RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE ROYAL INFIRMARY OF EDINBURGH, WITH APPENDIX CONTAINING Charter of f8e QRogaf 3nffrmarg, 1736, AND Zfyt <£&tn8uro$ (Rogaf 3nftrmarg @lcf, 1870. EDINBURGH : PRINTED AT THE DARIEN PRESS, BRISTO PLACE. 1897. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE ROYAL INFIRMARY OF EDINBURGH, WITH APPENDIX CONTAINING Charter of tbe IRopal 3nftrmars, 1730, AND Cbe Ebinburob 1Ro\>al 3nfirmar\> Bet, IS70. EDINBURGH : PRINTED AT THE DARIEN PRESS, BRISTO PLACE. PAGE INDEX. I. Rules and Regulations of the Royal Infirmary. 1. Superintendent ... 2. Physicians and Surgeons • 3. Dental Surgeons . 4. Assistant Physicians • 5. Assistant Surgeons . 6. Regulations as to Ward VI. . 7. Regulations as to Observation, Erysipelas, and Con valescent Wards • 8. Resident Physicians and Surgeons . 9. Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks IO Do. Do. in the Medical Waiting-Room 1 1 . Admission of Patients 12. Infectious Disease . 13. Tutorial Instruction .... 14. Post-Mortem Examinations 15. Medico-Legal Inquiries and Reports 16. Pathologists • 17. Medical and Surgical Registrars 18. Treasurer and Clerk 19. Chaplain and his Assistants 20. Dispenser . 21. Steward . 22. Registrar . 23. Cutler . 24. Lady Superintendent of Nurses 25. Nurses . 26. Ward master • 27. Head Porter • 28. Under Porters • 29. Patients . • 30. Visitors . 31. Entertainments . • • • 32. Students . II. Convalescent House, Corstorphine III. General Rules • APPENDIX. Charter of the Royal Infirmary, 1736 The Edinburgh Royal Infirmary Act, 1870 . 4 6 6 8 8 10 11 15 15 16 18 19 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 30 3i 3i 33 37 38 39 43 44 45 45 48 5 1 53 59 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF (Rogaf of dSbtnfiurjfk Superintendent. i. The Superintendent shall have the- chief authority in the Infirmary and Convalescent House, and to him all questions regarding their internal arrangements shall be in the first instance referred. He shall be the medium of communication between the Medical and Surgical Staff and the General Board of Managers and Committees thereof. He shall be responsible to the Board, and more immediately to the House Committee, for the good order and government of the household affairs, in accordance with Regulations now in force, or such as shall be issued by the Managers irom time to time. He shall exercise a general superintendence over the whole establishment, and see that the duties of all resident in the House are properly fulfilled. The Superintendent shall not be absent for more than one day without the knowledge and consent of the Chairman of the House Committee, or in his absence of one of the Members of that Committee. 2. He shall be in attendance at the Infirmary from io to 3 daily (Sundays and holidays excepted). He shall each day visit a certain portion of the Wards and Administrative Departments, thus making a visitation of the whole Infirmary at least once a week He shall visit the Tutorial Classes from time to time, to see that the Regulations of the Managers regarding them are strictly attended to. He shall be in his Office daily from 1 1 a.m. till 130 PM He shall occasionally visit the Infirmary at night and on Sundays. He shall visit the Residents’ Quarters, and he is recommended to dine occasionally with the Resident Phy- sicians and Surgeons. 3. He shall have power to suspend the Resident Physicians and Surgeons, Non-Resident Clinical Clerks, and Resident salaried Officials, for any insubordination or improper conduct, or any 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS. infraction of the Regulations. In the case of the Resident Phy- sicians andSurgeons, he shall forthwith intimate the suspension, and the reasons therefor, to the Physicians or Surgeons to whom such Residents are attached. He shall report to the next meet- ing of the Board any persons suspended, and the reasons for suspension. He shall hire and give orders to, and dismiss at his discretion, all the Male Servants. He shall also report all such illnesses of Officials or Servants, and all such irregularities or improprieties in the conduct of any of the Officials, Patients, or other persons as he may consider of sufficient importance to communicate. 4. He shall submit to the Board on the second Mondays of April and October a half-yearly Report on the state of the House, and on the efficiency of the various departments. He shall from time to time submit to the Board a memorandum of any repairs or alterations in the fabric and pertinents which he may consider necessary, a certain discretion being allowed him to make repairs without authority in cases of urgency. Generally, he shall make such observations and suggestions as he may think conducive to the efficiency and economical management of the Establishment. 5. He shall see that all out-patients in the Waiting-Rooms are promptly and properly attended to, and he may require from the Resident Physician or Surgeon in waiting a report on all out- patients who are found not to have been attended to before 2 p.m. He shall, when necessary, himself decide as to the admission or rejection of cases. 6. After receiving from the Resident Physicians and Surgeons and Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks a note of all special cases requiring removal, he shall provide for such removal accordingly, and no such patient shall be removed without the knowledge of the Superintendent. 7. After receiving in writing from the Physician or Surgeon in charge intimation of any case of sudden or unexpected death, he shall forthwith officially notify such death to the Procurator- Fiscal of the county, and to the relafives or friends of the de- ceased. 8. He shall report to the Board any deaths which may take place under anaesthetics in the Hospital. 9. He shall take a general superintendence of all articles required for the House, and shall periodically take the instructions SUPERINTENDENT. 3 of the Board as to obtaining tenders for the supply of such articles, which tenders shall be submitted to the Board for their considera- tion. io. He shall see that the supplies contracted for are regularly sent in, and that such supplies are of approved quality. it. He shall initial the various Requisition Forms for the supply of special articles. He shall from time to time satisfy himself that the food is properly cooked and served in the dif- ferent departments. 12. He shall also, by examination of the books kept by the House Steward, satisfy himself that supplies received are properly accounted for. He shall also satisfy himself that there is neither waste nor extravagance in the use of any supplies. 13. He shall see that the Dispenser keeps a proper supply of Medicines, of good quality, for the use of the House, and that the Dispenser is attentive to his duties, and duly accounts for the drugs under his charge. 14. He shall countersign all accounts for work done before transmitting them to the 1 reasurer for payment. 15. He shall, at the beginning of each year, see that the Registrars make out Lists showing the number of patients in the House at the end of the preceding year, and the number admitted during that year. These Lists shall distinguish between males and females, and between medical and surgical cases ; they shall show how many patients have died, and how many have been discharged during the year ; and as regards those discharged, they shall indicate whether they were discharged cured or re- lieved, or by desire of the patients themselves, or as improper, irregular, or incurable cases ; and they shall show the number of patients remaining in the House at the end of the year. He shall also see that all other Lists and Statistical Tables which shall be ordered by the Managers are prepared, and that the statistics required for the Annual Report are kept in such a state of for- wardness that the tables may easily be completed at the end of the year. He shall, along with the Treasurer, prepare the draft of the Annual Report to be submitted to the Managers. 16. He shall attend the Meetings of the Board, and also Committees thereof when desired, and he shall conduct, or be responsible for all necessary correspondence, except so far as this falls within the Treasurer and Clerk’s Department, and he shall 4 RULES AND REGULATIONS. see that the instructions and wishes of the Managers are carried into effect. 17. He is authorised to call on the various Officials, not only to furnish him with all Returns which he may require, but to keep him fully informed of everything of importance which occurs or which demands attention in their different Departments Physicians and Surgeons. 1. The Physicians and Surgeons shall be appointed for five years, with eligibility for reappointment at the discretion of the Managers for a second and for a third period of similar duration. The whole term of office shall not exceed fifteen years. 2. The duties of the Physicians and Surgeons shall be to take charge of the Wards entrusted to them by the Managers ; to be responsible for the care of the patients; and to give clinical instruction to the students, in accordance with the rules of the Managers and of the Medical Boards. 3. Each Physician and Surgeon respectively shall have the assistance of an Assistant Physician or Surgeon. 4. When any Physician or Surgeon or any Assistant Physician or Surgeon, having care of in-patients, is unable to take charge of his Ward or Wards, the Assistant Physician or Surgeon attached thereto shall, if requested, undertake the duties, unless special arrangements rendering this unnecessary have been made and approved by the Managers. 5. The Assistant Physicians and Surgeons (except the Senior Assistant Physician and the Senior Assistant Surgeon who have charge of the Wards set apart for the Women Students, and the Second Assistant Surgeon who has charge of the Lock Wards), shall be associated with the Physicians and Surgeons respectively, according to order of seniority ; but in the event of any two •Physicians, or two Surgeons, and their Assistants agreeing to an exchange of the services of the latter, such agreement may be given effect to by the Managers. 6. Any Physician or Surgeon desiring to have special courses, for the elementary instruction of Students, conducted by Assistants, must first obtain the sanction of the Managers to the same. The Teachers conducting such courses shall, as such, have no right to interfere with the treatment of patients. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 5 7. The Physicians and Surgeons, in conjunction with the Assistant Physicians and Surgeons, shall annually, before the end of June, submit to the Superintendent a statement of the arrange- ments they propose to make for attending the Infirmary during the autumn months. This statement shall be laid before the Managers, and the proposed arrangements shall be subject to their approval. 8. The Physicians and Surgeons shall, at the end of their term of office, be entitled to remove the Ward Journals kept by them, if they so desire ; but the Managers retain the right to call for the production of these at any time, within two years thereafter. The Operation Books shall be accurately kept by the respective Surgeons, and they shall always be retained by the Managers. 9. The Physicians and Surgeons shall direct the gentlemen who are appointed to be their Resident Medical and Surgical Officers, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks, to report themselves on appointment to the Superintendent, without whose sanction the said Officers shall not come into residence or enter upon their duties. 10. When a Physician or Surgeon appoints, for any cause, a substitute during the absence of his Resident, or Special Non- Resident Clinical Clerk, he shall intimate the appointment to the Superintendent, for the information of the Managers, and shall also instruct the said substitute to report himself to the Superintendent. 11. The Physicians and Surgeons shall be careful that no Student be permitted to undertake the duties of Clerk or Dresser in the Wards under their charge who is not in possession of an Infirmary Ticket for the period current; they shall also, as far as possible, prevent any one from participating in the Clinical instructions of the Wards who does not possess such a ticket. 12. All Certificates of Attendance at Clinical Tectures, Post- Mortem Examinations, Clerking and Dressing in the Royal Infirmary, shall, after preparation and signature by the respective Officers, be transmitted to the Treasurer and Clerk for his counter-signature, and no Certificate shall be valid without the same. These counter-signed Certificates will be distributed by the Treasurer and Clerk to Students on presentation of their Hospital Ticket, or Tickets, current for the period covered by said Certificates. 1 3. The services of Physicians and Surgeons who have long 6 RULES AND REGULATIONS. and faithfully served the Institution may be recognised by honorary appointments. Note. — In these Regulations the terms “Physicians and Surgeons 5 include Professors having Wards in the Infirmary, excepting under that portion of Rule No. i limiting the term of office to fifteen years. Dental Surgeons. 1. One or more Dental Surgeons, who must be Licentiates in Dental Surgery, shall be attached to the Staff of the Royal Infirmary. 2. The Dental Surgeons shall be appointed annually. The whole term of office shall not exceed fifteen years. 3. The duties of the Dental Surgeons shall be the treatment of persons employed in the Infirmary and patients. One of them shall attend at the ordinary visiting hour of the Physicians and Surgeons, on Wednesday in each week, or on such other day as may be fixed. 4. In addition to the treatment of patients who can be sent to the Dental Room, the Dental Surgeons shall be ready, on their day of attendance, to meet any of the Physicians or Surgeons in consultation in any Ward where their attendance is required ; and, should any special or extra arrangements for an operation be necessary, the Dental Surgeons shall ascertain the day and hour fixed for this purpose, and shall attend accordingly. 5. The Dental Surgeons may arrange for giving instruction to students holding Infirmary Tickets, but they shall limit such instruction to their own subject, and shall charge no fee for such instruction, without the sanction of the Managers. 6. In the event of being unavoidably prevented from attending on the ordinary day and hour of their visit, the Dental Surgeons shall give intimation to the Superintendent, in order that such arrangements may be made as shall be necessary. 7. The Dental Surgeons shall attend the Infirmary at the request of any of the Physicians or Surgeons, should they consider the exceptional circumstances of any case such as to render the services of the Dental Surgeons urgently necessary. Assistant Physicians. 1. The ordinary Assistant Physicians and those connected with Special Departments shall be appointed for five years, with ASSISTANT PHYSICIANS. 7 eligibility for reappointment at the discretion of the Managers for one or more like periods. 2. One Assistant Physician shall be associated with each Physician. 3. The Assistant Physicians shall render to the Physicians with whom they are associated such assistance as the Physicians may desire, and unless special arrangements have been made with the approval of the Managers, they shall, in the absence of the Physicians, take charge of the Wards and of the clinical teaching therein. 4. The duties of the Medical Waiting-Room shall be performed by the Assistant Physicians on the receiving days of the Physicians to whose Wards they are respectively attached. The hour of attendance shall be, Sundays excepted, eleven o’clock. 5. The Assistant Physician on duty shall send all the most urgent cases suitable for admission to the Wards of the 1 hysician whose waiting day it is, leaving it to the Physician to select those cases which are to be admitted to his Wards, lhe total number of cases so selected, however, shall not exceed the number of beds returned as vacant for the day. 6. In the event of the duties of any of the Assistant Physicians being unduly augmented by any temporary cause, arrangements may°be made by him, with his colleagues, for relief from his duties in the Waiting-Room. Any such arrangement shall be com- municated by him to the Superintendent, and reported to the Managers. 7. In the event of any Assistant Physician being prevented from attending to his duties, he shall immediately communicate with the Superintendent, who shall make such arrangements as may be necessary, reporting them to the Managers at their next meeting. 8. The Assistant Physicians shall be ready to take charge of any Medical Wards when required to do so by the Managers. 9. The Senior Assistant Physician shall have charge of the Medical Wards set apart for the Clinical Instruction of Women Students. 10. The Second Assistant Physician shall have charge of Ward VI. 11. The Junior Assistant Physician and Junior Assistant Surgeon shall, in rotation, twice a week, select the most suitable 8 * RULES AND REGULATIONS. cases for filling up vacancies at the Convalescent House from those recommended for admission. Assistant Surgeons. 1. The ordinary Assistant Surgeons and those connected with Special Departments shall be appointed for five years, with eligi- bility for reappointment at the discretion of the Managers for one or more like periods. 2. One Assistant Surgeon shall be associated with each Surgeon. 3. The Assistant Surgeons shall render to the Surgeons with whom they are associated such assistance as the Surgeons may desire, and unless special arrangements have been made with the approval of the Managers, they shall, in the absence of the Surgeons, take charge of the Wards and of the clinical teaching therein. 4. The Senior Assistant Surgeon shall have charge of the Surgical Wards set apart for the Clinical Instruction of Women Students. 5. The Second Assistant Surgeon shall have charge of the Male and Female Lock Wards. 6. Each of the remaining Assistant Surgeons shall be specially associated with one of the Surgeons, and shall be in attendance daily at the hour of visit to render him such assistance as he may require ; but, when not required by the Surgeon with whom he is specially associated, his services shall be at the disposal of any of the other Surgeons. 7. The Junior Assistant Surgeon and Junior Assistant Phy- sician shall in rotation, twice a week, select the most suitable cases for filling up vacancies at the Convalescent House from those recommended for admission. 8. In the event of an Assistant Surgeon being prevented from attending to his duties, he shall immediately communicate with the Superintendent, who shall make such arrangements as may be necessary, reporting them to the Managers at then* next meeting. 9. The Assistant Surgeons shall be ready to take charge of any Surgical Wards when required to do so by the Managers. Regulations as to Ward VI. 1. I his Ward, and the adjoining Apartments, shall be reserved for the reception of patients who, from nervous excitement or REGULATIONS AS TO WARD VI. 9 delirium, disturb the patients in the other Wards of the House ; and also for cases of poisoning, and other emergencies, which might prove the cause of disturbance. So soon as this condition has passed, those patients who had been transferred from other Wards shall be removed, without delay, to the Ward of the Physician or Surgeon under whose charge they had previously been. Requisition for removal shall be made by the Assistant Physician in charge of the Ward. 2. No case of insanity shall be admitted unless the patient is the subject of injury, or has become insane while resident in the Infirmary, and patients so admitted shall be removed as soon as possible consistently with due regard to their safety. 3. When any patient, thus exceptionally admitted, is con- sidered capable of being removed, intimation to that effect shall be sent to the Superintendent, who shall see that he is sent to an Asylum, or otherwise removed from the Hospital without delay. 4. The Second Assistant Physician shall have charge of the patients in this Ward, with the exceptions indicated below. 