H ow to Get a Copy of the efvue Sloped i Cook ^Book I N MANY of the requests received for the FiveR oses Cook Book, several housewives give the names and addresses of friends who could use a copy. In order to facilitate the distribution of these books, of which the edition is necessarily limited, we append below three separate coupons, on receipt of each of which we will at once forward a copy to the proper address. The coupon must be properly - filled out in every particular and the silver ( 30 c) or stamps duly en¬ closed to cover postage. The envelope should be addressed : (East of Fort William) (West of Fort William) Director iof Publicity Director of Publicity Lake of the Woods Milling Company Lake of the Woods Milling Compar Montreal, Qne. Limited Winnipeg, Man. Limi [CUT OUT THESE COUPONS AND GIVE THEM TO YOUR • I C O U P O N for the Five Roses Cook Book Write name and ad¬ dress plainly. Don’t forget to enclose thirty cents in stamps or silver. Name: Street and Number: City and Province: Name of Dealer: C O U P O N for the Five Roses Cook Book o <> Write name and ad¬ dress plainly. f Don’t forget to enclose thirty cents in stamps or silver. Name: Street and Number: City and Province: Name of Dealer: > / La Cuisini^re Five Rises (en frangais) envoi franco, contre 30 _ Tn sist On What You Ask For efvue ZRo&e& §Flour Jiot SWoekd cVot Sledded T here is only one Five Roses flour and IT IS MILLED EXCLUSIVELY BY LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING COMPANY, LIMITED. IT IS PACKED IN BAGS AND BARRELS AND SHOULD BEAR THE BRAND SHOWN BELOW, OTHERWISE, YOU CANNOT OBTAIN THE SAME RESULTS FROM THE RECIPES IN THE Five Roses COOK BOOK , * BE SURE YOU GET THE GENUINE—LOOK FOR THE LABEL SHOWN/^ELOW ' ~CEPT NO SUBSTITUTE Cook 5kx>k Being a Manual of Good Recipes carefully chosen from the contributions of over two thousand successful users of Five Roses Flour throughout Canada Also Useful Notes on the various classes of good things to eat, all of which have been carefully checked and re-checked by competent authority Issued by Lake of the Woods Milling Company Limited Montreal Copyright , Canada , by Lake of the Woods Milling Company Limited COMPILED AND DESIGNED BY ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING s: :: company limited :: :: COMPANY LIMITED :: MONTREAL tfive Stored SFlcrni* LIST OF RECIPES <$> <*> Arranged Alphabetically Apple Snow. Baking Powder. Bannocks. Beets, Canned. BISCUITS Arrowroot. Baking Powder. . . Buttermilk. Cream. Cream (Eggless). . Dream. Heather. Lemon. Light Foam. Pin Wheels. Potato. Potato (Irish). Prize. Prepared Flour for Rice. Tea (Cream). Tea (French). Crushed Wheat. . . Women’s Institute. BUNS Almond. Bath (English) Canadian. Chelsea. Currant. German. Graham. Grandmother’s Hot Cross.... Nut.. riam ino. i. Plain No. 2. Rock. Scotch Black. Spanish No. 1. Spanish No. 2. Yankee. BREAD. FANCY Apple. Baking Powder. Brown (Yeast). Brown (Boston No. 1). Brown (Steamed) .... Brown (Bran). Brown (Quick). Brown (Raisin). Brown (Rhode Island) Brown (Rolled Wheat) Corn. Currant. Date. Fruit. Griddle. Honey. Nut. Nut Brown. Oatmeal. Pumpkin. Rice. Rice (Southern). Rye. Salt Rising No. 1. Salt Rising No. 2. Scotch Oat. Unleavened. Whole Wheat. 68 139 40 138 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 37 37 40 40 39 40 37 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 36 35 35 33 33 35 35 36 36 36 17 17 17 18 18 17 17 18 17 17 iv 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 BREAD, WHITE White. Beginner’s. Compressed Yeast. Dry Yeast. First Prize No. 1.. First Prize No. 2. . Homesteaders. Milk. Potato Yeast. Potato (Mixer).... Quick No. 1. Quick No. 2. Quick No. 3. Two Hour. Whey. Bread Crumbs Bursting. Dust. Left Over. Pulled. BREAKFAST FOOD Biscuits. Bread. Cereal. Combination. Gems. Griddle Cakes. Muffins. Pancakes. x Preparations. Sandwiches. Waffles.. .. CAKE Angel Food No. 1. . . Angel Food No, 2 . . . Apple Sauce No. 1. . Apple Sauce No. 2 .. . Apple (Dried). Apple (Dutch). Banana No. 1. Banana No. 2. Black. Black (Manitou) Blackball. Boiled. Bread. Bride’s No. 1. Bride’s No. 2. Bridegroom’s. Brown Stone. Buttermilk. Butternut. Caramel. Cherry. Chocolate. Chocolate (Coffee).. . Christmas (English).. Christmas (Prize).... Christmas (4 Layers) Citron. v once iNu. i . . Coffee No. 2 . . Cocoanut Loaf Coontown .... Corn. Corn Meal . . . Cornstarch. . . Cream. Crumb. Cup. Date. 12 15 12 12 14 14 15 14 13 13 12 13 14 12 16 15 16 16 16 16 46 45 45 47 46 46 46 46 47 46 47 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 64 95 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 Cake—C ontinued Date Oat. Delicate. Devil. Eagle No. 1. Eagle No. 2 . Economy . Favorite. Fig. Fig Loaf. Fruit (Plain) . Fruit (White) . Fruit (Eggless) . Fruit (Oatmeal) . Fruit (Ribbon No. 1) . . . . Fruit (Ribbon No. 2) . Fruit (Steamed) . Fudge ... Gold and Silver. Handy . Hickory Nut. Ice Cream . Jelly Roll. Jersey Lily . June . Kentish . King Edward . Layer (Plain) . Layer (Dark )No. 1 . Layer (Dark) No. 2 . Layer (Quick) . Layer (Raisin) . Lemon . Light . Madeiici . Marble. Marble (Cheap) . Marble (Chocolate) ..... Marguerite . Mocha No. 1 . Mocha No. 2. Molasses No. 1 . Molasses No. 2. Molasses (Eggless) . Mountain . National . Oatmeal . Oatmeal (Eggless) . Orange . 1-2-3-4 Cake . Peanut .. Peanut Loaf . Peel . Pepper . Plum (Cheap) . Pork Fruit . Pork . Poor Man’s . Potato . Pound . Prune . Raspberry . Ribbon . Railway . Rice. Rye Meal . Scriptural . Short Short (Peach) . Short (Strawberry No. 1) Short (Strawberry No. 2). Short (Rhubarb). Short (Boston) . Shrewsbury. Spice. Sponge No. 1. 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 99 100 100 100 101 101 101 lot 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 104 104 104 104 103 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105. 105 105 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 106 106 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 110 110 110 no no no oVoi SBleaefied "cXot SBlended Is] LIST OF RECIPES—Continued Cake—C ontinued Sponge No. 2. HI Sponge (Children’s). Ill Sugar (Burnt). Ill Sultana. Ill Sunshine. 111 Strawberry. Ill Tic-Tac-Toe. 111- Trifle. Ill Tumbler. 112 Walnut Chocolate. 112 Washington. 112 Water (Boiling). 112 Watermelon. 106 Wedding No. 1. 112 Wedding No. 2. 112 Wheat Shorts. 113 White. 113 Crackers— Continued Oatmeal. . 126 . 126 Cream Slices. . 77 CROQUETTES Beef . . 119 Chicken. . 119 . 120 Potato Beef. . 120 CRULLERS Plain ... . 118 Eggless .«. Crumpets. Custard for Eclairs. Custard, Orange. . 118 . 43 . 66 . 66 CAKES (Small) Bran Drop .. Brown Betties. Brownies. Brownies (Graham). Cocoanut Drops. . . Ginger Drop. Hermits No. 1. Hermits No. 2. Honeycomb Drop .. Jam jam No. 1. Jam Jam No. 2. Jam Jam (Ginger). Jam Jam (Oatmeal) Jersey Wonders. . . . Bakewell Cheese.... Canadian Cheese. . . Lemon Cheese. Molasses. Oatmeal Drop. Potato. Rocks. Rocks (Cocoanut). . Sandwich. Snowballs. Tea Kisses. Tea Drop. Twist. 124 124 123 123 124 125 124 124 125 121 121 121 122 119 74 74 122 75 125 42 125 125 121 121 125 125 120 CANDY Butter Scotch.. . 88 Caramels. .yTT. . 88 Fudge No. 1.... ^ . 88 Fudge No. 2 . yS. . 89 Maple Creanr. 89 Marsh matttfw. 89 Seafq^mrfT.. 89 Cat^TT. 137 Gh^rlotte Russe. 69, 96 Xheese Entree. 68 Cocoanut Souffle. 69 COOKIES Almond. Ammonia. Aunt Mary’s. Boston Drop . Buttermilk. Caraway Seed. Cocoanut. Coffee. Cream (Sweet). Cream (Sour No. 1). Cream (Sour No. 2). Date. Favorite. Fruit. Ginger Hickory Nut. Honey. Honey (Soft). Lemon. Molasses. Maple Syrup. Oatmeal. Peanut. Sugar. Ten-Egg. Without Eggs or Cream Corn, How to Can. 131 131 131 131 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 134 134 134 134 134 134 132 137 CRACKERS Butter. . . . 126 DOUGHNUTS Notes on. No i . . 117 . 117 No 2 . . 117 Eggless. Molasses. . 117 . 118 Potato. . 118 Rich Raised. Sour Cream. . 118 . 118 DUMPLINGS Apple No. 1. Apple No. 2. Esglcss. . 64 . 64 . 64 Light. Plain. Sugar. With Roast Beef. With Stews. Eclairs, Chocolate. Eggs, Test for. Eggs, Preservative. Eggs, Omelette. Fillings for Pies. . 65 . 64 . 64 . 65 . 65 . 76 . 91 . 140 . 139 .87, 88 FRITTER > i . No. 2. Parsnip. Pumpkin. Frostings. . 118 . 119 . 119 . 119 . 85 GEMS Belfasts. 41 Com. 41 Fadge. 41 Graham No. 1. 41 Graham No. 2. 41 Plunkets. 41 Ginger Balls. 135 Ginger Beer. 129 GINGERBREAD Prize. 114 No. 2. 114 No. 3. 114 (Soft). 114 (Honeycomb). 114 (New). 114 Grape Wine. 129 GRIDDLE CAKES Breadcrumbs. 51 Buckwheat. 51 Buttermilk No. 1. 51 Buttermilk No. 2. 52 Plain. 51 Hop Beer. 129 ICING Note on. 88 Almond. 85 Boiled. 85 Butter. 85 Caramel No. 1. 86 Caramel No. 2. 86 Chocolate. 86 Cocoa. 86 Confectioner’s. 86 Lemon. 86 Icing—C ontinued Marshmallow. Mocha No. 1. Mocha No. 2. Maple Cream. Orange. Plain. Raisin. Strawberry. Walnut. Jams. Jellies. Johnny Cake No. 1. Johnny Cake No. 2. Johnny Cake (Bachelor’s) Jumbles. Jumbles, Fruit No. 1. Jumbles, Fruit No. 2. Kisses. Lady Fingers. Lady Fingers (German). . Lady Fingers (Cheese). . . Lady Fingers (Cream). . . Lemon Foam. Lemonade Syrup. Macaroons, Almond. Macaroons, Cocoanut. . . . Macaroons, Oatmeal. Maids of Honour. ?.laple Mousse. Meat Corning. 86 86 86 87 86 87 87 88 87 127 128 43 43 43 122 122 122 89 123 123 123 31 68 119 123 123 123 74 68 139 MUFFINS Bran. Cream. Left-Over. Nellie’s. Oajtmeal. Plain. Popovers No. 1 Popovers No. 2 Nuggets. Omelette Souffle. . Orange Float. Orangeade. Oyster Loaf. Oyster Patties.... 7 PANCAKES Buckwheat. . . . Com. Dry Bread. English. French. Graham. Plain. Potato No. 1. .. Potato No. 2.. Wheat. 43 43 43 42 42 42 44 44 125 69 68 129 59 126 49 49 50 49 49 50 49 50 SO 50 PARKIN No. 1. 113 No. 2. 113 Yorkshire. 113 Lancashire. 113 PASTRY Making. 71 Farmers’. 73 Flaky. 72 Left-Over. 73 New. 73 One Pie. 73 Plain. 72 Puff. 72 Rough Puff. 73 Short. 72 Short Rich. 72 Yorkshire. 73 PATTIES Cases for. 74 Cocoanut. 74 Fairy Cream. 77 Lemon. 74 Oyster. 75 Rice. 75 Pickles,,,.,,. 137 [6\ Xot SBleacKed''cXot SBlended ffhre Sloped BUrur PIE Apple . Apple Sauce . Apple (Plain). Apple (Dried) . Bachelor’s Fruit. Backwoods . Banana . Banana Cream . Blueberry . Buttermilk . Butter Scotch . Caramel .. Carrot . Cocoanut . Chicken. Cranberry . Cherry (Mock). Chocolate . Cream . Cream (French). Custard . Date (Mexican). Lemon . Lemon (Mock) . Meat (New) . Mince . Mince (Patent). Mince (Rich) . Mince (Tomato). Maple Syrup No. 1 Maple Syrup No. 2 . Pork (Devonshire). Pork (Melton Mowbray) Pot . Pumpkin . Pumpkin (Eggless) . Rhubarb . Rhubarb-Date . Shepherd’s . Sugar. Venison. Vinegar. Washington. Potato Loaf. Potato Scallop. PUDDING Apple. Apples in Ambush. . Apple Jack. Australian. Bakewell. Banana. Baron Cup. Batter No. 1. Batter No. 2. Bird’s Nest. Black . Bread. Bread-Fruit. Bread-Butter. Brown Betty. Canary. Caramel. Carrot No. 1. Carrot No. 2. Carrot (1 Egg). Chicken. Chocolate. Chocolate-Bread- Christmas (English) Christmas No. 2... . Christmas No. 3... . Corn (Green). Cottage. Cottage (Eggless)... Cup. Date. 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 52 140 53 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 LIST OF RECIPES—Continued Pudding—C ontinued Date-Whip. 58 Fruit No. 1. 58 Fruit No. 2. 58 Ginger. 58 Herbie’s. 58 Light. 58 Madeira. 59 Maple Cream. 59 Marmalade. 59 Molasses. 59 Paddy Bundles. 59 Pineapple-Tapioca. 59 Poor Man’s. 60 Plum No. 1. 60 Plum No. 2. 60 Plum (Egglese). 60 Prune. 60 Raspberry. 60 Raspberry-Tapioca. 60 Quick. 60 Rice. 61 Roly Poly. 61 Roly Poly (English). 61 Sponge No. 1. 61 Sponge No. 2. 61 Snow. 61 Snowball. 61 Sponge (Bread). 62 Suet. 62 Suet (Eggless). 62 Summer. 62 Sunshine. 62 Syrup Sponge. 62 Toast. 62 Trifle. 63 Vanilla Snow. 63 Whole Wheat. 63 PUFFS Breakfast. 44 Cream. 75 Ginger. 75 Potato. 140 Salmon. 63 Tea. 44 Raspberry C'rown. 68 Red Currant Snow. 68 Relish. 137 ROLLS N te on. Bread Dough. . Breakfast. Butter. Cheese. Cinnamon. Delicious. French. French (Raised) Milk. Parker House. . Sausage. 29 29 30 29 40 29 29 30 30 30 30 40 RUSES Bread Dough. Eggless. Yeast. Salads. Salad Dressings Sally Lunn.... Salmon Loaf... 31 31 31 138 138 43 63 SANDWICHES Notes on ..... Cheese. Egg. Fruit. Fish. 23 25 27 27 25 Sandwiches— Continued Left-Over. 27 Meat. 24 Nut. . 26 Vegetable. 26 Sausage. 139 SAUCES For Puddings. 65 Bread. 65 Caramel. 65 Chocolate No. 1. 65 Chocolate No. 2. 66 Chocolate (Milk). 66 Cornstarch No. 1. 66 Cornstarch No. 2. 66 Fruit.66 Fruit Juice. 66 German. 67 Hard. 66 Lemon. 67 Maple Syrup. 67 Maple Syrup (Mock). 67 Pumpkin Syrup. 68 Rhubarb. 67 Spanish Cream. 67 Tapioca Cream. 67 Wine Sauce No. 1. 67 Wine Sauce No. 2. 67 SCONES Buttermilk. Oatmeal. Raisin. Scotch. Shingles. Shortbread, Scotch No. 1 Scotch No. 2. Scotch No. 3. 41 42 42 41 109 115 115 115 SNAPS Coffee. Ginger No. 1. Ginger No. 2. Ginger No. 3. Fruit. Lemon. Sugar. Strawberry Crean.s. Straws, Cheese No. 1 Cheese No. 2. Stickfast Paste. 135 135 135 135 135 136 136 76 124 124 140 TARTS, Butter Cocoanut. . . . Cream. Macaroon.... Maple Syrup. . Paste for. Shells for. Snowden. Toast, Cheese. . . Egg. Mennonite Trilby s. Vinegar. 76 76 76 77 76 77 77 76 52 52 120 134 139 Wafers, Chocolate. 126 Peanut. 126 Rosette. 126 Waffles, Cream. 52 Southern. 52 Quick. 52 Yorkshire Pudding No. 1. 63 No. 2. 63 <£ <$> <$> c)(ot fBleoeked fBlended Erl A PAGE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Y using measures instead of weights considerable time can be saved the user of Five Roses Flour, and it is because the following equiv¬ alents have been of real use to many contributors that they are now dded to the Five Roses Cook Book. All measures are level, unless otherwise specified. Due to the loss or gain of moisture constantly Jgoing on, no absolutely true measures can be given, but for ordi¬ nary purposes the following are approximately correct. Further hints and details dealing with the various classes of good things to eat will be found in their proper sections. Standard cups, spoons, etc., are used. 2 saltspoons.1 coffeespoon 2 coffeespoons.1 teaspoon 55 drops..1 teaspoon 5 teaspoons (dry material).. 1 tablespoon 4 teaspoons (liquid material) 1 tablespoon 4 tablespoons (liquid material) . . . . \ cup 4 tablespoons (liq. material) 1 wineglass 2 wineglasses.1 ^ 14 tablespoons.1 cup or \ pint 2 gills.1 cup 2 gills.1 tumbler 2 cups.1 P* 11 * 2 pints. .1 quart 1 pint (liquid).1 pound 1 tablespoon (liquid). \ ounce 1 tablespoon (rounding) soft butter .1 ounce 2 tablespoons melted butter.... 1 ounce Soft butter size of walnut.... 1 ounce Soft butter size of an egg.. . .2 ounces 1 tablespoon (heaping) sugar or salt...1 ounce 2 tablespoons (heaping) Five Roses flour.1 ounce 2 tablespoons (heaping) powdered sugar.1 ounce 2 tablespoons (heaping) ground coffee......... 1 ounce 1 square chocolate.1 ounce 1 cup butter or lard. \ pound 1 cup granulated sugar (rounded) . \ pound 1 44 confectioner’s sugar.6 ounces 1 44 brown sugar (heaping)... 8 ounces 1 44 sifted Fives Roses flour about.4 ounces 1 quart or 4 cups sifted Five Roses flour.1 pound 3 tablespoons (heaping) Five Roses flour.1 cup 1 cup bread dough (rounded)... 6 to 8 oz. 1 ** milk.8 ounces 1 “ tea.4 ounces 1 44 rice... ...7 ounces 1 14 bread crumbs (pressed in) 4 ounces 1 44 suet (finely chopped).. . .4 ounces 2 cups minced beef (packed closely) .1 pound 3 cups Indian Meal.1 pound 1 cup (heaping) currants without stems..6 ounces 1 cup (heaping) raisins without stems.8 ounces 10 average sized eggs or 9 large e £g s .1 pound 1 cup egg whites or yolks.£ pound 10 whites or 13 yolks (average sized eggs).i cup 2 yolks.i e gg 1 cup yolks. 7 eggs 5 average sized eggs . 1 cup m cXot £Bleadved "*cKot 5B tended THE MAKING OF BREAD C Editor's Note) N BREAD-MAKING there is no such thing as "luck." It is merely the effect that follows the use of the best flour, the best yeast and the proper method. The making of bread can now be made a simple, sanitary process involving little, if any, physical effort and very little time. A chief purpose of the Five Roses Cook Book is to save the housewife baking worries, to indicate the proper methods, because nobody works so hard as the person who works badly. Over two thousand of the very finest cooks in Canada have con¬ tributed their baking secrets to this book, and it is from these contributions that the following bread rules have been selected. Since it is a well-known fact that we have not all the same success with the same recipes, the wisdom of securing different methods for the same purpose is evident. Each separate recipe having received careful checking at the hands of the Five Roses expert, there need be no fear of wasted material or disappointment, if the rules be closely followed . The following pages reflect the various methods of bread-making in favour among users of Five Roses flour in every province of Canada. There is a sufficient variety at hand to suit all conditions which can possibly arise due to weather, convenience, economy, time, or object in view. While each rule carries its own particular directions, yet a few general sugges¬ tions will prove worthy of attention. <$► ❖ <$> FLOUR In cold weather, warm the flour. Put the dish on top of the stove and stir con¬ stantly with the hand from'the bottom till the chill is off. Or, warm the jar or crock very hot, put the flour in and let stand some time before using. Besides making the flour more susceptible to yeast action, this dries it out and makes it a readier absorber of the liquid. It is best, at all times, to have the flour at about 80 degrees Fahrenheit before mixing into either sponge or dough. In fact, keep everything connected with bread-making at an even temperature. YEAST Due to varying conditions, house¬ wives have different yeast preferences. Potato, home-made, dry or compressed yeast, whichever used should be fresh, lively and the best obtainable. It has a tremendous influence on the finished loaf. All dry yeast should break brittle. If it crumbles in handling, do not use it. All compressed or fresh yeast should break apart. If soft and spongy, do not use it. The sweet, characteristic odour of sound yeast is a good sign. If it smells sour or musty, its use should be avoided. If you make your own yeast, surgical cleanliness of materials and exact quan¬ tities should be observed, because the slightest impurity is multiplied to an in¬ credible extent in the various stages of fermentation and baking. Yeast is a cellular plant which grows and multiplies best at between 80 and 90 degrees Fahr., preferably 85 to 86 degrees. The ordinary dairy thermometer is very useful to insure right temperature, and costs very little. Over-heating the yeast is as fatal as chilling it. Half a compressed yeast cake is equi¬ valent to 1 cup liquid yeast or 1 whole dry yeast cake. 10] oVot Steadied 'JuA SBlended tfiue Sloped §FUmr ||XWHp] [Making of Bread ] MIXING Use tepid water, and warm mixing bowl. Never mix a sponge in a cold kitchen, for it will at once take on the temperature of the room, especially if a bread mixer be used which circulates air through the dough. The best cooks use a wooden spoon. Make your dough rather slack, just as soft as can be conveniently handled. Unlike weaker flours, Five Roses has a tendency to tighten up during the mixing and kneading. Less flour should be used, which means quite a saving. A soft dough makes bread more tender and appetizing, and it keeps fresh longer than if made from a stiff dough. Of course, also avoid too light a dough, which is apt to make a coarse texture and spoil the appearance of the cut loaf. KNEADING Kneading is done to thoroughly mix the ingredients, to aerate the dough and supply air (its best food) to the yeast. It also softens the gluten and makes it elastic. Kneading distributes the gas bubbles evenly throughout the dough. The more thorough the kneading, the better these objects are attained. After taking from mixing pan, knead the dough with the upper part of the palm near the wrist (the heel of the hand), not W’ith the fingers. This should be done without flouring the hands or board— adding raw flour at this stage is poor policy. The more you work the sponge or dough the whiter it gets, due to the action of the oxy¬ gen of the air. Light¬ ness and whiteness depend a lot on the proper performance of this process. Knead the dough to a smooth, velvety mass that does not stick to the board or fingers, and which, when cut with a sharp knife, shows the inside full of fine, even bubbles, without lump9 or unmixed por¬ tions. When sufficiently worked, return to well-greased earthen bowl which has previously been warmed. Let rise. RISING Always try to set your sponge at night (when the overnight process is used) at between 80 and 90 degrees Fahr. Wrap up carefully in a warm bread cloth, put in a warm place free from draughts and where it will not be dis¬ turbed. Try to maintain a continuous even temperature. Never expose a dough to an uncertain kitchen on a cold night. A good way to protect it is to simply place the bowl (or mixer) in a light paper box, insulated, and shut the lid. To chill the yeast cells at this stage may mean sour bread or other ills. To keep bread dough from forming a crust or skin while rising, grease lightly bottom and sides of pan and roll dough over in it until outside is covered. Mois¬ tening with warm milk and water also checks a crust-forming tendency. A crust at this stage should be avoided, as it may leave a streak in the bread and also cause an unsightly crust in the baked loaf. Dough is properly risen when it has doubled its original bulk. It is then ready to mould into loaves. Some house¬ wives knock down the light dough and let it rise a second time, claiming thereby a finer texture; but one rising is sufficient for ordinary purposes. An empty Five Roses flour barrel lined with 3 or 4 layers of newspaper pasted on makes an excellent place to set bread to rise overnight. MOULDING The less you handle the dough when shaping into loaves the better. The less flour used at this stage the nicer the bread. In fact, particular house¬ wives absolutely refuse to use dry, raw flour in moulding. To work in dry, un¬ fermented flour after fermenting the dough for hours is really to court streaky bread, lumps of hard dough, holes, etc. They prefer to grease both board and fingers* and, in this way, avoid using raw flour in moulding their bread. [io] cXot £BlcocJved 'cXot Sleuded iSI efvue Sloped §Fkn*/r After shaping and placing in warm well-greased pans, cover with clean warm cloth and let rise again until twice original size. Avoid making loaves too large, as it makes bread unwieldy and difficult to bake properly. BAKING To get a golden crust sweet as a nut, with a tender elastic crumb, a steady moderate oven is required. Too hot an oven prevents proper ex¬ pansion of the loaves by forming a pre¬ mature crust or even burning it, while at the same time leaving the crumb under¬ baked, resulting in a doughy centre. Bread should continue rising in the oven at least fifteen minutes before beginning to brown. If you have an oven indicator, set the heat at about 350 degrees. The oven is right when the hand can be held in from 35 to 45 seconds. Burning flour is an¬ other test. If you value light bread, never bang the oven door. Always close it gently. If the oven is too hot, putting in a pan of boiling water will prevent burning and also improve the loaves. Bread is done when the loaves sound hollow when tapped on bottom. Another sign is when it freely leaves the sides of the pan. [Making of Bread ] COOLING Never leave hot bread in pans after taking from oven. Remove at once, turn on a wire rack or cloth to enable the air to cool it from every side, or stand on edge across top of pans. If a soft crust be desired, rub with milk or melted butter. If a hard crust, cool uncovered. When entirely cold, place in bread box. Bread is liable to become sodden when put away still warm. BAKING BREAD IN GAS OVEN Many housewives have wondered whether it is at all possible to bake bread in an oven which stands on top of gas rings. The principal thing to learn is just how high to have the gas: it must be kept rather low. While the top grate in the oven may be filled, two loaves can be baked on the under grate by having small pans. Place the length of the pan across the oven, shove the first one as far back as possible, and set the other one as close to the oven door as possible. The idea is not to have either of them immediately over the flame. Of course, they need to be closely watched and turned occasionally. $> <$> <$> Tfj^IVE ROSES is the favorite in one million Can- •*- adian homes, not because it makes the most bread per sack or the best bread, but because it is steady, regular, dependable. Only one thing costs the miller more than quality, and that is the same quality all the time. Isn’t it worth a lot to know that YOUR flour is sure, reliable, trouble-proof? Note the fourfold uni¬ formity of FIVE ROSES flour, in strength, color, flavor and yield. It never fails. [«] eXot £Bl ecieked fBtended E SS ike Stoaea §flot*r ,,i ..„• .-■ ... .•'■■■•-■—--' — ■- WHITE BREAD RECIPES BREAD WITH COMPRESSED YEAST (Quick Method) 1 cake compressed yeast (see note) 3 quarts Five Roses flour 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 1 quart lukewarm milk and water (or lukewarm water only) 2 tablespoons sugar. Note —Two cakes of yeast may be used in this recipe with advantage to the bread and a saving of time. Take the lukewarm milk and water, and put in a deep dish or pitcher. Add the yeast and sugar, and dissolve. Then take the flour (either all or part) and put in kneading pan. Add salt, mix thorough¬ ly, and rub the butter well into the flour. Then mix in your yeast and knead to a nice soft dough that does not stick to the hands, adding more Five Roses flour if required. Let rise for about 2 or 3 hours. Then mould into loaves. Let rise in moder¬ ately warm place, free from draughts, until they arc about half as big again as when you put them in the pans, and then bake for about f hour. Turn upside down when done and tap bottom. If it sounds hollow, your bread is done. When letting rise, cover with a lid or two or three thicknesses of cloth. This is the way to make quick bread. The entire process requires about 6 hours or less. COMPRESSED YEAST RECIPE >ver Night) 1 cake compressed yeast 2 quarts water 6 quarts sifted Five Roses flour 2 tablespoonfuls lard or butter, melted 2 tablespoonfuls sugar 2 tablespoonfuls salt. Dissolve yeast and sugar in the water, which should be lukewarm in winter and cool in summer, add 2 tablespoonfuls lard or butter, and half the flour. Beat until smooth, then add balance of the 1 12 ] <^ot SBleaeRed flour, or enough to make moderately firm dough, and lastly, the salt. Knead until smooth and elastic. Place in well-greased bowl and cover. Set aside to rise over night, or about 9 hours. In the morning mould into loaves. Fill well-greased pans half full, cover and let rise until light, or until loaves have doubled in bulk, which will be in about 1^ hours. Bake 40 to 50 minutes. This will make 6 large loaves. If this quantity of bread is not needed, the recipe can be divided very easily by taking just half of the ingredients called for above, as well as half the cake of yeast. The half cake of yeast, which you have left over, can be kept in good condition several days by re-wrapping it in the tinfoil and keeping it in a cool, dry place. DRY YEAST BREAD 3 quarts Five Roses flour 1 tablespoon salt 4 cups lukewarm water 1 dry yeast cake. Method: Let the yeast cake dissolve in £ cup lukewarm water for about 10 minutes. Put the salt into mixing pan, add enough water and enough flour to make a stiff batter (about the Consistency of pancake mixture). Add yeast and beat 2 or 3 min¬ utes. Set in warm place to rise over-night. In the morning, sponge should be twice its size. Add enough flour to make dough stiff enough not to stick to hands or board. After flour is mixed in, turn out on board and knead 2 or 3 minutes. Let rise again and put in pans. Cover well and let rise to 2\ times its size. Bake in moderate oven until it is nicely browned and feels light when taken out. TWO-HOUR BREAD Take 1 pint of lukewarm water and soak 4 Royal Yeast Cakes. Put in 4 table¬ spoons of Five Roses flour. Set in warm place to raise. Cook 12 potatoes, mash and add to this 1 quart of warm water and 1 quart of cold water. Add 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar. When lukewarm mix in the yeast and set away overnight. eNoi tended §we Wlcnw In the morning, warm your flour and warm half your yeast. Mix into a stiff dough. Let rise, then add 1 tablespoon salt and work down stiff, or until the dough does not stick to the hands. Let rise again and then make into loaves. Note —Many good bread makers claim that potatoes give to their bread a silkiness of texture not obtainable any other way. [White Bread ] moulded into loaves. Let rise again. Then bake 60 minutes in moderate oven. Note —2 quarts of the liquid potato yeast in this recipe make 4 large loaves, so that the rule should be doubled for this quantity. BREAD WITH POTATO YEAST POTATO YEAST Materials: 8 large potatoes 4 tablespoons Five Roses flour 4 tablespoons salt 4 tablespoons granulated sugar 4 cups boiling water 4 quarts cold water 2 cakes Royal Yeast. Method: Peel and boil the potatoes, and mash in water boiled in. While boiling, pour this over the flour, salt and sugar (which have been previously stirred together). To this, add boiling water, mix well, then add the cold water. Dissolve the yeast cakes in £ cup lukewarm water, and mix with the above. Let this mixture remain in a warm place about 18 hours. Then it is ready for use. Keep in a cool place and use as required. BREAD Materials: 8 cups Five Roses flour (sifted) 1 tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon butter 4 cups (1 quart) potato yeast. Method: Set the yeast on the stove and stir until it is at about blood-heat (98 degrees Fahr.). Then add the salt, sugar and butter. Mix in sufficient of the flour (previously warmed) to make a batter. This will require 3 to 4 cups to the quart of liquid used. Cover and set to rise. When light and frothy, add balance of the flour, or until the dough ceases to stick to the hands. Knead thoroughly for 15 minutes. Let rise again until double original size, when it may be gently POTATO YEAST (With Mixer) YEAST 2 quarts potatoes 2 quarts boiling water Boil till tender and pour over 2 cups Five Roses flour 2 cups white sugar $ cup salt Stir till smooth, then add 3 quarts cold water 2 quarts lukewarm water 2\ Royal Yeast cakes. Let stand 24 hours in warm place. Then put away in air-tight jars in a cool place. BREAD For every loaf of bread take 2 cups of this yeast. Put in bread mixer set in pan of warm water. Heat stirring constantly to about 90 degrees. Allow about 3 cups sifted Five Roses flour to every cup of yeast. Have flour warm. Knead down hard and stand in warm place till risen about twice the size. Knead down well again—a long kneading improves it. Let rise again till light enough. Shape in loaves. Put on tins. Let rise till nice and light, then bake in moderate oven. BREAD WITH POTATO YEAST (Short Process) N. B. —Many a batch of bread has been thrown to the pigs in this North¬ western country through some of the recipes calling for the yeast cake batter or even the dough to stand overnight, and it is not always successful this time of the year (January). This is a first class recipe: Five Roses flour at 12 noon and bread out of the oven at 5 P.M. is a pretty good record—5 hours in winter and 3 or 4 in summer. U?1 eVot SMeaehed ''cXoi SBlend&d [ White Bread ] YEAST Boil 8 large potatoes, mash in water boiled in, and when still boiling pour this over 4 tablespoons Five Roses flour. Then add 4 tablespoons each of salt and granul¬ ated sugar. To this add 1 quart of boiling and 4 quarts of cold water. Dissolve 2 yeast cakes of Royal Yeast in lukewarm water, and mix with the above. Let this mixture remain in a warm place for 18 hours. Then remove to a cool place and keep until required. BREAD 1 quart of yeast for every 2 loaves. Set on stove and stir with hand till about blood-heat. Add 1 tablespoon each of salt, brown sugar and butter. Mix into a soft dough (having previously warmed the flour). Let rise for 30 minutes, then knead. When light enough again, mould into loaves. Put in a pan and allow to rise. Bake in moderate oven. — Mrs. J. L. Forrest, Naseby, Sask. QUICK BREAD (Without Yeast) 1 quart Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon (heaping) cream of tartar 1 teaspoon (level) baking soda $ teaspoon table salt § teacup shortening. Work the above into a smooth dough with nearly 1 pint of milk or water. Let stand for 10 minutes. Then mould into loaves. Put in tins and let rise for 10 minutes. Bake in brisk oven. MILK BREAD 1 cake compressed yeast 1 quart milk (scalded, then cooled) 3 quarts Five Roses flour (sifted) 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons lard or melted butter ^ . 