SUNDAY READING. Sold by HOWARD and EVANS, (Printers to the Cheap Repository for Moral ant! Religious Tracts,) No. 41 and 42, Long- Lane, West-SmitliLeld, and HA I'CHARD, No. 790, Piccadilly, London, tty S. HAZARD,' Bath; and by all Booksellers, Mewsmen, and Hawkers in Town and Country. '0* Great Allowance will be made to Shopkeepers and Hawkers, PRICE THREE PENCE. ' f Entered $t Stationers HalL 1 ADDRESS TO INDIVIDUALS On the Subject of the following Prayers. ^pHERE are many persons, it is to be feared, A who do not accustom themselves to pray at all, than which there cannot be a greater proof of Irreligion. Some of these may plead, perhaps, that they have never been taught to pray, or at least that they have no suitable prayer provided for them. To such persons an opportunity is now given of beginning what they cannot but allow to Be a good custom, for who can deny that it is a good custom, or rather indeed, that it is a bounden ,duty to call day by day on the God who made them. There are other persons who oblige themselves daily to say over the Lord's Prayer only, and per- haps, also the Belief. ' This his often done in a very formal and superstitious manner. The Lord's Prayer is undoubtedly a most excellent pattern for our daily prayers, but it does not appear to have been given by Christ as the only form of Prayer thai: was to be used; and, it is 'worthy of remark, that when he utterd it, he took occasion to warn his disciples against the vain repetitions used in prayer by the Pharisees, It is to be feared that even the Lord's Prayer has become a vain repeti- tion in these days, not through any fault in v the Prayer itself, but thro: gh the unthinking, and per. haps, over f requent way in which some people use it. Possibly a new form may supply some new thoughts, and may serve to awaken the sort of peo- ple I am speaking of to a sense of the true meaning and use of both the Lord's Prayer, and of Prayer in general. 4ddress to Parents. IT is hoped that there can be little occasion to inform parents, that they ought to teach their child- dren to pray. A short Prayer, fit for persons of twelve or fourteen years of age, is here supplied. The same Prayer may serve both for morning and evening, and the memory, therefore, will be little burthened by learning it by heart. Before children entirely leave their father's house, it is desirable that, instead pf the Child's Prayer, they should learn by heart the Morning and Evening Prayer for a Grown Person which follows. To Heads of Families. IY all Masters and Mistresses of Families would ask each of their servants what is their custom in respect to daily Prayer, and would supply them, if there seems occasion, with the Morning and Even- ing Prayer for aGrown Person, which they will find in this Tract, in his plain, I think, that much benefit might arise, through the blessing of God both to Masters and Servants: for a Servant's duty to his Master is one of the things which these prayers will teach. Address to Masters and Mistresses o f Schools. Y&U are desired to take notice, that the Prayer for a Sunday School is intended to be used only on a Sunday, The Prayer for an individual may, by nierely changing the" word I into M, and the word m into us, be made to suit a Daily School, and in- deed it may be made to suit some Families also. Some of the Family Prayers may also suit Sunday- Schools. • : ' '-^^ On family Prayer. THE advantages of Family Prayer are many, and they arc very plain. The Master of a Family (or the Mistress in his absence) by devoutly read- ing a Morning and Evening Prayer to his Family, instructs both his childeren and servants in their duty, accustoms them to prayer, makes an open profession of his own religion. brings himself under an obligation to observe a consistent, that is; a reli- gious conduct during the day; and above all, let it be remarked, he draws down the blessing of God on hi nself and his household. Several Prayers are here offered to Masters and Mistresses of Families, and they who have not yet been used to Family Prayer, have now, therefore, an opportunity of be- ginning this good custom; and in doing it, may God grant them his blessing! General Directions, applicable chiefly to the Case of Private Prayer. FIRST, before you proceed to your private prayers, endavor to compose your thoughts, and then examine yourself for a few moments. Ask yourself in the morning, for instance . what are likely to be the duties and trials of the day that is before you, and in the evening, reflect what have been the sins of the day past. By doing so, you will be enabled to apply the words of your prayer more particularly to your own case, and possibly also you may thus be led to add a few words of your own tc what you have got by heart, and by degrees you may thus be inclined to enlarge your daily petition more and more in your own words, and thus you may learn to pray more and more in spirit and in truth. Secondly, When about to pray, endeavour to lift tip your heart to God for the help of his holy spirit; for the scripture tells us, that it is "the Holy Spirit that htlpeth cur infirmities." Many people com- plain of great coldness and indiff erence while en- gaged in prayer, and there are few who are not con- scious of (his in a greater or less degree. Let all then begin, by imploring God's HolySpirit to assist them in prayittg as they ought, There cannot be a better introduction to every kind of pmyer, than a few secret words first uttered to this effect from the heart. Ttiirdly, Beware of wandering thoughts when engaged in prayer. To thise d letevery struggle Le made, and let it be seriously impressed upon you, that God is now present in an especial manner, and that all absence of mind which is allowed and indulged is a great affront to his Majesty, i Fourthly, "Put besides being attentive, take care that you are also sincere in your prayer. Ask yourself often, whether you mean what you say wh;ie .you are piay..ig, and whether you sincerely and earnestly uish the thing that you ask. Accus- tom yourself not to aitend to the