OF ALL THE SUPERB ANTIQUE AND MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, (HEIR LOOMS EXCEPTED) Extensive and Waluable Bibrary, CONTAINING UPWARDS OF 5000 VOLUMES OF BOOKS, IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, RAPHS OF DISTINGUISHED CHARAC# A SMALL COLLECTION OF VALUABLE OF PRINTS OF DIFFERENT KINDS—NINETY-FIGHT BEAUTIFULLY THE PURPOSE OF ILLUSTRATING ALUABLE BUSIS HARE EDITIONS OF THE CLASSICS—CURIOUS MAN USCRIPTS—AUTOU + TERS—ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY RAPHAEL AND SIR PETER LELY— “PAINTINGS AND COINS—A VARIETY SNGRAVED WOOD CUTS, BY THURSTON AND OTHERS, EXECUTED FOR THE VARIOUS WORKS FROM THE LEE PRIOR 55 TONS OF CAPITAL HAY: Y PRESS—SEVERAL COPPER PLATES—Y TRAVELLING BAROUCH, PHAETON, AND OTHER EFFECTS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY SARE ST [ni SS Ts ee SS Tas pees $n nae ater Se a ae ae "MR. W. SHARP, een mrad aes —— eS SEIS a our A EES eoSstiAaas ~ ON THE PREMISES, RE PRIORY, NEAR CANTERBURY, On MONDAY, AUGUST the 11th, } And eleven following days, (Saturdays and Sundays excepted) at 11 o’Clock. To be viewed August the 6th, 7th, and 8th, by Catalogues, 2s. each, to be had at the place of Sale; of the Auetioneer, Burgate Street, Canterbury ; ; and in London, of Mr. Jenks, Upholsterer, No, 90, Fleet Street ; 0 aes Wathen, 3, Bedford Row, Holborn. ~ he pw i EPG Ee Se ee ee, Ra ey i i > vs ie i Sl ie Ria See : ee oo ' Sa - ae xe SHES | P| ° > a as Wan rey + eam Gl ) Aa ; ay | | feo ae WS eS abner See ‘ oS hero Hite i Ss Wee SF a ce Site = Sh ee i Wi ( | SPECIMEN ian OF THE ORIGINAL WOOD CUTS, Engraved for the purpose of eG Saas Ahn hee ; es LATS cal pails — illustrating the several Works . Jake SS SEIN RGSS eee take 2 ON : Nas MPL Mae a Sangeet eee from the LEE PRIORY Press. | 4 Pee te — WONG fe RS Se pee ; i ; : M4 ’ f ‘ } ‘ } qi 3 : is sy ¢ i , 2 2 £6 ; , ee 2p i bs a — , Pip ‘ Mh ' mite ay 4 .. v Z . 3 : . : % Ey = 4 : = Y . Fe 5 D (2 pe a LN ah dN ee ye Fe We BE NG bast, 3 4 ; i =P) ee Ze z 5 : i fi ! - : ¥\ Y S oy "y heads | é : ye ; f é E . 2 : p 3 Ye , it] ip 4 re : : ic = ; 3 : Oi SES EEG eae an ‘ Daher ro Nt WEL DROS oy ts ae iN a } ek Sh oy HA A Ue ak as ; ; AT ENC TERY Mie nn as Pines A y i (C Nt — \ ri D i a | a AT 4 i S48 ae: ee A LE. OF ALL THE SUPERB ANTIQUE AND MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, (HEIR LOOMS EXCEPTED) Ertensthe aw Waluable Wtbrary, CONTAINING UPWARDS OF 5000 VOLUMES OF BOOKS, IN THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF ENGLISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, RARE EDITIONS OF THE CLASSICS—CURIOUS MANUSCRIPTS—AUTOGRAPHS OF DISTINGUISHID CHARAC- TERS~—ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY RAPHAEL AND SIR PETER LELY—A SMALL COLLECTION OF VALUABLE PAINTINGS AND COINS—A VARIETY OF PRINTS OF DIFFERENT KINDS—NINETY-FIGHT BIAUTIFULLY FNGRAVED WOOD CUTLs, BY THURSTON AND OTHERS, EXECUTED FOR THE PURPOSE OF ILIUSTRATING THE VARIOUS WORKS FROM THE LEE PRIORY PRESS—SEVERAL COPPER PLATES—VALUABIE BUSTS 55 TONS OF CAPITAL HAY; TRAVELLING BAROUCH, PHAETON, AND OTHER EFFECTS, WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, _MR._W. SHARP, _ ON 'IHE PREMISES, LEE PRIORY, NEAR CANTERBURY, On MONDAY, AUGUST the 11th, And eleven following days, (Saturdays and Sundays excepted) at 11 0’Clocl. To be viewed August the 6th, 7th, and 8th, by Catalogues, 2s. each, to be had ct the place of Sale; of the Auctioneer, Burgate Street, Canterbury; and in London, of Mr. Jenks, Upholsterer, No, 90, Fleet Street ; or Mr. Wathen, 3, Bedford Row, Holborn. 1834. Re. The Highest Bidder to be the Purchaser, and if any dispute arise between tuo or more Bidders, the lot in dispute to be put up again, and re-sold. HH. No person to advance less than Siwpence at each bidding ; above a Pound, one Shilling; and so on im proportion Ii The Purchasers to pay down immediately five Shillings in the Pound, as a de- posit for each Lot, and to giwe ther Names and Places of Abode, if required. IV. The several Lots to be cleared away with all faults, at the risk and expense of the Purchasers within one weekafter the Sale; but no Lot to be removed from the premises until the final close. V. As this Auction is made on condition of prompt payment, alt lots are absolutely to be paid for on delwery. LASTLY. Upon non-performance. of the above Conditions, the deposit money to be for- feited, and the Auctioneer to beat full liberty_to. re-sell the Lots that remain uncleared, after. the above limitation, by Public Auction or Priwwate: Contract ; and the deficrieney, %f any, together with the expences thereby incurred, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale, FURNITURE, &c. FIRST DAY’S SALE, MONDAY, AUGUST llth, 1834 SERVANTS’ CHAMBER, No. 1. 1 Green fire ouard 2 Dressing table and glass, and 2 pieces carpet 3 Ditto 4 Mahogany square wash-hand stand, white bason and ewer, 2 brush trays, 1 chamber vase and bidet 5 Four walnut tree chairs, hair cushion and bolster 6 Four post bedstead and harrateen furniture 7 Ditto 8 Goose feather bed, bolster and 2 pillows 9 Ditto 10 Small feather bed 1) Three blankets and quilt 12 Ditto CHAMBER, No. 2. 13 Four post bedstead and blue striped furniture 14 Goose feather bed, bolster and 2 pillows 15 Wool mattress 16 Three blankets and white counterpane 17 Brussels bed round carpet, I piece ditto, and towel horse 18 Six cane seat chairs and night commode 19 Dressing table with drawer and swing glass A 2 463 (22 4 Painted tray top wash-hand stand, white bason and ewer, brush tray, 2 vases, and mug Wainscot lobby chest of drawers CHAMBER, No. 3. Half tester bedstead and harrateen furniture Wool mattress Bordered goose feather bed, boster and 2 pillows Three blankets and counterpane Three chairs 3 pieces carpet, lressing table, and crib bedstead Oak linen chest Bason stand, bason and ewer, brush tray, 2 chamber vases Mahogany swing dressing glass PASSAGE. Antique carved oak linen chest Large painted linen press TOWER CHAMBER, No. 4. Six bamboo chairs, at per chair Four feet tray top bamboo dressing table, 2 drawer dressing glass as fixed to ditto, plate 19 by 15 Double wash-hand table to maich Two blue and white basons anc ewers, brush and soap tray, 2 chamber vases and mug Mahogany dressing table. with drawer Small two leaf mahogany table and chamber cupboard Antique walnut tree inlaid escritoire Mahogany serpentine chest of drawers as fitted up Chimney glass Four post bedstead with chintz furniture, lined Cranky case mattrass 7 Goose feather bed, bolster and two pillows LOT 44 A A6 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Three blankets One 11-4 counterpane Kidderminster carpet of the room, containing 16 yards, nearly new TOWER CHAMBER, No. 5. Tent bedstead, with dimity furniture Bordered wool mattress Goose feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows Three blankets and counterpane Brussels carpet, 34 yards by 24, | piece ditto, and 5 chairs Wainscot dressing table with drawer Mahogany turned column swing dressing glass, plate 16 by 10 Mahogany bason stand, white bason and ewer. brush, soap tray, and 2 vases Walnut tree bureau desk Crib bedstead, ticken sides, with dimity furniture, Feather bed and bolster Five black cane seat chairs CHINTZ BED ROOM, No. 6. High green fire guard, and set of fire irons Eight painted elbow chairs, with horse-hair cushions and chintz covers to match the bed Toilet table, and 2 dressing stools, with cushions and covers to match Mahogany tray bottom dressing glass, plate 163 by 133 Pier glass in gilt frame, plate 36 by 26 Imitation rosewood frame cheval glass Mahogany round corner bedroom table Mahogany tray top wash-hand table, 2 drawers, with turned legs Large blue and white bason and ewer, soap and brush tray, water bottle and tumbler, and 2 chamber vases Mahogany candle stand, towel horse and set of book shelves Four ft. 2 in. mahogany wardrobe Mahogany reeded post bedstead, 6 ft. wide, rich chintz furniture, lined ZL 4 tha 6 Six feet wool mattress in cranky case Ditto in white case Bordered goose feather bed, bolster and 2 down piliows Three large whitney blankets 15-1 Marseilles quilt Easy chair and cushion with dimity cover Mahogany chamber cupboard Kidderminster carpet, 5yds. by 34 yds. and 3 picces containing 26 yds. of yard wide Three window curtains with chintz borders and laths complete DRESSING ROOM TO DITTO. Mahogany lobby chest of drawers Three drawer box dressing glass, 20in by 153 Mahogany dressing table and towel horse Mahogany bilet and chamber cupboard Corner mahogany washhand stand, blue and white bason and ewer, brush tray, water bottle and earthen footbath Super Kidderminster carpet, 43 yds. by 2, nearly new Mahogany 4 ft. press wardrobe, brass wire pannelled doors to ditto Four cane seat chairs NURSERY BEDROOM, No. 7 Small dressing chest of drawers, folding top Walnut tree lobby chest of drawers Four chairs and child’s cot Mahogany bason stand, bason and ewer, soap and brush tray and 2 chamber vases Mahogany frame swing dressing glass Four post bedstead with morine furniture Bordered mattress Goose feather bed, bolster and 2 pillows Three blarkets and counterpane Four post bedstead with crimson morine furniture LOT ee ~2 98 Wool mattress 99 Goose feather bed, bolster and pillow 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 11] LAL 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 ‘hree blankets and counterpane Brussels carpet of the room, 11 ft. by 7 {t. 6 in. anc 2 pieces Three morine window curtains Night commode and child’s high chair Mahogany chamber cupboard NURSERY, No. 8. Green fire guard, and set of fire irons Kiddermiaster carpet, 6 yards by 43 Hearth rug Set of mahogany dining tables Ten imitation rosewood cane seat chairs Mahogany table with drawer One leaf mahogany dining table Pair of dumb bells, reclining board, foot board, and sundries Large easy chair, bed and cover complete Small wool mattress, bordered goose feather bed, amd 1 pillow Two painted cotton window curtains, with laths, conplete SERVANTS’ DOUBLE BED ROOM, No. 9. Stump bedstead Feather bed and bolster Stump bedstead Feather bed, bolster, and pillow Three blankets and counterpane Dressing table and glass Five chairs, 5 pieces of carpet, and night commode Antique bason stand, hand bason and ewer, soap tray, 2 vases, and 3 cane seat chairs Wainscot chest of drawers Walnut tree ditto END OF THE FIRST DAY’S SALE. LOT 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 SECOND DAY’S SALE. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1834. DEED ROOM, No. 10. Small four post bedstead and furniture, wool mattress Bordered goose feather bed, bolster, and pillow Three black stained chairs Mahogany wash-hand stand, bason and ewer, vase, and swing glass Nest, containing 21 drawers, and 9 extra drawers | WHITE BED ROOM, No. Il. High green fire guard, and set of fire irons Mahogany pembroke table Ditto bureau desk Four feet 2 in. mahogany wardrobe Ditto chamber cupboard and towel horse Painted tray top dressing table, 2 drawers and glass fixed in ditto, plate 16 by 12 Wash-hand table to match Six painted chairs to match Blue and white bason and ewer, soap and brush tray, water bottle, tumbler, and 2 chamber vases Five feet mahogany reeded post bedstead with white dimity furniture Wool mattress in cranky case Ditto in white case Excellent bordered goose feather bed, bolster and 2 pillows Three large Witney blankets Large white counterpane | Super Kidderminster carpet, and 3 pieces containing 20 yards LOT 147 148 149 150 157 158 159 160 161 162 1638 164 165 9 Easy chair, hair seat, and dimity cover Piece of carpet, window curtain, and night commode DRESSING ROOM to No. 11. Three feet 6 painted tray top dressing table, with glass fixed to ditto, 16 by 12 Wash-hand table to match, with blue and white bason and ewer, soap and brush tray STRAWBERRY ROOM, No. 12, Steel fender and fire irons, Persian carpet of the room Four ebony stools, French stuffed, and covered with silk furniture, and extra Manchester covers Four ditto Ebony pembroke table, brass banded, and inlaid with brass Elegant ebony casket, ornamented with medallions and cameros in alabaster, richly fitted up, complete, and glass cover to ditto Footstool, covered with needle work, and piece of blue silk furniture BREAKFAST ROOM, No. 13. High green fire guard, and set of fire irons Kidderminster carpet, 18 feet by 153 feet Hearth rug Two elbow chairs, stuffed seats and backs, and covered with crimson satin damask Five labernum chairs, stufled seats and backs; and covered with crimson satin damask Settee to match Antique inlaid card table to match Antique ebony cabinet and stand to ditto Spanish mahogany loo table on handsome carved pillar and claws, and purple cloth with ditto 10 LOT 166 Chimney glass, gilt frame 167 Mahogany tea poy, with 2 cut glass sugar basons to, ditto 168 Large set of painted book shelves, with reeded front edges 169 Ditto 170. Ditto Small ladder, reading stand, and a pair of bell pulls PASSAGE Leading from Breakfast Room to the Blue Chamber. Thirteen yards and a half 4-4 Dutch carpet BLUE CHAMBER, No. 14. The Furniture of this Room is nearly new. i} 173 High green fire guard, and set of fire irons | 174 Four feet painted tray top dressing table, 2 drawers, with bottom i board and glass as fixed to ditto, plate 19 by lo | 175 Painted wash-hand table to match 176 Blue and white bason and ewer, soap and brush tray, water bottle, and 2 chamber vases 177 Six painted chairs to match tables 178 Towel horse and two green cushions i179 Handsome 4 feet mahogany wardrobe 180 Mahogany carved 4 post bedstead, 8 ft. 10 in. high, 5 ft. wide, and mahogany cornice, with drab morime furniture, trimmed with blue silk lace, and bullion fringe to ditto 181 Bordered horse-hair mattress 182 Excellent bordered goose feather bed, bolster, and; 2.pillows 183 Pair of large Witney blankets, and 1 under ditto 184 Large white Marseilles quilt 185 Venetian carpet of the room, containing 21 yards 186 Two pair of drab morine window curtains; with cornices and brass bands complete to match the bed LOT 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 ll Two Dutchess chairs, with printed stripe covers Portable water closet DRESSING ROOM, No. 14. Painted tray top dressing table and glass fixed in, ditto, plate 14 by 10 Painted wash-hand table to match Blue and white bason and ewer, soap and-brush tray Mahogany bidet Large wainscot boot and shoe horse Painted double towel horse and.boot.jack BOOK ROOM, No.. 16. Green fender, brass margin and balls Steel ditto and set of fire irons Chimney glass with 3 plates, 5 ft. 7 in. by 2 ft. Set of Spanish mahogany dining tables; with 3 leaves and 2 circular | ends, 10 ft. by 5ft. 4 in. Four mahogany chairs, stuffed seats and backs, covered with morocco and brass moulded Two elbow ditto to match Two brass figures with sconces Mahogany library table on pillar and claw lined with green cloth Two reading frames and satin wood ink-stand Leather case, pen ditto, and 2 ebonized ink-stands Tapestry fire screen with mahogany stand Brussels carpet, 16ft. 8in. by 138 ft. Hearth rug | Two scarlet moreen window curtaius, with laths, lined, &c. complete Sundry roll blinds, bell ropes, tassels, &c. STAR ROOM, No. 16. Steel fender Set of fire irons B 2 12 Brussels carpet of the room, 28 ft. by 20 ft. 3 in., containing about 84 yards 213 Hearth rug, nearly new, to match 214 Twelve and 2 elbow mahogany nail over chairs, at per chair 215 Two Dutchess chairs, with stripe covers to ditto 216 Set of portable dining tables, 11 f. 6 in, by 4 ft. 6 in.. 217 Pier glass, with fluted glass borders, in black and gold frame, 2 plates, 6 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 3 in 218 One ditto to match 219 Four brass figures, with branches and sconces 220 Wood cabinet, inlaid with brass, on stand 221 Pair of satinwood card tables banded with rosewood, and leather covers to ditto 222 Pair of black and gold tripod stands | 224 Three festoon crimson damask window curtains, with laths, &c. com- | plete LINEN. i 225 Two pair of sheets by 296 Ditto | 227 Ditto 228 Damask table cloth 229 Two ditto 230 Two pillow cases, 6 towels, 3 table covers, 4 dimity covers, muslin blinds, &c. 231 Handsome large Marseilles quilt 232 Ditto : 233 Two white counterpanes 234 Three ditto BUTLER’S PANTRY. 