•M38>*Z 1933 V - -w- - -X«e- - -Xi 1 s m:im:mrm«t mv^:-w<. a 't-MLM I .. mw^M^ <> WmmSGM Hk*l5ta W 1# li?l • jtf'Sb ' WT; ~J ;~|‘^ grp L?H’' ' ^ ^7 ^ ■ » 1* , el ip4e Index to Cities, || d’iixpedjteMr po'w : Cites, Towns, Villages, Posi I ," Villes, Villages, Biu^cx Offices-, etc* \..;-j .^V^tvr.J de-Poste, ,efe '.' ' , v ‘ ;t/v • gCfeJ ‘Published «oru*rwith M^Ht’s Mew Commercial. fedtslnal, Traffic Sumy -:'" Might’s Nouveaii Commercial, industriel, Arpcniage de Tratic ublie a t^diivenir *W^c , > •Wk :■-/• 4 ' K wm 8SK& ,y^ ;’ W w' of the i& v& v*wm • 1 'wlSt i |E§ Svv -1 A * < <*5 C'*i^’ * 1 ' .a- i ;'.r' >X ' *v i• - •*,*» - ’■ ■ f;-' ■'’V s «,*,. . ■sr^ .••■■*■ &*.&>*•**■£ J " P:WWm $£&jfri£r. iT.x&til:/-: OO ' S-TT?**- ■ bf* ?/*?£>‘ ’ Wi ^S r : i:ost.*€bai€e* £p;ci £kfrtinglj$,- 6r J&j^cfcG/GG x . . /GGG ' % •sa^fe'sirrf.cG' [-[■ ■ Sj Goi :. AVAILABLE. h, a Town may foe known'; . . ' ' ' • . -••••■ . \ G-. Sitmfja^p Rpst ,otfiy fv':*r>pjfff^y. JS^&SaUu&s. T/ '', ; servGG/ place,Gsce• : -pigs.:..-:49:; ; ;' GustofiiS 1 ./G rj •';•'■ lit] d+th mm • ... mh ... % ... r i"t*' T^C' ‘ ioji^Wir^G -^Gv/i^hip | kadi--- -■ ~ T< 3 ^&p& G£GG~GLo,G;:?w.d,, K$g?J 5 e? %$- / G ;;.C / Vva^^Gu^ ^,. r ,.;.-. r . V ** yfS&^s?— '—•'••.;••’”/ Fr**":***'**}' .. Numbersy after Town names locate '; pll Town's bn the map. with pape G indicator' shows';' map location of , Town, ‘hid. paragraph; t GG U £f NiiT^ferG.xn.A^g^igt fq^^pr^ name •‘ of "Business centre, or. Via shows, disfcafrge in miles from Bus, Cen¬ tre; or nearest Railway {2) JsS.-i/i. ' .^Having pppi in :;l>rpcfets : a$ph :• > - ■* " ; "v O'::-- . ■ ' ' y . m -nheilett edge*bf it rests at the fet- numbc ihdfex. These' first'} numbers''.•••are printed^- / /, arOurid.tne.edges of the mpp, ' ; SSS^)ur - ; ’ :the • tape-'fis.eii.itq’-"t-M second ntimber showpGr f£heG‘-:GG/,o G index. The place' you a y^Gthat poinu towtislfip/p&rish Ts ,A^zn^' : bi :v -^ ‘ ^ ., .-Xs'it''a l*f6st : 0'0c^ Mo»e^-&*8erdF:dG' or -^tavatSt P.O? - v ' ■ G- /G- -•yG'G-: r :G; : , ^ town is not on the R.Rr ^Via 1 ' may be best Names of shown m sicpbotie and Telegraph Connection? [ JjG_a .town has outside ftSephcne and telegraph CrG•:>ty v\; 3rii^eGtioi%v.-tlfe signs*- so- 'Indicate.^ .-, v_: | . ^i- What is && - population? •' b t * '•,:.'> G IJpBK^uiafuin 1 ->2i and 1^31 -are both shown wheitv i>r tins- order, following the letter “Pi” “ the 1931 ! Gcfosfis estimate. - e -y ‘ jyb fairer • Routes serve •Aylmer?- j G ; G }. ■.. iff i%anvf Gthe .Xq$& is served by Water . Route trafispen'tatiom Refer to.-liot . of-o Water Routes to; .find name of - transport, company and details of ‘ regular set vices. 'V r C^f G' ^ G f /^yV ; Brefee'dih^ ctrxde^ ■ ■ nunfber^rit^. bffi^G'fiame., * ■ ; ^Sfe 1 county. Foilo wing ' ,the^.index - lirmlbers^.Is, -j ^ ’r&gg- \ - x£? r ■ the;: tpvms^.. ahd/-^paeshy -', 5 tfe.- -• ^p?.r£ ■ .;-‘G - some._ ;c'asSs3o v t pshlpsG may r 'n'pt-... bet. showm GpF^GlG-GGG^-GG'! I . ;mmc is riat-shoycn,:'Grrialt ; numbers :■ - anSEji Gbe::.. name; •• of" the, -jpardsh 1 .appear.. - tnosfe 1 cfs^s '"-ffie, narfie' ' ofG^e Gfewnship • is ihamea r •■■' ~ case parish, information biC sixown/ .which" either ._. ie two" nani^-s are identical,-or the The.’l^n . means- r 'Ros*t“ : p^ee. % ,*jhe. cign ’S 4 : s^ J 'Money'G.Order iV Pv)sT~]QffiGc. : T-ife .G means , Siimn^r P-bst Office.;}}/ . /I Tf 5 '*^ GG GG^GGlG-y/'G^ Whai is the nearest Rusiness Centre? ;.... - ■ -Foll4wiirglil ; >.t]fe.e: '■ cenbe a?rd-'the name of'th^mentrev , ;^G ;p ‘ •What -R-.S.V^iem' Ayl«feh?'G. WfeC is the nearest. G? SJ&, rtown?'/^/ -:-fe | HMRI. S What 5he 'Bahicmg Directory, “ paces' 44-47, / "'Wbe^e;_ axe 'C^ity^tati#iCs? ;. .?:• '; G r, .:,‘ c vSee . *’ ; G^v^r'G5‘ ,/ G'.l.. 'Wkere^islpjuisfi 'bii^cycy^., G, ...-y/:- /}:' • < r ^ ‘ Bee - pages 50-52 ,.. r . \p GG^ rr '-JGr/r, •/• "-Where is list • of * Abbreviations? —/ S •• alx vV thi-'nxkc^fcl iodation % W # -a corammnity-.and dn others :^.x : - : ./tbefe.:-.iia-s -not‘been -roiSsrti oh the ihap to show the G'/G '"'" filip&e;-:G$ 5 ^i-\t Armagh Station, Belle.’-290-72, Armagh, 2, -Armagh, CN, P. 118. Armand ♦St. Honore, Temis. , T . m e, Once Armorique, Terre.— 442-99 Ste. Ther, EH3 , * Li i ' y ia Armstrong, Beauce- 334-102, Liniere, ISIS, BLmiere, St. Georges, *0, & ISIS. ■*«* Vi * vm " ArsenaulL'Mag. 1-310-162, Grind. I, BGrindstone I, Via "Pointe Basse, ^30. . Arthabaska, Arth.— 379-74, Artha. 500, [SI, ^ ictoriavi 4^, P. 1,234-1,608. ■ Q . Arthurville, Belle.— 287-65, Beaum., BSt. Raphael, \ ia Valier vaner. ; M , r To Artois, L’Isl. —267-90, Oasg., 2$, BSt. Pamphile, Via La- An?MAre.-479-99, Arun.. 2. C-N. A, P- 35 °:-— INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Arvida, Chic.—754-59, Jon., X, CN&SR, P. 1,790 Asbestos, Richm.—388-86, Ship. 748, XI, Via Danville A, P. 2,189—4,396. Ascot ♦Ascot Corner, Sher. Ascot Corner (Ascot), Sher.—387-101, Ascot 709, XI, ■ Sher¬ brooke, QC, A, P. 936. Ashuapmouchouan, L. St. J.—Ashuap., BRoberval (4), Via St. Prime. Asselin, Dor.—319-80, Cranb., Via BSt. Joseph de Beauce. Aston Junction, Nic.—393-64, Aston, X, CN, P. 100. Aston Station, Nic.—393-63, Aston, X $. BSt. Aulalie, CN, +, P. 100. Atalante, Que.—311-48, St. Am. de Lor., X$, Via BLorette- ville. Athelstan, Hunt.—443-129, Hinch., Ixi . B Huntingdon, NYC, X, A, P- 425. Atwater (Part of Montreal), Jac. Car.—435-101, 1 X 1 . BMont¬ real. Auberiviere, Levis—304-57, Lauz. Via BSt. Romuald ( 2 ). Aubrey (Aubrey Sta.), Chat.—435-120, S. Geo., 123, BSt. Chrysostome, CN, A, P. 150. Aubrey Sta. (Aubrey), Chat.—435-120, Beauh., CN. Aubut (Pied du Lac), Temis.—239-112, Est., BRiviere Bleue, CN, +. Auckland, Comp—380-116. Audet, Front.—353-106, Spald . 75 8, IXI . Via BLac Megantic. Auger, Wolfe—381-83, Ham, 1 X 1 $. BWeedon. Aurigny, Mag. I.—314-164, Mag. I., 1 X 1 . flGrindstone I., Via Amherst, ^fe30. Authier, Abit.—618-140, Privat, 1 X 1 . BMakamik.CN,^*, P-392. Auvergne, Port.—363-42, Perthuis, ISIS, BPortneuf, CN, ^. Avoca, Arg.—473-111, Gren., IXI . BCalumet, Via Point au chene. Avon, Meg.—368-75, Ire., BSt. Fer dina nd, Via Putnam. Ayer’s Cliff, Stan.—396-113, Hatley, XI, QC, A, P. 461—489 Aylmer ♦Aylmer East, Hull. Aylmer East (Aylmer), Hull—494-147, Hull 39, X, CP, A, +, P. 2,970—2,835. Aylwin, Hull—Aylwin, 1 X 1 . BKazabazau, CP, A, Aylwin Station (W. Aylwin), Hull—521-134, Aylwin, ixi S. BKazabazua, OP, Aylwin W. ♦Aylwin Sta., Hull. Ayotte, Mask.—Via BSt. Gabriel. Aymess, Chat.—439-120, Beauh., CN, ^. Backport, Stan—399-113, Magog. Bagot ♦St Hector de Bagot & St. Helene de Bagot, Bagot. Bagot Bluff, Sag.—300-166, Anti. I. Bagotville, Chic.—764-63, St. Alp. 316, X, R&S, A, +, P. 2,204—2,468. 17-23-10. Bale de la Trinite ♦Trinity Bay, Sag.—5^24-25-26. Bade des Roberts, Chari.—214-85. Baie des Bacons, Sag.—797-112, IXl S. Via BLes Escoumains, 5^7. Baie des Rochers, Chari.—215-88, St. Simeon, D< 1 . Via BSt. Simeon, A. S&17-6. Baie des Sables (Sandy Bay), Matane—351-122, L’Ass. 572, 1X1 . C>, +, P. 135. Baie D’Urfe, Jac. Car.—441-109, I. of Mtrl., X, Via BSte. Anne de Bellevue, CN, CP, P. 172—211. Baie Hatee, Rim.—206-126, Via BBic (2). Baie Johan Beetz (Piastre Bay), Sag.—288-147, Mingan Land, IX . 5^26. Baie Ste. Claire, Gaspe—301-138, Anti. I., EX3 . BGaspe, Via Port Menier. Baie St. Laurent, Matap.—349-129, Matap. DO S. Via B A mqui . Baie St. Nicolas (St. Nicolas Bay), Sag.—340-117, Franq., DO , BRimouski, 5^24-26. Baie St. Paul (St. Paul’s Bay), Chari.—241-64, Baie St. P. 317, X . CN, A, P. 2,291—2,916. Baie Shawinigan ♦La Baie Shawinigan, St. Maur . Baillargeon, Levis—322-58, St. Et. de Lauz., X, Via Craigs Rd P 222 Balboa,’Abit.—608-120, P. 8 . Baldwin’s Mills, Stan—393-120, Barn., Via Coaticook. Ballantyne ★Montreal W., Jac. Car—438-105, I. of Mtrl. Barabe (Francoeur), Lot.—374-54, St. J. Deschail., CN, Barachois ♦Barachois de Malbaie, Gaspe._ Barachois de Malbaie (Barachois), Gaspe—319-152, Malbaie 407, X, CN, if, P. 515, *£29-9. Barachois Nord, Gaspe—319-152, Malbaie, Xl S r Via B Bara¬ chois de Malbaie (1V 2 ). Barachois Ouest, Gaspe—319-152, Malbaie, IXI S. Via B Bara¬ chois de Malbaie (2V2). Barkmere, Arg.—480-97, Arund., X, Via B Arundel. Barnard (Belval), Dor.—308-71, St. Mai., XI, BSt. Malachie, Via Belval. _ Bamston, Stan.—392-117, Barn., [SI, Via BCoaticook, A- Baronie, Ver.—431-89, Ver., BVer., CN, Barrage St. Narcisse, Champ.—39946, Chute a la Chem., (SIS, Via St. Narcisse, Barraute, Abit.—618-120, Barraute, XI, BAmos, CN, ^, P. 625. Barre, Dor.—302-91, Lang., XI, BKerouac. Barrette ♦Val Barrette, Lab. Barrington, Hunt.—430-119, Hem., IXI S. fl Hemmingford, CN, p 215 Barry River, Pont.—526-160, Cal. I., 1 X1 $. Via fl Campbell’s Bay. Barville, Arth.—391-76, War., Via B Victoria ville. Bas de la Baie, Chari.—242-63, St. P. Bay, IXI S. Via BBaie St. Paul. Bas de l’Anse, Chari.—226-78, Mt. Murray, IXIS, Via BLa Malbaie. Bas de Ste. Rose, Lav.—440-96, I. Jesus. Bas du Sault, Hoch.—I. Mtrl. Baskatong, Hull—552-110, Via BManiwaki (36). Bassignac ★Lois, Abit —614-140. Bassin ♦Le Bassin, Chic. Bassin du Lievre, Pap.—487-132, Buck., B Masson, Via Buck¬ ingham June. Batesville, Arg.—475-98, Mont.. X, B Arundel, CN , Batiscan, Champ.—39048, St. Fran. Xav. 787, IX, CP, A, P. 1 193 5ak2. Batiscan Station, Champ.—390-48, Batiscan, 1X1 $, B Batiscan, CP, P. 190. Batoche, Wolfe—369-90, Weedon. Baurette, Lap.—433-106, Sault St . L. Bayard. Lab.—514-93, Marohand, 1X1 S. Via fl L’Annonciation. Baylic Sta., Hoch.—I. Mtrl. Bayonne, Jol.—435-73, Lanor., Via BSt. El izab eth. Beaconsfield, Jac. Car.—440-108, Pte. Claire, 1 X1 $. BSte. Anne de Bellevue, CN, CP, A, +, P. 578—641. Beam, Tern.—593-140, Duhamel 410, 1X1, B Ville-Marie, CP, + Beaubien ★Monk, L’lsl.—263-80, Four. Beauce Jet. (Vallee Jet.), Beauce — 324-76, IXl . Via BVallee Jet. Beauceville ♦Beauceville E. P.O., Beauce. Beauceville Est (Beauceville), Beauce—327-84, St. Fran. 72, X . QC, P. 975. Beauceville Ouest (Beauceville West), Beauce—334-84, St. Fran., IXl . BBeauceville (East), P. 1,448—707. Beauchamp, Terre.—BSt. Jero me (14), Via Shawbridge. Beauchene, Tern—582-134, XI, BTemiskaming Sta., CP. Beaudet, Levis—314-59. Beaudet, Port.—289-14, Lasalle, BLa Tuque, CN. Beaudoin, Meg.—372-75, Halifax, D<] $. BSt. Ferdinand, Via Black Lake. Beaudry, Tern.—590-140, CP. Beauglen, Bon.—339-142, Maria, X, BNew Richmond, Via Cascapedia. Beauhamois, Beau.—438-113, St. Clem. 832, IXl . CN, NYC, A, +, P. 3,240—3,729. Beaulac, Wolfe—367-88, Garth., Via flGarthby Sta., P. 491— 450. Beaulac, Montcalm—454-81, Raw., 1 X1 $. Via BRawdon. Beaumont, Belle.—293-60, Beaum. 73, 1 X1 $, Via B Levis. Beaumont Est, Belle.—295-60, V. Marie, X$, Via BSt. Charles de B. (4). Beauport (Les Falaises), Que.—299-52—Beau. 74, [XI, QRL& P, A, +, P 3,240—3,242. Beauport Est, Que.—299-52, Beaup., X$, BBeauport G/4), Via Les Falaises, P. 479.____ — 5 — INDEX T O PLACES IN QUEBEC Beaupre, Mont.—274-56, Ste. A. de Beaupre 75, D<1, Via BRimouski. Beausoleil, Berthier—432-79, Lav., DO . Via BLavaltne. Beauvallon, Mask.—428-54. Beauvoir, Vaud.—452-117, Rigaud, Via BSt. Clet. Beaven Lake ♦Bevin Lake, Arg. Beaver Crossing, Hunt.—447-134, Elgin, CN. Becancour, Nic.—396-56, Becan. 501, E3, CN, P. 262— 273. Becquets, Nic—380-52, Lev., CN, P. 72. Bedard, Lab.—529-98, Boyer, E3$, BNominique, CP, P.5U Bedford, Miss.—417-114, Stan. 640, DO, CP, p - L669— 1,570. ^ _ Beebe, Stan.—398-121, Stan. 710, DO, QC, K, £, +, P. 921“ Beebe June., Stan.—399-120, Stan., B Beebe, QC, 8B0, £> +» P. 100. Beech Grove, Pont.—509-151, Onslow, DO . BQuyon, Via Mohr Beech Ridge, Arg.—458-107, Arg., Via Lachute (3). Beecher Falls, Comp. . „ _ M1 Begin, L’Isl.—262-76. St. Cyr. de L’lsl, DOS, Via BSt. Cynlle de L’Isl. _ . Beith, Hunt.—445-132, Elgin, BHuntingdon, Via Carrs, Belair, Port.—325-48, Des Maures, BSt. Augustin de Que., cp 4 k Beland, Beauce—334-92, Marlow, ISIS, Via BSt. Georges de Beauce. Beland, Front.—344-103, Morrow. „ Belanger Siding ★Courdhesne, Tismis.—241-118, Rob., DO®, BEdmundston, N.B. Belcourt, Abit.—620-116, Cour., DO, BAmos, CN, ^. Belgo ★Vandry, Champ. Bellavance ★Ste. Florence, Matap—Matap. BSayabec. Belle Anse, Gaspe—318-153, Malbaie, SS, Via BBarachois de Malbaie (2%), Belleau, Levis— St. Geo, DO, Via B Levis (1). Beliefeuille, Comp.—377-113, Ember. BLa Patrie, Via Scots- town. Belle Plage, Vaud— 448-112, Vaud, BVaudreuil, Via Isle Cadieux, P. 69—67. _ Bellerive, Beauh.—445-118, Ste. C, IS, Via Valleyfield (1). Bellerive (Bellerive Station), Lab.—514-92, Lor, DO, BNom¬ inique, CP, ^, P. 122 . Bellerive Station ♦Bellerive, Lab. Belle Riviere, Deux Mts.—451-103, L. of Deux Mts, Via BSte. Scholastique, „ , r . TT Belle Vallee, St. Jean—428-121, Lacolle, BLacolle, Via Hen rysburg. Bellevue (De Lery), Chat.—438-111, Chat, BBeauharnois, via De Lery, NYC, £, +, P. 161. Bellevue Junction, Rich.—422-72, Sorel, BSorel, CN, ^• “"Belley, Chari—234-65, Le Gouffre, Via BBaie St. Paul. BeU Falls, Arg.—Via BCalumet (11). Bell Mount, Pont—525-151 Leslie, DO, via B Campbells Bay, ^. Bell River, ♦Senneterre, Abit. Belmina, Wolfe,—368-80, Wolfs, DO$, BWolfestown, via Coleraine (4). Belmont, Que.—310-52, Sil. Beloeil Centre ♦Beloeil Sta, Ver. Beloeil Station (Beloeil Centre), Ver.—426-95, Bel 641, DO, B Beloeil Village, CN, +, P. 125. Beloeil Village (Village Beloeil), Ver.—426-94, Bel, DO, Via Beloeil, CN, £, P- 1,418—1,434. Belval. (Barnard), Dor.—310-72, Jol, BSt. Malachie, CN, • Belvedere (Part of Quebec City), Que.—307-52, BQuebec. Ben Durban, Front.—370-117, Ches. Bennett, Meg.—367-78, Ire, DOS, BSt. Ferdinand, Via Cole¬ raine ( 12 ), QC, ... Beranger, Miss.—414-111, Dun, BDunham, Via Cowansville. Bergeron, Chari.—251-64, St. Fran.-Xav. Bergeron, Lot.—337-60, St. Ag, S, Via BSt, Agapit. Bergerville, Que.—305-54, St. Col. de Sil, DO, BQuebec { 2 V 2 ) +, P. 1,500. Bernadette, Levis—333-52, Lauz, Via BSt. Nicholas. Bematchez, Montma.—284-87, Panet, DOS, BSt. Camille de Bellechasse, Via Daaquam. Bernier, Meg.—370-74, Halifax, SS, BSt. Ferdinand, Via Black Lake. Bemierville ♦St. Ferdinand, Meg. Berryer, L’Isl.—249-75, St. Roch des Aul, B Ste. Louise, Via Ste. Louise, Bersimis ♦Betsiamites, Sag.—Betsi, B Betsiamites, 5^24-12. Berthe, Chic.—775-62, Ferland, DO$, Via BBagotville. Berthelot, Montmor.—281-59, BSt. Jean d’Orleans, Via Que- • bee ( 22 ). Berthier (en bas), Montma.—278-65, Berthier 77, DOS, Via St. Francois, 4k, P. 500. Berthier en Haut, Berthier—429-70, Berthier, CP, ®[x], 4^, P. 2,193—2,431, a&3. Berthier Jet. (Berthierville), Berthier— 431-71, Berthier, B Berthierville, CP, 4^, ^ ^ Berthierville (Berthier), Berthier—430-72, Berthier 425, DOS, CP, *|x],-£, P. 2,193—2,431, 3^3. Berube, Montmor.—270-56, St. Fereol, SS, Via B Beaupre. Berube ★Lefebvre, L’Isl.—Ash. Betchewun ★Mingan, Sag.—290-144. Bethany, Sheff.—403-93, Ely, Via BRoxton Falls, Bethel, Sheff.—401-92, Ely, Via South Durham, P. 150. Bethlehem, Comp.—374-111, Ditton. Betsiamites ★Manicouagan, Sag.—Montag. R. 870, DO, P- 700, •B4fe24-12. Bevin Lake (Beaven Lake), Arg.—476-98, Montcalm, CN. Bic, Rim.—207-126, Bic 573, 1X1 . CN, P. 912— 1,020. Bienville (Part of Levis), Levis—302-55, 78, DO, Via Levis, 4k, P. 1,462. Billoncourt, Chambly—430-95, Bouch., P. 14. Bilodeau (Station Bilodeau), L. St. J .—726-37, Dablon, CN. Birchton, Comp.—385-105, Eaton, IXl S. BCookshire, CP, tS P. 144. Bisaillon, Lap.—435-106, Sault St. Louis, BLachine. Bishop’s Crossing (changed to Bishopton), Wolfe. Bishopton, Wolfe—378-98, Dud., SS, QC, 4k, P. 300—290. Bissonette, Montcalm—447-85, St. Sul., CN , 4L Blackburn Mine, Pap.—496-133, Temple., S, BE. Templeton, Via Templeton. . __ A Black Cape (Black Capes), Bona.—339-146, New Richm., DOS HNew Richmond, CN, P. 182. Black Capes ♦Black Cape, Bona. Black Lake East ♦Lac Noir, Meg. Black Point, Stan.—394-110, Hatley. Black River ♦Riviere Noire, Arth. Black River Depot, Pont.—BMattawa, Ont. (44), Via Moor Lake. Blais ★Langlois, Montma.—285-75, Armagh, CN. Blais ★Hervey, Champ. Blais, Beauce—348-76, Brough., B Robertsonville, Via Leeds. Blanche, Pap.—493-123, Mul., S, Via B Buckingham, T Blanchet, Levis—328-60, St. Lam., DO S. BSt. Lambert de Levis, Via Ville Lam bert. Blanc Sablon, Sag.—Sag., DO, 3^26. Blandford, Arth.—382-62, St. L. de Bland. 502, DO, Via BDaveluy ville. Blaquiere, Mag. I.—Grind. I., B Grindstone I., Via Amherst, *£.^ 30. Blouin, Levis—307-62, Lauz., ■ Levis, Via St. Henry Village. Blueberry Point, Stan.—395-111, Hatley. Blue River ♦Riviere Bleue, Temis. Bluesea (Bluesea Lake P.O.), Hull—529-128, Bouc. 467, CP, Blue Sea Lake ♦Blue Sea, Hull . Bocage, Front.—360-114, Louise, DO S. BLac Megantic, Via Megantic. . ... Boilard, Meg.—361^63, Nelson, BLyster Sta., Via Lyster (4/a) Boileau, Pap.—481-105, Pon.43,D<], Bbt. Ray¬ mond, CN. , , ... Bourg Royal, Que., N. D. des Anges, Via BCharlesbourg (1). Bourlamaque ♦Lake Park, Sher. Bourmont, Abit.—630-93, CN. __ , Bournival, St. Maur.—419-52, Cax., 123$, BSt. Barnabe Nord, Via Charette. Bousquet, Champ.—405-12, Carig., BLa Tuque, CN. Bout de L’lsle, Hoch.—435-92, I. Mtrl., Via BCharle- magne, 4 k. Bout du Monde, Mask.—428-54, St. Paulin, CE3$, Via BSt. Paulin. Bown, Comp.—376-104, Bury, Via BBury (4 V 2 ). Boyd Settlement, Hunt.—443-127, Godm., Via ■ Huntingdon. Boyer, Belle.—287-62, Beaum., Via ■ Ladurantaye, Boynton, Stan.—397-116, Stan., ■ Fitch Bay, QC, ^ Brabazon, Pont.—567-103, ■ Chapeau (7), Via Waltham, ^. Bracken, Meg.—357-70, Inver., ■ Inverness, Via Robertson. Bradore Bay (Baie de Bradore), Sag., DO , S&26. Bramhalls ★Wickham, Drum.—404-82, Wick. Bras, Dor.—323-62, Jol, QC. Bras d’Apic, ITsl.—267-81, Beaub, DO . BSt. Cyrille de LTslet, CN, P. 89. Bras d’Or Baie (Bradore Bay), Sag, 3^26. Bras No., Char.—241-63. Breakeyville, Levis—317-58, St. J. Chrys 80, ES]$, QC, P. 500. Breault, Nic.—397-63, Aston, 1 X1 $. BSt. Eulalie, CN. Brebeuf, Terre.—484-95, Amherst 470, 123$, Via BSt. Jovite (7), 5|*, P. 600. Breche a Manon, Gaspe—322-157, Perce, [>3$, Via ■ Grand River, Breckenridge Station, Hull—499-146, Eard,£>3$,BAylmer E, CP, £• Brennab. ♦Brennan Hills P. O, Hull. Brennan Hills (Brennan), Hull—511-136, Low, 1 X1 $. ■ Wake¬ field, Via Brennan (Vs), CP, Brentwood, Chambly—428-101, Long, M&SC. Breslay (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—435-101. Bretagne, Nic.—396-54,Becan,BTrois Rivieres,Via Becancour. Bretagne ★East Lake, Kam.—244-89, St. Denis, CN, Breton, Beauce, Via BVallee Jet. (8). Bridge ♦Le Pont de Quebec P. O. Bridgeville, Gaspe—320-152, Mai Bay, 1 X1 $. BBarachois de Malbaie, Brie (Gowlet), Belle.—301-70, St. Michel , CN . Brigham, Brome—413-108, Farn. E. 642, lXl $. ■ Cowansville, OP, Brighton, LTsl.—255-86, Lafon, CN. Brilliant Cove ♦L’Anse a Brilliant, Gaspe. Brillon, Rou.—421-99, Rou, Via BSt. Hilaire. Brills, Brome—406-111, Brome, BKnowlton. Brion Island ♦Bryon I.), Mag. I. Bristol, Pont.—514-159, Bris., IX S. CN, £, P. 350. Bristol Mines, Pont.—509-155, Bris., ES]$, BQuyon, Via Wy¬ man. Bristol Ridge, Pont.—514-153, Bris., 1 X1 $. BShawville, Via McKee. Britonville, Terre.—464-96, Augmen., BSt. Jerome (10), Via Morin Height. Brittannia Mills ♦St. Liboire, Bagot, De Ram. Broadlands, Bona.—347-143, Rest., 1 X1 $. ■ Campbell ton, N.B., CN. Brochet (Lac aux Brochets), C ham p.—400-13, Corig., CN. Brodeur, Hull—541-123, Egan, 1 X1 $. BMontcerf (12), Via Maniwake. Brodeur, Rou.—418-103, BSt. Cesaire. Brome, Brome—407-111, Brome, 1 X1 $. CP, 4l> ^, P. 223. Brome Centre, Brome—408-109, Brome, BKnowlton, Via Brome. Brompton, Richm.—392-97, Bromp., ■ Windsor Mills, Via Titus Station, Bromptonville, Richm.—388-99, Bromp. 711, Xl $. CN, P. 2,602—1,527. Brook, Que.—739-17. Brookbury, Comp.—379-100, Bury , Vi a BBury, MCR, Brookdale, Pap.—484-105, Pon., 1 X1 $. ■ Arundel, Via Lac Remi, Brooklet, Hunt.—440-129, Hinch., ■ Huntingdon, Via Athel- ston. Brookline, Chambly—429-101, Long., BSt. Lambert, M&SC. Brookport, Brome—414-108, Farn. E., CP, £k, Brosseau Station, Lap.—430-103, Lap., Xl $. BLaprairie, CN, Brothers Island, Montma. Brouage, L. St. J.,BSt. Joseph D’Alma (26),Via Isle Maligne. Broughton Station ^E. Broughton, Beauce. Brown Hill, Stan.—397-114, Stan., ■ Fitch Bay, Via Boynton. — 7 — INDEX TO PLACES IN QUEBEC Brownleigh Place, Drum. — 390-82, K ings ey, Via ■Danville. Brownsburg, Arg.—460-105, Chat. 40, LXJ $. Lachute, ^, P. 700. Brown’s Gore, Arg.—457-105, Arg., Via St. Hermas (4). Bruchesi (St Anne des Plaines P. O.), Terre.—444-92, Terre., CP, P. 449. Brunet, Lab.—533-102, Camp., (SIS, BVal Barrette, CP. Bryant’s, Brome—400-111, Bolton, 3^5. Bryon Island (Brion I.), Mag. I.—305-161, Mag. I., X, ■ Grind¬ stone I., Via Grand Entry. ? Bryson, Pont—522-160, Litch., X$, Via BCampbells Bay, A, P. 201—246. __ Brysons (Brysonville), Chat.—439-122, Beauh., CN, ^, P. 90. Brysonville ♦Brysons, Chat. Buckingham, Pap.—488-130, Buck. 41, 1X3 $. Via Buckingham Jet., CN, A, P. 3,855-4,638. ^ Buckingham Jet. (Masson), Pap. — 485-131, Buck., CP, t*, P. 2,015. . , Buckland, Belle—296-75, Buck. 81, 1X1 $. Via BSt. Damien de Buckland, P. 500. Buckland Est, Belle.—292-77, Mail., IS, Via BSt. Damien de Buckland. _ Bugeaud, Bona.—334-153, Cox, S$, Via BPaspebiac. Bulstrode Station (Bulstrode), Arth.—388-66, Buis., 1X3$. ■ St. Eulalie, CN, Bulwer, Comp.—386-106, Eaton, SS, nCookshire, CP, A, f, P. 200. Bunker ★St. John, St. Jean. Burbidge ♦Messines, Hull—532-128. Burk’s Corners, Pap.—485-122, Loch., Via ■ Thurso. Burnet, Hull—501-141, Hull, OP. Burroughs Falls ★Ayer’s Cliff, Stan.—Hatley. Bury, Comp.—379-103, Bury 712, S$, CP, A, +, P. 600. Bute, Meg.—368-65, Somer., ■Laurierville, Via Ste. Julie. Cabane Ronde, L’Ass.—437-88, L’ Ass ., CP. Cabano, Temis.—231-114, Temis., JS$, Temis. Ry., A, V. P- 2 187 Cacouna, Temis.—221-99, St. Geo. 574, 1X3 $. CN, A» P- 586 Cacouna South, Temis.—220-96, Cacouna, X, ■ Riviere du Loup Sta., Via Cacouna. Cadoma, Que.—310-52, Sil., CP. Cadot, Montcalm—445-84. St. Sul., BSt. Esprit, Via St. Julienne, A- Cadrin, Dor.—310-63, Job, Via BSt. Anselme. Cairnside, Chat.—438-123, Beauh., BOrmstown, Via Bryson’s, Caldwell, Pont—515-156, Bris., X $. BShawville, Via McKee. Callieres, Que.—295-51, Beaup., X, Via BBeauport. Call Mill, Brome—409-111, Brome, ■ Cowansvi'lle, Via West Brome. _ Calumet, Arg.—468-111, Gren. 44, 1 X 1 $. CP, A> P. 082 675, ^^31 Calumet Island, Pont.—522-156, Calumet 561, [X], Via ■ Campbell’s Bay, P. 1,200. Calumet Road, Deux Mts.—Via St. Eustache sur le Lac (o). Cambria (Milles Isles), Arg.—458-97. Campbell Corners, Miss.—417-118, St. Arm. Campbell’s Bay, Pont.—522-156, Litch. [X3$, CP, A> P. 700—895. Tr . 0 Campbell’s Corners, Meg.—361-67, Inver., ■ Inverness, Via St. Julie, A- Camp Comfort ★Garthby, Wolfe—371-89, Garthby. Campeau ★Guenette, Lab.—530-97, CP. Camp Killamey, Terre.—486-89, Grand., X, BSt. Jovite, \ la Lac Mercier Camp Kinkora, Terre.—469-86, Beres., X, Via BSte. Agathe des Monts. . . XT . . 1/x Camp Nomininque, Lab.—Nomin., X, Via BNomimque ( 2 V 2 ). Camp Ouareau, Montcalm—468-76, Chil., X, Via BSt. Agathe des Monts. Canaan, Sheff.—413-103, Granby, CN. Cann, Champ.—650-62, BLa Tuque, CN. Cannon, Dor.—299-91, Lange., XI, BKiourac, Via St. Justine. Canorasset, Terre—BSt. Jerome (5), Via Shawbndge. Canrobert (Ange Gardien de Rouville), Rou. 415-103, CP, 41, P. 281—204. . „ Canterbury, Comp.—373-104, Bury, Via Scotstown, -0-- Cantic, St. Jean—425-119, Lacolle, BLacolle, CN, %[x], A, Cantin, Levis—317-60, St. Lam. de Levis, X, BSt. Lambert Cantley, Hull—499-140, E. Hull 45, X, BHull, Via Ironside, Canton Begin, Chic.— 742-66, Begin, X, Via Bjonquieres. # Canuta, Deux Mts.—455-101, L. Deux Mts., BSte. Scholasti- que, Via St. Canut. C. Alright, Mag. I.— 312-162, Alright I. Cap a L’Aigle, Chari.—228-76, Mt. Murray, X$, Via BLa Malbaie, A, P. 444—436. Cap a la Baleine, Matane—340-126, Cher., (XI, Via ■ Matane. Cap a la Branche, Chari.—243-66, I. aux Coud., X$, Via ■ Baie St. Paul. Cap au Corbeau, Chari.—241-66, St. P. Bay, IXJ$ Via BBaie St Paul Cap au Renard, Gaspe—324-129, Christie, 153$, BSte. Anne des Monts, Via Matane, 5^27-28. Cap aux Oies, Chari.—238-73, Les Eboule., lXJ$, BLes Eboule* Cap aux Os, 1 Gaspe— 315-150, Gaspe Bay N. 374, 1X1$, Via Cap Chat (Cape Chat), Gaspe—335-126, St. N. de Ca. 1X1 $. BSte. Anne des Monts, A, ^, P. 1,139, ^27-28-11. Cap de la Madeleine (Cap Madeleine), Champ.— jk)0-53 Cap de le Mad., X$, Via Trois Rivieres, CP, A, +, P. 8,748, Cap de la Madeleine Ouest (Cap Madeleine 1 mi.), Champ.— 400-53, Cap de la Mad., X$, Via Trois Rivieres, P. 450. Cap d’Espoir, Gaspe—322-155, Perce 376, X, Via BCape Cove Cap des Rosiers (L’Anse a la Louise), Gaspe—314-153, Cap des Ros. 377, X$, ■ Gaspe, P. 155, *£^27-28-1. C. du Dauphin, Mag. I.—307-161, Grosse I. Cape Chat ♦Cap Chat., Gaspe. Cape Cove, Gaspe — 322-155, Perce, 1X1$, CN, ^ , P. 147, «a^ 2Q-9 Capelton, Sher.—392-106, Ascot 713, X$, BWaterville, Via Sherbrooke, QC, A, P. 605. Cape Rosier ♦Cap des Rosiers P.O., Gaspe. Caplan Est ♦Riv. Caplan, Bona. Caplan River ♦Riviere Caplan, Bona. Cap Laurentides, Champ.—407-43, BGrand Mere (A), via Laurent. Caplin ♦St. Charles de Caplan P.O., Bona. Cap Madeleine (Cap de la Madeleine), Champ.—Cap de: la Mad. 788, X1 S. Via Trois Rivieres, CP, A, T. 8,/48, Cap Martin, Chari—236-65. Cap Rouge, Que—314-53, St. Foy 82, IX$» CN, P. 450. Cap St. Ignace, Montma.—266-69, St. Ig. 83, |X1$> CN,A>P^15 Cap St. Ignace Station, Montma.—266-71, Cap St. Ig., 1X1$, ■ Cap St. Ignace, CN, A, P. 118. . Cap St. Martin (Le Cap), Laval—439-99, St. Martin, [XJ$, ■ St. Vincent de Paul, CP, A, P H8. Cap. Salmon, Chari.—224-84. Cap Sante, Port.—354-46, Cap Sante 84, EX1$, C N, y 1 , P. 928. Caps St. Fidele, Chari.—225-81, Mt. Murray, X, Via La Malbaie. Cap Tourmente, Montmor.—268-61, St. Joa. de Montmor., 1X1 $. BSt. Joachim de Montmor., CN . Capucins, Matane—335-127, Romieu, IX], BSte. Anne des Monts, Via Mechins. — Carbonneau, Champ.—412-48, N. D. du Mt. Carmel, CXJ$, Via BShawinigan Falls (1%). _. , Careys Hill, Bona.—338447, New Richm., CX]$, BNew Rich- .mond, Via Black Capes (2). __ Cariboo Islands (Ilets Caribou), Sag.—330-119, Des Monts, XI . Via Penticost Riv., Caribou ★Lake Edward, Que.—7 54-13 , Laure. Carignan, Champ.—433-12, Cari g., 1X 1, Via BLa Tuque. Carillon, Arg.—458-109, Chat., X$, BSt. Andrews E., UN, a p jgg_290 ^^ 31 Carleton, Bona.—342-144, Cart. 379, ISIS, BNew Richmond, CN ^ P 1 300 Carleton Centre, Bona.— 341-144, Carl., 1X 1$’, Via Carlton (2). Carleton Ouest, Bona.— 342-144, Carl., X, BNew Richmond, Via Carleton (1%). Carlin Comers, Arg.—467-105, Gren., Via B Lachute.__ IN D EX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Carling Lake, Arg.—471-107, Gren., Via BLachute. C ar mell, Drum.—401-74, Drum., IX] r ■ Drummondville E., Via Bon Conseil, 4C P. 130. Caroline, Rou.,—421-99, Rou., ON. Caron, L. St. J.—739-44, Caron, Via BH-ebertville Sta. ( 6 ). Carrier (Carrier Jet.), Levis—304-60, Lauz., CS, BSt. Henri de Levis, QC. Carrier Jet. ♦Carrier, Levis. Carroll, Pont.—534-163, Walt., [SI, ■ Chapeau (5), Via Wal- tham. Carr’s, Hunt.—446-130, Godm. ■ Huntingdon, CN, A Carter, Gaspe—318-147, York, EXl f Gaspe (7), Via Doug- lastown. Cartier, Beauh.—444-121, Beauh., Via St. Stanislas. Cartierville, Lazard ( 1 ), Jac. Cart. Casault, Montma—275-66, R. du Sud, Via BSt. Pierre Cascades, Hull—501-141, Hull, E3, BWakefield, CP, 4k. Cascades Point, Soul.—442-113, Soul. 833, [>2$, BVaudreuil Station, 4L ^^ 22 . Cascapedia (Grand Cascapedia P. O.), Bon.—337-145, New Rich., CN, P. 313. Casey, Champ.—643-66, Lavig., Eg], BLa Tuque, CN. Casgrain ★St. Anne de Beaupre, Montmor.—278-56, St. A. de Beaupre, QRL&P. Casgrain, Sheff.—468-94, Roxton. Casgrain, Chari., Les Eboule., Via BLes Eboulements (1). Cassville, Stan.—396-116, Stan., B Ayer’s, Via Boynton. Castlenaw, LTsl.—262-90, Cas., ESI, BSt. Pamphile, Via La- fontaine. Caste’haw Ouest, L’lsl.—263-87, Cas., Eg], BSt. Pamphile (9). Castlebar, Richm.—386-83, Ship., Via B Danville, 4k. Castle Gardens, Chambly—429-100, Long., M&SC, Castonguay, LTsl.—252-80, Ashford, E<], Via BSt. Louise ( 8 ). Caughnawaga ♦Adirondack Jet., Lap. Causapscal (Stn. 1 mi.), Matap.—348-134, Caus., CN, P. 1,390. Causapscal Station, Mata.—348-134, Caus. 575, Eg$, BCaus¬ apscal, CN, P. 358. Cavignac, Bagot—415-81, De Ram., BSt. Hugues, CP, Cawood, Pont.—519-143, Alleyn, ixi . Via BKazabazua. Caxton, St. Maur.—418-54, Cax., BSt. Barnabe Nord, Via Yamachiche. Cazaville, Hunt.—449-130, St. Anicet, 1 X 1 . Via Whites. Cecile, Beauh.—444-118, Beauh., CN, NYC. Cedar Hall ♦Val Brilliant, Mata. Cedar Park, Jac. Cart.—441-107, I. Mtrl., CP. Cedars (Les Cedres), Soul.—447-115, Cedars 842, IXl $ r CN, £, P. 415, S^ 22 . Cedarville, Stan.—401-118, Stan. Ceramic, Tern.—578-129, CP. Chabot, Belle.—291-82, Rioux, 1 X 1 . BSt. Magloire, Via St. Camille. Chacoura, Mask.—423-56, Dumont., Via BSt. Paulin. Chahoon, Champ.—413-43, St. J. Bap., 1 X1 $, Via BGrand ’Mere. Chaleurs, Bona.—338-147, New Richm., 1 X 1 $. Via BNew Rich¬ mond. Chalifoux, Hull—529-124, Camer., [X], BMessines, Via Bur- bridge. Chaloupe River, Sag.—300-124, Mingan L., Via Riviere aux Graines ( 6 ). Chambly (Chambly Basin), Chambly—426-101, Chambly 3, M&SC, 4k, P. 1,068—1,287. Chambly Basin ♦Chambly, Chambly. Chambly Canton, Chambly—426-101, W. Chambly 4, 1X1 $. BChambly, M&SC, £, + P. 839—955. Chambord, L. St. J.—730-45, Metabet. 319, 1X1 $. CN, iji[x], P. 950. Chambord Jet., L. St. J.—73045, Chari., Eg]$, BChambord (Vs), * 0 , 4k. Champcoeur, Abit.—627-125, Lamor., IS], BAmos (10), Via Barraute. Champigny, Que—314-51, Anc. Lor., 1X1 $. BQuebec, Via Lorette (%). Cha.mpich ★St. Alexis, Bona., Matap. Champlain, Champ.—396-o0, Champ. 789, 1 ^* 0 $. CP, 4^> 4 1 , P. 698—555, ^2. Chandler (Chandler Stn.), Gaspe—325-154, Pabos, SIS, CN, *0, P. 1,756—1,741, 2^29-9. Chandler Station ♦Chandler, Gaspe. Chandonnet, Meg.—371-69, Halifax, Via B Plessisville. Channel, Brome—400-109, Bolton, Via B Magog. Chantelle, Montcalm—457-78, Chert., Via BRawdon. Chapais, L’lsl.—261-88, Dionne, Eg], BSte. Perpetue de LTsl Via Lafontaine. Chapeau, Pont.—568-104, Allumette I, 1 X 1 $'. Via B Pembroke ( 8 ), P. 314—414. Chapelle ★ Sault au Cochon, Montmor. —259-61. Chapleau Station (Lake Chapleau), Arg.—467-96, Went., X, BArundel, CN. Charette, St. Maur.—420-53, St. Bar., CN, 4k, P. 300. Charlemagne, L’Ass.—435^91, St. Char. Lach. 5, ESI*, CN, P. 829—813. Charlesbourg, Que.—304-51, Que. 85, fXI S. CN, 4k, P. 1,267-1,869 Charlesbourg Ouest, Que.—303-50, St. Ig., [X], BCharles- bourg, CN. Charlotte ★Bagot, Bagot—412-87, De Ram., CN. Chamy, Levis—317-54, Lauz. 86 , SIS, CN, QC, P. 2,265— 2,823. Charrington, Comp.—384-115, Clif., BSt. Edwidge, Via Birch- ton. Charteris, Pont.—518-153, Claren., 1 X 1 $. Via BShawville. Chartierville, Comp.—374-114, Ember. 714, 1 X 1 $. BLa Patrie, Via Scotstown, Chatboro, Arg.—464-109, Chat., BLaohute (3), Via Stayner- ville. Chateau Briand, Meg., Nelson, Via BLyster Station. Chateau d’Eau, Que.—308-48, St. Gab., CN, P. 160. Chateau de Versailles, Champ.—400-1, P. 8 . Chateauguay (Chateauguay Basin), Chat.—436-109, Chat 834 SIS, NYC, 4k, P. 881—1.067. Chateauguay Basin (Chateauguay), Chat.—437-108, Chat., EE2$, B Chateauguay, NYC, £, P. 881—1,067. Chateau Richer, Montmor.—282-54, Chat Richer’87 1 X 1 $ QRL&P, 4k, +, P. 700. Chatillon, Yam.—407-67, Cournal, Via BSt. Perpetue. Chaudiere (Chaudiere Stn. P. O.), Levis—318-56, Lauz 88 CN, 4k, P. 200. ' ’ i/uauaiere uasin, i^evis—dll-od, St. Rom., Xl.BCharny (2V 2 ) Via St. Romuald. Chaudiere Statical ♦Chaudiere, Levis Chaumont, Lot.—339-60, St. Ag., ^], Via BSt. Agapit, P 200 Chelsea, Hull—498-143, Hull, K|$, BHull CP 4k P 130 * Chemin Archambault, L. St. J.—735-54, BSt. Joseph d’Alma (7), Via Isle Ma'ligne. Chemin des Buttes, Mag. I.—310-164, Mag. I., |X1 BGrind- stone I., Via Pte. Basse. oiiemin au me, 1 emis.—226-96, R. du Loup, ^ B Riviere du Loup, CN, P. 350. Chemin Neuf, Dor.-309-79, Cran., KI, Via BSt. Malachie. Chemm Tache, Temis.—225-108. Chemin Yamaska, Drum.—410-78, Gran., Via BSt. Germaine de Grantham. Chenard, Kam.—Via BSt. Alexandre de Kam ( 4 ) Ch®neville, Pap. 491-112, Hartw. 46, ISIS, Via Papineau- ville, 4k, P. 611—618. Chenier, Hull—528-133, Wright, SI, Via BGracefield Chensy, Gaspe—328-154, Newp., S, B Chandler ( 1 %) Via Newport. Cherry River, Sher.,—398-405, Orford, Via B Magog. Chester Nord, Arth.—378-71, Chester, [^], BSt. Norbert d’Arth., Via Princeville. Chesterville ♦St. Paul de Chester, Arth. Chevalier, Que.—296-51, Beaup., ISl, Via BBeauport. Chevreflls, Wolfe—384-89, Wotton, BWotton, Via Danville. Chibougamau, L. St. J.—Blakis Pt., 1^1 Chichester, Pont.—568-105, Chiches., [SIS, BChapeau (7), Via Pembroke. Chicoine, Bagot—407-86, Acton. Chicot, Deux Mts.—445-102, Mille I., CP. — 9 — Chicoutimi, Chic.—759-62, Chic. 315, ISIS, CN, Rob. & Sag. A 5=, P. 8,937—11,877, Safe 17-23-10. , Chicoutimi Centre, Chic.-759-62, SS, Via ■Chicoutimi (1) Chicoutimi le Bassin ♦Le Bassin, Chic. Chicoutimi Ouest, Chic.-757-61, 21$, ■ Chicoutimi, Rob. & g a g dp. China Clay ♦China Clay Mine, Pap.—Amher S t. China Clay Mine (China Clay) , Pap° 2 , rp A p ioo Choisv Vaud —452-112, Vaud., KIS, ■Rigaud. CP, A. P- luu Choquette, Montana.—270-68, St. Jo^Via "Mont^goy. Christievilie, Arg.-462-93, Morin, 2, "Ste. Agathe des Chute aux Outardes (Outardes), Sag.-Raguen., IS, "Bet- Chu«^r U S)^rl.-225-73, Murray Bay, ChutaFpanet! Port.—352-36, ’ Bourg Louis, 2$, "St. Ray- Chute Rouge' Hull—545-119, Lytton, IS, Via Maniwaki. Chute Shipshaw, Chic.—752-61, Simard, 2, BArvida, Via Chute Victoria, ^Lab.—533-92, Rochon, IS, Via ■Barrette. Chutes Peribonka ♦St. Monique, L. St. J.—731-59, Tail. Cimon, Chic.—767-63, Bagot, Rob & Sag. Clairvaux de Bagot, Bagot—415-86, St. Simon, Clap ham 11 Meg -363-73, Ire., Via BThetford Mines Clapperton, Bona.-341-144, Maria, S, -New Richmond, Clarenceville^Miss.—423-119, Noyan, 2$', Via Cantic, *0, A, P- 277—268. Clarendon, Pont.—516-159, Claren., CN. Clarke CityTsagi—314-113, Arr.aud 871, SS, "Seven Islands, d* ^24-25-26. ^ ^ Claude River ♦Riviere a Claude P.O., Gaspe. Cleary’s, Sheff.