mere sound of • your words, but to the sense ; and if you do "not well understand any part of the prayers here of- fered you,^ endeavor to get what is difficult ex- plained before you repeat it. Some persons have been known to say jirayers day by day, almost every word of which they have contradicted by their whole conversation and conduct, What a terrible hypocrisy is this! A man's prayers may either be the greatest blessing to him, or the most grievous sin, according to the manner in which he performs them. Fifthly, Endeavor not only to be sincere in your prayers at the moment when you offer them, but endeavor also, that the same spirit which animates your prayers, may animate your whole life. To this end, examine your life of ten by means of your prayers. Try whether all your maxims in life, your common speech and your several tempers, as well as your open conduct, agree with the prayers, which you use. The sincerity which God requires ofyouisnota momentary sincerity, it is not a short-lived and changeable feeling, which his forgot- ten when you go into the world. The remem- brance of what you have been praying for in the morningshould follow you intothe field or the shop, 1 and should influence your conduct all the day long. Lastly, Consider whether God answers your prayers. If you pray aright, depend upon it your prayers will be heard and answered ; your tempers i will be subdued, your temptations weakened, and " your whole mind will be rend-red pious if you really pray that it may be so ; arid if this be not the case, you may reasonably suspect that your prayers have not been such as they ought. If you pray aright, depend upon it, you will improve in every J respect; you Will gain more humility, hi©i e [\ derness of conscience, more fear of God, more pleasure in bis worship, and more "happiness in his service.ftnd aho more confidence in Christ, and probably more hope of salvation, in proportion to the earnestness and sincerity of your prayers to God to this effect, for these are all the gifts* of that Holy Spirit which God hath promised to theni that ask it. A Prayer to be used by a Child, or Young Persok . both in the Morning and Evening. O LORD God Almighty, I beseech thee to have noon me, and to bless me. Defend me this tidy (or thL- n ighjt j by thy faigfay 'power; bestow upon me ah things vhi./h thou imowestto "be need- ful for nip t and :. . Ip me by thy Holy bpirit, to do whatever tnou 'hast -nmanaed Incline me thankfully ( . re ;ieve instruction; what I know, give jme^grace to practice, and m ike me wise unto salva- tion. Gnnt that I maybe obedient to my parents and 'teachers, faithful iwd diliger' in the duties of )tny calling, and humble and kind, and merciful. Preserve me frnrn stubbornness and self-will, and from evil thoughts, an 1 from angry passions, and also from lying and prophaneness, and from all vain- boasting; turn my heart from the love of fcifl, and 'make me to avoid wicked company. f And pardon all the offences which either in thought, Vvord, or deed, I have committed against thee. O God, forgive all that is past, and recieve me Ticnv into thy favor, for the sake of thy Son Jeeus Christ, my most merciful Lord and Savior, 5 T May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communionof the HolySpiritj be with me now and evermore. Amen. Morning Prayer for a Grozvn Person. LORD God Mn^hty, I thank thee for having preserved me through ihe past night, and fcrgi arit- Ihg me mmh and sfrengt i for my duties on this liy : Blessed be the Lord for all his mei nes, for giving me food to eat and ray merit to put o •• , and for delivering me from many evifa which my sins , have justly deserved. 1 thank thee especially, O Lord, for the gift of Jesus Christ thy Son. I confess before thee my exceedmg guilt, and 1 pray thee, for Christ's sake, ■to pardon my offences, and to receive my soul when I die. I beseech thee also, for his sake, to grant unto me the help of thy Holy Spirit, that I may be enabled to follow my Savior's example, and to do whatsoever he hath commanded. May I be pa- tient, and humble, and kind, and merciful, endea- vouringto do good unto all men, and forgiving those who trespass against me, even as I hope to be for- given. 'Grant me grace to labouron this day dili- gently iii my calling, and to be* true and just in all my dealings, doing unto othere as I would they should do unto me; and help me, OLord, to restrain my tongue, and to subdue mv evil tempers and to "ve in temperance, soberness and chastity. Save toe. from those sins which m times past have most easily oeset me; strengthen me O Lord, for all my Jttties, any me through ail my difficulties and troubles, and help me, day by day, to grow in grace m m the knowledge of my Lord and Savior. This Prayer I humbly offer up in the name of lesus Christ, i May the grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion oftheHoly Spirit, be with me now and evermore. Amen* An Evening prayer for a Grown Person, O LORD God Almighty, I bless thee for all the mercies of the past day, and i pray thee now to take nle under thy care, and to deliver me from all the perils and dangers of this night. Preserve me, O Lord, both in body and soul, from every evil, and keep me from all sinful thoughts when I am about to close my eyos in sleep. And pardon, 1 beseech thee, all my offences for the sake of Jesus Christ. I confess, O Lord, that I have this day left undone many things which I ought to have done, and done many things which I ought not to have done. Pardon all my pride* and vanity, my idleness and self-indulgence, my ira- patieuue and fretfulness, and discontent. Pardon, O Lord, all the rasa and angry words which 1 have this day spoken, and all the sinful thoughts which have risen up in my mind and which i have not been careful to resist. And especially I pray thee to pardon my forger fulness of thee niy God, and my Want of gratitude and love to Jesus Christ. For these, and ail my other sins, which from time to time 1 have committed, I here implore thy pardon and forgiveness, in the name of my most