,', •v.t m * UMa^S?.'' . • ' . f _ — „„, — r Ijpl ( III *". -If."! i ' ' THE PLEASING IHST^UCTO i«HI ■*•* ^r- *•*- <0+<&4f -jr» J» #^< BIRMINGHAM: Printed by S. Bloomer, No. 5S, Edfibaston Street * •/ »« . •• ' ■*. ** t ,i-z^l * * * 4 ; ■ :<- HolyBiW'e book divine, ,. Precious treasure thou art mine* Mine t<» chide when ! rove, Mine to toll the Saviour's loves, Mine to tell of joys to come, Awd the rebel sinner s -doom :. : O, thou precious hook dmne s . Precious treasure thou art mm®. •^^ 4 .«•' •■: " Why do you tie that bough to a stump?** I said to th££g*irdener one day, "Fdcvit, S^^^id hfy M because I wish it#to grow straight, and If I do not keep it bent this way for some time, it will grow crooked." This remind- ed* we of what King Solomon lays, " Train up a child in tlifs w#, « He sins securely, *»** lo ° ly the children who betimes Efave loarn'd to lenow the lord % Who through hU grace escape the crimes Forbidden in his word. ; Stettltf they be early hence re- movd, He #ilf their sonJs receive : Wot tfiost* who Jesus here frave lov'd, With him shall ever live. ■ia mm II <> '~*S>- jfw? """""irfrm^T ¥ "*Tgr Are they not of wisdom void, Those who saunter enemploy'd, Young or old who foolish play Their important time away. Sloth is the accursed root, Whence ten thousand evil $ shoot EvVy vice, and cvWy Kin, May with Idleness begin. & wmm 10 Here t* a rose, but there arc BOiue thorns close to ir that prick- ed Susan '» finder when she ga- thered it. Remember, my dear, that ihincp which appear very pleasant often bring as sadtreablev ittfeMfc H*s rfiiniii* m r mill - "- 1 11 -3* *&% ' r There are ro,any pretty histories in the Bible, thai about Ruth is one: she was kind to her mother- in-law, and would not forsake her, and 1 am sr.re Kuth never was sorry that she had been so kind and attentive. 12 O ^^^^ •^* How tmu! ft' is of God to make those pretty cows that they may find as Pood. When 1 take" my milk F win ihink of the groat God who is so goo;! to bs little children. In some pari? of the world there arc a great many cows that are so wild, tli.it instead of standing still tto be milked, they would atlac-k and hurt anv body thai eame near them. 13 — — ~&.j<£ — - 1MB i I \ • Here is a ship. The good men who fust preached the % -os p«r in England came in a ship; and, of late years, ^ great n)any good men have n-one from England in ships to preach the gospel to other nations, where they could not o except in ships. t - 14 Children our kind protection claim And Go«§ will well approve, When infante leani to iisp his name, And their creator love. Pelightful work ! young souls to win. And turn the rising race FK>m the deceitful paths of sin, To seek redeeming grace* 15 # Here is a tree quite full of bio* soms, but perhaps they will all fail off, and bye and bye there will be no fruit on the tree. Sometimes litfl« boys and girls appear to be very good children, aud very pro- mising, but after all they do not turn out well. Pray that God may enable you to bring forth good fruit' to his glory, i i S>\e hi > jv i ! j .0 Li H i o j ),!i sy Ji <\nu>v6 tluf lwirvi^t 4mars, While sumantf hists, in all her&elk Her winter food she si ores. 1 n ycmihfai days spk grace diy# ', For youth of life's the prinu:;, JSry.si is ih'H season far our work, And this til\ accepted time. 8 * „~* HWMPt i nmw p wy pw wmi.