PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY BY Mr. Henry Birks #. Jft.iiirit* Inuun' St.lmw McGILL UNIVER¬ SITY^ LIBRARY Cjje ©tstfatton of i>orfesJnre In 1S84/5 and 1612 _ flUtettatton 9 OF YORKSHIRE, made in the Years 1584/5, BY Eobert blotter, Somerset ^eralD; TO WHICH IS ADDED The subsequent Ifisitation made m 1612 , BY EicbatO ^>t. George, jftorrop Etng of arms, WITH SEVERAL ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES, INCLUDING "TheArms taken out op Churches and Houses at Yorkshire Visitation, <|0 1584/S/' ‘ Sir William Fayrfax’ Booke of Arms,” and other Heraldic Lists, with Copious Indices. EDITED BY JOSEPH FOSTER, Compile of the Yorkshire and Lancashire Collection of Pedigrees, and also Editor of the Lincolnshire Collection . PRIVATELY PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR, JOSEPH FOSTER, 21, BOUNDARY ROAD, ST. JOHN'S WOOD, LONDON, N.W. LONDON PRINTED BY HENRY BLACKLOCK AND COMPANY, ALLEN STREET, GOSWELL ROAD, E.C. preface* T HAT a private person ventures to publish so comprehensive a volume of Heraldic Visitations may to some be a matter for surprise ; but, although this work does not bear the “Imprimatur,” carry the distinctive badge, nor wear the livery of any of the Societies whose labours are directed to this and kindred objects, yet I trust it may be received with favour, and obtain a cordial welcome. Doubtless, the Surtees Society has long had Flower’s Visitation of 1584 on its list of future volumes ; and did actually print, in the year 1859, Sir William Dugdale’s Visitation and, in the year 1863, that of Tongej but we are now almost at the end of 1873, and some half-dozen volumes have been ordered to be prepared, amongst which no Visitation of Yorkshire is included. At this rate, some forty years might have elapsed before the three remaining Visitations, if left to that Society, were in print. It should be observed that the Surtees Society, from the very scope and design of its foundation, cannot confine itself to heraldry and genealogy. It prints volumes of wills, charters, surveys, biographies, English diaries, Latin missals, and Anglo-Saxon gospels. While I cheerfully recognise the value of its various volumes, I feel convinced that it cannot, with any justice, complain of me for undertaking to edit and publish these Visitations. That Society has not, does not pretend to have, and ought not to have, any monopoly or exclusive right and privilege of casting light upon the past $ nor is it the sole caterer for the antiquarian tastes and predilections of the archaeologists and gentry of the North of England. Witness the publications and proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries at Newcastle, the Yorkshire Architectural Society, the Sheffield Archaeological Society, the Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Association, the Antiquarian Society for Westmore¬ land and Cumberland, and—last, but not least—of the Cheetham Society! 458841 VI PREFACE. There is another Society on whose prerogative I may, with greater show of reason, appear to be trenching ; one which does not confine itself, like the Surtees, to the limits of the ancient Northumbria, but has been instituted for the publication of inedited manuscripts relating to genealogy, family history, and heraldry.” I allude to the more recent Harleian Society, to whose activity eight goodly volumes of Heraldic Visitations, and Sir Peter le Neve’s Book of Knights, do such ample credit. But as nine other volumes are now being edited, amongst which no Visitation of Yorkshire is to be found, it seemed to me that I could not fairly be accused of trespassing, and poaching on the special domain of the Harleian Society, if I gratified the wish of many Yorkshire friends, and undertook to edit for them, at my own cost and charges, the work for which they must otherwise have waited a good many years. So far as I am aware, no Editor of any Heraldic Visitation has made any statement, or indulged in any critical disquisition, as to the amount of reliance which may confidently be placed on the correctness of the pedigrees entered in it. It is, indeed, self-evident, that each Editor has considered his particular manuscript—after all possible deductions on the score of mistake—as containing valuable matter, and worthy of being printed ; and so I confidently affirm these to be. I should estimate their value at a very high rate. Indeed, if Mr. Longstaffe were right in designating Tonge’s Visi¬ tation, “ the very key-stone of Durham and Yorkshire genealogy,” I think I should be justified in styling these, “ the head-stone of the comer, the apex, the ' couronnement de Vedifice ,' 1 ” of the genealo¬ gical superstructure. At the same time I would venture to speak a word of caution as to all Visitations, however full and suggestive, and well worth having. I believe the highest authorities will join with me in saying that they are far from infallible records ; that implicit reliance cannot be placed on them, except, perhaps , for the latest three or four generations ; and that the ignorance of the gentry as to the maiden names of their grandmothers, and, much more, of their sisters-in-law, was often most astonishing. 1 Where a family had produced its own genealogist —like those of Fairfax, Gascoigne, Rokeby, Fitzwilliam, Nevile, and Elmhirst—little remained for the herald to do. Where the family muniments had to be inspected, much would depend on the temper, patience, and conscientious professional feeling of Norroy and his Deputy. Along ride over bad roads, over “ many a wild moor and rugged valley,” 2 and an appetite sharpened by the keen east wind, would not conduce to careful research into the records of a former age. The Herald would rather wish to enjoy " the fleeting J "It in curious to observe (says Mr. Hunter) how little accuracy there sometimes is in famine* respecting their own descent, and how liable the genealogist is to be misled when he trtift to oral information, unsupported by documentary evidence ."—Hunters Deantrv of Donautirr , vol. it,, p. 413, note. * J a Davies’ Preface to Dugdale's Visitation, 1665. Ed. Surtees Society. PREFACE. vii present,” and get through his official duties in a perfunctory manner, in order to proceed as expeditiously as possible to the hospitable board that awaited him, or retire to “ take his ease ” in his inn. In many cases, although the persons whose names form a long “back-bone” pedigree have left their foot-prints elsewhere, solidly marked in contemporary charter evidence, yet the line of succession is often far from being correct. Frequently the nephew succeeded his uncle, and not the son his father ; while the name of the younger brother, who never came to the estate, and had no land to deal with, remains utterly unknown. The Heralds seemed to take it for granted that every valiant Knight or Squire, whose marriage articles they had perused, must necessarily become a father ; and, without taking the pains of consulting the Inquisitiones post mortem , they frequently jumped to the conclusion that his successor was his son. The Historian of the County of Durham 1 has well described— * * A dusty heap Of ancient legers, books of evidence, Old blazoned pedigrees, and antique rolls, (Which made full oft the son beget the father, And give to maiden ladies fruitful issue), Tom parish registers, probates, and testaments— From which, with cunning art and sage contriv ance, He fairly culled divers pedigrees." Some Elizabethan pedigrees are worth little more than the paper on which they are written, while others are models of critical skill and tact. 2 It should be observed that where the same considerable landed estates have not been “ restless,” but have continued in one family, there the descent can be proved and elaborated from our public records. Of the great value of Wills as illustrating pedigree, it is unnecessary for me to speak. The “ Testamenta Vetusta ” of Mr. Nichols led the way; and Mr. Hunter was the next to point to their extreme importance, not only for genealogy, but for “ topogra¬ phical, historical, biographical, and literary ” information. The remarks in the Preface to the Second Volume of the “ Deanery of Doncaster ” induced the Council of the Surtees 3 Society to turn their attention this way ; and that Society’s Second Volume (to be followed by Volumes iv., xxvi., xxx., xxxviii., xlv., and liii., with power to add to their number) was the result. I must now turn from Visitations in general to speak of those which are now for the first time given to the public. This Volume comprises, as its title-page denotes, the Visitation of Yorkshire made by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald —as Deputy to William Flower, Norroy King of Arms —in the years 1584 and 1 Life of Surtees, Surtees Society, vol. xx'v., p. 273. 2 “ In these descents I follow the Book of Chevet; but they vary materially from Glover’s great pedigree of Bosvile, on which, however, I do not place much reliance.”— Hunter , vol. ii., p. 393, note. 3 Preface, vol. ii., Surtees Society, 1835. PREFACE. viii I $85, and also the Visitation made by Richard St. George, Norroy King of Arms , in the year 1612. The Pedigrees recorded by Glover are here reprinted from a manuscript volume in the collection of the British Museum press mark, Additional 18,011, collated with Harl. MSS. 1394* T 5 > anc * 1487, &c. This volume—a fine folio—was the property of Sylvanus Morgan, of London, arms painter (see Pedigree, p. 627), and from him it came into the possession of his grandson, Edmund Pickering ( see Pedi¬ gree, p. 630), the son of Edmund Pickering, also an arms painter, and from the pencil notes it would seem to have passed to Thomas Lloyd, a wine merchant of St. James’, about the middle of the last century, and was ultimately purchased u at Rodd’s sale, in February, 1850,” by the Trustees of the British Museum. It would seem to have been transcribed by some very ordinary copyist—one almost entirelv ignorant of the character of his work—as there are repeated blunders which the merest tyro in genealogy could scarcely com¬ mit 5 but they are so obvious and so palpable as to be easily detected. The chief merit of the volume, however, is that it is almost a facsimile—almost identical, page for page, in its contents— of the copy now. at the College of Arms. It includes all the various Charters, &c., which are in that copy, and are to be found in no other MS. in the British Museum, and it may be considered as even more com¬ plete than it, inasmuch as it contains all the Church Notes, which, so far as I know, are not to be found in any of the records 1 of the College of Arms. These are the principal reasons which have led me to adopt MS. 18,011 as the text-book for this work ; and to insure general accuracy, I have collated it with the MSS. before enumerated, together with others, which the several notes to the pedigrees indicate. In cases of manifest error, either of the copyist, or in the pedigrees themselves, I have put the correct reading in italics, generally giving the authority in a foot-note reference; but, where no such reference is given, it may be inferred that the addition or correction has been made from MS. 1487, which, as I shall presently state, I have made my text-book for the Visitation of 1612. I have not adopted the time-honoured plan of reprinting a MS. precisely as it has been transcribed, merely for the sake of recording the peculiarities, if not the ignorance, of the Scribe. I fail altogether to comprehend the advantages to be derived from perpetuating mis¬ spelling (especially of the names of places), which was often prompted only by an untutored ear, unaccustomed to the peculiar pronunciation 1 The original copy of Glover s Visitation was purloined from the College, and the volume now in use, presented to the authorities by Henry Slingsby, of Kippax, Yorkshire (Master of the Mint to K. Charles II.), son and heir of Sir William Slingsby, bears on its title-page the follow¬ ing note : “ This coppie agrees leafe with leafe with the Visitation Booke Sir Richard St. George lent his man to coppie out, 1625, the first yeare of King Charles, now in the hands of Collonel Thomas Talbot, Esq., living in London. Dated this 4 of September, 1660.” PREFACE. i& of the North. Bat I do know—and I cannot but express my regret at the prevalence of the practice—how faithfully, and, I contend, use¬ lessly, even mischievously, these misnomers (for they eventually become so) are reproduced in modern works, in the firm belief that they are the accepted forms of spelling in the present day. Hereafter the names of places in modern works of topography may have to be followed with as much labour as that which Dr. Edward Robinson bestowed on the names of places in Palestine and the Holy Land. The Church Notes are so very rudely executed in MS. 18,011 that it was thought preferable to adopt for the text Harl. MS. 1394, where they are very neatly and, I believe, very accurately tricked. They are also to be found in Harl. MS. 1420. Those pedigrees recorded by Flower himself in 1584/5, and which were also entered at St. George’s Visitation in 1612, are here incorpo¬ rated, the additions (or 1612 pedigree), with few exceptions, 1 being made in italics. They have been taken from Harl. MS. 1487, so well known as the handiwork of John Withie, of London, arms painter. This volume is the only one in the British Museum, and, indeed, I imagine, the only one outside the College of Arms, in which any record of St. George’s Visitation is to be found. Curiously enough, it contains certain Pedigrees not to be found in the Heralds’ College copy, e.g., Rudston, of Hayton, Arthington, of Castley, Anne, of Frickley, Pinkeney, of Silton Paynell, Cooper, of Risgarth, &c. These Pedigrees, not all of humbler and newer families—recorded only in 1612—commence on page 483, and end at page 593, of this work. I have included some additional Pedigrees, which can hardly fail to be of interest, as rendering this collection of Yorkshire genealogy more complete, among them those recorded by Tonge, and not included by Glover. That of the Lords Eure (pp. 607-617) will be found very full, and for it I am, to a considerable extent, indebted to John H. Mathews, Esq., of Lincoln’s Inn. To all these I have added, at the foot of each Pedigree, the references to the various MSS. in the British Museum, in which they are to be found, taken with some exceptions (MSS. 18,011, 6070, 157and 2118) from the index compiled by Mr. Sims, and now, I believe, out of print, which will be of considerable assistance to any¬ one making a search. I conclude the work by reprinting from MS. 1394 “ Sir Wm. Fayr- fax’ booke of armes,” pp. 638 to 650, thus including, I believe, all the contemporary (1584/5 to 1612) genealogy and heraldry relating to Yorkshire in the British Museum. The contents, indices of matches and arms, will, I am sure, render the work of much greater value to the practical genealogist. After this statement of the sources whence the materials for this work have been drawn, it remains my duty to mention and thank 1 A special note is made to each Pedigree where the above arrangement is reversed—the Visitation of 1585 being in italic, and 1612 in roman type. x PREFACE. those gentlemen who have been my helpers and supporters m this protracted and laborious undertaking. , , , p-j „_j First, then, the public and myself are greatly indebted to Edward Bellasis, Esq., Bluemantle, Pursuivant of Arms, for his unvane courtes; in allowing me to clear up doubtful points, «they occurred and to compare my proof-sheets with the copy in the College of Arms. This kindness is the more appreciable in respect ot the Visitation of 1612, which, without this revision, would have been tar from complete. It is, however, right to state, that the Heralds College copy contains numerous charters, church notes, and gran s of arms, which do not appear in this volume, or elsewhere. I am hardly less indebted to the Rev. Charles Best Norcliffe, M.A., of York, on whose accuracy, and on whose assistance, I can always confidently rely. With his usual readiness to help, Mr. Norcliffe has obligingly revised for me the whole of the proof-sheets, and compared them with his own numerous extracts from a copy of the Visitation of 1 c8< (now in the library of the Dean and Chapter of Durham), and with a valuable contemporary manuscript copy of Harvey s Visitation of Yorkshire taken in the year 1564, which has long been in the pos¬ session of his family. This interesting folio will, I trust ere long be printed and given to the public, thus making the series of Visitations of Yorkshire complete. _ ., , To my valued friend, Charles Jackson, Esq., of Balby, my best thanks are due also for correcting all the proof-sheets with his cha¬ racteristic generosity and ability. I may truly say that to the assistance I have received I attribute all the merit of this work, if any merit there be. As to this last point, I humbly venture to think the Public will bestow a favourable Verdict. Should the work be condemned, on any ground, it will certainly not be for lack of determination to be as accurate as possible, regardless of trouble ; and therefore I trust the best Judges will accord me a lenient sentence. _ __ JOSEPH FOSTER. 21, Boundary Road, November, 1875. L-fc CONTENTS. PAGE Preface .5 to io List of Pedigrees .n to 18 Pedigrees recorded at the Visitation in the year 1584 .1 to 246 Pedigrees recorded at the Visitation in the year 1585 247 10387, 408 to 415 Evrewic Scire, ex libro vocato Domes¬ day . 14, 15 Clamores de Evrewic Scire ... ... 16 Nomina Villarum et Terrarum infra Richmondescire . 16 to 20 Carta Domini Rogeri, Eboracensis Archiepiscopi, de Militibus suis Feofatis ... ... 21 Nomina autem Feofatorum de tem¬ pore Regis Henrici.21 Post Mortem vero Regis Henrici Feo- fati sunt .22 Carta Domini Henrici Dunhelmensis Episcopi . ' ... 22 Carta de Feodis Rogeri de Moubrai 23 Carta Stephani, filii Hereberti Came- rarii.23 ,, Henrici de Laci . 23 ,, Willielmi de Perci . 24 ,, Amfridi de Canci ..25 ,, Willielmi de Vesci . 25 ,, Bertrami de Bolemer per Davi- dum Lardinarium . 25 „ Roberti de Stutevill . 26 ,, Willielmi Paganelli . 26 Carta de Feodo de Scipton quod tenet Alexander, filius Gerini . 26 Carta Feodorum Everardi de Ros ... 27 „ Roberti de Gant . 27 ,, Ranulphi, filii Waited ... 27 ,, Militum Honoris de Wartre ... 28 Liber Rubeus, temp. H. II. 28 ,, ,, temp. R. 1 . 29 ,, ,, temp. John . 30 ,, ,, temp. H. III. ... 32 N omina habentia quodraginta libratas terrae in Comitatu Eboracensi ... 33 Preceptum vicecomiti quod Milites, scutiferi, &c., sint parati ad proficis- cendum contra Scotos (28 Edw. I.) 33 Preceptum vicecomiti quod Milites sint ad Westmonasterium (17 Edw. II.) . 35 Responsio Rogeri de Somervill, vice- comitis .35 Nomina Militum de Comitatu Ebora¬ censi .35 Nomina Hominum ad Anna in Comi¬ tatu Eboracensi .36 Seals :— York City .48 Beverley .49 Hedon .50 Kingston-upon-Hull .140 Pontefract .311 Doncaster .354 “ Those reputed to be gentlemen in each Wapentake, and summoned to appear and enter their pedigree ” 388 Kalendarium omnium Justiciarorum Pacis, Coronatorum, Balivorum libertatum Wapentagium, &c. ... 394 Liberi tenentes 1584.396 Nomina et Arma Equitum qui cum Edwardo primo, Rege, stipendia merebant in Scotia et alibi ... 400 Warrant to the Chief Bailiff to summon all Knights, Esquires, and Gentlemen to appear before Norroy, &c.406 A Proclamation of such as are to be denounced ignoble, &c.406 Letter to be sent with the [above] Proclamation .407 A Precept for the Appearance before the Earl Marshall of England upon Contempt .407 Pedigrees .408 to 415 Remarks on the descent of the Kings of England from Adam, by Henry Slingsby .416 Armes taken out of Churches and Houses in Yorkshire Visitation, a 0 1584. In the Church of Allerton.432 In the house of Sir Richard Male- verer, of Allerton.433 In the Ch. of Annesley, co. Notts 454 In the house of Mr. Aske.441 In the Church of Aske .441 ,, ,, Aston .417 ,, ,, Barrowby, co. Line. 459 ,, ,, Barwick, in Elmete 453 In the Minster of Beverley ... 444 In the Ch. of St. Marie’s, Beverley 444 In Beverley Town Hall .444 CONTENTS. In the Ch. of Bolton Percy. PAGE 424, 438 Brandesburton ... 446 North Cave... ... 440 South Cave... ••• 439 n j # Crathome ... ... 449 tt ft Easingwold... ... 450 tt ft Ellerker ... 440 Ellerton ... 441 Escrick ... 436 Estrington ... ••• 443 Flawforthe, co. Notts 454 In the house of Mr. Vavasour, of Haselwood .450 In the Chapel within the house at Haselwood, at Mr. Vavasour’s 450 In the Church of Helmesley, or Hamlake ... 448 ,, ,, Hemingburgh ... 436 ,, ,, Hemsworth ... 422 In a paynted scocheon, in Heydon 446 In the Church of Howden ... 438 In Trinity Chapel, Hull.444 In the Ch. of Kirkby Misperton ... 448 ,, ,, Killam ... ... 444 ,, ,, Langar, co. Notts. 457 In the house of Mr. Gascoigne, at Lasingcroft .453 In the Church of Lockington ... 442 ,, ,, Malton.447 In the house of Mr. Thwaytes, of Marston . ... ... 454 In the Ch. of Newton-upon-Ouse 433 Nostell .423 Nun Monkton ... 433 Pocklington ... 435 Rodington, co. Notts 454 Rotherham.418 In the house of Mr. Percy, als . Percehay, of Ryton .447 In the Church of Scorborough ... 443 In the house of Sir Henry Gates, at Seamer... ... ... ... 447 In Selby Abbey Church .423 In the Church of Sezay, or Sessay 443 ,, ,, Sheffield ... 417 ,, ,, Sheriff Hutton... 434 In a glasse windowe at the bridge foot of Stamford.459 In the Church of Stokesley, in Cleveland Sutton, in demess Swyne, in demess Thirske... Thrybergh Hol- Hoil 449 445 445 449 416 Tithby, co. Notts. 455 In the Church of Wadsworth ... 450 ,, ,, WhattonCopotts 457 In the house of Mr. Cranmere, of Whatton. 459 In the Church of Whenby ... 434 In the Manor House of Wyverton, in the Chapel .45^ In the Town Hall of York ... 435 In Yorke Mynster.4 2 $ In St. Sampson’s, York.431 In Christ Church, York .431 In St. Martyn’s, in Coney Street... 431 ,, in Castle Garth... 431 In St. Michael’s, in Peter Garth ... 432 In St. Peter’s Church .432 Armes taken out of Churches and houses in the time of Yorkshire Visitation ao dni. fs8s. Taken out of an escocheon made by Wm. Dakyns.466 In the Church of Aldmondbury ... 476 ,, ,, Barnsley... ... 478 ,, ,, Caterick... ... 462 „ ,, Darfeild ... 477 „ ,, Eland .475 ,, ,, Grantham ... 460 In the Castle of Harewood ... 466 In the Church of Harewood ... 467 ,, ,, Hotherfeild ... 476 ,, ,, Kirby Wiske ... 461 ,, ,, Kirkby-juxta- Fletham ... 462 ,, ,, Leeds .463 ,, „ Methley... ... 471 ,, ,, Mount Sorrell ... 479 „ „ Northallerton ... 462 In the Chapel of St. Giles, in Pomfret ... 471 In the Church of Rotherham ... 474 ,, ,, Swillington ... 469 ,, ,, Thornhill ... 474 In Thornhill Hall.475 In the Church of Wakefield ... 472 In the house of Mr. Kay of Woodsome .477 In the Church of St. John’s, at Ouse bridge end, York... 461 Grants and Confirmations ... 480,481 Pedigrees recorded in the Visitation of 1612, but not in 1585 ... 483 to 593 Additional Pedigrees.595 to 637 Knights between Tyne and Tees at the Battle of Lewes .637 Copy of Sir Wm. Fayrfax’ Booke of Armes .639 to 651 Index of Pedigrees and Matches 653 to 725 Index of Arms, &c.727 to 734 LIST OF PEDIGREES Those names to 'which an asterisk is affixed , refer to minor pedigrees which are not recorded separately . Acclom, of Moreby ... *Acton Adams, of Owston Akeroyd, of Foggathorpe Aldeburgh, of Aldeburgh Alford, of Meaux Alured, of Charterhouse... Anlaby, of Etton Anlaby, of Thorp Bassett Anne, of Frickley Appleby, of Linton Appleyard, of Burstwick Garth *De Arches *Argum Armitage, of Kerresforth Hill Armitage, of Kirklees Arthington, of Arthington Castley ... Aske, of Aughton Aske, of Owsthorpe ... Askwith, of Newstead Askwith, of Osgodby Atherton, of Fryton Atkinson, of Little Cattail *Aton ... ... .... 164, Auneby, of Sherwood Hall ... PAGE 109, 203 120 485 485 279 486 144 122, 123 486 360, 361 487 146 4 i 178 ... 488 488 and 272, 273 118, 119 107 ... 211 487 ... 70 489 513. 609 489 Babthorpe, of Babthorpe Babthorpe, of Babthorpe, and Monkrode *Baliol Bamburgh, of Howsham Banester, of Stainton Banke, of Banke Newton Banke, of Quixley ... * Barbour, of Doncaster ... * Barley, of Woodsome Barnby, of Barnby Hall ... Barnes, of Yorke and Allerton Barton, of Cawton Barton, of Newton ... Barton, of Whenby Basforth, or Barkesforth, of Thor- manby Bate, of West Lathe Bawne, of Kilham Baxter, of Sharphill... Bayldon, of Bay Id on Bayne, of Midlesmore Beavot, of Kirby Beale, of Woodhouse 598 to 600 Osgodby, 102, 103 596 85 291 490 270 356 411 339 50 182 133 5 217 192 489 316 303 491 491 493 ...23 *Beaumont, Lords Beaumont, of Catton Beaumont, of Fangfoss ... Beaumont, of Whitley Beckwith, of Aikton Beckwith, of Clint ... Beckwith, of Selby, &c. ... Beeston, of Beeston ... *Belford, of Exilby Bell, of York Bellamy, of Lamcot Grange Bellasis, of Newborough... *Bellew, or Bella Aqua .. Berwick, of Sutton ... Besley, of Skelton Bethell, of Ellerton ... Beverley, of Ganstead Bigod, Of Settrington Bigod, of Skagelthorpe ... Bird, of Thornthorpe Birkby, of York... *Birkin, De... Bishop, of Pocklington ... Blythe, Morgan, Pickering Blythe, of Barnby, &c. ... *Bolingbroke *Bolton, De Borough, of Borough Bosvile, of Gunthwaite, &c. Bosvile, of Newhall... Bosvile of Warmsworth ... * Bosvile, of Chevet ... ... Bourchier, of Benningborough, &c. 62, 63 Bowes, of Ellerbeck ... Bowes, of Stretlam Boynton, of Burton Agnes Boynton, of Sedbury, &c. Bradford, of Stanley... * Bradshaw, of Upsal Bransby, of Okebanke Briggs, of Old Malton ... Brigham, of Brigham *Bromflett, Lord Vescy ... *Brus Bullock, of South Holme... ... Bulmer, of Wilton and Pinchinthorpe 193 Bulmer, of Levening Bunny, of Newton ... Burdett, of Burthwaite ... ... Burdett, of Denby and Royston 336, 337 *Burdett, of Gainsborough 242, 243 PAGE 303 492 491 492 494 280 101 322 25 6 495 495 to 233 104 229 218 241 496 595 J 74 180 496 302 132 627 321 346 563 3 338 368 356 340 497 596 , 597 8 326 204 212 497 167 120 130 498 *75 7 . 4 i 1 338 XIV LIST OF PEDIGREES. PAGE Burgh, Lord ... ••• 4*5 Burgh, of East Hawkswell ... 268 * Burgh, De ... ... 104, 607, 608 Burton, of Ingmanthorpe ... 277 Burton, of Kinsley ... ... 7 Burton, of Threapland ... 49 ^ Bushell, of Whitby ... ... 49 8 Byelby, of Killerby ... ••• 499 Byerley, of Pickhill ... ••• 499 Byron, from co. Lane. ... ••• 4 Calverley, of Calverley 9 Calvert, of Danby Wiske ... 500 ♦Carleton ,.. 234 Carr, of Hague Hall ... 500 Carr 602 Carrington, of Spaunton ... 5 00 Cartwright, of Newland 501 Carvill, of Nun Monkton ... 501 ♦Cary 121 ♦Casse... ... 306 Castleford, of Worsbrodale ... 344 Caterall, of Hollym ... 502 ♦Caterall, of Little Mitton 70 Caterall, of Rathmell ... 291 Caterick, of Stanwick 255,256 ♦Cause, De ... 302 ♦Cavill 134 Cawton, of Thirsk ... S° 2 Chamberlayne, of Thoraldby.. I76 Chambers, of Baxby ." 503 ♦Charles ... 309 Chaworth, of Harthill ... ••• 503 ♦Chaytor, of Croft ... • 413 . 414 Cheney, of Thorngumbald ... 148 ♦Chester, Constables of 607 Cholmeley, of Bransby, Whitby, Skewsby, Roxby, &c. .. 219, 221 Clapham, of Beamsley ... 12, 13 Clayton, of Wakefield 504 Cleburne, of Killerby - 255 Clervaux, of Croft ... ..412 to 414 Clifford, Earl of Cumberland ... Ill ♦Clifton . 6, 144 ♦Clitheroe, of Salesbury ... ... 238 ♦Clotheram 234 Clough, of Thorpe Stapleton ... 504 Cockerell, of Stakesby 505 Coghill, of Knaresborough ••• 505 ♦Col vile ... 164 ♦Colvile, of Dale ... 200 Constable, of Sherborne ♦Constables of Chester ... ♦Constable, of Flamborough . Conyers, of Bowlby Conyers, Lord of Hornby, &c Conyers, alias Norton, of Norton Conyers ... Conyers, of Sockburn, &c. Cooper, of Risgarth ♦Coperam Copley, of Batley, Wad worth Copley, of Doncaster Copley, of Hotham ... Coundon, of Willerby Crathorne, of Crathornc Craven, of Levening Cresswell, of Nunkeeling Cressy, of Birkin ♦Crewer, of Cawton ... Creyke, of Cottingham ... Crosland, of Hemsley Currer, of Marley, &c. ... Curwen Curwen, of Camerton Cutler, of Field Head Cutler, of Stainborough ... Constable, of Burton, Upsal, St. Sepulchre’s, Bentley, Burstvvick, and Halsham ... 56 to 58, 416 Constable, of Catfoss ... ... 306 Constable, of Cliffe ... ... 506 Constable, of Dromonby ... ... 196 Constable, of Everingham, &c. 178, 179 Constable, of Flamborough, Ever¬ ingham, &c. ... ... 197, 198 Constable, of Hatfield ... ... 506 Constable, of Kexby ... 507 Constable, of St. Sepulchre’s ... 146 PAGE 177 607 195 508 71, 72 244, 245 164, 165 602 ... 112 &c. -10 II, 5 26 508 ... 507 207/8/9 ... 174 149 ... 509 213 ... 163 509 ... sxo II 510 ... 5 11 Dakins, of Long Cowton ... 511 Dakins, of Linton ... ... 169 Dalton, of Kingston-upon-Hull 141 Danby, of /Thorp Perrow, Great Langton, and South Cave 262, 263 Danby, of Leake and Knaresborough 292 Danby, of Scruton and Thorp Perrow 264 Daniell, of Beswick ... 124, 125 Darcy, Lords Darcy and Meignell 47 Darell, of Sessay ... 78,79,84 Darley, of Buttercrambe ... 87 Dassett, of Hilmorton and Riccall 98 Dawnay, of Escrick and Sessay 79 to 84 Dawson, of Azerley and Ripon ... 512 Dawson, of Spaldingholme ... 184 ♦Dawtrey, of Elslack ... ... 295 Dealtry, of Fullsutton ... 512 Deane, of Saltonstall ... ... 513 ♦Denby ... ... ... 336 Denman, of Newhall ... ... 346 ♦Denzill ... ... ... 351 Derley... ... ... ... 88 Deyvill, of Cuckwold ... 215, 602 Dodsworth, of Thornton Watlass... 266 Dolman, of Pocklington ... 86 Donham, of Kerlyngton... ... 37 Donington ... ... ... 38 ♦Doughty, of Doughty Hall ... 316 Dransfield, of Stubbs Walden 37 Drax, ofWoodhall ... ... 342 Duncalfe, of Ottringham ... 141 Dutton, of Cloughton ... 241, 242 Dyneley, of Bramhope ... 301 Dyneley, of Downham ... ... 297 Dyneley, of Melbume ... 122 Dyneley, of Swillington ... ... 298 LIST OF PEDIGREES. XV 5 i 5 135 ... 328 515 ... 301 I 33 » 618 ... 516 162 ... 516 3 8 178 Edmonson, of York ... ... 5^ Eglesfield, of Farmanby... ... 514 Eglesfield, of Mapleton ... 155 Eland, of Carlinghow ... 514, 603 Eland, of Carleton ... ... 604, 605 Eland, of Eland and Carlinghow ... 606 Elioth, of Midleton ... ... 132 Ellerker, of Ellerker ... ... no Ellerker, of Risby ... ... 136,137 Ellerker, ofYoulton Ellis, of Barnborough Ellis, of Kiddall... Ellis, of York Eltoft, of Farnell Elwick, of Seaton Estouteville, of Hunmanby ♦Estouteville ... Etherington, of Ebberstone Everingham, of Birkin ♦Everingham Eure, Lords, &c. ...204, 205,607 to 617 Eyre, of Ketton ... ... 362 Fairfax, of Denton, Steeton, Stree thorpe, &c. Fairfax, of Walton and Gilling ♦Fauconberg, Lord of Rise Fauconbridge, of Otterington Fawkes, of Farnley Feilde, or Feld, of Ardsley ... ♦Felton Fenton, of Creyke ... Ferrand, of Carleton ♦Ferrers, Lord *Fitz Randall, of Spennithome Fitzwilliam, Barley, Bosvile ... Fitzwilliam, of Bentley ... Fitzwilliam, of Sprotborough ... ♦Flamborough ... Fleming, of Wakefield ♦Fleming, of Wath Fletcher, of Campsall Flower, of Methley Flower, of Whitwell... Folkingham, of Barton ... Forster, of Earswick Forster, of Smawes Fowbery, of Newbald Fox, of Marderby Franke, of Alwoodley Franke, of Knighton Freeston, of Altoftes Fret well, of Hellaby Frothingham, of South Frothing- ham ... 96, 97 39 7 i 516 100 3i7 372 227 51 7 63 380 4 ir 51 7 7 246 328 35 8 30 5 1 8 618 225 618 316 n 7 5 1 8 5 1 9 619 309 5i9 147 Gargrave, of Nostell, &c. ... 68, 69 Gascoigne, of Caley ... ... 292 Gascoigne, of Gawthorpe and Sed- „ bur y . 384.38s Gascoigne, of Parlington, Lasing- croft, and Oldhurst ... 238, 239 Gascoigne, of Micklefield ... 297 Gascoigne, of Thorpe-on-the-Hill... Gates, of Seamer Gibson, of Welborne ♦Gibthor pe... Gilford, of Scotton Girlington, of Girlington Girlington, of HackTorth and South Cave Glanville, Baron of Bromehall Goldesborough, of Goldesborough Goodrick, of Ribston ♦Gotham ... Gourley, of Sutton Grange Gouton, of Gouton ... Gower, of Garton Gower, of Stainsby and Melsonby Gower, of Stittenham ♦Gramary ... Graunt, of Roxby Green, of Awkeley ... Green, of Cawthome, Etherdwick, ThunderclifF Grange, and Filey... Green, of Hickleton Green, of Lamouth ... Green, of Newsame ♦Green, of York Greene, of Horsforth Greenwood, of Wrenthorpe ... Gregory, of Mount St. John and Barnby ... Grey, of Barton... Grice, of Wakefield... Griffith, of Burton Agnes... ♦Griffith, ofDolothran Grimston, of Grimston ... Grove, als. Graves, of Hull ... Haldenby, of Haldenby and Adlin- fleet Hall, of Leventhorpe Hall, of Middle Walton Hall, of Newsham ♦Hall. See Fleming... Hamerton, of Hellifield Peel Hans, als. Hansby, of Beverley Harebred, of Wistow Hargill, of Clemen thorp ♦Harringwell Harrison, of Cay ton... Hart, of Sproston Court Harwood, of Beverley Hastings, of Fenwick ... 372, ♦Hawick ... * Hawksworth, of Hawksworth ♦Heaton, of Heaton... Hebblethwayte, ofSedbergh Hebborne, ofHardwicke Hebborne, of Shotton Heber, of Marton Hedon, of Marton Hellard, of Ruston ... Hemsworth, of Garforth ... Herbert, of York 520 60 520 624 521 619 284 620 369 40 74 168 521 i 44 267 226 ^ 6 obis 256 342 522 523 523 523 258 3 i 5 524 525 70 323 524 584 154 620 305 298 322 621 358 526 138 527 37 i 36° 527 621 528 373 130 299 238 240 528 621 529 151 53 i 529 530 XVI LIST OF PEDIGREES. Hercy, of Grove ... 4 1 * Heron, ofChipchase ... x 43 Heslarton, of Weavsrthorpe ... 173 Higden, of Laxton ... ... 53 1 Hildesley of Barthropp ... ... 53 2 Hildyard, of Winestead ... 5 °» 5 1 * Hilton, of Slingsb; ... ... 180 Hippon, of Newhal 53 2 Hodson, of New Hdl ... ... 533 Holgate, of Stapleton ... 533 Holme, of Pauli Hdme ... ... I 5 2 Holme, of Huntington ... 224 Holmes, of Hampoe 3 6x Holtby, of Hovinglara ... 230 Hopperton, of Hojperton ... 534 Hopton, of Armlej Hall ... 4 s Horsfall, of Storrs iall ... ... 534 Horsley, of Skerpeibeck ... 180 Hotham, of Scorborough ... 89 *Hoton ... ... — 8 9 *Hoyland, of High Hoyland ... 33 ° Hudson, of Normanby ... 535 Hungate, of Sand button ... 223 Hungate, of Saxtoi, Sand Hutton, and North Daltcn .... 114* TI 5 Hunter, of Thomtm ... 535 Hussey, of Harswortb partes of p e realme of Cnglande from p e Iftiuer of Cerent 5E>ortl)toarde* 1584 B BOROUGH, OF BOROUGH. Arms :—ist and 4th, argent, on a saltire sabte, 5 swans 0/ the fieid a - 2nd and 3rd [argent], a fesse engrayled between 6 fleurs-de-lis [satis], 1 Elias de Richmond. = r--- : - 1 Richard Richmond. := Elizabeth, dan, and sole heir to Wm. Burgh, John, called himself Bourgh, a° 1412. —Katherine, 3 dau. of Roger Aske. j~ - i William Burgh, a° 1442. = Mawde, dau. of..Lassells, of Sowerby. Christopher=Anne, dau. of William Borough, of= Ellen, dau. of Sir John Sister to Wm, Borough, mar, ...Clitheroe. Borough,^. York. Pickering, knt. dau. of Christopher Conyers, of Hornby. Katherin, mar. to Allen Ful- thorpe. ”i r ~ . Richard, mar. Elinor, dau. to y* lord Henry Spencer. Thomas. Sir John Borough, knt. of Rhodes. to John Saltmarsh, of Salt- marsh, George =.dau. of Sir Borough. Wm. Pirton, of Calais.£rjwf«rf on a chevron ax. 3 leopards’ heads on II T- | | 1 ■ ■ — — ■■ " -1 Lucy, mar. to John Catericlk, William Borough—Cicely, dau. of Thos, Christopher—Agnes, dau. and heir Anthony Borough, 2. jfoAra.s Anne, mar. to John Walden. son and hein | Metcalfe, of Nappau Borough, I of John Marton, merchant of y 6 2nd son, | of Marion. staple. = Giles = Elizabeth, dau. of John Borough. | Metcalfe, of Stubb. Roger = Elizabeth, one of the six daus., Borough, j and co-heirs of Roger Cham¬ ber, of Burton-npon-Trent. Elizabeth, mar. to [£*>] Raphe Lawson. 18,011, p, 5*. 1487, p. 51 £. 1394, p. 31. 14151 fo. 38^ T420, fa 16. 1499, fo, 3 o£, Tonge’s Visitation, Surtees Society Edition, p. 44. 1571, fo. 188*. 6070 fo. 73. 1 EElys, 1415, 6070. 3 MSS-, 1415, 1571, 6070. 3 MSS., 1415, 60701 1 Clare 007a and. longe also states this daughter as Claire,.and in a note it is further stated that she married Sir Thcmas Lawson, of Dale, whose nephew Six Ralph, married Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Roger Borough* but see above. 4 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 , BYRON, from CO. LANC. Arms:— 1st and 4th, argent 3 bendlets enhanced gu.; 2nd and 3rd, argent, on a bend azure between 2 cross crosslets sa. 3 bezants, all within a border of the third. (?). Sir Nicholas Byron, knt.= Alice, dau of Sir John Butler, of Bewsey, co. Lane. ,-1 Sir Nicholas Byrons.dau. of Sir John Bushe, of j Hingham, co. Line. Sir J ohn Byron, sans issue. Isabell, dau. of Peter Shelton=Sir John Byron = Elizabeth, dau. of William Costerden, (1st wife). > widow of.Halgh, of Halgh, co. \ Lane. John Byron, of Clayton, co. Lane., born before = Alice, dau. of Sir Nicholas Strelley, marriage, heir by conveyance. j of Strelley. I Nicholas Byron, sans issue. Anthony, mar. Mar¬ garet, dau. of Beau¬ mont, of Cole Orton. He was disinherited. She after married to , Berkeley. John Byron,son and heire, mar. Margaret, dau. of Sir William Fitz william. Isabel, mar. to .... Skeffing- ton,ofSkeff- ington. Elizabeth, mar. to J ohnAther- ton, of Ather¬ ton. Mary . 18,011, p. $b. 1487, fo. 381. 1420, p. 1 6b. 1394, p. 20. 1415, p. 39. 1571, fo. 189. 6070, fo. 98 b. Tonge’s Visit, p. 5. BOYNTON, OF SEDBURY. Arms :—1st and 4th, or, on a fesse between 3 crescents gules a lion passant of the 1st, Boynton ; 2nd and 3rd, gules, a fesse between 3 birds argent, a crescent for difference, Lumley. Sir Christopher, son of Sir Thomas Boynton. =.dau. of.Conyers, of Ormesby. dau. of .=Christopher Boynton, of Sedbury.= Elizabeth, dau. of.Strang- Wandesford. j Had 2 wives. | wayes. 1 I 1 I II William, Christopherrr Agnes, dau. of Jane, mar. to Sir Elizabeth, mar. 2. Robert. s.p. Boynton. Henry, Lord Scrope, of Bolton. Wm.Nevill, of Thornton Brigge. to Sir Gerard Margaret. Widdrington. Sir Henry Boynton. = Isabell, dau. and sole heir of Bertram Lumley. John. Henry Gascoigne, 2nd son and heir of~Isabell, dau. and sole heir of Henry Sir William Gascoigne, of Gawthorpe. Boynton, knt. 18,011, p. 6. 1487, fo. 30 jb. 1394, pp. 15, 21. 1415, fo. 39. 1420, ff. 16 b, 18. I 499 < fo. 30. 1571, fo. 189^. 6070, fo. 1815 bis. Tonges Visit., p. 42. Dugdale’s Visit., Surtees Society Edition, p. 127. See this Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MS., 6070. BARTON, OF WHENBY. Arms isl and 4th, enn. on a fesse gules 3 annulets or, Barton. 2nd and 3rd, gules, 3 lions passant in bend argent between 1 bendlets gobony or and azure, Morgan* Domin us John de Barton, of Fry ton, knt1328, 2 Ed. III. — . fohn Moryn, of Brampton. —^ Dyonisia. Thomas Barton. ~............ fohn Moryn. ^ . Eager a s Barton, eldest son, Thomas Barton, = Alice, dan. and heir of Sir John Morgan, Isabel, dau. and co-kttr, wife o b. 2 E. Ill, s.p. __ of 1 Fritton. j oE Whenby, knt., a 0 30 E. III. _ to John Nerwland. = = John de Barton, o/Grimston , 13 H. F.== Christian, dau, of.Aske. Ellen, wife of John Ha legate. Conan 2 Barton, of Whenby.:-Joan, dau. of Robert Strangwayes, of Sneton. ^Christopher Boynton* Thomas Barton, sans issue* Richard Barton, = Isabdl, dau. of John John, sans issue. Conan, 38 H. VI. Elizabeth, mar* to. *.dau., mar. to Sir of Whenby. f Norton, of Norton. Talboys. Gerrard WiddringtOD. John, sans Christopher Barton.-: Margaret, dau. of Sir Elizabeth, mar. to Whl Denham. Fie hard, sed qu* issue.| Robert Danby, justice. Anne. Thomas. Christopher. J ohn Barton, 0/“ When by, son and heir, ob. 22 H. VII. = Margaret, da. of Sir J no. Pickering. Richard 3 Philip _ ^ _ i _ i_ _ | _ Robert* Margaret, dau. of—John —Beatrix, dau, 3. Leonard. Thomas = Barbara, 5 dau. Mary, mar. to Jane, mar* to Raphe Bickard 4 Hansard, of Walworth,* co. Line., 2nd wife, 34 H. VIII Barton, son and heir. of..Lee, 4. Robert, co. Salop, 1st wife. Bar t on, 2nd son^ II VIII of Christopher Lassells, of Brakenhurgh. -s-m— Robert Gower, Spencer, of Wiggin- Isabel, mar. to...Wildon, thorpe. of Wildon Grange. Margaret, d. y. Edward. Whenby , Esq., ob. 1 Francis Norton, of 4. Roger* Elizabeth. 1610. Norton Conyers. Margery. Many. jane. Thomas Barton , of Whenby, now lg., 1622.—Alice, dau. of Titos. Braithwaite, of Bitmeside. 2 . Edward. Elizabeth, sole heir, now lg1612. Thomas BaRTON. 18,011, p. 6b. 1487, fo. 194. 3420, p. 17. 1394, p. 23. 1415, fo. 39. 1371, fo. 190. 6070, ff. 96$ and 97. Tonga's Visitation, p. 6i. 1 Grimston, 1415, 6070s. 2 MSS. 1415, 1487, 1571, and 6070, but Richard m iB.oii. Ancestor of Barton, of Cawton, see Pedigree pose, and Dugdale's Visit., p. 124. * Tonge. S Margaret, MS. 18,011. 0 Philippa, Visitation, 1564. VISITATION Op YORKSHIRE IN *5^4/5 AND Thomas Nevill. =Elizabeth, dau. to William Babington. r— n n . dau,, mar. to ...... dau., mar. to .dau,, mar. Roger. ... Thurland, after A/arfrVr 1 Marshall, to ... Knight, Thomas, to Sir Gervase .dau., mar. to Clifton, and had .Meermg, by him issue. = of Hurbell, of Lincoln* .dau., mar, to ... Disney, of Disney, Sir Gervase Clifton.—Maud. dau. of Sir Walter Griffith, Thomas NevilJ. = Isabel!, dau. of Sir Griffin, | of Braybrook. Sir Robert Clifton, mar. .dau. oftheEarlof Cumberland. — Ralphe NeviU,=.dau, and co- of Thornton | heiress to Sir Bridge, Christopher Ward, William = Elizabeth, dau. and co- Nevill. | heir of Thomas Lacy. Sir Gervase Clifton, mar, .. dau. of Sir Geo, Nevill. = Catherine, dau, and co- .. mar, to heir, mar. to Walter _Constable, Strickland, of Halsham. 9 I Clare, dau. and—Sir Thomas Nevill. co-heiress. wife, Margaret, dau. of Sir John Danvers. — , dau. and heir, mar. to Sir Peter Frechvill, Thomas *- Camilla ? dau. of Gut chardin^ — Francis Harvey, =Mary, dau. and =.. Smyth, Darcye. | and w'dow of Darcye. J y* pentioner. heiress, a lawyer. 4 daus. and co-heirs.* i8,ori, p. 6*. 1487, fo. 383. ,1415. 2 MSS., 1415 and 1571, 1420, fo. 17*. 3 MS., 1571. ... dau. and co-heir. r4i5, fo. 39*. 1394. p. 18. 1571, fo, 19T. 4 Margaret, Elizabeth, Mary, Frances, Bridget. MS., 1571. A bastard, to whom he conveyed. Ids lands. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 ^ 84/5 AND l6l2. 7 FITZWILLIAM, OF SPROTBOROUGH. Arms :—Lozengy argent and gules. Sir John Fitzwilliam, of Sprot-=Margaret, dau. of Thos. Clarell, ye elder, wid. to borough, lord of Emley, died I Sir Wm. Gascoigne, and Sir Robert Waterton. at Rouen. John Fitzwilliam. Sir Wm. Fitz-=Elizabeth, dau. to Sir Elinor, mar. to Sir Wm. william, of 1 Emley. Thos. Chaworth. Ryther, ofRyther, knt. abel.mar.toRichd. SirWm. Fitz-= Elizabeth, dau. of 1 1 1 Katherine, mar. Elizabeth. Wentworth, of West Bretton. william, lord of Em¬ ley, knt. SirJohnConyers, knt., Ig. ao 1478. to Sir J ohn Wortley. Margaret. John, living 1472, mar. to Richard. Margaret, mar. to Dorothy, dau. and heir, Elizabeth, dau. of Rich. William. Thos . Sothill, of mar. to Sir William Fitzwilliam, of Aid- Sothill Hall. — Copley. = warke, s. p., v. p._I Elizabeth, heir to her mother, mar. to Sir Hy. Savile. Philip Copley, mar.dau. of Sir Brian Hastings. 18,011, p. 63 . 1487^0.360. 1420, ff. 173—207. 1394, pp. 22—287. 1415, fo. 39. 1571, fo. 1903, 4630, p. 198. See this Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. BURTON, OF KINSLEY. Arms :—Argent, a bend wavy sable. Crest : An arm erect, couped at the elbow, habited per pale argent and gules, cuffed of the first, in the hand proper a walking staff of the 2nd, point downwards to the sinister, headed, rimmed , and ferruled or. Richard Burton, of Kinsley. = Richard Burton, John Burton, s. p. s. p. Henry Burton, 2nd son— Alice, dau. of Sir John and heir. j Pudsey, knt. Elizabeth. Muriel, dau. of Thos. = Sir John Bosvile, of New- hall, 1st wife. Burton. = Margaret, dau. of Matthew Went¬ worth, of Bret¬ ton, 2nd wife. Anne Bur¬ ton. 1 Muriell, mar. to Elizabeth, mar. to William. Henry Evering- .Broughe, of George. ham, of Staine- Newcastle, borough. Thomas Burton, John. living a° 1585, Francis. 1 mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Richard Yorke. Eliza¬ beth. Dowsabel. 9 18,011, p. 7. 1487, fo. 3873, 388. 4630, p. 73. 1571, fo. I 9 1 - 1 Frances.—Tonge. 9 She was the heiress, and mar. George Mill or Milles, gent.—Tonge. 1420, p. 18, 1403. 1394, p. 18. 1415, p. 39 - 6070, fo. 142. Tonge’s Visitation, p. 79. 8 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN AND T6l2. BOYNTON, OF AGNES BURTON. Arms 1st and 4th, or, on a fesse between 3 crescents gules a lion passant of the 1st, Boynton ; 2nd, gules, a cross moline or, Gri.ndall ; 3rd, azure, 2 bars wavy argent Sir Ingram Boynton. = Sir William Boynton. =: ___1 Sir'Ingram Boynton.=Margaret, dau. of (Sir) Walter Grindall. Sir Walter Boynton. = Sir Thomas Boynton. = Catherine, dau. and co-heir of Sir Geoffrey Rossells, 1——— * 1 of Newton. Sir Thomas Boynton. =.dau. of. Salkeld. Sir Henry Boynton. = William Boynton. = ... dau. of Simon Elizabeth, mar. to Thos" Jeanett, mar. to I Hardinge. Newton, of Marton, Jno. Widisworth. ,-1 in Cleveland. Sir Thomas Boynton. .dau. of Sir William Normanvill, of Kilnwick. Henry Boynton. = Margaret, dau. and co-heiress of Sir Martin, ofy® see of Barmston. Thomas Boynton. = Cecily, dau. of James Strangwayes, | of Sneton. 1 | Martin. Isabella, mar. to Brian Tunstall. 1 1 1 Matthew Boynton.—Anne, dau. of Sir Anne, mar. to Robert Jane, mar. to. | John Bulmer. Haldenby. Goldesborough. Sir Thomas Boynton. = Frances, dau of Francis Frobisher, I of Doncaster. Margaret. Ann. Cecily. Sir'Francis Boynton. = Dorothy, dau. and heir of Chris- | topher Place, of Halnaby. Ann, wife to Sir Francis Vaughan. = I--1 Dorothy, wife to Henry Matthew Boynton. = Frances, dau. of Sir Sir Henry Bellingham. Henry Griffith. Vaughan. 18,011, p. 7. 1487, fo. 3076. 1415, fo. 39^. 1394, pp. 15-21. 1420, pp. 16 b, 18. I 57 I » f°- I 9 2 * - 6070, fo. 134^. Dugdale’s Visit., p. 126. See this Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. UUKWBJN. Arms : 1st and 4th nrg., fretty gu., a chief azure ; 2nd and 3rd, azure, a lion rampant argent crowned or. Sir Thomas Curwen, of Workington. — Ann, dau. of Sir Robert Lowther. 1--- 1 Sir Christopher Curwen. = Ann, daughter of Sir John Penington. 1- 1 Sir Thomas Curwen. = Ann, daughter of Sir John Hudleston. Christopher Curwen. = Margaret, daughter of Sir Roger Bellingham. Edmond Curwen. Thomas = Agnes, dau. of Curwen. I Sir Walter Strickland. John. Robert. ■~r Alice, mar. to Thos. Lam- , ___ plugh, of « , Sir Henry Curwen, knt, a<> icgg. ^octne*™^' j8,oii, p. jb. 1487, p So*. 1415.f0.40. i 4 L, fo. 18/1394. p. 16. 1499, fo - i 4 8 - 6070, p. 141^. Tonge’s Visit., p. 100. 1 MSS. 1487, 1415, 6070. Helen, mar. to John Preston .* 1571, p. 192& 3. Thomas. 4. John, CALVERLEY, OF CALVERLEY. Arms :—Sable-, an inescocheon wEiJiiq an orle of eight 1 owls sable. Sir William Cal verier alias Scott.=Agnes, daughter of Sir John Tempest, ofBracewell, r—“—“ j ! ~~ I Sir William = Alice, dau. of Sir Margery, mar. to Anne, mar. to Thos. Isabel, married to Thos. Mering, Elinor mar. to Caiveriey. J John Savile. ...... Popeley. Ellis, of Kiddall. ut alij. John Slingsby, Leventhorpe. 2. William Caiveriey. Sir Walter Caiveriey, —Isabel, dau. and heir of John Drax, son and heir. j son and heir* of Alexander. 1 i 3. Robert. 4. Thomas. Agnes, married to John Vavasour, of Weston* m i ~ ; itt 2. Gilbert. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William 3 = Sir William Cal-=Elizabeth, dau. of Richard 9. Isabel. Midehon, of S too held y knt. (1st wife). I \ \ Henry. Ralph. Nicholas. ML i Thomas. 4 Walter verley, had two wives. Sneyd, of Bradwell (2nd 7. Elizabeth, wife) . 8. Maude. 1. Alice. 2. Margery, 3. Margaret, in 4. Anne. 5. Jane. 6. Elinor. William. John. verley, eldest son. Cal-=Anne, dau. of Sir Christo¬ pher Dauby. ! Margaret, mar. to .Beestoa, of Beeston. Anne, mar. to T homas Wentworth, of Ehnsall. 1 Dorothy, mar. to Walter Foumes, of Mirfield. Elizabeth. jane. Beatrix, mar. to Robert Hyde , of Norbury, co* Cest .2 — r William, son and heir.—Katherine, dau. and heiress of . Tkomholme, of Tkomholme. 2. Christopher. I 7 'ho mas, William . Walter Caiveriey, son —....... dau. of Henry Brooke y and heir . 1 ais. Cob ham ^ knt. Johl Sheffield. I Ralph. ! Henry Caiveriey . iS.gii, 7 b . 1487, p. 389$. 1394, p. 16. X171, fo. 47. 1489, fo. 43^. 4630, pp. 83. 735-741- 1415, fo. 39^, 1420, p. x8i. 1571, fo. 193. 6070, ff. 103^ 104. Tonge’s Visit., p. 85. Dugdale's Visit., p, 382. S«e this Pedigree at large En my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Tonge gives six owls. 1 MS., 1+15 * MS., 1415, but Thomas, MS., i& 3 oii. 1487. ■* A quo Caiveriey, of Eryholme, Co. Pal, see Dugdale's Visit., p. 61. Edmund. A- ‘.Si COPLEY, OF SPROTBOROUGH, BATLEY, WAD WORTH, kc. Arms'.—Quarterly, i and 4, Argent, a cross mo Urn sable. 2. Argent, Jfusils in Jesse gules, in chief 3 bears' heads sable, Bosvile. 3- - - a sattier azure, on a chief azure 3 cinquefoils argent . Margaret, dau. of Sir Richard Denton, knt, = A Sir Richard Copley, of Copley Hall. =r Elizabeth* daiL arid heir of John Harrington. r r -- ^ K f -1-1-1-1 Lyonell Copley, of Bailey Hall.— Joan, datu of Sir John Thwaltes, of Lofthouse. John. Oliver. Percivah Roger.— r. mill Thomas. John Copley. = Agnes, dau. of Sir * Geoffrey Pigot, knt. Ham. 2. John. 3. Rickard . 4. Henry . William Dorothy, dau. 5 of Sir—William =Mary, dau. Copley, Wra. Fitzwilliam, 1 n: of Sprotborough. J John Cop-= Margaret, dau. of r. Anne. | Copley, to Piers ley, son Sir Brian Staple- 3. Joan, 2nd Savage, and heir. ton, of WighilL 4. Isabel. -J son. 2nd wife. -1—1 —I-- AUs.p. 2. Margaret, mar. to 6. Mary, mar. to .Saltmarshe. Thos. Porting- 5. Elizabeth, mar. to ton , of Bamby- .. Snydall upon-Don. Elizabeth, Francis wife to ley. Philip Cop¬ ley, of Spro t- . borough, Handley. mar.Mary, Anne, s. p. dau. of Dorothy. Sir Brian Hastings. = Cop- mar. Mary , dau. of William jacison, of Snydale. Christopher Copley, mar. J Susan, dau. of Hugh Cressy, of Letwell. — 1 Beatrix, mar. to James oirkby, of York. L A lice, fane, dau. =Avery = Grace, wife of Richard Copley, dau.of to Beaumont, had two Brian John ofWhitley, wives. Brad- Sher- ! forth. wood, of Herts. Williams Elizabeth, Copley, of Sprot¬ borough, son of Philip. James, dau. and heir of Godfrey Bosvile, of Gun - tkwaite. Francis. Thomas. Margaret, ux.Hercy S a n d- ford. Aver yqmar. Joant , dau. of Symon Gunby. John, mar. Joane, dau. co-heiress of Raph Anger. — Godfrey Copley, of Sprotboro\ Esq.,son and heir, Ig. 1612. n . Gervase Copley, William Cop- Mary. Kathe- mar. Edith, ley, of Wad- Sara , rine. dau. of . worth, mar. Avery, Snawsell, of Ann, dau. of mr. . Mansfield Wood- GervaseCressy f da. of., house f Esq. of Birkin. Esq. Dunn? . . "i ] Thomas.a Anne, mar. to John Henry. Brock, of London. Jane, mar. to Chas. Xowell, of Bawne. Elizabeth, mar, to George Poygne. -1 Agnes, mar. to J ohn *-1 Dighton p ofBatley. ---- 1 ‘ 1 1 Robert. E d w a r d Copley, Henry, mar. _ Dorothy. dau. of Sir William Mallory, r— I r 1 T Isabel , Godfrey, wife of Thomas. James Mary. Fink- ney. Christopher . Elizabeth. Robert Copley, ma r. Dorothy , dau. of __ Rogers. — Elizabeth, wife William, of Henry Alary. Sacheverell,of Ann. Ratcliff upon Aire, Esq. ney. Lyonell, j years old, a? r6i2. 10,011, p, 8. 1487, p. 386. 1420, p. 17b, 19. 1394, p. 17. 1415, fo. 39#. 1571, fo. 195. 6070, fo. E43, 4630, pp. ior-4, 107. 1499, to. 40A. Tenge's Visit., pp. 73, 81. Dugdale’s Visit., pp. 259, 275. See this Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. Avery. =. dau.of Sir John S av He, knt. William. John* Trothe. Grace. Jane. Ot CO LrT > z tl M Ok 1-4 to IMS., 18,0*1, states the above-mentioned sons of Sir Richard Copley to be_ by the 2nd match, whereas MSS., 1413, 1571, and 6070, state them to be by the 1st match. The text is altered as above, in conformity with the Pedigree which appears in Hunters So. Yorkshire, vol. 1, p. 51, and my Yorkshire Collection. 3 A quo Copley of Botham. dee page 508. ■* John, MS., 18,011. * MS., 1415. ® And one of the heirs. —Tonge, and Visit. 1612. 6 This match and issue is not recorded in tne Heralds' College copy of the Visitation of 161a. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. II CURWEN, OF CAMERTON. Arms Argent, fretty gules, on a chief azure an escallop or. John Curwen, of Camerton, in Cumberland?- — .. sister and co-heir of _[ Robert of Camerton. Christopher Curwen. = Elizabeth, dau. of.Sandes. Thomas Curwen, son of Christopher.=Margaret, dau. of 2 John Swynbome. William Curwen. =Jane, dau. of Christopher Crawell, or Curwen. Christopher Curwen. =., dau. of John 8 Thwaits, of Thwaits. Oswold Curwen. Brandon. Anne. Dorothy. 18,011, p. 8. 1487, fo. 81. 1571* fo. 193 b. 1394, p. 20. 1415. fo. 39. 1420, fo. 19 b. See Tonge’s Visit., p. 97. 1 1571. 2 Thomas, MS. 18,011. 3 Thoattes, of Thoattes.—Tonge. COPLEY, OF DONCASTER. Sir Richard Copley.=Margaret, dau. of.Denton. Lyonell, of Batley. Thomas * 1 Copley, of Doncaster. = Elizabeth, dau. of 2 Nicholas _| Wortley. Edward Copley. = Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Maleverer, of A llerton, knt. George Copley. = Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Haldenby. Elizabeth, a nun. Edith. Francis = Dorothy, dau. of Hugh Robert. William. Nicholas. Elizabeth. Copley. I Worrall, of Loversall. George. Cuthbert. Dorothy. _ Bridg et, I 1 I 2. William. 3. Robert. 4. Richard. 5. Thomas. Francis Copley. Anne. Margaret. 18 on, p. 8. 1487, p. 3853. 4630, p. 105. 1415. fo - 40 - I 57 I > f o. 194. 6070, fo. 143. Dugdale’s Visit., p. 272. See this Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 This Thomas was the son of Sir Richard by his 2nd wife. See Pedigree on preceding page. 2 Thomas, 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I5S4/5 AND iGlZ* A SflH r f ~ Richard. John. Christopher, nr William =|ane, daughter of Sir Elizabeth, mar. to Thomas Thomasin, mar. to Agnes, mar. to Anne, mar. Clapham. | William ScargiU, of ...-, of Methley, juxta ...... Nessfield, of Redman. to .... Wakefiela. Flasby. Bosvile. Lead HaU. Thomasin, mar. Jennet, mar. to Wil- Christopher =Ann, dau. to Robert iiam Montalto, of Scarborough, Holling Hall, of Glusbome. Agnes, mar. to Elizabeth, mar. Walter Wood, of to Thomas Little Tymbie. Midhope. Clapham, mar. ist, ..., dau. of ... Ratclyffe, of Stamford. of . Smyth, of Wh i c h- cote. Lucy,mar. to John Malham, of Elslack. Isabel, mar. to Christopher Parkinson, of Starrs. TT Anne, mar. to Henry Young, of Appletreowicke. Jane, mar. to Wm. Smith, of Cowes. Elizabeth, mar. to Thomas Banke, of Banke Newton. 2. |ames. 3. John. Margaret t mar. to Arthur Anne, mar. to .Dy neley,of Swill Lngton, George Harri- sndly to George Mount- son, of London. ford, of Swindlecote. 2. Symon. 3. Roger. ~r~r William Clap-= Margaret, dau. of 4, Henry, ham, of I Sir W ir iJIiam 5. Francis. Reamsley. Middton, of Stockeld. Elizabeth, mar. to William KeLke, ofSeamer. Kafkerine t wife of Symon Digby, of LujfenhamS Peter. Marmaduke. Ingram. “1---—-1-—, . dau. of = George Clap-=Katherine, dau. Hercules Clapham, mar. ye Anne, 1st mar. to Francis Gale, of Acomb- ... Morgan. ham, had | of William widow of . Roos, of grange ; 2nd, to John Ingleby, brother to Ingmanthorp. |Sir] William Ingleby, of Ripley. Thwaits. j 1 1 -- ■ " . - 1 William , Charles, Gresham Clapham, mar, Ann , dau. and heiress of Captain .= Rosamond, dau. of William Lister Elizabeth Fisher, of co. Notts. J 0 f Thornton. Sir Sheffield Clapham , sergeant-major-general at— ., a Dutch woman , Steade t 2nd son . George Clapham.—Martha, dau. of Thomas Heber , of Marion. Richard* George* Thomas. 2. foiioS. Charles Clapham , mar. Margaret , dau . of- ., dau. of John ondon* 1 , Anthony Oldfield\ of Spalding, and relict | of Robert Moyle, one of the prothonatarys. London , of Land 6 . William Clapham , Elizabeth* merchant , of London. Jane. Ann* Christopher. Sheffield Margaret. Mary* iS,on, p. $&, 1487, fo. 162. 1420, fo. 20. i 394 »_P* 24. 1435:. fo. 40. nyr, 19# and 55. 15711 ff. 1:95$ and 196. 6070; ff. 144 and 145. 4630, p. 95. Dugdale's Visit., p. 43. See this Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Gregory, 1415 a Thxesfield, T415. IMS., 1415. Hm MS tH e VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15^4/5 AND EVREWIC SCIRE, ex: iibbo vocato domesdat,* Composito anno 20 Willielmi Conquestoris, anno Domini 1086 . In Eboraco Civitate tempore Regis Edwardi, praeter sciram Archiepiscopi, fuerunt vi. scirse ; una ex his est vastata in castellis. In quinque sciris fuerunt mille et quadragintsa et xviii. mansiones hospitatse—pp. 298/298^. Terra Regis— p. 299. In Eisicewalt sunt ad geldam xii. carucatee terrae, hanc tenuit Morcar, pro uno manerio. T. R. E. modo est in manu Regis. In Chenaresburg cum xi. berewicis sunt xlii. carucatae. Hoc manerium habuit Rex Edwardus in dominio, nunc sub manu Regis est. Chenaresburg tenet Rex ibi sex. carucatas. Nort Redinge. In Normanebi, habet Ligulf 2 carucatas. Tn Upesale, Norman, 1 carucatam. In Soureby, Duglel et Ulchel, 2 carucatas. Est Redinge. In Nabome, Torchil, 2 carucatas. In Nortone, Ulchel, 1 carucatam. In Mennistorp, Norman, 2 carucatas. West Redinge. In Sproteburg, Suardcole, 1 carucatam. In Popleton, Gospatric, 4 carucatas. Agemundrenesse. In Prestone, comes Tosti, 6 carucatas. In Haltun, habuit comes Tosti, 6 caru¬ catas. In Flaneburg Terra Archiepiscopi Eboracensis— p. 302. Archiepiscopus Eboracensis habet in Patrictone, in Swine, in Scireburne, in Ripun, Terra Episcopi Dunelmensis— p. 304A Episcopus Dunelmensis habet in Welleton, in Houedene, in Creic. Terra Hugonis Comitis— p. 305. Hugo comes habet in Witebi et Sneton, Willielmus Percy de eo. ad geldam xv. carucatas. Hugo, filius Normanni, tenet de Comite. Terra Comitis Moritoniensis— p. 305. Comes Moriton tenet in Lid, in Hotune, in Egetune, in Golborg, in Oswaldescherca. Hoc habet Robertus comes et Nigillus de eo. Terra Comitis Alani— p. 309. In Ghellinghes habuit Alanus comes 4 carucatas ad geldam, in Barton, Laton, &c. Terra Roberti de Todeni— p. 314. In Daltone ad geldam xv. carucatas habet Robertus de Todeni et Berengarius, filius ejus, de eo. In Naborne 4 carucatas Berengarius tenet de patre suo Roberto de Todeni. F Terra Berengarii de Todeni— p. 314. Berengarius de Todeni, filius Roberti de Todeni, habet in Chirchebi, in Dalbi, in Os¬ waldescherca. Terra Ilberti de Laci— p. 315. Ilbertus de Laci habet in Chipesch, et Ledestune, in Holant. Terra Rogeri de Busli— p. 319. Rogerus de Busli tenet in Lastone, in Holand, in Catebi. * These Extracts from Domesday Book have been revised by the edition published by th “g-— m U83, and edited by the Rev. J. Farley. The paging refers to VoL 1 < VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l6l2. Terra Roberti Malet— p. 320^. Robertus Malet habet in Cave, in Torp, in Carletune. Terra Willielmi de Warene— p. 321. Willielmus de Warene habet in Coningesburg, in Ravensfeld. Terra Willielmi de Perci— p. 321^. Willielmus de Perci habet in Tatecastre, in Lintone, in Normanebi. Terra Drogonis de Bevrere— p. 323^. Drogo de Bevrere habet in Brocstewic, in Witfornes, in Hornesse. Terra Radulphi de Mortemer— p. 325. Radulphus de Mortuomari tenet in Alvengi, in Ferebi, in Briston. Terra Radulphi Pagenel— p. 325^. Radulphus Pagenell tenet in Turgisbi, in Rodestan, in Ripeleia. Terra Goisfridi de Lawirce— p. 326. Goisfridus de Lawirce tenet in Adelingsfluet. Terra Goisfridi Alselin— p. 326. Goisfridus Alselin tenet in Brantone, in Ganteleia. Terra Walteri de Aincourt— p. 326. Walterus de Aincourt tenet in Wanbella, in Medelton. Terra Gisleberti de Gand— p. 326. Gislebertus de Gand tenet in Hundemanebi, in Ricstorp. Terra Gisleberti Tison— p. 326^. Gislebertus Tison tenet in Alvengi, in Hase, in Bramhop. Terra Ricardi, filii Erfasti— p. 327. Ricardus, filius Erfasti, tenet in Torp, Christi Ecclesi® in Mileburge, in Monechetune, in Cnapetone. Terra Hugonis, filii Baldrici— p. 327. Hugo, filius Baldrici, tenet in Cucualt, in Calvetone, in Crave, in Cotingham, in Schipewic. Terra Erneis de Burun— p. 328^. Erneis de Burun habet in Bingheleia, in Dunesford, in Bevrelie, et Dacre. Terra Osberni de Arches— p. 329. Osbemus de Arches tenet in Stivetone, in Apletone, in Ogelstorp. Terra Odonis Arbalistarii— p. 329^. Odo Arbalistarius tenet in Buchetorp, in Scarpenbec, in Grimeston. Terra Alberici de Coci— p. 329^. Albericus de Coci habet in Chicheltone, in Catebi. Terra Gospatric— p. 330. Gospatric habet in Martone, in Cadretone, in Alvertone. Terra Tainorum Regis— p. 330J. Ulchil habet in Carleton. 1 Malcus habet in Useburne. Ernuin, presbyter, habet in Canbesford. Maldred habet in Wiltune. Suuen habet in Mereltone. | Dolfin habet in Rilestun, &c. Terra Rogerii Pictavensis— p. 332 Rogerus Pictavensis habet in Ghigeleswic, in Cuningeston, in Gheregrave. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND I< 5 l 2 . l6 CLAMORES DE EVREWIC SCIRE, Ex Eodem Libro de Domesday— p. 373 - In Nort Treding. Calumpniatur Hugo comes super Willielmum de Perci, 1 carucatam terras in Figelingai, dicens earn pertinere ad Witebe. TesS a quo£^ItawEto EvereSTenuit Willielmus Malet, antequam castelluin captura fuisset. Est Redinge. Ricardus de Surdeval tenuit 3 carucatas quae fuerunt Eldid, in cujus terra non fuit dC In 6 Naborne Robertas Malet 2 carucatas, et Goisfridus de Belcampo de e °Terram ) isformanni, filiiUlf,inBrentingham quam habet Nigel Fossard, dicunt homines qui juraverunt quod Willielmus Malet habuit in dominio. . T . 1 Tres bovatse terrae et dimidiam quas clamat Radulphus de Mortemer m Lont. testimonio hominum qui juraverunt fuerunt Alwini, antecessoris Gisleberti lison, non Eddivae, cujus terram habet Radulphus de Mortemer. Socam quam clamat Gislebertus Tyson in Birland dominn esse debere Episcopi De 7 carucatis terrae in Nortdufeld quas habet Nigel Fossard, dicunt fuisse saisitum Willielmo Malet, et habuisse terram et servitium donee fractum est castellum. Duas carucatas terrae quas habet Nigellus in Suddufelt, dicunt pertinere regis dominio, in Poclinton. Reliquas vero 6 carucatas ibidem habuit Willielmus Malet quamdiu tenuit castellum de Euruic (et homines servicium reddebant ei quamdiu in Eurwicscire terram tenuit). Totam terram Norman, filii Malcolumbe, quam habuit in Estreding testatur omms comitatus Willielmum Malet tenuisse in suo dominio, quamdiu dominio in Eurewicscire terram tenuit. . , Sex carucatas terrae Ulchil in Alwintone quas habet Willielmus de Perci testantur ad. opus Roberti Malet, quia pater suus habuit sicut superiores terras. Fulco de Lousoriis habet in Loureshale 2 bovatas de terra Ulfmer. Willielmus de Perci advocat pares suos in testimonium quod vivente Willielmo Malet et vicecomitatum tenente in Eurewic, fuit ipse saisitus de Bodetone et earn tenuit. Osbem de Arcis confirmat quod Gislebertus antecessor suus habuit Apeltone et omnes alias terras quietas. Homines de Heldemesse, qui juraverunt, testificati sunt ad opus Willielmi Malet, terras has infra notatas ita quod viderunt eas saisire in manu ejusdem Willielmi et viderunt habentem et tenentem, usque Dani coeperunt ilium. Sed de hoc breve Regis vel sigillum non viderunt. NOMINA VILLARUM ET TERRARUM INFRA RICHEMONDSCIRE (p.309), Quae quondam ante conquestum Angliae fuerunt Edwini comitis, et quas Willielmus Rex, Angliae conquestor, dedit nepoti suo, Alano comiti Britanniae, in tempore obsidionis villge Eboraci, circa annum 10 regni sui, diu ante constructionem castri de Richemond, sicut continetur in quodam libro in thesauraria dominae Reginse vocato Domesday, discriptionem totius Anglise continente. Gilling. —In Ghellynghes habuit Edwinus comes unum manerium de quatuor carucatis ad geldam Regis. Nunc Alanus comes habet. Middleton Tyas. —In Middeltun habet Ulf 1 manerium. Hoc Uctred nunc habet de comite Alano. Kneeton. —In Naton habet Ulf 1 manerium. Nunc habet Uctred de comite. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 17 Stapleton.— In Staplendun habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc habet Enisan de comite. Barningham.— In Bemingham habuit Tor haulam. Nunc habet Enisan de comite. Layton.— In Latton habuit Torfin 3 carucatas. Nunc habet Bodin de comite. Stan wick St. John.— In Stenwege habuit Tor 3 car. Nunc habet Enisan de comite. Dinsdale.— In Dirneshala habuit Elsi 1 manerium. Nunc habet comes Alanus. Sm EATON. —In Smetton habuit Malgrim unum manerium. Nunc habet comes Alanus. Langton Magna.— In Langeton habuerunt Torfin et Fingall duas haulas. Nunc habent de comite Bodin et Herveus. Caldwell.— In Caldewelle habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc habet Enisan de Alano comite. Aldborough CUM Carleton. —In Aldebume habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc habet Enisan de Alano comite. In Cartun sunt 2 carucat® ad geldam, et est inlande in Aldebume. Cleasby.— In Clesbi habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc habet Enisan. Croft.— In Crofst habuit . unum manerium. Nunc Enisan habet de Alano comite. Thorpe. —In Torp habuit Raven unum manerium. Nunc habet Enisan. Startforth. —In Stradford Tor et Torphin habuerunt unus unum manerium alius non. Nunc habet Enisan terram Tor, et Bodin terram Torphin. Hinderlak. —In Hindrelag habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc habet Enisan. Easby. —In Asebi habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc Enisan habet. Brompton-on-Swale. —In Brunton habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc Enisan habet. Skeeby.—I n Schirebi ad geldam vi. carucat®. Newton.— In Neutone habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc Enisan habet. Bolton-upon-Swale. —In Boletone habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc Enisan habet. Kipling.— In Chipeling habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc Enisan habet. Langton Parva.— In Langeton Odil et Alchetil, Gernan et Sprot, 3 maneria habuerunt. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Thurntoft.— In Thirnetoste Grim et Chetel habuerunt 2 maneria. Nunc Picot habet. Sober.— In Solberge Etlor et Ghilepatric habuerunt quisque haulam. Nunc habet Picot mediam terram et comes aliam mediam. Maunby.— In Mannebi habuit Ghilepatric unum manerium. Nunc Picot habet. Kirkby Wiske.—I n Chirchebi habuit Ulchil 1 manerium. Ligul, et Tor, etGamel (et Siward), habuerunt residuam. Nunc habet Picot de Alano comite. Morton.— In Mortun habuit Gospatric unum manerium. Nunc habuit Gospatric de comite. Quidam Walterus habuit terram 2 carucatarum quam olim habuit Grim. Ellerton-upon-Swale.— In Alrerton habuit Gospatrick unum manerium, et idem habet nunc de Alano comite. Yafford.— In Eiford ad geldam 8 carucat®. H®c terra est berewita ad Alreton. Ainderby Steeple.— In Andrebi habuit Torchil unum manerium, et Ulchil nunc habet Anschitil de comite. Warlaby.— In Warlavesby habuit Siward unum manerium. Nunc habet Herveus. Danby Wiske.— In Danebi habuit Cofsi unum manerium. Nunc habet Landricus, homo comitis Alani. Cowton.— In Cottune habuit Torchil unum manerium. Nunc habet Landricus de comite. Lonton.— In Lontune hanc terram habuit Torfin. Nunc habet Bodin. Mickleton.— In Micleton hanc habuit Torfin. Nunc habet Bodin. Romaldkirk.— In Rumoldescherce Torfin habuit 1 carucatam. Nunc habet Bodin. Hinderthwaite.—I n Hundredestoit ad geldam 1 carucata. Lartington.—I n Lertington ad geldam 3 carucatae. Cotherston.— In Codrestune ad geldam 6 carucat®. Rokeby.— In Rochebi habuit Torfin 3 carucatas. Nunc habet Bodin. Newsham.— In Neuhuson. Broughton. —In Broctun Ulchil habuit unum manerium. Nunc habet Bodin. Ulchil et Sport habuerunt haulas. Nunc habet comes Alanus terram Sprote et Bodin terram Ulchil. Dalton.— In Daltun habuerunt Gospatrick et Torphin 8 carucatas. Nunc habet Bodin terram Torphin et comes Alanus terram Gospatrick. iS VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND 1 6 11 . Dalton, ph. of Ravensworth.-In alia Dalton habuit Gospatrick unum maneriutn. Raveneswet habuit Torphin unum manerium. Nunc B M E n LSONBY AND Diderston.—I n Malsenebi et Dirdreston habuit Torphin unum A AtoderbyMyers.—I n Endrebihabuit Bemulf 2carucatas. Nunchabet Landricus, '““hXTll -fuTunestale Norman habuit 1 manerium. Nunc habet Alanus cornea. K«k 1 y FLEETHAM.-In Chirchebi habuit Eldred unum manenum. Nunc idem hi ?rEE d TVAT i cUM a FENCOTES.-In Fleteham. habuerunt Camel et Uctred duo m ASKE.' _ I^Hasse^hsSuit' To™ unum^manerium. Nunc habet Wihomarc. homo C0 SCTUTON n -In Scuruetone habuerunt Cnut et Torphin duo maneria. Nunc habet Pi I 0 ANTHORPE 0 -In Langetorp habuit Uctred unum manerium. Nunc habet Odo Hacksorth.—I nAcheford habuerunt Archil et Uctred 6 carucatas. Nunc habet hlbuU Archi? (unum) magnum. ’ Modo habet Gospatrik de C °Holtby.—I n Hcltebi habuit Archil unum manerium. Nunc Gospatrick tenet de CO APPLETON.-In Apelton Torcbil habuit (unum) manerium. Nunc habet comes A Brough.—I n Bore habuit Tor (unum) manerium. Nunc habet Enisan. Colburne.— In Corburne habuit Gospatrick unum manerium. Nunc idem habet ^ —In Hiplewelle habuit Tor unum manerium. Nunc Enisan habet. ScoTTON -In Scotmne Gospatrik et Torfin habuerunt duo maneria. Nunc idem Cin<;nntrik habet auod habuit. Terram vero Torfin habet Bodin. Downholme- In Dune habuit Gospatrick manerium. Nunc idem habet de C °Ellerton*— In Elreton habuit Gamel manerium. Nunc habet comes Alanus, Marrick. —In Mange habuit Archil manerium. Nunc habet Gospatrick. Grinton.— In Grinton habuit Torfin manerium. Nunc habet Bodin. Fremington.— In Fremington habuit Crin (unum) manerium. Nunc habet comes. Reeth. —In Rie habuit Torphin manerium. Nunc habet Bodin. Denton.— In Dentone habuit Torfin manerium. Nunc habet Bodin. Burgh.— In Borch habuit Archil manerium. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Fors. —In Fors habuit Torfin. Nunc habet Bodin. Askrigg. —In Ascric habuit Archil manerium. Nunc habet Gospatrick. Worton.— In Werton habuit Torfin manerium. Nunc habet Bodin. Thornton Rust.— In Toreton habuit Turot manerium. Nunc habet Alanus Aysgarth. —In Echescard habuit Cnut manerium. Nunc habet Goisfridus de comite. ... .. Crosby. —In Crocsbi habuit Bernulf manerium. Nunc idem habet de comite. Thoralby. — In Turoldesbi habuit Bernulf (unum) manerium. Idem habet. Burton-with-Walden. —In Burton habuit Turchil 6 carucatas. Nunc habet Goisfridus. Carperby. —In Chirprebi habuit Tor manerium. Nunc habet Enisan. East Bolton. —In Bodelton habuit Ghilepatric manerium. Nunc habet Ribaldus. West Bolton. —In Alia Bodelton habuerunt quatuor maneria quatuor filii Balt. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Thoresby. —In Toresbi habuit Gospatrick 2 carucatas. Nunc habet idem de comite. Redmire. —In Ridemare habuerunt Gilepatric et Gamel duo maneria. Nunc habet Alanus comes, et Ribaldus de eo. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 19 PRESTON-UNDER-SCAR. —In Prestun habuit Torfin unurn manerium. Nunc habet Bodin. Witton. —In Witun habuit Glunier unum manerium. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Carlton High Dale. —In Carleton habuit Bernulf manerium. Nunc idem habet de comite. West Scrafton. —In Scraftun habuit Ghilepatric manerium. Nunc habet Ribaldus. Melmerby. —In Melmerbi habuit Eldred manerium. Nunc idem habet de comite. Agglethorp. —In Aculestorp habuit Torchil manerium. Nunc idem habet de comite. Caldber®. —In Caldeber habet Orm manerium. Nunc idem habet de comite. Coverham. —In Covreham habuerunt Tor et Egbrand duo maneria. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Middleham. —In Medelai Ghilepatric habuit manerium. Nunc habet Ribaldus. Leyburn. —In Leybome habuerunt Aschil et Audulf duo maneria. Nunc habet Wihomarc. Herneby, or Horneby. —In Hemebi habuit Tor manerium. Nunc habet Wihomarc. Spennithorne. —In Speningetorp habuit Ghilepatric manerium. Nunc habet Ribaldus. Danby. —In Danebi habuit Gamel manerium. Nunc habent filii ejus de comite. Bellerby. —In Belgebi habuit Tor manerium. Nunc habet Enisan. Barton. —In Bemedan habuit Gamel manerium. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Great Hawkswell. —In Havocswelle habuit Gunre manerium. Nunc habet Ribald. Little Hawkswell. —In Alia Havocswelle Gunre et Gamel habuerunt duo maneria. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Garriston. —In Gerdestone habuit Turchil manerium. Nunc habet Goisfridus. Burton Constable. —In Bortone habuit Tor manerium. Nunc Enisan habet. Thornton Steward. — In Tornentone cum Ascam Witune soca habuit Gos- patrick manerium. Nunc idem ipse habet de comite ; in Ascam habuit Berew manerium. Ellington. —In Ellintone habuerunt Gospatric, Norman, Torchil, tria maneria. Nunc habet idem Goisfridus. Siwarthorp. —In Siwartorp habuit Torchil 1 carucatam. Nunc habet comes Alanus. Sutton. —In Sudtone habuit Norman manerium. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Fereby. —In Federbi habuerunt Gospatrick et Eldred duo maneria. Nunc habet comes Alanus et Gospatrick de eo. Hilton. —In Hilchetun habuit Archil manerium. Nunc habet Gospatrick. Masham. —In Masham cum soca de Tuislebroc, Swinton, et Sudton, habuit Gos- patrik 1 manerium. Nunc Ernegis habet. Clifton-upon-Eure. —In Clifton habuit Cnut manerium. Nunc habet Donewald. Well. —In Welle cum Burtone, Opetone, Achebi, habuit Torchil manerium. Nunc habet Bernulf. Firby. —In Fredebi habuit Auduidus manerium. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Bedale. —In Bedale habuit Tori manerium. Nunc habet Bodin. Ayscough.— In Echescoe est soca pertinens ad Massam. Ibi habet comes Alanus v. villanos. Burrell. —In Borel comes Alanus habet 2 villanos. Thornton Watlass. —In Torretun habuit Ulward manerium et Stan alter homo non habet aulam. Nunc habet Ribaldus. Watlass. —In Walens habuit Sigreda manerium. Nunc habet Ribaldus. Thorp Perrow.—I n Thorp est soca de Welle. Thornton Colling. —In Tometon habuit Edwin 4 carucatas. Nunc habet Robertus. Thirn. —In Thime habuit Bernulf manerium. Nunc idem ipse habet de comite Alano. Rookwith. —In Rocvid habuit Stenulf manerium. Nunc habet comes Alanus. Hutton Hang. —In Hotun habuit Ghille manerium. Nunc habet Landricus. Fingall. —In Finegala habuit Gamel manerium. Nunc habet comes Alanus. Ruswick.— In Risewic habuerunt Asul et Ulchil 1 manerium. Nunc habet comes Alanus. Newton-le-Willows. —In Neuton habuerunt Archil, Torchil, et Asul, tria maneria. Nunc habent quatuor milites de comite Alano. Hunton.— In Huntone habuerunt Gospatric et Torfin 2 maneria. Nunc Gos¬ patric habet quot habuit. Terram Torfini habet Bodin. Hesltngton. —In Heslintone habuerunt Torfin et Orme 2 maneria. Nunc habent tres milites de comite Alano. 20 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4/5 AND l ^ I2 ‘ Patrick Brompton.— In Bruntone fuerunt Ghille et Torfin habentes aulas, et Al CRAKEH^-InTractdf ulc'hU a maneria. Nunc habent duo milites de comite Alano. . . .. Archi i manerium. Nunc Gospatric habet. w\\ T T™i E E L LD.-In Alia Tanefeld habuit Torchill manerium. Nunc habet Alanus C °Ups*LANDE.—I n Opsala habuerunt Archil et Torfin duo maneria. Nunc habet comes Alanus. sTrG^Se ChF^^eriam Nunctal^ce^ W \TH —In Wat habuerunt Archil et Roschil manerium. Nunc habet comes Melmerby. -In Malmerbi habuerunt Archil et Tor manerium. Nunc habet Alanu C °mTddleton QUERNHOW.— In Middeltun habuit Tor manerium Nunc habet Enisan. Kirkungton.-Iu Cherdinton habuit Roschil manerium. Nunc habet Robertas. h °YARNWiCK —In Gernvic habuit Geman manerium. Nunc habet Robertus. NoRMA nby. —In Normanebi habuit Archil vi. carucatas. Nunc habet Gospatnc. Caythorp —In Caretorp habuit Archil manerium. Nunc habet Gospatnc. Rupnfston Theakstone, Asselby, Newton, Gatenby, and Onesby.-In Bren- nigston et Eston, Aschilebi, Neutone, Ghetenesbi, et Ounesbi, habuit Merlesuam maneria. Nunc habet Robertus, homo comitis Alanu Swainby —In Suan-bi habuit Aschil manerium. Nunc habet Rtbaldus Allerthorpe.— In Herlevesthorp habuit Aschil ij. carucatas. Nunc Ribaldus habet. Sinningthorp.— In Sevenetorp habuit Aschil iij. carucatas. Comes Alanus habet. Pickhill -In Picala habuit Tor et Sprot ij. maneria Comes nunc habet. Sinderbv. —In Senerebi Sudan habuit vj. carucatas. Comes nunc habet. AINDERBY QUERNHOW. —In Aiendrebi habuit Floteman manerium. Nunc Alanus C °H0WE a — In Hov habuit Sprot manerium. Robertus nunc habet. Baldersby. —In BaHrebi habuit Archil manerium. Nunc comes Alanus habet. AsiCBY. —In Asebi habuit Torchil iiij. carucatas. Nunc idem comes habet. Renton. _In Reineton habuit Torchil manerium. Nunc idem comes habet. Westriding. Askham.— In Ascam comes Edwinus habuit i manerium. Nunc Alanus comes ha OvERT 0 N AND Skelton.— In Ovretun and Scheltun habuit Morcar unura manerium. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Acaster. —In Acastre habuit Godwinus unura manerium. Nunc Alanus comes habet. biocKTON on the Moor.— In Stochetun comes Alanus habet iij. carucatas. Fulford. —In Foleford habuit Morcar unum manerium. Nunc Alanus comes, habet. Clifton. —In Cliftune habuit Morcar unum manerium. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Estreding, Soca de Cliftun supradicto—p. 313. Nort Reding. Foston. —In Fostun habuit Morcar i. manerium. Nunc habet Alanus comes. Explicit Domesday de Villis et Carucatis Terr^e in Richemondshire— pp. 309 to 313. 2 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84 /j AND l 6 l 2 . Certificationes factae de Feodis Militum tempore Regis Henrici Secundi praetextu mandati Regis ejusdem sicut habentur in Libro Rubeo, in Scaccario Westmonasterii reservato. EBORSCHIRE. CARTA DOMINI ROGERI EBORACENSIS ARCHIEPISCOPI DE MILITIBUS SUIS FEOFATIS. Amantissimo domino suo Henrico, DeigratiaRegi Anglise et Duci Normannise et Aqui- taniae et Comiti Andegavensi, suus Rogerus, eadem gratia, Eboracensis Archiepiscopus Apostolicse sedis Legatus, salutem. Praecepit dignitas vestra omnibus fidelibus vestris, clericis et laicis, qui de vobis tenent in capite in Eborscire, ut mandent vobis per litteras suas, extra sigillum pendentes, quot milites feoffatos quisque habeat de veteri fefamento de tempore regis Henrici avi vestri. Id est, de die et anno, quo ipse fuit vivus et mortuus, et quot habeat de novo feofamento fefatos post mortem bonae memoriaB avi vestri ejusdem. Et quot feoda militum sunt super dominum uniuscujusque et omnium illorum nomina, tarn de novo feoffamento, quam de vetere, fefatorum sint in illo brevi scripta. Quia vultis, quod si aliqui ibi sunt qui nondum fecerunt vobis legantiam, et quorum nomina non sunt scripta in rotulo vestro quod infra dominicam primam quadragesimae, legantiam vobis faciant. Quorum ego unus jussioni vestras per omnia subjectus ; cum omni diligentia investigavi in tenemento meo prout brevitas temporis passa est, et prsesenti scripto vobis domino meo, significo. Inprimis ergo sciatis domine quod super dominium archiepiscopatus Eboracensis nullum feodum est militis. Quoniam tot habemus fefatos milites per quos acquitavimus omne servicium, quod vobis debemus, sicut et praedecessores nostri fecerunt. Et plures etiam habemus quam vobis debeamus, sicut ex prassenti subscriptione cognoscere poteritis. Ante- cessores enim nostri, non pro necessitate servicii quod debent, sed qui cognatis et servientibus suis providere volebant, plures quam debebant regi feodaverunt. NOMINA AUTEM FEFATORUM DE TEMPORE REGIS HENRICI H^EC SUNT :— Willielmus, comes Albemarliae, tenet feoda trium militum. Henricus de Laci, 2 militum. Rogerus de Molbrai, 4 partem. Herebertus, filius Hereberti, 3 militum. Gilebertus, filius Nigelli, 2 militum. Paganus de Lauda, 3 militum. Malgerus, filius Hugonis, j. militis. Ricardus, filius Hugonis, j. militis. Willielmus de Bella Aqua, j. militis. Robertus Morin, 2 militum. Gilebertus, filius Hereberti, 2 militum. Huge de Muscham, 2 militum. Walterus de Daencourt, 2 militum. Robertus Mansel, j. militis. Robertus, filius Wiard, dimidium militis. Petrus de Periton, dimidium militis. Hugo de Verli, 4 militum. Willielmus Chokerel, j. militis. Thomas de Everingham, 2 militum et dimidium. Simon Wahart, j. militis. Radulphus de Nowewica, dimidium militis. Robertus Poher, dimidium militis. Walterus de Denton, dimidiam partem militis. Robertus, filius Hugonis, 4 partem militis. Willielmus de Lubbzenhon, dimidium militis. Alexander de Niewebi, 4 partem dimidium militis. Herebertus de Merkinton, 4 partem militis. Petrus de Belinges, j. militis. Oliverus Angeuinus, j. militis. Willielmus de Panton, j. militis. Thomas, filius Auberbi, 4 partem militis. Aliz de Moliscrot, 4 partem. Thomas, filius Hervej, j. militis. Benedictus de Sculetot, 8 partem. Bernard us de Cotingham, 4 partem, ohannes de Me sa, 8 partem, vo, 4 partem militis. Serlo de Pouel, 3 partem. ,y v. 3V ,. <*--...'V*'vv : - _■ • •>: 'X \ 22 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . POST MORTEM VERO REGIS HENRICI FEFATI SUNT. Petrus Pincerna, dimidium militis. Petrus Caraerancis, 20 partem. Galfridus de Burton, de 12 parte. Gervasius de Bretton, de 3 parte. , Turstanus deEechamton, dimidium militis. Gilebertus de Minieres, 3 partem. Werri sive Warisius de Marinis, 3 partem. Willielmus de Scuras dimidium militis. Willielmus Palefrei, j. militis. Willielmus de Bella Aqua, et Ricardus de Croketon, 4 partes. Valeat Dominus Meus. CARTA DOMINI HENRICI DUNHELMENSIS EPISCOPI. Henrico, iUustri Anglorum. de post mortem ejus. Nos vero juxta prmceptum vestrum vobis mandamus. In Lincolnscire tenent de Veteri Fefamento. «-s* ««— 1 Hugo'vS; duorurn militum. I Galfridus de Cadin S lon. duonun miluum. In Eborscire. Willielmus de Percy, 4 militum. Willielmus Fossard, j. militis. Odardus de Gardham, dimidium militis. Gilebertus de Bardulebi, dimidium militis. Filius Roberti de Bonavill, dimidium militis. Gilebertus Hansard, j. militis, nona parte minus quam J ordanus Hairun tenet. Tordanus de Hameldon, 4 partem j. militis. Radulphus N-evil, j. militis de novo fefa¬ mento. Ultra Tisam in Dominico Beati Cuthberti, tenent de Veteri Fefamento. Rogerus de Coneres, feoda 3 militum. Robertus de Mandavill, 3 militum. Willielmus de Vesci, 3 militum. Filius Bertram de Bolemer, 5 militum. Willielmus, filius Osberti, 3 militum. Thomas, filius Willielmi, 2 militum. Romanus de Helton, 3 militum. Elias de Eschanlande, 2 militum et partem unius. Rogerus de Aldri, 2 militum. Galfridus, filius Ricardi, j. dimidium. Adam de Mustiers, j. militis. militis et Hugo, filius Pincon, j. militis. Willielmus de Fisbume, j. militis. Willielmus de Hepped, j. militis. Rogerus de Heppligeden, j. militis. Radulphus de Wirecestre, j. militis. Henricus Pappede, j. militis. Stephanus de Bulemer, j. militis. Galfridus de Torp, dimidium militis. Radulphus Haget, dimidium militis. ^ Filius Lucsede Kenelane, dimidium militis. Odo de Brembe, 4 partem j. militis. Filius Ilgeri Burdun, 3 partem j. militis. In eadem Terra Beati Cuthberti de Novo tenent Fefamento. Gilebertus Camerarius, 5 partem j. militis. Johannes Pincerna, 3 partem j. militis. . Radulphus, filius Roberti, 4 partem j. militis. Galfridus, filius Emulfi, feodum j. militis. Hugo Burellus, j. militis. Robertus de Capella, dimidium militis. Gilebertus de la Leia, dimidium militis. Super dominium vero nostrum de quo similiter mandare praecepistis. Nulla sunt feoda militum, nec ulla debemus. Nam de hijs omnibus etiam quos supra diximus, servicium decern militum tantum vobis debemus. Valeat Dominus Meus. Ricardus de Scalis tenet Hussebume de dono Willielmi de Stoteville per servicium unius militis quam Henricus pater ejus eidem dedit. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 23 CARTA DE FEODIS ROGERI DE MOUBRAI. Gules, a lion rampant argent. Domino suo charissimo Henrico, Dei gratia, Regi Anglise, et cetera, homines Rogeri de Moubrai, salutem. Secundum praeceptum vestrum mandamus vobis quot milites dominus noster Rogerus de Molbrai habet de antiquo feodo et novo. Rogerus de Flammavill tenet feoda 8 militum et dimidium. Robertus de Stutevill, 8 militum. Willielmus Tisun, feoda 15 militum. Willielmus Haget, 2 militum. Walterus de Riparia, j. militis. Adam Luvel, j. militis. Walterus, filius Asketin, j. militis. Rogerus de Sancto Martino, 2 militum. Willielmus de Gamesburg, 2 militum. Walterus de Gamvill, 9 militum. Thomas de Uppenbi, 5 militum. Walterus de Wiseg, j. militis. Robertus de Griselee, j. militis. Henricus de Arden, j. militis. Radulphus de Queingbure, 2 militum. Hugo de Rampan, j. militis. Samson Tachell, j. militis. Simon, filius Simonis, dimidium militis. Willielmus de Reimes, j. militis. Helias de Albaneio, j. militis. Ricardus de Wivill, 5 militum. Ricardus de Morevill, 5 militum. Hugo Malherbe, j. militis. Robertus de Dayvill, 4 militum. Turstanus de Monteforte, 3 militum et 3 partem. Willielmus de Moles, j. militis. Rogerus de Candeio, dimidium militis. Rogerus, filius Parces, j. militis. Rogerus, filius Galfridi, et Radulphus, filius Aldelin, dimidium militis. Rogerus Prince, 3 partem militis. Robertus Dapifer, dimidium militis. Hubertus, filius Ricardi, 3 partem. Ricardus de Crosseslai, 3 partem. Ricardus Grammaticus, 4 partem. Willielmus de Bolemer, j. militis. Tot habuit milites feodatos in tempore Henrici Regis, scilicit 88, videlicet 60 de antiquo feodo, et 28 istorum feodavit Nigellus de Albaneio de dominio suo Et de Novo Feodo. Robertus de Busci, j. feodum. Hamon Beler, j. feodum. Rogerus de Charleton, dimidium feodi. Willielmus Grain d’Orge, dimidium feodi. Warinus, filius Simonis, 2 partem j. feodi. Willielmus de Vesci, 2 milites. Robertus de Stutevill, j. militem. Robertus de Davvill, j. militem. Willielmus de Lane, 2 milites. Thomas de Colevill, j. militem. Albricus comes, j. feodum. Hij. sunt de novo feodo Rogeri de Molbrai, post mortem Henrici Regis, videlicit xj. feoda militum et 3 partem unius militis. CARTA STEPHANI FILII HEREBERTI CAMERARII. Charissimo domino suo Henrico Regi Anglorum, Stephanus, filius Hereberti Camerarii, salutem. Sciatis quod teneo de vobis in capite feodum j. militis et inde feoft'atus est Willielmus de Scuris de feodo i. militis de veteri fefamento postea feofatus inde fuit de dominio meo Willielmus de Bervill de sexta parte militis. Scilicet de veteri fefamento. De novo vero fefamento post mortem Henrici Regis feofatus est de dominio meo, Thomas, clericus de Wichetona, de 13 parte militis. Remanet autem modo in dominio meo una carucata terrae et 6 mansurae super predictum servicium militis quod vobis debo. CARTA HENRICI DE LACI. Quarterly , or and gules, over all a bend sable , a label of g points argent. Henricus de Laci debuit in servicio regis de veteri feodo Pontisfracti, 60 milites fefatos de quibus Wido de Lauual habet 20 milites excepto j. et dimidium, et hoc non remansit nisi in eo et suis. Isti sunt milites qui tenent de Widone et Lauual, scilicet— Helto de Rouec, 4 milites. Foliot, tres milites. Willielmus de Friston, 3 milites. Simon de Lacell, 2 milites. Ranulphus, filius Constant, et Ricardus de Duneham, 2 milites. Robertus, filius Ricardi, dimidium militis Otho de Tilli, 2 milites. Cham de Clinton, j. militem. Simon de Scorcheboef, dimidium militis. Henricus Wallensis* dimidium militis. 24 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 li. Utt STINT MILITES 40 QUI REMANENT IN MANU HeNRICI DE LACI, SCILICET- Tordanus Foliot, 2 milites. Robertus Pictavensis, 3 milites. Henricus Wal, 3 milites. Willielmus de Reindvill, 4 milites. Otho de Tilli, j. militem. Rogerus, filius Aluredi, 3 milites. Herebertus de Archis, 2 milites. Simon Scorchboef, j. militem. Rogerus de Tillj, j. militem. . Robertus Venator, dimidium militis. Rogerus Scinethorp, 4 partem militis. Willielmus de Slepul, 4 partem. Helto de Rouec, j. militem. Adam de Wrenrevill, j. militem. Willielmus de Preston, j. militem. Willielmus de Feresham, j. militem. Gilebertus de Snithale, dimidium militis. Henricus de Dai, et Radulphus frater ejus, et Petrus de Touleston, tenent 2 feuda militum inter eos seque partita. Radulphus de Insula, 2 milites. Willielmus de Friestan, 2 milites. Simon de Lacell, j. militem. # Humfridus de Ruala, dimidium militis. Robertus de Stapleton, 2 milites. Willielmus, filius Aldelin, j. militis. Hamelin de Ria, j. militem. Eudo Longvilers, j. militem. Ricardus Grammaticus, j. militem. Ilebertus Painell, j. militem. Et prater pranominatos milites habet Henricus de Laci istos milites quos ipse et antecessores sui feodaverunt et cum domimco serviunt, scilicet Eborardus, frater ejus, dimidium militis. Walterus de Sumervill, j. militem. Willielmus Scottus, dimidium militis. Samson de Alreton, dimidium militis. Paganus, filius Burchardi, dimidium militis. Adam de Preston, j. militis. . Willielmus Vavasur, 3 partem militis. Willielmus de Novavilla, 8 milites exceptis 20 solidis quos annuatim reddit Henrico de Laci. Robertus, filius Lefwini, 5 partem dimidii militis. Elias, filius Asculf, 4 partem militis. Osbertus Archil, dimidium militis. Walterus Bardulf, 4 partem militis. Willielmus, filius Geroldi, 3 partem militis. Galfridus de Malquenci, 5 partem militis. Adam, filius Petri, j. militem. Radulphus, filius Nicholai, j. militem. Ricardus de Tanga, 4 partem militis. Filius Petri de Isla, 4 partem militis. Robertus de Gant, j. militem et dimidium. Ista sunt feoda quse ceciderunt in manu Henrici de Laci, scilicet, quatuor excepta quarta parte, j. militis, et manifestum est—quod Templarn tenent feodum j. militis, et monachi de Pontefracto, feodum j. militi. CARTA WILLIELMI DE PERCI. Azure, 5 fusils in fesse or . charissimo, Willielmus de Perci, salutem infeodati sunt de meo feodo tarn de veten Ricardus de Weiton, j. militem. Willielmus de Argentoem, j. militem. Ilgerus, filius Roeri, j. militem. Willielmus de Humez, j. militem. Willielmus, filius Ricardi, et Walterus filius Radulpbi, j. militem. Durant de Clainton, et Ricardus filius Angod, et Galfridus filius Roberti, et Theobaldus filius Pagani, et Gilebertus de Archis, j. militem. Adam, filius Normani, et Henricus filius Ypolite, j. militem. Willielmus filius Roberti, et Petrus filius Grente, j. militem. Henrico Regi serenissimo, domino suo et fidelia servicia. Isti sunt milites, qui quam de novo. Robertus Dapifer, 3 milites. Robertus, filius Picot, 3 milites. Willielmus le Vavasur, 2 milites. Willielmus, filius Hugonis, j. militem. Willielmus de Novavilla, j. militem. Gilbertus de Archis, j. militem. Radulphus de Mundavill, j. militem. Galfridus de Valon, j. militem. Thomas Dairell, j. militem. Willielmus Arundell, j. militem. Hugo Foliot, j. militem. Robertus, filius Roberti, j. militem. Robertus de Hallai, j. militem. Stephanus Camerarius, 2 milites. Isti sunt milites de novo feodati, scilicet, post mortem Regis Henrici, de dominio meo. Hugo de Povill, dimidium militis. Nigellus de Stochelde, dimidium militis. Ricardus, filius Osberti, dimidium militis. Gilebertus, filius Fulcheri, dimidium militis. Petrus de Mihausa, 3 partem militum. Hugo, filius Fulcheri, 4 partem militis. Robertus Dapifer, dimidium militis. Gilebertus de Archis, dimidium militis ct 4 partem. Nigellus de Plinton, j. militem. *5 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND \ 6 l 2 . Balchvinus, filius Radulphi, j. militem et 4 partem et 10 partem. Durant, filius Joilin, et Theobaldus, filius Onect. Walterus, filius Ricardi, Joelinus de Aichaton, Swanus Child, Willielmus Granus Ordei, omnes isti j. militem. Robertus de Hallai, dimidium militis. Raignevus Flandrigena, et Petrus de Micusa, Willielmus de Arundell, et Willielmus Martin. Omnes isti de 3 partes militis. Htec est summa de novo feodatorum, octo milites et 3 partes militis et 10 partes militis de dominio meo. CARTA AMFRIDI DE CANCI. Gules, a cross patonce argent, on a chief azure a lion rampant or. Notum sit, quod tenura Anfredi de Chancy talis est quod ista in tempore Henrici Pis fnpnint _ regis feodati fuerunt. Scilicet— Galfridus de Guggethorp, de j. milite. Thomas, filius Roberti, de j. milite. Galfridus de Killum, de j. milite. Thomas, filius Wilnoth, Petrus, filius Grent, Serlo de Illetorp, isti tres tenent feodum unius militis. Ille praedictus Amfridus tenet feodum unius militis in dominico suo, nec magis in tempore regis habuit, nec modo habet nec de novo fefamento aliquem habet. CARTA WILLIELMI DE VESCI. Gules, a cress patonce argent. Willielmus de Vesci tenet feoda 20 militum de rege de veteri fefamento, quod pater suus tenuit anno et die qua Henricus Rex fuit vivus et mortuus. Et hijis tenent ilia feoda. Scilicet— J Herevius Coleman tenet j. militem. Walkelinus de Normanton, j. militem. Robertus, filius Guiumere, j. militem. Willielmus de Lacell, 2 milites. Sable, a cross patonce or. Roalt, et Rogerus, filius Aluredi, j. militem. Baldricus et Rogerus Racin, j. militem. Willielmus Tisun, 2 milites. Ernaldus de Morewic, j. militem. uni^' mum feodum est Boddlei et Spelaston quod rex tenet in manu sua unde V\ lllielmus praedictus habet cartam Henrici regis avi nostri regis ; praeterea Ivo de Vesci feodavit duos milites et tertiam partem militis, de dominio suo, scilicet— Willielmum, filium Huard, de feodo j. I Thomam de Warwode, de j. milite. mi “ tls * I Johannem de Burdun, de 3 parte militis. Eustacius, filius Johannis, feodavit duos milites, scilicet— Willielmum le Latimer, dej.milite. Gules, I Matheum de Lenm, de dimidio militis. a cross patonce or. | Ricardum Maltalent, de dimidio militis. Willielmus de Vesci feodavit duos milites, scilicet — Willielmum de Turbervill, de j. milite. Radulphum, filium Rogeri, de dimidio Gallridum de Vail, de dimidio militis. militis. Et Aiulf tenet 7 partem militis. CARTA BERTRAMI DE BOLEMER PER DAVIDUM LARDINARIUM. Gules , billetee and a lion rampant or. Venerabili domino suo et illustri Regi Henrico Anglorum. David Lardinarius suus, salutem et fidele servicium. Domine literis istis vobis notifico, quot milites Bertramus de Bolemer de vestro feodo habuit, scilicet— Aschetinus, filius Gospatrici, j. militem, tempore regis Henrici avi vestri, et modo similiter. Idem praedictus Bertram tenuit Sutton per feodum j. militis, tempore avi vestri, et postea dedit praedictum feodum de Sutton Galfrido de Valon, per eundem servicium j. militis. Adam Ribalt, j. militem. Ricardus de Roe, j. militem. Johannes, filius Odardi, j. militem. \Valterus Bataile, Radulphus, filius Mani, j. militem. Simon, filius Ernaldi de Lucre, j. militem. Odonel de Umfravill, 2 milites. Robertus Bundin, j. militem. l6 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . Radulphus de Wilton, feodum modoMe^ SKsrS;,£S:: Mafheus de Puntchardun, s partem militemde novo feofamento. De suo autem dominio, nullum debet servicium. CARTA ROBERTI DE STUTEVILL. Barry of 12, argent and gules. 1 videlicet de antiquo feodo. Robertus Murdac tenet f. j. militis. Matilda, filia Hugonis, comitis, j. militem. Osmundus de Stutevill, 2 partes militis. R sTego ipsTte'neo TteoL militis manu antiquo ^do et de novo fefamento. Rogerus de Cnapelot, xi. bovatas de dominio meo pro 8 parte, j. militis. CARTA WILLIELMI PAGANELLI. fefamento— Galfridus Fossard, j. feodum. Petrus de Cordanvill, j. feodum. Adam de Boltebi, j. feodum. ieicuueu — Robertus de Melill, 3 milites et dimidium Masci de Curci, j. militem et dimidium. Fulco Paganellus, j. militem. Robertus de Briddesale, j. militem. Ricardus de Lovetot, 5 milites. Tordanus Painell, j. militem. Radulphus de Ternisco, et Hugo de Bare- vill, j. militem. De dominio meo servio pro dimidio milite, de dominio meo soc * servio pro dimidio milite. Sciatis domine quod "on ha ^° ^^lTelm^i de Wden^ fefamento nisi Jordanum Paganellum de dimidio feodo milite et Willielmum et Rogerum, filium Petri, et Robertum de Alteriva de dimidio milite. CARTA DE FEODO DE SCIPTON QUOD TENET ALEXANDER, FILIUS GERINI. De feodo de Scipton, quod tenet Alexander, filius Gerini, fuerunt hij. milites feofati in wZe°mus e de Sand'ervilllenelTeodo 4 militum, et quintum feodum habet Gervasius de Sandervill, imde non potest habere servicium. Johannes de Argentoem, 2 feoda militum. Radulphus de Chaille, 2 feoda militum. Willielmus, filius Clerenbald, 1 militem et dimidium. Willielmus Malus leporarius, et Stephanus de Bolemer, j. feodum militum. Willielmus Vavasur, dimidium feodi. Cl uuuiiuiuu. . r Hsec duodecima feoda sunt de antiquo feofamento. De eodem feodo de Scipton quod tenet Alexander, filius Gerini, hij milites post obitum regis Hennci infra guerram sunt de dominio meo feodati. Hfieredes Adse, filii Swani, j. militem. Reinerius Flemengus, j. mihtem et dimi- dium. Hereveius de Reinevill, dimidium feodi. Osbertus Archidiaconus tenet xi. caru- catas terrse, unde 14 carucatse fuerunt feodum militis. Petrus de Martun, 12 carucatas. Walterus, filius Willielmi, 10 carucatas. Rogerus Tempestas, 3 carucatas et 2 bovatas. Uctredus de Cunegeston, 6 carucatas. Simon de Munthall, 3 carucatas. Rogerus de Fauinton, 4 carucatas et dimidium. 1 MS., 1415, gives barry of 15. Hij. octo feoda militum sunt de noviter feodatis, in dominio. Watheus, filius Gomel, 3 carucatas. Ricardus, filius Ricardi, 3 carucatas. Helto, filius Willielmi de Arches, 3 caru¬ catas. Rogerus Minun, 1 carucatam. Edwardus Camerarius, 10 bovatas terras, unde 14 carucatse faciunt militem. Ricardus de Brocton, 1 carucatam. Galfridus Morin, 1 carucatam. Walterus Arel, 1 carucatam. Hugo, nepos Episcopi, dimidium caru- Ranulphus Paileue, dimidium militis. 2 2 Carucatae, 1415. De baronia quam Everardus de Ros de domino rege tenet, scilicet quam Ranulphus ae Urlanvill habet m custodia ex tempore Henrici regis tenet. Petrus de Surdevall, feodum j. militis. Driu de Hairun, j. militem. Robertus de Barchetorp, dimidium militis. Thomas Thuschet, dimidium militis. Willielmus, filius Bertram, feodum 4 partis militis. Willielmus Le Ninge, dimidium militis. Helias de Torp, 4 partem militis. Matilda, filia Hugonis Camin, 4 partem militis. Robertus de Spouston, 3 partem militis. Willielmus de Staynsgrave, 6 partem militis. CARTA ROBERTI DE GANT. Barry of 6 or and azure, over all a bend gules. l Sciendum est hoc esse fefamentum Roberti de Gant xii. milites et dimidium. Quatuor milites et dimidium de feodo Mathei de Curci. Robertus de Rudestan, feodum j. militis. Willielmus de Vesci, feodum j. militis. Robertus de Cambert, feodum dimidii militis. Walterus, filius Asketell, dimidium militis. Robertus de Stainegrave, de dimidio militis. Alanus de Capeton, dimidium militis. Avicia, mater Willielmi de Curci, 2 milites. Et de meo dominio egomet Robertus de Gant teneo duos milites et dimidium de veteri fefamento ; et de novo fefamento hos habeo milites de me tenentes. Willielmus de Colevill, feodum i. militis. R. de Langeton, dimidium militis. Willielmus de Vesci, dimidium militis. Willielmus de Bailloll, 4 partem. Hugo de Gant, 4 partem. Hugo de Grainesbi, feodum i. militis de me tenet cum praedictis aliis militibus, et hoc de adquisitione Radulphi Painell. CARTA RANULPHI FILI WALTERI. Reverendissimo domino suo Henrico Regi Angliae, Ranulphus, filius Walteri, salutem. Sciatis quod antecessores mei tenuerunt de Henrico rege avi vestro feodum eorum, et ego modo, vestri gratia, ie vobis teneo per servicium triummilitum et 3 partes militis. Et ego facio servicium de dominio meo, de duobus militibus, et tribus partibus militis, et Emaldus de Mandevill facit servicium unius militis. Gules, a cross patonce vair. Argent , a chief gules. Bendy, argent and gules, a chief or. S. Baldwini de Betun, comitis Albemarli®. A chief bendy . Adam de Brus tenet xv. milites in hoc co- mitatu. Argent, a lion rampant azure. Willielmus Trussebut tenet feoda 10 militum in hoc comitatu. In feodo comitis Conani sunt 50 milites in hoc comitatu. Ermine. In feodo Roberti de Brus sunt quinque milites in hoc comitatu. and chief gules. ( Comes de Alba Mara tenet in hoc comitatu feoda decern militum. In feodo Jocelini de Loveines sunt quinque milites et dimidium in hoc comitatu. Or , a lion rampant azure. In honore de Tikehulle sunt 60 milites et tres partes unius militis, in hoc comitatu. Willielmus de Fulgeriis tenet unum militem. A bend. Or, a saltire 1 MS., 1415, giv*s barry of 8. 28 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15^4/5 AND l ^ l2m CARTA MILITUM HONORIS DE WARTRE. Filius Willielmi de Wivill, dimidium militis. Radulphus de Bolebeck, 4 partem militis. R. Constabularius Cestriae tenet Snaith per feodum unius militis. Quarterly , or and gules , a bend sable , a label of 5 points argent. Ricardus de Sprocstune tenet Sproxton per 4 milites quam prius tenuit per serjanteriam forestae. Henricus, filius Pavi®, tenet 4 partem militis de feodo de Wardre. Paganne tenet j. feodum militem. Adam de Dagun, 4 partem militis. Willielmus, filius Anketill, 6 partem militis. ^ ., , Ty Willielmus Salvanus, et Guido de Ver, j. militem. . Filia Huberti de Vallibus, j. militem. LIBER RUBEUS. Scutagium solutum anno septimo regis Henrici secundi. tarn per prrelatos, quara per caeteros barones, quando idem rex obsedit Tholosam. Ebor. Alexander, filius Toky. Robertus, filius Ranuln. Herveius Marescallus. Archiepiscopus Eboracensis. Episcopus Dunhelmensis. Honor de Tykhull. Ricardus de Lovetot. . Scutagium pro eodem exercitu Tholosanum, impositum anno octavo regis Henrici secundi. „_„ Ebor. . Alexander, filius Geroldi. Willielmus Paganellus. Robertus de Gant. Bernard de Baillol. Ranulfus, filius Galteri, j. militem. Willielmus Fossard. Willielmus de Perci. Robertus de Ros. - , . .... Exactio non nomine scutagii sed nomine Auxilii, ad maritandam pnmogenitam filiam Reer S Duci Saxoni^ fuit imposita praelatis et militibus et umyersis anno regm Regis Henrici 2, xiii. fuitque ad marcam unam a singuhs feodis. Solutum quidem et annotatum, in anno 14 ejusdem regis. Ebor. Rogerus de Muntbray. Willielmus de Vesci. Guido Delaval. Ranulfus, filius Galteri. Everard de Ros. Comes Albemarle. Comes Conanus. Adam de Brus. jocelin de Lovein. Honor de Tykehulle. Willielmus Fossard. Willielmus de Perci. Robertus de Brus. Willielmus de Filgeriis. Robertus de Stotevill. Willielmus de Paganell. Willielmus de Beumeis. Henricus de Lascy. Robertus de Gant. Wenroz Pome. Paganus de feodo de Wartre. Adam Dagun. Willielmus, filius Anketill. Willielmus Selveyn et Guido de Ver. Herbertus de Vallibus. Willielmus de Wyvill. Radulphus de Boleber. Amfridus de Cancy. Stephanus, filius Herberti Camerarii. Alexander, filius Geroldi. Willielmus Trussebut. Scutagium assisum pro exercitu Hibemiae tarn de praelatis quam caeteris baronibus, anno 18 regni regis Henrici secundi. Ebor. Willielmus Trusebut. ]ocelinus, frater Regin®. Willielmus de Filgeriis. Adam de Brus. Rogerus de Stoteville, de militibus quos habet de feodo Adae de Brus. Willielmus Paganell, de Alta Ripa. Guido de Valle. Honor de Tykehull, per veredictum Johannis Constabularii Cestriae. Willielmus Fossard. Amfridus de Canci. Robertus de Stotevill. Willielmus de Bolimer. Willielmus Paganell. Stephanus, filius Herberti. Henricus de Lascy. Ranulfus, filius Walteri. Honor de Wartre. Robertus de Brus. Comes Albemarle. Scutagium impositum pro exercitu Galweye anno 33 Henrici 2. 29 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. Honor Albredae de Insula de Settrington, I Robertus Walensis hon< J 5 est ^ manu regis. Galfridus Trussebut. Willielmus Paganell, de Alta Ripa. fealdus, filius Alani, 6 marcas de honore Britanniae. Higo, filius Gemegan, 3 marcas de eodem honore. Valterus de Cancy. (omitissa de Warwik. Cbnanus de Astorpe. Vido de Lavall. /gnes de Percy, lobertus de Bulers. lobertus de Toman. Villielmus Daubyni. Villielmus Stutevill. Villielmus de Muntbray. Comites Britanniae et Albemarliae. lustachius de Vescy. blanus de Nevill. fetrus de Brus. Constabularius de Cestriae. Jmma de Humaiz. lugo de Screch. Ebor. Robertus de Tumham. Willielmus de Stotevill. Robertus de Gant. Agnes de Percy. Willielmus, filius Ranulfi. feodi de Wartre, quas Willielmus de Comitissa Britanni®, 280 libratas et 140 milites quos Thomas de Burgo, quondam senescallus comitissae, recognovit perti- nere ad honorem comitatus Britanniae, in Anglia. Johannis, et completum in anno tertio Ebor. Robertus, filius Pagani. Willielmus de Selton. Radulphus de Salvain. Andreas de Feugers. Walterus de Cancy. Willielmus Painell. Rogerus Camerarius. Rogerus le Bigot. Willielmus de Chaosis. Stephanus, filius Herberti Cameram. Ricardusde Percy, 15 marcas de medietate honoris Willielmi de Percy. Willielmus Briwer, custos haeredis alterius medietatis. Henricus de Nevill, haeres Bertrami de Bolimer. Constabularis Cestriae, 43 marca de feodo de Lascy. Mauricius de Gaunt. Robertus de Ros, 3 marcas de feodo quod fuit Willielmi Trussebut et 4 marcas de feodo de Wartre. Yllaria Trussebut, 3 marcas de feodo de Trussebut et 4 marcas de Feodo de Wartre. Robertus de Veteri Ponte. Hugo Painel. Inquisitiones factae tempore regis Johannis per totam Angliam anno scilicet regni :ui duodecimo, et decimo tertio, in quolibet comitatu de servicns militum et aliorum qui le eo tenent in capite. Secundum rotulos liberatos thesaurano, per manus vice- :omitum Angliae tempore praedicto. MILITES ET BARONES TENENTES DE REGI IN CAPITE IN COMITATU EBOR SECUNDUM INQUISICIONEM PRJEDICTAM. Ebor. Constabularius Cestri®,. 60 feoda de Honore Pontisfracti, Idem, j. feodum militis, Sneith. Willielmus de Munbray, 60 feoda. Gilbertus de Gant, 60 feoda. Honor de Tykehull, 60 feoda. Comes Cestriae, 40 feoda de honore Richmund. Constabularius Richm'andi®, 6 feoda et dimidium de eodem honore. Henricus, filius Hervi, 3 feoda de eodem honore. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584 /j AND l6l2. Robertas de Tumeham, 31 feoda. Ricardus de Percy, 15 feoda. -Wmielmiis de Percy, 15 feoda de honore de Tadecaster. Galfridus Luterell et Willielmus Bastard, 15 feoda. Eustachius de Vescy, 4 feoda de honore de Malton. Robertas de Ros, 5 feoda de feodo de Hantesley. Idem 3 feoda de feodo de Trussebut. Willielmus de Albany, 3 feoda de eodem feodo. YllariaTrussebut, 3 feoda de eodem feodo. Petrus de Brus, xi. feoda de honore de Skelton. [ham. Nicholas de Stutevill, 5 feoda de Coting- Walterus de Cancy, 5 feoda de Skerpinbec. Hugo Bigod, 9 feoda de honore de Set- rington. Comes Albemarliae, 10 feoda de Holder- ness. Idem 2 feoda de honore de Skipton. Hugo de Baillol, 4 feoda de Stokeley. Henricus de Nevill, 3 feoda de Sutton. Hugo Paynell, 3 feoda de Drax. Willielmus, filius Ranulfi, 2 feoda et 3 partem de feodo Alverton. Honor de Cnarburgh, 3 feoda. Gerardus de Fornivall, 1 feodum militis Scaffeld. Comes Warenne, 6 feoda de Wakefeld. Warinus, filius Gerold, j. feodum de Hare- wood. Henricus de Puteaco, j. feodum de Wigton. Andreas de Faugeriis, j. feodum. Ricardus de Sproxton, dimidium feodi de Sproxton. Galfridus Luterel, j. feodum in Barton. Robertus de Bolebec, quartam. Robertus, filius Nicholai de Stutevill, 1 feodum de Midelton. Ricardus Malebisse, j. feodum de honore de Eye. Advocatus de Betune, dimidium militis et in Nottinghamscire xi. militis MILITES ARCHIEPISCOPI EBORACENSI. Constabularies Cestriae, 2 milites. Ricardus de Hodelestone, 2 milites. Tordanus de Launde, 2 milites. Robertus de Luttrington, 1 militem. Radulphus de Wileuby, 1 militem. Robertus de Burestall, dimidium militem. Robertus de Brakestone, 4 milites. Osbertus de Brocton, quartam partem. Robertus Morin, quartam militem in Lymby. Walterus de Scuris, dimidium militis. Radulphus Trussel, j. militem. Robertus Maunsell, 1 militem. Robertus de Teford, 1 militem. Thomas Palefray, 1 militem. Joceus de Bolingburc, dimidium milites. Willielmus de Panton, 1 militem. Robertus de Everingham, 2 milites et dimidium. Petrus de Billinghe, 1 militem. Nigellus de Beningworth, 20 partem. Gilbertus de Rigby, 2 militem. Adam de Bella Aqua, 1 militem. Idem Adam et Robertus filius Ricardi quintam. Robertus de Muscamp, 1 militem. Uxor ejusdem Roberti, 1 militem. Hugo de Verly, 4 milites. Oliverus de Aencurt, 2 milites. Margeria de Beningworth, 20 partem. Robertus de Dorby, 20 partem. Thomas de Remevill, dimidium militis. Comes Albemarliae, 3 milites. Thomas Cokerell, 1 militem. Ranulphus de Vallibus, 1 militem. Robertus de Bristhull, quartam. Robertus de Maleforest, et Benedictus de Sculecote, quintam. Walterus de Karetorpe, duodecimam. Thomas de Eton, duodecimam. Galfridus le Harde, et Johannes de Melsa, octavam. Petrus, filius Herberti, 3 milites. Willielmus Ward, 1 militem. Willielmus de Munbray, quartam. Radulphus de Noby, quartam. Henricus de Markmton, vigesimam. Ricardus de Wyvill, dimidium militis. Galfridus de Merkinford, vigesimam. Malgerus le Vavasour, quartam. Isabella de Burchelay, dimidium militis. Serlo de Povelegh, dimidium militis. SERJANTERI^E. Robertus de Geueldale et Thomas de Geueldale, totam Geueldale per balisteriam ad castellum Eboracensi. Johannes de Cawode, i. carucatam in Cawode per forestariam. Radulphus, filius Bernardi, i. carucatam, Hoton. Johannes Le Poer. jamoldus, per archeriam, &c. Nomina baronum et militum collecta ex rotulis de feodis militum, vel de scutagio (nam id non exprimitur) solutis regi Ricardo primo. Quemadmodum habentur in libr.Q rubeo penes Rememoratorem regis in Scaccario asservato. 3 2 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN Ij 8 4 !S AND l6i2 Ebor. Archiepiscopus Eboracensis. Episcopus Dunhelmensis, io milites, de quibus Hugo, filius Pincon, tenet 6 militeset Hugo Austrucarius carucatam, 2 milites. Honor de Tykehull, 60 milites. Willielmus, filius Ivonis, 5 milites. Willielmus Paganellus, 15 milites. Alured de Cancy, 6 milites. Symon de Cancy, 5 milites m Lincolna. Willielmus de Percy, 20 milites. Willielmus Fossard, 2 milites. Robertus de Gant, 15 milites. Ranulfus, filius Walteri. Alexander, filius Gerardi. Robertus de Ros. Bemardus de Baillol. Rogerus de Muntbray, 88 milites. In 2* rotulo Nigellus. Willielmus de Vescy, 26 milites. Guido de Lavall, 20 milites. Everard de Ros, 8 milites. Comes Albemarle, 20 milites. Comes Conanus, 50 milites. Adam de Brus, 15 milites. . ] ocelinus de Lovein, frater Reginae, & milites. Amfridus de Cancy, 5 milites. Stephanus, filius Herberti Camerarn, 1 militem. ANNO 38 H. 3, 1253. Willielmus Trussebut, 10 milites. In rotulo 2. Robertus Trussebut. Robertus de Brus, 5 milites. Willielmus de Filgeriis, 1 militem. Robertus de Stotevill, 8 milites. Et de 10 militibus NigeUi de Muntbray quorum habet custodiam. Willielmus de Belmeis, 3 milites. Henricus de Lacy, 63 milites. Et prseter praedictas milites tenet de praedicto honore Guido de Laval, 20 milites in capite, qui sunt nominati in carta ejusdem Henrici. Feoda de Wartre, 4 milites. Willielmus de Bolin, 3 milites. In carta de Bartram, 2 milites. In rotulo R. 4. scilicet, Galfridus de Nevill. Rogerus de Stotevill, 1 militem. Willielmus de Paganellus de Alta Ripa, alias ab eo qui supra, 3 milites. Albrincis de Insula, 10 milites de feodo de Settrington. Robertus Walensis. Galfridus Trussebut, 1 militem. Willielmus de Fortibus, 13 milites, de honore de Scipton in Cravene, et 20 milites de feodo de Albemarle. Fulco Paganellus, 2 milites. Castellse qui terrain Vasconi® hostility ingressurus erat pugnatun, anno regm regis Henrici tertii, anno 38. Salutis k Christo, 1253. Willielmus de Horseden, vice comes Eboracensis. Dominus Edwardus, filius Domini Regis. Robertus de Veteri Ponte. Willielmus de Cressy. Adam de Novo Mercato. Thomas, filius Willielmi. Johannes de Staynton. Eimes de Methelton. Comes Albemaliae. Willielmus de Ros. Robertus de Nevill. Rogerus de Mubray. Episcopus Dunhelmensis. Gilbertus de Gant. Johannes de Warrene. Willielmus de Feugeres. Robertus de Greystok. Hugo Bigot. Petrus de Brus. Henricus de Percy. Petrus de Mauley. Willielmus de Stotevill. Andreas Luterell. Edmundus de Lascy. Abbas Sanctse Marise de Eboraco. Petrus de Percy. Johannes, filius Willielmi de Vescy, qui est infra cetatem in custodia regis. Gerardus de Furnivall. Robertus Constabularius. Margeria de Vescy. Adam de Everingham. Willielmus de Lasceles. Patrick de Westwik. Baldwinus de Insula, qui est infra setatem in custodia regis. Willielmus, filius Willielmi Paynell, qui est infra aetatem, et Willielmus de Valenem habet custodiam de eo de dont domini regis. Simon de Steyngrif. Prior de Drax. Thomas, filius Roberti de Chauncv, qui est infra aetatem, et Robertus de Crepinges custodiam de eo ex dono domini regis. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 33 1299, ANNO 28 EDWARDI I. Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglise, Dominus Hiberniae et Dux Aquitanise, Vice comiti. Eboracensi salutem. Quia ad saluationem coronse nostrae regiae, commu- nemque magnatum et procerum ac totius populi regni nostri utilitatem, nec non ad dampna scandala et pericula, quae ex rebellione Scottorum, inimicorum et rebellium nostrorum, cum possent evenire, salubriter praecavenda, ordinavimus et proponimus, Domino concedente, esse in proximo festo nativitatis beati Johannis Baptistae apud Karliolum cum ,equis et armis et toto servicio nobis debito ad proficiscendum exinde contra dictos Scotos, ad eorum rebellionem perfidiam et nequitiam, viriliter et potenter cum Dei auxilio reprimendare, tibi praecipimus in fide qua nobis teneris firmiter injungentes quod una cum delectis et fidelibus nostris Willielmo le Latimer seniore, Radulpho filio Willielmi, Johanne de Creppinge, et Johanne Byron, vel duobus eorum, omnes et singulos de balliva tua, tarn infra libertates quam extra, quicunque fuerint milites, scutiferi, sive alii quadraginta libratas terras et redditus vel amplius habentes, licet de nobis non teneant, sine delatione praemuniri rogari et moniri facias, ex parte nostra, quod sibi de equis et armis taliter provideant et se praeperaverent, indilate quod sint ad nos ad dictos diem et locum prompti et parati ad pro- fisciendum exinde nobiscum ad vadia nosira contra Scotos praedictos. Et hoc sub foris factura, quam nos inde ad voluntatem nostram ordinandum duxerimus, non omittant, etc. Teste meipso apud Wetherby 14 die Januarii,. anno regni nostri vicessimo octavo. NOMINA HABENTIUM QUADRAGINTA LIBRATAS TERRIES IN COMITATU EBORACENSI. West-ridinge, Dux Britanniae. Comes Lancashire. Comes Cornubiae. Comes Lincolniae. Comes Marescallus. Comes Warennae Dominus Thomas de FurnivalT. Dominus Robertus de Clifford. Dominus Thomas de Chauwortb. Dominus de Leyburne. Dominus Nicholas de Segrave. Domina Eva Typpetoft. Galfridus Luterell, scutifer. Dominus Fulco, filius Warini. Dominus Nicholaus de Worteley* Barkeston. Dominus Hugo Despenser. Dominus Robertus de Beriey. Dominus Robertus de Flixstorpe. Strafford et Tykehull. Philippus Paynelle, scutifer. Dominus Francus Tyays* Willielmus le Ryther. Akebrygge. Dominus Willielmus, filius Radulphi. Dominus Johannes de Holbury. Dominus Johannes de Ba. Dominus Hugo de Hersy. Morleye. Dominus Hugo de Eland. Dominus Robertus de Plomton. Ossgotcros. Dominus Johannes de Eyvile. Dominus fordanus Folyot. Dominus Thomas de Metham. Catherina de Ripariis. Stancross. O nnes 40 libratas terrae- tenentes alibi Woncross similiter alibi. Wapentake de Clarhenwe. I Skirheck. Dominus Willielmus de Ros de Yngman- thorpe. Dominus Ricardus de Goldesburgh. Dominus Tohannes Mauliverer. Dominus Rogerus de Beltoft. Aynstyke. Dominus Willielmus Vavasour. Dominus Radulphus Walays. Dominus de Vescy apud Belton. Dominus Willielmus de Becke.orpe. Dominus Ricardus Malbys. Dominus Hugo de Swyllingtau. Domina de Byngeleye. Pykerynge. Hieres Domini Willielmi de Aton. Libertas de Aluerton. Dominus Johannes Conyers. Robertus Colvyle, scutifer. Dominus Rogerus My not. D 3 + VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN ^84/j AND l 6 l 2 . ESTREDINGE-HERTHILL. Dominus Johannis Wake. Dominus Brianus, filius Alani. Dominus Johannes de Grey. Dominus J ohannes de Bellewe. Dominus J ohannes de Ouseflete. Dominus Henricus Tyays. Dominus Willielmus de Eyvile. Dominus Johannes de Hothome. Dominus Thomas de Pykeringe. Dominus Robertus de Stuteville. _ Domina Aleonora, uxor Johanms de Hauton. Dominus Willielmus Latimer, senior. Dominus Gerardus Salvayn. Dominus Willielmus Constable. Dominus Marmaducus Thweng. Dominus Petrus de Malolacu. Dominus Willielmus de Seint Quintin. Dominus Walterus de Grindale. Dominus Johannes, filius Reginaldi. Dominus Robertus de Percy. Dominus Willielmus Ros de Hamlak. Dominus Johannes de Britannia. Dominus Radulphus, filius Willielmi. Domina Alicia de Everingham. Domina de Vescy, relicta Johanms de Vescy. Domina Johanna de Vinonns. Dominus Johannes de Meloes. 1 Dominus Herbertus de St. Quintin. Dominus Robertus Tylolf. Domina Margaretta de Scipwick. Dominus Johannes de Sutton. Thomas de Mounsewes, scutifer. Dominus Willielmus Grimbald. Dominus Robertus de Roos. Dominus J ohannes de Ros, de Ringeburg. Baron de Greystock. Bikeringe. Dominus Robertus de Tatersale. Domina de Somervile. Dominus Robertus de Boyton. Dominus Walterus de Goushulle. Dominus Walranus de Rogeford. LlBERTAS BEATE MARI E EbORACENSIS. Dominus Willielmus de Houke. Dominus Willielmus Dysnege. Richemondscire. Dominus Johannes Marmion. Dominus Philippus Breton. Dominus Thomas de Richmond. Dominus Radulphus, filius Ranulfi. Robertus de Clesby. Dominus Askuyt de Clesby. Thomas de Lasselles. Willielmus de Skargill. Dominus Amaldus Percy. Edmundus Foliot. Inter Ouse et Derwent. Nicholas de Luda. Henricus, filius Conani. Dominus Thomas Burdon. Dominus Wychardus Charun. Galfridus Maucovenant. Henricus de Bosco. Rogerus de Somervile. Adam de Brus. Willielmus de Funteyns. Johannes de Thorp de Scipwick. Dominus Johannes Gower. Nicholaus de Hastings. Adam de Mohaut. Willielmus, filius Johannis, de Pettehowe, Johannes Sampson. Robertus Haunsard. Dominus Robertus Huttrid. Dominus Johannes de Holburg. Willielmus Flemynge. Maugerus Vavasour. Thomas de Burgh. Willielmus de Hamelton. Johannes de Annesley. Henricus de Tyneslowe. Dominus de Ros. Theophania de Bulmer. Domina Margareta de Nevyle. Domina de Breuhus. Domina de Middelham. Seterincham. Dominus Walterus de Moncey. Dominus Johannes, filius Henrici. Domina Marioria de Nevill. Dominus Simon Ward. Dominus Thomas de Alta Ripa. Dominus Willielmus le Flemyng. Rayner le Cnole. LlBERTAS RlPON. Dominus Willielmus de Stopham. LlBERTAS DE KNAREBURGH. Dominus Henricus, filius Heugonis. Henricus de Boys. Mewes, 1415. 35 VISITATION OP YORKSHIRE IN I.584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . NORTHRIDING—RIDAL. Dominus Walterus de Taye. Dominus Henricus de Grey. Dominus Milo de Stapleton. Dominus Willielmus de Herom. Dominus Willielmus de Ros de Yolton. Dominus Walterus de Percey. Johannes de Wyvell, scutifer. Radulfus de Bulmer, scutifer. Willielmus de Vescy. Bolemer. Dominus Ranulfus de Nevill. Dominus Johannes Byron. Dominus Philippus de Hylleye. Dominus Matheus de Lovaine. 1324. 17 EDWARDI II. Edwardus, Dei Gratia, Rex Angliro, Dominus Hiberniae, et Dux Aquitanise, Vice- comiti Eboracensi salutem. Cum pro quibusdam magnis et arduis negotiis nos et staturn regni nostri multipliciter tangentibus, mandavimus praelatis, comitibus Daronibus, et alns proceribus regni nostri, quod sins ad nos apud Westmonasterium iuerint die dommica proxima instans festum ascentionis Domini ad tractandum ibidem nobiscum, super negociis antedictis, ac nos consilium et avisamentum militum de smgulis comitatibus regni dicti nostri supra dictis negotiis habere volimus. Tibi praecipimus firmiter injugentes quod in pleno comitatu praedicto et in singulis locis in balliva tua, tarn infra libertates quam extra, ubi videris expedire, ex parte nostra, publico lacias proclamare quod omnes et singuli milites de eadem balliva tua tarn infra ? a ^ eS ^ uam ex * ra * a liis praetermissis, omni excusatione postposita, sint ad nos ad dictum locum Westmonasterium die Mercurii proximi post dictam diem domi- nicam, nobiscum et cum praelatis, comitibus, baronibus et proceribus supra dictis super dictis negotiis tractaturi suumque consilium impensuri. Et hoc nullo modo omittant sicut nos et honorem nostrum ac commodum regni nostri diligunt el seipsos indempnes voluerint conservare. Et tu ipse sis ibidem ad diem pnedictam Mercurii, in propria persona tua, certificans nos de nominibus omnium et singulorum militum, ac aliorum hominum, ad arma de dicta balliva tua et de toto facto tuo in hac parte. Et haec sicut te et tua indempnes servare volueris, nullo modo omittas. Et habeas lbi hoc breve. Teste meipso apud Westmonasterium nono die Maii anno regni nostri decimo septimo. Brodeford. Dominus Willielmus de Cantilupo. Dominus Rogerus de Lascelles. Dominus Rogerus de Berton. Langberg. Dominus Nicholaus de Menyl. Dominus Walterus le Fauconbriges. Christoferus de Soton, scutifer. Dominus Hugo, filius Henrici. Dominus Ricardus de Romondby. Dominus Willielmus Latimer, hlius. Rrsponsio Rogeri de Somervill, Vicecomitis. Proclamari feci in pleno comitatu et in singulis locis de balliva mea, tarn infra libertatem quam extra, omnia quae in isto brevi continentur. Et vobis certifieo, in propria persona mea, de nominibus omnium et singulorum militum et aliorum hominum ad arma, in eadem balliva mea prout patet in panello isto brevi consuto. Nomina Mtlitum de Comitatu Eboracensi. Thomas Wake, Dominus de Lydall. Willielmus de Ros, de Hamelake. Henricus de Percy. Thomas de Furnyvale, senior. Willielmus le Latimer. Petrus de Malolacu. Radulphus de Bulmer. Johannes de Fauconberg. Ranulphus de Nevill. Henricus, filius Hugonis. Gilbertus de Aton. Simon Warde. Johannes Marmion. Willielmus de Twenge. Henricus le Scrope. Galfridus le Scrop, Justice. Ricardus de Bemyngham. Rogerus de Aske. Alexander de Nevill. Thomas de Manneby. Thomas de Laton. Johannes de Nevill. Johannes de Lascelles. Ranulphus, filius Radulphi. Thomas de Colvill. Radulphus de Norinanviil. 36 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/^ AND l 6 l 2 . Robertus de Coinghers. Robertus de Nunewik. Johannes Warde. Johannes Gray. Johannes Mauleverer. Ricardus de Goldesburgh. Willielmus de Aslakby. Robertus de Colvill. Johannes de Siggeston. Galfridus de Upsale. Johannes Waxand. Johannes de Walkingham. Willielmus de Malbis. Johannes Barton de Fritoiu Simon Lovell, coronator. Nicholas de Gray. Walterus de Tay. Walterus de Peresay. Willielmus Darell, coronator. Thomas de la Rivers. Alexander de Percy. Alexander de Bergh. Walterus de Insula. Robertus de Capon*. Thomas Ugtred. Brianus Bardon. Thomas de Houke. Alexander de Cave. Thomas Boulton- Johannes de Hothom, senior. Johannes de Hothom, junior. Johannes de Heselarton. Georgius Salvaigne. Aldwinus Salvaigne. Thomas de Heselarton. Robertus Le Constable de Flamburgh. Robertus Le Constable de Holderness. Johannes de Sutton. Galfridus de Sancto Quintino. Herbertus de Sancto Quintino. Willielmus de Plays. Thomas de Pykeringe. Gerardus de Usflete. Rogerus de Grimston. Robertus de Sywardby. Johannes de Hasthorpe. Willielmus de Mauleverer. Henricus de Hertlington. Petrus de Midelton. Thomas de Alta Ripa. Johannes de Tempest. Johannes Fleminge. Willielmus Bernak. Thomas de Sheffeld. Edmundus de Wasteneys. Willielmus de Anne. Reginaldus de Salesbery. Robertus de Moreby. Ricardus de Averoignes. Robertus de Hastange. Robt. de Beliomonte, coronator. Willielmus de Erghum. Bertinus de Fanacourt. Willielmus Ros de Ingmanthorpe. Willielmus Ros de Youlton. Johannes de Tweng. Gregorius de Thornton, coronator. Johannes de Stapleton. Nicholaus 1 de Stapleton. Johannes Bigot. Ricardus Wallays. Willielmus Gramary. Robertus de Raygat. Willielmus Clarell. Warinus de Skargill. Johannes de Eland. Willielmus de Beston. Willielmus de la Twyer. Johannes Mynyot. *Amandus de Ruda. Adam Everingham de Birkyn. Adam de Reresby. Adam de Wannervile. Philippus de Melsa. -Johannes de Donecaster. Willielmus de Brous. Maugerus le Vavasour. Petrus de Saltmarsh. Hugo de Pikworth. Nicholaus de Metham. Willielmus, filius Willielmi. Adam Swylyngton. Robertus de Insula. Aucherus, filius Henrici. Ranulfus de Blanchminster. Rogerus de Novo Mercato. Ricardus Benet. Henricus de Fauconberg. Robertus de Hilton. Thomas de Novo Mercato. Adam de Somervill. Nomina Hominum ad Arma in Comitatu Eboracensi. Nicholaus, filius Nicholai de Menill. Petrus, filius Petri de Malo Lacu. Henricus le Vavasour. Johannes de Ryther. Johannes de Neyvill. Willielmus de Skargill. Thomas de Metham. Willielmus le Vavasour de Denebi. Nicholaus de Wortelay. Thomas Fayrfax, Thomas Paynell. Johannes de Hoton. Robertus, filius Roberti de Wadesley. 1 Thomas, 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. DRANSFIELD, OF STUBBS WALDEN. Arms 1st and 4th paly of 6 sable and ardent, on a bend gules 3 mullets or, Dransfield = nd and 3rd - quarterly, 1 and 4, azure a chief indented or, Fitz iLnddolf ; ’ 2 aid 3 "zui ,' a bend or, a label argent, Scrope. a Christopher Dransfield, of Stubbs = .dau of Wm. Gascoigne, of Gaw- Walden. I thorpe, knt. 1—- 1 William Dransfield. -Elizabeth, dau. of John Sothill, of Sothill Hall. Charles Dransfield.=Alice, dau. and co-heiress of Sir Raphe FitzRandall.1 Elizabeth, dau. Raphe Drans- = Mary, d. and co- field, sans- to Sir heiress, mar. issue. Roger to.War- Lassells. cup, ofSmar- dell. Isabell, dau. Ann, dau. Dorothy,dau. and co- and co- and co¬ heir to heir, wife heiress, mar. JohnSwale, toFrancis toJohnFos- of Grin- Percy, of ter, of Ley- ton. Scotton. burn. 18,011, p. 39-5. 1487, fo. 162,5. 1415, fo. 40#. 1394, p. 23. 1420, fo. 20,5. 1499, fo. 32. 1571, fo. 196. 6070, fo. i 33 <5. 4630, p. i 4S . Tonge's Visit., p. 47. 1 Fitz Randolph.—Tonge. DONHAM, OF KERLYNGT0N. Arms :—Azure, a chief indented or. Robert Donham. ~.dau. of.Stafford, 1 of I co. Derby. John Donham. = Elizabeth, dau. and heiress to Sir L Nicholas Bowett and heir to 3 ...Zouch, and to ... Bella Aqua. **| Jane, * dau. of Thos. Thurland, of— Sir John Donham.= 3 Jane, dau. to Sir Godfrey Gamston, ist wife. She died s.p. I Foljambe. Katherine. John Donham, d. y. Elizabeth. Margaret. Ann. Mary. 18,011, p. 39<$. 1487, fo. 172^. 1415, fo. 40 b. 1304, p. 19. 1420, fo. 20 b. 1571, fo. 196^. 6070, fo. 101. Tonge's Visit., p. 6. 1 Sansford.—Tonge. 3 Tonge. t Bennet.—Tonge. 3 3 VISITATION or YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . DE LA RIVER, OF BRANSBY. Arms :-Vaire, a border gules entoyre of bezants. Marmadulce de la River, of Bransby.=.sister to Sir Ralph Bulmer. Thomas de la Riv^=Ellinor, dau. of.Copley, of Doneaster. 18,011, p. 39#- 1487, ff. 6 it . I 73 0 MIS. ff- 40^. PP- 13^47. 1420 , ^ _ p _499' see a 4 q ad 5? tional pedigrees. DONINGTON. . a ,1, nalv of 6 argent and azure, on a chief gules 3 bezants, Donnington. Arms 1st and 2 4 t ]*^ I J d; argent 8 a chevron between 3 mullets gules, Danby. William Donington. f Katherine, dau. of Robert Pemberton, of Northampton. . Tnhn~Donfngton. son of'William. =Marg ar*?- dau. and co-heir of... Danb y, ofYafforth. WSTW Donin^Mplau. ^eth,mar. S™an 2=,. fit aVo- "jxarr ►£, r.T*- 1 MS., 1415. EVER INGHAM, OF BIRKIN. ARMS 1st and 4th, gules, a lion **• “ * **" “ *“ ‘ SirTobn Everingham, =Katherine, dau. and heir of Thomas Sir] ohn Ever-=M argaret Ever- inghara, of ingham. Wadesley Hall, knt . Wadesley, of Wadesley Hall. —i-1 1 T , Isabell, Anne, mar. to John dau. of mar. to Langham. GuyWil- Sir Wm. Chris- Elizabeth, to Henry strop. Scargill, top her Vavasor, of Hazle- — ofThorpe. Preston. wood. I A™e,,.dau. of=Sir Henry_ = Elizabeth, dau. rf Sh OswMd Sir William Fairfax. Everingham, Thos. Linley, of Linley. co-heir of. Redman, of Bossall. ]ane, s.p. Thomas, s.p. _ r -—f----1 Elinor, dau. = Francis Wil- Elizabeth, mar. to Elinor, and sole- strop. Cuthbert Red- s.p. heir. man, ofHarwod. 18,011, p. 41. 1487, fo. 164. I 4 I S» ff - 2 S- 4o£, 9°- T 394> 14J. 2I 5; J °1 _ 21, 1499, fo. 22 b. 1571, fo. 198. 6070, fo. 146$. 4630, p. 163. Tonges Visit., p. 12. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 39 FAIRFAX, OF WALTON AND GILLING. Arms :— 1. Argent, a lion rampant gules, debruised by 3 bars gemelles sable, Fairfax, a. Argent, a chevron between 3 foxes' heads erased gules, Malbys. 3. Barry of 8 argent and gules, on a can¬ ton sable a cross moline or. 4. Azure, a bend or. 5. Argent, afesse between 2 lions passant guardant sable, 6. Argent, a chevron sable between 3 ravens proper. 7. Argent, on a/esse sable, between 3 fleurs-de-lis, as many bezants. Richard Fairfax, = Eustace, dau. and co-heiress of John Calthrop, of Argum, of Walton. I by the dau . and co-h. of Richard Argum, knt. William Fairfax. = Katherin, the dau. of Sir Humphrey 1 Nevill, of Thornton Briggs. ! Brian. Guy. Sir Thomas Fairfax. =Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Sherborne, of Lane. Sir Thomas Fairfax.=Ann, dau. of Sir William Gascoigne, of Gaw- Richard. I Robert. 1 William Fairfax, 1 Sir Nicholas = Jane, dau. of 1 1 1 2. Thomas. 5 . I 1 Guy. 4th son. Fairfax. 1 Guy Palmes, 3. Myles. 6. Robert. serjeant-at- 4. William. | law. Kathe- Henry. Agnes,=Sir ^ Wil-rz....,.dau, and Ellyn, ^ mar. Margaret, rine. Cuth- Eliza- bert. 2 beth. dau. of George Lord Darcy, s.p. 1 i a m Fairfax, of Gill- ing, son and heir. heir of Sir loJohnWa.- mar. to __Staple- vasour, of Sir Wil¬ ton, of Not- Hazlewood, liam Bel- t i n g h a m- sans issue, lasis, of shire. Mary, mar. Newbo- to Sir Hy. rough. Curwen. 3, . 11 . Nicholas, 2nd son. Robert. George. Thomas. Gilbert, Sir Thomas Fairfax, = Katherine, dau. of Sir Henry Constable, of Walton & Gilling , knt., son and heir, of Burton, knt., 1384. 1612. William . Thomas. I I Henry. Nicholas. 5. John. 6. William. 7. Jordan. I I 1. Mary, st. Margaret. 1 3. Katherine [wife of Thos. Layton , of Saxhow, Kent 4 ). 18,011, p. 41. 1487, fo. 254J. 1415, ff. 4 °*. 67*. * 394 . pp. 12. 76- 1420, fo. 21. 1499, fo. 34#. 1571. f°- *98*. 6070, ff. 162 b to 164. 4630, p. 166. See Tonge's Visit, p. 57. Dugdaie’s Visit., p. 230. See this Pedigree atl arge in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Another hath it Alexander, Visitation 1612. 2 A quo Fairfax, of Dunsley. Curwen, i4i<;. 4 Additional, from MS. 1487. •3 Thomas 4 o VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j) AND 1( 5 l 2 . CLARO. GOODRICK. OF RIBSTON. Arms Argent, on afesse gules, between 2 Hons passant guardant sable, a fleur-de-lis of Lhe 1st between 2 crescents or. John Goodrick, of Bollingbroke. = Edward Goodericke, of-Jane, dau. and heir to. Kirkby, co. Lincoln. 1 Williamson, of Boston. Mary, pri- .dau. of = 2. Henry Good-=Margaret, John, 1st Elizabeth, mar. rxf a h <4 v rink, nnrchased dau. of son. to...Fulnetby, oress of A d d y Greene- field nercht., of ye Staple. rick, purchased the Manor of Ribston of Charles Bran¬ don , Duke of Suffolk^ dau. of C h risto- pherRaw- son, mer¬ chant. son. Thomas, Bp. of Ely, and Lord Chan¬ cellor of England, temp.E. VI. to...Fulnetby, of Fulnetby, co. Lincoln. Katheren,mar. to Sir Thomas Mussenden, of Heling, co. Lincolnshire. Williams Maude, dau. Richard = Clara, dau. of Christopher. Aldboroughe, Goodrick. of Thomas Midelton, of Stockeld. Goodrick, heir by c o nvey- Richard N or- J ohn. ton, of Nor¬ ton. mar. to Chr. Langholme, of Coningsholme. Dorothy, dau. and heir. I—I Richard Goodrick, —Muriel, dau. of Henry. Margaret, wife to Fran- ~ c n:u_4.— \x7;n;„~. t cisBaildon,ofKippax. Elizabeth, wife to Thos. Wentworth , ofElmsalU of Ribston, ob. 43 Q. Elizabeth . William Lord Evers. 2. William. Sir Henry Goad-—Jane, dau. of Sir 3. Robert . rick, knt ., of Ribston , now Ig. 1612. J ''John Savile, of 4. Raphe. Methley, baron 5. John, of the Exche - 6. Richard, quer. 7. Francis. Margaret, wife to Walter Strickland , of Byers Hall. Catherine , unm. I 1 enry. Richard , cet. 7, 1612. Mary . Jane. Elizabeth . Henry Darton, for Sir Hy. Goodricke, Knt. 18,011, p. 4i£. 1487, fo. 168. 1415. fo. 40 b. 1394, p. 13. 1420, fo. 21 b % 1571, fo. 199 b. 6070, ft. 102#, 103. 4630, p. 239. Dugdale’s Visit., p. 159. 1 MSS., 1487 and 1415, but Somerset, MS , i8,oix. C\ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/^ AND l 6 l 2 . 4 1 HERCY, OF GROVE. Arms :— 1st and 4th, gules, a chief argent, Hercy. 2nd and 3rd, argent, on a bend engrailed sable 9 annulets or, Leake. Gilbert de Archest 1- 1 —'—"——-1 Malvicius Hercy,=Theophania, dau. of Gilbert de Arches, Isabella, married to miles, | baron of Grove, temp . K. John. Sir Wm. 1 Rusoi. Sir Hugh Hercy. =.dau. of Sir John, lord of Wingfield. 1-— 1 — • ■ ■ ■ ~i Hugh Hercy. = Swaynus. 1- 1 Robert Hercy. = 1- 1 Sir Hugh Hercy. = 1 1 Sir Malvicius Hercy. = « r- J J Sir John Hercy. = 1- 1 Sir Laurance Hercy. = 1- 1 William Hercy. =.dau. of.....andwidow to Wm. Sandes. Sir Thomas Hercy, = Katheren, dau. of Sir=Sir John Constable, of Grove. I Thomas Comberford. |. 2nd husband. Hugh Hercy, = Elizabeth, dau. and co-heiress of Grove. I of Symon Leeke. Sir Marmaduke Constable. Hugh Hercy=.dau. of Sir Richard Bingham, justice. Humphrey Hercy —Jane 8 dau. of John Stanhope. Humphrey Hercy=Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Digby. 3. Katherine, mar. to John Mering, of Mering. 5. Mary, mar. to Francis Hotham, of Scorboro'. 7. Anne, mar. to Nicholas Den¬ man, 2 of East Retford. 4. Alice, mar. 1st to Henry Hatfield, of Willoughby, and 2ndly to Robert Markham, sergeant-at- arms. Sir John = Hercy. :Eliza- b e t h , dau. of Sir John Stan¬ ley. I I 1. Jane, mar. to Edward Bushe, of Hat her, co. Line. 2. Barbara, m ar. t o George Nevill, of Ragnalh 6. Ursula, mar. U Humphrey Little- bury, of Hag- worthingham, co. Line. Helena, mar. to Francis Mack- worth, of Empringham, co. Rutland. p. 41A 1415. fo. 41. r 394> P* I0 ^-, J4 20 » 22 * 6070, ff. ioi£, 102. Tonges Visit., p. 7. HT7T. fo. 1 William Rufus.—Tonge. 2 Denuam, 1415. 8 MS., 1571. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND i6 1 i. 43 JACKSON, OF GATENBY. Arms : —Argent, on a chevron sable, between 3 falcons’ heads erased azure, as many cinquefoils of the xst. Granted to John Jackson, of Gatenby, in co. York, by Wm. Flower, Norroy, ao 1563. George Jackson, of Bedale. = Elizabeth, dau. of Matthew Witham, of Bretonby. Christo- p h e r J ack- son. Isabel, mar. to Adam Tenand. Anne . Muriell, dau. = John = Agnes, dau. of Richard Bowes, 4th son to Sir Ralph Bowes. Thomas. Jack- son,of Gaten¬ by, a 0 * 585 - and heiress to William Segrave, of Shawforth, co. Leic. —l George. Margery, wife of Thomas Appleyard, of York. Margaret, mar. to John Johnson, of Richmond. Mary, married to Lewis Thurscross. xS.oii, p. 42. 1487, ff. 1653, 181. 1415, fo. 41. 1394, p. 8. 1420, fo. 22b. 1571, fa. 420x. 6070, fo. 104^. KIRKBY, OF KIRKBY. Arms:— Argent, 2 bars gules, on a canton, of the second, a cross moline or. Sir Roger Kirkby, of Kirkby. == Richard Kirkby. = Ann, dau. of Sir Roger Bellingham. Richard Kirkby, 2nd son,- Katherine, dau. of John Henry, son and . • l Fleming, of RydalL heir, d. f. A heir to his brother . heir, d. r./. Anne, married to Henry, son of Roger Kirkby, -■ 4* „ «**£& Jttt■©£ vli,„ p. g**“• 44 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^/5 AND l6l2. LEYBURNE, OF CUNSWICK. Arms 1st and 4th, azure, 6 lions rampant, 3, 2, and 1 argent; 2nd and 3rd, argent, on a bend sable 3 annulets argent, in sinister chief a trefoyle slipped gules. Crest A falcon rising or, winged azure, jessed and belled. James Leyburne, of Coneswick, co. Westmorland. = w ...dau. of Sir Henry Bellingham. ___i Thomas Leybome. = Margaret, dau. of Sir John Peningtoft, of Muncaster. I EUinor, dau. of=Sir James=Ellyn, dau of Isabella f wife of William Elizabeth? -^- T -- 1 - Carus , of Asthwaite , Jane? co. West. Thomas Curwen (1st wife). Lay borne. Thos. Pres- lon (2 wife). Nicholas=Elizabeth, dau. Laybome. of . War- cop, of Smar~ dell. Kathe- Thomas Elizabeth, mar. to Anne, mar. rine. Layborne. Thos. Lo.Dacre, to Wm., and 2nd to Thos., Lord Duke of Norfolk. Monteagle. James Lay-= rBridgett, dau. William 1 Bridget, mar. to 1 Eliza¬ borne. and heiress to Layborne. Arthur, 2nd son beth. Note. — The Sir Raphe ofjames Phillips, descents that fol- Bulmer. of Brignall, co. loio are f rom MS. York. 18 , 011 . Julian. 1 . John Lay-—Margaret, dau. and borne , of Cunswick, Esq., Ivg. *6S2/J- .Ae heiress of . Crofts, of Clayton, and widow of ... Lass ells, ofBrack- enborough , co. York. I 2. Thomas Layborne, married M a ry , dau. of William Bradley. Noe issue living. I I Nicholas. George. T. Elizabeth, wife to Anthony Duckett, of Grayrigg, Esq. 2. Dorothy, wife of William Weaver, ofLancashire . 3. Frances, wife of George Dabridg- court, of Strath- fieldsea, in Ha n ts . Jane, mar. to Richard Sherborne , oj Hey sham, co. Lane. 1. Wiliam Lay¬ borne, married Elizabeth, dau. of ... Tomlin¬ son, of London , o.s.p . Thomas —Dorothy Laybome, 2nd son. Lassells, sole heiress of William Lassells above said. J 1 3. James-, mar. in France. 4. John. 2. Eliza¬ beth, mar. 3. Lucy;wife of Thomas Kitson,s.p. &2ndly to Rbt. West- by. Mary, only daughter, not a year old 1632/3. 18,011, p.423. 1487, fo. 169. 1415, fo. 41. 1394, p. 123 . 1420, fo. 23. 1499, fo. 47A 1571, fo. 202. Tonge’s Visit., p. 95. 1 MS,, 1415. 2 Tong«. to LEIGH, OF MIDDLETON. John Leigh, a and son out of y* House of Raguley in Cheshire, which Leigh of Bagniey, was a younger= brother out of y* House of Isell , in Cumberland, ___ J Gilbert Leigh. =.daughter arid heiress to Robert Vernon, of Little Warforth, in Cheshire. l---j John Leigh. = Thomas Leigh, = Sir ]ohn Merworth, of Midleton. =. .. daughter and heiress of Sir Symon Crepmge, of Midleton .* Gilbert Leigh. = dau. and co-heir to Sir John Merworth,. of Midleton. Other co-heir was mar. to . Beeston, of Beeston. Gilbert Leigh. = .. daughter of Sir 1 William Calverley. dau., mar. Six sons, Roger Leigh, —Eli zabeth, dau. .dam, mar. to Thus. Gar- . . dau., mar. to John Top- Other 3 to Thomas sans 7 th son. I and heir* of grave, of Wakefield, Esq. cliffe, Justice of Ireland dans., Hague, of issue. I John Nevill, of .., dau., mar, to Gilbert . dau., mar. to ...... Hoi- s. p. Lincoln. Cudworth. * Scott, of Leeds. land, of Line. Sir John Leigh, William Leigh, 4 Alice, dau. and co- Margaret, mar. to Ann, married to Elizabeth, mar. to Alice? married to nn4 c.n,n Vi jiir«c nf WtII t-anri Willi-am TVaTiKv TTrlwa rrl T .■Pi.r'tr William \lilW. V (irrmn attainted. Gilbert, j. f* Thomas, s. p. 3rd son. heiress of William Fenton, of Kiln- wick Percy. William Dauby, of Leake. Edward Lacy, of Methley. William Maw- son, of Chur- well. George Norman, of Gateforth. Katherine, sans iss. Anne, Skelton, of Gs- s, Gilbert. 6. Francis. Leigh. Mauleyerer, mondthorpe. 4. Gilbert. Wothersom. Richard Leigh, and son. Gilbert Leigh, attainted. = Dorothy, dau. of Thomas, son and heir of Sir Richard Wood ruffe. Elizabeth Leigh. Susan” Mary, mar. to Peter 1. William. 5. William. 3. Thomas—Ann, dau. of Robert Frances^ mar. to John Dorothy. of s Cowper,of Leeds, yeo. Margaret, Elizabeth, mar. to Roger Geo. Parker, of Rayney, of Smethley. Rothwellhay. Isabel, d. of . Copley % of Baileys Thomas Leigh. = E lizabeth, dau. of . Stanley, repudiaia, I of Lane. 1- 1 -1 1- 1 --- \ * Thomas . Gilbert Ferdinando. Dau. iS.oii, p.43. 1415,. fo. 41 b. 1394, p. 9, 1420, fo. 23^. 1571, fo. 203, 6070, ft 155#, 156. Thoresby's Ducatus Leodiensis, p. 221. MS.* 1415, bait styled Gilbert in MS., 181,011. S MS., 1415. 1 By Neril the armi of Breartey and Wombwell, 1415- * *415 states he was attainted. a Cooper* 1415. Gilbert Leigh.—Dorothy, dau. to __ Wyrlay f of Staffordshire. TALBOT, EARL OF SHREWSBURY. Asmss— i. Gules,alion or t 3 p e ^. 3 0 ^v^, 1 tn^'l difference, g..bend Ween 8 martlets, r»«- =»• - W 3 CkeIt"-^ ^rs'co^netan/h'Im Sn.W, &, mT^ouirteo™. a Lien rtalaut or. Supporter* :-=, telbotsi behind .he shield, =. batons crossed. mi w w , Motto:— 64 Frew d Accompir. John, Eail of Shrewsbury, Lord Talbot, Furuivail, -Katherine, dau. of the Duke of Buckingham. Verdon, and Strange. Ann dau to William. Lord Hastings, =George, Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord Talbot,=Elizabeth, dau. and one of ye herresof Uxd Chamberlain to King Henry fumivall, Verdon, and Strange, K.G. Sir Richard Walden, of the count) of IV. (istwife). Kent, knt., and wife. i : i !, , . Henry, Lord Talbot. John. William. Richard, All sans issue. Mary, dau. of Lord — Francis, Earl of—Grace, 2nd wife, - J 1 j- V-W-tm rt 1 _«_ rsf Dacre, of Gilles- land, 1st wife. Shrewsbury, Lord Talbot, Fnmivail, Yer- don, and Strange, K.G. dau. of Robert Shakerley, of co. Oxon, Esq, Margaret, wife to Kenry f LordClif- ford, Earl of Cumberland. Mary, wife to Henry, Lord Percy, Earl of K orthumberland. Elizabeth, wife to Win., Lord Dacres, of Gillesland. r Anne, mar. 1st to John, Lord Braye, alter to Lord Wharton. - -j [ Gertrude, dau. to= George, Earle of Shrewsbury, Lord= Elizabeth, dau. to John 2. Thomas, — - Talbot, Fiiraivall, Verdon, and Hardwick, in co. Der- sans issue. Strange, Earl Marshall of Eng- by, and widow to Sir land, K.G. Win. St. Lowe, knt. Thomas, Earl of Rutland list wife). Arme, sole heir of her mother, mar. to Peter, son and heir of Sir Wm. Compton, knt. T Sir Henry Comp¬ ton, knt., Lord Compton. Francis, Lord Talbot, mar. Ann, dau. to William, Earle of Pembroke, and died sans issue A.D. 1582, Gilbert* Lord Talbot, after his brother, mar. Mary, dau. to Sir Wm. Caven¬ dish* knt. Edward Talbot, mar. Jane, eldest dau. and one of ye heirs- of Cuthbert, Lord Ogle. p. 4 3 $. Henry. Katherine, wife to Mary, wife to Edward, Lord Geo. Savile, Herbert, of Car- son to Henry diff, son and heir S a vile, of to William, Earl Barrow by, of Pembroke. co, Lincoln, Tonge’s Visit., p. 77. Grace, wife to Henry, son and heir to Sir Wm. Ca¬ vendish, of Chatsworth, knt. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 ^ l 6 l 2 . 47 cr \ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN X 5^4/j AND X ^ I2 « LOVELL, OF SKELTON. Arms :—Argent, a chevron sable between 3 wolves’ heads erased gules. George Lovell, of Skelton Ig. 37 H. VI — Robert Lovell=Ann, dau. of Sir Thomas 1 Beaumont, of Whitley Hall. _i Philip Lovell=Bridget, dau. of Sir Wm. Penington, of Muncaster. j 1 ”1 I Thomas Lovell, son=Jane, dau. of Wm. William, s. p., Other issue, see Pedi- of Philip. I Hungate. son and heir, gree page 219. Thomas. 18,011, p. 42 b. 1487, fo. 171. 1499, fo. 48^. 1571, fo. 202^. Isabel. Awdrey. 1415, ff. 12, 4i£. 1394, P- 154 - T 4 2 °» fo * 2 3 - ( 6070, fo. 137. Tonge’s Visit., p. 98. Dugdale’s Visit., p. 157. 1 MSS., 1571* 6070. LO. DARCY AND MEIGNILL. Arms 1. Azure, 3 cinquefoyles between 9 cross crosslets or, Darcy. 2. Azure, 3 bars gemelles, a chief or Meynell. 3. Argent, a bend between 6 martlets sable, an annulet for difference. Tempest.’ 4. Azure, a fesse between 3 fleurs-de-lis or. 5. Gules, 3 goats heads erased or. 6. Azure a cross flory argent. 7. Gules, 3 lucies h?uriant argent. 8. Argent, 2 bars azure, over all a fleur-de -1 s or. 9. Argent, 3 chaplets gules. 10. Argent, a boar passant gules. 11. Argent, an esquire s helmet gU CREST An helm mantled, on a cap of maintenance gules, doubled erm a bull statant sable Supporters :— Dexter, a bull sable, armed and unguled argent; sinister, an heraldic tyger argent. Motto :—“ Je love Dieu, Grace Attendant. Dowsabell, daughter and heir=Thomas,^rdDarcy^EdUha, dau. Jo William of Sir Richard Tempest, of The Dale, in Ribblesdale, knt. of Darcy Meignill. George, Lord = Dorothy, daughter of Darcy, of' w-i* ~ r Darcy and Meignill. Sir John Melton, of Aston, in y e West Riding, co. York. Richard Darcy, sans issue. Mabell. Lord Sandys, widow of Ralphe, Lord Nevill, 2nd _ wife. Sir Arthur=Mary, daughter Darcy knt. and heir of Sir Francis Carew, knt. n, Lord=Ann, dau. )arcy,of )arcy & leignill, owlvg., 0 1584- of Thos. Babing- ton, of Dethick. 1. Edith, wife to Sir Thos. Dawn ay, kt. 2. Agnes, mar. to Sir Wm. Fairfax, kt., and died s.p. Michael = Margaret, da. to Thos. Darcy, 1 Wentworth, of Went- Esq. worth, co. York, Esq. 3. Dorothy, mar. to Sir Thos. Me- tham, knt. 4. Clare. 5. Mary, mar. to Henry, son and heir of Thomas Babington, of Dethick. 6. Elizabeth, mar. to Brian Staple- ton, of Carlton. Sir Henry=.dau. of Darcy, Farmour. knt. widow Poultney, Katherine, only dau .an d heiress, mar. to SirGer - vase Clifton, knt., now Lord Clifton , 1612. 1 [ohn Darcy, aged 5 years, 1584. Signed, 1585, by M. Darcy. The armes I have shown. 18,011, p. 44 A I 4 T S* fo - 49 * I 4 2 °’ r 1 MS. i394< 1171, fo. 43 b. 4630, p. 116. 1394 . P- 7 * _ _ T ,. tht r._ Mptrnnnlitan and Chief Cittie of y* Northe parts of this Realme of England, hath ben pnviledged by The Noble Cittie of \o *,■ . n JJ v And y« same privileges from tyme to tyme hath bine enlarged and encreased. as appeareth £* Kmges of this Readme most^aunt * Ki Henry y« Second, who, in his charter to them graunted of y* cittie, confirmed by the charters of all Ring ^ j his ^ndfathtr, that was sonne unto Kinge all former grauntes made before that as appeareth by an auntient register containinge the transcripte and coppies of the William y* Conquerer, asm all and Survey, when as Mr. Andrew Trew, Esq., was Lord Maior same charters J.vidz.. William Beckwith, Christopher Herbert, Robert Maskewe, Thomas Harmon. Holh to Robinson, Robert Brooke, TTiomas Appleyard, Henry May, Raphe Richardson, and James Ba>m and Robert Water, Sheriffs of y* same Cittie. Mayor. Henry May, per me, Leonard Belt, communera clericum civitatis Ebor. 18,011, ft. 40&, 45- 49*» 5°- 4 * 00 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN ^84/5 AND * The towns of Beverley hath ben auntiently encorporated by the name of the Men of Beverley, afterwards by the name of twelve beepers of y e towne of Beverley. Then by the name of twelve Govemouxs and keepers of y* towne of Beverley. And now lastly, bv the Queen s Majesty, our Gracious Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, in the xv. yeare of her most happy reign, by the name of Mayor, Governors, and Burgesses, whereof governors are assigned in number twelve, and at the time of this present survey was Mayor, Stephen Spiayles, and these following Governors of the same towne, Edward Ellerker, Esq., Richard Bullock, John Truslowe, Robert Farrer, William Farley Robert Browne, Richard Garberie, Robert Ingleton, W T illiam Coxe, Henry Cordax, Peter Harpam. John Truslowe, Peter Harpham, Henry Curdaykes. 18,011, fo. 45$, nd 5 ° VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . BARNES, OF YORK. Arms:- -Azure, a cross flory or between 4 lions rampant argent; impaling quarterly 1 and 4 quarterly or and vert, on a fessc sable 3 estoiles or, 2 and 3 azure, on a bend argent a lion passant sable, on a chief of the 2nd 3 Catherine wheels gules, nailed or. Crest :— A bishop's mitre, encircled by an earl s coronet. Fridiswide.dau. of Ralph Gifford 01 West Clay- don, co. Bucks (1st wife). The Right Reverend Father in GoD,=Jane Jerrade, na- Richard Barnes, professor of divinity, some- tive of the time Bishop of Carlisle, and now Bishop of Durham, a<> 1584, lord of the liberties of Hoveden, alias Howden, and Howdenshire, and of Allerton, and Allertonshire, in this shire. Duchy of An¬ jou, in France (2nd wife), living 1584. EmanueL Barnes,- eldest son, made Doctor of Di¬ vinity, at Basle, in Germany. 18,on, p. 46. =Anne, dau. to Wm. Barnby, Esq. 2. Joh 2. John Barnes, student of the Middle Temple, Lon¬ don. 3. Barnaby. 4. Timothy. Elizabeth, wife to Robert, son of Ralph Talboys, Esq. n Mar¬ garet. Anne. 1487, fo. 177. i 394 » P- 8 * 1571, fo. 1 7b. 6070, l Samuel, 1487. 1415, fo. 505. fo. 108 b. Mary, wife to Richd. Josselyn, of New Hall, Josselyn, co. Essex, Esq. 1420, fo. 27. HILDYARD, OF WINESTEAD. Arms:—t. Azure, a chevron argent between 3 mullets or. 2. Argent, 2 bars azure, overall a fleur-de-lis or. 3. Argent, 3 chaplets gules. 4. Argent, 3 escallops in bend gules ^ between 2 cottises sable. 5. Gules, 3 covered cups within a bordure or. 6. Azure, 2 bars ond€e argent. 7 . Argent, a cross patonce engrayled sable. 8. Gules, a cross patonce or. Crest On a torce, or and az , a cock sa., crested, wattled, and armed gu. Robert Hilliard , came in with the Conqueror, who gave him the manor of Normanby, co. Line. John Hyliard, was at Jerusalem, temp . King John. —. John Hyliardy a° 20 Hen. 3. =. Robert Hyliard, temp. Ed. \.—Joant . -1----1 I ..... Robert Hildiard. =. Peter Hildiard, of Dor nail, — . livings Ed. 2. | I- Robert Hildiard, of Reiston, to whom Robert =. Thornes 1 Hildiard.-. de Scawre gave the said town of Riston. | _l Mawde, 2 dau.=Robert = Isabel, daughter Cicely. I cmrl r>n-Vipir tr» of. 1 Hildiard Lovell (1st I wife). A and co-heir to Sir Robert Hil¬ ton (2nd wife). - !- Katherine , wife of Sir Peter Nutkill, Knt. = _ ) Peter Nutkill. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 51 B L_ John Hild¬ iard, died Anne, or—Sir Robert —Katherine, Agnes, re- licta of Richard Midle.on. Hildiard, of Wine- stead in Holder- ness,Knt. dau. and co-heir of Thomas 3 dela Hay, of Spald- ington. Maude. J o anna, married to James Hutton. Isabell, married to John Roos, sans is- Sir Robert Hildiard, Knt. = Elizabeth, dau. of Sir ]ohn I Hastings, of Fenwick, by Agnes, lau. cf William , lord Mrrley. 2. John. SirThomas=Isabel. 5 =JohnHo- Metham, tham, \st husband. "2nd hus¬ band. Robert. Thomas. Stephen. Edward. John. Adam. Hugh. Ralph. All died young. Anne. Kathe- Peter Hildiard, =Joane, dau. and of Winesiead , died 18 Hen. VII. co-heir of Martin de la See, militis, of Barmston. Margery, married to Robert Hyde, of Norbury, co. Chester. Jane, dau. of Ralph Consta -—Christopher Hildiard, miles. =Ma?garet, filia Humfridi ble, of Burton. j Conisbie, militis. Martin Hildiard, of Vinestead, in Holdemess, = Emma, dau. to Sir Robert Rudston, Esq. , living 36 Hen. VIII. 1 of London, and of Kent, Knt. Sir Chris- = Frances, topher Hildyard, of Wyne- stead, in Holder- ness, liv¬ ing 1584, and died 1602. 2. Richard=Jane, only 3. John=Ann,dau. 4. William daughter Hildiard, dau. and Hil- to Sir Join of Routh. heir of diard, Constabe, . of Ot- of Burtcn Thwenge, tring- Constabb. ofRouthe. ham. -1. John, s. f>. - 2. Williim, s. p. to Apple- yard, of York. Hildiard, of York, recorder of that city, mar. Ann, dau. of William Hill , or Howe, of London. = Elizabeth, only Sir Chris-= Elizabeth , - daughter and heir, wife to William, son and heir to Charles, Lord Willough¬ by, of Parham = I r tcpher Hildiard, oj Wine- sl'd,Knt ., nrw liv¬ ing, ao 1612. dau. and sole heir of Henry Welby, of Gox- hill, co. Lincoln. -J ohn. -Williai illiam. Ursula. -Frances. -Anne. -J ane. -Richard. SirWm. Hildiard, -Frances. Knt ., married -Eliza- .. dau. and beth. co-heir of Ralph -Mary. Hansby. -J ane. 2. Christopher. -Judith. William Willoughby, Elizabeth, living, aged half a Mary, year, 1584. Henry Hildyard , 2. Robert. 7 Elizabeth. Mary. son and heir,aged William, s.p. 8 Anne. Catherine . 6 2 a 0 16ia. Christopher . 8 C. HlLDEYARD. 18,011, ff. 46ft, 47. 1487. fo. 246k 1394, p. 27. 1415, fo. 51. 1420, fo. 276. 1571, ff. 14, 15. 6070, ff. 246, 2836. 1 Not in MS. 18,011. 2 Matilda, 1487. 3 Sir Robert, 1415. 4 Robert, 1415. & Elizabeth, 1487. 6 MS. 1571. 7 a quo Hildyard, of Beverley, see “ Dugdale’s Visit.,” p. 144. 8 MS. 6070. See ;his pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. \i ! -: , ffi. % 52 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 ^ 4/5 AND I( ^ 12 * Buckrose. THORPE, OF BIRDSALL. Visitation, 1612. William —Agnes, daugh- Thorpe, of ter of . Howden . 2 Oglethorpe. I I i i i 2. William.2 3. George. 4. Lancelot. 5. Arthur. 6. Bartholo- Lora, mar. to Piers Frod- ingham, of Frodingham. Alice, mar. to William New¬ ton, of New¬ ton. John Thorpe,— Elizabeth, daugh- 2. Bartholo- mew . 1 of Thorpe, 1st son. ter and heiress of . Betts (1 of Dar- ringfon l V Elizabeth, mar¬ ried, 1 si, to . Westby, and, mdly, to . Gates 1 ! 2. Francis Thorpe, married Isabel , daughter of . Bird. — Anthony Thorpe, son and heir, married Ann, daugh¬ ter of William, 1st Lord Eure. I ! ! John.j./. Stephen, s.p. Thomas. William . 1 Ellinor . 1 Dorothy. 1 Roger Thorpe, of Bird-—Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Thorpe, = Frances, dau. sail, son and heir, now living, 1612. Francis Thorpe, son and heir, aged 17 a 0 1612. William Daniell, of Beswicke. Ralph. Robert. Catherine. Mary. of Thorpe, in Holderness, liv¬ ing a° 1584. “Til Elizabeth. Lucy. Lucy. of Nicholas Rudston,of Hayton. Robert Thorpe, eldest son, aged 14 an. 1584. P- Roger Thorpe. 18,011, p. 4 'jb. 1487, fo. 224^. 1171, fo. 43. 1394, pp. 35, 288. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 134. 1 Additional, from MS. 1487. 2 MS. 1487 makes these two Williams identical, but without giving proof. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN T584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 53 Holderness. THORPE, OF THORPE. Arms Argent, a lion rampant gules between 9 fleurs-de-lis azure. Stephen Thorpe, of Thorpe, in^Revenettsare, 1 daughter of.Hadley, Holderness. | of y e Bishopric. 1— - 1 Stephen Thorpe. =: Isabell, daughter of Sir John Constable, of Halsham. Margaret, married to John Newton, of Burst- wick. John Thorpe, son of Stephen,mar¬ ried Ann, 2 dau. and co-heiress of Wm. Wells, of Anlaby. = I Elizabeth, mar. to William Hedon, of Marton. Dorothy, mar. to William Lawde, of Welwicke. Isabel,mar. to. Strang- wayes, of Selby. 1 -j-pri Anne, dau.of = William Thorpe, = Elizabeth, daugh- Elizabeth, mar. Isabel. _ a . _ r T 1 r-v -r-i , Sir Christo¬ pher Hild- yard (1st wife). married, 2ndly, Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. Estoft, of Estoft, s. p. ter of J ohn Constable, of Frismarsh (3rd wife). to Peter Frod- Margaret, ingham, of Anne. Frodingham. Anne, daughter of = Christopher = Margaret, dau. Arthur. Margaret, Alice, Jasper Sheffield, of Croxby, co. Line. (1st wife). Thorpe, of Thorpe, in Holderness. of Oliver Ry- ther (2nd wife). Elizabeth, mar. to Richard Hogg, of Marfleet. mar. to died Thomas 3 young. Hall, of London. 2. Thomas Thorpe, married Martha, daughter to Richard Wylkes, of Thorpe. Frances, wife to William New¬ ton, of Pat- rington, in Holderness. -1—1- I ( 3. Richard. 4. William. Ursula, 4 wife of Henry Marshall, of Standing- holme, co. York, 3rd son of Richard Mar¬ shall, of Pickering. Michael , s.p. I I 2. John, 3. William Thorpe, =Elizabeth, daughter of s. p. 1st son, ob. May , I Peter Vavasour, oj 1620. | Willitoft , ob. 1627. I- I John Thorpe , cet. 4, an. (5 March 5 ) 1617. 4. Thomas, J. p. Stephen Thorpe. 1415, fo. 52. 1420, ff. 28, 208. 1571, ffi 19, 230. 6070, fo. 186. 1 Rebecca, MS. 1487. 2 Ellinor, MSS. 1415, 1571. 3 Robert, MSS. nx«* 1571, 6070 4 Anna, MS. 6070. 5 MS. 6070 . Holderness. LEGARD OF ANLABY. bead gules 3 crescents of tbe 1st. 3. Gules, a 2, Argent, on a bend gnles ible, studded and ringed or, on Ms shoulder a crescent sable* John Legard. = ♦. John Legard>=.... i ~ ' William Le gard. = Roger Legard. = Tohn Regard. .. william Tjegard. = Margaret, daughter and heir to John Moyne. John Legard, temp. Richard 2. = EoL .e.ard =Elizabeth, daughter and heir to John Whitworth, of Richmond. 2 , Lph Legard. =Constance, daughter of Sir John Cum, of Routh. i. Thomas 'Legard. == Robert 1 regards of AnUby> in of Kingston- upon-Hu it. in m daughter Xo RoUrt Ellinor, married to Usfieet. Elizabeth Legard, sans issue. Haldenby, of Haldenby . A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 A 1 _j-— Ralph Regard, son= Isabel, daughter of Sir Piers and heir, | Rildyard, of Wvnstead. r-- : — Elizabeth, married to Goodknappe. Roger Isabel, dau. — Christopher Legard, of jAnne, daugh- Richard Regard=.. da. John Regard, Robert Regard, =. to John Bymand, of K nares^ boro'(ist wife}. Anlaby, in the oo. of Hull, living a° 1584, married to his 2nd wife, Jane, dau. to ....... Mason, of tertoRobt. Carr, of co. Lincoln (3rd wife). of Rysome^ in Holder- ness, Esq., J.P., living a 1584, of Rich¬ ard Mar¬ shall, of Picker- mg- of London, 3rd son, mr+ Margaret, da. ofRobert Franke , of London. =r= 4th son. mer¬ chant of Hull, mar., andly, Anne, dau. of William Gee. = Constance, married to ...... Cisse- ton, of Andeley. 3 -nn Ralph . dau. of Smyth (1st wife). 4 - Faith. yoane t mar. to Rick. Skepptr, and, 2Ttdly, to Robt. Town Icy. < tin H > H CONSTABLE* OF BURTON CONSTABLE* ST. SEPULCHRES,. BENTLE1, &c. j. Barry of 6, or and azure, OtrT+ Gul«s7a cinqnefoylc "between S cross crosslet* or, over oil a bend mgraima ■wtetTiroS A^T'^'c* a c“« S& V 5 ?T S 3 ?a 9 . Gules, a lion rampant or. bil.etty sable, to. Or. a chief indent azure. 11. Gules, across flory or. 12. Sables a resse between 3 garbs argent. . , - A - 1 a. 5 . L'st^t! t or. ^W’P^o 5 n n acancer pale ermine and ora galley sable, o, 10* n, is, as in the last shield. , . , . Crlst:— On a torce, argent and azure, a wyvem's bead and nect cooped argent, charged with 3 bars gules, on each of 3 lozenges or. Robert Constable.=Ella, daughter of Fdko do Qyri. j Symon^Coiistable, io Ed. r. = Katherine, daughter of 1 ; lizabeth, wife to Sir William St.Quintin. Robert Constable, armiger.= William Constable, of Holme, 1260. = Julian , sister of Thomas Altofte. William Constable. = Cectlie, daughter of Marmaduke Thweng. Robert Constable. = Avicia, daughter and co-heir to Sir Roger Lassells, ao 1324. John le Constable, of Halsham.-Albreda, daughter of.Bulmer, relicta John Sturm. Sir John Constable.=Maude, daughter of Sir ...««« Hilton, Knt. Sir William Constable. 9 Hen. IV.»=.. daughter to.Metham Sir'John Constable, 27 Hen. VL = Margaret, daughter to Sir Robert Umfraville. Agnes, married, ist, to.St. Quintin, and, sudly, to Sir William Skipwith, Knt . t of Ormaby, co, Lincoln* Sir Tohn Constable, of Hal-=Lora, daughter 1 J - r 1 ii_ ~n. +** Uonrr li^rrl sham in Holdemesse, a» 37 Hen. VI. to Henry, iord FEU Hugh. \ 1 Margery, Sir John Consta- married ble, married toWm. 4 Margaret, dan. Holme, of.Mallory, died sans issue. Anne, daughter=K a p h e = E!izabeth a base and co-hetr of Robert Eure, 2ndson of..(u* wife). Consta¬ ble, 2nd | son of Sir John. ' daughter of,,*. Tempest, of ye bishoprick of Durham {2nd un/e). —m - Isabel, utt/St of Stephen Thorpe , of Thorpe, Elizabeth. William Con¬ stable, mar. Isabel, dau. and co-heir of Robert Evers, s. p . ~l Margaret, married to Sir Robert Roos, 2nd son to 'Wil¬ liam. =■ 1 Jane, mar¬ ried to William Mallory. of Sir Thomas Metham, of Me¬ tham [0/ wife). -Sir }ohn Constable, - = Elizabeth, Lora, mar¬ . daugh-= = RalphCon-= =Elizabeth, Knt.. married his dau. of ried to ter to Chris¬ stable, of sister to 3rd wife, Marga ret, Head lam. Sir John topher La- Tbim- Sir Wm. dau. to the Lord and widow Hotbam, senby, of toft, co. Grimston, Clifford,andvridow of Sir John of Scar¬ WhitweU, Rich¬ Knt. {2nd to Sir Ninian HothaiUjOf borough* co. Rich¬ mond. wife). Markenfield, and Seorboro* mond (u/ had no issue by ' {2nd wife). wife). her. . 1 1 1. jane, mar¬ ried to Christo¬ pher Hild- yard, of Wine- stead. Sir Henry Roos. John. Elinor, married, 1st, to Robert Lovell, andly, to Thos. Pround, and,3rdly, to Sir Richard Hawte,® Sir John Ann, dau. = -Raphe = -Joane, dau. 3. William. 4. Robert Margery, Anne, mar. Christopher 2. Thos. 3. Fran¬ Consta¬ to Sir Constable, and co¬ 5* Francis. Constable, wife to to Brian Constable, Consta¬ cis. ble, of Walter of St. Se¬ heir of 6. Brian, of Easing- Bryan Palmes, of of Hal- ble, of 4George. Burton, Strick¬ pulchre's, Ezekias slain. ton in Staple- Nahum. sham, mar. U psal, Joan ,, married land, by inHolder- Clifton, All died Holder- ton, of Elizabeth, Isabel, married wife to Joane.and his wife* ness, son by his s.p. ness, mar¬ Wighill, married to daughter Barba¬ George 6 daughter daughter ofSirjobn, wife, the ried Jane, s.p. Christo¬ of Thos. ra, dau. Flower, and co¬ of Ralph had two dau. and daughter Katherine, pher Fro Smyth, of . clerk. heir of Nevill,6f wives. 1 heir of 3 wife to thingham. andwidow Eden, Ralph Thornton Robert mond Ralph a younger ofEdward and wi¬ Nevill.of Bridge. Twyer. Frothing- Ellerker, son of the Hancock. dow to . ... Yonge, Thornton -Gabriel, ham, = ofRisby\ house of =s and had issue. Bridge. = 2nd son. f sans issue. Frothing- Ralph and J ohn. l V. - \ ham. L I. t 1 B \ c D 1 > E i F Ot VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6i2. . r~i __ ^ Catherm, elded dan., wife of Henry Steven¬ son. Anne, 3rd dau., wife of Matthew Parker. Elizabeth* 2nd dau. t wife of.... Poster, Cm CO Afarv „ wife of Sir ’Wil¬ liam Blakistone t KtiL Sir Henry £Yw-=Mary, !s daugh- siaUe, Knt., 1 ter of Sir Viscount Dun- John Tuf- bar. | ton, Km. _JL. John Consta- Robert Cm- ble, 4 a year stable, ay ear oldj a° 1584. and a half &JJ, 161Q. > 2 0 John Constable, eldest son and heir, married Mary, daughter of the Lord BmdeneU, in co, Northants. Margaret. Matthew. MarV, mar. to Lord Bru- Katherine, married to Sir Peter Henry. deneU's youngest son. MideUon s son and neir. - Raphe Constable. ■ 8,011, H87. it*6. a 3 6i. theVedigree 157 ' ’ ^ . ..■ Robert Holme, of Pauli Holme, MS. raSj. 5 H»™«. 9 For this match and descendants see Mb- to,oii. O M w • ’■"“Visisr'- 1 ?Kfe.*4515?’ 4 ita^MSasJSSS. A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 59 The Towne of Heacon, within the liberty of Holdemess m the co. of York very anciently incorporated by King John, m the 2nd year of his reign, at the instance o/Lldwin deBethune, sometime Earle of Albemarle, an d■ d«ne Ha wise, the his wife and by him endowed with the like customs and liberties as did then enjoy the King’s Burgesses of York and Lincoln, and at this present th e sa me town is uovemed by a Mayor, tvo bailiffs, and the Burgesses of the same. And at the time of this survey was Y Mayor there William Horncliff, and Bailiffs were Robert Dow- thwayte and Leonard Brokelback. Willm. Horncliff, Maior. Fbancts Newton. johannes, Dei Gratia Rex Angliae, &c., Sciatis nos concessisse Baldwno^ conut, Albemarliae et Hawisiae comitissae, uxon suae, liberum burgagium in Hedduna eis et hSredibus suis in feudo et haereditate. Ita quod burgenses eorum Heddunae libere et quieteinliberoburgagio teneant sicut burgensesnostndeEteraco vel Nichole melius et liberius et quietius teneant illis consuetudimbus et libertatibus si Henricus pater noster Willielmo comiti Albemarliae per wi 'lidmo d™ concessit Testibus, Willielmo comite Sarisbunensi, Hugone de Nevill, Willielmo de Vernon comite Devonis, Willielmo de Lanvalei. Datum per manumensis Symoms Archidiaconi de Well, apud Caneford, 13 die Decembns, regm nostn anno secundo. Sub Magno Sigillo Regis Johannis. 6o VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . GATES, OF SEAMER. Arms :—1. Fer pale gules and azure, 3 lions rampant guardant or, Gates. 2. Argent, on a chevron sable, between 3 pellets, as many roses argent, Baldington. 3. Gules, a cinquefoyle pierced argent guttle de poix, Capdov. 4. Argent, 3 piles conjoined in base gules, Fleming. Crest:—_ n a torce a demi lion ranpant gardant or. Thomas Gates, esquire, in the days of King Ed. III. = . William, esquire. = . 2. Ralph Gates. Sir Geffrey Gates, = Agnes, daughter and co-heir to 3. Christopher. Knt. I Thomas Baldington, of Aldbury, co. Oxon. William Gates, Esq., =Mirabell, daughter and heir of Thomas Capdow, of High- son and heir of Sir I ester, co. Essex, and of Ann, his wife, daughter and heir Geffrey. | of Sir Thomas Fleming, Knt., of Essex. Sir Geffrey Gates,Knt.,: son and heir of Wil¬ liam. : Elizabeth, daughter to Sir Williim Clopton, Knt. Anne, wife to Thomas Darcy, uncle to the Thomas, Lord Darcy, of Chiche. Sir John Gates, Knt .,—Mary, chancellor of the daugh- Duchy of Lancaster, ter of chamberlain and Edward captain of the guard Denny, to Ed. III. Eliza- Baron of beth,daughter of . the Ex- Walsingham 1 (2nd chequer wife). He died sans (1 stwife) issue. Geoffrey =.. Sir Henry Gates, = Lucy, Gates, 2nd son. daugh¬ ter to Pasthall, of Essex. J ofSeamer, co. York, living a° i584,mar.,2ndly, Katherin, dau. to.Watkin, of Brad warden, she living 1588, s. p. He die d 7 April, 1589. Geoffrey. Edward 2 =Elizabeth, 2.JohnGates, Henry. Gates, dau. and of Howden? John. Esq.,son only heir mar. Isabell, of Sir of Richard daughter to Henry. Cave, of .Snaw- Stamford, sell, of How- son and den. = heir of Sir Thomas. -,- 3. Henry * Gates, 4 mar. Eliza¬ beth, dau. and heir daugh¬ ter to Charles Knevet (1st wife). 1. Mary Gates, un¬ married. 2. Frances, married to of . John Alu- Robinson, red, of of Boston (orBostock), co. Line. = Hull. =- r1 it 1- William Gates, eldest son, set. 6 a° 1584. Edward. Henry. Elizabeth. Katherine. Lucy, Kathe¬ rine, married to Rich. Egerton. wife to 1. Henry. Edward, 7 narried the 2. Edward 5 daughter of . Francis Darley, 1. Isabell. Clinton, Esq. 5 of Kilnhurst. 2. Mary, mai. to Lucy, Wm.Lake. 5 Sir John Vcva- Elizabeth, married to sour, of Spild- John Thornton. 5 ington. 5 Susanna. 5 Henry Gates. 18,01 i, fo. 50&. 1487, fo. 249. 1394, p. 28. 1415, fo. 55& 1420, fo. 31#. 1571, ff. 19^, 20. 6070, fo. 322. 1 She afterwards married to (Peter,IMS. 6070) Wentworth, MS 1415. 2 Edmund, MS. t8,oii. 3 MS. 6070. 4 a quo Gates, of Thome Park, see “ Dugdale’s Visitation,” p. 76. 5 MS. 1571. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 6l Birdfortii. LASSELLS, OF BRACKENBURY, &c. 1. Sable, a cross flory or, Lassblls. 2. Azure, a maunche or charged with an annulet and a crescent, Coigniers. 3. Or, a chevron gules, a chief viire, a martlet for difference, St. Quintin. 4. Sable, a saltire argent, a crescent for difference, Rillbston. 5. Or, on a cross gules 5 bells argent, Seggiswick and Bellerby. 6. Vert, cn a fesse or 3 cinquefoyles gules, Grethed. 7. Argent, 3 bulls’ heads couped sable Rudstoje. 8. Gules, 3 water bougets or, in chief a bezant, Walburne. Crest :—On a torce or and sable, a bear’s head couped ermine, muzzled gules, buckled or. Rogerus de Lascells. =. Picotus de Lascells, temp. Ranulf comitis Cestrensis. =. Rogerus, a Q 1213. = . Ricardusde Lascells, deEscryck. Dominus Rogerus de Lascells, a° 10 Ed. I. = Isabella. Alice, married to Robert le Con¬ stable, of Hal- sham. Joan, co-heir, married to Thomas Cole- vile. Maude, maried, 1st, to Robert Tilliol, 2ndly,to Robert Hil¬ ton. Theophania, mar¬ ried to Raphe Fitz Randall. 1 Sir Roger Lascelles, of Sowerby and = Margaret, eldest daughter to Sir John Brackenborough, Knt. \ Norton, Knt. Christopher Las-: celles, of Sower- by, Esq. Anne, only daughter and heir to Richard Sigiswick, of Wal¬ burne, co. Rich¬ mond, Esq. Mary, married to Ralph Drans- field, cf Spenni- thorne Margaret, wife to Christopher Rokeby, of Mortham. I—1- Clara, wife to Christopher Lockwood. Barbara, wife to Thomas Barton, of Whenby. Elizabeth. 2 Margaret, d. y. Francis Las-=Am, celles, of Bracken- borough, Esq. daughter to William Thwaites. of Marston,Esq. -mri 2. Thomas, ob.juv . 3 3. George. 4. Cyprian. m- Anne, married to H um phrey Sand- ford, of co. Salop. Barbara, wife to Wm. Vaughan, of co. York. Margaret, wife of Rock ChurchP Ann, wife of George Den¬ ton, of Cum¬ berland. Elizabeth, died young. Sir Thomas = Join, daugh- Lassells, 5 of Brackenbury, Knt ., living a° 1585 {died May, 1619 6 ). ter to Sir Vm. Mal¬ lory,of Stud- Icy. -1 1 1 1 2. Christopher. 5. Francis. Roger the elder and Roger the younger, sans issue. Ursula,!eldest William Lassells, —Elizabeth, daughterto dau., wife to Chris. Aske, of Woodhall. elder son, aged 9 an. 1584 (ob. ante fair and") Francis Tunsta'l, of Thurland Casfe, co. Lancaster, Est. 2. Roger, s.p. Margaret. Robert. Thomas. 4. John. 5. Edward, William Lassells, son and heir, cet. ann. 16 a 0 1612. -1 1 1- 6. Roger. 7. Richard. 8. Ralph. Thomas Lascelles. Dorothy, cet. 15, ao 1612. 18,011, fo. 51. 1487, fo. 248. 1394, pp. 34 , 34 2 ^ i 4 i j» ff. S 6 » IO °* x 4 2 °» ff * 3 2 > 2 3 3 * 1571, fo. 21. 6070, fo. 232. 1 FitzRandolph, MS. 141$ away the part c * 7 ! 1415. 2 Ellinor, MS. 1487. 3MS.1415. 4 MS. 607a 5 Hj sold t of nis patrimony, MS. 6070. ® Addtional, and from MS. 1487. T So in MSS. 1415, 1487 ; but Catherinein MS. 18,011. BOURCHIER, OF BENNINGBOROUGH, &c. 1 . _Z. ? * J-1. ■ TO JT cj TV Xf Chest :- >f the last* Sir Bartholomew Bourchier. Knt., Lord B ourchier. = ir Bartholomew Bourchier, Knt., Lord Bourchier. = * W- — k„, -*» S £*S£%' ” •>* M lilabeth.Lady Bourchier, xst married to y e Lord Robsart, after to Sir Hugh Stafford. chier, Knt., Earl of Eu in Nor¬ mandy. widow to Edmond, Earl of Stafford. i-! “1 _ „ _ r j 01 .-I.. c ir l William=Thomasme, lOtnas Bour- Sir John Boor—Marg ry, d Bourchier, 1 daughter n, wife to fohrt Mow¬ bray, Duke :>f Norfolk. Henry Bour-= Elizabeth, sister . .. m-n i I J. D ! nn n rj'1 chier, Earl of Essex. to Richard, Dukeof York, that was fa¬ ther to King Ed. IV. Thomas Bour¬ chier, Arch¬ bishop of Canterbury, and Cardinal. chier, Knt.. Lord Berners in right of his wife. ter and sole heir to Henry, Lord Berners. Bourchier, Knt,, Lord Fitz Warren, in right of his wife. daughter and heir. km.Lord^Aun.daugh- Sir Hum-E^h T Bourchier, died before his father. ter to Richd. Wood vile, Earl Rivers. pbrey Bourchier, Knt. daughter and sole heir to Sir Frederick Tilney, Knt. Elizabeth Bour¬ chier, wife to Sir Robert Welles, Knt, son and heir to y e Lord Welles and Willoughby. Sir' Thomas Bourchier, Knt., mar¬ ried Agnes, daughter to Sir Thomas Charlton. Ann 3 Bour¬ chier, wife toSir Henry Nevill, Knt,, son and heir to George, Lord Lati¬ mer. Sir ^ Foulke= Elizabeth, sister Bourchier. Lord Fitz Warren. and co-heir to John, Lord Den¬ ham, (?) mar. i st, to Sir Ed¬ ward Stanhope, and andly, to Sir Richard Page, Knt. O'i w VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I 5 S 4 /S ANP lGl2, Henry Bourchier* Earl of Essex, married Mary, daughter and heir to bar Wil¬ liam Saye, KdL Cecily Bour¬ chier, wife to Sir John, Lord Fer¬ rers, of C hartley* — Katherine, =Sir John Bour-== Elizabeth Margaret,married, ist,to Anne, wife daughter of John, Lord Howard, Duke of Nor¬ folk. enter, Knt, ^ Lord Berners, ) deputy of Calais. He J was divorced \ from his I st J wife . 4 i Bacon, 2nd wife* John, son and heir to Sir William Sandvs, of Hampshire, and after to Sir Thomas Bryan, son to y e Lord Chief Justice of y e Common Pie to Sir Thomas Fiennes, Lord Dacres, of the South, John Bourchier, Lord Fitz Warren, i st Earl of Bath* Earls of Bath* Waller, Lord Ferrers, Vis¬ count Here¬ ford* = Jane. Margaret* Mary. James Bourchier, eldest—Mary, daughter to Sir son of John, Lord Ber¬ ners, a man of arms in Calais, and after lieut, oE Hambleton. Humfrey Bannester, and sole heir to J ohn Bannester, of Calais, her brother. Humphry Bourchier. 3, George. Elizabeth, daugh-=Sir Ralph Bour-= Christian, daughter to Ursula, mar. to Sir Wil¬ liam Shev- ington, but died s. p. chier, of Ben- ningborough, co. York, now living, 1584. Rowland Shakerley, of London, widow to John Harding, Esq., alderman, of London [2nd wife).* 2. Arthur, married Catherine, dau. to W T m. Jones, of Holyhead, in Wales. Jane, Mary, wife to Nicholas Yetsworth, 6 Esq.* clerk of the signet and secretary for the French tongue to the Queen's majesty. William Bourchier, Esq., son and =Kathtrine, dau . Sir Thomas Bar¬ rington, ef Bar - ringion Hail,Knt . * Ursula* mar .* 1st, to Sir Richard Molynmx, and 2ndly, fa Sir Richard Trcwe } Knt , 4 i8,oti* pp. 51^, 32, 1394, pp. 4, 5. 1420, flf. 325 1 , 33. 1571, f°- 22 > 6070, fo. 194J. Dugdale's Visitation, p, 140. 1 Suffolk, MS. iC7i. 2 Second son to K. Ed.III., MS. 1571. 3 Jane, MS. 1571. 4 MS. 60-70. * He died s.p. She left abase daughter, Mary, wife of Thomas £? Yoxke), of Sbenfield* co. Esses., MS* 1571* ® Etteswortb, MS. 1571* Bridget* Lucy. Katherine. 6 4 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND lCl 2 , EX CARTIS ANTIQUIS RICARDI MALIVERKR, DE ALLERTON, MILITIS, Ao. 1584. Memorandum that by estimation of evidence tf ’ e William^Ialy- it\drefo jlrth U e e 3 J °for 4 Halnath^ fathi died before his father John the third, the whilk Halnath had issue John that nowe is. Albertus Grellee omnibus hominibus suis Francis et Anglicis salutem. Sciatis me as Te&srr^ etc. Sine data. Memorandum quod Ecclesia de Allerton fundata fuit per Ricardum Mauleverer consmo et assensu domini sui. Robert! de 1 Brus dedit prtef;^X^de Bras^o" monasterio sanctis et religios.s vins his testibus domino meo Roberto de Brus Bor love Halton, Rogero, Fulcone, et Radulpho fratnbus meis, Gulielmo de Bamevuia. senescallo meo, fratre ejus, etc. Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglise et Dux Normanniae et Aquitanise et Comes Ande- ecclesise contulit, etc. Testibus Stephano Troix, senescallo, etc. iTnivprsk adauos etc., Ricardus Comes Pictaviae et Cornubiae salutem. Noveritis, etc nos concessisse, etc., pro nobis et heredibus nostris, dormno Willielmo Malleverer et hae’redibus suis, quod nullus forestariorum de Knaresburgh habeat mgresum m aliquam terrarum suorumvel terrarum hominum suorum qui sunt extra forestam, etc. Sine data. Memorandum quod Willielmus filius Willielmi Maloleporarii de Bemissalay dedit Radulpho Maloleporario de Allerton pro homagio et servicio m villa de Bemislay iUud messuagium quod fuit Willielmi Maloleporarii patris predicti Radulphi super v, f'tr' Testibus Tohanne priore de Bolton, Wmielmo Grandorge, WmSrno fflfo eju S ; Nigello de Plompton, Rogero Maloleporario, Willielmo de Norton, Robert de Cleveland, Stephano filio ejus. Memorandum quod Radulphus Mauleverer fecit conventionem cum Henrico fratre suo de tribus carucatis terrae in Clareton quas praedictus Radulphus dedit praedicto HeArico pro hagio et servicio suo, S. quod si praedictus Henricus obient sine prole haec medietas praenominatae terrae remanebit prsedicto Radulpho e * 5 *. “Jj? 1 medietas remanebit similiter fratri suo, etc.. Testibus, Radulpho filio Radulphi, Waltero de Bonnington, Roberto Walensi, Willielmo de Leely, Hugone et Roberto filio ejus, Simone de Mohalt, Henrico fratre suo, etc. Memorandum quod curia Radulphi Maleverer, inter Ricardum de Cheune petentem et Henricum Maleverer, una curia tenta. fuit anno 7 Rich. II. Ubi placitum fuit per breve de recto quod praefatus Ricardus quietum clamavit praefatum Henricum unam carucatam terrae et dimidium in Claretona. Testibus, Rogero Maleverer, Wilhelmo Gramatico, Johanne fratri ejus, Alano filio Elis., Ricardo de Goldesburghe de Bram, Martino Maleverer, etc. Haec est conventio inter Willielmum de Dunsford et Thomam filium Adae tunc Con VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 65 stabularium de Knaresburgh. Sciatis quod prasdictus Willielmus demisit eidem Thomoe totam terrain quae fuit Henrici Mauleverer in Clartona quam idem Willielmus habuit in custodia cum filio praedicti Henrici, tenendum illi & festo Sancti Martini ano domini, 1204, usque ad finem sex annorum. Et si contingat quod Cicelia filia supradicti Willielmi quae fuit uxor Henrici Mauleverer obierit infra praedictum terminum, tota terra quae est de dota sua in eadem terra remanebit in manu Thomae usque ad praedictum terminum, etc. Testibus, Radulpho Mauleverer, Simone fratre ejus. Conventio facta de terris in Clareton inter Alanum filium Galfridi de Kirkeby et Ceciliam uxorem ejus, et Thomam filium Adae tunc Constabularium de Knaresburgh in festo Sancti Martini ann° Domini 1205. Testibus, Nigello de Plumpton, Thoma de Walkingham, Radulpho Mauleverer, etc. Memorandum quod Willielmus filius Roberti de Dunsforth dedit Henrico Mauleverer illas terras in villa de Dunsforth, quas Willielmus avus suus quondam dedit Henrico Mauleverer avo praenominati Henrici, in maritagium cum Cecilia filia sua, etc. Testibus domino Johanne filio Thomae, Willielmo de Kirkeby, Henrico de Brampton, Willielmo de Bramton, etc. Memorandum quod RicardusCheve deThomeburgh quietumclamavit, etc. Johanni Mauleverer totum ius suum in omnibus tenenentis suis in Thornburgh, etc. Testibus, Nicholao Mauleverer, Ricardo fratre ejus, Ricardo Mauleverer de Clareton, etc. Memorandum quod Alicia quondam uxor Ricardi Mauleverer, de Clareton, in viduitate sua dedit Johanni Mauleverer totam dotem suam in villa de Clareton, pro quadam summa pecuniae, etc. Testibus, domino Willielmo Darell, domino Patricio de Westwike, Ricardo de Goldesburgh, Johanne Mauleverer de Quixley, Nicolauo Wyther de eadem, etc. Memorandum quod in litera tangente medietatem prioratus de Allerton, haec causa habetur. Hujus igitur authoritate mandati, accedens ad domum nostram de Alverton de assensu et voluntate nobilis viri Briani de Insula custodis terrae et haeredis Radulphi Maloleporarii patroni ejusdem loci substituimus fratrem Huleiam tanquam priorem, etc. Henricus, Dei gratia rex Angliae, Dominus Hiberniae, Dux Normaniae, Aquitaniae, et comes Andegaviae, etc. Sciatis nos concessisse Henrico Maleverer filio Ricardi Malleverer quod ipse et haeredes sui habeant in perpetuum liberam warrennam in omnibus dominicis terris suis, de Allerton, in Burchipe, Feusby, Clareton, Lindlandes, Usbum, et Hopton, etc. Testibus, Henricus de Bathon, Nicolao Luvell, Henrico de Barton, Nicolao de Turri, Willielmo de Grey. Dat. per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium, 20 Octobris anno regni nostri 4. Anno Domini 1276, itaconvenit inter Johannem Mauleverer filium et heredem bonne memoriae domini Henrici Mauleverer ex una, et fratrem Radulphum ministrum domus sancti Roberti juxta Cnaresburgh, ex altera, etc. Testibus, domino Henrico de Perpunt, tunc senescallo, Willielmo Lovell, Johanne de Kyrkeby. Ego Robertus filius Ricardi de Tocwith confirmavi Willielmo Mauleverer totam terram in territorio de Tocwith quam Ricardus pater meus dedit Radulpho Mauleverer pro homagio et servicio suo et unde Radulphus Mauleverer et Willielmus filius ejus fuerunt seisiti, etc. Testibus, Willielmo de Donsforth, Alano de Kirkby, Johanne Mauleverer, Johanne de Hamerton, Ricardo de Wiyelesthorpe, Willielmo de Hamerton, Petro Lovelf, Roberto de Dunsforth, etc. 66 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4/5 AND I ^ I2< MAULEVERER. William Mauleverer, the first of that-, surname after the Conquest, who had issue. i. Richard Mauleverer, first founder of the church of Allerton, sans issue. 2. Raufe Mauleverer,: heir to his brother Richard. 3. Foulke. William Mauleverer, son of=. Raufe. Albert de Grelly, gave to this William the lands of Flasby. Raufe Mauleverer, the 2nd of that name, died sans issue, but outlived his brother Henry, and Richard his son. Henry Mau-=Cecily, dau. leverer, brother to Ralph. to William Dunsforth. To this Henry, Raufe, his brother, gave 3 caru- cates of land in Clare- ton, a<> 1204. Richard Mauleverer, of Clareton , son of Henry.