ra 5 ' aaa rheki a bm > ~~ — WY i af “a ahaa: Re et ao E oe st => qt ] — Ge O PS PUpONenn ee er i Fe * Le SS > ee Sees (ja 2, in «0 ae - “= oe ea Ab» LL Seren, err — ; Stee : EI ST Sein, & ~ \ : . - — ' Ft te A) Joonvee ‘Osea (Goae05 ‘So0aun 96 a 3B > * fon TWELFTH REPORT OF THE arte ¢ ft 4 if ( MONTREAL oslo ( ( f Auriliary Btolve Sacicty.: i832. ESE SESE eee SS ee WITH AN APPENDIX. Ta he ER et A U U J ( A 4 f AND BOWMAN 1832 9 G MONTREAL : 4, — PRINTED BY WORKMAN AN aTet. 2 ee sae re TWELFTH REPORT OF THE MONTREAL Auriliacrwy wBtbic Socicts, iS3z. WITH AN APPENDIX. MONTREAL: PRINTED BY WORKMAN AND BOWMAN. -—— 000 1832, Tue Twelfth Anniversary Meeting of the Monrreat Avuxmiary Brere Society, was held in the Barrist Chapel, on Wednesday Evening, the 10th of October, 1832 ; Captain Anpenson, R. A. in the Chair. Afier the Report had been read, the following resolutions were unanimously passed :— Moved by the Rev. Mr. Hopwood, seconded by H. Gates, Esq. I. That the Report now read be‘adopted, printed, and dis- tributed under the direction of the Committee. Moved by the Rev. Mr. Perkins, seconded by J.T. Barrett Esq. IJ. That while this Society acknowledges with gratitude to God the blessings which have rested on its humble efforts in past time, it pledges itself to continued and increased exer- tion, to supply the rapidly increasing population of these Pro- vinces with the Holy Scriptures. Moved by the Rev. E. Black, seconded by W. Budden, Esq. III. That this Meeting views with sentiments of great plea- sure the extending influence of the Parent Institution, and gratefully acknowl ledges its liberal support to this Auxiliary. Moved by the Rev. L. Kingsford, seconded by J. DeWitt, Esq. IV. That this Meeting recognizes with deep reverence the hand of God mm the afflicting dines ise with which these Pro- vinces, and more especially our C ity, have been recently visited, by which the operations of the Society have been retarded, but rejoices in its removal, and the return of oppor- tunities of former intercourse. Moved by the Rev.Mr. Robertson, seconded by J. Fleming, Esq. V. That the thanks of this Meeting be presented to the Ladies’ Bible Association for their renewed and increased exertions in raising funds, and supplying the destitute with copies of the Scriptures, and that they be respectfully request- ed to continue their valuable services. S>OBIO 46 Rev. H. Esson, “ —_E. Black, “A. Mathieson, “ — G. W. Perkins, “ —R. Miles, Messrs. J. Fleming, G. Savage, J. Mathewson, J. Ferrier, J. DeWitt, W. Moore, VI. That the followin iy. TREASURER. Joun Froruincuam, Esquire. COMMITTEE. | w Moved by Dr. Holmes, seconded by Rev. King Barton, of York, g Gentlemen be requested to serve | as Officers and Committee for the year ensuing :— VICE-PRESIDENT S. Wm. Prienprerteatu, Wma. Buppen. J.T. Barrerr and Wm. Lunn, Esquires. SECRETARIES. . Rev. Joun Grimore, Corres ponding Secretary, WituraMm Seurre, Min ute Secretary. Messrs. E. Muir, Capt J. Rain, W. Ritchie, J. R. Orr, J. Try, J. Connell, W. Hedge, R. Morton, J. Fisher, I. Gregory. . Anderson, R. A. REPORT. To report success in the circulation of the Word of Life, ts always gratifying to those who attach importance to the sresent and future welfare of man. The knowledge of this Book is destined in the Providence of God to destroy the antipathies which have sundered the human race, and to foster those virtues which will restore to confidence and peace. Through its influence the stormy period of human history will draw to a close, and the calm and happiness of Eden once more abide with men. “ They shall not hurt nor destroy in all the holy mountain of God, for the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea.” Your Committee would have had sincere pleasure in re- porting more extended operations and success; but while they lament over their stinted measure of exertion, they desire to be thankful for any good which may have been done through their means. Your Committee, anxious that persons in the country might be supplied with copies of the Scriptures, learned that owing to a scarcity of money it would be necessary to sell for produce. It therefore becaine expedient to form Depo- sitories of the Scriptures at the merchants’ stores, in order to supply the inhabitants with Bibles, in exchange for the pro- duce of their farms. Your Committee are happy to report, that some persons have been obtained to dispose of them in this way, and hope that others will follow their example. Fresh facilities for distributing the Word of God in these Provinces will be thus afforded. Your Committee deem it of great importance to multiply Branches and Associations in different parts of the country, and accordingly appointed a deputation to visit Chambly, St. Johns and Laprairie; the