r THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR (641-750), FROM ARABIC SOURCES. Considering the attention now paid to the geography ot Asia Minor, it has struck me that a collection of the notices relating to the Arabic invasions of that district, which are scattered here and there in the Arabic annalists and must be sought through thousands of pages of Arabic print, would serve a very useful purpose. These extracts not only throw light on geography and the Arabic nomenclature of the localities, but, when compared with the accounts of the same events in Greek and Syriac writers, are of great value for the study of chronology. The writers from whom extracts are given under years are the following : — (1) The chronicler known as Ibn Wadhich or A1 Ya'kubi, who wrote about 900. (ed. Houtsma. Leiden, 1883). (2) A1 Tabari d. 923. (ed. Barth and others. Leiden, 1879, &c.). (3) The Khitab A1 ‘ Uyun (Book of Springs). 1 (ed. de Goeje. Leiden, 1871). This work, though dating not earlier than the middle of the 11th century, preserves several valuable notices relating to this period. (4) Ibn A1 Athir (d. 1232). (ed. Tornberg. Leiden, 1851, &c.). This author generally copies A1 Tabari, but occasionally has notices not found in that writer, and is useful for the period before AH 40, for which A1 Tabari’s text is not extant. Much valuable information is also to be found in the work of A1 Baladhuri (d. 893) (ed. de Goeje. Leiden, 1863), who gives a connected narrative of the conquest of each district , but, since his work is not arranged in annalistic form, I have not given the extracts from it with those of the other writers, but separately at the end. Notices derived from the same source as those of the Mohammedan writers are also to be found in the bilingual chronicle of Elijah of Nisibis (written 1019), most of these being quoted from the work of Mahomet the Khawarizmi (circ. 835) ; 2 but, since this portion of Elijah’s chronicle has been translated into German by Dr. Baethgen (Abh fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes Bd. 8), there is no need to repeat the notices here, but it will be sufficient to give references to them in the margin The authority most frequently quoted by the Arabic writers is A1 Wakidi (d. 823). Most of the notices are merely annalistic entries ; but sometimes especially in A1 Baladhuri, longer accounts are given. These I have 1 The extant portion of this work begins with the accession of A1 'VValid I. (705). a l V- H Irom ™e Chroni the Arab Kings, a work of the 10th centu THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 183 been obliged from considerations of space to shorten; but, however important for Arabic life and character the omitted passages may be, nothing essential to the purposes of this article is lost by their suppression. Only the long and interesting narrative of the expedition of 716 — 718 in the Khitab A1 ‘ Uyun I have been obliged to pass over altogether. In the margin of the annalistic notices I have given references to notices of the same events in other writers (not necessarily derived from the same source), including, besides Elijah of Nisibis, in Greek Theophanes and Nike- phoros, and in Syriac Michael the Syrian, 1 the chronicle of 775 falsely attributed to Dionysios 2 and the Chronicle of 846 ( Zeitschr . d. dentsch. morgenl. Gesellsch. vol. 51, p. 569). In the extracts from A1 Baladhuri, to avoid repeti- tion, I have generally referred only to the preceding annalistic extracts. To avoid possibility of misleading, I have given all geographical names in the first instance in the Arabic form, placing the usually received names in brackets following, wherever they can be identified. I have added a few notices relating to Armenia and Syria, which are so closely connected with those referring to Asia Minor that it appears unreasonable to omit them. Caliphate of ‘Umar I. A. H. 20 (Dec. 21, 640-Dec. 9, 641). Ibn A1 Athir. And in this year, I mean the year 20, Abu Bachriyya ‘Abd Allah, the son of Kais, made a raid into the land of the Romans ; and he was the first who entered it, as it is said (and it is also said that the first who entered it was Maisra, the son of Masruk, the ‘Absi), and he carried off prisoners and spoil. Caliphate of ‘Uthman. 25 (Oct. 28, 645-Oct. 16, 646). Ibn A1 Athir. And in this year Mu‘awiya made a raid upon Roman territory and reached ‘Ammuriya (Amorion) ; and he found the fortresses between Antakhiya (Antioch) and Tarsus deserted, and he stationed in them a large number of the men of A1 Sham (Syria) and A1 Gazira (Mesopotamia), until he returned from his raid. Then after that he sent Yazid, the son of A1 Chur, the ‘Absi, upon a raid in the summer ; and he gave him orders, and he acted accordingly; and, when he went out, he destroyed the for- tresses as far as Antakhiya. 3 28 (Sept. 25, 648-Sept. 13, 649). Ibn A1 Athir. And in this year Chabib, the son of Maslama, made a raid upon Suriya, 4 in the land of the Romans. 1 In the Arabic version in the British Museum MS. Or. 4402. 2 Published, with translation, by the Abbe Ohabot (Paris, 1895). . 3 This seems to show that Antioch in Pisidia is here meant, though the previous mention of the name rather points to the Syrian city. 4 i. e . , Syria : the name seems to he used by the Arabs to denote Euphratesia and Cilicia. But perhaps we should read Sauriya (Isauria) : cf. p. 194, note 3. 184 E. W. BROOKS. Sebeos 3, 36 Theoph. AM 6154 El. Nis. 43. Theoph. AM 6157 El. Nis. 44. Theoph. AM 6156(?) Theoph. AM 6156(?) 32 (Aug. 12, 652-Aug. 1, 653). Ibn A1 Athir. It is said that in this year Mu'awiya, the son of Abu Sufyan, made a raid upon the straits of A1 Kustantiniyya (Constantinople) ; 1 and with him was his wife ‘Atkha, the daughter of Karaza ; and it is- said also that his sister was with him. 33 (Aug. 2, 6 5 3- July 21, 654). Ibn A1 Athir. In this year was the raid of Mu'awiya upon the fortress of A1 Mara, in the land of the Romans, in the neighbourhood of Malatya (Melitene). Caliphate of Mu'awiya. 41 (May 7, 661-Apr. 25, 662). Ibn Wadh. . He sent Chabib, the son of Maslama ; and the Roman commander made peace, and did not care to engage with him. 42 (Apr. 26, 662-Apr. 14, 663). A1 Tab. . And in this year the Moslems made a raid upon the Romans and inflicted a severe defeat upon them, as men record, and killed many of their patricians. 43 (Apr. 15, 6 6 3- Apr. 3, 664). Ibn Wadh. . Busr, the son of Abu Arta, made a raid into the land of the Romans, and wintered there. A1 Tab. adds : Until he reached A1 Kustantiniyya, as A1 Wakidi asserts ; and some of the authorities deny this, and say that Busr did not winter in Roman territory at all. 44 (Apr. 4, 664-Mar. 23, 665). Ibn Wadh. . ‘Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Khalid, the son of A1 Walid made a raid until he reached Akluniya (Koloneia). A1 Tab. . Among the events of this year was the invasion of the Roman territory by the Moslems under ‘Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Khalid, 2 the son of A1 Walid, who wintered there, 8 and the sea expedition of Busr, the son of Abu Arta. 45 (Mar. 24, 665-Mar. 12, 666). Ibn Wadh. . ‘Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Khalid, the son of A1 Walid, made a raid and wintered in the land of the Romans, and reached Antakhiya (Antioch in Pisidia). 1 This expedition is elsewhere recorded only by the Armenian Sebeos, who makes Mu‘awiya march to Chalkedon in the 13th of Constantine (653-4). 2 ‘Son of Khalid’ has dropped out of A1 s tv, o 1 msert H from Ibn A1 Athir. , ; h ) nac fragments published by Dr. Noldeke {Z.D.M.G. 29, p. 76ft'., agree in the date, giving A.S. 975 (Oct. 1, 663-Sept. 30, THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 185 A1 Tab - • And in this year was the wintering of ‘Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Khalid, the son of A1 Walid, in the land of the Romans. 