— r£2* A NEW I" ai OOE e LONDON: Printed by C. E. Knight, St. Katharines-square, FOR J. D A V I S, No. 56, PATERNOSTER-ROW. « >l ' ' — l » m— umiaii I" in 'in miii i urn i« rn iimi ■■■■■ » n ■ " I — — — — ^—— ~ *"^LC 1 ¥"""'""■ PwffTfW #¥f# '/// 1 1 '|. I ih { ij! I! !l I J iji m »\\* ^ *L 3

ay ! are we soldiers of the cross, And-followers of the lamb? ind shall we dare disown his cause. Or blush to speak his name. \re there no foes for us to face ? Must we not stem the flood '? Co Jesus let as pray for grace, Our Saviour and our God. L To seek for heav'n, and think ol death, Thisflow'r^iUfadebefore Usnoon, And you this day may lose your breath. Then 'twill for ever be in vain To crv for pardon ana tor grace, To wish you had your time again, Or hope to see the Saviour s face. k*dB Q "HW ""Mill .1 1 anaaexB^" Wl BTl II I i J (IBS ! " Thank God for my breakfast/' said little Miss Line, As she cheerfully rose from her stool, " The clock, as 1 see, will shortly strike nine, And I must go quickly to school. Then taking her sampler, her bag, and her book, She put on her gloves, shawl, and hat, A heart-cheering kiss from each relative took, And nodded good bye to her cat. 9 ^^^SSSi&^^0B£:^A^^M^^ As a little child relies On a strength beyond his own, Knows he's neither strong nor wise, Fears to stir a step alone. Let me thus, O Lord, abide With thee, my father, guard, and guide. LI The gentle child that tries to please That hates to quarrel, fret and teaze And will not say an angry word ; That child is pleasing to the Lord. Great God, forgive, whenever we Forget thy word and disagree \ And grant that each of us may find The sweet delight of being kind. $Y When 1 am not at the school, I ought to think of every rule, And be as good as when I'm there, Although no people may be near- For out of heaven God can see If I do WJfQJig, where'er I be; So I should mind what's right, and pray To God. to help me that I may. 1 My God who makes the sun to know His proper hour to rise ; And, to give light to all below, Does send hirn round the skies. Give me, O Lord, thy early grace, Nor let my soul complain, That the young morning of my days Has all been spent in vain. ■* 13 Give us an humble active mind From sloth and folly free ; Give us a cheerful heart, inclin'd To useful industry. A faithful memory bestow With solid learning store, And still, O Lord, as more we know, Let us obey thee more. 14 How much better thou'rt attended Than the Son of God could be, When from heav'n he descended And became a child like thee. Soft and easy is thy cradle, Coarse and hard the Saviour lay, When his birth-place was a stable, And his softest bed was hav. k. 1.5 ^ What a mercy, what a treasure, I possess in thy dear word, There I read with holy pleasure Of the love of Christ, my Lord. That dear word reveals the Saviour, Sinful children deeply need Oh ! what mercv, love, and favour, That for sinners Christ should bleed. ^&?///£ £ ££ £ r H \ V*" \^**-J^'^ : ^^ : ^?Jfa'~ZLI : ^-^^ 5F- *^< '"^;-': ; -^-;r,-:.--.:- -- 3- ™ • • — - all '^ik^^-^s^i'-^ ^ ;*4 ,t .j^j.* \r4jt? "v ■C'i-^iM^ \ Printed by C. E. Knight, St. KathasmeVsqtiare.