(mim&m^WMWm ISTORY MHH'imi-l'" L««.- OF A ** ft @§@Q LONDON ; Printed by Knight and Bagster, 14 Bartholomew Close. FOR J. DAVIS, No. 56, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 32 **? JllfflBIBii 111 JL JL1 t es I dare say you like to play with pussy, as that little girl is doing*. I hope she is not teazing her. Cats will sit quite still for a great many hours to watch for a mouse. It would be well, if little hoys and pirls would sit as still while thev were learning their lessons, and when they had said them well, then the^miMitplaY about ^ 1^ ©g 5 The Dog; takes care of his mas- ter's property, he follows him about, and will not let any body hurt him. If a stranger come, he barks to let his master know it. He is easily taught a great many useful things. A shepherd's dog will not let the sheep go astray. How thankful little boys and girls should be to those who keep them from getting into troubles and dangers, The Cow fl The Cow is a very valuable ani- mal — every part of it is of use- I dare say you like to have its milk for breakfast, and to eat beef for your dinner. The skin is tanned and made into shoes, the horns are made into many useful articles, the bones make combs, and many other things nearly as well as ivory, even the blood is of use. — Every thing we do should be of some use. The Pigs Do look at these Pigs. God forbade the Israelites to eat the flesh of swine, and to this day the Jews refuse to eat it ; this is one of the many proofs of the truth of what is told us in the Bible. — When the Prodigal Son had wast- ed all that he had, he was forced to go into the fields, and take care of swine or pigs : he was so hun- gry, that he was glad to eat the husks or food given to the swine to eat. Take care that you do not waste or misuse the blessings which God gives you to enjoy. ' S^f^,****^, "~«~*.—-~-*~~"'"*ir~*~m~J — — ■ -r»>i Tumuli MB»JIH ■ ■ " The ^-oats a Look at that boy, he might em- ploy his time better, and the goats would be more happy if they were at liberty, and jumping about on the rocks and hills. " The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats/' When Saul persecuted David, he was forced to hide among the rocks where the goats were found. Read 1 Sam. xxiv. 2. i££=s '''-"*-•< J. ^^0^^^>^^<^^-* £* The Horse is a noble and use- ful animal, he is verv strong' and active. The Psalmist says u Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, but we will remember the name of our God !" This is to teach us not to trust in any thing in this world, however good or great it may be, but to look to God alone for strength and pro- tection. o Wild Ass. In Eastern countries, the Ass is a much larger and stronger ani- mal than it is here. Those men are trying to catch one, but it is not easily tamed. Job says, " Vain man would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt." (xi. 12.) For we are all naturally inclined to do what is evil and wrong, unless our hearts are sub- dued by the power of divine grace. F The Lambo In the Bible, Christ is compared to a lamb, because lambs were sacrificed as an offering for sin. John the Baptist pointed out Christ to his disciples, and said, " Behold the lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. " Think upon what Christ suffered for you, and pray that you may love him, and that he would cause you to hate sin. and to do his will. 1\J 0.t?Cpa When sheep wander from their fold, they will not find their way back again at night, unless they are driven home. Dogs and many other animals can find their way home, but sheep cannot find their way to their fold. " All we, like sheep, have gone astray/' Christ is the good Shepherd, he will take care of those who love him, for he laid down his life for his sheep. 11 FWBt The Lion is one of the strongest and fiercest of wild beasts. The Bible say3, " The righteous is bold as a lion/' But wicked men are strong also, the Psalmist prayed that God would " save him from the lions' mouth/' You recollect about Daniel in the lions den ; God sent an angel, and shut the lions* mouth. 12 The Bear D In the book of Proverbs we read, " Let a bear robbed of her whelps, meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly." Perhaps this is spoken of angry persons, for angry persons are always fools, and I am sure they are like furious wild beasts. Perhaps they do not intend to do harm, but they often do a great deal of mischief, therefore " leave off contention, before it be med- dled wit K" T7T The Salon and the People often desire to escape from punishment, not because they are really sorry that they have done wrong, but because they do not like to suffer what they have de- served. But they will find that they only get out of one trouble to fall into another. The prophet Amos speaking of such persons, says, " As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him." 14 The Camel- Did you ever see any Camels ? In hot countries they are very use- ful. They can keep a part of the water they drink in their stomachs t/ for a great many days, and satisfy their thirst with it when they need it. When we hear what is for our good, we often forget it very soon ; how much better it would he to keep it in our memories against a future time ! o - ■ ■ -- — - ZnJ> ^ £ The prophet Isaiah tells us, that " the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf, and the young lion, and the fading together, and a little child shall lead them, (Isa. xi.) When we are cleans ed f rorn our sins by the blood of Christ which he shed for us upon the cross, our evil tem- pers and passions are subdued by his Holy Spirit, and we become mild and gentle. m- (