THE HISTORY OF GILES GINGERBREAD, A LITTLE BOY, fJ^ho Lived upon Learning* BY TOM TRIP. EUBSLLISHED WITH WOOD^CVTS* YORK : Printed by J. Kendrew, Colli ergate* OLD GAFFER GINGERBREAD. TOM TRIP^ to his C 07)1 J) anions. Old Gingerbread, with Avisdom sound, Sells useful know led p^e by tlie pound, And feeds the litlTe folks, who're good, At once with learning' and with food. What say you, friends, Shall we go buy ? Aye, aye ! — Who^s first then, you or I ? And aw^ay they ran for a book. THE HISTORY OF GILES GIHGSRBHEAD, A LITTLE BOV, TVho lived upon Lcanih^g. BY TOM TRIP. decor,ati:d avttij rtTS. YOilK : rihitcd ai.a Sold by J. JvcniUcvv, Cj]i:cr..''ate, / Roman Capital Letters. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWXYZ iECS Old English Capital a^d Small Letters. ^ 38 C 53 (tP # 3£ J 1^ 314^T |i n'hcla tt ^ijij klinn a ^iH'^ in b Italic Capital and Small Letters. ABCDEF GH J JKLMNOP QRST U V WX Y Z M (E abed cj'g h i J k I vi n o p q r s t u ^-iii J.. A. iiJ.Lj GILES GINGEKBIiEAD. CHAP. L One clay as GafFer Gingerbread was coiTHDgfrom work, he saw little Giles, who was ragged as a cott, getting up behind Sir Tobv Thompson's coacJ? : upon which he called to him : here. 6 Giles, come hither to me. I see, says his father, you want to get upon the coach, but you are ch'mbing at the wa-ong place^ Giles ; you should en- deavour to get in at the door. Yes, father, said the boy, but that place is not for poor folks. Not for poor folks, replied the father, yes, but it is ; a poor man or a poor boy may get a coach if he Mil] endeavour to deserve it. Merit and industry may entitle a man to tiny thing. Why, Sir Toby, was poor oi-ce, yes, as poor as thee, Giles : do not be disheartened, boy, only when you ciimb, climb in a pro- per manner, and at the right place, and I will tell you ho>v Sir Toby managed it. But see, the Pig has got out of the sty. • Put him in first, and then I will tell you. Giles ran as ia^t as he cuuld to put in tiie Pig, fas i you here sec) for he had learned to do ^-^-**T^friffT'ai rTirir-nr-Mery. No sir, you have been a father to me ; and I have been just and honest to you; but this 16 man has not, (pointing to the thief,) for I saw him take goods privately out of the warehouse, and carry them to the pawnbrokers. The master was astonished ! he looked at the letter, found the mark, and saw the boy was innocent, and then searching the pawnbrokers, the goods were found. Toby knew it was his duty not only to be honest himself^ but if possible, to make others so, and you will pre- sently see how God Almighty blessed him for it, and how he was rewarded for his fidelity. After this, Mr. Goodwill placed great confidence in Toby, and his af- fairs so prospered, that he became very rich. He then took in Toby as a partner with him, and at his death left him the whole trade, and a larcre 5um of money, which is still inqreas- 17 ing ; and from being a little ragged boy, and living in the hut, he now rides in his coach. Think of this, my dear Giles, and learn your book, and say your pray- ers, and go to church, and be honest, good, and industrious, that you may get ^ coach also. 18 CHAP. III. How little Giles ^ first acquired Ms learning. AS soon as Gaffer Gingerbread had finished this story of Sir Toby and his coach, little Giles ran up to his father^ and beg'S'ed that he would give him a book^ cind teach him to read, that he 19 mi|{iit become as great a man as Sir Toby Thompson. Gaffer Gingerbread^ who was a pretty good scholar pulled a book out of his pockety and sitting down under a tree with Giles on his lap, now^ says he, if you will be a good boy, and mind what I say, you may soon learn to read. You must know% Giles, that all the words in the world are spelt, or made up, of these twenty-four marks or letters, pulling out of hi^ pocketan alphabet cut in pieces, which he had made of gingerbread, for he was by trade a gingerbread baker- These he placed in this manner : abcdefghijklmn