5. All medical cases admitted into Ward VI. from the W aiting- Room, except cases of poisoning, shall at once be placed under the care of the Assistant Physician and Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk in charge of the Ward; but in the latter s absence, and until he has seen the case, the Resident Physician on duty for the day shall be responsible for the treatment of any case of emergency requiring immediate attention. 6. All cases of poisoning, or suspected poisoning, admitted to the Royal Infirmary, shall be under the care of the Assistant Physician in charge of this Ward, and of the Resident Physician on duty on the day of admission, and such Resident Physician shall communicate with the said Assistant Physician in all cases of urgency and difficulty. 7. All Medical cases admitted into this Ward from other Wards of the Infirmary, shall be placed under the care of the Assistant Physician and the Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk of the Ward, unless it be the expressed wish of the Physician from whose Wards they are removed that he desires to retain charge of the patient under his own care. 8. All Surgical cases admitted from the Surgical Wards or Surgical Waiting-Room shall be placed under the care of the Surgeon from whose Wards, or during whose Waiting Day, they were admitted. IO RULES AND REGULATIONS. Observation, Erysipelas, and Convalescent Wards. 1. The accommodation supplied by these Wards shall be strictly reserved for patients already under treatment in the Infirmary. No case from the outside shall be admitted to them. 2. The Observation Wards shall be used, not for the treatment of disease, but for the temporary reception of cases of suspected infectious disease, in which the diagnosis may not be thoroughly clear. 3. Should symptoms arise, pointing to the possibility of the disease proving to be of an infectious character, the patient shall be removed to the Observation Wards. 4- So soon as no reasonable doubt exists, that the disease is of an infectious character, the patient shall be removed without delay to the City Hospital. 5. Immediately on its being ascertained that the case is not one of an infectious nature, the patient shall be sent back to the Ward whence he was provisionally removed. 6. I he Erysipelas Wards shall be reserved for the treatment of patients suffering from this disease, which has developed while they were under treatment in the Infirmary. 7. The Observation Wards shall be under the charge of the Third Assistant Physician. , , 8 ' The Erysipelas Wards shall be under the charge of the Third Assistant Surgeon. 9. When a patient, sent from a Surgical Ward to the Erysipelas Wards, has completely recovered, from the attack of Erysipelas, but requires further surgical treatment, the Assistant Surgeon in charge shall intimate to the Surgeon, by whom the patient had been previously treated, that he will, on the day following, be transferred to the Convalescent Ward (No. 34). 10. The Surgeon, on receiving this intimation, shall be pre- pared to resume charge of the patient on his arrival in Ward No. 34. n. Before leaving the Erysipelas Wards, the patient shall, when his state permits, have a disinfecting bath. His clothing having been thoroughly disinfected, the patient shall at once dress, and be removed to Ward No. 34 without delay. 12. On admission into Ward No. 34, the Nurse shall remove every article of clothing, and send it to be again exposed in the Disinfecting Chamber, after which it shall be stored until required by the patient. RESIDENT PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. I 1 13. Each patient shall be retained for ten days in Ward No. 34, by the end of which time, should he require further treatment, he shall be received into the Ward of the Surgeon originally in charge of the case. 14. Under no pretext whatever shall any case of infectious disease, or of suspected infectious disease, be sent to Ward No. 34. Resident Physicians and Surgeons. General Rules. r. No one shall be eligible for the office of Resident Physician or Surgeon who is not a duly Registered Practitioner. 2. The appointment of the Resident Physicians and Surgeons shall be made by the Managers on the recommendation of the Physicians and Surgeons. They shall, on appointment, report themselves personally to the Superintendent, and shall not take up their residence in the House until they have done so. 3. Each Resident Physician and Surgeon shall be responsible to the Physician or Surgeon under whom he acts, for the treat- ment and professional care of all patients under his charge. 4. The Resident Physicians and Surgeons shall be responsible for the proper performance by their several Clerks or Dressers of the duties assigned to them, giving them the needful instruction and assistance, being careful not to call upon them to perform any duty independently, until satisfied that they possess the re- quisite knowledge and skill. 5. They shall be responsible for the regular recording of all the cases under their care, and shall superintend the Clerks in noting the cases committed to them ; indicating to them, when necessary, the method of making observations, and the special points requiring notice. 6. They shall give all necessary directions to the Nurses, and shall assure themselves by personal observation, not only that these directions are carried out, but that the wants of the patients are carefully attended to. 7. In order to avoid, so far as possible, the risk of mistakes in the performance of the duty of night nursing, they shall at their evening visit give special directions for the guidance of Night Nurses in particular cases. 8. They shall be responsible to the Superintendent for the discipline and general conduct of their Wards, and of all the Rooms attached to these. 12 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 9. They shall not permit any Student or other person, unless specially appointed, or present by express direction of the Physi- cian or Surgeon, or themselves, to remain in the Wards or Rooms attached after the conclusion of the day’s visit. They shall, in all matters connected with the Wards under their charge, enforce the regulations contained in the “ Syllabus for the Use of Students in the Royal Infirmary.” 10. They shall retain in their possession, and be responsible for, such instruments and appliances as may be assigned for use in their several Wards, receiving and returning an inventory of the same on assuming and retiring from office, and noting all additions to the stock during their term of office ; they shall also enjoin on their Dressers and Clerks the utmost care in the pre- servation of instruments, and scrupulous attention to cleaning them immediately after use. 11. d hey shall have under their special supervision all poisonous drugs used in their Wards, whether for therapeutic or for scientific purposes, and shall see that the Nurse keeps them separate from the other medicines, and under lock and key. They shall be careful that all special orders for the administration of Poisonous Medicines by the Nurses be given in writing. 12. They shall see that the out-patient books are accurately kept. 13. When on duty during the Waiting Day of their Senior Officer, or when in charge of serious cases, they shall not leave the Infirmary without arranging with another Resident Officer, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, for the performance of their duty during their absence, and intimating the arrangement to the Superintendent. 14. When on duty they shall attend the Waiting-Room during the admission of patients, or see that a clerk attends, and shall at any hour receive all cases of accident and emergency, and they shall show the greatest courtesy and kindness to all applicants, whether admitted or not. T 5 * They shall also immediately respond to any summons to visit patients already in the House, whether under their own special charge or not. 16. They shall, before 11 a . m . each morning, and again before 11 p . m . each night, visit all the Wards under their charge, and assure themselves that the Nurses are attending to their duties. 17. Before 10 a . m . of the morning following their Waiting Day, the Resident Surgeons shall enter in the Casualty Book kept RESIDENT PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. x 3 for the information of the Police, a note of every accident brought under their observation during the twenty-four hours they were in waiting. 1 8. In all important cases of accident or emergency, the Resident Physician or Surgeon shall at once inform the Physician or Surgeon, or Assistant Physician or Assistant Surgeon, in order that he may judge whether or not his attendance is required. 19. In every case of extreme emergency any Resident Physician or Surgeon (whether on duty or not) must give his assistance, without delay, on his being called to attend the case, until the Physician or Surgeon on duty arrives. 20. No Resident Physician or Surgeon shall perform any of the major operations, or practise treatment attended with special risk, except in cases of sudden emergency, when the services of a Surgeon or Assistant Surgeon cannot be obtained. 21. They shall not administer Chloroform or any general anesthetic except in the presence of another qualified medical man. 22. They shall exercise supervision over the conduct of the Nurses attached to their respective Wards, in regard not only to the performance of their more special duties, but also to their general behaviour and manner towards the patients; and they shall, without delay, report any neglect of duty, or rough or unseemly treatment towards a patient, to the Physician or Sur- geon, or, if necessary, to the Superintendent. 23. The printed regulations regarding the Dining-Room shall be strictly attended to. 24. They may in special cases permit patients who can assign a satisfactory reason to leave the Infirmary for a definite period, and shall provide them with passes to be shown to the Porter at the gate, after informing them that any patient who has not returned to the Ward at the end of the time specified, incurs the risk of dismissal. 25. Except in medico-legal cases, no fee shall be charged or accepted, by any member of the Resident Staff, for any certificate which may be granted by him in regard to any patient in the Institution. 26. All appointments of Resident Physicians and Surgeons shall run for periods of six months, from the 1st October in one year to the 31st March in the next, and from the 1st April to 30th September of the same year. 14 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 27. No Resident Physician or Surgeon shall be allowed, except by special permission of the Managers, to remain resident in the House longer than twelve months, six of which shall be spent in the Medical, and six in the Surgical Department. 28. No Resident Physician or Surgeon shall vacate his appoint- ment without giving notice in writing to the Superintendent of his intention to do so, at least fourteen days before the date of his leaving, except in cases of great emergency, or with the per- mission of the Superintendent. Special Rules. 1. No entertainment shall be held by the Residents in their Quarters or in any part of the Infirmary without the consent of the Managers. 2. I he Residency Dining-Room shall be opened at 6 a.m., and closed at 12 midnight. 3. No loud music or noise shall be allowed in the Residency at any time, and no music whatever after 1 1 p . m . 4. Residents shall be held responsible for the conduct of their guests while within the precincts of the Infirmary. 5. No one excepting Residents shall remain in the Residency after 1 1.30 p . m ., unless he be required for special duty in connec- tion with Infirmary work. 6. Each Resident in regular rotation shall act for a week at a time as Mess-President. During his term of duty he shall be the medium of communication between the Superintendent and the Residents on all affairs relating to the Residency, and shall be responsible for the maintenance of order. A Roster of all Residents in alphabetical order shall be prepared at the beginning ot each term. During the first week the first on the Roster shall be President, and the second Vice-President. The Vice-President shall be President during the week following, and this order shall continue in rotation throughout the whole term. In the absence at any time of the President, the Vice-President shall take his place and his responsibility. Every Monday morning the names of the President and the Vice-President for the week shall be posted up in the Dining-Room. 7. Every Resident, before going on duty, shall be introduced to the Managers of the Infirmary by the Superintendent; shall receive intimation of his appointment from the Chairman of the SPECIAL NON-RESIDENT CLINICAL CLERKS. 1 5 Board ; and shall subscribe the above six Rules in token that he accepts his appointment under the same. Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks. 1. A Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk (who must be a duly registered practitioner) may be appointed by the Managers, on the recommendation of any Physician or Surgeon who is not provided with a Resident Physician or Surgeon, or who, owing to the amount of work in his Ward, requires additional assistance. 2. The appointment shall remain in force for six months, but may be renewed by the Managers for a further period of six months, should such renewal be considered advisable. 3. Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks shall perform the duties of Resident Physicians or Surgeons, and shall be subject to the Regulations applicable to them, so far as compatible with non-residence in the Infirmary. They shall, on appointment, report themselves personally to the Superintendent. 4. In the event of a Physician or Surgeon to whom a Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk has been appointed, being unable, from any cause, to take charge of his Wards, the Special Non- Resident Clinical Clerk shall not be allowed to take his place, but a substitute shall be chosen from the ordinary staff. Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks in the Medical Waiting-Room. 1. No one shall be eligible for the appointment of Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk in the Medical Waiting-Room who is not a duly registered Practitioner. 2. One such Clerk for each Assistant Physician shall be appointed by the Managers on the recommendation of the Assistant Physician with whom he is to be associated. 3. The appointment shall remain in force for six months, but may be renewed by the Managers for a further period of six months, should such renewal be considered desirable. 4. The said Clerks shall be in attendance at the Medical Waiting-Room at n a.m., on the days when the Assistant Physicians to whom they are attached attend, and shall remain, if necessary, until the cases of all Patients in waiting have been considered. i6 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 5. They shall be under the immediate direction of the Assistant Physician on duty, and shall render, as instructed by the latter, such assistance as may be required. 6. They shall, under instructions from the Superintendent, take charge of the ordinary duties of the Waiting-Room when required. 7. They shall, on emergency, during the unexpected absence of the Assistant Physician of the day, take charge of the ordinary duties of the Waiting-Room. Admission of Patients. 1. In the case of the Medical Hospital, one of the Assistant Physicians and his Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk shall attend in the Waiting-Room at n a.m., and in the case of the Surgical Hospital the Surgeon or his Assistant Surgeon and a Clinical Clerk shall similarly attend, and admit such cases as may be judged to require Hospital treatment. 2. Should the Officer in charge not admit an applicant bear- ing a special recommendation for admission, either on account of unsuitability of the case or want of accommodation, he shall intimate the circumstances to the person to whom the recom- mendation is addressed, in order that the latter may communicate these to the author of it. 3. Should there be any doubt as to the propriety of admitting a case coming from a distance, the Superintendent shall be con- sulted on the matter. 4. ' A return of the number of beds vacant in the different Wards shall be placed in the Waiting-Rooms before the hour of admission. 5. The Admitting Officer shall first fill the beds vacant in the Wards of the Physician or Surgeon whose Waiting Day it may be, with such cases as may be selected by the Physician or Surgeon, and after the Junior Ordinary Physician has had the option of selecting patients for vacancies in his Wards, shall apportion any remaining cases to the vacant beds in the other Wards, beginning with those of the Physician or Surgeon whose Waiting Day has most recently passed. 6. No case urgently requiring immediate Hospital treatment shall ever be refused admission on account of want of accommo- dation. Under such circumstances the Head Porter shall be ADMISSION OF PATIENTS. T 7 instructed to prepare temporary accommodation in one of the Waiting-Rooms, and to report the case to the Superintendent. Cases brought in by the Police shall, unless obviously unsuitable, be always admitted. 7. No bed in excess of the number allotted to any Ward shall be occupied until all the vacant beds in the other Wards of the Department (be it Medical or Surgical) are filled. Should it be impossible to avoid having an excess of patients in any Ward beyond the number assigned to it, intimation of the circumstances of the case shall be made to the Superintendent, and no patient shall be admitted into that Ward until the excess has disappeared. 8. Two adult patients shall in no case be placed in one bed. Each patient must have a separate bed, with this exception, that two children, under twelve years of age, may occupy one bed. No boy over seven years of age shall be treated in a Ward for females. 9. If a Resident Physician or Surgeon or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk should find it necessary to detain for the opinion of his Principal a case brought in by the Police, and should deem it desirable that the case should be watched, he shall apply to the Lieutenant of Police on duty at the Head Office, requesting him to detail an Officer to remain with the patient until the opinion of the Principal Physician or Surgeon is obtained. 10. Should a patient ask for a particular Physician or Surgeon, or be recommended to his care, he shall be at once sent to the Ward of that Physician or Surgeon. 11. Cases of emergency brought to the Infirmary at other times than during the Waiting-Room hours, shall be attended to, and admitted, if necessary, by the Resident Physician or Surgeon or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk on duty. All cases about the gravity of which he may entertain any doubt, especially if brought in by the Police, shall be retained for the consideration of the Physician or Surgeon whose Waiting Day it may be. 12. No patient who has been sent from the Head Police Office shall be removed until he has been examined by the Visiting Physician or Surgeon. 13. In order that as little delay as possible may take place in the Waiting-Room, all patients who obviously require admission shall be at once sent up to the Wards without waiting until all the applicants have been examined. • B i8 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 14. Chronic cases, and cases of a hopeless character, not likely to be benefited by treatment, shall not be admitted into a Ward, provided that there be no risk of injury thereby to the patient. Such cases, if they come from the country, shall be admitted to the Ward of the Physician or Surgeon of the day, the patient being warned at the time that he must be prepared to return home after resting for a day or so, or so soon as friends can make the necessary arrangements for his removal, always provided that there shall be no chance of death, or of the disease assuming a graver aspect as the result of the removal of the patient. 