. I\ !\ • O r. .5 2 . jjLry , • T ^ -i‘ -' • ■'• R- v ■ T >; i-/Lr- -T ieie: n; <» \-__ T-l, ( J ' V VC: \1 • R ' 0) * A. mm Jr & I o €u> tRTjl 1 Jg||g IJ3 y> i 875 dominion g ' / « TO ALTERNATE WITH PV a Ji> rm b) I tils, Coo C 9 J p (AN N UALL Y) ^ 2 ) y -^OMINTOK >0 the whole Ontario, ck, _ 3. ELGIN STREET printer amt ^«t)U,sttft: ~W OODBUR OTTAWA. jjf ; luide. i £■> / > r*!' ' ■ X l_» , TT™u - St r v&* /oH ♦'W c 5 Mr ^ it.r h y.§it - * „,~o Importers, ,f ‘ No - 20- Sparks Street, OTTAWA.i)) A CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR. A Directory to the City of Ottawa Officials, Public Institutions end Business, IMPERIAL INFORMATION, COMPRISING THE ROYAL FAMILY, HOUSEHOLD, Ac., A Guide to Official and Business Matters, referring to the whole Dominion, also, to the several Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P. E. Island, Manitoba, North-West, and British Columbia. ^1‘iufcr unci iUitiIiALcT : -A.. S. WOODBURN, Proprietor of the Ottawa Directory, Almanac, and. Dominion Guide. OFFICE : ELGIN STREET, OPPOSITE THE RUSSELL HOUSE, OTTAWA ESTABLISHED, 1860. KIDEAU ST., cor. of OTTAWA ST. MANTLES, In American, Italian and Colored Marbles, Marbleized Slate and Iron , of Mew and Chaste Designs. Cabinetmakers’ and Plumbers’ Marbles. I *r jjjonumenls, rr. ural and jjalt |aM# In Marble, Scotch Granite or Sandstone. N.B.—This is the only place in the Ottawa Valley where a selection of Scotch Granite Monuments are kept on hand. FOUNTAINS, BAPTISMAL FONTS, &c. i Grates with Fire-Brick and Soapstone Lining, From the best American and Canadian Houses, Receding or Projecting, either Plain or Mounted. FENCING FOR CEMETERY LOTS OR PRIVATE RESIDENCES from the celebrated makers, OR IN POSTS BARS AND CHAINS. Orders by mail or agents punctually attended to. W. M. SOMERVILLE, Proprietor. CONTENTS. CONTENTS, Pack. Addenda. 7 Anniversaries, Festivals, 1 . 14 Hi he Tli os.. . 1W Johnston Robt. . J-j 1 Titus Alonzo!.. . 82 Laporte Victor. . r 8 Uymhartc n& Co.....'.'; . “ Lucy John. . i“ Workman Alex ii"co . 140 TTTS OTTAWA ALMANAC. Calendar, Anniversaries and Festivals. Golden Number. Epact. Solar Cycle.... Roman Indiction. Dominical Letters.... Septuagesima Sunday Ash Wednesday. Easter Sunday. Ascension Day. Whit Sunday. Advent Sunday. Gregorian, or Modern Calendar. ... 14 ... ... XXIII... ... S ... ... 8 ... c ... ...Jan. 24... ...Feb. 10... ...Mar. 28... ...Mav 6... ... “ 16... _ Nov. 28.. JUli.m, or Ancient Calendar. 14 IV 8 , E .Feb. 9 . “ 28 April 18 . “ 22 .June 1 .Nov. 30 Jewish Calendar for 181 5685. Sebat Adar CC Vead CC <£ U 1 1 14 1 11 14 15 Nisan 1 “ 15 « 16 Yiar 1 « 18 Si van 1 “ 6 “ 7 Tumuz 1 “ 17 1 } New moon.Jan 7 New moon.Feb 6 Little. Purim . “ 19 New Moon.Mar 8 Fast of Esther .“ 18 « 21 Little Purim " without further trouble; with the knowledge of* Jhat sonei? tKatl/u^ ^ probabilit - v of succeedingfand _ the t rutbj that ,n vei 7 lew instances will it be found to fail : MOON. If it be New or Full Moon, or the Moon enteringintotheFirst or Last Quarter at 12 noon or between 12*2 2 and 4, afternoon 4 and SUMMER. WINTER. 6, evening. 6 and 10, do Very Rainy.Snow and Rain Changeable.Fair and Mild. Fair.......Fair. lair, if wind at N. W... Fair and Frostv, it wind p . • j „ N. or N. E. Rain, if wind atS. or S.W. Rain or Snow, if wind S. 10 and 12, night.’Fair 12 and 2, morning.Fair 2 and 4, 4 and 0, 0 and S, 8 and 10, 10 and 12, or S. W. Fair and Frosty. Hard Frost, unless wind ^ S. or S. W. Snow and Stormv. do do Stormy weather. Cold Rain, if wind W.; j n r. , i Snow, if E. U ° ... .. .Frequent showers.(Cold, with high winds. ‘j° . Cold, frequent showers. . do . Rain . . ^ ind and Rain do ( Ckangeable Jseful Rules for the Barometer. A ‘‘rapid” rise indicates unsettled weather. A £( gradual rise indicates settled weather. ' var( i Hiih from north * from northward. 4 anJ a °"' tem Perature indicates wind and rain "a , wltb southerly wind indicates fine weather, cates a continuance of IfncVveather.* 11 ' ^ “ reasonable temperature, indi- £ t ? api ^’!, fall „ indi . cate8 st orniy weather. northward? 1 ”’ *' Hlth ' vesterI y wiad indicates stormy weather from summer and snow 1 in winter!^ u 111,1 indicates storm, with rain and hail in indicates whld and^iiluroni^souThwli^ th ® ah ' an<1 tllC heat increasing, A “ fall ” after verv’'/Lf, 11 '* CO i d increasing in winter indicates snow, weather. ' ‘ ‘ uiul warm weather indicates rain with squally In the year Eclipses in 1875 . The flm'iJTtoSEci'Le' "on S’ 011 * of > be Su "' throughout Europe, but partiaVlv >e ut Greeuu-ich and parts of Asia, and in the Indian Ocean. 8 J “ lhe South of Africa, THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. The second is an Annual Eclipse of the Sun, on September 29, which is visible as a partial Eclipse. It is visible as a partial Eclipse over Africa, parts of Europe, America, and the Atlantic Ocean, including Greenland, Iceland, England, Spain, and the greater part of Africa. This Eclipse will be partially visible at Greenwich, Cambridge, Oxford, Liverpool Edinburgh, Dublin, and the Cape Good of Hope. At London the Eclipse begins at llh 25min just before noon, and ends at 47min afternoon. Latitude and Longitude. Montreal. -15° 31' 00" North. 73° 35' 00" West. 4h. 54m. 20s. Latitude.. Longitude West in Time Ottawa. 45" 25' 15" North. 75 s 42' 4" West. , 5h. 02ni. 48s. Latitude.. Longitude West in Time Toronto. .43" 39' 4" North, 79' 23' 2" West.- 5h. 17m. 33s. Latitude.. Longitude West in Time ADDENDA. 1 Corner of O’Connor aud Sparks street. 2 “ Wellington and Sally street. 3 Pooley’s Bridge. 4 Corner Duke and George street. 5 Canada Central Railroad Station. 6 Corner of Victoria Terrace and Rochester street. 7 “ Bank and Maria street. Lower Town. 1 Corner of Sussex and Rideau street. 2 « “ St Patrick street. 3 “ Dalhousie and “ 4 St Lawrence & Ottawa Railway Station. 5 Corner of Nelson and Parry street. 6 “ Rideau and Augusta street. 7 “ Daly and Nelson street. 8 “ Rideau and Cumberland street. 9 “ Daly and Nicholas street. The following Members have been returned for the House of Commons : Josiah B Plumb, for Niagara, Ont. Hon Henry Aylmer, jr., lor Richmond, t, - - OTT-A/W"_A_. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. CHAS. BRYSON, DEALER XX BRITISH AND FOREIGN 53, SPARKS STREET, OPPOSITE BATE & 00 8 . O T TA. -.*- PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO TaiMMUfS DBE8S3MltUfG &B9BOTXBtfTS. A_. IB. OA.Z X-I, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in C^Y-IF 1 ISH MY 1ST ID GAME , Oysters in Bulk, Can or Shell. m % Emmm &rmav % * • - CALKNDAK. 9 ♦ • i — NOTES OP THE MONTH. January, the first month in the year, was so called by Numa, after a two-faced Roman deity Janus. The sun enters the sign of the zodiac called Aquarius on the 19th. The 1st is New Year’s Day ; 6tli, Twelfth Day, Epiphany or Old Christmas Day ; and the following Monday is Plough Monday. This month begins the year because Janus looks after the old year and faces the new. SUNDAY LESSONS. Second Sunday after Christmas. -Morning: Isaiah 42; Matt. 3. Evening: Isaiah 43 or 44; Acts 2, to v. 22. First Sunday after Epiphany. —Morning: Isaiah 61; Matt. 6, v. 19, to 7, v. 7. Evening: Isaiah 52, v. 13 and c. 53, or Isaiah 54; Acts 7, to v. 35. Second Sunday after Epiphany. —Morning: Isaiah 55; Matt 10, v. 24. Evening: Isaiah 57 or 61; Acts 10, v. 24. Septuagesima Sunday. — Morning: Gen. land 2, to v. 4; Rev. 21 to v. 9 . Evening: Gen 2 v 4, or Job 38 ; Rev. 21, v. 9 to 22 v. 0. Sexaoesima Sunday. — Morning: Genesis 3 ; Matt 22, to v. 15. Evening: Genesis 6 or 8; Acts 23, y. 12. MOON'3 PHASE8,—7th, New Moon, llh. 38m, morn,; 14th, First Quarter, 3h, 49m, eve, 21st, Full Moon, Oh, 08m,, eve,; 29th, Last Quarter, 7h, 01m, mom, V* J 1 V-. 0-3 C X fl 1 F 3 S 3 s 4 M 5 Tu 6 W 7 Th 8 F 9 8 10 S 11 M 12 Tu 13 W 14 Th 15 F 16 S 17 s 18 M 19 Tu 20 W 21 Th 22 F 23 S 24 s 25 M 26 Tu 27 W 28 'I’ll 29 F 30 H 31 s Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical Notes* Festivals. Circumcision.— Sew Year's Day . General Wolfe bom, .1726 3d Sunday after Christmas . Epiphany .—Twelfth Day. — Old Christmas Day. Prince Albert Victor bom,.1864 Emp. Napoleon III, d. 1873.—Insurrection at Red River, 1S70 1st Sunday after Epiphany . Times .Newspaper, London, [established. i785 Halley the Astronomer died,.1742 3d Sunday after Kpipliany . Gen. Scott (American) died,. 1873 1st Parliament of Quebec, opened.*_.1869 Duke of Edinburgh married,.1874 Septuagesima Sunday . Lord Lytton buried, Westminster Abbey,.1S73 Mixed Commission met at Washington,.1872 Scxagesima Sunday . SUN. MOON R. A S. RISES. sets. 7 19 4 19 1 34 7 19 4 20 2 37 7 19 4 21 3 43 7 19 4 22 4 49 7 19 4 23 5 43 7 19 4 24 sets. 7 18 4 25 4 OS 7 18 4 26 5 17 7 18 4 27 6 30 7 18 4 28 7 45 7 17 4 29 8 59 7 17 4 30 10 13 7 17 4 31 11 27 7 16 4 33 morn. 7 16 4 34 0 43 7 15 4 35 2 02 7 15 4 36 3 22 7 14 4 37 4 40 7 13 4 39 5 52 7 13 4 40 6 52 7 12 4 41 rises. 7 11 4 43 5 46 7 10 4 44 6 58 7 10 4 45 8 07 7 09 4 47 9 18 7 08 4 48 10 17 7 07 4 49 11 20 7 06 4 51 mom. 7 05 4 52 0 24 7 04 4 53 1 29 7 03 4 55 2 34 a 10 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. VICTOR LAPORTE, GENERAL DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Grain, Provisions, Liquors, k, k, AND ALSO IN gharcaal, gintc, ^hinglest, fg ood, §un f §tran\ &c. f 14Q H.ideau. Street, 140 (Between King and Cumberland.) kinds of Farm Produce Bought and Sold."©® PBRPETTXAi MOTIOI-T. -0- WHILE THE SEASONS COME IN THEIR SUCCESSON DOBIEIB.’S STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Will always be found suited to each, and comprised of all the latest styles in Ladies’, Gent’s and Children’s Fine Goods, Ladies’ and Gent’s American Rubbers, Men’s and Boy’s Heavy Goods. O'. ~W. IT. H>OIOHEjOFL, No. 21.} Rideau Street. { No. 21. JOHN HEWSON, Furniture Dealer and Manufacturer, ISTo. 43, 3FLide6fU. St. 7 Keeps constantln on hand ASH, PAINTED and PLAIN BED-ROOM SETS , with a general stock of other Furniture , cheap for cash. Please give him a call. < CALENDAR. 11 NOTES OP THE MONTH. February derives its name from Fcbrua, the goddess of cleaning. The sun enters PisoM, the flies on the lith The 2nd is Candlemas Day; the Purification of the V irgin and ofCrsts Preseiitaticm'hv the virgin Mary in the Temple. The 3rd is St. Blasius, patron of wool-combers. 5th, St. Agatha's Day. 14th, St. Valentine's Day. SUNDAY LESSONS. Quisquagksima So «,AV.-Afor«i».- C.ne.i. 9. to v. so; Mott. 25, t. 31. : Geo.* 12 or 13 ; Acts 28, v. 17. First Sunday in Lent .-Morning : Genesis 19, v. 12 to v. 30; Matt 28. Evening: Gemses 22. to v. 20, or Genises 23 ; Rom. 6. Second Sunday in LENT.-Monriw/: Genesis 27, to v. 41 ; Mark 4, v. 35, to 5, v. 21. Evemng : Genesis 28 or 32 ; Horn. 11, to v. 25. Third Sunday in Lent. — Morning : Genesis 37 ; Mark 8, v. 10, to 9, V. 2. Evening: Genesis 39 or 40 ; 1 Cor. 1 to v. 26. MOON’S PHASES.— 6th, New Moon, 2h. 25m. morn.; 13th, Fir»t Quarter, llh. 48m. eve., 20th, Pull Moon, 2h. 29m. morn, j 28th, Last Quarter, 4h. 19m. morn. 1 A «• < •> e : >* ! c J 5^ •7* * 1 M 2 Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 F 6 S 7 s 8 M 9 Tu 10 W 11 Th 12 F 13 S 14 S 15 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 1 Th 19 F 20 1 S 21 s 22 M 23 Tu 24 W 25 Th 26 F 27 S to 00 S Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical Notes, Festivals. Candlemas Day.—Purification of the Virgin. St. Blasius. —George Washington died,. St Agatha . —Victoria Cross founded,. Coomassie burnt,. Quiiiquagesinia* — Shrove Suxda\ .... Shrove Tuesday. —Canada ceded to Britain,. . ^sii Wednesday . —Queen Victoria married,. . A. Lincoln bom,. .1799 . is56 .1874 .1763 .1840 .1809 ..18G7 1st Sunday In!Lent.-QUADRAGESiMA. -Valentin's Day i)r. Kane, Arctic Explorer, died,. Martin Luther died, 1546.—Canada settled,. Princess Louise Victoria, of Waies, born. 2d Sunday In Lent.;■. 1732 Washington born,. 1343 French Revolution began,. St. Mathias , Apostle and Martyr. Queen’s Thanksgiving Visit to St. Paiii s,. 18 ‘ ~ 3d Sunday In Lent.-Indian Mutiny commenced.1S5 SUN. MOON R. A S. RISES. SETS. 7 02 4 56 3 39 7 01 4 57 4 41 6 59 4 59 5 37 6 58 5 00 6 24 6 57 5 01 sets. 6 56 5 03 5 28 6 55 5 04 6 45 6 53 5 06 8 01 6 52 5 07 9 17 6 51 5 OS 10 33 6 49 5 10 11 52 6 48 5 11 mom. 6 47 5 12 1 11 6 45 5 14 2 29 6 44 5 15 3 42 6 42 5 16 4 44 6 41 5 18 5 34 6 39 5 19 6 11 6 38 5 20 rises. 6 36 5 22 5 55 6 35 5 23 6 57 6 33 5 24 8 02 6 32 5 26 9 06 6 30 5 27 1 10 10 6 28 5 28 I 11 15 6 27 5 29 mom. 6 25 5 31 0 20 6 23 5 32 1 25 12 v THE OTTAWA A1/MAX AC. OTTAWA, 1874 THOS. PATTERSON, Purveyor to His Excellency the Governor General Earl of Dufferin. ---- — Direct Importer and Dealer in English, and French Groceries, Such as BRANDIES, WINES, ALES and PORTER. - 0 - ®Si?*Faney Groceries in great variety KTO. 26 , ZR-IIDeXxt STREET, OTTAWA CITY. G. C. REIFFENSTEIN, .OTTAWA, GrICISrEISArj -AG-EKTr FOR The “ Babcock ” Fire Apparatus Manufactory of Chicago, The Reflector Company of New York, Messrs. Morgans Sons “Sapolio,” New York, The “Bartlett” Street lamp of New York, The Architectural and other Iron Works of Montreal and New York. ORDERS TAKEN FOR ALL SORTS OF Lamps, Transparent Sips, k , and General Merchandize Promptly ExecGitecl. also, INSURANCE BROKER. 5 CALENDAR. 13 NOTES OF THE MONTH. March, or Martin*, was the first mouth in the oldest Roman Calendar, and was named after Mars, the reputed father of Romulus. Numa made it the third. The sun enters Aries, the ram, on the 20th ; and about the 21st the vernal equinox occurs with heavy gales. The 1st is 8t. David's Day ; the 17th, St. Patrick’s; the 25th is the Annunciation, or Lady Day. SUNDAY LESSONS. Fourth Sunday in* Lent. — Morning : Genesis, 42; Mark 12, v. 13 to v. 35. Evening: Genesis 43 or 45 ; 1 Cor. 7, v. 25. Fifth Sunday in* Lent.— Morning ; Exodus 3; Mark 15, v. 42, and c. 16. Evening: Exodus 6 or 6 , to v. 14; 1 Cor. 12, v. 28, and c. 13. Palm Sunday.— Morning: Exodus 9 ; Matt. 26. Evening: Exodus 10 or 11 ; Luke 19, v. 28, or 20 v. 9. Easter Sunday.— Morning:: Exodus 12, to v. 29; Rev. 1, v. 10 to v. 19. Evening: Exodus 12, v. 29, or Exodus 14 ; John 20, v. 11 to V. 19, or Rev. 5. MOON’S PHASES,—7th, New Moon, 2h 48m ere.; 14th, First Quarter, 7h 33m morn* j 21st, Full Moon, 6h 19m morn-; 29th, Last Quarter, lOh 62m eve SUN. MOON R.4S. RI8ES. SETS. 6 22 5 33 2 28 6 20 5 35 3 26 6 18 5 36 4 16 6 17 5 37 4 57 6 15 5 38 5 31 6 13 5 40 5 59 6 11 5 41 sets. 6 10 5 42 6 57 6 08 5 44 S 16 6 06 5 45 9 36 6 04 5 46 10 58 6 03 5 47 mom. 6 01 5 48 0 19 5 59 5 50 1 35 5 57 5 51 2 40 5 55 5 52 3 33 5 54 6 53 4 14 5 52 5 54 4 46 5 50 5 56 5 11 5 48 5 57 5 31 5 47 5 58 rises. 5 45 5 59 6 54 5 43 6 01 7 58 5 41 6 02 9 02 5 39 6 03 10 07 5 37 6 04 U 13 5 36 6 05 mom. 5 84 6 06 0 16 5' 32 6 OS 1 16 5 30 6 09 2 08 5 1 38 6 10 2 52 >> ~ Day of Week. 1 M o Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 F 6 S i s S M 9 Tu 10 W 11 Th 12 F 13 S 14 s 15 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 F 20 S 21 S 22 M 23 Tu 24 W 25 Th 26 F 27 8 28 R 29 M 30 Tu 31 W Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical Note-:, Festivals. St. David's Day . I John Wesley died.1791 4th* Sunday v ln Lent.-5t Perpetua. Fight of Memmac and Monitor,. Prince of Wales married,. First London Daily Paper,. St. Gregory . .1862 .1863 .1709 5th Sunday in Lent. St. Patrick’s Day . Princess Louise bom, .1848 Palm Sunday#— St. Benedict .—Princess Louise mar., 1871 Annunciation.—Lady Day . Good Frid ay. —Duke of Cambridge bom,.: .1819 American Civil War commenced,.1861 Easter Sunday. 14 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. SMITH A STHWART, MANUFACTURING STATIONERS, Bookbinders and Paper Unlers, IMPORTERS OF JILL KINDS OF Office Stationery, Wrapping Paper, PAPER BAGS, TWINES, SLATES, School Books, Church Books, Artists’ Materials, &c., &c., 14 Sparks Street, Opposite Russell House, OTTAWA. MORRISON’S Steam Biscuit Bakery and Confectionery Establishment Biscuit, grHchers, gatjdies at(d gcnfectianerv of all funds. Your orders are solicited, and will be promptly attended to by DANIEL MORRISON, Proprietor York St., Opposite the Market. OLIVER & SON, Wholesale Chair and Bedstead Factory. CHAUDIERE. FACTORY, TITUS’S BLOCK. SALE-ROOM, OTTAWA (jalendai;. 15 NOTES OF THE MONTH. April, from Aperirc, to open, is the only month of the year whose name expresses the appear¬ ance of nature at the time. On the lv>th the sun enters Taw as, the hull. The 1st is All Fools' Day. Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday, is the Sunday before Faster. The Thursday in this week is Maunday Thursday. The Friday before Easter is Good Friday, or the day of the Crueifiction, and the whole week Holy Week/ Low Sunday is the 1st Sunday after Faster. The 19th St. Alphege’s day, the 23d St. George’s day, 25th St. Mark’s. SUNDAY LESSONS. Low Sunday. — Morning: Num. 10, to v. 36; 1 Cor. 15, to v. *29. Evening: Num. 16, v. 36, or No. 17, to v. 12 ; John 20, v. 24 to v. 30. Second Sunday after Easter. -Morning: Num. 20, to v. 14; Luke 14, v. 25, to 15, v. 11. Evening: Num. 20, v. 14 to 21, v. 10, or Num. 21, v. 10 ; Eph. 3. Third Sunday after Easter.— Morning : Num. 22 ; Luke 19, v. 11 to v. 23. Evening: Num. 23 or 24 ; Phil, 3. Fourth Sunday after Easter.— Morning: Deut. 4, to v. 23; Luke 22, v. 31 to 54. Evening: Deut. 4, v. 23 to v. 41, or Deut. 5 ; Colos. 4, v. 7. MOON'S PHASES—6th, New Moon, lh 03m morn-; 12th. First Quarter, 4h 01m eve j 20th, Full Moon, lOh 57m morn. ; 28th- Last Quarter, lh 45m eye, • . 1 5* Day of Month. l Tli 2 F 3 S 4 s 5 M 6 Tu 7 W 8 Tli 9 F 10 3 11 S 12 M 13 Tu 14 W 15 Tli 16 F 17 8 18 S 19 M 20 Tu 21 W , 22 Th 23 F 24 3 25 s 26 M 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th 30 F Anniversaries, Kem ark able" Events, Historical Notes, Festivals. All Fools Day .- Prof. Morse died,.1872 Washington Irving bom,J.1"83 Low Sunday . Canada discovered.1*199 Old Lady Day .-.. Prince Leopold b. 1853. lion. T. D. McGee assassinated. 186S Hudson Bay Company established,.1692 »d Sunday after Easter. Princess Beatrice b. 1357.—President Lincoln assassinated, 1865 Benjamin Franklin died,.I" 90 3d Sunday after Easter.— Dr Livingston buried in .[Westminster Abbey. 1874 Napoleon III bom.1808 St. George's Day. —Shakspere died,. .1616 4th Sunday after Easter.— Princess Alice bora,..lS43 Parliament Building burnt in Montreal,.1849 inauguration of Washington,.1789 su: RISES. ST. SETS. MOON R. A S. 5 27 6 11 3 28 5 25 6 12 3 58 5 23 6 14 4 23 5 21 6 15 4 45 5 19 6 16 sets. 5 IS 6 17 7 10 5 16 6 18 S 33 5 14 6 20 9 58 5 12 6 21 11 20 5 11 6 22 morn. 5 09 6 23 0 32 5 07 6 24 1 31 5 06 6 26 2 Hi 5 04 6 27 2 50 5 02 6 28 3 16 5 01 6 29 3 38 4 59 6 30 3 57 1 4 57 6 31 4 14 4 56 6 33 rises. 4 54 6 34 6 51 4 52 6 35 7 56 4 51 6 36 9 02 4 49 6 37 10 07 4 48 6 39 11 08 4 46 6 40 morn. 4 45 6 41 0 02 4 43 6 42 0 49 4 42 6 43 1 27 4 40 6 44 1 58 ' 4 39 6 46 2 24 16 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. GRAVES BROS., 42 SPARKS STREET, - - OTTAWA, DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OF WOOD <& COAL STOVES, PLAIN TIN AND JAPANNED WARE, IRON PUMPS, BEDS and BASKETS, PLATED WARE, LAMPS, COAL OIL, and General House Furnishing, &c., &c. -o- Special attention given to all kinds of jobbing. Estimates given on all kinds of work in Galvanized Iron, Tin or Copper. THOMAS SHORE & Co., Successors to LEE & THOMPSON, MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Trunks, &c., &c., Mparhx J/., near §aith §trect., OTTAWA. Orders Executed with Neatuess aud Despatch, CALENDAR. IT NOTES OP THE MONTH. May. the fifth month, has held this place since N uma’s time, lx?fore that it was dedicated to Apollo. The suu enters Gemini, the twins, on the 21st. The 1st was Sweeps’-day, May-day, and the opening of the merrv month. It is also the anniversary of the martyrdom of St- Philip, the first person called Apostle by the Saviour. The 2£itli is Royal Oak Day, in reference to Charles the Second’s concealment in the Boscobel Oak. Rogation is on the first Sunday after Easter. M hit- Sunday or White Sunday, was in early times a day of general baptism. SUNDAY LESSONS. Rogation Sunday. — Morning: Deut G; John 1, v. 29. Evening: Deut. Dor 10 ; 2d Thess. 2. Sunday after Asscension Day.— Morning: Deut. 30; John 5, v. 24. Evening: Deut. 34, or Joshua 1; 1 Tim. G. Whit Sunday.— Morning: Deut. 16 to v. IS ; Rom. S, v. IS. Evening : Isaiah 11, or Ezekiel 36, v. 25 ; GaL 5 to V. 16, or Acts IS, v. 24, to 19, Y. 21. Trinity Sunday. — Morning: Isaiah G to v. 11 ; Rcy. 1 to v. 9. Evening: Genesis IS or Genesis 1 and 2 to v. 4 ; Heb. 7. First Sunday after Trinity. — Morning : JosIl 3, v. 7 to c. 4, v. 15 ; John 17. Evening: Josh- 5, v. 13 to c. G, v. 21 or Josh. 24 ; Heb. 12. MOON’S PHASES-5th, New Moon, 9h. 31m. morn, j 12th, Firat Quarter, 2h. 04m. morn-; 20th, Full Moon, 3h. 17m. morn,; 28th, Last Quarter, Oh. 57m. morn. ssj! . © Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical SUN. MOON & c PS Notes, Festivals. RISES. SETS. R. A S. _ 1 g Philip ayid St James —Prince Arthur born,.1850 4 37 G 47 2 46 o Q "R nn’H finii Oimilfl v ... 4 3G 6 4S 3 08 3 O M Tu W Th p 4 34 G 49 3 29 4 5 G 7 American seige of Quebec raised,. Ascension Day.—Holy Thursday. — St. John the Evangelist . 4 33 4 31 4 30 4 29 6 50 G 51 G 53 G 54 3 52 sets. 8 53 10 13 g 4 28 G 55 11 20 n o c Cnitdt v a ffpi< 1 srm 'Sinil Tin v . 4 27 G 56 mom. u 10 o M 4 25 6 57 0 12 Tu 4 24 6 58 0 51 12 W 4 23 6 59 1 20 13 14 Th F « 4 22 4 21 4 20 7 01 7 02 7 03 1 44 2 03 2 21 Ail IP. o Q 4 18 7 04 2 38 IQ 17 O Af 4 17 7 05 2 55 1 ;' 1 Tu 4 1G 7 06 3 14 lo TO 1U W 4 15 7 07 3 36 IV 20 21 *>*> M : Th F Christopher Columbus died, 150G. — Sir G. E. Cartier died, 1873 4 15 4 14 4 13 7 08 7 09 7 10 rises. 9 01 9 5JS 23 24 25 2G 37 s M Tu W Th l? Trinity Sunday# — Mark Lemon died, . 1819 Queen Victoria born, .. .. *|19 Princess Helena born, 184G.