46 (Mar. 13, 666-Mar. 2, 667). Ibn Wadh. . Malikh, the son of ‘Abd Allah, the Khath‘ami made a raid ; and it is said that it was Malikh, the son of Hubaira, the Sakhuni ; and he wintered in the land of the Romans. A1 Tab.. And among the events of this year was the wintering of Malikh, the son of ‘Abd Allah, 1 in the land of the Romans ; and it is said also El. Nis. 46 that this was ‘Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Khalid, the son of A1 Walid ; and it is said also that it was Malikh, the son of Hubaira, the Sakhuni. 2 And in this year ‘Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Khalid, the son of A1 Walid, returned from the land of the Romans to Chims (Emesa); and Ibn Uthal the Ansari gave him a poisoned drink, as it is said, and he drank it, and it killed him. 47 (Mar. 3, 667-Feb. 19, 668). Ibn Wadh. . Malikh, the son of Hubaira, the Sakhuni, made a raid and El. Nis. 47 wintered in the land of the Romans. Al Tab.. And in this year was the wintering of Malikh, the son of Hubaira, in the land of the Romans, and the wintering of Abu ‘Abd Al Rachman the Kaini at Antakhiya. 48 (Feb. 20, 668-Feb. 8, 669). Ibn Wadh. . Abd Al Rachman the ‘Atbi made a raid and reached Antakhiya the black. 3 Al Tab. . And in it was the wintering of Abu ‘Abd Al Rachman the Kaini at Antakhiya, and the summer expedition of ‘Abd Allah, the son of Kais, the Fizari, and the raid of Malikh, the son of Hubaira, the Sakhuni, by sea, and the raid of ‘ Ukba, the son of ‘Amir, the Guhani, by sea, with the men of Misr (Egypt) and the men of Al Madina; and over the men of Al Madina was Al Mundhir, the son of Zuhair, and over their combined forces was Khalid, the son of 4 ‘Abd Al Rachman, the son of Khalid, the son of Al Walid. 49 (Feb. 9, 669-Jan. 28, 670). Ibn Wadh. . Fudhala, the son of ‘Ubaid, made a raid; and by his hands God made captives and carried off many prisoners. Al Tab.. And in this year was the wintering of Malikh, the son of Hubaira, the Sakhuni, in the land of the Romans. And in it was the raid of El. Nis. 49 F udhala, the son of ‘Ubaid, upon Garabba ; and he wintered at Garabba, and Theo P h - AM 1 Text * Ubaid Allah ’ : we may correct from Ibn Al Athir and Ibn Wadh. . 2 MSS. ‘ Fizari ’ : we may correct from Ibn Al Athir and Ibn Wadh. . 3 I do not know any other authority for this epithet ; if it is meant to distinguish this Antioch from that mentioned above, Antioch in Isauria is perhaps intended. 4 The words ‘ Khalid, the son of,’ are not in the MSS., but are supplied by conjecture in Thorbecke’s text. Otherwise we should have a glaring contradiction to the statement of Al Tab. sub ann. 46. 186 E. W. BROOKS. it was captured by his hands, and he made many prisoners in it And in it was the summer campaign of ‘Abd Allah, the son of Khurz, the ag 1 . n in it was the raid of Yazid, the son of Shagara, the Rahawi, by sea; and he wintered at the head of the men of A1 Sham. And in it was the raid of ‘Ukba, the son of Nafi‘, by sea; and he wintered at the head of the men of El. Nis. 51 Misr. And in it was the raid of Yazid, the son of Mu‘awiya, into Roman Tll(? 6?59 AM territory, till he reached Kustantiniyya ; and with him were Ibn ‘Abbas, and Ibn ‘Umar, and Ibn A1 Zubair, and Abu Ayyub the Ansari. Instead of the last sentence Ibn A1 Athir has: In this year (and the year 50 is also mentioned) Mu‘awiya sent a powerful force upon a raid into the territory of the Romans ; and he appointed Sufyan the son of ‘Auf to the command, and ordered his son Yazid to join the raid ; and he was disinclined to do so and made excuses, and his father abstained from pressing him. And during their raid the men were attacked by famine and grievous disease. . . J And, when Mu‘awiya heard of his verses, he enjoined him to join Sufyan in the land of the Romans, in order that whatever befell the men might befall him. And he went, and with him was a large body of men, whom his father sent with him ; and in this force were Ibn ‘Abbas and Ibn ‘Umar and Ibn A1 Zubair and Abu Ayyub the Ansari and others, and ‘Abd A1 ‘Aziz, the son of Ruzara, the Khilabi. And they advanced into the territory of the Romans until they reached A1 Kustantiniyya ; and the Moslems and the Romans fought for some days, and the battle was severe between them. . . . Then Yazid and the army returned to A1 Sham. 1 2 50 (Jan. 29, 670-Jan. 17, 671). Ibn Wadh. . Busr the son of Abu Arta made a raid ; and Sufyan the son of ‘Auf wintered. A1 Tab. . And in this year was the raid of Busr the son of Abu Arta 51 (Jan. 18, 671-Jan. 7, 672). Ibn Wadh. . Mahomet the son of ‘Abd A1 Rachman made a raid ; and Theoph. AM Fudhala, the son of ‘Ubaid, the Ansari, wintered. 6162 A1 Tab. . And among the events of this year were the wintering of N . is ’ Fudhala the son of ‘Ubaid in the land of the Romans, and the raid of Busr the Theoph. AM _ . _ . , , 6163 son of Abu Arta m the summer. 52 (Jan. 8-Dec. 26, 672). Ibn Wadh.. Sufyan the son of ‘Auf made a raid; and he died and appointed ‘Abd Allah, the son of Mas‘ada, the Fizari, to take his place. 1 I omit personal anecdotes which have no deke (see p. 184, note 3) places the expe- bearing on the expedition. dition of Yazid in A.S. 971 (660) ; but as that 2 The Syriac chronicle published by Nol- was a time of peace, the date is clearly wrong. Theoph. AM an d Sufyan, the son of ‘Auf, the Azdi, into the land of the Romans. And it is 6162(.) J t Traci voirl rrf TPnrlVmlo fho crk-r» r\f Anonvi Vvtt nnn said that in it was the raid of Fudhala, the son of ‘Ubaid, the Ansari, by sea. — — V — ->* - iVQMMgv THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES, 187 the s tn oUAnf fhf f Wak] ' distates ^at in this year was the raid of Sufyan, El. Nis. 53 the son of Auf, the Azdi, and his wintering in the land of the Romans • and Theo P h - AM that he died during the year and appointed ‘Abd Allah, the son of Mas‘adl, the 616 * (?) Fizan, to take his place. And other authorities say : No the man who wintered m the land of the Romans this year at the head of the men was Busr e son of Abu Arte, and with him was Sufyan, the son of ‘Auf, the Azdi. And Theoph. AM s&sseSl*- yeararaid was made byMahomet ’ the s - ° f 32 53 (Dec. 27, 672-Dec. 15, 673). ; bbn Wadb - • Mahomet, the son of Malikh, made a raid ; and it is said that Tarsus was taken this year, its captor being Gunada, the son of Abu Umayya, the Azdi. a i A1 Tab * ' , And amon g the events of this year was the wintering of ‘ Abd E i Nis 54m A1 Rachman, the son of Urn A1 Chakham, the Thakafi, in the land of the Romans. And in it Rudus (Rhodes), an island in the sea, was taken ; and its captor was Gunada, the son of Abu Umayya, the Azdi ; and he settled the Moslems in it, as recorded by Mahomet the son of ‘Umar 1 2 ; and they sowed seed and acquired flocks and herds in it, which they pastured all round it ; and, when men approached, they took them into the fortress ; and they had watchmen who gave them warning of anyone upon the sea who wished to make war upon them, and they were on their guard against them. And they were the greatest annoyance to the Romans, and they attacked them on the sea and cut off their ships. And Mu‘awiya supplied them plentifully with provisions and pay; and the enemy were afraid of them. And, when Mu awiya was dead, Yazid, the son of Mu‘awiya, removed them. Ibn A1 Athir adds : And it is said that it was taken in the year 60. 54 (Dec. 16, 673-Dec. 5, 674). A1 Tab. . And in this year was the wintering of Mahomet, the son of Malikh, in the land of the Romans, and the summer campaign of Ma‘n, the son of Yazid, the Sulami. And in it, as A1 Wakidi states, was the capture by Gunada, the son of Abu Umayya, of an island in the sea near Kustantiniyya, called Arwad. 3 And Mahomet, the son of ‘Umar, records that the Moslems remained in it for a space, as he says, of seven years, and the commandant was Mugahid, the son of Gabr. There follows in A1 Tabari a long personal story, the substance of which is expressed by Ibn A1 Athir in the sentence : And, when Mu'awiya died, and his son Yazid succeeded to the govern- ment, he ordered them to return, and they returned. 1 Michael the Syrian records what seems to be the same expedition under the 2nd of Con- stantine = AS. 982 (Oct. 1, 670— Sept. 30, 671). 2 i.e. A1 Walddi. 3 This seems to be a mere duplicate of the occupation of Rhodes recorded under the pre- ^ vious year. 188 E. W. BROOKS. 