'««« wnwn—wmiiiMiM.mjMi.iii— mill*! wiii'i "*i r^r^\ f*^*) /^yr*^ #^f^ f^Y** ?^*^i [>< < VSi! VtW Vn vtfW vfr-~; WN* v£* V*--^ >4^< \Z4< v£^ V'^ £ &< >>i^ >y< >a< >vv">. >>9<< x^, >o^ >0/^ .va*, w\ vZ* ~X?-^ ^Xr^ ^X~ ^X*-' *^Xf- ^*X* ' ^X* ( *T~ ^X*-- ^*X e ########### «??S?^W5 ^^^?^^»SiiSSt52 )l $3 £&»& «3 Sfci&fe Sfe Sfc £& £& J^L, °i t A X tS^IS E^&\ NEW HAVEN, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY S. BABCOCK. £?3 ^^a & & -&>w% LITTLE HELEN £®& J ! ^.. . -. aw m mi r^ L1TTL E H ELEN. m m ki I don't like to get up yet/' said Helen pj Vernon, to her maid, Ann Shirfey, who came £c3 to call her. " It is too early, and I'm very jpj sleepy; why did you wake me?" &2 " It is time to rise, Miss Helen/' replied jpj Ann. " Your mamma and papa are both B3 getting up." j|| " I can't get up yet," said the silly girl. jgsj "Then I must leave you," said Ann, as !g§ she went towards the door. ^ " No, you must not leave me, cried Helen. m " I don'Uike to be left." ^ " Will you get up then, Miss ?" asked Ann. I^jJ " Yes, if you'll lift me out of bed, and put H] on my clothes, and wash me, and brush my £S! hair," said Helen. HJ " Your mamma says you must learn to wait I&33 upon yourself," answered Ann. Hj " But it's too much trouble to wait upon ESI myself," replied Helen ; " so, Ann, you mast ^ dress me." Beii " O, Miss Helen! 7nus£ is not a word for you to use ; pray get up, and I will help you $S[ to dress, for I should be quite sorry if your H3 mamma were to find you in bed when she jg^ comes up stairs. WJ Helen finally got out of bed, and put on [Q her socks, and tied her shoes. When she m jest ^ . r it* TXrQar Ifet && m $& m m m .« *tf«r II] SIIMIISMSMIMIIIIISIIIMMII1 LITTLE HELEN. m m m MM m mi LITTLE HELEN. m was ready to wash, she put her hand into the jgg basin, but soon drew it back again, saying, m " Oh! the water is cold; I must have some |xj warm water to wash me with." m " No, Miss Helen/ 7 said Ann ; " you know |g you must uot have warm water. Your mam- RSI ma wishes you to use cold water, because it H is more healthy. Come, don't be afraid of a £ij little water; it will make your cheeks glow, m amI when y° ur P a P a sees yon, he will say, &£t Come, Helen, let me kiss that rosy cheek.' 7 H After a great deal of trouble, Helen was m w&shed and dressed, just as her papa looked !| in at the door to see what kept her so late. jgg When Ann had combed her hair, she went p down to breakfast. Her papa and mamma ggj had finished theirs, and Helen was obliged to m eat hers alone. Sitting down, in a very ill || humor, to her howl of bread and milk, "she m said to Ann, " Give me some cold milk; this §g is so hot it burns my mouth," Bgj " That is not the way to ask for what you H want, Miss Helen," said Ann ; " I shall not m give it you till you speak as you should do." jH "I shall reach it for myself, then," said £32 Helen; and as she spoke, sue stood upon the || chair and stretched out her arm to reach the gS: milk. As she drew back her arm, her foot jpj slipped and down she fell, pulling the table £g over, and scalding her arm with the milk. Pj At this moment her papa came into the Eg room, and Helen, looking down at the table, mmrnmwmmmmmmmm m 383! 1531 &* m m m m m m IS* m m m m m LITTLE HELEN. •HUMP m £31 AZE3W )»( M £3! *** & /v§§>x /w> ^r^ V_A \o ^-^ '^ £p#ES ■"a ss&s&s&s lt|p MORAL, INSTRUCTIVE, AND EN- j§jpp TERTAINING TOY BOOKS, BEAUTIFULLY BELLiSHED mm %*8 s^& rv^M? "WITH SUPERIOR ENGRAVINGS, FOR THE MIND AND THE EYE, ■TsWS 2,^ «?ss 3 ©SIPS® JEff OF ALL THE 9 «J»S''« / ^.7jr DIFFERENT SIZES, JUST PUBLISHED- 2(®£l "SS? £$&& ^A§& £282» £#fl& £-&&& ^Aft^ ^Sfttt*' «***-* *J?« £?>? -v \A.' A V/> r**3/*\ P\3^ >v(L^ ?»*l/< >0.i«C ^l,,* ^.*^ v~«-«» ».. «— , _ .-» ^ . _« ~ ■. -J. . . - r.*^..^-. J ^.— „— £<&»