TH UNIVERSAL anil TELLER, 1 Being sure and certain directions for discovering the Secrets of Futurity. The Art of t fortunes by Grounds of Tea or Gdftfc The .Science o'l foretelling Events by Cards. Telling Fortunes by Lines in the Hand. Directions to choose a Husband by the Hair. Concerning Children born on any Pay of the Week - Charms and Ceremonies. ^y^vA w w» w MM w< »N»hdiiiit^^mn»^» London : W. S. FORTEY, Printer and Publisher, 3 cfc S» Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury, W.O. ^ I 1 V ■ THE UNIVERSAL FOBTUNE TELLER Being sure and certain directions for discovering tht Secrets of Futurity. THE ART OF TELLING FORTUNE® BY THE GROUNDS OF TEA OR COFFEE. To pour out the Tea or Co fee Grounds.— Vout the grounds of tea or coffee into a \vhite cup, shake them well about in it so that their particles may cover the surface of the whole cup ; then re- verse it into the saucer, that all the superfluous parts may be drained, and the figures required for fortune->*>! ); "- L 'irmed. It is not to be expected, upon taking up thei >, ,hYt the igurei will be accurately represented ; Dut tne more . tV » t'-e f ~ tj shafc be of the person inspecting the cups, the more lie will "disco vet .n it. In this amusement each must himself be a judge undo* what drcumstanoes he is to make changes, in point oi tiaa •peaking just as it suite, in the peeneat, the past or the rutur*. ¥Hk tFKIfBRSAft. The Roads, or superfine lines, indicate ways ; if they are co* rered with clouds and in the thick, they are marks of past or fu« ture reverses ; but if they appear clear or serene, they denots some fortunate change near at hand ; encompassed with many points or dots, they signify an accidental gain of money, likewise long life. The Ring signifies marriage ; if a letter near it, it denotes to the person that has their fortune told, the initial of the name oi the party to be married. If the ring is in the clear, it portends happy and lucrative friendship. Surrounded with clouds, denotes that, the party is to use precaution in the friendship he is about to contract, less they should be insidiously deceived : but it is most inauspicious if the ring appear at the bottom of the cup, as it fore-, bodes the entire separation from a beloved object. '* lj The Leaf of Clover is, as well here as in common life, a lucky sign ; its positions in the cup alone make the difference ; because if it is on the top, it shews that good fortune is not far distant.; , but it is subject to delay, if it is in the middle, or at the bottom Should clouds surround" it, many disagreeables will attend th« gnod fortune ; in the clear it prognosticates undisturbed happiness The Anchor, the emblem of hope and commerce, implies sue- >• infill business carried on by water and land, if on the bottom O; -lie cup ; at the top, and in a clear part, it snews constant lovjBjj and unshaken fidelity. In thick and clouded parts it also denoted' love, but tinctured with the inconstancy of the butterfly. The Serpent, always the emblem of falsehood and enmity, is [ here a general sign of an enemy. On the top or in the middle of j the Qup, it promises to the consulting party the triumph which ho desires over his enemy. » But he will not obtain it so easily if the • serpent be in the thick or cloudy r>art. By the letter which fre» \ quently appears near the emblem, the enemy may easily* be) guessed, as it marks the initial of his name. "■ i i The Letter.— r By letters we communicate to our friends either j pleasant or unpleasant news ; such is the case here : if this emblem' is Lin the cie&r part, it denotes the speedy arrival of welcome-rtews ; surrounded with dots, it announces the arrival of a considerable remittance in money ; bu$ hemmed in by nearly related to the consulting .party,.- ' «»:♦•» V v t The Star, denotes ihappinesf^ -if -in-< »»•< * ,s To knout Whether one shall "enjoy their Love, or .?of odd noises 2nd tumult ; if a soldier or sa$pjP,,o,f thunder and.lightniilgj if a -servant, of rain. To find out thejtwQ; first Jitters bfi a future Wife or Husbg'^l name. — Take a small jjtb|eran,ddtke' keycof i^ur?fr6nt street uwr, and having opened to Solomon's Song, chap viii. ver. 6 and 7. •da^e.Ahe, wards r$f $e key ^n [thysiei tuvft verses, lfct' the;h.yw'of the key be about an inch ( Of|| i)f^\^tw\y of .tKfe; 'J^ibl^ • tiifeu • shut' the book, and tie it round with your, gaift<£r,.':so.a3> the key, will ne'tf tgjggfc and. the p^i-sqpYwhojwlsbVsV.tu kthuw His., or lierV fixture hlis- bapd,'s or wife's signature,; rnajst sju'spkml thfe bible .by iputthig: the* middle, finger of the right' hrtr*l;,.u']?.