A PJLEASING TO V roa concokd, n. il PUBLISHED L'V R. MEIiMlA* 184a The Alphabet. 6 m COE ! K LINO vi lUYWX m Y .1 1» c <1 c f* £ h i j k 1 m it o p [$ bud? It is a rore bud Will it *j!o\v soon ? Yes, if the s;n comes out, it wilJ soon blow, anil then you will see a fine red rose. Ann is (bad of rcscs, and si:** \ia\y have this whei h is c:.t, if she is a ;pod ^i-I ; but we will not pick it now. JUST PUBLISHED BY B. MERRILL, eors'ooiiD, n. it 9 Sir % 25 ~ v * e^ster^s First Hook, r§< Ur -Introduction tu the Quelh MP ffv in £ ^ok. By Noah Web- ® >^ ster, LL.D. Price 6 cents. No. 1, or one Cent Toys, containing 12 Nos. To be continued to 3d Nos. ® r ^ No# ^' or two Cent Toys, QD sJ containing J2 Nos. of useful © and amusing- matter. @ ® No. 4r, or 'six Cent Toys, §3 m press, to contain 12 Nos on natural history. & c . ALSO, (A Tke Infimt PcHool Primer, JK % Mrs. Loyechild. @ The whole to be embellished /§> © Wlth Imnds ^ne wood cuts. % /O/^ ^ . , v>>