Turpin puts Ute t?M Gentlewoman on the /ire. Rase puts a A'mfe to Zauvences tAftoal in e>rder to maAe kttft conte/s where his Money was. T/ie Afa/'d ScDea^hier h>oand in the /d'trhen. Greyory set to watch the//, . Kino robs- two Young Country Girls &r they returned trow Market Tiub^June {rpHcdason SC." Jt>. Newgate Street. THE LIFE OF RICHARD TURPIN, THE NOTED HIGHWAYMAN CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF HIS ADVENTURES, AND k - EXECUTION. m PRINTED BY AND FOR HODGSON & CO. No. 10, NEWGATE-STREET. Sixpence. §• • » I I I