1 tablespoon salt. Rule: Dissolve the yeast and sugar in luke¬ warm liquid. Add l£ quarts sifted Five Roses. Beat until smooth. Cover and set to rise in a warm place about 1-J hours. When light, add lard or butter, the rest of the flour and the salt. Knead until smooth and elastic. Place in well-greased bowl. Cover and let rise again until double in bulk (about 2 hours). Mould into loaves, place in well- greased bread pans, filling half full. Cover and let rise again until double in bulk (about 1 hour). Bake 40 to 50 minutes. FIRST PRIZE AT COUNTY FAIR (Makes 8 Loaves) YEAST 1 cup Five Roses flour scalded with potato water at noon, and add 3 mashed potatoes. When cold, add \\ cakes of Royal Yeast previously soaked in $ cup water, and set to rise in a warm place until bedtime. BREAD Strain the above through a sieve into a bread pan, and add 2 tablespoons salt, h cup sugar, 4 quarts lukewarm water and enough Five Roses flour to make a stiff batter. Beat smoothly with spoon, and set to rise overnight in a warm place. In the morning, add enough flour to make stiff enough to knead on board. Set to rise again until light. Then mould into loaves, and let rise until light and up to top of pan. Bake 1 hour in steady oven. —Mary Hammond, Essex, On t. POTATO YEAST BREAD FIRST PRIZE FALL FAIR I took 1st prize for my bread at the Fall Fair this year, also for plain biscuits. At noon when getting dinner, pour the potato water over 2 tablespoons of Five Roses flour, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 table¬ spoon sugar. Add 2 boiled potatoes mashed and 1 dipper boiling water. Put this aside until it cools. Then I add 1 yeast cake which has been soaked for 20 minutes in a cup of lukewarm water, and stir well for 2 minutes. Then I cover it and set aside in a mdeerately warm place until 10 o’clock at night. Put into bread tray 3 sifters Five Roses flour and pour the first mixture mto it. Then work in all the flour for 20 [*4l <^ot £Bl eaehed "Jfot fBleuded §fwe Sloped Sflotvr minutes or more until it will not stick to the hands. Then cover up tight and warm. At 5 o'clock in the morning it is ready to mix down. Then cover up again for 1 hour. Form into loaves and set to rise for 1 hour. Then bake 1 hour in mod¬ erately hot oven. — Mrs. Andrew Henderson, Seaforth, Ont. EASY RECIPE FOR BEGINNERS (Over Night) Take a quart sealer. Put in 1 yeast cake, 2 tablespoons sugar and the water drained from the potatoes cooked at dinner-time (allowed to get lukewarm). Keep in a warm place to ferment. It will be ready for use in 5 or 6 hours. I then get about 5 lbs. or more of Five Roses flour and ) tablespoon salt. Mix tho¬ roughly. Then pour off the liquid in the sealer into the middle of the flour with as much warm water as it will take (a pint or more) to mix into a dough so that it does not stick to the hands. Allow to rise overnight. 0 In the morning, mould into loaves. Allow to rise again an hour or more. Bake as usual. This is an easy recipe for begin¬ ners, and a good one when made with Five Roses flour. Note —The sediment in the sealer can be used for any length of time. It is called “a starter." Put 2 tablespoons sugar and the lukewarm potato water, and add a yeast cake occasionally. HOMESTEADER’S PRIZE BREAD Put a cup of loose hops in a muslin bag and boil them in 3 quarts of water for a few minutes. Have ready 1 quart of hot mashed potatoes. Add 1 cup of Five Roses flour, ^ cup sugar and 1 tablespoon salt. Over the latter mixture pour the boiling hop water. Add 2 cakes of yeast while it is warm and set in a warm place to rise. Take 2 cups of mashed potatoes, 1 cup Five Roses flour, 1 cup hop yeast, and 1 cup warm water. Put in an 8 quart pail with a cover and mix well into a batter. Then add 4 more cups of warm water. Beat again to thoroughly incorporate the yeast with the mixture. Then add enough flour to make a stiff batter. Cover up and set in a warm place overnight. L While Bread ] In the morning, sift 2 quarts of Five Roses flour in bread dish and take the cold chill out of it. Put in a handful of salt. Pour in the sponge and stiffen with flour a little and get it on the bread board as soon as possible, thoroughly mixing in a little flour at a time until it does not stick to the hands or board, which will require the better part of an hour. Roll with the heel of the hand, turning the right hand side farthest away from you—this is the best mixing process. Mould into loaves, bake.— Thomas On, Beaver Creek, B.C. WHEY BREAD (8 Large Loaves) HOP YEAST Peel and grate 8 medium-sized pota¬ toes, then add 5 cup salt, § cup sugar (granulated), 3 tablespoons Five Roses flour. Take 4 quarts water and 1 large handful of hops. Put on to boil, and boil just 8 minutes. Pour this over the pota¬ toes, sugar, salt and flour. Stir up well. Let cool. Put 2 yeast cakes in f cup warm water. Add to the hop liquid when cool enough. Put in a warm place to rise. Then put in sealers to use as needed. Rule: Take 4 quarts sweet milk and 2 of but¬ termilk. Put on stove to boil, but do not let it scorch. Take off, dip the whey from the curd and let cool. Put the flour in the bread dish. Make a hole in the centre, put in a J cup salt, the same of sugar, 2 cups hop yeast and 4 quarts whey. This quantity will make 8 large loaves. Stir all together with a spoon until very stiff, then knead into stiff, solid bread about 10 o’clock at night. I get better bread this way than if made in a sponge. Cover up well and warm. In the morning, it will be up nice and light. Knead down, but do not add any more flour. It should be stiff enough not to stick to your hands. Let rise again, then knead into pans. Let rise 1 hour, or until very light. Then bake 1 hour. Be sure and use Five Roses flour: you can’t miss but have beautiful light, white bread; it won’t get hard and dry out like potato c/Not Steadied '‘cHbt Slerudcd IfitNg jflo^ [ White Bread ] bread. If your bread has a tight skin on it and won’t rise, wring a cloth out of very hot water, lay over the bread, " ^ en cover up for 5 minutes be- 4 EjlJ \ fore you put it in the oven. That will take it off. MAKING PULLED BREAD Take a loaf of bread when it is cooled just enough to handle and remove the crust on all sides. Pull the loaf apart in halves with the fingers as lightly as pos¬ sible. Then tear it into quarters and the quarters into small pieces, and keep on until the entire loaf is in pieces small enough to pack away. Place these in a pan and dry out the moisture in a slow oven. When the bread is dry, increase the heat until the bread is a very delicate amber color. If it is not eaten when per¬ fectly fresh, reheat before serving. BURSTING A LOAF RIGHT There are three ways of getting the loaf to burst properly. First, we have the ordinary way, in which the knife is held perpendicularly over the loaf, exactly as we hold a knife in cutting a strip of paper, for instance. Now, this makes the loaf burst all right, but the burst goes too deep into the loaf, so that when the loaf is sliced the middle cut, instead of being oval, resembles half a moon or a cut from a melon. Yet if you don’t cut fairly deep, the loaf may not be depended on to burst always. To get the same breadth of burst without the depth another way of cutting is adopted, but this requires a little more skill than the first. The knife is held slanting at an angle of about 45 degrees, and the cut made from point to point that way: that is, the knife penetrates the skin of the loaf in a way as if the operator was making a cut preliminary to skinning the loaf. This cut is made slightly off the center, because when the loaf bursts one side lifts up and opens more than the other. But the great point of the whole affair is that a beautiful break of equal size with the other is got without the draw¬ back of depth. In fact, in this way the burst seems to be confined to the outside layer of the loaf, and so it is we get good oval slices the whole way through. Bread to be treated in this way, however, must be properly fermented; underfermented dough often gives a blind loaf, i.e., the cut does not open. If there is a fair amount of moisture, however, in the oven the cut will always open.— Bakers' Magazine . LEFT-OVER BREAD CRUSTS Bread crusts added to a soup or stew and well-boiled will make the best of thickening,the whole being passed through a sieve to ensure evenness. Croutons are stale pieces of bread, dipped a second in cold water, cut into neat squares, and either fried or browned in the oven with a dot of butter on each. When kidneys are floured, browned in dripping and water added, if several crusts are broken in and allowed to simmer with the meat, then well beaten with a fork, the gravy will be found deliciously thick. Crusts may also be used in scalloped dishes, as scalloped tomatoes, cabbage, etc. Cut crusts into small squares. Then make ordinary lemon jelly and while still hot pour over the crusts. When cold, the whole is turned out and served with either custard or cream. MAKING BREAD CRUMBS Cut the soft part from a stale loaf, put it into a clean muslin bag, tie the bag at the top and gently rub it with the hands for a few minutes. The crumbs will then be fine enough for any purpose. Two or three times weekly spread left¬ over scraps upon a tin plate or baking pan and dry perfectly in moderate oven. Throw out soft or soggy bits and keep the brown pieces separate from the white in a sepa¬ rate jar. While the dried bits are still warm ' cru sh to powder on board with rollmg-pm. Do this thoroughly, leaving no gntty particles. Keep in closed jar in dry f p kc% Invaluable for breading croquettes, fned fish chops, etc. Roll the article to breaHH de ? a beate n egg, then in Uttle d «?H St 'a WlUCh haV ® been added a little salt and pepper. <^ot SB leached SBlended. . — ■ — ' 1 " .M i mimi, . tfive Sto&eA , SFUmi*. RECIPES FOR FANCY BREAD APPLE BREAD Take a quantity of apples (fresh- gathered, if possible), and boil them to a pulp. Mix with double its weight of Five Roses flour. Little or no water is required. Yeast is employed in the same proportion as for ordinary bakings, and after being allowed to rise 10 hours (overnight), it is baked in long loaves. This bread is much eaten in France, and it is recom¬ mended for its light and agreeable pro¬ perties. — Mrs. Mildred Linke, Trenton, Ont. BAKING POWDER BREAD Sift together thoroughly 1 quart Five Roses flour, 1 teaspoon salt, \ teaspoon sugar, and 8 teaspoons baking powder. Add enough water to make a stiff dough (about 2 cups). Stir together quickly with a large spoon. Then turn it immediately into a well-greased brick¬ shaped baking pan, and bake at once for f hour in a hot oven, covering with paper the first \ hour to prevent crusting too soon. Have the oven heated right before beginning to mix the bread, and have the pan greased and ready. CURRANT LOAF Take 1 quart bread sponge (made from Five Roses flour). Break and mix into it 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1^ cup currants, \ cup peel, 1 cup lard, with enough Five Roses flour to make stiff dough. Shape into loaf and place in pan you intend baking in which has been previously well-greased. Let rise once. Bake in slow oven 1 hour. RHODE ISLAND BROWN BREAD 2\ cups corn meal 1 ? cups rye meal I egg 1 cup molasses 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda ? teaspoon salt 1 quart milk. Mix and bake in covered dish in moderately hot oven. BROWN BREAD (Yeast) 1 cup yeast or £ cake dissolved in 1 cup water (liquid yeast preferred) 3 cups scalded milk 1 or 2 tablespoons molasses 2 small teaspoons salt. Equal parts Graham and Five Roses flour to make a dough as stiff as you can mix it with a strong spoon, but too soft to handle comfortably. Cover and let rise to double its original size. Mix down and let rise again. Put in pans and when risen again, bake. Allow nearly as long again to bake as for white bread. Be careful to not let it overrise. QUICK BROWN BREAD 1 egg 1 cup brown sugar 2 cups buttermilk (or sour milk) 1 teaspoon baking soda j teaspoon salt (small) Graham flour Mix stiff like Johnnie cake with Gra¬ ham flour and bake like ordinary bread. BROWN BRAN BREAD Mix 1 or 2 yeast cakes with 1 pint warm water and Five Roses flour to batter same as for white bread. Let stand 3 hours or more to rise. Into bread mixer (about 9 o’clock) put \ cup molasses 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt Butter size of walnut 1 pint warm water Add yeast and stir well Add 2\ cups bran 3 cups Graham flour 2 cups (or more) Five Roses. Mix and leave to rise in warm place overnight. In morning, shape into loaves, set to rise 1 hour, then bake 1 hour. BROWN BREAD (Rolled Wheat ) Scald 1 pint rolled wheat (or rolled oats). Let stand 1 hour, then mix and [ * 7 ] ctfot iBleaehed'cXot Siended §Fiue SWea §fimir llllll [fancy Zfreacf] knead with 3 pints Five Roses flour, 1 tablespoon salt,l cup yeast, § cup molasses. Set to rise overnight in a warm place. When risen to double original bulk in the morning, mould into loaves. Set to rise again and bake 1 hour and a half in slow oven. BROWN RAISIN BREAD 1 tablespoon brown sugar. 1 * cups molasses (black) 1 egg 1 tablespoon butter (melted) 1 teaspoon salt \\ cups sour milk 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved in hot water) 2 cups Graham flour 2 cups Five Roses flour \ cup raisins. Beat the white and yolk of egg sepa¬ rately and add the white last. Butter 1 lb. baking powder cans well and fill half full. Bake in moderate oven. STEAMED BROWN BREAD (. Home-made Boston Brown Bread ) 1 large tablespoon cooking molasses 2 tablespoons brown sugar \ teaspoon salt 2 cups Graham flour 1 cup Five Roses flour 2 cups buttermilk (or sour milk) 2 teaspoons soda (dissolved in little hot water and then added to sour milk). Mix well and put in a well-buttered pan. Steam 2\ hours. Then place in moderate oven for 15 minutes. STEAMED BROWN BREAD 3 cups sour milk 1 cup molasses 1 egg \ cup raisins 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon (heaping) soda 1 cup Graham flour 1 cup Indian meal If cups Five Roses flour Steam 4 hours. US] CORN BREAD 1 cup corn meal 1 cup Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda \ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk or water 1 egg 1 tablespoon butter. Method: Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Sift the flour, soda and cream of tartar together. Beat egg till light, add it and ' the milk to the dry ingredients ; lastly, add the butter which has previously been melted in the baking pan. Bake from 20 to 30 minutes in moderate oven. N.B .—Sour milk can be used instead of sweet milk —1 cup with \ teaspoon soda omitting the cream of tartar. DATE BREAD 1 egg £ cup sugar \\ cups sweet milk 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 lb. stoned dates 1 cup chopped walnuts. Put in buttered loaf pan. Let rise § hour, then bake in moderate oven. FRUIT BREAD 2 cups sweet milk 2 cakes yeast \ teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons lard 4 tablespoons sugar \\ cups fruit cut fine Five Roses flour. Scald the milk and cool till lukewarm. Strain in the yeast dissolved in J cup lukewarm water. Beat Vigorously into liquid, and let sponge rise. Cream the lard and sugar. Dredge the fruit with Five Roses flour and add to the sponge. Add sufficient flour to make a soft dough. Knead thoroughly and set to rise. When light, divide, form into loaves and put in bread pans. When ready, bake in a cXot 5BleacKed x cXot StencLed eftue JRoaea WXowr WWW: - iPH slightly cooler oven than is required for plain bread. For the fruit in this bread, use either raisins, currants, citron or dates.— Miss Lumina Chaput, Paradise Hill, Sask. GRIDDLE BREAD 1 pound Five Roses flour 1 tablespoon sugar \ teaspoon soda Pinch of salt Sour milk. Knead into stiff loaf and flatten on floured griddle. Cook slowly on top of fire \ hour to each side. HONEY BREAD {Boston Cooking Sc/200/ Recipe ) 1 yeast cake 1 cup scalded milk J pound butter l pound sugar Pinch of salt 1 egg (well-beaten). Dissolve yeast cake in scalded milk, then add butter, sugar, salt and well- beaten egg, then 3 cups Five Roses flour and beat 2 minutes. Add more flour (about 1 cup) to knead and let rise. Again knead, roll to § inch thick, spread with honey mixture, roll, let rise and bake in moderate oven. HONEY MIXTURE $ pound walnut meats (chopped finely) } pound seeded raisins (cut finely) 1 cup honey. NUT BREAD 4 cups Five Roses flour 4 teaspoons (heaping) baking powder 1 teaspoon salt h cup granulated sugar (or 1 cup brown) 1 cup chopped nut meats (walnuts or hick¬ ory) 2 cups sweet milk I (beaten). Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together, and add the nut meats. Stir egg and milk together, and add to above. Let raise £ hour. Bake 1 hour [Fancy Bread ] in hot oven. Don’t have too stiff dough. Be sure to grease pans well. This makes 2 medium sized loaves. Thin buttered slices are delicious for picnics or luncheon. — Mrs. Dan Lynch, Esterhazy, Sask. NUT BROWN BREAD f cup Graham flour \ cup Fives Roses flour 1 teaspoon baking powder \ cup brown sugar £ cup chopped walnuts 1 cup sweet milk Pinch of salt. Mix all together and bake in baking powder can 40 minutes in a moderate oven. OATMEAL BREAD 1 cup rolled oatmeal 1 pint boiling water \ cup molasses 1 quart Five Roses flour \ compressed yeast cake dissolved in \ cup warm water or 1 cup home-made yeast 1 teaspoon lard or butter. Pour boiling water over oatmeal and lard. Let stand 1 hour. Add molasses, salt, yeast and Five Roses flour. Let rise overnight. Shape in loaves, using as little flour as possible. Let rise until light, and bake 1 hour in quite hot oven. Note —Might be used—1 pint warmed up or left-over porridge. RICE BREAD Simmer slowly, over a gentle fire, 1 lb. rice in 3 quarts of water till the rice has become perfectly soft and the water is either evap¬ orated or absorbed by the rice. Let cool (not cold), and mix thoroughly with 4 pounds Five Roses flour. Add some fine salt and 4 tablespoons yeast (liquid). Knead very thoroughly. Let rise well before the fire. Make up into loaves with a little of the flour which you have reserved from your 4 pounds and bake rather long. — Mrs. A. C. Moffatt, Kilburn, N.B. [*9] cXot fBleodied ''cXot ^Blended :: 5 *> [Fancy Bread ] SOUTHERN RICE BREAD | pint boiled rice 3 eggs 1 tablespoon butter and lard (mixed) 2 cups white corn meal 1 teaspoon baking powder Sweet milk to make thin batter. Bake in earthen pans or muffin rings. — Mrs. A. W . Fraser, Iron Springs, Alta. GOOD OLD-FASHIONED SCOTCH OAT BREAD Take 1 cup standard oatmeal, 1 cup Five Roses flour, 1 small teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Rub in butter size of an English walnut or more. Into this pour enough cold water to make a stiff dough as dry as possible, just as if you were trying to make good pie crust. Spread on board by hand pressure, and keep the edges from parting by the sup¬ port of one hand while you spread with the other. At the last, roll your rolling pin over it to smoothen the surface. Get it * inch thick, cut in squares, put in moderate oven and bake until it is quite hard through. — C. McGillivray, Mission City, B.C. PUMPKIN BREAD 1 ^ cups white corn meal 1 cup boiling water 1 cup sour milk 1 cup baked pumpkin or squash 1 egg (well-beaten) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon (level) soda 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder 1 teaspoon (heaping) sugar 1 teaspoon melted butter. Scald | cup meal with 1 cup boiling « water. Add sour milk, baked mmpkin, beaten egg, salt, balance >f cornmeal sifted twice with the oda and baking powder. Mix luickly and beat in well 1 heaping easpoon sugar and 1 of melted rntter. Stir and beat into a light batter. Pour into baking pan until it is about 1 inch in thickness. Bake quickly and serve hot. — Mrs. A. W. Fraser, Iron Springs, Alta. RYE BREAD 1 cup scalded milk 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon lard 1 tablespoon butter 3 cup brown sugar 1 | teaspoons salt j yeast cake dissolved in \ cup lukewarm water 3 cups Five Roses flour Rye meal to stiffen. Dissolve lard, butter, sugar and salt in hot milk and water. When lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and flour. Beat thoroughly, cover and let rise until light. Add rye meal until dough is stiff enough to knead. Knead thoroughly, let rise, shape into loaves. Let rise again, and bake. SALT-RISING BREAD No. 1 At 6 o’clock a.m. mix 1 cup cornmeal with enough cold water to wet it. Stir this into 1 pint boiling water. Let boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Set off the fire and add 2 pints fresh sweet milk (yet warm from the cow), 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon sugar. Let cool, then stir in enough Five Roses flour to make a soft batter. Keep in warm place (should be kept lukewarm, for if it gets chilled it is ruined). At about 10 or 11 o’clock, when it seems thin, stir in \ pint more flour. It should be ready to finish mixing by 1 o’clock. Add 1 pint fresh thick buttermilk and 1 teaspoon soda, with enough flour to make a rather soft dough. Mould into loaves, put in greased pans, let rise 1 hour, then bake. I think Five Roses flour the best I’ve ever used. Mrs • R. N. Lay, Sanderville, Alta . SALT-RISING BREAD No. 2 (Over Night ) The night before you contemplate bak¬ ing this bread, take £ cup cornmeal and a pinch of salt and sugar. Scald with new milk heated to boiling point, and mix to the thickness of mush. This can be made r 20 ] cXoi Steadied''cXoi Sleuded jOTp IFiue Sto^eA Mloimi &M [Fancy Bread] in a cup. Wrap in a clean cup and put in a warm place overnight. In the morning, when all is ready, take a one-gallon stone jar and into this put 1 scant cup new milk. Add a level teaspoon salt and one of sugar. Scald with 3 cups of water heated to boil¬ ing point. Reduce to a temperature of 108 degrees with cold water, using a thermometer to enable you to get the cor¬ rect temperature. Then add Five Roses flour and mix to a good batter. After the batter is made, mix in the starter that was made the night before. Cover the stone jar with a plate, put the jar in a large kettle of water, and keep this water at a temperature of 108 degrees until the sponge rises. It should rise at least 1^ inches. When raised, mix to a stiff dough. Make into loaves and put into pans. Do not let the heat get out of the dough while working. Grease your loaves on top and set your bread where it will be warm and rise satisfactorily. Then bake in a medium oven, one hour and ten minutes. On removing from oven, wrap the loaves in a bread cloth. — Mrs. H. Johnson, Kindersley, Sask. UNLEAVENED BREAD To 3 cups of Five Roses flour add 1 teaspoon salt. Mix into a stiff dough with milk or water. Roll out thin, and cut into rounds with a biscuit cutter. Roll these out again until they are not much thicker than paper. Bake quickly in floured pan. — Mrs. A. W . Fraser, Iron Springs, Alta. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 2 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons soda 2 teaspoons salt 2 cups graham flour 4 cups whole wheat meal \ cup molasses Buttermilk. Into a mixing pan sift the flour, soda and salt. Add the graham flour and meal. Sweeten with molasses and mix to a very stiff batter with buttermilk. Bake \\ hours in moderate oven. Makes quite a large loaf. If preferred, rolled oats may be substituted in lieu of graham flour and sugar in place of molasses. Note —In making whole wheat bread, it is preferable to make a sponge at first. Avoid too stiff a dough as it produces a tasteless loaf. Many housewvies use a bread mixer, and do not knead at all. □ □ □ BREAD FROM FIVE ROSES BREAKFAST FOOD (Makes 4 nice Loaves) 7 cups Five Roses Breakfast Food 4 cups Five Roses flour 4 cups sweet milk 2 cups water 3 teaspoons salt 1 cake compressed yeast Butter size of an egg. Heat the milk to boiling point, stir in the salt and butter and pour over the breakfast food. Mix thoroughly. When cool, dissolve the cake of yeast in the two cups of water and add. Then gradually stir in the 4 cups flour. Knead well and cover. In the morning, stir or knead. Put in buttered bread pan and set to rise. Bake in a moderate oven for an hour. Sugar can be added, should a sweeter loaf be desired. See also page 45 for further recipes with this delightful cereal. Avoid Stiff Doughs with FIVE ROSES Flour cXot fBleoeked ^cXoi ^Blended 1 tfiue Sloped eflow What your own Friends and Neigh¬ bours say about Five Roses Flour “I can say without contradiction that for the past twenty years I have used the best brands of flour manufactured in the U.S. and Canada and no other brand has given me the same satisfaction as FIVE ROSES.”—Mrs. M. A. D., Round wood, Ont. “Never had a failure with it yet.”—Mrs. A. G., Weston, Ont. “I use a barrel of FIVE ROSES every month. Have been using the same for twenty-one years and it beats all other flours for me.” —Mrs. H. J., Bridgetown, N.S. “Since coming to Al¬ berta three years ago I have always used your FIVE ROSES and think it is the best I ever used. It is known as the best in the West.” —Mrs. H. Y., Hindville, Alta. “Well pleased with FIVE ROSES. It is a pleasure to think of bake- day when one knows that you have good flour.” —Miss C. M., Mildmay, Ont. “We have been using FIVE ROSES as long as I can remember. I am seventeen years old now. As I a:n the oldest of the family of ten I have to be cook, and I find that FIVE ROSES flour is good.” —M. R. M., Rusagorish St., N.B. “FIVE ROSES has a great reputation around here for making good bread.” T)AGES of recommendations -*• could be printed from experts, chefs of big hotels, clubs, steam¬ ship and railway companies, but they could not be so impressive nor would they bring home to you so vividly the perfect efficiency of Five Roses as the following simple, sincere commendations. These are taken from a few of many letters received from housewives throughout Canada who use Five Roses for their every-day purposes. Some of these are neighbours of yours. All opinions are unsolicited , and full names will be given on request. “Used FIVE ROSES for about ten years and find it the best flour for bread or any kind of pastry you would want.” —Mrs. S.F.O.,Parry Sound, Ont. ‘For bread and general cooking it is absolutely satisfac¬ tory. Since using it I have used no other.” —Mrs. A.L. C., Port Carling, Ont. “A user of your flour for over twelve years.” —Mrs. A. J., Strathcona, Alta. “FIVE ROSES beats them all in making whiter and lighter bread.” —Mrs. A. S. W., Bridgeport, Ont. “Have used a great deal of your flour and breakfast food and would highly recommend them.” —Mrs. W. H. L., North Augusta, Ont. “ Find that it is all you claim it to be.” —Mrs. J. C. W., Fingal, Ont. —Mrs. L. B. H., Headford, Ont. “I have used your FIVE ROSES and find it the best flour. Makes the most bread out of a barrel than any other. Have kept house for twenty years and it has given me the best satisfaction for bread and pastry.” —Mrs. J. E. L., Woodstock, N.B. “Being a user of FIVE ROSES flour for a number of years, I would like to speak of the price¬ less value it has been to me. In breadmaking it has worked won¬ ders. Have also used it in pastry, proving it a success there.” —Mrs. J. G. P., Albury, Ont. “FIVE ROSES makes good bread with very little trouble.” —Miss M. H., Ventry, Ont. “Used FIVE ROSES for a number of years. Can guarantee its success both in bread and pastry.” Miss E. H., Cushing, Que. :: Be sure you get FIVE ROSES Flour :: Milled by LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING COMPANY LIMITED cXat Steadied ^cXot Sleuded HOW TO MAKE DAINTY SANDWICHES Specially prepared for Five Roses Cook Book (For various bread recipes , see general index ) ^NDWICHES are almost perfect food. They are made from bread, which is the great life-sustainer, and the filling supplies in tempting, digestible form the only food essential which bread lacks— fat . Wishing to give your sandwiches the utmost food value, you should use Five Roses flour for bread. Made from the purest Manitoba wheat expertly ground, your bread necessarily possesses the energy-building and muscle-making constituents to be found at their best in this flour. Besides being the picnic stand-by, sandwiches are deservedly popular in many emergencies, such as informal luncheons, or “muncheons,” as a witty woman once called them. Those whose folks are fond of bread will welcome the following sandwich sugges* tions. <$> <8> USE CLOSE-GRAINED BREAD Coarse bread is apt to crumble and is not so tempting. If you use bread made from Five Roses flour, you will at once appreciate its fine texture and elasticity. Its peculiarly dainty flavor and healthy bloom will make your knack of sandwich¬ making an envied possession. Then, also, the moisture absorbing qualities of Five Roses cause your sandwiches to stay fresh and appetizing longer than is otherwise possible. Bread baked in round tins is prefer¬ able to that cut into shape with a biscuit cutter, as the baked edges preserve the shape. Cutting the bread into fancy shapes, while more or less wasteful, will often make an invalid’s tray more at¬ tractive and the food seem more appetiz¬ ing. And, of course, the left-over pieces can be used for bread pudding, etc. Cooky cutters will give odd shapes to sandwiches. • FOR A CHANGE One of the slices that form the sand¬ wich may be of brown instead of white bread. Whole wheat or bread made from Lake of the Woods Breakfast Food, raisin bread or other fancy bread, might be used. MOIST FILLINGS Should be laid between fresh lettuce leaves, and by buttering the bread the moisture cannot penetrate it and make it soggy. Melted butter can be used when not soft enough to spread. As many people cannot eat acids, the wise hostess should make two different kinds of sandwiches—some with the mix¬ tures moistened with vinegar or lemon juice and others without. HOW TO CUT FRESH BREAD Getting the slices thin enough is un¬ doubtedly the hardest part of making dainty sandwiches. The inexperienced say they cannot make sandwiches from fresh bread, because it goes all to pieces in the cutting. Many cookbooks advise using bread two days old, but the skilful person knows that fresh bread is always preferable. This is especially true when it is made from Five Roses flour, giving a [23] cXot SI eaehed 'cMot Sleuded. Ifiw cRo&ea §Flmtr [ Dainty Sandwiches] close-grained crumb that slices practically without crumbling. This is the way to handle a fresh loaf: Always heat the knife blade and have edge rather keen. Turn the loaf on end and delicately pare off the crisp top crust in sections. Now remove the under crust in one slice. The side crusts must be left on as they help to hold the loaf together. As you begin to cut, hold on to the loaf by pinching it at the top as close as you can without breaking the texture of the bread, and cut while you pinch, so that the knife goes through a narrowed slice which opens out to its proper proportion as it drops to the board. MEAT SANDWICHES Practically all meat sandwiches are extremely rich and strong condiments are noticeable in the fillings, especially mus¬ tard and catsup. While white meat makes a delicate sandwich, yet the darker meats, mixed with mayonnaise and other relishes are more appetizing. To save tearing and preserve dainti¬ ness it is better to chop the meat exceed¬ ingly fine and make a paste of it and add to the following filling. FILLING FOR MEAT SANDWICHES Two cups cream or milk, 2 tablespoons (large) Five Roses flour, yolks of 4 eggs, butter size of an egg. Add 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon mixed mustard, black and red pepper to taste. Beat yolks well, mix in all other ingredients, put in double boiler and cook until thick, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. When cool, beat in § cup lemon juice. Then add any finely - ground meat, such as veal, tongue, ham, chicken, etc. Fresh or potted meats may be used with this recipe. It may be varied by using finely-chopped watercress, lettuce, parsley, olives, etc. TONGUE AND VEAL SANDWICHES Remove from cold tongue and veal every scrap of fat, gristle and skin. Grind in your meat chopper, moisten just a trifle with soup stock and season highly with paprika and a mere dash of nutmeg. Spread lightly cn thin white bread and serve very cold. A half warm meat sand¬ wich is not appetizing. If you prefer a salad sandwich add to the ground tongue and veal a little mayonnaise. Another very dainty meat sandwich, which must be served crisp, is made from white Five Roses bread brushed lightly with butter, a crisp nasturtium leaf or sprig of water¬ cress and a silver of highly seasoned cold chicken spread with a little mayonnaise. PATE-DE-FOIE-GRAS SANDWICH The mock pate de foie gras, which is difficult to distinguish from the real thing, is made by running boiled calf’s liver through the meat chopper, reducing to a smooth paste and adding finely chopped mushrooms or truffles. Of course, genuine pate de foie gras can be used. THE FAMOUS CLUB SANDWICH Toast slices of Five Roses bread a nice brown, and while hot spread with butter and put between the slices a lettuce leaf, some cold baked chicken cut in thin slices, a few chopped olives and pickles, some slices of hot crisp bacon, a layer of salad dressing, another lettuce leaf and the other slice of toast. Slices of tomatoes are sometimes added. Delightful for Sunday evening supper. 