—Alicia. Henry Mauleverer, = cousin and next heir to Raufe Mauleverer, the indofthat name. To this Henry, the son of Richard Mauleverer, King Henry HI., by his charter, dated a° 40 of hts retgne, gave free barren in all his demesne land of Allerton, Hur- chip, Flasby, Clareton, Lindlands, Useburne, and Hopton. John Mauleverer, the 1st of that name. . . John Mauleverer, the 2nd of th at name. .. Sir John, or Halnath, Mauleverer. the 3rd of that name. = - I- Sir Halnath Mauleverer, nephew [sic) an d heir to John the 3rd. - 1-" " John Mauleverer. 18,011, p. 54 * I 4 I S» f°* 57 * 1571, fo. 23. 6070, fo. 258. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15S4/5 AND l6l2. 67 MAULEVERER, OF ALLERTON. Arms :—tst and 4th. Gu., 3 greyhounds courant in pale arg., collared or, a crescent for diffe¬ rence of the last, Mauleverer. 2. Gules, a chief or, over all a bend gobony azure and argent. 3. Azure, a bend between 6 martlets argent, a crescent for difference gules, Lutterell. An inescocheon quarterly; 1st and 4th the 1st and 2nd quarters of the shield, 2nd and 3rd, Lutterell. Crest: —On a torce, argent and gules, a greyhound statant argent, collared or. Sir John Malyverer, of Allerton,=Elenor, ^ daughter to ^ Sir Piers ob. 30 November, 1400. Midelton, of Stockeld. Sir Alnath Mauleverer, son=Milicent, daughter and heir of of Sir John. I Alexander Luterell. i „ 1 Margaret, Geffrey, married to J ohn Stokes. John Mau-=Isabell, leverer, son of Sir Al¬ nath. dau. to Sirjohn Marken- field. I Helena, married to Thos. Thir- keld, mayor of ye Staple. Joan, mar¬ ried to Bryan Beeston. 1 Sir Tohn= Alison,dau. Joane, mar. Alice mar. to George, married 2. William ‘TVirtmcic: Tno.Southwell. Ann, dau. of rnarned Maule¬ verer, of A ller- totiyKnt. John Banks, of JcUIC, lLin-X . a *- ' <=> • . to Thomas Jno.Southwell, Ann, dau. of canKs.oi Gedney. and, 2ndly, to Thos.Pomerey. Whixley. Toane, mar- Rauf Booth. Amathus, mar. riedtojohn, Helen, married and had issue, or Robert , to Robert Byr- Geo., that mar. Shelley, or nand, father of Anne, dau. of Skelton,and Robert. Pomerey. had Robert Anne, mar. to and Alice. Thos.Fulborne. married Joane, widow of ... Lang¬ ley, of Kent. I— \ 2. Robert Sir Thomas= Elizabeth, dau. Maule- Mauleverer, of John de verer. of Allerton, la River, of Knt. Bransby. n-n 1 Alnathe. Ursula. Grace, mar- Bridget. Katherine. riedtojohn Pullen 1 SirRich^Joan, daugh- Thomas. Anne, mar. Gilbert = E1 ">' "*“** i\—1„ J mir P'ranri*;. to Mar- Maule- dau. to.... Maule ter to Sir Francis. to Mar- Robert George. maduke Plump ton. All sans Constable, issue. of Bossall. Maule¬ verer, youngest son. dau. to .. Roydon, of co. Den¬ bigh. Sir Thomas Mau-=Elinor, daughter 2. Raphe, leverer, of Aller- to Sir Thomas 2 ton, co. York. Oughtred. Anne, wife to Thos. Snaw- sel, of Bilton. A B 'l 63 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4 !$ AND l 6 l 2 . Sir Henry: Wharton, Knt., 2nd son of Thomas, Lord Wharton (ist hus¬ band). r =Joan, daugh¬ ter and sole heir, mar¬ ried to her 2nd hus¬ band, Ro¬ bert, Lord Ogle. =Sir Richard Mau-= leverer ,o/A ller- ton, Knt., 3rd husband to Lady Joan Maleverer, of Allerton, liv¬ ing, and was lord of Allerton, 1584. Thomas Lusher. =.a daughter of. I Elliott, co. Surrey. jf n , dau. Ann, wife Frances, of Sir Raphe Bourchier, ofBening- borough {2nd wife). to Sir William Lusher, of Sholand, co.Surrey. Francis. 4 John. 5 wife of Henry Battell ,3 of Farn- ham, co. Surrey. Anne. Richard. 6 William. Rich. Mavleverer. 18 on d 1487, fo. 232 b. 1394, p. 53 - T 4 * 5 » fo - 5 A 1420, ff. 34 ^. 35 - ,499' fo 3 4^. 4630? p 389- IS 7 I. f<>- ***• 6 ° 70 . fo. 258#. See Tonge s Visit., p. 54 - 1 Belwyn, or William Pgfe or Fcton.MS.^87 iMjgg. ^ I487, 6070. rreuy, ur i uiam, ^ - i Bartell, MS. 1487. 4 Frances, MS. 1415- 6 Thomas, MS. 1571. if|: Fir ► ' ! GARGRAVE, OF NOSTEL. Arms — i Lozengy, argent and sable, on a bend of ye last, 3 crescents or, Gargrave. 2. Argent, on a chief indented gules, 3 cross crosslets fitchee of the ist, ° TTRRRUR ”' cr 3 Q S f flor ; 3 lions passant in bend, between 2 cottises engrayled argent, Brown. 4. Sable, a cross no y between 4 annulets argent, Welles. Crest :—On a torce, argent and sable, a falcon rising, argent. Motto :—“ Servire Deo regnare est.” Sir John Gargrave , of Gar-- grave , knt., master of the I forests y Sir Robert Gargrave, of Gargrave , knt., governor of Ponter- soon in France, temp. H. V., and there lyeth honourably buried; master of yeforests, and guardon to Richard, Duke of Yorke, father to Edward the IV.= Sir Thomas Gargrave, of Gargrave, knt., = master of the forests, and marshal of the Englisharmy, temp. H. VI.,slain atthesiege of Orleans, with the Earl of Salisbury. . Gargrave , =.. dau. and co-heir of Sir of Gargrave and I Ralph Otterburne, of O er- Swaythorpe. J burne. W U 1 i a m =Chris- Gargrave, of Sway- thorpe. William Gargrave, of Gargrave, Esq.~ Sir Tohn Gar -~Hellen,dauof . Nes- grave, knt., field and sister and co- son and heir of Sir John Nes- heir. field, knt.% William Gargrave. ==. William Gargrave, son=Agnes, daughter and _ ^ TTr-ir 1_• ^ C D Hv/vTimo and heir of William. of Swayfhorpe and Gargrave. heir of Robt. Browne, of Wakefield. -,--- 1 -m 2. John Gargrave, m. 3. Robert. Margaret, da. of 4. Thomas. William Scargill, of Lead. 2 = A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 69 A I -JL_ B 1 Robert Gargrave, = Alice, daughter to son and heir of Rich. Beaumont, William. of Whitley. 3 2. Thomas. Wm. Gar-=Margaret, dau. to grave, son Wm. Bradfordp and heir. of Stanley. I Thomas Gargrave, = Margaret, daughter of of Gargrave, son and heir. Thomas 5 Leigh, of Mid¬ dleton, aunt to Sir John Leigh. John Gargrave, =. 1. William. 3rd son. I 2. Edward. Thomas Gar- = Elizabeth, dau. grave, son and heir of Gargrave. to William Levett, of Normanton and of Hoot on Levett. Robert Gargrave, of Tan- Alice, wife kersley, co. York, mar- to Thomas ried the relict of Sir John Penson, of Savile, Knt ., father of Wakefield. Sir Henry Savile, of Thornhill, Knt., a jus¬ tice temp. Henry VIII. 6 -1 I Katherine, sans is¬ sue. This ge¬ neration, which is taken from MSS. 1415, 1487, 1571, and 6070, is omitted in 18,011. Anne, daughter of = Sir Thomas Gar-= Jane, daughter to William Cotton, of Oxinoth, or Oxonheath, in Kent (1st wife), by the co-heir of . Culpepper, of Oxonheath. grave, Knt., of Kinsley and Nos tel, Knt., son and heir, ob. 21 Q. Elizabeth , 1578- n Roger Apple- ton, of Dart- ford, in Kent, and widow of John Went¬ worth, Knt., of ElmsalL —rrT-n I II I I. 2. William .« 3. Robert. 6 4. George . 8 5. Walter .6 6. Ralphe .« Bridget, 7 daughter of Sir =Sir Cotton Gargrave, of Kins-— Agnes, daughter of Thos. William Fairfax, Knt., of Steeton (1st wife). ley and Nostel, in co. York, vicecomes ibidem 1584, died 1587. . L. Waterton, of Walton, son and heir of Sir Thos. Waterton, of Walton , Knt. [2nd wife). I I I John, ob. Thomas Gar- inf. grave, eldest Robert, slain in London, at Gray’s Inn Fields, in fight. son, aet. 23 an. 1584, mr. Katherine, dau.of Thos. Wentworth, of Went¬ worth Wood- house. = Prudence. 8 j--1— r~ . ™ W I 1:1 ! I l ! I Sir Richard Gar- Anne, 2nd wife of 3. Robert. grave, of Nos- Thomas Venables, 4. John. Baron of Kinder- 5. Francis. ton, co. Chester . 8 Priscilla [wife of Mary, a maid of William Halfo\. honour to Queen Frances [posthu- Anne, and now of mous %),{wife of the privy chamber to Queen Mary. Elizabeth, mar. to Wm. Fenwick, of Stanton. tel and, Kins¬ ley, 2nd son, knt., now liv¬ ing, 1612, mai'- ried Catherine , sister to Henry, Lord Danvers. . Tempest, of Broughton 6 ). 1 ! Elizabeth. Mary. Cotton Gargrave. 18,011, fo. S4A 1487, fo. 2253. 1394, p. 29. 1415, fo* 5 8 ^- i 4 2 °> f°* 35 ^* 4630, p. 226. 1571. fo. 23 3 . 6070, fo. 1053. 1 This descent is so given by Glover, in Visit. 1612. 2 Thorp, MS. 1487. 3 Wakefield, MSS. 1415, 6070. 4 So in MS. 1487, but Badfield in MS. 18,011. 5 Gilbert, MSS. 1415, 1487. Additional from MS. 1487. 7 Visitation of 1612. 8 MS. 1571. 7 ° VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . GREY, OF BARTON. Arms.—B arry of 6, argent and azure, a bend gobony or and gules. Henry Grey, of Bar ton, in RydaU^ , co. York. - ^ThwCTtge.'o^Hemsiey'lisU^^n^^ate.^o^Vork.T^^nd'heir 2 ”^ Robert' Buhner. wife 2 ). _J_J Maude, wife to Francis Ej^nowlivi^T^'ek of Sir Ralph Bulmer, Aislaby, of Barden infra Rydale, Esq., now living, ^ in cleveland . com. Richmond. a ° I S 8 +- Sir Ralph Grey, = Knt ., aged I 22 a<> 1584- 2. Cuthbert, 0. s. p. 3. George. ~m - 4. Thomas. 5. John. Barbara, eldest daughter, mar¬ ried to William Jackson. n 1 2. Frances. 3. Isabell. Sir William Grey, Knt., created Baron of Werke,by K 7 ames, io February, a<> 1023. - ,4 “* IMS. 1571. 2 2nd wife, 1487. 3 ls t wife, 1487. ATHERTON, OF FRYTON. Arms:— Quarterly, 1. Gules, 3 ^ proper ^ofemglnGiis moutha branch of oak.’ 4-Azure, 3 pant sable. 3 * Argent, a bay horse -tsriz *—i. Azure, a tnaunch or, charged with an mascles or. Impaling Conyers of Wakerley, co. Northants. 2. Or, a chevron annulet gu.. a.crescent for difference, Conyers, 01 * S able, on a saltier argent a gules, a chief vaire, a martlet ^^“^nauefoilei within an orle of cross crosslets argent crescent gules, Rilleston. 4. A * u , * 3 _^ ebes an( i a chief or, Lord Mennill. 6. Gules, a Darcy and Meignill. 5. Azure, 3 bars gemeues anu T f Rab ’ 7 . Or, a fesse azure, on a saltier argent, charged wUh a Aeur-de- ’ t a b o n ra mpant azure, Baron Brrwse. 9. chief or 3 pallets gules, FAUC ?* B *r? be i as t a^ion passant or, Lancaster, Baron of Kendal. A ?:r.-r in rc: rs ts ^ ^«-«- ** * ^ * or 2. On a torce or and azure, a wing erect gu. . * , e A+ w - Tohn Catherall, son of=Kathenn, daughter 01 Sir William Atherton, of Ather-- J oh R n ,^ mer , John Langley. ton, co. Lane., Knt. _ \ P * J r* Thomas all. Cather-=Margery, daughter 1 of Nicholas Tem- I pest. George Atherton, ..» daughter of Atherton, co. I of.Ashton, of L anc> I Midleton.____ Sir'john Atherton, Knt., of Ather- yMargarebduughter^a:UttleMitton, co. Lane, ton, co. Lane. 1 Elizabeth, wife to Henry Bulmer, younger son 1 to Anthony. Margaret, wife to Sir Wm.Jessop, of Broom Hall, co. York. 2. Richard Atherton. Elizabeth, —John Atlierton,- Katherine, 3rd dau. daughter to Sir John Byron, Knt., of Clayton, co. Lane. (1st wife.) Esq., son and heir to John, lord of Ather¬ ton, co. Lane., and of Fry ton, co. York, now living, ao 1584. and co-heir to John, Lord Con¬ yers, of Hornby. She mar., 2ndly, to Francis Savile . Robert. Rachel . John Atherton, 2 eldest son, aged 20 a° 1584. -n Rebecca. Rachel. 18 , 011 , fo. 55 . 1487 , fo. 25 °. * 394 . p. 34. X 4 -,fo. 3 6 A ^ 1 Brother, MS. 1571- 2 ? 2nd son and aged 10 in 1584, by 1st wife, MS. 1571- VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15^4/5 AND 1 ^ I2 * 7 * CONYERS, OF HORNBY. Rob ert Conyers. = = J ohn Conyers, = Margaret, dau. the. son Robert. of and heir of Anthony St. Quintin. Christopher Con-=Ellyn, one of yers, of Hornby, y e daughters married, 2ndly, andheiresof Margaret, dau. Ryleston. of . Madysley. William 1 Fauconbridge=Agnes, daughter and co- | heir to Peter de Bruce. Walter Lord Faucon-=Elizabeth, dau. of Robert bridge. I Roos, of Hamlake. Walter Faucon -=A nastasia, daughter of Ralph bridge. | Nevill, of Raby. Walter 2 Fauconbridge. = 3 Ivod, or Eve , dau. of I ..Bulmer. Walter Fauconbridge. .. daughter of j John Pateshall. Thomas Fauconbridge. .daughter of I Thomas Bromflett. S 'vi?s n C °of M and eI one St of a ye William Nevill, Lord Faucon-= Joan daughter yers, 01 dnu uuc ^ j , —j d„i n f and co-heir. yers, of Hornby, Knt. and one of ye heires of Philip Lord Darcy, and Meignill. bridge, and Earl of Kent. Gu ., a cross argent , a mart¬ let sable. Wm. Con¬ yers, 2nd Joan , wife of Edward Bethon, s. p. r Sir John=Alice, daughter son , of Marske, married Elizabeth, daughter and sole heir of Robert Cleasby. = Conyers, K.G., of Hornby, and one of the heirs of Sir Wm. Nevill, Lord Faucon¬ bridge, and Earl of Kent. Johana, married to Nicholas Belli- any, 4 sans issue, and after to Mr. Thos. Brocket, of co. Herts,and had issue. Elizabeth, married to Sir Richd. Strang- wayes. = Christopher Conyers, mar. Joan, daughter of Thos. Met¬ calfe, of Nappa. = Anne , wife of Sir Rd. Lumley , Knt. ford Lumley , ob. 28 Hen. VIII. Sir William Con¬ yers, the first Lord Conyers of Hornby, mar. Ann, daughter to Ralph Nevill, Earl of West¬ moreland. = —I Reginald Sir James Conyers, of Strangwayes, W - 1 1 - mar. Alice, daughter to ye Lord Scroop, of Upsal. Wakerley, co. North- ants, 2nd son, 8 had issue (see MS.18,011, P- 56 )- INI Thomas. William. Joan. Elizabeth. Mary . I I | -^—|-1—|—| Thomas. William Elizabeth, Christo- Conyers, married to pher. of Roger Robert. Marske , Sedgwick. married Cicely,mar. Elinor, to Henry dau. of Askew. Hum- Margery, freySed- married to gwick.= .Slings- ! by. A Catherine , wife to Fran¬ cis Bigodyof Settrington. Mary , wife of Sir Richard Cholmley , of Roxby t Knt. Christopher Lord Con¬ yers, of Hornby, mar. Ann, daughter of Thomas, Lord Dacre, of Gilsland. I 'T TTTTi Sir Thos. James, g- John. Strang¬ way es, married dau. to the Lord Dacre. Richard. Margery. An?ie. 72 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . William Con- J ames yers, of Marskep married Catherine, daughter of Ralph Male- verer, of Wothersome. Thomas. Christo¬ pher. Robert. —n-m Elizabeth. Christian. Alice. Margery. Katherine. fane, wife of John,Lord Con- Sir James Sir Manna- yers,of Hornby, Strangwayes, duke Consta- mar. Maude, ble, of Ever- daughter to ingham. Henry Clif- Elizabeih , ford, Earl of wife of Geo. Cumberland. Place , of He died 3/4 Halnaby. P. & M. — mar. Eliza¬ beth, dau. and heir to Pigott. John ton, son and heir to John,lord of Atherton, co. Lane., and of Fry- ton,co.York living 1584. Ather-= Katherine, = Francis Sa- Esq., 3rd daughter vile, 2nd and co-heir son to to John, Francis, Lord Con- 2nd hus- yers, of band. Hornby. Ann, wife to An¬ thony Kempe, younger bro¬ ther to Sir Thos. Kempe, Knt., of Kent, died sans issue. Elizabeth, wife to Thomas Darcy, 2nd son to Sir Thomas 7 Darcy, Knt. = _ ) -n John and Henry Conyers, died sans issue. Conyers Darcy, only son of Thomas and Elizabeth. 18011, p. 56. 1487, fo. 6b. 1394 . P- 36. i4 I Si f°* 59 ^*. I 4 2 °» ^°* 37 * x 499> f°* 3 2 * 1571, fo. 25. 6070, fo. 229. Tonge’s Visitation, pp. 46* 4 °* 1 Walter, lord of Rise, MS. 1487. 2 John, MS. 1487. , 3 MS 1415 states that John, son of Walter the 3rd, married the daughter of Bulmer. __ 1 Bethun.MS. 1415—“Edward Bethome sine exitu,” Visitation, 1564. 5 John, 2nd son in I nun, mo. 1415*— ^ un Southampton* l John, Mary, wife of Elizabeth, wife Robert, son of of Sir John Sir Symon Campbell , StewartJCnt. Knt. Bridget . George, s. p. Edwards. p. 7. Gervase Reres¬ by, mar. Eliza¬ beth Gedneyf of co. Line. — _l —i William Reresby, mar. Grace, relict of John Mason, and brother of Sir John Mason, of Avery Colbeck. Thos. Reresbie. Ego Adam de Reresby, miles, dedi Radulpho fillo. totum manerium meum de ThrLbersh viU ^ m de Br ° nS ' forth, Dalton majoris, Dalton minoris, et Bolton super Don, etc. Dat. apud Thnberg. On a bend 3 cross crossiets. Omnibus, etc.. Robertas de Wylneby filius domini Robert! de Wylneby salutem. me Radul^ho^RCTMb^et "SrXdoSb quod dictus Radulphus adquislvit de Radulpbo de Eincourt in le Hill, sine data. A chevron .. S. Rqberti de Willie by. Ego Adam de Normarmlle, dominus de Thnberg dedi Adae filio Radnlphi de Reresby de Essomerm, manerium meum de Thnberg, etc. Dat. apud Thnberg anno 9 Ed. filii regis Edwardi. E^o Radulphus de Normanville dedi Radulpbo de Reresby cum Margeria filia mea ct hreredibus sms ‘ exeuntibus totam terram quam Radulphus de Seiwelt tenuit de done Radulph, * ££ J ad liberum maritagium, etc., sine data. a fust between. 6 bars genulles, .. a tit chief and 4 in ease, a canto 18,011, ff. 57b. 58. 1487. fo. 250S. 890, fo. 44- 1394. p. 42- 1173. f°; 4 * ; . WS. to. 61 14®, to. 38 b. 4630. P* 48 S- * 37 b ft- 27. 6070, fo. 199. See Dugdale s Visitation, pp. 182, 183* 1C71, 4 He had 6 sons and 11 daughters 1571. & June, 1571* 6 Dearn 6070,1571. This match and descent from MS. ig,oii. 8 MS. 6070. ^ Additional. 1 Estover* 1415, 6070. 2 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I S®+/S AN . D *^ 12 * VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15S4/5 AND l6l2. 77 BUNNY, OF NEWTON, als. BUNYHILL, JUXTA WAKEFIELD. Arms:— Quarterly, i. Argent, a chevron between 3 goats’ heads erased sable, Runny. 2. Gules, a cross flory or, on a chief azure 3 buckles or, Haselden. 3. Per saltier gules and ermine Restwold. 4. Argent, 3 bendlets sable. 5. Gules, 3 lions rampant argent, crowned or. 6. Sable, 3 lions rampant argent. 7- Gules, a fesse or between 3 saltiers couped argent. 8. Gules, 4 bendlets argent 9. Argent, 3 boars’ heads couped in bend, between 2 cottises embattled sable. Richard Bunny, of Newton, als. Bunny Hall, =.. daughter and heir near Wakefield, co. York. J of. Haselden. John Bunny, son and heir. =.. daughter of John Gargrave. 2. Thomas. 4. John. Margaret. 3. Robert. Elizabeth. Richard Bunny. = Elizabeth, daughter to James j Harrington, Esq. Richard Bunny of Newton. = Rose, daughter to John Topcliffe. Richard = Bridget, dau Bunny eldest son, died May, 1584. and co¬ heiress to Edward Restwold, of the Bucks. Edmund Bun¬ ny, of Dun- nington, ba¬ chelor of Di¬ vinity, eldest son of Rich., now living 1584, d. s. p. Richard Bun¬ ny, eldest son, aged 3 a° 1584, slain in Ireland. = 2. Thomas 3. Wil- s.George Elizabeth Bunny, mar- Bunny, liam Bunny, ried to Robt. Kaye. s.p. Bunny. married Anne, mar. to Robt. 4. Peter, s.p. = .. Arthington,ofKnot- 6. Nicholas. dau. of tingley. . Jane, mar. to Edward Tern- Stere, of Thorne, pest. ||-^ Restwold Bridget. Bunny, a soldier at Berwick. 2. Rich -=Anne, 3. Francis ■= ard daugh- Bunny, M.A., Bunny, ter of professor heir to Francis of Divinity his Inck- at Ryton in father. penne. Episcopatu Dunelm. Francis Bunny, liv¬ ing 1612, mar¬ ried Mary, daugh¬ ter of William Cartwright, Esq., of Newland. — ' 1 f - n 3. George Bunny. 4. Rest¬ wold. 5. Henry. Adaugh¬ ter. daugh¬ ter to Henry Priest¬ ley. John Bunny. Francis Bun¬ ny, mar¬ ried Mary, dau.of John Worthy, and died s. p. Eliza¬ beth. Elizabeth, $yrs.old, 1612. Margery. # Ricardo Bunny olim de Newton alias Btmnyhall in parochia de Wakefield in comi- tatu Eboracensi, post de Newland in parochia de Normanton, in eodem comi- [atu armigero maforibus (ut fertur) Gallis ex oppido Bunny, in septentrional, flnmim'c T^rtinr «;uner Orleans sito tempore Guilielmi Conquestons, ad Bunny Rcise in flummis • P delatis muneribus quibusdam (ijs que satis honorificis) illus- comitatu Nottmghamioe et Elizabetha jubentibus, defuncto, anno ^t^bT^lu^rninu^septuagesimo^Urnrus^filiis Edmundo, Rikrdo et Francisco super- oetatis plus minus sep 1 Utl *» rf , ' Mniap anno Dom ni 1^84, supernam diem in stitibus relictis) vtvis^lFuacunque mortalities testimonium Dommo obeunti, Bngida J debitum C erte licet non satis honorificum, sTd a Tro X modestFa et Sonin? ct sua, 4“ calendarum julii, anno Domini i S 86, monu- mentum posuit. EDM. BUNNY. 18,011, p. 58#. M 87 , ff. 28 f' « 2 fo r 3 8 4 I 5 5 «'To'nges Vfeit/p. 82 Dugdale's Visit^fp°279 ; 7 Yorksldre'Archrcolog^l and Topographical Journal, v. 3, P- * 5 &f£ 7 S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Omnibus, etcetera, Edwardus de L^cy Constebulanus universitasDeo et Ecclesite Sancti eorundem canonicorum, super 1 dimidiam carucatam terrse in q»a sita eligendos secundum tenorem '“'"'tc. Et liberam suam elcctionem ad P"°!® s “oseiig™^ bonse me moriae ^'cripticonfecti ASimoneDecano etc inter ogera Testibus domino Hugone dis¬ arm meum et Canomcos Sancti Osualdi de N o« e c domino Ada de Novo *£s£SS8S353sr - |0 “ StciLLUM Edmund, de Lascey Constabulary Cestrias. Quae sequunturex chartis Johannis Daunay miUtis collectae sunt, 1584- Willielmus Darell de Sesay in conitatu Eboracensi tempore Regis Johannis^ ■ r Will ielmus Darell, tsyo- =Ada, (ilia et hmres .... Percy, ut opinatur. Beatrix, uxor. Johan- nis Maleverer de Darrell^ni les, Aluerton, sine data. 28 Ed. I.» 1283. M armaducus = H elevisa, filia G alfri- - •’ Willielnude dus Insula. Darrell. Williel- = Beatrix mus de Holtby, miles. Manna- = Cecilia, ducus Darrell, senior, miles, 1358 . 28 Ed. III. mnamiw rell,33Ed.III., nupta Alicia, 33 Ed. in. Thomas, t Ed. II. mu* Darrell, de Dal¬ ton, 13 Ed. II. soror Petri de Dalton, 14 Ed. II. I VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2 f 79 A J Williel- = Elizabeths, mus 29 Ed. III. Darrell, miles, * 354 - Eliza¬ beths. Willielmus,=Agnes, filia Wil- filius Wil lielmi Darrell de Dalton. lielmi Atte- welle, de Dal¬ ton, quae super- vixit43Ed. III. sorer Emma. Elizabeths, filia et haeres Alexandri Ledis, 33 Ed. III.,et vocatMar- maducum Darell, avunculum. Johanna(1 ux.), filia=Marmaducus Darrell, = Alraa (2 too), fi '' a , f ^ U ^ _P Ro™ h 2 do J WilMmi Merimr- junior, de Sessay, 38 Pigot, soror Galfndi, 44 Kou j . h ;5 Ed. III., 1364- Willielmi Mering- ton, 1364, 38 Ed. III., s. p. \ncia \z ux.|, mid Pigot, soror Galfridi, 44 Routh,2 Ed III. maritus. Thomas Darrell, forsan no thus, 23 1 Ed. III. Willielmus, filius Marmaduci = Emma, 2 quae super- Darrell, 43 Ed. III. I vixit aQ n R. H. Marmaducus=Johanna,filiaJo- Willielmus Dar- JohannisDar- Henrigus Darrell, Darrell. r 4 ' hannis Bigod, rell. de Gale- hannis Bigod de Settring- ton, miles, 14 R. II. rell, de Wilt¬ shire, 14 R. II. & io» H. VI. rell, deCale- 14 R- H* hill,in Kent, Galfridus, 39 Ed. 14 R. II. HI. Alicia. Edmundus Darrell, = Isabella, filia et haeres Georgii ^“^ hannlS miles, ob. 1438. | Etton 5 de Gil linge, militis, quae obnt 2 Id us M an, 1448. •=Tohanna, Radulfus Darrell, uxor., ob. frater Georgii, 2 H. VI. 18 H. VII. Georgius Dar- =Margarets, filia Johannes Dar __ Plnmn. rpll. miles. rell" miles, ob. 5 call. Apl., 1466. Willielmi Plump- ton, militis, 2 ides Maii, 1487. rell, miles ; obiit 1474. nonis Aprilis. I Johannes =Catherina Darrell, Strang- miles, ob. ways, sine prole 7 H. VII. Thos. Dar-=Margeria, rell, frater uxor et haeres superstites Johanni, 18 H. VII. sine prole. Marma- Guido =Johanna ducusDar- Dawney, rell, sine miles, prole. living 18 H. VII. soror et haeres Thomae Darrell, de Ses¬ say. Jo hn Dawney, miles, 18 H. VII .= Dorothy, daughter of Richard, Lord Latimer. Thomas Dawney, miles. =.. hannes Dawney, miles, nunc superstites, 1584* lannes j^itwucy, *—-- ■ - 18,011, p, 59 1 1487 . f°. 2 97 ^* r 394 , P- 45 - 1420, 6070, fo. 190. „ MS. 1487, ® Anna superstites vir 3 »o, MS 1487. 4 Atton, MS. 1,87. 8o VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Allertonsiiikr. DAWN AY, OF SESSAY. Arms :—Quarterly, i. A r gent, on a bend between e cottises sable, 3 annulets or. 2. Gules, a Saracen’s head "couped at his neck, crined sable, bearded argent, and a wreath about his temples arg. and sa., tied arg., between 3 lion’s paws, one issuing from each chief point, and the other from the base point or, Newton. 3. Azure, a lion rampant or, crowned argent, Uarell. 4 - Azure, fusils in fesse or, within a border entoyre of torteaux, Percy. 5 ’ Y r> on a < % hie * indented azure 2 mullets or. 6. Barry of 8, argent and gules, on a canton sable a cross flory or, a crescent for difference, Aton. Sir Edmond 1 Dawney, Knt. = . Sir Nicholas Dawney, Inq. 7 Ed. III. =Johanna. Sir John Dawney, of Madeford Terry, co. Somerset, Inq. 20 Ed. III. = _ ) 1 Thomas Dawney, of= Elizabeth, daughter and Escrike, 11 Rich. II. I heir to John Newton, of Snaith. r~ Emma or Emlin, dau. and heir, mar. to Edward Courtney, Inq. 22 Ed. III. r t - John Dawney, 12 = Ellin, daugh- Margaret, Richard II. 2 ter to John Barden. wife of Saltmarsh. I i 2. Sir Nicholas Dawney , Knt. 3. Thomas. John Dawney, = Margaret or Maude , 4 Hen. VI. daughter to Sir Alexander Lound, Knt. I Frater Willielmus Dawney, of the Rhodes, Turchup- pler. Alice, married to Robert Fleming. Agnes, married to Peter Weston. I I I John Dawney, = Agnes, daugh- 2. William Joan, wife to died 1493, 13 I ter to Guy Dawney. Wm. 8 Dally- cal. November. | Rocliff. son. -n ! I Katherine, wife to Thos. Aungier. 2. Emma. | I Sir Guy Dawney, = Jane, dau. of William of Cowyke, co. York, ob. 1522, 16 cal. of Sep¬ tember. Sir Geo. Dar¬ rell , Knt., sister and heir to Thos. Dar¬ rell, of Sezay. Dawney. h r i I Agnes, wife of John Bekard. Elizabeth, wife tojno. Lang- ton. 4 Margaret, wife to Rafe, son and heir to Richard Ac- clome. Sir John Dawney, = Dorothy, daughter Knt., ob. 1553, 6 to Richard, Lord of Non Martii. Latimer, ob. 1532, local.Novembris. Anne, wife to .daughter, Robert Hal- married to . denby. Babthorpe, of Drax. I * A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 8l SirThos.= Dawney, Knt., ob. 1556, die 3 Septem- bris. Edith, eldest daugh¬ ter to George Lord Darcy, of As¬ ton. 6 John Daw¬ ney, of Hecke, in y© parish of Snaith. George = Ellyn,dau. Dawney, ofEstrike, 3rd son, ob. anno 1557 - John Dawney, 24 s years of age, a° 1585. of Wm. Constable , of Hat¬ field, K?it. Dorothy, married to Henry Nevile, of Chevet. Jane, mar. to Brian Palmes, of Nabum. —n Anne, wife of Sir George Conyers. Elizabeth, wife of Sir Robert Aske, of Aughton. Sir John Dawnay, of Sessay, co. York, now living, 1584. = Elizabeth, dau. toSirMarma- duke Tun- stall, of Thur- land Castle , co. Lancaster, Knt . 2. Paul Dawnay, Frances, wife to Sir William Babthorpe. H- 1 Cuthbert = Dawnay, of Estrike. Ursula , one of the daugh¬ ters and co¬ heirs of. Thwenge, of Heslarton, on Yorks- wold. v. Joan, wife of John Palmes, of Na¬ if urn. I Thomas Daw -—Faith,dau. nay, Esq., son and heir of Sir John, set. 21 an. 1584, now of Sessay, 1612. and co¬ heir of Richard Legard , of Ry- some. —rrr "in n 2. Marmaduke 4. Darcy. Dawnay, mar. Dorothy, s. p. dau of .. Mary, wife to Garden. 3. William Daw¬ nay, mar. dau. of Jasper Chol- mondeley, of Highgate, co. Middlesex. Ralph, Lord Eure, son and heir to Wil¬ liam, Lord Eure. Si ~\ —I—T' 2. Thomas , s p. 3. George. 4. Richard. Henry, s.p . Margaret , j. p. Anne, s. p. II T John Daw-^{Elizabeth dau . nay, son of Sir Rich, and heir, Hutton, a at. 19, judge of Com- 1612. man Pleas*). I I Frances (wife Elizabeth, of Henry wife of Vaughan, Wm. Ac- of Sutton* ). dome, of Moreby Hall, knt. John Dawnay, half-a-yearold 1585, nowliv- ingi6i2, mar¬ ried Eliza¬ beth, dau. of William Con¬ stable,of Sher¬ borne. = Elizabeth, at. 3, 1612. Thomas. 7 Jo. Dawney. Thomas Dawnay. 9 18,01 r, p. 595. 1487, ff. 2565, 298. 1394, pp. 45, 46b. 1415, fo. 62. 1420, fo. 40. 4630, p. 128. 1571, ff. 28, 248. 6070, fo. 192. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 264. See this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 Edward, 1415, 1487, 6070. 2 Inq. 8 Hen. VI, ob. 13 July, a© 4 Hen. VI. 3 4 Pelham, of Laughton, co. Lincoln, MS. 1571. 6 Mennell, MS. 1487. 6 14, 7 MS. 6070. 8 Additional from MS. 1487. * Signed Pedigree, 1612. John, 1487. MS. 18,011. G 82 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4/5 AND I ^ 12, Tohannes Dawnay reddidit compotum suum de 53s. 46., de fine pro transgressione auod fecit eo quod non suscepit ordinem militarem ante festum Pentecostis, ao 17 g. Hen VI. In Thesauri libro. 13 die Octobris an° 18. Et quietus est. . Omnibus hominibus haslitteras videntibus velaudientibus, etc., Galfridus de Comers 1 t m Sciatis me consilio et assensu Rogeri de Corners nepotis mei tunc prsesentis, ' auietum clamasse h ra et liseredibus meis Willielmo Darell et h^redibus sms totura ]us et clarTeum quod habui in octo carueatis terra; cum pertmentibus in Sedsay et in H on deauibus Sacitum motum fuit inter nos et praedictum Willielmum in curia dommi Philippi Dunelmensis Episcopi, apud Aluerton, per breve Domini Regis Johanms de recto, ,Tnrfe duellum fuit vadiatum in eadem curia per Henricum Portowain campionem met petentis et per Gilbertum Gardiner campionem praedicti Willielmi tenentis, et pro hac quieta dam^one dedit mihi Willielmus Darell 66 marcas argenti etc Testibus Ricardo Malebise, Willielmo de Percy de Kemetteby, Duncan Darrell, etc., 1415. Ego Rogerus films Robert! de Corners, quietum clamavi Willielmo Darell totum jus quod habui in octo carucatis terras cum pertmentibus m Sedzay et in Heton, de> qmbui placitum fuit inter Galfridum de Corners, avunculum meum, et prtedictum Wil- helmum in curia domini Philippi Dunelmensis Episcopi, apud Aluerton, per breve Domini Regis Johannis de recto, etc. Testibus ut supra. Carta Marmaduci Darel, militis, sine data. Sigillum Marmaduci Dareli,. Five fails in/esse within a iordure entoyre of roundhs. Carta Marmaduci Darell, militis, data Anno Dorn. 1238. Seal : A lion rampant crowned . Carta Hugonis, de Eure, militis, data apud Elvetmer, a° 23 Ed. III. bend 'll fleur-de-lis* Seal: On a VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 83 Ego Halnatheus Mauleverer quietum clamavi Marmaduco Darell, deSeszay, domino de Broddesworth, etc. Data apud Broddesworth, anno 3 Hen. IV. SlGILLUM HALNATHEI MAULEVERER. Nos Tohannes Bigott chevnlier et domina Isabella Fauconbergh attornavimus, etc. Data apud West Harlesay, Anno Dom. 7 Rich. II. Carta Mamiaduci. filii Marmaduci Darell, sine data, confirmans Johanni Mauleverer, terras in Broddesworth, etc. 84 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584 15 AND x ^ 12 610 Ego, WiUielmus Darell, frater Marmaduci Darell, de! Sleszajq habecf?x dono^ct^MarmaducAraU^mef et^quSl^em Marmaducus habui^ex dono *ss SKT2 “SC; £ZSZ Srrttf&Wg . .. Ego Maria Mauleverer relaxavi Marmaduco Darell de ® h ™ et ^ dono totum jus quod habui in omnibus terns quae P^i ctus V Halnathei filii mei in villis de Broddesworth et Pikbume, datanno 4 Hen. VI. Ego jordanus de Insula dedi Marmaduco Darell redditumiosohdoruminvma^ Brodesworth in escambium molendin® de Pykburne, Willielmi fratris mei, etc., patris Halevis.® uxons predict! domin. Marmaducn Carta Marmaduci Darell data apud Sessay anno Donum 1364. ^ ■ * Mn rampant debruised by a bendlet. r^nrerii At* Ego Marmaducus Darell dedi Edmundo Darell film me0 et S e fi 'rf S ex t °i g Etton armigeri omnes terras, etc. Dat apud Thurkesby anno pnmo Henr. sextu Ego Willielmus de Holme escheator Domini Regis in comitatu EbOTacensi assi navi ^Willielmo de Cobby, ad habere faciendium Thomse Dawney de ^scnck e Elizabeth® uxori ejus, plenam seisinam de omnibus terns quas■J°hP" a qu® fmt uxor johannis de Newton tenuit ad terminum v.t® su®, de h®reditate pr®d.ct® Elizabethae, etc., dat ao 11 Rich. II. . , XT „ . ~ Eo-o Elizabetha Dauney de Escrik filia et liseres Johannis de Newton de Snayth in pura “ate dedfjohanni Dawney filio meo, etc., capitale messuagium meum in Cowik, etc., dat anno 14 Rich. II. w VT Ego Johannes Dawney, senior, dedi Johanni filio meo, etc. Dat anno 4 . •* ibi quoque facit mentionem Willielmi filii sui, et Emmae filiae suae. S. Johannis Dawney. Seal: On a bend cottised 3 annulets. Nicholas Dawney, miles, dimisit ad firmam Thomse Dawnay, totum manerium suum de Escrik, etc. Dat Londim, anno 45 Ed. III. Elizabetha quae fuit uxor Thomae Dawney de Escrik et Johannes films dicti Thomse ipsa fueritTequIsUa in omnibus ®dificiis, cum solo et situ maneru su.deEscr.k quod nuper fuit johannis de Newton, feofare, et cetera dat. apud Snayth, anno 3 Hen. quarti. Testibus Thoma filio Thomae Dawney, Nicholao fratre suo, etc. Ego johannes Dawnay, senior, attornavi fratrem meum Nicholaum Dawnay, ad deliberandum seisinam Willielmo Skargill, Johanni Mauleverer, Johanni Dawney, film meo, Willielmo Dawnay, filio meo, etc., de terns in Snayth, dat anno 6 Henry VI. S. Johannis Dawney. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 85 Buckrose Wapentagium, in Est Rydinge. BAMBURGH, OF HOWSHAM. 1 Arms: —Argent, a pheon sable, on a chief of the last a lion passant of the 1st. Crest: —On a torce, argent and sable, an esquire’s helmet of the first. Robert Bamburgh, of co. =.Sister to Sir Thomas Lincoln. \ Rushe, co. Suffolk, Knt. William Bamburgh, of Rendles-=Elizabeth, sister to Thomas Alured, ham, co. Suffolk. j of Ipswich. Augus¬ tine, eldest son, sans issue. I Thomas Bam-—Katherine, burgh, of Howson, co. York.armiger, living a° 1584, a justice of the peace. daughter to Matthew Thimbleby, of Poleham, co. Line. I 3. Francis Bamburgh, married Elynor, dau.of. Scott, of co. Camb. = I 4. Matthew Bam¬ burgh. = I William Bamburgh, —Mary, dau. I Dorothy, married to Edmund Heygate,of Suffolk, gent. eldest son, aet. 15 an. 1584, sinee of Howsom, Knt. and Bart.,living a 0 1619. of Robert Forde, of Butlev Ab¬ bey [co.Suf- Thomas. folk). Humphrey, Barbaras William'Bamburgh. married the Dorothy, wife of daughter of ......... Gilders. ■Cooke, Frances, wife of .... Brand, ofco. Suff. Mary, (dau. and co-heir wife to Sir Thomas Wentworth, ofElmsall, co. York, knt % ). Thomas Bamburgh, son and heir, cet. 6 months 1612. 2. Catherine. 3. Elizabeth . -n i I 4. Amy. 5. Susan . Thomas Wentworth^ son and^x Agnes, dau. of Sir Henry Bel- heir, at. 20, 1639. lingham, Knt. and Bart. Thomas Bamburgh. 18,011, p. 61 b. 1487, fo. 289 b. 1394, p. 54. 1415. fo. 64. 1420, fo. 42 b. 1571, fo. 28^. 6070, fo. 341b. \ This coate, with a wolfes head erased vert bezantee, for the crest, was granted by William Harvey unto William Bamburgh, of Suffolk, and confirmed to Thomas Bamburgh, of Howson, by patent dated 7 May, 1583, with a grant of the crest, viz., the burgenett, by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux, MS. 1487. 2 This marriage and descent from MS. 1487. r - v T-^ ’— — -WV- Harthill. dolman, of pocklington. A*MS:-Asure, a fesse dancetlfee between 8 garbs or, banded gn. John Dowem an, als. Dolman, of Pocklington, co. Vo c^J William Dolman, of Pocklingtqn, eldest sod. — RobertDolman, of Pocklington, 2n d son. -- John Dolman, doctor of both laws, and arch¬ deacon of Suffolk. Thomas Dolman 5 of Pocklington, mar¬ ried . daughter of . Cmrteis .= George Dolman, abbot of St. Mary s, near York. Christopher Dol¬ man, of New en- ham, co.. Herts. Of ..LWKM> _ ______ >£==SP^r»ttr 5 Spaldington, Esq. v of Pockling ■ ion. .. Rudyard, of co. Stagord. Pocklington, co. York, arm iger, justice of peace, and quo¬ rum, living a° 1584- William Dol-= Elizabeth, daughter to man, of | William Hawclifte, Pockling- of Grimthorpe, co. ton. ! York. 2. T Robert, or= Joan, daughter and Richard, Del- co-heir to John man .o.c.p. St. Qmntin of Gansted in Hol- derness. —- - - - __ _ 1 r ~r _ ~ “ - I 1 ~ ] 3 |Q.j^g-^ Robert Dol-^.— . dan. of . RobertDol-^E^.^^ ^ ffmtduke.^W^ 5 . William. man. son and [ Sr „ William 3 - rfaB of John i. Anne. Rudston , of Hay ton. a. Bndget. man , of Pockling - ton Wilson, of Marion - on-the-Moor , bm'' Ripon. man, son and heir, Knt ., living 1619. Sir William Mallory, 0/ Studley, Knt. j. jane, married to Robert Constable, ar. t 2nd son locating- —- living 1619. I wy,A« . * ”- J ^ --- son, clerk. parson of the church of Everingkam, 2nd son . Mary. ofHungate, nr. Pocklington, liv¬ ing op 1620. of Richard Chapman, of Goodmankam . set. 2, a° 1584- living 16 12? of Sir Philip’, of Ever¬ ingkam, Knt. 1 -1 h r 2. ^STiiw 3 - « of Pocklington, co. 4. fiorOants. Knt. S-,/«‘ r - Elizabeth. 1 i John.. William. Mamtaduke. -n Elizabeth, Mary. 1—p Ursula. Grissell. Alary, wife of Sir Robert Stapleton. Elinor, at. 3 «• 1612. Thomas Dowemah. 6070, fo. 336. See Dugdale's Visit., p. 13 8 * VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN iS&f/S AND lGl'2, DARLEY, OF BUTTERCRAMBE. Arms :—Gules, 6 fleur-de-lis 3, 2 and 1 argent, within a border ermine. Crest On a torce, argent and gules, a horse's head couped gules, banded argent, bridled or. Ter littcras patentes ei ccncessas per Witlielmum Flower, Korxoy, datas 10 die Aprilis, i 5 3 3 .-This confirmation was only for the crest Richard Darley, of Wistow, co. York. — daughter to.. Ciapham, of Beamsley. William Darley, of Wistow*=Margaret, daughter to Charles Headon, com. Holdemess. Richard Dailey,of Buttercrambe, co. York, = Isabel!, daughter to Thomas Beaumont, Esq., justice of the peace in the East \ of Lassells Hall, a younger brother of Riding, 1584. the house of Whitley. "1 2. John Darley, of the—Alice, daughter to Chris- city of York. I topher Montford, of Kilnhurst, co. York. Richard Darley, set. =Elizabeth, Thomas. Elizabeth, Isabel! wife. 16, an. 1584, jus¬ tice of the peace in the North Riding, a 0 1612. dan. to Ed- William. ward Gates, of Searner, co. York. wife of of Robert Francis Partington, Malden- of Barnby- by.ofHal- super-Don. denby. r. Thomas Darley,*./. 2. Francis Darley, 2nd son and heir f living 1612, married Lucy , dau. of John Alte¬ red\ of Charterhouse, near Hull. ! i 1 Elizabeth, wife of Mary, wife Henry Topham , of Ber- of Aglethorpe, co. York. Anne, wife of Robert Hesseff. = nard El¬ lis , of Grays Inn. — 1 I I 2. William. 3. Rickard. 4. Thomas. Henry Darley , son and heir , at. 16, W* 1612, 5. Francis. 6. Charles. 7. James. Elizabeth. Mary. Ann Hessell. iT— John Ellis, Robert Ellis. Many daughters. Joa. Darley. iB.on, p. >. 62b. 1487, fo. 290*. 1394. p, 55- *4*5* ft>- r 420> fo. 43k 1571, fo. 29*. 6070, fo. 342. See MS. 1371 for further additions. co ^1 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I5S4/5 AND l6l2, VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . DERLEY. Nicolaus de Derley, dominus manerii de Derleyin comitatu Darbine.= lielmus de Derley, filius Roberti, hseres manerii de D erley. = =. Andreas de Derley, filius=Amicia, filia Thomae de Ednesore senescalli Comitis Darbies Willielmi. I de Balliva de Pecco. - 1 . ... * This generation omitted * Hugo de Derley, filius Andreae, —Juliana, filia Rogen in 18,011. obiit. temp. Hen. III. J de Buckminster. Isabella, filia et hseres Hugonis de Derley, nupta Willo. de Gracton, Jilio Tho. de Gracton, ipse obiit sine hceredu. 18,011, fo. 63. 1415, fo. 64 b. 1571, fo. 30. LAMPLEW, OF LAMPLEW HALL. Arms: —Quarterly, i and 4. Or, a cross flory sable, Lamplugh. 2. Per fesse argent and gules, 6 martlets counterchanged, Fenwick. 3. Argent, 2 bars gules, on a canton of the last a cinquefoile or, Foster. Crest :—A goat’s head. , Egglesfield, John Lamplew. =.. daughter of . 1 of Lamborough. Sir Thomas Lamplewe, of Lamplew Hall,— Elinor, daughter and co-heir of Sir in Cumberland , Knt. | Henry Fenwick, Knt. 1 John Lamplewe.=Margaret, daughter to John Penington. Isabell, daugh- = Sir Tohn Lamp-=Katherine, daughter 2 . Thos. Lamp- <• _ 1 _ __ t _x i _1 -U •_ r' _ 1 _ ter of Christo¬ pher Curwen. lew, of Lamp- lew Hall. and heir to Guy Forster. lew , of Skel- more, seepage -1 I A lianor , mar . to Thos. Sen- house. 1 John Lamp-=Isabel, dau. George. lew, of Lamplew Hall , lived a° 1584. of Christo¬ pher Sta¬ pleton, of Wighill. Elizabeth. Anne, wife of Henry Widall. —n Mary, mar- Mabell. ried to Margaret. Thomas Skelton. Frances. Richard . 2 Christopher . 3 18,01 r, p. 63. 1487, fo. 32 6b. 1394. p. 56. 1415. fo. 64 b. 1420, fo. 44. 1499, fo. 47. 1571, fo. 30 b. 6070, fo. 342 b. See Tonge’s Visit., p. 94. 1 Tonge. 2 MS. 6070. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 89 Harthill. HOTHAM, OF SCORBOROUGH. Arms:— Barry of io, argent and azure, on a canton or a Cornish chough sable. Sir John Hotham, of Scor-=Lora, daughter to Ralph Con- borough, Knt. | stable, of Halsham. .. daugh¬ ter, married to William Courser, of Scarbro’. Sir John Ho-=.. dau. tham, of Scorboro’, Knt. of Metham. 2. William Ho¬ tham, issue. sans r -1 Catherine} married to .Anne, of Frick- ley. Sir Francis Ho- = Mary, daughter tham, of Scor- borough, Knt. to Sir Francis 2 Hercy, 3 of Not¬ tinghamshire. Anne} married to Richard 1 Peck, of Wakefield. •"I , daughter, married to. Green, ofBarn- by-on-Don. Julian, dau. =Sir John Ho-=Mary,daugh-=Jane, daughter and to Sir Mi¬ chael Stan¬ hope (1st wife). tham, of Scor¬ boro’, Knt ., high sheriff of Yorkshire, ao ^85, ob. 7 K. James. ter to Sir Geo. Gor¬ ing, of Sus¬ sex, Knt. (2nd wife.) co-heir to Richard Legard, of Ry- some in Holder- nesse (3rd wife). 2. Nicho¬ las, s. p. Elizabeth, married to Thos. Yorke, of co. Line. Elizabeth. Jane. Elizabeth. Julian. AUd .s.p. Nicholas, d. before baptism. Catheri ne, — JohnHotha m —. daughter of Sir John Rodes, of Barlboro ', Knt. (1st | wife). (1st son), living 1590, and after, Knt.Jiving 1612. • .. dau. of Mary, only Ralph Rohe- dau., wife by, secretary to Richard to the Council Remington , of the North of Locking- in the time ton. ofK. Edward A Elizabeth. Faith. John Hotham, 2 years old , 1612. —1—1- Richard. Frances. Margaret, ob. inf John Hotham. 18,011, fo. 64. 1487, ff. 87^, 2453. 1097, fo. 72 i 5. 1190, fo. 38^. 1394, p. 56. 1415, fo. 65. 1420, fo. 45. 1484, fo. 12 b. 1550, ff. 44, 2371*. 1571, fo. 381*. 6070, fo. 324. See Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 336, 337, and the pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection, and Harl. MS. 1571. 1 MS. 1571. 2 John, 1415. 3 (?) Horsey, 1487. 4 Additional, from MS. 1487. Ex registro prioratus de Gisborne, folio 76. 35 Hen. II. Haec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini regis apud Eboracum m vigilia punficationis beatae Mariae ao regis Henrici secundi tricesimo quinto coram Henrico Dunelmensi Episcopo et Willielmo de Stuteville et Willielmo filio Audelini et magistro Roberto Arundell et Petro Ros et Ganfrido Hugett et Willielmo Vavasour tunc justiciariis domini regis et coram aliis baronibus et fidelibus domini regis qui tunc aderant, inter Priorem de Gisbume et Amiciam et tres sorores suas Alias Alueredi de Heton de duabus bovatis terrae et tribus selionibus in Hoton, unde placitum somonitum fuit inter eos per breve recognition is, scilicet, quod illas quatuor praedictse sorores clamaverunt quiete praedicto Priori et domino de Gisborne quicquid juris habebant in praedicta terra in perpetuum. Alueredus de Hoton. =. 1-1—- x -,-, Amicia de Hoton. Filia. Filia. Filia. 35 Hen. II. Inter Ouse and Derwent. Arms :-Quarter!v.-i and t . Gules, 3 fleur-de-lis argent a chief raire, Palmes. Lvnley. 3. Or, 1 chevron sable, cottised gules, between 3 cocks azure, DRtmfc. William Palmes, of Nabume.=.sister to Brian 1 Roctiffe, baron of the Exchequer. '^2Z&**'*** T^A:" ser ’T Ja h^rf?“ Han “ lane, daugh-= Nicholas = Susan, . - iiT._ Dnlmae ' flfSiT ter to Wm Conyers, of Sockburae, ist wife. Palmes, son and heir of Bryan* of Six Robt. Water ton, Knt. t 2nd wife . i l . 2. George. 3. William. 4. Richard. Agnes, wife to William Babthorpe. Bryan Palmes, = Elizabeth eldest son and heir of Guy. and one of v e heirs of Thos. Lindley, of Litidky. John Palmes. :. Leonard. 3 5 ‘- e . Jane, mar. to Sir Nicholas Fair¬ fax, of Walton. ,.n 2. George? 4. Guy .2 6, Stephen? 7. Francis? Cn 00 fane, dan. = Bryan = Anne, dan. J . _ o:_ D^imoc tnSirlnhn to Sir John Uawne^ 1st wife* Palmes, son and heir of Nicholas. toSirjohn Constable, of Hal- sham, Knt. t 2 nd wife , -r—1- I I 2. Edward, sans is¬ sue. 4. Richard* 3. George Palmes, of Essington in Holdemess, mar. Anne, dau. to ...... LacyjOfFoLke- ton, co. York. Edith, wife Francis = Margaret to Sir Thomas Metham, of Me¬ tham, Knt. Palmes, of Lindley. son and heir of Bryan. daughter of Roger Corbett, of More- ton, co. Salop. i N 1 2. Thomas. Jane, wife to Maude, wife to Thomas Beckwith, ol Clint. William Catherall, ol Rath- mell in Craven. > C co f- _ B John Palmes, of=Joan, daughter to ■* »- . _ ria.i. N abume, co York, Esq. living 1584. George Daw- ney, 2nd son,, brother to Sir Thomas Daw- ney, Knt. -1—n -r—.- i I George. Bryan. Frances, wife of Gabriel Fairfax, ofStreetthorpe. Francis Palmes,; of Lindley, Esq., now living, 1585. Mary, daughter and co-heir to Stephen Had- nall, of Lanslevy, s in com. South- ants. Isabel, wife to John Acelom, of Moreby, near York, George Yahaes,^ Katherine, a. ]ohn. Guy Palmes, eldest -Ann, dau. of T «u son set. dau. of William . * son,aged5a'>x585, Sir Edward Stafford f Knt . 1st son, set. unius anni, a 0 1584, since Knt. dau. of William. 4 SirRapke Frances. Babtkorpe, of Gsgod- by, Knt? son,aged 5 aoi 585 , since Knt., and a live, 1638, of A sh- well, co. Rutland. Hr 11 l i Grace. i. William Ellinor . Palmes. 2. George. jo. Palmes. Ursula. Anne. ! I Thomas. William. i 1 Margaret, wife of Edward Nevill, Esq ., cousin- german of Henry Nevill, the first Lord Aber¬ gavenny of that house ® Ellen, wife to Sir Edward Griffin , of Waherley . Andrew {Palmes, mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Harrison. 1 ) Mary, {wife of Wm. Mallory , son and heir of Wm. Mal¬ lory, of Studley. 1 ) Bryan Palmes t son and heir t cet. 12, 1612. 2. Stafford. 3. William. 4. Francis \ Douglas, a dau. Mary, Anne. Bridget. Frauncis Palmes. iS.GIIj, flf. 64#, 65. 1487, fo. 251 b. 1394, p. 58. 1415, fo. 65^. 1420, fo. 45#. f°- 45 ^- 4 ^ 3 °> PP- 43 ®- T 57 I * 3 ®^* 6070, ff. 315, 316. See Tonga's Visitation, p. 66, Dugdales Visitation, p. 222, and the pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 MS. 1571. * Additional, from MS. M&7. A MS. i3*oir. 3 This marriage and fesne is additional, and from MS. 14^7- 4 : ' IS - t But query Lawslevy, co. Northants. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND i 6 l 2 . VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . HUSSEY, OF HARSWELL. Sir William Hussey, justice=Elizabeth, daughter of Sir of the law. | Maurice Berkeley, Knt. John, the ist Lord Hussey. II 2. William Hussey. = Ann, daughter and co-heir ' of Sir John Salvaine. 3. Robert. George Hussey, of Harswell, co. York. — Ann, daughter to Sir Robert Constable, I of Flamburgh. ,--n William Hussey, = Agnes, dau. to John Hus-=Mary, l dau. Robert. ^ ^ A Uai«* CiV '\X 7 'i 11 iam c/m / n f nf .. FrJUlCGS son and heir of George. Sir William Babthorpe. sey, of North Duff eld. of Norton , of co . Suffolk. Frances, married to Christopher Monck- ton, of co. York. Anne, 1 daughter and sole heir, married to Robert Constable , of Flambro. 18,011, p. 63 b. 1487, fo. 8b. 1394, p. 56. 1415, fo. 64 b. 1420, fo. 44 b. 1499, fo. 25b. 1571, fo. 31. See Tonge’s Visit., p. 22. 1 MS. 1571. For further additions see MS. I 57 1 * Le Anesty. NEWARK, OF AC0MB. Arms :—Azure, 2 bars gemelles argent, on a chief azure 3 lions’ heads erased of the 2nd. Roger Newark, of Dalton in the Wold, = Isabell, daughter to Edward Knight, of co. York. | Duffield. .JL. Thomas Newark, of Acomb, in the=Alice, daughter wapentake of Ainsty, within the I of . Red- county of the city of York. | mires. 1 Roger Newark, a priest, aet. 80, anno. 1584. Peter Newark, of Acomb, =J oane, daughter to Thos. ’’ ” ‘ " Vavasour, of Copman- thorpe, within the county of the city of York. 2. Robert Newark, 3 of Akham, mar- 4. ried . dau. 5. to.Cawood, c' and widow to .Casbutt. 11 . rn Francis. .. Nicholas. Richard. Henry Newark. = A 1 1 n Frances, wife of James Cotes, of Sheriff Hutton. Alice. Katherine. Mary. Peter Newarke. 18,on, fo. 65^. 1487, fo. 258A 1394, p. 57. 1415, fo. 65. 1420, fo. 46A 4630, p. 418. 1571, ff. 39^, 225. 6070, fo. 309. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 194. 1 Ridmers, 1415 ; Redness, 1487. 2 Francis, Visit. 1612 ; but query Roger. Elizabeth, Isabel, married to married Ambrose 2 to Wil- Beckwith, liam of Stilling- Richard- fleet. son, of the city ofYork. ~ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND IbI 2 . 93 T Amttqtv THWAITES, OF MARSTON. Arms: —Azure, a fesse between 3 estoiles or. Crest:—A heathcock ppr., beaked, crested, and wattled gules. Arma confirm an tur, crista concediturjohanni Thwaytes, deMarston, in comitatuEboracensi, armigero, per Willielmum Flower, Norroy, per litteras patentes, datas 30 Jan., a 15 ^ 4 * a 7 Reginae Elizabethan William Thwaites, of Marston.=.. daughter and co-heiress of . Beltliorpe. Az ., I on a bend arg. 3 mullets (?) gules. Thomas Thwaites, of Marston. =.. daughter of.Midelton, of Stockeld. William Thwaites, son of Thomas. =.. daughter to . Mauleverer, of Wothersome. I Sa., 3 greyhounds argent . William Thwaites, of Bossall nigh-Elizabeth^ daughter andco-heiA to Thomas Redman, of Barnby, Esq., 22 Hen . F ///.1 I Bossall. Gu., 3 cushions , a mullet argent for dijference. ^ - - ■ ■ — y " 1 ' ~ | John Thwaytes, 2 Thomas 3 = Margaret, Rnhp.rt. Tane. mar- Anne, married married Barbara, daughter and sole heir tojohn Mount- ney,of Cowley. Gu., a bend between 6 martlets or. = r-*- Ann, 5 daughter and sole heir, married to William, son and heir of Sir William Ingleby, of Ripley, Knt. Thwaytes, of Mars¬ ton, son and heir by entail. William, died young. daughter to Lau¬ rence Ro¬ binson, of Overton, near York. Robert Margery, mar. to William Horsley, of Skir- penbeckA Jane, mar¬ ried to William Thoresby, of Barden. Jas. Thwaytes, = Mary, daugh- of Marston, co. York, Esq., living ao 1584. ter of Fran¬ cis Gale, of Acomb, co. York. 1 1 ~ rn — Thomas. Henry. Gabriel. Francis. Anne , married to FrancisL as- celles,son and heir of Christo¬ pher L ascelles, of Bracken - 1 burgh. 1 1 Eutemia. Anne. Elizabeth. Mary. Ellen. Frances, aged 2 an. 1584. Jane, 2nd daughter. William, mar. Eleanor, daughter DU.'J.’A T LA/h n/rtrrn!o Misit servientem genealogia et armis sed non solvit feoda. 18,011, fo. 66. 1487, fo. 260 b. 1394, p. 60. 1415. fo * 6 S b - I 420, fo. 47 - Add., 14,311, fo. 35^. 1571. fo- 40. 6070, fo. 310. 1 MS. 6070. 2 Thomas, MS. 6070. 3 John, MS. 6070. 4 MS. 1415 . 6 A & nes > MS * 6o 7 °- 6 MS. 1571. LE Anesty. lawson? of POPPLETON. Arms:— Paly of 4 gules and vert, on a chevron or a greyhound’s head erased sable between 2 cinquefoils azure, on a chief of the 3rd a pellet charged with a demi lion rampant couped argent between 2 crescents of the 4th, each charged with 3 plates. , Crest.— On a torce, argent and sable, an ass’s headl argent collared vert, charged with 3 pellets. Motto :—Loyal Secret. Sir George Lawson, of the city of York, knight-treasurer of Be rwick. = =. Thomas Lawson, of York, Esq. = Christian, daughter to Hugh Atkinson, of Castleford, co. _L^ ork ‘ Peter Lawson, of= Elizabeth, dau. 2. Hug' Poppleton, within the county of the city of York, Esq., now living, 1584. to Ambrose Beckwith, of Stillingfleet, co. York. ugh. 3.. Richard. Ann, married to Ninian Law- son, of Ripon, et de Monton Episcopatu. Frances, wife to Stephen Lang- dale, of Eber- ston,co. York. George Lawson, eldest son, aged 9 Anne, dau. of George ao 1584, Esq., now living u° 1612. | Twisleton, Esq. -1- 2. Charles. —n r ranees. Jane. George, cet. 5, ao 1612. -TT— Ann. Mary. Frances. A lice. Elizabeth . Peter Lawson. 18,011. fo. 66b. 1487, fo. 80. 1394. P- 57 - i 4 iS» fo * * 7 b - 1420, fo. 4.7b. 1484, fo. 57. 4630, p. 348. 1571, fo. 40 b. 6070, fo. 312. 1 In some of the printed accounts this is given as a wolfs, and in others as a hind’s head. -r-f' S * Le Anestt. SNAWSELL, OF BILTON. 3. Argent, on a bend cotused gules 3 fletirs-de-lis of the first. N . Snawselh — .. Richard SnawseU, rector of the church of Hunt- iington, c&, York, a 9 14 Ed. IlL __ %L SnawseU. of York -Emma dc Huntington, daughter of Thomas Hdgcrby, a° i+ Ed. 111 . I 1337 . 14 Ed - 3 - William SnawseU, of Bilton, goldsmith and = Jemet^ daughter of John of York , master of the mint at York. John SnawseU, eldest son, within age at his father s death, gave lands to his brother , 11 Hen, VI*, I 434 » lhabeth. toughter=Set). of NeJing- sswfBBsi ssssaaSiSS {^.‘sanser r*2r~ "" are not extant. Elizabeth, and heii ui *’ Davill, of Button [Tst wife), 9 Hen. VIE of Thomas De La More , married to Henry Ughtred. ton Green, London. Isabel!, married to John Holme, of Huntington. \ !. Seth — sell, lived at Blackiofie } co. York. K isr,o 1 ., aaugn- —". - ^ ter of ried to . named to Conceytefof Metham of Ralph M- Holden . Lockton.® leyn, of Scot- ton. daughter to Richd. Hansard, Esq. of Bilton, died before his father 22 Hen. Vi I I .. buried at Bit - ton. Wm. Snaw- after sell, of Ca- tnarried to wood Out- ifctfc- wards,living with, Clint. of 1584. = Katherine, dau. of Os- ww/csfSisson, of Wether- by, or Selby , co. York. 91 dNV ff/t-gffl NI 3UIHSHU0A JO NOIXVXISIA Isabel, wife of Ann, wife Edward John, 3rd son of George Snawsell. of Sir Henry Ashe. = Gates, of Sea - mer y to, York, Thomas, s. p. ___' 1 -m-- j III Thomas 7 Snawselb%on=Anne, daugb- William Snaw- 2. Thotnas. of John, sold all his ler to Rich* sell, eldest son, 3. John, s.p. inheritance and died Maleverer, aged 6 , anno 4- hranns. of AUerton, 1584* Knt. inheritance and died atGalfhorfe . Was27 years old at the death of his grandfather. f 1 1 "H I Mil Joane. Margaret. Dorothy. Ann. Elizabeth, s.p. I Dorothy. =2. Richard Snaw- sell, citizen of York. Brian Snawsell, of= Elizabeth, daughter to PSr-lnrl WuntusArth Bilton, within the liberty of the county of the city of York, died 30 May, 5 Q. Mary . Richd. Wentworth, ofWestBretton.and after mar. to Wm. Barnby* of Skipton, near York. Robert (samsissue, in i5 8 5)- mar ‘ Mary, dan. of .. Dougkam, of London, 9 =f= Elenor, married to Edward 3 Ward, of Ash- burgham, 4 I Elizabeth, mar¬ ried to Ralph Diconson, of Arkendale. 1 Thomas and others. Robert Snawsell* of = Anne, daughter to Bilton, Esq., now- living 1584, living 1612. The. m AiWat e r s, of Ufington, co.Lin - coin. \ 2. Thomas, mar. .. dau. of Sir Wm. Mallory, ofStudley,Knt. s Margaret, wife of Ed¬ ward Hanceby, of Greystock, a minis¬ ter. I I 1, William Snawsell, son and heir. 2. Richard, 3. Thomas. 4. Robert. 5. Francis. rt- Seth Snawsell, el¬ dest son, set. 10, a° 1584. 3. Francis, s. p. \ 2. Hugh, cet. 30, — Isabel!,daughter of Sir a° 1012. Thotnas Beaumont, of Stoughton, Knt. Margaret, wife of Mar¬ in a duke Vincent, of Great Smeion. Joane, wife to John Over- ton, of Easington , in Holdemess. Priscilla. Robert Snawsell. 1487,60.211#. 1394. p- 61. 1415. f°-<*#. 14=0, fr. 48.160. 1499. fo. 23#. 4630. p-568. See Tonges Visitation, p. 17, and Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 150. 1571, fo. 41. 6070, fo. 311. 1 m Consett. i This generation not in MS. 141S. • Richard, MS. 1487. * Ashburgan., MSS. t 4 tS. 1487. 5 V8 »* 3 - 6 (Tl William Lockton. j Called John by Glover. s Additional from MS. 1487. 9 This marriage and issue lrom Mb. 1407 does not appear in the Visitation of 1612. H > O z o •Tj Mi o ftf w 30 m Cm 00 > as o M to VO Cm Le Anesty. FAIRFAX, OF DENTON, STEETON, AND STREETTHORPE. Arms —Quarterly. , ArgerU, a li«n rampant *** debnu*d by 3 fcn gemetl.s sable, Rum* E?bL 3 6 cn a£r slble, between 3 «-»**■ S u,e, 3 . Nc^u, ^ ~Cri£t :~A lion's head erased sable, crowned or, charged with 3 bars gemelles of the last. Sir Richard 8 Fairfax, = Eustace, of Walton . | dau. and co-heir of John CakhropS by the dau and coheir of Richard lt f> n t. Her sifter married to ....- Askew , of Lincolnshire. William = Katherine, dau. 2 L Fairfax. of Sir Hum- frey Nevill, of Thornton Bridge. Guy Fairfax, o l-Margaret, Steeton, one of the judges of Common Pleas , 3rd son of Richard 5 Fairfax, of Walton. d a it. t o Sir Win. Ryther. Bryan. Sir Thomas Fair¬ fax, Ant., mar¬ shal of the army to K\ E. IV, in France. \ levies ., dau., Agnes, mar. to John a 'Sir Nicko- mar. to. Cawood r andhad issue las Fair- Askewe, of a daughter, mar. to fax , knt. of co. Lincoln. -Moreby. Rhodes, Margaret, mar. to. Crathome. Sir Thomas-Elizabeth, dau. Fairfax. to Robert Sherborne, of Lancashire 8 2. Thomas Fairfax, of Fin- ningley, serjeant-at-law , mar. Cicely , dau. to Sir Robert Manners , of Eth¬ el! knt., and sister to Elizabeth . Sir William Fairfax,: of Steeton , knt., serjeant-at-the-law f and judge of^ the County Palatine of Lancaster. Elizabeth, sister to Sir George Manners, Lord Roos, of Hamlake. Sir ^Nicholas Fair- fa x, knt. of Rhodes. 4. Sir Guy. I 1 Elinor, mar. to Myles WiT stropp. Maude, mar. to Sir j o h n ? Waterton. \ Sir Thom a s Fairfax, mar. Ann, dau, of Sir William Gascoigne, of Gawthorp. ~ A ! I I Richard. Robert. John. Dorothy , 2 wife to Christo- fher Nelson, 1 111 Elizabeth. Anne. Isabel. jane, mar. to Rich a r d Aldburgh. Sir William = Isa bell, dau, Fairfax, of Steeton. and sole heirof Thos. Th waites, of Denton* Elizabeth, mar. to Sir Robert 0 ughtred, knt, 'O ON > H , 1 Anne, mar. to . Nor- manvile. Elinor, mar. to Sir William Pickerin g knt. o 2 o Kt o & w in ffi 3 En 00 > O H CN M I I I I Sir Nicho- Margaret, j-Thomas. las Fair- married to -Myles, fax,#mar- Wm. Sayer, -William, riedjane, of Worsall. -Guy. dau. of Anne, mar. to -Robert, Sergeant Wm. Har- -Isabel, Palmes. ington. -Elizabeth* Set page .. dau., -Dorothy, 39. married to l-Catherine. Dawtrey. Sir Thos. Fairfax, of Guy was a Steeton, knt., now lunatic, living 1584, enjoy- 3. Francis, eth Denton and the 4. Edward, lands that came by= Thwaytes, mar. Do- x rothy, daughter to George Gale, aider- Sir Chas. Fair- man, of York, and^^ hnt., col- relict of .Roke- English Sir Thomas Fairfax, Guy. knighted at tke siege Christina, mar. of Rouen,now living to Jno. Aske, 1612, married Ellen, daughter of Robert Aske, of Anghton, Esq. = by. = Thomas Mathew. inOstendy there slain S days he- forethede livery of the t an 5. Gabriel Fairfax, of Steeton, Esq., and surviving son, mar. = Elizabeth, daughter to Robert Aske, of Aughton. 6. Henry Anne, mar. to Sir Fairfax, Henry Evering- of Street- ham, of Birkin. thorpe^raf Mary, married to surviving Robert Rockley, of Rockley. Susan, married, rst, to Christopher Carruthers, after to Thos. Burghe, of the Hill, and, 3rdly, to Robert Bullock. son, now living, ma. Dorothy, daughter to Robert Aske, of Aughton. Aw drey, mar. to_ Ursula, mar. to Raphe, and son of Sir William Vavasour, of Heselwood. Bridget, mar. to SirCotton Gargrave, of Kinsley. Sir William=Mabell, dan. of of Aughton. Anne. Ursula, wife to Sir Hen ry Bel- lastsfn t. and hart, Elizabeth. Fairfax, of Steeton, liv¬ ing a° 1584. Sir Henry Citrwen, of W T orkington, co. Cumber¬ land. 2. Francis. 3. Henry. Mary, 10 wf. of Thos. Gower, of Stlttenham, Gabriel = Frances, Fairfax, living ao 1584. daughter to Brian 2. Edward, 3. Francis. 4. Henry. Palmes, of 5. William. Nabume. 6. Thomas. Mary. Frances. Sir Ferdi- ■= Alary, dau . of 2. Henry ll {a nando Fair¬ fax, knt., son andkeir f liv¬ ing 1612. Edmund, Lord divine ). Sheffield , Lord 3. William President of (a captain). York. 4. Thomas. 5. Charles. 12 6. John. 7. Pergrint . 1. Dorothy, wife of Sir Philip = Frances, da. to Ed- Wm. Constable , of Flamborougk, hart. 2. Ann, a nun. Fairfax , of Steeton, now liv¬ ing, 1612. mund,Lord Shef- fetd , Lord Pre¬ sident of the North. Mary, set. vix unins anni 1584. Dorothy, Anne, Thomas Fairfax , r year old , 1612. John. Thomas. Henry Fairfax. Edmund. William Fairfax. . ... 18,011, fo. 68. 1487, fo. 253. 1394, p. 60. 1415. fo. 68. 1420, fo. 49. 1499, fo. 35. 4630, pp. 169, 170172. 1571, fF. 41^. 43. 6070, fo. 163. See Tonges Visitation, p. 58, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 0r * 5 ^ nd f b!e * . 3 MS. 6070. a Of Argum, MS. 1415. * MS. 1415. 6 Richard, H. C. copy. 7 Robert, MS. 6070. $ * quo Fairfax, of Git ng and IWey. A^ Djgdale s \ asit., p. 230. 9 « quo Fairfax, of Sledmer. See Dugdale’s Visit., p. 229. id Ann, MS. 1415, U « quo Fairfax, of Oglethorpe. See Dugdale s V isat., p. 8. 12 a quo Fairfax, of Mensington, See Dugdale'sVisit., p. 32. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l6l2. . _ _ U i f VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Inter Ouse et Derwent. DASSETT, OF HILMORTON. Arms :-Sa., 3 martlets or. on a chief of the last a crescent as., all within a bordure engrailed gu. William Darsett, ah. Dasset, de comitatu Warwick. -.-. Edward Darsett. "wiiiiam Dawtt of=.daughter of.Belscot. Azure\ Hilmorton. ’ [ fretty or, a bordure engrailed of the 2nd. well). 2 and 3 Quarterly. Argent and sable, on a chief per paie, sable and argent, 3 trefoyles slipped counter changed . John 1 Dassett.=Alice, daughter to . Leghe^ Philippa, =John Das- = Margery, 2. Thomas -Jane, dau. ; 11 to Dassett. to Richd. daughter to . Shuck- burgh (1 st wife). ' sett, of Hilmor¬ ton, eldest son. dau. to Dassett, Sir Thos. ofRiccall, Cave, of co. York, Stamford living 1584. (2nd wife). to Richd. Riley, of Appleton, co. York. Thomas, son and Francis. Katherine. Ali« Mary. heir, a° 1584. Elizabeth. Mary. Ehzabeth. F “ qmas Dassett . 18,011, fo. 68A 1487, j 4 ^^’^)*7o^'fo. 3t9. 1 ^' ^ ^ ^ 1 James, 1571- -r~1-1 3. William. Margret, 2. Emme- wife to line. William Halli- weil, of Daventry, co. Warwick. Inter Ouse et Derwent et Rydall. SYMSON, OF RYTON Datur istis dies ad probanda arma. John Symson, of.. in co. Cumberland. = Richard Symson, of Edston, in the wapentake of Rydale. -Margaret, daughte r to co. York. J . J p ' r Svmson of = Dorothy, daugh- James Symson, of South —Isabel, daughter Roger bymson, 01 i^or y, ^ j * inter Ouse et to Henry Wy- Edston, in Ry¬ dale, living 1584. ter to Leonard Wyldon. Richard = Margaret, Symson, eldest son, dwelling at Ryton. dau. to William Witham, of Brettan- by and Ledston. Robt. Sym¬ son, an utter bar¬ rister at Lincoln's Inn, Lon¬ don.* William John. Roger. James. Duffield, inter Ouse et Derwent, living a° 1584. -- t —.-1 1 "|—1 Ann, wife of Thos. to Henry Wy- tham, of Led¬ ston. Lepping- ton. Elizabeth. Margaret. Dorothy. Richard, 3 years of age 1584. Robert, 2nd son. Dorothy, wife of Thomas Totman, orTotnam , co. Beds. Roger Symson, eldest =. daugh - son, 11 years of age I ter of . 1584. I Gregory. William Symson, mar.. relict of . Mason.— Richard. Leonard. Henryy s.p. Dorothy. Margaret. William. Roger. Thomas. R, chard Symson. James Symson. 18,011, fo. 69. 1487, fo. 198J. 1394, p. 62. 1415, fo. 67. 1420, fo. 56. 1571, fo. 43*. 6070, fo. 320. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 124. 1 Johnson, MS. 1487, or Jameson. 2 See Visitation Pedigree, 1612, page 574 - MS.' ‘ ~ *' 1 ^ _ 3ee visitation 1 cuigr™, o/f A rms (M&6o70):^Or. a 7 ion ra'm'p ant sa. Crest :—A demi lion rampant guard ant per Pale or and sa ., issuant from a mural crown , holding a sword erect ppr H kilted andpomelled or. —Per William Segar, Somerset VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l6l2. 99 Inter Ouse et Derwent. REDMAN, OF FULFORD. nr A anrJ^P^ er{ly, A a "A 4 ’ Gules » a chevron argent between 3 cushions ermine, tasseled or, a crescent charged with a crescent for difference. 2 and 3. Sable, a chevron between x cross crosslets argent, a crescent for difference, Southworth. ^ difference” 00 * CUshion ffules ’ tasselled or, a horse’s head crined of the last, a crescent for Edward Redman, of Gressingham, co. =.. daughter and heir to. Lancaster, 2nd son to Redman, of I Southworth, of Gressingham, co. a hornton, co. Lane. | Lancaster. John Redman, eldest son, of Ful- ford, in co. York, died sans issue, and gave all his land to J ohn, his nephew. !^l llichard Redman, of=.. daughter to Gressingham. CO. Christonhpr 1 Mnn- Gressingham, co. Lane., 2nd son to Edward. Christopher * Man- sere, of Mansere (f Mansergh). Dorothy, =John Red-=Frances, daughter to Peter Newark, Esq., 1 st wife. man,Esq., ofFulford, co. York, living 1584. daughter to . Dawtrey, ofSuffolk. Margaret, wife of Law¬ rence Par¬ kinson, of co. Lane. Isabel, Wm. son, man, York .wife to Robin- alder- of ~L_. l I Matthew Red-= Margaret, dau. John. man, 6 years old 1584 ,after knighted by K. fames on his first coin¬ ing into Eng- and heir of Christian. Wm. Gros- Margaret. venor, of York, and his childefi John Red- — man, of * Fulford. I-- John Redman,-Jane, daughter to Jane, wife to John sonne and heir d.lj r't ~ j. l ./ j /: j ■ Martha, daughter of Robert Rowse, of Bathome, co. Essex. Ellinor, wife to Jno. Tompson, of co. Lane. Agnes, wife of Jno. Medcalfe, of Fulford. Lucy, wife of John Fryer, of Suffolk. sonne and heir, ob. 1642. Robt. Clap ham- son, of York. Robinson, of Mid- dlesborough, co. York. John Red- Elizabeth, man, (Et. Martha. 8 ao 1612. Robert Redman, only son and heir, now living, 1647. 1. Jane. 2. Elizabeth. -m 1 I I 3. Frances. 4. Margaret. 5. Joane. John Redman. John Redman. Redman, of Twisleton, bears: — Gules, three cushions masculy ermine, tasielled or, a crescent for difference, and he quarters 3 hedghogs. Redman, of Horeby, bears as before 1 quarter, argent, 3 hatchetts sable. 18,011, fo. 69 b . 1487, fo. 24315. 1394, p. 63. 14T5, fo. 68<5. 1420, fo. 50A 1571, ff. 44, 44^. 6070, fo. 317. 1 Richard, 1487. 2 Additional, from MS. 1487. 3 This marriage and all the issue is additional, from MS. 1487, 100 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . I NTER OUSE ET Derw ^ WKES) of FARNLEY. h f - 1 ---- - - 32 dau.' of . Hawksworth , of Nicholas Fawkes, of Farnley near t ey, ^ Hawksworth, co. York. John”Fawkes, Tf¥' of J Farnley, eldest V ^ llha ;^JL, S Farnley, 2nd son. co. Salop, son. I ton * °J C J ‘ ____ K -’“i 1 -r An^Slia^es “£££? Fawkes, eldest son, sans issue. of Farnley, 2nd son and A^>,mar.Doro-^V Thomas John¬ son, of Find¬ ley, Knt. = Fawkes, of South Dufi field, co York, 1584- ter to James Blanchard, of Bow- thorpe, co. York. Fawkes, of Hening- borough, co. York. of Robert Northeby, of co. York, loan, wife of Richd.Shef- field, of co. York. Nicholas, 0. s. p. -m---rnrn q Michaell. Chnstian. 4. Anthony. Dorothy. 4 Edith. "Thos. Fawkes, Divers William Fawkes, ^ of Farnley dan, now living , ■** 1612. Mai- Tho. Fawkes. T ir=:fo.6o. 1420, fo. 51. 4630,?. xyS- 70 1 - I4 | 7,fo ' f n 9 ?18 Z ^See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 29, and the pedigree 1571. f°. 45 - 6070, fo at 3 k r ' ge fn my Yorkshire collection. 1 York* 1487. Marmaduke Fawkes. Inter Ouse et »» ARgH> QF SALTMARSH. Arms : Argent, 3 cinqtiefoyles oT^rough^of Borough. Tohn Saltmarsh, of Saltmarsh. --. £ ------ J ----- ~a _1 ^*., 2 mar A . dau. = Edward ... d ®“* G f . 1 Saltmarsh, and co- Stapleton, married 2 torof... of ^ Wig- wives. Pilking- hill. I ton ' Margeret, mar¬ ried to. Catterick, of Stanwick. Audrey , 2 mar. Anthony . 3 to William Anne. Hungate, of Saxton. Edward 3 Salt-=Elizabeth, daugh- marsh. I ter of Sir Thos. I Metham. Elizabeth, married to ...... A vavSour°' Abbot, of Bellases, by Vavaso ^ , Howden. _ of 2 Edward Thomas Salt-=Margaret mcrc;h. of daughtei Saltmarsh. marsh, of q Tohn. Saltmarsh, J inter Ouse et Derwent, co. York. daughter of Sir Robert Constable, of Evering- ham. Katherin. Isabel, or Elizabeth. Grace, ried to Ralph Creyke, of Patrington. -1 mar- Anne, mar. to George Wensley, of Brandsbur- ton. R euSt " h ' j Ci Thos.Grimston? f 3.1“' 5 -William. Frances, r TT J cy Tjprfnw of Marton, in Holder ness A <** 18,011, fo. 70 b. 14871 f°- ' 2 ^ } '^ ee Dugdale’^Visitation, p. 94, Harl. MS., 6070, f °- 321 fo. 247* and the pedigree^t large in my Yorkshire collection 1 Pickering, MS^i8.oii. 3 Ann in MS. 3 Thomas, MS. 1571. MS. W* Inter Ouse et Derwent* Arms Argent, a chevron gules, fretty or between 3 hinds' h s roses in pale, and as many demi fleurs-de-lis in fesse of the 3rd, Cesst: —A hart’s head quarterly, per fesse indented or and azure. BECKWITH, OF 3TILLINGFLEET* hinds' heads erased of the and ; on a chief 1 engrailed of the last a saltier also engrailed between Robert Beckwith, of Selby\ co. York,— Constance, daughter of . Sir Leonard Beckwith, = Elizabeth, dan. and co-heir to Sir Roger Cholmley, of Selby, Knt. I Knt., Lord Chief justice, re-mar, to Christopher Kenne, of Kenne, co . Somerset 1 2. Ambrose Beckwith, of = Elizabeth, daughter to Robert Stillingfleet, co, York, | Metham, 2nd brother, gent. Beckwith, Esq., sold Selby to the Earl of Derby; living 1584, married Eliza¬ beth, daughter to Sir R ichard* Cholm¬ ley, of Roxby, co, York'Knt, \ Frances, mar. to George Harvey^ of Mark in Essex. Elizabeth, wife to William Vavasourf 1 1 1. Roger. 2. Gawyn, I Margaret, wife to William Mild* may, of Bames t in Essex. Elizabeth. I Leonard Beck¬ with, of Stil- lingfieet, and of Handalej a Is. Grindale, in the North Riding, living I584J fane, dau. and heir , wife to Vavasour t of Weston. 2. Roger Beckwith, married Elizabeth, daughter to Peter Newark, of Acomb. 3. Thomas Beckwith* married Isabel, dau. to Franklyn, \ Anne, mar¬ ried to Nicholas Conyers, of Whit¬ by. Ambrose Beckwith, eldest son, o. s. p. Newarke, [ I 3. Philip. Jane* X , — Elizabeth, married to Peter Lawson, ofPopple- ton, in the Ainsty. rn Isabel, married to Leonard Conyers, brother to Nicho¬ las. Jane, married to Myles Newton, of" Whixley, co. York. Grace. TTTT Ambrose. Til 1 1 1 Susan. Leonard. Mary. Roger. Elizabeth, wife of Henry. fohn Roulh, of Riccall , co. York. 18,011, fo. 71. 1487, fo. 213 b. 1394, p. 64. 1415, fo. 6 gb. 1420, fo. 52. 157 r r fo. 46. 6070, fo. 320^. Visitation, p. 383, and the pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. Leo* Beckwith. See Dugdale's l Chief not engrailed In Visitation 1612. 2 Robert, MS. 18,011. 3 Salop, Visitation 1612. 4 Roger. B Lieutenant of the To wer of London, MS. 1571. The issue of this marriage is additional, from MS. 1487. 6 Additional, from MS. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 101 Inter Ouse ex Derwent. BABTHORPE, OF BABTHORPE. Arms :— Quarterlv, i and 4- Sable, a chevron or between 3 crescent.. ennte.B abthorrb. ^Barrjcf 1 *' ermine and gules, 3 crescents sable. Vatb*. TOtf 3 C> 7 ai escocheon of pretence-Argent, on a bead azure 3 escallops ot the field. Bsrsand. Crbst :_ On a force or and sable, a cockatrice’s head argent, langued sable, crested and wattled or. Sir Robert Babthorpe, of Baithorpe, co. York, Knt, ^Margaret, daughter and heir of ... . Watertaa. Ralph Babthorpe, Esq.=.- daughter of Ashley. Gu 3 garbs of* Robert Babthorpe, =.. daughter and only heir to Sir Wm Rythe^ j Knt., elder brother to Sir Raphe Ryther, knt. --- ..Ji ------ 5 -" Ralph, t_ Thomas. I Henry. Margaret, married to Sir Richard Methaoi. All sans issue. Raphe Bab- =.. dau of......... thorpe, M idel ton, ofSiockeld . 1 Esq., died Arg. t a fret sa ., a sans issue. canton of ike 2nd. r rz Isabel, daughter and heir, mar¬ ried to William* Plumpton. Robert Bab-=Katherin, daughter of thorpe, I .—» She deceased 1461. Sa,., a chevron engrailed argent. -- thorpe. Sir William Bab-=Agnes, daughter to thorpe, Knt. Brian justice. Palmes, Robert Babthorpe, doctor of divinity. \ Thomas Bab¬ ter of .* thorpe, sans Sothill. issue. - 1 3. Ralph Bab- = . . daughter thorpe. to ...... Deane, or Denny . A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l6l2* Barbara, dan, = Sir William= toSirRobt. Babthorpe, Constable,. Km., of of Evering- Babthorpe ham (ij* and Osgod- vjife ), by, ob. 23 Q. Eliz. 158a Frances, dau. to Sir Thomas Dawney, Knt. {2ndwife). Re¬ married to . 3 Sulyard, and died in 1605. Agnes, mar., 1st, to Wm. Hussey, and after to Matthew St. Quintin, of Harpham, a and son. Frances, wife to William Cneyke, of Cottingham, co. York. thorpe, Esq., of Babthorpe andOsgodbyj living 1584 andi 6 iz,died at Louvaine, 1617, there buried* Bab-=Grace, daughter and sole heir to William Byrnand, of Knaresburgh. She died a professed nun at Louvaine, 10 Aw,, 1623; 3 T ! 1 it Katherine, wife to George Christian, Vavasour, a 2nd bro* married tber, of Spaldington, to John and\ 'zndly, to John In- Girling- gleby . ton a {of Margaret, wife to Henry Tkurland, Cholmley, 3rd son to Sir co.Lanc , I j Richard. Mary. Leonard Bab¬ thorpe, mar¬ ried Frances, daughter to Redman, of Lancashire. n? Edith, eldest dau. Christian, William Bab¬ thorpe, mar. . daugh¬ ter of Edward Lacon.4 = -- -p Richard Bab- 3. Robert, thorpe, mar. 4. John, a .. sister clerk. to Rowland Herbert, of Skipwith. = Anne. Jane* j William Bab¬ thorpe, of Monkrode, ao 1619, married Ann, dau, of John Haye, of Barnosand* — 1-i—r-tn ! i I ; I Raphe, son John, of Richard, Cuthbert. mar. . Frances. dau. of. ... Anne. Hunter *= \; 1 Robert . 1 Ralph .1 Thomas* Catherine, wife of Sir Geo rge Palmes, of Nahum A I I Elizabeth, wife of John Constable , of Cathorpe. 1 Barbara A William Bdb-== Ursula, daughter of thorpe, setatis I __ Tirwhit, of unius anni et Ketleby, co. Line . 1 dim. 1584. | 1-*-1 I [ I „ Katherine* Frances* Anne A n Richard Ralph* Ralphc 1 , t Frances . 1 i 3 ,on, fo. 71& 1487, fo. 2155. 1394, pp. 66, 184. 1413, fo. 700. 1420, fo. 520. See additional pedigrees. 1571, If. 47. HaBhe Babthorpe. 6070, if. 3120, 313, 314, 3530, Robertus Babthorpe filius Radutpbi duxit unicam filiam WiUielmis Ryther mil it is, fratris senioris Radulphi Ryther militia, MS. 1413. 1 MS. 157 x. 2 MS. 1415, 3 MS. 6070. 4 Layton, MSS. 1487, 6070, 1571. 'Elizabeth, MS. 6o;o. WATERTON, OF WALTON, Jordanus Rene vile, LaJticia, uxor Thom* de Bella Aqua. Isabella, nupta.... de Bella Aqua. - ____J 1 5 " 7 Thomas Burgh.=Lucia. Johannes, de Bella Aqua. ». _ _j pj Johannes de Burghs domino de Walton et Johannes Belle ^ ^ Cawthome, an. z6 Ed. lit- = _ j ^ _ _ A . -| fliaWarei ana e. ccr- liu .. eiJ. so. at Johannes BeUew.qui S^ rJohai1 ' St!L !St Waterton._ } Willielmus Waterton,=Elizabeth, daughter to Roger _J Newmarcb. John Water- Hughe Waterton,-..-- .daughter to ^ ton. son and heir, j Alexander \\ alien. Blanch, uxor Robt. itabeth, uxor John ap Harry, Chalions. Po ston, to. Hereford. - Richard ap Harry. Robert Waterton? ~. lonannes Waiaiwu, - noa - ,ri ry of 6 , argent and gu. t aver all 3 crescents sa. = Willi pirn us Assenhull, militis. = Johannes Bellew, a° 3 r Ed. III. = Alicia, sive Amicia, uxor RadulphiCromwell. Ricardus Waterton, 19=Consjancia, fil. W. ^senhull. Hen. VI. 1 militis, de com. Lincoln . Robert us Waterton. 1442, (?*■ 3 Ben. VI., 1424, «»f West Burgh, NortBmerton, ^ Skinnergrove ; and Everingham*). _____ t S Ed. .V..A^.. a. 7^ * MS. 5 William, MS, 1571. 6 Pickering MS. 1487. T Dionysix* MS. *57*- 6 Re-married to .Moiortney. i n I06 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15^4 /S AND I ^ 12, HOWDEN AND HOWDENSCIRE. METHAM, OF BARNEHILL. Thomas Metham. = Mundane, dau. to Sir John Waterton, I of Methley. Richard M etham. = Margaret, daughter to Ralph Babthorpe. Ann dau. to Sir=Thomas Metham, of= Isabel, daughter to Sir Robert Hilde^rd, John Tempest, I Metham, Esq. I Knt, temp. Edw. II., relict of John J t>_— i:—: I j Hotham, 2nd wife* of Bowling. Sir Thomas Metham. = I Sir Thomas Metham. = Thomas Metham. = _ ,J Sir Thomas Metham. = Sir Thomas Metham, now living, 1585. i. William Metham, to whom Thomas, his father, gave divers lands in Hessle and elsewhere, by deed dated ij 2 Hen. VII. == 3. Robert. 4. Alexander. Thomas Metham, of Bame-=Ann, dau. of John Acclom, hill, co. York. | of Moreby. |-r-r-r -1 pi, I III Thomas Metham,of 2. Robert. Barnehill, gent., 3. William, living 1584, mar- Ellinor, wife to ried Joan, dau. to Wm. Thornton, of East Newton, in Rydale. = Francis Percy, of Scarbrough. Frances, wife of Tohn Harri¬ son. Alice, wife of John Gower, ofHolderness. Thomas Metham, eldest = Isabel, dau. to Cuthbert Pepper, son, died before his I of Long Cowton, in Richmond- father. | shire. I I John. Robert. Thomas Metham, eldest son, —.. daughter of . set. 18, a<> 1584. | Thwenge , of Heworth. 3 2. Robert. — 1 Joane. ~1 3. John. Thomas Metham,- .. dau. of . Metcalfe , of Aldborough, near Piersebridge. n ^1 George* William Metham, of Bullington, co.-Mary, daughter of William , Cicely 4 ^ n /* T nr/1 '[AfilJnii.crh-hv- of Pcli^ Lincoln , mar .. dau. of John, Lord Sheffield, and 2nd, .. dau. of . Whittington. = Lord Willoughby, of Par¬ ham (3rd wife). Charles Metham, of= .. dau. of Robert Dymock, Bullington. of Scrymelsby. Katherine, wife to John Bo lie, Esq. Thomas Metham. 18,011, fo. 72 b. 1420, fo. 53^. 1487, fo. 208 b. 1171, fo. 41. ^ ^ 394 > P- 69*. . WS’ £°* 7 ° 1571, fo. 49. 6070, fo. 189. ~ See Tonge’s Visitation, p. 63. 3 This wife 1 ? Married 2ndly John Hotham, MS. 6070. 2 15 Hen. VII., MS. 18,011. and her issue is additional, from MS. 1487. 4 MS. 6070. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2, IO7 Howden and Howdenscire. VAVASOUR, OF BELLASIS. John Vavasour, of Weston and of Newton in= ye West Rydinge. | Henry Vavasour, 2nd son. Marmaduke Vavasour, son of 18, of Acaster, William Va¬ vasour, of Bellasis, co. York, living a 1584, mar. Beatrix, dau. to J ohn Bradford, of ye Heath, co. York. 2. John Vava-= Margaret, 3. sour, of Wal- daughter tham Abbey, of . co. Herts, Salt- 4. mar. Anne, marsh , dau. of Sir of co. Myles Par- Glocester . 1 tridge, Knt. = youngest=Ann, daughter to Edward co. York. | Saltmarsh, ofSaltmarsh. "T I- K -m II III Elizabeth, mar. to Edward, mar. Elizabeth, dau. to .. Wilcock. George, mar. Isabel Pepper, widow to Thos. Metham. Nicholas —Philipa, daughter of Anthony Vavasour. I Copleston , of IVyke, near Torrington , co. Devon , ar. 1 1 _ r~ John. 1 I Frances. Edward, s.p . 1 Nicholas. 1 Marmaduke. 1 Lancelot 2 Morwin, and, 2nd, to John Cundall, and, 3rdly, to . Knowlesley. Lucy, wife of . Mary, wife of Robt. Constable, of Draton, 3 co.York. Margaret. Dorothy , married . p me William Vavasour. 18,011, fo. 73. 1487, ff. 411£, 412. 1394, pp. 25, 68. 1415, fo. 71. 1420, fo. 54. 4630, p. 648. 1571, fo. 49 b. 6070, fo. 209^. See the Pedigree at large in my York¬ shire Collection. 1 MSS. 6070,1571. 2 Francis, MS. 18,011. 3 Drunton, MS. 1415. Howden and Howdenscire. ASKE, OF OWSTHORPE. John Aske, of=Ellinor, daughter and one of the heires of Sir Ralph Ryther, Knt. Aughton. 1 I Robert Aske, of Aughton, eldest son. = A 1 - Robert 2 Aske, eldest son, set. 29, an. 1584. 2. Christopher. 3. Anthony, sans issue. 4. ]ohn. 5. Richard Aske, = Elizabeth, dau. of Owsthorpe, co. York, 1584. to. Hall, of Burring- ham,co.Linc. TT1 Anne. Elizabeth. Julian . "H- Peter. Richard. Julian. Elizabeth, 2nd wife of Bryan Ellis, of Barnsey, had issue. = Matthew Ellys. Richard Aske. 18,011, fo. 74. 1487, fo. 2033. I 394 > P- 6 3 - I 4 js> fp-. 7 ^- T 420, fo. 55. i 57 i> 32, 35^. 6070, fo. 187. See Tonge s Visitation, p. 64. 1 Ryther, MS. 1487 2 Ralph, MS. 18011. 108 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . HOWDEN AND HOWDENSHIRE. SKERNE, OF PORTINGTON. Arms:— Gules, in the dexter chief and sinister base points a tower, and in the sinister chief and dexter base points a lion rampant or. Crest: —On a tower or a lion coucbant argent. William Aske.=Alice, daughter andheir ofThomasAthalhsonof Richard, I by Maude , daughter and heir of Peter Hotham . L -] William Skerne, lord of Skerne, co. York.=Maude, dau. and heir of William Ashe. I- Edmond Skerne.=Isabel, daughter of . Gerard, and relict of . Normanvile. _ J I Edmond Skerne. = Maude, daughter and heir of . Hotham. _ j 1 Henry Skerne , lord of Waltham.^ Ann, daughter and heir of John Langdale. Edmond 1 Skerne, of Waltham , = Dorothy, daughter to Ambrose 2 Sutton, of Burton, | co. Lincoln. Robert Skerne, of Waltham, = juxta Grimsby, co. Line. | Jane, daughter to Robert Egmanton, after his heir. 2. Thomas . 3. Edmund? Edith, = daughter to Thos. HatclifFe, of Hat¬ clifFe, co. Linc.(ist wife). Edward 4 Skerne,; of Bonby, co. Line., and of Portington, co. York, in right of his 2nd wife, liv¬ ing 1584. =Anne, dau. to John Lang- ton, of Lang-, widow to John Portington, of Salcliff, Esq., co. Line. (2nd wife). 2. Robert. 3. John Skerne, married.. dau. of .. and widow to Thos.Estofte, Esq.,and had issue, 4 daus. wife of Sandon, "TT1 Margaret, Andrew of co. Lincoln. Dorothy, wife of Francis Purley, of co. Lincoln. Bridget, wife ofWil- liam Constable, of Catfoss, co. York. Robert Skerne, -Ann, daughter 2. Thomas. eldest son, 24 years old, a° 1584- of Edward Bedingfield,of Oxborough,co . Lincoln. 6 -,- I Ann, maimed to Solomon Cole, of co. Sussex. Elizabeth. Margaret. Sir Edmond Skerne, of Bonby, co • Lincoln, cet. 49, 1649. Edmond Skerne. 18,011, fo. 73 b. 1487, fo. 202. i 394 » P* 65* 1 4 I S» 7 I ^« I 4 2 °» f°* 54 ^* 1571, fo. 3i£. 1 Edward, MS. 1571. 2 Robert, MSS. 1415,1487* 3 Edward, MS. 18,011. 4 Edmund, MSS. 1415.1487* * 57 i- 5 Norfolk, MS. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. IO9 Ouse and Derwent. ACCLOM, OF MOREBY. Arms(P):—Q uarterly, 1. Gules, a manche within an orle of cinquefoils argent, Acclom. 2 ‘ £ rgent ’ on a fess ® azure 3 mullets of 6 points pierced or, over all a label of 5 points gules. 3. Per fesse crenelle sable and argent, 3 stags’ heads cabossed, counterchanged. 4. Ermine, on a chevron gules 3 fleur-de-lis. 5. Argent, a cross flory erules, Pilkington. 6. Azure, x gules 3 crescents or, Ryther, 5. Argent, a cross flory gules, Pilkington. 6. Azure, 3 1 William Moreby. ■=■ Agnes . 1 Henry Moreby , 11 Ed. III.=Alice . Sir William Acclom, of Acclom,—Mary, daughter of Henryk Moreby, 41 Ed. III. | living 6 Richard II. 1- I George. Henry Acclom, = Margaret, daughter ob. 2 Hen. V. | of John Anlaby. William, eldest son, mar. and had issue, 18 heirs general. William Acclom, 2 Hen. V. —Ann, daughter of John Holme. John Acclom, 28 Hen. VI., 1445. = . daughter of Guy Fairfax. J ' Richard Acclom. = Margaret, daughter and heir to John Cawood. Alice, daughter and co-=JohnAc-= heir of Ralph Danby, of I ‘ clom. 1 Yafforth, co. York, rrn-' .-^ i l Katheren, daughter and co-heir to Roger 2 Pil¬ kington, of Bewsay. I 1 I Margaret. Ellen. Ann. Margaret, mar. to Thos. Hawksworth. Ellen, married to Mar- maduke Thwaites, of Little Smeton. Anne, mar. to Thomas Metham, ofBarnehill. William = Acclom, son and heir. I I I Elizabeth, 2. Anthony. Evereld,mar. daughter to Elizabeth, mar- to Henry Sir Ralph ried to Ste- Lawrence, Ryther, of phen Palmes, of Bridge, Ryther. of Hessle. in Kent. William Acclom, of Moreby, = Margaret, one of the daughters of John, Lord Mor- inter Ouse et Derwent. | daunt, and of Dame Elizabeth, his 1st wife. John Acclome, of More-=Isabella, dau. to Francis by, Esq., living 1584. | Palmes, of Linley. 2. Robert. 3. Henry. Ellen. Anne. William Acclom, eldest son, set. 2, ano= Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Margaret. 1584, after knighted. | Dawnay, of Sezay. Ellyn. John. Faith. John Acclome. 18,011, fo. 74. 1487, fo. 200^. 1394. P- 70. 1415* fo - 72. 1420, ff. 55 b, 10 3b. 1499, fo. 3 7b. 1571, fo. 32 b. 6070, ff.316, 353^. See Tonge s Visit., p. 65. 1 The descent in italic from MS. I 57 1 * 2 Robert, MS. 18,011. ___ 1 [r Howden and Ho wden scire. ELLERKER, OF ELLERKER. Arms, —Quarterly, i. Argent, a fesse between 3 water bougets gules, Ellerker, 2. Or, a fesse sable, over all 6 fleur-de-lis, 2, 2, and 2 counter- changed, Deivell. 3. Argent, 2 bars piles, in chief 3 torteauies, over all a bend sable, Trvkingham, 4. Argent, a fesse dancett^ between 3 talbuts 1, beads erased sab 3 e, Sfayne. 5. Azure, a saltier between 4 cross crosslets or t Friskney. 6. Sable, a bend between 6 annulets or. Leek. William Ellerker, of Ellerker, in Howdenshire, co. York, 6 Hen. VII. =. .,.j=John Ellerker, of Ellerker, 6 Hen. VII. = Dorothy, dau. to William Lamgham, of Conisholme, 00. Lincoln. Lawrence nothus. Ellerker, filius= 1- Thomas Ellerker, mar. Mar¬ garet Thorpe. r 7 ! Anthony, living" 1584* William Ellerker, son and=Margaret, 1 daughter to Sir Robert Aske, of heir. j Anghto n. I Hemy Eller¬ ker, = j . Robert Ellerker, ofBrantingham, living 1584. Isabel,, wife of Thos. Hodgson, of Cave. Philip Ellerker, of Brantingham, 1584. r Julyan, wife toSirSymon Musgrave, living 1584. I Sir john Ellerker,=Isabel!, dau. Knt., 2nd son to Rickard 3 Smelhley, of co, York. 1 nt,, 2nd son of William, of 4 Ed. VI., 15 yattttary. Marmaduke Ellerker, younger son* = Robert Ellerker, 2nd son. Hugh Eller-dau. ker T nothus. 2, Robert Ellerker, ofBrantingham, 15 * 4 - of , Musgrave, of co-Lan¬ caster. William Ellerker, = Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. Christopher, of Ellerker, liv- I Wentworth, of Howley, a base son. ing 1584. | a younger son of ElmsalL Julian, living 1584. Elizabeth, living 1584. John Ellerker, son, set. 7 years 1584, ob. 1617. = Ann, daughter of Miles Stave Icy, of Stain ley, IT i ”■ 1 i 2. John. 3. Thomas. John Ellerker. i 3 ,gii, fo. 75. 1487, fo. 205. Walter. Elizabeth. William, son and heir , tel. 0, 1612, William Ellerker. r 394 ' P- 7 1 * I 4 1 5 f fo. 73. 1420, ff. 29$, 56. 1571, fo. 33. 6070, fo. 324#. 1 Agnes, MS. 607a 2 Thomas, MS. 18,011. 110 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l6l2. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Ill Ouse et Derwent. STILLINGTON, OF AC ASTER. Arms. — Gu., on a fesse argent^- between 3 leopards’ beads cabossed or as many fleur-de-lis sable 1. John Stillington, of Nether Acaster. = Katherine, dau. of John Holthorpe. [-1- 1 --1 Robert Stilling- John 2 Stillington, = Jennet, dau. to Johanna, mar. to Tho- ton, bishop of of Nether Acas- . Percival w/zciNink.mothertr> Bath and Wells , of Nether Acas¬ ter. Percival of Ripon. mas 1 Nick, mother to Rich. Nick, bishop of Norwich. Thomas Stil-=Agnes, dau. to Raphe John lington. Bigod. Katherine, uxor Sir Wm. Ingleby, of Ripley. = John Ingleby, of Ripley. 18,011, fo. 753. 1487, fo. 218. 1394, p. 72. 1415, fo. 68. 1420, fo. 56^ 1571, fo. 33 b. 6070, fo. 321. l MSi 1571. 2 Thomas, MS. 1415. CLIFFORD, EARL OF CUMBERLAND. Eleanor, Countess of Clif-=George Clifford, 1st Earl of= Margaret, Countess of Clif¬ ford, died 27 September, Cumberland, buried 2 I ford, buried at Skipton, J 547 - May, 1542. | 25 November, 1540. Henry, Earl of Cum-=Ann, Countess of Clifford, berland. 1 | buried 31 July, 1581. f--- J George, Earl of Cumberland, bom at Bromeham Castle, 8 August, 1558,= . and died 13 March, 2 1605. Anne, Lady Clifford, died 5 December, i 5 8 9« aged 5^ years. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . A William Slingsby, of Sc riven, 3 Hen. V,=Margaret , daughter of Thomas de Winkesley, by Margaret, daughter of Hugo Tresmere , 9 1-J Richard Slingsby, son and heir, jo Hen, VI. - __ daughter and co-heir of. . Nesfield . 1S jr -- 1 William Slingsby.=Joane t daughter of Sir John Melton, Knt., co. Derby , and heir of Ralphs John Slingsby, of Striven, = Joan, dau. to Walter Calverley. 2. Robert, 3. Thomas. Agnes, married to Thomas Knaresburgh, John Slingesby, of=Margery, daughter to Bynum Foley, Striven. | of Badley, co. Suffolk. Jane, prioress of Nun Monk ton . . r Margery , married to John Coghill. Thomas Slingsby,=Joan, daughter of Striven. to Sir John Mallory,Knt. 2. Peter Slingsby, 3. Symon, of Bitfon Park, Anne, married to John Swale, of Stainley. Margery, married to Walter Pul- leyn,ofScotton* Agnes, married to Hugh Tancred, of Boro'bridge. Isabel, married to Thos. Langton, 13 of Harrogate. Francis =Mary, daughter to Sir Slingsby, of Sc riven, Esq., liv¬ ing 1584. Thomas Percy, and brother to Henry, Earle of Northum¬ berland, next heir to that Henry, 2, Marmaduke 3. Christopher. Slingsby, mar. 4. William. Elizabeth , dau. 5. Peter,sans issue, of Sir John Mai- 6. Thomas, lory, Knt., and Jane, wife to Six widow to Sir RbL Ralph Basforth, Stapleton, Knt. of Thormanby. TT' “1 Dorothy, married to Elizabeth _ daugh-—Henry Francis Tancred of Boro’bridge. 14 Anne, married to Robert Bymand, of Knaresboro'. wife to Christo¬ pher Con¬ yers. of Hornby. ter and heir , mife of Rich¬ ard Goldes- borough. — Thomas Slingsby, 4. Sir Henry=Frances, dau. of William 5^ Charles, a 7. Arthur. Ellinor," and Ann , dau. and eldest son and heir. Francis, and Henry, died young. Slingsby, of Scriven Knt . Vavasour, of Weston, by clerk, 8. Guilford, Anne, both heir, wife of Elizabeth, dau, and heir 6. William, a 9. Francis. died young. Wet Ham Rig- of Sir Leonard Beck- student at Mary. by. with. Gray 's Inn. Bracken - bury. Brackcn- bury. Alice, Elizabeth {wife of Thomas Metcalfe }. William Slingsby, anno 1618. Mary, Katherine. 18,011 fo. 76. 1487, fo, 220, 1394, pp 25, 73. 1415, ff 44, 73 b. 1420, fo. 57, 1499, fo. aah. 4630, p. 563. 1571, fo. 34. 0070, n. 173 b, 176, Tonge s Visitation, p. ir. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 228, this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection, and MS. 6070. '* 6 ° 7 °\ * says his son John died 1208, s.p. * Caperun or Coperun, MS. 6070. 3 Margery wife of 11 a ;?P v^T e r r de Jrs * ^ T 8 Alice MS. 6070. J Aserley *Q) 8. 9 Winlcsby, MS. 6070. 10 Seneschal of Knaresbro, MS. 607a t-) 22 Rich. II. - Mb. 1+15* 13 Lamp ton, Mb. 1487, 14 Pannall, MS. 1415. 15 1571 gives a shield of 16 quarters with supporters. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15O4/5 AND l 6 l 2 . & ^ - ~- ' IIakthill. HUNGATE, OF SAXTON. Arsis.—G ules, a chevron engrailed between 3 hounds sejant argent. William Sawley, of Sawley.— Oliva, dau. and heir of Edmund Kirton. William Hun-= Margery, daughter of gate, of Bum- [ Sir Anthony Gugh- by. ! lined, of Kexby. Robert Saw ley, of Saxton, j. u. — ., dau. and heir oj .. Saxton, of Saxton. Elisabeth, daughter— William Sawley, —Margaret, dau. of . —Sibill, daughter of . of Sir Robert OugA- I of Sawley, or Beesfon, of Beest&n Laughton,$rd wife, s.p. x tred, Kntd \ Saxton. /fall, 2ndwnfe. 2. Leoi inard. William Hungate, of Bum- = Margaret\ dan. and co-heir of William Sawley, by and Saxton, eldest son. [ of Sawley, or Saxton. I Agnes, dau. and co-heir, wife of Wm. Amcoats, of Lincoln, W illiam Hungate, of Saxton and Burnby, eldest son. = Alice, dau. to Sir ’William Gower, of Stitnam. 1 \ i 2. Robert. 3. Edward. 2 Jane. 3. Thomas Hungate, 2. Raphe. 4. Hugh Hun- 5. Edward Hungate, mar - William == Audrey, one Alice daughter Jane, wife of StiUington, mar. 6. Robert. Isabel , dau. of Sir Tkos. Metham y KnL = m- William. Thomas . gate, married ried Margery, daughter Hun- Elizabetk, of John Byrnand , of gate, dau. of Tkos. Knaresborougk. — eldest Swanes , 8 of j—,--- ,— J son. Staverley, co. 1. Isabell. 3. Elizabeth. York . 2. Alice. ofthedaugh- to Ralph of Thomas ters of John Aungier, of Nessfield , Saltmarsh, Redmires. 3 of Burnby. of Saltmarsh, Anne. mar. to Oliver Ryther. - ■w VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 ANP l6l2. A ■ I l 1. Beatrice, mar. to Thcs. EUerker, ofLisset. 2. Alice. 3. Lucy, mar. to Anthony Blowe, \ i 1 4. Isabel!, mar. to Thos. Slilling- ton, c?f Acaster. 3. Jane, mar. to Thomas Lovell, of Skelton. Anthony, mar. ha- bell, dau„ of Richd , Hansby, of New Malton . = j William Hungate, son and heir, . 5 8 - 4 6 3 °- P- 297 - * 57 ri 35 - 99 s - See Dugdale's Visit., p. 2196 ; and pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 2 EdwarA MS. 1487. 3 Redness, MS. 6070. 4 MS. 1415. 5 Jnhn. MS. 6070. 8 ... daughter of.. «. Midleton, of co. Lane,, MS 6070. 7 Richard, MS. 6070. * " Sywall, of Stanley Hall,'’ Visitation 1564. CO Savde. Harthili, VAVASOUR, OF SPALDINGTON AND WILLITOFT. Arms.—Q uarterly, r and 4, Or, on a chevron dancette sable a fleur-de-lis argent* 2. Gules, 3 covered cups, within a bordure engrailed or* 3. Argent, 3 er.callops in bend gules between 2 bendlets sable. Sir William Vavasour* of Hazlewood. = Joans, dau. to Sir John Langton , of Huddhstone. ]ohn Vavasour, 2nd = Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Thomas De la Hay, son* | of Spaldington. _1__ j- —■ j oiin Vavasour, = Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Talboys, of Kyme. sans issue. Henry Vavasour oi~ Joans, daughter of Sir William Haslewood. Gascoigne. William Vavasom.—Alice, daughter of Robert Mallory r or Moriey. Sir Peter Vavasour, of Spaldington.=Elizabeth, daughter to Andrew, Lord Windsor. 2* George Vava-=Ann, daugk - 4. sour, of Spald¬ ington. ter and sole 3. heir of Robt. Skipmith [of Willitoft 1 ). n—1- William. Thomas. A 5. Anthony. 6. Andrew. 7. Henry. K atherine, dau. = John Vavasour, of Spal- and co-heir to William Ilson {of Gunby 1 ), 1st wife* dington, married to his 2nd wife, Cassandra, dau. and heir of.Loudon, of South Cave, co* York . Peter Vava-=Ann, daugk - sour, of Willitoft, living 1612. ter of Tkos. Stillingtoity of Keif eld. Peter and Elizabeth, John,j#rar wife of issue. Thomas Dolman. Julyan, dau. and co-heir t toJno.Aske, of Aughton, 3rd wife. Mary* Elizabeth^./. Anne, mar. to Thos.Lang- dale, of Langdale. Edward Vava- George Vavasour, Ralph Vava-— sour, of Spal- dington^.j./. mar. Katherine, dau. to Sir Wm. Babthorpe, liv¬ ing 1584. = sour, of Spalding - ton. J 1 l George Vavasour, ait. 24, 1612, 2. Thomas. 3. William * -m Katherine . Elizabeth . Martha. -n Frances,daugk- 7. Thomas. ter of Adam 9. Richard. Darnell? of ~ Tkornkolme ^ Abbey. dau., set. 7, a° r 5 8 4' 2nd dau* Ursula , dau , of Thomas Partington, of Sawcltjfe.= Spaldington^ 1613. Peter Vavasour. John. G. Vavasour. — i- 1-- T~r ~1 Anne. Peter , son and heir, 2. John * Frances . eet. 5, 1612. Isabell. tR.oit, fo. 76*. 1487, fo. 411b. 1171, fo. 40?* 1394, pp. 74, 164. T4I5* ff. 13^, 74 - 4630, pp. 644, 656. 157r, ff. 21 b r 106. 6070, ff. 204ft, 203* See Tonge’s Visit., p. 56. l MS. _„ f set. 19 8 anno 1584, (was since of Mil ■ lington 4 ). John Rudston, of Hay ton, (remarried to Marmaduke Dol- mani ). —^—1 1 1 "l 1 I Isabel, mar. to William Margaret. Foster, of Earswick. Alice. Margaret. Jane. Catherine. Agnes. Richard Langley, son and=Mary, daughter of Michael Wentworth, hnr hving 1612. of Woolley, Esq. R LANGLEY. Willm. Craven. 18011, p. 78 b. 1487, fo. 294A 1394 ) P- 77 - ^ 4 * 5 . 7S b - T 420, fo. 59*. 1^71, fo. 36A 6070, fo. 34 °* Dugdale s Visit., p. 234* These two generations are connected with the 3rd by a dotted line in MS. 6070. a ouo Langley, of Sheriff Hutton, see Dugdale s Visitation, p. 300. 3 14, MS. 1487. 4 Additional from MS. 1487. Arms :—Quarterly* r. Or, 3 bars azure, the centre one charged with an annulet of the rst. 2. Argent* on a chief sable a griffin's head erased between 2 annulets or, Haye. 3* Ermine* 9 lozenges in cross gules* Sholme steed. 4. Azure, 5 fusils in fesse or* Dawtrey. 5, Azure, 3 crescents or, Ryder. 6 Gules* a lion rampant argent charged with a fleur-de-lis azure* De Aldeburgh. Crest: —A man’s head ppr,, crined and bearded, wreathed about the temples or and azure. Richard Aske, founder of ye chantry at Howden* a* 1365, a younger brother of Aske, in Richmondshire, This Richard was==,. daughter to | of Carleton. 1 Stapleton, Thomas. Richard* s.p. J ohn Aske. = Elizabeth, daughter to Sir William Gascoigne* y® justice. John Aske, Esq. =Joan, daughter and heir of John Sholmestred,® r 1 Alice, married to German Haye. Agne$ r married to Thos. Fitz- william* of co. Lincoln. Eufemia, married to Thos. Lang- ton. Jane^ married to Richard Han¬ sard, of co. Lincoln, Richard Aske, of Aughton* Esq. = Margaret* daughter of Robert | Oughtred, Knt l Richard. Thomas. Joan* married to Sir Robert Oughtred. r r rn Sir J ohn=Elizabeth, daughter to Thomas Aske, mar- Richard. Aske* of 1 Sir Ralph Bigod. ried, and had 2 John. Aughton. I sons and 1 dau. Nicholas. \ I Richard. John, William, fames. Ralph. ■nr Margaret , mar¬ ried to Wm , Walton. 3 Frances, ~n Anne, Elizabeth., a nun at Watton , 3 William. Sir Robert Aske, = Elizabeth* daughter to of Aughton, John* Lord Clifford. Knt. Ralph. George. I J i Henry, Nicholas, Anne. Katherine, mar¬ ried to Sir fohn 1 Hastings- 1 Margaret, mar¬ ried to .. Morley. A 118 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. ' t" r — - -t— V vl Li Harthill. VAUGHAN. OF SUTTON. j^ RMS: _Quarterly, sable, a chevron argent between 3 children's heads coupedpprv, erinedor, entwined round the neck with a snake vert, a crescent for difference/ On an tnescocbeon, ermine, alien rampant argent, crowned or. Crest;—A child's head* as in the arms. William Atton, Lord Vescy , n Richard II. — .. Katkerin , daughter and co-heir ; wife of Ralph Evers. Elizabeth, wife of John Conyers, of Sockbum, Knt. Anastasia,daughter and—Edward St. yokn, co-heir of William J Lord St. John, Alton, Lord Vescy . Sir William Stur-~ Joane. myn, Knt., 26 Ed- \ ward III. Sir Thomas Bromdet . = Margaret T daughter and Sir Laurence A cion, — Elizabeth, daughter and heir of- William Kingsman {2nd _ _ J ■ r ■ _ j- l _ “it Knt. I AVV LVilfimna. Sti/rmvn. I husbandx. Lord Vescy . Henry Thirkeld. | heir of her mother. Henry Bromfet, —Joane ; daughter of Thomas Lord Vescy ■. | Holland, Earl of Kent. Sir William Sturmyn. husband). 'Tames = Margaret, Christopher = Margaret, dau aJLm* Moresby. nf Sir Lance Pickering. daughter and heir . Lassells. of Sir Lance¬ lot Thirkeld. Sir' Lancelot=Margaret, daugh-=John, Lord John Car-^ Elinor, dau. Thirkeld, Knt. (2nd husband). ter and heir of Henry Brom- flett, Lord Vescy. Clifford(i^ husband). Util. Sir James Picker-=Anne. daughter ing, KnL of Christo¬ pher Moresby. Sir Lancelot^, Thirkeld, I Knt. Tames, 2nd son. Elizabeth, Ann. Christopher= Joane\ Thirkeld, Thomas Vaughan, of Por- thamell, co. Breck¬ nock. = t A SirChristo-=.. dau. [ pherPlck ering, Knt., el¬ dest son. and heir of Roger Lewkner. 2. James=Elizabeth, Picker- dau. and ing. co-heir of Sir Lance¬ lot Thir¬ keld, Grace, wife of Thos. Dudley. h Winifred, —4. William 3. Thomas. Christo- —Josian , dau. and co-heir of Sir Lance¬ lot Thir¬ keld. Picker¬ ing. pher Thir¬ keld, of Es- thorpe. Laurence Acton,— . Katherine, daughter and heir , wife son and heir . I of Edward Bromfeete ; o. s. p. and heir of Laurence Acton. daughter and heir of John Carliell. dau. of ... Con¬ stable. I2Q VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I5S4/5 AND l6l2. A ii V [— ' r" rh Tohn Vaughan, r John de Anlaby.=.... Thomas de Anlaby. —. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 123 A I Peter de Anlaby . = ., William de Anlaby. — ., William de Anlaby.—Alison, dau. of Peter Ughtred. Richard de Anlaby .^Catherine de la River . 1- 9 Peter de Anlaby.—Alison. Nicholas de Anlaby .—.. John Anlaby, of Etton in Harthill, co. York.=Isabel, daughter to. , Bennett. John Anlaby, of Etton, co. York. =Dorothy, daughter to John Anne, of Frickley, sister to Martin Anne. r John Anlaby, of Etton, =Anne, daughter to Wil- Esq., now living a° I liam Hungate, of Sax- 1584. ton. 2. William. 3. Martin. 4. Robert. Ursula, dan. of ^ Thomas Anlaby, =Sara, dau. of Ger- William Pal¬ mer, of York l (1 st wife) I- J Ann, cel. 16, 1612. eldest son and heir, aet. 17 a 0 1584. vase Cressey, of Birkin (2ndwife). 2. William. Audrey. Katheren. —n Isabell. Anne. Sara. Elizabeth. Susan. Sigillum Willielmi Anlaby, armigeri, de Beverlaco, annexum cartae datae anno Domini 1408. Thomas Anlaby. John Anlaby. Johannes iste habet librum antiquorum armorum. 18,011, fo. 80. 1487, fo. 277. 1394, p. 79. 1415, fo. 76. 1420, fo. 61. 1571, fo. 50. 6070, fo. 332. Dugdale s Visit., p. 334. 1 This Peter not in Visitation 1612. 124 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4/5 AND Harthill. WOOD, OF WEST LUTTON AND KILNWICK. Arms.— Quarterly, sable, on a bend argent 3 fleurs-de-lis of the first, a crescent argent, charged with a crescent gules, for difference. .. , „ Crest. —On a torce argent and sable, a wolf s head erased sable, collared and ringe o . William Flower per literas patentes dat 6 die Maii, anno 1578, nostrae reginae Elizabethae 20, factas Thomae Wood, continentes repetititonem antecessorum ejusdem Ihomae online hie descrip to. . Wood, of Longley, co. York. = Gilbert Wood, 2nd son, of Towthorpe, 00. York.= John Wood, son of Gilbert. = John Wood. 1 = John Wood, of West = Margaret, dau. and Thomas Wood, of=Jane, daughter Lutton and of Thorpe, nigh Rud- ston. heir of Edmond Hellard, of Rud- ston. Kilnwick, co. York, living ao 1584. John Wood, of West Lutton, now living 1584, married Eliza¬ beth, daughter and co¬ heir of James Vava¬ sour, of Thornthorpe. Thos. Wood, 2nd son, living a° 1584, and 1612, mar. Margaret, Michael 2 Richardson, of Barnby, living ao 1584. = Bernard Wood, of Kilnwick, eldest son, living 1584, mar. Mary, daughter to Robert Sothe- by, of co. York, o. s. p. to Holmes, co. Lincoln. wTlliam Wood, 2nd son of Thomas,mar. Mary, dau. to . Lea, of co. Notts. = r r 1 it Arthur Wood, o. s.p. Wm. Wood, at. 2, a° 1612. 2. Thomas. Hellen. Anne. Thomas Wood. Barnard Wood, eldest son, set. 9, anno 1584, and cet. 30, a 0 1612. Thomas = Mary, dau. Jane , wf. to Wood, set. 1, a 0 1584. oj Butler. Thos. Beck¬ with, and had Roger and Doro¬ thy. Thomas Wood. Mary , at, 8, a 0 1612. P me Barnard Wood. 18,01 r, fo. 80A 1487, fo. 57* A 1394, pp. 79, 122. 1415, ff. 76, 91, 1420, fo. 61b. 1571, fo. 50^. 6070, fo. 339A l Not in MS. 6070. 2 Nicholas, MS 1487. T-T A CTHTT T DANIELL, OF BESWICK. Arms. —Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gules, on a cross or 5 eagles displayed of the field, Danibll. 2 and 3. Azure, a fesse between 3 martlets argent, Aslakeby. . Daniell, 1 of Lokington. — | j Rickard . William Daniell, of Beswick, —Lucy, dau. and heir of . Aslakleby, made his will 2 Ed. //., 1308. | outlived her husband, 3c Ed. II. A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. I2 5 1 Robert Daniell, oj Berwick, a 0 3 Ed. II., or 2 Ed. III., had j 0 hn Daniell, of Lock- a son Robert , to whom Robert, his father, gave lands in ington? = ’ 7 Esthorpe, 41 ///. 1 Henry Daniell, 1336. William Daniell , of Beswick.— Alice, dau. of Sir John Normanville, Knt. William Daniell, of Beswick. = Margaret, dau. of Sir Wm. Gascoigne, Knt., 20 H. VII. 1 *-1-r~i-1—1 Wm. Daniell, =Anne, daughter Isabell, wife to Margaret, wife of Beswick, superstites,22 Hen. VIII. of Sir Ralph Salvaine, of Newbiggin* . Roger Ward, to Richard or Wood, of Burgh. Lockington . 3 Elizabeth. Ellinor, wife of Wm. Cliffe? Alice, wife to Ed. Hornby,of Holderness? m— i i John? Ann, wife Wm. Daniell, = Elizabeth, dau. Francis? of John Thomas? Sigeston? of Beswick, ob. 3 and 4 P. and M. of Richard Smethley, of Brantingham. Elizabeth, wife to Christopher Mayne, of Rudston. 4 -n I I Isabell, wife of Richard Grimston, of Holderness? Jane? Wm. Daniell, = Margaret, of Beswick, Esq., living 1584. dau to Robt. Sotheby, of Pocklington. Richard. Christo¬ pher. -j- Elizabeth, wife to Thomas Tempest, of Bracewell. Isabel, wife Anno, wife of to Ralph John Moore, Hansby,of of Bumby Beverley. in Harthill. I I Wm. Daniell, 2. Sir Ingleby=Frances eldest son, aet. 11, ao 1584, o. s.p. Daniell, Knt., of Beswick, ito^married Avice, dau. of Sir Wm. Ry- ther, of Lon¬ don. * [2nd wife), dau. and heir of Francis Metham, of Pock¬ lington. n: 3. John, mar. Jane Harwood, ando.s.p? 4. Robert. i Elizabeth, wife of Roger Thorpe, of Birdsall. Anne, wife of . Legard, of A nlaby, Mary, voife of Francis Cobb . George? Thomas? John? Katherine? Elizabeth? Carta Luciae Danyell quondam uxoris domini Willielmi Danyell,confirmans Roberto Danyell filio suo, etdata apud Besewyke 1309 regno regis Ed. filii Ed. III. William Danyell. i8,oii, fo. 81. 1487, ff. 218 b, 219. 1394, p- 80. 1171, fo. 46. 1415, fo. 76 b. 1420, fo. 62. 1571, ff. 51, 229. 6070, fo.327. 1 The five following descents are from MS. 1571* * MS. 1487 states that his daughter and heir was wife to Sir John Hotham, Knt. 3 MS. 1571. 4 Wife of John Hardy, MS 1571- 5 MSS. 6070 and 1571. ( D Iff' Hi; "III' !'J 126 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . HARTHILL. Arms. - “i and 4. Argent, 3 bulls’ heads erased sa., Rudston. 2 and 3. Argent, 3 bears’ beads erased sable, muzzled gules, Berewyke. RUDSTON, OF HAYTON. it, 3 bulls’ heads erased sa., Rudston. ules, Berewyke. John Rudston, of Hayton, 6 sonne. = . Walter Rudston, of Hayton. =Oswalda, dau. of Stephen Shalcrosse. r ^ John Rudston, of=. dau. of Thomas Wilberforse. Hayton. | Vl: alter. Robert. Gregory Rudston, of Hayton. =.. dau. of John Ellerker. Walter Rudston, of Hayton. = Margaret, dau. of Richard Berene. 1 Nicholas Rudston, of Hayton. = Bridget, dau. of Nicholas ClifFe. James Rudston, of Hayton. = .. dau. and heir of Thos. Barwick, of Pocklington. Thomas Rudston, of Hayton. =.. dau. of.Riplingham, of Riplingham. John Rudston, of Hayton. = Armetruda, dau. of George Heaton. i° Ri [ohn. Lichard. Robert Rudston, of Hay-= Elizabeth, daughter and heir of ton, co. York. | Edmond Yaxley, of. ~ = Ursula, dau.= Rudston, of Hayton. of . ston, Knt., ofSirRobt. Tyndale, mayor of Dymock, of Pock¬ London, 1st Knt. lington. husband. L 1 T"1 I I Raphe. James. Sir Ed. Woot- ton, Knt., treasurer of the parts about Calais, 2nd husband. 1 I I Walter 2 Rudston , Anne, wife Emma,3 wf. of Hayton , 1st to William of Martin ’ T Wensley. son, married Dorothy daugh¬ ter and heir of Thomas Gun- house. — Hildyard. .. wife of.Ed- ington, 0. s. p. I Robert Rudston, of Barton Mount- chensey, Esq., living 1589,mar. Ann, dau. of Edw. Wootton, of Buckton Mal¬ herbe, Knt., living 1591. = Eliza¬ beth. =Thomas Wootton, of Buck- ton Mal¬ herbe, in Kent. A i 1 . Beatrix, dau. of —Nicholas Rud-=Joa,n, dau. of lohn. 1 \ k __ .i ~ JT TT~ CV/V» T/TAw Marmaduke Constable, of Everingham, 1st wife, o.s.p. ston ton , n, of Hay- 1, Esq. , Jc Sir Wm. T] Mallory , of Siudley, md •wife. 'homas. -rn- l I Belknapp Rudston. Isaac. .. wife of Francis Barneham. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2, I27 l- Walter Rud- ston, eldest son, sans issue. John Rud-— Margaret, ston, of Hay ton, 2 2nd son living 1584. dau. A? John Trollope, of Thornley in Episcopatu Dunelm . 2. James. 3. Martin. Ursula, wife of Robert Wright, of Plowland, his 2nd wife. Frances, wife to Stephen Thorpe, of Thorpe. Walter Rudston, = Frances, dau. cet. 13, 1584, of Hayton, Esq., 1612. of Sir Philip Constable, of Everingham, Knt. I I 2. Nicholas. Grace. I Ursula, wife of Chas. Langley, of Millington, and 2nd to Marmaduke Dolman. Joane, wife to Philip Monckton. 2. William. 3. Charles. 4. Samuel. 5 Mathew. Walter Rud-=.. daugh - ston, set. ter of . 15, ao 1612. RamsdenP 1 1 1 1 1 I I I Philip. Marmaduke . 6 Katherine. Mary. Barbara, wife to Samuel Salton- stall, of Roger- thorp. Walter Rudston. James Rudston. 18,011, fo. 81b. 1487, fo. 298 b. 1394, p. 80. 1415, fo, 76 b. 1420, fo. 62A, 1504, fo. i2o£. 1171, fo. 55. 1571, fo. 5i£. 6070, fo. 335. Dugdale’s Visit., p. 131. 1 That part of this Pedigree which is in italics is the Visitation of 1584-5. 2 Visitation 1612 states Walter to have been the son of Ro ert, who was brother of Sir John Rudston. 3 Anne, Visitation 1612. 4 For descendants, see MS. 6070. 5 Additional from MS. 1487. 6 MS. 6070. Harthill. ST. QUINTIN, OF GANSTEAD AND HARSWELL. Arms :—1 and 4. Or, a chevron gules, a chief vaire, a crescent for difference, St. Quintin. 2. Gules, a cross vaire, Twyre. 3. 3 chevronells embraced between 3 bucks’ heads erased, Buckton. Crest: —Out of a ducal coronet gules, a fluted column between 2 horns or, therein a pease flower ppr., stalked and leaved vert. William St. Quintin, 2nd son, of Harpham. = 7 ^, dau. and co-heir of Robt. Twyer, | of Ganstead. John St. = Margaret, dau. and co-heir of Sir William St. = Dorothy, dau, Quintin, eldest Ralph Buckton, of Hemswell, near Driffield ; y e other co-heir was mar. to Sir Thos.' 1 Heneage. Quintin. to Sir Wm. Hastings. ! I 1. Margaret, wife to Robt. Noddell. 2. Joane, wife to Robt. Dol¬ man. ; i Margery and Joane, twins. Margery was mar. to Thos. Monckton, of Londesborough. Ellynor, 2nd: daughter to John St. Quintin. Mathew St.=Anne, dau. Quintin, of of Sir Harswell, 2nd son, living 1584. Wm. Bab- thorp zand widow of Wm. Hussey . 2 71 Gabriel, eldest Gabriel St. Quintin, aetatis 21 annor, 1584. Wm. St. Quintin. i 8*on, p. 82. 1487, fo. 55. 1394, pp. 81,103. 1415, fo. 8 6b. 1420, fo. 82^. 1571, fo. 52. 6070, fo. 264. See this Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 MS. 1571. 2 MS. 1415. T ~-’- ar V ' ». — ,/• - • - . • ' =^W5P"5^ - ». ~Y » » £ vC • ~ Haethilu ROKEBY, OF MORTHAM. Arms :—i and 4. Argent, on a chevron sable between 3 rooks proper, beaked and membered az., a mullet or, Rokeby. embraced sable, on a chief of the last 3 mullets of the field, Dasby. Raphe Rokeby, lord of Rokeby and Mortham. =..dan, of. Burgh, of Burgh Hall. 2 and 3. Argent* 3 chevrons Thomas 1 Rokeby. = Elizabeth, dau. to .. Askewe, of I co. Lincoln. Robert, or Radulphus, Danby, of= Margaret, daughter and co-heir of Yafford. f Richard Comers, ofCowion, .. dan., mar. to.Forrest, 3 of Yorkshire, dau., mar. to.Barton, 3 of York. 3. Thomas Rokeby, s.p. Ralph* = Margaret, dau. Rokeby, of Mor¬ ton. and co-heir to Robert Danby, of Yafford. 4. James, married .. daughter of Geffrey Mid¬ dleton, and had issue James, m- John, a doc¬ tor of civil law, s. p. Richard, of Lincoln . 5 Anthony. Henry. Thos. Rote-= Jane, dau. to Robert by, eldest I Constable, serjeamt- son. at-law. Phillis- married to John Scrope, 2nd brother to Lord Scrope, and hath issue Henry 8 Scrope. 2. William Rokeby, of Mar she t .. daughter, married Grace, dau. and married to co-heir of.Fitz Henry, .Duckett, and had issue Raphe, who of Westmor- had issue Sir Robert {see land, page ). ”3 Ralph, sergeant- at-law {vide page ). Jane married to . Tocketts. Mary" Marmad'uke. Raphe Rokeby, now masterof St. Katbe- Christopher Roke-= Margaret, dau. to Sir Thomas Rokeby, of Hoth am, -r * n .« - f 1 j r j p 3r» _ . . ■■ __ ..-ip ■b r nr . o .-w T lit? rsf Vnii-Lr mair' IvflitKppinp J ane. Elizabeth. Mar - Mabel. garet 7 lines' and of the Requests, a councillor in the North, and of Lincoln's Inn, oh. 1596. by, of Mortham, living 1584. Roger Lassells, of Rrakenburgh. co. York, mar. Katherine, dau. to Laurence Legh* sergeant-at-arms. = John Rokeby, eldest son,.=Anne, dau. of livipg 1584, m carcere I ....Thwenge, deleftete,rel]gionisergo. } of Heslarton. -rn-— 2. Robert 8 Agnes. Margaret, wife of Wm. Eliotb, 9 of Midleton, and after to William Moore. William Rokeby, eldest son, set 18, a° 1584. Raphe. Elizabeth. Susan. Thomas Rokeby, ait. 14, ao 1584, after of Morton, Knt — .* dau . of Sir Raphe Lawson, ofBurghe t Knt Four sons. Ralph. Thomas Rgkebye. 18, qii, foL 82A 14S7, fo. 227A 1394, p. 82. 1415, fo. 77, 1420, fo. 63A 1499, fa 29A 1^71, ff 52A 169. 6070, fo. 329. Tonge s Visit., p. 40, Dugdale s Visit. , p. 73. See this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. Robert MS. 18,011, 3 Forster. MS. 1415. 3 Burton, MSS. 1415,1487. * Robert, MS 18,011. B MS. 6070. 8 Roger, MS. 1487. 7 MSS 1415, 6070, 1571, ® Roger, MS 1571. 9 El wood, MSS. 1415, 1571. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . I2g Harthill. LANGDALE, OF HOUGHTON. Arms: —Sable, a chevron between 3 estoyles argent. Patrick Langdale, of Houghton. = Amanda, dau. and heir of Lawrence de Etton. Patrick Langdale, of Houghton. — Hellen, dau. and heir of Sir Thomas Houghton. William Lan gdale. -- =.. Thomas Langdale. == .. William Langdale. = . John Langdale. = Ann, dau. and heir of John Gore. 1 Anthony Langdale6=. Anthony Langdale. = A nn, dau. of Philip Constable, of Everingham. John. Thomas Langdale. = A micia , 2 dau. to Sir Peter Vavasour, of Spaldington. 1-1- K -1—1-1 Katherine, Anthony Lang- = Jane, dau. 2. Thomas 3. Marmaduke Langdale, wife of George Fowbery, of New- bald. dale, of Houghton, co. York, died at Rome 10 April, I 577> anc ^ *9 Q. Eliz. to Thos. Agnes. Vavasour, of Cop- manthorpe near York. (was lord of the manors of Dowthorpe, Woodhall, Withernwick, and Lan- thorpe , &c ., married Joan, dau. of . Portington, and widow of . War ton ob. September, 1611, s.p. 5 ). Richard Lang -— Joyce , 4 dau. and co- 2. Peter Lang-= Ann, dau. of 3. Marina - dale, of Houghton, now living, 1584- heir to Marmaduke Thirkeld, of Hays- thorpe, ob. 35 Q. Eliz. Of her ances¬ tor's other co-heirs see page isx. dale, of San- tonP 2nd son , ob. 1617. . War ton, duke . and sister of Sir Michael War ton, of Beverley. Elizabeth, =Wm. Lan g-=Bridget, dau. Elizabeth. Marmaduke Elizabeth. dau. of Sir Philip Con¬ stable, of Everingham , Knt., died Aug., 1624, 1st wife. dale, eldest son, aet. 6, a° 1384, of Easthorpe & Lanthorpe, cousin and heir of Mar¬ maduke Langdale, of Dowthorpe. of Thomas Metham, of Metham, Esq., and relict of Thos. Hop- ton, of Arm- ley, 2nd wife (d.Mar., 16278). Langdale, cet. iq, 1617, mar . Lenox, dau. of Sir Jno. Rodes, Knt., of Barlbro, co. Derby. 1—i- Margaret (wife of Jordan, o.nd son of Thos. Me¬ tham, Esq. 6) Joyce. “ 1 . Philip, cet. 8, (Richard Lang- ao 1612 (mar. dale, son and dau. of Robt. Thorn¬ ton, of New¬ ton*). — heir, o. s. p., 11 May, 1612, cet. 12.5) Elizabeth (wife of Robt.Gale, of A comb, co. York, Esq. ) . n Katherine. Dorothy,ob, inf. William Langdale. William, son and heir .3 Rich. Longdall. 18,011, fol. 83. 1487, fo. 33^. 1394. P; 83. . 1415. to- 77 ; 7420, fo. 64. 1571, fo. 53. 6070, fo. 177. Le Neves Knights, Harl. Society, p. 114. 1 Gage or Gave, MSS. 1487. *4*5, 6070, 1571. „ ? Ann, MS. 1571- . * MS. 6070. 4 MS iS7i 5 Additional from MS. 1487. 6 rhls generation not in Visitation 1612. 7 Pighill, near Beverley, Visitation 1612. ^ v . ~ -Si* -& MARSHALL, OF PICKERING. Ael.,*s . Quarterly, i. Barn' of 6, argent and sable, a canton ermine, Marshall 2. Or, a saltier engrailed gules, a chief per fesse indented of tbe 1st and 2nd, Bans. 3, Gules, a lion rampant arg between 10 bezants, Hawick. 4 . Ermine, a chief per pale indented gules and or, Browne. Sir Adam Brus, Knt, was seised of certain=... lands in Pickering, Newton, and Thornton, | Sir Adam Brus, Knt.=v William Marshall. =. Sir Willi; Sir William Bras, Knt. =. William Marshall, = . Walter Hawick, was seised of certain lands in the= I manor of Hedon. J j “ J j — --- Sir William Bras, Knt.■=Margaret daughter of Walter Hawick* Walter Hawick. =. -1 i—'- \ -| j-J John Browne, of Hull, was seised of William = Maude, eldest Isabel, dan. and co-heir Elizabeth, wife of Walter = MarshalL ^ u r : andco ' "L™ur Appleby ’ Rlc - Egg j efeld ' 1 Hawick - J' Hatterberg. = sans issue. Agnes, dau. and heir = Robert Marshall,=Anne, dau. of . of John Browne, f of Pickering, f Buhner (and wife), of Hull (1st wife), j I John Eggle- field* 1 Robert Eggle- field. 1 Jenet Hawick, daughter and heir, wife to Robert Rodes. = John Marshall, of Picker-= .. daughter of J .. Kempe. Robert Marshall, and son. —. .daughter of Thomas Lacock^ of Tadcaster. Robert Rhodes, sans issue. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 , * I Richard? Marshall,=Agnes. dau. to ...... Asia- Edtnond Marshall. =ja^ «ter to Wlttor, of Pickering. | bye, of A slabic. and son. Daikon, of Laughton. Robert Mar-==Ann, dau. of John shall I Hudlestone. 1 Thomas Mar- Francis Mar-*. . dan. shall, living shall, of to Oliver ' * Standing- holme, co, York,living 3584. Je unmarried a 0 1584. Ryther, of co. Line. 3. Henry Mar¬ shall, mar. Ursula, dan. to Christo- pherThorpe, of Thorpe, co. Lincoln. I Roger Mar¬ shall, mar. ....... dau. of Thomas Curtis, of Clee .3 = I Susan, wife to William Baxter, of Normanby. I George Mar- John Afar —. dau. shall, mar¬ ried Mary, daughter to RobL Ward, 4 ah. Robin- skall, of Morton - upon-Swalty co. York. S of . Fox t of Cliff, co. York. Francis Marshall, ist son, 8et 2, a & 1584. George Marshall, one of His-.. Majesty's Equerries, 1612. | John Marshall, of= .. dau. of Marmaduke Wilson , of Morton. I Tanfeld, co. York. I .... daughter and sole heir of Sir George Marshall, sometime^iLusduke Marshall, of Morton, n 1584, mar. .. daughter of . ., daughter of . Berrie (and died Apl ., Sutton . 3 = 1625.3) 1- 1 3rd and 4th sons. Francis .. Frances and Dorothy. Temp Hen. III., vel Regis Johannis. Ego, Johannes de Hotham dedi Johanni de Cayuile et Amyae filiae meae, liberum marita- gium medietatis omnium terrarum quas habui in villa et territerio de Birsey, etc. Testibus, Petro de Malolacu, Roberto de Malolacu, Galfrido Agoyllun, "Willielmo Constabulario, Thoma de Metham, Willielmo de Hack, militibus, Galfrid de Hotham, etc. 18011, fo. 85^. 1487, fo. 296 b. 1190, fo. 92 b. 1394, p. 87. 1415, fo. 78 b. 1420, fo. 66 b. 1571, fo. 54<£. 6070, fo. 331. Dugdale’s Visit., p. 163. 1 Elizabeth, MS. 1487. 2 Massey, MS. 6070. 3 MS. 6070. VISITATION 01 ? YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 135 Arms:—Q uarterly, r. Azure* fretty a chief argent. 2. Argent, a saltier engrailed sable between 4 cinquefoils, gules, Risdt. 3. Argent, 3 cocks sable, beaked, wattled, and membered gules, Dblamore. 4, Ermine, a cross floiy gules, Grisoale. Crest.—O n a force or and azure, a dolphin of the last, and a dragon's head erased or, vomiting flames ppri, addorsed, and issuing from a ducal coronet perpale or and azure. Crista conceditur Radulpho Ellercar, de Risceby, militi, per Cbrlstopberum Barker, an, alias Garter principalem Regem Armorum per Kteras patentes datas Londini, 20 die Marcii, a? doi 1545, 37 K.. Hen. VIII. John EUerker, of Risby, serjeant at=EEzabetb, daughter to Sir John Hotham, Knt. the law and judge. | ___ __ ■ . .J---3-1 r 1 • 1 John EUerker, of Risby, Esq., living 7 Ed. IV.=Isabel, dau. of Robert Delamore, living 7 William. Robert. Thomas. John EUerker. —Elizabeth, dan. to Sir Ralph Evers. Thomas. Cicely. Sir Ralf EUerker. = Anne, dan. to Sir Thomas Gower. Henry. Margery. Elizabeth. r-* n “ti ~n n Sir Rafe EUerker, knightmarshaU=Jane, dau. to John Arden, Esq. William. James. Roger. Anne, at Enlleyne, and there slain. | Thomas. Robert. Elizabeth, Margery. Jane. Ursula, married, rjtf, to . Evers , Ann. and after to Francis Salveyn, of Margery, Newbiggin, Knt. I >ir Ralfe EUerker, of= Katherine, dau. to Sir John Con- WiUiam EUerker. Risby. stable, of Burton Constable^ >-1 O 2 o ** o m Oi GO > a CTi A A 1 Edward Ellerker, of Risby, Esq., liv¬ ing a 0 1534. ^Elizabeth, dau. to Sir Robt. Con¬ stable, of Everingham. 2. Ralphe= Frances, dau. to Sir Ellerker. Wnt. Skip with, of co. Lincoln, and widow to Ralph Constable, brother to Sir John. Ralf Ellerker, eldest son, 1584, =Anne, dau. to Thomas and 0/Ruby, knt., 1612. | Dalton, of Hull. Raufe Ellerker, —RUnor, dau. of Thomas ast, 2 or 20, Metham, of Metham, a 0 1584, hv- Esq. ing 1612. James. Thomas. Barbara. Catherine. Ralfe Ellerker.. 1 3. Robert Ellerker, mar, to Alice 1 Eden, of the Rishoprick of Durham, widow to ...Jenkinson. Frances, mar. to Marmaduke, son to Sir Richd. Cholmley ; some say to Raphe Astaby, of Dalton, and had issue Ursula, dau. and heir, married to Marmaduke Cholmley, of Bransby. 1 Ann, wife to Henry Greene, of Burne- juxta-Selby, West Riding, co. York. Margaret, mar. to John Eure, of Old Malton. 2. James. 3. Edward. 4. Henry. 5, Marmaduke. I Anne, dau. and heir, mar. to Sir Wm. Ratcliff, of Oglethorpe. 18,011, fo. Sjb. 1487, ff. soft?, 234. 1394, p. 88. 1171, fo. 41 b. 1415, ff. 79#, 81. 1420 S. 6Sb 71. 1499, fo. 40. 1571, fo. 56A 6070, fo. 323, Tonge's Visit, p, 71. 1 MS. 6070. 00 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND iSlB. . ->■ 'V'r.f " "■■S’ 71 • - ^ 'Us • rtr Harthil1 ' HANS, als. HANSBY, OF BEVERLEY. Crest :—On a force argent andazure^a'phcon'orl— Iffitl/faM 'FfaxH^Norroy. dated 8 October, I5&> Richard Han^ als. H ansby, of New Malton. co. York. = Beatrix, daug hter to William Ratcliff, of Cumberland. Sktmasafl^ c**ar. Ralph Hansby, = Isabella, dau. John Han^ 3- E^ard Hans- 4-^bert RoU. Pierson, of St. Giles, Beverley, co. York, now living, 1584, died March, rdiS.T- to William Danacll, of Beswick, co. York. by p married ^ by, clerk, mar- Bansby, Anthony Hun- j^*d. q^|. of Hud. 3 Audrey dan. ried Margaret,* nnmar. ^te of Catton. ££» to Thomas daughter to co * xolK ’ F Lovell, of Brian Snawsell. Skelton. = L- ~r 1. July an, wife to Sir John Yorke, of Goul- thwayte, son and heir to Peter. 2 . Katherine, 3. Elisabeth, wife 4. Isabel!, mar- Ralph a. Thomas. wife to Sir to Michael War- ned to Sir son and heir, George Wan- ton, of Beverley William Hild- set. 23.1612. desford Park- y ard - Beatrix ~wife of Herbert Davy, of York. Raufe Hansby. Promisit se ostensumm literas patentes illi concessas per regem aliquem annorum, quas taro non potort ostendere, quia alibi repontae 18,011. fo. 8Si. 1487, fo. 6oi. 1394, P- 89 - 1415 . fo- 79 *- 1420, f°. 6gi- 4 <> 3 °. P- s 6 3 - 6 o 7 °' ff - 4 **' 337 - I ^ 1 - fo S 8 ‘ 1 MS. 607a > She married, andly. to William Carnaby, of Skipton, co. 4 ork. 1 Howdea, i+i 3 , So, a. MS . 14 g 7 . On a monument in Shoreditch Church are the arms a* here emblaroued and inscriptions taken the 5 March, * 39 , per John ^ ^*1- iNSCHlpriON^—“^ane^wdeof lial^HMsby^bertlear hmt^i hath dedicated^hfs^aTnumument to^ripiifie thaa^wiS heJbis' ioylies here mterred. ( f , ^ if piet ye broods respect her tombe then view and f™«,k;nde passenger, with whom so many^graces^buried weer^cocque^ed^hy patience yetshee overcame, nor was her youth deatn s tnumph, but h.s shame. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND 139 Harthill. MIKELFELD, OF BOLTON. Arms :—Argent, on a fesse between 3 garbs gules, banded or, as many buckles of the last Arma , Mekyllfeldex vitrea fenestra valde antique. I John Mikelfeld, of Bolton, parish of=Isabel, daughter of Thomas Thornton, Wilton, co. York. J of Neys. __j John Mikelfeld, of=Alice, eldest daughter Robert Gower, of Wiganthorpe, 4th Bolton. I and co-heir of son of Sir John Gower, of Stitnam. Richard Bamby. = _ > r- William Mikelfeld, =Elizabeth, daughter of Roger—Edward 2 Gower, son of of Bolton, living a° I Kellett, of Nunbumholme, I Robert Gower, of Ingman- 1584 and 1612. I co. York. I thorpe, 2nd husband. ___J v -—-1 William Mikelfeld, 3 of Bolton, = Ursula, daughter of Robert Leonard Gower, co. York. | Lacy, of Folketon. Edward Mikelfeld, -Elen, dau. of Michael. Beatrix, wife of Richard Straker. eldest son, aet. 22 I Avery Hes- William. Margaret,1 wife of Thos.Smith of Burnby. or 27, a° 1585. I lerton. Elizabeth, wife of Robt. Wastlyn. 1- 1 [ ~1 Thomas, at. 12, a 0 1612. 1.. daughter. 2. Mary. 18011, fo. 86 b. 1487, fo. 209& 1394, p. 86. 1415, fo. 79. 1571, fo. 57^ 6070, fo. 341. 1 MSS. 1415, 1571. 2 Edmund, MS. 18,011. 3 Signed his pedigree in 161a. Kingeston-super-Hull. WAKEFELD, OF PONTEFRACT. Arms :—Barry of 6, argent and sable, on a chief of the last, 3 owls of the 1st William Wakefeld. = .. John Wakefeld.=.. daughter of.. Meering of co. Notts. Thomas Wakefeld, of Pontefract. =Ann, daughter to John Eland, of Carleton. Jane, dau.=Edward Wake-=Jane, dau. 2. Thomas. to 1 Ron- yon Bee, of co. Northum¬ berland. feld.ofKings- ton-upon- Hull, some¬ time mayor thereof, living 1584. to . 4. William. Johnson, Susanna, of Kings - married ton-upon- Hull,2 nd wife . to Wm. Baxter, of Nor- manby. -1- Michael, mar. ., daughter of . Skelton, Alice, wife of Rich. Ashton, a younger house of Lan¬ cashire, of Pom- Ann, married fret = to Leonard Lockwood, of Marfleet. Joshua Wakefield, aet. 14, ao =Jane, dau. of Robert 1584, now living, 1612. | Legard, of Hull. John Wakefield, at. 14, a 0 1584. Ri< ichard. n- 2. Thomas. 3. Richard. William Wakefeld, 6 years old, 1612. Ann. Mary. Edward Wakefeld 18,011, fo. 89$. 1487, fo. 201. 1394. P- 72. 1415. fo- 80. 1420, fo. 70. 1571. fo. 58J. 6070, fo. 269 b. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 218. l Ninian in Visitation 1612 and 1666. Jf WM ~ •m m HEs" a •v. f&CZ m! |S & ^■3|UA> aH< ThP tmvfip of Kin^ston-uoon-Hull, sometime in the countfe of York, bath been anciently incorporated by the name of a free biirghe. XaCX ™.£ year ofhis reign" the ^ew^alfcwrf to have a mayor and tarUtb And by K Hen t in^he 18th year of his reign, the same is incorporated by the name of mayor and burgesses, and instead of the four bailiffs a sheriff 11 the charter } is justified, mid further licence granted therein that the said burgesses shall choose twelve aldemien whereof one year y tobe mayor oflheW town, each alderman to be justice of the king's peace. And of h,s more abundant grace thesadK Hem \ L granted in his said charter of the iSth year of his reign that the same town of Kingston, and all the towns, hamlets, and tern fherein belonging, shall be exempt from the body of the county of York, and to be of itself a county by the name of the town and couty " ” And at the time of this present visitation was mayor thereof John Smidi, and these foll o w i ng were aMOTnen, ohn Thornton, James Clarkson, William Gee, Robert Gay ton, William Wilson, John Few ether, joh G g ry, Wakefdd, Luke Christcrosse, and Edward Woollon. John Smith, Mayor. William Wilson. Edward Wakefeild. jf Kingston-upon-Hull And at the time viz :—Thomas Dalton, John Thornton, James William Smyth, Edward VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Kyngeston-upon-Hull. DALTON, OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL. Arms:—A zure, a lion rampant guardant argent between 11 cross-crosslets or, a chiefbarry nebulee of 4, argent and sable.— Per William Flower, Norroy, 1^63. Crest:— On a torce, a dragon’s head vert, winged or, charged with a bar nebulee argent. Thomas Dalton, of Kingston-upon-YLuM. = . John Dalton, of Kingston-upon -Hull. = .. Thomas Dalton, of Kingston-upon-Hull. =. John Dalton, of Kingston-on- Hull, eldest son, had issue, = 2. Robert Dalton, married Eliza¬ beth , dau. and heir of . Silliston. = . Thomas Dalton, = Anne,2nd dau. to Sir of Kingston-on- Hull. William Dalton. Robert Dalton , of Hu ll,mar. Susan, dau. of .... South. Robert =Elizabeth,eldest Dalton, of Kingston- upon- Hull, liv¬ ing 1584. daughter and co-heir of Ralfe Consta¬ ble, of North Park, in Hol- derness. Edward. Peter. Robert. Samuel. Daniel. Thomas Dalton, of Kings-=Ann, daughter ton-upon-Hull , set. 1, of John In- ann. 1584. gleby. Robert Dalton. 18,011, fo. 90. 1487, fo. 234#. 1393* P- 91. I 4 T 5 > f°* 81. I 4 20 » 7 1 * 2 37 &> 1571, fo. 59. 6070, fo. 269. See Dugdale’s Visit., pp. 47, 143, and the pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. Holderness. DUNCALFE, OF OTTRINGHAM. Arms: —'Argent, a chevron or between 3 calves passant sable, a mullet for difference. Thomas Duncalfe, of Foxwest, = Elizabeth, daughter to John Davenport, co. Chester. I of Woodford. Thomas = Elizabeth, Duncalfe, of Fox- west. William = Duncalfe, eldest son. 18,01 r, fo. 91. dau. to Richard Gerard, of Cre- wood. 2. George. 3. Henry. 4. John. 5. Reginald. All sans issue. 1 1 .., daughter Jasper,sans of . Staf- issue. ford, of Bo- Elizabeth, thorn, co. sans is- Derby. sue. MUSGRAVE. Arms: —Quarterly, i and 4. Azure, 6 annulets, 3, 2 and 1, or; 2 and 3 quarterly azure, 1 and 4, 3 swords, 2 and i t tbe handles conjotned in the fesse point gules, 2 and 3, azure, 5 annulets or. T „, M . „ „ xr L1 Sir William Roos, of Yolton, co. York* 1 — j Margaret, sister and heir. She had Halt-— Sir Thomas Musgrave. wistle, and Cowmwood, in Northumberland. I Mary, sister and co-heir, married to Sir John Eller her, in her righto/ Yolton. Alexander , sans issue. Sir Thomas Musgrave, ^Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Sir William Fitzwilliam, of Sprotborough. Sir Thomas Musgrave^— Alice, dav. 0/ Richard, Earl 0/ Cambridge, by Maud, dan. of Thomas , Lord Clifford, with whom the Earl of I Cambridge gave in marriage the manors of Crosby and Morion , co. Kent. Sir Richard Musgrave. =Elizabeth, sister to Sir Edward Betham, of Eetham Hall, | daughter to Thomas. Elizabeth, married to Henry Wharton. Thomas =Joan, daughter Mns- grave. and co-heir to Wm, Stapil- ton, of West¬ morland. Elizabeth, Isabella,mar. Ellinor, mar- Mary, 3 mar- Margaret, mar- married to to Thomas ried to...... ried to ..... riedtoThos. Thomas Middleton. William Thomas Elderton. Garth, sans John, sans Thom- Warcopp. issue. issue. borough. Richard, married.widow of Sir William Hylton, dau. and co-heir of Sir William Stapleton. = 1- I Margaret, married to John 4 Sandford. 5 Felice,dau. =Wm. Mus-=Margaret, and co¬ heir to "William Fillioh Richard Mus- Sir grave, daughterto grave, mar¬ Musgnave, married ... Thome,® ried joan, KnL, mar¬ 2 wives. and widow daughterto ried Joan, daughter to .. the Lord Middleton. Clifford. = to John Cracken- thorp. = j \ J ohn=Margaret, sister to y« Lord Dudley (2nd wife). 1 I Ellinor, mar. to Chrstr. Lancaster. Isabel, mar. to John Craken- thorp, of N ewbiggin. Nicholas Mns- grave, mar¬ ried Margaret, daughter and co-heir to Wm. Filliol, and had issue, Thomas. I Mary, mar. to Nicho¬ las Rid¬ ley. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . William. Mill Gilbert. Leonard. Marma- duke. George. Rickard. 1 ill ill. Cuthbert.=Joan, dau. Thomas. Sir Edward =Joan, dan. Mary, mar- Margaret, Launcelot. u and co- John. heir,mar. to Richd. Lander. Musgrave. of Hart - land, co. Westmore¬ land. 7 and co-’ tied to heir of George SSrChris Martin- topher dale 7 Ward. JOiUie. married to John Heron,of Chi pease, and had issue. = 1 l homas. Oliver. Richard. Margaret. Anne. Jane. 2. Edward. ,. Sir William = Elizabeth, daugh- Sir Symon= Julian, * daugh- Elizalieth, Musgrave. ter to Sir Tho¬ mas Curwen, by his 2nd wife. Musgrave. Sir Richard Musgrave.=Agnes, daughter to Thomas, Lord Wharton. 1 ( uiian ^daugh¬ EJazalieth, Maudlin. John Heron, Margaret ter of Wm. married mar. ., Heron, Ellerker, of to job n r daughter married Eller her. Lord of Nicholas to .. Latimer. Ridley. heir of Nicholas Ridley. Thomas Musgrave. Thomas, sans issue. EUinor, wife to Robert Bowes, of Aske. 18,011, fo. gob. 1487, fo. 64A 1394, p , 92. 1415, fo. 81. 6070, fo, 271. 1420, fo. 71b. 1499, fo. 34. See Tonge s Visit., p. 52. 1171, ff. 52, 53. 1571, fif. 2076, 208■£, 209, * Stanford, 'g E*E MS. 6070. „. * This generation from MS. 1571. 3 Agnes, 1571. * MS. 18,00, Will ram. 8 Thornton, MSS. 1415, 6070, and Thomell MS. 1371. ? MS. 1571. 8 MS. 18,00. MSS. 18,00 and 1571 contain further additions to this pedigree. 144 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. Harthill. ALURED, OF CHARTERHOUSE. IArms: —Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gules, a chevron engrailed between 3 griffins’ heads erased argent, beaked or, Alured. 2 and 3 gules, a cross vaire, Twyer. Robert Twyer. =. Jane, married to William St. Quintin, of Ganstead, in Holderness. .. daughter, mar. to Ezechias Clifton, 2nd son of ye house of Clifton, in co. Notts. = Roger Alured, =Cicelye, daugh- als. Aired, of Tannington, co. Suffolk, of good an- tiquitie. 1 1 Grace. Cicely. ter to Wm? Latimer, of Freeston, co. Suffolk. Joane , dau. and co-heir of Ezekias Clifton, married to Ralph Constable, of St. Sepulchre’s, 2nd son to Sir John Constable, of Hal- sham, by his wife, daugh¬ ter of Sir Thos. Metham. = Another daugh¬ ter and co- v heir of Ezekias Clifton. Roger. Christopher. William. Thomas Aldred, = Ellinor, daugh- of y e Charter- house, near Hull, Esq. ter and heir of Ralph Constable. John Aired, of the Char-: terhouse, near Kings- ton-upon-Hull, Esq., living a° 1584, ob. 9 K. James. Frances, 2nd dau. of Sir Francis Gates, of Sey- mer, Knt.,nunc gravida. 2. Thomas, customer, of Kings¬ ton-upon- Hull. Joane , 2 dau. and co¬ heir, mar. to John 3 Thornton, of Hull, alderman and three times mayor? Ann, 4 wife to George, son to Christopher Twisleton,of Barley. Henry Aired, eldest son, rz Frances, dau. of Frances John Aired. a /-> n ** O . ■/* Z, .. *** 7- .. ^ F C . . j u f Fh « r* A L set. 3, a 0 1584, of Char¬ terhouse, near Hull, living 1612. Vaughan , of Sutton- Thomas Aired, upon-Derwent. Lancelot. Benjamin. Lucy, wife to Francis Bar¬ ley, of Kiln- hurst. 1 1 Elinor. Aver ill. 2. Thomas. John, son a?id heir , 4. George. 3. Christopher. cet. 5, a° 1612. Ann. 18,011, fo. 91 b. 1487, fo. 242^. 1394, p. 95. 1415, fo. 81 b. 1571. fo. 60. 6070, fo. 343d. 1 1 and 4 as above; 2 sable, a lion rampant between 9 cinquefoils argent, a mullet for differ¬ ence ; 3 as above, MS. 1487. 2 MS. 1571. 3 MSS. 1571, 6070. 4 Grace, MS. 1487. John Alrede. 1420, ft*. 31 b, 72 If. Holderness. GOWER, OF GARTON. Gower. = Agnes, sister and co-heir to William Garton, of Garton, in Holderness. Thomas Gower, of Garton, in Holderness.^. Thomas Gower, of Garton, in Holderness, 3 rd son. — . Gilbert Gower, of Garton, living=Margery, dau. to . Johnson, a° 1584. | or Jobson, of Pocklington. i-*-m-1 John Gower, = Alice, dau. to Thos. Metham, 2. Thomas. 3. George Gower, of eldest son. | of Greyhake, or Greenhake. 4. William. Garton, ao 1612. = .-A.-- ,---1 Marmaduke Gower, Frances, set. 3, an. 1584. 1—1- William. Gilbert. Christopher. John Gower, 18,011, fo. 93^. 1487, ff. 268^, 396 b. 1394, p. 94. 1415, fo. 82. 1420, fo. 'Jfb. 1571, fo. 61. 6070, fo. 274^, 1 This generation not in 1612. Holdernkss. ) WRIGHT, OF PLOWLAND. Arms Quarterly, i and 4. Or, a fessecompony argent and azure between jeagW beads erased of the jrd, Wright, a and 1 Quarterly—r and 1. Azure. 3 crescents or. Rider. 2 and 3. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure, over all a crescent for difference, Aldburgh. Crust: A unicorn passant regardant, quarterly argent and azure, his head argent, armed or- In Meow Securitas. En Mo yen Assurance.! Arms granted by patent under the hand and seal of William Flower, Narray t ia Robert Wrigh t, of Plow land, living 1584. Sir William Ryther, Knt. = Sir William Ryther, Ktit., who gave to Gilbert, his brother, an annuity of xi marks, out of the manor of Cotes, co. Lincoln. = Gilbert Ryther, died seised of Alford, Well, and Sutton.— Sir Ralph Ryther, Knt. John Ryther, son and heir of Gilbert — Isabel!, daughter of, John Wright, of Plowknd, servant to K. Hen . = Alice, 2nd daughter and VIII., came outof Kent. I oo-heir. George, sans issue. Maude, eldest dan., mar. to-Sotheby. 3, 4, and 5, daughters. Anne, daughter to Thomas Grim st on, = Robert Wright, of Plowland, in = Ursula, daughter to Nicholas Rudston of 7 o)m 2 of Gnmston, 1st wife. j Holdemess, living 1584. j Hayton, midwife, living 1589. J J A'ln, Wright, of Plowland, Eldest son. Ann. daa to Robt. Thorn¬ ton, of Neco- ton, in Ry- dale. Marika. Anne. John Wright, at¬ tainted for the gunpowder trea¬ son. 1 ChristopherWright* attainted for the gunpowder irea- Ursula, married, ist, to John Constable, of Hatfield, and after toMarmaduke Ward, of .. Martha. 3 Alice. 5. Nicholas Wright. 3. John. 4. Francis. J Robert Wright, ^Anne, dau. of of Foston, 1st j Nicholas Gir- son, set. 12, a? \ lington, of Sand 1 5 ® 4 t now I Hall . co. York . living, 1612. | "V 1. Francis. Anne. MaryyRalpk Crathorne „ of Craikorne. Margaret , ob. inf. Anne , 2. Wm. Wright, -Ann, dau. of John Wright\ o.s.p. living a? 1630. I Wm. Mill , mar..... ., of West Tay- dau. of ...... lor , 5 living Bus/eld, of 1630. co. Line. = Thomas Crathorne. William Wright , eldest son. Robert Wrighte. 18,011, fo. 92. 1487, fo„ 230^. 1394, p. 95. 1171, fo. 46. 1415, fo. 81A I MS. 1415. 2 MS. 1571. 3 She married to Thos. Percy, the Conspirator. 4 a quo Wright, Visit., p. 98. * '?} West Layton, 1420, fo. 73. fo- 6070, fo. 274. of ^Oiton-uptm-Swale ; see Dugdales VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I I4 b VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. hoi"a s ppleyar D , of burstwick garth. Arms :—Azure, on a chevron or, between three owls argent, a mullet. John Appleyard. of Butterwick, in --^""’ she 4 eld . the Isle of Axholme._ J 1-- v 1. __ dau to.Pembroke,of Grimsby. Tohn Appleyard, of Heslington, near York.-- J -—-- - " * Thos. Ap-=., dau - AnneT wife to Ursula, wife to Nicholas^ Ursula, wne Tohn Bellewe, Appleyard, ot York. ofco. Linc - of Froc ?' "MSS' war of co. York, af- ness, ter of Ralph Headlam. John Lewis, ot York. :iare, wiL ^ Henry Thurs- cross, of Hull. LCl Ul l\cui/n - _ Katherine. dau. =John A^eyard.^^ne, dau. to 2. Henry, t.v William of Burstwick :Anne, dau. to . Mennell, of Hesling¬ ton. pleyard, merchant. of York. to . Sotheby, of Pock- lington. to William Flower, of Rutlandshire. of Burstwick Garth, near Holderness, Esq. .atnerme, uau. tv John Norton, of 3. Robert. Acclom, nephew Barbara, and heir to Sir died a Sampson Norton. virgin. Thos. Apple- yard, now mayor of York, 1584. Ap“ard. 18,011, fo. 93 . x 4 8 7 . fo.^-394. PP-, 9^S. *>• 8, 1420, fo. 74- 1 Robert, MS. 18,011. H°™ ES CONSTABLE, OF ST. SEPULCHRE’S. Arms :—Quarterly, 1. Or, a fesse» compony zrg Ja’descent for gu , 3. Quarterly, or and g »» canton gu., a cross flory arg., Aton. 5 - 0r CRK°”n I torce, arg InVa,, a wytWs head and neck couped arg., charged 3 bars gu., on each of which 3 lozenges or. * «££?» ° f SirJohn=Jo_an, 2nd dau Anne d. cVickl = ’2nd Con¬ stable and co-heir to Ralph Neville, of Thornton Brigg. Walter Strick¬ land, by his wife, ye dau. of Ralph Nevill, ofThorn- 2nd son, of St. Sepulchre’s in Holderness. —2. Gabriel. Sir John Constable. Sibill, dau.=Michael Con-= Margery, , . 1 t r tr* ± T ol/inc to Wil¬ liam, Ba¬ ron of Hil¬ ton. r J Sir Henry Constable. stable, of St. Sepulchre’s, in Holderness, living 1584. Henry Constable, set. 9, a° 1584. = -1 Anne. John Dakins, of Brands- burton, in Holderness. Katherine. Elen or, wife to Thomas Alured. John. of the heirs ofEze- chias Clifton, by his wife, the dau. and co-heir of Robert Twyer. Joan, wife of Thomas 1 Thornton, of Hull. = Christopher. Michael . 2 Mary* Henry. Anthony . Michael Constable. tSott fo oo /; 14.87 ff. 23^, 236. T394, pp. 10 ( 5 , 31. 1415. ff. 53 ^ 54 * 1420 , ff. 22, 8 2 9 a’ 1499^0. 3 8A 7 1571, ff. 18, 62. 6070, fo. 235. See pedigree at large m my 1 John, MSS. 1487, 6070. 2 MS. 6070. Yorkshire collection. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 147 Holderness. FROTHINGHAM, OF FROTHINGHAM. Arms: —Azure, abend argent between 6 mullets or. Crest :—On a torce, a buck trippaut ppr , armed gu. Sir Peter Frothingham, of Frothingham, Knt. —Aveline , daughter of . f Robert Frothingham, supers Elizabeth, daughter to.Hansard, of co. Lincoln. stites, 21 Hen. VII. 1 1 1 1 1 mi! Edmond. Katherine. Alice. Anne. Elizabeth, daugh-=Peter Frothingham, of=.daughter to ter to John ‘ ~ * .. Thorpe, of Thorpe. South Frothingham, in Holderness, made his will 21 July , 33 Hen. VIII. De la River, of Bransby, 2nd wife. Edmond = Frothing¬ ham, of South Frothing¬ ham, liv¬ ing 1584. Elizabeth, daughter to James Hutton, of Wyton, in Holderness. .1 John, sans Christopher = Elizabeth, Frothing¬ ham. daughter to Sir John Constable, of Burton. I. Edward 2 Frothing¬ ham, son and heir. = Katheiine, dau. Elizabeth, to Christo- wife of pher Egman- Wilfred ton, of Foe- Cockayne, kerby, co. York. I Margaret, mar. to Edward Walker, after to Christopher Frothingham, eldest son, aet. 12, 3 an. 1584. Francis, 2nd son. I I Michael. Joan. -!—1 ! I Katherine, wife to William Vaux, of Steresby. Elizabeth. Lora, wife to Henry Cotton, after to Philip J no. Hal- H aldenby. denby. Henry. Mary. Margaret. Elizabeth Bridget. Petrus de Frothingham, miles et domina Avelinauxorejus. Idem Petrus cartae suae appendebat tale sigillum sine data vel inscriptione in circumferencia. Si- gill; una benda inter 6 mullets arg. Sigillum Roberti Frothingham de South Frothingham, in Holder¬ ness, annexum cartae dat ano 21 Hen. VII. Sigill; una benda inter 6 mullets arg. Edward Frothingham. 18,01 T, fo. 94. T487, fo. 3043. T394, p. 97. 1415, fo. 823. 1420, fo. 75. 1571, fo. 62b. 6070, fo. 276. 1 MS. 157- 2 Edmund, MS. 1487. 3 21, MS. 1487. I 4 8 VISITATION OI YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND lbl 2 CHENEY, OF THORNGUMBALD. HOLDERNESS. Arms :—Quarterly, 1. quaierly "Se***”^ “Sgent an”/ a'zur^on a^eSf gules 3'mullets ^ieSo?? between i chevron sable, in dexter chie a g. Barry of 6 or and azure, on a canton * IM- double queued rampant argent, collated ^CR^nTtorce, argentand sa., a hat or, turned up azure, adorned with z pheasant's feathers ppr. William Chene*. of=Ann, one of y e daughters and heir of W Th ™ngumbad. | John Holme, of Pauli Holme. Wiliam Cheney, of Thornpmbald^Fmn^Cinque “ living 1584. ! J ' ------1 r John 1 Cheney, eldest son, set. 23, a° 1584. 771 2. Chris 2. Christopher. 3. Willian. 4. John. Elizabeth, mar¬ ried to John Killingworth, co. of Cam¬ bridge. Winifred, married to John Carliell.of Yorkshire. 3. Anne. 4. Jane. Christopher Cheney. 18,011, fo. 94*. 1487, 6. 3 ° 3 >- * 394 . P- 98 . * 4 * 5 . *»■ «»*• * 4 *. 7 5 »- 10,01 r, jo. y 4 * IS ,!i t fo. 63. 6070, fo. 277. T Qo in TVTSS.tR. r jQn tatc f\c\nn Vint Henrv l Holderness. THORNBOROUGH, OF HAMPSFIELD. Arms :-Ermine, fretty gules, a chief of the last. William Thornboroigh, of Selside, =Ellinor, daughter of Sir Richard son of Henry. I Musgrave. William Thomborough, field , in Craven. Hamps- ~ Elizabeth, daughter to Sir Thomas Broughton. Anne, mar¬ ried to Thomas Preston. Nicholas, lowland = Margaret, dau. Thorn- borough, of Hamps- field. of Sir Geof¬ frey Middle- ton, in West¬ morland. 1 1 u Elizabeth, mar¬ ried to Wil¬ liam Kirkby. Ellinor, married to Richard Curwen. Isabel,mar¬ ried to William Clifton. Rowland Thomborough. William Thomborough, son and heir. Elizabeth. Anne. Alice. 18,011, fo. 94A 1487, fo.1873. 1394, p. 98. 1415, fo. 82A 1420, fo. 750. fo. 48 b, 6070, fo. 277^. Tonge’s Visit., p. 98. 1499. Holdernesse. CRESSWELL, OF NUN KEELING. Anus Gules, 3 plates each charged with a squirrell sejant gules, holding a nut, a crescent for difference. George Cresswell, of Cresswell, co. Northumberland. == Robert Cresswell. = Elizabeth, daughter to Thomas, | Lord Lumley. Percival Cress-=Dorothy, daughter to . Flassall, well, 2nd son. Hanklowe, co. Chester. wife. =Oswyne Cresswell, of Cress-- =Jennet, dau. Eliza¬ Margaret, = =George Cress-= well, married to his 3rd to ..... beth, daughter to well, of Non wife, .......... daughter of Errington, wife J ohn. Dor- Keeling, in Sir Ralph Hedw r ortb, of 2nd wife. to ington, of Holdemess, Harraton. EscricK 1584. ter to Wm. Swinhoe, of Cornhill, co. North¬ umberland. —-1- I Thomas, Cresswell, mar. and had issue. r. John CreswelL 2. .. son. 3.* son. Margery, wife of .. Newton. Raphe Cresswell, son and —Elizabeth, dau. of heir, set. 20, 1584, living I - Ingleby, of 1612. I Hutton Rudby. 2. John. Tf I John. Catherine. Dorothy. I I George. Perceval. I- I 2. William * Richard, or Per * ceval, Cress¬ well, married and had issue. = Francis, Anne. George Cresswell , son—Katherine, daughter of and heir, now living Thomas Metkam , of 1612. Metham . 1 Margaret , [wife of John Constable* of Kirkby Knowle 1 ). ..!. (daughter, wife of Raphe Brigham t of IVyfohi ). Elisabeth* Mary . George Cresswell* 1394 . P- 99 - I 4 T S- fo- # 3 - 1420, fo. 76. I Additional from MS. 14S7. 15/r, fo. 630. 6070, ff. H20, 279. iS.oir, fo. 95. I 4 3 7 i fo. 312k VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN IJS4/5 AND l 6 l 2 . I49 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 , I 5° HOLDERNESS. MAYNE, OF ROWLSTON. Arms Argent, on a bend sable 3 dexter hand?, an annulet for difference. Thomas Mayne, of Rowlston, in Holde mess. = Christopher Mayne, of Rowlston. = Elizabeth, daughter to 1 .Daniel!. William Mayne, eldest son, sans issue. Marmaduke = Alice, dau. to Mayne, of Rowlston, in Holderness, living a 0 1584. Robert Wright, of Flinton. I T I 2. Thos. Mayne, Margery, married Eliza- Elizabeth, beth, daughter to.Curteis, of Burton. Marmadukis Meyne. 18,011, fo. 95#. 1487, fo. 235. 1394 . P- 99 - I 4 iS> f°- 83. I 4 2 °. 1571, fo. 64. 6070, fo. 279$. 1 .. dau. to Sir Wm. Constable, of Hatfield, MSS. 1487, 1415, 6070. Holderness. WENCELAGH, OF BRANDSBURTON. Arms Vert, 4 escallops in cross argent. John Wencelagh, 1 Hen. 4. = Joane. John de Wencelagh, 10 Hen. 5. — Johnde Wencelagh, the elder, of Brandsburton, in Holdemess. = johti Wencelagh, the younger, student of=Dame Cicely, wife to John Wencelagh; J the laws, and of council retained by the she lived a» 13 Edward IV., after her Lord Fitzhugh, ao 12 Hen. VI. I husband. William Wencelagh, mar¬ ried the daughter of . Ellerker, and died sans issue. John Wencelagh, 2nd = ... daughter to son, heir father. to his Hagthorpe, of Hagthorpe. William Wencelagh, of Brandsburton. = Christian, daughter to. Newaik. !- 1 -1-1 Ursula, daughter=George Wence-=Anne, dau. to Susan, married Jane,married to to Thos.or John Wentworth Kilnwick, wife. lagh, of Brandsburton, living 1584. Thomas Saltmarshe? of Salt- marshe, 2nd wife. to Walter Grimston, after to Gerard 1 Flinton, and lastly to Fran¬ cis Grimston. Robert 2 Hus¬ key, after to Thomas Sty- thinge, and 3rdly to Wm. Harrison. Alice. Elizabeth. John Wencelagh, eldest son, aet. 22 an. 1584. Mary. Frances. = Thomas Carliel | of Sewerby. Francis . Thomas. -1—1- Christopher. Hester. “ r~i Grace. Priscilla . George Wenslaye. Noverint universi, etc., me dominam Ceciliam Wencelagh, nuper uxorem Joliannis Wence¬ lagh, mododefuncti, relaxasse WillielraoWencelagh filio raeo totura ms, etc. Datan* 13 Ed. IV 18,011, fo. 96. 1487, fo. 311A 1394 . P- IO °- I 4 I 5 » 83A i 4 2 o» ^ 77 - 1571, fo. 64A 6070, fo. 280. 1 Geoffre)', MS. 1487. 2 Peter, MS. 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . *5* Holderness. THURLAND, OF GAMSTON. Arms: —Ermine, on a chief indented gules 3 Tau’s argent. Thomas Thurland, of Gamston. = Joan, daughter to Robert Willoughby, j of Wollaton. 1-'- ~ r ~] -1 Thomas Thurland, of= Isabel, daughter of. Alice. jane. Gamston. I Welby, of co. Lincoln. Dorothy. 1—1-1-'-—-n-;—1 1 James Edward Thur-=Olive, dau. of Thomas John. Jane. Thomas. land,of Gam- I Bertram, 2 of Norfolk. George. Katheriue. sion. 1 John Thurland. 18,011, 95^. 1487, fo. 188. 1394, p. 99. 1415, fo. 83. 1420, fo. 76 b. 157 1 , p. 208^. 6070, fo. 278. Tonge's Visit., p. 8. 1 MS. 1584. 2 Bretton, Tonge. Holderness. HEDON, OF MARTON. Arms :—Argent, a chevron between 3 men’s heads crined and bearded sable. Richard Hedon, of Marton = Isabella, daughter to .Thomson. in Holderness. John Hedon, =Anne, daughter to William Con- of Marton. | stable, of Frismarsh. dau. = Brian Hedon, of= Elinor, to Raphe Constable, of St. Se¬ pulchre’s, divorced. Marton, living ao 1584, married to Jane, dau. to Sir Ralph Ellerker, Knt., marshall of Bullin, and there slaine, 2nd wife. dau. to Robert Picker¬ ing, of Flam- burgh, 3 rdwife. 2. Thomas Hedon, mar. Mar¬ garet, dau. to Francis Constable, of Care- thorpe. Elinor, wife to . Thomas —.. dau. to Hedon. | Walker. rr" 1 Thos. He¬ don, of Cotting- ham, mar¬ ried Alice Flinton. Edward, married. Robert Hedon, married Jane, daughter to Edward St. Quintin, a younger house of Gansted. Henry Hedon, set. 8, an. 1584, now living,—Elinor, daughter of Robert Saltmarsh, ao 1612. I °f Saltmarsk. . —m 2. Henry. 3. William 4. John* 5. Francis . Philip . 2 I I Margaret. Mary. Alarmaduke Hedon, — Ellenor, dau. of son and heir , cet. Wm. Danvers , 13, 1612. of co. Wilts. 1 Henry Hedon. 18,011, fo. 96A 1487, fo. 58A 1394, p. TOI. 1415. fo. 83 b. 1420, fo. 7 7 - 5 . I 57 I » f°* 65. 6070, fo. 280^. 1 MS. 1571. 2 MS. 1415. Bryan Hedon. 152 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2, Holderness. HOLME, OF PAULL HOLME. Arms :—Quarterly, 1 and 4, barry of 6, or and azure, on a canton argent a chaplet gules. 2 and 3. Sable, a lion rampant argent, collared gules. John Holme, of Pauli Holme. =., daughter to Judge | Ellerker, of Risby. Robert Holme. = Margaret, daughter to Sir John Con¬ stable, of Halsham. Robert. Raphe. 2. John. 3. William. Stephen. 1 1 4. William = Katherine, dau. John Holme, — . Holme. I of Piers Hild- son and 1 of . yard. heir. Elland. John Holme, = Anne, daugh- of Pauli Holme, Esq. ter of Jas. Aislaby, of Bardell. I I William. Agnes, mar. to Paul A tkirke. Joan, wife to John Risby, of Barrow. Ann.dau.and co-heir, mar. to William Cheney, of Thorngum- bald. Johanna, dau. and co-heir, married to Ralph Rokeby. Katherine, = Edward Holme, of=Ann, daugh- 2. John daughter to Pagleholme, als. ter to Lyon Holme, William 1 Pauli Holme,in Hoi- Reresby.of married Tyrwhit, of demess, Esq.,J.P., Thriberg, Mary, Barton,Esq. living 1584, mar. to 3rd wife. dau. to his 2nd wife, Ann, . dau. to Sir Walter Trussell. Strickland, of Sizergh, • = in Westmorland. = I Katherine, mar¬ ried to Marma- duke Constable, and hath by him issue, after she mar. to John Moore, of York. Joane. 2 John, d. y. Margaret, wife ofGeo. Twisleton, of Barley. Ann. Hy. Holme, =Dorothy, 8th eldest son, 86^14,1584, now living 1612. daughter of Thomas Grimston.of Grimston Garth,Esq. I Christopher Holme , of Pauli Holme , mar ., dau. of Sir John Lang- ton , Knt . 71 Frances. ~rnr 2. Edward. Christopher Holme , Frances. cet. 21, 1612. Ann. Henry Holme. Dorothy. Elizabeth. Ma?y. Edward Holme. Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audiiuris Robertus de Holme salutem. Sciatis me confirmasse domino Ricardo Maleverer personce ecclesice de Guert quendam redditum in Weinsted. Testibus domino Johannie de Melsa, Roberto de Twire Johatine de Hedon , militibus, dat 23 Ed. III. i8,oii, fo. 97. fo. 65^. 1487, fo. 185^. 1394, p. 102. 1415, fo. 84. 1420, fo. 78. 1571, 0070, fo. 281. See Dugdale’s Visit., p. 129, and pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 Philip, MSS. 6070 1571. 2 MSS. 141?, 6070. ) St. QUINTIN, OF GANSTED, &c. Arms: —Gules, a cross vaire. Crbsx :—An eagle's bead couped vaire. Ralph Buck ton, of Hemswell, near Driffield. = William St. Quimin, of Gansted, ==Jane^ one of theco-heirs of and son. | Robert Twyer. Lucy Buck- ion, 1 mar. to Robert 1 Heneage. John St. Quin- tin, of Gan- sted,tbeeldest son of Wil¬ liam, married —Margaret, dan. and co¬ heir of Ralph Buckton, of Hemswell. = William St. Edmund, 4. Edward St. 5. Robert St. = Jane, 2nd Thos, St. Quintin, 3rd son, Quintin, of Quintin, of wife^dau. Quintin, mar.. 0. s. p. Acklam, on Gansted, in of. 6th son, of whose daughter to ike Woid, Holdemess, Sage, Wm.Ether- mar. Eliza¬ now living widow T to birth his ington, of beth, dan. 1584, mar., Raphe mother Driffield. and co-heir ist,Maude, Barton,of deceased, of William Levening, of Aeldam, on the Wold, by his 1st wife= daughter to Robt.Hogg, of Bilton, yeoman of the Guard. = Lost- marishjin Picker- ingLythe. married Jen nett, daughter to Wm. Smith. — t • I Margaret, wife to Robert Noddell. Elizabeth, wife to Thomas Goulsthorpe.* Ellinor, wife of Sir Matthew St. Quimin, of HarswelL r Joan and Mar¬ gery, twins. Joan, mar. to Robt.Dolman, of Pockling- ton; Margery, wife of Thos. Monketon, of Londesr- bo rough, y j [ I John St. Quintin, of Gansted, married ..daughter to Edmund St. Quintin, 3rd son to John St. Quin¬ tan, of Harpham. Jane. Elizabeth. 1 \ r 1 t Nil John St. Quintin, son of Edward, mar. Dorothy, daughter to Sir George Griffith, of Wichnor, widow to Gabriel St. Quintin, of Harpham. Jane, wife of Robert He- don, of Gansted, a younger brother, Elizabeth. Katherine. Yl William and Ed¬ mund, sans issue. j—i- I I William, sans issue. Hugh St. Qtiintin, aet.i5an, 1584. Eli nor, wife of Wm. Levening. I Anne Leven¬ ing, wife of Richard Gower, of Stittenhara. William Monketon 3 Christopher Monketon.* Eleanor Monketon. 3 18, or 1, fo. 98. 1487, fo. 53#. 1394, pp. Sr, 103. 1415, fo. 76A 142a ff. 63, 79. 157Z, ff. 52, 67. pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 Additional. 2 CoulthuTSt, MS. 607 a 3 MS. 1415 . Robert St. Quintin, 6070, fo. 265. See the _-A. n_x ■ GRIMSTON, OF GRIMSTON GARTH. Arms ■—Argent, on a fesse sable 3 spur-rowels of six points or, pierced g]jles. Crest On an esquire’s helmet, mantled emme, a stag s head couped. Thomas Gtimston, of Grimston .=Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Girlington, of Hackforth. 4sa? : 5^ 'isvzz Constable. 1 of Plowland. of Hemsley. 1584- _^___,— --- 1 r I ! -[—1—l I l k 2. Francis. = 3. John. 3 — 4. Mar mad Like. Sir Marmaduke Grim-= Frances, daugh- ston, of Grimston , in ter of George Holder ness, eldest son, Gill, of Widdia l living 1584, Knt ., mar- Hall , co, Herts, tied Elizabeth> da ugh- Esq. ter of Wm. Hun gate, 2nd wife . 2. Thomas Grimston, mar . Frances. dau, of George Strelley, 0. s . p. 3. John, mar... ‘daughter of Gwen. 4. Tbwaytes. 6. Christopher, Esq. married . dau. and heir of [Martin*) Bamy, of Gunston, co. Norfolk .= r l i t 1 1 , Walter Grimston, jane, wife of Cicely, wife of ctk son, married ]ohn Hop- Robt. Sait- ■ ■" ■ ? torijOfArm- marsh, of lev Hall, in Saltmarsh. the West Katherine. Riding. Dorothy, Ellinor, wife of William Thornton, of Newton, in Rydale. (Dorothy 5 ) 4 au,and co-heir of ( Marma¬ duke 5 ) Thirkeld, of Easthorpe . Thomas Grimston, sans issue, o. s. p. Marmaduke Grimston , son and heir, Signed his ped.gree, .61s. Allertonshire. MALLORY, OF STUD LEY. r]y a i and 6. Or, a lion rampant doablequened gales, gorged ™th a ducal coronet argent, “25 Conyers 3. Sable, an eagle displayed or t Nonwick. *■ Argent, a bend engrailed between 6 martlets sable, 1 empest. S- rrtiillnte afrcrPIlt. TY AS.HTVOTON1 Asms Conyers, of Ho ton vuiijcjs. j. ua-u^, - “-r —j 2 bars and in chief 3 mullets pierced argent, Washington. Crest On a torce, or and gules, a horse's head couped gules. Rober t Conyers t of Baton Conyers. Thomas Conyers, — Sir Robert Nunwick or Manwick, Knt. - Ralph de Nunwick . = —Robert Conyers. = Sir Roger de Nunwick, Knt. = Sir Thomas Mallory, KnL=.d aughter of the Lord Zouche. __ Sir Christopher Mallory, Knt. = Joans, daughter and co-heir of Robert Conyers , az. % a mannch erm. Ralph de Nunwick. — Sir William Mallory,. Knt . t = Katherine, dau. and co-heir of Ralph de Nunwick, Knt son and heir. Alice, 1 wife to Adam Norton. William Mallory. 12 =.. daughter of Sir .Plumpton, Knt. Isabella, 1 wife of Sir John Savile , Knt. William, or Richard Tempest,= Elinor, dau. and heir of Sir Wil- of StudleyKnt. J ham Washington, Knt. William Mallory, of Studley. = Dionisia, daughter and co-heir of William or Richard Tempest, of Studley. Isabel, daughter and co-heir {married to Richard Norton , of Norton Conyers 1 ). r-rn-rn- Thomas, William, s.p. George. Robert, ob, Richard. puer. Christopher. Sir John Mallory, = Elizabeth, daughter Henry. Knt., of Stud- I of Sir William ley. | Curwen 3 . Ellinor. ~Sp. Elizabeth,*./. Margaret, married to Isabel, s.p. loan. Sft-John Constable, r J Holdemess. John, o. s p. Robert, s.p. Sir William Mallory, of St udley.= ] oan, daughter to Sir John Constable, of Halsham. Joan, j. p. . dau. to Sir Richard=.daughter of..=Sir iJhn Mallory, =M^ar^daughter of Sir Yorke, 4th wife to Sir j Reade,of Burshali, in co, j of Studley, Knt. Hugh Hastings, of Fen- T > - John Mallory. , — * Oxon, 3 rd wife. f I wick, and wife. 1 Wold, 1st wife. A B C - 4 - VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND x6l2. A i - George Mallory* of Tickall, or Tkirkell . ( n-' Sampson Mallory. Frances Mallory, 3rd wife to Thos. WvnaU, of Lover- sail T5 _/ D Christopher 4 Mallory, =. Joan, daughter of Sir J ohm Mallory, of Tkirkell, 2nd son, j married to Thomas Slingsby, of Scriven. Sir William Mallory, =Jane, dau. to Sir ofStudlev, Knt. L John Norton, of | No Norton, Knt. Jane, wife to Nicholas Rudston, of Hay- ton, Esq. Anne, wife to Sir Wm. Ingleby, of Ripley, Knt. Frances, wifeofNinian Staveley, of Stave- ley, nr. Ripon Park. Christopher Mal¬ lory, married Margery, dan. to Sir Christo¬ pher Dauby. Knt, and died sans issue. Sir William Mallory, of Studley, Knt., 2nd son, heir to his brother, living 1584, married Ursula, dau. to George Gale, of York, master of the mint there. — Margaret, wife to John Conyers, of Hoton-on- Wiske, and had Chris¬ topher, who mar. the sister ofCardinal A lien , Elizabeth, wife to Sir Robert Stapleton, of Wighill, after to Sir Marmaduke Slingsby. ——1—1 Dorothy, wife to Sir George Bowes, of Streatlam. Katherine, wife to Sir George 5 Rat- cliffe, of Carting- ton, Knt. 1 [ Jane, eldest daugh¬ ter, married to Thos. Lascetles, of Brakenburgh, and Sower by, Esq. Anne, j i 1 5. Elizabeth* sans issue. 6. Julian 7. Elizabeth, s.p. John Mallory, - eldest son and heir, esq., a° 1585, liv¬ ing l610. Ann, daughter to William, Lord Eure. 2. William, s.p. 3. Christopher, s.p. 4. George. 5. Christopher. Christopher, s.p. - 1 I ! J- 6 . Thomas. 7. Robert*^/. 8. Peter, s.p. 9. Francis. 3. Dorothy. 4. Ellinor, wife of Robert Dolman, 1st son of Thos., of Pocklington. William Mallory, —Alice, daughter of Sir 2. John, s.p. 4. Robert Mallory eldest son, set. 7, an. 1585. fames Bellingham , 3. Christopher. Knt., and they have issue. ma r . to . _ daughter of . Widdring- ton. 1 1 1 1 1 5. Peter. 6. George . 7. Edward. 8 . Ralfe. 9. Timothy. Tripkena, 2. Ursula. Stephan a y wife eldest dau. 3. Troth. of ... 4. Jane. Warcop. 5. Olive. William Mallory, at.—Mary, daughter of Sir Guy fohn Mallory, 1 year Thomas, died 9 an. 1612, eldest son. Palmes, of Askwell, co. old , a* 1612. young. 1 Rutland. 10,011, fo. 99. 1487, fo. 3135, 1394, p. 37. 1415, fo. 85. 1420, fo. 80. 1499, fo. 34, 4630, p. 377, See Tong’s Visitation, pp. 5T, 52. 1 MSS 157^, 6070. 2 MSS. 1415, 1487,1571, and 6070, giv^s this generation, which is omitted in 18,0x1. name mentioned in 18,011. * IIS. 1487, states him to be a son of the 2nd wiie. Alice , married to Richard Agnes , died Aldburgh, ofAldburghf young. 1 William Maloryje. r57ij £f. 68, 246. 6070, fo. 261. 3 Hamerbon in MSS. 1415, 15n, 6070, but no 5 William* MS. 1487. On VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 * WILBERFOSSE. Hartiiill. ... „ l TiLiir . tTML-ju.. Tiflhnit filium srnim Willielmum, out Willielmus habuit filiam nomine Margatetam, quae maritata tarfoss, Petrum Wilberfoss, RogemmW £££ fi Mum nomin e johannem. Isle Johannes habuit prsediclo comite et comes de Rege. Et totum residuum tcnetur per dominum de Kyme. Harthill, WILBERFOSS, OF WILBERFOSS AND BRIGHAM. Arms: —Argent, an eagle displayed sable, beaked and membred proper. Philippas Kytne, dominus de Wilb erfos. = = WiilidmuS Kvme.~ Algeri 1 Wilberfos. = Margaret, daughter of William Kyme. Henri cus Wilberfos. = Willielmus Wilberfos, = Symonis Wilberfos. = Robertus Wilberfos, — GilbertusT" Petrus Rogerus. Willielmus. Hugo. Ilgerus. Lawrentius Wilberfos. = Johannes 3 Wil berfos. = = Ilgerus Wilberfos. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4/5 A f Thomas Lacy, of Folketon, son of William, 27 Hen. VTI _ , _ ___ ' |.* daughter to Sir Thomas Gower, ^Stltnam. R hiSS: * «“»—w>«. Launcelot Lacy, of Sherborne, in Pickerin * see Visitation, 1612, post. [ - * -- - - R o^fe= K » t\rf- ^-fJohnAisUhy. in Dicker- madulteThirkeld, Margaret, wife of John of Esthorpe. Dobson, of Newcastle, __ merchant 2. Robert Lacy, of Scar¬ borough, — 3. Ralph Lacy, of Preston, co. Lancaster, a priest in Dicker¬ ing, now living 1584. I I r Barbara, set f-a- year old, 1584. John Lacy , of Folketon, o.s.p.. (2. K. James?) I Barbara, wife of Allen Russell, of London, milliner. Ellinor, wife 0 f John Wolfe, of Scarborough. Mary, wife of Anthony HarrisoiijOf Flixton. Jane, wife of Tohn Whalley, of S borough, gent. John, P< *etronelL a. Mary , dan, and co heir ®*/f to William St. Quintm, of Harpkam. 3. Eoerell, daughter and co-heir, wi r e to Herbert St. Quintan, a younger brother of the said William. ■Hie additioDs to this pedigree are not from Visitation idia. RoBT ‘ Lacv - H > H O S 5 O YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND 1612. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 162 Dickering. ST. QUINTIN, OF HARPHAM. Arms Or, a chevron gules, a chief vaire. Crest:—O ut of a ducal coronet, gules, a fluted column between 2 horns or, therein a pease flower ppr. stalked and leaved vert. 1 Roger Estouteville. =. Ancell Es- toutevill, 0. s. p. Alicia, wife of Roger Moreby. Herbert St. = Agnes, Quintin, Ed. 1. sister and co-heir. Isabell, wife of Roger Colville. Gertrude, 2 mar¬ ried to John Bassingham. Herbert St. Quintin, eldest son. AlexanderSt. Quintin, tawhom=Margaret, dau. of ye his mother gave the manor I Knight of Blanche of Harpham, temp. Ed. II. Minster. William St. Quintin, temp. Ed. IIL=. TT1 William. Ancell. John. Geoffrey St. Quintin, temp. Ed. III. = . Geoffrey St. Quin tin, temp. Ed. III. = . William St. Quintin, temp. Rich. II.=Joan Thomas St. Quintin, temp. Rich. II. = Agnes, dau. of Thomas St. Quintin, temp. Hen. V. =. Anthony St. Quintin, temp. Hen. V. =.«* 3 Anthony St.Quintin, temp. Hen. V. , Mauley. lohn St. Quintin, of Harpham, temp. Rich. III. = dau. and co-heir of J j Holme, of Pauli Holme. Tohn St. Quintin, temp. = Elinor, daughter and co-heir of Hen. VII. I Edmond Thwaits,of Lunde. Tohn St. Quintin, = Margery, dau. of Sir Robert temp. Hen. VII. I Constable, of Flamborough. William St. Quintin, vide page 176. n-1 Walter. Herbert. Edward. 4 Sir ^William St. Quintin, temp. Hen . VIII. = Dorothy, dau. to Sir Brian Hastings. Anne, wife of Gabriel St.=Dorothy,dau. Frances,mar. c\:~ T/T/^ Amintin to Sir Geo. to Francis Margery, married to Matthew, _ „ see p. 127. Thos.Jack- Anthony. son.ofGan- thorpe, a Is. Lassells. Sir Wm. Babthorpe, Knt. Dorothy. Mary. Quintin. of Harp¬ ham, esq, to Sir Geo. Griffith, of Wichnor, and of Ag¬ nes Burton. to Francis H ungate, of Harp¬ ham. Margaret, mar. toThos, VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2, 163 George St. Quin-=Agnes, dau. to tin, of Harp- ham, esq., now living a<> 1584. Win. Creyke, of Cotting- ham. 2. Ancell. Matthew,and William, sans issue. Frances, wife of Robert Nod- dell, of Gan- sted. William St. Quin-=Mary, dau. of 2. Herbert=Everill, daughter of tin r&t r on T , . r * J , tin, aet. 5 an. 1584, and living 1618. 1- 2. William. Robert Lacy, of Folketon, and co-heir to her brother, John Lacy, of Folketon,Esq. St. Quin- tin. Robert Lacy, a?id sister to Mary, and sister and co¬ heir of John Lacy , of Folketon. —m Anne. Margery, sans issue 1 1 1 3. Gabriel. Alice. Dorothy. Henry St. Quintin, son and Dorothy, heir, cet. 7, an. 1612. Wm, St. Quintin. George St. Quintin. 18,011, fo. 101 b. 1487, fo. 5 3 J. 1394, p. 108. 1415, fo. 8 6b. 1420, fo. 82^. I 57 I » “• 7 °^» 207* 6070, fo. 264. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 135, and this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 Robert, MSS. 1415, 6070. 2 Gundred, MS. 1415. 3 This generation not in MS. 1487. 4 Edmond, MSS. 1415, 1571. Dikeringe. CREYKE, OF COTTINGHAM. Crest: —An eagle sable, standing on a garb fesseways or. William Creyke, of Cottingham, = Frances, daughter to Sir William co. York, Esq. | Babthorpe, of Osgodby. Agnes, wife of Geo. St. Quin¬ tin, ofHarpham, Esq. Katherine,daugh-=*Ralph Creyke, of Cotting-—Ann, daughter nrn *- 1 *- J - - • of George Pate, of Flamburgh, 2nd wife. ter of Thomas Crathome, of Crathome. Robt. Creyke, 2 eldest son, aet. 8, ann. 1584, now living, 1612. ■ Margaret, dau. Of . Thornborough. + ha?n and Marton, in the I liberty of Peter Hold, 1 j living 1584 and 1612. 2. Edward, j p. 3. Thomas. 3 4. William. 4 Alexander. Gregory. Everild, wife of Chris¬ topher Maltby, Esq. = 2. Priscilla. Ja, Ralph —Mary, daughter Creyke . of John Gam¬ ble, sister to Dorcas. William Creyke, of Cot-—Dorcas, dau. of tingham, now living, 1656, of the City of York, mercer. Jno. Gamble, of Lofthouse, co. York. -m Catherine , Everild. Frances. James, son and heir, cet. 8, an. 1656. 6 Robert. William. Dorcas. Mary. Margaret. Raulf Creyke. 18,011, fo. 102. 1487, fo. 270 b. 1394, fo. 109. 1415, fo. 8 6b. 1420, fo. 83. 1571, fo. 71. 6070. fo. 285. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 328, and pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 Three carucates held of the liberty of St. Peter, co. York. 2 1571 states his wife to have been Mary, daughter of.Medcalfe, of Nappa, in Wensleydale. 3 Slain beyond sea, MS. 1571. 4 A captain, j. /., MS. 1571. S 1 year and a-half old in 1647, MS. 1571. BUCKKOSE, CONYERS, OF SOCKBURNE, &c. Sir Roger Conyers, came into England with William the Conqueror. = Roger Conyers. = Roger Conyers, lived temp. Hen. II. (of Hinton Conyers^ andSocktorne\^ j ■2. k tiger* Conyers, of irutfufi — Roger Conyers. == GaUridus Conyers, 5 Henry III. =Eiata* Robert Conyers, sold his inheritance to his unde, Galfridus. John Conyers. = of Sockburne. 1 j Elizabeth , wife of William de Surdevale* lysine prole. 2. GalfHdos, sine p role. 2. Sir Henry, or Humphrey, Conyers, of Sockburne, 55 Hen. Ilf - Eominus John Conyers, miles de Sockburne, 28 Edward Id = Elizabeth . -=John Conyers, eldest son. = Christian . a. Roger Conyers. 17 Edward //. y Sir William de Alton. = 1 , - -~d _ I . --,-*-1 1-^ 1 ^ T rv.« Tniln rnn — Fllrahpth dau William Constance, or Anas - Katherine, ! S&,. r».- «■*.*»—os. mar, to Robt. Colvile. = _ J Herle, sans issue. issue. Sock- borne. to Sir William de Alton. Sir William CoMle. = \ _1 Sir Ri< J ohn Colvile. = i " r Bromflett, nt aui Edward St. John, Ralph Eur& .. Sekardor Robert Conyers. Lord=lsaU, daughter and Elizabeth married to Margaret manied to of Sockburne, a° 1437A ^ co-beir, 7 H en. VI. . Aske.-_ 0 r 1 , rvilirile married to John 1 loan Colvile, Sir Wm? Sir Christopher Con-= Mary daughter of Sir 15 Wande 'fori, o/ZrLngt/nl J Maleverer , of WodersomI yers. J WdhamEure. Conan Aske. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4 /S AND I ^ 12 * WilliamCon-=Agues* daughter of Ralph Isabel Elizabeth yers. J Bigod, of Settrington. Joan. 2 . Robert. 3. Humfrey, 8 had issue a bastard. Maude, married to ..Wilberfoss. Christopher Con--Anne, dau. of 4. John Con¬ yers. =, yers, feld. ..Marken- 2. Ralph. 3. George. 4. Robert. 5. Roger. 6 Richard. Thomas Conyers, of= Margaret, dau. Jane, wife of . Joan, married to 7. Cuthbert Con¬ yers, sheriff of the Bishoprick ofDur¬ ham, = X -n— Jane. 9 Mary. Margaret. Agnes. John Con-= .. daughter of yers. " ** . Booth, of Old Durham . to Edward Radcliffe, of Carrington. Nicholas* Palmes. Mary, a nun. France r wife of . Lawson, of New¬ castle. Elizabeth, wife of . Conyers, of __ * nomas. the Bishoprick . = *&£.’%£ 3. nay. Sockbum, 1st son. married Elizabeth t daughter of ... Savile, 0. s. p. Scargill. Margaret, wife to John Normanville, s.p. Ralph . 2. John, 3. Matthew, 4. Cuthbert. 5. George. 6. Thomas. Ralph Conyers, married to ...... Metcalfe > Sir Conyers, of Sockbume. Warren gtU. Francis, son and heir, 1564.^ Frances, wife to John* Sayer. r 2. Sir John=(^efi), dau . ‘ 3, Robert. Conyers, of (George 1 ) 4. Thomas. Ant., of Bowes, of 5. William. Sockbume. Stretlam. 6. Roger. of Ml Merreyf* of Durham. yers, an auditor in London. . dau., wife of (Sir*) Titos. Riddell, of Newcastle. John . r Hel¬ lish, of CO. Surrey . Conyers, Henry Ask- with x of Ncio- st cad, co. York . ll 7. Christopher mor, Eliacklhot-lap Thos. Conyers (of East Barnet, 1. Ralph. 5. Richard, duxit in uxorem Isabellam a. James . 6. William . filiam Briani Askwith de 3. George. 1. Margaret. Osgedby, co. Ebor. 1 ) = 4. Edward. —rx. 1 -r* 2. John. Sir George Con - 3. yers, of Sock - 4. Ralph. burne, 1613, 5 - William Knt., married All s. p. Katherine,dau. ofA nikonyBul- mer t of Tursdale. _ / 8 00 °' fo - Iir - fo. 349. 1415. fo. 87. 1420, fo. 91. r S7 i, fo. 221 i. 6070, fo. 227. .. * dau., . daughter, wife of Sir wife of Robt. William Harrington. Rennet,Knt. ., daughter , . dau., wife to Jno. 1 * Law- son, of Newsome, Catherine, wife of John Belles, of Scampton, co. o-, Lincoln 1 w *fe of .. Isabel, wife of Wil- Strother. Ham Pert, of Moninessinge, co. Essex, 1 Elizabeth, wife of Sir Robert Berkeley, one of the justices of the Kings Ben " ' VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I5S4/5 AND l6l2. i66 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2, Dykering. THORNHOLME, OF HAYSTHORPE. Arms:—A rgent, 3 thorn trees vert, 2 and 1. Crest On a mound vert, a tower argent. Literae patentes concessae per Willielmum Flower, Norroy, Johanni Thornholme, dat anno Domini 1563, a° 5 Reginae Elizabethae. John 1 Thornholme, of Asthorp, or Haysthorpe. — John Thornholme, of Asthorpe, living 7 Hen. V.= 1 1 1 John. Thomas Thornholme, of Asthorpe, 9 Hen. VI. = 1- 1 Thomas Thornholme, of Haysthorpe, 2=Elizabeth, daughter of John Ellerker, of Ed. IV. | Moretowne. Walter Thornholme, of Haysthorpe. 2 = Thomas Thornholme, of Thornholme and = Ellinor, daughter to Sir William Con- Haysthorpe, Inq. 32 Hen. VIII. | stable, of Hatfield. 1- 1 -1 John Thornholme, of Thornholme=Agnes, eldest dau. of Sir Francis Maude, and Haysthorpe, Esq., 1585. | Salveyn, Knt. 1---*-1 Katherine, eldest daughter, mar. to Sir Margaret, 2nd daughter, wife Wm.Calverley, son and heir to Walter to Christopher Calverley, Calverley, of Calverley, co. York, Esq. younger brother to William. John Thorneholme. 18,011, fo. ioo£. 1487, fo. 304. 1394, p. 106. 1415, fo. 86. 1420, fo. 81 b. 1571, fo. 69A 6070, fo. 284^. 1 Thomas, MS. 1571. 2 MS. 141$. 1 \TtTT?T> T"\T r* TT* STRICKLAND, OF BOYNTON. Arms:— Gules, a chevron or between 3 crosses pat6e argent, on a canton ermine a stag’s head erased sable, attired or. Crest :—On a torce argent and azure, a turkey cock argent, crested and wattled gules, membered sable. Insignia concessa Willielmo Strickland de Boynton super le Wold, per Willielmum Harvey, regem armorum, per literas patentes dat anno 4 Ed. sexti, 15 die Aprilis sibi ct posteritati suo. Roger Strickland, of Marske.— Mary, daughter of . Appleton . 1----- ' William Strickland, of Boynton on the = Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Walter Strick- Wold, co. York, gent, 1585. | land, of Sizergh, 00. Westmoreland. 1 1 Thomas. Katherine. Frances , uxor . Metcalf and had issue. Walter Strick-—Frances, dau. William Strick-— ., dau , land,of Boyn¬ ton, living ao 1612. of Peter Wentworth , of Lilling- ston, co. Ox on William Strick¬ land, eet. i6, an. 1612, Knt. and Bart., a 0 1641. 18,011, fo. ioi£. 2. Walter. 3. Thomas. 1487, fo. 5 7b. Anne , dead. —1—1—1—1 Melchia. Cezia^ Frances. Ursula. land, ind son, manned . Mansfield. = Michael. Of Carliel. -T"T—| Walter. Robert. Henry. r ‘1 V” - 415 * fo * I394, p - io 9 - 1 S 7 1 > fo, 71 b. 6070, to. 286. See Dugdale s Visitation, p. 112, and the pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. T VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l6l2. 167 Dykeringe. BRIGHAM, OF BRIGHAM. Arms: Argent, a fesse sable between 3 trefoiles slipped gules. Promisit se missurum arraa Londinum. Walter Brigham, of Brigham. — Robert Brigham. = John. l- > Theobald de Brigham. — l- ) Hugh Brigham, without date. = Cleopatra, wife of Peter, son of Ralph de Rise. Theobald de Brigham. = I Alice, wife of Robert of Beatnath? I --—-——■ -J Sir William Brigham, Knt., made his will 1277. =Emma, dau. ofJohnMore, is t wife. I -- Theobald de Brigham, livedo Maude, daughter of Sir Amande de Ruda temp. Ed. I. and II. J alias Routhe. 'll 1 r~ Robert. Richard. Thomas. Theobald. William de—Joane Brigham, son and heir, temp. Ed. III. John de—Elizabeth Brigham. Elizabeth. William de Brigham,mar¬ ried Agnes ., and died without issue. Joane, wife of Bartholo¬ mew de Fanacourt. Cecely, wife to Hugh Thorn- holme. John Brigham, cousin and heir to William de Brig¬ ham, living 2 Hen. V. = William de Brigham, temp. Hen. V. = _ ) Sir John Brigham, of Brigham, =., daughter of . Gart on, of Garten, cousin temp. Hen. VI. I and heir to William de Garton , of Holderness | 3 Hen. VII. _ William Brigham, of Brig¬ ham, co, York, a° 9 Hen. VII., 0. s.p. George Brigham of Brigham, = Elizabeth, dau. oj heir of his brother, proved by I Thomas Grimston, a deed, 10 H. VII. | of Grimston. Theobald Brigham, of Brigham. =. . ,dau. of (Edward 1 ) Roos,of Routh, etposteaheer. George Brigham, eldest Sir Ralph Brigham, of=Isabell, dau. and co-heir to William son, sans issue. Brigham, Knt. I Grimston, of Cottingham, alter mar. to John Nicholson. 1 ‘ ■- K - Francis Brigham, of Brigham, = Margaret, dau. to Gilbert*Warter, now living, 1584. of Cranswick. Margery. Ralph Brigham, eldest Son, aet. 1 year=Mary, daughter of Ralph Cress- Alice. 1584, now living, 1612. | well, of Nun Keeling. 1 * --1-j Henry, cet. 1, ao 1612. Mary. Margaret. Francis Brigham. H(Bc Indentiira testatnrquod tu=nc Bartholomew de Fanacourt chevalier et Johanna filia Willielmifolii Theobaldi de Brigham concesserunt et demiserunt prcedicto IVillielmo filio Theobaldi , manerium de Brigham exceptis duobus messuagiis et septem bovatis terra trescentis aerie prati centum et quinquaginta acris pastures cum pertinentibus in eodem manerio etc. Dat apud Brigham 33 Edward III. 18,011, fo. 103^. 1487, ff. 310, 3101*. 1394, pp. n 3> II5 . I4I5( fo 8 1420, fo. 84b. 1571. fo. 72. 6070, ff. 286^, 362 b, 363. For Charters see MS. 6070 1 MS. 6070. 2 Bratwath, Visitation 1612. 3 William, Visitation 1612. I-1- William. Francis. Ralfe Brigham. L l68 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 BUCKROSE. NORMANVILLE, OF KIRKHAM. Arms:— Argent, on a fesse between 2 bars gemelles gules 3 fleurs-de-lis of the first, over all a bar sinister azure. Sir John Normanvill, of Kilnwick, co. York, had 5 sons, bastards. = i'-r^' t Thomas, Richard, Henry, 2nd son, 3rd son, 4th son, nothus nothus nothus sans sans sans issue. issue. issue. John Nor- = Isabell manvill, of A ~"'' Stitenham, in Buliner- shire, base son. —a 1 1 j William Norman- =Alice, daughter of Anne, wife to vill, of Kirkham, I John Wise, of Edward Kirk, Ric daughter to Brian Boys, 1 of North¬ umberland. l Robert, 5th son, nothus sans issue Elizabeth, wife to Peter Normanvill, of Kilnwick. living 1584. Richmondshire. of Howsham. Dionisia, wife to Ed¬ ward Buttress, now a widow, 1584. £ ohn. ;dward. —r~i Ann. Isabell. ----- Thomas Normanvill, eldest 2. Francis, son, set. 17, an. 1584. 3 * William. 18,011, fo. 104. 1487, fo. 1953. 1394, P- 42. I 4 JS> fo - x 4 «°» fo * 8 5 - X 57 L fo. 72 b. 6070, fo. 287. 1 Tine in MSS. IAI<. 1487. Buckrose. GOURLEY, OF SUTTON GRANGE. Gilbert Gourley, of the county =... of Cumberland. I ____ l _ William Gourley, of Sutton=Ann, daughter to Grange, co. York, Esq., a . Strange, valiant captain in sundry of St. Albans, martial services, both at co. Herts, home and abroad, living a° 1588. ..., daughter of .... Patison. 1 1 2. William,mar. Jane, daugh¬ ter to . Watson. 3. Thomas. Mary, some¬ time wife to William Somersale. William Gourley. 18,011, fo. 104$. 1487, fo. 301. 1394, P- no- I 4 I 5 * fo- 88 - I 420, lo. 85^ 1571, fo. 73. 6070, fo. 287^. Buckrose. TUNSTALL, OF SCARGILL. Arms:—S able, 3 combs argent. . Tunstall. =. Sir Richard Tunstall. = . 2. Thomas Tunstall. =. jf Willi am, sans issue. 1. Thomas, sans issue. 2. Brian Tun-= Isabel, daughter of Margaret stall. Boynton, co-heir to Sir Mar¬ tin de la See. Marmaduke = Mary, daughter and co-heir to Sir Tunstall. | Robert Scargill. Bryan Tunstall, Anne. Francis. 18,011, fo. 104^. Anne. 1394, p. 21. 6070, fo. 288. 1415, fo. 88. 1420, fo. 85A Tong’s Visitation, pp. 95, 96. 1499, fo. 47^. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 169 SKELTON, OF FLAMBOROUGH. Arms: —Azure, on a fesse between 3 fleurs-de-lis or, a Cornish chough sable, beaked and merabered gules. Crest: —On a torce, argent and azure, a chough’s head erased, as in the arms, holding an oak branch vert, fructed or. .. dau. of.= Peter Skelton, of = Mary, daughter to Gil-=Anne, daughter to Ramsdall (1st | Flamborough, liv- I bert Leigh, of Midle- I .Holgate wife). 1 - J ing 1584. | ton (2nd wife). (3rd wife). Grace. Thos. Skelton, eldest — Jane, dau. of Seth 2. John. 3. Gervase. Jane. son, set. 18 an. 1585, Holme, of Hun- Mary. ob. in vita patris. tington, Esq. Frances. 1 1 1 1 Seth Skelton, oj Osmanthorpe, a^^Mary, daughter of Israel Ford, Mary. 1612. I of Hadley. Grace. William Skelton, son and heir, of Sax¬ ton, Esq. I Sotheby. of Bird- sall, 1584, eldest son. Anthony Bird, of Newcastle, merchant, and widow of Eras. Thorpe, of Birdsall. Sotheby, student in the In¬ ner Tem¬ ple, 1584, now of Worces¬ tershire o. s . p. Sotheby, mer¬ chant at York, mar- Isabel, daughter to T ohnN ewton, of York.= Wm. Daniel, of lington diving Beswick. Eliza- Mary, wife to beth, dau. of Barney Wood, Robert Hun- of Kilnwick. gate, a youn- Anne, wife to Wm. ger ' son of Oglethorpe, of Saxton. = Oglethorpe Hall. Holme, of Hun¬ tington, near York. Bridget, wife to Gervase Lee, of Southwell, co. Notts. ■ l~r n Robt. Wm. Grace. Isabel. Robert Sotheby, = Catherine, dau. son and heir, of Wm.Pay- set. 5 an. 1534. ^er, of York. nozv living, 1612. Mary, wife to Wm , Hungafe r of Walton. Grace/ dau. Robert Sothe-= 3 W, &*-*/ t _ 1— .Krr Phil 2. John Sotheby. Robert Sotheby, &t. 9 a a 1012. Robert Sow they. — rn , Isabel . Elisabeth. and co-heir. Mary , da. & co-heir, mar. to . ..Herbert, of Beltkorpe . Ma rgar el* dau. and co¬ heir. by, eldest son, cet. 29, 1612. Sir Philip Constable, KniA 2. William, a. John. Grace. Marmaduke. Henry. Robert. Isabel 4 wife to John Bishop , of Pockling - ton. Jane f wife to John Talbotfof Thorn ion 7 j. 6070, fo. 3370. 18,011. p. 105#. t;^ 1 island the "pedigree at largeln ^nyYoikslUre c'oUeclion. „ , Tirn; am Afc t .q- & These two sons, their marriages and issue are taken from MS. 1571. _ ti VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND lGl 2 , Buckjeosr. MONKTON, OF WHARRAM GRANGE. Asms : Sable, on a chevron between j martlets or as many mullets of the first, a crescent for difference. x nomas ra omuon. — Robert Monkton, eldest son. John Monkton,* ofco. Lincoln, 2nd son. = ----—- 1 Anthony Monkton, of West Rasen, co. Lincoln. = Helena, daughter to William Haslewood, of Hayton, co. York. F T T Robert Monkton, — Margaret, daugh- Tohn Monkton rt-F TirU___ x_ rni J -- 1 of Wharram Grange, co. York, lining 1584- ter to Thomas Booth, of Bishop Norton* co. Lin¬ coln. 2nd son of Kelsey, co* Lincoln. 3. Anthony* 4. Philip. Katherine, mar- Margaret* mar- Helena*wife of ried to Thomas ried to Tbos. Christopher Horne, of Pil- Bay, of Wad- Gower* of ham, co. Lin- desley, co. Pontefract, coin. LincoLn, I William Monkton, eldest =Elizabeth, dough - son, set. 15, 15-84* of] ter of ...... Pope, Layton, now living 1612. | of Surrey. 77] Agnes* married to Richard Binny, or Bury, of Kel¬ sey, co. Lincoln. Barbara, married to Wil¬ liam Sealer of Stowe* co. Lincoln. 2. Philip Monkton, (mar¬ ried Ji ’ ' ' *oan y daughter of Rudston*), I 3* Anthony. Mary* wife of Robert Sotheby, of Yap - Helen, wife of RoberiMidd- ton . Michael, eel. 14 an. 1612. Robert. Gres ltd. Frances. Dorothy t Margaret . Robert Monkton* 18,011, fo. 106. 1487, fo. 297. i 394 , p> iio . 1415* fo. m. 1420* fo. m. r 57 i* fo, 75. 6070* fo. 331* 1 Ol Cavillj co* York* MS. r 4 i S . a Additional from MS. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l6l2. ca** —^ iCL ‘ ‘ ' ■' Buckrose Noverint universi quod eso Johannes filius et heres domini Thom* de West Lutton militis concessi pro me et heredibus meis, de* Fancrfoss filio Tacobi dc Ho^pitali Fangfoss et heredibus suis, totum jus quod habui seu habere polero in qutnque toftis et 8 bovatS^S acris el dimiriio teL; in villa et territorio de West Lutton. Data apud West Lutton die mercun. pnrnapost festuni SancU Sivhhhlr ErriscopT an" regniregisEdwardi fflii regis Henrici *8. His testibus, Thoma Playce. Wdl.elmo de Shirborne, johanne Bard. Hugone de Lintin, Willielmo le Sturmy de Lonnesburgh. Willielmo de Lutton. LUTTON, OF KNAPTON AND OSGODBY. Arsis s—G ules, a chevron argent between 3 crosses patee or. Crest On ike stump of a tree, or ,; a peacock siatant pprX Thomas Lutton, of Knapton, eo. York, = i h Roberto croft is et Ralph Lutton, of Knapton. =. Edith, or Elizabeth, daughter to --Thomson. i, Francis\ son and heir. 2. Philip Lutton, = Anne, daughter 3. Ralph Lut -—Elizabeth, ■ x I *"1 Mary, wife to Elizabeths wife Grace, wife to RobertAtkin- to George Wm.Skellay, son, of Agnes Kaye, of of Crome, Burton. Hugget, on co. York. _Yorke Wold.