CHEAP REPOSITORY. JOHN the SHOPKEEPER TURNED SAILOR; PART III. SHE W I N G How John and his family aftually took Boat, and how they had for a while a mo ft delightful fail on the wide Ocean. x Sold by J. MARSHALL, (Printer to the Cheap Repository for Moral and Re- ligious Trads) No. i 7 , Queen-Street, Cheapfide, and No. 4, Aldermary Church- Yard, and R. WHITE, Pic caddiy, London. By S. HAZARD, at Bath; and by all Bookfellers, Newf men, and Hawkers, in Town and Country. Great Allowance will he made to Shopkeepers and Hawker, PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. Ox as, 3d. per 10.0.— is. 6d. for 50.— 9 d. for 25. [ Entered at Stationers Hall. J 1 j JOHN the SHOPKEEPER, &c, T ONG has the Mufe her tale delay'd, Has ftopt to talk of Johnny's trade; Wife, daughter, mother too, £)f John, And quite forgot to travel on. Long has the Mufe with trembling fear, View'd the fad fcene that now is near; Hung back indeed from very fright, And fhrunk and ftarted at the fight. As the tall fteed, if he fhould fpy Some unknown form of danger nigh, Starts from his path, his eye-balls glare, His feet fly prancing in the air. Round on the fpot and round he wheels, Upright upon his meer hind heels; So have we ftarted at the view Of what our John is now to do, Have gaily frifk'd it round and round, Nor gain'd as yet an inch of ground. Come, gentle Mufe, the tale declare, Sing how this bold advent' rous pair, ( 4 ) With mother brave and willing daughter, March'd to the borders of the water. Sing how, they trod the beech fo fteep, Gaz'd at the wonders of the deep, And ftopt to view, as in a trance. The awful ocean's vaft expanfe, Then gaz'd at ev'ry palfing boat, Till they quite long'd to get on Hoar, The Boatmen, as they crofs the Strand, Spring from an alehoufe ju{t at hand, All on the party down they burft, And each is fure that he was firth Oh! how they prefs and fill the ground*, And pufh and elbow all around ! Each to a Lady makes his fuit, Till Nancy ftarts. as at a brute : While prudent Johnny marching down, Hires a fnug boat for half a crown, Of fmaller fize, but ftifF and tight | And having feen that all is right, ( 5 > Rallies his daughter, claims his wife, Burfts thro* the crowd and ends the ftrife, And now with felf-complacent grin, The favor'd Boatman hands them in; But firft he plants, as is his rule, On the wave's edge his little^ ftool, And while he begs them to take care, Prefents his elbow high in air. All in they ftept, all down they fat ; All fafe, all even, and all flat: The Boatman pufhes off the boat ; Was e'er fuch treafure all afloat ! And now amid the fun's bright gleam, See how they cut the filver ft ream ! See how the breeze begins to play ! See how it wafts them far away f Scarce had the party left the fliore, When Ruffman longs to fpare his oar, Points to the f bench where lies a fail, And begs to profit by the gale. At fii ft the Boatman's words appeal, Andall the female faces fall ; And Madam bets ten thoufand pound, " This inftant we fhall all be drown'd." Mean time old Ruffman, with a fneer, Forbids each vain and' filly fear; Talks of the feas that he hath crofs'd, Beaten, and blown, and temper! toft - Tells of his dangers, now no more, While a green youth in days of yore. Of feats perform'd by way of fun, And boafts of matches he has won : Then drops his tone, and quite allays All the new fears he feem'd to raife ; Pleads his great care, afferts his (kill. Begs each dear Lady'll dread no ill; For if he keeps the rope in hand, The water's juft as fafe as land. Thus all objections down he beat, And now the awful fail is fet ; Ah, how they plough the whit'ning feas, So fine fo glorious is the breeze ; How frefh and cooling too the air, While the fail fhades them from the glare; The Boatman, who a while before Sat coatlefs heated at the oar, Now lolls his eafe, obferves the wind, Steers with one careful hand behind ; { 1 ) While his right fill holds hard the fail, Refifts or humours well the gale > Then half-appearing to turn back, At onee he flops and makes a tack ; Points at the diftant land once more, And feeins to run you right afhore ; But ere he lets you quite touch ground. Again he fpins his veflel round, And fhifts acrofs, with {kill fo nice, The flutt'ring canvas in a trice; Scuds o'er the fpacious feas again ; i Again he plows the mighty main; Again the lefs'ning more retires, Woods, hills depart, and diftant fpires ; While the bright fun, yon clouds between, Shines forth and gilds the glorious fcene. The party, eas'd of all their fright, Gaze round and round wnh fweet delight; Praife with one voice both land and feas, And now they languifh for a breeze; Dread left the flack'ning wind fhould fail, And welcome every growing gale: Swift o'er the fwelling waves they fly. And pleafure beams in ev'ry eye. But, ah ! how oft with genial fun, While the gay courfe of life we run, And, fancy as we tafte the treat, Our human blifs is now compleat; — C 8 ) How oft in that fame favord hour, JDoes the whole fky begin to lour ! The cheering fun-fhine's pafs'd away, There comes a dreary doleful day : Afflictions gather like a cloud ; The fweUing tempeft roars aloud ; While from yon threat'ning heav'ns fo dark, ft thunders round our little bark : Unfkill'd to ftruggle thro* the breeze. We tofs in new and troubled feas, And life's gay morning all fo .bright, Ends in Tome woeful tale at night. THE END &T THE THIRD }AVLT 9