—407-99, Sheff., C P. ,, Clement, Hull—525-126, North., IS, Via BGracefield. Clement, Montcalm—445-82, St. Sul., CN. Clemow Hull—529-131, Wright, CN. . - ClemviUe, Bona.—331-151, Pt. Daniel, S, "Port Daniel Centre (4), Via Port Daniel Clericy, Abit.—612-138, Clency, l^lS, ^ ORT « p Clermont, Montmor.— Cote deBeaupre BQuebec (4),QRL&P Clifton (East Clifton P.O.), Comp.—382-111, CP. , Cloridorme, Gaspe—314-141, Clor., 153$, ■ Riviere au Renard, dbe ®^28-l-9. _ • • Cloridorme Ouest, Gaspe— 316-140, Clor., IS, ■ Riviere au Renard (61) Cloridorme Cloutier, Temis.-233-115, N. D. de Lac, Tern. Ry. dova Abit.—630-85, r^Cl . BLa Tuque, CN. _ , . . Club Shawinigan, St. Maur.—430-42, Belleau, CE3, BShawim- ean Falls, Via St. Boniface. Clyde’s Corners, Hunt.—446-129, Godm., B Huntingdon, Via Coaticook, Stanstead-388-116, Barns. 715, 2$, CN, *, &, i P. 3,554—4,044. Coffee ♦rBelcourt, Abit.—619-118. TT *.• a * Coffey’s Comers, Hunt.—447-130, Godm., ■ Huntingdon, \ 1 a Coin Rond, Ver.-427-91, BSt. Julie de Ver. Via Beloeil Colbert, Port.—332-38, Bourg Louis, S, Via ■ St. Ray- Coleraine Station, Meg.— 363-83, P ' 197 CoUfield, Pont. 521 - 156 , Litch., Via_llCampbeU^^Bay. B'Chandler, Via iMakamik, CN. Collinsville, Sher.—391-103, Ascot, Colne Valley, Arg., BSt. Agathe (10) Colomb, Gaspe—325-152, Little Pabos, St. Adelaide. Colombourg, Abit.—617-147, La Sarre, Darveau, Levis— 320-54, Lauz., Via BSt. Nicolas (1). Comeau Bay ^Manicougan, Sag— 345-115, Lafleche, ESI, ■ Rimouski, 24-26. Comins Mills, Comp .-385-122, Here., ■ Coaticook, Via Dix- ville, Commissidners Lake ♦Lac des Commissaires, L. St. J. I N QUEBEC Como, Vaud.—449-111, Vaud., P. 279—337. Compton^^^pb^Stationf, Comp. 389-110, Comp. 716,S$ Compton* Station (Compton), Comp.— 389-110, Comp., CN, Conception ♦La Conception Station), Lab. Conde L. St. J., Rober., BRoberval (7), Via St. Prime. Coney’ Isiand Staticln, Rich.— 390-96, Wind. Conference, Brome—405-110, Broine, CP. . g- 9 _ Contrecoeur, Ver.-427-82, Centre. 6 , S3, CN, A, T> P- *>59 794 *5^3. Convent, Jac. Cart., BLachine, CN. Coocoocache, Champ., BLa Tuque, Via Flamand. Cooke, St. Maur.— 406-55, St. Marg., • CP A ^ Cookshire,- Comp.—382-104, Eaton 717, ISIS, , A> ir> P. 950—946. cXn Junt^slmVlSve 7 :, Via . Hemmingford. Corcoran, Job— 451-74, Kih, 2, "Kildare, Via Rawdon. Cordcla, Montcalm—447-82, Raw., CN. Corhss, Stan.—392-118, Barn., Via BCoaticook Comer of the Beach, Gaspe—320-153, Perce, 2$, BBara- chois de Malbaie, CN, P• 300, S^29. Corris -irMorse, Richm.—392-91, Cleve. Corriveau, Beauce— 346-82, St Eph. de Tnng, 2, Via BSt. Ephrem de Tring. _ _. ~ Cortereal, Gaspe-317-145, Syd 5,12, Via "Gaspe. Cossetteville, Champ.—401-39, St. Tite, Via BSt. Tite. Coteau ♦Coteau Station, Soul. Tr . Tirl „ Coteau du Lac, Soul.—447-118, Soul. 835, 123$, Via Wilson- vale, A, P- 435—431, -£afc 22 . Coteau Landing, Soul.—447-121, St. Zot., 2d$, Via BCoteau Station, A, P- 365-343, £gs 22 . Coteau Station, Soul.-449-120, Soul. 836, 2$, Via Coteau, A P 848 Cote des Corbeil, Deux Mts.—446-101, Milles I., Via BSt. Augustin Deux Mts. , Cote des Neiges Ouest (Part of Montreal), Hoch.— 437 - 102 , I. of Mtrl. Cote des Ouimet, Laval, Via BSt. Rose. Cote des Perron, Laval—441-97, Via BSt. Rose. Cote Double, Deux Mts.—452-107, L. Deux Mts., BSt. Benoit, Via St. Placide. Cote Montmorency, Montmor.—282-51, P. 3. Cote Perdue, Que.— 267-32, P. 20. Cote Rouge, Deux Mts.—450-107, L. Deux Mts., Via BSt. Benoit. Cote St. Emmanuel, Soul.—449-116, BSt. Rose (Laval), Via St. Dominique, A- , r . 0x Cote St. Etienne, Deux Mts.—451-106, L. Deux Mts., \ la BSt. Benoit. Cote St. Hennas, Deux Mts.—453-104, L. Deux Mts. Cote St. Joseph, Chat.—439-110, Chat. Cote St. Joseph, Richm.—393-98, Bromp., Via BBrompton- ville. Cote St. Joseph, Pap.— 483-121, La Petite Nat., BPapineau- ville (4), Via Plaisance. Cote St. Leonard, Hoch.—436-96, I. of Mtrl., IXl . Via BPointe aux Trembles. Cote St. Luc, Jac. Cart., Via BMontreal W., P. 377—490. Cote St. Paul (St. Paul), (Part of Montreal), Jac. Car.—435- 101, P. 3,000. Cote St. Pierre, Pap.—487-114, St. Andre Avel., CSl, BSt. Andre Avellin, Via Papineau ville. Cote Ste. Rose, Laval—443-100, I. Jesus. Cote Ste. Therese, Nap.—432-111, La Salle, BSt. Remi, CN. Cote St. Vincent, Deux Mts.—450-104, L. Deux Mts., Via BSte. Soholastique. Cotes Mills, Wolfe—370-78, Wolfes., BSt. Ferdinand, Via Dis¬ raeli. Cote Visitation (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—435-101, I. of Mtrl. Couillard, Montma.—270-71, St. Jos., Via BMontmagny. Coulombe, Dor.—316-65, St. Is., IXl . Via BSt. Isidore. Courcelette, Chari.—225-77, St. Fidele, 1X3. Via BLa Malbaie. 10 - Courcelles^ Front—356-92, Aylmer, BSt. Evariste Stn., Courchesne, Temis—241-119, Rob CN Coumoyer, Nic.—393-57, Becon., Via BBecancour Coumlle^St. Louis de Courval, Que—296-52, Beaup., P. 1,293 Cousineau Pap.-491-135, Temple., BHull Via Angers Couteau Lac, Pont.—531-139, P. 13. S ' INDEX AUX PL ACES DANS QUEBEC ■ St. Honore de Temis, . Via BAmqui (5). St. Chrysostome, Via Couturier, Temis.—230-103, Nem.’ Temis. Ry. Couturval, Matap.—352-128, Nem Covey Hill, Hunt.—434-126, Have Hemmingford, £k. Cowans, Hunt.—433- 122 , Have., BSt. Chrysostome, Via Hem- mingford. Cowansville, Miss-413-11/1, Dun. 644, |S», CP, * 0 , £, * Jr. 1,004—1,859. Crabtree ♦Crabtree Mills, Jol. Crabtree Mills (Crabtree), Jol.—437-79, Lav. 435 , [S 3 $ Bjoli- ette, CN, . ’ Craig’s Road Station, Levis—330-57, St. Et. de Lauz. ■ St. Romuald, CN, P. 450 Cranberry, Meg.—364-76, Ire., E 21 , Via ■ Black Lake Cranboume, Dor.—312-80, Cran. 89, [SI, Via BSt. Joseph de Beauce, P. 800. Crawford -A-Leggat, Matane—Thib. Crawfordville, Meg.—355-75, Leeds, Via BThetford Mines. Creemore, Pont.—523-151, Thorne, K|, Via ■ Campbell’s Bay. Cremazie, L’Isl—263-86, Garneau, 152, BSte. Perpetue de L’lslet, Via Lafontaine. Cressman, Champ.—600-9, Pay., CN Crest, Tern.—581-134, CP. Cresthill, Hull—532-121, Ken., Via BManiwaki Crossbury, Comp.—379-102,’ Bury, Via BBury Cross Point, Bona.—347-141, Restig., |SJ$, B Campbellton, N.B., CN, P. 98. Crystal Falls, Arg.—480-96, Arun., Via B Arundel, £k Cugnet ★Cantin, Levis—319-60, Lauz. Culdaff, Dor.—315-82, Cranb., [>C], BSt. Georges de Beauce, Via Cumberland. Cushing, Arg.—460-110, Chat., BLachute, CN, 4k. Cushing Jct„ Arg.—462-110, Chat., CN. Custeau, Meg.—351-74, Thet., Via B Robertsonville. Cyr, Bona.—337-147, Hamil., [X], BN ew R ichmond,Via Caplin Daaquam, Montma.—285-90, Panet, £3$, BSt. Camille de Belle., QC, +, P. 100. Dablon ^Bilodeau, L. St. J.—729-37, Dablon. D’Aiguillon, Gaspe—316-151, Cap Ros., EE3, Via BGaspe. D’Ailleboust, Que.—B Quebec (4), Via Lorette. Dalesville, Arg.—463-105, Chat., EE2, Via BLachute. Dalhousie, Bona.—344-145, Dal. Dalhousie Mills (Dalhousie Station), Soul.—454-123, CP 4 s P. 300. Dalhousie Station ♦Dalhousie Mills, Soul. Dalibaire, Matane—338-126, Dali. 581, 1 X 1 $. HSte. Anne des Monts, Via Mechins, Dalling, Sheff.—400-94, Ely, Via BValcourt, P. 250. Dalmas, L. St. J.—704-46, Dalmas, IXI &, Via BDolbeau (19). Dalquier, Abit.—622-131, Dal., ixi . Via BAmos ( 8 ). Daly ^Lafontaine, LTsl.—256-85, Lafon. D’Amade, Belle.—296-65, Via St. Charles. Danby, Drum.—402-87, Dur., Xl $. BActonvale, CN, £k, P. 135 Danford Lake, Pont.—522-139, Alleyn, IX1 S. Via BKazabazua Danville, Richm.—390-84, Ship. 718, [X1 &. CN, £k, P. 1,290 —1,354. Daoust ★ Macaza, Lab.—March. D’Arcy (D’Arcy Corners), Rou.—417-100, M&SC., £k, : $r- D’Arcy Comers ♦D’Arcy,Rou. D’Argenson, Laval—440-95, I. Jesus, B Terrebonne, Via De Sales. D’Artagnan, Levis—310-62, Lauz., St. Henry Village. I St. Henri de Levis, Via Dartigny, Temis.—216-100, Loch., Via Blsle Verte Dasserat, Tern.—NC. D ’Auteull, Port.-;355-39, St. B. de Port., |SI. Via BSt. Basil de Port. (7). D’Autray, Berthier—430-75, Berthier, Via ■ Berthierville Daveluyville, Arth.—389-64, Mad. 504, £>§]$, CN, J*, P. 384— 342. Davidson, Pont.—529-157, Mans., [Sl$, ■Fort Coulonge CP Davidson Comers, Pap.—194-140, Temple., ■ Ottawa Ont., Via Gatineau. Davidson Hill, Shelf.-404-92, Ely, Via Roxton Falls. Dawson ★St. Alexis, Bona., Matap. De Beaujeu, Soul_-451-119, New Long,, CSI, BSt. Polycarpe, DeeSideBona’. —350-142, Matap., [SI, ■ Campbellton, N.B., Via Matapedia, P. 150. De ForeeviUe Gaspe—321-153, Perce, Via ■ Perce (7). Defncheur, Chic. 738-61, Tache, BSt. Jean de Dieu, Via Isle Maligne. De Gros Bois, Terre.—472-87, Beres CP Delage, Que., Via B Charlesbourg (5). Delagrave, Montma.—276-66, Lepinay, [> 3 , Via BSt. Pierre Montma. * Delaire, Gaspe, Doug. W., 1 X 1 . BGaspe ( 1 ) Delaire, Stan.—400-107, Magog CP Delamarre, Meg.—356-64, Nelson, BLyster De Lanaudiere, Berthier-431-80, Lav., Via BLavaltrie Deleage ★Mamwaki, Hull—537-123, Ken., [SI, Via BMani- waki. De Lery, Chat—437-111, Chat., [SI, BBeauharnois, Via Belle- vue, tr. 540 — 561. De Lesseps Terre.-481-92, De Sala., [SI, Via BSt. Jovite D d Alma S p J 535 734 ' 59 ’ DeHsle 327 > ^ $ ’ Via " St Joseph DeU, Comp—371-102, Ling., BScotstown, Via McLeod’s. Delmont, Hunt. — 447-127, Godm., Via ■ Huntingdon, A. Deloruiuer (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—435-101 fXlg’ Delson ^atwn^ Lap.-432-107, St. Con., tS», CN, CP, N Jet., DelS p“4287B e ’ Lap - 432 ' 108 ’ DeIson - EH Via Delson. De \ Y ia’Ma a ta P ne~ 334 ' 127 ’ R ° mj '’ ^ " Ste - Anne des Monts - Demers, Lot—341-60, BAgapit, Via St Agapit. Demers Centre, Pont.—567-104, Allumette I. 560, 15^1 8 Via B Pembroke, Ont. ( 4 ). nS^r 347-133 Matal., [SI,Via BCausapscal ( 5 ). Demau (Lafontaine), L Isl.—259-84, Lafont., [>C]$ aTour- ville, Via Lafontaine, P 124 ' Denison’s Mills, Richm.-391.85, Ship., Via Richmond. Denonville, Temis—217-105, La Neuf. ISI, Via Blsle Verte (7) Denonville, Sag—315114, ■ Seven Islands, Via Clarke City. Dequen, L. St. J—726-36, Dequen, [> 3 S, BRoberval, Via Bilodeau. * Dequen Nord, L. St. J-730-40, Metabet. BRoberval Via Bilodeau. De Ramsay, Jol.—443-69, De Ram., Via BSt. Felix de Valois. 200 . De St. Just (St. Just), Kam.—238-81, R. Ouelle, [SI, BSt Pacome, Via Riviere Ouelle De Salaberry Park, Chambly^28-102, Chambly O., M&SC De Salaberry Sta., Que. De Iffi^CP*’ Francois de SaIes Sta ) - Laval—439-94, I. Jesus Desbiens (St. Emilien), L. St. J—733-44, Metabet. 347 [S!$ BMetabetchouan, CN, P. 646. Deschaillons (St. Jean Deschaillons), Lot.—378-48, St. J. des Chail. 90, 1X1$, Via Fortierville, £k, P. 1,680_1,650, 3^2. Deschambault, Port.—363-46, Descham. 91, 1X1 $; CP, CN, 4k, P. 800. ’ ’ * Deschambault Station, Port —363-46, Descham. S3 BDes- chambault, CP, P. 366. Deschamps, Pap.—183-119, La P. Nat., BSt. Andre Avellin Via Papineauville. Deschene (Deschene’s Mills), Hull—491-146, Hull 47 CP P 294 Deschene’s Mills ♦Deschene, Hull—491-146. — 11 — E S IN Q U E B EC Desgagnes, Charl.-241-61, St. Plac., EE3, Via "Baie St. Paul (5). . „ Deshaies, Nic., Becon., Via B ® ca ”^°? 1 r ; p t _ 566 . 1 o5 Allum. StSSOTiSS Desmeloiz*! La Reine (7), Abit-619-152, Demel, IS, Via De s"om a s R Dir e -310-85. Cram, S, -Kirouac, Via Ste. Ger- Dame de Stanbridge, CV , 4L H , no 4 qq Kam Dessaint (St Germain de Kamouraska), Kam.—234-88, Kam, ■ St. Pascal, ON, .&• Des Santes, Que.— 311-50. Desserat, Tern.— 607-147 T^i teVia«No.r, D,m« d. L,c(W,[. Deux Montagnes (St. Monique des deux Montagnes P. 0,) ’ Deux Mts.-447.99 Ste. M. des Deux Mts.302 CN „ Deux Rivieres ★St. Stanislas, Champ.— 396-43, St. Stan, A # P. 642—670. . ... Devault, Mask.—422-60, Grandpre Via BLouiseville. Devonshire Park, Pont.—<531-158, Mans., CP. Dewittville, Hunt—442-125, Godm, 'CE3$, ■ Huntingdon,CX.O- Diamond, Levis—313-56, Lauz., CN. „ ch\r R&S Diamond Crossing, Jonquieres (1), Chic.— Jerome, Via Shawbridge. - Fox Bay, Sag.—295-167, Anti. I., BGaspe, Via Natashquan, Fox River ♦Riviere au Renard, Gaspe. Fradetville, Belle—287-71, Armagh, [>3, Via B Armagh. Frampton, Dor—312-71, W. Framp. 94, Via St. Mala- chie, P. 888. Francoeur ♦Barabe, Lot. Francoeur Villege ♦St. Apollinaire, Lot. Fracoeurville, Drum.—394-84, Kingsey, Via Richmond. Francois du Lac ♦St. Francois du Lac, Yam. Franklin ♦Franquelin P.O., Sag. Franklin Centre, Hunt.—438-126, Frank., Via Orms- town, P. 160. Franquelin (Franklin), Sag.—343-114, Franq., £><], BRimous- ki, ^24-25-26. . i _. Fraser’s Point, Hunt.—449-131, Godm., ■ Huntingdon, Via St. Agnes. Fraserville ♦Riviere du Loup en bas, Temis. Frechette, Meg.—372-73, St. Ferd., BSt. Ferdinand, Via Plessisville. Fredet, Belle., 287-71. Freeport, Miss.—411-110, Dun. CP. _ Frelighsburg, Miss.—413-117, St. Armand 647, fX)$, CN, ^0, P. 254—291. Frenette, Port.—353-41, St. B. de Port., IXl . Via BSt. Basile de Port. (2). Frenette, LTsl.—252-73. Freppel, LTsl—261-85, Garneau, BSte. Perpetue de LTsl, Via Lafontaine. Freshwater, Pont.—525-158, Calumet I., 1XJ . Via ■ Camp¬ bell’s Bay Fresniere, Deux Mts.—448-105, Mille I., CN, Frigon, Abit., Malhiot, BLa Tuque (3), Via Oskelaneo River. Froissart ★Oskelaneo River, Abit. Frontenac, Que.—296-54, Beaup., QRL&P. Frontier, Hunt.—433-125, Have., Via BHemmingford. Frost Village, Sheff.—405-103, Sheff, 1X1 . Via B Waterloo, Q. Fugereville, Tern.—595-139, Laver., lXl $. B Lorrainville, Via Laverlochere. Fulford, Brome—407-106, Brome, 1X1 $. BWaterloo, CP. Gabelle, St. Maur.—412-51. St. Et. des Gres, 1S1, BTrois Rivieres, Via La Gabelle. Gaboury, Tern.—593-140, CP. Gagne, Bona.—340-143, Maria, [>3, BNew Richmond, Via Maria (3). Gagncfci, ★St. Anne de Beaupre, Montmor«—275-57, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Gagnon, Dor.—302-92, BKironac, Via Limoges. Gallup Hill, Richm.—396-91, Mel., Via B Richmond. Galson, Comp.—369-97,Ling., Via BScotstown, Gamble, Comp.—386-111, B Lennoxyille, P. 30. Gamelin, Hoch.—436-97, I. Mtrl., 1X1 $. Via Maisonnouve. Gardenvale, Jac. Car.—I. Mtrl., 1X1 $. Via BSt. Anne de Bellevue. Garland, Chat.—436-122, Chat., BSt. Chrysostome, Via Aubrey Garneau (Garneau Jet.), Champ.—407-42, Radnor, BGrand Mere, CP, CN, &, +, P. 100. Garneau (Ste. Perpetue de L’lslet), LTsl.—260-84, Garneau 234, P. 500. Garneau Junction ♦Garneau, Cha mp. Garnier, Lab.—'539-102, Pope, IXl . Via BMont Laurier. Garrick Corners, Miss.—414 -115 , Dun. Garroz, Dor.—314-89, Wat., E3, BBeauceville E., Via Morisset Garthby Station, Wolfe—370-88, Garthby 725, |^]$, QC, £, P. 450. Gascons, Bona.—330-154, Pt. Dan. 381, 1XJ S. BPort Daniel Centre, CN, +, P. 312, ^29-9. Gascons Ouest, Bona.—330T54, Pt. Dan., 1X1 $. BPort Daniel Centre, Via Gascons (3). Gasparine, Chat.—432-117, Beauh., BSt. Remi, Via St. Michel. Gaspe, Gaspe—318-148, Gaspe, CN, P. 764-919, ♦5^27-29-1-9. Gaspe Harbour, Gaspe—York, ISIS, BGaspe (%), P. 100, ^29-1-9. Gatico ★Greening, Abit.—CN. Gatineau, Pap.—491-140, Temple., {X]$, CP, 4L P. 1,000. Gatineau Point ♦Pointe Gatineau P.O., Hull. Gaudette, Tern.—586-128, BTemiskaming Sta., Via Kipawa Gauthier, Gaspe—327-151, Pabos, S, BGrand River (3%), Via St. Adelaide. Gauvin, Bona.— 340-143, Maria, IS, BNew Richmond, Via Maria. Gendreau, Tern.—585-135, CP. Gendron ★St. Prosper, Champ—388-43. Gendron, Mask.—435-56, Hunter., L> &, P. 300, ^5. o a ... Geraldine, Hunt.—436-127, Have., BSt. Chrysostome, Via Hemmingford. Gerard, Yam.—418-70, CN, T + - Gerin, Mask.—430-62, St. Jus., [SI, Via BSt. Justin. Gervais, Berthier—Via BSt. Gabriel de Brandon. Gethsemani, Sag.—S, Via Natashquan (80). Getico, Abit.—637-75. _ T -r /o\ Giasson, L’lsl.-St. J. Pt. Joli., Via BSt. Jean Port Joli (3). Giffard, Que—299-50, Beaup. 95, 153$, Via Beauport (Vs), P. 1,254—3,573. „ ,. ... _. Gignac, Bona.— 334-152, Hope, 1S1, BPaspebiac, Via St. Godfroi (2). t^i , . Giguere, Chari.—Les Eboule., Via BLes Eboulements (17). Gilbert des Caps, Chari—247-61, Baie St. P., Via BBaie St. Gilman, Brome—410-110, Brome, BCowansville, Via West Brome. . Gingras, Lot.—341-53, Tilly, Via BSt. Apollinaire. Girard, St. Jean—424-114, 'St. Val., BSt. Jea n, CN. _/r.JroT Q+ T_ 794.48 (Tirard IXl. ■ TYrvI Kaoii Via Albanel Girardville Centre ♦Girardville, L. St. J. Gironde, Temis.—229-107, St. Hon, £3, Via BSt. Honore de Tern. (Vs), P. 300. Glace Hughes, Matane—342-124, Cher. Glehada, St. Maur.—418-45, Ste. Flore, Via BShawim- gan Falls. Glen Almond, Pap.—495-128, Buck, 1^1, Via BBuckingham, P. 200, -fe^-4. Glenbeau, Hull—527-130. Glendyne (Boisvert), Temis.—241-112, Bots, BNotre Dame du Lac, CN, +, P. 100. Glendyne Church ★Glendyne, Temis. Glenelm, Hunt.—443-128, Elgin, |^]$, B Huntingdon, Via Athclst&n Glen Emma ★Midstream, Bona.—351-136, Milnikek. Glenfarne, Hull—522-137, Aylwin, X, Via BKazabazua. Glen Gordon, Pap.—483-108, Pon. Glen Iver, Sher.—395-102, Orford 726. Glenlivet, Hull—505-136, Wake, Via BWakefield. Glen Lloyd, Meg.—355-70, Inver, B Inverness, Via Lipter. Glen Murray, Meg.—357-68, Inver, B Inverness, Via Lyster. Glen River, Front.—360-105, Whitton, C P. Glen Sutton, Brome—408-118, Sutton, 1X11 $. B Sutton, Via Glen ton, Q, P. 150. Glenton (Glen Sutton P. O.), Brome—406-119, Sutton, CP, &, P. 150. + Glen Villa, Stan.—394-108, Hatley, BMagog,Via North Hatley. Glyne Corners, Stan.—399-120, Stan. Gobeil, Chari.—224-74, La Malbaie, Via BLa Malbaie (7%). Godbout, Sag.—339-117, Des Monts 872, !^]$, +, P. xUO, ♦£■^1’ 24.25-26 Goldeci Bay, Richm.—395-92, Mel, fl Richmond, CP. Goldwin, Pont.—525-157, Calumet, B Campbell’s Bay, Via Vinton. 14 — INDEX A U X PLACES DANS QUEBEC Gore, Richm.—398-88, Mel., |^, ■ Richmond, CN, A Gosford, Port.—328-36, Gosford, Via BSt. Raymond A. Goshen Road Richm.-389-92, Wind., Via ■ Windsor Mills. Gossehn’s Mill, Comp.—386-112, Clif., Via Coaticook. Goudronnerie, Chari., Beaupre, Via Baie St. Paul ( 8 ) Gouffre, Chari., Le Gouf., Via BBaie St. Paul ( 4 ) Gouin, Champ.—396-23, Hackett, CN Gould, Comp^-373-99, Ling. 763,^1$,Via ■ Scotstown,OP,£. Gould Statioti ♦Gould, 375 - 102 . Goulet, Belle.——299-72, St. Michel, ISI, BSt. Damien de Buck- land, Via Brie. Gracefield, Hull—527-133, Wright 472, g P. 540, ^29-9. Grand Ruisseau, Mag. I.—312-159, Mag. I., [X, Via BGrind¬ stone I. Grand St. Esprit (Ste. Monique), Nic.—400-62, Nic., 1 X 1 $. Via BSt. Monique, A, P. 200. Grand St. Louis, Nic.—395-57, Becan., 1 X 1 . Via BBecancour. Graniteville, Stan.—400-119, Stan., X$, B Beebe, Via Beebe Jet., A- Gravel, Bona.—337-148, iXI . BNew Carlisle, Via Caplin. Gravelle, Hull—531-130, CP. Gray Valley, Arg.-^81-102, Arg., IX, BArundel, CN. Greece’s Point, Arg.-^63-112, Chat., X, BLachute (1), Via Cushing, A, P- 105, £1^31. Greenfield Park, Chambly—430-99, Long, X, M&SC, P.1,610. Greening, Abit.—642-80, Mont, X, Ha Tuque, CN. Greefcilay, Richm.—393-94, St. Fran, de Bromp, 1 X1 $. Via B Windsor Mills. Green River ♦Riviere Verte, Temis. Greenshields, 391-88 Richm.—Cleve. Greer Mount (Grier), Pont.—521-153, Thorne, 1 X1 . BShaw- ville. Grenier, Beauce—335-70, St. Marie, Via BSte. Marie. Grenville, Arg.—466-110, Gren. 51, X$, CP, CN, 4k, +,P. 701 —719, ^31. Grenville Bay, Arg.—467-112, Gren, 1X1 . Via BGrenville. Grier ♦Greer Mt, Pont.—584-125. Griffin, Stan.—399-119, Stan, BBeebe, Via Tomifobia. Griffin Cove ♦Anse au Griffon, Gaspe. Grimmer, Tern.—584-135, CP. Grindstone Island (Grindstone L.), Mag. I. —312-162, Mag. I, X$, P. 300, *afe3Q. Grindstone Landing ♦Grindstone I, Mag. I. Grondines, Port.—375-46, Grond. 96, 1 X S. A, P. 430, £££2. Grondines Est, Port.—372-45, Gron, 1 X 1 f Via BGrondines, P. 125. Grondines Ouest, Port.—374-46, Grond. W, Via BGrondines, P. 190. Grondines Station, Port.—376-44, Seig of Grond, XI, BGron¬ dines, CP, A, P. 84. Gros Cap, Mag. I, Mag. I, 1X3 . Via BGrindstone I. Gros Garde ★Escuminac, Bona.—347-139, P. 9. Gros Morue (St. Antoine), Gaspe—318-134, Tasch, XI, BSte. Anne des Monts, S^27. Gros Pin, Que.—300-51, Charles, 1X1 . Via BCharlesbourg. Grosse He, Montma.—271-64, Grosse I. 97, 1 X1 . Via BMont- magny, A. +• Grosses Roches, Matane—339-127, Cher, XI$, Via BMatane. Grove Creek, Pont.—523-142, Alleyn, XI, Via B Kazabazua. Guay ♦Ville Guay, Levis. Guenette, Lab.—529-99, Camp, 1 X1 $. BVal Barrette, CP. Guerin ★Durocher, Miss, Stan. Guerin, Tern.—599-142, Guerin 413, 1 X1 $. B Notre Dame du Nord, Via Angliers. Guidon, Dor.—322-92, Wat, IXI . BSt. Georges de Beauce. Guigues, Tern.—596-143, Guig. 414, X$, Via BVille Marie, P. 175, *^32. Guite, Bona.—340-144, Maria, 1 X1 . BNew Richmond, Via Maria. Guthrie, Miss.—416-118, St. Armand, Via BSt. Armand Stn. Hackett Cove, Sag.—297-147, Anti. I. Hacquart, Temis.—223-111. Hadlow, Levis—305-55, Lauz-, B Levis, CN. Ha Ha Bay ♦Bagotsville, Chic. Ha Ha Bay Junctich, Chic.—754-60, Jon, 1X $ T BArvida, Via Chicoutimi, CN. Haldimand ♦Haldimand West, Gaspe. Haldimand East, Gaspe— 318-149, Hald, X, BGaspe iy 2 ), Via Douglastown. Haldimand West (Haldimand), Gaspe—318-149, Hald, fX $. BGaspe, Via Douglastown. Hallerton, Hunt.—430-121, Hem, B Hemmingford, P. 150. Hall’s Stream, Comp.—383-123, Here, BCoaticook, A- Halverson, Pont.—515-146, Old, Via B Wakefield. Hamel, Beauce—338-91, St. Geo, XI, Via BSt. George de Beauce. Hamelin, Port.— 374-44, Lachev, X, BSt. Marc des Car- rieres, Via La Chevrotier. Hamilton, Montcalm—447-80, Raw, CN. Hamilton Cove (Ste. Anne de Portneuf), Sag.—792-119, Port, 1X3 . Via BLes Escoumains. Hammermill, Matane, Matane, BMatane. Ham Nord ♦North Ham, Wolf. — 15 — PLACES IN QU E BEC Hampstead (Part of Montreal), Jac. Cart., I. Mtrl, ■ Mont¬ real, P. 53—594. Ham Sud ♦S. Ham, Wolfe. __ _ c ., Happy Mountains, Hull— 534-132, Bouch., (SI, BGracefield, Via Blue Sea. ^ Hardwood Flat, Comp.—378-102, Bury, \ia BBury. Hardwood Hills, Richm. -387-94, Wind., £3, Via ■ Windsor Harlaka (Harlaka Jet.), Levis—298-57, Lauz., CN, QC. Harricainaw Ouest, Abit.—616-130, Figuery, ES1, \ ia BAmos, P ‘243 Harrington East, Arg.—470-101, Harr., IX$, Via ■■Calumet, P 100. Harrington Harbour, Sag., ISI, +. P- !63. S^ 2 ?- Harwood, Vaud.—445-112, Vaud., Via BVaudreuil Stn. Haseville, Miss.—416-109, Farn. W., Via ■Farnham. Hatherly ★Makamik, Abit.—518 -143 . Hatley, Stan.—393-112, Hatley, IS]$, ■ Ayers, Via Massa- wippi, P. 250-229. T , yj ,, Hatley Centre, Stan.— 393 - 111 ,Hatley,■ Ayer s, Via N Hatley. Hauteur, Rim.—211-143, Masse, ISIS, Via BLuceville. Havre Aubert (Amherst), Mag. I.—314-164, Mag. I., CSJS, ■Grindstone I., ^^30. Havre St. Pierre ♦Esquimaux Point, Sag. Hazel Land, Arg.—464-93, Morin, (SI, BSte. Agathe des Monts, Via Morin Hgts. Heath Point, Sag.—297-170, Anti. I., Via Gaspe Heathton, Stan.—394-118, Barn., Via BRock Island. Hebert, Meg., Somer., Via B'Plessis ville. Hebertville, L. St. J.—742-48, Labarre, 1X1$, CN, P. 333. Hebertville Station, L. St. J.—739-49, Labarre 371, £33$, CN, A, P. 739—922. Hecks Corners, Miss.—423-120, Fouc. Hedley ★Quebec, Que.—302-52, N. D. des Anges. Helena, Hunt.—446-133, Elgin, ■ Huntingdon, Via Whites, Hemisoin, Dor.—307-74, E. Framp., £><] Via BSt. Malachie. Hemming Falls, Drum., Via Drummond ville . Hemmingford, Hunt.—431-122, Hem. 837, 1X1$, CN, ^0, A> ^ p 345 !_ 353 Henderson’s Grove, Meg.—359-74, Via BThetford Mines. Henderson Vale, Meg.—364-72, Inver., BSt. Ferdinand, Via St. Julie. . Hennepin, Dor.—302-78, Standon, XL Via BSt. Malachie (15) Henrivassal, Drum.—403-79, Gran., 03$, Via ■ Drummond¬ ville. __ Henry River ★Val Alain, Lot.—364-58, Lot., P<3, BSt. Fl avie n Henrysburg, St. Jean—428-119, St. Ber. de lacolle, D^l$, ■ Lacolle, CN. Henrysburg Centre, St. Jean—428-119, Lacolle. Henryville, Iber.—421-115, St. Geo. de Henri 649, IXJ$, V ia Stanbridge, A, P- 425. Heon, Arth.—377-77, Chester, £>3, BSt. Paul de Chester, Via Victoriaville. Heppel, Matap.—350-133, Matalik, X, BCausapscal. Herdman, Hunt.—442-129, Hinch., Via Huntingdon. Hereford, Comp.—386-123, Here., BCoaticook, Via Dixville, [x] Hermitage Club, Stan.—397-107, Stan., X, Via ■ Magog, ^5 Herouxville, Champ.—404-40, Batis. 825, EX$, BSt. Tite. Hervey ♦Hervey Jet., Port.—Grond. W. Hervey Junction (Hervey), Port.—392-31, Grond., 1X1)8, ■ St. Thecle. Hetriere, Belle.—298-63, Vaud., Via BSt. Charles de Belle. Heyworth, Hull—501446, Eard., ■ Aylmer E., Via Brecken- ridge. Hibbard ★Casey, Champ.—645-64. High Falls, Pap.—507-126, Bow., X$, BNotre Dame de la Salette, Via Buckingham, A< S^ 4 - Highland Gardens, Chambly—429-102, Long., M&BC. Highlands (Ville la Sale P.O.), Jac. Cart.—435-106, I Mtrl., CP NYC, P. 2,362. Highwater, Brome—406-119, Potton, [SIS, ■ Mansonville, CP, 4 , Hillcrest, Meg—368-73, Halifax, BSt. Ferdinand, Via Black Lake. tt:ii iTan/i Are - _458-103 Arg., \ ia BLachute. HiUhurst ’Comp -389-113. Comp.. IS», BCoaticook, CN, Willside^Miss_412-116, St. Armand, Via B Frelighsburg. Hindelang, Nic.-Lev BSte Sophie de Ward Vm B^et s Hochelag-a (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—435-101 Mtrl.L,lXJ$,A- Hodgins^ Pont —518-150, Thorne, X, Via BShawville Hollands MiUs, Pap.-504-130, Port., im Via BNotre Dame de La Salette, A- _. Holliday, Kam—246-86, lx., CN, ^ Holton, Chat.-433-119, Beauh., BSt Remi,Vu Aubrey CN. Wonfl^ur (Ste Monique P.O.), L. St. J. 72o-oy, jjaimas oo . Honfleur, Belle.—304-66, Livaud. 98, E>3$, Via BSt. Anselme, Honoreville, Iber.—419-104, Bleurie._ ,. Hopetown, Bona.—333-153, Hope, [^$, Via BPaspebiac. Houde, Lot—341-55, St. Ag., 1 ^ 1 , \ ia ■ St. Agap t. House Harbour, Mag. I.—312-160, Mag. I., IS3$, stone I., Via Pointe Basse, Howard Island, Brome— . Howard Valley, Arg.-^65-93, Howard, Via Morin Hgts. Howick, Chat.—437418, Geo. S. 838, 53$, CN, +, P. 457- Howick Jet. (Howick Sta.), Chat.—437-119, Geo. S., ■ Howick, CN, A, Howick Station ♦Howick Jet.. Chat. . . - , Tr . Huard, Bona.—333-151, Hope, ESI, BPort Daniel Centre, Via Huberdeauf Arg.—480-100, Arun. 473, 153$, CN, 4 +, P. 300. Hudson, Vaud.—450-111, Vaud. 839, X, CP, 4, +» p - Hudson lights, Vaud.— 4 50-l 11—Vaud., X$, BHudson, CP, Hull^ Hull—494-145, Hull 52, 1X3$, CP, CN, )®, A> ^ P.24,117—29,433, a&31. Hull East (Part of Hull City) Hull—494446, Huli, BHuU, CT Hull West (Hull Ouest), Hull—494-14o, Hull, ■ Hull, CP,4^f> Hunter’s Point, Tem.—589-131, X, BTemiskaming Sta., \ la Hunterstown, Mask.—430-53, Hunters., X, Via BSt. Paulin, Huntingdon, Hunt.—443-126, Godm. 840, ISIS, CN, NYC, A P. 1,401—1,619. t - Huntingville, Sher.—389-106, Ascot, Via ■ Lennoxville, A, P. 15 °- o a ir • Hurette, Lot.—339-53, Via BSt. Apollinaire Iberville, Iber.—423-106, St. Ath. 673, IX$, CN, CP, CV, A, i, P. 2,454—2,778. ^ II aux Oies, Montma-260-69, I. aux Grues, XI, Via BMont- Ile aux^ Cerfs, St. Hyac.—425-90, St. Char. R. Rich., X, Via ■ Beloeil Village. lie aux Noix (St. Paul), St. Jean—424-116, St. Val. 8, ISIS, ■ Lacolle, Via St. Valentin, A- _ . Aa lie Bizard (Isle Bizard), Jac. Cart.—443-106, St. Raph. Tile Biz. 9, IS, Via Beaconsfield, A, p - He de Ste. Helene, Lot.—345-63 He Main ville, Beauce, St. Jos., Via BSt. Joseph• 1 (5) • He Maligne (Isle Maligne), L. St. J—738-56, lie d Alma, S , BSt. Joseph d’Alma, A&J, P. 449. He Michon, Sag.—286-156, Goy., IX], Via Natashquan. Ilets Caribou ♦Caribou Us, Sag. Hots de Newport (Newport Islands), Gaspe, Newp., 1X1$, ■ Chandler (3). Indian Cove, Gaspe—315-153, C. des Ros., IX], ■ Gaspe (17 , Via Grand Greve (2). Indian Lorette, Que., St. Gab., Via BLoretteville (A), P. 1,200. . , Inlet, Pap.—494-121, Mul., X, Via ■ Buckingham. Inverness, Meg.—361-68, Inver. 100, S$, Via St. Julie, P. 182 —:157. ^ , Iron Hill, Brome—409-107, Brome, Via W. Shefiford. Ironside, Hull—495-144, Hull, 1X11 , Bllull, CP. Iroquois Club, Port.—266-11, La Salle, CN. Irvine, Meg.—360-71, Inver., ■ Inverness, Via St. Julie. Isaleigh Grange, Richm.—390-83, Ship. Island Brook, Comp.—379-107, Newp., '1X1$, Via BCookshire. 16 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Isle aux Coudres, Chari.—245-69, I. aux Coud. 323, El Via Baie St. Paul, P. 190. Isle aux Grues, Montmag.—265-67, I. aux Grues 99, £>2$, Via ■ Montmagny, Q, P. 600. Isle Cadieux, Vaud—444-111, Vaud., CP. Isle Cadieux Station ♦Isle Cadieux, Vaud., Vaud. Isle Decarie, Arg., Via BiRigaud (4). Isle Dupas, Berthier—427-70, I. Dupas 427, IXl . Via Berthier- ville, P. 195. Isle of Skye, Hunt.—449-133, Dundee, ■ Huntingdon, Via St. Agnes. Isle Perrot (Isle Perrot Nord), Vaud.—442-112, Vaud. 841, CN, P. 250. Isle Perrot Nord (Isle Perrot), Vaud.—442-11, I. Perrot, 1X1 . P. 250. Isles de Mai ♦May Islands, Sag. Islesmere, Laval, 443-103—I. Jesus. Isle Verte, Temis.—217-103, I. Verte 577, EM, CN, 4k, =sf, P. 1,600. Isle Verte Ouest, Temis.—215-102, I. Verte, E3, Via aisle Verte. Issoudun, Lot.—349-53, Ste. Croix 101, 1X1 . Via Laurier. Ives, Wolfe—378-93, Dud., Via B M arbl e ton, £k. Ivry, Temis.—235-118, N. D. du Lac, 1X1 . Via ■ Notre Dame du Lac. Ivry (Ivry Nord P. O.), Terre.—473-88, Beres., CP. Ivry Nord ♦Ivry, Terre., Jackman Road ♦St. Joachim Rd.), Rou. Jacksons ★St. Raymond, Port.—343-35, Bou rg L ouis. Jaco Hughes ★Grosse Roches, Matane, Cher., 1X1 . B Matane. Jacques Cartier, Port.—353-48, C. Sante, Xl.Via BDonnacona. Jacques Cartier Club, Champ.—293-15, Laurier, CN. Jacques Cartier Jet., Jac. Cart.-^438-101, CP. Jamieson, Meg., Halifax, B'St. Ferdinand, Via Plessisville. Jarnac, Pap.—491-119, Jarnac, 1X1 . BSt. Andre Avellin, Via Thurso. Jeanne D’Arc, Pap.—493-138, Templeton, BE. Templeton, Via Templeton. Jean Noel, Chari.—233-67, St. Ire., IXl . ViaBSt. Irenee. Jersey Cove, Gaspe—314-152, C. des Ros., 1XJ . BGaspe, Via L’Anse a la Louise. Jersey Mills, Beauce—331-90, Aubin de LTsle, Via BSt. Georges de Beauce. Jette, Nic., Ash., Via BSt. Perpetue. Jeune Lorette ♦Loretteville, Que. Joffre, Matane—343-126, St. Denis, 1X1 . Via BMatane. Joffre, Levis—313-55, Lauz. Jogues, Bagot—414-97, St. Hyac., Via BSt. Pie. Johnsons Station, Hunt.—430-118, Hem. Johnville, Comp.—386-108, Eaton 727, 1X1 $. B Lennoxville, CP, P. 100. Joliette, Jol.—435-75, Jol., 1X1 $. CP, CN, *0, 4k, sf, P. 10,765 Joly, Lot.—357-56, Seig. Joly, 1X1 . BSt. Flavien , CN . Jonquiere (Kenogami), Chic.—751-54, Jon. 324, 1X1 $. CN, 4^> =+, P. 9,448. Jonquiere Ouest, Chic.—752-56, Jon., 1X1 $. Via Bjonquieres. Jordan Hill, Comp.—384-108, Eaton. Joseph Farm, Hull—536-116, Ken., 1X1 . Via BManiwaki. Joubert, Matap.—348-125, Matap., IXl . Via BSayabec (9). Joyal, Arth.—377-75, Chester, BSt. Ferdinand, Via Prince- ville. Joybert ★Windigo, Champ.—610^24. Joyeuse, Bagot, Act., Via BActonvale. Joynt, Hull—513-140, Masham, X, B Wakefield, Via Alcove,4k. Judge Mills, Stan.—395-120, Stan. Jules, Hull—517-129, Hincks, Via BKazabazua. Julien, Port—369-44, Descham., IS], BDeschambault, Via Lachevrotiere. Jupiter River, Sag.—300-150, Ant. I., BGaspe (30), Via Port Mender. Kamouraska, Kam.—234-85 St. L. de Kam., lXl S. Via St. Pascal, P- 506—470. Kamouraska du Cotes, Kam.—234-82. Kamouraska Moulin, Kam.—235-85, Kam., 1X1 . Via BSt. Pascal (2V 2 ). Kanawaki, Lap.—435-108, Sault St. L., NYC. Kanawana, Terre—459-94, St. Sauv., X, BSt. Jerome, Via St. Sauveur. Kartoum, Sheff.—402-101, Stuke., CP. Katevale, Stan.—395-109, Hatley 728, Xl $ r Via B Magog, P. 215. Kazabazua, Hull—519-135, Aylwin, EM, CP, P. 200. Keene, Front.—357-112, Ditch. Kegaska, Sag.—SI, Via Natashguan (50), Keith, Comp.—376-99, Bury, Via BBury. Kelly, Bona.—334-151, Hope, E3$, BPaspebiac. Kelly Newton, Hull—517-128, Hincks. Kelso, Hunt.—446-131, Elgin, B Huntingdon, Via Carrs, 4k. Kelvin Grove, Hunt.—444-129, Elgin, B Huntingdon, Via N Smellie, Kemmel, Hull—518-136, Aylwin, CP. Kempt Road Hill, Bona.—348-139, Restig., 1>0 . BCampbell- ton, N.B., Via Cross Point. Kenogami (Jonquirie), Chic.—750-50, Jonq. 325, 1X1 $. CN, R&S, +, P. 2,557—4,500. Kierkoski, St. Hyac.—423-90, St. Char., Via BSte. Madeleine. Kensington, Hunt.—446-132, Elgin, B Huntingdon, Via Whites, 4k. Ketchen, Tern.—583-135, CP. Kiamika, Lab.—527-104, Kiamika, Xl $. Via BBarrette. Kilbain, Hunt.—448-131, Godm., B Huntingdon, Via Whites. Kilbum Mill, Stan.—393-117, Barn. Kildare (St. Ambroise de Kildare), Jol.—443-76, Kil. 428, 1X1 $. Joliette, P. 250. Killowen, Arg.—456-105, BSt. Hermas (1), Via Lalande. Kilmar, Arg.—Gren., 1X1 . BCalumet (14), Via Marelan.. Kimberley, Meg.—365-72, Halifax, IXl . BSt. Ferdinand, Via Plessisville. King Corner, Meg.—359-73, Leeds, Via Robertson, Kingsburg, Lot.—372-57, St. J. D echa il., CN. Kingsbury, Richm.—394-93, Mel., 1X1 $. B Richmond, CP, 4L P. 241—164. Kingscroft, Stan.—394-114, Barn. 729, 1X1 . BCoaticook, Via Massawippi. Kingsey (Lome P.O.), Richm.—388-81, Ship., CN, P. 100. Kingsey Falls, Drum.—391-80, Kingsey 508, 1X1 $. Via King¬ sey 4L P- 466. Kingsmere, Hull—496-144, Hull, 1X1, B Hull, Via Chelsea, 4 l Kinnar’s Mills, Meg.—355-72, Leeds, 1X1 $. Via B Robertson,4k, Kipawa ♦Kippewa P.O., Tern., CP, Kippewa (Kipawa), Tern.—585-135, 1X1 $. BTimiskaming Sta., CP, Kippawa River, Tern.—^^32. Kirkdale, Drum.—398-86, Durham, Via B Richmond, 4L Kirk’s Ferry, Hull—501-143, Hull, X, BHull, CP, 4 l Kirouac (Ste. Justine), Dor.—300-85, Lange., IXl . P. 112. Kirwan, Tern.—596-142, BVille Marie, Via Laverlochere. Kiskisink, Que.—734-19, Rhodes, IXl . BRoberval, CN. Knowlton, Brome—405-109, Brome 650, 1X1 $. CP, 4L ^ P. 841—990 Knowlton Landing, Brome—402-113, Potton, IXl BManson- ville, Via S. Bolton, Knoxbridge, Gaspe—322-153, Perce, IXl . Via B Perce. Kondiaronk ★ Lac Long, L. St. J., Math. La Baie, Yam.—412-65, La Baie du Feb. 509, 1X1 $. CN, 4L =+=, P. 507. La Baie Shawinigan (Baie Shawinigan), St. Maur.—417-48, St. Boni., IX . Via B Shawinigan Fal ls, 4 ^ P. 1,325. La Baleine, Chari.,—243-70, I. aux Coud., IXl . Via BBaie St. Paul (13). Labarre, L. St. J.—742-51, Labarre, IXl . BHebertville Sta., CN. La Barriere, Chari.—252-61, St. Franc . X av. La Barriere, Berthier—463-63, Cour., IXI T Via BSt. Gabriel de Brandon. La Bataille, St. Jean—428-104, Long.. BSt. Jean, Via L’Acadie Labatis ★Sault au Cochon, Chari.—255-61, Beaupre. Labeauce, Beauh.—439-114, Beauh. Labelle, Lab.—500-90, Clyde 474, El$, BSt Jovite, CP, P. 687. Laberge, Chat.—438-114, Beauharnois (5). Laberge ★Ange Gardien, Montmor.—Cote de Beaupre, QRL & P. — 17 — INDEX TO PLACES IN Q U E B E C Laberge, Soul—452-122, Nou. Long., CP. La Bissonniere (Mont Carmel), St. Maur., IS3, BShawmigan Falls, CP. _ . . „ Labisonniere, Champ. — 412-49, Alma., CXj, BShawmigan Falls, CP. Labonneville, Comp.