consequence is, that a Branch Society has been formed at St. Johns, the Laprairie Branch revived,and likely to proceed with its wonted energy. A Branch has also been formed at New Glasgow, which promises well. Your Committee regret that no official communications have been received from the several other Branches and Associations, with the exception of that at Breadalbane, which proceeds with unwearied zeal in the good work. That the other Branches proceed in their operations we have good reason to conclude, from the circumstance of their having purchased Bibles and Testaments to the amount of £37 195 6, and £21 18 8 have been received+ on account of Books entrusted to our respective Agents, in different parts of the 6 country. Your Committee would, however, suggest the expediency of maintaining a regular correspondence with these Associations, as Well as appointing a deputation occa- sionally to visit them, Your Committee refer, with great pleasure, to the Ladies’ Association during the past year. For several years this Branch seemed to wither, but has again revived, resumed its verdure, and brought forth fruit. A general meeting was held in February, a brief Report read, and some interesting addresses delivered. One sentence in that Report deserves special notice: “ A feeling of comparative indifference to the good cause seems, with a fatal influence, to have pervaded our mind. The past cannot be recalled, but the future js in nur power; and your Committee, deriving a useful memento from their inattention, have resolved that in the sacred cause of circulating the Holy Scriptures, they will in future, with Divine. aid, untiringly devote their energies to the best of their abilities.” Since that time the Ladies have divided the town into twenty-four districts, to be visited monthly. They have collected £4] 17, and obtained many subseribers for Bibles and_ Testaments. The facts and observations which they have made in these visitations, might very profitably be introducéd to this meeting, were it not to swell the Report to undue dimensions, and occupy too. much time, They have been generally received with civility, kindness and gratitude. In the extracts from the reports of the reés- pective Ladies who visit, Wwe meet with such expressions as follows :— They received us gladly; were thankful that they could in ‘this way supply themselves with the Word of God.”*—“ We have generally found unlimited confidence, and a willingness to give, especially in the classes of mechan- ics and labourers, and an almost universal approval of the Institution.” Again, “ We met with considerable success and encouragement, both from Catholics and Protestants.? Again, “ We have had to contend with many prejudices, and met with much opposition; one family treated us with con- tempt.” Such are a few Specimens of the reports generally. One extract more and we finish—“ We met with an aged man, whose anxiety to obtain a Bible was so great, that he called on us to ascertain if there were no one who would call on’ him for his weekly pittance. We agreed to. do so, and have received nearly one half of the price ef a Bible.” uring the past year, was left by & * A legacy to the Parent Society, d servant who, from the first time she heard of Bible gratified with ‘the excellency of the plan, supply themselves, that she became a fre sirous that Bible Associations might, fron derive oné penny a-week for ever. Associations, was se by which the poor could SO easily € contributor herge If, and was de. 1 the interest of hey bequest of £5, 7 Your Committee congratulate the Ladies’ Association, in the energy and success of their late efforts: there is, nO doubt, yet room for exertion. In a town in England, con- taining a population of 18,000, in which an Auxiliary Bible Society had existed for several years, it was found on close investigation, that 5000 of the inhabitants were entirely des- titute of the Bible. Many in Montreal are yet destitute of the Word of God. How desirable that all should have it, that they may read the wonderful works of God in their own tongue; how necessary is continued exertion to accomplish this object. This Association will not, therefore, be easily hinder- ed, but prosecute their undertaking with untiring zeal and de- pendence on God, from whom cometh every good and. per- fect gift, until they report that a copy of the Scriptures is lodged in every family, if not put into the hand of every inhabitant-of Montreal. The Books issued from the Depository. during the last year are 4164, being an increase of 1187. The receipts during the past year, according to the Treasurer’s account, are £315 9 11, including £72 11 9, whichhave been raised by the Ladies’ Associations, being an increase of £69 15 8. Your Committee sincerely