* '---- - ■ r~l of Knapton. living 15S4, and 1612. of Robert Appleby, of Kildale. ton, of Os~ godbyg dav. of Hy. Kaye, of Osgodhy. Henry Lutton, Ralph Lutton, —Margaret, dau . son and heir, now living l612. of Robert Dakyns, in the Wolde. 3. Henry? 4. William, of Lo ndon ? 5. Philip? Philip, 4 years old 1616. 2 Phillip Lutton. 1, Thomasine, wife to Ralph Eldringtongf Ugguoamoy, in Black ti¬ mer e. - r-r~] 2. Elizabeth. 3. Mary, wife to John Saiunet of Skerne. 4. Anne? Ralph t son and heir, est. 17 an. 1612, 2. Francis. 3- FhiUp. 4, Thomas. Mary. Isabel , Elinor. Ralfe Lutton. Omnibus Christi fidelibusad quos presentesli terse pervenerint. Thomas de Lutton miles salutem in Domino sempitemam. Cum filius RaddlpM de “S Lutton de me tenuit 7 carucatas terra, cum pertinentibus in West Lutton per homagium et fidehtatem ton, fohanne Bard de Osgotby, et aids. Sine data. 18,011, fo. io6£. 1487, fo. 311. 1394. P- io ■ 88 ** I 4 2 °> fo - b 7 - *S 7 L fo - 75 &- &>TO’ fo - 2S 9 - l MS 1,187 2 MS, ic7i states his wife w^is a daughter of.Thornton, and had issue, Ralph, George, Philip, 1 homas, and Mar>. 3 . ’ ^ 1 ' , H™ clerk of Augram Grange, co. York, and pretendary o. York Cathedral. HU will dated S Feb , x 59 7 , and proved + Turk. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1564/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Buckecse. VISITATION OI YORKSHIRE IN I5S4/5 AND l 6 l 3 . i74 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 , Buckrose. BYGOD, OF SKAGELTHORPE. Arms Quarterly, 1 and 4. Or, on a cross engrailed gules 5 escallops argent 2 and 3. Or, a bend sable, a crescent for difference, Mallory. Crest: —A dolphin embowed or, swallowing a cap of maintenance argent, doubled gules, charged with 2 bars azure, and a crescent for difference. Edmund Bygod, of Scakelthorpe. = Edmund Bygod, of Scakelthorpe, co. = Margaret, daughter to Anthony York. | Young, of Craven. Symon By -=Susan, dau. god, of Sca¬ kelthorpe, now living, 1584, living 1612. of William Blackston, of Etton . 2. Francis. 3. Arthur. 4. Chris¬ topher. Agnes, wife of Richard Beilby, of Yedingham, co. York. Dorothy, wife of Richard Fawcett, of Copgrove, co. York. Margaret. Jane. Edmond Bygod, son and heir , oet. n, a 0 1612. Ann. Margaret. Katherine. Elizabeth. Sir Ralph Bygod, Knt .—Margaret, daughter of Sir Robert Plumpton, Knt. Henry Bigod, of Skagel - 2. Edward. 5. Ralph A Elizabeth , wife of John thorpe, near Settrington, 3. William A 6. Richard. Ashe, of Aught on, co. York.— 4. George. 7. Philip. Esq. 8. Peter. Omnibus etc Willielmus Pedelington et Johannes Malton salutem. Noveritis nos tra- didisse et confirmasse Henrico Bigod filio Radulphi Bigod, chevalier, dua messuagia et tres bovatas terrae in Scakilthorpe juxta Settrington, in com Ebor, etc. quae nuper habuimus ex dono Radulphi Bigod, chevalier, per cartam suam datam anno 34 Hen. VI. Habendum eodem Henrico et haeredibus masculis de corpore, pro defectu, remanere Edwardo Bigod fratri ejusdem Henrici, et haeredibus masculis, pro defectu, remanere Willielmo Bigod fratri ejusdem Edwardi, etc., pro defectu, remanere Georgio Bygod fratri praedicti Willielmi, pro defectu, remanere Radulpho Bygod fratri ejusdem Georgii, pro defectu, remanere Ricardi Bygod fratri ejusdem Radulphi, pro defectu, remanere Philippo Bygod fratri ejusdem Ricardi, pro defectu, remanere Petro Bygod fratri ejusdem Philippi, pro defectu, remanere praefato Radulpho Bygod, chevalier, et haeredibus de corpore suo exeuntibus, etc., dat anno 34 Hen. VI. 18,on, fo. 108. 1487, fo. 314 b. 1394, p. 118. 1415, fo. 89. 1420, fo. 88£. 1571, fo. 76. 6070, fo. 291. IMS. 1415. CRAVEN, OF LEVENING. This pedigree, although recorded at the Visitation, was subsequently cancelled. Ignobilis, et disclamatus fuit per Robertum Glover Heraldum Mareschallum Willielmi Flower Regis armorum de partibus septentrionalibus. Thomas Craven, of Levening, = Elizabeth, daughter to . co. York. | Fulthorpe, o f Thirkelby. George Craven, of= Katherine, daughter to 2. Francis =Rose, dau. to . Levening, now liv- I Richard Watson, of Craven. Hutton, mer- ing 1584. I Newsome. chant, of London. 1-*-1-1 Thomas Craven, 5 years of age 1584. Robert. George. 18,011, fo. 109. 14S7, fo. 309. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 175 Buckrose. THOMSON, OF LANGTON. J& i™g S LTth°e mSOn ' ° f Thornton - in Picker-= Elinor, daughter to . Phillippe, ot ® ^ I Bngnall, in Richmondshire. i Jane, wife to Thos. Bulmer, of Levening. Frances, wife to Wm. Wade- by, and after to Jno. Hunt. R son^fT h anT =B • daU - ‘° J0hn Henr y Thomson, ° f Pf 1 ?' P. le ™ m g’ sister to eldest son, of l "' to, \°p' Sir Francis Fleming, Lund on ye Jisq., J.K, that was master of Wold, married livingao 1584. the ordnance to K. .“ dam of Ed. VI .andQ.Eliza- Welborne. beth. _ Stephen Thomson, aet. i8,anno 1584. 2. Richard. Richard Thomson. 18,011, fo. 107. 1487, fo. 3093. 1415, fo. 8 8b. 1394, p. III. 1420. fo. 87b, 463°! p* 635, 6070, fo. 290. 1571, fo. 74. Buckrose. ============ BULMER, OF LEVENING. 1 William Bulmer, of Levening. = Jane, daughter and heir of Margaret Wilherfoss. R Y^,^s“ er ’° f LeVening ’ C °'T El b^ th ’ dau S hter to . Greene, of Na- I--- 1 Francis Bulmer, of Levening. ==Ann, daughter to Matthew Oglethorpe, of Tliornev, _ | or Thornton. Thomas IBulmer, =Jane daughter to Elizabeth, wife M^aret, wife to John nowIi™«!’ dm!, 0 .™ 50 "' i°r M y> es Jackson, of Fenton, in S 5 4 - of Thornton. Noddell, of the barony of Shireburn, r __ J __ Howden. in the West Riding. Henry Bulmer, ast. 7, ao 1584. 2. Thomas. THOMAS BULMER. 18,011, fo. io 83 . 1487, fo. 339. i 394f p . n 9 . I4IS , f 0 . 89. 1420, fo. 89. 1571, fo. 76b. * 2n( l son of Sir John Bulmer. See page 193. THWAITES, OF RYDALE. lwnrart'Z^ ( ^ tiar{er ! y '? and f' Argent, a cross sable, fre tty or. 2 and 3. Sable, a crowned ion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with three billets sable. William Thwaites, of Loun d. = Margaret, sister 2 to Sir Henry Bellingham. Will iam Thwaites, s on of William. = Anne, daughter to John Kirkby, of Ratclyffe. John Thwaites, = Isabel, married to of Rydale, 3 son I John Fleming, of William. of Rydale. _ 1 1 1 5-*-- Robert. Thomas. Anthony.- Richard. Elizabeth, married to William Bel¬ lingham. William Thwaites, = Joan, daughter of eldest son, of Rydale, 3 Esq., 1584. Edmond Sand- ford. 4 ' 1 ■ Jane. Alice. Dorothy. Isabel, married to Thomas Elder- ton, of Hackney. 3 J oane. Mabel. Winifred. William, son and heir , 1564.5 John Thwaites, 1584. Peter! J^Tn. ilabel. 18,011, fo. 1023. 1487, fo. 260. 1394, p. 120. 1415, fo. 883 . 1420, fo. 8q3. I S 7 I > f°* 2093. 6070, fo. 2893. See Tonge’s Visitation, p. 96. JTonsc’s Visitation 2 Daughter, MS. 1415. 3 MS, 1571. 4 Sawforth, MS. 1415, Shawforth, MS. 6070, Standforth, MS. 157** ® Visitation 1564. 176 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4/5 AND *^ 12, BUCKROSE. ST. QUINTIN, OF ACKLAM. Arms t-Quarterly, 1 and 4. Or, a chevroi gules, a chief vaire, a crescent for difference St. Quintin. 2 and 3 gules, a cross vaire, Twer. William St. Quintin, a 2nd son of the hoise of=Jane, one of the co-heirs of Robert Harpham. See pp. 127, 153, and 162. _| Twyer, of Gansted. Edward St. Quintin, of Acklam co.=Ilizabeth, daughter and co-heir of William York, now living, 4 th son of William. I Levening, of Acclom-on-the-Vv old. '-*-j-1 Elizabeth. John St. Quintin, = Dorothy, the widow of of Acklam-on- Gabriel St. Quintin of the-Wold, eldest Harpham, daughtei to son. Sir George Griffith of Wichnor and Buton Agnes. Jane, wife to Robert Hedon, of Gan¬ sted. Katherine. Tohn St. Ouintin. t8,oii, fo. 1093. 1487, ff. 55, 56. 134, p. 119. 1571, fo. 77. 6070, ff. 264^, 265. See pdigree at 1415, fo. 89A 1420, fo. 893. large in my Yorkshire collection. Buckrose. * CHAMBERLAYNE OF THORALDBY. Arms:— Quarterly, 1. Gules, an inescocheoi argent within an orle of 8 mullets or. 2. Gules, a chevron between 3 escallops or. 3. Ermne, a chief indented gules. 4. Azure, 2 lions passant guardant or, a label of 3 points argmt. 5. Azure, on a bend argent, cottised or, 3 saltiers couped gules. 6. Argent, a saltier enjrailed azure,—over all a crescent for difference. Crest:— A hind’s head argent, gorged witl a ducal coronet or, 2nd differenced as in the William Chamberlayne, of=Elzabeth, daughter and co-heir of Thoraldby, co. York. I Roger Wilberfoss. r~ Katherine daughter to Sir =Szr Leonard Chamber-=Katherine, daughter to Roger William Midelton, of I layne, of Thoraldby, I Cholmley, of Bransby, Esq. Stockeld. Knt . 1 - 1 -1 --pj Francis Chamberlayne, = 2. William. Elizabeth, wife to Fran- of Thoraldby, now liv- I Wm. Horshy, cis Bamburgh. inga° 1584. I of Skirpenbedc. Jane, sans issue. William, eldest son, set. 2. Francis. Mary, eldest Gertrude, sans 6 an. 1584. daughter. issue. Francis Chamberlayne. i 7 7 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. Buckrose. CONSTABLE, OF SHERBORNE. Arms : Quarterly 1. Quarterly, gules and vaire, over all a bend or, Constable. 2. ^becquy or and gules, on a chiet argent, a lion passant sable, Cumbkrworth. t Ar¬ gent, 2 bars engrailed sable, Nessfield. 4. Argent, a chevron between 3 martlets sable, .Lrghum, over all an annulet for difference. William Sturmy, lord of Dromanby, sa, a lion rampant argent. — Julian -- - John Sturmy. = Alice Coupland. I Thomas Sturmy. = Isabell, daughter to Henry Bellerby, of Mansfield. Uxor prima. 1 =Sir Robert Con- = Uxor 2ndus. 2 stable, of Flam- burgh, Knt. John Sturmy. = Alice, dau. to Walter Argro- howe, of York. Sir Marmaduke Constable, =. daugh- eldest son, Knt., called I ter of . little Sir Marmaduke, 1 1 1 1 - J 1- Sir Robert Constable. Sir William Constable. Sir Marmaduke Constable. Sir John Constable. Sir Robert Constable, of=Alice, dau. Barneby, juxta Bossall, I and heir of younger son, ob. 1452. 3 | Jno.Sturmy. Robert Constable, = Beatrix, daughter=. Skipton, of HAor nnrl nrv Vim’ »• 4- ^ I—. of Barnby, near Bossall. and co-heir to Wm. Nessfield, of Hewick. , Skipton, in the forest of Gai¬ ters, 1st husband. to.Roos, of Ingmanthorpe. daughter=Robert Con-=Joan, dau. to Sir stable,Esq. Thomas Gower, of Stittenham. Marmaduke Con- William stable, of Kirk- Skipton, ham, sans issue. son and heir. Robert Constable, mar¬ ried to Elizabeth, dau. to Sir Thomas Gower, and died sans issue. Marmaduke Constable, Thomas, married Anne, daugh- 3rd son, ter of Sir Thomas s. p. Maleverer, of Allerton. See page 196. W m. C onst able,=... of Sherborne, esquire. Francis Con-=Elizabc 1, dau. to stable, of Sherborne. Sir Jno.Bulmer, ofWilton, widow of Henry Nal- ton. Thomas Constable, of Birdsall, mar¬ ried Alice, dau. to.Grimston. George = Elizabeth, dau. to Con- Henry Nalton, stable. of Eddlethorpe. r - Willliam Constable, = = Amy, 3 dau. “1 1 Henry. 1 I 1 1 Mil Leonard, of Sherborne, liv¬ Humphrey = Robert. ing ao 1584. Dakins. I Roger. I Prudence. I ried to dno Thomae Jno. Wat- Heneage, kinsonP 1584. Arthur, eldest son, aet. 12, an. 1584. J 1. 2. Francis. 3. Dakins. I I Thomasin. Elizabeth. Prudence. Mary. Christopher. William Constable. 18,011, fo. iio£. 1487, ff. 238, 2383. 1415, fo. 90. 1420, fo. 90 b. 1571, fo. 78k. 6070, ff. 225, 226. See this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 MS. 1487 states this wife to be Agnes, daughter of Thomas Wentworth, of Nettlested, while MS. 1571 gives Jane, daughter of Sir William Ingleby. 2 Agnes, daughter of William Gascoigne, ot Gawthorp, 2nd wife, MS. 1487. 3 Amicia, MS. 6070. 4 MS. 6070. N By Sir W sl Sltngsby. CONSTABLE, OF EVER INGHAM. ___'- “ Z ' II i_ „ AA*, - Sir William Constable. jDna. Juliana. Robert Constable. — Robert Evermgham.— Gules, a hon rampant t vair. ^ • "g/BSSr? ““ chev. between 3 martlets sa ._ ^ * _J , Sir Marmaduke Constable. = Sir Richard Argum.= Ralph Paganell.j= "sir William Argum.= = Philip Paganelhj Sir’ Robert=....... ^ of Sir Wilton SM> SSW 1 U. = Pa S aneU ' Sir William Con stable. = dau. of.heU.rd ^ * ronels, embraced .# cntej . Constable. ,a,U. ui ri --1- with. —Barry of 6, ^w/« anti argent, a canton of the last. Robert Cumberwortn.— quarter *>'■ T V/ dau and I or «srf /»/« s* a chief argent a lion f assaKt jf± heir. | 2 «« °- s - P* of Everingkam. died Sir Robert Tfr- of Margaret, mar. to Elizabeth, William or Thos. Saltmarsh. mar. to Ed. Christopher Barbara, wife of ElSerker Lo.Conyers, Wm. Babthorpe, Everilda,mr. of Hornby. of Osgodby. to Thomas ^■ nor - Crathome. de BiddicM knt., o. s. p mar, relict of ... died in Lambton, o/Lambton. Bretayne s - Robert Constable, 3. Michael {m. ^Fo»er. mar.fane, dau. of dau. of 5. Henry. Ehomas Holman, Fefer Tin - 6. William, of Fockhngton. gall, =-< «). 7. Francis. of Everingkam , 14 7 *^ 7 , 17 A". fames , 1619. Sir Robert Ttr- whit, f?/ Keitilby , £. *>• 9 **- 1571, fo. 78. 6070, fo. 291 b. 1 For bis descendants see Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 169. 2 MS. 18,011. BUCKROSE. BIRD, OF THORNTHORPE. Probaturus arraa per testimonium maioris et aliorum de Novo Castro super Tynam. George Burd, of New-=Ellinor, daughter to castle, merchant, I Sir Ralph Har- some time mayor | bottle, there. Hugh Hilton. = Ellinor, daughter to.Dayvill. Anthony Tu^^Elikbeth, daugh- t^and^"*'SStaSS to Isabel. Newcastle - upon Tyne. ter and co-heir to Hugh Hilton, of Slingsby. ter and co¬ heir to Hugh Hilton. 1. r (Sge 3. Hugh =Mary, dan. , _ r vt,r-A rtf nrirl co-heir 1 1 Bird, of New¬ castle. 2. Mark. 4 Henry. Bird, of Thom- thorpe, co. York, living ao 1584. Bridget, set. unius an. 1584. and co-heir to James Vavasour, a younger brother of Haselwood, by ye dau, and co-heir of John Heslarton, called Anne. Isabel, wife Anne, wife to Anthony, to Thos., Robert Weele, Wood. 2ndly to Robert Lutton, 3rdly to William In- son and heir to Robert Sotheby, gram. Mary, Wood, mar. to Edward Hutchin¬ son. of Pock- Alice, wife to lington, Thos. Wise, of and wid. Copgrave. to Francis Eleanor. 1 Thorpe, Elizabeth, wife to Richard of Bird- Brandling, of Newcastle, sail. merchant. TT Hrnn VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2, 1S1 Rydale. RASING, OF MALTON. Arms: Vert, on a cross or 5 hurts, in the first quarter a crescent 1 Crest::—.A cubit arm vested, .. paly of 4 or and azure, charged with a crescent. Holding a bunch of flowers azure, leaved and stalked vert. Omnibus, etc. Thomas Rasyn salutem, nOvitis, etc., testibus domino Willielmo de Grey- stock, Radulpho de Hastings, Edmundo de Grey, militibus, Willielmo de Percehay, etc. Dat apud Broghton, anno Domini 1348, 22 Edward III. Thomas Rasynge, of Malton, co. York. -- - Richard Rasinge of Malton. = Margaret, daughter to . Hawcliffe. Ralph Ra-= Elizabeth, William Ra-=Alice, dau. to Frances, mar. 1st, synge, of Malton, eldest son. daughter synge, of to . Malton,now Harwood. living,1584. James Con¬ stable, of Cliffe, Esq., of ye house of Flam- borough. to Edmond Bi¬ god, of Whar- ham, son of Robertf and after to Chris¬ topher Rasing, of Malton. Ann, wife to John Coates, of Swin- ton. ill Richard Rasynge, eldest son, aet. 29, ao 1584. 3. Edward. 2. John, married Law - rence Cheese borough. 2 T Marmaduke Ra¬ synge, eldest son and heir, mar. Margery, dau. to Ralph Ellerker. = Ralph Rasynge , married Susan Cobart, of Blyndley Gate , in the parish of Godstone > eo. Sur¬ rey. 2 Margaret, wife of John 3. Thomas. Houghton, or Hesler- 3. Barbara, ton, of Hutton-on- 4. Mary. Derwent. 2. James. Elizabeth,wife of Richard = Conyers, of Cotting- ham, William, aet. 1, anno 1584. Mamnaduke.' 2, Philip . a A wdry. 2 Mary. 2 William Raysyn. 18,011, fo. 112 b. 1487, fo. 262b. 1394, p. 126. 1415, fo. 91'. 1571, fo. 79 b. i MSS. 1415,1571. 2 MS. 157T. 1420, fo. 92 b. Scarborough. WILLIAMSON, OF SCARBROUGH. Arms:—A rgent, on a chevron azure, between 3 trefoiles slipped sable* as many crescents or, within a bordure engrailed of the 2nd. Concessa per Willielmum Harvey, Clarencieux, regem armorum, per literas patentes dat 14 Februarii, 1557, et ratificatas per Wm. Flower, Norroy, regem armorum, 1565, ao 8 Eliz. Crest:* —A hart's head azure , attired argent , charged with a sun in his splendour of the ind. Joan, dau. to Sir Ralf=Thomas Williamson, of Sca1r-=Ann, daughter to Tris- Eure, sister to William, borough, one of ye bailiffs of tram Teshe, of York. Lord Eure. that town, this yeare 1584. 18,011, fo. 113. 1487, fo. 62 b. 1394, p. 128. 1415, fo. 91. 1420, fo. 93. *!; i 1 l 82 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Rydale. BARTON, OF CAWTON. Richard Barton, alias Chapman, a younger son of ye house of Barton, of Whenby. = George Barton, son and heir of Richard, dwelt at=Anne, daughter to . Wil- Calveton, alias Cawton, co. York. | liamson, of Birdsall. William Barton, of Caw-= Elizabeth, dau. to William ton, now living, 1584. | Botteresse, of Ardenside. Margery, wife of John Lockwood, of Garton. 1. Thomas Bar Frances, dau. 2. Robert Barton, of Cawton, Rachel, wife of Chris- ton, set. 20, of^Edward in 1630, married Elizabeth, topher Hebden , {of anno 1584, Barton , of dau. of Wilfrid Brand , Sewerby, co. York.*) now living Whenby, of Sutton , sub Whitestone Margery, wife of 1612, 0. s. p. Esq. Cliff.* Lawrence Raw den , 1630. 1. Hellena, wife of William alderman of York . Fairfax , of Newton Grange. * Thomas Barton. William Barton. 18,011, fo. 1135. 1487, fo. 194A T394, p. 129. 1415, fo. 91#. 1420, fo. 93A 1571, fo. 80. 6070, fo. 296 b. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 124. 1 Thomas, MS. 1571. * MS. 1571# Rydai.e. LAMBTON, OF MALT0N. Arms:—S able, a fessel between 3 lambs passant argent, a mullet for difference. William Lambton, of Lambton, in ye =. daughter of . Rokeby, Bishoprick of Durham. | of Mortham. John Lambton, of Lambton. = Agnes, daughter to Roger Lumley, of Ludworth. Robt. Lamb¬ ton, eldest son and heir a<> 1584. 2. John Lamb¬ ton, atten¬ dant on the Lord Lum¬ ley, 1584. 3. Thos. Lamb- = Katherine, dau. ton, of Mai- ' ton in Rydale, now living, 1384. 4. George, to Robert 5. Anthony Birkhead, of Lambton, West Brandon, a mercer co. Durham. in London. I Ralph Lambton,eldest son, set. 17, ao 1584. I I I 2. Joseph. 3. Robert. 4. Arthur. Margaret, wife to William Best. Lucy, wife to Thomas Spencer, of Old Malton. Thomas Lambton. 18,011, fo. 114. 1487, fo. 334 b. 1394, p. 130. 1415, fo. 91 b. 1420, fo. 94. 1571, fo. 80 b. 6070, fo. 297. 1 Ut alii the fesse should be a chevron, MS. 1487. Pickets inglythe. HUTCHINSON, OF WYKEHAM, \ / Arms ‘—Per pale gules and azure, a lion rampant argent within an orle of 1 6 cross crosslets or. Crest :—A demy wyvern argent, winged argent, and scaled azure, beaked, crested, and wattled gales, issuant from a ducal coronet or. Literas patentee haer. armorum concessaa Edwardo Huchinson, per W. Flower, Norroy, aP 1581, 4 July. — Richard Huchinson, —. daughter and one of the heirs of William Hulcott, of Barcot, in Berkshire, 2nd wife . —I—, ^ 1 ■ ■ 1 -1 Edward Hucbm-=Mary, daughter son, of Wick- hanij co. York, now living a 0 iS & 4 * 1- « to Richard Wood,of Pick¬ ering. I l Margaret , wife to Quin tin foxes, of London. 11 Margery , wife to ...... Salman, of London* Thomas Huchin-—Eleanor, son, son by 2nd wife , of Kid le¬ sion, co. York. daughter of Francis Curson. George Huchinson , mar. Jane , dau. of . Lowther , of York. — Joan, married to Walter Philips , of co, Hereford. ~T~ Stephen Huchinson, = {Elizabeth}) dau. of eldest son, set. 11 an. 1584, now living, 1612. f Sir Richard Mus~ grave , of Norton, Knt. Edward. dead* Charles. Isabel!, wife of Christopher Thomson, merchant, of Scarborough. -r-rn-r~i ! I Mary. Edward. homasme, wife Anne. 4 Thomas . to John Pharoak, Priscilla „ of Scarborough. Jane. Thom; Thomas . Stephen. Wm. Leigh for my Mr. Stephen Hutchinson. Edward Huchynson. i 8 3 oii, fo. 115. 1487, fo. 330k 1394, p, 131. T4I5, fo. 91 K 1420, fo, 95. 1571, fo. 81#. 6070, fo. 296. See Dugdales Visitation, p. 83. 1 This and wife and her descendants are from MS. 1571. 2 MS. 1371. a MS. 1413, Catherine—Dugdale, * Avice, MSS. 1487,1571, Alice, MS. 6o;o. 00 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 , 184 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND I ^ 12 Rydale. DAWSON, OF SPALDINGHOLME. Arms :—Azure, a chevron ermine between 3 arrows or, feathered and barbed argent, on a chief of the last 3 daws sable, a canton gules, charged with a mullet or. Crest :—On a torce argent and sable, a cat’s head affrontee, erased argent, muscnetee sable, holding in her mouth a mouse of the last. Per W. Flower, Norroy, per literas paten tes concessas Alexandro praedicto generoso dat 8 die Februarii anno Domini 1563, a° 6 Reginse Elizabethe. Margaret, daughter of Rowland=Alexander Dawson, of ye=Elizabeth, daughter to Herbert, of Skipwith, co. York. I manor of Spaldingholme, .. Harwood, co. York, living 1584. 2nd wife. ■n Arnold = Ursula, Dawson, daughter eldest son, to Wm. living 1584. Cooper, of York, merchant. 2. Thomas = Margaret, Dawson, of the Isle of Walsall Grange. Alexander Daw¬ son, 11 years old, a° 1584. slain at How- den , s. p. 1 in. Charles. 1 A mold. 1 Robert. 1 dau. to Ridley,of Salton,in Rydale. 3. Robert. 4. Herbert. Joan, wife to William Horsley, of Skerne, in Harthill wapentake, co. York. Prudence. 1 l-1 1. Constance, married to Peter Allen , of Spaldington. 1 2. Elizabeth, married to George Browne , of Spaldingmore. 1 3. Margaret, married to Marma- duke Sotheron, of Holme , in Spaldingmore. 1 Arnold Dawson. Frances, eldest daughter. Beatrix, 2nd daughter. Grace, wife of Thos. Brews¬ ter, of King- ston-on-Hull. Anne, wife of Francis Lam¬ bert, of Holme, in Spalding¬ more. Elizabeth. Margaret. 18,on, fo. 114 b. 1487, fo. 331. 1394, p. 130. 1415, fo. gib. 1571, fo. 81. 6070, fo. 29 'jb. 1 MS. 1571. 1420, fo. 94 b. Rydale. SAVILE, OF WELBURNE. Arma ilia non describuntur quia non constat quando oriundus erat familia Savillorum de Copley. Thomas Savile, 1 ; a younger brother to ... ) Thomas Savile, of Welborne, co. York. = Cicely, dau. and co-heir to.Wood, 1 of Longley. Thomas = =Jane, dau. 1 1 r George. Elizabeth, wife Margaret, wife of Savile, of to Row¬ Hugh. to William Ralph Eden, of Welborne, land Pud- Cecily, wife to Parker, of Episcopatu. co. York, sey, Wm. Nan- Grindal, near Katherine, wife living ao younger dick, of Ed- Ripon. of Rowland 1584. brother ston,co.York. Rosamond,wife Groves, of. of Bar- to Thomas ford. Cooper, of Bowforth. Francis, 11 years 2. 1 1 1 Conyers. Agnes. Frideswide. of age, 1584. Cicely. Thomas Savyle. i8,oir, fo. 115^. 1420, fo. gfb. 1571. fo. 82. 6070, fo. 298A See this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 2nd son of Nicholas Savile, of Newhall, who was 4th son of Thomas Savile, of Hullinedgc. RV'DALE. LASCELLES, alias JACKSON, OF GANTHORPE. Arms :—Sable, a cross patonce within a border or. Crest:—A bear's bead couped ermine, muzzled argent, and collared gules, studded and ringed or. [ohn Lascelles, living 1315, held divers lands in Hilderskelfe. =joane. John Lascelles (called Jackson), of Hilderskelfe, 16 Rich. II. —. William Jackson (otherwise called Lascelles), of Hilderskelfe, = . William Lascelles, alias Jackson.—, William Jackson, alias Lascelles, of Ganthorp. =. Robert Jackson, alias Lascelles, of Gan thorp. = Dorothy, daughter to.. Newport. 2. John Jack- son, mar¬ ried daughterof ...... Male- verer, — Robert. TT . Jane, wife of James Butler. Dorothy, wife of .... Griffin. Elizabeth, wife of John Bell. 1 his hrst J ohn is thought to be a younger son out of the house of Laselles, of Soureoy and Brackenburgh. Sedquere, quia dubhatur anna non assignantur Xhomae nunc viventi cogno- minato Jackson donee babeatur opinio et con¬ sensus Thomas Lascelles de Soureby, armigeri. 4. Francis = Elizabeth, Jackson, alias Las- celles. daughter of John Carter, of Aller- ton. 1---- Henry Jack-=Beatrix, dan. son, son] and heir of and heir, | John Bate- set. 23 an. [ ler, of Nun- 1584. f nington. Walter.' William. John. Roger. -Edmond. -James, -Robert. -Dorothy, -Mary, -n 1. Christo¬ pher. 2. Tho mas. I 1 J l 1- Cuihbert. Philip. Francis. Thomas, l William Las-= celles t alias Jackson, of Stanke , liv - j ing 1612. 1 * 1 I Robert, eldest son , Richard . living efi 1612. George. Francis. 1--— Francis Lascelles, 2 weeks old as* 1612. 1394* fo. I 3 I * i 4 T 5 - fo- 9 2 * 14 20 ? fo. 96. 1571* fo. 82^ large in ray Yorkshire collection. 1 Roger, MS. 1415. of Robert Wadeson, of Yaforth. Margery, wife to Robert 1 Knight. Margaret. I "H Elinor, wife to Laurence Meynell, of Thornaby, Margaret . Jane, WIX.LM» Lascells. 6070, fo. 299. See pedigree at Rydale. PERCE HAY, OF RYTON AND BARTON. Arms Quarterly, t. Argent, a cross patoncee gules, Percbhay. 2. Azure, a fret argent; Lou nix 3. Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend or, Fauconbridge. 4. Argent, an escocheon sable, within an orle of cinquefoyles gules, Darcy. Crest :—A bull’s head couped azures attired per fesse or and azure. Another Coat:—u Perce way, 2. Lou nix 3. Fauconbridge. 4. Darcy. 5. Gules, a chevrron between 3 hinds'heads or, Hyxde. 6 . Gules 1 chaplets in bend between 2 cottises sable; Saxton. * J Sir Walter Percehay , Knt 1 — . Sir Wa Her Perceka y, — „. Knt * ' I Robert Percehay^Dno. — Joan, dau , and heir de Ryton. William Percehay , of Pylon, ~. now Melton, c#. F.*) 1 bridge, of Fa uamb ridge, KntA Sir Lyondl or Lyon Percehay, =Anne, daughter to Sir Ralph of Ryton, Knt. J Babthorpe, Knt. A OO Ch VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN X584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I5S4/5 ANP l 6 l 2 . These arras were graven on an old seal of Pollard, who hold their lands of the Bishop of Durham, by shew¬ ing of a Falchion of this forme, to me Somerset, showed at this time of my Visitation. Robert Pollard, son=Dyonis, dau. of...... Hed- and heir of William. I worth, of Harraton. Ralph Pollard, = Margery, daughter of John Con- son and heir yers, of Hutton on Wiske, co. of Robert. Northallerton. George Pollard, = Margaret, dau r T'* _ a. _mam nr\rl Vl PIT O and heir of Robert Bur¬ ton, of Lost- rn aries. Leonard Pollard, of Bishop Auck¬ land, in the Bishoprick of Dur¬ ham, and of Brunton, co. York, living 1584, then aged 21 years. Christo¬ pher. Gawen=Christian, daugh- 11 * a . _ 4. a Pollard. ter to William Percehay, of Ryton. Leonard Pollard, 9 years of age, a 0 1584. Gawen. Anne. Dorothy. Elizabeth. Leonard Pollard, Expofer Pollard, Gawen Pollard. 18,011, fo. n8i. 1487. fo - 329^ 1394 . P- 133 - HJ 3 . f°. 9^. 1420. f °- 97 *- 1571, fo. 83^. 6070, fo. 2990. PlCKERINGLYTH. WYVILL, OF OSGODBY.' Arma ilia non describuntur quia avus suus fuit attinctus de alta proditione et snspensus temp. Hen. VIII. Arms :— Sable , three chevrons vair, interlaced ; a chief or. Robert Wyvill, ofOsgodby, near Scarborough, had lands in Slingsby. = John Wyvill, ofOsgodby, attainted temp. Hen. VIII. = Dorothy, daughter of.Lepton, of Kepwick, in Cleveland. I ' - ^1 John Wyvill, of Osgodby. = Katherine, daughter of Giles Wood, Peter 1 Wyvill, 2nd son, of Cot-=Petronell, daughter of.Headon, _j °* Peering. tingham. | of Holderness. ) William Wyvill, of Osgod-=Frances, dau. of Roger Dalton, by, now living, 1584. | of Kirby Misperton, Esq. 1 - X 1. John, sans issue. 2. Richard, sans issue. 3. William Wyvill, of Cotting- ham, living 1584. = J George Wy¬ vill, eldest son, aet. 14, an. 1584, 0. s. p. ill 1 2. John. Roger Wyvill,■=■ Ann, dau. of 3. Stephen. of Osgodby, Thomas 4. William. a» 1612. Beilby, of alls.p. Killerby , co. York. T~i — Anne* Elizabeth, wife ofRobt.Simp¬ son. 1 Barbara, wife to Charles Tan - cred. TT 1 Katherine, wife to Mary. Robert Fisher. Frances, wife to James Spencer. 1. Frances , cet. 3. 2. Ann . Roger Wyvill. William Wyvell. II ®’ T 4 ® 7 < 33 2 ^* x 394 - P- z 34 * X 4 T 5 ' fo. 93 - r 4 20 > fo. 98. 1571, fo. 84. 6070, fo. 300. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 329. 1 This Peter, son of John, is connected by a dotted line in Visitation 1612, MS. 1487. 2 Ann, MSS. 6070, 1571. 00 ' ___ T- . <7~7. '< -—7-wTU ••• ■ ' ~ ' - PlCKERINGLYTH. LANGDALE, OF EBBERSTON. Arms :—Quarterly, 1 and 4, Or, a chevron between 3 mullets sable, Langdale. 2 and 3. Gules, 2 chevrons or* Ex antiqua seulptura argentea olim in fundo pelvinaris argenteifixa in ipso centro ejusdem pelvinaris suis coloribus inamelata. [John Langdale, father of William, was of—,, Hackness, 17 Hen. VI. daughter of. .. Anderson, in Pickering.* 1 William Langdale, of Langdale, in Whitby Strand, liberty, 3 Edw. — Elizabeth, daughter and co-keir of ., Ingram, 2 Pickard. 1 IV., infra paroehia de Hackness. " I of Preston, in Not de mess. 1 2. Richard - 1 Isabel, wife of George Porret, (of Hack- ness.) 1 \ Emma, 2 wife to William Leppington, of Norik Burton 1 Henry Langdale, ofSnavn-= Mary, daughter of Walter ton, in Pickering Lythe, I Plesant, of Sheffield 1 3 Edward IV. i ' “ Ti George Langdale, of Eberston, in Pickering Lythe, and of Snaynton, —Ann, daughter of Sir Robert Anthony .* in Pickering Lythe. I Egglesf eld, of Beverley 1 Elizabeth . 3 2. Ralph J Ann, wife to John Barnby . 3 William Langdale, of Eberston, =Isabell, daughter to George 1 Hall, 4 of the son of George. I house of Lincolnshire, alias FitzwilUam . s A A I Robert , eldest Roger Langdale, 4. Ralph, died before his father, married Frances, dau. of Robert Selo. 2. Henry, v- 5. George, s. p. 1 3. Launcelot Lang¬ dale, mar. Isabel, dau. to Gregory Peacock, of Scar¬ borough. = l [. Guy Langdale, of Snainton^ married ., dau. of Robert Hall, of Snain- ton. = Anne, wife to Guy Fisher, after to Wil¬ liam Thom¬ son. Margery, wife to George Peacock, and 2ndly to Roger Selo. Frances, wife of Robert Harrington of Snain- ton. 3 2. Stephen Langdale, of = Frances, daugh- Eberston, heir to his ter of Thos. grandfather, now living 1584, mar. Barbara , dau. of Thos. Etherington . = Lawson, of Poppleton, near York, 1 st wife. 4. John. Anne. 3. Bennet, Grace and or Jennet. 1 Elizabeth, 1. Tristram. 1 twins. Margery , d. young. 6 I I William. Raphe Lan g-= Catherine, Henry. dale, eldest son, of Snainton, living 1612. daughter of Thomas Jerome, of Old Malton. TEj— 2. Charles. 3. Stephen. 4. Guy. —r-rn L I I Ann. Isabel. Jane. Thomas Langdale, son and heir, cet. 22, 1612. Stephen Langdale. 18,011, fo. 119A 1487, f 0 . 338. Jerome, oet. 3 a 0 1612. x 394 » P- 134 - i 4 x S» fo- 93 - 1420, fo. 98, Visitation, p. 82. " I-FT 2. Thomas. Ursula Isabel. tousan. Ralfe Langdale for my cousin Thomas Langdale. 1571, fo. 84A 6070, fo. 300A See Dugdale’s _ i 1 Barbara . Susan. 1 MSS. 1571.6070. 2 Jane, MS. 157!. 8 M& i 57 i. 4 Of Snainton, Visitation ,564. 6 MSS. 1415, 6070. 6 Visitation 1564. < co H > H t-H o 2 o V YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 192 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND 1012 . Langbergh. YOWARD, OF STOKESLEY. 1 Arms:— 2 chevrons . 1 Crest :— A cockatrice . Thomas Yoward, of Westerdale, co. York. =.. daughter to Ralph Duck. 2 RalDh Yoward, of = Margery, daughter Robert Yoward, of= Margaret, daughter to ,i7 P __1 william Tin- Basdale. I Robert Appleby, of Westerdale, co, York. Robt. Yoward, =Muriell, of Stokesley, bailiff there under the Lord Evers, living 1584. William Tip- Basdale. ping. -rn Elizabeth, Robert Appleby, of Kildale. daughter to Henry Warcop, of Green- ow. wife of Christopher Hewerden. Mary, wife to Wm. Bul- mer, a younger house of Wilton. Henry 3 Yoward, 8 years of age, ao 1584. 18,011, fo. 120. 2. William. 3. John. 4. Charles. 1487, fo. 333A Thomas Ralph Yoward, Margery, Yoward, of Basdale, or Mary , eldest son, living 1584, wife of married mar. Jane, Lawrence Anne, daughter Atkinson, dau. to to Michal of Scar- . Featherston- borough. Vaughan. haugh, of Stanhope, in Episcopatu. Robert Yoward. 1415, fo. 93. 1420, fo. 99. Muriell. Anne. Mary. i 394 » P- 135 - icivi, fo. Sk. 6070, fo. 301. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 327. 1 MS. 1487. 2 Thomas, MS. 1571. 3 MSS. 1415, 1487, but William in MS. 18,011. Langbergh. BATE, OF WEST LATHE. Arms:— Sable, a fesse engrailed argent between 3 dexter hands displayed or, a crescent for difference. , , , Crest:— A hart’s head erased argent, attired or, transfixed by an arrow of the last, barbed and feathered of the ist, differenced by a crescent argent Hsec arma confirmantur Leonardo Bate de Lupset in comitatu Ebor. Leonardo conceditur per Wm. Flower, Norroy, per literas patentes dat L°ndmo 8 die Feb ruarii a 0 1565, an. reg. Elizabethae octavo. Ita quod crista spectabat eidem Leonardo et non Willielmo qui nunc est de West Lath nepoti suo arma dicuntur in eisdem literis patentibus esse gentilicia et ideo huic Willielmo debita. Sed quere mde melius. Richard Bate, of Lancashire. = 1 Robert Bate, son and heir of Richard= Katherine, daughter to ... I Nettleton, of Thornhill. Maude, wife to Thomas Penson, of Wakefield. Margaret, wifetoWm. Burton, of Kendall. William = Elizabeth, Bate, of West Lathe,co. York, liv¬ ing ao 1584. dau. to Leonard Warcop, of Tan- field. -rn-- Jennet,wife to Thos. Mow¬ bray, of Spofforth. Anne, wife to Thos.Mack- eridge, of the Bishoprick, after to Thomas Arne- showe, of Carlton. 2. Leonard Bate, of Lupset, sans issue. 3. Robert. Elizabeth, wife to Rbt. 2 Adams, of Evering- ton, or Harrington* 2. Leonard. 3. Thomas. Wm. Bate, of West Lathe, co. York, 1584. 18,011, fo. 121A Agnes, wife of John Constable, of Dro- manby. 1487, fo. 328. 1394 1571, fo. 85A 6070, fo. 302. -1----1-——r - m Dorothy,wife 4 Alice, wife of Elizabeth, of William Jno. Pope- Katherine. Headlam of lay,of Moor- Frances. Nunthorpe. house , Esq . p. 136. 1415, fo. 93A 1420, fo. 99 b. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 80. 1 MSS. 1415, 1487, but John, in MS. 18,011. 2 Thomas, MS. 1487. 3 MS. 1487, Darring- or Derington, MSS. 1571, 6070. 4 Of WTliam Dyneley, son of William Dyneley, of ton --o—, Dyneley, MS. 1487. Langbergh. BULMER, OF WILTON AND PINCHINTHORPE. Arms. Quarterly, land 4. Gules, billety and a lion rampant or, Bulmer. 2and3. Or, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony argent and gules. Grey, of Barton. _ Sir Ralph Bulmer, Knt. = .. daughter of the Baron Hilton. Sir Bulmer, Knt. = Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Robert Evers, of Bradley, Knt. Sir Ralph B ulmer, Knt.^=Joan, daughter of Sir William Bowes. Sir William Bulmer, Knt. = Margery, daughter of Sir William * Conyers, and Alice I his wife, daughter of.. Fauconbridge. Anne. = Marmaduke de la River. Anne, dacghter=Sir John Bui-=Margaret, daugh- to Sir Ranulph Pigot, Knt. 2 mer, Knt., attainted. ter to Hen. Stafford, primo habita pro con- cubina. Margery, mar. to George, son and heir to Sir Ralfe Salveyn. Sir Ralph Bulmer, married Ann,dau. and co-heir to Sir Roger Aske, of Aske. JTTT ! Elizabeth, wife to Sir Ralph=Ann, dau. to 2 Henry Newton. Bulmer, Sir Thos. Mary. restored Tempest, Anne.mar.toA/atf- in blood. and heir to thevA Boynton, one half of of Acklam. Boroughes Agnes, married to landes. Lancelot Layton. , William Bul¬ mer, of Le- vinge, mar. Joan, daugh¬ ter and sole heir to Mar¬ garet Wilber- fos, see page 175. * i Frances and Maria, natus ante matri- monium. Sir William=Elizabeth, daughter Bulmer. 3 and heir to William Elmeden, and one of A ye daughters and co¬ heirs to Sir Richd. Conyers, of Colton, Knt. John Bulmer, natus=Agnes, daugh- post matrimonium ter to James et intra matrimonia, Crathorne, of of Pinchinthorpe, in Crathorne. Cleveland, co. York, now living a° 1584. Ann, nata post mat¬ rimonium, wife to ... St. Pole, of co. Lincoln. Joan, dau. and co-heir, mar. 1st to Francis, son and heir to Sir Richard Cholmeley, and 2ndly to Francis Ilslye, or Hildesley. Millicent, married to Thomas Grey, of Barton, in Rydal. Frances, married to Marmaduke Constable, of Cliffe. John Bulmer. 18,011, fo. 121. 1487, fo. 339 b. 1394, p. 136. 1415, fo. 93^. 1420, fo. 100. 1499, fo. 26. 1571, fo. 86. 6070, fo. 292A See Tong’s Visitation, pp. 25, 26. John, MSS. 1571, 6070, and Tong. a Sir Ralph Bigot-Tong. 3 d quo Bulmer, of Tursdale, co. Durham, MS. 607a See Surtees’ Durham, Vol.Lp.79 4 MS. 6070. * <0 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. i f : wl 194 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . MORLEY, OF NORMANBY. Langbergh. Arms :-Quarterly I. and JV.-Quarterly 1 ^3 a^leopards^head, cabossA^arg fEd?'irgent’oS^Ubsor, t This John Mor¬ ley, by his deed dated 19 October, 35 Hen. VI., did convey certain lands in Laikerby, by the name of John Morley, of Norm a n- by, in Cleveland, Esq., unto certain feoffees to doe ser¬ vice to the Lord Prior of Gisbro, with his seale of arms subscribed with these words— “ The seale of John Morley, Esq.” . Morley. = ..., Sir Walter +John Morley, of Nicholas Mor—Joan. dau. to J \Torrvioniav in lev. Esa.. of John riea Morley. Knt Normanby in Cleveland, Esq., so written in deeds "dated a<> 12 Hen. VI. ley, Esq., of Normanby, living 24 Hen. VI., brother to john. John Hed- lam, Esq., living 24 Hen. VI. John. Christopher Morley, of Nor-= Elizabeth, filia manby, in Cleveland. . Bulmer. T 1 r fames. 'rancis. Christopher, mar. . sister of Asculphns Clese- by, of Morton. — Margery , wife to Thomas Dawson , of the East Riding. 1 Isabella, dau. = Robert Mor- =Elizabeth Symon, and heir of William de Maltby, 1st wife. ley, of Nor¬ manby, dwell¬ ing at Malt- by. James Morley,mar. Phillis, daughter of Christopher Thromotby, alias Thorna- by, of Thorna- by. = “l- Margaret, wife of .... Hall, of Wor- sall. = Francis. James. Alice. Ann, dau. of=Cuthbert Christopher 2 Morley. Thomaby, married ofThornaby Isabell, in Cleve- dau. of land. 2 Phillis, wife to Christo¬ pher Moyser, of co. Richmond. Elizabeth,{wife to John Bachelor, of Boro- . bridge 6 )- Wilson, 3 Anne,{wife to William 2nd wife. Thomson, ofKirkling- --. ton*). - *---r m 2. Christo¬ pher. 3. Thomas. filia .. Sy¬ mon, of Kirk Levington, 2nd wife. Isabella,dau.— Mor-=Anne, dau Jane: «/ Ja-sMor- of Nicho¬ las Gower, of Thorna- by, son of Gilbert, son of Thomas. ley, set. 10, a 0 i$%\,now living , 1612. of James ..... Lons- Pennyman , dale. Esq., of Phillis, wife Ormesby in of . Pal- Clev e land P User. Susanna. ley, eldest son, cet. 8, 1584. lane. ■Mi [argery. 1 r 2. Thomas. 3. Maltby. 1. James Mor¬ ley, cet. 9, 1612. John Morley. THT Joan. Phillis. Ann. Jane. -, v -;-r-rn Alary, wife of Richard AnnP Best, of Appleton, in Ellen. Cleveland .* Margaret. 4 Cuthbert Morley. i 3 ,oix, fo. 121A 1487, fo. 328#. 1394 . P- 137 - If?, ff-. ?3A 94. 1420, fo. looi. 1571, fo. 86 b. 6070, fo. 302 b. See Dugdale s Visitation, p. 7 . ^ L MS tC71 2 MS. 1415. 3 For issue of this 2nd marriage Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 17&. 57 4 MS. 18,011. 5 Additional from MS. 1487. — VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 195 Langbergh. TOCKETTS, OF TOCKETTS. 2 and j. Argent, gules. R E g sq..^ tt a S o I 0 s f 8 4 TOCkettS ' “ Cleveland, =Margaret. daughter to , & b 4 ‘ _ seqeant at ye Law. G :T g T e oS U fn =Ei ; Z o abeth ’ d3U - . Mary, wife— of Tocketts, in Cleveland, 1584. to . Hutton, of Hunwick, in Episcopatu. Wm. Strang¬ way es, of Mid- dlesborough, 2 nd son of Sir Richard. Roger Tocketts, eldest 2. Tames, son of George, aet. 3. William. 7, ano 1584. 4 . Ralph. Muriel. Robert Mennell, ~1 1 1 Dorothy, wife to Ralph Sal- veyn.of New- biggen, Esq. Josepha.wife to . Rogers A Margaret. Margaret. Isabel. Elizabeth, wife of Francis Thompson.* Ann, wife of . Slrang- wayes , 2 George Toccotts. 1 8 , 011 fo 122 r^Tjo 33S . 1394 p . ! 37 . 1415. fo. 94- 1420, fo. 101. 57 , fo. 87. 6070, fo. 303. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 320. 1 MS. 1415. 2 ms. 1571. CONSTABLE, LACY, &c. r Comes Constabularius Cestriae = ■- ) Dominus Robertus filius Comitis Constabularius Cestriae. =Agneta. r - ‘ J Willi el mus fil Roberto Constabularius de Holme. =Domina Juliana, 1267. |- - - 1 -1 Dominus Robertus Constabularius de Flamborough, 1323. =. Ricardus. Marmaducus. = A Johannis. =. Willielmi Constabularius Cestriae. =. v f" I-' Eustacius fil Johannis Comitis Cestriae. =Agnetis. T ' ' Johannis. =. Robertus. 1- 1 -1 Rogerus de Lascye Constabularius Cestriae. Johannis Constabularius Cestriae. Ex evidencis. MS. 1415, fo. 94 3 . See also “ Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal,” Vol. I., page 171. Langbergh. CONSTABLE, OF DROMONBY. AR®;_Quarterly, i and 4. Quarterly, gules and vaire, over all, on a bend or, an annulet. Constable, a and 3. SaMe.aUon aland argent, Storhv. ____ ___I Sir Robert Constable, of Flamburgh.=. ( Stnnny fuit dominos de Dromonby, in Clevel.-india | Jo hn Sturroy.= Alice, Sir Marmaduke Constable. =. , ( dau.of.. 1st wife.-Sir Robert Constable.—..> 2n ^ wife- Thomas Stur mY.= Isabell. John Sturmy. =Alice. Sir Marmaduke. Sir William. Robert Constable. = Alice, daughter of .... Sturmy. t Robert Constable. s= Beatrix, daughter of. Nessfield. ^ dau . of . Roos , of Ingmanthorpe.=Robert Constable, of Barnby BassailA =Joan, daughter to Thomas Gower, of Stittenham. _ J1 —ZT 71 c ir Marmaduke Con-=Anne, dau. of Sir Thos. 2. William Constable, of 3. Thomas Constable, dS tissue: ~ Tho^ Gower. stable. Esq. J Maleverer.of AUerton. Sherborne, p. 177. d.ed sans issue. , daughter of.. 1st wife.=]ohn Constable, Esq ^Ma^uroi, daughter to William Fulford, orFulthorpo, oflselby, and wife. »Cs=»5=^-*«- ‘Jsss-TisfiKi*' Wjassi Marwood, rtell. sou and heir, living 1584, and 1612. co-heir to Chris¬ topher Wylde, of Lasenby. Constable Ann. luLUA-G- >le. | Sir John Con— Dorothy, daughter stable, eldest ^“ jr ~ ** son, 20 years of age, a° 1584* now a knt ., livg. 1612. —1—m Thomas. ton, of Belsham , co. Northum¬ berland ^ now of Dromonby, 16302).=^ _--—1 — -1 I I I L I Jane, wife of _ William Constable (of Charles Midle- 1. George j Flhrker J . Northallerton, married ton , son and Afarwood. ^Benedict Bar- Marmaduke., Ann, wife of John Margaret, da. of Frances heir, at. io> *'%**'. ham of London, Charles. Holmes . Lascelles, ofNorthaller- an. 1612. 3. W tlltam. Mary. * 5 ST ____j Robert. tn ^ 'Alice sole daughter and heir ■ = Edmund Anderson , of Eyworth, co. Beds, son and heir of Sir Francis Anderson, knight. Dorothy Anderson , only daughter and heir , eet 9, a« 1639, J OHN CONSTABLE. 18,011, p. 1223 . 1487, fo. 2 3 0^. I 39 ^P- 138- 1435 , fo. 94 * 3420, fo 301 ?. 1573 , fo. 8 7 3 . 6070, fo. 22!. See this Pedigree at large m my Yorkshire Collection. _ _ l MS. 14is. 2 MS. 6070, 3 The issue of this marriage is additional. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 i 2 . _ m&r) r. ■3V * .. m - - " ' ■ i 'H* ~F: :d C3 ' • *r_ - .. ~vcr-~- - Agnes, mar to Sir John,married Henry 7 Qughtred. Joan, dau. Ellinor.mar. to John and heir Ingle by, and, to.. sndly, to Thomas, SothiU, of Lord Berkeley* Idle. Sir Wm. Constable* mar. Maude, dau. and heir of John Hatfield, of Hat¬ field, in Holderness. =-< Sir Robert Con--Joan, dau. of Sir SirMarmadukeCon-=- Barbara, dau. and stable, of Flamborough, attainted 20 H. VIII . Joyce, mar. to Rowland Pud- sey, of Bret- tayne. Anne, wife of Geo. Hussey, of Duffield. Katherine, wife of SirRogerCholm- ley, of Roxby. Margery, mar., 1st, to ......... St. Quintin, and, sndly, to Sir Edward Gower. Sir Marma-=t Elizabeth, duke Con - dau. of stable, Thomas, knt., died Lord 20 April, Darcy and Jj6o. Mennell. r~ Wm. Inglebv, heir to John Hatfield, of Holderness. stable, of Ever - in*ham , knt ,, ob. ?ff In ™,37 r Katherine, mar. to Ralph Hed- worth. r William. Thomas. Sir Roberta Katherine, dau. to Constable, George Man- of Evering- , ners.LordRoos, ham.knt.,d. of Hamlake, by 5 and 6 , P. Anne St. Leper. 6 M. t 155$. heir to J ohn So thill, of Everingham. She died 4 Oct., Margery. Dorothy, IsabeL Manna- Sir Robert Constable, = duke, mar, to Dorothy, dau. a.s.p. to Sir William Gas¬ coigne, knt., who living, married. -n~ Margaret, mar. to Thomas Saltmarsh. Barbara, wife of William Babthorpe, of Osgodby. Elizabeth, mar. to Edward Ellerker. E ve re II, mar. to Thomas Crathome. Dorothy, dau, of Sir John Wid- SirMarma-—Jane, dau Hrinnrtion fi*rc-p9 Cl* ~r^ drington, and firsts mar. to Sir Roger Fenwick, of Wallington. duke Con¬ stable. of Christo¬ pher, Lord Conyers. vi 1 ‘ n Robert. Michael. George. John, 10 Sir Robert Constable, in the— Ann, dau. and heir of John ' Sir Philip Constable, of =^Marearet dan of Sir hfeUme of Ms fathers 1st wife^ j Hussey, of Duffield. J Everingham, Ivg. 161L [ E’Cht William Constable, infra, set., 1602. Robert Tynvhit. Katherine, wife of Sir Robert Stapleton, of of WighiB, knt. Philip ^Constable. ±= .. dau. of Thomas Metkam t of Ale tham , Esq* 18,011, fow 143. 1487, fo. 239. * 394 - fo- 292- 1x71, fo. 3. 1415, f 0 . 94^. 1420, fo.123. 1571, fo. 221. 6070, fo. 2 2 r. SwTonge's Visitation p 68 Dugdales Visitation, p. 119, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. J * to be Agnes, dau. of Sir Wm. Gascoigne, &c. 5 Wdliam MS uk f I L* I^r^r f Barnb ^ n ^ r Jossal, j« ante ; and his and wife ^-“ - ? 1 MS. 1415^ " A quo Constable, of Ciiffe, see page 506. 7 Humphrey, MS. 1 8 A quo Constable, of Hatfield, see page 506. 9 After, MS. 141c. pedtgrec. p 179. * * , -- - -, — f page 506. 7 Humphrey, MS. 14 t 1 ° A quo Constable, of Kexby, see page y> 7 . XL MS. 1571. 13 Should be Marmaduke,^ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . I99 Langbergh. ROKEBY, OF MANFELD, Arms Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a chevron between 3 rooks sable, beaked and membered azure, a fleur-de-lis or, Rokeby. 2 and 3. Argent, 01 a cross engrailed sable an annulet or, FitzHenry. Thomas Rokeby. =. I-7-;- * 1 Ralph Rokeby, of William Rokeby, of Marske, = Grace, daughter and heir to Morton. = in Cleveland, 3rd son. j . FitzHenry, of Rich- A I mondshire. Ralph Rokeby, of Marske, in Cleveland. =., daughter cf.Hutton, of Hun- | wick in Episcopitu. 1 Sir Robert Roke-= = Muriel, dau. 1 1 Ann, wife of 1 1 Margaret, wife to 1 Grace, wife by, of Manfeld, 1 to Gerard Robert Layton, Williim Elwick, to Robt. in Richmond- Salveyn, of of Saxhowe. of Seton, co. Warde,of shire, Knt.> liv¬ Croxdale, Dorothy, wife to York Marske. ing a° 1584. co. Dur¬ ham. Cuthbert Wi¬ th am, of Bre- tanby. Joyce, vifetojohn Tunstall, of Long Newton. Ralph Rokeby, eldest 2. Christopher. 4. Francis. He'llena. Joan. son, set. 19, an. 1584. 3. Robert. Margaret. Robert Rokebye. 18,011, fo, 123. 1487, fo. 227. T394, p. 138. 1415, fo. 95. 1420, fo. 102. 6070, fo. 329. 1571, fo. 88. See this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collections. 1 Marske, MS. 1415. Langbergh. PERCY, OF ORMESBY. Walterus Percy, miles, dominus de Kildale, or, - . 5 fusils sable. 1--- Dominus Nicholaus Percy, sine prole. Willielmus Percy, Dominus de Kildale. =. Arnoldus Percy, Dominus de Willielmus Percy, que habet Ormesby ex=. Kildale, carta ejus sine data. patre et confirmatione fntris sui dono 1 Amoldi, inq., 23 Edward ]., Ebor. Alexander Percy, de Ormesby et Sneton, superstites 1341, id Edward III.,=. fuit setatis 14, anno 23 Edward I. \ Willielmus Percy de Ormesby, filius Alexandri, superstites 1345, 16 Ed. III. =. Juliana, filia et hseres. — Robertus Conyers de Hornby, miles, cr a maunch , azure. Johannes Conyers, de Ormesby. ==. Robertus Conyers de Ormesby, miles =. Johannes Conyers. superstites 14 Richard II. Anne, wife of James Strangwayes. =. 1 James Strangwayes, of Ormesby. See ptge 202. 18,011, fo. 125. 1415, fo. 95<*. 1420, fo. 209 b. 1571, fo, 90. 6070, fo. 230. ■ MALEVERER, OF WODERSOME. Out of an old paper written in French, setting down all this descent, and now remaining in the custody of William Maleverer, of Wodersome* Visitation 1612. Visitation 1612. ^ KMS -_j and 4. Sable, 3 greyhounds courant argent, collared or, Maleveker. 2, Or, a fesse gules, in chief 3 torteaux, Colvjle, a maunche or, Conyers. Crest :■—A branch of a tree bearing a single trefoil leaf argent- 3, Azure, Sir Philip Colvile, 1 was steward and chamberlain to Hugh Pitdsey, Bishop of Du W hHrs I . the said bishop gave for his service the towns of Thimbleby, Fox ton, and Ellerbeck, to him and the Imrs of his body . ____J Sir William Colvile, Knt* ==■...... Sir Philip Col-oih, Knt .= Engelha, daughter and heir of Sir Robert Engeram, r f Lord of Amchgedale and East Heslerton. IjA_I - William Mauleverer, of Potter New-— ton, living 19 Ed. III., 1341. Sir Robert=Elizabeth, dau. Colvile, and heir of Knt. Sir John Con¬ yers, Knt. Sir Philip Colvile , who had the manor of Thimbleby for the term of his life, of the gift of his father , and died s. p. William Colvile, had Sigsfon for the term of his life, of the gift of his father. He died s.p. William Maleverer, 2 son of William, =. living 35 Ed. III., a a 1360, of Pot¬ ter Newton. Sir William =Joane, daughter of Colvile, I Sir John Faucon- Knt. | bridge, Knt. Philip, died at Sandwiches p. Marian, Elizabeth, wife s.p. to Henry Sarazin. = Robert Maleverer,! of Woder^A H* *■ M°rmaduke Colvile de- S iv J oh n-rMice, ^ some, 10 Hen. V. n ob. i 443 i He ties buried in Leeds church . r- beth, scended of a 2nd wife, sister dau . of of A n thonyS t. Quin tin t a nd . died at Calais, s. p. Colvile, of Dale, knt. Sir William Ma-=Joane Colvile, an in- leverer, Knt., 1 heritrix. 1st son, lived 3 Ed. IV. _*—- Sir Robert Col-=Elizabeth, daughter vile, Knt. | of Sir William Fulthorpe, Knt. Elizabeth , dau. and heir , remained with the Queen of Portugal, and there mar. to a knt. or squire, whose name they know not. Isabel, daughter and= William Fence tes. co-heir, wife to John Wandesford. — of John, Lord Darcy. Sir Robert Maleverer, = . Knt., 3 Ed. IV. Henry, 3rd son, Ed. IV. Edmond, 3 4th son, Ed. IV. Sir John Colvile, K nt .,= Elizabeth, dau. died at Harfleete, in of Sir Piers Normandy, s. p. Tylliol. J ohn Wan- desford. 1 200 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND A Edmond Maleverer, 3 son and heir. 3 Ed. IV. Sir William Maleverer, of Woodesom, alias Wodersome, in the West Riding. = Jane daughter of ...... Conyers, of Sockbume, James Maleverer,=*Anne. one of ye daugb- of Wodersome, I ters and heirs of eldest son. Ralph WyclifFe, of Wycliffe. Robert Maleverer, = Alice, dau. to Sir 2nd son and heir male. Ninian Marken- feld, Knt. 3. William. 4. Henry, clerk i rS^4- 4 Anne, married to John Rocliffe, of Cowthorpe. Katherine, mar¬ ried to William 5 Womb well. Jane, wife to Richard Ald- burgh, of Aldburgh. = Anne, wife to Thos. Gower, of Stitnam, sans issue. 1 Katherine, wife to William Conyers, of Marske. — 3. Sir Edmond 6 = Mary, daughter Maleverer, Knt, to Sir Chris¬ topher Dan- by, of Thorpe. 1, William* 7 Dorothy? mar. to 2. Robert. 7 John Kaye, son 4. Thomas, 7 and heir of Arthur Kaye,of Woodsome. Ann/ married to Thomas, son and heir of Gilbert Leigh, of M idle ton. Richard Aldeburgh. 1 .Conyers, dan. and heir, married to Arthur Phillippe. j--- William Maleverer, of=EUinor, daughter Wodersome; Esq. living a° 1584, now living 1612. of Richard Ald- burgh, of Ald¬ burgh. Elizabeth, wife to Ralph Gower, of Stitnam. Katherine; sans issue. ' Til - William. Christopher, Edmond. James Maleverer , (St. 22, 1612. Alice, eldest daughter, set. 6 an. 1584, wife of Richard Tempest . Anne, wife of Francis Pinkney. Ma Mary. Catherine. ! 1 ! Dorothy. Catherine. Elizabeth. James Maleverer. Wm. Malleverere. Wittielmus Lomley et WillieLmus Bakeman dederunt maneriutn de Seynt Elyn Aukeland Willelmo Col vile militi et Johann ae uiori ejus et hseredibus de eorura corporibus post cujus mortem manerium praedictum descendebat Johann t Wartdesfcrd et Johanna: nuperuxori Willielmi Maleverer mditis ut consanguiniaset hjeredi praedictorum, Willielmi et Johamrse, viz. eidem Jnhanniut filio Isabellas filise Johannis filii dicti Willielmi et Johanna uxoris, et pr^efatae Johannae uxori de Willielmi Maleverer, uc filiae Johannis filii praedicri Willtelmi Colvile et Johannae usoris ejus, etc. 18,011, fo. 123^ 124. 1487, fo. 233 b. 1394*^- 139- I4 r 5> fo- 95- ff. 10 zb, 103. 4630, p. 385. 1571, ff. 88 b, 89. 6070, fo. 260. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 97, and this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 The descent in MS. 1571, fo. 222, differs from tfie above. 3 William and Robert are connected as father and son in the Visitation, but it is an obvious mistake. See this pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 3 These Edmonds are identical. 4 Visitation 1564. 5 Henry, Visitation 1564. * Edward, MS. 415. 7 Visitation 1612 makes these brothers and sisters of Robert Maleverer, not his issue. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. r ft. * > ^ v — — v? 3-^r ^SS —- . ny yiw e ■ - j yvr 1 -. —• -■ - '■'2*- LANGBERGH. STRANGWAYES, OF ORMESBY. szss.'ssi'sg. Percy. 6. Urgent, 3 chevrons braced sable, on a chief of the last 3 mullets of the first, Danb\. N.B.— This pedigree as entered at the Visitation of 1584 is here printed in Italics. Henry Strangwayes. = Tohannes Brit -^Catherine 1 Thomas^ Strang- Sibill! J wife of Sir' James Strang- Isabel, wife of Peter Roger -Alice, daugli jonannes nni e_ ; wav « marriwi Richard Bur- waves, Knt, a mar. Worsley. Strang- terofRobt YillejArmiger, Dominus de Yafforfh. mar. to Robert Buskby. Culbciinc, Jai. and heir.mar. to Willielmus Danby,Armi- ger. = 1 i 1 " Joan, daughter and co-heir, wife to Lord Berkeley. Katherine, dan. and co-heir, wife to Lord Grey. wayes, married ... relict of the Duke of Norfolk. = _ ! _ Richard ton, j. p. Ge< Peter. leoffrey. John and Cicely . All died j. py wayes, Knt,, mar. Worsley. Joan, daughter of Katherine, wife of Nicholas Orrell '.= Ralph Bnlkeley. Strang- wayes. terofRobt. or Richard Orrell, Esq. Vfnrgnrpf. wife to Thomas, 1st son of Thomas Lord Darcy, of Gilsland. Elizabeth, wife of Sir Thos. Mont- ford, Knt. Sir fames— Elizabeth. n Strang¬ wayes, JCnt „ married Elizabeth, daughter of Robt. Evers, issue Ralph and Edward, dau. {and one of the heirs’ 2 ) of Philip Lord Darcy and MennelL Isabel, wife of Sir Peter Gerard, Knt. Katherine, wife of William Rich¬ mond. 3 Maude, wife of Ralph Stanley. j 1 1 ~ r ~ n 2. James. -*1 3. Kooen. 4. John. Joan. Margaret. Agnes. AH 0. s. p. Tin os. Strang- wayes, clues* v son, married Ellinor, dau. of Walter Talboys. = Robertus Dauby, de Yaf- forth. 2, Jas. Strangwayes, mar. Ann , daugh¬ ter and heir of Sir Robert Conyers , of Onnesbyjir. Cleve¬ land, Knt., who lived 14 Richard See page 199. 3 * 1 [ F 1 I William. II. ob. inf 1 Thomas, ob. puer A George, a clerk . 1 Philip. , Christo¬ pher. 8. Robert. 9. Henry., 10. John. Sir Richard Strang- Margery, wife of J ohn wayes , Knt. y 1st son Ingleby, and andly and heir, married of Lord Wells, Elizabeth, daughter Ellinor, wife to Wil- and co-heir of Wil- ham 4 Maleverer. liam Nevill Lord Elizabeth, wife to Fauconberg. == Marmaduke vaux. Cler- B 1 1 ' i 1- 2. John. 3. James, Joan, wife to John Champney . 1 Thos. Strangwayes, 5 eldest son, married .. dau. of Sir John Wadham, Knt., re-mar. John Strangwayes, Kht. = 1 > VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l6l2. - -ofy* *. zz H Sir Thomas Dan by, a° 158 5* = Jane, sole daughter, Dorothy Tristram, mar - trmrried to ried to Christopher Ralph Cratheme, Fulthorpe, of Ryall and died sans Mill, in Cleveland, issue. J 4 jS^/'43/i£K r 0i r £J — Elizabeth* daughter 0 _Ti Pjannv- son and heir, 1612, of Upsal, in Cleveland, of James Penny- man, of Ormesby. z. John. 1. Jane\ married to Ralph Johnson* of Long Preston, in Holdemess. Thomas Danby. = James Bradshaw, son and heir set. II, l6l2 t John. Thomas. Henry. Mary. Elizabeth. Murid. Christopher Dauby. Strangwayes Bradshaw non prodavit anna, iBorr, ff. 124A 125. 14S7, ff. 7, 253 James St ran g we s. See this I39+ p. I4 o. 141s, fo. 95*. 1420, ff. 103*. T ° 4 - m. ff 89#. 9 °- 6 ° 7 °> fo ' 2 3 °- pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 MS - fee,. m!s M ^V 8 r a *^4»°So U th Hl°t d DSSr7SSS° fSlr J ° hn Langbeegh. EURE. cZ*7-0™ a “elm and mantling on a tome argent and azure, a lions jamb, cooped, embowed or, boldmg an escallop argent Supporters Two eat-a-monn tains, quarterly or and azure. Motto:—“ Vises Malum Bono.” Sir Ralph Eure, son and heir of Sir John Eure. == Katherine, daughter and heir of Sir William Atom Sir'William Eure* Knt, superstates 17 Hen. VI. = Maude, daughter and co-heir of Henry, Lord 1 Fitzhugh, Sir RalphEure, Knt., 17 Hen. VI.=EUinor, daughter to John, Baron of Greystock. A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . r Sir William Eure, Knt. = Margaret, daughter to Sir Robert Constable, of Flamborough. Sir Ralph Eure, Knt.=Muriel, daughter to Sir Hugh Hastings, of Fenwick. Sir William Eure, ist Lord Eure. = Elizabeth, daughter to Christopher, Lord Willoughby, of Eresby. Sir Ralph Eure, = Margery, dau. Henry Eure, = Ellinor, daughter to Knt., slain in West Tivedale, by the Earl of Arrayne, in his fathers life¬ time. 1 to Sir Ralph Bowes, of Stretlam. of Bishop Middleham, in Episco¬ pate John Hebbome, of Hardwicke, in Episcopatu, widow to Sir Wm. Hall, of Bishop Middle- ham. Margery, wife of William Buckton, of Benningholme, in Holder- Muriel, married, ist, to Sir George Bowes, and after to William Wy- cliffe, ofWycliffe. Anne, wife to Anthony Thorpe, of Coneys Thorp. 1 Frances, wife to Robert Lambton, of Lamb- ton in the Bishoprick. Sir William Eure, Lord—Margaret, daughter to Eure, now living, a° 1584. Sir Edward Dymock, of Scrivelsby, co. Lincoln, Knt. 2. Ralph. 3. Thomas, s.p. Anne, wife of Lancelot Mirfield. William, eldest i ! I Ralph. Margaret. Mary. 1 1 . Ralph Eure, Esq., = Mary, dau. to 2. Francis, son and heir, born 24 Sept., 1558, at Ber¬ wick . 2 Sir John Daw- 4. Charles, nay, of Ses- Charles, died say, co. York. young, set. 1. 3. Sir William— Catherine, dau. Anne, wife of John, son and Eure, Knt., and heir to heir to Sir Wm. Mallory. 3 rd son, a° Sir William Muriel, wife of Richard 1612/3. Bowes, Knt. Goodrick, of Ribston. TTm 3. Martha. Margaret, died set. 9 years. Mary, ob. inf. Elizabeth, ob. inf. William Eure, set. 5 a<> 1584. Thomas Eure, aged 5 1612. 2. William. 3. Henry. 1. Margaret. 3. Elizabeth. I 2. Anne, ob. inf. William Eure. 18 on fo. 125*, 1487, fo. 426^. 1394, p. 141. 1420 fo. 105. 1171, fo. 46. 1571, ff. 90 b, 91. See additional pedigrees, pages 607 to 617. * * l MS. 1571. 2 Visitation 1564. O Ln VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 206 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. Langbergh. PENNYMAN, OF MARTON. Arms :—Gules, a chevron ermine between 3 splintered lance staves erect or, armed argent. Crest: —Issuant from a mural coronet gules, a lion s head erased or, transfixed by a spear of the last, armed argent, the wound bleeding gules. Thomas Pennyman, of Stokesley. =Ann, daughter to.Gatonby. Ralph Pennyman. =Jane, daughter to.Saltmarsh. Thomas. George, s.p. Robert Pennyman, of Stokesley. = Margaret, daughter of .Sayer. William Pennyman, of Stokesley. = Ann, daughter to Thomas Cleaseby. James Pennyman, of Mar ton, = Ann, daughter to.Barnett, of Breakhouse. living 1584. 1 r Reginald, and Thomas. William Pennyman, 4 set. 20, 1584, mar¬ ried .. daugh¬ ter of . Ashe. 5 James Pennyman, eldest John .3 son, married ., dau. Gilbert, of . Kingsley, 1st and wife; “2nd wife was dau. Robert, of.... Smyth? s.p. _^_=* Sir William Penny--Ann, daughter and co-heir of John Atherton, youngest son man, Bart. and heir of Katherine, one of y* daughters and co-heirs of John, Lord Conyers. James Pennyman. 18,011, fo. 1253. 1487, fo. 62. 1394, p. 135- I 4 I S> fo. 96. 1420. fo. 1043. 6070, fo. 304. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 198, and the pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. l MS. 1415. 2 MS. 18,011. 3 MSS. 1415, 6070. 4 Illegitimate, see Dugdale’s Visitation, and the pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 6 This match and the descent is from MS. 18,011. _ LANGBERGHE. ^ T RADCLIFFE, OF TUNSTALL. Arms: —Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, a bend engrailed sable, a mullet for difference, argent, Radcliffe. 2 and 3. Argent, a cross moline pierced sable, Fulthorpe. Henry Radcliffe, of Tunstall. = Isabel, daughter and co-heir of John, or Thomas, | Fulthorpe, of Tunstall. Ralph Radcliffe, of =. dau. to Sir William Radcliffe, =.. daughter to cv-T 11 11, iir.'ii:_ it__J 2nd SOn. TnVm A/Tnrpshv of Tunstall, eldest son. William Hansard, of Walworth, in Episcopatu. John Moresby, of Cumberland. Margaret, only dau., mar. to Brian Palmes, of Tunstall, attainted. Dorothy, = RogerRad-=Mary, dau. Christopher = Helena, daughter to Sir Francis Bigod, sis¬ ter to Sir Ralph. cliffe, of Mulgrave, Esq., liv¬ ing a 1584. to John Ry- ther, of Ry- ther, cof¬ ferer to K. Ed. VI. Radcliffe, of Newton Hansard, in Episcopatu, 2nd son. Francis = = Frideswide, Kathe¬ r i 'r~n William. Radcliffe. daughter to rine. Ralph. .Savile, Jane. of Barrow- Isabel, or by, co. Lin¬ Elizabeth. coln. Margaret. (Charles Radcliffe, eldest son. Gilbert . Robert. dau. to SirRobt. Nevill,of Levers- edge. 1 1 1 Reynold. Thomas. Margaret. Roger Radcliffe, eldest son, 5 years of age a° 1584. 18,011, fo. 126^. 1487, fo. 25 7b. Henry. Thomas. Helena. 1394, p. 142. f\c\nc\ f r\ 1415, fo. 96. 1420, fo. 1495. Langberghe. CRATHORNE, OF CRATHORNE. N, B.—The Visitation Pedigree of 1585 is here Printed in Italics. and 6 in ba sea r gent/j hi r ds sat” e! or * Crathorne. 2. Sable, on a fesse or, between 7 cross crosslets in chief his horns a cross pat&e of the test/ J- 4 ^ n a bend gules 3 escallops or* Eland. 4. Vert, a buck’s head cabossed argent, between Crest,—O n a mound vert, a bird sable. appare/Tn 'Si™!™ ouartfriftlm^la < : rat!lorne “rmigtri arma gum ascriiunlur Bagote, sed fiotius sunt arma cujusdem Crathornc, ut * Cra,h ° nte ’ Ct «"**•** «» «*«**. super /ascent Henry Craythome, of Baynard, = .. now called Craythome, temp. I William the Conqueror. I---' Robert Crathorne, =., dan, of SirWm. son and heir. I DanvilL Knt, ,- > , la 1 ? 15 Craythome, who lived in the time of King- William the Conqueror, had and neld divers hides of lands in the lordship and town of Baynard, now called Cravthorne (and °i n l e Levene), trom Syward, Earl of Northumberland, and that he mightily resisted the said \Vllliam the Conqueror; but, by means of Resmgeus, Bishop of Dorchester he was reconciled to the said king, and had his lands restored to him, and he then named that same town Craythome. 1 Joh n Craythome, of Craythome. ^ Anedretha, 1 daughter of Sir John Spencer, Knt. Sir Robert Craythome, Knt., ist son.=.daughter of Godfr ey Gorede Episcopate Dnnelmensis. 'sSS”’"”™ “* ^-as^TSSJir - *■' *•*» <*■»■* «*. Cmython1 ^ Ist 3011 aad=r . daughter of Richard Conyers, of J. p. mascuie. n I ist son, ob. Sockbume, Esq. Ann, wife to Thomas Boynton, of Adam, in Cleveland, 1188, and had Robert Boynton, ti O VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. fo s .r* - • v- <\ * Sir Ralph Craythome, Knt, son and heir.- daughter of Sir John Blundeville, Knt r Richard Craythome, son and heir.=.daughter of Plumley, of Plumley. Isabel daughter of Sir John Clervaux, Knt., ist = Sir William Craythome, Knt. = Margaret, daughter of John Russell, of Rowlesby, wife. _I I 2nd wife * John, o. s.p . William, o.s.p. Thomas Craythome, son and=,..daughter heir, temp, 22 Rich. II., a 0 and heir of 1398. Peter Bagot. Nicholas, Matthew, was an accountant to K. Ed. III. in the exchequer for the silver mines in Devon. Thomas. Richard, Eustace. Bryan Craythome, ist= ..daughter of Sir John son, 8 Hen. IV., 1407. | Pickering, Knt. F Robert, 0. s, p. Guy. John Craythome, son and heir, lived 1451. = Katherine, daughter of Thomas Rrigwell, Esq, Sir Ralth Crathorne , Knt. said, daughter of Thomas 2. Robert, 3, Thomas Craythome. =.. daughter of John Dab sou and heir. ] Mountford, Knt. I hson, of Lincoln. [--—-----j“j-1 Thomas Crathorne,-Alice, dau., and one 2. Ralph. Cecily, wife of . Thomas Craythome, =Joane, dau and heir of Crathorne, Esq. I of the 4 heirs of Sir Agnes, wife of Brigham, 16 Ed. IV. of co. Lincoln. of Nicholas Thores- John Eland, of Hull, .Blunt. and 1476. by. C B C Ralph Cratkome, of Craihorne t Esq,, sans Issue. James Cratkome r heir to=Elizabeth, daughter to his brother Ralph. I John Sayer, of Wor sail. Thomas Craythorne, of= Margaret, daughter of John co. Lincoln. | Talbois. T r Thomas Cra-=Evtrild, daughter a, thorne , of Cratkome , Esq. to Si r Roger Constable, of Everingham. 3. George. 4. Peter. \ \ \ I Anne, wife of Agnes, wiffi to Ell in or, wife of Sir Bryan Cray- = Margaret, William Ash¬ by, of Ashby, 2 in Episcopatu, George Con¬ yers, of Pin¬ ch inthorp. John Vincent, of Smeton, 2nd brother to Vincent, of Sme¬ ton. thorne, of co. Line. dau, of John Permont, of Theddle- thorpe. Janepdaugh-=Ralph Cra--Bridget, dau. ter and co¬ heir of Sir James Strang- wayes, of S neat on. Jane, died young. thorne, of Cratkome, Esq., 1584, living 1612. to Richard Yaxley, of Yaxley, co. Suffolk, Esq. 2. Robert. 3. William, married to Ursula, widow of Fairfax. I 4. Matthew, married y* dau. and heir of A n¬ thony Hut¬ ton ,of Auck¬ land. = -1 r '— I I 5, Thomas. Catherine, wife of Ralph Creyke, of Cot - tingham. 1 Mary, mar. to Joseph, 2nd son of Sir John Constable, of Burton . Thos. Cray-= Katherine, dau. thorne, of co. Line, of Laurence Moigne, of Tfaixley, co. Lincoln. Thomas Cratharne,= Catherine, daughter 2 years old 1584, now living 1613. r and co-heir to Ed¬ mond Riches, 5 of Swynington, in co. Norfolk. \ I i Ralph. Edward. Mary. Thomas. Margaret. 1. John Craythorne, married Ann, dau, of John Little- bury, of Stansby, co. . 2. Robert Craythorne, married Alice, daugh¬ ter of William Trus- dale, of Hursdon, Ralph, son and heir of Thomas, 2. Edmond. 3. George. Bridget, cel. 8, an. 1612, Thos. Crathorne, K 18,011, fo. 127. 1487, fo. 269k 1394, p. 143. 1415, fo. 96. 1420, fo. 106. 1571, fo. 92. Visitation, p. 145. 1 ? Ankareta. 2 ? Aislaby, of Aislaby. 3 Another account states her to be wife of John Buhner, of Wilton. 5 Richart—Dugdale. Raphe Crathorne. 6070, fo, 305& See Dugdale*s 4 Anne, MS, 14S7, VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 209 210 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584 f 5 AND I ^ 12, Birdforth. THORNTON, OF BIRDFORTH. Arms Arg., on a bend gu. 3 carbuncles or, pierced azure, a mullet for difference. Arma in funere Ricardi Thornton, de Gray’s Inn, per Richd. Cooke, Clarencieux , fuerunt hoc ordine descripta. John Thornton, citizen, and sometime lord mayor of York .. daughter of .Blades. John Thornton, citizen, and sometime lord mayor=. of York. _) Richard Thornton, citizen and merchant of York. = Jane, daughter to John Norman, of York. -- Tohn Thornton, of Bridforth, =Anne, daughter to Christo- J _ nmr u^incr cxo -nber Thomlinson. and of co. York, now living a° I 5 ^ 4 * pher Thomlinson, and of Ann, his wife, the dau. of .Mansell. Margaret, wife to John Pickering, of Lom¬ bard Street, in London. ill Richard Thornton, Thomas = Helena, dau. to 3 - Jph?- TVmmtnn Percival Lum- 4. Chris eldest son, stu¬ dent in Gray’s Inn, died sans is¬ sue, buried in y e parish church of Alderm anbury, in London. Thornton, 2nd son and heir. Percival Lum- 4. Christopher, ley, 3rd son 5. Francis. to Lord Lum ley, and the daughter of Sir George Hus¬ sey. Ann, wife to George Nevv- sam, of Hea¬ ton, co. York. Jane, attendant on the wife of Sir Ralph Eure. Elizabeth. Dorothy. John Thornton, aet. 3 an 0 1584, - Grace , dau. of Thomas Withes , of Birdforth, 1612. I of Copgrave. Thomas , cet. 3,1612. I Margaret. Mary. John Thorneton. 18,011, fo. 127^. 1487, fo. 147. 1394, p. 144 - I 4 T S* ff - T 7> 9 6 &- I 4 2 °* Io6 ^» is8 * 4630, p. 653. 1571, fo- 9 2 ^- 6070, fo. 3040. Birdforth. pINKNEY) 0 F SILTON PAYNELL. Arms:— Arg., 4 fusils in pale within abordureengrailed sa. William Pinkney, of Silton Paynell, co. York, 1465- =. Robert Pinkney, of Silton Paynell, 20 Ed. IV. =.daughter of .Conyers, of 3 | Hutton-on-Wiske. Richard Pinkney, of Silton Paynell, 19 Hen. VII. = Alison Duile, of Ravensthorpe. 211 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 1 Richard Pinkney ,21 Hen. Eleanor, dau . ofDanby of Leake, and of Braworth. Christopher Pinkney, of = Isabel, daughter to William Silton Paynell. ] Smyth, of. William. Leonard. LauncelotPink-= Dorothy, dau. to 2. James =Anne, dau. to ney, of Silton Paynell, liv ing a° 1584. Ralph Pollard, of Brumpton, in Pickering Lythe. Pinkney. Francis Pinkney, set. =.. dau. of 15 an. 1585, of Silton Paynell , now living 1612. Wm. Male - v ever, of Am - cliffe. 2 Gawen, sans issue. Ralphe Pol¬ lard, of Pick¬ ering Lythe. 1 1 Christopher. Margery. Christopher. Leonard. Agnes. tfi Leonard. Margery. William Pinkney , son and heir, cet. 4 an. 1612. 1 Dorothy, a daughter. Lancelot Pinkney. 18,011, fo. 128. 1487, fo. 63. 1394, p. 145* 1415, fo. 9 6b. 1420, fo. 107. I 57 1 > fo* 93 * 6070, fo. 305. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 326. 1 Robert, MSS. 1487, 6070, 1571. copy of the Visitation of j6i». 2 This pedigree does not appear in the Heralds’ College Birdforth. ASKWITH, OF NEWSTEAD. William Askwith, of Newstead. =., 1- j Richard Askwith. =. _ ) Henry Askwith, 19 Henry VIII. •= Cicely, daughter to William Conyers, of Marske. Christopher Ask-=Jane, daughter of Symon Askwith, 3. Adam. Barbara, wife until nf \Tcmr_ D morriA/1 tLa a f Iaakiva RobCft Conyers, of Cotham. with, of New¬ stead, in Rich- mondshire. Richard Paver , or Favor, of Bra ham juxta Spofford. married the 4. George, daughter of sans is- . Burgh, sue. widow to . Beverley. Richard =•.. dau. Askwith, to James of Bar- rowby, now liv¬ ing 1584. Westropp, of Corne- burgh. 2. Thomas Ask- 3. Henry. with, married Cicely, wife to Fran- Dorothy, dau. cis Bainbridge, of to Lancelot Burgh, of Brom p- ton-on Swale. = Coverham Abbey, in Richmond- shire. Christian, wife to Ralph At¬ kinson, of Newstead. Richard, set. 2, an. 1584. Richard Askwith. 18,011, io. 129A 1487, fo. 148. 1394, p. 148. 1420, fo. io8£. 1415, fo. 1571, fo. 94A 6070, fo. 162. 212 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND ] 6 l 2 . BlRDFORTH. BRANSBY, OF OKEBANK. Nondum probavit arma. Geoffrey Brandesbe, alias Bransby, a° 1318 .=Alice, dau. to Sir Ralph Hastings. I William Bransbe, of Crake. -Joan. Thomas Bransbe, of Crake. =.< William Bransbe, of Crake. = . Ralph Bransbe, son of William. = Margery, sister to Hugh Killmghall, of Mid- p I dleton, co. York. Thomas Bransbe, of Kefwick, 3 2=Eustacia, daughter to Tiomas Henry VIII. _J_ Lepton, of Kepwick._ 2. Get 2. George Bransbe. Thomas Bransbe, of= Margery, dau. . 1_Pnhprt Okebank, within the lordship of Kep¬ wick, living a° 1584. to Robert Pinkney, of Silton Pay- nell. —rn j » 2. * Francis. Margaret, wife Jane, whe q. Tames. of bicholas to Wil- 0 J King, of Al- liam Ap- ford, <0. Lin- plegarth. coin. William = Elizabeth, dau. 2. Roger. Bransbe, eldest son. of Richard White, aider- man of York. Elizabeth, wife to Thomas Chip- ingdale, of Al¬ ford, co. Line., merchant. -j—|—f Tane, 1 wife to Robt. Kirk, of Bilsdale. Agnes, wife of John Robinson, of Over Silton, co. York. Mary. —r Ralph Bransbe, eldest^ Judith, dau. of 1 ^ 'T'fjnc South. son, set. 14, an. 1585, now living at Okebanke , 1612. Thos. South, ofSomercoats. 2. William. 1. Jane. 2. Clare. 3. Dorothy. T7T1 „ 4. Elizabeth. 5. Mary. 6 . Margaret. 7. Anne. William Bransby , son and heir, cet. 7,1612. 2. Christopher. Thomas Bransbe. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 , 213 Birdforth. ROSSE, OF CAWTON. N ' B *~ The Italic part of this Pedigree is taken from MS. 1571. Aims:—O r, 3 water bougets within a bordure engrailed sable.1 Thomas Crewer. =. Walter Crewer. =. Thomas Crewer=. . 1- J Christopher Crewer. =. v_ John Rosse, ol Withers-=Elizabeth, daughter to Richard lake, co. Westmoreland. I Midleton, of Midleton Hall, | co. Westmoreland. 1-' Thos. Rosse, of=Joan, daughter Wooderslake of. and Dent. Robert Crewer. =. George Croer, vel Brian de la=. sister and f nipr of Foi_ River 1_ _ _r r<_ Cruer, of Cal veton, sans issue. heir of Geo. Crewer. 1. Thos. Rosse, Vincent Rosse, 3. Anthony =Ellinor, daughter and Elizabeth, of Dent. co. Aik son . mar- Rosse. OA_V» Q1T* a #4 a 1 a D ««*a- of Dent, co. York, sans issue. 2. William , slain before he was of age, :.p. 4th son , mar¬ ried and had issue. co-heir to Brian de de la River la River, niece and wife to one of the heirs of Miles George Cruer, of Medcalfe. Calveton, alias Caw- = ton. I i-]— George Rosse, cf= Isabel, daugh- 2. Henry Edmund Med-=Ellinor, daughter Cawton, nov living ao 1584. ter to John Taillefer, 2 of Sutton. Rosse. = calfe. Anthony, s.p. Thomas, s.p. TI to Christopher Tomlinson, of Birdforth. Robert 3 Rosse, -Rose, daughter Ellena. Mary, wife of William Ellinor, wife oaf ✓>/* ****** _ nr _ 1 _ 1 m 7 77 ^ eldest son, aet. 14, an. 1584. of George wife of Woodward,ofRashall, to George Badesley, of . co. York. Laton, of Ellerton Alice,wife Anne, wife of Robert Sproxton. Grange, co. of . Danby, of Cowton. Stafford. William Rosse, = Elizabeth, dattghter of Cawton, I of Robert Barton, 1629. I of Cawton. Isabel, wife of Ralph Savile, of Eyton, co. York. Frances, unmarried 1629. John Rosse, 3 years old 1620. Ellen . Elizabeth. Mary . Anne. George Rosse. Georgius assent se ipsum descendisse ex familia de Kendale. Arma Georgi Croyer et uxoris suae filiae Tunstall. chevron between 3 birds, Croyer. Impaling 3 combs , Tunstall, quaere qualis sunt aves et colores armorum! 18,011, fo. 129. 1487, fo. 61 b. 1394, p. i 47 . 1415, fo. 10. 1420, ff. 30, 108 1571, fo. 94. 6070, fo. 184. J 1 See arms and crest, MS. 15:71. 2 Tayleford, MS. 1571. 3 MS. 1415, but George in MS. 18,011. 214 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 , BlRDFORTH. LEPTON, OF KEPWICK. Arms :—Gules, 3 bars argent, on a chief azure 3 Catherine wheels or. Margaret. — Isabella, wife of Thomas Newton. Elizabeth. = William Lepton . _J Agnes , wife of Wil¬ liam de Bransby. Johtfide Lepton ar. filius etheeredibus * | "".'.'"'.’..f Withlf J Wirkeley armiger, probatusper Carta data* 13 Henry vi. 1 Thomas Lepton, ar. per cartam dat apud -dau. of.Gower, KepwickfnH. VI. 1 of Stittenam. Agnes, uxor ... Crathorne. dau and te>=Tohn Lepton, of=Agnes, daughter to William Midelton of dau. andjnr J°™ I Wkeld, sister to Sir Peter, frayed by deed J . 6 dated 3 Henry VII. . daughter and to her mother. heir Thomas Lepton, of= Isabella, daughter of Thomas Kepwick | Gower, of Stainsby. Christopher Lepton, of Kepwick, Esq., living ao 1584, mar¬ ried Agnes, daugh¬ ter to Robert Bussy, or Bushby, of Bar- rowby. = TTTT 2. Lawrence. 2. Margaret, and Isabel, s. p. Eustacia, wife of Thomas Bransby. Alice, wife of John Hall, 1 of Huby. Mary, wife of Clara, wife of Rich- Christopher ard Pickering, of Bussey, or Bush- Ryther. by, of Barrowby. Dorothy, wife of William Watson, Margery, wife of Richd. Mathew," of London. after to Philip Tew, of Cawood. I Roger Lepton, son= and heir. ;Margaret, daughter to Elizabeth, wife to James Westropp, William Wycliffe, of of Westropp , 3 near Brompton, in Wycliffe. Pickering Lythe, after to Edward, brother to Sir William Fairfax. “j I Elizabeth. Dorothy. r- - -rm John Lepton, =Mary, daughter of 2. James, son and heir, I (William*) Clapton, 3. Peter, set. 15 ao of Sledwick, tit 4. Christopher. 1584, of Kep~ j alii of John Clax- 5* Thomas. wick .6 I ton (ob. i6ij 3 ). 1. Muriel. 3. 2. Agnes. 4. 2. ThomasJ Edward Lepton, eldest son (died before Elizabeth? his father, without issue, at Breda*). MaryJ -1 Alice I 1 Xpofer Lepton. 18,011, fo. 130. 1487, fo. 271. 1394, P- 149- I 4 I S» f o- I 4 2 °, f <>- I0 9- 1571, fo. 95* 6070, fo. 165. l Or Hale, of Ensbie, or Hoby, MS. 1487. 2 Martin, MSS. 1415, 1487. 8 MS. 6070. 4 John, MS. 6070. 5 Fundavit domum in Kepwick, Visitation 1612. 6 Of the Privy Chamber, 1604, Visitation 1612. 7 Additional from MS. 1487. Birdforth. DEYVILL, OF CUCKWOLD. Crt”t-A r htId SS r,,fflllf; f T r a!1 .6 fleurs-de-lis, 2, 2, and 2, counterchanged, a crescent for difference. Motto.—“ Pens'es Comment?'' ’ h ® mde:£ 6nger extended • •••■ holding a fleur-de-lis or, differenced as in the arms. George Deyvill, of Cuckwold>=Margaret, daughter and heir of Sir John Coveil, son of Sir John, son of Sir Thomas. 1 SofiZfn e isfzvi'/el" 0 2nd SOn °f Conyers ,=George Deyvill, of Cuckwold ,^Margaret, daughter of Thomas ’ J _ ^ J Foyfier. 1 John, 2 son and heir. r Foyper. 1 2. George De yvill. = Jane, daughter and co-heir of William Laurence, of Mitton. 'ras.tfa? B " i r W S" ^ - * J-. »- * 3. Henry eldest son. Margaret, wife to John Warner,. ofLondon,after to Thos. Hunt, of Thames St., in London. Anne, wife to John Mason, of Lon¬ don. Thorpe, 2nd wife. r—-- 2. Christopher=Jane, his wife, Deyvill, of daughter to Cuckwold, James 3 Birk- livinga<>i584. bye* of York. I I 3. Thomas, a Dorothy, wife to student of John Whet- Gray’s Inn. tenhall, of Langthorpe, 4 in Richmond- shire. Elizabeth, wife of . Constable. Jane, wife to Sy- mon Askew, of Hutton Hang. I Robert Deyvill, eldest son, aet. 6, an. 1584. 18,011, fo. 130^. 1487, fo. 160. 2. Ralph. 3. William. 4. Henry. Ursula, 5 wife op John Bowes, of Barnard Castle. Quaere pro armis Laurentiae de Mytton. Christopher Deyvylle. ,3M ’ p - ,s °b.^2/“viiS a „:r,S: ” 9i 6070, fo. 83,. to M Ln VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. BlFDFORTH. TANKARD, OF BORO’BRIDGE AND ARDEN. LAIVKARU, L/l wi ^ Tankard 2 and 3. Argent, a chevron between 3 An^-Quarterly, I and + Argent, on a between 3, a - Crest:— On a force, argeat aad gales, “ Une buisson d’Olyve William Tankard.=Margaret. 1 vert. Moi to !—“ Atmes Dibu. w William Tankard.=Alice, daughter to Richard Aldborough. Hugh Tankard. ^Dionis, daughter of Henry Soo thill. Thomas Tankard. Katherine, wife of Richard Aston. George Tankard. Isabel married to Robert Greene. William Tankard, = Eleanor, daughter to-- of Boroughbridge. | Montfold, of fortk ^ H^gh Tankard, of Borou ghbridge. = Agnes, daughter to John Slingsby. of Scn ven. Beatrix, married to Hugh English. WiukmTankard, of Boroughbri dge.^ Anne, daughter to John Pulleyne, of Killingh an. Agnes, wife to . Holgate, o s.p . 3J ““ of Boro bridge now living, sfi *S 8 4 * co-heir to Bernard Paver, of Mickle- thwaite, co. York. Tankard, of Arden, liv¬ ing ao 1584. heir of Richard Lawson, of Ras- kelfe, and of the West Hall in Cramlington. Katherine, wife of Jane, wife to Wm. Beck- Thomas 1 Beckwith, with, the son, of Clint, of Clint, the father, Elinor, mar. to Mathew and , 2 ndly, to Miles Conyers, of Thorpe, Newton, of Thorpe , andwid&w to it ilham near Ripott* Blytheman .* William Tan-= Joan, sister t _i t >.1. i ess-v* T kard, eldest son, 8years old a° 1584. and heir of Thomas Basforth , 4 ~i 1 1 1 ~r 2. James. 4. Richard. 5. Edmond. 6. Charles. 7. Solomon. 5 j. Thomas Tankard, mar. Ann, daughter of Sir Henry Fitton,Knt. Thomas Tankard, son and heir. Thomas Tankard Katherine, wife to Henry Norton. Isabel, wife to Christopher Redshaw, of Ulsfowe. Frances, wife to Lancelot Lan¬ caster, of West¬ moreland. 1 r 1 1 Elizabeth, wife to Hen¬ ry Blenkin- sop, of Hel- beck, co. Westmore¬ land. Ursula. Doroth ry. William Tan- kard,eldest son, set. 23, an. 1584, mar . dan. of . Men netl, of Hawnby. , n r , 2. Richard. 3. Charles. 4. Henry. 5 - Roger. 6. Martin, Agnes, eldest daughter. Thomasin, wife to Edmond MennelL, of Hawnby. Alue* Raulfe Tankard. 18,01 r, fo. r 3 r. MS 7 , fo. 3^ e p^’and'this pekigJee ai LgeVmy Yorkfhke ejection. ’ ...... t_frThf* wirlow nf on. p. 50- ana im&peuigiccaL - „ ,, . , m « 1 MSS - >*■ ‘■’"‘SSiTlSSSSS^ *rksS*d£%T a “ d Or Barlsworth.' MS' ^ I VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 , 217 Birdforth. THOMLINSON, OF BIRDFORTH. Non probavit arma.l Christopher Thomlynson. = Anne, daughter and co-heir of Thomas Maunsell, of | Birdforth. I---" -“-' I 2. Roger, A George Thomlynson, of Birdforth. = Agnes, daughter to.Pulleyn, | of Killinghall. Peter Thomlinson,=Cicely, daughter to William of Birdforth. I Laton, of Sproxton. Henry, George Thomlinson, infra= Elizabeth, daughter of Richard aetatem 1584, setatis 8 ann. 1 Staveley , of Thormanby. 1584, now living 1612. | "-^- v n Anne, wife to . Elizabeth, 2nd daughter. “1 Katherine, wife of George Chambers , of Bagby. Thomas Thomlinson, jFaith. Catherine, oet. 4, 1612. Ursula. Anne. George Thomlinson (1612). Nihill (1^85). Ex relatione Georgii Laton de Sproxton avunculi istius Georgii Thomlynson et guardianus ejus. 18,011, fo. 131^. 1487, fo. 191^. 1394, p. 148. 1415, fo. II. 1420, fo. no£. 1571, fo. 96 b. 6070, fo. 82 b. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. no. 1 Arms :—Per pale, wavy, argent and vert, 3 greyhounds courant, counterchanged, a chief azure, MS. 1487. No arms in Visitation 1585 or 1612. Bulmer. BARKESWORTH, OR BASFORTH, OF THORMANBY. Arms.—A rgent, a saltier sable, over all a label of 3 points gules. John Basforth, alias Barkesworth, of Thormanby. =. *-j Thomas, eldest son, slain Ralph Barksworth, alias= Joan, sister to Francis 1 in Scotland, sans issue. = Basforth, of Thor- I Slingsby, of Scriven, f — - > manby. 1 co. York. ,..., a dau. Thomas Barks-= Margaret, dau. Joan, wife to Wil- Elizabeth, wife that died worth, alias to Christo- liam Tankard, to George before her Basforth,now pherChaytor, son and heir to Fryer, of father. livinga<> 1584. of Butterby, Sir Thos. Tan- Great Ouse- in Episcopatu. kard, of Boro- burne. bridge. Thomas Basforth. 1487, fo. 301$. 1394. P- T 52 . T 4 I 5 » fo - IX - 1571, fo. 97. 6070, fo. 82. 1 Thomas, MS. 1487. 18,011, fo. 132. 1420, fo. III. Bulmer. CHOLMELEY, OF BRANSBY, WHITBY, SKEWSBY, &c. Quarterly, i and 4 Gules, a garb and in chief a fleur-de-lis or, the latter issuant from a crescent ermine, between 2 esquire's helmets o * * cresc 5 ' nt * or difference, Cholmondeley. 3 and 4. Barry nebutee of 6, argent and gules, a bordure azure, entoyre of bezants, De la River. Un an mescocheon azure, on a fesse between 3 martlets argent a mullet, Aislaby, over all a label of 3 points or. C rest : On a force, argent and gules, and on a knight’s helmet a garb or, a crescent for difference. Another shield 1 and 4. Cholmley, as before. 2 and 3. Argent, on a fesse gules 3 plates, the whole differenced by a martlet, Etton Henry Cholmeley, of Chesham, temp. Edward I. and IT. =. Hugh Cholmeley. = ..., r -, William Cholmeley. =. Richard Cholmley, of Chesham, 1st son. = . ,-' I Richard Cholmley. =. Richard Cholmley. =. William Cholmeley.= Maude, daughter and co-heir of.. Robert Cholmeley. =. r- 1 William Cholmeley. =. , Chorlcy. William Cholmley. =. I Richard Cholmley. = . John Cholmeley, of Golston. =Jane, daughter and co-heir of Thomas _J Eyton, of Golston. Sir Richard Cholmeley, lieutenant of the Tower of London, 0. s. p. /. 13 Henry Vlil. = i i B Sir Roger Cholmeley, of Thom-= Katherine, daughter of Sir ton-on-the-Hill, 2nd son and Robert Constable, of heir to Ins brother. Flamburgh, Knt., ob. 1585. 220 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN X5^ 4 /5 AND *6l2. j Richard Cholmley. Sir Richd. Cholm¬ ley, Knt. t Sir Roger Cholme- ley, chief justice. Katherine, daugh-=Sir Richd. Cholme- ter to Henry, earl of Cumberland, widow to John, Lord Scrope of Bolton, 2 nd wife , a° 1589. ley, Knt., son and heir, mar. Mar¬ garet, dau. to Wm. Lord Con¬ yers of Hornby (itf wife). — 2. Marmaduke slain, s.p. 4. Henry s. p. 4. Sir Henry Cholmeley, of Whitby, 1584, mar¬ ried, Mar¬ garet, dau. of Sir Wil¬ liam Bab- thorpe. = I Katherine, Francis Choimley, of wife of Roxby, Esq., married Richard Joane, dau. and co-heir Dutton,of of Ralph Bulmer, of Whitby. Wilton in Cleveland, = and died about Pen¬ tecost, a° 1586, sans issue. Jane, wife to. son and heir of Sir Ralph Salveyn,ofNewbiggin, Baron of Eighton. Margaret, mar. to Sir James Strangwayes, of Sneaton, Knt. Elizabeth, wife to Roger Beckwith, of Selby, eldest son of Sir Leon¬ ard Beckwith, Knt., from whom she was divorced, and had children during their sepa¬ ration by one James Barwick, whom she after married on her death bed. SirHugh Cholm¬ ley, Knt. [- Sir Richd.Chol¬ meley, Knt., eldest son, set. 4, a° 1584, mar¬ ried Susan» daughter of .Legardi of London. 1 1 t i- I I I I 2. Henry. 3. John ,, s.p. Katherine. Barbara, wife of Sir Thomas Bellases, son and ■| 1 nrn Margaret, 4 wife of Thonas Mennell, of Hawnby. Dorothy, wife of Nicholas Bushell, of Bagdale. =-1 Hilda, wife of HupJi Wricht. L Ti Richd. Dutton, married.. daughter of Robert Gale. . Dutton, a dau., mar. .. son and heir of Robert Gale. Elizabeth, married to Robt. Harri¬ son? of Rockley, co. Lin¬ coln. c Sir Hy. of Durban. Browne Bushell. Bellases, Mary. Jane. Michael Bushell. Knt.and Susan. Dorothy Bushell. Bart. A7inabella. Hester Bushell. 1 FT . i 1. Sir Hugh Cholmley, Knt., of Chesham, ao 1588, lived a Q 1599, married. Hugh Cholmeley , cet. 13, an. 1612, a Bart. 1641. 2. Henry. 3 Richard , s. p. Ursula. Henry Cholmeley. Of Grosmount, 1584, and now of Roxby, 1586. 18,011, fo. 134. 1487, fo. 3653. 1394, p. 156. 1415, fo. 11 b. 1420, fo. 113. pp. 74, 220, 315, and the pedigree at 1 MS. 1487. 2 See additional pedigrees, by which it appears that these daughters were 4 MS. 18,on, makes her marry 1st to Thomas Hend, and 2idly to Henry Bellasis? VISITATION O' YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 221 5. Roger Cholmeley, mar. Jane, daugh¬ ter of Sir Christo¬ pher Nevill, 2ndly she mar. to Thomas Lascelles, died s. p. n-r~n I III 6. John Choi- Elizabeth, married to Richard Thomas neley, mar. Redman, of Thornton, in de la Katherine , Lonsdale. River, 1 iau. and heir Margaret, married to Henry of >f Edmund Gascoigne, of Sedbury. Brans- Roos, and Jane, married to Henry, Earle by. = lied s. p. of Westmorland. H- Roger =Jane, L. Richard = Thomasine, 2 Chol¬ daugh¬ Cholme¬ 2nd daugh¬ meley, ter and ley, 3rd ter and co¬ of co-heir son, of heir, widow Bransby, of Tho¬ Skewsby , to Ninian 2nd mas de co. York. Tankard, son. la River, of Bransby. 2 by whom she had no issue, ob. I 5 ^ 9 * Elinor, 3rd dau. wife of Edwd. Colthurst, oi Bath, she had no lands of her father but money. Elizabeth, 4th daughter,wife of Francis Thynne, of Wigginthorpe. Marmaduke Cholme¬ ley, of Bransby*, now living 1584, married Ursula, daughter and sole heir of Ralph Aislaby, of South Dalton, on the Wold, and of Barton, in Rich- mondshire. I I I I I 2. Richard. 3. Thomas. 4. William. Kitherine, narried to ^eonard "hamber- ayne, of Jugthorpe. Alee, mar. to ohn Wright, ♦f Blansby lark. Richard Cholmeley, eldest son, mar¬ ried Isabel, dau. of . Lawson, ofNesham, 2ndly . dau. of .Welby, and had issue, a son. John Cholmeley, of Skewsby, 2nd son, now living 1612, mar. Margery, widow of Robert Hungate ofBarton. I I I Katherine, married to Robert Con¬ stable,of W assand, yd son of Robert, son of Sir Wil¬ liam Constable, of Rudston, Knt . Dorothy, wife to . Parkinson, of Whogresby. Elizabeth, mar. to George Cockerell. Marmaduke Cholmley. John Cholmeley. 1571, IT. 99, 2T2. 6070, fo.8i See Tong’s Visitation p. 21, Dugdale’s Visitation large in my Yorkshire coilectbn. all illegitimate. 2 MSS 145, 1571, 6070, and- Dugdale, but Houghton in MS. 18,011 223 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I5S4/5 AND l6l2. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 223 Bulmer. HUNGATE, OF SAND HUTTON. Arms Gules, a chevron engrailed between 3 hounds sejant argent, a mullet for difference. Richarcf II. Hungattes of Burneb 7 ’ in ye Est Ridinge in ye Com. of Ebor, before thetyme of William Hungate, of Saxton. =. ~f 1 2. Robert. 3. Ralph Hun-=Isabel, daugh- William Hun-=.. daughter gate, of Sax- and heir of ton - .Sotheby. gate, of Sand Hutton, living 1584. Jane, eldest daugh¬ ter. Frances, 2nd daughter. I ter and heir to Hy. Dixon, of York. Margery , wife to Anne , wife of Wm. Henry Darley. 1 ConsettpfRiccall. 1 Raulfe Hungatt. f< V 34 ^ I48 Z l fo - 22 1 * T 394 » P- 157 . i 4 iS» fo. 12. 1420, fo. 113*. I 57 I » io* 99 f°* IO °* 6070, fo. 161. See Dugdale s Visitation, p. 212. 1 MSS. 6070, rs/i. 224 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 84/5 AND l6l2 Bulmer. HOLME, OF HUNTINGTON. Arms: —Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, a chevron azure between 3 chaplets gules, Holme. 2. Per bend crenellde, argent and sable, Kenleyl 3. Argent, on a chevron gules 3 lions passant guardant or, Bolton . William Holme, of Huntington. =Annabel.* Robert Holme. —Agnes. 2 _ ) Ralph H olme. = Frances. 8 1 -' John Holme, of Huntingdon. = Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Wandesford. 3 1 I William Holme, of Huntington. = Margaret, daughter of Richard Clervaux. |- } John Holme.—Isabel, daughter of George Lovell. William Holme. = Emma, 4 daughter and heir of . Robert Holme. = Katherine, daughter and heir to John Kenley. John Holme. = Isabel, daughter of William Snawsell, of Bilton. :i 4 other daugh- Thomas = Margaret, dau. ters, married. Holme. and heir of Sir Thomas Bolton, of Huby. .dau., mar. Frances, or Dyo- to.Staveley. nis, married to ., dau., mar. Thos. Harrison. to .Swane, 5 of London. Wilfrid Holme. = Elizabeth, daughter of William 6 Constable, a 2nd house of Flam- I borough. Seth Holme, of Hunting-= Helen, daughter to John ton, near York, Esq., living 1584. Sayer, of Worsall.' Agnes, wife of Thomas Langdale, of Harle- tliorpe. James Holme , son and heir, ao 1564. 3 TT1 Seth Holme, son and = Grace, daughter to Robert Jane, heir, ao 1584. I Sotheby, of Pockling- Elizabeth. I ton. Margaret. Robert Holme, set. 1 =.. sister to Sir Thomas year, 1584. Gower, Knt. and Bart. Mary. Seth Holme. 18,011, fo. 1353. 1487, fo. 185. 1394, p. 158. 1415, fo. 12. 1420, fo. 1143. 1571, fo. ioo£. 6070, fo. 40. 1 Bolton in MSS. 18,011, 1415. 2 MS. 1415. 3 Basford, Visitation 1564. 4 Anne, Visitation 1564. 5 Snorwood, MSS. 1415, 6070, Snard, Visitation 1564, and Snorted, MS. 1571. ‘ 6 Philip, MS. 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 225 B ULMER. FOLKINGHAM, OF BARTON. 2. Sable, 3 pickaxes argentf P^gott. 3, ^ Argen^aTesse L c t in ^ uefoils sabl <~, Folkingham. Leedes. 6 * a lesse between 3 eagles displayed gules, John Folkingham, of Hather, co. Lincoln.=. daughter of John Littlebury, of co. Lincoln. John Folkingham. = ......... daughter of John Spanby, of Spanby, co. Lincoln. 2. Thomas Folkingham. 1. John. 3. James. 2. Peter. 4. Robert Folk-=Jane, daughter of Peter Alice. 1 ingham. ., a yeoman. Margaret. William Folking¬ ham. Thomas Folking-=Jane, dau. ham, of Northall, juxta Leeds, in the West Riding, living ao 1584, descended of the Folkinghams, of Lincolnshire. and co¬ heir to Thomas Pigott, of Mel- morby. 2 Elizabeth, mar. to Mary, married John Cawood, toHughFird- yeoman, after son, 3 ofSwar- to Thomas by, co. Lin- Barkeston, of coin. Newby, co. Lin¬ coln. AnJ, wife ,0 George ingham, eldest son, liv¬ ing 1612. and co-heir to Thos. Eyre, of High Lowe, of co. Derby. ingham, of Barton, now living ao 1584. William Leigh, of the Rodes, younger brother of the House of Midleton. Bayldon, of York or Bayldon, 1st mar. to James Strangwayes, of Killingholme, co. Lincoln. Ann, wife to George Drewell, 2nd son to Humphrey Drewell, of Gidding, co* Hunts, knt . Richard Polking- = Elizabeth, daugh- ham, son and ter to iVilliam heir y a 0 1612. Thompson, of Esholt . John Folkingham, cet. 2, 1612. U 71 A Thomas, set. 6, an. 1584. Richard. Margery. Thomas Folkingham. l8,OII, fO. I 36 . 1487, fo. I88A 1394 , pp. 158, 2I S . I 4 I S , ff. I2l 2 . 1420, ff. 115, 155*. IS7I , fo. IOI . 6070, fo. 168*. s to’John Lord Huss^'of Slelforth. GS ° 1: ' 5 Gregory, Visitation t6ta. SJuarto, MS. r 4 t 5 . Q I N V v •.*T*'*' > '” v ‘" r FULMER. Arms:— Quarterly, i and GOWER, OF STITTENHAM + Barry of 8, argent and gale,, a cross patoncd ? sable, Gown*. . and j. Ermine a cross patoncde gules, Grindali* Crest: —On a torce, argent and gules, a *’ Gower, argent, collared and chained or* Sir Thomas Gower, of Stitnam. —Agnes, daughter of.Thwaytes, of Lofthouse. Thomas Gower Sir John Gower. = Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Golds- Jns fssue I borough, Baron of the Exchequer* Anne,i wife of Ralph Ellerker. n—; i...„dau.,«wEr*. 3. Lacy\ of Fo ike ion. ..dan., mar. .... Constable, of Slur- bum, .. daugh¬ ter, married fames A islaby. 4....» dan., mar. . .Hun- gate, of Saxton , . lohn 3. George Gower, Anne! Sir Edward =Margery, dau. Joan, married to _ s j-.. Himw> r nf t n. Sir Robert Huffh ClithetOW. lobert, of Lon¬ don.* 5. Walter* mar....» dau, and heir of ... .. Statham,ofNorth- ants. — I Gower, of Stitnam, r--—[ e 1. George Gower, 2* Thomos. married Ka- 3* Christopher Gower, mar. Hellen, dau, of Anthony Monk- ton, of Hay ton. to Sir Robert Constable, of Fiamborough. Hugh Qithetow, of Brand ngham. Elizabeth, mar. to Christopher Fen¬ ton, of Creyke. tkerine , dau. of..... Cotton *3 Agnes, 4 married to Sir Katherine, mar- john WiddringtOBj ried to Walter, of Widdringtoa. Barbara, married to Henry, son to the 2nd Sir John Wid- drington. son and heir to Thomas de la River, of Brans- by* Thomas Gower, = Barbara, ofStitnara, Esq., ' married Anne, dau* of James Maleverer, sans issue. dau. to ..... Bax¬ ter, of 2. Richard Gower, married Agnes, daughter and co-heir to Wil¬ liam Levinge,of Acclom. 6 = Thomas Gower, of = Mary, daughter to 2. Henry. Stitnam, Esq, | Gabriel Fairfax, of 3. William. Jane, livi ng 1584. | Steeton. 4 - Edward. Barbara. John Gower, died young. "t i ~r Isabel. -J - 1. Edward. - 1 I T - 2. Thomas. 3. fohn.'* 4* Francis. 5. Ralph—- .daughter of Gower. . Maleverer. Elizabeth, wife to Thomas Gower, set. 8 days = ....., daughter and heir of Coventry. old in September, 1584 * since ] - Doyley, of co. Oxon. a Knt. and Bart, a<> 1620. 3. Robert. 4* Edward. 5* William. 6 , Francis. Thomas Gower. Doyley. Thomas Gower, son and heir. 18,011. fo. 1368. 1487, fo. 2668. 1394, p. 159 - 1171. fo. 15. 1415, fo. 128. 1420. fo- lr 5 *- * 499 . *>■ 3 ^- I 57 *. fo - Ioli> 6070, fo. 166. See Tong T s Visitation, p. 62. 1 Alice MS 1.187 2 MS, 1571. 3 MS- 6070 states this George to be son, and not brother of Christopher. 4 Ann, MS. 1487, Alice, * lo. 4 7 * 57 5 Bransby, MSS. 1415, 1487. 6 Born 9 September, MS 6070. Bulmer. FENTON, OF CRAKE, Arms Argent, a cross between 4 fleurs-de-lis sable. Crest: On a torce, argent and sable, a fleur-de-lis sable, encircled by a ducal coronet or. Concessa per Willm. Flower, Norroy, per literas patentee dat 2 S Feb., .575, to Thomas, Anthony, and Christopher, sons of Christopher. Thomas Fenton, of Crake, co. York. =.daughter of.Surtees,1 of Teesdale.s Christopher Fenton, of Crake. = Elizabeth, daughter to Sir John I Gower, of Stitnam. I Anthony, sans issue. Thomas, a priest. Il 2. Francis. 3. Anthony, both sans issue. Thomas Fenton, 24 years of age, 1584. A oUa^t: =Th o 0 fc a r S akr, e ^n g =Ma ^' * i° hn 5 - Christopher Fen- j 5 8 4 of J ames Fox, of Thorpe, 1st wife. of Thomas Dent, of El- lenthorpe, 2nd wife. ton. = ton, a clerk of the Exchequer. Jane. Anthony. Humphrey. —| Jane. I i John. Christopher. -1 I Mary, wife of Richard Bromfeild, of co. Herts. Thomas Fenton. 18,011, fo. I 37 . 1394. P- *59- 1420.f0.116. 1571, fo. xo2. 6070.f0.171. 2 Curtis, MS. 1487. 2 Dinsdale, MSS. i 4l5 , 6070, 1571. A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 229 A 1- J William =Jane, dau. Vaux, 1st of . son. Leyborne, gules, 6 lions ram- pant, 3, 2, 1, or. John Vaux, of Miln--Elizabeth, dau. to Wm. r-trb •7 77 /v> m I T _. _ . _ 7 fzVA in co. Cumber¬ land, 2nd son to John Vaux,of Cater- linge, co. Cumber¬ land. Layton, ofDelamayne , rtf. Cumberland, sable, on a bend argent 3 escallops gules. C -1 «Sz> , Lay ton . 3 r"n 1-1—1 1. Robert, 2. Rowland Mary, wife o. s. p. Vaux, of . 3. John. married Salkeld. 4. Cuthbert. Ann, Dorothy, dau. of wife of .Sal- .Sen- keld. = house. 1. William Vaux. 4. Richard. 2. Thomas. 5. John. 3. Humphrey. 1. Ambrose and 2. Cuthb e rt Vaux, sans issue. Anne , wife to Wm. Brist- byef of Pen¬ rith, in Cum¬ berland. Mary, wife of Cuthbert Har¬ rison, of Maudby, in Cumberland. 1 1 1 1 l 5 daughters. 3. William Vaux, of York, living <2*1584, mar. Katherine , dau. to Piers Frodingham, of Froding¬ ham, gent., in Holder- ness (and died 1598, s.p?) Jane, wife of Richard Simpson. Elizabeth, wife ^Row¬ land 2 Holme , of Cumber¬ land. 2 Katherine, wife to A lexa?ider Watson, of Penrith,co. Cumberland . 2 William Vaulx. 18,011, fo. 137A 1487* fo* 34 °^* T 394 » P- t 6o. 1415, fo. 12 b . 1571, fo. 102A 6070, l'o. 166A 1 Tredermayne, MS. 1487. 2 MS. 1487. 3 Bryan, MSS. 1415,6070, 1571. 4 Brosby, MS. 1487. Bulmer. BERWICK, OF SUTTON. Arms :—Argent, 3 bears' heads erased sable, muzzled gules. Thomas Berwyke. =.. daughter to.Bellingham, of Northumberland. 1 ' Ralph Berwike, of Kendal, co. = Mary, daughter to William Tunstall, of Docker, in Westmoreland. | the Barony of Kendal, Esq. Humphrey Berwyke, of=Jane, dau. of Sutton, in Galtres, co. Robert Wing- York, a valiant soldier, sometime Master of the Ordnance in the Field in the time of the last rebellion, now 1- living ao 1584. Humphrey, aet. 8, an. 1584. 2. Peter Ber-= Dorothy, field, of Much Downham, co. Norfolk. wick, of Sutton, in Gaiters. dau. to Robert 1 Brown. 3 - Ei dwin. Roger. Anthony. Edmond. Humphrey Berwick. 1487, fo. 149. 1394, p. 160. 1415, fo. 12A 1571, fo. 103. 6070, fo. 78A 1 MSS. 1415, 1487, 6070,1571. 18,011, fo. 138. 1420, fo. 118. 230 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. Rydale. HOLTBY, OF HOVINGHAM. Arms. See MSS. 6070, if. 167, and 359A Ralph Holtby, of Fry ton, in Rydale. =., dau. to.Layton, of Sproxton. Lancelot ,or Hamlet, Holtby, = Elene, daughter to . Butler, of Nunnington, in of Fryton, in Rydale. Rydale. Mary, dau. = George H oltby, and co-heir to Henry Dixon, of York, 1st •wife. of Hoving- ham, in Ry¬ dale, 1584. Elizabeth, dau. to Roger Men- nell, of Kil- vington, in Allcrtonshire, 2nd wife. 2. Richard. 3. Anthony. 5 - Oswald. Helen , dau. and heir to her mother, 0. s. p. Marmaduke Holtby , of Shakelton, mar. the dau. of . Bcdolf of Bedolf co. Stafford 2 Lancelot . 2 Jane and Isabel William , sans issue. Lancelot. George. Robert. Matthew. 4. Robert Holtby, married ., 1 dau. of . Bullock t of South Holme. = I -r—1- } Dorothy , mar. to ... Collingwood , off North umber land. Mary , wife to Jno. Dinsdale . Frances. George Holtbye. Datur buic dies ad probandum genus suura et arma, quia asserit se ortum esse ex familia de Medcalfe. 18,011, fo. 138A 1487, fo. 166. 1394, pp. 45 1 129. 1415, fo. 12A 1420, fo. Ii8£. 1571, fo. 103^. 6070, ff. 167, 359^. 1 This marriage and the issue is from MS. 6070. 2 MS. 607a THWENG, OF OVER HELMSLEY. Arms.—A rgent, a chevron gules between 3 popinjays vert, beaked and membered gules, a mullet for difference. Marmaduke Thweng, of Over=Dorothy, daughter to . Helmsley. [ Redman, of Bossali. George Thweng, of=Anne, daughter Over Helmsley. to Thwaytes, of Marston. John Thwenge, of Over Helm¬ sley, married Maude, dau. to Thomas Grimston, of Grimston. = jl. 2. Thomas Ingram, Thwenge, of attainted He worth, in the married Jane, last re¬ daughter to bellion. . Kellet, of York.= Christopher Thweng, of Hug- Dorothy , get-on-ye-Wolde, living ao nun. 1584* =_ Isabell. Margery, wife of Robert Thornton, of East Katherine Newton, in Rydale. wife Katherine, wife of Ralph James Thwenge, of Heslarton. Conyers. Jane, wife to Robert Withes. r Marmaduke Thwenge, of Over Helmsley, Esq., now living, 1584, set. 24 an. ~i—1—1 2. William. Anne. Margery. William —Jane, dau. Thwenge, eldest son, ofHeworth , and living a° 1612. of Richard Ormsby, of Leigh, co. Lane. "I 1 ’I" 1 ~r 2. Edward. 3. Thomas. 4. Robert. Thomasin, eldest daughter, Elizabeth. TTl Anne. Mary. Edith. 2. Edward. 3. Augustus. Marmaduke Thwenge. 18,011, fo. 139. 1487, fo. 306^. George Thweng, son a?id heir, cet. 12, a 0 1612. Margaret . Willm. Thwenge. ~T Birdfortk. BELLASIS, OF NEWBOROUGH. c re ^e E n ffo7difer^«;EE“i«s' Ee,lt ' a CteTr °" betwee " 3 fleurs de Ks “ are - * “ d 3 - Ar e»l, * tars and in chief 3 escallops azure, a Crbsx;— On a torce, argent and azure, a hart’s head erased ppr. attired or, vulned by an arrow or, feathered argent. Ralph 1 Bella sis, temp. Rickard I. — . Sir Richard* BeUases, of Bellases, Bewley, and Wolneston, -Mary, daughter and heir of Sir Henry Spring, _j of Houghton-le-Spring. Roger Bellases, son of Sir Richard. =.. daughter of .Sir Robert Harbottle. ^? hter ° f Ste P h “ 2 - >*«•=•. daughter of BUM. wife to Weflases, m the bishoprick of Durham, f> Edward II., Gouldoourne. John Bertram. Titos. Maddism J 3 ' _ {of Unthank Ha It, in Wear dale 3 ) Sir John BeUases, of Wolneston, 133a. = Oswald, daughter of Sir William Talboys, Knt. 2l f‘%' J 0 ’ 1 " ® e d _ AIi ^’ ° f 3 * Romas mar . Princes, wife of Diontda, wife to Gerard Marl, wife to John o.s.p. son and heir. 7>i0. DelaHav. dan. of (Thomas^ IV™ Xt/L c„,'. ft. .s T J ' 1 ™ rf J' ^ 1 ci-itr .. Jm. De la Hay. da u. of ( Thomas 3 ) Wm. Wy Whi fused. cliffe, of Wy clijfc. Salven ; she after took Lambion. on her the mantle and Ursula, wife to ring. James Claxton. H iiliam Beltases, 1316 ; he had by his wife the — Maude, daughter and co heir of fmmr of Wolneston. I William Bellingham [lord of | Wolneston S 1 A }fohn. — . dau. of Mary,wife to William _ _ Pollard. Fetk erstonka ugh. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . --- 1 -1 % J yjife to John Busy, Knt. John Bellas, t 3 S 5 . r Alice, daughter of Robert Hansard, of Walworth, Knt. T—*“ " * John Belloses, ofHenknoll, 1393. =Ann, daughter of Roiert Lom flngk, of Iu,n,plugh. * This Tolm Bellases gave all his lands in "Woineston and Bellsis in exchange for the manor of Hen knoll, *'m liberam, pararn, et per- petuam elemosinairu” unto Robert the prior* an L me bv indenture made between them. Dated at JJuresme aie Luns 1 proximo post festum Sancti Andre® Apostoli anno Donum 1380. Sir 1 Robt. Bellases, Knt.f Elizabeth, wife Julian, wife John Bella- _:- j to Thomas to Sir rno. ses, the 1403, married Margery, daughter to Richard 5 Dalton, of West Auck¬ land. He died io Hen. VI., 1431 - = to Thomas Brigham, 2nd to Sir John Waddon, Knt, to Sir Jno, Cramling- ton, Knt, ses, the younger, a 0 1419. William« Bellases. brother to Robert, and not his son. = Jennet, dan, of Thomas Tipping Cicely, daughter and heir to WilliamHutton^= Thomas^Bellase^h^ad=ftffi of of Butterwick. 2 daughter s that died young. VII., .486*)- 1 Melmotby. yd ^ William. Robert lasis, fi son. Bel- Geffrey. 3rd Francis and Thomas, f. 3 Richard Bellases,; eldest son a ° r 5 i6, 3 Henry VIII. :Margery, eldest dan. and co¬ heir of Richard Errington, of Cockley, in Northumber¬ land. Anthony Bellases, and son, a doctor of both Laws. Isabel, wife to Wil¬ liam Clervaux, of Croft Bridge, Margaret, wife to Anthony Smith, of Ketton. William, eldest Sir William Bel-; died lases, of New- son, young, issue, borough., co, York, living ao 1534. : Margaret,eldest An thony. daughter to Francis. Sir Nicholas Thomas. Fairfax, of All died Walton. young, j. A —n-rr i Anthony, died Cicely and Margaret, wife to young. Anne, died Wm. Pulleyne, Richard Bella- young. of Scotton.Esq. ses, youngest son, never married. Jane, wife to John, son and heir to Sir Ralph Hed- worth,of Hairaton, Knt. B VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584 f$ AND B I—l—l- I I I Bichard, eldest, and Nicholas 2nd son, sans issue. Charles, Doctor of the Civil Law, never married. nr Hi Sir Henry Bel-=Ursula, eldest 3. Bryan —Margaret, lases, living 1584, Knt. and Bart., living 1612. daughter to Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Denton. Bellases. daughter of Williatn Leigh. 4-Jas. Bellases, mar. Mary, daughter of Marmaduke Tunstall, of Thurland , d.s.p. Anne, eldest daughter, Jane 3. Margaret 4, and Mary 5. All died young. 2. Katherine, mar. to Thomas Metham, of Metham, Esquire. Sir Thomas Bellases, Knt. and = Barbara* daughter Bart., eldest son and heir, set. 7 an. 1584, cheated Baron Fauconberg, of Yarm, co. York, by Charles L, 5 May, 1627. Henry Bellases , cet. 7 an. 1612. 2. Et of Henry Cholme- ley, ofRoxby,Knt. Dorothy, wife - to Sir Con- yers Darcy, of Hornby, Knt. I Mary, wife to William Lister , of Thornton. 'dmond. Margaret,{wife to Sir Edward Osborne, Maty . of Kiveton, co. York, Knt. and Bart. 9 )* William Bel-=Margaret, daughter of lases, of Mor¬ ton. Barbara. Ursula. Sir George Selby, Knt., of Newcastle. Richard Bellases . Henry Bellases. 18,oii, fo. 139^. 1487, fo. 445& 1171, fo. 44. 1394, p. 162. 1415, fo. 13. 1420, fo. 119&. 1571, fo. 104J. 6070, ff. 237, 347. See thi$ pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 Roger, MS. 6070. 2 Rowland, MS. 6070. 3 MS. 6070. 4 MS. 1415. ® Robert, MS. 1487, 6 John, MSS. 1415, 6070, 7 MS. 1487, states that he married Ann, daughter of Robert Lamplugh, of Lamplugh, and had issue, but this is evidently a mistake. 8 Margaret, MS. 6070. 9 Additional from MS. 1487. to Lo CO VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 234 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4/5 AND 1 ® 12 - PIGOT, OF CLOTHERHAM, &c. Galfridus de Carleton=. Thomas fitz Geffrey, = Eudo de Carleton, 1299, Edward 28. = Ivo fitz Thomas, 1348. Ivo fitz Eudo, 22 = . Edward 3. | Galfridus fitz Eudo de Carleton, Ed. 24.== Johannes fitz Ivo de Willielmus fitz Ivo de Hugo fitz Willielmus fitz Galfridus, Carleton, 1298. Carleton, 47 Ed. III. Ivo. 2 S Edward III. Robertus de Clotherham =-. Emma * 1 de Clotherham, 1254. 1 -1 William. r Symonis de Wettend.= Willielmus 1 de Clotherham, E. f. E. 10. =Aleonora. Robertus filius Simonis. = Maude. Johannes de Clotherham, 1334. =Maude, 1344* ^ WilTielmus de Clotherham. Brian de Clotherham. =. Alanus de Clotherham. =. Henricus de Cloth¬ erham. = Huttingus de Johannes de Clother- Stodley. = ham. = 1-— 1 d Symonis de Stodley. = Constantia. Gamellus de Clothe rham. = ~ j - * , _ Symonis. Robertus de Alicia. = Johannes de William 2 J ...1_1_ QtnHlpv I Lorette = ... Johannes. Pycott, ‘ ante dat. Geoffrey Piechott de Melmorby. = 1 -- —J Williel¬ mus. = ’ dotherham. ~ Stodley. L, s Gamel- Johannes de Clotherham, temp. Edward lus. f. Henry 23. = Roger. Sir Randolph Pygot,=Joan. Dommus Rogerus de=Joana. Williel- of Melmorby, et 1 Clotherham miles temp. mus. Carlton, 1340. | E. f. E. 10, an. 1 302. 3 j _ Eliza- = Geffrey = Joan, beth. Pigot, 1348. = Alicia. = Johannes de Clother-=Thes- Willielmus. ham, senior, dominus 1 sanica. de eadem. Sir P Randall Pigot, =Joan, daughter and heir, 32 Ed. III., 32 Edward III. J relicta 6 Henry 4. Sir Geoffrey Pigot, of Clotherham, i46i.=Margareta, relicta 1 Henry VIJ. Randall Pigot, of Clotherham, 10 Henry VI. 18,011, fo. 140. 1394, p. 215. 1415, fif. 143, 25. 1420, fo. 120. I S 7 I » 2IO » 2io£, 211. 6070, fo. 72. 1 Connected in MS. i8,oit, but not in MS. 1415 2 Heralds College copy. 3 Arms Quarterly, 1 and 4, a chaplet; 2 and 3, 3 pheons. Heralds College copy. H(r BAEKESTON. VAVASOUR, OF HAZLEWOOD. Arms :—Or, a fesse dancettiSe sabl& Crest :—On a torce, or and sable, a cock gules, crested and wattled, or. Another Crest:— On a torce^ or and sable, a goafs head couped or, charged with a fesse dancettde. Ah 0 Regis Tohannis. (iro?) Rotnli de Finibus, Fulco filius Warini suscepit in manrnn reddere domino regi finan ] quern Foberhis Je Varassoure fecit cum domino Rege, scilicet, milte et ducentas mareas et duos pal el nd os, ei dommus Rex concessit ei Matddam filiam ejusdem Robert! habendam in uxorem cum maritagio et dote ipsius ita integre sicut earn pnus perfinem illam eidem Roberto concesseratA Sir William Vavasour, justice to King Henry !!.=•, Sir Robert 8 Vavasour. = Julian. Robert Cockfeld, m il = Nichola , da ughter and heir of Jordan de St. Mar y. Robert Stopkam* =- Sir John Vavasour, of Haselwood, Knt. 3 7 Hen. Ill . = Alice, daughter and heir of Robert Cockfield, Sir William Stopham.= Sir William Vavasour, of Haselwood, — Nichola, daughter of Knt ., a baron of the Parliament^ temp, | Sir Stephen Wallis, Henry III. and Edward I. \ of Newton. Sir Mauger Vava-=Alice, sour. Sir William Stop-=. ham. *Sir Henry Vavasour, ^Comtance. William Vava- Sir Robert Vavasour, Sir Mauger=AgnesS John Vavasour,-. ^ati. and Knt., of Haslewood, j sour, of Lin- of Haselwood. - Vavasour. of Askwith. co-heirof Sir bd. at Louth Abbey. coin. I t . 1 Sir Henry Vava-=Annabell, daughter of Elizabeth, dau. = Sir Robert Ann. sour, of Hasel¬ wood, Knt Henry Lord Fitz- Hugh, called of Ravensworih. and ^-heir of Robt. Vavasour, Strelley, Wm. Vavasour, Thomas Vava- mar. Agnes, sour, married Robt. a Joan. == Grimstom = _j Wm.Stopham. -1 [ John Vava¬ sour, of Stophamf married Alice. — I D W UJ U\ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 * V ..Ottr i * :* Vavasour,=Elizabeth, daugh- Mauger Vava-=Margaret, of Hasehvood, | ter to Sta- sour, j * O. V. p. pleton. Sir Mauger Vava¬ sour, ob. 44 Edward III., s.p. Sit l 2 Z illi %** Vava Z SiT Hcnr 7 Vava-=Margaret, dau. o Sir Willi sour, Knt., son, o. s. p. Richard II, sour, of Hasel- wood, Knt to Sir William Skip with, of co. Lincoln, Knt, 3. Byran Beatrix, Barnard “Agnes, Brocas Knt. dau, and heir, mar. 2ndly Hy. Lang¬ ford* William, mar¬ ried and had issue. = Margaret, dau. and heir, sans issue. John Vava-=Agnes, sour. ^it” 7=J rohk daU LSnlTon OS of ^M ° f carried MargL, wife Barnard B iocas, "°Yorkf to Hamon Johanna dau of 5 ^ Thomas Midelton. = William Vava¬ sour, attor¬ ney-at-law to the Ring* r John Vavasour, of Weston, mar. Agnes, daughter to .. Ma- leverer. — sour. Sutton. r Sir Henry Vava-=Joan, daughter to Sir sour, Knt. J William Gascoigne, of Gawthorpe, Knt. John Vavasour,® of Spalding-= Isabell, daughter and co-heir ton, 2nd son of Henry, I of Thomas de la Hay, of ! Spa! ding ton. I John Vava¬ sour, see Page 343. Richard. Henry Vavasour, married Eliza¬ beth, daughter to Sir John Everingham, of Everingham. = r f 1 a. Leonard Vava¬ sour > a clerk. 3, John, married Cicely, daughter of.. Lang- dale. Alice,® wife to Robt. Maleverer, of Wothersom. Katherine, wife to Sir Piers Midel¬ ton, of Stockeld, Maude, married to Sir John GilUott. ofVork. -j---i- Elizabeth, wife to John Vavasour, William Vava- Sir Richard one of the sour, married Goldsborough, king's justices, Alice, daugh- of Golds- mar. Eliza- ter of Robert borough. beth, dau. of Mallory. = Margaret, wife to Robert Lord Thos. Gascoigne, Talboys, of of Lasingcroft, Kyme, William Brocas, Robert. of Denton* a° 7 Henry V. episcopus Richard, Rossensis. Janet, wife of John Womb well. Johanna, wifeofThos. Lawson, and had Nicholas and Joan , l ° Christo¬ pher, died young. Dorothy, a nun. Elizabeth, wife to Gilbert Top- cliffe, of Middle- ham, co. York. Agnes, d. young. Anne, wife Nicholas Lowndes, of London, mer¬ chant. •ane, wife to Tkos. Oglethorpe > of Beale. 11 Nicholas Vava- Sir Peter Vavasour, of Spaldington, married Eliza¬ beth, daughter to Andrew Lord Windsor. = Margaret. Katherine. Anne, wife of Robert Benger. Margaret, wife to William Red¬ man, ofTwisle- ton. Esq. Leonard Vavasour,—Mary, dau. of Sir John of Aiding ham, \ Hotham, and widow 3rd son, living to ......... Greene, of 15S4. | Barnby Don. “1 John Vava¬ sour, ot Spalding- ton, had 3 wives. 1—r Mary, wife of Win. Plump- ton, of Plump- ton. Katherine, wife of Richard Peck, of Wakefield. Frances, wife of Ann, married John Ryther, of Ryther. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Hayland, of Hayland, co. Lincoln. to Francis Gascoigne, of Gaw- thorpe,sans issue. William Vava¬ sour, set. 20 an. 1584. 1, Elizabeth, wife of Wm .Waiter, of Cranswick-o li¬ the-Wold, s. Eleanor. Johannes Vavasour. . * — - i .'TT «w*c*-sw - -=■ ■ - -' •-• -' ..... . • -JfL ^ . y - " ■ Skyeack. GASCOIGNE, OF LASINGCROFT, &c. Arms '_Ouarterly r Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head erect and couped, or, an amulet for difference gules, GasCOIGNB. a. Argent, on a bend eng"=d^l=sTl=opards’faces Lf die Z Bo™ 3 - Vert, a saltier engrailed or, Fraek. 4 . Gules, a saltier engrailed or, ,i mullet for ddferenco Clitheeow, of Salisbury, co. Lane. 5- Gules, a lion rampant per fesse, argent and or, Grace. 6 . Vert, a lion rampant within a border engrai arg , Heaton, Another Coat :■—i. Gascoyne. Clitherow*. 3. Grace. 4. Heaton. Jordan Heaton^ of Heaton^ co. York, knt — John Clitherow, of Salisbury, = co. Lane, John Heaton , knt., . 30 Ed. 1 . — Joant, dau. and co-heir of Alex¬ ander Neville of Castle Hall. William Gascoigne,—Maude, dau. and heir of Harewood, co. [ of John Gawtkorpe, of York. \ Gawtkorpe. Adam Clitherow, knt — Thomas Heaton, ob. ig Ed. II. — John. William. William Gascoigne, of = Elizabeth, dau. and heir Richard . Harcwood., eldest son. I of William Bolton. 1- Robert CUtherow.—Sibell, dau. of John Heaton , knt.,— ob. 24 Ed. III. Willi am Gascoigne,-Margaret dau. and of Gawihorpe. heir of Frank. Nicholas Sir Hugh, or John, — Isabel, dau. of Sir Clithe roe, knt., of I John Gras, knt. Salisbury. John Heaton , an—Margaret, idiot , ob. 14 Ed. Ill. Thomas. Elizabeth, da u, and co - =Sir William G as- = Jane, dau. of... 2 heir of Sir A lex. Mow- coigne, chief jus- ' 7 " bray,of Kit klington, kt. 5 tice of England, 1 st wife. See Ingleby ist son. Pedigree, p. 282, ^ J. Richard. Lyte, ar. utalii Alice, dau . of Sir William /k Pokering. Nicholas Gascoigne, of La singe roft, and son, lvg., 16 Ric. If. —Mary, 1 dau. and heir. William Heaton, mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Jos. Orrell. — Nicholas. Thomas. Elizabeth, wife of Anthony St. Quintin, of Harpham, who died 22 Hen. VI. William Gas*=Margaret, 3 or Jennett, dau. 2. coigne, of 1 to William Beckwith, of 3 . John. Lasingcroft. Clint. John Heaton, eldest son, o.s.p., mar. Margaret, dau. of Adam Hopton, of Mirfield. Thomas, o.s.p. Margaret, wife of Thos. Arderne, John Gascoigne, ^Elizabeth dau. and heir to of Marton, who died 38 H. VI. of Lasingcroft. j William^ Hea ton, of Mirfield. Nicholas. J. Thomas, 8. Ah ary, or Margaret. Mary. Timothea, wife of H 4. George. S' 0. s.p. 6. Richard. 7. Robert. Andrew. q. James. Alisine. Jennett. Amy , Thomas Clervaux, of Croft. A I y William Gascoigne, of Lasingcroft —Margaret, dau. of.Kighley, of Newhall. John Gascoigne, of a* it Ed. IV. Lasingcroft, cet. 26,=: Anne, dau. to John* 3rd son of Sir | Henry Vavasour, of Haselwood. 2. William. Alice , wife to Anthony Hippon , 0/ Featherston . Thomas =jane, da. Gas- and co¬ co igne, of La- si n g- c roft, Esq, T FJiz ., dau. and heir, wife to ... Goodyer, heir of Wm, II- son, of Gunby* s, p- Richard Gas-=Elizabeth* John = coigne, of dau. to Gas-' Lasingcroft, Thomas coigne, Esq., heir to So thill, of Par* his brother* widow to lington, living a® SirHenry 3rd son, 1584, man Savile* living Eliz., dau, sans 1584, to ... West, issue, sans issue. 2nd wife. TT j I I I |- 1 1 i 1 ] ! I Maud, 4. William and 6, GeorgeGascoigne, of Jane* wife to Henry Ambler, dau. of 5. Robert, both Kirby, co. Northants of Leeds. .... living 1584* {of Oldkurst, co. Alice, wife to John Newoome, AMing- Frances, wife of Hunts), mar. Mary, e of Saltfletby* co. Line, ton, of Geoffrey Barn- dau. and heir to John* Agnes, wife to William Mallet, Adwick by. Stokesley, of Sken- ofNormanton. in the Katherine, wife field* Essex, and Grace, wife to Thos. Wentworth, Street, of Richard Eliz., his wife, da. and ofScroby, a younger brother of living Beaumont, of co-heir to Rickard 5 the house of Woodhouse. 1584. Lassells Hall. Nightingale. He died, Elizabeth, wife to William 13SS. — Thompson, of Brotbertoru John* Gas- NichotasGas-: coigne,eldest coigne, set son, cet. 30, a° 1584, Thomas. Avery. Leonard. Mary. 13, an. 1584, was of Old- hurst , co. Hunts., hit., born //May, 26January, 1617. Elizabeth, dau. {and one of the heirs 5 ) of Henry Longvil- lers, of Wolver- ton , co. Bucks. Ml I 1 [ I- 2. George Gas¬ coigne, slain at Sligo,in lre~ land{ 1 April 5 ), 1607. 3. John, 4. Richard. 5. Matthew. 6. Christopher, 7. Christo¬ pher,mar. SusaKyda. of John Gascoigne * ofHitchin, co. Herts * and died 1613. — Elizabeth, eldest dau., wife of Edward FurthoeyOf Furthoe, co. Bucks. Joan. Nightingale, wife of Thomas Longvillers, of Bradwell, co. Bucks. She re¬ married to Sir Wm. Windsor , of Tasson Half v co. Suf, ktP Katherine, w ife of J 710Hows- den, alias Dettham, of Bor - deux, co. Can ter - bur}', s.p.* Alary , wife to Maxi- m Hi a n Morier, of Newel m {co. Oxon, and died 3 October * /6i?,s,p. s }. Prothesia, wife of Geo., 3rd son of Geo, Twish- ton yof Wood- ha l l t in Wormersley, co. York .5 John Gascoignep Robert , s.p. cci. ij t a° 1613. Henry, s.p. Elizabeth * born 16 Sept., /jpp. A tat/tea. Mary , Susan. Dorothy . Frances. Alice. Jane. Katherine. George Gascoigne, son and heir. George & Richard Gascoigne. 18,011, fT. 141$, 142. 1487, fo. s 8 o 3 . 1394, ff. 124, 163. 1415* fo. 15. 1420, fo. r22. 1499, fo. 23. 4630, p. 231. 1571, fo. 106b. 6070, ft'. 32^. 253. 1487, fo. 281. 143°! fo- 277. Bee Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. IMS, 18,oil states Nicholas Gascoigne’s wife to be Mary* dau, and heir to Sir John Gras* of Studley, 2 John, MSS. 1415, 1487. 3 Mary* MS. 1415. 4 MS. 1415. 6 MS. 6070. * She was baptised 17 October, 3 Edwd. VI., 1549, and died in 1588, MS. 6070. t Michael* MSS. 1415, 1487. & A quo Gascoigne* of Barnbow ; see Dugdale’s- Visita.tion J p. 289. S Bom 7 August* 1613, MS. 6070. XO VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN IjS4/j AND l6l3 Rydale. HEBLETHWAITE, OF SEDEERGH. Akms :—Argent, 2 pallets azure, on a canton or a mullet sable pierced gulei Crest —A demy wolf ermine, issuant from a ducal coronet OT, James Heblethwayt, of Sedbergh, co. York. == 2. John Heblethwayt. ■ Richard Heblethwayt, of Sedbergh^.....dau. to ......... Fawcett, of Sedbergh , co. York. | co. York. ( ____ _ __j j John Heblethwaite, of Sedbergh, = Margaret, dau. to . .... dau, mar. to Robert RichardHeblethwaite.^ J son and heir. | .Harrison. Fawcett, of bedbetgh. 3. Christopher. Richard Heble^=Margaret, dau. thwaite, eldest to John Faw- son. cettj of Sed- bergh. 7a ?j?«Heblethwaite,of= Dorothy, dau. to Thos. Ma!ton, 1 in Rydale, Hadden, elder bro. to now living, 1584, Dr.Haddon, y e master of now lining, 1612. requests to Q. Eliz. 3. Henry. Dorothy, wife of James Heble¬ thwaite, of Sedbergh (?). Robert , a minister. John Heble¬ thwaite . James Heblethwaite, =Mary, dau. to Roger son and heir, now I Dalton, of Kirby living, a 0 1584- Misperton, Thomas Heblethwaite of the Midd le Temp le.=A*ndau. barrister, and to “whom James Heblethwaite, oj Mai ton, had testated all his lands , sister to Sir Christopher Hi Id- yard, of Wine stead. Richard, set. 5 # an. 1584. i 1 2. John. 3. Christopher. Anne, elder dau., wife of Roger Otway. , 2nd dau, James Heblethwaite , son and heir , eet y, a° 1612. Ann. James Herblethwayt. 1487, fo. 74*. 1394, p. 166. 141s, fo. 14 h. I 4 ®°. fo. I aab . 1571, fo. 103. 6070, fo. 76b. See Dugdale's Visitation, p. 203. 1 Norton, Visitation 1612. i8,cur, fo. 14a?. 240 VISITATION OP YORKSHIRE IN AND J ^ 12 * VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 241 Harthill. BETHELL, OF ELLERTON. Arms Argent, on a chevron between 3 boars’ heads couped sable an estoile or. Crest : A demi-eagle displayed azure, charged on the breast with an estoile or. Richard 1 Bethell, of the co. of Hereford. = _I Thomas Bethell, of Mansell, = Elizabeth, daughter of.Rogers. co. Hereford. J oh J, eldest son. 4. An¬ drew. 2. Nicholas Joan, dau. = Sir Hugh Bethell, oi=Ann, dau.= Jane, dau. Bethell. of of Fcllprtnn in ^ F C ~ 4 ~ .• z. . Bethell, of Ma iden- head, co. Hereford. of . Ellerton, in the Wapen- Stevens, take of Harthill, co. York, surveyor to Queen Elizabeth in the East Riding, and clerk of the peace there, now living, 1584. of co Devon. of Sir W i lliam Mallory, knt ., 2nd zuife. to Bishop Youul, Arch- bishop of York , 3 rd wife. Walter Bethell, —Mary, dau. of 3rd son, surveyor Sir Henry to the kin* in Slingsby, of the East Riding, Scriven, knt. 1612. W i 1 1 i a m 2. John. Bethell , of Holme , in Spalding- more. I Gr/seld, dau. and heir , mar. to Sir John Wray, of Glentworth, co. Lincoln, knt. Hugh Bethell, a>t. 7, a° 1612. 2. Henry. Elizabeth. Frances. Mary. P. me, Hugh Bethell. 18,011, fo. 143^. 1487, fo. 77. 1394 p. 167. 1415, fo. 14^. 1420, ff. 123^, 216, 216 b. 1571, fo. 107b. 6070, fo. 77. See Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 155, 132, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Thomas, MSS. 1415, 6070. Whitby. DUTTON, OF CLOUGHTON. Arms :— Quarterly, per fesse indented argent and gules, in the 2nd and 3rd quarters a fret or. Crest :— A plume of 5 feathers azure, argent, gules, or, and vert, issuant from a mural crown or. This house quartereth only these 5, and that in this order :— 1 and 6. Quarterly, argent and gu'es, fretty or, Dutton. 2. Argent, on a bend gules 3 carbuncles or, Thornton. 3. Azure, a chevron between 3 gari s or, Hatton. 4. Or, a cinquefoil sable, Brailsford. 5. Azure, a crescent, griping an estoile argent, Minshull. Richard Dutton, 2nd son of John Dutton, of= Hatton, by Margaret Atherton, his wife. I William Dutton, = of Chester, eldes: son. A Ralph Dutton, son of Richard. = _I Richard Dutton, of Cloughton, in Picker-=.. dau. of ing Lythe, descended out of Dutton, of .Percy. Cheshire , and came into Yorkshire. 1 242 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584 /j AND l 6 l 2 . B 1 :Thomas Dutton, of Shere-= burn co. Gloucester, had 3 I wives. Robert Dutton, = Isabel, dau. to . Brian Du t- of Cloughton. Lambert,of Owton, ton, sans in Episcopatu. issue. William, lg. Ann, wife of Richard Dut-rr Katherine, 2. George. Jane, wife to John 1584, Thos., Geo. Warn- ton, of dau. to Sir Wright, of Pick- andEleanor, ford, in co. Cloughton, by the 2nd Gloucester, now living, wife. by the 1st 1584, living wife* 1612. Richard Cholmeley, of Roxby. ering. Richard Dutton, eld -—Frances, dau. of Robert Henry. Barbara, wife of Vane. nr* K nn A _ L TJ/J77*_ 77_* _.4* ^ est son, set. 5, an. 1854, now of Dalby. Gale, of Acomb Grange, co. York. William. Francis, son of Robert Gale. 1 1 2. Richard. Henry Dutton, cet. 12, 1612. Richard Dutton. Agnes. Ma?y. Etheldrcda. George Dutton. 18,011, fo. 144. 1487, fo. 1 66b. 1394, p. 167. 1415, fo. 15. 1420, ff. 113, 124. 1571, fo. 108. 6070, fo. 171^. 1 MS. 1415. PULLEINE, OF SCOTTON. Arms :—Azure, on a bend between 6 lozenges or, each charged with an escallop sable, 5 escallops of the last, Pulleyn. 2. Azure, a fesse between 3 martlets argent, Burdett. 3. Quarterly, argent and sable, in the 1st quarter a mullet, Perers. 4. Argent, on a chief sable 3 covered cups or, Howe or Hoo. Crest :—A colt’s head, erased sable, bridled or. Almericus de Perers. = Symon de Dickering. = Peter de Dickering. Walter. Robert. = Agnes. Johannis Burdett,=Amicia, filia. ante data. Robert. Lawrence. =. William. Joan. Agnes. William Burdett = Lawrence. Thomas. Robert. = Maude. idiana. Julii Petr 'etronella. John Burdett, of = Alicia, aunt and heir Rand. I to Maude. Robert. Stephen Burdett. = Juliana. Thomas. = _J ~1 . J uliana. Thomas, s.p. Walter, s.p. Maude, = Sir Edmond Paken- s. p. ham, knt. John Burdett. = John Burdett. = Joan, sister of William, prior of Collingham, 1411. Nicholas = Katherine, dau. of Sir Thomas, or John — . dau of Sir Thomas Pulleine. Richard or John Rocliffe. Burdett. Nomanville, knt. VISITATION OP YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. H 3 J °^j '■°fSwynst°edHail W00d ’ J 1e\ B ”-p o ^rSgt^! , ° ,aS John Pulleine. =.dau. of Adam Beckwith, of Clint. jZ Burdett, of Gainsboro'.= William Pulleine, mar. Anne, dau. of John Ness- field. I I K R^’^"VT" =Jennet, dau. and heir of Ratcliff, of Throsanby. Pulleyne Elizabeth, wife of Henry of Scot- Weston, of Weston. ton. John Burdett, of Holling- thorpe, alii of Gainsbro’, 1 and heir of Perrers, of Winthorpe, Westcot. John Pulleine. 2 =.2 dau. of.Gascoigne, I of Micklefield. Margaret, mar. to Nicholas Banke, of Allerton. John, or— Grace, dau. of Sir John Thomas , Maleverer, of Allerton. Pulleine. Anne, mar. to Thos. Bozon, or Bossom, of Bamby. Argent, three wind bolts azure, feathered or. Katherine, mar. to Thos. De la River, ofBransby. Dorothy, wife to Robert Dickin- Ralph Pulleine. son. Anne, mar. to Ralph 3 Wood, of Swinstead. Hall. Katherine, dau. of Seth Snawsell, of Bilton. Anne, mar to Nicho¬ las Fawkes, ofFarn- ley. Margaret, wife of Rd. Bankes, of Allerton. Joan, mar. to Thomas Knares- borough. Anthony. Frances, —W a 1 1 e r^Margery, dau. TVinian 4 A on : _ ? t _ , Ninian. 4 Robert. dau. of Jno. Va¬ vasour, of Wes- t o n , 2nd wf. Pulleine, ofScotton, 2nd son. of John Slingsby (ist wife). Grace, mar. to Rbt. Skelton,of Osgod- thorp. Elizabeth, wife of Thos. Leveson, of Scarboro’. 3. Thomas. 2. Edmond Pul¬ leine, married Anne, dau. of J ohnVavasour, of Weston. Willi a m = Margaret, Pulleine, of Scot- ton. dau. of Richard Bellasis. Frances, mar. to James Pulleyn, of Killinghall. *SV Roger 1 Conyers.—Margaret, dau. and heir to Richard Norton, of Norton. o at o Adam Conyers, called himself first Norton. = Alice, daughter of -Nunwicke. *4 O & Sir Richard Norton, knt ., chief justice of the Common Pleas , d. 20 Dec.Katherine, dau. of......Manningkam,d. 20 May, 1481 1420, and ties buried in ike church at Walk, co. York. (sic, sed qu.), and is buried at Walk. £ Richard Norton, d. 22 Sept., 1438, — Elisabeth, dau. and co-heir to Sir Thomas 2 Tempest, buried at Walk. ' I knt., d. 20 Sept., 14yd, and is buried at Wath. John Norton, went into Suffolk. Sir John Norton knt., d. Oct., 148$, and is buried at Wath.— Jane, or Joane, dau. of Sir Randolph, or Ralph, Pigott, d. 6 Aug., 1488, J | buried at Wath. Sir John Conyers, als. Norton, knt. of the Bath , as by his image in marble on =Margaret, dau. of 5?r Roger \\ard, of Givendale,i«^, £^. his tomb, died 28 Aug., 1520, and is buried at Wath. * I 3 Sept., i S 20, and ts buried at W ath. Margaret mar. to Sir Roger, Henry. Sir John Conyers,“Anne, dau. and heir Jane, max. to Sir Anne, mar. to Christopher or George Lassells, of c/r. Norton. I of Miles Ratcliff, of Wm. Mallory, Wandesford, of Kirtling- Erakenb^ry. ' I Rilston, in Craven. of Studley. ton. mu— 1 I II 1 Thomas. Christopher, William. Marmaduke, and John, s, p. I Philippa, dau. of= Richard Norton, rebelled— Susan, dau, Thos. Trappes, against Q. Eliz. He fed | of Rich- of London, and the realm, and died ard,Lord widow of Sir beyond seas t and was \ Latimer. Geo. Gifford. attainted. ! I Isabell, wife Anne, mar. ist to Margaret, mar of... Robert Plump- to Thomas Hattie, of ton, and 2ndly Markenfeld. He wicke. to Robert More- ton, of Bawtry. Mary, mar. ist to.. Greene, of N ewby, and to [no. Lambome. Anne, mar. to Robert Byrnand, of Knares- boro‘. J o h n= Norton, \ mar. ist Jane , sister of M ore- ton, of Bawtry. r Ann , wife of Elizabeth, . Sal- man, of Ripon. Margaret t dau. of Ckristr . Redskaw, of Ows- ton ( 2nd wife). . Edmund Norton, married Cicely, dau. of Matthew Boynton . I , William Norton* married Ann, dau. of Matthew Boynton . i i t /. Francis, Richard * Mi Hunt A .fill Henry. GeoTge, Christo¬ pher. Thomas. Richard. ! 2 , William , mar. Afar - gery,dau. of William Welbury,of Cleveland, i I 2 homosHorton, Jeremy, mar, Anne, s, p, da. of Michael Wandesford, of Pygott. II I ' III.. 8. Marmaduke Nor- i. Francis Nor- Clare, wife of Richard ton, mar, Eliza- ton, son and Goodrick, of Ribston. both, dau, of . heir,married [arte, mar. toRichd. Gas- Killinghall, Aubrey, sis- coigne, of Tab! ay, son 9. Sampson Norton, ter and co ofSirHenryGascoigne , married Bridget, heir to of Sedbury, knt dau. and heir of Thos. Wim- Elizabeth, mar. to Henry Sir Ralph Bui- bish, of co. Johnson, of Walton mer t ofTursdale. Liac. Edge, son and heir of — Sir Thomas . Katherine, mr. to Francis Bulmer, of Tursdale. Joane, wife of ... Salven, of Croxdale. \ I I Susan. Elizabeth, Mary. wife of ... Bar¬ ton, of When- by. 2. Henry Nor¬ ton, married . .... dau. of Thomas Tankard, of Boro bridge. I Richard Norton . I John Norton, son and heir, mar. Bridget, dau. of Sir RobertStapIe- ion, of Wig- hill, knt . ~i Anns, sole dau, and heir. 18,011, fo. 144 b. 1487, if. 345, 497 b. 1394, p. 37. 1415! fo. 15^. 1420, fo. 124 b, 1171, fo. 79. 1571, fo. 214. 6070, fo, 238. See Tong's Visitation, p. 83, Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 40, 102, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Robert, MS. 1487. 2 John, MS, 1415. 3 MS, 1 See also page 2 John, MS. 1415, VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN IJJ84/5 AND l 6 l 2 * - - !8s" ■' - ' rf- v *y‘ ' " ■ * US* NEYILE, OF REVERSED GE. Arjis;—Q uarterly, i. Argent, a saUire gules, overall a label of 3 points, Nevile. z . Argent, on a pale sable a luce's head erect or, a cross crosskt ktchee bendy, Gascoigne. 3. Lozengy, argent and sable, LtEVERSEDGE. 4. Argent, a chevron between 3 mullets sable, Sherwood, Robert Flamborough. = Alice, dau. and heir of Ralph de Leversedge, knt. 1-- 1 Roger Flamborough. = r-- 1 Robert Flamborough.— Sir Edmond Neville Isabel, daughter and heir of Robert Flamborough. William Nevill. = dau. of y* Lord Harrington. t - 1 Jo hn Nevil!. = Alice, dau. and heir of Henry Sherwood. Sir Thomas Nerill=Alice,, dau, and heir of Richard Gascoigne, of Hunslet, [-7“- 1 Robert Nevill. =Elinor, dau. of..Molineux, ofco. Lane. p._ 1 Sir John NevilL =Maude, dau. of Sir Robert Ryther. Edmond. George. Thomas NeviU,—Isabella, dau. of Sir Robert Sheffield. Sir John Nevill, of Chevet.— Ed mond. Sir Robert NevilL = Eleanor, dau. of Sir John To wneley , in co. Lane. Isabel, mar. to John Popelay, of Woodhouse. Sir John Nevill, mar.,irBeatrix, dau. Thomas. Margery, mar. to Katherine, wife of Eleanor, wife Beatrix, sans Elizabeth, wife 1st, Dorothy, dau. of j to Henry Robert. Ralph Bees ton, Richard Beaumont, to Christo- issue. to Francis Sir Christopher) Brome. Henry. ofBeeston. of Whitley. pher Rat- Rosamond. Woodruge. Danby, of Thorpe. = 11 -—----- clyflfe. Robert Nevill. = Elizabeth, mar. to Jane, mar. to Roger Cholmeley, 4th brother Eliinor. Matthew. Edward. Mary. Douglas. f- 1 -Askew. to Sir Richard Cholmeley, of Thornton. Symon. Grace. Margaret. John, sans issue. 1 18,011, fo. r+S. 1487, fo. 384A 1420, fo. 1253. 1415, fo. 16. 1499, fo. 43. 4630, p. 421. 1571, fo. 214b. 6070, fo. 29. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. IMS. 1571. 1 .. 4 -- ^ ^ STANLEY, LORD MONTE AGLE. Arms Quarterly, or and sable, a cross patonoe counterchanged, Taillard. Impaling quarterly of 4. ist grand quarter—Quarterly, 1 and 4 argent, on a bend azure 3 bucks 1 heads cabossed or ; 2 and 3 or, on a chief indented azure 3 plates, over all a crescent for difference, Stanley and Latham. ’2nd grand quarter—Gules, 3 man s legs armed, conjoined in the fesse point argent, Isle or Mas. 3rd grand quarter— Barry of 8, argent and gules, over all a lion rampant or, crowned gules, 4th grand quarter—Quarterly,. 1 and 4 azure, a cross moline or; 2nd and 3rd lozengy, gules and ermine. Sir Edward Stanley, knt., 2nd son to Thomas, the 1st Eari of = Elizabeth, dau. to Sir Thomas Derby, created Lord Mont eagle by K. Hen. VIII., anno regni Bui sexto. 1 Sir Thomas Stanley, Lord Monteagle,= Mary, dau. to Sir Charles Brandon, after Duke of Suffolk, Elizabeth, wife to Sir Thomas Langton son and heir to Sir Edward. | and of Anne, his wife, dau. to Sir Anthony Browne, knt. knt., Baron of Walton. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Zouch, of Stafford dale, co. Somerset. = 1 Vaughan, widow to the Lord Grey, of Wilton, Margaret, first mar. to William Sutton, of Barlings Abbey, co. Line., who died sans issue, and after to John Taylard, of London, merchant- = 1 Katherine, wife of Holme, of Stamford, Rutland. Charles Taylard, son and heir, set. xx, an. 15S5. 2. Edward Taylard, 3. Stanley Taylard. I I I W T illiam, sans issue. Jane, died young. Jane, the younger, died young. 7 Anne, wife of Sir John Clifton, of Baringdon, co. Somerset. = a Gervase Clifton, son and heir. J. Taillard 18,011, fo. 1455. 1394, p. 168. 1415, f 0 . i6£. 1420, fo. 126^. 1571, fo. 108*. 6070, fo. 159^ 1 In Bugdale’s Visitation of Lancashire hia issue, as here stated, is said to be by Anne, dau. and co-heir of Sir John Harrington, of Hornby Castle. S Edward, vide Dugdale’s Visitation of Lancashire. tSSBtR HH 0B&*' 248 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Strafforth. MOUNTFORD, OF KILNHURST. Arms Argent, a lion rampant azure between n cross crosslets gules, a border ermine. Crest : A talbot’s head sable, eared or, gorged with a ducal coronet of the last. Sir Alexander Mountford, knt.= — _ I Sir Alexander Mountford =EUmleth dan. and heir of Thos. Burgh. She made tint.. Lord of Hack forth /w™// Tor-n z? ttt ^ . knt., lord of Hackforth. Ig. 19 E. II. 1 7 7. —.- j-tnrgrt,. o/zer maae her will 1352, lived 26 E. III. Argent , on a fesse sable 3 pallets or. Margaret. =.Lawrence Mountford, i 9 =fsabel, dau. of Gilbert Sotheby, Katherine E.II., 1352. I 1 st wife. wife to..'... Margaret. 2. John. Thomas Mountford, a« =. dau. of...ClareU Elizabeth 1352, eldest son. I of Aldwark. Joane, |--- 1 I3SI- John Mountford .=. dau. of John Firleby, ofco. Notts. 3. Humphrey, 2. Thomas. Edmond Montford,=Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas fane a P nat - of Kylnhurst I Calverley, of Calverley. Anne. Elizaheth, dau to=Christopher=Muri e Il, dau. Edmond 2 .George 1 nos. ambridp-o. MontfnrH — /_ t^j- - * Thos. Bainbridge, of Penreth, 1 in Episcopatu Dunelm. Montford ; of Kyln hurst. to Thomas Wentworth, of Wood- house. (mr Eliz 3. A n dau. of ihony. Thomas Kitchen 2 ). Ann. Elizabeth. Dorothy. Grace. Margaret, = Launcelot=Benedicta, Alice, wife to John Thomas Yo ‘ dau. to Thomas Wentworth, of Wood- house. Montford,of Kilnhurst, Esq., now living, 1585. 1 dau. to Sir Wm. Newman. Darley, of York. Elizabeth, wife to AnthonyHewett, ot Wales, co. York. Beatrix, wife of Anthony 3 Robinson, citizen and merchant, of York. Benedicta, 2nd dau. Montford, 2nd son, mar. Eliz., dau. to . Eton. = I Mary. Rosamond. Isabel. Bridget. Ursula. Margaret. Elizabeth. Launcelott Mountford. Ego, Robertas de Kelnehyrst capellanus, filius Ivonis de Kelnehvrste dedi Tnh^rm,- lvr ££&£“* ejUS ' "*• °™ ia «"*• - Kylnehyrs,^’ * Ed - m. 0^^ ^ 18,on, fo. 146. 1487, fo. 379 - 5 . n 7 r, fo. 51b. 1394 , p 169. 1415, fo 16b. 1420, fo. 127 4630, p. 406. 1571, ff. 109, 205. 6070, fo. 79. 7 l Perith, MS. 1571. 2 MS. 1571. 3 Laurence, MSS. 1487, 1571. AIXER-TONSHIKE, 1585. METCALFE, OF BELLERBY AND NAPPA. Asms :—Quarterly, i and 4. Argent, 3 calves passant sable, Metcalf. 2 and 3. Sable, a chevron between 3 quat re foils argent, Raughton. Miles 1 Metcalfe, of Here Park. — i Bryan Metcalfe, of Be re Fark.= 1. Richard Medcalfe, = of Bere Park. 1-1- Nicholas Med- 2, Anthony, calfe, of Bere a priest. Park, eldest son, doctor of divinity. 3. Reginald 2 Medcalfe. = Symon Medcalfe, of: Askrigg, and of Bere Park,co. Rich mond„ 3rd son, and heir to his bro. Nicholas. 3. Thomas 2 Medcalfe, = of Nappa. Myles 2 Medcalfe, — Elizabeth, dan. of [ Brian de la River. Lucas Medcalfe, of Bedale, = in Richmondshire, and of Bel Ur by, co. York . 1 = Elizabeth, f ’ Sir James= z Margaret, dau. Cicely, wife Edmond — mr.toThos. Medcalfe, and co-heir of ofWilliam Med¬ Thornton, of Thorn¬ ton. = of Nappa, in Wens- leydale. Thos. Pigot, of Cl other- ham. -1 Burgh, of Burgh. calfe. L Katherine, 2nd Robert Jackson, of Bedale, executrix to her son Nicholas, Elizabeth, dau, to John Medcalfe, of y« Stubb, mar. to Giles Burgh. Stephen Thornton, mar. Cicely, John Medcalfe, of Holme. 1 Sir Christophers., dau. to Medcalfe, of Nappa, in Wensleydale. the Lord Clifford, of Christo¬ pher Tom¬ linson. ElltnoT, mar. to George Layton, of Sproxton. James. =.,.,dau. of.Savile. Thomas, 6 years of age, 1585, John. Ingram. ThoiuasMedcalfe l =Dorothy Nicholas^ Mark e^Ehzabeth, 5. Matthew 6. John 7. Anthony Med- Mary,mar.toBarthoIo- ofBellerby,eldest dau. Medcalfe, Medcalfe, son, o.s.p.i&May r and co- and son, one heir to his bro. * 575 * an & lyeth heir of ye 6 clerks of Bellerby, bur. in St. Cle- of ...... in chancery, now living, meat's Churchy Drans- d.s.p.ZSept. % 1585, vicar without Temple held, 158 r. of North- Bar^ London. 0. s.p. Lucas,3dson, allerton. sans issue. Mary, eldest dau., set. 8, an. 1585, 2. Martha, aet. 7 an. I Francis Medcalfe, eldest son, aet. 16 an., 1585. dau. to Medcalfe,! Medcalfe, calfe,mar....,dau.of mew Stringer, abur- Anthony mar.Lucy, cit. and ... Crurape, of Lon- gess of Richmond. Thomlin- da.toWm. mercht.,of don, and had daus. Dorothy, mar. to John son, cf Parkinson, York, mr. only. Stapleton, of Bedale. Gates- of Burnt- Alice,dau. 8. Symon Medcalfe. Jane,mar.toThos. Par- head, co. ston, in to Aid. 9. Richard Medcalfe, kinson, of Bumtstort. Durham, Richmond- Herbert,of of Louth Park, co. Margaret, mar. to John gent. shire. = York. = Line.,had 4 wives. = Smelt, son and heir to ,—j- r John Smelt, of Ain- Thomas. derby My re. Myles. Marcus Medcalfe. ~i ~r t-j - T~ r 2. Lucas. 3. Nicholas. Four daus. Thomas. fokn. Matthew. Ursula. 18,011,flf. 147,227^, 1487, IT. 61b, 274, 1394, ff. 147, 171. 1415, ff. 10, 17, 25. 1420, ff. 108,155#, 128, 213, 2T3 b. 1571, ff. no, 219. 6070, fo. 170. .Sfealso Pedigree post. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p, 105, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Called James by Dugdale. 2 These three are staled in M S. 18,011, fo. 227ft, and in MS. 1487, fo. 274 (see Pedigree post), to be brothers of Bryan, and not sons. 3 Of the Head House, MS, 1415. * Heir male to his brothers, viz. Thomas, Nicholas, Luke, and Mark, MS. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 8 4/5 AND l6l2. Allertonshire, 15S5. MENNELL, OF NORTH KILVINGTON. Robertus de Mennell. — L Dominus Willielmus de Mennell. Hugo de Mennell, 1203. Noverint universi per praesentes me domimim Willietmum de Mennell filium Robert! de Mennell salutem in Domino sempitemam, Noveritis me dedisse et concessise etc, Hugoni de Mennell fratri meo totum manerium meum de Hilton juxta Rudby cum omnibus pertinentiis in villis et territoriis cum omnibus libertatibus infra villam et extra et totum vastum cum wardis releviis homagiis eschoetis, habendum et tenendum sibi et haeredibus suis de corpora suo legitime procreatis de me et heredibus meis et de capitali domino feodi, dando mihl et heredibus meis et capitali domino feodi tres solidos et unam libram cummine si petatur tenenda, Testibus johanne de Mennell et Galfrido de Rosselis, Johanne de Hoton, et aliis. Datum apud Worleton, 1203. Arms ;—Azure, 3 bars gemelles or* on a chief of the last a crescent sable ; over all a bendlet. Robert Meyndl, of Hilton, co. York. ==( Agnes 1 ) dan. of Sir John Lancaster, knt. Elizabeth, dau. to Wm.=: Anthony Mennell, of= Katherine, dam of Richd. Robert Men-—Mary, dan. of n ■*" T .1 \T ■ X r A _ _I T „ - JD r /l/ Greene, of Lamouth, co. York, 2nd wife. North Kilvington, co. York, had four wives, 2 Nawton, of Edelthorpe, co. York, 4th wife. nell, serjeant- at-law A Tkos . Pudsey , of Barford, co. York. 1 1 Brians Henry} s.p. Anne, wife of... Radclijfe, of Mulgrave. 1 Roger Mennell, of North Kilving¬ ton, living a« 1585. = Margery, dau. to Anthony Catterick, of Stan- wick, 00, York. A Robert Men-—Margaret, nell, of Stanke, 3rd son, now ig., 1585- dau. and sole heir of Christopr. Nodding* of Stanke. Margaret , wife of Roger Tacketts, of Tacketts. 1 Dorothy, wife of Nicholas Girlington, of HackfordX Ann , wife of FrancisFul- thorpe, of Fulthorpe. 1 Joane,wifeof Ninian Gir¬ lington, of Girlington A Frances, wife of Rowland. 1 Tkos. Fox, of Cutkbert 1 T A orpe, in Anthony 1 co. York 1 William. 1 Cicely, wife of Cutkbert Winde 1 Alice 1 [wife of Nicholas Ne- some* ). Roger — Jane,eldest Men- dau , of nell , Christopr. son Danby, of and Farnley , heir. knt. C OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND V B I Mary,dau.^Y T hom as= Wi n i - George to... Gflto, of Acomb Grange in the Ainsiy. Mennell, eldest son, set. 20, 1585, now liv- A ingibia. fred\ of Thos. Pudseyof Barfortk, in Rich- tnondsh. Men- n e 11, 2nd son. Elizabeth , ztow. ^ Robert Trotter . <3/ 5 ^/- /£W CtfJ- 1, ' Mary, mar. to OswaldMetcalfe, of Hornby Castle. 2, Elizabeth, wife of Geo. Holtby, of Shakelton. 3, Margaret, unm. 11111 1 n r 2. Francis , LawrenceMen- Roger. E dmo n d — Tkomasin, 3. Robert. Anne. Elizabeth* Eleanor* nell, 9 months Wim. old.is8s,mar* Ellen^dau. of Francis Las- sells , ofAlter* ton * =f= Mennell, mr, Eliz., da * a/ Bowes, of E llerbech, 2d wife.- 1= 1 1—; 11 1 m 1 Anthony —{Mary, da. Richard, (mar. Mary,(wife Roger. John Men- Men- of fames da. of John Tat- of George Thomas nell, son nelfcet. Thwaiies, bot r of Thom- Pole,Esq.*). Anthony, and heir, ofMarston t ton i and had a Anna. <21.4^1612. 20,1612. 11 11 foan. 2 * Robert, Mar- oet. 8,1612. garet. 3. Edmund. red 1 1 Elhn . Mary. Margaret. Catherine. dan. of Ralph T ankard y of Arden. H > H O *3 Charles Mennell, son and heir , <2?/. I l ! Frances. Esther. Bridget , wz/> ^ ■Sasw/. Con Ison. HOWDENSCHIRE, METHAM, OF METHAM. Arms:—Q uarterly, i. Quarterly, were “a^em*'a lion' rampfr,” M&e, Stapleton! ''frmy gemelles and a chief or, Richmond. 9. Paly of six gules and argent, a bend counterchanged, Follington. Crest :—On a torce, argent and azure, a bull’s head conped, harry argent and azure, armed sable. Adam Ham el ton, heir to his brother William,—Alice, dau, and heir of William Markenfeld, who was archdeacon of York. I the son of John. t -1 Sir Jo hn Metbam, 33 E. I.= Sibi 1 , daughter and heir. Sir Thomas 1 Metham^ knt. 2 — _______1 Sir Thomas Metham, 43 E. Ill .—Isabtl, dau. and heir of Sir Miles Stapleton , of Carlefon, knt. Alexander Metham. = Elizabeth, dau. of the Lord Darcy, of the North. ThoJ^Metharn, of Metham HalL= Mundana, dau. of Sir John Waterton, of Methley, knt., lord of Walton ., 1 Waterton, and Gosberton. Divers other children. Richard Metham.=Margaret, dau. of Ralph Babthorpe. Anne, rst wife, dau. to Sir John 3 Tempest.^^ Thomas Metham, of Metham,=Isabel!dam JfSirRotar. Wildyard, knt.. tatf. of Bolling. I V1U ' ■ " _i_v_ r - r ~r Sir Thomas Metham, knt., called Sir Thomas- Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Robert Constable, of of Cave, served at Flodden Field. ] Flamborough. William.® Robert. Alexander. Esq. Lnt c Z C 73 * w 73 W 0~i CO 4 - > Z Mundana, Elizabeth. tear** 3 ^' -ggge B CN Mart dau.— William = . dau. of Thomas Metham,=Grace,dau. 2.' Christo- E]izabeth, mar. to jin*, wift - 5 _ . , r . t n "TV. nf Jtlt-eir of Lord Willough¬ by. of Parham , Meiham , Aquo Metham, J of iWdll * Had three wives, M S. 6070. 7 MS. 1571- * Mamedis, Frances dau. of join Lord Shefford, MS. 6070. 0 John MS. 6070. 10 Died May, iGio, MS. C070. 11 Ihos., MS. 1487. U MS. 6070. « ? Ingleby. r wl w VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND x 6 l ^4 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 ANJJ l 6 l 2 . 2 M Richmondshire. LAWSON, OF BROUGH. Arms Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, a chevron between three martlets sable, Lawson. 2. Barry of 6 argent and azure, in chief 3 annulets sable, Cramlington. 3. Argent, 3 boars an quarterly:-, and 4. Argent, on asaltie? sable Richmond ^ Burgh * 2 and 3 - Argent, a fesse engrailed between 6 fleurs-de-lis sa.. Crest:—O n a torce, argent and sable, two arms couped at the elbow proper, vested, boldine a ring or, set with a diamond argent, within the ring a sun of the 3rd. Another ShieldQuarterly. 1st and 6th, Lawson ; 2nd, Cramlington ; 3rd, Swynow • 4th, Burgh ; 5th, Richmond. Wiliam Lawson, of Cramlington, co. =. dau. to ... Horsley 1 Northumberland. I Thomas Lawson, of James Law-=Alice, dau. Robert. * 1 * Cramlington , mar. son, of Eden, dau. of Sir Newcastle, Roger Grey , of 2nd son. North Horton. r of George Bertram, near New¬ castle. George= . the dau. of Lawson. I ... Fenwick, of 1 I Brinckburn. 1 James . 3 Robert. 1 Roger —Elizab eih, Edmond Lawson, = Margery, sole dau. =r Robert Lawson Borough. See p.j. dau.of Roger Chambers. of Newcastle, eldest son. to Ralph Swynnow, sister and heir to I John. of Usworth, co. Durham, 2nd husband. Elizabeth, dau. and Ralph Lawson, of Burgh, in William Lawson, of sole heir of Roger Burgh. See page 3 Richmondshire, now living, 1585 and 1612 (died 1623 1). Rock, co. Northum¬ berland. Roger Law- son, eldest son, aet, 14, anno 1585, of Heton, co. Northumber¬ land, j 6 t 2 . Dorothy, dau. of Henry Con¬ stable, of Bur¬ ton, knt. (sis¬ ter to Henry, Viscount Dun¬ bar 1 ). 2. Edmond (mar. Fran¬ ces, dau. of ...Archer 1 ). Anthony. 3. Marma- duke. 1 1 U 4. James (mar. Mar¬ garet, da. of Sir Robert Ramsey i). 5. George. 6. William. jm 1. Alice, wife to Thos. Ingleby , of Lawk- land, co. York. 2. Margaret, wife to Sir Thos. Rokeby, of Mortham, knt. 3. Jane, unmar., 1612. 1. Ralph, cet. 4. George. 6. Thomas. 14, s.p. 5. John. 7. Edmund. 3. Roger. Raphe Lawson. 2. Henry. Dorothy. Mary. ^ Elizabeth. Katherine. Margaret. Anne. Marmaduke Lawson, for my father. Sir Ralphe Lawsow. 18,011, fo. 148. 1487, fo. 78 i. 1394, fo. 172. 1413, fo. m. 1420, fo. 129 6. 1 57 1 > fo* hi. 6070, fo. yjb. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. go, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MS. 6070. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 2 5.5 Richmondshire. CLEBURNE, OF KILLERBY. Arms :—Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, 3 chevrons embraced and a chief sable, Cleborne. 2 and 3. Argent, a saltier engrailed vert, Kyrkbyrde or Kirkbride. Robert Clybome, of West-=Emma, dau. and co-heir to George morland. I Kirkbride, of Northumberland. Edmond 1 Cleybome. =.dau. to.Layton, of .dau., mar to 1 Dalemaine, in Richmondshire. Rich. Kirkbride. Richard Cleybume, of=Ellinor, dau. to Killerby, in Rich- monashire, now liv¬ ing, 1585. Lancaster, of Sock- bridge, co. West¬ morland. 2. Thomas, of 3. John. Elizabeth , Hay Close, 4. W i 1 - wife of Jno. in Cumber - liam. Thwaites, of land* Mansion* Edmond * 1 = Grace, sister to Tar n, of W< Cleburne, eldst. son. Bellingham, morland. 1 1 1 rm ames 2. Gerard. Ellinor, Barbara, wife of Jane, est- wife of Thomas Banks, Ann. . of Quixley. Agnes. Emma. Thomas Cleburne, eldest son, set. 5, = Frances, dau. of Sir Richard Low- 2. William, anno 1585, now living, 1612. I ther, of Lowther Hall, knt. j. Robert. I I 2. Richard, j. William. Edward Cleburne, -=-Eliza- of Kellerby, son beth and heir, anno Hut- 1612, cet. 7. ton * Frances, mar. to... Whitfield, of Coulton* Grace .2 Anne.* 18,011, fo. 148^. 1487, fo. 53. 1394, p. 173- I 4 I S» fo. 17. 1571, fo. hi b. 6070, fo. 168. 1420, to. 130. 1 Edward, MS. 6070. 2 MS. 1571. Richmondshire. CATE RICK, OF STANWICK AND CARLETON. Arms Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent on a fesse engrailed sable 3 quartrefoyles or. 2 and 3. Chequy argent and sable a border gules. John Caterike, of Stanwick. = % John Caterick, of Stanwick. = Grace, dau. of... Lambert, of the BishoJ>rich. | William Caterick, of = Margaret, dau. of ..Salt- Stanwick. I marsh, of Saltmarsh. Marmaduke, 2nd son, sans issue. Anthony Caterick,=Elizabeth, dau. and a. George Ca-=Margaret, 3. Anuiuiijr , _, . r Dtf.nL- nfCar e- dau. to ... of Stanwick, now living, 1585. co-heir of Row¬ land Tempest, of Holmside. terik, of Carle- ton, in Rich- mondsh., now living, 1585. B dau. to Eltofte, of Craven . 3. lienry and 4. Francis, s.p. 2 56 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/^ AND l 6 l 2 . I A I I II i Thomas Margery,wife Grace, mar. to Anthony Caterick, to Roger Robert Lam- eldest son, aet. 21, eldest Meynell, of bert. an. 1585, heir to his son, s.p. North Kil- Dorothy, mar. uncle Anthony, now vington. to...Scrope. living, 1612. III. Caterick, — Joyce, dau. William. of ... Pen- John. nington,of George. Muncaster , Katherine. co. Cumb. Eleanor. 1 in Anthony Caterick,—Isabella, dau. of Sir George, son and heir, now Ralph Gray, of North- Francis, living , 1612. umberland, knt . William. 1 1 1 1 1 John. Bridget. Joseph. Margaret . Edward. Margaret, Get. j>, 1612. = . Smithson. Witnesseth by the testimony of John Garth, tenant to the above-named George Catterick, at Richmond, on Thursday, the 12 of August, anno 1585, who hath here¬ unto subscribed the same tyme. John Garth. 18,011, fo. 149. 1487, fo. 189^. 1171, fo. 2 b. 1394, p. 173. 1415, fo. 17b. 1420, fo. 130^. 1571, fo. 112. 6070, fo. 58. 1 Additional from MS. 1487. Richmondschire. GRAUNT, OF ROXBY. Ignobilis, licet per cartas fictitias genus suum a nobilibus derivere conarct. Ron probavit arma, 1612. Nicholas Belford, gent. = 1-j William Graunt, of=Jane, dau. to Wm. Burton, Edward Belford, of=:.. Roxby, co. York. I of Ingmanthorpe. Exilby, gent. Cicely, wife to John Exilby, of Richmondshire. John Graunt, of Roxby, in=Jane, dau. and co-heir. Richmondshire. William Graunt, = Barbara, d au . to 2. George =Julian, dau. of Elizabeth, wife to Ol Roxhv. Rqn I RHu/anl Porl/Ar riroiint r\f A yf ^ ^ J. _ 1 t 1 1 ^ of Roxby, Esq., now living, 1585. Edward Parker, of Brantingham, in Richmondsh. Graunt, of Allerton Marmaduke Claryonett, of Tanfield. John 1 Parker, of Allertonshire. William, eldest son ,—Mary, dau. of An¬ thony Byerley, of Pighill. set. 18, anno 1585, anno 1612. f 1 1 2. Robert. 3. Thomas. I I 4. Hugh. Isabell. —1—1—r~| 1 1 11 Edward. Marmaduke. John. Willi£ r illiam. 1 nne. Elizabeth. Christopher Graunt, son and Jane, heir, at. 10 , 1612 . Isabell. William Graunt. 18,011, fo. 149A 1487, fo. 391^ 1394, p. 174. 1415* fo. 17b. 1571, fo. u 2 b. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 259 WEST LAYTON. from the Visitation of 1612 is in roman ; the remaining part is taken from MS. 6070. 6 crosses botony, fitchde, sable. Alexander Layton, 7 Edward III. — John Layton, of Layton, —Christian, dau, of Nicholas 3. Alexander, ob. s.p., 31 27 Edward III. I Sheffield. Edward III. 2. Nicholas. Elizabeth, wife to Henry, son of John Pudsey, of Bolton, in Craven, and lived 27 Ed. III. .., dau. of Robert Marshall. Elizabeth. 2. John Layton, of West=Maude. Alice. Layton. Alice, god-dau. to the Lady _ Fitzhugh. J . I Thomas Layton, of West Layton, 22 H. VI., 1448.= 3. John. Robert B (or John), of West Layton.-Susan ,, dau. of John Boles. Robert, s.p Ralph Layton , of West— Margery, dau. to . Greene , of Layton. I Lamouth, co. York. John Lay-—Beatrix, dau. ton, of WestLay- ton, is8s. of Richard Sedgwicke , of Wal- bourne . 2. Isabel, wife of 1. Edith,wifeofRobt. Robert Kenro , Griggs , of Essex. ofThornton,in 4. Elizabeth ,2 wife the Beans, in of Robert Tenant, Richmondshire. ofRichmondshire. Rowland. f I 5. Margaret, wife Giles Johnson. 3 3. Hercu¬ les Lightfoot, and had issue Hy.and Thos. 3 of I. . I I I Willm. — Elizabeth, 3. Ralph — Dorothy, Margaret,wife Margery,wife Elizabeth , Layton, eldest dau. of Layton, William a st udent Claxton,of ofGray's Wynyard. Inn. da. of Sir of Robert of Percival wife of Thomas Rookwood, of Appleby, of Robert Wy- Gerrard, Rookwood Thornaby in vi l /, of knt Hall. Cleveland. Burton.— Thomas Layton, eldest— Margaret, dau. of Margery. son , PP- . 63 > j 7 6 > 1 77• ^ 3& 1 ’ 5 4 ' * See Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 109, 374, 375, and the 1 Geo. Headlam, for my Mr. John Wytham, signed pedigree 1612. lll s> A O J‘ ____ ^ _ j. ___—-— VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/3 AND l 6 l 2 . 26l OF CLIFFE. 2. Per fesse arg. and gules, Wawton. 3. Argent, a fesse gules between of the first, Thwenge. or, issuant from a ducal coronet of the last. . Thwenge. — 2. fohn Thwenge , to who?n his bro. = gave the Manor of Corneburgh. 1 1-' fohn Thwenge. = Marmaduke Thwenge , eldest son, gave—Isabel, the Manor of Corneburgh to his bro. Edmund Thwenge de juxta Sheriff Hutton. Corneburgh = i. — i. Alicia. 1. Jana, nupta johanni Westropp, de Brumpton, in Pickering Lythe, cum me- dietatahsereditatis de Corneburgh. = -1 Gilbertus fil. et hse¬ res, 3 H. V1.(?IV.) William Westropp of— Brumpton , in Picker¬ ing Lythe. Christopher Westropp. = Alice, wife of Henry Witham, s.p. Marmaduke Thwenge. = 1- 1 William Thwenge. = George, filius,sed quia dat terras filiabus suis in testamento suo, videtur fuisse spurius. Richard Westropp. = 1— Agnes, wife of Thomas Witham, accepit Man- tellina cum annulo vivens Castitatem, s.p. Alibi sic. Johannes Westropp.=Jana Thweng. 1 -1 Willielmus.= Alice, Robert=MatthewWy-=2nd Hunter, 1st wife. tham, of Bre- tonby. Ralph Westropp. = Hugh Westrop, = James- West- 1 ropp. r wife. William. Margaret. Christopherus. = ,___1 Ricardus. = Johann, 1 soror. Georgius. = 2. Henry With-=Margaret, da. of Thomas Mi del ton, of Stockeld. am, of Leds- ton, which manor he purchased. ~i L Thomas, sans issue. Cuthbert, a clerk, mar. and had issue. William West¬ rop, now under age, 1585. Radulphus. = __1 Hugo.= ( _I Jacobus. 2. Cuthbert = Margery, da. Witham, attainted temp. Q. I Eliz. to Ralph Rokeby, of Marske, in Cleveland. Matthew Witham, eldest son, dis¬ inherited. 3. Henry. 4. Robert. 5. Peter. 6. Timothy. William =Ellinor, da. Isabel, wife T Margaret, wife to Anthony .dau. Chaytor, son of Christo¬ pher Chaytor, of Butterby. Ellinor. Witham, 2nd son and heir, lv g-i53S- . r to...Noell of Thos . 2 (Neale), of Layton, of N o r t h - Duffield . 3 ampton. Henry Witham, eldest son, set. 4 years of age, 1585. 4 daus. Ego Johannes de Wawton, armiger, confirmavi Johanni de Bedall Capellano, etc, data apud Keperby, a 0 3 H. IV. (f VI.), S. Johannis de Wauton. Parti per fesse, argent and gules, 1420 ff. 131^, 132, 200, 206. 1571, ff. 114, ii8 £, 238^. 6070, ft. 79 b, 91, 159. Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 3 Who came forth of Delamayne, in Lancashire, MS 1571. 2 MS. 1571. *3 RlCHMOSDSCKlRE* DANBY, OF THORP PERROW. ) Asms Quarterly. i and +. Argent, 3-ctoWrot* embraced sable, on a chief of the last 3 mullets of the first, Danby, Aslabv. 3* Argent, on a saltier sable an escallop between 6 billets of the first. Crest On a torce, or and azure, a crab erect or. Gules, 3 lozenges argent. SiT Robert descended vl - - q.nd now of Thorpe, by purchase. indented gave unto Richard Danby, his brother, and Joan, bis wife, and to thl heirs of the body of the same Richard all his lands in Great Levwe, Hilton in Cleveland, Thekeston, Vtarlaghby^ and Thome, ne^r Whentbrigge, in co. York, jvhioh were Thomas Langtons. Dated 13 March. anno 12 H. VII. ■-- r ‘liLrj obnLangton, which of Crake, yr. Langton had married the brother to bir dau. and heir to . Nevill, of Gargrave, m Craven. Tames Danby, Ig, i2 H. VII. Rod iff, baron of theExchequer^ alii A lice , dau.of John Rocliff, of Roctiff% knl. 1 ). Sir Christo- =M ar g a r e t pher Dan¬ by, knt. dau. and co¬ heir of the LordScrope. of Upsal. i- - ! J Margaret, =Margaret, =R!lph, «> Richard, Danby, of Great=Anne,dau. to Bryan ^.Thomas, ..... .da^mr dau. to ... PhiHipps, 1 st wife. dau. to , Swale, 2nd wife. [Vrupily vr w, ^-Jlby, -- —- Langtoneldest son to Richd. Danby, mar. to his 3rd wife, Margaret, dau. to ...... Kaye, and to his 4th wife, Dorothy, dau. of ..— Weresdale. \nne, aau. lu uijau . ; T .1 r Egglesfield, of sansissue. to...Hall, of Hude, in the parish Leverton 5 nr. of Kilburne, 5th Sherborne, wife. cs *3 A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 , 5 8 4/5 AND A B C Sir Christo-:=Elizbth.,da. William Danby,— Dorothy, dau. to 2. Lancelot Dan- = Rosamond, pber Dan- by, knt. of Richd., or George, Lord La¬ timer. of Great Lang- ton,now liv ing, 1585, ut alii by ike 1 st wife . Bryan Eggles- field, of Hude„ in the parish of Kil- bume, co. York. by, of Great Langton, ut alii by the 1st wife. "L. PeterDanby, of Scot- fane, wife of Thomas dau. to. ton, near Knares- Pibus, ofGt. Fencott. Kaye, near borough ,margin n t Mary, wife of Richard Leeds, in the dau. of John ¥a- Gale, of Sc rut on. West Riding, vasour, - Sir Thomas Danby, = ; Margaret, 3 dau. of Ralph Other issue , 1 Grace, =William, son of ij j , 1. Christopher. I ! 4. Martin. 1 ]\ Maudlin. son and heir, 1584. Neviil, Earl of West¬ morland. see next page. only dau. I Francis Tankard* | ofPannalh 2. Ralph. 3. Thomas. 5. Robert. Susan. Mary. Grace. f ! Th omas Danbjr, Eliza be th , dau. of Thomas Went- 2, Henry, son and heir. ] worth, of Woodhouse. 3. Robert. 4. Richard Dauby, of— Alice , dau. of Marlin. South Cave. 1 I Anne, of Frickley. Dorothy Tankard* set. 2, a° 3585. t . IN Christopher Dauby, son and heir , of—Frances, dau. of the— Win. Richards,of 4. Christopher 2. William. Thorp Ferrous, now living, 1612, 1 Lord Morley. Farnley, 2nd Dan by. 3 .Gregory. 0$. 1642. I_ httsband t s.p 1 x. Thomas Danby, of South Cave.1 Mary . Thomas Dan fry, &L 2 f 1612. 1 Catherine . William Danby. 18,011, fo. 1520. 1487, fo. 2870. 1394, p. 179. 1415, fo. 19. 1420, fo. 1330. 1499, fo. 44 - 4130, P- J 3 2 - * 57 b fo* ir5 b. 6070, fo. 51& See Tonge’s Visitation, p. 87. 1 MS. 6070. 2 MS. 1571. S M ary, MS. 1415, and Visitation 1612. mSfi sEs Slk naijk^ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 ANJD -Vi? • • & Richmqndschire. DANBY, OF SCRUTON. Sit* Robert Danby, of Thorpe. = Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir of ......... Aslaby. Sir James Danby, of Thorpe.=.Agnes, dau. and heir of Sir John Langton, who mar. the dau. and heir to , | Nevile, of Gargrave, in Craven. I Sir Christopher Danby T knt.=Margery, dau. and co-heir of the Lord Scrope. Sir iir Cl Sir Thos. = Margaret,* Danby. dau. of Nowlvg. 1 RalphNe- 1585. . vill, Earl of West¬ morland. hristopber Danby, knt. — Elizabeth, dau. to Richard, Lord Latimer. Thomas Danby, son and heir. I 2. Christopher Danby, mar. Margaret* da. ofSirWm.Cab verley, wid. to RobL 1 Beeston, of Beeston Hall. = I 3. John,!./. 6. William. 4. ] as. Dan-—Isabel, dau. by, of Scru- ton, in Rich- mondshire, living 1585. I Mary., Elizabeth. Christopher Danby, eldest son, set. 21, anno 1585. 2. lat 3. Fr; to Richard Meynell, of Eslington, co. York. lames, 3. Francis. 4. John. 5. Marma- duke Dan¬ by, mar, dau. of ... Parker , co. Line. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dorothy, wife to Sir John Nevill, of Leversedge, knt. Margaret, wife to Christopher Hop- ton, of Armley Hall. Margery, mar. to Christopher Mallory. Elizabeth, wife to Thos. Wentworth, of Ashby, 2nd son to Sir John Wentworth, of Elmsall. Mary, wife to Sir Edmond Maule- verer, of Wothersom. Elizabeth. Christopher. Anne, mar. to Walter Calverley, son Elizabeth . Mary. i8 f on, fo. 153. X487, ff. a86£, 287. 1394, pp. 180, 293. 1415, fo^i8£. 1420, fo. 134. i, fo. I S7 I J' 116. 6070, fo. 51, See Tonge’s Visitation, p. 87. 1 MS. 1571. 2 Mary, MSS. 1415. 6070. and heir to Sir William. Magdalen, wife to Marmaduke Wyvill t of Burton, Joan, mar to Roger Mennell, of Hawnby. James Danby. 1499, fo 44. 4630, pp. 132, 133. r A * J VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 26 5 Richmondshire. THORNTON, OF ASKRIGG. Arms Azure, 3 hammers or. The arms of Raufe, the son of Stephen, of Thornton Rust. No part of the additions to this pedigree are from the Visitation pedigree of 1612, for which, see page 580. Stephen Thornton. _.1 Rowland Thornton = I Thomas Thornton, of Thornton Rust,^Elizabeth, dau. to Reginald Medcalfe, eldest ’ bro. to Thomas Medcalfe, of Nappa, Esq. Stephen Thornton, of Askrigg, in = Cicely, dau. to John Medcalfe, of Richmondshire. 1 Holme House. Peter Thorn-=Margaret, 2, George. Ma ry , =Christopr. -IsabelL ton nt A cLr- «■ ^ j _ ^\ ton, of Ask- riggJnRich- mondshire, lg. a 0 1585. dau. to John Med¬ calfe, of Harleth- rewe, yeo¬ man. dau. of Thomas Lutton, of Knap- ton. Thornton, of Lang- ton, co. Line.,1585. dau. of R og er Brock- lesby, of Glent- worth. Isabella, wife of A lexr. Blythe. W i 11 iam=Elizabeth, da. Thornton, eldest son. to Rowland Huchinson, yeoman. Anne, lwife of Thos. Con¬ yers,ofRich- mondTown. Alice, wife of James Guy, of Campsey, co. Rich- mondshire. 2. Henry Thornton, bur. — in the churchyard of the church of St. Giles in-the-Fields, near London. Peter Thornton, aet. 1 year, 1585. 1 1- Margaret. John Thornton, of Thornton, co. York, bur. by his father. John Thornton.—Margaret, dau. of Geo. Collins, of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, co. Midd., died in childbed , 8 Jan., 1611, cet. 16 (sic). Petter Thornton. 18,on, fo. 152. 1487, ff. 10, i45<*. 1394, p. 178. 1415, fo. 18b. 1420, fo. 133. 1571, fo. 92 b. 6070, fo. 57. 1 Agnes, MS. 6070. 2 66 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/jj AND l 6 l 2 . Richmondshire. Mirfield, seisitus de terris in Shelf, in com. Ebor.== Trinitatis fines VI. Ri c. 2, Ebor. Willielmus Mirfield, clericus sine exitu. Sibilla, uxor Willmi. Shillito. 18 on, fo. 153^. Beatrix uxor J ohannis Morhouse. Margareta, uxor Adami de Dodes- wortli. Cecilia, uxor J ohannis de Fu Fusto. DODSWORTH, OF THORNTON WATLASS. Arms 1 Argent , a chevron between 3 bugle horns sable. Crest 1 On a torce, a lion ra 7 npant sable. John Doddesworth, of Thornton Watlass.- .dau. to....Montforth, of Hackforth.- Thomas Doddesworth, of Thornton=......... dau. to.Place, of Watlass. Haluaby. Richard Doddes-= Dorothy, dau to worth, of Thornton Watlass. Robert Wyvill, of Burton-super- Yore. 2. Geoffrey, mar., but died sans issue. George . 3 John Doddesworth, of=Anne, dau. to Thos. Rokeby, Thornton Watlass, | of Mortham. now living, 1585. Anne, wife of .. dau., ...Staveley, mar. to.... of Ripon. Fox, of Thorpe. —“1 Katherine, mar. to Laurence Dodsworth. John, eldest son, set. 17, a<> 1585. a. Thomas. Phillis, eldest dau. Eleanor. John Dodesworth. Johannes Doddesworth ^rinchca^ ^rma de If prS&icTame" cornua sabulma. bea quaere an wm wui _- *TvL r « c K v divisiss^ eessorem suum prognatum esse ex una filiarum et hseredum de Ihoresby, et divisiss^ hreredkatem cum iflis de Thoresby qui nunc supersunt, inde vemsse in possessionem d?Thornton Watlous ut in partem diet* hsereditatis....Wayte de com.tatu South¬ ampton portat arma predicta vidz. argent a chev. betwene it] homes sable. Sutton, of Cheshire, the same. 4 18 on fo 1 co 3 . 1487, fo. 67b. 1394. PP- T 9 > 18a. W 5 . fo - 8o ^: fu' iJi ”57!, fo 53 n6* 607°. ,f°- 57 ^- .See Dugdale's Visitation, p. 88, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MS. 1571- 2 MS8 - 6 °7°» I 57 I * . 4 This paragraph is additional xn MS. 18,011, and is not 3 MS. 6070. in fh#». Visitation. Maleverer. = John Maleverer, lord of the manor of Sibill, uxor Whixley Parva, Usbume, Thom- Willielmi burgh, and iGisthorpe, a<> i4Edwd. de Colby. III., had three sisters and heires. 1 Avicia, uxor Walter Bab- thorpe. Alice, uxor Walter de Garwardby.= Orphani a, uxor Adam de Arundall. 18,011, fo. 155^. John, of Garwardby. 1394, fo. 184. 1415, fo. 20. 1571, fo. 11 83 . 6070, fo. 633. 1 Gelstrop, MS. 1415- GOWER, OF STAINSEY. Arms l ;— Quarterly, i and 4. Gules, a chevron argent between 3 “ gowers*’ of the second, Gower. 2nd and $rd» Argent, on a saltire gules $ cross crassists or, Crathome. Nicholas Gower, =.. _I , dau. of...Maleverer, of Amcliff. Thomas Gower, of Stainsby. =., dan. and co-heir to Sir Ralph Crathome, knt. Thomas Gower, of=.*_, dau. to Sir Nicholas Stainsby, I Forster, of Northumberland, 2, Ralph Gower, =.. s dau, to ... Isabella, dau., mar. to Thos. of Picton. | Wray, 2ud wife. Lepton, of Kepwick, Nicholas =., dau. G o w er, of Stains- to Conyers, of Laton, in Episco- patu. Roger Gower, of Melsonby, mar., ist, Anne, to...Selby, to Sir Ed- to George Gower, dau. and heir to Christo. Place, of Halnaby, of North- ward Grey, Conyers, attaint- who d. sans issue ; after he mar. Mary, da. umberland. of Chil- of Whit- ed about to Francis Norton, eldest son to Sir Richd. lingham. by. 14 Qn. Norton, attainted. This Roger now living Eliz. 1585, and hath issue, an. 1612. — 2. Thomas. 3. James=Ann, dau. Anne, mar. jane, wife John 4. Cuthbert. Gower, ^ 10 J " ^ 5. Philip. of Bar- rowby. I ThomasGower, = Elizabeth, dau. of Stainsby, in 1 to Thomas Cleveland Rokeby, of living, 1585. I Mortham. 1 1 1 2. Ralph. 3. Nicholas. 4. Humphrey, Robert. Gower, sometime of the household to Mathew, Arch¬ bishop of Canterbury, now of Rounton, co. York, 1585. I I Edward Gower, 7 years = Margery, dau. Jane. of age, a*> 1585, now of Melsonby, living 1612. 1, Thomas, eldest son. 3. Robert. Nicholas Gower, =., dau. of . Wycliffe, 2nd son, of London, goldsmith. 4. William. 5. James. Robert Gower. 2. Ht of ... Withes, of Copgrave , co. York. I J I crtry. fokn Gower , son and Two daus. heir, eel. 7, 1612. Roger Gower. Hij domini Rogerus et Robertus Gower asserunt Nicholaum Gower antecessorem suum hie supra nominatum oriundum esse ex familia de Saxhow qui in armis gentilitiis portabant signum capitate inter tres canes sagaces argentes in caelestino campo. Cum tamen eorum arma in villa de Richmond sculpta reperiuntur cum fasce sabulina inter tres canes sagaces atros, in campo argenteo. Igitur quaere. 18,011, fo. 154. 1487, fo. 267#. 1394, p. 1S2, 1415, fo. 19. 1420, fo. 135. 1571, fo. 117, 6070, fo. 75A 1 MS. 14S7. a Richard, MS. 1487. 68 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/^ AND l 6 l 2 , BURGH, OF EAST HAWKSWELL. Arms 1 : —On a saltier sable five swans argent, a mullet for difference. Crest :—On a torce, a swan's head couped at the neck argent, beaked gules. John Burgh, of East Hawkswell .= John Burgh, 2 of East Hawkswell, to whom Richard Nevill, Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, Lord of Abergavenny, by his charter dated a° 49 H. VI., et redemptionis suae regiae posteritatis anno primo, released all his right and interest in all the lands of East Hawkswell. John Burgh, son and heir of John Burgh, late of Brompton-upon-Swale, unto whom Richard Nevill, Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, gave all his lordship of East Hawkswell, &c., by deed, dated a 0 4 E. IV. Sigillum Richard de Nevell, Comitis Warwici primi Domini Bergavenney. Arms :—Quarterly. I. grandquarter—quarterly, 1 and 4, a fesse between 6 cross crosslets; 2nd and 3rd, 3 chevronelles. II. grandquarter quarterly, 1 and 4, 3 lozenges in fesse ; 2nd and 3rd, an eagle displayed. III. grandquarter a saltier, over all a label of 3 points gobony. IV. grandquarter—quarterly 1 and 4, chequey, a chevron ermine ; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, in the 2nd and 3rd quarters a fret, over all a bendlet. Crests :—1. On a helm, mantling and coronet, a swan’s head couped at the neck. 2. On a helm, mantling and coronet, a griffin sejant. Supporters '.—Dexter, a bear rampant, chained. Sinister , a griffin segreant, sa. = Margery , da. to John Fitz- Randolph, of Spenni- thorne, and sister to Sir Ralph. Peter Burgh, of East Hawkswell. = Elizabeth, dau. to Cuthbert 3 Foster, of Leybume, in Richmondshire. Leonard = Agnes, dau. to Henry Burgh, of Lancelot Burgh,-Ann, dau. to ^ , r _ - c^nnitVinrnp — nf Hrnm/hton- Anthonv Burgh, of EastHawks well. John War- Spennithorne. = copp, of La- 1— - 1 merside, co. Francis, 8 years Westmorland. old, 1585. of Brompton- on-Swale. T h o m a s=Agnes,dau. Burgh, of toLancel- East lot Ma- Hawks chell, of well, now Cocker¬ living, a 0 mouth. I585- 2. Christopher. Anne, wife of James, son of Thos. Middle- ton, of Leven, co.York, juxta Dorington. r ini. R i char d—Jane, dau. Muriel, wife of Anthony Askham. Burgh , of Hawks¬ well, 1612 to Chris - . Conyers . topher As- Anne, wife of kew, of . Reade. Richmond. Catherine, wife of . Sutton. Elizabeth, wife of.... Robinson. Dorothy , wife of ... As cough . Leonard, eldest son, aet. 14, a° 1585. 2. Francis. 3. Thomas. Richard Burgh, at. 2, 1612. Ann. Ellen. Elizabeth . Thomas Burgh. Richard Burgh, 1612. 18,011, fo. 154*. 1487, fo. 68. 1394, P- 181. 1415. fo- 19#. 1420. ff. 135*. 209 *. 1571, fo. 11 7b. 6070, fo. 62 b. 1 Arms and Crest from MS. 1487. 2 Of Brompton, younger brother of Burgh, of Burgh Hall, Visitation 1612. 3 William, Visitation 1612. Richmondshire. WANDESFORD, OF KIRKLIN GTON. Arms Quarterly of 6. i. Or, a Hon rampant double queued azure, Wandesford. 2. Ardent, a bend with a border engrailed gules. Musters. 3. Or, a fesse gules, in chief 3 torieaux, Colvile. 4. Azure, a maunche or, Coign iers. 5. Argent, a cross mo tine sable, Fulthorp. 6 . Argent, on a bend sable 3 pheons or. Bland. Crest On a torce, or and azure, a minster proper, roofed of the 2nd, the spire of the last. ]ohn Wandesford, = Elizabeth, dau. and heir to Sir Henry 1 Musters, knL John Wandesford, of Kirklington. —Isabel, dau, and co-heir to Sir John Colvile, of Dale, knt fohn Wandesford, ob. 1463 1 ,=Ellinor f dau, to.. Montford. Thomas =Isabell, dau. Christopher —Sibill? da. Joan, mr. toThos. Lasingby. Wandes- of John Wandesford. 1 of John 1 Elizabeth, mar. to Thomas ford. Mickley. Thwaytes, 11 el per by. George, a Roger* Brian, priest. 3 John ,3 s. p. 3 William , 3 Richard? Elizabeth, a nun at Sinning- thwaiie? rr Christopher? Roger, d.y? Anne? Sir |ohn Wson-—Jane, dau. of Thomas Wan* desford, knb, Sir Geoffrey desford. sans issue. Pigot y knt? : Margaret, dau. of Elizabeth, 4 mar. to William Joan, mar. to Henry Pudsey, Roos, of Nottingham- William Nor* of Barf ortk? shire. ton. 1. William Wandesford, of Christophers Anne, dau. 3. John Wan- 4. Michael, mr. Isabel, da. Beds . mr. Mar - W andesford, garet, dau. of .. Bery t of Kirkling- of co. Salop, and had issue ton, Esq. Francis & Michael? F r a nc i s=Anne, eldest da. Wandes¬ ford, of Kirkling- ton, Esq. ~r~r a. | o h n, to Sir John Norton ,of Norton, knt- desford, par¬ son of Kirk¬ lington? of Rowland Place, of Halnaby , and had issue, Richard, George, Rowland, Ann , and Florence? 1. Eleanor,wife to Ambrose Lancaster, of Westmor¬ land? Elizabeth , wife to Ralph Clax - ton, of Old Park? and co-heir of sans issue, jno.Fulthorpe, 4. Henry, of Hips well, Esq, Susan, mr. to Fran- Elizabeth, mr. cis Lassells, of Al- to Anthony lerthorpe, and, Wren, of 2ndly, to Edward 5 Binchester. Parkinson. Cicely, dau, =c 3, C hri stopher=Anne, dau. of.., .Thwaytes, and co-h. of Jn.Fulthorpe, of Hips well. Esq., 1 st wife. Wandesford, of Hipswell, had 2 wives. of Marston, and widow of Francis Lassells* 2nd wife. Sir Christopher Wandesford, of=Elizabeth, dau. to Sir George John, 0. s.p. ]• * 4 *S, is,on, 0 * / 6o70> fo 62 . IS7I( fo. rrgd. 1 Thomas, MSS. 1415, 6 ° 7 °. 2 nd * 57 «- * Sym ° n ’ MS- 14&7 ' Claro. M ADD I SON, OF KIRKBY MALZEARD. Alexander^ Maddison, of Vnthank,=Ann,da«. ogTHemas co. Durham . A i Lyonell Mad-— dison. Ro wland Maddison, = of Unthank. civhill dau to Chap-—Percival Mad-=Ann, dau. to Ralph y mt, rst w?fe.' P | dison. | Skelton, and wife. i James. Chiistopher Maddison, of=Mawde, dau. to Kirkby Malzeard, now .Lambton. living, 1585. Peter Maddison, of Unthank, in the bishoprick, Durham. Cu. Xpfoffer, Maddeyson. For additions, see MS. 6070. - r\ _ t Claro. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . SOTHILL , 1 OF NORTH DIGHTON. 2 7 5 Henry Sothill, of Stokerstone(a 2nd bro.),= Elizabeth, 2 dau. and co-heir of William 2 of Sothill Hall. I Plumpton, of Plumpton Hall. 3. Arthur, knt. of Rhodes. 4. Gerrard. 3 5. Thomas. 6. Leonard. I 2. Roberta Elizabeth, dau. and Henryrrjane, dau. Sothill. — 1 —~ c XT • ~ ’— 0 :ii _r t-» • 1 1 co-heir of Nicho¬ las Midelton, a 3rd bro. of the house of Stockeld. Sothill. of Richd. Empson. ., dau., mar. to... Killing- worth. 1 Elizabeth, 1. Thomas. 1 3. Henry Sot- = =Agnes, dau. 1 Elizabeth, i Jane, mar. to mar. to 2. Henry. hill, of North I to J ohn Pa- mar. to Sir John Richar d Dighton, now 1 ver, of Breame. Sir Wm. Constable, Stagge, of Dighton. living, a° 1585. 1 Drurv 4 of Suffolk. 0 f Kinal- ton. Arthur Sot-=Susan, dau. to Ellinor, wife of Elizabeth. hill, son and heir. Richard Whit- apprentice Francis Wood, field, of Whit- in Lon- of Swynclyff field Hall, co. don. Hall, near Northumb. 5 Foyston. Maude, wife of Hy. Hick, of Flam- borough. I I Henry Sothill. William, 6 years of 2. Richard. Anne. Maude, age, a® 1585. 18,011, fo. 158. 1487, fo. 72A 1394, p. 188. 1415, fo. 20. 1420, ff. 17b, 139, 176. 4630, p. 570. 1571, fo. 121. 6070, fo. 56. 1 Arms, MS. 1487. 2 MS. 1571. 3 Edward, MS. 1571. 4 So in MSS. 1415, 1487, 6070, and 1571; but Daye in MS. 18,011. 5 Cumberland, MS. 1415. Ryppon. OGLETHORPE, OF OGLETHORPE. Arms :—Argent, five fusils in fesse sa., in chief 3 boars’ heads couped of the last, a crescent for difference .1 Vera arma sunt de argento cum signo capitali nigro inter tria capita a prima atra. William Oglethorpe, of Oglethorpe. = Jane, dau. to William Wright, of York. Julian,wife-= Willi; of Sir Wm. Mallory , of Studley, kt. {2nd wife). 2 | i 1 iam Ogle- —Ann, dau. 3. Robert, s. p. thorpe, of Oglethorpe, now living, a° 1585. of Robert 4. Thomas, s.’p. thorpe, of Sotheby, Ursula. wife of Thorn ton of Pock- Nicholas Bur- Wood, 2nd lington. ton, of Ing- son, living manthorpe. 1585. EdwardOgle-=Anne, dau. to Thos . 2 Stave- ley, of Ripon, and widow to Wm. Burton, of Ingman- thorpe. John, eldest son, aet. 3, anno 1585. s-P- I J I William Oglethorpe , Anne. mar. Susan, dau. of Helen 4 Sir Wm. Sutton, of A verham, co.Notts . 2 = Mary, wife of Thomas Wal¬ ton, of York city. 4 Ann, wife of Thos . Wood, of Wet her by, co. York ,.2 _ __j_ r _ 1. Sutton. 2. William. 3 .filbert. Susan . Anne. Jane. Isabel . Dorothy. Mary . Edward Oglethp. 18 on fo. 159. 1487, to. 910. I 4 Q 4 > P- 228 • fo - 2 °^- J 4 2 o> ff - I 4 Q. 163^. 4630, p. 427. 1571. ff. 122, 144, 233. 6070, fo. 158. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 151. l From the Heralds’ College copy of the Visitation. 2 MS. 1571- 3 This marriage, and the issue, are from MS. 1571. 4 MSS. 6070 and 1571. Libert as de Knaresburg. SWALE, OF STM ^ ound mnjll of tlle ]asL Arms Argent, ona fesse cottised between j»» H. enrv tfrat Guido), fil. Alan? 1 = Robert? SI. Robert Staveley, of Stanley (fil. Hen ry (frat. Umaohfl -J_, ■-------- ~T 7 . eh* last of the Stavi John Nundie, —Isabel, dau. of Robert Staveley, * I and heit to her brother. Adam Stanley. TieJastoftheZveleys lord of the lordship of South Stave ley. — -—1 ] ttBtt nxt * - ----- William Swale. 5 ^Is'ahella, dau. and coheir of John Nundie. Adam, , f. Wiiiiam Sevalt. —Joanne, dau. of Geoffrey Afflegarth. of Kell**, and his co- r. _--___ 1 Tr__ rtfWeStOIl. (---- * , t flll (r , Vavasour, of Weston, George Swale, of South Staveley. —.* __ - - a 1 _ Unvail? Joane. u aiaveiey,=.. “““ . -JZ^-^Sarah, dau. to . Redman, of Harewobd Castle. .✓ .aw - a ^fis,-sr 7 '<*«* J 1 Richmondshire. i---- _ . „ „_r — au„» a*,*i of *fohn | K.lCUUlUiiUJu»v. 1 --' *■£*,■£““ E ““" J I of Scnven. J .— Znthony Swale, of Stanley.^ Aliee.^dau. of John Richard.— South Staveley. | leyn, of KtllmghalL ^ 3. George. f —— fzZZhZZe j Richard Swale, Isabel!. Solomon. 1 ---T ' a t ” 2 William. Jane, wife to Francis Swale,Ifa ■ , Thorpe Un- Elizabeth. *$*£&£} W’of .CoUgi Thomas, Thomas mikinson. derwood,s6„. York, now 11 V -1 Burton, m Kicn- r York, now uv- ■“ Ripon. _ _ ___ ing, IS 85 - \ tnondah _• - dZZTZf Rickard Swale, at. 14, Gilbert. ._ Elizabeth .* Frances* Jane* Anne. - 1 —1—1 7“ JyV//jdEOT, 4 Charles* Solomon Swale, cet. j, anno 1612. Thomas. ( Robert, 3rd sonJ). John » Swale, of^EUzaheth, dau. of Andrew J London, 2nd son. \ Hawes, ofco. Suffolk. John, son and heir. Katherine. Abigal^ 18,011, fo. 158#, 1487. fo- ^A-Sft&M&cin MS 1 I^OII,°aildr«Dugdales Visitation, p. 4 *- Mg l8 also q 5 Johannes de Mowbray .== WiUiehnus de Mowbray. ~ Agnes, uxor. Unit Tko Ingilby\ J?«? £<*»- J 9 ** ***■ ^*7 7/ /7 concessit liberam warrcnam in omnibus | fill Z% de RipUy, Flask* , &c. t et anno ZZnUunum merJum etferiem in m anerro suo de Ripley . | ~ Thomas Mowbray— deEsby, inCleve -1 ^ss=*5rabf "SfxS toj', of Kirk- lington , Aw/ iSir Alexander Percv , Aw A, tf/ Kildalt .. Aroy, clerical. Juniorf l . 1 j Ctf JC+€rf**- *■ ****** , 1 _ _ _~j r ~/~~ Johannes \JoTm 1 mo JTf Colton. of Kirk- UtmasUre*. Elena prioris uxor is 3 ) Ripley {4$ Ed¬ ward ///*)■ bray, of Esby, son and heir of Thomas 1 largareiy aa», « «*■ wscwi/, of Colton, of Kirk- lingtonM- and heir ofHy. Monaster iis. Johannes I—Ellen a , ux. by, superstiies,/1 \ super- j Rich, II. stiles. .. /f/icz, /0W. 3 prions uxor is -j. _____ r — .—1 „ , r 3 pi in folk dan and c&- Sir Alexander Mowbray, Thomas Ingleby. %f= E £“*Zd heir , of Sir Wm. k»t .. o. /.*. («>« * * At/r. j o, s.p. Anne, wife of Francis Swale, of Stave ley. 2. Ralph John Ingleby, of=Ellinor } dau. of Sir Manna- Agnes, wife, sst, to Sir Richard Goldesborough, Jane, wife of Robert Con- o c D f Rioley 0 ar.. ob. duke Constable, remd. to 2nd to Robert Warcopp, 3rd, to Thomas stable, knight, son of r s* -■ ~~ " ■ ■ "-- f -* Sir Marmaduke. Sir Thos. Berkeley. Wriothesley, alias garter-king-of-arms. William Ingleby, of Ripley, = Cicely, dau. to Sir George Talboys, of Kyme a —John Tomey, of Kavnsby, co. Esq. | after one of the co-heirs. j Line., 2nd husband, =Aim, dau. to 3. John Ingleby, mar. to=Ann, dau, to 2. George t Sir William his 2nd wife, Alice, sis- 1 Wm. Clap- s.p. Mallory, of ter to Thos.Layton, of \ ham, of Studley. Newskam, sans issue. Beamsley. Elizabeth , wife Frances t wife of J o h n of Wm, Malt- fames Pulletne, Tor- house. of Killingkall. ney. and sole heir 3. Fran- of Anthony cis. Smyth, alias 5, John, Smethley, of Brantingham, living 1617. Jane, wife of Geo. Winter, eldest son of Robt Win¬ ter, of Caudwell, 00. Wore, Dorothy, j. p, Susanna. Isabel, mar. to Thomas, son and heir to Thos, Marken- feld # of Markenfeld. 1 1 1 t—■“ r r* Elizabeth, wife of 4.Sampson Peter Yorke. Grace, wife of Wil¬ liam Bvrnand, of Knaresborough. Katherine, wife to William Aldington. Frances. -1—r- Catherine. Mary. Ingleby, mr. . dau. of ... Lam¬ bert, of Killing- hall. = _t Thomas, son and J ohm heir,mr. * ...... da. of Sir Ralph Lawson. ■ 1 - r -i -n Charles. Anne. Margaret. Elizabeth. Jane. 2. Thomas. William Ingleby, heir to his uncle , Sir William Elizabeth . Ingleby, knt., gyears old, 1612, William Ingleby, 4 Ego, Thomas de Ingelby, miles, dedi et confirmavi Roberto de Boynton de Acclam, militi, omnes terras quas habeo in villa et territorio de Boynton. Dat. apnd Boynton, anno 50 Edward III. .an estoile.Sigtllum Thom re Ingleby. * Finis 26 Edward ILL, Inter Thomam de Ingleby et Gather!nam uxorem ejus quaerentes, et Henricum de Ingleby clericum deforciantem, de manerio de Ripply, &c., quse Alicia quae fuit uxor Willielmi Mauleverer, cbivaler, tenet ad terminum vitae unde, &c. Post decessum ipsius Aliciae habendum praedictis Thomse et Katherinse et bacredibus de corporibus ipsorum, pro defectu remanere Henrico, filio Willielmi Mauleverer, militis, et haeredibus masculis, pro defectu remanere Johanni fratri ejusdem Henrici, filu Willielmi, et haeredibus masculis, pro defectu remanere Petro fratri ejusdem Johannis, pro defectu remanere Ricardo fratri ejusdem Petri, et haeredibus masculis, pro defectu remanere rectis haeredibus prasdictse Katharinse. Feet of Fines, Ebor., 26 E. III., No. 146. iS.on, fo. 162A 1487, fo. 98 b. 1394, p. 195. 