_ ——-——___- ~-- —— —_— os ele i y a es ak WIEST he = = re Pd — G effort are impossible, a) inn tat NL Fe aed can ri wh - ee. eleae = cies. , Tale for bees es On ; sev Sof New 2S * though the day be of controllirg the muscles as completely succeded. I realize fully that you may have scme difficulty in maintaining a persistent attitude of seeking greater rigidity from time to time. My object is not to torture you with a bur- dening idea, but rather to make Clear to you that a maximum of | effort, in harmony with my instructions, will give you a maximum | of reward. — | i i rr i - < A » mie As long as you do not hold your breath, you may consider your breathing successful. Breathing, like digestion, or like the bowels or kidneys or liver or any physiological function, if controlled by the conscious mind, will establish less efficiency in the physiolegical mind. The physiological mind is reacy to take advantage of any assistance the conscious mini gives it, and inasmuch as assistance leads to deterioration, through tem- porary advantages and reactions of disadvantages, it follows that the less you think ebout breathing and the less you think about how to breathe and with what portions of your lungs to . breathe, the greater will be the responsibility assumed by your physiological mind and the more competent will be your organism in this respect. Your physiological mina knows precisely when and how you need to breathe. Swobodaism - Conscious Evolution increases the necessity for breathing, and it leaves to the physiological mind the duty of governing the breathing appa- ratus in harmony with the bodily necessities. | we é a 7 4 | A ' \ ; AI ie Faith has no evolutionary value, It, however, has nega- tive evolutionary influence, if a negative faith dominates the perscnality. In other words, if you, while exercising, have an attitude of personality that Conscious Evolution is not based on fundamental laws and that it cannot help you, and that you are merely practicing the exercises because you have assumed the obligation you will, in reality, interfere with your evolution. Therefore, in view of the fact that Conscious Evolution is based on the most fundamental principles of life anda creaticn, regard- less of whether or not you are ccnscious of this fact, it will be to your interest to at least give Conscious Evolution the Op- pertunity to demonstrate to you its efficiency, its therefore, Will te to your advantage to have faith, to believe in what I Say to the extent that you may eradicate the negative of faith from your personality for the time being. I do not say this to you because I believe that you do not have faith; 1 am merely explaining for your enlightenment what attitude is best for you, You could fain absolutely nothing of an advantageous character through taking the exercises more often daily than I State. Quite the ecntrary; if you should exercise more than [I . specify, you would find that you would deprive my System of its evolutionary influence. It would become mere work, which your organism would tolerate, and against which it woulda protect it- self through negative action, instead cof evolutionizing through positive reaction. It is not readily realized, unless one knows all the elements involved, that it is an easy matter to take more exercise or to discipline the cells to an extent than from | which they are able to develop reactions of a favorable or ad- vantageous character. Nevertheless, if you will cooperate with me by permittirg me to govern you in this matter instead of us- ing your own jucgment in the matter of taking more exercise than I prescribe, you will find that you will obtain the maximum of reactions, : You no doubt have learned that you have a tendency to keep the muscles of your neck rigid while trying to control those of the other parts of the body, as required for the dif- ferent exercises. Endeavor to give the matter attention, and gradually learn to keep the muscles of the neck relaxed, while controlling those of other parts of your organism, This will give you the same advantage with none of the disadvantage or the inconvenience of stressing the muscles of the neck persistently and vnnecessarily. _ Again I say, enter into this work - enter into this mat- ter as though you were in earnest, as though you meant business. You cannot deceive your evolutionary forces and your personal energies into believing that you are in earnest if you are not, Therefore, do not attempt to deceive them, for to try to deceive them is to practice self-deception, and there is no fraud like self-deception. It deprives the individual of the advantages of evolution, and makes inevitable the disadvantages of stagna- tion and deterioraticn. u - ned he - come aammenaie Se ene aes ie Kammerer “ory a=. So CERCISH "I" Assume position, as shown in cut #1. Arms horizontal. Palms turned down. Make rigid the muscles of the shoulders and upper back. Draw the Shoulder blades close together and draw the arms down to the sides, as shown in Cut #2. Keep the muscles rigid on the downward motion ONLY, and bring the chest forward as much as you can on this downward motion. Be sure to relax the muscles ag the arms go up. This exercise is an excellent one for greet tending your shoulders and expanding the chest. | , » a? , _— ~ wy + ect a heise 5 7 7 > eve) = ~ ec h é one ’ e _, me FO es es iy,¢- r _ ar Soar < aN eo Meese ae 7 = be PP ) = x - — ; at y he" r, » we ,, 2 “ - ; - » tone Ay “+ ; = pe ee Uh eid “ . “a RCISE "ju. Tessie Assume position, as shown in Cut #1. Arms ip Straight and horizontal. Palms turned up. Make rigid the muscles of the upper arms and shoulders, and draw the arms up, so as to come to position Shown in Cut #2 (arms Straight above the should- ers). The muscles are kept rigid on the upward motion ONLY. Relax the muscles as the arms go down to first position. ee ——— rn _, a ) | eee ALoIs P. Sworn ODA 21 WEST 44 STREET SEW YORK My dear friend anda Pupil: | Ss The results which Swoboda icm- Conscicus | Evolution cen produce for you are governed by your sincerity, honesty, good will, good intert, desire. 7 and real and genuine anbition, combined with the intense use of the energies as I have prescribed, | Swoboda ism- Conscicus Evolution is as definite a sclence as the multiplication table, and if you use | it intensely, thoroughly, Sincerely, as you use nun- bers. you will gain definite, exact, and positive results. The laws of numbers are not more definite than the laws of evolution. 7 Siti OF Overy notion there is a reaction. jo Yreacticn c : an be greater than the pr real cooperation determine your action. Therefore, accordingly as you are sincere and have high motives, | 80 do you create the Primary action, and your reac- | tion must, according to the law of action and reac- | tion, be precisely as you determine by your sinceri- ty and action. All evolution takes place through reaction. Each day's reaction, united with and com- | bined with the reactions of every other day, results | in an accumulation of reactions, which mean higher | power of life, higher power of functioning, higher power of protoplasmic equilibrium, higher power of blood regeneration, higher power of releasing energy and higher power of mind and body in every respect, Therefore, renew your determination to Succeed, and do not enter into Swobcda ism- Conscious Evolution as though you were taking it as a duty. Endeavor to enter into Swobcda ism- Conscious Evoly- tion with the full understanding of what will be your ultimate and wonderful results as your reac- tions accumulate. Remember, that your creative ener- gies will work for you, strive for you, live for you. heal for you, and cure for