^ar|rjej,. yn.ltherfothaE . spde'if 'the: bow. of khe'kev, who must-repeat the.tfcdl^iing weraete,: after ,tbfe s Ather pc^oy's, saying „ the alpha%J;^ or^'J&ttfer, ^05»ieaeh>,time lrepeattog tb^i,, ;i It; must ,jbe.. observed, ^aVwq hjeciloni tost'he 'fcersfln 'ttho rjg ea^s the v;ersea, before you b§gjp,^hjck >c6u Intend tekrvifiaafti ^hejther tiie'.sire.or christian if^jmji #ndi !tarke care tO. Wld-.the; biUe .steady, and when you arrive ^Uk^afKpQ^ted^ktfeartfae book' *i!l turn round under your finger ; and that yoii will, find 4ob# l^ira letter , of yovr inten4e^'6 name:— &•% v^h-iVh »u .'• uX FORTUNE TELLER. aaf>py children ; but surrounded by dashes, shew that your children will cause you grief and vexation. The Dog, at all times an emblem of fidelity or envy, has ako * two-fold meaning here. At the top, in the clear, it signifie faithful friends; but surrounded by clouds and dashes, it shew* those whom you take for your friends are not to be depended on; out if at the bottom of the cup, you have to dread the effects of envy or jealousy. The Lily, at the top or in the middle of the cup, signifies the consulting party has, or will have, a virtuous spouse; if at the oottom, the reverse. In the clear, it denotes a long and happy life : if clouded or in the thick, it portends very great trouble or vexation. The Cross, be there one' or more, generally predicts adversity. A9 its position varies, so do the circumstances. At the top, in the clear, it denotes the party's misfortune is near an end ; but if in the middle, or at the bottom, in the thick, the party must ex- pect many severe trials ; if with dots, either in clear or thick, it promises a speedy change of sorrow. The Ckmds, if more light than dark, you may expect a good result from your hopes ; but if black, you may give it up. Sur- rounded by dots, they imply success in all your undertakings. The Sun is an emblem of great luck and happiness, if in tbd clear ; but in the thick it denotes a great deal of sadness ; if sur- rounded by dots or dashes, an alteration will speedily take place. The Moon, if in the clear, denotes high honours ; if in the thick parts, sadness without great prejudice ; but if at the bottom of the cup fortune both by sea and land. Mountains. — If only one, it ini^ \sL3s the favour of people of high rank ; but several of them, hr ' ,euce, shews that success will attend the person. AcE or Stadks, totally relates to the affairs of love, witnoui specifying whether lawful or unlawful. King, shews a man who is ambitious, and certainly successful at court, or with some great man. Qw een, shews a person will be corrupted by the great of both sexes. Knave, shews a person who although he has your welfare at heart, will be indolent of it. Ten, is a card of bad import, it will in a great measure counter- act the good of the others. Nine, is the worst card in the whole pack, it portends danger- ous sickness and loss of fortune. Ei^ht, shews that you will experience strong opposition from your Mends in love. Seven, shews the loss of a most \ aluable friend. Six, announces the mediocrity of fortune, and a great uncer- tainty in your undertakings. Five, will give very little interruption to your success ; h pro- mises good luck in a wife. Four, shews speedy sickness, and that your friends will injure your fortune. Tray, shews that you will be unfortunate in marriage BevcE, always signifies a coffin. Telling Fortunes by Lines in the Hand. Observe always to choose the left hand, because the heart and •rain have more influence over it than the right hand ; and ob- serve further, it is better to examine these lines wjhen the body is mi good health, for then they appear full. By this the reader will see that one of the lines, and which in- deed is reckoned the principal, is called the line of life ; this line encloses the thumb, separating it from the hollow of the hand. The next to it, which is called the natural line, takes its beginning from the rising of the middle finger. The table line, commonly called the line of fortune, begins under the little fingor, and end* oear the foae-fiager. The girdle of Venus, is another Jtne so called, THE UNU^TlfcAL Degins near the joint of the fore-finger, and ends in the mWdle fin, ger. The line of death is a counter line to the line ef lite, andig by some called sister line. There