7 Equal parts chicken and ham, finel minced, and seasoned with curry powder One cup cold roast chicken, 3 olives 1 pickle, 1 tablespoon capers. Mince fin< and mix with mayonnaise. Equal parts cold roast turkey col, roast beef, boiled ham and tongue Sea,™ with chopped pickles and mix with mayon naise. ' UB [ 24 ] eMot £B leached x cXot Slciuled. IFiw W\&wr Cold roast veal, chopped fine with hard-boiled eggs. Season with catsup. Thin slices roast veal covered with chopped pickles. Cold roast chicken and | the quantity of blanched almonds, chopped fine and minced to a paste with cream. FISH SANDWICHES Fish used for filling should be pounded to a paste and then mixed with sufficient salad dressing to give it the proper con¬ sistency for spreading easily. The same filling as for meat sandwiches given above can be used. Fresh or salt fish may be used: roe, salmon, sardines, lobster, shrimp, etc. HOT SARDINE SANDWICHES Bone a number of sardines and rub a generous piece of butter to a smooth paste. Dust with cayenne pepper or add a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Heat well, spread on buttered toast and serve. Some like a little grated cheese sprinkled over the top. Do not put the pieces of toast together. CAVIARE SANDWICHES Mix half a can caviare, 1 teaspoon onion juice and lemon juice to taste. Cut thin rounds of bread, butter and spread. RUSSIAN SANDWICHES Chop olives fine and moisten with mayonnaise. Cut bread into thin narrow strips, spread half with chopped olives and the rest with caviare. Press together in pairs. TARTAR SANDWICHES Chop together 3 large sardines, 1 cup boiled ham (ground) and 3 small cucumber pickles. Add 1 teaspoon French mustard, or omit the cucumber pickles and add some chow-chow with a little mustard. Mix to a paste with a little catsup and vinegar or lemon juice. [Dainty Sandwiches] OYSTER SANDWICHES Cold fried oysters, chopped fine, lettuce leaves and French dressing. CHEESE SANDWICHES Use either Neufchatel (imported) or Canadian cream cheese. If the former is very hard, you must moisten it a trifle with sweet milk or cream. Add just a dash of paprika to give it a taste and a little salt. Finally, to each cheese add half a cup nut- | meats ground in meat chop- per. English walnuts are preferable. Almonds are flat in flavor. Spread mixture on thin slices of brown bread brushed with melted butter. FILLING No. 2 To 2 tablespoons melted butter add 1 tablespoon and a half of Five Roses flour with half a pint of milk. Cook to a thick paste. Remove from fire and add salt and paprika to taste, also \ teaspoon French mustard. Work into this filling a large cup grated cheese. This will keep for a week. MOCK CRAB SANDWICHES Quarter cup grated cheese, \ teaspoon each salt, paprika and mustard, 1 teaspoon anchovy paste, 1 tablespoon chopped olives, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 table¬ spoons creamed butter. FRENCH SANDWICHES With cooky cutter stamp out thin slices of white bread made with Five Roses flour. Spread half with cream cheese and cur¬ rant jelly blended to a pink cream. On top of this spread a second round of bread lightly buttered and spread with chopped pistachio nuts. SHERRY AND CHEESE SANDWICHES Half pound Roquefort or other cheese, I as much butter and half a teaspoon paprika. Mix to a paste with sherry wine. Spread on wafers or toasted rye bread. cXot ^Bleached'cXot Siended [25] tfive Ukmr [Da/nty Sam/wic/ies] OTHER CHEESE FILLINGS Cream cheese and minced walnuts. Cream cheese and jam. Cream cheese and olives partly chop¬ ped. Do not butter the bread for this recipe. Cream cheese and peach marmalade. Cream cheese and thin slices of pre¬ served ginger. Lay the ginger over the cheese, not mixing the two together so as to confuse the flavors. Crisp and tender radishes, chopped fine, chilled on ice and afterwards mixed with grated cheese. Mince pineapple and cheese. MUSHROOM SANDWICHES Cut mushrooms into small pieces, cook in butter until tender, season with salt and paprika and cream to make of right con¬ sistency to spread. Let it just boil once. Add lemon juice and grated nutmeg. Spread on thin slices of whwheat bread. NASTURTIUM SANDWICHES Wash the fresh flowers and lay the petals in ice water for a few minutes. Spread the bread with mayonnaise and place on a thick layer of the petals; or, omit the dressing and spread the petals on buttered slices. If possible, serve these sandwiches with a few of the fresh blos¬ soms and leaves scattered loosely over the plate. SWEET PICKLE SANDWICHES Sweet pickles, chopped and spread between slices of nut or plain bread. ONION SANDWICHES Eat this once properly pre¬ pared and never again turn up your nose at the name of onion. Soak for an hour finely cut Ber¬ muda onions in ice water which is thoroughly sweetened with sugav and well salted; drain and mix with slightly sweetened mayonnaise. Serve in round slices without crust. OLIVE SANDWICHES Cut the meat off the stones a*d chop the olives very fine. Mix with mayonnaise dressing and spread on unbuttered white bread made with Five Roses flour and cut very thin. NUT SALAD SANDWICHES Grind English walnuts or hickory nuts in your meat grinder, mix with an equal quantity of celery chopped extremely fine and add to this mixture mayonnaise made with plenty of lemon juice. Have white bread made from Five Roses flour cut thin, brush lightly with melted butter, lay on a crisp lettuce leaf, spread this with the nut and celery mixture, lay the second slice of bread upon it and serve at once. PEANUT SANDWICHES One cup vinegar, 1 cup brown sugar, let boil then add 1 teaspoon Five Roses flour, 1 egg, £ teaspoon pepper, salt and mustard. Let cool, then add 1 cup crushed peanuts. Put between thin slices but¬ tered bread. FILLING FOR SWEET SANDWICHES (Keeps for a Week) Pint of milk, 1 cup sugar, 3 eggs, half a teacup of Five Roses flour. Mix sugar and flour thoroughly, then stir into the milk. Cook in double boiler to a thick paste. Add the eggs, well-beaten, just before removing from the fire. Let stand until cold. It is then ready for use for any kind of sweet sandwiches. For instance, take a small portion of the paste and stir in a little vanilla and freshly-grated cocoanut, chocolate, pre¬ served ginger or any kind of ground nuts. Black walnuts and roasted almonds are especially good. Jams, marmalade and orange may also be used in this way. Cocoanut and orange make a delicious combination. Raisins and chopped nuts also go well together. The sandwiches may be made of crackers and wafers or white and brown bread. cXot Steadied 'J{bt fBledvded - BANANA SANDWICHES A very ripe banana mashed and put between slices of buttered Five Roses bread makes a very nutritious and ap¬ petizing sandwich. COCOANUT SANDWICHES A cup of freshly-grated cocoanut, half a cup of nuts ground fine, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 teaspoons powdered sugar and 3 tablespoons thick cream worked in. Spread between wafers or between bread and butter. SWEET WHOLE WHEAT SANDWICHES Thin slices of whole wheat bread spread with unsalted butter and filled with a mixture of chopped raisins, almonds, orange juice, a little grated orange rind and enough olive oil to blend well together. Bread made with Lake of the Woods Breakfast Food could be used satisfac¬ torily. See Breakfast Food recipes . FIG PASTE FOR FILLING Three-quarters of a pound of figs cut into small pieces, f pound brown sugar, J pound seeded raisins, 1 cup water and the juice of half a lemon. Stew on back of stove until very soft, remove and add a dessert-spoon vanilla. Then put all through meat- grinder, and to clear grinder use 2 or 3 crackers. If desired, the cracker dust may be stirred into the paste. It is then ready for use and will keep inde¬ finitely. Delicious between thin, delicate crackers or thin slices of brown bread. It may also be put on thin slices of Five Roses bread buttered in layers and cut down like cake.— Selected . [Dainty Sandwiches] SANDWICHES FROM ROLLS (See recipes for rolls) Unusually good picnic sandwiches can be made by baking a pan of little round rolls, cutting the tops neatly off when they are cold, scooping out some of the crumb, and fill¬ ing thenj^ith chicken chopped and reduced to a stiff paste with cream. They must be seasoned highly with silt and black pep¬ per. Other filings, of course, may be used. ; PEPPER SANDWICHES Always a favor ite yith those who prefer dainties that are,rather pungent. Chop a pepptr fine, removing all the seeds. Place in a saucepan with a table¬ spoon of butter and allow it to heat without browning. Stir brifkly. Add a little salt and remove frona, the fire. When quite cold, spread between thin slices of Five Roses bread adcfing a little grated cheese before putting the slices together. — Mrs. Thos. Seli, Sunny side Ave., Toronto, OnU EGG SANDWICHES Nice for lunches. Boil hard 1 egg for each person. Pulverize while hot. Add salt and pepper to taste and a dash of curry powder, \ teaspoon melted butter to each egg, also 1 large pickled cucumber to each egg. Chop fine and mix well together. Spread on thin, well-buttered slices of Five Roses or graham bread. LEFT-OVER SANDWICHES After ^ party, luncheon or picnic, one may find oneself with sandwiches left over. An excellent plan to use these is the fol¬ lowing: pass them through the mincing machine, mix with a good well-seasoned gravy, put in a pie dish and cover with mashed potato about an inch thick. This, baked in the oven, makes a delicious lun¬ cheon dish. [*?] cXot fBleoeJied ^cXot fBteuded ..••V-iV:- .V V - -.-.- s Wive Sioaea WUrwr hL-'X-'.y CANADA l $p m m k RCGI5TCM9 fIVE ROSES 1 «VE SOSES FIVE ROSES FLOUR IS PACKED TO SUIT ALL RE QUIREMENTS IN LARGE OR SMALL BAGS ' SIZES 7 POUNDS ' 14 POUNDS 24 POUNDS '49 POUNDS 98 POUNDS REMEMBER THE BRAND Jfol Sileaciied ^cNot ^Blended ROLLS AND RUSKS FOR BREAKFAST ^OLLS require a slightly better oven than for bread. Avoid too hot an oven at first, as it will prevent proper rising and proper baking of the centre. Rolls should bake in from 10 to 30 minutes, rising for at least the first five minutes before beginning to brown. Due to the remarkable expansion of Five Roses flour, shape your dough into rather small rolls, as they will swell greatly in size. Let rise to double original bulk in temperature of about 80 degrees Fahr. While rising moisten frequently with warm milk to prevent a skin forming on outer surface. If rolls stick to the pan, they can be put back on top of stove for a moment, when they will come out easily. One pound of dough will make ten or twelve rolls. <$><$><$> PLAIN ROLLS {Bread Dough) 1 cup bread dough \ cup butter \ cup sugar 1 cup lukewarm milk Pinch of salt Five Roses flour to make stiff dough. Knead 20 minutes and put in a warm place to rise. Knead again very little, roll out and cut with biscuit cutter. Place in baking pan, let rise again and bake. DELICIOUS ROLLS 1 pint milk Butter size of an egg Beaten white of 1 egg $ cup white sugar \ cup yeast Five Roses flour to mould. Boil the milk and while hot add the butter. When lukewarm, add the beaten white of egg, the sugar, yeast, and Five Roses flour enough to mould. Let rise overnight. Work down and let rise again, then roll out to the thickness of your finger. Cut the rolls the size you wish. Butter half very slightly and turn the other half over the buttered part. This keeps the rolls from sticking together and is the secret of retaining their shape. Place properly in baking tins and set in a warm place until very light. Then bake quickly. If directions are closely followed, you will find these rolls will almost melt in the mouth. Currants may be added, if desired. BUTTER ROLLS {With Baking Powder) 4 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 egg (beaten) 1 pint milk. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together. Rub in the butter and add the beaten egg. Mix with milk soft as pos¬ sible. Roll out, cut and dip in melted butter. Fold over and bake quickly. CINNAMON ROLLS Take 1 quart of light bread sponge. Add 1 egg, a little mace, § cup sugar, \ cup butter and \ cup lard. Beat well with a wooden spoon and add Five Roses flour, but put it in slowly and do not mix too oHot fBleoelied fBWruled efive Slo&eA STlotM* c* .„ [RoMs and Rus&s] stiff. Mix down twice, and the third time take out on board but do not knead— simply roll out thin, leaving the dough about 1 inch thick. Spread with soft but¬ ter till every part is covered, and sprinkle with about 1 cup sugar. Dust with cin¬ namon. Roll dough very tightly and pinch ends. Cut with sharp bread knife, and set closely together in pan. When light, put melted butter over them and bake 15 to 20 minutes in moderate oven, or till a light brown. Remove from oven, place on table and brush over with melted butter again. When cool (not cold) spread with thin icing made as follows: 1 cup sugar and § cup milk or cream "boiled till it threads. Let cool and apply as on cake. RAISED FRENCH ROLLS 2 cups sweet milk f cup butter and lard (mixed) \ cake yeast dissolved in \ cup water 1 teaspoon salt. Five Roses flour to make stiff dough. Let rise overnight. In the morning, add 2 well-beaten eggs. Knead down and let rise again. Make balls size of an egg, and roll each one between the hands to make a long roll. Place close together in even rows on well-buttered pans. Cover and let rise again. Bake in quick oven to a delicate brown. Glaze the top with sweet milk before baking. BREAKFAST ROLLS (Yeast Cake) 4 quarts Five Roses flour (sifted) £ pint new milk 1^ pints water 2 tablespoons white sugar 1 teaspoon salt J yeast cake. > Make into soft sponge at night. Let rise. Roll and spread with melted butter and roll over. Make into rolls, let rise light, and bake \ hour. FRENCH ROLLS (Eggless) 2 quarts Five Roses flour 1 quart new milk (scalded) \ cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 5 cup yeast. Cool the milk and add 1 quart flour, the sugar, salt, butter and yeast. Mix in the other quart of flour and let rise overnight. In morning, mix twice, then cut in bun size and roll out. Rub over with melted butter and fold over once. Let rise and bake. When done, rub over with syrup of sugar and water and sprinkle with sugar. MILK ROLLS (Eggless) 2 cups hot mashed potatoes 4 cups scalded milk \ cup butter \ cup white sugar 1 tablespoon (heaping) salt 1 yeast cake Five Roses flour. Pour scalded milk over mashed pota¬ toes, then add butter, sugar and salt. Cool until lukewarm, then add yeast cake that has previously been soaked in a half cup of lukewarm water. Add flour until quite as stiff as bread dough. Let rise over¬ night. Roll until \ inch thick, cut with cake cutter, spread with melted butter and fold together. Let rise and bake about 20 minutes. If you use Five Roses flour, you will be surprised at the beauty as well as the quality of these rolls. PARKER HOUSE ROLLS 2 cups scalded milk 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 yeast cake dissolved in \ cup warm water Five Roses flour. Add the butter, sugar, and salt to the milk. When lukewarm, add the dissolved yeast cake, and stir in 3 cups flour. Beat well, cover, and let rise until light; then add enough flour to knead (about 2\ cups; [ 30 1 cXot £BleocJu^l 'cXot fBleiuied m^rn. efvue Sloped Wloitr Let rise again, toss on to a lightly-floured board, knead and roll out to £ inch thick¬ ness. Shape with a round biscuit cutter dipped in flour. Then with the handle of a case knife make a crease through the centre of each round. Brush one half over with melted butter, fold and press the edges together. Place 1 inch apart in greased pan, cover, let rise, and then bake for about 15 minutes in a hot oven to a delicate brown. SANDWICHES FROM PARKER HOUSE ROLLS The soft interior of the rolls is removed and the cup-like cavity in each is filled with minced tongue and a little crisp bacon, a little chopped celery and Spanish peppers, and a dash of mustard. The combination of the sweet bread and the strongly flavored bacon and peppers is delectable. CREAM FINGERS 1 cup cream 2 tablespoons sugar \ tablespoon salt 1 yeast cake dissolved in \ cup lukewarm water Five Roses flour to knead. Scald the cream, add sugar and salt. When lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake and Five Roses flour enough to knead. Knead, cover and let rise until double original bulk. Toss onto floured board and roll dough to \ inch thickness. Shape with lady-finger cutter or with sharp knife. Cut strips inches long by 1 inch wide, and round at corners. Cover again and let rise. Brush over with 2 tablespoons milk mixed with 1 tablespoon sugar. Bake in moderate oven. Delicious served with hot chocolate or coffee. — Mrs. E. Kelly, Naseby, Sash. [ Rolls and Rusks ] RUSKS ( Eggless) 1 pound Five Roses flour £ pound butter 1 pint boiling water 2 teaspoons baking powder Slice the butter into the boiling water. Mix ingredi¬ ents. Bake a nice brown. Take from oven, split open and then return to the oven to harden. RUSKS (Yeast Recipe ) 1 pint milk 2 tablespoons yeast 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons salt Five Roses flour. Prepare a sponge of yeast, milk and flour sufficient to make a thin batter, and let rise overnight. Next morning, add eggs, butter, salt and sugar. Mix well together. Add flour enough to make soft dough. Shape into neat balls of equal size. Place in a pan and allow to rise until very light before baking. Rusks require a long time for raising. RUSKS {Bread Dough) 2 cups raised dough 1 cup sugar $ cup butter 2 eggs (well-beaten) Five Roses flour. Mix with enough flour to make stiff dough. Set to rise. When light, mould to high biscuit and let rise again. Add currants. Cover top with moistened sugar and cinnamon. Bake 20 minutes. ANY OLD fm l3i] cXot bleached ^cXot fBWnxled §Fiue JRo&ea eftcmr ! -T'j'.r' jv/- |P \\K tlVTOBA V196V > A ^£W K ♦ i < EVERY BARREL & HALF BARREL BEARS THIS STENCIL ON THE BARREL HEAD IN RED AND BLUE, OR IT IS NOT FIVE ROSES FLOUR ' THE FULL-SIZE BARREL CONTAINS 196 POUNDS, THE HALF BARREL CONTAINS 98 POUNDS ' ALSO PACKED IN BAGS OF VARIOUS SIZES cVot Stteaeked -'cXot Stended BUNS OF ALL KINDS UE to the unusual expansion of Five Roses flour, slacker batters and doughs are advisable. Also mould your buns rather smaller than usual, as they will swell surprisingly. Buns should bake in from 15 to 20 minutes. As in the case of bread, Five Roses flour produces a dough that is highly elastic and finely textured, so that the buns will continue to expand in your oven, if given the time and space to do so. Care should there¬ fore be exercised that the oven is not too hot at first. The concen¬ trated strength of Five Roses , an effect of its great gluten content, will keep your buns fresh and moist long after buns made from other flours have become harsh and tasteless. <$> <$> <£ PLAIN BUNS ( Yeast Recipes) 1 compressed yeast cake 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 1 tablespoonful sugar 2 teaspoonful salt \ cup sugar \ cup butter 3 cups sifted Five Roses flour. Dissolve yeast and one tablespoonful sugar in lukewarm milk, add one and one- half cups of flour. Beat until smooth, then add butter and sugar creamed, the rest of the flour and salt. Knead lightly, keeping dough soft. Cover and set aside in warm place, free from draft, to rise until double in bulk—about one and one half hours. Mould into small round buns, place in well-greased pans, one inch apart. Cover, set aside to rise until light—about one hour. Brush with egg, diluted with water. Bake twenty minutes. Just before remov¬ ing from the ovens, brush with sugar mois¬ tened with a little water. PLAIN BUNS (Potato Yeast) Boil 2 medium sized potatoes. When done, put through a colander into a crock containing 2 cups white sugar and 1 table¬ spoon lard. Add enough water to make about 1 pint of mixture, 1 small cup home¬ made yeast and enough Five Roses flour to make a batter but not too stiff. Add 1 good teaspoon salt. Care must be taken taken not to have the mixture too hot before adding the yeast. Set in warm place to rise. When nice and light, empty into your bread pan and add 1 pint of warm water and enough Five Roses flour to make a soft dough, but mix until it will not stick to the hands. Let stand until light. Make up into the pans and let get very light before baking. ALMOND BUNS 2 ounces Five Roses flour 2 ounces cornstarch 2 ounces ground rice 2 ounces butter 3 ounces white sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder l teaspoon almond essence. Cream butter and sugar, and beat in the eggs till quite smooth. Add dry in¬ gredients and beat 5 minutes. Quite at the last add the baking powder and almond essence. Bake in small fancy bun tins. BATH BUNS (Old English Recipe) 1$ pounds Five Roses flour f pound butter £ pound sugar \ lemon peel (finely chopped) £ yeast cake (or 2 ounces good liquid yeast) 6 eggs Lemon or vanilla flavoring 1 pint warm milk (or milk and water) 1 teaspoon salt. [jjJ cXot Sleaeked ''cXot Stended W vve Slo&eA fftoiM* [Suns] Dissolve the yeast in the warm milk, and make a sponge with \ pound Five Roses flour. Cover up and let rise for about 15 minutes. Rub the butter into the remainder of the flour. When sponge has risen, break in the eggs and stir well. Then add the salt, also the flour. Mix all together to a nice dough and set aside to rise well-covered. When well risen, spread the dough out on the board, add the peel, sugar and flavoring. Mix well and mould into buns of about 3 ounces each. Put in well-greased tin and set to rise. Then wash over with beaten egg, sprinkle with a little sugar and bake in moderate oven. — Mrs. W. A. Fraser, Iron Springs, Alta. CURRANT BUNS {Bread Dough ) Use Five Roses flour for bread, and when your bread is ready to put in the pans reserve enough for a small loaf. Break an egg in a cup, put in a piece of butter the size of a small egg and 3 tablespoons sugar —beat to a cream, then fill up cup with sweet cream and mix all through your small loaf, adding \ cup currants. Do not use much flour, but keep your dough soft. After a thorough mixing, put away to rise. When risen to twice original bulk, make into small buns. When these have again risen, bake in a good hot oven. On re¬ moving from oven, gloss over with a little cream and sugar. CHELSEA BUNS Take bread dough that is ready for the oven. Roll thin and spread with butter (or butter and lard). Sprinkle sugar over it. Do this 3 times. After the third time, sprinkle ground cinnamon over dough. Have currants washed and dried, and put over the cinnamon quite thick. Cut in strips about f inch wide and roll each strip separately (make about the size of an ordinary bun). Stand these on end in a greased tin. Let stand until very light. Then bake. CANADIAN BUNS {Over Night) Set a sponge overnight— h a yeast cake dissolved in 1 cup lukewarm water‘ stared into 2 cups Five Roses flour. In the morn¬ ing, add 2 eggs, a little salt, 1 tablespoon sugar. Beat all together with a spoon then add flour to make stiff dough. Knead well 15 minutes, then stand in warm place and let rise till very light. Work m with the hands J cup soft butter, and let rise. When light, shape into buns. Put close together in baking pan, and put in a warm place to rise. When light, bake in moder¬ ate oven till a nice brown. Brush top with a little sugar dissolved in milk. Note— A pleasing variety may be ob¬ tained by adding J pound of shredded cocoanut. This should be done when the eggs are being added and after the dough has risen—preferably in the morning. Or, if preferred, cinnamon, candied peel, raisins, or other fruit may be added to suit GERMAN BUNS 4 cups Five Roses flour (sifted) 1 small teaspoon salt 1 cup white sugar £ cup butter | cup lard 1 egg (well beaten) Mix up with milk and water (half each) Add 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar. FILLING FOR GERMAN BUNS 1 egg 1 cup brown sugar J cup Five Roses flour. Mix the above. Roll out your buns and spread on the filling. Then roll up and cut off in slices. Bake. Do not put the buns too close together, as they spread. GRAHAM BUNS 2 cups graham flour. 2 cups Five Roses flour f cup sugar | cup lard and butter 1 cup currants 2 teaspoons cream of tartar [34] Xot SMeaoked -"cXot Sledded §fkte (Ro&ei> §FIoim* [Buns] 1 teaspoon soda Pinch of salt Sweet milk. Mix with sweet milk, roll and cut out. Bake as usual. GRANDMOTHERS’ BUNS (J dozen large or 4 dozen small) 3 cups lukewarm water i cup lard 1 cup sugar 1 cup currants 1 tablespoon salt 1 Royal yeast cake 1 £ or 2 quarts Five Roses flour. Dissolve yeast cake in \ cup warm water for about 10 minutes. Melt the lard. Put water, sugar, salt and lard into mixing pan. Add dissolved yeast cake and Five Roses flour enough to make stiff batter. Beat hard, and let rise until light. This should be done in middle of afternoon. At bedtime, add the currants and flour, enough to make a dough stiff enough not to stick to the hands. Set in a warm place overnight. In the morning, dough should be twice original bulk. Knead lightly and let rise. Form into small buns, place in a buttered pan, and let rise again till almost treble their size. Brush the top with milk and sugar, and bake in medium hot oven £ hour. NUT BUNS 2 cups Five Roses flour £ cup butter $ cup white sugar £ cup chopped nuts 1 egg Pinch of salt 1 h teaspoons baking powder Little milk Cream the butter and sugar in a basin, then add the well-beaten egg, then the nuts. Mix the baking powder well into the flour with the salt. Put the milk into the basin and stir well, then last the flour folded in. Have baking tins ready and drop the mixture on in teaspoonfuls, al¬ lowing enough room to rise. Bake about 15 minutes. Put a nut on top of each bun before putting in oven. ORANGE BUNS 10 ounces Five Roses flour } pound sugar 2 ounces butter 2 ounces lard 1 teaspoon baking powder Rind of 1 orange (or lemon) Pinch of salt 1 egg Milk. Rub the butter and lard into flour. Add sugar, baking powder, salt, orange rind. Mix to a stiff paste with the beaten egg and a little milk. Bake 10 minutes in a quick oven. Strain juice of orange, add icing sugar, and ice the buns when cold. ROCK BUNS \ pound Five Roses flour 2 ounces sweet lard or butter 2 ounces granulated sugar 2 ounces currants 3 teaspoons baking powder \ teaspoon salt 1 cup sweet milk. Mix to a smooth batter, and drop in small spoonfuls on to a well-greased bak¬ ing pan. Bake in moderately hot oven for 15 minutes or 20 minutes. Let cool in pan before breaking apart. SCOTCH BLACK BUNS \ pound Five Roses flour 1 pound raisins 1 pound currants \ pound sugar 2 ounces blanched almonds 2 ounces candied peel 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon (or spices) \ teaspoon Jamaica pepper \ teaspoon carraway seeds \ teaspoon soda \ teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teacup sweet milk (old ale may be used instead). With the hand mix well in a basin all above ingredients. Line a cake tin with a plain short crust rolled out very thin, and put the mixture in this prepared tin, and roll out the scraps of paste to cover top. cSot SBleaeJied ''cXot 3$tended fjfive fflow m mm [Buns] Wet well the edges. Place top cover on and press well around the edges. Prick top with a fork, and brush over with sweet milk. Bake in moderate oven for at least 3 hours. — Mrs. J. W. McKendrick, Ladysmith, Vancouver Island, B. C. YANKEE BUNS Sift 3 cups Five Roses flour with 2 tea¬ spoons cream of tartar and 1 teaspoon soda. Work £ lb. butter into the flour. Mix with the hands enough sweet milk to make a stiff dough. Roll \ inch thick. Spread with § cup butter and sugar cream¬ ed together. Roll up and cut in slices f inch thick. Place in well-buttered pan and bake in moderate oven. SPANISH BUN No. 1 1 large tablespoon butter or shortening 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs (save 1 white) 2 teaspoons cinnamon ^ cup sweet milk 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1} cups Five Roses flour. Note. —Butter and water may be used instead of shortening and milk. Cream butter and sugar, then add eggs, then cinnamon, flour and cream of tartar. □ □ P^IVE ROSES is the only Last of all the milk in which has been dis¬ solved the soda. Take the white of egg, beat stiff, then add brown sugar enough to sweeten. Put on top of cake and brown in oven. This cake should be baked in small bread pan. I sometimes put nutmeg on the icing. If not, I put cocoanut on top. SPANISH BUN No. 2 4 eggs (reserve white of three for frosting) 2 cups baking sugar f cup butter 1 cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspices 1 grated nutmeg 2\ cups Five Roses flour. HOT CROSS BUNS Take any ordinary bun dough and with a sharp knife slit top at right angles or press a cross on top of each with a long pencil. When nearly baked glaze, dredge the cross thus produced with granulated sugar, repeat glazing and dredging until the cross is filled with sugar. Complete baking. Cinnamon may be mixed with the sugar, or lemon extract. □ * that is unreservedly and publicly guaranteed by its makers to be Not Bleached—Not Blended It is the pure extract of Manitoba’s plump, sun-ripened wheat kernels milled by purely mechanical process. With no other flour are you so positive of the purity, strength and wholesomeness of all your bake things. [ 36 ] cXot SBleaelied ^cKot $1ended BISCUITS IX the flour, baking powder and salt together and dry thoroughly. The best way to do this is to sift these ingredients together 2 or 3 times. Use cold milk or water, as the case may be. After rolling out biscuit dough, if you let it stand a few minutes before and after cutting into shapes, it will considerably improve the texture and lightness. Biscuits require from 10 to 20 minutes to bake properly. Shortening may be sweet lard, or dripping, or butter, or a mix¬ ture. Vegetable lards and other shortenings are now being used considerably with some satisfaction. See that the shortening is soft enough to rub easily. Use broad, flexible knife for*cutting and mixing. Successful biscuits follow the use of Five Roses flour, a slack dough, quick mixing and as little handling as possible. <$><$>❖ PREPARED FLOUR FOR BISCUITS Have the flour prepared in bulk as fol¬ lows : To 16 lbs. of Five Roses flour, add \ lb. soda and \ lb. cream of tartar and mix. Sift all together twice and put in an air-tight box. PLAIN BISCUITS (Women's Institute Recipe) 4 cups Five Roses flour (sifted) 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 2 dessert-spoons white sugar 1 (small) teaspoon salt 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup sweet cream. Sift the cream of tartar and soda with the flour. Mix all with spoon, roll out and bake well in hot oven. A handful ofc? currants is sometimes added. If no cream is at hana, substitute 1 tablespoon lard or butter. PLAIN BISCUITS (First Prize Fall Fair) Into 1 sifter of Five Roses flour, put 1 teaspoon soda, 2 teaspoons baking pow¬ der, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons sugar. Sift 2 or 3 three times, then mix wiUi 2 cups cream and 2 of buttermilk. Roll out half an inch thick, put into smart oven and bake. ARROWROOT BISCUITS 2 cups arrowroot 1 cup Five Roses flour § cup butter Milk to stiffen. Sift the arrowroot and flour. Rub the butter into the flour and stir in gradually sufficient milk to make a stiff dough. Roll out into a thick sheet, beat with a rolling pin, fold and roll out, and beat again, repeating this process 5 minutes. Roll the last time about an inch thick. Cut with round cutter. Brush with egg, and bake in a moderate oven. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS 2 cups Five Roses flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk and water (half of each) 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon lard. Note —Currants may be added to taste. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder twice together. Cream butter and lard and add to dry ingredients, using the tips oVot HMeached ''cXot ^Blended [37] [Biscuits] of your fingers. Then add the liquid, mix¬ ing with a knife until you have a very soft dough. Place on your mixing board but do not knead. Roll out lightly until f inch thick. Cut out and bake in a hot oven for 15 minutes. BUTTERMILK BISCUITS 2 cups Five Roses flour (sifted) 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt Lard size of walnut Buttermilk (enough to make soft dough not thick enough to roll). Mix together and empty on to well- floured board, smooth out a little and cut into size desired. Bake in hot oven. LIGHT CREAM BISCUITS 4 cups Five Roses flour 2 eggs 1 cup sweet cream 2 teaspoons baking powder Pinch of salt. Note. —Ginger or other spice may be added to taste. Beat eggs very light, and add to cream. Mix in the flour and baking powder, and make soft dough. Roll out and cut with small cutter. Bake in quick oven. SWEET CREAM BISCUITS ( Eggless ) 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup sweet cream 1 cup skimmed milk 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt. It is important to pay careful attention to the measurement of the materials. The cupfuls of cream andtnilk should be scant, but the cream should be rich. The cups of flour (measured before sifting) should be level. The teaspoons of cream of tartar and soda should be slightly rounded. The salt level. More¬ over, the cups used should be the stand¬ ard half-pint measure rather than the teacup or coffee cup. Sift the salt, soda and cream of tartar with flour, and after putting the cream and milk together mix the ingredients just mentioned. Handle as quickly and as little as possible. Roll out without using any extra flour except a bare sprinkling on the board. Cut the biscuits \ inch thick, put in warm pans and bake in a rather quick oven with a good bottom heat. The biscuits should rise to three times their original thickness before browning, and ought to be done in 20 minutes. The dough should be as soft as it is possible to handle—even slightly sticky. Success will depend mainly upon this and proper baking. Properly made, the biscuit9 will be as light as a feather. DREAM BISCUITS 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar \\ teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon cream 1 pinch soda in the cream 2 eggs (well-beaten) Five Roses flour to roll. These biscuits are delicious and dainty Should be cut with a tiny cake cutter# When baked, should be put togther with icing between and on top of them. Choco¬ late icing is also very good on top. ICING FOR DREAM BISCUITS 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon vanilla 3 tablespoons cream Icing sugar to thicken. HEATHER BISCUITS 2 cups brown sugar 3 eggs Pinch of salt 1| cups shortening | cup water 3 teaspoons baking powder 3 cups oatmeal 1 cup Five Roses flour (or enough to make as thick as cookie dough). [ 3 * 1 cXot t&leaehed 'cXot fBleuded Wiw Slo&ea LEMON BISCUITS \ lb. butter 3 eggs 2 cups white sugar 1 pint sweet milk 5c. worth baking ammonia (pulverized) 5c. worth oil of lemon 6 cups Five Roses flour. Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs well - beaten. Sift the ammonia several times in the flour, then add. If not stiff enough, add more flour, as they should be quite stiff, and mix with the hands. Add the oil of lemon last. Cut in oblong shape about \ inch thick, and bake in rather hot oven. Will keep a long time. This recipe makes feathery light, crisp and delicious little biscuits such as are commonly found only at the confectioner’s. LIGHT FOAM BISCUITS 1 quart Five Roses flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 tablespoon lard 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup (coffee cup) sweet milk 1 egg (beaten separately and mixed with milk) Mix as usual, cut and bake 20 minutes in quick oven. POTATO BISCUITS 2 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups finely mashed potatoes 1 tablespoon lard Pinch of salt Water to make biscuit dough. Sift flour and baking powder together. Add finely mashed potatoes, lard, pinch of salt, and water to make biscuit dough. Roll and bake. A little ginger may be added if desired. IRISH POTATO BISCUITS Boil and mash six or eight potatoes. While warm, lay on a floured pastry-board and run the rolling-pin over and over them till they are free from lumps. Turn into a bowl, wet with a cup of sweet milk, add a teaspoon melted butter. When well mixed, work in f cup Five Roses flour [5/scufts] (salted) or just enough to make a soft dough. Return to the board, roll out quickly and lightly into a thin sheet, and cut into round cakes. Bake in a quick oven. Butter as soon as they are done, laying one on top of the other in a pile. Eat before they fall. The excellence of potato biscuits depends very greatly upon the softness of the dough, light handling, and quick baking. If properly made, they will be found ex¬ tremely nice. A favorite Irish dish. — Selected . PIN WHEELS Put 2 teaspoons soda and 4 teaspoons cream tartar into 1 quart Five Roses flour. Sift twice. Add 2 large tablespoons lard and butter mixed, and enough milk to make a dough easily rolled. Roll about 1 inch thick, spread with a little melted butter, 1 cup of currants, and sprinkle over a little sugar. Roll up into a round loaf, cut into slices about 1 inch thick. Bake in moderate oven. This recipe, without the currants, makes an excellent biscuit recipe. CARAWAY SEED BISCUITS 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder \ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons (heaping) caraway seed 4 teaspoons (heaping) sugar Milk 1 tablespoon (heaping) butter. Mix all together thoroughly, then wet with milk or water as moist as can be rolled out. Then cut ijjto biscuits. Put in pans, sprinkle with sugar, and bake out in pans, sprinkle with sugar, and bake about 15 minutes in moderate oven. FRENCH TEA BISCUITS J cup sugar 1 egg (not beaten) Piece of butter size of egg (melted) 1 cup sweet milk 1 nutmeg 2\ teaspoons baking powder 3 cups Five Roses flour (sifted with bak¬ ing powder). \30\ eWot Steadied ^cXoi Slended NVtClMM)*-* §»I Wive Sloped Wtmm pp [Biscuits] RICE BISCUITS pound white sugar pound ground rice pound butter (or \ pound butter, J pound lard) 2 pound Five Roses flour ^ \ teaspoon baking powder (or 1 teaspoon cream tartar and \ teaspoon soda) fcwl 2 eggs. Vf \ Mix with sweet milk or water. Roll as for cookies. Cut in round ^ or square cakes, and bake. CREAM TEA BISCUITS {Makes 10 Biscuits ) 1 cup thin sweet cream 2 cups Five Roses flour (or enough to roll) 1 teaspoon baking powder to each cup of flour. Put the cream in mixing bowl, add flour with baking powder gradually so as not to get the dough too stiff. Roll to \ inch thick, cut, bake in oven not so hot as required for other biscuits. CRUSHED WHEAT BISCUITS 3 cups crushed wheat flour 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup sugar 1 large tablespoon shortening 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons baking powder Pinch of salt 1 quart buttermilk. (Instead of shortening and butter¬ milk, might use 1 quart cream.) BANNOCK \\ pounds Five Roses flour \ pound butter or lard \ pound raisins \ pound currants 1 ounce candied peel 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon carbonate of soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Pinch of salt Buttermilk. Rub the shortening into the flour, add other ingredients and mix with enough buttermilk to make a nice light dough. Bake in moderate oven about 1 hour. CHEESE ROLLS Make a dough as for baking powder biscuit. Roll lightly with rolling pin until a little thicker than for pie crust. Spread liberally with grated cheese and roll over and over as for jelly roll. Cut the pieces about 1 inch thick. Place the cubes up¬ right and bake until a light brown. De¬ licious with salad. SAUSAGE ROLLS Make a dough as for biscuits. Roll thin and cut into large rounds. Spread one-half thickly with sausage meat and turn the other side over. Pinch edges together and put in a baking pan. Bake half hour. Nice with meat course. <$><$><$> A T Fall Fairs throughout Canada, FIVE ROSES -F*- flour for many years has taken first and other prizes in open competition against all comers. Not only for breads, but for biscuits, cakes, pastry and all other forms of flour foods. Many of these prize recipes earned a place in the FIVE ROSES cook book. cXot fBleaeJtcd < 3 > / T is from the great amount of phosphates and nitrates it contains that the Lake of the Woods Breakfast Food derives its high nutritive value. Phosphates build nerves and brain, nitrates produce muscle. The germ of the wheat, which is so rich in phosphates and other food values, adds a natural wheat flavor to this cereal that is very pleasing. Growing children, convalescents, all who require an easily digested food, full of whole¬ some, appetizing qualities and concentrated nutriment cannot help but find in this Breakfast Food the cereal best suited to their requirements. N.B.—Since the publication of the first edition of this cook book, we have experimented with the Breakfast Food and have evolved a splendid recipe for bread¬ making with this Cereal. This can be found on page 21, cXot SBleoekcd 'sXol Siended ' Ifithe SIBUyur cNot Steadied "'cXoi Steuded .-^liiiiimimiiBinwiiiii)^ PANCAKES HEN using the yeast (overnight) batter, always keep at least one- third of the mixture as a “mother” for next day’s cakes. Set in a cold place and keep well-covered. The evening before the cakes are required, add hot water, salt to taste and Five Roses flour to make thick batter. Left-over batter should always be kept in a cool place in the same pitcher in which it was mixed. If kept cold, it will not spoil; in fact, freezing pancake batter adds to the quality of the cakes. When the pancakes are sour, add a little soda, but limit this ingredient as much as possible. In using sweet milk, add baking powder in the morning instead of soda. Delectable pancakes are readily made with Lake of the Woods Breakfast Food . Try it. ❖ ❖ PLAIN PANCAKES 2 cups sour milk 3 eggs (beaten separately) 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt Five Roses flour to thicken. Mix as usual. Beat the whites of the 3 eggs and stir in slowly last thing before baking. BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES (Over Night) 1 quart water \ yeast cake 1 teaspoon (heaping) salt 1 tablespoon brown sugar Buckwheat to make stiff batter. Let rise over night. In morning, dis¬ solve 1 level teaspoon soda in a little water and add to the batter. ENGLISH PANCAKES 1 pint milk 1 tablespoon sugar 2 eggs 1 cup Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Pinch of salt. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together. Add to this the well-beaten eggs and sugar, and mix all with the pint of milk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. If too thick, add more milk. Put a small piece of butter in a hot frying pan, then spoonfuls of the batter. When lightly browned, turn over, then fold on hot dish. Serve with powdered sugar and a squeeze of lemon. CORN PANCAKES 1 cup commeal § cup Five Roses flour \ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon (heaping) soda 2 teaspoons (heaping) cream of tartar Water to mix quite thin. FRENCH PANCAKES 3 eggs (yolks) 1 cup milk \ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar Five Roses flour. Mix yolks, milk, salt, sugar, and pour one-third of the mixture on \ cup Five Roses flour and stir to a smooth paste; then add the remainder of the mixture and beat well. To this add \ teaspoon of salad oil. Pour enough of the batter into a hot buttered frying-pan to cover the pan. When brown, turn and brown the other side. Spread with butter and jelly, roll up and sprinkle with powdered sugar* \ 49 \ cSoi £BleaeHed ''eHot Sio&€& WUrwr [Pancakes] DRY BREAD PANCAKES (For Four Persons) 1 pint dry bread 1 pint milk or water 1 egg 1 cup sour milk \ teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Pinch of salt Five Roses flour. Soak the bread in the milk or water for one hour. Beat up well with a kitchen spoon. Beat in 1 egg and the sour milk. Into this, sift a cup of flour into which have been mixed the soda, cream of tartar and salt. Add more flour, if neces¬ sary, to make a good pancake batter. Beat well. Bake on a hot greased griddle or frying pan. A good spoonful is enough for a cake. Serve hot with butter and syrup. GRAHAM PANCAKES 1 egg (well-beaten) 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt (dissolved in warm water) 1 cup Graham flour lj cups Five Roses flour. POTATO PANCAKES No. 1 6 raw potatoes (grated) 1 e 22' . _ _ 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour Salt and pepper. Mix and fry the same as ordinary pan- cake. Fine with fried ham. POTATO PANCAKES No. 2 2 eggs 12 large grated potatoes cups Five Roses flour \ cup sweet milk 1 tablespoon salt. WHEAT PANCAKES 1 quart sour milk 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs. Mix with equal parts of Five Roses flour and wheatmeal to make batter. < 8 > <$> <$> HOW TO KEEP FLOUR EING highly absorbent, flour should not be other foods, vegetables, etc. It should be odors of all sorts. exposed to contact with kept away from oils and It should be scrupulously free from damp, otherwise it will quickly “work” and lose at least part of its baking qualities. When Five Roses is purchased by the barrel, elevate the barrel so that there may be a free current of air beneath it to prevent the flour at the bottom of the barrel from becoming musty. A farmer’s wife who stacked her flour bags upstairs beside the kitchen flue said that the last sacks used were very much whiter and made much better bread than the first bags. This is because the flour was gradually warmed through by the gentle heat, being aged and dried, which works considerable improvement in a sound flour, making it much whiter and livelier in the dough. When mice become troublesome, a hint might be taken from the grocer who kept these household pests from his flour and cereals by using fine mesh steel wire to protect his bags and barrels. [So] J(ot SBleached ''cXot ^Blended GRIDDLE CAKES AND WAFFLES F you can get a soapstone griddle, use no other. Cakes are baked— not fried—upon it, and are thereby made comparatively wholesome. Set the griddle at the side of the range and heat gradually at least one hour before you begin to bake. If heated suddenly it is liable to crack. Clean with dry salt, then wipe with a clean cloth and it is ready for use. Never allow a drop of grease to touch it. If you have an iron griddle, lubricate with a bit of salt pork or ham rind, leaving just enough grease on the surface to prevent sticking. Soapstone and iron griddles alike need tempering or seasoning in order to do their work well. They are seldom just right at the first trial. Give them time and handle them patiently.— The New Home. Bake griddle cakes till porous and crinkly at the edges. Many housewives avoid smoke and odour by never greasing their griddles at all, preferring to add a little more butter to the batter. Always clear the griddle between each baking. Those seeking new effects in griddle cakes and waffles will be surprised agreeably by adapting Lake of the Woods Breakfast Food to their favorite recipe . PLAIN GRIDDLE CAKES J pint milk 2 eggs $ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon butter 2 teaspoons baking powder Five Roses flour to make batter. GRIDDLE CAKES WITH BREAD CRUMBS (Eggless) Cover bread crumbs with sour milk, and let soak until a pulpy mass. 1 cup soaked bread crumbs 1 cup Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda Cold water to make thin batter. Sift the flour, salt and soda into the bread crumbs. Add water gradually and beat well. Pour by spoonfuls on a slightly greased pan. When lightly browned on one side, turn and cook on the other. Serve in hot dish. BUCKWHEAT GRIDDLE CAKES 1 cup Five Roses flour 1 cup buckwheat 2 cup sugar \ teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder \ cup butter (melted) \\ cups sweet milk. GRIDDLE CAKES WITH BUTTERMILK No. 1 2 cups Five Roses flour (see note) \ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda (level). 1J cups sour milk or buttermilk 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 tablespoon sugar. Bake on good hot griddle and turn over. Note —If the buttermilk is thick, measure the flour scant; if it is thin, let the measure be generous. [5i] cXot Slcadicd / ’c)iot SleiuUd ffiue Slo&ea §f [GriVta/e Cakes and Waffles'] GRIDDLE CAKES WITH BUTTERMILK No. 2 3 cups buttermilk 2 cups cream (not very thick) 5 eggs (1 egg to each cup) 2 teaspoons (rounded) cream of tartar 2 teaspoons (heaping) bicarbonate of soda 1 teaspoon salt Flavor with nutmeg Five Roses . Bake on a smooth hot greased griddle. Use judgment in the use of soda; it de¬ pends on how sour the buttermilk is. If cakes are soggy or sticky, put in a little more flour or soda, or both. If cakes are too thick, add a little milk. PLAIN WAFFLES 2 cups Five Roses flour 2 cups milk \ cup melted butter 2 teaspoons sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs (beaten separately). Have waffle iron hot and well-greased. QUICK WAFFLES (6 Eggs ) 2 pints sweet milk 1 cup melted butter 6 eggs (beaten separately) 8 teaspoons (level) baking powder Five Roses flour. Mix the milk and butter together, and add enough sifted Five Roses flour to make a soft batter. Add the well-beaten yolks, then the beaten whites. Lastly, before baking, add 8 teaspoons baking powder. These are very good with 4 or 5 eggs, but much better as above. CREAM WAFFLES 3 tablespoons cornstarch cup Five Roses flour teaspoon salt pint sour milk egg well (beaten) 1 teaspoon soda. Stir the cornstarch and flour together until smooth, and add salt. Gradually mix in the sour milk, beaten egg and small teaspoon of soda dissolved m water. Pour into hot waffle iron. SOUTHERN WAFFLES 1 egg 1 teaspoon sugar 1 pint sweet milk 2 tablespoons (level) cornmeal 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 teaspoons baking powder | teaspoon salt Five Roses flour to make thin batter. Mix butter and sugar thoroughly, add egg and beat well. Then sift the corn- meal, flour, salt, baking powder into the sugar and butter, adding milk as required, using up the flour before the milk. Bake in hot waffle irons and serve at once with butter and syrup. EGG TOAST (For Breakfast or Supper) 4 eggs § pint milk 3 tablespoons Five Roses flour Pinch of salt. Mix the flour in just a little milk so as not to get lumpy. Add salt. Cut the bread in quarter slices and dip in above mixture. Have pan hot, put in butter and let melt until it turns a little brown. Put in bread and fry a golden brown. Turn over and brown. Good for supper instead of potatoes. Use stale bread. CHEESE TOAST Cut cheese up fine and mix it with 1 beaten egg, 1 tablespoon butter, \ cup new milk. Cook till smooth and pour over toast. POTATO LOAF 3 cups mashed potatoes I (beaten) 1 cup bread crumbs £ cup sweet cream 1 onion (chopped fine) Pepper Salt i , M A d , flaVOr to taste - Shape into loaf and place in cool spot. Cut into slices, dip in Five Roses flour and frv in a little butter. y 111 I52] <^ot fBleoeJiecl ^cXot fBleuded PUDDINGS OF ALL KINDS (For Sauces, Custards, etc., see page 65) ABOUT BOILED PUDDINGS ^■^■j^EFORE attempting a boiled pudding, be sure that you have a good mold with a tightly-fitting cover in which to cook it. You may use such a ■ substitute as a bowl with a floured cloth tied over the top, but this may allow the water to enter and ruin your dough. The best substitute for a mo ^ * s a l arc * pail with a top, which may be made more secure by RZJ XyS* tying it on. Always grease your mold thoroughly—top, bottom, and | B sides—and leave room for the swelling of the contents. Three hours will be, as a rule, the longest time required for the boiling of a pud- ding of ordinary size. All boiled puddings should be served as soon as they are cooked. — Selected. <$><$> APPLE PUDDING Pare and slice a few nice cooking apples, and put into a pan to the depth of 2 or 3 inches. Add sugar to taste and any desired flavoring. Make a batter of 1 cup sweet milk, a small teaspoon salt, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon soda and 2 teaspoons cream of tartar sifted with sufficient Five Roses flour to make a batter as stiff as for pound cake. Serve with cream. Note on Apple Puddings —After paring fruit, drop it in cold water to prevent it changing color through contact with the air. A good sauce for apple pudding is made by simply boiling good molasses with a little butter and serving hot. APPLES IN AMBUSH 2 cups Five Roses flour. £ cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs f cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 5 large tart apples. Mix baking powder with the flour. Melt butter and sugar together, and add. Whip the eggs, and then put in milk and vanilla. Beat well as for a cake, but do not have too stiff. Add a little more milk if required. Peel and cut up the apples, and mix with the batter. Butter a deep pudding dish and bake in a quick oven. Other fruit can be used instead of apples. Serve with any sweet sauce. APPLE JACK 1 egg 1 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon soda Pinch of salt 1 iablespoon lard Five Roses flour to thicken Apples. Cover bottom of pudding dish with apples. Sprinkle with sugar, then put in a layer of batter. Then another layer of apples, sugar and batter. Finish with apples sprinkled with sugar and little bits of butter. AUSTRALIAN PUDDING 6 ounces Five Roses flour 4 ounces suet 4 ounces sugar 4 ounces sultanas Mixed peel and ginger to taste 1 tablespoon baking soda \ pint warm milk. eHot 5B leached SBleuded ffijgfgjSf ' ■ ■ •' - - WUm Sloped JHoti/r [ Puddings ] Mix all dry ingredients together, ex¬ cept the soda which is dissolved in the milk. Add latter to the mixture. Steam tv/o hours. BAKEWELL PUDDING J pound puff paste (see pastry section) \ pound butter 6 ounces sugar 1 ounce almonds (chopped) Yolks of 5 eggs and white of 1 egg Raspberry or strawberry jam. Cover a dish with thin paste, and over this put a layer of jam (raspberry or strawberry preferred). Put the yolks of 5 eggs into a basin with the white of 1, and beat well. Add the sugar (sifted), butter and the almonds (well pounded). Now beat all together until well mixed, then pour into the dish over the jam. Bake for one hour in moderate oven. BANANA PUDDING 1 quart milk 2 eggs 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup sugar Pinch of salt Bananas. Cook together the milk, eggs, corn¬ starch, salt and sugar. Color one-third with chocolate and one-third with fruit coloring. Line the bottom of pudding dish with bananas. Pour in the dark part, next the pink, and lastly the white part. Set on ice to get cold, and serve with whipped cream. BARONCUP PUDDING f pound chopped suet f pound raisins f pound Five Roses flour \ pint milk § teaspoon salt Mix all the dry in¬ gredients and moisten with the milk. Place in buttered bowl, tie down with cloth and steam for four hours Serve with granulated sugar sprinkled over the pudding. BATTER PUDDING 4 ounces Five Roses flour 2 drachms bicarbonate of soda 1 egg A little sugar Milk to make thin batter. Mix to a thin batter and bake in a well-buttered tin in a brisk oven for \ hour. Strew a few currants in the bottom of the tin. ECONOMICAL BATTER PUDDING 4 tablespoons Five Roses flour \ pint milk Pinch of salt. Place the flour and salt in a basin, make a hole in the centre of the flour and pour in half the milk. Work with a spoon, gradually getting the flour all mixed down in the milk. Beat the batter for about 10 minutes, or until a lot of little bubbles rise to the surface. Then add the re¬ mainder of the milk. Pour into a shallow, well-greased tin and bake about 20 min- utes. If possible, make the batter an hour or two before baking, for the air to get well into it. Note on Battex Puddings —Batter pud¬ dings of all kinds, especially when made with fruit, are more tasty steamed than baked. BIRDS’ NEST PUDDING Take 8 apples, pare and core, leaving whole. Fill the cores with sugar and a little nutmeg. Place in a pudding dish. Now make a custard of 5 eggs to 1 quart of milk and sweeten to taste. Pour this around the apples, and bake in oven \ hour. (See Paddy Bundles for slight variation of this recipe.) BLACK PUDDING 1 egg 1 cup New Orleans molasses 1 cup warm water 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved in a little hot water) 2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup seeded raisins 2 \ cups Five Roses flour Pinch of salt Steam 2£ to 3 hours. [ 54] <^ot fBleoched ^cXot fBleuded :'-v , Wwe, Sio&eA Slow* w - ' v SAUCE FOR BLACK PUDDING For each person allow 1 egg beaten separately. For every 2 eggs allow \ cup of pulverized sugar. Eggs should be beaten separately, whites and yolks. Add 2 tablespoons melted butter creamed. Beat all together. BREAD PUDDING 1 cup stale bread crumbs (grated) 1 tablespoon (heaping) butter £ cup white sugar 3 eggs 1 pint rich milk Flavoring to taste. Cream butter and sugar. Add 3 yolks and 1 white well beaten, then the milk and flavoring. Then add the crumbs. Beat well and bake in oven like a custard. To be served with a little sweet cream. Note —A few shreds of candied orange peel will give a delicious flavor to a bread pudding. BREAD AND FRUIT PUDDING (Old Country Favourite) Cut bread in slices of about ? inch thick, remove the crust and line a pudding basin with the slices. Then place therein a layer of fresh fruit (blackberry, rasp¬ berry, currant, plum or other juicy fruit). Sprinkle over a little sugar, and place a slice of bread over alternating layers of fruit and bread sufficient to fill the basin. Tie up in a cloth and boil as usual. Makes an excellent dish served up cold with a coating of whipped white of egg and castor sugar. BREAD AND BUTTER PUDDING Butter stale bread (made from Five Roses flour). Place a layer of bread and butter in bottom of pudding dish. Strew raisins and currants over this, then lay another layer of 'bread and butter with another layer of fruit over it. Have bread and butter on top. Make a custard of 2 eggs to 3 cups of milk and j cup sugar. Pour this over pudding, and bake in slow oven for hours. IPuddings ] Note —When using stale bread *or puddings, always soak it in cold liquid. Bread that has been soaked in cold milk or water will be crumbly and light, whereas if soaked in hot liquid it will be heavy. BROWN BETTY Into a buttered dish put a layer of sliced apples. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, and cover with soft bread crumbs. Continue this process until the dish is filled, having bread crumbs as top layer. Dot all over with small pieces of butter. Add a few spoonfuls of hot water. Bake in moderate oven until apples are tender. Serve hot with vanilla sauce or cream. CANARY PUDDING 3 eggs Weight of 3 eggs in sugar Weight of 2 eggs in Five Roses flour Weight of 1 egg in butter 1 small lemon. Melt the butter, stir in the sugar and add the juice of lemon and grated rind (being careful not to grate any of the inner white rind). Gradually add the flour and lastly the eggs beaten lightly (whites and yolks) separate. Pour in well-greased mould. Cover with fid and plunge into a pot of boiling water. Boil for 2 hours. Serve with lemon sauce or fruit sauce. CARAMEL PUDDING 1 quart milk 1 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch Pinch of salt 1 egg Small piece of butter Vanilla. Put butter and brown sugar in a pan to brown. In another pan heat the milk, and when hot add the cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk. Add the browned sugar and the egg. Cook until thick and set aside to cool. Serve with cream. [55 1 cXot fBleaehed ^cXot fBte'iuied ft • efWe fRo^ea Wimw [ Puddings ] CARROT PUDDING No. 1 grated raw carrots grated raw potatoes sifted Five Roses flour white sugar seeded raisins currants f cup butter teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoon nutmeg \ teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda in \ cup grated potato saved till last, and added last of all. Flour the fruit well and steam 3 hours. Serve with maple syrup sauce.—See Pud¬ ding Sauces, page 65. CARROT PUDDING No. 2 \\ cups Five Roses flour 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup beef suet 1 cup stoned raisins 1 cup currants 1 cup grated raw potatoes 1 cup grated raw carrots 1 teaspoon soda. Steam or boil for 3 hours. ONE-EGG CARROT PUDDING 1 cup sugar \ cup butter 1 cup grated carrots (raw) 1 cup grated potatoes (raw) 1 cup currants 1 cup raisins 1 egg Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon soda 2 cups Five Roses flour. Steam 3 hours. One cup molasses may be added to above. CHICKEN PUDDING 4 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons (large) baking powder 1 cup shortening Salt to taste. Shortening may be lard or butter, or half and half. Wet and flour pudding cloth. Set in a deep dish to keep its shape. Put plate on bottom. Roll paste to thickness of about half an inch. Line cloth with it and fill paste with chicken cut small. Sprinkle with flour, pepper and salt to taste. Add a piece of butter the size of an egg. Tie up tight in cloth. Drop into boiling water, and keep boiling for 7.\ hours. When done take pudding out of cloth and set on platter. Cut a round piece out of top, fill with water boiled in, loosen up chicken and serve. Fit for a king. — Mrs. H. Haryett, Fort Stewart, Ont. CHOCOLATE PUDDING 1 cup Five Roses flour Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg (beaten light) 2 tablespoons sugar Butter, size of a walnut (melted) \ cup milk lj squares melted chocolate. Stir all together. Add flour. Butter tin and steam 1 hour. Serve with sauce or whipped cream. CHOCOLATE BREAD PUDDING 1 cup stale bread crumbs. 2 cups milk 1 tablespoon (heaping) butter 1 tablespoon (heaping) grated chocolate \ cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 eggs (beaten separately). Put on fire and heat to boiling point the bread crumbs and milk; then add butter, grated chocolate, sugar and flavor¬ ing. Take from fire and cool. Stir in the beaten yolks and, lastly, fold in the stiff whites. Put in a buttered dish and bake. Serve with cream. (Old English Recipe) 2 pounds bread crumbs 1 pound Five Roses flour (sifted) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1| pounds beef suet (chopped finely) 1 pound currants ' 1^ pounds stoned raisins IS6] <^ot Skadied -'cXoi Sleuded Be® W9 eflo-tM* 1 pound brown sugar 1 teaspoon allspice \ pound ground ginger 1 ounce chopped almonds \ pound mixed peel 7 eggs 1 tablespoon syrup \ teaspoon lemon essence 1 cup brandy (or wine) Milk to moisten dry ingredients. More eggs may be added if richer pud¬ ding is desired. Mix dry ingredients in order given and let stand over night. In the morning, put into individual moulds (if so desired) and steam 8 hours, or even more. When about to be eaten, steam a couple of hours more, decorate with greens, pour over with a little cognac brandy and bring to the table blazing. Wine sauce is usually served with this pudding, although other sauces are often used. (See Pudding Sauces.) CHRISTMAS PUDDING No. 2 2 eggs 1 ^ cups currants 1 ] cups raisins cups suet $ cup sugar 1 cup molasse9 \ cup milk 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon mixed spice. Boil or steam 3 hours. Sauce to taste. CHRISTMAS PUDDING No. 3 7 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup ground suet 1 cup sugar (white) 1 cup molasses 2 cups raisins \ \ cups currants \ cup lemon peel 3 eggs 3 teaspoons (heaping) cream of tartar 4 teaspoons (heaping) soda 3 teaspoons (heaping) ginger 2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons lemon extract Nutmeg and cinnamon to taste. [Puddings] Steam 3 hours. Serve with any de¬ sired pudding sauce. Note —See also plum puddings for further Christmas puddings. GREEN CORN PUDDING Grate the corn from the cobs, and put 1 cupful in a deep buttered baking dish. Cover this with milk, sprinkle in a little pepper and salt, add 1 tablespoon of butter and set in the oven for \ hour. Now take out and stir in 1 egg well-beaten and return to oven, leaving it only until the custard has set. A few minutes will suf¬ fice. This is a delicious accompaniment to a meat course. What is left over can be warmed for breakfast by putting in a saucepan with a little butter and milk and stirring until it is smoking hot. COTTAGE PUDDING 1 cup sugar 1 cup sweet milk I egg Butter, size of a small egg 1 j cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda Pinch of salt 1^ cups of any kind of fresh fruit. Cream butter and sugar, add egg well- beaten. Beat well. Add flour and cream of tartar previously sifted together. Dis¬ solve the soda in the milk. Add salt. Pour milk into dish just at side. Beat well. Into a pudding dish well buttered put a layer of batter, then a layer of fruit until all has been used up. Have batter on top. Serve with sweetened cream flavored to taste, or with cornstarch sauce. (See Sauces.) COTTAGE PUDDING ( Eggless) 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons melted butter 1 cup milk 2 cups (heaping) Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar Bake in a pan about \ hour. Add sliced apples if you like—quite an im¬ provement. Any pudding sauce. 157 \ cXoi fBl eaehed 'cXot fBlended p KJ Wwe Stored IFlour lf§ . [Puddings] CUP PUDDING 2 eggs \ cup butter f cup sugar f cup Five Roses flour f cup milk 1 § teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon extract of lemon Fruit (fresh or preserved). Fill cups ^ full of this batter after you have put in a small quantity of preserves. Steam 5 hour. Serve with either cream or sauce. | teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs (well-beaten). Mix all dry ingredients together with the eggs, adding a small quantity of milk if too dry. Put in baking powder last. Place in mould or pudding cloth and boil 3 hours. Turn out and sprinkle top with white sugar. — Mrs. E . Wright, Holmstead Rd Langley, B.C. Note —Always wet and flour well in¬ side of pudding bags. DATE PUDDING 2 cups bread crumbs 1 cup Five Roses flour 2 cup suet (chopped fine) 2 cups dates (chopped) \ cup sugar Pinch of salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs (well beaten) Milk to moisten. Put in well-buttered bowl, and steam from 3 to 6 hours. Serve hot with cream or sweet sauce. DATE WHIP Beat stiff the whites of 6 eggs. When half whipped add £ teaspoon cream of tartar and whip stiff.. Add 1 cup sifted granulated sugar, 1 cup stoned and chopped dates, and 1 cup broken English walnuts. Bake in a loaf cake pan in moderately hot oven for £ hour. Serve with whipped cream. Can be served hot or cold. FRUIT PUDDING No. 1 (Used by me for many years, and I can vouch for its deliciousness .) 