55 (Dec. 6, 674-Nov. 24, 675). El. Nis. 56 Ibn Wadh. . Malikh, the son of 'Abd Allah, the Khath'ami, made a raid and wintered in the land of the Romans. A1 Tab. . And among the events of this year was the wintering of Snfyan, the son of ‘Auf, the Azdi, in the land of the Romans, as A] Wakidi says ; 1 and El. Nis. 55 some of the authorities say ; No, the man who wintered in the land of the TlK 6i66 AM Romans this year was 'Abd Allah, the son of Kais, the Fizari; and some say ; No, it was Malikh, the son of ' Abd Allah. 56 (Nov. 25, 675-Nov. 13, 676). El. Nis. 57 Ibn Wadh. . Yazid, the son of Mu'awiya, made a raid and reached A1 Kustantiniyya ; and Mas'ud, the son of Abu Mas'ud, wintered ; and the com- mander by land was Yazid, the son of Shagara, and by sea Tyadh, the son of A1 Charith. 2 All these things are also said to have happened in the year 57. A1 Tab. . And in this year was the wintering of Gunada, the son of Abu El. Nis. 54{?) Umayya, in the land of the Romans; and it is said that it was 'Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Mas'ud ; and it is said that this year Yazid, the son of Shagara, the Rahawi, made a raid by sea, and ‘Iyadh, the son of A1 Charith, by land. 57 (Nov. 14, 676-No v. 2, 677). Th 6i66(?f M * ‘Abd Allah, the son of Kais, made a raid. A1 Tab. . And this year was the wintering of 'Abd Allah, the son of Kais, in the land of the Romans. 58 (Nov. 3, 677-Oct. 22, 678). El. Nis. 5 6(?) Ibn Wadh. . Malikh, the son of 'Abd Allah, the Khath'ami, made a El. Nis. 58 raid; and it is said that 'Amir, the son of Yazid, the Guhani, did so ; and Yazid, the son of Shagara, was killed at sea. A1 Tab. . And this year Malikh, the son of Abd Allah, the Khath'ami, made a raid into the land of the Romans. And in this year Yazid, the son of Shagara, was killed 3 at sea on a ship, as A1 Wakidi says. He says : And it is said that 'Amr, the son of Yazid, the Guhani, was 4 the man who wintered in the land of the Romans; and it is said that the man who made the raid by sea this year was Gunada, the son of Abu Umayya. Ibn A1 Athir. This year Malikh, the son of 'Abd Allah, the Khath- 'ami, made a raid into the land of the Romans, and 'Amr, the son of Yazid the Guhani, by sea ; and it is said that it was Gunada, the son of Abu Umayya. 1 It is hard to reconcile this with the state- ment under A.H. 52 that A1 Wakidi placed Sufyan’s death in that year. 2 MS. A1 Cliarb. A1 Charith is an obvious correction of Itoutsma ; cf. A1 Tab. . The name * Charb ’ does not take the article. 3 According to Houtsma’s text, ‘ It is said that Y., the son of S., (made a raid) by sea” ; but by the change of a point (‘kutila’ for * ’) we get the same as in A1 Tab. . 4 I omit the copula before the verb with MS C The printed text must be rendered ‘ it was ‘Amr . . . and he was the man who wintered.’ THE^ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 189 59 (Oct. 23, 678-Oct. 12, 679). Ibn Wadh. . ‘Amr, the son of Murra, the Guhani, 1 made a raid by land, El. Nis. 68(f) and there was not that year any raid by sea. A1 Tab. . And that year was the wintering of Amr, the son of Murra, the Guhani, in the land of the Romans on land. A1 Wakidi says: There was not that year any raid by sea. And others say : Not so; Gunada, the El. Nis. 59 son oi Abu Umayya, made a raid by sea. 60 (Oct. 13, 679-Sept, 30, 680). A1 Tab. . And this year was the raid of Malikh, the son of Abd Allah upon Saunyya (Isauria), and the entry of Gunada, the son of Abu Umayya’ into Rudus, and his building of the city there, as A1 Wakidi says. 2 Caliphate of Yazid I. 61 (Oct. 1, 690-Sept. 19, 681). Ibn Wadh. . Malikh, the son of Abd Allah, the Khath'ami, made a raid m the summer ; and this was a raid upon Sauriyya. 3 Caliphate of ‘Abd Al Malikh. 70 (June 25, 689- June 14, 690;. Al Tab. . And in this year the Romans rose up and assembled together against the Moslems in Al Sham ; and ‘Abd Al Malikh made peace with the Theoph. AM king of the Romans on condition of paying him a thousand denarii every Mich^fo] 8 260r assembly-day, 4 fearing danger from him to the Moslems. (without date) Chron. of 846 75 (May 2, 694- Apr. 20, 695;. (without date) Ibn Wadh. . Mahomet, the son of Marwan, made a raid in the summer ; Theoph. AM and the Romans came out against Al A‘mak, 5 and they were slain by Aban, 6186 the son of Al Walid, the son of ‘Ukba, the son of Abu Mu ‘ait, and Dinar, the n'ich^AS 5 son of Dinar. 1006 Al Tab. . Among the events of this year was the raid of Mahomet, the AS 1006 846 son of Marwan, in the summer, when the Romans came out from before Mar‘ash (Germanikeia). 1 There can be little doubt that this is the same as ‘Amr, the son of Yazid, the Guhani. Under 58, where the Arabs have Ibn Yazid, El. Nis. has Ibn Murra. 2 Al Tab. has probably confused Al Wakidi’s date for the occupation with that for the evacu- ation ; cf. ann. 53, 54. 3 This must be thrown back to 679, since peace was made before Mu‘awiya’s death (Apr. 6, 680). 4 i.e. Friday. Theoph. ‘every day’: so Michael. 5 i.e. ‘the valleys,’ the name of a place be- tween Germanikeia and Antioch. The MS. has Al A ‘man, but Houtsma’s correction is no doubt right, and Al A‘mak is the name given by Al Baladhuri (see p. 207) ; cf. also ann. 112. The Syriac writers call the place ‘the valley of Antioch. ’ 190 E. W. BROOKS. Theoph. AM 6187 El. Nis. 77 Theoph. AM 6189 El. Nis. 79. Theoph, AM 6192 Mich.fol. 261 v (without date). Theoph. AM 6195(?) 76 (Apr. 21, 695-Apr. 9, 696). Ibn Wadh. . Yachya, the son of A1 Chakham, made a raid in the summer at Marg al Shacham between Malatya and A1 Massisa (Mopsouestia). 1 Ibn Al Athir. And this year Mahomet, the son of Marwan, made a raid upon the Romans in the region of Malatya. 2 77 (Apr. 10, 696-Mar. 29, 697). Ibn Wadh. . Al Walid, the son of ‘Abd Al Malikh, made a raid upon Atmar ; and his raid was in the region of Malatya. And Chassan, the son of Al Nu'man, made a raid by sea. 3 Al Tab. . And this year Al Walid made a raid in the summer. 78 (Mar. 80, 697-Mar. 19, 698). Al Tab. . And ‘Abd Al Malikh sent Yachya, the son of Al Chakham, to make a raid this year. 79 (Mar. 20, 698-Mar. 8, 699). Al Tab. . And this year, as it is said, the Romans fell upon the men of Antakhiya. Ibn Al Athir adds : and defeated them. 80 (Mar. 9, 699-Feb. 25, 700). Al Tab. . And Abd Al Malikh sent his son Al Walid upon a raid this year. 81 (Feb. 26, 700-Feb. 14, 701). Al Tab.. I was informed by ‘Umar, the son of Shabba; he said: I was told by ‘Ali, the son of Mahomet ; 4 he said : ‘Abd Al Malikh sent his son ‘Ubaid Allah 5 upon a raid in the year 81 ; and he took Kalikala (Theodosiou- polis- Karin in Armenia). 82 (Feb. 15, 701-Feb. 8, 702). Ibn Al Athir. And this year Mahomet, the son of Marwan, made a raid upon Arminiya (Armenia) and routed them. Then they asked him for peace, and he granted it to them ; and he appointed Abu Shaikh, the son of ‘Abd Allah, governor over them, and they acted treacherously towards him and killed him. And it is said also that they killed him in the year 83. 1 According to Yakut Marg Al Shacliam was near Amorion. Similarly El. Nis. (ann. 23) makes Mu‘awiya take Ankyra and advance to Marg Al Shacham. 2 Armenia IV. according to Theoph. . 3 This is Houtsma’s correction. The MS. has ‘ Al Bachr ( = the sea) the son of Ch. the son of i-uid ocvciai Junes are missing down to AH. 83. Better known as Al Madaini, a writer of the early part of the 9th century. 5 We should probably read ‘Abd Allah, since no such name as ‘Ubaid Allah appears among the sons of ‘Abd Al Malikh. THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 191 83 (Feb. 4, 702-Jan. 23, 703). Ibn Wadh. . ‘Abd Allah also 1 made a raid and took A1 Massisa, and El. Nis. 83, built a small fortress in it. 2 84 84 (Jan. 24, 703-Jan. 13, 704). a i ^ A !,\ ab ; ‘ And in this ^ ear was the raid of ^bd Allah, the son of ‘Abd ,, a lkh tlie son of Mar wan, into Roman territory; and in it he took A1 Massisa. Such is the record of A1 Wakidi. Theoph. AM 6193 Mich. AS 1015, 1017 Chron. of 846 AS 1015 85 (Jan. 14, 704-Jan. 1, 705). Ibn Al Athir. And this year Mahomet, the son of Marwan, made a raid into Aimimya and passed summer and winter in it. Theoph. AM 6195 Caliphate of Al Walid I. 86 (Jan. 2-Dec. 22, 705). Ibn Wadh. . Maslama made a raid and took two fortresses. El Nis 86 A1 Tab Maslama, the son of ‘Abd Al Malikh, made a raid into the land of the Romans. 