupboard, to give the poor do-r a bone, [bare, When she got there, the cupboard was And so the poor dog had none, [bread, She went to the Baker s to buy him some When bhe came back the dog - was dead. He was a most wonderful dog, and the old dame was very in- dulgent to him, and dressed him up very smart with coat, hat, and wig, and gave him wine and fruit. THE YELLOW WDARF. The Yellow Dwarf, fell in love with the Princess All-Fair, whose mother was beset by lions. She s:ave her consent, and the Yellow Dwarf saved them. The Kino; of the Golden Mines also wanted to wed the young Prin- cess All-Fair, but the Yellow Dwarf would not allow it ; so he stabbed the King of the Gold Mines before All-Fair, who fell down dead. The lovers were changed into Palm trees. VALENTINE AND ORSON. Valentine and Orson were brothers, and their mother, an Empress, banished by her hus- band, was on her way to her brother, King Pepin, when a she bear stole one of her chil- dren. Valentine was found by the King, and brought up at court. Orson, suckled by the bear, became a wild man; so Valentine went to the wood, con- quered, and brought him to the King, who made him a knight. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Beauty was protected by the Beast. Little Beauty was the child of a very rich merchant, and she was courted by a rich nobleman, in the shape of a beast — he was kept in that state a long time. At last Beauty consented to marry the Beast ; and from being an ugly monster, he instantly became a handsome Prince. SINBAD THE SAILOR. Sinbad being shipwrecked, fell into the hands of the Old Man of the Mountains, who made him his slave, and every day made him carry him on his shoulders all round the island: oreat cruelty was practised on him. Poor Sinbad was afflicted with every punishment that could be thought of. At last he escaped, and returned home and found his friends. Sinbad had made seven voyages. J V 35V TOY BOOKS IN GREAT YAH JKTY. LARGE PENNY COLOURED BOOKS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HALF-PENNY AND FARTHINS BOOKS. Off FTo-wer*, Spruit, BipiIs, iintrv rif kV», /Vn finals, liameap^ a- iin#, Hunting' , dc, SOO m>i'4<4, i 3 . plain, l«t„ coloured. HALF-PENNY PtUNT-S, 2000 SORTS. Wkfi Characters and Sct-nes, m complete Sets, ^d. Plain-. Miller and hi* Men - - - 23. palates La rye ■ scenes for do. 1 ci . pl-akv Li! kid Boy - 17 do. D>er French ut a - - - — \4 do. feed Rover 18 do, Mi-M and Mag- pie - - - - 14 plates Large scenes Cor do. Id. plain* Old Oak Ctiest %2 do. Wood tXaiinoTi - - — - 26 do. Wood tnan^ But. - 16 do*. Books lor the ab©ve, 4d. Drop Scenes, Orchestras-,. Floats, Stages &f all sizes, Lamps and S Ikies. Large Stage Front, 1*7 ki. by 22 ki. 4d. plain, Is. coloured, 2s. Sd. built. PSNKY AM® !TWe«PENiMY ©K^WLM-a BGQKS. IJfung {Sable Booft&, primers,, $r aught 25oartJ&. &r. &e. The largest variety in the trade of Fancu> and Comic Valentines.