235 Two mahogany trays and stand Chest and plate box LOT 237 238 239 240 24] 242 243 244 13 Large wainscot chest Sundry pieces of plate glass Two trunks and pannier Box with sundry camp utensils Table writing desk, 2 camp stools and camp chair Two pistols, 2 swords, blunderbuss, 2 bullet moulds, 4 dog chain couplers Four tin parchment cases, 2 padlocks and keys, &c. Two metal tea pots, 4 plate brushes, 8 wood punch ladles, leather let- ter case, bread tray, decanter stand, 2 brass lamps, &c. Two deal tables with drawers END OF THE SECOND DAY’S SALE. ee SSS SS ee =eFa= ee ETE —_ : " Fe ARN er oe a ee ES ene SS ry SS rrr ae SSS re — . ta 5 _—_ —- Ta ere eT: \). Se es a Pipa ag —— , Be eee a arb 5 ae eRe crn * oe 1 ee eas Steg ~ = = > E LOT 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 THIRD DAY’S SALE. LL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1834. HOUSEKEEPER’S ROOM, No. 17. Fender, set of fire irons; and copper coal scuttle Five imitation rosewood chairs and black stool Mahogany dining table Ditto one leaf ditto Brussels carpet and hearth rug Mahogany frame dressing glass Two japanned tea trays, bread ditto, and tea chest Tron bound walnut tree box, and 2 other boxes Box, with 18 black handle knives and forks Sixteen ditto Sixteen brown handle ditto Three pair of carvers and steel Twelve knives, 11 forks, and pair carvers Twenty white preserving jars, 20 gooseberry and other bottles Seven bottles, 3 jars, and a pitcher GLASS AND CHINA, &c. Glass salver and 23 glasses, sorted Seven small salvers with stands Nine round ditto, without Nine cut jelly glasses, 7 sweetmeat, and 2 other ditto Glass sugar bason, 1 rummer, 24 wine and punch glasses Eleven antique cut wine glasses, and 10-cut stem ale ditto Fifteen green hock glasses, 12 cut champagne ditto Four antique sugar and butter glasses, 2 sweetmeat LOT 269 270 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294. 2995 296 15 Ditto and 1 glass butter bason and cover Claret decanter and rich cut sugar bason and cover Rich cut sugar bason and cover with silver rim, and 4 cruets with silver tops | Two antique purple decanters Nine small handle glass baskets Eighteen small bottles, 2 hand glasses, &c, Two cut trifle dishes and jug Seven cruets, 3 tumblers, 2 ale glasses, 3 lemonade, and 2 other ditto Fifteen plain finger ditto Fifteen plain wine coolers Nine ditto, 3 fluted finger glasses, and 5 purple ditto Six cut pint decanters Two quart, 2 pint, and large water bottle Three hyacinth glasses, 2 show glasses, 1 plain decanter, w ater eoblet; 6 sweetmeat glasses, &e. Twelve green and white china breakfast cups and saucers, 12 plates, cream ewer, and 6 small cups and saucers Antique tea pot and mug with silver rim, and 3‘small figures T'wo blue and white foreign china bottles, 1 red and white beaker, 3 small cups, 4 saucers, and 1 plate Two antique white china ornaments Pair of white china figures Ditto Blue and white china soup tureen, round dish, bowl, 2 plates, and coffee pot | Four large blue and white foreign china dishes Ditto Ditto Ditto Twenty-four ditto plates Ditto Ten large ditto a = ™ SO = Se SS Se [Sa ae —F EE aera ae Re, Hr : eneeteee ae ~ re. ene 5 ws — - A eee Ss ena a LOT 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 16 Dinner service with brown edge, containing 38 oval dishes Three round ditto, 1.cheese ditto, 2 hash ditto, 2 vegetable ditto with divisions Three vegetable ditto and covers, 4 sauce tureens and covers, oval fruit dish and 6 round ditto, 56 dinner plates, 18 soup ditto, 12 pie ditto, 5 pickle shells, 6 egg cups, and soup ladle CRIMSON CHAMBER, No. 8. High green fire guard, and set fire irons Mahogany towel horse, boot jack, and book shelves High mahogany candle stand and towel Mahogany spider leg pembroke table Mahogany tray top dressing table with 3 drawers and turned legs Mahogany tray bottom dressing glass, plate 163 by 14 Mahogany wash-hand table to match dressing table Blue and white bason and ewer, soap and brush tray, and 2 chamber vases Handsome Spanish mahogany winged wardrobe, 7 ft. 6 in. wide by 6 ft. 3 in. high, nearly new Mahogany carved pillar 4 post bedstead with japanned cornices, 64t. wide, with rich crimson silk damask furniture Wool mattress in cranky case Ditto in white case Excellent bordered goose feather bed, bolster and 2 down pillows Three large Witney blankets Handsome large needlework quilt Two inlaid mahogany chamber cup boards Crimson and drab Venetian carpet containing 26 yards Two festoon crimson damask window curtains, with laths, lines, Xe. Four carved miahogany chairs, stuffed backs and seats, and covered with rich crimson silk damask, and brass nailed Two elbow ditto to match Mahogany night commode 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 17 DRESSING ROOM TO DITTO. Two high stuffed stools, carved legs, to match chair Mahogany bidet complete Mahogany tray top dressing table, with 2 drawers Mahogany tray bottom dressing glass, plate 16 in. by 14 Mahogany corner bason stand, with blue and white bason and ewer, 2 glass cups, and brush tray Dimity window curtain, bordered Two china candlesticks and 2 spa ornaments Two japanned night shades, 2 feather picture dusters, and 1 other ditto, with glass ornamented handle TAPESTRY ROOM, No. 19. Steel fender and set of fire irons Kidderminster carpet,. 53 yards by 5 Hearth rug Seven and 2 elbow mahogany nail over chairs to match chairs in Star Room Walnut tree settee with stuffed seat, and carved eagle's head elbows Mahogany round tea table Large mahogany dining table with extra leaves, 6 ft. 5 in. long by 4 ft. wide Inlaid walnut tree table Small inlaid walnut tree cabinet on stand Handsome carved stand, and one plain ditto Set of book shelves, 7 ft. 8 in. high, 4 ft. 9in. wide, and 1 ft. 8.1n. deep Large piece of tapestry, .19 ft. 6 in. by 8 ft. Ditto, 13 ft. 6.in. by 8 ft. Ditto, 11 ft. by.8 ft. Sundry pieces ditto Deal pannel with painted figures, 7 ft. 3in. by 5 ft. 9 im. &e. Three antique ornamental spears C —— ee SS ae - = =A ——— = = ~ er Me : 3 a et ms ee 2 SS ——— i Se PTL Fog eae ae LOT 345 346 347 348 349 309 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 18 Two ditto candlesticks Two pieces of earthenware, and a piece of ornamental ditto Handsome India window blind Ditto Ditto Ditto Three tortoishell snuff boxes, inlaid with silver, and 1 ditto with pro- files of Napoleon and Maria Louisa Small ebony box, ditto bowl, and small India box Six snuff boxes, various Seven ditto, and 4 small ditto Six boxes with ornamental shells, seal impressions &c. India jacket, &c. ornamented with silver, &c. Model of an Indian palanquin, mounted with silver Ornamental basket containing samplers, silk gause collar with silver border Box containing beads &c. black paper case, 2 pocket books, and 2 knives Quantity of gilt and plated buttons | Sundry papers of tobacco as presents Three foreign pipes and siringe Snuff box, formerly belonging to Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, translator. of Epictetus small ornamental box and caddy Fancy wood tobacco Jar, 2 hair brushes, comb, pair of razors and ink case Board of British mancuvres, various pieces of marble, 2 pair of castanets and sundries Slate pocket book and sundry other articles Cedar letter box, one other box and leather hassock Leather trunk with camp service containing metal tea pot, dishes, mugs, cruets, Xc. Large cedar chest Small chest with figures Two military swords with figured handles 372 Two military swords with figured haadies 373 Ditt 374 Three court and mourning swords 375 Two silver mounted ditto 376 Four fencing foils, 1 pair face guards, and 3 boxing gloves std Lai re oe square box for drawings 378 Large box with brass joints, locks, ani corner plates CURIOUS COINS AND MEDALS. 379 One hundred and eighteen French cooper and brass coins, various 380 Ninety five Spanish, Portuguese, and other ditto 881 Seventy-eight ancient ditto 382 Sixty-five English ditto 383 Fourteen copper medals of the Popes, &c. 384 Small box with sundry silver coin 385 Small box with portrait with variable dresses, and 6 pieces of rock 386 Small carved ivory crucifix, with varbus other ornaments 387 Memorandum table, foreign spoon, and 2 india boxes LIBRARY,» No. 20. 388 Circular Axminster carpet, 19 ft. diameter 389 Two pieces to match 390 ~=Ditto 391 Spanish mahogany portfolio stand on castors 392 Bust of Wordsworth 393 Handsome ivory crucifix 394 Green folding fire guard 395 Three gothic canvass blinds Note. Lots 297, 8, and 9, are to_be considered as one lot, and sold accordingly, not im three lots as'represented an page 16, of the Catalogue «f Furmture. END OF THE THIRD DAY’S SALE. LOT 396 397 i 398 i 399 Ti A400 Tf 401 | 4.02 i 403 i 404 A405 A406 AQ7 A408 409 WN 410 4i1l FOURTH DAY’S SALE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1834. TOWER ROOM, No. 21. Stove with polished steel front Pair of cob irons with antique brass fronts Steel fender, brass tongs and firepan Brass bound ebony Pembroke table with curled legs and rails and brass castors Ditto Ten and 2 elbow ebonized chairs to match tables, with hair cushions Imitation rosewood double scroll sofa, with chintz cover and brown holland loose ditto Handsome ebony cabinet, mounted with brass, on stand Pair Ottoman footstools, covered with drab cloth, trimmed, with brown holland covers to ditto Large folding screen, embossed Handsome tapestry firescreen and carved mahogany stand Excellent Persian carpet, 15 ft. by 11 ft. Hearth rug Handsome Spanish mahogany library table, French polished, covered with embossed claret morocco, 5ft. 6in. diameter, carved pillar and block on castors, and brown holland cover to ditto Handsome Spanish mahogany library chair, on brass castors, with spring seat, covered with claret morocco, and brown holland cover to ditto Ditto to match Chimney glass in rich gilt frame LOT 413 414 AI5 416 417 418 A19 420 421 A222 423 A424 425 426 427 428 A29 A430 Ad | 432 433 434 435 21 Handsome morino damask window curtains, trimmed with crimson lace, bullion fringe and tassels, with cornice, &c. complete Large blue and white china scent jar and cover DINING ROOM, No. 22. Steel fender Set of fire irons Pair of sliding fire screens, and ditto poll Eighteen mahogany chairs, covered with morocco and brass nailed, at per chair Set of mahogany dining tables, 2 middles, 2 leaves, and 2 circular ends, 16ft. 9in. by 4ft. 7 Mahogany side-board table, 8ft. 6in. by 2ft. 6 Two Spanish mahogany high pedestals, one fitted up for hot plates Two carved mahogany vases Inlaid urn, spoon case and pair of knife ditto Large dinner room screen, embossed Excellent Axminster carpet. 26ft. by 15 Hearth rug, nearly new, 7ft by 3ft. 4in. Four pair of silk curtains lined with draperies and tassels, japanned cornices, &c. complete Pair of bell lines and tassels to mateh curtains Pair of bell ropes, tassels, and rosetts as fixed Seven and 3 yrds. of yrd. wide oak pattern floorcloth Two duchess chairs covered with stripe furniture Six feet bordered sofa with hair squab and cushions, covered with striped furniture Grand piano-forte, 6 octaves by Broadwood Japanned copper wine cooler Bronzed table lamp with globe LOT 436 AST 438 A439 440 44] 443 444 AA5 446 447 448 A449 450 45] 452 453 454 455 A456 Ad5T 458 22 DRAWING ROOM, No. 23. Steel fender Set of polished fire irons Large excellent bordered Brussels carpet, 40 ft. by 19 ft. wide, and the bow extra Large imperial hearth rug, 7 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 9 in. nearly new Large pier glass in two plates to fit the angle, each plate 7 ft. long by 1 ft. 9 in. wide, in burnished gold frame Ditto to match Handsome angle pier table with statuary marble top, with rich carved burnished gold frames to ditto One ditto to match Splendidly carved in burnished gold candalabras, with wash leather and Manchester stripe cover to ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Pair of 2 branch elegant glass cut lustres Ditto | Pair ‘of 4 branch ditto Six splendidly carved burnished gold eabriole chairs, covered with rich tapestry, wash leather and Manchester striped covers to ditto at per chair Ditto Ditto Handsome sofa to match Ditto Ditto Three pair of superior rich silk figured window curtains, and hand- some draperies, lined with sarsenet, rosettes, and tassels, and ele- gantly carved in burnished gold cornices to ditto, complete Three calico drop curtains, under ditto Manchester striped covers for curtains and draperies 23 LOT 460 Pair of elegant silk bell pulls, with tassels and eovers to ditto 461... Large green. cover.for,the carpet ofthe room 462 Pair of antique candlesticks 463 Handsome India cabinet, inlaid with pearl aud gold, on a rich carved burnished gold stand UPPER LANDING. 464 Handsome carved and bronzed pier table, with marble top, brass banded 465 Statuary marble.bust, on handsome pedestal 466 Ditto 467 Bronze bust of Wyatt STATRC ASE. 468 ‘Twenty-one yards of 3-4ths Brussels stair carpet, in 3 pieces 469 Eighteen 30 in. brass wires 470 ‘Thirty-two yards of 3-4ths Brussels stair carpet, in 5 pieces, to match 471. Twenty-five 30 in. brass stair wire LARGE HALL. 472 Piece of yard wide floor cloth, 7%} yards long, oak pattern 473 Large wool mat, and 2? yards of yard wide floor cloth, to match 474 Mahogany hat tree 475 Handsome carved and bronzed table,~with’ rich“marble’ ‘top, brass banded, 6 ft, Tin. by 3 ft. 476 Bracket clock, in ebonized case 477 Marble and bronzed bust of Alexander the Great, on splendid marble pedestal stand, 8 feet high. This valuable and rare bust of Alex- ander in bronze, (mentioned in a note to Lord Cork’s letters from ltaly, edited by Mr. Duncombe, 1774, which note in reference to an account in the text of a bust of Alexander, in the Florentine Gallery, says, ‘‘a bust of Alexander in bronze, equally excellent, and not unworthy the hand of Lysippus, is in the collection of Thos. Barrett, esq. at Lee, near Canterbury ’’) Lo Lng Content _— ee a Sea _—- a _— Reet ee [ae ae aap es ee ~ eee ed ta ere FS e 2 eet ee tae LOT 478 A779 A480 481 482 483 484 A85 486 487 488 A89 490 491 492 A493 494 A965 24 Marble bust of Seneca on marble pedestal to match Mahogany glass case on stand, with model of ships, in the reign of Queen Ann Antique carved figure Large pannel, 9ft. 8in. by 5ft. 8in. with coats of arms and crests, colored and gilded Three small ditto Piece of oak pannelling with painted figures, Sft. 6in. by 7ft. Elegant stained glass window, ft. 4in. by 3ft. 6in. Ditto Ditto Box with quantity of stained glass Ditto Eight round panes of ditto Glazed mahogany bookcase with 2 doors Sft. 3in, high, 5ft. 6in. wide, 12in. deep, 20 panes Ditto on stand, 8ft. high, 3 wide, with one door, 8 panes, each 18in. by 16 HALL. per chair FRONT Ten mahogany hall Chairs, at Handsome mahogany inlaid 1 leaf table Eight yards 2 nails of yrd. wide floor cloth, nearly new Large cocoa door wat END OF THE FOURTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 496 497 AIS 499 500 501 902 503 5004 505 206 207 908 509 510 oll 212 913 FIFTH DAY’S SALE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1834 KITCHEN. Large iron fender, 6 ft. 4 m. long Poker, tongs, fire pan, cradle spit, 1 other ditto, balance skewers and holdfasts, two long toasting forks and ladle Copper boiler Copper warming pan and coal scuttle Four brass chamber candlesticks, 6 japan ditto, 2 brass lamps, 4 pair of snuffers and extinguishers Four copper stew pans Six ditto and ladle Copper preserving pan, and frying ditto Ditto omelet pan, preserving pan, 2 oval dishes and stand Two copper chocolate pots, 2 coffee pots and mug Copper square plate warmer Pair of copper scales and weights, sundry copper lids, small saucepan, pair of large brass tongs, skimmer, and ladle Copper turbot kettle Ditto fish ditto Ditto large boiling pot Ditto small ditto Copper bowl, tea pot, oval dish, with stand and heaters, &c. Six round pewter dishes and 12 plates D 26 Four round pewter dishes and 12 plates Six ditto and 12 ditto Three ditto and 10 soup ditto Two large oval dishes, 5 round ditto, and drainer One round dish and 21 plates Two bed pans and shaving bason Three large pewter measures Four pewter stock pots Nine pewter shapes Three ditto salts, 4 scoops, 2 basting ladles, large tin can, 2 coffee pots, 3 candlesticks, and sundries of tin Thirty-two tin cake moulds Nine oval and 4 round tin meat covers Pig oven Large circular meat screen, lined with tin Two iron sauce-pans, 2 footmen, 2 flesh forks, toasting trivet, 2 frying pans, gridiron, &c. Large marble mortar and stand Smaller ditto and iron pestle Dinner bell and letter case Stove Deal table and 2 stools Ditto and block Seven chairs and 2 stools Plate rack, salt box, wooden bowl, and 2 pails Set of deal book shelves fork, iren One large blue and white gravy dish, 6 meat ditto, 2 draimers, small tureen, and 16 plates Two stone jugs, 3 blue and white ewers, 4 jugs, 2 tea pots, 2 butter coolers, &c. Seventeen mahogany stands Twenty-six round and square tin canisters, various LOT 242 043 544. 