(Established Vpwa>ds of Two Cey,tun,s Ago!) A SU31MONS fob all LOVERS OF THE TURF AND GOOD OLD ENGLISH SPORTS. “l SUMMON YB FROM SILENCE AND FROM SHADE! AIR,—*‘ Blue Bonnets over the Border” COME! COME! — be stirring, ye Sporting Boys! Hither be moving — here show us your faces ; Come ! Come ! nor want any courting, Boys, Never desert famed old TIPTBEE BACES ! But ever remember, pray. When again 'tis St. James’s Day, — (Though full often the weather did prove hut so-so)— What joys you did owe to them. When we used to go to them. In the days of their glory, “a long ago !’’ ^ POMKl COME! Come from your mansions, ye ’Squires and ye Ladies ! Come, each good Yeoman— each Mary and John ! Come to the Heath, in your best, on those gay days. And partake of the pleasures still offer’d thereon ! There, while nothing perplexes. Is e’er found for both sexes, — All ages— all fancies — of joys such a store \ That the wish still increases — (As Pats say in their leases) — That old TIPTBEE may flourish “for ever amd more! I * COME! COMB! JULY, 1841. London; Printed bjf Henry Jackson, Maiden Lane, Soho,