merciful Savior. * Any of these words may be changed, as may suit the. rzse of the person praying, that whatsoever sins have been committed ill the day -ifeay be mentioned, j _ < 11 1 And since I know that my lifers so short and uh- • certain, help me du> by "day. to think of my latter ' end. O Lord, grant me t race so to live that 1 may , not be afraid to cie, and do thou recurve my soul a"t j last into thine etc rn? dngdc fh ] * also beseech thee to give t': v Messing to all my { dear rehuion' and friends. Bless eppbt, the sick, | and the afflicteu id ail the tempted j id distressed* , Bless the hind in which J i;ve,and especially all the I faithful folio -vers of Jesus Christ. Give repentance I to those who live in sin. Bless also my enemies. J And now, O L ord- help rn© to lie down at peace | with thee, and in perfect charky with all men. ! These pravei s I humbly offer up in the name of j Jesus Christ my Savipj ; May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the feUowiship ofth- Holy Spirit ! be with me now and evermore, Amen, Morning Prayer for a Sunday School O LORD God Almighty, who hast safety brought us to the beginning of tftis day, we thank thee for thy mercrthi preservation of us through the past night We also tharilcthee for all thy goodness to us, for our health and strength, and food and rai- ment, and friends and benefactors. More especially we bless thy name, for giving us the Holy Scrip- tures, in order that we may be instructed in the will or God, and in the way of everlasting life. Dispose, O Lord, ail who are here present, to attend reverently to the truths they hear, and fuffer them not to give way to indolent^, or carelessness of mind, or to hardness of heart and unbelief, leach them also to apply the Scriptures to their own use, When they read of thy judgments may -~ { I* 1 they stand in awe of thy great power and majesty, and when they read of thy promises, and especially of thy mercies in Christ, may their hearts be filled with gratitude to their Redeemer, and may they take delight in singing thy praises. And we pray thee, O Lord, to grant unto them the continual help of thy Holy Spirit, that they may day bv day be preserved from sin, and may become fruitful in every good work. May they be faithful to the Lord their God, and upright in their conduct towards all men. May they be true and honest in all their dealings, doing unto others as they would that others should do unto them. May they be obedient to their parents and teachers; and may they be temperate, sober and diligent ; may no un- truth proceed out of their lips' and may they learn both to command their tempers and restrain their tongues, and may they be kind and merciful to each other, forgiving one another, even as they hope that God, for Christ's sake, will forgive them. And pardon, O Lord, all their sins in time past which either in thought, word, or deed, they have committed against thee. Recieve, O Lord, all these childeren into thy favor, and into the arms of thy mercy; grant unto them true repentance, and an unfeigned faith in Christ our Lord. We also beseech thee to prepare them for all those events in life which thy providence may see fit at any time to bring upon them. Thou knowest the various temptations and troubles to which before long they may be exposed, and the situations to which they may be called. We therefore pray thee, now to arm them for every future trial, and to train them up for the performance oi all thuse duties ( 13 ) which thou shalt hereafter require of them. May they be grounded in the knowledge of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, and may they now begin to fight under the banners of their Savior against the world, the flesh, and the devil , and as they advance in life may they grow in grace, each of them striv- ing to recommend that gospel which they have been taught, and shining as lights in the world. And finally we pray, that having thus done thy will, and enjoyed thy favor, all the days of their lives, they may at length be receieved in those everlasting habitations which thou hast prepared for them that love thee. We offer up these our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, through whom alone we hope for the pardon of our sins, and in whose words we further call upon thee. OUR Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom comej thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven: give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we fogive them that trespass against us ; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glorj^ for ever and ever. Amen. May the grace, &c. Evening Prayer for a Sunday School. O LORD God our heavenly Father, we beseech thee to pour down thy blessing on these children, and to grant that the words which th y have this day heard with their outward ears, may, through thy grace, be so grafted inwardly in all their hearts, that they may bring forth in them the fruits of good living, to the praise and glory of thy name. C~M ) Forgive, O Lord, all the imperfection which thou hast set n in their worship and services on this day Forgive also the various sins of their past lives' nay they repent of them with unfeigned sorrow and contrition of heart, and may they lie down this night trusting in Jesus Christ their Lord. We commit them to thy watchful care, and to thy mercies in Jesus Christ. Defend them, we pray thee, from all the dangers of darkness; do thou keep them O Lord, by night and by day; let thy blessing attend them to the end of their lives, and whet) thay shall Iiy down their bodies in the grave, do thou recieve theirsouls into thine eternal kingdom. We pray thee, O Lord, to give thy bieissing to all their friends and relations, grant unto their pa- rent ; grace to lead a Christian life, and to seta good example to their families, that so they and the children whom thou hast given them may meet ■together in Heaven. We ex>mmepd to thee also the bountiful benefactors of these children. Be merciful unto all those who have shewn them mercy and make them heirs of everlasting