—Sir John Franklin sailed, . ..1545 Prince Arthur, gazetted, Earl of Sussex and Duke ot Con- Corpvs Christi . [naught and Strathcara 4 12 4 11 4 10 4 10 4 09 4 08 7 11 7 12 7 13 7 14 7 15 7 16 10 47 11 27 11 59 mom. 0 26 0 49 •m r u 4 08 7 17 1 10 O r» 4 07 7 17 ! 1 31 30 31 s M lav oil 11 cia y «iui lriiiii j . 4 06 7 18 1 51 C is THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. Williams’ Singer Family Sewing Ma chin e Took all the First Frizes at the Ottawa Exhibition in 1870, 1871, 1873 and 1874. - 0 - It is now used in all the leading Dress-making Establishments in this city. GEO. DAWSON, sole agent, 66 £B]p£t:rl5Ls St. W. H. SHAVER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN 6S £ 3 T?_A.:FL:K _£5 STIFLIEjIljT, OTTAWA, Opposite McCormick’s Flour Store. W. H. SHAVER, DEALER IN Hides, Calfskins and Sheep Pelts. WILLIAM MANTON, {Late Master Armourer H. M. Ordnance Department,) GrTJISr cfco . 7 Nicholas Street, I- Nbar the Albion Hotel, -(Ottawa Citv -o- y ' Guns, Rifles, Pistols, ( breech and muzzle loading) of every descrintinn Sporting implements and ammunition. Repairs executed in the best fltvl*' and on reasonable terms. S^Skates Ground and Repaired ' yi * CALENDAR. 19 -- NOTES OF THE MONTH. June, from the Latin Juventis, young, is the opening of Summer. The 21st is the longest day in the year, when happens the Summer Solstice, and the sun appears to stand still, for it has reached its greatest distance from the equator, and begins to return towards it. Hence the cluster of stars which it then enters has been named Cancer , the crab, because this creature walks back¬ wards and sideways, the motion taken by the sun. The fifth is St. Boniface's Day, the 11th St. Barnabas, the 17th St. Albans, the '24th Midsummer Day, or the second quarter-day in the year. The 29th is St. Peter's Day. On the 15th the Nile begins to rise. SUNDAY LESSONS. Second Sunday after Trinity. — Mcrrning : Judges 4 ; John 20, v. 19. Evening : Judges 5 or 0, v. 11; James 5. Third Sunday after Trinity. — Morning : 1 Samuel 2, to v. 27; Acts 4, v. 32 to 5, v. 17. Evening : Samuel 3, or 1 Samuel 4 to v. 19 ; 2 Peter, 1. Fourth Sunday after Trinity. — Morning: 1 Samuel 12; Acts 8, v. 26. Evening: 1 Samuel 13, or Ruth 1 ; 1 John 3 to v. 16. Fifth Sunday after Trinity.— Mwning: 1 Samuel 15 to v. 24; Acts 12. Evening: 1 Samuel 16 or 17 ; Jude. MOON’3 PHASES.—3rd. New Moon, 4h. 48m. eve, j 10th, First Quarter, 2h. 22m. eve.: 18th. Full Moon, 6h. 23m., eve.; 26th, Last Quarter, 9h. 06m. mon. Day of Month. <~i It x* Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical Notes, Festivals. SUN. MOON R. A 8 . RISES. SETS. 1 Tu Hon. Joseph Howe died.1873 4 06 7 19 2 17 2 W First Steamship from Britain,.1835 4 05 7 20 2 45 3 Th Prince George Frederick of Wales bom,.1865 4 05 7 21 sets. 4 F 4 04 7 22 9 00 5 4 04 7 22 10 00 G s 2d Sunday after Trinity . 4 04 7 23 10 46 *- M 4 03 7 24 11 20 f 8 Tu Nova St-otia settled,.1622 4 03 7 24 11 46 9 W Charles Dickens died,.1870 4 03 7 25 morn. 10 Th St. Margaret of Scotland ... 4 03 7 26 0 08 11 F St. Barnabas ... 4 03 7 26 0 27 12 S 4 02 7 27 0 44 13 5$ 3d Sunday after Trinity . 4 02 7 27 1 01 14 M 4 02 7 28 1 20 15 .Tu 4 02 7 29 1 41 16 W 4 02 7 29 2 05 17 Th St. Titian.—John Wesley born,.1703 4 02 7 29 2 36 18 F Battle of Waterloo,...1815 4 02 7 29 rises. 19 s 4 03 7 29 8 44 20 s 4tU Sunday after Trinity.— Queen’s Accession, ..1837 4 03 7 30 9 27 21 M T.nnnrst 1)av ...... 4 03 7 30 10 01 22 Tu 4 03 7 30 10 30 23 W H. B. Co,'s Territory transferred to Canada,.1870 4 03 7 30 10 53 24 Th St. John the Baptist.— Midsummer Day.—The Earl of Dufierin 4 04 7 31 11 15 25 F .[arrived, 1872 4 04 7 31 11 35 26 s 4 05 7 31 11 55 * 27 s 5 tli Sunday after Trinity. 4 05 7 31 morn. 28 M Coronation Day ..1838 4 06 7 31 0 17 29 Tu St. Pet?r and St. Paul. 4 06 7 31 0 42 30 w 4 06 7 31 1 15 Corner Sparks and Elgin Streets, The (Best and Freshest always on hand. itmcH at axs. hotos.^ -x>o- I Hot Tea and Coffee, # Hot Mutton Pies and Oyster Patties. I OYSTER STEWS at a MOMENT’S NOTICE. CALENDAR. 21 NOTES OF THE MONTH. July was named, by Mark Antony, Julius, in memory of Julias Csesar. Formerly it was ealled quintilis, or the fifth month, the position it held in the calendar of Romulus. The sun enters Leo, the Lion, on the 23rd. Early in July the bright star Sirius, in the constellation, Canis Major, or the great dog, rises with the sun, and a fierce heat sets in. Hence, from the 3rd, till August il, we have what was once called the dog days. The loth is St. Switliin’s Day, after which,°it is supposed, if rain sets in, it will continue for forty days. SUNDAY LESSONS. Sixth Sunday after Trinity. — Morning: 2 Sam. 1; Acts 17 to v. 16. Evening: 2 Sam. 12, to v. 24, or 2 Sam. 18: Matt. 5, v. 83. Seventh Sunday after Trinity.— Morning : 1 Chron. 21; Acts 21to\. 1«. Evening . 1 Chron. 22 or 1 Chrou. 2S, to v. 21; Matt 9, v. 18. Eighth Sunday after Trinit y.-Morning : 1 Chron. 29, v. 9 to v. 29 : Acts 25. Evening: 2 ChroiL 1, or 1 Kings 3 ; Matt. 13, v. 24 to v 53. Ninth Sunday after Trinity.— Morning : 1 Kings 10, to v. 25; Rom. 2, v. 17. Evening: 1 Kings 11, to v. 15, or 1 Kings 11, v. 26; Matt li, v. 14. MOON’S PHASES-3rd. New Moon, llh 62m eve ; 10th. First Quarter. 5h 07m morn-; 18th. Full L>on. 7h 54m mom. ; 25th. Last Quarter. 3h 06m eve. •*-. . % 2. £ ■zl £ 1 Th 2 F 8 S 4 R f> M 6 Tu i W 8 Th 9 F 10 S 11 s 12 M 13 Tu 14 W 10 Th 16 F 17 S 18 s 19 31 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 F 24 . S 25 s 26 M 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th 30 F 31 S Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical Notes, Festivals. Dominion Day.— Princess Alice married Prince of Hesse, 1862 Quebec Founded,. 6 tli Sunday after Trinity* — Translation of St. Martin Princess Helena mar. Prince Christian, 1866.. [Amer. Ind. 1776 Arrival of Great Eastern in Quebec,. 1801 Great Fire in Montreal,. John Calvin born,. louy 7tli Sunday after Trinit y.-Canada invaded by U.S Battle of the Boyne, 1690 . .[ISIS St. Swithin . Flight of Mahomet, .622 .1629 8 th Sunday after Trinity. Uomfnion k Parliame’nt dissolved, 1872. — British Columbia Robert Bums died, 1796.[entered the Dominion, IS, 1 St. Mary Magda It ne .—Victoria Bridge commenced.1853 The Canadas United,. 9th Sunday after Trinity. SUN. MOON RISES. R. & 8. 4 07 7 80 1 57 4 07 7 30 2 51 4 08 7 30 sets. 4 OS 7 30 9 16 4 09 7 29 9 46 4 10 7 29 10 10 4 10 7 29 10 30 4 11 7 29 11 48 4 12 7 2 S 11 06 4 13 7 28 11 24 4 13 7 27 11 44 4 14 7 27 morn. 4 15 7 26 0 07 4 16 7 25 0 86 4 17 7 25 1 11 4 17 7 24 1 56 4 18 7 23 2 50 4 19 7 23 rises. 4 20 7 22 8 33 4 21 7 21 8 53 4 22 7 20 9 20 4 23 7 19 9 40 4 24 7 18 10 00 4 25 7 17 10 21 7 16 10 45 4 26 4 27 7 15 11 13 4 28 7 14 11 50 4 29 7 13 mom. 4 30 7 12 0 37 4 31 7 11 1 39 4 32 7 10 2 52 22 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. Parliament Hair Dressing Saloon. The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Human Hair in the Dominion. lEU- miles, - — Proprietor ESTABLISHED 1858. Hair Dresser by Appointment to their Excellencies Earl and Countess of Dufferin and Suite, and formerly to Lords Monck and Lisgar, late Governors General. persoi^^wh^i^lwig^e^ierience^u ttThfreestcit^es'fnVhp 3 ^^ , 8 * l P ei * ntended P t he Proprietor in to guarantee complete satisfaction meverv case' «nrl ^ V re ?? nt {forties enable him eye in comparison between the real and artificial ORNAMFNTAf npvirpe St f iticil1 description, also, Hair Bracelets. Wairh rru DE yiCES of every on the shortest notice. A great quantity of HAIR.wmt??^ Klu g s * &c., manufactured hand, and wiU be forwarded ffXnf tun « °. f every vanety for r ' !ldies . on ftvoriu with w p.SS.fl Kg' to’EtacHto 0rt “ -*«* H »H»e *» W Tours, most respectfully, ’ E. IMUTi'E!^ CALENDAR. 23 NOTES OF THE MONTH. August is named from Augustus Caesar. Before Iris time it was SexliUts, or the sixth month The Homans dedicated it to Ceres, tHe goddess ot Com. The sign is Virgo, the Virgin which the The 1st is Lammas Day; the 6tli, the Transfiguration of the’Lord ; the sun enters on the 23rd. industry. SUNDAY LESSONS. Tenth Sunday after Trinity.— Morning : 1 Kings 12; Rom. S, y. IS. Evcnina: 1 Kilims 13 or 17; Matt, 21, v. 23. Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. —ATofni ng: 1 Kings IS; Rom. 13. Evenina: 1 Kincrs 19 or 21; Matt, 25, to v. 31. h Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. —Morning: 1 Kings 22, to v. 41 ; 1 Cor. 4, to v. IS. Evcnina: 2 Kings 2, to v. 16, or 2 Kiilgs 4, v. S to 38; Matt. 27, v. 57. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity. — Morn ing : 2 Kings 5; 1 Cor. 10 and 11, v. I. Evcnina: 2 Kings 6, to v. 24, or 2 Kings 7; Mark 4, to v. 35. Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.— Morning: 2 Kings 0; 1 Cor. 15, to v. 35. Evcnina: 2 Kings 10, to y. 32, or 2 Kings 13 ; Mark 7, v. 24, tu S, v. 10. MOON’S PHASES,—1th, New Moon, 7h 54m morn,; 8th, First Qnfrter, 9h 57m ere •; 16th, Full Moon, 8h 01m eve- ; 23rd. Last Quarter, 8h 06m eve.; 30th, New Moom 6h 08m eve. . r''. ^ O ss o 1 s 2 M 3 Tu 4 W 5 Th 6 F 7 S 8 s 9 31 10 Tu 11 W 12 Th 13 F 14 S 15 s 16 M 17 Tu 18 W 19 Th 20 F 21 S 22 s 23 M 24 Tu 25 W 26 Tli 27 F 28 S 29 S 30 M 31 Tu Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical Notes, Festivals. 10th Sunday after Trinity. — Lammas Day . Bank of England founded, .?_1604 Duke of Edinburgh bora,.1844 11 til Nnnday after Trinity Izaak Walton b.,. Grouse Shooting in Scotland begins. .1503 12th Sunday after Trinity*— Sir Walter Scott b. 1771 Steamboat Shot Lachine Rapids,.1840 Prince of Wales arrived at Quebec,.1860 13th Sunday after Trinity. Prince Arthur arrived at Halifax,.1869 St. Bartholomew. Prince Albert born,.1819 English Cricketers at Ottawa,.1872 14th Sunday after Trinity* — Behead, of St. John Baptist P. E. Island entered the Dominion,.1872 SUN. | RISES. : SETS. L 4 33 7 09 4 34 7 OS 4 36 7 06 1 4 37 7 05 4 33 7 04 . 4 39 7 03 4 40 7 01 4 41 7 00 4 42 6 5S 4 43 6 57 4 44 6 56 4 46 6 54 4 47 6 53 4 48 6 51 4 49 6 50 4 50 6 48 4 51 6 47 4 52 6 45 4 53 6 44 . 4 54 6 42 4 56 6 40 4 57 6 39 4 58 6 37 4 59 6 35 5 00 6 34 5 01 6 32 5 02 6 30 5 04 6 29 5 05 G 27 5 06 6 25 5 07 6 24 MOON r. & s. 10 09 10 35 11 OS 11 4S mom. i 0 39 1 39 7 45 8 05 S 26 5 48 9 15 9 49 10 31 11 27 morn. 0 34 1 50 3 08 sets. 6 54 24 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. MORRISON'S Steam Biscuit Bakery and Confectionery Establishment Is the best place in Central Canada to buy §ismit, Crackers, §m(diea at\d Confectionery of all kinds . Your orders are solicited, and will be promptly attended to by DANIEL MORRISON, Proprietor, York St., Opposite the Market. A. D. FRASER, DEALER IN Wholesale an.cl Retail, Corner of Bridge and Oregon Streets, CHAUFIERE, OTTAWA. F. & J. GRANT, CLOCK * WATCHMAKERS. Jewellery and all kinds of Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. WELLINGTO^STREET, OTTAWA. ALEX. WORKMAN & CO.. General Hardware Merchants & Manufacturers' Agents, -(j- Offices and Warehouses: RTDEAU STREET, and CANAL BASIN, LOWER TOWN, —AKD— WELLINGTON STREET, UPPER TOWN, OTTAWA. CALENDAR. Q 5 NOTES OF THE MONTH. ssmmmmm SUNDAY LESSONS. F,rrEE l Kh^ mo T Sms gS 18; 2 Con " Evtnin ' J ; 2 KiDss 14 or •8fSl5,to ; v 2 4a 0r ' 11 V ' 3 °’ t0 C< 12 ’ '' 14 ' Sevjmte^th Sun^v^er Truotv. - Morning : Jcr 5; Gal. 5, v. 13. **«!»,. j cr . 22 or EighteenthJ3today Tmmg-Jfin*,: Jcr. 36; Eph. 4, v. 25, to 5, v. 22. Evening MOON’S PHASES —7th, First Quarter, 4h. 05m. eve.: 15th, Full Moon, 7h. 09m. morn, i 22d, Last Quarter, lh. 28m. morn, j 29th, New Moon, 7h. 23m., morn. <— _ : v- . ; - : >, Z Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical VftTrw- PpoTiir i t SUN. MOON ; i.wiuo, X U3II RISES. SETS. n. a s. i w Giles.— Partridge Shooting commences. 5 OS il oo 7 13 2 Th 3 F 5 09 TL 1A 6 20 7 31 4 S French Republic declared,. D 1U 5 11 6 18 6 18 7 49 S 10 5 0 15tli Sunday after^Trinity#—1st U. S. Congress, 1774 5 12 C 1 1 0 14 8 34 t Tu O 14 r ir 6 12 9 03 8 W Nativity of the Virgin . O ID i; i»; 6 10 l\ 0*7 9 42 1A Oo 9 Th O AU c 17 o u< 10 Jo 10 F St. Finiaii . O li n IQ 6 05 d no 11 24 11 S O AO - 1A O Oo A.M. 12 S 16tli Sunday after Triuitv. o ly 5 20 5 22 5 23 8 01 5 59 5 57 5 58 r rc 0 2S 13 14 15 K Tu W Quebec taken by Wolfe, Death of Wolfe and Montcalm, Duke of Wellington died,. ..1759 A do 2 51 rises. 18 17 18 Th F 8 First Railway opened,. First U. C. Parliament met at Niagara,.. Quebec 'capitulated,. O -‘t 5 25 5 28 5 27 O OO 5 53 5 51 5 49 0 09 6 30 6 52 7 19 19 s 17tH Sunday afferiTrfnity... 5 28 5 29 5 31 5 47 5 46 5 44 ^ jo 7 4S 8 30 9 21 in Or. 20 21 22 m Tu w Cattle of the Alina, 1854.—First Book printed St. MatthcuSs. —Sir Waiter Scott died,.. .1471 23 Tli d O^ 5 33 D '±S r » J.0 10 JO 11 Q7 24 F 5 34 o dv A A Of 4 25 8 Pacific Ocean discovered,. .1513 5 35 O Oo 5 36 A. j1 • 0 53 28 27 28 S M Tu 18th Sunday after Trinity.— St. Cyprian . St. Vincent de Paul died, . . 1800 5 36 5 37 5 35 5 34 n qq 2 09 3 21 29 TV St. Michael's Day. — 3d Quarter Day . o oo 5 39 u oo 5 31 M lo. 5 35 5 54 30 Th St. Jerome . 5 41 5 29 1 D 26 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. BY APPOINTMENT, Chemist and Apothecary to H, E, the Governor General, GEORGE MORTIMER, (eg ;nig$isi, 28 Sussex Street, Ottawa, PROPRIETOR OF THE CANADIAN COUGH EMULSION AND CELEBRATED CHOLERA MIXTURE. ftSTLook for 29 Susses Street, and the Royal Arms in the Window, “©a ¥M. ABBOTT, pEALEI\_ IN Ditching Machines, Grain Drills, Cultivators, Reaping Machines, Mowing Machines, Threshing Machines, Open Cylinders, Sawing Machines, Fanning Mills, Turnip Cutters, Road Scrapers, Pea Harvesters, Iron Harrows, Wooden Plows, Potato Diggers, Horse Rakes, Grain Crushers, Iron Plows, Horse Hoes, Corn Planters Shingle Machines, AND STOVES OF ALL KINDS CALENDAR 21 *---- NOTES OF THE MONTH. October 1ms its name from Octo , eight, and imber , a shower. It was the eighth month of the first Roman year, and the compound was formed to indicate wet or showery weather, which now frequently prevails. Scorpio , the Scorpion, is the sign entered on the 23d. The 9th is St. Denis’s Day, the patron saint of France. St. Luke’s is on the 18th, and the last night of October is the Eve of All Saints, or Allhallows Eve. It used formerly to be celebrated with rude sports and games, such as apple-diving and casting nuts in the fire, from whence arose the name, Nut-crack night. SUNDAY LESSONS. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.— Morning: Ezek. 14; Col. 1, to v. 2L Evening: Ezek. 18 or 24, v. 15 ; Luke 9, v. 51 to c. 10, v. 17. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. — Morn in g : Ezek. 34; 1 Thess. 3. Evening: Ezek. 37 or Daniel 1; Luke 13, v. 18. Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity.— Morning : Daniel 3 ; 1 Tim. 1, y. IS, and c. 2. Evening : Daniel 4 or 5; Luke IS, to v. 31. Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity.— Morning: Daniel 6 ; Heb. 11, v. 33, and 12 to v. 7. Evening: Daniel 7, v. 9, or Daniel 12 ; Rev. 19, to v. 17. Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity. — Morning : Hosea 14 ; Heb. L Evening: Joel 2, v. 21, or Joel 3, v. 9 ; Luke 24, v. 13. MOON’S PHASES.—7th, First Quarter, lOh. 33m. morn.; 14th, Full Moon, 5h. 42m, eve. j 21st, Last Quarter, 8h, 41m. morn.; 28th, New Moon, llh, 40m. eve. Day of Month. L o* Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical Notes, Festivals. SUN. MOON R.AS. RISES. SETS. 1 F St. Remigins .—Sir Edwin Landseer died. ....1873 5 42 5 28 6 14 2 S r » 5 26 6 36 o o S 19th Sunday after Trinity. O TO 5 44 5 24 7 04 4 M 5 45 5 22 1 38 5 Tu First English Bible printed,. ....1536 5 46 5 20 8 20 G W St. Faith .—Duke of Edinburgh born,. ....1S44 5 48 5 18 9 11 « Th William Penn landed,. .. ..1682 5 50 5 16 10 10 S F Great Fire at Chicago,. 5 51 5 14 11 IS 9 S St. Denys, Bishop and Martyr, A.D . 5 52 5 12 * A.M. 10 s 20th Sunday after Trinity. 5 53 5 10 0 28 11 M Funeral of Sir E. Landseer at St. Pauls,. ....1873 5 54 5 08 1 41 12 Tu America discovered,. ....1492 5 56 5 07 2 54 13 W 5 57 5 06 rises. 14 Th Great fire at Quebec,. ....1S66 5 58 5 04 4 53 15 F 5 59 5 02 6 IS 10 s 6 00 5 00 5 4S 17 s 21st Sunday after Trinity. 6 01 4 5S 6 26 18 M St. Luke .—Lord Palmerston died,. ....1S65 6 02 4 56 7 14 19 Tu 6 03 4 55 8 15 20 W 6 04 4 54 9 27 21 Tli Battle of Prafalgar,'1805 : Nelson killed. 6 05 4 52 10 43 22 F Sir Roderick Murchison died,. ...1871 6 06 4 51 11 59 23 s 6 08 4 49 AM. 24 s 23d Sunday after Trinity*—Daniel Webster died, 1852 6 09 4 48 1 12 25 M St. Crispin, martyr, A.D . .... 308 6 10 4 46 o 21 26 Tu Battle of Chateauguay,. 6 11 4 45 3 28 37 W 6 12 4 43 4 34 28 Th St. Simon and St. Jnde . 6 14 4 41 sets. 29 F 6 15 4 40 4 45 30 S 6 17 4 39 5 06 31 s 23d Sunday after Trinity.—All Halloween. ! 6 10 4 8S 5 37 2S TIIE OTTAWA ALMANAC. v-: 4m 1 # Spill Clarence Street, O T (( J. F. if S I ft )) Successor to WILLIAM GRAHAM . The Burlington Hair Cutting and Bath Rooms. -0- T. E. CORE, From London, Eng , ARTIST in HAIR WORK Professed Ladies Hair Dresser, 74 SPARKS ST., - - OTTAWA. JAMES A. O’CONNELL, Manufacturer and Dealer in Furniture, Wholesale and Retail Upholsterer and Cabinetmaker, 88 Rideau Street, Three Doors East of Dr. Grant’s. Always on hand the best and cheapest assortment of Furniture in the city. T=L. JOHNSTON. DEALER IN Floor, Grain, Feed and Agricultural Implements, ‘Emm aw Opposite the Tea Pot. calendar. 29 I (S' NOTES OF THE MONTH. November is from the Latin word. Xovcm, nine, which indicated its position in the days of Romulus. The Saxons styled it wind-monat or wind month, and blot-monat or blood month, because at this time they were in the habit of killing oxen, sheep and pigs, for salting for the winter. Sagittarius, the Archer, is the sign which the sun enters on the 22d. The 1st is All Saints’ Day, in honor of tha Roman Pantheon being, in GOT, converted into a Christian Church. The 5th is the now almost obsolete Guy Fawkes* Day, a memorial of the Gunpowder Plot. The 9th is Lord Mayor’s Day, and the birthday of the Prince of Wales. On this day the chief magis¬ trate of London is sworn in at Westminster. The 11th is St. Martin’s, and the 30th St. Andrew’s Day. \ - - - - SUNDAY LESSONS. Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity. — Morning : Amos 3 ; Eecless. 11 to 12 ; Heb. 9. Evening: Amos 5 or Amos 9 ; John 4, to v. 31. Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Trinity.— Morning: Mich. 4 and 5 to v. 8; Heb. 8. Evening: Mich. 6 or 7; John 4 to v. 31. Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Trinity.— Morning: Habak. 2; Heb. 13. Evening: Habak. 3, or Zepli. 3 ; John 7, to v. 25. First Sunday in Advent. — Morning : Isaiah 1 ; 1 Peter 2, v. 22, to 2 v. 11. Evening: Isaiah 2 or 4, v. 2; John 11, to v. 17. MOON’S PHASES-6th, First Quarter, 4h 19m morn. ; 13th, Full Moon. 3h 57m mon. ; 19th. Last Quarter, 7h 05m eve. ; 27th, New Moon, 6h 12m eve. , _* '~-i . . © c? C 1 1 M 2 Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 ! F 6 ! S 7 s 8 M 9 Tu 10 W 11 Th 12 F 13 S 14 s 15 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 F 20 S 21 s 22 M 23 Tu 24 W 25 Th 26 F 27 S 28 s 29 M 30 Tu Anniversaries, Remarkable Events, Historical Notes, Festivals. All Saints' Day . All Souls* Day . 2d Rebellion in Canada,.*838 G. Peabody died,.18G9 Gunpowder Plot, 1605.—William III, landed,....:.1688 24th Sunday after Trinity. Prince of Wales bom, 1841.—Lord Mayor’s Day in London.. . Luther born,.1*83 Battle of Queenston, Brock killed,. 25th. Sunday after Trinity .1812 Funeral of Duke of Wellington at St. Pauls,.1852 26th Sunday after Trinity. St. Cecilia . St. Clement .— • John Knox died,. Lord Macaulay bom,.1^00 William Cowper bom,.L Hoosac Tunnel pierced,.1873 1st Sunday in Advent. St. Andrew's Day .. SUN. MOON RISES. SETS. R. 6 » S . 4 37 6 16 G 22 4 36 7 03 6 23 4 34 7 58 6 24 4 9 04 6 26 4 31 10 11 6 27 4 30 11 20 6 28 4 28 A.M. 6 30 4 27 0 31 6 31 4 26 1 44 6 32 4 25 2 5S G 34 4 24 rises. \ 0 35 4 23 3 43 6 26 4 22 4 IS 6 37 4 21 5 03 6 39 4 20 6 01 6 40 4 19 7 11 6 42 4 19 8 29 6 43 4 18 9 57 6 44 4 IS 11 00 6 46 4 17 A.M. 6 47 4 16 0 13 6 48 4 15 1 21 6 50 4 15 2 26 6 51 4 14 3 31 6 52 4 13 4 37 G 53 4 12 sets. 6 54 4 12 3 3S 6 55 4 12 4 15 6 56 4 11 5 00 6 57 4 11 5 54 30 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. Corner of Daly and Nicholas Streets. OTTAWA. Esta-TolislaecL - 18 S 9 . \FFFRS every accommodation to the travels 'ling pullic ; leing in a central position and having first-class Sleeping^ lining and Sample Mooms. < I <,M* 11 * t, •>,(!» w », c 9erms moderate, and the lest of attendance. Smmlics to and from every (Strain and S3 oat. I Proprietor . CALENDAR m NOTES OF THE MONTH. December, from Dccon, ten, indicating the positiou of tlie month in the’old Roman calendar It was the time when they held their Saturnalia, and games in honor of Vesta, goddess of Purity The British Druids, at this season celebrated the feast of Thor. The Saxons called it Winter-iuonat* Sunday is the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and it sometimes happens at the ^e of charge, and it shall 6atne fr d efof cha h rge PerS ° n “ C iarge ° fany 8uch veh5cle to load'and unload the 5. That children under five years of age shall not be charged for as additional passengers, and children over five years and under twelve rears of age shall not bc charged for as additional passengers more than half rales . ' Fire Department. Wm. Young, Chief Superintendent ; Paul Favreau, Asst. -Superintendent. G. F. Macdonald, Superintendent Fire Alarm. Joseph A. Smith, engineer of steamer “ Conqueror.” Alex. Peacock, stoker “ << James Reilly, driver “ <« Thomas Corrigan, driver hose reel. Gustave Gerdeau, “ “ ChIudiere .p a Pf ‘ Mc g.affrey, and 60 members. Rnnfh . Thos^ Keane, and 60 members. Queen .!. p ap ^ Jos - Ricbe f u , and 40 members. Sappeurs^ 00K * ijADDEB . p ap ;- § ol b r £ 0 ^ aruT25° in'embers . nMo K siA««vci,vjr S >’” ks **»»> teller ; C A Pipon, ledger-lceepeV; ^tohn^Edmoode* meaBenger! 