1 1 Sia-HT! PEOPLE DRIVEN LIKE DUMB ANIMALS TO THE SHAMBLES!! TYRANNY OF DOCTORCRAFT ! ! ! The people of Montreal gone Mad ! ! Lashed into fear and dread by the insane ravings of a MAD PRESS. THOUSANDS of PEOPLE insanely rushing to the shambles of the vaccinators, — as the people of the dark ages did to the sooth- sayers and miracle workers for protection against evil spirits. And this is Montreal in 1885. STOP! and think; what are you doing? you are trusting to a BAUBLE, that has no more influence in preventing you from having the small-pox, than the ** CHARMS ” and INCANTATIONS of an African savage have to ward off^ the bullets of their enemies. Fathers and Mothers of Montreal, you are committing a crime against your innocent and helpless children by forcing this FILTHY, USELESS and DANGEROUS RITE upon them. YOU are aiding and abetting an outrageous crime against those who look to you for protection from disease and impurity. YOU are contaminating the bodies of your children with the rotten pus of a diseased beast; for this PUS {niisealled Lymph) is the product of disease. The prevailing talk about vaeeine is deceptive ; you might as well talk of pui'e filth. The introduction of this filthy^ putrid pus, into the body of a pure and helpless child, is a CRIME. T maintain that any substitute for CLEANLINESS, PURE AIR, PURE FOOD and PURE WATER is but a delusive and disgusting expedient. Small- pox is a filth disease, and Nature’s antidote is CLEANLINESS. Small-pox can no more be stamped out by Vaccination than SIN can be by priestcraft. VACCINATION IS POISONOUS. For other poisons there are anti- dotes ; for vaccine poison, NONE. For more than a hundred years ARM TO ARM inoculation was practised and recommended (as Vaccination is to-day) by the most eminent {?) physicians as a sure preventive of .Smallpox ; now it is a penal offetiee to practise it in England ; as Scrofula, Syphilis, and other foul diseases of foul men were transmitted by inoculation. Tens of thousands of victims of this delusion were swept into untimely graves. When inoculation, like other abandoned medical delusions, was relegated to the same tomb with the Dried Blood of a Black Cat; ” ^’‘Infallible Poivders'*' made from the tails of lizards, snakes and white puppy dogs ; ’^Kiiig's Powders f made from dried toads and the spittle of a reigning king ; bleeding ; calomel, and other modern delusions ; then this monstrous fallacy of Vaccination (which now holds high carnival in Montreal) was introduced, substituting the foul/z/j- of diseased cattle for the filthy pus of diseased men. tempora, O mores ! ! “ For a thousand years during the middle ages,” says Dr. Lyon Playfair, “there was not a man or woman in Europe that ever took a bath ; hence the terrible plagues and epidemics of those times.” And yet doctors at this day are so blinded by super- stition that they gull the public into a belief that Vaccination is a preventive of Small- pox, when they know that thousands of vaccinated people have died from Smallpox, and that a large proportion of those who recently died in this city had from 07te to three marks on their bodies. Though the Press and Profession cry Vaccinate ! Vaccinate ! ! Vaccinate ! ! ! and the people in thousands follow^ their blind leaders, — I still say, DONT. MAD!! Our City Authorities and Press are MAD, Their insane cry of ALARM I! “ VACCINATE!” — “ VACCINATE!” has driven thousands of our usual summer visitors away from the city, and injured our trade and commerce to the extent of millions of dollars by their senseless ravings, ^mall-pox is not epidemic in Montreal at present ; it is sporadic and in general endemic, but considering the density and character of our population of 200,000 people of mixed nationalities, there have been very few cases-, not exceeding 500 at any time in the city, and these generally in the most ill-conditioned localities. The last Report ol our Board of Health says : — “ Up to date (Aug. 17) there have been 133 PATIENTS admitted into the Civic Hospital suffering from small-pox, of these SEVENTY-THREE WERE VACCINATED, FIFTY-SIX had ONE mark on the arm, THIRTEEN TWO marks ; and FOUR THREE marks. In all 44 DIED ; of these, EIGrHTEEN WERE VACCINATED.” There