87 (Dec. 23, 705-Dec. 11, 706). Al Tab. . And in this year Maslama, the son of ‘Abd Al Malikh, made a raid into the land of the Romans; and with him was Yazid, the son of Gubair, and he met the Romans with a great force at Susana (Sision) in The «?qfi AM the neighbourhood of Al Massisa. 3 Al Wakidi says : This year Maslama met Maimun the Gurgani 4 * (and with Maslama were about a thousand fighting The 62 oi AM men of the men of Antakhiya) at Tuwana (Tyana) ; and he killed many men among them, and God took the fortress by his hands 6 (and it is said that the man who made a raid upon the Romans in this year was Hisham, the son of Abd Al Malikh) ; and God took by his hands the fortress of Bulak and the fortress of Al Akhrim and the fortress of Bulas (Pylai?) and Kamkim; and he killed of the Musta'riba 6 about a thousand fighting men, and carried their children and their women into captivity. 1 This word seems to show that Ibn Wadh. recorded an expedition by ‘Abd Allah in the previous year. 2 Theoph. and the Chronicle of 846 mention the building only. El. Nis. and Mich, record the capture and the building under separate years. 3 Al Tab. omits to mention the result of the meeting, which according to Theoph. was a great defeat of the Arabs. A comparison with Theoph. makes it probable that the subject of the last clause is not Maslama but Yazid (’'AfiSos 6 tov Xovvei). 4 This means Hyrcanian ; but we should no doubt read ‘ Gurgunami, ’ the Arabic name for the Mardaites, which is the title applied to Maimun by Al Baladhuri (see p. 203). 5 This seems to be an anticipatory statement, since Al Tab. afterwards records the capture under 88, to which year it is also assigned by Ibn Kutaiba, the earliest extant Arabic historian (d. 884). 6 Arabs not of pure birth. Theoph. AM 6201 Nikeph. pp. 43, 44 Midi. AS 1019 El. Nis. 89 Theoph. AM 6202(?) 192 E. W. BROOKS. 88 (Dec. 12, 706-Nov. 30, 707). Ibn Wadh. . Maslama and A1 'Abbas, the son of A1 Walid, made a raid and took Suriya (Isaura ?), and A1 'Abbas took Ardaluniya. 1 A1 Tab. . And among the events of this year was God’s captur^ by the hands of the Moslems of one of the Roman fortresses called Tuwana in Gumada II. (May 9-June 6), 2 and they wintered at it ; and over the army were Maslama, the son of 'Abd A1 Malikh, and A1 'Abbas, the son of A1 Walid, the son of 'Abd A1 Malikh. And Mahomet, the son of 'Umar, A1 Wakidi, records that Thur, the son of Yazid, told him on the authority of his masters : he said : The capture of Tuwana was effected by the hands of Maslama, the son of 'Abd A1 Malikh, and A1 'Abbas, the son of A1 Walid ; and the Moslems routed the enemy that day, so that they went to their church ; then they returned, and the men 3 were routed until they thought they should never recover from it. And A1 'Abbas remained, and some men with him, among whom was Ibn Muchairiz, the Gumachi ; and A1 'Abbas said to Ibn Muchairiz, "Where are the men of the Kuran who are seeking Paradise ? ” And Ibn Muchairiz said, " Call to them to come to you.” And A1 'Abbas called out, "Ye men of the Kuran ! ” And they came all together ; and God routed the enemy, until they entered Tuwana. And in it Maslama also made a raid into Roman territory, and by his hands three fortresses were taken, the fortress of Kustantin and Ghazala (Gazelon) and the fortress of A1 Akhrim, and he killed of the Musta'riba about 1,000 men, besides carrying their children into captivity and taking possession of their property. 4 Khitab al 'Uyun. And in the year 88 Maslama and A1 'Abbas, the son of Al Walid, made a raid upon Tuwana and wintered at it. And the Romans assembled against them ; and they met, and God Most High routed the Romans, and 50,000 of them were killed. And God Most High took Tuwana and another fortress near it with prisoners and spoil. 89 (Dec. 1, 707-Nov. 19, 708). Al Tab. . The Moslems in this year took the fortress of Suriya ; and over the army was Maslama, the son of 'Abd Al Malikh. Al Wakidi states that Maslama made a raid into the land of the Romans this year, and with him was Al 'Abbas, the son of Al Walid ; and they entered it together ; then they separated, and Maslama took the fortress of Suriya, and Al 'Abbas took Adhruliyya ; and he encountered a force of Romans and routed them. And others besides Al Wakidi say : Maslama went to 'Ammuriya (Amorion) and encountered the Romans there, a large force, and God routed them : and he 1 This is the MS. reading. Houtsma would read Adruliya ; cf. Al Tab. ann. 89. 2 MS. B adds ‘ the first of it ’ (May 9), while Ibn Al Athir has Gumada I. (Apr. 9 — May 8). Mich, places the capture in Mar. 708, after a siege of nine months. 3 Ibn Al Athir ‘ the Moslems.’ 4 The last clause is clearly a duplicate of the notice under the preceding year. THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 193 took Hirakla (Herakleia) and Kamudiya (Nikomedeia ?),i and Al Abbas made a summer campa lg n in the neighbourhood of At Budandun (Podandos) 90 (Nov. 20, 708-Nov. 8, 709). fortreT W " )h ' ' ‘ Abd A ‘ ‘ Azia> the S0 ” 0f A1 “**> * 'aid ,nd took a a nu. .. At Tab And in this year Maslama made a raid into the land of the omans, as Mahomet the son of ‘Umar, records, in the neighbourhood of ofTwthd m d 6 d f ° rtreSSeS in Suri ^ a - And ^ it At ‘Abbas, the son of At Walid, made a raid, some say, till he reached A1 Arzan ,* and others say Theoph. AM till he reached Sunya. And Mahomet, the son of ‘Umar, says : the account 62 ° 2(?) which says ‘ till he reached Suriya ’ is right. * account 91 (Nov. 9, 709-Oct. 28, 710). * ‘ Abd A1 the son of A1 Walid, made a raid. 7.*u"M A ! din ^. hls •> rear - as Mahomet, the son of ‘Umar, and others record, Abd A1 Aziz, the son of A1 Walid, made a raid in the summer • and over the army was Maslama, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh. 92 (Oct. 29, 710-Oct. 18, 711). Ibn Wadh. . Mahomet, the son of Marwan, made a raid. f! ??!?• • And0 “ g the events of the year was the raid of Maslama, the son of Abd A1 Malikh, and ‘Umar, the son of A1 Walid, into the land of the Romans; and three fortresses were taken by the hands of Maslama; and the people ot busana migrated into the interior of the land of the Romans 93 (Oct. 19 711-Oct. 6, 712). ai nPrj ^ A ^ A hhas, the son of A1 Walid, and Marwan, the son of V\ abd and Maslama made a raid and took Amasiya (Amaseia) and the fortress of Al Chadid. Al Tab. . And among the events of this year were the raid of Al ‘Abbas t e son of Al Walid, into the land of the Romans, and God’s capture of babastiyya (Sebasteia) 1 2 3 by his hands. And in it was also the raid of Marwan, the son of Al Walid, into the land of the Romans; and he reached' Khangara. 4 And in it was the raid of Maslama, the son of ‘Abd Al Malikh, into the land of the Romans ; and he took Masa (Amaseia) and the fortress El. Nis. 92 Theoph. AM 6204 Mich. AS 1023 Chron. of 846 AS 1021 1 wll. Kuliya and Kamuliyah. Kamouliana in Cappadocia I. may be meant. Ibn Al Athir has * Kamuniya. ’ The mention of Herakleia (Pontou?) points to Nikomedeia, but it is strange that its capture should not be recorded by the Greek writers. 2 Arzan should be Arzanene or its chief town, but this is clearly out of place here. 3 The MSS. have Samastiyya : I emend from H.S. — VOL. XVIII. Ibn Al Athir, who adds ‘ and Al Marzbanain and Tus * (cf. ann. 95). It is possible, however, that Mistlieia is meant (cf. Theoph. A.M. 6204 ; Nikeph. p. 48 ; Chron. of 846 A. S. 1021 ). 4 vl. Gangra. Mich, records the capture of 1 Gargarun ’ in A.S. 1022. On the other hand, Yakut mentions Khangara, 4 a district in the territory of the Romans.’ Cf. also ann. 109. O 194 E. W. BROOKS. of A1 Chadid and Ghazala and Tarchamah 1 in the neighbourhood of Malatya. 