3&Tis past, he cryd, but if your souls Sweet mercy yet can move, Let these dim eyes once more behold What they must ever love. She came ; his cold hand softly touch'! And batlVd with many a tear ; First falling o'er the primrose pale So morning dews appear. I But oh ! his sister's jealous care (A cruel sister she !) forbad what Emma came to say, My Edwin, live for me. Now homeward as she hopeless went. The church-yard path along, | The blast blew cold, the dark owl scream Her lover's fun'ral sons:. Amid the falling gloom of night, Her startling fancy found In ev'ry bush his hovering shade, His groan in every sound. Alone, appaird thus had she pass'd The visionary vale, When lo ! the death-bell smote her ear. Sad sounding in the gale. L 8 Just then she reached with trembling step Her a^ecl mothers door: He's gone, she cried, and I shall see That angel face no more. ] I feel, I feel this breaking heart Beat high against my side; From her white arm down sunk her head She shiver' d, sigh'd, and died. THE MILKMAID, was at the cool and fragrant hour. When ev'ning steals upon the sky, that Lucy sought a woodbine grove, Ind Colin taught the grove to sigh ; the sweetest damsel she, on all the plains: The softest lover he, of all the swains. JBHook her by the lily hand, Ihich oft had made the milk look pale; ler cheeks with modest roses glow'd, fthus he breath'd his tender tale: he listening streams a while forgot to flow, m doves to murmur, and the breeze to blow. smile, my love ! thy dimply smiles all lengthen on the setting ray ; 10 Tims let us melt the hours of bliss, i Thus sweetly languish life away : Thus sip-h our souls into each other 1 breast, As true as turtles, and as turtles blest! So may thy cows for ever crow n With floods of milk thy brimming pail; So may thy cheese all cheese surpass; So may thy butter never fail ; So may each village round this truth i clare, That Lucy is the fairest of the fair Thy lips with streams of honey flow, And pouting swell with healing dews: More sweets are blended in thy breath Than all thy father's fields diffuse. | Though thousand flow'rs adorn blooming field, Thy lovely cheeks more blooming bei ties yield. I 11 loo long my erring eyes had rovVI |ncity dames, in scarlet drest, d scorn'd the charmfu] village maid, l r ith innocence and grogram blest : jjce Lucy's native graces fill'd my sight, lie painted city dames no more delight. e speaking purple, when you blush, It-glows the scarlet's deepest dye • Idi'monds tremble on thy hair, lit brighter spangle in thine eye. |ust me, the smiling apples of thine eyes i tempting as were those in paradise. p tuneful linnet's warbling notes 1 gratefttj to the shepherd swain; looping plants and thirsty fields, | c silver drops of kindly rain. Wossonas dews, as blossoms to the bee, | tl! °u, my Lucy ! only art to me. 12 But mark, my love, yon western clouds; With liquid gold they seem to burn; The evVmg star will soon appear, And overflow his silver urn. Soft stillness now, and falling dews invite To taste the balmy blessings of the night Yet, ere we part, one boon I crave, One tender boon— nor this deny — O promise that you still will love, O promise this ! or else I die : Death else my only remedy must prove I'll cease to live whene'er you cease to love She sWh'd and blush'd a sweet consent; Joyous he thank'd her on his knee, And warmly press' d her virgin lip. Was ever youth so blest as he ! I The moon, to light the lovers homewai rose, And Philomela lull'd them to repose.