>URSERY NOVELTIES FOR LITTLE MASTERS AND MISSES. LONDON: PlilXTED FOR IT ARRIS AXD SOK, CORNER OF ST. PAri>*S C H [MI Cll-\' A K I). 1820. ' Printed by S. & 11. BENTLEY, Dorset-street, Fleet-street, London. LARGE ROMAN ALPHABET- ABCDEF GHIJKL MNOPQR S T U Y W X Y Z. 'I I SMALL ROMAN ALPHABET. a b c d e f g h i j k 1 n o p q r s t u V w X y z. LESSONS. Now, my dear Child, as you know your Letters^ I must try you with a Lesson of two Letters. ah ac ad af ag* ak al am au ap as at eb ec ed ef eg ek el eiu en ep es et ex ey ib ic id if ig ik il im in ip is it iv ix iz ob oc od of o^' ok ol om on op OS ot ox oz nb ue ud iif ug uk id um ua up us ut uv ux uz. LESSON IL Words of three Letters, bad had lad ead mad pad rad sad tad bag hag lag mag nag rag tag* cap gap lap map nap pap rap sap tap ban can dan fan gan han kan Ian man nan pan ran san tan van bat cat dat fat gal hat kat lat mat. 6 Anne book bow] cart crow girl LESSON 111. Words of four Letters. John Jane Luke barn ball bell boot bush swan mill camp coop comb face dove babe maid lord Kate boat well crab bean cake LESSON IV. Words of five Letters. great small large round black white green brisk proud rough clean strong sweet learn teach dance write frisk fetch bring neigh shout grunt shall LESSON V. Nouns, or Names. James thorn spade stack beast horse hound earth sheep swuie whelp frock crane goose glebe snipe stork quail broom grape globe flute knife barge SHORT SENTENCES. Rise in good time. Pray to God. Take your Book. Spell each word with care. Read as yon would speak. Mind your stops. Strive to learn fast. 8 Thank those who teach you. Strive to speak plain. Speak as if the words were yonr own. Speak as all in the room may hear you. Sheep are mild. A Horse is swift. A Mouse is brisk. Grass is green. As you have been so ^^ooil, I will now give you a very nice Alphal>et, with coloured Pictrires. A a B b O dear ! says little Allspice A, Here comes my Brother B ; What will our Cousin C say Poor Duncy D to see ? Of Eggs, says E, I've got a nest, His Fiddle F shall tune : G g H h But Grapes, says G, I like the best Pray H, do Hand me some; r LI M m And L will Laugh by candlelight^ While M the Moon does spy. N n O o Let's eat & drink, saysNodding Some fruit, says Orange O i P p Qq Plum Pudding P to all will send, And Quince from Q shall go. r R r S s Says R, FU Ring the bells a score. And S, I'll Sing a Song ; Says T, I'll spin my Top before My Uncle all day long. r 1 ,!! ) W w X X Wise W, with pan of Coals, Shall dry cross X 's bed ; / Yy Z z ! And Youthful Y a kiss supply To good old Father Z. ^ ADVERTISEMENT. HARRIS'S OF AMUSEMENT AND INSTRUCTION. Consisting of the most approved Novelties for the NuusEfvY ; printed in a superior manner upon good paper, and neatly coloured, price is* 6cL each. — ^The following is a list of those already pub- lished ; to w^hich additions will continually be made : — 1. Mother Hubbard and her Dog. 2. Dame Trot and her Cat. 3. Cock Robin, a Painted Toy, for either Girl or Boy. 4. The History of the House that Jack Built. 5. Nursery Novelties, or a New Alphabet for Children. 6. The History of the Apple Pie, written by Z ; an Alphabet for little Masters and Misses. 7. Dame Dearlove's Ditties for the Nursery, or Songs for the Amusement of Infants. 8. Peter Piper's Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronun- ciation. 9. The Infantas Friend, or Easy Reading Lessons. 10. The Snow-drop, or Poetic Trifles for Little Folks, alter the manner of the *' Daisy'- and ^' Cowslip." 11. The Hobby Horse, or the High Road to Learning; being a revival of that favourite Alphabet, /I was an ArcJicr and shot at a 1-2. The Ciies of London, or Sketches of various Characters in the Metropolis. 13. The Courtship, Marriage, and Pic-Nic Dinner of Cock Robin and Jenny Wren. 14. The Alphabet of Goody Two Shoes ; " by learning which she soon got rich." lb. The History of Sixteen Wonderful Old Women ; iilu!.tratcd with as many Engravings, exhibiting their principal Eccentricities. 16. Spring Flowers, or Easy Lessons for Young Children, not exceeding V/ords of Two Syllables ; with Lessons for Sundays, and Hymns. By Mrs. Ritson. Also the foUoiving suitahle Present for the ojiproadiing Coronalkti ., Price -is. Sir Harry FIerald^s Graphical Representation of the Di.c.vi- ARiES of England, shewing the Costume of different Hanks, irom the King to a Com:moneh, with the Regalia used at the Coro- nation.