1 ' J U M ° re ’ Andrew Drummond, manager^ F^J Levrifi^accouotant ■ g'h r” 1 '* 11 street> \Pw W*? u a Q% g CT e T ninent clerk 5 F hunter, H G Forsyth ^RM?" ; tneInIei 0h,SEH L »"*. ™ Mather, J W Time, .1^’, J “c MetcaH®3 E „e^sSrice E TlW? 0 ’ Bu *-°‘I*** AW,-Office, A P A Rinfret, ledger-keeper- A St Pierr^TMf n" 5 ^ Pa £®> accountant; messenger. & P ’ 1 Jerre ’ P B Humoulin, clerks; A Martin east corner of Sparks a^d^MeSfe^fetT^^H^oT 07 ^ 0 ® 06 ’ north ' H Fuller, accountant; J X £ Christie tel er • T H \r mana S er 5 ^ bank branch; A W Powell led^er-kepnpr r n u’ 1 ^^ 008, te ^ er savings Fitzgerald, meetenger 8 1 ri 0 0 "° odn “'>, cleric; Patrick 8ide, B ior K ner S'o'Co.mo" '^'uric^lS'^' 6 ’ "' Cllin S'»’> street, couth accountant; W J Christ,,,'clerk ' CrtSOI ‘' 'manager; K D Arnaud, ton stft E opporif; «”h^“ vT^T 0 ® 0 '’ »'**«»*• Anderson, accountant; C V Noel wvZ ’telW V W’nT ger;Ja8H teller; C F Wurtele, deposit ledger-Linef • JR Pi! ) ° C °r W> receivin g‘ P N Thompson, clerk ; John Carleton, messenger. h second John Martin, messenger. 0 P ’ ° J Coffe - v > H D Sher «-ood, clerks , BUILDING SOCIETIES. Build^- o and Savings Society.— Subscribed canital $113,2o0 ; paid up capital, 892,500 ; organized I860 President IT „„ pt ’ J'Kft'f H P Griffln /director!, G WVick^fTi mSTa f Pa ^ °l’ Hem v Hartney ; managing director, John Ashworth ; secretary’ treasurer, Robert Sinclair; so icitor, W McKav Wright • hanker- ti „ Bank of Lower Canada ; C W Jcuki’na and R &'ffl,® ““ Um °" Metropolitan Bulling and Savings Society.—O ffice Ridean of,. 00 f * ubsenbed capital, $250,000; paid up capital, $170,000 ; organized, 1870 Roberia^Ro^ert'KacitbnrntM E p B, Jam«, n H^e B '5 r T'pennock Fe ^ > N , Bate 1 " urer^'baifkers, 5 Qudj^Btmk. 80 ^ 01101 ’ ° * Cun ‘ lin S ham > secretary W Mutual Building Society of Ottawa.— Subscribed canital S 99 A 9 nn . paid up capital, $154,000; office, 80 Sussex street; Established, May 1867 • H McCormick, president; P A Egleson, senr., vice-presidentTjolm sfewar^ 40 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. H F McCarthy, A S Wood burn, G McEdward, and W H Cjuff,cii rectors; R Lees, solicitor; J Egleson, secretary-treasurer; bank of British North America, bankers. Annual meeting, 1st Thursday in May. 2m> Mutual Building Society ok Ottawa. —Office, 80 Sussex street. P A Egleson, president; John Stewart, vice-president; H McCormick, « Sweetland, M D, G McEdwards, H F McCarthy, C Bryson, directors; Jas Egleson, secretary-treasurer; Merchants’ Bank ot Canada, banker; Bober Lees, solicitor; capital subscribed, $715,000; capital paid up, $126,000 ; established May, 1873. Annual meeting, 3rd Thursday in May. La Society de Construction Canadienne U’Ottawa. —Incorporated 27th April, 1874, under Cap 53 of the C S for U C. Directors -J A Pinard, president . T G Coursolles, vice-president; Samuel Benoit, Dr St Jean, Jos Tasse, O A Rocque, Leon David; N S Benoit, sec-treas; H Lapierre, G Taillon, solicitors ; Pierre Marier, inspector. Canada Permanent Building and Savings Society.— Head Office, Toronto; C T Routh & Co, agents. Imperial Building, Savings and Investment Company.—H ead office, Toronto; E B Crombie, agent. INSURANCE COMPANIES HAVING AGENTS IN OTTAWA. Accidental of Canada.Montreal.... R H Haycock, agent .Etna of Hartford, Fire.. American... Pennock A Co Agricultural.Montreal-M Wholehan Atlantic Mutual, Life...American.. .J G Davis " Beaver and Toronto Mutual, hire.Toronto C T Routh & Co British America, Fire. do D \V Coward&Co Canada Life. Hamilton ...R H Haycock Canada Live Stock...Toronto.... X T Routh & Co Citizen’s Fire Life Guarantee & Accident. .Montreal.... C Desjardins Commercial Union, Fire.English.D W Coward&Co “ Connecticut Mutual, Life.American.. .Jas McCracken « Farmer’s Mutual, Fire.Hamilton ... C W Lindsay “ Globe Mutual, Life.American.. .C T Routh & Co Hartford of Hartford, Fire. “ ...Pennock &Co Isolated Risk, Fire.pronto.O’Connors Waller' Life Association of Scotland.Scottish .... Pennock & Co Liverpool, London and Globe, Fire & Lite.Endish.D W Coward&Co “ London Fire Assurance..... do . do do London and Lancashire, Life. do .M U holehan Metropolitan, Life...American...R Angus, jr, Mutual Benefit Life Association. do ...A H Wright New York Life. do .. .W M Somerville “ Niagara District j Fire.St CatharinesT S Stetham “ North British and Mercantile, Fire.English.Pennock & Co “ Northern Life Assurance.Scottish .... VV m White “ North-Western Life.American... T S Stetham “ Phoenix, Fire.English.J Dune & Son “ Phoenix Mutual, Life.American.. .O’Connor iWaller “ Provincial, Fire and Marine.Toronto.M Wholehan “ Queen, Fire and Life.English.... .O’Connori^Waller " Roval Canadian, Fire, Life aud Marine. .Montreal.... R Angus, jr “ Royal, Fire and Life.English.... .T M Clark Scottish Amicable, Life.Scottish ....TS Stetham “ Scottish Imperial, Fire. &o -Pennock & Co , \ Hv Grist and Standard, Lite. ao • • | j p Featherson « I cm- OTTAWA. 41 Sun Mutual, Life. n n , • Toronto, Life. .Toro * £J\ tclue ’ ,• Agent Wesfern'Assiirancej Fir ^and \ \ !&,;; j S p S ^ h ™, onJ Telegraph Companies Montreal Telegraph Co. Main office, Metcalfe street. Branch offices_ParliaiviAnt it.-,,,-- i session ; Bussell House, Union House, Albfon HoteL* St* Lawrence^Half Battle Bros, Bideau street; Hamilton Bros, Sussex street; Queen’s Wharf ° R ' t ? tl °J 1 and Bric, 9 e 8treet > Chaudiere. .. Yj • Bethune, district superintendent; G F Macdonald, local manager- Milf> r, r 0penUOr ’ Ste & Cy ’ Geor ? e Berry, C B Steacv, f V Y Z A w p a 7 i receiv in» clerks ; Wm Nichols, accountant; T Ahearne ? Bo - vd ’ Y ? i n l er f? n ’ ri t Spencer, W Y Soper, J Hurley A Feden J Luck wood A McCullough, L M Fortier, II Bott R Drew , 3 Operators ’ P Hartley, batteryman ; X Lefebvre and E Picard, line repairers. 1 ’ Dominion Telegraph Co. Main office, Sparks street. Branch offices, Parliament buildines, durimr session, Russell House, E McGilhvray’s, Wellington street and York street. Joseph Atchison, manager; Thomas Armstrong, receiving clerk - F DoSll W HT Pe ? 5 l v Ma ? e A r i , T Em]e y> A Martin, J McMullin,’ A Dowdall, \\ H Taylor, Robert Atchison, operators ; P Valois, repairer. MILITARY. Staff Officer of Pensioners. -Capt James Hesketh, Rochesterville ; ErS^Z stet. 1 ’ 2nd “ ,d 3rd da} ' »' CacL •• 1- British Volunteer Militia Force. r ™ ^ IS \r K1 f C J ST B FF- T I) i? tr . ict No 4 ’ L ieut-Col Jackson, DAG; Major Giegoi Mattice, Brigade Major ;--- District Paymaster. Ottawa Field Battery -John Stewart, Captain‘Commanding; A S ii! b £ r ir Pay V 1 f T ter 5 , h VanCortlandt, M D, Surgeon ; W McKay Wright and B Billings, 1st Lieut’s ; B Savage, 2nd Lieut. * ° Ottawa Brigade of Garrison Artillery.— Lieut-Col James Egleson, a \r \ a Vr • ’ , e8 OTa,u » 1 walker, James Harris, E - aia, L A ilaigny, A J Russell, 2nd Lieuts; E B Crombie, Paymaster; John Peacock, Quartermaster; H T Corbett, Surgeon ; TBBentley, Assistant burgeon. , 1st Battalion, Governor General’s Foot Guards. —Thomas Ross, Lieut-Colonel; William White, Major; J P Macplierson, John Tilton, H S V ^ther y,M HLee, Captains ; G M Patrick, McLeod Stewart, F W Mills, fr.B-, odd, H. G Dunlevie, Telmont Aumond, Lieutenants; GH Bate, H H Griffin, G Major, F A Fleming, Ensigns; E C Malloch, M D, Surgeon; \Y R Bell, Assistant Surgeon ; Major A A Wicksteed, Paymaster; Captain John Walsh, Adjutant; Captain George Grant, (late of 100th rest.) Quartermaster. G y T . 4: ^ D “ Carletox 5 ' Battalion of Infantry.—H ead Quarters, Ottawa, John F Bearman, . Lieut-Col; William Corbett, W H Falls, Majors; J F 4 42 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. Kemp. John Holmes, I Morgan, W Garvin, G Cook, R McGregor, Captains ; Hv McDbugall, J Huestou, J Carson, W Henderson, D Latimer, RGrant, Lieutenants; R E Lyon, Paymaster Adjutant, .1 R Hanna, Jjieuienanta , -iv «v > »- •> , tT . , • . : Quartermaster; D Beatty, M D, Surgeon ; P A McDougall, M I), Assistant Surgeon. Dominion of Canada Rifle Assciation.— Lieut-Col, C S Gzowski; President, Allan Gilmour, Lieut-Col C J Brydges, Lieut-Col A E Bote lord, Lieut-Col A K Mclvinlav, Vice-Presidents ; John Langton, I D Harington, Auditors ; Lieut-Col Macplierson, Treasurer; Lieut-Col Stuart, Secretary. Public Companies. The Ottawa Agricultural Fire Insurance Go.—Head office, Sparks Street, Ottawa. Provisional Directors —Hon Messrs W H Chatters and Jas Skead : W H Brouse, M P, Robert Blackburn, HP, Pierre St Jean, HP, William Gibson, M P, John Rochester, M P, Cyril Archibald, M P, Allan Gilmour, Thomas McKay, John P Featherston, Gordon B Pattee, Martin Wholehan, R Cassels, jr', solicitor ; Rob Angus, jr, secretary. Bank of Ottawa— Directors.— James McLaren, Presidents Charles McGee, Vice do; Hon Geo Bryson, Robt Blackburn, M P, Alex Fraser, C T Bate, Hon R L Church, George Hay, A Gilmour. lieechwood Cemetery Co.— J M Currier, M P, president; Directors— B Batson, John Durie, J Sweetland, M D, J T Pennock, H N Bate, C T Bate, B Batson, treasurer; John Durie, secretary; William Conner, assistant secretary; office, Bell’s Block, Elgin Street. Ottawa Gas Co.— Office, Elgin Street: C T Bate, president; Francis Ciemow, managing director; Hon James Skead, E McGillivrav, Thomas Patterson, J M Currier, M P, S Howell, directors; A Spittal, secretary- treasurer. The Ottawa Loan and Investment Co—Provisional Directors; W R Bell, M D, Wm White, Jas Fraser, W Pennock, A S Woodburn, R A Brad- lev ; Provisional Solicitor, R A Bradley; Provisional Secretary, Frederic Wright; Bankers, Ontario Bank; Temporary Offices, Hay’s Block, Sparks Street, s side. Ottawa City Passenger Railway Co.— General office, New Edinburgh ; Thomas C. Keefer, president; Thos Reynolds, vice-president; J M Currier, M P, W G Perley, Robert Blackburn, M P, R S Merrill, M McNaughton, directors ; Robt Surtees, secretary ; D S Eastwood, treasurer. St Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Co.— Managing director’s office, Wellington street; Thomas Reynolds, managing director ; A G Peden, sec.- treasurer and general passenger agent; JM lay lor, general freight agent, Ottawa and Prescott; Calvin Dame, locomotive superintendent, Prescott; J G Macklin, resident engineer, Ottawa; R K Clare, station agent, Sussex Street, J A Houston, station agent, Chaudiere, Ottawa. Canada Central Railway Co.— Offices, Elgin Street, opposite the Russell House ; Depot, LeBreton Flats ; President, H L Redhead ; Managing Director, Hon A B Foster ; secretary and treas, A B Chaffee ; gen’l superin¬ tendent, H P Alden ; local superintendent, T A McKinnon; mechanical superintendent, H A Alden; accountant, Archer Baker; gen’l freight and passenger agent, W S Eaton; paymaster, W B Edgarton ; operator, E C Lalonde. Union Forwarding and Railway Co. —R S Cassels, president; C 0 Kelly, vice-president; Henry McKay, Gilbert Scott, T H Thompson, 'D Iv Cowley, W R Thistle and H 1£ Eagan, directors; Henry Chepmell, sec-treas; John Murphy, bookkeeper; Sami Dyde, freight agent; E J Murphy, clerk. The Ottawa Iron and Steel Manufacturing Company, {limited).— I CITY OF OTTAWA. 43 Capital, S500.000. Provisional Directors : Hon James Skead, J M Currier, M P, Edward McGillivrav, R S Cassels, H V Noel, Edward Haycock; hankers, The Ontario Bank ; solicitors, pro tern, Messrs Cockburn, Wright it Clemow; secretary, pro tern, R W Cruice. ROADS. Bytoion and Nepean Macadamized Rand Company. —George Arnold, President; Charles H Pinhey, Sec-Treas., James D Slater, George Arnold, Thomas Graham, William Graham, and Reeve for time being for Nepean, Directors. ^ Ollawa and Gloucester Road Company. —E McGillivrav, President; A Mann, Sec-Treas ; E McGillivrav, C TBate, John Graham, F Clemow, John Roberts, Directors ;-—, Solicitor ; Quebec Bank, bankers. Ottawa, Montreal and Russell Consolidated Road Co. —William Wilson, President; James Wadsworth, R Lees, John Roberts, 7. Wilson, Directors; R Lees, Solicitor; Merchants’ Bank, Bankers; H Chepmell, Sec-Treas. STEAMBOATS. Montreal and Ottawa Forwarding Co. —Canal Basin—Malcolm Mc- Naughton, C T Bate, directors; Denis Murphy, a^ent in Ottawa; W Durie, G Hawkins, E Hall, H Christie, clerks; A O'Neil, storeman. Sincennes and McNaughton Line. —Canal Basin—M McNaugliton, agent. Ottawa River Navigation Co. —Queen’s wharf, foot of Sussex—R \\ Shepherd, president, Montreal; E Scott, secretaiy, Montreal; J T Sutton, agent. Steamer “ Peerless,” Capt Bowie, leaves the above wharf every morning at o’clock, Sundays excepted ; the steamer “Queen Victoria,” Capt McDonell, leaves the above wharf every afternoon at 5 o’clock, Satur¬ days and Sundays excepted, during the summer months. STAGE ROUTES. Ottawa and Aylmer Mail Line.— Moses Holt, proprietor; leaves the Union House, Elgin Street, daily, (Sundays excepted.) Ottawa and Aylmer Stage.— Moses Holt, proprietor ; leaves the Dominion blouse, Sussex street, daily, (Sundays excepted). Ottawa und Aylmer Stage — R H Klock,proprietor ; leaves R Graham’s, Sussex street, daily, (Sundays excepted.) Ottawa and Carillon Stage —Leaves the Chicago House, Clarence St, daily at G.30 p. m. (Saturdays excepted.) Hastey’s Gatineau Mail Stage Line.—Leaves the Albion Hotel, Nicho¬ las street, daily (Sundays excepted) for Ironside, Chelsea, Kirk’s Ferry, North Wakefield, Aylwin, &c, to River Desert. Ottawa and Richmond Stage.—Leaves the British Lion Hotel, Sparks street, daily. Ottawa and Billing’s Bridge Stage.— Leaves the British Lion Hotel, Sparks street, daily. Ottawa and Rockville Stage.— Leaves the Sappers Bridge, daily. I 44 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. CHURCHES. Baptist Church .—Queen street, south side, near Elgin, Rev A A Cameron, minister. Hours of service, 11 a m’and 7 pm; Sunday school, 3 p m. Canada Presbyterian Church. —Bank street, west side. Rev Win Moore, minister, Hours of service 11 a m and 7 p m ; Wednesday at 7^ p m. Canada Presbyterian Church. —Daly st, south side. Rev W Armstrong, minister. Hours of service, 11 a m and p m ; Wednesday at 7 p m. Canada Presbyterian Church (Knox Church).—City Hall square. Rev -minister. Hours of service, 11 a m and 7 p m ; Wednesday at 7^ p m. Cathedral Notre Dame. —Sussex st, east side. The Bishop. Rev D Dandurand, Rev John Molloy, P 0 M I, Rev John O’Connor, D D, Revs Isidore Champagne, and Geo Bouillon, priests. Hours of service, G a m, 8 a m, 10 a m, and 3 p m. Catholic. Apostolic Church. —Albert st, south side. Rev E J W Rober^ minister. Hours of service, 10 a m and 5 p m ; week days at G a m and 5 P m. Eucharist every fourth Tuesday at 10 am. Christ Church (Church of England).—Sparks st, south side. Rev J S Bander, Archdeacon of Ottawa, M A, rector; Rev John May, M A, asst, minister. Hours of service 11 a m and 7 pm. (Free seats in the evening.) Church of St Alban the Martyr —Free Seat (Church of England).— Daly st, north side. Rev Cannon T B Jones, M A, L L D, rector. Hours of service, 8 a m, 11am and 7 p m; Sunday school, 3 p m. Holy Com¬ munion every Sunday and on the Church festivals. Daily service at 9 a m and 5 p m. Congregational Church. —Corner of Albert and Elgin streets. Rev J G Sanderson, pastor. Hours of service 11 a m and 7 p m, Sabbath school, 10 a m and 3 p m ; bible class, Monday, 8 p m ; lecture and prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p m. Episcopal Methodist Church. —Bridge street, west side. Rev. Joseph Young, minister. Hours of service, 11 a m and 6^ pm. Episcopal Methodist Church. —Dalhousie street, east side. Rev R M Pope, minister. Hours of service, 11 a m and G£ p m. Reformed Episcopal Church (Church of England service).—Court House, Daly street. Rev Johnston McCormac, rector. Hours of service, 11 a m and 7 p m. St Andrew’s Church (Church of Scotland).—Wellington street, south side. Rev D M Gordon, B D, minister. Hours of service, 11 a m and p m. St Anne’s Church. —Ottawa street, south side. Rev J B Alleau, P P. Hours of service, 6 a m, 8 a m, 10 a m, and 7 p m. St Jean Baptiste Church. —LeBreton Flats. Rev E A Porcile, P P. Hours of service, 8 a m and 10 am. Si John the Evangelist (Church of England).—Sussex street, west side. The Right Rev J Travers'Lewis, D D, L L D, Bishop of the Diocese of Ontario, rector; residence, Daly st. Rev H Pollard, M A, asst, minister. Hours of service, 11 am and 7 p m. St Joseph Church. —Wilbrod street. Rev M Pallier, P P. Hours of service—Sundays and holidays, Mass at G, 8 and 10 a m. Vespers, 7 p m. St. Patrick’s Church. —Corner Hugh and Gloucester streets. Rev John Collins, P P ; Rev J Stenson. Hours of service 8 a m, 10 a inland 7 p m. Wesleyan Methodist Church. —Besserer street, north side. Rev Wil¬ liam Hall, minister. Hours of service, 11am and 7 p m; Wednesday, at 7 p m. CITY OF OTTAWA. 45 Wesleyan Methodist Church .—Metcalfe street. Rev William Hunter, minister. Hours of service, 11 a m and 7 p ml Wednesday lecture, at 8 pm. Wesleyan Methodist Church .—Richmond Road. Rev Dr. Mark, min¬ ister. Hours of service, 11 am and 7 p m. RELIGIOUS AND BENEVOLENT DI5TITUTIONS. Ottaica Auxiliary Bible Society. —Patron, His Excellency the Governor General; President, Geo Hay; Vice-Presidents, the Hon Malcolm Cameron, Win Clegg, Win Cousens, Wm Hamilton, James Henry, James Johnson, P LeSueur, George May, W A McAgv, John Thorburn, Thomas Vaux; Cor-Secretary, The Rev D M Gordon, B D; Rec-Secretary, Rev R Gavin ; Treasurer, C W Jenkins; Depositary, John Durie, senior." County of Carleton General Protestant Hospital. —Foot of Rideau st. -, president; Geo Hay, vice-president; Wm Cousens, secretary; Alexander Workman, treasurer; George Sadler, steward; Consulting Physicians—Drs Hill and VanCortlandt; attending physicians, Drs Grant, McGillivray, Sweetland, McDougall. Directors—Geo Hav, John Durie, T C Bramley, James Peacock, Z Wilson, Thomas Patterson, John Roberts, G Mortimer, W Pennock, R Blackburn, W Cousens. Life Directors—Alex¬ ander Workman, James McCracken, Richard Bishop, A M Dole, James Rosamond, John Heney, Edward McGillivray, A Mann, J P Featherston, Hon M Cameron, H V Noel, Geo May, Wm Mills, Ira Morgan, W H Butler, John Graham, Alex Fraser, Wm Cherry, R Cummings, Amos Rowe. The Board meets first Tuesday in every month at the hospital at 4 p m. General Hospital. —Bolton street. Under the superintendence of the Sisters of Charity. Sister Sauve, directress; Sister St Jean, economist; Dr Hill, consulting physician ; Drs Beaubien, St Jean, Robilard and Lynn, surgeons. Protestant Orphan's Home. —Albert street. Lady Macdonald, 1 st directress ; Mrs H F Bronson, 2nd directress ; Mrs E B Eddy, 3rd directress; Mrs. J Thorburn, recording secretary ; Mrs A Scott, corresponding secretary; Mrs T Ross, treasurer; E C Malloch, M D, attending physician ; Hamnett Hill, M D, and J A Grant, M D, consulting physicians ; Mrs Fraser, matron and general superintendent; Miss Simms, teacher; About thirty orphans in the home. St Patrick's Orphan Asylum .—D O’Connor, president; Wm McCaft- ery, vice-president; Wm Wall, treasurer; Richard Devlin, secretary; Rev Dr. O’Connor, spiritual director; Sisters Fitzmaurice and St George, matrons. St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum. —Cor Cathcart and Sussex streets. Sister E Thibaudeau, superioress ; Sister St Cecilia, directress. Established in 1860, under the care of the Grey nuns. Number of Orphans and aged persons admitted since its foundation, 300. St Charles Asylum for Ayed People. —Under the care of the Sisters of Charity ; Sister Lavoie, directress. Society of St. Vincent de Paul. —Established for the relief of the poor. Particular Council of Ottawa. —P O’Meara, president; Romuald Lapierre, vice-president; F X Disloge, secretary; C Carleton, treasurer. There are four conferences in Ottawa of this society, composed as follows: 1st — Conference of Our Lady , of Ottaica. —John O’Reilly, president; J F Caldwell, vice-president; G O’Keefe, secretary; Neil McCall, treasurer; The conference meets every Sunday at 2 o’clock, p m, in St Vincent’s Hall, Sussex street. 46 TIIE OTTAWA ALMANAC. 2nd—Conference de Notre Dame .—Edouard Milotte, president; Romuald Lapierre, 1 st vice-president; Hilaire Pinard, 2 nd vice-president; L J (•asaiilt, secretary; Pierre Rivet and F Rochon, treasurers. The confer- ence meets every Sunday at two o’clock, p m, in St Vincent’s Hall, Sussex street. 3 rd—Conference of St Joseph .—William Kelioe, president; E Tetu, vice-president; Francois Desloge, secretary; W J Ryan, treasurer. The conference meets every Sunday at noon in the vestry of St. Joseph’s church. 4 t h—Conference of St Patrick .—Chas McCarthv, president; John Guam, vice-president; P G Leyden, secretary ; Denis Egan, treasurer. The conference meets every Sunday at noon in the vestry of St Patrick’s church. United Protestant Benefit Society .—Incorporated bv act of Parliament— J. homas Kirby, President; VY r Trueman, 1 st vice-president; Win Porter. 2nd vice-president; Jas Green, Secretary; Win Hill, financial secretary; li Davies, treasurer; Dr. Sweetland, physician; H Pollard, chaplain; Dr. H Fellows, trustees; Savings Department of the An efficient committee and stewards. Society Rideau street, first Monday in every month lit Sweetland, J Morse and Ontario Bank, bankers meets in Rowe’s Hall, 8 o’clock p m. 1867; Rooms, 37.j Young Men’s Christian Association .—Organized Sparks street; Geo May, president; W J Toplev and F W Radford, vice- presidents; B H Tealdes, treasurer; A E de St JDalmas, general secretary; E D*larlow, recording secretary; A G Robertson, Librarian; W A Lamb; H Robinson, R G Bovill, C Ross, G W Grant, M Orme, S F Cox and R Tome, directors Strangers coming to the city are invited to attend the weekly meetings held on Tuesday and Saturday evenings at 8 o’clock, at their rooms as above. Free reading room open daily. NATIONAL, LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, &c. St George’s Society.