1415, ff. ar b, 63 . 1420, ff. 56#, 143 A 4630, pp. 318-322, 1571, fo, 125. 6070, fo. 30, See Dugdale's Visitation, pp. 30 and 46, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection, l The generations above this are from the Heralds 1 College copy of the Visitation of 16 r2. 4 Additional MS. iS,qii. 2 MS. 6070. 3 Visitation 1612, Heralds' College Copy. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/j AND l 6 l 2 . sn& A sem€e of cross crosslets, GIRLINGTON, OF HACKFORTH. AB “ S £ Acclom. Niehclas Girling ion, a and brother, of Giriington Hall, in Richmondslur e. =.dau. to. Cattenck, of Stance . Nicholas Girlington, Esq., pur-=M a r g ery, ( da. ^and c^cir of .Woirlington, purchased ........ t dau., mar. to .. of Essex. . Coke, chased Basingham Elisabeth, _mar. to Marger^ to Tho^s, he. ' > Nidrolas GW--.™..... to ... Grenville, of Bambow, co. York. "fepgia SyISjga S” ^■^.<«S!S;“47Waif Xisf*' i u£"'dZ£ r 2ySv& tttt V& Dorotny, mar. to raui, w ""“'-j ""■'v;-- L <1 r>- r oan, '-‘“AfT^n Robert Anthony Tohn Bymock, Sampson Wy- Chrisr Wray, irf w/ir Girlmg- ...LambtonA ington, of to Robert Amnony. J , heir of vilL ^rd son of Ld. Chief Jus- of Geo. ton. £T ^ ar 53=a asitss ss^ i dau . of ... Ashe, of A ugh - tot. 2 t TE . john. Girlington. son=CW.^ dau Of Marpret, wife to John eg TW-N 2 RoteT and heir of Nicholas. Sir William Bab- Wycl.ffe ^rd son to W.f 2. Kooe i. 'runvinnA thnrrw. knL. liamWycline. 2 3. James. i;8; (of Thar land Castle, co. Lane* ) Nicholas-Jane, dau. of William, Girling- t fosias Lam- John, ten. * j fortof Cullen. Anthony. “1 rv j.j sontoWil- ingtonof South thorpe, knL t of liamWychffe,by his wife, Cave. OsgodbyA Dame Margery Bowes. _ ... Bayley , of died without Lincoln . issue. Lrot^nar. Frances, nife g Nicholas jfohn. Josias, s.p. to William Salven, of Newbiggin. ... Colling wood) of Bawtry, co, Notts, ington, of South Cave. Stewart) of London , doctor of the. law , 2. William, mar. t and had a dau. Ann, wife of Robert Wright Jani) wife of .. 1 S,oii ( fo. 163. John Gyrlington. «**-» ‘ SS4 ' , °'“ S ' TOfc “ I MS 1*87 gives Thoms (snd sob of Nicholas Girlington), who married Margenr.rUu. of Thos. Messenden. of Healing^ 2 This mamage and the issue KSk. r 57 r! 2 The issue of John and Chinan m taken tom 1* ££rs in K&io aen, m ucititug. - * ^ ■— - issue of John and Christian is latceni irom du. . ^g” 1 *”** To P°S ra P hica et enea 0glC *' v. 6 , p. 190, N. B. No entry ot this pedigree occurs in the Visitation oi *6ia. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 285 ROCLIFFE, OF COLTHORPE. Arms Argent, a chevron between 3 lions’ heads erased gules, a mullet for difference. Guy' Rocliffe, of Cowthorpe.=Jane, dau. to Richard Borough I of Colihorpe .2 Bryan Rocliffe, baron of the Exchequer. =Jane, dau. of Sir Richard Hamerton 1 ---- 1 _Sir John Rocliffe. = Margaret, dau. of Sir William Plumpton Thomas. Brian Rocliffe. — Margery, dau. of Sir Thomas* Metham. Alice .3 Elizabeth* John Rocliffe. == Anne, dau. of Sir William Maleverer, of Wothersome. 1- 1 Anne, daughter=Sir Ingram Clifford, 2nd brother to the Earl of and heir. Cumberland, sans issue. 18,on, fo. 162. 1487, fo. 97. 1394, pp. 14, 179 . I4 i S , ff. 21,5, 38. 1420 ff. i43 212. 1499, fo. 35. 4630, p. 498. 1571, fo. 187,5. 6070, fo. 1455. See Tong’s Visitation, p. 58. 1 MSS. 1487 and6070, but George in MS. 18,011. 2 MSS. 6070, .571. 3 MS. i 4 r S , and Tenges Visitation. 4 MSS. 1415, 6070, and 1571, but William in MS. 18,on. £ REDMAN, OF HAREWOOD. Arms :—Gules, three cushions ermine, tasselled or. Sir Richard Redman , knt. = 1- 1 Matthew Redman.— ,---1 Richard Redman .= Ellinor. Edward Redman, son = and heir. 2. William Redman, ob. 22 =Margaret Edward IV. Edward Redman,=Eiizabeth, dau. of William Huddleston, of Milium Castle in Cum- ot Harewood. berland, widow of Sir Thomas 1 Leigh, of Isell. I- 1 - Henry Red-= man. ., dau. of Sir=Richard Red-= Dorothy, dau. of Hel'len, Wm. Gascoigne, of Gawthorpe (1st wife). man, of Harewood, m. 2 wives. Brian^ Layton, died of Dalemain, young, co. West. J an f; mar - Matthew William'. Elizabeth, mar. Anne,' mar. to Maude, wife of to Marina- Redman, of Francis. 1st to Law- Jno., son of Jno. Chr. Ireton duke Gas- Harewood Cuthbert rence Linley, Lambert, of Cal- son of John. * of Leathley, ton, in Craven. Grace, mar. to and, 2ndly, to Mary, mar. to Rich, Travers, Thos. Linley,of Thos. Gargrave, ofHatcliffe,co. Deane Grange, of Bolton. Line.,dr 3 Hate- by, co. Lane, coigne,4th Castle ,* mar. Richard , son of Sir Bridget, da. sans William. of Sir Wm. issue . 1 Gascoigne. 18,011, fo. 164. 1487, fo. 244. 1415, fo. 22. 1420, fo. 145. 4610, d. 483. 1571, fo. 44*. 6070, fo. 36. ^ 1 MS. 1571. 2 MS 1571. /V MIDELTON, OF STOCKELD. % Arms Quarterly, e. Argent, fretty sable, a canton of the last. 2, 3, and 4 (not tricked). WiUiam Midelton, of Stockeld. =Margaret, dau. of Sir Stephen Hamerton, of Wiggles worth, knt, __ r - 1 ---—-1 ? Nicholas, of North Dighton .. = Sir John Midleton , knt .=Maude, da. of J no. Th waites, of Loft house, j ustice. 4 . Rickard Midleton . = _____ 1 -j *-«-|--1 I Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir, mar. . the other dau . 2 fohn. Sir Peter Ann, dati^of to Robert So thill, of North Dighton, 2nd son of Henry Sot- kill, of Siokerton, co. Leu . 1 . the other dau . and co-heir, mar. to Francis Meer- ing, 1 Midleton, of Stock- eld, knt. Sir Hy. Va¬ vasour, of Haslewood. Elizabeth, wife to Robert Roos t of Laxton, co. Notts ., ar. Peter Midleton, of Kirkby, o. s. p. Tane, dau. of Edward Sutton, son and heir of John,=Sir William Midelton, knt., mar., 3rdly, Jane, = Isabel, dau. of-Dighton (2nd wife). Lord Dudley (1st wife). J dau. of.. Robinson. = I. Thomas =Margaret, dau. 2. Piers. Ann wifeofJohn Qf p“ M id el ton, of Stockeld, Esq. to Sir, Wm. Gascoigne, of Gavvthorpe. Katherine, wife 4. Thomas. Elizabeth.m. to Sir Jane, mar. to Marmaduke ton, or rather Irton, of Ir- ton. of Leonard 5. John. Ch a mb e r- layne. 8 Wm, Calverley, Vavasour, of Weston. Margaret, mar. to Maude, wife to Matthew Wm. Clapham, Wentworth, of Bretton. of Beamsley. 1. William, eldest son, d. y. 3. Thomas. 4. William, sans issue. 5. Robert, sans issue. 6. Peter. 7. Henry, sans issue. 2. John Midel-: ton, of Stockeld, Esq. Isabella, dau. to John Midleton, of Midleton Hall, in Lons¬ dale, after m. to Gamaliel Drax. Maude, wife to William Goodrick, of Ribston, after to Ralph Swould, 3 of Kirkby. Anne, wife to Edmond Thwenge, of Ratsey. Margaret, wife of Henry Witham,. of Ledston. Alice and Isabel, both died sans William Midelton, of Stockeld and of Stub-- ham, Esq., now !g., 1585, of Midleton, als. Stockeld, Mary, dau. to Edmond Eltofts, of Famell, Esq. -1—1- - - 2. John, sans issue. 3. Christopher. Anne, wife to Anthony Witham, son and heir to John Witham, of Cliffe, Esq. Margaret, d. y. Wm. Middelton. 18 on. 1630. 1487, fif. 37610 377. 1394, p. 196. 1171, fo. 44. 1415, fo. 21b. 1420, fo. 144A 1499, fo. 44, 4630,pp. 396—399- I 57 L fo. 126. 6070, fo. 182. See Tonges Visitation, p, 87, Dugdale s Visitation, p, 57, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MS. 6070. 3 Swald, MS. 6070 ; Should, MS* 1571. 3 Katherine;, dau. of Roger Cfaolndey, of Brandsby, is said to have been married to Leonard Chamberlayne, of Bugtborpa. -4r * Clifford Fee. MARTON, OF MARTON. Arms Quarterly, i and 4* Or 3 bars gules, in dexter chief point an escocheon ermine, Marton. 2 . Argent, on a cross gules 5 escallops of the first, within a border vert, Preston* 3, Argent, a chevron and a demi-chevron dexter sable between 3 chaplets gules, Ashton. -A Stag's head proper, attired or. Carta Willielmi fUii Wilhelmi de Mar- Crest : William fil* William Marton, = Peter Marton, sans issue. Sir Simon Marton, knt. = ton. Dat apod Marton, ao 17 Edv. III. On a chevron between 3 crosses pa¬ tentee as many fleurs-de-lis, S. Willielmi i>e Marton, William de Marton, a® 3 Hen. IV. = Isabel, dau. and co-heir of _ Wandervile , of Himsworth , co. York. Alexander Marton, o. s. p. — Alice, dau. of Alan de CateralL William Marton, lord of the manor of Marton , in' 1 West and East Marton, = Thomas Marton, of Marton, in Craven, = Agnes. George Marton. = Thomas, 21 Hen. VIII. = Peter, s. p. Alexander, s, p, I 1 1 1- Thomas, 3.Lyonell. 4. William, s*p, 5* Lyonell Marton, =Janet, dau. and 00-heir of Henry 2nd son. | Preston, of Airton, in Graven. Henry Marton.=Alice, dau. of John Proctor, of Cranmock. Marton, of Marton, Ig. a* 1585. r~ William. Alice dau. to= 2 .Launcelot=Isabel!, dau. to Jennet, wife of. Wensley, Alison, mar to Christopher. ...Duckett, Marton.** Thomas Lister, of Preston, in Wensle£ ChrstoXrXes- ™' , gj| ofWestby. dale. field.ofFksby “III Anne, mar. to Nicholas Parker, of Gargrave. Hellen, mar. to John Whittacres, of Mere- clough, co* Lane. Isabel, sans Issue. Christopher —Margaret, dau. 2* Lyonell. Janet, wife of John Margaret, wife of Thomasin, wife of ft/T t/l l?ir*-hoTrH ++ p T _ 3 ~ _ jTT __1L ll T r ^ ^ . - _ _ _ _ _ to Richard 3. Henry, Greene, of Newby* Lownde, of Lovershal L Alice, wife of Anthony* Howson, of Horton, in Ribblesdale. Henry Garforth, of Kildwick. Lucy, wife of An¬ thony Nowell, of Lane, Thos. 3 Math am, of Elslack* Elizabeth, wife of Thos. Dowbig- gin, of Bentham. Gregory* Marton, 2 Lancelot=Susan, dau. of eldest son, sans issue. r Marton, son and heir. Wm. Sedgwick, of London* George Marton, 2 years of age, a° 1585. July an, iS.Gir, fo. 164A 1487, fo* 140. 1394, p. 197, 1 MSS. 1415, 6070, 1571- 2 Arthur, MS. 1487. 3. William. 4. Thomas* 5. John. 6. Francis. - rr~"i 1 , , 1. Alice. 3. Mary, wife of Thomas + . Elizabeth, wife of John 2. Dorothy. Wharton, of West- Whittacre, of Hiah 5. Isabel* morland. u^--- - 6 . Jane* 5 Whittacre, co* Lane Christopher Marton, 1415, fo* 22. 1420, fo. 145^. 4630, p> 379. 137r, fo. 127. 6070, fo* 38*. 8 William, MS. 1415 * George, MSS. 1415, 1487, 6070. s Anne, MS. 1571. TKVfcTnt! \ff Arfnn V iccata ^ c- ***..f» A1.L* Fi J 5 Visitation 1564 gives Launcelot Marion's issue as by the 2nd wife, Alice Duckett. ■ ' y :■ ;• •- ‘: ; V ’■ * ,vl * ' ^ vN. * ! - . LAMBERT, OF CALTON. Arms :—Quarterly, i and 4. Gules, a chevron between 3 lambs passant argent, a chief checquy or and aiure, Lambert, a and 3. Gules, an annulet or between 3 chaplets gules, Lambert. Crest On a torce, argent and gules, a female centaur proper, crined or, holding a flower argent, leaved and stalked vert, Radulphi de Lambert , the first ancestor of thisfamily .= Hugh fitz Lambert,—Maude, dau. of Peter Posse, Esq . Henry de Lambert. = s de La mbert. = Sir Edward Lambert, knt., 1st son, had lands in Skipton .— Thomas Lambert, sheriff of London , temp. H. II. Sir John Lambert, — .. dau. of .. knt. , lived 1187. ] Dapkam. 2, Edmond Lambert. — ., dau. of . Calverley. Sir Thomas Lambert, knt. - . dau. of CaIverton. Edmondeldest sort, o.s.p. 3. Pickard Lambert, of— co. Lane. Edward Lambert.— Henry Lambert.— William Lambert. — -, dau. and heiress J of Thomas Crescy. John Lambert . =., dau. and heir of Gilbert Pickering. Henry Lambert, altered his ancient coat, and—Isabel, dau. and co-heir quartered it as above, in the 2nd qu arter. J of John Lambert. Sir Nicholas Lambert, of Owton, co. Durham, lent. = Giles Whit acres. = Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Danby. Alan Lambert, eldest son. .,dau. of Fulford, of Fulford,=Ga!fridus, or Gef—Ellen, cousin j Ann , dau. and—Henry Wilkes, or Sir Thomas Lambert, of Owlton, kt., eldest son. = and his wife, one of the heirs of Horton, of Horton. frey, Lambert, 2nd son. toJno..Lord \ Clifford co-heir of Gyles | Whit acres. Robert Lambert,— armiger. John Lambert, isle fuit (ELonomus=Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir Thomas Wilkes , or -, d. and heir of Wm. in Preston, in Craven, I of Gyles Whitacres. Wykes, son and heir. \ Hu dies ton y gent. r \ Sir Thomas Lambert, knt., called Sir Thomas Fitz-Lambert. Thomas Danby,— Jane, 2 nd dau. and co-heir of Deni. I of John Lambert . Wikes, son of Sir William , of Gran¬ tham , co. Line., knt. A B C William Lambert, and heir. Robert Lambert/ son-y., sister to Sir Thomas Tem- - 1 pest, knt., of the bishopric. T William, o. s. p. Jennet, dau. of ...— Thomas — Helen, dau. and heir Henry I T 1 X r "TM t ¥ *■ • » -- _ Gotte (ist wife). Lambert. Nicholas Lam-=Anne, dau. of Sir bert, of Owl- Clement Harleston, ton. of Essex, knt. 2. George. 3. Clement. John Lambert, =Agnes, dau. of Margaret, wife senior, of Cal- | Thomas Mid - of Thomas Kitchin. ton, ist son. hope. 2. John Lam- bert, junior. Robert Lam¬ bert, eldest son, attaint¬ ed 12 Q. Eliz. Elizabeth, =j=John Lam- dau. of bert, de Rbt.Lam- Cal ton, in. bert, ist Craven, ar., wife. modo su- perstites, 1- a ° 1585* : Anne, dau. of Richard Redman, of Hare- w o o d Castle, 2nd wife. —nii - Joseph, eldest son, o. s. p. Benjamin, d. in infancy. Reuben, d. y. John, the younger. of Thomas Wike. Wylkes , 0. s.p. Christopher = Agnes, da. Lambert, I of Richard 3rd son. Bullock ,1 Margaret, wife of John Hew- son. Susan, wife of Lancelot Ness- field. Thomas 3 John Lam--=.Margaret, Lambert, of Stetch- worth, co. Cam¬ bridge. bert , eldest son, Bjiija-= Elizabetha Joseph Frances, wife 6.'George. 3. J osias : min, f.nothus, Lambert, of Ralph 7.Joshua, Lambert, ci zj —- i Greenacres. 4. J, Paulina, wife of Jno. Ban- ester, son of Wm. Banes- ter, of Stain- ton. Jonas, s. p. dau. of Henry Carr ,. fil. et haer. modo super- stites, 1585- Henricus, eldest comitis, son, s.p. Cumber- Bridget landiae. and Ur¬ sula, sine I prole. Liberi dno., sine prole. mr.Ann, dau. of Thomas Heber , of Marton. -J Z E liza- beth.da. of Wil¬ liam Clax ton, of Win - yard (ist wife). J a ne,=Nicholas Girlington, ... Clax-=Cassandra,=Francis Morlev /7/7 nnr! I nf HTh rt c¥ 7a //m A _ 7 /- T rr . . ^ 9 ■Amy, Dorothy , wife of Samu e\=j=Ellen, dau. Thomas da. and co-heir. of Thurland Castle , co. Lane. ton, ist husband. dau. and co-heir. of Wennington, 2nd husband. jrdwife, Thos. Robinson, dau. of of Sedbergh. George Adelina, or Alice, Pigott , wife of William of Hes- Redman, of Bur- keth , a ton, in Langdale. 5. Dinah. 6. Hester. Jno. Lam-—Mary, dau. of Sir bert , a° Wm. Lister , of 1646. Thornton, knt. Lam¬ bert, 5 th son. °f . Lambert , Redman, of Pinch - of Ireby ' ' and wid. of . Baines. beck, co. Line. John Lambert, son and heir , cet. 11, 1612. 2. Francis. 1. Mary. Cjosias Girlington, a Claxton, Join, s.p., Eliza- Thomas Morley. year old, 1612. 18,011, fo. 165 b. .4,1612. iztf.2,1612. beth. P. me, JOHEM. LAMBERTI . 2 1487, fo. 354A 1394, p. 200. 1415, fo. 22 b. 1420, fo. 1463. 4630, p. 347. 1571, fo. i28<$, » This wife and descendants are from MS. 1571. . MS. r 57I contains a copy of a deed relating to this Pedigree, fo. 128b. a MS 1,71 of t6ra the Pedigree is signed Anth. noster, lor my Mr. J osyas Lambert. 3 John, Visitation 16.2. ' 6070, fo. 3 7b. In the Visitation (0 CO VO --- - - __ _ * , 1 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . . ^2^ —L _.. ,- :l ”"'1-i yi' Stayncliffe. LISTER, OF MIDHOPE. *asss-t Crest :—On a torce, argent and gules* a buck's head proper. John Lyster* of Bamoldswick and of Midhope. == Lawrence Lyster, and son.=....dau. to Richard Banister, of BrocMen. Christopher Lyster, son and heir. =. dau. to Sir William 3 Calverley. William. Lyster, of Midhope, son=Elizabeth, dau. and sole heir of Thurstan Banister, of Christopher. I cf Swinden. Thomas. Nicholas. Christopher Lister,=EUen, dau. and heir of John son and heir of I Clayton, of Clayton, in William. [ Amoundemess* co, Lane, 2. Lawrence, was of Stackhouse % Agnes, wife of Stephen Tem¬ pest* of Broughton. Elizabeth, wife of Roger Hogb- ton, of Pendleton, William* | /tmuiump ucmi _ ^ Aiwrr ■saws fact/ ■ts^VaSrc of Banke New¬ ton. hope, of Skipton* heir to her uncle William* of More Hall. Lyster, son and heir. Ptgot, of Aston Rovven* co. Oxon, widow of Thomas Banis¬ ter, of Brockden. Richard Leversedge. Watson, of Stainforth, in Craven. Anne, wife of Robert Wade. 'wn Tawnmee Lister - Everfld dau. 3 . Christopher. Elizabeth, wfe of Isabel, wife of 5 . Bartholomew, d. Rosamond wf.toThs. Mar]. iiYm ' oTMidhop? --Sc-™ ? a i™ Breares of Hen. Banke. at Pet worths.p, Southworth,s.andh. Ellen. drowned Esq.* now living, sans is. anno r585. Everild dau. 3. Christopher. RhzaDetn, wiie 01 lsaoei, wueoi 5.0^11^^.^,.*. -Yu 1A1 to In. Saver, 4, John, d. in John Breares, of Hen. Banke, at Pet worth, s,p, Southworth, s. and h. EUen. of Rich- Ireland, s.p. Hamer ion, in of Banke 1583 s i to Sir John* of Saies- roondsh Bolland. Newton. 6. Michael. bury, co. Lane? 7. Martin. 2 Dorothy Anne wife of Giles William Lister, of Mid-=Ma.ry,dau. ofSir Ellen, wife of John Ma gfZfg % ft SZLfi.e Itorroek- hope and Thornton, now Henry Bellasts, Byron, of Byron, co. Hamerton, of Hdhfield living , 1612. un . in 1612. Parker , of H&rrock - forth * co. Parte, Henry Bellasis, bart. Byron, of Byron, co. Lane . Hamcrton * of Hellifield Peel, William , 5 weeks old, 1612 . ~~Ursula, ayear old, 1612. WlLLM. LlSTER, i6l2. iSnit fa 16c 1487 fo. rqo. 1304, pp. 125* 198* 1415, fo. 1420, fo. 146. 4630, p. 360. 1571, fo. 127^. 6070, fo, 26. * ’ J ‘ Dugdale’s Visitation* p, 178* and this Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Robert* MS. 1415. 2 MS. 1571* a Walter* Visitation 161a, V ig 2 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I.584/.5 AND l6l2. DANBY, OF LEAKE AND KNARESBRO’. Xrms .^rter^g Argent ^ Tct'eS-TL 4- Argent, 5 fusils in /esse gules, rn ck,ef 3 hon-yc’ heads sable , Bosvile. bears’ heads sable, Bosvile. . . . Tnhn Danbv a younger son of the=fMargaret, ind dau and co-heir J tou7e of Yafford, was of Leake. J of William Motion, but query. 1 Tames Danby, of Brawarth. =. dau - of ..Walworth. ES£' | SSin .r.T„>l,ll». ofCowsby. mu. Jamesf .,dau. Mary, D anby, of Bra- warth. to . Christopher Warde- Greene, of Lamouth. Elizabeth, mar, to Christopher Exilby, of Dis- ford. WilliamDanby, = Katherine, /- t r _1_» 4 .^ 04- of Knaresbro’, 2nd son, now living, 1585. da. to Rich. Green, of Newby. 1 Thomas=^ n n , Danby, of Leake, now lg., iS 8 5 ; now lg ., 1612. da. of Ralph Anger , and his co¬ heir. MIL Myles, 2nd son. Elizabeth, wife of George Tiplady, of Richmondsh. Barbara, wife of Thomas Allen. Mary, unmar. 1612. Dorothy , mr. Christopher [-Thomas. . ^ 1- -- J-Henry. John. ■William. -Francis. •Myles. -Walter. Richard. to Walker , and after to ... Redman. Frances , wife to Richard Lambert , of Wistow , co. York. Danby eldest son, ma. Alice, dau. to JohnKirk- man. = M ary, wifeof Wil¬ liam Hax- by. Alice. Thomas Danby , son and heir , cet. 23, 1612. —I—l- l I, 1 Myles. William. John. Francis. Edmond. Jane. Elizabeth , wife of Henry, set. Mary. Michael Metcalfe,of half a year, Otterington. I 58 S* Thos. Danbye, 1612. tSott fo iM. 1487, fo. 285. 1394, fo. 202. 1415, fo. 23. 1420, fo. 148. ’ 1571, fo. 130. 6070, fo. 52. See Dugdale s Visitation, p. 93. 1 MS. tc:7T. Skyrack. GASCOIGNE, OF CALEY. Sir William Gascoigne, of Gawthorpe.=Alice, dau. to Sir Richard Frognall. of Aldwarke. 4 ^ son ‘ coigne, of I Gawthorp. ^ jane, uau. auu •• - Redman, 2nd son of Caley , and of Harewood Castle. George, 2nd son. Dorothy, wife to James Rokeby, of Slenningford, William Gascoigne, of Caley Castle, now living, a 0 1585. tsn X!£ Pedigree at lMge « Yorklire VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND- l 6 l 2 . 293 TEMPEST, OF BROUGHTON. Arms Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, a bend between 6 martlets sable, an annulet for difference. Tempest. 2.a fesse sable between 6 martlets, Gilliott. 3. Argent, a lion rampant gules within an orle of 12 demi-fleurs-de-lis azure, Thorpe. Crest On a torce, argent and sable, a griffin’s head erased per pale argent and sable, crined and beaked gules, charged with an annulet of the last. Roger Tempest, of Broughton, de- =.. dau. and heir of Sir Piers scended of a younger brother, of Bracewell, W. r illiam Gilliot, who married the dau. and heir of.Thorpe. Tempest.= Joan, dau. of Mr. James Metcalfe, alias Medley . John Tempest. = Roger Tempest, son and heir. =.. dau. to Sir John Carr. Robert, Agnes dau.=Stephen Tempest, 3, Leonard. Anne, Jane, 'wife to Wil- eldest tO William cmH Qon cxr\f\ hpir a Tr*V»« mm. ♦ ~ J 1:__ eldest to William son, Lister, of sans Midhope, issue. 2nd son and heir, 4, John, married, 2ndly, Anne, dau. to ... Preston. = mar. to liam Midhope, Thomas of Morehall, Leigh, Katherine, wife to of Isell. Thomas Maude. Henry Tempest, of Broughton, = Isabell, natural dau. to Sir Ingram Divers children, Lsq., now living, anno 1585. Pprrv n v™,*,.. _ Percy, a younger son to Henry , Earl of Northumberland. died young. J I Anne, —Stephen — Katherine , 2. Henry. Anne, Mary, Dorothy, Frances dau. of -- ^ * •' •- - 9 Edmnd. Eltofte, of Far- nelL Tempest, eld. son, kt., now liv., 1612. 1 1 1 t. Isabel. 2. Frances. 3. Anne. dau.toHy. 3. George, wife to wife to wife to Lawson,of 4. Roger. William John Edward Nesham , 5. Thomas. Burton, Pulleyn, co. Dur- of Kil- ofScot- ham. linghalh ton. Reade, wife of Ol iver Breares, of Kill- of Ha- inghall. merton. in Bo¬ land. Robert, aet. half a year, 1585- Stephen Tempest , son Thomas. George. Henry, and heir , cet. 19,1612. Richard. Robert. John. Henry Tempest, 1 anno 1585. 18,011, fo. 168. 1487, fo. 151. 1394, p. 203. 1415, fo. 23 b. 1420, fo. 1483. 1499, fo. 43b. 4630, p. 623. 1571, fo. 1303. 6070, fo. 36^. See Dugdale’s Visitation pp. 360, 361 ; additional in MS. 18,011, fo. 168, and the Pedigree at large in my York¬ shire Collection. l In the Visitation of 1612, the Pedigree is signed Marmaduke Lawson, for Sir Stephen Tempest. W ' r PUDSEY, OF A.RNFORTH, kc. Arm5 ._Quarterly, i and 4. Vert, a chevron between 3 mullets pierced or. a and 3 Argent, a fesse engrailed between 6 erase crosslets AR.MS . yuaneny. 4 sable ; over all a crescent on a crescent for difference. Crest ;-On a lore, or and azure, a leopard statant or, charged with a crescent as in the arms. Symott Pudsey, temp. E. IP = Catherine. John Pudsey. — Henry Pudsey , 27 E. III.-Elizabeth, date, and heir of John Layton , dominus de Barford, Sir John Pudsey, of Bolton, knt.=Margaret, dau. of Sir William Evers, knt. . ^ dau , of,,. Tempest 1 st vn f& =Sir Ralph Pudsey, knt., 3* H, VL = Margaret, dau. of Sir Thomas Tunst all, o/Scargitt 2nd wife A Sir John Pudsey, 3 E » /F.== Grace, dau. of Laurence Hamerton. Thomas Pudsey f of Tunstalld ^Elizabeth, wife of. . Placet %J*rf J -WiiajiJi a - r -'/ r ^ - 1 Sir Richard Pudsey, one of the squires-Jane, dau of Sir Thes .... KenTy Pudse r-^ 7 M C^«,^H^b^ St0Pher of the body to K.H. VIIS Cheney, ret,.eta T. Say> .... \ Ambrose Pudsey, 3rd son, s,p* 1-—-1-1 I r Margery, mar., 1st, Mary, mar., Margaret, ~ - — to........Cussen, of 1st, to Jno. mar.^ to sey, of Am Thomas Pudsey.=Margaret, dau. of Roger Pilkington. Heron, 3 and Jno. Con- sadly, to yers. Richard Smythe, forth, in Craven. Henry Pudsey. 2nd son, of Bolton=Margaret, dau. to Roger juxta Bolland, co. York. | Tempest, of Brough ton. __ , Stephen Pnd-=Elizabeth, dnu. Henry Pudsey, Grace, mar. to Katherine mar. to F - - 0 f Nicholas mar. Joan, Thos.Metham. Anthony Eshe. Tempest, of dau. of Sir r >\ + r ! 1 , aT * 10 Biacewell.and Ralph Evers. Robert MennelL brother to Sir Richard. Newell,, in Notting- hamshire,and2ndly, to Roger Midhope, of Skipton. , __ , __ _ _ , , Henry Pud-=Katherine, dau. Ambrose p ud-= F rances dam and co- 3-NKholasftidsey^mar. 4. Ann, wife to Tims] sev, of Am- ofMarmaduke sey, now of heir of John Cla g J Snilman of Bui- of Canfield, and dau. Proctor, of Over- £“”’ ,ot wS^fl aAJT 1 «.«** John Pudsey, set. 7, a° 1585 2 Stephen. Margaret. AmbrOS. Pudsey. 18,0x1, fo. 169*. 1487, fo. 158- i 394 > P- 304 1415, 33^ 1420, fo. 149. I 57 i> fo - ^ ° ngeS ]Sltallon ' p ' 4S * J ' ^ H and this PedigTee at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 5,13, 1571. a Horner, Visitation 1564- A Tj Clifford Fee. MALHAM, OF ELSLACK. : Quarterly, r. Gules, 3 chevrons embraced argent, on a chief or a Hon passant azure, a fleur-de-lis for difference or* a* Argent, on a bend engrayed sable an annulet or, in sinister chief an escallop of the and, Radcliffe. 3., 5 fusils in fesse argent, over all a Hendlet gules. Dawthev 4 - Gules, a bon rampant argent between 10 plates, Hewicsc. & - Thomas Dawtrey, of Elslack. = Sir Richard Radcliff, knt. =p Thomas Malham, descended of a 6tb brother of Malham. = Lionel! Dawtrey, of Elslack,=Agnes, dau. and heir of_Hewicke. Ralph Radcliff, of Hewicke. = Alice, dau. and heir of Lionel Dawtrey. Ralph, sans ha m , of issue. Bradley ; 2nd Thomas, son. Alice, dau. of Ralph 1 Cat terall,= John Malham, mar.=Lucy, dau. to Wm, Clapham, Christopher Radcliff, = of Mitton,^. Lane. (2nd wife). I two wives. I ofBeamsley. of Hewicke. Edward Mal-^-Anna, dau, to _ Hoc knell, of Prenton, co. Cestr, Lucy, wife of Richard Sbuttlewortb, of Skip- ton, uncle to Serjeant Shuttleworth. Elizabeth, Ann, wife of Henry 3 Colt- wife of hurst, of Edisforth,and Roger 3 after to Reginald Heber, Pott. of Marlon. William = Alice, dau. and sole Malham, I heir of Christopher of Elslack. Radcliff, of Hewicke. E VfPL r Jl D f[frrZ 0t C K. lr !r° phe r= E1 > n or.. dau a. WiUiai. 5-AUony. Lucy, wife Kathmne, wife jJie, wife Alice.' FnPj?' ' K a , lh , am ’ of i? Rlcharc ‘ 3 - Roger. S.Swphen. of Chr. of Thomas toThomas Elizal: oj Bradley, a° 1612. Thorn a s Malham, son and heir, cel. ro, 1612. 2. fokn. of Horkeston , co. Line . Elslack, now living, 1585. Greene, of 4. Thomas. 7John. Newby. - -Elisabeth. Carr, of Nelson,* of Proctor,of sans issue. Thornton. Kendal. Newby. Anne, Mercy . Hem y=j=M ary, 2, Anthony=Susan, dau. Malham, eldest son. dau. to Francis Holt, of Grizle- hurst. Malham. of... Ash- bume, rec¬ tor of the church of Halifax. Alice, wife of William Thomp¬ son, of Elslack. Margaret, wife of Wm.Nichol¬ son, of Stop- ford, co Lane. Dorothy, sans issue. Elizabeth. Lucy, wife of Wm, Faw- ber , 5 or Fow¬ ler, of Kirby Malzeard. Anne, wife Elinor, of Robert Bridget. Baxter,* of Mary. Carlton. Frances. Francis Malham,Tson and heir, set. 4 Isabel, dau. of Sir Stephen an. 1585, now living, 1612. | Tempest, of Broughton, knt . Francis Malham, son and heir, ait, 6, 1612, Henry . Stephen, Christopher . 18.011, fo. ryo, 1487, fo. 154. 1394, p. 205. 14x5;, fo. 23^ 1420 fo. 149^ 1 MSS. 1415, r 5 ?w 3 Robert. MS. 1571. 3 William, MSS. 1415. 6070. . * Wilson, MS. 1571. 7 Signed his Pedigree 1612. 2. Christopher —Ellen, dau, of Thomas Dorothy. Elinor. Malham. Tomlinson t ofGargrave. Anne . Hen rye Malhom, 4630, p. 374. 157 r, fo. 131^ 6070, fo. 35#. Hamber, MS. ^87. 6 Barker, MS. 1487, 2:_ 1 _J _ T '"TV, XT :i '"TU ~r- C,,* nnm beck, of Chapel Allerton, now living, 1585. to Richard 3. John. Grimshaw, of Lanca¬ shire. Thos. Kil¬ lingbeck, of Northrope, 2 co. York. of Thos. Sut- cliff, of Wood- house, co. York. Robert Killingbeck, eldest son Frances, dau.of Alexander William. Joan, aet. 10 years, 1585. Palmes , of Lindley J William Kyllingbeck. 18,011, fo. 172 b. 1487, fo. 147A 1394, p. 209. 1415, fo. 24^. 1420, fo. 152. 1571, fo. 134A 6070, fo. 71 b. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 20. 1 MS. 18,011. 2 ? NorthaU. HAWKESWORTH, OF HAWKESWORTH. Arms :—Quarterly. 1 and 4. Sable, 3 hawks argent, Hawkesworth. 2 and 3. Argent, a barrulet in chief, and 3 chevronels embraced in base sable, on a chief of the 1st 3 mullets of the 2nd, Danby.1 Walter Hawkesworth was of Hawkesworth, a® 9 Ed. II., as appeareth in Kirkby’s Inquest. Walter, fil. Thomas, fil. Walter Hawkesworth.=f= 1----—r--~ L ~i-1 Walter Hawkes-=pAnn, dau. Thomas =y=Margaret, dau. to 3. James, 4.Thomas, worth, died be¬ fore his father. to John Hawkes- Went- worth, 2nd worth, of son, and heir Elmsall. to his father. John Acclom, by Alice, dau. and co-heir of Robert Danby, of Yafford. mar. in Hamp¬ shire. Two daughters that died young. Walter Hawkesworth.=r=Jane, dau. to Alexander Paslew, of Ridlesden. X Arthur. William Hawkesworth,=j=Rosamond, dau. of Hawkesworth, Esq., now living, 1585. of Thos. Lister, of Westby. WalterHawkes-^Isabel, dau. and co- 2. John Hawkesworth, anattor— ney in the Court of Pleas, in the Exchequer at Westminster . "1 dau. to worth, son. eldest heir to Thos. 2 Colt- hurst, of Edisforth, co. York. 2. William. 3. Robert. 4. Thomas. 5. Richard. 6. John. 7. Peter. “i—1—1—1—r. Rosamond. Anne. Mary. Margaret. Barbara. Dorothy. Walter. Isabel, set. a Richard Hawkes - Walter , year and a worth, cet. 18 cet. 14 half, 1585, years , a° 1612. years, a 0 mar. . 1612. Constable. 3 William Hawkesworth. 18,011, fo. 173. 1487, ff. 182^, 3913. 1394, p. 210. 1415, fo. 24 b. 1420, fo. 152A 4630! p. 273. 1571, fo. 135. 6070, fo. 45 b. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection, and Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 244. 1 So blazoned in MSS. 18,011, 1394, and 1415. 2 So in MSS. 1415, 6070 ; but John in MS 18,011. 3 MS. 1571. 4 This son, with marriage and issue, is from MS. 18.011. 300 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15^4/j AND l6l2. Q r/VD A f'\Z THOMSON, OF ESHOLD. Arms :—Per fesse argent and sable, a fesse counter embattled between 3 falcons, close, belled or, all counterchanged, over all a bendlet sinister gules. Henry Thomson, of Eshold, co. York, gent., one of the king’s gentlemen-at-== arms at Boulogne, begat by Elene, dau. to Laurence Towneley. \ William Thomson, now of Eshold, =i=Dorothy, dau. to Christopher Anderton, of Lostock, natural son, living 1585. co. Lane., prothonatary. Christopher Thomson, set. 4, an. 158 5,^Frances, dau. of James Thwaites, 2. Henry. now living , 1612. of Mansion, Esq. 2. Edward. Henry Thomson, son and heir, 4. Richard. Isabell. 3. Charles. cet. 10, 1612. Dorothy. William Thomson. 1 Christopher Thomson. 2 18,011, fo. 173b. 1487, fo. 310. 1394, p. an. 1415, fo. 24^. 1420, fo. 153. 4630, p. 635. 1571, fo. 135^. 6070, fo. 82. 1 Signed Pedigree, 1585. 2 Signed Pedigree, 1612. Skyrack. MAUDE, OF WEST RIDDLESDEN. Arms Argent, 3 bars gemelles sable, over all a lion rampant gules charged with a cross crosslet fnchge or. Constantine Monhault, als. Mawde, of=F.dau. to. Kighley, of West Ridlesden. T Newhall. Arthur Mawde. =j=.dau. to Laurence Towneley. Thomas Mawde.=r=Katherine, dau. to Roger Tempest, of 1 Broughton. Agnes, wife to Stephen Paslewe. :hur Monoplane, dau. to Anthony Eltofts, of Famell, ut alii of Thomas Tempest , of Yellison. Art] hault, als Mawde, of West Ridles¬ den, living a° 1585. 1 1 . Thomas, s.p. . Christopher, mar.,and had issue, Thos. Ann, mar. to Thos. Hall, of Shibden. Margaret, wife of Thos. Tempest, of Yellison. Isabel, wife to Robert Bayldon, ofBayldon. Agnes, eldest dau., wife to John Barstowe, of North Brigg. Isabel, wife to Thos. Wade, of Addingham parish. 2. \& Jane. Elizabeth. 1 1 Margaret. Mary. Arthur Mawhaut, als . Mawde. 18,011, fo. 1.73b. 1487, fo. 174. 1394, p. 212. 1415, fo. 24^. 1420, fo. 1533. 1571 fo. 136. 6070, ff. 48, 55. See the Pedigree at in my Yorkshire Collection. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 3 o Skyrack. DYNELEY, OF BRAMHOPE. Arms :—Argent, a fesse sable, in chief 3 mullets of the last. Robert Dyneley, of Bramhope, descended of a younger=j=. dau. of Lawrence brother of the house of Downam, co. Lane. | Kighley, of New Hall. 1 William Dyneley, of Bramhope, Esq., now=r=Margery, dau. of John Ellis, of York, living, 1585. I merchant. JohnDyne-=T=Ellen, dau. 2. Henry=j=Anne, dau. and ley, of Bram- hope, now lg., 1585* toChristo- pher Hop- ton, of Armley. Dyne¬ ley. co-heir of Thomas Colt- hurst, of Edis- forth. Syth, eldest dau., mar. to John Thwaytes, of Wort- ley. ~i i "i Margaret. Elizabeth. Dorothy, wife of John Lasenby, of Elmsall. Robert Dyneley, =. dau. of Robert Staple- set. 7, an. 1585. ton, of Wighill . Elizabeth. ,.dau. ,.dau. John Dyneley. l8,OII, fo. I47A 1487, fo. I56A 1394 , p. 212. 1415 , fo. 25. 1420, fo. 154. 4630, p. 135. 1571, fo. 136A 6070, fo. 70 b. See the Pedigree at large in my York¬ shire Collection. Clifford Fee. ELTOFTE, OF FARNELL, IN CRAVEN. Arms :—Quarterly. 1. Argent, 3 chess rooks sable, Eltoft. 2. Argent, a cross moline sable, a label of 3 points .... Copley. 3. Argent, 3 squirrels sejant gules, cracking nuts or, Martheley. 4. Argent, a lion rampant sable, charged with a mullet of the first, Stapleton. 5. Bendy argent and azure, St. Philibert. 6. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure, Aldeburgh. 7. Ermine, a cross moline sable, Goddard. 8. Argent, a chevron sable, in dexter chief a cinquefoil of the last, Rempston. William Eltoft, of Damton, co. Durham.=j= William Eltoft, of Damton, co. Durham.=p Henry Eltoft, of Damton. 7 Christopher Eltoft, of Dam ton.=j=.sister to Sir Richard Te mpest, of Bolling. Anthony Eltoft. =i=Maude, dau. and co-heir to Thomas Cuthbert. John . Stapleton, of Quemby. Edmond Eltoft, of Far-=j=Agnes, nell, in Craven, and of Knottingley, Esq., now living, a° 1585. Sir William Fairfax, of Steeton. Thomas. Anthony. William. John. Jane, wife to Arthuri Maude, of West Ridles- den. Margaret, wife of Geo. Cater- ick,ofCarleton, inRichmondsh. EdmondnFjane, dau. and co- 2. Henry. t.'i . „ r. J x . •_ Eltoft, eldest heir of Sir Francis Hast¬ ings, knt. Anne, wife of Stephen Tempest, of Broughton. Thomas, set. 16, an. 1585. 1 1 1 Mary, wife of Bridget. William Mid- Maud, elton, of Stockeld. Edmund Eltofte. 18011, fo. 175. 1487, fo. 1125. 1394, p. 213. 1415, fo. 25. 1420, fo. 1545. 1171, fo. 51 b. 4630, p. 158. 1571, fo. 137. 6070, fo. 44. 1 Anthony, MS. 1487. 302 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN Ij^ 4 /^ AND I ^ 12 * LEEDS, PIGOT, METCALFE, &c. Alexander de Leeds et Elizabetha uxor ejus concesserunt domino Johanni de Eyvill, domino de EgiSSot etc!, dat. apud Thornton, 15 E. 2 -per fesse, over all 6 fleurs-de-lis m pale 3 and 3 -1 Arms 2 : — Quarterly. 1. Gules, a lion rampant vaire. 2. Argent, a fesse azure, a label of nve points gules. 3. Sable, a chevron or between 3 fleurs-de-lis argent. 4. Argent, on a fesse between 2 bars gemelles gules 3 fleurs-de-lis of the first. . , T _ 6 Reginaldus Norman vile Asholfpp Radulphus.=F Petrus, unus filiorum Asholf.-|- Robertus de Cause. 10 =j =Basilia. n Robertus de Cause. 4 =j= Adam, dns. de Birkin,=T=Matildis,soror Thomas, qui=pConstance, et de terra de Ledes, setate minima habuit terras deditterram deLedes Thomse de de Ledes ex Thomse fratri suo. Kause. dono fratris. Johannes de Birkyn.=j= r soror setate maxima. Isabella. =pDns. Roberto de 1—■ Everingham. Adam.=F Willms., filius Tho mae de Ledes. 5 -p Adam Ledes .^ Thomas , 2 s.p. Willielmus Ledes. =j= Robertus. 6 =f= Adam? Willielmus Ledes. 6 =j= Thomas deKause, dns. de Lexing¬ ton et de Riston, in Keste ven.^p Robertus, qui diu tenebat haeredita- tem etob. sine prole. Adam de Everingham,=p qui nunc est. T Rogerus de Ledes, miles, qui nunc est. 7 SororGeorgii, uxor domini le Beaumo nt? Johannes, dominus le Beaumont . a =f - n Georgius . 2 Reginaldus . 2 I Rogerus de Ledes, superstites,=p 20 E. III. ___J Rogerus 8 dt Ledes, Robert Fitz Richard, del North Hall del Leeds, junior , filius? Johannes, nunc dominus le Beaumont . 2 Rogerus de Ledes, miles.=p Willms. de Ledes, superstites= Johanna, uxor super- 6 Hen. V., ob. sine prole. stites 6 H. V. Galfridus=rEmma. Pigott. Ranulphus Pygott. : T Emma, superstites, 6 Hen. V. Galfridus Pygott.=j= Ranulphus Pygott, ob. sine prole. Thomas Pygott.=p Margareta, nupta Elizabetha, nupta primo, domino Jacobo Strang- Jana, nupta Jacobo Metcalfe, wayes, deinde Carolo Brandon, filio bastardo Thomae de militi. =p Caroli, Ducis Suffolk 3°, renupta Francisco Nevill, F o 1 k i n g- T ex familia de Chete, sed ipsa obiit sine prole. Oswaldus. Jacobus. ham, =y Johannes et alii. r—*-1 r Christopher Medcalfe, miles.=j= 1 1 1 1 Jacobus. Johannes. (—1 Ingramus. Thomas Medcalfe. Sigillum Ranulphi Pigott, annexum cartse per quam dat terras Galfrido filio suo, data anno 15 H. VI.—... 3 pickaxes ... crest, bn a torce, a greyhound statant ... collared ... 18,011. fo. 176. 1394, p. 215. 1415, p. 25. 1420, fo. i 55 <£. 1571, fo. 146. 6070, fo. 72. 1 Addl. 18,011. 2 MS. 6070. 3 Gerardus de Normanville, Baro. de Laxton, W. Conq., MS. 6070. 4 MS. 1571 omits this Robert, and makes his son Thomas de Kause to be the father of Matilda and Constance, and not brother, as well as Robert, as shown above. 5 These generations not in MS. 6070. 6 This generation not in MS. 1415. 7 This generation not in MS. 1571. 8 Richard, MS. 1571. 9 MS. 1571. 10 Calz or Caux. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 303 Skyrack. BAYLDON, OF BAYLDON. Arms :—Argent, a fesse between 3 fleurs-de-lis sable. Walter Bayldon.=j=.dau. of Thos. Gargrave. r- John Ba yldon, son of Walter. =j = Robert Bayldon. =p Margaret, dau. of.Mirfield. Nicholas Bayldon, of Bayldon. =j=Sibil, dau. to Richard Waterhouse, of Shibden. Robert Bayldon,=plsabel, dau. of Ellen, wife Rosamond, Anne, wife to Sibil. of Bayldon, nowig., 1585. Thos. Maude, ofWestRidles- den. of Geo. Pollard. wife of Wal¬ ter Hartley. Wra. Pul¬ ley n e, of Hawksworth. William Bayldon, son and heir, set. ax, an. 1585. Anne, eldest dau. 2? 1 Bridget. Robert Baildon. 18,011, fo. 175^. 1487, fo. 182. 1394, p. 214. 1415, fo. 25. 1420, fo. 155. 4630, p. ax. 1571, fo. 13 'jb. 6070, fo. 67. RYTHER, OF HAREWOOD. Sir William Ryther,=r=Sibill, dau. and co-heir of Sir William de Aldburgh, of Ryther, knt . 1 of Harewood Castle, co. York .1 1- Sir William Ryther, knt . 1 =j= r au. of Wm. Fitz - Gilbert Ryther, died at Aylesfords- = of Sprotborough . 1 well, in Sutton, co. Kent . 1 Sir William = Elinor, dau. Ryther. ^ william , 2. Thomas Ryther. =p Ralph . 1 George Ryther, of=.dau. and one Sir Robert ,1 John Ryther, = Greenhithe, or Green¬ wich, in Kent. WiSi of the heirs of s. p. John Grove, of Sir K Cent. Wil¬ liam . 1 =-^ son and heir of Gilbert . 1 iam Ryther, =FMary, eld. of Canterbury, next heir male to Thomas Ryther, of Ryther. dau. of Sir James Hales, kt. George, son and heir, o.s.p 1 Maude ... dau. and co-heir, wife of ... Sotheby . 1 2. Alice , dau. 3 . dau . 1 and co-heir , 4 . dau. mar. to John mar. 1 Wright, of s . dau. Plowland . 1 mar. ...l James Ryther, of Harewood, Esq.,=r=Elizabeth, dau. and one of the three heirs of Wil- now living, 1585. 1 liam Atherton, of Harewood. 1 1 l 1 Edith. Muriel. Anne. Ellen. Richard Ryther, eldest son, =. dau. of ... Ogle- Mary mar. aet. 14, anno 1585, mar . thorpe, of Roundhay; . Bate- dau. of [Sir Robert % )Swifte, she was married , the man . 1 and divorced, 1st wife. 1st wife then living. James Rither. 18,011, fo. 177. 1487, fo. 193. 1394, p. 216. 1171, fo. 50. 1415, fo. 24A fo. 156. 1571, fo. 138. 6070, fo. 47. Add. MS. 16,279, P* 460* Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 235. 1 Not 1612 Visitation, but additional from MS. 1571. 1420, 2 MS. 6070. 30 + VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I.584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Osgodcross. MERING, OF "WATER FREESTON. Arms -.—Argent, on a Jtevron sable 3 escallops or .1 Thomas Mering, of Wheldon, eldest son, mar. in co. York ; a youngei^F brother of the house of Mering, co.Notts? __J Robert Mering" of Thomas, a 4. John=p........ dau. to ... Wheldon, eldest son, priest. Mering. swVmmfi. 00. mar. the dau. of ... Alexander, Rishworth, and died sans issue, sans issue. Sherborne, co. Lane., whose father dwelt at Ferrybridge. 11 Isabel, wife to ... Popeley. Agnes, wife to John Wakefield. Tohn Mering, of Water=pBarbara dau. to Thomas* Robert Mermg, J ^ _ _ tw.go -NT^whall. sans issue. Freston, now living I58S- Bosvie, of Newhall, sister to Gervase. William Mering, eldest son, Agnes, wife ,o John Barbara, wife of Wm. Frances. set. 23, anno 1585. Rishworth of Marston, of Preston, 2. Gervase. Knottinglcy. in Holderness. John Merynge. 18,011, fo. 177^. 1487, fo. 176. 1394, p.217. 1415, fo. 23. 1420, fo. IS7- 1571. fo. 138^. 6070, fo. 48^. 1 MS. 1^87. 2 MSS. I.I 5 * 6070, 1571. 0 MSS. 6070. Osgodcross. TRIGOTT, OF SOUTH KIRKBY. escocheon of pretencl ar’gent, 3 boar? head erect, couped sable, a crescent for difference gules, ^'crest. _On a torce, argent and sable, a lbn’s head erased, devouring a child proper guttde de ^John Trygott, of South Kirkby.=pMaule, dau. to John Maude, of Micklefield,» Esq. Thomas Trygott, of South Kirkby.=f=_ane, dau. of John Hudleston, of co. Lane. Thomas Trigott, of So uth Kirkby.=p 'oan, dau. to John Sothill, of Dewsbury , 3 Esq. Thomas Trigott. =j=Joane, dau. and o-heir to Robert Burton, of Kirkburton, Esq. Robert Trigott. =f=Jane, dau. o Sir John Wentworth, of Elmsall r -1--—1-r—rn- Isabel l,=j=Bartholomew=FL u c y , 4 dau. dau. to John Anne, of Frick- ley, Esq. Trigott, of South Kirk- by, Esq., living a 0 1585 and 1612. and heir to Edmond Booth, of Cranswick Thurston, 2nd son, mar., and had issue, Stephen. 1—1—1 ~r~\ 1 1 3. Anthony, Dorothy, sans issue. sans issue. 4. William, Alice, sans married. issue. 5. John,died Frances, young. Elizabeth. Francis and John, both died young. Katherine, wife of ThomasHolgate, of Stapleton, co. York. Jane, wife of Thos. Candy, of Bray- ton, co. York. Thonus = Trigo.t, son aid heir, to 1585,?/. ao 16:2. -Ann, dau. of Thomas Reresby , of Thriberg. 2. Leonard. Elizabe th, •wife of Thos. Brightman , of Lincoln . —TT“1 Jane, Dorothy, Edith, all three died sans issue. 1. Ann. 2. Elizabeth. 3* Lucy. Bartholomew Trygotte. 18, oit, fo. 178. 1487, fo. 107. 1334, P- 218. 1415, fo. 25*. 1420, fo. 157 4630, fo. 642. 15:i, fo. 139. 6070, fo. 73b. 1 Pat 6 e fitch<$e, in MS. 18,on. 2 Mirfieli, MSS. 6070, 1571. 3 So in MSS. 1415, 1487, 6070, and 1571; but Beverley in MS. 18,011. 4 Elizabeth, Visitation 1612. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRS IN 1^84/5 AND l( ^ 12 - 3°5 OSGODCROSS. HALDENBY, OI HALDENBY. Arms :—Quarterly. 1. Vert, a fesse between 3 covered cups or, Haldenby. 2. Paly of six argent and azure, on a chief or a lion passait gules. 3. Argent, on a bend sable 3 lions passant of the i.rst. 4. Argent, a chevron betweei 3 boars’ heads couped azure. 5. Argent, on a fesse azure 3 fleurs-de-lis or, a crescent for diference gules, Usflet. 6. Argent, a bend between 6 martlets gules, Furnival. Crest :—On a torce, or and gules, a swan able, beaked and membered gules, holding a branch vert. Sir Gerard Usfleet.=f=.. dau. md co-heir to the 2nd brother to the Lcrd Furnivall. I Robert Haldenby. =Flsabel, dai. and co-heir of Sir Gerard Usfleet. T John Haldenby. =j=Isabell, dtu. of Justice Portington. Robert Haldenby. =y =Elizabeth, diu. of.Scargill, of Thorpe. John Haldenby.=j=Katherine, dau.of Sir Robert Hildyard, knt. Robert Haldenby.=pAnn, dau. of Sir Cuy Dawnay, of Cowick. Christopher. Roberta William. Haldenby. r~i' 1 1 1 1 Robert. Richard. Thomas. Leonard. John. Philip. ■Ann, 1 dau. of Thomas Boyn¬ ton, of Holder- ness. — Gerard Hal-=^Margaret , denby. “i- F r a n c i s=pElizabeth, dau. of ... Gorrell\ •znd wife. Halden¬ by, of Halden¬ by, co. York, a 0 1585- dau. of Sir o h n ent- worth, of Elmsall. W°e Ka herin;, Francis. R 0 g e Robert Vilfleete, Halden- of Howcen. by , of Dorothy, mar. to Adlin- Thos.-Gnstable, fleet. ofGrims)y,2ndly to Richd Burgh. Jill Elizabeth. Christian. Dorothy. Anne. =r Z A n n , dau. of Thomas Hutton. Robert Hal-=f -Ellinor, dau. denby, died before h i s father. of-. whit. Tyr- —1 1 ~r 1- Edward. Francis. Henry. Christopher. —n- Join. Anhony. Isabel. RobertHal- denby, cet. 7, 1612. Elizabeth. Francis Haldenby, dau. of Haldenby , eldest son, aet. 2, 1585. Richard Darley , of Buttercrambe , I I 2. Christopher . 3. Robert. Elizabeth, wife to Francis Bayl- don, of Kip pax. Robert , son and heir, cet. 12, 1612. Roberte Haldenby. 2. Edward. I I Alice. Ann* Mary . Frances. Roger Haldenby. 2 18,011, fo. 178b. 1487, fo. 1833. 1394,5. 217. 1415, fo. 25^. 1420, fo. 158. 1499, fo. 453. 1532, fo. 643. 1171, fo. czb. 4630, p. 255. 1571, fo. 139^. 6070# fo- 65^. See Tong’s Visitation, p. 74. 1 Anne, MS. 1571. 2 Signed his Bdigree, 1612. B Additional. X 306 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . OSGODCROSS, FLETCHER, OF CAMPSALL, John Casse the elder, of Glocestershire. —Arg ., a chev. John Flet-=r= cher between 3 eagles' heads erased gules? Flet-=j= •• I J Margaret.=F... Barnaby, mar. Margaret, W illiam-r-Elizabeth Brugges, j dau. of John Casse. Casse. ob. 1585. Richard Fletcher, of Adwick, 2 co. York, justice=pUrsula. Gyles, sans issue, of the peace and quorum. William Fletcher, of Campsall, co. York,=j=Elizabeth, dau. of John Wentworth, of now living, 1585. Elmsall. Bartholomew F\clcher,=^Jane, dau. of Elizabeth, mar to Henry Lee, ah. Waring, _ J 'T’L _ Rnhnt fil naturalis Robert! £et. 22, an. 1585, now living , 1612. Thomas Ricard, of Hatfield, 2. Thomas. 3. Anthony . Thomas Fletcher, son and heir , cet. 15, 1612. of Hatfield Foliot, fil. naturalis Roberti Lee, fratris Henrici Lee, militis. Barbara. Elizabeth. Jane. William Fletcher. Bartholomew Fletcher. 3 18,011, fo. 179. 1487, fo. io6£. 1394, p. 219. 1415, fo. 233. 1420, fo. 158^. 4630, p. 183. 1571* fo. 140. 6070, fo. 47^. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 19. 1 MS. 1415. 2 Athwick, co. Essex, MS. 6070. 3 Signed the Pedigree in 1612. Holderness. CONSTABLE, OF CATFOSS. % Arms Quarterly. 1 and 4. Sable, a cinquefoil between 8 cross crosslets or. 2 and 3. Argent, 2 bars lozengy sable. Thomas Constable, of Catfoss.=f=.dau. of John Bishop. Stephen Constable, of=pElizabeth, dau. and heir to John Constable, Catfoss. T of Frismarsh. fane, dau. of .=j=William Fowbery (2nd wife). of Ca I living, _ 1 - -- iam Constable,=pBridget, dau. to Robert 1 Anne. Catfoss, now 1585- Skerne, of Walton (1st wife). 2. Marmaduke. Christopher Constable, eldest son, ^.^Averill, dau. of George 3. William. 23, a 0 1585, now living , a 0 1612. Fowbery, of Newbold. John Consta- Ellinor, wife to Margaret,wf. . wife of Frances , Catherine. ble , son and Richd. Hild~ to Thomas ... Wald- wfofjno. heir, cet. 15, yard, of Ot- Salt- by, of Bever - [612. tringham. marsh? Waldby .2 ley. 18,011, fo. 180. 1487, fo. 242. 1394, p. 221. 1413, fo. 25A 1420, fo. 1593. 1571, fo. 141. 6070, fo. 198. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 323, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. Chr. Constable, 1612. 1 Peter, MSS. 1415, 6070. 2 These 2 matches are not in the Visitation of 1612, but are added from MS. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND 1 6 l' 2 . 307 . OSGODCROSS. ST. PAUL, OF CAMPS ALL. Non probavit arma. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Christopherus St. Paulede Carrecroft in comitatu Ebor armiger, dedi, etc., Thomae St. Paule fratri meo, et Aliciae nuper uxori Ricardi Gamull de Wentbngg jam defuncto, totum illud tenementum quod prefato Chris- tophero post decessum Briani St. Paul patris mei jure hereditario descendere debet, etc., prefatis Thomae fratri meo et Aliciae pro termino vitae eorundem, reddendis mihi et haeredibus meis annuatim, unam rosam rubram ad festum Sancti Johannis Baptistae, dat. a° 2 H. VII. J F Carta Roberti filii Jacobi de Sancto Paulo dat apud Skellale an. 1349, Thomas de Sancto Paulo de Byrum. =j= Robertus de S*> Paulo de Byrum, 22 E. Illtii habuit terras in Skildale et Rircroft. Thomas S* 0 Paulo. =j= Brian St. Paulo.y Elizabeth. T Ch ^r S E.^?vSr ,filit Th ~ 0 2 a -*- ^ ^T^'^aTnuxor 2 H. VII. P =f=AIicii J Rl Ricardi Gamull. Michael St. Paul. Thomas St. Paule. T John St. Paul.-p.dau. to.Syms, of Barnsley* I- John St. Paul, of Campsall, died 4 E. VI.yAnn, dau. to. Conyers, of Marske. rrr " j r - ? j Jane, dau. toyjohn St.Paul,=j=Elizabeth, dau. 2. Bryan. Barbara, wife ... Hamhv .3 ramncoii toGeo.Samp- 3. Jasper. to son, of Hark- Blount, of stead, co. co. Notts, Sulf., Esq. sans issue. Michael, Robert, and Richard, all sans issue. ... Hamby ,3 of Lincoln¬ shire. of Campsall, co. York, now living, a° 1585. Audrey. George St. Paul, set. 2 an., a° 1585. John Seyntpoll. 18,011, fo. 179A 1487, fo. i8rJ. 1394, p. 220. 1415, ff. 25, 34. 1420, ff. 159, 1933. 1571, fo. 140^. 6070, fo. 43<$. 1 The Heralds’ copy of this Pedigree makes Christopher father of his nephew, Thomas. 2 MS. 6070. 3 Hanby, MS. 1487. OSGODCHOSSp JACKSON, OF SNYDALE AND DARRINGTON. Arms :—Two shields—L Gules, a fesse between 3 ma gpies argent, winged sable, a martlet for difference, II. Gules, a fesse argent between 3 shovellers proper, a crescent for difference,! William Jackson, of Snydale. ^Isabella, dan, to Ralph Hamby. ‘Charles Jackson, of Snydale. =f Margaret, dau. and heir of Richard WoodhaU, of Wentworth, Bryan, and son. William fack^=j=Margaret T a dan to %* George. son, of Sny- Robert Clifton, 3. Richard Jack- dale. of Clifton, Esq. son. =f I I Charles Tack-^Elizabeth, dau. and heir Anne, wife to fane, mar to Robert - , ofB ' ^ ^ ^ *« ■ - ^ Charles Jack-^pl son.ofSny- dale, now living, ao X585- ^Dorothy, dau. to Sir An¬ thony Nevill* of South Le- verton. |J 1! 1 2. Francis. 3. Gervase. 4. William* 2. Eleanor. 3, Margaret, 1. M; son, o f Bar¬ rington, -1 to Christopher Brad¬ ford, of Daringtoa. Robt. Rush worth, Sheffield, of the H eath. of HaUyweU. ary, wife r. Francis. Charles®Jackson, o^Mary, to Francis 2. William. C o p 1 ey, of Sprot- borough. Darrington, set. 23, an. 1585, liv¬ ing, a 0 1612. Mary, only dau. and heir. Charles Jackson, son and heir, Henry . eel. 9, an. 1612. dau. to Percival Greene* I Ellen, wife to George Lewkes, of Snaysall. dau., mar. to. Vounge, of Methley. Mary, wife to Robt. Knolles. Margaret, un¬ married, 1585. ! I f Dorothy , wife to Robert Adams, Elizabeth* of Darrington* Lucy. Isabel/* Mary, Edith . Charles Jacksoh. i8,orr, fo. i8o& 1487, fo. rSa 1415, fo. 26. 1394, fo. 222. 1420, fo, 160, 1571, fo. 141A 6070, fo. x$6 b* 1 This coat, quartering Waodhall, azure, a chevron cheeky argent and gules, was allowed at the Visitation 1612, to Sir John Jackson, knt., of Edder- thorpe and Hickleton, co. York, e'dest son of John Jackson, of the former place, attorney-at-law. The father died 17 February, 1590, set. 64. The arms occur in a window and on the pulpit in Hickleton Church. See page 537, * Barbara, MSS. 1487, 6070, 3 There is no entry of this pedigree in the copy of the Visitation of 1612 at the Heralds 1 College. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN J584/3 AND I< 5 l 2 . KIRKBY, CHARLES, HELPERBY, &c. William de Kirkby. 309 Nicholas de Margaret r r~^ __ I I Kirkby, s.p. co-heir. *T S heir T and Kathe_ T. Hel- _I nein Matilda, s.p. rine. per by. i I 1----J_ K ^ rine> lEgft J ane T I I I - - -1 _ Emma.=j= . de William de T 0 hn dp _ Snaysell. Tonelev. s n J T Edward Charles. Robert Charles. t 1 1 Jane.-j-. Amalia. Joneley. =j= •T 5 ”*. de William de To] in Hp _ ^Snaysell. Joneley, s.p. Ficham. "J" John de Snaysell. John de Ficham. 18,011, fo. 181. 1415, fo. 26. 1420, fo. 160. OSGODCROSS. FREESTON, OF ALTOFTES. RMS couZ‘Z^ iZfsaremT*"’-TErmiZ ’ f a ^ /aces e^es. *• Or ,» on a lend g 3. Ermine, on a chief 2 unicorns' heads erased .... Crest A demi “grey-friar” proper. John Freeston, of Warmfield, in the West Ridino _ * . , 0/ York, and of Altoftes, in the same county. ^\"Frakkthi, ofwZefi^^ I 1 _ WMmm Freeston ' .. dau. of William Mallet. George Freeston, of Altofts.y. dau. to Pereival Amyas, of Netherton. - - VV m. vviisonf Elizabeth, mar. to John Shawe, of Yorkshire. 4 John Freeston of 2. Christopher, 3. Willi; Altoftes. now Hv- mnr a Altoftes, now liv¬ ing, 1585. sans issue. r^M li r m / reest ,° n .’ of J ane - to John Castleford, now living, Stanford, of Lon- don, merchant. W^YLLIAM FRESTON. i8,oii, fo. 181A 1487, fo. 173A 1394, p. 222 . I4IS) fo. a6 . x f 3 4630, pp. 212-223. 6592. fo. 14. 6070. fa 73 1 Additional from MS. ■S.on, and tricked by another hand. . Argent, MS. r 4 8 7 . S Or US r.8, 4 MS. x8,oix. * ' 3>o VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15^4/5 AND l ^ 12 Barkeston-Ashe. WITHAM, OF LEDSTON. Arms —Quarterly, i and 4. Or, 3 lapwings sable, over all a bendlet gules, Witham. = feste argent and gules, Wawton. 3. Argent, on a fesse gules, between 3 popinjays vert, colla and beaked gules, 3 escallops of the first, Thwenge. Over all a crescent for difference. Crest :-A demi maiden proper, crined or, holding a ring or, issuant from a ducal coronet of ye last, a crescent for difference. Thomas Wytham, =fjuetta,i dau. and co-heir to of Bretonby. John Wawton, of Cliff. ..y Matthew Wytham, of Bretonby.j.. dau. of.Hunter, 2nd wife. William Wytham ,-p of Darnton. Henry Wytham, =f=Margaret, dau. to Thomas of Ledston. Midelton, of Stockeld. Cuthbert Wyth¬ am, attainted. W i 11 i a m,=i=Ellenor,da. Wytham, to John of Ledston, Neale, of now living, co. North' a 0 1585. ants. 11 1 1 Henry. Robert. Peter. Timothy. Isabel, wife of Thos. Layton, of Duffield. Margaret, wife of Richard Sympson, Rydale. Gertrude, wife of Richard Horsley, HenryWitham,=^to^ 3 dau. eldest son, of John Ray- set.4, a° 1585, ner, of Orton now living, Longv iliers, 1612. co. Line. ^Thomas. William. Edward Witham, mar . dau. of Gregory. Ann , wife of Thomas Biggs, of Wore. 1 1 1 , Margaret , wife of... Bolles, of Notts. Gertrude. Elinor. William Wytham. 18,011, fo. 182. 1487, fo. X 4 S- 1394. fo. 223. 1415. f °- Pedigree at 32 ' ^ 4630, fo. 703. 1571, ff. II 4 > 6 ° 7 °> fo - t 59 - See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire collection. 1 Ivetta, Visitation tfita. 2 Ralph, MS. 6070. 3 Eleanor, Visitation 1612, p. 198. T HIS coat with a difference of a crescent, the crest being a goat s head bendy, was confirmed unto Humphrey Brooke, of Gateford. by Robert Cooke riA. fotKsS p^ster^ 1 maye lawfully heart a cross engrailed per pale gules and sable, a crescent for difference^can^^Argcn^ chevron sable between three stags heads cabossed 8“ ■ •' h other .a sword erect, argent, hilled or, entwined by ‘^serpents rra^tmg each proper. Round the hilt a scroll, bearing the words, Nec asstu NEC ^ ORRoy _ THE ARMES OF THE TOWNE OF PONTEFRACT. h by'R^er^LaJ', 2*7 P 1 *** *” d ™^e a free bnrgh, and allowed ,o be had been endowed by Henry of Lacy, his^cestor immedi^ef! 22£ F !V n , as a ™P lp ®«nw «. .he same before.ime of the said Roger Lacy, wherein it doth appear that he doth arLit by the Jv ormans, as appeareth by the charter of all tolls and customs due unto his castles of Pontefract and Clithemp h S Sai< ^ ^ u ?^ e ?f es °{ Pontefract, their heirs and successors, freedoms, laws, and privileges that the k ne s bur-essefnf ?nmS S ^ ^ esses “ the said charter being also allowed the like and after, by King Richard y« £th! s£d alS ° m ‘ h ? ^ me charter are at large expressed ; nomen maioris et burgensium villa; she bur^i Pontisfracti 0 nn H *?b n f/ rie , of m jy or , an d burgesses of the town of Pontefract—viz., per choice among themselves of 13 burgesses within the towne dwell nr thereb y to have a common seal, and allowed to make sxsfs^ **** ^ jS i^rtsrasrss tsrfcs&tfse j^ttss Henry Farnell, Mayor. W**"* «*•*>* OT.fcw. *»*.,* SSS“, VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l 6 l 2 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l6l2, 312 Agbrigg and Moriey. WATERTON. OF WALTON. Arms :-Quarterly. 1. Barry of 6 ermme an d guk^3 fretty or. an estoyle pierced or. 3- ° w old 6 Argent, 3 bendlets sable. 7. Gules, 3 lions 5. Per saltier gules and ermine rampant ijent. g. Gules a fesse or between Srs^daTent ro. « 3 bendlets gulel ... Argent, 3 boars heads couped sable m bend between 2 bendlets embattled of the last. Crest :-On a tome, argent and gules, an otter, holding in its mouth a fish, all proper. Robert Water ton. 1 =j= John Waterton. 1 =F Richa rd Waterlog ep Constance, dam ofaTwilliam Assenhall, of co. Line. Roben Z a ;r;°,?/,^ Sir lohn Waterton, knt. ,=f=Agnes, dam to Sir Guy 2 id son, lived 6 Ed. IV. ] Fairfax, knt. : Muriell, sister to Sir Francis Leake, of Sutton, co. Derby. X t£ZTZfWesfi?rgh. North Leverton, Skynnin- grove and Everingkam . 2 Sir Robert Waterton\, knt., son and heir. Sir Robert Waterton , knt., o.s.p., io Dec., 15 E.IV. (i47S)» mar.Beatrix, dau. and heir of Thos. Clifford. Cicely, wife Sir Robert 1 of Lyon Waterton. Lowells. Sir 'Thomas Waterton, =pjane, dau. of Sir Richard Tempest, of Walton. of Bracewell, knt. Richard Waterton, of Walton, mar...:, dau. of Robert 3 Swift, of Rotherham, and died be- f o r e his father, s.p. Thomas = Water- ton, 2nd son and her. :Bea- 3. Francis, Rosamond trix, Lawrence, wife of ... dau. and Pilking- and George, ton. 4 co- sans Elizabeth, heir issue. wife to of Edward Rest- Percy, of wold. Beverley. Beatrix, wife of Charles Bamby. Muriel, wife of Thomas Savile, of H ullin- edge. Thomas Water-=pMary, dau. to ton, of Wal¬ ton, now living, a 0 1585. John* Dray- cott, of Painsley, re¬ married . MoiortneyJ 2. Edward. Anne, wife of Sir Cot¬ ton Gargrave. Jane, wife of Robert Waterhouse, of Shibden, and of Halifax. -n Anne, wife ot Hny. Evering- ham, of Stain- bro’. Dionis, 5 wife of Francis Met- ham, 2 nd bro. of Sir Thomas. Barbara, wife of Francis Bishop, of Topcliffe, Frances, wife of John West, of Burghwallis, a younger brother. Thomas Waterton, 2 years of age, a 0 1585. Elizabeth. Mary. Katherine, sans issue. Anne. Jane. Thomas Waterton. Pedigree at large in. my Yorkshire Collection. 7 MS. 1487 ; but q^ery Mour.tcney. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 313 Barkeston Ash. NEWBY, OF NORTH FENTCN. hcs sable. Argent, 2 stilts in saltier sable, laced and shod or, with a label of Willm. Newby, de Kirk- 3 points gules, made very anciently in glass, standing in the parish ^“’come 'saSte^^um to church of North Fenton, both with a label or without. This creast is in the seal annexed to a deed qf Thos. Newby, sans date. On helm and cap of maintenance, 2 stilts, as in arms. Thomas Newby =f= T William Newby, of North Fenton =p William Newby, of North Fenton, youngest of nine brethren, which died all before, sans issue. =j= Francis, a younger son. =f= Ex sigillo antiquo et etiam ex fenestris antiquis valde. John, eldest son, died at Lincoln’s Inn, of the plague, sans issue. Wil illiam* Newby,=j=Isabell, dau. d Myles, Margaret. of North Fenton. Robert Hallyley of Lead Grange sans issue. JEdward Newby, of North=j=Elizabeth, dau. to Clement Ogle,horp, 2. John Newby. ' Fenton, now living, a 0 1585, and 1612. of Roundhay Grange. Gervase, eld-=f -Frances, est son, aet. 11, an. 1585, and cet. 39, anno 1612. dau. Richard Clay ton, of A Her ton, co. Notts. 2. Ambrose. 3. Gabriel. 4. William, mar. Troth, dau. of ... Cordax, of Beverley. I I Edward .1 Clement. I Cicely, eld¬ est, wife of . Ellerker. Mary, wife of Wil¬ liam Thomson. \ Willia '. 11, Jervase Newbye, 1612. I I ! ill Villiam Newby, Francis. Gervase . Thomas. John. Ellen . Elizabeth . cet. 11, a° 1612. Edward Newbe. Carta Thomje de Newbe. Dat. cui appendit tale sigillun— 2 stilts in saltier .... Crest on helm and cap of maintenance 2 stilts, as in arms. S. Vilhelm* Newby. 18,011, fo. 183^. 1487, IF. 176^, 400. 1394, p. 22 6b. 1415,fo. 2 6b. 1420, fo. 163. 4630, p. 416. 1571, fo. 143^. 6070, fo. :S7. 1 Edmond, MS. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I_ 5 84/5 AND l 6 l 3 . 3IS Skyrack. OGLETHORPE, OF RAWDEN. Arms •.-'Argent, a chevron crenelle between ** boars' heads couped sable. Robert Oglethorpe, 3rd son of John : Oglethorpe, of Oglethorpe. L John Oglethorpe, of Thorp Arch.- Nicholas Oglethorpe, sans issue. Robert Oglethorpe, of=j=Jane, dau. of Stephen Pas- John, sans issue. Rawden, living a 0 1585, at. 84, a 0 1612. lewe, younger son of the house of Ridlesden. William Ogle-=Alice, dau. of 2. Thomas. 5. James. thorpe, Rawden. of Richard 3. Robert. Grove, of 4. Andrew. Oulton. 3. George, lg., unmr., 1585 - Jane, wife of Richard 6. "Francis. Paver, of Breame, 7. Richard. Bridget, wife of William Wilson , of Frys ton, the younger. Richard Ogle- — .. A Iderman Elizabeth, eldest Agnes, wife of Wm.Nelson, thorpe,of Raw- Jackson, of the city dau., aet. 5, an. of Fryston. den, son and of York. 1585. Helen, wife of Arthur heir, liv. 1612. Justice,of Walton Head. 18,011, fo. 184^. 1487, fo. 95. 1394, p. 228. 1420, fo. 164. 4630, p. 432. 1571, ff. 144^, 234^. 6070, fo. 158. Wm. Ogletstroppe. Skyrack. GREENE, OF HORSFORTH. Hie non probavit arma, sed antecessores sui pro generosis semper sunt habiti. John Grene, of Horsforth, co.=F York, generosus ut apparet per cartam datam anno 20 E. IV. Ego Robertus filius Huberti dedi Monachis de Kirkstall culturam meam de Flethaga, &c. Testibus Roberto Pictavensi, Nigello fratre suo, Willielmo Pictavensi, et Thoma filio suo, Willielmo de Alta Ripa et Philippo filio suo, &c., sine data. John Greene, of Horsforth.=j= j Thomas Greene, of Horsforth.^ J John Greene, of Horsforth.=f= 1 Sigillum Roberti filii Huberti. Gabriel Greene, of=pAlice, dau. to Horsforth, now living, a 0 1585. Thomas Lister, of Westby. 2. Martin. Jane, wife of Elizabeth, wife of 3. Anthony. Edward Bol- Robert Clough, ling, of attorney in the Chelley. common law. John Greene, eldest 2. Lawrence. 4. Thomas. Rosamond, wife of William Anne, son,set. 22, an. 1585. 3. William. Sothill, of Barwick. Gabraell Grenne. 18,011, fo. 185. 1487, fo. 184. 1394, p. 227. 1415, fo. 27. 1420, fo. 164A 4630, p. 250. 1571. fo. 14^5. 6070, fo. 45. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 49. 3 I( 5 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 , 584 /j; AND l6l3. Barkston Ashe. FOSTER, OF SMAWES. Arms Argent, a cJievron vert between 3 bugle horns stringed sable, a martlet for differenced Robert Forster, a younger bro., descended of the=j=Jane, dau. to Ralph Brampton, of house of Forster, of Adderston, co. Northld. I Pickering Lythe. Isabell, da.=j=Leonard For-=f=Mary, dau. to Wm Hungate, of Saxton. ster, of Smawes,co. York, now lg., 1585- of Thos. Clarke, of York, re¬ gister there. Elizabeth, wife Agnes, wife to Wm. Aske, to Thos. a younger bro. of the house of Aughton. Wray, of Richmond. Dorothy, wife to Henry, bro. to Sir Jno. Nevill, of Levers- edge. Jane, 13 years Mary, 2nd of age, 1585. dau. Robert, set. 1 year and a half, 1585, Helen. Mary. Agnes. Elizabeth. ~l Margaret. Leonard Foster. 18,011, fo. 185#, 1487, fo. 114. 1394, fo. 231. 1415, fo. 27. 1420, fo. 165. 4630, p. 225. 1571, fo. 145^. 6070, fo, 74^. 1 MS. 1487. Barkston Ash. BAXTER, OF SHARPHILL. Arms :—Argent, on a bend azure 3 estoiles of the first. 1 John 2 Baxter, a 2nd bro. to Thomas Baxter, =p of Bolton-upon-Deame. Alexander =j=.dau. and co-heir of Jno. 2 Hub- berd, descended from Hubberd, of Hales Hall, co. Norf., 1564. Baxter. Robert Doughty,=j=Margaret. of Doughty Hall, co. York. John Baxter,=r=Joan, dau. and co-heir to Thos. Pulleyn, of Sharphill. and of Emmot, his wife, dau. and heir to Wm. Overton, of Helmsley. John Doughty. =j=Margaret, dau. to... Gamage. . dau,, wife to William Bax-- SergeantMore, of ter, of York. Sharphill. : Isabell, dau. and heir to John Doughty, of Walkington, nr. Beverley. George Doughty, sans issue. Francis Baxters son and heir, died 1616. : Katherine, dau. to Sir Thos. Lovell,of Harling, co. Norf., and Dame Elizabeth, his wife. —1—1—1- Ralph. Marmaduke. Richard. —1—1- Jane. Ellen. Dorothy. Thomasin. 1 r 2. William. 3 4. Ferdinando.* John Bax-=j =Agnes, da. 3, ter, set. 1 year in 1585- of Hippon* William, 3 Marmaduke Bax- Francis Baxter , ter, mar. for his of London, mar. 1 st wife Elizabeth Agnes , dau. of Treman , his 2nd . Green.* =j= wife . 3 1- 1 Elizabeth.* Francis Baxter. 18,011, fo. 186. 1487, fo. 1843. 1394, p. 230. 1415, fo. 27. 1420, fo. 1653. 1571, fo. 146^. 6070, fo. 43. 1 Or, 6 eagles displayed, 3, 2, and 1, purpure, MS. 1571. 2James, MS. 1415. 3 MS. 6070. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I 584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 317 Barkston. TINDALL, OF BROTHERTON. Arms 1:— Thomas Tyndall. =pCicely, dau. to.Springe, of co. Salop. Thomas Tyndall.=j=Constance, dau. to Gervase Clifton, a Philip. Rowland. I younger bro. to Sir Gervase Clifton. -J-,----—-1—1-1—1 Thomas Tyndall, son and heir. 2. j ohn=j=Jane, dau. to William 3. William. 5. j Tyndal 1 heir to his nephew . 2 William Tyn¬ dall, died sans issue, at Lincoln. Dyneley, of Down- ham, co. Lane. 4. Anthony. 6. Gervas. Robert. William Tyn-=fElizabeth, dau. to 2. Peter Tyn-=j=Margery, dau. dall, of Bro- therton, now living. John Tyn-=j=Dorothy, J ohn Leigh, of the Ridge, co. Chester. 3 dall, of Aller- ton, by Wath, now lg. 1585. dall, of Brother- ton, now living, a® 1585- dau. to Martin Anne, of Frickley. 2. William. 3. Francis. Jane, wife of Edward Tones, of Wales. 2. Eliza¬ beth. of Sir Anthony Nevill, of Le- verton, co. Notts. 1 1 1 1 . 1. John Frances, [mar. to Tyndall. Michael Consta~ 2. Alexan- ble , of Byrom> der. 3 rd son of Sir 3. Peter. Philip Constable. ofEvtringham. 4 ) FrancisTyndall.sans^AVA'M, daughter and heir 2. William. John, sans Mary, issue, 1585, son and heir , living 1612. of Leonard Reresby, of 3. Bartholomew. issue. t 'arnboro'. sans issue. Leonard. Henry Tyndall , cet. 3, anno 1612. Mary. Dorothy. John Tyndall. 18011, fo. 186A 1487, fo. I05A 1394, p. 231. 1415, fo. 2 7b. 1420, fo. 166. 4630, pp. 638, 639. Additional MS., 12,477, fo- 52. 1571, fo. 147. 6070, fo. 34^. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 352. 1 Argent, on a fesse sable 3 garbs or, MS. 1487. 2 MS. 1415. 8 Lancashire, MSS. 1415, 1571. 4 MS. 6070. Agbrigge and Morley. FEILD, OF ARDSLEY. Arms :—Sable, a chevron between 3 garbs argent. Crest :—On a torce, argent and sable, a hand couped at the wrist proper, vested gules, ruffled proper, holding a sphere or. Confirmatio armorum et novae cristae concessae per Willielmum Harvey, Clarencieux regem armorum, per literas patentes. Datae Londini, 4 Septembns, ao 1558, an. 5 et 6 Philippi et Mariae. John Feld, of Ardeslowe,i=j=Jane, dau. to John Amyas, co. York, gent. | of Kent. 1-1—1- 1 —1-1—1—1-1 Richard Feld, 2. Matthew. 4. John. 6. William. Anne, eldest son, set. 3. Christopher. 5. Thomas. 7. James. 22, anno 1585. 8. Martin. John Feild. 18,011, fo. 187. 1487, fo. 1143. 1394, p. 232. 1415, fo. 2 7b. 1420, fo. 1 66b. 1571, fo. 147A 6070, fo. 167b. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Ardsley. L ■' - r** — - r K2 — Agreigg and Moeley. LAKE, OF NORMANTON. Arms ■—Quarterly. i and 4 . Sable, a bend between 6 trefoils slipped argent. Lake, a and 3. Quarterly, argent and sable, in the and quarter a martlet ^ or, over all a bend gules, charged with 3 mullets of the 1st, Cayley. Crest :— A sea-horse's head couped, harry of 6 argent and gules, crined or, holdhtg a ring of tke last .1 The crest given io John Lake, of Nor man ton, per William Flower, Norroy, dated at Wakefield, 6 Queen Elizabeth. , 1564. John Lake.=j=Jennet ( cousin and heir to Hugh Ca3 r ley, and dam to William Cayley, of Normanton. John Lately John Lake =j= fiokfi Lake.^ T John Lake, eldest son, sans issue. Launcelot Lake, of No: manton. 7 =Margaret, dam to Henry Twisleton, of Cridling Park, and Elizabeth, his wife. John Lake, of Normanton. ^Katherine, dau. of John Peck, of Wakefield. a 1 1 John Lake,=j=Marv r dam to 2. Thomas=fAnn, da. 3. Launcelot, of Nor- Wm. Beane, Lake, of toChris- or Lawrence, widow to J ohn Barley, Colthurst, of living an- Aunsby, co. no 1585. Line. Barley, of Halifax.; manton, now liv¬ ing, anno 158S- topher mr, Emma, Twisle- dau. to Rbt, ton, of Northend, 3 Richard Lake, of Southwell,=FAnne t dau. of ... War¬ ea . Notts * | dell, of co. Norfolk. 4 * T 4. Alexander Lake, Beatri x, wife of Robert El Ezabeth, wife of Thomas mar. Effame, da. Jackson, of Tux- Wildbore, of Doncaster. of.Hodgson, ford, after of John Bridget, wife of William of Pontefract. Barley, of Tuxford, Hardwick, of Pontefract. 5. Robert, sans Katherine, wife of Jn. Jane, wife of Stephen issue. Burgh,ofNormanton. Lucas, of Rothwell, gent. 1 Anne, set. 7 years, 1585, mar . to Oliver Beale, of Woodkouse, in ike parish of Dr ax, co. York , 1612. 111 1. I ohn, 2. Thomas.. 3. Launcelot. Beatrix, Thomasin. Ellen. John Lake. Thomas Lake, of Canterbury, co. Kent . 4 18,011, fo. 187& 1487, ff. io&b t 44o£. 1394, p. 233. 1415, fo. 27^. X420, fo. 167. 1571, fo. 148. 6070, fo, 50. I MSS. 1487, 1394. 5 This generation from MSS. 1415, 14S7, fo. 440, 1571, and 6070. 3 Northwood, MS. 6070. 4 MS. 1571. I TEMPEST, OF BRACE WELL AND TONG. agbrigg and Mosley. Arms . -Quarterly, i. Argent, a bend between 6 martlets sable. Tempest. 2. Ermine, 5 fusills an fesse gules, Hebden 3. Argent, a chevron between 3 martlets gules, Waddington. 4. Sable, an escoeheon ermine, within an orle of S martlets argent, Bollinge. Over all a mullet for difference. Sir Richard Tempest, of Brace well, knt Isabella, sister and heir ofjno. Gras * of Stvdley ; 8 H. IV. 1 Sir Piers Tempest.=p.dau. and heir of Sir Nicholas Rye. Sir William Tempest.^p/^//^, dan. and heir of f Wm. Washington. Richard Tempest , of=f= Holmes ted, 3rd son- \ Sir J oh 'nFyAhcef dau. of Sir Robert Sherburne, 2. PeterA Dion isiap da. and co-heir, wife Isabel , dan, and co-heir, wife of of IVmJ 2 Mallory, of Studley. Sir* Richard Norton, of Nor- .. ton Conyers. Nicholas Tempest. =j =.dau. of John Pilkingtoa. S ir j oh n=r -Alice 1 dau. of Sir Robert SJ Tempest. of Stonyhurst , 21 H. VI. 1 Richard Richard.- Robert .2 Sir Richard Tempest* of Bracewell.-j-Rosamond, dau. and heir of Tristram Bolling, of Bolling, co. York. Sir Thomas Sir John Tempest, sans Nicholas^!) e a t r i x * Tempest, sans issue. He mar. Ann* T e m issue. He mar. dau.ofWm. Lenthall, pest,3rd Margaret* dau. of Henley-on-Thames, son. to Sir Thomas 3rd husband ; her 1st Tempest, his was Sir Thos. Tern- great unde. pest, fi her 2nd was Geo. Smyth, of the bpk. dau. and heir of John Brad¬ ford* of The Heathy nr. W ah e- field .3 7. Tristram Tempest, of Brigkiwistlc , mar.. Alice , dau. and heir of Alexander Methley. =j = 8. Henry =f=E 1 len, Temp- dau. and est, of i Tonge, now lg., **1535- heir to Chr.Mir- field* of Tonge. 4. Robert, Jane, mar to Sir Thos. 5. George, Waterton* of Walton, 6. Christo- Anne, mar. to J no. Lacy, pher,ali of Cromwellbotham. s. p. Beatrix, mar. to Wm., son and heir to Sir Williarq Gascoigne, Elisabeth, mar. to Sir Peter Freeh ville, of Staveley, co. Derby. Richard Tempest, mar.... 2. Walter. Beatrix, wife of Margaret, wife of da. & sole hr. of Thos.Sa- Robert. Wm.Thomton, John Gascoigne, of vile,of Thornhill Lees. =j= John. of TyersaLL Thorpe-on-the-Hill. Robert Tempest, =FAnn, da. of Bar- John Tempest* eldest son, of B racewell [ tholomewPigatt, mr... da, & heir of Thos’ now lg.*a<> 1585. | of co. Oxon. Skeres,of Burgh walks. „.r—7-_ _ ______ to Justice Rodes, Richard Tempest, =j=Alice,oneofy* daus. of Wm. Dorothy, mar. to * L IO ‘ a ° lt7/insrTon. a MS. 6570. 3 MS. 1415. 4 MS. 1612. 5 Signed his Pedigree, 1612. « (? Sir Thomas Smith.) 7 MS. 1487. - ■ - >1' ~wr - - <>»>> -> - Agerigce and Mokley KAY, OF WOODSOME. Arms :—Argent a bendlets sable. Crest On a tarce, argent and sable, a ** goldfinch proper. William Kav ~== John Kay^f Elizabeth, dau. to Thos .» Amyac.^ Laurence* Kay. ^Cicely, da u. to WUleam B radshaw. Peter. Richard. James. Wihiam ' ^ hn ‘ Thomas Kay.==EUzabeth. daugh ter and heir to Robert Turner. John Kay, of WoodsomeQj Jane, dau. of Peter* Skargdl. John Hay, living 6 Ed. IK John Kay, of Wood some, living, 38 Hen. 6.y . dau.of. . Lacy, of Cromvielbotham, co. Yar William Kay x of Woodsome .=f= Ge orge Kay, of Woodsome, Lying ..^ 1 .. dau. and heir of . Radcliffe, of Langley, co. Lane. Arthur Kav. of Woodsome, Esq. =f Beatrix, dau. to Matthew Wentworth, of Bretton. _______ 3 -[-r*-- rz ! , John Rave, of Woodsome ,=pDorothy, dau. to Robert 8. Geoige. J r^__ -Maleverer, of Woder- some. Esq., now living, Margaret, wife of Francis Wood- rove, of Woolley, after to Peter Frechvile, of Staveley,co. Derby. Ann, wife of William Alde- burgh, son of Richard Aldeburgh, of Aldeburgh, Robert Kaye, son^Ann, dau. to John and heir of John, Flower, of Whit- Richard. living 1612, I well, co. [ I r Arthur. t I T ' Francis. 5 Tohn Jane, wife to Anne, wife of Dorothy, wife of Thomas George Yhomas. Vvan Thom- Richard Markes, Blythe, cousin and hetr to Rutland. Edward. 4 Matthew. biU, ofFixby. of Beverley. John Blyth, of Quemby. -1 1 W» ** '■ Robert Kay. ^ Eh * aieth 'f£J S °™g 6l J It f0 6 r 39 4, pp- 234, 235- 141S.lo.2S- 1420,(0.168*. 4630, PP- 333 : 335- rg.otr, ^ 'g^o, ff. 50#.' See Dugdales Visitation, p. tyr, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire CoUechon. 1 lahTL MS iSoix 3 MS i8 p on gives the early Pedigree thusLaurence fil. Thomas Kay, a bastard fil. John fiL William. 3 William, MS. iS,oii. 1 John, MS, 1 41,0X1. mb. io,on ^ ^ ca HulltS| HarI . MS. 1075 , f°- a MS * W- ELYTHE, OF BARNEY AND ROTHERHAM. Blythe. Arms Quarterly. r. Ermine, 3 roebucks gules, attired or, a chief azure. 2. Argent, a lion rampant sable, charged with a mullet, Stapleton. 3. Bendy of 6, argent and azure, St. Philjuert, 4. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure, Aldebcrgh. 5. Ermine, a cross sarcely, Goddakd. 6. Argent, a chevron, and in ye dexter point a cinquefoil sable, Remtston. OeEST :■—On a torce, argent and azure, a roebuck's head erased or, attired of y* last, collared of the 2nd. William Blythe, of Ledes. 1 =p John Blythe.=j= William Blythe, of Norton. =f..... _dau. to ...... Austen. Robert. r j John.= |obn.=f= William. 2. ]ohn Blythe, bishop of Salisbury. Elizabeth, dau.= and co-heir of Tho.Stapleton, of Quemby. 3. Roger, sans issue. 4. Geffrey Blythe, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. 5. Thomas =f . dau. and Blythe. heir of . Ske llowes. 2 =William ^Elizabeth, dau. 2. Thomas, Blythe. to . Port- 3. Robert. ington. 4. John Blythe, archdeacon of Lichfield. Richard Blythe, =j=Katherin, dau. of Norton, co. | and heir to Derby. | .... Birchet. 5, Geoffrey Blythe, William=f„.. dau. doctor and professor Blythe, of of divinity, master of Norton. Trinity ColL, Camb. John Blythe, 5 of Bamby. Elizabeth, dau. to John Savile, of New Hall. ~r to . Selioake. 2. Nicholas Blythe,=j=Margaret, dau. N. Blythe. of Loudon. to Nicholas Tildesley. 14 other children, all died sans issue. J er ome Blythe .dau. to ..Eyre. of Norton, co. Derby. Geoffrey, Dorothy, d. y. sans is¬ sue. Thomas Blythe, of Querenby and=Dorothy, dau. to John Anthony, William Blythe,of Rother-=f Gertrude, dau. to Bamby, now living, a° 1585, Kaye, of Wood- eldest son. ham, now living, 1583. Thos. Stringer, adopted heir by John, his uncle. some, Esq. Thomas Blythe, tet. half year, 1585. of Whiston. Thomas Blythe. To all true Christiane people, &c. I, John More, otherwise called Norroy, principal! herald, and kinge of armes of the north part of this realm., send due and humble recommendations, &c. Equitie, will, and reason, ordeinethe, &c. And therefore I, the sayd king of armes, &c., assertayned that William Blythe, of Norton, in the countie of Derby, hath continued in vertue, &c., and for y* remembrance of his gentlenes, vertue, and abilities &c. By the vertue of myne office, I, the said king of armes have devysed, ordeyned, and assigned unto and for the sayd William Blythe, for him and for his posteritie y* armes hereafter following ; that is to saye, he beareth ermyne, three roebucks gules armed gold, and also his creast a roebucke’s head, as aforesaid, rased of three points, in a wreath ermine and gules, a garland of lord about his neck, graunted to the sayd William to have and to hould the same arms and creast, &c. In witness whereof I, the sayd kinge of armes have sette to my scale of signe mannellat London, on the 27^ a day of February, the first yeare of the raignue of our Sovereisne Lord Kinge Henjry the Seventh. Ratified by me, William Flower, ah. Norroy, king-of-arms, xi. of Dec., a* 1566, under the seal of the arms of our office of the said Norroy i8,oii, fo. 189^ 14S7, p. 123, 1394, p. 236. 1415, fo. 36k 1420, fo. 169. 4630, p. 48. 1571, fo. 150^ 6070, fo. 346. Additional MSS., 24,458. ff. 105^ and 106. I Norton Lees* co. Derby, MS. 24,458. 3 SkeUey, MS. *4,453, * 17th, MS. 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . J 2 I VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN /5 ANI> 3 22 Agbrigg and Morley. m t _ ___.—^ HALL, OF MIDDLE WALTON. Arms Argent, a fesse sable, fretty or, between 3 demi lions rampant erased azure, on a chief gules 3 chaplets argent, flowered or. Crest On a torce, argent and gules, a tigers head azure, collared or, studded argent. patentes armorum concessse, 1533, per Sir Thomas Wnothesley. Avmer Hall, of Salford, co. Lanc.=f= Literae John Hall, of Salford , near=f .dau. to. Bray, and widow Manchester, co. Lane. , lg. 1533 * .Welby, co. Lincoln. George Hall, eldest son, sans issue. Isabel, dau. to='Thomas Hall, ofcpAlice, dau. of JohnWhalley, “ of co. Lincoln, Middle Walton, co. York, living Jno. Valen¬ tine, of Ips¬ wich. "3! Richard Hall, of Bristol. Kynburgh, eldest dau., set. 11, anno 1585* Dorothy. 18,011, fo. 188A 1487, fo. 97J. 1394, p. 234. i4 i Sj fo. 28. 1420, fo. 168. 1571, fo. 149A 6070, fo. 25. Agbrigg and Morley. BEESTON, OF BEESTON. Arms :— Quarterly. 1 and 4. Sable a chevron between 6 cross crosslets fitchee or. 2. Vert, a lion rampant argent, crowned or. 3. A chevron between 10 cross crosslets. Adam de Beeston .y.dau. and heir of. Merworth. .Beeston. =p.dau. of. Plumpton. Beeston.=j=.dau. of .Oughtred. Brian Beeston.=f= Ralph Beeston, of Kirk Beeston.^ =p .dau. of. Laughton, of Harleston. Richard. Thomas. William Beeston.=FElizabeth, dau. of John Ralph, son and Bosvile, of Chevet. heir,o.s. p? Robert. n William. Ralph Beeston, son=f=Jane, dau. of Richard? Anne, wife of Thomas Jennett. Brian. of William. I Greene, of Newby. Grice, of Wakefield. Ralph Beeston, of=r=Margery, dau. to Sir Robert Beeston, Esq. Nevill, of Leversedge. n Katherine, wife of William Went¬ worth, of Woodhouse. 1 1- Leonard. Thomas. , T-1 i. Robert=j=Margare t, 2. Brian Beeston, mar. Ellen, mar. to . dau. to Nicholas Den- William Calbeck, of man, of Ret- Cat Beeston. ford. Beeston, of Bees¬ ton, Esq. dau. to Sir Wm. Cal- verley, of Calverley. T_ Ralph Beeston, =. of Beeston, of . Esq., living Swift. 4 ao 1585. dau. 2. Robert. Dotothy, wife to Francis 6 Savile, son to Robert Saville, of Howley. -1 —1—1 Frances, Ralfe. sans 2. Bryan. issue. Ra. Beiston. 18,011, fo. 1900. 1487, fo. 272. 1394, p. 235. 1415, fo. 28. 1420, fo. 170A 1430, fo. 28. 1571, fo. 151. 6070, fo. 41. 1 MS. 1415. 2 MS. 6070. 3 So in MSS. 14J5, 1487, 1571, 6070; but Thomas in MS. 18,011. 4 MSS. 1415, 6070. 6 Sheffield, MSS. 6070, 1415, 1571. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . *2 3 KAY, OF DALTON. Arms Argent, 2 bendlets sable, a martlet for difference of the last Crest On a torce, argent and sable, a griffin’s head erased argent, beaked gules, nolding : key or, a martlet for difference sable. The crest given to John Kaye, of Dalton, co. York, per Wm. Flower, Norroy 7 Oct., 1564, 6 Q. Eliz. Thomas Kay, of Dalton. =*= 1-r—-* John Kay, of Dalton,R=Jane, dau. and co-heir of Wm. Dodworth, of co. York. | Strelley. Argent, 3 bugle horns stringed sable. John Kay, of Dalton, and=pjane, dau. to .Storrs, Elizabeth, wife to....Arthng- ofy e Heath, nowlg., 1585. | of Storrs Hall. ton, and after to John Dye. Edward Kay, Robert Kay, of John, Jane, wife to.... Alice. Frarces. died sans Dalton ,* son and sans Fleming, of Gertrude, issue. heir, lg. 1585. issue. Wakefield. Robert Kaye. 18,011, fo. 191. 1487, fo. 112. 1394, p. 238. 1415, fo. 28. 1420, fo. 171. 4 6 3 °> P- 339 - I 57 I » fo- 15^- 6070, fo. 25. 1 MSS. 6070, 1571. Agbrigg and Morley. GRICE, OF WAKEFIELD. Arms :—Quarterly. Gules and azure, on a bend argent 3 “ Grice,” passant sable, armed or, a within a border of the last. Willielmus filius Thomae Grys de Altoftes, carta data 1291. Adam Grys, descended of the house of Norfolk =p John Grys. x Robert Grys, of Wakefield, gent.=p Thomas Grys, of Wakefield, superstites, 15 Ed. IV. =r=Anne, dau. to John Sothill, of Sothill. Thomas Grys, of Wakefield. Agnes, dau. of William 1 Beeston, of Beeston. Henry Grys, ofy=Susan, dau. to Elizabeth, wife Wakefield, now living, 1585- Thomas Wood- rove, of Woolley. of Thomas Thornhill, of Fixby. Anne, 2 wife of Isabel, wie of William Gas- Robert Fish- coigne, of Thorpe- worth, of on-the-Hill. Croston. E d w a r d=Jane, dau. Judith ( 1st wife), =f=2. H&niy=^Elizabeth,da. Elizabeth,wf. to Grys, of Martin dau. of Charles - t~t xr~,.,„ns eldest Anne, of Grice,of Norfolk. son, o.s.p. Frickley. Grice, aoi6i2. 1—1—1— Richard. Thomas. Edward. of Frances John Nowell 3 Ashbourne of Balne, in (2nd wife). Snaith. Henry Grice, son and 2. Francis , heir, cet. 16, a° 1612. Elizabeth. Margaret. “l Anne. 18 on, fo. 19^. 1487, fo- 104*. T 394 » P- 2 39 - 14 * 5 , fo- 28^. 4630, p. 242. 1571, fo. 152. 6070, fo. 25 br 1 So in MSS. 1415. 1487, -571, and 6070; but Thomas in MS. 18,011. S Nevill, Mb. 1571. 2 Jane, MS. 6o-o. Agbktgg and Mofley. SAVILE, OF STANLEY HALL. Thomas Savile, of Stanley Hall, in Wakefield parish, of Thornton, Joan, dan. to John Michell, of Crossley some tune of Netherton 1 3rd son of Thos. Savile, of Lupset. t co. York, i ' “ i i " 1—-—[ Henry Savile, of Wakefield 2. Thomas 3. John Savile, of Stanley,=fE\izaheih, dan. to a. Robert Savile, of <. George Sa-^. dau. nari^lhi jalrlp^f cnn cane S&vilc*" 2 «■ XXT* lr A 0^.1^.-*./“*_—~r n * r i * ** , parish, eldest son, sans issue. in the parish of Wake¬ field, living a 0 1585. J f Elizabeth, wife to... Raddiffer Doroth y, wife to... Tempest, of Tong. 2 Edward =f=K a t h e - Savile, ofStan- ley Hall, el d est rine.da. toAvery Copley, of Bat- ley. 3. ] o h n, of Netherton. 1 4. Robert, of Broom half nr. Wake¬ field.* 2. Henry Savile, of Boxkall, in Wakef eld, 1 m. Ann.d. to Ger- vase Bosvile, of Newhall. =f= John, 7 years of age, iS 3 5» o. s. p. I Grace, mar. to GervaseHatfield, of Half eld Hall, nr. Wakefield. Robert Coxon, of Wakefield. Snydale 1 mar, . da.of .... Greene. vile, of Wake¬ field towne. jr Alice, wife of Richard Sproston, of Wakefield. Jane, wf. ofjas. Metcalfe, son of Sir Christopher. Margaret, mar, to Wm. Waller, of Wakefield. Ann ,mrJo ... IVom&well. 1 fill of.. Rookes. Robert, Henry, George, and a 4 th son. George, had issue a da., Margaret, wife to Sir Tho.Midle- ton,of Chirk Castle , ktJ Thomas, Dorothy George, set. 5 years ia 1585. John. Henry. Elizabeth. M\ The marke of John Savile, of Wakefield parish, sonne of Thomas. 4 18,01 1 , r 9 2 ’ r 394 » P- I 4 T 5 - f° 285. 1420, fo. 172. 4630, p, 529. 1571, fo. 152^, 6070, ff, 26#, 349. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. t MS. 6070. 2 MS. 6070, fo. 349. a MS. 157*- 4 MS. 1415. 324 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND itflS, OF J\0RMANTON, kc. Morkarus quidem dominus de Xormanton, Qeyton, et Carleton, prope Newerke et Ballebv, P ro pe_ Doncaster,. dedit medietatem villas de Norman ton Waltero le Peytefyn, domino de Heddcngelay, qui venit cum conquestore cum quad in Leticia in liberum maritagium.y Filius primogenitus, a quibus venit Simon le Botiler de Skelbrok avus Roberti le Bottler de eadem. Willielmus, filius Morkarii, post natus temp. Hem L Walterus le Peyte vyn, dns. de Heddingeley.y Leticia, Hugo de Snythall.=r Gilbert us de SnythalL=pBerleta. 2. Ricardus, cui mater dedit 4 bovatas=f= terrae in Normanton. Pea us Nabiot.=j= r- 1 — 1 J J Avicia, Cecilia. Willms. Willielmus Russell. Rich. I.=pRosa. 3. Robertas. =f= ! j- 1 -1 Richard. Gilbert. Roger. Rosa. =j= Wi 1 ] telmus Rus- j sell, temp. E. I. Rogerus de Smalley. Thomas de Smalley. Johannes, Robertas, Robertas, Beatrix, et Dionisia. Alicia, et | ohannes, s. p. Matildis, sine prole. Agnes. Hugo, s. p. r- Hugo Pictaviensis. T 5 _ i Rogerus Picta¬ viensis. =r= Willielmus Russell, de Nor-yEmma, fib Hugonis Thomas Picta- manlon, superstates,4 Ed. I. J Peytevin. viensis.=F — ■1 ' j -,- 1 .— -—----1 Rogerus Malet, 1286, = Alicia. Willielmus, Margareta. Johannes, Robertas, Rogerus filius Thorme Pic- } sT D, ° mS1US * de s. p. Ricardus,s.p. s. p. s. p. tavensis, 3 chev- Johannes Malet, de Normanton, 1349,. a bend between three birds. .=j=Isabella T 16 Edward II. ^ u!es ~ Thomas^ 27 Ed. III. Robertas Malet, de Normanton, 5 R. II., fra ter Thomas. = Willielmus Mallet, 21 R. II. S. Rogeri Pictavensis annexutn cart® sine data—,. frcity ...... 18,011, fo. 192^, 1394, p, 242, 1415, fo. 2$b. 1420, fo. 172A 1571, fo. 153, 6070, fo. 240^. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1384/5 AND l6l2 336 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I^/j AND l 6 l 3 . MALLET, OF NORMANTON. Arms: a^ent^ marrietsksable. 2 * ^ rmme ’ Thomas Mallet.y.dau. of.Wandesford, of Kirklington. william Mallet.y.dau. to.Maleverer, of Wothersome. John Mallet, of N ormanton.y Alice, dau. to Lionel Copley, of Batley. William Mallet, of Normanton ,=j=.dau. to .Dyneley, of Manston. Roger Mallet, of=FAgnes, dau. to Normanton. Wm. Frost, of Aikton. William Mallet, 2nd=f Rosamond, darn to Peter son and heir male to I Mirfield, of Tonge. his nephew William. r William =pAgnes, da. John Mal-pAnne. dau. 2. Arthur mar Mallet, of Nor¬ manton, sans issue male. to J ohn Gascoigne, of Lasing- croft. ^le t, of Norman¬ ton,living I585- to W m Vavasour, of Spald- ington. Ann. dau. to ...Dyneley, of Swillington. 3. William. 4. Roger. T 1-1 * r „ Ann, wife to Fras. Jackson, of Sharleston. Dorothy, wife to Gilbert Hunt, of Carleton. Frances, wife of Charles Young, of Methley. William, set. 4, an. 1585. Dorothy. Ann. Elizabeth. Per me, Jo. Mallet. i8.oii, fo. 193. 1487, fo. 117^. I 394 i P- 243- J 4 I S» £°- 28 ^* I 4 2 °* fo - I 73 * 4630, p. 370. 1571, fo. 154* 6070, fo. 241. Agbriggand Morley. BRADFORD, OF STANLEY. Arms •—Quarterly, i and 4. Argent, a wolfs head erased between 3 bugle horns stringed sable, Bradford. 2 and 3. Argent, on a bend sable cotised 3 roses of the 1st, Amyas. Crest -—On a torce, argent and sable, a peacock’s head and neck couped proper, holding a serpent, argent. Brian Bradford, of Stanley, juxta Wakefield.=f« George Bradford, of Stanley.^.dau to.Mauleverer, of Wothersome. Brian Bradford, =fAlice, dau. and co-heir to .Amyas, of Stanley. r—m- 1. Brian, sans issue. 2. Thomas, sans issue. 4. William. of Horbury, juxta Wakefield. Elizabeth,=j=Robert Brad-=Dorothy. dau. to Anthony Thorney , of Thor¬ ney, co. Notts. ford, 3rd son and heir, now of Stanley, Esq., 1585. Robert, eldest son, 2. John, set. 22, an. 1585. Anne, sans issue. Isabel, wife of .Cornwall. Elizabeth, wife of Michael Carr, of Horbury. Grace, wife of Alveray Copley, of Batley Hall. Alice, wife of Nicholas Peck, of Topcliffe. Frances, wife of Giles Williamson, of Markham, nr.Tuxford, co. Line. {Notts.) dau. of John, Blewett, of co. Line. Robart Bradford. 18,011, fo. 1933. 1487, fo. 1150. 1394, p. 241. 1415, fo. 29. 1420, fo. 173^. 4630, p. 69. 1571, fo. 154. 6070, fo. 244. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 229. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l6l2. Agbrigg and Morley, YOUNG, OF METHLE7. Arms :—Argent, on a chief gules 3 lions rampant guardant or. Robert Saxton, Esq.=pDame Isabell Grey, of Longforth. Brian Saxton.;yCassandra, dau. of Sir John Darrell. William Saxton, slain at the battle=f=Katherine Thwaytes. Nicholas* Saxton, sans of Poictiers, in France. I issue, under age. John Saxton. =f=Christian Medcalfe. John Saxton, eldest son, was chamberlain Robert Saxton, heir=j=Marion Meringe. of York Minster, sans issue. to his brother. Richard Younge, bom=pAgnes, dau. in co. Stafford. . Radcliffe= Hue usque, ex verteri John Younge, son=j=Isabel, cousin and heir to and heir. Isabell, dau. to Charles=pAndrew Younge, son and heir=pMargery, dau. to Jackson, of Snydall. I of Methley, co. York. Beverley, of Selby. Charles Young,=j=Frances, dau. and of Methley,now living, 1585, living 1612. sole heir of Wm. Mallet, of Nor- manton, but re¬ leased. Andrew 2. John Yonge, Mercy, 4 wife Younge, of mar. to Dorothy, to Robert theWolde, dau. of... Beres- ford, of Stafford¬ shire 3 =|= living a 0 1585, now of Burn * William, set. John . 2, anno 1585, Ivg. 1612. Mercy, mar. to Boniface Savage, of Pomfret. 18,011, fo. 194A 1487, fo. 119^. 1394, p. 244. 1415, fo. 29. 1420, fo. 174^. 4630, p. 729. * 1571, fo. 155. 6070, fo. 242^. 328 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . North Pontefract. ELLIS, OF KIDDALL. Arms.—O r, on a cross sable 5 crescents argent. Crest :—On a torce, argent and sable, a maiden proper, crined or. William Ellis, of Kiddall. 1 x William Ellis, of Kiddall, Esq., mar. Margaret, dau. to .Vavasour, of the Wold, sans issue. Henry, Ellis,=fA.nn, dau. to sole heir to Gascoigne, his brother. Barnbow. of John Ellis, of Kiddall, Esq.,=pMary, dau. to Martin Anne, of Frickley. now living, 1585. John Ellis, : set. 2 years and a half, 1:585, now living , 1612. 1 Elizabeth, dau. 2. . . m-1 1 1 1— Nicholas. 7. Francis . of William 3. Martin. 8. Thomas. Plumpton , of 4. Henry. 9. Gervase. Plumpton. 5. Robert. 10. Sa?nuel. 6. Richard. Anne, eldest dau. -1-m Frances, Mercy, wife of Mary . Thomas Burley , of Ec- clesfield. Mary. .. 2tf' 7 A 1W Shield :-Quarterly^ ^t^cl ifiS Uh Paly^f ? a^ullets^ Richard Wentworth, of Bretton, and son to John Wentworth, of Elmsall. T Maude, Countess of Cambridge, 2nd dau, to Thomas, Lord Clifford. Richard Wentworth.ylsabell, dau. to Sir William Fi tzwiHiam, of Sprotboro'. John* Wentworth. Matthew Wentworth.yElizahcth, dau. to Sir Richard Woodroffe. Robert. Margaret, mar. to |ohn Burton, of Kinsley. Anne, mar. to. ... Brockelsby, of co. Line. Elizabeth, mar. to ...... Sir Thomas Wentworth, Kay ofW T oodsom v and, sans issue ; he mr. Isabel, 2ndly* to William Ar- dau. of Thomas Went* thington, of Castley. worth, of Elmsall Thomas W r entworth, of West Bretton, 2nd son and heir, mar. dau. of... Dyneley Beatrix, mar. to Arthur Kay, of Woodsome. 3 T Elizabeth, mar. to Bry an 3 Snawsell, of Billon. Isabel, mar. to Thomas Bur¬ den, of Bur- thwaite. q. Frances, mar. to ... Matthew =f Maude, dau. of 3 Lacv, of Suffolk. Wentworth, Sir William Anne, mar. to Robert of West Midelton, of Popelay,ofMorehou se. Bretton. j Stockeld. ^ Alice* mar. to Thos. Kerres- forth, of Kerresforth. Margaret Kay, mar . to Peter Freckeville y of Stave ley. =f John Kay. George Kay. Matthew Went-T=Dorothy, dau. to Richard Jane, wife to Wilham .. .rttf.., r’t,T-i-v. rnf Rocklev. of Rocklev. worth, of West Bretton, now living, 1585. Charles worth, of Totties, in the parish of Burton. _ _ Mary, Roekley, of Roekley. sans Elizabeth, wife to Marma- issue. duke 5 Monckton,of Cavell. Isabel, Paul wife of _Hamer- ton, of Monk- royd. 2. John Frecke- ville. Rosamond , wife to John , Lord Darcy. Sir Peter Freche- ville,kt. t a° 1G11. George Wentworth, 6 eldest son gfMary* dau. of John Ash- set. 10, 1585, living /d/2. | burnham^o/Ashbumham . Matthew. William. Robert. Michael. Gervase . Henry. -1 Mary . John. Ann , wife of Darcy Washington . H&»~ «. - —■ rWl - T thy \ Mary - fo r- ENT Z°Tong H s —- . 9 , * 1 JssEftfiss: •niMsasft sr- £ f '• KWWWRf * HHM VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND J ^ 12 - 335 Stanecross. POPELAY, OF MOREHOUSE. Arms :—Argent, on a bend cotised sable 3 eagles displayed of the 1st. Another Shield Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, &c., Popelay. 2 and 3. Argent, on a fesse between 3 crosses pat6e gules a lion passant or, Staynton. Thomas Popeley. ^Elizabeth, dau. and heir of.Staynton, of Woneley. John Popeley, of Morehouse.=r=Elizabeth, dau. and heir to Sir Robert* Nevill, of Leversedge. Robert Popeley ,~r-Anne, dau. to Thomas Went- Elizabeth, wife of Rosamond, wife of of Morehouse. worth of Wpct Rr#>ttr»n _ 7 6 .... worth, of West Bretton Harrison,of Heaton. Ed?nund Scar¬ lett, ofA llerton. JohnPopeley, : of More¬ house, now living, a 0 1585- ... , 1 1 1-1—1 =Ahce, dau. to 2. Francis. Elizabeth, wife of Isabel, wife of John Wm. Bates, of West Lathes, co. York. John Oliver. 2 Brooke, of Newhouse. Anne, wife of Hy. Mary, wife of Robert Nettleton. Green. 3 Robert Pope- 2. Francis. Elizabeth, eldest Ann z*wife of Robert Dorothy, wife ley, eldest 3. George. dau., mar. to Gowland. of Thomas , Gervase. Thomas Hall , of Jane, wife of Thomas Squire, of the city of York. Cutler , of Falhead, York. =j= co. York. ,f 77 . - —:—r son, aet. 12, anno 1585. William Hall. Mary. Frances. John Popelay. 18,011, fo. 199^. 1487, fo. 116. 1394, p. 251. 1415, fo. 30 b. 1420, fo. 1793. 4630, p. 457. 1571, fo. 158^. 6070, fo. 147^. * John, MS. 6070. 2 So in MS. 1487 ; but Oxon in MSS. 18,011, 6070,1571. 3 Married at Bristol, H. C. 4 Alice, H. C. Stanecross. KERRESFORTH, OF KERRESFORTH. Arma sic describuntur in ecclesia de Barnsley. Arms Quarterly. 1 and 4. Azure, 2 mill rinds in pale argent. 2 and 3. Argent, a fesse crdnellee sable between 3 butterflies gules. John Kerresforth of Kerresforth. =j=.dau. of . Bosvile, of Ardsley. 1--—^ Richard Ker-=j=Isabella, dau. to.Nor- John Kerresforth, =f... dau. of... Barker, resforth. manville, of Billingley. jim iverresionn,^-... aau. 01... Lsartzcr, ofWombwell. ofDore,co. Derby. * Thomas Kerres--=pAlice, dau. of forth, of Kerres¬ forth, now liv¬ ing, a<> 1585. Thomas Went¬ worth, of West Bretton. Elizabeth, wife of William Genger. Anne, wife of Wil¬ liam Mendley. Mary, wife of Gabriel. Richard Boone. Thomas. Muriel, wife to Richard Dyson. Thomas Kerres-=j=Mary, dau. to forth, set. an. 1585. 33 > Ralph Jenkin- son. 2. Robert Kerresforth, of the Isle of Ely, had a son Robert? Elizabeth. Agnes. Elizabeth, set. 4, an. 1585. Anne* John Kerresforth, of=r . dau. of Nicholas Cudworth, Kerresforth Hall? | of Westbrook Dale co. York? I-1-* Anne, and another dau. Thomas Kerresforth. 18,011, fo. 200 b. 1487, fo. 116A 1394, p. 252. 1415, fo. 30^. 1420, fo. 181. 4630, p. 336. 1571, fo. 159A 6070, ff. 147^, 148. See additional Pedigrees, and Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 2. 1 MSS. 6070, 1571. 2 MSS. 1571, 6070. 3 MS. 1571. j TT ir - ■ Stainckoss. BURDETT, OF DENBY. Arms Paly of 6 argent and sable, on a bend gules 3 martlets of the 1st, Adam Holland, or Hoy land, of High Hoy land, knt. — Maude ^ dau. of Gilbert de Notion, of Notion, co. York. 1 1 Cicely dau. of Adam=p William de Sir Robert de Holand,=F Joan, or Idonea, vvid. Robert de Dm by, Lord—Sibelf dau. of Stephen, de Holand. 1 Denby 1 of High HolandA of Sir John Byron.* of Denby, co. York ; son of Walter Helper- k*t. t 1247. _| ' ' ” J ” I l_ ~ Almaricns de Bur^yAgnes de temp , Rickard L 1 thorpe . 1 Dene by. 1 ham , knt$ del had in the righ t of the said Agnes, his wife, lands and securities in Skel- marthorpe , co. Line. 1 Sir Nicholas Burdett , of Rande, co. Line., knt., 32 Edward /., had the said lands in Skelmarthorpe 1 Margaret, dan, and heir.=j=Sir Robert de Denby, temp. K. fohn. Sir Nicholas Met-— Margaret, da\JL=F=Sir Robert Baliol, 2nd husband, descendedfrom the Baliots, and heir. Lord of Barnard Castle, in the bish&prick 1 Robert Burdett, hr a. to Sir Nicholasg 32 Edward Id Idonea, dau. and heir, had the manors of Denby and Nether Holland, by fines, temp. Ed. I. Aymer 3 Burdett. Isabel, dau. of. Langton, Baron of Newton, and Lord of Walton .* —Ralph Hyde, 2nd husband Nicholas, sine prole. Richard Burdett. y Joan, dau. of. Storpe,ofco. Worcester ..1 Robert Burdett=p...... dau. of Humphrey Bradboume, of Bradhourne, co, Derby. 1 Aymer® Burdett, 1 E. l\ r .=j=Anne ( dau, of Robert Nevill, of Levesedge, Esq,, as appeareth \ by indenture of marriage , 26 H. VI. A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 5 84 /jJ AND l6l2- Nicholas Burdett, living a» i^.yEIizabeth, dan. of Richard Wentworth, of West Breton. Richard Burdett. of Denby. co. York.^Elfcabeth, dau. of John Rockley, of Rockley. Henry Bur-^FEIizabeth, dau. dettj of Den- by f Esq., I g. 1585- to Henry Jack- son,. of Lon¬ don. 2. Richard BurdetL =jAnne, dau „ to . Peck of Royston. I of Wakefield, and widow to . Poge,ofNotting- \ hamshire. 1 J Richard Bur-=pMary, dau. to dett, eldest " ~~ son, Esq., 3. Nicholas. 4. John Burdett, had Thomas and John, l now living, 1612. Godfrey! vile, of Gun- th waite. I I 2. Ralph Burdett,mar. .. dau. to . Blackbome, and had a son, Henry, s, p. 3, Henry, s. p. I Maude, wife to John Moxon. Elizabeth, wife to Jocelyn Turner Mary, wife to Wm. Thwavtes, of Barnsley. _ mj Beatrix, mar. to John Blythe - man, s. pi Alice, s. p. Susan, s. p. - } Francis Burdett, =.dau, of Burdett, liv- to . ing 1585- Rockley"* Ji l 1. Aymer Burdett \ 3. George 2. Ralph Burdett, Burdett, mar. Barbara , dau. of Sir James Pol jambs,of Wal¬ ton, co. Derby. 1 mar.. dau. of.... Southwell, co. Wilis. 1 Sara, dau. and heir=j=George 9 Bur--.. dau. flf SwKKIWrf ad a-.** ^ of Edw. Browne\ of Creswick. „ ,- of dett, set. 4, . Ogden. i 5 8 S* 2 nd wfe. 1 2. Bosvile. 3. Richard . Dorothy, wife of Thomas Wheat- ley, of Woolley. Richard Burden, 2 years old, 1612. Mary. Mary , wife of Ed. Greene, of Caw- thom[and , 2 ndly, to - Ogden L, 1 1 Jane. Arabella, mar. to of Pontefract 1 Bullock, Henry Burdett. .« S'SSL ,?S\H f » »*• »s.^ •»«—.uAtac ,G ~ J | ---1______ < Aymer=pMaude,dau. of 2. Thomas Bur- dau, to RoJpr aL-I / , K M ^ Bar- I Thos>SavUe, dett, of Birth- | Went- Phfin* °w ' m ' to Eland, of Dorothy, mar, to H detr. ofExley. waite |t« J worth. P ‘ of^olley 6 ’ ®. i^head, ef Cheshire. fj l next page, 1 —-___ Wooiley. Graced Farley,ofPt ley. Elizabeth,? mar. to. 2 Clayton, of Clayton,.* § o m Cm YORKSHIRE IN I^8 4 /j AN d !6 l2. 33 8 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I5 8 4 1 $ AND l6l3> STANECROSS. BURDETT, OF , f the fi rst , a crescent A E M S :Pa.yof6 arge n t »dsa b .e,o„abe^^ g uUs3 CREST : On a tower argent a martlet with wings displayed or. Richard Burdett, of Denby.y x. AyraerBurdett. lands. Burdett, of Bur- thwaite, now liv., i 5 8 5 - dau to wife of cholas Savile, Robert Thomas son to Nicho- Rockley, Barnby, las, after to of Rock- of Barn- Thomas Barn- ley. by. by. Frances, wife of Mary, wife ofThos. Francis Wortley, Savile, son to Fsa and after to Nicholas, bro. to Francis Fol- Nicholas, pstea jambe, heir to Sir " Godirey. Jane, dau. of- Ranulph Bar¬ ton , of Smith- ells, co. Lane., Esq. {2nd wife). TrancisBurdett,- eldest son, set. 7, an. 1585, now living , 1612. ■Catherine, dau. to 2. Thomas. Edward Bough- ton , of Causion, co. Warwick (1st wife). 4 Robert Burdett ( < 2 .ndson)o.s.p .» mr. Elizabeth , dau. and heir of Stephen Skipwith, of St. Albans . 4 I Francis Burdett , — son and heir , living, 1612. Frances .« 2. Aymer, s.p 6 3. Robert . 6 Elizab eth, cet., 9 an° 1612. Isabel , &t. 8, and Dorothy , s.p. A Francys Burdett. flTsu rsyr, 5o,W' S Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. H C 2 Father MS 1415. 1 ms - ,4is> ^ i612 - ' Stanecrosse. BOSVILE) of GUNTHWAITE. muzzled ^ and^. Pafyof of^^1"'3 mullets of crescent for difference. __ ... ce. Godfrey Bosvile, of=fJane, dau. to John Hardwick, Gunthwaite. ' "f Hardwick, co. Derby. T of Hardwick, co. Derby. Frances, wife of John Savile, of New Hall. I Francis Bosvile, 1 of Gunthwaite, living 1585. -Dorothy, da. of Avery Copley, of Batley. Mary, wife ofRich. Burdett, son and heir to Henry Burdett,of Denby. Dorothy, wife to J no. Lacy, of Brearley. Grace, set. i month, in August ,* 1585. urace, set. 1 munm, m ... . f Sigillum Johannis Bosvile, de Newhall, annexum carts datae anno 15 H.VI.-5 fusills in tesse, in chief 3 bears’ heads erased .... Crest-On helm and mantle a lion s head. Francys Bossevile. 18,011, fo. 201 b. 1487, fo. 3183. 1415, fo. 31. 1420, fo. i 3 i£. 4630, p. 60 . *57* fo. 160 b. 6070, fo. 180. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MS. 6070. 34 ° VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 Stanecrosse. NEVILE, OF CHEVET. Arms --Quarterly 1 and 4. Argent, on a saltier gules a mullet or, over all a label of 3 P° !nts vert Nev.ll.‘ a Q Argent, 5 fusills in fesse gules, in chief 3 martlets sable, Bosv.lle. 3. Gules, a bend between 6 martlets or, Mountney. Crest :-On a torce, argent and azure, a bear’s head erased or, charged with 3 pellets and a label Crista concessa Johannis Nevill de Chyte in Com. Ebor. per Thomam Wriothesley, Garter, per literas patentes dat. anno 1513, 5 H. VIII. William Bosvile, of Chevet .-F.. dau. of . Bees ton, of Beeston. Sir John Nevile, : knt. = Elizabeth , dau. and co¬ heir of William Bos¬ vile, of Cheroet. Alice, 2nd dau. and co-heir of William Bosvile , wife to Robert Nevile, of Ragnail, co. Notts, Esq. Sir Henry Nevill, of Chevet,=j=Dorothy, dau. to Sir John son and heir < ' T 1 ^ vill, of Chevet,=FL>orotny, dau. tc r of Sir John. Dawnay, knt. Elizabeth , wife of Roger Rockley, of Rockley A G e r v a s e=j=Ann,dau.of Nevile, of C he vet, Esq., now livg., 1585. Thomas Green- halgh, of Teversall, co. Notts. 2. Francis^Prudence, Nevile. I dau. to George Water- house, of Harthill. Mary, wife to Edward 2 Draycott, son and heir to George Draycott, of Eddes- h a 11, c o. Staff. Elizabeth, wife of Richard Palmes, son to Nicholas, of Naburne. Frances, wife to Richard Palmes, son to William, a younger. to Naburne. Henry Nevile, set. 13 Ellen, da. and co-heir of Hercy an. 1585, liv. a° 1612. I Sandford , of Thorp Salveyn. Gervase, 4 years 2. He of age. 3- Col Francis Nevile , eldest son , at. 20, a 0 1612. I I 2. Gervase. 3. Roger. 4. Henry. Margaret. 5. Hercy. Mary. Sarah. Henrye Nevill, 1612. Jervis Nevill. 18, oit, fo. 202 b. 1487, fo. 384^. 1394. P- 2 55 - T 4 I 5 > f°- I 4 2 °> ^°* I ^ 2 ^' 4630, p. 424. 1571, fo. 1.61b. 6070, fo. 181. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 170, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MS. 6070. 2 MS. 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/^ AND l6l2. 34 * 1 * SAVILE, OF HOWLEY AND LUPSET. Arms: —Quarterly. 1. Argent, on a bend sable 3 owls of the 1st, Savile. 2. Argent, a fesse between 2 bars gemelles gules,. Thornhill. 3. Argent, a bend sable between a falcon rising in chief vert and a cross crosslet in base sable, Ryshworth. 4. Gules, a cross patee or, Golcak. 5. Gules, 2 bars between 9 martlets,l 3, 3, and 3, argent, Tankersley. 6. Argent, on a bend gules 3 escallops or, Eland. 7. Argent, a fesse between two bars gemelles sable, Potto. 8. a chevron between 3 bears’ heads couped sable, muzzled ermine, 9. Argent, 6 fleurs- de-lis 2 azure, a chief indented gules, Paston. Sir John Savile, of Hus worth ,=j= 1 1 Sir John Savile. ppAgnes, dau. of Sir Ralph Henry Savile.=f= :.-prt.gnes, uau. 01 oir Kaipn Radcliffe, of the Tane. T .., son and dau., s.p. Sir Thomas Savile. =j= Sir John Savile.=F Sir John Savile, of Newstead, knt.=Flsabel, dau. and heir of Thomas* Elland. Sirjohn- Sav He, knt ., el- T destson. 4 /^ Lane 4 yIsabella , dau. of Sir 2. Henry Savile,^Elizabeth, dau. Robert Rate life, of The Tower, co. of Thornhill , j. u. 4 and heir of SimonThorn- hill. Jane, mar. to John Wort- ley. 4 Sir Thomas Savile. = Margaret, dau. of Sir John Pilkington. 1 1 1 1 1 Sir John Savile, knt.lice, 5 dau. of Sir William 5 Gascoigne, ofGawthorpe. 3 daus. Anne, 1st mar. S i r =fJoane,dau~ Thomas =j=Margaret, Isabel, mar. to William. to John But- John ler, of co. S a - Lane., and, vile. 2ndly, to Sir Roger Hopton. of Sir Thomas Harring¬ ton. Savile, of Lup- sett. Alice, dau. = Sir Johnp=Elizabeth, dau. dau. of .Bas- forth. Oliver Mirfield, 2 ndly, to John Melton , of A ston . Elizabeth, Sir John Waterton. of Sir William Vernon, 2nd wife. Savile, and co-heir of Sir William Paston, 1st wife. Alice, mar. to Sir William Calverley. J ohn : Savile. Sir Henry=j=Elizabeth,dau. Savile. and heir of Thos. Sothill, she mar.2.ndly to Richard Gascoigne, of LasingcroftP Ann, mar. to Sir Henry Th waites, of Lounde, knt. Elizabeth, Sir T h omas Conyers, of Sock- bourne, &, 2ndly, to Thomas Sothill. 1 -Ann, dau. of Wm. Wyatt. Anne, mar. to Richard Dalton. Margaret, mar. to Thomas Wortley, Esq., and, 2ndly, to Richard Corbett. Henry = Savile. Joan, dau. and heir of Wm. Vernon, of Bar- rowby. Edward Dorothy, mar. Savile, to Ralph Bees - idiot. ton, of Bees - ion A .. widow of.Savile,=Sir George Sa- = Mary, dau. of of Wakefield, son of vile, of Barrow- George, Earl George, dau. of . by, co. Line., of Shrews- Ayscough, of co. Line. mar. 2 wives. bury. 18,011, fo. 203. 1487, ff. 467^ and 468. 1415. fo. 31. 1420, fo. 183. 4630, p. 527. 1571, fo. 162. 6070, fo. 348. See Tong’s Visitation, p. 79, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 So in MS. 1571; but 3, 2, and 3 in MSS. 1415, 18,011. 2 So in MS. 1571 ; but 3 fleurs in MSS. 18,011, 1415. 3 MSS. 6070, 1571. 4 Additional from MS. 18,011. 5 MS. €070. 6 Married to John Kay, of Woodsome, MS. 6070. 342 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Tickhill. DRAX, OF WOOD HALL. Arms Quarterly. 1. Checquy or and azure, on a chief gules 3 ostrich feathers issuant of the first Drax. 2. Quarterly, or and gules, a fesse counterchanged, a border vaire, FitzJohn. q Azure a lion rampant between 16 fleurs-de-lis argent, Falays. 4. Gules, on a chevron argent, between 3 eagles displayed or, as many cross crosslets sable, Barley. 5- Lozengy argent and gules, a label of 5 points azure, Fitzwilliam. 6. Gules, 3 mullets or, a canton ermine, Harrington. Crest On a torce, argent and azure, a demi dragon couped, wings displayed, or. Robert Drax, of Woodhall, Esq.yjoan, sister to Sir Henry Wyatt, of Kent, Knight. Henry , Thomas =j=Anne, dau. to Sir John s. p. 1 Drax, of Wood- hall. Nevile, of Chevet, living, a 0 1585 (living with Thos. Gregson, her 2nd hus- band, 1585 2 ). Isabel , wife of . Fisher , of London, and , 2 ndly, to . Loudon, of Kent , and had issue by 2nd husband .! 1 1 1 1 1 11 11.1 Thomas =j=Tane, dau. 2. Henry 3. Gervase, 7.Gamaliel 3 Drax, 1. Elizabeth, wife to Drax, of Wood- hall, Esq.,lg. a° 1585. to Sir Drax,mar. sans issue. William Eleanor, 4. John, a Daven- dau. and clerk, port, of co-heir of 5. Alexan- B room-Jno.Hyatt, der. hall, co. of county 6. Robert Chester. Hunts. (slaine in the Low Countries 2 ). Francis, s.p. Anne, set. 20, 1585. I Francis, s. p. mar. Isabel, dau. Edw. or William to John Midle- Pilkington. ton, of Midleton 2. Mary,wife of David Hall, in West- Shirebrook, doctor of physic, or ut alii Edwardi Seabrook. 3. Frances,sans issue, 4. Margaret, s. p. 5. Ursula, wife of Richard Greining- ham,of Norton Hol¬ land, co. Line. 6. Frances. 7. Bridget, wife of morland,thewid. toJohnMidelton, of Stockeld. =p Ann, s.p, George Layton, of co. Bucks, after to George Harrison, of Hansworth. 18,011, fo. 2033. 1487, fo. 3163. 1171, ff. 47, 53 3 . 1394, p. 256, 1415, fo. 313. 1420, ff. 1833, 207. 4630, p. 144. 1571, fo. 1623. 6070, fo. 150, and see Additional Pedigree, 1571, fo. 235. 1 MS. 1571. 2 MS. 1415. 3 Gabriel Drax.(?) GREENE, OF AWKELEY. Arms :—Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, on a fesse azure between 3 pellets, each charged with a lion’s head erased of the 1st, a griffin passant between 2 escallops or. 2. Ermine, 3 chevronels sable. 3. Ermine, on a bend sable 3 escallops argent. Crest :—A woodpecker vert, crested gules, pecking the trunk of a tree proper. Confirmatio armorum et consessio cristae per Wm. Flower, Norroy, per literas patentes dat. 1564, 22 Octobris, reg. Elizabethae a» 6. Thomas Greene,of Awkeley, co. Notts. =j=.. dau. of George Greene, =i=Elizabeth, 2. Nicholas. of Awkeley, now living, 1585. I dau. to ... Wilkes, born in the Isle of Ely. Clare, a dau., oet. 9, an. 1585. Ann,wife to Nicholas 1 Fulwood, of Don¬ caster. Clitheroe, of Awkeley. Dorothy, wife of Thomas Richardson, of Missen. Mary, wife of Robert Burt, of LanghalL Beatrix, un¬ married. i8,oii, fo. 208. 1487, fo. 325. 1394, p. 126. 1415, fo. 323. 1420, fo. 187. 1052, fo. 84. L900, fo. 385. 1571, fo. i 663 . 1 Richard, MS. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 343 Stanecrosse. ROCKLEY, OF ROCKLEY. Arms :— Argent, a /esse sable between 7 lozenges , 3 in chief and 4 in base, gules , Crest :—On a torce, argent and gules, a buck's head proper, attired or, Henry Rockley, of Rockley ,=\F ut alii of Saltkewayte. Robert Rockley. =j=Cicely. Robert Rockley .^Elizabeth, r Sir Robert 1 ^Elizabeth, dau. to Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, of Sprotborough Rockley. by Cromwell. Robert Rockley. == Sir Robert Rockley.=j=., dau. of Laurencfi Warren, of Poynton , 8 Cheshire. John Rockley. =j=Isabell, dau. of Jo. Meverell, of Throwley, co. Staff. SiJ Thomas Rockley. =j=Alice, dau. of Sir Roger Hop ton. 2. Janies. Roger Rockley, of—Isabel, dau. to Isabel, mar. to Katherine, Alexander Rockley,mr. Eliza- ,. s Mountney, Wilfrid Pig- mar. to Castleford. beth.da.ofSirJohn of Colley.— bourne.— Gules, Roger Nevile, of Chevet. Gules , a bend a chevron be- Amyas. _ between 6 tween ^fleurs- | martlets or. de-lis or. Robert Rockley, of Rockley. =j=Mary, dau. to Sir Wm. Fairfax. 2. Francis. William Rock-=r=Jane, dau. to 3 ley, of Rock¬ ley, Esq., now living, a° 1585. Francis, Elizabeth,wife 2. Th o ma s Margaret. Matthew sans issue. Wentworth, 4. Gervase. of West 5. Francis, Bretton. sans issue. to Francis Rockley, mr. Burdett, of Maudlyn, da. Burth waite. of Anthony Smyth. =j= I I I John, d. y. Frances, eldest Mary, aet. 10, dau., d. y. an. 1585. Richard Rockley, master of Edward, arts, and preacher at St. George’s, in Southwark, co. Surrey. William Rockley. 18,011, fo. 204. 1487, fo. 3 2 3 * T 7 *» fo * 43 - I 394 » P- 2 57 - I 4 I 5 » Jo- 3 2 - 1420, fo. 184. 1499. fo * 4 i. 4630, pp. 494 ^» 497 - iS 7 h Jo. 163. 6070, fo. 84. Ue Tong’s Visitation, p. 76, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 John, MS. 1415. 2 MS. 6070. 3 Baynton, MS. 6070. 344 Claro VAVASOUR, OF WESTON. Arms :—Or, a fesse dancettee sable, in chief 2 mullets of 6 points sable, jonn Vavasour, Seep. 236. ^Margaret, dau. of Sir Peter Midelton. William Vavasour, rector of BumsalL —-— Isabel, a nun. Richard. Robert. Thomas. J ohn Vava¬ sour, T Hellen, dau, of .... Beckwith. Henry Va-=., dau, of v as our. ..... Bunny. Agnes, mar. to John Beckwith, of Clint. Joan, mar. to Agnes, mar. to Wm. Bur- John Vavasour,^Elizabeth, dau. to John, Anastasia, 1 mar. Ralph Hutton. ton, of Ingmanthorpe, 17 E. IV. j Hy. I’hwaites. William. to.Norton. Katherine, mar. to Robert Wood. Percival Vava- Wiliiam. John Vavasour, of Weston=pCicely, dau. to Sir Henry. and Newton, son and heir. | John Norton, Ellen, mar. to Wm, Exilby. Margaret. Elizabeth. Henry. Robert. Elizabeth, a nun. Ann, mar. to Sir WalterCalverley. Bridget, dau. =fJohn Vavasour, =j=Agnes, dau, to Marmaduke Vavasour, of T to Sir Thos. Maleverer, of Allerton. r-1- MarmadukeVava- Thomas, sour, of Weston, sans mar, Jane, dau. issue, to Sir William M id e 11on, of Stockeld, =f= of Weston and Newton. Elizabeth, wife of ... Johnson, sans issue. Dorothy , wife of Thos.Kighley, of NewhalL Thomas, William,. John, all sans is- Wm.Calverley, of co. York. A caster, mar. Ann, dau. to Edward Saltmarsh, of Saltmarsh. — 1 Jenet, wife to John Wal¬ worth, of Raven tofte. Margaret, wife to Christo¬ pher Baynes. Frances, wife of An- Hagthorpe, of thony Fawkes, 2nd, of Thos. {Chester h Street, to Philip 3 Bain- Pulleyn, in -) Epalu. bridge, and, 3rdly, after to G r a c e, wife o f to Walter Pulleme, Peter Robt. Sotheby. of Scotton. Danby. Alice, da. to Richard=pWilliam Vavasoor, =i= Elizabeth , da, to SIr=FMargaret, da. to Waller Walsh, William, John Vavasour, of Bel - of Waltham lasts,co. Abbey, a» 1586, York* mr. Ann , dau. of Myles Par¬ tridge. 4 j=j= Paver, of Breame, 1st wife. 1—p w in mu , Of w. I 1585- Weston, lg. a 0 3 OU-pA Leonard Beckwith, | 2nd wife. 1 — of Shelsden, co. Warwick. 5 Nicholas. Francis. Dorothy. Margaret ~L MaugerVavasoui,^=Joan, dau. of Agnes, wife to John Pulleyn, of KillinghaU, eldest son. John Savile, after to Edmund Pilkington,® of co. Line* of Stanley. oriundus. William Vavasour/ aet. ^3P=^Mary, dau. to Francis Vaughan , of Weston, lg.Th\ 2 .. f of Sutton-upon-Derwent^ Esq. 3, William. —I—1— i. John. Ri ichard. M'auger Vavasour, son and heir, cel. 9, a° 1612. 2. Thomas. 3. John. Edmond. Frances, wife to Hy. Slings by, William, son Sc heir to Francis Slingsby, J ohn. of Scriven, Esq. Ann. Frances, wife to Edmond Clough, of Thorpe Stapleton . Maulger Vavasour. Mary, wife to. . Hamer ton. 18,011, fo. 205. 1487, ff. 410^411#. 1394, p, 25. 1415, fo. 32. 1420, ff, 54,121 h, 185. 4630, p. 648. 1571,11.49#, 163#, 164, 213. 6070, fo. 208. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Ann, MS. 1571. 2 MS. 1415. 3 MSS. 6070, 1571. 4 MS. 1571. & Worcester, MS. 1487. F Signed bis Pedigree 1612. SPerkinson, ofco. Line., MSS. 6070^ 1571. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN T584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 346 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 B4/5 AND l012 ‘ Tickiiill. DENMAN, OF NEW HALL. Arms :—Argent, 3 lions’ heads erased gules. Sir John BolUngbroke.yIsabel, dau. andheir John A yre.=j=M^^t.^^and hen to Sir John Rypars. T Eartram Bolingbroke, living 34 E. III.- j-Joan, dau. and heir of Jean Ayre, William Bolingbroke. y.. dau. to.Atvicars. William Denman, living 15 i?.//.-rJ oane * Elizabeth, wife of Si 1 John Bozon. John Denman. yjane, dau. to Henry Fauconberg, renupt . Thomas Bury. Thomas Denman.=j=Isabel, dau. to Hugh Hercy* John Denman .yKatherine, dau. to Sir Bryan Sandford John Denman.ylsabel, dau. to John Mountney, Esq. Elizabeth, dau. of Roger Eyre,=j=Nicholas Denman.=p.. dau. t>.Hercy. of Holme (1st wife). T r , |ll Ralph Den-=j=Elizabeth, dau. to Thos. William Denman, par- Frarcis, a Thomas. man. Wentworth, Esq. son, of Ordsall. prsst. N ich ol as=f=Ellen, dau. 2. Thomas Denman, of=p Alice, dau. of Uil- 3. Ralph. Denman, of Ralph London, mercer, mr . Ham Heneage , of 4, Brian. Beeston, Alice, widow of All- Ore co., Susxx, Esq. pooled i7id wife. 1st wife? J—n John Denman.^Rosamond, dau. Nicholas. 4 of Newhall Grange, lg. I585- and co-heir to Do rot hy, zvife 0 Wm. Bette, of Nicholas Bremer? Northampton. 3 Elizabeth, zvife of Wm. BradshawA Willicm^fAnn , dau. Denimn, of John of Lcn- Ravening, don A lived in co. BucksA William Denman, aet. 5, an. 1585. Frances. Margaret. Anne? zyears old , 1604. Sigillum Johis. de Bolingbrok, dat. 3 Ed. III. —Gules, on a chevron or,between 3 mullets argent, a mullet azure. Sigillum Thomse Denman, de Misperton, dat. ano 17 Hen. VI. —Argent, 3 lions’ heads erased gules. Johi> Denman. 18,011, fo. 2o6£. 1487,10.315^. 1394, p. 259. 1415, fo. 32. 1420,fo. 1853. I57 1 * fo. 165. 6070, fo. 843. 4630, p. 134. 1 Aspall, MS. 6070. 2 2nd wife, MS. 1571. 3 Nottinghamshire, MS. 1415 4 MS. 1571. PECK, OF WAKEFIELD. Arms:- -Quarterly. i and 4. Argent, on a chevron gules 3 crosses pat£e of the field. Peck. 3 buckles sable, Hesleden. 2 and 3. Gules, a cross patonc< 5 e or, on a chief of the 2nd Richard Peck, of Wakefield.=j=Margaret, dau. and heir to . Hesleden. Richard Peck. 2. John Peck, a lawyer.=T=Isabel, dau. of John Lacy. 3. Thomas. Thomas. Robert. Richard Peck.=j=Joan, dau. of John ,-pjoan, aau. 01 I Harrington. * Katherine, mar. to . Joan, mar. to Richard Scargill. Turton, ofTurton. Margaret, mar. to Norton. Isabell. Margaret. Richard Peck.=j=Alice, dau. of Sir William Midelton, knt., of Stockeld. She mar., 2ndly, to Peter Midelton. Joan. Elizabeth. Isabell. Elizabeth. John Peck =j=Joan, dau. of John Anne, of Frickley. Margaret. Anne. 5. Nicholas Peck^FAlice, dau.of 2. John. =-^ Richard of Topcliffe, co. York. 1 Brian Brad- 3. Thomas. Peck, of forth. 1 4. William. Wake- 6. Francis. field. =Ann, dau. to Sir Katherine,wifeofJohn Ann, wife to Dorothy, mar. to ffi John Hotham, Lake, of Norman ton. John Pegged William Rooke. Z ofScorborough. Margaret, wife of John of Notting- Elizabeth, eldest w Tayler. ham. dau. ^ Jasper. 1 John 1 John, s.p. Richard Peck, of Wake-=j=Katherine, dau. to Elizabeth, wife Mary, wife of Dorothy, wife of Richard 1 Dorothy 1 Thomas, s.p. field, now of Wilsick, Sir Wm. Vavasour, of Ralph Wm.^Reynolds. Mathew Leigh, of Nicholas. 1 Katherine, s.p. living 1585. of Haslewood. Vavasour. The Rodes. 1 Thomas Peck, eldest son,=r Cicely, dau. of George Met- set. 10, an. 1585. | calfe, of Swinethwaite 1 1-1---1-r Thomas, at. 8, 1611A Geoffrey. 1 Richard. 1 Francis. 1 Faith. 1 Philip 1 Catherine. 1 2. George. =pA nn, dau. of William 3. Francis. Elizabeth, wife of John Clayton, of Carbrook. 1 Draycott. 1 Richard Peke. 18,011, fo. 207. 1487, fo. 315. 1153, fo. 102 b. 1394, p. 39. 1415, fo. 323. 1420, fo. 186. 1499, fo. 423. 4630, p. 445. Egerton MS. 996, fo. 25 3 . 1571, fo. 1653. 6070, fo. 98. See Tong's Visitation, p. 81. l MS. 1571. 2 Hill, see Tong. 3 MSS. 1415 and 607a ’ • -V .. , -- 3+8 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . I . NORMANVILLE, OF BILLINGLEY. Arms Argent, on a fesse between 2 bars gemelles gules 3 fleurs-de-lis of the first, a martlet within an annulet for difference. r W Sir John Normanvill, of Kilnwick, knt.-r Sir Ralph Normanvill, of Little=f Agnes, dau. and heir to Sir Stephen Houghton, 12 Rich. II. I Walleys, of Little Houghton. Ralph Normanville, of Little Hough ton.=j= Sir John Normanville, eldest son. Richard Normanville, dwelt at=pjulian, Billingley, 4th son of Ralph. j—J UllcLU. 2. Robert. 3. Thomas. Edmond Normanville.=j=Agnes, dau. to John Frankes, of Warnerfeld. Robert Normanville. =y=Maude, dau. to John Barnby. Ralph Normanville.=|=Alice, dau. to Percival Amyas. Robert Normanville, son of- Ralph, was of Kilnwick on the Wold. dau. 2. John,a priest. 4. Hugh Nor—(-Adriana, d. ~TTT-n ■ _ r _„;ii„ tr\ Tonti to . 3. William, of manville, of Fairfax. London. Billingley. to John Pickering. ill | . Mill. 1 A1 . ■ Thomas. Ttomas =y=Margaret, 2. Thomas, Mary, wife Frances, Alice, wite Robert. John. Norman- ▼ill, of Billingley, now liv¬ ing, 1585- dau. to 3. William, of Thomas wife of of George Edward 4. John. Newmarch, Peter Bolton, of Hawley, 5. Hugh. ofWeltoti. 1 Boys,of . ki of Stod- Welt on, Holder- fold. co. York. nesse. Thomas, eldest son, set. 19, an. 1585. I I 2. William. 3. Henry. Frances, eldest dau. 1 i Elizabeth. Dorothy. Edith. By me, Thomas Normanvill. 18,011, fo. 207^. 1487, fo. 196. 1394, p. 127, 1415, fo. 32^. 1420, fo. 186 b. 1571, fo. 166. 6070, fo. 153^. IMS. 1571. VISITATION Strafforth. OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 l6l2. 349 WYRRALL, OF LOVERSALL. Arms :_ Argent, 2 Hons passant-guardant sable, on a chief of the last 3 coverel cups or. Crest On a torce, or and gules, a lion’s paw erased and erect sable, holding a overed cup or. Arma confirmata et crista concessa per Expofer Barker, als., Garter, per literas Rentes, datas ao 29 Henry VIII., 1537. Edmond Wirrall, of How ton, in co. Chester 1 =j= 7 0 ) m Wi rr all,=r .> dan. of Thomas Poole , Bryan Knott csford.-=Flsd)dl, dau. of of How ton. of'wirall, bowbearer of the forest A Thomas Wir-=f= Ursula, dau. of Sir rail A Wm.Dan iell, kn t . 1 William Wirrall,=f Jane, dau. of John _ i/,, nf T bowbearer of theX forest 1 of Utkin- ton, in co. Cest. 1 Or, 3 cinquefoils ^ohn Ashton, gules A Mid le ton. 1 AlanKnottes-=pBarbara, dau. ofjohn Warren, ford . 1 | of Poynton, co. Cest. 1 1- RichardKnottes-—Sara, dau of Sir John ford A Radclijf, of Ordsall, knt. 1 Richard Wirrall, bowbearer , of the forests Robert Wirrall ,-H of Howton. 1 I Jane, dau. of Edward Bostock, of Tatten- hall, Esq. 1 ■Griseld, da. of Thos. Wil- braham, of Woodhey. 1 ~^Z C 3. Th t ohn 1 1 homas 1 J 0 h n Knottes- ford. 1 Dorcas, dau. of Wm. Tatton,of Wit hens haw 1 John Wyrrall, of Lovers-=j= Margaret 1 dau. to all, co. York. | Hugh Wombwell. JohnKnottes-— .. dau. cf Hugh Choi- ford. 1 | mondeley, of co. Cest. 1 Thomas Knottes- =pjanc, diu. of Sir Ed. ford. 1 SavageofHarpole. 1 Hugh 2 Wyrrall, of Loversall. T =\- Beatrix, = dau. to Thomas W ent- worth,of Wood- house, 1st wife. 'Thos Wyrrall,= fF ranees, --Ann, dau. and Jane, da. ofjohn Wirrall, — Thomas Knottesford, heir to Philip re-mar. to . Holland, son and leir, o. s.p. 1 Knottesford. of Skawby, o. s.p. 1 ----(—|-j Anne, wife Dcrothy, wife to of Ralph Francis Cop- Westby. lqr, of Doncas- Elizabeth, t fo - 2 7 ^ O’ * 67 ’ 60 ^ 0 A f °* mss t.t c 1S7I 1487, 6070, but John in MS. 18,011. 3 MSS. >070and 1571. ^This 7 sir Hugh Wyrrall hath sould Levershall, and is become one of y« undertakes of Ulster, in Irdand, and hath wholie planted himself and his families. -Visitation 612 1241, Thomas Wirrall. fo. 161. 1394, p. 260. 1415, fo. 33. Additional MS., 14,314. ft. * 3 - I 57 I > 35 ° VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j) AND I ^ 12 * Strafford. WORMELEY, OF HATFIELD. Robert Wormeley, of Hatfield, -r- T Charles Wormeley, of Hatfield. -7- John Wormeley, =f Margaret, dau. of of Hatfield. y> ~J~ Hutchins. Sigillum Johannis de Wormeley, annexum cartae per quam dat. Thomae, filio suo, manerium in Haytfeld, dat. apud Haytfeld, ao 23 E. III.— Gules , 011 a chief indented argent 3 lions ram¬ pant azure. Cartae Rici. Wormeley de Hattefeld, dat. ao 46 E. III. S. Ricdi. de Wormeley. —Gules on a chief indented argent , 3 lions rampant azure , an annulet for difference. Symon Worme-=Anne, dau. 2. Christopher ley, of Hatfield, to .... Clax- Wormeley. now living, a 0 ton, of 1585. Bumhall. ^Elizabeth, dau. 3. Thomas Jane, wife to.Hogg, Wormeley, to Thos. of . near mr.Thoma- Mosley, Hull in Hoi- sine, dau. to merchant, demess. Nic. Waller, late sheriff of York. I .1 Edward, 3 years of age, a 0 1585. 2. Henry. Jane. Symon Wormley. 18,011, fo. 209. 1487, fo. 3253. 1394, p. 261. 1415, fo. 32 b. 1420, fo. 188, 1571, fo. 167 b. 6070, fo. ggb. See Dugdale’s Visitations, p. 211. Tyckhill. USSHER, OF FEATHERSTONE. Arms :—Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, 3 lions’ jambs erect and erased sable, a crescent gules. 2 and 3. Argent, on a bend sable 3 eagles’ heads erased of the first, Eaghill. John Ussher, of Featherstone.=j= I Robert Ussher, of Featherstone.=f=Alice, dau. to Richard Wentworth, of West Bretton. Robert Ussher, of=f=Joan, dau. to Thos. Isabel, wife of Wildbore, of Ark- Robt. Rogers, living, 1585. sey. of Bristol. Margaret, wife of Thos. Wroe, of Bretton. Matthew=j=Isabel, da. to 2. Thomas, Ussher, eldest son. Robert Gil- 1 e 11, of Thorpe Arch. mar. Anne, dau. to John Bore,of Don¬ caster. =j= I I I I I I I 3. William U ssher, mr. Anne, da. to Robt.Crawshaw, the Isle of Axholme. .11 11 Robert and John, sans Richard, bothclerks. Nicholas, sans issue. issue. Margaret. I I Robert,eldest 2. Mathew. Frances, eld- 1. Robert. son, aet. 17, an. 1585. 3. Thomas. 4. Cotton. 5. George. est dau. Elizabeth. Mary. Ursula. 2. Nicholas. Joan. John, Dorothy. sans issue. Joan. P. me, Robtus. Usshere. 18,011, fo. 209^. 1487, fo. 87. 1394, p. 262. 1415, fo. 33& 1420, fo. X88£. I 57 I » *68. 6070, fo. 100. See Additional Pedigrees. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 351 Tyckhull. POOLE, OF BAGLEY. Arms. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules , a lion rampant argent between 7 Jleurs-de-lis or. 2 and 3. Argent , a chevron sable between 3 stag's cabossedgules. 1 Sir Leonard Poole. =p . Denzill. =j= 1. Sir Giles 3. Henry Poole, 2. Matthew=pJulian, d. Ellinor, wf. Sir Williamdau Poole, that mr. Grz- Poole, of of co. seld, dau. of Saperton, Gloc.^ Edward, and co. Gloc., sister to after of Henry, Lo. of Dartm’th, Abergavenny co. Devon. 4.John Poole, r ■J lOC. ~-j -~ Henry. to _ Denzill, of co. Devon. of . Denzill, Hooke, treasurer 2nd to .... Holland, and 3rd to ... Smyth. X of the court of wards and liveries, sans issue. to . Barney, of Red- ham,co. Noriolk. Thomas Poole, of Bagley,=f=Anne, da. toThos. Browne, .. a dau., by ... Holland, co. York, living 1585. | of North Allerton. wife to . Tysen, of 1--—-1—■- — . Henry Poole, get. 10, a 0 1585. 18,011, fo. 210. 2. Denzill Poole. 3. Mathew. Julian, eldest Elizabeth. Kent, and had issue Sara. Thomas Poole. 1487, fo. 86£. i 394 > P- 263. 1415, fo. 33. 1420, fo. 189. 1571, fo. i68£. 6070, fo. 154. 1 MS. 1487. Strafford. RAWSON, OF BESACLE. Arms :—Per fesse sable and azure, a castle with 4 towers argent. Crest On a torce, or and sable, an eagle’s head erased sable, guttSe d’or, holding an annulet of the last. Robert Rawson, of Fryston.=f=Agnes, dau. to Thomas Meres .—Argent, I 3 bars undfr sable. Richard Rawson, =j=Cecilie, dau. to . Baildon. —Azure, a chevron between 3 trefoils of Fryston. I slipped argent, on a chief indented of the last 3 escallops sable. I- 1 James Rawson, =j=Mary, dau. to John More, of Whitkirk .—Argent, a chevron between 3 of Fryston. | fleurs-de-lis sa.from the chief a pile descending to the top of the chevron. 1- Henry Rawson, of Fryston.=r=Joan, dau. to Wm. Mallet, of Normanton. I -r - ---« James Rawson, of Fryston. =j=Elizabeth, dau. to Sir Brian Sand ford, of Thorpe Salvin. Elizabeth, wife of John Holmes, of Tickhill. Katherine, wife of Thomas 1 Twyer, of Tickhill. Avery Rawson, of=pJane, dau. to Wm. Holmes, Fryston. I James Rawson,- of Besacle, now lg., 1585. T of Kirby Overblows. Alice, wife of . Turton, of Wakefield. -Elizabeth, da. 2. John and 4. Christo- Christian, wf. of Dorothy, of.... Jakes, 3. Thomas, pher. FrancisArding- married of Bristol. sans issue. 5. Francis, ton, of Castley.2 unmar. "1 Francis Rawson, 2. Philip. Elizabeth, 2. Christian. 4. Barbara, get. 19, an. 1585. eldest da. 3. Dorothy. James Rawson. 18,011, fo. 2io£. 1487, fo. 8i£. 1394, p. 264. 1415, fo. 33 b. 1420, fo. 189^. 1571, fo. 169. 6070, fo. 96. 1 So in MS. 1415, but John in MS. 18,011. 2 MS. 1415. 2 MS. 1415. V - . r r s r ROKEBY, OF SANDALL. Ralph Rokeby, of Mortham.=f=Margaret, dau. and co-heir of Robert Dauby, of Yaffortb. Thomas Rokeby, of Mori ham* 2. John, doctor of the civil laws. Richard. 4. Ralph Rokeby, seijeant at the laws of Lincolns InUy about 6 Edward Vi - 1 f=Dorothy, dan. to Thomas Dauby. andhearto j no. Roke¬ by, of San- dall, 1st wife. Rokeby, of Skiers Hall, now lg-. 1 S 8 5 - EL» IS85- 1 ,u. ofWm. Feme, dan. to ter, lg. a® .... Gran- glas, dau. — -- tbam, of of Temple Belwood. co. Line., 4. John Rokeby, of Nether Skyers, mar. ...,dau. to .... Westby, of Ravenfield. and wife. co-heir to Hy. Rokeby, of Kirk San- dall, yr. bro. to John. Rokeby, of Kirk Sandall, mar. 2 wives. dau. to .... Feme, 2nd wife. Mill Grace, wife of George Mack- worth, of Rutland, 2 Frances, wife of John Fathom. Jane, wife of Robert Adwick. t Byard, of Thomas Roke-=j =Mary, da. of Wil by, of Skiers, aet.15, a° 1585. Ham Cartwright , r Ossington, co. T otts, 2. William. 4, Robert. 3. Ralph, ?nr. Priscilla, da. of . Lyon, of co. Line ., and had issue Mabel and Helen? 11 Dorothy y wtfe to Wm. Rokeby , of Hot ham? Jane. 1 1 1 Ralph, lane. Di Mary, promised to Wm. Pule- ston, of Adlington, co. Denbigh. —1 Margery, wife to Wm. Hedley, Vv*. ■orothy- ! of Snaith, Phillis, a dau. dau. Grace , dau. and heir, mar. to Conyers Darcy , son and heir of Sir Conyers Darcy , knt. f of Hornby Castle. R&. Rokeby. 18,011, fo. 2ir. 1487, fo. 228j, 1394. p. -5. ‘4*0. fo. 190. 4630, p. 504. l5 i. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 3 MS. 1487- 2 Co. Line™ 14S7* 3 MS. 607a c\ 3 A Strafpoed. WATERHOUSE, OF HALIFAX, BRAITHWELL, &c. John Waterhouse, son of Richard =Agnes; dau. to John Rishforth, of Coley HaJl. 1 --- -- ~ '■ 1 Robert Waterhouse. ^Sibcll, dau. and co-heir of Robert Savile, of Halifax, by the dau. of .Otes. John Water house ,=fJ ane, dau. and sole of Halifax and Shibden. heir to Thos. Bos- vile, of Conisbro’. 2. George Water-=r=Eufernia, dau. of house, o f j Richard Wilkin- HarthiU. son, of Bradford. 3. Gregory Water-=fMargaret, dau. of house, of Sy- J Nicholas Tempest, dall. of Bracewell. Rob e rt=Fjoan, da. Water- house, of Hali¬ fax, now livi ng, *585- ofThos. Water- ton, of Walton Half 2, Thomas Wat er- house, of Brait h- weli, Ig. 1585. He married Dorothy, dau. and sole heir of Thos. Vincent, ofBraith- welL=j= 4. Stephen, master of arts. 5. John. 6. Samuel* 7. David. 3. Philip, master of arts, and fellow of Univ.Col. Oxon. 1. M ary, mar* to Hy.Ever- ingham, of Birkin, 2. Grace, mar. to .... Low- tker 2 3. Susan, mar, fa . Gun- s ton* Sara, d. y. A tine, mar. to John Milner , of Pud sty 1* Robert, 3 JW(rrr. Grace, dau. of Jno. Milner , and kada son Maxiptilian, who mr.Ann , dau. and sole heir of Shef¬ field Savile 2 2. J ohn, mar. Ka theri n e Thwaites, of Kent, and had a da. Ursula. 2 3. Francis. Anne, mar. to Arthur Johnson, 2nd son to Sir Thos. Isabel, wife to John Malham. Prudence, mar. to... Nevile, of Chevet 2 EJiza-=i. Nicho- 2. Robert. beth. las. Sir Edward Waterhouse, son Vincent 7 Water-— Jane, dau. of Sir Thomas, and heir, of Leith, co. York, house, son and I Edmond Thorold , Edward. knt, mar. ...,dau.of ... Bar - heir, ofBrailh- of Hough, co . Line, her, of Ipswich, and d, s.p 2 well, of* 1612 , | Mary, eldest. Penelope, wife of Thomas Warriner ; 3. Jonas, mar „ Judith, dau. of Francis Hades, late justice of the Com . Pleas 2 4. Lewis, mar. Anne , dau. and sole heir of Hi chard Cosy it, ofA r av¬ ail Grange. 2 5. Richard. 6. Jerome^ 7. Toby. 8. Robert, d.y* ' 1 \ \ Susan. Sibel, & mr. to Henry Rayner, of Ad- walton . 2 Alice. Thomas Waterhouse, son and heir\ ml. 12, anna 1612. 3, David. 2. Robert, 4. Philip. 5. Vincent . Elizabeth. Thomas Watterhous. 18.011, ff. «j|m 1487. fo- 8 S - 1394, p. *6. 141S. (o. 33 * 1420, f<>. 190#. 4630. P- 667. i S 7 i. ff. , 7 o i. r 7 i. 6070, fo 125. Additions are from 16,011 and 6070. where see tunher. Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MS. 18,err. a MSS. 6070, r&.oxi. 3 Richard. MS. .487- ■« Gideon. MS. 1571. I MS. r 4 i S . 6 Isabel. MS. i SJ i. ] Signed his Pedigree in 161a. L VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1384/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Clje Cotone of ©oncatter. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/Lj AND l6l2. ^^5 Tyckhall. SKYRES, OF ALDERTHWAITE. Arms Argent, on a bend vert, between a lion rampant sable in chief and 3 pomeis in base, as many escallops of the first, a crescent for difference. John Skyres, of Skyres Hall .yAnn, dau. of . Frechville, of Stave ley, co. Derby. Nicholas Skyres, eldest son. = I Ralph Skyres, to whom his father, John, ; gave the lands in Alderthwaite. „ 1 11 R o g e r=y= Barnaby. T ., dau. to.Went¬ worth, of the Streete. Skvres. Edmond. Humphrey, John Skyres, =pElizabeth, dau. to ... Oke, eldest son, 2nd son. I of Eastwood, in the parish sans issue. of Rotherham. Bryan, who sold the lands of Skyres to Ser¬ jeant Rokeby, temp. 9 Mary. Thomas- Skyres, of Alder- thwait, now liv., 1585- -Agnes,dau. to Richard Parker, of Brampton Brierley. 1 1 2, William. 3. George. Beatrix, wife of Ralph Rawson,! after to Richard Wollaston. Anne. Elizabeth, wife of William Cutts, of the parish of Wentworth. I Thomas Skyres, oet. 13, : anno 1585, of Alder¬ thwaite, 1612. I -Mary, dau. of John West , of High Holland. Elizabeth, eldest dau. Mary. Margaret. William Skyres, cet. 12, 1612. 2. Thomas. 1 1 3. George. Elizabeth. Thomas Skyres. 18,011, fo. 213. 1487, fo. 89^. 1394, p. 268. 1415, fo. 34. 1420, p. 192 b. 1571, fo. 170. 6070, fo. 151A 1 La.vson, MS. 18,011. Tyckhall. WOODROVE, OF BOLTON-UPON-DEARNE. Arms Argent, a chevron between 3 crosses patde fitch< 5 e gules, a mullet for difference. Crest :—On a torce, argent and gules, “a woodcock proper.” Richard Woodrove, a 3rd son of the house of=j=Elizabeth, dau. to Thomas Clarell, of Hope, co. Derby, temp. E. IV. I Richard, eldest son. ji—|~ Tickhill. , John. : 3. Thomas. =j= 4. James. =f 1- I J o h n, = Christian sans Camor. issue. I William Wood¬ rove, son of Thomas. ~j— 4. james.-j- Elizabeth and Margaret, sans issue. J T Alice, dau. of Ralph Wentworth, of Has- land f ? Hoy land). R i c h a r d^FElizabeth Woodrove. I Hill. Robert Wood-=pMargaret, dau. of Robert U—j—- Tournam, of Tickhill. 1 1 1 John, Robert, and Joan, all sans issue. William Woodrove, of Bolt on-=Bridget, youngest dau. to William Sacheverell, of Stan- upon-Dearne, now living, 1585. ton, co. Derby, and widow to William Wilkinson. 18,011, fo. 213 b. 1487, fo. 82. 1394, p. 269. 1415, fo. 34. 1420, fo. 193. 1571, fo. 171A. 6070, fo. 92. , 1 I 356 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Tickhill. BOSVILE, OF WARMSWORTH. Arms :-Argent, 5 fusUls in fesse gules, in chief 3 mullets sable, a crescent for difference. Arthur Bosvile, 2nd son to . Bosvile, of New Hall. Robert Bosvile. = Emma, dau. and heir of John Vescy. William Barbour, of Doncaster. = I- I I | Robert Bosvile, =., dau. to Isabel, wife of Katherine, wife Alice, wife of ...... of Conisbro'. I . Serlby. ... Woodrove. of... Travers. Morton,ofBawtry. Thomas Bosvile, of Conisbro' .... dau. to ... Wortley. William St. Paul.-Isabel. _ 1 _! I 1- 1 -:-1 Thomas Bosvile, of Katherine, dau. of Isabell, wife of Ihomas Agnes, sans Doncaster, 2nd son, I William St. Paule. Bosvile, of Conisbro. issue. Thomas Bosvile, of Doncaster, = living 15 E. IV. Isabel, wife of Thomas Anston, sans issue. Thomas Bosvile. =.dau. to Frechville, of Oldcoates, co. Derby. L Tohn Bos-^pAlice, dau. Thomas. Jasper 1 1. Isabell,wife 3,]ane, ^Eleanor, J -i 1 . ITT !-»• 1 _ 1 J T> -r T 7 *__ tn ThnS. vile, eldest son. to... West, Richard, of Wath. Hugh. "Bosvile . of...Knoggs, wife of wifetoThos. = 2. Alice, wife . Bosvile, of I of.Guy. Oke. Rotheram. Jane, dau. =Thomas Bosvile,= Alice, dau. Anne, wife Thomas Bos-—Margaret, toNicholas ofWarmsworth, Cressy, of now living, a 0 Holme. 1585. of Thomas of Lawrence vile , of Vicars, of Harrison, of Braithwell, Scawsby. London. liv. 1612. dau. of ... Hunt , of Bramley Grange. I I I I. Gervase Bos-=pS#.M!72, dau. Gertrude. Thomas—Alice, dau. Margaret , Dorothy. vile, aet. 8, anno 1585, now liv. 1612. of Thomas IVormley, of Hatfield. Bosvile. of Ralph wife of Alice. Fretwell. Edward Fielding. 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 2. Edward. Thomas Bosvile , Jane. Elizabeth. Gertrude. Thomas Bosvile, at. cet. 5, anno 1612. Susan. Mary. dim. anno 1612. Gervase Rossevti.l. Thos. Bossevile. 18,011, fo. 214. 1487, fo. 320. 1394, p. 270. 1415, fo. 34. 1420, fo. 193^. 463°’ p. 64. 1571, fo. 172. 6070, fo. 178. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 276, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection, 1 Joseph, MS. 18,on. 2 Signed Pedigree 1585. TEMPEST, OF BRACEWELL AND TONG. Sir Richard Tempest, of BracewelL=f=...dau, and heir of Tristram Bolling. Sir Thomas, sans issue. . F I Sir John, sans Nicholas Tempest, 3rd son, heir to^Beatrix, dan. and heir to John issue. his elder brothers, 1 ’ Bradford, of co. York, i ' 1 H ell en ,=Ricfoard Tem-=Eiizabeth, 2. R o b e r t=j=Ann, dau. to 3. Tristram Tempest, ^ABce, dLau. 4. H e n r y=pE!len, dau, dau. to pest, of Erase- dau.toTlios. Tempest, of " 1 ’ ' " ' * * ' ’ ‘ ** * '** ' the Lord well, eldest son, Wentworth, Brace well, Scroope. sine prole. of Elmsall Esq., now (2nd wife). liv rj 1585. Bartholomew Pigott, of co. Oxon. of Brightwisle. 1 and heir to Alexander Methley. Tempest, of Tonga 1 Richard Tern- Anne, pest, a cet. ro, sans a° 1585. issue. John Tem-=FEltzabeth, pest, son dau. to and heir. . Skyres. and heir to Christphr. Mirfield, and had issue. 1 1 i r~n 2. Richard Tempest, of Hage* 3. Avery. 2. Robert and Richard^., dau. of mar. dau. of. 4. Francis. 3. John, sans Tern- Thos. Saviie, Atherton, of Harewood, and issue, pest, of of Thornhill, had a son, Cotton Tempest. 4. Walter. Tonge.* Thomas, eldest son. Richard Tempest, cet. 8, a 0 1585, Robert Tempest. 18,011, fo, 214& 1487, fo. rS2. 1394, pp. 232, 271. r 4 rs, ff. 28, 34 J. 1420, ff. 167J, 194. 4630, pp, 616, 622, 749, 752. 1571, ff. 148$, 149, 172 b. 6070, ff. 27^ 37, See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 319, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. I These two are also stated to be brothers, and not sons, of Nicholas. See page 319. 3 For Visitation Pedigree of 1613, see page 319, r VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 358 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Stafforth. SAVILE, OF WATH. Arms :—Quarterly, i and 4. Argent, on a bend sable 3 owls of the 1st. 2 and 3. Argent, 3 bars azure, in chief 3 mullets gules. To these arms wanteth the difference for a 3rd brother of the house of Newhall. Walterus Flandrensis dedit terras Abbathiae de Bolton, in .... Flandrensis. =f= Craven, sine dat. testes Adeliza de Rumely, et Adeliza, filiaejus. T Reinerius Flandrensis, nephew to Walter, confirmed 1 his gift to Bolton Abbey. T Johannes, fil. Rei nerii.=j = Reinerius Flandrensis. =p= _1 Johannes Flandrensis, Dns. deWath, 1321. =j= Sir Thomas Fleming. X Reiner Fleming. Sir John Fleming.=j= 1- x Sir Thomas Fleming. =p 1- 1 !John Fleming, 11 Henry IV.=i= I- 1 William Fleming, son and heir, 8 Henry VI. William Fleming, of Wath, co. York.=p n Reiner Fleming. Elizabeth, eldest dau., wife of Richard de Croston, in co. Lanc, : T I Roger de Croston. Thurstan Hall.=FElizabeth, youngest dau. and co-heir. Katherine Hall, eldest da. and co-heir, wife to Ralph Collinson, sans issue. Elizabeth Hall,=FHenry Savile, 3rd son youngest dau. and co-heir. to Nicholas Savile, of New HalL Henry, John Savile, of-r-Grace, dau. and co-heir of Richard Alice. Elizabeth, wife sans issue. Wath, now living, 1585. Charlesworth, ofTotties, within the liberty of Wakefield. toJ ohn Clay, of.. William, eldest Henry Savile,2 of=^Hester, dau, of Sir Matthew. George. Elizabeth, son. apt. Tfi.nn lA/nth Edwd. Ayscough, John. Francis. eldest. of co. Line. Thomas. Margaret. son,aet. 16, an. 1585, John, sans George West, of =joane, dap. to Thomas West,=Anne dau to William Femes ^ . ir:/«— w J i*?™ Anrttm. 2nd I Thos. Trigott, of Beeston, co. ( Bradbury, of the of Kirkby. Amberden Hally co. Essex. of Judge 3. William, had Hales. a son Edm und 1 Aughton, and son and heir. of Beeston, co. Notts. | H Bradbury, of the Peake. _-_ i W Dorothy dau. and Fine, wife of Nicholas John West, of Augh-=Ann. dau. to Total Winifred, da. of= William West ^Audrey, dateof rr.Fr wife of Htrey, of Newport ton, buried in Rut- \ More,ofChelsea, Adam Eyre, of of R o t her | ^ Fond, in Essex. co-heir, wife of Lyon WombwelL ton, buried in Rut land, at Tickencote 1 More, of Chelsea, near London. Adam Eyre, of Offerton (1st wife). of Rother¬ ham, n o w living, 1585. ~r~\ .. Mann (2nd wife). Goclfrcv West =. George. William West, = Caihtrint, dau. of Hr Z.Tho'mk Maigaret sm/r wife of God- Robert. Han of r an,, aet. 14. IS8S. I Edward Darcy, of the 3. Thurstan,- of Peter Freeh- frey Columbell. of Aughton, now living, 1585. dau. of ]ane L Thomas Anne. Rev ell. act. 14, 1585, living , a° 1612. Lathcrme y dau, oj dir z. inomdi, lutug^, ~~~ Edward Darcy, of the 3. Thurstan ? of Peter Freeh- frey Col umbel t. Privy Council (3rd son 4. George. ville,ofCarlton, Mary, wife of . of Sir Arthur i). 5. Gilbert. co. Notts. Bradbury. Ann, wife of...... Bradshaw. John West\ son and heir, cet. 7, a° 1612. Elisabeth. Catherine. Wm. Weste, 1612. Per W. West/ 17 apered. 1547, l 3 - l * L ji Ij j- 18,on, fo. 216. 14S7, ff. 88 , 88£. 1415, fo. 34^ 1394 * P- 273- I 4 2 °> P- S9 6 - 4^ p. 69?- *57** fo, * 73 ^ 6o 7°' fa 93* See Dug-dale's Visitation, pp. 292, 293, I MS. 1571. a Tristram, MS. 1.487. 3 jE t. 38 in 1585. MS. 1415- 4 Sir William Fitzwill am. H. C. CLx> Lr) VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 384/3 AND 16 * 2 , 36 o VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . ANNE, OF FRICKLEY. There is no record of this Pedigree in the Visitation of 1612. Arms: —Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, 3 bucks’ heads cabossed or. 2 and 3. Argent, on a bend sable 3 martlets of the 1st. Edmund * 1 Anne , of Bolton-upon-Swale, co. York .=f= Thomas 1 Anne , of Bolton-upon-Swale.—Jane , dau. of Thomas Riseam, of Kirby ___ | Fletham . _ j ‘ “ | Richard 1 Anne, of Bolton-upon-Swale.—Isabella, dau. of Thos. Brough, of Johnd- __| Hackforth. John!—Isabella, dau. of John Christopher. 1 Robert Har-=j=Margaret, dau. of Sir Anne. \ Mallory, of Studley, co. Henry. 1 ingell. I Wm.St. George, kt. 1- 1 York. Sir Wm. Anne^-p-Alice, dau. and co-heir Joan, mar. to Sir Elizabeth, mar. to Sir of Frickley. 2 of Robert Haringell. Hy. Gramary. John Fitzwilliam, of J_ _=j= Woodhall. John. Alexander Anne.^pAgnes, dau. of Sir Hy. Gramary. Ralph Anne.-pGrace, sister to Sir Richard Goldesborough. Thomas Anne. =f Elizabeth, dau. to Sir Richard Bosvile. Elizabeth. Alice. John Anne. = Katherine, dau. and co-heir of I Thos. Preston, of Hickleton. Margery. Elizabeth. Anne. Margery, d. ofHum-=John Anne, = Katherine, dau to phery Hercy, Esq. 1 - r - • — - A son, d. y. of Frick¬ ley. SirJ ohnHotham, of Scorborough, 2nd wife. INI Anne. Jane. Alice. Elizabeth. Joan =Sir Henry Gramary, knt. Elizabeth, mr. = M a r t i n =r to Robert Nevill, of Ragnell,co. Notts. Anne,of Frickley, had 2 Frances, d. to Ralph Aungier, of Red¬ ness, 2nd wife. John, d. y- 1. Christo- Dorothy, mr. pher, o. s. p. to John An- 3. Peter. laby, of Et- 4. Gabriel,m. ton. .dau. to Isabell, mr. to Ralph Aun- Bartholo- gier.andwd. mewTrigott, to William of Kirby. Scargill. Mm Joan, dau. and co-heir, mr. to Wm. Etton. Katherine, mar. to. Kirton. Elizabeth, mar. to Symon Sal¬ isbury. A VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 361 I George Anne, : of Frickley, Esq., now 1 g-, a° 1585 ob. 1620. : Margaret, dau. and sole heir to Rich.Fen- ton, of B u r g h- wallis. „ 1 1 2, Gervase. Elizabeth, m. to Francis Gascoigne, of Gawthorpe, and after to Marmaduke Tyrwhit. I I 2. Dorothy, mr. to John 3 Tyn¬ dall,of Brother- ton. 3. Jane, mar. to Ed. Grice, son to ... Grice, of Wakefield. 1 1 1 1 4. Mary, wife ofj no. Ell is, of Kiddall. 5. Alice, mar. /o Richd. Danby, of South Cave. 6. Agnes, wife of Francis Holmes, of Hampole. 7. Frances. Philip Anne,=f=Elten, dau. and co-heir to 2. George. aged 22, an. 1613. Hugh Sherborne , Esq. 3. Thomas. The other dau. was Kath- 4. John, crine , mar. to XVm. Alus- grave , son and heir to Sir Edward Musgrave, of Hayton Castle. = y= II I I I II I Mary, aet. half a Katherine. year, 1585, mr. Margaret, to Francis Con - Bridget. yers , of . Frances. Elizabeth , wife Jane, of Thomas Martha. Lepton. 1-r~ Jane. Mary. Richard. Michael. Edward Musgrave. George Anne. 18,011, fo. 2l6£. 1487, fo. 126^. 1394, p. 274. 1415, fo. 35. 1420, fo. 196^. 1499, fo. 22. 4630, p. 7. 1571, fo. 174. 6070, fo. 28. See Tong’s Visitation, p. 10, Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 285, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 These generations from MS. 2118. 2 MS. 1415 states that he married Agnes, dau. of Sir Henry Gramary- She, however, is also stated to have been married to his son Alexander, as above. 3 John, MS. 1571, 6070, 1415, and 1487, but Thomas in MS. 18,011. HOLMES, OF HAMPOLE. Arms :—Quarterly. 1 and 4. Sable, a lion rampant bendy argent and gules. 2 and 3. Argent, a cross gules fretty or. Arma confirmata et crista allocata Johannis Holmes, de North Mymes, in com. Hartford, per Thomam Howley, Clarenceux, per literas patentes. l 3 at. ao 5 Ed. 6. —John Holmes, mar. two wives. =f=.. dau. of. Bray ton. John Holmes, of North Mymes,=j=Frances, dau. to John Tyndall, co. Herts. Francis Holmes, ofi^Agnes, dau. of Brotherton. Hampole, co. York, gent., now living, a 0 1585- to Martin Anne, of Frickley. I I II 2. William. Joan, wife to Henry, Jane. 3. Leonard. 2nd son of Stephen Anne. Brome, of Wren- thorpe, Wakefield. Elizabeth, aet. half a year in 1585. 1 — Holmes. 18,011, fo. 217. 1487, fo. 187. 1415, fo. 34^. 1394, p. 275. 1420, fo. 197. 4630, p. 286. 1571, fo. 174b. 6070, p. 152. 1 MS. 14x5. -> | I l t | I ‘ 3-> 2 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN IjS-f/j ANU l(}12 ’ EYRE. OF KETTON. quarterly^^earand sable^spurTed^r^ct^rg^Ton'the^Kigh with a mullet charged with a mullet. A second shield bears :-x. Eyre. a. Padley. 3. Whittington. 4- Or, 3 magpyes proper. Nicholas Eyre, of Hope, had 4 sons.-p Robert Eyre, of Padley, 3rd son, who had n sons.= R.U Eyre, of Hof.e, §=“ Roger Eyre.—Elizabeth, dau. to Robert Barley, of Barley. phill P Eyre. Elizabeth, dau. to Ralph=Edward =Alice Purs - - ■ 1 ' ^— ton. 1 Reresby, of Thribergh, I Eyre, widow of J ohn Bosvile, of Newhall. Christopher Eyre, of Weston-upon- Trent. Michael. 2 I Anthony Eyre, = Elizabeth, dau. to German of Ketton. I Pole, of Radburne. Thomas Eyre, of Dunstan. Robert Eyre. Sir Gervase Eyre, of Newbald, co. Derby, and- Mary, dau. to George J ___.0r,rnvp r.n. of Ketton, co. York, now living, 1585, now living, 1612. Nevile, of Grove, co. Notts. 1 1 'a Edward. Vincent. Thomas. Ann, dau. of Sir=Anthony=Mary, dau. of Elizabeth MfeofThoj. 1 r _..7.7,. crvn 1/ MpdiIp Ricard. of Hatfield. John Markham, of Scdgebrook, co. Line. Eyre, son and heir. Henry Nevile, Ricard , of Hatfield, of Grave , 2 nd Barbara, wife of John wife. Frecheville. Jane, wife to Hardolph Wasteneys, of Headon, co. Notts. Gervase , cet. 13 1612. I > 2. John. 3. Francis. Robert. Mary. Isabell. Martha. Gervase Eyre, i3,oii, fo. 217^. 1487, fo. 458. 1394, p. 276. I 4 r 5 i f°* 35 * I 4 2 °i 1571, fo. 175. 6070, fo. 95A II Anthony. Margaret. 1612. fo. 197^ l Purslovv, MSS. 1415, 1571 ; Parslowe, MS. 6070. 2 MS. 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 303 Tyckhill. WESTBY, OF RAVENFIELD. Arms :—Quarterly. 1 and 4 . Argent, on a chevron azure 3 cinquefoils of the first, a crescent for difference. 2. Argent, on a chief indented gules 3 cross crosslets argent. 3. Or, 3 garbs vert. Crest :—On torce, argent and azure, a martlet sable, holding a stalk of barley vert, with 3 ears or. These be the arms and creast of John Westby, of Mowbreck, co. Lane. I, Somerset, delivered under my hand the single coate only, without the creast, and that with a difference of a 2nd brother, to Ralph Westby, of Ravenfield. Ralph Westby, of Leytonhall 1 and=., dau. and co-heir of Sir Westbythorpe in Craven. I Symon de OdingseUs. Ralph, 2 son and heir, died 2. Robert. 3. Henry Westby. =., dau. to Henry in his father’s lifetime. I Cripps. I Robert Westby.=.. dau. of Sir Richard Shirley. Henry Westby. =.. dau. of.Woodrove, of Woolley. Henry Westby. = Thomas Westby. =.. dau. of . Bcsvile. Robert Westby, of Ravenfield, als.=., dau, to William Wheatley, of Ranfeld. I Woolley. Robert Westby, of Ravenfield. = Isabella, dau, to Ralph Reresby, ofThribergh. Ralph Westby, son of Robert. =., dau. to John Arthington, of Arthington. Ralph Westby, of Ravenfield. = Ann, dau. to Hugh Wyrrall, of Loversall. Ralph Westby, 2. Thomas Westby, of Raven- Margaret, Margery, wife Barbara, of Ravenfield, field , mar. Faith , dau . of eldest toJn.Rokeby, Ellinor. now lg., 1585. Thos.Lane,of Bentley, 1612. dau. of Skiers. Bridget. Ralph Westbye. Thomas Westbye, 1612. 18,011, fo, 218. 1487, fo. 129*5. 1394, p. 277. 1415, fo. 35. 1420, fo. 198. 4630, p. 698. 1571, fo. 175*5. 6070, fo. 99. See Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 174, 278, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Now Lytham Hall, co. Lane. 2 MS. 1415. 364 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . METHAM, OF CADEBY. T George Metham, of Cadeby 1 ^Anne, dau. of John White 1 JanLs Metham,=j=Joane, dau. of . Cartwright, Anne, mar. to I a l s% Vicars. Gibson .1 of Cadeby. T Alexander Metham,=j=Katherine, dau. to of Cadeby, now living, 1585. Andrew Kellum, of Hickleton. Thomas 1 Mary , mar. to Henry Philip 1 Adamson , and , 2 ndly, Joane. 1 to Robert Forney. 1 Dorothy, wife of Thos. Jackson, of Cadeby. =7= _ | Metham Jackson, son and heir. Metham Jackson. Jane, wife of Wm. Heley. I Susan. Alexander Metham. 18,011, fo. 2i8£. 1487, fo. 209. 1394, p. 278. 1415, fo. 35^. 1420, fo. 198^ 1571, lo. 176. 6070, fo. 91 b. 1 MS. 6070. SERLBY, OF HARTHILL. Arms :—Gules, a cross sarcely argent, charged with 5 annulets sable, over all a bend compony or and azure. Hugh Serlby. = Thomas Serlby. =.. dau. to. Rokeby. William Serlby, of Hart-=Elizabeth, dau. to William hill, co. York. | Blyth, of Norton. 2. Nicholas. 3. Hugh. Anthony Serlby, = Gertrude, da. to of H arthill, now living, 1585* Ralph Leeke, of Hasland, co. Derby. Joice, wife of Robert Mandeyill, of Holme, co. Derby, infra dominium de Whit well. Isabell, wife of Anthony Cowper. Elizabeth. 1 1 Dorothy. Mary, wife of Robert Bedall, Esq. Francis, sans issue. By me, Anthony Serleby. 18,011, fo. 219. 1487, fo. 127A 1394, p. 279. 1415, fo. 35 b. 1420, fo. 199A 1571, fo. 176b. 6070, fo. 94. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 3^5 WOMBWELL, OF WOMBWELL. Arms :—Gules, a bend between 6 unicorns’ heads couped argent. Sigillum Hugonis de Wombwell, annexum cartae dat. anno 1404, anno 6 H. IV., per quam dat. Willielmo filio suo terras quae nuper fuerunt Thomae de Wombewell, fratris sui. Hugh Wombwell, of Wombwell, a° 1404.= Thomas Wombwell. = _I John Wombwell, a 0 1452.= Thomas Wombwell = Roger Womb-= well. i 1 3. John Wombwell; of him and 2. Hugh Womb-: his issue see in the Visitation well. - of Kent. =-^ Henry Wombwell. = William Wombwell, = Henry Wombwell. = I • Nicholas Wombwell. Thomas Wombwell, of Wombwell, Esq., = Frances, dau. to Sir John Wentworth, now living, 1585, J.P. I of Elmsall. Mary , dau. — William Wombwell, eldest = Olive , dau. of ~ ^ Wm. Burnell, of Winkborne (3rd wife). and heir of . Rockley ( 2nd wife). IT son, set. 20, an. 1585, of Blacker , son and heir , living 1612, mar., 1st, Ann, dau. of John Savile ; she died o. s. p. ,Un M 3. Cotton. 4. Woodrove. 5. Francis. Appleton, a dau . Mary. Darcy and Gervase , 0. s p. William, 3rd son and heir, 1612. Thomas. , dau. John Wombwell. 1 Appleton Wombwell. 1 18,011, fo. 2193. 1487, fo. 3053. 1394, p. 280. 1415, fo. 35 b. 1420, fo. 200*. 4630, p. 714. 1571, fo. 177b. 6070, fo. 8 9 3. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 180, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Signed the Pedigree at the Visitation of 1612. 366 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . WOMBWELL, OF SIVERCLIFF. Arms •_Quarterly. i and 4. Gules, a bend between 6 unicorns heads couped argent, a crescent for difference, Wombwell. 2 and 3. Argent, on a chevron between 3 rooks proper, beaked and membred azure, as many mullets of the 1st. Henricus La well de Wombwell superstites, ao 1356.1 Hugh Wombwell, 2nd son to Thomas, brother to Roger. = Henry Wombwell. =.dau. and heir of Thomas 2 Rokeby, of Sivercliff. Nicholas Wombwell, of = Isabel, dau. to Thomas Wentworth, of Wentworth Sivercliff. 1 Woodhouse. Thomas Wombwell, = Isabel, dau. to Richard Nicholas Womb-=Elizabeth, dau. to . of Sivercliffe, now living, a° 1585. Ardington, of Ard- well, of Tickhill, ington. living a 0 1585. Rolston, widow to Nicholas Maleverer, _of Let well. Barbara, wife of Isabel, wife to Margaret, wife Julian, Elizabeth, mar. to Nicholas Shier- Francis Stringer to Nicholas s. p. Nicholas Maleverer, cliff, of Eccles- (to him he gave Wadsworth. a younger brother Greaseborough 3 ). of Letwell . 3 field (to him he gave Sivercliff 3 ). Tho. Wombwell. 18,011, fo. 220. 1487, fo. 306. 1394, p. 281. 1415, fo. 35<£* 1420, fo. 200 b. 1571, fo. 177. 4630, p. 714. 6070, fo. 90. See the Pedigree at large in my York¬ shire Collection. IMS. 18,011, fo. 213. 2 Henry, MS. 6070. 3 MS. 1415. WILKINSON, OF BOLTON. Arms :—Gules, a fesse vaire, in chief a unicorn passant between 2 mullets in fesse or, all within a border engrailed of the last, entoyre of pellets. Crest :—On a torce, argent and gules, a fox’s head per pale, vert and or, holding in its mouth a wing argent. Confirmatio amorum et concessio novae cristae Willmo. Wilkinson per W. Flower, Norroy, per literas patentes. Dat. 1564, 13 die Septembris, an» sexto Reginae Elizabethae. Roger Wilkinson, of Barnsley. = John Wilkinson. = Elizabeth, dau. to John Snell, of Rotheram. William Wilkinson, of Bolton-=Bridget, dau. to William Sacheverell, upon-Deame. I of Hemshall, co. Derby. Francis Wilkinson, of Bolton, and of Hickleton, 2.. Patrick. 3. John. Elena, now living, 1585. Francis Wilkinson. 18,011, fo. 220/;. 1487, fo. 130. 1394, p. 282, 1415, fo. 35<£. 1420, fo. 201A i 57 * i j fo- i7 8 - 6070, fo. 28A See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 255. SALVEYN, OF NEWfilGGIN. Arms :—Quarterly, i and 4. Argent, on a chief sable a mullets or, Salve vn, a and 3. Or, a bend sable. Mauley.* De Malolacu , Peter, the soth of that name, a Baron of— Muriel^ dau. of Gerard Salveyn, was married to Borugh, and Lord of Malolacu! 1 Sir fokn Salven , kntP —Elizabeth , 2 nddau. and co-heir 3 Robert Rokeby, of Macefield, in Richmondshire. Constance ; co-heir, wife of Sir Francis Bygod\ by whom ke had Moulgrave „ a Sir John Saiveyne, of Newbiggin. =., dau. of ..Grey, of Heaton, co. Northumberland. Robert. Thomas Salveyn.—Mary, dau. to Thomas, Baron of | Greystock. Anne, wife of Sir William Hussey ; hit., brother to the first Lord Hussey . Elizabeth. , 2nd wife* — Sir Ralph* Saiveyne, knt. = Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Hugh Hastings, of Fenwick, knt. George Saiveyne.=Margaret, dau. of Sir William Bulmer. John. Sir Francis Salveyn, knt. = Margaret, dau. of Sir Ralph Evers. 2. Mathew. Anne, mar. to William Daniel, of Beswick, Margery. 3. William. 4. John. 5. Edward. 2. William. Dorothy , dau. of—% ir Ralph Salveyn, = Jane, dan. of Anne, mar. to Frances, mar. to Mary, mar, to Francis Elizabeth. 3. John. Roger Tocketts, ofTocketts {2nd wife). knt., son and heir, lived a° 1583, of Newbiggin. Sir William* John Thorn- Cholmeley, holme, of kt. Haysthorpe. George, 3rd son of Coppindale, Sir Nicholas Fair- Howsam. fax, of Walton. of Joane . 2. Francis, 1612. Isabella , dau . of= Ralph Salveyn , son = Elinor, dau. of Thos. Mary, wife Ann , wife Elisabeth, Margaret, wife fane, wife of Den- Robt.RoospfCaw- j and heir , of New- I Dutton , of Sher- of Richard of Thos. wife of "fas. of Christopher nis Bainbridge. ton, co, York. 3 biggin, tvng. ,1612. | borne, co. Glouc 3 Pout ton. Cooke . Dawson, Thackray. 4. John . - Dorothy 3 5. George 3 Frances 3 Mary 3 Jane 3 Ellen. 3 William Salveyn. —Dorothy, dau. of John Girlingion , of Thurland Castle, co. Lane, (isl wife). 2. Ralph. 3, Thomas. FrancisP Ralph , s. p. s Christian , 8 Ralfb Milnes, for my Mr., Mr. Ralfe Salveine. 7 18,011, fo. 218& EllenJ* Anne, (wife of Gervase Hammond, of Scar- thing well, co. York 2 J. 1487, fo. 125^. 1093, fo. 25. 1415, fo. 35^. 1430, fo. 199. 1499. fo. 250. 1537. fo. 31&. 4630, p, 1571, fo. 176070, fo. 13^. See Tong’s Visitation, p. 23, and Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 96. 511. 6592, fo. 24. 1 ^ Gules, 3 errai * e ' OTer al1 a b< r nd or> MS I 4®7- 2 S. I 57 1 - 3 Margaret, MS. 141 v 4 MS. 1415. 3 Robert, M S. iS.oir. Rcchard, MS. 157 1 * 7 Signed the Pedigree at the Visitation of 1612. 3 Not in Visitation of 1612, which only states their then issue as “one daughter a year old, 1612. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^4/5 AND J ^ 12 - BOSVILE, OF NEW HALL. Amies dau. to Sir Henry =Thomas Bosvile, of New-=Elizabeth, dau. to Robt. Nevill ^ i t _n _ r\f Panmoll onrl OrnvP lore Sutton, of Averham. hall, mar.dau, to .Gririall, of co. Nor¬ folk 1 (2nd wife). of Ragnall and Grove (3rd wif e),mar., zndly, to Martin Anne? Margaret, Barbara, wife Lucy, wife of. J ohn, Gervase Bos-—E1 i z abe th, or TYTo- Mnnomall. eldest vile, of New- Edith , dau. wife of... of John Me- Mangnall. eldest vile, of New- Fletcher. ring. Ellen, wife of. son, sine hall, Esq., Elizabeth. Whichcote. prole. liv. a<> 1585. Edith , dau. of Hugh Wyrrall, of Loversall. Thomas, set. 23, an 1585. Jane, wife of William Broxholme, of co. Line. Anne, wife of Henry Savile, of Wakefield. Elizabeth. Thus. Bossevill. 18,011, fo. 221. 1487, fo. 318. 1394. PP- 283. 287. i4 I 5» f°; 35 ^- i4 2 °» 202 b, 207. 4630, p. 52. 1571. fo 179. 6070, fo. 178. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Notts, MS. 1487. 2 MSS. 1571, 6070. VAVASOUR, OF DENBY. Arms :—Sable, on a fesse dancettde or an escallop (argent!). Clamat portare arma de Powre, in 2 do loco, 1. Bray ton ; 3. Scauresby ; 4. Hartley. 1 William Vavasour, = Elizabeth , 2 dau. and heir to Geoffrey ob. 4 Hen. VIII. I Hartley, of West Halton, co. Line. Thomas Vavasour, of=Margaret, dau. to . John. Ellen. Elizabeth. Denby, ob, 22 Hen.VIII. I Wombwell, of Womb well. Roger Vavasour, of Denby, aet. i6=Elien, dau. to Thomas an. ad morte patris. I Reresby, of Thribergh. Thomas 2. William, Vavasour, liv. 1585. of Denby, ao 1585. 3. Laurence, Bridget, wife of Isabel, wife of Robert mar. ...,dau, Thomas Greaves, Fowler, of Wingfield, of Stephen of Tickhill. co. Derby. Cattail. Ursula, wife of Anne, wife of Edmond = Laurence Hick, Cowper, of West Hal- of Wombwell. ton, co. Line. John. Thomas. WMam. Edward. 8 William Vavasour. l8,OII, fo. 22l£. I487, fo. 436. I41S, fo. 36. 1394, p, 284. 1415, fO. 36. 1420, fo. 203^. 4630, p. 653. 1571, fo. 179^. 6070, fo. 207. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MS. 1415. 2 MS. 6070. 3 Edmond, MS. 1487. Claro, John =Mary J Golde s- dau. of borough. ... At¬ kinson. borough, mar. Alice, dau. of Thos. Pythen, of Trumpington, co. Camb. 3. John Goldesborough, of.. mar. Elizabeth, dau, of Robert Hall* of Ore, in Sussex. GOLDESBOROUGH, OF GOLDE S BOROUGH. Arms:—Q uarterly. 1 and 4. Azure, a cross patoncee argent, aand 3. Argent, 3 chevrons, that in chief brisd, sable, Richard Goldesborough, of Goldesborough. = r .Thomas. 1 3. Edward Gob— . John. desborough. * j . Pei Richard Goldesborough.=Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Richard Norton? Richard Goldes-=Elizabeth, dau. of Elizabeth, mar. to.Scar- Maude, mar. to -1—1- 6, George. 7. Nicholas. n borough, of Gol¬ desborough. Sir Hy. Vavasour, of Hasehvood. borough, of Craven, and, sndly, to Robert Redman. Hy.Ardington, of Ardington* 1-1 1 1 Edward, ser- Jane, Anne, geant - at - and Alice, arms, sans all 3 nuns, issue. Richard Go!-=Anne, dau, George, youngest son, Jannet,m., rst, to Stephen Holme, I ^ _ r>* III- - A 1 V. 41 T 11 T O-i till rt-m # rh. desborough, of Goldes- boro', Esq. toSirWm. Ingleby, knt. mr. sister to Albany Fetherstonhaugh, of Fetherstonhaugh. = of Pauli Holme, 2nd, to ... Saw- mondby, 3rd, to Rick. A Iretk, 4th, to a younger bro. of ...Wimbishe, 1. Thomas Goldes- Judith, da.=Godfrey Goldesborough, 2nd son,=Abigail, Thom as ~] ane, da. Jane. 1 __ dll.? —iT hPl* a J a R imL ah aC iTl < njin# Qii» mil /Irtll 1 /J ^ f A "* I ""111 . "of Thos. made bishop of Gloucester, a" dau. of Goldes- Wilson, 1598, mar., 3rdly, Hester, dau. Henry borough, deane of of ... Mitchell/of Gloucester, Pope, of Gol- Rochester, rst roar, to John Brownie, 2nd, ah. Me- desboro’, and of Do- to John Webbe, both citizens kop, of Esq. rothy, da. of Gloucester, and, 3rdly, to London. of .. Godfrey Goldesborough. Banyster. William =Ann, dau. to Richard Gob—Elizabeth, 3. Ralph. Goldes¬ borough, died be¬ fore his father. Peterblings- by, a and brother of the house of Scriven. desborough of Goldes¬ borough, heir to his father, now lg.» 1385, dau. to Hen. John¬ son, of Wal¬ ton Hall. -rn— 1 ---7" Eleanor, wife of . Aldborough, of Aldborough. 2. Anne. 3. Joan, sans issue. Jane, da. Jane. Richard - 77 ^ 3. Peter, to Thos. Goldes¬ sans iss. Boyn¬ borough, 2. Edward ton, of of Essex, Goldes¬ Acklam. borough, of Pot¬ ter ham- worth, co. Line. 4. Elizabeth, i, Richard, Charles, died young. livg. 1585. eldest 5. Cicely,wife to 2. Anthony. son, set. John Emmott, of co. Lane. 3. Robert. so, 1583* Ann, the only dau., mar. to Edmond Kighley, of Ltii issue. Susan, eldest daughter, Jane. Elizabeth. joane. Newhall, near Otley, co. York, and hath issue. set. 9, an. 1585. Ryc. GoldeSBURGHE. 18,011, fo. 222. 1487, fo. 135. 1394, p. 285. 1415, fo, 36. 1420, ff. 204A, 205, 4630, p.238. 1571, fo. 180, 6070, fo, 133. 1 James, MS. 1487. 3 The descents from this marriage are not from the Visitation of 1585, but additiona], and from MS. 18,011. 3 Additional. Oo VO VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND I <51 ^. 370 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 I WESTHROPPE, OF CORNEBURGH. Arms: —Quarterly, i and 4. Sable, a lion rampant ermine, crowned or, Westroppe. 2 and 3. Argent, on a fesse gules, between 3 popinjays vert, collared gules, as many escallops of the first, Thwenge. Crest :—An eagle’s head couped e mine, beaked or, langued gules. John Thwenge, to whom Marmaduke, his brother, gave the manor of^p Corneburgh, co. York. Edmond Thwenge, of Corneburgh.=j= John Thwenge, of Corneburgh =j= Marmaduke Thwenge. = Alice, mar. to John = Wawton. 1 Jane, was mar. to~ John Westhroppe. I William Thwenge. = John Wawton, son = of John and Alice. I William Westhroppe, of Brump-— ton, in Pickering Lyth. Agnes, mar. to Thomas Witham, son to Robert, but had no issue, so that her inheritance went to her great- aunts. She died seised of lands in So ihborne, 11 Henry VII. I Matheus Wytham, alter consanguini- arum et haeredum predictae Agnetis Witham, aet. 23 an. ad mortem dictae Agnetis. Margaretta, filia Juetta, alterai et haeresjohannis filiarum et Wawton et con- hseredum sanguinia et predicti Jo- haeres. hannis. =f= _ I Christo- = pher Wes throppe. R i chard W esthroppe, consanguineus=F J oane, et haeres dictae Agnetis Witham, aetatis 40 an. sister to ... George Westhroppe. = _I Ralph Westhroppe. = Hugh Westhroppe, of Corneburgh. = Jane, dau. to John Sayer, of Worsall, co. York. James Westhroppe, = Elizabeth, dau. to Chr. Lepton, of Corneburgh. I of Kepwick, co. York. 2. Thomas. Agnes. 3. Ralph, lg. 1585. Ralph, eldest William, 2nd son & heir, Agnes, wife Elizabeth, Tsabell, wife to Johi son, sans nowlv., aet. 14, a° 1585, ofRichard wife of Giffardson. lssue * infra aetatem, et in cus- Askwith. John Jane, wife to todia Dnae. Reginae. Lacon. Wasse. The + mark of Raufe Westhropp, 3rd sonne of Hughe. 18,011, fo. 223. 1487, if. 1313, 1443. 1394, pp. 6 b, 177. 1415, ff. 18, 36. 1420, ff. 132, 200, 206. 1571, fo. i8i 3. 6070, ff. 79 b, 91. 1 The descents from this marriage are not from the Visitation of 1585, but additional from MS. 18,011. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 37 1 JENKIN, OF YORK AND GREAT BUSBY. Arms :—Or, a lion rampant regardant sable. Impaling argent, a chevron between 3 escallops gules, a crescent for differenced Crest :—On a mural crown sable a lion passant regardant ord Jenkens, usually written Genkyns. Philip Jobn, of St. Melans, co. Mon-=j=Jowan, dau. to Llyson, ap IJyson, mouth, in Wales. ap Yevan, ap Llison, ap Rees. Jenkvn, ap Philipp, of St. Melans. T : Alice, sister of Sir Wm. ThomasP- dau. to Thomas, ap Yevan, ap Howell, ap Griffith. John Jenkyn, of the city of^Margaret, dau. York, Esq., receiver- general of the county of York, now living, I585- to George Curron, 2 citi¬ zen of Lon¬ don. William Tankard,- Esq. -Grace, sole dau. and heir of Wil¬ liam Danby , of Langton , co. York. 1 1 1 2. Thomas, 3. Matthew. 4. Ralph. 5. William. Mary, eldest da., Margaret, Sir Henry Jen-=j=Doro thy, 7, John. wife to Thos. Scudamore , Esq ., receiver of York. wife to William R obin- kyn, kt., son and heir of Busby,co. York , 7612, set. 16 an. 1585. dau. and heir of William Tankard. 2. Toby. William, cet. 6, 1612. Ann. Dorothy. This witnessed by me, Thomas Scudamore, 1585. 18,011, fo. 222 b. 1487, ff. 1243, 4253, 1394, p. 22. 1415, fo. 36. 1420, fo. 2053. 1571, fo. i 8 o 3 . 6070, fo. 27. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 363. 1 MS. 1487, fo. 4253. 2 Carrance, Dugdale. IIARGILL, OF CLEMENTHORPE. Arms :—Gules, 3 mullets or, a canton ermine. Crest :—A lion’s head couped or, issuant from a mural crown gules. These armes and creast graunted by pattent to Wm. Hargill, underwritten by Sir Gilbert Dethick, knt., als. Garter, principall king of armes. William Hargill, of Clementhorpe, within = Elizabeth, dau. to Thomas Somerset, of the county of the city of Yorke, living, 1 ^ J * 1 TJr ‘ u 1 a° 1585. Ragland, natural son to Henry, Earl of Worcester. Charles Hargill, only son, set. 6, an. 1586, Lucy, a daughter, wife of Richard Colthorped William Hargill. 18,011, fo. 2233. 1487, fo. 133^ I 394 » P- 286. 1415, fo. 353. 1420, fo. 2063. 1571, fo. i 8 i 3 . 6070, fo. 943. l MS. 1415. A I John Hastings* of Fenwick juxta Ardsley.=j=Anne* dau. of William* Lord Morley. Sir Hi3gh=j=Anne p dau. of Sir Isabel, max. to Thomas Elizabeth, mar, to 2. SirEdward 5 ^Eleanora* dau. of 3. Robert “Elizabeth, WiHiamGascoime. Bosvile, of Newhall. * 1 Robert Hildvard. Hastings. I Edw.Woodhcmse. Hastings. 1 flan Hastings. William Gascoigne* of Gawthorpe. Bosvile, of New hall, 1 father of J ohm Robert Hildyard* Hastings, son of Robert. I Edw.Woodhouse, | of Kimberley. 1 dau. of... Th waites, 1 Margery, a faring George Hast- 2. Sir Brian Hast— mar. to Sir John ings, 3rd son* ings, mar. two Mallory. mar. _, dau. of wives; the 2nd Katherine* alimn^ _ Vavasour {? was Elizabeth, mar. to Sir Agnes* dau. of dau. of John John Melton. Alex. Brabazon, Leeke* of Ful- knt.0).=i= sutton. J. Ill Hast- 2. Sir BrianHast-=pAgnes ( dau. John Hast- Muriel!, mar. to Sir John Hast-^= Henry. =f of Thomas Porting- t o n , of Barnby Don. mgs* mar. .* dau. of __ Babthorpe, sans issue. Ralph Evers* father to William, Lord Evers. Elizabeth, wife ot Ralph Salven, knL ings. .ast^y xienry.=j= John.? Henry. 8 Sir I \ng\\=YCatherine, dau . 0) Hastings. ~ Sir Robert U Strange, knt? Dorothy, mar. to WH- Christian. Sir Francis=Fjane, dau. liam St. Quintin* of Hastings. ofSirEdw. Harpham. Restwold. Mary*mar. to Philip, Anne, mar. to [ohn 1 son of Wm. Cop- Wentworth, of ley, of Batley- EJmsalL I I 1 Elizabeth* mar. Hamon, Anne, mar. to William, Mary, mar. to Robert Jane, dau. and co-heir, son of Sir Nicholas brother to Anthony* Swift* of Rotherham. mar. to Edmund Eliofte* Strange, of Norfolk. Viscount Montague. of Farnley. 1 ..dau.* mar. to. Green, of Newby. 18,011* fo. 2 s 6£. 1415* fo. 36^. 1171* fo. 41& 1420, fo. 21 ib. 1499* fo. 4 q£. 4630* p. 270. 1571* fo. iSsi. 6070, fo. 139. See Tong's Visitation, p. 73. 1 MS. i+f 5. 5 S nd wife* MS. 1415. * Additional from MS. 18,011. * MSS. 18*011 and 1571 give Sir Edward's issue by the dau. of Felton* and MSS. 6070 and 1415 give it by the dau. of Dynham. 5 Edmond*—Tong. 6 MSS. 18*011 and 1571. 7 Henry* MS. 1571. ® John* MSS. 1571 and i8*on. & MS. 1571. wJm WENTWORTH, OF WENTWORTH WOODHOUSE AND WOOLLEY. Arms Quarterly. iand4- Sable, a chevron between 3 leopards' faces or, Wentworth, a. .....across gradee ■•••> 6 gules and argent* a bend co unterchanged. 1'* Lisle, or Yesley, Lord Wentworth, of Wentworth* or Woodhotise Hall. — Reyner Wentworth. = Roger 1 Went worth, = Wiiliam Wenlworth.=Isabeli, dan. and co-heir of William Pollington, of Pollington. _ I Wentworth.=F.dau. and heir of Robert Hotou, of Hoton, and of Lucy, his wife, dau. and heir of Sir Richard Shelton, knC- W illiara William Wentworth, of Woodhouse,=Lucy* dau. and co-heir of William Tinslow, eldest s on. I_of Xinslovv. . John Wentworth, of EhnsalL-j- William Wentworth,=Isabel, dau. of Sir Thomas Reresby, Thomas Wentworth. =.dau. of Sir Richard Redman, William Wentworth. = Isabel, dau. of Sir Richard Filzwilliam, of Aldwark. A s. lohn. VISITATION Of YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/j AND l 6 l 3 A Thomas Wentworth. = Beatrix, dau. of Sir Richard I Wood rove. 2. Ralph* 3. George. Elizabeth, mar., 1st, to Sir Thomas Leigh, ofMidleton, and, sadly, to Henry Ardington. I William = Katherine, dau. of Went¬ worth. Ralph Beeston, of Beeston* M \chaei—Isabel, dau. and sole Thomas. Went- \ heir to Percival Whit- Bryan, worth. ley, of Whitley. Elizabeth, 4 mar. to Ralph Den¬ ham. I I Isabel, mar* to Nicholas Wombwell. Beatrix, mar. to Thomas Wyrrall, of LoversaH. Michae Thomas =Margaret, dau. Margaret, mar. Murietl, wife Elizabeth. Thomas Went-- Susan, dau. of Ckr. Michael. William Gervase. s Wentworth. and heir of Wm. Gascoigne, of Gawthorpe. to Launcelot Mountford, of Kilnhurst. 5 of Christo- Beatrix, pher Mount- ford* worth, of Whitley, Esq., son and heir . William —Ann, dau. of Went- vvorth,of Wood- house. Robt. Atkin¬ son^ lawyer, of Stowcll, co. Glos. 11 Elizabeth, wife of.. Danby. Barbara. Hopton , of Arm ley Henry , Hall, co . York. s. p 1 Margaret, mar. Katherine, Beatrix, wife Michael Went-—Frances, dau. and Mary, wife of to Michael wife of ofJn. Deane, worth, of Wol- sole heir of George Robert Con- Darcy, Esq., Thomas of Deane ley, now living, Downes,of Pawn- only son to y a Gargrave. Grange t co. 16 12. Lord Darcy. York. ion, co. Hereford. ingsby, of Hereford. Elizabeth, dau of—Thomas Wentworth, kni. and—Arabella, dau. 2. Michael. 5. John. Thomas Went- Dorothy ! Mary .! Gatfndi Rhodes, bart., mar Margaret, dau. of of John Hollis, 3. George. worth , son and Elizabeth. Rosamon Francis, Earl of Cumberland. Galfridi Rhodes, knt. t of Hough¬ ton. I" of John Hollis, 3. George. Earl of Clare. 4. Mathew. worth , son and Elizabeth . Rosamond heir,ceL 17,1612. Alice. Margaret . Thomas, s, f. Margaret , Ann, wife of Edward Watson, Lord Rockingham. Arabella. iS,oii, fo. 225. 1487, flf, 407^, 408 1394, p* 250. iiyr, fo. 42 b. 1415, fo. 37. 1420, fo. 208 b. 1499, fF. 41, 43^ 4 fo 0 1571, n. 1830, 1S4. 6070, fo. 213. See Tong's Visitation, p. 75. Dugdale's Visitation, p. 10, and the Pedigree at large k Yorkshire Collection. & 1 Robert, MSS. 1415, 1571. 2 US. 607a B Gervasfe, MS. 1487, and Visitation 1612. * Catherine, Visitation 1613. 6 Kdmarsh, Visitation 1612 37 6 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 WARCOPP, OF SIVERDALE. Arms Quarterly. i and 4. Argent, on a fesse gules 3 cushions of the 1st. 2 and 3. Ermine, on a chief sable 2 boars’ heads couped argent. Richard 1 Warcopp.=Thomasin, dau. of.Ratcliff. I Edward Warcopp.=Anne, dau. of Thomas Layton. John Warcopp, son of Edward. = Anne, dau, of Geoffrey Lancaster, of Cracktrees. 2. James. Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Warcop ,—Anne? dau. of Katherine. 3. Edward. Cuthbert War- gent., pensioner Rowland Thorn- Anne. 4 4. George. copp, of Carley. 3 to Q. Eliz. borough. Margaret. 5. Matthew. ., dau. and co-heir, wife of John .. 2nd dau. and co-heir wife of Talbot Dalston, of Dalsion, co. Cumb. 3 Bowes, 2nd son of Sir George? 18,011, fo. 223^. 1487, fo. 134. 1415, fo. 37. 1420, fo. 206 b. 1499, fo. 49. 1571, fo. 182 6070, fo 92 b. See Tong’s Visitation, p. 100. l Rainold,—Tong. 2 Cornbeye, MS. 1415 ; Gawtry, MS. 6070; Conbe,—Tong. 3 Additional from MS. 18,011. 4 Jane, MS. 1415. SKELTON, OF ARMATHWAITE. Arms :—Quarterly. 1 and 4. Azure, a fesse argent between 3 fleurs-de-lis or. 2 and 3. Argent, a bend indented azure. Thomas Skelton, of Armathwayte,=j=.. dau. of Roger 1 Lancaster. or Bramf 'ord, Esq. Richard Skelton.=Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Thomas Curwen, knt . Thomas 2 Skelton. —Mary, dau. of John Ireton. Thomas Skelton, 2. Oswald. Christopher. Katherine. Helen, eldest son. 3. Robert. 18,011, fo. 222 b. 1487, fo. 130A 1415, fo. 37. 1420, fo. 205A 1571, fo. 183. 6070, fo. 134. See Tong’s Visitation, p. 98, and Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 113. J So in Tong and MSS. 1415, 1571, but Richard in MS. 18,011. 2 John,—Tong. w WYCLIFFE, OF WYCLIFFE. Arms : — Argent ora a chevron sable between 3 crosses bo.onde, gules 6 stags' heads cabossed of the field. 1 John Wycliffe. =Agnes, dau. to Sir Thomas Rokeby* Robert 5 Wycliffe. = Margaret, 3 sister to Sir John Conyers* I of Homby. Roger, of whom come 3. Robert. the Wycliffes, of 4. William* London . 4 5. Richard. R alph=Anne, dau. of Wycliffe, j Sir William | Bowes, .dau., mar. to. Girlington. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir, mar* to George Carr, of Newcastle. 3. John. Alice, dau. and co¬ heir, mar. to Thomas Midleton, of New¬ castle, Alice, wife to Sir Richard Conyers , of Cowton, brother to Sfr John .* dau., mar, 2. J o h n= Elizabeth, dau. of John* to Robert Wycliffe. I Parkinson, of Beaumont Thirkeld. Hill, in the bishoprick. i Anne, dau. Agnes, Dorothy,=William icMtiriel], Ralph, Anne, Grace, wife Elizabeth and co-heir, dau, and dau. and Wycliffe , 6 mar. to Sir co-heir, heir of of Wy- William mar. to John Place, cliffe, Iv. Maleverer,of Anthony of Hal- 1575. Wodersom, Braken- naby, co. bury. York. .- Lady s. p. John Nixon. Bowes, John. Agnes, mar. dau. to George, toChr.Mad- William s. p, dison^q/Saifj®- L o r d derland* in Eure. thebiskoprick. of Robert Millot, of White Hill* co. Dur¬ ham, mar. to John Ras- k e t t y of Warming- tonJ in Richmond , Wycliffe, rst son, 1585. =Jarte, dau. —1- Margery, mar. 1 P e t e r Margaret, dau~. -1- -J ohn= to Thomas to Thomas Wycliffe. ofRickardPGir- Wy¬ Rokeby, of Blenkinsop.of — lington, of cliffe.® Mortham. Helbeck* co. Hackforth, is/ Westmorland. wife. 1-> .- *J to Wm. Law- of Roger Lep- Muriell, Sony of Thorp ton , ofKepwick, 5. p. Buhnery co. co. York A Durham. Thomas W T i 11 i a m=j =Muriel, dau. of Muriel, Elizabeth , wife of and John, s. p. Wycliffe, son and heir. / Jane, ...Blakistonff Elizabeth. Sir Geo. Nairman y John Pudsey r Bl&kiston , in chancellor of of Arnforthy and heir, the bishoprick. Canterbury, knt. in Craven A® 1612. wife to John Wy-^ Margery. Mary f wife 2. Beale. cliffe, son dau. to Henry Dethick . to Martin Dethick. 3. Anne. Dorothy, dau. and co-heir, wife of John Witham, of Cliffe. Catherine f dau. and co-heir wife to Marmaduke Tun stall, of ScargilL 13,011, fo 220# 1487, fo. 128. 1415, fo. 37. 1420, fo. 202- I499, fo. 2Q. II7I, fo. 3. 1571, ff* 184^ 236. 6070, fo. I40. See Tong’s Visitation p. 40, and Dugdale’s Visitation, p, 195. 1 The following arms were allowed to William Wick It fife. Esq., per William Flower, Norroy, and Robert Glover, Somerset, a® 1575:— Quarterly 2 and 4 A chevron s.ble between 3 cross crosslets gules, Wycliffe. 2 and 3. Argent a chevron sable.. 3 bucks' heads cabossed of the first, Ellehto*.' MS. 1487, and the Visitation of 1612. 3 John, MSS^ 1415, 1487. 3 MS. *415. * MS. 1571- 5 His 2nd wife was a dau. and co-heir of Thomas Surtees* of Dinsdate, co. Durham* MS. 1571 6 MSS. 1571, 6070. 7 Warrington, MS. 607a 3 Nicholas, Visitation 1612. 0 Signed his Pedigree, 1612. 10 And had issue* George* John. Stephen* Elizabeth, and Dorothy. Visitation 1612. WENTWORTH, OF ELMS ALL. Quarterly, i. Sable, a chevron between 3 leopards’ faces or, Wentworth. 2. Paly of 4 argent and azure, on a bend gules 3 mullets or, 3. Gules, 3 fleurs-de-lis argent, Hutton. 4. Vert, a lions passant guardant argent, MiRFIELD* 5* Gules, on a bend argent 3 escallops Arms Dransfield. _ . _ w azure, Bissett. 6 . Azure, a bend between 3 birds argent. Tohn Wentworth, of Elm sail, 2nd son of Wm. =Joan, dau. of Richard Tyas. John Wentworth. =.. dau. and co-heir of.Bisset. John Wentworth. —Agnes, dau. and co-heir of Wm, Dransfield, of West Bretton. John Wentworth. =., dau. of-Beaumont, of Whitley HaU. John Wentworth-—Elizabeth, dau. of William 2. Richard Wentworth, a quo 3-Roger Wentworth, of whom the Lord Wentworth I Calverlev, Esq. Bretton, is descended. Thomas Wentworth. =Jane^ dau. and co-heir of Oliver Mirfield, of Howley. Jane, mar. to Wm. Golthorpe, of Golthorpe. n Anne, dau. of Thomas =John Wentworth, =Joane, dau. of Roger Appleton, 3, Thomas. 4. Oliver* 2. Roger Wentworth, of Creyke, of Beverley. I had two wives. ] of Dart lord, in Kent. 5. William. Haughtkwaite. ~ i--- 1 --- 1 -si ■-- 1 -P- 1 - 1 --- I I-^ Anne, dau.=J o h n TzAnna t da. Philip. 1 Thomas. of Sir Brian Hastings. Went- I ol .. worth. Picker- 1 ing - * Dorothy. Jane, mar. to Robt.Trigott. Christo¬ pher. Hector. Haldenby, of Haldenby, 2. Bridget, inr. to Nicholas Haghe, of Lincoln. to Richard 2 Womb well, of Wombwell. Wen t- wortk, of Thurns- L Thom a s—Elizabeth, dau . and heir of Edwd.Flin tell , of South Kirby . mar. Anne, dau. of Sir Wm. Calverley. = Elizabeth, mar. to ■ “ ii Anne, mar. to Thos. -1—i— Robert. i Maude, mar. -r~n :- Frances. Roger. Thomas Went- - -Ursula, Wm. Fletcher, of Sands, of York. John. to Edmond Martha. worthy of South dau. of ... CampsaJl. Mary. Rye. Katherine. Kirby. Swynnow. Thomas 3 \Ventwpith t =£lizabeth 1 dau. of Richard William. Elizabeth. Jane. of Elmsall\ living I 1612. Goodrich, of Ribs ton. Walter. Leonard. Frances. Barbara. William * Went-—fount, da. John. Dorothy, worth, of South I of John Thomas. Frances. Kirby , 1612. | Kales. ~r Anne. 1—]- William. Hugh. Thomas , son and heir t cet. 2 6, 1612. Rickard. Michael. Thomas Wentworth, sou 2. Darcy. Katherine , wife of and heir, P- 73 s * z S 7 x > fo - iS 63 . See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 92, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 6070, ff. 4i£, 42* \ MSS. 1413, 1571, hut MS. 18.011 states that he died i 4 4 <* * MS. 607a 3 MSS. 1571, 1*** 4 Avery, MS. 1415. ■ MSS. 1571, 6070. ROCLIFFE, OF ROCLIFFE. Arms:—A rgent* a chevron between 3 lions* heads erased gujes. Crest :—Out qf a ducal cermet a lion s head erased as in the arms I Sir Richard Rowcliffe, of Rowcliffe. = John Row-= cliffe. Constance—Sir Robert Rowcliffe.=Margaret, dau, of.Aldborough, Malbis, [ I widow of Wm. Leventhorpe. Sir Richard = Elizabeth, dan, cf ...... Ever- Rowcliffe. | ingham, of Lax ton. 1- Bryan Row¬ cliffe. Guy, Henricus Regine, 2. Thomas, de prlvata sigillio. e. William. Ellyn, wife to William = Fairfax. ~- 4 - Margaret, mar. to Richd. Aid- borough. Robert. John. Reginald. 2 J Guy Rowcliffe* mar. Jennet* dan. to Richard Burgh, of Colthorp. =s Bryan Row¬ cliffe, mar. Jane. = Sir David. Sir Richard. Jenet, wife to Wm. Lascelles, John-=Ellen* Margaret, wife Bryan =Jane, da. Katherine, mr. Robt.Row- Thos. Ellen, mar. to Elizabeth, Sir Tohn=Margaret, Inerla j-l -n. 11 rtf T? rth Aft ai ^ £ C* S _ 4. ~ T A _ -JIMS Ti ITT Ti- 1 _ . ^ __ . _t iri 1 *:• Ingle - by. dau. and heir. of Robert Beverley. Katherine, wife of William Pickering. Rowcliffe, baron of the Ex¬ chequer. of Sir toSirJno.As- R ichard ton, ot Hay ton, Hamer- Agnes* mar, to ton. JohnDawnay, of Cowick. cliffe* mr. Row- Anne, da. cliffe. & co-heir of Etton. Sir John—Margaret, dau. Row- and co-heir cliffe. of Sir Wm. Plumpton. F' J Wm. Palmes* m. tojno. of Nabum. Morton, Jenet, mar. to of Mor- Thos.Rydall. ton. = Margaret, 1--- 1 Row- I cliffe. r .. dau,=G u y =Jennett,dau, of Thos. Row- i of John Th waites. cliffe, | Hopton. 