94 (Oct. 7, 712-Sept. 25, 713). Ibn Wadh. . A1 ‘Abbas and ‘Umar, the sons of A1 Walid, made a raid. Eieo^h S am ^ Tab. * amon ^ s ^ the ovents of this year was the raid of A1 ‘Abbas, 6205 the son of Walid, into the land of the Romans, and it is said that in it he Ml ?Q 2 g AS took Antakhiya. And in it, as it is said, ‘Abd A1 ‘Aziz, the son of A1 Walid, made a raid into the land of the Romans till he reached Ghazala ; and A1 Walid, the son of Hisham, the Mu‘aiti, reached the land of Burg A1 Chamam ; 2 and Yazid, the son of Abu Khabsha, reached the land of Suriya. 3 95 (Sept. 26, 713-Sept. 15, 714). El. Nis. 95 A1 Tab. . And this year was the raid of A1 ‘Abbas, the son of A1 Walid, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, into the land of the Romans, and God took three fortresses by his hands, as it is said, and they were Tulas, and A1 Marzbanain, and Hirakla. 4 And in it A1 Wadhdhachi was killed in the land of the Romans, and about 1,000 men with him. 96 (Sept. 16, 714-Sept. 4, 715). Ibn Wadh. . Bishr, the son of A1 Walid, made a raid. A1 Ta b- ■ And this year, as A1 Wakidi says, was the raid of Bishr, the son of A1 Walid, in the winter; and, when he returned, A1 Walid was dead. Caliphate of Solomon. ' h 6°206m M m Wadh> - Maslama made a raid and took the fortress of A1 Mich. AS Ohadid, and wintered in the lands of the Romans ; and ‘Umar, the son of 1026 Hubaira, made a raid by sea; and they occupied all between A1 Khalig 5 and A1 Kustantiniyya, and they took the city of the Slavs; 6 and Solomon sent them reinforcements under ‘Amr, the son of Kais, the Khindi, and ‘Abd Allah the son of ‘Umar, the son of A1 Walid, the son of ‘Ukba. Ibn W. also has a duplicate account as follows : And Solomon went out in the direction of A1 Gazira and took up his abode at a place called Dabik, 7 in 1 This is the reading of the MSS. Guidi would read Bargama, which differs only by points. Bargama, however, is the Arabic name for Pergamos, which seems quite out of place here. The capture of Pergamos is recorded by Michael and the Chronicle of 846 under A.S. 1027 (716). Theophanes also records it under /16 (A.M. 6208), but, as he makes it contem- poraneous with Leo’s accession, he must mean to place it in 7 17. 2 i. e. the tower of the pigeon. 3 Since Suriya (Syria, see p. 183, note 4) and Sauriya (Isauria) differ only by a point, it is often impossible to say which is meant ; cf. ann. 90. 4 Ibn A1 Athir, ‘ he took Hirakla and Qther places.’ He has already recorded the capture of A1 Marzbanain and Tus (Tulas ?) under AH 93 (p. 193, note 3). The last name might stand for Doara, which would go well with Sebasteia, but not with Herakleia, unless Herakleia-Ky- bistra is meant. Another reading is Tunas. A1 Marzbanain = the two marzbans. 5 i.e. the canal. The name covers the Helles- pont, Propontis, and Bosporus. 6 Prof. Ramsay {Hist. Geog. of Asia Minor, p. 351) identifies the city of the Slavs with Loulon, near the Cilician gates : but the city here mentioned would seem to have been near Constantinople. 7 MS. Dhanik. THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 195 the province of Kinnasrin (Chalkis) ; and he sent Maslama, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, upon a raid into the territory of the Romans, and told him to go to A1 Kustantiniyya, and remain before it till he took it. And Maslama went on till he reached A1 Kustantiniyya, and remained before it till he had sown and eaten of what he had sown ; and he entered and took the city of the Slavs. And the Moslems were smitten by scarcity, and hunger, and cold ; and Solomon heard of the condition of Maslama and his men, and sent them reinforcements under ‘Amr, the son of Kais, by land ; and he sent ‘Umar, the El. Nis. 97 son of Hubaira, the Fizari, to make a raid by sea; and that because the Romans had made an attack upon the city of Ladikiya (Laodikeia), in the province of Chims, and had burnt it, and had carried away some of what was in it. And ‘Umar, the son of Hubaira, reached the canal (khalig) of A1 Kustantiniyya. 1 97 (Sept. 5, 715-Aug. 24, 716). A1 Tab. . And among the events of this year was the equipping by Theoph. AM Solomon, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, of the armies intended to march to A1 jujch^AS Kustantiniyya, and the appointment of his son David, the son of Solomon, 1027 to conduct the summer expedition; and he took the fortress of A1 Mara. And in it, as A1 Wakidi records, Maslama, the son of ‘Abd Al Malikh, made a raid into the land of the Romans ; 2 and he took the fortress which had been taken by Al Wadhdhach, the chief of the Wadhdhachiyya. And in it ‘Umar, 3 the son of Hubaira, the Fizari, made a raid by sea upon the land of the Romans, and wintered in it. 98 (Aug. 25, 716-Aug. 13, 717). Al Tab. . And among the events of this year was the sending by Solo- El. Nis. 98 mon, the son of ‘Abd Al Malikh, of his brother Maslama, the son of ‘Abd Al TllG e 209 Malikh, to Al Kustantiniyya ; and he told him to remain before it till he Nikeph. p. 53 took it or an order from him came to him. And he passed winter and as*i028 summer there I was told by Achmad, the son of Zuhair, on ‘ Dion.’ AS j 1028 the authority of ‘Ali, the son of Mahomet : he said : When Solomon assumed the government, he made a raid upon the Romans ; and he stationed him- self at Dabik, and sent Maslama in front ; and the Romans were afraid of him; and Leo appeared from Arminiya And the patricians said to Leo, ‘ If you deliver us from Maslama, we will make you king ’ ; and they made a covenant with him. And he came to Maslama and said, ‘ The people know that you will not make serious war upon them, but will give them a respite, as long as the corn lasts with you : and, if you burn the corn, they will submit/ And he burned it : and the enemy remained, and the Moslems were straitened until they nearly perished And 1 Though in the text these events are ascribed in the summary to 96, we should very probably read 97, since Ibn W. has already recounted the events of 96 under the Caliphate of Al Walid. This author records the campaigns not under each year in the narrative, but all together at the end of each Caliphate. 2 Ibn Al Ath. ‘ the land of the W r adhdha- chiyya. ’ 3 Text 1 ‘Amr.’ I correct from Ibn Al Athir. o 2 196 E. W. BROOKS. that happened to the force which had never happened to an army before, until a man was afraid to go out of the camp alone ; and they ate the beasts of burden and skins and the trunks and leaves of trees and everything except dust. And Solomon remained at Dabik, and continued there through the winter; and he was not able to send them help till Solomon died. 1 And this year the city of the Slavs was taken. Mahomet, the son of ‘Umar, says : ‘ The Burgan (Bulgarians) made an attack in the year 98 upon Maslama, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, and he had few men with him ; and Solomon sent him help under Mas‘ada or ‘Amr, the son of Kais, with a military force ; and the Slavs made a treacherous attack upon them ; then God routed them, after they had killed Shurachil, the son of ‘Abda. And in this year, as A1 Wakidi states, A1 Walid, the son of Hisham, and ‘Amr, the son of Kais, made a raid, and some of the men of Antakhiya were cut to pieces; and A1 Walid attacked some men in the outlying districts of the Romans, and took many prisoners from among them. C AS n i028(?) 46 ^i s year David, the son of Solomon, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, made a raid into the land of the Romans, and took the fortress of A1 Mara near Malatya. 2 99 (Aug. 14, 717-Aug. 2, 718). 3 Ibn Wadh. . Solomon, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, sent his son David to the land of the Romans, and Maslama was remaining quiet before A1 Kustantimyya ; and David took the fortress of A1 Mara, in the neighbourhood of Malatya. Caliphate of ‘Umar II. During his government in the year 99 ‘Amr, the son of Kais, the Khindi, made a raid in the summer. The0 62 io AM ™ , A1 TaK And in this year the son of ‘ Abd A1 ‘Aziz, sent to Nikeph. p. 55 ^ as ' ama > who was in the land of the Romans, and told him to return from it with the Moslems who were with him : and he sent him some hio-h-bred horses and a large quantity of corn, and he urged the men to go°to his assistance. And the number of high-bred horses which he sent to him was as it is said, 500 horses. 