you, accordingly ag you personally, through your personal attitude, inform your energies of what you desire. — i -yeur motives, your desires, your sincerity, and your The activation of your creative energy takes place through the use of your energy as in Swobedeism- Coneciovs Eveluticn. Whether your ace tion will be positive or negative will be determined by your personal attitude. If you are enthusiastic and eeger and enxiovs to Succeed, your reecticne will be of the positive Character. If you are indifferent and negative, your reactions will be of the negative character. | No evolution and no progress can be made through negative reactions. You must seek success: you must aspire to Success; you must want success: you must crave success, and you must heve scme spe- Cific and definite type of result or fuccess in your mind constantly if you are to have the greatest ad-~ vantage your personal attitude can give you in guid- ing your reactions as created for you in Swoboda ism- Conscious Evolution. | Be sincere, be eager to Succeed, and seek to rise in life, in Spite of every obstacle, and in spite of every disadvantage, and in Spite of every difficulty. Under no conditions admit defeat and failure, and you will be amaze 7 a u aU What a PO A, aie 66 nth = a - - _— aa ; — _ — a - r ——, Tae. ae GT - ie aoe eA. SS ee a ‘ Pa “ea Sey. a ee (—— ‘ = - wait ~ i re aati: eS pte ay cy |, Sea: =" aS G. a ee JTF vou ea: ~~, _ bn he = oan _ - vant Baie ._~ 7 —— 2 => - a epi thn om Op a= Pe ee = Sa ee UYrSsue success a = = or PA ack wf . td os ee : mg Se — eye * “ ' -—-« @armestly pursue supremacy, you may find temporarily = Some difficulty in your path, but if you continue to pursue success and prosperity, you will overcome your difficulty; whereas, if you refuse and ne- glect to pursue success and Supremacy, you will not even have the opportunity to overcome your obstacles, You will become a victim of them. There is much food for thought in this letter for you. Read my letters once a week. You will find that they have a hidden meaning which you ¢an only understand and realize through successful evolution. —: TH ~ 13 = S Yours truly, ee ee es Conscious Evolution Gives Only As You Actually Demand

Dpjstax Wi til P=FONSCIOUS Evolution is based A on principles as exact as those . SS 4 : ‘ ¢ governing mathematics, but just as in mathematics, you cannot gain a higher number by subtrac- tion, but can gain it only through addition, so also in Conscious Evolution you can only gain the higher results through desire, sincerity and action, these being demands of a constructive character. ALOIS P. SWOBODA, 21 West 44 Street, N. Y. C. | My dear Pupil: The following two exercises please add to your arm rotiens just before the floor exercises. In other words, up to this time and including this week, you should take your stancing-up exercises first and finish with the movements on the floor. Toke Frercises "R® and "Q" ten times at night and five times in the morning. These exercises are very effective for the mueeles of the abdomen, waist, end back, and if you will practice them conscientiously your abdominal muscles will become much stronger. You will find some difficulty in placing the rigidity in these two exer- cises, but if you will endeavor to make your spine stiff you wiil then have less trouble in controlling the muscles of your back and abdomen. You will, of course, be inclined to hold your preath, and for a few days, at least, you will have all manner of difficulties with these movements, but the nervous system is governed by laws which compel 4t to become subject to the conscious mind, and thus by persisting in your mental attempt to dominate the lower nerve centers, you will succeed, and you will have as perfect control over the muscles of the spine as over the muscles of the srms, chest, and shoulders. The spinal column, as you know, encases the spinal cord, which is a collection of hundreds of nerve centers, each of which, in reality, is en independent brain, controlling some special function of the organiem. You cen readily eppreciate that to acquire control over these nerve centers will te of very great value to you. It will mean efficiency end activity in all of the cells which the nerve cen- ters of the spinel cord dominate. There is another advantage arising from an energizing of these spinal nerve centers, which is that of balancing the entire nervous system, for it is true that the entire organism must be well balanced if it is to live successfully. As ycu know, the body is but a community of individual cells, and the inter- est of the entire community must always dceminate, just as the interest of a country must dominate the activities and interest of each indi- vidual who is a member of the nation. The mental attitude is of value because it governs the per- sonality in its attitude, not only in its relation to external mat- ters, but also in its relation to internal matters. If, therefore, your attitude is one of sincerity and earnestness, and you seek to develop, in connection with all of your efforts with the exercises, a thorough consciousness of your muscles, and a thorough consciousness of what you are seeking to accomplish, you will find that your re- actions will be not only much more rapid, but they will be more defi- nite, and your results will be all the more gratifying. After you have practiced all of the exercises ONE WEEK, please add those given in your FOURTH LESSON, which will follow in my next. Yours very truly, eee Se ee eee EX = 7” “The benefit Prey on 2 stance is Seoawne ch are, of course, ace i oe Ft bs on in this exercis: ly i. mention 4 tne Citra oy | peed eg a tion. Ta | Chat the arms at the same time ‘with ‘the heed. In ote? gor 4 The movement ie entirely in the back and hips, Keep the legs straight. Do not bend your knees, You are not supposed to touch the floor, but bend. forward only as far as you can. and raise the left rere eles As you peed. to the age left arm | shoulder. t pete ote sare one sid y to the rear. pass you in abuse and intolerance and discourtesy. ALois P. SwoBoDA My dear Friend and Pupil: You have, many times, no doubt, of your own accord, thought about this matter concerning whick I write you in this letter, but you have probably never thought about it in the intense degree in which I wish to bring it to your attenticn, namely, this subject or action of capitalizing the spirit of good will in business, in the home and in every contact with human beings, deliberately - for what it will bring to you. Endeavor, deliberately and intensely, to cultivate the spirit of good will towards every one. Remember that individ” vals treat you as you treat them. If you approach individu- als in a kind, courteous and gracious spirit, you will find that individuals will vie with each other to surpass you in kindness and graciousness and good will and tolerance. On the other hand, if you approach individuals in a spirit of ill will and in an irritable spirit and in a spirit of in~ tolerance, you will find that individuals will seek to sur- na aa nS _——— n - See emit eR eS You have no idea what you can accomplish with human beings - for your own good and advantage - through being kind and considerate and tolerant, and thus throvgh seeking to cc~ operate with individuals and through neglecting to notice the unfavorable and objectionable characteristics and attitudes. = ia hn Sl Wren an individval approaches you in a regative spirit, just make up your mind that such an individual cannot help it, and therefore, immediately proceed to be courteous and extra kind to such an individual. You will find that this higher- grade kindness on your part will give the other individual