PRESENTED TO THE LAW LIBRARY BY H.E. Hernschorn Law Library Endowment p CONST AffEL. Churchwardens, Overfeers of the Poor, Surveyors of the High-ways Treafurers of theCounty-Stock, Mahers of theHeufe of Correhich could not have JliPpcd his ingenious Pen if the Work^ had been his ^ and for Mr. Sheppard / Booh^, it is Jiuft full of ABs and Ordinances of that Convention at Weftminfter ( which in the late times of Ufurpation and Rebellion was owned for a jParUa- ment) which Ordinances ardaiow of m force Therefore none ofthefebe- ing fafe and warrantable Rules for the Conjiables to walk^ by^ but blind Guides to lead them into the by-paths and crookpd Meanders of many Br- % rors 5 T thought thereupon that fomc little Treatife of this SubjeB might not only prove very ufefuf but alfo very beneficial for the generality of People of this Kingdom which con- (ideration hath occafioned me to pub- 'lifij this fmall unpolijljed Epitome and though I kljow the BookjwiU fall under many hard Cenfures of thofe who are far better able to undertake the IVorh . , J>^t 1 hope^De^Frkffds^ my veillingnefs to contribute any thing tO: your Service^ though but a Mite, doth claim your favourable Accep- tance of my pains 5 Remembring the old faying eft voluiiie (atis, and there is nothing of fi little re- gard, but hath fomething of roorth and dire&ion it was coUe&ed and publifjed by him , hind Friends , vphofe ambition and deftre is, and fjaU be Red-Hall, Y ours ready to fcrve Feb. 25^ in it, and I dcjpair not of fome pro- fit hence to you for whom it is inten- ded, and for whofe eafe, fatisfa&ion i 6^d. in what he may. A s The ,, l,l., ■ The Contents of the Chap- ters. ' Chap. i.A^F the Derivation of the V.^ vpord ConAable, horv ma- ny font of Conjiablefy the Antiquity of the Office, the Jeveral AffeUations if thit Officer in fever al placer^ rvho ought to be chifen to the faid Office, and hoa> and where to be fworn, with the Form of the Conff able f Oath. Pag. i. Chap. 2. Dhe Conff ables Office about Af- frayx. 15 . Chap. 3. The Conff ablex Office about Ale- houfex, See. 18. Chap. 4. The Conffablex Office about Armx. 2 2. Chap. 5. The Conjlables Office edxmt F 0- rein Bone Lacex, Cuttpork^^ Imbroide- ty> &c. 2 5. Chap. 6, The Confiablex Office about Irifli Cattle- 26, Chap. 7. The Conffablex Office about Chimney Money. 2p. ^ap. 8 . The Cotflablet Office about CoHveniiclei. 32, Chap. The Contents. Chap. p. 'ihe Cottftables Office about Clo- thiers. Chap. 10. "Ihe Conflablei Office about the Cujiomt. j- Chap. II, ’The Cwfiables Office about Setting Vogs, 8cc. 140. Chap. 1 2. The Corffiables Office about E~ fiapes. Chap. 13, The ConjlabUs Office itbbitt Excife, Chap. 14. The ConJiablej' ^aboat 46. Chap. 15. The Confiables Office about Forceable Entriet, Sec. . ' 48. Chap. 1 6. The Confiables Office about Hedge-breakers, dec. Ibid. Chap. 17. The Confiables Office about High-Tvays. ,-2_ Chap. 18. 7he Confiables Office ablu’t Stoned Horfes. Chap. jp. The Confiables Office about Hue-amd~Cry, ^2. Chap. 20. The Confiables Office about Labourers and Servants. 6±. Chap. 21. The Confiables Office about Malt-makyng. ^8. Chap. 22. The Confiables Office about the Mildta. 7<> Clijip* The Contents. Chap. 23. T/?e Conjhbles Office about Mofs-'iroofers. 71 - Chap. 24. "ihe Conjiables Office about dijiurbing Miuiliers. 72. Chap. 25. ‘Ibe Co)ffiahles Office about the Feace. 7 4 * Chap. 26. 7 he Conft ablet Office about ^Fhyficians, ' 77 * Chap. 27. 7 be Conftables Office ab ut the Flague. Ibid. Chap. 28. The Conjiables Office about conveying Prifoners to the Gaol, 79 - Chap. 2p. The Conjiables Office about Purveyance^ 8r. Chap. 3P. The Conjiables Office about Quarter-Monies j or Maimed Souldiers^ Prifoners i &c. ^ 7 * Chap. 31. Ihe Conjiables Office about Popijh Recufants. 8p. Chap. 3 2. The Conjiables Office about Riots and Routs. pi. Chap. 33. The Conjiables Office about Rogues and Vagabonds, . P 4 - Chap. 34. The Conjiables Office about prophane Srvearing. 