1 cup Five Roses flour 2 cups bread crumbs \ lb. shredded suet \ cup brown sugar £ pound mixed peel Juice of 1 lemon Peel of \ lemon (shredded fine) 1 teaspoon (heaping) ginger 2 teaspoon cinnamon FRUIT PUDDING No. 2 Fill a medium sized pudding dish * full of any raw fruit. Sprinkle slightly with sugar and spread on top the follow¬ ing : 1 egg well beaten, £ cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, £ cup milk, 1 cup Five Roses flour. Bake in moderate oven. GINGER PUDDING 1 egg 1 cup sugar f cup sour milk 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon ginger 2 tablespoons molasses Butter size of a walnut 1 teaspoon soda 3 cups Five Roses flour. Steam 1 hour. HERBIE’S PUDDING lj cups bread crumbs 1 cup buttermilk 2 cup suet 1 cup sugar 1 cup raisins 1 cup currants 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup Five Roses flour. Steam 2\ hours. LIGHT PUDDING Butter size of an egg 1 cup sugar 2 eggs (small) or 1 large egg 2 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons (level) cream of tartar. [J«l eHot SMeaeKed ''cXot ^Blended 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup raisins (floured). Steam 1 hour over hot stove. Serve with plain sauce. MADEIRA PUDDING 2 eggs Weight of 2 eggs in Five Roses flour Weight of 2 eggs in butter \ teaspoon baking powder Pinch of salt 2 tablespoons jam (any kind). Cream butter and flour together, and work in the eggs. Then add baking pow¬ der and salt. Mix in the jam. Butter a mould and fill three parts with the mixture. Steam 1 hour. Serve with sweet sauce. MAMMA’S FAVORITE PUDDING (Molasses) 1 cup molasses 1 cup suet 1 cup currants and raisins (| each) 2 teaspoons baking powder Five Roses flour to make very stiff. Put in a floured bag and steam con¬ stantly for 3 hours. MAPLE CREAM PUDDING 1 pint milk 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs f cup brown sugar. Heat the milk, and when it comes to a boil thicken with cornstarch and eggs. Brown sugar in frying pan, then add the cream, beating all the time to prevent lumps. When sugar is all dissolved, pour in mould. Serve with whipped cream. MARMALADE PUDDING 1 pound Five Roses flour 2 ounces moist sugar 2 ounces suet (chopped finely) 3 ounces marmalade 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 tablespoon milk. Mix well together and boil in buttered mould 2\ hours. [Puddings] OYSTER LOAF Take a large loaf of Vienna bread and cut off the top crust. Take out all the crumb and rub it up (as for dressing). Season with pepper, salt and butter. A dash of red pepper gives a finer flavor than black or white. Do not have the bread too fresh, as it will not crumb fine. Then take from a quart to three pints of well- drained oysters, putting in a layer of the seasoned crumb first, then a layer of oysters, till all is used up, keep¬ ing crumb for the top layer. When all is pressed in, generous pieces of butter are laid on. Replace top crust and bake for 40 minutes in a good oven. Try not to scorch the loaf, as many enjoy the crust. Serve hot with or without green peas and Saratoga chips. You will find this is a good dish for either supper or luncheon. PADDY BUNDLES 6 tablespoons (heaping) Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 dessertspoons (heaping) butter Sweet milk (or cold water) to make soft dough. Cut in 4 pieces. Do not roll, but on each piece put a peeled apple with core removed. With floured hands work the dough up around the apple. Fill the hole with sugar, butter and a couple of cloves. Work the dough right up over the hole. Brush over with sweet milk. Place in a pan, adding a little sweetened water. Bake 40 minutes. Serve with cream and sugar or the sauce in which they were cooked. PINEAPPLE TAPIOCA PUDDING f cup tapioca soaked over night in plenty of water. In the morning, drain off the water and add 1 can of pineapple (with syrup) and the juice of 1 lemon, also If cups sugar and salt to taste. Steam until clear (about 2 hours). Then add beaten whites of 3 eggs while hot. Set out until very cold. Serve with whipped or plain cream sweetened to taste. Iso] cXoi bleached 'cMbt ^Blended Wm Wive Sto&ea WUmr [ Puddings ] POOR MAN’S PUDDING 1 cup Five Roses flour 2 teaspoon soda \ teaspoon cinnamon | teaspoon ginger \ teaspoon allspice \ teaspoon salt l cup molasses i cup sweet milk \ cup raisins. Sift all dry ingre¬ dients together ex¬ cepting the raisins. Add molasses, sweet milk and, lastly, the raisins. Steam 3 hours and serve warm with cream. PLUM PUDDING No. 1 1 pound Five Roses flour 1 pound suet 1 pound raisins 1 pound currants \ pound bread crumbs 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup milk 5 eggs (more eggs may be added) 1 teaspoon soda \ teaspoon salt \ teaspoon spices \ pound citron l pound orange peel. Steam 5 hours. Serve hot with sauce. Note —See Sponge Pudding No. 1 for substitute for the above. PLUM PUDDING No. 2 4 eggs 4 cups currants 4 cups raisirs 4 cups sugar 1 cup molasses 1 pound chopped suet 1 pound chopped apples 3 cups sour milk 3 teaspoons soda Spices to taste Five Roses flour to stiffen. Pack in a crock. PLAIN PLUM PUDDING (Eggless) 3 teacups Five Roses flour 1 teacup milk 1 teacup molasses 1 teacup chopped suet 1 teacup raisins 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon nutmeg. Boil or steam 3 to 4 hours. PRUNE PUDDING Cook prunes and mince. Soften \ package gelatine in \ cup water, and add 1 cup of hot strained juice from the prunes, also 1 cup sugar, % cup mixed lemon and orange juice. Cool and add 1 pint whipped cream. Put in mould. May be used for charlotte or cake filling with whipped cream flavoured with al¬ mond essence. RASPBERRY PUDDING \ pound bread crumbs 3 ounces suet (chopped fine) 6 ounces raspberry jam 4 tablespoons sugar f teaspoon soda Buttermilk. Put the soda, bread crumbs and suet into a basin. Add the jam and sufficient buttermilk to moisten (it must not be too moist). Put in a well-greased pud- ding basin. Cover with greased paper and steam 2 hours. Serve with melted jam for sauce. RASPBERRY TAPIOCA PUDDING Put J cup tapioca into a kettle, cover with 4 cups boiling water and cook until transparent. Stir into this 1 pint of fresh berries, adding sugar to taste. Pour into a mould. Serve cold with cream. QUICK PUDDING Take dry ca ke enough to cover the bottom of a small basin. Beat 2 eggs in a [do) cXot SMeacked ^cXot fBleuded Wwe Slo^ea SFlotM" bowl with 2 tablespoons of sugar, a little salt and nutmeg. Fill up the bowl with sweet milk and turn over the cake. Put in oven just long enough to set the custard and it is ready to serve. RICE PUDDING 3 tablespoons rice 1 pint milk 1 cup water Butter size of an egg | cup sugar \ teaspoon cinnamon (or nutmeg) Pinch of salt. Note —Raisins may be added. Put in oven and bake 2 hours—don’t disturb the rice. Take out and on top spread an icing made as follows: ICING 2 eggs (whites) 1 cup sugar 1 cup raisins (chopped). Put in oven to brown. Before putting the icing on top, remove the brown that forms over the rice. ROLY-POLY 3 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup suet \ teaspoon salt Sweet milk to mix Raspberry jam. Mix with sweet milk and roll out. Spread with raspberry jam, roll in a cloth and steam 3 hours. Serve with sauce or cream and sugar. ENGLISH ROLY-POLY 1 cup beef suet (finely chopped) 3 cups Five Roses flour 1 tablespoon sugar Pinch of salt. Mix salt into the dough, and roll out \ inch thick. Spread black currant pre¬ serves on the dough, roll up, tie in a cloth and boil 1§ hours. Be sure to have the water boiling before putting the pud¬ ding in. Serve with sweet sauce. cXot fBleacJied [ Puddings ] SPONGE PUDDING No. 1 1 cup chopped suet 1 cup molasses 1 cup.milk 3^ cups Five Roses flour 2 eggs 1 cup raisins 1 cup currants Citron and spice to taste 1 teaspoon soda (beaten in molasses). Note — \ cup butter may be used in¬ stead of the suet in above recipe. Steam 3 hours, and serve with wine sauce. If suet is used, a pinch of salt should be added. Many prefer this to a plum pud¬ ding, because it is not so rich. SPONGE PUDDING No. 2 3 eggs 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 tablespoons hot water. Make 3 layers. CUSTARD 1 quart milk 4 eggs 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. Put between layers and on top. Whip 1 pint cream for top. SNOW PUDDING 1 pint boiling water 3 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons white sugar Pinch of salt 2 eggs (whites beaten). Stir cornstarch, boiling water, sugar and salt until it thickens. After it is cooked and while hot add the whites of 2 eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Cornstarch sauce. SNOWBALL PUDDING J cup butter 1 cup sugar § cup milk 2\ cups Five Roses flour 31 teaspoons baking powder 4 eggs (whites). Cream butter and add sugar. Cream again until sugar is dissolved, using a * "cHoi fBleuded ^ 6l ^ [ Puddings ] small quantity of hot water. Stir in milk. Sift in the flour and baking powder. Then fold in the stiffly beaten whites of 4 eggs. Steam 35 minutes in buttered cups. Serve hot with canned fruit, lemon or chc^olate sauce. BREAD SPONGE PUDDING 2 eggs 1 cup currants (or raisins) 1 cup (small) brown sugar \ teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda Bread sponge. Reserve a small bowl of bread sponge after mixing it down in the morning. When ready to make your pudding, chop the dough finely. Beat the eggs. Add all ingredients, also chopped dough. Beat to¬ gether until smooth. Put in well-buttered dish, and steam. SUET PUDDING 1 cup sour milk ^ cup molasses 1 cup suet 2 eggs 1 cup fruit 1 teaspoon soda 2 cups Five Roses flour. Steam about 1 hour. Serve with cur¬ rant and raisin sauce. SUET PUDDING (Eggless) % cup suet (chopped fine) cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder 4 tablespoons molasses | cup raisins 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon allspice Sweet milk to make stiff batter. Steam 1^ hours. This pudding is very nice by making it with sour milk and \ teaspoon baking soda, instead of sweet milk and baking powder. SUMMER PUDDING 1 quart boiling water 5 tablespoons (heaping) cornstarch f cup granulated sugar Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon. Let this stand while you beat the whites of 2 eggs stiff, and add these to the cornstarch mixture. # ' Now heat 3 cups milk in double boiler until it boils, and then add \ cup white sugar, the yolks of 2 eggs, 1 heaping table¬ spoon cornstarch, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Let these 2 dishes stand until ice cold and serve putting part of the first mixture on dish with a large spoonful of the cus¬ tard over it. SUNSHINE PUDDING Dissolve 5 scant teaspoons gelatine in 2\ cups boiling water, and strain. Beat the whites of 4 eggs with 2 cups granu¬ lated sugar, then beat with the gelatine for 15 or 20 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon cold water, a little vanilla, and set away to harden slightly. Very delicious. SYRUP SPONGE 1 pound Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon ginger | teaspoon baking soda 2 ounces suet l teacup syrup 4 teacup milk 1 egg. Steam 1^ hours, and turn out on a plate. Sprinkle with sugar and pour melted syrup around it. TOAST PUDDING Take 3 slices of dry bread and toast to a nice brown, but do not burn. Butter each piece and put in a pudding dish. Make a custard of 4 eggs (reserve whites of 2 for frosting), \ cup granulated sugar, 1 pint sweet milk, 1 pint water, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon vanilla (or ^ teaspoon nutmeg). Pour over toast and bake. When baked, beat well the 2 egg whites with 1 teaspoon sugar and spread over top. Put back in oven till a nice brown. Serve with milk or whipped cream. 162] cXot fBleoctied ^cXot fBleuded TRIFLE Fill a glass bowl with a layer of sponge cake. Cover with red currant jelly or raspberry jam, then add more cake. Sprinkle over this a handful of shredded cocoanut and ^ cup chopped nuts. Pour over all a custard made of 1 pint milk, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar. Boil custard till it thickens, and add a pinch of salt and vanilla. When cold serve with whipped cream.— N. Hampson, Mount Forest, OnU WHOLE WHEAT PUDDING \ cup butter £ cup molasses \ cup milk 1 egg \\ cups whole wheat flour \ teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup raisins (stoned and chopped). Melt butter, add molasses, milk and well-beaten egg. Add dry ingredients mixed and sifted. Add raisins. Steam in buttered mould 2\ hours. Serve with any pudding sauce. SALMON LOAF 2 eggs (well beaten) \ teaspoon pepper f teaspoon salt 1 cup (small) milk 6 biscuits (rolled fine) 1 can salmon (drained) Flavour with sage or other flavouring. Beat well, put in pan and steam 1 hour. SALMON PUFFS 1 can salmon 2 eggs 3 tablespoons melted butter 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup bread crumbs Salt and pepper to taste. Stir all together and put in mould. Steam 1 hour. SAUCE 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup milk Salt and pepper. Cook and pour over when ready to serve. [Puddings] VANILLA SNOW PUDDING 1 cup rice 5 cups salted water. Boil for 20 minutes, then add \ • cup sweet cream, \ cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, and fold in the stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs. Flavour with vanilla. Pile on dish and serve cold. YORKSHIRE PUDDING No. 1 1 pint milk 6 ounces Five Roses flour 2 eggs i teaspoon salt \ teaspoon baking powder. Put the flour in a basin with the salt, and stir in the milk gradually. Beat up the eggs and add to the batter when quite smooth. Allow to stand 2 hours, add the baking powder and pour into a well- greased baking pan. Bake \ hour. YORKSHIRE SAVOURY PUDDING No. 2 3 eggs 5 tablespoons Five Roses flour 1 pint milk 1 large onion Pepper and salt to taste. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth. Mix the yolks with the milk, flour and condiments. Lightly mix in the whites and pour into 1 or 2 well-greased pudding tins which have been made hot. Bake 20 minutes. The pudding should not be more than § of an inch thick and should be of a nice brown colour. — Mrs . Thornton Blakely, Bloomfield, Ont. eWot Sleadted ^cXot ^Blended ■ tfvue 31 oicd tflmn* DUMPLINGS BAKED APPLE DUMPLINGS No. 1—Eggless CRUST 4 cups Five Roses flour 8 level teaspoons baking powder 1 cup butter 1^ cups milk Apples Nutmeg, if desired. Pare and quarter the apples. Sift flour and baking powder together. Mix in the butter. Add sufficient milk to make a still paste. Roll out £ inch thick, cut in large round pieces. Put several pieces of apple in each and fold into a ball. Bake in the following syrup: SYRUP 3 cups water 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter. Put on stove and let come to a boil. Pour over the dumplings and bake in hot oven. SAUCE TO SERVE WITH DUMP¬ LINGS lj cups water £ cup sugar 1 teaspoon (large) cornstarch Juice of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon butter. Let come to a boil, and thicken with the cornstarch. APPLE DUMPLINGS No. 2—Eggless Take 3 apples (rather tart), pare, halve and core. CRUST 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder Pinch of salt 2 tablespoons (heaping) fresh lard and butter Sweet milk to make a dough. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Cut in shortening and stir in milk. Roll to about j inch thick and wrap each half of apple and put in rather deep pan. SYRUP 4 cups sugar 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour 1 tablespoon butter Nutmeg to taste. Mix and add 1 quart boiling water, stirring while adding. Pour over the dumplings in pan, and bake \ to : 4 hour in rather hot oven. Baste dumplings with the sauce when half done and bake a nice brown. Serve with whipped or plain cream. PLAIN DUMPLINGS 1 teacup milk 1 egg (large) Pinch of salt 2 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons baking powder Five Roses flour to make very stiff batter. Beat well, and drop a spoonful at a time in boiling hot stew. APPLE SUGAR DUMPLINGS Sift an even quart of Five Roses flour twice with 1| teaspoons baking powder, and \ teaspoon salt. Chop into this a tablespoon cottolene or other fat and one of butter. Mix into a soft dough with 2 cups milk; roll out into a sheet a scant \ inch thick, and cut into squares about 5 inches each way. Lay in centre of each a large tart apple, pared and cored. Fill space left by coring with sugar, fold the corners together, enveloping the apple, tie up in cheese cloth squares, dipped into hot water, and well floured on the inside. Have ready a pot of boiling water. Drop in the dumplings and cook fast one hour. Dip each for one second in cold water to loosen the cloth, turn out upon a hot dish and eat with hard sauce.— Selected. dumplings ( Eggless ) 2 cups Five Roses flour \ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar Cold water to make very stiff batter. Drop into boiling water and cool 20 minutes without raising lid of kettle. cXot £Bleaehed "cXot fBten ded [64] efwe Sloped §Flcmr LIGHT DUMPLINGS Four eggs beaten very light. Add a pinch of salt, 6 tablespoons sweet milk or water, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup Five Roses flour, or enough to make a batter thick enough to drop from spoon. DUMPLINGS WITH ROAST BEEF Take beef out of dripping pan. Put in water to make about 2 quarts of gravy. Wet about 2 tablespoons Five Roses flour and put in dripping pan. Take 2 eggs, f cup milk or water, pinch of salt, baking powder (1 teaspoon per cup of flour) and Five Roses enough to make a stiff batter. Drop by spoonfuls in the gravy and boil [ Dumplings ] 15 to 20 minutes, or till done. Arrange neatly around meat on platter. Serve with plenty of gravy. DUMPLINGS WITH STEWS Ten minutes before the stew is done, put half a pint of flour into a bowl, add § teaspoon salt and a teaspoon baking powder ; sift and add sufficient milk just to moisten. Drop by spoonfuls on top of the stew; cover and cook 10 minutes without lifting the lid. Dish the dump¬ lings around the edge of the platter, fill the stew into the centre, and serve. — Selected . PUDDING SAUCES C REAM S—C U ST ARD S—D E S S E RTS (.Measurements level unless otherwise specified ) PLAIN SAUCE * 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour Water (about 1 pint—boiling) Pinch of salt 2 tablespoons butter Nutmeg or lemon. Mix sugar, flour and salt with a little water. Over this pour the pint of boiling water and let boil a few minutes. Just before removing, add the butter, then the flavouring. Wine or vinegar is sometimes added to season. BANANA SALAD Cut bananas in half crosswise, roll in white of egg, then in finely chopped wal¬ nuts. Serve with following dressing: f cup milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, 2 small tablespoons Five Roses flour, | cup vine¬ gar. After it is cooked, add a small lump of butter, \ teaspoon salt and 8 walnuts rolled fine. BREAD SAUCE Sufficient bread crumbs to fill a small tureen, \ pint milk, 1 small onion, cayenne or white pepper and salt. Peel the onion and put it with mace into the milk, in which boil for a few minutes till the milk is flavoured. Then remove, put in the crumbs and seasoning and serve hot. CARAMEL SAUCE Burn 1 cup sugar in the spider, stir¬ ring all the time. Then add 1 pint hot milk and 2 tablespoons cornstarch stirred together, also £ cup hickory nutmeats. CHOCOLATE SAUCE NO. 1 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour Pinch of salt 1 cup boiling water 1 square chocolate 4 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 16S) cXat SBleaeked ''cXot fBteuded <$> < 3 > T /~OUR hands are the first that -*• touch Five Roses flour. From the sun-flooded prairie lands of Western Canada, through the eighty elevators of the Lake of the Woods, cleaned, scoured, ground gradually by modern process, bolted many times through silk, packed automat¬ ically into absolutely new full-weight bags and barrels —Five Roses comes to particular housewives immaculate, untouched by human hands. Where else can you get so pure a flour? 16 q] U NG cfa LIMITED V> FIVE ROSES V\K P4r e , ViSTOBA Nr 196 y* ^£wa" Nr X i. t. EVERY BARREL & HALF BARREL BEARS THIS STENCIL ON THE BARREL HEAD IN RED AND BLUE, OR IT IS NOT FIVE ROSES FLOUR ' THE FULL-SIZE BARREL CONTAINS 196 POUNDS THE HALF BARREL CONTAINS 98 POUNDS ' ALSO PACKED IN BAGS OF VARIOUS SIZES cNot Steadied "cXoi ^Blended PASTRY BAKING AND CRUST MAKING Specially prepared for the Five Roses Cook Book "^f^ERFECT PASTE requires few ingredients: flour, fat, water and COLD. The last is not the least important. Everything connected with the I making of pastry should be thoroughly chilled, even the board and /rolling-pin should be clean, smooth and cool. If, however, the house- wife can work in a very cool temperature, it will save a lot of U4 troublesome chilling of materials. Unless the hands are cool and dry, the shortening should not be rubbed into the flour, not even with the tips of the fingers. A flexible, broad-bladed knife should be used for cutting and rubbing in the fat and mixing in the paste with the ice water. Handle paste as little as possible. The shortening may be butter or lard, or half and half, or any of the vegetable shortening compounds now on the market. Of course, nothing can replace the flavor or texture obtainable from the use of the best butter, but economy and convenience are often factors requiring attention. Beef suet, dripping, meat fats are also used. Keep your shortening firm and dry—butter that has been mellowed by heat loses strength, and the paste cannot spring and puff in the oven as it should. One very useful pointer in making puff paste is to have the dough of the same consistency as the butter, so that in summer it is necessary to have it much softer than in winter. Too much water toughens pastry, fat makes it tender; therefore fat rather than water should predominate in the mixture. Use only sufficient water to hold it to¬ gether. It should be a smooth, dry mass easily lifted from the bowl; if it sticks or adheres at any point, too much water has been added. Sprinkle board and rolling pin with flour and roll lightly and evenly from front to back of board, then lift roller and begin again. Rolling in one direction and then in another is sure to toughen the paste. Sometimes, as will be seen from the various recipes given in the following pages, a little baking powder is added to make the crust lighter, some sugar to improve the color, lemon juice to season slightly, white of egg to improve the texture, or yolk of egg to give it a golden hue or gloss the outside surfaces. If the butter has been washed free of salt, a little of the latter is sometimes added. These, however, are merely tricks of the trade and not essential to a well-made paste. MIXING AND BAKING It is preferable to mix pastry several hours before it is to be rolled out. Keep on ice until required. Before baking, pastry will likewise improve considerably if set aside for some time in a cool place. The basic idea of good pastry is COLD. In folding the fat over and over again considerable air is enclosed between the various layers. If everything is as cold as possible, the air in the dough will be chilled, and the colder that is the more it will expand when heated. This lifts up the greased layers of crust, then the heat penetrates and cooks the moistened flour. Often a crust is so thick that it is not readily baked. One-eighth to one-fourth of an inch is quite thick enough. Heat the oven for some time before baking the paste. An oven that has just baked a batch of bread is hot enough to bake puff paste. The cAot 3$\eaehed ^cXot fBlended 1 7t\ f I w HH: fifvue Sloped Stour . — •» ■* - - •• . . _.__—-i [ Pastry Baking and Crust Making ] heat should be greater at first in order to puff the layers well, and then reduced slightly to thoroughly bake the paste. All paste should be thoroughly baked, even co ore 1 IS more digestible and crisp when over-baked than when under-baked. o preven pastry from burning while baking, a pan of water may be set in the oven. The pastry recipes in the Five Roses cook book have all been thoroughly checked by an expert in that line. Sufficient variety is offered to please any taste and condi ion. Measurements are level, unless otherwise specified. Always sift the flour. < 8 > ❖ <$> SHORT PASTRY 1 pound Five Roses flour £ pound shortening Ice-cold water Mix flour and shortening into dough with ice-cold water, using only enough to hold it together. It should be so dry that it will not stick to the bowl anywhere. Turn out on board, and knead only enough to make the ball smooth. It is then ready to put into pie plates. The quan¬ tity of shortening is lessened for plainer pastry. SHORT PIE CRUST 1 pound Five Roses flour j pound butter j pound lard 2 ounces fine sugar 1 teaspoon (small) salt 1 Egg 2 teaspoons baking powder Water. Sift flour, sugar, salt and baking pow¬ der together. Rub butter and lard lightly into the flour, etc. Beat the egg and add sufficient water to mix. This pastry will keep good for a fortnight at least. RICH SHORT PASTRY (For Tarts, Etc.) 4 cups Five Roses flour \ teaspoon baking powder | teaspoon salt \ cup butter g cup lard Cold water to make stiff paste. Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl. Rub in butter and lard with the tips of the fingers until as fine as bread crumbs. About 3 tablespoons of water or cream are sufficient. The yolk of an egg added with the water improves the colour. RICH SHORT CRUST 8 ounces Five Roses flour 5 ounces butter 1 egg (yolk) Few drops lemon juice. Sift the flour, rub the butter in lightly and quickly. Make a well in the centre, into which put the egg yolk, lemon juice and a few drops of water. Mix lightly, roll out once and it is ready for use. PLAIN PASTRY (Contributed by a Confectioner's Daughter ) 1 pound Five Roses flour \ pound butter | pound lard (Little more flour for rolling pin and board) Cold water. Work lard through flour with fingers. Use enough cold water to stick paste to¬ gether, then turn out on board. Roll with rolling pin and spread on the butter a little at a time. Then fold over and roll again, repeating this process until all the butter is used up. If richer pastry is desired, use g pound of butter. FLAKY PIE CRUST Rub 1 \ cups lard into 3 cups Five Roses flour, add a pinch of salt. Beat the white of 1 egg slightly. Add 5 tablespoons water to it and mix with the other ingredi¬ ents into a soft dough. Do not mix more than necessary and do not use a lot of flour on the working board in making the dough, and the crust will be light and flaky. PUFF PASTE To every pound of Five Roses flour, allow 3 ounces butter and 3 ounces lard, and not quite g pint water. 1 7 2 1 cXot fBleacJied ^cXot fBleiided efviKJ cRo&ed §Flotw* s Sift the flour and see that it is per- -1 fectly dry. Work the materials into a pi smooth paste, using a knife to mix with. Roll out to an equal thickness of about «j 1 inch. Break about 4 ounces more butter I into small pieces and place on the paste. Sift over a little flour, fold it over and roll out again. Repeat the rolling and butter¬ ing until the paste has been rolled 4 times. Handle the paste as lightly as possible. Brushing the paste as often as rolled out and the pieces of butter placed therein with the white of an egg assist it to rise in leaves or flakes. Note on Puff Paste —For the richest puff pastry, all butter is preferred by the jjl best cooks—equal weights shortening and eu: Five Roses flour. i* ROUGH PUFF PASTRY 8 ounces Five Roses flour 6 ounces butter \ teaspoon lemon juice Pinch of salt Cold water. Chop the butter in the flour, not too fine, leaving it in pieces the size of a wal¬ nut. Make a pit in the centre, put in the lemon juice, sprinkle salt over. Mix rather more than a tablespoon of water $ slowly and lightly into the flour and butter, It adding more water if necessary till it is a If stiff paste. Roll out in long strips and J fold in three, turning rough edges to right 10 hand. Repeat this until it has been rolled f four times. U NEW PIE CRUST Scald 2 parts of fine oatmeal with 1 part of hot water. Mix well and roll fairly [ Pastry Baking and Crust Making ] thin. This bakes very quickly, so if using fruit which requires much cooking cook the fruit first. This crust is very tender and possesses the qualities of good short crust, and is healthier. FARMERS’ PIE CRUST 1 pint Five Roses flour f cup butter or lard 1 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt. PASTRY FOR ONE PIE \ cup lard and butter (mixed) 1J cups Five Roses flour 3 tablespoons water Pinch of salt. Roll thin. YORKSHIRE THIN CAKES \ pound light bread dough 2 pound Five Roses flour \ pound pure lard, or butter, or both mixed. Knead well, and let stand an hour or two. Roll out, and cut into shapes with biscuit cutter or empty baking powder tin. The above makes an excellent crust for tarts, mince pies, etc., and is always fresh as if newly baked after being put into a hot oven for a few minutes. USING UP LEFT-OVER PIE DOUGH Cut into thin strips about 1 inch wide, sprinkle with butter, sugar and cinnamon, roll up like jelly roll, and bake a light brown. <$> <$> <$> TATELL-MADE bread or pastry baked from Five * r Roses flour possesses excellent keeping qualities. It surely is a great convenience and quite a saving in both fuel and labor to bake only once a week instead of twice. None but Five Roses flour has so many desirable features. twl cXot ^Bleached x cVot Stymied r U Ifive Sio&eA\3lcStl$i <$> J~\ISCRIMINA TING housewives have long since •L-/ found Five Roses to be the best “allpurpose" flour. For thickening soups and gravies, for rolling meats or dredging fruit, wherever flour comes into use, no matter how small the quantity, the fineness and uniform texture of Five Roses add class and quality. Jfot ^Bleached'cMot fBt&iuied [77 1 \ \ FIVE ROSES ^IVE ROSES J FIVE ROSES FLOUR IS MCKED TO SUIT ALL RE OUIREMENTS IN LARGE OR SMALL BAGS - SIZES 7 POUNDS/ 14 POUNDS 24 POUNDS '49 POUNDS 98 POUNDS REMEMBER THE BRAND cMot bleached 'cXot fBleuded. _ PIES OF ALL KINDS (Specially written for the Five Roses Cook Book) ^IES are more of a luxury than a necessity, but, as Emerson said, “give me the luxuries of life and I will do without the necessities.” So that it is not worth while wasting time and materials unless you can make pies very good. The crust and fillings must be of the finest quality. Always adhere to the Five Roses standard. Crust-making rules are given elsewhere. See page 71. Never grease a pie tin: there is an old kitchen proverb which says “it’s a poor crust that will not grease its own plate.” The crust should be cut and rolled exactly to fit the tin and cover the filling without stretching. Otherwise it may toughen and even break, letting out the filling, quite spoiling the appearance of the dish. Allowance should, however, be made for shrinkage. Prick well the crust of all pies with fluid fillings. This will allow the steam to escape and also prevent the juice from running. To retain the juice, always put the sugar in first under the fruit on the bottom crust. Pie crusts may readily be shaped and baked some days beforehand and reheated when required. If kept in a cool place, a well-made pie crust will keep for a long time. All air bubbles between crust and tin should be gently forced out, working from centre to sides. All pastry requires a quick oven at the start, the smaller the shapes the quicker the oven. Once the puffing is over the heat may be reduced, especially for custard or egg fillings. Fruit pies should be allowed to cook slowly to avoid running over. When only one crust is used, the paste may be made thicker. After baking, pies should never be set on top of a hot stove, if you wish to avoid sogginess. <$> <8> <8> SLICED APPLE PIE ( 1st Prize at County Fair, Picton, Ont.) First, have pie apples, say Wealthies, Greenings,. Duchess, Red Astrachan. Line pan with light rich pastry and fill up with apples sliced thin and lengthwise. Sweet¬ en to taste with granulated sugar. Add piece of butter size of butternut and sprinkle with a little cinnamon. When the top crust is put on, wet edges and rub together. Have a strip of cotton 1 inch in width, wet and draw around the edge. Remove this strip when pie is done. Note on Apple Pies —A soda biscuit rolled fine and put in an apple pie will keep the juice from boiling over and pre¬ vent the oven from getting sticky and dis¬ agreeable. Bread dust could likewise be used. APPLE SAUCE PIE Beat the yolks of 2 eggs with \ cup sugar until light. Then beat in 2 cups strained sweetened apple sauce. Flavour with wintergreen, and bake in one crust. Whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff snow. Add 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, spread over the pie. Brown lightly in oven. PLAIN APPLE PIE 3 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup lard (or lard and butter mixed) 1 teaspoon cream of tartar \ teaspoon soda Pinch of salt Sliced apples \ cup sugar 1 nutmeg (grated) Cinnamon to taste Sift the flour, soda, cream of tartar and soda together. Rub the shortening in the flour, and use enough water to make it all stick together. Knead very little, roll thin, spread on plate. Fill plate nearly full with apples sliced very thin and [79] c Koi ^Bleached 'cXot fBl&nded Ifiue Sio&eA WXrnvr [ Pies of all Kinds ] placed in smoothly. Spread half a cup of sugar over the apples, about a quarter of a nutmeg grated and cinnamon to taste. Dampen the edge all around about half an inch wide. Roll out top paste and lay it on. Mark around the edges with a pie-jigger or fork to press the pastes together and keep the juice from boiling over. Slit the top. Bake in quick oven about 20 minutes, or until the apples are done. DRIED APPLE PIE 1 cup stewed apples 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar 1 egg and yolk of another Nutmeg Cover with meringue made of the white of the egg, after the above has been baked in under crust. BACHELOR’S FRUIT PIE \\ cups Five Roses flour 1 tablespoon (large) baking powder Pinch of spice to suit taste Pinch of salt 2 tablespoons brown sugar 7 cup raisins or currants Fresh milk to make biscuit dough Take a small deep granite pot or kettle, in which melt 2 tablespoons lard. Put in the dough so that it will cover bot¬ tom, then melt 1 tablespoon lard and pour over top. Bake 15 minutes in quick oven. Note on Fruit Pies —Put soda in sour fruit and pies will require less sugar. BACKWOODS PIE 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup syrup (maple syrup, if convenient) \ cup sweet milk Butter size of an egg Yolks of 3 eggs 1 nutmeg. Beat all together, lastly add the whites well beaten. Bake with one crust in moderate oven. BANANA PIE Line a deep pie tin with rich paste. Into this slice 1 large banana, or two small ones. Pour over it a boiled custard made with 1 pint rich milk, 2 beaten eggs (yolks) 2 tablespoons sugar and a little salt. Bake slowly in a moderate oven and finish with a meringue of whites of eggs, or stiffly whipped cream. BANANA CREAM PIE Slice 2 large bananas into a baked crust. Fill up with whipped cream, sweet¬ ened with vanilla. Drop a spoonful of red jelly on each piece. NEW ENGLAND BLUEBERRY PIE Wash and dredge blueberries with Five Roses flour; then scatter among them \ cup sugar for each pint of berries. Fill paste shells with this, dot with butter, cover with another crust and bake. These are richer than huckleberry or blueberry pies when made in the usual way, the flour thickening the juice slightly and the butter tempering the acid. BUTTERMILK PIE {Makes 2 Pies ) 2 cups buttermilk 2 tablespoons Five Roses flour 2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs 1 cup sugar. Bake with an undercrust. BUTTER SCOTCH PIE 1 cup very dark brown sugar 1^ tablespoons Five Roses flour 1 tablespoon butter Yolks of 2 eggs (whites for frosting) 1 cup sweet milk. Cook in double boiler and put in baked crust. CARAMEL PIE Put in a pan to boil 1 cup brown sugar and butter the size of an egg, then thin out with 1 cup hot water. Mix 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 teaspoon vanilla, yolks of 2 e ggs with water and stir in. Have crust ready and pour filling in, using the whites of eggs on top. <$> <$► ' FROSTINGS AND FILLINGS ALMOND ICING i cup butter 1 egg (white) \ teaspoon almond extract 2 cups icing sugar Cream butter, beat white of egg stiff, add almond flavouring and sugar. Stir in gradually. If too stiff, add a little milk. Use ^ pound almonds burnt and rolled. Cover cake with icing and roll in nutmeats. BOILED ICING 1 cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons cold water 1 egg (white) 1 teaspoon flavoring to taste Put sugar and water in pan, stir and put on stove. When dissolved, let boil till it hairs, but do not stir. Beat the white of egg to a stiff froth, and add boiled sugar, beating