100 (Aug. 3, 718-July 23, 719). A1 Tab.. And in this year ‘Umar, the son of ‘Abd A1 ‘Aziz, sent A1 Walid, the son of Hisham, the Mu'aiti, and ‘Amr, the son of Kais, the Khindi ol the men ol Ghims, to make a raid in the summer. 1 There is a much longer account of the expe- dition against Constantinople in the Khitab Al l Uyun ; but it would take too much space to translate it here. 2 The Chronicle of 846 makes David take the fortress of ‘ Antigun ’ in A.S. 1028 (Oct. 1, 716 Sept. 30, 717). For Al Mara cf. ann. 33. 3 We should perhaps read 98, since Ibn W. mentions an expedition of 99 under the reign of ‘Umar. THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, PROM ARABIC SOURCES. 197 Ibn A1 Athir. In this year ‘Umar, the son of ‘Abd A1 ‘Aziz, ordered the men of Taranda (Taranton) to withdraw from it to Malatya ; and Tar- anda is in the Roman territory, three days’ journey from Malatya ; and ‘Abd Allah, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, had settled the Moslems in it after he had made a raid upon it in the year 83 ; * 1 * and Malatya was at that time deserted : and he introduced among them a military force from A1 Gazira, to be stationed among them until the snow came down and they returned to their district. And this state of affairs went on until ‘Umar succeeded to the government; and he ordered them to return to Malatya and left Taranda unoccupied, through fear of injury to the Moslems from the enemy : and he left Taranda deserted, and appointed as governor of Malatya Ga'wana, the son of A1 Charith, one of the sons of ‘Amir, the son of Sa‘sa‘a. Caliphate of Yazid II. 102 (July 12, 7 20- June 30, 721). Ibn Wadb. . Under his government in the year 102 ‘Abd A1 Walid, the son of Hisham, made a raid at the head of the men into the land of ie Romans, and encamped at the ford near Antakhiya. And ‘Umar the son o Hubaira, attacked the Romans in Fourth Armimya, and routed them and took 700 prisoners from among them. . , A1 Tab And in this year ‘Umar, the son of Hubaira, made a raid upon the Romans in Arminiya, and routed them, and took many men prisoners from among them — it is said 700 prisoners. „ w i-j Ibn A1 Athir adds: And in this year A1 ‘Abbas, the son of A1 Wa d the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, made a raid upon the Romans, and took Da .. (Dalisandos ?). 3 103 (Jul. 1, 721- June 20, 722). Ibn Wadh A1 ‘Abbas, the son of A1 Walid, made a raid , ant t e men were “pieces in dements. And ‘Abd A1 ^ Solomon, the Khalbi, and ‘Uthman, the son of Chayyan, the Mum, made raid, and encamped against a fortress, and took it. ,. . . ra ;j A1 Tab. . And in this year A1 ‘Abbas, the son of A1 Walid, made a raid upon the Romans, and took a city called Rasala. 4 104 (June 21, 722-June 9, 723). Ibn Wadh. . ‘Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Solomon, the Kha i, m 1 According to Theoph. the attack of ‘Abd Allah on Taranton in A.M. 6193 (701) was un- successful. The occupation of Taranton is placed by Michael in A.S. 1022 (711), and by the Chronicle of 846 in A.S. 1021 (710). According to both these authorities the captor was Mas- lama. . , 2 Ibn A1 Athir ‘and killed 700 prisoners. The difference between ‘kila’ (it is said) an • katala ’ (killed) is only one of pointing, s See next note. i vvll. Ghasla and Wasala. Ibn A1 Athir ' Dasala. ’ Perhaps Ouasada is the place meant ; but it seems probable that it is the same as that mentioned under the previous year under name of Dalisa (the vowels are doubtful). Theoph. AM 6218 El. Nis. 107 Tlieoph. AM 6218 * Dion. 7 AS 1040 cf. Mich, and Chron. of 846 AS 1037 (Neokaisareia) 1 There is nothing to show whether the author would place this expedition before or after the death of Yazid (Jan. 724). 198 E. W. BROOKS. raid on the south in the summer ; and ‘Uthman, the son of Chayyan, the Murri, made a raid upon the north in the summer. 105 (June 10, 723-May 28, 724). Ibn Wadh. . Sa‘id, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, the son of Marwan, made a raid ; then he returned and made a raid upon the regions of the Turks. A1 Tab. . And in this year was the raid of Sadd, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, into the land of the Romans ; and he sent out a detachment of about 1,000 fighting men, and, as is recorded, they were all cut to pieces. Ibn A1 Athir. And this year Marwan, the son of Mahomet, made a raid upon the south in the summer and took Kuniya (Ikonion) in the land of the Romans and Khamkh (Kamachos). 1 Caliphate of Hisham. Khitab A1 ‘Uyun. And this year Marwan, the son of Mahomet, made a raid at the head of the forces of A1 Gazira and the forces of A1 Sham (and he was governor of A1 Gazira in the name of Hisham), and with him was Sa'id, e son of Hisham, at the head of the forces of A1 Sham ; and he entered by the road of Malatiyya and took a fortress called Muwasa by storm, after he had beseiged them and assaulted them with engines. And they asked him to grant a capitulation, and he refused to grant them anything but a sur- render at discretion. And, when he had taken it, he decided to kill the amon^h m M T ^ children int ° ^P^ity ; and he divided them among the Moslems, and destroyed the fortress. 106 (May 29, 724-May 18, 725). Ibn Wadh. . And during his government, in the year 106, Mu'awiya the son of Hisham, made a raid at the head of the men ; and he sent A1 Wadh dh«ch, the chief of the Wadhdhachiyya, and he burnt the crops soL rf-AM C A l rM.! 'tl 1 R ' JI “!l' ,a had , bumt tl,e lands. And Sa'id, the a it! , M J kh ’ , made a raid u P on the north in the summer in the summer “ ^ Sa ‘ id ’ ^ S ° n ° f ‘ Abd A1 Malikh > mad e a raid 107 (May 19, 725-May 7, 726). Ibn Wadh. . Mu‘awiya also made a raid. 2 Khitab A1 T ° f ‘ Abd AI Malikh > made a raid by land. Khitab Al Uyun. Maslama, the son of ‘Abd Al Malikh made a raid (KamachT'S tookT^ ^ “ betW6en Ma,ati ^ a and Khamakk Al Tab. makes this a raid upon Cyprus, which does not come within the limits of the article. THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 199 108 (May 8, 726-Apr. 27, 727). Ibn Wadh. . Maslama, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, made a raid in the summer on the south ; and ‘Asim, the son of Yazid, the Hilali, made a raid in the summer on the north. A1 Tab. . And in this year was the raid of Maslama the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, until he reached Kaisariyya, a city of the Romans on the borders of A1 Gazira ; l 2 and God took it by his hands. And in it also Abraham, the son of Hisham, made a raid and took also one of the fortresses of the Romans. 109 (Apr. 28, 727-Apr. 15, 728). Ibn Wadh. . Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham, made a raid, and with him El. Nis. 108 was A1 Battal in command of his advance-guard, and he took Khangara. 2 T1 C g^ 18 A1 Tab. . And amongst the events of this year was the raid of ‘Abd Allah, the son of ‘Ukba, the son of Nafi‘, the Fihri, at the head of a force by sea, and the raid of Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham, upon the land of the Romans ; and he took a fortress in it called Taiba, 3 and some of the troops of Antakhiya in his company were cut to pieces. 110 (Apr. 16, 728- Apr. 4, 729). A1 Tab. . And in this year, as is recorded, Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham, Theoph AM made a raid upon the land of the Romans and took Samala. And in it Abd Allah, the son of ‘Ukba, the Fihri, made a raid in the summer; and over the sea forces, as A1 Wakidi records, was ‘Abd A1 Rachman, the son of Mu'awiya, the son of Chudaig. . , . , Khitab A1 ‘Uyun. Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham, made a raid in the summer; and he sent ‘Abd Allah A1 Battal in command of his advance- guard, and he took a fortress in the territory of the Romans, and m it some men were cut to pieces by them; and Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham besieged 4 111 (Apr. 5, 729-Mar. 25, 730). Ibn Wadh, . Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham, made a rmd in the summer upon the north, and Sa‘id, the son of Hisham, ma e a iau m "■"““'And among the events of this year was the mid of Mutaiya, the son of Hisham, in the summer upon the north, and the nut ’ son of Hisham, in the summer upon the south until e icac n f^ le A1 Wakidi says: In the year 111 ‘Abd Allah, the son of A Jh a m the a raid at the head of the sea-forces ; and Hisham appointed A or, 1 Ibn A1 Ath. adds : ‘ and that is a celebrated city.’ He also records under this year the raid recorded under 107 by A1 Tab. . 2 As there are no points in the MS. , the name might also be read ‘ Gangra. * Mich, records the capture of Gangra under A. S. 1042 (731). Cf. Iso ann. 93. , , ., v , v 3 V 1 Taina ; possibly to be identified with intier in the » f 114 (Mar. 3, 732-Feb. 20, 733). 300 ° f Hish ™- and Masi “ a - *• ~ of Th^ph.^M 0 tt- A1 Tab - • And am ong the events was the raid of Mu'awiya the son of " 24 Hisham” uTn" tt "*£ •“ t SU “’ ^ raid £ Z 2 thesonof Hist h t m + i he and U is recorded that Mu'awiya, ^hAlR^ ; a “' S “ 0te t th f. suburb «°f Akrun (Akroinon), and that ‘Abd and took Const? C ° nStantme met with forces ; and he routed them Kalsariyy? PnS ° ner * And Solom °n. the son of Hisham, reached 115 (Feb. 21, 733-Feb. 9, 734). and over thfadvant ^T the sons of Hisham, made a raid, -£;iss:2:icr ; “ - - «-■ the son of Hisham 1 ! ^ ^ 1 The text of A1 Tab. has A1 Muttalib insert « ‘Abd ’ from Ibn A1 Athir. i.e. the valley : see ann. 75 and note. THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 201 Khitab A1 ‘Uyun. Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham, made a raid in the summer, and with him were the men of A1 Sham and the men of A1 Gazira and ‘Abd Allah A1 Battal. And, when the Moslems and the Romans met, and over the forces was ‘Abd Allah A1 Battal . . . . , the Romans were routed, and the Moslems fell upon them and made great slaughter, and took many captives, and took possession of their camp and made spoil of their property. 116 (Feb. 10, 7 34- Jan. 30, 735). Ibn Wadh. . Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham, made a raid. A1 Tab. . And among the events of this year was the raid of El. Nk. U6 Mu'awiya, the son of Hisham, in the summer, upon the land of the 62 26(?) Romans. 117 (Jan. 31, 735— Jan. 19, 736). Ibn Wadh. . Mu‘awiya and Solomon, the sons of Hisham, made a raid. 1 El. Nis. U7 A1 Tab. . And among the events of this year was the raid of Mu‘awiya, 62 27 (?) the son of Hisham, upon the north in the summer, and the raid of Solomon, the son of Hisham, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, upon the south in the summer in the neighbourhood of A1 Gazira ; and he scattered his detachments ovei the land of the Romans. 118 (Jan. 20, 736-Jan. 7, 737). A1 Tab. . Among the events was the raid of Mu'awiya and Solomon, El. Nte. ns the sons of Hisham, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, upon the land ot the 6228 Romans. 119 (Jan. 8-Dec. 28, 737). A1 Tab. . Among the events was the raid of A1 Walid, the son of A1 Ka‘ka‘, the ‘Absi, upon the land of the Romans. 120 (Dec. 29, 737-Dec. 17, 738). A1 Tab. . Among the events was the raid by Solomon, the son of Hisham, Theopk AM the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, in the summer, and his capture, as is recoie e , Sindira (Sideroun). 121 (Dec. 18, 738-Dec. 6,739). Ibn Wadh. . Maslama, the son of Hisham, reached Malatya. A1 Tab. . Among the events was the raid of Maslama, the son the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, upon the Romans ; and in it ic oo 122 (Dec. 7, 739-Nov. 25, 740). Ibn Wadh. . Solomon, the son of Hisham, made a raid upon of Malatya. the district Theoph. AM 6231 1 From this point down to 121 the text of Ibn Wadh. is dehcti 202 E. W. BROOKS. A1 Tab. . In this year ‘Abd Allah A1 Battal was killed with a force of Moslems in the land of the Romans. Khitab A1 ‘Uyun. A1 Battal, the son of A1 Chusain, (bis name was 'Abd Allah) and Constantine met with large forces ; and God Most High routed Theoph. AM them, and Constantine was taken prisoner. And A1 Battal advanced with the captives, and he was attacked in the rear and killed, and with him was killed Malikh, the son of Shu'aib. Ibn A1 Athir. In this year A1 Battal (and his name was 'Abd Allah Abu IChusain, the Antakhi) was killed with a force of Moslems in the land of the Romans ; and it is said also that it was in the year 123. 123 (Nov. 26, 740-Nov. 14, 741). El. Nis. 123 Ibn Wadh. . Solomon, the son of Hisham, made a raid in the summer. 124 (Nov. 15, 741-Nov. 3, 742). Theoph* AM ^ aC ^* * Solomon, the son of Hisham, made a raid, and he met Leo, 1 6233 Emperor of the Romans, and Artiyas (Artavazd) ; and he returned, and there was no battle between them. A1 Tab. . And in this year Solomon made a raid in the summer, and he met Leo, the king of the Romans, and carried off captives and spoil. 125 (Nov. 4, 742-Ocfc. 24, 743). T^opUM Ibn Wadh. . A1 Ghamr, the son of Yazid, the son of 'Abd A1 Malikh, 6234 made a raid. A1 Tab. . Among the events was the raid by A1 Nu‘man, the son of Yazid, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, in the summer. Caliphate of Al Walid II. Ibn Al Athir. This year the Romans came out to Zibatra, 2 and that is an ancient fortress; and it had been taken by Chabib, the son of Maslama, the Fihn ; and the Romans demolished it at that time ; and it was rebuilt without strength ; and the Romans demolished it again in the days of Marwan, the son of Mahomet, the Ass. 3 . . . And in this year Al Walid sent his brother, Al Ghamr, the son of Yazid, to make a raid. 4 El. Nis. ‘ the son of Leo ’ \ and this is obviously right, since Leo died in June 741. Between Melitene and Samosata and Al Chadath (see p. 208) according to Yakut. Per- haps it should be identified with Deba (mod. Tshebat). Abu’l Fida (Tab. Syr. pp. 28, 30) places Zibatra two days’ journey south of Melitene and in lat. 36° 50', long. 61° 20'. 3 * The ass of Al Gazira ’ was a nickname of Marwan II. 4 Ibn Wadh. is therefore wrong in ascribing this raid to the reign of Hisham, who in fact died in Feb. 743. the ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. 203 Extracts from Al Baladhuri. The Affair of the Guragima . 1 ^ ^ le ^ Zubair, after the death of Marwan, the son of Cf. p. 189 Al Chakham, when ‘Abd Al Malikh was seeking the succession to the Caliphate, . . . and was calling for the help of the men to go to Al ‘Irak to fight against Al Mus‘ab, the son of Al Zubair, a Roman army went out to the mountains of Al Lukham (Amanos) under one of their generals ; then they went to Lubnan (Lebanon), where was collected a large force of the Guragima and Nabataeans and runaway slaves of the Moslems. And ‘Abd Al Malikh was compelled to make peace with them on condition of paying 1,000 denarii every assembly-day \ and he made peace with the Emperor of the Romans for the amount which he was to pay him in order to prevent him from fighting against him, and because he was afraid he would go out to Al Sham and conquer it. . . . And this was in the year 70 And Maimun the Gurgunami was a Roman slave belonging to the sons of Urn Al Chakham, the sister of Mu‘awiya, the son of Abu Sufyan, and they were Thakafis ; and by birth indeed he came of the Guragima, so that he joined them and went out to Mt. Lubnan with them. And ‘Abd Al Malikh heard that he was a man of prowess and valour ; and he asked his masters to set him free, and they did it ; and he gave him command of a military force and sent him to Antakhiya ; and he made a raid upon Al Tuwana in company with Maslama, cf p 191 the son of ‘Abd Al Malikh, (and he was at the head of 1,000 of the men of Antakhiya), and he was martyred after showing distinguished courage. And ‘Abd Al Malikh sent a large army to make a raid upon the Romans in order to exact vengeance for him. 2 The Frontier of Al Sham {Syria). I was informed by some elders of the inhabitants of Antakhiya : they said : The frontier of the Moslems in Al Sham in the days of ‘Umar and ‘Uthman (God be gracious to them) and the succeeding sovereigns, was Antakhiya and other cities, which Al Rashid called ‘Awasim 3 ; and the Moslems used to raid the country beyond just as now they raid the country beyond Tarsus. And between Al Iskhandaruna (Alexandria by Issos) and Tarsus the Romans had fortresses and armour-stores like the fortresses and armour-stores by which the Moslems pass at the present day. And some- times their inhabitants left them and fled into the territory of the Romans 1 i.e. Mardaites. 