—Ron Jas Skead, president; H Meadows, 1 st vice- president; 1 homas Beament, 2 nd vice-president; J Yeoman, secretary • J bloeombe, treasurer; R J Cook, assistant secretary ; Rev T I) Phillips and Key H Pollard, chaplains; J Sweetland, M D, physician; E P Rernon, solicitor. Committee and Stewards L K Clisby, E Hawkins, T Higman, K v-V e / er Parker, committee; F Clianip- ne» s , J 1 Forfar, C H H Nichols, stewards. Auditors—Thos Kirbv and B Jiuckell. St Andrew’s Society .—J A Grant, president; J P Robertson 1st vice- president; R tassels,jr, 2nd vice-president; A Mann, treasurer; D C Robertson, recording secretary ; Wm Johnston, corresponding secretary; F H Chrysler, solicitor; Rev I) M Gordon, B D, chaplain; Drs McGillivray and Henderson. Managers-J Peacock, convener; J W Russell, John .Smith James Harris, Henry Inglis, Geo Stockand, Geo McFarlane, Hugh Stalker, A H Taylor. Auditors—J Peacock, Alex Taylor. It isli Pi otestant Benevolent Society .—W F Powell, nresident* r J' Me- i tv, 1st vice-nrosidpnt ? A K . . tt ’ -■ > — • "3 »» ^ ” “1C, J- If Davis and G May, auditors. ir i >St Ff fri . ck ’ s Library Association .—W H Waller, president; William Kelioe 1 st vice-president; P A Egleson, treasurer; J M Goulden corres¬ ponding secretary; John AJasey, recording secretary; Thomas O’Connor CITY UK OTTAWA. assistant; John McStravick, librarian; Michael Starrs, grand marshal; .Trustees—AY Kehoe, Win W hite, W H AValler, T O’Connor. John Hencv, J M Goulden, S Bingham, W McCaffrey, W Wall, John Quain, P A Egle- son, W Slattery, J Casey, J McStravick, M Starrs. Meets first Tuesday in every month at their hall, Sussex street. St Jean Baptiste Society. —R St Jean, M D, president; J G Coursolles, 1 st vice-president; H Pinard, 2nd vice-president; J Y De Boucherville, recording secretary; F R A Champeait, corresponding secretary; J W Peachy, treasurer. Marshal—C Drapeau. Institnt Qanadien Francois. —Joseph Tasse, president; Dr St Jean, 1st vice-president; 0 Durocher, 2 nd vice-president; J Lefebvre, corresponding secretary ; L J Casault, librarian. Union St Joseph d'Ottawa. —P G Godbout, president; Jules Lemieux, ler vice-president; J J Fink, 2eme, vice-president; J B Lamontagne, secre¬ taire ; Damas Desnoyers, assistant secretaire; Jules Leblanc, secretaire correspondant; L A Grison, tresorier; LA Kocque, ler collecteur; Emery Bichard, 2 eme collecteur; A Potvin, assistant collecteur; Vincent Daze, 2 eme assistant collecteur; Allred Lemieux, bibliothecaire , Charles Goulet, assistant bibliothecaire; Gilbert Julien, Officer Ordonateur. SocUUSt Pierre. —L Z Chabot, President ; Thos Pruneau, ler Vice do ; Louis Goneau, 2eme Vice do ; Charles Dugal, Secretaire ; L N Boily, Asst do; Louis Gratton, Secretarie Correspondant; Jean Champagne, Tresorier; P K Yaliquette, Collecteur; A Eschembach, Asst do; Janvier Massie, Bibliothecaire; Jean Barbeau, Asst do; Basile Champagne, Charles Potvin, Commissaires Ordonateurs. Ottawa Literary and Scientific Society. —Rooms, Sparks near O’Connor. Incorporated by act of Parliament, 24th December, 1869. John Thorburn, President; Thos Kirby, 1 st Vice-President; E A Meredith, 2nd Vice-Presi¬ dent; H P Hill, Secretary; James G Whvte, Treasurer; W D LeSueur, B A, Librarian ; William White, curator; G Wicksteed, Thos Hector, F H Chrysler, Members of Council; John Jackson, Custodian. CLUBS. Ottawa Turf Club .—Joseph Aumond, president; E Sherwood, vice- president. Committee—Alonzo Wright, M P, A H Baldwin, M McNaughton, W McKay Wright, M P, RS Cassels, D McLachlin, T H Thomson, Weldon Champness ; E C Barber, sec-treas. Ottawa Cricket Club .—G P Baker, president; W McKay Wright, M P, 1st vice-president; J M Currier, M P, 2nd vice-president; AW Powell, treasurer; F H Chrysler, secretary. Committee—Rev T D Phillips, chair¬ man ; C S Scott, C P Brodie, W Carter, John Brunei, E H Benjamin. Ottawa Curling Club. —Rink, Slater street, north side; organized 1862 ; affiliated with the Royal Caledonia Club of Scotland, His Excellency the Earl of Dufferin, patron; Allan Gilmour, president; T McKay, lst'vice- president; Henry Inglis, 2nd vice-president; John Thorburn 3rd vice- president; G Hutchison, secretary-treasurer. Committee of management, W Hutchison, T Gallagher, J Birkett, T M Blasdell. Representative members, Alex C Hutchison, A W Ogilvie. llideau Club .—Wellington near Metcalfe; incorporated under the Act of the Legislature of Canada, 29th Vic, cap 98, 1865. Executive Committee, J M Currier, M P, president; Hon J H Cameron, M P, Hon P Mitchell, M P, Hon G W Allan, Alonzo Wright, M P, Hon R J Cartwright, M P, H V Noel, J Tilton, Lieut-Col W Powell, R S Cassels. Auditors, A J Cambie, B Batson; bankers, Quebec Bank; H V Noel, treasurer; Robert Sinclair, hon sec’y; Jas Carter, secretary; E P Jones, steward. THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. 4S AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. City of Ottawa Agricultural Society. —Hon J Skead, acting-president; R Kenny, vice-president; W Cowan and A Burritt, auditors; A S 'Wood- burn, secretary-treasurer. Directors—J P Featherston, mayor, Alonzo Wright, M P, .1 M Currier, M P, Geo W Eaton, J' Ashworth, W McKay Wright, M P, N Robertson, Ira Morgan and A McKellar. County of Carleton Agricultural Society. —John Dawson, president; Thomas Clarice,Nepean, 1st vice-president; W Kidd, Burritt’s Rapids, 2nd vice-president; A Abbott and W Arnold, auditors; W Corbett, Bell’s Cor¬ ners, secretary-treasurer. Directors—John Hodgins, H Brownlee, Janies Hodgins, D McDougall, H Gourlay, J Smith, Allan Frazer, A S Woodburn, Hugh Davison. County of Russell Agricultural Society. —John Kennedy, Osgoode, president; Alex Stuart, Osgoode, 1st vice-president; Jas Severight Glou¬ cester, 2nd vice-president; Ira Morgan, Metcalfe, secretary,-treasurer. Directors.—John Campbell, Osgoode; John Mclnnis, Osgoode; James Johnston, Gloucester: William Fenton, Gloucester; P McDonald,Osgoode; W Eadie, Russell; J McNab, Osgoode; Duncan Cummins, Russell; George Lang, Gloucester. EDUCATIONAL. Boarding School for Young Ladies. —Conducted by the Grey Nuns, Convent of Notre Dame du Sacre Cocur, Rideau st, Ottawa. SisterT’lierese de Jesus, superioress; assisted by twenty teachers. Present number of pupils—boarders, 100 ; daily, 180, Church of England Ladies' /School. —200 Wellington st, Ottawa.— Established 1869. Incorporated 1871. Visitors—The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Ontario, the Ven Archdeacon of Kingston, and the Ven Archdea¬ con of Ottawa. Council—The Ven Archdeacon Lauder, chairman ; J D Slater, Judge Lyons, W R Wright, J A Torrance, G W Wicksteed, G P Baker, Francis Clemow, G May ; W R Wright, treasurer; Rev H Pollard, secretary. Lady Principal—Miss Mann, assisted by an efficient staff of teachers. Professors—Marc Ami, French ; W C Forster, drawing ; F W Mills and Madame Dorini, music. City of Ottawa Collegiate Institute —Queen st, opp City Hall sq—John Thorburn, M A, rector; John McMillan, B A, 1st assistant; Rev T D Phillips, M A, 2 nd assistant; Tlios Hislop, 3rd assistant; Rev Marc Ami, French teacher. Trustees—J P Featherston, chairman ; E McGillivrav, G Hay, Wm Pennock, A Rowe, James Warnock, Rev D M Gordon, B D, F Clemow ; John Pennock secretary and treasurer ; M Nile, messenger. Convent and Mother House of the Grey Nuns, with Novitiate and Academy —Corner Sussex and Bolton sts—Rev mother E Bruvere, superior general. 180 professed nuns; 70 novices and postulants; 120 day pupils. This community directs 22 establishments, comprising educational and charitable institutions; 18 of which are in the diocese of Ottawa, 3 in the diocese of Albany, and 1 in the diocese of Buffalo. Ottawa Ladies’ College— Incorporated by Act of Parliament, Dec. 17th, 1869. H F Bronson, president; Rev W Moore, 1st vice-president; John Sweetland, M D, 2nd vice-president. Board of management—Hon James Skead, R Blackburn, M P, E B Eddy, M P P, Rev I) M Gordon, B D, John M Garland, John R Booth, James Rochester, Alex Mutchmor, Edward McGillivrav, J Cunningham, James Hope, Thomas McKay. Auditors— J Henderson, S Lindsay, E P Jackson, M A, principal; R J Harvey, bursar. Seminary for Young Ladies, a branch of “ Villa Maria” establishment of Montreal, Gloucester, bet Elgin];'and Metcalfe sts—Conducted by the CITY OF OTTAWA. 49 ladies of the congregation of Notre Dame. Madame St Gabriel, sujierioress. Present number of pupils, 154. St Mary’s Academy —Wellington Street. Sister Mary of the Emaculate Conception, directress. Present number of pupils, 90. St Femille House —LeBreton Flats. Sister St Charles, directress. Present number of pupils, 120. The University of Ottawa —Wilbrod Street. The Rev J H Tabaret, principal. Professors—Itev A Boiseame, moral theologv ; Rev M Froc, dogmatical theology ; Revds P Paquin and — Barrett, mathematics ; Revds L Bennett, G St Lawrence, L Xolin, Z Durocher, A Garault, W Smith, C Martin, A Paradis, T Faford, F Chaborel; M E Harnois, bursar. Present number of pupils, 150. MASONIC. District Deputy Grand Master for the Ottawa District .—R W bro J W Pickup, Pakenham. Gedeliah Council R and S Masons of Canada, No 8—Ill comp. W Kerr, Thr ill M ; ill comp. W M Somerville, R ill M ; ill comp E Butter- worth, ill M of W; ill comp Dr Mostvn, chaplain; ill comp WH Tracey, treasurer ; ill comp C S Scott, rec ; ill comp T P Stiff, M of C ; ill comp J D Wallis, Cap of G; ill comp W Johnson, cond; ill comp A Irving, jr, steward; J Sweetman, sentinel. Meets the third Monday in each month. Carleton R A Chapter, No 1(5 G R C .—V Ex comp Wm Kerr, Z ; P Ex comp W M Somerville, Past Z ; Ex comp C S Scott, EL Ex ; comp E B But- terworth, J; comp II W Bennett, scribe E; comp John Orr, scribe N ; comp J D Wallis, prin S; comp W M Somerville, treas; J Sweetman, janitor. Meets second Monday of every month. Builders Lodge, No 177, Fand A M, G R C .—W bro E B Butterworth, W M ; W bro Gustave Levin, past master; bro John Bealer, senior warden; bro Tlios Kean, junior warden ; W bro David Wilson, treasurer; bro Wm Rea, secretary; bro T Wensley, S D; bro Wm Cherry, J D; bro D Mc- Naughton, M C; bros Irwin and Winters, stewards; bro R P Harris, I G; bro McCarthv, Tvler. Meets second Friday of every month at the Masonic Hall. Chaudicre Lodge, F and A M, No 2G4, G R C. Meets first Monday in each month. Civil Service Lodge, F and A M, No 148, G R C ,—Wor bro John Walsh, master; wor bro Neil McLean, past master; bro J W Harper, treasurer ; bro J Sweetman, tvler. Meets second Tuesday of every month at the Masonic Hall, Little Sussex Street. Corinthian Lodge, No 59, -4 FandA M, G R C .—Meets third Thursday of every month at the Masonic Hall, Little Sussex Street. Dalhousie Lodge, A F and A M, No 52, G R C .—Wor bro Jas Egleson, W M; w bro J J Radford, P M; bro C S Scott, S W ; bro J D Wallis, J W; bro J McCullough, J D; bro Jno Orr, S D; revd bro H J Borthwick, chap ; wor bro D Scott, treas; bro W C McAgy, secy; bro Tlios McKean, I G ; Jno Sweetman, tyler. Doric Lodge No 58, A F and A M, G R C .—Wor br6 William Kerr, WM; wor bro Amos Rowe, P M; bro John J Smith, SW; bro H W Williams, J W ; bro John Graham, treasurer; bro D P Williams, secretary; John McCarthy, tyler. Meets first Wednesday of every month. Lodge of Fidelity, No 231, A Fand A M, G R C .—Wor bro Wm Rea, W M ; bro Geo Crain, S W ; bro H Letch, J W ; bro Jas Birkett, treas ; bro A G McCormick, secy ; bro C A Crosby, S D ; bro J G Garno, J D ; bro Jas Carruthers, M C; bros Forfar and McPliee, stewards; broSejmour, I G; bro McCarthy, tyler. Meets second Wednesday of each month. Q 50 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. London* Masonic Mutual Benefit Association. —Incorporated by Act of Parliament—The object of this Association is to provide for the Widows and Orphans of Deceased Members, and also for members who may become bodily disabled, from loss of sight, hand, arm or leg, or from severe spinal injury. The Tariff of Fees for Admission is as follows :—For applicants between 21 and 30 years of age $3 ; 30 and 35, $5; 35 and 40, $8 ; 40 and 45, $12 ; 45 and 50, $20; 50 and 60, $30. William Rea, Local Agent, Ottawa. Foresters’ Lodge. —Jos Yeoman, C R; John P Higman, SCR; Amos Marshall, S W; Chas Miles, J W; John White, S B ; Geo Stalley, J B; F Champness, treasurer; Chas Medlow, secretary. Metropolitan Lodge Canadian Order Odd Fellows. —D Mowat, N G ; J P Robertson, V G ; J Brewer, W ; R R Hamilton, C ; A Mann, treas ; R J Cook, S; C A Butterworth, AS; J Peacock, RON G; A E Lvon, L O N G ; E Clark, R O V G; D Wells, S O V G; J Cummings, S T. Lodge meets first and third Friday in each month at Odd Fellows Hall, Rideau Street. Capital Lodge, I O O F, No. 141—J H Ralfe, N G; W Filiatrault, V G; H W Headlmeu, treasurer; J Cummings, RS; Jas McGaw, P S; R Conlev, warden ; F Gallagher, conductor; W A Jamieson, W G R S; Dr H Corbett, W G L S ; Thos Rutledge, V G R S ; Dr P A McDougall, V G L S; C H Urquhart, RSS; J Robergue, LSS; D J Smith, I Q.; J Delong, O G. The lodge meets every Tuesday evening at7:30 o’clock, in Oddfellow’s Hall, over Rowe’s auction rooms, Rideau street. Visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. ROYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION OF B. N. A. The Most Worshipful the Supreme Grand Lodge of B. A.—Grand master and sovereign, Mackenzie Bowel!, M P, Belleville; deputy grand master, D’Arcy Boulton, M P P, Toronto; grand secretary Thos Keyes, St Catharines. Loyal Orange Lodge of the Province of Ontario, East. —Grand Master, John White, Roslin; deputy grand master, David Marschall, Port Hope ; deputy grand master, C Fletcher, Brockville; grand secretary, A J Van Ingen, Keene. Loyal Orange County Lodge, Carleton. —W county master, Francis Clemow; W deputy county master, John Dawson; county secretary, Thomas Sproule. Meets half-yearly. Loyal Orange District Lodge No 4, Ottawa City'. —Bro James Clarke, No 47 district master; Wm Porter, No 119, deputy district master; Edward Botterell, jr, No 126, district secretary. Meets quarterly. Private Lodges in the City of Ottawa. Loyal Orange Lodge No 47.—Bro Francis Clemow, W M; Bro Jas Clarke, D M; Bro Robert W Cooper, secretary. Meets in Orange Hall, first Monday. Loyal Orange Lodge, No 119.—Win Porter, WM; E Storr, WDM; Samuel Rathwell, secretary. Meets in Orange Hall, first Tuesday. Loyal Orange Lodge, No 126.—Edward Botterell, jr, W M; Thomas Tavlor, M D M; H L Wilson, secretary. Meets in Orange Hall, second Monday. Loyal Orange Lodge, No 221.—Wm Cherry W M; George McAllister, WDM; Harry Grant, secretary. Meets in Orange Hall, second Tuesday. Loy'al Orange Lodge, No 227.—J H Langford, W M ; Peter Atkinson, CITY OF OTTAWA. 51 D W M; Donald Robertson, secretary. Meets in Orange Hall, second Wednesday. Royal Orange Lodge, No 1312.—John Bell, W M; Andrew Ritchie; WDM; Samuel Savage, secretary. Meets at New Edinburgh on last Monday. Loyal Orange Lodge, No 1341—Amos Rowe, W M ; Nicholas Garland, WDM; J Eratt, secretary. Meets in Rowe’s Hall on last Friday. Grand Royal Black Chapter of Ireland, Provincial G B C of Eastern Canada.—.Grand Master, Sir E L Bond; Deputy Grand Masters, Sir J Clau- son and Sir G W Monk, M P P; Grand Registrar, Edward T Scott. County Grand Chapter, Carleton. —Grand Master, Sir George Ford ; Deputy Grand Master, Sir Albert Bradley; Grand Registrar, Sir John H Forde* The Scott Preceptory, No 227, meets in Orange Hall, Ottawa, first Friday—Master, E Botterell, jr; Deputy Master, John Dawson; Registrar, John ‘H Forde. The Star Preceptory, No 269, meets in Rowe’s Hall, Ottawa, second Friday.—Master, W R Bell, M D; Deputy Master, D C Buchan ; Registrar, George Forde. Royal Scarlet Chapter, meets in Orange Hall, Ottawa, on the 14th of each month—Bro James Clarke, Most Worshipful Sir Kt in Command ; Bro John H Langford, Excellent Sir Kt in Command ; Bro Win Cherry, Scribe. TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. Irish Catholic Temperance Society, founded 1845.—Rev P Malloy, president; John Heney, 1st vice-president ; John O’Reilly, 2nd vice-presi¬ dent; P Brady, treasurer; P G Leyden, secretary; Martin Battle, asst sec¬ retary. “ Bytown Division,” No 224 Sons of Temperance. —J M T Hannun , D D, G W P ; J T Bar tram, W P; Joseph Esmond, R S; George Carmen, A SR S; Alex Robertson, F S; Charles Shaw, Treas; William Porter, Chaplain. Meets in Temperanee Hall every Monday evening. Chaudiere Sons of Temperance —Meets in Temperance Hall, Pooley’s Bridge, every Friday evening. Cameron Temple, I 0 G T.—Meets in Musgrove’s Hall, O’connor, St, every Friday evening. Elliott Temple, I 0 G T.—Meets in Engine House, Sally Street, every Tuesday evening. Enterprize Temple, I 0 G T.—Meets in Morrison’s Hall, York Street, every Monday evening. Ottawa City Temple, I 0 G T, No 403.—Meets in Rowe’s Hall,Rideau Street, every Thursday evening. R Crain, T I); C Smith, W CT; D Donaldson. P W C T ; *S Scott, W V T ; R Stewart, W S ; Wm Rea, W T ; P Harvie, W F S; J B Halkett, W C ; 1) McKibbon, W M; — Hilton W D M ; M Crain, W I G; T Davis, W O G ; — Cawest, W A S; M Scott, W R H S ; M A Wheatley, W L H S. Ottawa Cold Water Temple, I O G T.—Meets in Morrison’s Hall, York Street, every Saturday evening. Excelsior Lodge of B A O G T, No 105.—Meets in Morrison’s Hall, York street, every Thursday evening. Ottawa United Abstinence Society" —Meets in ^Bell's Block, every Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. I 52 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. OTTAWA CITY BUSINESS CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY. Accountants (Public). Brown Janies F, Elgin w side Moore John, Sparks, n side Sproule Thomas, Sparks s side Williams EH, p o block, Elgin st Account Book Manufrs. Hope James.& Co, cor. Sparks and Elgin sts. Mortimer A, Rideau n side Smith & Stewart, Sparks st, n side iErated Water Manufrs. Christie A & Co, office 40 Sparks Davidson, Hinds A Co, 71 Sparks DeGuise and Lapointe, 118 Sussex Agents. Ai.es and Pouter. Cosgrave A Co, Thomas Dowsley Dawe’s Lachine, S Christie, 5 Sparks st Building Materials. W M Somerville, cor Rideau and Ottawa sts. Taylor P A, Rideau s side Collecting. Adam.W H, Ottawa e side Cerat P 0, 106 Sussex st Davis J G, Besserer n side Moore John, Sparks n side Commission. Adams A Cowan, 41 £ Sparks st Christie Samuel, 5 Sparks st Coward D W A Co, 17 Sparks st Cruice R W, 25 Sparks st MaCracken James, 15 Sparks st Land&Estate(a'cc also Auctioneers ) Brown J F, Elgin w side Dowsley Thomas, Russell House block Falls W H, Rideau n side Railway Ticket and Freight. Coward D W A Co, 17 Sparks Eaton W S, Elgin w s O’Connor A Waller, Rideau s s Taylor A H, 3 Sparks Mill Supply' Agencies Caldwell A Co, managers, 17 Sparks Scott, Cayley A Cayley, 70 Sparks I Thread Mills (Govanhaugh.) Colin H Dunlop A Co, manufac¬ turers : W M Somerville, agent, cor Rideau and Ottawa sts Agricultural Implements. Abbott William, George n side Frost and Wood, manufrs, (A T Miller, agent), Rideau s side Johnston Robert, 61) Rideau Architects. Arnoldi King, Metcalle w s Bowes John, Daly s side. Chesterton Walter, 3 Rideau Grist John, Besserer n s Hodgson William, Cathcart n s Horsey A Sheard, O’Connor st Mather James, Elgin w side Attorneys. |Date of Admission. Bradley Richard A. Brunei George Gemmell John J, May 18, 1S64 Hill Hamnett O’Connor Daniel, June 2, 1857 0‘Doherty J" L Parsons Albert, Nov 21, 1865 Pennock Philemon, Remon Edward P, Feb 2, 1864- Stewart McLeod, Nov 1870 Autioneers. Benningham James, Elgin w side Macdonald A B & Co, York st McLean Hector, 24^ Sparks st Rowe Amos, Rideau s side Bakers. Aspinall William, 108 Rideau Bartlett George, Rideau n side Coombs John, Parry st Cousineau Alex, St‘ Patricks side Gibson J H P, Sparks st. Hanlv Thomas, Rideau n side Tliffe Thos, Dalhouise cor Church Jamieson R E A J C, George s side and Albert n side Jamieson Robert, Besserer s side Joyce P, King LoyerNoe, Ottawa s side ‘ Morrison Daniel, (wholesale) York s side Prodrick A Co, Sussex st Rogers Francis, Rideau s side Slinn Stephen, York u side CITY OK OTTAWA. 