life. Eless the teachers of this school glm them grace both to know their duty and 10 fulfil it. • We pray for the land in which we live, for the King and all in authority, and especially we pray for all the Ministers of the Gospel; give success to their labors on this day; may their preaching be made effectual to overcome the various sins of men, and to make them obedient to the will of God. Bless, we pray thee, in an especial manner, the true foliowersof Jesus Christ; build them up in their most holy faith, unite them in the bonds of Christian love, preserve theuifrom the wickedness ( n i that is in the world, and make them to be a peculiar people, zealous of good works. \Ve would also make intercession for the poor, the sick and the afflicted, for the widow and the fa- therless, and for all those who have none to help them: O Lord, bless unto them their earthly trou- bles, and turn them to their soul's good, and do thou protect and defend them, and appear for them when all human help fails, We pray also for the whole rising generation; may they be trained up in the nurture and admoni- tion of the Lord. Put into the hearts of all parents and teachers, a concern for the souls of those over whom t hou hast set them, and give thy grace to the children of this lanJ that they may hear instruction with a teachable spiiit, and may be made wise unto salvation. And finally, we praf thee to have mercy on those who are now living in ignorance and sin, and are without God in the world. Turn them, P Lord, from their evil ways, give them true re- pentance, and send abroad theGosple of Jesus Christ into this and all lands. These prayers we offer up in the name of our only Lord and Savior, in whose words also we fur- ther address thee, saying, Our Father, &c. May th© grace, 8zc. Morning Prayer for a Family. O LORD God Almighty, assist us now to draw- near unto thee with deep reverance and humility of mind. Deliver us from all wandering thoughts, and enable us to worship thee in such a manner that thou mayest hear our prayers and power down thy blessing upon us. a ( if ) O Lord God of Heaven, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, giver of every good and perfect gifr we thank thee for all thine unmerited mercies be- stowed upon this family, and we pray thee by thy grace to preserve every one of us from sinning against thee. Defend us through this d^y by thy mighty power, save us from the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, put into our hearts goad desires, and help us to fulfil all thy precepts and commandments. And since thou hast sent thy Son Jesus Ch j i t into 'he world ro die for our sins,* and to o- come ihe Savior of our souls, O Lord give us o;ruee day by day to thank thee fortius unspeak- able gift, and help us to remember that we are not our own, but are nought with a price, and make us willing therefore both to do and sutler ail things to which thou mayest be pleased to call us; teach us to be this day pat'ent and humble, and thankful, and contented Vvith our lot, often lilting up our p-ughts to Heaven, having our chief de- sires fixed on a better v 01 id. And make us holy In all manner of conversation as becomeih the disciples of Jesus Christ: make this household we pray thee to be a houshoid that feareth God; may we be delivered from the corruption that is in the world, and may we also dwell together in unity. May we put away from us all bitterness and wrath, and anger, and evil speaking, and a ll malice, and may we be kind one towards another, forgiving one another, even as we hope that God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us. AH help us ro know our ;severai duties in life that wc may fulfil them. May we be upruht and diligent, may we waste no time, and neglect no Opportunity of doing good that 1$ ( in — 7 — ^ afforded us. May we be ready to every good work. And teach us to be ever watchful and circum- spect, and fearful of running into temptation, but if at any time we are overtaken with a fault, give us race to confess it and repent of it, and to ask for- giveness, both from God and man. () Lord pardon the many sins which in times past we have committed against thee. Forgive our ' forgetfulness of the.e "our God, and our many Ire-passes against cur neighbours. Grant unto us nil' true repentance/and help us day by day to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Our Father, &c. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with uj: all evermore, amen. Evening Prayer for a Family. Q LORD our heavenly Father, we beseech thee to hear the prayers which we are about to offer up into thee; deliver us from all wandering thoughts, and help us to remember that,. We are now in the presence of that God, unto whom all hearts are o^en, and from whom no secrets are hid. (>0 : od, we pray thee to forgive the sins of the pa-st day. We acknowledge that we have this day l^ft'iin'done many tilings which we ought to have done, and done many thuV^y which we ought not to have done. r We have" trespassed against thee in tliought, word, and deed." And though we have been encouraged by the Gospel to repent of our iniqui- ties, and to serve God in newness of life, yet we. have roanv times 1 returned to those sins which \v# profess to have repented of, and we have fallen infn thy just wrath aqd displeasure. But we pray thee, O thou God of all grace anr? goodness, for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ to pardon all that is past, and to take us into thy ff^r this night, not weighing our merits, but forgiving, our offences, and causing us to palce our humble trust in thy mercy. Deliver us we pray thee from the troubles of a guilty conscience, now that we are about to lie down to rest. Save us, O Lord, from trie dread of death, and from the terrors of the wrath to come. Grant unto us, if it please thee, a quiet night and make us all to be at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. At the same time we beseech thee, not to suffer that we should deceive ourselves by^ery .kind, which we have enj d, , But itE