opq rstuvwxy z All the words in the world, said Giles, laughing ; yes, sirrah, says the to father, what clo you laugh at? I say all the words in the world • all the words that you and all the people in the world can think on, may be spelt with these letters differently placed. Then let rue hear you spell top, said Giles, so you shall, said the father. See here is a /, an o, and a p, — and these placed together make top. Ay, that isalittleword, says Giles, but you cannot spell plumb-pudding; >vhy, yes, I can, said the father, see here is a p, an /, a u, an m, and a 6, which placed thus, make jjhanb ; and here is another p, and aw, a 6?, and another dy an iy an ;z, and a g^ which being placed thus, make pudding; these two words put together make plumb' pnd^ diiifr. Let me spell, father, says Giles, and taking the gingerbread letters in his c 21 hand, wliat shall I spell, said he; why^ the name of the thing you see, quoth the father, then Fli spell goose, says the boy ; so saying, he took up a g, a w, an /, and an e, and placed them thus, gtife ; you blockhead, is that your manner of spelling, says the fa- ther, who would certainly have been angry, but at this instant, farmer Mil- ton s hog ran at the geese and goslings 0O that were before him, ntn Giles, ritn^ said the father, away he liew to save the ^j^-osh'no-s, which he did with the the help of the gander, who laid hold of the hoo's ear to keej) him off See what aifcction these creatures have for their voiino;, and what care they take of tlicm, what will not a fa« ther and mother do to preserve their children ; and children ought to do the same to tlieir paients, but thej^ are naughty children wfio do not consider this, though God /\lmighty has pro- mised long life to those who do. ^' Ho- nour tiiy father and thy mother^ that thy davs may I)e lon^ in the land which the Lord thv God o^iveth thee/' Giles came l:)ack crying, (see here he is.) and toid his father that tiie geese liisseii and laughed at him. Ay^ that is because yuu caruiot read^ an^ 23 swered the father, come hither, Giles, says he^ you must lecirn to know all the letters, and the sound thev have alone, and when joined to others, l)er. fore you can spell ^ind read. In the word you attempted to S])el]^ you have taken anj^ instead oFan .v, and a n instead of oo, for want of know in i^ the letters and their sou!]ds, here take up this hj and look at him wed : you see he is very different from the rest Upon this, Giles took up the letters, and then he read A, A, says he. Ay, Mr. A^ I shall know you again, apple for that B, B, you are not at all like A, Mr. B, I should be a blockhead if I did not know you. C, C, I shall know you Mr. C, indeed, and so will every body that loves custard, D, D, drum and dumpling will make me know you, Mr. D. E, E, eggs and eel-pie for ever. F, F, fine folks and furmity for you, Mr. F. G, G, Gin- gerbread and gooseberry fool will al- ways make me love you Mr. G. H, H, hog's puddings and hot cockles for ever. I, I, Jack Jones the inkle weaver, will put me in mind of you, Mr. I. K, K, come, Mr. li, yon shall help me to make a kite. L, L, my Uttle lamb and my lark will help me 25 to remember you, Mr. L. M, M> Money for you Mr. M, when I can get it, and when I fool it away, you shall call me monkey. N, N, nuts and Naney for ever. O, O, oranges, one a penny, two a penny, oranges. P, P, Punch and the puppet show, huzza. Q, Q, you stand for quail^ Mr. Q, and I shall always thmk on you when I see a queer fellow. R, R, you are a raven, Mr. R, and a rat catcher. S, stands for swan. T, T, oh, Mr. T, I know you by my top and trumpet. U, U, Unicorn for that- W, W, a man can never forfeit yoti when he has a wild duck for dinner. X, X, you look so cross, that I shall know^ you again by your double face. Y, Y, you are like my yellow ham- mer, Mr. Y. Z, is a zany, who loves not his book, or his master, or school. 