15. Convicts brought in from H.M.’s Prison shall be taken to Ward VI., and be placed, as far as possible, in separate rooms apart from the other patients. Should a convict be sent in requir- ing surgical treatment, he shall be admitted by the Surgeon for the day, and remain under his charge in .Ward VI., or, should he prefer it, in his own side Ward, if not occupied, until dismissal. Convict medical patients shall be treated by the Assistant Physician in charge of Ward VI. Infectious Disease. 1. The Medical Officer, to whom a patient suffering from infectious disease applies, shall without delay communicate with the Medical Officer of Health for the City, Police Chambers, and request that the appropriate conveyance be forthwith sent to the Infirmary for the patient, and shall also, so soon as possible, report the case to the Superintendent. JV.B . — In the event of the patient applying between the hours of Eight o’clock p.m. and Ten o’clock a.m., the Medical Officer shall address his message to the “ Lieutenant on Duty, Police Chambers,” instead of to the Medical Officer of Health. 2. The Medical Officer shall, if the case be one of Smallpox, immediately withdraw all the other patients from the Waiting- Room. 3. The Medical Officer shall, if the case be one of Infectious Disease, other than Smallpox, cause the patient to be removed to another room, immediately after the Diagnosis has been made. 4. The Superintendent shall, so soon as the patient has been removed, cause the Waiting-Room to be thoroughly disinfected and closed for twelve hours, should the case be one of Smallpox. POST-MORTEM EXAMINATIONS. 5. The Superintendent shall, when the case is one of In- fectious Disease other than Smallpox, cause all the doors and windows of the Room to which the patient has been removed to be set open for twelve hours before it is again used, in order to secure thorough purification of the air. Tutorial Instruction in the Infirmary. 1. The Clinical Physicians and Surgeons may, with the exception aftermentioned, appoint Tutors to give instructions to Students attending their Classes : and they shall be responsible to the Managers that no injury or inconvenience is thereby occasioned to the patients. 2. Tutorial Instruction in the Wards devoted to the special diseases of Women shall be imparted only by the Physicians or Assistant Physicians in charge. 3. Clinical Tutors shall be appointed for one year, with eligibility for reappointment, but no Tutor shall hold office longer than five years. 4. No Tutor shall be permitted to enter upon his duties until his appointment has been formally approved by the Managers. 5. No Tutor shall be allowed to charge a fee from Students. Post-Mortem Examinations. t. A list shall be made out containing the names of all the Physicians and Surgeons, arranged according to seniority of service in the Infirmary, and the Post-Mortem Examinations shall be made in the order corresponding to this list, provided the Physician or Surgeon, whose patient is about to be examined, be present. 2. Should it be necessary, in order to suit the convenience of friends, or for any other reason, that a body be removed earlier than usual, such body shall be examined first, although it may cause a deviation from the order prescribed by the first Regulation. 3. No body shall be opened without consent of the friends of the deceased, if accessible, and the approval of the Physician or Surgeon who attended the case. 4. No unclaimed body shall be examined without the consent of one at least of the Medical Managers, given, at the written request of the Physician or Surgeon who attended the deceased, mentioning the special reasons for desiring an Examination, and the parts of the body which it is wished to examine. 20 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 5. Such Examinations shall take place publicly, in Medical cases, from n a.m. to 1 p.m., and in Surgical cases at 1 p.m., unless the friends of the deceased require them to be made privately, or at a different hour. 6. The Resident or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk of the Examining Physician or Surgeon shall also intimate the Ex- amination to the Head Porter, in sufficient time to have the body conveyed to the Theatre at the hour appointed ; and to have a notification of the hour posted in the usual places in the Medical and Surgical Hospitals. 7. When an Examination is completed, the body shall be neatly sewed up by the Porter in attendance, and immediately conveyed to the Mortuary. The Porter shall then summon the Nurse told off for this duty to clean and dress the body, and it shall remain under the charge of the Head Porter till the time of interment. 8. No one except the members of the Medical and Surgical Staff, and their Assistants, shall have the right of standing in the area of the Theatre while the Examination is proceeding. 9. All Examinations, whether in the Inspection Theatre, or of material sent from the Wards, shall be made and reported on by the Pathologist on duty for the day. 10. Half of each of the extra rooms shall be set apart for each Pathologist ; but the Pathologist on duty shall have full authority (under the Physician or Surgeon in whose charge the deceased had been) in the Theatre, and shall also have the use of all instruments and apparatus during the time he is conducting the Examination in the Theatre, and for the more minute examination afterwards. Medico-Legal Inquiries and Reports. 1. In all cases of serious assault admitted into the Wards, when symptoms implying danger to life appear, intimation shall at once be sent by the Resident Physician or Surgeon, or Special Non- Resident Clerk in charge, to the Procurator-Fiscal for the County, and to the Superintendent. 2. All Members of the Staff and Infirmary Officials shall courteously receive Officers of the Law sent to make inquiry with regard to patients, and all persons coming on behalf of the Crown or of any accused person, and shall give them the fullest informa- tion in their power. MEDICO-LEGAL INQUIRIES AND REPORTS. 2 1 3. In civil cases, when an Examination of a patient by a medical man, other than the Physician or Surgeon in charge of the case or his Resident or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, shall be desired, an application setting forth the reason why this Examina- tion is required, and certifying that it is either at the instance or with the consent of the patient, must first be submitted to the Superintendent, who, should he see no reasonable objection, may sanction the Examination provided that the said Physician or Surgeon or his Resident or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk be satisfied that there is no risk of injury being caused to the patient by such Examination ; that the Examination be strictly professional, and made in the presence of the said Physician or Surgeon, or his Resident or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk ; and that dressings be not removed for the purpose of such Examination, except with the sanction of such Physician or Surgeon; and that the Examination shall not extend beyond such periods, and shall be made at such hour as shall be fixed by the said Physician or Surgeon or his Resident or Special Non- Resident Clinical Clerk. 4. All reasonable facilities shall be given for the precognition of any patient, consistent with due regard to the condition and health of the patient; but no precognition shall be permitted without the sanction of the Physician or Surgeon in charge of the Ward, or of his Assistant or Resident. 5. In all cases where persons who have been admitted, suffer- ing from injuries attributable either to accident or violence, are believed to be dying, but are at the same time capable of making a deposition, information shall be sent by the Resident Physician or Surgeon or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk to the Pro- curator-Fiscal for the County, in order that an opportunity may be afforded for taking the dying deposition of the patient. 6. Post-Mortem Examinations required by the Criminal Authorities shall be made in such manner and by such persons as these Authorities may direct ; but when the Examination is made by others than the Infirmary Officials, the Physician or Surgeon in charge of the case during life, his Resident, or Special Non- Resident Clinical Clerk, and the Infirmary Pathologist, or, in the case of a body dead when brought into the Infirmary, the Patho- logist, shall be entitled to be present, unless excluded by order of the Sheriff or Magistrate directing the Examination. 7. Physicians and Surgeons shall communicate in writing to the Superintendent, without loss of time, every case of sudden or 22 RULES AND REGULATIONS. unexpected death occurring among the patients under their care, from causes other than natural. 8. The Superintendent shall officially notify all such deaths to the Procurator-Fiscal for the County. Pathologists. 1. Two Pathologists shall be elected annually, with eligibility for reappointment at the discretion of the Managers. 2. Both Pathologists shall attend daily, except on Sundays, when no attendance is required, and on Saturdays, when the attendance of one of them will be sufficient. 3 - I hey shall alternately, month by month, undertake the autopsies from the Medical and Surgical Hospitals, or for such periods as may be most convenient to themselves. 4. They shall perform all Examinations under the direction of the Physician or Surgeon in whose charge the deceased had been at death, and shall examine the different parts of the body in the order and manner which the Physician or Surgeon may indicate. They shall not commence an Examination without being satisfied that the consent of the friends of the deceased has been obtained; or, if the body be unclaimed, they must first have in their possession the written permission of one at least of the Medical Managers. They must specially take care that the body be not unnecessarily disfigured, and that no part be examined except that which is expressly indicated by the Physician or Surgeon in charge of the case. They shall see that the area of the Theatre is kept clear ; and shall permit no one except the Physician or Surgeon directing the Examination to handle their instruments, or to interfere with them in the performance of their duties. 5 * 1 hey shall be lesponsible for the manner in wilich the bodies are dressed after the completion of the Examination, and shall take care that no time be lost in removing the bodies to the Mortuary. 6 . The necessary instruments for performing the Examinations shall be placed at their disposal, and they shall be responsible for the manner in which they are kept. 7. They shall write in the Registers of Dissections kept for that purpose a full account of the naked-eye appearances, and, where necessary, of the microscopic appearances found after death in each case examined ; and shall also insert in these MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REGISTRARS. 23 Registers a full abstract of the history of each case as supplied to them. These Registers shall be laid before the Managers at their Weekly Meetings. The current Registers of Dissections shall be under their care, and they shall be accountable to the Managers for their safe keeping. 8. Two Registers of Dissections shall be kept for the tran- scription of the full reports from the Journals. A complete index shall be kept in each volume of the contents of both, in order that the cases may be the more readily referred to. On the com- pletion of each Register, it shall be handed to the Chaplain of the Infirmary for safe keeping. 9. They shall (unless otherwise directed by the Physician or Surgeon who had charge of the case) demonstrate to the Students the Morbid Anatomy of the parts under observation, in the Inspection Room, and instruct them in the method of making Examinations. 10. It shall be their duty to inscribe in a special book to be kept by them the names of Students desiring Certificates of Attendance at post-mortem Examinations, and to ascertain their attendance by calling a roll thirteen times during the session. Before entering the names, they shall see that each Student is provided with an Infirmary Ticket for the current period, and they shall forward all Certificates of Attendance to the Treasurer and Clerk for counter- signature, in accordance with Rule n on page 26. 11. They shall not be entitled to take fees from Students for attendance at Examinations, or for their demonstrations, or for granting Certificates of Attendance. 12. They shall not have the care of patients in the Infirmary. 13. In the absence of either Pathologist the other shall take the whole duty until the return of his colleague. Should both be absent, the one last on duty shall, before absenting himself, communicate with the Superintendent, who shall make such arrangements as he may consider desirable, and report them to the Managers at their next meeting. Medical and Surgical Registrars. 1. The Medical and Surgical Registrars shall be fully qualified medical practitioners, and shall be elected annually ; but they shall be eligible for re-election. 2. They shall keep records of all the patients admitted into the Infirmary, noting the disease, any special treatment, and the 24 RULES AND REGULATIONS. result of each case. They shall see that the disease is correctly reported, following the terminology published by the Royal College of Physicians of London so far as possible. They shall also obtain records of the number of out-patients attending during the year, and shall see that these records are correctly made. 3. They shall tabulate the Infirmary statistics at the end of each hospital year. Treasurer and Clerk. I. In his capacity as Treasurer — 1. He shall receive all moneys accruing to the Infirmary, grant receipts and sign discharges for the same, and make all payments as they fall due. In particular, he shall see that all Rents and Interests, Legacies, Donations, and Subscriptions are accounted for; that all Taxes and Charges affecting the Properties belonging to the Institution are paid ; and that all periodical payments connected with the Establishment are duly made. 2. He shall keep the general Books of Account of the Insti- tution, which shall consist of Cash Book, Day Book, Disbursement Book, Wages Book, Hospital Fees Book, Convalescent House Cash Book, and such subsidiary books as are necessary. In particular, he shall keep — (a.) A Stock Book, showing the whole estate of the Institution, and how the same is invested, and the balance on this book shall agree with the total of the Stock Account in the Annual Printed Accounts. (A) A Rental Book of all the property belonging to the Institution, in which shall also be entered all divi- dends and interests on investments belonging to the Institution, the amount of which shall form a charge against the Treasurer. (c.) A Subscriptions Book, the amount of which shall also form a charge against the Treasurer. (I.) A Register of all Leases granted, and of the particulars thereof. (e.) A Register of all Legacies and Donations of Capital made to the Institution. 3. He shall take charge of the collection of subscriptions in Town and Country ; and shall arrange for the visitation of such places in the Country as may seem advisable. TREASURER AND CLERK. 2 5 4. He shall pay all salaries and wages, and all accounts for supplies and furnishings to, or repairs upon, the House, but only on production of the Pay Books kept and certified by the Lady Superintendent of Nurses, House Steward, or other Heads of Departments ; and all accounts certified by the Superintendent or other responsible officials, or when instructed by the Board, by the Finance Committee, or by the House Committee. 5. He shall prepare all states and tables which the Managers, or Committees of the Managers, shall require. More particularly — (a.) He shall once every quarter submit, to the House Committee, a statement of the receipts and pay- ments for the preceding quarter, and a list of sums receivable in arrear. (A) He shall prepare the States of Accounts to be sub- mitted to the Auditor, branching the same in a distinct manner, so as to give clear and accurate information to the Managers and to the Public. 6. He shall, as often as necessary, obtain access from the Law Agents to all Deeds belonging to the Institution, so that he may satisfy himself as to the amounts of capital and income receivable under these Deeds, which, however, shall always, except for tem- porary purposes, remain in the hands of the Law Agents. 7. He shall issue Hospital Tickets to Students, receiving payment for the same in accordance with the Scale of Fees authorised by the Managers. 8. He shall take charge of such money, or articles of value, as patients may have in their possession when admitted, granting a receipt for the same. 9. He shall receive all payments on account of the Nurses’ Fund, and make all the payments therefrom which the Managers may authorise. II. In his capacity as Clerk — 10. He shall attend all meetings of the Corporation, and of the Managers, and any Meetings of Committee at which his presence may be required : he shall write the Minutes of such Meetings, and shall have the custody of the Minute Books of the Corporation, of the Managers, and of the various Committees of the Managers. He shall issue the billets summoning Meetings of Committees, and special Meetings of the whole Board of Managers. 26 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 11. He shall register the Hospital attendances of the Students monthly in accordance with the rule relating thereto, and shall furnish Certificates for the same when so desired. He shall also countersign all Certificates for attendance at Clinical Lectures, Post-Mortem Examinations, Clerking and Dressing in the Hospital, as prepared and handed to him by the respective Officers, and shall thereafter issue them to the Students on production of their Hospital Tickets for the period covered thereby. 12. He shall give the Managers two months’ notice of any vacancy about to take place in the Medical or Surgical Staff. He shall keep lists of the Resident Physicians and Surgeons, of the Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks, and of the Medical and Surgical Tutors. Prior to the expiry of the period for which the Resident Physicians and Surgeons, Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks, and Clinical tutors were appointed, he shall give intima- tion to the Members of the Staff to whom these Officers are attached that such appointments are about to terminate. 13. In the month of October of each year he shall arrange for making the Annual Collection in aid of the Funds of the Royal Infirmary in the Churches of the City of Edinburgh and its Vicinity. 14. Early in December of each year, he shall notify to the various Public Bodies who send representatives to the Board of Managers, that they are required to elect a Manager or Managers to the Royal Infirmary, and remind them that the elections must be intimated to him previous to the end of the month. 15. He shall make arrangements for the Annual Meeting of the Corporation, to be held on the first Monday of January, and for the election at that meeting of six Managers by the General Court of Contributors. 16. His office hours shall be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Sundays and holidays excepted) — Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and in addition to the specific duties enumerated above, he shall take such part in the general correspondence connected with the Infirmary as may be required of him. Chaplain and his Assistants. 1. The Chaplain shall open the Weekly Meeting of the Managers with prayer ; and shall be ready to discharge such other duties as may be required of him, either by the Managers or any Committee of their number. DISPENSER. 