8 {peak fo well of him, and whom I love for what yoa faid of him and to this profefllon of love be added a fubftantial proof, it) giving to the poor hit.nds Of J.'fus all he pouefTed in the world. ~ 3 The gofpel is luthcient M fupport the mtnd :n the immediate pro.fpe.ft of death. Jofeph d:d act comfort Inmlelf with the thought that he ^ was no w ri'e than his neighbours, and therefore as God was merciful he would be fafe enough. The atonement of Chiiil was the only and excluftve ground of his hope and confidence in the view of death, judgment, and eternity. Being juuified by faith, he nad peace with God through die L^rd Jefus Ciirift, and r joiced. in hope of the glory w>f God. The Dying Chriftian's Addrefs to Its Sou'. VITAL fitark of heavenly flarn't ! Quit, oh ! quit thi< mortal fiame ! Trembling, hoping, ling'. ing, flying, Oh ! the pain, the blifs of dying ! Ceafe, fond nature, ceaie thy ttrife, And let me languiQi into life. Hark! they whifper; angels fay, — " Sifter fpirit, come away !" What is this abforbs me quite ? Steals my (enfs, (huts my fight ? Browns my fpiri.s, draws n:y breath ? i Tell me, my foul, can this be Death? The woild lecedes! it difappears ! Heaven opens on my eyes ! my cars .With founds -feraphic ring . Lend, lend your wings ; 1 mount ! I fly I .0 Grave ! where is thy victory ? • O Death I where is thy fting ? AN ACCOUN r OF THE CONVERSION and DEATH OF POOR JOSEPH. 7e icbicb ii added, The Dying Chriftian's Addrefs to his Soul. By JlEX. POPE. Printed by J! Marfliall, Newcaftle. IVhcre way olfo be had, a large and interejtihg GolitSien ej' Religious Bo 'jk:^ Tracls, S-rmevu fcfo 4 oh¥un?' 'Ah, no (lays he) Jofeph can act nothing— Jofeph hss nothing to Uy for himfelf, but that he is the chief of fin- : yet feein^'that it is a faithhil laying, that Jelus, he who made all things, came into the world to fave finners, why may not Jofeph, after all, be faved ? One man, finding out where he heard this dcctr'nte, on which he dwelt fo um- formlv, and with fuch delight, went and aiW'Dr. Calamv to come and viht him. He came, but Joleph was now very weak IfftS had not fpoken for fome time and ihbugh told of the Doctor's arrival, ha took no notice of him ; but when the Doctor began to fpeak to him, as (oon as lie heard &e found of his voice, he in. ftantly fprang upon his elbows, and eiz- ing him by his hands, exclaimed as loud as he could, with his now feeble and trem- biing voice, <0,Sir! you are the Of the Lord Jefus, whom I heard peak fo well of him. Jofeph is the chief fibers , but it is a faithful faying, that Jelus Clin it, the God who made all things, came into the world to fave finners, and why not Jo- fcph ? O pray to that Jefus tor me, pray that he mfy lave me j tell him, that J* feph thinks that he loves him for coming do the world to lave fuch hnners as Jo- feph.' The Doctor prayed ; when fteebri eluded, Joieph thanked him »4*J^ he then put his hand under his palov; and took out 1 an old rag, in which were fed no five guineas, and putting k into the &4and, (which he Q"**^ While clofe in his) he thus addrefled Inn . • Jofeph in his folly, had laid this up to keep him in his old age, but Joleph will never lee old age ; take it, the poor friends of the Lord Jtius, them that Jof. ph gave it them for bis fake who came into the world to lave finners of whom he is the chief. bo lay- S reclined his head. His exertions had been too much tor him, fo that he inftantly expired. O r Calatoy l ft this fceoe, but not wuh- ou ihedding tears over to ttn m ft ° r y wna . muc K ' X one of the .noil affecl.ng occurrence, he ever met with.-It naturally fuggefts the followinc; obftrvations : . m us admire the fovereigntv of Divine Grace. The whole congregation, whether rich or poor, were miners m the POOR JOSEPH. A POOR half-witted man, named Jo- JLjL f e P n > whofe employment was to go errands, and carry parcels, paflmg through London ftreets one day, heard piaim-iing- ing in the houfe of God, he went into it, having a lar^e parcel of yarn hanging over his (boulders; it was Dr. Calamy's Church, St. Mary's, Aldenmnbury. A very well dveffed audience fu'rrounded the Doctor. He read his text from 1 Tim. i. 15. " 1 his is a faithful laying, and worthy of all ac- ceptation, that Jefus Chrift came into the world to fave finners, of whom I am the chief." From this he preached in the cleared: manner, the ancient and apoflolic Gofpel, the contents of. this faithful faying, viz. that there is eternal i'alvation for the vileft finners, folely through the worthi- nefs of Jefus Chrift, the God that made all things. 