—375-107, Ditton, 1X1 BLa Patrie, Via Scotstown. La Boucane, Terre.—457-95, Augmen., BSt. Jerome, Via Filion La Branche, Montmor.—279-48, Laval, [X], BBeauport, Via Beauport. Labrecque, Que.—293-43, Stone, X, B Loretteville, Via Charlesburg. ^ ^ 1 Labrie, Belle.—295-62, Beaum, Via BSt. Charles de Belle Labrie, Wolfe—St. Jul. de Wolfs, X, BWolfestown, Via Coleraine. La Brosse Jet, Chic.—756-58, Chic, R&S. . La Butte, Bona.—Nou, X. BNew Carlisle, Via Nouvelle (4) Lac a Beauce, Champ.—433-11, Mail, [XI, BLa Tuque. CN, P 133. L’Acadie, St. Jean—427-107, L’Acadie 10, [><]$, BSt. Jean, CN, CP, £k, =4*, P. 1,000. Lac a Foin, Lab.—522-117, Via BGracefield. Lac a la Tortue, Champ.—404-43, N. D. de Carmel, X$, B Grand Mere, CP, 4k, P. 350. Lac a la Truite, Terre.—468-90, Beres., X, Via BSt. iVgathe des Monts. Lac a Laurent, Chic—Via Chicoutimi (14). Lac Archambault, Montcalm—474-79, Archam, X, Via BSte. Agathe des Monts. ' ^ TT ,, La Carriere, Bagot—414-92, St. Hyac, Via BSt. Hyacinthe. Lacasse, Dor.—Via BSt. Malachie. ___ Lac au Saumon, Matap.—347-132, Humqui 578, 1X1$, CN, ^, p i 354_ i 779 Lac au Saumon Ouest, Matap.—Humqui, [XI, BAmqui (10), Via Lacau Saumon. Lac aux Brochets ♦Brochet, Champ. Lac aux Sables, Port.—384-31, Montau., CXI$, BSt. Thecle, CN, P. 1,200. Lac aux Sables Station, Port—384-31, Chav., CESS, BSt. Thecle, CN, +, P. 100. Lac Beaulieu, Sag.—Via BTadoussac (17). Lac Beauport, Que.—291-48, St. Duns., [X], ^ ia B Quebec, Lac ^BeUemare, St. Maur.—425-45, Shaw. 814, 1X$, Via fl Shawinigan Falls. ^ Lac Bitobig, Hull—531-123, Camer., 1X1, BMessines, Via Bur- bidge Lac Blanc, Lab —511-93, Lor.,CS], ■ Nomininque.Via Bellerive Lac Bouchette ♦L. Bouchette Sta., L. St. J —Dablon. Lac Bouchette Station, L. St. J.—729-35, Dablon, ISIS, CN, p. 200. Lac Briere, Chic.—756-61, Trem., ■ Chicoutimi (Vi), Samson. Lac Brule, Terre.—469-86, Beres, ISIS, Via BSte. Agathe des Monts. ___ . . Lac Castor, Lab.—513-91, March., SI, ■ L Annonciation. Lac Charlebois, Terr.—460-83, Wex., X, BSte. Agathe des Monts, Via St. Marguerite, Lac Chat, Champ.—400-16, Cari, S. BLa Tuque CN Lac Coibu, Arg.—470-92, Howard, X, Via BSt. Agathe des Monts. Lac Darey ^Rapide Blanc, Champ.—600-17, Pay. Lac David, Lab.—529-93, Rochon, XL Via B Barrette. Lac de L’Est (East Lake), Kam.—245-92, Chap., X$, BSt. Pascal, Via East Lake. Lac Deligny, Mask., Via St. Gabriel. Lac des Commissaires (Commissoners Lake), L. St. J.—731-30, Cresp., CN. _ Lac des Ecorces, Lab.—532-99, Camp. 475, CXl$, Va B Bar¬ rette, 4L . , r . t Lac Desert, Lab—507-96, Miner., XL BSt. Jovite, Via La- belle. Lac des lies, Terre.—464-84, Wex., BSt. Agathe (15). Lac des lies, Lab.—530-110, Bouth. 476, X$, Via BMont Laurier, 41- Las des Pins (Pine Lake), Arg.—474-99, Mont., X, CN. Las des Sept Isles (Seven Island Lake), Port.—328-38, Gos., XL Via BSt. Raymond (6). Lac Dufault ★Waite, Abit.— 611-141. Lac Duhamel, Terre .-486-91, St. Jov. X Via BSt Jovite Lac du Quinzieme, Matane—353-125, Cabot, C33, \ ia BSt. Moise (7). Lac Echo, Terre.— 454-91, Aber., S, BSt. Jerome, Via Shaw- bridge Lac Edouard (Lake Edward P. O.), Que.—760-9 Laure, CN. Lac Etchemin, Dor.-308-82, Ware., SS, BSt. Malachie. Lac Francais, Terre.— 481-88, Wolfe, IS!, BSt. Jovite, Via St. Faustin. Lac Francis, Pap.—503-125, Port. Lac Frontier ♦Lake Frontier, Montma. Lac Frontiere, Montma.—279-89, Talon, [X]$, Via Lake Frontier, *0, P. 119- o , Lac Gagnon, Montcalm—477-85, Archam, X, BSte. Agathe des Monts, Via St. Faustin. Lac Gatineau, Lab.—536-107, Robert., [XL Via BMont Laur- ier (12). . . 1V Lac Grosleau, Pap.—490-116, Ripon, X, BSt. Andre Avellin, Via Papineauville. Lac Guindon, Terre.—459-93, St. Sauv. des Mts., X, BSt. Jerome, Via Shawbridge. Lachance, ITsl., St. J. P. Joli, Via BSt. Jean Port Job (2) Lachapelle, Deux Mts.—454-97, L. Deux Mts., Via BSt. Jer¬ ome (3). __ , _ Lachenaie, L’Ass.—437-92, Lach, X, Via Terrebonne, P. 105. La Chevrotiere, Port—373-44, Descham., X$, BSt. Marc des Carrieres, CP, CN, 4L ^ P- 200. _ Lachine, Jac. Cart.—438-106, I. of Mtrl. 12, [XJ$, CN, £k, P. 15,404—18,630, Bafe31. Lachine Locks (Sub P. O. Montreal), Jac. Cart.— 435-101, Lachine, 1X1 $. BLachine, £k. Lachine Rapids, Jac. Cart.—435-106, I. of Mtrl., BVille La Salle, Via Highlands. Lachine Wharf, Jac. Cart., Via H Lachine (1). Lac Humqui, Matap.—351-132, Pinault, X$, Via BAmqui. Lachute, Arg.—457-104, Arg. 13, 1X1 $. CP, CN, ®Ixl, £k, Nh P. 2,592—3,906. Lachute Mills, Arg.—458-105, Lachute, X$, Via Lachute, P. 1,000. Lac Labelle, Lab.—505-93, Joly, X, BSt. Jovite, Via La- belle. Lac La Motte ♦La Motte, Abit. Lac La Peche, Champ.—425-41, C. Mad., 1X1 . Via BShawin¬ igan Falls. Lac Lois ♦Proulx Mill, Abit. Lac Long, L. St. J.—732-25, Mai., CN. Lac Makamik, Abit., Via flMakamik (8). Lac Malouin, Port.—281-12, La Salle, CN. Lac Manitoa Sud, Terre.—472-91, Beres., X, Via BSt. Agathe des Monts. Lac Marois, Terre.—458-92, St. Sauv., IXI . BSt. Jerome, CN. Lac Maskinonge, Terre.—481-93, Sala., Via BSt. Jovite (3). Lac Masson, Terr.—460-85, Wex.,1X1$,Via St. Marguerite, £k. Lac Megantic ♦Megantic, Front. Lac Mercier, Terre.—487-90, Grand., 1X1 $. BSt. Jovite, CP, £ k, =+=, P. 200. Lac Nantel ♦Nantel, Terre. Lac Noir (Black Lake), Meg.—359-81, Coler. 103, 1X1 . QC, £k, P. 2,656—2,167. Lac Noir, Jol.—447-67, St. J. de Matha, X, Via BSt. Felix de Valois. Lacolle, St. Jean—426-120, Lacolle 14, X$, CN, NJC, #0, P. 555—690. Lacolle Junction, St. Jean—426-120, Lacolle. La Conception, Lab.—487-93,Clyde 479.1X1$.Via Conception,£k La Conception Station (Conception), Lab.—496-93, Clyde, XI. BSt. Jovite, CP, £k. Lacorne, Champ.—427-9, Malhiot, Via Lac a Beauce. Lacoste, Lab.—517-90, March., IXI . BL’Annonciation, CP. La Couronne, Temis.—236-115, Cabano, 1X1 . Via fl Riviere Bleue. Lac Paquin, Terre.— 465-89, Morin, X, ;Ste. Agathe des Monts, Via Val David. Lac Pinault, Matap.—346-130, Blais, 1X1 . Via BAmqui (8). — 18 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Lac Pitre, Matap.—346-131, Lepage, IXI . Via BLac au Sau- mon (5). Lac Quenouille, Terre.—478-88, Archam., X, BSt. Jovite, Via St. Faustin. Lac Remi ♦St. Remi d’Amherst, Pap. Lac Renaud, Terre.—462-91, Aber., X, BSt. Adele, Via Mt. Rolland. La Croche, Champ.—599-2, Lange., IXI . Via iLa Tuque. Lac Rochu, Front.—351-86, Ad., 1X1 . Via B Robertsonville. Lacroix, Beauce—330-88, Aub. de Lisle, 1X1 $. Via BSt. Geor¬ ges de Beauce (1). Lacroix, Mask., Lanaud., Via BSt. Gabriel de Brandon. Lac Roy, Terre.—464-87, Morin, BSte. Agathe des Monts, Via Val Morin. Lac Saguay, Lab.—526-94.Bover478. 1Xl $. B Nomininque.CP.ffi. Lac Ste. Croix (Ste. Croix), L. St. J.—736-45, Mesy, 1X1 $. Via B Metabetchouan. Lac St. Joseph (Lake St. Joseph), Port.—327-42, Fossom., BLoretteville, CN. Lac St. Louis ♦Melocheville, Beauh. Lac Ste. Marie, Hull—518-132, Hincks, 1X1 $. Via Kazabazua. Lac St. Pacome, Kam.—243-84, R. Ouelle, IXI . BSt. Pacome, Via R. Ouelle. Lac St. Paul, Lab.—541-94, Moreau 477, lXl $. BFerme Neuve, Via Mt. Laurier. Lac Sergent, Port—333-41, St. Ray., XL BSt. Raymond, CN, P. 60. Lac Sergent Est ★Lac Sergent, Port.—331-41, Bourg. Lac Simon, Lab.—494-95, Clyde, X, BSt. Jovite, Via Con¬ ception. Lac Superieur, Terre.—483-87, Wolfe, XL BSt. Jovite, Via St. Faustin. Lac Thibeault, Temis.—242-118, Rob., (XL BEdmundston, N.B. (6), Via Lac Baker. Lac Thomas, Pap., Port., Via BNotre Dame de la Salette(7). Lactor, Front.—365-94, Wins., IXl . BLac Megantic, Via Springhill. Lac Tremblant (Mont Tremblant), Terre.—487-89, Grand., X, BSt. Jovite, Via Lac Mercier, Lac Tremblant Nord, Lab., Joly, X, BSt. Jovite (4), Via Lac Mercier. La Cyr, Mag. I.—308-163, Grind. I., IXI . BGrindstone I., Via Grand Entry. Ladds Mills, Stan.—391-118, Barn., Via BCoaticook. La Decharge, Chic.—745-57, Bour. 344, IXI . Via Bjonquieres. La Descente des Femmes, Chic.—770-71, St. Ger.,X3,BBagot- ville, La Dore ★St. Felicien, L. St. J., D em. Ladriere, Rim.—211-119, Nic. .Rioux, 1X1 . Via BSt.Fabien(7). La Durantaye, Belle.—287-64, La Durant., 1X1 $. CN, P.112. Ladysmith, Pont.—520-150, Thorne, 1X1 $. Via BShawville. Lafayette, Belle.—288-74, Armagh, IXl . B Armagh, Via Lang- lois. La Ferme, Abit.—618-130, Dal., IXI . BAmos, CN. L'a Ferme, Lot.—363-47, Lot. Laflamme, Montma.—275-69, St. P. de Montma., IX] , Via BSt. Pierre Montmagny. La Fond, Wolfe—376-93, Wolfe. Lafontaine (Deniau), 258-86, LTsl., Lafon., CN, P. 124. La Fourche, Montcalm—447-84, St. Sul., CN. Lafrance, LTsl.—259-74, St. Eug. de ITsl, IXl . Via BL’Islet. L’Afrique ★Albanel, L. St. J.—Albanel. La Gabelle (Gabelle), St. Maur.—415-52, St. Et., BTrois Rivieres, CP, Lagace, Bona.—349-140, Restig., IXI, BCampbellton, N.B., Via Matapedia. Lagadelle, Chari.—230-70, Murray Bay, XI, Via BLa Mal- baie (13). Laganiere, Port.—371-41, St. Casimir, X, Via BSt. Casimir. La Gorgendiere, Port.—359-45, Descham., IXJ, Via BPort- neuf (2). La Grande Pointe, Chari.—252-64, St. Fran. Xav., 1X3, "V ia BLa Petite Riviere St. Francois. Laguerre, Hunt.— 448-128, Godm., BSt. Anicet, Via Whites, P. 100. . Lake Aylmer, Wolfe—367-92, Strat., XI, BWeedon, Via St. Gerard. Lake Cayamont, Pont.—532-136, Dorion 563, 1X1 $. Via B Gracefield. Lake Chapleau (Chapleau Sta.), Arg.—CN. Lake Chevreuil, Arg.—465-94, Howard, CN. L. Descentedes Femme, Chic.—770-71. Lake Edward ♦Lac Edouard, Que.—Laure 104, Lakefield, Arg.—460-100, Gore, XI, Via BLachute. Lake Fortune, Tern.—607-145, NC. Lake Frontier (English'Lake and Lac Frontier), Montma.— 279-89, Via Lac Frontiere, QC, *0, P. 119. Lake L’Achigan, Terre.—453-88, Mille I., X, BSt. Jerome, Via Shawbridge. Lake Mills, Comp—382-105, Eaton. Lake Park (Bourlamaque P.O.), Sher. —39 5-104, Orford, CP. Lake St. Charles, Que.—303-46, St. Ig., XI, BLoretteville. Lake St. Joseph ♦Lac St. Joseph, Port. Lake St. Paul, Nic.—399-57, Becan., CN. Lake St. Paul Sta., Nic.—399-57, Becan. Lakeside, Jac. Car.,—441-107. Lakeview, Arg.—474-100, Harring., IXI . BArundel, Via Weir. Lakeview House, Port.—322-40, Fossam., X,Via St. Catherine(3) Lake William, Meg.—368-71, Halifax, 1X3 . BSt. Ferdinand, Via Plessisville. Lake Wonish ^16 Islands, Arg. Lalabicette, L. St. J.—Via Dolbeau (9). Lalande, Deux Mts.—453-107, L. Deux Mts., CN. Lalemant, LTsl.— BSte. Perpetue de LTsl. (6) Lafontaine. La Macaza (Macaza), Lab.—504-89, March., 1X3 $. BL’Annon- ciation, CP, La Malbaie ♦Malbaie, Chari. Lamarche, Nic.—Lev., BSt. Pierre les Becquets, Via Fortier- ville. La Mare, Chari.—240-62, Beaupre, Via Baie St. Paul ( 4*,4 ). Lamartine (St. Eugene de L’lslet), LTsl.—262-73, St. Eug.,1X3$. Lambert Corners, Hull—526-130, North., Via B G racefield. Lambton, Front.—358-92, St. V. de L. 105, 1X3 $. Via Cour- celles, Q, P. 576—556. La Merisiere, Dor.—317-92, Wat., X, BSt. Prosper de Dor. La Miche, Montmor.—268-58, St. Joa. de Montmor., IXJ, Via BSt. Joachim de Montmor., Q. La Montagne, Meg—351-76, Thet., X, Via B Robertson ville. La Montee, Gaspe—Perce, 1X1 . Via B Cap e Cove (2). Lamorandiere, Abit.—625-124, Lamor., 1X31 . BAmos, Via Bar- raute. ___ La Motte (Lac La Motte), Abit.—616-128, La Motte, 1X3 $. Via BAmos, P. 376. Lamy, Temis.—226-109, Demers, X, Via BSt. Honore de Temis. Lamy Sud, Temis.—226-109, Demers, X, Via BSt. Honore de Temis (7). La Nation, Pap.—485-115, L. Pet. Nat., BSt. Andre Avellin, Landieville, Richel—St. Chas. d’Yam. Landieville, Richel.—S.t Chas. d’Yam. Landreville, Beau.— 442-122, Beauh., Via Ormstown, £• Landrienne, Abit.—619-127, Land. 415, 1X31 $. BAmos, CN, P. 502. L’Ange Gardien ♦Ange Gardien P. O., M ontmor. Langevin, Dor—300-89, Lange. 106, X$, BKirouac, Via St. Justine. Langlade, Abit.—630-95, CN. Langlais ♦L’Ascension, L. St. J. Langlois, Belle.—288-73, Armagh, CN. Languedoc, Abit.—618-141, Langue, 1X31 . BMakamik (2), Via Authier. Laniel, Tern.—589-140, CP. L’Alanonciation (Annonciation), Lab.—511-88, March. 480, 1X1 . CP, &, P. 612—657. Lanoieville, Rich.—417-80. Lanoraie, Berthier—430-77, Lanor. 429, 1X31 $. CP, Q, P. 700, ^3. Lanoraie Station, Jol.—432-77.Lanor.. lXl $. B Lanoraie.CP.4Lffi La Normandie, Montmag.—274-70, L’Ep. L’Anse a Brillant, Gaspe—317-152, Doug., Xl$, B Gaspe (4), Via Douglastown. 19 - INDEX TO PLACE S IN QUEBEC ■ Riviere au ■ Cap 1X1 . ■ Grind- , X, Via BMa- I Perce L’Anse a Fougere, Gaspe—314-149, Doug., X, I Renaud, Via Tox River. L’Anse a Giles, L’Isl.—263-70, Secours de L I si., St. Ignace, CN, 4C P. 300. L’Anse a Giles Station, L’Isl.—263-71, L Isl., SI, BCap St. Ignace, CN, 4L L’Anse a la Cabane, Mag. I—316-161, Mag. I., stone I., Via Amherst, P. 229. L’Anse a la Croix, Matane—339-128, St. Denis tane. L’Anse a la Louise ♦Cap des Rosiers, Gaspe. L’Anse au Beaufils, Gaspe—321-156, Perce, [Xl$, Mia (1) P 200. L’Anse aux Cousins,Gaspe—318-146,Gaspe,ISIS,Via■ Gaspe (3) L’Ah.se aux Gascons, Bona., Port Dan., ■Port Daniel Cen¬ tre, Via Gascons, P. 500. . L’Anse a Valleau, Gaspe-314-144, Syd. N., X*, ■ Riviere au Renard (47), Via Gaspe, 5^ 27-28 . L’Anse Mclnnes, Bona., Port. Dan., [XJ, Via BPort Daniel Centre (3). __ . _ L’Anse St. Jean, Chic.—797-80, St. Jean, ISDS, Mia Port Al¬ fred, +, P. 250, Ml: 17-10. i j Lantier, Terre.—473-84, Lantier, 1X1 $. Mia BSt. Agathe des Monts. __ _ La Patrie, Comp.--372-110, Ditton 731,SIS,Via Scotstown,£. La Perade (St. Anne de la Perade), Champ—387-45, Ste. Marie 795, CP, +, P. 745—926. La Petite Riviere St Francois^Petite Riviere,Chari—218-107. Lapeyrere, Mag. I.—313-159, Mag. I., IS1, Via ■Grindstone I. Lapierre, Meg.—351-71, Leeds, IS1, ■ Leeds Village, Via Robertson. __„ T . __ La Plaine, L’Ass.—443-90, Ste. A. des P., IX], BSt. Lin, CP. Lapointe, Kam.—240-94, Wood., CN. Lapointe ★St. Anne de Beaupre, Mont.—278-55, St. A. de Beaupre, QRL&P. Laporte, Sheff.—Granby, ■ Granby. Laprairie, Lap.—430-105, Lap. 15, [S3S, CN, 4C +, P* 2,138 —!2,774. La Presentation, St. Hyac.—421-89, La Pres., 1X]$, ^ia ■ St. Hyacinthe, £> P- 150* „ __ La Providence, St. Hyac.—419-92, St. Hyac, Via St. Hyac (1), P. 1,078—1,245. Larawls, Pont—522-159. La Reine, Abit.—618-152, La Reine, 1X1$, CN, +, P. 6o8 . La Renaudiere, Montma.—279-67, St. P. de Montma, Via ■ St. Pierre Montma. La Richardiere, Temis.—214-101, N. D. de L’l. Verte, Via Blsle Verte (5). Laroche, Brome—409-106, Brome. Larochelle, Meg.—374-71, Halifax, Via BPrinceville. La Rochelle ★St. Gregoire, Nic.—+, P. 932 523. La Rose, Arg.—474-98, CN. Larose, Dor.—Jol, BSt. Isidore, Via St. Henedine. Larouche, Chic.—744-53, Ken X, BHebertville Sta, CN. Larrimac Links, Hull—502-144, Hull. CP. L’Artifice, Chat.—437-124, Beauh, BSt. Chrysostome, Via La Sarre, Abit.—618-147, La Sarre, X$, CN, +, P. 1,560. Lascelles, Hull—510-141, Masham, X, ■ Wakefield, Via Al¬ cove, 4c ___ , . . L’Ascension, Lab.—520-84, Lynch 481, X$. ■ L Annexation L’Ascension (Langlais), L. St. J.—734-60, Delisle 330, 1X3$, ■ St. Joseph D’Alma, Via Isle Maligne. La Societe, Temis.—219-110, Begon, X, BSt. Jean de Dieu, Via Trois Pistoles. ___ ___ - ^ L’Assomption, L’Ass.—437-86, St. Sul. 16, [XJ$, CN, 4^, P. 1,320—1,576. La Tabatiere, Sag.—IS), Via Mutton Bay (6K Laterriere, Chic.—763-57, N. D. de Later. 329, Via ■Chi- coutimi, R&S, P. 529. Laterriere Jet., Chic.—760-62, Chic., R&S, P. 529. Lathrop Sta., Wolfe—380-96, Duds. La Tortue, Lap.—431-106, Lap., CN. Latour, Mask.—445-57, Peter., BMondenille, P. 7. La Trappe, Deux Mts.—448-108, L’Ann., [XJ$, BOka, Via St. Eustache, Latulipe, Tem.—596-136, Latul. 416, IS», ■ Lorrainville, Via Laverlochere. __ cao La Tuque, Champ.-434-4, Mail., X$, CN, *0, 45.,+, P.5,603 _7 Launay (Launay Sta.), Abit.—618-139, Launay, Kl, BTas- chereau, CN. Launay Station ♦Launay, Abit. , _ Laureat, Pont.— 524-145, Clap., X, Via ■ Campbells Bay. Laurel, Arg.—467-96, Went, X, ■ Arundel, CN. Laurence, Montcalm—441-83, BSt. Esprit, Via St. Georges. Laurent, Port.—347-19, Bois, CN. Laurentian Club House, Chari.—211-58. Laurentide ★Weymont, Champ. Laurentides ♦St. Lin, L’Ass.—444-88. Laurentides, Port—347-20, Bois, CN. . Laurier, Lot.—355-54, Ste. Croix, X$, BSt. Flavien, CN, p 88 Laurierville, Meg.— 365-64, Somer.,[gD$,Via St.Julie,P.365-398. Lauzon, Levis—298-55, CS3S, Via Levis, P. 6,428—7,084. Lauzon Ouest (Part of Levis), Levis—298-55,GEp$, Via ■ Levis. Laval, Montmor.—285-48, Laval 107, ESI, Via Quebec, Q, P 391-399 Laval (St. Angele de Laval), Nic.—401*56, 4C P- Laval des Rapides (Laval Rapides), Laval—440-101, St. Mar¬ tin 17, X$, CP, P. 1,989—2,716. Laval Links, Laval— 443-104, ■ Laval Sur lac, CN. Laval Rapides ♦Laval des Rapides, Laval. Laval sur le Lac, Laval—443-103, I. Jesus, X, BSt. Eustache, CN P. 81. Lavaltrie, Berthier—431-81, Lav. 430, [ X]$, CP, 4^» P 812. Lavaltrie Station, Jol.—433-80, St. Paul, X, ■ Lavaltrie, CP. L’Avenir, Drum.—399-83, Durham, [X]$, \ ia Danby, 4h Laverdiere ★Chateau Richer, Montmor.—283-55, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. . Lavergne Arth.—386-62, Mad., ■ Daveluyville, Via Lemieux,CN Laverlochere, Tern.—595-140, Laver. 417, X$, ■ Lorrainville, CP + La Verniere, Mag. I.—313-162, Mag.I., X, Via ■ Grindstone I. Lavery, Beauce—322-98, Metger. N., P*CJ, BSt. Georges de Beauce, Via Morrisset. Lavigueur, Que.—Beaup., QRL&P. . La Visitation, Yam.408-66, Baie St. Ant., 1XJ$, ^ ia BLa Baie, P. 500. Lavoie, Bagot—406-90, Acton. Lavoie, L. St. J—739-53, Labarre, Q&J. Lavoie, St. Maur.—412-56, St. E. des Gres, X, BTrois Riviere Via Marchand. Lawn, Pont.—519-156, Claren., CP. Lawrence, Tem.—597-140. _ ^ _ Lawrenceville, Sheff.—400-100, N. Stuke. 733, CXI$, CP, 4b +, P. 225—384. Lazard (Val Royal), Jac. Cart.—439-102. Leadville, Brome—402-119, Potton, BMansonville, Via High- water. ^ . Learned Plain, Comp.—379-105, Newp., Via BCookshire. Le Bassin, Chic.—756-61, Chic., CN, +. Le Bras, Beauce—338-82, Tring, Via BSt. Victor de Tnng. Lebrun, Mask.—424-64, Mask., 1XJ . ■ Louiseville, Via Mas* kinonge. Le Cap (Cap St. Martin)—440-99, Laval, I. Jesus, CP. L’Echourie (St. Maurice), Gaspe—314-145, Fox 405, CXl$, ■ Riviere su Renard, Via Gaspe, +. Leclair, Pont—529-154, Mans., Via BFort Coulonge. Leclercville, Lot.—369-48, St. Emelie, X$, BSt. Amelie de Lot., Via Fortierville, P. 552—674. Lecomte, Arth.—Arth., Via ■ Victoriaville (14). Le Cordon, Terre.—451-93, Augmen., Via BSt. Jerome (2), CN Le Debouli, Rou.—424-93, Rou. Leducs, Miss.—Via Standbridge. Leeds (Broughton Station), Beauce—347-79, Brough., QC, 4C +, P. 1,850. Leeds Village, Meg.—351-71, Leeds 108, X$, Via Robertson, 4k, P. 500. Lefebvre, Drum.—404-86, Wick., X, BActonvale (3V 2 ), Via Danby. Lefebvre, L’lsl.—252-86, Ash., CN. _____ — 20 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Lefrancois ★Chateau Richer, Montmor.—280-56, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Leganier, Port.—380-40, BSt. Casimir. Leggat ♦Leggatt’s Pte., Matane. Leggatt’s Point (Leggatt), Matane—352-123, Grand Metis, 1X1 . BMont Joli, Via Leggatt, C>. Le Giraudais, Bona.—Pte a la Garde, 1X1 . BCampbellton, N.B., Via Pte a la Garde. Lemay, Hull—518-130, Hincks, 1X1 . Via BKazabazua. Lemesurier, Meg.—351-73, Leeds, 1X1 $. Via ■ Robertsonville. Lemieux, Nic.—384-60,.Bland. 510, 1X1 $. ■ Daveluyville, CN, ^ Lemieux ★Talbot, Port.—354-22, Bois. Lemire, Arth.—388-70, Ting., Via ■ Warwick. Lemoine, Montmor.—285-54, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Lemoyne, Iber.—423-107, Bleurie. L’Enfant Jesus ♦Vallee Jet., Beauce. Lennoxville, Sher.—387-106, Ascot 734, X$, CN, CP, QC, 4b +, P. 1,554—1,927. Leonard de Matapedia, Bona—352-139, St. Al. de Matap., ESI, ■ Campbellton, N.B., Via Matapedia, P. 400. Leopold, Arg.—464-97, BLachute, Via Morin Heights. Lepage (Petite Mascouche P.O.), Terre.—444-93, Terre., CP. Le Passe, Pont.—528-161. Le Petit Bois Franc, Temis.—218-107, Denon., 1X1 . BSt. Jean de Dieu, Via St. Eloi. L’Epiphanie, L’Ass.—438-85, St. Sul. 431, 1X1 $', CP, CN, 4b P. 1,705. Le Pont de Quebec, Que.—315-54, Ste. Foye, 1X1 $. B Quebec, Via Bridge, CN. Le Pre, Mag. I.—311-159, Mag. I., X, BGrindstone I., Via Pointe Basse Le Rocher, Beauce—333-82, Va ud., Via BBeauceville E. Lesage, Terre.—455-92, St. Jer., 1X1 $. BSt.‘Jerome, CP, 4b Les Boules ♦Plourde, Matane. Les Caps ★Sault au Cochon,Montmor—260-60,St. Tite desCaps Les Caps, Mag. I.—314-159, Grond. I., X, Via BGrindstone I. Les Cedres ♦Cedars, Soul.—447-115, Cedars._ Les Cheneaux, Montmor.—258-60, Montmor.,IX,Via BSt. Joa¬ chim de Mortmor. Les Dalles, Jol.—439-80, Lav., Bjoliette, Via Crabtree. Les Eboulements (Eboulements), Chari.—239-70, Eboule., ■ 1X1 $. CN, 4b p. 1,428. Les Ecureuils (Ecureuils), Port.—350-47, Neu. 109, !><]$, BNeuville, CN, P. 281. Les Escoumains, Sag.—201-105, Escou. 321, £><]$, Via Trois Pistoles, P. 350, Site 7. _ Les Etroits ★Glendyne, Temis.—240-116, Bots., [XJ$, P. 100. Les Falaises (Beauport E. P. O.), Que.—296-54, Beaup., Q.R.L.&P. Les Fonds, Lot.—344-51, St. An. de Tilly, IX, Via BSt. Apollinaire. Les Forges, St. Maur.—412-54, St. Maur., CP. Lesfreres, Temis.—222-120, Robit., X, Via BCabano (21). Les Grands Deserts, Que.—316-48, Guil. Bon. Les Gres (St. Etienne des Gres P.O.), St. Maur., 417-51, St. Etienne, CP, 4b Les Greves, Richel.—427-75, Soul., CN. Les Hurons, Rou.—424-99, Chambly E. Leslie, Mag. I—308-160, Mag. I., Xl S. BGrindstone I., Via Grand Entry. L’Esperance,Montma.—270-79,Bour.JX, BN. D. du Rosaire.CN Les Pin, L’Ass.—433-83, P. 31. Les Prairies, Champ.—607-14. Les Prairies, Montma.—281-67, St. Fran., IX], Via BSt. Fran¬ cois (5), Via Montma. Les Saules, Que.—311-49, Anc. Lor., X, B Quebec, Via Lor- ette (2). Lessard, Beauce—St. Marie, Via BSte. Marie, B eauc e (3). Les Trois Ruisseaux, Gaspe—313-151, C. des Ros., iXl, BGaspe (16), Via Griffin Cove (4). Les Vieilles Forges, St. Maur.—406-53, St. Maur., X, B Trois Rivieres, Via Les Forges. Letellier, Kam.—Via River Ouelle (3). Leverrier, L’lsl.—273-89, Lever., Via B Lake Frontier Levis, Levis—302-55, Lauz. 110, £><]&, CN, QC, 4b "4b P. 10,470—11,724, S&l. Levrard, Nic.—387-52, Levr., CN._ __ L’Heureux ★Si. Guillaume, Yam.—Upton. Libbytown, Stan.—394-115, Barn., Via B Ayer’s Cliff (4). Lighthouse ★Matane, Matane—Matane, BMatane. Ligny St. Flochel, Gaspe—326-151, Grand R., XI, Via fl Grand River (2). Lime Ridge, Wolfe—381-94, Dud., 1X1 $. Via BMarbleton, £, P. 200. L’lmmaculee Conception, Bona.—353-136, Matap.,IX, BCamp¬ bellton, N.B., Via St. Alexis (9). Limoilon ♦Quebec, Que.. Linda, Comp.—384-102, West., Via BEast Angus. Lineboro, Stan.—399-121, Stan., Via Beebe Jet., 4b Liniere (St. Come de Kennebec), Beauce—329-94, Lin. 160, 1X1 $. Via St. Georges, P. 610—667. Lintcta. (Linton Jet.), Port.—320-16,Lasalle,'1^3,BLa^uque.CN Linton Junction ♦Linton, Port. Lippee, Kam.—242-90, Wood., CN. Lisgar Station, Drum.,—399-89, Durham, 1X1 . B Richmond, CN, 4b Lisieux, Ver.—427-76, Ver., CN. L’Islet (Bon Secours), L’lsl.—261-71, L’lsl. Ill, X$, CN, £, 769—734. L’lslet Station, L’lsl.—261-71, Bon., XS, CN, 4b P. 211. Little Canada, Comp.—374-110, Ditton. Little Cascapedia ♦Petit Cascapedia, Bona. Little England, Comp.—373-112, Ditton. Little Gaspe, Gaspe—315-152, C. des Ros., [XL B Gaspe, Via Grand Greve. Little Pabos, Gaspe—324-155, Pabos, X, B Chandler, Via St. Adelaide. Little Pabos River ♦Little Pabos, Gaspe. Little River, Drum.—391-81, Kingsey. Livarnoche, Mask.—Via Maskinonge (2). Lizotte, L. St. J.—732-28, Mai., CN. L’Oasis ★Allen’s Mills, Port.—355-33, Bourg Louis. Lochaber, Pap.—486-129, Lochaber, CP. Lochaber Bay, Pap.—486-130, B Rockland, Ont., Via Lochaber Lois, Abit.—616-139, CN. Longchamp, Arg.—458-101, Arg., P. 15. Long Lake ★Riviere Bleue, Temis.—237-110, Packing. Long Point Landing ♦Long Point of Mingan, Sag. Long Point of Mingan (Long Point Landing), Sag.—296-135, Mingan Ld., X, +, P. 193, S^26. Long Swamp, Comp.—377-102, Bury, CP. Longue Pointe (Part of Montreal), Hoch. —434 -97, 4b P- 5,531. Longueuil, Chambly—431-98, Long. 18, [XJS, CN, 4b P. 4,682—5,407/ Longueuil Annexe, Chambly—Chambly Rd., EX, B Long¬ ueuil (1). Loranger, Lab—520-94, Lor., X, BNominmque, CP. Lordsvale, Hull—508-137, Wake., CP. Lorette (Ancienne Lorette P.O.), Que.—316-50, Gaudar. fl Quebec, CP, P. 1,200. Loretteville (Jeune Lorette), Que.—307-49, St. Amb. 112, Xl S'. CN, 4b P. 2,066—2,251. L’Ormiere, Que.—Via B Loretteville (2%). T.nrnft (Kin^sev). Richm.—388-83. Ship., DxCJ^. BDanville, \ ia Kingsey, P. 100. . Lome House, Chari—230-74, Mt. Murray, X, BLa Malbaie, Via Pte. au Pic. Lorrainville, Tern.—594-141, Duham el 41 8, IX] $. CP, P. 466 Lost River, Arg—470-104, Harring., X, B Arundel, Via Weir. Lotbiniere, Lot—365-47, Lot. 113, X$, Lachevrotiere (5), P. 491-506. Louisa, Arg.—463-102, Went., X, Via BLachute. Louiseville, Mask.—422-61, R. du Loup. 790, X, CP, *ISI, £ ^ P. 1,772—2,365, S^3. Loulay, Pap., BSt. Andre Avellin (12), Via Papineauville. Lourdes, Meg.—370-60, Somer., IX$, B Plessisville, Via Ville- roy, P. 100. Lourdes de Joliette ♦Ste. Emelie, Jol. T.rmrHpc rili Blanr. Sablon. Sae..873 iXl.Via Bradore Bav (3).^ Loutre Dam, Champ., Via Sanmour. Low, Hull—513-137, Low, X$, CP, 4b P. 300. Lower Flodden, Richm.—398-95, Bromp., BValcourt, Via Racine. — 21 — INDEX PLACES QUEBEC T O I N Lower Ireland, Meg.—361-72, Ire., ■Inverness, Via Thetford Mines, P. 100. Lucerne-in-Quebec (Montebello), Pap.—479-119, L. Pet. Nat., xi . cp, &, a&3i. Luceville, Rim.-^204-139, Thiv., X$, CN, £, +, P. 426-542. Lumsden’s Mills, Tem.—584-135, ■Temiskaming Stn., CP. Lusk, Hull—503-148, Eard., CP. Luskville, Hull—504-147, Eard. 53, X$, "Quyon, Via Eard- ley, £, P. 100 . Lussier, Montcalm—477-79, Lussier, 1 X 1 $. Via BSte. Agathe des Monts (25). Lysander, Meg.—356-69, Inver., ■ Invernes s, V ia Lyster. Lyster Station, Meg.—363-61, Nelson 114, [X$, CN, £, P. 596-729. Lytton, Hull—547-118, Lytton, D<1 ■Montcerf,ViaManiwaki. Mabel, Arg.—463-108, Chat., BLachute, Via St. Philippe. Macaza, ♦La Macaza, Lab., 482. Macdonald College, Jac. Cart., St. A. de Belle., 1X1$, Via ■ Ste. Anne de Bellevue (%). Macey Ridge, Miss.—Stanb., ■ Notre Dame de Stanbridge, Via Des Rivieres. MacKayville, Chambly—431-102, Long., 1X1 $. Via BSt. Lam¬ bert. Macpes, Rim—212-136, Macpes, 1X1 $. Via ■Rimouski. Maddington Falls, Arth.—385-63, Bui., IX$, Via BDaveluy- ville, P. 217. Madeleine ♦Riviere la Madeleine P.O., Gaspe. Maganassippi, Tem.—576-123, Edwards, I. BMattawa, Ont., Via Deux Rivieres. Magdalen Islands (Havre Aubert P.O.), Gaspe—BGrindstone I., Via Amherst, P. 7,000, 5^30. Magdeline, Chari.—232-72. Magella, Que.—314-46. Magenta, Rou.—415-106, Via Farnham. Magisken ♦Megiskan, Abit. Magog, Stan.—397-109, Magog 735, 1X1 $. CP, ) 3 &[x], 4c P. 5 J59_g 3Q2 Magog Est, Stan.— 1 X 1 $. Via ■ Magog (1). Magoon’s Point, Stan.—400-116, Stan., ■ Fitch Bay, Via Georgeville. Magpie, Sag.—296-131, Mingan Ld., IX, P. 255, ^^26. Mailhot, Meg.—372-69, Halifax, Via B Plessisville. Maillard, Chari., 249-64—Pet. R. Sv. Fran., 1 X 1 . BLa Petite Riviere St. Francois, CN. Mailloux, Belle.—293-74, Armagh, Via ■ Armagh. Maisonneuve (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—434-98, I. of Mtrl. Maisons de Cedre, Terre.—458-88, St. Adele, X, BMont Rolland Maizerets, Que.—298-54, Beaup., QRL&P. Makamik, Abit.—617-144, Royal Rouss., 1X1 $. CN, P. 821. Makamik-Nord, Abit.—620-143, Royal Rouss., XI, ■ Maka¬ mik ( 8 ), Via Authier. Mai Baie (Mai Bay), Gaspe—318-154, Malbaie, IX, BBara- chois de Malbaie, P. 190, *M^ 29-9. Malbaie (La Malbaie), Chari.—229-74, Murray Baie 331, CN, 4k, P. 2,408. Mai Bay ♦Mai Baie, Gaspe—Malbaie, BBarachois de Malbaie Malcolm, Glengarry—P. 10. Malenfant, Temis.—238-117, Packing., IXI . ■ Notre Dame du Lac (7), Via Glendyne. Malherbe, Chic.—763-5°, Chic., Via ■ Chicoutimi. Mallory, ^Priceville, Matane—Thib., ■ Price. Malmaison (Des Rivieres), Miss—419-113, Stanb., 1 X 1 . B Notre Dame de Stanbridge, Via Des Rivieres, P. 200. Malvina, Comp.—380-117, Auck., IXI . BSt . M alo, CP. Manche d’Epee, Gaspe—316-136, Tasch., IXl . B Riviere au Renard, Via Madeleine. Mandeville, Mask.—440-59, Mask. 797, 1 X 1 $. Via St. Gabriel. Man do ★ Rigaud, Vaud.—Rigaud. Manicouagan, Sag.—346-115, Lafleche, ^^24. Manigouche, St. lean—Via Dolbeau. Maniwaki, Hull—536-124, Mani. 483, X$, CP, +, P. 1,720. Mann (Mann Settlement), Bona.—347-140, Mann, 1 X 1 . ■ Campbellton, N.B., Via Cross Point. Mann Settlement ♦Mann, Bona. Manoir Richelieu, Chari.—233-75, Pte. au Pic, X, BLa Mal¬ baie, Via Pte. au Pic, Manouan, Champ.—620-40, XI, CN. Manseau, Nic —380-56, Blan., X$, CN, P- 533. Mansonville, Brome—402-118, Potton 736, X3$, CP, S®, Q p 5Q0 Mansville, Brome—408-111, Brome , Mapledale (E. Farnham P.O.), Brome—412-109, Farnham E., CP, P. 195. _ 0 J ... Maple Grove, Meg.—367-76, Ire., X, «St. Ferdinand, Via Black Lake, P. 1,000. . Maple Grove, Beauh.—438-112, Beauh., ■ Beauharnois, NYC, P. 286—398. „ t M1 Maple Hill, Meg.—351-73, Leeds, Via ■ Robertsonville. Maple Leaf, Comp.-381-110, Via BSawyerville. , Maplemore, Hunt.—447-129, Godm., ■ Huntingdon,Via Carrs. Maple Ridge, Pont.—513-157, Bris., BShawville, Via Mary- Marbleton, Wolfe—378-97, Duds., EXft QC, 4^> P- 670-798. Marceau, Chic. ^ ^ Marchand, St. Maur.—414-53, St. Et., CP. Marchildon, Nic.—390-56, Gent., Via B G entilly. Marcil, Bona.—332-153, Port Dan, X, BPort Daniel Cen¬ tre, CN, P. 100. Marelan, Arg.— 464-110, Gren, CP. T _. Marguerite, Bagot— 415-90, De Ram., BSt. Hyacinthe, Via Bagot (2). Maria, Bona.—340-145, Maria 385, X$, BNew Richmond, CN, 4k, P. 900, ^29. Maria Capes, Bona.—341-145, Maria, X$, BNew Richmond, Via Maria. Maria East, Bona.—339-143, Maria, X$, BNew Richmond, yia Cascapedia Maria Ouest, Bona.—339-143, Maria, X, BNew Richmond, Via Maria. _ Marieville, Rou.—*422-99, Ste. Marie 694, 1X1 $. M&SC, CN, *0, P. 1,748—1,986. Marigot, Lot—346-53, Via BSt. Apollinaire. Marion, Montcalm—445-80, Raw., BSt. Jacob’s, Via Dugas. Maritana, Hunt.—436-126, Frank., BSt. Chrysostome, Via Ormstown. Mark’s, Hull—525-134, Wright, CP. Marlington, Stan.—399-118, Sta n., V ia ■ Beebe, Marlow, Beauce--332-100. Lin..1 X1 .B Liniere.Via St.George,£k. Maroeuil, Drum.—392-82, Kingsey, Via ■ Danville. Marsboro, Front.—363-107, Mars., 1X1 . HLac Megantic, Via Spring Hill Marsboro Mills, Front.—364-107, Mars., BLac Megantic, Via Milan. Marshall Road, Rou.—415-100, M&SC, CN. Marsouins, Gaspe—324-130, Duches., IXI . BSte. Anne des Monts, Via Gaspe, Safe27. Martel (St. Honore), Chic.—750-63, Simard 372, 1 X1 $. Via Chicoutimi. Martigny, Vaud.—452-114, Rigaud, ■ Rigaud, Via Choisy. Martin, Bona.—334-151, Hope— 1X1 . BPort Daniel Centre, Via St. Godfroie. Martin, Sag.—297-143, Anti. I. Martin, Miss.—421-120, P. 11. Martin Corhers, Sheff.—406-100, Sheff. Martindale, Hull—515-136, Low 54, IXI, ■ Wakefield,ViaLow. Martineau, Montma.—282-67, Berthier. Martin River ♦Ste. Marthe de Gaspe, Gaspe, 27-28. Martin’s Lake, Pont.—517-146, Aid., IX'I . Via BShawville. Martinville, Comp.—386-110, Clifton 737, Xl$, ■ Compton, Via Johnville, P. 204. O Maryland, Pont.—513-155, Bris., 1 X1 $. BShawville, CP, Q. Mascouche, L’Ass.—439-91, Mascou. 432, 1 X $. CP, P. 2,000. Mascouche Rapids, L’Ass.—441-90, L’Ach. Masham Mills, Hull—509-145.Masham. 1 X1 $.ViaB Wakefield.A. Maskinonge, Mask.—422-63, Mask. 791,X$. CP, £, P. 1,000. Massawippi, Stan.—394-113, Hatley W., IX $. BAyer’s Cliff, QC, P. 195. Massawippi Station, Stan—394-113, Hatley. Masse, Matane, Thib., Via Mont Jol (14). Masson (Buckingham Jet.), Pap.—486-133, Buck. 55, 1X1 $. Via Buckingham Jet., &, P. 950—2,015, ■afeSl. Massueville, Richel.—417-76, Bonse., CN, 4k, P. 654—595. Mastai ★Limoilou, Que., St. Mich. Arch., X1$. Via Quebec. — 22 — Matalik, Matap., Matane, 1 X1 . Via BCausapascal (3Vs). Matamek Factory (River Matamek), Sag. Blanche.lXl. , ^fe26. Matane, Matane, 346-122, Matane 579, 1X1 $. C&G Term., P. 4,757, ^25-11. Matane Est., Matane—349-120, Matane, IXl . ViaBMatane(3). Matapedia, Bona.—349-142, Restig. 580, 1 X1 $, H Campbellton, N.B., CN, P. 500. Matapedia West, Bona.—350-142, Matap., 1X1 . BCampbellton, N.B., Via Matapedia (3). Matherley, Abit.—618-144. Mathieu, Beauce—324-82, Vaud., Via BBeauceville E. Mattawin ♦Riviere Mattawin P.O., Champ. Mattem, Lab.— 500-102, P. 10. Maubourg, Richm.—386-92, P. 6. Maufils, Que.—300-54, Beaup., Via Limorlou (1), QRL&P. Maurice ★Pelletier, Temis. Mawcook, Sheff.—413-99, Milton, Via 9Granby, M&SC, £, P. 300. May Bank, Hunt.—449-132, Godm., BCazaville, Via Whites. May Island (Isles de Mai), Sag.—Grenier, Via Shelter Bay. Mayo, Pap.—490426, Loch. 56, Via 9Buckingham, Q. McArthur, Hull—524-134, Aylwin, CP. McBean, Hull—524-131, North., IXl . Via 9Gracefield. McCagg, Pont.—Via BShawville (5). McCarthy ★Casey, Champ.—640-68. McCarthy, Iber.—423-113, Sabre. McConnell, Stan.—396-111, Hatley. McCourts Comer, Richm.—391-94, Wind., Via 9 Windsor Mills. McGee Camp, Terre.—453-90, Mill I., X, 9St. Jerome, Via St. Sauveur. McKee, Pont.—514-156, Bris., 1X1 $. BShawville, CP, £. McLaren Dam, Pap.— 9Xotre Dame de la Salette (4), Via High Falls. McLaughlins, Vaud.—458-112, CP. McLeod, Comp—369-102, Hampden, BScotstown, CP. McMasterville, Ver.—426-95, McMaster, X$, Via Beloeil, P. 612-819. McNeil’s Crossing, Brome—Potton, Via Mansonville (5). Meach Lake, Hull—501445, Hull, X, 9Hull, Via Chelsea, &. Meaux, Tern.—597-143, Via BVille Marie. Mechins ♦Petits Mechins, Matane. Megantic (Lac Megantic), Front.—357-109, Whitton 730, CP, QC. +, P. 3,146—3,911. Megiskan (Magiskan), Abit.—621-11, CN. Meig’s Corners, Miss.—414-115, Dunham, Via BStanbridge E. Melboro, Richm.—397-92, Mel., 9 Richmond, Via Kingsbury. Melbourne, Richm.—395-89, Mel, X$, Via 9 Richmond, P. 340—349. Melbourne Ridge, Richm—397-93, Mel, Via Racine. Mellon, Pont—532-159. Melocheville, (Lac St. Louis), Beauh.—441-115, Beauh, IX, 9 Beauharnois, NYC, P. 1,537. Melville, St. Maur.—413-47, St. Bon , de Shaw. Menard, Belle.—292-85, Belle, X, 9 St. Magloire, Via St. Camille. Menard Comer, St. Jean—426-109, Long, Via 9 St. Johns. Menardville, Iber.—420-108, Bleurie, CN. Menjobagues ★Wykes, Champ.—634-70. Mer Bleu, Lot.—374-55, St. J. Deschail, CN. Mercier, Tern.