are also lines in the fleshy parts, as in the ball of the thumb, which is called the mount of Venus which are each governed by the several planets, and the hollow or the hand is called the place of Mars. If the lines which are in the middle of the hand, and are called the table lines, are broad and fair, without being broken, it is a sure sign the party will lead a happy and a eomtortablfi life. Jf the line from the wrist goes straight up to the little finger, t is a better sign than if broken, for then it denotes thd party will live to a good old age ; but on the contrary, should the line want continuity, they are in clanger of sudden death. . If the line of life, which is that which runs from the wrist by the ball of the thumb, and ends under the fore-finger, is cUor, and ends without breaks, it denotes possession, prosperity, and happy m'd age. Round lines, like semi-circles, on the inside of she tips of the fingers, promise houses, land, and inheritance. An many lines or crosses as a woman has in her wrist, so many chik-tien she moy expect to have. If the middle, or table lines, in the hand, are very narrow and coirtracted, it is a sign of poverty, and crosses in the world. If a crooked line goes through the table line, it is a sign of death by accident or violence, hut if it runs straight and even through, ibis a good sign. Directions to choose a husband by the hair. Black.— Stout and healthy, but apt to be cross and surly; if very black and smooth, and a large quantity, will be fond of where he fixes his attachment, not addicted to lewdness, make a good husband and take care of his family ; but if short and curly, be of an unsettled temper, given to drinking, somewhat quarrfelsome, will shew much fondness at first paying his addresses, but he u»- steady and forgetful afterwards. White or Fair Hair.— Will be of weak constitution, rather stupid, very fond of music, will cut no great figure in the world, very moderate in his amorous wishes, but will get many children. Yellow. — Inclinable to jealousy. Light Brown.— Neither very good nor very bad, middling in all respects, rather given to women, but upon the whole a good character. Dark Br own.— Sensible and good humored, careful and attentive V) husiness, generally makes a good husband. Very Dark Brown. — Of a robust constitution, and of a grave lisposition, but good tempered and sensible, verv fond of his wife, though he may chance now and then to go astray. Red.— Will be artful, cunning, deceitful, and much given to wenching ; loves a smock so well that his wife will scarce h*x« 9Be to her back ; but is generally oi> lively temper FORTUNE rSLLfiR Solomon s Songs, chap. viii. ver. 6 and 7.—" Set me as a sea. upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm ; for love is strong as death, jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame." " Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown t : if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly he contemned/' Another way to knoio if your present Sweetheart will marry you.— On any Friday morning, fasting, write the name of three persons you like best, and also death, on four pieces of paper ex- actly alike, and folding them up, wear them ; n your bosom all day, and at n.ght shake them up in the shoe you 4ore on the left foot, going to bed backwards ; take out one with your left hand and the other with your right, throw three of them out of youi shoe, and in the morning, whichever name is left in your shoe is the name of the person you will marry; but if death is left, you will not have either of them. This is to be done three Friday nights. To see a future spouse in a dream by charming the moon.— At the first appearance of the new moon,' immediately after the new year's day, go out in the evening, and standing over the spars of a gate or stile, and looking on the moon, repeat the following lines : — All hail to thee, moon, all hail to thee, I Dr'ythee, good moon, reveal to me, This night, wno my nusuana snail be. The party will then dream of her future husband. To discover a theft by the Sieve and Shears.