an opportunity immediately to be kind and considerate also, and thus, a harmonious spirit, a cooperative spirit, and a spirit of kindness, will exist between you; and through this cooper~ ative spirit, you will accomplish wonders for yourself as well as for others; whereas, through en antagonistic spirit, you will antagonize yourself, you will poison yourself, you will rob yourself - you will thus deprive yourself of pleasure, happiness, and success, as well as of health. Unless you have really made up your mind to cultivate the kind and courteous and tolerant spirit, you have no iaew of what you can accomplish with human beings and for your- self. Make up your mind to give this as much attention as you give attention to your daily work, and you will find that in less than thirty days you will establish courtesy and kindness and good will and cooperation permanently in 2S: eal ae RE: your personality and these characteristics will] then rule you at all times - and you will find the entire world will be a transformed universe for you. Every one will be kind, considerate, and pleasant, and every one will try to do. For you something of advantage. Tt will pay you to introduce these habits of kindness and consideration and tolerance into your personality, and therefere - purely con account of what you gain out of these characteristics - you should capitalize them and use them and erploy them, and thus harness them; and if you find that you continue to have srritable and unpleasant feelings towards human beings, and if you find that you cennot completely intro- duce the element of kindness and consideration ard tolerance into your personality, then make up your mind to do an act of kindness to some individual who is in need of an act of kindness. Fick out scme one who is far beneath you in every respect; pick out scme one who is in misery and distress, and give that individual something - either gocd advice or good words, or something tangible or intangible - that will mean +o such an individual that there is a friend in the universe who is interested in such an individual. | The spirit of friendship - deliberately cultivated and capitalized, for the specific purpose of creating a better at- mosphere within your personality, as well as outside of your personality - will be a very great investment for you - an in- vestment which will pay you tremendous dividends in -happiness and success. | Remember, that regardless of how odious and disagreeable and mean and contemptible be the other personality in its at- +itude toward you, by all means, always approach such a person- ality in the kindest end most pleasant and most agreeable and most tolerant spirit. Kindness and tolerance and courtesy and graciousness will melt away the most severe irritation and intolerance, for, kindness and courtesy and graciousness are like the light of the sun destroying the darkness of night - for, kindness and consideration and toleration destroy these negative, antagonistic and objectionable characteristics and attitudes, as quickly as the morning sun destroys the darkness of night. Where there is light, there can be no darkness. Where there is good will and a good spirit, there can be no 411 will, unkindness, and intolerance. Read this letter at least once a week. It contains an important personal message for you. It brings to ycu a power which you may use tremendously for your advantage. Yours very truly, P.S. - At first, you may find it difficult to always have, er te assume easily and automatically, the pleasant attitude towards everyone, for it is almost natural to as- sume the attitude of caution first. In this respect we are like animals in a wild state of nature. Animals, in a wild state ef nature, in first seeing some other animal, assume an attitude of cautiousness; but we are now living under more favorable conditions; we are not threatened by every individual; therefore, we should assume the civilized atti- tude - the attitude of courtesy, the attitude of cooperation, and the attitude of tolerance; and while on this subject cof tolerance, I wish to call your attention to the fact that you should make a special effort never to speak of the unfavora- ble eonditions and characteristics of others. If the individ- vals around you have no favorable characteristics, just remain silent. Every individual, hewever, has some favorable charac” teristic; make it a point to notice this favorable character- istic, and occasionally speak of it spontaneously. Make a practice of this, and you will find that all resistance in human beings will melt away, and every one will seek te do for you even more than you anticipate. You will be looked upon as the most agreeable and pleasant personality, and just as you seek to be agreeable and pleasant to others who are pleasant to you so others will seek to be agreeable and pleasant to you when you are pleasant to them. The best that can be said about you by a friend is that you are a pleasant and agree- able nersonality. Make a business of being pleasant - it is one of the greatest assets you can acquire. ty Conscious Evolution in Principle the Reverse of Physical Culture S) ONSCIOUS Evolution is like physical culture only in the &) outward appearance. In its basic and fundamental effect, | ‘t is based on the opposite principle to that on which Papa physical culture is based. In other words, physical cul- ture is based on the principle of assistance, whereas Conscious Evolu- tion is based on the principle of evolution and supremacy. Physical culture aims to produce a favorable action by its primary effect. Conscious Evolution aims to produce a negative action by its — primary effect, but to create a favorable result by the reaction—evolu- — tionary reaction. Conscious Evolution employs the energies of the nervous system, | muscle or motor cells, as well as of the mind, brain and personality, for the specific purpose of exerting evolutionary stress on the Conscious Energy which holds all of the bodily and mental characteristics within itself, united and co-related. Conscious Evolution, by creating evolutionary stress through the motor energies, guides the reactions into such characteristics and powers of mind and body, as are in need of reactions, for the attainment of suc- cess through power. In Conscious Evolution, I employ the Swoboda System of Physio- logical Exercise as a device or formula or means through which the motor energies are employed for stressing the Conscious Energy evo- lutionarily. an ALOIS P. SWOBODA, Bat 21 West 44th Street, N. Y. ALoIs P. S.woOoBODA PA WEST 424A STREET DIE W Ol My dear Friend and Pupil: The following two exercises are to be added to your pre-~ vious movements, placing then at the very end. Tn other words, while you are still on the floor, sontinus with Exercises "X" and ty", Take Exercise *"X" three times the first day, increasing the number at the rate of one per day, if possible, until you reach twalve times be- fore retiring. Take Exercise "Y¥", which is the seconi movenent of this lesson, three times the first day, adding ons every other day until you reach six times. I suggest that you take Exercises "X* and "YY" and also wnW#2" jn bed. You will find them more agresable. Tn Exercise "X", if you have any trouble, you may 1ift one leg at a time for a while, and as you become more efficient you may take {t in ths regular way; and $n Exercise "Y", place your fest under the covers, t9 noLd them down, and as you are about to rise, throw your arms forward, and thus for a while give yourself this assistance. ‘Lower your feet quickly in Rxercise "X", and lower your body quickly in Exercise “Y". When, however, your abdominal and back mus- cles become stronger, you may take thess movements slower, ani 1% will not be necessary to lower the body and feet completely and thus ralax. Take these two exercises five times each day, upon arising. Do not take them five times ups arising, however, until you have attained that number befors retiring by inzreasing a3 per my above advice. Extensive benefit from exercise must always come in the form of reaction. In other words, the first effect of exercise, in order to create permarent and definite results, must be a detriment to the pody, from which the body reacts with greater energy and greater abil- ity in every cell. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly bear in mind the limits of reaction of each individual, for what is enough exercise for one very often proves to be too much for another, and yet the physiological limit of reaction must be constantly crowded, other- wise the system will not be called upon to adapt itself, and no bene~- fit will result. I am giving you exercise in the proper volume, in- tensity, and number, in harmony with my judgment of your physiological limit of reaction, and 1 trust that you will follow my advice in every respect in earnest, for thus you will make it absolutely certain that the condition of your body will constantly improve, your cells will develop more energy, and you, in consequence i 3 ihars Airy , ’ q , will feel extensively I shall write you again in a week, and I hope that should these exercises cause you any discomfort, that it will have disap- peared when my next letter reaches you, | “Yours very-truly, ee - Pi tem enang ee ee # Lie flat on your back on the floor. Place the hands under the head. Keep the legs straight, and slowly raise the feet until rearly, straight up, as shown in cut. To not throw them up and take notice that you do not bend the knees. When let- ting them down, do it slowly. Keep the muscles of the legs and hips rigid on the upward motion ONLY. EXERCISE "yY" : Lie flat on your back on the floor. Fold the hands across the chest. Place the feet under the foct of the bed, or anythirg else in the room, to hold them down. Keeping the body erect and the chest forward, raise the body. to a sitting position. Do not bend over the stomach in this exercise, but bend in the hips. Let the body down slowly and repeat. Keep the body rigid on the upward motion ONLY. Slightly bend the knees as you raise the -body and straighten them as you lower the body. = ee a i elke a 21 WEST 44 STREET My Dear Friend and Pupil: Swoboda ism- Conscious Evolution is based on the opposite principle to medical practice and to medicine and other treatments. Instead of devoting itself to the Symptoms of weakness and symptoms of illness, and thus to the negative side of the problem of health and life, it devotes itself wholly to the positive and creative side. Swoboda ism- Conscious Evolution does not seek to cure constipation; it does not seek to cure indiges- tion; it does not seek to cure rheunatism3; it does not seek to cure nervous prostration; it does not seek to cure anything. Swobodaism- Conscious Evolution seeks to ignore this negative state of body and mind, and it seeks to destroy these symptcms by giving attention to produc- ing perfect health and perfect functioning and perfect processing in every cell, tissue, organ, and gland of the body, and thus Swobodaism- Conscious Evolution, by crea- ting perfect conditions, destroys the negative conditions, and establishes supremacy and power and perfect health and more erergy «at one and the seme tmie. Swoboda ism- Conscious Evolution is based on the theory that every moment of time and attention you give to the negative side of your problem is a moment wasted and wrongly invested. Swobodaism- Conscious Evolution is based on the theory that success can only come through giving attention to success, Remember, that you cannot overcome darkness by giving attention to darkness. You can overcome dark- ness only by giving attention to light. You can over- come poverty only through giving attention to prosperity and wealth. Therefore, make up your mind to give your earnest attention, sincere attention, and entire atten- —e = — - tion, to perfect health, greater power of life, and great@- er power of personality; for in this way you wili destroy weakness, illness, feebleness, and failure. Scientifically speaking, it is absolutely true that successful evolution is a panacea for all human ills. Successful evolution is a cure-all - the only cure-all. Swobodaism- Conscious Evolution, through con- sciously employing the medium and principles end laws of evolution, makes successful evolution more easily poxsi- ble and more attaineble, Therefore, Swobodaiscm- Con- scious Evolution approaches being a successful cure-all more than any other system or science or treatment which is not evolutionary in its nature and effect, such as drugs, dieting, mental attitudes, ordinary exercise, physical culture, electricity, conscious deep breath- ing, etc. , etc. All ills of mind and body are due to incom- plete or unsuccessful evolution. Unsuccessful evolu- tion, therefore, is the fundamental cause of all human ills. Ills are more or less severe and dangerous in type as well as in degree, accordingly as the degree of failure in evolution exists in each organism, Partial evolutionary failure means chronic ana general ills or disease - inferior life - feeble person- ality - and feeble power of life. Extensive evoluticnary failure means severe distress or disease. Complete evo- — lutionary failure means collapse of body and mind. It is self-evident that ‘success in evolution means success in all else. Swoboda ism- Conscious Evolution leads to higher success in evolution - it leads to evolution beyond mere blind or natural evolution, It produces practical evolu- tion, progressive evolution, scientific evolution, and valuable evolution of every characteristic of mind and body, as is genuinely desired or wanted by my pupil. I hope my letters please you, and interest you, for I am sincerely eager to have you gain wonderful health, wonderful youth, wonderful energy, wonderful vi- tality, a wonderful mind, a wonderful brain, a wonderful personality, and wonderful success, With good luck to you, I an, Sincerely yours, pleasure as may arise through the tugging at and struggling with heavy dumb-belis, and thus gaining high blood pressure and preparing conditions for the early development of hardening of the arteries? As the blood pressure rises. the organs of genera- ton shrink and lose their tone, and premature dis- charge takes place; finally, sexual functioning be- comes a complete failure. Conscious deep breathing, by automatically and abruptly introducing oxygen into the system in ex- cess of its needs, causes excessive union of oxygen and carbon in the blood and cells, creating gas in excessive volumes, which is not only a poison, but the presence of the gas distends the cells and tissues and capillaries, also increasing the blood pressure, and not only creating sexual weakness—as in all in- stances where the blood pressure is increased—but also giving rise to dizziness, giddiness and a sense of mental imbalance. The world has yet to produce a mental giant or a gentus through heavy dumb-bell exercise. The laws of evolution make it impossible for a highly conscious mind to exist in a personality that is en- slaved by a body which has been developed by heavy weights or heavy dumb-bells. The more highly de- veloped become the purely mechanical elements, the greater is the recession of consciousness of mind and personality. This is in harmony with evolution- ary law, and cannot be changed by argument. Fancy a human