945 046 O47 Or Ot Co O DW or OF Cr cy cy Cy Ce tr no Cn Or wm CO 555 556 057 558 Cri Gr Or a > Or — © © 27 Turkey carpet, 10 ft. 6 in. by 9 ft. 6 in. Eleven and a half dozen of wine and porter bottles, at per dozen BACK STAIR CASE AND: PASSAGE. Excellent 8 day clock, in walnut tree case Ditto barometer and thermometer Two carved gilt brackets Turk’s head broom, dry rubber, long hair broom, bannister brush, and 3 rope mats STEWARD’S ROOM. Green fender and set of fire irons Six and 2 elbow mahogany chairs Six stone bottles, 2 pieces of floor cloth, and saddle bags Cherry tree Pembroke table Pad with horn and girts Turkey carpet Large iron chest MEN’S ROOM, No. 1. Four-post bedstead, morine furniture Feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows Six blankets, rug, 2 green cloths, &c. Bureau bedstead, 3 chairs and table MEN’S ROOM, No. 2. Bedstead, 2 tables, and 2 chairs Feather bed, bolster and 2 pillows Five Blankets pd? LOT 562 568 564 565 266 567 068 569 970 571 572 o73 574 O79 576 28 MEN’S ROOM, No. 3 Half tester bedstead, and small ditto Feather bed, bolster and pillow Four blankets, rug and mattress Night stool and 3 tables DAIRY. Box churn and upright ditto Barrel ditto and frame Long form, brazier and stand LAUNDRY. Ironing stove Seven flat irons, 2 hanging ditto, Italian ditto and table Three flaskets, 2 clothes horses, and 2 stools Two long deal tables Ditto Wainscot bureau, desk, child’s ditto, bookcase, and doll’s bed and mattress Rope mangle Large elbow chair, 2 canvass framed blinds, 2 tripods, wooden coal hod, box, &c. SERVANT’S HALL. Iron fender, 2 wooden trays, small, deal cup-board, small fender and set of fire irons Two long tables and 2 forms Eight military caps, and 2 cocked ‘hats Four ditto, 3 ditto, and sundry belts, &c. 592 593 594 295 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 29 BAKEHOUSE. Long deal table Flour bolter, iron wheel, &c. Six wainscot carriage boxes Sundry deal boxes Ditto packing cases Ditto small boxes, laths, &c. Quantity of cigar boxes Sundry stone bottles, jars, &c. Sundry iron articles Pair of large high steps Kneading trough, board, rolling pin, sausage block, and egg basket BREWHOUSE. Mash tub Ditto Cool back and stilling Large tub and keeler Hop basket, shoot, stirrer, funnel, &c. Two keelers, bowl, 2 pails, and 2 soap trays Two keelers and shawl Block and table Ditto Pair of scales and beam, anda half ewt. lead weight Small marble cistern CELLAR. Beer butt Ditto Ditto 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 Beer butt Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Two hogsheads Two 36 gallon casks One cask and 3 stillings Brine tub Ditto STABLE, COACH-HOUSE, AND YARD. Sundry wood frames Three stable pails, and 5 tubs for trees Sundry harness, pistol cases, &c. Pair of saddle bags and girts Deal saddle horse Four scaffold frames Indian canoe and 2 oars Sundry pieces of ancient stone Ditto antique stone, brought from St. John’s The materials of a very ancient stone arch, formerly part of the Mo- nastery of St. Augustine’s, in Canterbury, presented to Mr. Barrett towards the close of the last century Antique stone figure Corn chest Ditto bin Deal cupboard ; Deal partition with frame, nearly new, size 12ft. 6in. high, 16ft. wide 3] LOT 634 Sundry pieces of stone, cut for arch, &c. 635 Marquee with poles, &c. 636 Small tent 637 Tin cow for oast, dog kennel, and wood roll, &c. 638 Two cucumber lights and 2 forms 639 Two rain butts with brass taps and water tub 640 Large stone pedestal 641 Counting-house stove and gloom hearth 642 ‘Two feet | inch iron roll 643 Sun dial upon stone column 644 Hay stack, produce of the park 645 Ditto - 646 Gig 647 Strong built travelling barouch 648 Light pheeton END OF THE FIFTH DAY’S SALE. LIBRARY. SIXTH DAY’S SALE—~MONDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1834. Lhe following are in quires—principally from the private Press at Lee Priory. LOT BX os | What are Riches,? or, an examination of the definitions of this subject given. by modern Tl a economists, by Sir Samuel E. Brydges, bart. 9 copies 4G. ¢ 2 Letters from the Continent, part II. 16 copies, 8vo, Geneva, 1821 “ 4. O- 3 Occasional Poems, written in the year 1811—Speeches delivered to Queen Elizabeth on her visit to Sudely Castle, by Sir E. Brydges, bart. 4to, fine portrait of Giles Brydges, third Lord Chandos, by Stow—Sonnets from Petrarch, 4to. ~oQ— as 4 Julietta, a tale from the Italian, 8vo, Geneva, 1822 —Sonnets addressed to Wootton, post 4to, | 2 copies—Ataviee Regia, Royal Descents, by Sir E. Brydges, bart. 4to, Florence, 1820 Z EI 9. b Atavie Regieo—W hat are Riches ? 5 Julietta 6 Brathwayte’s Odes; or, Philomel’s Tears, small 8vo.—the Brother in Law, a comedy~—Bre- ton’s Praise of virtuous Ladies, small 8yo—Desultoria ; or Comments of a sound Briton on Books and Men, 8vo. ee Desultoria—Brother in Law—Wither’s Select Lyrical Poems—Davison’s Poetical Rhapsody. ~ ~ All India paper copies J. Wile ae 8 Sylvan Wanderer—Raleigh’s Poems, and Greene’s Groat worth of Wit, 4to, eolored paper. / Of this last work only 65 copies were printed. 2 f- 2 9 Breton’s Melancholick Humours—Sonnets to Wootton, 2 copies—Trumpet of Fame—W ood cuts and Verses by E, Quillinan... This vol. embraces the whole of the engravings used in the various works of the Lee Press. 7a 7 10 Sonnets to Wootton, 2 copies—Trumpet of Fame—Select Funeral Memorials—W ood Cuts and Verses / oe Ak, er. 11 What are Riches? 7 copies, and sundries Lo es /\2 Trumpet of Fame—Percy’s Sonnets—Life and Death of William. Powlett, first Marquis of Winchester—Select Funeral Memorials—Wood Cuts and Verses . <_=—-— a 0 13 Brydges’ Select Poems, 4to—Relation of the Birth, Breeding, and Life of the Duchess of oe Newcastle—Occasional Poems—Breton’s Longing of a blessed Heart: Large India paper copies os 14 Polyanthea—Librorum Vetustiorum, 2 copies, Geneva, 1822 r ZZ | 25 Jt. kam 2 Wood Cuts and Verses—Funeral Song on the Prince of Wales—-Bertram, a poetical tale - What are Riches—Julietta—Sonnets to Wootton, opi Atavie Regie, &c. &c.— Speeches delivered to her Majesty at Sudely, 1592 , A Sonnets to Wootton, 2 copies—Julietta—What are Riches? 2 copies—Atavie Regia— The Green Book; or, Register of the Order of the Emerald Star jt & Wood Cuts and Verses. A beautiful copy mounted expressly for Colonel Barrett 2s. Julietta-_What are Riches ?—Atavie Regie —Genealogical History of the Family of Bra- bazon, 4to, Paris, 1825. Published for private distribution only aa Le D2 Sir Francis Drake’s Life and Death, India copy—Pamphlet on Population and Riches— : Sonnets to Wootton, 2 copies—Brydges’ Select Poems . cS 6. Brydges’ Select Poems, 2 copies—Breton’s Longing of a Blessed Heart, 2 copies jor Oa Cimelia, by Sir E. Brydges, bart. -Breton’s Poems—Brydges’ ditto 2 Z Bertram—Speeches delivered to Queen Elizabeth—Breton’s Melancholick Humours: fine a copies on India paper Sf ma Sonnets to Waotton, 2 copies—Polyanthea—Librorum Vetustiorum—Atavie Regia—Ford’s Fame’s Memorial, an Elegy on the Earl of Devonshire, 1606 What are Riches ?—Polyanthea—Atavie Regiz : Dunluce Castle, 4to, a poem by Edward Quillinan, esq.—Breton’s Praise of Virtuous Ladies ~-Braithwayte’s Odes—Drayton’s Nymphidia, the Court of Fairy. India paper copies Breton’s Melancholick Humours—Quillinan’s Elegiac Verses—Brown’s Original Poems— Sylvan Wanderer, &c. Characters of Lord Rokeby and Robert Green. Both of these works are unfinished and were never published. Six copies of Part II. Letters from the Continent Sonnets to Wootton, 2 copies—Polyanthea—Brydges’ Select Funeral Memorials— Excerpta Tudoriana ; or, Extracts from Elizabethan Literature, 8vo—Atavie Regie Davison’s Poetical Rhapsody. Fine copy on thick paper Brief Inquiry into the Law of Peerage, 2 copies—Atavie Regie, 2 copies Sonnets to Wootton, 2 copies—Trumpet of Fame—Percy Sonnets—Julietta—What are Riches ? 3 copies What are Riches? 2 copies—Brydges’ Funeral Memorials—Atavie Regiee—-Life of the Duchess of Newcastle—Characters of the Earl of Essex and the Duke of Buckingham, compared and contrasted by Sir Henry Wootton a Percy’s Sonnets—Brydges’ Funeral Memorials—Jack Juggler—Thersytes, edited by Mr. Haslewood, printed for the Roxburgh Club—Brydges’ Funeral Memorials. India paper - jf fam What are Riches? 2 copies—Trumpet of Fame—Percy’s Sonnets—Atavie Regie | Bi ae } Brown’s Original Poems, large India paper copy—Davison’s Poetical ona from Petrarch—Stanzas by the Author of Dunluce Castle. All on India paper - Aa Davison’s Poetical Rhapsody—Breton’s Longing x< . od ao ae Pewee , 39 Brydges’ Stemmata Illustria; Precipue Regia, folio, plates, 2 copies, Paris, 1825 ~/. 7 a. fer?? 49 Ditto: + : a Al Ditto . a , : : . , “a iz. 0. 42 Ditto . j : : . ae = ¢ 43 Ditto . ; | ca ¢ é “ Dette . ‘ ; : . eee A 45 Ditto ; ; \ Jee Ax— 46. Ditto . Ss 4 47 Ditto. . ) ‘ . ys é 48 Ditto : Z - & 9 F . 3 feed? — 49° Ditto a Note. The greater part of the Sta ies from Lot 1, was , limited to 100 copies, and many of them published solely for private distribution. The Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh; The Occasional Poems of Wm. Browne which had hitherto remained m manuscript ; The Rhapsody collected by Francis. Davison ; The Autographical Memovur of Margaret Duchess of Newcastle; The Pieces.of Nicholas Breton, hitherto unat- tainable, are all reprints of rare tracts:—The exquisitely engraved Wood Cuts, the beauty of the Typography, and the paper on which the majority of these works is printed, cannot fail-to excite the admiration of all collectors of valuable and curious books. 50 Letters from France, written in the years 1814-15, including a description of the City of Paris and its environs, in their ancient and present state; to which is added an Historical Narrative of the Restoration of the House of Bourbon to the throne of France, and of the return of Buonaparte to Paris from the island of Elba, by Arthur Clifford, esq. This | Lot is in manuscript. —_———<$———————qq £8. 70. 2, Publications written or edited by Sir Egerton Brydges, bart. fi?) 51 Collins’ Peerage of England, 9 vols, 8vo. handsomely half bound: London, 1812. A work | in the highest reputation. 4A. FA 52 Censura Literaria; containing titles, abstracts, and opinions of old English Books, second edition, 10 vols. 8vo. boards. London, 1815. A work held in high estimation by all | Antiquartes in Literature. . ae 53 Restituta; or titles, extracts, and characters of old Books, in English Literature revived, A vols. 8vo. boards, London, 1814-16. This and the following work were intended as continuations of the Censura Literaria Ae = 54 British Bibliographer, aided by J. Haslewood, 4 vols. 8vo. boards. London, 1810. _* ian oO: 55 Brooks’ (Lord) Life of Sir Philip Sydney, 2 vols. royal 8vo. handsomely half bound. Lee Priory, 1816 43. O 56 The Hall of Hellingsley, a Tale, 3 vols. 12mo. boards, London, 1821 ae 57 Ditto 4 58 Letters on the character and genius of Lord Byron, 12mo. boards, 1824—Phillips’ Poe- a Ta od 4 va tarum Anglicanorum, containing brief characters of the English Poets, 8vo, boards, Genevd, 1824—Gnomica: detached thoughts, sententious, axiomatic, moral and critical ; but especially with reference to poetical faculties and habits; 8vo, boards. Geneva, 1824 —— /44 59. Archaica: containing a reprint of scarce Old English Prose Tracts, 2 vols, 4to, boards, London, 1815. From the private press of Longman and Co. This work was published with the Heliconia by Mr. Park, of which 200 copies only were printed—contents— Greene's Philomela—Greene’s Arcadia—Southwell’s Triumph over Death—Breton’s Characters and his Good and the Bad—WNash’s Christ’s Tears over Jeru- salem—Harvey’s 4 Letters and Sonnets, touching Robert Green—Harvey’s Pierce's Supe- rerogation—New letter of notable contents—Brathwayte’s Essays on the Five Senses 7. o. Bertram : a poetical tale in four cantos, 1816—Coningsby, a tragic tale, 1819, and Ralph Willoughby, an historical tale, 1820 Ditto Ditto : ae The Hall of Hellingsley, a tale, 3 vols. 12mo, boards—Coningsby and Ralph Willoughby ~——- Z Ditto — Ditto Dunluce Castle, imperial 4to, handsomely half bound ek all Bertram, half bound, and Quillinan’s Domestic Poems ofS atiors cian) tomes Joannis Pierii Valeriani Bellunensis, de Literatorum Infelicitate, large paper copy, hand- somely bound in calf, with portrait of Sir E. Brydges, Geneva, 1821—Volume of A é f « . 95 Ditto ae ~ a a) T ” oye > 7 e > - - . Orel 96 Who was Ita Countess of Hapsburg ? 32 copies, sewed, Paris, 1826 ——- , $b 97 Ditto es oe | 98 Ditto —_— YI Joannis Pierii Valeriani de Literatorum Infelicitate, 2 copies —Bertram, a political tale— | Odo—Libellis Gebensis, 2 copies— What are Riches? 4 copies Fr} pall e P 100. Vol. of Tracts, bound—Political Economy, bound—Letters from the Continent—British se Tt ‘ go. a Bibliographer, Vol. 1. — ae | as 101 Theatrum Poetarum, 2 copies—-Cimelia—Odo—Epistola Francisci Petrarclie Posteritate Z i Neapoli, 1820 ——— 42.0, 102 Phillips’ Theatrum Poetarum, 2 copies—Joannis Pierii Valeriani de Literatorum Infelicitate, , 2 copies —_—— 9. &. 103 Lord Brokenhurst, a tragic tale, 6 copies—Coningsby, &c. &c. es ~ Se é 104 Res Literarie, bibliographical and critical, 2 vols. bound—Phillips’ Theatrum Poetarum _ on 2. 105 Lord Brokenhurst, BS opies, &c,— ier es 4 | - kp iF 106, Res Literarie, Svote 3 fot er ae Sonik teal od csbeaineinlial ill ra ~ igs : tA Sa ee Ro! Seek ae. ' 7, GC 107 «Dito ee ae ee Yee 108 Sundries . s , A gy @ ss 109 Ditto 4. OF . | = : a wily || 110 Ditto . : ie , : - 2 B 9 . . . a co ae : g / ie bell i. an eK y a0 a oo, : eros rere eros SS aa aad Nn = r= = =F ara ie ane SST OT ae oe Cee T ee ES = ; = = Se eS Se 4 ENGLISH LITERATURE. he A Stillingfleet’s Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Natural History, 1759—Kent’s Agricultural ae * Report of Norfolk, 1796—Survey of the Counties of Lancashire, Cheshire, &c. 1797 — -. & Tristram Shandy, 2 vols. half bnd.