26" Giles wa*? fond of his book, and as his father gave him a new one every day, which lie eat up, it may be truly said he lived i^pon learning. Sir To- by, hearino- wl)at a good boy he was, took him to Loiulon in Jiis coach, and no doubt, he will soon get one of his own ; when he does, we shall let our readers know it. Farewell. Giles Gingerbread he lov*d cream, custard and curds ; And good books so well, that he eat lip his words. iftiiijwiMi ii""! II I wiii juiiiwbI li •PW 5?En:^^ ;r.£?-;:-T^ rr::: ■'-v^t'o .-. -. iii.«t"''*'|j te|f ^w !««ii«aeR& See here's little Giles, With his Gingerbread book. For which he cloth long-. And at which he doth look ^ Till by longing and looking. He gets it by heart. And then he eats it up. As we eat up a tart. THE BOY WHO KNEW NOTHING. A boy tliere was^, so wiltl and g^y, He minded nothing bat his play, Nor would he give t!ie smallest heed To learn to write, or learn to read. Of cyphering he could nothing do. Nor tell how many would make two ; In short, he used no more his head. Than if his brains were made of lead ; One way indeed he us'd it well, And what that was, I now will tell ; Why on his head, and either hand. He took a pride upright to stand ; And to see his heels in the air. Made children laugh, and blockheads stare ; He thought a mighty feat he'd done^ And caird it making rare good iun. 9 Besides this, on bis hands and pate^ He could move on at a great rate; And, like a wheel, go round and round, {^ground. Head, hands, and feet, upon th^ He also well could climb a tree. Just like a squirrel, or monkey ; And had he been of either race, On neither had he brought disgrace* But born, as he was, of human kind. And bless'd with sense, with speech, and mind, It was a shame to spend his days Only in learning monkey ways. In vain it was, his parents strove, To make him more his lesson love ; Do what they would he still resisted. And in Iiis foolish pranks persisted. Day after day new plans they tried. Whilst hourly he those plans defied. And idled on through every day, Till his whole youth waii past avvay» n 9 His vonth was ffone, and with it fled All charms of standing on his head. Nor could he any longer feel Hie joy of turning like a wheel, Nor could the climhing of a tree^ Afford him now the smallest olee. In shorty tho' grown both old and grey Nor able for to skip or play. He was as silly as a boy, Without one friend, without one joy; Despis'd by all his name who knew. Unable any thing to do But eat, and sleep, and sometimes walk, Unfit to join in social talk; For so unculturM was his mind, No conversation Could he find. Jn fine, unto the human race He was a burden and disgrace. 31 VRAISE FOR THE GOSPEL Lord, I ascrihe it to thy grnce, And not to chnnce as others do, 'I'hcit i was born of iJInistian race, And not a Ileatl^.i or a Jew. What u'onki the ancient Jewish kind's,- And Jewish propnets once have t*;iv'n ? Could they have heard tliose glorious things Which Christ reveal'd and brought from heav n. How glad the heathens v.^ould have been^ • That worshiped idols,- wood, and stone, If they the book of Oud aeen, Of Jesus and his gospel known ! Then if this gospel I refuse, liow^ shall I e'er lift up rny eyes ? For all the Gentiles and the Jevvs Against me will in judgment rise, FINIS. Pnutcd and Sold by J. Kendrew, Colliergate. i Mtwmm PENNY BOOKS PRINTED AND SOLD BY J. KENDREW, COLLIERGATE, YORK. Mrs. Lovechild^s Golden Present Silver Penny . - - Death and Burial of Cock Robin Little Red Riding Hood The Cries of York Surprising Adventures of Puss in Boots Sister's Gift ; or the Bad Boy Reformed Tom Thumb's Folio - - The History of Giles Gingerbread Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe The Hermit of the Forest Entertainments at the Royal Circus The House that Jack Built The World turned Upside Down -• The Cries of London - - Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her Dog, in Three P^rts Cinderilla ; or, the Little Glass Slipper A New-Year's Gift A Collection of Fables - - Riddles . • •