105. Chap. 35. The Conjiables Office about prophaning the Sabbath. id. Ghap. 5^- The Conjiables Office about Tobacoo Planting, lop, Chap. The Contents Chap. 37. T'be Conjiablet Office about Weights and Mtajuret, no. Chap. 38. ‘Ihe Cotijiables Office about Watches. Chap. 3p. the Cottfiables Office about . executing Warrants. 115. The Contents of the Chapters in the Churchwardens Office. Chap. I. ^ He Antiquity the Cburch- Tvardens Office^ and bow they are to be ehofen. 127. Chap. 2, 'Ihe Churchwardens Office about Prophanation of the Sabbath^and of the Church. JJ2, Chap. 3 , Some few Cafes concerning Adi., ons for and againfi Churcbwardens.i^^. Chap. 4. 2 he Churchwardens Office about diJj>ofing of Seats in tbiir ChureheSit^z. Chap. 5* Ihe Churchwardens Office about Reparations and Rates. 145. Chap. 6 . Some Cafes wherein the Church^ wardens are equally concerned with the Conjiables and OverJeers of the Poor. 152. Chap. 7 Ihe Churchwardens Office about faffing pajpag Accounts , together voith the beads of moji of the things uhich they are to prefettt at the Viftation Courts . 156 The Contents of the Chapters in the Overfcer of the Poor s Office. Chap li/^F the Antiquity of the Ofi~ cer, their QttalificatioHSy and how and when to be cbefen. 1 ^ 5 * Chap. 2. Of the feveral forts of poor peo- ple, and what Toor the Overfeers are to provide- far and relieve^ or fet to worh. j6p> Chap. 3. The Duty of the Overfetrs about putting forth and binding Apprentices^ with the Form of the Indenture for fucb purpofe. 175* Chap.4.. Several Cafes about Settlements, and alf) touching Bajiards, &cc^ 183. Chap. 5. Jhe Overfeers Office in making of Rates, and paffing Accounts, i $ 6 , The The Contents. The Contents of the Chapters in the Surveyors Office for High- ways, &c. Chap. I. choice of thefe O 0 i- «r/, hove many forts of vesys there are, with fome few general Cafes concerning High-ways. 205. Chap. 2. 7 he Duty of the Surveyors about fetting and caOing the Parijhioners to the common day-wor^ for the High- ways, and about taking and digging for (f ra- vel. Chalk,, Sand, Sic. 210. Chap. 3. The Surveyors duty about cutting down Buflres, Trees, andfcowring and alfb fuch as lodged Strangers for whom they would not anfwer. Lamb. 5 - C. V. 13 £. I. c. 6. Dalton s J. P. c. i 6 .foL 4 < 5 . ^ n 1 1 • And that the Petty Conftables m Towns and Parifhes, were after devifed for the aid of the High Conftables of Hundreds, about the beginning of the Reign of King Edward the Third. JLamb. Duty Conji. fag. p. But others arc of opinion, that the for Conjiables^ See. ^ High Confiables were ConfervatorS ot the Peace within their fevcral Hun- dreds and Limits, by the ancient Com- mon Law. Crom^t. 6 , & 222, 12 H 't fol.iS. ' And that whereas the Sheri/Ts of Counties at the firft had the Govern- nient of their Counties committed to them, that afterwards by reafonofthc multitude of people, it being then too great a task for one man to undertake thereupon Hundreds were deduced and derived out of the Counlreys, and in every one of them was ordained a Conlervator of the Peace , who was called the High Conftable j and after this Boroughs or Towns were made and within every one of them alfowas ordained a Confervator of the Peace who is called the Petty Conftable : and the Third, as appears by thf derivation of the words, and that’ they were m the time of the Sax^f^ fo that It may feem as well the High Confta- bles as the Petty Conhables and their Au^orities were by the Common . * that the old Statutes con- cerning them, arc but a Recital of th 6 ^ 2 anci- 4 A Guide ancient Cottunon Law, 1 2 H. y.fol.iS. a. Valton’s J. P. c. 1 6 .fol. ^6. Now there be other Officers 01 much like Authority to theConftables, as the Buiiholders in Kent , the th rd Bur- rouffh in Warwickshire^ and the Tyth- ingman, Borrdugh-head , or Headbur- loughor