wo. desire.' ( 19 ) ^~ |o bless thy name for Hie gift of Jesus Christ thy bon, fur the Instructions of thy sacred word and for the hope of everlasting life. O Lord, grant unto us grace to receive these, and all thy blessiiigs with a thankful heart, and let us shew forth thy praise not with our tips only, but with our lives. Accept' we beseech thee, our imperfect supplication, and p ayers, tor the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Lord rod Saviour. ' • Our Father, &c. May the grace, &c. ' if:. I Morning Prayer for a Family. O LORD God Almighty, who searchest the hearts, and triest the reins of all the children of men, and whose eyes are in every place, behold- ing the evil and the good ! We beseech thee to maintain in us this day a constant sense of thy pre- sence. J r Thou seest us, O Lord, in our lying down and in our rising up : « the darkness and the 'light are both alike to thee ; " and there is no place where the workers of iniquity can hide themselves We pray that the thought of thine all-seeing eye may preserve us from sinning against thee. May we endeavor, on this day, not only to maintain our character with our fellow-creatures, and to find & vor in their sight, but may we strive also to please bod, and may we' do from the heart whatsoever things thou commandest. We pray that when we are alone this day, our secret thoughts may be pure and holy: when we are in company, may w e so speak and act as shall be pleasing to our heavenly r ather: and when we are labouring in our calling ( 20 ) may be Faithful and diligent, and at the same time may we perform our work in thy fear, and wjth 9, view to thy glory. Preserve us also, from all undue eagerness and anxiety in the pursuits of this life. May we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; trusting that all other things which are needful to the body shall be added unfa us. And let not our troubles this day overwhelm us ; let not any dis- appointments greatly vex us ; and let not the pro- sperity which thou may est be pleased to send, be- come a temptation and a snare. We pray that we may be tins day serious and sober-minded, and watchful, and circumspect, and mindful of our eternal interests. O Lord help us always to remember, that lifeir short, and that one thing is needful. May we, day by day, be mindful of death, and prepare for eter- nity. * We thank thee that thou hast sent thy Son into the world to save us, and that he hath died for ; our sins, and hath risen from the dead, and is gone into heaven to prepare a place for us. 0. God grant, we beseech thee, that we may none of us. continue careless and unbelieving, but may we re- pent of all our past offences, and the life which we now live in the flesh, may we live by the faith of the Son of God. May we trust thy promses in Jesus Christ. May we hope continually in thy mercy:, may we set the Lord always before us: may we ! overcome the world, the fiesh, and the divil , and I may we be willing- daily to deny ourselves, as our blessed Savior hath commanded; and thus, by tliy grace assisting us, mav we so pass through thuig| temporal, thai we finally lose not those things wfri^ ( .21 ) arc eternal. We as k this of ihe sake of Jesus Christ our only Lord and Savior. May the grace, &c. Evening Prayer for a family. ,r2h°A RDG ° dom ' heaven, y Father! assist us now to draw near unto thee with reverence and grant us the Holy Spirit, that we may woShip thee .n^an acceptable manner, through Jesus Christ our m ^° rt J G ° d ^^ty] we thank the for all thy together bcxh to praise thee for thy goodness and •"^tS? 1 ^ 5 10 S P r ° terti0n - P - 61 v " if 'it nlext w a T erS -° f tlm nl J^ grant us if it pleas thee, such quiet and refreshing rest that ™fo!; e £ epared (or m those dudes ^» wllh we^vlv 1 tf Iy H bSSe ? Ch thSe t0 P ard0h the ■** Ms end LT 7 tlUS day have co -^itted and to this end help us now to confess them before thee ST^ffiS* f im P a «-lity and seX En % i// * eVl1 tem P er ^ we have hi I y \ 3nd CVery rash ™* *fo word SS c t in?**'* & SP ° ken - Pard011 a^ajy Want e n } '" 'S ? Ur C ° nducC - **** whatso- • ve i Z Y a ' Ui hyp0Crisy ,10l y «yes may ue wafefr n en 111 of us - our wai LTrll- ™ l 6SS ° Ver ours elves. and our too also om- It dl f obed 'ence to the irs: pardon „u ° f submiS sion to thy providence md f zeal to thy service F»uvmence, and * &(S2^ a1 ^^^ ^ have y ol u s either on this day, or at any other time B 3 committed, we here unite in imploring mercy through the name of our most blessed Savior. 6 Lord, forgive us for Jesus Christ's sake. Lay not anv of our past sins to our charge, but blot them out from thy remembrance, for the sake of him who hath died for us. Give us penitent and contrite hearts, and let us lie down this night in thy favor. We also implore thy blessing on all our friends and relations. Watch over them we beseech thee, by thy good Providence; teach them all to live in thy fear, and to hope., in thy mercy. Bless the land in which we live,, and especially the faithful fol- lowers iis Christ. Have pity on those who are deprived of the comforts whiten we enjoy, and are lying clow n this night in pain, sorrow, and af- fliction; grant them patience under their suffer- ings, and make them at length partakers of thy heavenly kingdom. , And teach us, OLird,tohave compassion on the afflicted, and to pray for them, and to do [iood unto all men, and to live in peace and harmony one with another. ^ . We offer up these our imperfect prayers in the name oF Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Savior. May the grace, &c. Prayer for a Family on Sunday Morning. i O LORD God Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus-Christ, we bless thy name for all thy mercies vouchsafed unto us the children of men. We thank thee, O Lord, for ail the blessings ot this life, but especially we praise thee for giving us the holy word, for sending, to us the ministers ot thy Gospel, and for appointing the Sabbaths to be a season of rest for our bodies, and to be a day on which we may also attend to the salvation of our ihVportal