--609-138, Via Noranda. Mercier de Caplan, Bona.—334-148, Hamil, IXT 9 New Rich¬ mond, Via Caplin, P. 254. Mercure, Yam.—403-73, Wend, Via BSt. Cyrille \\ enc ^ _ ve y•, Messines, (Burbidge), Hull—531-126, Bouch. 484, 1X1$, ^ ia Burbidge (%). 4 ^ _ _. T „ Metabetchouan, L. St. J.—732-45, Metabet, CN, /X P. 1,235. Metier, Terre.—469-89. . ___ v Metis Beach, Matane—353-121, McNider, £X$, 9 Mont Joli, C> P 291 Metis Sta. ♦Petit Metis Sta, Matane—X, CN, P. 150. Michaudville, St. Hyac.—422-81, St. Ber. 67o, 1^3, N ia St. Judes, P. 197. __ ~ XT -p Miguasha, Bona .-343-145, Nou, X, BCampbellton, N.B, Via Nouvelle. Miguasha West, Bona.—343-145, Nouv, X, BCampbellton, N.B, Via Nouvelle. Miguick, Port.—345-5, LaSalle, CN. Milan, Front.—366-103, Hampden, 1 X 1 $. BScotstown, CP, £, P- 175. Milby, Sher.—389-107, Ascot, Via BLennoxville. Mile End, Hoch.—435-100. Milieu ♦Riviere du Milieu, Champ. Millanville, Meg.—362-68, Inver, 9 Inverness, Via St. Julie. Mille Isles, Arg.—461-97, Mille I, XI, Via BSt. Jerome. Millerand, Mag. I.—317-161, 9 Grindstone I, Via Amherst. Mille Vaches, Sag.—792-111, 332. Millfield, Meg.—362-70, Inver, 9 Inverness, Via St. Julie. Millington, Brome—401-110, Bolton, BKnowlton, Via Bolton Centre, Millstream, Bona.—351-137,Restig.,EXL9Campbellton,N.B,CN. Milnikek, Bona.—349-137, Milnikek, 1X1 $. BCampbellton, N.B, CN. Milot, St. Maur.— BYamachiche. Milton, Sheff.—413-99, Milton, M&SC. Milton East, Sheff.—412-96, Milto n 651, Via Granby. Mine de Mica, Pap—505-125, fXl $. Via IN D de Salette. Minerve, Lab.—508-97, La Miner. 485, Xl$, BSt. Jovite, Via Labelle. Mink Lake ★St. Andre, L. St. J.—Dequen. Mingan, Sag.—293-136, Mingan Ld„ X, +, P. 600. *§^26. Minton, Stan.—393-107, Hatley, BLennoxville, Via N. Hatley. Miquelon, Wolfe—384-86, Wotton, BWotton, Via Danville. Mirabel, Deux Mts.—454-102, Deux Mts, CN. Miranda, Miss.—424-121, Fouc, BClarenceville, Via Cantic. Miron, Tern—593-142, Duham, XI, BVille Marie, CP. Misere, Chari.—239-66, Les Eboul, Via BLes Eboulements. Misgrey, Hunt—430-124, P. 11. Mission St. Louis, Bona.—342-142, Nou.. tXl $. 9 Dalhousie,N.B. Missoula, Pont.—532-162, Allumettes, Via 9 Waltham (5 ). Mistassini (St. Michel de Mistassini), L. St. J, Pell. 333, 1X1$ Via BDolbeau (IV 2 ). 4C P. 970. Mitchell ♦Mitchell Sta, Nic. Mitchell Corners, Miss.—417420, St. Armand. Mitchell Station (Mitchell), Nic.—399-71, Ste. Brig, de Nic, 1X1 . BSt. Perpetue, CN, Q. Model City, Hoch.—I. Mtrl, Via Mt. Royal. Moe’s River, Comp.—389-111, Comp, Via 9 Compton, Mohawk, Champ.—381-19, P. 12. Mohr, Pont.—508-151 Onslow, CP. Moisan, Port.—346-41, Neu, XI, Via 9 Pont Rouge (4V 2 ). Moisie, Sag.—309-119, Moisie, X, Via 9 Seven Islands, P. 351. Monalea, Arg—459-109, Chat.. BLachute, CN. Monet, Abit.—630-90, Bour, X, 9 La Tuque, CN. Mongenais, Vaud.—456-117, Newt, Via St. Justin. Monk, (Tourville), LTsl.—258-82, Four, CN, *$, +, P. 350. Monklands Sta., Jac. Cart.—Via Lazard (1). Monnoir, Rou.—Chambly E, Via 9 Mariervill e (( 2 V 2 ). Montagne Ronde, Temis.—225-114, St. Hub, [XJ, Via BSt. Honore de T. (12). Montagne Ronde, Beauce—340-80, Brough, Via Tring Jet. Mont Albert, Gaspe—331-126, Ste. A. des Monts, [XU, Via 9 Ste. Anne des Monts (1). Montalembert, Nic.—381-49, Lev., 9 Deschaillons, Via Levrard Montarville, St. Hyac—St. Hyac, Via St. Damase (2). Montarville, Chambly—427-97, Mont, CN. Montauban (Notre Dame des Anges), Port.—3/5-32, Chav, IX 1 S. CN, &, P. 543. _ Montaubah les Mines, Port.—375-33, Mont, [XJ$, Via Mont¬ auban, P. 325—630. Montcalm, Montcalm—445-79, Raw, 1X1 . BSt. Liguori, CN, P. 150. Montcalm Mills, Montcalm—442-78,St.Sul,Via Montcalm( 1 V 2 ). Mont Carmel, Kam.—240-85, N. D. de Mont. Car. 115, [X$, Via BSt. Philippe de Neri, £l Mont Carmel ♦Labissonniere P.O, St. Maur. Mont Carrier, Richm.—387-96, Wind, Via Bromptonville. Montcerf, Hull—544-122, Egan 486, 1X1$. Via Maniwaki,P.160. Mont Cerviln, Dor.—310-75, St. Ed.deFramp, 1X1, 9 F ramp- ton, Via St. Malachie. Mont Dufresne, Richm.—386-100, Stoke, Via BSherbrooke. — 23 — INDEX TO PLACES IN QUEBEC Montebello (Lucerne-in-Quebec), Pap.—477*117, Pet. Nat. 57, iXl$. CP, 4k, P. 977—1,501, S&31. Mchtfort (Orphelinat), Arg.—465-96, Went. 58, ESI$, Bote. Anne des iMonts, CN. Montfort Junction, Terre.—449-95, Terre., CN, CP. Montigny, Lab.—520-96, Montig., X, Via BNomimnque. Mont Joie, Sher.—395-102, Orford. ^ p „ „ Mont Joli Matane—355-123, Ste. Flav. 582, X$, CN, C>, i P. 2,799—3,143, S&1L Mont Joli Nord, Matane—355-123, Ste. Flav., X$, BMont Joli (%). „ ^ Mont Laurier, Lab.—534-102, Camp. 466, P*CJS, CP, 4L p 2 211_2 394 Mont Louis, Gaspe—320-133, M. Louis 386, CXl S. Via Gaspe, ^27-23-1-9-12. Montmagny, Montma.—273-67, St. Thom. 116, CX]$, ^[El, 4C P. 4,145—3,927. Montmagny Station, Montma.—273-67, R. du Sud 116, P<3$, ■ Montmagny, CN, P. 400. Montmartre, Dor.—311-79, ■Cranborne, P. 4. Montmoreincy East, Montmor., Cote de Beaupre, BSt. Louis de Courville (2), Via Boischatel. Montmorency Falls (St. Louis de Courville), Que.—294-54, Beaup. 210, QRL&P, P. 400. Montmorency Mills, Que.—293-52. Montmorency Village (Village Montmorency), Que.—294-54, Beaup., X$, QRL&P, P. 3,367—4,575. Montpellier, Pap.—494-116, Ripon 59, 1 X 1 $. BSt. Andre Avel- lin, Via Papineauville. Montreal, Hoch.—435-101, Mtrl., X$, CN, CP, D&H, M&SC, NYC, CSL, K, 4k, =+=, P. 618,506—818,577, ^33-31-14-16-18- 15-20-21-22-23,26-27-28-29-1-2-3-8-9-10-11-12-34. Montreal East (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—435-101, I. Mtrl., Via Pointe aux Trembles, 4L P. 1,776—2,242. Montreal Jet. ♦Montreal W., Hoch.—I. Mtrl. Montreal N, Hoch.436-97. Montreal River Road, Chambly—428-102, Chambly O., M&SC Montreal S., Chambly—431-99, Long. 19,[SI, M&SC, 4L P. 1,166 Montreal West, Hoch.-436-104, CN, CP. Montreville, Beauce—323-75,'Saints Anges,{X,Via ■ Valley Jet. Mont Rolland, Terre.—458-89, Morin, 1 X1 $. CP, 4C Mont St. Gregoire, Iber.—423-105, St. Greg. 652, 1X1 $. ■ Iber¬ ville, CN, P. 1,000. Mont St. Hilaire, Rou.—423-96, St. Hil.,[X],Via BSt. Hilaire,£ Mont St. Michel, Lab.—543-96, Gravel 487, 1X1 $'. BFerme Neuve, Via Mt. Laurier. Mont St. Pierre, Gaspe—320-133, Mt. Louis, [X, BSte. Anne des Monts, Via Mont Louis. Mont Tremblant ♦Lac Tremblant P.O., Terre. Monument Beauport (%), Que.—St. Roch. N., 1X$, ■ Que¬ bec, QRL&P. Moose, Front.—358-113, Ditch. Moose River, Bagot—404-88, Acton, BActonvale, Via Danby. Moquin, Chic.—747-54, Kenog., CN. Moreau, Bellechasse—286-69, P . 7. Moreau, Levis—313-61, Lauz., 1X1 . Via BSt. Henri. Morehead, Pont.—520-156, Claren., ■ Campbell’s Bay, CP, 4L Morel, Montmor.—281-54, Cote de B eaupre, QRL&P. Morency, Port.—374-45, Gron.. [X], Via BGrondines. Morency ★Charlesbourg, Que.—N D des Anges. Morgan Corners, Miss.—419-119, St. Armand. Morigeau, Montma.—280-67, Berthier, X, Via BSt. Francois Morin, Belle— 290-63, BSt. Raphael, Via La Durantaye. Morin, Montma—284-75, Armagh, Via La Durantaye, CN. Morin Heights, Arg.—464-95, Morin, 1X1 $. BSte. Agathe des Monts, CN, +, P. 300. Morissett Station, Dor.—317-87, Wat., X, BBeauceville E., QC, +, P. 150. Morris, Gaspe—316-146, Fox, X, Via BFox River. Morrison, Arg.—488-99, Mont., CN. Morrison, Terre.—479-91, Wolfe, BSt. Jovite, CP, 4b Morse, Richm— 392-92, Cleve, CN Moulin Beaupre, Temis—230-110, Armand, BSt. Honore de T. (2%), Via Whitworth. Moulin Bersimis ★Bersimis, Sag., Betsia., IX, BBetsiamites, ♦fi^24-12. Moulin Cantin, Arth.—385-82, Ting., BTingwick,Via Warwick. Moulin Dubois, Arth., Arth., Via Victonaville. Moulin Marin, Matap.— 350-130, Humqui,X,Via BAmqui (3). Moulin Mignault, Matap., BAmqui, Via Lac au Saumon. Moulin Rouge, Nic.—408-63, Nic., CN. Moulin Rouge ♦Redmill, Champ. Moulin Rouge, Pap.—480-112, L. Pet. Nat., P. 9. Moulin Tardif, Wolfe— 378-82, Ham., ■ Notre Dame de Ham. Moulin Tetu, Lot.—333-59, Gaspe, Via BSt. Agapit. Moulin Valliere, Montmor.-^288-50, Laval, X, Via ■ Beau- port. Moulton, Sher.—388-102, Orford. Mount Bruno, Chambly, Montar., Via Montarville (1). Mount Johnson, Iber.—422-108, Bleurie, CN. - — — o r\A '-ret. Vinmlln T'l/'vr Mount Loyal, Montcalm—451-81, Raw., X, Via BRawdon. Mount Maple, Arg.—465-107, Chat., Via BLadhute. Mount Murray, Chari.—228-79, C. a L’Aigle, 1 X 1 . Via BLa Malbaie. Mount Oscar, Vaud— 454-114, Rigaud, XI, Via BRigaud. Mount Royal, Outremont (1), Jac. Cart. Mount Royal Vale, Hoch., I. of Mtrl. Mountain House, Brome, *M^5. Mousseau, Vaud.—450-115, Rigaud. Mousseauville, Bona.—336-148, Hamilton, BNew Richmond, Via Caplin. Muldoon ^Parker, Pont.—507-149, Ons low . Mulligan Ferry, Hull—521-132, Hincks, 1X1 . BGracefield, Via Aylwin. Mungo, Tern., BTimiskaming Stn, Via Kipawa (40). Murphy, Jol., ■ Kildare. Via Joliette, 4b Murray Bay (Pointe au Pic), Chari.—230-77, Murray Bay, CN, P. 2,408, 'Sefe 17. Murrells, Pont.—520-159, Claren., Via BShawville. Mutton Bay (Baie Mouton), Sag., IX . P. 110, »S^r26. Mystic, Miss.—417-113, Stan, X, B Bedford, CP, 4k, P. 175. Nairn Falls ♦Chute Nairn P. O, Chari. Namur (New Belgium), Pap.—487-109, Suf, IX &. BSt. An¬ dre Avellin, Via Montebello, 4b Nancy, Mask, Via BLouiseville. Nant el (Lac Nantel P.O.), Terre.—477-89, Wolfe, CP, P. 333. Napierville, Nap.—426-114, St. Cyp. 20 , XI, N.Jc.R, 4k, *, P. 741—857. Natagan, Abit.—617-121, Barraute, X, BAmos, CN. Natashquan, Sag.—284-159, Goy. 874, X, =+=, ^26. Naud, Beauce—332-74, St. Sev, X, Via BTring Jet. Naud, L. St. J.—738-53, Signai, A&J. Navarre, Lab.—Robert, Via BMont Laurier (10). Nazareth, Rim.—207-134, Rim, X $. Via BRimouski (2). Nedelec (N. D. du Nord), Tern.—599-142, Nedel, X$, BNotre Dame du Nord, Via New Liskeard (20). Neigette, Rim.—207-137, Neig, X, Via BLuceville. Neils on ville ★Le Pont de Que, Que.—Sil, CN. Nemtaye, Matap.—Nem, X, BAmqui ( 8 ). Nesbitt Corners, Hull—Mash, ■ Wakefield ( 8 ), Via Alcove. Neubois (St. Narcisse), Lot.—336-63, St. Nar. de Beau. 226, 1X1 $. Via St. Agapit. NeuviUe, Port.—339-50, Nou, X$, CN, 4k, P. 365—571. New Armagh, Lot.—347-65, BSt. Sylvestre, Via Dosquet. Newaygo, Arg.—469-98, Went, X, BSte. Agathe des Monts„CN New Belguim ♦Namur, Pap. New Carlisle, Bona.—336-153, Cox 387, X$, CN, #, P. 1,000, ^ 29 - 9 . New Carlisle West, Bona.—337-153, Cox, XI, Via BNew Carlisle ( 2 ). New Erin, Hunt.—445-125, Godm, ■ Huntingdon, NYC. New Glasgow, Terre.—450-90, Lacorne, X$, CN, 4k, ^, P. 146. Newington, Sher.—389-103, Ascot, QC. New Ireland, Meg.—368-74, Ire, X. BSt. Ferdinand, Via Black Lake. New Lismore, Hull—531-129, Bouch, CP. New Liverpool, Levis—309-54, Lauz, X$, Via BSt. Rom¬ uald ( 2 ), 4 k. New London, Richm—391-91, Cleve. — 24 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC New Mexico, Comp.—378-109, Newp., Via Cookshire Newport, Gaspe—327-154, Newp. 388, ■Chandler, CN, P. 350. Newport Islands (Hots de Newport P.O.), Gaspe—Newp., ■ Newport (3). Newport Point, Gaspe—328-152, Newp., 1X1 $. BChandler, Via Newport, £^29-9. New Richmond, Bona.—337-146, New Richm. 389, 1 X1 $. CN, +, P. 1,000, 3^29. New Richmond Station, Bona.—337-146, New Richm., X$, ■ New Richmond, CN, P. 100. New Richmond West, Bona.—337-146, New Richm., X, Via ■ New Richmond (2). New Rockland, Richm.—394-94, Mel., ■ Windsor (Mills), Via Kingsbury, 4b New York Cent. June., Hunt.—445-128, CN. Nichabeau, Pont.—569-104, Chiches., ■ Chapeau (15), Via Pembroke, Ont. Nicolet, Nic.—406-60, Nic., 1 X1 $. CN, *0, 4b +, P. 2,342— 2,868, ^fe2. Nicolet Falls, Richm.—387-83, Ship. Via ■ Danville, 4b Nigger Rapids, Hull—530-123, Bouch., IXI . BMessines (4), Via Burbidge. Nipo, Lot.—341-72, P. 5. Nomininque, Lab.—518-94, Lor. 488, 1 X1 $. CP, 4b P 495. Noranda (Rouyn), Tern.—609-141, Rouyn, 1 X1 $. CN, NC, 4b P. 2,246. Norbestos, Arth.—384-84, Arth., IX, ■ Danville, Via Tingwick. Normandin, L. St. J.—717-56, Nor. 345, 1X1 $. CN, 4k, +, P. 773. Norraie ^Crabtree, Jol. North Clarendon, Pont.—519-154, Thorne, Via ■Shawville. North Coaticook, Stan.—389-115, Barn., IX$, Via BCoati- cook, 4b P- 500. Northfield Farm, Hull—526-126, North., BMessines, Via Bur¬ bidge, 4k. North Georgetown (Georgetown), Chat.—Beauh. North Gore, Arg.—460-98, Arg., Via BLachute. North Ham (Ham Nord), Wolfe—375-82, N. Ham 738, CX 1$, 4k, P. 300. North Hatley, Stan.—392-109, Hatley 739, [Xl$, QC, 4b P. 430—408. North Hill, Comp—374-98, Bury. North Low, Hull—516-135, Low, X, ■ Wakefield, Via Low. North Nation Mills, Pap.—480-121, L. Pet. Nat, BPapineau- ville, Via Plaisance, 4b ^ North Onslow, Pont -511-152, Onslow 564, Via BQuyon. North Pinnacle, Miss.—412-117, St. Armond, ■ Frelighsburg, Via Abercorn. North St. Claude ♦St. Claude Nord, Richm. North Shefford, Sheff.—409-104. North Stanbridge Stone, Miss.—415-112, Stan. 653,X$,■ Bed¬ ford, Via Stone, 4b North Stoke, Richm.—384-93, Stoke, BMarbleton, Via Bis¬ hop ton. __ _ North Stukely, Sheff.—400-101, N. Stuke. 777, [XJ$, CP, 4b P. 350. North Sutton, Brome—410-113, Sutton, BSutton, Via W. Brome. North Timiskaming, Tern.—597-145—419, Via Notre Dame du Nord, P. 200. North Whittch, Front -362-100, Whitton, Via Spnnghill. North Wolfestown, Wolfe—370-77, Wolfe, 1 X 1, BSt. Ferdin¬ and, Via Cole r aine. Norton Creek, Chat.—434-118, Beauh., BSt. Chrysostome, Via Aubrey. Norton’s Mills, Stan.—390-123. Norway Bay, Pont.—512-157, Bris., X, ■ Bristol, CN, 4b ^• Notagan, A bit.—617-122. Notre Dame (Montauban), Port.—374-31, Chav., CN, 4b P. 543. Notre Dame Crossing, Miss.—417-113, Stan., CP. Notre Dame de Bonsecours, Rou., Chambly E., BChambly, Via Richelieu. Notre Dame de Grace, Part of Montreal, Jac. Cart—435-101, LTle Verte, 1X1 $. Notre Dame de Ham (Fecteaus Mills), Wolfe—377-81, N.Ham 740. 1X1$. Via Victoriaville, 4b P. 500. Notre Dame de la Dore, L. St. J.—714-52,Via■ St.Felicien( 11). Notre Dame de la Merci, Montcalm—468-77, Chilton 433, (XI . Via BRawdon, 4 l Notre Dame de la Paix, Pap.—481-111, L. Pet. Nat., (Xl $. Via Montebello, 4b Notre Dame de la Salette, Pap.—501-127, Port. E., 1X1 $. Via Buckingham, 4b P. 235, 4^4 Notre Dame de L’esperance, Ver.—428-92. Notre Dame de Levis, Levis—303-56, Cote du Pass., 1X1$, Via ■ Levis. Notre Dame de l’lle Verte, Temis.—214-99, N. D. des Sept. Douleurs de Lille Verte, (XI . Via Blsle Verte. Notre Dame de Pierreville, Yam.—416-67, Pierre- 5, (Xl $. Via Pierreville, Notre Dame de Rimouski ♦Sacre Coeur, Rim., Xl$. Notre Dame des Anges ♦Montauban P. O., Port. Notre Dame des Bois, Front.—368-112, Chesham 741, 1X1 $. Via Scotstown, 4b P. 222 . Notre Dame des Laurentides, Que—297-49, Charle., (X, Via B'Charlesbourg. Notre Dame des Pins,Beauce—329-87,Vaud.,(X,Via BBeauce- ville East (5). Notre Dame des Quinze, Tern.—598-145, Guigues, (X, ■ Notre Dame du No^d, Via Angliers. Notre Dame de Stanbridge, Miss.—418-114, Stan. 654, 1 X 1 $. Via Mystic, 4b P. 368. Notre Dame des Victoires (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—435-101 I. Mtrl., (X1S. Notre Dame du Lac, Temis.—234-116, Madaw. 583, X$, Tern. Ry., 4b P. 1,500. Notre Dame du Lac Station, Temis.—234-116, Madaw., 1X1 $. ■ Notre Dame du Lac, Tem.Ry., P. 500. Notre Dame du Laus, Pap.—517-118, Wells, (XI S. Via Grace- field, 4 k, < &&4. Notre Dame du Nord, Tern., Guigues, 1X1 $. Via New Lis- keard, P. 443. Notre Dame du Pontmain, Lab.—526-114, Wabas., XI, Via ■ Mont Laurier. Notre Dame du Portage, Temis.—225-93, N. D. du Port., fXl $. Via Riviere du Loup, 4b P. 275. Notre Dame du Rosaire, Montma.—278-77, Ash., X$, Via Rosaire, P. 800. Nottaway ♦Senneterre, Abit. Nouvelle, Bona.—343-143, Nou., 1X1$. BCampbellton NB CN, P. 450. Nouvelle West, Bona.—343-143, Nou., CN. Noyan, Miss.—424-120, Sabre., X$, BClarenceville, Via Can- tic, *[x], 4k, P. 163. Noyan Junction, Miss.—424-120, Fouc., CN. Nutt’s Colliers, Miss.—422-119, Fouc., Via Noyan. Oak Bay (Oak Bay Mills P.O.), Bona.—346-141, Mann.BCamp- bellton, N.B., CN. Oak Bay Mills ♦Oak Bay, Bona. O’Connell, Pont., ■ Shawville (10), Via Maryland. Odanak, \ am.—416-68, Pierre., IIXTI . Via fl Pierreville. Odel, L’lslet, Four. Odelltown, St. Jean—426-122, Lacolle, 4k. O’Farrell, Dor.—304-73, Framp., X, Via BSt. Malachie. Ogdensburg, Arg.—464-109, Gren., BGrenville, Via Stayner- ville. u vxraay, i\ic., i\ic., via Bbt. Ferpetue. Oka, Deux Mts.^49-110, L. Deux Mts. 21 , 1X1 $. Via Como P 584, 3^31. Old Bourget Mill ^Perce, Gaspe, Perc. Old Chelsea, Hull-498-144, Hull 60, X, BHull, Via Chelsea Old Fort Bay, Sag., (X, ^26. Old Harry, Mag. I.- 308-162, Mag. I., X, ■ Grindstone I., Via Grand Entry, Oliver, Stan.—398-111, Magog, Via ■ Magog. Olscamp (Grande Anse), Champ.—433-24, Boucher, X, Via ■ Grandes Piles. Omer, Pont - 526-147, Clap.. X, Via BCampbell’s Bay O’Neils Corners, Hunt. 447-128, Godm., Via Carrs. Onslow Corners, Pont.—513-152, Onslow, X, Via BQuyon, Oolahwan, Terre.—461-84, Wex., X, BSte. Agathe des Monts! Via St. Marguerite. — 25 — PLACES QUEBEC INDEX TO I N Oratoire St JoTeph^Sub. P. O. Montreal), Jac. Cart.—435-101, 153$. . ... ... . .... Orford Centre, Sher.-392-102, Orford, Via Sherbrooke. Orford Lake, Brome—400-105, Bolton, I, ■ Magog, C . Orleans, Petit Pre (1), Montmor., Cote de Beaupre, QKk&B. Orleans Club ★Linton, Port.-327-14, La Salle. Orlo Hull— 530-128, Bouch., I, BGracefield, OP. Omstown Chat.-439-122, Orm. 843, ISIS. CN. £, f. P. 842. OrmstowLi Station, Chat.^142-123, Orm., BOrmstown, CN, =t, P. 150. Orphelinat (Montfort), A rg., CN. . . Oskelaneo, Abit.— 635-82, ISIS, "La Tuque, Via Oskelaneo River. _ .. Oskelaneo River, Abit.—635-83, BLa. Tuque, CN Hr- Otis, Chic.—778-67, Otis 349, ISL Via ■Port Alfred. Otterburn, Temis.—237-123, Temis., Terms. Ry. Otterburn Park, Rou.—423-95, Rou., [>2, BSt. Hilaire, CN, P 193. Otter Lake, Pont -523-148, Leslie 565, £>3$, Via B Camp¬ bell’s Bay. Otter River, Sag., Anti. I.. BGaspe (30), Via Port Menier. Outardes (Chute aux Outardes), Sag., Mamcou., BBetsia- mites (See Manicouagan). S&24. T . Outremont (Sub. P. O. Montreal), Hoch.—437-101, I. of Mtrl. Oxide, Champ.—400-51 Pabos Mills, Gaspe-326-154, Pabos, (SI, B Chandler, Via Newport. . T .. Pacaud, Meg.— 363-67, Inver., ED, BLaurierville, Via St Julie. Packington, Temis.— 238-120, Pack. 595, [><]$, B Notre Dame du Lac, Via St. Rose. Pacquette ★Berthierville, J°l* 433-74, CP. Padoue, Matane, 352-124, Cabot 593, IS]$, BSt. Moise Stn, CN, HK P- 600. Pageville, Belle, Via BSt. Charles de B. Paimpol, Front— 348-95, Dorset. Painchaud, Kam.—246-80, Ste. A. de la Pocat, Ste. Anne de Bellevue. Paincourt Pt., Vaud.—443-113, Vaud. Paisley ★St. Sophia, Terre.—449-9 3, T erre. Palmarol, Abit.-fil6-146, Pal. 420, Via BLaSarre (10). Palmers Crossing ★Clarendon, Pont. —51 7-162, Claren. Panet, Montma.— 284-86, Panet 177, |^|$, BSt. Camille de Belle, Via Daaquam. Panneton, St. Maur, Yama, Via BYamachiche (4%). Pantin, Beauce—333-92, BBeauceville, P. 12. Papinachois, Sag, Papina, OP, ^24. Papineau, Terre.—452-97, Mille I, CN. Papineau (D’Abbottsford), Rou—415-102, CP. Papilneau, Pap.—490-102, Amherst, B Arundel, Via Lac Remi. Papineauville, Pap.—479-121, Ste. Angel. 61, [X]S, CP, Q, HK P. 958, ^31. Paquet, Quebec (5), Montmor, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Paquette (Paquetville), Comp.—383-119, Here. Gore 742, D3$, BNotre Dame du Nord, Via Angliers. Paquin ★St. Jerome, Terre.—454-93, Aug. Paradis, Lot.—364-49, Lot, BLotbiniere, Via Fortierville. Paradis Junction, L’Ass.—-438-84, L’ Ass . Parame, Matap—347-131, Lepage, □<], BAmqui, Via Lac au Saumon. _ Parc Lamontagne, Hull—495-145. LXl . B Hull (1), Via Hull W. Pare, Port.—368-46, Lachev, S3, B Desohambault, Via Lach- evrotiere. Parefcit, Champ.—637-72, Sl$, BLa Tuque, CN, HK P. 165 Parish Line, Rou.—415-100, M&SC. Parisville, Lot.—377-50, St. J. des Chail. 117, Parker, Hull—505-148, Eard, CP. Parkhurst, Lot.—343-65, St. Syl, S3$, BSt. Sylvestre, Via St. Agapit. Pascal, Dor.—315-75, Framp, SI, BFrampton (7), Via St. Malachie. Pascalis, Abit.—613-116, Pasca, Via BSenneterre (15). Paspebiac, Bona.—336-152, Cox 391, CN, ®(, HN P- 600, •5^29-9 Pasplbiac Est, Bona. -336-152, Hope, l^Via" Paspebiac (2). Paspebiac West, Bona.—336-152, Cox, Via BNew Car- lisle (2) Pasteur, L’Isl.—252-78, Ashford, Eg], Via BSte. Louise. Pau, Belle—293-70, St. Michel, Via ■Armagh. Paugan Falls, Hull—504-141, BWakefield (2), Via Low. Pauline, Rou.—417-99, Via Abbotsford. Peabody, Brome—402-117, Patton, CP. Pearceton, Miss.—415-113, Stan., Via Stanbridge E. Pearl Lake, Que —224-7. Pellerin, L’lsl.—255-79, Four., BTourville, Via Monk. Pelletier, Matane-345-125, Tessier, ISI, Via B Matane (9) Pelletier, Montmor.—277-55, Cote de Beaupre, Via Ste. An¬ ne de Beaupre (1), QRL&P. Pelletier Sta., Kam.—235-99, Parke, BSt. Eleuthere, CN, ^ Peninsula-Gaspe (Penisula),Gaspe—316-149, Gaspe Bay N., 15^1 $. Via BGaspe, sj* S&l. Penisula ♦Peninsula Gaspe, Gaspe. _ Pentecost River, Sag.—325-116, Fitz. 875, CE3&, ^, 5^24-25-26 Perce, Gaspe—320-154, Perce 392, [23$, CN, +, P. 300 29-9 Peribonca (Peribonka), L. St. J.—727-59, Dalmas 346, LXJ*, Via BRoberval, £C : 4 t , P- 300. Perkins ♦Vale Perkins, Brome. Perkins, Pap.—496-136, Temple. 62, D*d $, Via Templeton, P. 100 Perkins Corner, Richm.—390-93, Wind., Via Windsor Mills. Perou ★St. Casimir, Champ. Perras, Hull—526-133, Wright, BGracefield, CP. Perron ♦Flynn, Gaspe—321-155. Perryboro, Comp.—386-118, Via BCoaticook. Perthuis, Port.—363-30, Perthuis, BSt. Raymond, CN. Petit,’ Chic.—743-64, Begin, 1^, Via Bjonquieres (20). Petit Becancour, Arth.—384-68, Stanf., B Victonaville, Via Black River. ___ Petit Begin, Chic.—743-66, Begin, 1S3, Via Bjonquieres. Petit Bois Franc ♦Le Petit Bois Franc, Temis. Petit Bonaventure, Bona.—340-150, St. Bona., [XT BNew Carlisle, Via St. Simeon (1%). Petit Brule, Deux Mts.—449-102, Milles I., Via BSt. Augustin, Via Deux Mts., . Petit Cap, Gaspe—314-147, Fox, [X]$, B Riviere au Renard, Via Gaspe, ■afel-9. Petit Cap, Montmor.—269-60. Petit Carleton, Bona., Maria, BNew Carlisle, Via Carle- ton (12). Petit Cascapedia Nord (Little Cascapedia), Bona.— 335-145, New Richm., [>3, Via BNew Richmond, P. 175. Petite Anse, Gaspe—316-139, Clor., DO . B Riviere au Renard, Via Cloridorme (2), *g^fel. Petite Magdeleine, Gaspe, 315-137, Tasch., IX], B Riviere au Renard, Via Madeleine. Petite Mascouche (Lepage), Terre.—444-94, Ste. Anne, IXT BSte. Therese de Blainville, Via Lepage. Petite Matane, Matane—343-125, St. Jer. de Mat., IX)$, Via B Matane, P. 145. Petite Matane Sud, Matane—347-122, Matane, [X], Via B Ma¬ tane (5). Petite Riviere (La Petite Riviere St. Francois), Chari.—250- 64, St. Fran. Xav. 334, CN, P. 150. Petite Riviere au Renard, Gaspe—314-148, Fox, IXl B Riv¬ iere au Renard, Via Fox River. Petite Riviere Est, Gaspe. Perce, IXl S. BCape Cove (2), Via St. Therese de Gaspe, P. 100. Petite Riviere Ouest, Gaspe, Pabos. IXI S.ViaBGrandRiver(3), P. 200. Petites Bergeronnes, Sag.—206-98, Berger., 1X1 . Via BTad- oussac (12). Petite Tourelle ♦Tourelle, Gaspe. Petite Vallee, Gaspe—314-140, Chlor., iXl . B Riviere au Re¬ nard (Fox River), Via Gaspe, 27-28-1-9. Petit Lac, Beauce—350-83, Ads., IXl S. B Robertsonville. Petit Lac, Front.—351-83, Ads., Via Robertsonville (7). Petit Lac Magog, Sher., Via Lake Park, P. 42. Petit Makasti, Sag., 301-138, Anti. I. — 26 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Petit Metis Station (Metis Stn.), Matane—352-124 Metis 1 X 1 ■ Mont Joli, CN. ’ Petit Mouliln, Jol.-^45-76, Kil.,X,B Rawdon,Via Joliette,£. Petit Pre, Montmor.—287-53, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Petit Pre Est, Montmor. -287-53, Cote de ’Beaupre, 15=3 . ■ Ange Gardien, Via Petit Pre \ X A). Petit Riv aux Sables, Chic.—757-55, Jonq. Petit Saguenay, Chic.^800-84, Dumas 335, XI, BTadoussac, Via L’Anse St. Jean, Petit St. Louis, Nic.—393-58, Mad. Petits Capucins, Matane—336-124, Romieu, Xl $. BSte. Anne des Monts, Via Mechins (4). Petits Mechins (Mechins), Matane—336-127, Dali., X 1 S. BSte. Anne des Monts, Ml 27-28-9-11. Petrie, Oharl.—253-61, P. 8 . Peveril, Vaud.—455-120, Newton, Via BSte. Justine de New¬ ton. Phelps ^Kazabazua, Hull, Aylwin. Philemon, Hull—545-113, Sicotte, XI, Via BManiwaki. Philibert, Mask., Dumon., BSt. Paulin, Via St. Ursule. Phillipsburg, Miss.—418-119, St. Armand 655, ' 15=3 8. Via St. Armand, )Jl[x], £k, P. 642. Philmar, Lap.—430-106, P. 19. Piastre Bay ♦Baie Johan Beetz, Sag., M£26. Piche Point, Tern.—595-143, Via Ville Marie. Pichette 'A'Cantin, Levis,, Lauz. Pickanock, Hull, Wright, Via BGracefield ( 1 V 2 ), Picoudi, Richel.—421-72, Sorel, CN. Pidgecln, Meg.—369-70, Inver., Via ■ Plessisville. Pied de la Montagne, Jol.—447-74, Ste. Mel., XI, ■ Kildare, Via Joliette. Pied du Lac (Aubut), Temis.—238-113, Est., 15=3 $. ■ Riviere Bleue, Via Aubut. Piedmont, Terre.—458-91, St. Sauv., XI, BSt. Adele, CP, A, P. 109. Pierreville, Yam.—413-69, Pierre. 511, £> 3 $, CN, A P. 1,394—1,352. Pigeon Hill, Miss.—416-119, St. Armand 656, Via BSt. Ar¬ mand Stn. Pigou River, Sag.—303-123, Blanche, IXI . Via Riviere aux Graines, Pike River, Miss.—420-116, Stan. 657, 15=3 $. ■ Bedford, Via Stanbridge, £k, P. 200. Piles Junction, St. Maur.—407-53. Piles Julnction, Champ —406-54. Pincebec, Mask.—437-53, St. Al. des Monts, IXI . BSt. Alexis des Monts, Via St. Paulin. Pincourt, Terre.—440-92, Terre., Via ■ Terrebonne. Pine Hill, Arg.—466-105, Chat., 1X1 . Via BLachute. Pine Lake (Lac des Pins), Arg., CN. Pinguet, L’lsl.—251-79, Ash., 1 X 1 . Via BSt. Louise. Pinnacle, Richm.—389-88, Ship., Via ■ Danville. Pilatendre, Levis—306-57, Lauz. 118, 1 X 1 $. BSt. Romuald, Via Carrier, P. 918. Piopolis, Front.—363-109, Mars. 743, X$, BLac Megantic, Via Megantic, P. 336. Plage Laval, Laval—I. de Jesus, X, BSt. Eustache, Via Laval Sur Lac (1), P. 220. Plaisance, Pap—482-123, Ste. Angel. 63, Xfe . CP, £k, P. 300. Plamondon’s Mills, Wolfe—380-88, Wotton, BWotton, Via Danville. Plessisville, Meg.—371-67, St. Cal. de Somer. 119, ISIS, CN, &, =+, P. 2,032—2,536. Plessisville Sta., Meg.—371-67, Somer., 1X1 $. ■ Plessisville, CN, sj* P. 350. Plouffe Landing, Pap—496-130, Buck., Via ■ Buckingham. Plourde (Les Boules P.O.), Matane,—351-123, C&G. Pohenagamooke, Kam.—236-104, Pohena., 1X1 . Via BSt. Eleuthere, £k. Point Carre, Pap.—485-104, Amherst, 1X1, ■ Arundel, Via Lac Rami. Point Comfort, Hull—524-128, Blake, IXI . Via BGracefield. Point d’Aulne ^Maillard, Chari.—249-62, Beaupre. Pte. a la Baleine, Matane—345-121, Cher., ■ Matane (10). Pointe a la Fregate ★Chloridorme, Gaspe— 314-141, Chlor., IS], ■ Riviere au Renard (Fox River), Via Gaspe, S&27-28-1. Pointe a la Garde, Bona—345-141, Nou., X, CN. Pointe a la Moule, St. Jean—424-112, De Lery. Pointe a Naveau, Gaspe—317-146, Syd., X, Via BGaspe. Pointe au Boisvert, Sag.—Port., IXI . Via BLes Escoumains ( 20 ). Pointe au Bouleau, Sag.—211-92, Sag., X, Via BTadoussac. Pointe au Chene, Arg.—472-114, Gren. 64, X$, ■ Calumet, CP, &, P. 150. Pointe au Goemon, Gaspe—331-130, Cap Chat, X, BSte. Anne des Monts, Via Cap Chat. Pointe au Loup, Mag. I.—309-160, Mag. I. X BGrindstone I, Via Grand Entry. Pointe au Pere ♦Father Point, Rim. Pointe au Pic (Murray Bay), Chari.—230-77, Mt. Murray 336, XS, CN, CSL, *[x], £, P. 703—965. Pointe aux Anglais (English Point), Sag.—327-117, Cannon, IXI , Via Pentecost River. Pointe aux Anglais (Pointe aux Touristes), Deux Mts.—450- 109, L. Deux Mts., Via Choisy (3). Pte. aux Chenes, Vaud.— ■ Calumet. Pte. aux Crepes, Chic.—806-86, Dumas. Pointe aux Orignaux, Kam.—238-78, R. Ouelle, X, BSte. Anne de la Pocatiere, Via Riviere Ouelle (2V 2 ). Pointe aux Outardes ^Manicouagan, Sag.—Manik., IXI . ■ Betsiamites, *£^ 24. Pointe aux Pins, Richel.—428-73, Sorel. Pointe aux Touristes ♦Pointe aux Anglais, Deux Mts. Pointe aux Trembles, Hoch—431-92, I. Mtrl. 22, 1X1 $. CN, &, P. 2,970. Pointe aux Trembles Ouest, Port—344-49, Neu. 120, Via ■ Neuville. Pointe Barry, Vaud.—455-117, Newt., Via St. Justine. Pointe Basse, Mag. I.—311-162, Mag. I., 1 X1 $. BGrindstone I., +, 3 ^ 30 . Poine Blanc, Chari.—218-91, Hare I., P. 7. Pointe. Bleue, L. St. J—724-49, Ouiat., IX $. BRoberval, CN, P. 300. Pointe Bourg, Bona.—341-146, Maria, IXI . BNew Richmond, Via Carleton. Pointe Calumet, Deux Mts.—447-106, L. Deux Mts., Via Fres- niere. Pointe Cavagnal, Vaud.—446-109, Vaud., ■ Hudson, Via Como Pointe Claire, Jac. Car.—439-107, 23. Pte. Claire Sta. +Pte. Claire, Jac. Car. Pointe des Monts., Sag.—335-120, Des Monts, XI, Via Trinity Bay, Pointe des Roches, Chari.—242-71, I. aux Coud., XI, Via ■ Baie St. Paul. Pointe du Lac, St. Maur.—408-58, Pte. du Lac 792, 1 X1 $. ■ Trois Rivieres, CP, P. 175. Pointe Gatineau (Gatineau Point), Hull—490-41, Temple. 65, X$, P. 1,919—2,282, Ml31. Pt. Gatineau (Gatineau), Pap.—490-141, 50, X3$, P. 2,282, £&31. Pointe Jaune, Gaspe—314-146, Fox, IXI . ■ Riviere au Renard, •£^27-28-1. Pte. la Fleche, Vaud. Pte. la Roche, Vaud.—445 -113 Vaud. Pointe Lebel, Sag.—Sag., XI, BRimouski (5), Via Comeau Bay. Pointe Levis, Levis—301-54, Lauz., CN. Pointe Martel, Tern.—591-142, Maz., Xl$, ■ Ville Marie, Via Fabre (5). Pointe Riviere du Loup, Temis.,—221-94, Fraser., X, Via ■ Riviere du Loup. Pointe Ste. Anne des Monts, Gaspe—332-126, Pt. Ste. A. des Monts., IXI . Via BSte. Anne des Mon ts. Point Fortune, Vaud.—459-112, Rigaud 844, 1X3 $. CP, P. 324—307. Point Platon, Lot.—359-46, Lot., IXI . BSte. Croix. Via Laurier Pt. St. Charles (Part of Montreal). Hoch /—4 33-102. Point St. Peter, Gaspe—318-154, Malbaie, Xl$, Via BBara- chois de Malbaie, Poitou, Lot.—354-51, Issou., IXI . BSte. Croix, Via Laurier. — 27 — INDEX TO PLACES IN QUEBEC Poliquin, Dor.—311-88, Wat., ISI, BSt. Georges de Beauce, Via Ste. Rose. A Tr . _ , . , A Poltimore, Pap. — 506-130, Port., 1X1 $. Via Buckingham, A- Pomerleau, Meg.—Inver., ^Inverness, Via Ste. Julie. Pclacheville, Matane—345-124, Matane, IS3, Via ■ Matane (2) Pont Amaud, Chic.—755-58, Chic., R&S. u Pontbriand, Meg.—355-77, Thet. 121, ES3$, Via ■Robertson- Pont 1 'chateau, Soul.—448-117, Soul. BCoteau du lac, Via Wilsonvale, £k. . ... Pont de Fer, Arth.—Stanf., Prmceville (4). Pont de la Noreau, Port.—N. D. de Port., ESI, Via BPort- neuf (2). Pont des Meres ★ Lore tte ville, Q ue -— S i^ ab - . Pnrn Pont Etchemin, Levis—308-56, Lauz., 1X3$, Via BSt. Rom uald (V2). . Pontgrave, Montmor.—284-56, Via Quebec. Pontiac, Pont. — 509-157, Bris., CN. T . Pont Mousseau, L’Ass.-443-86, LAss Via St. rp Pont Rouge, Port.— 344-44, Ste. J. de Neu. 122, SIS, CP, A, i P. 1,361. . _ x Pont St. Maurice ♦Cap de la Madeleine Ouest, Champ. 402-55 Pont Viau, Laval—439-100, St. V. de Paul, IS1, BAhuntsic, Via Laval Rapides, A- . , r . Portage de la Nation, Pap.—479-117, L. Pet. Nat., IS3, Via ■ Papineauville, A- _ • Portage des Roches, Chic—760-55, Later., \ la Jonquieres. Portage du Cap, Mag. I.—314-164, Amherst I., (SI, ■Grind- Portage duF^^ Pont.—518-159, Litch. 566, ES3$, CN, A, +» Portage ^Griffon, Gaspe,—314-151, Fox, [SI, BGaspe, \ia Port^AHred, Chic.—768-63, Bagot 337, 1X1$, R&S, *0, A, P. 1,213-2,342, ^23 __ , T M . r1 Portal Heights ★Mount Royal, Hoch., I. Mtrl Port au Persil, Chari.-222-84, Chari., Via BSt. Simeon, A ^ P 100 Port au Saumon,’ Chari.—224-81, M. Murray, 1S1, Via BLa Port^aux ^Quilles, Chari .-218-87, Gall.,1^,Viat BStSimeon, Port Daniel, Bona.-331-152, Pt. Dan. 393, BPort Darnel Cen- tre, CN, =+, P. 800, Safe29-9. Port Daniel Centre ♦Pt. Daniel E., Bona. Port Dalniel East ♦Port Daniel, Bona. _ Port Daniel West, Bona.—331-154, Port Dan., (SIS, BPort Daniel Centre, Via Marcil (2). Port Francis, Nic—407-59, Nic. - Port Lewis Hunt — 448-126, X, Via B Huntingdon, Q.. Port Menier, Sag.—301-140, I. Anti., ISI$, BGaspe,-S&27-28-26. Portneuf, Port.— 357-44, Port. 123, 1^1$, CP, CN, £, +, P. 1,021. Porttieuf ♦Hamilton Cove, Sag. „ __ ^, XT Portneuf Station, Port.-357-44, Port., BPort., CP, CN, p 495 Potton Springs, Brome-404-113, Potton, tSI, BMansonville, CP A Potvin,’ Lot.—354-50, Ste. Croix, {^], BSte. Croix, Via Laur- i er Poularies, Abit.-616-142, Poul. 421, ISIS, Via BMakamik. Poulin, Dor.—311-76, Framp., SI, BFrampton, Via St. Hene- Pouhot, e Temis.—215-106, I. Verte, S, BTrois Pistoles (114), Poupore, Pap — 498-129, Port., S, Via B Buckingham,O-.^S 4 - Powerscourt, Hunt.—442-130, Hinch., Via Athelston, £.. Powerville ★Lippee, Kam.—243-91. Precieux Sang, Nic.—399-60, Becan.,S*, BSt.Gregoire.ON Prefontaine, Terre.-468-89, Ste. Agathe, IS), BSte. Agathe des Monts, CP. Premont, Mask.—425-57, Ste. Angele, SS, BSt. Paulin, CN. Press, Abit. — 618-106, CN. Prevel, Gaspe—317-153, Doug., S$, BGaspe, Via Douglas- town (8). iSt. Prevost, Terre.— 450-92, St. Sauv. des Monts, [>3, «St. Jer¬ ome, Via Shawbridge, P. 113. « r Price (Priceville), Matane—354-122, Metis 627, 1X1$, C & G Term., +, P. 2,310. Priceville ♦Price, Matane. Primeau Station, Lap.—435-107, NYC&HR, Primeauville, Chat.—437-114, Ste. Martine, 1X3, V ia Martine. „ _ , rirk Prliceville (Stanfold), Arth.—380-67, St. Eusebe 512, “ CN, +, P. 869—980. Proulx, Champ.—410-39, Radnor, CP. Proulx Mill (Lac Lois P.O.), Abit.—615-140, CN Proulxville, Champ.—401-41, Batis. 821, [X>3$, BSt.Tite.CN, t f. Provence, Matane, Matane, Via BMatane (7). Provencher (Arntfield P. O.), Tern— 607-144, NC. Providence, Beauce—334-85, Vaud., Via BSt. Victor des Tnng. Province Hill, Brome—403-119, Potton, E Mansonville, Via Highwater. ^. Quai de Rimouski (Rimouski Wharf), Rim.—204-131, Rim., 1X1$. Via M Rimouski (2). Quai des Eboulements (Les Ebouleme nts) , Chari., Les Eboul. Quatre Chemins, Dor.—516-90, Wat., «St. Prosper de Dor., Via Morisset. _ o ™ Quebec, Que.-307-52, Que., ISIS, CN, CP, QC, QR, L&P, £t, P. 95,193—130,594, 16-17-23-26-27-28-29-1-9- 10-11-12-34. Quebec Bridge ♦Le Pont de Quebec, Que. Quebec Ouest, Que.—307-52, Que., S, Via B Quebec, P. 130—1,813. Quebec South ★Levis, Que.—307-52, Que. Querry, Bona.—337-146, New Richm., 123, Via BNew Rich- mond. Queylus, (St. Joachim (1), Montmor.—271-58, Cote de Beau- pre, QRL&P. Quinnville, Pap.—496-139, Temple., BHull, Via Gatineau. Quinze, Montmor.—260-57, P. 9. Quyon, Pont.—509-154, Onslow 567, 1X1 $, CP, A, P. 787-792 Racey ★Johnville, Comp.—387- 108, Eaton. Racine, Sheff.—398-96, Ely 744, [SIS, A, P. 200 . Racine ♦Chute Shipshaw P.O., Chic. Racine Mills, Lab.