53 1 horpe «I TV , St Patrick s side TV arnock James, Sussex w side [Barristers. Date of Call. Bell John H, Cassels Kobt jr, Trinity Term 1866 Christie Alex J, Michaelmas 1868 Chrysler Francis H Clemow Francis C. Cockbnrn Hon James 3 QC, Michael¬ mas Term, 1846 Fellowes GB L,Q C, Michaelmas Term 1839 Gibb Alex, Michaelmas Term 1850 GoriHully, J J Havcock' R H, 1860 Hick Robert, Easter 1869 Hogg William D Lapierre Horace, Michaelmas 1869 Lees Robert, Trinity 1848 Matheson Wm M, Trinity 1855 Mosgrove Wm Nellis ThomasF, Trinity 1864 ' O’Connor Hon J, Q C, Hilary 1854 O’Gara Martin, Michaelmas 1861 Pinhev Charles H, Trinity 1852 Scott Hon Richard W, Easter 1848 Sparks Nicholas, Easter 1868 Taillon George, Hilary 1869 Walker Wm H, Hilary 1867 Ward J W W Wright W McKay Blacksmiths. Abbott J B, Wellington s side Ahcarn W A M, Bridge, Chaudiere Brennan Patrick, Clarence n side CluffT, bet Sparks and Wellington Donovan Alex, Clarence n side Hamilton Jamesvl, Besserer s side Houghton A, Bank cor of Sparks Ivehoe John, St Paul Kelioe Thomas, Church n side Kehoe William, George Kelioe A Armstrong, liorse-shoers, Bridge e side. Lariviere P A, Sussex e side Mahon M, Kingst Whitton John, cor Maria and Bay Boiler Makers. Campbel & 51 j ide, cor Maria and B ; • s: - Fleck A, Wellington st Bookbinders. Hope J A Co, cor Sparks and Elgin Mortimer Alex, Rideau Smith & Stewart, 14 Sparks Woodburn A S, Elgin w side Booksellers and Stationers. Battle Bros, Rideau nr Sussex Corcoran R E, 53 Sussex Durie John A Son, 10 Sparks Hauser A, 40 Rideau Henderson A Co, 39 Sparks Hope James A Co, Sparks cor Elgin Langtord John H, 246 V\ ellington Loveday Jos, Dalhousie cor George Lucy John, Queen st, Chaudiere = Naughton Philip (new and second hand), 101 Rideau Smith A Stewart, Sparks st Whyte J G, Rideau st Boots and Shoes. Brown W E, 15 Sussex Caron F N, Rideau s side Carson Robert, Wellington n side Dobier J TV H, 21 Rideau DurocherO, Sussex cor Murray King PM, Rideau n side .1 jam b TV A, 28 Sussex st Lyon TV illiam, TYellington s s McCarthy John A Co,Wellingtonst Moore Andrew, Nicholas e side Murphy Geo, 42 Sussex Neel in J A G, Rideau n side O’Meara A Co, 93 Sparks Pratt 1, Wellington n side Pratt James A Co, 58 Sparks Preston A Son. 28 Sparks Rodden R J,54 Sussex A 671 Sparks Stephens A J A Co, 51 Sparks Stephens T, Wellington n side Stevens H E, Rideau s side VV lute Mitchell, 41 Sparks st Brass Founders. J riederick Theodore, 55 Rideau McFarlanc Harvey A Co, corner Hugh and Albert sts Brewers. Brading II F A Co, Wellington n s Rochester James Richmond Rd Stirling George, old landing place, Canal Basin. Welch David, Nicholas e side Brickmakers. Graham A Co, NepeanWorks Huckell A Cleverly, Peter st Odell H C, Nichlas st Sparks Alex, Nicholas e side Brokers (Exchange.) Coward D TV A Co. 17 Sparks O’Connor A Waller, Rideau, nr Sappers’ Bridge Pen nock A Co, 31 Sparks 54 TIIE OTTAWA ALMANAC, Broom Manufacturers. Reardon W & R, George (L T) n s Builders, Carpenters and Con¬ tractors. Adams Samuel, Elgin e s Alexander M, Victoria Terrace n s Allan David, Slater s s Anderson A Cherry, Parry n side Barber W E, Albert n side Cox William, w side William Crain George, Slater s side Crain Robert, Besserer s side Davis M P, Rideau n side Davis Wm, Rideau n side Farquliar William, Daly n s Foran J, bds Union House Gallagher A White, Metcalfe e s Gardner William, Bank w side Gibson Barnabus, Besserer n s Gibson James, York n s Goodwin James, Carleton e side Johnson A Reid, Sparks n side Kavanagh T, Kent e side Lang Edward, Albert s side Langford John, Vittoria n side Leggo A Kean, Queen s s McAdam William, York n side McKay William, Gloucester n side McKenzie Alfred, Bank w side McNaughton Duncan, George (L T) s side McQuarry Lauglilin, Henry s s Malikie Charles, Queen n s Matthews Bevin, Bank w side Moxley William, Biddy n side O’Leary John, Nicholas w side Palen William, Maria eor Elgin Peterkin James, Edward s s (Ash- burnham Hill) Pigeon Thomas,.Cathcart s side Regan John, Rideau s side Robertson John, 120 St Paul Rocque Peter, Dalhousie e side Rowat John, Duke w s Stewart Robert, Augusta e side Stewart William, Bank e side Stewart A Gilmour, St Paul Stewart A Stockand, Rideau s s Strachan-, Albert s side Thomas Geo, Hugh e side Thornton William, Maria n side Toms Fred, Bay e side Townsend C, Albert s side Webster John, Wilbrod s side White Joseph, Botelier s side Young Thomas, Wilbrod e side Butchers. Andrews A Son, stall No 2 (outside) By-Ward Market Boyle Michael, stall 14, Bv-Ward Bradbury Wm, (pork) Daly n side Button Alfred, Wellington Ward Market Connolly James, stall No 11, By- Ward Market Duchesne A Robert, Dalhousie w s Duhamel Francois, stall No 4, Vic¬ toria Market Kennedy Cornelius, cor Cumber¬ land and Clarence Kennedy James, stall No 1), By- Ward Market Kimpton Thomas, stall Mo 6, By- Ward Market Lacv Daniel, stall No 16, Bv-Ward Market Lacv Thomas, stall No 21, Bv-Ward Market Newbegin John, stall No 3, Victoria Market Prinderville John,!Rideau s side Richardson Robert, Wellington Ward Market Robert Stanislas, 87 Rideau Satchel] Bros, stalls Nos 3 to 8, By- Market, and Rideau n side Slattery Wm, By-Ward Market Smith James, jr, stall No 4, By- Ward Market Sparrow Chas, cor Bank and Maria Terrance John, stall No 1, By-Ward Market Thorbalin A Smith, stalls Nos 10 and 12, By-Ward Market Woodland Richard, Victoria Market Woodland Thomas, Sally w side Cabinet Makers, Furniture Dealers, etc. Angus & Co, 85 Sparks Amiable W A, Rideau s side Charles Henry, Besserer n side Coyle Thos, Cumberland w side Harris A Campbell, foot of Sussex, nr Queen’s Warf; show rooms, Sparks 8 side Hewson John, 43 Rideau O'Connell Jas A 88 Rideau st s s Oliver A Son, 101 Sparks Russell G F, William st Russell W F, 15 Rideau, nr Sappers Bridge Russell A Malone, Rideau n side Shoolbred A Co, 49 Sparks Seneca] John, Cumberland w side CITY OF OTTAWA. 55 Candle and Soap Manfr. Brown John, York s side Carpet Warehouse. Shoolbred A Co, 49 Sparks Carriage Makers. Abbott J B, Wellington s side Angus William, Billings’ Bridge Bishoprick Mark, Bank e side Cummings R, Cummings’ Island Dufour P, Rideau n side Duliamel L, ‘Murray s side Humphries A Thomson, Daly s s Lariviere P A, Sussex e side Sims Rd A, cor Bay and Sparks Stockdale W, cor Sparks and Bank Titus Alonzo, 99 Sparks Whiteside H (children’s,) Rideau 1 n side Carvers and Gilders. Cockburn D, 60 Sparks Gowan II A J, 54 Sparks Wilson A Orr, 60 Sparks China, Glass and Earthenware Dealers. Abbott Win, cor Wellington and Water Ashfield Jas, Duke st, Chaudiere Boyden Joseph, 44 Sussex Edwards A Rutledge, Wellington n side Leavens, Parson A Chevrier, 49 Sussex Michaelson Joseph B, Rideau n s Parker A G, Rideau s side Clothiers. Borbridge Thos, 57 Sparks Chevrier A, 50^ Sussdx Chisholm D, Sussex, opp York Groulx X A A, Sussex e side Kilt & Brophy, 32 Sparks Leblanc E A T, Sussex e side Mowatt A A Son, 50 Sussex O’Meara & Co, 50 Sparks Philiop A Lefebvre, LeSueur’s Block, Wellington n side Rajotte T A Co, cor Wellington and Poolev’s Bridge Coal Dealers. Coward D W A Co, 17 Sparks Clemow F, Gas Company’s office, Elgin st Dentists. Hutchinson G. 21 Sparks McConnell D D S, 41^ sparks McPhee William, 51 Sparks Martin Alex, Sparks n side Martin C A, 54 Sussex Martin Oliver, 50 Sparks Door, sash and blind manufacturers Currier T W, canal basin Eddv E B, Hull MacLaren J A Co, n s Metcalfe, Lower Town Druggists. Bishoprick Henry, Maria s side Carmichael D A (M D) 41 Rideau Christie A Co, 40 Sparks Dacier C O, Sussex e s Davidson F R, 71 Sparks Elwell, G T O, 67 Sparks Featherston John P, Rideau n s Hearn William, Rideau s side Jamieson W A, e s Duke, Chaudiere Langford William J, Wellington s s McCarthy H F, Wellington s side Mortimer Geo, 29 Sussex Roberts John, 35 Rideau Skinner J, Wellington n side Smith C A, Duke e side Dry Goods, Millinery, etc. ( Allan, McKinnons A McHorran, 20 Sparks Arcnambault H, St Andrews aside Blvth Geo R, 236 Wellington s side Blyth J, 239 Wellington Borbridge Thomas, 57 Sparks Bryson Charles, 53 Sparks Caldwell J F, 74 Sussex Cliabot P H, 39 Sussex Chenet P, 47 Sussex Chevrier A, Sussex e s, nr Murray Chisholm I), Sussex, opp York Elliott A Hamilton, Rideau s side Faulkner Napoleon, Sussex w side Fingland A Draper,9 and 11 Sussex Garland, Mutchmor, A Co, (whole¬ sale) Sparks Goulden Joseph, 100 Sussex Groulx X A A, Sussex e side Haney A Forgie, Wellington s side Hunton T, Son A Larmonth, 47, and 49 Sparks Jamieson RE A J C, George s side Kearns A Ryan, n side Rideau, nr Sussex King C A Co, 267 Wellington Magee A Russell, (wholesale) cor Elgin and Queen Martineau Eugene, 65 Sussex Martineau Guillame, Duke e side Mullin B, Wellington n side O’Meara A Co, 50 Sparks 56 TITE OTTAWA ALMANAC, Philion A Lefebvre, Le Sueur’s | Block, Wellington Pigeon H H, 72 Sussex Pinard J A, Sussex c side Rajotte T A Co, cor Wellington and Pooler’s Bridge Richard A D, Cumberland and Church sts Russell A Watson, 29 Sparks Ryan J W, Wellington s side Stitt J R A Co, 30 Sparks Story Geo, Clarence n side Dyers and Scourers. Boese Joseph, Ottawa e side McDonald A Co, Elgin w side Sweetman John, Sparks s side Engravers. Oox George, Elgin e side Hope .1 A Co, cor Sparks and Elgin Express., Canadian Express Co, C C Ray,’ agent, Elgin e side Cuddie Andrew, King w side Curry James, Cobourgwside Nye L N, 46 Sussex Paliner H A, Dalhousie W side Taylor David, Dalhousie e side Wigmore Jasper, Wellington n side Fancy Goods. Bovden Joseph, 44 Sussex Chalmers William A Co, (Bazaar) 24 Sparks Joyce E F, 86 Rideau McComb M, 3G Sussex Nye L N, 46 Sussex Sevbold (wholesale) 87 and 89 Sparks Vincent Thomas, 18 Sparks Fish Merchants. Cail A B, 69 Rideau Lapointe Moise, By Ward markt sq Shaver W H, 62 Sparks Tapper A C, Rideau st Flour and Feed. Atkinson John, Wellington s side (nr Pooley’s Bridge) Dagg Tlios, Rideau n side Edwards S, Sparks st Huckell Benjamin, cor Sussex and York sts Johnston Robert, 69 Rideau McCormick H & Son, 65 Sparks McKay Tlios &. Co, 132 Sussex Martin Thomas, Rideau ns Masson Andrew, Wellington n side Turnbull James, Nicholas st Flour Mills. McCormick H & Son, Hull McKay Tiros & Co, Chaudiere Young, Bronson & Co, Bridge, LeBretofl Flats McClymont W & Co, New Edin¬ burgh Forwarders. Dufresne * McGarity, canal basin, e side Harris Geo A, canal basin, e side Montreal and Ottawa, D Murphy, agent canal basin w s Ottawa River Navigation Company, Queen’s Wharf, J T Sutton, agt. Sincennes & McNaughton, canal basin, M McNaughton, agent Fruiterers. Arless J W, 80 Sparks Bott Geo, Rideau n side Brock G, Sussex e side Corliss John A, Nicholas e side Gibson J H P, 15 Sparks Hurlev & Co,cor Sussex and Rideau Shaver W H, 62 Sparks Gents’ Furnishings. Angus James, Merchants’ Bank building, Sparks Beament Thomas, 25 Sparks Bennett H W, Rideau n side Hawkins Edwin E, Sussex e side Holbrook G M, 16 Sparks Kilt A Brophy, 32 Sparks Madsen Christian, Sussex e side Neelin Bros, Rideau s side nr Sap¬ pers’ Bridge .Grocers. Abbott Wm, Wellington, cor Water Baldwin Bros, Nicholas e side Baskerville Bros, cor Rideau and Mosgrove, 118 Sussex, n side George, and LeBreton Flats Bate A Co, 52 Sparks Bate CTi Co, Canal Basin w side (wholesale) Beatty Thomas, Parry n side Berube J 0, Dalhousie e side Bishop R & Son, 63 Sparks st Boyce J, Wellington, near Pooley's Bridge Brennan H H, Rideau n side Buchanan James, 13 Sussex Campbell & Almas, 86 Sparks Charlebois 0 B, cor Dalhousie and St Patrick sts Codd James, Cumberland e side Coghlan Jas S, Maria cor Bank CUT OF OTTAWA. fcs to* 5< Collins P, foot of Sussex st Cowan J s side Wellington, nr Kent Cunningham C, Rideau e side Dalglish James, Wellington s side Darcy William, cor Rideau and Augusta Dufresne & McGarity, (wholesale), Canal Basin e side Edwards £ Rutledge, Wellington n s Egleson P A £ Son, Sussex w side Favreau P £ Son, Rideau Fitzsimons £ Browne, 1G Rideau Forde Geo, Rideau n side Gibson Robert W, cor Chapel and Parrv Goodall James, Augusta e side Graham Henrv, cor Wellington and Bank Hill John, Rideau n side Howell S £ Co, (wholesale), 22 Sparks Jackson James, Wellington s side Jamieson R E £ J C, George s s Kavanagh Joseph, cor Wellington and Sally sts Latchford James, George s side Lawson William, Bank w s Leon David, Duke e side Lvon John, Wellington s side Mackenzie Louis, Bank w side Martin £ Scott, (wholesale,) 78 Sussex McCaul Neal, Clarence n side McDonald D J, Rideau s s McDonell Donald, 66 Sussex McDougald W A, Dalhousie w side McFarlane William, Rideau s side McGillivray Edward, (wholesale), Wellington n side McKenna £ Finn, Rideau n side Morrison E B, corner Sparks and Bank t Morrison, A M, n side Sparks Nicholson J S, cor Maria and Bank O’Keefe John C, Cumberland w s Patterson Thomas, Rideau n side Pinard Leon, King e side Quinn Hugh, n side Rideau and n side St Patrick Reddick Alex, Hugh e side Ross W M, Wellington n side Rowan Joseph F, Clarence n side Slocombe £ Stevens, Rideau n s Sparrow C, jr, 37 Sussex St Amand Leon, Clarence n side Stratton & McFarland, Dalhousie w side Story George, Clarence n side H Thompson James, Sussex e side Thompson John, 27 Rideau W illiam Mall, cor Rideau and Nicholas Whelan Denis, Clarence st Gun Makers. Booth G D, Wellington n side Manton William, Nicholas st Hair Dressers, &e. Gauthier C, Rideau s side Gendreau A E, Wellington s side Lafontaine Geo, 116 Sussex Laporte Peter, Rideau n side Laurin Louis, Rideau 6 side Martel E, York s side Miles Edmund, Russell House Block, 7 Sparks Moore Thos E, 72 Sparks Post Henry, Clarence n side Rice Dan, Sussex e side Hardware. Birkett J, Sussex wside Birkett L'hos, Rideau n side Blvth & Kerr, 25 Rideau Butterworth * Co, Wellington s s Dorion C P, 81 and 83 Sparks Fraser Andrew D, Bridge, Le Bre¬ ton Flats Germain N .t Son, 25 Sussex Grant J M, Wellington n side Grant Archibald, 30 Sussex Hay Geo, 21 Sparks Iiunton £ Living, Wellington s side Kent Alex £ Bro, Duke st, Chati- diere Lang A W, 88 Sparks st Mann G, cor Sparks and Metcalfe McDougal £ Co, 33 Sussex Meadows H £ Co, 35 Sussex Moore Bros, cor Sparks and O'Con¬ nor sts Workman Alex aCo, Rideau n side and Wellington n side Harness, Saddle, and Trunk Makers. Box-bridge S £ H, cor Rideau and Mosgrovc Borbridge William, 68 Sparks Heney £ Co, Sussex e side May Geo (dealer) 32 Sussex Montgomery R S, Rideau s side Shore Thomas £ Co, s side Sparks, nr Bank Warwicker F S, Wellington s side Wright Philemon, Wellington s side 0 5 THE OTTAWA ALMANAC. Hatters and Furriers. Bangs CWi Co, 12 Sparks Broberv Alexander, Rideau s side Cote Oliver, Rideau s side Devlin R J, 11 Rideau Hodges Henry, 56 Sparks Peacock James sr, 33 Rideau Hide Dealers. Johnston Robt, Rideau McLean Hector, York s side Shaver W H, 62 Sparks Hoopsldrt Manufacturer. Ackrovd E, 43 Sparks Hotels, Saloons, Restaurants, etc. Albion, Robert Graham, Nicholas cor Dalv Alexandria, T W Keir, Wellington n side Anglo-American, Hugh Alexander, cor Queen and Lloyd Britannia Inn, Francis Halandal, Wellington n side British Lion, Weldon Champness, 61 Sparks Carleton House, Geo Acres, Wel¬ lington s side Central Canada, Benjamin Etiers, 126 Sussex Chevrier A, St Patrick s side Cheyrier Joseph, St Patrick n side Christian Charles, Clarence n side City Hotel, J F Dorney proprietor, Clarence s s Commercial House, L K Clisbv, Elgin e side Crown, Hubert Kerr,Rideau, n side Daniel’s, S Daniels, cor Metcalfe and Queen Desjardins Edward, Murray n side Dominion House, Wm McCaft'ery York st Douglas Thos, York n side Dupuis C, 110 Sussex English Hotel, Slocombe & Stevens Rideau n s Farmer’s Inn, Rideau n side Feathers, Frederick Evans,William 0 side Franklin House, H Labelle, 122 Sussex Goulden Charles, Sussex e side Gravelle Charles, Murray n side Hotel du Canada, Alexis Renaud, Murray s side Hotel du Castor, F X Lapierre, Sussex e side. Johnston House, John Johnston, Duke st, Chaudiere Kavanagh Michael, cor Metcalfe and Wellington Kilby F, York n side Kilby F T, jr, Duke e side London Restaurant, William Mills, Rowe’s Block, Rideau st Manitoba House, Joseph Laroche, Sussex e side McAmmond’s, David McAmmond, Wellington n side Mechanics’ T H Burgess, Clarence n side Merchants’ Exchange, P O’Meara, Montgomery James, Wellingtons s Parent and Rapin,Rideau s side Peltier Louis, Church n side Poulin P, 34 Sussex Red Lion, Robert Gilpin, cor Little Sussex and St Paul sts Royal Oak, R Gurney, Wellington n side Russell House, Jas A Gouin, cor Sparks and Elgin. Salmon James, York s side Shakespeare House, R Leary, George s side Starrs Michael, Clarence n side Stewart James, 128 Sussex st St George’s Hotel, William Peat, Rideau n side St Lawrence Hall, Sussex e side St Lawrence Hotel, Fred Champ¬ ness, cor Rideau and Nicholas St Nicholas Hotel, W B Howes, cor Nicholas and St Paul sts Toohey Mrs John, Little Sussex e s Union House, John Graham, cor Elgin and Queen sts Victoria, Mrs J McIntyre, St Paul s side Ice Dealers, DeGuise Auguste, cor Cathcart and Dalhousie Parmer H A, Dalhousie w side Iron Founders. Blasdell N S & Co, (Victoria foundry) Victoria Island Fleck Alex, prop Vulcan Iron Works, Wellington s side McFarlane John, Bank e side Perkins Bros, Duke e side Perkins E L, Sparks n side Paterson a Law, near McLaren’s Mills. CITY OF OTTAWA. 59 Leather and Shoe Findings. Lee 4 Erskine, 103 Sparks st May Geo, 32 Sussex Woodland Richard, St Paul s side Lime and Stone Dealers. Young J 4 G, Rockville Quarries Livery Stables. Buckley Patrick, Metcalfe e side Champness W, 61 Sparks st Chevner E, Murray st Stockdale John, Queen n side “ Victoria,” Wellington n side Lumber Merchants. Aumond Joseph, office n s St Paul Baldwin A H, office, Victoria Island Bennett, Benson 4 Co, C L Gouin, agent, Murray s side Booth John R, Albert Island Brigham Thos C, Sussex e side Bronson & Weston, Victoria Island Currier T W 4 Co, Canal Basin Gilmour 4 Co, Wellington n side Hall G B, (B Fisher, agent,) 134 Sussex Hamilton Bros. (Hiram Robinson, manager,) Sussex w side McKay William, Daly n side McLaren J 4 Co, n side Metcalfe (Lower Town) Moore Isaac, Metcalfe (Lower Town) Perley 4 Pattie, Chaudiere Island Ryan Roderick, Maria n side Skead Hon James, cor Wellington and Kent Skead Robert, Sparks s side Young Levi, Victoria Island Machinists, Engineers, &c. See also Iron Founders. McFarlane, Harvie 4 Co, cor Hugh and Albert sts Lamb John 4 Son, Sparks s side Sarney Thos, Daly s s * Marble Works. Marier Pierre 4 Co, King st and on the Montreal macadamized road Mills A K, s side Sparks, four doors west of Bank Somerville W M, cor Rideau and 0 ttawa Taylor P H, 105 Rideau Merchant Tailors. See also Clothier's. Auclair P C, 293 Wellington Craig J 4 R, Wellington Dimbleby Joseph, 29 Rideau Holbrook G M, 16 Sparks cor Elgin Langford Abraham, John s side Latremouille Geo, Sussex e side Lawrence Thomas, 76 Sparks McCarthy John, Queen n side Story Thomas, 76 Sussex Sutherland Wm, Rideau s side Williams Franeis, Rideau n side Music and Musical Instruments Gowan H 4 J, Sparks st Nordheimer A 4 S, 26 Sparks Or me J L 4 Son, 8 Sparks, opp Russell Houee Dawson Geo, 66 Sparks News Agents. Battle Bros, n s Rideau nr Sussex Langford John H, 246 Wellington Perry E A, Elgin w side Painters and Paper-Hangers. Cardwell Wm, Dalhousie e s Howe Wm, Cumberland e s Keaough 4 Strang, Nicholas cor St Paul Matthewman A H, 69 Sparks McKay William, Metcalfe e side Pruneau Telesphore, Elgin e side Sheppard John, 164 Rideau Shields J, Wellington n side Vanier 4 Pinard, cor Dalhousie and St Andrew Patent Solicitors. Gibbs 4 Coursolle, Sparks s side Grist H, e side O’Connor Photographers. Fraser John Alex, 104 Sussex Jarvis 4 Arless, 69 Sparks st Lawson A J, Sparks n side Lockwood Miss A, 15 Sparks st Topley W J, (prop Notman Studio) cor Wellington and Metcalfe sts Wallis J D, 24 Sparks (first door) Physicians and Surgeons. Beaubien J T C, York n s Carmichael D A, 41 Rideau Church Clarence, Rideau n s Corbett H T, O’Connor cor Queen Grant J A, Rideau n side Henderson Alex A, w side Duke st, Chaudiere Hill Hamnett, Victoria Terrace, ns Horsey Alfred, cor Sparks and Bank Leggo Christopher, Rideau n side Logan Geo, Albert n side Lynn James, O’Connor w side 60 THE CITY OF OTTAWA Mallocli Edward, Wellington n s MacDonell iEneas, 106 Rideau McDougall P A, Rideau g side McGillivray Donald, Wellington s « Robillard Adolphus, (oculist and aurist) office Rideau s side St Jean Pierre, St Patrick s side Sweetland John, Rideau n s Van Cortlandt Ed, Elgin opp Rus¬ sell House Wood O C, (prop Cancer Cure), office 21 Sparks Wright H P, Wellington n side Pictures and Picture Frames. Duffy W K, Cumberland w s cor ot York Gowan H & J, 54 Sparks Joyce hi F, 86 Rideau Lucy John, Queen st opp Duke, Chaudiere Wilson 4 Orr, 60 Sparks Planing Mills. Baldwin A H, Victoria Island Currier T W 4 Co, canal basin McLaren J 4 Co, Metcalfe, lower town Plumbers, Gasfitters, Tin¬ smiths, &c. Blyth 4 Kerr, 25 Rideau Desmarais F X 4 Co, Rideau s side Dorion C P, 81 and 83 Sparks Dwinnell Hollon 0, 55 Rideau Enright, J C, Wellington n side Esmonde J P & J R, 43 Sparks Ferguson P B, s s Sparks nr Bank Friedrick Theodore, 55 Rideau Germain X 4 Son, 25 Sussex Graves Bros, 41^ Sparks Higman John B, 117 Rideau Laverdure E G, William e side nr Rideau Mason 4 Co, 54 Sussex st Moore- Bros, corner Sparks and O’Connor Roche H G, Elgin opp post office Printers and Publishers. Bureau Joseph 4 Napoleon, s side Sparks nr Bank Citizen Printing and Publishing Co, 19£ Sparks st Mitchell C W, Free Press, Elgin w side Kerr Dawson, Volunteer Review, Besserer n side Loveday Joseph, Dalhousie corner George McLean, Roger 4 Co, Times, Wel¬ lington s side Taylor Isaac B, s s Rideau Wilson 4 Son, Daily News, St Paul s side Woodbufn A S, Ottawa Directory, etc, Elgin w side Sewing Machines. Brown Alfred, corner Metcalfe and Queen Brown W Godbee, 37 Sparks Bruce W C, O’Connor w side Bush John, 97 Sparks Dawson Geo (and musical instru¬ ments) 66 Sparks Munro Lester, Rideau s side Wright J N 4 Co, 68 Sussex st Surveyors. Cotton Arthur, Sparks n side Forrest A G, Hill st Lang Robert, Daly n side Ogilyie Win, Rideau st O’Hanly J L P, Besserer s side Patrick A P, Sandv Hill Sparks Robert, Baldwin’s Block Nicholas st Wolff Chas E, residence Gloucester Tanners and Curriers. Germain Edmund, Parry n s May 4 Foster, 32 Sussex McCullough James, Park corner Gloucester Woodland Richard, jr, St Pauls s Tobacconists. Duffy Jas W, Sussex cor Rideau Gel hausen Peter J, Rideau n side Lalonde Joseph, 106 Sussex st Michaels Henry, Sparks cor Eltrin Nye L N, 46 Sussex Poulin P, 34 Sussex Robertson Alex, Sparks s side RoosJohn,26 Sparks st Undertakers. Angus Robert, sen, 38 Sparks st ' Rochon Flavien, St Patrick s side Rogers Samuel, Nicholas e side Senecal Joseph, Cumberland w side Swalwell Anthony, 35 Sparks Veterinary Surgeon. Coleman A O F, 33 Rideau near Ottawa Washing Machines. Bunnell W T, Ottawa w side Giles Abner R, King st CITY OF OITAWA. 61 Watchmakers and Jewellers. Grant Francis & James, 321 Wel¬ lington st Kenly R, 33 Sparks st Lamontagne J B, York n side, near Sussex Laporte S, 84 Sussex st Leslie John, 27 Sparks Marks N, Sparks n side Pace Henry, 6 Spares Radford "Goyer, 38£ Sparks st Robitaille et Frere, 111 Sussex st Seaton T J, 57 Sussex st, Shaw C S, 73 Sussex Sutherland G S, 51 Rideau Tracy W H, Rideau s side Whelan M J, (working jeweller) Nicholas e side Wood Merchants. Easton Bros, Canal Basin e side Harris Geo A, Canal Basin e side Heney John, Sapper’s Bridge THOS. ILIFFE, Corner of Dalhousie and Church Streets, 0FM Ws£. Ml kinds of Plain and Fancy Bread delivered in every pari of (lie city daily. THANKS POE PAST FAVOUBS. GOON & O’CONNER, Manufacturers and Proprietors of Gill i Coon’s Spring Mattrass. factory—§or. §uqIi and filbert §tr L eets, OTTAWA, Ont., Where they are prepared to sell, either by Wholesale or Retail , to Hotels, Boarding Houses, or the trade generally. This Bed took first prize at the Toronto Provincial Exhibition last fall, and all the fairs where exhibited in the Dominion. fi£g"*Don’t fail to see this bed before purchasing any other. Manufacturer of all kinds of Single and Doable BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, Cutters and Sleighs, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. ALONZO TITUS, - - - Proprietor, ©9 Street, OTTAWA. he dominion (fynide. GREAT BRITAIN. THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. 