is no reason for this SENSELESS PANIC. Montreal should be one of the healthiest cities on this continent, and it would be if our authorities would enforce thorough SANITATION instead of blindly trusting to the miraculous potency of a USELESS, DAN- GEROUS, and filthy RITE like Vaccination. Dr. Garth Wilkinson, the eminent English physician and author, stated before a Committee of the English House of Commons, 1871, that “a small-pox panic in London is worth one million potiuds sterling to the profession ! ” If so, what is our panic worth ? OUTRAGE ON PERSONAL LIBERTY! MONTREAL WORKING-MEN AND WOMEN FORGED TO BE VACCINATED!! No work for those who refuse to have the mark of the BEAST on their bodies ! TALK NO LONGER OF RUSSIAN TYRANNY ! Tyranny is detestable in any shape, but in none so formidable as when it is assumed and exercised by a number of petty tyrants. It is in vain for working-men and women to plead that they do not believe in the efficacy of Vaccination. They are told that they may believe what they like, but that Vaccinated THEY MUST BE, or leave their employment, which to many of them means STARVATION ! ! COMPUL.SORY VACCINATION —The next move will be to attempt the enforcement of GOMPCJLiSORY VACCINATION on all who arc imvaccinateiL In fact an old obsolete law — some relic of a dark and ignorant period — has been brought from its tomb, and may yet be enforced in this hour of MADNESS. Are the people of tliis noble city so cowardly and deficient in spirit and independence as to submit tamely to this contemptible TYRANNY of DOCTORCRAFT ? if so, they do not deserve the blessings c f FREEDOM. The Medical Profession have denounced me • the Press have ridiculed my views of vaccination, and then closed their columns and refused me space to reply. But I WILL BE HEARD! This is a struggle of health against disea-se. I am seeking to disseminate views which I am convinced are beneficial to mankind. I believe in what I utter, and believing, mean to live up to it. Although alone in this fight against vaccination, I believe the cause I advocate will finally triumph. Personal abuse and persecution are the weapons my opponents rely upon to defeat my purpose — which is to expose to the light of reason, this vaccination delusion. I may be defeated at present, but the cause will live, and in less than twenty years from now, the people of this city will look back with feelings of horror at the out- rages upon health and life perpetrated by the vaccinators of this day. CAUTION. DO NOT BE ALARMED BY THE SMALL-POX. 1 . — Vaccination has been weighed in the balance, and found wanting, 2. — Vaccination docs nol prevent Small-pox in any cases. 3 . — Vaccination ddcs' cause loathsome and often fatal diseases. Many children are killed outright, and thousands have their health ruined by it. 4. — Vaccination does not lessen the severity or the fatality of Small-pox. The proportion of Vaccinated persons who have Small-pox has steadily increased as Vaccination has been extended — and the number of deaths in proportion to the cases is the same as ever. In the last epidemic of Small-pox in London, 92 per cent, were persons who had been Vaccinated or Re-vaccinated. The proper and only safeguard required against Small-pox is pure air, cleanli- ness, and temperance. Observing these three conditions, no one need have the slightest fear of the contagion. Vaccination only increases the risk. If the doctors do no know these facts, it is high time they were enlightened. Think twice before you consent to swell the harvest they expect to reap from this panic. ALEXANDER M. ROSS, M.D. Member of the Colleges of Phystciaris aacl Surgeons of Quebec, Ontaiho and Manitoba, 227 University Street, Montreal, August, 21, 1885, PROOF. For proof that VACCINATION is both USELESS and DANGER- OUS, read the following medical evidence from the most eminent physicians in Europe : — DR. W. J. COLLINS, M.R.C S., Eng., for TWENTY years PUBLIC VACCINATOR of London, says: — “After twenty years’ ex- perience as a public vaccinator, I am convinced that no amount of care nor attention to detail, nor cautious selection of lymph, can obviate the risk of Vaccination being followed by erysipelatous inflammation. In fact