souls. , Lord,, grant,,, w'e beseech thee, that we maj* rightly u-.e the religious opportunities which we enjoy. Preserve us from thoughtlessness and in- attention during thy. .public worship. In prayer may we feel our need; of the mercies we implore. In the confess! qh of sin, may we be effected with the sense ; o f our own unwerthiness, and in offering up thanksgivings to God, may we pour out our whole hearts before thee. , We pray also, that when we sfefU hear thy word read, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to us, we may listen with an at- tentive ear, and receive thy truth into an honest and good heart. And we beseech thee to preserve in us a right frame of m in too late,.r.nd inline them to seek foiMriercy through that Savior, whose grace they ••w d isni se. And, O Lord, deliver every one of us 'from all hardness ofheait, and contempt of thy word and commandments. Make us lje down, this "night thankful for the oppoitunitks ofjiu.strivcti.on, which we have enjoyed, and for all the blessings of "the Gospel. And may the peace- of God, ,< which, passeth all understanding, keep' our hearts and minds in the knowledge "ilnjJ. feai' of God, and of his Son Christ Jesus.. . , *m •• ■■ [1 Up ; ! t>itr FaOi^ ".,A . ■ • ' fflsy the grace, &:c, A Family Prayer for Sunday Morning or Evening* O LORD God Almighty, \\ ho hast given ris thy S;ibbaths to be a day of rest for our bodies, and of serious attention to the concerns of our souls; who hast also caused the Holy Scriptures to be written fur our learning, and hast sent among us the minis- ters of thy Gospel, that through their preaching we may be made wise unto salvation; we beseech thee to give thy blessing to all the means of grace with which we are favored on this day. , Help us to examine ourheart and lives, and to discover ail that is amiss in us. If their be any duty which we neglect, or any iniquity in which we continue to live; it their be any evil habit ltd which we yield, or any unchristian temper against which we do not earnestly contend j if aiso there be any inattention allowed in ourselves in the midst of thy public worship, any neglect of secret prayer, or any dislike to serious piety and devotion, we pray that we may each of us, on this day, discover, it through thy grace assisting us. May we percieve the awful danger to our souls, and implore of thee to take aw ay from u$>the heart of stone, and to put thy spirit within us. r . Pardone d Lord, we beseech thee, the sins of the past weeje. Pardon also the multiplied iniqui- ties of our lives, by which, day after day, and year after year, we have been adding to the foad of" our guilt. Here, in thy presence, we would kneel down together to confess then before thee, and we would implore thy mercy in the name of Jesus Christ. O let our oftenees be all blotted out, and our souls delivered from eternal death, through the merits of Kim who hath died for us. We acknow- fedge that we have no hope in ourselves, and tki our whole trust and confidence are in thy mercv Reject not we beseech thee, this prayer of our hearts, but let our cry come up unto thee. O thm, merciful Fat her of ou r Lord J esus Christ. And while we thus pray for ourselves we ear nestly hfc np our supplications in behalf of others also. G we thy blessing this day (o the preaching »t thy Gospel. May thy servants be built up fit tneir most holy faith, and may sinners be converted amto thee. May t he Gospel of Christ be believed in this land, and his commandments obeyed ; and ..snay the blessed example of his holy life be fd {owed. We pray also that all Christians may have .tneir hearts this day nit together in love, so that ihey. may become disposed to unite in forwarding ■every good work. i fe Have pity onthe multitudes who are living with- out God in the world, and who understand neither *fj rr °. wn sinfulness nor thy mercy. We lament, M Lord, that wherever we turn our eyes, we see vice and w-ekedness so dreadfully prevail ; and we would pray, -„ s we have been taught to do by our blesses Savior, that thy kingdom" may come, and thy wall be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Send My Gospel, we beseech thee, to all parts of the world O let thy name be known on earth, thy bavmg health among all nations. And bless, We pray twee, to this end all those who are laboring in foreign climes, in the cause of Christ, and are making manifest the savor of 'his hahie in every place. ■ Give them grade to'adorn, by their lives, that noly doctrine which (hey profess; and let thy Spirit make their word effectual, for the conversion oi many hearers. ,4/ ( 29 J We further implore thy blessing on our relation* andconnections, and on all that is dear to us; and we desire to commend both ourselves and them this day to thy protection and mercy. Give thy special grace to .each cf us who are united in the sams family. Power down thy Spirit upon us. May those that rule in this household be enabled to govern it well, and in the fear of God - and may they have grace to set an example of all goodness and virtue. May every servant be a ser- vant of the Lord Jesus Christ; and may they re- member tnat they have a Master in Heaven. ' May hoseo tins family who are young, be preserved from the corruption that is in the world ; mav they renounce the devil and all his work.*, the Lnm and vanities of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh. And giveto those among us who/ are beginning to advance in years, and especially to C aS ff a /fJ; to redeem the remaining time, and to fulfil the work appointed for them be tore they leave this present world, and give up their accounts to Go'' Q tpiA >, c ,11 ( .