— Stick the points of the shears in the wood of the sieve, and, two persons support it, balanced upright with their two fingers, then read a certain chap, ter in the Bible, and afterwards ask St. Peter and St. Paul if A. or B. is the thief, naming all the persons you suspect. On naming the real thief the sieve will suddenly turn about.. The Science of foretelling Events by Cards. Observe the following directions in laying them out : first, the person whose fortune is to be told, if a man, must choose one or the four kings to represent himself ; if a woman, she must select one of the queens; then the queen of the chosen kingy or the kiiig of the chosen queen, will stand for husband or wife, mistress or lover of the party whose fortune is to betcld, and the knave of the suit for the most intimate person of their family; you mustthen •shuffle and cut the cards, and let the persons whose fortune, is to be ascertained, cut them three times, shewing the bottom card r this must be thrice repeated ; then shuffle them a-iain, let themi/ cut once,and display them in rows on the table taking care alwa'J to have an odd number in each row, nine is the right number, aril to rl^e your cards exactly under each other; after this, consult i&s fe*fcson la wMeh the person stands, by /be definition I have TtfU UNIVERSAL aere annexed to each card ; and after having repeated It three times, form your conclusions ; every thing is within your circle as far as you can count thirteen any way from the card that repre- sents the person, his wife, or her husband : and their intimate friend ; and also, that the thirteenth card every way, is of the wentest oonsequence ; either the whole pack, or only the picqaet cards may be used. Ace of Clubs, promises great wealth. Kino, announces a man who is humane, upright, affectionate, and faithful Queen, shews an amorous person. Knave, shews a generous friend. J^ine, shews that you will displease a friend. Eight, shews the person is covetous. Seven, promises the most brilliant fortune. Six, shews that you will engage in a very lucrative partnership, «d your children will behave well. Five, declares that you will shortly be married to some person 'ho will mend your circumstances. Four, shews incontinence for the sake of money, and frequeaf ^hange of object. Tray, shews that you will be Jhree times married, and each time to a wealthy person. Detce, shews that there will be some unfortunate opposition to our favourite inclination. Ace oe Diamonds, shews a person who is fond of rural sports, and a great builder. Kino, shews a fiery temper. Queen, signifies that a woman will not be steady and indus Wious. Knave, however nearly related, will look more after his owl -nterest than your's. Ten, promises a country husband or wife, with great wealth and t&any childi-en. ffiNE, declares that the person will be of a roving disposition. Eight, shews that the person runs the risk of dying unmarried. ■&IVEN, shews that you will spend your happiest days in the *;caUy. Six, shews an early marriage and widowhood. Five, shews you a well-assorted maririage, and that you wiU lave good children. Four, shews the incontinence of the pel-son you will be mar r)ed to. Tray, shews that you will be engaged in law-suits and donrastic llsagreements. Deuce, shews that youi heart will be engaged in love at an early period. Ace of Hearts, signifies merry making and good humour. King, shews a man of fair complexion, good disposition, but inclined to passion. Queen, shews a woman of a very fai/ complexion, and t great NMtr Ittfi WIYSKSAL Concerning Children born on any Day of the Week. Sunday.— The child born on a Sunday will obtain great riches and fc« long-lived and happy. Monday. — Not very successful, irresolute, subject to be imposed onj good natured, willing' to do every thing in his power. Tuesday. — The person born will be subject to violent starts of passions, and not easily reconciled ; if a man, given to illicit con- nections, from which many misfortunes will arise, and he will be in danger of dying by violence if he does not put a constraint upon his inclinations. Wednesday. — He will be given to study, and excel in literature. Thursday. — The child born will attain great riches and honour Eridtty. — The child will be of a strong constitution and amorous. Saturday. — Is an unlucky day, but the child may come to good, though they are in general of an evil disposition. PALMISTRY. 