THE GARDEN OF LEARNING- ROMAN CAPITALS. AB CDEF G HI JKLMN OPQRSTU V WX Y Z SMALL LETTERS abcdefghij klmnopqrs t u v w x y z 1234567890 ab eb ac ec ad ed la ma na pa ra sa ta va LESSONS OF TWO LETTERS. ib ob lib ic oc uc ba be bi bo ca ce ci co id od ud I da de di do EASTER. bu cu du we wa za ze zi zo za EASY READING LESSONS. It is an ox. If [ If it is an ox I go up to it, am I to go b y- is he to go in. It is to go on, Am I to do so. i if we g° to it. LESSONS OF TP1REE LETTERS. can man dan pan bed fed led red dog wet bet a pen a gun a man a tov top hop sop fop tug rug mug saw law paw daw THE BULL FINCH. tub rub cub dub hat mat cat fat a bed a hog a nut a van a cat a pot a bat a dog a kid a sow a can a fly a log a rod a dot SPELLING LESSONS OF FOUR LETTERS. flag drag brag crag fish play dray slay tray hope mine line pine fine fern teal seal heal meal mile cake bake take lake dart book cook look took boat coat moat goat pail rail ail THE QUEEN. EASY READING LESSONS. Bring me my book. It will not rain. I can read in it. Spell all the words. That is a good boy, crab drab slab blab bank pale sale tale bale fast last past cast beat seat heat So we may go out. Put on your new hat. We will see the fair. Things belonging to a House. knife bar chest chair bed stone fork bolt trunk stool couch tiles plate lock jack glass rug thatch THE GOOD BOY. A good child will not lie, swear, nor steal, nor will he take God's name in vain. He will be good at home, and will take care to read his book ; and when he gets up, he will wash his face and hands clean, comb 0ut his hair, and make haste to school, and will not play by the way, as bad boys do, tight night blank flank prank spank thank green black white brown short Lessons of Five Letters. crest chink stock drill guest brink block quill THE CHURCH. MORNING PRAYER. jaunt taunt blush flush brush crush plush trout roach tench sprat perch Now I see the glorious Sun Begin his shining race to run, Heavenly Father, grant me grace To shine this day in virtue's race, Keep me from each evil way Through each minute of this day ; That I the path to Heaven may take, For my divine Redeemer's sake. EVENING PRAYER. Me O Heavenly Father, keep From all evil while I sleep ; And that 1 in health may live, Sweet refreshing slumber give; With thy smile my parents cheer ; Guard my friends and kindred dear Till we in the morning wake To praise thee !— for our Saviour's 'sake. THE LORD'S PRAYER. Our Fa-ther which art in hea-ven, hallow- ed be thy name; thy king-dom come; thy will be done in earth as it is in hea-ven. Give us this day our dai-ly bread ; and for- give us our tres-pass-es, as we for-give them that tres-pass-es, a-gainst us. And lead ns not in-to tem-ta-tion, but de«liv-er us from e-vil ; for thine is the king-dom, and the pow-er, and the glo-ry, for ev-er and ev-er A-men. Prisited aad Sold by J, L, Marks, Loug Lane, Smithfield OA 5 A LIST OF JOTMILE BOOKS. PUBLISHED BY J. L. MARKS, UNIFORM WITH THIS, 3$ Hawthorn Farm or the lost Son. The Butterfly's Court Day. History of the Country Cousins. Gaffer Gurtons visit to the Fair. Select Gleanings for Children. Dowlas's trip to Hampton Court. Adventures of Matty Marvelous. The History of Paddy Shane. Adventures of Peter Poppleton. Nursery Rhymes The Garden of Learning. The Bower of Knowledge.