27 2. He shall visit as many of the Wards between 10 and 11.30 a.m., and 3 and 5 p.m., as time and the arrangements of the Physicians and Surgeons will permit, and endeavour to have all the Wards of the Infirmary visited by himself, or his Assistant, twice a week. 3. At these visits a brief service, consisting of Scripture read- ing (with suitable comment, if convenient) and prayer, shall, if possible, be conducted in each Ward, and where there is no objection made, the sick shall be ministered to individually, as circumstances admit, and their cases require. 4. He shall conduct Worship, or see that it be conducted, in the Chapel every Sunday afternoon or evening, and shall take charge of the week evening Religious Service in the Chapel. The Sunday afternoon or evening service shall not exceed one hour, and the week evening service shall not exceed 45 minutes. 5. He shall, under the supervision of the Chaplain-and-Library Committee, take charge of the Library, and shall see that books from it are duly supplied to the Wards, and changed at least once every quarter, and that the magazines supplied for the special use of the Nurses are circulated, as nearly as possible, on the first day of the month. 6. He shall, under the directions of the Chaplain-and-Library Committee, allocate the Visitors to the different Wards, and keep a regular list of their names. He shall also take charge of the Bibles and other religious Books which are the property of the Infirmary, and shall see that these are properly cared for, and fairly distributed through the Wards. 7. The Chaplain and Assistant Chaplain shall enter their visits daily in the Chaplain’s journal, and the journal shall be laid weekly before the Board of Managers, lhe Lady Teacher shall also keep a journal, which shall be laid monthly on the Managers’ table. The Chaplain shall report every half-year on the conduct of the work in his department, with such remarks or suggestions, bearing on it, as he may think desirable. 8. He shall not be absent from his duties without leave of the Superintendent. Dispenser. 1. The Dispenser shall possess a legal qualification to practise Pharmacy ; shall have the sole charge of the Laboratory , and shall be responsible for the whole duties of the Department. 28 RULES AND REGULATIONS. He shall be assisted by a Resident Assistant Dispenser, who must also possess a legal pharmaceutical qualification. 2. The Dispenser, or the Assistant Dispenser, shall be always on duty, and both shall never be absent from the Infirmary at the same time. The Dispenser on duty, when not in the Laboratory, shall leave intimation on the door of the Dispensary where he may be found. 3. The hours for Dispensing shall be from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, from 2.30 to 4 p.m., and from 8 to 9 p.m. The Dispenser or the Assistant shall always be in the Laboratory during the hours of Dispensing, supervising the making up of all Medicines dispensed. From 10 a.m. to 12 noon, the Medicines to be renewed shall be dispensed. The Prescription and Wine Books shall be received in the Laboratory from the various Wards from noon until 1.30 p.m., and the Medicines ordered by the Physicians and Surgeons being prepared, they, together with the Wine, Dressings, and Surgical Appliances ordered, shall be issued at 4 p.m. From 8 to 9 p.m. the Medicines ordered by the Resident Physicians and Surgeons shall be prepared, and shall be issued at 9 p.m. The Dispenser on duty shall attend, at once, to all urgent orders during the day or night. 4. The Dispenser shall (when practicable), on the first Monday in each month, prepare reports of the quantities of Surgical Dressings, Wines, Spirits, Malt Liquors, and Aerated Waters supplied to each Ward during the previous month. 5. The Dispenser shall issue, subject to the approval of the Superintendent, quarterly orders for Drugs, Surgical Dressings, and other necessary articles, to the various wholesale houses supplying the Institution ; but before doing so he shall satisfy himself by an examination of the stock on hand, that these are really required. He shall forward to the Instrument makers all orders received in the Laboratory for Surgical Appliances from the various Wards, should the same have received the Superin- tendents approval. He shall be particularly careful to see that all the Books connected with the different branches of his depart- ment are systematically and accurately kept. Steward. 1. ihe Steward shall take care of the Provisions, Coals, and Stores, and see that full supplies are provided and kept up ; and when special goods are required, he shall order the same, subject to the approval of the Superintendent. STEWARD. 29 2. He shall check the quantities and qualities of the various articles as they are received, and see that they correspond with the contracts. He shall also check the accounts when rendered, and see that the prices conform to contract. 3. He shall keep the Dietary Books of the Infirmary, and enter therein the diets prescribed by the Physicians and Surgeons. From these Books he shall make out, daily, a schedule for his guidance in giving out supplies for the Wards. He shall keep an account of the principal articles of food supplied to each Ward, and shall prepare a return, to be laid before the Board of Managers at their second meeting in each month, showing the consumption of each, per Ward and per Bed, during the month preceding. 4. He shall keep accurate accounts of everything received into Store, and delivered to the Servants for the use of the House ; and shall take care that his books at all times show what is on hand. c He shall not deliver, or suffer to be delivered, any of the articles under his control to any of the Officers or Servants of the Institution for their own use, or take any such articles for his own use or benefit, except such allowance as may be authorised by the Managers, or House Committee. 6. He shall be careful that the Provisions for the patients are good, clean, and wholesome ; and he shall be present in the Kitchen, daily, to see that they are properly cooked and served, according to the scale of diet prescribed by the Medical Atten- dants. He shall take special care that the strictest economy is observed in everything under his charge. 7 . He shall see that the meals of the Resident Officers of the House are punctually and properly served. 8. He shall have under his charge all Stationery required for the Wards, and shall give it out under orders from the Resident Physicians and Surgeons, and Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerks. Each Ward shall be provided with a Pass Book, in which all orders for Stationery shall be entered and initialed. 9 . In the months of May and October he shall, in conjunc- tion with the Lady Superintendent, make an inventory of all the Blankets, Bedding, and Napery then in use, and in the Stores. An inventory of all the Furniture shall be similarly taken once a year. 10. He shall keep the Time and Pay Books of the Porters, I 3 ° RULES AND REGULATIONS. and shall hand them to the Treasurer for payment of the amounts weekly or monthly, as may be arranged. ii. He shall devote his whole time to the service of the Infirmary, and shall not be absent without the knowledge and approval of the Superintendent. Registrar. The duties of the Registrar shall be — 1. To receive the daily returns of admissions, discharges, deaths, transfers, and other facts regarding the patients ; to check these, in order to ascertain their correctness, and to make up therefrom the daily returns. 2. To enter the admissions as indicated in the General Register of Patients. 3. To receive and check the Cards of patients discharged, and to enter the details required in the General Register. 4. To index daily the names of patients. 5. To ascertain the residences of patients by parishes in Scot- land, and classify them accordingly ; and, in like manner, their occupations. 6. To receive returns of intended operations, and to give notice of the same as directed by the Superintendent. 7 * To submit to the Superintendent a weekly return of patients in Hospital. 8. I o furnish a monthly report of these returns, contrasting it with the daily averages of the corresponding period of the previous year. 9. To arrange for the discharge and escort of military and naval patients, and at the end of each month, to furnish the treasurer and Clerk with a return of the number of days such patients have been in Hospital. 10. lo report to the Treasurer and Clerk the admissions and discharges of patients chargeable on their parishes, and the number of days each patient has resided in Hospital ; he shall also arrange for the removal of such patients on their discharge. 11. To prepare the non-professional portion of the Reports of patients who have been upwards of forty days in Hospital, and transmit these to the Physicians and Surgeons in charge of Wards for completion and signature. * m LADY SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES. 3 1 12. To perform such clerical work as the Superintendent may require of him. 13. To be in attendance from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sundays excepted. Cutler. 1. The Cutler shall have charge of the Central Instrument and Splint Rooms. He shall be responsible for the custody, condi- tion, and issue of their contents. 2. He shall maintain in proper condition and shall repair, as required, the Instruments and Surgical Appliances belonging to the Infirmary, and make such as can be made on the premises. 3. He shall prepare, and keep up to date, lists of the Instru- ments and Surgical appliances under his charge, for the infor- mation of the several Physicians and Surgeons. 4. His hours shall be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, with an interval of an hour for dinner. Under ordinary circumstances attendance on Sundays will not be required. 5. He shall issue on loan, on the written requisition of Resident Physicians and Surgeons, or Special Non-Resident Clerks, any Instruments that may be in the Central Instrument Room, and bring to the notice of the Superintendent any undue delay that may take place in their return. 6. At night, and at other times when temporarily absent, he shall leave the keys of the Central Instrument and Splint Rooms with the Head Porter during the day, and with the Surgical Night Porter during the night, who will similarly make necessary issues therefrom, and report the same to the Cutler on his return. Lady Superintendent of Nurses. 1. The Lady Superintendent of Nurses shall reside in the House. She shall not absent herself without intimation to the Superintendent, and, if for more than one day, without the per- mission of the Chairman of the House Committee, or, in his absence, another Member of that Committee. 2. She shall be Mistress of the Household, and as such shall be a subordinate Official to the Superintendent. She shall be responsible to the Superintendent for the good order and govern- ment of the household affairs, in accordance with the Regulations now issued, or such as issued by the Managers from time to time. 3 2 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 3. She, either personally or by deputy, shall visit all the Wards and whole House, and inspect the Pantries, Kitchens, Store Rooms, Servants’ Rooms, Washing Houses, &c., at least once every day, and shall carefully examine the state of the Wards, and see that they are kept scrupulously clean, and that the Nurses are attentive to their duties. She shall be particularly careful to see that the Bedding of the patients is kept in a clean and serviceable state, and see that the Stores given out are properly used. She shall enforce the strictest economy in regard to everything under her charge. 4. She shall keep a book, wherein she shall insert in due order the names of all persons recommended as Nurses or Female Servants, stating such particulars regarding their character as she may have learned, together with the names of the persons by whom they have been recommended. 5. She shall, subject to the approval of the Superintendent, engage, promote, and suspend the Nurses and Probationers, and hire, promote, suspend, and dismiss the Female Servants. No Nurse or. Probationer who has been finally accepted for service or training shall be dismissed except by the Board of Managers on report made by the House Committee after consultation with the Superintendent, the Lady Superintendent of Nurses, and the Physician or Surgeon to whose Ward the Nurse or Probationer is attached. 6. She shall keep the Time and Pay Books of all the Nurses and Female Servants of the Infirmary, and shall hand them to the Treasurer, who shall pay the amounts weekly, monthly, or quarterly, as may be arranged. 7. All the Napery, Blankets, Furniture, and Utensils of the Infirmary, which are not under the charge of the House Steward, shall be under her charge ; and she shall see that these are kept clean and in good repair ; and especially that the Laundry is efficiently conducted. 8. She shall take special care that no Napery, Blankets, or Bed Linen be laid aside as useless, until they have been thoroughly examined by her. 9. In the months of May and October she shall, in con- junction with the Steward, make an Inventory of all the Blankets, Bedding, and Napery then in use and in the Stores, which she shall sign, and submit, through the Superintendent, to the next Meeting of the House Committee. An Inventory of all the Furniture shall be similarly taken once a year. NURSES. 33 io. She shall communicate any irregularities or improprieties which she may observe, in any part of the House, to the Super- intendent. n. She shall see that female patients assist in such house- work as is certified by the Medical Attendants to be not pre- judicial to their health. 12. She shall from time to time, in addition to her other duties, visit the Convalescent House, in order to see that the domestic arrangements there are satisfactory. 13. She may occasionally entertain a personal friend as a resident visitor. 14. She may, on obtaining the permission of the Managers, receive, as resident visitors, for brief periods, ladies connected with Hospitals and Nursing Associations, and other ladies having special claims for consideration, who are desirous of seeing the working of the Nursing System. Nurses. 1. The Nurses shall be under the authority of the Lady Superintendent of Nurses, and shall, subject to the approval of the Superintendent, be engaged, promoted, and suspended by her. 2. All Nurses shall have time to attend Divine service once on Sunday. 3. All Nurses shall see their friends only when off duty. 4. The Nurses shall be neat and tidy in their persons, punctual and orderly in their habits, and regular in conduct. 5. The Nurses’ rooms shall be strictly private. 6. The Nurses shall treat the patients with kindness and attention, and assist them in every way as they require, and maintain order and quietness in their Wards. 7. The Nurses shall take care that patients who are able to go about are not allowed to wear the jackets provided for use in bed ; that they are not permitted to lie down in bed with their clothes on ; and that none be allowed to smoke tobacco except at the specified hours. 8. Immediately on the admission of a patient, the Nurse shall make out an Inventory of his clothes and other effects, and shall deliver a copy of the same to the patient. Clothing which has not been thoroughly washed or otherwise cleansed, shall in no c 34 RULES AND REGULATIONS. case be placed in the lockers. When money or articles of value are found among a patient’s effects, the Nurse shall on no account take charge of them, but shall, without delay, hand them over to the Treasurer and Clerk, who shall give her a receipt therefor. 9. In the event of patients, or their friends, desiring to show their appreciation of kindness received, by gifts or otherwise to benefit any Ward, the Nurse shall conduct them to the Treasurer, with whom arrangements in accordance with their desire may be made, subject to the approval of the House Committee. to. The Nurses shall themselves avoid, and endeavour to prevent on the part of others, all extravagance and waste in food, fuel, lights, surgical appliances, and dressings, and all other articles used in the Wards. 11. When a patient is discharged, the bedding shall be exposed to the outer air, and, when necessary, shall be repaired or renewed ; or, if advisable, it shall be removed to the disinfecting chamber, the Nurse giving intimation to the Porter to that effect. In the case of patients who have laboured under any disorder of an infectious nature, or where they have been afflicted with sup- purating wounds or other discharges, the entire bedding of such patients shall in every case be at once removed to the disinfect- ing chamber. 12. They shall see that a Bible is placed on the table at the bedside of every patient, that the books supplied by the Chaplain to the Wards are duly cared for and safely returned to him. They shall give every encouragement and facility to patients, whose health permits, to attend Divine Service in the Chapel. They shall inform the Chaplain of the wish of any patient who specially desires to see him, and shall in every way in their power aid him in the discharge of his duties. 13. The Senior Nurses on duty shall read prayers in their respective Wards at 6 p.m. daily. 14. Between 8 and 10 a.m. the Nurses shall bring all empty Medicine Bottles, Boxes for Powders, and other small articles, to the Laboratory, whence the requirements of the Wards will be complied with at 12 noon. Between noon and 1.30 p.m. the Order-Books for Wine, Aerated Water, Surgical Dressings, Surgical Appliances, and Prescriptions shall be taken to the Laboratory, from which they shall be sent out at 4 p.m. precisely. Urgent orders only shall be attended to between 4 and 8 p.m. At 8 p.m. the Order-Books shall be again received at the Laboratory, and the Medicines compounded and sent out. NURSES. 35 15. The Nurses shall immediately communicate with the Superintendent, Lady Superintendent of Nurses, Resident Phy- sician or Surgeon, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, when Visitors do not conduct themselves quietly and discreetly, or do not retire at the expiration of the time allowed for visiting. t 6. A Nurse under special circumstances may, but only with the sanction of the Lady Superintendent of Nurses, receive a resident visitor for a period not exceeding two days. 17. Head Nurses shall be on duty at 7.30 a.m. They shall have breakfast, lunch, tea, and supper in their own rooms, and shall dine in the Nurses’ Home at 2.30 p.m. They shall be in bed at 10.30 p.m., unless when granted late leave. They shall, subject to exigencies, have two hours off duty daily, a fixed holiday and half-holiday once a month, and five weeks’ holiday in the course of the year. 18. They shall see that all patients, on admission, are properly bathed, cleansed, and provided with clean linen, before being put to bed ; and that, where it is found to be necessary, their clothes are taken at once to the disinfecting chamber. They shall, on all occasions, enforce upon the patients the propriety and necessity of personal cleanliness, reporting to the Physician or Surgeon any wilful breach of this rule on the part of the patients. They shall see that the patients, who can do so, wash them- selves regularly, every morning, before the visit. Those who are unable to do so shall be carefully attended to by the Night Nurse. 19. They shall attentively note the state and symptoms of the patients, so as to be able to report them distinctly to the Physician or Surgeon. Should any threatening symptoms appear, they shall instantly give notice to the Resident Physician or Surgeon, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, of the Ward ; or, in his absence, to any Medical or Surgical Officer of the Hospital who may be found most readily. 