being slaving, working and ex- hausting his energies in connection with heavy dumb-bells or excessive deep breathing, and thus becoming mentally slow and sexually weak, by vir- tue of compensating reactions! Can you imagine anything more stupid? BERKELEY BUILDING 21 West 44th Street New York City It is a matter of knowledge among physicians that professional strong men, gymnasts, and ath- letes are sexual weaklings. Dangers of Athletic and Gymnastic Exercise Organic Stress has restored to normal virility, functionins and manhood many who have been functionally weakened by athletics, weight-lifting, dumbbells, violent forms of exercise and other practices. Organic Stress, however, must not be classed as a mere cure for sexual weaknesses. a P ur is, of course, a matter of common knowl- oy 4 edge that as the blood pressure rises, the i632) sexual instinct or power recedes. Whether ie high blood pressure be due to leaky heart valves or to hardening of the arteries, produced by a cessa- tion of evolution, or by a stiffening of the walls of the capillaries, resulting in nutritional inaction, or through the use of heavy weights or dumb-bells, the result is invariably the same insofar as destroying the sexual power is concerned. All individuals who practice with heavy weights prematurely, lose their sexual power. Practically all strong men, all gymnasts, and all athletes, are more or less sexless. Most physicians know that, sex- ually, even those who have tuberculosis are mote efficient than those who are professional strong men, developed through the use of weights. The principle involved is almost the same as in excessive fat. The fatter the man the more feeble is his sexual power. It is wrong in principle to exercise with heavy weights, for it most certainly increases the blood pressure. Most everyone has noticed how individ- uals who exercise with heavy weights have large, prominent veins standing out, so to speak, on their arms and on other parts of bedy. These excessively large and prominent veins always indicate excessive blood pressure and when you learn that, as the blood pressure rises, the sexual power recedes—when, in other words, you realize that it is the rise in the blood pressure of individuals that robs them of their sex- ual power, you will appreciate that it is most un- profitable to exercise with heavy weights. The prominent veins on the arms and temples tell the story of rising blood pressure and accompanying re- cession of sexual power. That the use of heavy weights increases the blood pressure is not only demonstrated by actual tests and measurements of the blood pressure, but it is clearly evident to all, through an examination of even the superficial veins of those who practice with heavy weights. Note, for instance, the swelling veins of any athlete or strong man who has prac- ticed with heavy weights, and you will find that the veins bulge and become exceedingly prominent. This is one of the first and surest signs of high blood _ pressure. There is not a strong man who has devel- oped himself by means of heavy weights who does not have these large prominent veins to exhibit un- consciously as evidence that high blood pressure has been developed through the system employed for developing the muscles by such an individual. Thus, you can easily see, strong men, in their photo- graphs and in their persons, illustrate the truth of this statement. As the blood pressure rises, sexual etheceney aed ual life, recedes. High blood pressure is the one definite and positive means of destroying sexual life. This is why individuals who gain high blood pres- . sure through the use of heavy weights or through permitting their blood vessels to “age,” are almost invariably sexually impotent, partially or com- pletely. What is true of exercise with heavy weights is also true of gymnastic and athletic exercise. In fact, the theory of institutions employing gymnasiums in connection with systems of moral culture, is that in reducing the sexual energy of the individual through gymnastic or athletic exercise, the individual loses the desire to be sexually active or immoral, thus con- verting himself virtually into a eunuch. Who is there so keen to be non-alive, as to wish to give up the primary, secondary and tertiary pow- ers of procreation? Moreover, who is there so ill- informed as to fail to realize that the higher instincts and sentiments of life are related to the very nature of procreation; and who is there that desires to give up all of these attributes of mind and body and the > | characteristics of personality for the sake of such a er ae eae e Gorse EE ES OE ee ON eT TY ee TY Oe Scenes ai mG 7 iy 1 Bere a ’ fy J maa’ % ‘ " 7 Ly 7 ’ 9) | } | : : ee Gy, = Gp - Dp 3 2 /@ YA By % G, GA ty LLM Z EZ doing that and not doing the other thing. You are think- ing of saving yourself. You are thinking of avoiding the problems of life. You are thinking in terms of your symp- toms, in terms of your weaknesses, end you are catering to your weaknesses and your symptoms. Nothing can be gained through giving attention to weaknesses and symptoms of adversity. Success comes only through giving attention to rrogressive and favorable and evolutionary conditions. You can make up your mind trat you are sincere pe i you have the desire to accomplish something, and you can meke up your mind that you ere insincere, even though you may not be thoroughly conscious of it, if you are thinking of defending yourself against action and avoiding action, and thus meeting the problems of life in an antagonistic spirit. If you coulé thoroughly realize the importence of getting away from the negative attitude and from the at- tention to negative conditions, and if you could thorough- ly realize the advantage which inevitably must become yours; if you give your attention wholly to constructive Sdeas and creative attitudes and progressive desires and thus constantly to your success and aims and to your de- sire for supremacy, you would, without question, from now on, absolutely eradicate from your personality all thoughts of adversity and all thoughts of misery, and all thought of failure, and all thoughts of weakness, and would con- stantly try to keep in mind a realization and a visuali- gation of the advantageous and favorable side of existence, and if in connection with this favorable attitude of your <= a lion . : | | | t ’ | f | | re ls ‘a < F " = i i . a ee . c 5 lhe mia . q | page 2 personality you would stress your energies evolutionarily and daily, as I have prescribed for you, the results, in-. deed, would be amazing, for the results would become cumu- Jative. You would not only add to your results week by week and month by month, but you would also add to your mo- mentum and rete of your results by the increased power which the cumulative effect of ycur results would make inevitable. Unless you have an aim and an ambition that is worth while, you will find that your creative energies wil) drag you down, pull you back, and interfere with your ac- tion. They will fill you with the ideas of neglect and indolence and ideas of the negative type. Your creative energies are governed by the same principle that governs human beings in their action. Human beings act best when they are induced, through an advantage, +o act for themselves. Therefore, endeavor to crystallize and visualize in your own mind just what it is that you really want and make your desire as clear and as tangible as possible. At the same time, make your desire worth while. Do not think in mediocre terms. Do not think in small ideas. Remember, that the bigger your aim and the higher your ambition, the greater is the inducement to your Conscious