rejoice in the increasing pa- tronage which Bible. Societies generally receive in these Provinces, and other parts of the world. The Quebec Auxiliary issued, during the preceding year, 410 Bibles and Testaments, being ninety-five more than. the preceding year. Their income amounted to £189 4, an imerease of £75 17 2. The York. Auxiliary issued- 1682. Bibles and Testaments, being nearly as many as both of the preceding years, making in all,.since the formation of the Society, 3432. ‘The income of the Society during the year, £381 2 7. Phe Kingston Auxiliary has. issued during the past year, 831 copies. Three Branch Societies have been established, and the receipts have been £212. The issues of the Parent. Institution have been 583,888 copies, being 112,959 more than in the preceding year, mak- ing in all, since the commencement of the Society, 7,608,615 Bibles and Testaments. _ During the past year 130 new Aux- iliaries have been formed. ‘The amount received by the Society, from all sources, during the year, £81,735 16 4. The expenditure of the Parent Society. during the first year of its operations, was £691 10 2; that of last year £98,409 10 9. The whole expenditure of the Parent Insti- stitution, during the twenty-eight years of its operations, has been £1,878,382 16.2; however liberal, bearing no propor- tion to that liberality shewn by the Jews at the building of S the temple, David’s donation of silver alone amounting to twice the sum. The issues of the American Bible Society, during the past year, are 115,802 Bibles and Testaments, making in all since the formation of the Society, 1,442,500 copies. The income of the Society during the past year, $107,059. Their atten- tion has been hitherto confined chiefly to the supply of the wants of their own population, but is now directed to foreign parts. They feel that they have reached an important era— a Crisis in the history of the Society. To a very considerable extent the families of their own country have been once supplied with Bibles. Just at this moment when the country has got ready to embark in foreign distributions, the cry for the Bread of Life comes from Russia, different parts of Greece, India, Burman Empire, China and_ the Sandwich Islands. About eleven years ago some Missionaries went to these Islands,—here, all was darkness—they had no alphabet, no written language. “ And now,” says one of these laborers in that field, “ 40,000 or 50,000 are daily reading the Word of Life in their own tongue.” Your Committee have observed with pleasure several oc- currences, which have subserved the distribution of the Bible more extensively during the past year. At the approach of Cholera, a meeting of the Committee of the Parent Society being called, it was recommended to the Committees of Auxiliary and Branch Societies to communicate with their respective Associations, and to appoint an immediate investj- gation into the wants of their neighbourhood, and wherever they found a family destitute of the Scriptures, to offer a copy of the New Testament with the Book of Psalms as a loan, the expence of the loan stock to be borne by the Parent Institution. It is also a gratifying fact, that the British and Foreign Bible Society sent, by special request, 20,000 New Testaments to Lyons, under the sanction of the Minister of Instruction, that they might be circulated in the Schools of the Empire. 170,000 copies of the Scriptures have been circulated in France during the past year; and in Paris, where not many years ago the shops of the whole city were searched in vain to find a copy of the Scriptures, we now find that. the Bible has been publicly sold, and earnestly sought after. The Archwes du Christianism for August, 1831, observes. that since the month of May above 2000 Bibles, and nearly 1600 Testaments have been sold at Paris by the Colporteurs. The issues Of the Paris Bible Society in 1831 were 8000 ; during the past year 11,984, making in all since the commencement 130,000. 9 “ The Bible sales in the streets of Paris go on at a remark- able rate. It is quite an occupation, independently of our usual engagements to supply the Colporteurs, as far as our share is concerned. Every day we have reports of a curious and interesting nature: as our meh go up the streets the people call from their shops, and are quite glad tobe able to purchase these volumes. They find young men anxious to possess the Scriptures ; they assure mv, says Professor Kief- fer, that they scarcely ever pass the corner of a street with- out placing one or more with the Porters who are stationed there. If they are not all rich enough to purchase a two franc Bible, they agree to lend one to each other till they can find a sous to have one of their own.” A fact not less interesting perhaps, fraught