}y' ^^ ^^ f.:^' (:^^' (^y Ci^ c3>' v:^:: TBI ^ rrS "^T" "TM} ejw^j y r^ ^^ p^ i^n« p.^ 'U- 1 ^;i iia il ' S G JL F X ►♦■K^'3i^#«<^— . BY A LADV, / ■ m % ^5) *1 m yor"k: ! Printed by J. Kendrew, Colliergate. m©SlSBD"lBSS^ ul^ \dt^ F II O N T I S P I K C E . ^^ .f^. V m t^m 01) ^:-- IN e-J (-. 4 i#) m ^"^^f, <<-> "f*!^ -r«>, .-o^ "s^ ■0- Ah I who is it totters aiorig. And leans on the top oFhis stick, His wrinkles are many and long. And iiiis beard is grown silver aod thick. No vigour enlivens his frame. No cheerfuhiess beams in his eye ; His limbs are enfeebled and kinie, And he seems to be going to die. H [G'^^ \-^*-^^ i^- "^l a B uwi-^ aces^asaBEf-eagEsatgargg^ lliW ■'■ .i-.'-.V. \\\ -■-•: V. •-*-'.' ^, *^'\\\ -■■■•.•.•. ■•■.V.'.\ \ v^--' Vv.V r?». JVA •.-•■■ -,v.'V. \ '. — > »>>v\ f*;! ■fliVWtilf ■ "liiW-iirf niiMir .li r ,■-1-' — 'VVwrT. ^ 1 .Q^is J::^aJ:^?.^j^ii What book ought I to love the best^ And on its truth securely rest, The Bil>k\ ■0. What tells me of my fallen state, And how GoJ can me new create. The Bible. What points me to the Lamb of God, To trust in his atoning blood. The Bible, .^ '0- What warns me to abstain from sin, And tends to make me pure within. The Bible. What teaches to relieve the poor. And mec!'cine for the sick procure. The Bible. 6 .0- What teaches me to love mv foe, And acts of kindness to him shew, The Bible. What tells me of that state of bliss, Where I shall never do amiss, The Bible, i What can support my drooping* Iieacl^ When J am laid on my death-bed, The Bible. ><^<^>--' v'-s;X-o<^ re - - (1/h. And glacUiCns all I see ; It conies to give us heat and ligi^t. How lliaiiklul sliouid we be ! ii God nicide th^e pretty bird to fiy, How sweetly has she sunic ; And tho' she soars so very high. She M on't forget her young. ,1^ Go:;] made the caw to give nice muiC, Tiie horse, i^^r me to n^e ; V\\ treat them kinclW ibr his s:ike. Nor dare his gifts abuse. God maiie the water for rny drhik, Gad n-ia.Ie the iish to swira, God made the trees to bearnice Hant,. 'hich do^^ ray t^ste so nicely suit; O how shoiiUi 1 love hhn 1 10 ■0- Thrice welcome to my opening' eyes The niorniii.1^ bearo, v/liich bids iii rise To all the jo}*^ of 'youth ; For tl)}.^ protection wliilst 1 sleep, () Ix)rd ray huiTible thanks accept, And bless nyy liv)S with truth. e ir ^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^__^ \ii. .1 [3ii2S£^^^fe^SSaSS^SiS^^.r. jir'-^jB^^<&siS -CJ. IJke clieerfal birds, as I bee;]!i This clav, O keep mv soul from sin — And all tbinj^s slial! be xacIL Thou gav'st me bealth, and clotbes, and food, Preserve me innocent and ^ood^ 'Till ev'nin^' curfew bell. 12 <3ol^^ to Bed at '•;ai .o. Beceive my body, pretty bed ; Soft pillow, O receive my head, And thank my parents kind, Those comforts who ibr me provide; Your precepts stilJ shall be my guide. Your love Til keep in mind. ' 1$ ■0- My hours mispent this day I rue, My good things done, how very few ! Forgive my faults, O Lord ! This night, if in thy grace 1 rest. To-morrow 1 may rise refresh' d. To keep thy holy word. 1 IlTv:3.n fC'W a GMld. ^J«t:»i,f^*JiA j.w:?^.Vi» :-w-«»»* -—•«*" The rose bud yet unblown, may lie VVIther'd across the way ; Tlie lamb amidst the flock may die, The grave unthought of may be nigh To children young as tlieye 15 Oh, let not one short day be past. Without a pardon souglit : Many a day ha-^ proved tlie hist, And suddeuly their lot been, cast. Who little fearM or thouojht. Now, Saviour, bless me : thien^ wdiene'er My life or death may be, There shall be left no cause for fear ; For, if remov'd from living here, A heav'n remains for nie. J. Kpiidrt'w, Printer; "^ oik. 35-1 b^0+ 2^ y>^. ^2 ^^ >^* ^■^ '^\-;-^.^l'|;'~;f--'- ."/( ^'^•'. ^,' 5 aiM^Miiir ill