Chief Pledge mother places* but yet the Office of a Conftable is di- ftinifl: and ( as it fcemcth ) is of greater Authority then thefe other ; for it is held by forne that thefe Burfholders, Thirdburroughs , Tything-men , &c. being in a Town or Pariih where a ConLble is, that in fuch cafe they tannot meddle, becaufe the Conftables be (in comparifon of them) Head Offi- cers, and that the others are but as Af- fifiants to the Conftables in all Servi- ces of his Office when the Conftable is prefent , and in his abfence then thefe others are to attend the fervice i and that there are many other things which the Conftables may do, and wherewith the Burfholders and the reft cannot meddle at all i and] yet in Towns where there be no Conftables , and that the Burfholders, Tythingmen,e^c. be there the only Officer i for the Peace, as alfo in for ConJlablesf)C.c. 5 in fuch cafe where the Power or Au- ^orify of a Burftolder, Tythingman, is declared to be equal with (he power of the Conftable, in all fuch ca- fes and things, their Office and Audio- rity be in a manner all one. See i Jac. c.-j. Umb fag. 4,5,p,5 i , 5 2 ,5 3 , 5 4, 5 5 . Dalton s J. P. cb. i. fol. 3, 4. Where any Statute doth appoint of- fenders to be puniflied bytlie Confta- ble, or other inferiour Officer, in fuch ofe the Tythingman , Headburrough, &c. may do it, for they are fuppofed to be inferiour Officers to the Conftabk.. Dalton s J. P, ch. i.fol. 4. Note that thefe Officers are to be attendant to Court-Leets , Juftices of the Peace, and Coroners , for the ciic- cuting of their Warrants, witliin their feveral Precin(fts. And now as to the choice of thefe Conlhbles , you fhall underftand that the Law requireth that every Conftable be Idoneus homo^ that is, apt and fit for the execution of the faid Office, and he is faid in Law to be Idoneus^ who is in- dued with thefe three things, honeffy, knowledge and ability. Co. 8. lib. Kep. fol. 4 r , in Griejlyet cafe there. B 3 Firft, 5 A Guide Firft, he ought to have Honefty to execute his Office truly, without ma- lice, affediion or partiality. Secondly, Knowledge to underiland what he ought to do. And lalily, Ability as well in fubftance or eAate, as alfo in body, that fo he may attend and execute his Office diligently, and not, through im- potency of body or want, to negledl the place ■> for Conftablcs chofen out of the meaner fort , they are eitiier ignorant what to do, or dare not do what they ffiould , or are not able to fpare the tim.e to execute the Office : they ought therefore to be of the ablcft fort of men, and are not to be chofen Cither by Houfe or other CuAom, if they be not fit perfons for the Office. Co. S. lib.rep.fol. 0^1. And if any one fliall be chofen Con- Aable , which is not thus qualified and inabled, he may by Law be difeharged of his faid Office, and another fit man may be appointed in his place. Co. 8. tib.rep.fol, 42. Clergy-men , Jufiices of the Peace, Lawyers, Phyficians, Attorneys , Wo- men, whether Maids or Widows, Mad- iTJcn, Infants, old, fick , decrepit per- fons for Cof/Jiables^Sic. 7 fons , nor poor people , are not to be chofen to the Office of Conftable. And note, that a man is to ferve this Office in refpetff of his perfonal abode and place of Refiancy , and not in re- fp£& of his Land in another place, fcr if he have Lands in one place, and keep houfe in another place, he mult lerve where he lives , and not where his Lands lie. Acuftom in a Pariffi or Town, that the Office of Conltable fhall go by the houfe,is not good i for if a woman have an houfe there, (he is eligible, which is againff Law j but a cu/iom that every man, fufficient in the place, fhall fcrv'c the Office himfelf, or find a fufficient man to ferve it , may be good. Cro. i. Part. 