AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT; OR, THE LIFE, MIRACLES, AND DEATH, OF OUR LORD &> SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST' Embellished with Beautiful Engravings. GLASGOW: Sold wholesale by J. Lumsden and Son ( Two-Pence* ) LIFE OF OUR LORD and SAVIOUR! Jesus Christ, Wow when the time appointed was come, God sent an angel to a city of Nazareth, to a young woman named Mary, who was engaged to be married to a tr i named Joseph, who was r * -scendant from David. The angel said to her, thou favourire of Lord be with thee of womer 6 The Life of She was astonished at his ap- pearance, and wondered what his words meant. — Then he said, that were under two years of age, should be killed, think- ing that he should be sure to destroy him by that means, but the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph by nighty and said, ** Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into Egypt, and remain there till I teU thee; for Herod seeketh the child to kill him." Accordingly Joseph took the .child, and Mary his mother, and swent into Egypt, and abode, as the Lord had command- ed him. When Herod was dead, the angel appeared again to Joseph, Our Lord and Saviour. 1 1 and told him to return to the land of Israel. Joseph therefore returned with the child and his mother* and went and abode in Naza- reth. When Jesus was twelve years old, he was taken by Joseph and Marv to Jerusalem, to the feast of the passover, and when they were returning home, thev mis- sed him; then they searched for three days, and at last found him in the temple, sitting among the doctors or learned men, both hearing them and asking them questions; and all who heard him were astonished at his un- derstanding and wisdom. Jesus came from Nazareth to 12 1 he Life of be baptized by John. When he came out of the water, the hea- vens opened, and the Spirit of God descended like a dove and settled on him, and a voice came from heavensaying, " Thou art my beloved Son 5 in whom I delight." Jesus taught the people in the synagogues on the sabbath days, to repent of their sins; and they were astonished at his doctrine, and his power in working so many miracles. As Jesus was walking bv the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting their nets into the sea; and he said, " Follow me," and they followed him. A little fur- Our Lord and Saviour. 1 3 flier, he saw two other brothers, James and John, the sons of Zehedee; and when he called them, they left their ships and followed him. The confined limits of this little book will not admit a com- plete history of the life, suffer- ings, miracles, crucifixion, re- surrection, ascension, and all the other circumstances attending the great work our blessed Sa- viour came down to perform: but the following are some of the many acts, which no other than divine Jove and power could accomplish. Simon's wife's mother was ill of a fever, and they entreated Jesus to go to her; he according- The Life of ly went, and stood by her, and took her by the hand, and re- buked the fever; which imme- diately left her. One day as Jesus was coniing down from a mountain, a man full of leprosy, when he saw Jesus, fell on his face before him, saying, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean Jesus had compassion on him, and said, u I will, be thou clean-" And the leprosy was immediately cleansed, Jesus went into a synagogue on a Sabbath, and taught the people; and a man was there with a withered hand. Then he said to him, " Stand forth," so he stood forth; then Jesus Xazarrts l'aised fecajiHie^eacl V Our Lord and Saviour. 1 7 said, « Stretch out thy hand/' and he stretched forth his hand, and it was restored perfect, like the other. Jesus went up into a moun- tain to pray; in the morning he called his disciples to him, and chose out twelve, whom he call- ed apostles, and he gave them power to heal all manner of dis- eases. Their names were, Simon Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, and Philip, and Bar- tholemew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alpheus, and Thaddeus or Judas, and Simon the Canaanite, called aslo Zelotest and Judas Iscariot, who afterwards betrayed him. 18 The Life of Jesus was at a city called Nain, and saw a widow, whose only son was going to be buried, and he had compassion on her, and he touched the bier, and said, Young man, I say unto thee, arise;" ana be immediately arose, and stood upon his feet. A woman, who had an issue of blood tv^elve vears, and had spent her money upon physi- cians without anv relief, came behind him and touched the hem of his garment; " For," thought she, " ~if I can but touch his clothes, I shall be healed!" Im- mediately the disease was cured, and she felt that she was well. Jairus, the ruler of the syna- gogue, came to Jesus, and be- Our Lord and Saviour. 