— Dryden’s Juvenal, Tonson, 1735—History of Roches- ter, 1772 — A. o. Fairfax’s Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered, 1749—Ritson’s Bibliographize Politica, half bound Russia interleaved, 1802—-Cork’s Letters from Italy, 1774 Fn E g- 6. ; Romane Historie, small 4to; 1655-—A Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, London, 1634 —Philathe’s Ripley Revived: or, an Exposition upon Sir George Ripley’s Hermetico Poetical Works, 1678 —Phillips’ Tenenda Nontolenda, 4to, 1660— ae So Jo. 6 Pomfret’s Poems, 1720—Phillips’ Maronides ; or, Virgil Travestie, 1672—Life and Death of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, 1667—Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg, 1757—Lord Baltimore’s Journey. to the East, 1767—Lambard’s Archeion, 1635 f. 6 The Life of Edward the Second, with the Fates of Gavestone and the Spencers, a poem in 3 cantos, London, 1721—Collins’ Odes, half bound, morocco, extremely rare, 1747. Note. The Original edition of Collins’ Odes; the only one published in his life time, of which he burnt the greater part of the copies with his own hand, in indignation of the neglect with which they were treated - 2 £ Smith’s Wealth of Nations, 3 vols. 8vo. boards, 1793 Cobbett’s Letters on the Peace, 8vo, 1802—Military Instruction from the King of Prussia o? to his Generals, 4th edition, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, NV. D. a ee Reuss’ Catalogue of Authors, interleaved, Berlin, 1791 Farmer’s Letters to the People of England on Husbandry, 1767—Literary Museum; or, Ancient and Modern Repository of Scarce and Curious Tracts, 8vo. 1792 ne 6. . Volume of Pamphlets on various subjects—Luxborough’s Letters—Edwards’ Canons of Criticism _ Se Somerville’s Chase, 1735—-Behn’s Poems upon several occasions, with a Voyage to the Island of Love, 1684—Miscellany Poems, containing translations of Virgil’s Eclogues—Ovid’s Love Eligies, &c. 1685—Dalrymple’s Collection of English Songs, 1796. An esteemed selection = tL PL Hore Subseciuz, Observation and Discourses, 1620 This work ts ascribed in the Bode- lian Catalogue to Gilbert Cavendish—Digge’s Stratioticos, 4to. 1679—Digge’s Gerardo, the Unfortunate Spaniard ; or a pattern for Lascivious Lovers, 1622 —— Butler’s Hudibras, with plates, 3 vols. 1710 ee ee ¢ Eudosia, Poem on the Universe, 1781—An enquiry into the Writings of Homer, 1736— | Dryden’s Juvenal, 8vo. Tonson, 1697 om Blount’s Essays, 1697—Mascall’s Countryman’s Jewel; or, the Government of Cattle, ) 1680—Matheeus’ Unhappy Prosperity, 1632—History of the Seven Champions of Sait endom, 4to, 1705—Holt’s View of the Agriculture of Lancaster, 1795 Ff 6 7~----o” ~~ LOT 126 134 135 Keo 137 139 Duchess of Newcastle’s Orations, folio, 2 vols. 1662 and 1663—Ditto Life of Willian Ca- yendish, 1676—Ditto Philosophical and Physical Opinions, folio, 1663 ss 140 Homer's Iliad and Odessy, folio, title page wanting ; printed about the year 1614—History Queen Elizabeth, 4to. 1629-—Mackenzie’s Observations upon the Laws and Customs of Nations as to Precedency, folio, 1680 —e Sa. 141 Camden’s Britannia, folio, 1610 Se ame 5 142 Life of Thomas Egerton, Lord Chancellor of England, 1801-—Willyams’ History of Sudely Castle, folio, 1791 sabe Sf. 2 143. Keble’s Statutes at Large, folio, 1681, black letter — eS 144 Poems and Phancies, folio, 1664, Tcopipes By ' the Duchess of Newcastle— Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World, folio, 1668, by the same author—The History of Phillip de Commens, folio, 1674 Pr Viton josie io, 209 /\. Fae $b lele = 8 28 Mere 7 Stapylton’s Juvenal Satyrs, with curious portrait, 1647, from the library of Dodd, the comedian—Poems on several occasions, Jonson, 1721—Coleridge’s Poems, 1803 —Cowley’s Works, 10th edition, 2 vols. 8vo, with plates, J’onson, 1707 PE King’s Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes and Sonnets, 1664—Charter of the Cinque Ports, 1682— Pool’s Parnassus—Behn’s History of Novels, sixth edition, | 718—Abelarde and Heloise —— ZA 6 Haywood’s Secret Histories, 4 vols, 1732—-Dryden’s Poems, 2 vols. 1743—Waller’s Poems, 1693 ne © Goldsmith’s Poems —Wither’s Remains, 1669—Gibbon on Literature, 1764—The Adven- 7 | 4: turer, 4 vols. Wither’s Poems, with fine portrait, 1633, 2 vols. extremely rare—Quintessence of English Poetry, 3 vols. 1740—Cowper’s Poems, 2 vols. & 3 Pall’s Letters, 1693, portrait--Macky’s Memoirs, 1733—Ovid’s Art of Love—Cooke’s a Poems, 1742—A Collection of Poems selected from the Shamrock — 2 a6. chelsea, 1713-—Dyer’s Poems, 1770—Tomson’s Seasons, 1779, plates Me Co S| Beattie on Truth, 8vo.—Creech’s Lucretius, 2 vols. 8vo. 1714 WHE - & of Drayton’s Poems, 1637 -—Milton’s Paradise Lost 1774—Lucretius, 1683—Suckling’s Col- lection of all his incomparable pieces, 1648 Sedleys-Atorks, 1702—Volume of Tracts,&c. . HZ. G, Cowley’s Works, folio, 1634—Maline’s Lex Mercatoria, folio,..1622—Gray’s Poems, 4to, aes Ei Parma, 1793 Description of East Bourne, Sussex—Kentish Traveller's Companion—Newton’s History of Maidstone—Cleaveland’s History of the Courtenay Family ee Marchioness of Neweastle’s Sociable Letters, folio, 1664—Howard against the Passion of Warton’s Observations of Spencer’s Fairy Queen, 2 vols. in 1, 1762—Cotton’s Poems on several occasions, 1689-—Mason’s Poems, 1779 Johnson’s Poetical Works, 1785—Gray’s Poems, 1770—Miscellany Poems, by Lady Win- supposed Prophecies—Sondes’ Narrative to the World of all Passages on the Death of his Two Sonnes, folio, 1655, rare ss te a 8 Dugdale’s Origines Juridiciales, folio, 1671, fine portraits by Holler and others . ( Rushworth’s Historical Collections, part II, folio, 1680—A register and Chronicle, Ecclesi- astical and Civil, folio, vol. 1, 1728 : Morgan's Sphere of Gentry, folio, 1661, and Murphy’s Travels in Portugal, 4to, 1795 —— Sundry Pamphlets | Robertson’s Proceedings relating to the Peerage of Scotland, from 1707 to 1788, 4to, 1790 - Memoir of Brass Crosby, esq, large paper copy, 4to, portrait, 1829, and Tixall Poetry. 4to, i #4 boards. A most amusing work. Literary Researches into the History of the Book of St. Alban’s. Reprinted from the edi- tt 0 tion of 1496 Co. a Bell’s Huntingdon Peerage, 4to, 1821, and Genealogical History of the Family of Brabazon, Paris, 1825 Eel? iW, 2. 4 2.6 Porter’s Russian Campaign, 4to, 1812, and Moore’s Campaign in Spain, 1809 Owen’s New View of Society, 8vo, 1818, and Byron’s Child Harold’s Pilgrimage, 8vo, 1818 —2. 9. History of Paris, 3 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1825, and Memoirs of Napoleon at St. Helena, 1819 —— go Oo. Corbet’s Poems, 1807, and Cavendish’s Life of Cardinal Wolsey, 2 vols, 8vo, 1825 4O-— Yate on Parliamentary Reform, 2 vols, 8vo, 1825, and Williams’ Influence of Genius, &: 8vo, 1816 ——$—$<— Molleson’s Miscellanies, 1806, and Trial of Lieutenant General Whitelock, 2 vols. 8vo, 1808 — @- o Byron’s Child Harold’s Pilgrimage, 4to, 1812, and Genealogical History of the Family of Brabazon (Lerr—rLaeonae- Sr vbw Lu } Ribera LE EU Te ech ASL eae Dibden’s Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics, 2 vols. 1808 — ie i. Gi Butler’s Reminiscences, 8vo. 1824—Cruise on Dignities, 8vo, 1810—Sydney on Appeals, 8vo, 1824 ac 0. Chalmers’ Inquiry into the Extent of Natural Resources, 8vo, 1808—Sugden’s Letters, 1809 x a —Pamphlets on the Law of Copy-right—Graham’s Coin and Currency Pa aa Butler’s Erasmus, 1825—Stanley’s Anacreon, 1815—Memoirs of a Celebrated Literary Character, and two others Park’s Topography and Natural History of Hampstead, royal 8vo, 1814: 100 copies only printed—Campaign at Washington and New Orleans. fe oan Nolan on the Poor Laws, 2 vols. 8vo. 1808 and Burn’s Justice, 4 vols. 8vo. 1810 —— f. Regulations for Cavalry, General Regulations for the Army, Field Exercises & Revolutions a Bourgoing’s Modern State of Spain, 4 vols, 8vo. 1808—Bowdler’s Select Pieces, 2 vols, 8vo. 1816—Life of Prince Eugene Laura, by Capel Lofft, 5 vols. 12mo. 1814 = Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk, 3 vols. 8vo. 1819 The Projector, 3 vols. 8vo. 1811 5 A Lot of rmy Lists a sgceeeiinoneeeneee Cees Pieces 0 Ancient Poetry from unpublished manuscripts and scarce books, 4to. Bristol, 1814—-Wrangham’s Lyrics of Horace, 8vo. 1821 SS Cc. > LOT 173 190 196 197 198 199 200 9 =.) Painter’s Palace of Pleasure, 2 vols, 4to, 1813, presentation copy. Best edition of a work to which Shakspeare and several of our old Dramatists were greatly indebted : 250 copies wow O. 6 printed o=iilcdiasincaias Scott’s Lay of the last Minstrel, 4to, 1805 —ahaael Biserepty—+8t8- — - _— The Whim, -8vo. morocco—Appeal to the Nation on Parliamentary BHeform. —— 3.2 oD. 0. England’s Helicon, reprinted from the edition of 1600, scarce — &f. G Paradise of Dainty Devices and England’s Helicon, 2 vols. scarce reprints together in one —~ YY g. Deffand’s Letters to the Honorable Horace Walpole, 4 vols. 12mo 2 - me. G, Beauties of England and Wales, 205 numbers, fine impressions of the plates — yf See. Scott’s Tales of a Grandfather, 3 vols. half bound, and Yorick’s Sentimental Touihiey ee Ss Dr, Syntax, 2 vols. royal 8yvo. ——_-—__—. ri iomeetegeian s oO. Hayley’s Life and Posthumous Writings of Cowper, with vol. of illustrations, 5 vols. 4to. —— a. x a Vo Bradford’s Views in Portugal and Spain, folio, half bound, Russia — Lath » Life of Julius Ceesar, imperial 4to.. with 17 beautiful engravings, 1810 Alexander’s Expedition, J eht it vo Bie. & Wrangham’s Lyrics of Horace, royal 8vo. 1821 ~#- @. History of Lambeth Palace, roy: al 4to. beautifully coloured plates, 1806 ——_——__-__—»_- SC. Berry’s Kentish Genealogies, 2 vols. small folio, 1880) .2 7. hn o.. Ancient Critical Essays upon English Poets and ee vol. 2, 4to. 1815 le G.. q Park’s Heleconia, 3 vols. 4to. 1815 a i a Sibee ks 2 Ae /. bud. ol Playfair’s British Family Antiquity, vol. 3, 4to. 1811, ditto, vol. 1, imperial 4to. with plates, 1809 —— . oe Scott’s Visit to Paris, 8vo. 1815—Essays on the Pleasures of Literary Composition, 1813 . Z Nicolas’ Life of William Davison, 8vo. 1822 , Sk y —y Poor, Abstract of Returns under Act 55 Geo. III. folio; 1818 Dot Os — we so Crabb’s Poems, 8vo. 1808—Aubyn’s Poems, 8vo. 1823—Secret History of the Cabinet of Buonaparte, 1810 -— 2. Sj, Memoirs of the War in Spain—Malthus on Population, 8vo, 1817—Inquiry into the Poor Laws, 8vo. 1812 ae 6. The Last Reign of the Emperor Napoleon, 2 vols, 8vyo. 1816, and Reports from South America, 8vo. 1819 > Memoirs of General Miller, 2 vols, 8vo. 1828, and Agricultural State of the Kingdom, 1816 — J. eA Hayley’s Life of Romney, 4to. 1809, and Memoirs of General Miller, 2 vols, 8vo. 1829 ——~ J, o, Two 8vo. volumes, Military Regulations, Martemont’s Theory of Field Fortification, 8vo. 1810 +7, ae Three vols. Gentleman’s Magazine, and 1 ditto, Sporting ditto <% AwwceerOH/ 1. dp Wither’s Hymns—Cowper’s Memoirs—Hunt’s Feast of the Poets—Hall’s Satires—“Leigh’s Poems ge SO On SF: F END OF THE SIXTH DAY’S SALE. oe 202 Zi 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 SEVENTH DAYS SALE. TUESDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1834. Essays on Chronology—Letters during a Tour to Paris—Haslewood’s. Life of Ritson— Volume of Rhymes —Crowe’s Poems, and.2 others ac a Life of Virgilius, re-printed 1 and 3 others A Treatise on Indigence, 8vo. Agriculture 812—vView of French Literature—Mogg’s new Map of Roads, Ze 1896— Maitland on Wool—Jacob on the Protection of British 6 Private Memoirs of Sir K. Digby, 8vo..1827, and Moore’s Life of Sheridan, 12mo. 1825 Don Juan, 6 vols. Paris, 1821, and Select. Early Ei$lish Poets, 3 vols. 1817 re é The Subaltern, 1828—Impey’s Poems, 1811—The Round Table, 2 vols, 1817 o.. Select Psalms in verse, 1811—Scott’s Paris. Re-visited, 1816—Syr Reginalde; or the Black Tower, 1803—Scott’s Lives of the Novelists, Parzs, 1820 ae Ritson’s Garlands—Lara and Jaqueline —Life of Byron—Carter’s School Boy’s Reverie-— =—_— Byron’s Dante, and 2 others The Poetical Register, vols. 2, 4, 5, 6, Southey’s History of Brazil, Memoirs of Sir James Croft, trations to Bloomfield fe Scott’s Rokeby, 4to. 1813—Beattie’s Minstrel, 4to. 1808—Hermilda in Palestine, 4to, 1812 2 vgl to. | 1817 ¥ eo “1828—Genea ogical History of the Brabazon F os tte 4. _ Daye’s Works: containing an excursion through Derbyshire and Yorkshire, illustrated with fine engravings, 4to. 180.5—Verses prefixed to the Defence of Poesy, 4to. 1812. ..————- Partenopex de Blois, a romance, 4to. 1807, and Wordsworth’s Excursion, 4to. 1814 __— A Series of Letters between Mrs. Elizabeth Carter and Miss Catharine Talbot, 2 vols, 4to, 1805 Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica, 8vo. 1815, and Wordsworth’s Excursion, 8vo. 1820 ——- Baillie’s Collection of Poems, Alarique, 8vo, 4814—Conversations of Lord Byron, Svo, 1824 ——— Svo. 1823—Leckie’s Historical Survey, 8vo. 1810—Childe Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings, 4 vols. 8vo, boards, 1809 Ritson’s Collection of songs, 3 vols. small 8vo, 1813 Robertson’s History of America, 3 pocket vols.—Hazlitt’s Table See deer oP Peerage of Ireland, 1817 Inquiry into the Conduct of the Princess of Wales—Hazlitt’s Table Talk—The — of Love, 1806 Girt LA Prk from Memuw € Crap (028 a"— LOT 222 23 to t 6 ~~ 2 Xt 5“ ta ~“ ym ~~ wo two ~) 244 I] QY/ Dalby’s Mathematics, 2 vols. royal 8vo. 1806, and Hazlitt’s Political Essays, 8vo. 1822 EG ad : Letters from England, 3 vols. and Wrangham’s Contributions to’ a British. Plutarch, 8vo. = 4. Oo 1816 J/. 2, The Bijou, 18 990 tn SLED we al. S%2, er Span bo ae ie /- Oo. W ordsworth’s oe Works, 5 vols; 12mo.' 1827 ee ee a eee ee _——. 6, , Wordsworth’s Miscellaneous Pcems, 4 vols, 1820 see OT en oh eee The Round Table, 2 vols.—Bland’s Edwy—Hall’s Poems—Confessions of an’ English a > 0. Opium Eater - Banks of the Wye—Stanley’s,Poems—Byron’s Poems, on his Domestic Cireumstances== O eee Amorous Poems and 3 others mtr Poo Stanley's Anacreon—Southee’s Metrical Tales—Outlines Canterbury Tales ; or the glories of the Garrison—Merivales Orlando in Roncesvalles RE Knox’s Essays, 2 vols.—Rowland’s letting of Humours Blood, ae: from the edition of 1611. Greece, in 1823 and 1824, 2 vols; and 2 others —_—— Biographical Pee rage of Great Britain, 3 vols, 1809 etic Renna pre foo af Short’s Treatise on Out-posts--Don Juan’s Military Exploits—Reflections on Modern War; and 2 others wm oN Ay ty KA \ \ —_— —+-~-—-.— Longusvelle’s Confessions, a novel in 2 vols.—-Proceedings at the Worcester Election ! & Mo Infantry regulations-—Shamrock Lees; or, the Wicklow. Excursion = —-—— aS Gostling’s Canterbury, 1825, and History of the Brabazon Family Muitary Costume of Europe, 72 colored plates, vol. 1, and 2-other Military. volumes \ 9 Yate on Parliamentary Reform, 2 vols, 8vo, 1812—Poems on several occasions—Bre¢dges y ; Algebra, 1821 Oswald, a metrical tale—Morning Thoughts and Midnight..Musings Bowles, Fey . . aun co Stanley’s Poems, and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage ana d Solitude, a novel in 2 vols.~-Madame de Stael on Suicide—Blair’s Beauties—Tales, and . Ee a othe Poems ; : hv ” Lady Montague’s Letters, 5 vols, and Sole; of National Librar Y fe . MGS ag Saat Lonsdale’s Memoirs of James II, 4to, 1808 —Childe Alarique, 4to, 18¥3—Illustrations to Euclid’s Elements, 4to Saarinen Jt 4 i Se Waverley, 3 vols. and Rogers’ Poems; 1812 eS . ee % : Sha Quarrels of Authors, 3 vols. 1814, and Byron’s Narrative of his last Journey to Greece 2 Flim Flams ; or, the life and errors of my uncle and his friends, 3 vols, 1806—Zulma, ard ae ——— rs other tales, 2 vols. 1813 . . Sorrows of Werter—Addison’s Essay’s—-The Lease, by Pope—A New Way to Make Latin Verses ; whereby any one of ordinary capacity and can count nine, tho’ he understand® not one word of Latin, may be plainly taught in as little time as this is reading over, by io. | age John Peter, very curious—Juvenile Emigrants, 2 vols, and 3 others Edinburgh Annual Register, 6 vols. webs sasseh: SS Sa a a = = i SPIT oe OES etd = —- =< ~ ees v 26% 266 267 — “~ 268 269 270 271 272 -273 274 ‘Byron’s Poems, Correspondence of Lord Byron, 3 vols. Paris, 1825 12 Carter’s Epictetus, 4to. 1758, half bound Russia Dodsley’s Annual Register, 2 vols. and University Annual Register, 1 vol. Masere’s Principles of Life Annuities, 4to, 1783 ae ; } { AKA Zimmerman on Solittidet* Second Journey found the Library of a Bibliomaniac .— Lawrence § Prisoner of Peace~—Barksdale’s Nympha Libethris Stran¢ford’s Poems ~—- : Lord Thurlow’s Poems—Campbell’s Poetical Works—Wither’s Fidelia, a love Epistle— Bath Guide Ly ae | “AY 8 bata NN Dm . Byron’s Last Days—Scott’s Memoirs of Dryde sie Moore s Epicurian Burke’s Pee nia 1826, and odd vel. of Peerage Classic Tales, 15 parts and Beauties of Spectator History of Knighthood, 2 vols,—Eighteen Hundred and Thirteen, a poem—Christian on Universities, and 2 others pal peje eer Newcastle’s Playes, 2 vols. small folio, 1662, fine copy, calf gilt ie Mit f- Eight vols. of Debrett’s Baronetage and Peerage § ps bee aetna te Gt WO ds NY Ditto ~~ Reports on the Crown Lands, from 1 to 17, 2 vols. folio, 1792 = ~~~ Reports from the Select Committee of Finance, 2 vols. folio, half bound Russia, 1797 —— ses \ $$ \ ; Chambers’ Dictionary, 2 vols. folio mt ys \ a Kw 2 Southey’s Poets’ Pilgrimage to Waterloo—-Shamrock Lees—Defence of Usury—Roman * Stories ———— Select Poems, 2 vols.