1HE "QUEEN.— Victoria, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith. Her Majesty was born at Kensington Palace, May 24, 1819; succeeded to the throne'June 20, 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV.; was crowned June 28, 1838: and married, Feb. 10, 1840, to his Koval Highness Prince Albert. Her Majesty is the only child of the late Duke of Kent, son of King George III. The children of her Majesty are:— His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, born Nov. 9, 1841 ; married, March 10, 1863, Alexandra of Denmark, (Princess of Wales)’ born Dec. 1, 1844, and has issue, Prince Albert Victor, born Jan. 8, 1864; George Frederick Ernest Albert, born June 3, 1865; Louisa Victoria Alex¬ andra Dagmar, born Feb. 20, 1867; Victoria Alexandra Olga Marv, born July 6, 1868; Maude Charlotte Mary Victoria, born Nov. 26, 1869; and a son, born April 6, 1870, which died the following dav. Her Royal Highness Victoria Adelaide Marv Louisa, Princess Royal of England and Prussia, born Nov. 21, 1840/and married to his Royal Highness William of Prussia, Jan. 25, 1858, and has had issue, Frederick William Victor Albert, born Jan. 27, 1859; Victoria Elizabeth Augusta Charlotte, born July 24, 1860 ; Albert William Henrv, born Aug, 14, L862 ; Francis Frederick Sigismund, born Sept. 15, 1864, (died June 18,1866); Fredericka Wilhelmina Victoria, born April 12, 1866 ; Joachim Frederick Ernest Waldemar, born Feb. 10, 1868 ; Sophia Dorothea Ulrike Alice, born June 4, 1870; and Margaret Beatrice Feodora, born April 22, 1872. Her Royal Highness Alice Maud Mary, born April 25, 1843 ; married to his Royal Highness Prince Frederick Louis of Hesse, July 1, 1862, and has issue five daughters and two sons. His Royal Highness Alfred Ernest, Duke of Edinburgh, born Aug. 6, 1844; married Grand Duchess Marie of Russia, Jan. 23, 1874 ; and has issue one son, Albert Alexander, born Nov. 1874. Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 25, 1846, married to His Royal Highness Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein-Sondenburg-Augustenburg, July 5, 1866, and has issue two sons and two daughters. Her Royal Highness Louisa Carolina Alberta, born March 18, 1848 ; married to the Marquis of Lome, March 21, 1871. His Royal Highness Arthur William Patrick Albert born Mav 1, 1850, made Earl of Sussex and Duke of Connaught May 24, 1874. His Royal Highness Leopold George Duncan Albert, born April 7, 1853. Her Royal Highness Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodorc, born April 14, 1857. J George Frederick William Charles, K. G., Duke of Cambridge, cousia to Her Majesty,born March 26, 1819. Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, Duchess of Cambridge, niece of the Landgrave of Hesse and aunt to Her Majesty, borti Julv 25, 1795 ; married in 1819, the late Duke of Cambridge. George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, K. G., Duke of Cumber¬ land, cousin to her Majesty, born May 27, 1819, married Princess Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and has issue a son and two daughters. Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth Mary Sophia Louise, daughter of the Duke of Cambridge, and cousin to her Majesty, born July 19, 1822, married June 28, 1843, to Frederick, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and lias issue a 64 THE DOMINION GUIDE» son. Mary Adelaide Wilhelm ina Elizabeth, daughter of the late Duke of Cambridge* and cousin to her Majesty, born Nov 27, 1833, married Prince Teck, Jime 7, 1866, and has issue two sons and two daughters. Her Majesty’s Chief Offices of State. TnE Cabinet. First Lord of the Treasury .Rt. Hon. Benjamin Disraeli. Lord High Chancellor .;Rt. Hon. Lord Cairns.- Lord President of the Council .Rt. Hon. Duke of Richmond. Lord Privy Seal .Rt. Hon. Earl of Malmesbury. Chancellor of Exchequer .Rt. Hon. Sir S H Northcote, Bt. Sec. for the ‘Home Department .Rt. Hon. Richard Assheton Cross Secretary for Foreign Affairs .Rt. Hon. Earl of Derby. Secretary for the Colonies .Rt. Hon. Earl of Carnarvon Secretary for War .Rt. Hon. Gathorne Hardy. Sea'etary for India .Rt. Hon. Marquis of Salisbury. First Lord of the Admiralty .Rt. Hon. George Ward Hunt. Postmaster-General .Rt- Hon. Lord John J R Manners Her Majesty’s Household. LORD STEWARD'S DEPARTMENT. Lord Stewart .Earl Beauchamp. Treasurer .Et. Hon Earl Percy. Comptroller .Rt- Hon. Lord Henry Somerset Master of Household .Sir Jno C Cowell, Iv C B. Secretary, Board of Green Cloth -E M Browell, Esq. Paymaster of the Household .W Hampshire, Esq. LORD CHAMBERLAIN’S DEPARTMENT. Lord Chamberlain .Marquis of Hertford. Vice-Chamberlain .Viscount Barrington. Comptroller .Hon S C B Ponsonby. Chief Clerk .TC March, Esq. Private Secretary .Col H F Ponsonby. Keepers of the Privy Purse .Maj-Gen Sir T M Biddulph, K C B. Secretary .H T Harrison, Esq. Captain, Yeomen of Guards. Captain , Gentleman-at-Arms Master of Ceremonies . Lord High Almoner . Dean of Chapel Royal . Clerk of the Clo.set . Resident Chaplain . Lord Skelmersdale. Marquis of Exeter. Maj-Gen Hon Sir E Oust, G C B. Dean of Windsor. Bishop of Condon. Bishop of Worcester. Dean of Windsor. Mistress of the Robes .Duchess of Wellington. Secretary .J J Kinloch, Esq. MASTER OF THE HORSE’S DEPARTMENT. „ Master of Horse .Earlof Bradford. Clerk Marshal .Lord Alfred Paget. Croton Equerry and Secretary .Col G A Maude, c b. Master of the Buckhounds .Earl of Hardwicke. Crown Law Offices, .Sir R Baggallay. .Sir John Holker. Attorney-General Solicitor- General. DOMINION OF CANADA. 65 DOMINION OF CANADA. Seat of Government, Ottawa. GOVERNOR GENERAL. Rio ? is E , xc ® Ilenc y to? Right Honorable Sir Frederick Temple Hamilton- Black wood, Earl of Dufferin, Viscount and Baron Clandebove! of Clande- Baronet KP ° K r !l‘ e Peera £ e of th e United Kingdom, and a able Privf Cou^cH' B ” 16 lliembers of Her Majesty’s Slost Honor- AIDES-DE-CAMP AND STAFF. Col HC Fletcher, S F Guards, Military Secretary. Lieut F Hamilton, 9th Foot, Aide-de-camp J “ Frederick Ward, RN, « 1 W R Baker, Private Secretary. Lieut-Col Hewitt Bernard, 1 F. Cumberland, l Extra Aides-de -camp. a • ■L' UCIltOllai^ y I DEPUTY GOVERNORS (FOR SIGNING MONEY WARRANTS. William A Himsworth, Clerk of the Privy Council. hi A Meredith L L D, Deputy Minister of the Interior. PRIVY COUNCIL. The Hon Alex McKenzie.Minister of Public Works. a fournier.Minister of Justice. “ A , J tolV.to • • •. • ...Minister of Marine and Fisheries. L Letellier de St Just.... Minister of Agriculture. R J Cartwright.Minister of Finance. David Laird.Minister of the Interior. Isaac Burpee.Minister of Customs. DA Macdonald.Postmaster General. Thomas Coffin.Receiver General. R W Scott.Secretary of State. L S Huntington.President of the Council. Felix Geoffnon.Minister of Inland Revenue. ” “ * .Minister of Militia. MEMBERS OP COUNCIL NOT IN THE CABINET. The Right Hon Sir John A Macdonald, K C B. Hie Hon S L lilley, C B, Lieut-Governor of New Brunswick. “ Sir A T Galt,K C M G. “ William McDougall, C B. “ W P Howland, C B. “ A G Archibald, Lieut-Governor of Nova Scotia. “ Peter Mitchell. “ Alex Campbell. “ J C Chapais. “ H L Langevin. u Sir Edward Kenny, Kt. “ Sir John Rose, K C M G. “ Sir Francis Hincks, K C M G. “ Christopher Dunkin. “ Alexander Morris, Lieut-Governor of Manitoba. “ James C Aikens. “ Charles Tupper, C B. “ John Henry Pope. I 66 THE DOMINION GUIDE. The Hon. John O’Connor. « Theodore Robitaille. “ Thomas N Gibb. “ Hugh McDonald. “ A A Dorion. “ Edward Blake. « David Christie. “ WmRoss. PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE (East Block.) Officers, Clerks and Servants. William A. Himsworth Joseph O Cote. F H Himsworth. Henry Alexander. William Horace Lee... Lewis J Burpee. Frank Newby. Michael Naughten .... Joseph Cairns. Joseph Grenier. William Groome. Clerk of the Privy Council. Assistant Clerk of the Privy Council. Clerk. u (( a << Doorkeeper and Messenger. Messenger. (( tc Commissioner per Dedimus Potestatem. William A Himsworth.Clerk of the Privy Council. The Railway Committee of the Privy Council. Hon A Mackenzie.Minister of Public Works. “ A J Smith. “ Marine and Fisheries. “ LLetellierde St Just.’. “ Agriculture. « R W Scott.Secretary of State. « W B Vail.Minister of Militia. The Commissioners for the Internal Economy of the House of Commons. Hon A Mackenzie.Minister of Public Works. <£ T Fournier. “ Justice. “ Isaac Burpee. “ Customs. “ Thomas Coffin.Receiver General. The Treasury Board and Sub-Committee of Council on Civil Service. Hon R J Cartwright.Minister of Finance. “ Isaac Burpee. “ Customs. “ Felix Geoffrion. “ Inland Revenue. « Thomas Coffin.Receiver General. THE SENATE. (Has 77 members, being 24 each for Ontario and Quebec, 10 each for Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, 4 for Prince Edward Island, 3 for British Columbia, and 2 for Manitoba.) The Hon. David Christie, Speaker. Robert LeMoine, Clerk of the Parliaments. ONTARIO. Senatoi's. P. 0. Address Hon John Hamilton.Kingston. “ Benjamin Seymour.Port Hope. “ Walter H Dickson.Niagara. “ James Shaw.Smith’s Falls. DOMINIO OF CANADA 67 Senator. Hon. Alexander Campbell. “ David Christie. “ Janies C Aikins. “ David Reesor. “ Elijah Leonard. “ William McMaster.. “ John Simpson. “ James Skead. “ David L Macpherson. “ Donald McDonald. “ Billa Flint. “ George W Allan. “ James Rea Benson. “ Ebenezer Perry. “ Frank Smith. “ Robert Read. “ Alexander Vidal. “ George Alexander. “ Geo Brown.:. “ Richard W Scott. QUEBEC, “ A B Foster. “ Jacques O Bureau. “ Luc-Letellier de St Just. “ John Hamilton. “ Charles Cormier. “ David E Price. “ Leandre Dumouchel. “ Louis Lacoste. “ Joseph F Armand. “ Charles Wilson.. “ William H Chaffers. “ Jean B Guevremont. “ James Ferrier.. “ Thomas Ryan.. “ Jean Charles Chapais. “ Alex Rene C DeLery.. “ Matthew Henry Cochrane. “ Eugene Chenic. “ Joseph H Bellerose. “ F X A Trudel. “ Edward Goff Penny. “ Pierre Baillargeon. “ C Eugene Panet.. P. 0. Address. ... Toronto. ... Paris. . . .Toronto. .. .Markham. ...London. . . .Toronto. ... Bowmanville. ... Ottawa. ...Toronto. ...Toronto. ...Belleville. ... Toronto. . ..StCatharinee. . ..Cobourg. ...Toronto. ... Belleville. ...Sarnia. ...Woodstock. ,.. Toronto. ... Ottawa. ... Waterloo. ...Montreal. ,.. Riviere-Ouelle. ,.. Hawkesbury . .Plessisville* '..Quebec. .. Longueuil. .. Boucherville. .. Ri viere-des-Prairies. ..Montreal. ..St Cesaire. .. Sorel. . .Montreal. .. Montreal. ..St Denis, Kamouraska. .. Quebec. ..Compton. ..Quebec. ..St Vincent-de-Paul. . .Montreal. .. Montreal. .. Quebec. ..Quebec. NOVA SCOTIA. Hon. Sir Edward Kenny.Halifax. “ Thomas D Archibald.Sydney, C B. “ Robert B Dickey..Amherst. “ John Holmes.Pictou. “ John Bourinot.Sydney. “ William Miller.Arichat. '• Archibald W McLean.Londonderry. “ A Macfarlane.Wallace. “ Jeremiah Northrup.Halifax. “ Henry A N Kaulback.Lunenburg. 68 THE DOMINION GUIDE. NEW BRUNSWICK. Senator. lion. Amos E Botsford. “ John Robertson. “ William H Odell. “ David Wark... “ John Ferguson. “ Robert DWilmot. “ Abner Reid McClelan. “ John Glasier. “ James Dever. « William Muirhead. P. 0. Address. Westcock, Westmoreland St John. Krederickton. Frederickton. Bathurst. Belmont, Sunbury. , Hopewell,Albert Count}’. Sunbury. , St John. . Chatham. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. “ Donald Montgomery. Park corner . «< Robert Poore Havthorne.Charlottetown. « Thomas Heath ETaviland.Charlottetown. « George W Howlan.Alberton. BRITISH COLUMBIA. « Robert WW Carroll.Barkerville. « Clement F Cornwall.Ashcroft. “ William John Macdonald.Victoria. MANITOBA. “ Marc Amable Girard.St Boniface. “ John Sutherland.Kildonan. THE SENATE OFFICES (East Half Centre Block.) Officers, Clerks, and Servants. Robert LeMoine, Clerk, master in chancery, cashier and accountant. Fennin^s Taylor, Deputy clerk, clerk assistant and master in chancery. E L Montizambert, Law clerk, clerk of committees and English translator. Rev Canon Johnston, Chaplain. , James Adamson, First English clerk and clerk of English journals. Peter Miller, Second English clerk and clerk of routine and proceedings. Neil W McLean, Third English clerk and clerk of private bills. A A Boucher, Chief French translator and clerk. Alfred Garneau, First French translator and clerk. J de St D Le Moine, Clerk of French journals, second l rench translator and sergeant-at-arms. . , . , . E J Duchesnay, Assistant clerk of French journals and deputy sergeant-at- arms. R W Stephen, Assistant accountant and clerk. Alexander Soutter, Junior clerk. Rene Kimber, Gentleman usher of the black rod. J B Mvrand, Postmaster. Peter t)unne, Housekeeper. S I Jones, Assistant housekeeper and news-room. Pierre Rattey, Doorkeeper. J Wingfield, Speaker’s messenger. James Doherty, Wardrobe etc. F Gilbert, Bank messenger. Charles Young, Permanent messenger. Sessional Messengers—T Wheeler, L Robitaille, J Dunne, J Wingfield, J H Pelletier. . Sessional Pages—J N Rattey, E Bucke, Thomas Davis. Commissioners for Administering the Oath to Members. Robert LeMoine.Clerk of the Senate Fennings Taylor.Deputy Clerk of the Senate. Reue Kimber.Usher of the Black Rod DOMINION OF CANADA. 60 THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. (Has 206 members, being 88 for Ontario, 65 for Quebec, 21 for Nova Scotia, 16 for New Brunswick, 6 for Prince Edward Island, 6 for British Columbia, and 4 for Manitoba.) The Hon. T. VV. Anglin, Speaker. Alfred Patrick, Clerk of the House. ONTARIO. Constituencies. Members. P. 0. Addr i Addington. .. Schuvler Shibley. Algoma. .. E B fiarron. Both well. ..David Mills. BrantN. ..Gavin Fleming. do S. .. William Paterson. Brockville. . .Jacob D Buell. Bruce N. ..John Gillies. do S. .. Hon E Blake. Cardwell. .. Hon J H Cameron .... Carleton. ..John Rochester. Cornwall. .. A F Macdonald. Dundas. .. William Gibson. Durham E. .. Lewis Ross. do W. „HW Burk. Elgin E. ..Colin Macdougall. do W. .. George E Casev. Essex. .. W McGregor. Frontenac. .. G A Kirkpatrick. . .Kingston Glengarry. ..Hon DA Macdonald.. .. Alexandria Grenville. .. William H Brouse.... Grey N. ..George Snider. .. Owen Sound do E. . .William K Flesher.... .. Flesherton do S. .. George Landerkin .... .. Hanover Haldimand. Halton. .. David Thompson. Hamilton. . .iEmilius Irving. do . .. Andrew T Wood. .. do Hastings N. .. Mackenzie Bowell. ..Belleville do E. ..John White. .. Roslin do W. . .James Brown. .. Belleville Huron N. ..Tho8 Farrow. . Bluevale do C. ..Horace Horton. .. Goderich do S. ..Malcom C Cameron... do Kent. Kingston. .. Rufus Stephenson. .. Chatham Lambton. ..Hon A Mackenzie- .. Ottawa Lanark N. .. Daniel Galbraith...... do S. . .John.G Haggart. ..Charles F Ferguson.. .. Perth Leeds N. ..Kemptville .. Gananoque do S. ..David Ford Jones. Lennox. .. Hon R J Cartwright.. .. Kingston Lincoln. London. .. James Norris. .. St Catharines Middlesex N. ..Thomas Scatcherd_ do E. ..Crowell Wilson. do W. .. George W Ross. Monck. .. Lachlin McCallum_ Muskoka. Niagara. .. A P Cock burn. .. Toronto 70 THE DOMINION GUIDE. Constituencies. Norfolk N. do S. Northumberland E .., do W.. Ontario N. do S. Ottawa City. do . Oxford N. do S. Peel.. Perth N. do S. Peterboro’ E. do W. Prescott .. Prince Edward. Renfrew N.. do S. Russell. Simcoe N. do S... . Stormont. Toronto E.. do C . do W. Victoria N. do S. Waterloo N. do S. Welland. Wellington N. do C. do S. Wentworth N. do S. York N. do E. do W. Argenteuil . JBagot. Beauce .... . Beauharnois.... Bellechasse. Berthier. Bonaventure.... Brome. Chambly. Champlain. Charlevoix. Chateauguay ... Chicoutimi, &c . Compton. Dorcnester. Drummond, &c. Gaspe. Members. P. 0. Address. John Charlton.Lynedoch Wm Wallace.Simcoe James L Biggar.Murray William Kerr.Cobourg Adam Gordon.Manchester Hon Malcolm Cameron..Ottawa J M Currier. do Pierre St Jean. do Thomas Oliver.Woodstock James A Skinner. do Robert Smith.Brampton Andrew Monteith.Stratford James Trow.Shakespeare James Hall.Peterboro’ John Bertram. do Albert Hagar.Plantagenet Walter Roes.Picton W Murray.Ren frew John L McDougall. do Robert Blackburn.New Edinburgh William C Little.Allandall Cyril Archibald.Dickinson’s Landing Robert Wilkes.Toronto .Thomas Moss. do Arthur McQuade.Omemee Isaac E Bowman.St Jacobs James Young.Galt William A Thomson.... Clifton N Higginbotham.Guelph David Stirton.Guelph Thomas Bain.Strabane Joseph Rymal.Barton Alfred H Dymond.Toronto James Metcalfe. do David Blain. do QUEBEC. L Cushing.Montreal Joseph A Mousseau. “ Christian H Pozer.St George Ulisse J Robillard.Beauharnois Hon T Fournier.Quebec Anselme H Paquet.St Cuthbert Hon T Robitaille.New Carlisle , Nathaniel Pettes.Knowlton H Montplaisir .... P A Tremblay.... Hon L H Holton . Ernest Cimon ..., Hon John H Pope Fortunat Rouleau Wilfred Laurier.. Louis G Hai'per.., Cap de la Magdalaine Chicoutimi Montreal Murray BayJ Cook shire Quebec Arthabaskaville Perce DOMINION Of CANADA. 71 Constituencies. Hochelaga. Huntingdon. Iberville. Jacques Cartier. Joliette. Kamouraska. Lapraire. L’Aesom ption. Laval. Levis. L’Islet. Lotbiniere . Maskinonge. Megantic.. Missisquoi. Montcalm. Montmagny. Montmorency. Montreal E. “ C. « w. Napierville. Nicolet . Ottawa County. Pontiac. Portneuf. Quebec, E. “ C. « W. Quebec County. Richelieu. Richmond, &c . Rimouski. Rouville. St Hyacinthe. St John’s. St Maurice. ShefFord.. Sherbrooke. Soulanges . Stanstead. Temiscouata. Terrebonne. Three Rivers.. Two Mountains. Vaudreuil. Vercheres. Yamaska. Annapolis .. Antigonish . Cape Breton a Colchester.. Cumberland Digby . Guysboro .. Members. A Desjardins .... Julius Scriver_ Francois Hechard R Lanamme. Louis F G Baby . CAP Pelletier.. A Pinsonneault.. r. 0. Address. Montreal Hemmingford Mount Johnson Montreal Joliette Quebec Montreal J Alderic Ouimet.Montreal Louis H Frechette.Levis PB Casgrain.Quebec Henry Bernier.Lotbiniere Louis A Boyer.Montreal E E Richard.Arthabaskaville William Donoghue.West Farnham .Firman Dugas.Montcalm H T Tachereau.Quebec Jean Langlois. “ Louis A Jette.Montreal F Mackenzie. “ Sixte Coupal dit Lareine.St Cyprien Joseph Gaudet.Gentilly Alonzo Wright.Ironside, Hull W McKay Wright.Ottawa E A De St Georges.Cape Saute Hon J Thibeaudeau.Quebec Hon J E Cauchon. “ Hon Thos McGreevv.... “ P Adolphe Caron. “ George J Barthe.Sorel . J B R Fiset.Rimouski . Guillaume Clieval.St Hilaire , Louis Delorme.St Hyacinthe .Francois Bourassa.Stottsville .Charles Lajoie.Yamachiche , Hon L S Huntington .... Montreal . E T Brooks.Sherbrooke .Jacques P Lauthier.St Polh’carpe .Charles C Colby.Stanstead .Jean B Pouliot.Riviere-du-Loup , L F R Masson.Terrebonne .William McDougall.Three Rivers .Wilfred Provost.St Scholastique .Hon Robert Harwood_Vaudreuil , Hon Felix Geoffrion_Vercheres .Charles Gill.Sorel NOVA SCOTIA. .William H Hay.Clementsport , Angus Mclsaac.Antigonish Newton L McKay.Sydney .William McDonald.Little Glace Bay Hon Chas Tupper, C B .Ottawa Hon W B Vail.Halifax John A Kirk.Glenelg 72 THE DOMINION GUIDE. Constituencies. Halifax. it . Hants. Inverness. Kings . Lunenburg . Pictou. it . Queens. Richmond. Shelburne . Victoria . Yarmouth. Members. P. O. Address. Alfred G Jones.Halifax Patrick Power. “ Monson H Goudge.Windsor S McDonnell .Port Hood] Frederick W Borden .... Canning Charles E Church.Chester James W Carmichael... .New Glasgow John A Dawson.Pictou James F Forbes.Liverpool Edmund P Flvnn.Arichat Hon Thomas Coffin.Barrington Frank Killam.Yarmouth NEW BRUNSWICK. Albert . Carleton.. Charlotte. Gloucester . Kent . Kings . Northumberland Queens. Restigouche. St John (county) St John (city) ... Suubury . Victoria . Westmoreland York . PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Hon Daniel Davis.Charlottetown Peter A Mclntvre.Souris James Yeo...Port Hill Stanislaus F Perry.Tigonish Hon David Laird.Charlottetown Peter Sinclair.Springfield BRITISH COLUMBIA. Cariboo.J S Thompson.Barkerville New Westminster.James Cunningham.New Westminster Vancouver.Arthur Bunster.Victoria Victoria.Amer de Cosmos. do .Francis J Roscoe. Yale.....'.Edward Dewdney. “ Kings County. (( Prince County. (( Queen’s County ti John Wallace.Hillsborough S B Appleby.Woodstock Arthur H Gilmour.St George Hon T W Anglin.St John George McLeod. James Domville. “ Hon Peter Mitchell.Montreal John Ferris.Cambridge George Moffat .Dalhousie J S Boies de Veber ..St John Hon Isaac Burpee. Acalus L Palmer. “ Charles Burpee.Sheffield John Costigan.Grand Falls Hon A J Smith.Dorchester John Pickard.Frederickton Lisgar . Marquette. Provencher Selkirk .... MANITOBA. John C Schultz.Winnipeg Joseph Ryan..., Louis Riel. Donald A Smith Montreal DOMINION OF CANADA. 73 HOUSE OF COMMONS OFFICES, (West Half of Centre Block.) Officers, Clerks and Servants. Alfred Patrick, Clerk of the House. Henry Hartnev, Deputy clerk, clerk assistant and accountant. Eugene U Piche, First clerk assistant. John G Bourinot, Second clerk assistant. Gustavus W Wicksteed, Chief law clerk. William Wilson, Assistant law clerk, and chief English translator, urn- °T •’ Assistant law clerk, and chiefFrench translator. William Fanning, Chief translator of votes, proceedings and journals, t Hayes, Assistant English Translator. R J Wicksteed, Assitant English translator. J F Gingras, Assistant French translator. E B St Aubin, Assistant French translator. Joseph Tasse, Assistant French translator. J A Genaud, Assistant French translator- Joshua Stansfield, Assistant accountant. F McGillivray, Clerk of rountine and records. Henry B Stuart, Chief English engrossing clerk. Edouard Denechaud, ChiefFrench engrossing clerk. James G Sloane, Proof reader and clerk of stationery It McG Moffatt, Indexing clerk. --? Chief clerk of private bill office. Charles Panet, Assistant do. Thaddeus Patrick, Chief clerk committees. E P Hartney, Assistant do. Eeprohon, Chief clerk of committees, and Speaker’s secretary F X Blanchet, Assistant clerk of committees. ) ' Herman Poetter, Chief clerk of votes and proceedings. W C Bowles, Assistant do., and secretary to the Clerk of the House. W B Ross, Chief English journal clerk. A G D Taylor, Assistant English journal clerk, and clerk of petitions. Henry Lindsay, Clerk of sessional papers. Pierre Rivet, "Chief French journal clerk. J H T Blais, Assistant French journal clerk. J A De Witt, Engrossing clerk. F Porrier, Postmaster. T Falardeau, Assistant postmaster E Pelletier, Assistant postmaster. ot railway, banking and public accounts Department of Sergeant-at-Arms. Donald W MacDonell, Sergeant-at-arms. Henry R Smith, Deputy sergeant-at-arms. Eucien Dube, Chief messenger. John O’Connor, Chief door-keeper. Edward Storr, Assistant door-keeper. Joseph Lemonde, N Turgeon, Joseph Brown, William Graham, James Hoy, E Steac\ ? 