'Rep.fal, 285. A Leet choofing unable or unfit Conllables is caufe of forfeitttre of the Leet, and fuch choce is void, and two Jullices of Peace , upon complaint to them made, may remove fuch a Confta- ble, and choofe and fweaf a nevv one. T>ah, J. P . c. 16. fol. 47. Steels Rep. f. 2 1. Mich. 22 Car.i, B.R. BoljlecRs i tart. Rep. fol, i/4« The High Conftables are moft ufu- E 4 ally 8 A Guide ally chofen at the Qiiatter Seffions of the Peace for that County, and ate ei- ther to be fworn there, or elfe by war- rant from the Seffions to be fworn el(e- where i and if it happen that they be chofen out of the Seffions, then ought they to be chofen by the greater num- ber of the Jultices of that ' Divilion where they dwell. Lamb. ipo. 13 E. i. Stat. Winch. Dalt. J. P. ch. i6> fol. And in fuch manner as they are to be chofen, in the fame manner, and by the like Authority are they to be removed v ^Qxeodem modo quo quid conjlituiiHr^ dif~ folvitar. By the Stat. of the 34 H. 8. Two Juftices of the Peace, the one being of the ^orum , may appoint the High Conftables in Walet^ 34 H. 8. ch, 26. Now for the Swearing and choofing of petty Conhables, it properly belongs to the Court-Leet, but in ancient time they were yearly appointed by the She- ri/ls in their turn, and wae there fworn and received their Oath, and fo they may ftill. bacons ufe of the Larv^ pag. 5, 6. Dalt. J. P. c. id. fol, 47. &ch. 121. for Conjliibles^ 8cc. p And now by the St at. 14 Car. 2. It' is provided that if any Conftable of a Parifli die, or remove, that any two Ju/iices may make and fwear a new- one, to continue till the next Leet or Qitarfer Sedions, and then the Steward of, or in the Leet or Juftices at the. Seffions are to fwear another, or to ap* prove of him that is choicn •» and if a- ny fuch Officer fliall continue in his place above a year, the JufHcesat their Quarter SeiTions may dilcharge him, and put another in his place, till the Lord of the Leet fhall keep his Court and place in another. 14 Car, 2. cb. 12. Confiables lawfully chofen, if they ihall refufe to be fworn, the JiilHces of Peace may bind them over to the Af* fifes, or Setlions of the Peace, Valt. J. p. cb. ] e.fol. 47. vide Cramlyes Cafe. Cro. u Pari.fol.^cc). A Conhable of an Hundred or Pa- riih, may not make a Deputy to exe- cute his Office, as fome hold opinion but a Deputy may do under him many parts of his Office in his Name, fo fiilj as the Conflable muff anfwer for it. Boi- fired/ ^ Part, Rep. 5 If lo A Guide If any A Y Ou ffiaU fwear that yeu (hall well and truly execute the Office of a Conjiable (orTythingmanfor the Parijh (orTyth- ing) of C.for this next y ear ^or half a y car ^ as the cafe is ) and until another be Jworn in your Koom^ or you jhall be legally, dif- charged thereof. So help you God. CHAPo for Conjiables^ &c. CHAP. II. l.he Conjiables Office about Affrays. I F any man fliall make an Affray or Affault upon another in the prefence ot the Conftable, or if any man in his prefence fhall threaten to kill, beat or hurt another, or fhall be in a fury rea- dy to break the Peace, in every of thefe cafes the Conftable may commit the Of^ fenders to the Stocks, or to fbme other fafe cuftody for the prefent f as the qua- lity of the perfon requireth ) until fuch fimf jas he can carry them before fbme Juftice of the Peace, or to the Gaol, until they fhall find Sureties for the Peace, which Surety the Conftable him- fclf may alfo take by an Obligation to be fcaled and delivered to the Kings- ufe: and fo was the opinion of JFalme- Jly, OrreH, and Beamond, in the Argu- ment of Sk^rrett’s Cafe , Eliz, Co. Ban. Rot. 1458. But my Lord An- derfon faid that the Conftable ought to carry the parties that he fhould fee breaking the Peace, before a Juttice to find Sureties for the Peace j and at this day. A Guide day this is the molt ufual and fafeft waV, vide 3 h. o. Bacons ufe of the Lano^fol. 5. Valt.J. P, c. 5 - ^ c. 1 L^.fol.:^ 40. Kitthin’s Court- Leef^&c. fol, 6 p, a 22 V.,e^.fol. 55. In calc where the Gonftable had fa-r ken fuch an Obligation to the ufe of