m m THE C 11 E ERF UL m IS FilONTIoPlECE. In books, or work, or healthful play. Let my first years be past, That I may give for every day, Some good account at last. THK 'IIEB iBIiEB. OR JUVENILE SONG BOOK. YORK : Printed and Sold by J. Koiidnw, Collicrgatc* Roman Capital Letters. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ&iECS Old English Capital and Small Letters. ^ B C 33 or dT j zetcejiffjlffiffl y I' lilii London BelL TWO sticks and an apple. Ring the bells at whitechaple. Old father bald pate. Ring the bells at Aldgate, Maids in white aprons. Ring the bells at St Catharine's. Oranges and lemons. Ring the bells at St Clement's. 6 When will you pay me. Ring the bells at the Old Bailey. When I am rich, Rino- the bells at Shore-ditch. When will that be, Ring the bells at Stepney. When I'am old, Rinf^ the bells at St. Paul's. 7 Drunwier and Sot- Drunk or sober, go to bed, Tom, Go to bed, Tom, Go to bed, Tom, Drunk or sober, go to bed, Tom. T'other pot, and t'other pipe Then to bed, Tom, Then to bed, Tom, Drunk or sober, then to bed, Tom s Jolly Welchman. Taffy was a Welchman^ And Taffy was a thief, Taffy came to my house. And stole a piece of beef ; I went to Taffy's house. And Taffy was not at home, Taffy came to my house, And stole a marrow-bone. 9 Little Husband. I had a little husband. No bigger than my thumb, I put him in a pint pot. And there I bade him drum ; I gave him a pah' of garters. To garter up his hose, And a little handkerchief. To wipe his dirty nose. s»H«Ha»«i»a®«His»!rajasi 10 Jtl^!0t 5;.^. ^ The Brown Cofv. I had a little brown cow. She gave a can of milk, I sold my little brov^^n cow. And bought a gown of silk ; There was three rows up. And three rows down. Stand back you saucy Jack, You'll ruffle all my gown. 11 Jack Horner Little Jack Horner, Sat in the corner. Eating a Christmas pie ; He put in his thumb, And puird out a plum. And said wliat a good boy am I. 4 12 Wifie and Cakes. Wine and cakes for gentlemen, Hay and corn for horses, A cup of ale for good old wives. And kisses for young lasses. 13 Bessy Bell and Mary Gray. Bessy Bell and Mary Gray They were two bonny lasses. They built a house with walls of clay, And cover'd it o'er with rushes. M LiUlc Man and Maid. They was a little man. And he woo'd a little maid. And he said little maid, will you wed, wed, wed, I've little more to say, But will you, yea or nay, Will you make a little print in my bed, bed, bed. !fB!3HfitSgflHH«HW]iOTM«ia*HWM™"n««™''~*'"*^ 15 lit The Grenadier. Who comes there ? a Grenadier, What do you want ? a pot of beer, Where's your money ? I've forgot. Get you gone you drunken sot. L WId D^5 16 SPORTS AT THE FAIR. Here some go up and some go down, 'Lo take their pastime at the fair ; Just so it is the world all round, Each has his pleasure,, each his care. FINIS. J. KEXDREAV; rUlMEU, YORK.