f'/fy'.g-. 2o. -~ N i <* 7614* In English, on paper : written by Samuel Pepys : nf x8J in., 16 leaves. ' S r . W ra . Petty's Scheme of his intended discourse touching the Scale of Creatures ' (fol. 8 V ) ; beg. (fol. 5) ‘ Deare Couzin, I haue sped soe well by pretending to say something of the Scale of Creatures ' ; copied by Pepys. Endorsed in pencil : ‘ Found among the Pepys papers 1889' (cf. no. 7613). Foil. 1-4 and 9-end are blank. Bought from Maggs Bros., 22 Sept., 1917, lot 2117, catal. 360. After quoting other writers Petty says : “I make two Scales of animate beings . . . the one whose Topp is man, and whose bottome is the Smallest and Simplest animall that man can dis- cerne. And of the other Scale the maker of the aforementioned world is the Top & man the bottom [&c.] ”. In the rest of the letter he develops the theme and applies it to religion. FRO JVi THE I. IB KAKY OF SIR WILLIAM OSLER , Bart. OXFORD irfr. 2 . 210. MAGGS BROS., iog, Strand, London, W.C. J 6 & 177 /*•/* ! y J ' Pepys’s Autograph MS. of Petty’s “Scale of Creatures.” 17 PEPYS (Samuel). Diarist. His Autograph Transcript of Sir William Petty’s “ Scheme of his intended discourse touching the Scale of Creatures .” Comprising 5? pp., folio. Clearly written. £5 5s This important manuscript is entirely in the hand of Pepys. In it Sir William Petty, the famous political economist, in the form of a very lengthy letter, sets forth the scheme of an elaborate discourse on the scale of creatures. These notes, of great interest in themselves, and most quaintly worded, are here written out in full by the great diarist. A portion of the text reads as follows:— “ 1°. That honest Hales hath said much of my Sense wizt that between God and man there are holly Angelles , created Intelligences and Subtile materiall Beings , as there are between man t and the Lowest Animall a multitude of intermediate natures “ 3°. Hales makes an affinity between metalls and vegetables and another between vegetables and Animalls f and a third affinity between Animalls and man , a fourth between man , and his subtile materiall Beings , a fifth between those Beings and created Intelligences , a Sixth between those Intelligences , and the holy Angells , and another between the Anglls. and the Creator him selfe. “4°. He sayeth that the nature of man is very much worth enquiry , because the brightness of God appeared in the Man Christ Jesus , and because man was made after God's Image and doth faintly resemble God , as the Sun in a Bason of water doth the Sun in the heavens “I have alsoe sent you the English well, keeps very neare the Sense of the Latin; at least neere enough. What / have done of this kind inust be looked upon wth. kindnesse and Candor , otherwise you Spoile me for a Poet , soe as to meddle noe more till 35 yeares hence , making my next pawse as long as my last." l \ /, Cj.-}-; o e q~Alxj> / o-t i t. ; t-V t^l£& &y f-o- scUj y&fUjis /^L£il Cf £p~Ct-. At A2 G » r*. J j£j~. . f J ^~’ *\ A - (Zl +£b~H i a £o~ -''a- ty ^/~a-r 1 f ’<>&- <7>7 ^ if; >7 u . >Ty£ oM^ XX, /, Ja^ I yy.yk- 04^^^ «*o ^hL^Bu rn^'cj-r f~ &/ a^V* -/£**+&* / • $ ArJxZ tp*c* f*+& AZl^ J A&L+ ^0 Jtn-^ /T^rrlp **~7 #~*-fl t *>& e ’ ^ rr^' ^/Z. X‘- I - A^^ n. a ,y JZ&4& S/C^ I /*i «-^r^ y^tr- Q^r~ /^Le+i e-e-t-c^ oh-t* J^tn. '*1^L>CJ 0±O . c£^/ 4 -£c A A&r'ue/S- mac/? 6^ xfe* ✓ e> <3^ fcA c^A7 £f <£} oS^ ina,,, f/Ux^, O^fc^ /&&Ly ^ *X£*/ 1 . , — — ~~ 7 c * Jy / ^ ^ * ^ ^ e*i zJzf <2rx au£~y< a^ejiy a-i^O frz /-zxj e&n m a/7 , ^ocox *y£- Ci*+ii -£} &7~> &r~t ? /V* *V? A-4L^ t/f otn /i-A £1^ rc&~4-i I . /Cy6 «. /- /T «. 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