mm i 1 i 1 i SK,?- - Royal Society. 6101. A List of the Royal Society, obi. la. fol. Lond., for J. Martyn, 1677. Inserted : photo, of the unique copy (in the possession of J. F. Fulton, Esq.) of the first printed List, 30 Nov., 1663. from the library OF SIR WILLIAM OSLER , Bart. OXFORD I - I ‘ > M - i * f A LIST OF THE R HIS SACRED MAJESTY RING C His Highnefs Prince RUPERT Count Palatine of the Rhine. Arthur Earl of Anglesey L.Pr.Seal. R©bERT Earl of Alisbury. Archibald Earl of Argile. James Lord James William Thomas Elias Sir Robert Monfieur Adrian John George Duke of William Lord Robert Nicholas Sir Thomas William Sir John Thomas Ralph John ANNESLE Y. Ardern D. D. Aglionby M. D. Ailen M D. Afhmole Efquire. Atkins Knight. Auzout. Awbrey Efquire. gUCKlNGH AM. gRERETON. Boyle Efquire. Bagnal Ef quire. Bains Knight. Balle Efquire. Banks Baronet. Barrington Efqttire. Bathurft M. V. Peter ) Thomas Daniel Thomas Thomas John Sir William Sir John Courthope Efquire. Cox M. V. Cox M. D. Cox Efqnire. Crifpe Ef quire. Croke Efqttire. Curtius Kt. and Bar. Cutler Knight and Bar. Henry ‘/Dorchester, William E arlof D evonshirE Sir Richard Maurice L.Vifc. Sir Francis Sir John Sir Richard Sir Henry . Edgcumbe Baronet. pITZHARDlNG. Finch Knight. Ford Kt. and Ford Knight. Beal D. P* Uonf. Theodore de Beringhen &. of thePa.of Paw- Sir Charles Berkley Kt. of the Bath. Birkenhead Knight. Bernhard B. P. Birch M. V. Brook Baronet . Brown M. V. Bullialdus. Burnet. Bysftie Knight. Carlisle, CR AFORD and LINDSEY. Cavendish. CLIFFORD. John Lord Bi/hop of Chester. D. Ant. Alvarez da Cunha Reg. Lttf. Archida. Edmund Caftel D. D. Sig. Giovanni Dom. Caffini AJlr. Reg. Far. Sir Bernard Jofeph Sir William Nehemias Gafcon Knight. Glanvile B. D. Godolphin Knight. Grew M. P* Sir John Edward Andrew Sir John Edward Monfieur Ifmael Mr. Gilbert Sir Edward Charles Earl of John Earl of W* LLIAM Lord Ch ARLES JLsOirzl George LordVifcount Halifax; Charles Lord H ERBERT * Henry Lord Edward Sir Winfton Henry Thomas Mr. John John Sir Richard Chamberlain LL. D. Churchil Knight. Clerk M. P. Clutterbuck Ef quire. Collins. Colwal Efquire. Corbet Knight. Theodore Henry William Sir Edward Sir James Johannes Monfieur Urbanus James James William Anthony Robert Charles Edward Thomas Howard of castlerising. Haak Efquire. Hall Efquire. Hammond Efquire. Harley Kt. of the Bath. Hayes Knight. Alexander Earl of KiflcA: Edmund King Ik Robert E arlof Likdsi Sir John Lavrer Sir Ellis Leght< Monfieur Lejont Gothofred.Gulielm. Lebnit John Lo k l Sir James Loig l Anthony Lovtfo Sir Kingfmill Lu:ey Mo.Hugues Louys de Ly*nn< f Martin LyJter * I y Signor Marcellus Malpig Mr. Nicholaus Mecat P. Gafparde Meed Chriftopher Merret Henry ^ More Jaques du Nklin 4 Tames Earl of NOUTI Sir Paul Nile. Thomas Nall Walter Nedb Edward John Mr. Ifaac Nicholas Henry Earl of Hevelius Conf. of Dant%. Philip John Stafford William le Monfieur Chriftian Hiarne Suecus. Hoar fenior , Efquire. Hoar junior , Efquire. Holder P. P. Horneck M. A. Hook M. A. Howard of Norfolk^ Efq\ Howard of Norfolk^ Efq\ Howard ofN.Efq‘,fecond (Son to the Earl Afarjhal. Howard Efquire. Hunt Efquire. Huygens de Zulichem. Samuel John Sir Philip Sir William Monfieur Pierre Sir Thomas Walter Sir William Thomas Sir Richard Henry Mr. Henry Jenkes. Richard Lord Fife. John Lord Bifhop of R oc John Lord R 01 Out ofthefe fellows of the Society y Ten are to he chofen into the Council y : royal society. ARLES If. fovnver and patron. UisHigbnefs FERDINAND ALBERT Duke of Brunfwyck and Luneburgh. A ;ardin. King M. D. Likdsey LordG.Chanib. Lavrcnce Et. & all of Lend. Leghton Knight . Le'onbcrgh Env. Ex.ofSvced. lt Lcbnitius jr.D.