with the happi- est consequences, may be properly introduced to the consid- eration of the meeting. From the Report of the Merchants’ Seaman’s Auxiliary, it appears that the distribution of the past year amounts to 5599 copies of the Sacred Scriptures, of which number no fewer than 5369 copies have been sold to sailors of all countries. At a former period of the opera- tions of this Society, the ageregate amount sold was 597 out of no less than 5773 copies. It is true that muny, nay mul- titudes of sailors are yet without copies of the Word of God, but the fact that 5369 copies have been purchased by indivi- dual sailors during the year, Is surely a token for good con- cerning that important part of the community. It almost tempts to think the fulfilment of the prophecy, “ The abun- dance of the sea shall be converted unto him,” begins to emerge like the Sun from the bosom of the deep, and will continue its course till it reach the zenith of its glory, and send forth the portion of its light on the sons of men. However @asy it were for your Committee to multiply instances from the operations of the past year, equally promis- ing, they feel it necessary to draw the Report to a close. Events in Providence gave sure indications of the Messiah’s first coming, though many did not believe the signs of the times. Indications of the approach of that period, when the “light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun, and the light of the Sun as that of seven days,” are not now wanting. We hail them with pleasure, and pray God to hasten’it in his time. Hitherto, cloud after cloud have sent its chilling shadows over the prospects of man, but at length we know they will break away, and a scene of beauty and brilliancy succeed. I'he Sun of Righteousness, so long hid, will burst on the bosom of darkness, and kindle the bow of peace over the sky. The strife of nations will subside—fearful appre- hensions yield to the repose of friendship—and the springs of B Nets ae. at wee, ie eee eee eet erences cerensmmemeesees ie, 10 happiness become deep and tranquil. “And,” as Hall observes, “ learning will amass her stores, and genius emit her splendor, but the former will be displayed without ostentation, and the latter shine with the softened effulgence of humility and love.” Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of the tumes. Haste then, and wheel away a shattered world, Ye slow revolving seasons; we iwould see A sight to which our eyes are strangers yet, A world, that does not dread and hate his laws, And suffer for its crime; would learn how fair The creature is that God pronounces good, How pleasant in itself, what pleases him. KEontreal Auxiliary Bible Society in account with J. habits Sepesurer: a te ———$—— - ~- ———— - ~~. ee ase maa 1831. ; Cr. | Sept. 7. By balance on hand. ---- £40 11 10 November 22. For cash paid storage to Cringan 1 December 31. For cash paid rent, &c. per account. 0 By cash collected by WwW. Forbes. &. 'p. F ‘eoland, 16 1832. By cash collected at Anniversary ......... 5 March 10. For cash paidexpenses AgentteStJohns 2 8 6 | 14. By cash from Stanstead Branch 15 6 17. For Bill Exchange remitted to the Parent ‘ By cach of Depository general sales 10 Society, £200 sterling a 114 per cent. 247 15 7 | Nov. 15. By cash of ditto it 62 30. For cash paid for e025 for Ladies’ " Binie _Asgociation.....s4c00.s... 3 O88 cw OOS SD pm om) ; ‘* & By cash B. Flint Subs, Member for life. ... 1832. | Feb. 15. By cash from Breadalbane Branch #83 14 2) March2. By cash from Ottawa Branch.......... (2° Fee ** = By cash of Depository general sales...... | June 28. By cash of ditto ditto. ... July 6. By cash W. G, Pell’s Subscription. | Sept. 11. By cash collected by J. Fleming..., | Oct. 1. By cash of Ladies’ Bible Asso. pr.J.T. Barrett. | 4. By cash of Rey. Mr. Cruikshank . Uae * By cash of dae wereooett... 0 2, “« .** By cash of Depository general sales........ For Balance in Treasurer’s hands. ... bed G9 eet DD et BW et OD © U1 CD — ~]} eooqovoncevvc & r — ~*~ Ped) eens er ee eee £356 1 9 | £356 | 1832. { Oct. 4. By balance in Treasurer’s hands this day JOHN FROTHINGHAM, Treasuren. Mowrruar, October 4th, 1832. 