—Skeat’s Poems —Pains of Memory pod 2 + Oswald, a metrical Tale—Who Wrote Cavendish’s Life of Wolsey @ Revington' s Annual Register . ye 2. a Z eee — No “English Review, 9 vols. 8vo, bound vs Bebe Sie Ciiriosities of Literature, 2 vols. 8vo, 1807—Kent Poll, 1802 Lowndes’ Bibliographer’s Manual, first,3-partsy,and Dibden’s Bibliomania; or, Book Mad- ness, 8vo, 18741. =.A very valuable work: a s \ he ~ - Don Juan—Prisoner of Chilon—Medwin’s Sketches in Hindoostan—Woodstock, 3 vols. A “ Paris, 1826 Hours of Idleness—Select Sonnets—English Bards and Scotch Reviewers—-Rhymes on the Road—Griffin’s Fidessa—Fidelia— Wither’s Shepherds Hunting. From the edition of 1633 — a a British Mercury, 4 vols. 8vo PRs OS i Vol. of poems, 8vo—Fortescue’s Forreste, 4to, London, 1571 Poems, 2 vols. 4to—Cotton’s Poems, with plates, 1734 ——__—> Clarke’s Letters concerning Spain, 4to, 1763—Tracts of the Fb Accounts, folio, 1704—- List of the Army, folio, 1716 Poetical Register, 2 vols.—Pinkerton’s Rhymes—Collins’ Poetical Works—Milton’s Para- dise Regained—Odes of Horace, 1635 —— —- ~- —— N\ Ws As ON oe . _—_ aie ta , 292 13 5 oa _ - @ Gifford’s Juvenal, 4to, 1802 rr hier R e “e ma. 6 Pinkerton’s Modern Geography, 2 vols. 4to, 1802 Davenant’s Essays, 6 vols. 8vo. bound, 1692. These six vols. are rarely found together aoe SF. & and untform. Williams’ Poems, 2 vols.—Fitzjeffery’s Life of Drake—Crazy Tales and Fables for Grown Gentlemen-—Belgic Charity, and other poems, &c. &c. SS GP. 6 Sorrows of Werter—Thoughts on the Manners of the Great—Brydges’ Collection of select Novels, written originally in Castillian by the author of Don Quixotte, Bristol, 1728 ae . Scott's Memoirs of Swift, 2 vols.—Collectanea Cliffordiana, Paris, 1817—Beauford, or Pn = o the Picture of Life, 2 vols.—Stothert’s Narrative Dibdin’s Bibliomania, 1809—Book of Life, a bibliographical melody—Flaminio’s Poems— 7 ? 5 d Legend of May—Queen of Scots—Memoirs of Prince Eugéne dinate a stcisinatenil Gray's Poems, by Mitford, 8vo. 1814—Rosseau’s Original Correspondence—Constable’s digs O Miscellany, vol. 49 Barnabee’s Journal, edited from the first edition, by Joseph Haselwood, 2 vols.—Dryden’s Virgil, 3 vols. oo Fabricius’ Letters—-Overbury’s Works—Campbell’s Theodoric, and 6 others wH--=+— ss Ruggle’s History of the Poor, 4to.—Pamphlets on Church Leases, 8vo. Coxs-Herse of Austria;-voh—_t,_1807,-4to.—Burke’s Works, vol. 5, 1812, 4to.—Clarke’s Travels, part 2nd. 4to, 1812 vw Addr eet tt _— — Parliamentary Register, 6 vols. 8vo. ; wick ie Rimini, a poem, by Leigh Hunt, Presentation eopy, with an original Letter from the Ja. “4 Author hard rmely ha Gatinsthns i 40 a Fairfax’s Tasso, 2 vols. ahi lariat i en = Crutwell’s Gazetteer, 3 vols, 8vo. 1798, with folio Atlas Dalby’s Mathematics, 2 vols. 8vo. 1811] Dibdin’s.. Library Companion, 8vo,—Payne and Foss’. Catalogue—Catalogue de Morel x Vindé — Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Par, 8vo. 1827—Longman’s ditto, 1816—Brown’s ditto, ZA 1823 — Four vols. Military Instruction — Catalogue, 6 vols. various Kirke White’s Remains, 2 vols, 1807—Biographical Miscellany—The Essay of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie. Reprinted from the edition of 1584 Cain—Mazeppa—Vision of Judgment—Odo—Bill of Rights Quarle’s Emblems, 1660, Ist edit—Selden’s Table Talk, 1696—-Walsh’s Letters and Poems, 1692—Doleman’s Conference, 1594. The intention of this Book (which was so rigor- ously suppressed that it was made high treason even to possess a Copy), was to support the title of the Infanta against that of King James, after the death of Queen.Llizabeth 2c2 299 300 301 302 2 303 @ Me Bey so~304 By 305 306 14 ft The real Authors were Robert Parsons, the Jesuit ; Cardinal Allen: and Sir F. as A inl ‘ field ; and the printer is said to be hung, drawn, and quartered. Fe Observations oa Duncannon’s History of Scotland, 1708—Tour through England and W ales —Price’s Morals—Smith’s Errors of the Church of Rome Detected =e i Treatisevon’Short-hand, without Pen and Ink—Campbell’s Pleasure of Memory—Cupid, a collection of Songs, 1736—Dillon’s Poetical Works—Ovid’s Art of Love ————~—— - Four Military vols. Draummond’s Poems-——Smith’s Sonnets— Portrait of Byron, 2 copies—Sailors’ Letters, 2 vols. —Active Life—Macgregor’s Narrative —— Vol. of Tracts, various—Roland’s Memoirs — Paine’s Rights of Man—Manfred, by Byron— Sketches of Public Men Spectator, 8 vols. Tonson a Kimber’s Baronetage, and 5 old vols. of Peerage rn hE Sackville’s Induction and Legend, 4to, 1815—Milton’s Defence, in answer to a work enti- tled The Cry of the Royal Blood to Heaven against the English Paricides—Scott’s Water- loo —Vol. of Sonnets—Index to Warton’s History of English Poetry Gentleman’s Magazine, 1818, 1820, and 1824 bntisltod Sundry Nos. of the Edinburgh and Foreign Quarterly Review Cibber’s Lives of the Poets, 5 vols. 1752 Bhs ot sl Longman’s Bibliotheca Curiosa—Isaac Reed’s Catalogue and 3 others Four Military vols. and Hamilton on the National Debt Johnson’s Lives of the Poets, 8vo. 4 vols. 1783, half bound, interleaved Collins’ Peerage, 6 vols. 8vo. #666 IPF O aS Fa ae History of Prince Arthur, 3 vols. new in calf, Malton’s Poetieal “Works, 3°~vols. Paris, 182 99-/0- ‘6 Agricutlure of Somerset, Chalmer’s Estimate, and Varenius’ Geography, 2 vols. 8vo, 1634 —— 3- The Wiccamical Chaplet, 1804—Hanson’s Miscellaneus Composition in verse, Copenhagen, 1811—Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh, large 4to, Lee, 1813 el Brambletye House, 3 vols.—The Old Manor House, 4 vols. carci Jacob’s Law Dictionary, folio, 1782 ———————— Hazlitt’s Spirit of the Age, 2 vols.— Buccanniers of America—Detached Pieces of Poetry— Thurlow’s Moonlight, 4to, 1814, and 3 others nooo Guide to Paris, Switzerland, Mont Blanc, and 4 others _———- Acts of Parliament passed in the Reigns of Elizabeth, William and Aune, black letter, folio—History of the affairs of Europe, folio, London, 1673—Theorike and Practike of Moderne Warres, Discoursed in Dialogue Wise by Robert Barrett, London, 1598— neni Willan’s Perfect Statesman Wither’s Collection of of Em blemes, with.j ee Coe yes books, folio, London, 1634, com- plete, very scarce. “This rare and curious Book is accompanied by an Autograph Letter of Edmund Lodge, esq. present Norroy King at Arms. Sieh. waft” ane: f ane ee 2 ge : ——_—— seh. 15 323 Cases in Parliament from 1722 to 1740, 5 vols. folio, half bound Eg hre:6. > jo.) ieee me On 324 Public Characters, 9 vols. 8vo. boards tm tA eS LEY eee. 6. 325 Reynier’s State of Egypt—Vol. of Old Tracts—Theatrum Poetarum, laree paper copy, otf. CAR. <2 326° Cartes’ Collection of-Orizinal Letters, 2 vuls, Svo. 1739—Bayley‘on Life Annuities & others 4 /2@. 4 12 only printed 327 Scott’s Chronicles of the Canon Gate, 2-vols.~-Abbot on Shipping, and 2 others) ———-—-_—- - #- 328 » Monthly Chronicle, 2 vols. 4to. 1728, 1729, 1730; and Stud Book 22 Li Ge - 6, 329 Supplement to the Life of Lord Kames—Ritson’s Bibliographia PoeticaPolitical Essays 2 » 4to—Poems by W. H. 4to. from the edition of 1655 ae F ) :30 Burton’s History of Leicestershire, folio, 1622 (wants title and map) and Tindle’s History , of Essex, 4to. — 331 Hale on the Jurisdiction of the House of Lords, and 2 others — =. < 332 Enquiry concerning the Author of Junias—Gradus ad Cantabrigiam, 8vo. 1824, with coloured plates—Byron’s Heaven and Earth—Fragments by a young Lady, and 2 others —- @ .- ee 333 Spencer’s Fairy Queen, 4to. imperfect—The Masque, a Collection of Old Songs— Essay on the Pleasures of imaginatio n—Childrey’s Natural Rarities of England, &e. '1661— $ Park’s Sonnets, and 2 others oe 334 QOvid’s Metamorphoses, No. | to 7—Tales of Superstitionand Chivalry, and 4 others oh ee 335 Malthus on the Principle of Population, 2 vols. 8vo. 1807, and 1 vol. of the Anti Critic —- 2. o wees 2.¢ 336° British Poets; 13 vols. royal 8vo. boards J. 337 Miscellaneous Compositions in verse, Copenhagen, 1811— Descriptions 6f the Curiosities of Wilton House—Regulations of the University Club—Phillips’ Theatrum Poeta tarum, ee SS and 4 others 338 Shakesperean Museum, 8 vols.—The Life and Adventures of Thomas’Shovewell——Eikon vet Basilica, his Solitude and Sufferings; 1648, and sundiies ai a- fF , 339 Norden’s Surveyor’s Dialogue, 4to, London, 1607—Tartagha’s Art-of Shooting, translated by Luca, folio, 1588—Harte’s Essay on Husb: indry,8—vols. 1770 & 2 a 2. “4 340 Tunbridge Wells Guide—Bonner’s Itinerary, and sundries mS a 6; 341 Pasquill’s ARCAPDS, 4to, 1626, very scarte—-Hopton’s Concordancie of Years, 1612— D'Ouvilly’s False Favorite disgraced, 1657, very scarce—3 Canterbury Poll Books, 1790, 1796, and 4 others ae Ly 8 * f., 2. 342 Paul Freyman’s Treatise of Moral Philosophy, 1579, black letter--Derbody’s Poems—Ex- tracts from Wither’s Poems, and 4 others ae G 343 erningham’s Poems, 1779—Runic Poetry, 1763—Gui rays Memoria Technica, eos 2 of Biber’ : F. G: 344 f Eight vols. on various subjects Peron ee 345 Mavor’s Voyages and Travels, 25 vols. bnd. 1796, vol. 9 missing O 346 Supplement to Shakspeare, 2 vols. 8vo, 1778 and Apology ‘for-the Believers in the Shaks- peare Papers 347 Adye on Courts Martial—Chalmer’s Estimate, and 5 others, variors 16 Court Calendars, various years a & Burn’s Works, vol. 5, 8vo. 1808~-Cradock’s Miscellaneous Memoirs, vol. , 1826—Coke’s Institutes, by Prynrie, part 4, London, 1669—Baynes’ Ovid’s Epistles, ves 1, 1818 ——— J. The Spectator, 6 vols. imperfect,fand Don Quixote, 3 vols. imperfect —— - |: A Lot of Court Calendars Wand had fez. Qany ote for Uf ii) A. Proof of the Douglas Cause, 9 vols. 4to, J: Charges against Hastings, and answers, with charges against Impey—Walpole’s Doubts on Richard the 3rd—Maurice’s Poems, 4to. 1779, and 3 others as Bowdler’s Poems and Essays, 2 vols. and 9 additional vols. by Scott, Byron, Wordsworth, Moore and others iG 6. Dibdin’s Poems, 8vo. 1797, scarce—Park’s Sonnets—Cleaveland’s Poems, 1665—Wither’s Poems, 1615~—Pegge’s Form of Curry, or Ancient Cookery, compiled about 1390, by the Master Cooks of King Richard the 2nd, with an autograph letter. This curious work was never published, a few copies only being printed for private distribution. SO. Phillips’ Theatrum Poetarum—Whitworth’s List of Parliaments, 1764—Fielding’s Miscella: nies, 2 vols, and 4 others, various | “a: Twelve Catalogues of rare books, various - ae Nine Ditto . ‘ . ‘ coke ae Ten volumes, various - Ditto + . Ditto Ditto Ditto . : Ditto . aA ann No % - a: . 2- ‘ 2. Peerage of Scotland, 6 vols, and 5 others Ditto we Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto + Six ditto * ; ‘Bell’s Poets, 20° parts, 1780 . . Collins’ Peerage, 4 vols, 8vo, 1735—-A Supplement to ditto, 2 vols. 1750 Gentleman’s Magazine, 2 vols. and 5 others ‘ 6. Nine vols. various e > a. 2 6, e. 6. 6, Co. . & §. 6. . 4 6 ° Z Part I. Batty’s Views—Herbert’s and Rudyard’s Poems, written in the time of James the > First ,—Fidelia, 3 copies, and sundries. ae : pire i LOT 379 380 Vw = C wo Co ¥ UW Qo Qo C¢ ‘ CO aN 2 nr 395 396 397 398 900 ay ey 400 40] 402 403 404 17 Desmond, a novel, by Charlotte Smith, in 3 vols. and sundries Sundries A parcel of P Diito Ditto Ditto aruamentary Reports, folio, stitched Pd A Parhament, various i. : 1° sy 4 . ale an ynlets, different subjects ———____—_--—___— nas a ae — Sundry rath “4 Ditto a cereandeal Ditto Ditto i ian i, eS a SL a 2) ed ey ak dt Lhe Phoenix in her Flames, a tragedy, 1639—The Lieutenant of > on . OD ; ~ ‘24 / , - Repentance at his Execution, 1515, and 2 other scarce tracts _ Soe Volume of Statutes in the reign of Henry the 8th, black letter ai hasta gee Archaeologia, or tracts relating to antiquity, 3 vols, 4to. nara - Two old Catalogues, and 10 others, various Braythwate’s Odes—100 good Points of Husbandry, from the edition of 1557—Brussels Guide, and 6 others The Island—Sardanapulus—Nympha Libethris—Memoirs of a celebrated Political charac- ter, and 6 others Paley’s Philosophy—Psalms and Hymys—Vol. of Poetry—Tullv’s Thoughts on Cicero, ~ and 6 others 4 ee Byron’s Giaour, S8yo, and other vols. Wither’s Hymns and Songs of the Church—Three Nights in Perthshire, with an autograph Letter from the Author—-Marmontel’s Tales—Evidence against Peter Callas, with an au- tograph Letter to his Son—a volume of Sonnets eee : : Sundries Horne’s Introduction to Bibliography, 2 vols, 8vo. 1814 a -e—— ~ END OF THE SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. Ky & 4 so ne * SYSy Haye oo) ae Ss a _ LS. 0. oF. 0. - EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. DIVINITY. Horne’s Introduction to the Scriptures, 4 vols, 8vo. 1825 Blackmore on the Creation, 8vo. 1712, and Burgh against Lindsey, 8vo. Powlett’s Father’s Reasons for beimg a Christian, 8vo.—Blount’s Miscellaneous Works— Pocket Manual, &c. Bishop Burnett's History of his own Time, 2 vols. folio, 1724 Wrangham’s Works, 3 vols. 8vo. 1816, printed on blue paper Eusebius’ Ancient Ecclesiastical Histories of the first Six Hundred Years aftet Christ, translated by Hanmer, black letter, London, 1619, very scarce Patrick’s Parable of the Pilgrim, 4to. 1667—Prettyman’s Christian Theology—W ither’s Songs of the Church—Common Prayer Luther’s Forerunners, of a Cloud of Witnesses, 4to. 1624—-Divine Cosmographer by W.H. 1640—Moreton’s Daily Exercise, 1724-—Casaubon de Rebus Sacris et Eccle- siasticus, 4to. Geneva, 1645 Fuller’s Church History, imperfect : Warburton’s Divine Legation, 9 vols. 8vo. 1765, vols. and 4 wanting—Seed’s Sermons, 1745—Pyle on the Epistles, 1720, vol. 1 Daniel Chaldie’s Visions aud his Ebrew, 4to. 1597—-Pennington’s Redemption—Man- nock’s Poor Man’s Catechism—Rowell’s Christian Support Whole Duty of Man—Iwo New Week’s Preparation— W alton’s Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, and Herbert—Sandy's Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems; London, 1676 Kett on Prophecy, © vols. 1799—Christian’s Companion, 1715—Barksdale’s Memorials, 1661 Bonnett’s Enquiries concerning Christianity, 1791—Bowdler’s Sermons— Manual of De- votions, 1643—Extracis from the New, Version of the Psalms, 2 copies Watts’ Scripture History—Bell on the Lord’s Supper— Whittaker on the Trinity—Soame Jenyns’ View of the Christian Religion - Shepherds on St. John’s Gospel Two Books of Prayer, black letter, 1749, handsomely bound in crimson velvet Volume of Pamphlets, and 5 others, various 19 FRENCH WORKS. 422 Biographie Nouvelle des Contemporain, 15 vols. Paris, 1824 423 Annalles Literaires, 4 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1818, vol. 2 missing 424 Manuel de Libraire, par Brunet, 4 vols. half bound, Paris, 1820 Bibliographie Francaise, 7 vols. 8vo, half bound > no tw ¢ t ° ~~ a. a Malthus. Essai sur le principe de Population t i | ~ ~ French Itinerary—Ode to Napoleon he — (fo 42 Nouvelle Biographie des MOTLDGS | mort et vivans, 6 vols. 8vo De Sismondi. Histoire des Francaise, 6 vols. 8vo, Paris, 182! e to pr Oo A320 Chazet‘de la Gloire de lV Aioie—- Lettres d’ Horace Walpole, Rvo. 1818. Ist book, 1809 431 Tableau Historique de la Literature Frang: aise, Svo, 1818—Description du Department du ~ . 7 19 A } 7 . ~ r ‘7 Valais--Etat de ’Angleterre— Histoire de la Russie 1 T vuren copes. Gl noleterr Eraome sur GCenay 432 \ oyage en Angileterre— rragmens sul Geneve : ohare] sar Pimaoination. 2 vols. Tn (tenr yy 433 Recherches sur lhnagination, 2 voi: Histoire du Genre Humain ‘ = F : ae a S . ee : 7 Pin oA th y ates it ‘ aa eA Is 434 Les Armées des Francaises—Campagnes des Frangais~-—Souvent des Braves —Le Coin du gy nN feu des Braves 435 Histoire Genealogique et Heraldigue des Pairs de France, et des Principales Famulles du A Biter avy : Ps ts 4 7 > aan Oo i ioyaumMe, 6 ia&lee Sto VOIS. Paris, 1824 436 Notice sur les ecrits de Madame de Stae]-—Memoirs du General Morillo—Tableau Literaire de la France—Le Maitre d’Anglais, par Cobbett 437 Memoirs sur Naples, 5 vols. 8vo, 1819—L’ Espagne en 1808, 2 vols, 8vo, 181] ;*> 2 ‘ . DH teas >< . ’ c . = 14 ( L vs . co . ee ry 438 Principes de Economie Pontique, par Ricardo. 