^ THE CHILD'S COLOURED PICTURE READING BOOK. WITH MANY COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS. LONDON : DEAN AND SON, 11, LUDGATE HILL. Wholesale Bible and Prayer Book Warehouse. Come^ Ann and Jane, and hear me read my new book, which is full of pleas-ing lit-tle tales, and pret-ty pic-tnres. Did you e-ver see a hen with her lit-tle chick-ens, and how care-ful she seems of them? The chick-ens are such fat lit-tle things. Aunt lias come to see mo-ther. Un-cle keeps a farm, a long ^ay from town. But-ter is made from cream* and cheese is made from curds Mice are fond of cheese. ioth curds and cream are got from milko Corn grows in the fields, and is oround in the milL Ap-ples and pears grow in the or-chard. Po-ta-toes grow^ in the fields ; they are the root of a plant. Peas and beans grow in the fields^ and al-so in gar-dens. 'w^i^^V 1::!, .;■-'" Tiiey ran u-bout, and pick up their food so pret-ti-lj ; And when they are cold^ they run to their mo-ther. liien they creep un-dcr her wings., and that keeps them ve-ry warm and com-fbrt-a-ble. ^???-/5;^ .ye^n fM^f' The hawk is a bird that eab c] lick-ens. When a lien sees a hawk fiy- s mg m tiie air, she calls her chick-ens, and a-thers them iin-der her vv^ings. The chick-ens al-ways come. So when your mo-ther bids you do a-ny thing, re-mem-ber the chick-ens^ and o-bey her. ^i^gs^,' \ ^.^ The cows lie down on the 2;reeii o rass : And we must |ig down on a bed^ and go to sleep. But when we are a-sleep, wdio will will take care of us ? We can-not take care of our- selves. But there is One who ne-ver sleeps; that is, God. Beg of Him to mvdvA iis. Let us ask Him to help us to be good ; and to fbr-give us when we have done wrong. Let us thank Him for His care o-ver us. He loves to see lis hap-py and good. ■m Jane has gone to see the wa- ter-fall, and is sit-ting on a rock, look-ing at it. O-rang-es, figs, and grapes, are grown in hot coim-tries^ and are brought to Eng-land in ships. Rai-sins are dried grapes, and so are the cur-rants we put in-to pud-dings. Cur-rants come from Greece. MM ■MMI <- r--^--.. Ktl!4!£^©>^ pern See the kind shep-liercl^ play- ing on his pipe, while he is mind-ing the sheep. It is night : the sun is set. The lit-tle birds have done ; sing-ing. They sleep on trees. > The men have done their day's la-bour ; and the lit-tle chil-dren are ti-red and gone to bed. How shall we ask Him^ and thank Him? % We should go to church, and pray to Him with our voice, and in our hearts. We may thank Him in words ; but we must also thank Him in our hearts. He sees us in the night, as well as in the day. NURSERY RECREATIONS for the Young and Good. Size, 4to. demy; the Type, clear, bold, and distinct; the Music and Song, engraven and printed from tlie plates ; the Pictures, printed in Chromo; the whole forming a Juvenile Library, a Picture Gallery, a Musical Treasury, and a Book of Juvenile Songs. 1, LITTLE BOY BLUE ; his Portrait, and History in Prose, and Song to Music 1 2, LITTLE BO-PEEP ; her Portrait, and History in Prose, and Snng to Music 1 3, LITTLE RED RIDING-HOOD; her Portrait and History, &c. and Music 1 4, LITTLE GOODY TWO-SHOES; her Portrait and History, &c. and Music 1 ROYAL NURSERY Picture Instructors ; printed on stout Cardboard and coloured. In these Instructors, Learning is made a pleasure, instead of a Task,— and Amusement and Instruction are prettily blended. Royal Nursery Clock, with moveable Hour and Minute Hands Royal Nursery Ali)habet ,. Royal Nursery Musical Alphabet . Royal Nursery Mariner's Compass . Royal Nursery Calendar . . Peep into the Royal Road to Learning „ . Royal Nursery Peep into Geography Royal Nursery Peep into Astronomy Peep at the Flags of all Nations . Royal Nursery Peep at Natural History . Peep at the Kings and Queens of England Peep into the Crystal Palace, Sydenham . 2000—8,59.