20. The Head Nurses shall distribute the food as soon as it is brought from the kitchen, in strict conformity with the orders of the Physician or Surgeon, and pay special attention to helpless patients and children. They shall see that such as are unable to leave their beds shall have their meals served upon the bed-trays provided for that purpose ; and that neither food, nor dishes con- taining food, shall be laid down directly upon the patients’ beds. 21. On the death of a patient, the Nurse shall, without delay, deliver to the friends all clothes and other effects which belonged 36 RULES AND REGULATIONS. to the deceased, conformably to the Inventory made on the patient’s admission, and refer them to the Treasurer and Clerk for delivery of the' money or other articles of value which were handed to him. 22. The Nurses shall be responsible for the furniture, bed- clothes, utensils, and the whole of the articles in their respective Wards, according to the inventories furnished to them. In any case of loss they shall report immediately, and shall make it good, unless it is found to have arisen through no carelessness on their part, in which event the article will be replaced from the Linenry or Stores. They shall see that the linen is kept in good repair, that it is carefully counted over on being received from the Laundry, and that any discrepancy between their lists and returns is corrected without delay. They shall see that all patients who are able assist in Linenry work. 23. The Head Nurses shall see that every morning before 10 a . m . the beds are regularly made; that soiled clothes and dressings are tied up and ready for removal at 2 p . m . when the porter arrives to lift them ; that there is in the Ward a proper supply of all the necessary dressings and appliances ; that the Wards, Bath-Rooms, Side-Rooms, Day-Rooms, Closets, and Kitchens are kept scrupulously clean and thoroughly ventilated ; that all basins, sinks, utensils, and W.C.’s are carefully scoured every day ; and that no offensive matter shall, on any account, be allowed to accumulate. They shall fully instruct their Ward Maids in their duties, and shall be responsible for the regular and thorough performance of their work, reporting any inefficiency, neglect, or breach of rules to the Lady Superintendent of Nurses. They shall also be very specially careful that each of their sub- ordinates and patients are warned against putting old dressings or any refuse of any kind into the sinks or W.C.’s. 24. The Head Nurse in charge of the Medical Waiting-Room shall attend to the Mortuary, when the services of a Nurse are required in that Department. 25. The Head Nurses shall see that all poisons and external applications are strictly kept in their appointed places, under lock and key, and shall be held responsible for the carrying out of this rule by their subordinates. They shall send all appliances, water-beds, and splints, which are not in actual use, to the Dispensary and Splint Rooms respectively. 26. The Day and Night Nurses, when going off duty, shall WARDMASTER IN CHARGE OF MALE LOCK WARD. 37 communicate to those coming on all instructions relative to the administration of Medicine, or the treatment of the patients, given by the Physicians or Surgeons. 27. Assistant Day Nurses shall be in their Wards at 7 a.m. They shall dine in the Nurses’ Home at 2.30 or 3 p.m., alternate days, and shall take all meals there, unless in cases where their rooms are in the Pavilions. They shall be in bed at 10.30 p.m. They shall, subject to exigencies, have two hours off duty daily, a fixed holiday and half-holiday once a month, and four weeks’ holiday in the course of the year. 28. The Day Nurses on retiring from their Wards at night shall see that the temperature of the Wards is properly regulated so as to prevent over-heating and waste, and they shall see that the lights are turned down. The Night Nurses shall every morn- ing at daybreak extinguish the lights in their Wards, Bathrooms, &c., and adjoining passages. 29. Night Nurses shall rise at 7 p.m., breakfast at 7.30, attend prayers at 8, and be in their Wards at 8.30 p.m. They shall remain on duty till 8 a.m., dine at 8.30, and take exercise from 9 to n.30 a.m. They shall be in bed punctually at 12 noon. They shall, subject to exigencies, have one fixed holiday each month, and four weeks’ holiday in the course of the year. 30. Repeated infringement of the above Regulations will sub- ject the Nurse in fault to dismissal. Wardmaster in Charge of Male Lock Ward. 1. He shall maintain strict discipline, order, and quietness in the Ward. 2. He shall treat the patients with kindness and attention. 3. He shall enforce strict obedience to the orders of the Surgeon in charge ; see that all instructions regarding treatment are properly observed ; and himself administer all Medicines. 4. He shall require all patients (with the exception of those especially exempted by the Surgeon) to assist him in the general duties of the Ward, by undertaking the cleaning of the Ward, Side Rooms, Presses, Kitchen, and Passages ; the scouring daily of the Water-Closets and Night Chairs; and the washing of the Plates and Dishes, and other articles in use in the Ward. 5. He shall see that the Ward, Closets, and Passages are pro- perly ventilated, that soiled dressings are removed, and that no offensive matter is allowed to accumulate 38 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 6. He shall be particularly attentive to the state of the bedding, that it be kept clean, and be properly aired before being used. 7. He shall see that the patients wash themselves regularly in the basins provided for that purpose — attending himself to those unable to leave their beds — and shall take care that the baths prescribed by the Surgeon are regularly given. 8. In the event of patients being brought to the Infirmary in a dirty state, he shall see that they are properly bathed, cleansed, and provided with clean linen before being put to bed, and that their clothes are taken at once to the Disinfecting Chamber. 9. Immediately on the admission of a patient, he shall make out an Inventory of his Clothes and other effects, and shall deliver a copy to the patient — handing without delay to the Treasurer and Clerk all money and articles of value found among them, and from whom he shall obtain a receipt for the same. Clothing which has not been thoroughly washed or otherwise cleansed, shall in no case be placed in the lockers. 10. He shall be responsible for the Furniture, Bedclothes, Utensils, and all other articles in the Ward; and in the event of any loss he shall immediately report it to the House Steward. 1 1. He shall avoid, and endeavour to prevent all extravagance and waste in Food, Fuel, Lights, Surgical Appliances, and al other articles used in the Ward. He shall himself lower the fires at night, and extinguish the lights, as far as possible, in Ward, Rooms, and Passages. 12. He shall distribute the food so soon as it is brought from the kitchen, in strict conformity with the orders of the Surgeon. 13. He shall see that those patients who are unable to leave their beds have their meals served to them upon the bed-trays provided for that purpose. 14. He shall admit no Visitors without a Written Order from the Surgeon in charge. 15. When a patient is discharged, he shall cause the bedding to be sent to the disinfecting chamber, and all requisite repairs executed, before it is again used. 16. He shall himself faithfully observe all the general Rules and Regulations of the Institution, and shall enforce a strict observance of the same from those under his charge. Head Porter. 1. The Head Porter shall be over the other Porters, and see that they perform their several duties. UNDER PORTERS. 39 2. He shall have charge of the Main Entrance to the Infirmary, and shall be in attendance at all meetings of the Managers and of the Samaritan Society ; he shall be at the call of the Superin- tendent, and Treasurer and Clerk. 3. He shall have charge of the Mortuary, and of all arrange- ments connected with it. He shall be present at all removals of bodies for Burial, or for Examination in the Theatre. 4. He shall keep a Register of Deaths, containing the names, the dates of admission and death of patients ; the name, residence, and relationship of the person claiming the body ; and the name and address of the Undertaker. 5. He shall in every case, when possible, forward a printed notice to the relatives or friends, announcing the death of the deceased. 6. He shall have the Certificates of Death filled in by the Resident Physician or Surgeon, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, and shall forward them to the Registrar of the District. 7. He shall keep a List, alphabetically arranged, of all patients admitted, for the information of inquirers. 8. He shall visit the Waiting-Rooms daily, to see that all persons seeking assistance have been duly attended to. 9. He shall provide temporary accommodation in one of the Waiting-Rooms for all persons urgently requiring immediate Hospital treatment, for whom there are no vacant beds in the Wards. He shall report all such cases to the Superintendent. 10. He shall superintend the receiving and sorting, and assist in delivering all letters for persons in the Infirmary. 11. He shall be on duty from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; and in addition to his ordinary duties he shall be prepared to make himself generally useful. 12. When about to absent himself from the Infirmary from any cause, he shall inform the Medical Porter, in order that he may officiate for him in his absence. 13. He shall so arrange that he and the Medical Porter be off duty for half of each alternate Sunday, and occasionally in the evening when their services can be dispensed with. Under Porters. I. Medical Porter. 1. The Medical Porter shall be on duty according to Time- table. 40 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2. He shall assist in carrying coals to the Medical Wards, the Nurses’ Home, the Kitchen, and the Administrative Block generally. 3. He shall distribute the early letters to the Medical Wards. He shall take from the Nurse of each Ward the return of patients and empty beds, at the same time collecting the bedhead cards for Registration. 4. He shall distribute the letters in the afternoon as in the morning, and shall return the bedhead cards after they have been registered. 5. He shall have charge of the lights in the Corridors, Stairs, and Passages of the Medical House, the Underground Passage, the Residents’ Quarters, and the Nurses’ Home. 6. He shall officiate for the Head Porter during his absence at meals, or on special duty. 7. He shall be liable to be called upon at any hour of the night to look after delirious patients. 8. He shall attend to all messages of an urgent character in connection with the Medical Wards. 9. He shall assist in removing dead bodies from the Wards. 10. In addition to the above duties, he shall be prepared to make himself generally useful. II. Assistant Medical Porter. The Assistant Medical Porter shall be bound by the rules specified under “ Medical Porter,” and shall in addition perform the following duties, viz. : — 1. He shall remove from the Wards the clothes of patients which have to be sent to the Disinfecting Chamber for purifica- tion ; he shall return them when disinfected to the Wards. 2. He shall collect from the Wards all mattresses which have become soiled, and shall take them to the Upholsterer, receiving clean ones in return. 3.. He shall remove to the fumigating chamber all bedding and clothes which require fumigation. 4. He shall assist in the removal of bodies to and from the Pathological Theatre. 5. He shall, when not otherwise employed, assist the Upholsterer in teasing the hair of mattresses which require to be made up. ASSISTANT SURGICAL PORTER. 41 III. Surgical Porter. 1. The Surgical Porter shall be on duty according to Time- table. 2. He shall be in charge of the Surgical Waiting-Room ; at which either he, or his Assistant, must be in attendance during the day, and also at night when required. 3. He shall assist in the duties of the Splint Room as required. 4. He shall collect the reports relative to the admission and discharge of patients in the Surgical Wards, together with the bed- head cards for registration, and deliver the same to the Registrar before 11 a.m. 5. He shall collect from the Surgeons a list of all Operations to be performed on the following day, and deliver the same to the Registrar. 6. He shall take charge of the lights throughout the Corridors, Stairs, and Passages of the Surgical Hospital, alternately with the Assistant Porter. 7. He shall assist in removing dead bodies from the Wards. 8. He shall attend to all messages of an urgent character in connection with the Surgical Wards. 9. He shall keep a separate note of out-patients treated for alcoholism in the Surgical Waiting-Room. 10. In addition to the above duties, he shall be prepared to make himself generally useful. IV. Assistant Surgical Porter. 1. The Assistant Surgical Porter shall be on duty according to Time-table. 2. He shall assist in removing the bodies of patients who have died in the Surgical Wards. 3. He shall assist in carrying coals to the various Departments of the Surgical Hospital. 4. He shall assist in removing the patients to the Wards. He shall carry all clothes which need disinfection or fumigation to the Disinfecting Chamber, and return them when cleansed to the Wards. 5. He shall take charge of the lights throughout the Corridors, Stairs, and Passages of the Surgical Hospital, alternately with the Surgical Porter. 42 RULES AND REGULATIONS. 6. He shall attend to all cases of accident brought in during the night when required. 7. He shall officiate for the Surgical Porter during his absence on duty or by leave, and at other times when required. 8. In addition to the above duties, he shall be prepared to make himself generally useful. V. Night Surgical Porter. The Night Surgical Porter shall perform generally the duties of the Surgical Porter and his Assistant during the night, and shall during his turn of duty ask their assistance only when such is actually necessary. He shall be on duty according to Time- table. VI. Gate Porter. 1. The Gate Porter shall have charge of the entrance at the East Gate, through which patients, students, and visitors are admitted. He shall be on duty according to Time-table. 2. He shall perform all the duties connected with the Gate, viz., preventing visitors (unless specially permitted) from entering at irregular hours, seeing that no prohibited articles are introduced by visitors, and preventing the removal of anything belonging to the Infirmary. 3. He shall examine the passes of patients when they leave, and when they re-enter the Infirmary. 4. He shall note on the board provided for that purpose the arrival and departure of the Physicians and Surgeons, and shall direct patients and visitors to the Ward or Department they seek. 5. He shall keep a list, alphabetically arranged, of all patients admitted into the Infirmary, and of the Ward in which they are located, for the information of inquirers. 6. He shall keep the key of the Inward Letter-Box at the Gate, and shall be responsible for Registered and other Letters until he hands them over to those deputed to receive them for delivery. 7. In addition to the above duties, he shall be prepared to make himself generally useful. VII. Night Gate Porter. The Night Gate Porter shall be on duty according to Time- table. He shall perform as far as applicable through the night the duties prescribed for the Gate Porter. PATIENTS. 43 Patients. 1. All persons, by becoming patients in the Royal Infirmary, undertake to conform to the Rules and Regulations of the Establishment. 2. Patients, on admission, shall immediately hand over to the Head Nurse in charge of the Ward all money or valuables in their possession. The Nurse will deliver these to the Treasurer and Clerk, and give his receipt for the same to the patient. 3. All patients shall pay the strictest attention to personal cleanliness. 4. Patients shall strictly confine themselves to the diet prescribed. 5. Any person bringing food or liquor to a patient, without the written sanction of the Resident Physician or Surgeon, shall immediately be dismissed from the House, and shall not be per- mitted to revisit it. 6. Swearing and all improper language are strictly prohibited. 7. No smoking shall be allowed in the Wards, except at the specified hours. 8. Convalescent patients shall, so far as they are able, assist their fellow-patients, and also assist in the Ward duties. 9. Patients shall on no account whatever conceal, or place anything among the bedding, nor injure or destroy any of the property of the Infirmary. 10. Patients and their friends are prohibited from giving money or presents to any Officer, Nurse, Attendant, or other •official attached to the Infirmary. 11. Patients shall treat the Nurses with becoming respect, and give strict obedience to all directions they may receive from them. 12. The infraction of any of these Rules shall render a patient liable to dismissal, and to the loss of all further benefit from the Institution. 13. Patients who consider that they have any ground of com- plaint as to the treatment received by them while in the Infirmary, shall bring their grievance under the notice of the Superintendent before leaving the Infirmary ; otherwise such complaint will not be entertained. 44 RULES AND REGULATIONS. Visitors. I. Friends of Patients. 1. Each patient, on coming to the Infirmary, shall receive two tickets for the admission of friends, each admitting only one person at a time, but transferable. 2. Friends residing in Edinburgh and Leith, on presenting such tickets to the Porter at the East Gate, and to the Nurses in the Wards, shall be admitted on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, from 5 to 6 p.m. ; and on Sundays from 4 to 5 p.m. Country visitors shall, in addition, be admitted daily from 9 to 10 a.m. ; and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 3 to 4 p.m. On the removal of patients from the Infirmary, the tickets for friends shall be returned before leaving to the Gate Porter. 3. Friends of such patients as are dangerously ill, shall, on obtaining permission in writing from the Resident Physician or Surgeon, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, be admitted into the Infirmary at any hour, and remain so long as they are permitted. 4. Friends of patients are strictly prohibited from smoking in the Infirmary, and also from bringing into the Infirmary, for the use of patients, food or liquor of any description, or from inter- fering in any way with the management of the Infirmary. Persons desirous that certain articles of food should be given to a patient, shall leave them with the Nurse in charge of the Ward, accom- panied by a note, stating for whom they are intended, and their wishes will be complied with, if sanctioned by the Medical Officer. 5. No visitors are allowed to enter the Lock Wards, without the special permission of the Surgeon in charge. II. Clergymen. Clergymen, desiring to visit patients in the Infirmary, shall be admitted to the Wards at all reasonable hours ; but they are requested, so far as practicable, to make their visits between 2.30 and 5 p.m. III. Other Visitors. 1. Members of the Samaritan Society, and others, desirous of visiting the Infirmary for the purpose of conversing with patients on religious subjects, may obtain tickets of admission, on applica- tion to the Convener of the Chaplain’s Committee. STUDENTS. 45 2. These tickets, which must be exhibited to the Porter at the East Gate, and to the Nurses in the Wards, entitle the holders to visit such Wards as are fixed by the Committee, and specified on the tickets, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 3 to 4 p.m., or on Sundays from 3 to 3.30 p.m. 3. In the event of the visiting being discontinued or interrupted during the summer, or for any lengthened period, the tickets shall be returned to the Chaplain. 4. Visitors, on entering a Ward, are requested to inquire of the Nurse whether or not the condition of the patient is such as to render an interview inexpedient. 5. Visitors shall not prolong their visits so as to fatigue or in- convenience patients, and the hour for visiting must not in any case be exceeded. Those who visit the Wards on Sunday after- noons, for the purpose of singing or conducting services, shall be limited to half-an-hour, viz., 3 to 3.30 p.m. 6. Visitors are strictly prohibited from engaging in controversy, or making attempts to proselytise; and any Books or I racts, which it is desired to circulate or give to patients, shall be previously submitted to the Chaplain’s Committee for approval. 