—510-91, Via ■ Annonciation. Radford, Pont.—519-160, Claren., Via BShawville. Radnor Forges, Champ.—403-48, Via BSt. Maurice. Radstock, Job—446-75, Kildare, BRawdon, A- Rageot, Lot.—339-64, Via St. Agapit. _ Ragueneau ★Manicouagan, Sag.—Rague., IXJ, Via BBet- siamites. Rail, Gaspe—322-154, Perce, S, Via BCape Cove. Raimbault, Nic.—395-59, Mad., S, Via BBecancour. Rainville, Dor.—303-83, Ware, IS], BSt. Malachie, Via Ste. Germaine. _ Rancourt, Beauce—347-88, Tring, 1X3 . Via BSt. Ephrem de Tring. Randboro, Comp—381-109, Newp., Via BSawyerville, £-. Rang des Dusseau, Iber.—421-112, Sabre., Via St. Alexander. Rang Double, Jol.—■ Kildare, Via Joliette. Rang Neuf ★Normandin, L. St. J.—Norman. Rang Portage, Mask.—434-57, Hope, BSt. Gabriel de Brandon, Via St. Ursule Falls. . Rang St. Achille, Port.—Grond. W., Via BSt. Casimir (7). Rang Ste. Anne, Port.—375-43, Price, E3, Via BSt. Casimir. Rang Ste. Catherine, Chari.—236-70, Les Eboul., 1X3, Via ■ Les Eboulements (2). Rang St. Charles, Rou—416-106, CN. Rang St. Gabriel, Chari.—241-61, Baie St. P., IXJ, Via BBaie St. Paul. _ . Rang St. Paul, Gaspe—320-152, Malbaie, EE3, Via BBarachois de Malbaie (5). Rapide Blanc, Champ.—595-15, Pay., [Xl Mha. Tuque, CN, ^ Rapide de L’Original, Lab—536-104, Robert., □<]$, Via ■ Mont Laurier. Rapide des Chiens, Lab—542-98. Rapide des Joachims (Des Joachims), Pont.—57o-113, Aber., 1X1 $. ■ Pembroke, Ont. ( 6 ). Rapide des Pins, Lab.—540-96, Gravel,IS1, Via ■ Mont Laurier Rapide Dufort, Pap.—519-118, McGill, Via BGracefield. Rapide Ste. Anne ★Rouseau, Port—376-27, Chav. - 28 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Rat River ♦Riviere au Rat, Champ. Raudot, Temis.—221-115, Raudot, SL BSt. Jean de Dieu, Via Trois Pistoles. Ravignan, Dor.—306-92, Ravig. ,[>3$, BSt. Georges de Beauce, Via Ste. Rose. Ravins, Terre.—445-97, Mille I., CP. Rawcliffe, Arg.—467-109, Gren., IXI . Via ■ Grenville. Rawdon, Montcalm—448-79, Raw. 434, 1 X 8 . CN, A, P. 1,042—1,071. Rawdon June., Montcalm— 443-81, Raw., CN. Rectory Hill, Meg.—361-64, Inver., Via BLyster Station. Red Head, Gaspe—317-153. Red Mill (Moulin Rouge), Champ,—402-52. Cap de la Mag., ■ Trois Rivieres, CP. Redmond, Que.—299-43, Valcar., IXI T Via ■ Loretteville. Red Mountain, Comp.—370-96, Ling., Via BScotstown. Reed Mill, Meg.—359-64, Nelson. Reedsdale, Meg.—359-69, Inver., ■ Inverness, Via St. Julie. Renard, L. St. J.—723-40. Renversy, Mask.—425-56, St. Paul., IXl Via BSt. Paulin. Repentigny, L’Ass -435-90, L’Ass. 24, S$, Via St. Paul V Ermite, A Restigouche, Bona.—347-142, Mann 394, 1 X 1 $. BCampbellton, N.B., Via Cross Point, A- Z Ribot, Pap.—491-133, Buck., ■ Buckingham, Via Angers. Riceburg, Miss.—415-113, Stanb., AStanbridge East, CN. Richardville, Meg.—363-75. Richelieu ♦Village Richelieu, Rou. Richmond, Richm.—392-90, Cleve. 745, Ex]$', CN, A, ^ P. 2,450—2,596. Riendeau, Dor.—Wat., 1X1 8. Via BMorriset. Rigaud, Vaud.—455-113, Rigaud 845, SS, CP, A, +, P. 939_ i Q 99 Rimouski, Rim.—204-130, St. Ger. de Rim., S38, CN, ®(, A> =+=, P. 3,612—5,589, 3^24-26-11. Rimouski Ouest, Rim.—206-132, Rim., [SS, Via ■ Rimouski. Rimouski Wharf ♦Quai de Rimouski, Rim. Rinfret, Terre.—449-95, Terre., CN. Riordon Depot, Tern.—596-138, Baby, 1X3 . E Lorrainville, Via Laverlochere (9). Riou, Temis.—216-113, Begon, 1X3, Via ■ Trois Pistoles. Ripon, Pap.—488-117, Ripon 66 , 1X1 $. Via Papineauville, A, P. 443. Rivard, Matap.—349-132, Matalik, S, Via BCausapscal (2). Rivard’s Corners, Comp.—386-117, Here, Via Coaticook. River a L’Ours, L. St. J.—718-50, Ashuap. River a Tours, Chic.—747-61, Bour. River Beaudette, Soul.—450-123, St. Zot. 846, 1X38, CN, A/t* P. 239—186. River Bend, L. St. J.—738-55, Delisle, X, Via BSt. Joseph d’Alma, A&J, P. 188. River Desert, Hull—535-121, Mani., Via BManiwaki, A>P- 300. River du Sault ★Petite Riviere, Chari.—249-64, Beaupre. Riverfield, Chat.—437-120, Williams., S$, Via ■Howick, A- River Gilbert, Beauce—329-86, St. Fran., S, Via BBeauce- ville E., QC. River Joseph, Hull—538-116, Aumond 489, P. 450. River Malbaie, Chari.—231-74 River Manie (Riviere Manie), Kam.—242-93, Wood., St. Pas¬ cal, CN, P. 175. River Metamek (Metamek Factory), Sag.—306-118. River Rouere, Soul.—448-119 River St. Frahcis, Drum.—398-82, Kingsey. Riviere a Claude (Claude River), Gaspe—321-132, Mt. Louis, IXI . BSte. Anne des Monts, P. 250, 3*^27-28. Riviere a Pierre ♦Riviere a Pierre Jet.), Port. Riviere a Pierre Jet. ('Riv. a Pierre), Port.—363-26, Bois 124, CN, A, +, P. 617. Riviere au Dore, L. St. J.—713-54, Duff., IXl S. Via BSt. Felicien. Riviere au Lait ★Fitzpatrick, Champ. Riviere au Rat (Rat River), Champ.—438-16, Tur., { X I, Via ■ La Tuque. Riviere au Renard (Rox River), Gaspe.—314-147, Fox 395, 1X1 $. P. 1,200, 3^27, 28, 29, 1, 9. Riviere au Renard Ouest, Gaspe—314-146, Fox, 1X3, Via ■ Riviere au Renard (Fox River). Riviere aux Chiens, Montmor.—280-55, Ste. A. de Beaup., 1 X1 . ■ Beaupre, QRL&P, A- Riviere aux Ecorces, Mask—437-55, Deseal., (SI, BSt. Alexis des Monts, Via St. Paulin. Riviere aux Graines, Sag.—300-126, Mingan Land., Xl.3^26. Riviere au Pins, Que.—304-40, St. Gab. W., SI, Via ■ Lor¬ etteville. Riviere aux Vases, Sag., 3^24. • Riviere Baule, Terre., Sala., BSt. Jovite (5), Via St. Faustin. Riviere Blanche ♦St. Ulric P. O., Matane. Riviere Blanche Portneuf, Port., BSt. Alban (7V 3 ), Via Sr. Marc. Riviere Bleu (Blue River), Temis.—240-110, Est. 586, [X], CN, P. 1,114. Riv iere Bois Clair (St Edouard), Lot.—362-50, St. Ed. 168, 1 X1 $. Via Laurier, P. 1,000. Riviere Bonaventure -(Bonaventure Est), Bona.—338-15o, Hamil, 1 X 1 8 . BNew Carlisle, Via Bonaventure. Riviere Caplan (Caplan River), Bona.—339-147, Hamil., 1 X 1 8 , ■ New Richmond, Via Caplin (3), P. 317. Riviere Cazeau Sta., Montmor.—284-55. Riviere des Caps, Kam—227-92, Ter., Via BSt. Alexandre de Kam. Riviere des Feves, Chat.—435-117, Beauh. Riviere des Hurons, Rou.—423-97, Rou. Riviere des Plantes, Beauce—327-83,Vaud.,Via Beauceville.QC. Riviere des Prairies, Hoch.—436-94, Mtrl 25, IS], Via BPointe aux Trembles, P. 600. Riviere des Roches, Montmor.—265-56, St. Fereol, [X], Via ■ Beaupre. Riviere du Fer, Montmor.—290-55, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Riviere du Loup (en bas) (Fraserville), Temis.—222-93, St. Pat. de la R. du Loup, IXl S. CN, TR, ijifx], A, sj*, P. 7,703—8,499, 3^6. Riviere du Loup Centre, Temis.—Fraser., 1X1 8. Via ■ Riviere du Loup (V2). Riviere du Loup Sta., Temis.—233-97, R. du Loup, en Bas, 1X 8. CN, TR, A, +. Riviere du Milieu (Milieu), Champ.—398-18, Hack., [X], BLa Tuque, Via Milieu. Riviere du Moulin, Chic.—759-64, SIS, Via ■ Chicoutimi, P. 738—1,052. Riviere Eperlan, Sag.—791-117, Port., SI, Via BLes Escou- mains (19). Riviere Famine, Beauce—326-90, Aubin de L’l., Via St. Georges Riviere Fourchue, Temis.—228-96, St. Anton., IXI . ■ Riviere du Loup ( 2 V 2 ), Via Chemin du Lac. Riviere Gagnon, Terre.—451-94, St. Jer., IXI . Via BSt. Jerome Riviere Gentilly, Nic.—391-55, Gent., BGentilly, CN. Riviere la Fleur, Montmor.—284-56, St. J. d’Or., IXI . BSt. Jean D’Orleans, Via Quebec. Riviere la Madeleine (Madeleine), Gaspe—315-138, C. de la Mad.. 1X1 $. ■ Riviere au Renard (Fox River) 3^27-28-1. Riviere Mailloux, Chari.—229-77, Mt. Murray, S|$, BLa Malbaie (2), Via Pte au Pic. Riviere Manie ♦River Manie, Kam. Riviere Mattawin (Mattawin), Champ.—425-29, Batis., 1X1 . Via BGrandes Piles. Riviere Mekimac (St. Roch. Mekinak), Champ.—413-31, Batis. 819, IXl S. Via BGrandes Piles. Riviere Metgermette Nord, Beauce—320-97, Metger. N., 1X1 8. ■ St. Georges de Beauce, Via Morisset. Riviere Mont Louis ♦Mont Louis, Gaspe—322-135. Riviere Noire (Black River), Arth.—385-68, Bui., SIS, BSt. Valere de Bulstrode, CN, A- Riviere Nouvelle, Bona.—Hope, SL BPaspebiac, Via St. Godfroi (2). Riviere Ouelle, Kam.—241^83, R. Ouelle 126, S$, CN, P. 1,000. Riviere Ouelle Junction, Kam—240-82, R. Ouelle, SI, BSt. Pacome, Via Riviere Ouelle, & Riviere Paspebiac, Bona.—335-151, Port Dan., SI, Via BPas- pebiac. Riviere Plate, Temis.—226-114, Temis., S, Via BSt. Honore de Temis. (11). Riviere Port Daniel, Bona.—333-150, Cox, S, Via BPort Daniel Centre (2). PLACES INDEX TO IN QUEBEC Riviere Portneuf -^Hamilton Cove, Sag. 792-119, Port.,CSS®, Via BLes Escoumains (28). Riviere Raquette (Ste Rose), Dor— 310-89, Wat., IS1$, BSt. Georges de Beauce, Via Ste. Rose, P. *oo. Riviere St. Jean (St. John River), Sag.—296-134, Mingan Ld. 877 | ^>C] i|K ^^26. Riviere Ste. Marguerite, Sag—799-87, Albert, S> Via BTad- Riviere Ste.^Maguerite (En Bas), Sag—314-115, Via Clarke Riviere Trois Pistoles (Tobin), Temis— 214-108, Trois Pist., SI S ■ Trois Pistoles, Via Tobin, P. 667. Rivilre Verte (Green River), Temis.-226-100, St. Anton., Sl $. Via ■ Riviere du Loup, £k, P. 100. Rivington, Arg.—472-106, Harring., 1^, Via ■Calumet, P. Io0 Roberge, Arth.—378-77, Chester W., S, BSt. Paul de Ches¬ ter, Via Victoriaville. Robertson (Robertsonville), Meg.—350-/9, Thet., QC, 4k, Robertsonville (Robertson), Meg—355-77, Thet. 127, ISIS, Roberval, L. St. J.—724-46, Rober. 338, £S]S, CN, 4L P. 2,068—2,770. ^ , , Roberval Ouest, L. St. J.—723-42, Rober. 356, ^S, BRoberval Robitaille, Bona.—343-145, Nou., S®, BNew Richmond, CM. Robson, Drum.—393\9, Kingsey. Rochelle, Sheff.—402-101, Stuke. Roche Plate, Que.—296-46, Chari., S, ■ Loretteville, Via Charlesbourg. * _ - t r • Rocher de la Chapelle, Montma.—273-70, R. du Sud., via ■ Montmagny. Rocher Noir, Montma.—272-71, L’Ep., Via ■ Montmagny. Rochette, Chari.—232-70, St. Irenee, S, Via BSt. Irenee. Rockburn, Hunt.—440-128, Hinch., Via BOrmstown. Rockfield, Hoch.—436-105, I. Mtrl. Rockfield, Jac. Car.—436-105, I. Mtrl Rock Forest, Sher.—394-104, Orford 76o, S$, ■ Sherbrooke,CP Rockhaven, Hull—530-126, Boudh., CP. Rockhurst, Hull—506-143, Wake., CP. ^ dk Rock Island, Stan—397-121, Stan. 746, S$, QC, I®, 4b P. 1,442—1,418. /n . Rockmount, Pont.—522-155, Litch, ■ Campbell’s Bay (2), Via Vinton. Rock River ♦Shelter Bay, Sag. Rockway ♦Rockway Valley, Pap. Rockway Valley (Rockway), Pap.—483-102, Amherst, B Arundel, CN, 4b Rocque Brulne, Vaud.—449-112, Vaud. Rogerdale ★St. Andrew’s East), Arg.—457-109, CN. Rollins Hill, Sheff.—409-99, Granby, ■ Granby, Via Clearys. Romaine, Sag—26. Rooney, Pont.—521-150, Thorne, S3, Via BShawville. Roquemaure, Abit.—615-149, La Reine 422, 1X3$, BLa Reine, Via Dupuy. Rosaire ♦Notre Dame du Rosaire, Montma. Rose Bridge, Gaspe—316-148, Gaspe N., SI, Via BGaspe. Rosemere, Terre.—443-98, Ste. T. de B., [X], BSte. Therese de Blainville, CP, 4b P. 275. Rose Mount (Part of Montreal), Hoch—435-101, I. Mtrl.; 4b P. 7,000. Rosebburg, Miss—417-118, St. Armand, Via BSt. Armand Sta., 4k. Ross ★Burv, Comp.—381-103, West., CP._ Rostand, Montma.—268-72, C. St. Ig, S, Via BCap St. Ignace (3). _ Rougemont, Rou.—421-101, St. Ces. 659, Sl$, M&SC, 4k, P. 379—429. Rougemont June. (Rougemont Sta.) ,Rou.—419-100, St. Ces., M&SC, CN, P. 179. Rougemont Sta. ♦Rougemont Jet., Rou. Rouge Valley, Arg.—477-101, Harring., (SI, Via ■ Arundel. Rousseau (Rousseau’s Mills), Port.—^72-29, Montau., i^3>BSt Tite, CN. Rousseau’s Mills ♦Rousseau, Port. Roussel (Metapedia 8 mi.), Bona.—P3, BSte. Anne des Monts, Via Claude River. Ruisseau a Sem, Matane—338-127, Dal. [S3, Via m atane. Ruisseau Barre, Rou.—424-102, Chambly E., M&SC. Ruisseau Castor, Gaspe—326-128, Tour. 1SJ, BSte. Anne des Monts, Via St. Joachim. Ruisseau Clair ★Normandin, L. St. J—Norman. Ruisseau des Anges, L’Ass.-440-88. Ruisseau des Olives, Gaspe—320-13o, Mt. Louis, SL B^te. Anne des Monts (3), Via Mont Louis. Ruisseau Jureux ★St. Irenee, Oharl.—235-74, Murray Bay. Ruisseau Le Blanc, Bona.—335-148, Hamil., ES®, BNew Car¬ lisle, Via iSt. Simeon. Ruisseau Plat, Mask—BSt. Gabriel de Brandon, Via St. Ur- sule Falls. Ruisseau Rouge, Chic.—764-62, Bagot, R&S. Ruisseau St. Georges ♦St. Georges, Montcalm. Ruisseau Vacher, Montcalm—442-83, St. Sul. Ruisseau Vert ★Manicougan, Sag.—Raguen., IX], via BBet- siamites (12). Ruiter Corners, Stan.—397-119, Stan. Ruiter Mill, Brome—406-110, Brome. Rumpelville, Meg.—352-77, Thet., {S3, Via ■ Robertsonville. Runnymede, Bona—352-140, Matap., SI, BCampbellton, N.B., Via Matapedia. Rupert, Hull—510-142, Masham, {S®, ■ Wakefield, Via Al¬ cove, 4b Russeltown, Chat.—435-123, Beauh., BSt. Chrysostome, Via Aubrev, 4b , Rutledge, Pont-514-150, Onslow, BShawville, Via Maryland. Ryanville, Hull—517-131, Hincks, [SI, Via BKazabazua. Sabrevois, Iber.—422-112, Sab. 662, ISIS, Via ■ Iberville, 4k, P. 150. Sacre Coeur (Notre Dame de Rimouski P.O.), Rim.—206-130, 584, ■ Rimouski, CN, 4b P. 600. Sacre Coeur ★Dolbeau, Sag.—202-90, Albert 326, [XJ$, Via ■ Tadoussac. Sacre Coeur de Jesus ♦Broughton E. P.O., Beauce. Sacre Coeur de Marie, Meg.—352-80, Thet., 1 X 3 Via B Robert- sonyille. . Sagard (New Post Office), Chari.—Via ■ St. Simeon (20). Saguenay Power, L. St. J.—741-51, Labarre, CN, A&J. Saguenayville ♦Chicoutimi Ouest P.O., Chic. Saindon ♦Sayabec, Matap. St. Abdon, Dor.—302-82, Ware, SI, BSt. Malachie, Via St. Germaine. St. Achille, L. St. J.—732-61, Tail., IS, BSt. Joseph d’Alma (35), Via Isle Maligne. St. Achille de Montmorency, Montmor.—280-52, Chat. Rich., S3, Via ■ Chateau Richer (7). — 30 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC St Adalbert, LTsl.—269-88, Lever. 131, X$, BSt. Pamphile, Via Lake Frontier. Ste. Adelaide de Pabos (Ste. Adelaide), Gaspe—326T52 Pabos 390, X$, ■ Chandler, CN, P. 500. Ste. Adele (Ste. Adele en Bas), Terre.—462-91, Ste. Adele 33 1X1 $. Via Mont Rolland, 4C P. 441. Ste. jAdele en bas (Ste. Adele), Terre.—462-91, Ste. Adele IXi S. Via BMont Rolland. St. Adelphe ♦St. Adelphe de Champlain, Champ. St. Adelphe de Champlain (St Adelphe), Champ.—390-37, St. Adel. 793, X$, BSt. Tite, CN, -*}*, P. 750. St. Adhemar, Rim.—209-126, Duq., [XI, Via ■ Bic (7). St. Adolphe, Montmor.—280-46. St. Adolphe de Dudswell, Wolfe—379-94, Duds., 1 X 1 $. Via Marble ton, St. Adolphe de Howard, Arg.—469-93, Howard 490, 1 X 1 $. Via ■ St. Agathe des Monts, St. Adrien, Wolfe—379-85, N. Ham 747, Xl $. BWotton, Via Danville, Q. St. Adrien d’lrlande, Meg.—363-74, Ire. 132, X $. BSt. Fer¬ dinand, Via Black Lake, P. 150. St. Agapit, Lot.—338-58, St. Giles 133, XS, CN, 4k, P. 445 . St. Agapit Station (St. Agapit de Lot.), Lot.—338-58, St. Ag., X, B St. Agapit, CN, 4k, P. 200. Ste. Agathe ♦Ste. Agathe des Monts P.O., Terre. Ste. Agathe de Lotbiniere, Lot.—347-66, Ste. Agathe 134,XS, Via Dosquet, P. 250—263. Ste. Agathe des Monts (Ste. Agathe), Terre.—467-87, Beres. 491, 1 XJ $. Via Terrebonne, CP, 4k, P. 2,812—2,949. Ste. Agnes ♦Ste. Agnes de Dundee P.O., Hunt. St. Agnes de Charlevoix, Chari.—228-72, Ste. Agnes 328, X. Via BLa Malbaie, 4L St. Agnes de Dundee (St. Agnes), Hunt.—449-134, Dundee 847, X1 $. CN, *0, 4k, P. 175. St. Agricole, Montcalm—480-84, Archam., 1 X 1 . BSte. Agathe des Monts. St. Aime, Richel.—420-77, St. Aime 667, XI, CN, 4k, P. 595. St. Alban, Port.—375-40, St. Alban 135, 1X1 $. 4k, P. 486—522. St. Albert, Arth.—390-73, War. 513, 1 X 1 $. Via BVictoriaville. St. Alcide de Ham, Wolfe, Wotton, BWotton, Via Danville. St. Alexander Station, Iber.—422-111, St. Alex., IX, BSt. Alexandre d’lber., CV, 4C St. Alexandre ♦St. Alexandre de Kamouraska, Kam. St. Alexandre d’Iberville, Iber.—420-110, St. Alex. 668 , X1 $. Via St. Alexandre, 4k, P. 260—298. St. Alexandre de Kamouraska (St. Alexandre), Kam.—228-91, St. Alex. 136, XI, CN, 4k, St. Alexis ♦St. Alexis de Montcalm, Montcalm. St. Alexis de la Grande Baie ♦Grand Baie, Chic. St. Alexis de Matapedia (St. Alexis), Bona.—351-140, Matap.. 1 X 1 $. St. Alexis. St. Alexis de Montcalm (St. Alexis), Montcalm—440-81, St. Sul. 436, XI. Via St. Alexis, 4k, P. 523—490. St. Alexis des Monts, Mask.—432-53, Hunter. 794, 1 X 1 $. Via St. Paulin, St. Alexis Station, Bona.—351-138, Resti., X], BCampbell- ton, N.B., CN, P. 233. St. Alfred, Beauce—336-86, Vaud. 137, 1 X1 $. Via BBeauce- ville. Ste. Alice, Matap.—348-127, Matap., Via BSayabec (3). St. Alphonse ♦Bagotville, Chic. St. Alphonse, Jol—452-73, Cath. 437, 1X1 $. BKildare, Via Rawdon (11), 4^- St. Alphonse de Caplan (Alphonse de Caplan),Bona.—333-147, Hamil. 396, 1 X 1 $. BNew Richmond, Via Caplin. St. Alphonse de Granby, Sheff.—412-105, Granby 669, XL B Granby, Via Angeline, 4^ St. Amable, Ver.—428-91, Ste. Julie 269, X!, BSt. Julie de Vercheres, Via St. Bruno. St. Ambroise, Que., St. Gab., Via Loretteville HA). St. Ambroise de Chicoutimi, Chic.—747-62, Bourget 339, XI. Via Bjonquieres, P. 375. St. Ambroise de Kildare ♦Kildare, Jol. St. Amedee, Pap.—478-115, La Pet. Nat., Via B Monte bello . St. An\edee de Periboncas, L. St. J.—704-48, Dolbeau, XU Via B Dolbeau. St. Anaclet, Rim.—205-136, St. Anaclet 590, X$, CN, P. 800. Ste. Anastasie, Meg.—356-63, Nelson, 1X1 $. Via BLyster Stn St. And re (S t. Andre de Restigouche), Bona.—348-140, Rest. 591, 1 X! $. BCampbellton, N.B. St. Andre. L. St. J.—730-35, 340, CN. St. Andre Avellin, Pap.—484-118, St. Andre Avel. 263, 1X1 $. Via Papineauville, 4L P. 446—444. St. Andre de Kamouraska (Andreville), Kam.—231-89, St. Andre 138, 1 X 1 . Via St. Andre, P. 578. St. Andre de Restigouche ♦St. Andre, Bona. St. Andre du lac St. Jean, L. St. J—735-40, Pequen, 1X1 $. Via BMetabetchouan. St. Andre Station (St. Andre de Kam), Kam.—231-89, Bun¬ gay, 1 X 1 . BSt. Andre Kam., CN, 4^ P. 175. St. Andrews East, Arg.—456-109, Arg., 1X1 $. CN, 4C P.811 St. Angele ♦Ste. Angele de Monnoir, Rou. Ste. Angele de Laval (Laval), Nic.—401-56, 1 X 1 $. 4C P- 399. Ste. Angele de Merici ♦Ste. Angele de Rimouski, Matane. Ste. Angele de Monnoir (Ste. Angele), Rou.—420-102, Mon¬ noir 670, X$, CN, M & SC, 4k, P. 180. Ste. Angele de Rimouski, Matane—354-125, Ste. Angele 592, 1X1 $. Via Mont Joli (9), P. 657. Ste. Angelique, Port.—348-40, Ste. Ang., XI, Via BSt. Basile de Portneuf (5). Ste. Anges, Beauce—320-74. St. Anicet, Hunt.—449-128, St. An. 848, 1 X 1 $. Via Whites, 4^ P. 300. Ste. Anne ♦Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere Station P.O., Kam. Ste. Anne Church (Ste. Anne de Beaupre), Montmor.—276-58, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Ste. Ahne de Beaupre, Montmor.—276-55, Ste. A. de B. 139, 1X1 1. QRL&P, 4k, P. 1,648—1,901. Ste. Anne de Bellevue (Ste. Annes), Jac. Car.—441-110, Ste. Anne 270, 1X1 1. CN, CP, 4k, P. 2,212—2,417, 5^31. Ste. Anne de Chicoutimi, Chic —756-63, Trem. 341, Xl$, Via Chicoutimi, P. 838—1,102. Ste. Anne de la Perade ♦La Perade, Champ. Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere (Ste. Anne), Kam.—244-79, Ste. Anne 140, 1X1 $. CN, 4k, P. 2,700. Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere Sta. (Ste. Anne), Kam.—245-81, l 9 worth, 1 X 1 $. BSte. Anne de la Pocatiere, CN, ^ Ste. Anne de Portneuf (Hamilton Cove), Sag.—791-120, Port. 342, BLes Escoumains. Ste. Anne des Monts, Gaspe—329-130, Ste. Anne des Monts 397, X$, P. 1 . 000 , 5^27-28-1-9-12. Ste. Anl.ie de Sorel, Richel.—423-71, Ste. Anne de Sorel 671, XI, Via B Sorel. Ste. Anne des Plaines (Bruohesi), Terre—447-93, Ste. Anne 271, X$, CP, £, P. 449. Ste. Anne de Stukely, Sheff.—404-100, Stuke. 776, XS, Via BLawrenceville, 4 c Ste. Anne du Lac, Lab.—545-90, Decaire 492, IXI S. BFerme Neuve, Via Mont Laurier. Ste. Anne Mills, Montmor.—273-55, Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P Ste. Annes ♦Ste. Anne de Bellevue P.O., Jac. Car. St. Anselme (St. Anselme Sta. (1), Dor.—312-64, St. Ansel. 141 1 X 1 $. CN, QC, 4k, P. 400—738, St. Ahselme Sta., Dor.—312-64, St. Ansel., IXI S. BSt. Anselme, CN, QC, &, NK P- 300. St. Antoine ♦Gros Morne, Gaspe. St. Antoine, Lot.—341-51, St. Ant. de Tilly 142, 1X1 $. Via St. Apollinaire, P. 1,367. St. Antoine ♦He aux Grues, Montma. St. Antoine, Ver—428-83, Contre., CN. St. Aitoine Abbe, Hunt.—436-124, St. A. Abbe 849, 1X1 $. BSt. Chrysostome, Via Ormstown, 4H P. 175. St. Antoine de Charlevoix, Chari.—236-72, Murray Bay, Via BSt. Irenee. St. Antoine de Riv Richelieu, Ver.—424-85, St. Ant., 1X1 8. BSt. Denis River Richeliqu, Via St. Antoine, O., P. 1,400. St. Antoine du Lac St. Jean, L. St. J., X, Via BDolbeau (16) St. Alntoine Est, Lot.—338-52, Tilley. St. Antonin, Temis.^226-97, St. Anton. 143, 1X1 $. Via Chemin du Lac, P. 300. — 31 — index to places in quebe_c_ Apollinaire (Francoeur Village), Lot.—338-55, St. Appoll. ApoUine ’ de^Patt on] Montma.—276-83, Patton, ISIS, Via . ^polUne Est., Montma.—274-83, Patton, IS, "St. Paul de Montma. (7), Via L'Esperance. Apolline Ouest, Montma—276-80, Potton, 1X1$, via ■ St. Apolline de Patton (10). __ Apolline Sta., Montma.—274-76, Bourd. 145, ■ Notre Dame du Rosaire, CN, , ... Armand Centre, Miss.—415-119, St. Armand, Via BFre- Armelnd^Sta., Miss.—417-120, St. Armand 672, £>3$, CV, ^ a dk p Arsene, Temis.—220-100, St. Arsene 594, X$, CN, p 400 _ Athanase, Kam.—238-97, Chabot 146, X, BSt. Eleuthere, QN. Aubert, L’Isl.—255-75, St. Aub. 147, [X]$, ^ ia St. Jean Port Joli., P- 350. Augustin ♦St. Augustin de Quebec, Port.—St. Aug., 1X1$, CN, 4k, P. 250. Augustin, Sag.—4XJ, ^&26. _ , Augustin, Deux Mts.—447-101, St. Aug. 34, [><]$, CP, ^0-* -fa- P QHO Augustin, L. St. J.—704-48. Augustin de Quebec (St. Augustin), Port.—324-ol, Des Maures 148, -X$, CN, £, P. 250. Aurelie, Beauce-315-95, Metger. 149, X$, BSt. Prosper de Dor. Via Morisset. I. Barbe, Hunt.—446-124, Ste. Barbe 850, X, P. 150. Barnabe Nord, 'St. Maur—417-55, St. Barnabe 796, ISIS, Via Charette, P- 600. Barnabe South ♦St. Barnabe Sud, St, Hyac. Barnabe Sud (St. Barnabe South), St. Hyac.—419-86, St. Barnabe 674, ISI S. BSt. Hyacinths, CN, 4b P. 300. Barthelemi, Berthier—432-64, Dusable 438, CN. Barthelemi (Anjou), Berthier—429-66, St. Bar., P3$, Via Danville, St Camille’de Bellechase (St. Camille) Belle.—293-89, Daa- quam 155, ISIS, Via St. Camille, P 450. St. Canut, Deux Mts.—453-98, St. Canut 275, £E2$, ■ • J Ste.’’Caroline', Beabce^Tring, BSt. Victor de Tring, Via St. St. Casimir, Port.—379-41, St. Cas. 156, ISIS, CN, Q, ^ P 1 882 St. Cassien des Caps, Charl.-246-63, St. Cassien, ISI. Via ■ Baie St. Paul. . . Ste. Catherine, Port.— 324-44, Fossam. 157 1^, CN, -CL Ste. Catherine Sta., Port—324-44, Ste. Cath., CE3, BSt. Ray St. Catherines Bay, Sag.—Sag. 351, ESI, Via ■ Tadoussac (3), 4k, St. Cecile ♦Cecile, Beauh.—Via \ alleyfidd. Ste. Cecile de Frontelnac (Ste. Cecile), Front.—3o8-102, \\ hit- Ste. ^ecihfde L4^rwd,^Nic.-m51, St. Pierre les Bee. 517, ■ 1X1 $. BSt. Pierre les Becquets, Via Becquets Ste. Cecile de Masham, Hull—509-144, Masham 264, 1X1$, ^ ia Ste. Cerilede MUton, Sheff.-411-97, Milton,ISIS,ViaBGranby. Ste. Cecile de Whitton (St. Cecile de Front, or St. Cecile), Front—358-102, Whitton 750. St. Cecile Sta. ♦St. Cecile de Front., Front St. Celestin (Annaville), Nic—401-61, St. Cel. 518, X, CN, a p 332 . St. Cesaire, Rou.—419-102, St. Ces. 677, -1X1$, M&SC, 4C P. 985—1,051. St. Charles ♦St. Charles de Bellechase, Belle. St Charles de Bellechasse (St. Charles), Belle.—296-63, Beau. 158, X$, CN, 4C +, P- 609. St. Charles de Caplan (Caplin), Bona—339-148, Hamil. 3/8, JX18. Via Caplin, P. 396. St. Charles de Levrard, Nic.—384-50, Lev., BSt. Pierre les Becquets, Via Becquets. _ r | St. Charles de Montcalm, Montcalm—457-79, Chert., 1X1, Via H Rawdon. St. Charles River Richelieu, St. Hyac—424-88, St. Char. 6/8, ■1X1$. Via St. Hilaire, £, P- 250. St. Chretieh, Charb—221-83, Mt. Murray, X, Via BSt. Sim¬ eon (3). - Ste. Christine, Bagot—403-90, Acton 519, X$, BActonvale Via Danby, Tr . St. Chrysostome, Chat.—435-121, St. Chrys. 851, [X]$, Via Aubrey, 4^> P- 649—630. St. Clair (Ste. Claire de Bonaventure), Bona.—336-148, Hamil., ■ 1X1 $. BNew Richmond, Via Caplin. Ste. Claire, Dor.—306-69, Ste. Claire 159, ; [X]$, CN, 4^> ^ P* 1^0 Ste. Claire ★Charlesbourg, Que.—N. D. des Anges, Via Charlesbourg. Ste. Claire de Bonavetiture ♦St. Claire, Bona. St. Claude, Richm.—389-90, Wind. 751, 1X] $. Via B Windsor Mills, P. 100. St. Claude Nord (N. St. Claude), Richm.—389-89, Cleve., X, B Richmond, Via St. Cyr. St. Clement, Temis.—221-107, St. Clem. 597, X$, BSt. Jean de Dieu, Via St. Eloi, 4C P. 400. — 32 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC St. Cleophas ♦St. Cleophas de Brandon, Jol. St. Cleophas, Matap.—351-128, Awant. 598, IX) . Via BSaya- bec (6). St. Cleophas de Brandon (St. Cleophas), Jol—442-68, Bran¬ don 441, 1X1 . BSt. Gabriel de Brandon, CN, 4b St. Clet, Soul.—450-116, Soul. 852, [Sl$, CP, 4k, P. 298. Ste. Clothilde, Arth.—394-73, Horton 520, 1X1 $. Via Victoria- ville, P. 350. St. Clothilde de Chateauguay, Chat.—432-118, Ste. Cloth. 853, 1X1 $. BSt. Remi, Via Aubrey. St. Coeur de Marie ♦Delisle, L. St. J. St. Columban, Deux Mts.—455-98, L. Deux Mts. 276, £3, BSt. Jerome, Via St. Canute. St. Come, Jol.—457-70, Cath. 442, 1X1 $. Via Joliette, 4b P. 525. St. Come de Kennebec ♦Liniere P.O., Beauce. St. Constant, Lap.—433-107, Lap. 277, 1X1$, CN, 4b +, P. 500. Ste. Corinne, Beauce—321-84, Vaud., IXI . Via B Beauceville. Ste. Croix, Lot.—353-50,/Ste. Croix 161, 1X1 $. Via Laurier, P. 782 Ste. Croix ♦Lac Ste. Croix, L. St. J. St. Croix E. (E. of Lotbiniere), Lot.—349-51 St. Cuthbert, Berthier—431-68, Berthier 443, 1X1 $. CP, CN, 4b +, P. 500. St. Cyprien (Sevigny), Dor. St. Cyprien, Temis.—222-109, Hocquart 162, £3$, Via St. Eloi, 4k, P. 175. St. Cyr, Richm.—391-87, Cleve., IXI, B Danville, CN, P. 100. St. Cyriac, Chic.—752-53, Ken., IXI . Via Bjonquieres, 4b St. Cyrille, Montmor.—275-46. St. Cyrille ♦St. Cyrille de Wendover, Drum. St. Cyrille de L’Islet, L’Isl.—264-76, St. Cyr. 163, ISIS, Via L’lslet, P. 500. St. Cyrille de Wendover (St. Cyrille), Drum.—401-75, Simp. 521, 1X1 $. CN, 4k, P. 766—725. St. Cyrville, L. St. J.—690-55. St. Da.mase, St. Hyac.—420-95, St. Damase 679, SIS, CN, 4b P. 250. St. Damase des Aulnaies, L’Isl.—253-78, Ste. Louise 164, IX $. Via BlSt. Jean Port Joli., P. 600. St. Damase de Matane, Matap.—349-125, Macnider, ISS, Via BSt. Moise Sta. (7). St. Damase de Thetford, Meg.—360-77, Ire., Via BThetford Mines. St. Damien de Brandon, Berthier—447-64, Brandon 444, IX S. Via St. Gabriel, 4b St. Damkb de Buckland, Belle.—297-74, Lauz. 165, SIS, Via St. Damien, P. 500. St. Damien Sta., Belle.—300-73, St. Dam., SI, BSt. Damien de Buckland, CN, P. 150. St. David de Levis, Levis, 305-56, St. D. de L’Aube. 166, 1X1 $. Via Levis, P. 400. St. David d’Yamaska, Yam.—416-74, Bourg de Guire E. 522, 1X1 $. Via Yamaska E., P. 800. St. Denis de la Bouteillerie, Kam.—238-83, St. Denis 167, IX . Via St. Philippe de Neri, 4b St. Denis Riviere Richelieu, St. Hyac.—427-85, St. Denis 680, 1X1 $. Via St. Antoine, 4b P- 820—697. St. Desire du Lac Noir, Meg.—364-79, Ire., SIS, Via B Black Lake. St. Didace, Mask.—436-61, Lanaud. 798, 1X1 $. Via St. Gabriel, P. 172. St. Dominique, Berthier.—456-63, Brand., BAmateur, P. 11. St. Dominique, Soul.—445-116, Soul., CN, 4b St. Dominique de Bagot, Bagot—414-93, St. Dom. 681, 1X1 $. Via St. Hyacinthe, 4k, P. 428—383. St. Donat de Montcalm, Montcalm—476-77, St. D. de Mont. 493, IX S. Via St. Agathe, 4b St. Donat de Rimouski, Rim.—206-141, St. Donat 599, 1X1 $. Via BLuceville. St. Dorothee E., Lav.—442-103, I. Jesus. Dorothee E., Lav.—442-103,1. Jesus. St. Edmond, Berthier—431-66, Du Sable 445, CN. St. Edmond de Berthier, Berthier—435-64, Du Sable, IS], Via B St. Gabriel de Brandon. St. Edmond de Stoneham, Que.—286-43, Tewkes., SI, BLor- etteville, Via Oharlesburg. St. Edouard ♦Riviere Boix Clair P.O., Lot. St. Edouard ♦St. Edouard de Nap., Nap. St. Edouard de Framptcb, Dor.—314-73, Framp., SI, B Frampton, Via St. Malachie. St. Edouard de Maskinonge, Mask.—431-60, St. Ed. de Mask. 799, IXI . BSt. Gabriel de Brandon, Via St. Ursule Falls. St. Edouard de Napierville (St. Edouard), Nap.— 430-113, St. Ed. 279, SIS, Via St. Edouard, NJ, 4k, P. 150. St. Edward, Bagot—414-87, De Ram., CN. St. Edwidge, Comp.—386-113, Clif., 1X1 $. Via Coaticook, 4b P. 150. St. Eleuthere, Kam.—238-100, Pohena. 169, S$, CN, 4k, P. 650. St. Elie, St. Maur.—425-51, Cax. 800, 1X1 $. BSt. Paulin, Via Charette, P. 375. , St. Elie d’Orford, Sher.—392-101, Orford, IX $. Via B Sher¬ brooke, 4k. Ste. Elizabeth, Jol.—437-72, Ste. Eliz. 446, S$, CN, 4k, P. 554. Ste. Elizabeth de Warwick, Arth.—389-78, Ste. Eliz. 523, IX . Via Warwick. St. Eloi, Temis.—216-107, St. Eloi 600, X $. P. 650. St. Eloi Sta., Temis.—215-105, He Verte, IXI . BTrois Pistoles, CN, 4k, P. 300. St. Elphege, Yam.—411-69, Pierre. 524, 1X1 $. Via BPierreville. St. Elzear de Beauce, Beauce—331-71, St. El. 170, X $. Via BSte. Marie Beauce, 4b P. 300. St. Elzear de Bonaventure, Bona.—334-150, Cox, [X], |New Carlisle, Via Bonaventure (12). St. Elzear de Ham, Wolfe—380-87, Ham, Via Danville, 4b St. Elzear de Laval, Lav.—440-98, I. Jesus 280, [X3$, BSt. Clet, Via St. Martin Jet., 4b P 400. Ste. Emelie (Lourdes de Joliette), Jol.—437-73, Lanor., CP, 4b Ste. Emelie de l’Energie, Jol.—454-66, Jol. 448, IX $. Via St. Felix, 4k. t Ste. Emelie de Lotbiniere, Lot—370-49, Ste. Emelie 171, IX S Via Fortierville, P. 1,000, St. Emile de Montcalm, Montcalm—461-81, Wex. 447, 1X $. B Rawdon, Via St. Marguerite, 4b St. Emile de Quebec, Que.—303-49, St. Am., £>3, Via BLor- etteville. St. Emile de Suffolk, Pap.—488-107, Suff. 265, j^2$, Via Lac Remi, 4b St. Emilien ♦Desbiens, L. St. J. St. Ephrem de Tring (St. Ephrem Stn.), Beauce—343-87, Tring 172, 1X1 $. Via St. Ephrem, 4b P. 417—467. St. Ephrem D’Upton ♦Upton, Bagot. St. Ephrem Station ♦St. Ephrem de Tring, Beauce. St. Epiphane, Temis.—221-103, Viger 601, Via St. Arsene. St. Esprit, Montcalm—443-84, St. Esprit 449, CS|$, Via St. Julienne, 4b P. 450. St. Etiebne, Chic—202-88, Pet. Sag., [S], BTadoussac, Via Lac St. Jean. St. Etienne ★Baillargeon, Levis—320-58, Lauz., P. 222. St. Etienne de Beauharnois, Beauh.—440-117, Beauh. 854, IX S Via Beauharnois, 4b P. 150. St. Etienne de Bolton, Brome—404-107, Bolton 752, 1X $. BFastman, Via Estray. St. Etiebne de Lauzon ♦St. Nicholas Sta., Levis. St. Etienne des Gres (Les Gres), St. Maur.—417-51, St. E. des Gres 801, 1X1 $. BTrois Rivieres, CP, P. 300. St. Eugene (St. Eugene de Grantham), Drum.—411-82 X $ CN, 4k, P. 600. St. Eugene, L. St. J—700-57. St. Eugene de Grantham (St. Eugene), Drum.—411-81 Gran 525, X $. CN, 4k, P. 600. St. Eugene de Guigues (St. Eugene), Tern.—597-143, Guigues, 1X1 $. BVille Marie. St. Eugene de L’lslet ♦Lamartine, L’lsl.— 174. Ste. Eulalie, Nic.—393-66, Ste. Eul. 526, X$.CN T 4k, P. 150. Ste. Euphemie, Montana.—281-76, Armagh 175, X $. CN, 3* P. 300. St. Eusebe, Temis.— 235-115, Cabano 602, 1X1 $. B Notre Dame du Lac. St. Eusebe Quest, Temis.—237-115, Cabano, X, B Riviere Bleue. — 33 — PLACES QUEBEC INDEX TO I N St Eustache, Deux Mts.—445-103, St. Eus. 281, ISIS. CP, 4b P.1,098—1,187. tt _c* St. Eustache sur le Lac, Deux Mts.—44o-10o, Mille I.,I, BSt. .Eustache, CN, P. 215. , w St. Evariste de Forsyth (St. Evariste), Front.—3o0-92, For¬ syth 176, 15=^1 $. BSt. Evariste Sta., 4b +> P- 250. St. Evariste Sta., Front.—350-90, Forsyth, £§3$, QC, 4b T* P 654 St. Fabien,’ Rim.—209-121, St. Fab. 603, IS!$, CN, 4b +, P.358 St. Fabien de Panet ♦Panet, Montma. Ste. Famille, Montmor.—280-57, Ste. Fam. 178, ISS, Via Quebec, 4k, P. 400. , Ste. Famille, L. St. J.—716-54, Demeules. Ste. Famille, Chic.—762-62, Chic., R&S Ste. Famille d’Aumond, Hull—539-117, St. Aumond, ES1®, v ia Maniwaki, P. 450. . St. Faustin, Terre.-479-89, Wolfe 494, (SB, "St. Faustin Sta. CP, 4k, P. 250. St. Faustin Sta., Terre.—479-89, Wolfe, 'IS3$, CP, i), t, P- 408 St. Felicien, L. St. J—717-51, Demeule 348, -ISIS, CN, 4k, P. 1,306—1,599. Ste. Felicite, Matane—342-126, St. Denis 604,{><]$, \ la B Matane Ste. Felicite Ouest ♦St. Felicite, Matane. St. Felix de Kingsey, Drum.—393-82, Kingsey 507, EE3?, Via B Richmond. St. Felix de Valois (St. Felix), Jol.—439-70, Lanor. 450, (Xl?, CP, 4k, =+, P. 894. St. Felix D’Otis ♦Otis P.O., Chic. St Ferdinand (Bernierville), Meg.—369-73, Halifax 1/9, [S3, Via Black Lake, CN, 4k, P. 946. St. Fereol, Montmor.—268-56, St. Fereol 180, [><], Via Beaupre QRL&P, 4k. . T St. Fidele, Chari-224-81, Mt. Murray 350, [>3$, Via La Malbaie, 4k. _ Ste. Fla vie, Matane—202-142, Ste. Flavie 605, Via BMont Joli (3). Ste. Flavie, Matap.—354-121, Thib. St. Flavien, Lot.—354-57, St. Flav. 181, [XJ $, \ ia Laurier, P. 486—463. Ste. Flore, St. Maur.—416-42, C. de la Mad. 802, Kl$, Via Grand Mere, 4k, P. 400. Ste. Florence, Matap.—351-133, Matal. 606, [X]$, BAmqui, CN, P. 170. Ste. Florence Ouest, Matap.—351-133, Matal., £<], BAmqui, Via St. Florence. St. Fortunat, Wolfe—373-78, Wolf. 753, ISIS, Via Disraeli. Ste. Foy, Que.—314-52, Ste. Foy 182, ISIS, Via Bridge, 4k, P. 1,000. Ste. Foy Est. ♦St. Foy, Que. St. Francois (St. Francois Montmagny), Montma.—282-66, St. Fran., |S1, B'St. Francois Montmagny, CN, P. 200. St. Francois d’Assize, Bona.—353-138, Matap., ISIS, BCamp- bellton, N.B., Via St. Alexis. St. Francois de Levrard, Nic.—382-53, Lev., BSte. Sophie de Levrard, Via Becquets. St. Francois d’Orleans, Montmor.—276-59, St. Franc. D’Or. 183 (S3, B St. Jean d’Orleans, Via Quebec, St. Francois de Sales, L. St. J.—730-38, Dequen 352. St. Francois de Sales Sta. ♦De Sales, Lav.. St. Francois du Lac (Francois du lac), Yam, 417-70, St. Fran. du Lac 527, S$, CN, 4k, P. 740-718. St. Francois Montmagny (St. Francois), Montma.—279-66, (SIS, sjh P. 700. St. Francois Xavier ★Petit Riviere, Chari.—251-62. St. Francois Xavier de Bromptcln, Rich.—393-96, Bromp. 754, ■ ISI S. Via Windsor Mills. St. Francois Xavier de Viger, Temis.—223-106, St. F. X. de Viger, S3, B Viger, Via St. Arsene. Ste. Francoise, Temis.—215-112, Begon 607, [SIS, Via BTrois Pistoles, 4k, P. 500. St. Frederic, Beauce—336-75, St. Fred. 184, D<| S. Via BTring June., 4k, P- 375. St. Fulgence, Chic.—761-68 T Trem.353. lX!1 8.ViaB Chicoutimi.^. St. Gabriel ♦St. Gabriel de Brandon, Berthier. St. Gabriel de Brandon (St. Gabriel), Berthier—439-64, Bran¬ don 451, 'ISIS. CP, 4k, =+, P. 1,667—1,530. St. Gabriel de Rimouski, Rim—209-143, Fleur. 608, ISIS, ^ ia St. Gabriel' Est, Rim.-208-142, Fleur., CS 8 >. ■ Luceville. St. Gabriel Sta. (Valcartier), Port.