the King, he was to fend it into the Exchequer or Chancery, from whence procefs ihould be awarded to levy the debt, if the Peace were broken. T>al- torPs J. P. c. i.fol. 5. Bacon''s ufe of the l.arv 5. The Conftable in the Kings Narne ought to command Affrayers, or fuch as are about to make an Affray, to a- void or furceafe, and to depar' on pain of Imprifonment ■> and if the Condable being prefent at an Affray, doth not his beli endeavour to part them, it being prefented by the Enqueff at the Seffions of the Peace , fuch Con liable may be fined for it. VaUi Ji P.c & fol. 33. If any perfon be dangerouily hurt in any Affray , the Conftable ( or any other peifon ) may arreff the offender, and carry him to a Juftiee of Peace, who is either to Bay! him till the next Gaol Delivery , or to commit him to for Cofrjlables^ See. 1 5 the Gaol until it be known vvhether the partly hurt will live or dye thereof^ Bro. faux Impr. 35. 44. 3 H. 7. i. 10 H. 7. 20. Lamb. 136. 38 E. 3.8. & ii. Valt. J. P. ch. 8. fol. 33. Kitohin fol. dS. rf the Affrayers will not depart but (hall draw weapons, or give any blow, the Conllable may command affiftance of others for the pacifying of the Af^ fray , aird may juftifie the beating cr wounding of them, if they make refi- nance, and if either the Conflable, cr any in his Alliftance be (lain, it is mur- der in the Affrayers. Lamb. 155 . iH.j. 7. 3 H. 7. 10. Co. 4. hb. rep. fol. 4. & Co. p. hb. rep. fol. 66 . The Conflable (if the Affray be great or dangerous ) may in the Kings Name make Proclamation that the Affrayers (hall keep the Kings peace, and depart, &c. And if the Affray be in an houfe, and the doors (hut, the Conflable may break into the hou(e to fee the peace kept, though none of the parties have taken any hurt j and if the Affrayers-, fly into another mans hou(e , the Con- flable upon fre(h piiriiiit may break in- to fuch houfe, and apprehend the Af- frayers*, 1 6 A Guide frayers. Valt. J. P. ch. 8. fol. 34 * 33 ‘ Lamb. 1^'), J And where the Affrayers fly into another County , the Conftable feeing this, may freflily purfue, or caufe them to be purfued, and to be taken there : but then in fuch cafe the Conftable can meddle no further (but as every private man may do) to carry them before fbme Juftice of Peace of the County where they ave taken , to caufe them to find Sureties for the Peace, Crompt. i/^ 6 , b, & 1J2. Z.fol.'^if.&ch.iiZ. fol. 340. Plo. 37. But in cafe where the Affrayers fly into a Franchife only within the fame County where the Affray was, there the Conftable, feeing this, mayfrefhly follow and take them out of fuch Fran- chize, Crompt. 1 46. Valt. J. F. ch. 8. fol. 34 * Note that after the Affray be over, the Conftable without a Warrant can- not arreft the Affrayers, except fome perfon. be in peril of death by fome hurt there received > but before the Affray begun , and during the time thereof, & may arreft them without^ Warrant, 38 H. ^ro. faux Jmpr.di Valti for CoMjlahlesf>z.c. 1 7 T>alt, J. P. ch. S.fol.^^. Kifchin 6p. b. Where the Affray is made out of the prefence or fight of the Conftable, and one comcth to the Conltable and telleth him of it, and wiflicth him to go and fee the Peace kept, and the Conftable will not, in fuch cafe it is held by fome that the Conftable (hall not be fi- red by the Juftices at their Seftions up- on prefcntment thereof by the grand Enqueft > but qutre hereof, for it is a- gainft his Oath if he do not fee the Peace kept, Cromp. 145. Valt. J. P, Note that it is properly no Affray, unlefs there be fome weapons drawn, or fome ftrdke given or offered to be given, or other attempt to fuch pur- pofe : for if men fhall contend only in hot words, this is no Affray, neither may the Conftable for words only lay hands upon them , unleft they fhall threaten to kill, beat, or hurt one ano- ther, and then may the Conftable ar- reft fuch perfons, and carry them be- fore a J uftice of Peace, to find Sureties for the keeping of the Peace j and yet fuch threatning as aforefaid , is no Af- fray. Ere. faux Impr, 6, Cromp. 