7. Visitors, when they meet with cases which they desire to bring specially under the notice of the Chaplain, are requested to do so in writing. 8. Visitors are particularly requested to regulate their visits in accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the Infirmary. 9. The Nurses are instructed to bring under the notice of the Chaplain any complaints, made by patients, as to any of the Visitors. Entertainments. The Kitchen-Concert, and the Annual Social Meetings of the Nurses and Servants, shall not be prolonged beyond 11 p.m. Ward Concerts shall be held only in empty Wards or Theatres ; and, in all cases, the consent of the Managers must be previously obtained. STUDENTS. General Rules. 1. Every Student visiting the Wards, Operating and Patho- logical Theatres, attending any Clinical Class in the Royal 46 RULES AND REGULATIONS. Infirmary, or acting as a Clerk or Dresser, must be in possession of a Hospital Ticket for the period during which he or she visits, attends, or acts. 2. Every Student shall produce his or her Hospital Ticket, when requested to do so, at the various Gates, Wards, Theatres, and Lecture Rooms in the Royal Infirmary. Any Student failing to comply with this Rule will be refused admission. 3. Hospital attendance shall be ascertained once in every month, by Students showing their Hospital Tickets, and leaving their Cards at the Treasurer and Clerk’s Office, when requested to do so by notices posted at the various entrances to, and throughout the corridors of the Infirmary. 4. The Infirmary Ticket of any Student, who may be guilty of misconduct, or of wilful inattention to the Regulations of the Institution, is liable to be forfeited at the discretion of the Managers. 5. No case of any patient shall be taken more than once by a Clerk. 6. No Clerk or Student shall be in a Ward for the purpose of case-taking after 8 p.m., the bedtime of the patients, except with the sanction of the Resident Physician, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, who may extend the time when necessary. 7. No Clerk or Student shall remain in a Ward during the time the patients are taking their meals, except with the sanction of the Resident Physician, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk. 8. No Dresser shall remain in a Ward during the time patients are taking their meals, nor after 8 p.m., the patients’ bedtime, except in cases of emergency, and by direction of the Resident Surgeon, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk. 9. Students, not Clerks or Dressers, shall attend the Infirmary only at the visiting hours of the Medical and Surgical Staff, and at the teaching hours of the Medical and Surgical Tutors. Special Rules for Male Students. Hospital Fees. 1. For Perpetual Ticket, in one payment - - jQ 12 o o „ Season Tickets — Annual - - - - - 660 Half-Yearly - . 440 Quarterly 220 Monthly 1 1 Q SPECIAL RULES FOR FEMALE STUDENTS. 47 Separate payments amounting to ^12. 12s. entitle the Student to a Perpetual Ticket, on return of previous Season Tickets. Tickets may be obtained at the Treasurer and Clerk’s office. 2. The Infirmary Ticket entitles the holder to attend the Medical and Surgical Practice, the ordinary Cliniques in the Wards, and the Demonstrations in the Special Departments in the Infirmary, at such hours, and under such conditions, as the Managers may from time to time determine, but does not entitle him to attend clinical lectures. 3. Students holding the Infirmary Ticket for the current session are eligible for the appointments of Clerk in the Medical Wards, and of Dresser or Clerk in the Surgical Wards. 4. Clerks are appointed in the Medical Wards by the Physi- cians in charge, under such conditions as may be deemed expedient. Applications should be made to the Resident Physi- cian, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, under whose immediate orders the Clerks are placed, who will assign to them their duties and give instruction in the performance of them. 5. Dressers and Clerks in the Surgical Wards are appointed by the Surgeons in charge, and placed under the immediate orders of the Resident Surgeon, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, who will assign to them their duties, and instruct them in the performance of them. Applications for the appointments should be made to the Resident Surgeon, or Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk. 6. Students whose services may be required to assist in the Pathological or other Special Department, will be selected, under such conditions as may from time to time be deemed expedient, by the Physicians or Surgeons in charge of the several depart- ments. Special Rules for Female Students. Hospital Fees. 1. For Tickets entitling to a Qualifying Course of Hospital Practice, in one payment £\2 o o For Season Tickets — Annual - - - - ~ ' 660 Half-Yearly 4 4 ° Quarterly - -- -- - 220 Monthly 1 o 4 8 RULES AND REGULATIONS. Separate payments amounting to ^12. 12s. entitle the Student to a Qualifying Ticket on return of previous Season Tickets. Tickets may be obtained at the Treasurer and Clerk’s Office. 2. The Infirmary Ticket does not entitle the holder to attend- ance at all the Medical and Surgical practice of the Infirmary, but admits only to those Wards, Lecture Rooms, Ward Waiting-Rooms, and Operating Theatres to which the Managers and Medical and Surgical Staff have arranged that Female Students are to be admitted, and attendance at those Wards, &c., will be at such hours and under such conditions as the Managers may from time to time determine. The Ticket does not entitle the holder to attend clinical lectures. 3. Clinical instruction is given in the various Wards and Departments open to Female Students, on the days and at the hours specified in the Syllabus. 4. Students holding the Infirmary Ticket, for the current session, are eligible for the appointments of Clerk in the Medical Wards and of Dresser or Clerk in the Surgical Wards specially set apart for Female Students. 5. Clerks are appointed in the Medical Wards by the Physician in charge, under such conditions as may be deemed expedient. Applications must be made to the Special Non- Resident Clinical Clerk, under whose immediate orders the Clerks are placed, who will assign to them their duties and give instruc- tion in the performance of them. 6. Dressers and Clerks in the Surgical Wards are appointed by the Surgeon in charge, and placed under the immediate orders of the Special Non-Resident Clinical Clerk, who will assign to them their duties, and instruct them in the performance of them. Applications for the appointments should be made to the Non- Resident Clinical Clerk. Convalescent House. 1. The Convalescent House shall be under the Superintend- ence of a qualified Practitioner, specially appointed for that purpose by the Managers of the Royal Infirmary. 2. The Medical Officer shall make a daily visit, and shall also attend at such times as the Matron, or her representative in charge, shall deem it urgently necessary to send for him. He shall record his visits in a special book at the Convalescent House. 3. None shall be admitted as inmates of the Convalescent House but patients coming direct from the Royal Infirmary, with CONVALESCENT^HOUSE. 49 the exception mentioned in Rule No. 26. The following Classes of Cases shall be inadmissible : — (a.) Persons recovering from Infectious or Contagious Diseases. (b.) Persons labouring under Diseases of an incurable nature. (c.) Persons subject to Epilepsy or other fits. {cL) Persons requiring continuous Medical or Surgical treatment. 4. The residence of patients shall not exceed three weeks, unless in exceptional cases. 5. The Matron shall, twice every week, report the number of vacant beds, and the Admitting Physician or Surgeon shall select from the patients sent up by the Physicians and Surgeons the most suitable cases to fill those beds — the proportion of Medical and Surgical cases being as far as possible in accordance with the number of Medical and Surgical beds in the Royal Infirmary. 6. Patients shall be selected by the Admitting Physician or Surgeon on Mondays and Thursdays, and sent to the Convalescent House in special conveyances on Tuesdays and Fridays. 7. In the event of the Physician or Surgeon, under whose care a patient has been, desiring any special treatment or system of diet to be carried out, a note to that effect shall be written on the ticket sent with the patient. 8. The Medical Officer of the Convalescent House shall have the sole charge of the patients, when in the House, in regard to diet and treatment (with the exception referred to in Rule 7), and shall have the sole power of dismissal, and of prolonging for a limited time the period of residence. 9. Any patient who shall suffer from relapse, or be attacked with acute disease, shall be sent back to the Infirmary to the care of the Physician or Surgeon under whose charge he had been. 10. A Register of the patients shall be kept at the House by the Medical Officer. 11. Friends of patients shall be allowed to visit the Convales- cent House daily (Sundays included), from 2 to 6 p.m. in Summer (1st April to 30th September), and from 2 to 4 p.m. in Winter (1st October to 31st March). 12. All persons becoming patients in the Convalescent House shall conform to the Rules and Regulations of the House. D 5o RULES AND REGULATIONS. 13. Patients on being admitted shall immediately hand, to the Nurse in charge of the Ward, any money or valuables in their possession. The Nurse will deposit these with the Matron, giving the Matron’s receipt for the same to the respective patients. 14. All spare clothing shall be taken charge of by the Nurse, and Inventories of the articles handed to the patients. 15. Any person bringing food or liquor to a patient, unless with the sanction of the Medical Officer in charge, or, in his absence, of the Matron, shall not be allowed to visit the House again. 16. Swearing and all improper language are strictly prohibited. Any patient who disregards this rule, or by his or her conduct otherwise causes annoyance and distress to any other inmate of the Institution, shall be immediately dismissed. 17. Smoking shall be confined to the Room set apart for the purpose. 18. Patients shall, so far as they are able, assist their fellow- patients, and also assist in the general duties of the House. 19. No patient shall be allowed to leave the Convalescent House without a pass signed by the Medical Officer in charge, or the Matron. 20. No patient shall be allowed out on pass sooner than eight days after admission, and all patients must return to the House not later than 5 p.m. in winter, and 6 p.m. in summer. 21. Patients must on no account conceal or put anything among the bedding, and shall not injure or destroy any of the House property. 22. Patients and their friends are strictly forbidden to give money or presents, under any pretext whatever, to any Nurse or Attendant, or any person attached to the Institution. 23. Patients are enjoined to treat the Matron and Nurses with becoming respect, and to give strict obedience to all directions they may receive from them. 24. All complaints regarding the conduct of any of the inmates, or respecting any other matter, shall be made, without loss of time, to the Medical Officer in charge, or, in his absence, to the Matron. 25. The infraction of any 'of these Rules shall render a patient liable to instant dismissal, and to the loss of all future benefit from the House. 26. A limited number of patients, other than from the GENERAL RULES APPLICABLE TO ALL OFFICIALS. 51 Infirmary, may be admitted, on a payment of 12s. per week, sub- ject to the following rules : — (a.) Such patients must submit a recommendation from a medical man, and a certificate that they are not at the moment, and have not been for three months at least, suffering from any infectious disease. (( b .) They must subsequently appear at the Infirmary to have their cases considered by the Admitting Assis- tant Physician or Assistant Surgeon, whose opinion as to their suitability for admission shall be sub- mitted to the Superintendent, by whom their admission must be approved. (c.) Patients from the Infirmary shall always have the preference, in the case of more patients presenting themselves than can be admitted. General Rules applicable to all Officers, Officials, and Employees. 1. No fee, present, reward, or gratuity whatsoever, shall be taken either directly or indirectly, from any patients, friends of patients, or from any person, firm, or company employed by, or connected with, the Infirmary or Convalescent House, or with whom these Institutions have any contract. Any one infringing this regulation will be dealt with severely by the Managers. 2. In the event of any salaried officer of the Infirmary accept- ing the office of a Manager, he shall, ipso facto , be held to have demitted his appointment. APPENDIX. CHARTER OF THE ROYAL INFIRMARY. C "* EORGE the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, _X France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c., greeting: Whereas an humble petition hath been presented to us, in behalf of the Managers of the charitable fund for mainten- ance and cure of sick poor in North Britain, setting forth, That several well disposed persons, well affected to our person and government, from a due sense of the misery that many poor per- sons in Scotland were reduced to by poverty and sickness, who, though not incurable, were in no condition to maintain themselves while under cure, even when physicians and chirurgeons, charit- ably disposed, were inclined to assist them with their skill and medicines gratis , did, some years ago, set forward a subscription, which, with some few donations, has now produced a fund of about three thousand pounds Sterling, the interest whereof, by agreement of the subscribers and donors, is to be applied for erecting a house in Edinburgh, wherein poor sick, properly re- commended, from any part of the country, who are not absolutely incurable, are to be entertained and taken care of by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and some of the most skilful chirurgeons : That, under the direction of the Managers chosen by the Contributors, a house has been hired, and, so far as the interest of the fund could go, poor persons have been received into it, and have been so well taken care of, that many, under the blessing of God, have thereby been restored to their health : That this charity is so apparently of universal benefit, that it is hoped the fund may considerably increase by donations of charitable persons, if authorised by our royal permission, and if the under- taking shall be brought and kept under good management and regulations ; and therefore most humbly praying, That we would be graciously pleased to grant our Royal Charter, erecting the said 54 APPENDIX. contributors and donors, who have already subscribed, and such others as shall hereafter contribute to the said charitable design and fund, into a Corporation, with perpetual succession, and with powers to take donations, to purchase lands, and securities for sums of money lent, to erect houses, to sue, and be sued, and all other things to do and execute, consistent with the laws of our realm, that may tend to promote the said charitable design : Now, know ye, That we having taken into our consideration the charit- able intention of the petitioners, and being desirous to promote so good and laudable a charity, by virtue of our prerogative royal, and out of our special grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have Erected, Created, and Incorporated, and by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, do Erect, Create, and Incorporate, all and every the said contributors, who have already contributed to the said charitable design, and all such persons as shall here- after contribute thereto, into one body-corporate and politic, by the name of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; under which name they shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal ; and they, and their successors under the same name, shall be legally intitled, and capable to purchase and enjoy lands, tene- ments, and any other heritage in Scotland, not exceeding the yearly value of one thousand pounds Sterling, and to lend such sum or sums of money to any person or persons, and upon such security as they shall think fit, and to sue and be sued, and to make such bye-laws, rules, and orders, consistent with the laws of our realm, as may best conduce to the charitable end and purpose above mentioned ; and generally, all other matters and things tending to the pious design aforesaid, to do and execute as fully and amply, in every respect, as any body-corporate lawfully may do, and as if the said matters and things were herein particularly set down : And for better accomplishing the ends aforesaid, and for making and establishing a continual succession of fit persons for managing the affairs of the said Corporation, we do, by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, Will, Ordain, and Appoint, that the affairs of the said Corporation, shall be, from time to time, and for ever hereafter, governed and directed by twenty Managers, whereof the Lord Provost of our city of Edin- burgh for the time being, and, in case of his absence, the Dean of Guild, shall be always one, and the President of our Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and in case of his absence, the Vice-President, shall be always one other, and the Deacon Conveener of the Crafts of our said city for the time being shall be always one other; and the remaining seventeen shall be CHARTER OF 1736. 