„ 1 • * , Ik • Y . I acn us aI * !o oo serious and sober-minded, and to think on our latter end Be merciful to us throughout the week, and help us often to renew our repentance, and to strive ear- nestly to please thee. Strengthen us. O Lord, for U our duties; save us from our several temptation? nd dangers , comfort us whensoever we come into rouble and ad versify , guide us through this world v thy good Providence; and grant that we who aye here met together to worship thee on earth. J? m T at le "gth, to praise and to bless thee for. ever and ever in thy kingdom above. jf U^F^T we ! m ™ bl y oiler up in the name P ,esus Christ our Lord. m — 7 3° ) A Family Prayer proper to be used on the Oecasio-i of any Death or material Sickness in a Family, O LORD God Almighty, who sends to us pro- sperity or adversity, health or sickness, life or death , as thou pleasest; we pray that, all the mournful dis- pensations of thy Providence may be made to teach ns wisdom. May they lessen in us the love of this "world; may they lead us to cease from every sin, and maytheydispose us to great seriousness of mind; and the more we meet with sorrow here, may we only look forward with so much the more earnest- ness to that happier and better stale which thou hast graciously revealed to us. We beseech thee, O Lord, to grant us faith m all the glorious promise of thy word. We bless thee, that thy Son Jesus Christ hath brought life and immortality to light by his Gos- pel,, and, that having first died for our sins, he hath also risen from the dead and become the first-fruits ©f them that sjepfe May we place our hope and trust stedfastly in Christ ; may we repent of our iniquities and obtain pardon through his name; and after a life of holy obedience to thy will, may we be made partakers of all the benefits of his resur- k nee we know mat our days on earth are s» short and uncertain, grant that whatsoever our hands find ro do, we may do it with all our might. May *we be diligent each of us in our proper work, and watchful and circumspect, and sober-minded and temperate in all things; may we also live in peace and harmony one with another, not rashly judging one another, since .we must so soon all meet toge- ther to be judged, each of us for our sins, at the judgement seat of Christ, ft 'Jr ; We beseech thee also, heavenly Father give us patience under the evils of life, and a spirit of resignation to thy righteous will. When thou bestowest on us thy blessings, may we he thankful or them , and when thou art .pleased to remove them from us, may we be enabled tosay " it is (he Lord tnat giveth and the Lord that taketh away, Dlcssed be the name of the Lord " And' whensoever it shall please thee to call us out of this evil World, we pray t hat we may be found ready; may we be doing thv will and walk- ing in thy ways, and watching with all prayer and perseverance, Jest- that day should overtake us unprepared. May thy good Spirit also sustain and 5 rengthen us m our last hours. May the Lord be m .help tnrough hie, and our support in sickness J W ln dea(n > and He be our portion for eve-- more. J 1 ogether with the.e praysrs for ourselves, we Vfi Id make intercession for others also. m m cially for thy servant whom thou hast visited with to health, and to make km thankful henceforth for thy mercy, and devoted to thy service T \Jpray.for them all that are afflicted; may ie?alter7' tWth / m ' Strengthen je .alktliea trials, and give them, in his good time ehverance. And especially .nay the Lord pardon' w m *' tor ***** Prist's sake. ' .We jM-ay forthe multitude who are thou titles* to| and mttmmt on death and judgment' , th ? ° U % member ilJr Sator IP d T° f ^ y cniK Reserve those who ar« * C ' mu, & of tnis W* -nd dispose, the aged til I 3 2 I consider seriously, how fast the day of (heir death advances. And now, O Lord, take us all into thy favor- •pardon our many sins and imperfections, and give us henceforth more carefully to consider our ways; and when we shall have- servdd theeniith- fully here on earth, recieve us at length to thine eternal kingdom, for the sake of Jesus' Christ our X-ord; ;• : ' W V, A family Prayer proper to be usedii'hen any Member ef the Family has recovered frem Sickness, or on the Occasion of any other special mercy. O LORD God Almighty, Father of all mercies, we desire to thank thee for all thy various gifts be- stowed upon us. [Especially for thy late mercy vouchsaved to thy servant, who is a member of this family.]] Thou hast surrounded each of us with various temporal blessings ; ihou hast often visited us in great mercy, and wrought out many driver - ^nces for us.. When sick, thou hast restored us to health; when in trouble, thou hast delivered us;- when in diihcultv, thou hast made a #aV lor our escape. We are all the living monuments of thy goodness ; and O how great, therefore, should be our thankfulness and praise; O Lord, we would bless thee with unfeigned hearts for the comforts : which now surround us.- We bless thee for so favoring us 'in our lot in life, for multiplying to us thy various' gifts, for giving to many of lis so much heal th'£in& strength, as well as to each of us food and raim^^'aod for bestowing onus friends and benefactors and kind relations. We would remember also, thy great mercy irr placing us where thy Gospel is km>wn ;. we' thank thee for giving us the holy Scriptures to be our guide, for bestowing thy Sabbaths upon us for permitting us to hear thy word preached in' our ears, and for thus favouring us with all the means of grace. Grant unto us, O Lord, we beseech thee, hearts duly sensible of our Makei , s eoodness> ;md teach us often to lift up our thoughts to Him who is the giver of all that we enjoy*. Deliver us from a re- pining spirit. May we be thankful and obedient andnotcomplamingand self-willed. May we bear with a quiet mind, such evils oTlife as may, at any time, befall us, knowing that our Lot is always far happier then we deserve; and whensoever we are tempted to impatience, may we think of our sins and also call to rememberahce the instances of thy past goodness. And we pray thee to give us also i pint of meekness and forbearance towards ourfel. lovv creatures, Thou, O Lord, hast long borne reSv^" 137 ^^^^ ° ne ™°ther and * ready to forgive, even as we bops to be forgiven May we walk according to the spirit of thy Gospel n all humility and meekness, and patience and oving-kmdness, and charity, b^flng^eS^ burdens, and so fulfilling the law of Christ And pardon all our sins in time and eq- ually our want of due gratitude J tb3f a fi£ M*y we each of us repent both of our tresnS SbouT* M ° f CVery *f ^ neighbour. May we enjoy the future fovors with more thankful heart, and, while we recievo ber f fits at thy hands, may we ourselves Savor Z Jew mercy and loving-kindness unto all [ men These and all other thinfs, which thou know ™ to ( 34 ) fee needful for us, we humbly ask, in the name, and for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. _May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.