135. Valt, 1 8 -A Guide Valf. J. P. ch, 8. fol. 34- & 158."^ If any a/Fray or an aflTauIt be made upon the Conllable himfcif, he may not only defend himfelf , but alfo put the parties offending in the Stocks, till fuch time as he can carry them to a J uftice of Peace , or to the Gaol » and if he be not able to arrell them him- felf, he may then call others to his af- fiftance, who may juftifie to arreft the parties. 5H7. d. Bro. faux Impr. 41. 3 H. 4. fol. 1 o. & Valt. J. P, ch. & fol. 3 5. Kuchin fag. 6 p. a. CHAP. III. "ihe Confables Office about Alehonfet^Bcc, I F the Conftables and Churchwar- dens upon a Warrant dire and if i-n any of thefe cafes the Con- Itable negledf to do his duty , he for- feits ten fhillings to the ufe of the Poor, to be levied upon his Goods by diftrels and fale as aforefaid ; thefe o^ fences are to be enquired of within fix months after they are committed ; And all Conrtables, Churchwardens, Head- burroughs , Tythingmen , AlecunnerSj and Sidemen , may be charged on their Oaths to prefent the faid Offences. 4 Jac, ch. 5. 2 I Jac. ch. 7. Toun^s Vade Mecttm^ 4, 5. Dalt, J. F. chap, 7. fol, 28. Wnigittes Abr. Stat. litle, Ale~ boufet^&c. If any an Alehoufe without Licence, he forfeits Twenty fhillings to for Co»Jiahles^^c. 2 I to the ufe of the Poor, which the Con- ftable and Churchwardens f upon Warrant from the Juihce before whom the oiKnee is proved ) (hall levy by diftrefs upon the offenders Goods, and for default of payment within three days after the faid dihrefs taken then the fame k to be fold for to fatit he the penalty, rendring the overplus to the owner i and in cafe the Delin- quent hath not wherewithal to fatiP fie, the faid Jullke may commit him to the Conftable to be openly whipped and if the Conftable neglect to execute the Warrant, or do refufe, or do not execute upon the faid offender the punifhment of whipping, then the Ju- ftice may commit the Conftable to the Gaol without Bail , there to remain until the faid Offender fhall be by him punifhed as aforefaid, or until the Con- ftablc fliall pay 40 /. to the ufe of the poor of the Parifti, 3 Jac. Chap.,, Win- gate Abr, Stat, ‘Tit. Alehoufes &c, Dai- ^ If a common Innkeeper or Alehoufe- Keeper will not lodge a Traveller, he profering to pay ready money for his VKSuals, then in fuch cafe the Confta- 22 Guide ble may caufe fuch Innkeeper, AUhoufe- keepcr, &c. to be Indided at the Sef- lions or Affifes, where he may be fined and imprifoned , or the party grieved may have his Action of the cafe againft the Innkeeper or Alehoufekeeper v but note, they are not bound to lodge or find Viduals without ready money firft paid, if it be required. Co. p. Lib. Kep, fal.^7. b. 10 H. 7. 8. 4 H. 7.22. 5 E.4. 2. Dalton's J- P. c. 7. fol. 28. CHAP. IV. T^he Conjiables Office about Arms^ &c. I F any perfon (hall ride or go armed offenfively before the Kings Juftices, or before any other the Kings Officers, or Minilicrs during their Office, or in Fairs or Markets or elfewhere by Night or by Day in Affray of the Kings People, and breach of the Peace, or wear or carry any Guns, Daggers, or Piftols charged i in fuch cafe the Conftable upon the fight hereof may feiie and take away their Armour and other weapons, and caufo them to be ap- for CoKjiables^^C. 23 apprized and anfwered to the Kins as forfeited , and carry them before a lu- IHce to find Sureties for the Peace. 2 E, 3. c. 3. 7 K. 2. 15. 2oK. 2. c. I. 3.M 33. Co. 3.p;/rt. Infi. fol. 162. Dj/#.’ J‘E’C.p. foL ^ But note the Kings Servants in his prerence. Sheriffs and their Officers, and other the Kings Miniflers, and fuch as be in their Companies affirting them in the execution of their Office , and all others in purfuing Hue and Cry, where any Felony or other ofifences againft the Peace be done, may lawfully bear Armour or Weapons- 2 E. 3. chap. 3 Co. 5. Lib. Rep. fol, 72. i« johnh eafe 3 H. y. fol. I. T>ah. J. p. ch. o, fj 36. ' J All High Conftables, Petty Con/ta- bles, and other Officers within their fe- verd Parifhes, are to be aiding and af- lifling to fuch perfons as ffiall have warrant from the Lord Lieutenants or wy two of their Deputies under their Hands and Seals, to fearch for and feize all Arms m the cuflody and poffelKon r -/"I P^rfon or perfons whom the «id Lieutenants or their Deputies mail judge to be dangerous to the Peace 24 A Guide Peace of the Kingdom, and to fecure the fame, and give account thereof to the faid Officers i but fuch fcarch is to be made in the day time only between Sun rife and Sun fet, and not otherwife, unlefsit be in Cities and their Suburbs, Towns Corporate, and Market Towns, or houfes within the Bills of Mortality, in which places fearch may be in the night jif the Warrant ibdiretfi.No dwel- ling houfe of any Peer of the Realm is to be fearched, unlels the W arrant be from the Kings Majefty under his Sign- Manual, or in the prefence of the Lieu- tenant or oneof the Deputy Lieutenants of the faid County, or Riding. And in all places and houfes aforefaid , where fearch is made, in cafe of Refiftance to enter with force j and fuch Arms fo fei- zed , wiiere the Lieutenants or their . Deputies, or any two of them think fit, may be reftored to the owners again. 1 4 C own ufe that fhall fo feize the fame. , 5 c That then, and fo often, and from time to time, it (hall and may be lawful to and for the ConAable , Tythingman , Headl^- rough. Churchwarden, or Overfeer of the Poor of every or any fuch other Parilh or Place, where fuch great Cat- tel, Sheep, Swine, Beef, Pork, or Bacon (hall be brought, driven, or carried inr to, or (bund as aforefaid, to feize, take, and difpofe the fame, and every or any of them as forfeited. The one Moiety thereof for Covjiab'les^^ac. 29 poor of fuch other Parift or Place where fuch Sei- 2ure fhall be made , the other to the ^ ^®<^0r or Officers who ihail fci2e the fame as aforefaid i Anv other or former Seizure or Seizures in any other Pariffi or Pariffies, Place’ or Haces,notwithnanding. An.20. C.2. Mm 1 ( 558 . CHAP. VII. Ihe ConfiMci Offiee ahm Chimney^Mo- ney. ^ T H E High Conftables and Petty Conftables Duties about Chimncv money by the 14 C^r. 2. e. 10. and the 1$ Car. 2. c.i^. is now much altered, and particular Officers appointed for tiiat purpofe. i6Car. 2. e. 3. All Juftices of Peace, Chief Magi- ftrates Treafurers, and Under-Trea- lurers, Conftables, and other his Maje- «ies Officers are within their feveral Jurifdicftrions to be aiding and affifting to his Majefties Officers appointed, for the coHe. to fearch for any Tenters, Ropes, Rings^ Headwrinches , or other Engines, for ftretching of Cloth , and if they any to deface them j and if the owners lhall afterwards ufe them again, then thefe Officers may take and fell them, and give the money to the poor, sp Eliz. ch. 20. Wingate’s Ahr. St at. lit. Drapery. CHAP. X. ’the Cenflables Office about the Ctffioms. W Here a Warrant comes fr»m my Lord Treafurer, or any of the Barons of the Exchequer, or chief Ma- giftrate of a Port , to any perfon for the fearch of uncuftomed Goods, fuch perfon with the affiftance. of a Siieriff, Juftice of Peace , or Conftable , who are to be aiding and ailiiiing upon re- queft g8 J Guidi Gueft, may enter into any Houfe m the day time, where fuch Good^are fu- fpeded to be concealed, and in c^e ot Rellftance, may break open Inch Hou- fcs, and feixc andfecure the fame Goods- fo concealed in any Houfe. 12 Car. 2. No' houfe is to be entred by vertuc oftheAa aforefaid, unlefs it be w.thm the fpace of one month after- the oftence foppofed to be committed , and it the Information, whereupon any houfe mail come to be fcarched do prove to be falie, then in fuch cafe the party injured thall recover his full damages and cofk a- eainft the Informer, by Adion ot Trel- pafs to be brought againft fuch Infor- mer. ilCsr. 