Energy - your Creative Energy, to work for you and strive for you and evolutionize for you and create for ouch | ut your mind and body eel Make up your mind to see just how great a success you can accomplish for yourself through Swcboda ism- Con- scious Evolution. Make up your mind to surpass any pre- vious effort made by yourself or by anyone else. In other words, compete with yourself and with others in your desire and effort for health, success, and supremacy. With this attitude in your mind and personality your Conscious Ener- gy will develop for you great and almost unbelievable re- actions. | Measured and understood in terms of your final or ultimate results, you are now practically, for the first time, taking the full Course and therefore, in reality, are for the first time, using your energies for the pur- pose of developing maximum reactions. In other words, while you have been adapting yourself to my lessons, you have, in reality, been developing but moderate reactions and adaptations, but from now on your adaptations and reac. tions will be a maximum, just as soon as your organism learns to react fully to the maximum of stress you are giving it through acting on all of my suggestions. Remember that your results come entirely and only through reactions. It is through reaction in your Con- scious Energy that you gain greater will power; it is through reaction in your Conscious Hnergy that you gain a perfect memory; it is through reaction in your Conscious Energy that you gain greater concentration, courage, and pege 5 confidence; it is through reaction in your Conscious Energy that you gain greater digestive power, heart power, lung power; it is through reaction in your Conscious Energy that you gain greater nerve and brain power; it is through reaction in your Conscious Energy that you gain greater . vitality; it is through reaction in your Conscious Energy that you gain equilibrium and greater power in every cell, tissue, gland, and orgen of your body; it is through reac- tion that your brain and nervous system are energized. In other words it is through reaction in your Conscious Fner- gy that you gain greater power of mind and body in every respect. In Swoboda ism- Conscious Evolution you use your energies rerely for the purpose of creating reaction ty stress in your Conscious Energy. Swobode isr- Censcious Evolution is used only for the purpose of creating these reactions through stressing your Conscious Energy, and for no other purpose. Your results will be entirely according to your desire and action. If you really have a desire to succeed amazingly, your Conscious Energy will give you complete success if you appeal to it through stressing it through Swoboda iem- Coernscious Evcluticn. Ferember, however, that now that you have the complete Course, you have, in reality, entered upon your self-superiorization in full -—___-_—Serce-fer a —— If you will read all of my letters with enthusi- asm, you will find that they will not only have a new and higher meaning, but they ‘will also have a new and better and higher influence over you. There is power for you in a constructive and favorable, as well as enthusiastic, in- terpretation of my letters of instructions. Your Con- ; scious Energy, throvgh trensformations and ccnversions of itself, under and in response to stresses disturbing its ; equilibrium, reacts, ‘end these reactions enter the mole- cules of the cells, the molecules of the blocd,the mole- cules of the protoplasm, and the molecules of tke tissues, giands, and organs, 45 well as the molecules of the nerves, nerve centers, and brain, resulting in higher organiza- tion of these molecules and cells and tissues and glands, fluids, ard organs of the body. The reactions of the Con- scious Energy also enter the energies of the nerve centers and brain, giving rise to higher development and evolution of the characteristics of the nerve centers and brain, thus giving rise to higher development of every faculty and every nerve force of every nerve center; the Conscious Energy ; gsuperiorizing in this way through these reactions all of the bodily and mental powers and characteristics and faculties, raising the very level of life and efficien- cy of body and mind to a new and higher plane. Under these conditions, the power of resisting disease is increased and the power of the organism over every process is intensified, while, at the same time, the power of the personality, through the mind, to cope with the mental and symbolic and pege 4 conceptual conditions of life, is amplified, augmented, or increased, giving to the body and personality greater pow- ers for supremacy, as well as greater power of resisting adversity, regardless of what be its nature. Your possi- bilities trreveh Swebcdaisnr- Cersciovs Evolution are lim- ited entirely snd only by your desire, by your sincerity, by your enthusiasm, ccmbined with your action and use of your energies in Swobodaism- Conscious Evolution for stressing your Conscious Energy and driving it into more highly developing, and increasing your every bodily and mental power. . Your Conscious Energy has perfect health, sensa- tional vitality, unlimited energy, and extraordinary pow- ers of mind and body in store for you. You need but to reach your Conscious Energy through an evolutionary derend, as in Swobodaism- Conscious Evolution, through intense ac- tion, full sincerity, intense desire, and constructive en- thusiasm, and your Conscious Energy will give you precisely those powers of mind and bedy that you nced, as expressed . by your desires. Your desires determine the directicn of the reactions in your Conscious Energy. Swobodaism- Conscious Evolution is the energic science of self-supericrization. To be enthusiastic over Swobodaism- Conscicus Evolution is to be enthusiastic over your progress and your greater future. Your pessibil- ities through Swobrodaism- Conscious Evolution are enormous - amazing. Convert them into realities through your erthu- siastic action in Swcebodaism- Conscious Evolution, The object of this letter is to help you to realize the importance of action and the importance of having an aim and the importance of really pursuing something that has tremendous value for ycu in terms of heppiness or in terms of health or in terms of success. Read my letters over and over égain. You will find that they contain a~ hidden meaning, and that this meaning can only be interpre- ted and understcod and realized by you through intense and . sincere and progressive cooperation. Within the next two or three years startling and transcendent disclosures for humenity will be made through swobodaism- Conscious Evolution. The time for conscious realization of the ultimate law through me is approaching. As a matter of fact, you should become one of my most enthusiastic pupils, for the more you gain the great- er must become your enthusiasm. Your possiblities of gain are enormous. Swobodaism- Conscious Evolution can unques- tionably and positively give you the advantages you seek and need and require. You can become a giant in energy, @ giant in personality. With enormous energy you will over- ride obstacles and gain a new realization of life - a new universe of life, hsalth, happiness, pleasure, and success, Yours truly, ADAPTATION OF Ta | Conscious Evolution + T is a fact that it is necessary for my pupil to cooperate with me and to prac- tice the exercise and to use his energies, if he is to fully understand and com- prehend my instructions, and if he is to arrive at a successful conclusion. No mere reading of my instructions can disclose to anyone the secret and hidden power of my instructions. My in- structions must be carried