2 vols. Svo, 1819——Fragmens Buogra- . x - p hique et Historique , Geneve, I8io . rT . i 429° Histoire dé la Literature Espagnole, 2 vols. 8vo, 1812—-Memoirs pour Servir a Histoire de France, 8vo.— De la Monarche selon Ja Charte. Svo._-Revolution des Royaumes de Ac Paris, 1623. This is esteemed the master piece of all Duchesne’s Genealogical Works Histoire de Province de Cesar de Nostredame, folio, 1614 Histoire de la Maison d’ Auvergne, 2 vols. folio, Paris, 1708 Histoire de Flandre, folio, Paris, 1581—Genealogie de la Maison d’Amanze —Cronique des Flandres, par Sauvage, Lyons, 1562 Histoire de la Maison de Bethune, folio, Paris, 1639—Histoire de Berry, folio, Lyons, 1566 Histoire de la Maison de Montmorenecy, Paris, 1623 Catalogue de la Bibliotheque du Concil d’Etat, 2 vols. in 1, folio, Paris Histoire de Portugal, Geneva, 1581—Histoire de Comté d’Evereux, 4to, Paris, 1722 Trophees du Duche de Brabont, 2 vols, folio, 1724 Histoire de la Maison du Dreux, folio, 1613 Histoire de la Maison de Courtenay, folio, 1661 Les Reveries du Compte de Saxe, fclio 1756, plates ~Origine de Maison d’ Alsace — Methode Nouvelle pour dresser les Chevaux, folio, 1671 La Fortune de la Cour—Le Citadin de Geneve—La Premiere et second Savoisienne — His- toire de la Maison des Brigonets—Histoire des Comtes de Carcassonne, 4to, 1645, and 2 others Le Temple de Guide, avec figures, par le Mire, 8vo, calf gilt, Paris, 1772—Les Amours d’Anne d’Autriche, &c. Atlas de Mercator, Amsterdam, 1613, and 3 others Histoire Tragique, Rowen, 1651—Amoures Pastoreles, and 2. others Discours par Rosseau—La Republique des Suisses.—Traiettes des Nobles et Genealogies de la Maison de Couci, and 6 others Memoires du Duc de Rohan, 4to, 1646—Les Vies de Jean Calvin et de Beze, with portraits, Geneva, 1681, and 4 others Histoire de Montmorency, 4to, Paris, 1643-—La Vie de Voltaire, Geneva, 1787, and 12 others, various Le Grand Dictionnaire Geographique, Historique, et Critique, par Martiniere, 6 vols. folio, Paris, 1768, vol. 1 missing 2D 2 22 Dictionnaire de la Noblesse, par des Blois, 12 vols. 4to, Paras, 1778 Bibliotheque des Sciences, !4 parts Cotgrave’s French and English Dictionary, folio, London, 1650 Antiquités de la Ville d’Amiens, par la Morliere, folio—Histoire d’Aubigne, folio, Amsterdam, 1626 Histoire de la Gavie, Belgique, &c. par Richard de Wassebourg, folio, 1549, and 1 other Memoir de Douglass, 4to,—-Les Chroniques de Flandres, d’Oudegherst, small folio, Anvers, 1571—Recueil de Titres de la Maison d’Estouteville, 4to, 1741 Alphabet de l’Imperfections des Femmes, Paris, 1643—Histoire des Amours de Lycandre, Amsterdam—Histoire du Henri le Grand, Amsterdam, 1689, and 8 other small vols. Chansons. dé Beranger-Code Penal des Honnétes Gens, 2 vols—Romances Historiques Chevalerie de Lorraine, small folio, 1674, and Genealogie de la Maison de Champagne Histoire Genealogique de la Royal Maison de Savoie, 4 vols. folio, Turin, 1780 Genealogies de Bourgogne, Science de Blazon, 4to,—Histoire de la Maison de Luxembure, Paris, 1619 Histoire de Lyon, 1757-—La Vie de Coligny, Cologne, 1686—Les Ayeules de Madame de Bourgogne, Paris, 1698—La Religieuse, Parts, 1787 Memoires de Ghevalerie, 3 vols. and 6 other additional vols. Bibliotheque d’un Homme de Gout, 2 vols, 1772—Lraité de la Gravure en Bois, 2 vols. and 4 others Comtes de Genevoise, 2 vols. 8 vo. Orleans, 1787—Le Cicateur par Lebrun, 2 vols. Paris 1803, and 4 others Appel 4 l’'Impartiale Posterite, 8va,.-Memoirs de Voltaire, written by himself, 8vo, and 4 others Memoirs de Ouvrard, 8vo, Paris, 1826—Histoire des Sociétes Secretes de |’ Armee,8vo,1815 Statistique de la France, 4to, 1804— Discours sur la Population, and 5 odd vols. various Dictionnaire Historique, par Beauvais, 5 vols. 8vo, to the letter H. Paris, 1826—Histoire des Suissés, 10 vols. 8vo, imperfect Memoires des Contemporain, 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1827—Principes de l’Economie Politique, par Malthus, 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1820, and 4:odd vols. various Memoires de M. dela Chastre, 4 vols. Cologne, 1664—Memortres de Rochfort, 2 vols. in I, Cologne, t691—La Vie de Cristofle Colombe Histoire de Empire, par Heiss, A La Haye, 1694—Le Politique tres Chretien, par Rich- lieu, Paris, 1647. «For an account of this book see Brunet—Memoires de Pierre Bour- deille, A Leyde, 1666, 5 vols. (Euvres de Moliere, 5 vols. imperfect, and Euvres de Byron, 9 vols. Twelve Svo, odd vols. of various French popular writers Nouvelle Bibliotheque de Campagne, 9 vols. Paris, 1784, imperfect—Histoire de la Deea- LOT 530 541 O42 543 544 — cy = > Tt Z C yy i ~~] 548 23 dence de |’Empire apres Charlemagne, 2 vols. Paris, 1682—Memoires de Phillipe de Comines, 2 vols. A La Haye, 1682 De lV Usage des Passions par Senault, Amsterdam, 1668—Voyage d’Espagne, A La Haye, 1693, original edition—Emblemes Secres, and 4 others Les Aventures de Monsieur d’Assoucy. See Dict. de Bayle tome 6, page 386, and 5 other vols. various Histoire des Seigneurs d’Enghien par Pierre Colins, 4to, A Mons, 1634—lLa Gloire de Abbaye, and 4 other odd vols Histoire Literaire de Geneve, 2 vols. 8vo, A Geneve, 1786—Le Chevalier Hypocondriaque, par du Berdier, Paris, 1632, and 4 others Eight French Almanacks in cases, various years—Maniere d’Etudier les Belles Lettres, par Rollin, 3 vols. Paris, 1728, and 5 odd vols. Memoirs de Duplisis Mornay—4 odd vols. and sundries De l’Economié Politique et Morale de ‘Espace Humain, 2 vols, 8vo, and 8 odd vols. various Sundries Les Chroniques de Flandre, Ato, A Anvers, 1571—L’Agriculture a Maison rustique, A Lyons, 1637, and 3 others Histoire de Palmerin, Paris, 1573—French and Latin Grammar, and 12 others Precis des Evenements Militaires, 6 vols. Paris, 1799—-Memoirs de Voltaire—-Vayage a Neufchatel, and 4 others Pensee par Bonstetten, 8vo, 1815—Les Nouvelles Aventures des deux Fréres’ Princes Stilian, from the Roxburgh Library, and.10 others various Sundries Entretien, A Leede, 1659—Pluralité des Mondes, par Fontenelle+-Geurre des * Dieux -et Portefeuille Vollé, Brussels, 1314, and various others Bibliotheque Germanique, 17 vols. imperfect Contes de Becase, enrichie de belles Graveurs, 10 vols. London, 1779, and 6 others Bibliotheque de Campagne, 17 vols. Geneva, 1761 Chronique de Savoye, folio, A Lyon, 1561—Atlas de la Geurre de la Peninsule sous Na- poleon, Paris, 1827—Collection de Cartes et Plans de Batatlle, 4to; Paris, 1785 Exposition de. Apocalypse, ou. Revalation de.S. Jean, par Taffen; Flessengue, 1609— Orationes Funebres—Dictionnaire de la Bible,.Paris, 1756 Nouvelle de la Republique des Lettres, 8.vols. Amsterdam, various dates Cromwell Politique, par Garlardi, A Leyde, 1671 Les Lettres de Voltaire, Amsterdant, 1657-—--Dictionnaire d’Antiquitie et Dictionnaire des Familles’ Nobles. dé France, 2-vols. Recueil des Pieces Curieuse, Paris, 1620—Journal de Henri 3rd, Cologne, b663—~A pos- tacie de Geneve, Paris, 1682, rare—Les >0ux des Neuf Sceures' and 5 others, vartous 24 Le Dragon Rouge; ou l’Art de Commander les. Esprits Celeste et Infernaux, 1521, very curious—La Republique des Suisses, par Simler, Geneva, 1639—Histoire de l’Emprison- ment de Charles IV, Cologne, 1683, and 6 others Histoire de l’Ambassador de Pologne, 1812, and sundry others Fragmens de Geneve —Biographie Etrangere, 2 vols. Paris, 1819. and 6 others Nouvelle Bioliotheque des Romans, 109 vols, Paris, a few volumes wanting Essais de Philosophie, par Pierre Prevost, Geneva, 1813, 2 vols, 8vo.—Qiuvres de Madame de Staél, 3 vols, and 6 Livres de Poste Chambaud’s Exercises—Hamel’s Exercises, Wanostrocht’s Grammar, Levizac’s Key, and Chambaud’s Exercises Chansons de Beranger, 2 vols. Paris, 1821—Aphorismes d’Astrologie, 1657, and 8 others A Lot of Sundries School Books, 7 vols. Vol. of Pamphlets—Amusement Philologique, 1824—L’art de correspondence de la Ligne Hansétique par Mallet, and 4 others Two Itineraire d’Italie and 4 others Traditiones Populaire du Rhin avec quinze estamps, Heidelbery—Code des Femmes—La Tactique de la Gallanterie—Le Diable Confondu, ou le Sot Asteroth—-l’Heretiere de Guyenne, curious, and 3 others Twelve vols. various Ditto Ditto Two Ciphering Books and 8 School Books, various kinds Nugent’s French Dictionary—Blagdon’s French Interpreter, and Sundries Spencer’s Works, vol. 1 to 7, and 8 other vols. Novelle Letterarie Publicate in Firenze, 4to, vol 1 to 15 and vol, 23 Lundries Ditto Ditto LATIN.—MISCELLANEOUS. Horatii Opera, 2 vols. royal 8vo. London, 1737, Pine’s edition, illustrated by beautifully engraved vignettes, fine copy, well bound Prolegomena Waltoni Edidit Wrangham, 2 vols. 8vo, large paper, Cambridge, 1827 Scapula Lexicon, folio, 1579, scarce Genealogia Flandrica, folio, 1642 S. Gregorii Turonensis Opera Omnia, folio, Paris, 1699 Polyanthea, folio, 1604—Reuberi Scriptores Vestres rerum Germanicarum, 1619 Petrarcha Opera, folio, Basz/, 1531 20 Historie Comitum Flandrie, 3 vols. folio, 1650 Saxonis Grammatici, folio, Basel, 1534 Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis Medici in Ptolemaei, Librorum de Ludiciis, Astrorum Commentaria, Proamium, folio, Basil, 1554 Ainsworth’s Latin Dictionary, 4to JElii Antonu, folio, 1545 Opus de Doctrina Temporum, 2 vols. folio, Paris, 1627 Orationes Ex Herodotus, &c. folio, Stephanus, 1570.—One of the most correct of the Greek Classics published by H. Stephens Scaliger de Emendatione Temporum, folio, 1629 Palladius de Gentibus—Indie et Bragmanibus, Ambrosius de Morebus, Brachmanorum et Anonymus de Bragmanibus, cura ed. Bissaei, folio, London, 1665 Genealogia Austrie, folio, 1664, Genealogiz in Italie, Amsterdam, 1710 Jacobi Augusti Thuani Historiarum Sui Temporis, 1520, scarce. On the title of this work is the Autograph of Mestrerat, a celebrated Theologian of Geneva Chronicorum Turcicoriim Leoniceri, folio, Frankfort, 1578 Varia Gallica, folio, 1633 Breviarium Romanum, Venice, 1547, Ato De dignitate regum Hispaniae, Auctore Doctore Jacobo Valdesio. folio, 1602 Virgilii Maronis Operii, folio, Stephanus, 1532 Manutii in Epistolas Ciceronis, Aldus, 1579. Very clean and perfect copy Silenus Alcibiadis proteus vitee humane ideam emblemate trifariam variato, oculis su- bijciens, 4to. vellum, in 3 parts, embellished with curious and well executed engravings, Middleburgh, 1618 Hieroglyphica Pier, folio, Lugduni, 1626 Excellentium Familiarum in Gallia Genealogie, 1487 Ulyssis Aldrovandi Patritu Bononiensis Monstrorum Historia, folio, 1642 Signonii Historiarum de regno Italee, Venice, 1574 END OF THE EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. to E NINTH DAY’S SALE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1834. Henninges. Theatrum Genealogicum, 6 vols. folio, Magdeburgh, 1598 Hornii Geographia Vetus, large paper copy, coloured maps, Amsterdam, 1657, large folio Indices Bibliothecee Barberine, 2 vols. folio, Rome, 1681 Monumentum Sepulcrale Mauretii, folio, 1637, very curious engravings, black letter, Casseles Blount. Censura Celebriorum Authorum. London, 1692, folio Debrexiana Literatura Renatarum Literarum tate, 4to. 1739—Ainsworth’s Thesaurus Maphaei. S.R.E. Card. Barberini Nunc Urbani P. P. viii, Poemeta, 4to. with por- trait—Index Librorii Prohibitorii Benedicti XIV, Jusu editus, 4to, Rome, 1758 Desantis Columnensium Proceum, Rome, 1675, 4to. portraits. From the Library of Prospero Mandosic —Statuta Hospitalis Hierusalem, folio, with portraits, 1583, Rome Four volumes, various Rerum Belgicarum _Annales Chronici et Historici, folio, Frankfort, 1620—Annales Meyeri, Frankfort, 1580 Historie Musulmane Turcorum, Frankfort, 1591—De Antiquitate Britanice Ecclesie, folio, Hanover, 1605 Urstesii Rerum Germanicarum Scriptorum, folio, 2 vols. in 1, Frankfort, 1670—Lilium Fransicum Veritate [llustratum, Auctore Chifletio Rittershusia Genealogie Imperatorum Regum, Ducom, et Comitum Europe, folio, 1664, and old black letter book, imperfect Apuleius accipe candidisimi lector Philipi Heroaldi viri doctissimi, Paris, 1512, folio, very scarce. For an account of this rare book, see Bibliotheque de Romans Noticia S$. Rom. Germanici Imperii Procerum, folio, 1699—Julti Cesaris Scalligeri Viri Clarissimi Poetices Libri septem, folio, 1561 Miscellaneorum Volumen, 1 vol. 4to.—Rerum Moguntiacarum, 4to. 1604 Rosimus Demteris. Antiquitatum Romanarum, 4to. 1620—Beza. Tractatus Pius et Moderatus de vera excommunicatione et Christiano Presbyterio, 4to. Geneva, 1590 Theoph. Spizelii felix Litteratus, 3 vols. 1680. From the Library of Cardinal Joseph Garampi LOT 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 630 631 632 633 634 635 637 27 Joannis Joviani Pontani, Aldus, 1518, very scarce. For an account of this book, see Brunet’s Manuel de Libraire—Catalogue Bibliotheca Bodleiane, 4to. Oxford, 1605— Commentarius in Epistolas Ciceronis, Aldus, 1561—Commentarius in Posteriorem D. Pauli ad Thessal. Authore Chrestoforo Hoffman. Onoltz Pachio, Frankfort, 1545 Two very old Black Letter Books. No dates Decreta ; sabaudi; ducalia, 4to. N. D.—Historie B. Platine de vitis Pontificum Roma- norum, 4to. 1611. This volume contains the arms and autograph of Bishop Burnet Q. Curtii Rufi Historia Alexandre Magni, Cum Notes Variorum, E/ziver—Compendium Theologicee Varitatis Beati Alberti Magni Ratesponensis Episcopi, Venice, 1584 Twelve small Volumes, All Elzevir editions Ditto Twelve small Volumes, Elziver and other editions, various authors Ditto A Series of the Classics, 20 pocket volumes, Brindley’s edition, very handsomely printed, containing Virgil, Terrence, Juvenal, Caesar, Nepos, Sallust, Ovid, Q. Curtius, Catullus, Lucretius, Phaedrus, &c. London, 1750. Vol. 1 of Virgil missing Catalogus Scriptorum Florentenorum .Omnes Generis, Auctore Poccrantio, Florence, 1589. Rare, from the Mandozio Library, with the Mandozio notes. Voght catalogus Librorum Rareorum, Hamburgh. 1753, very scarce—Catalogus de Brienne, 2 vols. 1791—Catalogus Librorum Faultrier, 1709 Catalogus Bibliothecae Thuanae, Paris, 1679—Bibliothecae Cordeciane Catalogus, Paris, 1643, and 2 others Sundry school books Bos Ellipses—Ogilby’s Translation of Virgil—Walker’s Dictionarum Ideomaticum-— Vitae Paparum, with curious portraits, Frankfort, 1602—Museum Virorum Lucernatum, 1777, and 4 others Pope’s Poemata Italerum, 2 vols. London, 1740—-Psalmi Davidis, Paris, 1575—Selecta Poemato Anglorum Latini, 2 vols. in 1—Reliquie Eboracences per Ripensem, 4to, 1743 Cicero, Oxford, 1717—Cicero, Cambridge, 1730—Oratii Baxteri et Gesmere, Leipsic, —1772—Juvenal, Delphin Edition Commentarius in Psalterum Sacro Sanctum Novum Testimentum, 1604—Oratio funebris Leipsic, 1695 and 2 others Barclati Argenis Elziver edition—Ovidii, Lugduni, 1804—Sallustius Crispas, Rotterdam 1695, and 3 others Sebastiani Reguli Brasichillensis in primum Aneidos Virgil Bononiae, 1563—Eryci, putiani D. Virgo Bellifontana, Antwerp, 1631, 4to.—Pompeii Ugonit Romani Laudacio B. franciscae Romane, &c. 4to. Rome, 1601—Genuinus Character, R. P. Armandi Jo. Buttilierii Ranceei, 4to. Rome, 1718 Paulio} VII, Nova Comensis Episcopi Nucerini— Vite Virorum I[llustrium, 2 vols. Basil 2 2 28 1559—Gudiu Baldi de Restitutionse Calendarii, 4to, 1580—De Cardenalis Dignitate et officio Plati, Rome, 1602 Rhythmi de Immaculata Conceptione Beate Virginis Marie, Typis Monest Olivensis. 