'ihe palms of the hands contain a great variety of lines running in different directions, every one of which bears a certain relation to tno events of a person's life : and from them, with the most infallible certainty, can be told every circumstance that wiU appen to any one, by observing them properly. It is therefore, recommended to pay a strict attention to this subject, as by that means you will undoubtedly gain very excellent knowledge for your pains. g (And first is given the names of the several lines as they hold their pUces, and then particularize their qualities. Ther: are five principal lines in the hand, via, The Line of Life. The Line of Death. The Table Line. The Girdle of Venus. The Line of Fortune. And besides these are other Lines, as the Line of Saturn, the Liver Line, and some others, but these only serve to explain the princi- pal Lines. The chief Line on which persons of the profession lay the great- est stress, is the Line of Life, which generally takes its rise where the thumb joint plays with the wrist on the insiae ; ana runs w an oblique direction to the inside of the innermost joint of the fore-finger. The next is the Line of Death, which separates the fleshy part of the hand on the little finger side, from the hollow of the hand, running in various directions in different people. The Table Line originates with the Line of Life at the wrist, and runs through the hollow of the hand towards the middta twaier THE iJNlVftRS*L F6RTUNE TILL1R. The Girdle of Venns takes its course from the' extremity of the innermost joint of the little finger and forming a curve, termi- nates between the fore and middle fingers. The Line of Fortune strikes from behind the ball, or mount of the fore finger, across the palm and Line of Life, and loses itself in or near the fleshy part of the hand, on the little finger side*. If the Line of Life is crossed by other lines' at or near the rfris*, the person will meet with sickness in the beginning of life, and the degree of sickness will be proportioned- to : the sfoe, 'lengthy and breadth, of the intervening lines. If the Line Of Life runs far and uninterrupted, the person will enjoy good health ; and ao cording to its length towards the outside of the fore-finger, you may judge if the person will live long, as the longer the line the longer the life. If the Line of Death is short, and runs even, without being broken or divided, it shews that the person will enjoy a good length of days, and not be subject to many maladies, but if it is interrupted, it evidently shews that the person's life will be en- dangered by illness. If this line ends abruptly, ami with a broad point, it shews that the person will die suddenly ; if it goes off in a tapering point, the last illness will be slow, and consuming by degrees. If other lines run across it, the person will be of a weakly and infirm habit of body, often incapable of following any hnrd or laborious business. The Line of Fortune, by its approach to the Girdle of Venus, iihews that there is a strong kindred between them, and their dis- tance, at their two extremities, clearly points out that love is in- consistent with childhood and old age ; yet, in those where the cross lines approach from the one to the other near their ends, prove that the person were, or will be, susceptible of love in child- hood or old age. For example, if the cross lines are at the be- ginning of the Girdle of Venus, and bear towards the tail of the Line of Fortune, it evidently indicates that the person was sus- ceptible of love at an earlier period than usual ; if these lines 01 communication are crossed by other small lines, the person has been disappointed in his wishes, or severely punished for gratify ing them ; if plain and straight, that he has been successful if the hues take their rise from the tail of the Girdle, and lea4 towards the head of the Line of Fortune, the person will Ui amorous in his old age, and according to the situation of thj transverse lines, will be successful or unfortunate in his amours, if the Line of Fortune runs smooth, broad, and clear, the person •k\\\ »njoy affluence through life, and be prosperous in all his un- ie-r takings. \ W. S. FORTEY, Printer and Publisher, 2 and 3 MonnctouthCourt, Bloomsbury, W,G. \\ioO •> J CATNACH STEAM l'RESS (Est. 1813). W. 8. FORTEY, Proprietor. ? > V WS&ttUMK 8. F#lf ST, (19 Years with the late firm, 8ole Successor to the late J. Catnach) rinfor, BnUtefat AND WHOLESALE STATIONER, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, LONDON, W.C. The Cheapest and greatest variety in the trade of Large Coloured Penny Books, Half' penny Coloured Books, Penny and Halfpenny Panoramas, School Books, Penny and Half- penny Song Books, Memorandum Books, Poetry Cards, Ballads (4000 sorts) and Hymns Valentines, Scripture Sheets, Carols, Book an© Sheet Almanacks, Envelopes, Note Paper, &c, &c. ',/•'-'■• V®' *