^fcfcst&fcr** i£> DO NOT FORGET TO PRAY, -- K RELIGiOils TRACT SOCIETY; 56, Paternoster- row ; 161, Piccadilly, ''Mm #&<*■ LONDON. • kit \i d '*raBraraSi :"^S^_£? i' **v>. s ^s— DO NOT FOEGET TO PEAY. A little boy was about to leave home, and to go to school in the country. His heart was rery sad as he thought of going k 2 DO NOT FORGET TO PEAT. from those he loved to live among strangers. There was at the time a Christian lady on a visit at his father's house. When she took his hand to say good- bye, she kindly said, "My dear boy, do not forget to pray." That little boy never forgot these good words. When he went from home he did pray ; and as he grew up he became a man of prayer and a minister. He used to say that the words spoken to him when a boy had sunk into his heart, and, through the blessing of Grod, had done much in making him a pious man. It is not a strange question to ask you, young reader, Do you pray ? Are you like SamueJ, 1D0 KOT FOEGET TO PEAT. 3 Josiah, and others, who began to call on the Lord in their youth ? Are you like Jesus P We may be sure that when he was a child he prayed to God his Father, as we know he did in the days of his manhood. "Will you take him for an example ? You like to follow a good pattern ; you will never find another equal to him. JVhen do you pray? Some only bend their knees at night ; but is it too much to pray every morning and evening? David called on God " in the morning, at noon, and in the evening ;" and so did Daniel. We may well suppose that our blessed Saviour prayed oftener still ; and so should we if oui hearts were more holy. 4 DO NOT FORGET TO PRAY. Do you love prayer ? If we love any one we like to speak to him often, and to be much with him. Should you not love (rod, who is your best Friend, who gives you life, health, parents, and everj^hing you have, and who can make you happy for ever? How would it be if God should cease to care for you ? Is there any one who can do for you what He does ? And ought vou not to love him for it, and call upon him often ? Then think how great his love in send- ing his Son into the world, that through believing in him you might not perish, but have eter- nal life ; and will } r ou not show your desire and love towards him by asking him for those bless- 1)0 NOT FOltGET TO PltAT. 5 ings he has to give ? A little Hottentot boy was asked if he loved prayer. "Yes," he said, " I pray every day behind a bush, where I kneel down, and say to our Saviour, i O Lord, I wish to be thy child, to love thee, and to obey thy word : do thou help me/ " How do you pray ? Is it with your heart, as well as with your voice ? Or do you quickly say over some words, to get through your prayers as soon as you can, arid then think no more about what you have been saying ? Do you mean what you say r Do you speak to God out of the heart ? If you were going to the Queen, seated on her throne to present a petition, would yon 6 BO NOT FOEGET TO PRAT. not take care in what manner you knelt before her, and what you said to tier ? How then should you come before the great and holy God, who is the King of kings ! You must also be in earnest when you call on his name. There was a heathen woman who heard of Jesus, and what great and good things he had done for the sick and poor. As she was in great trouble about her young daughter, who was very ill, she thought she would go to Jesus, and ask him to heal her child. So she went to him ; but she did not hastily say over some words, and go away without waiting for an answer. No ! " she fell down on her face, and besought him." DO NOT FOBOET TO FEAT, 7 And when he did not say any- thing the first time she asked, she prayed again and again, till he spoke in mercy to her. Then she went home full of joy, and found her daughter well. If we seek like her, we shall find like her. But do not forget that all you ask of God must be in the name of Jesus, and for his sake. He is " the way " to the throne of grace. He pleads for us, and without him all our prayers are nothing worth. If we ask in his name, he will present our Drayers for us ; and through lim our blessings will come. Gro, then, to God in prayer in the name of Jesus. Tou have many wants : he can give you alJ 8 DO NOT EOJRGET TO PRAY. that is best for you to have in this world. You have many Sins : seek that they may be all cleansed away by the blood of Jesus Christ. Tour heart is un- holy : seek for the Spirit's help to enable vou to strive against all bad thoughts, bad tempers, and bad ways. You have many duties : ask that you may know what they are, and that you may have grace to do them. There are many dangers in your path : pray that God may be your Guide and Protector. You will die : plead with God that he will prepare you for heaven, and in his own time take you there. PARDON & SON", POINTERS, PATERNOSTER ROW, *•;. m 4* 4-«Hfc «M*4- «M^ #■ r ^ God reigns in glory, and on high ^^ *T Sits on bis throne of majesty : T^ '"^jp ' Yet from that glorious throne he bends, sp* ra^J^ And even to a child attends. *&* > Sp /^p» Asleep, awake, by night, by day, **&=% j When at my lessons, or my play ; ^ T Although the Lord I cannot see, V *&* His eye is always fixed on me. *^^ t*jfp% jj q k ears me w h en i p ra y or praise, *^p* ,^1^ He also ponders all my ways : <=\fi* 7 May I so live as God approves, T '"^p^ May I be one whom Jesus loves. «°v V* r God raever will forsake his own, "Y* «^jf* He will not leave me all alone ; ir ^ s >Jr When not another friend is near, >? r t Mav I remember God is here. t #-^4-4*4*^ ^-4*^^^