2. Richard * 2 Jennet, Jane Morton, mr. Brvan. Elizabeth. fen net.- to... Charlton. John. Joan* mar. Elisabeth^ ElizabethMorton, to Robert Catherine ,* mr. to,Eltofte. Stokes. =F da. & co- heir of William Plump- ton. '-1 Alice* mr. to Richd. Dan by, of Creyke. 2 Sir Bryan Rowcliffe. = Margaret, dau. of Sir Alice. I Thos. Metham. knt. Elizabeth. Thomas. = 1. . dau. co-heir. and 2. ..dau, and co-heir, Leonard. Anthony. R obert. Margarf £, J ohn Rowcliffe,= Ann* dau* of Sir Wm. Maleverer, of Wodersome. Anne* dau. and heir* mar. to Sir Ingram Clifford, knt. t 2nd brother of the Earl of Cumberland, 0. s. p. 13,011* fo. 226^, 14S7* fo. 96#. 1394, pp. 14, 179. 1415, ff. 21 b, 38. 1420, ff. 143, 212, 1499, fo, 35* 4630* pp, 498, 500. 1571, fo. 187k 6070* fo. 146. See Tong 5 Visitation, p. 58, 1 MS. 1487. 2 MS. 1415. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 2 C A B William. Margaret, mar, to Sir Christopher Warde, f I Sir William—Margaret, dau. and heir to Henry, Tohn. = Gascoigne. | Earl of Northumberland. ^ Ann, mar. to Sir Robert Plumpton, Margaret, dau. to=Sir William—.dau. of Sir John Diftl — 4 Lord ^-'— ■ " 1 Richard, Latimer, Gascoigne, Richard Frog- nail, Margaret, mar. to Ralph, Lord Ogle. Dorothy, mar. to Sir N ini an Mar- kenfeld. Elizabeth, mar. to George Tal- boys. Ann, mar, to . Fair¬ fax. John Gascoigne* of Lincoln. = Margaret. Henry Gascoigne.=Elizabeth, dau. and heir to Sir Henry Boynton. I I . f--i-—--1 John Gascoigne, of Wheldale, Thomas, of Raven- Sir Henry-Margaret dau nf i n mar.,widowof_Creasy, holme Cattle i , R^hard Gascoigne, and heir ofEreringham C - Gascoigne, j to Roger Choi- of Cold Jngleby. I 1-— f Sir William Gascoigne ~ _ .7 I I Thomas Gascoigne* of London, Henry Gascoigne, Francis. William Gas¬ coigne. = Margaret. Richard Gascoigne, = Jane* dau, of Richard of Sedbury. Norton. Sir William Gascoigne. = 11 Richard and Elizabeth. r Margaret, dau, and heir, mar. to Thomas Wentworth, of Woodhouse. I Elizabeth, mar. to Francis Tunstall. I dau. and heir. 4 5, ff - 24 ' 38S - I4 ® 7 ' ff ' 2 7 8 - 2Ss - * 394 . P- 294 - 4S30, pp. 228, 234. ir 7 i f 0 „ 2 6ma f „ „ c - , . .1 T, .. . . ^ 1 57i p 10, 132. 0070, fo. 33. See Tong s Visitation* p. 14, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection ^ 4 i sndly to Jno. Thorpe, MS. 1487. 3 Alice, dau. and heir of Jno. Booth, MS. 1487. 00 3 ? Sna wised. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN J584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . ■ ‘ - ? PLUMPTON, OF PLUMPTON. Arms -—Azure, 5 fusills in fesse or, each charged with an escallop gules. Bldredus , cut Wiliielmus Percy dedit 2 carucaias terra in Plompton , 20 Conquestons == Nigdlus dc Plompton t miles. ~ Gilbert us. Petrus de Ptumpfon , miles.—Elena. A Ugetlus Plumpton , died seised of Plompton, 55 H. ILL, Inq.— Robert Plumpton i, aged 44, afterwards knighted r , 27 I.j Isabella* | £*> Robert de Plumpton f kni. f 35 £. / —Lucy: 1 daiu of.Swillin^ton.-Sir William Plumpton. = Christian , dau. of.Mowbray, 17 £■ //A dau. SirRobert Plumpton,* 48 B. 3, « 5 . 8 H. 4.=/.«**//«, dan. to y« Lord Scrope, and ^ r j sister to y* Archbishop. Sr William Plumpton.* =Alice. dau. to . Gisbum. I " ~ . , n( j w r to William. Bryan. Thomas. Joan, mar. to Isabel, wife to Stephen Katherine, wife to Sir Robert Plumpton.=Ahoe^daa. andhej^ George. Richard. ...Mallory. Thorpe.* . Zouch ‘ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I$Hl5 ANI) l6l% A Godfrey = Alice, dau. Plump- ton. to Tfros. Wintring- ham. Robert, s.p. Ebatath, dau T ar William -3 dau. of Margaret, Joan, mar. to Elizabeth mar to of Sm Bryan Plumpton. Thomas Win. ma r n™.- ^ iri ' ™ ar \ t0 Stapleton. rm Richard. George. Alice. Joan. [ Sir William; Plumpton, knt. Elizabeth, dau. of y 6 Lord Clif¬ ford. Robert. Thomas Win- tringham, of Knaresboro A mar. to Sir 'John Greene. Ralph Alice, mar. to Pigott, Richd. Morley Thomas Leedes, sans issue. 1 I Margaret, mar. to Isabel, mar. to Stephen. Elizabeth, mar. to George Darrell. Hamerton. Wm, Beckwith. A i? n S mr.toThos. Midel- Alice, wf.of Richd. Richd Aldburgh. ton, of Stockeld, Goldsborough. Sir Roberta Agnes, dau. Plump-[ to Sir Wm. ton, knt. | Gascoigne, I knt. Margaret, dau. and co¬ heir, mar. to Sir |obn Rocliffe, knt. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir, mar. to John Sot hill, knt. Ill Robert. Elizabeth. Margaret. Wm. Plump-=Isabel, dau. ton, son of of Robert Robert. Babthorpe. .11 , i Ann. Jane, mar. to Richard, son Dorothy. and heir to Sir Thomas Maleverer, knt. Robert Plumpton. =Ann, dau. of John Norton, of Norton. I Dionis Plumpton. = daU - ° f Sil WiUiam VaVaSOUr> IS * ^-William Plumpton. =..., dan. of.Griffin, of Diogley. eo. Northants, 2nd wife. Riihard. i - -- L -- Edward Plumpton*^., living a* 1585 and 1612 = Frances, dau. of Wm. Ardington, of Ardington. 1 I I Peter. fokn. George. John Plumpton, son and heir, at. 3, 1612. Robert. Anthony. Edward. Catherine. „ . 1 Ann. Mary. 18.011, fo. 227. 1487 fo 132#. 1394, p. 14. 1415, fo. 38. 1420. fo. 212#. 1499, fo. 34 h. 4630 x>v> 4-2 a-6 fn ,3 . f Tongs Visitation, p. 55 ; Dugdales Visitation, pp. r9 o., 9 2 j andthe pJ^S^tfmyYorffiC^tio^T' 141 ' 1 Alice, 3 E. III., MS. 1487. 3 In Visitation of 1 3 Dugdale*s Visitation. “ tcred “ b <» in Visitation of .«,* as father and son. * MSS. 6070, 1571, ,415. i Sjgned his Pedigree, ,6ia. Oo CO "“vj VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. *ZJ 388 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l6l2. “ CFjofe reputeo to be Gentlemen in each 223apentabe ano fummonco to appear ano enter tfjeir peoigree.” Tyckhull Fee. LIBERTAS D Thomas Drax de Woodhall, ar. Ricardus Washington de Adwick in le Street, ar., infra setatem. Thomas More de Barneburgh, in prisona, recusans. Georgius Mallory de Tickhull Castle, ar., mortuus. Hercy Sandforth de Thorpe Salvayne, ar., mortuus et reliquit 3 filias in custo- dia Francis Rodes, justiciarii. Willielmus Rokeby de Nether Skyres, ar. Georgius Greene de Stansall, ar. Willielmus Copley de Sprotburgh, ar. Leonard Wray de Adwick super Stratum, gen. Willielmus Woodrove, gen., de Bolton super Dearne, coronator. Gervasius Fitzwilliam de Bentley, gen., alibi. Johannes Fitzwilliam de Bentley, gen. Christopherus Copley deSprotburgh, gen., de familia comitis Salopiae. Johannes Lewes de Marre, gen., justic. Robertus Lewes de Marre, gen. Johannes Maleverer de Letwell, gen. Ricardus Browne de Mexburghe, gen. Thomas Normanville de Billingley, gen. Thomas Storrs de Billingley, gen. Robertus Bird de Adwick super Stratum, gen., alibi in Osgodcrosse. Thomas Skyres de Alderthwayte, gen. Humfridus Holmes de Eastfield, gen. Thomas Vicars de Scawsby, gen. LIBERTAS DE Thomas Wentworth de Elmsall, ar., justic. Bartholomew Trigott de So. Kirkby, ar. Willielmus West de Burghwallis, ar. Petrus Stanley de Womersley, ar., justic., post Hastings Stanley, mil. Paul Hamerton de Purston, gen. Thomas Wentworth de Kirkby, gen. Ricardus Tempest de Hage, gen. Edwardus Bayvott, als. Beavot de Kirkby gen. Johannes Dye de South Elmsall, gen. Radulphus Anger de Skelbrooke, gen. Willielmus Fletcher de Campsall, gen. 1 homas Geare de Knottingley, gen. Johannes Mering de Water Fryston, gen. Westrydinge. TYCKHULL. Nicholaus Wildbore de Newell, gen. Ricardus Schirebrook de Newell, gen. Michael Cookson de Wad worth. Willielmus Adams de Adwick in le Street, gen. Willielmus Lambert de Tyckhull, gen. Willielmus Ussher de Almholme, gen. Christopherus Harrison de Firbeck, gen. Sylvester Rolleston de Firbeck, gen. Thomas Harrison de Firbeck, gen. Willielmus Rawthorne de Tyckhull, gen. Ricardus Banaster de Hangthwaite, gen. Edwardus Vernon de Wadworth, gen. Ricardus Hamond de Adwick super Stratum, gen. Ricardus Peck de Wilsick, gen. 1 Jacobus Jennings de Arksey, gen. Robertus Ussher de Arksey, gen. Ricardus Lewes de Melton super Montem, gen. . Foljambe de Wolfet, gen. Johannes Rokeby de Skyres, gen. Hugh Frankland de Roach Abbey, gen. Johannes Morley de Melton super Montem, gen. Robertus Mote de Melton super Montem, gen. Johannes Frankish de Tickhull, gen. Radulphus Westby de Ravenfield, gen. Thomas Baxter de Abdy, gen. Georgius Crescy de Thorpe Salvaine, gen., duxit relictam Hercy Sandford. West Ridinge. OSGOLDCROSS. Edwardus Hipperholme, or Hippon, de Fetherston. Johannes Skelton de Wimersley et Kell- ington, gen. Willielmus Jackson de Snaythall, gen. Rogerus Wentworth de Waldingstubbs, gen. Thomas Walton de Tangehill, gen. Edmundus Eltofte de Knottingley, ar., justic. Willielmus Freeston de Castleford, gen. Laurence Potter de Campsall, gen. Johannes Lasenby de South Elmsall, gen. Johannes Skeme de Eastofte, gen. Franciscus Hornby de Hornby, gen. Robertus Byard de Skellow, gen. . 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l< 5 l 2 . 389 West Rydinge. LI BERTAS DE NORTH PONTEFRACT. Ricardus Gascoigne de Lasingcroft, ar. Henricus Gascoigne de Sturton, ar. Johannes Ellis de Kiddall, ar. Thomas Folkingham de Leeds, ar., filius Thomae. Johannes Folkingham de Leeds, ar. Willielmus Dyneley de Swillington, ar. Ricardus Simpson de Leeds, gen. Georgius Layton de Barrowby, gen. Stephanus Hemsworth de Swillington, gen., mortuus. Henricus Hancock de Seacroft, gen. Willielmus Killingbeck de Chapel Aller- ton, gen. Robertus Killingbeck, gen., fuit pater Willielmi, mortuus. Mathceus Hall de Swillington, gen. Thomas Foxcroft de Kirkstall, gen. Westrydinge. LIBERTAS DE STAINCLIFF ET BOLLAND. Johannes Lambert de Calton, ar., justic. Thomas Talbot de Bashall, ar., justic. Johannes Hamerton de Hellifield, ar. Willielmus Catterall de Newhall, in paro- chia de Giggleswick. Henricus Banke de Banke Newton, ar. Willielmus Hawksworth de Mitton, ar. Reginaldus Heber, gen. Johannes Bannester de.,gen. Radulphus Bannester de., gen. Anthonius Watson de.. gen. Thomas Lister de Westby, gen. ’ Thomas Lister de Newholme, gen. Lancelot Nessfield de Flasby, gen. Willielmus Ferrand de Carleton, gen servicius comitis Cumbrise. Westridinge. LIBERTAS DE CLIFFORD FEE. Henricus Tempest de Broughton, ar. i ohannes Hamerton de Hellifield, ar. idmundus Eltofte de Farnhill, ar., justic. Christopherus Malham de Elslack, ar. Christopherus Marton de Marton, ar., justic. Robertus Tempest de Bracewell, ar., justic. Johannes Procter de Bradley, gen. Ambrose Pudsey de Arnforth, gen., nunc extra libertatem de Clifford's Fee et infra Staincliff. Petrus Scarburgh de Sutton, gen., nunc extra libertatem de Clifford’s Fee, et infra Staincliff. Gilbertus Lister de Thornton, gen., mor¬ tuus. Henricus Tenant de Clay top, gen. Ricardus Chew de Melsinge, gen. Henricus Pudsey de Litton Dale, gen. Ricardus Bannester de Barlewick Cotes, gen. Willielmus Ferrand de Carleton, gen. Laurentius Lister de Thornton, ar. Eastridinge. WAPENTAGIUM DE HARTHILL. Philippus Constable de Everingham, ar., justic. Robertus Aske de Aughton, ar., justic. Edwardus Ellerker de Risby, ar., justic. Johannes Hotham de Scorborough, ar., justic. Thomas Dowman de Pocklington, ar., justic. Willielmus Ingleby de Brantingham, ar.,et Ripley, infraLunai(?Claro )Wapentagium. Franciscus Vaughan de Sutton super Derwent, ar., justic. Marmaducus Constable de Cliff, ar. Marmaducus Thirkeld de Easthorpe, ar. Christopherus Monckton de Lansburgh, ar. Johannes Anlaby de Etton, ar. Radulphus Creyke de Cottingham, ar. Georgius Aske de Faxflete, gen. Radulphus Hansby de Beverley, gen. Robertus Sotheby de Pocklington, gen, Mattheus St. Quintin de Harswcll, gen. Thomas Sotheby de Bishop Wilton, gen. Thomas Longley de Meltonby, gen. Willielmus Dawtrey de Fulsutton, gen. Willielmus Barton de Newton, gen. Robertus Leming de Wighton, gen. Marmaducus Thweng de Bainton Beacon, gen. Barnardus Wood de Kilnwick Percy et Barn by, gen. Willielmus Micklefield de Bolton, gen. . Richardson, gen., mortuus. Radulphus Hungate de North Dalton, gen. Thomas Etherington de Magna et Parva Driffield, gen. Willielmus Etherington de Driffield, gen 1 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN Ij&j ./5 AND X ^ 12 39 ° Georgius Etherington de Driffield, gen. Wiilielmus Elwood de Middleton, et aliquando de Cottingham, gen. Wiilielmus Warter de Hutton Cranswick, gen. Rogerus Wilberfoss de Wilberfoss, gen. Robertus Dowman, gen., fil. Thom., J ohannes Rudston de Hay ton, gen. Johannes Skerne de Hotham, gen. Thomas Rokeby de Hotham, gen. Ricardus Bishop de Pocklington, gen. Ricardus Longley de Grimthorpe, gen. Johannes More de Bamby, gen. Radulphus Etherington de Skerne, gen. Georgius Fowbery de Newbald, gen. Marmaducus Elwick de Seaton, gen. Eastridinge. WAPENTAGIUM Robertus Constable de Flamburgh, ar. Wiilielmus Strickland de Boynton, ar. Johannes Thornholme de Haysthorpe, ar. Radulphus Creyke de Mar ton, ar. Johannes Maymond de Kelke, gen. Franciscus Brigham de Brigham, gen. Thomas Wood de Thorpe, gen. Eastrydinge. WAPENTAGIUM Arthurus Dakins de Linton, ar., justic. Thomas Bamburgh de Howsam, ar., justic. .Gourley de Sutton, ar., a captaine. Wiilielmus Constable de Sherborne, gen. (Richard) Thomson de Langton, ar. Justic. Franciscus Bigod de Skagelthorpe, gen. Johannes Wood de Lutton, gen. Wiilielmus Horsley de Skerpenbeck, gen. Robertus Monckton de Wharram Grange, gen. Thomas Bulmer de Leveninge, gen. Rogerus Craven de Leveninge, gen. 1 DE DICKERING. Petrus Skelton de Bridlington, et Flam¬ burgh, gen., olim maior villae de Ponte- fracto. Georgius St. Quintin de Harpham, ar. Robertus Lacy de Folketon, ar. Johannes Carliel de Sewerby, gen. Georgius Balne de Kilham, gen. Matheus Hilton de Garton, gen. DE BUCKROSE. Johannes Dyneley de Dyneley, et Bram- hopein Skyrack, in the West Riding, gen. Hugh Bird de Thomethorpe, gen. Johannes St. Quintin de Hacklinge, gen. Georgius Wrightson de Rillington, gen. Philippus Lutton de Knapton, gen. Wiilielmus Normanville de Kirkham, gen. Thomas Sotheby de Birdsall, gen. Thomas Monketon de Westowe, gen. Franciscus Chamberlayne de Thoraldby, gen. Wiilielmus Beverley de Grimston, gen. Avery Heslarton de Weverthorpe, gen. ; Eastridinge. WAPENTAGIUM INTER Johannes Hussey de North Duffield, et Hemingburgh, ar. Johannes Palmes de Naburne, ar. Thomas Saltmarsh de Thorganby, et Cottingwith, ar. Thomas Stillington de Kelfield, ar. Johannes Acclom de Moreby, ar. Ricardus Vaughan de Escrick, gen. OUSE ET DERWENT. Rowlandus Herbert de Skipwith, gen., servicius Ricardi Skipwith domini de Skipwith. Johannes Redman de Fulford, gen. Thos. Richardson de Stamford Bridge,gen. Marmaducus Fawkes de So. Duffield, gen. Jacobus Sympson de South Duffield, gen. Radulphus Babthorpe de Babthorpe Hall, ar. East Rydinge. LIBERTAS DE HOWDEN ET HOWDENSHIRE, SPECTANS EPISCOPATUI DUNELMENSI. Thomas Metham de Saltmarsh cum Cotnes, ar. Wiilielmus Ellerker de Ellerker, ar. Edmundus Skerne de Portington, gen. Georgius Consett de Howden, gen. Georgius Aske de Faxflete, in Harthill. Johannes Gate, fil. Henrici Gate, militis. Egidius Edwyne de Yokefleet, gen. Walterus Jobson de Brantingham, gen. Marmaducus Monckton de Cavell, gen. Thomas Metham de Grenake, gen. Ricardus Aske de Ousethorpe, gen. Wiilielmus Vavasour de Bellasis, gen. Thomas Higden de Laxton, gen. 1 MS. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 391 East Rydinge. LI BERTAS DE HOLDERNESS. Christopherus Hildyard, miles, justic., entred. Henricus Constable de Constable Burton cum Newton, ar. Johannes Appleyard de Burstwick Garth, ar., just. Franciscus Boynton de Barmston, ar., 1st son of Sir Thos. Edwardus Holme, ar., de Paule cum Paule- fleet et Paul Holme (Skyrack), justic. Johannes Alured de Charterhouse in Hull- shire, ar., just. Christopherus Legard de Anlaby, ar., justic. Lancellotus Alford de Meux, ar., justic. Ricardus Legard de Rysome, ar., justic. Willielmus Cheney de Birstalgarth, ar. Gilbertus Gower de Garton, ar. Michaell Constable de St. Sepulchres, ar. Marmaducus Grimston de Grimston Garth, gen. Willielmus Constable de Catfosse, gen., minus sapiens. Stephanus Thorpe de Thorpe, gen. Georgius Cresswell de Nun-Keeling, gen. Hillarius Dakins de Brandsburton, gen. Northrydinge. Georgius Wensley de Brandsburton, gen. Matheus St. Quintin, gen., hors du pays. Robertus Wright de Plowland cum Welwick, Newton et Thorpe, gen. Johannes Newton de Flinton, gen. Bryanus Hedon de Marton, gen. Johannes Knolles de Hedon, gen. Marmaducus Mayne de Rowlston, gen. Georgius Palmes de Easington, gen. Edwardus Baylett de Winsett, gen. Franciscus Ledys de Footed Garth, gen. Franciscus Grimston de Fitlynge, gen. Christopherus Constable de Hatlield, gen. Johannes Catterall de Hallum, gen. Urianus Duncalfe de Ottringham, gen. Edmundus Lathom de Ottringham, gen. Edmundus Frodingham de Frodingham, gen. Robertus Thorpe de Woodhall, gen. Robertus St. Quintin de Gansted, gen. Marmaducus Langdale de Skirlowe, gen. Johannes Holmes de Camerton, gen. Willielmus Egglesfield de Mapleton, gen. Johannes Nicholson de Wyton, gen. Willielmus Hogge de Bilton, gen. LIBERTAS DE RICHMONDSHIRE. Halikeld. Christopherus Wandesford de Kirkling- lington, junior, justic., ar., entred. Thomas Lascelles de Brackenburgh, ar., entred. Willielmus Gale de Newton, gen. Anthonius Gatenby de Gatenby, gen. Anthonius Bierley de Pickhill, gen., ignobilis. Willielmus Grant de Roxby, gen., ignobilis. Thomas Exilby de Disford, gen. Hangest. Jo N ohannes Doddesworth de Watlass, ar. 'icholaus Girlington de Hackforth, ar. Radulphus Lawson de Burgh, ar. Jacobus Danby de Scruton, gen., junior, fil. Christopheri Danby, militis. Johannes Pepper de St. Martin’s juxta Richmond, gen. Johannes Rounthwayte de Newton in les Willowes, gen. Johannes Stapleton de Bedale, gen. Christopherus Jackson de Newton in les Willowes, gen. J ohannes Whettenhall de Hening, gen. .Wycliffe, gen. Hangwest. Henricus Scrope de Danby, ar. Willielmus Thoresby de Barden, ar. Marmaducus Wyvill de Burton on Yore, ar., extra patriam. Christopherus Wandesford, senior, de Waburne, ar. Franciscus Foster de.. gen. Petrus Thornton de Askrigg, gen. Henricus Chaytor de West Bolton, gen. (ignobilis 1 ). Willielmus Metcalfe de Hening, gen. Henricus Foster de East Bolton, gen., ignobilis. 1 MS. 1487. Johannes Wensley de Preston, gen. Franciscus Spence de Barden, gen. Johannes Swale de Grinton, gen. Georgius Metcalfe de Swinythwaite, gen. Thomas Askwith de Coate House, gen. Willielmus Layton de West Layton, gen. Thomas Burgh de West 2 Haukswell, gen. Franciscus Bainbridge de Coverham Abbey, gen. Johannes Johnson de Villa Richmond, gen., ignobilis. Edwardus Topham de Aglethorpe in Coverdale, gen., ignobilis. 2 East, MS. 1487. 3 9 2 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND 1 ^ 12 . Gillingest, Marmaducus Vincent de Smeton, ar. Ricardus Clervaux de Croft, ar. Petrus Lasingby de WhitweL, gen. Anthonius Bulmer de Gaterley, gen. Jacobus Rokeby de Slenningford, gen. Christopherus Tiplady de Belton, gen. Marmaducus Wilde de Cawton, gen. Johannes Cleasby, gen. Rolandus Spence, gen. Ricardus Routh, gen. Johannes Rokeby de YafFortli, gen. Willielmus Danby de Great Langton, gen. Robertus Walker de Langton, gen., ignobilis. Robertus Stapleton de Moreton, gen. Johannes Hutton de Dalton super Tees, gen., ignobilis. Franciscus Foster de Sysar, gen., ignobilis. Henricus Danby de South Cowton, gen. Gillingwest. Thomas Danby de Newparke et Scruton, miles. Johannes Sayer de Worsall, ar., mortuus (et Johannes filius suus infra aetatem !). Ricardus Gascoigne de Sedbury, ar., fatuus. Christopherus Rokeby de Mortham, ar., mortuus, filius in prisona religionis ergo. Willielmus Wycliffe de Wyc.iffe, ar. Anthonius Catterick de Stanvick, ar. Alveredus Uvedale, ar., justi:., mortuus. Henricus Franke de Kneton, ar., vendi- dit hcereditatem. Ninianus Girlington de Hackforth, knt. Johannes Wytham de Cliffe, ar. Rogerus Gower de Coverham, gen. Georgius Catterick de Carleton, gen. Arthurus Phillip de Marske, gen. Thomas Wray de St. Nicholas, juxta Richmond, gen. Robertus Wycliffe de .. gen. J ohannes Ward de Barton, gen. 'ohannes Layton de West Layton, gen. Franciscus Layton ex familia de West Layton, gen. Thomas Covell de Firminton, gen. Johannes Layton de East Layton, gen. Northrydinge. LIBERTAS DE LANGBERGH. Robertus Rokeby de Marske, ar., justic. Thomas Layton de Hutton Rudby, ar., justic. Thomas Layton de Saxhow, ar., justic. Thomas Gower de Stainsby, ar. Jacobus Strangwayes de Ormesby, ar. Radulphus Salveyn de Newtiggin, ar. Rogerus Mennell de Barford, ar. Rogerus Tocketts de Lansburgh, ar. Rogerus Radcliffe de Mrlgrave, ar., justic. Radulphus Craythorne de Craythorne, gen. Johannes Constable de Dromanby, ar., just. Thomas Fulthorpe, gen., mor-J tuus. V attinct. Franciscus Fulthorpe, gen. ) Christopherus, filius Thoms Fulthorpe, Royal Hill, nothus. ohannes Bulmer de Pinchin horpe. ohannes Hewardine de Broughton, acobus Pennyman de Moreton, gen. ohannes Hewton, gen., extia libertatem. Willielmus Robinson de Stoiesley, gen, Thomas Pyllys de Easby, gen. Jacobus Gower de Barrcwby, gen., mortuus. Jacobus Middleton de Middbton, gen. 3 MS. Jacobus Morley de Maltby, gen. Jacobus Bradshaw de Gisborough, gen. Henricus Strangwayes de Slathonbank, gen. Robertus Yoward de Stokesley, gen. Cuthbertus Morley de Normanby, gen. Thomas Denton de Midleton, gen. Georgius Carliel de Pinchinthorpe, gen. Cuthbertus Lockwood de Eaton, gen. Willielmus Crawe de Upleatham, gen. Carolus Layton de Saxhowe, gen., fil. Thomae. Willielmus Maleverer de Wodersome, ar., justic., filius et haeres Edmundi Mal¬ everer, militis. Radulphus Yoward de Basdale. gen. Thomas Yoward, gen., frater dicti Radul- phi. Willielmus Welbury de Lasenby, gen. Franciscus Whitby de Gilly Park, gen. Robertus Trotter de Hornby, gen. Willielmus Bate de West Lathes, gen. Thomas Sorethwayte als. Milner de Scut- terskelfe, gen. Thomas Warcopp de Greenhow, gen. Thomas Addison de Normanby, gen. Lucas Blackbome de Marton, gen. Franciscus Lasenby de Marton, gen. Ricardus Gascoigne de Ingleby Lovell, gen. 1487. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN J584/5 AND l 6 l 2 393 Northrydinge. LIBERTAS DE PICKERING LYTHE. Franciscus Cholmondeley, ar., fil. et hacres Ricardi, militis. Edwardus Huchinson de Wickham Abbey, ar. Jacobus Westropp de Corneburgh, ar., mortuus. Stephanus Holforth, ar. Henricus Cholmeley, gen., frater dicti Francisci dimidii sanguinis. Johannes Cowper, gen. Leonardus Percy, als. Percehay de Ry- ton, pernotandus ab e&. Leonardus Pollard de Lostmarreys, gen. Rogerus Hmter, gen., mortuus. Carolus Isons de Troutsdale, gen. Johannes Lsming de Pickering, gen. Christopheius Trotter de Pickering, gen. Gawinus Pcllard de Ryton, gen. Willielmus Swale de Anlaby, gen. Johannes Spencer de Yeddingham, Abbathea, gen. Thomas Wi liamson de Scarborough, gen. Willielmus Wyvill de Osgodby, gen. I Stephanus Langdale de Ebberston, gen. LIBERTAS DE ALLERTONSHIRE. Johannes Dawnay, miles, de Sezzay, entred. Christopherus Conyers, gen. Rogerus Mennell de Kilvington, ar. Thomas Grimston, ar. Rogerus Tabot, gen. Johannes Ccnyers de Leake, gen. Robertus Mmnell, gen. Willielmus Metcalfe, gen. Northrydinge. WAPENTAGIUM DE BIRDFORTH. Willielmus Bellases de Newborough, mil. hors du pays. Thomas Lassells de Brackenburgh, ar. Christopherus Lepton de Kepwick, ar. Radulphus Tankard de Arden, ar. Rogerus Mennell de Hawnby, ar., in prisona. Willielmus Redshaw de Owston, gen. Thomas Fox de Thorpe, gen. Johannes Thornton de Birdforth, gen. Rogerus Davile de Cuckwold, gen. Christopherus Davile de Cuckwold, gen. < Franciscus Davile de Cuckwold, gen. Lancelot Pinkney de Silton Paynell, gen, Georgius Ro>se de Cawton, gen. Willielmus Story de Old Byland, gen. Thomas Talbot de Ottrington, gen. Johannes Chambers de Bagby, gen. Thomas Brarsby de Okebanke, gen. ChristopherusMedcalfe deTylehouse, 1 gen. Bryanus Askvith de Osgarby, gen. Christopheru; Lockwood de Sowerby, gen. Ricardus Askwith de Barrowby, gen. Northrydinge. WAPENTAGIUM DE RYDALE. Johannes Manners de Helmsley, ar., justic. Willielmus Fairfax de Gilling, mil., justic. Thomas Grey de Barton, ar. Thomas Savile de Welbum, ar. Robertus Eland de Nunnington, ar. Willielmus Thornton de Newton, ar. Johannes Carington deSpaunton, ar. Willielmus Segrave de Helmsley, ar., mortuus. Johannes Atherton de Fryton, ar. Rogerus Symson de Edston, gen. Alexandrus Dawson de Holme, gen. Willielmus Barton de Cawton, gen. Willielmus Nandick de Edston, gen. Willielmus Rasing de New Malton, gen. Ricardus Rasng de New Malton, gen. Johannes Coates de Swinton (gen. 2 ). Georgius Holtby de Hovingham, gen. Thomas Jackson de Eryholme, gen. Robertus Brings de Old Malton, gen., justic. Thomas 3 Helblethwaite de New Malton. Thomas Lambton de New Malton, gen. 2 MS. 1487. 3 Jacobus, MS. 1487. 1 ? Tithehouse. 39 4 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 15 ^ 4/5 AND I ^ I2 ‘ Northridinge. WAPENTAGIUM DE BULMER. Radulphus Bonrchier de Benningborough, mil., entred (justic. x ). Ricardus Darley de Buttercrambe, ar. (justic. !). Ricardus Ellerker de Youlton, ar. Edwardus Barton de Whenby, ar. Jacobus Moyser de Farlington, gen. 'Edwardus Fairfax (de Corneburgh, gen.*), frater Willielmi Fairfax, miles. Thomas Whaley de Dalby, gen. Anthonius Ellerker de Youlton, gen., frater Ricardi. Edwardus Davile, gent. Robert us Sheppard de Bulmer, gen. Radulphus Hungate de Sand Hutton, gen. Johannes Weldon de Skakilton Grange, gen. Thomas Gower de Stittenham, ar. Humfridus Berwick de Sutton, gen. Thomas Lovell de Skelton, gen. Seth Holme de Huntington, gen. Thomas Agar de Huntington, gen. Johannes Forster de Huntington, gen. Georgius Dalby de Overton, gen. Willielmus Barnby de Skipton, gen. Thomas Barnby de Tholthorpe, gen. Willielmus Drew de Clyfton, gen. Ricardus Cholmley de Bransby et Skewsby, gen. Marmaducus Cholmley de Bransby, gen. Marmaducus Thwenge de Heworth, gen. Franciscus Metham de Wiggenthorpe, gen. IMenbarium Omnium 3lufticiariotum Pads, Coro* natotum, IBaltootum lUbertatum, (KElapcntagh orum, an dfftfas et ®aol oelibrat. tent, apuo Caftrum OEboract, in com. €bor. Die ILunae tuoelicet.Die augufti anno tegnt (ZEl^abetfme Dei Gratia dngliae, jFtancie et J^ibetniae Eeginae, jFibei befenfotis,etc.,bicefimo ferto, mblrmu. NOMINA JUSTICIARIORUM PACIS IN WESTRYDINGE, IN COMITATU EBORACI. Thomas Bromley, miles, Dominus Can- cellarius Anglise. Edwinus Archiepiscopus Eboraci, Primas et Metrop. Anglise. Willielmus Dominus Burghley, Thesaur. Anglise. Henricus Comes Huntingdon, Dominus prsesidens consilii inpartibus borealibus. Georgius Comes Salopise. Edwardus Comes Rutelandise. Georgius Comes Cumbrise. Ricardus Episcopus Dunelmensis. Johannes Episcopus Carlisle. Gilbertus Dominus Talbot. Henricus Dominus Hunsdon. Edwardus Dominus Morley. Henricus Dominus Scrope. Cuthbertus Dominus Ogle. Johannes Dominus Darcy. Willielmus Dominus Eure. Philippus Dominus Wharton. Christopherus Wray, miles, capitalis justiciarius Band Regis ad placita coram ipso tenenda. Johannes Clenche, alius Justiciarius de Banco Regis ad placita, &c. 2 Franciscus Rhodes, serviens ad legem. Matheus Hutton, decanus cathedralis ecclesise Eboraci. Johannes Foster, miles. Henricus Gate, miles. Willielmus Fairfax, miles. Willielmus Mallory, miles. Christopherus Hildyard, miles. Thomas Fairfax, miles. Ricardus Maleverer, miles. Robertus Bowes, ar. Laurentius Meres, ar. Radulphus Rokeby, ar. Ranulphus Harleston, ar. Humfridus Purfrey, ar. Laurentius Blundeston, ar. Johannes Gibson, legum doctor. Henricus Cheeke, ar. Franciscus Slingsby, ar. Brianus Stapleton, ar. Edwardus Eltoft, ar. Ricardus Topcliff, ar. 1 MS. 1487. 2 All the succeeding names are those of the Privy Council. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6 12 . 39 b Johannes Lambert, ar. Robertus Bradford, ar. Willielmus Vavasour, ar. / Martinus Birkhead, ar. Robertus Lee, ar. Johannes Kay de Woodsom, ar. Georgius Woodrove, ar. Johannes Savile, ar. Ricardus Tompson, ar. Petrus Stanley, ar. Franciscus Palmes, ar. Robertus Waterhouse, ar. Johannes Lewes, ar. Gervasius Nevill, ar. Thomas Wentworth de Elmsall, ar. Rogerus Portington, ar. Bryanus Parker, ar. Thomas Savile, ar. Alveredus Copley, ar. Thomas Talbot de Bashall, ar. NOMINA JUSTICIARIORUM PACIS IN ESTRYDINGE. Thomas Bromley, miles, dominus Cancellarius Angliae et reliqui omnes ut antea in Westrydinge excepto Ricardo Maleverer, militie, usque ad Henricum Cheeke, ar., quern sequuntur videlicet:— Henricus Constable, ar. Philippus Constable, ar. Robertus Aske, ar. Edwardus Ellerker, ar. Johannes Hussey, ar. Johannes Hotham, ar. Edwardus Gate, ar. Willielmus Hilclyard, ar. Willielmus Payler, ar., civitate Eboraci. Arthurus Dakins, ar. Thomas Dowman, ar. Thomas Bamburgh, ar. Johannes Moore, ar., civitate Eboraci. Johannes Appleyard, ar. Edwardus Holme, ar. Franciscus Vaughan, ar. Ricardus Darley, ar. Christopherus Legard, ar. Lancelot Alford, ar. ohannes Alured, ar. ohannes Gate, ar. Franciscus Boynton, ar. NOMINA JUSTICIARIORUM PACIS IN NORTHRYDINGE. Thomas Bromley, miles, dominus Cancellarius Angliae et reliqui omnes presentcs recensentur antea in Westridinge usque ad Henricum Gate, mihtem, quern immediate sequuntur. Willielmus Bellasis, miles. I Johannes Dawnay, miles. Thomas Danby, miles. | Radulphus Bourchier, miles. Deinde sequntur alii suo ordine ut in Westrydinge usque ad Henricum Cheeke, ar. quern sequuntur hij, videlicet:— Christopherus Wandesford de Kirkling- ton, ar. J ohannes Sayer, ar. Henricus Scrope, ar. Willielmus Bowes, ar. Rogerus Radcliffe, ar. Rogerus Dalton, ar. Marmaducus Wyvill, ar. Thomas Calverley, ar. Thomas Layton, ar. Thomas Grimston, ar. Christopherus Wandesford de Wawburne, ar. Johannes Constable, ar. Anthonius Talboys, ar. Edwardus Gate, ar. Willielmus Whettenhall, ar. Robertus Rokeby, ar. Willielmus Maleverer, ar. Cuthbertus Pepper, ar. Francis Cholmeley, ar. NOMINA CORONATORUM. Johannes Smelt. Stephanus Browne. Henricus Lister. Georgius Smith. Thomas Hardwick. Willielmus Woodrove. Ricardus Leyburne. Willielmus Brooke. NOMINA BALLIVORUM LIBERTATUM IN COM. EBORACI. Robertus, comes Leicestriae, balliv. libertatis de Pickering et Pickering Lythe, et Robertus Dixon de eo. Henricus Dominus Scrope, ballivus de Richmondschire. Robertus Gray, ballivus de Whitby et Whitby Strand. Thomas Laton, junior, ballivus de Aller- ton in Allertonshire. 39 6 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . BALLIVI LIBERTATIS DE LANGBERGH. Ricardus Vaughan, ball, libertatis de Byland Abbia in infra. Robertus Tempest, ball, libertatis de Wakefield. Franciscus Slingsby, ball, libertatis de Knaresburgh. Thomas Ashe, ball, libertatis de Ripon. ohannes Freeston, ball, libertatis de Tickhill. Henry Shircliff. Allanus Jobson, ball, libertatis de Stan- crosse. Willielmus Ellis, ball, libertatis de Os- godcrosse. Robertus Scholefield, ball, libertatis de West Pomfret. Michael Cockson, ball, libertatis de North Pomfrett. Jacobus Fox, ball, libertatis de Selby, infra Barkston. Johannes Hall, ball, libertatis de Staincliff. Christopherus Rookes, dwelling in Aughton. Willielmus Procter, ball, libertatis de Clifford Fee. Percivall Heaton, ball, libertatis de Sher¬ burne, infra Barkston. Willielmus Allen,ball. Sancti Petri Eboraci. Petrus Lawson, ball, palatii Eboraci scilicet St. Marise. Josephus Constable, ball, libertatis de Holderness. Thomas Reyner, ball, libertatis de How- den et Howdenshire. BALLIVI WAPENTAGIORUM. Franciscus Wilkinson, ball, libertatis de Claro. Christopherus Middleton, ball, de liber¬ tatis de Yewcross. Johannes Browne, ball, libertatis de Barkston Ash. Johannes Burton, ball, libertatis de Skyrack. Ricardus Athie, ball, libertatis de Straf- forth. Nicholaus Turton, ball, libertatis de Agbrigg et Morley. EAST RIDING. Radulphus Mares, ball, libertatis de Harthill. Laurentius Mashrother, ball, libertatis de Dickering. Edwardus Barron, ball, libertatis de Buckrose. Ricardus Chapman, ball, libertatis inter Ouse et Derwent. NORTH RIDING. Willielmus Smith als. Cooper, ball, liber- Henricus Savile, ball, libertatis de tatis de Birdforth. Bulmer. Willielmus Nightingale, ball, libertatis de Rydale. Ballivi Wapentagii de Claro Anteius Deputato Omissa Nomina. Westrydinge. Lifoert Ccnentes infra Morthen, gen. Alexandrus Metham de Cadeby, gen. Franciscus Sheppard de Barnburgh Grange, gen. Johannes Savile de Wath, gen. Thomas Wombwell de Syvercliff Grange, gen. Simon Wormley de Hatfield, gen. Robertus Lee de Hatfield, ar., justic. Rowland Marwood de . in parochia de Bradfield, gen. Willielmus West de Rotherham, gen. Jacobus Rawson de Besacle, gen. Gilbertus Towneley de Rotherham, gen. Radulphus Wombwell de Dalton, gen. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN lj84/j AND l 6 l 2 . 397 Westridynge. LIBERI TENENTES IN STAINCROSS. Georgius Woodruffe de Woolley, ar., justic. Gervasius Nevill de Chevet, ar., justic. Radulphus Wortley de Wortley, ar. Franciscus Bosvile de Gunthwaite, ar. Willielmus Rockley de Worsborough, ar. Matheus Wentworth de West Bretton, ar. Thomas Barnby de Barnby, ar. Henricus Burdett de Denby, ar. Franciscus Burdett de Burthwaite, ar. Westridinge. WAPENTAGIUM DE Ricardus Stapleton, miles, de Carleton, mortuus, pater Briani. Brianus Stapleton de Carleton, ar., justic. Willielmus Witham de Ledston, ar. Georgius Twisleton de Barley,- ar. Willielmus Oglethorpe de Oglethorpe Grange, ar. Willielmus Hungate de Saxon, ar. Johannes Beverley de Selby, ar. Johannes Vavasour de Haslewood, ar. Christopherus Nelson de Grimston, ar. Leonardus Foster de Smawes, gen. Willielmus Baxter de Sharphill, ar. Ricardus Beilby de Clifford, gen., de la Grange juxta Wetherby. Johannes Tyndall de Brotherton, gen. Thomas Allen de Bray ton, gen. Edwardus Newby de Fenton, gen. Thomas Savile de Tankersley, gen. Nicholaus Bird de Swawell, gen. Johannes Popelay de Morehouse, gtii. Anthonius Woodrove de Woolley, gen. RogerusCastleford deWorsbro' Dale, gen. Robertus Arthington de Lanes, gen. Johannes Clayton de Clayton Hall, gen. Thomas Kerresforth de Kerresforth Hall, gen. Johannes Moxon de Hoy land Swain e. BARKESTON ASHE. Willielmus Wilson de Monk Fryston, gen. Milo Burton de Wistow, gen. Edwardus Barkeston de Sherburne, gen. Willielmus Speight de Selby, gen. Percivallus Heaton de Lotherington, gen. Willielmus Hammond de South Milford, junior, gen. Willielmus Hammond de Scarthingwell, senjor, gen. Henricus Pearson de Cawood, gen. Thomas Leeds of North Milford, gen. Willielmus Sydall de Tadcaster, gen. Georgius Greene de Bume, gen. Robertus Walker de Selby, gen. Alexandrus Lake de Gateford, gen. Willielmus Norman de Burton, gen. Westrydinge. WAPENTAGIUM DE SKYRACK. Thomas Wentworth de Gawthorpe, ar. Jacobus Ryther de Harewood, ar., justic. Cyril Arthington de Arthington, ar. Willielmus Gascoigne de Caley, ar. Willielmus Dyneley de Bramhope, ar. Willielmus Hawksworth de Hawks- worth, ar. Robertus Oglethorpe de Rawden, gen., servicius comitis Cumbriae. Robertus Bayldon de Bayldon, gen. Arthurus Maude de Riddlesden, gen. Johannes Dyneley de Bramhope, gen., fil. Willmi. Robertus Rishworth de Riddlesden. Georgius Rawdon de Rawdon, gen. Matheus Hoppey de Eden, gen. Johannes Brearey de Menston, gen. Walterus Fumes de Menston, gen. Gabriel Green de Horsforth, gen. Thomas Foxcroft de Kirkstall, gen. Robertus Clough de Ryton, gen. Anthonius Franke de Alwoodley, gen. Willielmus Thompson de Esholt, gen. Henricus Arthington de Esholt, gen. Walterus Hawksworth de Hawksworth. 398 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . Westrydinge. WAPENTAGIU M DE CLARO. Willielmus Mallorie de Studley, mil., en- tred. Thomas Fairfax de Denton, mil. Ricardus Maleverer de Allerton Maleverer, mil., just. Willielmus Vavasour de Weston, ar., just. Franciscus Palmes de Lindley, ar., just. Willielmus Plumpton de Plumpton, ar. Willielmus Midelton de Stockeld, ar. Willielmus Clapham de Beamsley, ar. Ricardus Goldesborough de Goldes- borough, ar. Ricardus Goodrick de Ribston, ar., just. Willielmus Ingleby de Ripley, ar., just. Petrus Yorke de Gowthwaite, ar. Johannes Norton de., ar., mortuus. Laurence Kighley de Newhall, ar. Maior Vavasour de Newton, gen., filius et hseres Willielmi de Weston. Ricardus Banke de Whixley, gen. Westrydinge. LIBERTAS DE Franciscus Slingsby de Knaresburgh, ar., justic. Ricardus Aldborough de Aldborough, ar. Thomas Tankard de Boroughbridge, ar. Willielmus Beckwith de Clint, ar. Willielmus Hopperton deHopperton, gen. Matheus Conyers de Thorp Underwood, gen. Gamaliel Drax de Stubham, gen. Ricardus Fawkes de Farnley, gen. Johannes Lindley de Leathley, gen. Franciscus Arthington deCastley, gen. Anthonius Maude de Helthwaite Hill, gen. Willielmus Wharton de Helthwaite Hill, gen. Willielmus Paver de le Breame, gen. Miles Newton de Whixley, gen. Christopherus Maddison de Brathwaite, gen. Gilbertus Dawson de Azerley, gen. Willielmus Battersby de Kirby Malzeard, gen. Franciscus Wood de Little Timble, gen. Solomon Swale de Staveley, gen. KNARESBURGH. Johannes Pulleyne de Killinghall, gen. Franciscus Tankard de Pannall, gen. Johannes Percy de Scot ton, gen. 'Willielmus Danby de Knaresburgh, gen. Thomas Coghill de Knaresburgh, gen. Westrydinge. LIBERTAS DE RIPPON. Nicholaus Burton de Ingmanthorpe, gen. Milo Staveley de Ripon Park, gen., fil. junior. Willielmus Walworth de Raventofte, gen. Westrydinge. WAPENTAGIUM Marmaducus Redman de Thornton, ar. I Ricardus Duckett de Sedbergh, gen. Franciscus Cowper de Sedbergh, gen. Ricardus Cholmeley de Bentham, gen. | Christopherus Bland, gen., ignobilis. Johannes Smith, gen., ignobilis. Jacobus Rokeby de Slenningford, gen. DE YEWCROSS. Willielmus Nessfield de Austwick, gen. Willielmus Clapham de Clapham, gen. Marmaducus Clapham de Clapham, gen. Westrydinge. WAPENTAGIUM DE AGBRIGG ET MORLEY ET WEST POMFRET. P. significat West Pomfret; et J. justic. pacis. Thomas Danby de Farnley, mil., J., P. Cotton Gargrave de Nostell, mil., J. Robertus Bradford de Stanley, ar., J. Ricardus Bunny de Normanton, ar. Robertus Waterhouse de Sliibden juxta Halifax, ar.,J., P. Johannes Kayde Woodsbme, ar., J., P. Robertus Tempest de Bolling et Braco well, ar., J., P. Thomas Waterton de Walton, ar., hors du pays. Thomas Leigh de Middleton, ar., P. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 T 2 . 399 Thomas Savile, P. Ricardus Lacy de Cromwellbotham, ar., P. Avery Copley de Batley Hall, ar., de familia com. Salopise, J., P. Johannes Freeston de Altoftes, ar., ball, de Tickhill, P. Robertus Eland de Eland, ar. Thomas Tempest de Brightwistle, ar., P. Johannes Hopton de Armley, ar., P. Thomas Pilkington de Bradley, ar., P. Walt eras Calverley de Calverley, ar., P. Henricus Grice de Wakefield, Northgate, ar. Henricus Tempest de Tonge, ar., P. Carolus Jackson de Snydale, ar., P. Martinus Birkhead de Wakefield, justic. attorn, dnae. reginae infra com. Ebor. Robertus Savile de Eland, ar., P. Johannes Savile de Bradley, ar., J., P. Ricardus Lacy de Cromwellbotham, ar., P., antea. Georgius Savile de Thornhill, duxit filiam comitis Salopiae. Bryanus Thornhill de Fixby, ar. Radulphus Beeston de Beeston, ar., P. Johannes Kaye de Heath, ar., P. Alexandras Rishworth de Heath, gen., P. Thomas Beckwith de Aikton, gen., P. Cuthbertus Fleming de Sharleston, gen., P. Johannes Dighton de Staincliffe, gen., P. Robertus Popelay de Popelay, gen,, P. Ricardus Thurgerland de Thurgerland et Lilley, gen., P. Georgius Kaye de Denby Grange, gen., P. Thomas Savile de Mirfield, gen., P. Michael Carr de Horbury, gen. Johannes Ramsden de Longley juxta Almondbury, gen., P, Johannes Batte de Okewell, gen., P. Thomas Savile de Mirfield, gen., P. Johannes Milner de Pudsey, gen., P. Henricus Savile de Snydall, gen., P., vocat. Long Harrie. ^Willielmus Rawson de Shipley, gen., P. J\ Robertus Ramsden de Rastrick, gen., P. Andrew Young de Methley, gen., P. Thomas Savile de Mirfield, gen., antea. Robertus Hobson de Stanley, gen. Nicholaus Peeke de Wakefield, gen., mortuus. Johannes Lyster de eadem, 1 gen. Matheus Lee de Methley, gen., Halifax, 1 ., P. Johannes Savile de Stanley, gen. Stephanus Brome de Stanley, gen. Johannes Mallet de Normanton, gen. Henricus Farrer de Ewood, gen., Halifax. Gilbertus Lacy de Brearley, gen., Halifax. Franciscus Jackson, gen. Johannes Armitage de Kirklees, gen. willielmus Rookes de Rodeshall, gen., P. Edwardus Nettleton de Thornton Lees, gen., P. Johannes Mowbray de Ossett, gen. Henricus Burgh de Flamsall, gen. Georgius Waterhouse de Shibden, gen., P. Thomas Savile de Hullinedge, gen., P. Gresham ClaphamdeCottingley, gen., P., filius illius de Beamsley. Thomas Norcliffe, ofCarlinghowe,gen., P. Willielmus Beaumont, of Carlinghowe,gen. 26 Eliz. R.— Westrydinge. WAPENTAGIUM DE LE ANESTY SPECTANS COMITATUI CIVITATIS EBORACENSIS. Robertus Stapleton de Wighill, miles. Willielmus Fairfax de Walton, miles. Thomas Fairfax de Nun Appleton, miles. Henricus Fairfax de Streethouse, ar. Willielmus Fairfax de Steeton, ar. Thomas Vavasour de Copmanthorpe, ar. Petrus Newarke de Acomb Grange, ar. Jacobus Thwaytes de Marston, ar. Robertus Gale de Acomb Grange, ar. Robertus Snawsell de Bilton, gen. Guido Frankland de Poppleton, gen. Guido Jackson de Bishopthorpe, gen. Robertus Newarke de Askham Bryan, gen. Robertus Shawe de Healaugh, gen. CarolusWillisthorpe de Willisthorpe Hall, gen. North Rydinge. LIBERTAS DE WHITBY ET WHITBY STRAND. Franciscus Cholmondley de Roxby, ar. Jacobus Strangwayes de Sneaton, ar. Leonardus Conyers de Whitby, ar. Radulphus Salveyne de Newbiggin, ar. 1 Halifax, Christopher Wycliflfe de Whitby, gen. Nicholaus Conyers de Whitby, ar. Robertus Grey de Whitby, gen,, balliv, libertatis. MS. 1487. 400 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1384/3 AND I ^ 12 » Bomina et flrma tllorum Cquttum oe Ptotiincta €horacenfct, gut cum (ZEOtoatQo yrirno Bege ftipenoia merchant in Scotia et altfct. Acclome —Gules, a maunche and orle of eight cinquefoils argent. Agenall —Gules, a lion passant guardant between ten cross crosslets argent. Aglionby —Argent, two bars and three martlets in chief sable. Agullum —Gules, on a canton argent a cross flory sable. Alanby —Argent, a chevron engrailed sable. Aldburgh— Sable, a fesse between three cross crosslets argent. Alesford —Gules, fretty ermine. Allen de Redhouse, Christopher—Sable, a fesse engrailed ermine between three talbots, collared or. Anne —Gules, three bucks’ heads cabossed argent. Archard —Or, a bend fusilly sable. Arthington, of Arthington—Or, a fesse between three escallops gules. Arthington —Argent, a fesse between three escallops sable. Ashton —Argent, a mullet sable. Aske, of Acton (Aiketon)—Or, three bars azure ; crest, a dragon’s head couped argent. Aske, of Aughton—Quarterly. 1 and 4. Or, two bars azure. 2. and 3. Azure, five fusils in fesse. Aske, of Richmond—Or, three bars azure. Ayscough, of Cowling—Sable, a fesse or between three asses passant argent. Babthorpe —Sable, a chevron or between three crescents ermine. Balderston —Argent, a lion rampant purpure. Banke, of Craven—Sable, a cross or between four fleurs-de-lis argent. Barningham —Argent, a bear passant sable, muzzled or, and a border engrailed gules. Baxby—E rmine, two bars gules. Beckwith—A rgent, a chevron between three birds’ heads erased (gules). Beeston —Vert, a lion rampant argent, crowned gules. Bekard, of Beilby—Or, a cross gules between four eagles displayed vert. Bekhard, of Beleby—Or, a saltier gules between four eaglets displayed vert. Bellingham —Or, a hunter’s horn sable, tipped argent. Beltofte —Argent, fretty vert, a chief of the second. Berdsey —Argent, two bars gules, on a canton of the last a maunche or. Bisett —Gules, on a bend argent three escallops sable. Blackborne—A rgent, on a bend sable three lozenges of the first charged with three saltiers gules. Blenkinsopp, of Helebeck—Gules, six annulets or, 3, 2, and 1, a border engrailed argent. 1 Blennerhassett —Gules, a chevron ermine between three dolphins naiant embowed argent. Blisworth —Argent, two bars gules, in chief three torteaux. 2 Bold —Sable, five fusils in fesse argent. Borwick —Argent, three bears’ heads erased sable, muzzled gules. Boteler, of Warrington—Azure, a bend between six covered cups or. Bowes —Argent, three long bowes bent in fesse gules. Boynton —Or, on a fesse gules a lion passant ermine, in chie':' two crescents of the second. Bradley, of Naunby—Argent, a chevron sable. Buckton— Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, on a bend sable three martlets or. 2 and 3. Gules, a pile argent. Burgh —Azure, three fleurs-de-lis ermine, Byerley—A rgent, a cross crosslet gules. 1 These are the arms of Vipont. 2 These are the arms of Wake. See p. 405. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 401 2. and 3. Or, Bygod— Or, on a cross engrailed gules five escallops argent Byrnand, of Knaresbro'-Argent, on a bend azure three escallops of the first. Calthrop —Or, a bend azure. CaterAll, of Holderness—Azure, three mascles or Clapham— Argent, on a bend sable three covered cups of the first Clervaux— Sable, a saltier or. P Clifton —Sable, on a bend argent three crescents of the first *. hre « cock ?.beaked and membered gules. Col VILE, Robert, knt.—Or, a fesse gules, in chief three torteaux. Constable, of Halsham—Or, three bars azure. Constable, of Holderness — Masculy, argent and sable- Conyers, of Hornby—Azure, a maunche or Conyers, of Sockburn-Quarterly. i. and 4. Azure, a maunche or. five fusils m fesse sable. Cop ELANrL of Santon Bridge-Argent, two bars and a canton gules, over all a bendlet Crackenthorpe— Or, a chevron between three mullets pierced azure Crathorne —Argent, on a saltier gules five cross crosslets or i Crescy, Roger knt.—Argent, a lion rampant double queued sable, a label of three points gules. ' U1ICC Crosse —Argent, on a bend sable a cross patde or. Curwen —Argent, fretty gules, a chief azure. Dalton —Azure, a lion rampant argent. DAVIL Ie4U r of the sLoridT" ^ tWO fleUrS - de - lis of the fieId between three fleurs- Cowiek-Argent, on a bend cottissed sable, three annulets or. De la More— Gules, a cross flory argent, in the first quarter an etoile nL™? ,V A R ' 0f .® rans by Vair, argent and gules, on a border sable eight bezants. Denton Argent, two bars gules, in chief three martlets. Denton, alter—Argent, two bars gules, in chief three cinquefoils sable. Deyncourte, William, knt.— A fesse dancett^e between ten billets sable Dorand -Sable, a fesse dancett^e or, in chief three fleurs-de-lis Dukinfield— Porte perle une croix matetee diamond vade du champ. Eglesfield —Argent, three eagles displayed gules. Ellerker, of Risby—Argent, fretty azure, a chief of the second. Ellerker, alter of Youlton—Gules, three water bougets or. Elmedon— Argent, on a bend sable three crescents of the first. Eltofte —Sable, three chessrooks argent. Etton, of Gilling—Barry of ten argent and gules, on a canton sable a cross patonce or. Peatnerstonhaugh —Gules, a chevron between three feathers argent Fenwick— Party per fesse gules and argent, 6 martlets counterchanged. Fitz-Henry, of Kelfield—Argent, a cross engrailed sable. Fitz-Ralph Robert, knight—Barry of twelve argent and azure, three chaplets gules a label of three points or. & ’ Fitz-Randolph —Or, a chief indented azure. Fitzwilliam —Lozengy, argent and gules. Fleming, of Wath—Barry of six argent and azure, in chief three lozenges gules Fleminge, alter—Argent, fretty gules, a label of three points vert. Foljambe —Sable, a bend between six escallops or. Fulbaron —Argent, on a fesse sable three crescents or. Fulthorpe— Argent, a cross moline sable. Gobion, Hugh, knight—Barry of twelve argent and gules, a label of three points azure. Goldesburgh —Quarterly, i and 4. Azure, a cross patonce argent. 2 and q Argent three chevrons sable. 0 & ’ Gower, of Stitnam—Barry of eight argent and gules, a cross patonce sable. Grey, of Barton, in Rydal—Barry of six argent and azure, a bend gules Greene— Argent, on a chevron an escallop of the first between three fleurs-de-lis sable Griffith— Azure, three eagles displayed or, beaked and membered gules. Grindall, Walter, knight—Ermine, a cross patonce gules. 1 He quarters argent, on a fesse azure between ten cross crosslets sable three martlets of the first. Tricked in margin.) 402 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN Ij8+/j AND l6l2. SS^ES^aXSe "three mullet or (scratched through, and three HawarSyn^— Qu2terly, P sable and^gentl'a'o'oss patt^e counterchanged, a border HAWKES^Sir'William—Azure, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis or. HESLARTO^'lhomas^kn^ght—Gules, six lionceaux rampant argent, 3. a. “ d r > HEVENmGHAM-Quarterly. Argent andsableabendtetgrUes. g;SoN-VaS“three C a h nnule n ts mgS. a chief of the second, fretty of the first. H™7foCimTg^ HOTON, of Cumberland—Gules, on a canton argent a martlet sable. KS S22S5=SS £JSSS£ZS£2S~ ^ Houghton —Sable, three bars argent. Hudleston— Gules, fretty argent. nt a label of three points azure. iitii: "5«“ heads erased within a border engrailed or. Hutton of Holdemess—Ermine, five mascles gules. , Hyde, of Norbury Hall— Azure, a fesse between three mascles or. I lderton— Argent, three water bougets sable,• Ingleby _Ardent, an etoile sable, a border of the hrst. Ingleby, alter—Sable, a star of six points argent, a border or. Ingleby, of Ripley—Sable, a star ot six points a g Topson, of Cudworth—Gules, five escallops in saltier or 2 JopsoN, of Snaith—Gules, five escallops in cross or. KvMnM t of Rinon—Party per bend indented argent and sable. KERE^FORD-Ai^gent, a fesse embattled between three butterflies sable. Kayton —Or, three leopards faces sable. Kighley— Argent, a fesse sable. Killome, of Danby— Azure, three covered cups or. , nr a label of three Kingston, Nicholas, miles—Sable a lion rampant double queu , Kingston! Walter, miles— Sable, a lion rampant double queued or, a bendlet gules. LASBa K NE-Ar7u! g on ; bSK a l^ngeguL charged with a saltier of the first. Lamploughe— Or, a cross flory sable. Langdale —Sable, a chevron between three mullets argent Langton— Gules, a chevron ermine between three lions rampant argent. Lascells, of Sowerby—Sable, a cross patonce or. Lascells, of East Kirke— Argent, three chaplets gules. Latimer, lohn, knight-Gules, on a cross patonce or four escallop 5 5 * ble - d Latimer, Nicholas, knight—Gules, a cross patonce or, over three fleurs-de-lis of the second. noints of Latimer, Thomas, knight—Gules, a cross patonce or, a label o P the last, each charged with three fleurs-de-lis or. • *,. sable. Latimer, Thomas, knight—Gules, a cross patonce or, a label of t P - ^ Latimer, William, knight—Gules, a cross patonce or, a label of three points each charged with three plates. l Barry of twelve, MS. 1487. 2 These two names are inserted in another hand, MS. 1487 - VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 403 Laton, of Saxhow—Argent, on a fesse, between six cross crosslets sable, a mullet of the first. Lavington, or Levington—O r, a saltier gules, on a chief of the second three boars' heads couped or. Laynesford —Gules, fretty engrailed ermine. Lee, of Cumberland Azure, two bars argent, over all a bend compony or and gules. Leech —Ermine, on a chief indented gules three crowns or. Lepton, of Cornburgh—Argent, three bars gules, on a chief azure three Catherine wheels or. Leyborne, of Kendall—Gules,' six lions rampant argent, 3, 2, and 1. Leyborne, Nicholas, knight—Gules, six lions rampant, 3, 2, and 1, argent, a label ot three points azure. Leyborne, Richard, knight —Gules, six lions rampant, 3, 2, and 1, argent. Longvillers —Sable, a bend between six cross crosslets argent. Lounde, of Cave—Azure, fretty argent. Lovell —Argent, a chevron sable between three wolves’ heads erased gules. Lowther—O r, six annulets sable. Lutton —Sable, on a bend argent three escallops gules. Maleverer, of Allerton—Gules, three greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared or. Maleverer, of Arnecliffe—Quarterly. 1. and 4. Sable, two greyhounds courant in pale argent. 2 and 3. Or, a fesse gules, in chief three torteaux. Colvile. Manston —Sable, a bend embattled argent. Martindale —Argent, two bars gules, a bendlet sable. Marton— Argent, an eagle displayed gules within a double tressure flory sable. Mawley, Edmund, miles—Port de or, a une bend de sable three wyverns de argent. Mawley, John, miles—Or, on a bend sable three dolphins naiant embowed argent. Mawley, Robert, miles—Argent, on a bend sable three eaglets displayed of the first. Merfrell —Argent, a griffin segreant sable. Midelton, of Stockeld—Argent, fretty and a canton sable. Midelton, alter—Ermine, on a canton or a chevron gules. Mirfield —Vert, two lions passant gardant argent. Molineux —Azure, a cross moline or pierced of the field. Moresby —Sable, a cross argent, in the first quarter a cinquefoil of the second. Mounteney —Gules, a bend between six martlets or. Mulcaster —Barry of six argent and gules, a bendlet azure. Nevile —Gules, a saltier argent charged with a martlet pierced. Nevile, of Pickhall—Gules, a saltier ermine. Nevill, of Leversedge—Argent, a saltiei gules, a label of three points (azure). Nevill, Sir John de—Argent, a saltier gules. Nevill, of Wimersley — Or, five fusils in fesse gules. Nevill, alter—Gules, on a saltier argent a mullet sable. Newmarch —Argent, five fusils in fesse gules. Norton—A zure, a maunche ermine. Normanvile —Argent, on a fesse double cottised gules three fleurs-de-lis of the first. Osmonderlawe —Argent, a fesse engrailed between three martlets sable. Ougiitred —Gules, a cross patonce or charged with five mullets of the field. Oughtred, Robert, miles—Or, on a cross patonce gules four mullets of the field. Oxclyffe —Argent, three oxheads cabossed sable. Pennington —Or, five fusils in fesse azure, a label of five points gules. Percehay, of Rydal—Argent, a cross patonce gules. Perwings —Sable, three mullets and border engrailed or. Pickering, of Ellerton—Ermine, a lion rampant azure, crowned or. Pickering, of Oswaldkirk — Gules, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis or three torteaux. Pigott. Baldwin—Azure, three bars or, in chief three bezants. Place, of Aughton—Argent, a chevron between three ogresses. Plumpton, William—Azure, five fusils in fesse or, each charged with an escallop gules. Poole, of Bartington—Or, a stag’s head cabossed gules, between the horns a fleur-de- lis of the last. Portington —Gules, on a bend argent three Cornish choughs sable. Pudsey — Vert, a chevron between three mullets or. 4°4 VISITATION OP YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Gules, three cushions ermine, tasselled or, RB a crescent for difference. 2 and 3. (Argent) three lions rampant purpure Redman, of Twisleton— Quarterly, i and 4- Gules, three cushions ermine, tasselled o . o and a Argent, three moles sable. Mitford. Redman, oVerby— Gules, three cushions ermine, tasselled or. 2 and 3. Argent, three bugle horns sable. Remondby—E rmine, a fesse gules. , Ritfokd— Party per bend argent and sable, a lion rampant counter changed. Rtver, de la, of Bransby—Verrey, argent and gules, a border sable bezantee. Rockley—L ozengy argent and gules, a fesse sable, p Artcp alter of Insrmanthorpe — Azure, three water bougets or. ROSSE,’ of Rosse, Thomas, miles-Gules, a fesse vaire between three water bougets or Rosse, of Youlton, William— Azure, three water bougets argent, a label of three Routh—A rgent, on a bend cottised sable three mullets of the first. Routh _Argent, a chevron sable between three lions heads erased gules. Ryther— Azure, three crescents or. Rylstone— Sable, a saltire argent. a border Sabkeld— Vert, fretty argent. . . , , , Salkeld, alter— Argent, fretty gules, a chief of the last. . , Salvayne, of Driffield—Argent, on a chief sable two mullets pierced or, engrailed of the last. Salveyn, Gerard, miles—Argent, on a chief sable two mullets or. Salveyn, of Kilham—Argent, on a chief sable two mullets or pierced gules. Sampson, John, miles— Or, a cross patonce sable. ,. , Sandford— Party per chevron sable and ermine, m chief two boars heads or. Sandford— Sable, three lions rampant argent. Sandys— Argent, a fesse dancettee between three cross crosslets fitchhe gules. Sarley — Argent, on a bend gules three garbs or. Savile — Argent, on a bend sable three owls of the first. . Serlby (Barrowby)— Sable, two swords in saltier argent, hilted and pomelled or, between four fleurs-de-lis of the last. . . M , Shorthose— Argent, on a chevron between three stars of six points sable tnre Skarb^ooke^otScarisbrick— .. three mullets in bend between two bendlets engrailed. Skargill —Ermine, a saltier gules. Skelton— Azure, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis or; . . , Slingsby— Gules, a chevron between two leopards heads in chief and a bugle norn in base stringed argent. Sothill— Gules, an eagle displayed argent, beaked and membered or. Spring, Sir John — Argent, a lion rampant vert. St. Quintin, of Harpham —Or, a chevron gules, a chief vair. Stafford —Or, a chevron gules and chief azure. Stanhope— Vert, three wolves passant or. Stanley-P aly of six argent and azure, on a canton gules a martlet or. Stapleton, Bryan—Argent, a lion rampant sable, on the shoulder a mullet ol the nn.c. Stapleton’, Sir Myles—Argent, a lion rampant sable. > Stapleton, alter, of Edenhall—Argent, three daggers m triangle gules, hilts conjoined in fesse point, , , . _ Stapleton, alter—Argent, a lion rampant sable, on the shoulder an annulet or, Staveley —Argent, a chevron engrailed azure. Stf.resby —Argent, a cross cordille azure and gules. Stodowe—B arry of eight or and gules, in chief a mullet sable. Stopham, John, knight—Argent, a bend sable, a label of three points or, Stopham, Sir William de—Argent, a bend sable. Strangwayes— Sable, three lions passant, paly argent and gules. Strickland— Sable, three escallops argent. Surtees—E rmine, on a canton gules an escocheon voided of the field argent l But as others, and more true, as I think, ermine, on a canton sable an escocheon argent within another gules, MS. 1487. ' wtwShW IKSH VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/3 AND l 6 l 2 . 40^ Swillington—A rgent, a chevron azure, a label of three points ermine. Swillington, alter, Hugo, miles—Argent, a chevron azure, a label of three points gules. Swillington, alter, Adam, miles—Argent, a chevron azure charged with a fleur-de- lis or, a label of three points gules. SwynBURNe— Sable, fretty ermine. Sywardby —Argent, a bend cottised between six lions rampant sable. Talbot —Argent, three lions rampant purpure. Tankard —Argent, a chevron between three escallops gules. Tempest, of Craven—Argent, a bend between six martlets sable. Thirlwall —Gules, a chevron between three boars’ heads erased argent. Thorold —Sable, three bars or, on a canton of the first a martlet of the second. Thornton, of Newton in Rydal—Argent, a chevron sable between three branches 01 maple vert. Threlkeld —Argent, a maunche gules. Thwaytes— Argent , a cross sable, fretty or. Thwaytes, of Marston—Azure, a fesse between three stars of six points or. Thwenge, of Helmsley—Argent, a chevron gules between three popinjays vert. Tunstall —Sable, three combs argent. Vaulx—A rgent, a bend checquy or and gules. Vavasour—O r, a fesse dancett^e sable. Vipont, John, miles—Gules, six annulets or, a label of three points azure. Ughtred—G ules, on a cross flory or five mullets of the first. Urswick— Argent, on bend sable three mascles of the first, charged with as many saltiers gules. Wadesley, Robert, knight—Argent, on a bend gules three escallops or, between six martlets of the second. Wadesley, alter—Argent, a cross sable, in the first quarter a martlet of the second. Wake, Sir Hugo—Or, two bars gules, in chief three torteaux, a bendlet over all azure. Wake, Hugh, le Oncle—Gules, two bars argent, in chief three plates. Wakerley— Argent, a cross crosslet sable. Warcopp, of Lambersed—Argent, on a fesse gules three cushions ermine. Ward— Azure, a cross patonce or and a border gules. Warwick— Vert, three lions rampant argent. Wastneys, of Stowe—Sable, a lion rampant argent vulned gules. Waterton— Barry of six ermine and gules, over all three crescents sable. Wells—A rgent, a chevron sable between three fleurs-de-lis gules. Whelpdale— Argent, three greyhounds courant in pale^gules, collared or. Whytryg— Argent, fretty gules, a canton of the second. Wilstrope —Azure, a chevron between three lions passant argent. Wombwell— Gules, a bend between six unicorns’ heads couped argent. Wortley, Nicholas, miles—Argent, on a bend between six martlets gules three bezants. Wortley, alter—Argent, on a bend between six martlets gules three bezants. Wycliffe— Argent, a chevron sable between three cross crosslets gules. 40 6 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN AND l 6 l 2 . TO THE BAYLIFE OF Y b WAPENTAKE OF .. IN THE COUNTY OF YORKE, HIS DEPUTIE OR DEPUTIES *. A Warrant to the Chief Bailiff of the Wapentake of . , in the County of Yorke, to summon all Knights, Esquires, and Gentlemen , within the Wapentake, to appear before Norroy, King of Arms, or his Marshal, &c. These are to require you, and in the Queen’s Majesty’s name, to charge and command you that, upon sight hereof, you warn these knights, esquires, and gentlemen whose names are hereunder written (and all other gentlemen within your Wapentake), per¬ sonally to appear before me, A. B., Marshal to Norroy, King of Arms, at C., on.. being of., at 9 of the clock before noon the same-day, whereat I intend to sit for the registering of the gentlemen within that Wapentake. And that they bring with them such arms and crests as they now use and bear, with their pedigrees and descents, and such of their evidences or matters of credit as may (if need so require) justify the same, that I, knowing how they use and challenge the names of esquires or gentlemen and beare their arms, may make entrance of the same accordingly. And those that may not conveniently bring such their evidences and ancient writings as would serve to prove the antiquity of their race and family, but shall be desirous to have me home to their houses—upon the signification of such their desires, for the furtherance of Her Majesty’s service, I will make my repaire unto them so soon as conveniently I may. But if I shall not hear from them, upon this warning to be by you given, that their contempt will enforce me to proceed as my commission in such cases doth appoint, not only to adjourn those that be gentlemen to answer the same before the Earl Marshal of England, on a day prefixed, but also to disclaim and make infamous by proclamation all such as shall refuse to make proof of their gentry, having usurped the name and title thereof, without just authority and due calling. Moreover, I will all those that have received either arms, crests, or pedigrees from one William Dakins (the late lewd usurper of the office of Norroy, King of Arms) bring them in to be cancelled, if they be untrue, and, being found justifiable, to receive the same at my hands, with warranty, according to the order taken in that behalf by the Lords of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council in the Star Chamber. Of all these things, charge them not fail, as they will avoid the peril and trouble that by any their contempt may ensue. Given at Yorke under the seale of the office of Norroy, King of Arms, this. day of, &c. A Proclamation of such as are to be denounced ignoble , with notice to the Sheriff\ Clerks of the Assizes, and of the Peace, thenceforth to forbear to write or call them by the names or titles of esquires or gentlemen. The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty being desirous that the nobility and gentry of this her realm should be preserved in every degree as appertaineth as well in honour as in worship ; and that every person or persons, bodies politic, corporate, and others, be known in their estates and mysteries without confusion and disorder ; and therefore having authorised me.. as Marshal and Deputy to. ,als. Norroy, King of Armes of the north part of thisrealme, not only to visit the said province, to peruse, take knowledge, and survey and view all manners of armes, cognisances, crests, and other like devices, with the notes of the descents, pedigrees, and marriages of all the nobility and gentry therein throughout contained ; but also to reprove, correct, and control, and make infamous by proclamation, all such as unlawfully, and without just authority, vocation, or due calling, do or have done, or shall usurp or take upon him or them any name or title of honour or dignity, as esquire, gentleman, or other, as by Her Highness’ gracious letters patent and commission, under the Great Seals of England, more VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1384/5 AND I< 5 l 2 . 407 plainly doth appear Know ye that I, the said.. for the accomplishment of He Majesty s desire, and furtherance of Her Highness’ service that way, at this present making ray survey within the Wapentake of C., in Yorkshire, having found these persons whose names are hereunder written, presumptuously, without any good ground or authority, to have usurped the name and title of gentlemen, contrary to all right and the most ancient custom of this land, and the usage of the law of arms, which name and title they are by me admonished no more henceforth to use or take upon them, upon such further pain and peril as by the Earl Marshal of England is to be inflicted and laid upon them; and for that purpose the sheriffs and clerks of the assizes and of the peace of this county are by me to be admonished to forbear to write or call them by that name and title. Whereof also (as my commission bindeth me), I thought good hereby to advertise all others Her Majesty's good and loving subjects of this Wapentake (as they tender Her Highness pleasure and desire in this behalf), they from henceforth shun and avoid the like, and forbear to use in any writing or otherwise the addition of esquire or gentleman, unless they be able to stand unto and justify the same by the laws of arms and the lawes of this realme. Given under the seale of the office of Norroy, at .. of.. Eh * b^th^ 6 ^ ear re ^ n OUr ^ ost Gracious Sovereign Lady Queen 18,011, fo. 254 To A. B., Bailife of Wapentake of C., his deputie or deputies: A Letter to be sent together with the said Warrant unto the said Bailiff. After my hearty commendations, I send you here enclosed a precept for the warning of all the esquires and gentlemen within the Wapentake of C., and such of the gentlemen as I have omitted and left out I would you should put their names into the precept, and warn them with the residue. Do your utmost diligence and return me their several answers, for the furtherance of Her Majesty’s service hereon, and I will have such consideration of your pains as shall be to your content, otherwise your negligence and contempt will enforce me to do that will turn to your trouble and hindrance. And thus I wish you heartily well to fayre. From York, the last day of July, 1585. Your loving friend, A Precept for the appearance before the Earle-Marshall of England, upon Contempt . To Mr. A. B.,ofC. Mr. A. B.—Forasmuch as you have refused to make your appearance before me at .. where I lately sat for registering of the gentlemen within the Wapentake of C., according to such warning as was given you by the bailiff of the same Wapentake, I am, of duty, to proceed as my commission appointeth in such cases of contempt. These are, therefore, to require you, and in Her Majesty’s name, to command and charge you to appear personally before the Right Honourable George, Earle of Shrewsbury, Earl-Marshall of England, on of October next ensuing, to answer unto and yield the reason of that your disobedience and contempt. And hereof fail you not, as you will avoid the forfeiture of five pounds to Her Majesty, and the further peril and trouble that may ensue.—Written at York, the . day of By mee, R. Glover, Somersett, 1584. Marshall to Norroy, Kinge of Armes. 408 visitation of Yorkshire in 1584/5 and 1612. PRO WYTHAM EBOR. Placita de Term. Paschje anno 13 Henry VII. Willielmus Toccotes dicit quod quidam Marmaducus Thwenge et Isabella uxor ejus fuerunt seisiti de manerio de Corneburgh, ac dederunt manerium illud, cum pertinentibus, cuidam Johanni Thwenge fratri predicti Marmaduci, habendum sibi et haeredibus de corpore suo legitime procreatis ; virtute cujus donations idem Johannes Thwenge obiit inde seisitus, post cujus mortem idem manerium descendebat cuidam Agneti ut consanguineae et haeredi praedicti Johannis Thwenge, ut filiae Willielmi, filii Marmaduci, filii Johannis, filii Edmundi, filii praedicti Johannis Thwenge vid. fratris,&c., postmortem dictse Agnetis idem manerium descendebat praedictae Margaretae uxori ipsius Willielmi Toccotes et praedicto Matheo Wytham ac praedicto Ricardo Westhropp, patri, &c., ut consanguineis et haeredibus praedictae Agnetis, videlicet, ipsae Margaretse ut unae filiarum Johannis W T awton, filii Johannis, filii Gilberti, filii Aliciaeunius filiarum Johannis patris Marmaduci, patris Willielmi, patris praedictae Agnetis, et eidem Matheo ut filio Ivettae, alterius filiarum praedicti Johannis Wawton, filii Johannis, filii Gilberti, filii praedictse Aliciae unius filiarum Johannis, patris Marmaduci, patris Willielmi, patris praedictae Agnetis: ac praedicto Ricardo Westhrope ut filio Willielmi filii Johannae alterius filiarum praedicti Johannis, patris Marmaduci, patris Willielmi, patris praedictae Agnetis ; per quod ijdem Willielmus Tocottes et Margareta in jure ejusdem Margaretae, ut de quibus Matheus Witham et Ricardus Westhrop in manerium praedictum intra- verunt et fuerunt inde seisiti. Hiis inde seisitis apud Cornburgh praedictum, inter ipsos Willielmum Tocottes et Margaretam, Matheum et Ricardum Westhrop, particio de praedictis centum acris bosci facta fuit, &c. 18,011, fo. 242^. THWENGE, WAWTON, WITHAM, &c. Thwenge. =f= Marmaducus Thwenge, qui dedit=Isabella, manerium de Cornburgh Johanni Thwenge, fratri suo. T ohannes Thwenge, cui frater dedit manerium de Cornburgh, qui inde obiit sesitus. =j= Edmundus Thwenge. =f 1- Johannes Thwenge. =j= Marmaducus Thwenge.=p Alicia.=p.Wawton. Johanna.=j= . Westhrop. Willielmus Thwenge=j= Gilbertus Wawton.= Willielmus Westhrop.-y Agnes, uxor (Thomce Witham , see page 370). J ohannes Ricardus W esthrop, unus consanguineorum Wawton. et hasredum Agnetis filiae Willielmi filii =t= Marmaduci Thwenge, 13 Hen. VII. *. Johannes Wawton.^ Ivetta .=f=.Witham. Margareta, uxor Willielmi Toccots, altera consanguinearum Agnetis filiae Willielmi filii Marmaduci Thwenge, a° 13 1 Hen. VII. Matheus de Witham, unus consanguineorum Agnetis filiae Willielmi filii Marmaduci Thwenge, a 0 13 Hen. VII. 18,011, fo. 242. r —■ METCALFE, OF NAP PA, OTTERINGTON, &c. Arms : —Argent, 3 calves passant sable.I James Medcalfe, of Wensleydale, was acaptafn in France at the Battle of Agincourl, temp. Hen. V.=p.. dau, of.. Gibson r;—-—-1-1—----1 Reginald Brian Med—p....,dau. and Myles Medcalfe, recorder of Thomas Medcalfe, of Nappa, one of=r=.. dan. and heir of Medcalfe, nalfp hpirnf Vnrlr :—*:-- *.1-!-, I .T , . .. - calfe, of Beare Park. heir of.. York and the king s justice at Bough ton. Lancaster, ob. 1485. the privy council and chancellor of th e Duchy of Lancaster, a 0 38 Hen. VI. Elizabeth Med¬ calfe, mar. to Thos. Thorn¬ ton, of Thorn¬ ton, and had a son, Stephen. 1. Richard 2. Leonard : Medcalfe, Medcalfe, of Bedale. of Burton, j -,dau. 3. Nicho- of . las Med- Thursby, calfe. =p ofThurs- by. "1 Hartlington, of Hart- lington, in Craven. 4. Roger Sir James=pMargaret 5 dau.. dau,, mar. to ...... Ful- Med calfe, of Beare Park.=p M e d- calfe. Lucas Med- calfe, 2 mar. Katherine, dam of Ro¬ bert Jack- son, of Bedale. - I i I- J r. Ambrose. 3. Godfrey.-^ Vincent Medcalfe, of the Herr¬ ing, mar. .. t dau. of..Sny- n a y e, of Kent, =f I '! 1 1 3 1—i— t 1 ^ • Nicholas, Leonard Medcalfe, of Humphrey. and co-heir thorpe. of Thomas Cicily, mar. to ...... Burgh. Pigott, of ., dau., mar. to ... Copley. Clotherham. -, dau., mar. to.Con¬ yers, of Marske, , f , r , _ . - EdwardMed-=pAnn, dau. Anne, 'mar. to Thos. Medcalfe, Beare Park, mar.. Oswald Med- calfe, of | of . Hebborne. mar. ...... dau. of..., Redman, of dau. of... Twistleton, and had Devi nthe. T ohn, Brian, and Roger. 1 - Gee . Morton. Vai John Med- George Medcalfe, of Aln- calfe s ofSt. wick, hadissue William Nicholas, and Anthony, receiver- Marmaduke Medcalfe, of general, s. Hutton, mr. widow P* of... Conyers, of Hutton, and had a son Geo. calfe, mr. dau. of Wra. -p Parkinson. |- ' Sir Christopher . Med fe, of I of . ton. Clifton. u valentine Michae 1=f .. dau. of Medcalfe. Medcalfe. | _Thursby. Medcalfe, knt., of Nappa and Wensleydale, mar.. dau, of Henry, Earl of Cumberland ,=j= calfe, a ha¬ berdasher. D o c t o r Medcalfe. Ingram, John, , dau., mr. to ...... Hilton. . t dam, mr. to. Widdrington. Alice, mar, to Leonard Frank, of Knighton. dau.,mr. to. Bowes. Elizabeth,mar. to.. Layton, of Saxhow. Jam e s^fjoan, dau.of JohaSavile, dau., mr. to.Midleton. Medcalfe. | of Wakefield. of Leighton, co. Lane. Edward. William Med—r-.. dau. of John Medcalfe, VincentMedcalfe,=p dau of calfe. t^i.—T'—11- - -- * John Trollope, of Thomley. a merchant, of York. =f of Otterington. Metcalfe. Sir Thomas Med -~EUzabeih t date, of calie, set. 6, a® Thomas Slings* fyi of Scrivm . Christopher Medcalfe,=j=.dau. of.Godsworth. Michael Medcalfe, a Michael of Heneage. H merchant at York. Vincent. 18.011, fo. 227#. 1487, fo. 274A Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 105. 177, 325, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. Quartering in MS. 1487 3 and 4. Sable, a chevron between three qnarterfoils pierced argent, Bo^ghton. 2 Grandson, not son, of Richard. 4 * O 'O VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1384/5 AND l6l2. u Harthtll. STOCKDALE, OF THORPE HAMMERTON, AND LOCKINGTON. Arms-—E rmine, on a bend sable 3 pheons argent, in sinister chief an escallop gules.* Tohn Thorpe, of Thorpe Underdid; nr. Topcliff, co. York. T _ Willie S t ockdUe- T ,------—t— t _.;i " ^ 3 ‘ wife, of. Elizabeth, =fO liver Stock- .. dau. and co-heir, .. .. wife of . Wighill, Marshall. eldest da* and after to ..War- ..wife of.,. and co copp, of Greta-bottom, Basforth, of Thor- heir. 00* York. manby, co. York. Robert Stock- dale, of Hull, co. York, mar. ... dau. of ... Mayne. = p 1 st wife, dau. and^pThomas Stock- heir to., of Thorpe, I dale. near Ripon. plane, da. to Thos. Fathom, of Lancashire, ‘ and of his wife, da. to Sir John Atherton, of Great Chabent. 1 . Robert^ s.p. 2. Alexander Stock-=pGra^, dau, to dale, of Hull. Thomas Eltoft, of £ I toft. Christopher Stockdale. -Alice, sister to Sir George^Alice, dau. to Thos. James -p... D_titnf'L'- Tinladv. of Fox- Stock- b dale. Roger Lascelles, of Brakenburgh. Stock- dale. Tiplady, of Fox- ton, co. York .3 da. to.. Sotheby, of Pocklington. Robert Stock Elizabeth, dau. to dale,of Lock- fames Moyser, mg ton, 1586. gent.,of Appleton. Hiring 1612 . e Dorothy , wife of Francis Moyser. * r , 7 ,- AKpp Han to Thomas, eldest son tcFFWittiam Stockdale, offM/, Anthony =j=A!ice^dau. to RogerFau- Al ^^ a d r a , u H ‘n a m ™n of lohn Hallam. Green Hamerton, | Thos. i Esq., now Ig Stock- dale. conberg, of Ottrington, near Northallerton. Richard Hallam, son of John Rallam, of West Hallam, co. Derby, 1st wife. Richard Stockdale. of Thorpe undeppElizabeth, da. to Thos. Bell, ofAt- Cliff, near Topcliffe, now living, 1585. j terby, nr. Topchffe, yeoman. I L I .Q3iC 3 OI r - jL- - o-y 3 -- - j merton, Thos. Mi Hot, of in 1585./K the Bishop rick , 3 dau. of .wife of. Skerne. . Clara. a. Ellinor. 3. Alice. Mary. jane. 1. Tobias, 4 2. Gilbert. 3. Richard. 4. William. 1 —t—r foseph. & s-l . 6. Jerome. Thomas. Sara, wife ofSir Nicholas Mor - daunt Elizabeth, mar. to Wm. Fenwick , of co. Northum. William Stockdale. Ln 00 4 * William Berkesworth, of Thorpe. =FChristian, dau. to-Thorpe. William Marshall.=p., dau. and heir of-Basforth, Isabella, dau. and co-heir, wife of .... WighilL iSabe.h, dau. and co-heir, wife of Oliver S.ockdale. Gathered out of the deeds and evidences of Mr. Thomas Stockdale, of Bilton Parke, the original of which deeds is in the hands of the Hon. Henry, tart of Northumberland . P. me, Sylvan us Morgan. . O tR oir fo 22 a 5, 14S7, pp- 137, 430. *394, p. 288. See Dugdale's Visitation, p. 58. , . states^&t&s^k^ J3— VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 411 RICARDO BUNNY, olim de Newton alias Bunnyhall in parochia de Wakefield in comitatu Eboracensi, post de Newland in parochia de Normanton, in eodem comitatu, armigero, majoribus (ut iertur) Gallis ex oppido Bunny, in septentrionali ripa flurainis Loior, super Orleans sito, tempore Guilielmi Conquestoris, ad Bunny Reise in comitatu Nottinghamine delatis, muneribus quibusdam (ijsque satis honorificis) illustrissimis principibus Henrico, Edwardo, Maria et Elizabetha jubentibus, defuncto, anno aetatis plus minus septuagesimo (tribus filiis Edmundo, Ricardo et Francisco superstitibus relictis) pridie calendarum Maiae anno Domini 1584, supemam diem in Domino obeunti, Brigida conjux, tarn vivis quacunque mortalitatis testimonium, quam extinctis patri .prius, post marito, debitum certe, licet non satis honorificum, sed pro modestia et illorum et sua, 4 0 calendarum Julii, anno Domini 1586, monumentum posuit. FITZWILLIAM, BARLEY, BOSVILE. Thomas Fitzwilliam, miles, dominus dominiorum et maneriorum de Emley,=j= Sprotburgh, Woodhall, Haddeslaye, Darrington, cum aliis multis, habuit exitum Willielmum et Rogerum, milites, et inter alia dedit dominium suum de Woodhall una cum advocatione et donatione juris patronatus ecclesise parochialis de Derfield prsedicto Rogero filio ejus juniori absque aliquo retenemento nisi sex denarii ad festum pentecostis vel unum par calciarium deauratorum singulis annis sol vend, pro omnibus serviciis et demandis quibuscumque. Willielmus Fitzwilliam, miles, duxit filiam Edmundi Domini Deincourt. Rogerus Fitzwilliam miles, duxit Matildam filiam Johannis Bosvile, militis. Johannes Fitzwilliam, miles, duxit Elizabetham filiam Domini de Clynton et Baronis. Johannes Fitzwilliam duxit Aliciam,= sororem Petri de Midelton, militis. 1 J Dhannes Fitzwilliam duxit Katharinam filiam-p Roberti Haringell et unam hseredum. I Isabella.=f=Thomas Barley de Woodsome. 1 -i---1 Isabella filia Per-=pJohannes Bosvile=j=Mariota, Margareta=pJohannes Drax, filius civalli Cresacre de Bamboro’. de Ardsley, Ricardus= Johanna, filia Bosvile. | Thomse Nevile de Liversedge. r uxor prima. Barley. Ricardi Drax. Willielmus: Bosvile. = Matilda, filia I To h a n ni Fit; Robertus Drax. Fitzwilliam. Johannes Bosvile de Gunthwaite. Thomas Bosvile de Newhall. Sigillum Rogeri filii Thomge Fitzwilliam, militis, de Woodhall, annexum cartoe, dat. A.D. 1294 .—Lozengy argent and gules, over all a label of $ points. 18,011, fo. 224. 1394, p. 287. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection, 1 MS. 1394 omits this generation. 412 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . CLERVAUX, OF CROFT. Arms :— Quarterly. 1 and 4. Azure, a chevron ermine between 3 annulets argent, on a chief or as many martlets gules, Chaytor. 2 and 3. Or, a saltier sable, Clekvaux .1 Crest :—On a torce, a duck proper, beaked gules A Sir Hamon Cleruatix, came in with the Conqueror? who=f= gave him the manor of Croft — (Or, a saltire sable 3 ). Albanus Cleruaux, of Croft. =f=.. dau. of Jordan* Busby — (Argent, 3 bars sable 3 ). Jordanus Cleruaux. =f=Amaretta, filia Dom. Nevill de Hornby — (Argent, a | saltire gules 3 ). Jordan 5 Cleruaux , of Croft.=^Oswalda, dau. of Adam Brus — (Gules, a saltier or, a chief of the last 3 ). j- Thomas Cleruaux , 6 of Croft (co. Durham).=^Timothea, da. of John Gascoigne—(Argent, I on a pale sable a demi-luce erect or 3 ). Robert Cleruaux, of Croft.Alice, dau. of . Anlabyt — (Argent, 3 chess-rooks, r J 2 and 1, sable 3 ). Sir John Cleruaux, of Croft, knight. =yHerodia, dau. of . the Lord Marmion — % I (Vaire, a fesse gules 3 ). Sir Henry Cleruaux, of Croft, pur chased^ Jamathcla? dau. of John Nesom, of Fitton and East Cotton. T J Nesom — (Ermine, 3 bars sable 3 ). 1. John, Robert Clervaux, 9 of Croft, 2^^=j=Eva, dau. of Sir William 3. o. s.p. son, and heir to his bro. John. Fairfax, 10 of Gilling. . 1 i n Sir Thos. 12 =Constance, 13 John Cler-=r=Maude, dau. of Symon, 3rd /-1- o.-_ . _r Adam 1 e son, parson CerfD — Vert, of Leigh. a stag statant Margery, argent, a chief or. 3 Clervaux, knight, 1st son. dau. of Sir 'vaux, of Hugh Go- Croft, 2nd bion. son. William. 11 William, rector of the church of Croft. 3 Katherine. William Clervaux, of Croft. =j=Anne, dau, of Thomas Stodelay 1 * — Or, a chevron between 3 . erased sable. 3 Sir John Clervaux,=pEllinor, dau. of Sir Alexander Percy, knight— 2. William. of Croft, knight. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, 3 fishes hauriant argent. 2 and 3. Or, a lion rampant azure. 3 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND * 6 l 2 . 4 J 3 A I Margaret, Alice, 16 Nicholas, Sir John=T=Beatrix, dau. Anastatia, 1 ? Jane wfofWm. wife of s. p. Cler- - r T ~ 1 -- /?oynton,of Thomas Robert, mr. vaux, of Sedbury — Colvile— . ,dau. Croft, Or, a fesse A rgent, of . knight. between 3 on a fesse Colvile. 3 crescents sable 3 gules 3 plates . 3 of Sir John wifeofThos. Joane, wife Maleverer.of Fitz Henry to John A 11 e r t o n, — (Argent, Sothill. a cross Margaret, a engrailed nun. sable . 3 ) knight. I I III 2. Thomas, mar. Isabel, da. S i r J o h n = Isabella, dau. of Richard Richard, s. p. of Thomas 3 Thoresby, Clervaux, de Richmond, by Elizabeth , Robert, s.p. but, as saith Glover, the of Croft. dau. and heir of Wm. Burgh Anne, wife of dau. of Thos. Conyers, — Argent, a fesse dancette.e Thomas of Sockborne, o. s. p. between 6 fleurs-de-lis sable.* Studdow. 18 I ! Beatrix, wife of JohnKillinghall. Elizabeth, mar. to Wm.Ledsham, 19 of York— Quar¬ terly, sable and argent, 4 leopards' heads counter¬ charged.* I I I 2. Thomas, mar. Isa¬ bel, dau. of Robt. Conyers, of Sock- bur ne, and had a da. A lice, wife ofjno. Fawne, of Wis- towe , co. Hunts* 3. Henry, s.p. 4. John. Sir John: Cler- vaux, of Croft. Margaret, da. of Ralph, Ld. Lumley, by Ellinor, d. of Jno. Ld.Ne- vill , of Raby, and sister of Ralph theist EarlofWest- moreland. Margaret, wife of Wm. Vincent, 20 of Smeaton — Argent, 2 bars gules , on a canton of the last a trefoil slipped or. 3 Joane, 21 wife of Henry Taylboys. Agnes, 22 wife of John Headlam. Richard Clervaux, of Croft, =j=Elizabeth, dau. of Esq. (? ofthebody to K. Hen. VI.), ob. 1490. I I Margaret, wife ofThos .orjno. Laton, of Sex- how, eldest son and heir of Robert Laton , of Melsonby. Jane, 23 wife of Christopher Aske. I I Henry. Robert. Hy. Vavasour, of Hazlewood. John , mar. to . Vincent, and d. s. p. 3 Marma-=Elizabeth, duke Cler¬ vaux, o f Croft. dau. of Sir Jas. 2 * Strang- wayes. I I I Elizabeth, wife toWm. FitzHugh or Fitz Henry ; 2ndly, to Wm. Clarjenet. Isabel, wife of Wm. Conyers, ofWynyard 35 son and heir of Sir Roger Conyers, knt. Beatrix, a nun, at Synningthwaite. 2. John 20 Clervaux, mar. Jane, dau. ofjno. Hussey, of Sleaford. 1. John Cler-=F..., dau. of 2. William—Isabel,dau. J _ c n • _ 1 /~>7 _ ‘T'l.O'. vaux, of Clervaux, occisus in p'lio versus Scot os 3 I I Ellinor. Richa rd Hansard. Clervaux , of Croft. of Thos.w Elizabeth. Bellasis . I Margery, sole da. and heir, wife to Jno. Fitzwilliam, ofSprotborough. =r A John , Elizabeth, sole 1. John 2. R i chard=F . dau. of Eliza-=FC hristo- ' s.p. dau. and heir, (armigerde wife to Thos., cor pore BaronHylton, Hy. VIII., of Hylton o.s.p. 3 ) Castle . Clervaux , mar...., da. of ....Place. A Robert 33 Ril¬ ling hall, of Middleton. beth. pherChay- tor, of Butterby . 2 ° 4*4 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . A IV i lli am — C hay tor, of Croft , co % York. Frances, dau. of Sir James Bell ing- ham . Anthony Chaytor.=r .. dau. of . Thornton. Isabel ( 2nd wife), eldest— Christopher Richmond , dau. , mar. at Croft , 13 April, 1613, and bd. at Dalston, co. Cumb., 20 July , 1632. 30 /t\ of Highhead Castle , a?. Ctimb. He was buried at Dalston , 15 1643. 30 Other issue. OBpttapfnum. Clertmur Btcattms meet fnc fub marmore claufus, Ctofte quonoatn oomtnus, butt mtferere £>eu0. atmtger Identic! IRegts et pro corpote ferti, Ciuem iDeus ercclfi ount an aftra poll Sanguinis Cbtoattil quart! terntque BtcarDi ^ratiibus in terms alter utttque fult. Ciui obtit anno ^alutis mccccrc. Clervaux Pedigree. 18,011, fo. 215. 1487, ff. 302, 303. 1394. P- 2 9 6 - Chaytor Pedigree, see Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 302-3, Longstaffe’s Darlington, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 This blazon is from MS. 18,011, but does not correspond with that given in Whitaker’s Rich- mondshire. 2 A quo habuit ex dono terras in Botthom in com. Ebor., MS. 1394. 3 MS. 1394» and “slain at.Stotyshe Field,” Visitation 1564. 4 Lambert, MS. 1394. 5 Johannes, MS. 1394* 6 He is the first styled of Croft in MS. 1394. 7 Anna, dau. of Edward Latheby, MS.. 1394 * 8 Jonathan, MS. 1394. 9 Visitation Pedigree of 1564 begins with this Robert, and indeed the earlier generations, as here printed, are deemed fictitious. 10 Fenwick, Visitation 1564. 11 Rowland, MS. 1394. 12 So in MSS. 1487, i 3 94 ; but James in MS. 18,011. 18 Daughter of Lord Grey, of Codnor, co. Derby, MSS. 1394, 1487. 14 MS. 1394; Sherff or Sheriff, MS. 1487 , Serf, MS. 18,011 and Visitation 1564. 15 Stochley, or Skeithberie, MS. 1487; Scoythbery, MS. 18,011 ; Scoithley, Visitation 1564; Storthley, MS. 1394. 16 Christiana, MS. 1394 - 17 Agnes, MS. 1394. 18 Studole, MS. 1394; Strother, MS. 1487; Stewdow, Visitation 1564. 19 Leveson, Visitation 1564. 20 William Windsor, of Trultone, MS. 1487. 21 Catherine, MS. 1394- 22 Anne, MS. 1394. 23 This daughter and her marriage not in Visitation 1564. 24 Henry, MS. 1487. 25 John Conyers, of Sockburne, MS. 1394; in addition to the differences in the names and marriages of these daughters, MS. 1394 states further that a daughter was wife of William Fitz William, another was wife of John Hussey, and that another, Matilda, was wife of Robert Aske. 26 James, MS. 1394. 27 Richard Bellasis, of Henknoll, MS. 1394- 28 George, MS. 1487 ; William, MS. 1394. 29 This marriage and descents from MS. 18,011. 3 <> Additional, and inserted to correct a mistake, which appears in former pedigrees. See pedigree Richmond, of Highhead Castle, by William Jackson, Esq. >, t VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 415 LORD BURGH, &c. Thomas de Percy, miles, =j=Elizabetha, filia aetate minima, Davidis : secundus filius comitis Northumbrise. de Strathbolgy, comitis Atholise. , r ^Johannes Scrope, miles, secundus maritus. “I Thomas Henricus Percy, =pElizabeth, relicta Rogeri Filia nupta Ri- Filia nupta Percy, miles, Inq. 11 I Dom. Scales, que fuit cardo Hast- Thomae miles. Hen. VI. filia Dom. Bardolfe. ing, militis. Clarell. 1 Thomas =FElizabeth, Dna. ='Willielmus Henricus=f=Margareta, nupta=R i c a r d u s Burgh. Lacy, mater Thomae Burgh, militis, 34 Hen. VI. Lacy, 2nd Dominus maritus. Grey de Codnor. Henrico Dno. Vere, miles, Grey de Cod- secundus nor, Inq. 4 maritus. Ed. IV. Beatrix, primo nupta Thomas Burgh, =j=Margeria, filia Henricus Dns. Grey de Codnor, qui obiit sine legitima prole. . Strickland, qui miles, Domi- Thomae Do- obiit sine prole ; re- nusdeGaynes- mini Roos. nupta Ricardo Page burgh, ex jure armiger o. =y matris suae. Henricus Page,=j=Margareta, dau. and Edwardus Burgh,=j=Anna, filia et haeres Thomae miles. | heir of... Danyell. miles. [ Cobham, militis. RicardusPage,=f=Elizabetha, soror Johan- Thomas Burgh, miles, =f.A nna, filia Willielmi miles. nis comitis Bathonia. Dominus Burgh. Tyrwhitt, militis. '-1 r-;— Willielmus Skip-= Elizabetha, filia et haeres Willielmus Domi-=Catherina, filia Ed- with, miles. I Ricardi Page, militis. nus Burgh, I wardi Clinton, com. Lincoln. Ricardus Skipwith, miles. Henricus, 1 primogenitus setatisque 15. 18,011, fo. 225^. 1 Slayne, MS. 1394. Thomas, Lord Burgh? 1394, p. 290. 2 MS. 1394. Johannes. MOUNTFORD, OF HACKFORD. Sir Alexander Mountford. = T Sir Alexander 1 Mountford,knt.,lived=FElizabeth, dau. and heir of Thomas Burgh, made 19 Edward II., Lord of Hack- her will a 0 1352, 26 Edward III.— Argent, on a forth. fesse sable three bezants. Isabel, dau. to Gil-=Lawrence Mountford, 2 liv. = Margaret, 2nd Lady Katherine, bert de Sotheby, 1st wife. 2 a 0 19 Edward II., 1352, cond. test. 1379. wife, overlived her husband. a° 1352. =t= Thomas Mountford, mr. Margaret., 1352. John, * 352 . Margaret, 1352 . Joane, 1352 . Elizabeth, Walter, Eleanor, 1352* 1352. 1352. 18,011, fo. 226. 1394, fo. 291. l Called Sir Thomas in the Visitation of 1564. 2 The issue as here given is in Visitation 1564 said to be by a daughter of Lady Marmion. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/^ AND l6l2. 416 Hanc genealogiam antiques familice Constabulariorum de Holdernesia in Eboracensi provincia, una cum adjunctis hoeredum coalescentium, stemmatibus armisque, sive insignibus gentiliciis, R. Gl[over] alias Somerset Heraldus, in auxilium Norroy, armorum regis partium regni Angliae borealium evocatus, eique jam jam copulari authoritate Regia Marescallus sive deputatibus constitutus, secundum fidem chartarum antiquarum, evidentiarum, monumentorum, aliarumque rerum reverendse antiquitatis, et magnas fidei penes Henricum Constable armigerum (in quo tanquam in capite ratione primogeniturae splendor ac decus totius families relucet) ab injuriae temporis vindicatorum ad instantiam et rogatu praedicti Henrici, delineandam describendamque curavit. Anno verbi incarnati MDLXXXV. Considerans cronicorum prolixitatem necnon et difficultatem, scolariumque circa studium nobilis progenie regum Angliae et maxime illius quae in historiae fundamento versatur, negligentiam quorundam quoque ex inopia librorum imperitae suae solatia quaerentium, volentiumque quasi in quodam sacculo memoriter tenere narrationes historiarum ; temptavi seriem regum Angliae prout linealiter duxerunt originem in unum opusculum redigere. Quod in fastidientibus prolixitatem propter subjectam oculis formam animam sit oblectacio et k studiosis possuit prae oculis habita facile memoriae commendari, et legentibus utilitas conferri. In quo quidem laborem non facilem assumpsi, cum brevitati secundum formam ita studui, ut nihil de veritate historia detruncarem. Sed ab Adamo incipiens per Noe et Japhet usque ad Brutum regem primum et conquestorem istius regni, et ab illo usque ad Henricum sextum originaliter finem perduxi.— Heralds' College Copy of Flowers Visitation. In Carta Ingrami Falefaunt, cui sunt testes dominus Robertus le BayllofF, Thomas de Dronesfeld, Willielmus de Hibernia, Henricus de Bylam, et alii, sine data. Sigillum Ingrami Falefaunt, on a fesse 3 crosses patee. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/3 AND l 6 l 2 . 417 &rmes taken out of Cfmrtljes anti Hotofes tn Dorkflntc Wfitatton, miilxxxtb. 3)n Sheffield Clmrci). t. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Azure, three eagles’heads erased or. 2 and 3. Argent, three sangliers passant sable, in pale. 2. Gules, a bend between six martlets or, Lord Furnival. 3. Azure, a bend between six martlets or. CDe Loro jFumtoaU’s Creaft. 4 - 5. Gules, a lion rampant within a border engrailed or, impaling, gules, a fesse between six cross crosslets or. 1. Azure, three cinquefoils or, impaling, checquy or and azure, on a fesse gules a cross crosslet of the first. 2. Azure, a cross patonce argent, charged with another azure, impaling, checquy or and azure, a fesse gules. 3. (Gules), a fesse or between six cross crosslets (of the 2nd), impaling, checquy or and azure, a fesse gules. 4. Quarterly. France and England within a border argent, enurny of lions ram¬ pant purpure, impaling, checquy or and azure, a fesse gules. 5. Or, a lion rampant azure, impaling, checquy or and azure, a fesse gules. 6. Azure, a cross patonce argent, charged with another azure, a label of three points gules. 7. Azure, a cross patonce argent, charged with another azure, in dexter point a cross crosslet or. 8 . Gules, three lucies hauriant argent, Lucy. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 4 18 9. Azure, a cross patonce argent, charged with another azure. Crest—On helm and mantling, and on a torce, a man’s head, couped at the neck, wreathed about the temples argent. Upon a gravestone : — ©r 3fofjn jetton, l&mgfjt, to&oe necefen g* ri. of 3Iulg, 3° Dni. mtur., ft. geare of g* rainge of Emge J^enrg tint. 10. Azure, a cross patonce argent, charged with another (azure), impaling, gules, three lucies hauriant argent. 11. Sable, a saltier argent. 12. Azure, a cross patonce argent, charged with another (azure), impaling, gules, a lion rampant vaire. 13. Azure, a cross patonce argent, in the dexter point a torteaux. 14. Argent, on a bend between six martlets gules three mullets or. 15. Azure, a cross patonce argent, a label of three points gules. 16. Sable, on a bend argent cottised gules ( sic ) three escallops azure. “Garrett Clough, of Hallifax, a medler and intruder into Heraldry." MADE FOR A BURIALL ESCOCHIN STANDINGE IN THE ANGELL IN ROTHERAM, MARSHALLED BY HENRY SAVILL. Quarterly of six. 1. Argent, on a bend between six martlets gules three bezants. 2. Azure, three crescents argent. 3. Sable, three combs argent. 4. Argent, on a fesse sable three towers of the first. 5. Or, a chevron vaire between three harts saiiant ppr. 6. Argent, a fesse gules between three cinquefoils azure. 1. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable (Reresby). 2 and 3. Or. 2. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, lozengy argent and gules (Fitzwilliam). 3. Lozengy argent and gules, a mullet for difference, impaling, gules, six martlets, 3, 2 and 1, argent. 4. Gules, a bend between six unicorns’ heads couped argent (Wombwell). 5. Lozengy argent and gules, a mullet for difference, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, sable, on a chevron between three martlets argent, three crosses patonce (of the first); 2 and 3 (gules), a fesse flory argent. 6. Argent, a fesse between three leopards’ heads cabossed sable, impaling, argent, on a chevron.three trefoils slipped. 7. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable. Orate pro animatms (sic) arnoiot Beref&p. 8. Or, three lions rampant purpure. 3[ofm jFor, Doctor of t&e Latoe. 9. Gules, six martlets, 3, 2 and 1, argent, impaling, or, an eagle displayed azure, membered gules. 10. Gules, six martlets, 3, 2 and 1, argent, a label of three points or, impaling, azure, a bend or, charged with an annulet sable, a label of three points argent. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/3 AND l 6 l 2 . 419 11 . a chevron between three mullets pierced., impaling, gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable. l£)tc facet JLucia, uror C&omac Pottington, et filia KaDulfi oe detef&p. 12. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, Reresby, impaling, argent, a lion rampant sable, charged with an annulet, Stapleton. ©rate pro Domina flgneta Eerefbp. A BANNER.—“ MADE FOR THE FUNERALL AND SET UPE FOR MR. SWIFT OF ROTHERAM, BUT IS BORNE BY THF. NAME OF ROANE." Or, a chevron vaire between three harts saliant ppr., Swift, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, two lions passant guardant sable, on a chief gules three covered cups or ; 2 and 3, or, 3 cinquefoils gules. 3n t\)t Clmrcl) of Clwpbergl). 1. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, with crest over helm, and mantling, on a cap of maintenance purpure a goat statant argent, Reresby. 1 2. Gules, a bend between six martlets or, Furnivall. 3. Lozengy, argent and gules. 4. Ermine, five fusills in fesse. 5. Argent, a bend between six martlets gules. 6 and 24. Argent, 5 fusills in fesse gules, in chief three martlets sable, Bosvile. 7. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, a goat’s head erased argent. 2 and 3. Ermine. 8. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, argent, three bendlets gules. 2 9.on a canton.three lozenges., impaling, argent, 2 bars gules. 3 10. Argent, on a bend cotised gules three fleurs-de-lis of the first. Dominus IRaoulpfjus iBormamnllc. 11. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable. Dominus flDam Eereffip. 12. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, and a label of three points or. Eaoulpfms Dc iRerefOp. 13. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable. Cfjomas Dc BcrcfDp. 14. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, argent, on a bend gules three mullets pierced or. Dionifia TBraDbotnc. 1 In MS. 1394, this coat is inserted as being in the church of Rotheram. 2 This coat from MS. 1394. 3 Argent, two barrulets in base and a bar in chief gules, MS. 1394. ! I } HI I if ■ f; v. . ii ;* • ) || . y 15. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, with label of three points, impaling, gules, three goats passant argent. Cfromas De Beref&j? ct Cecilia ®otfmm. 16. Sable, a bend between six escallops or, a mullet pierced.for difference. 1 17. Or, a fesse between six garbs gules, banded azure. 1 18. Sable, a chevron between three leopards' faces or. 1 19. Argent, on a bend gules, between six escallops sable, three mullets pierced or. 1 20 and 26. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, Rf.resby, impaling, argent, five fusills in fesse gules, in chief three martlets sable, Bosvile. Cfjomas Bereftip, agtles, ct a^attloa, urot cjus. Tuts S r Tho : had issue six sons and twelve daughters. 21. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, lozengy argent and gules ; 2 and 3., six martlets, 3, 2 and 1,. Cecilia, mater tpfius Cfjomae. 22. Gules, three goats passant argent, Goatham. 23 Barry of fourteen pieces argent and gules. OTltielmus iRerefDp, Clerictts, Bettor Ccclefiac De C&riDerffl), puto fitius C&omae. 24. Bosvile. Same as 6. 25. “ Set out by Dakins.” Quarterly of 4. I. and IV. Grand quarter. Quarterly, 1 and 4, gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable ; 2 and 3, quarterly, 1 and 4, azure, a fesse dancettde between six billets or ; 2 and 3, gules on a chevron between three trefoils slipped argent as many pellets. II. Grand quarter. Quarterly, 1 and .4, argent, on a fesse between two bars gemelles gules three fleurs-de-lis of ye first ; 2 and 3, argent, three bars gemelles gules, on a canton of the 1st three lozenges in fesse of the 2nd. III. Grand quarter. Quarterly, 1 and 4, gules, three goats saliant argent ; 2 and 3, argent, three bendlets gules. Crest— On a cap of maintenance purpure, doubled ermine, a goat statant argent. 26. Gules,on abend argent three crosses patonce sable, Reresby, impaling, argent, five fusills in fesse gules, in chief three martlets sable, Bosvile. 2 27 and 49. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, argent, a lion rampant sable. 2 2,8. a k en< l argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, lozengy argent and gules, differenced by a mullet. 2 29. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, gules, three crescents or, a chief erm. 2 30. “Broken ” (a bar gemelle in chief). Dommus BaDulplms De jRormanDille. . 3 1 : *. on a bend engrailed . three crosses patonce .. an annulet for difference. ^tc facet fltnolotis BetefDp, Srmiger, qtu ofmt ii. Die mentis Dec., 3n° Dm. mcccclrrrn. o tw r \ Ad J h ? c „ In Ecclesia de Rotherham, MS. 1394. - These four sh ie ds follow No. 44 in MS. 1394, and are bucketed together. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 32. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, lozengy argent and gules, Fitzwilliam. ^)ic facet BaOulptms Bereft)#, flrmfger, filius Ba= twlpfu Bereft#, legts periti, qui ftmoatnt itlam cantariam 'Beatae ogariae a* Dm. mDrrr., cuius animae propfcietur Deus. amen. In y= house of Thriber were in Glass of owld these Armes. 33. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, three goats passant argent, Goatham. Argent, three bendlets gules. 34. A woman kneeling; on her gown “ broken out,” on a canton argent, three (two) lozenges in fesse gules, impaling, argent, two bars gemelles gules. 35. A man kneeling ; on his surcoat, argent, on a bend cottised gules three fleurs-de-lis of the first. 36. A woman kneeling ; on her gown, bendy of 6 > argent and gules, impaling, gules, on a j bend argent three crosses patonce sable. 37. A man kneeling ; on his surcoat, gules, on a ! bend argent three crosses patonce sable. 38. A man kneeling; on his surcoat,gules, on abend - argent three crosses patonce sable, with a label of three points (of the 2nd). 39. A woman kneeling ; on her gown, gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable, impaling, on a bend gules three mullets pierced or. 1 40. A man kneeling; on his surcoat, gules, on abend argent three crosses patonce sable. 41. A woman kneeling ; “broken out.” 42. A “broken” escocheon of Normanville. Dominus BaOulptms jftormanoille. 43. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, on a sajtier argent a martlet sable, NeVTI.e. 2 and 3. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, a lion rampant azure, Brus. 2 and 3. Or, a lesse azure, a chief indented gules. “ Lord Fauconberge.” 44. “A FUNERALL ESCOCHEON.” Quarterly of 4. Land IV. Grand quarter. Quarterly, 1 and 4, azure, on a maunche or an annulet pierced gules charged with a crescent argent ; 2, or, a chevron gules, a chief vaire ; 3, sable, a saltier argent, a crescent for difference gules. II. Grand quarter. Quarterly, 1 and 4 gules, a saltier argent, a martlet for difference ; 2 and 3, quarterly, first and fourth argent, a lion rampant azure ; second and third or, a fesse azure, a chief indented gules. III. Grand quarter Quarterly, 1st and 4th, azure, 3 cinquefoyles between nine cross crosslets argent ; 2nd and 3rd, azure, 2 bars gemelles and a chief or, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, on a fesse, between 6 cross crosslets sable, 3 cinquefoils of the first ; 2, argent, on a chief sable three griffins’ heads erased of the 1st; 3, azure, a chevron between 3 talbots passant argent. 2 and 3. Dns. BaOulptms oe iftormanoille. Dns. aoam De Bereft)#. Baoulpfms oe Bereft)#. Dns. Cfmmas De Bereft)#. 1 MS. 1394, gules, on a bend argent [22 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND I( 5 l 2 . G>ic meet Dng. Cfjomas Eeref&p, exiles, qui obut rrDiii. Die sgmrtii, anno Domini mccccrrrir. pit meet 9@atii0a, uror Cfromae oe Eerefbp, spiiitig, qui oDiit Pit. Die 3funii, mccccrrr. 45. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable. 46. Argent, 5 fu¬ sils in fesse gules, in chief 3 martlets sable. 47. Gules, 3 goats argent. 48. Barry of 10 pieces, argent and gules. pic meet IRaOuIpfms Eerefbp, armiger, quonDam legis peritus, qui obiit primo Die mensis 31unii, anno mcccclroi. 50. Argent, five fusils in fesse gules, in chief three mart¬ lets sable. Si. Barry of ten pieces, argent and gules. 52. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sa¬ ble, impaling, gules, 3 goats passant ar¬ gent. 53. Gules, on a bend argent hree crosses patonce sable, hipaling, lozengy argent and piles. 49. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sa¬ ble, Reresby, im¬ paling, argent five fusils in fesse gules, h chief three mart¬ lets sable, Bosvile. $>ic meet e@atgareta, nuper uror IRaouIpfu Rercf&p, armigeri, primogeniti IRaouIpfu Eereffip, legis periti, quae obiit rrP. Die mensis 3|ulii, an® Domini mDP., cuius animae propicietut Deus. amen. $c. 54. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, on a bend argent three crosses patonce sable. 2. two bars gemelles, and in chief a barrulet, on a canton . 3 lozenges in fesse. 3.. 3 goats . Edward Fawcett, myne host in Yorke, 1 Qfytlt ten <£fcourf)eons in t\)t Ctyurct) of ^emftoortth 1. Azure, 3 crescents argent. 2. Azure, 3 crescents argent, with a label, impaling, argent, 3 lions rampant purpure. 3. Argent, a bend wavy sable, written over the shield, “Johannes Burton me fecit.” 4 - Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules, in chief 3 bears’ heads erased sable, Bosvile, mpaling, argent, a bend wavy sable. 5- Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, on a bend between six martlets gules three bezants, s and 3. Sable, three combs argent, Tunstall. 6. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Sable, fretty argent, a label of three points of the last, ?^o > ^lb)? , ar & ent » a cr oss patonce sable. 2 and 3. Argent, a saltier gules, Nevile, of 7. Azure, a maunche or. 8. Lozengy argent and gules. ?• Quarterly argent and sable, over all a bend (bendlet) gules, cst °“ Idedley 2 ’’ ^ ^ eme ^ es ar £ eilt , on a chief of the 2nd 3 mullets pierced of the 1 MS. 1394. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 423 “Notis given that Vavasor, of Copyngthorp, is not knowne to be Descended out of y b house of Haselwood nor Spaldington, and ye? beareth the Armes and Coate without Difference.” i. Argent, a lion rampant gules, crowned or, within a bordure sable, entoyre of bezants, Allemannle. anno IRegmt IRegts !£>en. iit. rlii. IRtcarDus Comes Cornutnae, frater ejus, coronatus fuit in IRenem aiamantae a» mcclto. 2. Argent, a cross pat< 5 e fixed, per saltier azure and gules. 3. Blank, “ Dyneley.” 4. Blank, impaling, argent,a chevron between three lions rampant sable, " Halt.” 5. Azure, 3 water bougets or, a label of 3 points gobony argent and gules, an annulet for differen ce argent. 6. Argent, a bend gobony gules and sable, between 4 cottises of the last, Leven- thorp. 7. Sable, two bars gemelles argent, on a chief of the 2nd 3 mullets pierced of the 1st, within a border azure. 8. Leventhorp as No. 6, impaling gules, 3 chevrons argent. ,, impaling a blank coat. 9 - #* 3ln tl)f Outret) of £>elbp 216bep tfjefe ttnrtp-fibe Ctcocljeoiio follototnge. 10. Vert, 6 bezants, 3, 2 and r. 11. Argent, fretty azure, a chief of y e last, Curwen. 12. Gules, three mullets argent pierced of the field. 13. Quarterly, argent and gules, a bendlet sable. 14. Gules, 3 bars ermine. 15. Argent, a chevron sable, between 3 martlets gules. 16. Or, 6 annulets, 3, 2 and 1, sable, Lcrwther. 17. Argent, a chevron between 3 mullets pierced sable. 18. Or, a fesse between 2 chevrons sable. 19. Argent, on a cross gules 5 escallops or. 20. Argent, a chief checquy or and azure. 21. Gules, 5 fusills in fesse or. 22. Argent, a bend gules, a border checquy or and azure. 23. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gule'S, on a saltier argent a trefoil slipped vert, a label of 3 points azure. 2 and 3. Gules, 5 fusills in fesse or. 24. Azure, 2 bars or, in chief 3 bezants. 25. Argent, 2 bars and in chief 3 mullets pierced, gules. 26. Or, on a chief indented azure 3 escallops argent. 27. Argent, 2 bars between 8 martlets, 3, 2 and 3, gules. 28. Gules, a chevron between 3 leopards’ faces argent. 29. Argent, a cross gules within a border engrailed sable. 30. Or, 3 chaplets gules. 424 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 31. Gules, 2 bars gemelles argent, over all a bend of y e last. 32. Or, on a chief indented gules 3 plates. 33. Barry embattled of 6 gules. 1 “This Coate is Dutfull whether undee or embattled.” 34. Sable, 3 escallops or. 35. Azure, 6 bezants, 3, 2 and 1. 36. Argent, on a bend sable 3 mullets pierced of the first. 37. Vert, a saltier engrailed or. 38. Gules, a chevron ermine between 3 lions rampant or. 39. Gules, 3 mullets of 6 points or, a canton ermine. 40. Gules, 2 bars gemelles and a chief argent. 41. Gules, a bend between 6 pickaxes argent. 42. Argent, a fret azure. 43. Azure, on a cross or 5 mullets 2 gules. 44. Azure, on a cross or 5 escallops gules. 3 )n tlje Cl)urc!) of Bolton $ercp. 1. Azure, a lion rampant between 5 fleurs-de-lis or, “ Dns de Bellomonte.” 2. The same impaling, gules, a lion rampant vaire, “ Dns de Bellomonte.” 3. Azure, a lion rampant between 5 fleurs-de-lis or, debruised by a bend gobony, argent and gules, * * Ricardus de Bellomonte. ” “These 3 in the East end of ^the Chancel.” 4. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Or, a lion rampant azure, Percy. 2 and 3. Gules, 3 lucies hauriant argent, Lucy. 5. Gules, an escocheon azure (sic) charged with a bend or, within an orle of 8 mitres of the last, Scrope, 6. Argent, 3 reindeers’ heads cabossed (attired of the last) sable, Bowett. 7. Azure, 3 crescents or, “Ryder.” 8. Argent, a chevron between 3 hinds’ heads erased gules, “ Malbys.” 9. Or, a cross patonce sable, “ Thos. Brockett.” 10. Argent, a chevron sable between 3 hinds’ heads erased gules (sable), Fairfax. 11. Azure, a chevron between 3 lions passant guardant argent, “ Willisthorpe. ” 12. “A man kneeling but neither escochin nor Armes.” ©rate pro CGillielmo Crentbam. 16. Azure, 3 water bougets or, - Roos de Ingmanthorpe. •' 17. Ardent, on a hpnH - .01° 1 .. _ . _ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 42^ 22. '* These verses were upon a gravestone by the window where this armes was : Sable, on a pale gules 3 birds argent, collared or. l^ic 1 recufmt claufus fub marmore jam (Sultelmus ©ramatices quonoam gramata qut oocuit Cuiifquis eris puer aut jiioenis fic carmina ieftifc egafon pro paucas funDe refunoc preces.” 23.. a cross patonce .“This was cutt in stone without the Church.” lj)ic jacet Cfiomas Crockett, et Dionifia, uror ejus, qui quiuem Cfiomas, obut riit. Die aprilis, a° Dnt. mccccrrro., praeoiftaque Dionifia, obiit rio. April., am Dnt. mccccrrrPii. 2 ©rate pro antma Cfiomae Parker, quonoam lRec= toris fiujus Ccclesiae ac fiujusoem jFafiricatoris. 24. Gules, 2 keys in saltier argent, in chief point an Archbishop’s mitre or. 25. Gules, 2 swords in saltier, the points in base argent, hiked and pommelled or. ©rate pro antma Cfiomae Parker, ut supra. “A MAN KNEELING IN A LTTLE CHAPPEL WITH THESE 4 ARMES ABOUT HIM.” 26. Argent, 3 branches of fern or. 27. Argent, 7 mascles, 3, 3 and 1, gules. “ Braybroke.” 28. Gules, a fesse between 2 lions passant or. 1 «* Broekett " 29. Sable, a cross patonce or. ) “These three (figures) kneeling in Armor with Chapletts on their HEADS, AND THESE COAT ARMORE ON THEIR BACKES. ” 30. Argent, on a chief azure 3 escallops (or) of the first. 31. Quarterly, 1 and 4, or, a cross patonce sable ; 2 and 3, gules, a fesse between 2 lions passant or. 32. Argent, a chevron between 3 bucks’ heads cabossed sable. “ Lacy.” 3ln tfie parfons fioufe of tfie faptj IBolton, toere tfiefe armes following founue: 33. Argent, on a fesse sable 3 spur rowels pierced or. " Grimston.” 34. Azure, a chevron between 3 fleurs-de-lis or. or Argent, a chevron embattled between 3 eagles’ heads erased sable (beaked-or). “ Ingleby.’’ 36. Azure, 10 bezants, 4, 3, 2 and 1, within a bordure gules. 37. Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony or and gu’es. “ Sutton.” 1 Hew, MS. 1394. 2 On a gravestone, but the arms were gone. 426 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 38. Azure, an episcopal staff in pale argent, ensigned with a cross paffie or, surmounted by a pall of the 2nd, edged and fringed of the 3rd, charged with 4 crosses form^e fitch^e sable. See of Canterbury, impaling vert 3 harts tripping or. “ Rotherham." 39. Quarterly, gules and argent, a bend or. 40. Argent, on a chief sable 2 mullets pierced or. 41. Azure, 3 leopards’ passant guardant argent, pellety. 42. Argent, a griffin segreant, his tail nowed gules. 43. Azure, an episcopal staff in pale argent, ensigned with a cross pat^e or, sur¬ mounted by a pall of the 2nd, edged and fringed of the 3rd, charged with 4 crosses form^e fitch^e sable. See of Canterbury. Impaling azure, on a bend cottised or 3 leopards’ heads cabossed gules. “ Lee, Archbishop of York." 44. A chevron between 3 lions’ heads erased ; crest, on helm and mantle a lion’s head erased, gorged with a ducal coronet. 2Btlltelmus Eoto cliff, filtus et fiacres Eoberti Eoto* cliff, ^ilitis, carta Data apuo %catObutgf), anno jctoi. Etc. it** er carta antiqua cum figillo penoente. 1. Argent, 3 reindeers’ heads cabossed sable (attired of the last). Crest, over a helm and mantling, on a cap of maintenance gules, doubled argent, a reindeer sta- tant (argent, attired) sable. ©rate pro Henrico TBotoett, arcljiepifcopo (ZBfioracenfci. 2. Argent, a fesse between 3 bugle horns, stringed sable. 3. Sable, on a chevron between 3 estoiles argent as many crescents of the 1st. 4. and 6. Azure, a bend or. “ Scrope." 5. Scrope, with a crescent for difference. 7. Scrope, with a label of 3 points gules. 8. Scrope, on the bend a lozenge.charged with a saltier. 9. Scrope, the bend charged with a bar. 10. Azure, a cinquefoil between 8 cross crosslets or. Ix * Argent, on a fesse.3 cross crosslets fitch^e.within a border. I pic facet e@agifler aBfiiielmus Catoooo, quondam Canontcus (et refioenciarius) films Ccclefiae, qui otnit rir. qgarcp, mccccrir. A MA.N BURIED, AND 2 WOMEN BY HIM WITH THESE ARMES ’’ (l2 to 19). I2 ‘ „ u ^ es » .3 water bougets argent, “Roos,” impaling, argent (or), a chevron gules. IQ. Rons ITTvnaUnrr - -1 . _...v' & ° / * .. ° j and 3rd quarter a fret .... gemelles a canton ermine. * n ■ iwwa, mipamiK, argeniiori 13. Roos impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, quarterly.and .... id 3rd quarter a fret .. over all a bend . 2 and a canton ermine. and the 2nd 2 and 3. (azure) 2 bars uarterly, as No. 2. 1 14. Roos, with a label of 3 points for difference, impaling quarterly, 1 This shield from MS. 1394 - VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 15. Roos, a crescent for difference. 16. Roos, an annulet for difference. 17. Roos, a mullet of 6 points for difference. 18. Roos, an escallop for difference. 19. Barry of 12 pieces, argent and gules, on a canton sable a cross patonce or. 20. Argent, a cock. ©ic facet C&omas <£renetoode, legum Doctor, et qut ofmt 2*># (rt.) Die mentis $©ati, a® Domini mccccrri. “These 4 be in divers places of the church together.” 21. Gules, 2 keys in saltier, in chief point a triple crown of the 2nd. 22. Gules, 2 swords in saltier argent, hiked and pommelled or. 23. Or, 7 mascles, 3, 3 and 1 gules, Quincy. 24. Azure, 3 mullets of 8 points or. 25. Azure, a chevron engrailed between 3 wolves’ heads erased or. Orate pro anima Domini IRoberti COoldeden, Cccleliae. 1 26. Gules, a lion rampant, lozengy sable and ermine, crowned or. 27. Gules, a lion rampant argent, in dexter point a mullet pierced or. 28. Argent, a cross of 3 endorses, surmounted of as many barrulets sable. 29. Argent, 3 saltiers engrailed, couped sable. Orate pro anima e@agtffri aiani oe Jftetoarft Curiae Cboracenfis, quondam aouocatus, qut ofnit rid® 3Iunit, an® mccccjci. 30. Argent, 3 boars’ heads erect and erased sable, in chief point an acorn slipped or iRobertus TBoot&e, Decanus, ofmt anno Dm. mcccctrrrti. 31. Checquy or and azure, on a fesse gules 3 leopards' heads cabossed or. Orate pro animafms 3lofmnms De Clifford, qui ofmt me. nonagefimo. 32. Argent, a chevron between 2 taus in chief, and a garb in base . an annulet for difference. “Sheffeld.” l£)tc facet Georgius ^beffiteld, armiger, quondam frater ftiHiUtelmi ^beffeild, Decani, qui ofmt jco. aprilio, a a Domi. mccccrct). l Treasurer of York, MS. 1426. 428 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 33 .a griffin segreant, within a border gobony. i£>ere l?etb George ©a?le, OEfq., ann lan? 9@arp, its toife, ann Cbomas, bis fonne. George teas itoice lorn qgaior of ^orfee (ann of tbe king’s a^gnt 1 ), ann Cbreafurer. it. fonnes ann 01 . laughters. 34, Or, on a pile azure a griffin passant (argent) of the first. jt>it jacet IRtcatOus Cbotpe, quonnam Canontcus, @c M qut obiit bit. 35 Sable, a griffin segreant or. ^>ccc l?etb tbe corpes of 3|ames holmes, gentleman, unfortunate!? mutneten the mmt. of 3lul?, tnnirrb. 36 Or, on a pile an annulet. $it jacet 2Bitlielmus Digbton, nuper GItntenartus Cibitatis Cboraci, et 3lobanna, uror eiug, qui obut tin nie ^eptemPri.s, a® Dni. mccccUu. 37 .a fesse between 3 pelicans in their piety argent. Orate pro q@agiflro OTlltelmo PeUefon, quonnam flrcbtniacono Cltoelannenfi, @c., obiit jcrtnii. nie itcnCls auguffi, an® Dni. mccccrrrtb. 38 Argent, 3 chevronels gules. gDtate pro q^agtilro aBillielmo Hangton Macrae Cbeologiae ProfefiTore ac bums cccleftae praecem tore, qut obiit r. Booembris, a® Dni. mccccrcbi. 39, Quarterly, 1 and 4, quarterly, gules and or, in the first quarter a crescent argent. 2 anc 3. Argent, 3 flower-pots sable, all within a bordure engrailed of the last. Orate pro anima qgagiflri 3fobannts pabenbam t. Hampton’s Cljurcp, tit g?or fee. 1 In A window. Azure, 5 fusills in fesse or between 3 garbs argent. SDtatepto antmaOus Eofcetto ^toieton, eturotts ejus ac Metis ejus. 2. "This in another windowe." Ermine, a chevron gules, in chief 3 torteaux, a mullet for difference. Chete She tn Clmtt’e Cliuvcl), tn gorfce* o Gules, a chevron ermine between 3 lions rampant or (argent). I Argent, a chevron gules between 3 fleurs-de-lis sable e Ardent, on a bend cottised azure 3 griffins passant or. 6. Orf a lion rampant azure debruised by a bendlet gobony argent and gules. 7. Argent, a saltier gules. tOjefe fiDe tn £>t. in Conncges Street, in Sprite. 8. Argent, on a chevron gules alien’s head erased Ofl he argent a chevron between 3 pomegranates sable. A knight and his (kneeling).’' 9. Argent, 3 funnells sable. 10. 2 bars between 6 cinquefoils, 3, 2 and 1, sal ? le - .. - an annu i e t 11. A buck’s head cabossed.within a border engrailed. for difference. .. 12. Argent, on a bend sable 3 hawks bells or. gjn §>t. Martin’s Cliurtl), tn Caflle <$attfje, in ^orfte. 13. Argent, on a bend cotised azure 3 griffins passant or, impaling gules 3 bars ar ?4. n Azure, on a bend between 6 leopards’ heads cabossed or 3 water bougets sable, “^Argent 3 bars azure, on a canton gules a lion passant guardant or. Holmes. a r.ilps a crescent between 2 crosses patonede, all in pale argent. t Or ?'bend between a mullet of 6 points in chief, and a crescent m base gules. 18 Vert, s fishes hauriant 3, and 2, argent. ig. Gules, a fesse argent between 3 mullets or. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . mr 43 * 3Jn £>t. fl@icl)acl '0 Cljurcl), in J0ctcr <$artke. 20. Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, 3 bars within a bordure engrailed sable ; 2 and 3, argent, a chevron between 3 chaplets gules. |)ug;k afljton, refluent of gorfee, toko fllafek tke tomootoe. 21. Argent, a chevron between 3 hinds’ heads erased gules. mutant 'IBecktottk, anD 3nne, kis totfe. 3n $eteCfwrct), tn got U. “These two garnished a Cloth that hanged in the Quyer.’t 22. Azure, a bend or, a label of 3 points argent. Scrope. A crest, a falcon rising argent, beaked and membered or, collared with a torce azure and ermine, from which flows a mantle bearing azure, a bend or, a label of 3 points argent, standing on a branch of a tree vert. 23. Azure, 3 estoiles or. cimflopUer Ceel, Cfmuntet of tke Ckurcke, ann fometgme Clarke of %>t. Peter's toorke, at tokofe Demotion tins tointioto teas glafeu, murrrutt. 2 3ln tl)e Cljurrt) of 2Ulerton, in gmtklktre. 1. Gules, 3 levriers courant in pale argent, impaling, argent, fretty and a canton sable. l£nc meet Dns. 3iofmnnes paulekerer, piles, et €lsa= nora, confors ejus, Alia Dm. Petri De ptDelton, ptfttts. Dut jlokannes okitt rrr. Die jRok. am Dni. rncccc., quorum animakus, qc. 2. Checquy, or and azure, a fesse gules. Clifford. 3. Azure, fretty and a chief or. 4. Gules, a chief or, over all a bendlet gobony argent and azure. 5. Argent, fretty gules. “These 3 kneeling, very ould in coat Armors.”3 6. Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned. 7. Argent, fretty gules. 8. Azure, a cross patonctfe argent. “A man kneeling in his coat armor." 9. Quarterly, azure and argent, in the 1st quarter a fleur-de-lis or. Metham. 1 T °i ^, u | es ' ? levriers courant in pale argent, collared or, impaling argent, on a bend sable 3 bezants. 1 See also page 436. 2 MS. 1394 gives the year 1573. 3 MS. 1394 states the coats to be Nos. 4> 5» 6, 7, and 8. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 433 3 )n tlje Motile of 3&tct)ar& £©ale* neret, of ailerton. 11. Gules, 3 levriers courant in pale argent, collared sable, impaling 2 coats, that in chief gules a cross patonc^e or, charged with 5 mullets of the 1st ; that in base azure, 3 palmer’s staves between 9 cross crosslets or. ... 12. Gules, 3 levriers courant in pale argent, collared sable, impaling verrey, argent and gules, a bordure azure, en toy re of bezants. .. 13. Azure, abend between 6 martlets argent, a crescent for difference gules. Luttreil. “In the chapell a knight and his wife kneeling, with these arme ON 14. Gules, 3 levriers courant in pale argent, collared sable, Mauleverer, impaling azure, a bend between 6 martlets argent, a crescent for difference gules. THESE FOLLOWING ARE IN HIS PARLOUR. 15. Argent, a fesse between 3 crescents gules, impaling Mauleverer. 16. Mauleverer, impaling azure, a bend between 6 martlets argent, a crescent for difference gules. 17. Mauleverer, impaling argent, on abend sable 3 bezants. 3)n tl)e Cl)utrf)e of jBun 0f)onfteton. 18. Quarterly, 1 and 4 gules, a saltier argent ; 2 and 3 sable, 3 combs or. 19. Argent, 3 conies saliant sable, impaling vert a lion rampant argent. 20. Azure, a cross moline or. _ , .. 21. Per pale gules and sable, on a chevron argent, between three fleurs-de-lis or, as many ogresses. 3ln the Cljurcl) of J15etoton*upom ©utt. 22. Paly of 6 argent and azure, over all a bend “ broken ” .escallops. 3Jn tl)e Ctmrd) of g>e$ap, or £>effap, to&erc %t. 3lofm Datonap otoelletl). 23. Upon a gravestone. Bendy of 6 vert and gules, on a fesse or a lion passant guardant between 2 cinquefoils of the 2nd. I£>ete Ipctf) C&omas 0@agnus, arcfcoeacon of tfje Caflritung of tfje metropolitan Clnttcf) of ^otk, ano patfon of tfjis Cfnttcb, toboe oteo tbe rroupfe of augufl, mol., tofjofe foule ©od paroon. These two in glasse windows. 24. Azure, a lion rampant or, crowned argent. 25. Argent, on a bend, cottised sable, 3 annulets of the 1st, Dawnay, impaling gules a saltier argent. 434. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 4/j AND l 6 l 2 . These ten were in seales of Sir Jno. Dawnaye’s. , 26 “ Sigillum Armorum Johannis Daunay, Militis. On a bend cottised, 3 annulets, impaling, quarterly. 1. Five fusils in fesse within a border entoyre oi roundles. 2 On a chief indented 2 estoyles. 3- A lion rampant crowned. 4. 4 barrulets, on a canton a cross patoncee, a crescent for difference Crest: -On helm and mantling a demy man, vested in a coat buttoned up the front, holding in his right hR 27 Quarterly, 1. Five fusils in fesse, within a border entoyre of roundles. 2. On a chief indented 2 estoyles. 3. A lion rampant crowned. 4. 4 barrulets, on a canton a cross patoncee, a crescent for difference. 1 28 Quarterly, 1 and 4, azure, a lion rampant or, crowned argent ; 2 and 3, 4 barru¬ lets,* on a canton a cross patoncee, a crescent for difference, impaling sable 2 lions nassant. Dalv argent and gules. _ _ T ,, 20. “Sigillum secretum Officii Majoratus Civitatis Ebor, to Hen. 7. A cross charged with 5 lions passant guardant. Crest :—A ducal coronet, all between 2 feather^s. Halnatr mauleverer.” 3 levriers courantin pale. Crest On helm and mantiing a levrier statant on a cap of maintenance. qi “S Johannis Mauleverer, Militis.” Arms and crest as the preceding. 32'. “Sigillum Marmaduci Darell.” Five fusils in fesse, within a border en¬ toyre of roundles. , . , ,. , , 00. “Out of a seale.” A chevron between3 hinds heads erased, anrontee ......... 34* “S. Marmaduci Darell.” A lion rampant crowned. Crest: -On helm and mantling a man’s head in profile, wearing a cap, fretty — doubled. q r “ Sigillum Armorum Johannis Daunay Armigeri. On a bend cottised, 3 annulets. On a helm and mantle, a demi man clothed in a gown, head in profile, wreathed about the temples, holding in his right hand a ring. 3Jn tl)e CUufctie of autjenbp. 36. Argent, a fesse between 3 crescents gules. 37. Verrey, gules and argent, a bordure azure, entoyre of bezants. 38 and 43. Ermine, on a fesse gules 3 annulets argent and azure, impaling gules 3 lions argent passant in bend, between 2 bendlets gobony. 39. Or, 3 birds sable, over all a bendlet argent. 40. Argent, on a fesse between 3 garbs sable a fleur-de-lis of the 1st. 41. Argent, a lion rampant sable, impaling gules, 3 lions passant in bend, between 2 bendlets gobony, argent and azure. 42. Ermine, on a fesse gules 3 annulets, impaling or 3 bars azure. 43. As No. 38. 3)n ttje Ct)urc!)e of ^ertff #oton, in Com. Cfcor. 1. Or, 3 birds sable, over all a bendlet gules, \ impaling, argent, on a fesse between 3 popinjays vert, beaked and membered gules, as many escallops or. 2. Or, 3 birds sable, over all a bendlet gules, impaling, argent, on a fesse between 3 popinjays vert, beaked and membered gules, as many escallops or. Cfiomas aBgtbam, anti flgnes Cfitoenge, fils toife. 3. Gules, a fesse between 3 popinjays argent. 4. Quarterly, 1 and 4 gules, a bendlet or ; 2 and 3, vaire. 5. Gules, on a fesse between 3 popinjays argent, as many mullets sable. “A KNIGHT LYING OULD, CROSSELEGGED, WITH THESE 3 FORMER ARMES ABOUT THE SIDES, AND THIS ONE UNDERNEATH UPON HIS SHIELD.” 6. Argent, on a fesse gules between 3 popinjays vert, beaked and membered gules, as many escallops of the field. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 5 84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 43 j git tl)e Cl)uret) of 0ocWtngtott, in Com. €bor. ©rate pro antma s@agiftri Slobannis Propbete, De¬ cani Ccclefiae, $c., qui, UC. 1 “These twoo were upon buriall escocheons.’ 7. A lozenge, quarterly, 1 and 4, argent on a bend between 2 unicorns heads azure, 3 lozenges or ; 2 and 3, or a cross patonc^e gules. “ Smethley.” 8. Argent, on a fesse vert, between 3 cross crosslets seble, as many talbots passant argent, impaling the quarters of the lozenge, as in the preceding. 9. Gules, a chevron ermine between 1 i al - U“ broken ) on a chief argent 3 a or / ^ I. torteaux. 10. Same impaling, argent, on a pale sable 3 lions’ hears erased argent, crowned or. 11. Same impaling, sable, a chevron between 3 garbs argent (“broken ). 12. Same impaling, azure, on a fesse dancett£e between iobille.ts or 3 billets sable. 13. Same impaling, gules, a bend ermine. . 14. Same impaling, azure, a bend argent cottised or be.ween 6 martlets of the last. 15. Same impaling, argent, a tower triple turreted sable. 16. Gules, a chevron ermine between 3 martlets or. 17. Or, a cross sable. 18. Vert, 3 escallops argent. 10. Argent, 3 bears’ heads erased sable, muzzled gules, 20 3 coats in one shield ; centre, gules 3 levriers courant in pale argent. Dexter side gules, 2 bars gemelles and a chief or, “Stodowe;” sinister side, sable, on a bars gemelles and a chief; sand 3, on a saltier a trefoil Orate pro antmabus IRobetti %totioioc, armigeri, agargaretae, urorts ejug, ac aibani, filii eorunoem, quorum antmabus proptcietur Dcus. 22. Quarterly, i and 4, gules, 2 bars gemelles, on a chief (or) of the last a 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant sable. “This escocheon was paynted upon Wall, and an escocheon of Hungate by it.” 23. Gules, a chevron engrailed between 3 hounds sejant argent. riungate. grt tl)t Cotottt feall of gorft tljese pii. toere fette upe. 1. Argent, a griffin segreant sable, beaked or, membered sable, charged with a mullet nf the third impaling gules 3 levriers courant argent collired... . , • 2. Same impaling, argent, on a pale sable a lucie's head couped in pale haunant ° r ‘ 3. Argent, a chevron engrailed between 3 chess-rooks sable, impaling argent, a chevron alii engrailed”) between 3 pairs of keys erect and endorsed and their rings conjoined sable. , , , 4. Azure, a chevron between 3 eagles heads erased or. 6 . Argent, Vbend”coti^ed^-bie between a mullet pierced in chief, and an annulet in base. ,, . , 7. Argent, 3 bugle horns sable, tipped or. 1 MS. 1394* VISITATION OP YORKSHIRE IN 1384/5 AND I< 5 l 2 . These are garnished in the cloth aforesaid (see page 432), which hangeth JT Varkf Mynster in this manner :— . , 8 Quarterly i and 4, quarterly gules and or, in the 1 quarter a crescent argent ; 2 and 3 argent 3 bird-bolt heads (?) sable, all within a bordure engrailed sable, and set " ith / n G h is ea o d „ ^t^eenSbtTs^k^rescent charged with another crescent Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, a panther's head gules, charged with a crescent on a crescenL^ wAY TEs, QF marston,” a griffin, per Gulielm. Flower, Norroy, the 7 ^> of the Queen's reign, azure a fesse between 3 estoyles or. Crest On a torce a heath cock (proper) beaked wattled and membered or (gules). See also P a ^ 4 8 i• __ 11 Azure, on a fesse between 2 barrulets or 3 leopards heads, cabossed gules. Crest -On a torce or and gules a demy woman (apparently negro) proper, vested gules, sleeves doubled argent, the arms bare, crined sable, round her neck a collar and a hawk s bell round the waist a girdle buckled or, wreathed about the temples with a torce wit long ends or and gules, holding in her dexter hand a ring. git the Clturtl) of <£tcnclt, or efitrigge. 12. Argent, 3 chaplets gules. 13. Argent, 6 barrulets azure, over all 3 chaplets gules. 14. Gules, 3 water bougets argent. 1 6* Ardent 3 a'sauler engrailed'sable, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, 3 chaplets tniles • 2 anderm., a lion rampant azure, crowned or. .. g 17. Argent, 3 on a chevron between 3 lions’ heads erased gules, a mullet or, impaling, azure, a fesse argent between three cross crosslets or. 18 Azure fleurs-de-lis or (ermine), impaling, a blank shield. . .. 19! Argent, 3 on a chevron between 3 lions’ heads erased gules, a mullet or, impaling, cules (azure), 3 fleurs-de-lis or (ermine). , , 20 Ardent. 2 chaplets gules, impaling, gules, on a saltier argent a mullet sable. si! O n a beta a demy maiden, vestld, crined, and wreathed about the head with a garland. 3)n tlic Cliurcl) of f?etmngbutgt)- i. Sable, a chevron between 3 spear-heads argent. Orate pro qgagttfro Cfioma Ormeflon et pro ant' malms mflttelmt ac aitciae, parentum tuorum, $c. 4, A KNIGHT KNEELING IN ARMES WITH HIS WIFE." . 2. Argent, a chevron gules between 3 mullets sable, a crescent for difference, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, gules, an eagle displayed argent, charged on the breast with crescent ; 2 and 3, gules, a fesse between 3 saltiers couped or (argent), over all an me - cocheon bendy of 6, gules and argent. 3. Gules, 2 bars argent, and in chief 3 wolves’ heads of the 2nd. Orate pro anima JLeonartn Emgbt, et 3|fabeUae, con- fortts fitae, ac pro ant malms q^argaretae et Earne- rtnae, filtarum fuarum, et pro Oono ftatu €trtuarm Entgpt, Cbomae, ^opannts, jfticbolat, et JfabeUae Betoark, filiorum praetnetorum Leonarot et 31fa= ttellae, qui banc feneflram fieri fecerunt, outl) Cate, tn Corn. GEfior. T. “An OLD KNIGHT AND HIS WIFE KNEELIN GW™ HIS COTE ARMOR ON BOTH THEYRE BACKS, AND THIS WRITTEN OVER THEYRE HEADS. DOMINUS ALEX¬ ANDER de Cave, DameJone De Cave.” Argent, fretty azure. (“Cave, fretty of 4 inmost places.”) “A KNIGHT KNEELING IN Y* WINDOWE, AND HIS 2 WIVES, W TH CAVE ON THE OUT GARMENT, AND THEYRE OWN IN THE INNER.” 2. Argent, a lion rampant azure, impaling, Cave. 3. Azure, a bend argent, impaling, Cave. 4. Gyronny, argent and gules, impaling, Cave. 6. Cave, impaling, argent, a bend be- I 7. Cave impaling, vert, a bend flory or. tween 3 roses gules. | “ Under this woman written, Orate pro antmafms Ipetrt Canton, the rest broken.” 8. “A KNIGHT KNEELING, WITH HIS COATE ARMOUR, AND HIS WIFE BY HIM, with Cave on her outward garments, and the other on the inner, the writing is gone.” Azure, fretty argent, a crescent for difference, impaling, azure, fretty or, a chief of the last. 9. “A KNIGHT CARVED ALL IN ALABASTER, LYING AS BIGAS THE LIFE, WITH THESE ARMES PAYNTED ABOUT Y E SIDES, AND UNDER HIS HEAD UPON THE HEL¬ MET this crest A° 1416.” Arms: — Azure, fretty or, an annulet for difference. Crest : — Out of a ducal coronet or, a falcon of the last. 10. “ Upon a stone on the ground, and no armes to be seen, was written ” U)ic facet Dns. corburgl)e. 12. Barry of 8 argent and azure, a canton “ broken.” 3 )ii t\)t ClntrclK of Cttrington, tit Comitatu (ZEbor. “These 3 graven in stone without the churche.” 13. On a bend 3 birds. 14.,3 bars, an annulet for difference. 15. Abendflory. On a toombe stone. 16. 5 fusils in fesse. 17 .,3 bars, an annulet for difference, Aske, impaling, on a pale argent a luce s head erased couped.. Gascoigne. “About the toombe of Judge Portington these 4.” 18 .3 birds. 19 .on a bend 3 birds. 20 .5 fusils in fesse, a label of 5 points. 21. A bend between 6 martlets. 22. An escocheon gules, on a bend argent 3 Cornish choughs proper. Crest Over a helm, mantled purpure, on torce argent and gules, a goat’s head couped argent. |t>ic facet Cbomasoe portington, drmiger, et dgnes, uror eius, qui ofntt dm IDni. mccccrrtiii. 23. “ Upon a Toombe stone no armes, but the goates head lying under his head.” ©rate pro antmabus Bicbolai tie portington, a^ilitis, qui iflam capellam fieri fecit. Bo Date. 24. “Graven in wood upon a pewe.” Quarterly, 1 and 4. A chevron between 3 hinds’ heads.2 and 3. A chevron between 3 mullets. “Abbot of Bellasis. “These 6 tn a glasse windowe in the churche aforesaid.” 25. Or, 3 bars azure. 26. Or, 3 bars azure, with an annulet for difference. 27. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Or, a lion rampant azure. 2 and 3. Gules, 3 lucies hau- riant argent. , , , . . . 28. Or, a lion rampant azure, a label of 3 points gules. 29. Azure, 5 fusils in fesse argent. 30. Or, on a chief gules 3 plates. 444 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . girt tyt Ctjurcft of Varies, in ismtizp. 1. Quarterly, 1. “Broken out.” 2 and 3. Sable, a cinquefoyle between 8 cross crosslets or. 4. Argent, 2 bars lozengy sable. 3[ofmnnes Confla&Ie, atmtger. 2. Vert, a plain cross or, in the dexter quarter our Lady seated on a tomb, holding our Lord in her arms, vested and crowned or. Arthur! IReffts. 3. Argent, a chevron gules between 3 trefoils slipped azure. gin tl)e of Brtoerlep* 4. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Sable, a bend cottised flory or (argent), “Kelke.” 2 and 3. Argent, 3 escallops gules, impaling bendy gules and vert, a chevron erm. 5. Argent, 3 curry combes sable, on a chief azure a lion passant argent. gin Betoetlep Coton tyzlt ftp follotomge. 6. Azure, a fesse between 3 leopards’ face* or. 7. Argent, 3 eagles’ heads erased sable, beaked or. 8. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Sable, a bend cottised flory argent. “ Kelke.” 2 and 3. Argent, 3 escallops gules. 9. Or, an eagle displayed argent, its head and tail like a beaver’s. 10. Barry wavy of 6 argent and azure, on a chief of the last a beaver statant regard¬ ant or. Ir - Argent, on a pale azure a leopard’s head cabossed, between 2 annulets or, over all a bendlet sinister gules. Ehcfmto aBHfon, tfnrD magot of Igeoerleg. fn Crtmtp Cjwpell, tit full. 12. Azure, 3 crowns in pale or. 13. Argent, 3 bars ermine. 14. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, a chevron between 3 swans sable. 2 and 3. Sable, a fesse between 3 roses argent. 15. Sable, on a fesse argent, between 3 dexter hands or, a crescent. “ This sett up in glass, 1578.” Jn tlje Ctnirct) of Mpllom tlicte three. on a c ^ e f sable 2 mullets pierced or, within a bordure engrailed gules. 17. I he same, with an annulet for difference, or. 18. The same, with a crescent for difference, or. Visitation of Yorkshire in 3 Jn ttje (Batfe flUlintJotoe tn Cfmtcb of button, in ijDoloetnefs. 1. Gules, 3 lucies hauriant argent. 2. Gules, a fesse vaire between 3 leopards’ faces reversed or, jessant de lis. 3. Or, a lion rampant azure debruised by a bendlet gobony argent and gules. 1 4. Azure, 3 cinquefoils between 7 cross crosslets argent, Darcy. 5. Azure, a fesse dancett^e between 10 billets or. 6. Or, a lion rampant gules. 7. Gules (argent), a fesse between 3 martlets sable. 8. Azure, a fesse between 3 leopards’ faces or, De La Pole. 9. Or, a lion rampant sable. 10. Fretty, gules and argent, Fitzwilliam. 11. Argent, an inescocheon between 6 cinquefoils sable. 12. Argent, a chevron between 3 greyhounds’ heads erased gules. 13. Bendy sinister of 8 pieces, azure and argent. 14. Azure, on a chief argent 3 annulets gules. 15. “ An ould knight kneeling.” Erm., in base point a sangher passant sable, on a canton gules a rose or. 16. Or, a bend sable. 17. Ermine, a cross patonc^e sable. 18. Or, a lion rampant azure debruised by a bend gobony argent and gules. 19. Sable, a cross crosslet fitch^e, between 2 cross crosslets in chief, and 2 covered cups in base or. .... j 1 20. 22, 24. Or, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bend gobony argent and gules. 21! Or, a lion rampant azure, crowned argent, debruised by a bend gobony argent and gules. 23. Argent, a bend of 3 lozenges alternately azure, or, and azure. 2?. Gules, a cross argent “broken.” 26 “An ould knight lying with these armes on his shield, and these 14 ARMES FOLLOWING ABOUT THE TOMBE OF THE SAID KNIGHT, SOMETYME LORD OF this TOWNE, LYING in the quyer.” A lion rampant debruised by a bendlet gobony. “About the tombe of the ould knight aforesaid. ’ 27. A lion rampant azure. 28. A plain cross. 29. 3 lucies hauriant. 30. A fesse dancett^e between t 1 billets. 31. A saltier. 32. A lion rampant. 33. 3 water bougets. 34. 5 barrulets, over all 3 chaplets. 35. A lion rampant, double queued. 36. 3 cinquefoils between 7 cross crosslets. 37. A fesse vaire between 3 leopards’ heads reversed jessant de lis. 38. 3 cinquefoyles. 39. A blank shield, impaling lozengy. 40. A maunche. 3 In tlje Cl)utrt)e of grtopne, tn ^olDernete. 4. Argent, 2 bars azure. 4. Argent, 3 chaplets gules, Lascelles. 4 A crest, out of a ducal coronet, a griffin s head couped argent. 4 Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, 2 bars azure ; 2 and 3, argent 3 chaplets gules. ^ 4! Argent, 3 chaplets gules, “ Lascelles,” impaling a blank shield, “ Skip with. 1 Gules and argent, MS. 1394. 46. Argent, 3 chaplets gules, Lascelles, impaling, or, a lion rampant azure, idebruised by a bendlet gobony argent and gules, Sutton. 47. “An ould knight of the family of the Lascelles on a Tombe.” Argent, 3 chaplets gules. Crest On a cap of maintenance a flowerpot, with a wreath round the neck thereof. 48. “An ould knight and his wife lying in a tombe of stone in a wall W TH THESE ARMES AND CREST, LYING IN THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ‘ BODY OF ’ the Churche." A lion rampant debruised by a bendlet gobony. Crest: — On closed helmet, a lion’s head erased “gules or gould.” 3 In a papnted ^>coct)eem tit ^ep&ort. ^iluefler TBelleto, of Lincolnflnre. 49. Or, fretty sable, on a chevron azure 3 lions’ heads erased or. Crest On a torce or and sable, a buck's head affront^e couped or, guttee de poix. 50. “Sigillum Armorum Roberti Hilliard, Militis.” Quarterly. 1.. 3 chaplets.2. A chevron between 3 mullets. 3. 3 bars, over all a fleur-de-lis. 4. A mullet. Crest :—Over helm and mantling, on a torce, a cock statant. 3n tl)e Clmrct )t of Bran&ettmrton, in i£)oloernefie. 1. Azure, 3 chevrons imbraced or, a chief of the last. 2. Azure, a fesse between 3 birds argent. • 3. Gules, a cross moline or. 4. A chevron charged with a greyhound courant, a chief vaire. lt)ic jacet Dns. 3lofmes. tie ^anfto duinttno, spNles, quontmm Dommus tflius oillae, qui otuit ruti. Die tanuaru, a° Dni. mcc. nonopfimo feptimo, et Lora, uror eius, quae obut anno Dni. mccc. sera* gefirno nono. 5. 3 chevronels gules, a chief vaire. 6. Or, 3 chevronels gules, a chief vaire. “ Upon the monument of a knight with his 2 wifes.” Orate pro ammaPus 3lofns. tie ^>to. duintino, et Lorae oe ^t. duintino, et flgnetae, ttrortOus eius. l^ic facet 3Ifa0eUa Ctlerker, quontmm Dna. Delamor, qui obiit nono Pie ^eptemPris, a® Dorn, mccccimriu. No AR mf.s. 7. Vert, 4 escallops in cross, conjoined in the fesse point argent (over all 2 thigh bones in saltier). VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 447 8. Vert, 4 escallops in cross argent. 9. Vert, 4 escallops in cross conjoined in the fesse point argent (over all 2 thigh bones in saltier). i£)ic meet 31 obes. ancncelactf), tr ^enrp (Sates, at Reamer. 1 Gules, a cross patonc^e argent, impaling or, a lion rampant gules. 2. Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, on a fesse cottised gules, 3 fleurs-de-lis of the 1st; 2 and 3, azure, a chevron between 3 martlets argent. 3. Gules, on a cross argent 5 eaglets displayed sable. 4 A man kneeling bareheaded; on his Surcoat, quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, a fesse wavy gules between 3 “ pyes ; ” 2 and 3, argent, a chevron gules between 3 trefoils slipped azure. aMielmus %etuo,' et €mmota, urot eius, 3|ofmnncs Otatton, et dgnes, uror cius. 5. Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, a fesse wavy gules between 3 magpies proper ; 2 and 3, argent; a chevron gules between 3 trefoils slipped azure. “Johannes Ovirion.'’ 6. “Sigillum Johis. Domini de Graystock.”— Barry of 16 pieces, 3 chaplets .Crest over helm and mantling, on a torce a dolphin embowed. 3)n ttje l^oute of fl@r. i&crcep, als. percefmp, of Bpton. 7. Argent, a cross patonede gules. 8. The same, impaling, or, a cross sable. . fo . 9. Argent, an inescocheon sable, a border of the first, within an orle of 8 roses gules. I (?) Sevezaux. 4+3 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 10. Argent, a cross patonc^e gules, impaling, argent, a chevron sable between 3 fetter locks or (sic), a bordure of the first entoyre of roses gules. 11. Or, a plain cross sable. 12. “A FUNERALL escocheon in Mr. Percehaye’s house.” Quarterly, I and 4, argent, a cross patoncee gules ; 2 and 3, argent, a lion rampant azure, debruisedby a bendlet or, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, azure, fretty argent ; 2 and 3, azure, a fesse engrailed ermine between 3 leopards’ heads cabossed or. 3n t|)e entire?) of I&ttftbp ^tfperton t&efe ttoo. 13. Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, a cross patoncee gules ; 2 and 3, azure, fretty argent. 14. Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, a cross patoncee gules; 2 and 3, argent, an inescocheon within an orle of 8 cinquefoils sable. 15. Graven in a Seale of Silver, and written about it, Sigillum Johanis Pollard. —Ermine, a cross engrailed. 16. A Crest granted to Leonard Bate, of Lupsett, in Yorkshire, p. Wm. Flower, Norroy Roy d’Armes, Ao Dni. 1565.—Sable, a fesse engrailed argent between 3 dexter hands extended or, a crescent for difference of the last. Crest, on torce or and sable, a hart’s head argent, erased gules, attired or, transfixed by an arrow or, feathered and armed of the 1st. 3n t\)t Cftutci) of i^elmeflep, or ipamlahe, Com. C&or. 17. Quarterly of 6. 1. Gules, 3 water bougets argent. “ Roos.” 2. Argent, a fesse double cottised, gules. “ Badlesmere.” 3. Gules, an eagle displayed argent, beaked and membered or, within a bordure of the 2nd. “ Valonges, sed quaere.” 4. Gules, 3 Catherine wheels argent. “Speke.” 5, Checquy, argent and gules. “Vaux.” 6. Or, 2 chevrons and a border gules. An inescocheon azure, a Catherine wheel or. “ The inescocheon is Trussebut, sed quaere.'' 18. Gules, 3 Catherine wheels argent. 19. Argent, a chevron.between 3 hinds’ heads erased gules. 20. Checquy, argent and gules. 21. Argent, 3 water bougets sable. 22. On a toombe stone. Or, on a bend 3 Catherine wheels. £>cre Igctf) 3iofm agarslmll, of l^elmcsleg. 23. A chevron between 3 mullets. l£)ete Ipetb CGilliam CfccttojnO. 23. A chevron between 3 mullets. “Here lyeth William Chetwynd.” 24. Sable, a chevron between 3 peacocks’ heads erased argent. Crest—On a torce, a peacock’s tail closed and spotted or, between a pair of wings argent, “ Willm. Overton.” v & ’ 25. oable, a chevron between 3 peacocks’ heads erased argent, impaling, gules, 2 bars between 8 martlets, 3, 2 and 3, argent. 26. Sable, a chevron between 3 peacocks’ heads erased argent, impaling, argent, on a bend gules, 3 escallops of the 1st. 27. “Set up for a funerale escocheon.” Or, 2 bars gules, a chief quarterly, 1 and 4, azure, 2 fleurs-de-lis in fesse or; 2 and 3, gules, a lion rampant or, a crescent for difference, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, or, a lion rampant gules ; 2 and 3, gules, 10 bezants, 4, 3, 2 and 1. 28. Argent, a fesse between 6 cross crosslets fitchde sable. “tflay"^ ent ' 3 f° xes , 2 counter passant in chief, and i passant in base sable. 30 . ^ shield within a garter (seal fashion). Gules, 3 water bougets argent, mnintpnf^rf man ^ ln o» gules, semee of water bougets argent, on a cap of maintenance, doubled ermine, a peacock statant argent, his tail spotted or. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 449 3n tl)e Ci)urcl)e of tn Clioelanb. 1. Argent, 3 cranes feeding sable. 2. In an Escocheon paynted on paper brought by Mr. Tocketts.— Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, a lion rampant azure debruised by a bendlet gules. 2. Argent, a chevron between 3 hinds’ heads erased gules. 3. Sable, a chevron between 3 chaplets argent, Tockett. “ The lions were made saliant.” 3In tf)e Cl)urcof Cratjorne, tn gorks. 3. “A KNIGHT LYING CROSSE-LEGGED WITH THESE ARMES ON HIS SHIELD.” Argent, on a saltier gules 5 crosses patonc^e or. 4. “Upon a gravestone.” on a saltier 5 crosses patonc^e l£>tc facet Cfjomas Cratborne, et OBIi^abetfja, urot eius, quor. animabus, 5. On an ould tombe stone this armes. On a fesse, between 11 (13) cross crosslets, 3 cranes feeding. 6. “In a glasse window at Mr. Crathorne’s.” Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, on a saltier gules 5 cross crosslets or ; 2 and 3, argent (sable), on a fesse between 8 cross crosslets sable (argent) 3 birds argent (sable). 7. Sable, 2 lions passant paly of 6 gules and argent, Strangwayes, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, azure, 3 cinquefoils between 9 cross crosslets argent, Darcy ; 2 and 3, azure, 3 bars gemelles and a chief or (at the dexter back of the shield a staff, surmounted with a buck’s horn, or a bill). 8. Sable, 2 lions passant paly of 6 gules and argent, impaling, sable, an estoyle argent. 9. Sable, 2 lions passant paly of 6 gules and argent, impaling, sable, 3 greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared or. 10. Sable, 2 lions passant paly of 6 gules and argent. “Strangways.” 11 and 12. Argent, on a bend cottised gules 3 torteaux, a chief sable. “ Orrell.” In a glasse wyndow. ©rate pro animabus 3[ofris. ftcUngfjt, als. ©ftjobbp. 13. Azure, on a chevron argent between 3 cocks gules (sic), a mullet. 14. Sable, a fesse gules (sic) between 3 asses passant argent, a crescent for difference of the last. “ Ayscough.” 15. Sable, a fesse gules between 3 asses passant argent, a mullet for difference of the last. “ Wilm. Ayscough." 16. Sable, a fesse gules between 3 asses passant argent, a cross patonc£e for diffe¬ rence argent. “ Robt. Ayscogh.” 17. Sable, on a fesse gules between 3asses passant argent, a mitre or. “ Ayscough.” 18. 2 knights kneeling with these armes, argent, 3 hedgehogs purpure. ©rate pro antmabus Cbomae., et Ceciliae, e Cljurd) of Battotcft tn Clmete, in gorfeflnre. 1. An escocheon (seal wise) or, on a cross sable 5 crescents argent. Crest, over helm and mantling, on a torce or and sable, a maiden proper, her hands affront^e, crined or. Ellis. 2. On a cross sable 5 crescents argent, impaling, argent, on a fesse sable, between 3 fleurs-de-lis gules, 3 bezants. 3. On a cross sable 5 crescents argent, impaling, sable, an escocheon within an orle of 8 owls argent. 4. Quarterly, 1 and 4, sable, 3 greyhounds courant in pale. 2 and 3. Or, a fesse gules, in chief 3 torteaux, impaling, sable, 2 lions passant, paly of 6, argent and gules. 5. Argent, 7 pellets, 2, 3 and 1, argent, I 6. Same,impaling, argent, on afesse sable, impaling, argent, a bird statant gules | between 3 fleurs-de-lis gules, 3 bezants. ©rate pro EtcatDo lLacp, et deplete et aEl^aPetfm, urontms ftps. 7. Argent, on a chevron gules 5 saltiers couped argent, impaling, argent, fretty and a canton sable. 8. Same, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, a cross moline sable. 2 and 3, sable, fretty argent. 9. Argent, fretty, and a canton sable, Middleton, impaling, argent, on a fesse sable, between 3 fleurs-de-lis gules, as many bezants. Thwayts. 10. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a pale sable, a luce’s head erect, couped or, an annulet for difference. 2 and 3. Argent, 2 bars sable. ©rate pro animating Cfromae ®aftoigne, et e©ar* garetae, uc., moirmmt. it. Same as 1 quarter of last shield, impaling, or, a fesse dancett^e sable. 12. Same as 1 quarter of No, 9, impaling, glides, a saltier engrailed or, charged with a mullet pierced sable. 3Jn tt)e tyouit of <3$ r. tofeotgne, at Ilafingcroft, in gorfcftnre. 13. Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head erect, couped or, an annulet for difference, impaling, Vavasour. 14. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gascoyne. 2 and 3. Gules, a bend engrailed between 6 billets or. 454 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN AND l 6 l 2 . 15A. Quarterly, i and 4. Gascoigne. 16A. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gascoigne. 17A. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gascoigne. 18A. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gascoigne. 2 and 3. Gules, a lion rampant or. 2 and 3. Argent, 2 bars sable. 2 and 3. Gules, a saltier engrailed or. 2 and 3. Argent, 2 bars gemelles gules. 3)n tljc Cl)urcl) of attntflep, at £>r. George Cfjatoortfr’s, in Com. 312otts. 1. Lozengy, argent and gules. 2. 7, and 10. Paly of 6, argent and azure, a bend gules. 3. Argent, a lion rampant sable, within an orle of 6 cinquefoyles gules. 4. Paly of 6, argent and azure, a bend gules, impaling No. 3. 5. Verrey, or. 6. Gules, a fesse vaire between 3 leopards’ heads reversed jessant de lis or. 8. Argent, a pale lozengy sable. . 9. Gules, a cross engrailed argent, an annulet for difference sable, impaling No. 2. 11. Argent, 6 lions rampant, 3, 2 and 1, gules. 8tma pagant De flMers, sgNlitis, ut optnor. 3Jrt tlje Rotate of 99r. Ct)toaptes, of q@arflon. 12. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Azure, a fesse between 3 estoiles or ; 2 and 3, argent, on a bend gules 3 mullets of the field (or). . 13. Quarterly 1. Azure, a fesse between 3 estoiles or. 2. Argent, on a bend gules 3 mullets or. 3. Gules, 3 cushions ermine, tasselled or, a mullet for difference. 4 * Gules, a bend between 6 martlets or, impaling, sable, a saltire or. 3n tljc Cljurd) of i&oDington, tn Com. jRotttngfmm. 14. Paly of 6, argent and azure, a bend gules, impaling, erm., on a chief indented gules 3 crowns or. “ Leech.” 15. The same, impaling, ermine a bend azure. 16. Lozengy, argent and gules. 17. Ermine, on a fesse azure 3 crosses moline or. 3)tt ttje Ctmrctje of jflatofortfje, tn Com. Bottingfmm. 18. A shield (seal wise), quarterly, 1 and 4. 10 roundles, 4, 3, 2 and i, a label of 3 points . 2 and 3. 3 pickaxes. Crest, over helm and mantling, on torce, a griffin’s head couped. ^ic facet ©Elillm. iBafrington, armtget, films et fmeres Dm. TBafnngton, e@ilitts, et Dnae. QfDat* gcriae urorls eius in pac Capclla fepultae . nero eius C« 5 at)etl),filta et ljaereoe 3 lof)is.<£it>tf)orpe lie ©thllmfige Cupet omente et ofijualem cafiitatem Pioente. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 45 j> 19. Quarterly, 1 and 4, quarterly, checquy and ermine. “ Gibthorpe.” 2 and 3. Quarterly, in 1st quarter a fleur-de-lis, a border entoyre of roundles. 20. Three coats impaled. 1st coat, quarterly, 1 and 4. Rabington. 2 and 3. 3 pickaxes, 2nd coat* quarterly, as No. 2. 3rd coat, per fesse, in the base a fesse dancett£e, impaling, 3 bucks’ statant. 21. Quarterly. I. and IV. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Babington. 2 and 3. 3 pickaxes. II. and III. Quarterly. In 1st quarter, a fleur-de-lis, a border entoyre of round-roundles, impaling, or, a fesse dancett^e sable. 22. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Babington. 2 and 3. 3 pickaxes, impaling, paly of six argent and azure, a bend gules. 23. 10 roundles, 4, 3, 2 and 1, a label of 3 points, impaling, 3 pickaxes ., quae quioem q^argeria fuit uror Dnt. mib iielmi IBabington, q^ilitis, quonDam Capitals TBaronts ^caccartt Dnt. iRegts quinti, et poflea conftitutus Principalis 3iuDer ., mccccltu. 1 qgatgareta tieco otiiit tt&» Die jTeliruarii, Anno, ^ni mccccrlii. j£ic facet Arabella quonDam uror If>ugonis De flnncs= lep, quae obiit Anno Dnt. mccclrrrtP. 1. 2 * 3 * A chevron between 3 mullets A fesse between 3 Paly of 6 pieces, pierced. roundles. 3)n tlje Clntvdie of Citljhp, tn Comitatu Bottingbamiae. before tbe mtDDefl of tbe bigb aultar lietfj Cbomas Cbatoortb (of Croptoell TButler, Cfquter, anD flnbaret, bis totfe), fonne anD bepre of George Cbatoortb, of anneflep, €fq<„ anD aiice bis toife, Daughter anD belt of 3lobn flnneflep, fquter, m Cbomas DeceafeD on relique §>unDap, tbe peace ot grace, mcccclrrrn., on tobofe foule 3lbefu bane mercp. 4. Quarterly, 1 and 4. 2 chevrons, a cre¬ scent for difference. 2 and 3. Paly of 6, over all a bend, Annesley, impaling, a cross mo- line, charged with 4 an¬ nulets, over all a bend compony, Serleby. 5. A cross moline, charged with 4 an¬ nulets, over all a bend compony, im¬ paling, 3 harts’ heads cabossed. 6. Quarterly. L, quarterly, 1 and 4, barry of 10, argent and gules, over all 3 martlets sable, Chaworth. 2 and 3, azure, 2 chevrons or. II. and III. Paly of 6, argent and azure, over all a bend gules. IV. Quarterly, 1 and 4, argent, an es- cocheon within an orle of 8 cinquefoils sable, 2 and 3, gules, a fesse dancettee between 10 billets or. ] ?) 1466. «<5 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND I j, quartering No. 2. 7* >» 9 f quartering No. 4. 8 - *» »» quartering No. 3. 9* »» ,, quartering No. 1. Ja Amre S a C tador W nv!?;il Cules a fesse dancettde between 10 biUets, 4 and 6, or. oSt ,1? f 1 Iabe 0f 3 , p01nts ar S ent ' im Paling No. 6. borderazur^entoyre'of^berants 6 ' & CrOSS 0r ( ar S ent )- a and 3. Or, 3 pallets gules, a gulet a^fese'd^Euicetfle be?weeax^’cross^rossfe^or 3 ' 3 mUUetS ^ “*“«• As'n© 3 13^the'quarters reverse^. n ^' ar ® ent and ® u * es ‘ a. Quarterly, as No. 6. 3. 7 tong^’a"^and T r HI gules I ! E pierced L o A r SSE '” Quarterl y> as Na 6 « impaling, argent ;7" E ^ F , OLLO u WI , NG CUT in ( stone ) wood about the House." of 3 9 poims Babing?om 6nt0yre ° f TOUndles > im P^^g, 10 roundles, 4, 3, 2 and 1, a label 2j' l n cc ^T Ci;e0 ^ thin an ° rle of 8 ci nqnefoils, argent, impaling, Babington. - 4 and 6 * or - impaling - Babington - 23. A cross, impaling. Babington. 24. 2 chevrons impaling Babington. 25. A chief verrey, over all a bend. 26. 2 lions passant. 27. Barry of 10 pieces, over all 3 martlets. 28. 2 chevrons, impaling, 3 fleurs-de-lis, a chief indented 29. A lion rampant guardant. eu .. 30. A bend dancettde between 10 billets, 4 and 6 3 1 and 33. Barry of 6 pieces, a label of 3 points 32 and 36. A cross patonc^e. d P . 34 and 35. 2 chevrons. 37. Paly of 6, a bend. 38. An escocheon within an orle of 8 cinquefoils ™ e — c »“” 4°: Ermine.^o^a chief indented ^crownf ^ Charg6d WUh 3 H ° n paSSan * gardant ' § as many —• Vs. a s™ 3 bears ' heads c ° uped - muzzied - 46. A fesse in chief, 2 crescents. 47- A lion rampant guardant. 4»- A fesse between 2 chevrons. 49. On a fesse 3 fleurs-de-lis. 1 MS. 1394 gives azure and argent. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l6l2. 4^7 50. A cross patde fixed. 51. “In glass.” Quarterly, 1 and 4. Azure, 2 chevrons or. 2 and 3. Paly of 6, argent and azure, over all a bend gules, impaling, argent, 10 torteaux, 4, 3, 2 and 1, a label of 3 points azure. 52. “ In glass. ” Quarterly, I. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Barry of 10, over all 3 martlets. Chaworth. 2. 2 chevrons. 3. 2 lions passant. 1 II. and III.. 4 pallets, over all a bend. IV. Quarterly, 1 and 4. An escocheon within an orle of 8 cinquefoils. 2 and 3. A fesse dancett^e between 10 billets, 4 and 6, impaling, quarterly of 12 coats—Paston, viz.—1. 6 fleurs-de-lis, 3, 2 and 1, a chief indented. 2. A fesse between 2 chevrons, on that in chief a lion passant guardant. 3. Erm., on a chief 3 crowns. 4. Or, on a chevron between 3 lions’ heads erased, as many roundles. 5. An escocheon within an orle of 8 martlets. 6. A chevron between 3 bears’ heads muzzled. 7. Erm., a chief indented. 8. A fesse, in chief 2 crescents. 9. A lion rampant gardant. 10. A fesse between 2 chevrons. 11. On a chevron 3 fleurs-de-lis. 12. A cross patde 'fixed. Two letter P’s in old character. “These 6 following were cut in stone over the gates there.” 53. Quarterly, 1 and 4. A fesse dancettde between 10 billets. 2 and 3. 2 chevrons. Lathum. Crest, over full-faced helm and mantling, on a torce a saracen’s head affrontde, wreathed about the temples. 54. Quarterly, 1 and 4. 2 chevrons. 2 and 3. An escocheon within anprle of 8 cinque¬ foils, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4. A cross. 2 and 3. 4 pallets, a border entoyre of roundles. Crest, over helm and mantling, on torce a bunch of leaves issuant from a tower. 55. Quarterly, 1 and 4. 2 chevrons. 2 and 3. 2 lions statant. Crest, over helm and mantling a lion’s head couped, issuant from a ducal coronet. 56. Quarterly, 1 and 4. 2 chevrons. 2 and 3. An escocheon within an orle of 8 cinquefoils. Crest, on helm and mantling a bull statant sable, on a cap of main¬ tenance gules doubled argent. “ Caltoft’s Crest.” 57. Quarterly. 1 and 4. 2 chevrons. 2 and 3. An escocheon within an orle of 8 cinquefoils impaling. 2 1. Barry of 10, 3 martlets. 2 and 3. 4 pallets, a border entoyre of roundles. 4. A cross. Crest, on a torce a dragon’s head vomiting flames, charged with three bars. “ Bassett of Weldon’s Crest.” 58. Verrey, 3 bars .impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4. Barry of 10, 3 martlets. 2 and 3. 2 chevrons. Crest, on torce a bunch of leaves issuant from a tower. 3Jtt tl)e Cljurcl) of JUngar,’ tn Com. JftOtt. 1. Quarterly, 1 and 4. 2 chevrons. “Lathum.” 2 and 3. 2 lions passant- “.andalfe.” 2. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Barry of 10, 3 martlets. “Chaworth.” 2 and 3. 2 chevrons. “ Lathum.” “In a glasse wyndowe.” 3 coats impaled. 3. Azure, a bend or, I 4. Quarterly. 1 and 4. 2 chevrons, j 5. Argent, 7 lozen- over all a label of 3 2 and 3. An escocheon within an ges, 4 2, 2, 2 and 1, gules, points argent. | orle of 8 cinquefoils. | pierced 01 (argent). 3Jn tl)e Claret) of OStyatton, in Com. JlSottmgfmmiae. 6. “An ould knight lying in armour, with these armes about hts toombe, and CREST under his head” (seal wise). Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules. Crest, out of a ducal coronet gules a griffin’s head couped argent, beaked azure. “ Sir John (Adam) Newmarche, Knight.” 1 This quarter from MS. i-,94. 2 MS. 1394 states the 1 and 4 quarter of impalemenfto be a aoss. 3 Langar, MS. 1394- 4 8 lozenges, MS. 18,on. 45 8 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 7. Argent, a chevron azure, in chief a label of 3 points gules. 8. Gules, a lion rampant argent. 9. Quarterly ... . a fretty . over all a bend, a label of 3 points. Spencer. 10. Azure, 2 chevrons or. 11. A lion rampant double queued. 12. A lion rampant within an orle of 6 (7) cinquefoils. 13. Argent, a fesse azure, in chief a label of 3 points gules. 14. Gules, 3 pickaxes argent. 15. Sable, 6 annulets, 3, 2 and 1. 16. 5 fusils in fesse, impaling, 3 cross crosslets fitch^e, a chief. 17. Gules, 3 bendlets. 18. Ermine, a chief indented gules. 19. 2 bars, each charged with 3 martlets. 20. Gules, a chevron between 10 sisefoils or, 6 and 4. 21. A fesse between 3 cinquefoils. 22. 3 crosses pat6e fitch^e in chief. 23. 3 crosses pat£e fitch^e, 1 on a chief 2 mullets pierced of 6 points. 24. Per pale and per fesse indented gules and argent. 25. Barry of 6, in chief 3 roundles. “2 WOEMEN ^KNEELING IN A GLASSE WINDOWE WITH THEISE ARMES.” 26. Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules, impaling, azure, a lion rampant or. Johanna. 27. Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules, impaling, argent, a lion rampant double queued sable. 28. "An ould knight lying upon a toombe w 13 these armes following FIRST WAS ON HIS SHEILD, AND THERE WAS WRITTEN ABOUT HIM IN FRENCH. Argent, on a bend sable, between 6 cross crosslets gules, 3 bezants. Pray for tfie foule of BicfmrD CGfjatton, Entgfjt. 29. Azure, a fesse dancett£e between 10 billets or, 4, 3, 2 and 1. 30 and 31. Blank. 32. Argent, on a bend azure 6 (7) cross crosslets or. 33. Or, a fesse dancett^e between 10 billets sable. 34. Argent, 2 chevrons sable, a bordure engrailed of the last. 35. Argent, on a bend sable, between 6 cross crosslets gules, 3 bezants. "In THE GLASSE WINDOWES THESE.” 1. Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules. 2. Per pale, gules and sable, a lion rampant within a border engrailed argent. 3 and 6. Argent, on a bend sable between 6 cross crosslets gules 3 bezants. 4. Sable, a chevron between 9 cross crosslets argent. 5 and 8. Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules, each charged with an escallop or. 7 and 9. Gules, 2 bars nebulae or. l£>tc facet Cfjomas Ctanmer, 3rmigcr, gut otmt rrtm. Die a£)au, 3nno Dnt. mor., 2 cuius 3ntmae pro-' picietur Deus. amen. 10. Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules, each charged with an escallop or. 11. Argent, a chevron between 3 cranes sable, at their feet their "Vigilance” or (sable). Cranmer. 12. (A shield sealwise.) Per pale, gules and sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or. Crest, on a helm, mantled sable, doubled gules, per pale counterchanged, a crane’s head couped, the wings displayed sable, beaked or, issuant from a ducal coronet argent. 13. Per pale, gules and sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or. Crest :—Per pale, counterchanged a crane’s head couped, the wings displayed sable, beaked or, issuant from a ducal coronet argent. 1 MS. 1394 omits the 3 crosses patee fitch6e from this shield. 2 (?) 1501. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 459 14. (A shield sealwise.) Argent, 5 fusils, in fesse gules. Crest :—Over a helm mantled argent, out of a ducal coronet gules, a griffin’s head couped argent, beaked azure. 15. Argent, on a bend sable, between 6 cross crosslets gules, 3 bezants, “What- ton,” impaling, per pale, gules and sable, a lion rampant within a border engrailed argent. 4 4 Bellers. ’* 16. 44 Whatton,” as the preceding, impaling, per pale, gules and sable, a lion ram¬ pant argent, crowned or, charged with an annulet gules. “ Bellers.” 31n tl)e tyouiz of Ctanmere, of aBJmtton. j 7 . Argent, on a chevron azure, between 3 cranes sable, 3 trefoils pierced or. Crest, on a torce, argent and azure, a cock’s head erased sable, beaked of the last, crested and wattled gules. Cranmer. 18. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Cranmer. 2 and 3. Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules, each charged with an escallop or. 3Jn tf)e Ctmrrtje of Barrotofcp, in Com. Htncolniae. 1. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, 2 chevrons and a border gules. 2 and 3. Argent, 3 bird-bolts gules. . , , .. . 2. Argent, 3 bird-bolts gules (Bozon), impaling, sable, 3 roses, and a border engrailed argent. 3. Bozon, impaling, gules, on a chevron or 6 cross crosslets sable. 4. Sable, 3 roses, and a border engrailed argent. 5. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Bozon. 2. Sable, 3 roses, and a border engrailed argent. 3. Gules, on a chevron or 6 cross crosslets sable. 6 Quarterly. 1. Argent, 2 bars gules and a border sable. 2. Argent, 2 chevrons gules, a border. 3. Bozon. 4. Sable, 3 roses, and a border engrailed argent. “James Dene.” 3Jn a glade totndotoe at tlje bridge foot of ^tamforo, iraort&toarDs. 7. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Azure, a cross moline voided or. Knowles. 2 and 3. Gules, 2 bars gemelles argent. 8. Quarterly. 1. Gules, on a chevron argent 3 roses of the held. 2. Chequy, or and azure, on a canton gules a lion rampant ermine. Warren. 3. Per fesse, ermine and or, a cross moline gules. 4. Or, on a chevron gules 3 swans argent. 9. Argent, 3 locks sable. TWO BURIALL ESCOCHEONS SET UP IN YORKE MYNSTER. 10. Quarterly. 1 and 5. Sable, 3 butterflies argent. 2. Argent, a lion rampant azure between 8 cross crosslets gules. 3 and 4. Azure, 3 covered cups or. 6. Argent, at lion rampant azure between 8 cross crosslets gules. , ,, 11 Quarterly. 1 and 4. Or, a fesse dancetffie sable. 2 and 3. Argent, abend sable, over’all a label of 3 points gules, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4. Azure, on a chief argent 3 chaplets gules. 2. A fesse engrailed between 6 fleurs-de-lis. 3. Argent, a saltier sable. jbeare cnoctf) tf)c ®atbennge of tbe fitfl peaces Oiffi cation, an® moirmo. \ 6 o VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . sarrnes taken out of CJmrcJjes anti Houfes tn tlje time of gorkljrire Htfitatton, &nno Bnt. mtilntt). 1. This escocheon underneath was set up in Mr. Darleye’s house, in Yorke for Mr. Mountfort. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, a lion rampant azure between 8 cross crosslets gules, a border ermine. 2 and 3. Argent, on a chevron, between 3 cross crosslets fitchde sable, 3 fleurs-de-lis on the dexter, and 3 martlets or on the sinister side. “ This is supposed io be Kylnehursts coate." 2. Gules, a fesse between 3 cushions argent, over all a bend sable, guttde d’or, im¬ paling, gules, a lion rampant between 11 (8) billets or. Lasingbye. 3. A Seale showed me by Mr. Thomas Grimston, of Holdernesse, bearing date the 18 yeare of King H. 6.—On a fesse 3 spur rowels of 6 points or, pierced. Crest :—Over helm and mantling, on a torce, a hart’s head couped. 4. Taken out of an escocheon that had bene made in London, shewed by .Metcalfe, preist of Northallerton. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, 3 calves statant sable. 2. Sable, a chevron between 3 quatrefoils argent. 3. Argent, on a chevron sable between 3 eagles’ heads erased azure, beaked gules, as many cinque¬ foils pierced of the field. Crest, on a torce, mantled or, the dexter side sable and argent, 1 a talbot seiant ppr., holding in his dexter paw an escocheon or. 5. Out of an escocheon in the house of Mr. Ingleby, of Ripley. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, on a bend between 3 unicorns’ heads erased azure, as many lozenges or. Smith. 2 and 3. Or, a cross flory gules. 3n tf)e Cijurclje of $rantl)am, tit Lmcolnflnre, tfje follotomg “These two cutt in stone on a toombe.” 6. 3 lions’ heads erased, crowned. Crest, on a torce a lion’s head affrontde, crowned as in arms. 7. A chief, over all a bend. Crest, on torce a pair of wings. Bridge . 8. In glasse, argent, on a cross between 4 keys sable a fleur-de-lis or. 1 MS. 1394 reverses these tinctures. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/^ AND l 6 l 2 . 461 “ThEIS 2 CUTT IN STONE UPON A TOMBE.” 9. Sable, a fesse dancett^e between 3 mullets pierced argent. 10. 3 bendlets sinister, over all a label of 3 points. Crest, on a torce a griffin seiant, his tail nowed. JRicparD CaltePp arm s^atgareta, urot eius. 11. Or, a chief gules, over all a bendlet azure. 12. Azure, a cross boton^e fitchy or, in chief 2 bars of the last. 31tt tfje Cl)urc tyt of 3(ol)n'£, at ©Prte briDgc cnD, in Orate pro anima IRtcarOi pot ke, 8@ilitts, 61s 9fajotis CiPitatis €Por, ac nuper Q^aioris ^tapuleti Calf ctae, et pro ammaPus lopanna ac 3lofmnna, urortPus Cuts, ac ettam pro omntPus PPeris et PenefaftoriPus fuls, qut oPut.Die mentis aprtlis, a» Dm. mccccrcpiit., Pi. 1 fonnes anD tP. Paugpters. 13. Argent, 3 bugle-horns stringed sable. 14. A blank shield, impaling, argent, a griffin segreant sable, charged with a mullet or. 2 15. Azure, a saltier argent. Yorke. 16. Same, impaling, gules, 3 greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared or. Maleverer. 17. Same, impaling, azure, 3 cinquefoils between 8 cross crosslets argent. 18. Same, with a mullet sable for difference, impaling, gules, on a chevron engrailed, between 3 unicorns passant argent as many mullets sable. 3n tl )t Ctmrclje of 2&ttbp flUtyfke, Pg T5rakenPurgp. “ These 5 were in portraieture very ould in the east windowe, with THESE COAT ARMOUR ON THEIR BACKES.” 1. “Voyd.” “ S B Rogr Marmion, priest.’’ 2. Gules, a lion rampant vaire, crowned or. “ S B WrLLiAM Marmion.” 3. Argent, 3 chaplets gules. “S B Roger de Lascelles.” 4. Gules, 3 lozenges argent. 5. Or, 2 bars azure. 3 “ S B Roger le Constable.” “In Glasse.” 6. Sable, a cross patoncde or. 7. Barry of 8 argent and gules, 4 a bend engrailed sable. 1 ? 7. 2 MS. 1394 reverses the blank shield and impalement. 3 MS. 1394 gives harry of 6 or and azure “ Sir Robert le Constable.” 4 MS. 1394 reverses these tinctures. 462 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 3It tl)e Clmrcjte of iI3ortl)aIlerton. 1. Sable, 3 greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared.. a label of 3 points or, impaling, or, a fesse gules, in chief 3 torteaux. 2. Sable, 3 greyhounds courant in pale argent, impaling, argent, on a chevron 3 martlets. 0 3n fyt Cl)urcl)e of l&trftbp, jujrta iFlet&am. 3. (Sealwise) Gules, 2 bars gemelles or, a chief of the last. Crest, on helm, crossed and barred affrontee, and mantling, a bell argent, winged sable, issuant from a ducal coronet or. “ Roaldus. 4. Azure, on a chevron gules (sic) 5 annulets or. 5* This THE cheif in the churche.” Argent, a lion rampant sable, a label of 5 points. 1 ©rate pro antma CGaltert tie £©ifperton. 6. Vaire, a fesse g^ules. 7. Argent, on a chevron sable 3 cinquefoils of the field (or). 3)n tyt Ci)utci)e of Catfjettcfte, tn IRic&monDQure. 8. An ould knight lying in his armour, cut in stone, w ra these armes on his shield, and this badge under his head. Argent, on a bend gules 3 mascles. Crest, on torce, a ram’s head couped, barry of 6 pieces, argent and gules. “ Perte.” 9. Argent, on a saltier sable 5 swans argent, beaked and membered gules. “ Johnes. Burgh.” Impaling, or, 3 bars azure. “Catherin Aske.” 10. Argent, on a saltier sable 5 swans argent, beaked and membered gules. “ William Burgh,” impaling, sable, a cross patonce or. “ Matildis Lascelles.’’ 11. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Burgh, as No. 10. 2 and 3. Gules, 3 cocks, within a border engrailed argent. 12. “ Burgh,” as No. 10, impaling, azure, a maunch or. “Conyers.” l£)ic facet CGm. IButrrf), armipr, unus funDator iffnis cantariae, qui obut roii. 3uguflt, mccccrcit., et pro Pono fiatu Cl^aPettme, uroris fuae. 13. Quarterly, 1 and 4. 3 cinquefoils between 7 (8) cross crosslets. 2 and 3. 3 bars, over all a bendlet, impaling, Burgh. 14. Per fesse, argent and gules, in chief a demi lion naissant, and in base a rose, counterchanged, impaling, Burgh. I 5 ‘ fesse, argent and gules, in chief a demi lion naissant, and in base a rose counterchanged. “ Weldon, of the countye of Cumberland and Northumber¬ land. 16. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gules, 3 lions passant in bend or, between 2 cotises gobony, .E and azure. 2 and 3. Ermine, on a fesse gules 3 annulets or, (the centre one) charged w th a crescent. 1 It is doubtful whether these arms and inscription should appear under Northallerton. —Ed. .. V VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1384/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 3)tt tlie Cfiurclie of JUebes. 4 63 2 ?T hat in ?¥f’ "gent. 3 chevrons embraced sable (an annulet for diffe¬ rence of the first), on a chief of the last 3 mullets pierced sable; and the other in base argent \ 'pellet.' 1 Se ^ 3 li0nS rampan * ° r ’ impaling ' ° n a salto ©rate pro fiono Gatu fpoferi ©an&p, armigeri, et f lifetime uroris eius, T Dni. mccccc. tricefimo, uj, fonncs, ano Pi. 1 Daughters. Q uarte $V* A % ent> 3 che r on * embrac ed sable (an annulet for difference of the uHtKi’tiTwS lef 3 mU M le !f P ie ^ ced * , Danb y. 2. Gules, 3 cushions argent, tasselled or, within a border engrailed of the 2nd. 3. Gules, 6 billets, 3, 2 and 1, ermine. Britlevile. 4. Argent, 2 chains in saltier linked by an annulet sable : impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4. Gules a chevron ermine between 3 lions rampant or. Langton. 2 and 3. Argent, a saltier gules. Nevill. Crest, a crab erect or, charged with a gothic “ D ” sable* f 3 ^ Ql S rt ^ r y ° f S1 ^. }' Ar ^ nt ? 3 chevrons embraced sable (an annulet for difference of the first), on a chief 3 mullets pierced. Danby. II. Gules, 6 billets, 3, 2 and 1 ermine. Britlevile. III. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gules, three cushions argent, tasseled or, within a border engrailed of the 2nd. 2 and 3. Argent, 2 chains in saltier linked by an annulet sab e. Redman. IV. Argent, a saltier gules. V. Gules, a chevron ermine between three lions rampant or. VI. Azure, a bend or, over all a label of three Doints argent. * 4. Lozengy, argent and gules. Fitzwilliam. 5. Azure, 3 swords in fesse, pointed in base argent, pommelled or. “Thearmes ot the monastery of Kirkstall.” 6. Sable, 3 pickaxes argent. Pigott. 7. Argent, on a fesse sable an annulet or, in chief 3 mullets pierced . imoalinp- argent, a bend crenelle'e, cottised sable. p 8. Lozengy, argent and gules, a fesse sable. Rockley. 9. Argent, on a chevron sable, between 3 unicorns’ heads couped azure, as many annulets or. J 10. Azure, a fesse between 3 fleurs-de-lis or, impaling, argent, on a fesse sable an annulet or, in chief 3 mullets pierced of the 2nd. Rockley. 11. (Sealwise) Lozengy, argent and gules, a fesse sable (impaling, argent, on a fesse sable an annulet or, in chief 3 mullets pierced of the 2nd). Crest, over helm mantled azure, doubled argent, on a torce, a hart’s head couped argent, attired or. ©rate pro animafius Rennet Eo&elag, armigeri, et agnetis uroris fui, qui obut menfe ^eptemPris, mini. l£>tc facet 3lofmnnes Langton, armiger, films et fiaeres 3lofmnnis Langton, militis, et agnes uror eius, qui ofiiit in feGo €>anfti LamOerti, OEpifcopt et etfjartpris, a° ©ni. mcccclroii. 12. Gules, a chevron ermine between 3 lions rampant or, Langton, impaling, or 3 bars azure, the centre charged with an annulet or, Aske. & I 3* The same, impaling, argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head couped erect or Gascoigne. 14. The same, impaling, argent, on a bend cottised azure 3 griffins passant or. 15. The same, impaling, quarterly, or and.. over all a bendlet argent. l ? 8 . 464 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 16. Same (with a mullet for difference), impaling, argent, three chevrons embraced sable, in chief three mullets pierced of the 2nd. 17. Same, impaling, .. a lion rampant argent, crowned or. 18. Same, impaling, argent, on a bend cottised.3 griffins’ heads erased of the 1st. 19. Same, impaling, . “A KNIGHT KNEELING AND HIS WIFE, ON A TOOMBE STONE W TH THESE WORDES. J£»c facet Cannes Langton, miles, et dEufemta uror sua, gut otnitoicedmo quinto Die mends jTe&ruant, Dni. milefimo cccclir., rrroii. of it)en. Pi. 20. ai, and 22. “ Gone.” 23. Or, 3 bars, on the centre an annulet. Cp 1 gist ^>ir iRogiet oe Heoes, cfnoalier. jSDrate pro animatms IRoberti qgaleoerer, armt= geri, quonoam Dni oe aBooedtam, et dEli^abetfjae uroris eius, qui otiiit in. 2 Oie mends 3lulti, a* Dni. mccccrliii., rrri. 3 Ocn. oi., the armes gone. J£)ic facet Cfjomas iReOill, armiger, ac dlius et fmetes |[oOis. jReoilt, militis, qui otiiit rr. Oie 3lunii, a* Dni. mccccrcir., rot. 4 i£en. On. 24. “AN OULD KNIGHT LYING CROSSE-LEGGED ALL IN MALE, WITH HIS SWORD AND HIS TARGETT ON HIS ARME CUT IN STONE AS THIS, .. a bend gemelles .cotised. Drate pro animatms fpofert Dan&p, militis, et onae 9@argeriae, uroris fuae, ac ditorum et diiae corum oem, qui idam fenedram, ®c., Dni. morn., rii. ^)en. oiii. 25. Quarterly, 1. Argent, 3 chevrons embraced sable, an annulet for difference of the last, on a chief 3 mullets pierced, Danby. 2. Gules, 3 cushions argent, tasseled or, within a border engrailed of the 2nd. Redman. 3. Gules, 6 billets, 3, 2, and 1 ermine. Britlevile. 4. Argent, 2 chains in saltier linked by an annulet sable, impaling : quar¬ terly 1 and 4. Gules, a chevron ermine between 3 lions rampant or, Langton. 2 and 3. Argent, a saltier gules. Nevile, 26. Azure, a bend or, over all a label of 3 points argent, “Scrope.” Drate pro animatms iLotencii Cotonlep, et 3[ofjannae uroris fuae, $c. 27. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, a fesse sable, in chief 3 mullets pierced of the last. 2 and 3. Sable, 3 goats saliant argent. 1 Or Si. 2 (?) I3 . 3 (?) 2r Hen. VI. 4 (?) 14 Hen. VII. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l( 5 l 2 . 465 28. Argent, a saltier gules, a label of 3 points vert. ipetb tbe TBoDp of Ealpb 1 iBtt lion, ofXeeffon, €sqf., tof)o OepattcD this life tbe laft Dap of f mtcfje, moirtii., anD Margaret bis toife, toitb afe, l&obert, Dorotbp, jTrancls, anD 9nne, bis cinlDten. 29. Quarterly, i and 4. Sable, a bend between 6 cross crosslets or, “ Reeston ” 2 and 3. Vert a lion rampant argent, crowned gules. Crest, on a torce, a lion rampant guardant argent, holding an escocheon vert. 30. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a chevron between 3 leopards’ faces sable as many cross crosslets of the 1st, Snawsell. 