AND U ITj3^ ■Tl aim ■TV J£^0 Eeadit who wil]^ They'll lauah their fill 'O' YORK : r-'rinted and Sold ;., J. Kjiiclrevv, Collicrgate. JJCK AND JIL ^ A-J y Jack and Jill Went up the hill. To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down. And broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after. AND OLD DAME GILL 3 A a B b '='^^^^^»ww w i m r iMwvi ia Tfffli\" '>?'^ [l y.igr.My^-'isasisa^irafc-gy^^^^ Then up Jack got. And home did trot, As ftist as he could caper ; Dame Gill did the job. To plaster his nob With vinegar and brown paper, 4 JACK AND JILL, C c D d Then Jill came in, And she did grin, To see Jack's paper plaster ; Pier mother whipt her. Across her knee. For laughing at Jack's disaster % AND OLD DAME GILL, Ee Ff ^!^^^'^^^^^^-^^«^^Tr^-^yTri Brri 'ff'Eje»^W-^ This made Jill pout. And she ran out. And Jack did quickly follow, 1 hey rode dog Ball, Jill got a fall How Jack did laugh and hollow. 6 JACK AND JILL. Gg Hh ^ n n a«£cwSu:;&^S£zusr.^ji^ist2S3:;^^~^'SS7£e£a^<:;;fii^^ The dame came out To know all about, Jill said that Jack was saucy. Says Jack Til tell You how Jill fell. And shew'd her nassy paisy^ AND OLD DAME GILL. li jj Dame Gill did grin^ As she went in, And Jill was plagu'd by Jack, Will Goat came bv. And made Jack crv. And knock'd him on his back. JACK AND JILL, Kk 1.1 Stat«BiSiti?^B3w:rri3r\arta'aBfafffasgar.aKaBg««g«^ .^.j&i Now Jill did laugli And Jack did cry, But his tears did soon abate^ Then Jill did say. That they should play^ At sea-saw across the ^ate. AND OLD DAME GILL. 9 M in N 11 Thev sea-saw'cl biVh, They sea-saw'il low^ At lengtii they both did tumble, We both are down We both must own. Let neither of us grumble. 10 JACK AND JILL. O o P p Then the next thing They made a swing. But Jill set UD a bi^ crv. For the swing* gave way. In the midst of the play, And threw her into the pigsty. AND OLD DAME GILL. 11 Q q R r liiSSuSSSKSE^-; The sow came by. Says Jack Hi try. If I can't ride this prancer ; He gave a jump. On old sow's rump. But she led him a droll dance^ sir. I Q JACK AND JILL. S s T t Sow ran and squaird, While Jack he bawTd, And Jill join'd in the clioir^ Dog Ball being near, Bit sow by the ear, And threw Jack into the mire. AND OLD DAME GILL. 13 u u V V Tho' Jack was not hurt, He was all over dirt, I wish you had but seen him. And how Jill did jump, With him to the pumD And pnmp'd on him to clean him. 14 JACK AND JILL. W w X X Hearing the rout. Dame Gill came out. With a horse whip from the door. She laid it on Jack, And poor Jill's back, Until thev both did roar. V- AND OLD DAME GILL. 15 Z z ;»-. ie^'. fc>vS,^S>i^" iv*^ .^v; 7/ ^1 i^Cx^ /T ■'3^, Mi: r^&t^^j^; ^-s iJTXisg.T.a^s.'jQfc'^^-^^jg'iti^g.aasMai gaag^--^^ Ball held sow's ear. And both in rear, Ran against old Dame and hit her That she did falj^ Over sow and Balh How Jack and Jill did twitter. I %^^ V 1r* D JACK AND JILL. And now all three^ Went in to see, To put the place to right all. Which done they sup. Then drink a cup. And wish you a good night alh Printed and Sold by J. Kcndrew, Colliergate.