there is no CERTAINTY IN THE OPERATION. DR. JOHN EPPS, after 25 years’ experience as Director of the Jennerian Institute of London, Eng., after vaccinating about 120,000 people, finally declared in 1861 : — “ Vaccine virus is a poison. As such it penetrates all organic systems. It is neither antidote nor corrigent, nor does it neutralize the small-pox. Nobody has the right to transplant such a mischievous poison into the life of a child.” PROF. FRAlTOrS W. NEWMAN, of Oxford University, says Xotliin<^ is clearer to anyone who will open his eyes than that what is now called Vaccination has no effect in lessening small-pox, and has frequent and terrible effect in doing mischief.” , DR. NIEMEYER, of Tubingen, in his Text Book of Medicine, 1879,. says: — “It cannot be denied that vaccination endangers life, and in many cases leaves permanent impairment of health, especially cutaneous diseases and other scrofulous affections, due to the debilitating influence of the fever accompanying the vaccinia.” DR. JOSEF HSRMANN, Chief of the Imperial Wiede Hospital, Vienna, from 1858 to 1884, (front the Nafurarzt^) says: — “ When a man has treated hun- dreds of cases of small-pox, both under sporadic and epidemic conditions, through many years and at all sefisons, he comes to the decided conclusion that vaccination has not the remotest effect on the outbreak, course, or issue of the disease. Vaccinated persons, bearing unmistakeable marks of the process on their arms, frequently have confluent small-pox.” SIR THOMAS CHAMBERS, M.P., RECORDER of London. Eng., says: “ I have receivtui most touching letters from all quarters, complaining of the grievous sorrow and suffering inflicted on families through the Vaccination Acts.” SIR THOMAS WATSON, M.D., of London, Eng., says “ I can sympathize with, and even applaud, a father wdio, with the presumed dread in his mind, is willing to submit to judicial penalties rather than expose his child to the risk of an infection so ghastly as Vaccination.” HON. THOMAS BRETT, M.D., of London, Eng,, says : “ After many years’ experience, I amved at the conclusion that Vaccination was not only useless as a preventive, but dangerous. I decline the risk of Vaccination, and would not vaccinate my bitterest enemy.” — Speech^ April 17th, 1883. DR. A. H. CARON, Paris, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, and Mem- ber of many learned Societies, says : — “ For my own part, it is long since I have positively refused to vaccinate at any price. Vaccination is a bauble, gilded over indeed by Act of Parliament, but a bauble still, with which doctors rock — too often to a fatal sleep — the gullible children of the world.” — Letter to Dr. Caplin, Portman Square, London. SIR HENRY HOLLAND, Bart., M.D., P.R.S., says:— “It is no longer expedient, in any sense, to argue for the present practice of Vaccination as a certain or permanent preventive of small-pox. The truth must be told, as it is, that the earliest anticipations on this point have not been realized. Whether small-pox may ever be wholly eradicated is a very doubtful question, and the probability is on the negative Medical Notes attd Reflections ; London ; pp. 401, 415, and 416. DR. B. F. CORNELL, M.D. , President of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of New York, says : — “ It is my firm conviction that Vaccination has been a curse instead of a blessing to the race. Every physician knows that cutaneous diseases have increased in frequency, severity, and variety, to an alarming extent. To what is this increase owing? Contagion may account for some of the varieties : in a large majority, however, to no medium of transmission is the widespread dissemination of this class of diseases so largely indebted as to Vaccination.” — Address delivered before the Honicsopafhic Medical Society oj Nc7v York, February nth, 1868. LONDON ‘‘STANDARD,” February 24th, 1883 “ It is well known that the small-pox patients in the hospitals of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, are three-fourths of those persons who had been successfully vaccinated in infancy, and amongst such vaccinated persons there occur some of the worst cases of small-pox, in which the eruption is confluent.”