12 A List of Free Contributors to the Ladies’ Bible Association to the amount of Live Shillings and upwards for the year 1832. Mr. J. Try, £1 Wm. Hedge, 1 W. Budden, ] Bancroft, ] Buchanan, 0 S. Field, 0 Bain, 0 Peck, 0 Veners, 0 Castle, 0 Hanavan, 0 J. Mills, 0 W. Kerr, 0 Bethel, 0 Cowan, 0 Spratt, 0 Hanerton, 0 Roy & Leveque0 Smith, 0 Bernard, 0 Hetherington, 0 Demers, 0 J. Torrance, |] Kirkwood & ) 0 Blackwood, | C. Day, 0 O. Wait, i P.Chamberlain, 0 Joseph Ross, ] Grant, I Lady Aylmer, 5 Mrs, Bruneau, 0 Shuter, 0 Douglass, 0 Perkins, 0 Brush, 0 Carsuel, 0 Johnson, 0 | l | | —_— CANIN euUNaAgowawS — OaAaAnsowswaonnann \o O Q 0 0 0 0 0 Q Ny QO, Mrs. © a) 6 | Miss 0 | 0 | Q| 0 0 | Thompson, Fuller, Frothingham, Auldjo, Dr. Stevenson, Tuttle, Square, Kurezyn, Glassford, Spragg, Gilmore, S. B. Price, De Witt, Janes, Alger, Corse, Murphy, Barrett, Gates, Jas. Torrance, Gilbert, Converse, McIntosh, Brodie, Eaton, Caverhill, Carmichael, F ingland, Jeffries, Beakman, Thompson, J. McDonald, Burns, Hastings, Firth, Miller, Tappan, Armour, £ eoeeecoececoeoo ooo O ooococooocses eeroeoeocodcse | —] WOO oS ore & om, ew @) pommel fared MAMAS O + ad po ome! more ow « a md OO woaauanoe beer am ad 7 | Cy tr gn SSOSRMOSOSSOCOSC OS OBOSCCaaSS |! eat ew Hooececocoocoqooscs APPENDIX. —o000— LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society. 1. The Society shall be di signated, “Tre Montrean Avuxitiary Brie Society,” the object of which shall be to co- operate pie the British and Foreign Bible Society in promoting the distribution‘ of the Holy Scriptures, both at home and abroad. 2. Conformably to the princip les of the Parent Institution, the Bibles and Testaments cire ulated by this Society, shall be without note or comment,and those in the United Kingdom, in the: authorised Version only. 3. All persons subscriding four dollars or upwards, per annum, shall be members of this Society; or forty dollars or upwards, at one time, shall be members for life. Nevertheless, persons subscribing less than four dollars per annum, shall be considered as annual Subscribers. 4. The business of the Society shall be conducted by a President, Vice. President, Treasurer, Secretaries, and a Committee consisting of twenty other members; five members of this Committee shall form a querum, the President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretaries attending and voting ee 2. Every Clergyman, or other Minister, who is a member of this So. Be shall be enabled to attend and vote at the meetings of the Committee, 6. The Committee shall meet once every month, or oftener, on some day to be fixed by themselves. The Committee are expected to use every possible exertion within the sphere of their influence, in a view to the increase of the funds of this Institution : which sums so raised, shall he, within one month, paid into the hands of the Treasurer, vhoshall, when directed by the Committee, remit the same to the Parent Socie ty. procuring Subscriptions and Donations, with 8. The whole of the Subscriptions and Donations received by this Socie ty, shall, from time to time, be remitted (after de sductine incidental expences to the Parent Institution, in consideration of the advanta g es held outrte Auxiliary Societies, viz :—‘' That the Committee of such society shall be entitled to receive Bibles and Testainents, estimated at prime cost, to the amount of half the entire sum remitted to the Parent Institution, if their local necessities shall require such a supply :—And ¢ further, that the mem. bers of Auxiliary Societies, shall be entitied to the pris ilege of purchasing from the Depository of the Auxiliary Societies, on the same conditions 4s members of the Parent Institution. 9. For the purpose of giving full effect to the benevolent designs, of the British and Foreign Bible Soc ety, in their grant of the Scriptures for dis< ‘ tribution among the poor, the Committee shall make it their business to’en- quire what families or individuals are in. want of Bibles or Testamen nts, and unable to procure them ; and it shall be the duty of the Committee to furnish them therewith, at prinie cost, reduced prices, or gratis; according tq their circumstar ces 10. All Clergymen and other Ministers, making collections in their res. nective congregations in behalf of this Society, shall be entitled, on remitting such coll lections to the Treasurer of this Soc iety, to. receive Bibles and 14 Testaments to an amount not exceedin gy one half of the said respective col. lections, estimated at prime cost, as shall be found to be needed by the poor in the vicinity ; such return of Bibles and Testaments to be claimed within one year from the remittance of such c: llections. It is recommended to supply by sale rather than by Il. A general meeting of the Subscribers to be held annually at Mon. treal, when the accounts shall be presented—the proceedings of he past year stated—a new Com nittee appointed and a Report agreed upon, to be printed under the direction of the Commi f ittee, and circulated among the members. 