0 Roberge, AI .Laflainme, »T E Asselin, J Gr Lorimer, messengers. James Fitzsimmons, George Smith, Night watchmen. James Sinclair, House carpenter. Department Printing of Parliament. Henry Hartney, Clerk; Robert Brewer, Assistant clerk; E Botterell, jr. Distributor of printed papers; N Boulet, Assistant; J Rivet, E 0 Botterell messengers. K 74 THE DOMINION GUIDE. Commissioners for Administering the Allred Patrick....... Donald W Macdonell... Guetavus W Wlcksteed... Eugene Urgel Piche. Henry Hartney.. Oath to Members. ...Clerk of the House. ... Sergeant-at-Arms. Chief Law Clerk . .First Assistant Clerk ... Deputy Clerk. the library of parliament. The Library was constituted and by the Act34 Viet, ch 21. Ihe °™ c , Senat e an d House of Commons; i or both Alpheus Todd. Assistant Librarian A Gerin .. Firgt Library Clerk. Augustin Lapernere.. gecond do do A am yn oc c . •j Casault , A Boucher. of Parliament. government offices. Departmental Building (East Block.) GOVERNOR GENERAL’S SECRETARY’S OFFICE. C Kid 1 C F^D tC B^rr^sj e W^llLn^CamplieU^'tderks^^eorg^Sinithl Chari JStrong, John Chalkier, orderly sergeants. department of justice. .Minister of Justice Hon T Fournier. ..Deputy Minister of Justice. Hewitt Bernard, Q > , ’ V.*. Frederick White, Augustus Keefer, John „ rr^^To^^LeBUe 0 ^ J^FaldAng^ clerks; George Duval, minister’s secre- tarvt Patrick^Lynch, F Curran, R Mackay messengers. finance department. Hon Robert J Cartwriglit.AudRcu-General and Deputy Minister. ST 3 S ’S, ”A T&SXw'A 0°eddes, P K 0-Reil.y, J A Clay- ■XlnbaS CaOeorge Anmond, O J Tasker, P A Egleson and H T Fosbeiy, olein... ' Minlter's Secretary .-W A Blackmore. DOMINION OF CANADA. 75 Temporary Clerks .—Henry H Grey, Mark Lemon, James R Perry, J P Macpherson,. _ _ .. Messengers .—Patrick Pender, John Pender, Thomas Coad, P Connolly. Treasury Board. John Langton, secretary; J M Courtney, accountant. CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. TT_ To * .Minister of Customs. fames Johnson ’.V.... ...Aerirtint 6 "” °. f . Cu8t0m8 * J W Peachy, chief clerk ; J R Audy, G A Mailleue, P E Sheppard, Ct W Grant, G H Fawcett, W C Baker, clerks. Accountants’ Branch .—John Drysdale, accountant ; P C Ryan, 1 J Watters, clerks. Statistical Branch .—W A Bell, H C Hay, James Barry, C t Stevens, J S Fairweather, C H Harding, F Bennett, A C Bleakney, clerks. Minister’s Secretary .—C V F Bliss. Temporary Clerics ,—L D Audy, J R Peachy. Messengers .—John AY alls and J Brewer. department of inland revenue. TTnn Pplir fipnffrion .Minister of Inland Revenue. A Brunei . . .'. .' . . . . . . . . . . . .Commissioner of Inland Revenue. E Miall, junr. Asst “ " v ,, Accountants’ Branch —P M Robins, accountant; F R E Campeau, F K Blatch, clerks. Statistical Branch —F Measam, statistical clerk ; W L Heron, R Nettle, A Graham, B H Teakles, Neil Stewart, .James F Shaw, C E Chubbuck, clerks. W Himsworth, junr, W Carter, John Brunei, clerks. Minister’s Secretary —A Lusignan. Temporary Clerks —C E Anderson, R Devlin, J b 1 alin. Messengers —John Fowler, George Fowler. RECEIVER GENERAL’S DEPATMENT. tt..„ tv,ao Puffin .Receiver General. T D Harington . *. • !...Deputy Receiver General. T C Bramlev, accountant; F Lewis, warrant clerk ; Isaac B Stanton, L F Dufresne, C W Shav, F Hunter, J B H Neeve, J R >»ash, Horace Dun- levie, C E Turgeon, C Gough, clerks. Minister's Secretary —Charles Chester. Temporary Clerk —J F Pellant. Messengers —F Cassault, F McCaffrey, James McCaffrey. DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Hon R W Scott.Secretary of State. E J Langevin. Under Secretary of State. G Powell, R Pope, W H Jones, H E Steele, J M Tetu, clerks. Registry Branch —L A Cattelier, deputy registrar; J A Belanger, E Brousseau, H J Morgan, J Burns, C Ballantyne, A G Learoyd, cleiks. Stationery Office —J Young, J Rhodes, T Roxborough, T Robertson, W S Gliddon, clerks. 76 TFTE DOMINION GUIDE. ° M «> Minister s Secretary —Seymour Tobin. Messengers P Logan, T O’Keefe, J Hughes, JL Larkin. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Hon David Laird lr ■ . , ,, T . . E A Meredith, LLD... . n*™ U ! e I “ t !J' 10 ^ ■ • * •;.Deputy Minister of the Interior. william Howe, clerk. clai/a*oLtoT C Vv rI a H k0U f hn 'V, •nperiotendenti Robert Sin- Uu,,er ’ F s “ u "’ •—Xf r °°SeX dnanee la “ dS a * e “ ,! W “ Mil "> ftSSS StlS! C^Sn^TOS^Jsf B Richardson, Robt Balden, clerks. ’ Check, ^ J P B Symes, W Minister s Secretary —George Dickson. Messengers C Owne, H J Brook, R Jessop. ALSO IN THIS BUILDING ( East Block.) T , ~ , Library of the Public Departments. Joseph 0 Cote, assistant clerk of the Privy Council, librarian. r Ttr Directors of Penitentiaries Office. as mg (of Windsor, N S) chairman ; F X Prieur, J G Moylan, directors. Dominion Police Office. V B J ?,’ Nc i"' ™ P eri„te„de nt , GOVERNMENT OFFICES. Departmental Building , ( West Block). POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Hon. D. A. Macdonald. -d,.. , W. H. Griffin .Postmaster General. V .Deputy Postmaster General. J Ashworth, Cashier. erlv. B KbgfS H Hartl™ HW*dX'T?/ 7 U >?*“"’ H s Weath- ::^. ! ScwS ? ?sr.Ws DOMINION OF CANADA. 77 Money Order Branch. —W D LeSueur, superintendent; C W Jenkins, J Brophy, J McDougall, R J Shaw, C J Higgins, C Sangster, M K Dunlevie, J F Wall, J C Bonner, A W Wall, J H Spencer, F W Mills, L W Travis, clerks. Savings Bank Branch .—J C Stewart, superintendent; D Matlieson, J R Smith, A J Boswell, E B Bell, N Garland, H Kreps, W H Harrington, Vi H Egleson, W H McCuaig, G R Major, G L Plunkett, H J Larkin, clerks. Minister’s Secretary. —H G Hopkirk. Temporary Clerks.— Brown Wallis, J Berrv, P J Leahy, C P LeSueur, D McDonald, A McGillis, A J McDirmid, A McLennan, W Bristow, D D McPherson, M S Treadwell, W A Jones, W J Barret, P D McIntyre, G Binks, J Craig, L C A Casgrain, J A McLaurin, J Moonev, D Frechette, A Dorion, F. Macdonnell, J L McMahon. Messengers. —G Ranee, M Bennett, E Daughtrev, J Bell. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Hon Alex Mackenzie.Minister of Public Works. T Trudeau.Deputy Minister of Public Works. Engineering Branch .—John Page, chief engineer ; G F Baillarge, assis¬ tant engineer; Thomas S Scott, chief architect; Charles McCarthy, John LeB Ross, draughtsmen; S McLaughlin, photographer. Secretary’s Branch .—F. Braun, secretary ; J W Harper, paymaster, H A Fissiault, L E St O Chapleau, F H Ennis, T B French, J FN Bonneville, W J Tilley, C F Street, A E Evanturel, Louis Lefebvre, L D Dion, A J Duffy, L N Fortier, L N Filteau, A Fisher, clerks. Accountant’s Branch .—James Baine, accountant; 0 Dionne, A P Bradley, clerks. Minister’s Secretary .—W Buckingham. Temporarily Employed .—William Kingsford,T B Townsend,engineers ; H James, architect; D Ewart, F J Alexander, W R Billings, W Brymner, F Boncorps, J B Lamb, W Curran, GAO Kelly, J W H Watt, draughts¬ men; J C Tache, jr, A Gobiel, P Boulet, clerks. Messengers. —J Deslauriers, Michael Walsh, Henri Potvin, Thomas Vincent. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Hon Luc Letellier de St Just.Minister of Agriculture. J C Tache.Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Secretary’s Branch .—John Lowe, secretary ; F J Dore, accountant; Rev C Tanguay, attache; S Drapeau, D Brymner, W H Johnson, H B Small, D Lanigan, clerks. Patent Branch. —A J Cambie, patent and chief clerk ; C C Neville, II Casgrain, N F Boissonault, D Routhier, E D’Anteuil, J B Jackson, J F Dionne, W J. Lynch, T McCabe, clerks ; J Leville, model repairer. Minister’s Secretary .—E Tetu. Temporary Clerks.— E Juvet, E Martineau, A Leveque. Messengers.— J E Lemieux, J Boily, B Moreau, J B Lacroix. DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES. Hon Albert J Smith.Minister of Marine and Fisheries. W llliam Smith.Deputy “ «« W F Whitcher, commissioner of Fisheries ; John Hardie, chief clerk ; John Tilton, accountant; S P Bauset, W L Magee, W S Pettegrew, F F 78 THE DOMINION GUIDE. Gourdeau, W H Alexander, R N Venning, G Trudeau, jr, A Chisholm, W B Carleton, James Halket, F E A Gautier, clerks. Engineer’s Branch. —Joseph Tomlinson, general superintendent of lights and constructive engineer; G P Bliss, W. P Anderson and Joseph Tomlinson, jr, assistants and draughtsmen. Temporary Clerk. —John Makinson. Messengers.— Jule Morin and James Robertson. DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. Hon W B Vail,.Minister of Militia and Defence. Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. Major-Gen E Selbv Smyth.Adj-Gen and Commanding Militia. Lieut-Col Walker Powell.Deputy Adjutant-General of Militia. Corresponding Branch. —Benjamin Suite, H D J Lane, J R E Chapleau, clerks. Accountant's Branch. —Lieut-Col J Macpherson, chief clerk and ac¬ countant ; C H O’Meara, F X Huot, W H Aumond, A G Benoit, P Clark, clerks. Adjutant-General's Office. —W R Wright, chief clerk; Lieut-Col C Stuart, Grant Seymour, F X Lambert, GEM Sherwood, C Junot, T C Larose, clerks. Store Branch. —Lieut-Col Thomas Wily, director of stores; Charles A\ alkem, George Grant, D A Macdonald, Joseph Yeomans, clerks. Minister’s Secretary. —Colin Campbell. Messengers. —Chrysologue Dion, M Ryan, J W Gow, Napoleon Casault. ALSO IN THIS BUILDING, (West Block.) Canadian Pacific Railway. Sandford Fleming..Chief Engineer. James H Rowan (east div).Asst. “ Marcus Smith (west div). « <« William Murdoch, H P Bell, E W Jarvis, Charles Horetzkv, Henrv Carre, C H Gamsbv, W A Austin, W W Kirkpatrick, Frank Moberlv, E G Garden, Henry J Cambie, H A F McLeod, Thomas J Thompson, 'Samuel Hazlewood, L G Bell, G C Cunningham, engineers in charge of parties; E V Johnson, draughtsman; Charles 0 Palmer, accountant; T R Burpe, secretary. y Messenger. —Louis Besserer. Intercolonial Railway. Sandford Fleming. Collingwood Schreiber. T R Burpe. Ralph Jones, secretary; clerk. • • ..Chief Engineer. .Asst. “ ••.Private Secretary. Thos C Du Plessis, accountant; W H McNally, Official Arbitrators. Jatnes Cowan . P „ 1 f Charles Taylor... .'.‘. !! .' J *.! !!! !!!!!!; : Sarnia. Isidore Hurteau.Montreal. Henry Elliott. . Ng F H Ennis, secretary, Public Works Department, Ottawa. Dominion Public Building^, Engineer’s Office. wVuwis*.Clerk aniCal Engineer Dom Pub Bd S 9 - DOMINION OF CANADA. 79 Repairing Staff. —J Kelly,plumber; M Clancy, steam fitter; M Whelan, smith; T Wenslev, electric bells; T Smith, 0 Lariviere, A Latourney, helpers. Departmental Buildings Staff. —A Young, engineer; W Smith, asst, engineer; M Gallagher, F Leboute, C Proulx, M Castello, firemen. Parliament Buildings’ Staff. —J A Wills, engineer; D Long, asst, engineer ; M Scanlon, H T Spence, B Rochon, firemen. Water Works’ Staff. -, engineer; J Goulette, firemau. Inspector and Measurer of Wood. —E Lanvell. Census Office. J G G Layton, chief clerk ; Gustave Smith, L Dauray, S Roth well, W Kingston, J F WolfF, E D Sutherland, A Routhier, E H St Dennis, J Beatty, P G Leyden, J P Taylor, George LeMaitre, Alfred Lane, W Roseiter, clerks. OUTSIDE SERVICE. Northwest Territories Mounted Police. Lt-Col G A French, (Capt R A) commissioner of police, commanding; James F McLeod, C M G, assistant, do; E D Clark, paymaster; John Kittson, surgeon ; R B Nevitt, assistant surgeon; John L Poett, veterinary surgeon ; Charles Nicolle, quartermaster; William D Jarvis, Jacob Carveli, William Winder, Jas M Walsh, E A Brisebois, Louis N F Crozier, inspec¬ tors ; Albert Shurtleff, Thomas B Jackson, J Walker, J French, V Welch, J H McJllree, S Gagnon, H J N LeCain, G W Griffiths, E Allan, Cecil R Denny, E Frechette, F J Dickens, sub-inspectors. Wardens of Penitentiaries. John Creighton.Warden, Kingston. John Flanigan.Deputy Warden, Kingston. F Z Tasse.Warden, St Vincent de Paul. J B Daoust.Deputy Warden St Vincent de Paul Robert Dankin.Warden, Halifax, N S. C E Ketchum...Warden, St John, N B. Dominion Savings Banks and Managers. Ontario. C S Ross.Asst Receiver General. Toronto Amherst.. Annapolis. Antigonish. Arichat. Baddeck. Digbv. Guysboro. Halifax. Kentville . Little Glace Bay Liverpool . Lunenburg.. Nova Scotia. C E Latch ford. T A Gavaza. H P Hill. W G Ballam. Alex Cameron. Botsford Veits. Chris Jost. JR Wallace. Geo E Calkin. D Macdonald. A J Campbell. Mrs A M Rudolph, Agent. U (i <€ a it a Asst Receiver General. Agent. (C <6 80 THE DOMINION GUIDE. Maitland .. Parrsboro Pictou .... Port Hood, Shelburne. Sydney ... Truro. W eymouth Windsor... Yarmouth Bathurst. Chatham 1 .., Dalhousie... Dorchester ., Frederickton Moncton .... Newcastle... Richibucto.. St Andrews. St Jolyi. St Stephen.. Woodstock... Charlottetown Winnipeg Nanaimo. New Westminster Victoria. . Adam Dickie. . A S Townsend. . Alex McPhail. . E D Tremain. .James Muir. .Robert Martin. .J F Crowe.. . C D J ones. .E O’Brien. . A J Hood. New Brunswick. . F Meahan.. . D Ferguson. W Montgomery. ,J Hickman. . A F Street. Jos Crandall. R B Haddow. H Livingstone. C M Gove. R W Crookshank. Jas A Grant. H E Diblee. Prince Edward Island. .John Robins... Manitoba. .J McMicken.... British Columbia. .James Harvey .Y B Tait. .John Graham Ageu t. (( a Coulson,manager"" .Ontario Bank. .John Smart, manager „ .Mechanics Bank... .Alex Molson, manager . Bo -Y al Canadian Bank.Win Sache, manager « .J 11l0n Bank of Lower Canada.Frederick Nash, manager „ .Metropolitoil Bank .A F Hincks, manager e « .;4 a Ban< I ue Rationale.J 8 Paquet, manager 0„eh«. .Exchange Bank.R A Campbell, cashier yu ® bec .Banque^iationale.Francis Vezina, cashier (( .L mon Lank of Lower Canada .P McEwen, cashier (e .Stadacona Bank.A Joseph, president (£ .Quebec Lank ..J Stevenson, cashier „ . Ba,,k 0 Bnt - America. .C F Smith, manager p- | **,.Lank of Montreal.J Porteous, manager 5sih 0n 2. Baste ^ u lownships Bank.A J Cleveland, manager Sherbrooke.City Bank of Montreal.Wm Addie, agent c ( - r .| .Eastern Lownships Bank.B Pomeroy, president manager ’ * * \ . ilolfcons Bank.A D Dornford, manager Stanstead.Eastern Townships Bank.A P Ball, manager ~ St Jo'im's 6 .M erc ia, f Bai,k .Henry Barbeau, agent mi T> . .~t. Bank.J L’Ecuver, cashier Ihree R,vers.Quebec Bank .j Smith; agent ■nr , i .Union Bank of Lower Canada.J V Woolsey, manager " aterlo °.Eastern Townships Bank.Wm G Parm*elee, manager NEW BRUNSWICK. Chatham’.Bank of Montreal.W A Moore, a^ent Fredericton.People’s Bank .....S W Babbett, cashier xr .Bank Brit. North America..R Napier, a^ent Moncton.Bank of Brit. North America. . W E Collier", agent Y .S ank ^jontreal .C L Thomson, agent Newcastle.Bank of Montreal .F E Winslow, agent St. Andrews.Bank °* ®nt. North America.. J S Carnegie, agent 111 .Lank ot Montreal..R A Macgregor, manager (( .Bank of New Brunswick.Wm Girvan, cashier tt .Bank of Brit. North America. .Thos Maclellan, manager u .Maritime Bank . ,.JWH Rowley, manager , .Bank of Kova Scotia.W L Pitcaithly St. Stephen.Bank of Brit. North America..R Burns, manager .Stephen’s Bunk.R Watsou, cashier M 90 TiJE DOMINION GUIDE. Location. Amherst .... Annapolis ... Antigonish . . Bridgewater . Halifax. it . . ft it it a tt Keutville .... Liverpool- Lockport .... Maitland .... New Glasgow Parrsboro ... Pictou . a it Sydney . tt tt Truro . Weymouth ., Windsor. Wolfville Yarmouth .. if it Charlottetown u a tt a a it Rustico. Summerside . a Winnipeg Barkerville it Victoria ... if St. John’s ft NOVA SCOTIA. Bank. Manager or Agent. Bank of Nova Scotia.J M Hay, agent Union Bank of Halifax.T S Whitman, agent Merchants Bank of Halifax . ..T M King, agent Merchants' Bank of Halifax... .Andrew Gow, agent Bank of Montreal.EC Jones, agent Bank of Brit. North America.. J Penfold, manager Bank of Nova Scotia.W C Menzies,cashier Union Bank of Halifax.W S Sterling, cashier People’s Bank.Peter Jack, cashier Merchants Bank.Geo McLean, cashier Halifax Banking Co.S H Black, cashier .Bank of Nova Scotia.L De V Chipman, agent .Bank of Liverpool.AH Patterson, cashier .People’s Bank.Austin, Locke, agent .Merchants Bank of Halifax ...David Frieze, agent . Bank of Nova Scotia.J W Carmichael, agent . Halifax Banking Company. ...AS Townsend, agent .Bank of Nova Scotia.H Primrose, agent .Merchants Bank of Halifax .. .Win Ives, agent .Pictou Bank...Thomas Watson, cashier . Bank of Nova Scotia.Hon T D Archibald, agent .Union Bank of Halifax.James Jost, agent .Merchants Bank of Halifax . ..J E Burch ill, agent .Merchants Bank.John B Dickie, agent .Merchants Bank of Halifax .. .C Campbell, jr .Commercial Bank.W Lawson .Peoples Bank of Halifax.J W Barss, manager .Bank of Nova Scotia.las Murray, jun, agent .Bank of Yarmouth.C Huntington .Exchange Bank.AS Murray, manager PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. .Bank of Prince Edward Island.W Cundell, manager .Union Bank.Geo Macleod .Merchants Bank of Halifax .. .Owen Connolly, agent . Merchants Bank of P. E. I.... W McLean, agent .Farmers Bank of Rustico.M J Blanchard, cashier . Summerside Bank.A M Stavert . Union Bank.Neil McKelvie MANITOBA. .. Merchants Bank.D Macarthur, manager BRITISH COLUMBIA. ..Bank of Brit. North America..G M Morris, agent . .Bank of British Columbia.W Powell, agent ..Bank of Brit. North America. .Henry A Tuzo, manager ..Bank of British Columbia.W C Ward, manager NEWFOUNDLAND. ..Commercial Bank of Newfld ..Robert Brown, manager ..Union Bank of Newfoundland.Randal Greene, cashier PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. 01 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. Seat of Government , Toronto. Lieutr Governor .—His Honor, John Crawford, Toronto. Private Secretary and A . I). C .—Lieut. Law, R N. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon 0 Mowat, Attorney-General “ T B Pardee, Commissioner of Crown Lands “ C F Fraser, Commissioner of Public Works and Agriculture “ A McKellar, Secretary and Registrar “ Adam Crooks, Treasurer J G Scott, Clerk of the Executive Council H Kinloch, assistant clerk G B Nichol and E H T Howard, clerks Michael Smith, messenger HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon R M Wells.Speaker. Constituencies. Members. P. 0. Address. Addington.H M Deroche, Napanee Algoma.F W Cumberland, Toronto Both well.Hon A McKellar, Chatham Brant N.H Finlayson, Paris “ S....AS Hardy, Brantford Brockville.W Fitzsimmons, Brockville Bruce N.D Sinclair, Paisley 16 S.Hon R M Wells, Toronto Cardwell.G McManus, Mono Mills Carleton.GW Monk, South March Cornwall.J G Snetsinger, Montinette Dundae.Simon Cook, Morrisburgh Durham E.A T H Williams, Port Hope “ W.J McLeod, Bowmanville Elgin E.T H Wilson, St Thomas “ W.T Hodgins, Toronto Essex.A Prince, Windsor Frontenac.D D Calvin, Kingston Glengarry. Grenville S.Hon C F Fraser, Prescott Grey N...T Scott, Owen Sound “ S.AW Lauder, Toronto Haldimand.J Baxter, Cayuga Halton.. ...W Barber, Streetsville 92 TIIE DOMINION GUIDE. Constituencies. Hamilton. Hastings W. “ E. “ N. Huron N. S. Kent. Kingston. Larnbton. Lanark N. “ S. Leeds N . “ S. Lennox. Lincoln . London. Middlesex E. “ n. « w.’/.’./.V. Monck. N iagara. Northumberland E. “ W. Norfolk S. « N. Ontario N. “ S. Ottawa. Oxford N. . “ S. Peel. Perth N. “ S. Peterboro E. “ W. Prescott. Prince Edward. Renfrew S...-.. “ N. Russell. Simcoe N. “ S. Stormont. Toronto E. « W. Victoria N. “ S. Waterloo N. “ S. Welland. Wellington N. “ C. « S. Wentworth N. “ S. Y ork E. “ W. «< n. Members . P. 0. Address. .J M Williams, Hamilton .K Graham, Belleville . H Corby, Belleville • G H Boulter,.Stirling . T Gibson, WrOxeter .Archibald Bishop. Hay . J Dawson, Sombra . W Robinson, Kingston . Hon T B Pardee. Sarnia .W Caldwell, Lanark .A Code, Innisville . H Merrick, Merrickville • John Godkin Giles, Farmersville J T Grange, Napanee . J C Rykert, St Cathrines . W R Meredith, London . R Tooley, Belmont . J S Smith, Ailsa Craig . J Waterworth, Wardsville . H R Haney, Fenwick . Hon S Ricliards, Toronto . W W Webb, Brighton . C Gifford, Cobourg . S McCall, Victoria . J Clarke, Simcoe .Thos Paxton, Port Perry . A Farewell, Harmony . D J O’Donoghue, Ottawa • Hon 0 Mowat, Toronto • A Oliver, Ingersoll . lv Chisholm, Brampton . T M Daly, Stratford .T B Guest, St Marys . G Read, Keene >W H Scott Fairbairn, Peterborough G W Hamilton, Montreal . G Striker, Pioton ■ E Harrington, Arnprior T Deacon, Pembroke W Craig, Russell W D Ardagh, Barrie D’Arcy Boulton, Toronto James Bethune, Toronto Hon M C Cameron. Toronto Hon A Crooks, Toronto D McRae, Bolsover S C Wood, Lindsay M Springer, Waterloo I Clemens, Preston Hon J G Currie, St Cathrines John McGowan, Alma C Clarke, Elora Hon P Gow, Guelph R Christie, Flamboro’ West W Sexton, Jerseyville H P Crosby, Fnionville P Patterson, Patterson A Boultbee, Toronto PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. 