& to put our whole trust in Christ, and-to cast our- ge-lves, as lost sinners, on thy mercy. We plead the name of Him who hath died for us. O pardon* pur offences, for JesusChrrst'a sake, and for his sake recieve us now into thy favor, and make us heirs of eternal life. We pray also, that having repented of all our sins \vhich are past, we may have grace to lead a new life, and to walk henceforth in the way of thy com- mandments. Let not our temptations again over- power us, let not sin regain the dominion over us, iest we fall into tenfold condemnation. Give us. strength against all the enemies of our souls; put thy fear into our hearts: make us watchful and cir- cumspect, and careful to avoid temptation, lest we should again be found sinning against thee. And deliver us from all delution and self-deciet. Make us fearful of indulging ourselves in any false hope, and anxious to bring forth fruits meet for re- pentance. And to this end may the Spirit of Truth enlighten and direct us. Do thou keep us., O Lord in all our ways. O strengthen what is weak, and perfect all that is wanting in us. Help us, when we are tried, to endure temptation, and preserve us blameless unto the day of the second coming of our Lord and Savior. These our earnest prayers we humbly offer up in the name of Jesus Christ* A Prayer proper to be used in a Family during the present War. O LORD God Almighty, jyho are wont to visit nations with thy judgments, in order that they may repent and turn unto thee, we boseech thee to hear »ur prayers in behalf of this sinful land, C z ( 36 ) We acknowledge that thou justly punish est us for our offences, tor we have forgotten the God of our Fathers, and We have turned aside from the Gospel of our salvation. And, through this^brget- fulness of thee, we have fallen into many and griev- ous sins, and have provoked thy just indignation. O Lord, we lament the vice, and wickedness, the fraud and covetousnoss, the hatred and vananee and the many unchristian and unholy tempers which abound am r»rig us. We lament also the self-con fidence and pride of heart with which we have been filled; for we have not thanked thee in our pros- perity, and in our adversity we have not humbled ourselves before ourGod. We have trusted in our, selves, and in an arm of flesh, and have not looked unto Him from whom our help comcth. Assist us, therefore, now to confess from the heart our dependance upon thee, and hear thou the earnest supplications which we would offer to thy Divine Majesty. O Lord, have mercy upon us for Jesus Christ's sake. Pardon the numberless sins of this guilty nation, and, in thy great mercy; turn away thy judgments from us. Save us, we beseech thee from the hand of our enemies. Suffer them not to prevail against us. Dispose than their rulers to peace; and unite the hearts of the people of these kingdoms, and incline them always to live in har- mony one with another. And whatsoever sins any of us , who are here present, may have committed, whereby we have contributed to. bring down thy wrath upon our native land, do thou forgive, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Have companion, we beseech thee, on all orders of men among us. Bless our King, defend him from < 37 ; all secret conspiracies, and open violence; prolong 'his life, prosper his days, and endue his ministers with grace, wisdom, and understanding. Give thy blessing to the Houses of Parliament; and grant that all things maybe so ordered and set- tled by their endeavors, that peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may be esta- blished among us for all generations. We pray for t he magistrates of the land, that they niay be every where a punishment to evil-doers, and a praise to them that do well, Give thy special grace to all the ministers of thy Gospel: enable them to go forth in thy strength, proclaiming thy judgements to the impenitent, and the greatness of thy mercy to those who are hum- ble and contrite in heart: and grant that the cause of Christ may prosper in their hands. Bless, we pray thee, the whole rising generation, Preserve them from the contagion of evil princi- ples, and grant that they may be trained up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord* We would add our humble and earnest supplica- tions for the poor, the sick, and the afflicted. Give them grace to bear with a patient mind the trials which thou appointest for them. Deliver them from too much care about the things ot this world, Make them rich in faith, and anxious chiefly to do the will of God, always looking forward -with cheer- ful hope to a better world. We pray also our enemies, that thou wouldst forgive them, and turn their hearts and make them all to be at peace with us. And, finally, we pray ibr all our bretheren of mankind, that a way may be opened in thy pro- vidence for making known thy Gospel, and also ft$ establishing it in its purity all over the earth. And now, O Lord, to thee do we commend our- selves, and all that are dear to us, beseeching thee to guard us from evil, and to grant, that whatsoever may be thy judgments all around us, we may be kept in perfect peace, having our minds stayed on thee. And whensoever it shall please thee to call us out of this evil world, recieve us to thyself; all which we ask, in the name, and for the- sake p| Jesus Christ our Lord, May the grace, &c, THE FOLLOWING TRACTS fcAVE BEEN LATELY PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HOWARD and EVANS. the History of Mr. Bragweil 7 Parts price 6