all the while. When it begins to stiffen, add flavoring and beat. When quite thick and before it is cold, it is ready for use. Half a tea¬ spoon of cream of tartar may be added. Sometimes, also, milk is used instead of water. BUTTER ICING Melt a little butter and mix with icing sugar. Flavor with vanilla. eVot fBleaehed •''eXot fBteiuied [Frostings and Fittings] CARAMEL ICING (No. 1) 2 cups granulated sugar I cup butter \ cup milk Boil for J hour, cool a little, add vanilla to taste, and put on cake before it is cold. CARAMEL ICING (No. 2) II cups brown sugar 1 cup white sugar a cup boiling water 2 eggs (whites) 1 teaspoon vanilla h cup English walnut meats Mix sugar and water and let boil till syrup threads when dropped from spoon. Pour slowly, while beating constantly, on to the beaten whites, and continue beat¬ ing until the mixture is nearly cool. Set in a pan of boiling water and cook, stir¬ ring constantly until mixture becomes slightly granular around the edge of dish. Remove from range and beat until mix¬ ture will hold its shape. Add vanilla and nutmeats broken in pieces. Pour on cake and spread with back of spoon, making a rough surface. COCOA ICING I cup powdered cocoa \\ tablespoons butter lj cups white sugar Pinch of salt 1 cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla To the milk and butter, add the cocoa, sugar and salt. Boil 8 minutes. Take off and beat until creamy. Add vanilla and pour over cake to depth of I inch. CHOCOLATE ICING I pound chocolate powder Zj&t? I tablespoon water 4 pound icing sugar Put chocolate and water into saucepan, and stir until melted. Add quickly icing sugar, and spread over cake with knife dipped in hot water. CONFECTIONER’S FROSTING Two tablespoons boiling water or cream and a little flavoring essence of vanilla, lemon, or almond. Add enough confectioner’s sugar to the liquid to make of right consistency to spread. LEMON ICING 1 egg yolk 1 cup sugar 1 lemon (grated rind and juice) Mix all ingredients thoroughly and put in double boiler. Cook 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool and spread between cakes. ORANGE ICING In above recipe substitute grated rind and juice of 1 orange for the lemon, and add a little lemon juice. MARSHMALLOW FROSTING 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar 1 cup water 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 eggs (whites) 1 pound marshmallows (see marshmallow recipe). Boil sugar, water and vinegar till thick like candy, then stir in the egg whites and marshmallows. Boil again and ice cake. MOCHA FROSTING (No. 1) 1 cup confectioner’s sugar 1 cup butter 2 tablespoons very strong coffee (hot) 1 teaspoon cocoa 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream sugar and butter. Add other ingredients, mix together for 5 minutes and spread. MOCHA FROSTING (No. 2) 3 ounces fresh butter 6 ounces icing sugar (sifted) 2 tablespoons coffee extract Put two layers of icing between cake layers and cover cake all over with the [86] t'-Voi Sleadied "'cXoi Slended To remainder, smoothing the sides with a warm knife and garnishing the top with a forcing pipe. Sprinkle with freshly chopped pistachio nuts. MAPLE CREAM ICING \ cup milk Butter size of walnut 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup maple sugar 1 cup brown sugar Boil till it forms a soft ball when drop¬ ped into cold water, then beat for a few minutes until it will spread nicely. Stir all the time it is boiling. Good made either wholly of brown or wholly of maple sugar. PLAIN ICING 2 eggs (whites) lj cups powdered sugar 1 teaspoon flavoring Beat eggs to stiff froth, add sugar and flavouring. Use at once or place in cool spot till required. [Frostings and Fillings] BANANA FILLING Use above recipe, simply substituting sliced bananas for grated apples. DATE FILLING 1 pound dates 1 cup sugar (white or brown) 1 cup boiling water Flavor to taste Boil till soft and tender. When cool, spread between cakes. Rind and juice of half an orange or lemon are sometimes added. CHOCOLATE FILLING 4 tablespoons chocolate 1 pint boiling water 2 eggs (yolks) 2 tablespoons Five Roses flour 6 tablespoons sugar Mix and boil till thick RAISIN ICING 1 cup sugar \ cup water 1 cup raisins (stoned and chopped fine) 1 egg (white) Vanilla m Boil sugar and water till it ropes, then add the raisins and fold in the white of egg. Flavor. WALNUT ICING 1 egg 1 cup brown sugar Butter size of walnut 1 cup chopped walnuts Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Flavor with vanilla. APPLE FILLING 1 cup white sugar 1 cup water 1 cup grated apples 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour 1 lemon (juice and grated rind) I egg. Cook in double boiler until clear. When cold spread on cake. COCOANUT CREAM FILLING 2 cups sweet milk \ cup white sugar 2 tablespoons Five Roses flour 1 egg \ cup cocoanut If the cocoanut be dessicated, soak in hot milk. LEMON FILLING 1 lemon (juice and grated rind) 1 cup cold water 1 cup sugar I egg 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour Beat lemon rind and eggs together. Stir in sugar and lemon juice. Dissolve flour in cold water. Cook in double boiler till it jellies. Spread as usual. MOLASSES FILLING 1 cup sugar f cup molasses 4 eggs 1 nutmeg cXot SBlcaeked''eKot fBleuded 1 * 7 ] 0ive Sloped [Frosfin^s and Fittings2 LEMON JELLY Juice and rind of 2 lemons 1 cup sugar 3 eggs (well beaten) l pound butter Cook in double boiler, stirring until like thick cream. Put away in jars, in a cool place. Will keep for months. ORANGE FILLING Use same recipe as lemon filling, merely substituting rind and juice of 1 orange for lemon. NUT FILLING \ cup sugar § cup sweet cream 1 egg (white) \ cup chopped walnuts ) Mix all well and boil slowly, stirring all the time. Any kind of nuts preferred may be used with above recipe. Egg may be omitted. RAISIN CREAM FILLING | cup chopped raisins \ cup sugar \ cup water 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour Cook until thick. When cold, whip half a pint of thin cream sweetened and flavored to taste. Add to raisin mixture. When cake is cold, put filling between layers and on top of cake. STRAWBERRY ICING 4 tablespoons strawberry juice 1 cup sugar Boil until it threads and pour over whipped white of 1 egg. NOTES ON ICING Instead of sprinkling chopped nuts, peel, shredded citron, etc., on small cakes, the mixture will adhere more satisfactorily if one side of each square is laid on the mixture before cakes are put in the pan to bake. White of egg, if kept closely covered and in a cool place, will keep over a week, and is as good for meringue as when fresh. Some people put the meringue on a pie or pudding while it is still hot. This causes the eggs to liquefy and quite spoils the effect. It is well to re¬ member that anything to be mixed with white of egg must be done with a light lifting motion of the spoon, rather than stirring, which may liquefy the eggs. A little Five Roses flour spread over the top of cakes before they are iced will prevent the icing from running. <$> <$> CANDIES BUTTER SCOTCH 1 cup molasses 1 cup sugar \ cup butter Boil till it threads. Flavour with va¬ nilla and pour on buttered pan. CARAMELS \ cup molasses 1 cup sugar 2\ cups milk Vanilla extract Boil 15 to 20 minutes. Pour in greased tin and cut into squares. FUDGE NO. 1 1 cup white sugar 1 cup brown sugar 4 cup syrup 2 cup sweet milk 4 cup melted butter Boil 2\ minutes, then add 2 teaspoons cocoa. Boil 5 minutes longer, then take from stove and add 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat tilt creamy, then pour in buttered pan and mark in squares. 188 ) ^oi SB leached ^cXoi 5Btelided FUDGE NO. 2 2 cups fruit sugar T cake unsweetened chocolate Small pinch of salt Butter size of walnut. Mix above together, then moisten with milk. Add a pinch of cream of tartar to make it light and foamy. Let boil until the soft ball stage. Then remove from fire and beat. One-third cake of choco¬ late may be used, depending on one’s taste. KISSES Take the whites of 3 eggs well beaten, then stir in a cup of white sugar. Put on stove in a steamer or over water until light. Remove from stove and add 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 tables] n vanilla, \ pound cocoanut. Put i greased paper or tin. Bake until bn Icing sugar may be used. MAPLE CREAM 2 pounds brown sugar \ pound almonds (blanched and cut in pieces) \ pint sweet cream. Boil sugar and cream together util it forms a firm ball when dropped in little cold water. Add nuts, beat untd cold or firm enough to spread on buttered tins. [ Candies ] SEAFOAM CANDY 3 cups light brown sugar 1 cup cold water 1| tablespoons vinegar. Boil to hard ball stage, beat whites of 2 eggs and pour in the candy. Beat quite stiff, add nuts and vanilla. MARSHMALLOWS 2 tablespoons gelatine (rounded) 2 cups granulated sugar Pinch of salt Flavoring to taste. Soak the gelatine in 8 tablespoons cold water. Heat the sugar with % cup water until dissolved. Add gelatine to syrup and just bring it to a boil, take off the stove and let stand in a bowl until partially cool. Add salt and flavoring, beat with a whip until soft, then with a large spoon until only soft enough to settle into a sheet. Dust granite pans thickly with fine pow¬ dered sugar, pour in the candy about \ inch deep, and set to cool until it will not come off the finger. Turn out on powdered paper, cut in cubes and roll in sugar. Nuts, chocolate, or candied fruit may be beaten in, or the marsh¬ mallows may be rolled in grated cocoanut before being powdered. —Canadian Farm Cook Book . <$> <$> T7*IVE ROSES keeps better than any other flour J- we know of, because in milling all dirt and fer¬ mentable matter are carefully removed. No inferior portions of the wheat, no little pieces of the oily germ can escape the keen-eyed millers of FIVE ROSES to wreck your baking hopes. Now you know why FIVE ROSES keeps sweet and sound so long. is?] eVot 23leaetied -"cXot 23tended — i ' i orTHEU,'-. V>U> NG C f<>- * LIMITED V Vv 7i' uniicu ^ FIVE ROSES; 8. wt-«'' t0BA p *r£«r l a. V196^^ 4 ^ EVERY BARREL & HALF BARREL BEARS THIS STENCIL ON THE BARREL HEAD IN RED AND BLUE, OR IT IS NOT FIVE ROSES FLOUR ' THE FULL-SIZE BARREL CONTAINS 196 POUNDS, THE HALF BARREL CONTAINS 98 POUNDS - ALSO PACKED IN BAGS OF VARIOUS SIZES cXot fBleaeJied''cXot ^Blended r\ CAKE MAKING AND BAKING Specially prepared for the Five Roses Cook Book MIXING LEAR the kitchen table of every non-essential. Perfect cleanliness should be observed in every detail. Have sleeves rolled up above the elbows, and have hands and nails in perfect condition. Read the recipe thoroughly at least once. Collect all necessary ingredients and utensils beforehand. All measurements are level, unless otherwise specified. Have flour perfectly dry ; sift and measure. In fact, all dry ingredients should be measured after sifting. Have pans ready greased. For this purpose fresh lard is preferred to butter. If the cake is large and requires long baking (for instance, a fruit or loaf cake), line the bottom with well-greased paper and sprinkle inside with a little flour, shaking out all loose flour before putting in the mixture. The best utensil for mixing or beating is an earthen or stone bowl. It should be slightly warmed. A wooden spoon is also preferable. Do not stir the cake ; always beat thoroughly, bringing the batter up from the bottom of the bowl at every stroke. A consistent upward motion tends to improve the texture considerably. All ingredients should be the best obtainable, quite up to the Five Roses standard. Butter that is watery or oily and not well worked should never be used. It is useful also to remember that too rich a cake breaks up easily ; that too much sugar makes a thick, hard crust; too much egg a tough cake. Sour milk makes a spongy, light cake; sweet milk, one that cuts like pound cake. With sour milk, soda alone should be used; with sweet milk, baking powder or soda and cream of tartar. Cream of tartar and soda are often substituted for baking powder, in which case allow 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar and a smaller one of soda to every 3 cups of Five Roses flour, and sift well together two or even three times. <£ <$> 3 > TEST FOR EGGS As many of the recipes given on the following pages call for eggs, a good test is in order: Placed in a glass of water, an egg if fresh will remain resting at the bottom of the vessel; if not quite fresh, it will rest with the big end raised higher than the small end, and the higher the big end is raised the older the egg. In warm weather, it is a good idea to place eggs in cold water before using, as they will froth finer if this is done. Be sure eggs are fresh, as no amount of beating will make a stiff froth if they are not. To get a flat top on a cake, let the mixture come well up to the corners and sides of the pan, leaving a slight depres¬ sion in the center. When baked, the cake will be perfectly flat. BAKING Be sure you understand your oven and the kind of oven each cake requires. A good oven test is the following: if the hand can be held in from 20 to 35 seconds, it is a ‘quick* oven; from 35 to 45 seconds, it is a ‘moderate’ oven; from 45 to 60, a ‘slow* oven. Burning paper or flour is another test. Never have anything else in the oven Jiot fBlcadied''cXot SBlended p u 3we c &eA Sflowr [ Cake Making and Baking ] while baking cakes, nor try to bake two different kinds at the same time. Do not open the door nor move the cakes for at least 10 minutes. You may then peep into the oven to make sure they are baking nicely. Shut the door quietly without slamming. Cake, like bread, rolls, etc., should bake gradually. It should bake inside before browning outside. Butter cakes should bake slowly in a moderate oven, while sponge cakes and their class should always bake quickly. It may be given as a gen¬ eral rule, that the thinner the cakes, the quicker the oven. Cake is done when it leaves the sides of the pan, and when on inserting a straw or tooth-pick near the cqntre it comes out clean and dry. When removing a cake from the oven, place the pan on a damp cloth for a mo¬ ment; and it will then come out readily without sticking. When a layer cake burns at the bottom, however, leave the cake in the tin until cold before removing, and take a sharp knife and you can scrape off the burnt part without spoiling the cake. CAKES WITHOUT EGGS Owing to the high cost, and in some parts of the country great scarcity of eggs, alter¬ nate recipes are given in the following pages omitting the eggs. This is a feature which the editor has seen in no other cook book, and should prove very acceptable. ANGEL CAKE OR ANGEL FOOD No. 1 11 eggs (whites only) li cups powdered sugar (sifted) 1 cup Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla Pinch of salt Sift flour, cream of tartar, sugar and salt together 4 or 5 times. Beat the egg whites in a large dish to a stiff froth. Add the sifted flour, etc., gradually, beating all the time. Have pan ready do not let the cake stand a minute after it is mixed. Bake 45 minutes, and do not open the oven door until the cake has been in at least 15 minutes. Add 2 teaspoons rose water, if desired. ANGEL CAKE No. 2 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup Five Roses flour 1 cup fine granulated sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder Pinch of salt 2 eggs (whites only) Set milk in a pan of boiling water and heat to boiling point. Sift well together the dry ingredients five times. Into this, pour the cup of hot milk, stir smooth, then add the stiff whites of 2 eggs. Fold them in carefully. Do not grease the tin or flavor cake. Bake in moderate oven. Ice with water icing. APPLE SAUCE CAKE (Eggless) No. 1 1 cup brown sugar f cup butter 1 cup raisins | pound peel cups hot apple sauce 1 teaspoon cinnamon \ nutmeg 2\ cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons (level) soda dissolved in the hot apple sauce Bake in a loaf. Three tablespoons molasses are sometimes added. APPLE SAUCE CAKE (Eggless) No. 2 2 cups sugar 1 cup lard or butter 2\ cups apple sauce (unsweetened) 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 teaspoons soda 2 cups stoned raisins , ^ Wiw [ Cake Making and Baking] LIGHT PART whites of the 7 eggs beaten stiff. Bake in a slow oven 2 hours. FRUIT CAKE ( Without Eggs or Butter) 1 cup brown sugar \ cup molasses 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon soda (put in cream when dis¬ solved) 1 tablespoon boiling water (to dissolve soda) 3| cups Five Roses flour 2 pounds raisins \ pound currants Citron 1 cup preserves Pinch of salt Spices Almond flavor If made 1 month before using, this will be found a very moist cake and may be kept any length of time, OATMEAL FRUIT CAKE (Eggless) 1 cup brown sugar \ cup butter 1 teaspoon allspice I cup sour milk teaspoons soda II cups Five Roses flour cups oatmeal 1 cup chopped raisins RIBBON FRUIT CAKE (Also Called “Checkerboard Cake”) No. 1 DARK PART lj cups sugar (white or brown) 1 cup butter 2 cups browned Five Roses flour Yolks of 6 eggs pounds raisins ^ pound currants ± pound citron peel 1 pound dates £ pound nuts 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved) i teaspoon cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice 1 cup white sugar \ cup butter $ cup sweet cream 2\ cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons baking powder (heaping) 1 pound almonds (chopped fine) £ pound citron peel \ pound grated cocoanut 1 teaspoon rose water 1 teaspoon lemon extract 1 small slice orange peel Whites of 6 eggs RIBBON FRUIT No.-2 LIGHT PART 1$ cups white sugar \ cup butter ? cup sweet milk 2 cups Five Roses flour Whites of 4 eggs $ teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar DARK PART 1 cup brown sugar \ cup butter \ cup sweet milk Yolks of 4 eggs 1 square grated chocolate Flavor with cinnamon Cloves and nutmeg 2 cups Five Roses flour Mix and bake in two layers. Put lemon cheese between. STEAMED FRUIT CAKE 4 eggs 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar ? cup molasses § cup strong coffee (or tea) 1 pound raisins 1 pound currants § pound walnuts \ pound citron 1 teaspoon each kind of spice 1 teaspoon soda j pound dates (optional) Five Roses flour to make rather stiff dough. Steam 2\ hours. CAKE eXot ZBleaeked'cMot ^Blended l roi] u [ Cake Making and Baking ] FUDGE CAKE If cups Five Roses flour 1§ cups sugar £ cup butter \ cup sweet milk 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 ounces grated chocolate 1| teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved) Just before adding the soda, add to ingredients f cup boiling water. Bake in 2 layers. FILLING FOR FUDGE CAKE | cup grated chocolate 1 cup sugar ^ cup sweet milk Butter size of \ egg Boil until thick enough to spread on cake without running. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla before spreading on cake. This is really a fine cake for cutting and will keep several days. Walnuts may be added. GOLD AND SILVER CAKE GOLD PART 8 yolks of eggs 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cornstarch Lemon or vanilla extract SILVER PART 2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cornstarch 8 whites of eggs Almonds Put in alternate spoonfuls of each part. Note —The above recipe may be made separate, and called gold cake, and the second part called silver cake. 1 cup sugar Butter size of egg | cup sweet milk 2 small teaspoons baking powder Five Roses flour to make stiff batter Flavor with vanilla Bake in 1 large tin or 2 small ones. Ice with chocolate. HICKORY NUT CAKE £ cup (scant) butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup sour cream or milk 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar Pinch of salt 1 cup hickory nut meats (chopped finely) 2 eggs 1§ cups (heaping) Five Roses flour ICE CREAM CAKE 1 cup sugar 5 cup butter 5 cup milk If cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 eggs 5 teaspoon vanilla Cream the sugar with the butter. Add milk, then the flour sifted with the baking powder. Beat well and fold in whites of eggs. Add vanilla. Bake in 2 tins from 20 to 30 minutes. Frost with yolks of eggs and white sugar. ROLL JELLY CAKE {Jelly Roll) 3 eggs (beaten separately) 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons sweet milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup Five Roses flour Lemon flavoring Beat the yolks with the sugar and sweet milk. Beat the whites to a stiff froth, then thoroughly with the yolks and sugar. Mix the flour and baking powder and add to other ingredients. Flavor with lemon and bake immediately in moderately hot ovefl. cXot fBleoched fBl ended. 1 102 \ Note for Jelly Rolls —While hot, re¬ move from pan and lay on cloth wrung out of cold water. Sprinkle a little sugar on cloth, and while cake is still warm spread with jelly and roll quickly, putting your hands under the cloth. This helps to keep cake from cracking. If there are any crusty edges that might interfere with proper rolling, these should be trimmed off with a sharp knife while still hot. JERSEY LILY CAKE \ cup butter 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup sweet milk 2 eggs (whites) 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups Five Roses flour Raisins Chopped walnuts. Cream butter and sugar. Add whites beaten stiff, also milk, vanilla, baking powder and sifted flour. Put half the batter in a small dripping pan, then put a layer of seeded raisins and a layer of chopped walnuts, and finally the balance of the batter. Bake in moderate oven. Ice and put whole walnut meats on top. JUNE CAKE 1 cup pulverized sugar ^ cup butter (small) 2 eggs (well beaten) \\ cups Five Roses flour \ cup milk \\ teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla. When nearly cold, frost with pulver¬ ized sugar mixed with a little cream or rich milk, flavored with vanilla or al¬ monds. KENTISH CAKE \ pound butter \ pound castor sugar \ pound Five Roses flour 3 eggs , u i f 1 ounce grated chocolate 1 ounce ground almonds 1 ounce dessicated cocoanut J- teaspoon vanilla. [ Cake Making and Baking ] Cream butter and sugar Add gradu¬ ally flour and the 3 eggs, beating the mixture for several minutes after each egg is added Stir in the grated chocolate, almonds and cocoanut. Flavor with vanilla or other flavor¬ ing. Butter a flat round cake tin, line with buttered paper and put cake mixture into it spreading it evenly over tin. Bake 30 or 40 minutes. When cold, cover with chocolate icing. KING EDWARD CAKE | cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 3 eggs well beaten 2 cups Five Roses flour J cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons molasses 1 cup raisins (boiled in hot water). Mix as usual. Put raisins in last of all. PLAIN LAYER CAKE 1 cup white sugar \ cup butter 5 cup sweet milk 3 eggs 1 cup Five Roses flour f cup cornstarch 3 teaspoons baking powder. Bake in 3 tins, and when cool spread with jelly. Note on Layer Cake —Ordinary layer cakes should bake in from 15 to 20 min¬ utes. LEMON CAKE 2 cups white sugar 1 cup swe&t milk \ cup butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 cups Five Roses flour 2 eggs (beaten separately). Mix as usual, sifting the baking pow¬ der and flour together before adding. Add the eggs last of all, the whites and yolks beaten separately. Bake in layers, and spread with filling preferred. eXot SBleaclied 'cMot 5Blended * 103 * u IFiue Sloped WUrvm [Cake Making and Baking] LIGHT CAKE 1 cup sweet cream 1 egg 1 cup sugar 1§ cups Five Roses flour 3 teaspoons baking powder Pinch of salt. Bake in 2 layers. QUICK LAYER CAKE 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup (scant) milk 2 tablespoons melted butter 2 teaspoons baking powder in 2 cups Five Roses flour. Mix and bake as usual. Put any filling between layers. RAISIN LAYER CAKE 1 cup brown sugar \ cup butter 3 eggs 2 tablespoons syrup 2 cups chopped raisins \ teaspoon cloves \ teaspoon cinnamon Little nutmeg \ cup sour milk 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda (scald the soda) 1J cups Five Roses flour. Bake in 2 layers. DARK LAYER CAKE (Eggless) | cup brown sugar ^ cup molasses \ cup warm water 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon soda 2 cups Five Roses flour. Bake in 2 layers. Nut filling. DARK LAYER CAKE \ cup sugar 1 egg (&W 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup syrup 1 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon soda in hot water 1 teaspoon mixed ginger, cloves and cinnamon f cup Five Roses flour. Use nut filling. MADEIRA CAKE \ pound white sugar | pound Five Roses flour | pound butter 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 teacup milk 2 eggs. Beat eggs and butter separate, then add sugar. Beat well together, then stir in the flour, milk and baking powder. Put in a well-greased tin and bake about hours in moderate oven. MARBLE CAKE LIGHT PART 1 cup white sugar § cup butter \ cup sweet milk \ teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 3 eggs (whites beaten stiff) 2 cups Five Roses flour. Mix all together and beat. DARK PART 1 cup brown sugar § cup butter § cup molasses § cup sour milk f teaspoon soda (dissolved in milk) 1 teaspoon cloves | teaspoon nutmeg 3 eggs (yolks beaten stiff) 2\ cups Five Roses flour. Mix all together and beat dark part stiffer than white part. When each part is ready, drop a spoonful of dark, then a spoonful of light batter over the bottom of baking dish; and proceed so until you fill the pan. Be quick or cake will be heavy. Bake in hot oven. [ 104 ] Jiot SBleadied ^cXot fBleuded CHEAP MARBLE CAKE 1 egg 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 2\ cups Five Roses flour (sifted) 2 teaspoons baking powder 4 tablespoons butter. Take \ the mixture and add 2 table¬ spoons molasses, 1 (small) teaspoon cloves, cinnamon and allspice. Drop first a spoonful of dark, then a spoonful of light batter. If desired, 2 tablespoons chocolate may be added to the dark part. CHOCOLATE MARBLE CAKE ^ cup butter 1 cup sugar \ cup sweet milk 1§ cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 4 eggs (whites only). Take 1 cup of the above mixture, and add to it 5 tablespoons powdered choco¬ late. Wet with 2 tablespoons milk and flavour with vanilla. Put a layer of white and then of dark batter in baking pan. Bake in hot oven. Ice with chocolate icing. MARGUERITE CAKE 1 cup brown sugar \ cup butter 2 eggs \ cup buttermilk \ cup black syrup 1 teaspoon (small) mixed spice 1 teaspoon soda 2 cups Five Roses flour. Bake in 2 layers. [Cake Making and Baking J MOCHA CAKE No. 2 $ cup butter 1 cup sugar 1§ cups Five Roses flour Yolks of 3 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder Grated rind of 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon of juice 1 tablespoon warm water. Have whites well beaten and add al¬ ternately with the flour. Add the warm water last. ICING 1 cup icing sugar % cup butter 3 tablespoons cream 1 teaspoon vanilla. Put all in a bowl, and set in hot water until melted. Cut the cake in squares, dip in icing, then in rolled peanuts that have previously been browned. See Coffee Icing. MOLASSES LAYER CAKE No. 1 I egg ( or yolks of 2) 1 cup molasses 1 tablespoon melted butter £ cup boiling water 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon $ teaspoon cloves 2 cups Five Roses flour. Make 2 thick layers. Put together with any kind of jelly, and frost top. MOCHA CAKE No. 1 § cup butter § cup sugar £ cup milk 2 eggs 2 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons baking powder. Spread in square pan, and cut squares. Cover with almond icin and in nuts. MOLASSES CAKE (No. 2) 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup butter 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup sour milk in 1 teaspoon soda roll Spice of all kinds Fruit (if desired). eKot £ bleached 'aMot fBlended f JOS 1 agjDfg Ifive Sloped SFlcmr [ Cake Making and Baking ] MOLASSES CAKE (Eggless) 2 cups molasses 1 cup lard 2 teaspoons soda dissolved in 1 cup hot water 4 cups Five Roses flour Flavor Pinch of salt. MOUNTAIN CAKE 1 cup rich sour cream 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon soda § teaspoon cream of tartar 2 cups Five Roses flour § teaspoon lemon extract Pinch of salt. Stir cream and sugar together, add the eggs beaten, then the soda dissolved in a little warm water, then the flour gradually (with the cream of tartar and pinch of salt mixed in it). Add the lemon extract, beat well, and bake for \ hour in moderate oven. NATIONAL CAKE WHITE PART Cream together 1 cup white sugar and | cup butter, then add \ cup sweet milk, beaten whites of 4 eggs, \ cup cornstarch, 1 cup Five Roses flour (into which have previously been mixed 1 teaspoon cream of tartar and \ teaspoon soda). Flavor with lemon extract. BLUE PART Cream together 1 cup blue sugar sand and \ cup butter; then add \ cup sweet milk, the beaten whites of 4 eggs, 2 cups Five Roses flour (into which have pre¬ viously been mixed 1 teaspoon cream of tartar and \ teaspoon soda). No flavor. RED PART Cream together 1 cup red sugar and \ cup butter; then add J cup sweet milk, the beaten whites of 4 eggs and 2 cups of Five Roses flour in which mix \ teaspoon cream of tartar and \ teaspoon soda. No flavor. Place in a baking pan, first the red, then the white, and last the blue mixture. Bake in moderate oven. WATER MELON CAKE By taking the white and red parts as given above, what is called a watermelon cake is readily obtained by baking in layers and putting the red between two white parts. PEANUT CAKE % cup butter f cup milk 1 cup (small) sugar 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder 2 eggs (beaten separately) Flavoring Enough Five Roses flour to make stiff batter. ICING Pulverized sugar and milk, enough to moisten 10 cents worth of peanuts. But¬ ter size of a hickory nut chopped.fine. Flavoring. Bake cake in a shallow tin. When done, cut in small triangles. Take each piece and cover all over, except bottom, with icing. Then sprinkle with the peanuts and set away to harden. PEANUT LOAF 4 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar I egg \\ cups Five Roses flour 1^ teaspoons baking powder % cup milk 1 cup peanuts (cut fine). Bake in a loaf. OATMEAL CAKE 3 eggs \ cup butter \\ cups brown sugar 2 cups oatmeal 1| cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup boiling water. Ice w th boiled icing. cXot Steadied'oHot Sleitded r^_ 1 jo6 1 tfiue Stoaea Sftcmr OATMEAL CAKES ( Eggless ) 3 cups oatmeal 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening f cup buttermilk \ teaspoon soda. Roll the paste out thin, spread date filling on half, then turn the other half over and cut with cake cutter. ORANGE CAKE 4 eggs 6 ounces sugar \ pound Five Roses flour 1 orange 1 teaspoon baking powder \ teacup milk | cup butter. Put the eggs and sugar into a basin, and beat for 10 minutes. Add the rind of the orange grated. Sift in the flour and baking powder. Pour in the milk and mix all together. Butter a cake tin and bake in a moderate oven for \ hour. Use the juice of the orange for the icing. 