12. In the formation of a new Committee , the Treasurer, Secretaries, and such three-fourths of the other members as have most frequently attended the Committee, shall be re-eligible for the ensuing year. 13. Nu alteration shall be made in these Laws exce of the Society, and any proposed alteration must be two of the Montreal tapers pt at a general meeting } published in at least 3, one month previous to the Meeting. The following Constitution of a Branch Society, and Bible Association,is inserted for the purpose of facilitating the formation of those useful Institu. tions. Persons in the country are particul itly invited to form themselves into Auxiliary Societies: besides discharging the duty of assisting In dis. seminating the Word of God, (which is incumbent on every Christian) they would consult their private advantige, as ihey would there by be enabled io procure Bibles and Testaments at the Sociely’s prices, whereas, at present, they purchase from Country Merchants at a high rate. RULES RECOMMENDED FOR BRANCH SOCIETIES AND BIBLE ASSOCIATIONS In the formation of Auxiliary societies. as fi") nds who have met together for that purpose have frequently found some difficulty in framing a Consti- tution and Regulations on a subject till then new to them, they may avail themselves of the experience of several Auxilary Institutions, by the plan here traced. FOR A BRANCH SOCIETY. 1. That the Object and Constitution of the Briti. h and Foreign Bible So- ciety have the cordial approbation of or 2. That a Society be formed to he calle i Udlied, : ‘he Branch Bible Society of »’ for the purpose of co-operating with the British and Foreign Bible Society, through the medium of the Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society, in promoting the distribution of the Holy Scriptures both at home and abroad. 3. That, conformably to the principles of the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Bibles and Testaments to be circulated by this Society, shall be without note or comment, and those in the language of the United Kingdom of the authorised version only. 4, That all persons subscribing One Pound or Ten Pounds, or upwards, at ciety. Do. That the business of this Society shall } Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, Secretaries, other members? and that constitute u quorum. 6. That every Clergyman, or other Minister, Society shall be entitled to attend and vote mitiee. 7. That the Committee shall meet once every day to be fixed by themselves. per annum, or upwards, one time, shail be*members of this So. e conducted’ by a President, and a Committee consisting of members of the Committee who is a member of the at the meeting of the Com. month, or oftener, on some ’ lo 8, That the Committee divide this neighbourhood into Districts, and ap point two or more of their members for each District, who may associate with themselves any Subscribers, for the purpose of soliciting Subscriptions and Donations from the inhabitants thereo*; and that they establish proper Agents and Correspondents in different parts within the limits ofthis Branch Society. 9. That the whole of the Subscriptions and Donations received by this Society shall be remitted half-yearly, after deducting incidental expenses, to the Auxiliary Bible Society of Montreal, on condition of that Society grant. ing to thisjpthe same privileges which the Parent Institution grants, in such cases, to its Auxiliary Societies, 10. That the Committee shall make it their business to inquire what fami. lies or individuals, residing within the several Districts, are in want of Bi. hles or ‘Testaments, and unable to procure them; and that it shall be the du- ty of the Cominittee to furnish them therewith at prime cost, reduced prices, OF Plalis, according to their circumstances, ll. ‘That such persons as may not find it convenient to become members ofthis Society, shall, upon forming themselves into Bible Associations, be entitled to purchase at the Depository of this Society, under the direction of the Committee, copies of the Scriptures at prime cost, for gratuitous dis. tribution, or sale at prime cost, or reduced prices, among their poor neigh. bours. 12, That all Clergymen, and other ministers, within the sphere of this So. ciety, making collections in their re8pective congregations, in behalf of the Institution, shall be entitled, on remitting such collections to the Treasurer of this Society, to receive Bibles and Testaments to an amount, not ex. ceeding one half of the said respective collections, estimated at prime cost, as shall be found to be needed by the poor in the vicinity; such returns of Bibles and Testaments to be claimed within one year from the remittance of the collection. It is recommended, in all practicable cases, to supply the poor by sale, rather than by gift. 13. That a General Meeting of the Subscribers be held at the in each year, when the accounts shall be presented,the proceedings of the past year stated, a new committee formed, anda Report agreed upon, to be printed under the direction of the Committee, and circu- lated among the members. 