44 Not many rich, not many noble are called by this doctrine," fays the A- poftle ; but 4 God. hath chofen the weak things .of this world, to confound the things that are mighty/ / the wrath erf God and merit his favour. Many go About to eflablifh a rigLteoufne'.'s of their own, not iubmiuinir to the righteoufnefs of God : while others endeavour by their own exertions to make their hearts be; ter, »md fo prepare them for the reception of Chrift. — -.Iolb[3h had no idea of liich a way of falvation When afked about his heart, if there was no token for good about it, no faving change there ? ' Ah, no,' i iid, he, ' Jifjffeph can a<9 nothing — Jofeph hasr.othirtg to fay for himfilr. but that he is the chief of finners.' 2 The gofi el produces love to God 3nd his people. Jofeph had t< ccived the word, not as the word of men, ( but as it is in truth ) the word of God, and it wrought effectually in him believing it. : fie. experienced the truth ot the Apofile's ajiertion : 4 We love him be- caufe he firfl loved us !' , . ■ • g 1 O pray, (fays he) to that Jefus for me, p/ay that he may five me ! tell "him that Jofeph thinks that he loves him for coming into the world to fave fuch finners as Joleph.' Whatever may be faid about lov- ing God for what he is in himfejf, it was a fenfe of the love of Chrift, manifefied in fin ing finners, that firft attracted his attention, drew forth his'warmeft affections, and occupied all his thoughts. Tints it is with every finner faved by foveiei'gn grace. A fenfe of the love of Chrift find abroad in the-heart by the Holy Spirit, infallibly produces love) and* this is fhevui by Univerfid obedience to the will of God, and ft tidying to adorn the doctrine- of God by a life and converfation becoming the gofpel. Jofeph could not now manifeft his love to : God in this'' Way, but he does it by fhewing love to his people, and that bocaufe they were the friends of jL-fus, When he heard Dr. Calamy f s voice, he exclaimed, • O, Sir, you are the fi iend of the Lord Jefus whom I heard fightof ahoIyGod, and flood equally in need of that falvation, which by the gofpel, was preached to them. But while the elecant aflembly heard it with liiil -is inattention, the word of God came with demonftration of the Spirit and of power to the heart of Jofeph, and fixed his attention to its infi- nite importance. To what can we afcribe this difference, but to the fovcreign grace or him who will have mercy on whom he will have mercy ; who hath hid ihefe things irom the wile and prudenr, and revealed them to babes, and hath chofen the poor in this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promifed to them that love him ? To difplay the power and fovertignty of this grace, the Apoftle tells us, that God hath chofen the foolifh things of the world to confound the wife, and the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty, for the exprefs purpofe, that no flefti mould glory in his pretence, but that he that glorieth fliouid glory only in the Lord. This is very different from the general views of men. There is a prone- nefs in the human mind, when convicted of fin, to do fomething in order to efcape s ' While the elegant part of the congre- gation liftlefsly heard this doctrine, and if they were ftruck with any thing, it was, perhaps, with fome brilliant expreffion, or well turned period that dropped from the Doctor: — Jofeph in rags, gazing with afto- nifhment, never took his eyes from the preacher, but drank in with eagernefs all he faid, and trudging homeward, he was heard thus muttering to himfelf : — 'Jofeph never heard this before j Chrift Jefus, the God who made all thing.;, came into the world to fave Tinners like Jofeph ; and this is true ; and it is a 4 faithful faving/ — Not long after this, Jolcph was feized with a f ver, and was dangeroufly iii. As he tolled upon his bod, his conftant language wis, * Jofeph is the chief of finncrs ; but Jefus Chrift. came into the world to fave fmners, and Jofeph loves him for this/— His neighbour^, who came to fee him, wondered on hearing him always dwell on this, and only this. Some of the reli- gious fort addrefied him in the following manner : — ' But what fay you of your own heart, Jofeph ? Is there no token' for good about it ? No laving change there ? Have you clofed with Chrift, by ading faith up-