1-2-3-4 CAKE 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 3 cups Five Roses flour 4 eggs 1 cup cold water (or milk) 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift the cream of tartar and soda with the flour twice before adding. The addi¬ tion of 1 cup raisins makes a pleasing variety. PEEL CAKE \\ cups brown sugar ^ cup butter 3 eggs (well beaten) § cup sour milk 2 cups chopped raisins ^ cup peel (orange or lemon) ^ nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda Five Roses flour to mix stiff Bake in slow oven. I Cake Making and Baking ] PEPPER CAKE 1 cup raisins (stoned) 1 cup baking syrup 2 eggs ? cup butter \ cup sour cream \ cup sugar 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon Nutmeg 1 teaspoon black pepper Bake about 40 minutes. CHEAP PLUM CAKE 5 pound Five Roses flour J pound currants | pound mixed raisins 1 ounce candied peel 6 ounces brown sugar 6 ounces butter 2 eggs \ teaspoon allspice ^ teaspoon baking powder J teaspoon carbonate of soda. Rub butter and flour together, and add other ingredients. Mix lightly with warm milk. Bake in a slow oven 1§ hours. PORK FRUIT CAKE (Eggless) 1 pound solid fat pork (chopped very fine) Pour over this 1 pint boiling water, then add: 2 teaspoons baking soda 2 cups sugar 1 cup molasses 1 pound currants 1 pound seeded raisins % pound citron peel (cut fine) 1 cup chopped nuts \ glass brandy 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon ginger 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 grated nutmeg 4 cups (even) Five Roses flour. Pour into a pan lined with buttered paper, and bake for 2 hours in moderate oven. fBleoeked ''cXot Stended " 107 ^ [ Cake Making and Baking ] PORK CAKE 1 pound pork (chopped fine),boil2 minutes in half pint of water 1 cup molasses 2 cups sugar 3 eggs 2 teaspoons soda 1 pound raisins (chopped fine) 1 pound dates (chopped) Cinnamon Cloves Nutmeg Five Roses flour to make stiff batter. This makes 3 loaves. POOR MAN’S CAKE 2 cups brown sugar l pound lard 1 teaspoon (scant) salt 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon soda \ cup currants 1^ cups water cups Five Roses flour Bake 50 minutes in moderate oven. OLD-FASHIONED POTATO CAKE (Eggless) 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup finely mashed potatoes Milk or water. Mix the flour with the salt and baking powder. Then add the finely mashed pota¬ toes and water or milk enough to make a soft dough. Turn the whole into a well-greased frying pan and cook slowly, turning occasionally, add¬ ing a little more lard to the pan each time until the cake is a nice brown on each side and well cooked through. This should take about 30 minutes. Spread with butter and eat while hot. Very cheap and a nice change for supper. POUND CAKE 1 pound sugar 1 pound butter 1 pound eggs (10 eggs, shelled) 1 pound Five Roses flour (4 cups). Cream the butter and sugar together, then add beaten whites of eggs, after the yolks, \ teaspoon soda in a tablespoon milk. Put 1 teaspoon cream of tartar in flour, also a little salt. Add lastly lemon essence. Bake 30 minutes in moderate oven. PRUNE CAKE 1 cup sugar | cup butter 3 eggs (reserve whites of 2 for icing) 1 cup cooked prunes (chopped) 1 teaspoon (small) soda 4 tablespoons sour milk or hot water 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cloves lj cups Five Roses flour. RASPBERRY CAKE 1 cup white sugar % cup butter 2 eggs 2 tablespoons buttermilk 1 * cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda Nutmeg 1 cup raspberries (to be added last). Bake in layers. m RIBBON CAKE 2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 4 eggs 1 cup milk 3£ cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon cream of tartar ^ teaspoon soda Flavor with lemon. Bake § of above mixture in 2 pans. To the remainder, add 1 tablespoon molasses, 1 cup chopped raisins, \ cup currants, a piece of citron chopped fine, \ teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Bake in pan. Then put the sheets alternately with a little jelly between. Ice the top layer. <^ot fBleaeked -'cHoi ided t io8\ To T. WvM iRo&eb 3® 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg. Above makes a good fruit cake by add¬ ing 1 pint raisins and 1 cup currants. WALNUT CHOCOLATE CAKE Yolks of 2 eggs 1 cup sugar $ cup butter | cup sweet milk | cup grated chocolate 1 cup walnut meats 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift the soda and cream of tartar with the flour. Bake in 2 layers, and ice with white boiled icing. Use orange filling. WASHINGTON LOAF CAKE 3 cups light brown sugar 2 cups (scant) butter 1 cup sour milk Little nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon 5 eggs 1 teaspoon soda 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup currants 2 cups raisins 1 cup almonds. Mix as usual, stirring fruit in last, well dredged with flour. BOILING WATER CAKE 3 eggs (well beaten) 1 cup sugar 1 cup Five Roses flour 3 teaspoons (small) baking powder 4 tablespoons boiling water. Have oven at good baking heat and water boiling before starting to make this cake, as it must be made quickly. Pans should be oiled ready to receive it. It will be found good either as alayer, plain, or roll jelly cake. Beat eggs well, and beat in the sugar. Have ready the flour with the baking powder sifted in. Add 4 table¬ spoons boiling water to eggs and sugar, stirring constantly. Add the flour, beat well and bake at once from 10 to 15 minutes, according to heat of oven and size of baking pan. The thinner it is spread, the shorter time it takes to bake. Handy when milk is scarce. WEDDING CAKE No. 1 12 eggs 4 cups brown sugar 2 pounds butter 2 cups molasses \ cup sour milk 6 cups currants 6 cups raisins (seeded) \ pound mixed peel 2 teaspoors cinnamon \ nutmeg \ teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons soda 2 teaspoons cloves 2 teaspoons mixed spice 1 teaspoon mace 10 cents worth almond nuts (cut fine) Five Roses flour to stiffen. Note —Some cooks add 1 pint brandy. (See also recipes for Bride's Cake (2) and Groom’s Cake, with note.) WEDDING CAKE No. 2 12 eggs 2 pounds sugar 2 pounds butter 5 pounds raisins 5 pounds currants 1 pound dates 1 pound mixed peel 1^ pounds almonds (blanchedand chopped) 2 nutmegs 1 teaspoon mace 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 teaspoons soda 1 pint rich cream Five Roses flour to thicken. £Bteaeked "'cXot fBleuded l 112] ITT. . -- BP is i - V.' PJ we St Jflotw Note —Rose water may be added, if desired. WHEAT SHORTS CAKE la cups wheat shorts 1 cup Five Roses flour h cup sugar Pinch of salt 2 teaspoons (small) soda 4 teaspoons (small) cream of tartar 1 cup milk £ cup water. Mix together quickly and bake in hot oven. WHITE CAKE £ cup butter 2 cups granulated sugar 3 (beaten separately) £ cup sour milk 2 teaspoons (heaping) baking powder 1 teaspoon saleratus 2 cups Five Roses flour. Cream butter, then mix in the sugar; next add the beaten yolks, to which a little of the beaten whites has been added. Then add sour milk to which has been added the saleratus. Add the sweet milk and flour. Put in little milk, then little flour, till everything is used up. Flavor¬ ing may be put in the sour milk. Hot oven for 20 minutes. YORKSHIRE PARKIN 1 pound coarse oatmeal £ pound lard £ pound cooking sugar 2 teaspoons mixed spice 1 pound Five Roses flour 1 pound molasses 2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon baking powder Juice of 1 lemon 3 eggs Milk to stiffen. Mix well and bake in a slow oven in dripping tin. [Cake Making and Baking] LANCASHIRE PARKIN 1$ pounds fine oatmeal £ pound butter 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon baking soda £ pound Five Roses flour $ pound cooking sugar 1 pound molasses. 1 egg 2 cups milk. Dissolve the soda in the milk. Melt the butter and molasses together. Beat the egg in, and add the soda last. Mix well. Bake in slow oven in dripping tin. PARKIN (Without Eggs) No. 1 1 pound Five Roses flour £ pound sugar 3 ounces butter 3 ounces lard £ gill syrup A little milk 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda. Roll out thin and bake 20 to 30 minutes in a moderate oven. PARKIN (Without Eggs) No. 2 lj pounds fine oatmeal 1 ounce ground ginger 10 ounces moist sugar £ pound Five Roses flour £ pound syrup A little milk Warm the milk with the syrup and add enough to the dry ingredients to make a stiff paste. Pour into a greased tin, and bake slowly for about 1 hour. 3> <$> pounds, 98 pounds; also in barrels of 196 pounds and half-barrels of 98 pounds. <$> ❖ A7D other flour has received such emphatic commendation. No * other flour has such enthusiastic advertisers among Canadian housewives. “I would not be without FIVE ROSES flour in my nome for any price. I would not trade one bag of FIVE ROSES flour for three of any other .”—Mrs. R., Birdhill, Man. “I have used your flour for seven years and find it splendid for both bread, cakes and pastry. I always refuse the ‘just as good / as I am not sure about their being good, but I am sure of the FIVE ROSES.” —Mrs. J. I., Edmonton, Alta. ,( I use FIVE ROSES flour. It has never been any trouble in making cake .”—E. V. C., St. John, N.B. “We use FIVE ROSES and never had a failure with it yet.” —G. T., Toledo, Ont. C Full Names on Request) l ns] c Mot ZBleaehed. ''eVot SBloiuied KEEWATIN. “A” and “C” Mills—Combined Daily Capacity 10,000 Barrels Also “D” Mill at MEDICINE HAT—Daily Capacity 2,200 Barrels T HE daily capacity of the mam¬ moth mills of Lake of the Woods Milling Company is 13,700 barrels. Every working day the hungry rolls grind into Five Roses flour about 62,000 bushels of the splendid wheat that has made Canada famous throughout the world. Wherever the best baking is done, the product of these mills is known and appreciated. In Canada, the West Indies, South Africa, the United Kingdom and elsewhere, discriminating housewives insist upon Five Roses and will have no other. In less than one generation Five Roses flour has become the standard by which others are judged. \n6\ cXot £Bl eaehed ^cXot £Blended DOUGHNUTS, CRULLERS AND OTHER FRIED CAKES HE fat should be ready when the doughnuts are cut. All lard or other fat to fry doughnuts, crullers or fritters must be sizzling hot. Heat your fat gradually and test by dropping into it a small spoonful of batter. If it rises at once to the surface, swells rapidly and browns quickly, the fat is ready. Another test is to sprinkle the smallest quantity of water when it should give off a crackling sound. It is not at all necessary that the fat should smoke like a factory chimney. Always have a large quantity cut before beginning to fry, and so avoid the danger of fat cooling or smoking. Avoid putting too many cakes into the fat at once, else the heat will be reduced and, instead of becoming crisp and toothsome, the outer surfaces will absorb the grease. Care must be taken at this stage, or you may get “dough” nuts in the full sense of the word—brown outside and uncooked dough within. Doughnuts and fritters should fry in from 3 to 5 minutes. When crisp and golden brown, remove from kettle with perforated spoon and set in heated colander or on brown unglazed paper to drain free from grease. Roll while still hot in powdered sugar. When properly made (and carefully hidden) these dainty goodies will not only keep several weeks, but improve with age. Pack in a stdne crock, sprinkling each layer with powdered sugar. If doughnuts be put into the oven and thoroughly re-heated before serving, they will taste marvellously like pastry that has just been made. <$><$><$> PLAIN DOUGHNUTS No. 1 1 egg 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon (small) soda 1 cup fresh sweet milk 2 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons (small) cream of tartar Nutmeg to taste. Beat the eggs and sugar together. Dissolve soda in the milk and mix with above. Sift flour and cream of tartar together, beat well and add nutmeg. Roll out as soft as can be handled. Cut with doughnut cutter and fry in hot lard. If skimmed milk be used, add 1 teaspoon melted butter. These are excellent. I double the rule, which makes 5 dozen. DOUGHNUTS No. 2 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 tablespoons melted butter f cup sweet milk 2 teaspoons (heaping) baking powder Five Roses flour to roll Flavor with spice or lemon. DOUGHNUTS WITHOUT EGGS 6 cups Five Roses flour 2 cups sugar 1 cup cream 1 cup skim milk 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt. l«7l cXot SMeached ^cXot Sleiuled u [Doughnuts and Crullers ] Sift the cream of tartar, soda and salt with the flour. Dissolve the sugar in the cream and skim milk. Add the nutmeg and pour into the flour, forming all into a dough. Roll out, cut and fry. MOLASSES DOUGHNUTS 1 cup molasses 2 cups buttermilk 2 eggs 1 teaspoon ginger 2 teaspoons melted butter Five Roses flour to make soft dough. Do not knead, but pat lightly with the hands. Roll out and fry in hot lard. These are delicious. POTATO DOUGHNUTS ( Eggless ) 2 cups hot mashed potatoes 2 cups sugar 1 cup sweet milk 2 tablespoons butter 5 teaspoons (level) baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla Five Roses flour to make soft dough. Mix as usual. Roll out % inch thick. Fry in hot grease. The potatoes keep the doughnuts soft. These keep fresh much longer than if made with eggs. RICH RAISED DOUGHNUTS (With Yeast) 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 4 cups scalded milk 1 yeast cake dissolved in \ cup lukewarm water Five Roses flour 3 eggs (beaten). Cream the butter. Add 1 cup sugar and beat again to a cream. Add the scalded milk and yeast cake dissolved in lukewarm water. Mix with Five Roses flour to make a thick batter. Cover and let rise over night. In the morning, add to the sponge the 3 beaten eggs, another cup sugar and i nutmeg grated. Mix with Five Roses flour to make a smooth dough than can be kneaded. Let rise, turn out on a board and roll half an inch thick. Cut into shape, and let rise again for about i hour. Then fry and roll in pow¬ dered sugar, after draining a minute on paper. SOUR CREAM DOUGHNUTS 1 cup thick sour cream If cups sour milk 2 eggs 1 cup lightest yellow sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved in little hot water) 1 teaspoon cream of tartar Five Roses flour to roll. Set dough aside in cool place for 3 hours. Then roll and cut quickly. Fry in hot fat. Do not mix too stiff. CRULLERS | pound sugar 3 eggs 1 tablespoon sweet milk ounces butter Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon soda Salt. Mix the ingredients with enough Five Roses flour to make thick dough. Roll this out and stamp little cakes which drop into hot lard. CRULLERS WITHOUT EGGS 1 pint sugar 1 pint cold water 2 tablespoons lard 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt Flavor with lemon or vanilla Five Roses flour. FRITTERS No. 1 3 egg£ (beaten separately) 3 cups Five Roses flour 2 cups sour milk or buttermilk teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt. cXot SBleoched ''cXoi SBlended Ux8] Wive fRo&eb WUriw [Doughnuts and Crullers ] JERSEY WONDERS Dissolve the soda in the milk, stir in the egg yolks, then the sifted flour and salt, lastly the whites beaten stiff. Have kettle of boiling fat ready, drop the batter in by spoonfuls, and cook the fritters to a light brown. Note —Sliced bananas or chopped apples can be added, if desired. Fat in which fritters are fried should be very deep and boiling hot. When done, remove like doughnuts and drain from grease. Transfer to hot platter covered with folded napkin and serve at once. FRITTERS No. 2 2 tablespoons butter 6 tablespoons sweet milk 1 teaspoon baking powder Five Roses flour to roll. Roll thin, cut into small squates, and fry in hot lard. Serve with maple syrup. PARSNIP FRITTERS Make ordinary fritter batter. Have boiled 4 or 5 parsnips (whole). Put frit¬ ters on pan and slice parsnips lengthwise. Lay 2 or 3 slices on top of each fritter. The number of slices to use on each fritter will depend on size of the fritters. Brown nicely, and serve with any good syrup or honey. PUMPKIN FRITTERS Boil the pumpkin, then pour off the water. Let it get quite cold. Take a plate and press the pumpkin down, so as to squeeze out all watery particles still left. Stir in 2 eggs and some Five Roses flour (well dried) to make a batter. From a spoonful of the batter you will have a fritter which must be baked in a pan with boiling fat. Let the pot not be too sparing, the deeper the pot you fry them in the less you use and the nicer the cake. Mix pounded cinnamon and sugar and serve with the cakes. 1 pound Five Roses flour 1 pound butter 1 pound sifted sugar 4 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder (more, if desired). Beat eggs light and mix with sugar and butter. Sift in the flour and baking pow¬ der. Allow to rise. Then roll out thin and cut out about 3 inches square. Make 3 slits across each, and fry until brown in hot lard. BEEF CROQUETTES 4 cups minced meat 1 egg 4 tablespoons home-made tomato catsup 2 tablespoons salad dressing y cup Five Roses flour 1 medium-sized onion (chopped). Mix all together. Moisten with gravy, season to taste. Make into cakes and fry. CHICKEN CROQUETTES i pint cold chicken (cut fine) 1 tablespoon parsley (chopped fine) 1 teaspoon salt f teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons Five Roses flour l pint milk Pepper and salt 1 egg Bread crumbs. Mix the chicken with the parsley and season with salt and pepper. Make a sauce with 1 tablespoon butter, 2 of flour, Add the milk, also season to taste. Add the chicken mixture to this and make into rolls. Beat the egg and add 1 tea¬ spoon water. Roll the croquettes in the egg, flour well and roll in sifted bread crumbs. Shape into cutlets by flattening with knife and fry in hot lard. oVot £BleocJied Hot fBler.-ded [iiq] O' Pill .• give iRoaea gFlmtr [Doughnuts and Crullers ] POTATO CROQUETTES 1 quart mashed potatoes (cooked) Butter size of an egg 1 teaspoon salt \ teaspoon pepper 1 egg 1 cup milk or cream. Mould into small balls. Fry in lard. BEEF AND POTATO CAKES Mix with a cup of cold roast beef 2 cups mashed potatoes seasoned as for the table. Add a beaten egg. Mix and shape into balls and flatten like cakes. Roll in bread crumbs. Fry a golden brown. Nice for breakfast or tea. Note on Breading Fried Things —The reason many fried things have a flat taste, though the mixture may be highly sea¬ soned, is that the seasoning of the bread crumbs has been neglected. Try mixing the bread crumbs with salt, pepper, and, if desired, a drop or two of any desired sea¬ soning, before moulding. For frying or covering the tops of entrees, use bread crumbs instead of cracker crumbs, as they have less of a flat taste. TWIST CAKES | pint sour milk or bu' 2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 3 eggs (well beaten) 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon nutmeg Five Roses flour to make smooth dough. Roll out and drop in boiling fat. MENNONITE TOAST 3 eggs 1 pint sweet milk Pinch of salt. Beat eggs well, and add sweet milk and salt. Cut slices 1 inch thick from a loaf of bread made with Five Roses flour. Remove crust. Dip slices into the egg and milk, fry like doughnuts in hot lard or dripping till a delicate brown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve hot. <$><$><$> D AINTY, disappearing doughnuts; light, digestible crullers and fried things—how quickly Five Roses accustoms one to quality. It has the knack of producing just the right kind of dough that tastes like nuts, that bobs deliciously in the rich, deep fat. And yet Five Roses is the sturdy, glutinous flour that resists fat absorption, taking barely enough to brown becomingly, to crisp quickly without greasiness, heaviness or sogginess. Never an outraged stomach with Five Roses doughnuts and crullers. Golden to the hungry eye, tooth-teasing, able- bodied nuts of dough that improve with age when carefully concealed from busy little milk teeth. [no] cXot SMeaeked -'cWot iBtelided SMALL CAKES OF ALL KINDS Commonly called “Goodies” TO PROVIDE VARIETY IN SMALL CAKES T is sometimes desirable to make from the same dough a wide variety of small cakes. To provide this and at the same time get various flavours, you might collect extracts and spices, a lemon, an ounce or so of chocolate, whole and chopped walnuts, shelled peanuts, nuts of all kinds, chopped raisins, citron, candied cherries, some of the macaroni alphabets and some sugared caraway seeds. Other things which might be used in the same way are candied peel, angelica, preserved ginger, almond paste, shredded cocoanut, cardamon seeds, and any other materials used to give colour or flavour to candies.— Selected. <£ <$> JAM-JAMS SANDWICH CAKES 2 cups white sugar 1 cup butter 1 cup cream 1 egg Five Roses flour to make soft dough 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda Flavour with spice, nutmeg or cinnamon. Roll out, cut into small cookies and bake. Put two together with icing sugar and peach, quince or any jelly you please. JAM-JAMS No. 1 2 eggs 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup shortening 6 tablespoons syrup 2 teaspoons (small) soda 1 teaspoon lemon or vanilla Five Roses flour to roll thin. Roll thin, cut and bake. While warm, put two together with jam. JAM-JAMS No. 2 quarts Five Roses flour teaspoon soda teaspoons cream of tartar 1 cups lard t cups yellow sugar (rolled smooth) 3 eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla Milk. Wet the soda with milk. Add lard, flour, sugar. Then add the eggs. Knead well and roll thin. Cut long with knife and put jam in between. Ice or not, ac¬ cording to taste. Good either way. SNOWBALLS 2 cups sugar 1 cup sweet milk £ cup butter 3 cups Five Roses flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 5 e £& s (whites). Mix and beat well. Bake in deep square tin. Cut in 2 inch squares. Re¬ move outside. Frost on all sides, then roll in freshly grated cocoanut. GINGER JAM-JAMS ( Eggless) 1 cup sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup shortening \ cup hot water 1 teaspoon soda 1 tablespoon vanilla 1 teaspoon ginger Pinch of salt * Five Roses flour to mix stiff. I Mi \ cXot SBleaelved ^cXot St eluded ■ JlfelliS [Jam-Jams] OATMEAL JAM-JAMS f cup butter (or half lard) h cup sweet milk 1 egg 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoon soda 1 cup Five Roses flour 2 cups rolled oats. If not stiff enough, add a little more flour and oatmeal maintaining propor¬ tions. Turn a large dripping pan upside down and roll out on the bottom covering the whole pan, and bake in a quick oven. When done, cut in halves and spread jam between the halves. Then cut in squares. Date, or raisin or fig fillings may be used instead of jam, if desired. These are really delicious. OATMEAL JAM-JAMS (Eggless) 2 cups Five Roses flour 2 cups rolled oats 1 cup dripping 1 cup sugar \ teaspoon salt \ teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon soda Sour milk. Rub all ingredients together with the exception of the soda, which should be dissolved in enough sour milk to hold other ingredients together. Roll thin. Have ready 1 pound of figs cooked soft with 1 cup sugar and a little water. Cut cakes into shapes and put a spoonful of figs on top then put another cake on and press edges firmly together and bake in a hot oven. These are delicious. Filling may be altered to suit taste. JUMBLES 2 cups sugar 1 cup lard 2 eggs 1 cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon soda ^ teaspoon cream of tart a ' Five Roses flour to mix si iff Lemon extract (optional). Beat lard and sugar 1o a cream, and add the eggs. Dissolve the soda in milk and add the cream of tartar. Stir in flour till about as stiff as pound cake. Put plenty of flour on the bo< rd, and dip out the dough with a spoon. '•Tour rolling pin well and roll to about \ inc'i thick. Sprinkle sugar over top, cut out an d bake in quick oven. When done, set on edge. The softer these jumbles are rolled out, the better they will be. FRUIT JUMBLES No. 1 1| cups white sugar \ cup butter 1 pound chopped dates j pound chopped walnuts 3 cups Five Roses flour 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon soda (dissolved). Stir butter and sugar together, then add the beaten eggs. Add flour, fruit and vanilla, and last of all Ihe soda. The dough should be very stiff. Dip spoon into hot water and spread each spoonful into the shape of cake. f LEMON CHEESE CAKES Whites of 4 eggs (or whites of 4 and yolk of 1) l j cups of sugar 2 cup butter 2 cup milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 cups Five Roses flour Use lemon filling. FRUIT JUMBLES No. 2 1 quart Five Roses flour 1 pint granulated sugar 1 cup butter 4 eggs 4 tablespoons canned berry or cherry juice 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder. [122 1 «^ot SBleaehed 'cMot f^l ended ALMOND MACAROONS Blanch dry \ pound almonds, and make into a paste with 1 teaspoon rose water. Beat 3 egg whites with \ cup powdered sugar, adding slowly \ teaspoon almond extract. Then add the almonds, chopped fine. If very soft, add 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour Roll in balls size of walnuts with wet hands. Flatten a little and place apart on buttered paper. A pastry tube is very useful in shaping the cakes. Bake 15 or 20 minutes in a moderate oven. COCOANUT MACAROONS No. 1 Stone the dates, chop dates and nuts fine. Bake in slow oven for 20 minutes. Put dates and nuts in last. Grease pan well. GRAHAM BROWNIES 1 cup butter (melted) 2 cups brown sugar 2 eggs 2 tablespoons buttermilk 2\ cups Five Roses flour 2\ cups graham flour 1 teaspoon soda. Roll thin and cut into squares. Put together with cooked dates between, or any other filling desired. \ pound sugar \ pound cocoanut 4 eggs (whites) 1 tablespoon Five Roses flour. Mix all together, and make into small cakes. Bake slowly. COCOANUT MACAROONS No. 2 3 eggs (whites only beaten stiff) ^ pound desiccated cocoanut | cup granulated sugar. Drop from teaspoon on buttered baking sheet. Cook in moderate oven till slightly brown. LADIES’ FINGERS 1 egg (or 2 eggs) 1 cup sugar \ cup butter | cup sweet milk 1 pint Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat the butter, sugar and egg to¬ gether until very light. Add the vanilla and milk. Last, add the baking powder and flour sifted together. Cut in little strips about \ inch thick, roll in sugar and bake in quick oven. Use your hands to roll, instead of rolling pin. OATMEAL MACAROONS 3 cups rolled oats 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 tablespoons butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon milk. Five Roses flour to make into small balls. Bake in hot oven on greased pan. BROWNIES 2 eggs 1 cup white sugar § cup butter 1^ cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspice 1 pound dates £ pound shelled walnuts. GERMAN LADY FINGERS 5 eggs (yolks) 3 pound sugar h pound blanched almonds Grated rind of 1 lemon ? pound Five Roses flour. Beat the yolks and sugar for 15 min¬ utes. Add almonds cut fine and grated lemon rind. Mix well, and add the flour gradually. Roll out and cut into strips length and size of your forefinger. Bake in moderate oven. CHEESE FINGERS Cut puff paste into strips length and size of forefinger, sprinkle with a layer of grated cheese, press upon this another strip of pastry, sprinkle again with cheese and bake in quick oven. cXot Stteached 'cMot IBlended l 123 ] wm Ifwe iRo&ea [ Jam-Jams ] CHEESE STRAWS CHEESE STRAWS ( Eggless) 1 cup Five Roses flour 2 cups chopped cheese 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon (scant) powder Pinch of salt. baking Mix with water and roll out like pie crust. Cut in strips and bake light brown. | cup grated cheese \ cup butter 1 teaspoon sugar \ teaspoon salt Pinch of cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 egg 2 tablespoons sweet cream lj cups Five Roses flour. Mix all other ingredients, then add flour. Roll out and cut 6 inches long by j inch wide. Bake in moderate oven. <$> <$> <$> DROP CAKES HERMITS No. 1 2 eggs 1 cup (large) sugar f cup shortening f cup sour milk f teaspoon soda | teaspoon cinnamon cups Five Roses flour 1? cups oatmeal £ cup chopped raisins 1 cup walnuts (chopped). Drop from spoon onto buttered pan and bake. They should spread out like cookies. Note on Drop Cakes —This class of cake bakes very well on buttered paper in baking pan. HERMITS No. 2 1§ cups sugar \ cup molasses 1 cup butter § cup milk 3 eggs (not beaten) added separately I cup chopped raisins \ cup currants \ teaspoon nutmeg £ teaspoon cloves | teaspoon cinnamon II teaspoons baking powder Five Roses flour for medium stiff dough. Drop from fork onto a pan and bake in moderate oven. If Five Roses flour _s used, it does not need to be made as stiff as with ordinary flour. BRAN DROPS 1 cup bran 1| cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg Butter size of egg 1 cup sugar Milk or water. Mix with milk or water until of about the consistency of fruit cake. Drop by spoonfuls on a greased dripping pan. Bake in quick oven. BROWN BETTIES 1 cup sugar 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 egg 2 tablespoons butter h teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 5 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons milk h cup chopped nuts | cup chopped raisins. Drop from a teaspoon and bake in quick oven. COCOANUT DROPS 3 eggs (whites only) beaten stiff 1 cup icing sugar 2 cups grated cocoanut 2 tablespoons Five Roses flour. Drop from spoon on buttered pan, and bake in quick oven. eVot SBleacked 'cMot Sledded [124 1 efhte GINGER DROPS 3 eggs 1 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup molasses (or syrup) 1 tablespoon ginger 1 tablespoon soda dissolved in 1 cup boiling water 5 cups Five Roses flour (unsifted). Drop from tablespoon into well-greased pan, 3 inches apart. Bake in slow oven. HONEYCOMB DROPS 1 pound syrup 5 pound brown sugar 4 ounces butter 11 ounces Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons ground ginger (or more to taste) 6 drops oil of lemon. Drop from spoon on greased pan. Give plenty of room to spread. Bake in mod¬ erate oven to golden brown. Syrup made from sugar is best. OATMEAL DROPS 3 cups oatmeal 3 cups Five Roses flour 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup raisins (seeded and chopped) 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup melted butter 2 eggs (well beaten) 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in § cup sour milk. Mix all dry ingredients together, then add other materials. Drop by teaspoons on greased tin and bake in moderate oven. One cup walnut meats may be added, if desired. DROP TEA CAKES 6 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup butter 1 cup lard 1 cup currants 1 egg (beaten) Pinch of salt 3 teaspoons baking powder. Mix all together with milk enough to make a stiff batter. Drop into buttered pans and bake in quick oven. [Drop Cakes ] TEA KISSES Sift together 2 cups Five Roses flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, \ teaspoon salt Then rub in \ cup butter, 1 cup white sugar, 2 eggs, scant ^ cup of sweet milk and 1 teaspoon lemon flavouring. Drop on buttered tin. Sprinkle with granu¬ lated sugar, and bake in hot oven. NUGGET CAKES 1 cup brown sugar \ cup butter and lard mixed 2 eggs 3 cups wheat flakes or rolled oats 1 cup (large) Five Roses flour 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla. Drop in tiny balls on pan, and bake in quick oven. ROCKS 1 cup butter cups white sugar 3 eggs (yolks) \ teaspoon ground cloves | teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 pound chopped dates 1 cup broken walnuts (not too fine) 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in 1 tablespoon hot water 2f cups Five Roses flour. Cream butter and gradually add and beat in the sugar. Add the beaten yolks. Mix in other ingredients in order given. Lastly, add the whites of the three eggs beaten dry. Drop into buttered pans and bake in fairly quick oven. COCOANUT ROCKS \ cup butter 2 eggs $ pound cocoanut J cup white sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder Five Roses flour to make stiff. Mix with hands. Roll out like cookies, and bake. Xoi Steadied -"cXot S tended IteS] O' Slo&eA SFlcnw* [Drop Cakes ] OATMEAL WAFERS 1 cup sugar 1 cup butter | cup sour milk i teaspoon cinnamon and nutmeg l cup walnuts (chopped fine) 1 teaspoon soda 4 cups oatmeal 2 cups Five Roses flour. Roll thin, cut in squares, and bake in quick oven. together the brown sugar and the white and rub in the butter. When creamy, add the beaten egg and then the melted choco¬ late, stirring briskly. Finally, add the flour and bake in quick oven. OYSTER PATTIES A good oyster patty shell may be obtained by merely omitting the sugar from recipe for Rosette Wafers. PEANUT WAFERS 1 pint chopped peanuts 3 eggs (well beaten) 1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons sweet milk Five Roses flour to stiffen. Roll and cut in strips like lady fingers. ROSETTE WAFERS 2 eggs 1 teaspoon sugar \ teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1 cup Five Roses flour (more or less). Beat the eggs slightly with sugar and salt; add milk and flour, and beat until smooth. CHOCOLATE WAFERS 2 ounces chocolate 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar (granulated or powdered) 1 cup butter 1 egg (beaten) 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 teaspoon vanilla. Grate the chocolate and set the cup into hot (not boiling) water to melt. Mix BUTTER CRACKERS Rub 4 ounces butter into 1 pound Five Roses flour. When well mixed, add enough cold water to dampen and add 1 teaspoon salt. Beat with rolling pin until smooth, then roll thin, cut into small cakes, and bake on tins in quick oven for 15 minutes. Let each cracker be about the size of a dollar piece and nearly 4 inch thick. OATMEAL CRACKERS 4 cups oatmeal 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup shortening Sour milk to roll out. SWEET CRACKERS 3 cups sugar 1 cup lard 1 cup sweet milk 2 eggs 2 ounces baking ammonia Five Roses flour to make stiff dough Pinch of salt. Dissolve ammonia in 1 cup hot water and add salt. Use lemon flavour to taste. Mix stiff with Five Roses flour. Roll thin and bake in hot oven. ❖ < 8 > <$> T\ON'T risk disappointing the children. Aiwa J — / ROSES flour for small cakes of all kindi barrels or bags—the same good flour. use FIVE Packed in [126] crfot Sleadied 'cXot JBleiuUd efvue Slo&eA WUnw mmrsm JAMS JELLIES CONSERVES (.Favourite Home Recipes of Five Roses Flour Users ) SPICED CRANBERRIES 5 pounds cranberries 3^ pounds brown sugar 2 cups vinegar 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon and all¬ spice 1 tablespoon cloves. Boil all together for 2 hours. Serve with hot or cold meats. CITRON PRESERVES Cut 1 large citron in small pieces. Use same weight of citron and sugar, add lj pounds raisins and 4 large lemons sliced thin. Cook 2 or 3 hours until clear. PICKLED DATES One pound of dates. Separate and put in bottle. Take enough vinegar to cover, add a little whole allspice and bring all to a boil. Pour over dates, let stand for a few days and they are ready for use. HOW TO PRESERVE GINGER Wash and thoroughly scrape the rhi¬ zomes (or root stock); throw quickly into cold water to prevent discoloration. Cover with fresh cold water; bring to boiling point and drain. Cover again with boiling water and cook slowly until the ginger is tender; drain, this time saving the water to use for the flavouring of other pre¬ serves, or it may be put aside for a ginger extract. Weigh the ginger, and to each pound allow a pound of sugar and half a pint of boiling water. Put the sugar and water in a preserving-kettle ; bring to boil¬ ing point and skim. Put in the ginger and cook slowly until each piece is perfectly transparent. The ginger may now be put away the same as other preserves, or drained free from the syrup, cut into thin slices and rolled in granulated sugar. The syrup may be used for flavouring pre¬ serves. —The New Home. TO HAVE FRESH FRUIT THE YEAR ROUND Use raspberries (red or black), red currants or long blackberries, ^4ash the fruit well and take 1 cup of fruit and 1 cup of granulated sugar alternately. Put in porcelain kettle, stir well several times during the 48 hours it should stand, then put in cans and cover. Do not cook. Keep in coolest place you have. I have pre¬ pared this every year for four years and have not had any spoil. —Mrs. David Soper, Straffordville, Ont. GRAPE CONSERVE To every 5 pounds of grapes, take 3 pounds of sugar, 2 pounds seedless raisins and h pound English walnuts. Separate pulp from skins, heat pulp scalding hot, put through colander and sieve, then add skins to pulp with the sugar. Boil slow¬ ly for 20 minutes, add the rasins and boil for 15 minutes, then add chopped nut meats and seal. ... .. . e L. A. M., Indian Head, Sask. PINEAPPLE JAM To 1 pound of grated pineapple and J pound of loaf sugar. Boil 10 minutes. STRAWBERRY JAM 1 heaping bowl strawberries 1 bowl (scant) sugar. Set on hot stove and stir to dissolve the sugar. Let boil hard for 10 minutes. Skim and bottle. CRAB APPLE JELLY Put the crab apples into preserving- kettle. Pour in enough water to cover and boil until quite soft. Put into cheese-cloth bag and strain over night. To every pint of juice add 1 pound of sugar. Boil juice 20 minutes and add the sugar. Stir well, and let boil up once, then remove from fire and put in glass jars. cXot SBteaeked x cXot Slervded [127 ) [Jams, Jellies, Conserves ] SPICED GRAPE JELLY Crush and strain the juice of grapes that are turned but not ripe. Use equal quantities of juice and sugar and to each quart add \ teaspoon ground cloves, 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Boil rapidly 20 minutes. Put in glasses. PEAR MARMALADE 12 pounds of pears (chopped middling fine) 9 pounds sugar 1 pound raisins 3 oranges (juice and rind) 3 lemons (juice and rind) \ pound shelled walnuts (chopped). Cook till of right consistency. RHUBARB MARMALADE NO. 1 Wash and cut rhubarb into small pieces, weigh and put in preserving kettle. Over this put 1 pound of sugar to every pound of rhubarb, and to every 2 pounds of rhubarb slice thinly 1 lemon and half an orange. Let stand 24 hours, then place over fire and boil 1 hour, or until thick, being careful to stir, as it easily burns. When thick, place in jars while hot and seal. RHUBARB MARMALADE NO. 2 4 pounds rhubarb 6 pounds sugar 4 lemons (juice and rind) | cup walnuts. Cook very carefully for a few minutes, stirring all the while till there is some juice formed. Add walnuts just before taking from fire. Cook 15 minutes. Do You Buy Flour in t ^Woo£j > The only barrel fit to hold Dive Doses flour is made by expert coopers in our own good factory at Keewatin from the finest western poplar. It is the strongest, most durable flour package made; proof against sifting, loss of flour, free from knot holes. Reinforced with wooden, likewise sturdy wire hoops. The Five Roses barrel or half barrel, when empty supplies a very useful receptacle suited to a thousand varied purposes about the home. Accept no substitute, make no compromise, see that you always get Five Roses flour in a Five Roses barrel stencilled in red and blue l«*l e^fot SBleaelied''c)(c>i fBhoiuded ar.