14. That, in the formation of the new Committee, the Treasurer, the Secretaries, and such three fourths of the other members as have most fre- quently attended the Committee, shall be re-eligible for the ensuing ear. 15. That be President, Vice.Presidents, Treasurer, Secretaries and Members of the Committee for the ensuing year. 16. That Annual shbscriptions and Donations be now entered into, and that they be also received by the Treasurer, 17. That these Resolutions be published in such manner as the Committee may direct ; anda copy of them, signed by the chairman, transmitted to the President of the Auxiliary Bible Society at Montreal. 18. That the Committee meet the _ instant, at o'clock, and prepare, print, and circulate an Address on the objects and views of this Society. FOR A BIBLE ASSOCIATION. 1. That an Association be formed for the purpose of contributing towards the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, without note or comment, particu- larly among the poor ofthis neighbourhood, and that it be denominated the Bible Association of 2. That every Membet of this Association subscribe not less than One Penny a week; the contributions to be payable quarterly, monthly,or weekly, at the option of the subscribers. 16 3. That for every twenty-four members, the Committee appoint a gratui- tous collector, (or that office may be filled by the subscribers in rotation,each for a certain period,) to receive the contributions, who shall pay the same to the Treasurer early in every month. 4. That the business of the Association be under the management of a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Committee consisti o of . other members ; and that the Treasurer, Secre tary, and three-fourths of the other members who -have most frequently attended the Committee,¢hall be eligible for the ensuing year. 3. That the Comnnittee meet once every month, or oftenef, on somé day to be fixed by themselves, and that shall form a quorum. 6, That the Committee divide this neighbourhood into Districts, and ap- point a sub-committee for each District, for the purpose of soliciting sub. scriptious from the mhabitants thereof. 7. That the Committee shall make it their business to inquire. whether any families or individuals, residing within its sphere, are in want of Bi. bles or Testaments, and unable to procure them; in which case it shall be the duty of the Committee to furnish them therewith at prine cost,or redu- ced prices, according to their circumstances. of this Association, or so much thereof as the Commit. tee shall direct, whether arising - from Subscriptions, Donations, or the sale of Bibles or Testaments, at prime cost, or reduced prices, shall, from time to time, be expended in the purchasing of Bibles and Testaments at prime cost, to be given or sold among the poor of this neighbourhood, as before directed, and that the remainder of such funds shall be remitted to the Auxi- liary Bible Society at , or the Branch Bible Society at in aid of its benevolent desiens. 9. That application be made by the Comuittee to the Auxiliary Bible So: ciety at Montreal, or to the Branch Bible Society at for permission to lay out the funds of this Association, in purchasing at the Depository of the said Society, Bibles and Testaments at the cost prices. 10. That a general meeting of the Subscribers be held at the in each year, when the accounts (as audited by the Committee) shall be presented, the proceedings of the past year reported, and-a Treasurer, Secretary, and Conmmittee-men appointed. 11. That be Treasurer, Secretary, and Members of the Committee for the ensuing year. : 12. That Subscriptions and Donations be now entered into, and that they be also recetved by the Treasurer, Secretary and Members of thé Committee, AUXILIARY SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS IN CONNEXION WITH THE MONTREAL AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. MONTREAL LADIES’ BIBLE ASSOCIATION. Mrs. James Torrance, President; Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Bancroft, Mrs. Gilmore, Vicé Presidents; Mrs. Barrett. Treasurer ; Mrs. David Torrance, Bible Secretary; Mrs. Bigelow, Cash Secretary; Miss Torrance, Minute Secretary. COMMITTER, Mrs. Harwood, Miss Fleming, Mrs. Brush, Miss Green, Miss Hale, Mrs. Brewster, Miss Campbell, Mrs. Savage, Miss Lyman, Miss Pierce, Miss Addy, Mrs. Corse, Miss J ippan, Mrs. Hedge, Miss Lowe, Mts. Ward, Miss Spencer, Miss Young, Mrs. Mills, Moss M ‘Lean, Miss Colborn, Miss Darling, Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Dr. Holmes, Miss Patterson, Miss Wasnidge ; : ‘ ! ? Mrs. Janes, Mrs. M‘Leod, Mrs. Day, Miss Muir, Mrs. Thompson, “Miss Ball; Mrs. and Miss Gregory, Miss Phillips, Miss Jameson, Miss Ward, Mrs. Eton. 