2 and 3. Argent, on a bend, cottised gules 3 fleurs-de-hs of the 1st. Davill. s ©rate pro antmabus ^etb %natofell, et pro <£\m- betba, urore etus, filia et baereDe, maim. Dapnell Dni. De TBpIton. lt)ic facet Laurencins Cotonlep, gencrofus, qui obiit quarto Die 3prtlis, a® Dni. mDrrniii. 31. A fesse, in chief 3 mullets of 6 points. Prap for tbe foule of mtlliarn IbuDfon, CIpcar of Cefeell, 2 tbe fonne of axUm. l^uDfon, tc. 32. Gules, on a fesse or, between 3 boars’ heads couped argent, as many lions rampant sable. ^ 33. Sable, 3 pickaxes argent. 3 Pigott. “ A KNIGHT KNEELING AND HIS WIFE.” 34. Sable, an escocheon within an orle of 8 owls argent, impaling, sable, 3 greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared of the first. 35. The same, impaling 2 coats, 1 in chief azure, 2 bars gemelles and a chief or, 2 in base, azure 3 cinquefoils between 8 cross crosslets argent. lt)ic meet IRobtus TBeflon et EaDulpbus 115 elf on, frater eiufDem, filu IRaDulpbt teflon, armigeri, qc. 36. “ Payntf.d for Rafe Beston, Esq».” Quarterly, 1. Sable, a bend between 6 cross crosslets or. 2. Vert, a lion rampant argent, crowned gules. 3. Argent, a chevron gules between 10 cross crosslets sable. 4. Gules, a lion rampant argent between 8 (9) billets or. Crest, on a torce, a lion rampant guardant argent, holding an escocheon vert. 37. “ Upon a buriall escocheon.” Quarterly, 1 and4. Argent, 2 bars sable, each charged with 3 mullets pierced or. 2 and 3. Sable, a chevron engrailed between 3 leopards’ faces argent. 3 MS. 1394 2 H 1 (?) Robert. 2 Presented 21 August, 1594, died at Tickhill {Hunter). reverses these tinctures. 4 66 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 08 Paynted for Thomas Folkingham, Esq*. Quarterly, 1 and Argent, a chevron between 3 cinquefoils pierced sable. 2 and 3 Quarterly, 1 and 4. Sable 3 pickaxes argent. Pigott. 2 and 3. Argent, a fesse gules between 3 eagles displayed sable. qo. “ Upon the toombe of Thomas Hardwyke, Esq., and Anne, his wife, WHO HAD BY HARDWICKE 2 SONNES, FRANCIS AND BRIAN, SHE WAS THE WIDOW of Thomas Eyre, Esq., and had by him 2 sonnes and 3 daughters, Thomas and Thomas, Ellen, Mary, and Anne.” “Thomas Hardwick, of Potter Newton, who dyed 2 February, 1577.” Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, a saltier engrailed azure, on a chief of the last 3 cinquefoyles pierced of ye 1st. 2 and 3. 2 coats impaled, the dexter coat, argent, a bend crenelle sable, the sinister coat, sable, on a chief argent 3 mullets of the 1st, impaling, quarterly, 1. Gules, on a bend argent 0 crosses patoncee sable. 2. Argent, on a fesse between 2 bars gemelles gules 3 fleurs- de-lis of the 1st. 3. Argent, 4 barrulets gules, on a canton argent 3 lozenges m lesse of the 2nd. 4. Gules, 3 goats passant argent. 40. (Argent), on a chief indented sable 3 plates. 41. Argent, a saltier gules. . . _ 42. Argent, a saltier gules, a label of 3 points vert, impaling, azure, 3 crescents or. 43. Ermine, a saltier gules. 44. “A KNIGHT KNEELING.” Argent, a saltier gules. 4c. Gules, 6 martlets, 3, 2 and 1 argent. , , J ^ „ 46. As 36, impaling, argent, on a pale sable, a luce s head couped or. Gascoigne. ^ 47. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a chevron sable 3 cinquefoils or. “Eyre. 2 and 3. Argent, 3 pincers sable. Caftrn out of an Ctroclieon mafie on parchment bp 2Bm. Dakpns, anO fbctoco to me bp a|r. COaterton ’0 man, of Dalton l^all. 48. Quarterly. I and IV. Grand quarter. Quarterly, i. Barry of 6 ermine and gules, over all 3 crescents sable. 2. Gules, a mullet pierced or. 3. Sable, fretty or. 4 - Argent, on a fesse dancettde sable 3 bezants. II. Grand quarter. Quarterly 1. t saltier gules and ermine. 2. Gules, 3 lions rampant argent, crowned or. 3. en y argent and sable. 4. Sable, 3 lions rampant. III. Grand quarter. Quarterly, 1. saltier gules and ermine. 2. Gules, a fesse or between 3 saltiers, couped or (argent). 3. Ardent, 3 bendlets gules. 4. On a bend crenellde 3 boars’ heads couped. Impaling^ coats, 4 in chief and 4 in base, viz.—1. Or, fretty gules, on a canton azure a cross patoncee argent. 2. Paly of 6 argent and gules, a bend ermine. 3. Argent, a benaie sable, a chief verry, or and gules. 4. Gules, 3 lions rampant or. 5. Ur » °j!\ bend sable 3 butterflies or. 6. Argent, 3 bars sable, a canton ermine. 7. ^es, a chevron engrailed between 3 boars’ heads erased argent, armed or. 8. rer oenci sinister ermine and sable, a lion rampant or. 3Jtt tt)e Caftle of ^atemooD, in Com* <$bor. 1. "This was in the churche." (Sealwise). Quarterly, i and 4. Gules, 3 cushions, tasselled or, Redman. 2 and 3. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charge a fleur-de-lis azure, Aldeburgh. Crest, out of a ducal coronet gules, a horse s couped ermine. , * 2. The same 4 quarters, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, a fesse danc between 10 billets, 4 and 6, sable. 2 and 3. Sable, 3 escallops argent. 3. “ Redman and Aldeburgh, as No. 1, quartered together, and impaled w tn , Gules, fretty argent; which is the woman.” VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 467 *' In the chapell there. 4. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Aldburgh. 5. Gules, an orle argent. Baliol. 6. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure. Aldburgh. 7. Azure, 3 crescents or. “ Ryder.” “ Cut in stone.” 8. A lion rampant debruised by a bendlet. 9. A lion rampant charged with a fleur-de-lis. Aldburgh. 10. An orle ermine, over all a label of 3 points. “These were graven in Stone on the Walles in the Chapell.” 11. An orle. 12. A lion rampant charged with a fleur-de-lis. 13. A fesse between 3 birds. 14. Erm., on a chief a lion passant guardant. 15. A lion rampant charged with a fleur-de-lis, impaling, a lion rampant debruised by a bendlet. 16. Quarterly.and vaire, over all a bendlet. 17. Gules, 3 water bougets. 18. 6 annulets, 3, 2, and 1 . 19. A lion rampant crowned. 20. “ In the great Chamber at Harewood Castle.” (Sealwise.) Quarterly 1 and 4. Gules, 3 cushions, tasselled or. 2 and 3. Gules, a lion rampant argent' charged with a fleur-de-lis ermine. Crest, over helm and mantle, gules double ermine, and on a torce, argent and gules, a horse’s head, couped of the 2nd, gorged with a ducal coronet of the 1st. 3n ti)e Cj)urcl)e of ^atetoood, tn Com. Cbot, moirnu 21. Argent, on a fesse between 3 fleurs-de-lis sable, as many torteaux, impaling, 3 crescents. ©rate pro anima 3lofmnms Cbtoa ptes, legis periti, ac unius 3luiliciariorum pads in Comitatu Cbor, aet. Irtii annor, oliiit 3* Dm. mcccdrir., et 3|fa&cll, uroris eius, filiae CGilltelmi Egtber, militis, qui obut da Dm. mcccclruiii. 22. Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head, couped erect or, impaling, gules, a lion rampant argent, within a bordure gobony, argent and sable. 1 “ Gascoigne and Mowbray.” 23. Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head, couped erect or, impaling, ermine, a lyon rampant guardant azure, crowned or. Pickering. ©rate pro ammatms Cli^abetpae et 3[o&annae, urorum eius. 24. “A KNIGHT kneeling, in glasse, w™ these armes upon him, Sable, a bend crenellde argent, and written. ©rate pro ®alfrioo abandon, et Cl^a&etfm urore e/us. 1 Or and argent, MS. 1394. 468 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 25. “A KNIGHT KNEELING IN GLASS, ALL IN MALE, W TH THIS COAT ARMOUR ON HIS BACK, AND ALSO ON THE POMELL OF HIS SWORD, THE SWORD PUT UNDER His girdell.” Or, a fesse between 2 chevrons sable. 26. Argent, a lion rampant sable, charged with a mullet pierced of the 1st. 27. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gules, 3 cushions tasselled or, “ Redman.” 2 and 3. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis ermine. 28 and 32. Gules, 3 cushions tasselled or, a labell of 3 points argent. 29. “A MAN KNEELING IN HIS COAT ARMOUR WITH REDMAN'S COATE ON HIM (as No. 27), and ON the woman this.” Gules, a lion rampant argent, debruised by a bendlet sable. 30. Gules, a chevron argent between 3 cushions tasselled or. Redman. 31. Sable, a saltier argent. Rylestone. 33. “Under Gascoyne Head.” On a torce, a bear’s head couped. 1 34. “One of the Gascoynes buried, and under his head a lucye's head, HE HAD 9 SONNES AND 6 DAUGHTERS, AND THE WOMAN, HIS WIFE, IS SUPPOSED TO BE A CLARELL.” 2 “Upon the tombe of Judge Gascoigne these five armes.” 35. Gascoigne, impaling, argent, a cross sable. 36. (not p ceved) a bend crenellee “ voyd.” 37. Sable, a bend crenelle argent, 8 impaling, gules, a saltier argent, a label of 3 points azure. 38. Gascoyne, impaling, the same. 39. A blank shield. <£ultelmus <$afcopne 3Iufticiarius ne "Banco ipcnnci nuper IRegis flngliae quart! et aEli^abetfm, uror eius, qui quiDem CGillm., oDht Die Dnica. roij. Die HPecemDris, Dni. mccccrii., 4 qc. 40. Gules, a fesse sable (sic) between 3 birds argent, beaked and membered or, impaling, or, on a cross sable 5 crescents argent (or). jRtcfjolas jTraunk et Catfjerina, uror eius. 41. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head couped erect or, an annulet for difference. 2 and 3. Argent, 2 bars sable. “Johannes Gascoyne.” 42. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Gascoyne. 2 and 3. Gules, 6 martlets, 3, 2 and 1, argent. Crest, on a torce, a luce’s head erect, couped or. “ Gascoigne.” 43 ; Gascoyne, impaling, gules r a lion rampant argent I 44. Gascoyne, impaling, within a border engrailed gobony argent and sable (or). | argent a cross’sable. J£>ic facet CGillms. ^afeotgne nuper Capitals ciarius lie "Banco Ipenrici nuper IRegis flngliae quarti et OEli^abetfm, uror eius, qui quiDem nt. mccccrii. 4 45. Gules, a iesse sable (sic) between 3 birds argent, beaked and membered or. ©rate pro animatius 2BilIi jrranfee, et ipelenae uroris (uae matris, ptc. 1 ^^ s Jp£isa)igne, the 2nd of Lasingcroft, and brought to Harewood to be buried. 2 But in truth a *l e £ton, Richard Gascoigne, MS. 1394. 3 MS. 1394 reverses these tinctures. He died 6 December, 1419. See Test. Ebor. vol. i. pp. 391, 392, note. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 469 "Thwayts"'’ ° n 3 feSSe between 3 fleurs-de-lis gules as many pellets (sic), with a^muHet' differenced 3 fleurs-de-lis gules as many peUets (sic), Thwayts, with atabeTof 0 3 n poi f nts Se betWeCn 3 fleUrs - de ' lis S u,es as ma "y Pe“ets, (sic), Thwayts, with a^mmuiet I dhffere S nc betWeen 3 deurs " de "*' s as many pellets (sic), Thwayts, withadfqSd a fc<^ tWeen3fl ^ d ^ gUkS “ many pdIetS Thwa y‘ s - 51. “This was made in a scochf.on in metall, sett up in the greate Chamber at Harewoode.” Quarterly, 1 and 8. Azure, 3 crescents or a. Argent? a lion s head erased between 8 cross crosslets azure. 3. Gules, a cross patonc6e vaire. 4. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charged with a fleur-de-lis azure, s. Or a fesse between 2 chevrons sable. 6. Lozengy, argent and gules. 7. Ermine, on a chev¬ ron gules 3 escallops argent (or). 52. Gules, a saltier argent. Crest, on a torce a bulls head couped. Nevile. 53. Crest, on a torce a crescent or. 3n t\)t Cl)urc!) of £>totUmgton, tn Com. Cbor. 1. Argent, a chief gules, over all a bend azure. 2. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 5 points gules. 3. Per pale gules and sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or. 4. “Broken.” 5. Argent, a cross patonede voided gules. 6. Gules, 3 birds argent. 7. Argent, 3 bars azure. 8. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 9. “Broken.” 10. Barry of 8 argent and azure, a label of 3 (5) points gules. 11. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 12. Argent, a lion rampant sable, charged with a mullet or pierced. 13. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 14. Vert, 2 lions passant guardant argent. 15 and 16. “Broken.” 17. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 18. Argent, 2 bars gules, on a canton of the last a cross moline or. 19. -Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 20. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 5 points gules. 21. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 22. Argent, a chevron azure, charged with an annulet of the 1st, a label of 3 points gules. 23. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 24. Gules, 3 falcons rising argent, an annulet for difference of the last. 25. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 26. Argent, 2 bendlets sable. 27. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 28. Argent, a chevron azure, charged with a crescent of the 1st, a label of 3 points gules. 470 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 29. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 30. Argent, a chevron azure charged with a mullet of the 1st, a label of 3 points gules. 31 and 32. “ Broken.” 33. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 34. Vert, an eagle displayed or, beaked and membered argent, charged on the breast with a crescent. 35. Verrey, sable and argent, on a chief argent 3 birds of the 1st pierced. 36. Argent, a maunche sable. 37. Argent, a lion rampant sable, charged with a mullet pierced, impaling, argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 38. Azure, a chief or. 39. Gules, a chevron ermine, between 3 lions rampant or. 40. Gules, 3 falcons rising argent, a crescent for difference of the last. 41. Argent (azure), a cross patone6e void¬ ed or (argent). 42. Argent, 3 pots gules, a border sable entoyre of bezants. 43. Azure, a cross patonce or. 44. Argent, a lion rampant sable, charged with a mullet of the 1st pierced. 45. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 46. Argent, a saltier gules. 47. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine/ 48 and 49. “ Broken.” 50 and 51. “ Broken.” 52. Argent, a lion rampant sable. 53. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 54. Azure, a cross patonc6e argent. 55 - Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 56 and 57. “ Broken. ’ ’ 58 and 59. “Broken.” 60. Lozengy argent and gules. 61. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 62 and 63. “ Broken.” 64 and 65. “ Broken.” 66. Argent, on a chevron between 3 lions’ heads erased gules, a chess-rook or. 67. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 68 and 69. “ Broken.” 70. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a fesse cottised azure 2 griffins passant or. 2 and 3. Gules, 2 bars argent. 71. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 72. Gules, 3 fleurs-de-lis ermine. 73. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 74. “Broken.” 75. “Broken.” (Argent, a lion ram¬ pant sable, apparently.) 76. “ Broken.” 77. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 78 and 79. “ Broken.” 80 and 81. “Broken.” 82 and 83. “ Broken.” 84. Or, on a cross sable 5 crescents argent. 85. Argent, a chevron azure, a label of 3 points ermine. 86 and 87. “ Broken.” 88. Gules, on a chevron argent 3 roses of the 1st. 89. Azure, a chevron between 3 martlets argent. 90. Azure, fretty argent, nailed. 91. Or, a bend between 6 escallops sable. 92. Gules, 5 fusils in fesse or. 93. Argent, a fesse gules between 3 eagles displayed sable. 94. Argent, a lion rampant sable. 95. Argent, a fesse dancett6e between 3 leopards’ heads cabossed sable. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN I5S4/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 471 3it tl)e Clwctje of 0£etftelep, in Com. Cbot. “About the toombe of Waterton.” 1. Barry of 6 ermine and gules, 3 crescents sable. Waterton. 2. Waterton, impaling, azure, 2 bars argent, on 4 chief of the last 3 lozenges gules a mullet for difference of the last). * 3. Waterton’s crest, on a torce, a plume of feathers, argent, gules, and sable, issuant from a crescent. 4. Argent, a chief azure. | 5. Or, a bend sable. “A Lord Welles, Knight of the Garter, buried in Methley Churche, and his wife, Waterton’s daughter.” 6. A man kneeling in these armes in armour, written about Robertus Waterton. Barry of 6 ermine and gules, 3 crescents sable. 7 and 19. Waterton, impaling, checquy or and azure, a fesse gules. “Beatrix Restwolde.” 8. Quarterly, azure and argent, in the 1st quarter a fleur-de-lis or, impaling, Waterton. 9 and 17. Waterton, impaling, gules, 6 martlets, 3, 2 and 1, argent. 10 and 20. Waterton, impaling, azure, 2 bars argent, on a chief of the last 3 lozenges gules, a mullet of the last for difference. 11 and 16. Waterton, impaling, gules, a bend between 2 lions’ heads erased argent. 12 and 18. Waterton, impaling, gules, a lion rampant vaire, crowned or. 13. Azure, 3 griffins segreant or. 14. Sable, a chevron or between 3 crescents ermine. 15. Or, a lion rampant sable, impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4. Sable, a cross engrailed or. 2 and 3. Gules, a cross moline argent. 21. Or, a lion rampant sable, impaling, Waterton. 22. " Waterton's crest of Medley,” Crest, over helm and mantling, on a torce, a plume of feathers, gules, argent, and sable, issuant from a crescent sable. 3n tl )t CIjspcll of duties, tn pomfittt. 23. Gules, a lion rampant vaire. 24. Argent, a fesse azure, a label of 3 points gules. 25. The same, impaling, or, a cross couped sable, a martlet for difference of the last. 26. Quarterly, 1. Sable, on an escocheon within an orle of 8 martlets argent, a lion rampant of the 1st. 2 and 3. Sable, a cross between 4 fleurs-de-lis argent. 4.. 3 garbs or, impaling, argent, a chevron azure. 27. Quarterly, 1. Sable, a cross between 4 fleurs-de-lis argent. 2. Argent, a chevron azure. 3. Gules, 3 garbs or. 4. Sable, on an escocheon, within an orle of 8 martlets argent, a lion rampant of the 1st. 28. Quarterly, 1. A cross between 4 fleurs-de-lis. 2. A chevron. 3. Sable, on an escocheon within an orle of 8 martlets argent, a lion rampant of the 1st. 4. Gules, 3 garbs. Impalement “ broken.” 29. Argent, on a chevron, between 3 hammers sable, a fleur-de-lis of the 1st, impaling, argent, a chevron between 6 martlets sable. 30. Argent, on a chevron, between 3 hammers sable, a fleur-de-lis of the 1st, impaling, argent, a chevron between 3 crosses pat£e fitch^e. 31. Or, on a cross sable, 5 crescents argent, Ellis, impaling, sable, a chevron between 3 owls argent, crowned or. 32. Or, 3 water bougets sable, over all a baton sinister argent. 33. “These Armes sent to me by Mr. Wm. Hungate, of Saxton, Armiger, to Pontefract.” Quarterly, 1. Gules, a chevron engrailed between 3 talbots seiant argent. 2. Gules, a cross patonc^e or, charged with 5 mullets of the 1st. 3. Argent, on a bend, cottised sable, 3 griffins’ heads, erased of y e 1st. “Salley.” 4. Gules, a lion rampant argent between 10 (12) plates. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND 16 l 2 . 472 34, “Made for S t Paul and his wife, the daughter of Conyers, of Maske.” Quarterly, 1. Or, a lion rampant gules. 2. Argent, 3 nails sable, on a chief gules a lion passant guardant or. 3. Gules, a knight on horseback brandishing his sword argent. 4. Argent, a chevron between 3 magpies. 5. Argent, 5 fusills in fesse gules, in chief 3 bears’ heads erased sable. Impaling, quarterly, 1 and 4. Azure, a maunche or, an annulet for difference. 2 and 3. 2 bends 1 argent and gules, a canton erm. 35. “The Armes of Owen Oglesthorpe, Doctor of Divinity, and Bishop of Carlile.” Quarterly, sable and argent, a cross quarterly, ermine and erminois,. between 4 boars’ heads couped, counterchanged, holding an oak branch leaved vert, fructed or. 3 n tlje Cl)urrt)e of 2HfaIiefxeit>, tn Com. COor. 1. Quarterly, 1. Argent, on a bend 2. Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head sable 3 owls of the 1st. 2. Gules, 2 bars couped erect or. gemelles and a chief argent. 3. Argent, on a bend gules 3 escallops or. 4. Sable, an escocheon within an orle of 8 martlets argent. Orate pro fcono fiatu 3lofmnnts Mantle, agilitis, ^eneftalli Dominti oe GHakefeilD, et dliciae, uroris fuae, a® Dm. mcccclrriu., topo fjao ir. formes ano Dili, Daughters. 3. Argent, a bend between 6 martlets I 4. Argent, a fesse between 7 lozenges sable. I sable, 3 in chief and 4 in base. Orate pro anima 31fabellae Eoklep, quonDam uroris Bogeri Boklep, armigeri, qui obut it. Die 3lunii, 3° Dni. mDrrPi. 5. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a chevron engrailed gules 3 crosses pat^e of the 1st. 2 and 3. Gules, a cross patoncee or, on a chief azure 3 buckles of the 2nd. Crest, on a torce, an armed hand, couped at the wrist ppr. (argent), grasping a bunch of cornflowers argent and vert. “ Peeke.” 5>ere lietp burieo Bicfmro Peck, of ©EJakefeilD, Cfquire, anD aiice bis toife, Daughter of ^>ir peter 8©iDelton, of ^tokelD, Bnigpt, topicD IRicparD ban pflue ttoo fonnes anD foure Daughters Dp fjec. Ipe DieD tpe rrip. Dap of 3lune, a® Domini mDrPi. 6. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a bend sable 3 owls of the 1st, membered or. Savile. 2 and 3. Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head couped erect or. Gascoigne. “ False: Gascoigne must not be quartered." l Bendy of 6 pieces, MS. 1394. 473 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 7. Savile, impaling, Gascoigne, as No. 6. 8. Argent, a mullet sable. Ashton. j 9. Lions passant guardant. l£>ic meet Dna JfaPella aipeton, PiDua, nupet urot Jopannfs, spilths, et abater spirfelD, filths, quae obit Pi. Die a^aii mccccljcjcjcpiii. 10. Argent, a cross patonc^e voided gules, an annulet for difference, impaling, argent, a lion rampant purpure. 11. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, a cross patonc^e voided, an annulet for difference. 2 and 3. Argent, a lion rampant purpure. .Pilfeington, armtgeri, filti et paereois Domini Jopannis Piikington, fgilihs. 12. Argent, on a chevron engrailed gules 3 crosses patde of the 1st. ©cate pro Pono Hatu IRtcarOi petit, armigeri, et Jopannae, uroris eius. 13. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, fretty sable, over all a label of 3 points gules. 2 and 3. Argent, a cross patonc^e sable, impaling, argent, on a bend sable 3 pitchers of the 1st. 14. Peck, as No. 12, impaling, argent, 6 pellets, 3, 2 and 1. mere lietp PurieD Jopn Peck, of CGakcfeilD, OBfquter, anD Jane pis toife, Daughter of Jopn 3nne, of jFticfelape, OEfqp., w John pao iffue ir tonnes anD ir. Daugpters bp Per, anD Dteo at CGafeefcilD, tpe ip. Dap of January, dnno Dni. ntDlPiii. “s HIE ld broken AWAY." 15. “A knight kneeling.” Gules, on a fesse or, between 3 crosses pat^e argent, a lion passant guardant of the field. ©rate pro Pono Oatu Eici. ^tapnton, gtc. 16. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Barry of 6 argent and azure, in chief 3 lozenges gules. “Fleming.” 2 and 3. Waterton. 17. Argent, 3 covered cups sable. “ Nowell.” Impaling, argent, a fesse sable, in chief 3 mullets of the last. “Towneley.” . „ 18. Azure, 3 mascles or, a chief indented gules, “ Chaloner, impaling Nowell. 19 and 20. Azure, 3 mascles or, a chief indented gules, Chaloner, impaling, ermine, a saltier gules. , „ , , , 21. Argent, a chevron between 3 crosses patee fitch&j gules, impaling, argent, on a bend between 6 martlets gules 3 bezants. 22. Argent, a chevron between 3 crosses patde fitchde gules, impaling, argent, 3 ham¬ mers sable. , _ , . . . .. 23. Argent, a chevron between 3 crosses pat6e fitch^e gules, impaling, ermine (argent), a saltier gules. 24. (Sealwise.) “John Woodrove.” Crest, on a helm and mantle, a woodcock or. 31n t tyt Cl)urcl) of i&otl)eram, tn gorkflnre. 1. Crest, on an antique helm and wreath a plume of 3 feathers, the centre or, the outer ones argent, issuant from an eagle’s claw of the ist. ©rate pro animahus Chomae oe .et urore, Chomae, 3lohms. IRoherti. 2. “ A KNIGHT KNEELING AND HIS 3 SONNES AND iii. DAUGHTERS.” Gules, 6 mart¬ lets, 3, 2 and 1, argent. 3. Gules, 6 martlets, 3, 2 and 1, argent, with a label of 3 points. 4. Gules, 6 martlets, 3, 2 and 1, argent, with an annulet for difference. ^3 sons. 5. Gules, 6 martlets, 3, 2 and 1, argent. 6. The same, impaling or, an eagle displayed azure. \ 7. The same, impaling, azure, a bend or charged with an f annulet, over all a label of 3 points. ^ > daughters. 8. The same, impaling, argent, on a bend between *6 \ martlets gules 3 bezants. J 9. Sable, a chevron ermine between 3 maidens’ heads, couped argent. 10. Argent, on a fesse, between 3 feathers gules, as many escallops of the ist, impaling, argent, on a bend between 6 martlets gules, 3 bezants. 3)n (SccleGa De Cl)ornl)tU. 11. Paly of 4 sable and argent, on a bend gules 3 mullets of 6 points or. 12. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, on a bend sable, 3 owls of the ist membered or, with a label of 3 points argent. Savile. 2 and 3. Gules, 2 bars gemelles, and a chief argent, a label of 3 points of the ist. 13. Argent, a fesse gules between 3 eagles displayed sable. 14. Savile, impaling, argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head couped erect or. Gascoigne. IPrap for the gooo profperitp, ®c M of ©ailliam ^apoile, one of the Company of drapes 3inne, ano for the foules of 3[o(m ^apoile, ano Dame aiice, his toife, father ano mother to the fato CGilliam, ano alfo for the profperitp, mercp, ano grace, of ©» John ^aptitle, ano Dame Slice, his toife, to* COtUiam ^aptole enlargeo this Duire at the ooerfight of the faio 3lohn, his nepheto, to«& toas finilhco a® mccccrciii., ir. l^enrp. for differ^ 6 ^ lree points), impaling, argent, fretty sable, an annulet ©rate pro annua Chomae %appile, a^ilitis, qui hanc Capellam fieri fecit, a. mccccrltot. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/j AND l 6 l 2 . 475 16. Savile (with a label of 3 points for difference), impaling, Gascoigne. 17. Savile, impaling, argent, a cross patonc^e voided gules. 18. Savile, impaling, argent, a chevron azure. 19. Lozengy argent and sable, on a bend of the last 3 crescents of the first. " Gar- grave,’’ impaling, sable, a fesse crenellee between 3 bears’ heads erased argent “ Levett.” 20. Azure, bezanty, on a fesse gules 3 leopards’ faces or. “Freston ” impaling argent, 3 cinquefoils gules between 2 cottises sable, a crescent for difference, Amyas. “ Freston quartereth Amyas , and should not be in pale." 21. Argent, 2 bars gemelles sable, on a chief of the first 3 mullets pierced sable. “Thomas Metaley (Johannes, filius eius.” 22. Argent, 3 cinquefoils in bend between 2 cottises sable. Johes. Amyas. 23. Sable, a bend gules fimbriated.between 6 martlets or. 24. Sable, a lion rampant argent. “ Verdon.” 25. Gules, 3 birds argent. “ Atherton.” 26. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Sayvill, with a label of three points. 2 and 3. Gules, 2 bars gemelles, and a chief argent (a labell of 3 points of the 1st), Thornhill, impal¬ ing argent, fretty sable. 27. Argent, a chevron gules between 3 trefoils, slipped azure, Frost, impaling, argent, 3 cinquefoils in bend between 2 cottises sable. 28. Sable, an escocheon within an orle of 6 (10) martlets argent. Rashdale. 29. (Sealwise.) Argent, a chevron gules between 3 trefoils slipped azure. Crest, over mantling gules and ermine, on torce, argent and azure, a man’s head couped ppr , crined and bearded argent, between 2 branches azure. IRoOert jTt'Oft, Cfjancelor to Prince art&ur, fonne to l&tng Ihentp nit. 3fn Oiornlnll tall. In gorttOitre. 1. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, a chevron azure. “ Box.” 2 and 3. Argent, a bend between 6 martlets sable. 2. Azure, a chevron compony argent and gules. Woodhall. 3. Per pale, sable and argent, a fesse gules, in 2nd quarter 2 crosses pat£e, and in 3rd quarter 1 (2), gules. Wheatley. 4. Argent, 4 bendlets debruised gules. Reskemer. 5. Gules, 2 bars between 5 (8) (broken) martlets (3, 2 and 3) argent. “Dankyrs- ley.” Crest, on torce, argent and or, a demy maiden argent, on her head a high cap of the last, playing on a harp or. “The armes and crest of Tankyrsley.” 6. Savile, crest, over helm and mantling, on a torce, an owl argent. 7. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, 3 hammers sable. 2 and 3. Argent, a fesse gules, bet ween‘3 eagles displayed sable. 8. Savile, impaling, argent, 2 bars gemelles and a bend sable, a chief of the last. 9. Quarterly of a blank shield, impaling, argent, 2 bars gemelles and a bend sable, a chief of the last, “ Sayvill quarters the other Coate.” 10. “ Sigillum Johannis Bosvile.” 5 fusils in fesse, in chief 3 bears’ heads erased. Crest, on helm and mantling, a bear's head. “ Out of a deed dated the 16 of Hen. 6.” 3Jn tfje Cljurrf) of cBlanbe* 11. Sable, 3 goats passant argent, belled or. Stansfeild 12. Quarterly, 1. Savile. 2. Gules, a cross pat£e form^e argent. 3. Gules, 2 bars gemelles and a chief argent. 4. Gules, 2 bars between 8 martlets, 3,2 and 3, argent. Eland. 5. Argent, on a bend gules 3 escallops of the 1st. 6. Sable, an escocheon within an orle of 8 martlets argent, impaling, argent, on a fesse sable, 3 mullets of the 1st. 47 6 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . 13. Quarterly, 1. Argent, 3 chevrons imbraced sable, on a chief of the 2nd 3 mullets of the 1st. 2. Gules, 3 cushions or. 3. Or, 6 billets gules, 3, 2 and 1. 4. Argent, 2 chains in saltier, inlaid by an annulet sable. 14. “AN OLD KNIGHT KNEELING WITH THIS COATE ARMOR ON HIS BACKE.” Gules, 2 bars between 8 martlets, 3, 2 and 3, argent. “Elande.” 15. Argent, a fesse between 3 fleurs-de-lis. 16. Argent, 2 bars sable, a martlet for difference, argent. “ Quarnbye very ould.’ 17. Azure, a chevron argent between 3 birds or. 18. Argent, on a bend gules 3 escallops of the field. 19. Sable, an escoclieon within an orle of 8 martlets argent. “ Rash dale.” 20. Gules, a cross patonc^e argent, an annulet for difference. Pilkington, impaling, a bend, in base a mullet, and in chief a label of 3 points. “ Say vile.” 21. Savile as in last, impaling, sable, 3 goats argent. 22. Savile, impaling, .. in fesse 1 2 billets erm., each charged with another sable. 23. A lion rampant charged with a mullet, impaling, argent, a saltier gules, a label of 3, vert. 24. Savile (with label of 3 points), impaling, sable, 3 lions passant guardant argent. 25. Savile, ut supra, impaling, a saltier ermine. Nevile. 'IBarnartius %agt»U, filtus 3(of)is. %apoile, armtprt, et e@arg;ertae, uroris fiiae, filiae Cfiomae ifteoil, mccccr. 3n tl )t Cl)urcl)e of ^otyetfetlD, 1 tn Com. Cbor. “AN OULD KNIGHT KNEELING WITH THESE 5 COATS OF ARMES.” f> 1. Gules, a lion rampant between 6 (7) crescents argent, impalement “broken. 2. Gules, a lion rampant between 6 (7) crescents argent, impaling, argent, a saltier gules. -o 3. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Gules, a lion rampant between 7 crescents argent. 2. Broken. 3. Sable, 3 lions rampant argent. . 4. A lion rampant between 6 crescents, impaling, argent, 2 bars sable, in chief a martlet. 5. A lion rampant between 6 (7) crescents argent, impalement ' ‘ broken. 3Jn flic Ct)urcl)e of 2 UmonDtt>erp. 6. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Argent, 2 bendlets sable, 2 and 3. argent, 3 “ Finches in chevron, between 2 chevronels sable. 3lofm Eag, of Cfllooofume, ano drafted). 7. Kay, impaling, argent, 6 pellets, 3, 2 and 1. 8. Argent, 2 bars and in chief a martlet sable. Laurence CGoooe tie Langlep. 3|ofranna, uror ©eorgu mote, et ^fa&ella, uror, (tc. 1 !> asej MS. 1^21. 2 Hotherton. MS. 18,011. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1^84/5 AND 477 9. Argent, 3 fleurs-de-lis between 2 cotises sable, a border engrailed of the last. 10. “Pudsey'sarmesin THE MIDDLE HERE.” 11. Argent, a bend en¬ grailed sable, in the sinister chief 3 pitchers, 2 and 1, and in the dexter base a mullet pierced of the 2nd. 3)rt tl)e #ou(e of £@t\ Map, of a^loncfome, in gorktlnre. 12. Argent, 2 bendlets sable, Kay, impaling, argent, 6 pellets. 13. Kay, impaling,paly of 6 argent and sable, on a bend gules 3 mullets of the first (or). 14. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Kay. 2 and 3. Argent, on a chevron gules 3 birds of the first (o^y, - m p alin ^ ar g ent> on a bend engrailed sable a crescent of the 1st. 16. Kay] impaling, sable, a chevron between 3 leopards’ faces or, a mullet for dif- ferenc 3. 17. .Kay, impaling, sable, 3 greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared or. 18 Argent, a chevron between 3 crosses patee fitclfee gules, impaling, Kay. 19] Gules, 2 bars gemelles and a chief argent. “Thornhill,” impaling, “ Kay.” 20. Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, 2 bendlets sable, an annulet for difference. ‘ * Kay, of Okynshaw.” 2 and 3. Argent, 3 bugle horns stringed sable. 21 Quarterly, sable and argent, a fesse gules, in the 2nd quarter 2, and in 3rd 1 (2) crosses pafee of the 2nd. “ Wheatley, of Wollaye.” 22. Argent, 3 lions’ paws erect sable, couped gules, a crescent for difference of the last.’ “ Usher de FetherstoA.” , _ __ f . „ 23 Azure, 2 mill rinds argent. “ Keresford, de Keresford. 24. Gules, 3 cushions argent, tasselled or, each charged with a bend sable. “Vavasour of Weston.” , , , 25. Argent, on a cross couped, between 4 martlets gules, 5 bezants. “Foster, of Ederston?” Bui query . 311 tl)c €l)ut'cl)c of SwcfeilD, in Com. Cfior. 26 Quarterly, argent and sable, over all a bend (bendlet) gules. 27. Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules, a label of 5 points, each charged with 3 roundles. “ Nicolas de Bosvile. ’ 4 28. Same, impaling, argent, a bendlet (bend) between 6 martlets gules. Nicholaus de Bosvile.” „ . . . „ 29. Or, a saltier verrey, argent and gules. Ardesley. „ 30 and 39. Gules, a bend between 6 unicorns’ heads, couped argent. “ Womwell. 31 Gules, 2 bars between 8 martlets, 3, 2 and 3, argent.* 32. Argent, 5 fusils in fesse gules. Crest, on a torce, argent and gules, a chess- rook. “Hutton.” „ ^ , 33. “ Upon the Healme of a knight.” On a torce, argent and gules, a chess-rook ^fa^The same crest. “ Forsan, a rooke of Chessemen.” o T Barry of 6 ermine and gules, 3 crescents sable. Waterton. 36. Lozengy argent and gules, a label of 4 (5) points azure. 37. Argent, a cross crosslet sable. 38. Lozengy argent and gules, a fesse sable. 1 MS. 1394 reverses these tinctures. 47^ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l6l2. 40. Lozengy argent and gules, on a bend azure, a martlet or (argent). 41. Lozengy argent and gules, a bendlet azure. 42. Lozengy argent and gules. 43. Lozengy argent and gules, an escocheon vert. 44. Gules, 3 mullets or, a canton ermine. 45. Lozengy argent and gules, a label of 3 points azure, each charged with 3 fleurs-de-lis or. Iprief pour mm* moooimU et 3[fat>elle, fa feme. 31n tl)e Clmtclje of Barneflep. 1. Quarterly, argent and sable, over all a bendlet gules. “ Breston.” 2. Argent, fretty sable, a canton of the last. “ Midelton.” 3. Quarterly, 1 and 4. Azure, 2 mill rinds argent. 2 and 3. Argent, a fesse embattled sable between 3 butterflies gules. 4. Or, a lion rampant sable, charged with 4 escallops argent. Barnby. 5. Argent, a fesse embattled sable between 3 butterflies gules. 6. Argent, five fusils in fesse gules, in chief 3 bears’ heads sable. “Boswell.” 7. Argent, a bend wavy sable. Wallop. (“ Bourton.”) 8 . Or, on a fesse dancett^e sable a martlet pierced argent. “ Vavasour.” 9. “These armes, being graven and enameled in silver, were shown unto ME, SOMERSETT, BY Mr. THOMAS WENTWORTH, OF ELMSALL, AT POMFRETT, WHICH WAS MADE FOR HIMSELF, ON MONDAY, THE XXXth OF AUG., 1585.” Quarterly of 6. 1. Sable, a chevron between 3 leopards’ heads, cabossed or, within a border .Wentworth, of Emsall. 2. Paly of 6 argent and sable, on a bend gules 3 mullets or. Dransfield. 3. Gules, 3 fleurs-de-lis argent. Rotherfield. 4. Vert, 2 lions passant guardant argent, a mullet for difference. Mirfield. 5. Gules, on a bend argent 3 escallops azure. Bisset. 6. Azure, a chevron be¬ tween 3 birds argent. 10. “Taken out of Mr. William Vavasour’s seal of Denby.” Quarterly, 1. Or, a fesse dancett^e sable, an escallop argent for difference. 2. Fretty, on a chief a trefoil slipped. 3. A cross engrailed between 4 cinquefoils. Skarsby. 4. Barry of 8 argent and azure, in chief 3 escallops gules. “ Breton vel Bretonby. 11. Argent, a fesse between 3 Gowers passant sable, Gower of Richmond, impaling, a cross patonc^e between 4 goats’ heads. Wood or Warde. 12. Gules, on a fesse argent 3 fleurs-de-lis of the 1st between 3 cushions of the 2nd, tasselled or. Crest, on a cushion gules, tasselled or, an open book argent, thereon inscribed “ Odor Vitae.” 13. “ Arma Ricardi de Turton de Holand Swayne, superstites, 6 Hen. 6 .” Argent, 3 coneys seiant sable. 14. “These armes sent unto me to Doncaster by Mr. John Lewys, of Marre, for the arms of his father and mother.” Sable, a chevron between 3 trefoils slipped argent, impaling, erm., on a chief gules, 3 stags’ heads or. “ Handley.” 15 On a torce, argent and gules, a bull’s head, barry of 10 argent and azure, a crescent for difference. “The crest of Mr. Francis Metham, of Wiggin- thorpe, Esq. (w th his due difference. Verbum ejus. Better kinde friend than frend kynne.”) 16. Gules, 6 plates, 3, 2 and 1. Campeny. 1 IMS. 1394, p. 338. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5- AND l 6 l 2 . 479 17. These were marshalled and paynted by Dakyns, and sett up in the CHURCH OF Darefield, Yorkshire. Quarterly of 16. 1. Argent. 5 fusils in fesse gules, in chief 3 bears’ heads erased sable. Bosvile. 2. Per pale or and vert, 3 pheons counterchanged. 3. Or, a saltier verrey argent and gules. 4. Gules, 3 bendlets ermine. 5. Paly of 6 argent and sable, on a bend gules 3 mullets or. Dransfield. 6. Argent, 10 cross crosslets gules. 7. Gules, on a chevron between 3 eagles displayed argent, as many cross crosslets sable. 8. Fretty argent and gules, a label of 3 points azure. 9. Argent, a fesse between 2 bars nebulee gules. 10. Chequy or and azure. 11. Sable, a wild man argent, holding in his hand a club or. 12. Or, a chief azure (argent). 13. Quarterly, or and gules, over ail a bend sable, a label of 5 points argent. 4. Azure, a wolfs head erased argent. 15. Or, an orle azure. 16. Gules, 3 mullets or, a canton erm. In fenestra Cancelli orientali. 1. Gules, 7 mascles, 3, 3 and 1, or. 2. Vert, a lion rampant or. 3. Gules, a lion rampant or. 4. Gules, 3 lions passant guardant or, a label of 5 points azure. 5. Sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or, impaling, the last coat. 6. Sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or. “Johannes de Segrave me fecit.” ©eate cnoetb toe ptf) cringe of t&e fecono peaces tJifttacion, 3° moirrrti. 480 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1584/5 AND l 6 l 2 . Grants and Confirmations* 1. Guift of armes and creast to John Hall, the son of Amery Hall, of Salford, in the Com. of Lane., gent. To hym and his posteritie, under the hand and seale of Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Knt,, alias Garter, and Thomas Tong, Esq., alias Norroy, king of armes. Dated at London, 4 of November, a.d. 1532, 25 Hen. 8. Argent, a chevron sable, fretty or, between three demi-lions azure, on a chief of the last 3 chaplets argent and or. Crest , on a torce, argent and pur pure, “a tygers head," erased azure, tusked or, collared of the lad, belled argent. “John Hall." 2. Guift of Sir Thos. Wriothesley, alias Garter, and Thos. Benoit, alias Clarencieux, King of Arms, to Anthony Cavalier, of Londres, gent., and to his posteritie, with their due difference. Dated the 20 of June, A° 1544, 36 Hen. 8. 1 Azure, a pegasus saliant or, winged vert? charged with a rose gules, zvithin a border gobony argent 3 and vert. 3 Crest, on a torce, argent and vert, a horses head , couped sable, caparisoned and spiked or, on his head a plume of feathers, counterchanged argent and gules, ‘ ‘ the penns or." 3. A Guift of Creaste graunted by Laurence Dalton, Esq., Norroy, Kinge of Armes, to Henry Thomson, of Eshold, in Com. of York, gent., and one of the King’s Majesty’s gents at Armes at Boulougne. Dated the 15 April, 1559, 1 Q. Eliz. Party per fesse embattled, argent and sable, between 3 falcons counterchanged of the field, the bells and beaks or. Cnst, on a torce, argent and sable, an arm quarterly, or and azure, with a gauntlet ppr ., holding a spear or. 4. To all and singular, as well nobles and gentlemen, &c., know ye, therefore, that I, Laurence Dalton, Esq., alias Norroy, King of Arms, &c., being desired by Thos. Drax, of Woodhall, in Corn. York, gent., and whose ancestors have long continued in nobleness bearing arms, tokens of honour, not only to make search in my Registers and Records, but also to ratify under seal the said arms, with the appurtenances be¬ longing to him, his name and family, whose request being so just and reasonable, I could not lawfully deny the same, but found the arms to be— chequy or and azure, a chief gules, thereon 3 ostricr, feathers or, and for his crest, badge, or cognizance, upon the healmeovera wreath, or ani azure, a demi dragon in pale , the wings upright behind his back or, langued and membzred gules, out of his mouth issuing a scroll argent, thereon written “ Moit en Droit," mantled gules, doubled argent, botoned or, which arms and creast, with the appurtenaices, I have ratified and confirmed, and by these presents do ratify and confirm unto, and for the said Thomas Drax and his posteritie, with their due differences, the same to use, beare, or shewe in shield, coate armour or otherwise, and these to be revested at his or their liberty or pleasures for evermore. Dated under hand and seal the last day of November, in the 4 yeare of Queene Eliz¬ abeth, a.d. 1561. 5. Whereas Francis Haldenbyand Robert Haldenby, his brother, ofHaldenby, in the county of York, gent., are descended of a house long tyme bearing armes, and being uncertain of the creast in vhat manner it was borne by their ancestors. I, William Flower, alias Norroy, Kinj of Armes, have assigned, given, and granted unto the said Francis Haldenby, aid Robert, his brother, gentlemen, to them and their posterity, the swan herein depicted, with a laurel slip in his mouth. Dated at York 1 of December, A° 1563, 5 of Queen Eliz. Quarterly, 1. Vert, a fesse between 3 cups, covered or. 2. Paly of 6 argent and azure, on a chief gules a lion passant or. 3. Argent, on a bend sable thrte lions passant guardant of the 1st. 4. Argent, a chevron between 3 boars' heads, couped azure, crined or. 5. Argent, on a fesse azure 3 fleurs- de-lis or. 6. Argent, on a eend 6 martlets gules. Crest, on a torce, or and vert , a swan sable, beaked and membered gules, holding in its mouth a laurel slip vert. “ Francis and Robert Haldenby." 1 6 Hen. VIII., 1514, MS. 1394. 2 Or, MS. 1394. 3 Vert and argent, MS. 1394. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN 1 $ 8 <\/S AND l 6 l 2 . 481 6. John Kay, of Dalton, in ye Com. of Yorke, gent., behg descended of a house longe tyme bearing arms, hath a gift of this creast graunted to bis owld arms by W m Flower Norroy, King of Arms, to him and to his posterity giver under hand and seal accord¬ ingly. Dated at Wakefield, the 7 day of October, 1564, 6 yeare of Queene Elizabeth. Argent, 2 bend lets sable , a 7nartlct difference of the last. Crest, on a torce, argent and sable, a griffin's head erased argent, beaked gules, holdiig a key argent , and charged with a martlet as in the arms. “ John Kay, of Dalton, 20. York.” 7. Whereas John Lake, of Normanton, in Com. York, jent., is descended of a house long tyme bearing arms, and he being uncertain of the creast appertaining to the same, hath required me, William Flower, Norroy King )f Arms, to assigne unto this his ould ancient armes a creast, in consideration whereof I have given and granted unto the said John Lake and his posteritie, upon a healmz over a wreath, or and sable , a horses head of the sea barry of 6 argent and gules, thefynnes or, with a ring in his mouth or. Dated at Wakefield, 7 of October, Ano 1,564, 6 yeare of Queen Eliz. Arms Quarterly, 1 and 4. sable, a bend between 6 “ Urdey" argent. 2 and 3, quarterly, argent and sable, on a bend gules 3 ?nullets argint, a 7 nartletfor difference. 8. A guift of the creast to the ould arms of Arthur Kay, of Woodsome. in the Com. of York, gent., given by W ,n Flower, als. Norroy, Kinge cf Armes. Dated at London, 22 of October, 1564, 6 of Queen Eliz., under hand and seale to the said Arthur and his posteritie. Argent, 2 bendlets sable. Crest, on a torce, argeit a?id sable, a “ Gouldefinch” pfr. “Arthur Kay, of Woodsome.” 9. A guift by W m Flower, Esq., alias Norroy, Kinge of Armes, to.Thwaytes, of Marston, in Com. of . Dated the . day of . Ano. 1564, 6 of Queen Eliz. Azure, a fesse between three estoiles or. on a torce, argent and azure, “ A heath cock ppr.f winged and legged or, crested and wattled gules. See also page 436. 10. W m Harvey, Esq., by letters patent, graunted thtse armes, with a wolfs head raised vert, bezanty. For th» creast of W m of BamDurgh, of Rendlesham, co. Suffolk, gent., father to Thomas Bamburgh, now of Howsam, in Yorkshire, gent., unto yo which Thomas, Robert Cooke, alias Clarencieux, he, by letters patent, dated the 7 of May, 1583, confirmed these armes, and graunted his creast, viz. : Argent , a pheon sable, on a chief of the last a lion passant of the first; on a wreath , argent and sable , a burgonett silver, for a?i augmentation. l6l2 Ci)e Book of entrances made tn tf)e tpme of tf)e flUtfitatton of gorfteflrire bp 3&td)ard dSeorge, Cfqu, Igorrop, pttnctpall i^eralde and l&tnge of 3lnne£ of tl)e €aft, OSJefte and jgortye partes of p* &eaime of England from tfie i&tder of Crent j|2ortl)toard. Visitation of Yorkshire in 1612 . The following are the Pedigrees of those Families which were not recorded by Flower t Jus Visitation of ADAMS, OF OWSTON. ArmsI:— Gules, a lion rampant between three escallops or, on a chief argent as many pallets . - engrailed sable. 3 v CREST ^^ ei ? 1 er .™nois, winged, beaked, and membered azure, holding an escallop or. Granted to Phillip Adams, of Owston, 11 August, 1612, p. Ri. St. George, Norroy. V William Adams, of Owston, co. York.yAnne* daughter of. Frankland. He nry Adams, of Owston. y Mary, daughter of Alexander Metham, of Cadeby. Philip Adams, of Owston, living=pGertrude, daughter of Thomas Bosvile of a ° I oi2. | Warmsworth. • - , William Adams, son and heir, aet. 7, 1612. Jane. Mary. Phjlltpp Adams. 1487, fo. 403^. 4630, p. la. 2118, fo. 55<*. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 176. 1 Vert, a pale argent between two griffins segreant or, MS. 4630. 2 MS. 4630. AKEROYD, OF FOGGATHORPE. Richard Akeroyd, of Hebden Bridge, in the county of York, descended = from Akeroyd, of Akeroyd, near Halifax, about the first yeare of I Hen. VII. ,- 1 _I Edmond Akeroyd. = 1---1--- 1 Edward, 2nd son, one of the Guard Henry Akeroyde, of=Ann, daughter of. to King Hen. VIII., Ed. VI., and Foggathorpe, son I Slater, of Willes- Queen Mary. and heir. don. I T —-* John Akeroyd, of Foggathorpe, = Alice, daughter and co-heir of Thomas Draper, of in co. York. | Broad Botham, in Wadsworth. 2. Ambrose Sara, wife Syth, wife HenryAke-^ Ellen, dau. Elizabeth, Jane, wife one of the fellows of Trinity College, Cambridg. of Robert Burnett, of York, merchant. to Thos., Proctor of Gray’s Inn, Esq. royd, of Fogga- York, 1614. John Akeroyd, three-quarters of a year old, in 1614. ofRichard wife to ~ to Chris- Staveley, Richard t o p h e r of Thor- Elwick. Herbert, monby, Ann, wife son and co. York, to John heir of —1 Briggs. Thomas Faith, aet. Herbert, 7 * 1614. alderman of York. 1487, fo. 455$. 2 n 8, fo. 54. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 4 86 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. ALFORD, OF MEAUX. Arms :—Gules, 6 pears slipped, 3 and 3 or, a chief of the last. Thomas Alford, of Holt, co. Denbigh, =j=...., daughter of . Salisbury. _I John Alford, of Holt.=j=., daughter of Sir Bryan Withyford. I John Alford, of Holt.^Elizabeth, daughter of John 1 Pickering, of the Holt. Sir Lancelot 2 Alford, of Meaux,=f=Ann, daughter and sole heir of Sir co. York, living 1612. T William Knowles, of Bilton, knt. Elizabeth (1st wife), daughter and=pSir William Alford, =f=Elizabeth (2nd wife), dau. ' ~ ’ 'of Bilton, knt. of Sir William Clarke, of Weston, co. Oxon, knt. heir of Robert Rookes, of Fawley, co. Bucks. 3 I Margaret. 4 Ann. Dorothy. 5 Lancelot Alforde. 1437, fo. 4323. 1076, fo. 69. 1084, fo. 139. 1135* I2 5 ‘ I 4 ° 6 > f°* I]C S* 1562, fo. 1943. 4109, fo. 64. 2118, fo. 53. 1 Sir John, MSS. 1084, 4109. 2 Second son, MSS. 1084, 1562, 4109. 3 Berks, MSS. 1084, 1135, 1409. 4 1st mar. to Sir Ro. Strickland, MS. 1084. 5 Elizabeth, 3rd dau., Mbo. 1084, 4 I ° 9 » I]t 35 * ANLABY, OF THORP BASSETT. William Anlaby, of Thorp Bassett, co. York =f= I Edmond Anlaby, of Thorp Bassett.=j=Elizabeth. George Anlaby, of Thorp Bassett, a 0 i6i2.=j=Elizabeth, dau. of . Brereton, of co. Derby. Francis Anlaby, son and heir, Anne, wife of James Richardson, set. 15, a 0 16T2. of Grimston, co. York. Geo. Anlabye. Fran. Anlabye. 1487, fo. 2763. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6j2. 4 8 7 APPLEBY, OF LINTON. Arms :—Azure, six martlets or, three, two and one. Bryan Appleby, of Clove Lodge .=f=Ann, daughter of.Skaife, of Asby Grange, co. | Westmoreland. I . JohnAppleby,of Clove Lodge,-j-Elizabeth, da. of Thomas, and sister of Ambrose Midle- in Richmondshire. ton, of Barnard Castle, in the bishopric of Durham. Thomas Appleby, of Clove Lodge-r-Dorothy, dau. of Joane, wife of Thos.Thursby, nnH T ortinnrfnn noricVi Domnlrl U \\T _ n _ • and Lartington, parish of Romald kirk, a° 1612. Christopher Smithson. of Woodhouse, in the bishopric of Durham. Christopher, Ambros e=j=Mary, dau. Sith.wifeto Francis Appleby, Mary,wf.of of Thos. Reginald student of Gray’s Anthony Acad e mi Cantabrig., s.p. 3. Bryan, Appleby, son and heir,living 1612. Crompe, 1 of Brad- forton, co. Wore. Brunskill, of Bowes. Inn, mar. Mary, sister ofWm. In- gleby, of Ripley, co. York, Esq. Dale, of Pain- thorpe, in the bpric. Francis, set. 2& Thomas Appleby, set. 5, a 0 1614, = Ellen, 3rd dau. of Sir Thos. Gas- in 1614. now of Linton-upon-Ouse, co. coigne, of Bambow, co. York, York, 1649. bart. Amb. Appleby. 1487, fo. 460^ 2118, fo. 54. Dugdale's Visitation, p. 209. 1 ? Crompton. Birdforth. ASKWITH, OF OSGODBY. No arms given. Crest An ass’s head erased argent. Bryan Askwith, of Osgodby, co. York. = Dorothy, daughter of Ottiwell Medcalfe. William Askwith. = Dorothy, daughter of William Thornton, of East Newton. _!_ I I I 2. Timothy. William Askwith, now in ward, 15 years old, 1612. Elizabeth. Richard Mylnes, for my Mr. 1487, fo. 150^. 2118, fo. 56. 4 88 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. ARMITAGE, OF KERRESFORTH HILL. Non probavit arma. John Armitage, of Kirklees. =f= J Emma, dau. of John Gregory, =j=John Armitage, of Kirk-=Margery, dau. to.. Kingston-upon-Hull, alder- lees, Esq., mar. two Beaumont, and widow to man (ist wife). wives. .Knight (2nd wife). John, son and heir. Gregory, 2nd son. Edward Armitage, 4th son,=j=Elizabeth, sole dau. of of Kerresforth Hill. Edward Hanson. John, son and heir, aet. 2, an. 1612. I I Elizabeth. Anne. Edwa. Armytage. 1487, p. 401. 4630, p. 10. 2118, p. 53A See Dugdale's Visitation, p. 25, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. ARMITAGE, OF KIRKLEES. Non probavit, sed rogavit ut respitatem. William Armitage, of Kirklees.^Katherine, daughter of Henry Beaumont, of Crosland. John Armitage, of Kirklees.=f=Elizabeth, dau. of John Kay, of Lockwood. Margery, dau. to Richard Beaumont, and=John Armitage, =T=Emme, dau. to John widow to. Knight, of Knight's Hill of Kirklees. Gregory, of Kingsion- and Brockhall (2nd wife to John). upon-Hull (ist wife). John Armitage, of=j=Winifrid, dau. of Henry Kirklees, son and heir, now living, 1612. Knight, of Knight’s Hill, and Brockhall. “ 1 1 Gregory. Edward. Anne, wife to Sir Hugh Wyrall, knt. John, son and heir, aet. 14, an. 1612. Francis. Thomas. Elizabeth. John Armitage. j 4 8 7» P- 4 oi. 46305 P- 10. 2118, p. 53^. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 251, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. Claro. William Atkinson, of Little Cattail. 2 = Elizabeth, dau. of 3 William Beckwith, alderman Henry Atkinson, of Little Cattail. = Beatrix, daughter and heiress of Thomas Barnby. ' ofMeddop. 4 Charles Atkinson, of Little Cattail, 1612. rr Jane, dau. of James Thwaytes, of Marston. Thomas. 3. Charles. Henry, get. 7, 1612. 4. Christopher. Elizabeth. 1487, p. 484. 4630, p. 16. 1 Arms :—Erm. a fesse between three pheons sa. 54 Near Wetherby. 3 Leonard. 4 Midhope, 4630. OSGODCROSS. AUNEBY, OF SHERWOOD HALL. Arms :—Arg. on a pale sa. three demi lioncells rampant of the 1st, granted to John Auneby, of Sherwood Hall, within the township of Egrough, co. York, 11 Aug., 1612. Crest :—On a mount vert a spaniel sejant or, lined az. John Auneby, of Sherwood Hall, now living, = Ann, dau. to Charles Ricard, of Heck, a 0 1612. I co. York, Esq. 2. John. George Auneby, set. 11, 1612. Jane. Elizabeth. Alice. John Auneby. 1487, fo. 120. 4630, p. 9. Dugdale’s Visitation, d. 313. BAWNE, OF KILLAM Arms :—Erm. on a chief indented sable two moorcocks argent. Crest :—On a mount vert, a moorcock ar. combed, beaked, and wattled gules. George Bawne, of Kyllam. = Thomas Bawne, of Skeme. = Margaret, daughter and heiress of Thos. Foster. Robert Bawne, of Skeme. = Ann, daughter of.Sands. John Bawne, of Killam, a° 1612. = Mary, daughter of Philip Lutton, of Knapton. n 2. Robert. S- George. Philip* Bawne, son and heir, get. 9, 1612. 1487, fo. 492. 1 William, MS. 1487. Elizabeth. Frances. John Bawne. 490 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. STAINCLIFFE. BANKE, OF BANKE NEWTON. Arms Quarterly, i and 4. Sable, a cross or between 4 fleurs-de-lis argent, Banke. 2 and 3. Gules, a chevron between 3 annulets argent, Catherton. Crest :—On the stump of a tree couped, isruant from the dexter side thereof a branch vert, a stork argent, beaked or. Simon Banke.=j=.dau. and heir of . Catherton, * 1 of Newton, co. York, 7 Ed. III. Lawrence Banke. =j= 1- 1 John Banke. 2 * =f J B anke, Sir Piers Tem¬ 4 Hen, pest, of Brace- V. well. r Thomas Banke.=j= Duchy of Lancaster. Quixley, of Quixley. A quo Banke , of Quixley, see p. 270. Pudsey, of Barford. ton , co. Lane., Esq* Ri chard Banke.=j -Johanna* dau. of Richard* Norton. John Banke.® =j= Elizabeth,* dau. of William* Clapham. 1- 1 Thomas Banke.® =F., dau. of . Catherall. Elizabeth , dau. of Christopher Lister, zz John Banke.=p.. dau. of Thomas* Lister, of Midhope . j of Westby. I- 1 Henry Banke, now living, ^Isabella, dau. of William Lister, the brother of Elizabeth. a° 1612. | above mentioned. Parker, of Horrock- ford, co. Lane. Jane, dau. of Nicholas=j=Henry Banke, of Banke=pAlice, da. of Robert* Robert, a lawyer , T '"i-' TT 1 ~ T ' .. temp. Eliz. and Jac. I., died 1646 ,=-<£ i Newton, son and heir, now living, 1612. An£7~ Aurelia. 7 1. Giles. 2. Stephen. 1 1 3. Michael. 4. Richard. Bindloss, of Ber¬ wick, co. Lane., 1st wife. Thomas Banke, son and heir, set. 11,1612. Note. —Hesoldhis estate to Mr. Townley ,of Royle, co. Lane., and died s. p. Isabel. Hen. Banke. 1487, fo. 69. 4630, p. 25. 2118, fo. 57. 1 Caterull MS. 2118; Catterall, MS. 4630. 2 This John Banke omitted in MSS. ?it8 ana 4030. Anne, MS. 4630. 4 MS. 4630. 5 These two generations are omitted in MSS. 2118 and 4630. 6 MSS. 4630, 2x18. 7 Amelia, MSS. 2x18, 4630. Edward Beavot, of Kirkby, co. York.=Alice, dau. of Thomas Parkins, of 2 ' Fishlake. Robert Beavot, of Kirkby, co. York,■= Elizabeth, dau. of Edw. Goodrick, of Eastkirk a ° 1614- I co. Line., Esq. Arms :—Sable, a chevron engrailed erminois between three tigers’ heads erased argent, langued gules, MS. 4630. See also Dugdale’s Visitation. BAYNE, OF MIDLESMORE. Christopher Bayne, of Midlesmore inr= Elizabeth, daughter to.Vavasour, Netherdale, co. York. I of Weston. 1 i Roger Bayne, of Christopher Bayne, = Dorothy, dau. of. John Bayne, of Stod- Woodhall. of Midlesmore. I Phillips, of Marske. fold, co. York. Christopher Bayne, son and heir. = Elinor, dau. of Wm. Nelson, of Skelton. 2. Francis. Roger Bayne, of Woodhall, a® 1612. = Ursula, dau. of Edward Barton, of Whenby, Esq. 1487, fo. 392. L. 900, fo. 144. BEAUMONT, OF FANGFOSS. Arms :—Gules, a lion rampant within an orle of 7 crescents argent, charged on the breast with a mullet for difference. Crest :—A bull’s head quarterly argent and gules, horned per fesse or and of the first. Thomas Beaumont, of the Oaks, =. dau. of. Potter. in the West Riding. John Beaumont, of=Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Cockle, James. Cotting ham. | of Wakefield. _ Hamond Beaumont, of Fangfoss, = Priscilla, dau. of Francis Nalton, living 1612. | of Walkington. 1 i 1 2. Phineas. John Beaumont, aet. 7, a® 1612. 3. Francis. 1487, fo. 431A See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 492 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. BEAUMONT, OF CATTON. Ann, dau. of .=Thomas Beaumont, 1 of=.. dau. and heir of Longley. I Mirfield, co. York. I .Turton (ist wife). Edward Beaumont, of = Elizabeth, daughter of Mirfield. | Christopher Hopton. Thomas Beaumont, son and heir. 2. Thomas Christopher Beaumont, of =Elizabeth, dau. and Ann, wife to Michael Beaumont. Catton, son and heir, now living, 1612. heir of Robert Day, of Elmsall. 2 Portington, of Port* ington. Richard, aet. 2, 1612. Elizabeth. Mary. I ! Jane. Dorothy. Christopher Beamonte. 1487, fo. 430^. 4630, p. 41. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Of Lassells Hall. 2 North Elmsall, 4630. BEAUMONT, OF WHITLEY. Arms :—Gules, a lion rampant within an orle of 9 crescents argent, charged on the breast with a mullet for difference. Crest :—A bull’s head, quarterly, argent and gules, horned per fesse or and of the first. Richard Beaumont, of Whitley, co. York. = Edward Beaumont, of = Elizabeth, dau. of Tohn Ramsden, Whitley. 1 ~ r T —- 1 - of Longley. Grace.-r-Thomas Pil- Sir Richard Beaumont, 1 of Margaret. ^Christopher Wray k i n g t o n. Esq. Whitley, knt., now liv¬ ing, 1612. of Cusworth, I Esq. nil 2 sons and 2 daughters. Richard Pilkington. Edward Beamonte, for Sir Richard Beamont, knt. 3:487, fo. 456*5. 4630, p. 37. Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 253 and 254, and Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 J ‘ P r£? d t T rea . sur ^ r for ^me soldiers in the West Riding, 15 K. James, and by the favour of K. v^nas. i., in the 4 th year of his reign, created a baronet, but never married, MS. 4630. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 493 BEALE, OF WOODHOUSE. Arms Quarterly, i and 6. Sable, on a chevron between 3 griffins' heads erased or, as many mullets of the field, a crescent in chief for difference. 2. Argent, on a mount vert an ox statant gules. 3. Gules, a chevron between 3 birds argent, beaked or. 4. Sable, a bend between 6 crosses botonnee fitchee argent. 5. Quarterly, argent and sable, on a bend gules 3 mullets argent, in the 2nd quarter a martlet for difference. Crest :—A unicorn’s head erased or, crined and armed sable. This descent of Lake is agreeable to a former Pedigree taken by Glover, Somerset, 1585, in the Visitacion of Yorke, fol. 1, 44, wherein Ann, dau. of Tho. Lake, and wife of Oliver Beale, is mentioned to be 7 years old, 1585, under her uncle's hand. John Lake.=Jennett, cousin and heir to Hugh Cayley and I_to William Cayley, of Normanton. John Lake. = John Lake. — John Lake.= _1 Lancelot Lake, of Normanton. = Margaret, dau. of Henry Twisleton. George Beale, of Sevenoaks, = in Kent. John Lake, of—Katherin, dau. of John ‘ ..dd. ., da. = George 1 Beale, = Margery, da. and Thomas Lake, = Ann, dau. of . of Whitton* cj-heir of Nicho- of Barley, 2 ofChrist. Stock- in co. Line. las Ridley, of sonne, and Twisle- with,ist Teckhall, 2 co. brother and ton, of wife. Northumberland. heir of John. 3 Barley. Ann. 1. John, s.p. Oliver Beale, of Wood-=Ann, dau. and sole El iz a- beth. of. Blake. of Lon¬ don, 2 sonne. house, in the parish of Drax, in com. Ebor, 1612. heir of Thomas Lake, of Barley, brother and heire of John. 3 1 2. Paul. George Beale, set. 12, 1612. 3. John. 4. Amyell. 1 5. Thomas. 1 1 1 6. Joseph. Anne. Mary, Oliver Beale. 1487, fo. 440^. 4630, p. 4 b. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 189. l MSS. 2118 and 4630 state this George to be son of George Beale, of Whitton, and grandson of Geo. Beale, of Sevenoaks. 2 Tickenhall, MS. 4630. 3 Sed query, see Lake Pedigree, p. 318. 494 B| VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . BECKWITH, OF AIKTON. Arms Quarterly, i and 4.' Argent, a chevron between 3 hinds’ headserased gules, a crescent for difference. 2 and 3. Argent, a fesse gules between 3 trefoils, slipped azure, a crescent for difference. Robertus Beckwith de Broxholme confirmavit Johanni filio suo, omnes terras et tenementa in villa de Thorpe iuxta Ripon, cum omnibus pertinentibus, quas nuper hatuit simul cum Johanne Beckwith patre suo, ex dono et feoffamento Johannis Beckwith, filii Johannis Beckwith de Tollerton ; datum anno 8 Edwardi 4th John Beckwith. = Robert Beckwith, 8 Ed. IV. =: John Beckwith, 8 Ed. IV. =: Robert Beckwith. = Marmaduke Beckwith, sold his lands in Clynt. =Ann, daughter Df.Dyneley, of I Bramhope. 1 Thomas Beckwith, of Ackton, = Frances, dau. and heiress o‘Wm. Froste, living 1612. I of Acton. Thomas Beckwith, of Acton, of—Barbara, dau. tojno. Milborr ye age of 43 years, 1612 of Hinderskelf.' 2. William. 3. Marmaduke. Many other children. Thomas, son and heir, set. 14, 1612. 2. John. 3. William. 4. Samuel. 5. Henry. 6. Richard. Frances. Frances 7. George. May. Hellen. 8. Robert. Jate. Thos. Beckwith. 1487, fo. 4043. 4630, p. 33. 1052, fo. 56. Dugdale’s Visitation, x 274. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Thomas Beckwith lived about 32 King Henry VIII., and married Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Henry Hunt, of Carleton, near Rothwell, as appears by an award made in the said king’s reign, betwixt the said Thomas and John Hunt, his wife’s brother, by Gilbert Ltgh, of Midleton, Esq., John Dighton, gent, Henry Batt, and Ralph Grave. He had issue Thomas who married Frances, daughter and heiress of William Froste, of Acton, 4630. 2 Other issue, see Dugdale. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 495 BELLAMY, OF LAMCOT GRANGE. Nicholas Bellame, of Markham, co. Notts. = _| Robert Belame, of Markham. = Robert Belame, of Mark-=Margery, dau. of.Okeover, ham. I of Okeover. Originall Bellame, of Markham, co. Notts, = Barbara, dau. of . Netleship, and and of Lamcot Grange, co. York, 1612. I widow of. Byllett. Originall Belame, son and heir.=Mary, dau. of-Wm. Chauntry of Chesh. 2. Samuel. Originall Belame, set. 5, 1612. Originall Bellame. 1487, fo. 485A BELL, OF YORK. Arms Az. a fesse erm. cottised or, between three martlets of the last. Crest :—On a rock ppr. a martlet erminois. Granted to Richard Bell, of Gray’s Inn, counsellor-at-law, and residing in the city of York, 1612, p. Richard St. George, Norroy, 10 K. James. Richard Bell, of the city of York. =Jane, daughter of Richard North, of the city of York. Richard Bell, of Gray’s Inn, a° 1612. 1487, p. 303. 1571, p. 247J. L 900, p. 371A 49<5 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. BEVERLEY, OF GANSTED. AND SELBY. Arms Erm. a chev. sa. on a chief of the 2nd three bulls’ heads cabossed arg. armed or. Thomas Beverley, of Selby. =.. 1 daughter and co-heiress of..Storke. John Beverley, of Selby. =.. 2 daughter of. 3 Draycott, of Nott. 4 . dau. of .= 5 Thomas Beverley, = 6 Elinor, daughter and co-heiress Colvile, of Lincolnshire, of Selby, and his co-heire (1st wife) of Marmaduke Vincent, of Great Smeton (2nd wife). | “ | III Ml 7 Vincent Bever- John Beverley, ofrrFrances, dau. of 3. Robert. 6. Thomas, ley, eldest son. Gansted, living Chr. Constable, 4. Richard. 7. Marmaduke. 1612. of Catfoss. 5. Edward. 8 Thomas Beverley, set. 4, 1612. I Elinor. Jane. John Beverley. 1487, fo. 441. 4630, p. 44. 2118, fo. 59. Dugdale’s Visit., p. 35. l Jane, MS. 4630. 2 Agnes, MS. 4630. 3 Thomas, MS. 4630. 4 ™, nor ’ 5 His issue by the first marriage, all died, j. /., Visitation, 1612, H. C. 6 Ellen, Mb. 4^0. 7 Married Mary, dau. of Geo. Twisleton, of Barley, Esq., and had issue, &c., &c., ^ 3 °’ and Dugdale’s Visitation. 3 A daughter, Margery, mar. to Mr. Thomas Yonge, Mb. 4 ° 3 °- BIRKBYE, OF YORK. Non probavit arma. James Birkeby, bom at Birkenshaw, co. York. =.daughter of.Topcliff. James Birkbye, mayor of the city of York, = Beatrix, daughter of John Copley, of Bat- a« 1588. | ley, co. York. I | 1 f Alvary Birkbye, of= Ann, dau. of John Reddish, Alice, :.° Jane, wife to Christr. Davill, of Cuck- wold, co. York. the city of York, 1612. of Reddish, and relict of Marmaduke Thweng, of Helmsley, co. York. Henry Hall, alderman of York. Mary Birkbye, aet. 14, a 0 1612. Beatrix, aet. 13, a 0 1612. VISITATION OP YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 497 BOWES, OF ELLERBECK. 1 Christopher Bowes, of 2 Ingram Grange, co. York. = 1 James Bowes, son William Bowes, = Mary, dau. of James Con- 2 Robert and heir. ofEUerbeck. | yers, of Ellerbeck. Bowes. 4 William Bowes, of Ellerbeck, = Mary, daughter and co-heiress to Anthony Gatenbv now living, 1612. | of Gatenby. y 2. Anthony. Charles Bowes, son and heir, aet. 18, 1612. Elizabeth Mary! Ann. Margaret. Willm. Bowes. 1487, fo. 352^. Addl. 14,409, fo. 61. L 900, fo. 400. 1 Christopher Bowes, of Angram Grange, made his will 20 May, 1568, and proved 30 Sept following mentions his wife Margaret (who made her will 18 Sept., 1570) and his three sons, John! Robert, William, and a daughter Ellinor, 14,409. 2 Angram, 14,409, 900. 8 John, 14,409, 900. His will dated 17 May, 1570, and proved 6 Dec. following, buried at Welbury. He mar. Margaret, dau. of_Metcalfe, and widow of .. Wayte and left issue, &c., 14,409. 4 Had a dau., Margaret, mentioned in his mother’s will, 14,409. BRIGGS, OF OLD MALTON. Richard Briggs, of Kirkby Kendall, co. West. = Rolert Briggs, of Kirkby =Ann, dau. of .Bateman, of Kendall. I Underbarrow, co. West. Myles Briggs, of Kirkby. =Mabill, dau. of Wm. Wilson, of Hugill, co. West. Mary (2nd wife), dau. of := Robert Briggs, of Old Malton, = Elizabeth, dau. of James Charles Tinkelden, of co. York, Esq., J.P. for the Bellingham, of Garthorne, Surrey. North Riding, a° 1612. co. West., Esq. Francis Briggs, = Mary, dau. of Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, = Thomas Percehay , of son and heir. I of Constable Burton, knt. and bart. /j\ Ryton , co. York (2nd _I_ husband ), Ann, dau.=j=William Blakiston, in the and co-heir. ... Ll.— t— W 111_ _„ r. Bishoprick of Durham. Penelope Blakiston. Fr ances, =Toby Blakiston, of Sedgfield, 2nd dau. & in the Bishoprick of Durham, co-heir. Roberte Briggs. 1487, fo. 427. 2 K 493 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6n. BULLOCK, OF SOUTH HOLME. Arms:—G u. a chev. vair between three bulls’ heads cabcssed, ar. Crest :—Five battle axes staves gules, heads or, tied by a band )f ribbon ermine. Nicholas Bullock, of East Ness, co. York.= 2. Lancelot Bullock, of= Margaret, dau. of Wm. Richard Bullock, of South South Holme, co. York. I Thornton, ofEastNewton. Holme, son and heir, o.s.p. 2. Nicholas. Thomas Bullock, of=Elizabeth, dau. of Margery, wife to Robert South Holme, Thomas Hellard, Holtby, of Beamish, m a o 1612. of Frodingham. the Bishoprick of Dur- lam. a. Robert. Richard Bullock, son and heir, set. 22 an., 1612. Elizabeth. Thos, Bullocke. 1487, fo. 494#. BURTON, OF THREAPLANE. Non probavit arma. George Burton, of Threapland in Craven. — Giles Burton, of Threapland in Craven. = Margaret, daughterto Henry Topham. George Burton, of Threap-=Elizabeth, daughter of J ohn Richard Burton, 2nd son, land, now living, 1612. I Smith, of Easeby. chaplain to the archbishop of Y>rk. r 11 2. Richard. 3. Christopher. John Burton, son and heir, at. 7, Elinor. 1612. Margaret. George Burton. 1487, fo. 497. BUSHELL, OF WHITBY. .... Bushell, of W hitby. = Nicholas Bushell, of Whitby, a 0 1613. = Dorothy, dau. of Sir Henry Cholmeley, of Roxby, knt. 1487, p. 464, and Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 82. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 499 BYELBY, OF KILLERBY. Robert Byelby, of Kellerby.=.daughter of.Grice. Thomas Byelbye, of Kellerby, Esq., =.daughter of justice of peace and quorum. I Wood, of Pickering.. Guy Byelbye, of Killerby, co. York. = Frances, daughter—Richard Byelbye, of Killerby,"Frances, daughter of Bernard of R nhprt TTncfoi* m o rn nrl _1- A I T) > r* t « I Ilciri I Favor, of Micklethvvayte, in Collingham (2nd wife). of Robert Foster (1st wife). married Isabell, daughter I of Robert Fletcher. r= Mary, wife to Chas. N owell, of Bawnhall. , James. Arthur. Bridget. Grace. Muriell. r Thomas Byelby, of=Thomasine,dau.o] Killerby, son and heir, a® 1612. Thos. Thweng, of Heworth. Frances, wife of Samuel Anne, wife of Roger William Byelby. of Killerbv Lacy, of Orton. Wyvell,ofOsgodby. son and heir, set. 21 an.,’ 1612. I Isabel, unm., 1612. Tho. Byelbye. 1487, fo. 493. BYERLEY, OF PICKHILL. Non probavit arma. Robert Byerley, ofPyckhall, in co. Richmond.^.dau. of.Stockdale. Anthony Byerley, of Pickhall,=Ann, daughter of John Talbot, of now living, 1612. I Thornton-le-Street. 2. Robert. 3. John. I Christopher 4. Thomas. Byerley, set. 37, i 61 -- Clare, wife of Mary, wife Richard Lock- of Wm. wood, of Grant, of Sowerby. Roxby. Eli zabeth, wife of Geo. Todd, of Trainholme. Robt. Byerley. 1487, fo. 493. 5°° VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. CALVERT, OF DANBY WISKE. Arms :— Quarterly, i and 4. Paly of 6 or and sable, a bend counterchanged, Calvert, p. R. St. George, Norroy. 2 and 3. Quarterly, argent and gules, a cross flory counterchanged, Cross¬ land. Leonard Calvert.=j=Alice, dau. of John Crosland, of Crosland (see page 509). Sir George Calvert, of Danby Wiske, co. York,=f=Ann, dau. of George Myms, of knight, one of his Majesty’s principal secretaries of State, a 0 1619, 1st Lord Baltimore. Hertingfordbury, co. Herts. Cecil Calvert, 2. Leonard. 4. Francis. Ann. ^ Elizabeth. Ellen, son and heir. 3. George. 5. Henry. Dorothy. Grace. 1487, fo. 284A L. 900, fo. 401. CARR, OF HAGUE HALL. Janes Carr, of South Hague, co. York.=f=Ellen, dau. of Richard Gosling. William Carr, eldest=Mary, dau. of 2. Ralph Carr, = Grace, dau. of Wm. Beau- son, a 0 1612. I Robert Marshe, of Hague mont, of Lassells Hall, and of Dalton Hall. Hall. wid. of Francis Savile. George Carr, son and heir, set. 10, 1612. 1487, fo. 46 6b. Raphe Carr. CARRINGTON, OF SPAUNTON. r : Sable, on a bend argent three lozenges of the field, a crescent for difference. L.REST . (Jut of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn’s head argent, armed argent and sable, alternate bends in horn, charged on the neck with a crescent for difference. John Carrington, of Carrington,=p.. dau. of.War- co. Cest. I burton. dau. of ... =y=John Carrington, of Car-^Ellen, dau. of.Brereton, Booth (1st wife). rington, son and heir. of Brereton (2nd wife). tCT - John Car¬ rington, of C arring- ,,dau. 2. William Car—.-Ann, dau. 3. Andrew. Catherine, wife rintrtnn ^ -f „ r T l rr. i i ■» f _ of Holford. rington, of Spaunton,Esq., living 1612. 1 1 of J ohn Bosvile. ofRalph Mans¬ field, of Sheriff Hutton. Jane, dau. and heir, John, wife of Geo. Booth, Robert, of Dunham,knight, Thomas, and baronet. William Car- Judith. Isabell, wife of Catherine, rington, ison Ann. John Maddi- Frances, and heir, set. Susan. son, of Thom- Ellen. 27, 1612. ton House. Willm. Carrington. 1487, fo. 422A 1 Signed his Pedigree, 1612. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . CARTWRIGHT, OF NEWLAND. Arms Arg., two chevrons between three Hons rampant gu. ~ : — A demi lion rampant erminois, ducally crowned gu. Granted to William Cartwright, of Newland, 12 Aug., 1612.—p. Richard St. George, Norroy. Humfry Cartwright, of Charlton, =Joane, dau. of William Edwards, of co. Salop. 1 Ledome. 1-—-' William Cartwright, of Newland, co. York, clerk of the=Elizabeth, dau. of John Clav peace of the West Riding, a« 1612. I of Clayhouse I I Dorothy. Margery, wife wife to ofFerdinando Walter Leigh, s.p. Langley. = m- 1 Richard Langley. Mary. i~ ■ 1 --—| John Cart-=Elizabeth, Jane, wife to Mary, wife to W/ r 1 (T ll t rlon /-\f LT^vw.^ r 1 «« T7»__ • wright, son and heir. dau. of Robert Turner. Henry Gas¬ coigne, Esq. FrancisBunnye, of Newland. Margery. Isabell. William Gascoigne. Margaret. Margery. Elizabeth Bunnye. Margery. William Cartwright. 1487, fo. 452. Wapentake of Claro, in the County of York. CARVILL , 1 OF NUN MONKTON. Arms 2 :—Arg., three bends sa.* on a canton.a castle. Crest An arm embowed in armour ppr., holding in hand ppr. a sword ar., hilt and pommel or. Philips Carvill. = I- 1 Philip Carvill, of Melton, co. York. = Margery, or Mary, dau. of. Divall. John Carvill, of Prudhoe, co. North-=Ann, dau. of John Bennet, umberland, one of the captains of I Master of the Ordnance of Berwick. 4 | the north part of England. r~ Robert Carvill (2nd son). J ohn Carvill, of Nun Monkton,s = Dorothy, dau. of Robert Henry Carvill. Robert. co. York, and of the Middle Temple, London, Esq. Kay, of Woodsome, co. York, Esq. Edmund. 2. Henry 3.William Carvill, bom 4 March, 1605. Carvill, bom 12 Oct., 1607. John Car¬ vill, set. 11, 1612. Edward Carvill, Elizabeth, 2. Ann, b. 30 May, 1604, b. 6 Jan., 1608. b. in Oct., aet. 8, 1612. Peter, without 1599, 13 3. Mary, b. 29 April, ibro. issue, born 13 years old, 4. Dorothy, b. 28 Sept., April, 1603. 1612. 1611. Exaiat per me, John Carvile. 1487, fo. 4633. 4630, p. 487. 1 Carvile. 2 Berry gives the following blazon Arms—Arg., three bends sa., (and for services in Scotland) on a canton vert a castle arg. on fire ppr. Crest—An arm embowed, in armour ppr., garnished ar., holding in hand ppr., a sword ar., hilt and pommel or. 3 Of Melton, co. York. < Temp. Q. E. 5 Of Milford, near Sherborne, and of the Inner Temple. London, Esq., barrister-at-law. ; ■■ • - - • • : 5° 4 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. CLAYTON, OF WAKEFIELD. Non probavit arma. John Clayton, of Clayton Hall, co. York.=j= Thomas, son and heir. 2. Richard Clayton. =f=Jennet, dau. to Henry Bentley. Dorothy, dau. of Thomas-r-Daniel Clayton, of Wake-=Jane, dau. to Thomas Leigh, Methwold, of Lang- field, living 1612. of Middleton, Esq. (2nd ford, Esq. | wi f e ). I - 1- L -r Richard 1 Clayton, son and heir, aet. 9, 1612. Dorothy. Elizabeth. Danyell Clayton. 1487, fo. 148A 4630, p. 99. * M’S* 463° states this Richard to be a son by the first marriage, and that there was a son and heir Thomas, and several other children, by the second marriage, &c., &c. Skyrack. CLOUGH, OF THORPE STAPLETON. Arms : Sabie, a fesse humet^e ermine between three leopards’ faces argent. Crest: A demi lion rampant erminois, holding a battle-axe, handle sable, headed argent, p. Rich. St. George, 10 K. James, 1612. John Clough .-p.. daughter of.Staveley. Robert Clough, 1 of Thorpe Stapleton,=pElizabeth, dau. of John Greene, of caYork * I Horsforth, in co. York. of-pFrances, dau. of Sir a. George Clough, 3. Robt. Clough, Thorpe Stapleton, MaugerS Vavasour, mar. ., dau. mar..dSu. Esq., a 1612. ofWeston, co. York, of ... Barnby,* of .Bret- knt * of Barnby. cliff, 6 Ann, ast. 4 years, a0 1612. Roberte Holdsworth, for Mr. Edmund Clough, my Maister. 1487, fo. 175. 1420, fo. 156. 4630, p. 98. L. 900, fo. 196#. A. 18,011, fo. 173#. 1 Barnster ‘ at4aw ' 0f 4 G T h y ', In M’s M fi 4630 - . * Edward . MS- 1420. 3 Roger, MS. .8,on. 4 Ihos., MS. 4630. 5 Brearcliffe, MS. 4630. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 5°S COCKERELL, OF STAKESBY. Arms .-—Argent, a cross gules between 4 cocks of the second, all within a bordure vair argent and azure. Robert Cockerell, of Goathland, co. York.=j= Edmond Cockerell, of Goathland.—r-Hilda, dau. of Robert Sneaton, ^__ 1 of Yncote, co. York . George Cockerell, of=j=Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Cholmley, Ellis, wife of William Stakesby, co. York. of Braham ,1 co. York. Wright, of York. Henry. Nicholas. Richard, aet. MaryJ Hilda. Edmond* Michael. 17, 1612. Thomasin. Frances. George Cockerell. 1487, fo. 478. 1 Snesby, in MS. COGHILL, OF KNARESBORO’. ArmsI :—Ermine, a chevron gules between three cocks of the second, beaked or. Cres t On a mount vert a cock with wings expanded or, beaked, crested, and wattled gules granted to Thomas Coghill, of Knaresborough, and John Coghill, of London, his brother, 10 May* 1612., p. Rich. St. George, Norroy. Thomas'* Coghil\.=f=A/ary, dau. of, and sister to, John Slingsby, who mar. the dau. and heiress of . Scriven . 2 Thomas Coghill, of Knaresboro’, =j=Agnes, or Anne, dau. of . Nettleton N icholas. temp. H. VII. & VIII. of Nettleton, co. York .2 I # 1 “ 7~| Anne, wife of. Marmaduke Coghill, =i=Maude, one of the daugh- Elizabeth. Leathley. of Knaresboro’. ters of John Pulleyne. Margery. __l_ Catherine. Thomas 3 Coghill, of Knares-=Isabel, dau. of . Joh!i4 Coghill, of London, boro, co. York. I Tallentire. merchant, 1616. Thomas 5 Coghill, of Knaresboro’, = Beatrix, dau. of William 5 Halley, of J 6i6. the city of York. 1420, fo. 214. 1487, fo. 4.71b. 4630, p. 100. 1 Gules, on a chevron argent three pellets, a chief sable. Crest—Ademi lion rampant argent crowned or, holding a cross crosslet ftch£e.1420. 2 MS. 1420. 3 2 nd son, MS. 4630 ’ for further issue, see MS. 1420. 4 For his marriage and issue, see MS. 1420. 5 For further issue, see MS. 1420. 6 William Hawley, town clerk of the city of York, and had issue &c &c., MS. 4630. VISITATION OF VORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . 5 ° 6 Herthill. CONSTABLE, OF CLIFFE. Constable, of Flamborough. = Sir Marmaduke Constable, lord of Robert Constable, 2 sonne, ^Beatrix, etau c/ — . - -in™ 1 . Jtiatcujj Flamborough, knt., i son. serjeant at law. Marmaduke Constable, of Cliffe, =.dau. of Sir James Metcalfe, 2. Robert. 1 of Nappa. 1 sonne. Tames Constable, 1 sonne.=.dau. of Jeffrey Middleton, Barbara, wife of Wm* J 1 knt., of Middleton. Cottineham. Cottingham. Marmaduke (1 son), of Cliffe, now ^Frances? 2 dau. and co-heiress to 2. John ' 1 Sir Ralph Bulmer, knt. living, a° 1612. James Constable, now living, 1612.=Margery, dau. of John Hedworth. I--- — 1 ”1 Marmaduke Constable, sonne and Elizabeth. Mary. Susan, heire, set. 20, 1612. James Constable. 1487, fo. 2 4 o3. 6070, fo. 224. L. 900, fo. 275*.. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 339. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. l.. dau. of.Hatfield, and relict of the Baron Greystoke, MS. 900. 2 William Grimston. of Cottineham, MS. 900. 3 Dugdale. CONSTABLE, OF HATFIELD. Arms : — Constable, with a mullet for difference. Sir William Constable, son of the little Sir Marmaduke, =Mawde, dau. and heiress of descended from the house of Flamborough. I . Hatfield, of Hatfield _She died 3 Q. Eliz. Marmaduke Constable, of Hatfield. = Hillary Constable, was found heir unto his grandmother, of= ye age of 28 years at her death. He died 14 Q. Eliz. Christopher Constable,=Rose, dau of. John Constable, son and heir, of the brother and heir to Portington, of age of 16 years at his father's death, John. Portington. and died without issue. Christopher Constable,=Frances, dau. of. Hildyard, and sister of Hatfield, 1612. of Sir Christopher Hildyard. 1487, fo. 240*. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 5° 7 CONSTABLE, OF KEXBY. Arms Quarterly. i and 4. Gules. 2 and 3. Vaire ; over all a bend or, charged with a crescent on a crescent. Fitz-Hugh. , dau. of lord=Sir Marmaduke Constable, = Joyce, dau. of Sir Humfrey descended from Constable, of Flamborough. Strafford, of Grafton, knt. Sir Marmaduke Con-=Barbara, dau. and heir Sir Robert Con- = Jane, dau. of Sir stable, 2nd son. T ~ u - - r ’ • — ... of J ohn Sothill, of Everingham. stable, 1 st son. 1 Wm. Ingleby. knt. Sir Robert Con-=Catharine,dau.ofGeo. SirMarmaduke Con-=Elizabeth, dau. of stable, knt. 1 Manners, lord Roos. stable, knt. /K Thos., lord Darcy. I I Sir Marmaduke^Jane, dau. of Christo- John Con stable, =r=Dorothy, dau. and Constable, knt., ist son. 1 pher, Lord Conyers, of Hornby. of Kexby, 2nd son. heir to Sir Robert Oughtred, knt. Sir Philip Con¬ stable, knt., ist son. I Margaret,da. of Robt. Marmaduke=j=Audrey, dau. of Annc. Tyrwhitt, ofKettle- by, co. Line. Constable, of Kexby. Robt. Hungate, of Saxton. Marmaduke Consta-=p Marmaduke Con-=j=Catharine, d. of 2. Ralph. ble, s. and h. See pages 179, 198 i stable, of Kexby, Esq., liv. 1612. Anthy. Teale, 3. Francis, of Kexby. 4. John. I Catharine, \vf. of Anthony Teale. Marmaduke, son and heir, set. 12 in 1612, 1487, fo. 239 b> 1. Faith. Catharine. Barbara. 2. John. 3. Philip. 5. Anthony. 3. 6070, fo. 223 b. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 This descent is inaccurately given in Visitation, 1612. 4. Christopher. 5. Anthony. Dickeringe. COUNDON, OF WtLLERBY. Thomas Coundon, of Nesham, =.dau. of. Laton, in the bishoprick. I of Sexhowe. Thomas Coundon, of--Elizabeth, dau. of Marmaduke Vavasour, Nesham. I of Weston, Esq. Thomas Coundon, of Willerby, =Ann, dau. of John Catterall, of Hollym, co. York, 1612. I in Holdemess. Thomas Coundon, set. 5, 1612. Elizabeth. Mary. Thos. Coundon. 1487, fo. 494. \ 5°3 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . CONYERS, OF BOWLBY. Gregory Conyers, of Whitby, 19 H. VIIT.=Ann,dau. of.Reade, of co. Oxon. George"Conyers, of Whitby, son and heir. =Jane, dau. of.Gower, of Stainsby. >cd°. b .? vrstzisi - kg awfpaa msz Whitby, o. s.p. with. brother. - - -n ., Susan, wife to James Ser¬ geant, of Gisbrough. Margaret, and diversothers. I I I I George. Robert. Tames. Francis. Ralph. Ta'ne wife Nicholas Con- =Catherine, dau. Elizabeth, vers, of Bowl- of Robt. Trot- wife t toChristo- pher Blen- came, of Whitby. yers. of Bowl- by, son and heir, a° 1612. 2. Nicholas. 3. Henry. Robert Conyers, set. ii, 1612. of Robt. Trot¬ ter, of Skelton Castle. wife to Henry Wells, of York. Anthony. Leonard. Margaret. Mary. Edmond. Nicholas Conyers. COPLEY, OF DONCASTER. See page 526. COPLEY, OF HOTHAM. Arms Argent, a cross moline sable. John Copley. = Margaret, dau. of Sir Bryan Stapleton, lent., of Wighill. Avery Copley, of a. Thomas Copley, brother =Dorolh^ dam of 3. Henry. Avery. . Noweu. Michael Copley, of Hotham,=Ann, dau. of Melchis Smith, now living, 1612. I °f Hessle. Jane, wife to William Watson, of Snainton. , Thomas Tohn Copley,=Catherine, da. of Catherine,wife Cicely, wife Frinles. 2 . Ihomas. 1 ™^°^-. .Bourchier. to Richard to Anthony Mary, Plaxton. Eyre. unmar. 1612. 1 1 Dorothy, set. 4, 1612. Jane. 1487, fo. 386^. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . 5°9 CRESSEY, OF BIRKIN. Arms '—Argent, a lion rampant sable, double queued. See., in all a coat of 8 quarters, stated to be doubtful. Hugh Cressey, of Letwell, or Barnby Don.= I--1 I I 2 Gervase=Elinor, dau. and=Francis Wil- William Cressey* son and George 2. Gervase ^ ^ Qf gir , strop (ist heir , had a son, Hugh Francis Henry Evering- husband). Cressey, of Wakefield, a ham, knt. 2 I counsellor.* Cressey 1 (2nd hus¬ band). wife of Eviringham=Mary dau. Eui' wife of Edward Charles Thomas Anlaby, of Scarthiing- well, Esq. Cressey, of B i r k i n a 0 1612. of Sir Wm. Thimbleby, of Birkin, Fairfax, of co. York. Steeton. Ann, wife of William Copley, of Wad worth. Mary, wife of Thomas Dymoke. strop, 0. s.p. 2. Everingham. Gervase Cressey, set. 3, 1612. Mabel. Mary. 1487, fo. 96. 4630, p. 108. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 269. Ann. g .600 2 Of Birkin, MS. 4630. * Hugh, MS. 4630. 4 Bencher of Lincoln’'sTnn, lived at' Wakefield, one of the justices of the King's Bench, to King Char es . 1 Of Birkin,/. *., MS. 4630. MS. 4630. CROSLAND, OF HEMSLEY. Thomas Crosland, of Crosland. in the=.. dau. .Hawksworth, West Riding, near Almondbury. of Hawkswortn. t'h Ailin' ^Michla r ’l>e ot\ till Emley. 2. Peter. J V;-,— Elizabeth, wife of Hemsley. of I no. Talbot, son and heir, of Thornton. a° 1612. Henry Atkin¬ son, of Little Cattail. clerk of the Counsell, 1612. 1 Vide ante, p. 500. Elizabeth, half-a-year old, 1612. John Crosland. 1487, fo. 424. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 133* j IO VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. West Ryding. Wapentake of Skyrack. CURRER, OF MARLEY. Arms : 1 -Ermine, three bars gemelles sable, on a chief azure a lion pass. ar. Crest :-A lion’s head erased ar., collared with bars gemelles sa. 2 Hugh Currer, of Hamelthorp,=. 3 dau. of...... or Kildwick, co. York. Knowles, of Riding. K g 4 William Currer, of=Isabel1, dau. of Christopher Maude, Marley. I of Hollinghall, 2 . William Currer,=Isabel, dau. Henry .-Dorothy, Arthur -- , of Marley, co. of Nicholas Currer, York, surveyor Parker, of ofHolling of the Duchy of Horrokford, TJo11 o1r1 - Lanc., in the co. Lane., North parte, Esq. 1612. Hall, eld¬ est son. dau. of Currer, of William Morton. Mawde. I William, set. 16, 1612. of Brian Mawhood. MM Agnes. Jane. Mary. 7 Isabell. Walter. William Currer, Isabel, wife of set. 20, now Christopher of Staple Inn, Hodgson. 1612. 1487, fo. 477. 4630, p. 112A L. 900, fo. 4065. Dugdale-s Visitation, p. 231. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. f Robert, 2nd son, MS. 4630. 7 A fifth dau., L. 900, and H.C. tJ CUTLER, OF FIELD HEAD. This Cutler must beare Cutler’s Coate without difference. Laurence Cutler, of Dodworth. = Richard Cutler, 2nd son. = Susan, daughter of.Coxson. _J Thomas Cutler, of Feild Head, a» i6i2.=Jane, daughter of John Popeley of Woolley. Iho. Cutler. 1487, fo. 482. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 5 11 West Riding. CUTLER, OF STAINBOROUGH. Arms :—Az. three dragons’ heads erased or within a bordure of the last. Crest :—A dragon’s head as in the arms, ducally gorged gules. Granted by Robert Cooke, Clar. to John Cutler, of London, late of Falthwa.te, co. Yon:, 26 April, 1585, 27 Q. Elizabeth. John Cutler. = Thomas Cutler. = Lawrence Cutler.=. 1 daughter, of _j. .Crashaw. £ John Cutler, of Falthwaite, co. York. =. 3 daughter of .Copley. < Thomas Cutler, of Stainburgh, = Ellyn, daughter of Roger Rayney, co. York. | of Smithley, 5 co. York. Vlartha, wife of Robert Pop- ley, of 7 Yorks, Elizabeth, wife of PaulWin- nington, of Che¬ shire. 8 SirGervaseCutler,= 9 Elizabeth, dau. son and heir, living and co-heiress 1612, and knighted of Sir Tc 18 August, 1624. Bentley, ki ohn mt. Dorothy. 10 Ellyn, wife of Timothy Cartwright. Margaret,wife to Robt. Lowther, of Lon¬ don, merchant. 1487, fo. 438. 1093, fo. i6d. 4630, p. 109. Dugdale's Visitation, p. 4. ,, t_t_ to his 2 nd wife, Anne, dau. of \fn "john Wordsworth, of Brokehouse, nr. Peniston, DAKINS, OF LONG COWTON. George Dakins, of Fonbridge and Linton. = Sir 'Arthur Dakins, of Long Co wton,= Margaret, dau ^ho,BurU,n,of Hendington, co. York, 1012. Arthur Dakins, son and heir, set. 22 years et amplius, 1612. 14S7, fo. 178$. 5 12 Harthhill. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . DEALTRY, OF FULLSUTTON. 'Robert Dalterye, als. De Alterypa.y George Daltery, als. De Alterypa. yAlice, daughter of ...... Kettlepenny, of co. Lino. WiUiam Daltery, of Fullsutton, a° i6i2.yMaude, daughter of.Holme. William Daltery, son Catherine, wife to Mary, wife to Henry and heir, *t. 19, Wm. TyndaU. Wyer, of Easing- aa 1612. wold - I I II Thomas. George. Edward. Marmaduke. William Dealtery. TA87. fo. A.qS&, DAWSON, OF AZERLEY AND RIPON. ArmsI Ermine, on a canton azure a stag lodged or. Crest On a mount vert, a talbot statant sable. Gilbert Dawson, of Azerley, co. York. =j=Catherine, daughter of.Conyers. c”! e ,. ■ “ rTM SSsr : of Azerley, eldest son. I I I I 2. Robert. 3. Timothy. 4. George. 5. Conyers. William =pMargaret Daw¬ son, of Azerley, living 1612. daughter to Jno. Clough, of Skipton, co. York. 1 1 . Emma, wf. to Robert Beck, of Kirby Malzeard. Frances, wife of George = Daw¬ son, of Ripon, a 0 1612. Wornam. : Priscilla, daughter of Sir Stephen Procter, of Foun¬ tains, knt. 2. Gilbert. 3. Robert. George Dawson, set. 4, 1612. William Dawson. Frances. Mary. Frances, set. i, 1612. George Dawson. 1487, fo. 444 - 4630. PP- * 37 / 8 - 607°. f0 - a 77 - 1 Arms Az., a chev. enn. between three ^r^d arrows shafted on feathered^ndjieade^ g ( . Msl^dye.'bTh^fbreg^n^app^u to tta^^ C of°Dawsornof°Spaldkgtoa Ed. . Roger, 4630. 5 r 4 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. eglesfeild, of farmanby. Thomas Eglesfeild, of Barton-in-the-Willows. = . _ _ Rrvan Eglesfeild,=Ann, dau. of Watson, and Roger Eglesfeild, of Bar-—. ^ 2nd son. I widow of Cleybrough. ton-in-the Willows. -itaswtfisr - °T"-~ Bryan Eglesfeld, set. 4- a» 1612. 2 - William. 3 - T ohn ‘ i4 8 7 , p.398. h7i-P-4S^. L 900, p. 387*- 6 °7°.P- ELAND, OF CARLINGHOW. Sir John Eland, knights Sir Hugh Eland, knight. = . Anne, danghterof. Latham =Sir'john Eland, knt.=Elena, daughter of..Ratcliff, (1st wife). ___.1 ---1 Thomas Eland. = 3 James Eland, s. p. Thomas Eland Isabel, daughter and heiress, wife to Sir John Savile. Robert Eland. =Elizabeth, daughter of.. I Fitz-Eustace. Thomas Eland. = Mary Gascoigne. Sir Robert Eland, knight. = Thomas Eland. — Robert Eland. =Ann Tirwhit. Robert Eland. = Nicholas Eland, s. p. Robert. Robert Eland. = Carlingh ° W ’ ^~ Ci 4 ^ertford^rirey a° i6i2^ Ut k r * * 2 . Gi'lei. William Eland, 4 - Frincis. i^Lgare£ 3 - d “- S ““ d l6l T Cooke. Ann, wife of Wm. Willsby. Marmaduke Eland. 1487, fo. 465. 6070, fo. 336. 4630, p.i 49 - Tong’s Visitation, p. 69. See also additional Pedigrees, pp. 603 to 606. 2 Alice, dau. of 1 Jane, dau. and co-heiress of Sir Ri. Tankersley, 6070. f Sir Robert Latham, 6070. 3 Jane, wid. of Robert CYmvers. 6070. 5 l6 Dickering. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. ESTOUTEVILE, OF HUNMANBY. Emery Estoutevile. =Ann, dau. of Wm. J I Hussey, Esq. N i c h o 1 a s=Florence, dau. of Sir Robertson. | Humphrey Still. R cTb e r t = Catherine, dau. of William Estoute- I Whittington, of New- vile. brough, co. Stan. Bryan Robert- = Margaret, dau. of son. I Richd. Fitzwilliam, of Sprotborough. H Charles Estoutevile, of Hunmanby, co. York, living r6i2.=rAnn, dau. of Bryan Robertson. 2. Charles. Henry Estoutevile, son and heir, set. 27, 1612. 1487, fo. 428. t— r Ann. Mary. —1 1 l Elizabeth. Mary. Margaret. Charles Estoutevile. etherington, of ebberstone. Sir Richard Etherington, of Ebberstone, = co. York, knt. fauconbridge, of otterington. Roger Fauconbridge, of South Otterington. — Chr istopher Fauconbridge.^ an^o^Raphe Spence, Roger Fauconbridge, of=Ann, daughter of WUUam Otterington. I Dunnmg, of co. York. Christopher, aet. 17. Thomas Fauconbridge, vice-chamberlain , in the receipt of his Ma¬ jesty's exchequer , 1640, mar. Margaret , dau. of JohnBradshaWy Windsor Herald. = 3. Edward, mar. Mary , dau. of ... Hilton, of . Cambridge. i iTTl 4. William Fau- Elizabeth, conbridge, Margaret. mar. Mary , Frances. daughter of Mary. . Stan - bridge. I Thomas Faucon¬ bridge, eldest son , cet. 15 in 1644. ~ 1 1 n 2. Robert. 3. Lawrence. 4. Charles. 5. Henry. 1 1 1 1 Mary. Ann. Margaret. Susanna. Edward , cet. 2, 1640. Mary , cet. 5, 1640. n Thomas. John , 0. Sm p. 1487, fo. 371. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2, 5 1 / FERRAND, OF CARLTON. 1 Arms :—On a chief gu. two crosses flory vair. Crest :—A cubit arm erect vair, the hand ar. grasping a battle-axe ppr. William Ferrand, of Skipton, =.daughter of.Tempest, in Craven. I of Yellison. Christopher Ferrand, of Skipton. = Jane, daughter of John Dale, of Carleton. William Ferrand, of Skipton. =2 Elizabeth, daughter of Thos. Blenkensop, _| of Helbeck. Thomas Ferrand, of Carleton, in Craven, = Mary, daughter of Edm. Dudley, of living anno 1612. I Yanwith, in Westmoreland. Edmond Ferrand, set. 14, a 0 1612. Elinor. Anne. Tho. Ferrand. 1487, fo. 453<$. 4630, p. 179. Dugdale's Visitation, pp. 27 and 31. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. l Arms :—Arg. on a chief gu. three crosses of the first, MS. 4630. 2 1st wife, MS. 4630. FITZWILLIAM, OF BENTLEY. Arms :—Lozengy arg. and gules, an annulet for difference. Ralph Fitzwilliam, of Bentley, lived 1454, and is buried =Joan, daughter of Richard at Bentley. I Boulton. Nicholas Fitzwilliam. = Alice, daughter of Robert Baildon, of Baildon. I Nicholas Fitzwilliam. =., daughter of.Tyas, of Sprotborough. Elizabeth. _[ Margaret. Nicholas Fitzwilliam. = Elizabeth, daughter of Roger Wentworth, of Hangthwaite. Gervase Fitzwilliam, now living, 1612. Gervase Fitzwilliam. 1487, fo. 362. L. 900, fo. 67. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 5 l8 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . 1 FLOWER, OF METHLEY. 2 Raphe Flower, of Louth, — Jennet, daughter of co. Line. . 3 HalL 4 John Flower, of Methley,=Jane daughter of John Nelson,® co. York, a” 1612. of Methley. __J---1-:—1 I _ I , ., — Tane dau. of Richard Ellen,® wife 7 U ^f: D °o r f 0t Robert J of Methley,' Shan, of Woodrove, of ......... Nunns. son and heir. of Thos. Scoley. ane, uclu. ui S hann, of Woodrove, in Methley. John, a year old in 1612. 1487, fo. 481. 463°, p. 187. John fflower. 1 Arms t-Erminois, a cinquefoil ermine, MS. Dymok’eTkt.^and^urchasedLds of MS 4 . 6^0 ( 9 ). 4 Came into Yorkshire with Sir 1 M c y fio 6 Elizabeth, mar. to Mr. him in Mfhley MS. 4630. y ^ ls< °^ r 0r t o Philemo^ Sptight, of Earls Heaton, whose sole &a“d hefr io ' ... Stansfeld, of Stansfeld, Esq., MS. 4630. FOX, OF MARDERBY. Wm. Fox, of Halcott. co.=.dau. of.Swynebome. Northumberland. Anthony Fox, of Halcott. = Elizabeth, dau. of.Browne. 1 'l „ ... Hare dau of .... William, eldest Elizabeth ,s.f. Elinor. ’W&S | pfnkeney. ~ so, , Henry. Thomas Fox, ^Elizabeth dau. pltroneU. AlU^wife Elbabeth, wife son and heir, of Peter Swale. Battye Wrightson. a ° l6l2 ‘ ’ Tho. Foxe. 1487, fo. 421. ^ 20 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . GIBSON, OF WELBORNE. Arms —Barry of six ermine and sable, a lion rampant or. Granted p. W ^l~afsasr ”. E ”‘“ •k WMrtoEFfiSfc* the laws. lerion, ui -- j. p. to Thos. Butler, of Bewsey (2nd wife.) Woodhall (1st wife). Gibson, of the city of York. .Dudley, 2ndbro.tothe Lord Dudley. of Welborne, knt.,nowliving, 1612. Allott, and widow to Thomas Pigott, of Dodershall, co. Bucks. 2. Tho¬ mas. I I 2. John. 3. Dudley. Edward Gibson, son and .. dau. heir, set. 18 in 1639. John Gibson, set. 7 in 1612, now a knight , 1639. 1487, fo. 423. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 73. GASCOIGNE, OF THORP on the HILL. si Zp:rnt Gascoigne ’ of mSt 11, 3 - rr n '^ 0igne ' ° f Tho ^=^X h on r am^r ° f SirWm ' Sw "" w ° f W&^ascoigne, obijt so May, 30 H. "//• Thos. Thwaites, of William Gascoigne, . £u. of Thos. Stillington, of Acaster 10 Elizabeth. 1 Malbls - Es T William Gascoigne” oh. S Nov„ 23 Eliz .,^dau^of Thomas Grice, of Iohn Gascoigne', "of Thorp on the Hill.= Margaret, dau. of Hen. Tempest, of Tong. Henry Gascoigne, now living, iSia.^Jane^rst^tvife), dau. of Wm. Cartwright, of William, half a yeare old, 1612. 1487, fo. 282. 6070, fo. 2440. 463°’ P* 2 34 - See Pedigree at large in my Margaret. Margery. Henry Gascoigne. m VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . 521 Libertas de Knaresburgh. GIFFORD, OF SCOTTON. Arms Gules, three lions passant argent, in the dexter chief point a mullet pierced Chest On a mural coronet gules an eagle rising erminois. Granted p. Richard St. George, Norroy . . Gifforde. ■j John Gifford, of Hillesden. Ralph Gifford, of Steeple Claydon,=f=.. dau. of . Chamber- co. Bucks. "I layne, of Oxfordshire. Georee Gifford, of Roger Gifford, of London, =j=Frances, dau. of.Rowlesley, jreorge vjniiuru, ui umv.u, ’ -: ~ \ Steeple Claydon. physician to Q. Elizabeth. of Derbyshire. 2. Thomas. Thomas Gifford, =pDorothy, dau. Elinor,wife of Mary, wife of ^ • C T _ UT n r I h ATTIOC I it PlPV of Scotton, in co. York, living 1612. of John .Harris, S a v i 1 e, of serj eant-at- N ewhall, Esq. law. Thomas Oteley, of Pichford, co. Salop. 2. Henry. Francis, set. 9, a<> 1612. Ann. Dorothy. Thos. Gyffarde. 1487. fo. 41 66. GOUTON, OF GOUTON. Wynne de Gouton. =F Robertus de Gouton .-r* Stephanus de Gouton.-y- Robertus de Gouton. -p Willimus de feouton. Stephanus de Gouton. Will’mus de=j= Gouton. Robertus de Gouton. =Agil, dau. of Thomas de Sexliowe. Johannes Gouton, et Joha. ux. ejus, a° 4 Hen VI. Johannes Gouton, de Gouton, generosus 38 Hen. VIII. T Willimus Gouton =pAlicia. ____ ”1 Christopher. Johannes Gouton, =F... dau. of . Thomas. £. ninnn Cholmeley. a 0 6 Maria. Stephen Gouton, of Gouton, =F=Joane, dau. of William now living, 1612. Nalton, of Westow. — 1 -1 Thomas, a month old at the time of the Visitation. 1487, fo. 452^. Mary, set. 3, 1612. -3 >SS". * - * . riTi a tnnra] coronet cules a demi-lion as in the arms. AmisAzure, three demiJions rampant erased enmnxns. Crest .-On a mura Granted to Thomas Greene, of Cawthome, p. Richard 8 b George, Norroy, 6 OH. . 6 ra.l Symon Greene, of Cawthorne* 2. William = Grace, Greene, of Filey- Roger Greene, of Cawthome. =Ann, dau. of.. Addj. Thomas Greene, of-Alice, dau. bf lames Dyson, of Cawthome, a® 1612. I Westwood, in Slarthwaite. of John Harrison, ofRudston. a m e s—Ann, dau. of Nicholas Shier cliffe, of Eccles- field. ^ Greene, of Thunder- cliffe Grange* Greene, of E t he rd- wick^eldt. son. Elizabeth, ma . to Sir John Buck,of Ft ley, and had a dau. Frances t mar. to Mar - maduke Constable ,, of Wassand. I l r. Grace. 2, Mary, I I 3. Anne, 4* Bridget* Mark Greene, set. 6, 1612* 1487, fo. 480. 21 r8. fo* 13. Dugdaie's Visitation, p. i. 1 MS. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . 5 2 3 GREEN, OF HICKLETON. Greene, of Doncaster. =: Nicholas Green, of Wombwell.=Ann, daughter of James Thomson. Isabel, dau. of Richard=George Green, of Hickle-=Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Tyas, of Micklethwait (2nd wife). ton, living 1612. High Melton (1st wife). William Green, son and heir, Anne, wife to Roger Elizabeth, wife to John set. 24, 1612. Micklethwaite, of Rayney. Wombwell. George Greene. GREENE, OF NEWSAME. . Greene, a 2nd brother of Greene, of Lamouth. = Rafe Greene, of Newsam. = James Greene, of Newsam. =.dau of .Parker, 1 | of Branton. tigsr Talbott> *f&2sr of I &22KF William Greene, set. 17, 1612. II II ' 2. Thomas. Elizabeth. Mary, 3. Roger. 1 Dorothy. 1487, p. 370^. L900, p. 385. 1 George, 900. Pickering Lythe GREENE, OF LAMOUTH. Non probavit arma. James Greene, of Lamouth, co. York.= Tames Greene, of Lamouth, = Mary, daughter of William J co. York, 1612. I Selby, of Newcastle. I I 2. James. 4. Richard. -1-Ml William Greene, son and 4. Thomas, heir, set. 20, 1612. 5 * Edward. 6. Henry. TT I .11 Barbara. Elizabeth. Mary. Margaret. Petronell. Willm. Greene. 1487, fo. 429. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 524 GREENWOOD, OF WRENTHORPE. James Greenwood^ Elizabeth, dau. of.Chappelholme. John Greenwood, of Wrenthorpe. =' Ellyn, dau. of.Cutts, oi Essex. i 1 James, set. 9, 1612. Ann. John Greenwoode. 1487, fo. 484^. 4630, p. 249. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 311. 12nd wife, according to Dugdale, who also states that the issue were by his first wife, Anne, daughter of_Marsh, of IhornhiU. GRIFFITH, OF BURTON AGNES. Sir Walter Griffith, of Agnes Burton, = 'Agnes, dau. of Sir Robert Constable, — - * - T — J — of Flamborough, knt. co. York, knt., mar. Jane, dau. of Sir Raphe Nevill. I SirWalter Griffith, of Agnes =IanedauofSir John Ferrers, knt., wife, to Sir Burton, knt. 1 01 lamworui. SirGeorge Griffith, of Agnes Burton, knt.=Elizabeth, d^ofarjohn Sher- i Dorothv wife to ■‘Walter Griffith, of=Catherine. dau. of^ Ann, wife 0 Gabriel St. Quintin. 3 Agnes Burton, Esq. I Edw. Blount, Esq. Q opto ™; 7 Sir Henry Griffith, of=Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Ann wife to Thomas Harley. Agnes Bunoa,knt.,| Throgmorton, of Cough- of Brampton Castle, co. a o X 6i2. I ton, co. Warwick. Heretora. Henry Griffith, son and heir, set. 9, 1612. Frances, set. 14. 1487, p. 155^. 1171. P- 10. 2Ii8 » P- 9 7 b - 1 Married, zndly, to Sir Gervas Clifton. . 2 John, d. s. p. Margaret, d. s. p. Anne, mar. to John Egerton, of MOTir^l , Sir Ralph, living 1569. 3 Son of Sir Wm. bt. guintin. 4 Of Wichnor, co. Staff., and living 1569. 5 . 0 f Kidderminster, co. Wore. 7 12 years old in 1509, 1171. and had a son, 6 Elizabeth. GREGORY, OF BARNBY. Arms Or, two bars aiure, in chief a lion passant of the and, crowned pies. A demi fcaar ardent, hoarad ani crined nr. nortared azures charged with three a 4. Thomas. 5. Richard. 2. William. Roger Gregor)', of East Stock with, co. Line. = Roger Gregory, of East Stockwith, = Mary, dan. of John Wigley, of Midleton. Roger Gregory,=Margaret, dau. and i of Mount St, John, co. York, 2nd son. csT-heiress of Christopher Thorn¬ ton, of Langton, co. Line, Anne, wife of Barnaby William¬ son, of Rol- ham, co, Notts. William Gregory,-Elizabeth, dau. of 1 Bamby, co. York, eldest son. of Henry Baynton, of Lavington, co. Wilts. 3. Thomas. Roger Gregory, son and heir, aet. 18, 1612, I L Ann. Elizabeth. 2 William. Gilbert, set. 12, 1612. Francis = Clare, dau, Gregory, and heiress 3rd son, of George Greene, of 3 Stansall, co, York, 3. George, Mary. Frances. Ro. Gregorie. 1487. fo. 417$. 4630, p. 244. 2IlS fo. 98^. 1 Bamby Don, J.P.W.R., circa 13 K. James. 3 Stanshalb MS. 463a Cn t- Oi VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 VISITATION OF "YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 526 COPLEY, OF DONCASTER. Arms :—Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent, a crossmolme sable. a label of 3 points vert. 2 and 3. Fretty argent and sable. Sir Richard Copley. = Elizabeth, iau. and heir of John Harrington^ WiGiarn Copley, made= Margaret, dau. .yonell, 7.Thomas-EUaabeth, 3 . John his will 17 Mar., 5 H. VII., which proveth most part of this pedigree. and co-heir of of Bat- Jo. St. Loe, ley, ma. ofGunnerby. Joane. Copley, of Don¬ caster. dau. of 4, Oliver. Nicholas 1 5. Percival. Wortley. 6. Roger. = _j William. John. Edward Copley. = Isabel, dau. of Sir Th)mas Male- | verer, of Allerton, kit. George Copley. = Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Haldenby. Richard. Henry. 1—1- 2. William. 3. Robert. Francis Copley. =Doro thy, dau. of Hugh W yrrall, o f Loversall. ----1 I 4. Richard. 5. Thomas. Fraicis Copley, s.p. Anne. -1 Margaret. Rich. Copley. f, 272° 5 c/this Pedigree at"' large G'J'my^orlSire Collection. 1 Th*mas, 1415. Staneci.iff HAMERTONj of HELLIFIELD PEEL. Arms Argent three hammers sable. RichardHamerton.=f= . dau ' t0 WiUiam Wydiffe ’ ° f WyC,iffe - WyclXT-d wUeF’ ° f of Weston, knt. (1st 1612. wife). -1 Mary. John Hamerton, son and heir, set. 2, 1612. Stephen Hamerton. r tt8o fo 1 'ib 6070, fo. 202. See Pedigree t 4 8 7 , fo. 412A. 4630, P 2 ^' lo l°|^ y nwVo r ksldre Collection^ VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . J> 2 7 HAREBRED, OF WISTOW. Arms Gu. a cross vair between four lions passant or. Crest :—A demi lion rampant or, collared azure, holding an esquire s helmet argt. William Harebred, of Blacktoft, = Margaret, dau. of Paul Hogg, co. York. I Selby, co. York. Ann, wife to Henry Roos, of Pickhill, co. York. Richard Harebred, 1 of = Elizabeth, dau. and Jane, wife to Henry Ledsham, co. York, heiress of John Perkins, of a o !6i2.2 Allott, of Wood- Bramwith. house, co. York. n : i ! 2. Richard. William^Harebred, son Ellinor. 3. John. and heir, set. 7, 1612. Ric. Harebred. 1487, fo. 449. 4 6 3°> P- 26 9 - I Of Wistow, and after of Selby, clerk of the markets in realmoflrelandundertheFU. Hon. Thos., Earl of Strafford, lord deputy there ; he sold Ledsham Wakefaddf^^^whi^fm^old^^^r.^eorge^Adlott.' 3 Married.dau. of Thos. Best, of Middleton, N. R., co. York, MS. 4630- Libertas de Knaresburg. HARRISON, OF CAYTON. Arms -.—Azure, 3 demi lions rampant erased or. Crest :—A demi lion, as in the arms, holding a laurel wreath vert. Granted to Thomas Harrison, sometime Lo. Mayor of Yorke, p. Edm. Knight, Norroy, IS 9 ’~ 2 Aug., 34 Thomas Harrison, Lo. Mayor of Yorke. 1 — I 2 Tohn Harrison, 2nd son, now Thomas Harrison, Lo. Mayor of Yorke, 1612. son and heir. Robert Harrison, aider- man of Yorke, 1612. Thomas Harrison, of = Elizabeth, dai. of Henry Atkinson, Cay ton, living 1612. I of Little Cattail. Mary. Joane. r 1 1 Beatrix. Joane. Mary. Alice. Per me, Mathewe Ellye, pro Thome Harryson de Caton. 1487, fo. 417. 4630, p. 268. 2118, fo. 102. Dugdale's Visitation, p. 217. 1 a d 1575 and 159a, MS. 4630. . . 3 Harrison, of Acnster, descends, rre A.D. 575 5y Dugdale's Visitation, p. 172. . . MS. 4630 states the Arms to be-Or, three lyons paws erased m mangle palmwise gi , I 528 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . HARWOOD, OF BEVERLEY. Mathew Harwood, of Great=Jane, dau. and heiress of Barugh, near Malton. I Ralph Broughton, of Eg- I ton, in Pickering Lythe. 1 Thomas Harwood, of-Ann, dau. and co-heiress of Henry Great Barugh. I Nalton, of Malton Dale, co. York. 2. Richard Har¬ wood, mar. Ann, dau. of Richard H uthwaite. = ThomasHar- Thomasin,=4. James=Jane, dau. 3. George. wood, son dau. and co¬ Harwood, and heiress and heir, 0. heiress of of Bever¬ of Silvester s.p. Reginald Farley (2nd wife). ley, now living, 1612. Hil dy ar d (1st wife). Francis. Henry. 2. Christopher. 3. Thomas. 4. James. 11 . 5. George. 6. Marke. 7. William. Richard, set. Mary, wife of Alice. 20, 1612. Richard Stephenson. James Harewoode. 1487, fo. 432. HEBBORNE, OF HARDWICK. . Hebbome, of Hardwick, in the=. dau. and heiress of bpk. of Durham, j. u. I Hutton, of Hardwick. Richard Hebborne, mar. .dau. of . Metcalfe, knight. = Thomas Hebbome, a captain at Callais, o. s. p. Richard Hebbome. = r 1 An th on y= Ann, daughter of William Hebborne, Robert, John Hebbome, Hebborne. | Robert Tempest. mar. the dau. of s.p. gent, usher to .Carr. the King. John Hebborne. = Jane, dau. and co-heiress of Edward | Denton, of Amersdon, co. Oxon. Anthony. Richard, s. p. John Hebbome 1487, fo. 3710 ; and also p. 621 post. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l'2. 5 2 9 HEBER, OF MARTON. IArms: —Per fesse azure and gules, a lion rampant or, in the dexter chief point a cinquefoil argent. Crest :—Out of a ducal coronet or, a maiden’s head and shoulders in profile ppr. crined of the ist. Granted to Reginald Heber, of Marton, co. York, by William Dethick, Garter, and William Camden, Clarencieux, 16 May, 1599, 41 Q. Eliz. Reginald Heber, of Marton, = Thomas Heber, of Marton. = Jane, dau. of Hy. Colthurst, of Eddisforth, co. York. 2. Henry. Mary, dau. of. 3. Reginald. 2 Wycliffe, of Wy- cliffe (2nd wife). 2. Francis. 4. Reginald. Avery. 3. Josias. 4 5. George. Robert Croisdale, =3 Thomas Heber, = Ellen, dau. of 4. John. of Marton, liv- .Ferrand, ing, a° 1612. of Carleton _ (ist wi fe). Thomas Heber, son and Jane, wife toThomas heir, a 0 1612, aet. 17. Lister, of Westby. deputie for my Mr. Thos. Herber. 1487, fo. 154^. 4630, p. 281. Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 34 and 54, and Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Arms —Per fesse az. and gu., over all a lion rampant argt., langued and armed sa. 2 Settled at Hollinghall, in Wharfedale, and mar. Ann, dau. of Mr. Swinglehurst. 3 J.P. and treasurer for lame soldiers, 3 K. James. 4 By ist marriage, 4630. HEMSWORTH, OF GARFORTH. 1 Christopher Hemsworth.=. 2 dau. and co-heiress of | . Reade. 3 Thomas Hemsworth, of=...dau. of. 4 Midleton, of Swillington. | Leighton. s Stephen Hemsworth, of Garforth.=Isabel, dau. of Francis Killingbeck, of r __ I Chapel Allerton. _. 5 George Hemsworth, 2. Gabriel Hemsworth, =Susan, dau of William • son and heir. now living, 1612. Beaumont, of Mirfield. Thomas, cet. 9, 1612. Gabriel. Catherine. Jane. Gabriell Hemsworth. 1487, fo. 486. 4630, p. 288. l Of Purston. 2 Mary. 3 Of Gt. Purston. . . -m* 1 rin,, nf Thomas Middleton, of Leighton, co. Lane. 6 Never married. E 1 “ 6 uibert,' 3 rison, alderman and lord mayor of York, 1631, left issue, 4630. 2 M 'hristcipher Herbert, ^Fiuizauein, uau. w of York, J.P. | Hems worth and Purston, near Pontefract. 2. Richard Herbert. Mary* dan. of=pThomas =Alice(2ndwife), -• ¥ T _ t _. 'T'hsv HERBERT, OF YORK. ■—Per pale gules and azure, three lions rampant erminois. of I " t ~ Sir Richard Herbert, knt. y Margaret, dau. of Thomas ap Griffith ap Nicholas. Sir William Herbert, of Colebrooke ~co. Monmouth. knl.^ Jane, dau. of Sir William Griffith, of Penryn. co. Carnarvou, km. Rees Herbert, eldest son. Esq. y Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Weston Brown, knt. Richard Herbert of St. Pierre, who removed into Yorkshire by the encouragement of the=Barbara, dau. ° f R Lady Maude Herbert, Countess of Northumb erland, and lies buried in Beverley Minster. | of Barford, tn Rtcfamondshire. Christopher Herbert, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Hemsworth of Ryce : (or Evan) Herbert, y .. dau. of . Aislaby. * *, r i n I tt_ sxr,A DtirctAn nwr Pnnfwrart. -Grin SOU. John Herbert, mar.Eupha- mia, dan. of .... Wright- son.^p Philip Herbert, mar. da. of . Tancred. _ . Henry Herbert. = Ann, dau. to Sir Thomas Harrison, of Copgrave, knt., by Margaret, his wife, dau. of Sir Conyers Darcy. sett my hand and seale, dated aL Couldbrooke, the 24 day of August, 1640. WiLI. Herbert. 1487, ff. 461* to 463. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 148. Journal of the Yorkshire Archeological and Topographical Society , Vol. I. p. 214- j Tho. Harrison, ofAc aster, Esq. (1st wife.) Herbert, mayor of York, j.p. dau. of Tho. Newarke, of A co mb, o.s.p. T~r Alice, wife of Jno. Metcalfe, of York . Ursula, wife otWm. Calam, of York . Mary r wife of Thos. Lovell, of Skelton . Anne (wife of John Hedworth ?). William. Margaret. Christopher—Joane, dau. of John Herbert Akeroyd, of Fogga- thorpe, gent. -r~n- Thomas. William. James, s.p. T_ Elizabeth, mar. to Richard Hedworth, of Chester Beanery. Elizabeth Calam. U rsula. Mary. 3. Chr. Herbert, mar. Elizabeth * dau. of Anthony Wright, of Malt- b!r ' Tr. Thomas. Edward. Mary. Sir Thomas Herbert, bart.=Lucy, daughter of Sir Walter Alexander, knt., first gent, usher to K. James I. 532 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. HIPPON, OF NEWHALL. 6 Non probavit arma. Richard Hippon, died seised of lands in Fetherstone, called Newhall, 27 Hen. VIII., as appeareth by his office. = Anthony Hippon, aged 50 years at the deaths. 1 dau. of of his father. | .Gascoigne. Robert Hippon, of Newhall.=Ann, dau. of.2 Banister, Richardjsnd son. 3 1 of Hawthwayte. — ^ Richard. Edward Hippon, of= Alice, dau. of Henry Talbot, Anthony, a 2. John. John. Newhall, ob. 3 I of Bashall, co. York. captain. William. Q. Elizabeth. Henry. George Hippon, of Newhall,=Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Rolleston, of Francis. a 0 1612. | Toynton, co. Line. 1-n 1 1 1 1 Ann, set. 12, Barbara, Margaret, set. 5 - Alice, set. 3. Bridget Hippon, ® 1612. set. 10. I * George Hippon. 1487 fo. 404. 4630, p. 282. 2118, fo. 101 b. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 15. 1 Alice, dau. of William Gascoigne, of Lasingcroft, 4630. 2 Edward, 4630. 3 2. George, 3. Richard, Frances, mar., 1st, to.Mitton, of Stoken, and, andly, to ... Murgatroyd, by whom she had Michael and Robert, 4630. 4 For issue, see 4630. 5 Thomas and John, 2118. 6 Arms —Three keys between as many fleurs de lis or, 4630. See also Dugdale. Buckrose. HILDESLEY, OF BARTHROPP. Arms Or, two bars gemelles sable, in chief three pellets, a mullet for diff. William Hildesley, of Hildesley, =.dau. of Sir Francis Stonor, of co. Berks. I Stonor, knt. Susan, dau. =Sir Francis Hildesley, of Barthrop,=Jane (1st wife), dau. and co-heiress of . co. York, 3rd son, now living, 1612. of Sir Raufe Bulmer, of Wilton Swale. Castle, in Cleveland, 0. s.p. Thos. Gibson, for my Mr. Sir Francis Hildesley. 1487, fo. 428*5 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 533 HODSON, OF NEWHALL. Arms Per chev. embattled or and az. three martlets counterchanged. Crest :—On a mount ppr. a martlet or. George Hodson, of Stillington. =Elizabeth. ,- 1 1 Christopher Hodson, of Newhall, in=Isabel, dau. of 2 William Currer, of Marlev Beeston, 1612. | parish of Bingley. y ' 2. Christopher. John Hodson, set. 11, 1612. Frances. Christopher Hodson. 1487, fo. 482^. 4930, p. 283. 1 An attorney before the Right Hon. Council established in the north parts. 2 Hy. Currer, of Holling Hall, 4630. HOLGATE, OF STAPLETON. Thomas Holgate, of Pomfret. =.dau. and heiress of. * 1 2 * * Power, of Beverley. 2 Thomas Holgate, of Stapleton.=Catherine, dau. of Bartholomew Trigott, of 8 | Kirkby. George Holgate, ofMary, dau. of. Bartholo- 2. Francis = Margaret, dau. of Stapleton, 1612. Vicars, of Brods- mew. Holgate. I . Blount. worth. Mary. Lucy. Catherine. Francis Holgate. 1487, fo. 483^. 4630, p. 284. 2118, fo. 99& 1 2nd wife, Mary, dau. and heiress of Mr. Hy. Power, of Beverley, 4630. 2 MSS. 4630 and 2118 state that he died without surviving issue, and that his lands went to his roungest brother, Bartholomew, who sold them to the Right Hon. John, Lord Savile, Baron of Pontefract. 8 Bartholomew and Edward, 4630. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 534 HOPPERTON, OF HOPPERTON. 3 Arms Gules, a crescent or, in chief a label argent, the points az., each charged with a cinque- foil of the second. Crest :— Within a wreath vert, a fleur de lis or. Granted p. Ric. St. George, Norroy. Robertus Hopperton, armigero, a° 17 Ed. IV.—Anastacia, uxor ejus, 17 Ed. IV. Adam Hopperton, of Hopperton, co. York.= William Hopperton, of Hopperton. =.dau. of.Wright, of Plumpton. 1 Robert Hopperton, ofrrjoane. Adam Hopperton, 2nd=Dorothy, dau. and heiress Hopperton, son and son, and heir to his of Cuthbert Fleming, of heir, 0. s. p. brother Robert. Sharleston. Joane, dau. and heiress, 1612.=: Thomas, son and heir of 2 John Har¬ rison, lord mayor of York. Adam Hopperton. 1487, fo. 470#. 4630, p. 289. 1 Died unmarried. 2 Thomas. 3 Gu. a cross or, a label of three points az. in the 3rd as many mullets or, 4630. 3 HORSFALL, OF STORRS HALL. Richard Horsfall, of 1 Stor Hall, co.York. = Alice, dau. of. * Scarbrugh. Richard Horsfall, of i Stor Hall, 16x2.= Mary, dau. of .2 Lewis, of Marr. T " i ~l Richard, set. 3 weeks, 1612. Mary. Ann. Michaell Sowden, for Richard Horsfoll. 1487, fo. 479. 4630, p. 296. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 231. 1 Storrs Hall, ph. of Kirkburton, 4630. 2 John Lewis, of Marr, near Doncaster, 4630. Dugdale says Thomas. 3 Arms—G u. three horses’ heads argt., 4630. 4 Peter Scarborough, of Glusburne, ph. of Kildwick, co. York.—Dugdale. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 535 HUDSON, OF NORMANBY. Non probavit arma. Thomas Hudson. = Christopher Hudson. = Christopher Hudson, of Yoredale, co.=Ann, dau. of .. Richardson, of Gis- York. I borough, and widow of Ralph Buckton. William Hudson, of Nor-=Ann, daughter of Ralph Ann, wife to Wilfrey manby, a 0 1612. I Tankard, of Arden. Frewman. William Hudson, of Nor-=Ann, daughter of Ralph Ann, wife to Wilfrey manby, a 0 1612. I Tankard, of Arden. Frewman. 2. Thomas. Raphe Hudson, of Normanby, Frances, wife of 3*. William. set. 21 years, 1612. .Sowrye. ! 1 Mary. Sara. Willm. Hudson. 1487, fo. 495. Pickering Lythe. HUNTER, OF THORNTON. Non probavit arma. Robert Hunter, of Thornton, co. York.-......... dau. of .. ...^ Parkinson, of | Haghouse, in the Bpk. Roger Hunter, of Thometon. =.dau. of . Watson. Robert Hunter, of Thornton, 1612.= Ann, dau. of John Carliel, of Sewerby. 2 Rnohe Robert Hunter, ofThome-=Ellyn, daughter of Wm. 3. James ton, son and heir. | Spacye, of Brackton. II M Mary. Mercy. Ann. Elizabeth. 1 1 t- 1- \- 1 1 Christian. Dorothy. Bethell Hunter, set. 9. ^12. Frances. Mary. Roberte Hunter. 1487, fo. 476. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 87. 53 6 Claro. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . HUTTON, now of GOLDESBOROUGH. Arms :_Quarterly, i and 4. Argent, on a fesse sable three bucks’ heads cabossed or, a crescent for difference. 2 and 3. Argent, on a bend gules three bezants, Beauchamp. Crest Three broad arrows, two in saltire, one in pale sable, headed and flighted argent, enfiled with a ducal coronet or. Thomas Hutton, 4 R. 1 II.=Hellena, 4 H. IV. •___1 John Hutton, 4 H. VI. and 5 H. V.= William Hutton, of Penrith, co. Cumb., 7 E. IV. = John Hutton, of Penrith, co. Cumb., =f=Elizabeth, one of the dau. and heirs of i H VII. . Beauchamp. Thomas Briggs, of Cawmire, co. West¬ moreland. =f= —-1- J Franees,wife of.. .Sayer. Ann, wife of ...Skelton. Anthony Hutton,=Ellinor, dau. of of Penrith, 29 I Thomas Mus- Henry VIII. | grave. to Row- la n d Vaux. William. Thomas Hutton. =Sir'wm.= :Do rothy Richard 2 Hutton, of= Hutton, ! Gouldesboro’, co. of Pen¬ (2nd York, serjeant-at- rith. wife.) law, now living, ' 1 — 1 — 1 — r 1612. estdau.and co-heiress. Anthony. John. Gerard. Lancelot. Thomas. Henry. Hutton, son and heir, get. 20, 1612. 1 1 1 t 1 Edith. wife to Thos. Stanley, of Dalegarth, co. Cumb. = H Thomas Stanley. Mary. Jane. Catherine. July an . Ri. Hutton, 1612 1487, fo. 413^. 4630, pp. 299, 302. 1 4 H. IV. MS. 4630 and 2118. . 2 Student and bencher of Gray’s Inn,’a justice of Common Pleas at Westminster, MS. 4630- M.I., St. Dunstan’s, Fleet Street, died 26 Feb., 1638/9. St. George, in the Visitation of 1612, states him to be brother of Anthony, and not a son ; but this is an error. ISONS, OF TROUTSDALE. Dego Isons. =j=Eliz., dau. of. Rich. Charles Isons, of Troutsdale, co. Y ork.yMary, dau. of George Dakins. 2. Walter! Edward Isons, of = Catherine, dau. Mary, wife of Wm. Margaret, wife Troutsdale, co. York, a 0 1612. to William, Theakston. Thomas Isons, get. 4, 1612. Margaret. Rebecca. -1—i~ Sara. Ann, H es 1 er t on, Heslerton. Susan. of toJno.Clarke. Ann, wife to Robert Heb- borne. Edward Isons. mx v-SVV VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . 537 JACKSON, OF BOSSALL. .Jackson, lord mayor of York. = Tristram Jackson, of Bossall. = 2. Robert Tackson, a Thomas Jackson, Frances, wife of 2 -- scholar of Oxford. set. 22, 1613. SimonComngsby. 3. Elizabeth, un. 1613. 1487, fo. 461. JACKSON, OF CADEBY. William Jackson, of Darrington. = Richard Jackson, of Darrington. =.. dau. of.Danby. Thomas Jackson, of Darrington, 3rd son. = Dorothy, dam and sole heir of Metham Jackson, of Cadeby, now living, 1612. = Janmdau. of Robert Waterhouse, of Mary. Elizabeth. Metham Jackson. 1487, fo. 209. 1420, fo. 198A JACKSON, OF EDDERTHORPE. , rj n i e c a fesse between three shovellers argent. 2 and 3. Azure, Arms a crescent for differe nce, Woodhall. John Jackson, of Edderthorpe. = of York, 1612. izaDetn, eiciesi. uuu. ~ f ,u ' of Bradley, co. York, knt., a baron of the Exchequer. TTi John Jackson. 1487, fo. 393. 2118. f»- io 4 ^- Dugdale’s Visitation, p. S- I Francis.—Dugdale. 538 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. JACKSON, OF KILLINGWOLD GRAVE. Arms :—Gules, two bars indented erminois, on a chief azure three suns or. Crest :—A sun or between two branches vert. Confirmed 16 June, 1613, to Richard Jackson, of Killingwold, son of Anthony, son of Richard, p. Richard St. George, Norroy. Richard Jackson, of Killingwold=Ann, dau. of Robert Grave, co. York. I Todd, of Sancton. =Anthony Jackson, of Killingwold Grave, = Margery, dau. of Gregory I Esq., justice of the peace and quorum. I Frobisher, of Altofts, co. _ 1 York, Esq . William Jackson, mar. Martha, dau. of Francis Teringham, of Weston. . Jackson. I I I I John. Samuel. Christopher. Julian. Richaid=Ursula, da. J ackson, of Kil¬ lingwold Grave. of Richd. Hildyard, of Routh, Esq. I Isabel, wife of Chr. Ridley. I Anthony j ackson, set. 14,“1613. Anthony Jackson. ill Frances. Elizabeth. Jane. I I 2. Thomas. 4, Marma- duke. WlLLN 1487, fo. 475. KAYE, OF WAKEFIELD. Non probavit arma. Robert Kaye, of Wakefield. = Alice, dau. of . Beesley, of Lane. _i Ann, dau. of = Robert Kaye, of= Elizabeth, George Firth, of Firth House, co. York (2nd wife). I I Joseph ,1 Ann,wife of j. p. Richard Beaumont, of Mirfield. Wakefield, now of ... Mohun of . living, 1612. (3rd wife). D a r 1 ey (4th wife). da. =Ann, dau. = Elizabeth, dau. of William Bate, of West Lathes (1st wife). Elizabeth, wife Robert Kaye, of . Rat- son and cliff, of Lang- heir, ley, co. Lane. -George. -John. -Richard. -William. -Dorothy. Mary, wife of John Jack- son, of Wakefield. Roberte Kaye. 1487, fo. 4 o6£, See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. l H.C. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 539 Dickering. KNOWLES LEY, OF NORTH BURTON. Arms :—Az. a pale engrailed erminois between two lions ranpant arg. Crest :—A leopard's head couped erminois collared and lined gule;, with a ring at the end of the line. Granted to Robert Knowlesley, of North Burton, als . Fleming, co. Y>rk, 13 Sept., 1612, p. Richard St. George, Norroy. Richard Knowlesley, of North Burton, = Elizabeth, daughterof Marmaduke als. Burton Fleming, co. York. I Vavasour, of WeSton. Robert Knowlesley, of North Burton,=Anne, dau. and co-hdress of Thos. a« 1612. | Pearson, of Rudstm. j i i 71 Robert Knowlsley, set. 2 yrs., 1612. Elizabeth. Fraices. Ann. Roberte Lnowlesley. 1487, fo. 493^. LACY, OF BEVERLEY. Arms Sa. a chev between three stags’ heads cabossel arg. Crest :— A stag’s head cabossed per pale or and argent attires cmnterchanged. Thomas Lacy, of Folketon, in=.dau. of Sir Tlos. Gower. — ■ - • 1 of Stitnam, knt. Dickering. 2. Launcelot Lacy, of Sherborne, inr=., dau. of... Moretcn. 1 Robt., eldest son. Dickering. ___I Thomas Lacy, of Beverley, co. York.=Ann, dau. of William Wiitehouse, of Bamby. 2 William =Eliz., dau. of. Thomas Lacy, of= Elisabeth dau. of Rich. Francis, 2. winuu . Beverley, lg. 1612. of Beclingham, co. Notts. Lacy. 1 Benedict, Newby William Lacy, son and heir, 1612. Thomas. Tho. Lacye. 1487, fo. 323. 18,011, fo. 101. 2118, fo. no b, Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 299. 1 Mary, daughter of .... Marshton, H. C., and MS. 18011. 540 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. LATON, OF SEXHOW. The Pedigree of Charles Laton, of Sexhow, Esq., drawn out of his evidences and inquisition taken after the death of his ancestors. I • * j Thomas Laton, miles.=j=Matildis. Robertus Laton, miles. =Johanna. Johannes Laton. ^Elena. J ohannes Laton. =p Robertus Liton.=p Elizabeth, uxor Hen- ricus Pudsey. Thornas=f=Elizabeth, dau. of. Laton. r Gower, of Sexhowe. J o h n =p Laton. , dau. and heir of lenryNewsam. John =j= Johannes Laton, Laton. o. s. exitu nup- sit Agneta. I William Laton,- ob. 6 Hen. VIII. -Margery, daughter of Thomas Mountfcrd, of Hackforth. Thomas, o. s. p. Robert =i=Eleanora. Thomas Laton, =FMuriel, dau. of John =p.. dau. of Laton. ob. 27 Hen. VIII. ThomasLinley, ofScutterskelfe. Laton. 1 I'odsworth, Vatlass. of ~l Anna, dau.=rThomas=fMargaret, Thomas =j=Elizabeth, da. John La Christopher, dau. of Laton, Richard ob. 22 Clervaux, Dec., 26 1st wife. Eliz. of Robt. Maleverer, 2nd wife. Laton. Gawin. of James Metcalfe, of Nappa. ton, o' George, Siddall Henry, o. s. ex All o. s. itu. exitu. I Lancelot Laton, mar. Anna, da. of Radulphi Bulmer.=p H r Anna, wife of Edward Warcop. Anna, dau. of—Charles =f=Mary, dau. cf Tbos.Laton, Chr. Preston, Laton. of Holker, 1st wife, o.s. p. Thos. Milne, mar. of Scutter^ da. of Chr. kelfe. Th waites, ofMarston. Robert Laton,=Anna, dau. of Ralph o. s. exitu; Rokeby, of Marske. Thomas =.. dau. tc Sir Thomas Laton. Fairfax, of Valton, knt. Heralds’ College copy of Visitation, fo. 232 b. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 54 1 LATON, OF SEXHOW. Arms QuarterK i and 4. Argent, a fesse between 6 cross crosslets sable. 2. Argent, on a bend sable 3 grains’ heads erased of the first. 3. Azure, a chevron between 3 hounds sejant argent. . . Laton, of Sexhow.= Elynor. .,ist wife.='Thomas Laton, of Sex-=Ann, dau. of . Maleverer, of | how. |_Seamer, 2nd wife. Anne, wife to Edvard Warcop, son Lancelot Laton, son~ 2. George, and heir of Regnald Warcop. and heir. Robert Laon, of Sexhow. = Ann, dau. of Ralph Rokeby, of Marske. ___ 1 Thomas Laton, >f Sexhow.=Margaret, dau. and co-heir of Thomas Linley, of I Scutterskelfe. Thomas Laton, )f Sexhow, = Elizabeth, dau. of Sir James Metcalfe, of Nappa, Esq. L co * York * Ann, dau. of Christopher=Chlrles Laton, of Sexhow, = Mary, dau. and sole heir of Preston, of Hdker, co. now living, 1612. I Mr. Thomas Milner, of Lane., 1st wife, o. s. p. J Scutterskelfe. Thomas Laton, son and heir, set. 15, an. 1612. Cha. Laton. Heralds* College copy of Visitation, fo. 135* LAYTON, OF WEST LAYTON. John Layton, o f Layton, 1340.- - Robert Layton, 1340. =_ Thomas Lay-=Binor, dau. and heir of Henry Greene- -Ar- John Layton, of= Maud, ton, 1410? | lent, a chevron between 3. fleurs-de-lis sable. West Layton. | Thomas Layton, of West Layton, = 22 Henry VI., 1448. Thomas=.. dau. and heir of William Layton. | Meisenger. Thomas. = Thomas Layton, of = Maude, dau. of William Appleby, West Layton, of Gilfield, co. York. Tr'iVm T ntnn of West Laton, confirmeth unto Robert Laton, his son, all his lands John Tja ^ 1 ?; 9 tr Laton as appeareth by his deed dated at West Layton, 10 f , d te ”" Witnes^d by Jno Laton, of East Laton, and others.-Heralds’ fehege copy of Visitation, fo. 37 1\ and see pages 258/9 of this book. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 5 4 2 LAUGHTON, OF THROPUM. Arms :—A cross.between four quartrefoils.all within a bordure . William Laughton, of Thropum. = lobert Laughtc of Thropum. . Henfrey. 1 (ist I wf.) daughter of.. John Laughton, =. of Thropum. | . _Carr. Jolin 2 Laughton, = 1 Agnes, dau. of (2nd wife). of Thropum. George 3 Was- teneys. dau. William. John. Penelope. Anne. Edmond Laughton, son and heir. Robert. Nicholas. Barbara. Ill . 1 William E d m o n d=Elizabeth, dau. 6 Laughton, Laughton, I and heiress of eldest son. 2nd son, | Robert Bolton, 3. Charles. 1612. 4 I of Blyth. 5 I 7 Margaret. Edmund Laughton. 1487, fo. 476A A. 24,436, ft. 57, 58, 67. 1541, fo. 192. l 2nd wife. 2 Buried 3 May, 1600. 3 Of Headon, co. Notts, mar. 21 Dec., 1550, and d. 15 Jan., 1600. 4 Buried in the chancel of St. John’s Church, juxta Laughton en le Morthen, M. I. 5 Mar. at Blythe, co. Notts, 10 Nov., 1611. 6 Margaret, wife of Robert Arthur, of Slade Hooton. 7 Bap. 16 Jan, 1613, 24,436. Skyrack Liberty. 4 LAYTON, OF BARROWBY. Gabriel Layton, of Barrowby, =.dau. and heiress of co. York. | . 1 Barrowby. George Layton, of Barrowby. =. 2 dau. of Sir. 6 _| Eland, knt. George Layton, of Barrowby. = 3 Joane, dau. and heiress of | . 5 Reynell. Sus:m, dau. of « William Kaye, = Gabriel Layton, of Barrowby,=Mary, daughter of of Almondbury (ist wife). | living 1612. | ^“"tley™ 8 * 011 Ann. Gabriel, i year old, 1612. Gabriell Laton. 1487, fo. 143. 4630, p. 342. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 377. l Thomas. 2 Ellen, dau. of Mr. Robert Eland. 3 Anne, dau. of Thos. Reynolds. 4 Arms—Arg. a fesse between six cross crosslets fitchee sa. with a difference, 4630. 6 Reynolds.—Dugdale. 6 Abraham.—Dugdale. Pickering Lythe. LEMING, OF PICKERING. Arms Erm. a cross palonce a2. Query this coate for Leming, of Yorkshire. Robert Leming, of Pickerings Thomas Leming, of Pickering. =Margaret, dam of--Squire. John Leming, of Pickering. =]ane, dau. of William Marshall, of Aslaby. lVJo£Ugt>J.J1 — *.. .. o' j of.Burton 1612, mar., 3rd, Ann, dam (xst wife). of ...... Smith. '«■ 44 ™rja*= I Z8&arj‘£E: 1 5?sS , iSifA. , asj; gLm fiw. in Westmoreland. rick of Durham. ofHeslerton. Margaret. 3. Thomas. son and heir. Robert, set. i, 1612. (signed) Wm. Leminge. 14S7, p.. 496. 2118, p. 15. 1 Roger; and Jane, who married to the Rev. .... Philip, of Blatkamore. - • ‘'tj '* . >r • ■ ■; :!i A . ., A .} ... , ' ■■ --S- - ■■ . a- ’ J ■ 1 A, 544 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. Dickering. LEPINGTON, OF HODMANBY . 1 William Lepington, of Hodmanby, co. York. = Robert Lepington, of Hodmanby. =Joan, dau. of Robert Lutton, of Hodmanby. William Lepington, of Hodmanby, son and heir, a 0 1612. WlLLM. LEPPINGTON. 1487, fo. 492^. 1 (? Flotmanby.) LEVETT, OF MELTON. Arms -Quarterly. 1 and 4. Sable, a fesse embattled between 3 lions’ heads erased argent. 2. Sable, a fesse or between 3 owls argent. 3. Sable, a chevron between 3 leopards’ faces or, a fleur- de-lis for difference. William Levett, temp. Henry VI. = Elizabeth, dau. and co-heiress of __I Ralph Syward, of Melton. William Levett, of Melton. = Ann, dau. of John Bamby, of Barnby, indre. of mar- _| riage, 13 Henry VII. William Levett, of Melton.=Elizabeth, dau. and co-heiress of William Wentworth, | of Sprotborough, indre. marriage, 13 Henry VIII. Nicholas Levett, of Melton. =Ann, dau. of Raph Westby, indre. mar., 32 Hen. VIII. Ralph Levett, of Melton. = Elizabeth, dau. of George West, of Aughton. 2. \Viliiam. Thomas Levett, of= Elizabeth, dau. of. Catherine, wife toWm. 3. Robert. Melton. I Merfyn, of Thurcroft. Scolley, 1 of Scolley. I | | | I 2. Raphe. 3. jolin. 4. Peter. Thomas Levett, set. 18, 1612. Jane. Thos. Levet. 1487, fo. 438^. 4630, p. 358. 2118, fo. II. 1 Strelley, of Strelley, MS. 2118. jg Si sViSW#®* VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . LEWIS, OF LEDSTONE. 545 Arms :—Sable, a chev. between three trefoils slipped or. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or a plume of five ostrich feathers alternately or and sable charged with a chev. of the last. Granted p. William Flower, Norroy, to John, son of Robert Lewis, of Marr, co. York, recorder of the town of Doncaster, and justice of peace in the said county, 22 Oct., 1580, ao 28 Elizabeth. Robert Lewis. = Elizabeth, daughter of.Hanley. 1 John Lewys. =: Mary, dau. of Lyonell Reresby, of Thribergh. 2. Richard Lewys, mar. Jane, dau. and co-heiress of GervaseBrinsley, of Brindsley, co. Notts, Esq. =-\ Margaret, wife of Jo. 2 Mau- leverer, of Letwell, .1 in 8 ThomasJane, dau. Ellen, wife to John Ramsden. 4 Lewys, ofMarr, living 1648. of. Edith, wife to Timothy § Mundy, Bright. 10 of co. Mary, wife to Richard Hors- Derby. fall. 6 1. Brinsley, and 4. Philip, both slaine. 1 ' in John *Lewys, Mary, son and Ann. heir. Isabella. Edward , „ 1 1 Jane ., mar . to Valentine Crome, of London , scrivenor. Elizabeth. I ! I 1. Thomas, aet. 1, Mary, wife to 1612, died with- John *Chay- out issue .7 tor, son and 2. Francis, died heir of Sir about 19 years of Jno.Chaytor, age. of Croft, co. York.=f= John Chay tor, son and heir, about the age of 12 years, 1648. 1487, fo. 498. 4630, p. 369. Dugdale’s Visitation, pp. 290, 291. 1 Barrister-at-law, recorder of Doncaster, J. P. W. R., co. York, and in com. of Oyer and Terminer, 24 Q. Eliz. 2 Webster. 3 Treasurer for lame soldiers W. R., 4 K. James I. 4 Of Lassells Hall. 6 Of Storrs Hall. 6 Sir John Lewis, of Ledstone, knt. and bart., mar. Sarah, dau. and co-heiress of Sir Thomas Foote, bart., alderman of London, and had issue Thos., Jno., Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. 7 Mar. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heiress of Thos. Talbot, of Bashall, she mar. 2ndly to the Rt. Hon. Theobald Burgh, Visct. Mayo, in Ireland. 8Thomas, 4630. 9 Edward. 16 Counsellor-at-law.—Dugdale. i LINLEY, OF SNAWDON. John Linley, of Stainburne, a yr. bro. of the = house of Leathley. Christopher Linley, of Snawdon. r=Anne, dau. to John Mylner, of _[ Pudsey, gent. John Linley, of Snawdon, now=Cecily, dau. to Geo. Sheffield, of Blubberhouses, living, 1612. I co. York. I II ll John Linley, son and 2. William. 4. Christopher, heir, aet. 22, an. 1612. 3. Henry. 5. Samuel. 1487, fo. 28 jb. 6. Martyn. Josyan. 7. Sheffield. Susan. John Lindley. i VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 54<5 LIN LEY, MILNER, KEIGHLEY, LATON. Thomas Llnley, of Sc utterskelfe.=p. 1 _ Elizabeth. = Joseph Milner* Ann. 3 Thomas Milner. Thomas Kighley. — J Thomas = Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Laton. | James Metcalfe, of Nappa, knt. Mar>s dau. = Charles Laton, of "and and sole heir. ^awrence' ivigmey, wuuawu .> A \ a ton and Sex- the 3rd part of Scutlerskelfe Mary, dau. and how 1613 ■ to his coz., Thos. Laton. heir of Thomas uuw, xuxj. Milner. Thomas Laton, son and h^t,~Mary, dau. of Sir Thomas Fairfax, set. 17, 16x3, of Walton, knt. 1487, fo. 471. 1171* fo - T 5 * 1 tvc c: r Thomas Newport. 2 Sorethwaites, alias Milner. 2 Of New- 1 Margery, daughter ot Sir 1 nomas 4 R bt T aton Q f Scutterskelfe, 2nd Sa°„d a SlX “ewsom h0 T L ^cTand K Richa r d. ' t Married Alice, daughter of John Barker, and had issue Edmond, Thomas, and Katherine. LISTER, OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL. ARMS :-Ermine, on a fesse sable three mullets or, in chief a fleur-de-lis of the and. Crbst Out of a ducal coronet or, a buck's head erminois, attired argen . Richard Lister, lived 10 Henry VI. = Richard Lister, lived 2 Henry VII. = J ohn Lister. = J °S?° f COlSha11 ’ CO ' G1 ° UC "T"of::.' th Ste^ d e°nI Eldest som"’ * Robert Lister, master of Magdalen Hall, Oxon. John Lister, of Back-= hall, co. York. John Lister,of King-=Ann, dau. of Robert Oayton of George. James. Samuel. ston-upon-Hull,a° I Kingston-upon-Hull, by Eliza- jgj-o, j beth, dau. of John Langton, I of Langton, co. Line. - _ John Lister, son and heir, set. =Elizabeth dau. and sole heir of 26,1613. I Hugh Armine, of Hull._ Margarets Samueh John Lister, son and heir, set. 6, 1613. Elizabeth, John Lyster. 1487, fo. 455. Dugdale’s Visitation, 1665, p. 128. I Margaret, mar. to Wm. Weddell, of Erswick, co. York, Esq.— Dugdale. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 547 Claro. LINDLEY, OF LEATHLEY. Arms :—Argent, on a chief sable three griffins’ heads of the first. Christopher Lindley, of Leathley, = ...., dau. of Peter Banke, of co. York. I Banke Newton. Lawrence Lindley, son and heir. — Elizabeth^ dau. of Richardx Redman, of Harewood Castle. 2. Francis. John Lindley, sonand=Ann, daughter of . 3. Sir Henry Lind* heir, Esq., 1612. I Catarall, of RauthmelL ley, knt. 2. William. Arthur Lindley,=Ann, dau. of Sir Jno. Gar- Margaret, wife of Thos. 3. Thomas. son and heir, 1612. ret, of London, knt. Levett, Esq. John Lindley. 1487, fo. 288. 4630, p. 359. 1 MS. 4630. LISTER, OF WAKEFIELD. This pedigree hath beene proved out of evidences upon the occasion of the sale of that land in Wakefield, by Charles Lister, now living, a<> 1604. Thomas Lister, of Wakefield, tpe, Hen. VT.=: John Lister, of Wakefield. =.. dau. of.Beaumont. , dau. of . Shirley,=Sir Richard Lister, chief justice of =.. dau. of * and widow of ...Dautrey. England, and master of the wards. | .Stoke. Mareery.dau.of=Sir Michael=Eliz., dau. and heir- Elizabeth. = Sir Richd. Blount, ... Horsman. | Lister, K.B. | ess of De la bere. | knt« Charles Richard Lister, 's * 1 Sir Michael Blount, knt., 1 Elizabeth, wife o f Lister. 2 o. s. p. lieut. of the Tower. = Nicholas St. John.6 L 1 Sir Richard 7 Blount, knt. SirCharles Blount, knt. Thomas Blount. 1487, fo. 397. 1400, fo. 26 b. 1555, fo. 49 * 2ii8 > fo - II2 *- 1 Anne, mar to Christ Elston.^nd another -Thojg. ^Thorpe, c°. Notts, MSS. r4ooand 555 - ^ th p e ’ Towerj MS . ,400. t Richard Blount, of Dedsham, ,555 * K ”= nara K10 V to the L or d.and had a son and heir, William, MS. 1400. « Ot co! Wdts, kS t4oo'.'’ r Sf Mapie Durham,'co. Oxon, knt., MS. r 4 oo. 55 ° VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. lowson, of laxton. John Lowson, of Laxton, juxta- H olden, temp. E. IV. i. Thomas. 2 . William Lowson, “ °f 3 - Robert. Laxton. I. John Lowson. 2. Thomas Lowson, = dau. of ** of Laxton. I Baynes. 3. Robert. Baynes. Elizabeth William Lowson, of = Elizabeth dau. of Hugh Dorothy. Elizabeth. vvi^^ a0 l6l2 . i Frodsham, of co. Lane. I \nn, aau. oi joun ■ , ■ of Newland-upon-Aire. Lound, of Redness. Elizabeth, set. 4, 1612. WlLLM. LOWSON. ia 87. fo. d8q^. maleverer, of letwell. JohnMaleverer, of Letwell, temp. H.VII.-Alice. 1 Robert Maleverer, of Letwell,--Elizabeth. * 2 ob. 25 H. VIII. Nicholas Maleverer, 2 years old= 3 4 Margaret, at the death of his father. Johln Maleverer, of Letwell, a» 1612^= Margaret, dau. of John Lewis, of Marr. Thomas. John Maleverer, set. i£, a» 1612. rp 1487, p. 460. 4630, p. 393 - Son of Hugh. e Dau. of John Portington, of Bamby Don. S • • • J ame p S £ ^ e ’ St0n - 4 1 P W. R., 1 Jas. His 1st wife, and who d. s. p„ was dau. and heiress ot .... farae. * Nicholas mar.dau. and heir of .... Wombwell, of ThunderclifF Grange ; Lionel, and ranees, mar.’ to Mr. John Banister. Arms— Sable, three greyhounds cursant argent, 4 3 • VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2, 55 1 1 MALTBY, OF MALTBY AND MUSTON. Arms :—Argent, on a bend gules three garbs or. William de Maltby, in co. York. = ., Henry Maltby, of Maltby, in Cleveland, co. York. = ., l----1 John de Maltby. =. m—i- Gilbert. Robert. Christian. Sir William de Maltby, =. 2 Catherine, wife Constance, wife of son and heir, 1209. I of Robt. 3 Robt. Haux. 4 John de Maltby, son and heir. 5 = 6 Alice, dau. of Nicho. Blont, of Upliham.? George Maltby, a° 1364. = Alice, dau. and heiress of Thos. Seymor, of Cleveland. John de Maltby, son and heir, 1406. = Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas de Marton. 8 * Thomas de Maltby, son and heir. Elizabeth. 9 Thomas de Maltby, 30 H. VI. = Isabel, dau. of John Sayer, of Preston, co. York. Matthew de Maltby, a 0 2 Ric. III. = .. 10 William, son and heir. Robert de Maltby, second son. = ., William de Maltby. = .... Christopher Maltby. 11 =. Christopheri 2 Maltby. =.dau. of.Younge, of York city. Christopher Maltby, of Maltby and=Everilda, dau. of Ralph Creyke, of Marton. Muston. 13 ---L---—-1 14 Catherine, set. Everilda,set.7.=^> George Wentworth, Frances, set. 4 - 16 13, 1612.1 5 A\ °f Woolley, knt. Christopher Maltbye. 1487, fo. 465$. L. 900, fo. 419. 6070, fo. 646. 1 Maultby, 900, 6070. 2 Christiana, uxor. 900, 6070. 3 Warvam 900, 6070. 4 Hauy, 900, 6070, and had a dau. Agnes, 6070. A° i 33 *' 6 Alice, afterwards ^0^0. de Upharr, “ MeHey ' a ^=o?Vo^ ), 607a leveland, 900. 10 His dau. and ." ii AIdennan’o?York 6070. U S ° n 6070 ^Christopher, died young, MS. 6070 S 1S 8 MtfrriecUo Michael Warton, of Beverley, Esq., MS. 900. 16 Married to Ninian Tankard, of Brunton, Esq., MS. 900. Edward Hunston. 2. William 3. Francis. George, aet. 12, 1612. 4. Robert. Mary. 1487, fo. 431. Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 84. See Additional Pedigrees, pp. 624-6. MATHEW, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. Arms Quarterly. 1 and 4. Sable, a lion rampant argent. 2 and 3. Gules, three chevrons argent; impaling, on the dexter, the arms of the See. Elizabeth (1st wife), dau. of .=John Mathew, of Bris-=Elinor (2nd wife), dau. Melbome, of Melborne Port. I tol, merchant. I of.Croston. Ann, wife of Peter Toby Mathew, some time Bishop = Frances, dau. to William Willis, of Exeter, of Durham, now Archbishop of Barlow, Bishop of Bath merchant. York, a 0 1612. and Wells. Toby Mathew, son and heir. 2. John Mathew. 3. Samuel, mortuus. 1487, fo. 390A METCALFE, OF OTTERINGTON AND FAREHOLME. imm METCALFE, OF HOODE GRANGE AND FIRBY. Thomas Metcalfe, Chancellor of the Duchy, = Ottiwell Metcalfe, and son, = _I I James'Metcalfe, = Sir James Metcalfe, = Sir Christopher Metcalfe. = i. Ottiwell Metcalfe, George Metcalfe. — .-- 1 Ottiwell. — George Metcalfe, 2nd son, =: - 1 , _ 1 Gilbert Metcalfe. =Jane., dau. of . Jerom, 2. John. of London, widow of. 3. Richard. Greene, of Lamouth. James Metcalfe. = George Metcalfe, = Mary, dau. to Robt. Joh 4. Anthony=r=„,., dau. of Sir Thomas Metcalfe. Robt. Lambert, of O niton. Metcalfe. son and heir, now living, 1612. Trotter, of Skelton calfe, 2nd Castle. Met-—Elizabeth, dau. 3. Anthony. 5. James, mar. George Metcalfe, 2, Robert. ~ ir J of Robert 4, Leonard . dau. of son and heir, 3. Peter. Hopwood, ... Merriman. aet. 15,1612, 4, Anthony, 5. John. Gilbert Metcalfe, son and heir, Margaret, set. one year, a 0 1612. Georgje Metcalfe. George Metcalfe, for my uncle Anthony Metcalfe. 1487, fo. 276. See Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 t VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. sss Skyrack. MORE, OF AUSTROPE. Arms :—Argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, in chief a pile of the last. Ralph Otterborne, of Otterbome in Craven, co. York.y Richard Wayt, of Austrope.=pAmabell, dau. and heir. Lawrence Moore.F=Ann, dau. and heir. Richard Moore=p Nicholas Moore.^F John Moore.=j= Ralph Moore.=j= Percivall Moore.=j=Alice, dau. of Robert Beeston, of Beeston, parish of Leeds. _’_i Tohn Moore =FAnn, dau, of William James Vavasour, =pAnn, dau. and heir of. ]ohn Moore.-yAnn^ac ^ j ofTfwrnthorpe> | H eslerton, of Heslerton. 1- " ] " Matthew Moore. =j=Mary, dau. and co-heir. Nicholas More, a<> i6i2.=j=Joan, dau. of Robert Portington, of Bamby-upon-Don. - --1-1 i ~ I Richard More, =., dau. and heir of Robert Nicholas , Susan. Ann. Sara. set. 8, 1612. Moore, of Bewick, art zndsonl Nicholas More. 1487, fo. 410. 2118, fo. 119. 4630, p. 411. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 24. 1 MS. 2118. MOSELEY, OF YORK. Arms Azure, a fesse or between three trefoils slipped erminois . 1 T ]ohn Moseley, of North Caste Grange, parish of=P., dau. of.Simkinson. Cawthorne, co. York. . Moseley, of North Craste. Thomas Moseley, twice lord=j=Jane, dau. of John Wormeley, mayor of York, a° 1612. Hatfield, Esq. - - 1 -r—1-m of John Moseley,=j=. set. 26, 1612. -Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Trigott, of South Kirkby. Mary. Elizabeth. Susan. Jane. Ann! ~Margaret, wife of Sir John Kay , knt . 2 John Mosley. 1487, fo. 474A 1 Crest A cubit arm erect proper holding a gillyflower or, leaved vert, MS. 1487. 2 Additional from H. C. copy. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 557 NANDICK, OF EDSTONE. Arms :—Sable, a pale between two crosses patt^e argent. Crest :—A demi griffin rampant argent holding a cross pattee sable (another holding a spear sable, headed argent, ringed or). Thomas Nandick, of Wykeham, co. York.=p Christopher Nandick, of Kirkby Mooreside =r=Jane, dau. and heir of co. York. T Amyas. . Cuthbert Nan¬ dick, mar., dau. of . Savage. r-J Thomas Nandick, had the keeping of the keys of Bulleyn, temp. Henry VIII., o. s.p. W i 11 i a m=pCicely,dau. Nandick, 3rd son of Edstone. Alice, da. and heir, wife to T h o m a s Thornhill. 2. Chris¬ topher. of Thos. Savile, of Welborne. Robt. Nandick, 2nd son, mar. ...., dau. of.... Buttercrambe. “t Thomas Nan-=j=Jane, dau. of Jane, wife to dick, of Ed¬ stone, in Ry-, a 0 1612. Geo. Holtbye, of Skakelden, in Bulmer. Francis Bur¬ ton, of Farn- dale in Rydal. Richard Nandick, son and heir. 2. William. George Nandick, set. 8, 1612. 1487, fo. 450. Elizabeth. Cicely. Jane. Tho. Nandyke. NETTLETON, OF THORNHILL. Non probavit arma, sed rogavit ut respituatur.l Thomas Nettleton. =j= John Nettleton, of Thornhill Lees, 8 Hen. V.=f= Elizabeth , dau. of Mr. Thomas Holgate? T ?oU* Edward . 2 I Robert . 2 Thomas Nettleton, =j=Jennett, dau, of 3 Richard III, j Thomas Hall. Robert Nettleton, 3 Henry VIII.=f=Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas Savile, of Grimston Bank. _I Robert Nettleton, 36 Henry VIII =fA.nn, dau. of Arthur Pilkington, of Bradley. 1 p*rir»nc Port in cr- of TllOS. de LlSie. I IcVLUltO -iucugmov) —-, u - Portington, haeres . Er- fil., clericus. Portmg- son and heir. myn, 19, H. VI. 4. Robert. ton. 5. Nicholas. 1 ofThos. de Lisle, knt., 34 H. VI. John Portington. =f=., dau, and heir. Thomas Portington, consanguineus et=pTulyan, dau. of Sir Robert Aske, haeres Julian. I of Aughton, knt. Henry Portington.=j=Matilda, dau. of Sir Robert Tirwhit, knt. I I John Port T ..,,...,_dau.of...... Lang- s. GeorgePort-=......... dau p and heir ___*t—p. ington. ton, of Langton. ington. Thimas Port-=pElizabeth, dau. of Michael Portington, no^^of Edm. ington. I ' Wm. Skipwith. living, 1612 I Beaumont. Henry, ret. 17, l6l2 « Michael, ret. 7, 1612. Henry. Joane. Ann. Michaell Portington. '^Dugdate^sVisitationfp.*^! l Michael, MS. 2118. ■H Hi 562 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. Tyckhull and Strafforth. PORTINGTON, OF BARNBY DON. Arms :—Quarterly, r. Gules, on a bendlet 3 Cornish choughs sable, legged gules, Portington. 2. Argent, a chevron between 3 mullets sable, Paslbwe. 3. Argent, a lion rampant sable, charged with 3 escallops of the field, Barnby. 4* Sable, a saltier embattled argent, Kidd all. Johannes Portington, Just, de Banco.-j-Elena. I I ! Richard Portington, 4. Robert Portington.=j=Elizabeth, dau. and heir 5. Nicholas. 3rd son. of Robert Paslew. Thomas Portington, of Barnby. =f=Isabel, dau. and heir of Anthony Kiddall, of Line. John Portington, son and heir.=j=.. dau, of Thomas Copley, of Batley. Lyonell Portingon, of=j=Isabel, dau. of Roger William Portington, of=y= t'i i I ♦ixr/'M'f la T"' nrl w fif t h Barnby. T Wentworth. 7 Sir Roger Portington, = Mary, dau. of Hercy Robert Portington, of=r=Susan, dau. of i _ 2_iL _ . j. Sandford. RomViv Vi*»ir to Sir C'nvHntrv. knight, 0. s.p. Barnby, heir to Sir Roger, no w lg., 1612. . Coventry. Robert Portington, son and=Isabell, dau. of .Darley, Jane, wife to Nicholas heir, set. 25,1612. I of Buttercrambe. More, of Austrope. Robert Portington, set. 2, 1612. Robt. Portington. 1487, fo. 436#. 1420, fo. 215 i. 4630. P- 458. 2118, ff. 130. 131- 14.409. fo-; > 73 ; See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 168, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. Agbrigg and Morley. PILKINGTON, OF NETHER BRADLEY. Crest : Arms :—Argent, a cross patonce voided gules. -A mower vested sable, sleeves argent, holding a scythe of the second, his cap per pale of the first and second. Thomas Pilkington, of Nether=pBarbara, dau. of Lyonell Reresby, of Bradley, Esq. 7 Thribergh, Esq. Thomas Pilkington, of Nether Bradley ,=f .dau. of Sir Francis Rodcs, Esq. r of Woodthorpe, co. Derby. 2. Richard. Arthur Pilkington, of = Ellen, dau. of Henry Nether Bradley, now Lyon, of Roxby, co. living, 1612. Line. Mary, wife to Fer- dinando Leigh, of Middleton. 1487, fo. 179. 4630, p. 449. Arthure Ptlkington. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. PUDSEY, OF BOLTON. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2 IA deed of entail, dated 6 Hen. IV, ( proves these 5 brothers. 1 Christopher, MS, 1487. 3 A quo Pudsey, of Lawfeild, see Dugdale's Visitation, p. 29, VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 565 RAMSDEN, OF LONGLEY. Arms Argent, on a chevron between three fleurtde-Iis sable as many rams’ heads of the field Crest :—A cubit arm argent, grasping in the hand a fleur-de-lis sable. Ramsden, of Lmgley. J 1 John Ramsden, of Lcngley.=j= William Ramsden, =j=Rosamond, dau. of John Ramsden, of=f=Ellen, dau. of of T nn rrloxr liirir»rr r. T _T T 11 1 • 1 1 t of Longley, living 1612. Thomas Pilkington, of Bradley, Esq. Lassells Hall, 2nd 11 Richd. Lewes, of Marr. John Ramsden, 2. William. Catherine. William Ramsden, set. 17, 1612. Roamond. son and heir. Edward Beamon’e, for Wm. Ramsden, Esq. 1487, fo. 457. 4630, pp. 470, 472. 2ti8, fo 134A See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Cdlection. RAWDON, OF RAWDON. Non probavitarma.J John Rawdon, of Rawdon. =j=., dau. of. Bradforth. Michael Rawdon, of Rawdon.=pElizabeth, dai. of Richd. Thornton, Esq., of Tyersall. T Jane, wife of Stephen -George Rawdon, of Rawdon, =t=A nn, dau. of John Beckwith, Paslewe. now living, 1612. -rAnn, l the Skerne. 2. Richard. Francis Rawdon, =j=Doro thy, dai. of William Aldborough, Alice. 3. Toby. son and heir, son and her of Richard Aldborough, Dorothy. 4. Walter. 1612. of Aldboraigh, Esq. Ann. 5. Joseph. George Rawdon, set. 8, a’ 1612. Ann. George Rawden. 1487, fo. 59A 2118, fo. 139. 4630, fo. 473. Seeihe Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collectbn. 1 Arms :—Argent, on a fesse gules between 3 pheo:s sable, 2 and 1, a lion rampant or. Crest:— On a mount vert, a wivern segreant or. Given to Mamaduke Rawdon, of London, descended from the Rawdons, of Rawdon, in Yorkshire, granted by William Camden, Clarencieux, 24 September, 1618, MS. 1487. 566 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. READHEAD, OF HOLDEN. Robert Readhead, of Sheriff Hutton. T William Readhead, son and heir. Bartholomew Red-=fAnn, dau. and co-heir of Thos. head, of Egham, I Pargiter. of Chipping Nor- co. Surrey. ton, co. Oxon. 2. Thomas Readhead. George Red head, son and heir, mar., 2nd., Ann, dau. of.... Red¬ man. .== d a Elizabeth, Mary (ist=Robert Redhead, of-rElizabeth. ....... aa. mi * , j \ Tj n irtftn. Esa.. ius- hrdwife of Browne, of Don- ington. wife to John Wheat- ley, of London. wife), dau. of Anthony Merys, of Aston, co. Northants, o.s.p. Holden, Esq., jus¬ tice of the peace, co. York, mar., 2ndly, Dorothy, dau. of William Nelson, of York. (3rd wife), dau of Leonard Potts, of Cumber¬ land. Reginald Redhead, =pDorothy, dau. of John Grim- Arthur Redhead, sonandheir, son and heir. T ston, of Grimston, Esq. half a year old 24 Sept. 1612. Bartholomew. Robert, set. 3, 1612. Ann. Thomasine. 1487, fo. 488^. Harthill. REMINGTON, OF GARRABY. Richard Remington, of Raskelfe, in the forest of Galtress.-p co. York, gent, of the horse to Henry Fitz Roy, Duke of Richmond. Richard Remington, of Garraby, co. York. =j=Agnes, dau. of. Little. John Reming¬ ton, son and heir, mar.. dau. of 3. Richard Reming-^Elizabeth, dau. ton, Archdeacon I of Matthew of the East Rid- | Hutton,Arch¬ ing, livg. a 0 1612. I bishop of Yk. 2. George Remington, mar. Joane, da. of Wm. Hun- gate, of Saxton, Esq. ; she died without issue. — Sir Robert Richard : Remington, Reming- of Saxby, ton, son knt., 0. s.p. and heir, c. John. set. 20, a 0 1612. : Mary, dau. 2. Timo- of John thy. Hotham, 3. Henry, of Scot- 4 Robert, borough, 5. John, Esq. Mary, wife to Sir Henry Anderson, of Newcastle. Beatrix, wife of Christopher Lin- ley, Esq. Elizabeth, wife of Peter Dol¬ man. Thomasine. Ann. Thomas, set. 2, a 0 1612. Margaret. Elizabeth. Richard Remington. 1487, fo. 491^. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 123. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 5 6 7 RICARD, OF HATFEILD. Arms l : -Gules, a bend vair between 2 garbs in bend or, on a chief argent 3 chess-rooks sable. Another Coat 2 —Gules, a bend vair between 2 garbs in bend or. Thomas Ricard, of Hatfeild, son ofThos. Ricard, of=p ., dau. of . Bawne , of co. York ,3 living 11 Hen. VIII., 1519. Rokeby .3 Thomas Ricard, of Hatfeild. Margaret, dau. of Hugh Wyrrall, of Loversa^ and relict of... Frankishe? Nicholas, mar. and had issued Thomas Ricard, of Hatfeild. =j=Joan, dau. of. Brett. 4 1- 1 - Elizabeth (1st wife),=r=Thomas Ricard, of Hatfeild, = Elizabeth (2nd Jane, wife to Bar dau. of Gervase Eyre, of Laugh¬ ton. living 1612 ; mar., 3rdly, Averill, dau. of Robert 5 Aske. wife), dau. of Hugh Wyrrall. tholomew Flet¬ cher, of Camp- sail, co. York. Mary. 6 Anne. 6 Thomas Ricard, 6 son and heir, set. 13, a 0 1612. Thomas Rycard. 1487, fo. 440. 4630, p. 491. 1571, fo. 219^. 2118, fo. 135^. 1 Arms :—Gules, a bend vair between 2 garbs in bend or, on a chief argent 3 chess-rooks sable ; was given to Thomas Ricard in time of Henry VIII. by Norroy, king-of-arms, MS. 1571. 2 MS. 1487 gives to this coat crest two arms embowed in armour argent, garnished or, holding be¬ tween the hands a leopard’s face of the first. 3 MS. 1571. 4 Widow to.Reresby, MS. 1571. 5 MS. 4630. 6 MSS. 4630 and 2118 state the issue to be by Averill Aske. RICARD, OF HECK. Arms :—Gules, a bend vair between 2 garbs or. Crest :—Two arms embowed in armour argent, garnished or, holding between the hands a leopard’s face of the first. To Charles Ricard, of Heck, co. York, 11 Aug., 1612.—p. Richard St. George, Norroy. Henry 1 Ricard. ^Katherine , 2 dau. of William* Sherwood, of Sherwood, nr. KellingtonA T Thomas Ricard. =f=. Dorothy , 4 dau. of William 4 Franke, of A 1 woodley. Nicholas Ricard.=p/.yg£g/, 4 dau. and heir of.Mountney. Oswold Ricard. =j= Charles 6 Ricard,=r=Jane, dau. and heiress of Roger ’ xr ’ pinchbeck, co. of Heck, co.York, 1612 Walpole, Line. Frances , mar. to Richard Rout he, of Pollington A 2. Bryan. Gervas Ricard, son and=f=Susan, dau. of Nicholas heir, set. 22, 1612. | Mauleverer, of Letwell. Mauleverer. John A Charles Ricard, son and heir, aet. 4, 1612. Jane, 6 wife of John Auneby, of Sher¬ wood Hall. Ann, mar. to Richard Horsfall, of Storr's Hall , parish of KirkburionA Charles Ricard. 1487, fo. 402^. 4630, p. 489. 1571, fo. 216b. 2118, fo. 135. 1 Son of John, by Agnes, daughter of John Dawney, Esq., MS. 4630; called Alexander, 2nd son of Thomas, of Bawne, and brother to Thomas Ricard, of Hatfield, MS. 1571. 2 MS. 4630; MS. 1571 calls her Alice, and states her to be wife of Nicholas Ricard. 3 MS. 1571. 4 MS. 4630. 5 MS. 1571 gives this Pedigree as follows John Ricard, of Pollington, son and heir ot Nicholas, of Pollington, by Alice, daughter and one of the heirs of William Sherwood, of Sher¬ wood co’. York, married Agnes, daughter of.Hardcastle, of Womersley, and had Oswold Ricard of Heck, married Agnes, daughter to .... Mounteney, who had married the heir of Strelley, and had Charles, living 1612, as above, MS. 1571. 6 Anne, MSS. 4630, 1571, and Visitation 1612, p. 64. “ ■ • '* ROBINSON, OF RYTHER. Arms Vert, on a chevron between 3 bucks trippant or as many cinquefoils gules. Crest i A buck statant or, pellettee gorged v. Thomas Robinson, of Darlaston, co. Stafford.-^ John Robinson, late citizen and merchant taylor, merchant of y* s‘ a P'« of | j J and alderman of the city of London, who died in London, m Feb , 1599, and | heth entombed in the parish church of Sb Helens, Bishopsgate Street. iristian, eldest dau. of Thomas Anderson, citizen and grocer , of London, and brother to Sir Henry A nder- 0/London, knt. and alderman. lieth entombed in the pansti cnur cn 01 or. ncicua, —— r L _ m --1 Catherine. 4. Robert Susan (andylnoRob^EIizabeth (1st 2. Hy. 3 ‘ R obhisonfa/ ^"althail 7 h< of Susan JpThick- wife to Robinson, G i ff o 1 d of London, Watkyn, mr.Mary of co. dau. of 9WL-. „ ia=r|no wife), dau. \ in of Sir Ed. | of Nortkants. Christian, wife to Thomas Richard- son, of London , silkman. Holme- ther co, den, knt, York, Robt.Pen- late aid- son and nington, erman of heir, lg* of London, the city of 1612, a fid sister London— h alder- Sable, a man Pen - fesse be- nington. tween 2 chevrons ermine , a crescent for differ¬ ence. wife), dau, of Sir inson, mer- Richd. Rogers, chant of of Bryans ton, the staple of co. Dorset, knt. England , — Quarterly . 1 free of the and 4. A rgcni, East India a mullet sable, Company , on a chief or a free of the Jie ur-de-lis Merchant gu les. 2 and 3. A dvenhirers Or, a fret sable, and Haber- a chief gules, dashers of London. dau. of H en ry C 0 l t - hurst , of London , mercht who fined for aider- man. Robinson, of Walthall, of inson ,of 1 hick- Dighton, co. London, bro. el, co. York , York, knt., 1 to alderman mr.,ist f .. Walthall. dau. to Wm. Mary, wife to Sir Wa It hall, Robt. N apier ,2 alderman of knt, and bart. - • London ; and, Elizabeth, wife mere haul; znd, . ,da. to Thomas and, 2nd,......, to Sir John Jeffrey, of dau. to Richd. Garrett, of Ikcnham, near Pyott, grocer, London., knt. Uxbridge. alderman of and alder- London, man. mar.,1st,, dau. of Bar- t hole mew Barnes , of L 0 n d 0 1- \ lr : Willi a m 2. Robert. Robin- William A son , eld- Jacob . 4 est son. Isaac A 1 .Mary. John Rob- 2.Henry, 2. Anne . inson, son set. 3. Abigail A and heir, Mary, ajt .5, 1612. set. 7. rr Nnh- e 7 o hn=F Margaret, daft, of Elizabeth , wf to Thos. Sara,wf. to Henry hob z. jenn r 1 & ,J.,J Wilson.of the Middle Nicholas inson , son and heir. Robin¬ son , 1639. Jno. Wood house, of Carnforth, nr. Durham. Wilson, of the Middle Temple, London , son of Thos. Wilson, of Yorkshire. Nicholas Orion, of London , draper. Henry. 1487. fo. 393*. 2118- f°. 137 - Dugdalc's Visitation, p. 18. 1 Dugdale’s Visitation, p. * Sandy, all. Naper, MS. an8. a Dugdulc’s Visitation, p. cuS. living VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN IOI2- VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 5 6 9 RIDLEY, OF BATTERSBY. Arms :—Argent, on a mount vert a bull gules. Sir Nicholas Ridley, of Willemoteswick.=j= ~T Nicholas Ridley, son and heir. 2. William Rydley, of^=.. dau. of . Blake- Battersby. 1 | stone. Robert Ridley, of Battersby, co. York.=pMargaret, dau. of . Jefferson. Ridley. =pElizabe t h, Christopher = i=Ann, dau. 3. Robert=F dau. of. Ridley, of and heir of Ridley, Marwood, of Battersby, Richard a 0 1612. r Garbray. ( _ of Robert Wilson, of William, set. io, 1612. Christ. Ridley. Christopher, set. 20, 1612. Roberte Ridley. 1487, fo. 433. 1 In the parish of Ingleby Greenhow. ROLLESTON, OF TANSHELF. Arms ; —Argent, a cinquefoil azure, on a chief indented gules a lion passant or. Lyonell Rollestone, of Tanshelf, co. York, a younger=p branch of the house of Swarkston, co. Derby. _I James Rolleston, of Tanshelf. =r=Susan, dau. of Hugh Cressy, Esq. r -1- 1 ---1-1 2 Gamaliel. 1 Lyonell Rolleston, = Dorothy, dau. of Margaret,orMary, Martin, of Gunthwaite, Avery Copley, of wf. of Fran. Raw- ao 1612. Batley. 2 son, of Besacle. 1487, fo. 247^. 4630, p. 479. L. 900, p. 1973. 1 Gervase, MS. 4630. 2 Widow of Francis Bosvile, of Gunthwaite, near Penistone. ROOS, OF INGMANTHORPE. Arms Azure, three water bougets or. . Roos, of Ingmanthorpe, co. York.=j= . Roos, of Ingmanthorpe.- Anthony Roos, of Hassell,=f= uncle to Robert. Robert Roos, of Ingmanthorpe, : Esq., made his uncle, Anthony Roos, his attorney 36 H. VIII. -Mary (1st wife), dau. of Sir James Strangwayes, knt . A John Roos,=j=.. da of Lasing- croft. of . Mader, of Lancashire. Peterf Roos, of Laxton. .. dau. and heir. Christopher Roos, now a blacksmith at=f=Mary. Wakefield, 1612, who, besides this evidence, brought testimony viva voce to testify thus much. George Roos. Gilbert Roos. Robert Roos, 8 years old, 1612. Of n nap. Rons. 1487 ff 486A 487. 810, fo. 17A 1180, fo. 58 b. 1187, fo. 119^. 6125, fie. 62 b, 119. * /f 6183, fo. 63A 1 Additional from H. V. copy, fo. 222b. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 57 ° ROUTHE, OF POLLINGTON. Arms Argent, a chevron sable between three lions’ heads erased gules. Crest Out of a mural crown gules, a lion s head couped argent. Christopher Routhe, of Thorp, John Routhe, of Lasenby.=f=.A dau. of.Conyers, of Sockburne. Richard Routhe, of Pollington.=f Frances, dau. of Oswalds Ricard, of Heck. Peter. JohnRouthe, 3 ofPol--Susan, dau. of Henry Lee, 4. Thomas. Frances. William. lington, livg. 1612. I of Dunscroft, co. York. Anne. _I__Jane. Richard — . dau. of . Reresby, and .. wife to .. wife to . Routhe. widow of . Maleverer. . Mude. Maleverer. John Routhe. 1487, fo. 441#. 4630, p. 505. 2118, fo. 137 A 1 Anne, MS. 4630 2 Nicholas, 4630. 3 The issue, &c., from MS. 2118. ROUTHE, OF WALESWORTHE. John Routhe, of Walesworth,=fDorothy, dau. of John Eyre, of Laughton-en-le- co. Yorke. | Morthen. |- : - I William Routhe, of Wales-=f Elizabeth, dau. of. Frances, mar ., circa 1590, worth, now living, 1612. Hardye, of Fosse. to George Stringer , of Whiston, gent. 1 I I 1 t. 2. Richard. John Routhe, set. 14, 1612. Dorothy. 1487, fo. 458^. Addl. 24,605, p. 60. 1 MS. 24,605. SALTINGSTALL, OF HUNTWICKE GRANGE. Arms :—Or, a bend between two eagles displayed sable. Saltinghall’s Creaste thus biased in my Coppie A pelicane and neck coped argent, the outside of the neck or, standing on an earl’s coronet or. Samuel Saltingstall, of Rogerthorpe,^j=Ann, dau. of John Ramsden, of co. York. I Longley. Richard Saltingstall, of Huntwick=j=Grace, dau. of Robert Kaye, of Woodsome, Grange, a° 1612. I Esq. I I Richard Saltingstall, set. 1, 1612. Rosamond. Ri. Saltingstall. 1487, fo. 451^ 4630, pp. 512, 513. 1541, fo. 36. : VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . SAVILE, OF METHLEY. John Savile, founded the chantry at Gowlecke.* =f= _ I 571 Sir John Savile, knight.^pAnn, dau. and heir of. Gowthlaker. 1 Peter Savile. =p Sir John Savile, of Savile=r=Margery, dau. of Henry Rishworth, Hall. | of Rishworth. I I ! Henry. Walter. William. Sir John Savile, of Savile Hall.=j=Isabell, dau. and heir of Thomas Eland. Sir John=j=Margaret, dau. Henry Savile,=FElizabeth, dau. and Jane, wife of Thos. Savile. of . Bar- 2nd son. heir of Symon Wortley, als. John. derston. Thornhill, I Sir John Isabella, wife of Thomas Savile, Henry; Savile, knt., mr, the dau. of Sir John Ashton. Thomas, 2nd mr. Margaret, Savile, son to y e Lord dau. of John of Cop- Darcy, s.p. Pilkington. ley. Helene, dau. and heir of Thom as Copley. Jennett. John Savile , of Copley , eldest son (see page 329)- =-^ I Thomas Savile, 2nd son.=r=Anne, dau. of . _ 1 Stansfeild. Nicholas Savile, of Newhall.=j=Margery, dau. of.Gledhill. Henry Savile. =j=Elizabeth, dau. of Robert Ramsden. r He Sir Henry : Savile, provost of Eton, 2nd son. El izabeth Savile, sole dau. and heir. =pMargaret, Jane, dau.=^ of Richd. =S i r John=j= dau. of Savile, knt., George Garth, of one of the Dacres, Morden, barons of of Ches- co. Surrey. the Ex¬ hunt. * chequer, d. 2 February, 1606. 1 I I M w Elizabeth, Mary, mar. to Mar- dau. of maduke Pearson. Th omas Margery, mar. to. Went- Clay, of Clayhouse. worth, of Jennett, mar. to Wm. Elm sail, Wilkinson. 2nd wife. Elizabeth, mar. to John Holdsworth, of Astley. Dorothy, mr. Richd .* Sproxton. Sir Henry Savile, 2nd son, of Methley, co.=j=Mary, dau. and % ... 1 •_> _Vioir T nh n York, knighted at y e king’s coronation 23 July ; made baronet by patent 29 March, 9 King James I., 1611. heir of John Dent, of London. 2. John Savile. John Savile, son and heir, aet. 2, 9 Oct., 1612. Henry Savile, 4 Octobris, 1612. 14.87 ff. 467^-469. 2118, fo. 146^. 6070, ff. 348 - 35 °- •S’^Dugdales Visitation, ^ 7 ' P 346, and the Pedi g ree at lar £ e in my Yorkshire Collection. l Golcar, MS. 2118. 2 MS. 2118. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . 57 * SAVILE, OF HALIFAX. Arms Argent, on a bend sable 3 owls of the first, a martlet for difference. William Savile, of Eland,=f.. dau. of . co. York. Rushworth. William Savile, of Halifax.y Agnes, dau. of James Simpson.’ Michael, eldest son. William Savile, 2nd son.yjennet, dau. of Jas. Foxcroft. Henry Savile, 32 years old, a 0 1612. | I W i 11 i a m=j=Margaret, dau. of. Martin, Savile, eld- Harris, of Hunting- died est son. ton, co. York. young. Samuel, a scholar at Cambridge. 3 I I Gabriel, aet. 4. Willm. Savile. William Savile, aet. 6, 1612, 1487, fo. 2353. 1 Sinlow, Dugdale. 2 From whom Savile, of Mexborough. See Dugdale s Visitation. 4630, p. 542, &c. See Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 181, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. SAYER, OF WORSALL. Non probavit arma. John Sayer, of Workesale.=j= John Sayer.=i=Margery, dau. and heir of.Conyers, of Thornaby. William Sayer.=j=.. dau. of.Fairfax, of Gilling. John Sayer.=pDorothy, dau. and heir of Wm. Aske, of Aske. — Sir Ralph Bulmer, knt. John Sayer, of =., dau. of Sir Worsall, a° Geo. Conyers, of 1612. Sockburne, knt. George Sayer. T 1 1 Thomas. William Sayer. _J Richard : Sayer. Ellinor, dau. of Busby. Dorothy. Dorothy, wife of John Errington. Lawrence, son and heir, set. 14,1612. Johannes Sayer, et Margeria, uxor ejus dederunt et concesserunt Thomse Pudsey, et aliis, omnia messuagia, terra, et tenementa in Stainton, Stainesby, Faceby, et Yarm, in com. Ebor, and y e said feoffees made over the said lands to the said John and Margery during their lives, and after their decease to the use of Thomas Sayer, Leonard Sayer, the son of the said John and Margery, his wife, for term of their lives, and after their decease to the use of the said Margery and her heirs for ever. Dated 10 H. VIII. 1487, fo. 4203. 2118, fo. 1423. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. 573 SCOTT, alias ROTHERHAM, OF BARNES HALL. Arms :—Vert, 3 bucks trippant or, a crescent for difference. Crest :—A buck’s head couped or between 2 branches vert. Thomas Scott, a/s. Rotherham, Archbishop of York, and Chan- George ,* brother to cellor of England, 76 years old, and died in May, 1500. the archbishop. Sir Thomas Rotherham, a/s. Scott. George Scott, a/s. Rotherham.=j= John Scott, a/s. Rotherham.^ Richard Scott, a/s. Rotherham, of Barnes Hall, co. York. Nicholas Scott, a/s. Rotherham.=p T Thomas Scott, a/s. Rotherham, y Isabel, dau. of.Alcock, of London. Richard Scott, a/s. Rotherham, living 1612, set. 23. Richard Scott. 1487, fo. 350A 4630, p. 555. 2118, fo, 148^. 1 MS. 4630. SCUDAMORE, OF OVERTON. Arms :—Gules, 3 stirrups or, a crescent for difference. Lewis Scudamore, of Salisbury, =j=Elizabeth, dau. of William Llewellyn, of co. Monmouth. T Newport, co. Monmouth. I Thomas, eldest son. Thos. Scudamore, of Over-=j=Mary, dau. to John Jen- Catherine, ton, co. York, 2nd son. * 1 kin, of the city of Blanche. York. Margaret. 2. John. 5. Thomas: 3. Francis. 6. Edward. 4. Hugh. 7. Richard. William Scuda- Rowland. George. Jane, set. 22. more, eldest son, Henry. Philip, o.s.p. Elizabeth. 2 ret. 21, 1612. Jenkyn. 1487, fo. 320A L 900, fo. 341 £, where also see further account. Dugdale, p. 154. 1 Died April, 1621, Dugdale. 2 2nd dau. and 12th child, MS. 900, and Visitation 161? 57 4 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. SHIERCLIFFE, OF ECCLESFIELD HALL. Arms Or, a fesse between three greyhounds’ heads erased sable, collared gules. Crest :—A falchion proper, embrued gules, hilt and pomel or, enfiled with a leopards face or. To William Shiercliffe, of Ecclesfield Hall, co. York, son of Nicholas, a« 1614, p. Richard St. George, Norroy. Thomas 1 Shiercliffe , 1 $06.=^ Agnes. Alexander Shiercliffe. of Ecclesfield Hall,=r= Asal j co. York. of Nicholas Shiercliffe, of Ecclesfield=f Margaret, dau. of.Normanton, of Hall. I Yorkshire. : Isabel, dau. of.Mountney, ' Cowley. Nicholas Shiercliffe, of Ecclesfield Hall,^Barbara, dau., and one of the heirs of Thomas co. York. I Wo mb well, of co. York. Elizabeth, wife to .Forman, of co. Lane. William Shiercliffe, of Eccles¬ field Hall, son and heir, 1614. I I I Ann, wife to James Isabel. J eromy 2 of Syver- Margaret. clyff, co. York. WlLLM. ScHYRECLYFFE. 1487, fo. 464A 1 This generation from Dugdale’s Monasticon, p. 276, Visitation 1612 H. C. 2 ? Green. H ARTHILL SILVESTER, OF GREAT DRIFFIELD. Thomas Silvester, of London.=pSamuel [sic), dau. of William Cowper, of London. Thomas Silvester, of Great Driffield,=f=Jane, dau. of Thomas Etherington, co. York. of Driffield. Thomas Silvester, aet. 7, a 0 1612. Ursula. Thomas Siluester. 1487, fo. 490^. SIMPSON, OF EDSTON. Roger Sympson, of Edston Magna. =., dau. of.Wyldon. Elizabeth (2nd wife), dau. to=Robert Simpson, of=Joane (1st wife), dau. to Alder- John Wyvill, of Osgodby. I Great Edston. I man Kellam, of York. Roger. Thomas. William. George. Richard. John. Frances. Henry Simpson, of=: Bridget, dau. to Richard Elizabeth. Edston, son and Beilby, of Micklethwaite Mary. heir, a 0 1612. Grange. Henry Sympson. 1487, fo. 372. 6070, fo. 299. See Pedigree Symson, of Ryton, page 98. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6\2. 575 SOTHEBY, OF DARRINGTON. Non probavit arma. John Sotheby, of Darrington.=f Isabel, dau, of. . Rushforth. 1 Robert Sotheby, of Darrington,=FMary, dau. of William Hall, a 0 1612. of Swillington. 1 Elinor, wife to James Midleton. 111 11 2. Michael. Thomas Sotheby, son and Bartholomew. 1 1 1 Elizabeth. Mary. 3. George. heir, eet. 21, 1612. Edward, 1 5th son. Rosamond. 1487, ff. 343<$, 4433. 1182, fo. 52. Robert Sotheby. l MS. 1487, p. 4433. Agbrigg and Morley. STRINGER, OF SHARLESTON. Arms :—Sable, three eagles displayed erminois. Crest :—A griffin’s head erased erminois, p. Richard St. George, Norroy. John Stringer, of Overthorpe.=p.. dau. of Robert Rishworth, of Croston, I and after his heir. John Stringer, of Whiston.=p.dau. of. Fenton. 2. George. Dorothy^ dau. = F ranci s=plsabel, dau.jmd co- Gertrude, wife of.... 3. Thomas. ofJohnThom- haugh, of Fen¬ ton, 2nd wife. Stringer, ofSharles- ton, livg., a 0 1612. heir of Thomas Blythe, of Dalby. Wombwell, of Elizabeth, wife of Greasborough, and George More, of Thundercliff Mary, wife of Thos. Grange. Dighton. Thomas Stringer, of Sharleston,=j=Barbara, dau. and co-heir of Cuthbert Fleming, 26 years old, 1612. I of Sharleston. John Stringer, son and heir, aet. 5, 1612. Frauncys Stringer. 1487, fo, 405. 4630, p. 588. 2118, fo. 145A See Dugdale's Visitation, p. 282. 576 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IT l6l2. STANLEY, OF WOMERSLEY. Peter Stanley, of Womersley ,=f ., widow of.Gascoigne, and heir of the manor of W>mersley. Sir Hastings Stanley, of Womersley, knighted by the=f=Elen, dau. of . Rooke, French king, a 0 1603. I of Reresby. Hastings Stanley, son and heir, set. 23, 1612. Rirse Stanley, 2nd son. Tastings Stanley. 1487, fo. 439^. STYLE, OF OWSTON. Robert Style, of Owston. = Francis Style, of Owston. = Elizabeth, dau. of. Fletcher. ' f -----' Leonard Style, of Owston, livg. 1612.— Isabel, dau. of Robert Southworth, of Wellans. r~1-1- 1 -1—1-1 1 2. Robert. John Style, son and Elizabeh. Margaret. 3. Thomas. heir, set. 22, 1612. Susan. Gertrude. Leonard Style. 1487, fo. 481^. SWIFT, OF ROTHERHAM. Arms Or, a chevron vair between three buck courant proper. 1 Robert Swift, of Rotherham. = Agnes, dau. of.Anne, of Frickley. Robert Swift, of Rotherham. = Agnes, dau. of Williim Taylor, of Sheffield. Robert —Hellen, dau. 2. William = Margaret, 2 da. Margaret, wife Anne, wife Swift, of of Hugh of Richd., son ofLyonell Rot her- Wyrrall, of of Sir Thomas Reresby. ham. Loversall. Waterton, of Walton, knt. Swift, of and heir of Bay ton, Nicholas eldest Wickersley. son. 1 3. Anne, 1 1 2. Mary, 1. Fr wife of da. and co- Richard heir, wife of Francis Jessop. Wortley. wife of Francis Leake, of co. Derby. Ursula wife), dau. of Stephen Barnham, of Lewes, co. Sussex. I ! I (2nd = Sir R)bert = Bridget (1st Anne. 1—1-r~m— II III 2. Barnham Mary. Swift. Ursula. Darcy. Anne. 18,011, fo. 168b. Swift of R o th e r- ham,knt., and of Tristrop, 1612 wife), dau. Barbara, and co-heir of Sir Fran¬ cis Has¬ tings, knt., of Hatfield. Sir Edward = Elizabeth, dau. of Mary, wife Margaret, wife to Swift, son Edward, Lord :o Robert Wm. Woode, of and heir. Sheffield. ilyther. Nabs, gent , 3 1487, fo. 358. 4630, fo. 595. 15% fo. 127. 1052, fo. 69. 1182, fo. 50. 6070, fo. 1094 1 MS. 1182 gives a different coat. 2 Widow, 1st, of Georg< Frankish, and, 2ndly, of Thomas Riccard. She married, 4thly, to.Sapcotes, of co. Hunts. 3 From MS. 1487 ; but not in Visitation 1612. 2 P TALBOT, OF THORNTON. Arms Argent, 3 lions rampant purpure. John Talbot, of Thornton-an-le-Street, a younger son, descended=f=.dau, of.. Lambert of the Talbots, of Bashall. l of Craven. John Talbot, of Thornton-in-le-Street.=i=AlIce, dan. of ... Walker, of Bedale. Anne, wife to A 11 t li 011 y Bierley. = FT Robert. Richard, j. p. Roger Tal‘=fCatherine, dau. Clare (1st wife} =FThomas TaI-=r=Elizabeth (and Richd. Talbot, Isabell, dan. of bo 1, of Thornton. J of Wm. Bate, of We s t Lathes. tiau. Of KODt, Bierley, of Pickhill. Dot, o t O ttrington, 2nd son. wife), dau. of Oswald Dent, of York. of Thornton, 4th son, 1612. 1 I I C h risto. Bierley, Robert. Thomas. m I FT 2. William. ]no. Tal- 3. Matthew, bat, of Michael. Thomas. George. Thorn¬ ton ,now Ig. 1612. Frances, dau. of jno. Cros- land, of Hemsley. Mary. Ann. Elizabeth. Clare, wife to James Greene,of Nevvsam. Geo. Brath waite, of Gawhagg, 1 co. York. I I T Anthony,;?, s. p. J ohn Tal- Jane, wife of bot, son Thomas Tate, and heir, of Huby, co. ast. 21, York. 1612. Dorothy, wife of Wm, Dey- vilhofAngram, co. York, son ofF rancis Deyvil. John Tal¬ bot, son and heir, set. 23, 1612. ~rm 2. George. Elizabeth. Ann. Winifrid. i ! John Talbot, set. 14, 1612. Charles. Mary. Jane. William Greene. Richard Talbott, for John Talbott, of Thornton-le-Street, and John Talbott, of South Otterington. M® 7 . &>• 419 ^ L. 900, fo. 427^ 21 18, fo. 152. See Dugdalc's Visitation, 236, 244, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. f Gawthey, MS. 21x8. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l3. 573 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRF, IN l6l2. SWYNBORNE, OF YORK. William Swynbo rne. = = Thomas Swynborne, of the city of York. ^ Alyson, dau. of Dobinson. Henry Swynborne, of the city of York, Esq. Commissary of the Exchequer, a 0 1612. 1487, fo. 269. ,= Ellen, dau. of Bartholomew Lant, Oxford, gent. L. 900, fo. 307 A of TENANT, OF SCOTTON. Arms •—Tohn Tennant, of Scotton, neare Richmond, beareth ermine, 2 bars sable, the ARMS • tTchaZd whh 2 bezants, the second with one, the 17th April, 1613. John Tenant, of Scotton.-j- H enry -t- Tenant. Cordell, dau. of Henry, of Gretham, in the bishoprick of Durham, son of Sir Gilbert Dethick, garter. Henry, a year old, 1613. 1487, fo. 478^. George. Edmond. Divers others. THIMBLEBY, OF SNYDALE. Aims • Ament 3 pallets sable, 4 mullets in bend of the second ; impaling, gules, a fesse argent Arms .-Argent, 3 P a “ ec 3 shove ll e rs proper, Jackson. Sir Richard Thimbleby, of Irnham, co. Linc.=j= /r^f/fT JO -“ leby ’ of Irnham 'j Ma A i Sw (: J °co.'York^a^idig^^^'^^ ^^T^ukson,'^ iar ^ eS 23, a° 1612. 2. John. 3. Martin. 4 William. John Thymelbye. 1487, fo. 4053. 4630, p. 636, Addl. i4>4°9» P* 4 3- 1 MS. 14,409. 2 Sir Andrew Billesby, MS. i 4 > 4 ° 9 - 5 8 ° VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. THORNTON, OF LANGTON. See also page 265. This Pedigree was thus set down by Robert Cooke, Clar. Matthew Thornton, of Thornton— Argent, a chevron =j= sable, a chief indented gules. Sir William Thornton, knight. Margaret, dan. of Sir Bryan Stapleton. William Thornton. =f Mary, dau. of; John Kirkby —Argent, 2 bars I gules, on a canton . a cross moline or. Sir Roger Thornton, knight.=j=Catherine, dau. to Sir Henry Redman, knight — j Gules , a chevron between 3 cushions ermine. Thomas Thornton. =p Elinor, dau. of Richard Eland— Sable, | on a bend .3 escallops or. Thomas Thornton.=p.. dau. of . Medcalfe, of Yorscote Argent , a fesse vert between 3 calves sable. Stephen Thornton.=p .dau. of John Medcalfe, of Holme House— | The same coat as above with a crescent. 2. George. Peter* Thornton, Mary, dau. of Thos. =Christopher=Flsabell, dau. of of Thornton Lutton, of Knap- Thornton, of Unorpr Brock- Rust, 1st son ton— Vert, a Langton, co. and heir. double - headed Tine., 1585* eagle displayed argent. Roger Brock- lesby, of Glent- worth. Matthew, 2 obt. Mary? Margaret? 1487, fo. 10. 1052, fo. 129^. 2118, fo. 155. l See page 265. 2 MS. 1052. THORPE, OF ALDBOROUGH. Richard Thorpe, of Aldborough.y.. dau. of.Dunn, of Thornton, co. Line. TohJ. Robert Thorpe, of Ald-=f=Isabel, dau. of Leonard Robinson, Stephen. borough. of Newtongarth. Alexander. Richard Thorpe, of Ald-=i=Mary, dau. of William Towry, borough. ot Donnington. James. John Thorpe, a year old, 1612. 1487, fo. 485. 582 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l6l2. towrye, of wistowe. Non probavit arma. r,=j=Cicely, dau. of ^ | of Wystowe. Robert Towrye, of Wystow,=r=Cicely, dau. of William Darley, *ri 1 U/vctnwp co. York. Francis Towrye, of Wystow-jMargery, dau. of Robert Atkinson, of Wystowe. _.CT ~ -TT.ii__T._wi. John Cooke, Ann (ist wife), dau Watson, of” i, dau. of John=j=William Towrye, son=j=Elizabeth, dau. of Pocklington. T and heir, a° 1612. | of Donmgton, co. York. GeorgeTowrye,=f=Elizabeth, dau. of son and heir, set. 36, a 0 1612. Robert Brooke, alderman of York. I 2. Francis Towrye, set. 16, a 0 1612. Maryan, wife of Richd. Thorpe, of Aldborough, in Holderness. _X Judith. William. John Thorpe, set. i, 1612. 1487, fo. 302. TROTTER, OF SKELTON CASTLE. Arms Argent, a chief ermine, over all a lion rampant azure. Crest A lion’s head erased argent, collared ermine. * w 4. rw and Crest to Robert Trotter, of Skelton Castle, in the liberties of Cleve- U^d P in e the North Riding fn com. Ebor., and hath noe hand thereunto, dated .6 February, 1587, 30 Eliz., under the seal of William Flower, Norroy. Robert Trotter, of Skelton Castle. ^Margaret, dau. of Thos. Pudsey. Henry Trotter, of Skelton C astle, a°~i6ia.=pCatherine, dau. of .... .. Witham, of Clifte. .. dau. 2. George. Robert, set. 5 in 1612. 1487, fo. 426. Robt. Gilpinge. TRUSLOVE, OF MAPPLETON. JnLKMo •-uimiuv, —-7 EdwardTruslove,of Mappleton,^Elizabeth, dau. Flinton, = Rmhard Lodge^ of in Holderness, now liv., 1612. | of Kingston-npon -Hull. Hull, ist nusnan Edward=j=Alice, dau. and co- Jane, wife to and wWow of ~ • 1 heir of Thos. Mayne, Jas. Wray, Truslove, Alford, and wmo of RoUeston. of Hatfield. of Sutton. Edward Truslove, 01 Sutton. Mayne Truslove, son and heir, set. 3, an. 1612. Truslove, son and heir. Lancellot Truslowe. 1487, fo. 453 - ^84 VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . VAUGHAN, OF THORPE. Arms :-Or, three lions’ heads erased gules within a bordure azure bezantfe. Crest :_On a torce, a lion rampant regardant or, gutt6e de sang, collared ... Edward ap Rice.=j= Richard ap Edward =pElinor, dau. of Richard. I Margaret, wife to Hugh Griffith, of Dollothoran, co. Mont¬ gomery. Sir Richd. Vaughan, = Catherine, late of Byland, and dau. and now of Thorpe, co. York, knt., 1612, mar. Margery, d. of.Carlile. = A heir of William Gilbert, 0. s. p. Joane, wife Jane, wife of of John ap JohnapOwer, Hugh, of Trentnaw, co. Mont¬ gomery. 7 of Lantrawen, co. Mont¬ gomery. David. Tane, wife of Alice, wife of Wm. Thomas. John Wynn, Harris, of For- Edward. ofLangonnio. den, co. Mont- Richard. 2. Gwenn. gomery. Catharine, wife of Owen ap Davy de Fran- goniao.=j= ITTT7 Owen. Richard. Edward. Elizabeth. Gwen. Elizabeth,=j=Morgan Hugh, of 2nd dau. | Llanrayer. 1 f Edward. Martyn. Edward. John. John Humby, servant to Sir Richard Vaughan. 1487, fo. 423^. WADESON, OF YAFFORTH. Arms Gules, a chevron argent between three eagles displayed erminois. Crest On a torce, out of a ducal coronet gules, a demi eagle displayed erminois. Geoffrey Wadeson, of Yafforth, co. York.=Ann, dau of.Holmes. I I 2. John. 3. Richard. Robert Wadeson, of Yafforth,=Ellen, dau. of a 0 1612. | Phillips. I i Ann. Margaret. 