2 This account is at variance with that of Al Tab., at least according to the most obvious meaning of that writer’s words, for he certainly seems to represent Maimun as being on the Roman side. The account of Tlieophanes ( when Mu ‘awiya became Wali of A1 Sham and A1 Gazira, he sent Chabib, the son of Maslama, thither, and he took it by storm : and he settled a colony of Moslems in it with an administrator. And Mu awiya came to it when he wished to enter Roman territory; and he fthers 0116 ^ A W + h a ° rC ? v taken fl '° m the men 0f A1 Sham and A1 Gazira and , , ‘ nd was on the r oad of the summer expeditions. Then its in- habitants migrate,! from it in the days of ‘Abd Allah, the son of A1 Zubair ArmenL rrrw 6 out and .P'^d it down; then they left it, and some Armenian and Nabatean Christians settled in it Cf p 107 WikidU I J a ! “ , by Mahomet > the of Sa‘d, on the authority of A1 Cf. P . 197 Wakidi in his tradition ; he said : The Moslems settled in Taranda after ‘Abd A1 kh the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, had made a raid upon "L the yeLt5 a nd they built houses in it : and it is about 3 days’ journey from Malatiyya’ in the territory of the Romans; and Malatiyya was at thlt time deserted’ . nd some scouts from the army of A1 Gazira used to come there in die summer and remain in the town until the winter came on and the snow ‘Abd A1 ’‘Adz 11 J 1Sb p PPened ’ th6y Withdrew ‘ And > wh en ‘Umar, the son of r ^ A AZ1Z ’ (( ^ 0d be gracious to him) succeeded to the government he he feared dan^ftoIrmlJm thfenX^ ^ Theat^ Ttl dT^ :s^:if2 T ^ deser ^ and b -ad^:;r s ^ 1 Pheoph. records its capture under AM 6203 mi \ a I bn A1 Athir (above, p. 198). ’ ■^• n °tber capture in 723/4 is recorded by 1 * 207 THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. from the inhabitants of Malatiyya went out to ask for help, and the courier rode on until he came to Hisham, the son of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, who was at A1 Rusafa (Resapha) ; and Hisham despatched the men to Malatiyya. Then the news reached him that the Romans had withdrawn from it, and he called the messenger and told him ; and he sent with him some horsemen to keep guard in it. And Hisham conducted a raid himself ; then he came down to Malatiyya, and stayed in it until the building was completed And they said : Abu ‘Ubaida, the son of A1 Garrach, when he was at Manbig (Hierapolis), sent Khalid, the son of A1 Walid, to the district of Mar‘ash ; and he took the fortress upon condition of the people migrating. Then he left it deserted ; and Sufyan, the son of ‘Auf, the Ghamdi, when he made a raid upon the Romans in the year 30, started from before Mar‘ash, and marched Sept. 4, 650- through the territory of the Romans. And Mu‘awiya built the city of Aug ’ 23, 651 Mar‘ash, and stationed a military force in it. And after the death of Yazid, the son of Mu‘awiya, the Roman attacks upon them increased, and they withdrew from it ; and ‘Abd A1 Malikh made peace with the Romans after the death of his father Marwan, the son of A1 Chakham And in Theoph. amcima); 1 Nikeph. p. 3G(?) the year 74 Mahomet, the son of Marwan, made a raid upon the Romans, and Mich foi. 260 n?) broke the peace. And m the year 75 Mahomet, the son ol Marwan, also made a summer raid ; and the Romans came out from before Mar‘ash to A1 Ahnak 1 Cf - p- 189 in Gumada I ., 1 2 and the Moslems overcame them ; and their commander was Aban, the son of A1 Walid, the son of ‘Ukba, the son of Abu Mu‘ait, and with him was Dinar, the son of Dinar, a mauli 3 of ‘Abd A1 Malikh, the son of Marwan, and he was governor of Kinnasrin and its territory. And they met in the valley of Mar‘ash and engaged in a stubborn fight, and the Romans were routed, and the Moslems pursued them, slaying and taking prisoners. And this year Dinar met a Roman force at the bridge of Yaghra, 4 which is about 10 miles from Shimshat, and defeated them. Then A1 ‘Abbas, the son of A1 Walid, went to Mar‘ash, and stayed there and fortified it, and removed the men into it. . And in the days of M^aiwan, the son of Mahomet, when he was occupied in fighting against the inhabitants of Chims, the Romans came out and besieged the city of Mar‘ash, until its inhabitants capitulated on condition of being allowed to migrate. And they went towards A1 Gazira and the province of Kinnasrin with their families. Then they destroyed it. And Marwan’s governor over it at that time was A1 Khauthar, the son of Zufar, the son of A1 Charith, the Khilabi ; and the Emperor at that time was Constantine, the son of Leo. Then, when Marwan had finished the affair of Chims, and had destroyed its wall, he sent an army 1 See p. 189, note 5. 2 Aug. 28-Sept. 26, 694. The Syriac writers place the battle in AS 1006 = AH 76, in which Gum. I.=Aug. 1 7-Sept. 15, 695. 3 i.e. slave or freedman. 4 Perhaps the bridge over the Singas. This, however, according to Kiepert’s map is 25 Roman miles from Samosata. There is a smaller river about 11 miles from Samosata, which may perhaps be meant. The lake A1 Yaghra near the Syrian Gates (Tomaschek p. 74) is of course out of the question. Ahu’l Fida (Tab. Syr. p. 153) makes the river A1 Yaghra a tributary of a river which flows into the Lake of Antioch, but no such river passes anywhere near Samosata. 208 THE ARABS IN ASIA MINOR, FROM ARABIC SOURCES. to build Mar'ash ; and it was built and re-founded. And the Romans came out during the civil war and destroyed it They said : And the fortress of A1 Chadath 1 was among those that were taken in the days of ‘Umar, its captor being Chabib, the son of Maslama, in the name of ‘Iyadh, the son of Ghanm ; and Mu'awiya restored it after that. And the sons of Umayya called the gate of A1 Chadath ‘A1 Salama A1 Taira,’ 2 because the Moslems were cut to pieces in it; and that was A1 Chadath, as some men say. And some say : A young (chadath) lad with his companions, met the Moslems at the gate, and fought against them ; and it was called the gate of A1 Chadath. And in the time of the civil war of Marwan, the son of Mahomet the Romans came out and destroyed the city of A1 Chadath, and removed the inhabitants from it, ns they did at Malatiyya. . . They Cf. p. 185 said : And Malikh, the son of ‘Abd Allah, the Khath'ami, who. was called King (malikh) of the summer raids ’ and was one of the men of Filastin (Falestine), made a raid upon the territory of the Romans in the year 46 and carried off much spoil Then he retired; and, when he was about 15 miles from the gate of A1 Chadath, at a place called A1 Rahwa, he stayed there three days and sold the spoil and divided the captured arrows: and that A1 Rahwa was called Rahwa Malikh. They said : And Marg ‘Abd A1 Wachad . was a pasturage reserved for the horses of the Moslems. And when A1 Chadath and Zinatra 2 were built, they had no need of it, and it was sown. hey said . Ana Zinatra was an old Roman fortress; and it was taken at the same time as the old fortress of A1 Chadath, its captor being Chabib, the son of Maslama the Fihn. And it stood until the Romans destroyed it in the days of A1 Wahd, the son of Yazid; and it was rebuilt without strength; and ™ 5m T e T a T f° re * “ the dayS ° f the civil war of Marwan, the son oi Mahomet, and razed it to the ground. E. W. Brooks. 1 Between Melitene and Samosata and Ger- manikeia according to Yakut. 2 i.e. ‘ the unstable security.* So the MSS. : de Goeje would substitute ‘ Zibatra,’ which differs only by a point and is the form given by Ibn A1 Athir (see p. 202). . ADDENDUM. P. 208, Note 3. — Zibatra is no doubt the Sozopetra of Kedreno. (2, p. 130) ; but, as there seems to be no earlier authority foi this name, it is perhaps only a Hellenization of Zibatra.