&Conf.Mog. Lok Efquire. Loig Knight and Bar. Lovther Efquire. Lu:ey Kt. and Baronet. is Lymne. Lyier E{quire. . Malpighi M. P. Mecator. Mee de Zouza JV- D - L,t f- Mccret M.P. More P. P* Min M. P* j NORTHAMPTON. Ncile Knight. Nal E [quire. Nedham U. P. Nithorp Ef quire. Nfwburgh E [quire, fiewton. a udart Ef quire. IfERBURGH. Packer Ef quire. Parker e>. d. a. d. of cant. /Pel P. Pi Pecival Baronet. Petty Knight. Francis Sir Robert Paul Roberts E [quire. Redding Baronet. Ricaut Ef quire. LI S T Of the prelent COUNCIL. William Earl of Strafford. Anthony Earlof Shaftsbury. William L. Vifc. Stafford. Sir James ShaenKt. and Baronet. Renatus Francifcus Slufius Canon. Dead. Monjieur William Schroter. Skippon Knight. Slanning Knight. Smethwick E fquire. Smith M. P. SoameE [quire. Southwell Knight. Spratt P. P* Stanley E [quire. Steward Baronet. Sir Philip Sir Nicholas Francis George William Sir Robert Thomas Thomas Sir Nicholas John Earl of Sir Gilbert Sir John Thomas Malachy John Signor Francifcus Sir Theodore de William Lord Vifc. Brouncker. PRESIDENT. William Aerskine Efquire. IG e o r g E Lord Berkley. Daniel John I William j John i Thomas Abraham Sir John Sir John Ifaac George L. Bijhop of W INT0N - Twedale. Talbot Knight. Talbot Knight. Thynne Efquire. Thrufton M. P. I John Tillotfon D. D • V.of Cant. ^ Travagino Phil. Venet , 1 Vaux Knight. Voflius P. P. Colwal Efquire. Creed Efquire. Croon M. D. Evelyn Efquire. Henfhaw Efquire. Hill Efquire. Hoskyns Rnight. Lowther Baronet, Mapletoft M. Do Moore Knight. Mills B. D. Petit* Player Kt.&ChaMb.ofL. Tope M. P. iportman ic.&B.&K.oftbeB Povey Efquire. powle Knight of the bath.\sir Peter Powle Efquire . I Edmund Edmund John Sir Paul Sir John William Samuel Benjamin John Thomas Sir Cyril . ' Ct Ranalaugh. ^Rochester. Roberts. Waller Efquire. Wallis D. D. Whichcot Knight. Williams Kt. and Bar. Winde Efquire. Woodford D. P* Woodrofle P. P. Wray M. A. W^cn M. D. Wyche Knight. Wyche Knight. Wylde Efquire. Daniel Henry Earl o/Norwich Earl AEarflj. of England. 1 Samuel Pepys Efquire. Seth LordB.of Salisbury. Daniel Whiftler M. T>. Sir Joseph W illiamson Kt.Tr.Sajfitdei Sir Chriftopher Wren Knight Sur. Gen. Richard L. A. B. of York. Robert L. Vifc. Yarmouth. John Lord Yester. Of thefe Members of the Council, Eleven are to be continued 3 \£ov. 30. 1677. LONDON ,, Printed for John Martyn 3 Printer to the Royal Society], M DC LXXVIL vneily November 30. 1677, * Lord roNY Lord 2<)rgi ; . Duke of Buckingham, jrge Lord Berkeley. 3ERT Lord imas Bruce. Bains 2), Balle 'EM. D. Barrow C B. T >. Bate M. D. Bathurft M. D. Beaufort, Vabres de Frefars. Birkenhead Knight. Boyle £fq- t Brook Efq ; Bruce M . D. Byfshe Kj- Craford and Lindesay. Cavendish. Charleton M. D. Clayton Efo Colwall Efej; Cotton D. D." Cox M. D. Cox £fq. Croon M. D. nry Marq. of Dorchester, lliam Earl of Devonshire. John Denham Kf of the ‘Bath. Dridcn Efq ; H L. Biflop of Exeter. drew Ellifc Efq, Francis Fane of the Bath. under le Febure* John hard n vid Edward N Earl of lliam Lord alter Sir Andrew John Lord James Anthony John Vifcount Chriftopher Sir Anthony James Earl of Jafper William Sir Thomas Henry Earl of Philip Sir Robert John Sir William King %- Lucas. Long Efq ; Lowther Efq; Massareene. Merret M. D. Morgan K, ( - Northampton. Needham. M. D. Neile Efq; Note ^ Peterburgh. Packer Efq; Pafton KL andBar. Pell D. D. Per fall Kg Edmund John Edward Daniel Jofeph Thomas Francis William John Thomas Chriftopher Sir Peter Sir Cyril Edmund Waller Efq ; Wallis D. D. Waterhoufe Efq, Whiftler EM. D W illiamfon Ejq; Willis M. V. Willughby Ejq ; Wincjp Ffq- t Winthrop Efq , Wren M.T>. Wren LL. T>. Wyche Kg : Wyche KL Wyld e£^> fluyte> of' -the, ibfz (/La^> tl'A jo &J * ^ jw, U&b , ^ i ^" „ MNMMMHrf