3. Ann, mar. John Wadeson, son =.. dau. of...... 1. I JJ ar ’ ? onri Hmr npt_ 0/1 Sturdy. of Ycif- 2. Eliz&bctli, wi and heir, set. 23, 1612. Sturdy, of Yaf- 2. Elizabeth, wife to Win. forth. Lascelles. Robert, half-a-year old, 1612. Ellen, set. 2, 1612. T .T WT a nrCAM 1487, fo. 454. WARTON, OF BEVERLEY. cc The additions to this Pedigree in italics are from MS. 18,011. Arms :— Or, on a chevron azure a martlet between 2 pheons on Crest :— On a torce, or and azure* a squirrel! on an oak stump erased proper, collared or* holding a nut of y® last. Christopher Warton , of Warton, Esq., son of John, oh, 6 E. IV.=f=Mary, dan. of William Lancaster , Esq. 3. Thomas. John Warton, of Warton, son and -t Mary, dan. of Sir John Pickering , Robert Warton , 4. Christopher. heir of Christopher, 4 Henry VI /. knight. 2nd son. = I I 1 Thomas. Lawrence Warton, of Beverley,= fA gnes Radley, of Yarborough, Robert. co. York, 14 Henry VIII I ™ TWnln T co. Lincoln. Michael Warton, son and heir,=f=Joane, dau, of John Portington, of Portington.-j-Ralph Rokeby (2nd husband). 12 years old , 14 H. VIII. | co. York. 1 -—--1 ryr-1 4. Henry Warton. 2. Edward Warton, 5. Christopher. mar. Ann, eldest 3. Laurence, mar. dau. and heir of , dau, of . James Wetherall, T 1 Sir Michael=f=Elizabeth, 3rd Anne, mar. to Faith, wife of Rose, and Cotton. —|— of Kelfield, =F Warton, of Beverley* eldest son. dau. and co¬ heir of Ralph Hansby, of Beverley. Peter Lang- dale, of San- ton. =p Thomas Elizabeth, s. p. Pudsey* of Stapleion- on-Tees , =j= Ann, wife of Sir John Hotham, knight. i I Lawrence. John. I—TH- i 1 I Edward. Henry. Michael. r Muriel, or Ever ill. ~n I i i I II Michael Warton, Sir Marmaduke— ., dau. of Ralph Pudsey. Margaret, son and heir* Langdale, son Sir . Cuthbert. Faith. mt. 19, 1612. & heir of Peter. Rodes. I I I Charles Hotham, William. Durant. Mich a ell Warton. 10,011, fo. 63b. 14S7, fo, 66b. 14^0, fo. 44b. VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE IN l 6 l 2 . 58 7 Dickering. WARTER, OF WANSWORTH. Henry War ter. = John Warter, son and heir. 2. William Warter, of Nafferton,= I I I I Four daughters and co-heirs. 2. Gilbert Warter, of=Alice, dau. of Thomas Richard, eldest Hutton Cranswick, co. York. Harrison, of Settring- ton, co. York. son, 0. s. p. 2. Thomas. Eliiabeth, wife of W11 lia m=Elizabeth dau. of Amie,' wife of 3. Gilbert. 4. John. 2. Joshua. 3. William. Hugh Bradley, of Warter, Line. of Wans- Margaret, wife of worth, liv. Francis Brigham. 1612. Leonard Vava- James Aislaby, sor, 2nd bro. of Dalton, to Sir Wm. Vava- Alice, wife of Wm. sor, of Hasle- Appleyard, of wood. Line. TT I TheodoreWarter,=Margaret, dau. of Mary wife of Wm lane son and heir, | John Coates, of Wilberfoss, of Elizabeth. Bu heir, I -- get. 32, 1612. I Butterwick. Richard, aet. 5, 1612. Brigham. Anne. Willm. Warter. 1487, fo. 491. 2118, fo. 163^. WASHINGTON, OF ADWICK. Arms -.—Argent, two bars and in chief three mullets gules, a crescent for difference. 1 Richard Washington.=ry concubine, postea had a concubine,? nupta John named Jane Carrick. j Wright. Eli zabeth, mar. to. Lofthus, of Skewsby. 1. Roger, 0. s. p. 2. Walter de la River, mr. Catherine, dau. of Sir Edward Gower, knt. 3. John .l -John Wright, mar. Alice Leek. Elizabeth, wife of Peter Frothing- ham, of Froth- ingham. Joane, 1st Jane, wife to mar. to. Roger Cholm- deinde Thompson, superstites, 1588, renupt .Cockle. 1. Thomasin, mar., 1st, to Ninian Tan- cred,2,toRich. Cholmley. 2. Eleanor,wife to Edmond Colther, of co. Somerset. 1571, fo. 197. I Visitation, 1564. ley, cujus jure idem Ro- gerus habuit Brandsby ex dono Thom© de la River. 3. Elizabeth, wife to Francis Thynn, of E r i t h, Kent. n co. Wright,=.. dau. of .Dutton, sister of Richard, 1st wife. John mar. to his 2nd wife, Alice, dau. of Roger Cholm¬ ley, of Brands¬ by. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 602 ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. CARR. Arms :—Gules, on a chevron argent 3 estoiles sible. .Carr. = _j Sir Tohn Carr, knight, 1st son. 2. James Carr. =. , aster to Robert, 1st Lord J ___ 1 Ogle. Emery Carr. = Jane, daughter of Thomas Midhope, Esq. Christopher Carr, =. dau. of William Margaret, wife of John Lamb, of 1st son. I Malham, of Elslake, WinterweL Hall, in Skipton. I co. York. Emery Carr, son and heir. = Isabel, daughter of .Holt, of co. Lane. 1487, fo. 357A L 900, fo. 405. COOPER, OF RISGARTH. ^ RM s •—Azure, a pale engrailed erminois between two wolves (qy. leraldic tigers) ramp. or. Crest Out of a mural coronet gu. a demi heraldic tiger ramp, trminois, langued sable. Hector Cooper, of Risgarth, in Walkington, in Howdenshire, 24 Sept., a 0 1612—p. Richard St. George, Noiroy . 1487, fo. 499. DEYVLL, OF CUCKWOLD. George Deyvll, of Cuckwold. =rMargaret, dau. and heir of Sir John Colvile, 1 son of Sir John, son of Thomas. T , dau. of .Conyers, 2nd son of = George Deyvll, =fMargaret, dau. of Thos. . Conyers, of Sockburne, 2nd wife. of Cuckwold. Foyther. .. dau. of Leonard Con¬ yers, of Byland, 1st wife. =John Deyvll.=Alice, dau. of Sir Henry George Deyvll, Oughtred, of Kexby, see page 215. 2nd wife. Robert Deyvll. =fCatherine, dau. of Sir Roger Lassells, T of Brakenbury. Henry Deyvll, of Whitby. Roger =pAnn, dau. of Jno. Robert. Robert, s.p. Rowland, Elizabeth, wife of Deyvll Collier, of Banke. Richard. George. Wilrid. Tames Chester. r -p ‘T James Chester, of Morton. Francis. Richard. Thomasin. 1571 , ff. 95 ^, 232. Catherine. ■ " f : : ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 6oJ ELAND, OF CARLINGHOW. __r >ir John E.and, of Eland and Tankersley.= Sir Thomas Eland,- son and heir. Robert, fil. nat., was of Carlinghowe,^Elizabeth, dan. of . 1 r — w.. +v.a mft /-»f Viic JohnFitz-Eustace parish of Batley, by the gift of his father. ."-sMsr Sir Robert, son a.nd heir.-r- T 2. Thomas 3. John. Robert, son and heir- Thomas, son and heir.-p J , . "Nicholas Eland, 2. Robert, son-plsabel, dau. of Richard Robert, d. s. p. * sp ’ and heir. I Burdett, Esq. •Ksstr ^s^wtstss.. k !* s ~ 3! Sard, f hos! Hilton, of Carling- J of Brafton, 1 how. co. Line. Nevile, of Masham, wife to Peter a younger son out of Markham. the house of Raby.‘‘ \ I T I I 3. Avery. son and heir. Jane. 1571, fo. 220*. I0S2, ff- 59*. 6o - l Broughton, MS. 1052. 2 MS. 1052. IX ELAND, OF CARLETON, JUXTA SNAITH. Arms Quarterly. i. Gules, a bars between 9 martlets argent, 3, 3 and 3, Eland. 2. Argent, on a bend gules 3 escallops or, Tankersley. 3. Ermine, a saltire gules charged with a crescent or, Scargill. 4. Argent, a chevron sable between 3 falcons' heads erased of the and, beaked gules, Snaith. 5. Per chevron argent and gules, a crescent countercharged. Chapman. 6 . Ermine, 3 lions passant regardant gules. Crest :—On a torce an arrow argent, point downwards. Sir Richard Tankcrsley, als. Dankersley, of co. York. = Sara, daiL of John Thornhill, knt. Sir Hugh de Eland, — Joane, sister and co Henry, died of Eland,.knt. I heir, wife to. sans issue. Alice, sister and co~heir, mar. to Richard Tyas. Henry de Snayth, bro.= and heir of Robert. I Richard, . dan. of Roberta Sir John—Alice, dau. of. Margaret, w. to T ’ J — — :jr -™ J Ratcliff, of OrdsalL T Latham (1st wife), Eland, o _ to John Lacy and ', zndiy, to Thos. Thornhill. 1 John Scargill, of = Margaret, dau. and heir Richmondshire. | of Henry Snayth. Robert Eland, of Carlinghow, natural son. Margaret, wf, to Jno, Etton, Thomas Eland, =Joane, the wid. John Eland, =Avalyne, dau. Hugh, 2nd Thos. Eland, Isabell, mar. to WiUiam of Eland and of Robt. Con- 3 id son. nf Ratsbv ‘ Mirfield. of Eland and Tankcrsley. of Robt, Con¬ yers. and heir to her mother. son, sans issue. of Ratsby, co. Line, Isabel, dau. and heir. =Sir John Savlle, of Kavile Hall, 1 William Eland, son and heir=Alice, dau. and heir of John Chapman, of John, t a 6 h. I Carleton. in Yorkshire. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES, A 1 4* Joane, mar. r n 2. Agnes. 3. Margaret. Ann. dau. of.Barkeston,=]ohn Eland. of=Margaret, andwite, oau. 01 -....■■. of Barkeston, co. York Carleton, died Nicholas Te^est of Dmx co^ ork ist wife 1320. Brace well and Bolling. (ist husband). ! Ann. wife to .... Sainter, of Haddlesey. 1. Bryan, sans iss. a.William Eland, ofCarl-=Elizabeth, dau. 4 ,Robert Eland ofCark--..., da. of ^ydje- 3. Edward, a priest. ton, 18 H. VIII. i of..-Dowtye. ton, youngest son. | ton, ot Carleton. Thomas =Elene,dau. Robert,=Aim, da. of Anne’ wife to Thomas Alice, mar. to John Eland, of= Margaret, = John Bee, of W akefield, of Pom fret. Agnes, wife to Geo. Layton, of Barrow- by, co. York. Anthony Roos of Lover sail, in Yorks. Carleton, 6 E. VL; died last of Philip and Mary. dau. and heir of Richard Taylor. Kingston- upon-Hull (2nd hus¬ band). Eland, ist son. of. Clarke, of Bedale, and son. Nicholas Fisher, of Coats, co. York. Anne, wife to Jno. KidaU, of Femby, co. Line. Alice, wife of Robt. Found, of Redness, co. York, yeoman. Elizabeth, wife to Richard Dighton, of Roeliffe, co. York. Bryan Eland, = Frances, dau. and of Carleton, a 0 1598. heir of Francis Calcroft of Cal- croft,co. Derby. Margaret Bee, da. and heir, mar. to John Dighton, son and hei r of J no. Dighton, of Stayncliffe, Margaret, da. and heir, mr. to William Rawden, of Calverley. I i Bryan. Ehza- Stephen. beth. Robert. T I I 2. John. 3. Francis. 4, William. Margaret. Bryan Elian d, of Carleton and =Margaret, dau. of Thos. Reresby, Calk well, 2 son and heir. I of Thribergb. Alice, 2nd dau. John. f J William. Bryan. I Visitation, 1564. 1 John, died a child. 1571, fo. 220. S Query if Gowkewell, co. Lincoln* Anne. Katherine. 6o6 ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. . .h ) ELAND, OF ELAND, In the "Wapentake of Agbrigg and Morley. Beares barry of 6 pieces argent and gules, 6 martlets or, 3, 2 and 1. Leisingus, of Eland, as appears by deeds without date.- Henry. = Sir Hugh, of Eland, lent., son and heir of Henry, as appears by deeds sans dates. - Sir John, of Eland, knt., son and heir, lived circa 30 K. H. III.- Ilice, dau.=Sir John, of Eland, lmt.,=Anne, dau.=01iva,i Richard _ r c : « nnri v»oir i/morht nf n f M r. q r d William of Sir Robert Latham, knt. (1st wife). son and heir, knight of of Mr. the shire for Yorkshire R e y gate, with Sir W. Gramarie, j. p. knt., 14&15 K.E.III. 3rd William, constable of the wife. castle of Nottingham when earl Mortimer was taken there. Margerie, mar. to John _ Lacy, Esq. John. Thomas Eland, = Hugh. of Eland, 2nd * 1 son and heir. Margerie. Robert = Alice, dau. of James, - ’ " Eland. F,t *- dv - Isabell. Dionisia. Mr. Fitz- Eustace. d.y. Isabel, mr. to Sir Katherine, Thomas* Eland, TNew^ ° f " John Savile, knt. d. unmr. son and heir. SerfF ,3 of Newaye. Robert* Eland, son and heir, rejoane, 6 dau. of Mr. Robert Holme, of Beverley. Robert* Eland, son and heir-.Rosamund, dau. of Humphrey Littleburye, of Ketton,, 1 co. Line. Marmaduke Eland, of Car-=Cecily, dau. of Mr. Butler, of linghowe, in Batley. I Hertfordshire. Elizabeth , dau., mar. to Mr. Thos. Norclifte. William. Giles. ii, Marmaduke. Francis. Isabell, mar. to Mr. Bartholomew Washington. 4630, p. 149- Anne, mar. to Mr. William Willesbye. Margaret, mar. to Mr. Win. Cooke. 1 Daughter of .... Radciiffe, of the Tower, t »o, and in Tonge’s Y^t^n a Robert^MS. ^ 2 ^' irS in Tonge ^Visitabon. 5 ^7 S2U in Holland, L. 9 ~. EURE, OF EASBY, INGLEBY, MALTON, kc., YORKSHIRE, AND OF WHITTON, Co. DURHAM. See also Pedigree on page 205. Arms Quarterly, or and gules, on a bend sable 3 escallops argent. Ivon. Vis-=Emma,dau.;of Geoffrey, Count of (or Geffrey) Tyson, aSaxon. at Conqast; ras lord *=*«£££ Cotentin. Nor man- HastinSsr fighting under the Anglo-Saxon banner— Vert, 3 Items rampant iea. count of j Britany, by Hedwige, dau. of Bridlington, Watton, Maiton, and Alnwick^ He fell at the battle of dv^and sist?r Uk of° Alan IIP, argent’ two and %ne, collared or, with chains of the last fixed to the collar. Count of Britany. pendent over the lions between the legs and terminating in rings. Ilbert deLaci, to whom K. Willm. gave the castle and town of Broken- bridge (Pon¬ tefract), co. York, &c. — (Or,aIion rampant purpart ), Wlofaith vet Wol- frid, lord ofHatton, and ances¬ tor of the H a ttons, ofHatton, co. Ches¬ ter, 1 l Odarde,an- tester of the Dut¬ tons, of Dutton, co. Ches¬ ter. Waltheof, ancestor of the barons of Stockport. M H o oswyne vet Hors- wine, lord of Shrig- 1 e y\ a priest. W a 1 mere, ancestor of the lords of Hasel- wall. Nigel, premier baron of the palatinate of Chester, cousin and marshall to Hugh de Abrincis, upon whom William the Con- querer conferred the palatinate. To hold "ita liber6 ad gladium sicut ipse rex tenebat Angliam ad coronam." Nigel was also (in recompense for his bold and daring exploits) created constable of Chester, then an officer of high rank, to whom was committed the command of all the soldiers, with the charge of the horses, armour, and other munitions in time of war. = 5 Eustace deBurgh, a noble Norman — Quar¬ terly, or and g«Us.= ii x, Robert de Lad, to whom K, W. Rufus confirmed the lands held by Ilbert, his father. — I A 2. Hugh de Lad, .... dau. and='Willi am fitz Nigel, baron of Serlo de Burgh, co-heir of Yarfri d, baron of Widness. Halton, constable of Ches¬ ter, lord of Flamborough, founder of the Abbey of Norton, died 1134. temp. William the Conqueror, erected the castle of Knares- borough, 0. s.p. William Tyson, lord of Aln¬ wick, co. Nor- thumb., and of Maiton, co. York —Or, a cross sable . I I 2. Richard. 1. Agnes, ma. to Gil- bert de Gaunt, nephew to the Con¬ queror— Barry of six pieces or and azure.over all a bend gules. John Mono- culus, lord of Kn ar e s - borough, heir to his brother. = Ivo de Vesci, l0rd=i=A 1 d a - of Alnwick, co. Northumb., and of Maiton, co. York, j.u. — Or, a cross sable . h T y son, only da. andheir. 9 additional pedigrees. 1 Ilbert de Laci, baron of Pon- tefract, he fought for K- Stephen at the battle of the Standard (3 K. S.), mar. Ali¬ cia, dau. of Gil¬ bert de Gant, 0. s. f. —T“ Henry de Lack J U L Albreda deLaci, sister and ulti¬ mately heir of Ilbert de Laci, vide fine 5 K* Rich., married Robert de Lisours — Or, a chief azure. - 1—r—r “ Roger, o. s.p. William fit z Ni¬ gel, constable of Chester , 3rd baron of Hal- ton, o.s.p. in Normandy. Matilda, sister and co-heir to her brother. iSe, sister ^Eustace fitz Jota^-of ‘ he ““hT'hIT co-heir to her brother William fitz Nigel, mar., sndly, Albert de Gresley, baron of Manchester, who d. 1185— Gules, 3 ten diets en¬ hanced or. among the northern barons, temp. H. L He founded the Abbey of Alnwick, co. Northumb , and of Watton and Malton, co. York. He held the Castle of Malton against K. Stephen in 110,7 and commanded a division of the Scotch Armv against him at the battle ofthe Standard in the following year, and so forfeited all his lands ; but the same (except Knaresbro ) were restored to him by K. H. II. He was slain in the wars against the Welsh in 1157. (1st wf.), only da. and heir. Robert de Laci, 0. s . p. 1193. SirWffliam fUz-God-=f A 1 b r e d a de= Richard fit* Eustace, only oirwuiutuixii.™ _ the honours ric surnaiued Clair- fait, knt., lord of Emley and Sprot- borough, co. York, temp. H. IL, living 1184. Lisours, dau. and heir, vide fine 5 KL, Rich. A a quo Earl Fitzwilliam. son, inherited the honours of his mother, and became 5th baron of Halton and constable of Chester . He paid 25 marks for his mar¬ riage—Pipe Roll, 31H. L , ob. 1178. William Fitz Eustace,^ Burg^ daughter of Jeffrey. Lord de Vesci, as heir of his mother, sheriff of Northumb., 3 to 1.5 H. 11., and subsequently of Lancsh., he was taken prisoner at the battle of Alnwick, in ri 74 * died 1180/4. Robert Estoute- "Elizabeth, ville, lord of Maud. Knaresboro’ and baron of Cottingham. She had as her marriage portion the town of Langton— Barry of 12 or and gules, over all a lion rampant sable. John de Lacy, he suc-=A 1 ice, J 1. j .. 1 _tVia nail ra J ceeded also to the baronies of Halton and Pontefract, with the constableship of Chester, he w as also lord of Flamborough. He was slain at Tyre, in the Holy Land, on the 5th of the Ides of October, 1183. ~i—r . , Robert fitz Rich¬ ard, the hospital¬ ler, s. p. Mary, ma. to Ro¬ bert Aldeforde— Gules, a cross « v , moline or. sister of Aubrey, mar. to William Henry Basset— deMan- Azure bezantee. deviiie. —^ dau. of Aubrey deVere, 1st Earl of Ox¬ ford, Roger fi t z=Adeliza,da. Richard, baron of Warkworth, co. Nor- thumb., by gift of Hen. II , added a bend sable to his arms. Eustace, lord de Vesci and Aln¬ wick, mar. Mar¬ garet, base dau. of William the Lion, K. of Scot¬ land. He was slain by a shot from a cross-bow is [line, 1216, at Barnard Castle. His issue became extinct in 1295- = x andco-heir of Hy. de Essex, by Adeliza de Vere, sister of Aubrey, 1st Earl of Oxford. XT -tth 2. William, lord of Joanna. . Matilda, knapton, ob. 31 H. II.,1186, s. p , Cecilia. 3, Warinus, lord of= Matilda, dau. Knapton, by gift of his brother— Gules ; a cross fatonce ar¬ gent, a label of three points for difference. of Waldron de Wellom. —Lozengy or and azure, a bend gules bezantee. Roger de Lacy, con-=Matilda, stable of Chester, lord dau. of of Hal ton and Pon te- Richard fract,who gave to his Clare, brother, Robert, the Earl of lordship of Flam- Glouces- borough,participated ter, 3rd in the achievements Earl of of the lion-hearted C lare . Richard at Acre, She died 1192. A 1213. a quo Lacy, Earl of Lincoln. Robert de Lacy, or Constable, who ob¬ tained from his elder brother, Roger, a grant of the lordship of Flamburgh, mar, Agnes.. a quo Constable, of Flamborough, Ever- ingham, Wassand* &c,* Sue. Johanna de Lacy, wife of Peter de Bros. Robert Fitz Roger . 2nd baron: of Wark worth, lord of Clavering, co. Essex, by gift of Henry II. On 16 April, 1191. K. Richard I. granted him the manor of Eure, co. Bucks* ambassador to Scotland, 1209, founded the priory of Langley, co. Norfolk, 16 K. John (1215), and died shortly afterwards. Margaret, only dau. and sole heir of William , son of Robt. Fitz waiter, by ISibilla* dau. and heir of William de Cayneto, or Cheney, of co. N orfollc, an d widow of H1 igh de Cressey. She survived her 2nd husband —Gules * a fesse ermine between two chevronels or y Fitswalter. Cheeky or and azure, a fesse gules 3 f retty argent, Chen ey. John Fitz Robert, 3rd baron of Warlf-=Ada* dau. of Hugh, grandson of Bernard de Baliol— Argent, Gilbert de Aton, son of—M a r g e r y * worth. In 2 Henry III. he obtained a charter for a fair in his (j.u.) manor of Stokesley, to be held yearly on the festival (29th Dec.) of St. Thomas the Martyr (a Beckett). Sheriff of Nor- thumber., 1224 to 1227. Ob. 1240. ■te gules. She was sister to John de Baliol, the founder {1263) of Baliol College, Oxford, and aunt to John de Baliol* King of Scotland. By Inq. p. m. 35 Henry III., she en¬ feoffed her sons Hugh and Robert with the manor of Stokesley, which was given to her by her father. She died on Saturday before St. James' day, July* 1251. William, and grand¬ son ofGilbert deAton, lord of Aton in Picker¬ ing Lythe, ob. 19 H. III., 1235 —Barry of 6 or and azure. RogerFitzJohn, 4th baron of W a r k w orth and Clavering and Eure. — „ * a quo Barons Clavering, &c. 3 Sir Hugh de Eure, knt.* seated at Eure, co. Bucks, temp. — .* dau. Sir Robert de^fsabella, dau. or Marjory, de Vesci, only da. and heir, she sur¬ vived her husband. Hen, III. to whom K. Ed. I,* by charter in the 19th year of his reign (1290)* confirmed Stokesley and Ingoldby. He died 23 Ed. I., 1295. Added , as generally alleged, three escallops to the tend. In Baliol College , Oxford * however, exists his seal attacked to a deed in which he is party as executor of John de Bat Ho l, who founded the colleges ; and there the bend is without escallops. of Roger Eure, knt., and co-hctr Bertram, added three of Roger de baren of fleurs-de-lis Merlaco, Mitford— to ike bend, baron of Or^anorle Morpeth. azure. a 77/0 Eure, of Belton and ’Washingborough, co. Line. William de= Aton, lord of Aton. He added a can¬ ton ; gules, a cross pa tonce argent. dc y' : 'V ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. _ _ . f, ; ■•> i n -- Pd ward I. be obtained a gram, ui « I ISrsSfssassSwfflsK ggSr Srni-d _ „...., ham , 27 May , i37 3 » to be buried in the church of the preaching friars, at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. E/UWaiU it- i mar.i+Edw. III. (1340). and died, Saturday, 4th | week of Lent, 1367/8. Inq. p. m. this period, uui wuu«>« lands were conveyed to Dno I obi de Eure, militi, et Thome, fil. ejus (. a Thomas de Eure succeeded John de Appleby as Dean of St. Paul s m 1389). Robert de Eure, eldest son and heir, set. 26, and upwards, at Inq. p m. patris, 1369, living 11 Richard II. (138^}. but died s. p. sTTiohn de Eure, knt,, among=Isabdla^-ofRobt., ^the°princfpal warriors of his i I^rdChfford ^. time He died 22 Feb., 1393, I 35 E. lit., H3°H being then constable of Dover I —Cheeky or a Castle and lord steward of the 1 azure , a / king's house. I - Ralph Eure, (1378), had issue Ralph and Mar¬ garet, both living 1378- Sir "Gilbert de Atom knt, found heir to Wm. Lord Vesci, 9 E. II., then set, 26.11 E. II. had livery of his lands, of which Malton was part. Sum,to LordVesci, 17 E. II. till 16 E, IIL, will dated at Wintringham, 10 April, 1350-- - : - I J S*irW illiamde = I sabella, dau. Aton, knt.,1 of Henry, sum. to Pari. I 2nd Lord as Lord) Percy—Or, Vesei, 43/4/6 I a lion ram- E. IH, l pant azure. Gilbert. William, ob. inf. Isabel(istwife), dau. and eventually co¬ heir of SirAdomar de Athol, lord of Felton, brother of David de Athol - Argent , ih/cc lets sable, on centre pallet a Hon pas¬ sant or. _o? r ^Th^[eEure!knt!^herifl>fNorthumb., 13 and 21 ~ R II and governor of the Castle of Newcastle-upon- ?™e'sheriff of Yorksh., and constable of York Castle, t'&’iqR II. In 1410 he had licence from Langley, bishop of Durham, to fortify his castle at Witten In rierht of his 2nd wife, be had most of Malton an BouaHtrm Spittle. He was a witness in the Scrope am Grosvenor controversy, and then et. & y --^ Sep.: 1422, before the Bishop of Durham, at Stockton. 4 i Supposcdto have been of the family of Lumle}, •Catherine (2nd wife), 2nd dau .and co-heir— Barry of six or aiid azure, on a canton gules a rma patonce ar - or Heron. 1. Anastasia, eldest dau, and co-heir, ma. to Sir Edward de St, John, knt, 3. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir, mar., ist, to William Place (of Halnaby), and. 2dly, to Sir John Conyers, of Sockburne, knt. Sir John=Margaret (? W i 1 - . liam) — Barry deAton, of six, knt., over all o.s,p,v.p. a bend. 1380. I B Ralph and John, uutu o.v.p. M argaret de Eure, wife to sir jutiu Pudsey, knt., lord of Bolton, he was killed at the battle of Rauge, inFrance, in 14s 1. Her will dated 25 Dec., 1444, and proved at York, 7 jan. following \ to be buried at Bever¬ ley. Sir William Eure, = Matilda, dau. of knt., set. 26, iq I Hen. Lord Fitz- H. V. 1422, mar. In 141. .1, when un¬ der age, licence dated 25 fan., 1410/n. Sheriff of Yorksh. , 1445. He was at the battle of Agin- court in the re¬ tinue of LordFitz Hugh, d. before 12 Feb., 1466/7, bd. in the chan¬ cel of Malton Abbey. as Eure (1471), ma, Margaret, dau. of Danby, of ..., will dated 20 Feb. 1474, and proved at York, 24 of same month. hugh, of Ravens- vruilli, w, Vuik. Her will dated 12 Feb., 1466/7, and proved at York, 30 May follow¬ ing, to be buried in MaltonAbbey, near her h usband IV. = — A sure, three p— 1 chevronels em~ R o b e r t braced in base or, Etire^ma. a chief of the . of last. Leicester. x- Isabella, ob, inf. 2. Catherine,mar.toSirAlexanderNevill, knt., of Thornton Bridge, co. Pal. His -yrtll dated oti Nfwhtiolitiao day, 30 Hon. VL, to be buried in the church of St. Mary Bishopbill, Senior, York, and proved 25June, 1437. Richd. Percy, son of theEariof|Northumberland, adm. to the effects of Catherine, 31 Aug., 1459. 21 Edward 3. Isabella, mar., 1st, to Sir Wm. Clax- Robert 1 de Eure, mar, Elizabeth, vlci.11. and heirofR... Mallory, and died circa 14S0. Inq. p. m. 6. Robert Eure( 1471), mar.. .,dau.ofRobt. Tempest, of.— Margaret. Thomas. Janies. William. 11 1 William, died s.p. Ralph. Elizabeth, mar. Sir J amesStrangway es. 1. Elizabeth, mar. to Sir John Hotham, knt. 2. Margery, mar. at Wilton, Castle, 12 Dec,, 1432 (dispensation dated 10 June, 1432), to Christopher (after Sir Christopher), son of Robert Conyers, of Sock- burne. He died 13 March, 1487. =-< 4. Joanna, mar, (mar, sett. 10 Oct. 3 Bishop Skirlavv), 1st, to Sir Thomoc Stirtaac nf Dinsdale, co. Durh am, knt.,who d.atYork T i2 April, 1435, and was bd. in St. Nicholas’, Walmgate, w. d. 12 April, 1435, and p. at York 19API. Inq.p.m. 23 April, 29 Bishop Langley. Hiswid. re- mar. Sir W. Hilton,kt. 5. Margaret, or Mar- gen', mar, to Peter Buckton, Esq. 3. Isabella ob.inf. 6. Joanna (1466/7), mar,, rst, to Sir 4. Isabella, mar. Robt. Ogle, knt. On 13 Aug., 1467, an oratory was granted to Dame fane Ogle and Henry Eure {her brother ), within the diocese of York. She mar. # andly, at Beverley, 15 Oct., 1472 (dis¬ pensation dated 1 July, 1472), to John (after Sir John) Pennington, of Muncaster. He died 3 May, 1512. She died at Muncaster, 13 Oct. 1507. ton, knt., lord of Claxton, co. Pal., he was set. 40 in 1421. His will proved 31 May, 1430. She was Ig. a wid. 29 May, 9 H. VI. (1431), and mar., andly, to Sir John Conyers, knt,, of Ormesby, in Cleveland. His will dated 2 June, r438, proved at York, 14 July following. John Langton, Esq., of Fam- ley. 2 3. Catherine, mar. to Sir Robert Gugh- tred, of Kexby, knt. 1 On 54 July, 1468, George Strangwayes, AM. was instituted to the rectory of Bulmeron the presentation of Robert Eure, Esq,, of Bradley, co. Durham, and Robert Eure, his son and heir, feoffees of Sir William Bulmer, knt,, Reg '. Neville, iot£. Sir William Butmer, knt,, son of Sir Ralph, married Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Robert Eure, of Bradley. Tongs Visitation . 2 It is presumed that this John is identical with John Langton, o.v.p. (whose will is dated 4 December, 1452, and whose dau. and heir Agues married to Sir James Danby, of Thorp Perrow, and of Famley, j. w.), and grandson of Sir John Langton, of Farnley, by his wife Euphemia. I A _ Sir Ralph Eure r knt. , == E1 e a n o n * ■ti n i rtuTii I Tnnn I" killed at Tow ton Field, on PalmSun- dav, 9 March, 12 Edward IV. (1461) —A sh ield of h is arms impaling Grey stock, was in a window of Lin¬ colns Inn Old Hall. dau. of 2. Henry Eure. =Catherme_Dan- _ Rob ert Laj 3 ^^™ JjanJ'w/S; St. iron of (1466/7) of Old by, I L e il e hv and MaiVsI^Bootham, York,' 20 Vnrb John, baron of (1466/7) of Old Grevstock, living Malton. (£na 1468— Barry of husband). Has 6 argent and will dated there azure, over all 17 Oct., T476, 3 chaplets of 4 provedatYork, roses each t 2 and 5 ^ ec - « r 477> 1 ,ppr. buried at r Malton. Perrow (? dau. of Sir Robert D an b y of Thorp Perrow), licence for her rst mar. dated 9 Sept., 1456- Margery. Margar^SirdL Eure,=Con stance Ralph Eu^ ^da^ed bis da.of st the old ” Sir Rbt. Con¬ stable, of Flambo- rough, knt. Yorkshire in 1483, 1 Rich. III. Dispens ati on for his 2nd mar. (which had al¬ ready taken place) dated 3 July, 1497- being twice related in the 3rd degree. Henry Percy, of Bulmer, knt. Bamboro’, H enry andJ ohn >twins f knt., base both died young, son Sir Robert Eure, Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusa- lem. m itsi m iitaisl - a Au rt beSrl March, 148*. buried in York Minster, lowing. 4 - Joh n Eure, i 47 r - ^ Anna, mar. to Sir Thomas Rokeby, knt. he fought at the battle of of Bramham Moor, in 1408, High Sheriff of Yorks., 8 Hen. IV. Mary, wife of ..Hilton, 1483. JU11C lUJJtmiu&p-" . t if! f leaves church of Hutton BushelL r^nKiipr 'kindstoSirRalph Hugh Eure LL D instituted rector JohnEU ^ ofHuggate, Vd«,.iA of Brompton, in Pickering Lythe, 2 July, 1506, on the resignation of William Eure, and the presenta¬ tion of St. Mary's Abbey, York, will dated 7 March, i 5 «/ 3 » and proved at York, 16 April following. her, of EUerker. Margery, a nun at Watton, of SirHughHastings, knt., of Fenwick, co. York, and Ann Gas¬ coigne, licence for mar. in the chapel, within the Manor of Fenwipk, 18 Jan,, 1481/2. knt., sheriff of Northumb., in 1504, and of York stun 1506 and 1510. He died22 Apr., 31 Henry VIII., 1540. Inq.p.m. dau, of(?Robt.j Constable, of Dromonby, in Cleveland, licence for her and marriage dated 18 Jan., 1515/ 16 ' :*75rs»3®2* -Ha's J tr' E B'L , =S Bigod, knt (1st hus¬ band). ley, co. Durham, William Eure, clerk, vicar of Leeds, insti¬ tuted 9 Aug., 1508. Agnes, died unmar. Anna, died young. Margery, a nun. Elizabeth, died unmar. Anna, dau. and c o-h e i r of Wm. Borough, of Borough, near Catterick Bridge. — in his uncle Hugh's will),ft J./. 1524, buried at Leeds. Eustace Eure, o.s.p. additional pedigrees. B C Sir William Eure, knt., sheriff of=E 1 izabcth, John and Hugh both ob. inf. dau. of C h r i sto- pher,Lord Willough- byD’Eres- bv, and sister to William Lord Wil¬ loughby, father to the Duchess of Suffolk. Northumberland, 1527, captain of the town and castle of Berwick- upon-Tweed, 30 Hen. VIII.. after¬ wards warden of the East Marches towards Scotland, created Lord Eure, of Witt on, by letters patent (not enrolled)! dated 24 Feb,, 35 Hen. VIII. He had a grant from the crown of the Cell of J arrow in 1544. He died 15 March, 2 E. VI., 1547/8. Inq. p. m. Sir Ralph Eure, knt., constable of Scarbro’ Castle in = M argery, *5371 hi which year he defended it with his house- J hold servants only against the rebels in the Pilgrimage of Grace, subsisting for nearly 20 days on little more than bread and water, and for these services was made commander In-chief of all the forces for guarding the marches towards Scotland. M. P. for Scarbro from 16 Jan., 1542, to Dec., 1545. He was slain by the Scots on the 6 March, 1545, at the battle of Ancram Moor, He was buried in Melrose Abbey. Frances, mar., as 2nd wife, to Sir George Conyers, of Sockbum, co. Durham, knt., and died s.p. He was buried at Sock- burne, 2nd Feb., 8 jac., 1609/10. I Jane Eure, mar., 1st to Henry Pudsey, of Bar- forth. He died 8 Dec., 1542, and, 2 n d1y, to Thomas Wil¬ liamson, feo- dary of the North Riding of Yorkshire. ! Margery Eure, mar. to Sir Francis Sal¬ ve y n, of N e wbi g gin co. Ebor, then of the town and castle of Berwick, and warden of those marches. Anne, died young, and so the Borough lands turned to Sir Thomas Tempest, of Holm side, knt., in the bis- hoprick of Dur¬ ham, who had wedded Elizabeth, the other sister and heir. dau. of SirRalph Bow es, ofStreat- lam, and sister of Sir Geo. Bowes, of Dal den, co. Pal. Henry Eure, of Bp, Mid- dleham, co. Durham, mar, Eleanor, dau. of John Hebbome, of Hardwick, co. Dur¬ ham, late wife to Win, Hall, of Bp. Middle- ham, She was buried there 4 April, 1580. T Margery Eure, mar, to Wil- Anna, mar. Mam Buckton, Esq., of Ben- to A n- ningholme, in Holdemess. t b o n y Muriel Eure, mar., 1st, to Sir Thorpe, George Bowes, of Dalden, of Coney 5- knt., co. Pal, and, 2ndly, as thorpe. ~ 2nd wife to William Wy- ^ cliffe, of Wycliffe, co. York. He died 5 Aug., 1584, she died 23 Nov., 1557' both buried at Wycliffe. WiDiam, succeeded his grandfather as 2nd Lord Eure,=M argare t, 2. Ralph Eure, of Edg- Anna] living ie6a mar. to bom 27 Feb.. blVniTP Hpl'T'Wifl rinrWom n rlrin n.nll.n .1_T>‘ L_ t . ! . .. . . bom 27 Feb., 1530/1. Divorce decreed at Durham 3 November, 1534, between William, Lord Eure, and Mary, dau. of George, Lord Darcy, of Aston. They had been married at Ensham (now Evnshamh Oxon, in 1541, he being 11 ye ars old, she only 4, In 6 Ed. VI., warden of the Middle Marches tow ards Scotland, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary and 1 Elizabeth, captain of Berwick-on-Tweed. He was buried at Ingleby, 13 February, 1593. By his will, dated 22 December, 1592, he bequeathed jf 1,500 to his son to build a house at J arrow upon Tyne* dau. of Sir Edward Dy- mock, of Scrivelsby, co. Lin., and champion of E n g land. She was buried at Ingleby, 15 Sept., nolle, in the Bishop- rick, M. P, for York¬ shire, 27 Nov., 1585, to 14 Sept., 1586,111a. Barbara, dau. of Thomas Turner, his will dated 19 Feb., 1586, and proved at Durham, 22 April, 1587- Thomas, 0. s. p. Lancelot Mirfield, of Skir- penbeck. Frances Eure, mar. to Robert Lambton, of Lamb ton. Esq. He was buried 18 Mar,, 1583. His will dated 9 Mar.. 1582, and proved at Durham, 15 April, 1583. Inq. p. m*, 28 May, 25 Eliz., 1583. Mil William, Ralph. Margery. Mary, . . _ _ r - . 1591. _,, of Michael Johnson and Mar, A .. . - z TT Charles, ob. ini Charles Eure, living 1612, mar. Jane, dau. of Sir Thos. Ingham, of Ingham (co, Norfolk ?) Anna Eure, mar, to Jno. Mallory, of Studley, he living 1618. Muriel, mar. at Ingleby, Eu , r ^ a ^4 t=S ir Wm- Arrnine, of Os- Margaret. 43 Q. Elizabeth, itor/2, set. 32- bd. at Eavmg ton. | ingfiam ‘ j __-—---*-_ 1 . n , Mary list---Sir Ralph E^e, kt.. su«eeded=Elizabeth %mEure, dau J wife), dau. of Sir 1 no. Daw- nay, of Sezzay, knt.,mar. circa 1577 - and died March l6, 1612, burie d at Lud¬ low, tomb & effigy. „ 3rd Lord Eure, born in Berwick Castle, 24 Sep¬ tember, 1558, warden of the M iddle Marches, 1586. sheriff of Yorkshire 1594. lord pre¬ sident of the Council in the Principality and Marches of Wales, 5 King James L, ambassador extraordinary to Emperor Rudolph 11 ., in 1603, and also in the em¬ bassage to the King of Den¬ mark in same year. Sold Ingleby to Sir D. Foulis in 1609, he died 1 April 1617. His coat of arms in the east window of Gray s Inn HatL (2nd wife), (xstwf.) dau, of Sir dau. cf Jno.Spen- Jno.l cer, knt., nard, of of A 1 - Cheven- t h o r p e, ing, co. | co. North- Kent, ants, and Esq. . relict, rst, living of George 1606 Cary,Lord Hunsdon, and, sndly, of Sir Tbos. Chamber- lain, She w r as bur. inthe H unsdon Vault, Westminster, 2 Mar., 1617. 2. William Eure, of Gray's Inn, admit ted Feb., 1610, died at Bar kr age, in the Pala- t in ate, in 1620, Sm p. 3. Sir Sampson Eure, of= Gray’s Inn, knt,, called to the Bar 26 Jan,, 1617, king's reader 1637/8, sergeant-at- law 1640, attorney- general in Wales to K, Charles, M.P. for Leo¬ minster 3 Nov,,r6Chas. I., 1640, and sat in the Parliament at Oxford in J an., 1643, when he w as elected speaker. Said to have died atGatbvPark, co. Hereford, in 1659. Martha, Frances, Thomas Eure, dau. of mar. to of Bradley, co. Anthony JobnHar- Durham, nst- 5 Cage, borne, in 1612, amajor Esq., of Esq., of in Col Sir V m. Long- Tack ley, 1 Eure’s regiment ston, co. Ox- of horse, slain at co. Cam- ford. M.I. Newbury, 20 bridge, Tackley September, her will Church. i& 43 » unmar. proved =s at Here- A ford, 6 J u 1 y , 1672. 1 Ancestor of Gore, of Porkington, co. Salcp. B da. and co-heir of of Wm. Wynne Maurice, Esq., of Cienneney, co. Carnarvon, and widow of John Owen, Esq. 1 She died in 1626, and was buried at Selattyn. of Gray s Inn, also of Hey ford Warren, co. Gxon, and afterwards of Porkington, co. Sa¬ lop, called to the Bar 1602, readerib 10, chief justice (circa 1610) of N. Wales, and one of his Majesty’s Council for the Principality, he died 1 May, 1621, will-j dated 9 April, 1621, Compton Eure admittedl of and proved 14 Mayfol- Grays Inn, 6 Nov., i 6 3o . lowing, bur. at Selat- baptised at Selattyn, tvn it May. His fu- February, 1617/18, living neral helmet in the 1660, and died s.p. church there. liam Eure, of Brad¬ ley, knt. M.P. for Scarbro 1 , 7 Geto- ber, 43 Elizabeth, 1601. -1---n 1 ■ . William Eure, of El- Henry, ob. inf, vet, near Durham, Margaret, died unmarried, set. 53, 1666, he Anne, died unmarried, mar. Marv, dau. of Margaret mar. to Sir Thos " • T T T*m-pf ^**10 Peter Forcer, Esq., of Haberhouse, near Durham. She was buried at St, Oswalds, Elvet, 21 Feb., 1669. nF 0 \ dau. of Sir Wm. Bowes, of S t r e a t- lam, knt,, by Mary, his wife, only dau. of Sir Henry Sc ro pe, 9th Baron Scrope, of Bol ton, K.G, Howard, of Tursdale, co. Durham, 5th son of Lord William ("Belted Will’') Howard. He was born 14 Oct., 1596, and was slain at Pierce Bridge, York, ex parte Regis, 2 Dec., 1642. She was buried 18 Oct., 1682. J - ~r**Z B William. succeeded as 5th Ld. Eure. Died un¬ mar., and buried at Old Mal- ton, 25 June, 1652. Margaret 1 Eure, da. and co-heir, mar. to Tho. Dauby, of Fam- ley ,co-York, istmayor of Leeds. He was killed in a tavern in London, in 1667. Mary 1 Eure, dau. and co-heir, ma. to Wm. Palmes, of Lmdley, co. York, Esq. Lucy, bur, atHolyTrin- ity, Goodramgate, York, 18 Feb., 1642/3. Horatio Kaye, = Frances, da. and h. vicarofBamby on-Don, which he resigned. Called gent in his sisterEliza- beth‘swilli683, b.29 Jan., 1641. bap, 20 Feb. following, mar. 16 May, 1673. 111 Deborah Kaye, bom 25 Jan,, 1645, ob, inf. of Ed. Armstrong, of Corby, co. Line., Esq., and wid. of Elizabeth Kaye, Francis Gregory, of Hickleton, Esq.,of Bamby-on- bom 31 May, Don, in co. York, 1646, died, un- whom she mar, at ma., in Dec. or Corby, co. Line,, Jan., 1685/6. 1 |an., 1657, she Her will dated was bapt. 3 July, 5 Jan., 1683. 164 r, and was bur. Dorothy Kaye, at Barnby, 4 July, b, 21 july r , 1704. I& 55 - 1. John Lister Pickering, d .s.p. 1707. 1. Batina, or Bcthia, Pickering, sis. and co¬ heir, bap. at Woodkirk, 4 Nov., 1652, mar. to Joseph Sykes, of Whitgift, co. York, and of Leeds, merchant. He d, 10, and bur. 14 June, 1709, onTinglaw Moor, near Mor- ley. Her will dated 9 August, 1723. See Sykes Pedigree , Yorks, Collection . =-<; 2. Bashua Pickering, mar. to John Lister, V. D. M. He died 1707, s.p. 3. Mercy Pickering; mar. to Thomas Elston, V. D. M. He d, 1 April, 1710, having had Samuel, Ralph, Hananiah, and Joseph Elston. Horatio, son of Ho- Frances Kaye, ratio Kay, gent, bp.atBarnby- bp. at Barnby-on- on - Don, 15 Don, 3 May, 1677, April, 1679, and bd. there 4 buried there, June, 1687. 13 Inly. 1702. Elizabeth Kaye, daughter of Horatio Kaye, gent, only surviving child=William Walker, of Don- and heir, baptized at Bamby-on-Don, 17 Oct., 1675. Under a partition I raster, gent, and after of of the Eure estates, dated 17 June, 1708, the manor and estate of V Easby was appropriated to her as granddaughter and heir of Elizabeth I Eure, and co-lreirof her great uncle, Ralph, 7th and last Lord Eure. ^ She was mar. at Barnby, 7 May, 1699, and bur. at Stokesley, 22 Jam, 1756, where is erected a mural monument Easby, d. 17 Jan., 1722, bur. in Kildale Church, within the altar rails. M. I. —A rgent , a pale fusily gules. Ralph Walker, Frances bp. at Barnby, Walker, ... Nov., 1701, died un¬ v. s.p. circa mar. X 1750. May, Armstrong 1 75 7 , Walker, bp. at bur. at Barnby, 18 Stokes¬ July, 1704, ley* killed at sea, Frances 4. Susannah Wal-=John Mathews {rede ker, baptised Mathewe), of Stokes- 25 Dec., 1713, ley, gent, descended out mar. 3rd lune, of Herts, and tradition- 1735, and died ally of the same stock 31 Dec., 1783, with Archbishop Tobias buriedatStokes- Mathew, baptised 5 ley, 15 Jan. Feb,, 1711/12, and bur. following.M.M. at Stokesley, 13 Sept., 1794. M.M. Ann Wal-=Richard Homby, formerly Elizabeth Walker, bp. ker,buried of Sunderland, after- at Barnby, 17 Dec at Stokes- wards of Whitby, had a ley, 3 wife, a Sunderland Sept. 1773, woman, living at the time her son of his mar. with Ann and dau. Walker. His gallant having d. and successful conflict before with a French privateer her, s.p. is given in v Young's Whitby, page 866. 1706, mar. to Samuel Howlett, of Stokes¬ ley, and d. 19 Dec., 1746,1. buried at Stokesley. Mary Walker, died unmar., buried at Stokesley, 17 April, 1772. 1732, 0. s.p. I In 1675, under a writ of partition between Dauby and Palmes, the family mansion at Mahon was pulled down (Henry Manvood, Esq., Sheriff), and stone by stone was divided between Use unyielding sisters. A. 616 additional pedigrees. A Hannah (ist wife), = John dau. and heir was a magistrate at Whitby from circa of John Wil- 1775 to 1789, and on 22 March, 1790, kin son, of being then resident near Houghton le Whitby, Esq,, Spring, a deputy lieut. for co. Durham, mar, 1770, and lastly, of North Shields, where he died it Sept., died 8 May, 1833, M.I. With his father 1785, £et. 40. and others sold Easby, 27 May, 1791. t ___ .1 -77~- — ' 1 :———rn Hohn. Kjeorge. b William. (-Miriam. | all oh. i infs. Anne (2nd wife), —1- Elizabeth 1 Frances Ma¬ Susannah- Z a c h e r y dau. of Stephen M athews, thews, mar. to Mat hews. H u b - Wright, of died un¬ Wm. Lee, of bom 3 berstv,of North Shields, mar., 2 Stokesley, Mar., 1754, L ondon. gent, mar. _ July, 1824, and was mar.,., died gent. Jan., 1788, and aet. 86. buried there. 16 Feb., died ... f died s March, 7 Feb,, 1799, 1838, set. 1799, set. 1848, aet. 88. £fct, 59. 84* 41. Wilkinson Mathews, of Lincoln's Inn, fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 10 Oct., 1806, called to the Bar 23 May* 1810, Q.C. 17 Jan., 1842, treasurer ir Jan,, 1859, he died 12 May, 1866, set. 82. Buried in In¬ land Church, Lan¬ cashire. M.M, Susannah Ma¬ thews, mar. to Wm. Ricliard M iddlemore, Esq., of Orston, Notts, He died Oct., 1815, She died 28 Aug., 1849, set. 74, j./.,both buried at Orston, Mari a M a thews, ni a., 1st, to the Rev. Philip Stanhope Smelt, vicar of Aston Abbot, co. Bucks, nephew to the 5th Earl of Chesterfield, a chap¬ lain in ordinary to K, George III. He d...,1808. She mar,, 2ndly a to Wm. Bald¬ win, Esq., of Leyland, co. Lane., who died, Aug., 1856, She died, 7 Dec., 1860, set. 77, s.p. Margaret, died un- mar,, 17 Oct., 1810, set. 21. Anna Mathews, b. 15 April, 1791, bring 1875. Sarah Frances VI- cesima Mathews, b. 27 Aug,, 1803, died, unmar., n Dec., 1861, buried at Hornsey, co. Middlesex. Rosabella Mathews, bom 23 Oct., 1808, mar., as 2nd wife, 20 May, 1829, to the Rev. Charles John Fynes-Clin ton, rector of Cromwell, Notts, great great grandson of Henry, 2nd Earl of Lincoln. He was b. 16 April, 1799, d. 10 Jan., 1872, and she d. 8 Dec., pre¬ ceding. Both buried at Crom- well. =-< Stephen, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, and Jane, all ob. infs. Hannah Ma-—William ffarington, Esq., Jane Mellon (1st wife),=John Hubbersty Ma-=M a r i a n n e thews [2nd wife), born 1777, mar. -, 1803, d. 31 May, 1833.oet.35, bur. at Leyland. of Shawe Hall, now Worden Hall, co. Lane., J,P„ and D.L., lieut.-col. 1st regt. of Lane. Militia, and high sheriff, 1813. He was born 28 May, 1766, and died 13 June, 1837- dan. of Aaron Chap¬ man, the first M.P. for Whitby, 1832. Mar. 29 April, 1841, and died 26 June, 1848. aet, 40, buried at Hornsey, co. Middlesex. thews, of Lincoln’s Inn, called to the Bar 28 May, 1824. Ad eund. Middle Temple, 9 Jan., 1836. He w as bom 11 Nov., 1796, and is living, 1875. (2nd wife), dan, of the Rev. Thos. Godfrey, vicar of Mel¬ ton Mow¬ bray, mar. 20 May, 1858- Thomas Wright: Mathews, of Bos¬ ton, Line., theo- logus, born 18 Aug., 1798, mar. 1824, and died 21 Jan., 1871, buried at I-ei- cester. Henrietta Al¬ thea, dau. of Joshua Parr, of Pentre Parr, near Llandeilo, M.D. George ffaring- tan, bom 1804, died 6 Sept., 1819, aged 14. William Ma¬ thews ffaring- ton, bom 2 Dec., 1809, d. 1827, aged 17. JamesNowell ffar-=S arah Esther, ington, only sur- dau. and co¬ vering son, J.P., and D.L., rebuilt Shawe Hall, and called it Worden. He was bom ..., 1813, and died 6 ] une, 1848, s. p. heir of John Touchet, Esq., of Broom House, c o. Lane., mar, 28 Oct., 1847, died 16 Aug., 1863. Susan Maria ffarington, and Mary Hannah ffarington, n o w o f Worden Hall, co. Lane. 1. ] ohn Ed wd. Chapman Mat hews, B.A„, Trinity College, Camb., May, 1864, bom 7 May, 1842. 2. Edmund ffarington Mathews, M.A., Trinity College, Camb., May, 1872. bom 1 Sept., 1845. 3. George Hargreave Mathews, of Emmanuel College, Camb., bom 4 July, 1846. See Eure Pedigree, page 205. 4. Ernest Mathews, i.Eliza- B.A., Brasenose Col- b e t h lege.Oxon, Nov., 1869, Anne, bom 17 May, 1847, 2. Jane mar. 9 Nov., 1873, Ger- Florence Georgiana, trude, 3rd dau. of Thomas T ynvhitt-Drake, Esq., of Shardeloes, Bucks, and has a daughter. 618 ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. ELWICK, OF SEATON. Marmaduke Elwick, of Seaton, F ° Wbery ’ * living, 1584- 1 William El-=Joane, dau. wick, of Taplow, co. Bucks. of mi.-- Dickenson, of Bug den, co. Hunts. Thomas Anthony. Barbara, 1st, mar. to Ed- Margaret, ElwTck John? wardPoplewell, of Lang- mar t o of Lon- J thop, co. York, 2nd to .....Ten- ^ on George Watson, of the dy. J Bishoprick. William. Elizabeth. Marmaduke. 6070, fo. 339, and page 133 of this book. FORSTER, OF EARSWICK. A R «s:-Quarterly. f t x and^. Argent, ofT“wK John Thweng, of Hemsley, istwife. Viuiam ruistct, --- ; ord wife, Margaret, dau, of Thos, Booth, of Killingholme, co. Line, burne. Foster. Henry Forster. William Forster. 18 on, fo. 1850. 1487. fo- II 3 - See Dugdale's Visitation, p. 71. 1 There is’evidently an error in the disposition of this blazon, quarters a and 3 being the arms FLOWER, OF WHITWELL. William Flower. = Roger"Flower. = Agnes, dau. and hei^to William Dalby, of Exton, co. Rutland. Thomas Flotw =Agnes, dau. and heir to Peter Salteby, of Lincoln, and Thomas t lower ug { ^ argaret> dau and heir of .Tansley. dau. and heir of Sir John Francis, and his wife, dau. and heir of ^ I J Sir Henry Plessington, of Burley. Ric&Flower.= . dau. and heir of Sir John Tissington, of Stamford. 1 -— 1 _ Roger Flower. =.. dau. of . Conyers. Richard Flower. = Alice, dau. of Sir John Harrington. Iohn Flower, of = Margery, dau. to Anthony CoUey, Esq., of Edith Whitwell. I Weston. 1— [ohn. Anne, wife of Robert Kaye. Alice, mar. to Charles Segrave. 18,011, fo. 189. 1394 - P- *»• H 2 °- f»- l6zi - L-. 9 °o> fo- 95 - ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 619 FRANKE, OF KNIGHTON. Arms :—Vert, a saltier engrailed or. Sir William Franke, of Knyton, temp. Ed. III. = Marmaduke Franke, of Knyton (7th son, died 1584*), died about 100 years old. = Leonard Franke, of Knyton. —Alice, dau. of John Metcalfe , of Nappa . 2 Richd, Franke, of London, Henry Franke, — Margaret, da. of William. Marma- a draper, 2 a 0 1576. a 0 1575. I . Dulcher? duke. 2. Walter. George Franke, set. 14, a° 1576. 3. Thomas. 1487, p. 375. 4630, p. 210. L. 900, p. 177A 6070, ff. hi b and 171A Dugdale’s Visitation, p. 79. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 MSS. L. 900 and 6070 give the year as 1564. 2 MSS. L. 900 and 6070. 3 MS. L. 900. GIRLINGTON, OF GIRLINGTON. John Girlington. = Henry Girlington, son and heir. = Ellen, dau. to Robert Wycliffe, of Wycliffe. Randall Gir-=Isabell, dau. of John Stephenson, 2. Peter, s.p. Lawrence, Anthony. 1 i ngto n, I of Richmond Town. Ralph, s.p. a priest, el dest son. | __ Anthon y=Christian, dau. of William Conyers, of Marske, 2, Ralph, living 1575. Girlington. I the elder. 3. Francis. Ellen, dau. of Francis Kil-=Ninian Girlington, of Girl-=Joane, dau. of Jno. Mennell, linghall, 2nd wife. I ington, liv. 1575. of Hawnby, 1st wife. Nicholas Girlington, eldest son, oet. 10, an. 1575. I I 1. Margaret, 2, Elizabeth. 18,011, fo 163. I I 3. Margery. 4. Dorothy. 5. Helen. 6 20 additionai pedigrees. GLANVILE, BARON OF BROOMHALL. Arms :—Argent, achief indented azure. William Glanvile, founder of y* church at= Be n ^“' d to William de Sagavillf ^ ^ Broome Hall, a 0 17 Hen. I. =Bertha, dau. of Theobald de Valoniis lord of Parham — Azure , 3 crescents between 9 cross crosslets argent . Ranuiph Glanvile, chief justice of Englaid, founder of the religious house at Butte/), Bathe, or Butlo. ilanvile, lord of Cover- ham. = Margaret, ! dau. Jeffrey d la Haye. W i 11 i a m=p Glanvile, baron of Bromehall, ob, 12 H. TIL Hawisia, wife of Robert Fitz Ralph, lord of Midleham, Amabila, wife of Ralph de Ardern. I f Matilda, wife of Wm. An- vervile. Emma, dau. and co-heir, wife to John Grey, of Eaton. = A . la quo barons 01 Wilton.) 2. Hawisia, dai. and co-heir, wie to Robert, lord »f Middleham.= A , (from whom tie family seated n Westmoreland.' Gilbert Glan¬ vile, baron of Broomhall. Thomas de Hugh. = Ardern. 1- 1 William. = _____j Toane, dau. and heir, wife of Sir Nicholas Kiriell, knight. 1487, p. 34^- 9 °°» P- 393 - GROVE, als. GRAVES. A rm S :—Per hand vert and gules, - ^ disp^ on Ut alia they hear-Or, on a chevron f lT^rtfordshire = . dau. of Gervase Greene- ^and^was^ordm^o^of^irk'at the last rebellion hrnst. of Greenehurst, co. in the North, 12 Q. Eliz.,a° 157°- I i q. William. John Grove, 4. Thomas. a Is. Graves, eldest son, was mayor of Hull. = Anne, wfe of ...Robiison. Alice, wfe of AnthDny Peni stcne. wife to Cooke. 2. Hugh Grove, aid. of Hull. 2. Th 2. Thomas Grove, a Is. Graves. = Hugh Grove, = a Is. Graves, of Hull, eldest son. Elizabeth,dau. of Benjamin Lindlej alder- and man of hill. John, d. s. p. 5. Anthony Grove, sword- bearer,of York. = H John Grove, als. Graves, eldest son. = 2. Benjamin. Thomas Grove, als. Graves. John Grove als. Graves. Thomas. Anne eldest dau. and 1 co- her, wife to ... Blaycics. Elizabeth, 2nd dau. and co-heir, wife to. Christopher Hall, of Newsham, in ther Eleanor, dau. of Ralph Pollard, bishoprick of Durham. of Brunton. Fiancis Hall, = Margaret,da.of 2. Thomas of Newsham lg. 1606. , I I 1. Christopher. 2. Francis. 3. John. Jno. Tunstall of Long New ton. II 4. Thomas. 5. William. i8,oii, fo. 164. HART, OF SPRCBTON COURT. Arms Sable, a chevron argent b«tween 3 fleurs-de-lis of the 2nd. Ralphe Harte, of Sproston Coirt, co. York. == Sir John Hart, knight, mayor of Londoi, a 0 1590, 32 Q. Eliz.= 1487, fo 369. HEBBORNE, OF SHOTION, CO. DURHAM. Arms •—Ouarterlv 1 and 4. Argent, 3 lamps salle, enflamed proper, a label of 5 points gules Arms . Quarterly.^ b £ tweei 3 tre foils slipped or, Hoton. William Hoton, of Sedgefkd, in Epatu. y William Hebbome, of =f Alison,dau. and one of the heirs Hardwick, in Epatu. of Wiliam Hoton. John Hebborne, of Hardwick.yAlis.n, daughter to Sir Ralph Harbottle. Richard Hebborne,=f=Anne, sister to Chrisopher Elizabeth, mar. to Raff Claxton, of Hardwick. T Medcalf, of Nappa. of Wynyard. Anthony Hebbome, of Hard¬ wick, at- tinctus. 1 1 Henry, sans is¬ sue. 4. Robert. Willi am=Barbira, Hebborne, of Shotton, in Epatu, 1575- Wllm. Car, of Ne w- cstle. Richard. Anthony 1 I I I 1 ^ ^ Alice, mar. to Anthony Eland. Elizabeth, mar., 1st, to Rowland Mordaunt, 2nd, to Robert Lamb- ton, 3rd, to Anthony Place, and, 4th, to Thos, Kearton. Margret, mar. to Humfrey Blakis- ton, of Fulthorpe. Isabel, mar. to William Franklin. Elenor, mar. to Edward Lyons, of Newcastle. 1171. *>• 75 622 ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. KERRESFORTH, OF DODWORTH. John Kerresforth, of Wombwell, 2nd son=.. dau. of. Barker, of John, of Kerresforth Hill. I of Dore, co. Derby. I 1 Robert 1 Kerresforth, =. dau. of.Ward, of Barnsley, Thomas, ofArdsley. j co. York. s.p. Gabriel Kerresforth, of Kerresforth Hill, = Catherine, dau. of in Barnsley. I Bolton, co. York. Thomas Kerresforth, of Kerres-= Elizabeth, dau. of Humphrey 2. Cotton, a student in forth Hill, 16-37,2 ofDochvorth, Clincard, of Abingdon, co. Brasenose College, co. York , 1623. Berks. Oxford, 1623. 6070, fo. 147^. 1571* fo- 159A 1 Gabriel, MS. 1571. 2 MS. 1571. JOPSON, OF CUDWORTH. Arms Gules, 5 escallops in saltier or. Crest On a sinister gauntlet or a bird close of the same. ..Jopson, of Stavely Park. = Stephen Jopson, George=.dau. of Charles Chambers, brother of the recorder r, J . T -1 vrran i n rh P'D'rtrn. nv.UYP hptlDP.PU Q tl'etOllS eldest son. Jopson. of Kendal — Argent, a chevron azure between 3 trefoils slipped gules. Robert Jopson, of=Anne, sister of Sir Robert Bindlosse, knt.— Quarterly , gules Cudworth. I and or. Matthew=D orothy Jopson sister of Sir Edward Bel¬ lingham, of co. Sussex, knt. ill * Robert. Agnes, Christopher. wife of J opson> Francis, o.s.p . of Cud- Patrick, worth, of co. Cumb. Thomas =Mary, dau. of Wm. Witham, ilia super- stites dignitate Baro- netissse decorata est— Or, 3 birds sable, a bend gules. Mathew Thomas Jopson, of Cud-=Anna, dau. ofNicholas Elizabeth,wife ofThos, .1 J •_ .1.. u t —* fTa trm 1 »rplirfink. ofOxton. Jopson, son and heir. worth," in the West Riding, a J.P., 1650. Stringer, of Eaton, 1 co. Notts. Shirebrook, ofOxton, co. Notts. I I I 5. Robert. 6. Edward. 3. Francis. 4. William. "TT . Thomas. . George. Anna , o.s.p. 1650. 1 1 Mary. Christiana. 1 1 , Tresage. 2 Sara. Thus testified :—Examinat r Approbat r et in Rotulis Officii mei Recordatur. Henry St. George, Norroy , Rex Armor. 1487, fo. 501. 4630, p. 331. 1 Sutton-upon-Lound, MS. 4630. 2 Triphosa, MS. 4630. * ' * MANBY, OF ELSAM AND MIDDLETON. Win. de Manby, in the co. of York, as appeared. by the pipe rolls, a° 13 Henry II. . „ _i„ vfiwnv 5 a cross bottontfe, vert* pierced or, Malkakr. ArmsQ uarterly. r. Argent, a Uera«t “j 3 &*che™n'KeeuY-tciles argeni, Aancbll 5 a crescent in fesse point for difference. 3E ”:n 6 "~ M^ProPatr, Thus testified :-Ricbd. St. George, Oarencieur King of Ames. Examtneo ana oon, P arco — - - V— c, —, —• »— » ~ Sm*' 1 ''"'’ 3 '| B Tho t Sas d Uu^y. Sir William de Thorpe,.= __ 1 Simon de Thorpe. — C* Petronill de Manby. lord of Manby, co. Uncjemp. Henry HI_ Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned -- in 'an orh of 6 escallops gules, = __ J _l i ! 1 -~ , , || * ■ rnf Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir, Margaret, dan. and co-heir, l tn£l»| " de SsSf' Arkbow e jtgram Mancells. wife of Wm. Gibthorpe. wife of Peter Gibtborpe, - Robert de Manby, dau. of Sir temp. Edw. 11 . | John de Gas- 1 tingbndge * 1 knight. ^l'oTd ofES’J^L^ 1 ' 1 ' ' 'heir of Thomas and heir. iooert AjfubtiAJtjtJu- V- - _ t’ Ermine . 2 and 3 . Cluquy; impaling, sable, a chevron between 10 cross cross lets, 6 and 4 , or . heir of Thomas Paris. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. A B C Sir Wil liam de Manby,=Alice, 2 dau. and hei r of temp. Edw, III, == Alan Malkake. d. s. dau., Robert de Manby, prior of St. John of Alexander = Elizabeth, dau. of \ * Jerusalem in England, died 14 October, Gibthorp. | John Hilton, circa 133.8, ex liber I*, a® ifr in Off. of Arms. William de Manby. = Isabel!, dau, of ...... Moulton, of Frampton I —Argent, 3 bars gules. Peter Gibthorp. T_ Robert Manby.=.dau, and heir of Henry Recesforth, of Worlaby. 3 William Gibthorpe. _J John Manby, of Manby and Worleby.=Alice, dau. of Mr. Hutton, of Holdemess William Gibthorp.=Alice, dau. of John Mallett. | — Azure , 3 hurts argent . Thomas Manby, = Maud, dau. of William Smith, of Hackthorpe—.. 2 chevrons azure , on the zst of Manby. I 3, and on the 2nd r fleur-de-lis or, on a chief azure a lion passant argent P Simon Gib-= Elizabeth, dau. of thorpe. j ...... Mitford. William Manby, — J ane, da. of William Ayscough— Or, a of Manby and j dexter hand gules debruised by 3 bars Worlaby. azure, in the chiefs torteaux. Mary Radcliffe, = Thos. Gibthorp— Quarterly .=Margaret, dau. of Wm. of Lane,, 2nd wife. 1 and 4. Ermine . 2 and 3. Chequy or and gules. Henry Manby, of Ciren-=Joanna, dau, of . cester, co. Glouc., yr, j Towers— Argent, 3 son of William. termers gules . William Manby, of=Alice, dau. and co-heir of Thomas Worlaby, a° 1563. I Gibthorp, the widow of .. Dickham, Quadring (1st wife), of Quadring. Agnes, mar. to Thos. v -Volmer. I William Manby, = Alice, dau. of Thos. Nash, of Evesham Henry Manby, Franci s=Ann , dau. of Robert Man-=I s a b e 1 , of London, merchant. — Sable, on a chevron between 3 grey¬ hounds courant argent, as many sprigs of ashen leaves proper. of Ciren- cester, co, Gloc., d. sp. Manby, I Esq., son and heir. Sir Francis Ayscough* knt. 2nd dau. ot Smith. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. A 1 C l WilliamManby, of Loudon, heir to his uncle Henry, a 0 1633, mr. Alice , dan. of Henry I^ng, of Melk- shanij co. Wilts. — Sable, a lion rampant within an ark of 6 cross cross lets argent. I I I . 2. Francis, o.s.p. 3. Thomas Manby, 4. Robert Manby, m. Joan, dau. and heir of Thos. Manby, of Leicester, liv. 1633. I William Man¬ by, ofElsam, Esq., eldest son, in, Ann, da. of Robt. Williamson, of Waller- ingham, co. Notts. Faith, wife of Edward Hunston 5 — Argent, a lion rampan t sable, armed azure, Hester, wife of Edward Pistor, of Methering- ham. Esq. Judith, wife of John Bas- ford —Per pale or and sable, 3 piles counter- changed. Jane, wife 6 of Robert Welby, Esq.— Argent , a fesse gales , 6 cre¬ scents sable. —n Elizabeth, mr., 1st, to John Prescot, of Driby, and, 2ndly, to Edw r d. Willoughby, 3rd son to the Lord Willoughby, of Parham. Ann, wife of Wm. Quadring — Ar¬ gent, a chevron between 4 hares sable, 2 and 2. Robert Manby, of Beverley, mr. Eliza¬ beth, dau. of Wm . Johnson, of Bever¬ ley. = i ' i. Richard John Manby Manby, of rw# -"- York, 1641, mar. Eliza¬ beth, dau. of _Barnes, parson of Midleton. i ! rj iVilliam. Thomas, riannah. I I '“j | -1 Mary. William Manby, George. 3. Francis, mr. Mary,? da. ofSap- mar .. dau. of Robert. cote Beaumont, Viscount Beau- .... Scudamore. mont, of Swords, in Ireland. 1487, ff. 431, 5020. Dugdale's Visitation, p. 84. of Cotten- ham, co. Camb., D.D. and parson of the same, mr. Hester, dau. of Fran, White, Bp. of Ely. = r r 1—in Robert. Richard, John Manby, William, son & heir, Hester, set, 7, 1641. Susan, These are to certifie .bon, it may concerns,, that I. George Manby the S’SffitftSS-S acknawledg that John Manby, of Cottenham, mthec^tyof^ descended of our house andfcmily, and is taken of Yorke aforesaid, gent., who was the sonne of William Manby, of Worlaby, . . - r r a ,j iers were by my progenitors : so as he and bis posteriue by me and also commonly reputed by others to be my cosen ^Shta accoZg to the lawe of armes.-ls Witness inay lawfully beare the same paternall coate, with such dtfferences^by^ our hands and seales. Dated at London the sixteenth day of June, anno w hereof, I, together with some others of my name and kindred GEORGE M A N BY—A lion rampant with an orle of 8 cinquefoils, domini one thousand six hundred thirtie a^ ^U. FR \N MANBY—A lion rampant with an orle of 8 cinquefoils. In the presence of me at the Rose, in Ru_selt Street, WILL MANBY—A lion rampant w r )th an orle of 8 cinquefoils. Crest .— On an Thomas Smith, Servant there. esquire's helmet and torce, a cubit arm erect holding a sword. r Bridge. MS. „* * Daughter and hmr rf WMam Malkake, ofEisham. * SSdtffl i“re audorfa 7 patouce co Jte > Of Boston, MS. «A • Wife of Henry Clifford (of Brakenborough), MS. 2118. 7 Hester, MS. 2118. additional pedigree,^ ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 627 MAN, OF DRAX ABBEY. of . Barrow, of co. Lane. - R ichard Man of Drax=Maudlyn (2nd wife), dau. of.Aiscough, Abbey, co. York. | York, Esq. “I ' I 1- 1 nomas. Peter. William. Mary, dau. _ Richard Man, = Margaret of Dr ax Abbey, co. York. Pearse Man, eldest son. —r~1 2. Henry. Maudlyn. (2nd wife), daughter of Wm. Chap¬ man, of Ansty, co. Herts. Francis. Anthony. RichardMan. WilliamMan. 1487, PP- 346/7. —1—1—1 Elizabeth. Maudlyn, wife of Francis Man. Margery. 1-1 Margaret, wife Joan, set. 42 in 1662, wife to Wm. Callis, to Michael Timperley, of London. Esq. BLYTH, MORGAN, AND PICKERING. Arms of Morgan, of Blackmore, co. Hereford Quarterly, r. Per pale 1 lions rampant Morgan. 2. Argent, a lion rampant crowned or, Morgan, of Blackmore. 3. 3 An estoile of 16 points, Delahay. 4. Two lions passant within a bordure, Garnon. of the county of Warwick, bailiff to=.. dau. of . Heron. She Sir John Conway, was son of Thomas of Norton, I was gentlewoman to the Lady See page 321. _| Gresham. E( * wa : rd , B1 yt he ' of Warwickshire^ Ellinor, dau. of Robert Blythe went in the low had divers houses in Fetter .Pratt, of country with the Lord Conway, Lane, in London, a 0 1595. I Derbyshire. and was there slaine. Henry Blythe, of London, o.s.p. Isabell. =Sylvanus Morgan, of Much den church, I co. Hereford, gent. 1-—1-1---1 Charles Ed ward John Morgan, SylvanusMorgan, owner=Alice, dau Morgan, Morgan. of London of 1 nm_ o. M organ, Morgan, of Lon- s.p. don, s.p. r~ oi London, b. 1608. of this booke, 1 born 1620, son of Sylvanus and Isabel, as above. of Thos. Sewell, of Brigstock, co. Northants, Sylvanus Morgan, ob. inf., bd. in St. Bartho¬ lomew’s Ex¬ change. Eleanor and Mary, both died during their mino¬ rity, bd. in St. Bartho¬ lomew’s Ex¬ change. Alice, eld-=Edmund est dau., b. 7 Feb., 1645, and d. 8Jany., 1693-4. Alice Pickering, d. unm. Pickering, ofGisbro’, co. York. See page 630. 2. Hannah, d. unm.,7 Oct., 1665, bd. in St. Bartholo¬ mew’s Ex¬ change. 3. Sarah, liv. be¬ yond sea, 1664, 4. Mary, d. 10 Oct. 1665, bd. by her sister Hannah. H a n n ah Pickering, d. unm. Edmund Pickering,: b. 1671, owner of this book.i 1—1-- Edmund Pickering. John. Elizabeth Pickering, Sarah. : Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Pease, of Enfield, co. Mid¬ dlesex, mar. 10 Sept., 1696, d. 10 May, 1702. Puerperiio et Nata, 2 Junii, 1670. All died under age. 18,011, fo. 189^. 14,409, fo. 49. 1 I.E., ot MS. 18,011, from which the Visitation of 1584-5, &c., as here published, is taken. 628 additional pedigrees. mileson, of east hathelsay. .. 1 crosses formde fitchde of the last, each ARMS :-Argent on an b^ocheo^ - of the fie ld, a cross or. Crest :_On a torce argent and ^o JLHd thl fe ST . o„.« s . oTw William Mileson, of East Hathelsay, co. York.-r TolJn Mileson, son of William, of East Hathelsay. co. York. the pedigree of right worshipfull lord JOHN, LORD LATTYMER. Arms .-Quarterly. The quarters are poii^an annide^for differenced 3 'a. ‘ Md azure" chevron ermine. 4 and 10. Of™"* t"‘ en t 6 . Gules, a lion passant argent, 5 . Gules, ’ a bend between e g . Gu i es , a chevron between 10 crosses patde, and 4 Q^°Argent, r a fesse double cottised gules. Thus written p. Tong, Norroy. G ^ner fiti^sonne^^^ ^ "Earieof W amick^ancTco-heires's ofTlmmaa^Lord Berkeley Sir Henry Nevill, son and hei^ slayne at=f= Palme Sunday Field, beside Colton,1 his father then living. . dau. of John, called Bourchier. Lord Berners, Richard, Lord Lattymer, j^^dau. of Humphrey sonne and heire. Stattord, iLsq. 1 wifpl =Tohn Lord =^Dorothy, dau. o/Sir •. William. :.“ J Lattymer.T Geo. Vere[ istwife). dau. of Sir Edward Musgrave, knt. Lsur vt'fi'j , Geo. Vere (istwife), sister and one of the heirs of John, Earle of Oxford. 3. Thomas. i John, Lord Lattymer. 1487, fo. 7 b. Tong's Visitation, p. 20. s* Tong's Visitation, p. 20, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collect,on. 1 The Battle of Towton. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 629 ORMESBY, OF ORMESBY. A R «s, a bend was .he ancient coat of Sable, 3 chessrooks argent, a Hiief or—This coat was given to Ormesby by K. William the D _ , Conqueror after the Conquest. Richard Ormesby, of Ormesby, had new armes, with great=F lands, given him by King William the Conqueror. | Sir William Ormesby, knt.=j =Emma, dau. of .Smart. 1 Oswald Ormesby, founder of the priory of Ormesby, temp. H. II.=p Oswald OrmesbyjAnastacia, dau. of. Richard Ormesby.=p Ansketell Orm esby, of Novuo Ormeley.=j =Agnes, dau. of William Ormesby.=f=Ann, dau. of . Meres. * Langton. Sir John Ormesby, knt-pAnn, dau. of Nicholas Tamworth, knt., of Leake. _ John Ormesby. Lucy, dau. of John Copledike, of Harrington. John Ormesby, slain at Rouen, temp. H. IV.=f=Mary, dau. ofSir Thos.Comberworth, kt. 1--—-1 Sir John Orm esby, knt.=j =Dorothy, dau. of . Harling, of co. Suffolk. _ Thomas Ormesby. =j =Margaret. dau. of John Barde. 2 Oswald O rmesby. ^Marg aret, dau. of .Yarborough, of Yarborough. Jo. Amcotts. = Mary. _ Thomas Ormesby. =j =Mary, dau. of Thomas Blesbie. John Ormesby. =j=Joane, dau. of John Barmeston. 1--—-1- 1 Anna. - Arthur Ormesby, eldest=j=Idonis. 3. William 2. J o h n=f Jane dau of son, had two wives. | Ormesby. Ormesby. I Jo. Bray toft. Arthur Ormesby. =j= 1- 1 A r t h u r=i=Dorothy, dau. of John Ormesby,-r-Rose, dau. of Henry Maudlin. f (f William) Woodforthe. M ary. Ormes¬ Robert Hanby, Ormesby, by. of Brookesby. son and heir. Thos. Dal- 3. Thomas, derne, of 4. John. London. of Richd. Norman. T r--, r - John Or-=j=Dorothy, dau. of Robert Anne, wife of Geo. Wym- Thomas. Anne, mesby. I Ustwavte, of Cotes & Bradlev. bish. of Brinkill. mesby. j Ustwayte, of Cotes & Bradley. bish, of Brinkill. Margaret , dau. of Thomas Souths — Robert Ormesby, messenger to Queen Elizabeth. of New Ormsby. 1487, fo. 358^. 1 ? Grant. 2 i Gostlin Bard. Margaret. 630 ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. PICKERING. Sir John Pickering, of Cumberland, = Eleanora, dau. of Sir Richard mar., 7 H. IV. | Harrington. r Mary, dau. of Sir Robert=Sir James Pickering, of Win-=Margaret, dau. of Sir John Lcwther, knight. I derwath, co. Westmore- | Norwood, 2nd wife, land, knight. James Pickering.=Margaret, dau. and heir of . Lascelles. Sir Edward Pickering,; knight. Sir Tames=Anne, dau. and 2. John Pickering, of=Hellen, dau. of Edw. Picker- Pickering, I heir of Christo- Overham, 1 co. North-I . Colleyn, mg, son and knijht. | pher Moresby. ants. | co. Rutland. heir, 0. s. p. 1 - 1 Chiis- William =Winifrid, da. James Picker-= Elizabeth,d. 2.Thomas, x_ 1 _ n (i r\ f nnrl rr>-h eir of Barrov um >, William. toplier. Picker¬ ing and co-heir to Sir Lance¬ lot Thirkeld. ing, of Crosby Ravens- worth, co. West. and co-heir of Barrow Gilbert, of Sir Lance- Hall, in Henry, lot Thirkeld. Kendal. Joane. Elizabeth. I 1, Christopher. 2. John. o Thomas. 4. Edward. 1. Anne. Alice! Winifrid. Thomas, son — Jane. Elizabeth. and heir. I Thomas Pickering, of Guisbro’, = Susanna, dau. of . Thompson, in Cleveland. | of the city of York. I I William. Elizabeth. Wiliam, d .s.p. 2. Edmund Pickering, of = Alice, dau. of Sylvanus t ~ ~ j ^ f A/T Arnro n nf T .nnrlnn. London, arms painter, of Gisbro\ co. York. Morgan, of London, arms painter, died 8 Jany. } 1693-4. See page 627. Elizabeth, mr. to . Cuthbert, of Yorkshire. Edmund Pickering, only son, = Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Alice. « /• ._ rsrs. TV/Tirl/'l Honno born 15 August, 1671, owner of Addl. MS, 18,011, from wliich the text of the Visita¬ tion of 1584-5 is here printed. Pease, of Enfield, co. Midd., Hannah, mar. 10Sept., 169$. She was Susannah* born 2 June, 1670, and died 10 May, 1702, variolarum. ! Margery, born 2 June, 1670. Edmund. Elizabeth. I John. Sarah. Who all died in the month. 18,011, ff. 162 and 1893. 1 Avetton. ROBINSON, OF COWTON GRANGE. Arms:— Verl, on a chevron engrailed between 3 bucks trippant or as many quatrefoils gules Crest Ou a torce, a buck trippant or, charged on the side with 4 pellets, collared rendee, lined vert. John Robinson, of Donnmgton.^=.. dau. of Thomas Powley. John. Anthony Robinson, eldest son, 13 46. =j =., dau. of Thomas Gamble. Richard. John Robinson, of Donnington and March.^p-- dau. of Roger Vzurrey. (? Vawsey.) f ---- 1 --1- 1 Anthony Robinson. dau. of Thomas Lumberd, standard bearer to Richard II., 1380. Robert. James, i-—| James Robinson. =i=.. dau. of George Partridge. Thomas Robinson, a 0 1434. =r.r dau. of Sir Hyde, knt. James Robinson.=F_, dau. of Thomas Rye. Robert. Isabel!. Mary, Francis. Richard. Lyonell Robinson =p.dau, of.Thoresby. 2. Richard. Robert Robinson,1 of Cowton Grange, co. York, gent.Dorothy, dau. of living 23 Queen Elizabeth. Franks Franke. Mary, wife to ...... Topham, of Gray 5 Inn. Christopher Robinson ,2 of Cowton Grange, =f=Clare, dau. of Syraon Ayscough. ob. 18 King James I. Walter. jane. Alice. Barbara. Mary. Lyonell Robinson, of Cowton Grange, co. York, Elizabeth, sister and co-heir of Lancelot Burgh, 2. James. John, sp. gent., now a clerk in Chancery, 1640. i son of Richard Burgh, of East Hawkswell. william, s.p. Ed?th. Clare. Jane. This testified from James, father of Lyonell, downward. This descent is collected out of evidences and other records, which, together wfith the arms and crest, I do approve, ralifie and confirme unto Lyonell Robinson, of Cowton Grange, co. York. Henry St. George, Norroy, King of Annes, 1487, fo. 220^. 1 He was styled gent., as appeareth by a deed of the purchase of Cowton Grange, 23 Elizabeth, enrolled in the Chancery. He was written gent, in the office found after his death, ob. i3jac. 1. 2 Written gent, in the office found after his father’s death, and was then 58 years old, ao 13 James. On ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 63 2 additional pedigrees. ROBINSON, OF YORK. Arms Vert, a chevron erminois between 3 bucks tripping or. # Crest :_On a torce, out of a mural coronet gules, a demi buck ermmois. To William Robinson, Alderman oi York, Aug. 1616, 14 King James.—p. Ri. St. George, Norroy. 1487, fo, 500#. LORD SCROPE, OF BOLTON. An M c -—Quarterly, t and 4. Azure, a bend or. 2. Argent, a saltire engrailed gules. 3. Argent, a rise double Sd gules 4 Impaling, quarterly.-Gules, 3 escallops argent - Barry of ten furfrenO and azure three chaplets gules. 3. Gules, three lozenge cushions argent. 4. Quarterly. 1 and 4., or,’ and gule S P 2 and 3 (Gules), a fesse chequy (argent and sable) between 6 crosses (pat^e) (some being fitchee) [argent]. Roger, Lord Scrope, of Bolton. —Margaret, dau. and one of the heirs of Lord Tiptofu Richard, Lord Scrope, of Bolton. =EUzzbeth, dan. of Ralph Dawraby (DeRaby), Earl I of Westmoreland. Henry, Lord Scrope, of Bolton. =.. dau. of the Lord Scrope, of Masham. John, Lord Scrope, of Bolton, K. Gr.=Jane, dau. of the Lord Fitz Hugh. Henry, Lord Scrope, of Bolton. = Elizabeth, dau. of Henry, Earl of Northumberland. Henry, Lord Scrope, of Bolton.=Mabel, dau. of Thomas, Lord Dacre. John. John, son and heir. = Katherine, dau. to Henry, first Earl of Cumberland and Lord Clifford. 2118, fo. 1493. L. 900, fo. 392. See Tong’s Visitation, p. 32, and the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. THORESBY. Arms : — Argent,, a chevron sable between 3 lions rampant sabEe* Aykefrith. 7= Arkill. = Go$patrick.= Dolphine. — Thomas Swayne, = eldest son. Raphe de Langarre, 2nd son. Swayne, 1st son. = + 2. Torphin. 3. Ughtred. Elias de Staineford, 4th son. Gonetta, wife of Philip Morevile. Robert de Thoresby, 3rd son. = i- Will iam Julyan de=Allan=Petronell Adam, had by his wife ye towne of Berwick-upon- Andrew, mar. Richard de Thomas de Staveley, Hilton (1st Staveley, (2nd wife}, Tees and Randwick, in co. Cumberland, holden son and wife}, di¬ heir, vorced. of Stave- ley. .. r >iden Sygreda,da. d. of Robt. in Cornage, he gave the desert of St. Andrew to of ...... = de la More. the abbey of Our Ladie in Eborwick (York). ( --- * 1 Thoresby. Depedale. Thorpinde Depedale. Alla 1 n e= Agnes, wife of Sir John Alice, wife of John Staveley, = Henry de Staveley, Sir Adam de=Sibell, dau, of Sir Ran- Staveley. | Walkingham. = Jno. Hilton. of Swynton. of Gracedam. Thoresby, km. | dulphFitz Randolph* of 1- 1 1 -- j—\ i ——--p-i Spennithome, knt. Allane = Eva, dan* of Sir Adam de William and Sir Hugh de=QuenyIda ( dau. of Sir Sir Percie Thoresby, Sta veley. Boltby* of Ravensthorpe._ John, o.s.p, Thoresby, knt, | Richd.i de Gertherstone. a priest. William ,2 slain in his bed . Hugh Thoresbye, Esq. = Isabell, dau. of Sir Thomas le Grose, of Suffolk, knt. Hugh Thoresby, Esq. = Alice, dau. of Sir John Syggeston, knt, 2. Percy* 3. Thomas. 4. Maddy. 5* John. John de Thoresby. = Margery, dau, of William de Routh, of Holdemess. 1-- J -,-1 William Thoresbie, of=Anne, dau, of Henry Scrope, of Spennithome, co. York, Robert. Hugh d e=Maude, dau. of William Hart- Thoresby, co. York, j 1st son of John Scrope, of Hambeldon, co. Bucks, Thoresbie. j ford, of Baddesworth. 1-———, -i___ | Henry Thoresbie, eldest son, bencher of Lincoln's—Jane, da. of J no. Palmer, of Clerkenwell, co. Agnes, wife of Isabel, wife of fan, and master of the Chancery, ob. ri May, 1615, I Middlesex, by Paulina, dau. of Anthony Thos. Dedsworth. John Ouixley. and is bd. in the church at Hackney, co. Middlesex. | Sands, of Trowley, co. Kent, ob. 1616. = — Jane, ob. inf., Sir Thomas Hardresse, of Great = Ell i nor, dau. of Henry Thoresby, Ralph and ;et. 6 years. Hardresse, co. Kent, knt. and his sole heir. Jane Dodsworth. 1487, fo. 352. 1182, fo. 39* L. 900, ff. 392, 392A Additional 14,409, fF. 352. See the Pedigree at large in my Yorkshire Collection. 1 Nicholas, MS. goo, 2 MS. goo. m-— 1 George and Nicholas Quixley, • ... . ..XV ' .rt • • , . ■ 1 J V 1 '< ,•! • a?;T^ 1 < 53*5 ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. USHER, OF DONCASTER. Contributed by Dr. Sykes, of Doncaster. Ann Bower, mar. io=Thomas Usher, of Don-=Dorothy Ingle, mar. 11 Feb. ' l , - A _oraH rcnO. at Rntherhnm. buried Dec,, 1565, buried 25 May, 1576. caster, alderman, and mayor in 1585, buried 20 Nov., 1602. 1578, at Rotherham, buried 8 June, 1603, at Doncaster; will dated 4 June, 1603, proved 10 December following. Robert Usher, bapt. Nicholas Usher, of Don- Joan Usher, Dorothy Usher, xc Tuly, 1^71, at caster, mercer, bapt. bapt. 17 bapt. 19 JNov., Doncaster. 5 Sept., 1574, buried Aug., 1567. iS79» buried 8 8 June, 1603. Nov., 1585. See Usher Pedigree, p. 350. I VINCENT, OF SMETON. Arms Argent, two bars gules, on a canton of the and a trefoil slipped or.l William Vincent, of Great Smeton,=Margaret, dau. of Sir John Clervaux, of Croft, co. Richmond. | co. Richmond, knt. Roger Vincent, of Great Smeton, =.. da. of.Layton, of Sexhow, in Cleveland, a° 1492._ _J co. York. Christopher Vincent, of Smeton,=Agnes, dau. of Ralph Wycliffe, of a» 2 Henry VIII. [ Wycliffe. _ Ralph Vincent, 2nd William Vincent, = Alice, dau. of ...... Phillis, wife of j„ Qmoton to Swinrinw. nf Rock BuSSV. Ot son, mar., da. of. Fox. of Smeton, 12 Henry VIII. Swinnow, of Rock and Scrimmerston, co. Northumberland. Bussy, of Bar- rowby, co. York. Richard Vincent, of=., dau. of Conyers, Anne, wife of JohnVincent,— ^ _ TT_ TT11 (inn cnnpr Mfirwond. 2 nd SOn. Smeton, 35 Henry VIII., ob. 1558. of Hutton super .Marwood, Wiske, co, York. of Winton. Ralph Vincent, = rector of the ch. of Great Smeton, died i6Aug.,i6i2 2 —Arms as above, but •within a bor- dure or and azure . A n n ,3 dau. of William T ay- lour. M ar m a- =.. dau. duke Vin¬ cent, of Smeton, 14 Q. E. of Richd. Bowes, of Aske, co. R i c h - mond. 2. John Vin¬ cent, mar. Eleanor, da, of .Cra- thorne.ofCra- thorne,*?. s.p. 1- Thomas Vincent, of the city of London. Jane. Ralph Vincent, rector of the church of Allhallows, in North St., York, 1629. = 2. Marmaduke. Jane, eldest dau. and co-heir, wife to Wm. Vincent, of Peckleton, 4 co. Leicester. = Eleanor, 2nd dau. and co-heiress, wife to Thomas Beverley, of Selby, co. York, living 1629. Marmaduke Vincent, of Great Smeton, = Margaret, dau. of Robert Snawsell, of Biltou iving 1629. I Grange, co. York. Richard Vincent, son and heir, 1629. 1487, fo. 448. 6070, fo. 127. 1 Quartering, argent, a cross moline in pale and patee in fesse sable, Colleby, MS. 6070. 2 MS. 6070 says, ob. 16 Aug., 1622, set. circa 77. 3 Jane, MS. 6070. 4 MS. 6070. ADDITIONAL PEDIGREES. 637 WILLAN, OF KINGSTON-UPON-HULL. Arms Gules, on a bend azure 3 mullets of 6 points pierced sable, in the sinister chief point a bezant. Crest :—On a torce, a demi lion rampant or, holding in his dexter paw a mullet, as in the arms. Leonard Willan, of Boston (now Boston Spa ), co. York.=r= 1--' James Willan, of Kingston-upon-Hull, = Elizabeth, dau. of Charles Leprimes, of a 0 1617. | Butenier Castle, in France. George, eldest son, 17 years old, a 0 1617. 2. Leonard. 18,011, fo. 212#. John. -1 Elizabeth. Entgbts bettoeen Cpne ano Cees in tbe time offing l£)enri? tbe Cblrb, at tbe battle of Letoes, bettoeen tbe i&mg anb %tr Pinion be a^ontfott, €arl of ILetcefter, anb others, a° mcclrb. Sir Ralph Balliol, of Castle Barnard. Sir Hugh Balliol, his son, of Sellaby. Sir Eustace Balliol, of Quarrington. Sir Robert Nevile, of Raby. Sir Robert Amundeville, of Witton Droys- dale. Sir Walter Andeley, of Croxdale. Sir Gilbert Hansard, of Walworth. Sir Pierce Brine, of Hart. Sir Robert Hilton, of Hilton. Sir Robert Bruce, his son, of Throston. Sir MarmadukeFitzGeoffrey, of Silksworth. Sir Roger Bertram, of Gretham. Sir William Strenge, of Tunstalle. Sir Robert Harington, of Hamerton. Sir William Bassett, of Ufferton. Sir Richard Theland, of Ravensholme. Sir Hugh Gubion, of Tiddowe. Sir Ralph Standlowe, of Standlowe. Sir Walter Witton, of Edisknell. Sir William Haswell, of Haswell. Sir Thomas Bardolfe, of Frosterley. Sir Henry Morley, of Huntkeld. Sir William Heron, of Mickle Chilton. Sir John Femacres, of Fernacres. Sir Jordan Estanland, of Cockside. Sir William Theland, of Scholme. Sir John Gilford, of Colierley. Sir Roger Epplingdon, of Epplingdon. Sir Walter Ludworth, of Ludworth. Sir Roger Lumley, of Lumley. Sir John Rockton, of Shometon. Sir William Fitz-Menden, of Brereton. Sir Walter Carew, of Seaton Carew. Sir Geoffrey Parke, of Blakiston. Sir Adam Fulthorpe, of Fulthorpe. Sir Hugh Chappie, of Wynyard. Sir John Egglescliffe, of Egglescliffe. Sir Ralph Cottam, of Cottam. Sir Thomas Aislaby, of Aislaby. Sir Henry Rowley, of Elton. Sir Walter Carsey, of Long Newton. 18,on, 1 These names are added Sir Richard Heppen, of Shotton. Sir William Fitz-Randolph, of Conisclifif. Sir Bernard Langton, of Langton. Sir John Gersey, of Stranton. Sir Gilbert Layton, of Layton. Sir William Cabney, of Elpedene. Sir Simon Morton, of East Morton. Sir Randolph Fishborne, of Fishborne. Sir Symon Bruntofte, of Bruntofte. Sir William Masters, of Brackenburgh. Sir Ralph Surtees, of Dinsdale. Sir Ralph Middleton, of Little Houghton. Sir John Morden, of Morden. Sir Geoffrey Conyers, of Sockbume. Sir Hugh Puncheden, of Thickley. Sir Hugh Spring, of Houghton-le-Spring. Sir Hugh Burdon, of Grindon. Sir Gilbert Heworth, of Heworth. Sir Roger Barnard, of Helmden. Sir Adam Boltby, of Bolland. Sir John Elmdon, of Shipley. Sir Adam Fitz-John, of Karston. Sir Rowland Bellasis, of Bewley. Sir Roger Tracy, of Strelche. Sir William Vavasour, of Cockfield. Sir Richard Chandos, of Brafferton. Sir Roger Wivordi, of Semershouse. Sir Nicholas Andeley, of Langley. Sir John Hansard, of Hawthorn. Sir John Egleston, of Egleston. Sir Henry Mandvemey, of Sledwiz. Sir Jordavne Dalden, of Dalden. Sir John Bulmer, of Thorpe Bulmer. Sir Thomas Whaworth, of Whaworth. Sir John Gilliott, of Bramston. 1 Sir William Wessington, of Wessington. 1 Sir Adam Lonsdale, of Erdam. 1 Sir John de la Brat. 1 Sir Hugh Hamden. 1 Sir Richard Chilton. 1 Sir Humphrey Towers. 1 Sir Bertram Monboucber. 1 fo. 243. n Mr, Lloyd's handwriting. €f)e Copj> of g»tr Wiliam jFajrfajr’ boofee of arms of jSorfesjnrr. RYDALE CUM PICKERING LYTHE. Rutland, Edward, Earl of, of Helmsley Castle—Or, two bars azure, a chief quar¬ terly of the last and gules, in the i and 4, two fleurs-de-lis, and in the 2 and 3 a lion of England, all or. Atherton, John, of Fry ton, Esq.—Gules, three falcons close argent, jessed and belled or. Aton, of Aton—Barry of six or and azure, on a canton gules a cross flory argent. Barton, William, of Cawton—Ermine, on a fesse gules three annulets or, in chief point a crescent of the second for difference. Bonvile, John, Esq.—Sable, six mullets argent, pierced gules in fesse point, a mullet or for difference. Cholmeley, Sir Richard, of Roxby—Gules, between two helmets in chief and a garb in base or, on a crescent ermine a fleur-de-lis for difference. Dalton, Roger, Esq.—Azure, a lion rampant argent. Dakins, George, gent.—Or, on a fesse azure, between three pelicans gules, each charged with a plate, a lion passant gardant between two cinquefoils of the field. Dakins, George, gent.—Or, on a fesse sable, between three pelicans vulning themselves gules, a lion passant gardant between two cinquefoils of the field. Dawson, Alexander, gent.—Azure, a chevron ermine between three arrows or, feath¬ ered and barbed argent, on a chief of the last three Cornish choughs proper, beaked and legged gules, a canton gules charged with a mullet or. Fairfax, William, gent.—Argent, on a lion rampant sable, debruised by three bars gemelles gules, an annulet for difference. Farley, Reignald, of Filey—Per pale argent and sable. Crest—On the sinister side a boar’s head sable, gorged with a coronet gobony argent and gules. Gates, Sir Henry, of Seamer—Per pale azure and gules, three lions rampant or, 2 and 1. Grey, Thomas, of Barton, Esq.—Barry of six argent and azure, a bend gobony or and gules. Holforth, Stephen, Esq.—Argent, a greyhound statant sable, in dexter chief a crescent gules for difference. Mountforth, George, gent—Argent, within an orle of eight cross crosslets gules, a lion rampant azure. Percehay, Leonard, Esq.—Argent, a cross flory gules. Pollard, Gawin, gent. —Vert, a boar passant argent, unguled, and armed gules. Roos, George, of Cawton, gent.—Or, three water bougets sable, in chief point a mullet of the second for difference. Savile, Thomas, of Welbury, Esq.—Argent, on abend sable three owls of the first, a mullet gules for difference. Segrave, William, of Helmsley, Esq.—Sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or, charged with a crescent gules for difference. Spencer, John, of Sidingham 1 —Quarterly. 1 and 4. Argent. 2 and 3. Gules, a fret or ; over all a bendlet sable, in chief point of first quarter a mullet of the second for difference. 1 Edingham, MS. 607a 640 , SIR WILLIAM FAYRFAX Spencf.r, William, of Walton-The same arms, with a crescent in chief point of first THORNToTwi r ui d amr r o?Newton, Esq.-Argent, between three thorn trees vert a Westropp, James, gent.—Or, on a ary^o f'the North hiding—Argent, on a W -“ I“bemeen a “’trefoils shipped sable, as many crescents or, all within a bordure engrailed of *e second. , , a chief or.2 BULMER HUNDRED. barney, Thomas, of Towthorpe-Argent, a chevron between three bears' heads couped ^^ThornSy—^gent, e 'a°saltiS S sablef S a'lairerof U three r points guleS. ^ heads couped Sab ’ e ' mUZZl6d BoCRcfiER, Raphe, ofl^ningbojo^KEsq-Argmit CHO^rMS^BS^ esqu^ in chief, in in chief argent, in base a a bordure rtB® 5 #£S 8 sRw. - - - * S°un£t!S ° aibotS seiant argent LoVELL^Thonm^ o^Skeko^Esq.—Argent, a chevron sable between three wolves' Marshall, ^Richard—Argent, two chevronels sable between three bucks' heads M0YSE C R ab T 0 ames-Azure, on a chevron between three hawks argent, jessed and belled ass=r£rsss?s£ • rtyQC-non t t r fnr rliffpronr.P. LANGBARGH CUM WHITBY STRAND. Evers, William, Lord, of Sigleby* -Quarterly, or and gules, on a bend sable three CoNSTl S BLE?Joh a nfof Dromondby—Quarterly, vairand gules, over all a bend or, thereon a mullet sable for difference. 1 MS 6070. 2 Gules, three chevrons interlaced, vairy argent and azure, a chief or, MS. 6070. 3 Rigleby, MS. 6070. BOOKE OF ARMES OF YORKSHIRE. Conyers, Nicholas, Esq.—Azure, a manche or, in fesse point a trefoil slipped of the last. Craytiiorne, Ralph, of Craythome, Esq.—Argent, on a saltire gules five cross cross- lets or. Fairfax, Edward—Argent, a lion rampant sable, debruised by three bars gemelles gules, charged with a fleur-de-lis for difference. Fairfax, Cuthbert—The same arms, with a cinquefoil for difference. Fairfax, George—The same arms, charged with a mullet for difference. Fairfax, Henry—The same arms, with a cross moline for difference. Fairfax, Robert—The same arms, with an annulet for difference. Fairfax, Thomas—The same arms, on the lion’s breast a martlet for difference, Fulthorpe, Francis—Argent, a cross moline sable, a crescent for difference. Gower, Thomas, of Stittenam, Esq.—Barry of six argent and gules, over all a cross flory sable. Layton, Thomas, of Saxhow, Esq.—Argent, a fesse between six cross crosslets fitchy sable. Pennyman, James, of Ormesby— Gules , a chevron ermine between three half spears broken, or headed argent . Pennyman, William, of St. Alban's, in Hertfordshire, son of James—Arms as above, within a bordure ermine. Ratcliff, Roger, of Musgrave, Esq.—Argent, on a bend engrailed sable a mullet or. Rokeby, Robert, Esq.—Argent, on a chevron between three rooks proper, a fleur-de- lis for difference. Salveyn, Ralph, Esq.—Argent, on a chief sable two mullets or, pierced gules. Sayer, John, of Worsall, Esq.—Gules, a chevron between three seamews argent, legged and beaked sable. Strangwayes, James, Esq.—Sable, two lions passant in pale, each paly of six argent and gules. Tocketts, Roger, Esq.—Argent, a lion rampant azure, debruised by a bendlet gules. BIRDFORTH cum ALLERTONSHIRE. Bellasts, Sir William, of Newborough—Argent, a chevron gules between three fleurs- de-lis azure. Chambers, John, of Baxby — Argent, a fesse between three squirrels sejant sable. Dan by, James — Argent, three chevronels braced in base sable, in chief three mullets gules, in fesse point a mullet of the second for difference. Deyvill, Christopher, of Cuckwold— Or, on a fesse, between four fleurs-de-lis gules, two fleurs-de-lis of the field. Deyvill, Roger, of Angram — Or, on a fesse, between four fleurs-de-lis gules, two fleurs- de-lis counterchanged, in chief a crescent sable for difference. Dawnay, John, of Sezzay, Esq. — Argent, on a bend cottised sable three annulets or. Fairfax, Nicholas, of Fawdington, Esq. — ., a lion rampant, debruised by three bars gemelles, charged with a crescent for difference. Fox, Thomas, of Thorpe — Argent, a chevron between three foxes’ heads erased gules. Lascelles, Thomas, of Brackenbury — Sable, a cross flory or. Lepton, Christopher, of Kepwick, Esq.—Barry of six argent and gules, on a chief azure three Catherine wheels or. Mennell, Roger, of Hawnby, Esq. — Azure, two bars gemelles and a chief or. Mennell, Roger, of Kilvington— Azure , two bars gemelles, on a chief or a crescent gules for difference. Metcalf, Gilbert, of Hoode— Argent, three calves passant sable, in chief a martlet gules for difference. Talbot, Roger—Argent, three lions rampant purpure, in chief a mullet sable for difference. Tankard, Rafe, of Arden — Argent, a chevron between three escallops gules. Thomlinson, Peter—Per pale vert and argent, three greyhounds courant counter- changed, collared or. Thorneton, John — Argent , cn a bend gules three carbuncles or. 1 642 SIR WILLIAM FAYRFAX GILLING WEST. Bowes Robert, of Aske, Esq.— Ermine, three long bows bent in pale, stringed gules. Caterick Anthony, Esq.—Argent, on a fesse engrailed sable three quatrefoils or. Caterick, George—Argent, on a fesse engrailed sable three quartrefoils or, m chief a crescent gules for difference. Covell Thomas—Or, a chevron between three martlets sable. Frank, Henry, of Knighton, Esq.—Gules, three hawks argent, jessed and belled Gascoigne, Richard, of Sedbury, Esq.—Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head couped, GiRLlNGTON°Ninian, of Hackforth, Esq.— Argent, a chevron between three gadflies Gower, Roger—Argent, a fesse between three “gowers sable. , Layton, John—Argent, on a fesse between six cross crosslets fitchy sable, a crescent for difference. Pudsey, William—Vert, a chevron between three mullets or. Rokeby, Christopher, Esq.—Argent, a chevron between three rooks sable. Tunstall, Francis, Esq.—Sable, three combs argent. , , Uvedalle, Avery—Gules, on a fesse counter-embattled between three lions gambs erased, bendwise, argent, three crescents of the field, in chief, between the lions' gambs a cross botony or for difference. - Wandesford, Christopher, of Wanbume-Or, a lion rampant, double queued, azure, charged with a crescent for difference. Warde, William—Azure, a cross flory or. _ Wytham Tohn, Esq.—Or, a bendlet sable between three pewits gules, 2 and 1. Wray, Thomas—Azure, on a chevron ermine, between three falchions bendwise argent, handles or, a crescent sable for difference, on a chief of the fourth three Wycliffe, Robert—Argent, a chevron sable between three crosses botony gules, in chief a crescent of the last for difference. Wycliffe, William, of Wycliffe, Esq.— Argent, a chevron sable between three crosses botony gules. . Wytham, Tohn, Esq.—Or, a bend sable between three pewits, gules. GILLING EAST CUM HALIKELD. Bland, Richard, gent.—Argent, on a bend sable three pheons or. Cecill, Sir Thomas, of Snape-Barry of nine argent and azure, six escocheons sable, 3, 2 and 1, each charged with a lion rampant of the first. Bowes, Sir George—Ermine, three long bows bent in pale, stringed gules. Bulmer, Anthony, of Gaterley, Esq.—Gules, billetffie or, a lion rampant of the last. Cleasby, John—Gules, two bendlets argent, a canton ermine. Clervaux, Richard, of Croft, Esq.—Or, a saltire sable. Conyers, Christopher, Esq.—Azure, on a maunche or a martlet sable for difference. Dakins, Thomas—Gules, a lion passant gardant between two mullets in pale or, all between two flaunches argent, each charged with a griffin rampant segreant sable. Exilby, Thomas—Argent a chevron gules within a bordure bezanty. Gatonby, Anthony—Ermine, a chevron gules between three mullets azure. Greene, John, of Newby—Argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable. Laseby or Lassenby, Peter, Esq. —Gules, a fesse between three cushions argent, tasselled or, over all a bend sable guttle d’or. Mennell, Richard— Azure, two bars gemelles or, on a chief or a crescent sable for difference. Rokeby, James, Esq.—Argent, on a chevron sable, between three rooks proper, a martlet for difference. Vincent, Marmaduke, Esq.—Barry of five argent and gules, on a canton of the second a trefoil slipped or. Wandesford, Christopher, of Kirklington, Esq.—Or, a lion rampant, double queued, azure. Warcopp,’ Thomas—Argent, on a fesse gules three cushions ermine, tasselled or. BOOKE OF ARMES OF YORKSHIRE. 643 HANG WEST. Aske, Thomas—Argent, two chevrons sable, in dexter chief a crescent for difference. Askwith, Thomas—Sable, on a fesse, between three asses passant argent, a crescent gules for difference. Bainbrigge, Francis—Azure, two halberts in pale argent, helved or, on a chief of the last two mullets of the first pierced gules. Borough, Thomas—Argent, on a saltire sable five swans argent. Conyers, Ralph.—Azure, on a manche or a fleur-de-lis sable for difference. Crofte, Ralph— Argent , on a bend sable, between two escallops of the first, a quatre- foil or, Danby, Sir Thomas—Argent, three chevronels interlaced in base sable, on a chief of the field three mullets of the second. Layton, William—Argent, on a fesse, between six cross crosslets fitchy sable, a mullet or for difference. Metcalfe, James, of Nappa, Esq.—Argent, three calves passant sable. Scrope, Henry, Esq.—Azure, on a bend or a crescent sable for difference. Scroope, Henry Lord, of Bolton—Azure, a bend or. Sowlby, Christopher—Per chevron sable and argent, in chief three boars’ heads couped of the second. Spence, Francis— Sable, three mill stones argent, 2 and 1. Swale, John—Sable, three stags’ heads cabossed argent. Thoresby, William, Esq.—Argent, a chevron between three lions rampant sable. Thornton, Peter—Blank shield. Wyvill, Marmaduke, of Burton—Gules, three chevrons embattled argent, a chief or 1 HANG EAST. Browne, William—Argent, on a bend cottised sable three lions passant of the field. Conyers, Christopher, Esq. — Azure, on a manche or an annulet gules for difference. Conyers, Christopher—Azure, on a manche or a mullet within an annulet sable for difference. Danby, James — Argent, three chevronels interlaced in base, on a chief sable three mullets of the field, and a crescent within the centre chevronel for difference. Danby, James — Argent, three chevronels interlaced in base sable, on a chief of the last three mullets of the first. Darcy, Thomas, of Hornby, Esq. — Azure, sem^e of cross crosslets, and three cinque¬ foils argent, with a crescent in chief point for difference, Dodworth, John — Argent, a chevron between three bugle-horns stringed sable. Girlington, Nicholas, Esq. — Argent, a chevron between three gadflies sable. Jackson, Christopher — Argent, on a chevron sable, between three hawks’ heads erased azure, as many cinquefoils of the field, in chief a crescent for difference. Jackson, John, of Bedale, Esq. — Argent, on a chevron sable, between three hawks’ heads erased azure, as many cinquefoils of the first. Lawson, Rafe, Esq. — Argent, a chevron between three martlets sable. Metcalfe, Gilbert, of Hoode— Argent, three calves sable, and a martlet in chief proper for difference. Metcalfe, Oswald, Esq.—Argent, three calves passant sable, a crescent in fesse point for difference. Pepper, John — Gules, on a chevron between three demi-lions rampant or as many sickles sable. Talbot, Roger, of Birdforth—Argent, three lions rampant purpure, in chief a mullet sable for difference. Thomlinson, Peter, of Birdforth—Per pale vert and argent, three greyhounds courant counterchanged, collared or. Watnall (Whetenall), John—Ermine, on a bend engrailed vert, a mullet or for difference. 1 Gules, three chevrons interlaced in base, on a chief or a mullet for difference, MS. 6070. SIR WILLIAM FAYRFAX* Wharton, Philip, Lord—Sable, a manche argent, a bordure or, charged with eight lions' gambs bendwise erased gules . 1 Wyclyffe, Henry—Argent, a chevron sable between three crosses botony gules. Wyvill, William—Gules, three chevrons embattled, argent, a chief or . 2 THE ANESTY OF YORK. Clapham, Leonard—Argent, on a bend sable six fleurs-de-lis or, 2, 2 and 2. Fairfax, Gabriel, of Steeton, Esq. —.. a lion rampant, debruised by three bars gemelles, charged with a martlet on a crescent for difference. Fairfax, Henry—Argent, three bars gemelles gules, over all a lion rampant sable, charged with a crescent for difference. Fairfax, Sir William, of Walton—Argent, a Hon rampant sable, debruised by three bars gemelles. Frankland, Guy—Gules, a dolphin embowed between three mullets argent, on a chief or a martlet sable between two saltires of the field. Gale, Robert, of Acomb Grange—Azure, on a fesse between three saltires argent, as many lions’ heads erased of the held. Ingleby, John, of Acomb—Sable, on an estoile of sixteen 3 points argent, a crescent gules for difference. Lawson, Peter, of Poppleton—Paly of four gules and vert, on a chevron argent a greyhound’s head erased sable betweeen two cinquefoils azure, a chief or charged with an ogress, thereon a demi-lion rampant argent between two crescents sable, each charged with three plates. Newarke, Peter, of Acomb—Or, three saltires engrailed sable. Snawsell, William—Argent, on a chevron between three leopards’ heads sable as many cross crosslets fitchy of the held. Stapleton, Sir Robert, of Wighill—Argent, a lion rampant sable. Thwaytes, John, of Marston—Azure, a fesse between three estoiles or. Vavasour, Henry, of Copmanthorpe—Or, a fesse dancett^e sable, charged with a crescent of the held on a crescent gules, for difference. Wilstrope, Charles, of Wilstrope, Esq.—Azure, a chevron between three lions passant gardant argent. Wood, Anthony—Azure, three savage men, each holding in his dexter hand a club, and on his sinister arm a shield argent, charged with a saltire gules, and wreathed around the head and loins vert. Yaxley, William, of Bickerton, Esq.—Ermine, a chevron between three mullets sable. CLARO. Aldborough, Richard, of Aldborough, Esq.—Azure, a fesse argent between three crosses botony or. Banke, Richard, Esq. — Sable, a cross between four fleurs-de-lis or. Beckwith, William, of Clint, Esq.—Argent, on a fesse azure three fleurs-de-lis or. Burton, Nicholas, Esq. — Argent, a bend wavy sable. Clapham, William, of Beamsley, Esq. —Argent, on a bend azure six fleurs-de-lis or, 2, 2 and 2. Conyers, Matthew — Azure, a maunche or, charged with a crescent sable for difference. Drax, Gamaliel — Gules, five lozenges in fesse argent, the central one charged with a crescent sable for difference, in chief a label of seven points (azure). Fairfax, Sir Thomas, of Denton — ., three bars gemelles, over all a lion rampant charged with a crescent for difference. Faux, Richard, of Fameley. — Argent, a pale sable between, on the dexter side, a falcon close jessed and belled proper, on the sinister side a mascle sable. Goldesborough, William, of Goldesborough, Esq. — Azure, a cross flory argent. Goodricke, Richard, of Ribston, Esq.—Argent, on a fesse gules, between two lions passant gardant sable, a fleur-de-lis between two crescents or. 1 Or, two lions’ paws in saltier erased gules, on an escocheon of pretence sable a maunch argent, MS. 6070. 2 Gules, three chevrons interlaced in base, on a mullet in chief sable a crescent for difference, MS. 6070. 3 Six in MS. 6070. BOOKE OF ARMES OF YORKSHIRE. 6 4 5 Ingleby, William, of Ripley, Esq.—Sable, an estoile of six points argent. Kighley, Lawrence, of Newhall, Esq.—Argent, on a fesse sable a fleur-de-lis or. Lindley, John, of Leathley—Argent, on a chief sable three griffins’ heads erased of the field. Maleverer, Richard, of Allerton, Esq.—Gules, three greyhounds courant in pale argent, collared or. Mallory, Sir William, of Studley—Or, a lion rampant gules, collared argent. Manners, John, of Dighton—Or, two bars azure, a chief quarterly of the last and gules, in the i and 4 two fleurs-de-lis, and in the 2 and 3 a lion of England, all or, in chief point a crescent for difference. Mawde, Anthony, of Helthwayte—Argent, three bars gemeltes sable, over all a lion rampant gules. Midelton, William, of Stockeld, Esq.—Argent, a fret and a canton sable. Newton, Miles—Sable, three pairs of shin-bones in saltier, the sinister surmounted of the dexter, argent. Palmes, Francis, of Lindley, Esq.—Gules, three fleurs-de-lis argent, a chief vair. Plumpton, William, of Plumpton, Esq,—Azure, five lozenges in fesse or, each charged with an escallop gules. Pulleyne, John, of Killinghall—Azure, on a bend between six lozenges or, [each charged with an escallop gules, a crescent sable for difference. Pulleyne, Walter, of Scotton, Esq.—Azure, a bend between six lozenges or, each charged with an escallop gules. Roos, Robert, of Ingmanthorpe—Azure, three water-bougets or. Slingsby, Francis, of Scriven, Esq.—Gules, in chief two leopards’ heads, and in base a bugle horn stringed argent. Sothill, Henry—Gules, an eagle displayed argent. Staveley, William—Argent, on a chevron, between three lozenges sable, as many stags’ heads cabossed or. Tanckard, Thomas, of Boroughbridge—Argent, a chevron between three escallops gules. Vavasour, William, of Weston, Esq.—Or, a fesse dancett^e sable charged with a crescent argent. Westby, Francis, Esq.—Argent, on a bend azure three escallops of the field. Yorke, Peter—Azure, a saltire argent. BARKSTON. Babthorpe, Christopher, Esq.—Sable, on a chevron or, between three crescents ermine, a crescent sable for difference. Barkstone, Edward—Argent, a bend sable, cottised gules, between three fleurs-de-lis azure. Bates, Leonard, of Mumby 1 —Sable, a fesse engrailed between three dexter hands couped at the wrist bend wise argent. Beckwith, Roger, of Selby, Esq.— Argent, a chevron fretty or and gules between three hinds’ heads erased of the 2nd. Beverley, John, Esq.—Argent, a chevron sable, on a chief of the second three bulls’ heads cabossed of the first. Burton, Myles—Per pale azure and purpure, a cross engrailed or between four roses barbed and seeded argent. Cressy, Gervase, of Birkin, Esq.—Argent, a lion rampant, double queued, sable. Eland, Brian—Gules, two bars between eight martlets, three, two and three, argent. Ellis, John, of Bardsay—Or, on a cross sable five crescents of the field. Foster, Leonard, of Smawes—Argent, a chevron vert between three bugle horns stringed sable, in chief a martlet of the last. Gascoigne, Henry—Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head couped erect or, and a crescent for difference. Hammond, William—Argent, a chevron between three mullets sable. Harebred, Richard—Gules, a cross vaire between four lions passant or. Hungate, William, of Saxton, Esq.—Gules, a chevron engrailed between three talbots sejant argent. l Huby, MS. 6070. 646 SIR WILLIAM FAYRFAX Nelson, ““ph^fGrim^ton-pIr three Nevile? Henry— Gules?onT C Katier argent a crescent of the field for difference, over all a label of three points vert. to chW «™ W Tyndall, John— Argent, on a fesse sable three garbs or. Vavasour Tohn of Hazlewood—Or, a fesse dancettee sable. Wytham, William, of Ledstone— Or, on a bendlet gules between three pewits close a crescent for difference. AGBRIGG. erased of the last. BrAOTOED 0 l Robert—Ar^nb'a chevron lelween three bugle horns stringed sable RunSy Rtoharf^ Esq -Argent, a chevron between three goats’ heads erased sable. Chaloner ThomS-Az^, on a chevron or three mullets sable between three* FLEMTNG^Thomas-ASme, two bars argent, on a chief of the second three cushions tasselled gules. , . f B Freeston Tohn—Paly of six or and azure, a chief gules. . Frobisher J William-Ermine, on a chief sable two unicorns' heads erased argent. Gascoigne, WiS-Argent! on a pale sable a luce’s head erect couped or, in dexter chief a mullet sable for difference. Hopton John— Argent, two bars sable, each charged with three mullets or. Jackson, Charles—Gules, a chevron argent between three magpies with tails er sSjsssss:*.;* •» Peck, Nicholas—Argent, on a chevron engrailed gules three crosses pat^e of the field. RiSHWORTH, Alexander—Argent, a cross botony ntchy sable. Iavile, sableThree ow?s o e f the field, in the dexter SAVlLE^Hugh^Esq"—Argent? r on a bend sable three owls of the field, in the dexter chief a crescent or upon a mullet gules for difference. .. Savile, Robert, Esq.—Argent, on a bend sable three owls of the field, over all a WATERTON kt Thomas; Esq.-Barry of six ermine and gules, over all three crescents WENTWORTH, Matthew, of Elmsall, Esq.-Sable, a chevron between three leopards' foooc nr MORLEY. martlets, three, two and three, GASCOiGNE^William—Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head couped erect or, charged with a mullet of the second for difference. 1 Barry of six gules and ermine, MS. 607a 2 MS. 6070. 3 Fesse, Harl. MS. 1487, fo. 170. BOOKE OF ARMES OF YORKSHIRE. 647 Lacy, John, Esq.—Argent, six ogresses, 3, 2 and 1. Lacy, John, Esq.—Argent, six ogresses, 3, 2 and 1, in chief point a crescent (sable) for difference. Lee, Thomas, Esq.—Sable, three crowns or. Popelay, Robert—(Blank shield). Savile, Henry, of Agbrigg—Argent, on a bend sable three owls of the field, in dexter chief a mullet sable for difference. Savile, John—The same arms, with a crescent in dexter chief (as before) for difference. Savile, John—The same arms, in sinister chief a crescent gules for difference. Savile, Robert—The same arms, in the dexter chief a crescent for difference. Savile, Thomas—., on a bend .three owls. Stansfeld, Thomas—(Blank shield). Tempest, Henry, of Broughton—Argent, on a bend between six storm finches sable, a mullet or for difference. Tempest, Richard, of Bowling, Esq.—Argent, a bend between six storm finches sable. Thornhill, Brian—Gules, two bars ermine. Thornton, John—Argent, a chevron sable, in dexter chief a crescent (gules) for difference. Thurland, John—Vert, ten escallops, 4, 3, 2 and 1, argent. STAINCROSS cum OSGOLDCROSS. Aungier, Ralph—Ermine, a griffin segreant, per fesse or and azure, armed gules. Barnby, Thomas—Or, on a lion rampant sable six escallop shells argent, within an orle of five mullets azure. Bosvile, Godfrey, Esq.—Argent, five lozenges in fesse gules, the centre charged with an annulet or for difference, in chief three bears' heads erased sable. Burdett, Henry—Paly of six argent and sable, over all, on a bend gules, three martlets of the first. Everingham, Henry, Esq.—(Gules), a lion rampant vaire. Gargrave, Sir Cotton, of Nostell—Lozengy argent and sable, over all, on a bend of the second, three crescents of the first. Mering, John—(Argent), on a chevron (sable) three escallops (or). Nevill, Gervase, Esq.—Gules, a saltire argent, a label of three points vert. Nowell, John—Argent, three covered cups sable. Radcliff, Roger—Argent, a bend engrailed sable, in dexter chief a fleur-de-lis of the last for difference. Rokeby, William, of Skyres—Argent, a chevron between three rooks proper, charged with a crescent. Stanley, Piers—Argent, on a bend azure three stags' heads cabossed or, in dexter chief a crescent gules for difference. Wentworth, Matthew—Sable, a chevron between three leopards’ faces or, all within a bordure argent. Wentworth, Roger—Sable, a chevron between three leopards’ faces or, a mullet sable for difference, all within a bordure argent. Wentworth, Thomas—Sable, a chevron between three leopards’ faces or, a crescent sable for difference. Woodrove, George, Esq.—Argent, a chevron between three crosses patee fitchy gules. Wortley, Francis, Esq.—Argent, on a bend between six martlets gules three bezants. SKYRACK. Ardington, William, Esq.—Argent, a fesse between three escallops gules. Baildon, Robert, of Baildon—Argent, a fesse between three fleurs-de-lis sable. Dyneley, William—Argent, a fesse sable, and in chief two ogresses, between them a mullet of the second. Ellis, William, of Bardsay, Esq.—Or, on a cross sable five crescents of the field. Folkingham, William, Esq.—Sable, a bend between six escallops argent. Franke, Anthony, of A1 woodley—Vert, a saltire engrailed or. Gascoigne, Richard, Esq.—Argent, on a pale sable a luce’s head couped erect or, charged with a crescent of the second for difference. 6 4 8 SIR WILLIAM FAYRFAX’ Gascoigne, William, Esq.—Argent, on a pale sable a luce s head couped erect or, charged with a mullet of the second for difference. . Green, Gabriel—Argent, a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis sable, charged with a crescent of the field for difference. Hardwick, William—Argent, on a saltire engrailed azure a crescent for difference, and on a chief of the second three roses barbed and seeded of the field. Hawkesworth, William—Sable, three hawks close argent. Maleverer, William, of Wothersome—Sable, three greyhounds courant m pale argent, collared or. . . Maude, Arthur^—Argent, three bars gemelles sable, over all a lion rampant gules. Norton, Henry—Azure, a maunche ermine, over all a bendlet gules, in chief a crescent argent for difference. . „ , . .. f Oglethorpe, Robert, of Rawden—Argent, five lozenges in fesse, and in chief three boars' heads couped sable, the central lozenge charged with a crescent argent for difference. t one' "\Xril1i 3 61 Anne, .-Cath. Hotham .. Agnes-Francis Holmes Agnes-Robert Swift ., Alice-Richard Danby Dorothy-]ohn Anlaby Dorothy-John Tindall w . Isabel-Bartholomew-Trigott... 304 Jane-Edward Grice ... ... 3 2 3 ]oane-]ohn Peck ... • •• 347 Martin-Eliz. Bosvile {Nevilfj 368 89 . 3 61 576 .. 263 .. 123 .... 3 r 7 PAGE 328 356 620 620 487 172 „ Mary-]ohn Ellis Anston, Thos.-Isabel Bosvile Anvervile, ]oan-Sir Nicho. Kiriell Wm.-Matilda Gian vile APPLEBY, OF LINTON ... Appleby, Ann-Philip Lutton... Dorothy-Marmdke. Thweng 581 Margaret-Robert Yoward... 192 l ’ Maude-Thomas Layton, 258, 541 , Percival-Margery Layton... 259 „ William-Isabel Brus ... 130 Applegarth,Joane-William Swale ... 276 William-Jane Bransby... 212 Appleton, Joan-John Wentworth (2, Gargrave) ... 69, 378 Mary- Roger Strickland ... 166 APPLEYARD, OF BURSTWICK GARTH .. . Appleyard, Anne-John Hildyard Anne-Urian Duncalfe ... Thos.-Margery Jackson William - Alice Warter ... Archard, Richard-Elizabeth Fowbery Archer, Frances-Edmund Lawson ... De Arches, . Arden, .-Edith Metham. Jane Sir Ralph Ellerker ... ^ ,, * Ralph-Annabella Glanville... 620 Arderne, Thos.-Margaret Gascoigne 238 146 5 i 141 43 587 n 7 254 4 i 2 S 3 136 Argrohowe, Alice-Jno. Sturmy Argum. Argum, .-.Ayscough... .-John Calthrop ... Arkbow, Hawis de-Alan Malkake „ Robt. de-Sibell Mancells Arksey, Thomas-Mary Wetherall Armine, Elizabeth-John Lister ,, J an e-Ralph de Babthorpe ... 598 „ Margaret-John Portington 561 ,, Margaret-Lawrence Witham 260 . 177 ... 178 ... 96 39 , 96 ... 624 ... 624 ••• 633 546 Armine, Sir William-Martha Eure ... 614 ARMITAGE, OFKERRESFORTH HILL .488 ARMITAGE, OF KIRKLEES ... 488 Armitage, Ann-Sir Hugh Wyrrall ... 349 Armorer, Wm.-Elizabeth Irton ... 42 Armstrong, Frances-Francis Gregory (2, Kaye) .616 Arneshowe, Thos.-Ann Mackendge, (Bate) ... ••• ••• ••• I 9 2 ARTHINGTON, OF ARTHING- TON AND CASTLEY ... 272, 273 Arthington, .-Ralph Westby ... 3 6 3 tt .-Elizabeth Kaye (2, Dye) . 3 2 3 M Alice-Robert Franke ... 519 M Ann-Alan Caterall ... 291 ,, Francis-Chrn. Rawson ... 351 „ Frances-Sir Edw. Plumpton 387 ,, Henry - Elizabeth Leigh ( Wentworth) . 375 M Hy.-Maude Goldesborough 369 „ Isabell-]ohn Fawkes ... 100 ,, Isabell-Thomas Womb well 366 ,, Mary-Gabriel Layton ... 542 „ Maude-John Gascoigne ... 239 ,, Robert-Ann Bunny ... 77 ,, William - Elizabeth Kaye ( Wentworth ) 334 „ William-Kath. Ingleby ... 283 Arthur, Robert-Margt. Laughton ...^542 Arundell, Adam de-Orphania Male- verer .266 „ Doro.-Thos. Strangwayes nio\ M Katherine-Ralph Eure ... 615 Ashbourne, Elizabeth-Henry Grice... 323 „ Francis - Elizabeth Lacy 331 Ashbume, Susan - Anthony Malham 295 Ashburnham, Mary-Geo. Wentworth 334 Ashby, William-Ann Crathome ... 209 Ashley, Dowsabel-Sir Ralph Bab¬ thorpe . I© 2 , 599 Ashton, .-George Atherton ... 7 ° „ -Sir John Savile ... 571 ,, Isabel-Brian Knottesford ... 349 ,, Richard-Alice Wakefield ... 139 ,, Valensia-Henry Chaworth . 503 ASKE, OF AUGHTON ... 118, 119 ASKE, OF OWSTHORPE.107 Aske,.-.Eliothe ... ... 13 2 „ .-Elizabeth Perte ... ... 164 „ -William Pennyman ... 206 ,, Alice-Christopher Stapleton ... 333 „ Ann-William Monkton ... 134 ,, Averill-Thomas Ricard ... 567 ,, Cath.-]no.Richmond,> Joan-Richard Langley ... 117 »» Margaret-Anthony Byron (2, Berkeley) . 4 » Margery-. Knight (2, Armitage) ... 488 bis ,, Mary-Francis Manby ... 626 ,, Richard-Ann Kaye ... 538 ,, Rch .-Catherine Gascoigne 239 „ Richard-Catherine Nevill 246 „ Richard-Margt. Wyvill... 380 ,, Susan-Gabriel Hems worth 529 Beck, Robert-Emma Dawson c 12 BECKWITH, OF AIKTON 404. BECKWITH, OF CLINT ' 280 BECKWITH, OF SELBY, &c. ..! 101 Beckwith,.-John Pulleine ... 243 .-Maude Snawsell ... 94 Ambrose-Eliz. Newark ... 92 Ann-George Rawdon ... 565 Ann-Nicholas Conyers ... 508 Elizabeth-Peter Lawson ... 93 Elizabeth-Wm. Atkinson 489 Elizabeth-Wm. Vavasour 345 Helen-John Vavasour ... 345 Isabel-Leonard Conyers ... 508 Jane-Miles Newton ... 274 John-Agnes Vavasour ... 345 Katherine-Henry Pudsey 294 Sir Leonard-Eliz. Vavasour 113 Margaret, or Jennett-Wm. Gascoigne .238 Margaret-Robert Dakins 169 Roger-Elizabeth Cholmeley (2, Barwick) .220 Thomas-Elizabeth Ingleby 282 *Thomas-Jane Wood ... 124 Thos.-Katherine Tanckard (2, Newton) ... 216, 271 Thomas-Maude Palmes ... 90 Thomas-Maude Pudsey ... 564 Wm.-Elizabeth Plumpton 387 William-Jane Tanckard 216,271 Bedall, Robert-Mary Serlby ... ... 364 Bedingfield, Ann-Robert Skerne ... 108 Bedolf, .-Marmaduke Holtby ... 230 Bee, Agnes-Adam Lamplew.155 658 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Bee, Jane-Edward Wakefield — *39 lf John-Margaret Eland ( Taylor) 605 ,, Margaret-J ohn Dighton Beesley, Alice-Robert Kaye ... BEESTON, OF BEESTON Beeston.-. Merworth .-William Bosvile ,, Agnes-Theo. Grice... Alice-Percival Moore ” Bryan-Joane Maleverer ,, Ellen-Nicholas Denman ... ^ , Katherine-Wm. Wentworth 375 Margaret-William Sawley... 114 ” Ralph-Dorothy Savile ... 341 Ralph-Margery Nevill ... 246 Robert-Margaret Calverley 605 538 3 22 45 340 3 2 3 555 67 346 264 189 574 174 80 256 495 276 410 185 (2, Danbv) Beilby, Ann-Roger Wyvill ... „ Bridget-Henry Simpson ,, Richard-Agnes Bigod Bekard, John-Agnes Dawnay Belford, of Exilby. BELL, OF YORK. Bell, Alice-Anthony Swale ... ,, Elizabeth-Richard Stockdale , ’ T ohn-ElizabethJ ackson BELLAMY, OF LAMCOT GRANGE. 495 BELLASIS, OF NEWBOROUGH 231/3 Bellasis, Henry - Margaret Hend ( Cholmeley) . nizo Sir Henry-Ursula Fairfax ... 97 Isabell-William Clervaux ... 413 Katherine-Thomas Metham 253 Margaret-William Pulleine... 243 Mary-William Lister ... 290 Sir Thos.-Barbara Cholmeley 220 Sir Wm.-Margaret Fairfax 39 Belierby, Isabel-Thomas Sturmy ... 1 77 Bella Aqua . 37 Belleyv, or Bella Aqua ... ... 104 Bellew, Isabella-Sir Bryan Stapleton 332 John-Ursula Appleby ... 140 Belliamy, Nicholas-} ohanna Neville (2, Brockett). ••• ••• 7 1 Bellingham, .-Tames Levburne... 44 .-Thomas Berwick... 229 Agnes-Thos. Wentworth 85 Alice-William Mallory... 157 Ann-Richard Kirkby ... 43 Dorothy-Mathew J opson 622 Elizabeth-Robert Briggs 497 Fras.-Sir Wm. Chaytor 414 Grace-Edmond Cleburne 255 Henry-Dorothy Boynton 8 Margaret-. Curwen 8 Margt.-Willm. Thwaites 175 Maude-William Bellasis 231 Roger-Margaret Aske... 119 „ Wm.-Elizabeth Thwaites 175 Bellings, Magdalen-JoshuaWoodrove 381 Belscott, .-William Dassett ... 9 8 Belthoroe, .-William Thwaites ... 93 PAGE Beltofte, Hugh de-Egidia de Man¬ chester ... ... ••• ••• 112 Bendish.-Dorothy Leedes ... 135 Benger, Robert-Anne Vavasour ... 237 Bennet, Ann-}ohn Carvile .501 „ Elizabeth-John Peirce ... 560 „ Isabel-John Anlaby.123 Bentley, Elizabeth-Sir Gervase Cutler 511 „ Tennet-Richard Clayton ... 504 ,, john-Mary Savile.329 ,, Susan-Gilbert Deane ... 5*3 Bere, Elizbth. de la-SirMichael Lister 549 Berene, Margaret-Walter Rudston 126 Beresford, Dorothy-}ohn Young ... 327 Berkeley,.. .-Margt. Byron ( Beaumont ) 4 Elizabeth-Sir Wm. Hussey 92 Lord-Joan Strangwayes ... 202 fl Sir Robt.-Elizth. Conyers 165 ,, Thomas-EUen Ingleby (1 Constable ) 179, 198, 283 Berkesworth, Wm.-Christian Thorpe 72410 Berners, Margery-Sir J ohn Bourchier 62 Berrie, .-John Monkton.134 ,, Margery-Wm. Wandesford... 269 Bertram, .-Sir Hugh Eure ... 609 ,, -}ohn Bellasis.231 lt Ada-Adam de Vere.610 „ Alice-James Lawson.254 „ Olive-Edward Thurland ... 151 ,, Robert-Margaret Felton ... 372 BERWICK, OF SUTTON ... 229 BESLEY, OF SKELTON.218 Besley, Elizabeth-. Dyneley (2, Whaley) . 218 bis Best, .-William Harebred ...» 5 2 7 „ Richard-Mary Morley.194 „ William-Margaret Lambton ... 182 Betham, Eliz.-Sir Richd. Musgrave 142 BETHELL, OF ELLERTON ... 241 Bethell, Sir Hugh-}ane Stanley ( Young) . 593 Bethon, Edward-Joan Conyers ... 7 1 Betts, Elizabeth-fohn Thorpe ... 52 BEVERLEY, OF GANSTEAD ... 496 Beverley, ....... Burgh (2, Askwith) 3, 211 ,, John-Frances Constable ... 306 ,, Margery-Andrew Young... 327 ,, Robert-Margaret Rocliffe 383 ,, Thomas-Elinor Vincent ... 636 Biggs, Thomas-Ann Witham ... 310 BIGOD, OF SKAGELTHORPE... 174 BIGOD, OF SETTRINGTON ... 595 Bigod, Agnes-Thomas Stillington ... hi ,, Agnes-William Conyers ... 165 ,, Dorothy-Roger Radcliffe ... 206 ,, Edmd.-Fras.Rasing(2, Rasing) 181 ,, Elizabeth-Sir John Aske ... 118 ,, Francis-Catherine Conyers ... 71 ,, Sir Fras.-Const. de Malolacu 367 „ }oane-Sir Marmaduke Darell 79 „ Ralph-Margaret Constable, 178,197 „ Sir Ralph-Agnes Constable (2, Eure) .612 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 6 59 PAGE 578 490 622 Billsby, Maudlyn-John Thimbleby Bindloss, Alice-Henry Banke ,, Anne-Robert Jopson Bingham,.-Hugh Hercy. 41 ,, Richd-Margery Rempston 332 Binns, Mary-George Thurgarland ... 581 Birchet, Catherine-Richard Blythe ... 321 BIRD. OF THORNTHORPE ... 180 Bird.Isbl.-Fras.Thorpe (2,Sotheby) 52,170 496 10 215 337 330 302 378 132 306 3 12 170 337 330 493 569 BIRKBY, OF YORK Birkby, James-Beatrix Copley „ Jane-Christopher Deyvill Birkhead, .-Dorothy Burdett ,, Alice-John Lacy ... n Katherine-Thos. Lambton 182 Birkin, De. Bisset, .-John Wentworth BISHOP, OF POCKLINGTON... Bishop,.-Thomas Constable ,, Fras.-Barbara Waterton 105, ,, John-Isabel Sotheby. Blackborne.-Ralph Burdett ... *Bladon, Robert-Elizabeth Lacy ... Blake, .-Mary Beale Blakistone, .-William Ridley ... Henry-Margt. Hebborne 621 Muriell-Wm. Wycliffe ... 377 Susan-Simon Bigod ... 174 Toby-Frances Briggs ... 497 William-Ann Briggs ... 497 Sir Wm.-Mary Constable 58 Blanchard, Joane-Marmadke. Fawkes 100 Bland, Christopher-Elizabeth Red- shaw {Percy) .281 ,, Jane-Roger Withes.591 ,, Margaret-Richard Ellerker... 515 Blaydes, .-Ann Grove, or Graves 620 .-John Thornton.210 Blencarue, Chris.-Jane Conyers ... 508 Blenkinsop, Elizabeth-Wm. Ferrand 517 ,, Hen.-Eliz. Tanckard2i6, 271 ,, Thos.-Margery Wycliffe 377 Blesby, Mary-Thomas Ormesby ... 629 Blewett, Dorothy-Robert Bradford... 326 Blount, .-Agnes Crathome ... 208 .-Barbara St. Paule ... 307 Alice-John de Maltby ... 551 Catherine-Walter Griffith ... 524 *Margaret-Francis Holgate... 533 *Richard-Elizabeth Lister ... 547 Blowe, Anthony-Lucy Hungate ... 115 Blundeville, ...-Sir Ralph Crathorne 208 BLYTHE, Morgan, Pickering... 627 BLYTHE, OF BARNBY, &c. ... 321 Blythe, .-Gertrude Stringer ... 575 ,, Alexander-Isabell Thornton 265 ,, Elizabeth-William Serlby ... 364 ,, Thomas-Dorothy Kaye ... 320 ,, Wm.-Elizabeth Stapleton ... 332 Blytheman, Jasper-Isabel Lacy ... 331 fl John-Beatrix Burdett ... 337 „ William-Ellinor Tancred (2, Conyers) ... 216, 271 PAGE • 583 • 346 . 310 165 Bold, Ann-Francis Tunstall ... Bolingbroke. Bolles, .-Margaret Witham ,, Tohn-Katherine Conyers ,, John-Katherine Metham 106, 253 ,, Susan-Robert, or John Lay- ton ... 259, 541 Bolling, Edward-Jane Greene ... 315 ,, Rosamond-Sir Richard Tem¬ pest ... ... ... 319, 337 Boltby, Eva-Alan Staveley.635 Bolton, De.563 Bolton, Elizabeth-Edmond Laughton 542 Elizabth-Wm. Gascoigne 238, 384 George-Alice Normanville ... 348 Jane-Henry Gascoigne ... 384 |oan-Ralph Fitzwilliam ... 517 Margaret-Thomas Holme ... 224 Boode, Arthur-. Layton.258 ,, Elinor-Edmund Coates ... 258 Boone, Richard-Mary Kerresforth... 335 Booth,.-John Carrington ... 500 ,, .-John Conyers .165 ,, Alice-Ralph Gascoigne ... 385 ,, George-Jane Carrington ... 500 ,, Lucy-Bartholomew Trigott ... 304 „ Margaret-Robert Monkton ... 171 ,, Margaret-William Forster ... 618 » Ralph-Alice Southwell (Male- verer) Bore, Ann-Thomas Ussher ... BOROUGH, OF BOROUGH ... Borough, .-John Saltmarsh Anne-Henry Eure... Elizabeth-Roger Lawson... 254 Jane-Guy Rocliffe ... 285 Margery-Ralph Fretwell... 519 Roger-Elizabeth Chambers 254 Thomas-Frances Vaughan r2i Bostock, Jane-Richard Wyrrall ... 349 BOSVILE,ofGUNTHWAITE, &c. 338 BOSVILE, OF NEWHALL ... 368 BOSVILE, OF WARMSWORTH 356 BOSVILE, OF CHEVET .340 Bosvile, .-Ann Clapham. 13 .-Tohn Kerresforth ... 335 .-Roger Fretwell ... 519 .-Thomas Westby ... 363 Ann-Henry Savile .324 Ann-William Carrington ... 500 Sir Anthony-Katherine Cavill 134 Barbara-John Mering ... 304 Dorothy-John Lacy ... 331 Elizabeth-Thomas Anne ... 360 Elizabeth-Willm. Beeston ... 322 Elizabeth-William Copley ... 10 Ellen-Robert Vescy ... 585 Francis-Dorothy Rolleston ( Copley ) 72569 Gertrude-Philip Adams ... 485 Gervase-Edith Wyrrall ... 349 Isabel-John Barnby ... 339 Isabel-Thomas Anston ... 356 67 350 3 100 612 66o INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 75 7 373 ' 356 185 182 409 33 8 PAGE Bosvile, Tan e-John Waterhouse • •• 353 Jno-Eliz. Reresby (2, Eyre) 75, 362 Mary-Richard Burdett ... 337 Maude-Sir Roger Fitzwilliam 411 Maude-Sir Thos. Reresby ... Muriell-Sir John Burton Thomas-Isabel Hastings ... ,, Thomas-Isabel St. Paul ... Boteler, Beatrix-Henry Jackson Botteress, Elizabeth-Wm. Barton ... Boughton.-Bryan Metcalfe ... Catherine-Francis Burdett „ Elizth.-Sir Richd. Wortley (2, Cavendish) ... ... 59 2 BOURCHIER, OF BENNING- BOROUGH, &c. ... 62 63 Bourchier, .-Sir Henry Nevill ... 628 .-Sir Rd. Maleverer... 68 ” Catherine-J ohn Copley ... 508 tElizabeth-Sir Rich. Page 415 ” George-Elizabeth Skipwith 634 Lucy-Richard Aldeburgh 279 Bovill, Ann-William Deyvill.215 BOWES, OF ELLERBECK ... 497 BOWES, OF STRETLAM 596, 597 Bowes, .-. Metcalfe. 4°9 .-Marmaduke Vincent ... 636 Agnes-Sir John Conyers ... 165 Ann-Ralph Wycliffe. 377 Catherine-Sir Wm. Eure 205, 614 Eliz.-Sir Chris. Wandesford . 269 Elizabeth-Edmond Mennell 251 Sir George-Dorothy Mallory 157 Sir George - Muriell Eure (2, Wycliffe)... 205, 377 , 613 Joane-Sir Ralph Bulmer ... 193 John-Elizabeth Deyvill ...7*215 John-Ursula Deyvill.215 Margery-Sir Ralph Eure 205, 613 Margery-William Wycliffe ... 284 Muriel-John Jackson Robert-Alice Layton Robert-Ellinor Musgrave Talbot-.Warcopp , Sir William-Mary Scrope Bower, Ann-Thomas Usher. Bowett, Elizabech-John Donham ... Bowman, Lawrence-Kath. Newton... Bowyer, Ralph-Margaret Reresby ... Boydon, Mary-Hugh Donington ... BOYNTON, OF BURTON AGNES BOYNTON, OF SEDBURY, &C.... Boynton, Ann-Francis Vaughan (2, Fairfax). ,, Ann-Robert Haldenby ... M Ann-William Norton ,, Christopher-Joan Barton (,Strangwayes) ... ,, Cicely-Edward Norton ... ,, Elizabeth-Henry Gascoigne 385 n Isabel-Brian Tunstall ... 168 „ ] ane-Thos. Goldesborough 369 ,, lane-William Norman ... 558 43 258 i43 376 614 636 37 274 75 38 8 4 121 305 245 5 245 PAGE Boynton, Mathew-Ann Bulmer ... 193 Thomas-Ann Crathorne ... 207 " Thos. -Margt. St. Quin tin 162 William-Margt. Clervaux... 413 Boys, .-John de Manby.624 Isabella-John Normanville ... 168 Peter-Frances Normanville ... 348 Bozon, Sir ]ohn-Elizth. Bollingbroke 346 „ Thomas-Anne Pulleine ... 243 Brabazon, Agnes-George Hastings... 373 Braby, Judith-Marmaduke Wyvill ... 380 Brackenbury, Antony-Agnes Wycliffe 377 ,, Ann-William Rigby ... 113 * H ny. -... Goldesborough (, Slingsby) .H3 Bradbourne, .-Robert Burdett ... 33 6 Dionisia-Ralpli Reresby 74 Bradbury, .-.Mary West ... 359 Ann-Thomas West ... 359 Bradeston, .-Ela Burgh ... ... 104 BRADFORD, OF STANLEY ... 326 Bradford, .-John Rawdon ... 565 .-Oliver Banke ... 270 ” Alice-Nicholas Peck ... 347 Beatrix-Nichs. Tempest 319,357 Beatrix-William Vavasour 107 Elizabeth-Charles Jackson 308 „ Grace-Avery Copley ... 10 „ Margaret-Wm. Gargrave. 69 Thomas-Margaret Fleming 328 Bradley. Hugh-Elizabeth Warter ... 587 ,, Mary-Thomas Leyburn ... 44 Bradshaw, of Upsal .204 Bradshaw, .-Ann West. 359 ,, Cicely-Lawrence Kaye ... 320 „ Margaret-Thos. Faucon- bridge. 5*6 tt Wm.-Elizabeth Denman 346 Bradsworth, Margt.-Roger Castleford 344 Braithwaite, Alice-Thomas Barton ... 5 Isabel-Richard Talbot... 577 Brampton, Alice-Roger Vescy ... 5 8 5 Jane-Robert Forster ...316 Brand, .-Frances Bamburgh ... 85 Elizabeth-Robert Barton ... 182 Brandling, Richard-Elizabeth Bird ... 180 Brandon, Sir Charles-Anne Browne 247 „ Charles-Elizabeth Strang¬ wayes ( Pigot ; 3, Nevill) 302 Mary-Sir Thomas Stanley 247 BRANSBY, OF OKEBANKE ... 212 Bransby, Gregory-Agnes Lamplew ... 155 Milicent-Thomas Leedes ... 135 ” Thomas-Eustatia Lepton ... 214 „ William de-Agnes.214 Bratoft, Tane-John Ormesby.629 Bray, ...Welby (2, Hall) ... 3 22 ]ohn-AnneTalbot (2, Wharton) 46 ,, Mary-William Wharton ... 5 8 9 Brayton, .-John Holmes.. 3 61 „ Maudlin-...Prynne(2, Bowes) 597 Breares, John-Elizabeth Lister ... 290 ,, Oliver-Frances Tempest ... 293 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES 661 PAGE Brearley, .-Elinor Withes ... 591 Bremer, Nicholas-Dorothy Denman 346 Brereton, Alice-Richard Coperam ... 112 ,, Dorothy-Charles Withes... 591 ,, Elizabeth-George Anlaby 486 ,, Ellen-John Carrington ... 500 ,, Robert-Helvesia de Sawley 112 Bretcliff, .-Robert Clough ... 504 Bret, Deborah-Horatio Eure ... 615 Brett, Joan-Thomas Ricard.567 Bretton, Alison-Hugh de Babthorpe 598 Brewster, Thomas-Grace Dawson ... 184 BRIGGS, OF OLD MALTON ... 497 Briggs, Agnes-Richard Hutton ... 536 ,, *Ann-Thomas Stanley ... 536 ,, Fras.-Mary Wyvill (2, Perce- hay).380 ,, John-Ann Akeroyd.485 BRIGHAM, OF BRIGHAM ... 167 Brigham, .-Cicely Crathorne ... 208 ,, Francis-Margaret Warter 587 ,, Ralph-. Cresswell ... 149 ,, Thomas-Elizabeth Bellasis (2, Waddon) ... ... 232 Bright, Timothy-Edith Lewis ... 545 Brightman, Thos.-Elizabeth Trigott 304 Brightville, Catherine-William Danby 202 ,, John-Catherine Buskby... 202 Brigwell, Katherine-John Crathorne 208 Brinsley, Jane-Richard Lewis ... 545 Bristbye, William-Anne Vaux ... 229 Brocas, Sir Barnard-Agnes Vavasour (2, Langford) .236 ,, Barnard-J ohanna Midelton 236 Brockett, Thomas-Johanna Belliamy (Nevill) ... ... ... 71 Brock, John-Anne Copley . 10 Brocklesby,.-Anne Wentworth... 334 ,, Isabella-Chris. Thornton 265 Brome, Beatrix-Sir John Nevill ... 246 ,, Henry-Joan Holmes.361 Bromfield, Richard-Mary Fenton ... 227 Bromflett, Lord Vescy.120 Bromflett, .-Thos.Fauconberg ... 71 ,, Thomas - Constance de Aton .164 Bromley, .-Gabriel Whetenhall... 257 Brooke,.. alias Cobham-Walter Calverley ... ... ... 9 ,, Elizabeth-George Towrye ... 582 ,, Gabriel-Christian Moyser ... 223 ,, John-Isabel Popelay.335 Brough, .-Elizabeth Burton ... 7 Broughton, Elizabeth-Wm. Thorn- borough .148 ,, Jane-Mathew Harwood 528 ,, Margaret-Richard Irton 42 Brouncker, Grace- Francis Wortley... 592 Brownam, .-William le Vaux ... 228 Browne, .-George Readhead ... 566 ,, .-John Burton.277 ,, Agnes-Robert Marshall ... 130 „ Agnes-William Gargrave ... 68 | PAGE Browne, Anne-Sir Charles Brandon 247 ,, Anne-Christopher Wilber- force ... ... ... 159 ,, Anne-Thomas Poole ... 351 „ Anne-William Eglesfield ... 514 ,, Dorothy-Peter Berwick ... 229 ,, Elizabeth-Anthony Fox ... 518 ,, Elizabeth-Rees Herbert ... 530 ,, Geo.-Elizabeth Dawson ... 184 „ Sir Henry-Elizth. Grimston (Hungate) .115 „ Jolm-Hester Mitchell (2, Webbe;3, Goldesborough) 369 „ Margaret-Francis Layton ... 258 ,, Robert-Elizabeth Lamplew -<155 ,, Sara-George Burdett ... 337 ,, JWm.-Anne Hastings ... 373 Broxholme, William-Jane Bosvile ... 368 Brudenell, .-Mary Constable ... 58 ,, Mary-John Constable ... 58 Brugges, Elizabeth-William Casse ... 306 Brunskill, Reginald-Sith Appleby ... 487 Brunton, .-Elinor Heslarton ... 173 Brus,.130 Brus, Agnes-William Fauconberg ... 71 ,, Grisacre-Osbert de Babthorpe 598 ,, Oswalda-Jordan Clervaux ... 412 ,, Peter de-[ohanna de Lacy ... 609 Bryan, Sir Thomas-Margaret Sandys ( Bourchier ). 63 „ William-Margaret Layton ... 258 Buck, Frances-Marmadk. Constable 522 ,, Sir John-Elizabeth Greene ... 522 Buckminster, Juliana-Hugo de Derley 88 Buckton, Lucy-SirThos. Heneage 127, 153 ,, Margt.-Jno. St. Quintin 127, 153 ,, Peter-Margaret Eure ... 611 ,, Ralph-Ann Heslarton ... 173 ,, Ralph-Ann Richardson (2, Hudson) .535 ,, William-Margery Eure 205, 613 Bulkeley, Ralph-Catherine Strang- wayes... ... ... ... ... 202 BULLOCK, OF SOUTH HOLME 498 Bullock, .-Arabella Burdett ... 337 ,, .-Robert Holtby ... 230 ,, Agnes-Christopher Lambert 289 ,, Lancelot-Margrt. Thornton 296 ,, Robert-Susan Burgh (1, Car- ruthers ; Fairfax ) ... 97 BULMER, OF WILTON AND PINCHINTHORPE .193 BULMER, OF LEVENING ... 175 Bulmer, .-..r...Welbury (2, Low- ther) .623 „ .-Henry Nalton.556 ,, .-Jno. Fauconberg ... #72 „ .-Marmdke. de la River 38, 601 ,, Abreda-John Sturmy (2, Constable) ... 56 ,, Anne-Lancelot Laton ... 540 ,, Anne-Mathew Boynton ... 8 662 index of pedigrees and matches. 70 70 PAGE Bulmer, Anne-Robert Marshall ... 130 *Anthony-Diomsia Metham 2^3 ” Bridget-James Leyburne ... 44 Bridget-Sampson Norton... 245 Elizabeth-Chris. Morley ... 194 " Elizabeth - Henry Nalton (2, Constable) ... ••• I 77 Ellinor-William Horsley ... 180 ” Francis-Katherine Norton 245 *' Fras.-Marmaduke Constable 5 °b " Henry-Elizabeth Atherton... 7 ° Ivod, or Eve-Walter, or John, Fauconberg ... 7 1 Tane-Sir Francis Hildesley... 53 2 ” Toane-Francis Cholmeley ... 220 Tohn-Agnes Crathome ...#209 ” Tohn-Eleanor Witham ... 260 ” Katherine-Sir Geo. Conyers 165 Margaret-George Salveyn... 367 Margaret-Ralph Grey Milicent-Thomas Grey ... " Sir Ralph-Dorothy Sayer ” (Aske) . 572 Thomas-Jane Thomson ... i 75 ” William-Mary Yoward ... 19 2 BUNNY, OF NEWTON ... 77 . 411 Bunny, .-Henry Vavasour ... 345 *Francis-Mary Cartwright ... 501 Mary-George Wortley ... 59 2 Bunting - , Margery-William Vescy 5 8 5 BURDETT, OF BURTHWAITE 338 BURDETT, OF DENBY AND royston ... ... - 336/7 BURDETT, OF GAINSBOROUGH 242, 243 Burdett, Alice-George Woodrove ... 381 Beatrix-Thomas Barnby ... 339 ” Dorothy-Thomas Wheatley 590 Frances-Francis Wortley ... 59 2 ” Francis-Elizabeth Rockley 343 Isabel-Robert Eland ... 603 ” Toan-Ralph Pulleyne ... 277 ’ John-Agnes Normanville ” (2, Percy). 2 77 » 281 Mary-Edward Greene ... 5 22 ” Mary-William Aldeburgh... 279 ” Thomas-Isabel Wentworth 334 Burdon, Thomas-Agnes Wilberfoss (2, Pierson). J 59 BURGH, LORD ... •«• ••• 4*5 BURGH, OF EAST HAWKS- WELL . - Burgh, De.607, 608 Burgh, .-. Beverley (2, Ask- withj . 3 » 211 .-Tohn Lepton .214 .-Ralph Rokeby... ... 128 Dorothy-Thomas Askwith ... 211 Eliz.-Sir Alex. Mountfort 248, 415 Elizabeth-Lionel Robinson ... 631 Elizabeth-Ralph Lawson ... 254 Eliz.-Rich. de Richmond 3, 4 I 3 > Giles-Elizabeth Metcalfe ... 249 Burgh, Jennett-Guy Rocliffe „ Jol '■ • • PAGE HH_, _ ... 3 8 3 , ohn-Katherine Lake • 3 18 Richard-Dorothy Constable ( Haldenby ) ••• — 3°5 Richard-Margaret Daniell ... 125 Theobald - Elizabeth Lewis (Talbot) . i -*545 Thomas - Susan Carruthers, (Fairfax; 3, Buliock) ... 97 William-Cecily Metcalfe 249, 409 Burland, Ann-Robert Wilberfoss ... 159 Burley, Ann-John,or George, Norman 558 , Thomas-Frances Ellis ... 3 28 Burnell, 01ive-W ; illiam Wombwell ... 365 -r-v n A _ Ao^ 4 8 5 55 8 34 2 2 77 7 ■ 49 8 , 122 • 557 304 117 4 2 jDuruciii , Burnett, Robert-Sarah Akeroyd ... Burnsall, John-Margaret Norman ... Burt, Robert-Mary Greene ... ••• BURTON, OF INGMAN- thorpe . BURTON, OF KINSLEY ... burton, of threapland ... Burton, .-.Dyneley ... Francis-Jane Nandick Toan-Thomas Trigott ... John-Margaret Wentworth .. 334 Margaret-George Pollard ... 188 Margaret - William Pepper (2, Dakins).. 5 11 Margery-Robert Leming ... 543 Margery-Phil, or Peter, Fow- bery Miles-Tane Hopton ... ... Nich.-UrsulaOglethorpe 275, 314 Richard-Sibill Strangwayes.. 202 Sir Roger de-Agnes Eure [de Insula ) ... . 610 William-Agnes Vavasour ... 34S William-Ann Tempest - ... 293 William-Anne Staveley (2, Oglethorpe) ... 275, 314 William-Margaret Bate ... 19 2 Bury, Richard-Agnes Monkton ... 171 Thomas-]ane Denman [Fau¬ conberg) .346 Busby, .-Albane Clervaux ... 4 12 Bushe, Ed ward-jane Hercy. 41 Ellinor-Richard Sayer ... 57 2 BUSHELL, OF WHITBY ... 49 8 ♦Bushell, Nichls.-Dorothy Cholmeley 220 Busfield, .-John Wright... ... 145 Buskby, Catherine-John Britville ... 202 Bussy, .-Phillis Vincent ... ... 030 „ Agnes-Christopher Lepton... 214 „ Christopher-Mary Lepton ... 214 ,, Sir John-Jane Bellasis ••• 232 Butler, Alice-Sir Nicholas Byron ... 4 Cicely-Marmaduke Eland 514, 000 ” Ellen-Lancelot Holtby ... 230 „ fames-] ane Jackson, alias Lascelles . ••• l8 5 „ ]ohn-Ann SavVle (2, Hopton) 341 Thomas-Margery Maisterton INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 663 PAGE Butler, Mary-Thomas Wood ... 124 Buttercrambe, .-Robert Nandick 557 Buttress, Edward-Dionis Normanville 168 Bvard, Robert-Jane Rokeby.352 BYELBY, OF KILLERBY ... 499 BYERLEY, OF PICKHILL ... 499 Byerley, .-John Metcalfe ... ... 553 ,, *Anthony-Ann Talbot ... 577 ,, Clare-Richard Lockwood ... 549 ,, Clare-Thomas Talbot ... 577 ,, Mary-William Graunt ... 256 Bygod. See Bigod. Bylborough, Thomas-Mary Horsley 180 Byllet, .-Barbara Netleship (2, Bellamy).495 Byrnand, .-]ohn Percy... 277, 281 ,, Grace-Ralph Babthorpe 103, 600 „ Isabel-Christopher Legard ... 55 ,, Margery-Edward Hungate 114 ,, Robert-Ann Norton.245 ,, Robert-Ann Slingsby ... 113 ,, Robert-Helen Maleverer ... 67 ,, William-Grace Ingleby ... 283 BYRON, from Co. LANC. ... 4 Byron, Elizabeth-John Atherton ... 70 ,, Joan-Robert Hoy land ... 336 t , John-Ellen Lister .290 Cage, Martha-Sir Sampson Eure ... 614 *Calam, William-Ursula Herbert ... 530 Calbeck, .-Bryan Bees ton ... 322 Calcroft, Frances-Bryan Eland ... 605 Calthorpe, Eustace-Richard Fairfax 39, 96 ,, John-.Argum ... 39, 96 „ Sir William-Elizabeth Sta¬ pleton (2, Fortescue) ... 332 CALVERLEY, OF CALVERLEY 9 Calverley, .-Christo. Lister 290, 548 ,, .-Edmond Lambert ... 288 ..-Gilbert Leigh ... 45 ,, Agnes-John Vavasour ... 345 ,, Ann-Thos. Wentworth ... 378 „ Chr.-Margt Thornholme... 166 ,, Elizth.-EdmondMountford 248 ,, Elizabeth-John Wentworth 378 ,, Elizth.-Sir Wm. Vavasour 237 ,, Joan-John Slingsby ... 113 ,, Margaret-Robert Beeston (2, Danby) ... 264, 322 ,, Margaret-Thos. Clapham 12 ,, Walter-Ann Danby ... 264 „ Sir Walter-Ann Vavaspur 345 ,, Sir William-Alice Savile... 341 ,, Sir William-Eliz. Midelton 286 ,, Sir Wm.-Katherine Thorn- holme .166 CALVERT, OF DANBY WISKE 500 ♦Calvert, Leonard-Grace Crosland ... 509 Calverton, .-Sir Thos. Lambert 288 Camerton.-John Curwen ... 11 Camor, Christian-John Woodrove 355 Campbell, Sir John-Elizabeth Reresby 76 Candy, Thomas-Jane Trigott ... 304 PAGE Capdow, Mirabell-Wm. Gates ... 60 ,, Thomas-Ann Fleming ... 60 Carew, Mary-Sir Arthur Darcy ... 47 Carey, Philadelphia-Sir Thomas Wharton .379 Carleton .234 Carleton, .-Barbara Lowther ... 623 ,, Hugh de-Margery Colvile ...n 113 ,, Ralph-Mary Colvile ... 112 Carliell, .-William Strickland ... 166 ,, Ann-Robert Hunter ... 535 ,, Toan-Christopher Thirkeld ... 120 ohn-Winifred Cheney ... 148 ohn-Elinor Acton ... ... 120 dargery-Sir Richd. Vaughan 584 ,, *Thomas-FrancesWencelagh 150 Carnaby, .-Henry Bowes ... 597 ,, William-Margaret Hansby (Snawsell) CARR, OF HAGUE HALL CARR. Carr, .-John Laughton ... ,, .-Roger Tempest ... ,, Ann-Christopher Legard ,, Barbara-WilliamHebborne 528, 621 ,, Christopher-Lucy Malham ... 295 ,, George-Elizabeth Wycliffe ... 377 ,, Margaret-John Lambert ... 289 ,, Michael-Elizabeth Bradford ... 326 Carrick, Jane-Thomas de la River ... 601 Carrance, Margaret-John Jenkin ...7*371 CARRINGTON, OF SPAUNTON 500 Carruthers, Christopher-SusanFairfax (2, Burgh ; 3, Bullock) . 97 Carter, Elizabeth-Francis Jackson, a Is. Lascelles .185 CARTWRIGHT, OF NEWLAND 501 Cartwright, Jane-Henry Gascoigne... 520 ,, Joane-Tames Metham ... 364 „ Mary-Francis Bunny ... 77 ,, Mary-Thomas Rokeby 352 ,, Timothy-Ellen Cutler... 511 Carus, Wm.-Isabella Leyburn ... 44 CARVILL, OF NUN MONKTON 501 Carvill, John-Dorothy Kaye ... 320 Cary.121 Cary, George-Elizabeth Spencer (2, Chamberlain ; 3, Eure) ... ... 614 Casbutt.-Robert Newark ( Ca - wood)... ... ... ... ... 92 Casse.306 CASTLEFORD, OF WORSBRO- DALE . ... 344 Castleford, Alex.-Anne Rockley ... 343 CATERALL, OF HOLLYM ... 502 Cater all, of Little Mitton ... 70 CATERALL, OF RATHMELL... 291 Caterall, .-Thomas Banke ... 490 ,, Alice-Alex. de Marton .. 287 ,, Alice-John Malham ... 295 ,, Allen-Ann Ardington (2, Green).273 „ Ann-John Lindley.547 ...»i38 ... 500 ... 602 ... 542 ... 293 ••• 55 664 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Caterall, Ann-Thomas Coundon ... 5°7 „ William-Jane Palmes ... 9 ° CATERICK, OF STANWICK 255, 256 Caterick,.-Margaret Saltmarsh... 100 .-Nicholas Girlington... 284 ” George-Margt. Eltofte ... 301 t Jno.-Lucy Borough ... 3 Margery-Roger Mennell ... 250 Catherton, .-Simon Banke —490 Cattail, .-Lawrence Vavasour ... 308 Cator, Margaret-]ohn Higden ... 53 1 Cause, De ... ... - - 3° 2 Cavalier, Elizabeth-Sir Wm. Vava¬ sour... . ;/2 37 Cave, Elizabeth-Edward Gates ... 60 ,, Margery-John Dassett ... 9 ° „ Piers-Agnes Ingleby.282 Cavendish, Henry-Grace Talbot ... 46 Mary-Gllbert Talbot ... 46 ” Wm.-Elizabeth Wortley ( Boughton) 59 2 Cavill. .... — — *34 Cawdron, Cathenne-Richard Thur- garland Cawood, Casbutt (2, Newark) . Moreby. John-Agnes Fairfax John-Eliz. Folkingham (2, Barkeston) .225 ,, Margaret-Richard Acclom 109 Cawthome, Ann-Jno. Savile... ... 3 2 9 CAWTON, OF THIRSK ••• 5 ° 2 Cayley, Jennet-John Lake ... 3 1 ”' 493 Cerff, Alice-Thomas Eland.606 ,, Maude le-Jno. Clervaux ...412 Cestria, Agnes de-Eustace Fitz John 197 Challons, Robert-Blanche Waterton 104 CHAMBERLAYNE, OF THORALDBY ... ••• 1 7 6 Chamberlayne, Francis - Dorothy Horsley.180 Leonard - Katherine Cholmeley 221, ^286 Leond.-Cath.Midelton 286 Ralph Gifford ... 5 2 * , Sir Thos. -Elizbth .Cary (Spencer; 3, Eure)... 614 CHAMBERS, OF BAXBY. ... 503 Chambers, .-George ]opson ... 622 „ Eliz.-Roger Borough 3, 254 „ Geo.-Kath. Thomlinson 217 Champemown, Jno.-Ann Babthorpe 598 Champney, Jno.-JoanStrangwayes... 202 Chapman, Alice-Wm. Eland ... 004 Frances-Thos. Dolman... 86 * Henry Ann Cawton ... 5 ° 2 Jane M.-Jno. H. Mathews 617 Margaret Richard Man ... 627 Stephen-KatherineNewton 274 ,, Sybil-Percival Maddison 274 Chappclholme, Elizth.-]ames Green¬ wood ... ... ... ••• ••• 5 2 4 Charles .. ••• 3°9 Charlesworth, D or o thy-Mathew Wentworth ... 334 Grace-John Savile ... 358 Margt..Thos.Nettleton 557 Charlton, Agnes-Sir Thos. Bouchier 62 Chasy.-Richard Banke.270 Chaumond, Margaret-William Mow- bray. — *•* 2 ^ 2 Chauntry, Mary-Originall Bellamy ... 495 CHAWORTH OF HARTHILL ... 503 Chaworth, Eliz.-Wm. Fitzwilliam ... 7 Chaytor, of Croft ... 4 * 3 , 4*4 Chaytor, Anthony-Margt. Thornton 296 Anthony-Margt. Witham 261 ” *John-Mary Lewis. 545 , Margaret-Thomas Basforth 217 Margaret-Thomas Witham 260 CHENEY, OF THORNGUM- BALD . „ ••• . - T 4 8 Cheney. lane-T. Say, (2, Pudsey) ... 294 Sir Jno.-Eliz. Rempston ... 332 ’ Sibilla-Robert Fitzwalter (2, Cressy) .609 William-Ann Holme ... 15 2 Cheeseborough, Laurence-J no. Rasing 181 Chesman, Jno.-Margt. Percehay ... 187 Chester, Constables of .607 Chester, James-Elizabeth Deyvill ... 602 Chichester, Sir Robt.-Ann Babthorpe 599 Chippingdale, Thos.-Eliz. Bransby 212 CHOLMELEY, OF BRANSBY, WHITBY, SKEWSBY, ROXBY, .. 2I 9 , 221 Cholmeley, .-Tohn Gouton ... 5 21 Alice-John Wright ...601 * Barbara-Sir Thos.Bellasis 233 Cath.-Richard Dutton ... 242 ” Dorothy-Nicholas Bushell 498 Elizabeth-Geo. Cockerell 505 Elizbth.-Roger Beckwith 101 ” Elizabeth - Sir Leonard Beckwith (Kenne) ... 101 Francis-Joan Bulmer (2, Hildersley) . *93 ,, Henry-Margaret Bab¬ thorpe . 103, 600 „ Jane-Sir Ralph Salveyn... 367 „ Kath.-Leonard Chamber¬ layne . I 7 ^ ,, Margaret-Sir Henry Gas¬ coigne .385 ,, Margaret-Sir J as. Strang¬ wayes ... ... ••. 203 fJ Marmaduke-Frances El- lerker ... ... ••• T 37 ,, Mary-Sir Geo. Young ... 593 ,, Nicholas-Mary Hungate 115 fi Richard-Thomazine Tan- cred (2, De la River)... 601 „ Roger-Jane Nevile ... 246 ,, Roger-Joan dela River... 601 „ Sir Rich.-Mary Conyers 71 ff Sir Richard-Susan Legard 55 v <■ - -c‘ v - INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Cholmeley, Sir Roger-Katherine Con¬ stable . 198 Cholmondeley, .-Jno. Knottesford 349 ,, .-William Dawnay 81 Church, Rock-Margaret Lascelles ... 61 Cisseton.-Constance Legard ... 55 CLAPHAM, OF BEAMSLEY 12, 13 Clapham, .-Richard Darley ... 87 ,, Anne-John Ingleby ... 283 ,, Charles-Frances Beckwith 280 ,, Elizabeth-John Banke ... 490 ,, Elizabeth-johnCrosland ... 509 ,, Hercules-Elizth. Beckwith 280 ,, Lucy-John Malham ... 295 ,, Margaret-Arthur Dyneley (2, Montford) .298 ,, Wm.-Margaret Midelton... 286 Claphamson, Jane-John Redman ... 99 Clare, Matilda de-Roger de Lacy ... 609 Clarell, .-Thomas Mountford ... 248 ,, Elizabeth-Richard Woodrove 355 ,, Margaret-Sir William Gas¬ coigne (2, Waterton; 3, Fitzwilliam) ... 7, 384, 520 „ Thomas-. Scrope ... 415 Claijenet, William - Elizabeth Fitz Hugh, or Fitz Henry ( Clervaux ) 413 Clarke, Elizabeth-Sir William Alford 486 Ellen-Thomas Eland George-Ann Leming Joan-Edward Fret well John-Margaret Curwen (Hes- larton; 3, Davey) John-Margaret Isons Mary-Leonard Forster Thomas - Gertrude Cutler (2, C n, Willi; Cudworth) ...7*511 Claryonett, Julian-George Graunt ... 256 Claughton, .-Ann Caterall ... 291 ,, Frances-Ambrose Pudsey 294 Claxton, *.-Cassandra Lambert (2, Morley) .289 .-Michael Hall.298 Ann-Simon Wormeley ... 350 Elizabeth-J ames Lambert 289 Elizabeth-William Layton 259 James-Ursula Bellasis ... 231 Mary-John Lepton ... 214 Ralph-Elizth. Hebborne ... 621 Ralph-Elizabeth Wandes- ford .269 Sir William-Isabella Eure (2, Conyers) .611 Clay, .-Margery Savile.571 ,, Elizabeth-William Cartwright 501 ,, John-Elizabeth Savile ... 358 CLAYTON, OF WAKEFIELD ... 504 Clayton, .-Elizabeth Burdett ... 337 ,, Ann-George Peck ... ... 347 ,, Ellen-Christopher Lister ,, Frances-Gervase Newby Isabel-Roger Thurgarland 581 (2, Wentworth) Clifton . Clifton,.-William Bowes... .-William Hellard Ann-Edward Metcalfe Constance-Thomas Tyndall 317 Elizabeth-Richard Tempest 319 Ezekias-.Twyer ... 57 Sir Gervase-Agns. Griffith 197, 524 665 Cleasby, .-Christopher Morley ... 194 ,, Ann-William Pennyman ... 206 ,, Elizabeth-William Conyers 71 ,, Margaret-John, or Thomas, Wawton ... ... ... 260 CLEBURNE, OF KILLERBY ... 255 Cleburne, Agnes-Humphry Wharton 583 ,, Barbara-Thomas Banke ... 275 ,, Thomas-Agnes Lowther... 629 CLERVAUX, OF CROFT... 412, 414 Clervaux, Isabel-Sir Wm. Crathorne 208 ,, Margaret-Thomas Layton 540 ,, Margaret-William Holme 224 ,, Margaret-William Vincent 636 ,, Marmaduke-Elizth. Strang- wayes ... ... ... 202 ,, Thos.-Timothea Gascoigne 238 ,, William-Isabel Bellasis ... 232 Cleyborough, .- Ann Watson (2, Eglesfield) Cliffe, Bridget-Nicholas Rudston ... 126 ,, Thomas Jane Babthorpe ... 598 „ William-Alice Savile.329 ,, William-Elinor Daniell ... 125 CLIFFORD, EARL OF CUM¬ BERLAND .hi „ +.-Sir Robert Clifton ... 6 ,, \ .-Sir Chr. Metcalfe 249, 409 ,, .-. Pudsey.564 ,, Alice-Richard Arthington...7*273 ,, Beatrix-Robert Water- ton . 105, 312 ,, Dorothy-Hugh Lowther ... 623 ,, Elizabeth-Sir Ralph Bowes 597 ,, Elizabeth-Wm. Plumpton... 387 ,, J*Elizth.-Benjamin Lambert 289 ,, Elizabeth-Sir Robert Aske... 118 ,, Ellen-Galfridus Lambert ... 288 ,, Frances-Philip, Lord Whar¬ ton .379 ,, Henry-Joane Man by... 552, 7*626 ,, Henry-Margaret Talbot ... 46 ,, Sir Ingram-Ann Rocliffe 285, 383 ,, Isabel-Sir John de Eure ... 610 ,, Joan-Richard Musgrave ... 142 ,, John - Margaret Bromflett (2, Thirkeld) .120 ,, J-K a th erine-John, Lord Scrope (2, Cholmeley) 220, 632 ,, J'Maude-Richd. Plantaganet 142 ,, Margaret-Sir Ninian Mark- enfield (2, Constable) ... 57 ,, Margaret-Thos. Wentworth 375 Maude-Richard Plantaganet ••• 334 6, 144 ... 596 - 53i 409 666 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Clifton, Sir Gervase-Agnes Constable ( 2 , Griffith). ••• J 7 8 Sir Gervase-Agnes Griffith ( Constable ). w 5 2 4 Sir Gervase-Katherine Darcy 47 ” joane-Ralph Constable ... 57 *Sir John-Anne Stanley ...247 Margaret-William J ackson... 308 Maude-Sir Walter Griffith ... 146 Wm.-Isabel Thomborough 148 Clincard, Elizbth.-Thos. Kerresforth 622 Clinton, .-Edward Gates... ... 00 Elizabeth-John Fitzwilliam 411 ” Catherine-William Burgh ... 415 Lord-.Knevett ... • ... 121 Rev. C. J. Fynes-Rosabella Mathews. 6i 7 Clitheroe, of Salesbury ... 238 Clitheroe, .-Thomas Greene ... 342 .-Thomas Lister ... 54 8 ** Ann-Christopher Burgh ... 3 *Henry-Ibota de Bolton ... 503 ” Hugh-Joan Gower ... 226 Clive, Alice-Thomas Hellard 53 1 Clopton,Elizabeth-Sir Geffrey Gates 60 Sir John-Joane Tunstall ... 583 Marv-John Lepton.214 \] William-Anne Griffith ... 5 2 4 Clotherham. ••• 2 34 CLOUGH, OF THORPE STA¬ PLETON .• - 504 Clough, Edmond-Cathenne Wilson 591 Edmond-Frances Vavasour 345 Margaret-William Dawson... 512 ” Robert-Elizabeth Greene ... 315 Coape, William-Elizabeth Chaworth 503 Coates, Edmund-Eleanor Boodd ... 258 Helena-Gervase Wyrrall ... 349 ” James-Frances Newark ... 9 2 „ John-Ann Rasing ... ••• * 81 ) Margaret-Theodore Warter 587 ” Richard-Mary Heslarton ... 173 Cobart, Susan-Ralph Rasing ... 181 Cobb, Francis-Mary Daniell... ... 125 Cobham, Anna-Edward Burgh ... 4*5 Cockayne, Wilfrid-Elizabeth Frothmg- ham ... ••• ••* •** I 47 COCKERELL, OF STAKESBY... 505 Cockerell, Geo.-Elizabeth Cholmeley 221 Cockfield, Alice-Sir John Vavasour... 235 M Robert-Nichola St. Mary 235 Cockle, .-Joan Thompson (De la River) . 601 Elizabeth-John Beaumont ... 491 COGH ILL, OF KNARES- BO ROUGH. 505 Coghill, John-Margery Slingsby ... 113 ,, Marmaduke-Maude Pulleine 280 Coke, Theophila-Charles Legard ... 55 Cole, Soloman-Ann Skerne ... ... 108 Coleby, Dorothy-. Tamworth (2, Willoughby ; 3, Wharton) 379 „ William de-Sibill Maleverer 266 PAGK Collett, Wm.-Ann Hellard. 53 J Colley, Margery-John Flower ... 618 Colleyn, Hellen-John Pickering ... 3 Collier, Ann-RoberUDeyvill ... ••• 602 Collingwood, .-Dorothy Holtby.. 3 ...-Frances Girlington. 284 Collins, Elinor-Miles Newton ... 274 Margaret-John Thornton ... 265 Collinson, Ralph-Catherine Hall ... 35 8 Colte ..Girlington.284 Colther, Edmond-Eleanor de la River 601 Colthorpe, Richard-Lucy Hargill ... 371 Colthurst, .-Richard Wynn ... 593 Ann-Henry Dyneley ... 3 01 ' Edward-Elinor de la River 221 ” Henry-Ann Malham (2, Heber) ... .-295 Isabel-WalterHawksworth 299 ” Tane-Thomas Heber ... 5 2 9 ” John-M ary Beane (2, Lake) 318 ” Margaret-Henry Robinson 568 ColumbeU, Godfrey-Edith West ... 359 Colvile . l6 4 Colvile, of Dale.200 Colvile, .-Robert Clervaux ... 4*3 .-Thomas Beverley ... 49 6 ” Isabel-John Wandesford ... 269 ’ Margaret-George Deyvill ... 602 ,, Margery-Hugh de Carleton 112 Mary-Ralph Carleton ... 112 ” Roger-Isabel Estouteville ... 162 * Thos.-Agnes de Manchester 112 Thomas-Agnes de Scriven ( Walkinghavi) ... • • • 112 Thomas-Alice Clervaux ... 4 I 3 Thomas-Joane Lascelles ... 61 Conceyte, .-Seth Snawsell ... 94 Coningsby, Margt.-Sir Chris. Hild- yard . 5 1 Robert-Mary Wentworth 375 ,, Simon-Frances Jackson 537 *Compton, Peter-Anne Talbot ... 4 6 Conesby, .-Sampson Withes ... 59 1 Consett, William-Anne Hungate ... 223 CONSTABLE, OF BURTON, UPSAL, ST. SEPULCHRE’S BENTLEY, BURSTWICK, and HALSHAM. 56 / 58 , 416 CONSTABLE, OF CATFOSS ... 3°6 CONSTABLE, OF CLIFFE ... 5°6 CONSTABLE, OF DROMONBY 196 CONSTABLE, OF EVE RING- HAM, &c. ... -• U*' 179 CONSTABLE, OF FLAM- BOROUGH, EVERINGHAM, .. T 97 « 198 CONSTABLE, OF HATFIELD... 506 CONSTABLE, OF KEXBY ... 5©7 CONSTABLE, OF ST. SEPUL- CONSTABLE," OF SHERBORNE 177 Constables of Chester.607 Constable, of Flamborough ... 195 TNDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 667 PAGE Constable, .-Elizabeth Deyvil ... 215 ,, .-.Gower.226 ,, .-Isabel Hawksworth. 299 ,, .-Brian Hedon ... 151 ,, .-William Holme ... 178 ,, .-Thomas Langdale... 178 ,, .-.Nevill. 6 ,, .-Roger Sotheby ... 170 ,, .-Sir Robert Stapleton 333 „ Agnes -. St. Quintin (2, Skip with) .634 „ Agnes-Sir Ralph Bigod (2, Eure) .612 t , Agnes-Sir Walter Griffith 524 ,, Alice-William Rasing ... 181 ,, Ann-Anthony Langdale... 129 ,, Ann-Bryan Palmes ... 90 ,, Ann-George Hussey ... 92 ,, Ann-John Hedon ... 151 „ Barbara-Thomas Metham 253 ,, Barbara-Sir William Bab- thorpe . 103, 600 ,, Beatrix-Nicholas Rudston 126 - ,, Cecily-Clemnt. Oglethorpe 314 ,, Dorothy-Roger Lawson... 254 ,, Elizth.-Chr. Frodingham 147 ,, Elizabeth-Chr. Mayne ...7*150 ,, Elizabth.-Edward Ellerker 137 ,, Elizabeth-John Dawnay... 81 ,, Elizabeth-Robert Dalton 141 ,, Elizbth.-Sir Thos. Metham 252 ,, Elizabeth-Wilfred Holme 224 ,, Elizabeth-Wm. Langdale 129 ,, Elizabeth-Wm. Thorpe... 53 ,, Ellen-George Dawnay ... 81 ,, Ellinor-John Ingleby, (2, Berkeley) .283 M Ellinor-Thomas Alured ... 144 ,, Ellinor-Thos. Thornholme 166 ,, Everilda-Thos. Crathorne 209 ,, Frances-Sir Chr. Hildyard 51 „ Frances-John Beverley ... 496 „ Frances-Walter Rudstone 127 ,, George-Elizabth.Nalton... 556 ,, Isabel-Stephen Thorpe ... 53 ,, Jane-ChristopherHildyard 51 ,, Jane-Ralph Ellerker ... 515 ,, Jane-Robert Sotheby ... 170 ,, Jane-Thomas Rokeby ... 128 ,, Joane-Sir William Mallory 156 ,, Sir John-.Metham 144, 252 ,, John-Agnes Bate.192 ,, John-Elizabeth Babthorpe 103, 600 ,, Sir John-Jane Sothill ... 275 ,, John-Margaret Cresswell 149 „ Sir John-Margt. Mallory 156 ,, Sir J ohn-Katherine Hercy (1 Cumber-worth,) 41, 178, 197 „ John - Ursula Wright (2, Warde) .., ... 145 „ Toseph-Mary Crathorne... 209 „ Josian-Chr. Tbirkeld ... 120 PAGE Constable, Kath.-Sir Ralph Ellerker 136 ,, Kath.-Sir Roger Cholmeley 219 ,, Katherine-Sir Thos. Fair¬ fax .39 ,, Lora-John Hotham ... 89 ,, Margt.-Sir Ralph Bigod... 595 ,, Margaret-Robert Holme.. 152 ,, Margaret-Thomas Hedon 151 ,, Margt.-Sir Wm. Eure 205, 612 ,, Margery-Sir Edwd. Gower 226 ,, Margery-John St. Quintin 162 ,, Margery-Thos. Saltmarsh 100 ,, Marmaduke-Ann Male- verer . 67 „ Marmaduke-Cath. Holme (2, Moore) .152 ,, Marmaduke - Eliz. Grim- ston .154 ,, Marmaduke-FrancesBuck 522 ,, Marmaduke-Fras. Bulmer 193 ,, Marmadke.-Fras. Metham 253 ,, Marmaduke-Jane Conyers 72 ,, Michael-Frances Tyndall 317 ,, *Ralph-Frances Skipwith [Ellerker) .58, 137 ,, Ralph-Joane Clifton ... 144 „ Robert-Alice Gascoigne... 384 ,, Robert-Anne Hussey ... 92 ,, Robert-Anne Skipwith ... 634 ,, Robert-Jane Dolman ... 86 ,, Robert-Jane Ingleby ... 283 ,, Robert-Kath. Cholmeley 221 ,, Robert le-Alice Lascelles 61 ,, Robert-Mary Vavasour ... 107 ,, Thos.-Dorothy Haldenby (2, Burgh) .305 ,, Wm.-Bridget Skerne ... 108 ,, William-Dorothy Fairfax 97 CONYERS, OF BOWLBY ... 508 CONYERS, LORD OF HORNBY, &C. 7 X > 72 CONYERS, alias NORTON, OF NORTON CONYERS... 244, 245 CONYERS, OF SOCKBURN, &c. 164, 165 Conyers, .-Sir Chris. Boynton ... 4 ,, .-Muriel Burgh ... 268 ..-Robert Crathorne ... 207 ,, .-Radulphus Danby ... 203 ,, .-George Deyvill 215, 602 ..-John Deyvill.602 ,, .-Roger Flower.618 ,, .-Nicholas Gower ... 267 M .-.Metcalfe.409 ,, .-Marmaduke Metcalfe 409 ,, .-Christopher Metcalfe 553 ,, .-Arthur Phillippe ... 201 ,, .-Robert Pinkeney ... 210 ,, .-John Routh ... ... 570 ,, .-John Sayer .572 ,, .-Richard Vincent ... 636 ,, Alice-Henry Wharton 379, 589 ,, Ann-John Constable ... 196 668 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Conyers, Ann-TohnSt. Paul. 3°7 , Ann-JamesStrangwayes 199,202 ' Christian-Anthy. Girlington 619 ” Christopher-. Allen ... 157 ,, Chris.-Alice Strangwayes (2, Wilberforce ; 3, Creyke) 203 „ Christopher-Eliz. Slingsby 113 M *Christopher-Margt. Hall... 621 „ Christopher-Margery Eure 611 „ Chr.-Margaret Pudsey ... 564 M Cicely-Henry Askwith ... 211 „ Cicely-Thomas Witham ... 260 tt Edward-Margaret Bishop... 132 M Elizabeth-John De La River 601 „ Elizabeth-Sir Robert Col vile 200 „ Elizabeth-Bryan Lacy ... 161 ,, Elizabeth-Wm. Borough ... 3 „ Elizabeth-Wm. Fitzwilliam 7 ,, Frances-Robert Dawson ... 512 fl Francis-Eleanor Nalton ... 556 ,, Francis-Mary Anne . 361 f> George-Agnes Crathorne ... 209 „ George-Ann Dawnay ... 81 ,, Sir George-Frances Eure... 613 n George-Jane Gower .. 267 ,, Henry-. Barton ... 133 „ Henry-Barbara Elwick ... 133 ff Isabel-Thomas Clervaux 413^ James-Katherine Thweng.. 230 fl Jane-Thomas Eland ...# 5 I 4 „ ]ane-John Arthington ... 273 Jane-SirMarmdk. Constable 179,198 ane-Nicholas Palmes ... 90 ane-Owen Oglethorpe ... 314 Jane-Sir Robert Bowes ... 596 Jane-Sir William Maleverer 201 Joan-Sir Chr. Mallory ... 156 Joan-Thomas Eland « 5 i 4 , 604 John-Agnes Bowes... ... 597 Sir John - Elizabeth Place ( 2, A ton) . 120, 610 Sir John-Isabella Claxton {Eure) ... .611 John-Margaret Mallory ... 157 John-Margaret Pudsey ... 294 Katherine-Sir Francis Bigod 595 Katherine-John Atherton (2, Savile).. 7 ° Katherine-GilbertDawson... 512 Leonard-Isabel Beckwith ... 101 Margaret-George Dawson... 5 12 Margt.-Henry Pudsey 294, 564 Margt.-Richard Cholmeley 220 Margaret-Robert Danby ... 128 Margaret-Robert Wycliffe 377 Margery-John Sayer ... 572 Margery-Sir Ralph Bowes 596 Margery-Ralph Pollard ... 188 Margery-Sir Wm. Bulmer 193 Mary-William Bowes ... 497 Mathew-Elinor Blytheman ( Tancred ) ... 216, 271 | PAGE Conyers, Nicholas-Ann Beckwith ... 101 Ralph-Margaret Eure ... 615 ' Sir Richard-Alice Wycliffe 37 7 t \ Richard - Elizabeth Rasing 181 Robert-Barbara Askwith ... 211 9 Robert-Jane Stapleton ... 333 „ *Robert-Juliana Percy ... 199 ,, Roger-Averill Hall.621 Thomas-Ann Thornton ... 265 Sir Thomas-Elizbth. Savile (2, Sothill) . 34 i „ Wm.-Elizabeth ... (2, De La River) .601 Wm.-Katherine Maleverer 201 ” William-Isabell Clervaux... 413 Cooke, .-Humphry Bamburgh ... 85 Elizabeth-William Towrye ... 582 Thomas-Ann Salveyn ... 367 ,, William-Margaret Eland 514. 606 , William-Rebecca Wilberfoss 159 COOPER, OF RISGARTH ... 602 Cooper, Thos.-Rosamond Savile ... 184 tf Ursula-Arnold Dawson ... 184 Coper am . 112 Copledike, Francis-Elizth. Reresby... 75 Lucy-John Ormesby ... 629 COPLEY, OF BATLEY, WAD- WORTH, &c.10 COPLEY, OF DONCASTER n, 526 COPLEY, OF HOTHAM.5 08 Copley,.-John Cutler ... ... 5 11 ,.-John Fleming. 3 s ® tt .-. Metcalfe. 4°9 .-John Portington ... 5 62 ,, Alice-John Mallet . 3 z6 „ Alveray-Grace Bradford ... 326 ,, Beatrix-James Birkby ... 496 „ Dorothy-Francis Bosvile ... 338 „ Dorothy-Lionel Rolleston . . 569 Elinor-Thomas De La River 38, 601 „ Francis-Dorothy Wyrrall ... 349 Francis-Mary Jackson ... 308 „ Helen-Henry Savile... 329, 571 u Isabel-Thomas Leigh ... 45 „ John-Margaret Stapleton ... 333 ff Katherine-Edward Savile ... 324 ,, Philip-.Hastings ... 7 „ Philip-Mary Hastings ... 373 „ William-Ann Cressy ..509 „ Sir Wm.-Dorothy Fitzwilliam 7 Copleston, Philippa-Nich. Vavasour 107 Coppindale, Francis-Mary Salveyn... 367 Corbett, Margaret.-Francis Palmes— 90 „ Richard-Margaret Wortley ( Savile) ... 34 1 Cordax, Troth-William Newby ... 3 I 3 Cornwall, .-Isabel Bradford ... 3 26 Costerden, Elizabeth-. Halghe (2, Byron) . 4 Cosyn Anne-Lewis Waterhouse ... 353 Cotton, .-Katharine Gower ... 226 ,, -Lawrence Wharton ... 58J INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Cotton, Ann-Sir Thomas Gargrave... 69 ,, Henry - Lora Frothingham (2, Haldenby) .148 ,, Susan-John Layton.257 ,, Wm.-. Culpepper ... 69 Coulson, Samuel-Bridget Mennell ... 251 COUNDON, OF WILLERBY ... 507 Courser, William-. Hotham ... 89 Courtney, Edward-Emma Dawnay... 80 Covell-Margaret-Geo. Deyvill ... 215 Coventry, .-Elizabeth Gower ... 226 ,, Susan-Robert Portington 562 Cowper, Anthony-Isabel Serlby ... 364 ,, Edmd.-Ann Vavasour ... 368 ,, Isabell-William Heslarton... 173 ,, John-Frances Leigh ... 45 ,, Samuel (j/V)-Thos. Silvester 574 Cowpon, Margaret-Chr. Besley ... 218 Coxon, .-William Killingbeck ... 299 „ Elizabeth-]ohn Savile ... 324 ,, Jane-Robert Killingbeck ... 299 ,, Susan-Richard Cutler ... 510 Crackenthorpe, .-. Jno. Vaux 228 ,, .-GilbertWharton 589 ,, Joan-Sir John Mus- grave .142 ,, Jno.-Isabel Musgrave 142 Cradock, Henry-Elizabeth Artliington 273 Cramlington, John-Julian Bellasis ... 232 CRATHORNE, OF CRA- THORNE. 207/8/9 Crathorne.-Agnes Lepton ... 214 ,, .-Margaret Fairfax ... 96 ,, .-Thomas Gower ... 267 ,, Agnes-John Bulmer ... 193 ,, Alice-.Haldore ... 556 „ Elinor-Jno. Vincent ... 636 „ Katharine-Ralph Creyke 163 ,, Mary-Joseph Constable... 58 ,, Ralph-Tane Strangwayes 204 ,, *Ralph-Mary Wright ... 145 ,, Thomas - Everilda Con¬ stable . 179, 198 CRAVEN, OF LEVENING ... 174 Crawell, Jane-William Curwen ... n Crawshaw, .-Lawrence Cutler ... 511 ,, Ann-William Ussher ... 350 ,, Mary-Thomas Metham... 253 Cresacre, Ann-John Woodrove ... 381 ,, Isabel-John Bosvile ... 411 CRESSWELL, OF NUNKEEL- ING.149 Cress well,.-William Hungate ... 115 ,, Geo.-Katharine Metham 253 ,, Jno.-Margaret Donington 38 ,, Mary-Ralph Brigham ... 167 CRESSY, OF BIRKIN .509 Cressy, .-. Everingham (2, Gascoigne) .385 „ .-William Lambert ... 288 „ Ann-William Copley ... 10 „ Hugh de - Sibilia Cheney (2, Fitzwalter) .609 669 PAGE Cressy, Jane-Thomas Bosvile ... 356 ,, Sara-Thomas Anlaby ... 123 ,, Susan-Christopher Copley 10 „ Susan-James Rolleston ... 569 Crewer, of Cawton .213 CREYKE, OF COTTINGHAM ... 163 Creyke, Agnes-George St. Quintin 163 ,, Ann-John Wentworth ... 378 ,, Everell-Christopher Maltby 551 ,, Hugh - Alice Wilberfoss [Strangwayes ; 1, Conyers) 203 ,, Matthew, or Wm.-Frances Babthorpe .600 „ Ralph-Catherine Crathorne 209 „ Ralph-Grace Saltmarsh ... 100 ,, William-Frances Babthorpe 103 ,, Wm., or Matthew-Frances Babthorpe .600 Cripps, .-Henry Westby.363 Croft, Alice-James Greene ... ... 523 Crofts, Sir Henry-Elizabeth Wortley 592 ,, Margaret - . Lascelles (2, Leyburne) . 44 Crome, Valentine-Jane Lewis ... 545 Crompe, Mary-Ambrose Appleby ... 487 Crompton, .-Sir-Henry Cary ... 121 Cromwell, Alicia-John Bellew ... 104 ,, Maude-Sir William Fitz- william ... ... ... 343 Crookes, John-Ann Dawson [Ellis)... 135 CROSLAND, OF HEMSLEY ... 509 Crosland, Alice-Leonard Calvert ... 500 ,, Frances-John Talbot ... 577 Croston, Elinor-John Mathew ... 552 ,, *Richard de-Elizth. Fleming 358 Croswaite, Elizabeth-William Hall... 298 Crowther, Robert-Bridget Savile ... 329 Crumpe, .-Anthony Metcalfe ... 249 Cudworth, .-John Kerresforth ... 335 ,, John - Ann Wordsworth (2, Cutler ; 3, Morley),.72511 ,, Thomas-Gertrude Clarke [Cutler) .72511 Culpepper,.-William Cotton ... 69 Cumberworth, Mary-John Ormesby 629 ,, Kath.,orAlice-SirThos. Hercy (2, Constable) 41, 178, 197 ,, Robert-Sibilla Argum 178 Cundall, Jno.-Eliz. Morwin( Vavasour; 3, Knowlesley) .107 CURRER, OF MARLEY, &c. ... 510 Currer, Ann-William Beckwith ... 280 ,, Isabel-Christr. Hodgson ... 533 Curron, Margt.-John Jenkyn ... 371 Curteis, .-Roger Marshall ... 131 „ .-Thomas Dolman ... 86 ,, Elizabeth-Thomas Mayne... 150 CURWEN . 8 CURWEN, OF CAMERTON ... n Curwen, Eliz.-Sir John Mallory ... 156 ,, Eliz.-Richard Skelton ... 376 ,, Eliz.-Sir Wm. Musgrave ... 143 ISTDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 670 Curwen, Ellinor-Sir ames Leybum 44 „ FIenry-Agnts Wharton ...^379 ,, Henry-Mar jaret Heslarton (2, Clarke; 3, Darcy) ... 173 tt Sir Hy.orTkos.-Mary Fairfax 39 Isabel-Sir J)hn Lamplew... 88 Lucy-Sir Jchn Lowther ...623 Mabel-Willam Fairfax ... 97 Richd. -ElinorThornborough 148 Curzon, Eleanor-Thos. Hutchinson 183 Cussen.-Margery Pudsey (2 Midhope) .294 Cuthbert, .-Elizabeth Pickering 630 CUTLER, OF FIELD HEAD ... 510 CUTLER, OF STAINBOROUGH 511 Cutler, Thomas-Jane Popelay ... 335 Cutts, Constance-Ralph Legard ... 54 ,, Ellen-John Geenwood ... 524 Cyll, Jane-William Vilson.591 Dabridgcourt, Christian - Sir Robert Constable.179 tf Geo .-Frances Leyburn 44 Dacre, Ann-Christopher Conyers ... 71 „ -SirThos Strangwayes 71, 203 „ Mabel-Henry Scrope.632 „ Margaret-Sir Henry Savile... 571 ,, Mary-Francis Talbot... ... 46 „ f Thomas - Elzbth. Leyburn (2, Duke oi Norfolk) ... 44 „ William-Elizibeth Talbot ... 46 DAKINS, OF LONG COWTON... 511 DAKINS, OF LINTON.169 Dakins, Amy-Willian Constable ... 177 „ J ohn-Kathe'ine Donington... 38 ,, Margaret-Rilph Lutton ... 172 ,, Margery-Mchi. Constable 58, 146 „ Mary-Charbs Isons.536 Dalby, Agnes-Roge* Flower.618 ,, Francis-Sussn Donington ... 38 Dalden, Matilda-Wiliam Bowes ... 596 Dalderne, Alice-Wiliam Ormesby ... 629 Dale, Anthony-Maty Appleby ... 487 ,, J ane-Christopier Ferrand ... 51:7 Dallison, .-Thonas Crathome ... 208 ,, Tane-Ednond Marshall ... 131 „ William-Jeane Dawnay ... 80 Dalston.-.Warcopp ... 376 DALTON, OF KINGSTON- UPON-HULL .141 Dalton, .-John Thornton ... 296 Ann-Sir Raph Ellerker ... 137 Frances-Wiliam Wyvill ... 189 Toane-Willhm Darrell ... 78 Margery-Sir Robert Bellasis 232 Mary-Jamej Heblethwaite... 240 Richard-Ame Savile ... 341 Robert-Eliabeth Constable 58 Roger-Jane Whaley.218 DANBY, OF L.EAKE AND KNARESBORGUGH .292 DANBY, OF SCRUTON AND THORP PERROW .264 DANBY, OF THORPE PERROW, GREAT LANGTON, AND SOUTH CAVE ... 202, 203, 262, 263 •• 134 .-Elizabeth Dvneley .. 297 .-Elizbth. Wentworth . •• 375 .-Michael Cawton .. 502 .-Richard Jackson •• 537 .-Thomas Eure ... .. 611 Alice-Tohn Acclom ... .. 109 Ann-Thomas Savile ... •• 3 2 9 Ann-Walter Calverley •• 9 Dorothy-Sir John Nevill .. 246 Dorothy-Ralph Rokeby . •• 352 Elinor-Robert Pinkney Elizabeth-Gyles Whitacre... 288 Elizabeth-Michael Metcalfe 553 Grace-William Tankard 278, 371 Jane-Roger Menneli.250 *John-Margaret Moston ... 556 John-Margery Wilson ... 591 Katherine-Robert Lascelles (2, Eure).612 Magdalen-Sir Marmaduke Wyvill ... .380 Margaret-Christopher Barton 5 Margaret-Chr. Hopton ... 42 Margaret-John Donington... 38 Margaret-Ralph Rokeby 128, 352 Margery-Chr. Mallory ... 157 Mary-Sir Edmond Maleverer 201 Peter-Ann Pulleine ( Vava¬ sour) ,, Richard-Alice Anne ... „ Richard-Alice Rocliffe ,, Robert-Alice Acclom ,, Robert-Anne Rosse... „ Robert-Margaret Conyers ... 128 ,, Thomas-Jane Lambert „ Thomas-Margaret Eure „ William-Margaret Leigh Danfeld, .-Arthur Clapham DAN I ELL, OF BESWICK 124, 125 Daniell, .-Elizabeth Smethley (2, Sotheby) ,, .-John Wynn ... „ Ann-Robert Legard ,, Elizabeth-Chr. Mayne ,, Elizabeth-Roger Thorpe ,, Isabel-Ralph Hansby ,, Margaret-Henry Page ,, Ursula-Thomas Wyrrall ... 349 „ William-Agnes Sotheby ... 170 „ William-Ann Salveyn ... 367 Danvers, Elinor-Marmaduke Hedon . ,, Katherine-Sir Richard Gar- grave . ,, Margt.-Sir Thomas Nevill . Danvill, .-Robert Crathorne Dapham, .-Sir John Lambert ... 288 DARCY, LORDS DARCY AND MEIGNELL . Darcy, .-John Stillington 345 ... 361 ... 383 ... 299 213 288 ... 616 45 12 ... 170 593 55 150 52 ... 138 4i5 151 69 6 207 47 633 index of pedigrees and matches. 671 PAGE 382 39 200 359 352 81 Darc y» .-Sir Richard Yorke »» Agnes-Sir William Fairfax ... ,, Alice-Sir John Colvile ... ,, Catherine-William West ,, Conyers-Grace Rokeby »* Edith-Sir Thomas Dawnay ... ox *» Elizabeth-Alexander Metham 232 „ Elizabeth-Bryan Stapleton ... 332 »» Eliz.-Sir James Strangwayes 202 ,, Ehz.-Sir Marm.Constable 198, 507 ,, John-Rosamond Frecheville . 334 ** Margt.-Sir Thomas Harrison 530 Margery-Sir John Conyers ... 71 „ Michael-Margt. Wentworth... 375 „ Thomas-Ann Gates. 60 „ Thomas-Isabella Savile ... 571 »» *Thomas-Elizabeth Conyers 72 „ Thomas-Margt. Strangwayes 202 „ (Sir) Conyers-Dorothy Bellasis 233 »» *Thomas-Camilla Guichardini (2, Harvey). 6 ,, Thos.-Editha Nevill (Sandy’s) 47 DARELL, OF SESSAY ... 78,70 84 Darell, Cassandra-Bryan Saxton ... 327 » Frances-Ralph Vavasour mi6 „ George-Margaret Plumpton . 387 DARLEY, OF BUTTERCRAMBE 87 Darley, Ann-Robert Kaye.538 „ Cicely-Robert Towrye ... 582 ,, Elizabeth-Francis Haldenby 305 „ Elizabeth-Henry Topham ... 581 „ Francis-Lucy Alured 60, 144 ,, Henry-Margery Hungate ... 223 »» Isabel-Robert Portington ... 562 „ John-Alice Mountford ... 248 »» Mary-Barnard Ellis.515 Darnell, Frances-Ralph Vavasour ... 116 DASSETT, OF HILMORTON AND RICCALL. 9 8 Davenport, Elizabeth-Thos. Duncalfe 141 „ Jane-Thomas Drax ... 342 Davile, Christopher-Jane Birkbye ... 496 ,, Elizabeth-Seth Snawsell ... 94 Davy, Edward-Margt. Clarke {Hes- larton, 1, Curwen).173 ,, Elizabeth ap-Morgan Hugh 584 „ Herbert-Beatrix Hansby ... 138 ,, Owen ap-Catherine ap Hugh 1:84 DAWNAY, OF ESCRICK AND SESSAY ... ... ... 79 to 84 Dawnay, Agnes-John Ricard ...7*567 Ann-Robert Haldenby ... 305 Anne-Sir George Conyers 165 Dorothy-Henry Nevill ... 340 Elizabeth-Robert Aske ... 119 Elizabeth-William Acclom 109 Frances-Henry Vaughan ... 121 Frances-Sir Wm. Babthorpe (2, Sulyard) ... 103, 600 Jane-Brian Palmes ... 90 Jane-Wm. de Babthorpe ... 598 Joane-John Palmes ... 91 John-Agnes Rocliffe ... 383 Dawnay, John-Faith Legard ..^55 ,, Mary-talph Eure ... 205, 614 „ Sir Johi-Ann Tunstall ... 583 ” Sir Th«mas-Edith Darcy. 47 DAWSON, OF AZERLEY AND 47 RIPON . . I2 DAWSON, OF SPALDING- HOLME .. . i84 Dawson, James-Elizabeth Salveyn ... 367 ,, Robt.-AnnEllis(2, Crookes) 135 Dawtrey, of Ilslack ... . 295 Dawtrey, .-. Fairfax. 97 >> .■-Shirley (2, Lister) 547 ,, France;-John Redman ... 99 ,, Willian-Elizabeth Horsley 180 Day, Eliz.-Christopher Beaumont ... 402 DEALTRY, OF FULL SUTTON V12 DEANE, OF S/LTONSTALL ... 513 Deane, or Denm,.-Ralph Bab¬ thorpe . I02> £ 99 ,, Jno-Beatrk Wentworth .. 37c „ John-Ellei Lacy .33? Delany, WilliamRaphell Fleming ... 328 Denby.336 Denham, Jno -Kitherine Gascoigne 239 „ Ralph-Llizbth. Wentworth 375 ,, Willian-Elizabeth Barton 5 Denman, Nichols-Anne Hercy ... 41 ,, Nichols-Ellen Beeston ... 322 DENMAN, OF MEWHALL ... 346 Denny, Mary-Sirjohn Gates ... 60 Dent, Catherine-^nthony Ellerker ... 515 „ Elizabeth- 7 homas Talbot ... 577 „ Mary-Sir Fenry Savile ... 571 ,, Mary-Thonas Fenton ... 227 Denton, Ann-Johi Ellis .515 „ George-imn Lascelles ... 61 ,1 Jane-Join Hebbome . 528 ,, Margare-William Paver ... 559 „ Margrt.-sirRichardCopley 10, 11 ,, Margare-John Poulteney (2, Eue ; 3, Sherard) ... 615 Denzill . 35 £ D’Eresby, Eliz.-Sr William Eure203 613 DERLEY . 88 Derwentwater,.-Hugh Lowther... 623 Dethick, Cordall-ienry Tenant ... 578 ,, Margery John WyclifFe ... 377 ,, Martin-Hary Wyclilfe ... 377 Devereux, Walte.-Margaret Dakins (2, Hobby).;r6 9 Devinthe, .-Ncholas Metcalfe... 409 Deyncourt, J n. -Amabella de Plesley 73, 74 ,, [Maud;)- Wm. Fitzwilliam 411 DEYVILL, OF CUCKWOLD 215, 602 Deyvill, William-Dorothy Talbot ... 577 ,, Dorothy-ohn Whetenhall 257 Dicconson, RalphElizbth. Snawsell 95 Dickenson, Joan-Villiam Elwick ... 618 ,, Rober-Dorothy Pulleine 243 Dickering, Amiciade-Jno. Burdett... 242 Dickham, ..-Alice Gibthorpe (2, Manby).625 672 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Digby, Eliz.-Humphrey Hercy ... 4 1 ; Simon-Katherine Clapham... 13 Dighton, Christopher-Agnes Lacy ... 33 1 Debrah-Edward Malham... 295 Elizabeth-Thomas Banke 270 ” Isabel-Sir Wm. Midelton 286 Jno.-Margaret Bee ... 605 John-Agnes Copley ... 10 Richard-Elizabeth Bland... 605 Thos.-Mary Stringer ... 57 S Dinsdale, Jno.-Mary Holtby ... 230 Disney, .-.Nevill ... ... ° Hester-Sir Charles Barnby... 339 Divall, Margery-Philip Carvile ... S 01 Dixon, Isabel-Ralph Hungate... 115. 223 „ Mary-George Holtby.230 Dixwell, Margaret-John Dassett ... 9 ° Dobinson, Alison-Thomas Swmborne 578 Dobson, John-Margaret Lacy ... 161 Dodding, Myles-Ursula Deyvill ...n 2 i$ Dodge, Mary-. Haughton (2 Vavasour) ... ••• ••• 121 DODSWORTH, OF THORNTON WATLASS.• 266 Dodsworth, .-Tohn Layton 540 Adam-Margt. Mirfield 266 " Richd.-Dorothy Wyvill 380 ” *Thos.-AgnesThoresby 635 Dodworth, Jane-Jno. Kay 3 2 3 DOLMAN, OF POCKLINGTON 86 Dolman, Jane-Robert Constable ... 179 ,, Marmaduke-U rsula Langley {Rudston) .ii 7 » I2 7 Peter-Elizabeth Remington 566 „ Robert-Elinor Mallory ... 157 Robt.-Joane St. Quintin 127, 153 ’’ Thomas-Elizbth. Vavasour 116 Done, Ann-Gervase Wyrrall ... 349 Tane-William Wyrrall ... 349 DONHAM, OF KERLYNGTON 37 DONINGTON .•• 3 8 Dorington, Margt.-George Cresswell 149 Dormer, Margt.-Sir Hy. Constable 58 Dougham, Mary-Robert Snawsell ... 95 Doughty, of Doughty Hall ... 316 Doughty, Elizabeth-William Eland 605 f .-Margaret Tempest (2, Eland) .605 Dove, Ann-John Chambers.503 D'Eresby, Elizabeth-Sir Wm. Eure.. 613 Dowbiggin, Thos.-Elizabeth Marton 287 Downes, Frances-Michael Wentworth 375 Doyley, .-Sir Thomas Gower ... 226 Drake, F. G. Tyrwhitt-Enst. Mathews 617 DRANSFIELD, OF STUBBS WALDEN. 37 Dransfield, Agncs-John Wentworth.. 378 ,, Ann-Francis Percy ... 281 ,, Dorothy-Thos. Metcalfe 249 ,, Eliz.-HenryWoodrove... 381 ,, Ralph-Mary Lascelles ... 61 Drapells, John-Alice Leedes ... 135 Draper, Alice-)ohn Akeroyd ... 485 PAGE DRAX, OF WOODHALL - 34 2 Drax, Isabel-Sir Walter Calverley ... 9 * 1 ohn-Margaret Barley ... 4 1 * Draycott, .-John Beverley ... 49 ^ Edward-Mary Nevill ... 34 ° ” Tohn-Elizabeth Peck ... 347 ” Mary-Thomas Waterton (2, Moiortney) ... 105, 312 Philip-Jane Metham ... 253 Drewe, Jane-....,.. Moore (2, Palmes) 90 Drewell; George-Ann Folkingham ... 225 Drury, Sir W^m.-Elizabeth Sothill ... 275 Duck.-Thomas Yoward ... 192 Duckett ...-. Rokeby ... ...128 ' Alice-Launcelot Marton ...287 ’’ Anthony-Eliz. Leybum ... 44 Dudley, .-Gerard Lowther ... 023 Ann-Edward Gibson ... 5 2 ° ’’ Margt.-Sir John Musgrave . r 4 2 Mary-Thos. Ferrand ... 5*7 ♦Thomas-Grace Thirkeld... 120 Duile, Alison-Richard Pinkeney ... 210 Dulcher, Margaret-Henry Franke ... 619 DUNCALFE, OF OTTRINGHAM 141 Dunn, .-Avery Copley . 10 .-Richard Thorpe ... 580 Dunning, Ann-Roger Fauconbridge 516 Dunsforth, Cecilia-Henry Maleverer 66 DUTTON, OFCLOUGHTON 241, 242 Dutton, .-.Gale ... 220^ •.-John Wright.601 , Elinor-Ralph Salveyn ... 3 6 7 Rich.-Catherine Cholmeley . 220 Dye,' I ohn - Elizabeth Arthington {Kaye) . .. 3 2 3 Dymock, .-.Skipwith ... 634 .-Chas. Metham... 106,253 john-Dorothy Girlington... 284 M Margaret-Wm. Eure 205, 613 M Thomas-Mary Cressy ... 509 „ Ursula-Sir John Rudston (2, Wotton) .126 DYNELEY, OF BRAMHOPE ... 301 DYNELEY, OF DOWNHAM ... 297 DYNELEY, OF MELBURNE ... 122 DYNELEY, OF SWILLINGTON 298 Dyneley, .-John Killingbeck ... 299 .-Thomas Wentworth 334 u .-William Mallet ... 326 „ Ann-Arthur Mallet ... 326 „ Ann-Marmaduke Beckwith 494 tt Arthur-Margaret Clapham (2, Mountford) ... ... 13 n Elizabeth-William Hall... 298 M Francis-Dorothy Pepper... 560 „ Jane-John Tindall.317 John - Elizabeth Beseley (2, Whaley) ... 218 bis „ William-Dorothy Bate Dynham, Eliz.-Sir Foulke Bourchier. 62 ,, Muriel-Sir Ed. Hastings ... 372 Dyson, Alice-Thomas Greene ... 522 ,, Richard-Muriel Kerresforth.. 335 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 673 PAGE Eaton, Jane-William Thornton ... 296 Eden, Alice-...Jenkinson(2, Ellerker) 137 ,, Barbara-. Young (2, Con¬ stable) . 57 „ Ralph-Margaret Savile ... 184 Edington, .-. Rudston ... 126 Edlington, William-Margaret Pert... 164 EDMONSON, OF YORK.513 Ednesore, Amicia- Andreas de Derley 88 Edwards, [oane-Hmphry. Cartwright 501 Egerton, Jno.-Anne Griffiths ...72524 ,, Richard-Katherine Gates... 60 EGLESFIELD, OF FARMANBY 514 EGLESFIELD, OF MAPLETON 155 Eglesfield, .-John Lamplew ... 88 ,, Ann-George Langdale ... 190 ,, Ann-Ralph, or Richard Danby ... ... ... 262 it Dorothy-William Danby 263 ,, Margt.-Anthy. Mennell 72251 ,, *Richd.-Elizabeth Brus 130 Egmanton, Joane-Robert Skerne ... 108 ,, Kath.-Ed. Frothingham 147 Ekershaw, Joan-Wm. Arthington ... 273 ELAND, OF CARLINGHOW 514, 603 ELAND, OF CARLETON 604, 605 ELAND, OF ELAND AND CARLINGHOW.606 Eland, .-George Layton.542 ,, .-Isabel Burdett.337 ,, .-John Holme .152 „ Alice-Thomas Crathorne ... 208 ,, Ann-Thomas Wakefield ... 139 ,, Anthony-Alice Hebburne ... 621 ,, Elinor-Thomas Thornton ... 580 ,, Elizabeth-Thomas Norcliffe . 558 ,, Isabel-Sir John Savile 341, 571 Elderton, Thomas-Isabel Thwaites .. 175 ,, Thos.-Margaret Musgrave 142 Eldrington, Ralph-Thomasine Lutton 172 Eldson, Alice-Richard Arthington ... 273 Elias, or Helias, Susan-Wm.Clapham 12 ELIOTH, OF MIDLETON ... 132 Elioth, Wm.-Mgt. Rokeby(2, Moore) 128 ELLERKER, OF ELLERKER ... no ELLERKER, OF RISBY ... 136, 137 ELLERKER, OF YOULTON ... 515 Ellerker,.-Cicely Newby ... 313 „ .-Gregory Rudston ... 126 ,, .-Jane Constable ... 196 ,, -John Holme.152 ,, .-William Wencelagh... 150 ,, Ann-Richard Babthorpe ... 598 ,, Edwd.-Elizabeth Constable 179, 198 „ Eliz. -Thomas Thornholme 166 ,, Jane-Brian Hedon.151 ,, John-Elizabeth Eure ... 612 ,, Sir John-Mary Roos ... 142 ,, Julia-Sir Symon Musgrave 143 ,, Margery-Marmdke. Rasing 181 „ *Ralph-Ann Dalton ... 141 v Ralph-Ann Gower.226 PAGE Ellerker, Ralph-Catherine Constable 57 ,, Ralph-Ellinor Metham ... 253 ,, *Ralph - Frances Constable {Skipwith) ... ... 58 ,, Thomas-Beatrix Hungate... 115 ,, William-Agnes Aske ... 119 Ellerton, .-Isabel Aldeburgh ... 279 Elliott, .-Thomas Lusher ... 68 ELLIS, OF BARNBOROUGH ... 135 ELLIS, OF KIDDALL .328 ELLIS, OF YORK.515 Ellis,.-Joane, or Elizabeth, Savile (2, Waterton) ... 104, 312 ,, .-Richard Gascoigne ... 384 ,, Agnes-Sir John Poucher ... 178 „ Ann-Brian Babthorpe.598 „ Ann-John Moore ... 555 ,, *Barnard-Mary Darley ... 87 ,, *Bryan-Elizabeth Aske ... 107 ,, Ellen-Nicholas Franke ...#519 ,, Tane-Robert Savile .329 „ John-Mary Anne. *.. 361 ,, Margery-William Dyneley ... 301 ,, Thomas-Ann Calverley ... 9 ,, Sir William-Jane Everingham 178 ,, William-Jane Percehay ... 187 Elmeden, Elizabeth-Sir Wm. Bulmer 193 ,, Wm.-.Conyers ... 193 Elston, Margaret-Ralph Hopton ... 42 ,, *Thomas-Mercy Pickering... 616 ELTOFT, OF FARNELL ... 301 Eltofte, .-Elizabeth Morton ... 383 „ Ann-Stephen Tempest ,.. 293 ,, Anthony-Maude Stapleton 332 ,, Edmund-Jane Hastings ... 373 ,, Elizabeth-William Thorpe 53 ,, Grace-Alexander Stockdale 410 ,, Jane-Anthony Maude ... 300 ,, John-Joane Constable ... 58 „ Margaret-George Caterick... 255 „ Mary-William Midelton ... 286 ELWICK, OF SEATON ... 133, 618 Elwick, Anne-Conan Barton.133 ,, Richard-Elizabeth Akeroyd 485 „ William-Elizabeth Fowbery 117 „ William-Margaret Rokeby... 199 Emerson. Lyon-Maude Percehay ... 187 Emmot, John-Cicely Goldesborough 369 Empson, Jane-Henry Sothill ... 275 Engeram, Engelisa-Sir Philip Colvile 200 England, .-Fras. Gascoigne ... 297 *Englefield, Richard-Elizabeth Brus 130 English, Hugh-Beatrix Tancred ... 216 Ernley, Michael-Ellen Crosland ... 509 Errington, Jennet-Oswyne Cresswell 149 ,, John-Dorothy Sayer ... 572 ,, Margery-Richard Bellasis 232 Eshe, Anthony-Katherine Pudsey... 294 Essex, Adeliza-Roger Fitz Richard 608 ,, Henry de-Adeliza de Vere ... 608 Estoft,.-John Skerne .108 ,, Elizabeth-William Thorpe ... 53 ,, Grace-James Moyser... ... 223 2 x 674 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. ESTOUTEVILLE, OF HUN- MANBY . 5 l6 Estouteville .162 Estouteville, Burga-Wm.Fitz Eustace 608 ETHERINGTON, OF EBBER- STONE . Etherington, .-Wm. St. Quintin 153 ,, Barbara-Stephen Lang- dale.19 1 ,, Jane-Thomas Silvester 574 Ettesworth, Nicho.-Mary Bourchier 63 Etton, Amanda-Patrick Langdale... 129 Ann-Robert Rocliffe ... 383 Elizth.-Thomas Mountford... 248 79 604 360 38 178 598 Isabella-Edmund Darell John-Margaret Eland ,, William-Joan Gramary EVERINGHAM, OF BIRKIN Everingham . Everingham, Alison-Christoplier de Babthorpe . l( Cicely-Stphn. Babthorpe 598 M Elinor-Francis Wilstrop (2, Cressy ; 3, Gas¬ coigne ... 385* 5°9 ,, Elizabeth-Hy. Vavasour 236 „ Eliz.-Sir Richd. Rocliffe 383 „ Henry-Ann Fairfax ... 97 „ Henry-Ann Waterton... 105 „ Henry-MUriel Burton ... 7 ,, Margaret de-Sir Hugh Hastings . 37 2 lt Hy.-Mary Waterhouse 353 ,, Sir Jno.-Eliz. Gascoigne 384 EURE, LORDS, &c. 204/5, 607 to 617 Eure, .-.Reresby .. 75 „ .-Ursula Ellerker (2, Sal- veyn).136 ,, Ann-Anthony Thorpe ... 52 ,, Ann-Sir John Mallory ... 157 ,, Ann-Ralph Constable ... 57 ,, Elizabeth-Sir Jas. Strangwayes 202 ,, Elizabeth-}ohn Ellerker ... 136 „ Elizabeth-Sir William Bulmer 193 ,, Henry-Ann Borough. 3 „ Isabel-William Constable ... 57 ,, Joane-Henry Pudsey ... 294, 564 „ joane-Thomas Williamson ... 181 ,, John-Margaret Ellerker ... 137 ,, Margaret-Sir John Pudsey 294, 563 ,, Margery-Sir Francis Salveyn 367 ,, Mary-Sir Chr. Conyers ... 164 „ Muriel-Sir Geo. Bowes (2, Wy- cliffe)... ... . 377 ,, Muriel-Richard Goodrick ... 40 „ Ralph, Lord-Mary Dawnay ... 81 ,, Sir Ralph-Katherine de Aton 120, 164 Sir Ralph-Muriel Hastings ... 373 Sir Wm.-Mrgt. Constable 178, 197 Exilby, Chris.-Elizabeth Danby „ John-Cicely Belford ,, J ohn-Elizabeth Aldeburgh 292 256 279 PACE Exilby, William-Ellen Vavasour ... 345 EYRE, OF KETTON .362 Eyre, .-Elizbth. Bosvile {Reresby) 75 „ .-Jerome Blythe .321 ,, Ann-John West . 359 „ Anthony-Cicely Copley ... 508 ,, Dorothy-John Routhe ... 570 „ Elizabeth-Nicholas Denman 346 „ Elizabeth-Thomas Ricard ... 567 „ Jane-Thomas Vescy. 5 8 5 ,, Mary-John Folkingham ... 225 ,, Thos.-Anne Reresby (2, Hard- wicke ; 3, Holme). 75 ,, Winifred-William West ... 359 Eyton, Jane-John Cholmeley ...219 FAIRFAX, OF DENTON, STEE- TON, STREETHORPE, &c. 96, 97 FAIRFAX, OF WALTON AND GILLING. 39 Fairfax,.-AnnVaughan, {Boynton) 121 „ .-Elizabeth Aske ... 119 lf .-JohnAcclom.109 tt ..-Robert Normanville ... 348 „ .-William Sayer.572 ,, Agnes-Edmond Eltoft ... 301 „ Agnes-Sir Jno. Waterton 104, 312 „ Anne-Sir Henry Everingham 38 „ Bridget-Sir Cotton Gargrave 69 ,, Christian-J ohn Aske ... 119 „ Edwd.-Elizabeth Westrop (Lepton).214 „ Eva-Robert Clervaux ... 412 „ Gabriel-Elizabeth Aske ... 119 ,, Gabriel-Frances Palmes ... 91 ,, George-Frances Salveyn ... 367 ,, Sir Guy-Ann Thornton ... 296 ,, Hellen-John Vavasour ... 237 ,, Henry-Dorothy Aske ... 119 „ Jane-Sir Richard Aldeburgh 279 ,, Joane-Thomas Lamplew ... 155 „ Margaret-Sir Wm. Bellasis... 232 ,, Mary-Everingham Cressy ... 509 „ Mary-Robert Rockley ... 343 ,, Mary-Thomas Gower.226 ,, Mary-Thomas Layton 54 °» 54 ^ ,, Nicholas-Jane Hungate ... 115 ,, N icholas (Sir) - J ane Palmes... 90 ,, Thomas-Ann Gascoigne ... 385 „ Thomas-Elizabeth Ireland {Eure) .615 „ *Thomas-Ellen Aske ... 119 „ Thos. (Sir)-Kath. Constable 58 ,, Ursula, Sir Henry Bellasis... 233 „ Ursula, Ralph Vavasour ... 237 ,, Ursula-William Crathorne... 209 „ Sir William-Agnes Darcy ... 47 ,, William-Helena Barton ... 182 Fallowfield, Richd.-Hellen Lowther 623 Fanacourt, Bartho.-Joane Brigham... 167 Fanshawe, .-Grace Paget ... 3 82 ffarington, Wm.-Hannah Mathews 617 „ Jas. R.-Sarah N. Touchet 617 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. VS PAGE Farley, .-Grace Burdett.337 ,, Thomasine-James Harwood 528 Farmour, .-. Poulteney (2, Darcy).47 Farrer, Wm.-Margaret Lacy ... 331 Fauconberg, Lord of Rise ... 71 Fauconberg, .-Sir Wm. Conyers 193 ,, Alice-Anth. Stockdale 410 ,, Edward-Catherine Gas¬ coigne (2, Wasteneys) 384 ,, Joan - John Denman (2, Bury) .346 ,, Joane-Sir Wm. Colvile 200 FAUCONBR 1 DGE, OF OTTER- INGTON .516 Fauconbridge, Isabella-Edmd. Perce- hay .186 Fawber, William-Lucy Malham ... 295 Fawcett, .-Richard Heblethwaite 240 ,, Agnes-Thomas Litton ... 549 ,, Margaret-Richard Heble¬ th waite ... 240 „ Richard-Dorothy Bigod ... 174 ,, Robert-. Heblethwaite 240 FAWKES, OF FARNLEY ... 100 Fawkes, Anthony-Frances Vavasour (2, Bainbridge; 3, Pul- leine) .345 ,, Nicholas-Anne Pulleine ... 243 Fawne, Ann-Marmaduke Haddesley (2, Deane) ....513 ,, John-Alice Clervaux.413 FEILDE, OR FELD, OF ARDS- LEY.317 Felton.372 Fcncotes, William-Isabel Wandes- ford ( Colvile) 200 FENTON, OF CREYKE.227 Fenton, .-John Stringer.575 „ Alice-William Leigh. 45 ,, Christopher-Elizabeth Gower 226 ,, Margaret-George Anne ... 361 Fenwick, .-George Lawson ... 254 ,, .-John Wharton ... 589 ,, Ann-Sir John Babthorpe ... 598 ,, Elinor-Sir Ths. Lamplew... 88 ,, Sir Roger-Dorothy Widd- rington (2, Constable) ... 198 ,, Wm.-Elizabeth Gargrave... 69 ,, William-Elizbth. Stockdale 410 Feme, Anne-John Kaye .320 ,, Douglas-Ralph Rokeby ... 352 ,, Elizabeth-George Rokeby ... 352 FERRAND, OF CARLETON ... 517 Ferrand, Ellen-Thomas Heber ... 529 Ferrer, Ann-William Wilberfoss ... 159 Ferrers, Lord ... 63 Ferrers, Jane-Sir Walter Griffith ... 524 Fetherstonhaugh, ...-George Goldes- borough.369 M Alex.-Ann Lowther 623 ,, Joane-RalphYoward 192 ,, Wm.-Mary Bellasis 231 PAGE Ficham, De,.-Amalia Helperby... 309 Fielding, Ed.-Margaret Bosvile ... 356 Fiennes, Sir Thos.-Anne Bourchier... 63 Finche, .-Anne Vavasour - ... 121 Firdson, Hugh-Mary Folkingham ... 225 Firleby, .-John Mountford ... 248 Firth, Ann-Robert Kaye .538 ,, Thomas-Alice Savile.329 Fisher, .-Isabel Drax (2, London) 342 „ Ann-Robert Eland.605 ,, Anne-Gresham Clapham ... 13 ,, Guy-Ann Langdale (2, Thom¬ son) .191 ,, Robert-Catherine Wyvill ... 189 Fitche, ....... Wiseman {2, Pudsey)... 294 Fitton, Ann-Thomas Tanckard 216, 271 Fitz Alan, Agnes-Gilbert Stapleton (2, Sheffield) .332 „ Katherine-Jno., LordGrey 332 ,, fWilliam-Ann Percy ... 560 Fitz Eustace,Elizabeth-Robert Eland 514, 603, 606 o Rich.-Albreda de Lisours (2, FitzGodric) 197, 608 Fitz Godric, Sir William-Albreda de Lisours (1, Fitz Eustace) 197, 608 Fitz Henry, Grace-Wm. Rokeby 128, 199 ,, Tho.-Anastasia Clervaux 413 ,, Wm.-Elizabeth Clervaux (2, Clarjenet).413 Fitz Hugh, .-Sir Marmaduke Constable ...178,197, 507 ,, .-Sir Wm. Constable 178, 197 „ Annabel-Sir Henry Va¬ vasour . 235 ,, Jane-John, Lord Scrope 632 ,, Lora-Sir John Constable 56 ,, Maude-Sir Wm. Bowes 596 „ Maude-Sir William Eure 204, 563, 611 ,, William-Elizabeth Cler¬ vaux (2, Clarjenet) ... 