93 OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Clias T Gilmour, clerk of the House; John Notman, accountant and Queen’s printer; Jas J Vance, clerk assistant and clerk of private bills; Arthur H Svdere, routine and record clerk ; Alexander Leith, law clerk ; J M Delamere, clerk ; F J Glackmeyer, serjeant-at-arms; S J Watson, librarian; Thomas Phillips, house-keeper and chief messenger; William Johnson, John Bowman, and William Kennedy, messengers ; John Simser, fireman, and James Wells, watchman. / PUBLIC DEPARMENTS, ONTARIO. Provincial Secretaries Office. Hon Archibald McKellar, provincial secretary; I R Eckart, assistant aecretarv; R S Brodie, chief clerk; H A McLaurin, and Frank Jones, clerks; Arthur Burtchall, messenger. Provincial Registrar’s Office. Hon Archibald McKellar, provincial registrar ; J F C Usher, deputy registrar ; George Hobbs, and John A Innes, clerks. Registrar General’s Office. Hon Archibald McKellar, registrar general; H S Crewe, chief clerk ; Charles Heron, R F Smith, Fred Warwick, J McGill Ridley and Hethering- ton, clerks. Department of Public Works. Hon C F Fraser, commissioner; K Tully, architect; T N Molesworth, engineer; W Edwards, secretary ; F T Jones,* law clerk and accountant; W J S Holwell, Richard Purdom", J C McNabb, draughtsmen ; 1st clerk, M Wilson ; 2nd clerk, J P Edwards ; Charles MacDonald, messenger. Treasury Depatment. Hon Adam Crooks, treasurer; Hon W Cayley, auditor; W R Harrifi accountant; H Alley, clerk of correspondence ;*A T Deacon, law stamp and license clerk ; Henry Totten, audit clerk ; A J Rattray, clerk ; C H Sproule kook-keeper; Wm Smith, provincial officer ; Philip Simser, messenger. Department Of Crown Lands. Hon T B Pardee, commissioner of Crown lands; Thomas H Johnson, assistant commissioner; George Kennedy, Jaw clerk; H A Ford, short¬ hand writer. Free grants and sales branch : J C Tarbutt, chief clerk; A 9-i TTTE DOMINION GUIDE. Kirkwood, .T M Grant, P Alma, and J J Murphy, clerks. Surveys, patents and roads branch: Thos Devine, deputy surveyor general; E Fox, provin¬ cial land surveyor ; G B Kirkpatrick, do ; H J Jones, chief clerk patents ; JInnesand W Bell, clerks; J W Bridgland, superintendent of Col. roads. Woods and Forest branch: G B Cowper, superintendent; A J Taylor, H G Langlois,E G Kirby, clerks. Accounts branch: Wm Ford, accountant; D G Ross, book-keeper; It H Browne, chief clerk in charge of agents returns; F Stowe, clerk. Registrar, J Morphy; deputy registrar, W F Lewis. Otlice-keeper, J Bradshaw; messenger, A McDonald. Immigration. —Secretary, David Spence-; clerk, Edward Jenkinson. Agriculture and Arts. —Commissioner, Hon A McKellar ; secretary, Geo Buck land. Department of Public Instruction, Ontario. For the general administration of the H'srh and Common School Laws. Education Office —Rev Egerton Ryerson, D D, L L D, Chief Superintendent of Education ; J G Hodgins, L L D, Barrister-at-law, deputy superintendent of education, and editor of the Journal of Education for Ontario ; Alex Marling, L L B, chief clerk and accountant, having also charge of the high school meteorological returns ; F J Taylor, clerk of the statistics ; J T R Stinson, clerk of records; W 11 Atkinson, clerk of correspondence; J S Barber, assistant clerk of correspondence; A C Pauli, assistant clerk of records; F Nudel, junior clerk; J A Sangster, junior assistant copving clerk; J Moore, office messenger. Depository Branch. —S P May,M D, clerk of libraries; H M Wilkinson, depository cashier and assistant clerk of libraries ; G Barber, despatch clerk; W N Sweeten, clerk of stores ; S A May, clerk of sales; S Sykes, assistant in depository; E J Brvce, packing room assistant; J H Canniff, copying clerk; \V Lemon,care-taker and messenger. Offices in Victoria Square, Toronto. Attorney Generai/'s Office. Hon 0 Mowat, attorney general; J G Scott, clerk; Henry Kinloch, private secretary ; Geo B Nicof, assistant clerk ; E H Heward, 2nd do; M Smith, chief messenger and house-keeper: M Currie, assistant messenger. Inspector of Asylums, Prisons, &c. J W Langmuir, inspector of Asylums, prisons, Ac. ; T C Scoble, deputy inspector; Wm P Band, clerk. Board of Examiners of Provincial Land Surveyors, Ontario. Hon the Commissioner of Crown lands, ex officio ; J Stoughton Dennis, surveyor general of Dominion lands, (Ottawa); Thomas Devine, F R G S, deputy surveyor general, Ont, Department of Crown lands, (Toronto); F F * Passmore. (Toronto); T F Gibbs, (Adolphustown) ; A C Webb, (Brighton); Hugh Wilson, (Mount Forest); P S Gibson, (Wiilowdale); Professor Chapman, (Toronto), examiner in geology; Secretary, George B Kirk¬ patrick, Department of Crown Lands, Toronto. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 05 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. Seat of Government—Quebec Lieut-Governor .—Hon Rene Edouard Caron. J B Amyot, Major 9th Batt, Rifles, Aide-de-camp and Private Secretary. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon C B De Boucherville, Premier, Provincial Secretary and Registrar, and Minister of Public Instruction. Hon Levi R Church, Attorney-General. ‘ Hon H G Malhiot, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Hon Pierre Garneau, Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works. Hon Felix H Lemaire, Speaker, Legislative Council. Hon A R Angers, Solicitor General. Hon Joseph Gibb Robertson, Treasurer. Officers .—F Fortier, Clerk of the Executive Council; G G Grenier, 1st clerk; Olivier Valee,"messenger; J Lebreque, Wilbrod Dube, house¬ keeper and messenger. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon Felix Hyacinthe Lemaire.Speaker. Division Name P 0 Address. Alma. Bedford. De Lanaudiere. DeLaDurantaye La Valliere.... De Lorimier.... De Salaberry... Grandville. Golfe. Inkerman. Kennebec . La Salle. Laurentides .... Lauzon . Mille Isles. Montarville. Repen tigny. Riga ud. J L Beaudry, Esq.Montreal Thomas Wood, Esq.Dunham Flats P E.Dostaler, Esq.Berthier (en haut) Hon J O Beaubien.Montmagny “ J BG Proulx.Nicolet Chas S Rodier, Esq.Montreal Henry Starnes, Esq. “ Elizee Dionne, Esq.St A de la Pocatiere Thomas Savage. George Bryson, Esq.Mansfield L Richard....Quebec Hon Lewis Panet. “ “ J E Gingras. “ A C de Lery, Esq. “ ,F H Lemaire, Esq.St Benoit Hon C B de Boucherville.. .Boucherville . “ Louis Archambault_L’Assomption , “ J E Priulhomme.Tannery West, Montreal 96 THE DOMINION GUIDE. Division. Name. p O Address. Rougemont .John Frazer, Esq.St Mark Shawinigan .J J Ross, Esq.St A de la Perade Sorel.... Stadacona.John Sharpies.Quebec Victoria.Hon James Ferrier.Montreal Wellington.Edward Hale, Esq.Sherbrooke Officers of the Legislative Council. G B de Boucherville, clerk, master in chancery, and accountant; Pierre Legare assistant clerk, master m chancery, French' translator, and assistant accountant; Ihomas W Lloyd, second assistant clerk, clerk of English journals, and English translator; Isaie A Jodoin, advocate, clerk o? the offices and committees, and translator; B Globensky, advocate, clerk of French journals, clerk ot standing orders and private bills, and translator ; N haucher, junr, clerk of special committees and petitions, and translator; S S Halt, gentleman usher of the black rod; PE Roy, sergeant-at-arms; £. Ife* C0 P- vl8t ; F X Brault, first messenger; Francois Blais and Richard Clancy, messengers. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon J G Blanchet, .Speaker. Constituencies Xame P. 0. Address. Argenteuil.Sidney Bellingham.Montreal Bagot.Pierre Samuel Gendron.St Rossalie Beauce ....F X Dulac.St George Beauharnois .AH Bisson .St Louis de Gonzague Bellechasse .Onezime Pelletier.St Charles ® erthier f .Louis Sylvestre.Berthier (en ham) Bona\enture.P C Beauchesne.Carleton Brome.W W Lvnch.Knowlton Cliambly .Gedeon La Rocque.Longueuil Champlain.Hon F X A Trudel.Montreal Charlevoix. A. Gagnon.St Paul Chateauguay..P Laberge.Ste Philomene Chicoutimi &SaguenayB M Guillaume.Quebec Compton .W Sawyer.. Sawyerville Deux Montagnes.Hon Gedeon Ouimet.Montreal Dorchester.LN Larochelle.Anselme' Drummond and __ Arthabaska..W J Watts.Drummondville S as ? e i.p on . P i e i? e ^ ortin .Laprairie Hochelagja.Louis J B Beaubien.Montreal Huntingdon.A Cameron.Huntingdon Iberville ....Louis Molleur.St Jean Jacques Cartier.Narcisse M LeCavalier.St Laurent Joliette .Vincent Paul Lavallee.St Felix de Valois L Assomption,.Onulphe Pelletier.L’Epiphanie 97 FRO VINCE OF QUEBEC. Constituencies. Name. P 0 Address. Laval.Hon Joseph Hyacinthe.Bellerose, St Vincent de Paul Levis.Hon J G Blanchet.Levis L’Islet.Pamphile G Verrault.St Jean Port-Joly Lotbiniere.Henry Gustave Joly.Quebec Maskinonge.Moise Houde...Riviere du Loup, en haut Megantic.Hon George Irvine.Quebec Missisquoi.: Josiah S Brigham_i'.Philipsburg Montcalm.LG Martin.Montreal Montmagny.T Langelier. Quebec Montmorency.Hon A R Augers. “ Montreal W.Jff McGauvran. Montreal St Edouard St Pierre les Becquets Hull Aylmer “ C.Chas Alexander. “ E.F David. Napierville.L D Lafontaine. Nicolet.Ovide Methot.. Ottawa County.Ezra Butler Eddy. Pontiac.Hon L R Church. Portneuf.Praxede Larue. Quebec E.P V Valin.Quebec “ W .John Hearn. “ “ C.RF Rinfret dit Malouin. “ {t County.Hon P Garneau. “ Richmond and Wolfe. .Jacques Picard.Wotton Richelieu.J A Dorion.St Ours Rimouski .A Chauveau.Quebec Rouville.Hon Victor Robert.Ste Angele ■St Hvacintlie.Pierre Bachand.St Hyacintlie St Johns.Felix G Marchand.St Jean d’Iberville St Maurice.Elzear Gerin .Three Rivers Shefford .Hon M Laframboisc.Montreal Sherbrooke. “ Joseph Gibb RobertsonSherbrookc Soulanges.B Saveuse de Beaujeu.Coteau du Lac Slanstead.Thomas Locke.Stanstead Temiscouata.Elie Mailloux..St Arsene Terrebonne.Hon J Adolphe Chapleau.. .Montreal Three Rivers.H G Malhiot.Three Rivers Vaudreuil.Emery Lalonde.Ste Marthe Vercheres.Jos Daisrle.Belmil Yamaska.J N Duguav .St Zephirin de Courval OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. George Manly Muir, clerk of the House; Etienne Simard, assistant do; AT Marsan, law clerk: Charles Ambroise Pariseau, clerk; Laurent Simoneau, accountant ; Charles James Ardouin, chief office clerk, distribu¬ tor of stationery and superintendent of supernumeraries ; Cyrille Pettigrew, Thos Prendergast, J L Blanchet, Adjutor Demers, copying clerks ; Charles P Lindsay, chief committee clerk and clerk of elections; Edouard LeMoine, clerk of private bill committee; Edouard Belleau, assistant do; Andre Napoleon Montpetit, chief French translator ; Benoit Marquette, first assistant do ; J Buteau Turcotte, second assistant do; William Cook, chief English translator; John Byrne Duggan, assistant do; Edouard Demers, speaker’s secretary, assistant clerk of committees and perm’t copying clerk ; OS THE DOMINION GUIDE. Paul Ernest Smith, clerk of the English journals; 0 C tie Lachevrotiere, clerk of French journals; Louis Fortier, asst do; Joseph Whydden, English asst do ; Leon P Lemav, librarian ; Louis P Turcotte, asst do ; Louis Morel, postmaster; G Morel, assistant do, and messenger; Chas Garneau, ser¬ geant-at-arms ; Olivier Robitaille, chief messenger; Alfred Pelletier, speaker’s messenger; Martial Roy, Edwa«d Littlejohn, Joseph Trudelle, Simeon Gagne, Jacques Morin, Etienne Gauvreau, messengers. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. Secretary's Office. Hon C B De Boucherville, provincial secretary; P J Jolicoeur, asst do; G W Colfer, clerk ot the English correspondence ; Pierre Chauveau, clerk of the French correspondence; Olivier F Campeau, accountant; JB Lenoir, clerk; Joseph O Laurin, copying clerk; Zeph Duhamel, clerk; Pierre Prevost, messenger. Provincial Registrar’s Department. Hon C B De Boucherville, provincial registrar; J B Meilleur, deputy registrar ; A Belanger, clerk ; Etienne Poitras, messenger. Department of Public Instruction. Minister of public instruction and superintendent of education, Hon C B De Boucherville; secretary and deputy head of the ministry of public in¬ struction, Dr Louis Giard ; assistant secretary and deputy head of the min¬ istry of public instruction, H H Milts, LLD,’D C L, joint secretaries of the council of public instruction and editor of Le Journal de VInstruction and Journal of Education, respectively. Dr. Giard and Dr. Miles; clerk of the French correspondence, assistant editor of the Journal deVInstruction Puh- lique, and librarian, Napoleon Legendre ; clerk of English correspondence, and assistant editor of the Journal of Education, ; accountant and clerk of statistics, J H Richardson ; assistant clerk of French corres¬ pondence, Leopold Devisme, B A ; assistant clerks of accounts and statistics, Alfred Thomas and Louis Lefebvre; storekeeper, Jacques Laparre; messen¬ ger and house-keeper, Paul Blouin. Department of the Law Officers of the Crown. Hon Levi R Church, atty general; Hon A R Angers, sol genera]; Jos A Defoy, assistant; A T Marsan and Crawford Lindsay, clerks ; J Veron- neau, messenger. Treasury Department. Hon Joseph G Robertson, treasurer; and ------ t assistant do; Gaspard Drolet, auditor; Henry Hemming and Frank D Tims, book¬ keepers; A Giard, J T Harrower, Stanley H Holt, Joseph E Marmetta W A Davies, and GT A Evanturel, clerks; H Hughes, office-keeper ’and messenger; G Trudelle, second messenger. Department of Agriculture and Public Works. Hon Pierre Garneau, commissioner ; Simeon LeSage, assistant do, and director of colonization ; Edouard Moreau, secretary and accountant; Pierre 90 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. ) Gauvreau, chief engineer; J B Derome, asst engineer; Edward H Nesbitt, book-keeper; Clias Lesperance, assistant book-keeper; Tlios T Nesbitt, assistant secretary ; J O Fontaine assistant director of colonization ; J B Peltier, J B Sirois, messengers. Department of Crown Lands. Hon H G Malhiot, commissioner ; E E Tache, assistant do.; Joseph Bouchette, deputy surveyor-general; John V Gale, accountant and cashier; E T Fletcher, G G Dunlevie7 J Tache, surveyors and draughtsmen ; PM A Genest, draughtsman ; L A Robitaille, superintendent of woods and forests ; W F Collins, J J Prendergast, L D Lemoine, L L Rivard, 1st class clerks ; F D Dugal, F Chasse, T Morkill, W E Collins, L Berthelot, D C Mackedie, M McLeod, A Pare, 2d class clerks; G B N Proulx, Victor Derome, L N Dufresne, 3d class clerks; P Potvin, office-keeper; P Cahill, C Dumontier, messengers. Registration Office, Montreal. J B Varin, director; F W Blaiklock, surveyor; L W Sicotte, clerk. Registration Office, Quebec. P L Morin, director; F Laehaine, surveyor and draughtsman; G A Varin, R D’Estimauville, clerks ; Charles Gauvin, extra clerk. Registration Office, Three Rivers. G A Bourgeois, director, residence and office at Three Rivers ; L 0 A Arcand, surveyor and draughtsman ; P Guillet, clerk. Registration Office, Montmagny . Thomas Breen, director; F X Gendreau clerk. Registration Office, Terrebonne . J A Hervieux, director; J H Leclair,surveyor and draughtsman. Acting as Timber Agents as well as Land Agents. SECTION. CROWN AGENTS. Coulonge.Edmund Heath, Clarendon. Gatineau.Robert Farley, Hull. Petite Nation.Geo W Cameron, Thurso. Waterloo.0 B Kemp, Granby. St. Francis.Wm Farwell, Robinson Village. Arthabaska..Antoine Gagon, Arthabaskaville. Chaudiere.J A Fortin, St Joseph Beauce. Montmagny.E Renaud, Montmagny. Grandville.C T Dube, Rivere du Loup en bas. Bonaventure.L J Riopel, New Carlisle. Saguenay.George Duberger, Murray Bay. Petite Nation.A B Filion, Arundel. Magdalen Islands*..A Paquet, Magdalen Islands. Lake St. John and Saguenay_JO Tremblay, Chicoutimi. St Charles.Z Rousseau, St. Roche, Quebec. St. Maurice.LA Dubord, Three Rivers. Assomption .B. Dalphausse, Joliet. Ottawa...A J Russell, Ottawa. Montreal.C E Belle, Montreal. Gaspe.Ls. Roy, Cap-Chat. McLean Stewart, general collector, Quebec. 100 TIIE DOMINION GUIDE. Inspector of Agencies .—John Hume. Mines .—L L Rivard, gold mining inspector, Crown Lands Office, Quebec. Seigniory of Louzon an I Crown Domain .—J Laurin, agent, residence, Quebec. Jesuit Estate .—Huot & Larue, Quebec ; J B Varin, Montreal ; V Guillet, Three Rivers; L Guillet, jun, Batiscan. Board of Examination of P. L. Surveyors. lion the Commissioner ot Crown Lands, ex-officio ; Joseph Bouchette, deputy surveyor-general; Adolphus Larue, president, Quebec; F W Blaik- lock, C F P Baillarge, E T Fletcher, J Bignell, E Casgrain and L P Gau- vreau, Quebec, prov land surveyors; secretarv, Alex Sewell; Examiner in Geology and Mineralogv, A R C Sdwvn. Members oe the Council of Agriculture for the Province of Quebec. Hon L R Church and Hon Pierre Garneau, ex-officio; Hon J O Beau- bien, Hon J J Ross, Hon D E Price, Hon M II Cochrane; H G Jolly aL n P 'V> R re ^ lde ° fc ’. Alexander Summerville, vice-president; J Gaudet, M.I ., P B Benoit, M.P., L Beaubien, M.P„ E J DeBlois, L II Maasue, J M Browning, L Levesque, A Marsan, Rev F Pilote, Rev S Tasse, S N Black¬ wood, A. Casavant, J N E Faribault, L N Gauvreau ; G. Leclere, secretarv- treasurer. Public Companies. La Banque Motional. T m . H ? n E Chenic, president; Hon J Thibaudeau, vice-president; Hon U J Tessier, 0 Robitaille, C Tetu, A Joseph and Prudent Valle*, directors. Quebec Bank. Capital, $1,500,000. J G Ross, president; William Wilhall, vice-president; Sir N F Belleau, Henry Fry, T H Dunn, R H Smith and A F A Knight, directors. Union Bank of Lower Canada. Capital, $2,000,000. Charles E Leyev, president; Hon Thomas McGreevy, vice-president- lion Geo Irvine, Andrew Thomson, John Sharpies, D C 'Thomson and J B Kenaud, directors. Quebec Notre Dame Savings Bank. tt 0 r ¥‘ taill , e ’ M -IL, president; A B Sirois, vice-president; G H Simard, Hon J Thibaudeau, Hon U J Tessier, Hon E Chenic, C Cinqmars, J D Brousseau, D Dusault and L Amiot, directors. PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA 101 PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Seat of Government — Halifax. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. (And Deputy Governor for signing Marriage Adams George Archibald, C M G ; —-— W Clarke, N S M, (6Gth Regt.) Aide-de-Camp; Mil. Artillery) Provincial Aide-de-Camp. Licenses.) — His Honor Hon Private Secretary ; Capt H Major M B Dalv, (1st Brg EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon Wm Annand, Treasurer and President. “ H W Smith, Attorney-General. “-, Provincial Secretary. “ Danl Macdonald, M.P.P., Commissioner for Public Works and Mines. “ A J White, M.P.P , Commissioner of Crown Lands. the Chief Justice, the Provincial Secretarv the President of the Legislative Council, the Speaker of the House of Assembly p n rm?nei iea ^ S ° r * ut . homed representatives of all Christian Churches in the o ince, commissioners, Peter Ross, James Duggan and Geo Du^tan medical superintendent, James R DeWolf, M D* assistant n^in^n can A Fraser, M D, storekeeper, Geo. Doiufe fhoS^rfMrsB‘g’fe eon ; supervisor, Mrs Dowme; engineer, RD Dickson. Queen s Printer. —H W Blackader. DOMINION OFFICES AND OFFICERS. Twidwcc Department of Canada —Nova Scofii "Rmn/at. o j , Ho»e, auditor; B Slather, clerk, John A-S^eDlam Assistant Rec. General for Nova Scotia .—J R Wallace. Inspector of Customs —J J Kerr; collector, Halifax, Hon W Ross. Savinc/s Bank—I B Wallace, cashier. Militia Department—I W Laurie, DAG. 104 THE DOMINION GUIDE. Inland Revenue Department. Inspector for Nova Scotia —Arch’d Patterson. Halifax —Collector, S Tupper; excisemen, Angus McLeod, John D Nash, jr; clerk, B H Blanchard; inspector of petroleum, R G Fraser. PUBLIC COMPANIES. Halifax Banking Co., Capital $500,000. Win Pryor, president; WM Harrington, vice president; Brentou H Collins, P Carterel Hill, John Stairs, Thomas Bayne, Robie Uniacke, directors. Bank of Nova Scotia, Capital $1,000,000. JJ McLean, president, John Doull, .vice-president; D Cronan, Jas Donaldson, J J Bremncr, S A White, AM Uniacke, directors. Union Bank of Halifax, Capital £250,000. Jas A Moren, president; J Gibson, E Smith, W P West, W J Stairs, R Boak, junr, M P Black. Merchants Bank of Halifax, Capital $1,000,000. T E Kenny, president; Hon J Northup, vice-president; M Dwyer, J Taylor, Jbs Wier, T Abbott, J Butler. Peoples’ Bank of Halifax, Capital $600,000. v G II Starr, president; Hon Jas Cochran, W J Coleman, N L West, P Power, R W Fraser, C H M Black, directors. Bank of Yarmouth, Capital $300,000. L E Baker, president; Hugh Cann, C E Brown, J W Moody, directors. Commercial Bank of Windsor, Capital $200,000 G P Payzant, president; W Dimoclt, B D Fraser, E W Dimock, A P Shand. Exchange Bank of Yarmouth, Capital $300,000. J C Robins, president; G B Doane, J R Kinney, J H lvillam, B Killam, Aaron Goudy, AF Stoneman, directors. Bank of Liverpool, Capital $200,000. Jas F Forbes, M P, president; S Freeman, junr, J W Barss, T Rees, J Innis, directors. Pictou Bank, Capital $500,000. John Crerar, president; R P Grant, vice-president; W Gordon, J R Noonan, R Doull, J A Grant, directors. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. 105 PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Seat of Government. — Fredericton. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. His Honor the Honorable Samuel Leonard Tilley, C B ; Lieut-Col John Saunders, Private Secretary and Provincial Aide-de-Camp, Capt. A. F. Street, Aide-de-Camp. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon John J Fraser, Provincial Secretary and Receiver General. “ R Young, President of the Council. “ George E King, Attorney-General. “ Benjamin R Stephenson, Surveyor-General. “ William M Kelly, Chief Commissioner Board of Works. “ J H Crawford. “ A McQueen. • “ Edward Willis. “ Edward Perley. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon John S Saunders . Counties. Name. P. 0 . Address, Albert . ... Hun J Lewis . Carleton . C Perley . Carleton . CV., Toronto , 6-v., &y., To which we confidently invite inspection, as we sell at a small advance on mill prices, and keep a full assortment always on hand. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing. SHOOLBRED & CO., 49, Sparks Street, BUY YOUE TEA - FROM - The Ottawa Tea Company, ©4, SipeirK-s (Street, OTTAWA. Ffegf * Satisfaction Guaranteed or MONEY REFUNDED, Sign of the TEA CHEST. * hh /I O ‘ Date Rec’d. Agent Invoice Date Fund Notify Send to Presented Exchange Material binding Binder Invoice Date Cost 0^1 ei nises, finally V, pre- McGILL university library routine slip ■^OW PRICES POP. CASS, large assortment of Day Books, Led ^f 01 made frop «» » " d °< periov TI ' ovlemansh ip- Merchants and others will find it to their dvantage to give me a call . sV OTTAWA, ONT, | CALDWELL & Co., - Managers. Belting, <8!xe$, wtf, Bkdkiijg, w Boilers, Oils, Injectors , Pumps, fyc.