1683 very curious—-Bolduani Stolp. Pom. Bibliotheca Philosophica, 4to, 1516—Felini sandei de Regibus Sicilize et Apuliz Parellela Alfonsina, 4to, Hanover, 1611, and 3 others Basilea Cepulta Retecta Per Joannem Toniolam, Basil, 1661—Andree Catulli Tornacum Neryiorum, 4to, Brussels, 1611—Desputatio Juridica qui Testamento Tutores dari possunt, 4to, Edinburgh, 1718—Desputatio Juridica que in Fraudem Creditorum, &c. Edinburgh, 1717—Distentatio Juridica de Ingenuis, Edinburgh, 1717 Georgii Polihistor Literarus, Philosophicus et Pracheus, 2 vols, 4to, Lubece, 1747 Francisci Phililphi Tolentinatis Epistolee Breviores Elegantioresque, Rome, 1705. From the Cologna Library—Davidis Lindani Gandavensis de Tenereemonda, 4to, Antwerp, 1612—Juvenal, Delphin Edition—Elementa Uclidea Trac. De re militari et Duello, small 4to, black letter, 1543—Fastorum Danicor, small folio, i643—De Regimine Principum, Rome, 1607—Sigilia Comitum Flandrie et Inscrip- tiones Diplomatum, Brugis Flandrorum, 1639 Chronolog. Episcop. Ecclesize Benerient, 4to, 1636—-Constantinus Romee Liberator, Rome, 1640-—Sacro Sanctz Sodalitatis Sacerdotum Secularium Urbis Constitutiones, Rome, 1634—Liber Psalmorum Davidis Tralatio Duplex Vetus et Nova, Stephani, 1556, very scarce Miraci Notitia Episcopatuum Orbis Christiani, Antwerp, 16)3—Elenchus MS. Codicum, 4to, 1641, and 2 others F, Vivassoris Liber De Ludicra Dictiona, 4to, Paris, 1658—Laire Typographie Romanee ™ © M. Ant. Bonsiariu Epistole, 1603—Fr. Hotomani de re Numaria, 1585, and 1 other Catalogus Bibliothecee Regu Neapolitani Musaei, folio, 1508—Bibliotheca Thunana, 1704 —IJndex Librorum Prohibitorum, Rome, 1717 Gothorum Sueonomque Historie, Cologne, 1567—Refutatio Solida Manifesti Palitani Im- perium Romanum, Venice, 1558, and 1 other Historia Arcana, sive de vita Alexandria VI. Pape, seu excerpta ex diario Johannis Berchardi Argentinensis, Capelle Alexandri Sexti Pape. Clerici Ceremoniarum Magistri ; Edita A Godefr. Guilielm. Leibnizio, 4to, Hanover, 1697. This excessively rare and unknown as well as curious Tract is supposed not to be mentioned by any Bibliographer among the works of Leibnitz—Horatii Flacci Opera, Delphin, 1694, and 2 others 649 Genealogia Nobilium Romanorum de Capisucchis, folio, 1653—Auctores Latini Lingue in Unum Redacti Corpus, 1602 650 Opera Joanis Joviani Pontani Aresta Amorum. Cum Erudita Benedicta Curtii Symphoriani Explanatione, Lugduni, 1533, and 3 others 651 Opus Dei admirabile, 4to, Rome. 1666; very curious engravings—Pauli Tovii Novoco- mensis Vite Duodecim Vicecomitum Mediolani Principum, Ex Bibliotheca Regia, por- traits, Stephanus, 1549 652 Sicilice Bibliotheca Vetus, J. Phil. Tomasini Biblioth Patavince, 1639—Diversarum Gen- tium, Historia Antique Scriptores Tres, Hamburgh, 1611, and 6 others 654 652 _ O> 664 665 666 667 608 669 670 67 1 eo De Transitu Hellenismi Christanismum, Libritres, Stephanus, 1535—Coremoniale Parti- archalis Assisien, Rome, 1754—-J. Jacob Boisardi Emblemata, 4to, 1593, very curious plates Psalmorum Sacrarum Davidis, Morgiis, 1581—In D. Pauli Apostoli Epistolam ad. Ro- manos, Geneva, 1608—Didaci Saavedree Symbola Politica, Amsterdam, 1659—Carmina Quingua I[llustrium Poetarum, Florence, 1549, and 1 other Henrici Stephani Musa Monitr. Prin. Basil, 1590— Pub. Ovidii Nasomis Amatoria, Lugdunt, 1554—Destirpe et Origine Domus de Courtenay, Paris. 1607, and 3 others Epithelamia, 4to—Cancellaria Hispanica, 4to,: 1622—Theses Theologice, Geneva, Ato, 1644, and 4 others De vita obitu Clarrissviri, D. Theodori, Bezae, Geneva, 4to, 1606, and 4 others Bartholomazi Scale Historea Florentinorum, 4to, 1677—Baptiste Mantuani Faustus Egloga 4to, 1521—-Epistolarum Tersicarum, 1596, and 3 others Twelve Volumes various Flores Illustrium Poetarum, Geneva—P. Terentii Comedie, Elzevir, 1635—Compendium Historie Universalis, Amsterdam, 1665, and 4 others Silt Italici Punicorum, Basil, 1522—D. Justiniani Institutiones Typis Varie Rubris Nucleum Exhibentibus, Amsterdam, 1710—Thomas A Kempis de Imitatione Christi, 1677, and 6 others. An old Latin vol, black letter, 4to, printed at Basil by Johannes Trobenius, 1493. Title page wanting Petrii Aleyonii Medices Legatus de Exsilio, Aldus, 1522, A singularly fine copy of a rare and curious Aldus. 3 others, Elzevir editions Twelve volumes, various Corvinii Elementa Juris Civilias, Elziver, 1645—Labbe. Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum, Paris, 1664—Aicher, Hortus Inseriptionum, 1676—Theodori Beza Poemata, 1579. very rare, —Topographica Poetica Terrarii, 1627, and 6 others Morhofi Opera Poetica, Lubece, 1698 —Dondini Panagirici, Rome, 1661—Matagonis de Mataconibus Decretorum Baccalaurei, &c. 1575, and 6 others De Fertieus Literarum Notis, 4to. Neapoli, 1563—Tibullus et Propertius, Foulis’ Glasgow Edition—Beze. Tractatio de Repudiis et Divortiis, Geneva, 1587—Horatius cum Scholiis, Aldus, 1564, and 6 others Case Latini Monimenta, Florence, 4to. 1645—Crenius de Furibus Libraiis, Lugduni, 1715, rare and enrious—Klimii Iter Subterraneum, Leipsic, 1745—Te. Lucretii, 2 vols. London, 1713, and 6 others Five odd Volumes, various Q. Horatii Flacci Methodus De Arte Poetiea, 4to. 1587—Hore in Laudem Beatissime Virginis Marie, ad usum Romanum, 1550, very curiows—Aonii Paleriarii Verulani Orationes ad Senatum Populumque Lucensem, 4to. 1551, and 6 others Laelii Peregrini Oratio in Obitum Torquati Tassi, 4to. Rome, 1597. A very fine copy, extremely rare—Scaliger Catullis Tibullis et Propertiis, Stephanis, 1577, and 6 others 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 30 Adr. Ternebi Annotationes Carm. Horat. Paris, 1577 —Poesies Latini Thesaurus, Lugdint, 1601—Catalogus Scriptorum Florentinorum Omnis Generi, 1589, and 6 others De Originibus Rerum Libellus Authore Gulielme Pastregico Veronense, Venice, 1547, A very fine copy in good condition, Note, Tiraboschi Stor. Lett. D’Ital. vol. v. lib. 2, cap. 6, takes particular notice of this very rare and curious book—Marcus Antonii Flaminiorum Forocorneliensium Carmina, Patavii, 1743, very scarce, and 6 others Suetonius, Ed. Is. Casaubon, Geneva Stoer, 1630, an uncut copy—Gabriles Madelenet ‘Carmina, Paris, 1725—Quinti Horatii Flaecci Opera, 2 copies, and 6 others, various Bartholomei Riccii de Imitatione Libritres, Aldus, Paris, 1557—Opera Cornelii Taciti Crispini, 1614—Systematis Rhetorici, Hanover, 1608—Sentetize et Proverbia ex Comae- dus, Stephanus, 1536, and 6 others Epistole Bernardi, black letter, 4to. Paris, 1494, rare—Gasparis Contareni Cardinalis de Magistratibus et Republica Venetorum, 4to. Aldus, 1489-—-M. Tulli Ciceronis, 8vo. Paris, 1823, and 2 others Poemeta in Theatro Sheldoniano Recita, 2 vols. Oxford, 1810—Columbus Carmen Epicum, Rome, 1715—Johannis Boteri de Origine Urbium, 4to. 1665, and 3 others Hebrew Blble, 2 vols. folio, Amsterdam, 1631 Sundries Ditto Ditto MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN LITERATURE, INCLUDING ITALIAN, GREEK, SPANISH, HEBREW, &c. Hederici Greecum Lexicon, 4to, and Aug. Busbequii Epistola, Elzevir, 1660 Burtoni Pentalogia, 2 vols. 8vo.. Oxford, 1779 Leipsic, 1802, interleaved Clarke’s Homer's Iliad, Greek & Latin, 2 vols. 8vo. 1760 —Longinus Cura Toupi, Euripides, Cura Porson, 2. vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1778, 8vo. Large paper copy Nugent’s Greek Grammar, 8vo. 1759, Homeri Ilias, Oxford, 8vo. 1685. Maittaire. Grecee Linguz Dialecti, London, 1706 Hederici Lexicon, 4to.—Florilegii Epigrammatum, no date—Euripides, interleaved, M.S. notes Expositiones Antiquae ac Valde Utiles Brevitatum una cum perspicuitate habentes mirabilem, &c, folio, Verona, 1532. On the title page of this book is the autograph of Henry Stevens. Dr. White’s Edition of the four Gospels, 1798—Vulpu Opuscula Philosophica Poeta Minores Graeci, Cambridge, 1652—Whetsten’s Greek Testament, 1711 Schrevelii Lexicon Grecum, 8vo. fine portrait, 1670 —Johnson’s Sophocles, Oxford, 1708, and 6 others ‘i LOT 690 691 696 697 698 699 700 701 31 Mounteney’s Demosthenes, 8vo.—Schrevelii Lexicon—Poit Royal Greek Grammar— Barne’s Anacreon, Cambridge, 1721, and 3 others Apollonias Rhodias, cum ‘sinestadieciae Henrici Stephan, small folio, 1574, scarce— Chapelow’s Arabic Grammar, and 6 others Lot of sundries Manuscriptorum Codicum Bibliothecae Regii Taurenensis Athenaei. Complectens He- braicos et Gracos, 2 vols. folio, Taurini, 1749 Nuovo dizionario Storico, 12 vols. 8yo, sewed, Bassano, 17)6 Res Literarie, by 8. E- Brydges, 3 vols. 8vo. neatly bound, Geneva, Rome, and Naples, 1821, 1822 Calimaco Greco Italiano Ora Pubblicato, handsomely bound, 4to. Parma, 1792 Historia Genealogica de la Famiglia, 3 vols. folio, Naples, 1691 Dell Istorie Florentine di Scipione Amirato, folio, In Firenze 1600 Cosmographie Universale di Sebastiano Munstero, folio, Coligne, 1575, curious plates Monumenti di Varia Letteratura, Tratti dai Manoscritti di Moz Si: gnor Lodovico Beceadelli, 3 vols. small folio, Bologna, 1797 Istoria Genealogica delle Famiglie Nobili Toscane et Umbre, 5 vols. folio, different dates. In Firenze Nouvelle de la Republica delle Lettere, 1730 to 1734, incusive—Fontanini della Elo- quenza Italiana Cariche del Piemonte e Paesi Uniti, 3 vols. 8vo, Torino, 178 Poesi del Cavalier, F. Gio. Battista Theodoro, 4to, In Napidi, 1661—Indice de Sommi Pontefici, 4to, Rome, 1670—Dante E. Boccacci, Prose, 4to, In Firenze, 1723 —Pensieri Raccolti Nella Meditazione delle Dieci Giornate Degli Eserizj. Spirituali di S. Ignazio Lojola da Mon Synore and Saldo and Saldi, 4to, In Firenze Ritratti et Elogie de Capitani Illustri, 4to, Rome, 1646, enbellished with very curious portraits—Dellatesta di = Sebastiano, 4to, Rome, 1757—s5upplemento Historico delle Chiese di Ferrara, 4to, 1670 —Vera E. Sincera Relazione delle Ragioni, del duca di Parma, contra la presente occupazione del Ducato di Castro, folio, no date Poetica del Batista, Venice, 1676—Saggio Petorico, Rome, 1818—Apollogia In Difesa del. Orsato, 1752, fis Peoas E. Memorie dei Gelati Evari Componimen, 4to, Bologna, Cominiani, Padova, 1309 1771—Annali della Typografia V olpi Novelle di Monsig. Giovianni Brevio, 8vo. 85 copies only pritted—Della fondazione della Dottrina Cristiana de Roma, 1701—Dialoghi Diamore Di Leone—Hebreo Medico di Muovo Corretti et Ristampati, Venice, 1586, and 2 others Lispugnator del Drago Panegirico Detto Nella Catedrale d’ Alesandria, 4to, very curiously bound in silk—Fete of S. Rosalia Palermo, 1704—Inlode Delle Belle ‘arte Orazione E. Componimente: Poetici, 4to, Rome, and 2 others Elle rime del Petrarea, 4to, Venice, 1741—La Baliadi Lerigi Taisillo, 4to, Vercelli, 1787— Be Flavio clemente E. Giovanni Colonna, Rome, 1763—Musae anconitane, Rome, 1674, and 2 others 710 Li Sovrani del Monde, 4 vols. Venice, 1729—La Libreria de Volpi E, La Stamperea Co- miniana, Padova, 1756. Very scarce, and one other 711 Arcadi Memorie Istoriche, Rome, 1761—Discorsi Morali del Mascardh, 1562—Appologia del S. Torq. Tasso, 1586, &c. 712 Il Tricrifo delle Tre Nobili Arti, 4to. Rome, 1727-—P. Valeriani Poemata, Venice, 1550— Etamores, Venice, 1549. Very scarce—Discorsa Sophia Tatti Li Primi Cante d’Orlan Dofurioso Fatti, per La Signora Laura Terracina, 15950, with curious plates, very rare, and 2 others 713 Applausi Poetici, 4to. Rome, 1684—Remi E. Proso di Messer Luigi, 4to. 1731. £z- tremely rare—Reme del Carrara, 1696-—Epistole Heroiche Poesie del Bruni, and one other 714 Nine yolumes, various 715 Trattato del Titolo Regio, 4to. 1633—Biblioteca Napoletana, folio, in Napoli, 1678, and 2 others 716 Prose di Monsignor Bembo, 4to. No date. A valuable copy of an old edition, with marginal MSS. corrections to the poetry, copied from the original in the hand of the author himself—Antonii Sebastiani Minteirno De Poeta, Venice, 1592, 4to. and 6 others 717 Guioco d’Armi, 1681—Marine le Lettere and 6 vols. of Italian Poetry, various authors 718 Biblioteca Napoletana del Toppi, 1683—Creazione dell Uomo di M. Ansaldo, 4to. 1704— De J. Discorci Politici, Rome, 4to. 719 Collin’s Odi Versione Italiana, 1814—L’Achille et L’Eneas di Messer, 4to. 1571. From the Mandozia Library. Very scarce. 11 tempio d’amore, 4to. 1566 720 Zacharie Excursus Literarii, 4to. Venice, 1754. Very scarce—Della Testa di Es. Se- bastiano, 4to. Rome, 1757—Gravina Rageon Pocetica. Warton, in his Essay.on the Genius and Writings of Pope, says this Treatise is extremely scarce. 721 Larte Poetica del Signor Antonio Minturno, 4to. In Napoli, 1727. Sennatori Fiorentini, Ato. 1722. This is enumerated in the Italian Biographical Dictionary, among the works of the celebrated Antiquary and Critic—ll Principe Ecclesiastico, 4to. 1644, aud 3 others 722 Prose de Mons. Ciampoli Arcadi Adunanze, Rome, 1757—La Republica Regia del Fabio Albergate, 4to, 1664—Birajo Opere Cavalleresche, 4to, 1686 and 3 others “93 Fine del Poeta Trattato Di Publio Fontani, 4to, 1611—Bonaventure Rubei Bononiensis, Ato. 1680—Raggioni d’Alcune Cose Sagnate Nella Canzone d’Annibal caro venite a Vombra de Gran Gigle d’Oro, 4to. No date. This edition is little known—Rituale della Venerabile Archiconfraternita, 4to. Rome, 1711 794 Della Nazione Tolorentina, 4to. 1780—Della Antica Famiglia de Capizucchi. Small folio, with portraits, 1668—Catalogo d’Agostina, 4to. 1660—Rime del Signore Ascanio Pigna- tello, Naples, 1692, and 5 others, various 735 736 33 T. Tasso. Carlo Magno. Garopoli, Very scarce, 1660—Poesie Gratiani T, Tasso—La Gierusalemme Liberata, Venice, 1678, plates—-Historia dezelino, and 5 other small vols. Le Revolutioni di Napoli, Aldus, 1648 —Opuscoli Discipione Amirato, 1853—Difesa del Petrarca, 8vo. 1709—Larpa Overo Poesie Liriche dell Abbate Michele Benvenga d’Ascoli. with a fine portrait of Clementi 11th., curiously bound, Rome, 1718. The author’s pre- sentation copy to Cardinal Albani Della Poetica Thoscana, 4to. 1563—Biblioteca Italiani da Nicola Haym, 2 vols. 8vo, 1803, Cologna sale catalogue, with the prices, Rome, 1820—Iromanzi di M. Giovan Baptista Pigna, 4to. 1554, scarce, and 6 others Speneri Theatrum Nobilitatis Europeee, folio, Frankfort, 1668—Diario del Padre Felice Girardi Napoli, 1653, 4to.—Il Genio Divertito, Poesie Liriche, Venice, 1690—-Opere del Signor Albergati, 4to. Rome, 1664 Tomasini Petrarcha Redivivus, 4to. 1650—Joannis Baptiste Ursi Neapolitani E. So- cietate Jesu Inscriptiones, folio, 1643—Tassoni Considerazioni, 1609—Della Testa di S. Sebastiano, 4to. Rome, 1757, and 2 others Petri d’Ebulo Carmen de Motibusciculis, 4to. Basil, 1746. This volume contains the autograph of the celebrated Albert Haller, of Berne, to whom this copy was given by the Editor. Rimide Casa, 1667—Le Vite de Re di Napoli, 4to. 1737, and 6 other small vols. various Epithalamia et Panegyricus, 4to—lIparradossi dell’Amore, 4to. 1608—Hercole Tasso delle Impresse, 4to, 1712 —Le Histore E. Fatti de Veronesi, 4to. 1642, and 6 others Reggimento E. Costumi delle Donne, large paper copy, 12 only of which were printed, ftome, 1815—Ephemerides Felsenez Recentioris, 4to. 1686, and 6 others Dittionireo Italiano et Francese—Anale della Typografia Florentina de Tarentino, 8vo. 1819 —Calvi de Scrittori Bergamaschi, 4to. 1664, curious portraits—Rettorica d’Aristotile del Caro. This is esteemed an excellent translation, 4to. 1570 Tempio all ’Illustrissimo et Reverendissimo Signor Cinthio Aldobrandini, 4to. Bologna, 1600 — Notizie di Famiglie Nobili di Napoli, 4to. 1717—Del titolo di regno concesso alla Sicilia, 4to, Palermo, 1785—De Dei de Gli Antichi, 4to. Venice, 1580—De Poeti Siciliani Bucolici, 4to.—Napoli, 1663, and 6 other small volumes Della Difesa, della Comedeia Di Dante, 4to. 1507, On. the cover of this book is the following :—There is a great deal of learning in this work as to an account of poetry. —Le Attioni di Castruccio Castracane degli Antelminelli Signore Dilucca, 4to. Rome, 1590. Particularly scarce-—Borgini Discorso, 4to. In Firenza, 1602, extra rare—Dim Camillo Agrippa Trattato in Firenza d’Arme, 4to. 1604, and 6 others Rime de Poeti Raveunati, 8vo. 1739—Dialogo dell’ Imprese Militari, et Amorose Di Giovio E. Dominichi, curious. plates, Lyons, 1574—Calvi Guerrier di Burgamo, 4to. Milan, 1668—Prencipe Prattico, Venice, 1645, and 6 others 2F pan “s ten} — =x rear eer ad ; 3 IE a en nnn ee Pe creat aes ed 34 La Nobilta delle donne di M. Lodovico Domenichi, 1552—Histore del Guazzo, 1547— Gli stratagemi de Polieno, 1552—Historia del Cortez, 1556, and 6 others Joannis Pierii Valeriani Bellunensis, 1620—Joannis Joviani Pontani, 1520—Paradossi overo deH’amore Dialogi di Battista Mauson, 1608, and 5 others Risketto del Discorso Fatto—Prose E. Rime, di Minghelli, 1749—II Vaglio Riposte Apologetiche di Paulo Ariani, 1662, and 7 others Poesie Volgari Nuovamente Stampate di Lorenzo de Medici, Aldus, 1554—Rime del Balducci, 1645—Applauso de le Muse Conte Alessandro Pompei, 1543, and 5 others Rime D. Faustina Mattei, 1722—II Petrarca Con Nuove Spositioni, Lyons, 1574, rare— Rimie del Balducci, Rome, 1645, and 5 others Prose di Bembo, Venice, 1546—Rimie della Vittoria Colonna, Venice, 1558—Scisma D’Inghilterra del Davangato Bostichi, Padua, 1727, and 5 others Serie de Testi di Lingua Stampati, che si Citano Nal Vocabulario Degli Accademici della Crusea Da Poggiale, 2 vols. Livonio, 1813—Bibliografia de Classici Italiam, 1814— Annotationi et Revolutioni di Varii Dubbi del Scaino, 1574, and 4 others Canzone Alaverita del Goselini, 1567—Sonnetti, Canzoni, E. Triomphi di Messer Fran- cesco Petrarcha, con la Spositione di Bernardino Daniello Da Lucca, Venice, 1541, and 6 others Poesie di Marcello Giovanetti, 1626—Miscellanea Poetica de gli Accademici Concordi de Ravenna, 1687, and 6 others Biblioteca Aprosiana, 1675—Discorso del 8. Gulielm, 1558—Discorso del Heroico det S. Torg. Tasso, and 6 others Rime Boccadiferro, 1752—Rime della Vittoria, Colonna, 1569—Saggi di Poesia di Francisca Sacco, 1625, and 9 others Valco Libria, 1551—Guida per Padova, 1817—Volpi Indici della Div. Comm, di Dante, 1819, and 7 others Prose di Bembo, Venice. 