1 9 sought him to come and heal his only daughter, who was dying* — Jesus went with him and when they came to the ruler's house, they found her dead-, but Jesus took her hand, and said, u Dam- sel, I say unto thee, arise," then she arose; and those that were with her glorified God. Jesus withdrew into a moun- tain to pray, but sent his disci- ples over the lakes; and the ves- sel was tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. In the morning he went to them, walk- ing on the sea; but they, think- ing it was a spirit, were terrified. Jesus said, i( Be not afraid; it is I." Peter said, " If it be thou, master, bid me come to thee on 20 The Life of the water." Jesus said, " come. 5 ' Peter got out of the vessel, and walked on the water towards Jesus; but seeing the waves very boisterous, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, u Save me, Master." Jesus stretched out his hand, and said, u Distrustful man! why dost thou fear ?" As soon as they got on board, the wind ceased. Lazarus of Bethany, the bro- ther of Martha and Mary, was sick, and the sisters sent to tell Jesus — Now Jesus loved Martha, Mary and Lazarus; and he said to his disciples, €i Let us return to Judea, our friend Lazarus sleepeth, but I go to wake him." They said, " If he sleep he will i dead ca ^ -1 fo Our Lord and Saviour. 23 - recover." Then Jesus told them that Lazarus was dead. When they came to Bethany, Lazarus had been in the tomb four days; Mary threw herself at his feet, ! and said, " If thou hadst been here, Master, my brother had not died," Then Jesus said, The Life of them went to the Pharisees, and told them what he had done; then they and the chief priests assembled and said, « What shall we do, this man worketh many miracles, if we let him alone, every body will believe on him." From that day, therefore, they consulted how they might de- stroy him. Meantime the passover ap- proached, and they wondered whether or not Jesus would come to keep the festival; for the chief priests and Pharisees had ordered, that whoever knew where he was, should inform *hem, that they might seize him. When Jesus was on the road to Jerusalem, he said to his Our Lord and Saviour. 25 postles, €€ We are now going to Jerusalem,where the Son of man shall be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, who will con- demn him to die, and deliver him up to the Gentiles to be mocked, scourged, and crucified; but the third day he fchall rise again-" When they were nigh Jerusa- lem, Jesus sent two of his disci- ples to the village opposite to fetch an ass and her colt. The disciples went, and having done what the Lord commanded, they covered the ass with their man- tles, and made him ride. Many spread their mantles in the way* others cut branches from the palm trees, and strewed them in 26 The Life of the way, while the crowd that went before and followed after, shouted, crying, " Hosanna to the son of David, blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." " Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests, and said, " What will ye give me, and I will de- liver him to you ?" They gave him thirty shekels, and he said, " The man whom I kiss is he, secure him." From that time he watched an opportunity to deliver him up* On the first dav of the festi« val, the disciples asked Jesus where they should prepare the paschal supper; and he said, c * Go into the city, where ye Christ Jtilletk the Tempest J Our Lord and Saviour. 29 will meet a man carrying a pitch- er of water, follow him, and wherever ye enter, prepare the passover. In the evening, Jesus placed himself at table with the twelve; and whilst they were eating, he said, " Verilyl say unto you, that one of you shall deliver me up." They were all exceeding sorrow- ful, and every one began to say, Is it I ?" — He answered, The man whose hand is in the dish with me, is he who betrayeth me — The son of man departeth in the manner foretold in scrip- ture; but woe to that man who betrayeth him — it had been bet- ter for that man not to have been born." Jesus took the loaf, 30 The Life of and gave it to his disciples, say- ing, « Take, eat, this is my body/'— He then took the cup, and having given thanks, gave it to them, saying,