out; that is to say, my pupil must supply earnestness, sincerity, and desire and action,and thus cooperation, for with- out these my instructions are meaningless. If there be among my pupils an individual who hopes to solve Conscious Evolution—Swobeda- ism and solve my instructions through mere reading of my letters, then for such an indi- vidual I am sorry, for no one, regardless of how far advanced he is in scientific learning or in philosophical cogitation, has the power to com- prehend Conscious Evolution — Swoboda ism without action and cooperation, and according to the sincerity of my pupil and according to the determination of my pupil to gain the high- est prizes of life, so accordingly will Conscious ‘Evolution—Swoboda ism become a source of ‘new wealth, and a source of new power, and a source of new life. Anyone who tries to interpret Conscious Evo- lution—Swoboda ism in terms of physical cul- ture, or in terms of exercise, or in terms of physiclogy, or in terms of any other present-day science or philosophy or practice, attempts the impossible. Conscious Evolution—Swoboda ism is based on an altogether new principle, a prin- ciple which has ruled humanity unconsciously and blindly in evolution, but which in Conscious Evolution—Swoboda ism is actively, purpose- fully and consciously capitalized and employed. To understand the science and philosophy of Conscious Evolution—Swoboda ism, it is neces- sary to understand the laws and principles and nature and characteristics of Conscious Energy. There are no scientists or philosophers or phy- sicians who are thinking in terms of Conscious Energy, consequently there are no individuals who are equipped mentally with the power and device and means by which to comprehend Con- scious Evolution—Swoboda ism in its philosoph- ical and scientific phases. My pupil, however, need not understand the science and philosophy of Conscious Evolution—Swoboda ism, just as a patient need not understand the chemical composition of a physician’s prescription. All that is required of my pupil is earnestness, sin- cerity, and a desire to accomplish something, a desire to increase the power of mind and body, and this must be combined with real and earnest and sincere use of the energies as I prescribe for my pupil. When my pupil sup- plies these elements, then my pupil completes the chain—the circle which makes the rising tide of successful evolution for him absolutely inevitable. There can be no failure where there is proper effort and the proper desire, and the Swobodaism earnest aim and ambition. Enter into this mat- ter with the enthusiasm born of a desire to ac- complish something, and your results will be " amazing. I hope you have not allowed yourself to in- terpret my instructions and explanations in a negative spirit or attitude. To do so is to rob yourself of the power of rapid advancement. If you can understand that my ambition in life is to give the greatest possible result to hu- man beings, and if you will therefore interpret everything I say in this spirit, and if you will avoid the error of misinterpreting my state- ments in negative terms, you will arrive at a complete understanding of what I aim to ac- complish, and what I mean to do and why I write what I write. Everything that is said, and ever has been said, and ever will be said, is subject to two kinds of interpretation—positive interpretation and negative interpretation. You need but to attend a case in court and to listen to the lawyer of the opposition to realize that everything that is said is twisted into meaning the opposite of what it is intended to mean, and the opposite of what, in reality, it does mean. If you will interpret what I say in the posi- tive spirit, you will gain the real meaning of my phrases, and the real meaning of my instruc- tions, and the real meaning of my attitude. If you should, by accident, or intention, interpret what I say in negative terms, you would not only do yourself an injustice, but you would be unjust to Conscious Evolution—Swoboda ism and to me; for nothing I say is to be interpreted in negative terms; all that I say I mean in the positive terms. What I have just said is meant in a kind spirit. Knowing that everything can be incorrectly or erroneously interpreted, I am seeking to give you the key in this way to a successful interpretation of everything I say for you and to you. I shall be delighted when you gain a maxi- mum of advantage, through Conscious Evolu- tion—Swoboda ism. My aim is to give you the utmost result, and I believe if you will mterpret not only my instructions in the proper spirit, but also my letters in the positive spirit, you will put yourself in the position of gaining the greatest result. In the event you have not thus far intensely and seriously and earnestly and _ sufficiently adapted yourself to my complete instructions, it will be best for you to drop back immediately to the exercises of the first lesson, and once more, earnestly and thoroughly and sincerely, add the different lessons at intervals of one week as I originally instructed you. This will give your system a new evolutionary impulse through which your organism will adapt itself with greater success. By all means, act on this sug- gestion if you are not earnestly and thoroughly pursuing the full Course of Conscious Evolu- tion—Swoboda-ism. AloisP Swoboda My dear Friend and Pupil: You may now ADD the following two exercises, placing them immediately after your arm or standing-up rovements; in other words, just before your floor exercise. Take each of these new exercises ten times before retiring, omitting them entirely upon arising. You may now increase in the rapidity with which you do all of the exer- cises and at the same time shorten the periods of rest. This will cause the exercises to ccnsume less time and yet retain their effec- tiveness. | Later, when ycou feel that the full ccurse is taking too much time, and you have derived satisfactory results, you can take the fol- lowing exercises only, namely, "A" "E-#2" "I" "jy" @R" “W-#2" and "Vv", Take each exercise rapidly, with the muscles as rigid as possible, ‘devoting almcst no time to rest between the different movements. This short course will enable you to retain the benefits and at the same time gradually improve upon your physical condition. When you are ready to take the short course as per above, take it the full number of times, both night and morning. I trust that you follow the exercises to the best of your ability, for upon the regularity of practice very much depends. In fact, regularity of practice is coequal in value with the intensity of application of mind in producing rigidity of the muscles, for it is by this means that the nervous system is aroused to greater activity, re- sulting in better functioning of all-of the glands of the body. The exercises, as you know, are merely the vehicle by means of which the nervous system is aroused to greater activity through the intense application of the mind in producing resistance and rigidity of the muscles. Aim constantly to increase in your ability to exert your mind on your muscles, and in order to increase this capacity, and if convenient, make a practice of Exercise "A" several times during the day, in addition to your morning and evening exercise. | I have new given you enovgh instructions for stressing your Conscious Energy through exercising to yield ultimately for you such results as you desire. During the first thirty days your organism, while developing reactions, is at the same time subjected to increas- ing stress through your adding cf the different lessons. Now, how- ever, that there will be no additional