*s? Wive. Sio&e& eflo-m* BEVERAGES GRAPE WINE Take 1 gallon of grapes and add 1 gal¬ lon of water after bruising the grapes. Let stand for 8 days and then draw it off. To each gallon of wine add 3 pounds of white sugar, stirring it in. Let stand 10 or 12 hours, when it can be bottled. —Miss Josie Jones, Oxford Mills, Ont. GINGER BEER Put in a kettle 2 ounces whole ginger, 5 ounce cream of tartar, 2 lemons cut in very thin slices, 2 pounds white sugar, 2 gallons boiling water. Simmer slowly for about 20 minutes. Take from fire and when nearly cold stir in 1 yeast cake (dis¬ solved). After it has fermented—which will be in 24 hours—bottle for use. — Mrs. A. St. Laurent, Heffley Creek, Kamloops, B.C. HOP BEER Boil and strain one handful of hops, and add 1 pint of molasses and enough water to make 2 gallons. When luke¬ warm, add 1 cake of yeast and let stand over night. Skim and pour off from the yeast carefully, add 1 tablespoon winter- green and bottle for use. — Mrs. Wm. Holdsworth, Hanbury, Ont. LEMONADE SYRUP 2 pounds brown sugar 6 lemons 1§ pints water 2 ounces tartaric acid. Boil sugar and water to a thin syrup, then add lemon juice. Let boil a little, and while boiling add acid and re¬ move from stove. Bottle when cold. Will keep well. For drink¬ ing purposes in hot weather, take 1 tablespoon to 1 glass of water. Sweeten to taste. — Mrs. A. J. Allen, Sr., Reids Mills, Ont. ORANGEADE 4 oranges 3 lemons 4 pounds white sugar 2 ounces citric acid. Grate the yellow skin (not the white part) of the oranges, add the acid and sugar, and scald with 2 quarts boiling water. When cool, add the juice of oranges and lemons. Let stand 24 hours, strain and bottle. For drinking purposes, take 1 tablespoon to a cup of water. — Mrs. John Brydone, Milverton, Ont. <$><$><$> r l HE housewife can effect considerable saving in her flour bill by using such a thirsty flour as FIVE ROSES. It not only absorbs more water in the dough, but it retains more water in the oven, thus producing more bread. “ We have been using FIVE ROSES flour andean gain a loaf of bread on every baking." —Miss H. R., Brougham, Ont. "FIVE ROSES is both better and cheap.er than any other." —Mrs. A. B., Brock Road, Ont. « Where I use seven quarts of FIVE ROSES flour, I have used nine quarts of other flour." —A. P., Marshville, Ont. " Have tried others, and always go back to FIVE ROSES, as I have more bread with same amount of flour. —Mrs. C. H. McN., Englehart, New Ont. "Economy to use the best, which we think FIVE ROSES is" —Mrs. A. W. McC., Mountain View, B.C. “No waste bread at all while using your flour.” —Mrs. D. S., Straffordville, Ont. (NAMES ON REQUEST) dfot Steadied 'cXbt Si ended [/*P] Xot Steadied 'aXbt Stended filling the cooky jar (Specially prepared for the Five Roses Cook Book) ROOKIES are the children’s everlasting delight, in which case it is well to remember that “men are but children of a larger growth.” The following recipes will supply toothsome cookies that require careful concealing if they are to “ keep ” well. Cookies, like pastry—because of the large proportion of fat they | contain—should be thoroughly chilled before any attempt is made to roll out the dough. To ensure the best results, the dough should be left standing in a cold place for a short time before rolling and cutting. Use as little flour as possible. Avoid a stiff cooky dough, and roll rather thin. Use a pancake turner for lifting the cookies into the pan for baking, also in removing the cakes after baking. Cookies should bake in about 10 minutes. The oven should be rather quick, not too hot, however, as these cakes burn very easily. Cookies are at their best when two or three days old. The cooling and proper packing of these small cakes have much to do with their keeping qualities. Cookies put into an earthen or stone jar, lined with a clean cloth, while still hot, and kept closely covered will be much more melting and will keep their aroma much longer than if allowed to cool exposed to the air. ❖ ♦ ❖ ALMOND COOKIES AUNT MARY’S COOKIES Beat to a hard sauce \ pound sweet butter and j pound pulverized sugar (sift¬ ed). Add the yolks of 3 well-beaten eggs. When a smooth cream, add 4 ounces blanched and sliced almonds, and 6 ounces Five Roses flour (in which has been sifted 1 teaspoon baking powder). Stir with a wooden spoon until a smooth paste. Use sugar in making the dough into balls, and set these 1 inch apart in greased pan. Wet the tops lightly and sprinkle with sugar and place an almond in the centre of each. Bake to a light straw color. AMMONIA COOKIES 1 ounce pulverized ammonia 2 cups milk or sweet cream 3 cups white sugar 1 cup butter 2 eggs (beaten light) Five Roses flour to roll thin Flavouring to suit. Put ammonia into milk and warm till it is thoroughly dissolved. Mix ingredi¬ ents as usual and roll out thin. Sprinkle with sugar and bake in fairly hot oven. 2 cups white sugar 2 cups butter 4 eggs (well beaten) 5 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons soda 4 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon salt Flavour to taste (nutmeg or ratafia). Roll not too thin and sprinkle with white sugar. Bake 10 minutes in quick oven. For a change, press a raisin or nut-meat in centre of each. A piece of peel could likewise serve. BOSTON DROP COOKIES 1 cup butter \ cup sugar 3 eggs 1 teaspoon soda I \ teaspoons hot water I I cups Five Roses flour 5 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup currants. Drop on buttered tins and bake quickly. cXoi SSleached. -'cXot fBleuded l / j /1 3T lH lfi/ue ffioaea §Flcni4* ill [FiHing ffte Coofcy 7ar] BUTTERMILK COOKIES 2 eggs 2 cups dark brown sugar 2 lumps butter size of an egg 1 cup buttermilk 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon (level) soda Five Roses flour to stiffen Pinch of salt. Don’t mix too stiff. Roll out and cut into desired shapes. Sprinkle granulated sugar over dough before cutting. Quick oven. Note —For a change, brush with milk and sprinkle with granulated sugar or stick a large raisin in centre of cooky. CARAWAY COOKIES 2 cups (small) sugar 1 cup butter \ cup sweet milk 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon caraway seed Five Roses flour to make soft dough. Mix very soft, roll out, sprinkle with sugar on top. Cut in shapes, bake in quick oven. The caraway seed may be left out, substituting with 2 teaspoons vanilla. COCOANUT COOKIES Cream \ cup butter and 1 heaping cup sugar. Add 1 well-beaten egg, ^ cup sour milk, 1 level teaspoon soda and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Add gradually 3 cups Five Roses flour and § cup shredded cocoanut. Roll thin and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in quick oven. Flavour or not, as desired. SWEET CREAM COOKIES 1 cup cream 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon cream of tartar \ teaspoon soda % teaspoon salt Five Roses flour to make soft dough. thin and bake in quick oven, with nutmeg, lemon or ratafia. COFFEE COOKIES 1 cup molasses 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon spice 1 cup lard and butter (mixed) 1 cup hot strong coffee 1 teaspoon soda Five Roses flour to roll stiff. SOUR CREAM COOKIES ( Eggless) 2 cups granulated sugar 2 cups sour cream 2 teaspoons soda (dissolved in hot water). % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Five Roses flour to make soft dough. Roll out, cut and bake in hot oven. Fine and economical when eggs are scarce. SOUR CREAM COOKIES (Eggless) | cup softened butter 1J cups sour cream 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon soda 4 cups Five Roses flour. Stir butter and sugar together. Add the cream, then the flour in which the salt and soda have been well sifted together. Add more flour if necessary. Keep mate¬ rials all cold while rolling out and the cookies will require less flour. COOKtES WITHOUT EGGS OR CREAM 1 cup sugar % cup butter 1 cup water 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda Flavour with nutmeg Five Roses flour to stiffen. DATE COOKIES (Oatmeal) 1 cup brown sugar \ cup shortening 2 cups Five Roses flour \ cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 tablespoon molasses. Roll Flavour cXot fBleoeJved -'cXot fBleuded Roll pastry very thin and cut with small cake cutter. Bake. When cool, spread with date filling and press two together in jam-jam style. FAVORITE COOKIES 2 cups sugar 1 cup (heaping) butter 2 eggs (well beaten) Nutmeg or other flavouring 1 cup sweet milk 3 cups Five Roses flour 2 teaspoons (rounded) baking powder. Cream together in a large bowl sugar and butter. Add the eggs well-beaten. Grate in a little nutmeg or use any other flavouring preferred. Gradually pour in the sweet milk and Five Roses flour which has been sifted 3 times with the baking powder. Roll out quite thin and use a small cutter (I could not get a small enough cutter and punched some holes in the bottom of a very small baking-powder can). Bake in rather quick oven, and let the cookies get cold and hard before putting away. These will keep good and remain crisp almost indefinitely, and therefore are good to make up in large batches. Note —Above recipe makes splendid lemon cookies by the simple addition of the rind and juice of 1 lemon, omitting all other flavouring. FRUIT COOKIES No. 1 1 cup raisins \\ cups brown sugar 1 cup shortening 1 egg (beaten) 4 tablespoons sweet milk 1 teaspoon baking soda Pinch of salt Five Roses flour Nutmeg or mixed spice. Seed and chop raisins finely, flour and set aside. Beat together sugar and short- ening (butter and lard mixed). When creamy, add beaten egg, sweet milk bak¬ ing soda, salt, and enough Five Roses flour to make a stiff batter. Add floured raisins with grated nutmeg (or mixed spice) and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Roll rather thin and bake in quick oven. [Filling the Cooky Jar] GINGER COOKIES 1 cup molasses * 1 tablespoon soda 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 tablespoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon vinegar Pinch of salt Five Roses flour to roll. Bring molasses to a scald and pour in soda dissolved in a little warm water. Pour while foaming over sugar, egg, ginger, cinnamon and salt beaten together. Then add vinegar and flour enough to roll stirred in as lightly as possible. HICKORY NUT COOKIES ^ cup butter 2 cup sugar \ cup milk 3 eggs (well beaten) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup hickory nuts (chopped) Five Roses flour to roll thin Quick oven. HONEY COOKIES 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup honey 1 teaspoon soda 1 tablespoon ginger 1 tablespoon cinnamon Five Roses flour to roll. SOFT HONEY CAKES 1 cup butter 2 cups honey 2 eggs 1 cup sour milk 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon 4 cups Five Roses flour. LEMON COOKIES 5 cents worth baking ammonia 5 cents worth oil of lemon 2 cups butter 2\ cups sugar 1 pint sweet milk (warmed) 3 eggs Five Roses flour to make soft dough. cXot ^Bleached ^cXot fBteiuied l jjjI WJ f/SPsi RRs V L:: c & Mtiw Sio&eA 9Tour #1 [Filling the Cooky Jar ] Beat together eggs, sugar and butter. Add oil of lemon, then baking ammonia dissolved in the warmed milk. Mix to a soft dough with Five Roses flour. Roll thin, and bake as other cookies. MOLASSES COOKIES (Eggless) 1 cup lard 2 cups molasses 1 teaspoon soda 1 dessertspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon spice Pinch of salt Five Roses flour to roll. MAPLE SUGAR COOKIES 1 cup sugar 1 cup maple sugar (crushed) 1 cup butter 2 eggs (well beaten) 2 tablespoons water 2 teaspoons baking powder Five Roses flour to make soft dough. OATMEAL COOKIES 3 cups oatmeal 1§ cups cream 2 eggs 2 cups sugar 1 cup lard 1 teaspoon soda Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon Essence of peppermint Five Roses flour. Soak the -oatmeal \ an hour in the cream. Add the eggs, sugar, lard, soda, salt and cinnamon. Flavor with essence of peppermint to taste. Roll out thin with Five Roses flour. Spread in tins and bake in moderate oven. Cut into squares while warm. Let stand in tin until cool, then lift out. PRIZE SUGAR COOKIES (At one of the fall fairs when there was a mixed competition of cookies made from all kinds of flour, this recipe with Five Roses flour took first prize. Leonard H. Bishop, Golden, B. C.) 2 cups sugar 1 cup butter 3 eggs \ cup milk 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cream of tartar Pinch of salt Five Roses flour to roll. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, then milk. Add enough flour to roll out, sifting soda, cream of tartar and salt into the flour. PEANUT COOKIES 1 cup peanuts (chopped not too fine) 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 2 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Five Roses flour to roll. Note —This will also make almond or walnut cookies by changing the nuts. TEN-EGG COOKIES 10 eggs 1 pound butter 2 pounds sugar 3 pounds Five Roses flour 1 nutmeg 1 tablespoon soda. If not stiff enough to roll, add more flour. They should be stiff enough not to run in the pan while baking. These will keep a long time. TRILBYS 4 cups rolled oats 2 cups Five Roses flour 1 cup (large) brown sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup butter or lard Buttermilk to moisten. Roll thin. Cut into small squares. Bake in quick oven. When cooked, put together with date dressing. cXot SBleoched ''cXot SUended [ 134 ] Ifvue ffioaea §Tkmr -/fi: % COFFEE SNAPS 2 cup molasses 2 cup sugar v cup lard and butter (mixed) 2 teaspoon soda dissolved in i cup strong coffee Five Roses flour to roll. Bake in quick oven. Roll thin and while warm put 2 together with jam or jelly. GINGER SNAPS WITHOUT EGGS (Without Eggs) “Like We Buy” 1 cup molasses 1 cup sugar 1 cup shortening (lard or butter) 1 teaspoon (heaping) soda 1 teaspoon (level) ginger 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup boiling water Five Roses flour to stiffen. Do not roll out. Pinch off pieces size of marbles and roll with hands. Place about 1 inch apart in pans and bake in moderate oven until right shade is obtained. Note on Ginger Snaps —If gingersnap dough be mixed at night and left standing in a cool place till morning, it can be handled far more easily and with less flour (especially when Five Roses is used) than in the usual way. Moreover, it utilizes the first oven heat. Ground ginger may be omitted, and finely chopped pre¬ served ginger used instead. RICH GINGER SNAPS 2 cups suger 2 cups molasses 2 eggs (well beaten) 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons ginger. Mix above ingredients and set pan on stove until contents are as hot as the finger can bear. Then add the following : 3 teaspoons soda dissolved in 2 tablespoons vinegar Five Roses flour to roll. [Filling the Cooky Jar ] Add the flour quickly and cut. Use only as much flour as is necessary and leave the pan in a warm place and take only part of the dough onto the board to roll at one time. Bake in very quick oven. GINGER SNAPS ('Without Shortening) 2 eggs 1 cup molasses 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons lemon extract 2 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 tablespoon ginger Five Roses flour to stiffen. Mix together and let stand \ hour. Then stiffen, roll and bake. These will suit people with delicate stomachs. GINGER BALLS l cup melted lard l cup sugar 1 cup light molasses 1 egg (beaten) 1 teaspoon cinnamon \ teaspoon cloves, ginger, and salt 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in 1 teaspoon hot water 3 cups Five Roses flour. Mould into balls, roll in granulated sugar and bake. FRUIT SNAPS \ cup milk 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon soda cups sugar \ cup molasses 3 eggs 1 cup raisins 1 cup currants 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspice. Five Roses to roll soft as can be cut. These snaps will keep several months when properly made— and safely hidden . cXot SleacKed ^cKot tended U35] HUO.K CO K* O' Ifvve Slopes If lo u r '■•‘•y/. ::: =••■ :’,'Vv./fc';$v:;; •.•Vv-.-.y. : ;•• ... ■■•■ : [Fitting the Cooky Jar ] LEMON SNAPS Juice of 2 lemons and grated rind of 1 cup sugar cup butter egg teaspoons milk teaspoon soda teaspoon cream of tartar Five Roses flour to make rather stiff. Roll out thin and cut. Bake in fairly hot oven. SUGAR SNAPS 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 4 cups Five Roses flour 1 egg If teaspoons baking powder. m ofTHe W* *\iV UN Itive roses! fe Vv ^>-' 0BA M jc. •Vl 96 >^.^ Jf 'LIVERY time you fold and butter a pastry dough, every time you roll it, you add an extra flake. When the heat expands the cold air between the buttered flakes, each layer puffs and springs in the oven. This is how puff paste is made. Because Five Roses flour has elasticity to spare, you can fold and roll your pastry much thinner without snapping. Because Five Roses resists fat absorption, your pastry is never soggy, nor do the layers stick together—the shortening acts as an impenetrable coating between the flakes. Because Five Roses is ground to a uniform fineness, your pastry puffs evenly in the oven, and you get that even flakiness of texture so much desired—thin as tissue paper. If you really desire crisp, melting pie crust with that nutty flavor peculiar to Manitoba wheat kernels alone, follow the lead of the best pastry makers in Canada. Follow their recipes. Use Five Roses flour. 1 136 \ c^ot SBleoeked x cWot ^Blended ■’Maw'- Ifive Sio&ea zfUrur CATSUP PICKLES SAUCES SALADS CRAB APPLE CATSUP Scald crab apples and put through col¬ ander. Take 8 pounds crab apples, 3 cups sugar, 3 cups weak vinegar, 1 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 tablespoon salt. Boil until it is like jam. TOMATO CATSUP One peck ripe tomatoes, 6 onions, Boil together till done, then put through, colander. Add | ounce allspice, \ ounce cloves, ^ ounce ginger, 1 ounce black pepper, 4 ounces salt, 4 ounces mustard, 1 pound sugar (brown), 1 quart cider vine¬ gar, 2 or 3 red peppers. Boil 1J hours. CORN RELISH One dozen com (evergreen or sweet com), 1 small cabbage, 2 large red peppers, | pound mustard, 3 pints white vinegar, 3 cups granulated sugar, § cup salt, 2 tablespoons celery seed. Boil 30 minutes and can hot. HORSERADISH SAUCE Put \ pint of milk or cream in double boiler. Rub together a tablespoon cotto- lene, lard or butter, and 1 even table¬ spoon Five Roses flour. Stir into boiling milk, add 1 ounce young horseradish finely grated, \ teaspoon salt and \ tea¬ spoon sugar. Nice with boiled, fresh or salted meat. CHOW-CHOW One bushel green tomatoes, 2 dozen onions, 2 cups salt. Chop finely and let stand over night. Drain and boil in weak vinegar 2 hours, then drain again. Make a syrup of 8 pounds brown sugar, 2 table¬ spoons each of cloves, cinnamon and all¬ spice, 1 teaspoon black pepper, \ teaspoon cayenne pepper, 3 quarts vinegar. Let boil, then pour over the tomatoes. TOMATO RELISH (Not Cooked ) One peck ripe tomatoes chopped finely and drain overnight, 2 cups chopped celery, 4 large onions, 2 peppers cut finely, 3 cups sugar, 2 ounces white mustard seed, 1 quart good vinegar. Put in sealers with¬ out cooking. PURPLE CABBAGE PICKLE * Chop finely 1 gallon purple cabbage. Add \ cup salt, and then put in stone jar. Over this pour ^ boiling water, cover and let Stand until cold. Drain well through a cloth. Again pour over with boiling water and drain as before. Add 1 cup grated horseradish, and over this 2 quarts boiling vinegar to which have been added 2 cups sugar. Cover and let stand until cold. CUCUMBER PICKLES Nine green cucumbers and 4 onions chopped finely. Let stand 3 hours in brine. Drain cucumber out of brine, add the following dressing and boil 2 or 3 minutes. DRESSING One-half cup Five Roses flour, \ cup sugar, 2 tablespoons mustard, a little cayenne pepper, 1 tablespoon celery seed, pinch of salt, nearly 1 quart of vinegar. FRENCH PICKLES Two quarts cucumbers, 1 quart onions, 1 small head of cabbage, 1 small head of cauliflower, 2 bunches of celery. Add green peppers to taste. Cut all in small pieces, but do not chop finely. Sprinkle with salt, let stand 2 hours, then drain. Scald in equal parts vinegar and water, and then remove from this. Make a paste of 2 cups sugar, 5 tablespoons mustard, 1 cup Five Roses flour, \ gallon vinegar. Boil this until it comes to a paste, and then pour over the pickles. HOW TO CAN GREEN CORN No. 1 Nine cups of corn cut from cob, 1 cup sugar, \ cup salt, 1 pint hot water. Boil 5 minutes, put in scalded cans and seal at once. When ready to use, drain off all liquid, rinse in cold water, set where it will heat gradually, then boil 5 minutes. Drain again, then season. Xot £Bl eached 'cXot Sleuded 1 137 \ ■miS - - - 9we JRo&ca §Fkmr [Co/su/>, Pickles, Sauces, Salads ] HOW TO CAN GREEN CORN No. 2 Cut ripe sweet corn from the cobs and pack in glass jars, pressing the corn down as tightly as possible. A little wooden mallet that exactly fits the jar is useful to press it down with. To each quart can, add 1 teaspoon salt. Place the cans in a wash boiler, on the bottom of which has been placed a thick folded cotton cloth. Have the covers of the cans screwed down very tightly. Fill the wash boiler to the neck of the cans with cold water, cover and let boil for 3 hours and a half. Take cans out and screw down air¬ tight. When cool, set in the cellar and you have lovely sweet corn all winter for all purposes. I have tested this several times and never had one can spoil yet. — Mrs . H. J. B., Craighurst, Ont. CANNED BEETS Boil the beets till tender, drop in cold water, remove and skin. If too large for jars, cut lengthwise in halves or quarters. Warm the jar and, as fast as the beets are skinned, drop them in until the jar is nearly full. To 1 pint vinegar add 2 cups sugar, set on stove and let come to a boil. While boiling, pour over the beets until the jar is running over. Drop in a few cloves and allspice, then seal. APPLE SALAD Chop an equal quantity of apples and cabbage and stir into them a cream dress¬ ing. The juice of the apples will greatly dilute the dressing, so do not use too much. The apples should be chopped only a short time before using. A few minced nut meats sprinkled over the top are a pleasing addition. CREAM DRESSING One cup cream, J cup vinegar, 1 tea¬ spoon mustard, pinch of salt and a dash of pepper. BEET SALAD Boil 6 beets and chop finely 1 head of celery, add pepper and salt. DRESSING One half cup white sugar, 2 teaspoons mustard, 1 cup vinegar, 1 egg, a little butter and salt. CABBAGE SALAD One quart cabbage cut finely, 1J cups vinegar, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 egg, 1 tea¬ spoon butter, * cup Five Roses flour, \ cup sugar. Boil all together until thick, then add cabbage. FRENCH SALAD To 1 pint canned peas add 1 pint celery cut finely, ^ cup walnuts chopped finely, % cup chopped orange. Serve with may¬ onnaise dressing on shredded lettuce. IRISH POTATO SALAD Boil 6 potatoes until very soft, peel and mash. While hot, season to taste with salt, pepper and spice, and add 1 teaspoon butter. Boil 2 eggs and dissolve the yolks in 2 tablespoons vinegar. Pour over po¬ tatoes and mix well. Put in dish, slice the egg whites and put over potatoes. POTATO SALAD DRESSING Two eggs, butter size of egg, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 tablespoon cornstarch or Five Roses flour, 2 cups water, 1 cup vinegar. When cold, add sour cream. Let cool before adding the eggs. SALAD DRESSING No. 1 Four eggs (beaten separately), 2 even tablespoons mustard, 4 tablespoons white sugar, 4 tablespoons butter, *| cup vinegar, dash of cayenne pepper and salt. Mix well together butter, sugar, mustard, salt. Add beaten yolks of eggs. Stir in vinegar and beat well. Cook in double boiler till soft like custard. When done, add whites of eggs well beaten. When ready to serve, add cream. SALAD DRESSING No. 2 One-half cup sour cream, 1 cup vine¬ gar, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon Five Roses cXot Steadied ^cXot Stended flour, 1 egg, 2 teaspoons mustard. Cook well together. MAYONNAISE DRESSING Blend the yolks of 2 raw eggs with 1 teaspoon of mustard, pinch of salt and a [Catsup, Pickles, Sauces, Salads] dash of paprika. Add slowly a few drops of olive oil, stirring rapidly, then more at a time. When thick, add a little vinegar or lemon juice, then more oil and vinegar until \ a cup of oil and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and the same of vinegar have been used. <$> <3> O SOME OLD HOME FAVOURITES HOME-MADE BAKING POWDER No. 1 \ pound tartaric acid ^ pound best baking soda 1 quart Five Roses flour. Procure the first two ingredients from a trustworthy druggist. Sift the three in¬ gredients thoroughly together as many as half a dozen times, and put the powder in air-tight cans or bottles, excluding the light. Use an even instead of a heaping teaspoon ordinary baking powder. This recipe has been tried four years by — Mrs . John Jones, Surge Narrows, B.C. HOME-MADE BAKING POWDER No. 2 8^ ounces cream of tartar 4 ounces of soda 2 ounces cornstarch. Best quality of each should be pur¬ chased. Sift all together at least a dozen times, the last time into baking powder tins. Seal up all cracks by pasting strips of paper over them. About one half as much of this is required as of the average powder sold. The cornstarch is added to take up the moisture and keep the powder dry. —Miss Ruth Aykroyd, Kingston, Ont CORN VINEGAR Cut off cob 1 pint of corn. Take 1 pint brown sugar or molasses to a gallon of rain water and add the corn. Put in jar, cover with thin cloth and set in sun. In 3 weeks it will be vinegar. — Mrs. J. H., Orangeville, Ont EGG OMELETTE (For Six) Six eggs beaten separately. Mix in with the yolks 1 cup of milk in which 6 teaspoons cornstarch have been blended, and season with \ teaspoon salt. Fold the whites in lightly and turn in hot fry¬ ing pan, in which 1 tablespoon butter has been placed. Let it set nicely in bottom, and when nearly done set in oven to brown. Fold over and serve. PICKLE FOR CORNING MEAT Four pounds coarse salt, 8 quarts water, 2 pounds brown sugar, 1 ounce saltpetre. Stir till dissolved, boil and skim. Let cool before pouring over meat. Turn the meat every day for a week. During the summer this may be boiled with an addition of a cup of salt and sugar. A plate or flat stone should be used to keep the meat beneath the pickle. Apply the above recipe to each 100 pounds of meat. Repeat the application 3 times for hams and shoulders, and twice for bacon, rubbing in well. The meat should be cured in 3 weeks. SUMMER BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Take equal parts of beef, pork and breadcrumbs. Fresh pork, salted pork or bacon may be used. Put all through the mincing machine. Season with salt and pepper. Beat up an egg and add to the mixture. cXot ffileaeked '"cXot 5Bleiuied [ wl O' Sr efvve Sloped §Tlmi4* [Some OZd Home Favourites ] Press into a firm roll, tie in a thickly floured cloth, plunge into boiling water and cook for 2 \ hours. Turn out when cooked, and drain. Nice cold or hot. —Afrs. R. A . Sim, Rathmullen, Sash. POTATO PUFFS Take 2 cups mashed potatoes and stir in 2 tablespoons melted butter. Beat to cream, and add 2 eggs beaten very light, 1 teacup milk or cream and salt to taste. Bake in deep dish in quick oven till nicely browned. POTATO SCALLOP Take a deep baker and put on top of stove with a little butter in it. Slice 1 small onion in it and let it fry a few min¬ utes. Take it from the stove and put 6 potatoes sliced thin in the pan in layers, putting pepper, salt and a little butter on each layer. Sprinkle a few breadcrumbs on top and pour § pint of milk over all. Bake in moderate oven 1 hour. —Miss Grace Jackson, North Sydney, N.S . EGG PRESERVATIVE 1 pint salt. 2 pints fresh lime. 3 gallons cold water. Mix well, giving it 2 days to dissolve, stirring often. Pour off the liquid after the lime settles. Put in the eggs without cracking shell, and keep covered with brine. If brine falls short, make more in same way and add to the eggs. Do not put the eggs in a wooden vessel. Get a stone of lime, slack with boiling water, then measure the lime for eggs. This will cover 14 dozen eggs. I have used this formula for years and my eggs are as good the next spring as when I put them away. I always put up my eggs for the winter in May when they are cheapest. — Mrs. A. L. Hornby, Gilbert Plains, Man. STICKFAST PASTE (Will Keep Twelve Months) Always handy, inexpensive, and when dry can readily be softened with water. Dissolve 1 ounce of alum in a quart of water. When cold, add as much Five Roses flour as will make it of the consist¬ ency of cream. Then add a thimbleful of resin and 2 or 3 cloves. Boil to right consistency, stirring all the time. i * 4 *>] TTELP the cause of better baking. -*• •*- Make housekeeping easier for your friends by telling them how to get a copy of the FIVE POSES cook book. For coupons and instructions, see be¬ ginning of book. cXot fBleacked 'cNot fBleuded FOR ADDITIONAL RECIPES ® \14l 1 cXot £Blecusl»*ui 'cXot fBteiuled r FOR ADDITIONAL RECIPES <$> ❖ & CJVIK Dark Fruit Cake Recipe J4 cup shortening, % cup *S3K % cup seeded raisms (cut in pieces) % cun inuthir^itK CU i I> cilrons Sliced 3" * cup molasses, elao e ®fp° 0n lemon extract, 2 eggs /g cup milk, 2 cups flour J? teaspoon soda, y* teaspoon cinnamon, % teaspoon allspice cloves aSP ° 0n mace ’ 1/4 teas P°on ,.,^ am i he short ening, add the sugar and cream together Add Add molasses mixed with soda. Dredge the fruit m some of the flour. crofhi 1 th ^ d JT ingredients to- thl t r it nd 3? dd alternately with i£hh ^ k i* Fold in the fruit and add the lemon extract. Bake in deep cake pan one and one- quarter hours in slow oven. Ap¬ proximate weight and cost is 2 lbs. — 46 cents. Mince Meat Fruit Cake Fruit Cake /QZ> (Makes nto ■>v 2 lb. taker) I Three cups flour, 1 tsu bak- j.ng powder, V, ,sp. cloves v; I tsp. cinnamon, % tsn. niaco 1 I shortening, iy> cups brown* sugar Ls«>« ■*« 1 o, P MS l cherries, 2 cups chopped figs 2 11/3 cups each ' oi candjed citron orange and lemon \ CU P hon fy. * cup mo- in- ’i '* CUp cider ox - orange X&AF '* •* Sift flour, baking powder and spices together three times. Cream 1 ±* ten ' n « thoroughly, add sugar giadually, creaming together till S' r," «" «S <™«" peel, honey, molasses and cider or Add dr -v ingredients gi adually Turn the mixture into l wo P^ns 8x8x2 inches, which have been lined with three thick¬ nesses of heavy greased paper Bake at 250 degrees 3ti hourip 1 FIGHT FRUIT CAKK right, attractive contrast of rP d r | 1 r,,Prr ’ M ""*» 1 1 r " P hu'tcr (part *Wtp n in£) h cups) •cedlc raisins ***. citron prc| - 1 ih- ainionds 2'P * ,ac « or veil. , te: :; ,p " * ,7 !f d Rohm ,00 '. v 'lnmin En- rirhed Flour teaspoon linking Powder P teaspoon sail { ,ea *Poon vanilla teaspoon alniond extract f teaspoon, rose w teaspoon erated ) e . 11' r,n 4 4 r eg P ; * raBl *lated 114 takle.poona lemon ; two and then baked in slow oven until done. This insures thorough baking and less dan¬ ger of burning. Fruit cakes improve with age. Store in air-tight tin box and keep in a cool place. A few sound apples placed in container when cake is stored will help keep the cake moist (Watch apples to see that they do not begin to decay or shrivel.) For fruit cakes, tasteless vegetable or animal fats pro¬ duce just as good results as butter. Measure hutipr • # , j,,i ™ «Tit \H »“»i tewSrJ® Com hi ne 14 r , ln _r •md nul, in | )ow , Mix"iinti 1*^ ""*? " ,r;,, "rcd fin U r with f * ’ hnking 7wdc r r U ;U^ te« firaduflllv’.dd ""Ijlr rlufry - *' W f,a ‘'»° F / i ^}Y 2 i, .° uM ^° r (2 H Imi,r * r ° r ^edium-sw r^i Bat a”275° 3 ‘'-"-tat '^u?2 S '- e f ' ■ (s,ow °'en) f„r 2 l/ t 2 ,nr,, c« dee r REGISTERED