17 LAPRAIRIE BRANCH. The list of Office Bearers not received. —_— ST..ANDREWS (L. C.) BRANCH ASSOCIATION W.G. Blanchard, Esq. Treasurer ; Rev. A. Henderson, Secretary. The names of Committee not returned. ) STANSTEAD BRANCH. Selah Pomroy, Esq. President; Timothy Rose, Esq. and Ichobod Smith, Esq. Vice Presidents ; \Mr. W. Chamberlin, 7'reasurer ; Mr. Child, Sec. COMMITTEE. Messrs. W. Pierce, W. Arms, N. Batchelder, J. Brown, S. Drew, J. C, Peasley, G. Boynton, J. Bellows, Samuel Dunbar, Dr. I. Whitcher, John Parker, and Joseph Ford. OTTAWA DISTRICT BRANCH BIBLE SOCIETY. G. Hamilton, Esq. President; J. Kellogg, Esq. and O. Gates, Esq. Vice- Presidents; C. A. Low,Esq. Treasurer ; Rev. J.M‘Laurin, and C. P. Tread. well, Esq. Secretaries. COMMITTEE. Messrs. Elijah Kellogg, John Stone, Daniel Fdéss, Daniel Wyman, Wm. Wait, William Grant, . Peter Sterling, John Marston, Joel Clark; Hugh Lough, Joseph Griffin, James Campbell, Thos. Higginson, Robert Brock, T. Higginson, Jun. PLANTAGENET. Abner Hagar, Esq. President; John Chesser, Wm. M‘Farlane, and T, Campbell, Esq. Vice-Presidents: Rev. Alex. Fletcher, and A. Chesser, Esq. Secretaries. COMMITTEE. Messrs. Wm. Smith, John Begs, Sam. Hunter, A. Gordon, and W. Harris. BREADALBANE BRANCH. Wm. M'‘Killian, President ; Peter Stewart, Vice-President ; D. M‘Arthur, Treasurer; Allen M‘Dearmid, Secretary. COMMITTEE. Messrs. Alex. M‘Nab, Allen M‘Kay, Peter M‘Dougall, Dougall Camp. bell, Duncan Campbell, John M‘Laurin, Duncan M‘Laurin, Donald M‘Laurin, J. M‘Intosh, and Duncan M'‘Pherson. CLARENCE BRANCH.* John Roe, Esq. President’; Mr. James Fox, Vice-President ; J. Buchanan, Esq. Treasurer ; Mr. J. Edwards, Secretary. COMMITTEE. Messrs, Peter Tomkins, Henry Mathews, Geo. Roe, and Geo. Kains. NEW GLASGOW BRANCH. The list of Offige Bearers not received. ST, JOHNS BRANCH. The list of Office Bearers not received. _ _ —_——_— oe — ~~ * Received from this Branch since the annual meeting, £2 10s. Cc |past year ACCOUNT OF BIBLES Al! By the oF fon IPL: BETW Bes cree Fore ee AN ENGLISH: /BIBLES.,| TESTS. ~ Remaining in the! | Depository, I83l1 . Received « during the 4 s 938 e. ¢) > 29°20 | 2798 | Issued during the’ ‘past year | Remaining in the’ | Depository, Oct. 1832) AND ‘TES’ reel Juxiliary ertte TL Jia U is Se ere oe AMENTS RECEIVED AND DISTRIBUTED Society, | 1D OCTOBE R, 1892. TTs ryt rel, AN Lee en een 8 eee | | | : ! ay nae ei oy GABLIC.| FRENCH. “LS JO ‘TdSODMMVHONK ; ACTS | ITE STS. | AND | GOSPS. | “HONDA “NHOor | at AR | | | O78 | 296 we poe | | } ] } | —— | } — —_— | 22) 8S | BIG 57 I] | 3382 ~ JOHN Ri AIN, Diaakur * The above is the correct statement of issues, and d to an error in transcribing. differs from the amount stated in the body of ‘the Report by fifteen copies, owing BIBLE ON SALE. ENGLISH Pocket Pearl, - : ; : Pocket Nonpareil, . - : Nonpareil, : : : : Minion, Crown paper, : Brevier, Demy paper, : Ditto, references, End, - Brevier, Medium, (marg. ref.) Long Primer, Demy, ° Small Pica, Medium, \ : Ditto, ditto, reference, End, Small Pica. Royal paper, (marg. Pica, Royal paper, (marg. ref.) . BIBLES IN. CALF. Cost Price. _ - 24mo. 12mo. Svo. oi a Svo. ‘ Svo. ovo. Svo. : Svo. ref.) 8vo. ~ Ato. 6 0 ° 4 9 . =..6 . Gs - 7 6 ak 2 12 0 . 9 6 ; Ii - @ . ll 0 : ES WSS i “ 25 0 : TESTAMENTS, (£nglish.) Pearl, Calf, ‘ . : 24mo. Pocket Minion, Sheep, 24mo. Brevier, ditto, - 3 12mo. Long Primer, ditto 12mo. Pica, ditt , Ovo. Ditto, Calf, d ovo. SABBATH SCHOOL English Nonpareil Bibles, . 12mo. Brevier Testaments, - 2 ‘ 12mo. GAL LIC ‘ Nonpareil Bibles, in Calf, srevier, ditto ditto, Brevier ditto ditto ditto. Pica, ditto ditto ditto, 8vo. FRENCH, Ostervald Bibles, in Sheep, ‘ 12mo. Ditto ditto, in Galf. - 12mo. Brevier Tests.(Osterv. & Des.) Sheep, 12mo. Ditto for the use of Schools, Long Priiner, (Descacy) Pica, a . j Gospels and Acts, Selected Portions, Long-Primer, Calf, , - Bibles, in Calf, . - : Testaments, Bourgeoisjin Shee The Gospel of St. John, I12mo. . " ovo, Pocket Testaments Nonpareil, Sheep, 12mo. Syo. GERMAN. ° Svo. 12mo. Ps 24mo. MOHAWEK. 2-0 o l 6 Rg 2 3 3 4 4 6 ‘ STOCK. 2 3 0 10 5“ 3 8 4 1 10 >. g 3 3 9 6 “ 6 8 . 22 : ae 29 6 3 9 ‘ Q 10 each. 1 3 each. ll 3 . ‘a - 2 6 ‘ pd Se wmmMamoahwoe CD BD et et bt 3D et pe OT hm on OO S AND TESTAMENTS Price to Membere . COWURROOCOAMLYRAUMD OODamh & Ww Sow wo COO & 9 10 10 : ’ 1 ‘~~ |) ieee re See ee eae ‘ ‘ 5 = “ TT ee ON) ae eee s Ea CO Re At > ATR, er RY mF ee eee ee eee ee ee ene a oe, eS ee ee a§ : 2 SS eo a pS / 4 4 a ie ge arm Jy eens MO a OE SS Oe ee eee 4 ———— ee yy. _— ot oP — Ani A. =, 7" >" Teta) ie a ee ils Ww. ~ ee a a Ye . v4 7 a ee eT Ae om ee »! . Hl f pS a he ne ee ee eg Sy ee ee eee we : —_ ae ae | Ee eee RS p= ne te! te a ——= SS pa _ — te er eR a " = -_ é BY ets i idboinaseh pias Taos £8 | 5 = eee