55 annually elected at the times, and in the manner herein after directed, out of the classes following, viz., four out of our said Royal College of Physicians, whereof two shall be of the Pro- fessors of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh, if there are any such at the time, the Professor of Anatomy of the said Uni- versity, if there be any such at that time, and two out of the Incorporation of Chirurgeons of our said city, or three out of the said Incorporation of Chirurgeons, if there is no Professor of An- atomy at the time, one out of the Senators of our College of Justice, one out of the Faculty of Advocates, one out of the Society of the Clerks to our Signet, one out of the Ministers of the Gospel in Edinburgh, and six more to be elected out of the number of the contributors to the said charity, residing in or near the said city, if such can be found ready to undertake the office : And we do further Will, Direct, and Ordain, that Alexander Wilson, Esq., present Lord Provost of our city of Edinburgh, James Home, present Deacon Conveener of the Crafts of the said city, David Erskine of Dun, and Sir Gilbert Elliot of Minto, Baronet, Senators of our College of Justice, Duncan Forbes, Esq., our Advocate, Charles Erskine of Barjarg, Esq., our Solicitor, Robert Dundas of Arnistoun, Esq., Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, Mr William Bowlie, Deputy Remembrancer in Exchequer, Dr Robert Lewis, President of the Royal College of Physicians, Doctor John Clark and Doctor John Learmont, Members of the said Royal College, Mr Alexander Monro, Professor of Anatomy, Mr Andrew Sinclair and Dr Andrew Plummer, Professors of Medicine, Mr Robert Hope and Mr Francis Congalton, 'Chirur- geons in Edinburgh, Mr Robert Hepburn, Writer to the Signet, Mr George Logan, one of the Ministers of the Gospel in Edin- burgh, George Drummond, Esq., one of the Commissioners of our Customs at Edinburgh, and Mr Peter Wedderburn, Advo- cate ; whereof seven to be a quorum, shall take upon them the direction, and be the Managers of the said Corporation from the date hereof, until the first Monday of January next: And the said Managers shall, on the said first Monday of January, assemble between the hours of two and four in the afternoon, in the borough-room of our said city of Edinburgh ; and they, or any seven of them, shall there and then, by a majority of voices, elect and nominate out of the several classes, and in the propor- tions before described, so many fit persons, as, with the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, or, in his absence, the Dean of Guild, the President of the Royal College of Physicians, the Deacon Con- veener of the said city, and the Professor of Anatomy of the said 5 ^ APPENDIX. University, when there is such Professor there, will compose the full number of twenty Managers for directing and governing the affairs of the said Corporation for the year ensuing ; which twenty Managers so to be elected and nominated, or any seven or more of them, shall, on the first Monday of January in the year follow- ing, in like manner, by a majority of voices, elect and name their successors in the management and direction of the affairs of the said Corporation ; and so on yearly, and each year for ever, on every first Monday of January, the Managers for the year preced- ing, or any seven or more of them, shall, by a majority of voices, elect and nominate out of the said classes, and in the proportions aforesaid, so many fit persons as, with the said Lord Provost, or, in his absence, the Dean of Guild, the said President, Deacon Conveener, and Professor of Anatomy, when there is such Pro- fessor in the University, will compose the full number of twenty Managers for the year ensuing; and the twenty persons above appointed to be Managers, and their successors in office, or any seven of them, who are declared to be a quorum, are hereby authorised and empowered, at their first meeting in January yearly, to name and appoint any twelve of their own number to be the ordinary Managers of the affairs of the Corporation for that year; of which ordinary Managers five are to be a quorum ; which ordinary Managers shall have four meetings in every year, at some convenient place, to be appointed by the bye-laws of the Corporation, within Edinburgh, viz., on the first Monday of February, the first Monday of May, the first Monday of August, and the first Monday of November, yearly, and as many more meetings as they shall see needful; and that the said ordinary Managers may, as often as they shall see occasion, call meetings of the extraordinary Managers, for their advice and assistance in the affairs of the Corporation; and that the said ordinary Managers may and shall annually, after their election in January, nominate and choose a Treasurer to the Corporation, and a Clerk thereto, and such other persons as they shall judge necessary to be employed in the service of the Corporation, and to appoint them such salaries, fees, or rewards, as they, with the consent of the extraordinary Managers, shall judge proper; and that the said ordinary Managers may, at their pleasure, remove and dis- charge the said Treasurer, Clerk, and others so employed as aforesaid, and put other Officers in their places, as they shall see cause; and the Treasurer, under the direction of the said ordinary Managers, shall have the custody of the Corporation’s cash, and shall receive in, and pay out all the monies, as he shall CHARTER OF 1 736. 57 be warranted to do by the said ordinary Managers from time to time, for which he shall be obliged to account to the said ordinary Managers, as often as he shall be by them thereto required. And we do hereby further Will, Direct, and Ordain, That it shall and may be lawful to, and for all and every the members of the said Corporation, or body-politic, hereby established, who shall have contributed five pounds Sterling each, or more, towards the said Infirmary, to assemble and meet together on the first Monday of January next, in the borough-room, within our city of Edinburgh, and for ever thereafter yearly, on every first Monday of January, at such proper place within Edinburgh as shall be by themselves appointed; and that the said members of the Corpora- tion so assembled, shall be, and be called, a General Court ; and they, or a majority of them so assembled, shall have full power and authority to make and constitute such bye-laws, ordinances, and regulations for the management and government of the affairs of the said Corporation, as to them shall seem meet, so that such bye-laws, ordinances, and regulations, be not contrary to the true intent and meaning hereof, nor repugnant to the laws of our realm. And we do further Will, Direct, and Ordain, That, at the second, and every succeeding General Court, the Managers for the preceding year shall lay before the General Court, and the Managers who shall succeed them, for the year ensuing, an account of their proceedings, in the execution of their office, and a distinct and full state of the capital stock of the Corporation, in lands, money, or other effects, with a state of the poor sick persons taken in and entertained during the year of their management, containing the poor sick persons names, what parishes they belong to, 'when they were taken in, what their several diseases were, and when recovered, cured, dismissed, or dead. Provided always, and it is hereby expressly provided and declared, That it shall not be lawful for the said Managers, or their said quorum, on any occasion or pretext whatsoever, in the course of their management, to break in upon the capital stock of the said Corporation, but only to apply the annual interest or revenue, as they shall judge fit and necessary, for the ends and uses above mentioned. And we do hereby Will, Direct, and Ordain, That it shall and may be lawful for the Lord Provost of Edinburgh for the time being, or, in his absence, the Dean of Guild of the said city, to administer the oath de fideli administra- tione to the said first Managers ; and the like oath, de fideli, shall be annually sworn by all the Managers at their election in January, or in the first meeting where they assemble thereafter ; and the APPENDIX. 58 said ordinary Managers are hereby authorised and appointed to administer the oath de fideli to the Treasurer and Clerk, at their entry into their offices : And in case any of the Managers, elected as aforesaid shall refuse to accept of the office, and take the oath de fideli , or that any of them shall happen to die within a year after their election, the ordinary and extraordinary Managers assembled, or any seven or more of them, may, and are hereby authorised to name another Manager in the room of the person deceased : And the said Managers are hereby further authorised to receive such further sums of money, lands, goods, or gear, as shall be given by any persons whatsoever to the use of the said Corporation, and shall keep books for subscriptions, and such other books as they shall think needful for that purpose, and for all other purposes of the said Corporation. Given at his Majesty’s Court at Kensington, the 25th day of August 1736, in the tenth year of his Majesty’s reign. THE EDINBURGH ROYAL INFIRMARY ACT i87o. 33 & 34 VICT. Ch. XLVIII. An Act for authorising the Corporation of the a.d. 1870. Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to remove “ their Infirmary Buildings to a more suitable POSITION, AND TO ACQUIRE FOR THAT PURPOSE the Site of George Watson’s Hospital and adjacent Lands; and for other purposes. [20th June 1870.] W HEREAS by Royal Charter granted by his Majesty King Charter George the Second, and dated the twenty-fifth day °f August^ August one thousand seven hundred and thirty-six, the Royal 1736. Infirmary of Edinburgh (herein-after called “the Corporation”) was incorporated for the free relief and cure of patients from all quarters : And whereas the Corporation have erected upon lands acquired by them within the parish called Lady Yester’s, in the city of Edinburgh, a medical hospital, a surgical hospital, a fever hospital, and a lock hospital, and other buildings, accommoda- tions, and conveniences in connection therewith ; and great advantage has arisen to all classes of society from the existence thereof : And whereas the said hospitals are inadequate for present and prospective requirements, and are ill situated as regards the ventilation of and access to certain important parts of the infirmary : And whereas it is essential to the usefulness of the institution 6o APPENDIX. A.D. 1870. and to the convenience of the patients, medical attendants, and ~ students, that a site should be obtained for the infirmary which will combine the advantages of a healthy, airy, and spacious locality, with proximity to the University Buildings of Edinburgh; and it is expedient that the Corporation should be authorised to acquire such a site, and to erect thereon all the necessary buildings, and to remove the infirmary thereto : And whereas the present infirmary buildings and the site thereof are of considerable value, and the Corporation are at present themselves possessed of available funds to the extent of sixty thousand pounds or thereabouts : And whereas the necessity for rebuilding a portion of the infirmary, even on the present site, has for some time been felt to be imperative, and certain benevolent persons have subscribed funds for that purpose to the extent (at present) of seventy-five thousand pounds or thereabouts, whereof sixty-one thousand pounds or thereabouts has already been paid, and no part of that money has yet been applied to the purposes for which it was sub- scribed, but the same still remains in the hands of a Committee who were appointed to receive the amounts subscribed, and to appropriate the same to the purposes before mentioned : And whereas it is very desirable to remove the infirmary from its present situation, if a site can be obtained combining the requisites herein-before mentioned as essential to the usefulness of the institution : And whereas a situation of the character required is to be found on the site of George Watson’s Hospital, and the grounds adjacent thereto, in the parish of St Cuthbert’s, Edinburgh ; and, subject to the sanction of Parliament, an agreement has been entered into for the sale and purchase thereof : And whereas questions have been raised as to the power of the governors of the said hospital to sell the same, and the Court of Session in Scotland has found the said governors, with the consent and concurrence of the Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh, to be entitled to sell the said hospital and grounds, and it is expedient that the said agreement should be confirmed as therein stipulated : And whereas it will be necessary for the proper drainage of the buildings to be erected on the said site, when so erected and used as an infirmary, that a drain or sewer should be con- structed to connect the infirmary buildings with the public sewer at a point near the eastern end of Lonsdale Terrace, in the said parish of St Cuthbert’s : ACT OF 1870. 6l And whereas it is expedient that the Corporation should be A.D. 1870. empowered to sell, feu out, or let the existing infirmary buildings — and ground, and to apply the funds arising therefrom, together with the available funds in their own hands, and (with the consent of the said committee of subscribers) the funds contributed as aforesaid, so far as payment thereof has been or shall be made, and any other contributions made for the purpose, to the acquisition of the said site, the erection of proper infirmary buildings and conveniences in connection therewith, the removal of the infirmary thereto, and otherwise generally to the purposes of this Act : And whereas plans showing the lands required for the several purposes aforesaid, and the line of the said proposed drain or sewer, and sections showing the levels of that drain or sewer, with a book of reference to the said plans, have been deposited for public inspection in the offices in Edinburgh of the principal sheriff-clerk of the county of Edinburgh, and of the principal sheriff-clerk of the county of the city of Edinburgh, which are herein-after referred to as the deposited plans, sections, and book of reference : And whereas it is expedient that the said Royal Charter should in some respects be amended : And whereas the objects aforesaid cannot be effected without the authority of Parliament : May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and T. emporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : I. This Act may be cited for all purposes as “The Edinburgh Short title. Royal Infirmary Act, 1870.” II. “The Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845,” 8 & 9 Viet, and “The Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts Amendment Act, ^ I |’ 2 ^ nd 1 860,” are (except where expressly varied by this Act) incorporated yict.c. 106 with and form part of this Act. ateth*** III. In this Act the several words and expressions to which Interpreta- meanings are assigned by the Acts incorporated herewith have the ° f same respective meanings, except where there is something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction ; and the 62 APPENDIX. A. D. 1870. expression “the Corporation” means the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, incorporated by Royal Charter as aforesaid. Power to IV. Subject to the provisions of this Act the Corporation kndsTo ma y> but onl y by agreement with the persons interested therein, build new enter upon, take, and use the whole or part of the lands delineated infirmary, on ^ ie deposited plans, and included within the lines marked cording to thereon “boundary line of land proposed to be acquired,” and deposited described in the deposited book of reference, and may either by plans. agreement or otherwise enter upon, take, and use the whole or part of the lands delineated on the deposited plans within the lines marked on the said plans “limit of deviation of drain,” and described in the deposited book of reference ; and may stop up and appropriate the site of the road or lane called Wharton Lane, numbered 18 on the deposited plans and in the deposited book of reference, so far as the said road or lane is now or hereafter may be bounded on both sides thereof by property acquired by the Corporation, and in the event of the Corporation having acquired the property numbered 20 on the deposited plans and in the deposited book of reference, they may stop up and appropriate the whole of Wharton Lane ; provided always, that they shall at their own expense make and give an access from Lauriston Lane to any properties not acquired by them which at present have an access to Wharton Lane ; and the Corporation may, on any portion of the said lands included within the lines marked on the plans “boundary line of land proposed to be acquired,” which shall have become their property in manner aforesaid, erect such buildings and accommodations and conveniences connected there- with, as they may think requisite for the purposes of their infirmary, with all such accesses to the public roads, streets, and lanes, and to the meadow walks and footpaths around the said lands, as they may find necessary ; and may, on the said lands included within the lines marked on the plans “limit of deviation of drain,” make and maintain a covered drain or sewer, commencing at a point on the said lands near the southwestern corner of the lands of George Watson’s Hospital, and terminating by a connection with the public sewer at a point near the eastern end of Lonsdale Terrace, and all necessary works connected there- with, in the line and according to the levels shown on the de- posited plans and sections, and for those purposes and in con- nection therewith may open up, cross, and alter, so far as necessary, the meadow walk and other passages shown on the deposited plans within the lines marked thereon “ limit of ACT OF 1870. 6 3 deviation of drain,” and described in the deposited book of A. D. 1870. reference, and any sewers, drains, and pipes beneath the surface thereof : Provided always, that as respects the said drain or sewer the Corporation shall be subject to the provisions contained in sections 18, 19, 20, 21, and 23 of “The Railways Clauses Con- solidation (Scotland) Act, 1845,” and that such provisions shall be construed for that purpose as if the expression “ the drain ” had been used therein instead of the expression “ the railway,” and as if the Corporation were the company therein referred to : Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall authorise the Corporation to acquire compulsorily any part of Lauriston Lane. V. If any omission, misstatement, or erroneous description Errors and shall have been made of any lands, or of the owners, lessees, or occupiers of any lands, described in the deposited plans or book and book of reference, it shall be lawful for the Corporation, after giving ten of refer " days notice to the owners of the lands affected by such proposed be^or^ corrections, to apply to the sheriff of the county of Edinburgh for the j*e cted correction thereof; and if it shall appear to such sheriff that such w h 0 shall ’ omission, misstatement, or erroneous description arose from mis- give cer- take, he shall certify the same accordingly, and shall in such certifi- cate state the particulars of any such omission, and in what respect which any such matter shall have been misstated or erroneously described; and such certificate shall be deposited in the office in Edinburgh of the principal sheriff clerk for the county of Edinburgh, and duplicates of such certificate shall also be deposited in the respective offices in Edinburgh of the principal sheriff clerk for the county of the city of Edinburgh, and of the town clerk of the royal burgh of Edinburgh, and with the session clerk of the parish of St Cuth- bert’s ; and such certificate and duplicates thereof shall be kept by such sheriff clerks, town clerk, and session clerk respectively along with the other documents to which they relate, and thereupon such plans and book of reference shall be deemed to be corrected according to such certificate, and the Corporation may make the works in accordance therewith. VI. The Corporation may deviate from the centre line of the p ower of drain or sewer delineated on the deposited plans, provided that no lateral such deviation shall extend beyond the limits of deviation defined deviatlon ‘ thereon, and that the drain or sewer shall not by means of such deviation be made to extend into the lands of any person, whether owner, lessee, or occupier, whose name is not mentioned in the deposited book of reference (except where such person shall have 64 APPENDIX. A.D. 1870. acquired his right since the said book was made up), without the previous consent in writing of such person, unless the name of such person shall have been omitted by mistake, and the fact that such omission proceeded from mistake shall have been certified in manner in this Act provided for in cases of unintentional errors in the said book of reference. Power of VII. The Corporation may deviate from the levels of the said deviation. drain or sewer, as referred to the datum line described on the de- posited sections and as marked thereon, to any extent not exceed- ing two feet. Corpora- VIII. The Corporation shall not acquire any right of property ti°n f° in the surface of the lands required for the purposes of the said acquire . 1 r r servitude drain or sewer, except so far as the same are situate within the only of lines marked on the deposited plans “ boundary line of land pro- claim 2 posed to be acquired,” but shall only acquire a right of servitude of making and maintaining the drain or sewer in the manner authorised by this Act through the said lands, and of repairing and rebuilding the same from time to time, when necessary, in all time coming ; and the Corporation may connect the said drain or sewer with the public sewer near the eastern end of Lonsdale Terrace aforesaid, and may use such public sewer, and the other public sewers leading therefrom, for the drainage of the lands which the Corporation are by this Act authorised to acquire, and of the build- ings erected and to be erected thereon. Powers IX. The powers of the Corporation for the compulsory pur- pulsory " c ^ ase Hnds f° r the purposes of this Act shall not be exercised purchases after the expiration of three years from the passing of this Act. limited. Period for X. On the expiration of five years from the passing of this Act tion^of " t ^ ie P owers b y this Act granted to the Corporation for making the works. drain or sewer by this Act authorised shall cease, except as to so much thereof as shall then be completed. Agree- XI. The agreement made between the Company of Merchants George' 1 ^ ^ City of Edinburgh, the Governors of George Watson’s Watson’s Hospital, and the Corporation, for the sale to the Corporation of Hospital, the lands and buildings belonging to the said hospital, dated the twenty-eighth day of February eighteen hundred and seventy (a copy of which agreement is set out in the schedule to this Act), is hereby sanctioned and confirmed as between the parties thereto ; £1 I ACT OF 1870. 