exercises, your. organism will increase its reacticns, and of ccurse your results from now on will be gratifying ‘n every way. In other words, all results come through the cumulative effect of the reactions, and the cumulative ¢«ffect of the reactions becomes inevitable after you adapt yourself to the full and complete Course. Read carefully and always in a constructive spirit all that I have written to you, for it will have a new and deeper and higher mearnirg for you, and with this new end deeper and higher meaning, you will gain greater power, by means of which to extract from Conscious Evolution, with greater success, the results you seek. There is ab- solutely no limit to your pessibilities through evolution. Conscious Evolution is evoluticn purposefully ard deliberetely and consciously aroused, activated, urged, and promcted. This is the final lesson, but your real reactions and results are just beginning, With all good wishes to you, I am, “7 Yours very truly” Fi _z # fe ae v : | ae a »* ‘ie & & i as a RT i EE, Nea ee epee eg Ne Rn EXERCISE "N* Assume position, with the body erect, the arms hanging at sides. Make rigid the muscles of the chest and shoulders, and slowly draw the shoulders as high as possible, as shown in cut; then draw them down as low as you can - not with ea jerk, but slowly and with rigidity. In drawing the arms up inhale and fill your lungs as much as you can, and when lowering the arms exhale and empty the chest as much as you are able. This exercise will increase your chest expansion and relax the muscles os the shoulders. EXERCISE "F* Assume positicn, with the arms bent at | elbows. Elbows close to the body. Palms turned inward, Make rigid the muscles of the arms and shoulders and push the arms to full arms' length above the shoulders, as shown in cut. Draw them back to first position. Keep the muscles rigid, both on the upward and downward motions. Push the arms up, one at a time, so that while the right arm is going through one movement, the left arm remains relaxed and resting. The muscles of the shoulders, arms, and back of the neck, are used in this exercise. Anyone who tries to interpret Conscious” Evolution Vy dear Friend and Pupil: It is a fact that it is necessary for my pupil to cooperats with me end to practice the exercise ard to use his energies, if he is to fully understand and comprehend my instructions, and if he is to arrive at a successful ccnclusion. No mere reading of my instruc- tions can disclose to anyone the secret and hidden rower of my in- structions. My instructions must be carried outs that is to say, my pupil rust supply earnestness, sincerity, and desire and action, and thus cooperation, for without these my instructions are meaningless. If there be among my pupils an individual who hopes to solve Consc: ous Evcluticn and solve my instructions through mere read‘ng of my let- ters, then for such an individual I am sorry, for no one, regardless of how far advanced he is in scientific learning or in chilosophical mogitation, has the power to comprehend Conscious Evolution without action and cooperation, and accordirg to the sincerity of my pupil and according to the determination of my pupil to gain the highest prizes of life, so accordingly will Conscious Evolution become a source of new wealth, and a source of new power, and a scurce of new life. of physical culture, or in terms of exercise, or in terms of physiol- ogy, or in terms of any other present-day science or philosophy or practice attempts the impossible. Conscicus Evolution is tased on an altcgether new principle, a principle which has ruled humanity un- | ccnsciously and blindly in evelution, but which in Conscious Evolu- tion is actively and consciously capitalized and employed. To understand the science and philosophy of Conscious Evo- lution, it is necessary to understand the laws and principle: and na- ture and characteristics of Conmscicus Erergy. There are ro scientists or philoscphers cr physicians who are thirking in terms of Conscious Energy, consequently there are no individuals who are eq:ip,ed ment- ally with the power and devices and means by which to comprehen. Con- scious Evolution in its philcscphical and scientific phases. My pu- pil, however, need not understand the science ard philosophy of Con- scious Evolution, just as a pationt need not understand the chemical composition of a physician's prescription. All that is required of my ‘pupil is earnestness, sincerity, and a desire to accomplish something, a desire to increase the power of mind and body, and this must be combined with real and earnest and sincere use of the energies as [ prescribe for my papil. When my pupil supplies these elements, then my pupil completes the chain - the circle which makes the rising tide of evolution for him absolutely inevitable. There can be no failure | where there is proper effort and the proper desire, and the earnest aim and ambition. Enter into this matter with the enthusiasm born of a desire to accomplish something, and your results will be amazing. se a ee erms OF gan Ooh - 2 - " I hope you have not allowed yourself to interpret my in- structions and explanations in a negative spirit or attitude. To do so is to rob yourself of the power of rapid advancement. 3 If you can understand that my ambition in life is to give the greatest possible result to humen beings, and if you will there- fore interpret everything I say i I Spirit, and if you will avoid error of misinterpreting my statements in negative terms, you will arrive at a complete unde ng of vhat I aim to accomplish, and what I mean to do ard why I write what I write. Everything that is said, and ever has been said, and ever will be said, is subject to two kinds of interprotaticn - positive interpretation and negat-ve interpretation. You need but to attend a cese in court end to listen to the lawyer of the oprosition to real- ize that everythirg that is said is twisted into meaning the opposite cf°what it is intended to mean, and the opposite of what, in reality, it does mean. If you will interpret what I say in the positive spirit. vod will gain the real meaning of ry phrases, and the real meaning of my instructions, and the real meaning of my attitude. If you should, by accident or intention, interpret what I say in negative terms, you would not only do yourself an injustice, but you would be unjust to Conscious Evolution and to mes for nothing I say is to be interpreted in negative terms; all that I say I mean in the positive terms. What I have just said is meant in a kind spirit. Knowing that everything can be incorrectly or erroneously interpreted, I am seeking to give you the key in this way to a successful interpretation cf everything I say for you and to you. I shall be delighted when you gain a maximum of advantage through Conscious Evolution. My aim is to give you the utmost result, and I believe if you will interpret not only my instructions in the proper spirit, but also my letters in the positive spirit, you will put yourself in the position of gaining the greatest result. In the event you have not thus far intensely and seriously and earnestly adapted yourself to my complete instructions, it will be best for you to drop back immediately to the exercises of the first lesson, and once more, earnestly and thoroughly and sincerely, add the different lessons at intervals of one week as I Originally instructed you. This will give your system a new evolutionary impulse through which your organism will adapt itself with greater success. By all means, act on this suggestion if you are not earnestly and thoroughly pursuing the full Course. (x ee tralg,. ~~ fo on 4 ~~ - \ ~ . a . Z : a PT enn een oS ~— " ,