—316-43, Fossam., SI, B Loretteville, Via Valcartier, 4k- a -du- ’d St. Gedeon, L. St. J—734-50, Sig. 354, S$, CN, 4k, 3P. St. Gedeon de Beauce, Front— 342-102, Marlow 18o, S^, Via BSt. Georges de Beauce, 4k- St. Gedeon Est, Front.— 341-101, Marlow, S, Via BSt. Evar- icfp Qfq St. Gedeon Sta., L. St. J.-734-50, Sig., ISB, "St. Gedeon, CN, sh P- 300. t . T r- St. Genevieve ♦St. Genevieve de Pierrefonds, Jac. Car. Ste. Getievieve de Batiscan, Champ.—390-47, Ste. Gen. 803, r>3$, B Grand Mere, Via Garneau, P. 916—731. St. Georges de Malbay (St. Georges), Gaspe—317-154 Malbaie 399 1X1 $. B Barachois de Malbaie, CN, ^29. St. Georges de Windsor, Richm.—387-89, Wind. 7i>5, ISIS, Via Danville, 4k- , T _. St. Georges Ouest, Beauce—333-88, St. Geo., 1X11$, V-ia, BSt. Georges de Beauce (Vi). TTT , St Gerard, Wolfe—372-90, St. Gerard 756, SIS, BWeedon, QC, 4k, p. 582—527. „ ^ St. Gerard des Laurentides, St. Maur—42443, Shaw. 805, SI, Via BShawinigan Falls. ^ St. Gerard d’Yamaska, Yam—414-73, Yam. 529, Sl$, ■ Pierreville, Via Yamaska, 4k- St. Gerard Magella, Que.—316-47, Goud. St. Germain ♦St. Germain de Grantham, Drum. St. Germain de Grantham (St. Germain), Drum.—407-79, Gran. 530, SIS, CN, 4k, +, P. ™>. St. Germain de Kamouraska, Kam.—>233-87, St. Ger. 187, S3$ Via Dessaint, CN, 4k, P- 500. _ Ste. Germaine Sta., Dor.—325-64, Ware, [><]$, B Kirouac, QC, p 175 Ste. Gertrude (Villers), Nic.—396-55, Ste. Ger. 531, ESI?, CN, P. 298. St. Gervais, Belle.—298-65, St.Ger. 188, SIS, Via St. Charles, 4k P 850- St. Gervais, Front.—350-99, BSt. Megan tic, P. 4. , St. Gilbert, Port.—366-43, Descham. 189, S^, Via BDes- chambault, 4 k- _ St. Giles, Lot.—341-61, St. Giles 190, iXj S. Via St. Agapit, P. 400. St. Godfroi (St. Godfroy), Bona.—332-152,Hope 400, ISIS, B Paspebiac, CN, P. 300. St. Godfroy ♦St. Godfroi, Bona. _ St. Gregoire, Nic.—401-59, St. Greg. 532, ' 1X1 $, CN, 4k, P-523 St. Gregoire, Iber.—422-107, Bleurie, CP. St. Guillaume d’Upton (St. Guillaume), Yam.—412-77, Upton 533, SS, CP, 4k, +, P- 937—905. St. Guillaume Sta. ♦St. Guillaume d’Upton, Yam. St. Hector de Bagot, Bagot—414-92, St. Hyac., Via St. Lib- oire (5). St. Helene ♦St. Helene de Kamouraska, Kam. Ste. Helene de Bagot (Bagot), Bagot—411-85, Ste. Helene 682, ' (XI . CN, 4k, +, P. 258. Ste. Helene de Chester, Arth.—375-75, Chester 534, (Xl S, BSt. Ferdinand, Via Princeville. Ste. Helene de Kamouraska (St. Helene), Kam.—233-89, Ste. Helene 191, 1X1 $. CN, 4k, P. 400. Ste. Helene de la Croix, Bona.—337-151, Cox, 1X1 . BNew Carlisle, Via Bonaventure. St. Helen’s Island (Bridge to Montreal), I. Mtrl. 34 — INDEX AUX PLACE S DANS QUEBEC St. Helier, Gaspe—314-144, Grand Etang, CEc], ■ Riviere au Renard, ViaGrand Etang, Stffc27-28. Ste. Henedine, Dor.—315-66, Ste. Hen. 192,CR]$ OC ^ P 500 St. Henri, Vaud.-453-113, Rigaud. v ’ St. Henri de Levis (St. Henry), Levis—309-61, CE3$ QC A P. 417—452. ’ St. Henri de Montreal (St. Henri), Jac. Car., £E3$, Part of Montreal, 4k St. Henri de Taillon ♦Taillon, L. St. J.—705-40. St. Henry, Hoch.—435-103. St. Henry ♦St. Henri de Levis, Levis. St. Hermas, Deux Mts.—454-103, St. Hermas 284, X $ CP A ^, P. 300. St. Hermenegilde, Stan.—387-118, Bar. 757, 1X 8. Via BCoati- cook, 4k, P- 151—225. St. Hilaire de Dorset, Front.—350-95, Dorset 195, X Via ■ St. Evariste Sta. St. Hilaire East, Rou.—423-95, Rou., ON. St. Hilaire Sta., Rou.—423-95, St. Hil., X$, BSt. Hilaire CN 4k P. 400. St. Hilaire Village, Rou.—423-96, St. Hil. 683, X$, Via St. Hilaire, 4k, P. 522—701. St. Hilarion, Chari.—231-67, Sett. 358, ISIS, Via Les Eboule- ment, 4k St. Hilarion du Lac, Chari.—234-67, Sett., Via BBaie St. Paul. St. Hippolyte de Kilkehny, Terre.—456-90, Kil. 285, >X$, Via Shawbridge, P. 125. St. Honore ♦Martel, Chic.—753-65, Simard, Chicoutimi. St. Honore ♦iSt. Honore de Temiscouata, Temis. St. Hon ore (St. Honore de Shenley), Beauce—345-92, Shen. 194, l>Cl S. Via St. Evariste, P. 450. St. Honore de Temiscouata (St. Honore), Temis-230-107, Armand 609, 1X1 $. Temis. Ry., P. 600. St. Hubert, Ohambly.—430-100, St. Hub. 286, SIS, CN, A, d* P. 500. St. Hubert Road (St. Lambert Annex), Chambly—431-100 Long. 37, M&SC. St. Hubert de Temiscouata, Temis—225-108, Demers 610 IXl S. Via St. Honore, P. 600. St. Hugues, Bagot—415-82, St. Hug. 684, X$, CP, 4k, ^ P. 511—482. St. Hyacinthe, St. Hyac.—419-90, St. Hyac., S$, CN, CP, * 4k +, P. 10,859—13,448. St. Ignace (St. I. de Loyola), 427-71 Richel. St. Ignace de Loyola, Berthier, 427-71, I. St. Ig. 452, X, Via B Berthierville, P. 175. St. Ignace du Lac, Mask.—435-59, Hope 806, Via BSt. Gabriel. Ste. Irenee, Chari.—233-72, St. Ire. 359, S$, CN, 4k, P. 1,082. St. Irenee les Bains, Chari—233-72, Mt. Murray, SI, Via B St. Irenee. St. Isidore ♦St. Isidore Dorchester, Dor. St. Isidore, Tern.—594-142, BLorrainville, CP, St I sido re OSt Isidore de Gaspe), Gaspe, 323-153, Grand R., 1X1 . BGrand River (6), St. Isidore ♦St. Isidore d’Auckland, Comp. St. Isido re d ’Auckland (St. Isidore), Comp.—382-112, Auck. 759, ISIS, B Sawyerville, CP. St. Isidore de Gaspe ♦St. Isidore, Gaspe. St. Isidore Dorchester (St. Isidore), Dor.—316-63, St. Is. 196, ISIS. Via St. Isidore, P. 474. St. Isidore Junction, Lap.—434-110, St. Con., 1X1 . BSt. Isidore Lap., CN, St. Isidore Laprairie (St. Isidore), Lap.—435-111, St. Is. 287, ISIS. CN, 4k P. 300. St. Jacques ♦St. Jacques de L’Achigan, Montcalm. St. Jacques de L’Achigan (St. Jacques), Montcalm—440-81, St. Sul. 453, CN, 4k P. 1,332—1,529. St. Jacques le Mineur, Lap.—428-110, St. J. le Min. 288, 1X1 8. Via St Edouard, 4k P. 150. St. Jacques Nord ♦St. Jacques, Montc alm— St. Sul. St Janvier, Terre.—447-96., St. Jan. 289, X$, CP, 4k P. 450. St Jean, Matap—352-130, B Rivard, P. 11. St. Jean (St. Johns), St. Jean—425-108, Ville de St J. 36, ISIS, CN, CP, CV, *, 4k, +, P. 7,734—11,256. St. Jealn Baptiste de Rouville, Rou.—422-96, Rou. 685, 1X3 $. Via St. Hilaire, 4k St. Jean Chrysostome de Levis, Levis—311-57, Lauz. 197, IXl S CN. St. Jean de Dieu, Temis.—217-110, Begon 611, X$, Via Trois Pistoles, 4k P. 350. St. Jean de la Croix (Sub P.O. of Montreal), Hoch.—435-10L I. Mtrl., IXl S. B Montreal. St. Jean de Matha, Jol.—447-69, Brandon 454, X$, Via St. Felix, 4k, P. 1,516. St. Jean Deschaillons ♦Deschaillons, Lot. St. Jean des Piles, Champ.—416-40, Radnor 809, X$, Via BGrandes Piles, 4k St. Jean d’Orleans, Montmor.—284-59, St. J. d’Or., X-, Via Quebec, 4k P. 300. St. Jean l’Evangeliste, Bona.—343-142, Shook 401, 1X 8. BCampbellton, N.B., Via Nouvelle, ^. Ste. Jeanne D’Arc ♦Boulanger, L. St. J. Ste. JearTie d’Arc de Matane, Matap.—353-126, Cabot 612, IXlS, Via BSt. Moise Sta. (8). St. Jean Port Joli., LTsl.—254-72, St. J. Port Joli. 198, X $ CN, 4k St. Jean Port Joli Sta., LTsl.—254-72, St. J. Port Joli XI BSt. Jean Port Joli, CN, St. Jean sur Lac, Lab.—538-107, Robert. 495, 1X 8. Via BMont. Laurier. St. Jerome, L. St. J.—736-47, Caron 361, CN, 4k, St. Jerome, Terre.—450-94, St. Jer. 290, X$, CP, CN, *[x] A =+, P. 5,491—8,967. St. Joachim ♦Tourelle, Gaspe— *B^ 12 St. Joachim (St. Joachim de Montmorency), Montmor—271- 58, St. Joa. 199, X S. ON, QRI&P, 4k, P. 200. St. Joachim de Berthier, Berthier—433-65, Via BSt. Barthel- emi. St. Joachim de Courval, Yam.—406-73, Cour. 535, XI, Via B St. Cyrille de Wendover. St. Joachim de Montmorency ♦St. Joachim, Montmor. St. Joachim de Shefford, Sheff.—405-98, Rox. 686, X$, B Waterloo, Via Warden, £ St. Joachim Rd. (Jackman Rd.), Rou.—417-101, M&SC. St. John River ♦Riviere St. Jean, Sag. St. Johns ♦St. Jean, St. Jean St. Joseph ♦St. Joseph de Levis Levis. St. Joseph d’Alma (Alma), L, St. J.—736-53, Sig. 362 X S A&J, P. 5,491—3,970. St. Joseph de Beaubien, LTsl.—264-83, P. 9. St. Joseph de Beauce (St. Joseph), Beauce, 327-79, St. Tos. 200, X$, QC, 4k, P. 1,445—1,625. St. Joseph de Grantham, Drum.—405-77, Gran., Xl$, BDrum- mondville (1), P. 2,812. St. Joseph de Kamouraska, Kam.—232-92, St. Andre Kam. 201, XI, Via BSt. Andre Kam., P. 105. St. Joseph de Lepage, Matane—204-144, Thiv. 613, [X$ Via BMont Joli (1). St. Joseph de le Page, Matap.—354-124, Thiv. 613. St. Joseph de la Rive ♦Les Eboulements, Chari. St. Joseph de Levis (St. Joseph), Levis—301-55, St. Jos. 202 CXI . B Levis, CN, £• St. Joseph de Matapedia, Bona.—354-138, Matap., X fl Campbellton, N.B., Via St. Alexis (12). St. Joseph de Mekinak, Champ.—408-28, Mek. 810, X, Via BGrandes Piles. St. Joseph de Nicolet, Nic.—388-59, Nic., Via Lemieux. St. Joseph de St. Hyacinthe, St. Hyac.—417-92, St. Hyac. Via BSt. Hyacinthe (IV 2 ), P. 540—784. St. Joseph de Sorel, Richel.—426-73, Sorel 687, 1X 8 Via B Sorel, 4k, P. 1,869. St. Joseph du Lac, Deux Mts.—447-105, Deux Mts. 291, XS, Via Fresniere, 4k St. Jovite, Terre.—484-92, De Sala. 496, X$, CP A ^ P. 862—981. 1 ' St. Jovite Sta., Terre.—484-92, De Sala., IX S. BSt. Tovite CP,' P. 235. St. Jude (St. Judes), St. Hyac.—419-83, St. Jude 688 X$ CN, 4k, P. 400. St. Judes ♦St. Jude, St. Hyac. St. Jules de Beauce (St. Jules), Beauce—336-80, Brough. 203 X, BTring Jet., QC. - 35 — TO PLACES IN QUEBEC St. Jules de Maria, Bona-New Richm. 403, E, -New Rich- Ste Ste. Julie 204, E$, ■L^r- Ste. V Se C Sfeierthere S ! 43 Ver.-428-94, Ste. Julie 292, E#, Ste ^Julienne, r ^lontoalm—447-84, Ste. Jul. 455, E$, CN, P. 1,250. St. Just ♦De St. Just, Kam. 9Q7 Q1 p net o t T US t de Bretenieres (iSt Juste), Montma. 287-91, P 205, £>3$, BSt. Camille de Bellechasse, Via Daoquam. of Tiist'p ♦St' Tust de Bretinieres, Montma. _ XT , It Juste du Lac, Temis-234414, Temis. 614 ,^$,Via -Notre St. Justo, Mask!—-428-62, St. Jus^ 8U, CN ^00- St. Justine (Kirouac), Dor-.—303-8o, ^ ng ^’ Via Ste. Justine de Newton, Vaud.—455-119, New. 800 , E>2 , ■ s “- J “- „ El. CN. M&SC, A, =*, P. 3,890—6,075. St. Lambert Annex ♦St. Hubert Road, Chambty. v : a St. Lambert de Levis, Levis—326-60, Lauz. 206, ISIS, V Ville Lambert, &, P. 160. St. Laureiat, Dor—320-64. St. Laurent (Part of Montreal), £ar 294 St. Laurent d’Orleans, Montmor—290-57, I. of Or. 207. St. Laurent d’Orleans, Que.—291-57, St. Laur d O ., -EA, Via Quebec (14), &, =+• n St Laurent Sta. (Part of Montreal), Jac.Car. St. Lazare, Belle.—296-72, Vaudiere 208, Via St. Damien, CN. St. Lazare de Vaudreuil, Vaud.—449-113, St. Lazare 8 o 6 , IE, St. Lazar^StaTVau(L^448-l 14, Vaud., ISIS, -St. Lazare de St. Iazie C VilSgef Belle.-301-69, Livaud., E#. Via St. St. L^andre, Matane—347-124, Matane 615, ISIS, -Matane, St. Leonard d’Aston, Nic.—398-67, Aston 536, ISIS, 'Via St. Leonard de Nic, P. 529 609. St. Leonard de Chicoutimi, Chic—748-59, Kenog., ViaBjon- St. Leonard de Nicolet ♦St. Leonard D’Aston Nic. St. Leonard de Port Maurice (Part of Montreal), Hoch-435- 101, St. L. de Maur. 295, E, Via ■ Montreal, P. 482-451 • St. Leonard de Portneuf, Port —353-35, Bourg Louis 209, CS, ■ St. Raymond, CN. St. Leonard Jet. ♦St. Leonard D’Ast on Nic. . - St. Leon, Mask.-423-58, Dumon. 812, Via Lomseville ^ St. Leon de Chicoutimi, Chic.—749-59, Labrec., I>3$, BSt. Joseph d’Alma, Via Isle Maligne. St. Leon de Lebrecous, Ohic.—738-62, Labrec. # St. Lee la le Grand, Matap.—352-129, Humqui 616, E3S, V la St. Liboire, Bagot—412-89, St. Lib. 689, 0*3$, CN, £, ^ p 595 _ 527 . St. Liguori, Montcalm—442-79, St. Lig. 456, ISIS, Via Mont- c clI m # St Lin (Laurentides), L’Ass.—443-88, L’Achen. 457, 1^3$, CP, CN, +, P. 1,150—1,286. St. Lin Jet., Terre—445-98, Mille I., CP. St. Louis ♦St. Louise de Gonzagne, Beauh. St. Louis (lie aux Coudres), Chari.—St. Louis de L lie. St. Louis, Dor—309-92. St. Louis ♦St. Louis de Bonsecours, Rich. St. Louis de Bagot (St. Louis-, Chic—764-62, Chic., P<3, ■ Chic., R&S. St Louis de Bonsecours (St. Louis), Richel—421-79, St. Ls. de Bon. 690, [S3, B'St. Aime, CN, P. 800. St. Louis de Chambour ♦Chambour, L. St. Jean—730-45. St. Louis de Champlain, Champ.—407-52, C. de la Mad. 813, DE3, Via BTrois Rivieres. St. Louis de Courville ♦Montmorency Falls, Que._ St Louis de Gonzague (St. Louis), Beauh.-441-119, St. L. de Gonz. 211 [SIS, Via St. Louis, £.. St. Louis de Masham, Hull— 511-146, Masham, El S t. SIS Ha Ha, Temis.-232-lll, Temis. 617, E#. T. R„ St. Lout’ StaESt. Louis de Gonzague), Beauh.—441-120, Ste. Louise, LI si.— 249-77, Ste. Louise 212, El#, ON, &, P. 258. Luc St V jTaTT 4 26- ( 105, I St.' Luc 2%, E, Via -Sbjean, St. Luc de Matane, Matane— 344-126, Tess. 618, E$, V 1 a Ste. Luce! a Rim.-203-136, Less. 619, E$, Via -Luceville. Ste. L LucSe Ct de' Beauregard, Montma—277-88, Talon 213, E$, Ste Lucie de k Don<^£' Ter re.-467-82, Don. 297, E$, Via St. K^“fsiSp. 537, E#, Via -St. Cyrille St. Ludger" Front.—350-102, St. Lud. de Ris. 214, E#, Via St. Ludger Riv duLoup, Temis—224-97, R. du Loup (en bas) 215, ES, Via ■ Riviere du Loup. Ste. Madeleine, St. Hyac.-423-92, La Pres. 691, ES, CN, A dk p 44Q_374. St. Magloire, Belle—291-84, Rioux 216, £E3$, Via St. Camille, p 272 _ St. Majoric, Drum.-407-75, Gran. 538, E, Via- Drummond- St. Malachie, Dor.-307-73, E. Framp. 217, ES, CN.^,P.1,300. St Malachie Sta., Dor.—307-73, Framp., CE3, BSt. Malachie, CN, +, P. 114. ^ 1 M/ , of Malo Oue—■ Ouebec, Via Cadorna 1 / 2 ) • It Malo Comp — 382-114, Auck. 762, ES, CP, £, P. 136 It! Marc,’ Ver.—427-89, St. Marc 692, ES,Via Beloeil,4bP.222. St Marc (St. Marc des Carneres), Port.—371-42, Lach. 218, CN, +, P. .1,492—1,990. St. Marc des Carrieres ♦St. Mar Port. . . St. Marc de Shawinigan, St. Maur.—416-46, Via BShawinigan St Marcel de^’Islet, L’lsl.—269-84, Arago 219, I^]$, «St. Cyrille de L’lsl., Via Bras D’Apic, P. 195. St. Marcel de Richelie, Richel.—417-79, St. Marcel 693, IS1$, Via Cavignac. ___ St. Marcellin, Rim.-^211-138, Neig. 620, IS], Via BLuceville. Ste. Margaret ♦Ste. Marguerite Sta., Terre. Ste. Marguerite de Causapscal, Matap.—348-134, Caus., Via ■ Causapscal (6). Ste. Marguerite de Dorchester, Dor.—313-71, Ste. Marg. 220, C>3$, Via St. Henedine. Ste. Marguerite Sta. (Ste. Margaret), Terre—459-87, Wex. 298 1^1 BSte. Agathe des Monts, CP, +• Ste Marie Beauce (St. Marie and St. Mary), Beauce—325-71, Ste. Marie 221, IS®, QC, £, +, P. 1,311-1,598. Ste. Marie de Blandford, Nic.—388-57, Bland, 539, P*3 , ^ ia Lemieux. .. Ste. Marie de Charlevoix, Chari.—237-68, Les Eboule., Via BLes Eboulements. Ste. Marie de Ste. Marthe, Vaud— 452-116, Rigaud. Ste. Marie Salomee (Salome), Montcalm—438-81, St. Sul. 458, □<]$, Via Salome (%), Q. Ste. Marthe, Vaud.—452-115, Rigaud 8o7, OCl S. \ ia St. Clet, P. 635. Ste. Marthe de Gaspe (Martin River), Gaspe—323-130, Chris¬ tie, □<], BSte. Anne des Monts, ^27-28. St. Martin (P.O. Bolduc), Beauce—322-70, 222. St. Martin, Lav.—440-100, I. Jesus 299, C>2$, Via St. Martin Jet., CP, 4C P. 441. St. Martin Jet. (Cap St. Martin P.O.), Lav.—440-100,1. Jesus,CP Ste. Martine, Chat.—436-115, Ste. Martine 858, CN, +, P. 373. St. Mary ♦Ste. Marie Beauce, Beauce. — 36 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC St. Mary’s of Ely, Sheff.—399-93, N. Ely 764, X, BValcourt, Via Racine, £• St. Mathias, Rou.—425-99, E. Chambly 695, 1X1 $. B Chambly, Via Richelieu, 4L P. 657. St. Mathieu ♦Mathieu de Laprairie, Lap. St. Mathieu, Rim.—212-116, St. Mathieu 621, 1X1 $. Via St. Simon, St. Mathieu de Laprairie (St. Mathieu), Lap.—430-109, La Salle, 1X 8. BSt. Remi, N.Jc, £• Ste. Mathilde, Chari.—227-77, Chari. XI Via BLa Malbaie. St. Maurice (Bois des Filion P.O.), Terre.—443-96, Terre., P.200 St. Maurice ♦L’Echouri, Gaspe. St. Maurice, Champ.—406-49, C. de la Mad. 815, 1X1$. CP, P. 300. St. Maxime, Beauce—322-68, Ste. Marie 223, 1X1 $. Via B Scott Jet., P. 707. St. Maxime, Chambly—Long. 300, Via‘BSt. Lambert (1). St. Medard, Rim.—217-119, Bedard, 1X1, Via BTrois Pistoles. - Ste. Melanie, Jol.—444-73, Dail. 459, 1X$. Via St. Felix, St. Methode ♦Adstock P.O., Front. St. Methode (Tikuape P.O.), L. St. J. St. Michael de Rougemclnt, Rou.—421-100, M&SC. St. Michel, Hoch.—436-98. St. Michel, Nap.—432-115, Sher. 301, CN, £, P. 277. St. Michel de Bellechasse, Belle.—287-61, St. Michel 225, 1X1 $. Via La Durantaye, 4L P. 660. St. Michel de Mistassimi, L. St. J.—700-54. St. Michel de Napierville, Nap.—430-114, La Salle, 1X1$, Via St. Michel, 4k. St. Michel des Saints, Berthier—486-57, Brassard 460, 1X1 $. Via St. Gabriel, 4k, P. 610—600. St. Michel de Wentworth, Arg.—467-103, Went., IX, Via B * Lachute. St. Michel Station, Nap—Sherr., XL BSt. Remi, CN. St. Modeste, Temis.—225-100. Whit. 622, IXI . B Riviere du Loup, TR. 4k, P. 500. St. Moise, Matap.—351-125, Cabot 623, 1X1 $. BSt. Moise Sta¬ tion (2Vo), CN, 4k, P. 791—911. St. Moise Sta., Matap.—352-125, Cabot, XL CN, P. 240. St. Monde, Terre.—470-82, Don., P. 5. Ste. Monique (Grant St. Esprit), Nic.—403-64, 540, BSt. Monique Nicolet, CN. Ste. Monique des Deux Montagbies ♦Deux Montagnes, Deux Mts.—450-100. Ste. Monique de Nicolet, Nic.—402-63, Nic., - 1X1 $. Via St. Monique, 4L P. 256. Ste. Monique Lac St. Jean ♦Honfleur, L. St. J. St. Narcisse, Champ.—399-45, Champ. 816, 1X1 $. CP, 4L St. Narcisse ♦Neubois, Lot. St. Narcisse, Rim.—210-136, BRimouski, 4C P- 14. St. Narcisse de Rimouski, Rim.—212-132, Macpes 624, jXJ$, Via BRimouski (15). St. Nazaire, Bagot—409-84, Acton 696, 1X1 $. Via St. Eugene. St. Nazaire de Buckland, Dor.—304-75, Buck. 227, IXI, Via B iSt. Malachie. St. Nazaire de Chicoutimi, Chic.—740-59, Tache, Xl$, BSt. Joseph d’Alma, Via Isle Maligne. St. Neree, Belle.—292-68, St. Ner. 228, XI®, Via St. Valier,4k St. Neree Sta. ★St. Lazare, Belle.—294-72, Aug. Michel, IX, B St. Neree. St. Nicholas, Levis—330-53, St. Nic. 229, XI?, CN, 4k, P.550 St. Nicolas ♦Bale St. Nicholas, Sag.— BRimouski. St. Nicholas South, Levis—328-53, Lauz. St. Nicholas Sta. (St. Etienne de Lauzon), Levis—315-54, St. Nic. 173, X$, BlSt. Nicholas, CN, P. 625. St. Norbert, Berthier—436-68, Berthier 461, 1X1$, BSt. Felix de Valois, CN. St. Nobert d’Arthabaska, Arth.—378-70, St. Nor. 541, IX$, Via Prineeville. St. Octave, Matane—203-146, Metis 625, l> ^ St. Sebastialn de Beauce, Front.—355-99, Aylmer 250, 1X1$ > Via St. Sebastien, 4L ^r, P- 778. St. Sebastien Sta. (St. Sebastien), Front.—355-99, Aylmer, [X], BSt. Sebastien, QC, 4l- Ste. Seraphine, Arth.—393-76, Kingsey F. 549, 1X1 . Via BVic- toriaville. St. Severe, St. Maur.—420-56, St. Severe 820, DO S. BSt. Bar- nabe Nord, Via Charette. St. Severe Nord, St. Maur.—421-54, St. Severe, DO . BSt. Bar- nabe Nord, Via Charette. St. Severin de Beaurivage, Beauce—335-74, Brough. 251, DO . Via BTring Jet., P. 175. St. Simech, Chari.—220-84, Mt. Murray 368, X$, 4L P. 665— 875, «a&17-6. St. Simeon (St. Simeon de Bonaventure), Bona.— 338-149, Hamil. 408, 1X1 $. BNew Carlisle, CN. St. Simon de Bagot (St. Simon), Bagot—414-85, De Ram., X $. CP, 4k, P. 235. St. Simeon de Bonaventure ♦St. Simeon, Bona. St. Simon de Rimouski (St. Simon), Rim.—210-115, Nic. 629, X $. CN, 4k, P. 318. St. Simon de Yamaska ♦St. Simon de Bagot, Bagot—De Rams. 704. St. Simon les Mines, Beauce—St. Fran., 1X1 $. Via BBeauce- ville (6). St. Sixte, Pap.—487-121, Loch. 268, ISIS, Via BThurso. St. Sophie ♦Ste. Sophie de Lacorne, Terre. Ste. Sophie de Lacorne (St. Sophie), Terre.—448-91, Lacorne 309, 1X1 $. BSt. Jerome, CN, 4^ Ste. Sophie de Levrard, Nic.—382-53,Ste. S. de Lev.550. 1Xl $.CN Ste. Sophie de Megantic, Meg.—372-70, Halifax 252, EX]$, Via Plessisville. St. Stanislas, L. St. J.—Pell., [X], BDolbeau (11). St. Stanislas (St. Stanislas de Champlain), Champ.—396-43, Batis., X $. CN, , P. 670. St. Stanislas (St. Stanislas de Kostka), Beauh. St. Stanislas de Champlain ♦St. Stanislas, Champ. St. Stanislas de Kostka (St. Stanislas), Beauh.—443-122, St. Stan, de K. 862, X$, NYC, 4k, P. 243. St. Sulpice, L’Ass.—432-84, L’Ass. 310, 1X1 . Via L’Assomption, 4k, P. 222. St. Sylvere, Nic.—393-61, Madd. 551, 1X1 $. Via B Daveluyville. St. Sylvestre, Lot.—340-70, St. Syl. 253, 1X1 $. Via St. Agapit, P. 229—212. St. Telesphore, Soul.—454-121, St. Tel. 863, X$, CP, 4k, P. 175 St. Telesphore Sta., Soul.—454-121, Nou Long. St. Tharsicius, Matane—346-129. Blais 630.IXl.Via BAmqui (7) Ste. Theele, Champ.—399-33, Ste. Thecle 823, X$, CN, 4k, P. 667—746. Ste. Thecle Sta., Champ—399-33, Ste. Thecle, [>3$, BSt. Thecle, CN, +, P. 425. St. Theodore ♦St. Theodore de Oher., Montcalm. St. Theodore d’Acton, Bagot—408-88, Acton 705, 1X1 $. Via BActonvale, £• St. Theodore de Cher (St Theodore), Montcalm— 457-81, Chertsey 426, : lXl $. Ste. Theodosie, Ver.—430-88, Ste. Theo. 311, 1X1 . Via Ver- cheres, £.• INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC St. Theophile, Beauce—335-98, Marlow 254, 1X1 $.- BLiniere, Via St. Georges. St. Therese ♦Ste. Therese de Blainville, Terre. Ste. Therese de Blainville (St. Therese), Terre—443-99, Blain. 312, X $. CP, £k, P. 2,043—3,292. Ste. Therese de Gaspe, Gaspe—322-155, Perce, IX$, BCape Cove, CN, P. 150. St. Thomas, Chic.—759-61, Chic., R&S. St. Thomas d’Aquin, St. Hyac.—419-90, St. T. d’Aquin 706, i lXI . Via BSt. Hyacinthe, £k. St. Thomas d’Aqufoi, L. St. J.—726-35, Dablon 369. St. Thomas de Caxton, St. Maur—414-55, St. Et. 824, IX . Via BYamachiche. St. Thomas de Joliette (Voligny), Jol—435-77, Lanor. 463, 1X $. Via Voligny, £k, P. 175. St. Thomas de Soulanges, Soul.—450-122, St. Zot., IX, B Coteau Station, Via St. Zotique. St. Thuribe, Port.—377-41, Grond. W. 255, IXI . Via St. Casimir (4V 2 ), £, P- 500. St. Timothee (St. Timothee Sta.), Beauh.—442-117, St. Tim. 864, X $. NYC, £k, =+=, P- 450—509. St. Timothee Sta. (St. Timothee), Beauh., 442-117, Beauh., NYC & HR. St. Tite, Champ.—401-38, Batis. 826, 1X1 $. CN, £k, P. 1,783—1,969. St. Tite des Caps, Montmor.—263-60, St. Tite 256, 1X1 $. Via St. Joachim, £k, P. 850. St. Ubald, Port.—384-36, St. Ubalde 257, ’ 1X1 $. Via St. Casimir, 4k, P. 336—352. St. Ulri c (Riviere Blanche), Matane—347-124, Matane 632, Xl$. C & GT, P. 973. St. Ulric Est, Matane—St. Ul., IXI . B Matane, Via Riv. Blanche (5). St. Urbain de Charlevoix, Chari.—232-62, St. Urb. 370, 1X $. Via Baie St. Paul, 4L NK P. 190. St. Urbain de Chateauguay, Chat.—435-116, St. Ur. de Chat. 865, 1X1 $. Via St. Martine, 4L P. 300. Ste. Ursule, Mask.—426-59, Ste. U. 827, IX S. CN, £, +, P. 286 St. Ursule Falls, Mask.—426-60, R. du Loup, CN. St. Valentin, St. Jean—424-117, St. Val. 313, X $. CN, 4k, P. 281. St. Valere de Bulstrode, Arth.—388-70, Bui. 552, [X, Via Black River. St. Valerien, Sheff.—411-93, Milton 707, 1X1 $. Via Upton, 4L P. 133. St. Valerien de Rimouski, Rim.—209-127, Bic 631, !X$, Via B Bic. St. Vallier (St. Vallier Stn.), Belle.—283-62, St. Vail. 258, X $. CN, 4k, P. 233. St. Vallier Stn. (St. Valier), Belle.—285-63, St. Vail., X $ ON, 4k, +, P. 133. Ste. Veronique, Lab.—521-89, Turg. 498, 1X1 $. BL’Annoncia- tion, Via Lacoste. St. Vianney, Matap.—347427,Langis 635. 1X1 $.ViaB Amqui(15) St. Viateur ♦Anjou, Berthier, 464. St. Victor Stn. ♦St. Victor de Tring, Beauce. St. Victor de Tring (St. Victor), iBeauee—339-83, Tring 25^ 1^1$, Via St. Victor, 4k, +, P. 478. Ste. Victoire, Riahel.—424-75, Ste. V. 708, 1X1 $. Via Sor el, 4L St. Vincent de Paul, Laval—439-97, I. Jesus 314, X$, CP, 4k, +, P. 1,493. St. Vital, Hoch., I. Mtrl., Via St. Vinc ent de Paul. St. Wencelas, Nic.—398-65, Ashton 553, 1XI S. CN, 4L P- 287. St. Yves, Mask., Via BSt. Paulin. St. Yvon, Gaspe—313-143, Chlory., IXl . B Riviere au Renard, 27-28-9-1. St. Zacharie, Beauce—319-95, Metger. 260, 1X1 $. BSt. Prosper de Dor., Via Morisset, 4L St. Zenon, Berthier—472-60, Prov. 465, rXl S. Via ~jSt. Gabriel de Brandon, St. Zephiria, Champ.—425-5. St. Zephirin, Yam.—409-69, Cour. 554, 1X1 $. Via BLa Baie, P. 1130. St. Zotique, Soul.—450-121, St. Zot. 866, SIS, B Coteau Stn., CN, P. 314—224. St. Zotique Stn., Soul.—450421, Nou. Long. Saints Anges, Beauce—319-74, Ste. Marie, ' 1X1 $. Via Valley Jet. (5), , Salaberry (Part of Valleyfield), Beauh.—443-118, De Sala. I., P. 805. Salaberry, Meg.364-78, Ire., iXl . Via B Black Lake. Salmon Bay, Sag., Chev., X, Via Bonne Esperance. Salome ♦St. Marie Salomee, Montcalm. Salvail, St. Hyac.—421-87, St. Char ., Via BSt. Hyacinthe (8). Samson, Chic.—749-54, Keno., IXI . Bjonquieres, CN. Samson Mills, Wolfe—383-85, Wotton. Sanatorium du Lac Edouard, Que.—742-7, Laure, 1X1$, BSt. Raymond, Via Lac Edouar d. Sanborn, Wolfe—372-81, Wolfs., IXl, Via BDisraeli. Sand Hill, Comp.—386-105, Eaton, i lXI . B Cookshire, Via Birch- ton, 4k. Sahdy Bay ♦Baie des Sables, Matane. Sandy Beach (Sandy Beach Centre), Gaspe—318-149, Doug., Via BGaspe. Sandy Beach Centre ♦Sandy Beach, G aspe . Sandy Creek, Pont.—528-146, Hudders., IXl . Via BShawville. Sanford ★Pearl Lake, Que.—233-8. Sanmaur, Champ.—620-39, Lavallee, [X, BLa Tuque, CN, =+, P. 163. Sapho, Deux Mts—452-100, P. 9. Saraguay, Jac. Car.—440-104, I. of Mtrl., Via Roxboro, P. 55—178. Sartigan, Beauce—Vaud., Via BBeauceville Eas t (5). Saucier ★Sayabec, Matap.—350-126, Awant., 1X1 . B Am qui. Sault a la Puce, Montmor.—284-54, Cote de Beaupre, 1X1 . Via BChateau Richer (V 2 ). Sault au Cochon, Chari.—257-63, CN. Sault au Cochon, Montmor.—258-63. Sault au Mouton, Sag.—796-112, Iber., 1X1 $. Via BLes Es- coumains, Sault au Recollect, Hooh.—437-99, V ia B ordeaux. Sault St. Lin, L’Ass—446-87, St. Lin., [X, Via BSt. Lin. Savage Mills, Sheff.—409-99, Sheff. Savoie, Meg.—373-68, Somer., Via B Plessisville. Savoie ★Manseau, Nic.—Bland. Sawyerville, Comp.—382-108, Newp. 767.1X1$. CP,P.518—482 Sayabec (Sayabec Sta. and Saindon), Matap.—351-126, Say. 588, X$, CN, P. 1,793—2,355. Sayabec Sta. ♦Sayabec, Matap. ScaswaJn, Sher.—395-105, Orford. Schwartz, Pont.—520-14 7, T horne, 1X1 . Via BShawville. Schyan, Pont.—542-157, IXI . Via BPort Coulonge (35). Scotch Road, Arg. —470-108, Gren. Via B Grenville. Scotch Weedon, Comp.—Ling., Via BWeedon (6). Scotstown, Comp.—369-105, Hamp. 768., 1X S, CP, 4L P. 987—1,189. Scott Junction, Dor.—325-69, Ste. Marie, 1X $. QC, 4L ^ P. 677. Scottsmore, Miss.—412-112, Dun., BCowansville, Via Sweets- burg. Seal Cove, Gaspe—318-150, Doug., IX, BGaspe, Via Doug- lastown. Selby Lake, Miss.—412-116, Dun., BDunham, Via Cowansville Sellars (Sellarville), Bona.—348-140. Senneterre (Bell River, Nottaway), Abit.—621-14, Sennet. 423 X . BAmos, CN, P. 530. Senneville, Jac. Car—445-110, Ste. A. de Belle., IX, Via B Ste. Annes de Bellevue, 4L P. 489—526. Septieme Lac, Montcalm—454-78, St. Theo.,IX,Via BRawdon. Servigny (St. Cyprien), Dor.—300-91. Seven Island Lake ♦Lac des Sept Isles, Port. Seven Islands, Sag.—309-116, Letel. 876, [X$, P. 613, 24-25-26. Shag I., Mag. I.—310-162. Shallup, Sag.—30L162, Anti. I. Shannon, Port.—314-40, Ste. Cath., 1X1 . BLoretteville, Via Valcartier. Shapley Creek, Pap.—496-125, Derry, Via B Buckingham. Shawbridge, Terre.—458-93, Aber. 26, IX$, CP, CN, £k, P. 302—457. — 39 — INDEX TO PL AC ES IN QUEBEC Shawinigan Falls, St. Maur —417-47, Shaw. 828, ISIS, CP, CN, Sheenboro, Pont.—56^106, Sheen 568,IS!$, Via Pembroke(13), P. 150. Sheerway, Pont.-H580-112, ■ Pembroke, Ont. (3o). Shefford Mountain, Sheff.-409-101, Sheff., Via BGranby, £. Shefford Vale, Sheff.—409-100, Sheff., \ ia Granby. Sheffington, Sheff.-410-104, Sheff., Via BW. Sheff. (1). Shekatika Bay, Sag., Via Bonne Esperance (31). Sheldrake, Sag.—300-128, Mingan L., ^ ^26. Shelter Bay (Rock River), Sag.—318-11 5, B abel, S^24-2o-26. Shenley Est., Beauce—343 h 92, Shen., [Xj, BSt. Honore de Temis., Via St. Evariste, &. Shenley Nord, Beauce—342-89, Shen., BSt. Honore de Temis., Via St. Evariste. Sheptetski, Abit.—029-125, Lamor, E>3, BAmos (20), via Barraute. _ __ , Sherbrooke, Sher.—388403, Ascot, Kl$, CN, CP, QC, *, +, P. 23,515—28,933. m ^ ^ io ^ Sherrington, Nap.—430-117, Sherr. 27, EXJ$, CN, P. 18/. Shigawake, Bona.—332-154, Hope, OC3 $. BPort Daniel Centre, Via St. Godfroi, P. 225. o _ . 1 Shigawake East, Bona.—332-154, Hope, jXjS, BPort Daniel Centre, Via Marcil (2). Shipshaw, Chic.—*750-57, Jon. t Shrewsbury, Arg.—462-99, C hat, W. Gore, EX], Via BLachute. Sicotte, Hull—547-115, Sic., CE3, Via BManiwaki (15). Sienna, Lab.—519-85, Lynch, ISD, Via B\L’Annonciation. Signai ★Press, Abit.—620-108. Signai, L. St. J., Via St. Joseph d’Alma (2). Sillarsville (Sillars), Bona—348-140, Restig., BCampbell- ton, N.B., Via Matapedia. Sillery, Que.—310-53, Ste.Col.de Sill 128. D>C] $A ia Quebec, P. 500 Silver Creek, Pap.—488-127, Loch. Silver Granite, Front., BSt. Sebastien, Via St. Samuel. Simard, L. St. J.—722-44, Ouiatch., Via BRoberval. Simard ★Miron, Tern. Simmons, Hull—496-145, Hull, BHu ll, V ia Aylmer. Simonet, L. St. J.—730-42, Metabet., [>3, BRoberval (5 Bilodeau. Singer, Pap.—496-113, Hart., S, BSt. Andre Avellin (30), Via Papineauville. Sirois ★St. Prosper, Champ. _ Siscoe, Abit.—612-122, Varson, ISI S. Via BAmos (50), ^13. Six Portages, Hull—529-123, Bouch., IXl . BMessines, Via Burbidge, Sixteen Island Lake (Sixteen Island), Arg.—469-96, Mont., ISI S. B Arundel, CN, P. 138. Slab City, Comp.—Eaton, Via BCookshire. Slatington, Ridhm.—389-86, Ship., Via B Danville. Smellie, Hunt.—445-129, Godm., CN. Smith’s Corners, Pont.—522-153, Litch., Via B Campbell’s Bay. Snake Creek, Tern.—579-131, CP. Snowdon (Part of Montreal), Hoch .—4 35-100, I. Mtrl. Solomon, Mag. I.—316-160, Mag. I., Ex], BGrindstone I., Via Amherst. Sorel, Richel.—425-72, Sorel 663, 1X1 $. CN, ®(, £v, P. 8,174— 10,320. < a&H6-3. Sortin, Jac. Car.—I. Mtrl., BMontreal W. Souchez, Vaud.—452-118, P. 6. Soucier ♦Saucier, Matap.— Soucy, Yam.—413-75, Upton, Via BSt. Guillaume d’Upton. Soulanges, Soul.—453-120, Nou. Long., CN. Soulard, Nic.—384-58, Bland. South Bamston, Stan.—394-119, Barn., Via BRock Island. South Beach, Mag. I.—311-162, Mag. I., 1X1 . BGrindstone I., Via Pointe Basse, South Bolton, Brome—404-112, Bolton, TXl S. BMansonville, CP, &, P. 184. South Dudswell, Wolfe—381-99, Dud., Via BEast Angus, £l South Durham, Drum.—400-88, Dur. 528, 1X1 $, CN, Q, P. 402. South Ely, Sheff., 399-97, Ely, BValcourt, Via Racine. South Granby, Sheff.—412-104, Granby. , Via South Ham (Ham Sud), Wolfe-377-90, Ham 769, K». ■ Weedon, P. 175. TT . -T South Quebec, Levis—St. Laur., [X3$, Via BLe vis. South Roxton (Roxton S), Sheff.-407-96, ■ Roxton South Stukely, SheS*— 404-105, Stuke., G3]$, ■ Waterloo, CP, /\ p 244. Southwark, Chambly—Long., Via St. Lambert UK South-West Point, Sag.—304-149, I. of Anti., ESI, BGaspe, T- Spencerwood ★Sillery, Que.-^Sill. , , . Springbrook, Dor.—312-73, Framp., V 1 *" 8 *- 1 Springfield Park, Chambly—431-101, Long., [Xl BSt. Hubert, Spring^Hfil, 363-102 Front., Wihitton 770 ISIS, BLac Megantic CP, £, =*, P. no. Spring Road, Sher., Ascot, Via B Lennoxville. Spruce ★McLeod, Comp.—369-104, Ling., BScotstown. Squatteck, Temis.—223-120, Robit. 589, ISIS, Via BCabano. Stadacona, Port.—254-9. Stadacona, Que., Via Quebec (2). . Stagsburn, Hull—514-140, Low, B Wakefield, \ Br ® nnan \£- Stanbridge East, Miss.—414-115, Stan., [XJ $. C N, 4K P- 184- Stanbridge Station, Miss.—419-116, Stan., ISIS, B Bedford, -CV, CP, &, P. 500. Stanbury, Miss.—415-111, Stan., B Farnham, \ Stanbridge Standon, Dor.—306-78, Stand. 129,1^1$,Via St. Malachie, P.loO. Stanfold ♦Princeville, Arth. Stanhope, Stan.—39|1-121, Barn. 771, BDixville, CN, P. 200. Stanley Bay, Pap., Via BGracefield (1 1). Stanstead, Sten-397-120, Stan. 772, ,P. 798-845. Starks Corners, Pont.—517-159, Claren., BShawville, CN. Starnesboro, Hunt., Frank. Station Bilodeau ♦Bilodeau, L. St. J. ^ _ . Staynerville, Arg.—461-108, Chat., BLachute, CP, Q, tt- Steadman, Hull/Hull, B Aylmer East (1), Via Breckenridge. Steel, Pont.—'510-150, Onslow, BQuyon. Stenson, Wolfe—370-81, Wolfe 760, |^]$, Via B Disraeli. Stirling, Champ.—566-6, Dumoulin, CN. Stockwell, Chat.—436-125, Beauh., BSt. Chrysostome, Via Hemmingford. ___ Stoke Centre, Richm.—387-98, Stoke 773, 1^1$, B Sherbrooke, Via Ascot. Stone ♦North Stanbridge, Miss—CN. Stonefield, Arg.—463-110, Chat., BGrenville, CN, ^31. Stoneham, Que.—291-45, Stone. 130, [>3, B Loretteville, Via . Charlesburg, CN. , _ „ Stornaway, Front.—363-98,Win. 774, 1X11 $. B'St. Sebastien, A la Springhill, CP. Strachan, Abit—.640-78, CN. Stratford Centre, Wolfe—366-92, Strat. 775, [XJS. Via St. Forest. Gerard, Strathmore, Jac. Car.—439-105, I. Mtrl. 28, BDorval, CN, 4 L Stubbs Bay, Tern—586-117. Suffield, Sher.—392-105, Ascot, |fl Lennoxville, Via Rock Sugarloaf, Brome—402-114, Pott on. Sully, Temis.—240-106, Es., CSI$, B Riviere Bleue, CN, . Summerlea (Dorval), Jac. Car.— I. Mtrl., BLachine, CP, -0- Summerlea (Dorval) (1), Jac. Car.—I. Mtrl., BLachine,CP, & Summit, Que.—744-16, Lescar., CN. Summit (St. Faustin), Terre.—477-88, Wolfe, CP. Sunlight City, Chamblv—430-100, Lo ng., M&SC. Suhny Bank, Gaspe—319-148, York, □<]$, Via BGaspe. Sunnyside Depot, Tern.—587-134. Sutton, Brome—408-115, Sutton 778, 1X1 $. CP, )>&, 4b P. 923—965. Sutton Jet. (Enlaugra), Brome— 407-113, Sutton, LX]$, B Sut¬ ton, CP, &, P. 93. Sutton Mountain, Brome— 409-120, Sutton, BSutton, Via Abercorn. _ # Sweetsburg, Miss.—411-110, Dun. 664, IXl S. BCowansville, CP, +, P. 270—401. Sybil Cove, Sag.—Via B Seven Islands (10). Sydenham Place, Drum.— 396-81, Kingsey, Via B Richmond, P. 100 . — 40 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Taberet, Tem.—588-139, CP. Tableau, Chic—780-75, Durocher, X, Via BBagotville. Tache, L’Isl.—255-87, Lafon., X, B'St. Perpetue de L’Isl., Via Brighton. Tadoussac, Sag.—206-91, Tad. 373, 1XJ $. Via La Malbaie, Q, P. 470—646, ^17-23-6. Taillon (St. Henri de Taillon), L. St. J.—732-57, Tail. 357, X1 S. Via BSt. Joseph d’Alma, P. 600. Talbot, Port.—362-22, Bois, CN. Talon, Pap.—494-142, Temple., CP. Talcb, St. Jean—426-106, St. Luc, X, Via BSt. Johns. Tamaracouta, Arg.—460-96, Mille I., X, BSt. Jerome, Via Morin Hgts. _ Tancredia, Pont.—523-158, Calumet I., X3, Via BCampbell’sB Bay. Tanguay, Stan.—389-120, Barford, Via BDixville. Tanmey ★Moisie, Sag.—309-113, P. 8. Tarte ★Blue River, Temis.—239-108, Est., BRiviere Bleue. Tartigou, Matane—350-122, Matane, X, BBaie des Sables, C. & G. Taschereau, Abit.—618-138, Privat, CXJ $. CN, P. 636. Tatehurst, Chat.—441-122, Beauh., Via Ormstown, £. Tee Lake, Tem., BTimiskaming Stn., Via Kipawa (3). Templeton (!Ste. Rose de Lima), Pap.—490-138, CP, P. 818. Templeton ♦East Templeton, Pap. Tenaga, Hull—498-142, Hull, OP. ^ Terrebonne, Terre.