1590—-Mascardi Arte Historica, 1655—Cardinalum Archiepisco- porum Episcoporum et Abbatum, 1645, and 7 others Il Secretario Dialogo di Guarmi, 1600—I] Verrato Difesa, 1588—~Reposita d’Orlanda, Pescetti All’anticrusca. 1613, and 8 others Traducioni Poetiche O. Sia Tentativi, 1746—Ragionamento dello Academico Aldeavo Sopra La Poesia Giscosa, 1634—La Republica Regia del F. Albergati, 2 vols. 4to, 1664, and 6 others Dante del Loudino, folio, 1491, rare—Delle Lodi delle Belle Arti, 4to, 1758—Memorie Degli Scrittori del Regno di Napoli, and 6 others La Fabrica del Mondo, folio, 1598—Columnensium Procerum Icones et Memoria, 4to. 1675—Genealogia della Famiglia Valignana, 4to. 1699, and 6 others Il Governatore Politico E. Christiano di Mezentio Carbonaro, 4to. 1649—Topica Poetica di M. Giovanni Andrea Gilio da Fabriano, 4to. 1580, and 6 others Prose et Rime del Bovarini, 1603—Epistole del Crasso, 1678—Idea della Storia dell Italia Letterata Exposta, 2 vols. 4to. 1723, and 6 others ee eee eee 2 i ee eS OL EE, LOT 756 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 ~I ~) — 772 773 774 ~1 ~) On ~j ~ QD I ~~ ~ 390 Le Morali del Signor Fabio Albergate, 2 vols. 4to. 1664—Della Historia di Bembo, 1552, and 6 others Jamba Serce dell’ Edizioni de Testi di Lingua Italiana, 2 parts—Il Cid Trag-comedia, 1701—L’Opere Guido Cansoni, and 5 others Saggio Istorico della Real Galleria di Firenze, 2 vols. 8vo. 1779—Della Origine et de Fatti delle Famiglie Illustri D’Italia, 4to. 1609, and 4 others Nuovo Vocabulario Italiano-Latino da Mandosio, 1 vol. 8vo, 1818—Difese de Belisario Bulgarini, 8vo. 1587, and 6 others I Sacri Salmi Messi in rime Italiane da Giovanni Diodati, Aldus, 1631. —Rime di Di- versi Elebri Poeti, 1587, and 6 others La Minerva Napolitana, 2 vols. 8vo. 1821, and 5 odd vols. all Italian Six odd volumes of ditto Seven ditto Ditto Historie Degli Ordini Militari E. Cavallaresche del Ab. B, Gustinian, 2 vols. folio, 1692 Grammatica Spagnuola Ed, Italiana, Aldus, 1648— Dictionnaire Portatif et de Pronon- ciation Espagnol—-Francais—Explicacado da Syntaxe Historia de Los Vinculos—Historia de Los Rentas Ecclesiasticas—De Espana por Sempere —Historia de Espana por de Yriarte—Arcadia Prosas, Y. Versos de Lope de Vega, 1630 Historia di Portogallo da Brandano, 4to. 1689—La Cebona Indiana, 1820—Pable y Virginia, and 2 others Grammatica Spagnuola, Ed. Italiana, Rome, 1638—Diccionario de la Lingua Castellana por Pla y Torres—Spanish Grammar—Adventuras de Telemaco, English and Spanisl— Novellas Nuevos Escritas en Frances, por Florian Derecho de Gentes por Vattel, 4 vols. Paris, 1824—Gongalo de Cordoba, 2 vols. —La Filosofa po Amor, 2 vols. in 1—Lusidas de Luis de Camoens, 2 vols.—Pequeno Resumo de Castrametagao Historia de Carlos 12th—Torq Tasso Dramma—Le Observationi Grammaticali E Poetiche della Lingua Italiana—Laisne’s Spanish Grammar—Carta de Guia de Casados—Historia de Abelardo y Heloysa, and 4 others Novissima Grammatica della Fre Lingua Italiana Franzese E Spagnuola, and 8 others Commedia Diverse Fumosa, 4to. vols. 1, 2, and 5, missing Segundas Cartas de aut Perez, 1603-—Noticias de Portugal, 3 vols. 12mo.—Reglamento Para El Exercio y Maniobras de la Infanteria, 2 vols. 8vo. 1808, and 6 others Laisne’s Portuguese Grammar—English and Portuguese Dictionary, 2 vols, in 1—Practical Exercises in Spanish, aud 7 others Primera Segunda y Tercera, 1597, and 5 others Cronica Generale d’Hispagna et del Regno di Valenza, and 9 others 2E 2 36 German and Latin Dictionary—Crabb’s German Extracts—Milton’s Paradys Verlovreu, 4to. 1728—Wendcborn’s English and German Grammar—Gortschid’s French and Ger- man Grammar—Gubner’s Genealogischen, &c. Tweede Deel Vande Nieuwe Tel-Konst—Crabb’s German Extracts—German Catalogue— Nauk Karstyauski Lloxen—Apologie des Ardens der Frey Maurer-——Dr. Render’s German Grammar—Gottcher’s ditto, two copies Fernandez’s Spanish Grammar—Nouvelle Grammaire Espagnol par Pelegrin—Spanish and English Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo. and two others Historia Imperial y Cesarea, en la qual eu symma se contienen las vedus y Hechos, 1561, folio—Teatro de las Grandezas de Madrid, and 6 others Poetica d’Aristotelle Vulgarizzata et Sposta, very rare—Historia de la Casa de los Marses de vi da Franca, 4to. scarce—Indici De Sommi Pontefici Deg! Imperadori, 4to. 1668, and 4 others Henrici Optii D. and P. P Novum Lexicon Hebreeo—Chaldexo Biblicum, 4to. 1705— Lyon’s Hebrew Grammar, two copies—Johannes Buxtorfii Epitome Grammaticee Hebrzo Masclef Grammatica Hebreeica, 2 vols. 12mo. 1743—Proverbs of Solomon and Job; in Hebrew, and one other small Hebrew book A Grammar, Arminian and English, by Father Paschal Aucher—Dichiaratione Dottrina Christiana, in the Arminian language Topographia Helvetia Rheetie et Valetia, folio, 1642, two copies—~—Render’s German Grammar, and 2 others Fluneri Nebulo Nebulonum, 1663—Bibliographia Historica Chronologica and Geogra- phica, 1685—Index Librorum Prohibitorum, and 3 others Emme Anglorum Regine Richardii Ducis Normannorum, Filie Encomium. Printed by Baron Maseres, but not published—Grammatica Busbeiana, 1732—Acta Canonizationis, 1669—Preelectiones Tres Decum in Principium Elementorum Euclidis Salomonis Certonis Consiliarii et Secretarii Recis Domus et Corone Francie, Geneva, Aldus, 4to. 1618, rare—Vindicie Hispanice, folio, 1647, and 4 others Johannis Barbeyracii Oratio Inauguralis, 4to. 1711—Alberici Gartilis De Legationibus, 1707—Laelii Peregrini Civilis Philosophia, In Romano Gymnasio Oratio, In Obitum Torq. Tasso, 4to.— Marci Hieronymi Vide Cremonensis, 1604, and 1 other illustrations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troye, par Jean le Maire de Belges, 4to. Paris, 1529—Histoire de la Terre Et Vicomté de Seboureq—La Pierre de Touche Chronolo- gique, and 6 others Dictionaire Francois-latin, folio, 1559—Du Dessechemont des Marais. Bound in morocco, with Necker’s arms impressed, to whom it belonged—Remarques sur la Noblesse. ditto. and 6 others Alliances Genealogiques des Rois de France, folio—Le Veritable Messager Les Affairs de France et d’Austriche, and 6 others Boiteaux — O7 Les Cinq Codes de l’Empire Francais, 12mo. handsomely bound—Memoires sur la Derniere Guerre entre La France et |’Espagne—La France Ruinee, 1696, and 6 others Les Triumphes Petrarque, 1529—Lettres De Balzac—Tablettes Chronologiques, Genea- logiques, et Historiques, des Maisons Souveraines de l’Europe, 1812, and 8 others Les Memoires de Messire Phillippe de Comines, 1596, first edition—Le Livre d’Ore de Mare Aureli, 1593—Les Aventures du Baron De Feeneste. 1630, and 8 others Traduction de L’Essai sur L’Homme, 1821—L’Art de Connoistre les Hommes, 1660— Les Faits Memorables advenus depuis Pharamond, 1577—Memoires Des Ambassades, 1676—La Sepmaine, ou Creation du Monde, de Bartas, 1588, and 4 others Memoires Historiques—Les Amours des Rois de France, 1739—Les Nouvelles Heroiques et Amoreuses, 1657—Memoires Historiques par Scnebier—Catalogue Raisonnee des Ma- nuscrits par Scnebier, and 4 others Eleven numbers of the Revenue de Paris, 4 numbers of the London Magazine, and others Veneroni’s Complete Italian Master, 1763—Ruimario Del Rascelli, 1698, and.4 others The Philanthropist, and sundry others The Interpreter of Words used in the Common or Statute Law, folio, 1672—The Gate of Languages unlocked, 1650—Lusus Poeticus Latine Anglicanus, or the more eminent sayings of the Latin Poets collected, 1675, and 4 others END OF THE NINTH DAY’S SALE. LOT 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 81] 812 813 815 816 817 TENTH DAY’S SALE. FRIDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1834. Carew’s Poetical Works, 1810, handsomely bound in morocco—A Conference between two men that had doubts about Infant Baptism, 1708—Hamel’s World in Miniature, 1811— Hagthorpe’s Divine Medijations, scarce, and four others Memoirs of Capt. Rock—Ancient Humorous Poetry, presentation copy—Pocket edition of Classics, 5 vols. and 6 others Secret Memoirs of Persons of Quality, 4 vols. 1736, very rare—Boyce’s Belgian Traveller, and 5 others Chalmer’s considerations upon Christian Truths and Christian Duties, 2 vols. 8vo. 1796 Blount’s Art of making Devises, 1646—Hawkins’ Discourses on Scripture Mysteries, and 6 others Biographical List of the House of Commons, 3 copies, and 6 others Res Litteraria 1st. vol.— Population and Riches of nations—Sketch of the Etat Major, and 6 others Lempriere’s Classical Dictionary—Graglia’s Italian and English Dictionary—Tutor’s Assist- ant—Italian Grammar—Blackwall’s Introduction to the Classics Pollidori’s French, Italian, and English Pocket Dictionary—Murray’s Grammar—Nos. 45 to 48, both inclusive, of Wild’s North Briton, 1763, and 6 other volumes Life of Thomas Egerton, Lord Ellesmere, large folio—Large folio blank volume ~The Monthly Review for the Years 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, and 1817, innumbers, 3 numbers missing—Twenty-eight miscellaneous numbers of ditto from 1770 to 1818 The Anti-Jacobin Review for the years 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, and 1805, in numbers, and 5 odd numbers of ditto The British Critic, in numbers, for the years, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, and 1817, complete neous numbers of ditto from the year 1770 to 1828 73 miscella- Sundry old Sermons, Forms of Prayers, and other Religious Tracts Six volumes of odd Sermons upon different subjects, and 3 others Lot of scarce Tracts, in an old cover a i i x = Ante a A 39 818 Sundry Foreign Tracts 819 A lot of Tracts, various 820 Ditto 821 Ditto 822 Ditto 823 Ditto 824 Ditto 825 Several Catalogues of famous Libraries, foreign and English, 826 Ditto 827 Ditto with their prices 828 Ditto 829 Ditto 830 Ditto 831 Ditto 832 Ditto 833 Ditto 834 Ditto 835 Ditto 836 Ditto 837 Ditto 838 Ditto 839 Ditto 840 Ditto 841 Ditto 842 Ditto 843 Ditto ; 844 Ditto 845 Ditto 846 Ditto 847 Ditto 848 Ditto 849 Ditto 850 Ditto 851 Ditto 852 Ditto 853 Sundry Pamphlets 854 Fragments of Sir E. Brydges’ several works, impressions of wood cuts, &c. 854* Scott’s Pirate, 2 vols. in 1—Meatson’s Animal World, and 2 others 855 Various numbers of Cobbett’s Political Register LOT 856 857 858 859 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 FI me ares Sie Ss eek ae so ae Re a, sa lL are 7 8) = Pay 40 Charters of the City of Canterbury Sundry numbers of Blackwood, the New Monthly, the United Service Journal, and the Westminster Review The Naval Chronicle, number to inclusive Sundry numbers of the Monthly Mirror, the Edinburgh Review, the London Review, Re_ trospective Review, and Literary Magazine | Galignani’s. Monthly Review, the Imperial Review, the London Magazine, the Librarian, various numbers Revue Encyclopedique, 34 parts Monthly Magazine, European Magazine, Critical Rievew, and Pamphleteer, various Military Panorama, European Magazine, and the Satirist, sundry nu mbers Annals of Agriculture, the Critical Review, Historical Magazine, and others Sundry Foreign Reviews Lot of Newspapers Quantity of brown and other packing paper Lot of printed waste Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Pein 1S, .xe. Tomkins’ Picture Gallery, No. 4, beautifully coloured Ditto, No. 7 8 ~———. 1] 12 15 ——— 16 17 18 43 t+ 45 46 AT } stein ian et is nN mm tie ee, 41 891 Tomkins’ Picture Gallery, No. 55, beautifully coloured 892 Ditto, No. 56 893 Ditto, No. 57 $894 Ditto, No 58 895 Ditto, No. 3 896 Buck’s Views of Canterbury 897 Large Map, County of Kent, on rollers, by the Board of Ordnance 898 Part 1, Campaigns of the British Army, and number of French Military 899 Trajan’s Triumphal-Arch, with description, 8 plates and frontispiece, by Carlo Nolli 900 Armories des Paires de France. 4to. half-bound 902 Theatre dela Grande Bretagne, 80 engravings, folio, London, 1708 903 Views in Paris, by Perelle, small folio, bound 904 North and South Prospects of Christ Church, Oxford—View of the Cathedral of Ely, folio 901 Theatri Precipuarum Tobius Mundi Urbium, 4 vols, folio, coloured plates, imperfect 905 Fourteen numbers of Curtis’ Flora Londinensis, folio 906 Alken’s Sporting Sketches, 7 numbers, folio 906* Le Sage’s Historical Atlas, folio 907 Lodge’s Portraits of Illustrious Personages, 14 parts, folio 908 Part 1 to 5, Neale’s Westminster Abbey, large paper copy 909 Seven plain Military Costumes 910 Sixteen miscellaneous Costumes 911 Bigland’s miscellaneous Prints 912 Etchings of Views and Antiquities of Gloucester, 11 numbers 913 Illustrated Records of important Events in the Annals of Europe, in two parts 914 Eight numbers of Views of Seats in Kent, 1 number of. Portraits of Antiquaries, 10 numbers of Portraits of Authors 915 Libra secundus Statuarum Rome, apud Joannes Dominicus de Rubeis ad pacem formis, Rome, 1645, folio, bound 916 Nos. 1 and 2, Deeble’s Thanet and the Cinque Ports —8 numbers of Seats in Great Britain —Tomkins’ Birth and Triumph of Cupid, 1795—Birth and Triumph of Love, a poem by Burges 917 Four original Drawings, by Sir Peter Lely 918 Lot of Vocal Music 919 Ditto Instrumental Music 920 Twenty Views of Isleham Hall, Cambridgeshire 921 Ditto of the Ruins of St. Martin’s Church, Dover 922 Reale Galleria di Firenze, outline engravings 923 Scrap Book 924 Adolphus’ British Cabinet of Portraits, 2 vols, folio, 1800 : 2G oe tine. — =e Lee Ree = 93] 93 933 934 935 O36 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944. 42 Large folio, containing plan, elevation; &c. of Exeter Cathedral L’Artes de D’Anville, folio, half bound Thoogeheemraed Schap van Delflant, folio, bound Flamsteed’s Atlas Ccelestis, folio, London, 1752 Regne de Joachim Napoleon, 2 numbers of coloured Military Costumes, and sundry others Thurston’s Religious Emblems, from engravings on wood, 4to. London, 1809, and a volume of Scraps Three large subjects of Feacing,. by Signior Francalanza Temptations of St. Anthony, large print Carolus Howard, fine large engraving by Sherwin, from Gainsborough Large print of Napoleon, and one other Ten Lithographic Prints, military subjects Twenty small Subjects, shipping Six large Lithographic Prints, military A folio of miscellaneous Caracatures Two large French coloured Prints, Route de Poste, &c. Farewell and Return, 2 finely coloured engravings, by Cooper, from Corbould Two large coloured Prints, Ladies and Pions of Buenos Ayres Iris and Echo, 2 coloured Engravings, by Keller, from Guido Two coloured Views of Santarem, and one other Two coloured Military Subjects, and a Pion of South America throwing the Laso, large print, coloured Six Engravings, shipping Large coloured Print, representing a South View of Corunna, and 4 others Oxford Cabinet, 2 parts, and sundries Six large Lithographic Portraits Five ditto ditto Four ditto ditto Twelve smaller ditto ditto Eight ditto ditto Ditto ditto Four Engravings—Napoleon, Wellmgton, Sir John Hope, and Lord Hutchinson General Foy, Mercier, Napoleon and Ferdinand, Baron de Geramb Six Lithographic Portraits, various Six ditto ditto Three ditto ditto Portrait of Lieut.-Colonel Taylor, engraved by Heath, from a picture, by Abbot Ditto ditto Ditto ditto se tama teal i i te _ eee Oo Oo nea: al S ~~ Ne Ww CO > Co ter ~~ a 2) CO OO ¢ ~™ co Go qo