ESSEX CONSERVATIVE FESTIVAL. BLUES OF ESSEX! 3 ©Iff. air,— “here’s a health to all GOOD LASSES !” BLUES of Essex ! raise your voices. Every loyal heart rejoices— We of staunch ones TEN now boast ! Men who never will betray us. Nor ’neath Popish thraldom lay us. But who’ll still remain our toast ! How victorious Now our voice is l And how glorious Now our choice is ! Blues of Essex ! raise your voices. Every loyal heart rejoices That of staunch ones TEN we boast 1 May the Guardians we’ve selected Study to see all protected, Till joy reigns on ev’ry side ! May they e’er our Church still nourish— See alike all int’rests flourish. And long live to he our pride ! How victorious, &c. CHARLSS CLAER. Great Tothcm Hall , September , 1841. TOTBA Ml fSIMtSD AT CHABLBB CLARIS T&IVAf* TRE#»«