—440-94, Terre. 29, 1X1 $. CP, T** P. 2,056—,1,955. Terre Haute, Lab.—528-96, Boyer. Tete a la Baleine (Whale Head), Sag., Via Mutton Bay (12). Tetrelautvill (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—435-96. Tewkesbury, Que.—298-39, Stone., [52, Via BCharlesbourg. The Heights, Chat.—436-108, Chat., NYC. Therieu, L.Islet—263-79. Thetford Mines, Meg.—356-81, Thet., X$, QC, *0, £, P. 8,272—10,701. Thetford Mines W., Meg.—360-78, Via Thetford Mines. Thetford North, Meg.—356-77, Th et. Thetford Sud, Meg.—360-80, 1X1 $. Via B Thetford Mines. Thibault, L. St. J., Via BRoberval (4). Thivierge, Bona.—336-150, Hamil., 1X1 $. BNew Carlisle, via Bonaventure. Thomas ★Hervey, Port.—391-30, Grond. W. Thornby, Pont.—523452, Thorne, XI, Via B Campbell’s Bay. Thorne Centre, Pont.—5194 50, Thorne, XL Via BShawville. Three Lakes, Front.—363-111, Ditch., X, Via BMegantic, £• Three Rivers ♦Trois Rivieres, St. Maur. Thunder River, Sag.—297-130, Mingan L. 878. Sa£26. Thurso, Pap.—485-127, Lodh. 68, X$, CP, £, ^, P. 538—1,288 •3^31. Ticehurst Corners, Stan.—397-118, Stan. Tikuape, L. St. J.—718-54, Parent 364, X$, Via BSt. Felicien. Tilly ★Laurier, Lot. Timbrell ★Gatico, Abit.—635-76. ^ ^ Timiskaming Sta., Tem—.584-136, £ >21$, CP, P. l,8oo. Tingwick, Arth.—386-79, Ting. 542, 521$ • Tippins, Pont.—Via B'Shawville (7). Titus, Richm.—391-97, Windsor, B Windsor Mills, CN. Tobiac, Jol.—463-69, Cartier, P. 3. Tobila (Riviere Trois Pistoles), Temis—214-108, Trois Pis¬ toles 587, CN, Tolsta, Front—367-97, Win., BScotstown, Via Milan. Tomifobia, Stan.—397-118, Stan., X$, B Beebe, QC, £, P. Toupin, Wolfe— B Notre Dame de Ham, Via Victonaville. Tourelle (Petite Tourelle and St. Joachim), Gaspe—330-129, Ste. A. des M. 402, 1X1 $. BSte. Anne des Monts, 3^12. Tourigny, Arth.—384-83, Ting. Tourville (Monk), L’Isl.—Ashford 261, X, Via Monk (18), P 995. Tourvilles, Drum.—403-79, Wick., CP. Tower View, Hull—Hull, BAylmer East (3V 2 ), Via Aylmer. Trait Carre, Gaspe—315-148, C. Ros., 152, BGaspe (10), Via Griffin Cove. Travor Road, Brome—402-115. Potton, CP. Tremann, Mask.—Via BLouiseville. Tremblay ♦Ste. Anne de Chicoutimi, Chic. Trenholm, Drum.—394-87, Kingsey, 1X1 $. Via B Richmond. Treiaholme, Port.—332-47, Neu. . Tring Junction, Beauce—335-77, Brough., 1X1$. QC, 4L t*, p 35i_ 429 . Trinity Bay (Baie de la Trinity), Sag.—334-118, De Monts, X$, ^24-25-26. Triton Club (Triton), Que.—787-9, Laure, X- Triton Fishing Club ♦Triton Club, Que. Trois Pistoles, Temis.—213-109, Trois Pist. 633, X$, CN, *0, &, + P- 1,454—1,837, Sdfc7. Trois Rivieres (Three Rivers), St. Maur.—407-55, Trois Riv., X$, CP, CN, *, £, +, P- 22,367—35,450, a&16, 2 . Trois Ruisseaux ♦Les Trois Ruisseaux, Gaspe—315-151. Trois Ruisseau, Sag—298-141, Anti. I. Trois SaumcLis, L’lsl.—257-74, St. J. Port Joli, 1521, BLIsl., CN, £, P. 200. _ Trois Saumons Sta. —L’lsl., 257-74, St. J. Port Joli, 521, B L’lsl., CN. Trois Vents, Port.—320-33, P. 22. Tromseau, Temis.—236-120, BOuterburg, £, P. 10. Trottier, Arth—376-74, Ste. Helene de Ches., XI, BSt. Fer¬ dinand, Via Princeville. Trout Brook, Arth.-384-80, Ting., Via Warwick. Trout River, Hunt.—446-131, B Huntingdon, Via Carrs, Trudel, Lap., Via BSt. Isidore (3). Trudell, Front.—358-110, Ditch., CP. Trudelle, Quebec ( 6 ), Montmor., Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Tullochgorum, Chat.—438-120, Beauh., Via Brysons. Tupperville, Comp.—376-98, Bury. Turcot, Jac. Cart., I Mtrl. Turcotte, Nic., Gent., Via BGentilly. Turenne, Lot.—358-47, Lot., BLotbiniere, Via Fortierville. Turgeon, Belle—303-69, Vau., Via BSt. Damien de Buckland. Tumertcwn, Stan.—3964,10, Hatley. Ubald ★St. Prosper, Champ.—391-41, St. Pros. Ulverton, Drum.—308-85, Dur., X$, Via B Richmond, Uniacke, Abit.-^618-119, Cour., X, BAmos, CN. Upper Bedford, Miss.—417-116, Via B Bedford (%). Upper Melbourne, Richm.—396-90, Mel., 52 $. Via B Rich¬ mond, ^ Upton (St. Ephrem D’Upton), Bagot-441-88. Upton, X$, CN, &, +, P. 782—695. Vachon, Beauce— 320-94, Metger. N., X, BSt. Georges de Beauce, Via Morisset. Val Alain, Lot.—368^58, Lot., X, BManseau, CN. Val Barrette (Barrette), Lab.—531-101, Camp. 499, 1521, CP, dk p 499 _517. Val Brillant, Matap.-351-127, Lepage 634, X$, CN, P. 962—1,032. Val Emard, Hull—539-115, Aumond, X, Via BManiwaki(6). Valcartier ♦St. Gabriel Stn., Port Fassam. Valcartier, Que.—310-45, St. Gab. 262, BLoretteville, CN. Valcartier Village, Que.—303-44, Valcar., 521, Via BLorette¬ ville, P. 800. ^ A Valcourt, Sheff.—401-97, S. Ely 72 3, 5 23$, CP, 4L P- 308. Val David, Terre.—465-87, Morin, Xl$, CP, £, p 520. Val des Bois, Pap—507-123, Ville. 69, X$, Via High Falls. Val des Eboulis, Vaud.—456-115, Rigaud. Val des Erables, Soul.—449-118, Soul. Val d’Espoir ♦Cap d’Espoir, Gaspe, Perce, XI, Via B Perce. Val des Sables, Vaud.—451-114, Vaud. Valdor, Pap.—485424, Loch., Via B Thurso. Valencay, Pap.—486-119, Ripon, X, BSt. Andre Avellin, Via Papineauville. Valenciennes, Meg.—371-71, Halifax, X. BSt. Ferdinand, Via Plessisville. Valentin (St. Valentin), St. Jean—426-117. Vale Perkins (Perkins), Brome—402-116, Po.tton, 521, BMan- son ville, 3^5. Val Gagnon, Terre.—447-95, Mille I., Via BSt. Janvier. Valin, Chic—757-64, Trem., X, Via BChicoutimi. Valin ★Petit Pre, Montmor. —287-55,Cote de Beaupre,QRL&P. Val J albert, L. St. J.—724-43, Chari. 355, X$, BRoberval, CN P 840_88 Vallee Jonction (L’Enfant Jesus Beauce Jet.), Beauce—324-76, St. Jos., P. 1,066. -41- c INDEX TO PLACES IN QUEBEC Valleville, Belle.—286-64, St. Val., X, Via BSt. Valier Stn. Valley Junction ♦Vallee Jonction, B eau ce. Valley field, Beauh.—443-.118, Beauh., X$, ON, NYC, P. 9,215—11,411, ^22. Valleyfield Nord (Part of Valleyfield), Beauh.—443418, St. Laur. & St. D. Sts., 1X1 $. Val Mercier ★Cloridorme, Gaspe—316442, P. ,11. Valmont, Champ.—410-49, ,N. D. de M. Carmel 829, 1X1 . Via ■ St. Maurice. Val-Morin, Terre.—463-87, Morin, 1X1$, O P, P. 300. Val Morin Sta., Terre., Ste. Adele, IXl, C P. Valois, Jac. Cart.—440-106, I. of Mtrl., 1X1 . ■Do-rval, CN, P. 400. Val Ombreuse, Pap., Big., 1X1 . BNotre Dame de la Salette, Via Gracefield. Val Paquin, Hull—507-133, Wake., XI, Via ■ Wakefield, Val Quesnel, Pap.—484-117, L. Pet. Nat., Xl$, BSt. Andre Avellin, Via Papineauville. Valracine, Front.—366408, Marston 779, lXl $. BScotstown, Via Milan, Val St. Michel, Que.—308-47, St. Am. Lorb., 1X1 . BLorette- ville, CN. Val Tetreau, Hull—494-146, X$, Via BHull. Van Bruyssel, Que.—73249, XL ON. Vandry, Champ.—620-32, IXl BLa Tuque, CN. Varennes, Ver.^31-91, Varennes 30, X$, C)N, P. 802—810. Vassal, Drum.—402-80, Gran., Via ■ Drummondville E. Vauban Temis.—230-110, Cabano, 1X1 $. BCabario, T. R. Vaucluse, L’Asis.—434^82, St. G. Mag. 31, S3, BL’Ep'hiphanie, •CP, £• Vaudreuil, Vaud.—446-112, Vaud. 868, X$, ON, CP, 4k, P. 456—466. Vaudreuil Stn. (Dorion), Vaud.—446-112, Vaud. 867, S]$, CN, CP, +, P- 1,155. Vauquelin, Gaspe—320-151, Malbaie, fXl . Via BBarachois de Malbaie. Vauvert, L. St. J.—724-58, R acin e, IXl . Via BRobervail. Vendee, Pap.—490-99, Add., SI, BArundel, Via Lac Remi. Vendome, Beauh.—440-116, Beauh., Via ■ Beauh. Venice, Miss.—420-118, Fouc., BClarenceville, Via Stanbridge. Veniot, Belle., Via BLa Durantayie. Venosta, Hull—517-138, Low, 1X1 $. BKazabazua, CP. Venus Siding ★Natagan, Abit. Verbois, Kam.—2294)3, Terre., Via BAt. Alexandre de Kam. Vercheres, Ver.—431-86, Ver. 32, X$, CN, 4k, P. 835—738. Verdun, Hoch.—433-104. Vermillion ★Cressman, Champ.—610-d2, Cay. Vernay ★Dombourg, Port.—>337-47, Neu. Vernet, Pap.—479-106, Pons. Vemeuil, Warwick (2), Arth.—Arth., BVictoriaville, Via Warwick. Versailles, Iber.—421-107, Bleurie, BIberville, CN. Versailles Sta. (Versailles), Iber.—421-107, Bleurie, CN. Verte Vallee, Vaud.—454-116, Rigaud, Via BRigaud (5), 4 l Vertu, Hoch.— B Montreal, CN. Vezina’s Corner, Wolfe—371-85, Garthby, Via BGarthby Stn. Vianney, Meg.—370-75, Halifax, SI, BSt. Ferdinand, Via Plessisville. Vicars, Hunt.—434-124, B^St. Chrysostome, Via Hemming- ford, 4k. Victoriaville, Arth.—381-72, Arth. 555, Sl$, CN, [x], 4k, + P. 3,759—6,213. Vieille Eglise, Lot.—367-48, Lot., IXl . BLotbiniere, Via For- tierville. Viefci, Lot.—375-53, Deschail., IXl . BSt. Philomene de For- tierville, CN. Viger, Hodh.—435-102. Viger (St. Epiphane), Temis.—221-103, Viger, Sl$, Via St. Arsene, P. 450. Vigneau, Mag. I.—314-162, Amherst I., SI, B Grindstone I., Via Amherst. Villa des Lacs, Chari.—224-74, Mt. Murray, Via BLa Mal¬ baie (10). Village Belanger, Lav.—440-100, St. Martin, IXl . BAhuntsic, Via St. Martin (%), Q. Village Beloeil ♦Beloeil Village, Ver. Village Blier, Kam.—239-100, Poheneg., S$, BSt. Eleuthere, Via Estcourt. Village de la Commune, Que.—Via Quebec (6). Village des Aulnaies, LTsl.—247-75, St. Roch des Aul., 1X1 $. ■ St. Roch des Aulnaies, Via St. Loui se, 4 L H F• Village des Chutes, Wolfe—377-83, Wolfe, 1X1 . BHam Nord, Via Victoriaville. Village des H Urdus, Que.—(Xl$, Via ■ Loretteville (1). Village du Moulin, Kam.—Via BSt. Anne de la Pocatiere (1). Village Montmorency ♦Montmorency Village, Que.—QRL&P, 5f, P. 4,575. Village Richelieu (Richelieu), Rou.—424-100, St. Math. 658, S$, Via Richelieu, M&SC, P. 426—563. Village Villeneuve, L. St. J.—697—54, [XI, Via BDolbeau (2), -CN. Ville Emard (Part of Montreal), Jac. Car.—435-101, ■ Mon treal Ville Guay (Guay), Levis—297-57, St. J. de Lev., IXl . Via ■ Levis. Ville Lambert (St. Lambert de Levis), Levis—320-59, Lauz., QC, Vide La Salle ♦Highlands, Jac. Car. Ville Marie, Tern.—594-142, Duhamel 424, 1X1 $. CP, sp, P. 840—1,049, ^32. Ville Marie ★St. Charles, Belle. Villemay, Levis—303-56, St. Geo., XI, Via ■ Levis. Villemontel, Abit.—619-133, Tree., 1X1 $. BAmos, CN, P.765 Villeray (Lazard (%), Jac. Car.). Ville Real, Rim.—210-119, Via BlSt. Simon de Rim. Villeroy, Lot.—373-58, St. J. Des., 1X1 $. BManseau, CN, P. 175. Villers ♦St. Gertrude, Nic. Ville St. Pierre ★Mont. W., Jac. Car. Villette, Comp.—387-120, Here., Via HCoaticook. Vimy Ridge Mine, Meg.—364-80, Ire., 1X1 $. ■ Black Lake, Via Coleraine. Vincennes (St. Lac), Champ.—396-48, St. Luc 830, 1X1 . Via ■ Champlain. Vinoit, Pap.—487-112, Suff., IXl . BSt. Andre Avellin, Via Papineau. Vinton, Pont.—525-155, Litoh. 569, 1X1 $. ■ Campbell’s Bay, CP, 4k. Visitation ★Morel, Montmor.—Cote de Beaupre, QRL&P. Voligny (St. Thomas de Joliette ), Jo l.—435-76, Lanor., CP. Wabassee, Lab.—527-111, Bouth., IXl . Via HMont Laurier, 4L Waite, Tern.—611-141, CN. Wakefield, Hull—504-140, Wake., X$, CP, 4k, +, P. 271—296. Wakeham, Gaspe—Gaspe Bay S., 1X1 $. Via ■ Gaspe. Walker Cut ♦Walker’s Cutting, Arth. Walker’s Cutting (Walker Cut), Arth—384-69, Bui., XI . ■ Victoriaville, CN. Wallace Mill, Matap.—352-127. Awant.. 1X1 . Via ■ Val Brillant Waltham Sta., Pont.—533-161, Walt., X3$, BFort Coulonge, CP, 5p, P. 150. Wapoos ★Parent, Champ. Warden, Sheff.—405-101, Sheff., X$, ■ Waterloo, CP, 4k, P. 185—164. Wards Yard, Jac. Car.—■ Montreal. Warwick, Art'h.—386-76, St. Medard 556, X$, CN, 4k, P. 961—987. Waterloo, Sheff.—404-103, Sheff. 665, X $. CN, CP, 4k P. 2,063—2,192. Waterville, Comp.—390-109, Comp. 732, X$, CN, 4k, P. 968—849. Watshishu, Sag.—287-150. Watson, Arg.—461-110, Chat., CN. Wayagamac, Champ.—403-5, Via La Tuque. Way’s Mills, Stan.—394-116, Barn., XI$, Via ■ Ayer’s Cliff 4k Weedon. Wolfe—375-92, Weedon 780, X1 S. QC 4k P. 805—784. 1 Weir, Arg.—475-98, Montcalm, Xl$, ■ Arundel, CN, 4k, Weirstead, Pont.—513-153, Bris., tx\ . ■Shawville, Via Mary¬ land. , West Bolton, Brome—404-108, Bolton, Via I Knowlton, 4L West Brome, Brome—410-112, Brome, [Xl $ ■Cowansville CP, 4k, P. 190. West Broughton, Meg.—345-76, Leeds, X$, Via Leeds, 4k, P. 300. — 42 — INDEX AUX PLACES DANS QUEBEC Westbury, Comp-382-100, West. 781, Via ■ East Angus, P. 100 West Ditton, Comp.—375-108, Ditton, 1X1 . Via BScotstown. West Ely, Sheff.—401-97, Ely, Via ■Valcourt, 4k. Western Jet. ★Ballantyne, Jac. Car. W. Haldimand ♦Haldimand W.—Gaspe. West Julnction, Levis—317-55, St. J. Chrys., BCharney, CN, A- Westmount (Part of Montreal), Hoch.—436-103, I. Mtrl. Westover ★Sutton, Brome—407-114, Sutton. West Shefford, Sheff.—Siheff. 666, X1 8. CP, CN, 4k, P. 299. West Sutton, Brome—409-115, Sutton, Via ■ Sutton. Westview, Sheff.—412-100, Granby, M&SC, Weygand, Gaspe—321-155, Perce, 1X1 . Via ■ Perce (3). Weymont, Champ.—620-38, CN. Wharf Road ★Norway Bay, Pont.—Bris. Wheatland, Drum.—400-81, Wick., Via ■ Drummondville E. Whale Head (Tete a la Baleine), Sag., White Deer, Pap.—509-121, Bow., ■ Notre Dame de La Salette, Via High Falls. Whitefish Lake, Hull—524-129, Hull, North., 1E1$, Via ■ Gracefield. White Head Perce, Gaspe—320-156, Perce, EH, Via ■ Perce. White’s, Hunt.—446-131, Godm., ■ Huntingdon, CN, A- Whitwick, Front.—365-102, Whitton, BScotstown, Via Milan. Whitworth, Temis.—229-101, Whit., [El, BSt. Honore de Temis., T. R., A, P. 175. Wickham ♦Wickham W., Drum. Wickham West (Wickham), Drum.—404-83, Wick. 557, £<]$, CP, P. 340. Willard Mills, Comp.—384-98, West., Via BEast Angus. William, Pap.—485-111, L Pet. Nat., 1X1 . BSt. Andre Avellin, Via Montebello. Willows, Jac. Cart., BLachine, Via Dominion. Wilson’s Corners, Hull—504-139, Hull, E$, Via B Wakefield, 4k, P. 20. Wilson’s Mills, Meg.—347-70, Leeds, 1X1 . B Inverness, Via Ly- ster, P. 100. Wilsonvale ♦Coteau du Lac), Soul. Windigo, Champ.—010-24, BiLa Tuque. Windsor (Windsor Mills), Richm.—389-95, Wind. 782, X $. . CN,'CP, *[x], 4k, P. 2,330—2,720. Windsor East (East Windsor), Richm., Wind., iXl S. Via B Windsor Mills. Windsor Mills ♦Windsor, Richm. Windsor North, Richm.—387-87,Wind., BWotton, Via Danville. Winslow South, Front.—366-96, Wins., [X], BWeedon, Via St. Gerard, P. 50. Woburn, Front.—364-115, Woburn 783, 1X1 8. Via BMegantic, P. 99. Wolf Lake, Pont.—515-148, Aid., E, B Wakefield, Via Mary¬ land, 4k, P. 40. Wolfe Ridge, Miss.—424-122, Fouc., B Clarenceville, Via Cantic. Wolfe’s Cove (Part of Quebec), Que.—307-52, Que., CP. Wolfestown, Wolfe—370-79, Wolfs. 784, E$, Via B Coler¬ aine (9), P. 188. Woodbine, Chambly—428-101, Long., M&SC. Woodland Bay, Stan.—393-111, Hatley, X, BAyer’s Cliff, QC. Woodlands, Chat.—438-110, Chat., B'Chateauguay, NYC, 4k. P. 400. Woodside, Meg.—369-73, Halifax, 1X1 . BSt. Ferdinand, Via Plessisville. Wotton, Wolfe—383-88, Wotton 785, E$, Via Danville 4k, P. 476-452. Wright, Hull—525-131, Wright, 1X1 $. Via B Gracefield (2), A- Wrightville, Hull, Hull, BHull (%), Via Hull W., 4k. Wye ★St. Leandre, Matane—348-J24, Matane. Wykes, Champ.—636-71, ON. Wyman, Pont.—510-154, Onslow, 1X1 $. BQu\'On, CP, 4k, P.275. Yamachiche, St. Maur.—418-59, Machiche 831, 1X1 $ CP A # P. 948—821. Yamaska, Yam.—418-72, Yam. 558, Xl $. ON, P. 610. Yamaska Est, Yam.—416-7,1, Yam., Xl S. CN, P. 596. Yarm, Pont.—517-156, Claren., XL Via BShawville. York Centre, Gaspe—319-147, York, EH, Via B Gaspe. Youville, Ahuntsic (%), Jac. Cart. The Map with a Thousand Uses per copy „ _ ___ __ _ ___ Give your whole organization a daily, MIGHT’S NEW OUTLINE PROVINCIAL MAPS weekly, or monthly picture of exactly the results they are getting. Show Counties in Eastern Canada Electoral Districts in Western Canada Sheets for: ALL CANADA ALB^ERTA SASKATCHEWAN MANITOBA ONTARIO NOVA SCOTIA P. E. I. NEW BRUNSWICK Quantity Prices Each Sheet I Gro. $16.00 i/ 2 Gro. $9.00 Gro. $6.00 I Doz. $2.50 Assortment Prices }/2 gro. f Includes / 2 of $8.00 j 1 Gro ’ quantities gro. 1 Includes of $5 00 ( 1 Gr0 quantities Printed on letterhead or double letterhead size, 24 lb. bond paper. With a pencil, in a few minutes, you cafa fill in county by county, or by provinces, the weekly or monthly sales, distribution, buying power, circulation, population, or market outlet figures, for branch offices, clients, or salesmen. — 43 — . 1 INDEX TO BANKING TOWNS IN QUEBEC INDEX A DES VILLES AVEC BANQUES DANS QUEBEC B. Barclays C. N. Canadienne Nationalc D. Dominion M.C.& D. Montreal City ft District M.C.et D. Montreal Ville et District C. Commerce R. Royal CLEF KEY Toronto Montreal Imperial Provinciale Nova Scotia La Nouvelle Ecosse Town Banks Represented Town Banks Represented Town Banks Represented Abord-a-Plouffe P- Cap Sante C.N. Fraserville M., C.N., P. Abbotsford C.N. Carleton Centre C.N. Frelighsburg C. Acton Yale C., C.N. Cartierville See Montreal Amos (Harricana River) C., C.N. Causapscial P. Amqui M., C.N. Cazaville P. Garneau C.N. Ange Gardien (L'Ange Cedar Hall P. Garthby Station C.N. Gardien) C.N. Cedars C.N. Gaspe T. Ange Gardien de RouvilleC.N. Ohambly C.N., C. Gatineau M. Angers P. Chambord C.N. Gatineau Mill C.N. Armagh C.N. Champlain C.N., P. Gentilly P. Arthabaska M. Chandler N.S., C.N. Giffard P. Arundel M. Chapeau M. Godbout C.N. Arvida M., R. Charette P. Gracefleld C.N. Asbestos P., C. Charlemagne P. Granby M.. C.N., C., R. Aston Junction p. Charlesbourg C.N. Grand Cascapedia C.N. Athelstan M. Charny P. Grandmere M., C.N. Avignon p. Chateau Richer C.N. Grand River C.N. Ayer’s Cliff C. Chateauguay C.N. Grande Baie C.N. Aylmer P., R. Chaudiere Station C.N. Grandes Piles C.N. Cheneville P. Grenville N.S. Chicoutimi M., C.N., P., R. Grondines C.N. Bagotville C.N. Clarenceville C. Bale de la Trinite C.N. Coaticook C.N., C., R. Baie des Sables C.N. Coleraine Station C.N. Ham Nord (North Ham) P. Baie St. Paul C.N., P. Compton C. Harricana C.N., C. Baillargeon C.N. Contrecoeur C.N. Hebertville C.N. Barachois de Malbaie C.N. Cookshire M., C. Hebertville Station C.N. Batiscan C.N. Coteau du Lac P. Hemmingford C. Beauce Junction C.N. Coteau Station P. Henryville C.N. Beauceville C.N. Cowansville M., C. High Falls P. Beauharnois M., C.N., C. Crabtree Mills P. Hocquart P. Beauport C.N., P. Howick C. B'eaupre C.N. Huberdeau P. Beaurivage p. Dalhousie Station R. Hudson C.N. Becancour C.N. Danville M., P., C. Hull M., N.S., C.N., P. Bedford M., C. Daveluyville C.N. Huntingdon M., C. Beebe C. Delisle C.N. Bellerive M., Delson C.N. Beloeil C.N. Deschaillons C.N. Iberville C.N., C. Beloeil Station C.N. Deschambault C.N. Inverness R. Bersimis C.N. D’lsraeli P. Isle aux Coudres C.N. Berthier-en-bas C.N., P. D’lssodun P. Isle Bizard C.N. B'erthireville C.N., C. Dixville C. Isle Dupas P. Bic C.N. Dolbeau C.N., I. Isle Verte C.N. Bienville c.N. Dominion Park C.N., P., R. Bishop’s Crossing q Donnacona C.N. Black Lake c.N. Dorval C.N. Joliette P., C.N., R. Bois Chatel p. Desquet C.N. Jonquires C.N., P. Bonaventure c.*N. Drummondville M., P., C., R. Kamouraska P. Bon Conseil p Dunham C. Kazubazua P. Bord a Plouffe p‘ Dupuy C.N. Kenogami C.N., R. Boucherville p" Kildare C.N., P. Bouchette c!n. Kingsey Falls C.N. Breakeyville yj * East Angus C.N., C. Knowlton C., M. Bristol East Broughton Station C.N. Brome c. Eastman C. Bromptonville c!n. East Templeton P. La Baie C.N. Brownburg N.S.. P. Ellis Bay (Anticosti Is.) R. La Baie Shawinigan C.N. Buckingham M., N.S., C.N. Lac au Saumon P. Bury M. Lac Bouchette C.N. Farnham C.N., C., R. Lac Frontiere C.N. Fassett C.N. Lachenaie P. Cabano C.N. Ferme Neuve C.N. Lachine C.N., P., R. Cacouna C.N. Fitch Bay R. Lachute M., N.S., P. Calumet N.S. Fontainebleau P. Lachute Mills P. Campbells Bay N.S. Fort Coulonge N.S. Lac Masson P. Cap de la Madeleine C.N. Fortierville P. Lac Noir (Black Lake) C.N. Cay de la Medaleine OuestC.N. Fox River (Riviere a,u Lacolle C. Cape Cove C.N. Renard) C.N. La Conception P. Cap Rouge C.N. Frampton C.N., P. Lac Ste. Marie P. Cap St. Ignace C.N. Franklin Centre C. La Durantaye Station P. 44 - Villc Banques Represented VIII# Banques Representees Ville Banques Representees Lake Megantic M., P., C. La Malbaie C.N., P. Lamartine P. Ijambton C.N. L'Ange Gardien L'Ange Gardien de C.N. Rouville C.N. Langevin C.N. L'Annonciation C.N. Lanoraie C.N. L’Anse St. Jean C.N. La Patrie La Petite Riviere St. P. Francois C.N. Lapliaine P. La prairie C.N. LaSarre C.N. L’Assomption C.N. La Tuque C.N., R. Laurnetides P. Laurierville C.N. Lauzon C.N. Laval Des Rapides C.N. Lavaltrie C.N. L'Avenir P. Lawrenceville C.N. Leeds Village C.N., R. Lennoxville C., R. L'Epiphanie P. Les Cedres (Cedars) C.N. Les Eboulements C.N. Les Escoumains C.N. Les Etroits C.N. Levis M., C.N. Liniere C.N. L’Islet C.N. L'Islet Station C.N. Little Metis Beach M. Longueuil M., C.N. C.N., P. Loretteville Lorrainville C.N. Lotbiniere P. Louiseville C.N. Low C.N. Luceville C.N. Lyster C.N. Magog M., C. Makamik C.N. Mandeville C.N. Maniwaki N.S., P. Manseau C.N. Mansonville C. Marbleton C. Marieville C.N., C. Mascouche P. Masson N.S., P. Matane M., C.N. McMasterville C.N. Megantic M., P., C. Messines C.N. Metabetchouan C.N. Metis Beach M. Michaudville C.N., P. Montauban C.N. Montcerf P. Montebello C.N. Mont Joli M., C.N. Mont Laurier C.N. Mont Louis C.N. Montmagny C.N., P., R. Montreal M.. T., P., M.C.& D. Montreal East C.N. Montreal North C.N. Montreal South C.N. Montreal West M., R. Mont Rolland P. Mount Royal R. Murray Bay C.N., P. Napierville M. Neuville C.N. Newbois P. New Carlisle N.S. New Glasgow P. New Richmond N.S. Nicolet C.N., P. Nomininque C.N. Noranda C., D., I., P Normandin C.N. North Ham P. North Hatley C. North Stukely P. North Timiskaming C.N. Notre Dame de Charette P. Notre Dame de Charny P. Notre Dame de Ham P. Notre Dame de la Paix P. Notre Dame de la Salette C.N. Notre Dame de PierrevilleP. Notre Dame des Anges C.N. Notre Dame des Bois P. Notre Dame de Stan- bridge C.N. Notre Dame du Bon Conseil P. Notre Dame du Lac C.N. Notre Dame du Laus P. Notre Dame du Nord C.N. Notre Dame du Portage P. Notre Dame du Rosaire C.N. Notre Dame du Sacre Coeur P. Oka P. Ormstown M., C. Outremont See Montreal Papineauville P. Parisville C.N. Paspebiac N.S., C.N. Pentecost River C.N. Perce C.N. Philipsburg East C. Pierreville P. Phaisance P. Plessisville C.N. Point Fortune C.N. Pointe a Calumet P. Pointe au Pic C.N., P. Pointe aux Trembles C.N. Pointe Claire C.N. Pointe Gatineau C.N. Poltimore P. Pont de Maskinonge C.N. Pont Rouge C.N. Pont St. Maurice C.N. Port Alfred C.N. Port Daniel Centre N.S. Portneuf C.N. Price C.N. Primeauville C.N. Princeville C.N. Privat M., C.N. Quebec N.S., C.N., P. Quyon M. Racine C.N. Rapides Laval C.N. Rawdon C.N., R. Repentigny P. Richelieu C.N. Richmond M., C. Rigaud M., C.N. Rimouski M., C.N., P. Ripon P. Riviere a Pierre C.N. Riviere aux Renard C.N. Riviere Beaudette P. Riviere Blanche Station C.N. Riviere Bleue P. Riviere Bois Claire C.N., P. Riviere du Loup M.. C.N., P. Riviere Ouelle C.N. Riviere Pentecote C.N. Robertsonville C.N. Roberval M., C.N. Robinson M. Rock Island C.. R. Rougemont Station C.N. Rouyn C.N., C. Roxton Falls C.N. Roxton Pond C.N. St. Adele C.N. St. Adelphe de Dudswell P. St. Agapit P. St. Agathe P. St. Agathe des Monts M., P. St. Agnes de Dundee C. St. Aime C.N. St. Alban C.N. St. Alexandre de Kamounaska C.N., P. St. Alexandre D’lbervilleC.N. St. Alexis de Matapedia P. St. Alexis de Mont-calm C.N. St. Alexis des Monts C.N. St. Ambroise de Kildare C.N., P. St. Anaclet C.N. St. Andre Avellin P. St. Andre de KamouraskaC.N., P. St. Andrews East N.S., C.N. St. Angele de Laval P. St. Angele de Monnoir C.N. St. Angele de Rimouski C.N. St. Angers P. St. Anicet C.N. St. Anne C.N. St. Anne de Beaupre C.N. St. Anne de Bellevue M., C.N. Ste. Anne de la Perade C.N.. C. Ste. Anne de la PocatiereC.N.. P. St. Anne des Monts C.N. St. Anne des Plaines P. St. Anselme V C.N., P. St. Antoine Lotbiniere St. Antoine River Rich¬ P. elieu C.N. St. Antonin P. St. Apollinaire C.N., P. St. Apolline de Patton C.N. St. Armand Station C. St. Arsene C.N. St. Aubert P. St. Augustin C.N. St. Augustin P. St. Barbe P. St. Barnabe Nord P. St. Barthelemi P. St. Bazile de Portneuf C.N. St. Bazile le Grand P. St. Beatrix C.N. St. Benoit C.N. St. Bernard C.N., P. St. Bernard P. St. Bonaventure St. Boniface de P. Shawinigan C.N., P. C.N. St. Bruno St. Bruno de KamouraskaP. St. Calixte de Kilkenny P. St. Camille P. St. Camille de Belle- chasse C.N. St. Catherine C.N. St. Cecile de Bic C.N. St. Cecile de Frontenac P. St. Cecile de Whitton P. St. Celestin P. St. Cesaire M. St. Charles C.N. St. Charles de Caplan St. Charles de Mande¬ C.N. ville St. Charles River Rich¬ C.N. elieu C.N. St. Chrysostome C. St. Claire C.N. St. Clet P. Ste. Clothilde de Horton P. St. Coeur de Marie C.N. St. Come C.N. St. Come de Kennebec C.N. St. Constant C.N. St. Croix P. St. Cuthbert St. Cyprien de Temis- C.N. couata P. St. Cyrille St. Cyrille de Wend- C.N. over P. St. Damase C.N. St. Damien C.N. St. Damien de Brandon St. David de L’Aubery C.N. eriviere C.N. St. David D’Yamaska St. Denis de la Bou- P. teillerie St. Denis River Riche¬ P. lieu P. St. Didace St. Domininque de P. Bagot C.N. St. Donat de Montcalm P. St. Dorothee C.N., P. St. Edouard St. Edouard de Napier- C.N., P. ville C.N. St. Edwidge C.N. St. Eleuthere C.N. St. Elizabeth C.N. ' St. Elizabeth de War¬ wick P. St. Eloi P. St. Emelie de L'Energie St. Emelie de Lotbin¬ C.N. iere C.N. — 45 — Banques Representees C Vi lie Ville seajuasajdaa sanbueaTown Banks Represented St. Emile de Suffolk P. St. Ephrem de Tring C.N. :St. Ephrem D’Upton C.N. St. Epiphane C.N. St. Esprit St. Etienne de Beau- C.N., P. ha mois P. St. Etienne de Levis C.N. St. Eugene P. St. Eugene de Grantham C.N. St. Eulalie C.N. St. Euphemie P. St. Eustaohe C.N., P. St. Evariste Station C.N. St Fabien C.N. St. Famille C.N. Ste. Famille D’Aumond P. St. Faustin Station P. St. Felicien C.N. St. Felix de Velois C.N., P. St. Ferdinand D’Halifax C. St. Fereol C.N. St. Fidele P. St. Flavie Station M., C.N. St. Flavien P. St. Flore C.N. St. Fortunat P. St. Foy St. Francois de Sales C.N. Station P. St. Francois du Lac P. St. Francois Montmagny St. Francois Xavier de C.N. Brompton P. St. Fulgence P. St. Gabriel de Brandon C.N., P. St. Gabriel de Rimouski C.N. St. Gabriel de Stratford P. St. Gedeon St. Genevieve de C.N. Batiscan St. Genevieve de C.N. Pierrefonds C.N. St. George Beauce M. f C.N. St. George de Windsor P. St. George East R. St. George West M., C.N. St. Gerard Magella St. Germain de Gran¬ tham P. St. Germain de Kam- C.N. ounaska P. St. Gertrude P. St. Gervais C.N. St. Giles P. S.t Gregoire C.N., P. St. Guillaume D’Upton C.N., P. St. Helene de Bagot St. Helene de Kamour- C.N. aska C.N., P. St. Henedine C.N., P. St. Henri de Levis St. Henri de Mas- C.N., P. couche P. St. Hermas C.N. St. Hermenegilde C.N. St. Hilaire C.N. St. Hilarion C.N. St. Honore C.N. St. Honore P. St. Hubert C.N. St. Hugues C.N. St. Hyacinthe St. Hypolite de Kil¬ M., C.N., P., kenny C.N. St. Ignace de Loyola C.N. St. Irenee C.N., P. St. Isidore C.N., P. St. Isidore de Laprairie C.N. St. Jacques C.N. St. Jacques le Mineur C.N. St. Janvier St. Jean Baptiste de C.N. Rouville St. Jean Chrysostome C.N. de Levis P. St. Jean de Dieu C.N. St. Jean de Matha C.N. St. Jean Deschaillons C.N. St. Jean Isle D’Orleans C.N. St. Jean Port Joli P. St. Jerome M., C.N., P. St. Joachim St. Joachim de L’As- C.N. somption P. St. Johns M., C.N., C., St. Joseph D’Alma M., C.N. St. Joseph de Beauce C.N. St. Joseph du Lac P. St. Jovite M. St. Jude C.N. St. Juien de Wolfstown P. St. Julienne C.N., P. St. Justin C.N. St. Justine C.N. St. Justine de Newton C.N. St. Lambert Chambly M., T., C. St. Lambert de Levis P. St. Laurent D’Orleans C.N. St. Laurent Montreal C.N., P. St. Lazare C.N. St. Lazare de Vaudreuil P. St. Leon C.N. St. Leon de Standon C.N. St. Leon le Grand P. St. Leonard D’Aston P. St. Liboire C.N. St. Liguori C.N. St. Lin P. St. Louis de Courville C.N. St. Louis de Ha Ha C.N. Ste. Louise P. St. Luce Station C.N. St. Ludger C.N. St. Madeleine C.N., P. St. Magloire C.N. St. Malachie P. St. Malo C.N. St. Marc C.N. St. Marcel de Richelieu P. St. Marguerite C.N., P. St. Marguerite P. Ste. Marie Beauce C.N. St. Marie de Blandford P. Ste. Marie Salomee C.N. St. Marthe P. St. Martin C.N. St. Martine C.N. St. Mathieu C.N. St. Maurice C.N. St. Maurice de Bois Filion P. St. Melanie C.N. St. Michel C.N. St. Michel de Rouge- mont C.N. St. Michel de Napier- ville C.N. St. Michel des Saints C.N. St. Moise C.N., P. St, Moise Station C.P., P. St. Monique C.N. S.t Monique de Nicolet C.N. St. Narcisse C.N. St. Narcisse P. St. Nazaire C.N. St. Neree P. St. Nicholas C.N. St. Norbert C.N., P. St. Octave de Dosquet C.N. St. Octave de Metis C.N. St. Onesime C.N. St. Ours M. St. Pacome C.N., P. St. Pamphile C.N. St. Pascal C.N., P. St. Patrice de Beaur- ivage P. St. Paul D’Abbotsford C.N. St. Paul de Chester P. St. Paul de la Croix P. St. Paul D’Industrie C.N. St. Paul du Buton C.N. St. Paul L’Ermite C.N. St. Paulin C.N. St. Perpetue P. St. Philemon C.N. St. Philippe D’Argen- teuil P. St. Philippe de La- prairie C.N. St. Philippe de Nery C.N., P. St. Philomene C.N. St. Philomene de For- tierville P. St. Pie C.N., P. St. Pierre de Broughton C.N. St, Pierre les Bee- quets P. St. Pierre Montmagny C.N., P. St. Placide P. St. Polycarpe P. St, Prime C.N. St. Prosper de Dor- Chester C.N. St. Raphael P. St. Raphael D’Aston P. St. Raymond C.N. St. Redempteur de Hull St. Remi St. Remi D’Amherst St. Remi de Tingwick St. Robert St. Roch de L’Achi- gan St. Roch de Richelieu St. Roch des Aulnais St. Romuald D'Etche- min St. Rosalie St. Rose St. Rose de Lima St. Rose du Degele St. Sauveur des Mont- agnes Ste. Scholastique St. Sebastien de Beauce St. Simeon St. Simon St. Simon de Bagot St. Sophie de la Corne St. Sophie de Levrard St. Sophie de Megantic St. Stanislas de Champlain St. Stanislas de Kostka St. Sulpice St. Sylvestre St. Telesphore St. Thecle St. Theodore St. Theodosie Ste. Therese de Blain- ville St. Thomas de Joliette St. Thuribe St. Timothee St. Tite St. Tite des Caps St. Ubalde St. Ulric St. Urbain St. Urbain de Chat- eauguay St. Ursule St. Valentin St. Valere de Bul- strode St. Valerien St. Vallier St. Vallier Station St. Victoire St. Victor de Tring St. Vincent de Paul St. Vital St. Wenceslas Sandy Bay Sault an Recollet Sawyerville Sayabec Scotstown Scott Junction Sept lies Severn Islands Shawbridge Shawinigan Shawinigan Falls Shawville Sheenboro Shelter Bay Sherbrooke Sherrington Sillery Sorel South Durham Stadacona Stanbridge East Standon Stanfold Stanstead Stratford Centre Sutton Tasohereau Tadousac Terrebonne Thetford Mines Thetford Mines West Three Rivers Thurso Timiskaming Tingwick Tourville Tremblay Tring Junction M., N.S., C.N., P. C.N. P. P. C.N. P. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. P. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N., P. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. P. P. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. P. P. C.N. C.N. P. M., C.N. C.N., P. C.N. P. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. P. C.N. P. P. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. See Montreal M. P. C. C.N. C.N. C.N. P. C.N., P. C.N., P., C., R. M., N.S. P. C.N. M., C.N., P., C., R. C.N. C.N. M., C.N., P. C.N. See Quebec C. C.N. C.N. C. P. M., C. M., C.N., C.N. C.N., P. M., C.N., C., R. C. M., C.N., P., C., R. P. M. C.N. C.N. C.N. C.N. — 46 — Town Banks Represented Town Banks Represented Town Banks Represented 160 Sauare feet of wall space in 16 sq. feet YOUR MARKETS AT A GLANCE A PROPERLY PLANNED MAP INSTALLATION WILL BE OFFICE A BIG DIVIDEND PAYER IN YOUR — because — 4. IT ACTS AS A CHECK-UP ON SALES MEN S ACTIVITIES. 5. IT ENABLES YOU TO VISUALIZE YOUR MARKETS, PRODUCTION REQUIRE¬ MENTS. MENTS, SALES, AND DISTRIBUTION ACTIVITIES. Phone or write for further information to Map Division MIGHT DIRECTORIES LIMITED OF MONTREAL MONTREAL DIRECTORIES LIMITED 360 St. James St. W. (Royal Bank Bldg.) 76 Church St., Toronto IT HELPS YOU GAIN GRAPHIC CON¬ TROL OF YOUR MARKETS. IT ACTS AS A TONIC ON YOUR SALES FORCE. IT SHOWS UP WEAKNESSES IN YOUR DISTRIBUTION. - 47 — STEAMSHIP INFORMATION KEY TO WATER ROUTE NUMBERS Following is a list of water routes in Quebec with arbitrary numbers allocated by Might Directories Limited of Montreal preceding the names of the operating Companies. RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR BATIMENT A VAPEUR CLEF AU NUMEROS DES VOIES DE NAVIGATION Nous vous donnons ci-dessous une liste des voies de navigation pour Quebec faisant voir les numeros arbitraires assignes par Might Directories de Montreal, precedents les noms des Compagnies de navigation. STEAMSHIP LINES IN QUEBEC VOIES DE BATIMENT A VAPEUR DE LA PROVINCE DE QUEBEC 1— Montreal & Levis to (&) Gaspe. Twice monthly (Deux foLs par mois). S.S. “Nedeau.” 2— Montreal to (a,) St. Genevieve de Bastican and (et) eastern points (des points est). Tuesdays (mardi), weekly (par semaine). S.S. “Maisonneuve.” 3— Montreal to (ft) Sorel, Berthierville & Louisville and (et) local ports (ports locals). Irregular (irregulier). 4— Buckingham & High Falls. Irregular (Irregulier). River Lievre Nav. Co. 5— Magog to (a) Georgeville & Newport, Vt. Daily (Tous les jours). S.S. “Anthemis.” Memphremagog Nav. Co. U—Riviere du Loup & Tadousac Ferry calls (appels) St. Simeon. 7— Trois Pistoles to (a) Escoumains. Daily during summer, carries mail (Emporte la malle tour les jours, pendant l’ete)- 8— Montreal to (a) Charlottetown, P.E.I. & St. Johns, Nfld. Furness Withy Co. 9— Montreal & Quebec to (a) Gaspe Coast (a Cote Gaspe), Bais des Chaleurs and (et) Lameque, Caraquet, N.B. S.S. “Miron L.” Gaspe Baie des Chaleurs Nav. Co. 10— Montreal to (&) Quebec & Chicoutimi. S.S. “Sauguenay Trader.” 11— Montreal & Quebec to (a) Cap Chat, Rimouski, Matane, Mechins. S.S. “Lila Gagne.” Gapt. J. B. Gagne. 12— Montreal & Quebec to (a) Bersimis north side (cote du nord) Ste. Anne des Monts, Mont Louie, St. Joachim. S.S. “Rita Gagne.” 13— Amos to (a) Siscoe. Tri-weekly (Trois fois par semaine). S.S. “Siscoe.” 14— Montreal to (a) Toronto. Passenger (Voyageur). C.S.L. 15— Montreal to (a) Toronto & Hamilton. Freight v Fret). C.S.L. 16i—Montreal to (h) Sorel, Trois Rivieres & Quebec. C.S.L. 17—Quebec to (&) Murray Bay & Chicoutimi. C.S.L. 13—Montreal to (4) Fort William. Fast freight (fret rapide). C.S.L. 19— Montreal to (a) Toronto, Queenston & Lewiston. Niagara River Division (Division Riviere Niagara). C.'S.L. 20— Montreal to (a) Toronto, Sault Ste Marie, Fort William, Way Ports (Ports de Chemins). Tree Nav. Co. 21— Montreal to (a) Cornwall & Kingston. Mondays & Wednesdays (Lundi et Mercredi). S.S. “Britannic.” Mont. & Com. Nav. Co. 22— Montreal to (a) Valleyfield & Way Ports (Ports de Chemins). Tuesdays and Fridays (Mardi et Vendredi). S.S. “Rideau Queen.’ Beauharnois Nav. Co. 23— Montreal to (h) Quebec, Levis, Bagotville, Chicoutimi. Weekly (par-semaine). S.S. “Chicoutimi County.” Clark Steamship Co. 24— Rimouski to (&) Franklin, Trinity Bay, etc. S.S. “North Shore” & M.S. “Manicouagan.” Lower (Bas) St. Lawrence Trans. Co. 25— Matane to (a) Shelter Bay, Clarke City, etc. M.S. “Marco Polo.” Lower (Bas) St. Lawrence Trans Co. 26— Quebec & Rimouski to North Shore Points as far as (& des Points Nord aussi loin que) Havre St. Pierre & Antic Isl., Blanc Sablon. S.S. “Sable I.” Bras d’Or Bay Nav. Co. 27— Montreal & Quebec to (&) Gaspe, Antic. Isl., P.E.I., Pictou, N.S. S.S. “Gaspedia.” 28— Montreal & Quebec to (a) Gaspe and (et) Corner Brook, Nfld. S.S. “New Northland.” 29— Montreal & Quebec to (a) Gaspe, Baie des Chaleurs and (et) Campbellton, N.B. Bi-monthly (Deux fois par mois). S.S. “Gaspe County.” Ellis Shipping Co. 30— Magdalen Isles, Que. & Picton, N.S. Bi-weekly (deux fois par semaine). 31— Ottawa & Montreal, Ott. Trans. Co. 32— Haileybury, Ont. & Ville Marie to (&) Quebec, Ville Marie Nav. Co. 33— Montreal to (a) Toronto, Bay Quinte Trans. Co., S.S. “Glen Allan.” 34— Montreal & St. Johns, Nfld. S.S. “Belle Isle.” Nfld. Can. S. S. Co. Canadian Commercial Maps, Sales Maps, Map Furniture, in fact, Maps and Map Furniture for All Purpose, made and sold by MIGHT’S and THE MAP CO. Draughting, Plans, Blueprints, Charts, etc., also produced by These Old Established Firms MIGHT DIRECTORIES LIMITED 926 Royal Rank Bldg. OF MONTREAL 360 St. James St. W. RAILWAY INFORMATION RAILWAYS, STEAM AND ELECTRIC, OPERATING IN QUEBEC, SHOWING POINTS OF INTERCHANGE. RENSEIGNEMENT DE CHEMIN DE FER CHEMINS DE FER, A VAPEUR, ET ELECTRIQUE, OPERANTES DANS QUE¬ BEC, FAISANT VOIR TOUS LES POINTS D ECHANGES. Canadian National.C.N. Alma & Jonquieres.j.A.& J. Canada & Gulf Terminal.C.& G.T. Canadian Pacific .C.P. Central Vermont.C.V. Harbour Commissioners of Montreal. .H.C.of M. Hull Electric .j.H.E. Montreal, Southern Counties...'.M.S.C. New York Central.N.Y.C. Napierville Jet. Ry.N.Jct.Ry. Nipissing Central.N.C. Quebec Central.Q.C. Quebec Harbour Commissioners.Q.H.C. Quebec Railway, Light & Power... .Q.R.L.& P. Roberval & Staguenay.R.& S. Temiscouata Railway .T.R. Philipsburg Quarry & Railway.P.Q.& R. Alma 8c Jonquieres Railway Co. General Offices (Bureaux GenSraux) : Isle Maligne, Lake St. John, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Sauguenay Power. Canada &, Gulf Terminal Railway Co. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Mont Joli, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Mont Joli, Que. Canadian National Railways. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Montreal, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : A.& J.—Saguenay Power. C.& G.T.—Mont Joli. C.P.—Acton Vale, DeBeaujeu, Drummond- ville, Farnham. Garneau, Joliette, Lachute, Jacques Cartier Jet., Lennoxville, Mont- fort Jet., Moreau St. (Hochelaga), Quebec, St. Rosalie Jet., St. Johns, Waterloo. C.V.—Iberville, St. Johns. H.C.of (de) M.—Point St. Charles. H.E.—Hull West. M. S.C.—Granby and (et) M.& S.C. Jet. N. Y.C.—Beauharnois, Cecile, Huntingdon, Moreau St. (Hochelaga). N.Jct.Ry.—Lacolle. N.C.—Noranda (Rouyn). Q.C.—Diamond, Levis, Sherbrooke. Q.H.C.—Quebec. Q. R.L.& P.—Limoilou, Quebec, St. Joachim. R. & S—Arvida. T.R.'—Riviere du Loup. Canadian Pacific Railway. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Montreal, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Acton Vale, DeBeaujeu, Drummond- ville, Farnham, Garneau, Joliette, Lachute, Lennoxville, Hochelaga (Moreau St.), Jac¬ ques Cartier Jet., Montfort Jet., Quebec, St. Rosalie Jet., St. Johns, Waterloo. C.V.—Iberville, Stanbridge. H.C.of (de) M.—Hochelaga. H.E.—Hull West. N.Jct.—Delson. N.Y.C.—Adirondack Jet., Outremont, Place Viger (Montreal). P. Q.& R.—Stanbridge. Q. C.—Megantic, Quebec, Sherbrooke. Q.H.C.—Quebec. Q.R.L.& P.—Quebec. Central Vermont Railway, Inc. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : St. Albans, Vermont. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Iberville, St. John. C.P.—Iberville. Stanbridge. P.R.& Q.—Stanbridge. Harbour Commissioners of (de) Montreal. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Montreal, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.P.—Hochelaga. C.N.—Point St. Charles. Hull Electric Railway. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Ottawa, Ont. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Hull West. C.P.—Hull West. N.Y.C.—Hull West Montreal &. Southern Counties Railway Co. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : St. Lambert, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Granby, M.& S.C. Jet. Napierville Junction Railway. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Albany, N.Y r . Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Lacolle. C.P.—Delson. New York Central Railroad Co. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : New York, N.Y. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Beauharnois, Cecile Jet., Hochelaga (Moreau St.), Huntingdon. C.P.—Adirondack Jet., Outremont, Place Viger (Montreal). H.E.—Hull West. Nipissing Central Railway. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : North Bay, Ont. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Rouyn (Noranda). Philipsburg Railway & Quarry Co. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Philipsburg, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.P.—Stanbridge. C.V.—Stanbridge. Quebec Central Railway. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Sherbrooke, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Diamond, Levis, Sherbrooke. C.f.—Megantic, Quebec, Sherbrooke. Q.R.L.& P.—Quebec. Quebec Harbour Commissioners. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Quebec. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Quebec. C.P.—Qubeec. Quebec Railway Light &. Power. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Quebec. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Limoilou Jet., Quebec, St. Joachim. C.P.—Quebec. Q.C.—Quebec. Roberval & Saguenay Railway Co. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Arvida, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Arvida Yard (Arvida). Temiscouata Railway Co. General Offices (Bureaux Generaux) : Riviere du Loup, Que. Points of Interchange (Points d’Echange) : C.N.—Riviere du Loup. LIST OF PARISHES IN QUEBEC LISTE DE PAROISSES DANS QUEBEC 1. Most Holy Family 2. St. Francois Xavier 3. St. Joseph 4. Holy Heart of Mary 5. SS. Simon and Jude €. Most Holy Trinity 7. Presentation of B.V.M. 8 . St. Paul's 9. St. Raphael the Archangel 10. Ste. Marguerite 11. St. Charles 12. Holy Guardian Angels 13. St. Anastasia 14. St. Bernard's 15. Nativity of B.V.M. 16. Assumption of B.V.M. 17. Good Shepherd. 18. St. Antoine de Padoue 19. St. George's 20. St. Cyprien 21. Annunciation of B.V.M. 22. Most Holy Infant Jesus 23. St. Joachim 24. Purification of B.V.M. 25. St. Joseph 26. St. Frs. Xavier 27. St. Patrick 28. Ste. Jeanne de Chantal 29. St. Louis 30. Ste. Anne 31. St. Gerard Majella's 32. St. Francis-Xavier 33. Immaculate Conception of B.- V.M. 34. St. Augustin 35. St. Benoit 36. Ville St. Jean 37. Notre Dame du Sacre Coeur 38. St. Sauveur 39. St. Paul's 40. St. Louis 41. St. Gregory of Nazianze 42. Guardian Angel 43. Ste. Valerie 44. St. Ludger 45. -St. Elizabeth's 46. St. Felix de Valois 47. St. Medard's 48. St. Camille of Lellis. 49. St. Fidele 50. St. Jean Baptiste Marie Vianey 52. N.D. de Grace 52. M.D. de Grace 53. St. Dominic's 54. St. Martin's 55. N.D. des Neiges 56. St. Malachy’s 57. N.D. de Bon Secours 58. Mission of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. 59. Notre Dame de la Consolation. 60. St. Stephen’s 61. St. Angelica’s 62. St. Anthony of Padua 63. Most Pure Heart of Mary 64. Our Lady of the Rosary 65. St. Francois de Sales 66 . St. Casimir's 67. Ste. Rose de Lima 68 . St. Jean l’Evangeliste 69. Notre Dame de la Garde 70. L'Annonciation 71. St. Cajetan 72. St. Francis 73. St. Etienne 74. N.D. de la Nativite 75. N.D. du St. Rosaire 76. St. Patrick 77. L’Assomption 78. St. Antoine 79. Ste. Marguerite Marie 80. Ste. Helene 81. Notre Dame Auxiliatrice 82. St. Felix 83. St. Ignace 84. Ste. Famille 85. St. Charles Borromee 86 . Our Lady of Perpetual Help 87. Notre Dame 88 . Tres Saint Redempteur 89. St. Odilon 90. St. Jean Baptiste 91. St. Joseph 92. Sacre Coeur de Jesus 93. Ste. Philomene 94. St. Edouard 95. St. Ignace de Loyola 96. St. Charles 97. St. Luc 98. N.D. du Bon Conseil 99. St. Antoine 100. St. Athanase 101. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart 102. St. Louis 103. St. Desire 104. Our Lady of Good Counsel 105. St. Vital 106. Ste. Justine 107. Ste. Brigitte 108. St. Jacques 109. St. Jean Baptiste 110. Notre Dame 111. Notre Dame de Bon Secours 112. St. Ambroise 113. St. Louis 114. Ste. Anastasie de Nelson 115. N.D. du Mont Carmel 116. St. Thomas 117. St. Jacques 118. St. Louis 119. St. Calixte 120. St. Francois de Sales 121. St. Antoine 122. St. Jeanne de Neuville 123. Notre Dame 124. St. Bemardin de Sienne 125. St. Patrice 126. l'Assomption 127. Immaculate Conception 128. St. Colomb. 129. St. Leon 130. St. Edmond 131. St. Adalbert 132. St. Adrien d’lrlande 133. St. Agapit de Beaurivage 134. Ste. Agathe 135. St. Alban 136. St. Alexandre 137. St. Alfred 138. St. Andre 139. Ste. Anne de Beaupre 140. Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere 141. St. Anselme 142. St. Antoine de Tilly 143. St. Antoin 144. St. Apollinaire 145. St. Apolline 146. St. Athanase of Cbabot 147. St. Aubert 148. St. Augustin 149. Ste. Aurelie 150. St. Basile 151. St. Benjamin 152. St. Benoit Labre 153. St. Bernard 154. St. Bruno de Kamouraska 155. St. Camille 156. St. Gasimir 157. Ste. Catherine 158. St. Charles 159. Ste. Claire 160. St. Come 161. Ste. Croix 162. St. Cyprien 163. St. Cyrille 164. St. Damase 165. St. Damien de Buckland 166. St. David de l’Aube-Riviere 167. St. Denis de la Bouteillerie 168. St. Edouard 169. St. Eleuthere 170. St. Elzear 171. Ste. Emelie 172. St. Ephrem de Tring 173. St. Etienne de Lauzon 174. St. Eugene 175. Ste. Euphemie 176. St. Evariste de Forsyth 177. St. Fabien de Panet 178. :Ste. Famille 179. St. Ferdinand 180. St. Ferreol 181. St. Flavien 182. Ste. Foy 183. St. Francois, lie d’orleans 184. St. Frederic 185. St. Gedeon 186. St. George 187. St. Germain 188. St. GervaLs 189. St. Gilbert 190. St. Gilles 191. Ste. Helene 192. Ste. Henedine 193. St. Henri de Lauzon 194. Ste. Honore de Shenley 195. St. Hilaire de Dorset 196. St. Isidore de Dorchester 197. St. Jean Chrysostome 198. St. Jean Port-Joli 199. St. Joachim 200. St. Joseph de Beauce 201. St. Joseph de Kamouraska 202. St. Joseph de Levis 203. St. Jules 204. Ste. Julie 205. St. Just de Breteniere 206. St. Lambert 207. St. Laurent, d’orleans 208. St. Lazare 209. St. Leonard 210. St. Louis de Courville 211. St. Louis de Gonzague 212. Ste. Louise 213. Ste. Lucie de Beauregard 214. St. Ludger 215. St. Ludger 216. St. Magloire de Roux 217. St. Malachie 218. St. Marc des Carrieres 219. St. Marcel 220. Ste. Marguerite 221. Ste. Marie Beauce 222. St. Martin 223. St. Maxime de Scott 224. St. Methode 225. St. Michel 227. St. Nazaire de Buckland 228. St. Neree 229. St. Nicolas 230. St. Onesime 231. St. Pamphile 232. St. Pascal 233. St. Paul du Buton 234. Ste. Perpetue 235. Ste. Petronille 236. St. Philemon 237. St. Philibert 238. St. Philippe de Neri 239. St. Pierre-Baptiste 240. St. Pierre 241. St. Pierre, lie d’Orleans 242. St. Prosper 243. St. Raphael 244. St. Raymond 245. St. Roch des Aulnaies 246. St. Romuald d’Etchemin 247. St. Rose de Watford 248. Ste. Sabine 249. St. Samuel de Gayhurst 250. St. Sebastien d’Aylmer 251. St. Severin de Beaurivage 252. Ste. Sophie 253. St. Sylvestre 254. St. Theophile 255. St. Thuribe 256. St. Tite des Caps 257. St. Ubald 258. St. Vallier 259. St. Victor de Tring 260. St. Zaoharie 261. St. Clement 262. St. Gabriel 263. St. Andre Avellin 264. St. Cecile de Masham 265. St. Emile de Suffolk 266. St. Philippe d’Argenteuil 267. St. Pierre de Wakefield 268. St. Sixte 269. St. Amable 270. Ste. Anne de Bellevue 271. Ste. Anne des Plaines 272. St. Basile Le Grand 273. St. Blaise 274. St. Bruno 275. St. Canut 276. St. Colomban 277. St. Constant 278. Ste. Dorothee 279. St. Edouard 280. St. Elzear de Laval 231. St. Eustache 282. St. Francois de Sales 283. Ste. Genevieve 284. St. Hennas 285. St. Hippolyte 286. St. Hubert 287. :St. Isidore de Laprairie 288. St. Jacques le Mineur 289. St. Janvier 290. St. Jerome 291. St. Joseph du Lac 292. Ste. Julie 293. St. Lambert 294. St. Laurent 295. St. Leonard de Port Maur- 296. St. Luc 297. Ste. Lucie 298. St. Marguerite 299. St. Martin 300. St. Maxime 301. St. Michel Archange 302. Ste. Monique 303. St. Paul L’Ermite 304. St. Philippe 305. St. Placide 306. St. Remi de Napierville 307. Ste. Rose 308. Ste. Scholastique 309. Ste. Sophie 310. St. Sulpice 311. St. Theodosie 312. Ste. Therese de Blainville 313. St. Valentin 314. St. Vincent de Paul 315. Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier 316. St. Alphonse 317. St. Paul 318. Ste. Zoe 319. St. Louis 320. l’Assomption 321. St. Marcellin 322. St. Alexis 323. St. Louis 324. St. Dominique 325. St. Famille 326. Sacre Coeur de Jesus 327. Sacre Coeur de Marie 328. St. Agnes de Charlevoix 329. Notre Dame 330. L’Ascension 331. St. Etienne 332. St. Paul 333. S.t Michel's 334. St. Francois Xavier 335. St. Francis of Assisi 336. Sacre Coeur de Jesus 337. St. Edouard 338. Notre Dame du Lac St. John 339. St. Ambroise 340. St. Andre 341. Ste. Anne 342. Ste. Anne de Portneuf 343. St. Bruno de Lac St. John 344. St. Charles 345. St. Cyrille 346. St. Edouard de Peribonca 347. St. Emilien 348. St. Felicien 349. St. Felix d’Otis 356. St. Fidele 351. St. Firmin 352. St. Francois de Sales 353. St. Fulgence 354. St. Gedeon 355. St. Georges du Val Jalbert 356. St. Hedwige 357 St. Henri 358. St. Hilarion 359. St. Irenee 360. Ste. Jeanne d'Arc 361. St. Jerome LIST E DE PAROISSES DANS QUEBEC 362. St. Joseph d’Alrna 363. Ste. Lucie d’Albanel 364. St. Methode 365. Ste. Monique 366. St. Placide 367. St. Prime 368. St. Simeon 369. St. Thomas d’Aquin 370. St. Urbain de Charlevoix 371. St. Wilbrod 372. St. Honore 373. Ste. Croix 374. St. John the Baptist 375. St. Norbert's 376. St. Joseph's 377. St. Alban’s 378. St. Charles 379. St. Joseph’s 380. St. Patricks 381. St. Germaine Cousin’s 382. St. Francis Xavier’s 383. Notre Dame 38-4. St. Joseph’s 385. St. Bridget's 38-6. St. Maxime's 387. St. Stephen's 388. St. Dominic’s 389. Holy Guardian Angels 390. St. Adelaide's 391. Notre Dame 39*2. St. Michael's 393. St. George's 394. :St. Ann’s 395. St. Martin's 396. St. Alphonse de Caplan 397. Ste. Anne des Monts 393. St. Bonaventure * 399. St. George de Malbaie 400. St. Godfroy 401. St. Jean l’Evangeliste 402. St. Joachim 463. St. Jules de Maria 404. St. Majorique 405. St. Maurice 406. St. Omer 467. St. Pierre de Malbaie 408. St. Simeon 409. St. Therese 410. St. Placide 411. St. Edward's 412. St. Marc 413. St. Gabriel's 414. St. Bruno’s 415. St. Barnabe 416. St. Antoine 417. St. Isidore's 413. Notre Dame de Lourdes 419. St. Joseph’s 426. Our Lady of Mercy 421. Ste. Rose 422. Ste. Jeanne D’Arc 423. St. Paul 424. N.D. du Rosaire 425. Ste. Genevieve 426. St. Theodore 427. La Visitation 428. St. Ambroise 429. St. Joseph . 436. St. Antoine 431. L’Epiphanie 432. St. Henri 433. Notre Dame de la Merci 434. St. Patrice 435. Sacre-Coeur de Jesus 436. St. Alexis de Montcalm 437. St. Alphonse Rodriguez 438. St. Barthelemi 439. Ste. Beatrix 446. St. Oalixte de Kilkenny 441. St. Cleophas de Brandon 442. St. Come 443. St. Cut-hbert 444. St. Damien de Brandon 445. St. Edmond 446. Ste. Elizabeth 447. St. Emile 448. St. Emelie de l’Energie 449. St. Esprit 456. St. Felix de Valois 451. St. Gabriel de Brandon 452. St. Ignace de Loyola 453. St. Jacques 454. St. Jean de Matha 455. Ste. Julienne 456. St. Liguori 457. St. Lin 458. Ste. Marie Salome 459. Ste. Melanie 466. St. Michel des Saints 461. St. Norbert 462. St. Paul 463. St. Thomas de Joliette 464. St. Viateur 465. St. Zenon 466. Cathedral of Notre Dame 467. St. Felix 468. St. Bpniface 469. St. Gabriel's 476. La Presentation 471. Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament 472. Visitation 473. Notre Dame de la Merci 474. Nativity of the Blessed Virgil 475. St. Francois Regis 476. St. Aime 477. St. Paul 473. St. Hugues 479. La Conception 486. L'Annonciation 481. L'Ascension 482. Notre Dame du Divin Pasteur 483. L'Assomption 484. St. Raphel's 485. St. Mary’s 486. Ste. Philomene 487. St. Michel’s 488. St. Ignace 489. Holy Family 496. St. Adolphe de Howard 491. Ste. Agathe des Monts 492. Ste. Anne-du-Lac 493. St. Donat de Montcalm 494. St. Faustin 495. St. Jean sur Lac 496. St. Jovite 497. St. Remi d’Amherst 498. St. Veronique 499. St. Joseph 566. St. Ohristophe's 561. Nativite de Notre Dame 562. St. Louis' 563. St. Paul's 564. Ste. Anne du Sault 565. St. Frederic’s 566. St. Edward’s 567. St. Felix's 568. St. Aime’s 569. St. Anthony of Padua 516. Sacred Heart of Jesus 511. St. Thomas 512. St. Eusebe’s 513. St. Albert de Warwick 514. Ste. Angele de Laval 515. St. Bonaventure d’Upton 516. Ste. Brigitte des Saults 517. Ste. Cecile de Levrard 518. St. Celestin 519. Ste. Christine 526. Ste. Clotilde de Horton 521. St. Cyrille de Wendover 522. St. David d'Yamaska 523. Ste. Elisabeth de Warwick 524. St. Elphege 525. St. Eugene de Grantham 526. Ste. Eulalie 527. St. Francois du Lac 528. St. Fulgence de Durham 529. St. Gerard d'Yamaska 536. St. Germain de Grantham 531. Ste. Gertrude 532. S.t Gregoire 533. St. Guillaume d’Upton 534. Ste. Helene de Chester 535. Ste. Joachim de Courval 536. St. Leonard 537. St. Lucien 538. St. Majorique 539. Ste. Marie de Blandford 546. Ste. Monique 541. St. Norbert d’Arthabaska 542. S.t Patrick de Tingwick 543. Ste. Perpetue 544. St. Pie de Guire 545. St. Pierre les Becquets 546. St. Remi de Tingwick 547. Saint Rosaire 548. St. Samuel de Horton 549. Ste. Senaphine 556. Ste. Sophie de Levrard 551. St. Sylvere 552. St. Valere de Bulstrode 553. St. Wenceslas 554. St. Zephirin de Courval 555. Ste. Victoire’s 556. St. Medard’s 557. St. Joan's 558. St. Michael's 559. St. Sophia 566. St. Joseph 561. St. Ann 562. St. Peter 563. St. Roch 564. St. Brigid 565. St. Charles Borromeo 566. St. James the Greater 567. The Holy Name of Mary 5-68. St. Paul the Hermit 569. St. Elizabeth of Hungary 576. St. Raphael's 571. St. Benoit Labre’s 572. Assumption of Our Lady 573. St. Cecelia's 574. St. George’s 575. St. Jacques 576. St. David’s 577. St. John the Baptist's 578. St. Edmond 579. St. Jerome's 586. St. Alexis 531. St. Edward’s 582. Notre Dame de Lourdes 583. Notre Dame 584. Notre Dame du Sacre Coeur 585. St. Ann’s 586. St. Joseph's 587. St. Jean Baptiste 588. Holy Name of Mary 589. St. Michaels 596. St. Anaclet 591. St. Andre de Restigouche 592. Ste. Angele de Rimouski 593. St. Antoine de Padoue 594. S.t Arsene 595. St. Benoit de Packington 596. Ste. IMandine 597. St. Clement 598. St. Cleophas 599. St. Donat 666 . St. Eloi 661. St. Epiphane 662. St. Eusebe 663. St. Fabien 664. Ste. Felicite 665. Ste. Flavie 666 . Ste. Florence de Beaurivage 667. Ste. Francoise 668 . St. Gabriel de Rimouski 669. St. Honore 616. St. Hubert 611. St. Jean de Dieu 612. Ste. Jeanne d’Arc 613. St. Joseph de Lepage 614. St. Juste 615. St. Leandre 616. St. Leon le Grand 617. St. Louis du Ha-Ha 618. St. Luc de Matane 619. Ste. Luce 626. St. Marcellin 621. St. Mathieu 622. St. Modeste 623. St. Moise 624. St. Narcisse 625. St. Octave 626. St. Paul de la Croix 627. St. Remi de Metis 628. Ste. Rose du Degelis 629. St. Simon de Rimouski 636. St. Tharsicius 631. St. Valerien de Rimouski 632. St. Ulric 633. TroLs Pistoles 634. Val-Brillant 635. St. Vianney 636. St. Paul 637. St. Andre 638. St. Vincent 639. Ange Gardien 646. St. Damien 641. St. Mathieu 642. Ste. Marie-Mediatrice 643. St. Jacques’ 644. Ste. Therese de l’Enfant-Jesus 645. Ste. Croix 646. St. Romuald 647. St. Francois d'Assise 648. St. Coeur de Marie 649. St. George 656. St. Edouard 651. Ste. Cecile 652. St. Gregoire 653. St. Ignace 654. N.D. des Anges 655. St. Philippe 656. St. Jean-Baptiste Viannay 657. St. Pierre de Verone 658. N.D. de Bon Secours 659. St. Michel I 666 . St. Jean Baptiste 661. Ste. Pudentienne 662. Ste. Anne 663. St. Pierre 664. Ste. Rose de Lima 665. St. Bernardin 666 . St. Francis Xavier 667. St. Aime 668 . St. Alexandre 669. St. Alphonse 676. Ste. Angele 671. Ste. Anne de Sorel 672. Notre Dame de Lourdes 673. St. Athanase 674. St. Barnabe 675. St. Bernard 676. Ste. Brigide 677. St. Cesaire 678. St. Charles 679. St. Damase 686 . St. Denis 681. St. Dominique de Bagot 682. Ste Helene de Bagot 683. St. Hilaire 684. St. Hugues 685. St. Jean Baptiste de Rou- ville 686 . St. Joachim de Shefford 687. St. Joseph de Sorel 688 . St. Jude 689. St. Liboire 696. St. Louis de Bon Secours 691. Ste. Madeleine 692. St. Marc 693. St. Marcel de Richelieu 694. Ste. Marie de Monnoir 695. St. Mathias 696. St. Nazaire D'Acton 697. St. Ours 698. St. Pie 699. St. Robert 766. St. Roch de Richelieu 761. Ste. Rosalie 762. Ste. Sabine 763. St. Sebastien 764. St. Simon de Yamaska 765. St. Theodore d’Acton 766. St. Thomas d'Aquin 767. St. Valerien 768. Ste. Victoire 769. St. Stanislas 716. Ste. Therese de l'Enfant Jesus 711. Ste. Praxede 712. St. Raphael’s 713. Precieux-Sang 714. Decollation de St. Jean Baptiste 715. St. Edmond 716. St. Thomas Aquinas' 717. St. Camille's 718. Ste. Anne's 719. St. Adolphe’s 726. St. Benoit du Lac 721. St. Henri's 722. St. Edouard’s 723. St. Joseph's 724. St. Raymond de Pennafort 725. St. Charles Borromeo's 726. St. El-lie d'Orford 727. Notre Dame de la Paix 728. Ste. Catherine de Sienne 729. St. Wilfrid 736. Ste. Agnes de Ditchfleld 731. St. Pierre's 732. L’Assomption 733. St. Laurent de Stukeley 734. St. Antoine’s 735. St. Patrice’s 736. St. Cajetan's 737. St. Martin 738. St. Agnes 749. St. Elisabeth’s 746. Notre Dame de Lourdes 741. Notre Dame des Bois 742. St. Venant's 743. St. Zenon's 744. St. Theophile 745. Ste. Bibiane’s 746. Notre Dame de la Merci 747. St. Adrien de Ham 748. St. Aime de Shipton 749. St. Camille 756. Ste. Cecile de Whitton 751. St. Claude 752. St. Etienne de Bolton 753. St. Fortunat 754. St. Francis Xavier de Brompton 755. St. George de Windsor 756. St. Gerard LIST OF PA RISHES IN QUEBEC 757. St. Hermenegilde 758. St. Hubert de Spalding 759. St. Isidore d’Auckland 760. St. Jacques le Majeur 761. Ste. Luce’s 762. St. Malo 7*6*3. St. Marguerite de Lingwick 764. St. Mary’s of Ely 765. St. Roch d’Orford 766. St. Romain 767. Sawyerville 768. Notre Dame du St. Rosaire 769. St. Joseph’s 770. Notre Dame du Bon Conseil 771. St. Suzanne 772. Sacred Heart 773. St. Philemon's 774. St. Alphonsus 775. St. Gabriel’s 776. Ste. Anne's 777. Notre Dame de Bon Secours 778. St. Andre’s 779. St. Leon de Marston 780. St. Janvier’s 781. St. Louis 782. St. Phillippe’s 783. St. Augustin’s 784. St. Julien’s 785. St. Hippolyte’s 786. Notre Dame de la Presentation 787. St. Francois Xavier 788. St. Marie Madeleine’s 789. Visitation 790. St. Antoine de Padoue 791. St. Joseph's 792. Visitation 793. St. Adelphe de Champlain 794. St. Alexis des Monts 795. Ste. Anne de la Perade 796. St. Barnabe 797. St. Charles de Mandeville 798. St. Didace 799. St. Edouard de Maskinonge 800. St. Elie de Caxton 801. St. Etienne des Gres 802. Ste. Flore 803. Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan 804. St. Georges 805. St. Gerard des Laurentides 806. St. Ignace du Lac 807. St. Jacques des Piles 808. St. Jean Baptiste, de Grand- mere 809. St. Jean des Piles 810. St. Joseph de Mekinac 811. St. Justin 812. St. Leon 813. St. Louis de Champlain 814. St. Mathieu 815. St. Maurice 816. St. Narcisse 817. St. Paulin 818. St. Prosper 819. St. Roch de Mekinac 820. St. Severe 821. St. Severin 822. St. Stanislas de Champlain 823. Ste. Thecle 824. St. Thomas de Caxton 825. St. Timothee 826. St. Tite 827. St. Ursule 828. St. Pierre’s 829. N. D. du Mont-Carmel 830. St. Luc's 831. St. Anne’s 832. St. Clement’s 833. St. Pierre 834. St. Joachim’s 835. St. Ignace's 836. St. Medard 837. St. Romain’s 838. Tres Saint Sacrament 839. St. Thomas D’Aquin 840. St. Joseph’s 841. Ste. Jeanne de Chantal 842. St. Joseph’s 843. St. Malachie's 844. St. Francois Xavier 845. Ste. Madeleine 846. Ste. Claire d’Assise 847. St. Agnes de Dundee 848. St. Anicet 849. St. Antoine Abbe 850. Ste. Barbe 851. St. Chrysostome 852. St. Clet 853. Ste. Clotilde 854. St. Etienne 855. Ste. Justine de Newton 856. St. Lazare 857. Ste. Marthe 858. Ste. Martine 859. Ste. Philomene 8*60. St. Polycarpe 861. St. Regis 862. St. Stanislas de Kostka 863. St. Telesphore 864. St. Timothee 865. St. Urbain du Chateauguay 866 . St. Zotique 867. Tres Sainte Trinite de Dorion 868 . St. Peter’s 869. St. Alfred 870. Notre Dame 871. Holy Heart of Mary 872. St. Ann’s 873. Notre Dame 874. Notre Dame 875. St. Patrick’s 876. St. Joseph’s 877. St. John’s 878. St. Hippolyte’s MAPS--for all purposes NEW CANADIAN COMMERCIAL SERIES The Most Complete, Accurate, and Easily Read Commercial Maps in Canada. ROUTING SERIES FOR CANADA Show Provincial Outlines, Railways and Place Names. A Shipping Department Necessity. 7 Sheets Cover Canada. CITIES OF CANADA SERIES Accurate, “Clearview” Up-to-the-Minute. Might’s New Quebec Map is a Sample—Ontario is now ready. They will soon be ready for other Provinces. Standard Size, all Places on Railways and off them are shown. Unexcelled for Routing, Merchandise and Sales Staff. A wonderful help in laying out Sales Quotas. Standard Size, Single Line for each treet. Continually revised with City Directory information. HELP YOU Gain Graphic Control Of Your Market Prices and Mountings on Request MIGHT DIRECTORIES LIMITED OF MONTREAL MIGHT DIRECTORIES LIMITED 360 St. James St. W. (Royal Bank Bldg.) 76 Church St., Toronto 4 - 1130^05 MARYs OF MtOH HK&fS 77 P. s ^ i^|\. * AND' SERVICER," SgSiT MBPsSS U % :&??& ^««S^Sps^SBS 1 JR-W**^* A-sJL- . 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AUTOMOTIVE NEWS—Published by '.Aiitosri&tivja News Co.; a division of Might Directories, this publi¬ cation is issued monthly, giving a summary by makes ox new car and truck sales for the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Islagftd, Que¬ bec .and Ontario, and separate figures for all places in Ontano with a population of 5,000 and over CITY DIRECTORIES—See “Directpiies,’’ trealr *qff:?oe- - DIRECT MAIL-—The Direct Mail Division i 3 com¬ pletely equipped to take care of every detail of requirements, including Mailing Lists, Printing, Type¬ written Letters,’ Circulars, Addressing, Folding and Mailing. This service is designed, with the Advertising and Sales Counsel Division, to cover everythihg from the Idea to Increased Profits. DIRECTORIES—Might’s publish City Directoiies for Canadian Cities from Timmins, Ont., to Halifax, n!s,, including Belcher’s Almanac, and directories for Cape Breton,. Cornwall, Halifax, Hull, Kingston,* Dartmouth, Moncton, Napanse, Niagara Frontier, Timmins, Kirk¬ land Lake, Ottawa, Prince Edward Island and Toronto, Orders for other Canadian, United States, British and foreign directories, some of which are kept in stock, can be taken care of at publishers’ prices. Ittcatfd.ia the Royal B-Ji x“- quirements, ino.iudu^- Lists, a-Iultigri^hieg, :• : asiraeogi^phing, Addressing, Folding. fitaiHr.- aBd - ..Trantsiatiag into French for Quebec Markets. “'* • ' •> . * u: ..... \ :*•- "* , R- * ■ : * ,' ; ?>ri PRESS _ .uirlFPIN as* — Tills division o£ Miglri’s ;r operated under the name of Dominion Prass Clipping x\i. Agency, aha., undertakes to read and clip from the Canaoian Press, reticles, editorials and advertising of interest td subscribers. Orders for United ' U British and foreign press clippings can be,. handled through associates and connections in. those other co.m tries, V*... v V? PRINTING- AND- BINDING—Job and .vi Printing*^? all kinds. DISPLAY FURNITURE—Particularly adaptable for visualizing markets with Might’s Standard Maps. Merchandise - charts, etc. ( can be displayed in quick reference form in a tenth the usual space. See also Map Fixtures. MAP FIXTURES — Beautiful and Modern monel metal, *■ SpaceSaver” Wing Fixtures for visualizing markets with Might’s New Standard S?.z&, unifonn styte Business Maps in Routing, or Geographic styles Blackboard finish for these wings can be supplied to allow you to chalk up periodically in sales or distri¬ bution figures, The wings fold back flat against your wall—-out of the way—and occupy only one tenth the wall space usually required for sales and market maps. Green baize can be used as wing covering for mount¬ ing charts, graphs, etc., temporarily with thumb tacks. STREET GLIDES AHE MAPS (POCKET) Thii £epfcrtfr.sni P^Wishen the Official “Arrow” Street. Guides and Pocket Maps for various Gaiiadiaii Cities, The department is welt equipped to publish special Advertising S|ree| Guides and similar specialties Might’s New Maps of Canaidiah. Cities can be reduced to use as Calendars. Calendar Maps are never thrown in the waste basket. They constitute permanent advertising. TORONTO RAILWAY AND STEAMBOAT GUIDE —A Travel Guide, issued monthly, covering ail Rail¬ way, Steamship and Motor Schedules. 'Gives times of .'.arrivals, departures, and.rates in ready reference form for iiiunediate use at all times.- Over six hundred cities and towns in Canada and the Umieci States are f listed alphabeiically, and this service affords 1 the most up-to-the-ininute travel and shipping informaSon avail¬ able at a glance from the one-page, cpen-sheet form especially designed to be of valuable use to executive?; general business offices afid the travelling public Sam¬ ple copies on request, .. " H 1 • .. "ti* ? v\‘ •; ? ',&&» \art4^»t Villas Cai>,4-i Prbvip.cialis \ endufef ^^^o??^S^rancleur urdforme (48 x .48 ; 3 or. C^tfe 1 d'&mipb.ces ‘Oft toutes sprtes/et^ ij^.fei^iejemeS'r ftaHbsL de .CfeeMasT et ?$ef |*b%£ desrs^io^diffces^Ofcifecied#dans ifei * . .. ifes-^S3w^i.e^mi i&it4-sepour' ...” “&afcveur ■ • drt %Migiit' de la A d’Ailbs Sat8ftVarit& der^’E^'d^emenit.' d&*Cai#e's G$br ’.*•*$* w»* ' .-• - ;; K'‘; " •> V- ‘ A t— •. „-Tfi&IKCC??iriIT.E ,'ET MIMEOr'yTE—Le servi c de : .>V"4w4tc ,A\'»isifea e^i .liaH’.fculieremeBT. dfessiae |inipM SMlffif 20 m : ton, iidn^a e.’ ’xoi^'fELLSS ^S^C!S<^iij5&-.lP5#^ l&r &u§<*' R n£68$>9. 9? ••p'gar pjpfo|p?f.- ...(Jetts. piiT^lM-tiop •ptegii;. ,wdu£ Igf mett's'^-d'^j^aiis ' ?rr ' :; •’ S4>jniii4ire,., SeT sp&i'fidi '.des .chats aT qfxuioni ^-BruEsVdck, X*&„ Nouveli* .\j5cpisgb,- lUrjdu.' Piiixco-vSdiOua^d. ^ios places bp Crfario : ‘4vw-trn* population de 3>;000> pms, >j . «\ ' 1 ;X»SR&C®CXRE&' Djfc VXI^^oyez^;^i^Q^?. ; : ; nmECXE ?AR, : I/|X : #OS'*?E—I Jacques, 3^ntto^,ti9tjC»(4^ ie du^'dis|® da^udnl ‘IT Adiesses, .. ■ eu ''Fi^^fi-iidkrjles. M^c^"“de : ;.9p^e^J^ -■ : ‘-GWJPVlts& Bti s?-‘ op.ffe-3 ?cus v ;^:r*oni. daV^Bo&iiiib^ Press-Clipping'^ illfcE^TOi ^ompagnie Might, Pub iJirsctbifbs popr pariir de $i'jjp|hin€/ i>nt.,.:' jusg^a^.llPiifaXy^^.TS.y. - . Aimana^ii.' Belcher, ’ et.. ^Tr-ctoifes^ae... 9 a P e '" ^ ' Bfetoti)' eoifewall, Ki^itbp:. feart'mbu|Ji,^i Moncton. N&panee* t&t&fontim Niagara, Timinius, Lac •. 1 Kirkland, Otta.^a,,Ile d3S' : ' r P93ice. Kdouard pt Toroijto.- Xes coninaahbies pbdr les attired ' $irefitoize,$ - m Amerioains, Britkrifeiqu.es. efc autres pa^s. quelques^Uns ^ ' "qui spnt gardes s:o' reserve,- benvent etre .obi-enus ; aji:.' . ^prix deTeditemy - ^ -V MEUBIrES Aj5t3^ ^ adapjtes v res :pa,ys. . • •. * ^ >^ r ^ { , ■ 4 ;'*:{'**• ■ : ’IM ?EESSION > & 1 RELlUitE — Impressions Comitier^ MB ciaJ.es et/OuvragOf dej toutes = sortes' f ' : : -GUIDES ’DE &lp 5 'ET CARTE^GEdQRASHIQTpBS I ^PO.GHI!:}—de denartemefet&ubH^ 9 ^ calendriers. Xe's Cartes de Calendriers ne soht jamais ;^: mises de bote ei &oai alors une annonee ..permanent^ r% !5 qtii ; nt .pr^hu .qu’un dixieme de Pespac'e. ofdifeaitb.;; .byoybz^&i ' Eqidpem.ents de Cartes ^eograpliiques. : . 0TC&ti%; GA'RTES GEOGRAPHSQUES— •.;..*>*:'; J : Tvletai rnonel ' Magriifique et •: • Klodeme V" u Sadvet>f f ' ■ ; dEspace” Eqidgetneife^d’iyies |>our estimer les^arcties ••.. .;• '; 0 #aihde^ Regiiliere^de ' |p^g Might, htnerce de genre uniforms pour -•.. : dete^ininei' les £>es ^ r 'S.-ailas ■ finies "tableau iioikV%ouvent etre - fourxues, 'pbur A >r^';. ^ vous permettre de faire de notes periodiques de ventes ou Chiflres de distributioh. Xes ailes s^applatissent dm? tre le iaur—n'eiicoxfib'raiit; pas—et occupent seulement uix dixieme despace ordinairement qccupA Be ia • LE'' GUXDfe BE CHEMlH BE FEE Ef' BE;" BA / WBAt/X A vaFEGR BE r TOR^HTO—Gb 'Gtdde.de^ ., ' r If byage,'" ,pulplie a ' tpiis les"*'itib|^.; 'boinpr<&a»t: ■'>•■ ; L Listes ds • rh-min.-de Fer,. B'attoaux ' a Va^eur, ’et. .. : B’Autobus:-Ce dpiine les hauvos..xi-amyeq-les^ ; r .departs; eTi.es .piix,. en .rapids form e de reference, poiii ejriploi- iriimediat: ehdtous tenvp^ ' i siX'‘'._cbnt? : '|.g •• cites et villes-au 'dadada ' 1 et 'Mp .BtMt $0 nis--soxit - V tionnees ^ alphabeti^uement, et ce service . vous^ effr >• -seul coup dqeii, sur um/feuiUet; dime page, le fenseignenients lbs^/-plus<'MetAllies •bbh^niairit;':le| ^che r '. mins dealer les : bateaux^:et ; est specialeinent. : ,redig;* pour I’ixtilite des executifs, des bureaiix d’affaires e: general et- ; du pliblic ybya^eur BW'cbpies)ec|i^fcil - ‘ -seront ‘ envoyees sut demande. . ■ 5 .... . ■