65 and the said Governors, with the consent and concurrence of the AD. 1S70. said Company, may execute conveyances of the said lands and buildings in favour of the Corporation, which shall be valid and effectual ; but nothing in this section, or in any such conveyance contained, shall prejudice or affect the right, title, estate, or interest of any corporation or person other than the said Company of Merchants, the said Governors, and the Corporation. XII. The Corporation may, for such purposes as they see fit, Corpora- sell either at gross prices or in consideration of annual payments se ^ or y by way of feu duty or ground annual, or partly in the one and let their partly in the other of those modes, or may let on lease, the whole or part of the lands and buildings now belonging to and occupied and other by them, and such part of the lands and buildings acquired as P™ p r ^ rty aforesaid as are not ultimately required for the purposes of the q U i re d for Corporation, except the lands in which they are only to acquire a their pur- right of servitude for making the drain or sewer authorised by this poses * Act, and may also sell such feu duties or ground annuals. XIII. Upon the passing of this Act the said committee of Comnnt^ subscribers shall, if authorised so to do by a majority of the mem- scr ^ ers> bers of such committee present at a meeting of the committee on pay- called specially for the purpose, pay over to the Corporation the moneys received from the said subscribers, and then remaining in tion of the hands of the said committee or of any treasurer or trustees in whose hands they may have placed the same ; and upon such pay- be ^is- ment the said committee and treasurer and trustees shall be charged relieved and discharged of all responsibility for and with regard to ^? S p ect the disposal of the moneys so paid over, and all future instalments thereto, and contributions for the purposes of this Act shall be paid to the Corporation. XIV. Provided always, that if any persons or corporations Sub^ ^ who have subscribed and paid to the said committee any money buikling for the erection or improvement of buildings on or in connection fund dis- with the lands now belonging to and occupied by the Corporation, k( ^ lng and who have not already consented to or acquiesced in the change of application of such contributions towards the acquisition of the j^^ y re _ new site authorised by this Act, and the erection of the infirmary payment of buildings thereon, shall apply to the Corporation for repayment of such contributions on or before the first day of November next after the passing of this Act, the Corporation shall repay to such persons or corporations the amounts so contributed and paid by E 66 APPENDIX. A. D. 1870. them respectively, so far as the same shall have been paid over to ““ the Corporation by the said committee of subscribers. Applica- XV. The Corporation may appropriate and apply in and ti°n °f towards the purchase of the lands and buildings which they are by funds. . . . . . ? r i this Act authorised to acquire, and the erection of new hospitals and other buildings necessary and convenient for the purposes of the infirmary, and the construction of the said drain or sewer, and the other purposes of this Act, any moneys which are now in their hands, whether accumulated capital or annual proceeds, and any moneys which they may receive by way of consideration for the value of the existing infirmary site and buildings, or for the feu duties or ground annuals reserved by them in respect thereof, and also any moneys which shall be paid to them by the said committee of subscribers, and any moneys which have been or may hereafter be contributed by other corporations and individuals for the purposes aforesaid. Qualifica- XVI. Every person who was immediately previously to the tio.n for passing of this Act a member of the Corporation shall continue to member of be a member thereof, and from and after the passing of this Act the Cor- the qualification necessary for a member of the Corporation poration. he the contribution by the person desiring to be a member thereof of an amount not less than five pounds in one sum, or the continuous annual contribution of an amount not less than one pound after such annual contribution shall have been made during three consecutive years ; and every person so qualified shall be a member of the Corporation, and be entitled to be a member of the general court of contributors. Regulating XVII. From and after the first Monday of January in the year number one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one the number of the and ap- . pointment managers of the Corporation shall be twenty-one, of whom the of mana- Lord Provost of the city of Edinburgh, or in his absence the Dean sers * of Guild of the city of Edinburgh, shall ex officio be one, and the other managers shall be appointed annually by the following bodies and in the manner hereinafter mentioned ; that is to say, One manager shall be chosen by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of Edinburgh ; ACT OF 1870. 67 Two managers shall be chosen by the Royal College of A.D. 1870. Physicians of Edinburgh ; Two managers shall be chosen by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh ; Two managers shall be chosen by the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh; One manager shall be chosen by the Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh ; One manager shall be chosen by the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures of Edinburgh ; One manager shall be chosen by the Senators of the College of Justice ; One manager shall be chosen by the Faculty of Advocates ; One manager shall be chosen by the Society of Writers to Her Majesty’s Signet ; One manager shall be chosen by the Society of Solicitors before the Supreme Courts of Scotland ; One manager shall be chosen by the managers of the Corpora- tion for the time being out of the Ministers of the Gospel in Edinburgh ; Six managers shall be chosen by the General Court of Con- tributors, of which six managers two shall be chosen from among the persons who are members of the Corporation, and also at the same time subscribers to the Convalescent House belonging to the Corporation ; And each of the bodies herein-before empowered to choose one or more of the managers may make such rules as to them shall seem proper with respect to the manner of choosing such manager or managers. XVIII. No failure or delay in appointing any manager or Provision managers as aforesaid, and no vacancy occurring by reason of the death of any manager or otherwise, shall be held to prevent the delay in other managers duly appointed from acting as the managers of the appointing, Corporation for the period in respect of which they have been so vacancies, appointed: Provided always, that in the event of any manager dying or otherwise ceasing to be able to act, the body by whom he was chosen may appoint another person to be a manager in his stead during the remainder of the period for which the manager 68 APPENDIX. A.D. 1870. Time for appointing managers, and period of office. Certain of the mana- gers to be ineligible for re-elec- tion at spe- cified elec- tions. so dying or otherwise ceasing to be able to act was appointed by such body. XIX. The six managers to be chosen by the General Court of Contributors shall be so chosen at the meeting of such General Court to be held on the first Monday of January in each year after the passing of this Act, or at some adjournment thereof, and shall hold office as managers from the time of their election until the next annual election by the said General Court of Contributors ; and the managers to be chosen by the several other bodies herein- before mentioned shall be so chosen by such bodies respectively in the month of December next after the passing of this Act, and in the month of December in each following year, and shall hold office as managers from the first Monday of January next after their election until the first Monday of January following. XX. At the second annual elections of managers after the passing of this Act the person chosen at the immediately preced- ing annual election by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of Edinburgh, and one of the two persons chosen at the immediately preceding annual elections by each of the following bodies, viz., the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and the Senatus Aca- demicus of the University of Edinburgh, shall be ineligible for re-election by the body by whom he was chosen at such immedi- ately preceding annual elections ; and each of those bodies shall determine which of the two persons chosen by such body shall be then ineligible as aforesaid. At the third annual elections of managers after the passing of this Act the four persons chosen at the immediately preceding annual elections by the following bodies respectively, viz., the Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh, the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures of Edinburgh, the Senators of the College of Justice, and the Faculty of Advocates, shall be ineligible for re-election by the respective bodies by whom, they were respectively chosen at such immediately preceding annual elections. At the fourth annual elections of managers after the passing of this Act the person chosen at the immediately preceding annual election by the Society of Writers to Her Majesty’s Signet, the person chosen at the immediately preceding annual election by the Society of Solicitors before the Supreme Courts of Scotland, the Minister of the Gospel chosen at the immediately preceding annual election by ACT OF 1870. 69 the managers of the Corporation, and one of the six persons A. D. 1870. chosen at the immediately preceding annual election by the General Court of Contributors (such person to be determined by the said court), shall be ineligible for re-election by the respec- tive bodies by whom they were respectively chosen at such immediately preceding annual elections. At the fifth annual elections of managers after the passing of this Act, four of those five of the persons chosen at the immediately preceding annual election by the General Court of Contributors who shall have been longest in office as managers (such four persons to be determined by the said court) shall be ineligible for re-election by such General Court of Contributors. At the sixth annual elections of managers after the passing of this Act, and at all succeeding annual elections of managers, every person whose fifth consecutive year of office as manager is then current or just concluded shall be ineligible for re-election by the body by whom he was chosen at the immediately preceding annual election by such body : Provided always, that any person who may under the foregoing provisions be ineligible for re-election at any par- ticular election by the body by whom he was chosen at the immediately preceding annual election, may be re-elected a manager by any other of the bodies entitled to choose a manager or managers, and that no person shall be disqualified for re-elec- tion by any of the said bodies for a longer period than one year. XXI. From and after the first Monday of January in the year All the one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one all the managers for ™ a £ agers the time being of the Corporation shall be ordinary managers, and ordinary the quorum of managers shall be seven ; and the managers managers, appointed as aforesaid and their quorum shall have all the powers, rights, and privileges which are by the said Royal Charter conferred on the ordinary managers of the Corporation. XXII. The General Court of Contributors shall not have any Defining executive powers in the management of the infirmary, or of the powers of affairs of the Corporation, which shall be managed exclusively by Contribu- the managers appointed as herein-before directed : Provided tors, always, that the General Court of Contributors may from time to time make any suggestions or recommendations which to them may seem proper, and the managers shall consider, and if they think proper may adopt any such suggestions or recom- mendations. yo APPENDIX. A.D. 1870. Court of Contribu- tors may alter the statutes of the Cor- poration, or may make new statutes Expenses of Act. XXIII. The General Court of Contributors may from time to time alter any of the statutes of the Corporation, or make new statutes in relation thereto, but so that such new or altered statutes shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of the said Royal Charter as amended by this Act. XXIV. All costs, charges, and expenses of and incident to the preparing for, obtaining, and passing of this Act or otherwise in relation thereto, shall be paid by the Corporation. SCHEDULE REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ACT. It is contracted and agreed between the Company of Merchants of the City of Edinburgh, incorporated by Royal Charter and Act of Parliament, Thomas Jamieson Boyd, Esq., publisher in Edin- burgh, present master of the said company of Merchants, and as such preses of the governors of George Watson’s Hospital ; George Vallance, of No. 1 Gayfield Square, Edinburgh; John Clapperton, of No. 371 High Street, there; John Kay Wishart, of No. 20 Queen Street, Leith ; James Falshaw, of No. 26 South Castle Street, Edinburgh ; Thomas Swanston, of No. 35 Gilmore Place, there; William Cotton, of No. 23 Princes Street, there; Andrew Smith, Willowbrae House, Duddingston, there ; James Craig, of No. 33 Manor Place, Edinburgh ; John Todd, of No. 29 Leith Walk, there ; Robert Douglas Thomson, of No. 23 South Saint Andrew Street, there ; Richard Ged Muir, of No. 28 North-back of Canongate, there; and James Roy, of No. 26 North Bridge, there ; assistants of the said Company of Merchants — Thomas Knox, of No. 15 Hanover Street, there, treasurer to the said Company of Merchants; the Rev. William Robertson, Doctor in Divinity, minister of New Greyfriars Church, there ; George Cousin, of No. 12 Royal Exchange, there; James Marshall, of No. 39 Potterrow, there; John Wilson, Meuse Lane, there; Thomas Rowatt, of No. 9 Lothian Road, there ; James Colston, of No. 80 Rose Street, there — all governors; and Archibald Craig, No. n South Bridge, Edinburgh, present treasurer of George Watson’s Hospital, aforesaid, conform to the statutes thereof, whereby the master and five assistants of the said Com- pany of Merchants are declared a quorum, — a quorum of said governors hereto subscribing not only as governors of the said hospital, but as being specially authorised and empowered to ACT OF 1870. 71 carry through the sale after mentioned, in all respects, of the A. D. 1870 first part ; and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, incorporated ~~ by Royal Charter, on the second part, in manner following, viz. : — The said Company of Merchants and governors of George Watson’s Hospital, heritable proprietors of the lands and others after mentioned, in consideration of the price and other prestations, and subject to the conditions after stipulated, hereby oblige themselves and their successors in office upon receiving payment in full of the price and others as after specified, and on fulfil- ment of the conditions after mentioned, to execute and deliver a valid disposition to the managers of the Royal Infirmary and their assignees of all and whole : In the first place, but under the exception after mentioned, all and whole the house and grounds of George Watson’s Hospital, Edinburgh, which are thus described in the instrument of sasine therein, in favour of the said company and governors (following on a feu charter, by the City of Edinburgh, in their favour), dated the 26th day of May, and recorded in the New Particular Register of Sasines for the sheriffdom of Edinburgh, on the 30th day of June, both in the year 1740, viz: — “All and haill that part of the lands of Heriot’s “ Croft, consisting of 7 acres and 28 falls of ground, together “ with the large building or hospital now erected thereon, com- “ monly called Watson’s Hospital, with the haill dikes, inclosures, “ and righteous pertinents thereof, which part of Heriot’s Croft is “ bounded by ane avenue intended to be made by the said city, “ down through that croft, to terminate on the middle walk in “ Hope Park on the east; the top or uppermost part of the “ bank on the north side of the ditch of Hope Park on the “ south ; by the road leading along the east side of the hedge “ of Laurieston yeards on the west, and the stone dike running “ along the causey of Bristo, near to the said hedge of Laurie- “ ston’s yeards, on the north parts ; lying within the regality and “ barony of Burghtoun, parish of St. Cuthbert’s, and shire of “ Edinburgh,” but excepting therefrom those parts and portions of the said lands conveyed or given off by the said Company of Merchants and Governors, and now forming part of the solum of the road or street on the north boundary thereof. In the second place, all and whole the ground and dwelling house thereon, No. 2 Wharton Lane, Edinburgh, formerly let as two houses, entering from Nos. 1 and 2 Wharton Lane, and the garden ground and others therewith connected, all as let to Adam Skirving, and as now possessed by his representatives, which subjects, second above described, were acquired by the governors of the said 72 APPENDIX. A.D. 1870. hospital, in two lots, viz. : — partly from Ihomas Ponton, builder — in Edinburgh, and partly from the trustees of the deceased Mr. Andrew Bell, engraver, there; the subjects acquired from the said trustees being thus described in the instrument of sasine therein, in favour of the said company and governors (following on a charter of adjudication in implement and confirmation granted by Richard Wharton Duff, Esq., in favour of said trustees, and disposition by the said trustees, in favour of said company and governors), dated the 20th, and recorded in the said Particular Register of Sasines, 22 days, both of July 1818, viz. : — “All and “ whole these 55 falls or poles, English woodland measure, of “ garden ground at Lauriston, near Edinburgh, lying immediately “ to the north of that other piece of ground there consisting of “25 falls, which was feued to the said deceased Andrew Bell, by “ Archibald Blair, writer in Edinburgh, conform to feu contract “ between them, dated the 27th day of August 1764, as the same “ is particularly therein described and being part of what was “ formerly Archibald Blair’s eastmost garden at Lauriston, and “ also the large tenement or dwelling house and other buildings “ erected thereupon by John Reid, printer in Edinburgh, and by “ the deceased David Forbes, writer there, with the whole parts, “ pendicles and pertinents, and teinds, parsonage and vicarage “ thereof, lying within the parish of Saint Cuthbert’s and shire “ of Edinburgh, bounded on the east by a public lane or road “ dividing the said 55 falls or poles of ground from the ground “ already belonging to the said hospital, and leading to the “ meadow or Hope Park ; on the south by that said other “ piece of ground belonging to the said trustees feued to the 4t said deceased Andrew Bell by the said Archibald Blair, “ particularly mentioned in the said charter of adjudication in “ implement and confirmation ; on the west by Lauriston Lane ; u and on the north by a piece of garden ground formerly