413 Fitz John, Eustace-Beatrix Vescy (2, de Cestria) ..197 Fitz Lewis, Frances-. Fyndome (2, West) ..359 .Fitz Ralph, Robt.-Hawisia Glanvile 620 bis Fitz Randall, of Spennithorne 380 Fitz Randall, .-William Burton... 277 ,, Alice-Charles Dransfield 37 ,, Isabel-John Swale ... 276 Fitz Randolph, Margery-John Burgh 268 ,, Sibell-Sir Adam de Thoresby.635 Fitz Walter, Margt.-Robt. Fitz Roger 609 ,, Robert-Sibilla de Cheney (2, Cressy) .609 Fitz Warren, .-Richd., Ld. Hank- ford ... ... ... ... ... 62 FITZWILLIAM, BARLEY, BOS¬ VILE.411 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 6-/6 PAGE FITZWILLIAM, OF BENTLEY SI 7 FITZWILLIAM, OF SPROT- BOROUGH... — ••• , ••• 7 Fitz william, Beatrix-Sir Richard Woodrove. 3 Sl Dorothy-Wm. Copley io Elinor-Sir William Ryther ... ••• 3°3 Elizabeth-Joscelyn ... Percy ••• 5 °° Elizabeth-Sir Thomas Musgrave ... ... 14 2 Eliz.-SirRobt.Rockley 343 Isabella-Willm. Lang- dale ••• ••• I 9 ° Isabell-Rich., orWm., Wentworth 334 » 374 Joan-Sir John Felton 372 ] ohn-Elizabeth Har- J ringwell ... ••• 3 6 ° Sir Jno. -J oaneReresby 74 ” John-Margery Cler- vaux ... ••• 4*3 Margaret-John Byron 4 Margt.-Ralph Reresby 75 Margaret-Sir William Gascoigne... ••• 2 9 2 Thomas-Agnes Aske 118 Wm.-. C-lervaux ^414 Fleming! of wakefield ... 3 2 ^ Fleming, of Wath . 35 Fleming, .-Jane Kaye ... ••• 3 3 Ann-Thomas Capdow ... 00 Barbara-Thomas Stringer 57S Bridget-Richard Thomson 175 Dorothy-Adam Hopperton 534 Frances-John Ellis ... *35 Hellen-John Lowther ... 023 Isabell-John Thwaites ... 175 Katherine-Richard Kirkby 43 Robert-Alice Dawnay ... 80 FLETCHER, OF CAMPSALI. ... 306 Fletcher.-Margaret Bosvile ... 368 ,, Bartholomew-Jane Ricard 507 , Elizabeth^Francis Style ... S 7 6 Isabel-Richard Byelby ... 499 ,, Katherine-Thomas Lister... 54 » „ William-Elizth. Wentworth 378 Flintell, Elizabeth-Thos. Wentworth 378 Flinton, Alice-Thomas Hedon ... i 5 * Eliz.-Rch.Lodge( 2 ,Truslove) 582 ” Gerard-Susan Grimston, ( Wencelagh; 2, Grimston) 150 FLOWER, OF METHLEY ... 518 FLOWER, OF WH1TWELL ... 618 Flower, Ann-Robert Kaye. 3 2 ° George-Joane Constable ... 57 ff Katherine-John Appleyard... 146 Foliambe, Alice-Sir Robert Plumpton 386 ,, Barbara-Ralph Burdett ... 337 ,, Francis-Frances Wortley ( Burdett) .338 PAGE Foliambe, Jane-Sir John Donham ... 37 Katherine-Sir Thos. Nevill 6 Folketon, Julian de-Richard Lacy ... 160 FOLKINGHAM, OF BARTON 225 *Folkingham, Thomas-Jane Pigot... 302 Folliott, Margt.-Sir Hugh Hastings 372 Foote, Sarah-Sir Jno. Lewis •• w 545 Forcer, Mary-William Eure... ••• 014 Ford, Mary-Seth Skelton ... *°9 Mary-Sir William Bamburgh 85 Forman, .-Elizabeth Shiercliffe ... 574 Forney, Robert - Mary Adamson (Metham) . Forrest ... Rokcby • •• FORSTER, OF EARSWICK FORSTER, OF SMAWES Forster, .-Thomas Gower Elizabeth-Peter Burgh ,, Kath.-Sir J ohn Lamplew Margaret-Thomas Bawne ... ^ f> Thomas-Florence Wharton 379 William-Isabel Langley ... 117 Fortescue, J ohn-Elizabeth Calthorpe 3 6 4 128 618 316 26 7 268 83 489 33 2 58 499 37 ii 5 333 9 117 (Stapleton) ... Foster, .-Elizabeth Constable ... ,, Frances-Richard Byelby ... John-Dorothy Dransfield ... ,, Leonard-Isabel Hungate ... ,, Mary-Henry Stapleton Fournes, Walter-Dorothy Calverley FOWBERY, OF NEWBALD ... —, Fowbery, Averill-Christr. Constable 306 Elizabeth-Marmaduke El- wick . r 33» 618 Geo.-Katherine Langdale 129 ” Jane-William Constable... 30? Fowler, Robert-Isabel Vavasour .. William-Lucy Malham .. FOX, OF MARDERBY Fox, .-.Dodsworth M .-John Marshall M .......Ralph Vincent ,, Ann-Thomas Fenton „ Elinor-John Witham „ Jane-William Deyvill ... ,, Thomas-Frances Mennell Foxcroft, Jane-William Savile Foyther, or Foyper, Margaret-Geo. Deyvil . ••• 2I 5 Frances, Isabella le-Roger Vescy ... ^ Francis, ..-Sir Henry Plessmgton 618 Elizabeth-Thomas Lacy ... 539 Jane-Roger Flower.618 FRANKE, OF ALWOODLEY .. 519 FRANKE, OF KNIGHTON ... 619 Franke ...-William Wharton ... 5 8 9 Agnes-Edmond Normanville 348 368 295 518 . 266 ■ * 3 * . 636 . 227 . 260 . 215 . 250 ' 57 2 602 585 Alicia-Richard Dyneley Dorothy-Robt. Robinson Dorothy-Thomas Ricard Leonard-Alice Metcalfe Margaret-John Regard ~~ A/Tor,rt _Wm Onsooieme 238, 384 297 631 567 409 55 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 677 PAGE Frankish, .-John Freeston ... 309 ,, George-Margaret Wyrrall (2, Ricard ; 3, Swift ; 4, Sapcotes) 349, 567,7*576 ,, John-.Dyneley ... 297 Frankland, Ann-William Adams ... 485 Franklin, Isabel-Thomas Beckwith 101 „ Margaret-Edward Litton 549 ,, William-Isabel Hebborne 621 Frecheville,.-Thomas Bos vile ... 356 ,, Ann-John Skyres ... 355 ,, John-Barbara Eyre ... 362 „ Peter-Elizabeth Tempest 319 M Peter-Margaret West ... 359 fl *Peter-Margt. Woodruffe (Kaye) ... 320, 334, 3 Sl „ Peter (Sir)-. Clifton 6 ,, Rosmnd. -Jno., LordDarcy 334 FREESTON, OF ALTOFTES ... 309 Freeston, .-.Woodrove ... 381 FRETWELL, OF HELLABY ... 519 Fretwell, Alice-Thomas Bosvile ... 35 6 Frobisher, Frances-Sir Thos. Boynton 8 „ Margry.-Anthony Jackson 538 Frodsham, Elizabeth-Wm. Lowson 550 „ Hugh-Mary Folkingham 225 Frognall, Alice-Sir Wm. Gascoigne 292, 385 Frost, Agnes Robert Mallet.326 ,, Frances-Thomas Beckwith ... 494 ,, Margaret-J oselyn Percy ... 560 FROTHINGHAM, OF SOUTH FROTHINGHAM . 147 Frothingham, Chris.-Elizb. Constable 57 ft Joane-Robt. Constable 57 f , Katherine-Wm. Vaux 229 Peter-Elizabeth de la River. 38, 601 „ Peter-Eliz. Thorpe ... 53 „ Piers-Lora Thorpe ... 52 Fryer, George-Elizabeth Basforth ... 217 Fulborne, Thos.-Ann Maleverer ... 67 * Fulford, 1 .-.Horton.288 .-Geffrey Lambert ... 288 ,, Margaret-John Constable... 196 Fuller, Thos .-Elizabeth Edmonson... 513 Fulnetby, .-Elizabeth Goodrick... 40 ,, Margt.-Gerard Sothill ... 33 1 „ Margaret-Thomas Reresby 75 Fulthorpe, .-. Metcalfe ... 4°9 „ Allen-Katherine Borough 3 M Ann-Francis Wandesford 269 Chris.-Dorothy Tristram 204 Cicely-Christphr. Wandes¬ ford .269 Elizab.-Sir Robert Colvile 200 Elizabeth-Thos. Craven 174 ” Francis-Anne Mennell ... 250 Isabel-Henry Radcliffe ... 206 lohn-Joan Wharton ... 379 Fulwood, Richard-Ann Greene ... 34 2 Furnivall, .-Sir Gerard Usfleet ... 305 1 See also Furthoe, Edwd.-Elizabeth Gascoigne 239 Fusto, Jno.-Cecilia Mirfield.266 Fylliol. See Tylliol. Fyndorne, .-Frances Fitz Lewes (2, West) .359 Gage, Ann-John Langdale.7*129 Gale, Dorothy-.Rokeby (2, Fair¬ fax) .97 ,, Frances-Richard Dutton 220, 242 „ Fras. -Ann Clapham (2, Ingleby) 13 ,, Francis-Barbara Dutton 220, 242 ,, Mary-Jas. Th waites ... ... 93 ,, Mary-Thos. Mennell ... ... 251 ,, Richard-Mary Danby.263 ,, Robert-Elizabeth Langdale ... 129 ,, Robert-Thomasine Stapleton..: 332 „ Ursula-Sir William Mallory ... 157 Gamage, Margaret-Thos. Doughty 316 631 163 163 307 569 81 169 Gamble, .-Anthony Robinson ,, Dorcas-William Creyke „ Mary-Ralph Creyke... Gamull, Alicia-Thos. St. Paul Garbray, Ann-Christopher Ridley Gardiner, .-Marmaduke Dawnay ,, Petronell-Robert Dakins... __^ Garforth, Henry-Margaret Marton... 287 GARGRAVE, OF NOSTELL, &c. 68, 69 Gargrave,.-Tohn Bunny. 77 .-Walter Bayldon ... 303 „ Sir Cotton-Ann Waterton 105, 312 „ Sir Cotton-BridgetFairfax 97 „ Thos.-.Leigh... ... 45 ,, Thomas-Kath. Wentworth 375 ,, Thomas-Mary Redman ... 285 Garrett, .-Sir Arthur Robinson ... 568 ,, Ann-Arthur Lindley.547 Garth, Jane-Sir John Savile ... ... 57 r „ Thomas-Elizabeth Musgrave 142 Garton, .-Sir John Brigham ... 167 „ Agnes-. Gower ..144 Garwardby, Walter de-Alice Bab- thorpe . 266 GASCOIGNE, OF CALEY ... 292 GASCOIGNE, OF GAW- THORPE AND SEDBURY 384, 385 GASCOIGNE, OF P ARLING¬ TON, LASINGCROFT, AND OLDHURST . 238, 239 GASCOIGNE, OF MICKLE- FIELD . ••• 2 97 GASCOIGNE, OF THORPE-ON- THE-HILL.520 Gascoigne, .-Christian Babthorpe 599 .-Christo. Dransfield 37 .-John Pulleine ... 243 .-Peter Stanley ... 57b .-Richard Redman ... 285 Agnes-Sir Robert Con¬ stable 7*177, 7*179, l 97> WI 9 3 Fulthorpe. 678 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. i * PAGE Gascoigne, Agnes-Sir Robt. Plumpton 387 Agnes-William Mallet ... 326 Alice -Anthony Hippon ... 532 Alice-Sir John Savile ...341 Alice-Sir Thomas Nevill 246 Anne-Sir Hugh Hastings 373 Ann-Henry Ellis... ... 3 2 8 Ann-Sir Thomas Fairfax 39, 96 Bridget-Mathew Redman 285 Dorothy-Sir Robert Con¬ stable . i 98 Elizabeth-Francis Tunstall 583 Elizabeth-] ohn Aske ... 118 Ellen-Thomas Appleby... 487 Francis-Ann Vavasour ... 237 Francis-Elizabeth Anne (2, Tyrwhitt) .361 Henry-Isabel Boynton ... 4 *Henry-Jane Cartwright... 501 Henry-Margt. Cholmeley 221 Isabel-Sir Marmdk.Wyvill 380 Joan-SirHy.Vavasour 116, 236 Tohn-Margaret Tempest 319 John-Maud Arthington 273 Margt.-Thomas Midelton 286 Margt.-Thos. Wentworth 375 Margt.-William Daniell 125 Marmadke.-J ane Redman 285 Mary - Thomas Eland (2, Leventhorpe) 514, 603 Richard-Elizabeth Savile (Sothill) . 34 i Richard-]ane Norton ... 245 Thomas-] oane Reresby 75 Thomas-Margt. Vavasour 236 Timothea-Thos. Clervaux 412 Sir Wm.-Agnes Franke...7*519 William-Beatrix Tempest 319 Sir Wm.-Eliz. Mowbray 384 Sir Wm.-Margaret Clarell (2, Waterton ; 3, Fitz- william)... ••• ••• 7 Gasgill, Margt.-George Stapleton 6, 332 Gaspell, William-Amphelyison Nevill 6 Gastingbridge.-Robt. de Manby 624 Gatenby, Ann-Thomas Pennyman... 206 Mary-William Bowes GATES, OF SEAMER .• Gates, .-Elizth. Westby [Thorpe) Elizabeth-Richard Darley ... ,, Frances-] ohn Alured. „ ] ohn-Isabel Snawsell. Mary-]ohn Vavasour. Gaunt, Gilbert de-Agnes Tyson ... Gawthorpe, Maude-Wm. Gascoigne 238 Gayton, Ann-John Lister . 54 ° „ Robert-Elizabeth Langton 546 ,, Robert-Sybil Hopton ... 4 2 Gedney.-. Horsley ... ... 180 „ Elizabeth-Gervase Reresby 76 „ Thomas-]oane Maleverer ... Gee, Ann-Robert Legard 497 60 5 2 87 144 95 116 607 ’ Ellen-William Webster 67 55 ... 588 Genger, Wm.-Elizabeth Kerresforth 335 Gerard, Dorothy-Ralph Layton ... 259 Elizabeth-Thomas Duncalfe 141 Sir Peter-Isabel Strangwayes 202 Gerard, Isabel-. Norman ville (2, Skeme). 108 Gertherstone, Quenylda de-Sir Hugh de Thoresby. °35 GIBSON, OF WELBORNE ... 520 Gibson, .-Anne Metham. 3 6 4 „ Robert-Hellen Savile ... 329 v Robert-Isabel Pulleine ... 280 „ Robert-Margt. Swale ... 276 Gibthorpe . 62 4 GIFFORD, OF SCOTTON ... 5 2 * Gifford, Frideswide-Richard Barnes.. 50 „ Sir George-PhilippaTrappes (2, Norton) .245 Giffordson, ]ohn-Isabel Westhroppe 370 Gilbert. Catherine-Sir Rich. Vaughan 584 Gildas,'.-Dorothy Bamburgh ... 85 Gill, Frances-Sir Marma. Grimston 154 Gillett, Isabel-Mathew Ussher ... 350 Gilliott, .Thorpe .293 .-Roger Tempest ... 293 SirJohn-MaudeVavasour... 236 Gilpin, Mary-William Wharton ... 589 GIRLINGTON, OF GIRLING- TON. 6i 9 GIRLINGTON, OF HACK- FORTH AND SOUTH CAVE... 284 Girlington, .-. Wycliffe ... 3 77 Ann-Robert Wright ... 145 „ Dorothy-George Yorke... 382 ,, Dorothy-Wm. Salveyn... 367 ,, Elizabeth-Th os. Grimston 154 ,, Faith-Sampson Wyvill... 380 ,, Joane-Sir Robert Bab- thorpe. 599 ]no .-Christian Babthorpe J 103,600 Margaret-John Wycliffe 377 Nichls. -Dorothy Mennell 250 ’’ *Nicholas-Jane Lambert 289 Ninian-Joane Mennell ... 250 Gisburn, Alice-Sir Wm. Plumpton ... 386 GLANVILLE, BARON OF BROMEHALL ... ..620 Gledhill, Margery-]ohn Savile ... 571 Michael-Dorothy Tempest. 319 Gobion, Constance-SirThos.Clervaux 412 Goddard, Agnes-Sir Bryan Stapleton 332 Godfrey, Marianne-Jno. H. Matthews 617 Godsworth,.-Chris. Metcalfe 4°9 goldesborough, of GOLDESBOROUGH . 3 6 9 Goldesborough.-]ane Boynton... 8 Elizabeth-Sir John Gower ... 226 Ellinor-Richard Aldburgh ... 279 Grace-Ralph Anne . 3 °° Maude-Henry Arthington ... 273 Richard -. Slingsby (2, *Brackenbury). IT 3 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 679 PAGE Goldesborough, Rich.-Agnes Ingleby (2, Warcopp; 3,Wriothesley) 283 ,, Richard-Alice Plumpton ... 387 „ Richard-Elizabeth Vavasour... 236 Golcar, Anne-Sir John Savile ... 571 Golthorpe, Wm.-jane Wentworth ... 378 Good, Joan-Jane Moyser .223 Goodknappe, Roger-Elizbth. Legard 55 GOODRICK, OF RIBSTON ... 40 Goodrick, Elizabeth-Thomas Beavot 491 ,, Eliz.-Thos. Wentworth ... 378 „ Richard-Clare Norton ... 245 ,, Richard-Muriel Eure 205, 614 ,, William-Maude Midelton (2, Swould) ... ... 286 Goodwyn, Alice-John Oglethorpe ... 314 Goodyear, .-Elizabeth Gascoigne 239 ,, Henry-Frances Lowther. 623 Gore, .-Sir Robert Crathome ... 207 ,, Anne-John Langdale.129 Goring, Mary-Sir John Hotham ... 89 Gorrell, Margaret-Gerard Haldenby 305 Gosling, Ellen-Jaraes Carr.500 Gotham . 74 Gotte, Jennet-Thomas Lambert ... 289 Gouldboum, Ann-Sir Robert, or Sir William, Bellasis .231 Goulsthorpe, Thos.-Eliz. St. Quintin 153 GOURLEY, OF SUTTON GRANGE.168 Goumey, .-Henry Gascoigne ... 297 GOUTON, OF GOUTON.521 GOWER, OF GARTON .144 GOWER, OF STAINSBY AND M.ELSONBY .267 GOWER, OF STITTENHAM ... 226 Gower, .-Robert Holme.224 „ .-Thomas Lacy ... 161, 539 , .-Thomas Lepton ... 214 tt .-Sir William Hungate... 115 ,, Agnes-Tohn Witham ... 260 ,, Alice-William Hungate ... 114 „ Ann-Sir Ralph Ellerker ... 136 ,, Chris.-Helena Monkton ... 171 EdwardrElizabeth Mikelfield (Kellet) . 139 „ Sir Edw.-Margy. St. Quintin (f Thomas-Mary Fairfax ... 97 Gowland, Robert-Alice Popelay ... 335 PAGE Gracton, William-Isabel Derley ... 88 Grama ry . sfadis Gras, Isabel-Sir Hugh, or John Clitheroe .238 „ Isabella-Sir Richard Tempest 319 ,, Mary-Nicholas Gascoigne 238,384 Grantham, Katherine-Wm. Rokeby . 352 GRAUNT, OF ROXBY .256 Graunt, William-Margaret Burton ... 277 ,, William-Mary Byerley ... 499 Gravener, .>. Waterhouse (Lacy) . 33 ° Graves. See Grove ... ... ... 620 Grayborne, Roger-Ann Wilberfoss ... 159 Greaves, Thomas-Bridget Vavasour 368 GREEN, OF AWKELEY.342 GREEN, OF CAWTHORP, ETHERDWICK, THUNDER- CLIFF GRANGE, AND FILEY 522 GREEN, OF HICKLETON GREEN, OF LAMOUTH ... 523 GREEN, OF NEWSAME.523 Green, of York .258 GREENE, OF HORSFORTH ... 315 Green,.-.Hastings .373 .-Jane Jerome (2, Metcalfe) 554 .-Mary Hotham (2, Vava- 2 37 sour) .-Mary Norton (2, Lam- bourne) .245 .-Richard Lacy.331 .-Robert Savile .324 Agnes-Francis Baxter ... 316 Christopher-Mary Danby ... 292 Clare-Fras. Gregory.525 Edward-Mary Burdett ... 337 Elinor-Christopher Malham... 295 Elinor-Thomas Layton ... 541 Elizabeth-Anthony Mennell... 250 Elizabeth-Robert Bulmer ... 175 Elizabeth-Robert Clough ... 504 Henry-Ann Ellerker ... *J ames-Clare Talbot.577 Jane-Ralph Beeston ... ... 322 John-Ann Caterall (Arthing- ton) .273 John-Joane Plumpton ... 387 Katherine-William Danby ... 292 Margaret-Chris. Marton ... 287 Margery-Ralph Layton ... 259 Mary-Charles Jackson ... 308 Richard-Dorothy Aske ... 119 Robert-Isabel Tankard ... 216 Robert-Mary Popelay ... 335 Greenacres, Jane-Thomas Lister ... 548 „ Ralph-Frances Lambert 289 Greenhalgh, Ann-Gervase Nevile ... 340 Greenhurst.-Jno. Grove ... 620 GREENWOOD, OF WREN- THORPE . 5 2 4 GREGORY,OF MOUNT St.JOHN AND BARNBY . 5 2 5 Gregory,.-Edward Witham ... 310 68 o INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Gregory,.-Roger Simpson ... 98 ,, Emma-John Armitage 488 bis „ Francis-Frances Armstrong (2, Kaye).616 Gregson, Thos.-Ann Drax ( Nevill ) 342 Greisingham, Richard-Ursula Drax 342 Grenville.-Nichol. Girlington ... 284 Gresley, Albert de-Agnes Fitz-John ( Fitz-Nigelt) .608 GREY, OF BARTON ... ... 70 Grey, .-Eliz. Vaughan (2, Stan¬ ley) .247 ,, .-Sir John Salveyn.367 „ .-Kath. Strangwayes ... 202 „ .-Robert Thornton ... 296 ,, Constance-Sir Thos. Clervaux 7*414 ,, Eden-Thomas Lawson ... 254 ,, Edward (Sir)-Ann Gower ... 267 ,, Henry-MargaretPercy (2, Vere) 415 „ Isabel-Anthony Caterick ... 256 „ Isabell-Robert Saxton. 3 2 7 „ Jno.-Katherine FitzAlan ... 332 ,, Mary-Nicholas Gascoigne ...«239 ,, Thomas-Milicent Bulmer ... 193 Greystock, Baron-Beatrix Hatcliffe (2, Constable).*2506 ,, Elinor-Sir Ralph Eure 204, 612 ,, Jane-Sir Wm. Bowes ... 596 ,, Mary-Thomas Salveyn ... 367 GRICE, OF WAKEFIELD ... 323 Grice, Edward-Jane Anne ... ... 3 61 ,, Elizabeth-John Thornhill ... 579 ,, Henry-Susan Woodrove ... 381 „ Jhne-Wm. Gascoigne.520 ,, Thomas-Ann Beeston ... 322 Griffin, .-Dorothy Jackson, alias Lascelles ... ... ••• 185 „ .-William Plumpton ... 387 „ Sir Edward-Ellen Palmes ... 91 ,, Isabel-Thomas Nevill ... 6 GRIFFITH, OF BURTON AG¬ NES . 524 Griffith, of Dolothran .584 Griffith, Dorothy-Gabriel St. Quintin (2, JnoSt. Quintin) 153,162,176 ,, Frances - Mathew Boynton 8 „ Jane-Sir William Herbert... 530 „ Margaret ap-Sir Richard Herbert . 53 ° Maude-Sir Gervase Clifton 6 ,, Walter (Sir)-Agnes Clifton [Constable)... ... ... 178 „ Walter - Agnes Constable (2, Clifton) .197 Griggs, Robert-Edith Layton ... 259 Grimshaw, Frances-Wm. Killingbeck 299 GRIMSTON, OF GRIMSTON ... 154 Grimston, .-John Hopton ... 42 ,, .-Samuel Pulleine ... 280 „ Agnes-Wm. Vavasour ... 235 „ Alice-Thomas Constable 177 „ Ann-Robert Wright ... 145 PAGE. Grimston, Cicely-Robert Saltmarsh 100 ,, Dorothy-Henry Holme ... 152 ,, Dorothy-Regnd.Readhead 566 ,, Elinor-Wm. Thornton ... 296 ,, Elizb.-Ralph Constable ... 57 ,, *Francis-Susan Flinton (Wencelagh; 1, Grim¬ ston) .150 ,, Hellen-Thomas Elioth ... 132 ,, Isabel-Sir Ralph Brigham (2, Nicholson).167 ,, Jane-George, or John, Fowbery 117 ,, Marmaduke-Elizth. Hun- gate (2, Browne) ... 115 ,, Maude-John Thwenge ... 230 ,, Richard- 1 sabell Daniell ... 125 ,, Tlios.-Elizbth, Girlington 284 ,, Walter-Dorothy Thirkeld 121 ,, Walter-Susan Wencelagh (2, Flinton; 3, Grimston) 150 Grinall, .-Thomas Bosvile ... 368 Grindall, Margaret-Ingram Boynton 8 Gros, Isabell-Hugh Thoresby ... 635 Grosvenor, Ann-Thomas Wyrrall ... 349 ,, Margt.-Matthew Redman 99 GROVE, a Is. GRAVES, OF HULL 620 Grove, .-George Ryther.303 ,, Alice-William Oglethorpe ... 315 ,, Rowland-Katherine Savile ... 184 Guichardin, Camilla-*Thomas Darcy (2, Harvey). 6 Gunby, Joan-Avery Copley ... ... 10 Gunhouse, Dorothy-Walter Rudston 126 Gunston, .-Susan Waterhouse ... 353 Guy,.-Alice Bosvile .356 „ James-Alice Thornton ... ... 265 Gye, Thomasine-Arthur Dakins ... 169 Haddesley, Marmaduke-Ann Fawne (2, Deane).513 Hadley, Revenettsare-StephenThorpe 53 Haddon, Dorothy-Jas. Heblethwaite 240 Hadnall, Mary-Francis Palmes ... 91 Haghe, Nicholas-Bridget Wentworth 378 Hagthorpe, .-John Wencelagh ... 150 ,, John-Isabel Vavasour ... 345 Hague, Thomas-.Leigh. 45 HALDENBY, OF HALDENBY AND ADLINFLEET .305 Haldenby, Eliz.-George Copley n, 526 ,, FranGis-Elizabeth Darley 87 ,, Joane-Robert Legard ... 54 ,, J ohn-Margaret W alker (Frothing ham) ... 147 ,, Philip-Lora Cotton (Fro¬ thing ham) .147 ,, Robert-Ann Boynton ... 8 „ Robert-Ann Dawnay ... 80 ,, Robert-Elizabeth Went¬ worth .378 Haldore, .-Alice Crathome ... 556 ,, Alice-Ralph Mylles ... 556 TNDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 68 I PAGE I laid worth, John-Alice Lacy ... 331 Halegate, John-Ellen Newland ... 5 Hales, Joan-Wm. Wentworth ... 378 ,, Mary-Lewis'West . 359 ,, Mary-William Ryther ... 303 Halgh,.-Eliz. Costerden (1, Byron) 4 HALL, OF LEVENTHORPE ... 298 HALL, OF MIDDLE WALTON 322 HALL, OF NEWSHAM.621 Hall. See Fleming. 35 s Hall, .-. Danby .262 ,, .-Guy Langdale .191 , f *.-Margaret Morley ... 194 „ .-Thomas Sotheby.170 ,, Elizabeth-Henry Savile ... 358 „ Elizabeth-John Goldesborough 369 „ Elizabeth-Sir Ralph Bourchier 63 ,, Elizabeth-Richard Aske ... 107 ,, Henry-Alice Birkby ... ... 496 ,, Isabel-William Langdale ... 190 ,, Jennett-Ralph Flower.518 ,, Jennett-Thomas Nettleton ... 557 ,, John-Alice Lepton .214 ,, Katherine-Gabriel Kerresforth 622 „ Katherine-Ralph Collinson ... 358 ,, Mary-Robert Sotheby... ... 575 „ Thomas-Ann Maude.300 ,, *Thomas-Elizabeth Popelay ... 335 ,, Thomas-Margaret Thorpe ... 53 ,, Thurstan-Elizabeth Fleming ... 358 ,, Sir William-EUinor Hebborne (2, Eure) .205 „ William-Priscilla Gargrave ... 69 Hallam, Alice-William Stockdale ... 410 Halley, Beatrix-Thomas Coghill ... 505 Halleyley, Isabel-William Newby ... 313 ,, William-Elizth. Castleford 344 M William-Elizth. Gascoigne 297 H alii well, William-Margaret Dassett 98 Hamelton, Adam-Alice Markenfield 252 Sibell-Sir J ohn Metham... 252 HAMERTON, OF HELLIFIELD PEEL .5j6 Hamerton, .-John Woodrove ... 381 .-Mary Vavasour ... 345 Elizth.-Sir John Mallory 7*157 ,, Grace-Sir Jno. Pudsey 294, 564 Jane-Bryan Rocliffe 285, 383 M Margt.-Wm. Midelton ... 286 Mary-Thos. Babthorpe.. 598 Paul-Isabel Wentworth... 334 ” Stephen-Isabel Plumpton 387 Stephen-Mary Lister ... 290 Hamilton, .-Ralph Babthorpe ... 600 Hammond, Bryan-Elizbth. Stapleton 333 Gervase-Anne Selwyn... 367 John-Elizbth. Gascoigne 297 ” Margt.-William Wilson 590 ” Maud-Bryan Ellis ... 13 5 Hanby, Dorothy-Arthur Ormesby ... 629 Jane-John St. Paul ... • •• 3°7 Hancock, Edward - Isabel Smith (2, Constable) . 57 PAGE Hanceby, Edward-Margrt. Snawsell 95 Handen.-Robert Fleming ... 328 Handley.-Elizabeth Copley ... 10 Hankford, Richard-. FitzWarren 62 M Thomasine-Sir William Bourchier ... ,.. 62 Hanley, Elizabeth-Robert Lewis ... 545 Hansard, .-.Pudsey.294 ,, .-John Clervaux ... 413 ,, .-Ralph RadclifFe ... 206 ,, Alice-Sir John Bellasis ... 232 ,, Elizth.-Nichs. Girlington 284 ,, Elizb.-Robt. Frothingham 147 ,, Katherine-John Snawsell 94 ,, Margt.-John Barton ... 5 ,, Richard-Joane Aske ... 118 HANS, als. HANSBY, OF BEVER¬ LEY .138 Hansby, .-Sir William Hildyard 51 ,, Agnes-Richard Langley ... 117 ,, Ed ward-Margaret Snawsell 95 ,, Elizabeth-Michael Warton 586 ,, Isabel-Anthony Hungate ... 115 ,, John-Awdrey Lovell ... 222 ,, Katherine-^y* 7 /) 215 HUNTER, OF THORNTON ... 535 Hunter, Alice-Matthew Witham 261, 310 ,, Frans.-Ralph Babthorpe 103, 600 Hurst, .-Marmaduke Constable 196 ,, Ilizabeth-Tohn West.588 ,, Elizabeth-William Percehay 187 Huskey Robert-Jane Wencelagh (2, Stalling ; 3, Harrison) ... 150 HUSSIY, OF HARSWELL ... 92 Hussey,.-. Lumley.210 ,, Ann-Emery Estouteville ... 5*6 ,, Anne-Sir Robert Constable 198 ,, Frances-Christr. Monkton 134 ,, George-Anne Constable ... 198 ,, Sir Giles-Jane Pigot (2, Folkingham).7*225 ,, Jane-John Clervaux ... 413 ,, John-.Clervanx ...7*414 686 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Hussey, Wm.-Agnes, or Ann, Bab- thorpe(2,St. Quintinl 103,127, 600 ft William (Sir)-Ann Salveyn... 367 Hustler, William-Dorothy Norcliffe . 558 Hutchins, Margaret-John Wormeley 350 HUTCHINSON, OF WYKEHAM 183 Hutchinson, Elizbth.-Wm. Thornton 265 Iluthwaite, Ann-Richard Harwood 528 tt William-Thomasine Ed¬ mondson . HUTTON, OF GOLDES- BOROUGH . Hutton, .-Matthew Crathorne ... M .-Ralph Rokeby. ,, Alice-John Manby. ,, Alison-Wm. Hebborne 528 ” Ann-Roger Haldenby. tt Cecily-Thomas Bellasis .. _ ff Eliz.-Edmond Frothingham 147 Elizabeth-Edward Cleburne 255 „ Elizabeth-George Tocketts 195 lf Elizabeth-John Dawnay ... 81 Eliz.-Richard Remington... 566 (l James-Joanna Hildyard ,, Ralph- J oan Vavasour „ Rose-Francis Craven ,, Thomas-Agnes Eland ,, *Ti mothy-Eli zabeth Bowes 597 Hyatt, Eleanor-Henry Drax. 34 2 Hyde, .-Robert Bishop.132 „ .-Thomas Robinson ... 631 „ Rph.-Isabel Burdett [Langton) 336 ,, Robert-Beatrix Calverley ... 9 ,, Robert-Margery Hildyard ... 51 Hynde, Elizabeth-William Percehay 187 5 T 3 S 3 6 209 199 625 , 621 305 232 5i 345 174 603 Ilson, Jane-Thomas Gascoigne ... 239 ,, Katherine-John Vavasour ... 116 Ingham, Jane-Charles Eure ... ... 614 Ingle, Dorothy-Thomas Usher ... 636 INGLEBY, OF RIPLEY ... 282, 283 Ingleby, .-Sir John Sothill ... 178 ,, Ann-Francis Swale.276 „ Ann-Richd. Goldesborough 369 ,, Ann-Thos. Dalton.141 ,, Elizabeth-Peter Yorke ... 382 Elizabeth-Ralph Cresswell 149 Frances-James Pulleine ... 280 Isabel-Thomas de la River 601 Jane-Sir Robt. Constable Jane-William Welbury ... 588 Joan-Sir Robert Constable, 179 . * 9 8 » 5°7 John-Ann Gale ( Clapham) 13 J ohn - Ellen Constable (2, Berkeley) ... 179, 198 John-Ellen Rocliffe ... 383 John - Katherine Vavasour (Bab thorp e) ... 103, 600 John-Margery Strangwayes (2, Welles) .202 Kath.-Sir Wm. Arthington 273 Mary-Fras. Appleby ... 487 PAGE Ingleby, Thomas-Alice Lawson ... 254 ,, William-Ann Thwaites ... 93 *William-Kath. Stillington hi W m. (Sir)-Ann Mallory ... 157 Wm. (Sir)-Joan Stapleton 332 Ingoldsby, Daniel (Sir)-Fras. Metham 253 Ingram, Elizabeth-William Langdale 190 William-Ann Lutton {Bird ; 1, Weele) ... ••• ••• l8 o Inkpenne, Ann-Richard Bunny ... 77 Insula, Agnes de Sir-John de Eure (2, Burton) .610 ,, Helevisa de-Marmdk. Darell 78 Joan de-RichardThurgarland 581 Ireland, Sir Francis-Elizabeth Eure (2, Fairfax) .615 „ Gerard-Thomas Menell ... 251 IRTON, OF IRTON . 42 Irton, Christopher-Maude Redman 285 tt John-Ann Midelton.286 ) John-Ann Stapleton.333 Mary-Thos. Skelton.376 ISONS, OF TROUTSDALE ... 536 JACKSON, OF BOSSALI.537 JACKSON, OF CADEBY.537 JACKSON, OF EDDERTHORPE 537 JACKSON, OF GATENBY ... 43 JACKSON, OF KILLINGWOLD GRAVE . 538 JACKSON, OF SNYDALE AND DARRINGTON .308 JACKSON, ah. LASCELLES ... 185 Jackson,.-Richard Oglethorpe... 315 >f Anne-Bryan Franke ... 519 „ Charles-. Banke ... 270 ,, Elizabeth-Henry Burdett ... 337 ,, Francis-Ann Mallet ... 326 ,, Isabel-Andrew Young ... 3 2 7 ,, John-Margaret Bulmer ... 175 ,, John-Mary Kaye . 53 8 ,, John-Thomasin Leming ... 543 ,, Kath.-Lucas Metcalfe 249, 409 ft Mary-Francis Copley ... 10 ,, Mary-John Thimbleby ... 578 „ Robt.-Beatx. Lake (2,Barley) 318 „ *Thomas-Dorothy Metham 364 „ Thos.-Margery St. Quintin 162 ,, William-Barbara Grey ... 70 Jakes, Elizabeth-James Rawson ... 351 Jameson, Margaret-Richard Symson 98 Jefferson, Margaret-Robert Ridley ... 569 Jeffrey, Thomas-Elizabeth Robinson 568 JENKIN, OF YORK .371 Jenkin, Henry-Dorothy Tankard ... 278 Mary-Thomas Scudamore ... 573 Jenkinson, .-Alice Eden (2, El- lerker). 137 ..-Thomas Hellard ... 531 ,, Mary-ThomasKerresforth 333 Jennings, Elizabeth-Gilbert Deane... 513 Jerome, Catherine-Ralph Langdale 191 ,, James-Ann Schiercliffe ... 574 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 687 Jerome, Jane-.Green (2, Metcalfe) 554 Jerrarde, ]ane-Richard Barnes ... 50 Jessop, Richard-Ann Swift.576 ,, William-Margaret Atherton... 70 Jobson, Margery-Gilbert Gower ... 144 Johnson, .-Elizabeth Vavasour... 345 ,, .-Henry Lovell ... 222 ,, Arthur-Anne Waterhouse 353 ,, Dorothy-Richard Fawkes 100 1, Eliz.-Rchd.Goldesborough 369 ,, Elizabeth-Robert Manby... 626 ,, Giles-Margaret Layton ... 259 ,, Henry-Elizabeth Norton... 245 ,, ]ane-Edward Wakefield... 139 „ John-Margaret Jackson ... 43 ,, Margery-Gilbert Gower ... 144 ,, Michael-Mary Eure ... 615 ,, Ralph-Jane Bradshaw ..; 204 Joneley,.-Jane Helperby ... 309 Jones, .-Robert Aske .119 ,, Katherine-Arthur Bourchier... 63 ,, Quintin-Margaret Hutchinson 183 TOPSON, OF CUDWORTH ... 622 Josselyn, Richard-Mary Barnes ... 50 Justice, Arthur-Hellen Oglethorpe ... 315 KAYE, OF DALTON .323 KAYE, OF WAKEFIELD ... 538 KAYE, OF WOODSOME... 320, 334 Kaye, of Stokesley .615 Kaye, .-Elizabeth Wentworth (2, Arthington) .334 ..-Henry Langley.117 ,, Ann-William Aldburgh ... 279 ,, Dorothy-John Carvill.501 ,, Dorothy-Thomas Blythe ... 321 ,, Elizabeth-John Armitage ... 488 ,, Elizabeth-Ralph Lutton ... 172 ,, Elizabeth-Robert Arthington. 273 ,, George-Elizabeth Lutton ... 172 ,, Grace-Richard Saltingstall ... 570 ,, Jane-Thomas Fleming ... 328 n John-Dorothy Beeston (Savite) 341 „ John-Dorothy Maleverer ... 201 ,, Sir Jno.-Margaret Moseley ... 555 ,, Margt.-Ralph, or Rich.,Danby 262 ,, Margaret-Francis Woodrove (2, Frechville) ... 334, 381 ,, Robert-Ann Wheatley ... 590 ,, Robert-Anne Flower.618 „ Robert-Elizabeth Bunny ... 77 ,, Rosamund-Lancelot Danby... 263 ,, Susan-Gabriel Layton ... 542 Kearton, Thos.-Eliz. Place (Hebborne ; 1, Mordaunt; 2, Lambton) ... 621 Kelke, William-Elizabeth Clapham 13 Kellet, Jane-Thomas Thweng ... 230 ,, Elizabeth-William Miklefield (2, Gower*).139 Kellum, Toane-Robert Simpson ... 574 ,, Katherine-Alex. Metham ... 364 Kelsey, Robert-Isabel Fowbery ... 117 Kempe, .-John Marshall ... 130 . PAGE Kempe, Anthony-Ann Conyers ... 72 Kendall, Jane-Robert Vescy.585 Kenley, Katherine-Robert Holme ... 224 Kenne, Christopher-Elizabeth Beck¬ with ( Cholmeley) . . Kennett, Sir William-. Conyers 165 Kenro, Robert-Isabel Layton ... 259 Kerr, .-Thomas Bishop ... . 132 KERRESFORTH, OF DOD- WORTH .622 KERRESFORTH, OF KERRES¬ FORTH HILL 335 Kerresforth, Thos.-Alice Wentworth 334 Kettlepenny, Alice-George Dealtry 512 Kiddall, Isabel-Thomas Portington 562 Jno.-Ann Eland .605 Kighley, .-Constantine Monhault 300 ,, Alice-Robert, or Richard, Dyneley ... 297, 301 ,, Edmond - Ann Goldesbo- rough .369 „ Margt.-Wm. Gascoigne 239, 384 ,, Thos.-Dorothy Vavasour ... 343 KILLINGBECK, OF CHAPEL ALLERTON .299 Killingbeck, .-Isabel Hodgson ... 633 „ Isabel-Stephen Hems- worth 529 „ Thos.-Winifred Mennell 251 Killinghall, .......Richard Clervaux 413 1* .-William Witham... 260 „ Eliz.-Marmadk. Norton 245 ,, Ellen-Ninian Girlington 619 „ Tohn-Beatrix Clervaux 413 ,, Margery-Ralph Bransby 212 Killingworth, .-.Sothill ... 275 „ Jno.-Elizabeth Cheney 148 King, Ann-Richard Thornton ... 579 „ Ann-Thomas Lister.548 ,, Nicholas-Margaret Bransby... 212 Kingsley, .-James Pennyman ... 206 Kingsman, Kath.-Edwd. Bromflett 120 „ Wm.-Elizabeth Acton [Stunny n) ' ... ... 120 Kiriell, Sir Nicholas-Joane Anvervile 620 Kirk, Edward-Ann Normanville ... 168 ,, Robert-Jane Bransby.212 Kirkbride, Emma-Robert Cleburne 255 „ Richard-.Cleburne... 255 KIRKBY, OF KIRKBY. 43 Kirkby, Charles, Helperby, &c. 309 Kirkby, .-.Pudsey .294 ,, Ann-William Th waites ... 175 ,, Jane-Gilbert Wharton ... 589 ,, Mary-William Thornton ... 580 „ Wm.-Eliz. Thomborough ... 148 Kirkman, Alice-Christopher Danby 292 Kirton, Oliver-William Sawley ... 114 ,, .-Katherine Gramary ... 360 Kitchin, Elizabth-Edmd. Mountford 248 ,, Thomas-Margt. Lambert... 289 Kitson, Thomas - Lucy Leyburn (2, Westby).44 688 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Agnes PAGE Knaresborough, Thomas Slingsby . IT 3 Knevet . I ?° Knevett, Lucy-Sir Henry Gates ... oo Knight, .-.Nevill .• 6 .- Margery Beaumont (2, Armitage) ... $&bis tt .-Marmaduke Fawkes ... 100 ” Isabel-Roger Newarke ... 9 2 ,, Robert-Margery fackson ... 185 Winifrid-]ohn Armitage ...488 Kniveton, Mary-Sir Geo. Chaworth 503 Knoggs, .-Isabel Bosvile ... 35 ° Knottesford, of Cheshire ... 349 Knowles, .-Hugh Currer ... 5 *° Ann-Sir Lancelot Alford .. 4 86 -Elizabeth-Thomas Pearson 559 ” Robert-Mary Jackson ... 308 KNOWLESLEY, OF NORTH BURTON. 539 Knowlesley, .-Eliz. Cundall ( Va¬ vasour; 1, Morwin). 107 Isabel-Richd. Catterall. 502 Kyme, Margaret-Algeri Wilberfoss. 158 Kynaston, Jane-Thomas Young ... 593 Lacock,.-Robert Marshall ... 13° Lacon, .-William Babthorpe ... 103 John-Elizabetli Westhrope ... 370 LACY/OF CROMWELLBOTHAM AND BREARLEY ... 330. 33 i LACY, OF FOLKETON ... 160, 161 LACY, OF BEVERLEY . 539 Lacy, Barons of Pontefract 607, 608 Lacy, Constables of Chester 195/7 Lacy; .-. Gower . 22 ° .-Frances Wentworth ... 334 ’’ .-John Kaye . 3 2 ° ,, Ann-George Palmes. 9 ° ,, Ed ward-Ann Leigh . 45 ,, Elizabeth-George Whaley ... 218 M Herbert-Everild Lacy... ... 163 Isabel-John Peck .- 347 Isabel-William Savile. 3 2 9 Joane-Nicholas Savile ... 3 2 9 ” John-Ann Tempest . 3*9 John-Ann Woodrove. 3 Sl ’ John-Dorothy Bosvile ... 33 8 ] ohn-M argaret Eland (2, Thorn- hill) . 6 ° 4 . 6 ° 6 Mary-William St. Quintin ... 163 ” Muriell-Richard Wheatley ... 59 ° ” Robert-Katherine Thirkeld ... 121 Samuel-Francis Byelby ... 499 „ Ursula-William Miklefield ... 139 „ Wm.-Elizbth. Burgh {Percy)... 415 LAKE OF NORMANTON AND BARLEY . 3 i 8 » 493 Lake, John-Katherine Peck. 347 ,, William-Lucy Gates. 60 Lakyn, Dorothy-William Horsley ... 180 Lamb, John-Margaret Carr.602 LAMBERT, OF CALTON 288, 289 Lambert.-Anthony Metcalfe ... 554 577 283 589 I84 2 55 242 2 45 182 179 284 231 274 .-John Talbot .-Sampson Ingleby .. Elizabeth-Thos. Wharton Francis-Ann Dawson Grace-John Caterick Isabell-Robert Dutton . Jane-Nicholas Girlington 284 John-Anne Redman ... 285 Paulina-]ohn Banister ... 291 Richard-Frances Danby ... 292 Robert-Grace Caterick ...256 Lamboume, John-Mary Greene LAMBTON, OF MALTON Lambton,.-.Constable .-Joan Girlington * f Tohn-Mary Bellasis Maude-Chr. Maddison ... Robt.-Eliz.Mordaunt [Heb- borne; 2, Place; 3, Kearton) 621 Robert-Frances Eure 205, 613 LAMPLEW, OF LAMPLEW HALL ... ••• ••* ••• 88 LAMPLEW, OF OCTON... i 55 Lamplew, Ann-John Bellasis ... 232 , Ann-]ohn Irton . 4 2 ] ohn-Elizabeth Stapleton . 333 Thomas-Alice Curwen ... 8 Lancaster, .-Thomas Skelton ... 376 Agnes-Robert Mennell ... 250 ’’ Ambrose-Eleanor Wandes- ford . „ Ann-fohn Warcopp Ann-William Beckwith ’’ Chrphr.-Ellinor Musgrave 142 Elinor-Richard Cleburne . 255 Lancelot-Frans. Tanckard 216, 271 Mabel-Hugh Lowther ... 623 ” Mary-Christphr. Warton 586 Wm.,Sir-Elizbth.Lowther 623 Lander, Joan-Cuthbert Musgrave ... 143 Landon, .-.Charles Clapham 13 Lane, Faith-Thomas Westby LANGDALE, OF EBBERSTONE AND SNAINTON ... 190. LANGDALE, OF HOUGHTON AND SANTON . Langdale, Ann-Henry Skerne Cicely-J ohn_Vavasour -^ ,, Katherine-Geo. Fowbery 117 „ Margaret-Jordan Metham 253 ,, Sir Marmd.-. Rodes ... 586 Peter-Ann Warton ... 5 8 ^ Richard-] oyce Thirkeld ... 121 M Stephen-Frances Lawson 93 f j Thomas-Agnes Holme 178, 197, 224 ,, Thomas-Anne Vavasour 116 „ William-Bridget Hopton {Metham) .253 Wm.-Elizabeth Constable 179 269 376 280 ; 363 I 9 I 129 108 236 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 689 Langfeld, .-Robert Fleming ... 328 >« -William le Muluez... 328 >» William-Katherine Salley r r ,' ( 2 > Fleming) .328 Langford, Henry - Agnes Brocas ( Vavasour) .236 Langforth, Ahce-Robert Neviil 6 Langham, Dorothy-John Ellerker ... no John-Ann Everingham ... 38 Langholme, Chr.-Aldboro. Goodrick 40 LANGLEY, OF OWSTHORPE... 117 Langley, Christopher - Ursula Rud- ston (2, Dolman)... 127, 186 „ Elizabeth-Edwd. Nettleton 557 ,, Isabel-William Forster ... 618 ,, Joane-William Maleverer... 67 ,, Katherine-John Caterall 70 ,, Richard-Agnes Hansby ... 138 ,, *Waltr.-Dorthy Cartwright 501 Langton, .-Christopher Holme... 152 ..-John Ellis 135 »» -John Portington ... 561 „ Agnes-Ansketell Ormesby 629 „ Agnes-Sir James Danby 203, 262, 264 »* Ann - John Portington (2, Skeme) .108 ,, Elizabeth-Robert Gayton 546 ,, Isabel - Aymer Burdett (2, Hyde) .336 ,, Jennett-Robert Hopton ... 42 ,, Joan-Wm.Vavasour 116, 236 ,, John-.Nevile ... 262, 264 ,, John-Elizabeth Dawnay ... 80 ,, John-Isabella Eure ... 611 ,, Thomas-Anne Gascoigne . 384 ,, Sir Thomas-Elizth. Stanley 247 ,, Thomas-Eufemia Aske ... 118 ,, Thomas-Isabel Slingsby ... 113 Lant, Ellen-Henry Swinborne ... 598 ,, Thomasine-Richard Percehay 187 LASCELLS, OF BRACKENBURY 61 LASCELLS, als. JACKSON, OF GANTHORPE .185 Lascells, -Amy Skipwith ... 634 ,» .-Margaret Crofts (2, Leyburne) . 44 ,, Agnes-John Forster ... 618 „ Alice-Christphr. Stockdale 410 ,, Ann-Thomas de la River, 38,601 ,, Avicia-Robert Constable... 56 ,, Barbara - Thomas Barton (2, Whaley) ... 5, 218 ,, Clare-Chrstphr. Lockwood 549 ,, Dorothy-Thos. Leyburne 44 ,, Ellen-Lawrence Mennell... 251 ,, Francis - Ann Thwaites (2, Wandesford) 93, 269 ,, Francis-Susan Wandesford (2, Parkinson).269 ,, George-Anne Wyrrall ... 349 ,, Geo. (Sir), orRoger-Margt. Conyers, als. Norton ... 244 Lascells, T . , . ^ page Katherme-GervaseWyrrall 349 Katherine-Robert Deyvill 602 Margaret-Chris. Rokeby... 128 Margaret-James Pickering 120, 281, 630 Margt.-William Constable 196 Mary-Ralph Dransfield ... 37 Maude-William Burgh ... 3 Robert-Catherine Danby (2, Eure) .612 Thomas-Jane Mallory ... 157 Ths.-Jane Neviil [Chobnley] 221 Th os.-Margery St. Quintin 162 William-ElizabethTunstall 583 ,, William-Elizth. Wadeson 584 ,, William-Jennet Rocliffe ... 383 Lasenby, .-Ralph Constable ... 57 ,, John-Dorothy Dyneley ... 301 >» Thomas-Joan Wandesford 269 Lashford, Isabel-Anthony Ellis ... 135 Latham, Alice-John Twisleton ... 583 M Ann, or Alice-Sir Jno. Eland 514. 604, 606 ** |ane-Thomas Stockdale ...410 *» John-Frances Rokeby ...352 ,, Thomas-.Atherton ..410 Latheby, Anna-Robert Clervaux ...72414 Latimer, Cecily-Roger Alured ... 144 Laton. See Layton. LAUGHTON, OF THROPUM ... 542 Laughton, .-Ralph Beeston ... 322 1, Sibill-William Sawley ... 114 Lawde, William-Dorothy Thorpe ... 53 Lawrence, Henry-Everild Acclom ... 109 Jane-George Deyvill ... 21* LAWSON, OF BROUGH ... 234 LAWSON, OF POPPLETON ... 93 Lawson, .-Frances Conyers ... 165 .-Thomas Ingleby ... 283 .-Thomas Rokeby ... 128 Frances-Stephen Langdale . 191 Isabel-Richard Cholmeley... 221 John....... Conyers.165 Kath.-Sir Stephen Tempest 293 Margaret-John Wycliffe ... 377 Mary-Ralph Tanckard ... 216 Ninian-Ann Lawson ... 93 Peter-Elizabeth Beckwith ... 101 Sir Ralph-Elizth. Borough 3 Sir Thos. -Clare Borough... 723 *Thomas Joane Vavasour 236 LAYTON, OF BARROWBY ... C42 LAYTON, OF WEST LAYTON 258, 2 3Q, C4.I LATON, OF SEXHOW ..7 540, 541 Layton, .-William Babthorpe ... 600 .-Edmond Cleburne ... 255 .-Thomas Coundon ... 507 .-Ralph Holtby.230 .-Elizabeth Metcalfe ... 409 .-Roger Vincent.636 Alice-John Ingleby ... ... 283 Ann-Edward Warcopp ... 376 690 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Layton, Cicely-Peter Thomlinsor, 217 Dorothy-Richard Redman... 285 ” Eliz.-Henry Pudsey 294,563 ’ ’ Elizabeth-J ohn Vaux ... 229 Elizabeth-Robert Lacy ... 161 Elizabeth-Robert Wyvill ... 380 *Gabriel-Mary Arthington... 273 George-Agnes Eland ... 005 '* George-Bridget Drax (2, Harrison) . 34 2 George-Ellinor Metcalfe 213.249 ” Tane-Robert Thornton ...296 Lancelot-Agnes Bulmer ... *93 ” Robert-Ann Rokeby ... 199 ”, Robt.-Kath. Strangwayes... 203 Thomas-Elinor Borough ... 3 ” Thomas-Isabel Witham 261, 310 Thomas, or John-Margaret Clervaux.• ••• 4*3 Thos. (Sir)-KatherineFairfax 39 ” William-.Tunstall ... 228 Lea,’ Mary-William Wood.124 Leake, Elizabeth-Hugh Hercy ... 41 Elizabeth-Sir Bryan Hastings 373 Francis-Frances Swift ... 57 6 ” Gertrude-Anthony Serlby ... 3 6 4 ” Gertrude-Sir Geo. Chaworth 503 ”, Muriel-SirRbt. Waterton, 105, 312 Leathley, .-Ann Coghill... ... 5®5 I^edsham, William-Elizth. Clervaux 413 Lee, Beatrix-John Barton ... 5 , Gervase-Bridget Sotheby ... 170 „ Hen.-Eliz. Fletcher ... - 3 °° Henry (Sir)-Ellinor Wortley ... 59 2 ” Susan-John Routh ... ••• 57 ° Thomas-Ellen Paslewe {Lacy) 330 William-Franees Mathews 617 LEEDES, PIGOT, METCALFE, of Nappa, ... LEEDES, OF Milford ... I 35 *Leedes, Alex. de-Elizth. Darell ... 7 ° Thos. -Elizabeth Plumpton 387 Leek, Alice-Thomas de la River 1*2 Wright)... . — ° 01 LEGARD, OF ANLABY ... 54 , 55 Leeard, .-Ann Darnell. 122 LCg ’ .-Robert Anlaby ... 125 ” Faith-Sir Thomas Dawnay 81 ” Jane-Sir John Hotham ... 89 ” lane-Toshua Wakefield ... 139 ” Susan-Sir Richd. Cholmeley 220 LEIGH, OF MIDDLETON ... 45 Leigh, Alice-George Norman ... 55 » Alice-] ohn Dassett . 9 8 ” Dorothy-John Young (2, Hungate) — — IT S Elizabeth-William Tyndall ... 317 Ferdinando-Mrgy. Cartwright 501 Ferdinando-Mary Pilkington 562 ”, Gilbert-Dorothy Woodrove... 381 , Tane-Daniel Clayton... ••• 5°4 Katherine-Thos. Folkingham 225 ” Katherine-Thomas Rokeby... 128 PAGE Leigh Margaret-Brian Bellasis ... 233 & M argaret-Thomas Gargrave 69 ” Mar^aret-William Danby ...292 ” Margaret-William Thornton 296 ” Mary-Peter Skelton. l6 9 ’ ’ Mathew-Dorothy Peck ... 347 Thomas-Ann Tempest ... 293 Thos.-Anne Maleverer ...201 ’’ Sir Thos.-Elizth. Huddleston ” (2, Redman).. 28 5 Thomas-Elizabeth Wentworth (2, Arthington) . 375 LEMING, OF PICKERING ... 543 Lennard, Elizabeth-Sir trancis Eure 614 Lenthall, Ann-Sir Thos. Tempest I^pmGTONOF^onMANRV::. 544 »“• SSSiTiSSS .2 Le Primes, Elizabeth-]ohn Willan ... 637 lepton’, of kepwick ... -4 Lepton, g^Jabetlilameg Westhroppe 370 Eustacia-Thomas Bransby.. 212 Roger-Margaret Wycliffe ... 377 Thomas-Ann Witham ... 260 Thomas-Elizabeth Anne ... 361 Thomas-Isabel Gower ... 267 Letard, Godose-John Gotham ... 74 Levening, Ann, or Agnes-Rich. Gower ^ Eliz.-Edw. St. Quintin 153, 176 ” Wm.-EUinor St. Quintm. IS 3 Leventhorpe.-Elinor Calverley 9 .-Mary Eland ( Gascoigne) ... ... 603 Alice-John Lacy ... 33 ° William-Margaret Aid- borough (2, Rocliffe) 383 Leversedge, Alice de - Robert Flam- borough .240 Richard-EUen Lister ... 290 Leveson, Thomas-Elizabeth Pulleine 243 LEVETT, OF MELTON. 544 Levett, Elizabeth-Thomas Garpave 69 Thomas-Margaret Lindley... 547 LEWIS, OF LEDSTONE. 545 Lewis, Ellen-]ohn Ramsden. John-Anne Appleyard ... 140 John-Mary Reresby. 75 Margaret-] ohn Maleverer ... 55 ° Mary-Richard Horsfall ... 534 Lewkes, George-Ellen Jackson ... 3 ° Lewkner .-Sir Chris. Pickering 120 1 LEYBURNE, OF CUNSWICK 44 Leyburne, Sir James-Anne Preston (2, Stanley) ••• 2 47 Jane-William Vaux ... 229 Lightfoot, Elizabeth-Roger Layton 258 *Hercules-Ehzth. Layton 259 Lilburne, Elizabeth-Robert Bowes... 596 lane-Gilbert Wharton ... 5 8 9 LINDLEY, OF LEATHLEY ... 547 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 69I LINDLEY, OF SNAWDON ... 545 LINLEY, Milner, Keighley, Laton .546 Lindley, Christr.-Beatrix Remington 566 90 38 620 291 285 Elizabeth-Bryan Palmes ,, Elizth.-Henry Everingham ,, Elizabeth-Hugh Grove ,, John-Anne Caterall... Lawrence-Elizabeth Redman (2, Lin ley) ,, Muriel, or Margt.-Thomas Laton ... 540, 541, 546 Lindsey, Beatrix-Wm. de Thorpe ... 624 Lisle, Jane-Sir William Gascoigne... 384 ,, Julian de-Richard Portington 561 Lisours, Albreda de-Sir William Fitz- Godric (2,FitzEustace) 197,608 ,, Robt. de-Albreda de Laci 197, 608 LISTER, OF KINGSTON-UPON- HULL .546 LISTER, OF MIDHOPE AND THORNTON LISTER, OF WAKEFIELD LISTER, OF WESTBY ... Lister, .-John Lacy ,, Agnes-Stephen Tempest ,, Alice-Gabriel Greene... ,, Elizabeth-John Banke ,, Isabel-Henry Banke ... ,, Isabell-Lancelot Marton ,, Mary-John Lambert. ,, Mary-Stephen Hamerton ... ,, Rosamond-Gresham Clapham 13 ,, Rosamond-Richd. Arthington 273 ,, Rosamond - William Hawks- worth . ,, Thomas-Jane Heber. ,, William-Mary Bellasis Little, Agnes-Richard Lemington.. Littlebury,.-John Folkingham .. ,, Anne-John Crathorne .., ,, Humphrey-Ursula Hercy ... 290 ••• 547 ... 548 - 330 ... 293 ••• 3i5 490 bis ... 490 ... 287 ... 289 526 299 529 233 566 225 209 4 i Rosamond-Robert Eland 606 LITTON, OF LITTON .549 Llewellyn, Elizth.-Lewis Scudamore 573 Llyson, Jowan ap-Philip John ... 371 LOCKWOOD, OF SOWERBY ... 549 Lockwood, .-TempestThornton.. 579 Christ.-Clare Lascelles... 61 John-Margery Barton ... 182 Leonard-Ann Wakefield 139 Richard-Clare Byerley ... 499 Richard - Elizabeth Flinton (2, Truslove) 582 Loftus, .-Elizabeth de la River ... 601 ,, Ann-Leonard Lister.548 London.-IsabelFisher (Drax) ... 342 Long, Alice-William Manby ... 626 Longley, Ann-Thomas Beaumont ... 492 Longueville,.-.Carey ... 121 Longvilliers, Eliz.-Nichols, Gascoigne 239 ,, Thos.-Nightingale Gas¬ coigne (2, Windsor)... 239 Lodge page Lonsdale, .-Jane Morley... ... 194 Lord, Jane-Richard Washington ... 587 Loudon, .-Marmaduke Elwick ... 133 ,, Cassandra-John Vavasour... 116 Lounde,.-Thos. or Jno. Percehay 186 Jot- Job Ma ohn-Ann Constable lohn-Jennet Marton Targt., or Maude-Sir John Dawnay. ,, Robert-Alice Eland ,, Robert-Bridget Lowson ... Lovaine, Elinor-Sir Wm. Bourchier LOVELL, OF SKELTON... Lovell, Audrey-John Hansby ,, Isabel-John Holme. ,, Jane-Sir Bryan Stapleton ... ,, Katherine,Francis Bagster ... ,, Maude-Robert Hildyard ... ,, Rbt.-Elinor Roos (2, Pround ; 3, Hawse). ,, Thomas-Jane Hungate ,, Thomas-Mary Herbert *Low, Simon-Margaret Lacy Lowe, Robert-Margaret Reresby ... 75 Lowells, Lyon-Cecily Waterton, 105, 312 Lowes, Nicolaus de - Radegunda Musters . _ 7 g Lowick, Henry-Margaret Witham ... 260 Lowndes, Nicholas-Ann Vavasour . LOWSON, OF LAXTON ... LOWTHER, OF LOWTHER .. Lowther, .-Grace Waterhouse .. .-Thomas Wharton .. Ann-Sir Thomas Cur wen . w Frances-Thomas Cleburne 255 Jane-George Hutchinson... 183 Mary-Sir James Pickering . 630 ,, Robert-Margaret Cutler ... 511 Lucas, George-Ellen Jackson ...308 ,, Stephen-Tane Lake.318 Lucy.-Sir Hugh Lowther ... 623 Lumberd,.-Anthony Robinson . Lumley,.-. Hussey ... ,, Agnes-John Lambton ... ,, Elizabeth-Robert Cresswell... 149 ,, Helena-Thomas Thornton ... 210 ,, Isabel-Sir Henry Boynton ... 4 >> Margaret-Sir John Clervaux 413 ,, Sir Richard-Ann Conyers ... 71 Lusher, William-Anne Maleverer ... 68 LUTTON, OF KNAPTON AND OSGODBY. . Lutton, Elizth.-George Kaye ... 615 ,, Joane-Robert Lepington ... 544 .. Mary-Chrphr. Thornton 265, 580 Mary John Bawne .489 58 287 80 605 550 62 47, 222 ... 138 224 33 2 316 50 57 1 15 530 33 i 75 237 550 623 353 379 8 631 210 182 ,, Ralph-Margaret D; kins ,, Robert-Ann Weele (Bird; 3, Ingram). Luttrell, Millicent - Sir Halnath Maleverer . . Lyon, Ellen-Arthur Pilkington ,, Priscilla-Ralph Rokeby 169 180 67 562 352 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 692 PAGE Lyons, Edward-Eleanor Hebborne... 621 Lyte, Jane-Sir William Gascoigne 238 Mablethorpe, Ann-John NeviU ... 6 Mace, Margaret-Thos. Eglesfield ... 155 Machell, Agnes-Thomas Burgh ... 268 Bryan-Beatrix Layton ...25b Mackeridge, .-Richard Metcalfe 553 Thomas - Anne Bate (2, Arneshowe) ... 19 2 Mackworth, Francis-Helena Hercy 41 George-Grace Rokeby 352 MADDISON, OF KIRKBY MAL- ZEARD . 2 74 Maddison, Christphr.-Agnes Wychffe 3 77 ]ohn-Isabel Carrington... 500 ” Thomas-Eliz. Bellasis ... 231 Mader, .-John Roos ••• 5 6 9 Madysley, Margaret-Chris. Conyers 71 Mainprise, Ann-Francis Nalton ... 55 ° Maisterson, .-Thos. Whetenhall 257 Maisterton, Margery-Thomas Butler (2, Gibson) ... ••• • •• -• 5 2 ° Malbis, Constance-Sir Robt. Rochfife 383 MALEVERER, OF ALLERTON 64 to 68 OF LETWELL 550 , OF WHIXLEY... 266 OF WOTHER- 200, 201 . Reresby (2, Routhe) 570 .-. Routh ... 57 ° .-Francis Pinkney ... 211 .-George Bradford ... 326 .-John Jackson ... 185 .-Nicholas Gower ... 267 .-Ralph Gower ... 226 .-William Mallet ... 3 26 .-William Thwaites 93 Agnes-John Vavasour ... 236 Alice-RichardTempest... 319 Ann-John Elwick ... 133 Ann-John Rocliffe 285, 383 Ann-Marmaduke Con¬ stable . 1 77 , 196 Ann-Thomas Gower ... 226 Ann-Thomas Laton 540, 541 Ann-Thomas Leigh ... 45 Ann-Thomas Snawsell... 95 Beatrix-Sir J ohn Clervaux 413 Bridget-John Vavasour... 345 Dorothy-John Kaye ... 320 Edmd. (Sir)-Mary Danby 264 Grace-John Pulleine ... 243 Isabel-Edward Copley... 526 Jane-John Hopton ... 42 jane-Richard Aldeburgh 279 Joane-Sir Richard Yorke 382 John-Alice Banke ... 270 John-Beatrix Darell ... 78 John-Margaret Lewis ... 545 Kath.-Richd. Aldeburgh 279 Katherine-Wm. Conyers 72 MALEVERER, MALEVERER, MALEVERER, SOME Maleverer, PAGE Maleverer, Mary-Ed. Copley ... n , Nicholas-Elizabeth Rol- leston (2, Wombwell) 366 Nich.-Elizth. Wombwell 366 Richard-Joane Plumpton 387 Robert-Alice Vavasour... 236 Susan-Gervase Ricard ... 567 Thos.-Elizth. de la River 601 Thomasine-Wm. Moore 12 Wm. (Sir)-Ann Wyclifife 377 ” Wm. - Elizabeth Hopton (2, Roos) . 4 2 M Wm.-Ellinor Aldeburgh 279 Wm.-Ellinor Strangways 202 William-Joane Colvile ... 164 MALHAM, OF ELSLACK ... 295 Mai ham, .-Christopher Carr ... 602 ,, John-Isabel Waterhouse ... 353 John-Lucy Clapham ... 13 Thos.-Thomasin Mart on... 287 Maikake, Alan de-Hawis de Arkbow 624 Alice-Sir Wm. de Manby 625 MALLET, OF NORMANTON 325, 326 Mallet, .-William Freeston ... 309 Alice-William Gibthorpe ... 625 Arthur-Anne Dyneley ...298 Frances-Charles Young ... 327 Joan-Henry Rawson ... 351 William-Agnes Gascoigne 2, Ellis) . 239, MALLORY, OF STUDLEY 156 Mallory, .... 328 _ _ 157 .-Edward Copley ... 10 .-Joane Plumpton ... 386 .-Thomas Snawsell ... 95 Alice-Richard Aldeburgh... 279 Alice-William Vavasour 116, 236 Ann-Sir Hugh Bethell ... 241 Ann-Sir William Ingleby... 283 Chr.-Margery Danby ... 264 Dorothy-Sir George Bowes 597 Elizabeth-John Legard ... 55 Elizabeth-Robert Eure ... 611 Eliz.-Sir Robert Stapleton (2, Slingsby) ... 113. 333 Ellinor-Sir Robert Dolman 86 Frances-Thomas Wyrrall... 349 George-Elizabeth Wyrrall 349 Isabella-John Anne ... 360 Jane-Thomas Lascelles ... 61 Joane-Nicholas Rudston... 126 Joane-Thomas Slingsby ... 113 Sir John-Margery Hastings 373 Julian-William Oglethorpe 275 Margt.-Sir John Constable 57 Sir William-Anne Eure 205, 614 William-Dyonisia Tempest 319 William-Jane Constable ... 57 William (Sir)-Jane Norton 244 fl William-Mary Palmes ... 9 1 Malolacu, Constance de-Frans. Bigod 367 Eliz. de-Sir John Salveyn 367 MALTBY, OF MALTBY AND MUSTON. 55 1 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Maltby, Christopher-Everild Creyke 163 ,, Christopher-Mary Dyneley 298 ,, Isabella-Robert Morley ... 194 Malthouse, Wm.-Elizabeth Ingleby 283 MAN, OF BftAMLEY .552 MAN, OF DRAX ABBEY ... 627 Man, Audrey-William West ... 359 MANBY, OF CRANSWICK ... 552 MANBY, OF ELSAM AND MID¬ DLETON ... ... 624, 625, 626 Mancells, Sibell-Robert deArkbow... 624 Manchester, Agnes de-William de Stodelegh (2, Colvile) 112 ,, Egidia de-Hugh de Bel- tofte.112 Mandeville, Robert-Joyce Serlby ... 364 Mangnall, .-Lucy Bosvile ... 368 Manners, Cicely-Thomas Fairfax ... 96 ,, Elizabeth-Sir Wm. Fairfax 96 ,, George-Ann St. Leger 179, 198 ,, JGertrude-George Talbot 46 „ Katherine-Sir Robert Con¬ stable ... 179, 198, 507 Manningham, Kath.-Sir Richard Norton ..244 Mansell, Ann-Christopher Tomlinson 210 Mansergh, .-Richard Redman ... 99 Mansfield,.-William Strickland... 166 ,, Margt.-Rich. Heslarton 173 ,, Ralph-Kath. Carrington 500 Manston, Alice-Roger Dyneley ... 297 ,, Ellen-Robert Gascoigne ... 384 Mantell, John-Katherine de Bolton... 563 Manwick, or Nunwick.156 Markenfield, Alice-Adam Hamilton 252 ,, Alice-Robt. Maleverer 201 ,, Ann-Chrstphr. Conyers 165 ,, Elinor-Robert Aske... 119 ,, Isabel-John Maleverer 67 ,, Ninian-Dorothy Gas¬ coigne .383 ,, Sir Ninian-Margaret Clifford (2, Constable) 57 ,, Thos.-Isabel Ingleby... 283 ,, Thos.-Margrt. Norton 245 Markham, .-.Skipwith ... 634 ,, Ann Anthony Eyre ... 362 ,, George-Edith Reresby ... 75 ,, Peter-Katherine Eland ... 603 ,, Rbt.-AliceHatfieldfZfmrjy) 41 Markinton, Emma de-Henry de Scriven (2, deMonceaux) ... ... 112 Marks, Richard-Ann Kaye.320 *Marler, Robert-Joan Moston 134, 556 Marmion, .-LawrenceMountford 22415 ,, Herodia-Sir John Clervaux 412 Marsden, Margaret-John Dyneley ... 297 MARSHALL, OF PICKERING & MORTON-UPON-SWALE 130, 131 Marsh, Anne-John Greenwood . . .22524 ,, Jennet-John Thornhill ... 579 ,, Mary-William Carr ... ... 500 Marshall, . -. Thorpe . 410 69.3 Marshall, .-Frances Dyneley ... 298 ,1 -Richard Legard ... 55 1, -Thomas Layton ... 259 ,, Henry-Ursula Thorpe ... 53 ,, Isabella-. Wighill ...#410 ,, James-Ellen Borough ... 3 ,, jane-John Leming.543 ,, John-Barbara Wilson ... 591 ,, Martin-.Nevill ... 6 Marshton, Mary-Lancelot Lacy ...72539 Marston, Wm.-Barbara Mering ... 304 Martindale, Geo.-Mary Musgrave... 143 MARTON, OF MARTON ... 287 Marton, Agnes-Christopher Borough 3 ,, Alex.-Alice Caterall ... 291 ,, Eliz. de-John de Maltby ... 5sr ,, Magdalen-Richard Green ... 258 ,, Mary-Thomas Wharton ... 589 ,, Richard-Margy. Lepton ... 214 Marwood,.-Ann Vincent ... 636 ,, Eliz.-Nicholas Ridley ... 569 ,, *Henry-Ann Constable ... 196 Mason, .-William Symson ... 98 ,, Grace-William Reresby ... 76 ,, Tane-Christopher Legard ... 55 ,, John-Ann Deyvill .215 Massey, Robert-.Moston ... 134 MATHEW, ARCHBP. OF YORK 552 Mathew, Richard-Margery Lepton... 214 Mathews, formerly of Stokes- LEY.617 MAUDE, OF WEST RIDDLES- DEN ... ... ... ... ... 300 Maude, .-Arthur Currer.510 ,, .-John Trigott.304 ,, Anthony - Bridget Norton (,Stapleton) .333 ,, Arthur, or Anthony-Jane El- tofte ... ... ... 301 ,, Bridget-George Greene * ... 522 ,, Dorothy-Henry Currer ... 510 ,, Isabel-Robert Bayldon ... 303 ,, Isabel-William Currer ... 510 „ Robert-Ann Oglethorpe ... 314 ,, Thos.-Katherine Tempest 293 ,, William-Jennet Clapham ... 13 Mauley, Agnes-Thomas St. Quintin 162 Maunsell, Ann-Christo. Thomlinson 217 Maurice, Ellen Wynne-John Owen (2, Eure) .614 Mawson, William-Elizabeth Leigh... 45 MAYNE, OF ROWLSTON ... 150 Mayne, .-Robert Stockdale ... 410 ,, Alice-Edward Trusjove ... 582 ,, Christo.-ElizabethDaniell ... 125 Mekop, Abigail-Godfrey Goldes- borough .369 Melborne, Elizth.-John Mathew ... 552 Mellish, .-John Conyers.165 Melton, Dorothy-George Darcy ... 47 ,, Joane-William Slingsby ... 113 ,, Jno.-IsabellaMirfield( 6 'rt:z/ 27 ^) 341 ,, Sir John-Katherine Hastings 373 694 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Mendley, Wm.-Anne Kerresforth ... 335 MEN NELL, OF NORTH KI IR¬ VINGTON AND STANKE 250, 251 Mcnnell,.-Rbt., or Roger Sotheby 170 .-William Tancred ... 216 Ann-Nicholas Appleyard ... 14b Dorothy-Nicholas Girlington 284 Edward-ThomasinTanckard 216 Elizabeth-George Holtby... 230 Isabel-James Danby ... 264 Joane-Ninian Girlington ... 619 Lawrence-Elinor Jackson... 185 Margt.-Roger Tocketts ... 195 Robt.-Mary Pudsey ... 294, 564 Roger-Joan Danby ... • •• 264 Roger-Margery Caterick ... 256 Thos.-Margaret Cholmeley 220 PAGE „ Thos. -Winifred Pudsey Meres, Agnes-Robert Rawson ,, Ann-William Ormesby Merfin, Elizabeth-Thomas Levett ... MERING, OF WATER FREE- STON .. Mering, .-.Nevill ... _-Jno. Wakefield ■'ll— D i /-»L o rrl Qt * 564 351 629 544 304 6 139 Eliz.-Sir Richard Stapleton 332 Ellen-Robert Aske.119 Francis-.Midelton ... 286 Jno.-Barbara Bosvile ... 3^8 Jno.-Katherine Hercy ... 4 1 Marion-Robert Saxton ... 327 „ Thos.-Isabel Calverley ... 9 Merington, Joane-Marmaduke Darell 79 Merlaco, Isabella-Sir Robt. de Eure 609 .* 55 i 163 554 45 322 566 54 i Merley, Robert-Alice Maltby Merrey,.-Edward Conyers Merriman,.-James Metcalfe Merworth, of Middleton Merworth, .-Adam Beeston Merys, Mary-Robert Readhead Messenger, .-Thomas Layton METCALFE, OF BELLERBY, &c 249 METCALFE, OF HOODE GRANGE AND FIRBY ». METCALFE, OF NAPPA, OT- TERINGTON, &c. • •• 1 - METCALFE, OF OTTE RING- TON AND FAREHOLME Metcalfe . Metcalfe, of Nappa ... ■ Metcalfe,.-.Wayte (2, Bowes) 7*497 .-Frances Strickland ... 166 ” ] - M armadukeConstable 506 \ t .-Ralph Conyers ... 165 . .-Richard Wynn ... 593 .-Thomas Metham ... 106 \\ Alice-Leonard Franke ... 619 ,, Ann-Richard Hebborne 528,621 ,, Christian-Jno. Saxton ... 327 ,, Cicely-Robert Percy 277, 281 ,, Cicely-Stephen Thornton 265, 580 ,, Cicely-Thomas Peck ... 347 554 ••• 409 553 213 302 Metcalfe, Cicely-William Borough... 3 Dorothy-Bryan Askwith... 487 Elinor-George Laton ... 213 Elizabeth-Giles Borough... 3 Elizabeth-Thomas Layton 540, 541. 546 Eliz.-Thos. Thornton 265, 580 James-Jane Savile ... 3 2 4 Joane-Christr. Conyers ... 71 Joane-William Tempest... 293 ' ohn-Agnes Redman ... 99 iohn-Alice Herbert ... 53 ° Margt.-Peter Thornton ... 265 Mary-Ralph Creyke ...^163 Michael-Elizabeth Danby 292 Oswald-Mary Mennell ... 251 Thos.-Elizabeth Slingsby 113 METHAM, OF BARNEHILL ... 106 METHAM, OF CADEBY... ... 364 METHAM, OF METHAM, &c. 252, 253 Metham, .-Ann Snawsell ... 94 . -Grace Trollope ( Pudsey) . 5^4 .-Marmadke Constable 198 .-Sir Jno. Hotham ... 89 .-Sir Wm. Constable... 56 Agnes-Sir Jno. Constable 57 . Alice-John Gower Bridget-Thomas Hopton (2, Langdale) ... 42, Dorothy-Robert Thornton 296 Dorothy-Thos. Jackson... 537 Elinor-Ralph Ellerker ... 137 Eliz.-Ambrose Beckwith... 101 Eliz.-Edward Saltmarsh... 100 Frances-Sir InglebyDaniell 125 Frances-Marmaduke Con¬ stable .. 179 Frances-Sir Rich. Lowther 623 Francis-Dionis Waterton 312 Francis-Dorothy Waterton 105 Isabel-Thomas Hungate... 114 Jane-Sir Rich. Strangwayes 203 Jordan-Margaret Langdale 129 Kath.-George Cresswell ... 149 Margery-Sir Bryan Rocliffe 285,383 Mary-HenryAdams ... 485 Sir Nicholas-Margt. Denby (2, Balliol) .336 Richard (Sir)-Margaret Babthorpe ... 102, 599 Thos.-Ann Acclom 109, 203 Thos.-Barbara Constable 179 Thos.-Catherine Bellasis 233 Sir Thos.-Dorothy Darcy 47 Thos. (Sir)-Edith Palmes 90 Thos.-Elizabeth Constable 178, 197 Thomas - Isabel Pepper (2, Vavasour) .107 146 144 129 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Metham, Thomas-Grace Pudsey ... 294 ,, Thos. (Sir)-Isabel Hildyard (2, Hotham) . 51 „ Thos.-Joan Thornton ... 296 Methley, Alice-Tristram Tempest 319,357 ,, Christopher-Anne Lister ...7*547 ,, Joan-William Tempest ... 293 Methwold, Dorothy-Daniel Clayton 504 Meverell, Isabell-John Rockley ... 343 Micklethwaite, Isabel-Geo. Greene... 523 ,, Roger-Anne Greene... 523 Mickley, Isabell-Thos. Wandesford 269 Middlemore, William R.-Susanna Mathews .. ••• 617 Middleton, .-.Metcalfe ... 409 ,, .-Elizabeth Aske ... 119 „ .-James Constable ... 506 , f .-James Rokeby ... 128 „ .-Margaret Thorne (2, Musgrave).142 ,, .-Mary Tunstall ... 583 ,, .-Robert Eland ... 605 ,, .-Thos. Hemsworth... 529 ,, .-Sir WilliamHungatewi 15 ,, Agnes-Sir Robt. Hildyard 51 ,, Ann-Edmond Thweng ... 581 ,, Ann-Sir Edward Yorke... 382 ,, Elizabeth-Jno. Appleby... 487 ,, Elizabeth-John Rosse ...213 Frances-SirRich. Lowther 623 ,, Isabella - Jno. Midelton (2, Drax) ... 286, 342 t , James-Anne Burgh ... 268 James-Elinor Sotheby ... 575 ,, Joane-Richard Forster ... 618 ,, Margt.-Rowland Thorn- borough .148 „ Thomas-Alice Wycliffe... 377 ,, *Thos.-Dorothy Constable 196 Thos.-Isabel Musgrave... 142 ,, Thos.-Lucy Wyvill ... 380 Thos.-Margaret Savile ... 324 MIDELTON, OF STOCKELD ...286 Midelton, .-Katherine Constable 58 .-Ralph Babthorpe ... 102 ” .-Thomas Thwaites... 93 Agnes-Jno. Lepton ... 214 Alice-Jno. Fitzwilliam ... 411 Alice - Richard Peck (2, Midelton). 347 ,, Ann-Anthony Witham ... 260 Ann-Richard Irton ... 42 Elizabeth-Robt. Sothill... 275 Elizbth.-Sir Wm.Calverley • 9 Ellinor-Sir Jno. Maleverer 66, 67 ,, J ane-MarmadukeVavasour 345 *Johanna-Barnard Brocas 236 ” Kath.-Leonard Chamber- layne . ••• 176 Margaret-Henry Witham 261, 310 1 See also 6 95 PAGB Midelton, Margt.-Jno. Vavasour ... 345 ,, Margaret-Sir Ralph Bab¬ thorpe .599 ,, Margaret-Wm. Clapham 13 ,, Maude-Matt. Wentworth 334 ,, Maude-William Goodrick 40 ,, Peter (Sir)-Cath. Vavasour 236 ,, Robt.-Hellen Monkton ... 171 ,, Thomas-Joane Plumpton 387 ,, William-Mary Eltofte ... 301 Midhope, Agnes-John Lambert ... 289 ,, Ann-William Lister ... 290 ,, Jane-Emery Carr.602 ,, *Roger-Margery Cussen {Pudsey) . 294, 564 „ Thomas-Elizbth. Clapham 13 „ William-Jane Tempest ... 293 MIKLEFIELD, OF BOLTON ... 139 Milborne, Barbara-Thos. Beckwith... 494 Mildmay, Wm.-Margt. Harvey ... 101 MILESON, OF EAST HATHEL- SAY. 628 Mill, Ann-William Wright.145 ,, or Milles, George - Dowsabel Burton... **7 Millot, Dorothy-William Stockdale 410 ,, Robert-Grace Wycliffe ... 377 Milner . 54 6 Milner, Ann-Christopher Linley ... 545 ,, Grace-Robert Waterhouse... 353 ,, Jno.-Ann Waterhouse ... 353 ,, Mary-Chas. Laton 540,541, 546 bis Mirfield .266 Mirfield, Alice-Oliver Woodrove ... 381 ,, Ellen-Henry Tempest 319,357 ,, Jane-Thomas Wentworth... 373 „ Lancelot-Anne Eure 205, 613 ,, Margaret-Richd. Heslarton 173 ,, Margt.-Robt. Bayldon ... 303 „ Oliver-Isabel Savile (2, Melton) .341 ,, Rosamond-William Mallet 326 ,, Wm.-Isabel Eland.604 Mirfin.Matilda-Esmeus de Vescy ... 585 Mitchell, Hester-John Browne (2, Webbe; 3, Goldesborough) 369 ,, Joan-Thomas Savile ... 324 Mitford, Elizabeth-Simon Gibthorpe 625 Mitton,.-Frances Hippon (2, Murgatroyd).7*532 ,, Ann-George Thurgarland ... 581 ,, Margery-Ralph Babthorpe... 599 Mohun, Elizabeth-Robert Kaye ... 538 Moiortney.-Mary Waterton (. Draycott ).77105,312 Molineux.-John Lacy ... ... 330 ,, Elinor-Robert Ncvill ... 246 Molyneux, Sir Richard-Ursula Bour- chier (2, Trewe) . 63 Mompesson.-Anne Salusbury [Hobbs; 3,Gascoigne) .297 1 Monasteriis, Eliz.-Alex. Mowbray... 282 Musters. INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 696 PAGE Monceaux, Ingram de-Emma de Scriven (Markington) . 112 MONKTON, OF CAVELL ... 134 MONKTON, OF WHARRAM GRANGE. . Monkton, Chris.-Frances Hussey .... 92 Hellen-Christopher Gower 226 ’ Marmdk.-Eliz. Wentworth 334 Philip-Joane Rudston ... 127 *Thos .-Ellen Moston ... 55 6 ” Thomas-Margy.St.Quintin 127, *iS 3 „ William-Ann Aske ... 119 Monson, Mary-Sir Thos. Reresby ... 76 Montault. See Maude. Moore, .-Jane Drew (2, Palmes) 90 Alice-Wm. Hoppey(2, Savile) 329 Ann-John West ... 359 Elizabeth-Thomas Clapham 12 Emma-Sir William Brigham 167 George-Elizabeth Stringer... 575 Jno.-Ann Daniell .125 Tohn-Katherine Constable (. Holme ). I 5 2 John-Mary Elioth ... ... 13 2 Mary-Alan Percy . 5 6 ° Mary-James Rawson ... 35 1 Nicholas-Jane Portington 562 Sergeant-.Baxter ... 3 *6 Wm. -Marge. Elioth {Rokeby) 128 Wm.-Thomasine Maleverer 12 Mordaunt, Margt. William Acclom 109 Sir Nicholas-Sara Stock- dale . „ Rowland-Eliz. Hebborne (2, Lambton ; 3, Place ; 4, Kearton) .621 MORE, OF AUSTROPE. 555 More, Isabel de la-John Ellerker ... 13b Isabel de la-William le Vaux 228 ” Petronell de la-Alan Staveley 635 1 Thos.dela-Katharine Pulleine (2, Snawsell; 3, Ughtred)... 94 Moreby, .-.Cawood ... ... 9 ° tf Mary-Sir William Acclom 109 Roger-Alicia Estouteville... 162 Moresby, .-William Radcliffe ... 206 Ann-Sir James Pickering 120, 281, 630 ,, Chr.-Margaret Thirkeld... 120 Moreton, Jane-J ohn Norton Robert-Ann Plumpton (Norton) . Morgan . Morgan, of Whenby . Morgan, .-George Clapham ,, Alice-Edmund Pickering ... Morhouse, John-Beatrix Mirfield ... Morier, Max.-Mary Gascoigne MORLEY, OF MALTBY AND NORMANBY . Morley, ..-Margaret Aske 2 45 2 45 627 ,5 13 630 266 239 194 118 PAGE Morley, Agnes-Sir John Hastings ... 5 * ,, Alice-William Vavasour ... no *Francis-Cassandra Claxton (Lambert) .289 „ John-Ann Cutler ( Words¬ worth; 1, Cudworth) ...n$n Judith-Marmaduke Wyvill 380 Richard-Alice Plumpton ... 387 Mortimer, Johanna-Wm. deSkipwith 634 Morton, .-Alice Barbour ... 35 6 .-Lancelot Lacy ... 539 „ Elizabeth-.Eltofte ... 3 8 3 , Jane-.Charlton ... 3 8 3 ’ John-Elizabeth Rocliffe ... 3 8 3 Mary-William Dyneley ... 298 Morville, Philip-Gonetta de. 635 Morwin, Lancelot-Elizth. Vavasour (2, Cundall; 3, Knowlesley) ... 107 MOSLEY, OF YORK . 555 Mosley, Thomas-Jane Wormeley ... 35 ° MOSTON, OF CAVILE . 55 6 Moston, of Henscote .134 Moston, Margaret-John Danby ... 292 Moulton, Isabel-William de Manby 625 MOUNTFORD, OF HACKFORD 415 MOUNTFORD, OF KILNHURST 248 Mountford,.-Elizbth. Appleyard (2, Headlam).140 .-John Dodsworth ... 266 \\ Alice-John Darley ... 87 ’ Ann-John Swale ... 276 „ Chr.-Muriel Wentworth 37S Elinor-John Wandesford 269 ” Elinor-Wm. Tanckard 216, 271, 278 ,, Eliz.-Sir Hugh Wyrrall 349 George-Margt. Dyneley (Clapharn) ... 13* 2 9 8 „ Isabel-Sir Ralph Cra- thorne.. M Lancelot-Margt. Went¬ worth . 375 Margy.-Nich. Girlington 284 Margery-Wm. Laton ... 54 ° ” Thos., Sir-Eliz. Strang- wayes.202 Mountney, .-Mary Waterton (Draycott) .« 3 12 Barbara-John Thwaites 93 Isabel-Alex. Schiercliffe 574 Isabel-John Denman ... 346 Isabel-Nicholas Ricard... 567 Isabel-Roger Rockley ... 343 Mowbray, of Colton .282 Mowbray, Agnes-John Elioth ... 132 ,, Christian-Edmund deBab- thorpe. ••• 59 8 ,, Christian - Sir William Plumpton . 3 8 ^ ,, Eliz.-Wm. Gascoigne 238, 384 ,, Jennet-Lawrence Edmon¬ son . 5 I 3 For De la More, read De la River. INDEX OF FEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Mowbray, John-Anne Bourchier ... 62 ,, Thos.-Jennett Bate ... 192 Moxon, John-Maude Burdett ... 337 Moyle, Robert - Margaret Oldfeild (2, Clapham) ... . 13 Moyne, Kath.-Thomas Crathome 209 ,, Margaret-William Legard 54 MOYSER, OF FARLINGTON ... 223 Moyser, Christopher-Phillis Morley 194 ,, Elizabeth-Robert Stockdale 410 „ Frances - Edmund Greene- bury (2, Savile).329 ,, Francis-Dorothy Stockdale 410 Mude, .-. Routhe .570 Muluez, William le-.Langfeld ... 328 Mundy, Jane-Thomas Lewis ... 545 Murgatroyd,...-Fras. M\iton[Hippon)n^2 ,, .-Gilbert Lacy ... 331 MUSGRAVE, OF MUSGRAVE 142,143 Musgrave, .-Hugh Ellerker ... no ,, .-Joan Stapleton ... 332 ,, .-John, Lord Latimer 628 ,, Elinor-Anthony Hutton... 536 ,, Elinor-Wm.Thornborough 148 ,, Eliz.-Stephen Hutchinson 183 ,, Hellen-Sir Chris. Lowther 623 ,, Jane-Marmaduke Wilson 591 ,, Sir Rich .-Agnes Wharton 379 ,, Sir Rich.-FrancesWharton 379 ,, Sir Simon-Julian Ellerker no ,, *William-Kath. Sherburne 361 Mussenden, SirThos.-Kath. Goodrich 40 ,, Sir Thos.-Margery Girl- ington.284 Musters, Eliz.-John Wandesford .. 269 ,, Radegunda - Nicolaus de Lowes .73 ,, Wm.-Alice de Eyncourt 73, 74 MYLLES, OF THORNTON ... 556 Mynn, Ann-Sir George Calvert ... 500 NALTON, OF WESTOW ... 556 Nalton, Ann-Thos. Harwood ... 528 ,, Elizabeth-George Constable 177 ,, Henry-Elizabeth Bulmer(2, F. Constable).1 77 ,, Joane-Stephen Gouton ... 521 ,, Priscilla-Hamond Beaumont 491 NANDICK, OF EDSTONE ... 557 Nandick, William-Cecily Savile ... 184 Napier, Sir Robert-Mary Robinson 568 Nash, Alice-William Manby.625 ,, Joane-Martin Edmonson ... 513 Nawton, Katherine-Anthony Mennell 250 Neale, Elinor-William Witham 261, 310 Nelott, Isabell-Thomas Burton ... 277 Nelson, Bridget-Edward Besley ... 218 ,, Christopher-Dorothy Fairfax 96 ,, Dorothy-Robert Readhead 566 „ Elinor-Christopher Bayne ... 491 ,, Jane-John Flower.518 „ Thomas-Katherine Malham 295 697 PAGE Nelson, William-Agnes Oglethorpe 315 Nereford, William-Petronell de Vaux 228 Nesome, 1 Jamathela-Sir Henry Cler- vaux ... ... ... 412 ,, Nicholas-Alice Mennell ... 250 Nessfield, .-Thomasine Clapham 13 ,, Ann-William Pulleine ... 243 ,, Beatrix -. Skipton (2, Constable) ... 177, 196 ,, Christopher-Alison Marton 287 ,, Helen-Sir John Gargrave 68 „ J oane- Richard Slingsby 112, 113 ,, Lancelot-Susan Lambert ... 289 ,, Thomas-Jane Hungate ... 114 Nettleship, Barbara-. Byllett (2, Bellamy).495 NETTLETON, OF THORNHILL 557 Nettleton, Agnes-Thomas Coghill ... 505 ,, Henry-Ann Popelay ... 335 ,, John-Elizabeth Savile ... 329 ,, Kath.-Robt., Bate ... 192 NEVILL, OF CHEVET, &c. ... 340 NEVILL, OF HOLT AND THORNTON . 6 NEVILL, LORD LATIMER ... 628 NEVILL, OF LEVERSEDGE ... 246 Nevill, Lord Fauconberg ... 71 Nevill, .-Sir Gervase Clifton ... 6 ,, .-Sir John Langton 262, 264 . ,, .-John Woodrove ... 381 ,, .-Prudence Waterhouse 353 ..-Rosamond Arthington 273 ,, .-Sir Walter Strickland... 146 ,, .-Thomas Lacy.330 ,, Agnes-Robert Eland.603 ,, Sir Alex.-Katherine Eure ... 611 ,, Amaretta-Jordan Clervaux... 412 ,, Anastasia-Walter Fauconberg 71 ,, Ann-Aymer Burdett.336 ,, Ann-Thos. Drax (2, Gregson) 342 ,, Ann-Sir Wm. Conyers ... 71 ,, Dorothy-Charles Jackson ... 308 ,, JDorothy-Sir John Dawnay 79, 80 ,, Edward-Margaret Palmes ... 91 ,, JEllinor-Bryan Stapleton ... 332 ,, f Eliz.-Sir Chr. Dauby 203, 263, 264 „ Elizabeth-Fras. Woodrove ... 381 ,, Elizabeth-John Popelay ... 335 ,, JElizabeth-Richard Scrope ... 632 ,, Eliz.-Sir Rich. Strangwayes 202 ,, Elizabeth-Roger Leigh ... 45 ,, m Elizabeth-Roger Rockley ... 343 ,,* Elizabeth - Thomas Bosvile (2, Anne) . 360, 368 ,, Elizabeth-Thomas Stapleton 332 ,, Ellinor-Ralph Lumley ... 413 ,, Francis-Elizabeth Brandon (JPigott; 1, Strangwayes) 302 ,, George-Barbara Hercy ... 41 ,, +Griseld-Henry Poole.351 ,, Hellen-Christopher Radcliffe 206 ,, Sir Henry-Anne Bourchier ... 62 \ See also Newsome. < 5 9 8 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. P\GE Nevill, Henry-Dorothy Dawnay ... 81 H enry-Dorothy Forster ... 3 16 •{•Henry-Jane Cholmeley ... 221 Jane-RogerCholmeley (2, Las- celles) . 221 Jane-Sir Walter Griffith ... 5 2 4 Jane-Sir William Gascoigne (2, Harrington) ..384 Joan-Richard Bosvile ... 411 Joane-Sir John Constable 57,146 Joane-Sir John Heaton ... 238 John-Alice Gascoigne ... 384 John, Sir-Dorothy Danby ... 264 tJohn-Elizabeth Musgrave ... 143 ■^Katherine-Sir John Constable 58 Katherine-William Fairfax 39 96 Margt.-Chris. Stapleton ... 333 fMargt.-SirThos. Danby 263, 264 Margt.-Sir Wm. Gascoigne 385 Margery-Peter Tyndall ... 317 Margery-Ralph Beeston ... 322 Mary-Anthony Eyre. 3& 2 Mary-Gervase Eyre.362 Ralph-EdithaSandys(2, Darcy) 47 Robert-Alice Bosvile. 34 ° ’{‘Susan-Richd. Norton ... 245 ,, Sir William-Jane Boynton ... 4 NEWARK, OF ACOMB. 9 2 Newarke, Alice-Thomas Herbert ... 53 ° ,, Christian-Wm.Wencelagh 150 ,, Dorothy-John Redman ... 99 ,, Elizabeth-Roger Beckwith 101 Isabel.-Wm. Richardson (2, Man) . 55 2 NEWBY, OF NORTH FENTON 313 Newby, Cicely-Christopher Ellerkei 515 539 239 276 5 5 ,, Elizabeth-William Lacy Newcome, John-Alice Gascoigne ... Newcomen, Edith-Gilbert Swale ... Newland, Ellen-John Halegate ,, John-Isabel Morgan Newman, Benedicta-Lancelot Mount- ford 248 , Sir George-Elizth. Wycliffe 377 Newmarch, Elizth.-Wm. Watertor 104 Margaret-Adam de Bab- thorpe. 59 8 Thos.-Mary Normanville 348 Newport, Dorothy-Robert Jackson a/s. Lascelles.185 „ Margery-Thos. Linley ..*1546 Newsam,.-John Laton ... ... 54 ° ,, George-Ann Thornton .. 210 Newsome, William-Agnes Scriven ... 112 NEWTON, OF THORPE ... 274 Newton, -Margery Cresswell ... 149 .-William Thornton .. 296 ,, Elizabeth-Thomas Dawna/ 80 ,, Henry-Elizabeth Bulmer ... 193 ,, Isabel-Marmaduke Sotheb/- 170 ,, John-Margaret Thorpe ... 53 ,, Miles-Katherine Beckwiti (Tancfcard) ... 216, 271 PAGE Newton, Miles-Jane Beckwith ... 101 Thomas-Elizth. Boynton... 8 ,, Thomas-Isabell.214 „ William-Alice Thorpe ... 52 „ William-Frances Thorpe... 53 Nicholson, Wm.-Margaret Malham 295 *Nick, Thomas-Johanna Stillington in Nightingale, Elizbth.-John Stokesley 239 Nixon, John-Ann Wycliffe. 377 Noddell, Myles-Elizabeth Bulmer ... 175 ,, Robt.-Margaret St. Quin tin 127, 153, 163 Nodding, Margaret-Robert Mennell 250 Noell. See also Nowell. Noell, Eleanor-William Witham ... 261 ,, Lucy-Sir William Eure ... 615 NORCLIFF, OF GREAT GOMER- SALL . 553 Norcliffe, Thomas-Elizabeth Eland 606 NORMAN, OF BURTON SAL¬ MON. 55 8 Norman, George-Alice Leigh ... 45 ft Jane-Richard Thornton ... 210 t , *Richard-Jane Ormesby ... 629 Normanica, Beatrix-Gilbert Tyson ... 607 Normanton, Margt.-Nich. Schiercliffe 574 NORMANVILLE, OF BILLING- LEY . 34 8 NORMANVILLE, OF KIRKHAM 168 Normanvile, .-Ann Fairfax ... 96 .-Dionis Wheatley 590 . - Isabel Gerard (2, Skerne) ... ... 108 .-Sir Thos. Boynton 8 Agnes - John Burdett (2, Percy) 242, 277, 281 Alice-William Daniel... 123 Basilia-Robert de Cause 302 Isabel-Rich. Kerresforth 335 John-Margaret Conyers 165 Margery-Ralph Reresby 74 North, Jane-Richard Bell . 495 Northeby, Robt.-Dorothy Fawkes ... 100 Northend, Emma-Lancelot Lake ... 318 NORTON, a/s. CONYERS, OF NORTON CONYERS ... 244245 Norton, .-Anastasia Vavasour ... 345 |f .-Margaret Peck ... 347 . .-Richard Bishop ... 132 .-Robert Percy.281 fI Adam-Alice Nun wick ... 156 ,, Ann-Chris. Wandesford ... 269 Ann-Richard Fleming ... 328 Ann-Robert Plumpton ... 387 ,, Ann-Robert Wyvill... ... 380 ,, Cicely-John Vavasour -.345 „ Clare-Richard Goodrick ... 40 ,, Elizabeth-Edward Barton ... 5 ,, Elizth.-Rich. Goldesborough 369 ,, Henry-Bridget Stapleton (2, Maude) . 333 Henry-Kath. Tanckard2i6, 271 ,, Isabel-Richard Barton ... 5 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 699 Norton, Jane-John Arthington ... 273 Jane-Richard Gascoigne ... 385 Jane-Sir William Mallory ... 157 Joane-Richard Banke ... 490 Katherine-Anthony Mennell 250 Katherine-John Appleyard 146 Margt.-Sir John Stapleton... 333 Margt.-Roger Conyers ... 244 Margt.-Sir Roger Lascelles 61 Mary-Sir Edward Yorke ... 382 Mary-John Hussey. 92 Mary-Roger Gower.267 Sir Rich.-Isabel Tempest 156, 319 Thomas-Anne Wandesford 585 William-Joan Wandesford... 269 *William-Margaret Welbury 588 Norwood, Margt-Sir. Jas. Pickering 630 Notton, Maude de-Adam Hoy land... 336 Nowell, Anthony-Lucy Marton „ Charles-Jane Copley ,, Charles-Mary Byelby. ,, Dorothy-Thomas Copley ... ,, Jane-William Fleming ,, John-Elizabeth Grice ,, Thomas-Margery Dyneley... Nundie, Isabel-William Swale ,, John-Isabel Staveley Nunns, Robert-Dorothy Flower Nunwick . Nunwicke, Alice-Adam Conyers ... *Nuthill, Sir Peter-Kath. Hildyard... Oake, .-Jane Bos vile ilizab ,, Elizabeth-John Skyers ... 355 Odingsells, .-Ralph Westby ... 363 ,, Bridget-John Higden ... 531 Ogden, .-George Burdett ... 337 ,, .-Mary Greene [Burdett) 337 Ogle, .-James Carr .602 ,, Jane-Edward Talbot. 46 ,, Ralph-Margaret Gascoigne ... 385 ,, Robert-Joan Wharton ( Mau - leverer; 3, Mauleverer) ... 68 ,, Sir Robert-Joane Eure (2, Pen¬ nington) .611 OGLETHORPE, OF OGLE¬ THORPE .275 OGLETHORPE, OF OGLE¬ THORPE AND ROUNDHAY... 314 OGLETHORPE, OF RAWDON 315 Oglethorpe, *.-Eliz. Stillington... 633 .-Richard Ryther ... 303 Agnes-William Thorpe 52 Ann-Francis Bulmer ... 175 Bridget-William Wilson 590 Elizabeth-Edwd. Newby 313 German-Margy. Witham 260 Henry-Elinor Percy ... 281 Jane-Richard Paver ... 559 Martin-Dorothy Withes 591 Thos.-Jane Vavasour ... 237 Ursula-Nich. Burton ... 277 William-Ann Sotheby ... 170 PAGE 495 Oleover, Margy.-Robt. Bellamy Ollfeild, Margaret-Robert Moyle (2, Clapham) .13 Oilfield, Edmond-Ann Lacy ... 330 „ John, Ellen Lacy .331 Olver, John-Elizabeth Popelay ... 335 OLMESBY, OF ORMESBY ... 629 Oimesby, Jane-William Thwenge ... 230 ,, Margaret-Wm. Skipwith 634 Orrell, Alice-Roger Strangwayes ... 202 ,, Elizabeth-William Heaton ... 238 „ Joane-Sir John Strangwayes 202 Oiton, Nicholas-Sarah Robinson ... 568 Osbaldeston, Anne-Edmd. Clapham 12 Osborne, Sir Edward-Margt. Bellasis 233 Osgodby, Joan-Thomas Babthorpe... 599 Osnotherly, Mary-Thomas Ellis ... 515 Ofcley, Thomas-Mary Gifford ... 521 Otterburne,.-.Gargrave ... 68 „ Amabel-Richard Wayte 555 ,, Cicely-William Clapham 12 Otway, Roger-Anne Heblethwaite... 240 Oightred. See also Ughtred. Oightred, .-. Beeston ... 322 ,, Alice-John Deyvill ... 602 ,, Doro.-Jno. Constable 179, 507 ,, Elizabeth-WilliamSawley 114 ,, Ellinor-Sir Thomas Male- verer.67 „ Sir Henry-Agnes Con¬ stable . 179, 198 ,, Margaret-Richard Aske 118 „ *Margery-Wm. H ungate 114 ,, Robert, Sir-Eliz. Fairfax 96 ,, Robert-Joan Aske ... 118 ,, SirRobrt.-Kathrine.Eure 611 Oisleby, Dorothy-Alex. Dyneley ... 122 0 \erend, Margaret-Wm. Wilberfoss 159 0 \erton, Emnott-Thos. Pulleyne ... 316 ,, John-Joane Snawsell ... 95 Oven, -John Grimston.154 ,, Jno.-EllenW. Maurice(2, Eure) 614 ,, John ap-Jane ap Edward ... 584 Ojri, Ella de-Robert Constable ... 56 P^GANELL .178 P/GE . 4 t 5 Page, .-Anne Peck (2, Burdett)... 337 „ Elizabeth-William Skipwith ... 634 Paget, Grace-.Fanshawe... ... 382 , Henry, Lord-Kath. Pickering (2, Cary) .121 , Robert-Ann Yorke [Smvth) ... 382 Pakenham, Sir Edmd. Maude Perrers 242 Palliser,.-Phillis Morley.194 PaLmer, .-William Nevill ... 6 „ Jane-Henry Thoresby ... 635 ,, John-Paulina Sandys ... 635 P/LMES, OF NABURNE AND .INDLEY.91 Pdmes, Agnes-Sir Wm. Babthorpe 102, 599 ,, Ann-Thomas Heslarton ... 173 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 700 PAGE Palmes, Brian-Margt. Radcliffe ... 206 Bryan-Ann Constable ... 57 Bryan-Jane Dawnay ... 81 Edith-Sir Thomas Metham 253 Frances-Gabriel Fairfax ... 9 7 Frances-Robt. Killingbeck 299 Sir Geo.-Kath. Babtliorpe 103,600 Isabella-John Acclom ... 109 Tane-Sir Nicholas Fairfax 39, 9 7 *r uni: z'"*/-.*«»•/•» 11 29I 8l 157 280 165 340 340 IO9 123 383 6l6 598 Paslew, Jane-Robert Oglethorpe M Jj Jane-William Caterall John-Joane Dawnay Mary-William Mallory Maude-Thomas Beckwith... Nicholas-Joan Conyers ... Richard-Elizabeth Nevill ... Richard-Frances Nevill Stephen-Elizabeth Acclom... Ursula-Thomas Anlaby ... William-Ellen Rocliffe ,, William-Mary Eure Pannett, Isabel-Oliver Babthorpe ... Par Mary-Robert Robinson 568 ,, William-Joan Wharton 379 PENNYMAN, OF MARTON ... 206 Penny man, Ann-John Morley ... 194 n Eliz.-Strangwayes Brad¬ shaw .204 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 701 PAGE Pennyman, William-Anne Aske ... 119 Penson, Thomas-Alice Gargrave ... 69 ,, Thomas-Maude Bate ... 192 PEPPER, OF EAST COWTON... 560 Pepper, Isabel - Thomas Metham (2, Vavasour) ... 106, 107 ,, John-Ann Hall .298 ,, William-Margaret Burton (2, Dakins) .511 PERCEHAY, OF BARTON AND RYTON . 186, 187 Percehay, .-Richard Wood ... 592 ,, Christian-Gawen Pollard 188 ,, John-Elizabeth Babthorpe 599 ,, Thomas - Mary Briggs ( Wyvill) ... 380, 497 Percival, Jennett-John Stillington ... hi PERCY, OF BEVERLEY.560 PERCY, OF ORMESBY.199 PERCY, OF SCOTTON ... 277, 281 Percy, Earl of Northumber¬ land .4 t 5 Percy, .-Richard Dutton.241 ,, Ada-William Darell. 78 ,, Constance-Sir William Eure 612 ,, Edward-Eliz. Waterton 105, 312 ,, Elizabeth-Bryan Heslarton... 173 ,, f Elizabeth-Henry Scrope ...632 ,, JElizth.-Richard Woodrove... 381 ,, Ellinor-Sir John Clervaux ... 412 ,, Francis-Ann Dransfield ... 37 ,, Francis-Eleanor Metham ... 106 ,, Sir Francis-Frances Vavasour 237 ,, ^Henry-Mary Talbot ... 46 ,, Isabel-FIenry Tempest ... 293 ,, Isabella-Sir William de Aton 610 ,, Katherine-]ohn Heslarton ... 173 ,, Margt.-SirJohn Mowbray ... 282 ,, f Margt.-Sir Wm. Gascoigne 385 ,, Mary-Francis Slingsby ... 113 ,, Robert-Margaret Swale ... 276 ,, Thomas-Martha Wright ...n 145 Perers, of Winthrope.242 Permont, Margt.-Bryan Crathome 209 Pert.164 Pert, William-Isabel Conyers ... 165 Peytevin, vcl Pictaviensis ... 325 Pharoah, Jno.-Thomasine Hutchin¬ son .183 Philip, Ralph-Jane Leming ... 543 ^ Phillips, Arthur-.Conyers ... 201 ,, Arthur-Bridget Leyburne ... 44 ,, Dorothy-Chi istopher Bayne 491 „ Elinor-james Thomson ... 175 ,, Ellen-Robert Wadeson ... 584 „ Margt.-Ralph, or Richard, Danby ... ... ... 262 ,, Walter-Toan Hutchinson ... 183 Phillipson, Christopher-Elizth. Wyvill 380 Phipps, Richard-Penelope Wheatley (1 Cutler ) «S TI Pibus, Thomas-Jane Danby.263 Pickburne, Wilfrid-Isabel Rockley ... 343 PAGE PICKERING, OF MORESBY ... 281 PICKERING.630 Pickering.120, 615, 627 Pickering,.-Bryan Crathome ... 208 ,, .-John Lambert ... 288 ,, .-William Thornton ... 296 ,, Adriana-HughNormanville 348 ,, Alice-Sir Wm. Gascoigne 238 ,, Anne-]ohn Wentworth ... 378 ,, Edmond-Alice Morgan ... 627 ,, Edmond-Elizabeth Pease 627 ,, Elinor-Bryan Hedon ... 151 ,, Elizabeth-Jno. Alford ... 486 ,, Ellen-William Borough... 3 „ Grace-William Wharton... 589 ,, ]no.-MargaretThornton... 210 ,, Margaret-John Barton ... 5 ,, Margt.-Sir Wra. Stapleton 333 ,, Mary-John Warton ... 586 ,, Richard-ClaraLepton ... 214 ,, Wm. (Sir)-Ellinor Fairfax 96 ,, Wm.-Katherine Rocliffe... 383 *Pierrepoint, Isabel-John Sacheverell 332 ,, Elizth.-Richd.Stapleton 332 ,, Wm,-Joan Stapleton... 332 Pierson, Geo.-Isabel Wilberfoss ... 159 ,, Henry-Agnes Burdon ( Wil¬ berfoss) .159 ,, Robert-Elinor Hansby ... 138 PIGOT, OF CLOTHERHAM ... 234 PlGOT.302 Pigot, Agnes-John Copley. 10 ,, Alice-Marmaduke Darell (2, Routh). 79 ,, Amy-]osias Lambert ... 289 ,, Ann-Sir John Bulmer ... 193 ,, Ann-Robert Tempest 319, 357 ,, Bridget-Thomas Banester (2, Lister).290 ,, Eliz.-Sir Jas. Strangwayes 72, 203 ,, Jane-Giles Hussey(2, Folking- ham) .225 ,, Jane-Sir ]no. Wandesford ... 269 ,, Joan-Robert Wyvill.380 ,, Joane-Sir Jno. Norton ... 244 ,, Margt.-Sir Jas. Metcalfe 247, 409 ,, Ralph-Jane Strangwayes ... 203 ,, Ralph, Sir-Margt. Plumpton 387 ,, Thos.-AnneAllott (2, Gibson) 520 PILKINGTON, OF NETHER BRADLEY.562 Pilkington.-Edward Saltmarsh 100 ,, -Nicholas Tempest 319 ,, .Rosamund Water- ton . 105, 312 ,, Ann-Robert Nettleton... 557 ,, Bridget-Sir Robert Bab¬ thorpe .599 ,, Edmond-Agnes Pulleyn ( Vavasour) 345 ,, Edw., orWm.-Eliz. Drax 342 ,, Katherine-John Acclome 109 ,, Margt.-Thos. Pudsey 294, 564 702 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Pilkington, Margaret - Sir Thomas Savile .341, 571 ,, Rosamond-Wm, Rams- den .565 ,, Thos.-Barbara Reresby (2, Savile) . 75 ,, *Thos.-Grace Beaumont 492 PINKNEY, OF SILTON PAY- NELL .210, 211 Pinkney, Clara-Thomas Fox ... 518 „ Francis-Ann Maleverer ... 201 „ Jas.-Isabel Copley ... 10 ,, Margt.-Thos, Bransby ... 212 Pinmill, Elizabeth-Michael Vescy ... 585 Pirton,.-George Borough ... 8 Pistor, Edward-Hester Manby ... 626 Place, .-Elizabeth Pudsey ... 294 ,, .-Richard Clervaux ... 413 ,, .-Thomas Dodsworth ... 266 ,, Anne-Roger Gower .267 ,, Anthony-Elizabeth Lambton {Hebborne; 1, Mordaunt; 4, Kearton).621 ,, Dorothy-Sir Francis Boynton.. 8 ,, Dorothy-Wm. Wycliffe ... 377 ,, George-Elizabeth Conyers ... 72 „ Isabel - Michael Wandesford 269, 585 ,, Reginald-Kath. Withes ... 591 ,, Wm.-Eliz. Aton (2, Conyers) 610 ■fPlantagenet, Alice-Sir Thomas Mus- grave.142 „ fAnne-Edmnd. Stafford (2, Bourchier) ... 62 ,, +Eliz.-Henry Bourchier 62 ,, fRichd.-Maude Clifford (2, Wentworth) 142, 334 Plaxton, Richard-Catherine Copley... 508 Pleasant, Mary-Henry Langdale ... 190 PLESLEY, MUSTERS, & LOWES, als. SKIRBROOKE . 73 Plessington, .-Sir Jno. Frances ... 618 Plumley, .-Richard Crathorne ... 208 PLUMPTON, OF PLUMPTON386, 387 Plumpton, .-. Beeston ... 322 ,, .-William Mallory ... 156 „ Agnes-Sir Rich. Aldburgh 279 ,, Dionis-Ursula Aldburgh.. 279 ,, Elizabeth-Henry Sothill... 275 ,, Elizabeth-John Ellis ... 328 ,, Jane-Sir Richd. Maleverer 67 ,, Margaret-Sir Geo. Darell 79 ,, Margt.-SirJno.Rocliff 285, 383 ,, Margaret-Sir Ralph Bigod 174 ,, Robert-Ann Gascoigne ... 385 ,, Robt.-Ann Norton (2, Mor¬ ton) .245 ,, William (Sir)-Elizabeth Stapleton .332 ,, Wm.-Isabel Babthorpe 102,599 ,, William-Mary Vavasour... 237 Pole. See also Poole. Pole, Elizabeth-Anthony Eyre ... 362 PAGE 251 332 113 188 231 211 Pole, Geo.-Mary Mennell ,, Katherine de la-Sir Miles Sta¬ pleton . Poley, Margery-John Slingsby POLLARD, OF BRUNTON Pollard,.-John Bellasis ... Ann-James Pinkney... Dorothy-Lancelot Pinkney... 211 Elinor-Christopher Hall ... 621 Gawen-Christian Percehay... 187 George-Ellen Bayldon ... 303 Pollington, Isabel-Wm. Wentworth 374 „ Sir Thos.-Ursula Bab¬ thorpe.598 Pomeroy, Ann-George Maleverer 6 ybis POOLE, OF BAGLEY .351 Poole, .-John Wyrrall .349 ,, Kath. de la-Myles Stapleton 332 Pope, Abigail-GodfreyGoldesborough 369 ,, Elizabeth-William Monkton ... 171 POPELAY, OF MOREHOUSE ... 335 Popelay, .-Isabel Mering ... 304 .-Margaret Calverley ... 9 jane-Thomas Cutler ...510 Tohn-Alice Bate .192 John-Isabel Nevill.246 Robert-Ann Wentworth ... 334 Robert-Martha Cutler ... 511 Popplewell, Edward-Barbara Elwick (2, Watson).618 Porret, George-Isabel Langdale ... 190 PORTINGTON, OF BARNBY ... 562 PORTINGTON, OF PORTING¬ TON, &c.561 Portington,.-.Reresby ... 75 Agnes-Sir Bryan Hastings 373 Ann-Hy. de Babthorpe 598 Eliz.-Robert Maleverer .72550 Elizabeth-Wm. Blythe 321 Isabell-Tohn Haldenby 305 Joan - Michael War ton (2, Langdale; 3, Roke- by) . 129, 586 Joan-Nicholas More ... 555 John - Ann Langton (2, Skerne) .108 Michael-Ann Beaumont 492 Robert-Isabel Darley ... 87 Rose-Christo. Constable 506 Thomas-Julian Aske ... 119 Thomas-Mary Copley... 10 Ursula-Alex. Vavasour... 116 Potter,.-Thomas Beaumont ... 491 Potts, Elizabeth-Robert Readhead ... 566 Poucher .178 Poulteney, ....... Farmour (2, Darcy) 47 ,, John - Margaret Denton (2, Eure ; 3, Sherard)... 615 Poulton, Richard-Mary Salveyn ... 367 Power,.-Thomas Holgate ... 533 Powlett, Mary-George Yorke ... 382 Powley,.-John Robinson ... 631 Poygne, George-Elizabeth Copley ... 10 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 703 Pratt, Elinor-Edward Blythe ... 627 Prescott, John-Eliz. Manby (2, Wil¬ loughby) .626 Preston, Ann-Stephen Tempest ... 293 ,, Anna-Charles Laton 540, 541 ,, Anne-Sir James Leyburn (2, Stanley) .247 ,, Chris.-Isabel Everingham... 3S ,, Hellen-Sir James Leyburn 44 ,, Jennett-Lionel Marton ... 287 ,, John-Helen Curwen ... 8 ,, Katherine-John Anne ... 360 ,, Thos.-Ann Thornborough 148 ,, Thomas-Eliz. Wandesford (Bowes) . ... 597 Priestley,.-Francis Bunny ... 77 Proctor, Alice-Henry Marton ... 287 ,, Priscilla-George Dawson ... 512 ,, Thomas-Ann Pudsey ... 294 ,, Thomas-Jane Malham ... 295 ,, Thomas-Syth Akroyd ... 485 Pround, Thomas-Ellinor Lovell (Boos; 3, Hawse).57 PUDSEY, OF ARNFORTH ... 294 PUDSEY, OF BOLTON ... 563, 564 Pudsey, Agnes-Richard Dyneley ... 297 ,, Alice-Henry Burton ... 7 ,, Barbara-Richard Herbert... 530 ,, Emily-John Banke.490 ,, Grace-Thomas Metham ... 253 ,, Hellen-Richard Lister ... 548 ,, Henry-Eliz. Layton 259, 540 ,, Hy.-Jane Eure (2, William¬ son) .613 ,, Jane-Thomas Savile ... 184 ,, John-Jane Wycliffe.377 ,, Sir John Margaret Eure ... 61 r ,, Margaret-Robert Trotter ... 582 ,, Margt.-Thos. Wandesford . 269 ,, Mary-Robert Mennell . 250 ,, Maude-Thomas Beckwith... 280 ,, Rowland-Joyce Constable... 198 ,, *Thomas-Faith Warton ... 586 ,, Winifred-Thomas Mennell . 251 Puleston, William-Mary Rokeby ... 352 PULLEYNE, OF KILLINGHALL 280 PULLEYNE, OF SCOTTON 242, 243 Pulleyne, Agnes-George Thomlinson 217 ,, Ann-Wm. Tanckard 216, 271 ,, Ciceley-Thomas Swale ... 276 ,, James-Frances Ingleby ... 283 ,, Joan-John Baxter... 316 ,, John - Agnes Vavasour (2, Pilkingtonl.345 ,, John-Grace Maleverer ... 67 ,, John-Mary Tempest ... 293 ,, Kath.-Thos. De la River (2, Snawsell; 3, Ughtred) 94, 601 ,, Maude-Marmadk. Coghill 505 ,, Ralph-Catherine Snawsell 94 ,, Ralph-Joane Burdett ... 277 ,, Thomas Emmot Overton 316 Pulleyne, Thomas-Anne Vavasour ^ (2, Danby) . 345 ,, W alter-F ranees Bainbridge ( Vavasour; Fawkes) ... 345 ,, Walter-Margery Slingsby 113 ,, William-Ann Bayldon ... 303 „ William-Margaret Bellasis 232 Pulvertoft, .-Richard Banke ... 270 Purley, Francis-Dorothy Skerne ... 108 Purston, Alice-Edward Eyre ... 362 Pyemont,.Ralph Beavot ... 49 t Pynne,.-Maudlin Bray (2, Bowes) 597 p yott,.-Humphrey Robinson ... 568 Pythen, Alice-Thomas Goldesborough 369 Quadring, Margt.-Thos. Gibthorpe 625 William-Ann Manby ... 626 Querton, Margy. de-Gilbert Slingsby 112 Quixley, Alice-Thomas Banke 270, 490 ,, *John-Isabel Thoresby ... 635 Rabanks, Wm.-Margt. Strangwayes 20a RADCLIFFE, OF TUNSTALL AND MULGRAVE . 2 o6 Radcliffe, of He wick.293 Radcliffe, .-. Barnby.327 .-Anne Mennell ... 250 .-Christopher Clapham 13 .-Elizabeth Kaye ... 538 .-Elizabeth Savile ... 324 .-George Kaye ... 320 .-Katherine Pulleine ... 243 Agnes-Sir John Savile ... 341 Alice-Sir John Eland ... 604 Ann-John Caterall ... 291 Ann-Sir Jno. Norton ... 244 +Ann-Sir Thomas Wharton 379 Christopher-Elinor Nevill.. 246 Elizabeth-Francis Tunstall 583 Elena-Sir Jno. Eland ... 514 Sir Geo.-Katherine Mallory 157 Isabel-Sir Jno. Savile ... 341 Isabel-John Young ... 327 Jane-Ralph Constable ... 58 Margt.-Thomas Conyers... 165 Mary-Thos. Gibthorp ... 625 Olive-Sir John Eland ...«6o6 Phillis-Edwd. Strangwayes 203 Sarah-Rich. Knottesford 349 Thomasin-Richd,Warcopp 376 ,, Wm.-Ann Ellerker ... 137 Radley, Agnes-Lawrence Wharton... 586 Ramsdall, .-Peter Skelton ... 169 RAMSDEN, OF LONGLEY, &c. 565 Ramsden, .-Walter Rudston ... 127 ,, Ann-Samuel Sahingstall 570 ,, Eliz.-Edwd. Beaumont ... 492 ,, Elizabeth-Henry Savile ... 571 ,, John-Ellen Lewis.545 ,, Robert-Elizabeth Wilson 591 Ramsey, Margaret-James Lawson ... 254 Randes, Thomas-Mary Yorke ... 382 Ranson, Susan-Thos. Edmonson ... C13 RASING, OF MALTON .ibi 7°4 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Rasing, Ann-Wm. Webster.588 ,, Margaret-John Heslarton ... 173 Raskett, J ohn-Elizabeth Wycliffe ... 377 Ravening, Ann-William Denman ... 346 RAW DON, OF RAWDON ... 5^5 Rawdon, Francis-DorothyAldeburgh 279 ,, John-. Dyneley ... 297 ,, Lawrence-Margy. Barton 182 ,, William-Margaret Eland 605 RAWSON, OF BESACLE. 35 * Rawson, Christian-Fras. Arthington 273 ,, Francis-Margt.Rolleston... 569 ,, John-Jane Fleming ... 328 ,, Margt.-Henry Goodrick... 40 ,, Ralph-Beatrix Skyres (2, Wollaston). 355 Rayner, Elizth. le-FIenry Witham ... 310 ,, Henry-Sibil Waterhouse ... 353 Rayney, Ellen-Thomas Cutler ... 5 11 ,, ' John-Elizabeth Greene ... 523 Roger-Elizabeth Leigh ... 45 Rea’de, .-Anne Burgh .268 .-Christopher Hemsworth 529 ” .-Sir John Mallory ... 156 Ann-Gregory Conyers ... 508 , Edward-Dorothy Tempest... 293 READHEAD, OF HOLDEN ... 566 Redish, Ann-Marmaduke Thwenge (2, Birlcbye). 49 ^ REDMAN, OF FULFORD ... 99 REDMAN, OF HAREWOOD ... 285 Redman,.-Agnes Clapham ... 13 „ .-Thomas Gibson ...520 ,, .-Leonard Metcalfe ... 409 ,, .-Mary Tunstall ... 583 tt .-Doro. Walker (Dandy) 292 .-Thomas Wentworth.. 374 ,, Agnes-Sir Oswald Wilstrop 38 ,, Ann-George Readhead ... 566 ,, Anne-John Lambert ... 289 ,, Cuthbert-ElizabethWilstrop 38 „ Doro.-Marm. Thwenge ... 230 ,, Elinor-Edward Withes ... 591 ,, Eliz.-Laurence Linley ...547 Elizabeth-William Thwaites 93 Ellen-... Baines (2, Lambert) 289 ,, Frances, or Jane-Leonard Babthorpe ... 103, 600 „ Jane-Marmadke. Gascoigne 292 ,, John-Dorothy Newark ... 92 ,, Kath.-Sir Roger Thornton 580 ,, Richd., Sir-Ann Gascoigne 384 ,, Rchd.-Elizabeth Cholmeley 221 ,, Robert-Elizth. Scarborough ( Goldesborough ).369 ,, Sarah-John Swale.276 ,, William-Alice, or Adelina, Lambert.289 ,, Wm. -M argaret Vavasour... 237 Redmires, Alice-Thomas Newark ... 92 Redshaw, Chris.-Eliz. Percy (2, Bland) 281 ,, Chris.-Isabel Tancred 216, 271 ,, Margaret-John Norton ... 245 PAGE REMINGTON, OF GARRABY ... 566 Remington, Richard-Mary Hotham 89 Rempston . ••• ••• 33 2 Renevile, Bella Aqua 104 Bella Aqua 104 RERESBY, OF THRIBERG 74 to 76 Reresby, ....... Maleverer (2, Routh) 570 .-Joan Brett (2, Ricara)»567 ’’ Ann-Edward Holme ... 152 ,, Ann-Thomas Trigoit ...304 Barbara-Thomas Pilkington 562 Edith-Francis Tindall ... 317 ” Elizbth-Jno. Bosvile (2, Eyre) 362 j, Ellen-Roger Vavasour ... 368 Isabel-Robert Westby ... 363 lsabell-Wm. Wentworth... 374 Hsodore-Amicia D’Eyncourt 73. 74 „ Lionel-Anne Swift.57 6 ,, Margaret-Brvan Eland ... 605 ,, Mary-John Lewis ... ... 545 ,, Ralph-Agnes Stapleton ... 333 Rest wold, Beatrix-Thomas Waterton 105, 312 Bridget-Richard Bunny ... 77 Jane-Sir Francis Hastings 373 Retforthe, .-Robert Manby ... 625 Re veil, .-Godfrey West.359 tt Joane-John Vescy ... ••• 5 8 5 Reygate, Ann-Sir John de Eland ... 606 Reynell, Joane-George Layton ... 54 2 Reynolds, Ann-George Layton 542 William-Mary Peck ... 347 RICARD, OF HATFIELD ... 567 RICARD, OF HECK .5^7 Ricard, .-Ralph Barnby.339 Ann-John Auneby .4 8 9 „ Frances-Richard Routh ... 57° Jane-Bartholomew Fletcher.. 306 Thomas-Dorothy Franke ...^519 Thomas-Elizabeth Eyre ... 3 62 Thos.-Mgt. Frankishe ( Wyr- rall; 3, Swift; 4, Sapcotes) 349, >*576 Rich, Elizabeth-Dego Isons ... ... 53 6 Richard, Elinor-Richard ap Edward 584 Richards,Wm.-Fras.Danby(P^^rt) 263 Richardson, Ann-R alp h Buckton (2, Hudson).535 James-Ann Anlaby ... 4 86 Margaret-Thomas Wood 124 Thos.-Christn. Robinson 568 Thomas-Dorothy Greene 342 William-Isabel Newark (2, Man) ... 92, 552 Riches, Kath.-Thos. Crathorne ... 209 Richmond, Earls of ... ... 33 2 Richmond, Chr.-Isabel Chaytor ... 414 ,, Isabel-Sir Jno. Clcrvaux 413 „ John-Margaret Lowther 623 ,, Richard-Elizabeth Burgh 413 ,, Wm.-Kath. Strangwayes 202 Riddell, Thomas-.Conyers ... 165 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 705 RIDLEY, OF BATTERSBY Ridley,.-John Heron ... ... 143 ,, Christopher-Isabel Jackson... 538 ,, Margaret-Thomas Dawson... 184 » Margery-George Beale ... 493 »» Nicholas-Margaret Heron ... 143 ,, Nicholas-Mary Musgrave ... 142 Rigby, William-Ann Brackenbury ... 113 Riley, Jane-Thomas Dassett. 98 Riplingham, .-Thomas Rudston. 126 Risby, John-Joan Holme .152 Rise, Peter de-Cleopatra Brigham ... 167 Riseam, Jane-Thomas Anne.360 Rishworth, .-John Stringer ... 575 ,, .......Mathew Oglethorpe 314 n .-Robert Mering ... 304 ii .-William Savile ... 572 ,, Agnes-John Waterhouse 353 ,, John-Agnes Mering ... 304 ,, Margery-Sir John Savile 571 ,, Robert-Isabel Grice ... 323 RIVER, DE LA, OF BRANSBY 38, 601 River, de la ... ... 213, 221 River, de la, .-Peter Frothingham 147 ,, Eliz.-Myles Metcalfe ... 249 ,, Elizabeth - Sir Thomas Maleverer . 67 ,, Kath.-Richd. de Anlaby 123 ,, Marmaduke-Ann Bulmer 193 ,, Thos.-Isabella Ingleby . 282 ,, Thomas-Katherine Pul- leine (2, Snawsell ; 3, Ughtred) ... 94, 243 ,, Walter-Kathrne. Gower 226 Robertson .516 ROBINSON, OF COWTON ... 631 ROBINSON, OF RYTHER, DIGH- TON, THICKET, & LONDON 568 ROBINSON, OF YORK.632 Robinson, .-AnnGrove ... ... 620 ,, .-Elizabeth Burghe ... 268 ,, .-George Metham ... 253 ,, Elizabeth-Henry Gates ... 60 ,, Henry-Elinor Burton ... 277 ,, Isabel-Robert Thorpe ... 580 ,, Jane-Sir Wm. Midelton... 286 „ Joane-Robert Layton ... 258 ,, John-Agnes Bransby ... 212 ,, John-Jane Redman ... 99 ,, Laurence, or Anthony- Beatrix Mountford ... 248 ,, Margaret-Thos. Thwaites 93 ,, Mary-George Marshall ... 131 ,, Thos.-Dorothy Lambert 289 ,, William-Isabel Redman 99 ,, William-Margaret Jenkyn 371 Robsart, Lord-Elizabeth Bourchier (2, Stafford). 62 ROCKLEY, OF ROCKLEY ... 343 Rockley, Ann-Alexander Castleford 344 „ Elizth.-Fras. Burdett 337, 338 „ Elizabeth-Richard Burdett 337 ,, Mary-William Wombwell 365 383 3 90 80 252 282 „ ^ PAGE Rockley, Robert-Mary Fairfax ... 97 ,, Roger-Elizabeth Nevill ... 340 ,, William-Jane Wentworth 304 ROCLIFFE, OF COLTHORPE 285, Rocliffe, .-Jane Burgh ... 11 .-William Palmes ,, Agnes-John Dawnay ,, Brian-.Metham... i, Hellen-John Ingleby ,, Joane, or Alice-Rich. Danby 262 ,, John-Ann Maleverer ... 201 ,, SirJohn-MargaretPlumpton 387 ,, Katherine-Nicholas Pulleyn 242 ,, Margaret-Rich. Aldeburgh.. 279 Rodes, .-Thomas Pilkington ... 562 ,, Catherine-John Hotham ... 89 ,, Elizabeth-Sir Richd. Tempest 319 ,, Elizabeth-Theo. Wentworth 375 11 Judith-Jonas Waterhouse ... 353 ,, Lenox-Marmaduke Langdale 129 ,, *Robert-Jenet Hawick Rogers, .-Josepha Tocketts ,, Dorothy-Robert Copley ,, Elizabeth-John Robinson ... ,, Elizabeth-Thomas Bethell ... ,, Robert-Isabel Ussher ROKEBY, OF MANFELD ROKEBY, OF MORTHAM ROKEBY, OF SKIERS HALL, and KIRK SANDALL. Rokeby,.-Doro. Gale (2, Fairfax) .-Henry Wombwell . " I ?* 111 Hotham. .-Thomas Ricard .-Thomas Serlby .-William Lambton ... Agnes-John Wycliffe Ann-John Dodsworth Ann-Robert Laton... 540, 541 *Anne-Sir John Hotham ... 586 Chris.-Margaret Lascelles... 61 Elizabeth-Thomas Gower... 267 J ames-Dorothy Gascoigne.. 292 Jane-Francis Wycliffe ... 377 lohn-Margery Westby ... 363 Margaret-William Elwick... 133 Margaret-William Elioth ... 132 Margery-Cuthbert Witham. 261 Mary-Christopher Legard... 55 Ralph-Joan Portington (2, Warton) .586 Ralph-Johanna Holme ... 152 Ralph-Margery Danby ... 203 Robert-Muriel Salveyn ...n^ 6 y Sir Thomas-Anne Eure ... 612 Sir Thos.-Margaret Lawson 254 ROLLESTON, OF TANSHELF... 569 Rolleston, .-Nicholas Maleverer #550 ,, Elizabeth-George Hippon 532 ,, Eliza.-Nicholas Maleverer 2, (Wombwell).366 Rookes, .-George Savile.324 130 195 10 568 241 350 199 128 352 97 366 89 567 364 182 377 266 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. ... 167 ... 298 ...'605 ... ^02 ... 328 57 7 i 527 367 . 5 i , 280 221 70 6 - PAGE Rookis, EUzabeth-Sir William Alford 486 Ellen-Sir Hastings Stanley 576 William-Dorothy Peck ... 347 ” William-jane Thornhill ... 579 Rookwood, Robert-Margaret Layton 259 ROOS, OF INGMAN THORPE ... 5 6 9 Roos, .-Hercules Clapham ... 13 .-Robert Constable 1 77 > .-Theobald Brigham ..-William Dyneley... Alice-Thomas Eland ... Dorothy-Thomas Cawton Elizabeth-John Fleming Ellinor-Robt. Lovell (2, Pround ; 3, Hawse) . Blizih.-Walter, Ld. Fauconberg Henry-Ann Harebred ... Isabella-Ralph Salveyn 1 John-Isabel Hildyard ... Jane-John Pulleine Katherine-John Cholmeley Margaret-Sir Thos. Musgrave 142 Margery-Thomas Burgh ... 4*5 Mary-Sir 1 ohn Ellerker ... 142 Peter-Eliz. Maleverer {Hopton) 42 Robert - Eli zabeth Midelton ... 286 Robert-Margaret Constable ... 57 Rosamond-Miles Newton ... 274 William-Elizabeth Wandesford 269 William-Matilda de Vaux ... 228 Roper, Ann-Charles Lamplew ... 155 Anne-Philip Constable ... 179 ROSS, OF CAWTON ... ... 213 Rosse. Maude-Hugh FitzLambert ... 288 Rossells, Kath.-Sir Thos.Boynton ... 8 ROUTHE, OF POLL1NGTON ... 570 ROUTHE, OF WALESWORTH 570 Routhe, ...i..-Ralph Gascoigne ... 3 8 4 John-Elizabeth Beckwith ... 101 ” Tohn-Maude Constable ... 5 6 Margy.-John deThoresby ... 635 ” Maude-Theobald de Brig¬ ham . ••• T ^7 Peter-Alice Darell ( Pigot) ... 79 Richard-Francis Ricard ... 567 Rowlesley, Frances-Roger Gifford ... 521 Rowse, Martha-John Redman ... 99 Roxby, Elizabeth-William Pudsey ... 5 6 4 Roydon, Elizabeth-Gilbert Maleverer 67 Ruda, Maude de-Theobald de Brig- ham., . i6 7 Rudd, Edward-Mary Pulleine ... 243 Elinor-Richard Pulleine ... 280 Rudinge, Barth.-Martha Vavasour... 633 RUDSTON, OF HAYTON 126, 127 Rudston, .-Marmaduke Dolman 86 Emma-Martin Hildyard ... M Frances-Stephen Thorpe ... ,, Joane-Philip Monkton ,, Nicholas-Jane Mallory ,, U rsula-Christopher Langley (2, Dolman) ... 117. ,, Ursula-Robert Wright PAGE Rudston, Walter-Frances Constable 17? Rudyard, .-John Dolman ... Rufus, or Rusoi, Wm. -Isabella de Arches ... ••• ** *•* Ruish, .-Robert Bamburgh ... »5 Rushworth, Isabel-John Sotheby ... 575 Robert-Anne Jackson ... 3° 8 RUSSELL, OF NORMANTON... 325 Russell, Allen-Barbara Lacy ••• Margt.-Sir Wm. Crathorne 208 3 8 3 631 3 I 9 37 8 i 55 98 132 3°3 145 131 102 125 119 109 599 237 53 96 206 246 114 5 1 52 171 157 186 145 ,, iviargi.-ou wm. Rydall, Thomas-Jennet Roclifte Rye, .-James Robinson. ’.-Sir Piers Tempest ” Edmd.-Maude Wentworth ... Ryley, Edward-Ann Eglesfield Joane-Thomas Dassett »•• Rylston, Ellen- Christopher RvpTrs? lsabei-Sir John BoVlingbroke 346 Rysom, Robert-Margaret Elioth ... ia2 ryther, of harewood Ryther ... ••• ••• Ryther, .-Francis Marshall .-Robert Babthorpe Avice-Sir lngleby Daniell .. Elinor-] ohn Aske ... 107. Elizabeth-Wm. Acclom Isabel-Robert Babthorpe ... ] ohn-Frances Vavasour ... Margaret-Chr. Thorpe Margaret-Sir Guy Fairfax ... Mary-Roger Radcliffe Maude-Sir John Nevile ... Oliver-Ann Hungate ••• Ralph-Kathe. Constable 178, 197 Robert-Mary Swift ... ... 57 6 Wm. (Sir)-Elinor Fitzwilliam 7 Wm. (Sir)-Eliz. Gascoigne... 3 8 4 Ryton, Alan-Christiana de Bolton ... 563 Sacheverell, Bridget-Wm. Wilkinson (2, Woodrove) 355, 3 66 Henry-Elizabeth Copley 10 John-Eliz. Pierpoint*... 33 2 Mary-George Chaworth 503 Sagavilla, Wm. de-Beatrix Glanville 620 Sage, Jane-Ralph Barton (2, St. Qum- tin) .. ... ••• ••• *53 Sainter.-Ann Eland ... - 605 St. Amand,.-Rbt. de Brigham 625,>*626 St. Tohn, Edward-Anastasia Aton J 120, 164, 610 Margaret-Sir Thomas Bromflett ... 120 Nicholas-Elizth. Blount 547 St. Leger, Anne-George Roos ••• x 9 St. Lowe, Margaret-William Copley 526 , Sir William-Elizth. Hard- wick (2, Talbot) ••• 4 St. Mary, Nichola-Robert Cockneld 23^ ST. PAUL, OF OAMPSAL 307,35° St. Paul, Mary-John Thimbleby ... 57 8 St. Philibert, .-Myles Stapleton 332 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 707 193 176 153 ... 127 86 151 7 i 185 600 St. Pole, .-Ann Bulmer ... ST. QUINTIN, OF ACKLAM ST. QUINTIN, OF GANSTEAD AND ACKLAM ... ST. QUINTIN, OF GANSTEAD AND HARSWELL ST. QUINTIN, OF HARPHAM 162, 163 St. Quintin, .-Agnes Constable (2, Skipwith)... 56, 634 .-Margery Constable (2, Gower) .198 .- Sir Marmaduke Colvile .200 Anthony-Eliz. Gascoigne 238 Dorothy-Francis Greene 522 Gabriel-Dorothy Griffith 524 George-Agnes Creyke... 163 Herbert-Everild Lacy... 161 Jane-Robert, or Richard, Dolman Jane-Robert Hedon margt.-John Conyers ... Margy. -Thos. J ackson, als. Lascelles... Mathew-Agnes Hussey (Babthorpe) ... 103, William-Doro. Hastings 373 William-Eliz. Constable 56 William-Jane Twyer ... 144 William-Mary Lacy ... 161 Sakam, Elizabeth-John Babthorpe... 599 Salisbury, .-Thomas Alford ... 486 ,, Simon-Elizabeth Gramary 360 Salkeld, .-Mary Vaux .229 ,, .-Sir Thomas Boynton... 8 ..-William Le Vaux ,, Ann-Rowland Vaux Salley, Kate-Wm. Langfeld (2, Flem¬ ing) . Salman, ..-Ann Norton. ,, Mary-Thomas Beckwith ... Saltby, Agnes-Thomas Flower ,, Peter-Margaret Tansley SALTINGSTALL, OF HUNT- WICK . Saltingstall, Edward-Isabel Savile ... ,, Richard-Grace Kaye ... ,, Sam.-Barbara Rudston 127 SALTMARSH, OF SALTMARSH 100 Saltmarsh, .-Margaret Copley ... 10 .-Margaret Dawnay.. 80 Ann-Marm.Vavasour 107, 345 Anne-George Wencelagh 150 Audrey-Wm.Hungate ... 114 ’ Sir Edw.-. Stapleton 333 Elinor-Henry Hedon ... 151 Jane-Ralph Penny man... 206 John-. Borough ... 3 Margaret-Jno. Vavasour 107 Margt.-Wm. Caterick ... 255 Philip-Mary Stanley ... 593 Richd.-Emma Babthorpe 598 , 229 229 328 245 280 618 618 570 329 320 297 367 599 33 i 220 245 166 125 92 613 Saltmarsh, Robert-Cicely Grimston. 154 ,, Thos.-Elizth. Metham ... 253 ,, Thos.-Margt. Constable, 179, 198, 306 Salusbury,.-Ann Hobbs (2, Mom- pesson; 3, Gascoigne) SALVEYN, OF NEWBIGGIN ... Salveyn,.-Ann Babthorpe .-Sir Gerard Sothill .-Jane Cholmeley .-Joan Norton . Agnes-Tohn Thornholme ... Ann-William Daniell Ann-William Hussey Sir Francis-Margery Eure ... Francis-Ursula Eure (. Eller - her) 136 George-Margery Bulmer ... 193 Gerard-Dionis Bellasis ... 231 Julian-Edw. de Babthorpe... 598 Muriell-Sir Robert Rokeby... 199 Ralph-Dorothy Tocketts ... 195 Sir Ralph-Elizabeth Hastings 373 William-Dorothy Girlington 284 Sampole, .-. Nevill. 6 ,, .-. Symes.331 Sampson, Elizth.-John St. Paul ... 307 Sandall, Richard-Agnes Savile ... 329 Sandford, Elizabeth-Jas. Rawson ... 351 Ellen-Henry Nevile ... 340 Hercy-Margaret Copley... 10 Humphry-Ann Lascelles.. 61 Jane-William Thwaites ... 175 J ohn-Margaret Musgrave 142 Kath.-John Denman ... 346 Mary-Sir Roger Portington 562 Sands, .-William Hercy. 41 Anne-Robert Bawne.489 Elizabeth-Chr. Cur wen ... 11 Elizabeth-Richard Swale ... 276 Paulina-John Palmer ... 635 Thomas-Ann Wentworth ... 378 Sandys, pditha-Ralph Nevill (2, Darcy). 47 ,, John - Margaret Bourchier (2, Bryan). 63 Sansford, .-Robert Donham ... nyj Santon, Andrew-Margaret Skerne ... 108 ,, Joane-William Moston ... 556 Sapcotes,.-Margaret Swift ( Wyr- rall; 1, Frankishe ; (2, Ricard) ... 349, #576 *Sarazin, Henry-Elizabeth Colvile ... 200 Savage, .-Cuthbert Nandick ... 557 Ann,-George Norman ... 558 Boniface-Mercy Young ... 327 Jane-Thomas Knottesford... 349 Mary-William Copley ... 10 SAVILE, OF THE BANK ... 329 SAVILE, OF COPLEY .329 SAVILE, OF HALIFAX.572 SAVILE, OF H US WORTH, HOWLEY, AND LUPSET ... 341 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 708 SAVILE, OF METHLEY... ... SAVILLE, OF STANLEY HALL, BOXHALL, AND WAKE- FIELD . SAVILE, OF WATH ... •• SAVILE, OF WELBOURNE .. Savile,.-Alice Gascoigne . .-Arthur Dyneley .-Avery Copley . ” .-Richard Tempest ’’ .-Robert Gargrave ,, Agnes-Hugh Lacy ... ••• Alice-Sir William Calverley... 9 Ann-Maximilian Waterhouse 353 ” Anne-William Wombwell ... 365 ” Cicely-William Nandick ... 557 Conyers-Barbara Norcliffe ... 55 8 Dorothy-Thomas Gifford ■ • 5 21 Elizabeth-Hugh Hungate ... n 115 Elizabeth, or joane-. Ellis (2, Waterton) ... i° 4 > 3 12 Elizabeth-John Blythe ... 3 21 Elizabeth-Sir John Jackson ... 537 Elizabeth-Robert Nettleton ... 557 Elizabeth-ThomasConyers ... 165 Francis-Catherine Atherton ( Conyers) . 7 °« 7 2 Francis-Dorothy Beeston ... 322 Francis - Grace Beaumont (2, Carr) ... ••• ••• 5 °° Frideswide-Francis Radcliffe 206 George-Mary Talbot ... 4 ° Henry-Ann Bosvile . 3 ° 8 Henry-Elinor Oglethorpe ... 3*4 Sir Henry-Elizabeth Sothill (2, Gascoigne) ... 7 » 2 39 Jane-Sir Henry Goodnck ... 4 ° Jane-Mauger Vavasour ... 345 Iennett-William Thornhill ... 579 Joane, or Elizabeth-. Ellis (2, Waterton) ... i 3 12 Joane-James Metcalfe ... 4°9 Sir Tohn-Elizabeth Cary ... 121 Sir lohn-Isabel Eland 514, 603/4/6 Sir John-Isabella Mallory tc6 | j ohn-Elizabeth Hopton john-Frances Bosvile... ’ Maude-Aylmer Burdett Nichls.-]ane Burdett (2, Barn- by) Ralph-Isabel Rosse Robert-. Oates ... Robert-Barbara Pilkington (Reresby) . Sibil-Robert Waterhouse Thomas-Mary Burdett (2, A 1 deburgh) . 33 8 Thomas-Muriel Waterton 105, 312 William-Elizabeth Lacy ... 33 1 Sawley, of Saxton. XI 4 Sawley, Helvesia de Robt. de Brereton 112 Sawmondby,.-lanetHolme(G<)/ 5 Margaret-Robert Pennyman 206 William-Margaret Fairfax ... 97 Scales, Roger-Elizabeth Bardolph (2, Percy) ... ••• — Scarborough,.-Eliz.Goldesborough (2, Redman). 3 6 9 Alice-Richard Horsfall... 534 Robert-Thomasine Clap- ham . ^3 Scargill, .-jane Conyers... ... 165 ... -Katherine Peck ... 347 .-William Lacy. 33 ° Avalyne-John Eland ... 604 Elizabeth-Robert Haldenby 305 J ane-J ohn Kaye . 3 2 ° Jane-William Clapham ... 13 John-Margaret Snayth ... 604 Margt.-Sir J ohn Everingham 38 Margaret-j ohn Gargrave ... 68 Mary-Warren Tunstall ... 168 Nicholas-Elizabeth Ellis ... 135 Warren-Dorothy Conyers... 165 Wm.-.Aungier (2, Anne) 360 William-Agnes Constable... 178 William-MargaretGascoigne 384 Scarlett, Edmond-RosamundPopelay 335 Scoley, Thomas-Mercy Flower ... 5 l8 Scolley, William-Catherine Levett ... 544 SCOTT, OR ROTHERHAM, OF BARNES HALL. 573 Scott, Ellinor-Francis Bamburgh ... 85 „ Gilbert-.Leigh . 45 *Stephen-Dorothy Ellerker ... 515 Scotton, Alice de-William Coperam 112 Scrimshire, Isabell-Wm. Whetenhall 257 SCRIVEN ., „ l 12 SCROPE, LORD, OF BOLTON 632 Scrope, .-Dorothy Caterick ... 256 .-Sir Ralph FitzRandolph 380 Agnes-Christopher Boynton 4 „ Alice-Sir James Strang¬ way es . 7 1 * 2 °3 „ Ann-Edward Topham ... 5 81 „ Ann-John Vavasour ... 237 , Ann-William Thoresby ... 63$ „ Elizbth.-Sir Bryan Stapleton 332 Elizbth.-john FitzRandolph 380 „ Elizabeth-Thomas Pudsey ... 5 6 4 Hellen-Richard Tempest ... 357 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Scrope, Isabella-Sir Robt. Plumpton 386 ,, John - Elizabeth de Percy [Strathbolgie) ... ... 415 ,, John - Katherine Clifford^ (2, Cholmeley) .220 ,, John-Margaret de Burgh ... 104 „ *John-Phillis Rokeby ... 128 ,, Margaret-Christophr. Wyvill 380 ,, Margaret-Sir John Constable 58 », Mrgy.-Sir Chr. Danby 203, 262/4 ,, Mary-Sir William Bowes 597, 614 SCUDAMORE, OF OVERTON... 573 Scudamore, .-William Manby ... n Thos. Maryjenkyn ... Seabrook, Edward-Mary Drax Seale, William-Barbara Monkton ... Sedgwick, Ann-Christophr. Lascelles Beatrix-John Layton Elinor-William Conyers... Robert-Barbara Percy ... Roger-Elizabeth Conyers Susan-Lancelot Marton... Segrave, Agnes-John Jackson ,, Charles-Alice Flower Selby, Ann-James Gower . ,, Margaret-William Bellasis ... ,, Mary-James Greene. Seliock, .-William Blythe Selo, Frances-Roger Langdale „ Roger-Margery Peacock (. Lang¬ dale) .191 Senhouse, .-Dorothy Vaux ... 229 ,, Thomas-Alianor Lamplewe 88 Sennes.-John Dyneley.122 SerfF, Alice-Thomas Eland.606 Serjeant, James-Susan Conyers ... 508 SERLBY, OF HARTHILL ... 364 Serlby,.-Robert Bosvile.356 Sewell, Alice-Sylvanus Morgan ... 627 Sexhowe, Agilde-RobertusdeGouton 521 Seymour, Alice-George Maltby ... 551 Shakerley, Christian-John Harding (2, Bourchier). 63 ,, Grace-Francis Talbotf ... 46 Shalcross, Oswalda-Walter Rudston 126 Shann, Jane-John Flower .518 Shawe, John-Elizabeth Freeston ... 309 Sharpe, Dorothy-Anthony Cawton... 502 Sheffield, .-John Appleyard ... 146 Ann-Christopher Thorpe... 53 Christian-John Layton ... 259 Cicely-John Linley ... 545 Elizabeth-Sir Edwd. Swift 576 Frances-Sir Philip Fairfax 97 Frances-William Metham 106, «253 626 37i 342 171 61 259 71 281 7i 287 43 618 267 233 523 321 191 Isabel-Thomas Nevill John-Mary Castleford ... Lucy-Sir Thomas Reresby Mary-Sir Ferdinando Fair¬ fax . Richard-Jane Fawkes ... Robert-Jane Jackson ... 246 344 75 97 100 308 ^9 Sheffield, Sir Thos.-Agnes Stapleton [Fitz Alan) ... ... 332 ,, Sir-William Metham ... 106 Sheldon, Catherine-Humph. Dakins 169 Shelley, Sir John-Jane Reresby ... 76 „ *Robert-Joane Maleverer ... 67 Shelton, Isabel-Sir John Byron ... 4 Sheppard, Jane-Thomas Wilberfoss . 159 Sherard, Philip-Margt. Eure [Den¬ ton ; 1, Poultney). ...615 Sherburne, .-John Mering ... 304 ,, Alice-Sir John Tempest.. 319 ,, Eliz -Sir Thos. Fairfax 39, 96 ,, Ellen-Philip Anne ... 361 ,, *Kath.-Wm. Musgrave 361 ,, Richard-Jane Leyburne . 44 Sheriff, or Sherff, Maude-John Cler- vaux. 7*414 Sherrington, Eliz.-Sir Geo. Griffiths.. 524 »* Olive - . Talbot (2, Stapleton) ... 333 Sherwood, Alice-John Nevile ... 246 ,, John-Alice Copley ... 10 ,, Kath.-Henry Ricard ... 567 Shevington, Sir Wm.-Ursula Bour¬ chier ... ... 63 SHIERCLIFF, OF ECCLES- FIELD HALL .574 Shiercliffe, Ann-James Greene ... 522 ,, Ncls.-Barbara Wombwell 366 Shillito, William-Sibilla Mirfield ... 266 Shirebrooke, David-Mary Drax ... 342 ,, Thomas-Elizth. Jopson 622 Shirley, .-.Dawtrey (2, Lister) 547 ,, .-Robert Westby ... 363 ,, Sir Thos.-Frances Vavasour 121 Sholmestred, Joan-John Aske ... 118 Shuckburgh, Philippa-John Dasset 98 Shuttleworth, Richard-Lucy Malham 295 Sill, Florence-Nicholas Robertson ... 516 Silliston, Elizabeth-Robert Dalton ... 141 SILVESTER, OF GREAT DRIF¬ FIELD .574 Simkinson, .-John Mosley ... 555 SIMPSON, OF EDSTON ... 98, 574 Simpson, Agnes-William Savile ... 572 ,, Richard-Jane Vaux ... 229 ,, Richard-Margaret Witham 310 ,, Robert-Elizabeth Wyvill.. 189 Sims,.-John St. Paul .307 ,, Anne-Thomas West.359 Singleton, Elizabeth-Frcs. Gascoigne 297 Sisson, Katherine-William Snawsell. 94 Skaife, Ann-Bryan Appleby.487 Skeffington,.-Isabel Eyron ... 4 Skellay, William-Grace Lutton ... 172 Skellowes.-Thomas Blythe ... 321 SKELTON, OF ARMATHWAITE 376 SKELTON, OF FLAMBOROUGH 169 Skelton, .-Ann Hutton .536 ,, .-Michael Wakefield ... 139 ,, Ann-Percivail Maddison ... 274 ,, Isabel-Sir John Byron ... 4 INDEX 01 PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. ss , 108 410 3° 6 ■ 76 ■ 177 ■ 634 7 10 PAGE Skelton, Lucv-Robert Hoton ... 374 Mary-]ohn Vaux .22b Peter-Mary Leigh ... 45 ’ Robert-Grace Pulleine ... 243 * Robert-] oane Maleverer ... 67 ” Thomas-Mary Lamptw ... 88 Skendleby, Margt.-Robert Witiam.. 260 Skepper, Christopher-Eliz. Mcyser... 223 Richard-J oane Le;ard (2, Townley) ••• • SKERNE, OF PORTINGTON . Skeme, .-. Stockdale ’ Bridget-William Consable. Skinner, Ann-Gilbert Reresby . Skipton, .-Beatrix Nessield (2, Constable) ... •• • SKIPWITH, OF SKIPWI H . Skipwith, .-Sir Rt. Consta>le 178, 197 Ann-George Vavasmr ... no ” Eliz.-Sir John Babtiorpe . 598 Elizabeth - Robert 3 urdett 338 Elizabeth-Thos.Potington 561 Frances-Ralph Onstable (2, *Ellerker) .. 5 8 » *37 Margrt.-Sir Hy. \avasour 236 William (Sir) - Agies St. Quin tin ( Co?isttble) ... 5 ° *William-ElizabethPage... 415 SToFALDERTHVAITE 3 SS Skvres, Elizabeth-!ohn Temjest 319, 357 J Uortrorpt.'ninmas Vest ... 359 588 485 180 113 71 270 PAGE Margaret-Thomas Vest Robert-Mary West .. Slater, Ann-Henry Akeroyd.. Wm.-Elizabeth Horsey SLINGSBY, OF SCRIVEI i Slingsby.-Margery Coiyers .-Richard Ban:e ” -Thomas W^erton ... 105 ’/ -William Tarcred ... 271 ”, Agnes-Hugh Tan:kard2i6, 271 Ann-]ohn Swale ... ... 276 ’ Ann-Wm. Goldeborough 369 \\ Charles-Elizabeth Ellis ... 135 Dorothy-Francis Tanckard 278 ’’ Eliz.-Sir Thos. Metcalfe... 409 ” Henry-Frances Vavasour 345 Toan-Ralph Basf«rth ... 217 ]no.-.Scriven.505 ” John-Isabel Calwrley ... 9 Margy.-Walter lulleine ... 243 *) Marmaduke-Elizh. Staple- ton (Mallory... i 57 > 333 „ Mary-Thomas C^ghill ... 505 Mary-Walter B«thell ... 241 ”, Thomas-]oane Hallory ... 157 Smart, Emma-Sir Wm. Omesby ... 629 Smelt, ]no.-Margaret Metalfe ... 249 ,, Rev. Philip S. -Marii Mathews (2, Baldwin) ... ... 617 Smethley, Elizabeth-Williim Daniell (2, Sotheby) ... 125, 170 „ Isabel-Sir John Lllerker ... no Smethley, Kath.-Sir Wm. Ingleby ... 283 Sm ith .-EllinorHolland(Z)^«/// 1, Hooke). 35 ^ .-James Penny man ... 206 .-Mary Nevill (2, Harvey) 6 ’.-Robert Regard. 55 Ann-Christopher Clapham... 13 Ann-Sir Jno. Yorke (2, Paget) 382 Ann-Michael Copley ... 5 ° 8 Ann-Robert Leming... .*■•543 Anthony-Margaret Bellasis... 232 Elizabeth-George Burton ... 49 s Ellinor-William Horsley ... 180 Geo. -AnnTempest(Z^#/A 334 Edith-Gervase Copley ... 10 M Isabel-]ohn Gates... ... 60 \\ Isabel-Tohn Holme ... 224 Kath.-Ralph Pulleine ... 243 ,, Margt.-Edward Hansby (2, Camarby).138 Margt.-Marm. Vincent ... 636 ”, Thomas-Ann Maleverer ... 67 Snaysell, de.-Emma de Helperby 309 Snayth, Margt.-Jno. Scargill ... 604 Snaythall, Rosa-William Russell ... 3 2 5 Sneaton, Hilda-Edmond Cockerell... 505 Snell, Elizabeth-]ohn Wilkinson ... 366 Sneyd, Elizabeth-Sir Wm. Calverley 9 Snydale.-Elizabeth Copley ... 10 Snynaye.-Vincent Metcalfe ... 4°9 Snythall. See also Snaythall ... 328 Solman, .Margery Hutchinson ... 183 Somersale, Wm.-Mary Gourley Somerset, Elizabeth-Wm. Hargill ... SOTHEBY, OF DARRINGTON... SOTHEBY, OF POCKLINGTON, BIRDSALL, YORK, &BISHOP- WILTON . Sotheby, .-James Stockdale ft .-Maude Ryther 145, 168 37i 575 170 410 3°3 1 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND M\TC HES. f I 1 PAGE Sotheby, .-Thos. Appleyard ... 146 ,, Ann-Wm. Oglethorpe 275, 314 ,, Grace-Seth Holme.224 ,, Isabel-John Bishop ... 132 ,, Isabel-Lancelot Mountfort 248, 415 ,, Margt.-William Daniell ... 125 ,, Margt.-William Hun gate 1 15 » 22 3 ,, Mary-Bernard Wood ... 124 ,, Robert-Grace Vavasour ... 345 ,, Robert-Jane Constable ... 179 ,, Robert-Mary Monkton ... 171 ,, Thos.-Isabel Thorpe {Bird') 180 Sotheron, Marmdk.-Margt. Dawson 184 SOTHILL, OF NORTH DIGH- TON... ..275 SOTHILL, OF REDBOURNE.331 Sothill, Ann-Thomas Grice.323 ,, Barbara-Sir Marmaduke Constable ... 179, 198, 507 ,, Christn.-Wm.Babthorpe 102, 599 ,, Dionysia-Hugh Tanckard2i6, 278 „ Elizabeth-Sir Henry Savile (2, Gascoigne) ... 7. 239, 341 ,, Elizabeth-}ohn Woodrove ... 381 ,, Elizabeth-William Dransfield 37 ,, Euphemia-Thomas Savile ... 329 ,, Joan-Sir Jno. Constable 179, 198 ,, Joan-Thos. Trigott.304 ,, Sir Jno.-Agnes lngleby 178, 282 „ John-Elizabeth Plumpton ... 387 ,, John-Joan Poucher.178 ,, John-foaneClervaux.413 „ Robert-Elizabeth Midelton... 286 ,, Thos.-Eliz. Conyers ( Savile) 341 ,, Thomas-Margt. Fitzwilliam 7 ,, William-Rosamond Greene 315 Sourye, .-Frances Hudson ... 535 South, Judith-Ralph Bransby ... 212 ,, Margt.-Robert Ormesby ... 629 ,, Susan-Robert Dalton ... 141 Southwell, .-.Maleverer ... 121 ..-Geo. Burdett ... 337 „ John-Alice Maleverer (2, Booth) ... ... 67 Southworth.-Edwd. Redman .. 99 „ Isabell-Leonard Style ... 576 Thos.-Rosamd.Lister ... 290 Sowerby. Jno.-Eliz. Vavasour ... 236 Spacy, Ellen-Robert Hunter ... 535 Spanby, .-John Folkingham ... 225 Speight, .-.Stansfeld ...7/518 ,, Philemon-Ann Flower ...7/518 Spence, Jane-Chris. Fauconbridge ... 516 Spencer, Lord . 37 2 Spencer, Anedretha-Jno. Crathorne 207 Elinor-Richard Borough ... 3 ” Elizabeth-George Cary (2, Chamberlain ; 3, Eure) 614 Isabel-Robert Leming ... 543 fames-Frances Wyvill ... 189 argt.-Ralph Fretwell ...7/519 Ja M PAGE Spencer, Pndenoe-Leond. Percehay 187 ,, Rdph-Tane Barton ... 5 ,, Tlos.-Lucy Lambton ... 182 ,, *Valter-Frances Barnby .*.. 339 *Spenlove, iichd.-Barbara Ellerker.. 515 Spilman, Julith-Nicholas Pudsey ... 294 Spink, Alice-George Norman ... 558 Spring, Cicdy-Thomas Tyndall ... 317 ,, May-Sir Richard Bellasis ... 231 Sproxton, Rchard-Alice Savile ... 324 ,, Rchard-Dorothy Savile ... 571 Squire, Magaret-Thomas Leming ... 543 „ Thonas-Dorothy Popelay ... 335 Stafford.-Robert Donham ... 37 • ,, -William Duncalfe ... 141 ,, Ain-Guy Palmes. 91 ,, Am-Richd., Lord Latimer 628 ,, Ecmond-J'Ann Plantaganet (2, Bourchier) . 62 ,, JTdward-Elinor Percy ... 560 ,, Jo^ce-Sir Marmaduke Con¬ stable ... 178, 197, 507 ,, \Catherine de-John Talbot 46 ,, Mirgt.-Sir John Bulmer ... 193 Stagge, Riciard-Elizabeth Sothill ... 275 Stainton, Eizabeth-Thomas Popelay 335 Stanbridge, Mary-Wm. Faucon¬ bridge . 5 r 6 Stanford, Jdin-Jane Freeston ... 309 Stanhope, .-Henry Vaughan ... 121 n Iliz.-Sir Hy. Knevett ...7/121 Jane-Humphrey Hercy ... 41 ,, julian-Sir J ohn Hotham... 89 STANLEY LORD MONTEAGLE 247 STANLEY OF WOMERSLEY ... 576 Stanley, Elzabeth-Sir J ohn Hercy... 41 ,, Eizabeth-Thomas Leigh ... 45 ,, M.ry-Philip Saltmarsh ... 593 „ Rdph-Maude Strangwayes 202 „ Tlomas-Ann Briggs ... 536 ,, J*Villiam-Anne Leybume... 44 ,, *Villiam-Jane Young 2, Bethel!) . 593 Stansfeld.-. Speight ...7/518 f , /nn-Thomas Savile ... 571 STAPLETON, OF CARLETON 332 STAPLETON, OF WIGHILL ... 333 Stapleton, .-Edward Saltmarsh... 100 .-Richard Aske ... 118 .-Robert Dyneley ... 301 • .-Sir William Fairfax 39 .-Sir William Hilton (2, Musgrave).14 2 Ignes-Ralph Reresby ... 75 \nn-John Irton ... ... 4 2 Srian-Elizabeth Darcy ... 47 iridget-John Norton ... 245 Bridget-William Wharton 589 iryan-Margery Constable 57 Llinor-Sir ' 1 ’hos. Wharton 379 Elizabeth-Wm. Blythe ... 321 Lliz.-Sir Wm. Plumpton 387 £liz.-Sir Wm. Vavasour 236 ; v .. INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 712 PAGE Stapleton, George-Margaret Gaspell 6 Gilbert-Kath. Hungate... 115 Isabel-John Lamplew ... 88 , Isabel-Sir Thos. Metham 252 * Jane-Christopher Wyvill 380 * Joane-Thomas Musgrave 142 tl Joane-Sir Wm. Ingleby... 282 n John-Dorothy Metcalfe... 249 * Margaret-Tohn Copley 10, 508 Margt.-Sir Wm.Thornton 580 ” Maude-Anthony Eltofte ... 301 „ Robert (Sir )-Elizth. Mallory (2, Slingsby) ... 113* T S 7 M Robert (Sir)-Katherine Constable.i 79 > J 9 8 M Robt. (Sir)-Mary Dolman 86 Statham, .-George Gower ... 226 Staveley, of Staveley . 635 Staveley, .-. Holme ... ... 224 .-Ann Dodsworth ... 266 .-John Clough ... 5°4 Agnes-John Walkingham 112 Alice-William Swale ...7*276 t \ Ann-John Ellerker ... no „ Ann-William Burton (2, Oglethorpe) 275, 277, 314 „ Dorothy-Thomas Newton 274 Elizth.-GeorgeThomlinson 217 Ellen-Henry Akeroyd ... 4 8 5 „ Isabel-John Nundie ... 276 „ Jennet-Richard Banke ... 270 ,, Myles-Ann Withes ... 591 „ Ninian-Frances Mallory 157 Stelle, Francis-Audrey Hodgson ... 633 Stephenson, Elizabeth-William Vescy 585 ,, Henry-Kath. Constable 58 Isabella - Randall Gir- lington ... ••• 619 „ Richard-Mary Harwood 528 ,, Wm.-Kath. Constable 58 Stere, Edward-Jane Bunny. 77 Stevens,.-fohn Listei . 54 6 f| Joane-Sir Hugh Bethell ... 241 Stewart, Jane-Nicholas Girlington ... 284 , Robert-Mary Reresby ... 7 6 STILLINGTON, OF ACASTER hi STILLINGTON, OF KELFIELD 633 Stillington, .-William Gascoigne 520 tt Ann-Peter Vavasour ... 116 ,, Ann-William Hungate... 115 ,, Eliz.-Michael Oglethorpe 314 ,, Kath.-Sir Wm. Ingleby 282 „ Thomas-Isabel Hungate 115 Stills, Susan-Thomas Yorke.382 Stobbes, Jane-Christopher Welbury 588 STOCKDALE, OF HAMMER- TON, AND LOCKINGTON, THORP, &c.410 Stockdale,.-Robert Byerley ... 499 ,, Dorothy-Francis Moyser 223 ,, Robert-Elizabeth Moyser 223 Stockwith, .-George Beale ... 493 Stoddowe, .-Ann Clervaux ... 413 PAGE Stodelegh, or Studley ... 112, 234 Stoke, .-Sir Richard Lister ... 547 Stoker, John-Alice Snawsell. 94 Stokes, Alice-] ohn Banke .270 ,, John-Margaret Maleverer ... 67 ,, *Robert-Joan RoclifFe ... 383 Stokesley, [ohn-Elizth. Nightingale 239 ,, Mary-George Gascoigne 239 Stonor, .-William Hildesley ... 532 Stopham .235 Storke,.-Thomas Beverley ...496 Storpe, Joan-Richard Burdett ... 336 Storrs, Jane-John Kay ... ... 3 2 3 Straker, Richard-Beatrix Miklefield.. 139 Strange, Ann-William Gourley ... 168 Hamon-Elizabeth Hastings 373 ,, Kath.-Sir Hugh Hastings 373 STRANGWAYES, OF ORMESBY 202, 203, 204 STRANGWAYES 7 1 Strangwayes, .-Ann Tocketts ... 195 ,, .-Isabel Thorpe ... 53 ,, Cecily-Thos. Boynton 8 M Eliz.-SirChris. Boynton 4 ,, Eliz.-Marmdk.Clervaux 413 ,, * James-Ann Conyers... 199 f , Jas.-Ann Folkingham (2, Bayldon) ... 225 ,, Jas.-Eliz.Pigot( 2, Bran¬ don ; 3, Nevill) ... 302 M Sir James-Margaret Cholmley ... ... 220 ,, Jane-Ralph Crathome 209 ,, Joane- Conan Barton (2, Boynton) ... 5 ,, Joan-Sir John Bigod 595 ,, Kath.-Sir John Darell 79 ,, Margaret-John Ingleby (2, Wells) .282 ,, Mary-Robert Roos ... 569 ,, Richard-Jane Metham 253 ,, William-Ellen Pulleine 243 ,, Wm.-Mary Tocketts... 195 Strathbolgie, Elizabeth de-Thomas de Percy (2, Scrope) .415 Strelley, .-Agnes Mountney ...7*567 ,, Alice-John Byron . 4 ,, Frances-Thomas Grimston.. 154 ,, Robert-Constance Felton ... 372 ,, Sir Robert-Elizth. Vavasour 235 STRICKLAND, OF BOYNTON.. 166 Strickland, ...-BeatrixBurgh(2,Page) 415 ,, Agnes-Thomas Curwen... 8 ,, *Ann-Edward Holme ... 152 ,, Ann-Ralph Constable 57, 146 ,, Elizth.- Robert Leming ... 543 ,, Marg.-Sir Robt. Lowther 623 ,, Sir Robt.-Margt. Alford 7*486 ,, Walter-Katherine Nevill 6, 57, 146 ,, Walter-Margt. Goodrick 40 STRINGER, OF SHARLESTON 575 Stringer, Anna-Thomas Jopson ... 622 ■ ■ w : " A v v .. ' v INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 713 Stringer, Bartholomew-MaryMetcalfe 249 ,, Francis-Isabel Wombwell 366 ,, George-Frances Routhe ... 570 ,, Gertrude-William Blythe ... 321 Strother, .-. Conyers-.165 Stuckholme, Ceeilia-Robert de Skir- brooke .73 Stuckley, .-. v Nevill. 6 Studley, or Stodelegh ... 112, 234 Studley, Aim-William Clervaux ... 412 Sturdy, .-JohnWadeson.584 Sturm, John Albreda Bulmer (2, Constable). 56 Sturmy . 177, 196 *Sturmyn, EHzabeth-Sir Laurence Acton (2, Kingsman) .120 STYLE, OF OWSTON .576 Stythinge, Thomas - Jane Huskey ( Wencelagh; 3, Harrison) ... 150 Sulyard, .-Frances Babthorpe ( Dawnay ) ... 103 Surdevale, William-Elizth. Conyers 164 Surtees, .-Thomas Fenton ... 227 ,, Sir Thos.-Joane Eure (2, Hil¬ ton).611 Sutcliff, Thomas-Elizth. Killingbeck 299 Sutton,.-. Monkton.134 .-Katherine Burgh ... 268 .-Robert Stillington rn 633 Agnes-Thomas Bosvile ... 368 Ann-Robert Aske . 119 Dorothy-Edmd. Skerne ... 108 Hamon-Margaret Vavasour 236 Jane-Sir William Midelton 286 Josyan-Tohn Clapham ... 12 Laurence-Frances Constable 196 Mary-Thomas Yorke ... 382 Susan-William Oglethorpe... 275 William - Margaret Stanley (2, *Taylard) .247 SWALE, OF STAVELEY.276 Swale, .-Anne Banke .270 Elizabeth-Thomas Fox ... 518 Francis-Ann Ingleby... «. 283 John-Ann Slingsby .113 John-Isabel Dransfield ... 37 Margaret-Robert Percy ... 281 Margery - Ralph, or Richard Danby ... ... ••• 262 Mary-Richard Wharton ... 589 Solomon - Dorothy Wyvill (2, Atkinson) .380 Susan-Sir Francis Hildesley... 532 Thomas-Cecily Pulleine ... 280 Swane, .-. Holme ... ... 224 Swanes, Elizabeth-Hugh Hungate ... 114 SWIFT, OF ROTHERHAM ... 576 Swift, .-Margaret Ricard-.. ( Wyrrall; 1, Frankish ; 4, Sapcotes)... . 349 . .-Ralph Beeston.322 lf .-Richard Ryther... ... 303 if .-Richard Waterton 105, 312 PAGE Swift, Ann-Lionel Reresby. 75 ,, Robert-Mary Hastings ... 373 Swillington, Eliz.-J ohn Gascoigne 384, 520 ,, Sir William Plumpton 386 Swinborne, .-Wm. Fox.518 SWINBURNE, OF YORK ... 578 Swinburne, Margt.-Thos. Curwen ... 11 Swinglehurst, Ann-Reginald Heber 7*529 S would, Ralph-Maude Goodricke (2, Midelton) .286 Swynnow, Alice-William Vincent ... 636 „ Ann-George Cresswell ... 149 r , Margery-Edmond Lawson (2, Lawson) ... ... 254 ,, Ursula-Thos. Wentworth. 378 Syggeston, Alice-Hugh Thoresby ... 635 Sykes, Joseph-Beatrix Pickering ... 616 Symes... .331 Symon, Elizabeth-Robert Morley ... 194 Syssotson, .-Constance Legard... 7*55 Sywall, Elizabeth-Hugh Hungate ...7*115 Syward, Eliz.-Wm. Levett ... ... 544 Taillefer, Isabel-George Rosse ... 213 TALBOT, EARL OF SHREWS¬ BURY .46 TALBOT, OF THORNTON, &c... 577 Talbot,.. .-Olive Sherrington(2,Staple- ton).. .., ... 333 ,, .-Rich. Mennell ... ,.. 251 ,, Aliee-Edwd. Hippon ... 532 ,, Ann<-Anthony Byerley ... 499 ,, 'JAnne-Sir Thomas Wharton 379 , r Clara-Jas. Greene .523 ,, Elizth.-Thos. Lewis (2, Burgh)7*545 „ Isabel-Wilfrid Banister ... 291 r , Jane-Sir George Bowes 597 ,, J no.-Elizabeth Crosland 509 ,, J no.-Jane Sotheby .170 ,, J*Mary-Sir George Savile ..... 341 ,, Thos.-Margt. Wyvill.259 Talboys, .-Elizabeth Barton ... 5 ,, Cicely-William Ingleby (2, Torney) . 283 „ Elinor-ThomasStrangewayes 202 ,, Elizabeth-John Vavasour 116, 236 ,, George-Elizabeth Gascoigne 385 ,, Hy.-Jane Clervaux.413 r , M argaret- r rhos. Crathome 209 ,, Oswald-Sir J no. Bellasis ... 231 ,, Robert-Eliz. Barnes. 50 ,, Robert-Margy. Witham ... 260 Tallentire, Isabel-Thomas Coghill ... 505 Tamworth, .. .-Dorothy Colby(2, Wil¬ loughby ; 3, Wharton) 379 ,, Ann-Sir Jno. Ormesby ... 629 ,, Eliz.-Geo. Reresby ... 76 TANCRED, OF BOROUGH- BRIDGE . ... 271 TANCRED, OF BOROUGH- BRIDGE AND ARDEN ... 216 TANCRED, OF PANNALL ... 278 Tancred, .-Henry Norton ... 245 „ ,-Philip Herbert 530 7*4 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. PAGE Tancred, .-Wm. Arthington ... 273 / ,, Ann-Wm. Hudson ... 535 ,, Chaff.-Barbara Wyvill ... 189 ,, Dorothy-SirHenryJenkyn 371 ,, Francis-Dorothy Slingsby 113 ,, Hugh-Agnes Slingsby ... 113 ,, Ninian-Frances Maltby ... 7*551 ,, Ninian-Thoraasine de la River(2,Cholmeley)22i, 601 ,, Tomasir\-Edm. Mennell... 251 ,, William-Anne Pulleine ... 280 ,, *Wm.-Grace Dariby 263, 371 ,, Wm.-Jane Basforth ... 217 Tankersley.604 Tankersley, Joan-Sir Hugh Eland #514, 606 Tansley, Margaret-Peter Saltby ... 618 Tate, Thomas-Jane Talbot.577 Tates, Agnes-Thomas Langley ... 117 Tatton, Dorcas-John Knottesford ... 349 *Taylard, John-Margaret Sutton [Stanley) .247 Taylor, Agnes- Robert Swift.576 ,, Ann-Ralph Vincent.636 ,, Ann-William Lowson ... 550 ,, John-Margaret Peck ... 347 ,, Margaret-John Eland (2,Bee) 605 „ William-Margaret Horsley... 180 Teale, Anthony-Katherine Constable 507 ,, Faith-Oswald Chambers ... 503 ,, Kath.-Marmaduke Constable 507 TEMPEST, OF BRACEWELL AND TONG . 319, 357 TEMPEST, OF BROUGHTON... 293 Tempest ... .156 Tempest.-Christopher Eltofte... 301 ,, .-Dorothy Savile ... 324 ,, .-Frances Gargrave ... 69 ..-George Bunny ... 77 ,, .-Ralph Pudsey 294, 564 ,, .-Robert Eure.611 ,, .-William Ferrand ... 517 ,, .-William Lambert ... 289 ,, Agnes-Sir Wm. Calverley 9 ,, Ann-Anthony Hebborne... 528 ,, Ann-John Lacy .330 ,, Ann-Sir Ralph Bulmer ... 193 ,, Ann-Thomas Metham 106, 252 ,, Beatrix-William Thornton 579 ,, Dousabell-Thomas Darcy 47 ,, Elizth. -Anthony Caterick 255 ,, Elizabeth-John Dyneley ... 297 ,, Elizabeth-Ralph Constable 57 ,, Elizbth. Richard Norton... 244 ,, Elizabeth-Stephen Pudsey 294 ,, Isabel-Fras. Malham ... 295 ane-Arthur Maude ... 300 ane-Sir Thomas Waterton 105, 312 Katherine-Thomas Maude 300 Margaret - . Doughty (2, Eland) .605 Mrgt. Gregory Waterhouse 353 PAGE Tempest, Margaret-Henry Pudsey... 294 ,, Margaret-John Gascoigne 520 ,, Margaret-RichardBanke... 490 ,, Margery-Ths. Catherall... 70 ,, Mary-John Pulleyne ... 243 ,, Richard-Alice Maleverer... 201 ,, Rosamond-Anthony Frank 519 ,, Stephen-Agnes Lister ... 290 ,, Stephen-Anne Eltofte ... 301 ,, Sir Thomas-Eliz. Borough 3 ,, Thomas-Elizabeth Daniell 125 ,, Thomas-Margaret Maude 300 TENANT, OF SCOTTON ... 578 Tenant, Adam-Isabel Jackson ... 43 ,, Augustine-MargaretCaterall 291 ,, Robert-Elizabeth Layton ... 259 Teringham, Martha-Wm. Jackson... 538 Teshe, Ann-Thomas Williamson ... 181 ,, Katherine-Robert Lovell ... 222 Tew, Philip-Dorothy Watson ( Lep¬ ton ) ... ... ... ... ••• 214 Thackray, Chris.-Margaret Salveyn.. 367 Theakstone, Catherine-Edward Isons 536 THLY 1 BLEBY, OF SNYDALE ... 578 Thimbleby, Edward-Ellen Cressy ... 509 ,, Kath.-Thos. Bamburgh 85 THIRKELD, OF HAYSTHORPE 120, 166 Thirkeld, .-Hugh Lowther ... 623 ,, Dorothy-Walter Grimston 154 ,, Elizabeth-James Pickering 630 ,, Jane-Sir Richd. Langdale 129 ,, Joane-Sir Bryan Stapleton 333 ,, Katherine-Robert Lacy ... 161 ,, Margaret-Thomas Bellasis 232 ,, Robert-.Wycliffe ... 377 ,, Thomas-Ellen Maleverer... 67 ,, Winifrid-Wm. Pickering... 630 Thirsk, Thomas-Jane Burton ... 277 Thomas, Alice ap-Jenkyn ap Philipp 371 THOMLINSON, OF BIRDFORTH 217 Thomlinson, Ann-John Thornton ... 210 ,, Christphr.-Anne Mansell 210 ,, Eliz.-Mark Metcalfe ... 249 ,, Elizabeth-William Ley- burne ... 44 ,, Ellen-Chris. Malham ... 295 ,, Ellinor-Edmd. Metcalfe 213, 249 ,, George-Agnes Pulleine .. 280 ,, Kath.-George Chambers 503 THOMPSON, OF LANGTON ... 175 THOMSON, OF ESHOLD ... 300 THOMSON, OF WARNFIELD... 634 Thompson, .-Joan de la River (3, Cockle) ... ... 601 ,, .-Ralph Lutton ...7*172 ,, Ann-Nicholas Greene .. 523 ,, Chris.-Isabel Hutchinson 183 ,, Edith, or Elizabeth-Ralph Lutton.172 ,, Eliz.-Richard Folkingham 225 ,, Francis-Elizbth. Tocketts 195 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 7*5 PAGE Thompson, Isabell-Anthony Wood... 592 ,, Isabell-Richard Hedon ... 151 ,, J an e-Thom as Bulmer ... 175 ,, James-Ann Hopton ... 42 ,, John-Ellinor Redman ... 99 ,, Susanna-Thos. Pickering 630 ,2 William-Alice Malham ... 295 ,, Wm.-Ann Fisher ( Lang - dale) ... ... ... 191 ,, William-Ann Moriey ... 194 ,, William-Eliz. Gascoigne 239 ,, William-Mary Newby ... 313 THORESBY, OF THORESBY ... 635 Thoresby, ......-Lyonell Robinson ... 631 ,, .-Richard Banke ...7*270 ,, Isabel-Thomas Clervanx 413 ,, Joan-Thomas Crathorne 208 ,, 'Margaret-Arthur Banke 270 ,, William-] ane Thwaites... 93 Thornaby, Ann-Cuthbert Moriey ... 194 ,, Phillis-]ames Moriey ... 194 THORNBOROUGH, OF HAMPS- FIELD .148 Thornborough, Ann-Thos. Warcopp 376 ,, Margt.-Robt. Creyke 163 ,, William-Elinor Mus- grave .142 Thorne, Margaret -. Middleton (2, Musgrave) . 143 THORNEHOLME, OF HAYS- THORPE.166 Thorneholme, Hugh-Cicely Brigham 167 ,, John-Ann Salveyn ... 367 ,, Kath.-Wm. Calverley 9 Thorney, Elizabeth-Robt. Bradford 326 Thornhaugh, Dorothy - Francis Stringer . 575 „ Eliz.-Sir John Jackson 537 THORNHILL, OF FIXBY ... 579 Thornhill, Bryan Jane Kaye ... 320 ,, Elizabeth-Hy. Savile 341, 57 1 ,, Robt.-Dorothy Aldeburgh 279 ,, Sarah-Sir Richd. Tankers- ley ... ... ... 604 ,, Simon-Mary Babthorpe... 598 ,, Thomas Alice Nandick ... 557 ,, Thomas - Elizabeth Grice 323 ,, Thomas - Margaret Lacy (Eland) .604 THORNTON, OF ASKRIGG ... 265 THORNTON, OF BIRDFORTH 210 THORNTON, OF EAST NEW¬ TON .296 THORNTON, OF LANGTON ... 580 THORNTON, OF TYERSALL... 579 Thornton, .-Anthy. Chaytor ... 414 ,, -Philip Langdale ... 129 ,, Ann-Richard Ellerker ... 515 ,, Ann-William Wright ... 145 Armiger-Wm. Clapham... 12 tt Dorothy-Wm. Askwith... 487 Eliz.-Michael Rawdon ... 565 M Isabel-John MickLefield ... 139 PAGE Thornton, Jane-Thomas Metham ... 106 ,, John-Elizabeth Gates .., 60 ,, *John, or Thomas-Joan Constable ... 58, 144, 146 ,, Margaret-. Middleton (2, Musgrave) ... 142, 7*143 ,, Margt.-Lancelot Bullock 498 ,, Margaret-Roger Gregory 525 ,1 Robert-Dorothy Metham 253 ,, Robert-Margery Thwenge 230 ,, Stephen-Cicely Medcalfe 249 ,, Thos.-Elizabeth Metcalfe 249, *409 ,, Wm.-Beatrix Tempest ... 319 ,, Wm.-Elinor Grimston ... 154 Thorold, Jane-Vincent Waterhouse 353 THORPE, OF ALDBOROUGH... 580 THORPE, OF BIRDSALL ... 52 THORPE, OF THORPE. 53 Thorpe, of Friskney .624 Thorpe, of Thorpe-under-Cliffe 410 Thorpe, .-. Gilliott.293 ,, Lister ... 7*547 „ .-Elizabeth Vavasour ... 633 ,, Alison-John Caterall ... 502 ,, Ann-Ralph Hungate ... 115 ,, Anthony-Ann Eure 205, 613 ,, Christiana-William Berkes- worth . 7*410 ,, Eliz.-Oliver Stockdale ... 410 ,, Elizbth.-Peter Frothingham 147 ,, Franci s - I sab el Bird (2, Sotheby).170, 180 ,, Isabel-William Slingsby ... 112 „ John - Kath. Fauconbridge ( Gascoigne) ... n 385 „ Margaret-Thos. Ellerker ... no ,, *Richard-Marian Towrye ... 582 ,, Roger-Elizabeth Daniell ... 125 ,, Stephen-Frances Rudston... 127 ,, Stephen-Isabel Constable ... 57 ,, Stephen-Isabel Plumpton ... 386 ,, Ursula-Henry Marshall ... 131 Throgmorton, Eliz.-Henry Griffith... 524 ,, Sir Nicholas - Isabel Babthorpe.599 THURGARLAND, OF LILEY ... 581 THURLAND, OF GAMSTON ... 151 Thurland, .-Nevill (2, Clifton) ... 6 ,, Jane-Sir J no. Donham ... 37 Thursby. See also Thoresby. Thursby,.-Leonard Metcalfe ... 409 ,, -Michael Metcalfe ... 409 , ,, Thos.-Joan Appleby ... 487 Thurscross, Henry-Clare Appleyard 146 ,, Lncas-Mary Jackson ... 43 THWAITES, OF MARSTON ... 93 THW-AITES, OF RYDALE ... 175 Thwaites, .-Chris. Curwen ... 11 ..-Guy Rocliffe.383 ,, .-Richard Whaley ... 218 f> .-Thomas Laton ... 540 ,, Agnes-Sir Thos. Gower... 226 7i 6 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Thwaites, Ann-Francis Lascelles (2, Wandesford) 61, 269 Ann-George Thweng ... 230 Ann-Sir William Ingleby 283 Chris.-Elizabeth Whaley 218 Dorothy-Thos. Grimston 154 Elinor-John St. Quintin ... 162 Elizabeth-Jno. Vavasour... 345 Elizabeth-Robt. Hastings 373 Frances-Chrisr, Thomson 300 Sir Henry-Anne Savile ... 341 Isabel-Sir Rd. Strangwayes 203 Isabel-Sir William Fairfax 96 Jane-Charles Atkinson ... 489 Joan-Lyonell Copley ... 10 Joan-Wm. Gascoigne ... 520 Jno.-Elizabeth Cleburne... 255 John Syth Dyneley ... 301 Katherine-Geo. Clapham 13 Kath.-Jno. Waterhouse ... 353 Katherine-Wm. Saxton ... 327 Margaret-Sir John Mallory 156 Margery-Wm. Horsley ... 180 Marmadk.-Elena Acclom 109, 203 Mary-Anthony Mennell ... 251 Maude-Sir John Midelton 286 Sibill-Christr. Wandesford 269 William-Ellinor Wharton 379 William-Mary Burdett ... 337 THWENG, OF OVER HELMS- LEY.230 THWENG, OF ROTSEY.581 THWENG, WAWTON, WITH- AM.408 Thweng, of Corneburg 261, 370, 408 106 260 128 56 286 70 618 Thweng, .-Thomas Metham ,, Agnes-Thomas Witham . ,, Ann-John Rokeby ... ,, Cicely-William Constable. ,, Edmund-Ann Midelton . ,, Eliz.-Ralph Grey ... ,, Eliz.-Wm. Forster ... „ Jane-Richard Hildyard ... 51 „ jennet-William Snawsell ... 94 ,, John-Magdalen Grimston... 154 ,, Margery-Robert Thornton 296 ,, Marmaduke-Ann Reddish (2, Birkby) .496 ,, Thomasin- 1 'homas Byelby 499 ,, Ursula-Cuthbert Dawnay .. 81 Thynne, Francis-Eliz. de la River 221, 601 Tilliol. See also Tylliol Tilliol, .-Sir Hugh Lowther ... 623 ,, Felice-William Musgrave ... 142 Tf Robert-Maude Lascelles (2, Hilton) . 61 ,, Margart.-Nicholas Musgrave 142 Tilney, Alice de-J no. de Skipwith ... 634 ,, Eliz.-Sir Humph. Bourchier 62 Timperley, Michael-Joan Man ... 627 Tinkleden, Mary-Robert Briggs ... 497 Tiplady, Alice-George Stockdale ... 410 Tiplady, George-Elizabeth Danby ... 292 Tipping, Janet-William Bellasis ... 232 ,, Margery-Ralph Yoward ... 192 Tiptoft, Margaret-Roger Scrope ... 632 Tirwhitt, Marmaduke-Ellen Reresby 75 Tissington, .-Richard Flower ... 618 TOCKETTS, OF TOCKETTS ... 195 Tocketts, .-Jane Rokeby ... 128 ,, Dorothy-Sir Ralph Salveyn 367 tt Mary-Wm. Strangwayes... 203 r , Roger-Margaret Mennell 250 r , Wm.-Margaret Wawton (2, Witham) ... 260, 408 Todd Ann-Richard Jackson ... 538 ,, George-Elizabeth Byerley ... 499 Topcliff, .-James Birkby ... 496 ,, Gilbert-Elizabeth Vavasour 237 ,, John-. Leigh ... ... 45 ,, Rose-Richard Bunny ... 77 TOPHAM, OF AGLETHORPE... 581 Topham.-Mary Robinson ... 631 ,, Henry-Elizabeth Darley ... 87 ,, Margaret-Giles Burton ... 498 Torney, John-Cicely Ingleby ( Tal- boys) .,. 283 Totman, Thomas-Dorothy Simpson . 98 Touchett, Sarah E.-Jas. N. ffarington 617 Tourman, Margt.-Robt. Woodrove.. 355 Towers, Joan-Henry Manby ... 625 Towneley, .-Arthur Maude ... 300 ,, Alice-Richard Lacy ... 330 ,, Elinor-Sir Robert Nevill... 246 ,, Ellen-Henry Thomson ... 300 „ Robert-Joane Skepper [Legard) . 55 TOWRYE, OF WISTOWE ... 582 To wry, Mary-Richard Thorpe ... 580 ,, .-Frances Hudson ... 535 Towse, William-Elizabeth Heslarton 173 Trafford.-James Strangwayes... 203 Trappes, Philippa-Sir George Gifford (2, Norton).245 Travers, .-Katherine Barbour ... 356 ,, Isabel-William St. Paul ... 356 ,, Rich.-Grace Redman ... 285 Trayne, Alice-Sir Adam Bowes ... 596 Treman, Eliz.-Marmaduke Baxter ... 316 Tresmere, Mrgt.-Thos. de Winkesley 113 Trewe, Sir Richd.-Ursula Molyneux (. Bourchier) ... ... ... ... 63 Trewman, Wilfrid-Ann Hudson ... 535 TRIGOTT, OF SOUTH KIRKBY 304 Trigott, .-. Symes .331 Bartholomew-Isabel Anne .. 360 Catherine-Thomas Holgate 533 Elizabeth-John Moseley ... 555 Joan-George West.359 Robert-Jane Wentworth ... 378 Thos.-Ann, or Jane, Reresby 76 Tristram, .-Elizbth. Strangwayes (2, Bradshaw) .203 Trollope, .-Grace Pudsey (2, Me¬ tham) .564 . few S ■* INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 7*7 Trollope, .-William Metcalfe ... 409 ,, Francis-Bridget Tunstall... 583 ,, John-Maude Metham ... 253 ,, Margaret-John Rudston ... 127 TROTTER, OF SKELTON CASTLE .582 Trotter, .-.Wood .592 ,, Ann-Anthony Wood ... 592 ,, Eiizabeth-George Mennell. 251 ,, Kath.-Nicholas Conyers ... 508 ,, Mary-George Metcalfe ... 554 ,, Robt.-Isabel Wood (Hilto?i) 180 ,, Robert-Margaret Pudsey ... 564 Trusdale, Alice-Robert Crathorne ... 209 TRUSLOVE, OFMAPLETON, &c. 582 Trussell, Mary-John Holme.152 Tufton, Mary-Sir Henry Constable.. 58 TUNSTALL, OF SCARGILL 168, 583 Tunstall, .-William Layton ... 228 ,, Bryan-Isabel Boynton ... 8 ,, Eliz.-Sir John Dawnay ... 81 ,, Eliz.-William Lascelles ... 61 ,, Francis-Eliz. Gascoigne ... 385 ,, Mary-James Bellasis ... 233 ,, Jane-Marmaduke Wilson .. 591 ,, John-Joyce Rokeby ...' 199 ,, Margt.-Francis Hall ... 621 ,, Mgt. -Sir Ralph Pudsey 294, 564 ,, Marmad.-Kath. Wycliffe.. 377 ,, Mary-Ralph Berwick ... 229 Turner, Barbara-Ralph Eure ... 613 ,, Elizabeth-John Cartwright.. 501 ,, Elizabeth-Thomas Kaye ... 320 ,, Jocelyn-Elizabeth Burdett... 337 Turton, .-Alice Rawson;.351 ,, .-Thomas Beaumont ... 492 ,, Richard-Joan Peck ... 347 TWISLETON, OF BARLEY ... 583 Twisleton, Ann-George Lawson ... 93 ,, Ann-Thomas Lake 318, 493 ,, George-Anne Alured ... 144 ,, George-Margaret Holme. 152 ,, *Geo.-ProthesiaGascoigne 239 ,, Mgt.-Lancelot Lake 318, 493 ,, Mary-Vincent Beverley ...7*496 Twittle, Elizabeth-Hugh Vescy ... 585 Twyer, .-Ezechias Clifton... 144, 146 ,, Jane - William St. Quintin 144,153,176 „ Robert-Eliz. Constable 178, 197 ,, Thomas-Katherine Rawson... 351 Tyas, .-Nicholas Fitzwilliam ... 517 ,, Eiizabeth-George Greene ... 523 ,, Joan-John Wentworth ... 378 ,, Joan-Sir Robert de Hoyland **336 ,, Richard-Alice Tankersley ... 604 Tyldesley, Margaret-Nicholas Blythe 321 Tylliol, See also Tilliol. Tylliol, Elizabeth-Sir John Colvile ... 200 TYNDALL, OF BROTHERTON 317 Tyndall, .-. Michl. Constable 179 M .-Mathew Rudston ... 126 #l Frances-John Holmes ... 361 PACK Tyndall, John-Dorothy Anne ... 361 „ John-Jane Dyneley ... 298 ,, William-Katherine Dealtry. 512 Tynneslow, Lucy-Wm. Wentworth . 374 ,, Margaret-John Ayre ... 346 Tynswick, Ann-Robert Percehay ... 187 Tyrrel, .-Thomas Beckwith ... 280 Tyrwhitt, Ann-Thomas Dalton ... 141 ,, Anna-Thomas Burgh ... 415 ,, Elinor-Robert Haldenby .. 305 ,, Eliz.-William Oglethorpe.. 314 ,, Eliz.-Sir Wm. Skip with ... 634 ,, Grace, or Ursula-Sir Wm. Babthorpe ... ... 600 ,, Katherine-Edward Holme 152 ,, Margaret-Sir Philip Con¬ stable ... 179, 198, 507 M Marmaduke-Elizabth. Gas¬ coigne (Anne) .361 ,, Marmdke.-Helen Reresby 75 ,, Matilda-Henry Portington 561 ,, Ursula-Wm. Babthorpe ... 103 ,, Wm.-Ann Constable 178, 197 Tyson, Lord of Alnwick ... 607 Tyson, *.-. Holland.351 ,, J oan-Ivon Vescy .197 Ughtred. See also Oughtred. Ughtred, Alison-Wm. de Anlaby... 123 ,, Henry-Kath. Snawsell (Pulleyne ; 1, De la R iver) 94, 601 Umfraville, Eliz.-William Percy 277, 281 ,, Mgt.-Sir J no. Constable 56 Upham, Nicholas de-Alice de Maltby (Blont) .7*551 Usfleet, .......Elinor Legard ... 54 „ Sir Gerard-. Furnivall 305 ,, Isabel-Robert Holdenby ... 305 ,, Jane-Sir Myles Stapleton ... 333 USHER, OF DONCASTER ... 636 USSP 1 ER, OF FEATHERSTONE 350 Usthwayte, Ann-Richd. Oglethorpe 314 ,, Dorothy-John Ormesby 629 Vaisey, Eliz.-Michael Metcalfe ... 553 Valence, Isabel de-John Hastings ... 372 Valentine, Alice-Thomas Hall ... 322 Valoniis, Bertha de-Ranulph Glanvile 620 VAUGHAN, OF SUTTON 120, 121 VAUGHAN, OF THORPE ... 584 Vaughan, Ann-Thomas Yoward ... 192 ,, Elizabeth .-Lord Grey (2, Stanley) .247 ,, *Fras. (Sir)-Ann Boynton 8 ,, Francis-Henry Alured ... 144 ,, Henry-Frances Dawnay... 81 ,, Mary-William Vavasour 345 ,, Wm.-Barbara Lascelles... 61 VAUX, OF STERESBY, &c. 228, 229 Vaux, Jane-Sir William Hutton ... 536 ,, William-Cath. Frothingham 147 VAVASOUR, OF ACASTER, BELLASIS, AND WALTHAM ABBEY .107 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 7 18 . PAGE VAVASOUR, OF DENBY ... 3 68 VAVASOUR, OF HAZLEWOOD, WOODHALL, AND ALDING- HAM . 235, 236 237 VAVASOUR, OF SPALDINGTON AND WILLITOFT .n6 VAVASOUR, OF WESTON ... 345 Vavasour . I2I » 453 Vavasour.-Ann Saltmarsh ... 100 . -George Hastings ... 373 .-George Swale ... 276 .-Jane Beckwith ... 101 .-John Pulleine ... 280 .-Margaret Skipwith... 634 .-William Burton ... 277 Amicia-Thomas Langdale 129 243 239 326 263 286 633 491 124 4i3 Anne-Edmond Pulleine Anne-John Gascoigne Ann-]ohn Mallet ... Ann-Peter Danby... Ann-Sir Peter Midelton Elizabeth-.. Thorpe Elizabeth-Chris. Bayne Elizabeth-John Wood Eliz.-Richard Clervaux M Eliz.-Rich. Goldesborough 369 Elizth.-Rchd. Knowlesley 539 Elizth.-Thomas Coundon . 507 Elizabeth-Thomas Dolman 86 Elizabeth-William Thorpe 53 Elizabeth-William Warter. 587 Frances-Edmond Clough.. 504 Frances-Francis Percy ... 281 Frances Sir Henry Slingsby 113 Frances-Walter Pulleine... 243 George-Kath. Babthorpe.. (2, Ingleby) ... 103 Grace-Robert Sotheby ... Henry, Sir-Ann, or Joan, Gascoigne ... Henry-Elizth. Everingham w *Henry-Margaret Knevett 12r James-Ann Heslarton ... 555 Jane-Thomas Oglethorpe.. 314 Jane-William Percehay ... 187 Joane-Anthony Langdale . 129 Joane-Peter Newark ... 92 J ohn-Agnes Calverley ... 9 John-Ellen Fairfax ... 39 Sir John-Mary Gates ... 60 Katherine-Richard Peck... 347 Margt.-Thomas Gascoigne 384 Margaret-William Ellis ... 328 Marmaduke- Jane Midelton 286 Martha-Bartho. Rudding.. 633 Mary-Hugh Bird ... ... 180 Mary-Stephen Hamerton.. 526 Mary-William Plumpton.. 387 *Peter-Ann Stillington ... 633 Ralph-Elizabeth Peck ... 347 Ralph-Ursula Fairfax ... 97 Roger Helen Reresby ... 75 William-Alice Paver ... 559 , 600 170 3 8 4 38 Vavasour, William-Eliz.Beckwi thioi, 113 Vawsey, .-John Robinson ... 631 Venables, Thomas-Ann Gargrave ... 69 Vere, Dorothy-] ohn, Lord Latimer... 628 „ Adam de-Ada Bertram ... 610 ,, Adeliza de-Henry de Essex ... 608 ,, Alice de-John de Laci... ... 608 „ Isabel-Sir William de Aton ...610 „ Richard-Margaret Grey [Percy) 4 L 5 Vernon, .-Gilbert Leigh. 45 ,, Alice-Sir John Savile ... 34 1 ,, Joan-Henry Savile. 34 1 VESCY, OF BRAMPTON. 5«5 Vesci, De, ... 19 7 > 607, 608, 6o 9 Vescy, Emma-Robert Bosvile ... 356 ,, Joane-Robert Percehay ... 186 Vicars, Alice-Thomas Bosvile ... 35 6 >( Joane-James Metham ... 364 ,, Mary-George Holgate ... 533 VINCENT, OF SMEATON ... 636 Vincent, .-John Clervaux ... 413 ,, Dorothy-Thos. Waterhouse 353 Elinor-Thomas Beverley ... 496 \, Jane-Tohn Chaworth ... 503 „ John, Sir-Elinor Crathorne 209 „ Marmadk.-Margt. Snawsell 95 ,, William-Margaret Clervaux 413 Volensby, Henry-Eden Layton ... 258 Waddon, Sir John-Elizth. Brigham [Bellas is) ... . 2 33 Wade, Robert-Ann Lister.290 ,, Thomas-Isabel Maude ... 300 Wadeby, Wm.-Francis Thomson (2, Hunt) . 175 Wadesley, Katherine-Sir John Ever¬ ingham .38 WADESON, OF YAFFORTH ... 584 Wadeson, Elizth.-William Lascelles 185 Wadham, .-Thos. Strangwayes (2, Strangwayes) .202 Wadsworth, Nicholas-Mrgt. Womb- well 366 wen ... ••• ••• ••• WAKEFIELD, OF KINGSTON- UPON-HULL, AND PONTE¬ FRACT . 139 Wakefield, John-Agnes Mering ... 304 „ Thomas-Ann Eland ... 605 Waldby, .-.Constable ... 306 Walden, Elizabeth-GeorgeTalbotf... 46 ,, John-Ann Borough ... 3 Walgott, Margt.-Roger Wilberfoss... 159 Walker, of Doncaster .616 Walker, .-Dorothy Danby (2, Redman) . 292 .-Dorothy Metcalfe ... 553 .-Thomas Hedon ... 151 Alice-John Talbot. 577 Dorothy-Cuthbert Witham 593 Edwd.-Mrgt. Frothingham (2, Haldenby) .147 Walkingham .112 *Walkingham, John - Agnes Staveley 635 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 7 r 9 PAGE Wall, Geo. - Susan Welbury ( Hun - gate) .115 Walleis, Agnes-Sir Rlph. Normanville 348 ,, Elizabeth -Wm. Constable 58 ,, Nichola-Sir Wm. Vavasour 235 Wallen, .-Hugh Waterton ... 104 Waller, Thomasine-Thos. Wormeley 350 ,, William-Margaret Savile ... 324 Walpole, Jane-Charles Ricard ... 567 Walsh, Margt.-William Vavasour ... 345 ,, Thomasine-Robert Witham 260 Walsingham, Elizth.-Sir John Gates (2, Wentworth) ... ... ... 60 Walthall, .-Sir Arthur Robinson 568 1, Thomas-Ann Robinson ... 568 Walton, Ths.-Mary Oglethorpe 275, 314 ,, William-Margaret Aske ... 118 Walworth, .-James Danby ... 292 ,, John Janet Vavasour ... 345 ,, Mrgy.-Percival Thornton 579 ,, Robert-Grace Pulleine ... 280 Wandervile, Isabel-Wm. de Marton 287 WANDESFORD, OF KIRKLING- TON AND H 1 PSWELL ... 269 WANDESFORD, OF PICKHILL 585 Wandesford, .-Chris. Boynton... 4 ,, .-Thomas Mallet... 326 ,, Ann-Thomas Norton... 245 ,, Christ opr.-Ann Norton 244 ,, *Christopher- Elizabeth Bowes (2, Preston) 597 ,, Elizabeth-John Holme 224 ,, George (Sir)-Katherine Hansby .138 *John - Isabel Colvile (2, Fencotes) 164, 200 ,, Rowland-Kath. Went¬ worth... ... ... 378 M Thomas-Mrgt. Pudsey 564 Warburton.-John Carrington ... 500 WARCOPP, OF SIVERDALE ... 376 Warcopp, .-.Wighill ( Thorpe) 410 M .-Elizabeth Dransfield 37 „ .-Stephana Mallory ... 157 ,, Agnes-Leonard Burgh ... 268 ,, Agnes-Talbot Bowes ... 597 ,, Agnes-Thomas Wharton 589 ,, Cuthbert-Eliz. Warcopp 597 Edward-Ann Laton 540, 541 ,, Eliz.-Nicholas Leyburne 44 ,, Elizabeth-Wm. Bate ... 192 „ Margaret-Thos. Wharton 379 ,, Muriell-Robt. Yoward ... 192 ,, Robert-Agnes Goldesbo- rough (Ingleby; 3, Wri- othesley) .283 ,, Thomas-Mary Musgrave 142 Warde.-James Danby.292 .-Sir John Hotham ...W125 .-Ralph Nevill. 6 .-Sir Richard Aldeburgh 279 ’.-Robert Kerresforth ... 622 , | Anne-Alexander Maddison... 274 PAGE Warde, r Chr. (Sir)-Margt. Gascoigne 385 ,, Dorothy-Roger Withes ... 591 ,, Edward-Eleanor Snawsell ... 95 ,, Jane-Richard Ellerker ... 515 ,, Joane-Sir Edwd. Musgrave 143 ,, Margt.-Sir Jno. Norton ... 244 ,, Marmadke.-Ursula Constable ( Wright ).145 fl Mary-George Marshall ... 13c ,, Robert-Grace Rokeby ... 199 ,, Roger-Isabel Daniell ... 125 Wardell, Anne-Richard Lake ... 318 Waring, Henry-Elizth. Fletcher ... 306 Warner, Jno.-Margaret D’Eyvill (2, Hunt) .215 Warnford, George-Ann Dutton ... 242 Warren.-Sir Robt. Rockley ... 343 ,.-Thomas Knevett ... 121 ,, Barbara-Alan Knottesford 349 Warriner, Thomas-Penelope Water- house.353 Warrington, Ann-Charles Young ... 327 WARTER, OF WANSWORTH ... 587 Warter, Margt.-Francis Brigham ... 167 ,, Mary-Wm. Wilberfoss ... 159 ,, Wm.-Elizabeth Vavasour ... 237 WARTON, OF BEVERLEY ... 586 Warton, .-Joan Portington (2, Langdale) ... ... 129 ,, .-Thomas Knevett ...#121 ,, Ann-Peter Langdale ... 129 ,, Michael-Elizabeth Hansby 138 ,, Michael-Katherine Maltby #551 Waryam, Robert-Kathm. de Maltby;/^51 WASHINGTON, OF ADWICK 587 Washington, Bartholomew-I s a b e 1 Eland ... 514,606 M Darcy - Ann Went¬ worth .334 ,, Hellen - Sir William Tempest ... 156, 319 Wass, .-Jane Westhroppe ... 370 ,, Ann-Stephen My lies.556 Wasteneys, .-Katherine Faucon- bridge ( Gascoigne ) ... 384 ,, Agnes-Jno. Laughton ... 542 ,, Gervase-Jane Reresby 75 ,, Hardolpn-Jane Eyre ... 362 Wastlyn, .-RobertOglethorpe... 314 ,, Robert-Elizth. Mikelfield 139 WATERHOUSE, OF HALIFAX, &c.353 Waterhouse,. . - Sarah Lacy (2, Gravener) ... 330 ,, Jane-MethamJackson... 537 ,, Jno.-Dorothy Lacy ... 330 ,, Prudence-Fras. Nevile 340 ,, Robt. - J ane W aterton 105,312 ,, Sibel-Nicholas Bayldon 303 Waters, Ann-Robert Snawsell ... 95 WATERTON, OF WALTON 104, 105, 312 Burgh.104 Waterton, INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 720 PAGE Water-ton, Agnes-Sir Cotton Gargrave 69 Beatrix-Ralph Barnby ... 339 Dionysia-Francis Metham 253 " Eleanor or Margaret-Sir Robert Babthorpe... 102, 599 Eliz.-Edward Percy ... 5 60 ” Eliz.-Thos. Woodrove ... 381 ” Tane-Robert Waterhouse 353 M ]no. (Sir)-Maude Fairfax 96 ” Sir John-Elizabeth Savile 341 Mundane-Thos. Metham ** 106, 252 Richard-Margaret Swift... 576 " Sir Rbt-Margt. Gascoigne (1Clarell; 3, Fitzwilliam) 7 Susan-Nicholas Palmes ... 90 " Sir Thos.-Jane Tempest 319 Watkinson, John-Alice Constable ... 177 Watkyn, Gifford-Catherine Robinson 568 Katherine-Sir Henry Gates 60 Watson, Alexander-Catherine Vaux 229 Ann. Cleyborough (2, Eglesfield) ... ••• 5*4 Ann-Ralph Dolman ... 86 " Ann-William Towrye ... 5 82 Ed ward-Ann Wentworth 375 " George-Barbara Popplewell (Elwick) .- 618 Gilbert-Isabel Lister ... 290 Tane-William Gourley ... 168 * ’ Katherine-George Craven... 174 " Temperance-Thos. Dolman 86 * ’ William-Dorothy Lepton (2, Tew). 2I 4 William-Jane Copley ... 5 ° 8 Wawton, of Cliffe 260, 261, 408 Wawton, Ivetta-Thomas Wytham... 310 Wavte.-Isabel Metcalfe ... 553 J . .^-Margt. Metcalfe (2, Bowes >497 Richard-Annabella Otter- burne ... ••• 555 Weaver, Wm.-Dorothy Leyburne ... 44 Webbe, Jno-HesterBrowne(Afrfo&*//; o Goldesborough). 3°9 WEBSTER, OF FLAMBOROUGH 588 Webster, George-Jane West. 5 88 Robert-Mercy Young ... 327 Weddell, William-Margaret Lister...*546 Weeke, Margery-Thomas Wheatley 590 Weele,’ Robert-Ann Bird (2, Lutton ; o Ingram). 180 Welborne, .-Henry Thomson ... 175 WELBURY, OF LAZENBY ... 5 88 Welbury, .-.Bulmer (2, Low- ther) . 62 3 Eliz.-Sir Lancelot Lowther 623 ’’ Ellen-William Lowther ... 623 John - Susan Hungate * (2, Wall) .115 M Margery-William Norton.. 245 VV'elby, .-. Bray (2, Hall) ... 322 .-Richard Cholmeley ... 221 ” Elizabeth-Sir Chris. Hildyard 51 P AGE Welby, Isabel-Thomas Thurland ... 151 ,, Robert-]ane Manby.626 Welles,.-Margy. Ingleby [Strang¬ wayes)... ... ••• 202, 282 ,, Sir Robert-Elizth. Bourchier 62 Wells, Ann-John Thorpe . 53 „ Henry-Elizabeth Conyers ... 508 „ John-Jane Constable ... 178, 197 Wellom, Matilda-Warinus de Knap- ton . .60 8 WENCELAGH, OF BRANDS- BURTON.150 Wencelagh,.-Jennet Marton ...287 „ George-Ann Saltmarsh... 100 Katherine-Wm. Witham 260 „ William-Ann Rudston .. 126 WENTWORTH, OF ELMSALL AND SOUTH KIRKBY ... 378 WENTWORTH, OF WENT¬ WORTH WOODHOUSE AND WOOLLEY . 374 , 375 WENTWORTH, OF WEST BRETTON 334 Wentworth, .-Ralph Skyres ... 355 ,, .-William Sotheby... 170 t , Agnes-Sir Robt. Constable 71177, 178, »i79, 197, 72198 „ Alice-Robert Ussher ... 350 ,, Alice-Thos. Kerresforth 335 ,, Alice-Wm. Woodrove... 355 ,, Ann-Darcy Washington 587 ,, Ann-Richard Wheatley 590 „ Ann-Robert Popelay ... 335 ,, Ann-WalterHawksworth 299 f , Beatrix-Arthur Kaye ... 320 „ Beatrix-Thomas W r yrrall 349 ,, Dorothy-John Wood ... 592 ,, EUzth.-Bryan Snawsell (2, Barnby) . 95 ,, Elizath.-Fras. Haldenby 305 ,, Elizabeth-Sir Jno. Savile 571 ,, Elizabeth - Marmaduke Monckton ... ... 134 ,, Elizth.-Nicholas Burdett 337 4t Elizth.-Nich. Fitzwilliam 517 ,, Elizbth.-Ralph Denman 346 ,, Elizbth.-Richd. Tempest 357 ,, Elizabeth-Thos. Danby 263 ,, Elizth.-Wm. Arthington 273 ,, Elizabeth-Wm. Ellerker no tt Elizabeth-Wm. Fletcher 306 ,, Elizth.-William Levett 544 ,, Fras.-Thos. Wombwell 365 ,, Fras.-Walter Strickland 166 ,, George-Everild Maltby 551 ,, Isabel-Lionel Portington 562 ,, Isabel-Nich. Wombwell 366 ,, Isabel-Thos. Burdett 337,338 ,, Jane-Robert Trigott ... 304 ,, Jane-William Rockley... 343 ,, John-Anne Hastings ... 373 „ J ohn - J oan Appleton (2, Gargrave)... ... 69 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 721 Wentworth, Kath.-Thomas Gargrave 69 ,, Margaret-Sirjno. Burton 7 ,, Margt.-Lancelot Mount- ford .248 ,, Margt.-Michael Darcy 47 ,, Mary-Richard Langley 117 ,, Mathew-Eliz. Woodrove 381 ,, Mathw.-MaudeMidelton 286 , Michael-Susan Hopton 42 ,, Muriell-Chr. Mountford 248 Peter-Eliz. Gates ( Wal- singham) ... ... «6o ,, Richd.-Isabel Fitzwilliam 7 ,, Thos.-Agnes Bellingham 85 ,, Thomas-Ann Calverley 9 ,, Thos.-Elizabeth Danby 264 ,, Thos.-Eliz. Goodricke... 40 ,, Thos.-Eliz. Woodrove 381 ,, Thos.-Grace Gascoigne 239 ,, Thos.-Margt. Gascoigne 385 ,, *Thos.-Mary Bamburgh 85 ,, Ursula-Geo. Wencelagh 150 ,, Wilkam-Kath. Beeston 322 Weresdale, Dorothy-Ralph, or Rich., Danby .262 WEST, OF AUGHTON, &c. ... 359 WEST, OF HUNSHELF.588 West, Alice-John Bosvile .356 ,, Elizabeth-Ralph Levett ... 544 ,, Eliz.-Richard Gascoigne ... 239 ,, John-Frances Waterton... 105, 312 ,, Mary-Thomas Skyres ... 355 ,, William-Dorothy Arthington 273 WESTBY, OF RAVEN FI ELD ... 363 Westby, .-Eliz.Thorpe (2, Gates) 52 .-Jno. Rokeby.352 .-Thomas Lister ... 548 Ann-Nicholas Levett ... 544 Ralph-Ann Wyrrall ... 349 Robert-Isabel Reresby ... 75 Robert-Isabel Wheatley ... 590 Robert-Lucy Kitson [Ley- bur ne) ... ... ... 44 *Weston, Sir Francis-Anne Pickering (2, Knevett; 3,Vaughan) 121 ,, Henry-Elizabeth Pulleine... 243 ,, Peter-Agnes Dawnay ... 80 WESTHROPPE, OF CORNE- BURGH ... 261,370,408 Westhroppe,.-RichardAskwith... 211 ,, James-Elizabeth Lepton (2, Fairfax) .214 *Wetherall, Ann-EdwardWarton 586, 633 ,, Tames-Audrey Stillington 633 ,, Mary-Thos. Arksey ... 633 Wettend, Robt. de-Maude de Cloth- eram. 2 34 WHALEY, OF DALBY .218 Whaley, Isabel-Thomas Hall ... 322 ,, John-jane Lacy ... ... 161 ,, Thomas-Elizabeth Dyneley [Besley) 2iSbis WHARTON, LORD . 379 PAGE WHARTON, OF HELTHWAITE HILL .589 WHARTON, OF KIRKBY THORE AND GILLING ... 589 Wharton, .-Ann Bray e (Talbot)... 46 „ Agnes-Sir Rich. Musgrave 143 ,, Eleanor-Wm. Thwaites ... 93 „ Henry-Eliz. Musgrave ... 142 ,, Sir Henry-Joan Maleverer (2, Ogle ; 3, Maleverer) 68 ,, Thos.(Sir)-ElinorStapleton 333 ,, Thos.-Mary Marton ... 287 Wheate, Thomas-.Dyneley ... 298 ,, William-.Dyneley ... 298 WHEATLEY, OF WOOLLEY ... 590 Wheatley, .Robert Westby ... 363 ff John-Elizabeth Readhead 566 ,, Richard-Penelope Cutler (2, Phipps) .*2511 ,, Thomas-Dorothy Burdett 337 WHETENHALL, OF HENING... 257 Whetenhall, John-Dorothy Deyvill... 215 Whichcote,.-Ellen Bosvile ... 368 Whitacre .288 Whitacre, John-Elizabeth Marton ... 287 ,, John-Ellen Marton ... 287 White, Ann-George Metham ... 364 ,, Elizabeth-William Bransby 212 ,, Hester-John Manby.626 Whitehouse, .-Frances Cleburne 255 ,, Ann-Thomas Lacy ... 539 Whitfield, Susan-Arthur Sothill ... 275 Whitley, Ann-Richard Wheatley ... 590 ,, Isabel-Michael Wentworth 375 ,, Thomas-Joan Savile ... 329 Whittington,.-Wm. Metham 106, 253 ,, Eliz.-Robert Eyre ... 362 ,, Kath.-Robt. Estoutevile 516 Whitwell, .-Thomas Bellasis ... 231 Whitworth, Elizth.-Robert Legard 54 Wickersley, Hellen-Robert Swift ... 576 Widall, Henry-Ann Lamplew ... 83 Widdesworth, John-Jennet Boynton 8 Widdrington,.-. Metcalfe ... 409 ,, .-Robert Mallory ... 157 ,, Dorothy-Sir Roger Fen¬ wick (2, Constable)... 198 ,, Sir Gerard-. Barton 5 ,, SirGerard-Eliz. Boynton 4 ,, Henry-Barbara Gower 226 ,, Sir J ohn-Agnes Gower 226 Wighill, .-.Thorpe (2, War- copp) .4 IQ ,, -Isabella Marshall ...72410 Wigley, Mary-Roger Gregory ••• 5 2 5 W 1 LBERFOSSE, OF WILBER- FOSSE AND BRIGHAM 158, 159 Wilberfosse, .-John Rudston ... 126 ,, .-Maude Conyers... 165 ,, Elizth.-Wm. Chamber- lay ne ... 176 ,, Jane-Wm. Bulmer 175, 193 ,, Margery-WalterHellard 531 3 A INDFX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. 722 PAGE Wilberfosse, Robert - Alice Conyers [Strangwayes; 3, Creyke) ... ••• 2 °3 William-Mary Warter 587 Wilbraham, Griseld-Robt. Wyrrall 319 Wilcock, Eliz.-Edward Vavasour ... 107 Wildbore, Joane-Robert Ussher ... 35 ° Thos.-Eliz. Lake.318 Wilfleet, Robt.-Kath. Haldenby ... 3°5 Wilkes, Elizabeth-George Greene ... 34 2 ,, Helen-Thomas Lambert ... 289 Henry-Ann Whitacre ... 288 \\ Martha-Thomas Thorpe ... S 3 ,, Thomas-. Huddlestone 288 WILKINSON, OF BOLTON ... 366 Wilkinson, Eufemia-Geo.Waterhouse 353 Hannah-]ohn Mathews... 617 Kathe.-Francis Swale ...276 Margt.-]ohn Dyneley ... 122 Wm.-Bridget Sacheverell (2, Woodrove). 355 Wm.-Tennet Savile ... 57 1 W 1 LLAN, OF J K I N G S T O N- UPON-HULL .637 Williams, Ann-Richd. Lowther ... 623 Margaret-Thomas Layton 259 WILLIAMSON, OF SCAR- BOROUGH. - I ° I Williamson, Ann-George Barton ... 182 , Ann-Wm. Manby 552, 626 ,, Barnaby-Ann Gregory... 525 George-Beatrix Fleming 328 Giles-Frances Bradford 326 J ane-EdwardGoodrick... 40 Thomas - Jane Pudsey (Eure) .613 Willis, Peter-Ann Mathew Willoughby, Edwd.-Elizth. ^rescott 55 2 X Manby) 626 Eliz.-Sir Wm. Eure 205, 613 ” Sir Francis - Dorothy Tam worth (Colby ; 3, Wharton). 379 „ ] oane-Thos. Thurland... 151 Margt.-Sir Thomas de Skipwith .634 Mary-William Metham 106, 253 Robt.-Alice de Skipwith 634 * Robert (Sir) - Sara de Plesley. 73 ,, *Rotheram Wortley „ *Wm.-Elizbth. Willsby, Wm.-Ann Eland ... ~— WILSON, OF MONKFRYSTON 590 WILSON, OF WESTONFIELD 591 Wilson, .-]no. Marshall... .-Robert Dolman Eleanor-Hem*y Green Isabel-Cuthbert Morley Isabel-Robt. Ridley Mabel-Myles Briggs 74 (Sir)-Ann . 59 2 Hildyard 51 514, 606 131 86 238 194 569 497 PAGE Wilson, Judith - Godfrey Goldes- borough. 3°9 Sarah-John Swale ...'jo Thos.-Dorothy Banester ... 369 Thos.-Eliz. Robinson ... 5 68 Thos.-Jane Hopton ... 4 2 Thos.-Margaret Chambers 503 William-Anne Freeston ... 3°9 Wm.-Bridget Oglethorpe... 315 Wilstrop .. ••• 3 8 Wilstrop, Alice-Richard Banke ... 270 Francis-Elinor Evering- ham (2, Cressy) ... 5°9 Myles-Elinor Fairfax ... 96 Wimbishe, Aubrey-Fras. Norton ... 245 Geo.-Ann Ormesby ... 029 Jane-.Alreth ( Goldes - borough; 1, Holme ; 2, Sawmondby) ... 3 6 9 Winckley, .-Thomas Lacy ... 33 ° Winde, Cuthbert-Cecily Mennell ... 250 Windsor, Edward-Jane Arthington 273 , Elizabeth-Sir Peter Vava¬ sour . 116, 237 Wm.-Margaret Clervaux 413, «4i4 Sir William - Nightingale Longvillers ( Gascoigne) 239 Wingfield, .-Sir Hugh Hercy ... 41 ,, Jane-Humphrey Berwick 229 Winkesley, Margaret de-William Slingsby .113 Robt.-Jane Slingsby ... 112 ’ Thos.-Margt. Tresmere 113 WINN, OF GISBOROUGH ... 593 Winnington, Paul-Elizabeth Cutler 511 Winter, George-]ane Ingleby ... 283 Wintringham, Alice-Godfrey Plump- ton. 3 8 7 Joan-Sir William Plumpton.387 Wise, Alice-William Normanville ... 168 ,, Thos.-Alice Bird .180 Wiseman.-.Fitche (2, Pudsey) 294 WITHAM . 4 ° 8 WITHAM, OF BRETTANBY AND LEDSTON. 260, 261 WITHAM, OF LEDSTON ... 310 WITHAM, OF WEST GAR- FORTH . 593 Witham, .-Jno. de Lepton ... 214 Anthony-Ann Midelton ... 286 Catherine-Henry Trotter 582 Cuthbert-Dorothy Rokeby 199 Elizabeth-George Jackson 43 Henry-Margaret Midelton 286 Isabel-James Simpson ... 98 J no.-Dorothy Wycliffe ... 3 77 Margt.-Richard Simpson 98 Margaret-Robert Pepper 560 Mathew-Isabel Heslarton 173 Mary-Thomas Jopson ... 622 Thos.-Agnes Thweng 370,408 INDEX OF PEDIGREES AND MATCHES. Witham, Thomas-Ivetta Wawton WITHES, OF COPGROVE 37 °! 50® Withes, Grace-John Thornton ... 210 >1 Margery-Edward Gower ... 267 *» Robert-Jane Thwenge ... 230 Withyford, .-John Alford ... 486 Wolfe, Jno.-Elinor Lacy .161 Wollaston, Richd.-Beatrix Rawson (Skyres) . . Wolmer, Thos.-Agnes Gibthorpe ... 625 Wolrych, Wm.-Anne Wharton ... 379 Wolson, Mary-Sir Chris. Lowther... 623 WOMBWELL, OF SIVERCLIFF 366 WOMBWELL, OF WOMBWELL 365 Wombwell,.-Ann Savile ... ... 324 .-Nicholas Maleverer #550 Barbara-Nicholas Shier- cliffe .574 Isabel-Francis Stringer... 575 Tohn-Jane Vavasour ... 236 Lyon-Dorothy West ... 359 Margaret-Jno. Wyrrall... 349 Margt.-Thos. Vavasour 368 Margery-Thos. Langley 117 Mary-Rich. Washington 587 Nicholas-Isabel Went¬ worth .375 Rich .-Frances Wentworth 378 Thos.-IsabelArthington... 273 Wm.-ElizabethWoodrove 381 ,, Wm.-Kath. Maleverer... 201 WOOD, OF COPMANTHORPE 392 WOOD, OF WEST LUTTON &c. 124 243 499 133 170 184 275 189 Wood, .-Jno. Pulleyne ... .-Thomas Byelby Agnes-William Barton Barney-Mary Sotheby Cecily-Thos. Savile ... Francis-Eleanor Sothill Katherine-Jno. Wyvill ... Mary-Edward Hutchinson ... 183 Ralph-Ann Pulleine ... 243 Rich.-Isbel. Hilton( 2, Trotter) 180 Robert-Katherine Vavasour 345 Roger-Isabell Daniel ... 125 Thomas-Anne Oglethorpe ... 275 Thos.-Rosamond Lacy ... 330 Walter-Agnes Clapham ... 13 ,, Wm.-Margaret Swift ... 576 Woodburn, .-John Paver ... 559 Woodforth, Rose-John Ormesby ... 629 Woodhall, Margt.-Charles Jackson 308 „ -Margt.-Sir John Gibson 520 Woodhouse, .-Henry Gascoigne 297 ,, Eleanor-SirEd.Hastings 373 ,, Margt.-John Robinson 568 WOODROVE, OF BOLTON ... 355 WOODROVE, OF WOOLLEY... 381 Woodrove,.-Alice Burdett ... 337 ,, -Henry Westby ... 363 ,, -Isabel Barbour ... 356 ,, Ann-John Lacy.331 723 Woodrove, Beatrix-Thos. Wentworth*^ »» Dorothy-Gilbert Leigh ... 4- ,, Eliz.-MatthewWentworth 334 ,, Francis-Elizabeth Nevill 246 „ Francis-Margaret Kaye (2, Frecheville) ... 320 >> Susan-Henry Grice ... 323 Woodville, Ann.-Wm. Bourchier ... 62 Woodward, Wm.-Mary Rosse ... 213 Wootton, Ann-Robert Rudston ... 126 „ Edward-Margt. Wharton 379 >, Sir Edwd. - U rsula Rudston (Dymoke) . 126 ,» Thos.-Elizabeth Rudston 126 Wordsworth, Ann-John Cudworth (2, Cutler ; 3, Morley) . n Wm.-Barbara Constable 71 506 Haldenby, Robert-Ann Boynton ... 8 Harrison, Thos.-Frances, or Dyonis, Holme .224 Harwood, Elizth.-Alexander Dawson 184 Helperthorpe, Sibell-Robt. de Denby 336 Heneage, Robert-Lucy Buckton ... 683 Herle, Robert-Petronella Conyers ... 164 Holland, Joane-Henry Bromflett ... 120 Holme, John-Isabel bnawsell ... 94 f Howard, .-Thos. Strangwayes.. 202 Hutchinson, Edward-Mary Wood... 180 Johnson, Marmaduke-Ann Thwenge 581 Jones, Edward-Jane Tindall.317 Knaresborough, Thos.-Joan Pulleine 243 Lacy, Elizabeth-William Nevill ... 6 3!nDer of 3rms, Grants of arms, monumental inscriptions, ^eals, $c. N.B. — The same Arms often occur more than once on the same page, although only mentioned once in the Index. * Denotes a quartered coat in which the names of the quarterings are not given, and therefore are not indexed. Acclom . Adams Agenall . Aglionby Agullum . Aislaby Alanby PAGE 109*, 284, 400, 650 • 485 400 . 400 400 124, 219, 262 400 Alba Mara, Comes de .27 Aldburgh, or Aid borough, 118, 145,279, 301, 321, 400, 466/7, 644 . . . 608 . 400 486, 650 . 423 400 . «i44*, 650 • 326, 475 122, 412, 649, 651 360*, 400, 473 M.I., 648 455 m.i. Aldeforde Alesford Alford Allemannise Allen Alured Amyas Anlaby Anne Annesley Appleby . Appleyard . Archard . Arden Ardsley . Argum, or Erghum . Arkborne Arthington . Aselay, or Astley Ashley 487 146, 650 400 . 163 477 177, *78 . 624 272, 400, 647 ■ 437 M -1- 599 Ashton . 287, 400, 432 M.r., 473 Aske, 118, 400, 441 M.I., 442, 462, 463, Askwith 487, 643 Aslackby 124 Atherton 70*. 475» 639 Atkinson . . . #489 Aton . 56, 80, 146, 204, 447, 609, 639 Auneby • 489 Aungier . 647 Ay sco ugh 400, 449, 625 Babington 454 m.i., 455 M.I., 456 Babthorpe, 102, 400, 437 M.I., 43 s M.I., 598, 645, 650 Badlesmere . • 448 Baghill . 350 Bagot . 207 Bainbridge 643 Balderston * . . 400,643 Baldington . . 60 Baliol 467, 609 Bamburgh 85, 481, 649 Banester 62, 290, 291, 648 Banke 270, 400, 490, 644, 648 Barkestone . • 645 Barkesworth 217 Barley • 342 Barnby . 339* 478, 562, 640, 647 Barnes . 50* Barningham . . 400 Barton 5. 133. 639, 640 Basforth . 217, 626, 640 Bassett 334. 457. 608 Bate 92, 448, 645 Bawne 489, 649 Baxby 400 Baxter . 316 Bayldon . . 303. 35i» 647 Beake • 45i Beale 493* Beauchamp . • 536 Beaumont 491, 492, 646 Beavot . *491 Bechard . . 400, 646 Beckwith 101, 195, 280, 400, 432 M.I. , 494*. 644, 645, 646 Beeston . 322* , 400, 465 M.I., 6is } 646 Bekard . . 400, 646 Bell 495 Bella Aqua . . 252 Bellairs . 459 Bellasis 231, 443, 641 Bellerby . 61 Bellew 446, 451 Bellingham 400 Bellomonte, Dns. de . . 424 Belscot . 98 Belthorpe 93 Beltofte . 400 Berdsey 400 Berners . 400 INDEX OF ARMS, ETC. 7 28 Berwick Besley Bethell Betun Beverley Beverley Seals Bigod or Bygod, Bindlosse Bisset Blackbome . Bland Blenkinsopp Blennerhassett Blisworth Blithe, or Blythe . Bold . Bolingbroke Bolling Bolton Bonville Booth Borough Borwick . PAGE 126, 229, 640 218*, 640 . 241 27 496, 64s 49 174, 401, 441» 595 * > 649 . 622 378, 400, 478 . 400 269, 642 . 400 400 • 400 321, 646, 648 . 400 346 • 3 l6 224, 238, 297 • 639 304, 427 M.I. 3 *> 643 400 Bosvile, 292, 338*, 340, 356, 419, 4 2 °» 4 22 475 » 477 / 8 / 9 - 6 47/8 Boteler . 4 °° Boughton, als. Raughton 249, 7*409 - ’ • .62, 640 478 400, 596*, 642 Bourchier Bourton Bowes Bowett Box . Boynton Bozon Bracewell. Bradbourne . Bradford . Bradley Brailsford. Brampton Braybrooke Breston Breton, vel Brettonby Bridge 424, 426 M.i • 475 4, 8*, 400, 413, 447 - 6 5 ° 243. 459 3*9 419 M.I. 326, 646 . 400 24I • 585 425 • 478 478 . 460 Brigham .... 167, 649 Britleville . . • 4 ^ 3-4 Brocket . • 4 2 4 » 4 2 5 M>1 * Brooke .... 3 10 Browam .... 228 Browne . • . 68, 130, 643 Brus . . 70, 130, 252, 412, 421 Buckton . • • 127, 400 Bullock .... 498 Bulmer . . 25, 193, 642, 649 Bunny . . . . 77 646 Burdett . . 242, 336, 338, 647 Burgh 248, 254, 268, 284, 400, 413, 415, 462 m.i., 607 Burton Busby Byerley Bygod. See Bigod. Byrnand 2 77 . 3 ° 4 » 644/5 412 . 400 102, 401 Calteby Calthrop . Caltoft Calverley. Calvert Campeny Canterbury, See Capdow . Carr . Carrington Cartwright . Carvile Casse Castleford Caterall Caterick . Cavalier Cave Cawood Cawton . Cayle Cayley Cecill Ceel Cerff, or Sheriff Chaloner^* Chamberlayne Chambers Chapman Chaumont Chaworth Chaytor . Cheney Chetwynd Cholmeley Clapham Clayton Cleasby . Cleburne Clervaux . Clifford Clifton Clitheroe Cloth eram Clough Cockayn . Cockerell Coghill Colleby Collins Colvile PACE 461 M.I. 401 . 457 9, 646 • 500 478 426, 429 60 . 602 5 °° . 501 . S 3 S 348 291, 401, 648 255*, 642 450, 480 437 M.I., 439, 44 ° 426 M.I. 502 428 M.I. 318 . 642 432, M.I. . 412 473 - 6 46 176*, 649 . 622, 641 430 M.I. , 604 282 454 - 455 M.I., 457 - 5°3 412 148*, 609 448 219, 639, 640 12, 401, 644 . 290 642 255 642 401, 412, 412 M.I., 427 M.I., 432, 6lO, 648 401 . 238 7*234 418, 504 401 • 505 505 . 77636 . 429 M.I. _ 200, 269, 279, 4OI, 413 Conan, Duke of Brittany . • 27 Constable 56*, 146, 177, 178, 196, 306* 401, 444M.i., 461, 506/7, 640, 649, 650/1 Constables of Chester . . 28 Conyers 61, 70, 82, 156, 199, 200, .202, 241, 269, 401, 472, 508, 595, 641/2/3/4 Cooke .... 33 1 Cooper .... 602 Copeland .... 4 01 Copley . 10*, 301, 508, 526, 646/8 Coppindale .... 640 Cornubiae . . • 4 2 3 M - T - INDEX OF ARMS, ETC. 729 Covell Crackenthorpe Cramlington. Cranmer . Crathorne 207' Cresswell Cressy Crewer, vel Croyer Creyke Crofte Cromwell Crosse Crossland Croyer Cumberworth Currer Curwen Cutler 2 67, PAGE . 642 . 401 • 254 458 m.i., 459 4or, 449 m.i., 641 149, 650 509 . 645 Dakins Dalby Dalton Danby Daniell Darcy 401 8 *, 11 213 163, 650/1 643 . 178 401 . 500 213 1 77 . 178 5io 401, 423 169, 639, 642, 650 650 141, 401, 639 . 38, 128, 202, 262, 292*, 463/4, 641, 643 124, 651 47*. 70, 186, 202, 299, 445, 449, 595 . 643/8 . . 80, 82, 83, 84, 434 87, 460, 640 . 98 . 401, 465 M.I. 80*, 84, 401, 433/4, 641 184, 512, 639 118, 295 Darell Darley . Dassett Davile Dawnay Dawson . Dawtrey Deane De Canci De Fuljeriis De Gaunt De Insula De la Hay . De la More . 136 De la Pole . De la River . 38, 219, De la See De Loraine Denman Denton . De Ros De Stutevill De Vesci. See Vesci. D’Eyncourt . Deyvill . no, 215, 401 Dighton Dixwell . Dodsworth . Dodworth Dolman Doncaster Town Seals Donham Donnington Doran d Dransfield Drax • 459 , 5*3 • 25 27 27, 607 610 . 627 4OI, 446 M.I. • 445 401, 404, 601 • 447 27 . 46 401 . 27 . 26 74 , 401 465 M.I., 641 428 M.I. 98* . 266 . 302, 643 86, 651 354 • 37 38 . 401 37 , 334 , 378, 478/9 342, 480, 644. 649 Drew PAGE • . . 90 Duffield 430 M.I. Dukinfield 401 Duncalfe . 141 Dutton . . . . 241 Dyneley 122, 297, 298, 301, 423, 647, 651 Edmonson . • 5*3 Eglesfield . 155, 401, 640 Eland 207, 341, 475/6, 580, 604*, 606, 645/6 Elioth . 132 Ellerker IIO, 136,401, 446 M.I., 640, 651, «5*5 Ellerton 279, «377 Ellis 135, 178, 328, 453, 471, 515, 645/7 Elmedon . 401 Eltofte . 301, 401, 648, 651 Elwick 133 , 651 Elwood . 6zi England. See France . 417, 430 Erghum. See Argum . Errington . 231 Estouteville 608 Etherington . . 516 Etton . 219, 401 Eure 56, 82, 146, 204, 607, 640 Everingham 38*, 178, 647 Exilby . . . 642 Eyre . 362*, 466 M.I. Fairfax . ; 39*, 96*, 424, 639, 64T, 644 Falays . 342 Falefaunt 416 Farley 639, 640 Fauconberg . 70, 421 Fauconbridge 186, 424, 516 Fawcett . . . . 422 Fawkes IOO, 644 Feild 317 Fenton . 227, 430 M.I., 640 Fenwick 88, 401 Ferrand • 5 i 7 Fetherstonhaugh . . 401 Fincham . 62 Fitz Henry 199,401,413,633 Fitz Hugh . . 178, 611 Fitz John 342 Fitz Nigel . 608 Fitz Ralph . . . 401 Fitz Randolph . 37, 380, 401 Fitz Walter . . . 609 Fitzwilliam 7,342, 401, 411, 418,421, 445, 450, 463, 517 Fleming 60, 401, 473, 646 Flower *518 Foljambe . 401 Folkingham 225, 466, 647 Forster 88, 316, 477, 618*, 645 Fowbery . . . . 117, 651 Fox . 418 M.I., 641 France and England . . 4 x 7 Frankland . 644 73 ° INDEX OF ARMS, ETC PAGE Franke 238, 297, 461 M.I., 72519, 619, 642, 647 Freeston . . 3 ° 9 *» 475 » 646 Friskney . no Frobisher 646 Frost. 475 M.i. Frothingham . i 47 » 650 Fulbaron . 401 Fulnetby. 33 1 Fulthorpe . 206, 269, 401, 641 Fumival . 3 ° 5 . 333 » 4 T 7 * 4 X 9 Gale . . 644 Garbrother 648 Gargrave 68, 647 Garnon . . . 627 Gascoigne 238, 246, 297, 412, 453 M.I., 463, 466/7/8 M.I., 472/3/5. 641/2/5/6/7/8 Gale . • 644 Gates 60, 639, 650 Gatonby . 642 Gibson . 520 Gibthorpe 454 M.I., 455, 624/5* Gifford . 521 Gillcott • 293 Girlington 284, 642/3 Glanvile . . . 619 Gobion . 401 Goddard 30I, 321 Golcar . 34 1 Goldesborough 369*, 401, 644 Goodricke . . 40, 644 Gotham 74, 420 M.I. , 42I Gower . 226, 267, 401, 478, 640/1/2 Grace . 238 Gramatices . 425 M.I. Green . 342 401, 522, 642, 648/9 Gregoiy . 525 Grenewood . 427 M.I. Grethed . 6l Grey . 70, 193, 401, 639 Greystock . 447, 612 Grice • 323 Griffith . 401 Gnmston 132, 154, 226, 425, 460, 650 Grindall . . 8, 136, 401, 447 Grove, ah. Graves . . . 620 Haldenby 305*, 480 Hall 322, 423, 480, 621 Hamelton . 252 Hamerton . 526, 648 Hammond . • 645 Hans, or Hansby 138 & M.I. Hansard 402, 439, 442 Hardwicke 466 M.I., 648 Harebred 527, 645 Hargill . 37 i Harrington . 342, 402, 650 Harrison 527 Hart . . 621 Haseldon Haslerton. See Heslarton. PAGE Hastings • 372 , 4 ° 2 Hatfield 402 Hatton . 241 Hawardine . . 402 Hawick . 1 3 ° Hawkes • 4°2 Hawksworth 299, 437, 648 Haye . 118 Headon Town Seals. . 59 Heaton . 238 Hebblethwaite 240 Hebbome . 621 Hebden . 3*9 Heber • 529 Hedon . . 15 1 # 650 Hellard . 53 1 Herbert , 53 ° Hercy . 41 Hersick . 402 Hesleden . 347 Heslarton 173 402, 650 Heveningham • 402 Hewick . 295 Higden 430 M.I. Hildesley . ’ . . 532 Hildyard 50*, 402, 446, 649, 651 Hilton 402 Hippon • 7*532 Hodson . 533 Holforthe 633, 639 Holland . 429 Holme 148, 152*, 224, 439, 640 Holmeden 568 Holmes . 361*, 428 m.i., 431, 649, 651 Hoo, or Howe . . . 242 Hopperton . • 534 Hopton . . 402, 646 Horbury 402, 592 Horsfall . 7*534 Horsley 180, 650 Hotham . . 89, 651 Hoton 402, 621 Houghton 402 Howe, or Hoo . 242 Huddleston 402 Hudson 465 M.I. Hungate . 114, 223, 402, 435, 471, 640/5/8, 651 Hunston 626 Hunte • 431 Hussey . 650 Hutchinson . • 183 Hutton . . 378, 402, 477, 536, 625 Hyde . 402 Hynde . 186 Ingleby 282. 402, 424/5, 460, 644/5 Irton 42 * Jackson 43. l8 5 . 3 o8 > 537 / 8 > 643/6 Jenkins . 37 i Jopson 402, 622 INDEX OF ARMS, ETC. xr PAGE Kay 320, 323, 476 M.I, 476, 480 bis , 646 ar.•. • • • z Kendau . 4^2 Kenley . . 224 Sr - . 335 * 4 ° 2 i 477, 649 KiUingbeck ' ' 4 ° 2 ’ «« £i Ilome • • .402 Kingston . ... 402 Kingston-upon-Hull Town Seals 140 Kirkbride . . Jpkby . • ’ . 43. 580 Kirkstall Abbey . .463 Knight .... 436 m.i. Knapton, Lord of . . .608 Knowles . Knowlesley . Kyme 459 539 282 Lacy _ , 447 . 453 M.] Lake . Lakebume Lambert Lambton Lamplew Lancaster Barons of. }2S, . • 539» 607, 647/9, 650 318, 481, 646 402 288, 648 182 • 88, 155, 402 252, 623 7 ° Langdale . 129, 190*, 402, 651 Langholme .... 437 Langley . . . . u 7 , 651 Langton 402, 428 m.i., 442, 463 m.i., 464 M.I. Lascelles 56, 61,146, 185, 281, 402, 445/6, 461/2, 641 Lassenby Latham . Latimer Laton, or Layton Laughton Lavington Laward . Lawson Laynesford Leake Ledsham Lee . Leech Leedes Legard . Leming Lepton . Leventhorpe . Leversedge Levett Lewis Leyburne Lindley . Lister Longvillcrs 225 302 1 460, 642 247 , 457 . 402 258/9. 403, 541 *, > 2542 , 641/2/3 542 . 403 45 i 93. 216, 254, 643/4 403 41, no 4 i 3 403, 426, 647 . 403, 454 464 M.I., 646, 651 • 54> 651 • 543 214, 403, 641 330. 423 246 475 . 543 * • 478 , 545 44 *) 403 90, 547, 645 290, 546, 548*, 648 403 Lounde Loraine , Lovell Lowther Lucy . Lumley . Lutterell Lutton Magnus Malbis Maleverer, 1 432 Malham Malkake . Mallet Mallory . Maltby Man Man, Isle of Manby . Mansell Manners . Manston Mapleton Markinfield Markinton Marmion Marshall Martheley Martindale Marton Mathew . Maude Mauley . Maultby Mayne . Melton Mennell Meres Merfrell Mering Metcalfe 47 73 1 PAGE J 86, 403, 439 M.I. 62 47 . 222, 403, 640 4 ° 3 » 423. 44 2 > 623* 417, 424, 623 ‘ a 4 6 7 . 433 x 72 , 4 ° 3 » 580, 650 433 M.i. ,•* 0 • 39.96,424 67 . 83, 93, 200, 279, 403, r *» 433 / 4 . 461, «55o, 645/8 295, 648 624 3 2 5) 326, 646 x 56, 174. 645 • 551 552 . 247 552 , 624/6 . 624 • 639, 645 403, 467 M.I. 651 . 252 112 412, 461 130, 448 M.I., 640 . 301 403 287, 403, 648 552 300, 645, 648 * 97 . 367. 403, 452 m.i. , 595 . 194 150 418 M.I. 70, 202, 250, 295, 641, 642 • 351 403 304. 647 - -- 249, 409, 460. 580, 641/3 Metham, 252, 432, 438 m.i., 440 m.i., 478, 650 Methley .... 475 Midelton, 102,286,403, 431 m.i., 432 m.i., 453 . 472 M. 1., 478, 645 . 139 628 Mickelfield Mileson . Minshull Mirfield . Misperton Mitford . Molyneux Monckton Moore More Moresby Morgan . Morley Morton . Moseley . 241 378, 403, 473 m.i., 478 462 m. 1. 609 . 403 133 . 171. 650 12, 650/1 • 35 L 355 281, 403 • 5. 627 . 194 649 • 555 7 32 Moulton . Mounteney Mountforth Mowbray Moyser . Mulcaster Musgrave Musters Nandick . Nash. Nelson . Nesom Nessfield Nettleton Nevile INDEX OF ARMS, ETC. PAGE 625 . 340, 343 4 ° 3 » 649 248, 285,639, 649 . 25,282,467 . 223, 640 • 403 , . . * 4 2 * . 269 557 • 625 646 . 412 • 1 77 , 278 . ’ . . • **557 6, 56, 70, 71, 246,268*, 340, Newark . Newby Newmarch Newton Norcliffe . Norfolk Norman JVUC . /w, / —T-- ' - ■ 403, 412, 421, 422, 463/4, 4 ^ 9 ^ 470 ^^ 92, 427 M.I., 436M.I., 644/6 . 313, 646 . ’ . . 403. 547 80, 254, 645, 651 558 ■ 96 _ ...» **558 Normanville . 74 > 7 6 » l6 *» 34 8 , 4 ° 3 . 419 M.I., 420 M.i. 4 2I > 650/1 Norton . • 24 ,*. 4 ° 3 . 648 Nottingham . • • 4 2 9*4 .i. Nowell . • • 473 . 6 47 Nunwick . • • I 5 ° Nuthill . • • 339 Oglethorpe . 275, 314, ** 34 . 3 T 5 . 47 ®. & 646/8/9 Ormesby . . • 403. 629 Ormeston . • • 43 ° M * 1, Orrell . 449 Osgodby, als. Wright . ■ 449 M- 1 -* Osmonderlowe . • • 4°3 Otterborne . • • , 12 ’ Oughtred, orUghtred 403, 43, 44 1 / 2 , 650 Overton . . • <47 M.I., 448 Oxcliffe . 4°3 Oyleth . w 3 i 4 Oyri . . • * 56 Padley Paganell . Pakenham Palmes Parker Parkins . Paslewe Paston Paver Pearson . Peck Peirce Pelleson . Pennington Penny man Pepper PAGE Percehay • 186, 403, 448. 639 Percy 24, 80, 199. 202, 2 77 > 281, 4 12 * J 424, 6io, 651 . 242 462 • 4°3 326 . 281, 403, 467, 631 3 2 5 347 472 M.I. Perers Perte Perwings Peytevin Pickering Pictavensis . • 3 62 178 4.28 M.I,, 436 CO, 645, 650/1 425 M. I. 558 562, 648 34 1 * 457 • **559 559 [.,4.73 M.i., 646 . 560 . 428 M.I. • 403 . 206, 641 Pigbourne . • • 343 Pigot 225, *234, 302, 380, 4 ° 3 > 4 ° 3 > 4 ° 5 /° Pilkington. 109, 473 MI *. 47 °. 5 ° 2 Pinkney . 210 Pirton . 3 Place. • • • 4°3 Plesley • • • * 74 Plumpton . • 386, 4 ° 3 > ^45 Pollard . • ■ l8 8» 448 , 639 Pollington . • 262, 334 . 374 Pontefract Town Seals . 3 11 Poole . • • 35 i*. 4°3 Popelay . ■ 335 * 647 Portington 403, 419 M.I., 443M.i., 562,649 • 178 287 435 M.i. 294*. 403, 477, 642/8 242, 280, 645 Potto Poucher Preston . Prophete Pudsey, . Pulleyne Quadring Quincy Quixley . 626 4 2 7 270 206, 244, 295, 404, 641/7 565 Radcliffe Ramsden . Rashdale Rasing Raughton, vel Boughton Rawdon . Rawson Redman 93, 99, ** 99 . ~tt» • - 463/4, 466, 468, 580, 640, 648 Remonby. •• • 4°4 Rempston . • • 301, 321 Reresby 74*, 76, 4 I 8 , 4*8 M.i., 4*9 M - L » 420 M.I., 421 M.I., 422 M.i.1 649 • 475/6 181 249, ^4°9 **565 . 35i 244, 285, 404, Reskemer. Restwold Ricard Richmond Ridley Risby Rishforth . Ritford Roaldus . Roane Robinson. Rockley 343, 40 Rocliffe . Rogers Rokeby D nllpctrm 475 . 77, 312, 471 567 * . 26,254 569 • 136 . 341, 646 . 4°4 462 • 4 i 9 568, 632/3 463 M.I., 472 M.I., 649 282, 285, 383, 426 M.I. • 568 * 128, 199, 641/2/7 INDEX OF ARMS, ETC Roos, or Rosse Rotherfield Rotherham . Routh Rudston Russell Rylstone PAGE 213, 404, 424, 426/7, 448, 569, 639, 645 478 426, 573 404, 570 61, 126, 6si 447 61, 70, 404, 468 Ryther 109,118,145,404,424, 467M.1., 648 St. Amand .... n 6 26 St. Paul .... 472 St. Philibert. . 301, 321, 333 St. Quintin 61, 70, 127, 153, 162, 176, 404, 446 M.I. Salkeld . . 228, 404 Salley . . . . 471 Saltingstall . . . 570 Saltmarsh . . too, 650 Salveyn . . . 367*, 404, 641 Sampson .... 404 Sandford .... 404, 424 Sandys .... 404 Santon .... 439 m. i. Sarley .... 404 Savage .... 429 Savile 329*, 341*, 358*, 404, 472 m.i., 473, 474 M.i . f 47s, 476 M.i., 572, 639, 646/7 Saxton . . . .186 Sayer .... 641 Scargill .... 404, 604 Scarisbrick. See Skarbrook. Scorthose.... 278 Scott, a/s. Rotherham . . 573 Scriven . . .112 Scrope 37, 380, 424, 426, 432, 464, 632*, 643 Scudamore .... 573 364. 404. Sedgwick . Segrave Senior Senzo, a Is. Sevezaux Serlby Sheffield . Sherwood Shiercliffe. Sholmestred Shorthose. Shuckburgh Skarbrook, or Scarisbrick Skarsby Skelton . Skeme Skipwith . Sky res Slingsbv . Smethlev Smith Snaith Snawsell . Sotheby Sothill 94 61 479 > 639 194 447 M.I. 455 » 6 47 > 649 . 427 M.I. . 246 • 404. 574 . 118 404 • 437 404 . 478 169, 376*, 404, 651 108 ♦ 178, 445 • 355 112 404, 645 • 435 625 . 604 465 M. I., 644 170, 651 178, 33*» 404. 645 Southworth Sowlby Spayne Speke Spence Spencer . Spring Stafford . Stanhope Stanley . Stansfeld Stapleton 252, 301, Staveley . Staynton Steresby . Stillington Stockdale. Stodelay Stodowe . Stopham Strangwaye; Strelley Strickland Stringer Strowther. Sturmy Surtees . Sutton Swale Swift . Swillington Swynborne Swynnow. Symson Sywardby Taillard Talbot Talboys Tancred . Tankersley Tempest <7 Tenant Thimbleby 733 . 99 643 . no 448 . 643 458, 639,640 . 404 404 . 404 . 247,404, 647 • 475. 647 c > 33 2 » 333. «333- 404, 419, 644/6 . 404, 645 • 335» 473 m . i . 404 .111, 633, 650 410 . 412 • 404, 435 m . i . . 404 202, 404, 449, 641 . 651 166, 404, 623, 649 • 575 450 177 * * 9 6 404 12, 425, 446. 450 . 276, 643 4 i 9 » 576 , 582, 649 405 405, 578 254 . 7*98 405 . 247* • 46*, 405. 577 . 641/3/8 282, 424 216, 271, 278, 403. 641/5 .341, 475, 604 I 5 I . 2 44 » 2 93 > 3 I 9 > 4 ° 5 > 647 578 578 Thirkeld, ul Threlkeld 281, 405,450, 651 Thirlwall. Thomlinsoi . Thomson . Thoresby Thomaby. Thornboroigh Thornhill Thornholrre . Thorold . Thornton Thorpe 53, Threlkeld Thurland Thwaites Tilney. 405 #217, 641/3 300, 480, 634, 648 635, 643 194 . 148 341, 475, 477, 647 . 166 . • 405 12, 210, 241, 264, 296, 405, 580, 640, 641, 643, 647, 649 293, 428 M.I., 624, 640, 651 281, 405, 450, 651 151, 647 93 - * 75 *, 405 , 436 , 453 > 469, 481, 644 02 INDEX OF ARMS, ETC. 734 Thwenge 230, 260/1, 370, 467 Tocketts Towers . Townley . 443 . 4 6 4 Trentham. Trigott Trotter . Truslove Trussebut. Trykingham . Tunstall, 168, 213, 405, 4 22 > Turton Twisleton . Twitle Twyre Tyndall Tyrwhitt . Tyson . • l 49 PAGE 405, 434 M - T -' M.T., 640, 651 .195. 449 . 6 4 * . 625 M.I., 465 M.I. . 424 M.I. . 3°4 582 582 448 • no , ’583. 59 2 * 6 4 2 . 478 . 583, 646 • 585 127, 144. I 7 6 «3 I 7. 646 148 204, 585. 6o 7 PAGE Waterhouse . • • • 6 49 Waterton 102, 104, 312*. 405, 466 , 410, 473 . 477 . 764 Ughtred, orOughtred 403, 405, 44 1 / 2 - 6 5° Umfreville 5*. 2 »2 Urswick . ^Oo Usheet • • 305. 333 Usher . • *350,477 Uvedale . • * 642 Valonges . • • • Vaughan . • 120, 583,650/1 Vaux • • • 228, 405. 448 Vavasour, 116*, 235, 345> 3 6 8. 4°5. 4 2 3. 429, 450.45XM.I..45-. 477/8,^. 64s, Verdon • 475 Vesci Villiers. Vincent . Vipont Waddington Wadesley Wadeson. Wake. Wakefield. Wakerley Walburne. Waldron Walker . Walkingham. Wallop . Walton Wandesford Warcopp Warde Warren. Warton. Warwick Washington Wasteneys . 25. 56. 146 413 . Waverley Wawton . Webster Welby . Weldon Welles, Lord Wells Wencelagh Wensley Wentworth 204, 585, 607 . 454 636, 642, 649 • 405 . 319, 648 • 405 584 • 405 139 • 405 61 . 608 616 . 112 478 . 442 . 269, 642 376*, 405, 642 405, 486, 642, 648 • 459 586 • 405 i 5 6 - 587> 649 148, 405 West Westby Westhroppe Wetherall Whaley . Wharton. Whatton Wheatley Whelpdale Whetenhall Whittington Whytryg Wighill . Wikersley Wilberfoss Wilkinson Willan . Williamson Willieby . Wilson Wilsthroppe Withes Wolveden Wombwell 365, 366* , . 59 2 260/1 . 588 626 • 4^2 47 i 68, 405 150, 447 M.I. . • • 651 334. 334*. 374*. 37|*. 478, 646, 647/9 . 359. 588 363*. 6 45- 649 . 370, 640 . 633 2I 8 379- 589*. 6 44 458 M.I., 459 475- 477. *59<> 405 257. *H 3 . 362 • 405 651 . 593 i 5 8 . 366 637 181, 640 76 4 405, 424, 644 • S9i . 427 M.I. 405, 418, 477. 649 Wood . 124, 476 M. 1., 478, 592, 644 Woodhall . « 3 ° 8 . 475 . 47 8 m.i., 537 Woodrove • • 355 * 473 » 6 47 Wormeley . 35 ° Wortley . • • 4 ° 5 > 593 . °47 Wray . • • .642 Wright . * 45 . 449 Wycliffe . 279, 3 77 . 4 C> 5 > 6 4 2 » 6 44 Wylde 593 Wyman *\ 2 97 Wynn . 593 Wyrrall . • • _ • 349 Wytham 260/1, 434 M.I., 622, 642, 646 Wyvill . 189, 380, 640, 643/4 Yaxley . • • • 6 44 York City Seals . . 4 8 , 434 lf Archbishop 382, 461 m.i., 552, 645 Young .. • 327. 43 ° M.L, 593 Yowaid . I 9 2