MAKKHAM'S SPELLING-BOOK, AEHANGED FOE THE USE OF PREPARATORY SCHOOLS. LONDON: Yorkshire J. S. Publishing and Stationery Co. Limited ; Agents : DEAN & SON, Lucl gate-hill. "Wholesale Warehouse— Otley, Yorkshire, Quick promisers are slow performers. THE TIGEIL WORDS OF TWO LETTERS. ab ac ad af 60 ec ed ei "3 Ih o 1C id It oc od ot no 11C nd Ul ah ak al eg ig eh ek el ih ik ii og oh ok ol ug uh nk ul am an ap ar em en ep er im in ip ir om on op or urn un np ur < r 4 Little spoken is soonest mended. WORDS OF THREE LETTERS. Add had pad bag bad lad sad cag dad mad wad fag wag pass net nip all bat pet rip ball cat set sip HUNTING, — — — » ham tat bid cit pam vat hid fit ram beg lid nit can leg big pit fan meg rig lit Desire what is fit and nothing moi THE SWALLOW. WORDS OF FOUR LETTERS. cure dure lure mure hurl purl bush gush hush push bute cute mute lute bust cust dust burn turn cube tube mule pule rule yule j^c&s^e bale gale dame band cape last mast cave gave face back hack gage pelf self lend send Pride goes before, shame follows after. EASY LESSONS'. Put on his hat, and let him go out to see the hay, as I and Ann are to go out to see it ; you may go out to see the hay too. May we go out sir ? Yes ! but do not go far out of the way ; for the sun is hot ; and let me see you in at six, as I am to be in at six. We may go to bed at ten, as the sun is set at ten, and if we go to bed at ten, we may get up at six, as the sun is up at six, if the day be hot. Go on to do all as you are bid, and do no ill ; Go out of the way of all sin as far as you can, and be not in the way of bad men who sin and do ill. Zeal in a good cause is commendable, EASY LESSONS. No man can see God ; but God can see all men. He can see all we do ; and let us not sin, for God can see us. To do a bad act is a sin, and it is not for us to do a bad act, as it is a sin, and let us not do so, nor go in the way of sin. To go in the way of sin is to go in a bad way, and let us not do so. Let us not lie, for it is a sin to lie ; and no man is to lie. Go not in the way of a bad boy ; for to go in the way of a bad boy is to go in the way of ill, and in the way of sin. If a bad boy ask you to go in the way of ill, do not do it ; go not in his way, but go out of it as far as you can. Zeal makes a bad cause worse. WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. Ab-bot ab-bey basb-ful bet-ter Cab-bage can-non cap-er car-rot car-ter cliam-ber cban- nel cbap-ter Dag-ger dal-ly darn-age dam-ask dam-sel de-base E-clipse ed-ict ef-fect e-lect ern-balm en- camp er-mine Fa-ble fac-tor fag-ot fal~con fal-ter fel-on fe-male fid-die Gal-lant gar-den gen-der gi-ant gin-ger gos-pel gul-let Hab-it bal-bert liam-mer bap-pen bar-lot bas-ten ba-tred ba-ven I-dle im-age im-bibe im-part in-cense in-close i-ron is -sue Jan-gle ja-pan jas-per jave-lin jin-gle joy-ful jus-tice Ken-nel ker-nel kin-die kin-dred king-dom Lad-der la-ment leg-ate li-cense lob-by lus-tre Mad-am med-dle min-gle mod-ern mur-mur myr-tle Contentment Is a constant store. EASY LESSONS. Be not far off, God, and let me not be led on to do a bad act, or to do ill, or to sin ; but let me be led in the way of thy law ; for thy law is not to do ill. Be a good boy and do no ill ; keep out of the way of bad boys who do ill ; if you do ill you are not a good boy, and no one will love you. If you keep out of the way of bad boys, and do no ill, all will love you, and will call you a good boy. Be then a good boy that all may love you. All good boys love God and try to keep out of the way of sin ; but all bad boys hate God and love sin, and live in it all the day long. & Tiic patient man is always at home EASY LESSONS. Hear my voice, Lord, when I cry to thee : hide not thou thy face from me. tarry thou for the Lord, be strong, and he shall help + 1 ce, and put thou thy trust in the Lord. He shall give strength to those that fear him ; the Lord shall bless his own with peace. God loves those who are kind, but the child that fights and quarrels he does not love. Lord, who shall dwell in thy house, or who shall rest m thy holy hill ? Some men cannot hear another com- mended without being angry, or allow any merit but in themselves. The glory of a good' man is a good conscience, this affords inward peace at all times. To commend what is praise-worthy is common justice ; and to lessen what is well done is dishonest. Wisdom teaches us to value content above all things, and a virtuous mind above all wordly glory. L THE CHILD'S COMPLAINT. Why should I love my sports so well, So constant at my play ; And lose the thoughts of heaven add hell, And then forget to pray ? What do I read my bible for, But, Lord, to know thy will ; And shall I daily know thee more, Yet less obey the still? How senseless is my heart, and wild ! How vain are all my thoughts ! Pity the weakness of a child, And pardon all my faults. Make me thy heavenly voice to hear, let me love to pray ; Since God will lend a gracious ear To what a child can say.