2 . ch. tP* ^ And by the i^ Car.z. fuch pCrton or perfons as are authorized by Writ of Atfitlance, under the Seal of his Ma- iellies Court of Exchequer, are to t^e a ConftaHc , Headborougli , or other publick Officer inhabiting near the plice, and in the day timearc to_ enter Ld go into any Houfe, Shop, Cellar Warehoufc, Room, or other place, and in cafe -of Refiffiince , break open the Doors, Chefts, Trunks , and other cackaee. for Cgv fables^ See. package, there to feize, and from thence to bring any kind of Goods or Mer- chandize whatfoever, prohibited and uncuftomed, and to put and (ecurc the fame in his Majefties Store-houie in the Port next to fuch place where the fei- zure ihallbe made. it^^ Car. 2. cb. 1 1. All Officers belonging to the Admi- ralty , Captains , and Commanders of Ships, Forts, Cattles and Blockhoufes, and all Jufticesof Peace, Mayors, She- ri/fs , Conftables and Headboroughs, and other the Kings Majeliies Officers and Subjedls whatfoever , whom it may concern, are to be ayding and af- fifting to all and every perfon and per- lons which are or (hall be appointed by his Majefly to manage his Cuftoms : and if the Officers cf the Cuftoms, or any acting in aid of them, fkall be fued, indited, profecuted ormolefted, fuch perfons, their Heirs, Executors and Ad- miniftrators, may plead the General If- fue, and give the feveral Ads relating to the Cuftoms, or any of them in Evi- dence, in any of his Majefties Courts of juftice. I ^ Car, 2. cb, 1 1, CHAP, 40 A Guide CHAP. XI. the ConftabkT Office about Setting- J) 0 gfy 8CC. E very Conftable or Headborough, ( upon a Warrant under the hands of two or more Juftices of the Peace ) hath power to fearch the houfes of per- fons fufpeded to have any Setting- Do 2S, or any manner of Nets, for ta^ king of Pheafants or Partridges, and the Dogs and Nets there found, to take, carry aW, detain, kill, deftroy, and cut in pieces. T)alt. P« ch. 37 ’ 7 fac, c. 1 1 . r 1, But note , that they cannot fearch the houfes of fuch as have Free War- ten, -or are Lords of any Minnor, or have Freehold of Forty pounds by year or more, of fome Eftate of Inheritance, or Eighty pounds by the yew tor Term of Life, or be worth in Goods Four hundred pound's , for thefe may keep Nets or Dogs to take Pheafants or Partridges in their own gtouQ^s or PrecintSts. 7 Jac. c. ii. Valt. J.?-c. for Conjiables^^c. CHAP. XII. 41 'Ihe Cen/iahles Office about Efcapes and Arrejis. I P ^ Conftablc,. in fuch cafe he may be indited and Hned for fufFering the efcape i and qtt£re if it do not make him Acceffary to tlie Felony, p H. 4* 3 ^* 45. jF. P. e, I od. ^ 272* If a man be Arrefted for fufpicion of Felony by the Conftable,or other perfon, and after they (hall have Intelligence thatthere is no fuch Felony committed, here they may (et the party Arrefted at Liberty again , and they (hall not be charged with the Efcape i for there can be no Felon , where there is no Felony committed. 13 H. 7. 7. & Crom^. 40* D*l*. J. P. c. 1 06. f^2y 5 . But for CoMjiablesfiac. 4^ But if a Felony be committed in- deed, and one is Arrefted for the fame, or for Sufpicion thereof > though the Conflable or other perfon that made the Arrelt, fhali after have certain In- telligence and knowledge that the Party Arrefted is not Guilty of the offence i yet they may not fet the party at liberty , for he muff not now be de- livered by any mans difcretion> but by due couife of Law , otherwife it will prove a voluntary Efcape,and fo Felony, or at lead Finable. Cromp.40.44. JlT.iz. T)aU.J.P.c.io6.fd.2y^. ^ ^ In all cales of mifdemeanour, where a private perfon hath Authority to Arreff any for any offence, it is requi- lite for him to carry and deliver the Prifoner to the Conflable, or fome other Officer, vide 20 E. 4. 6. 18. /o/. 338. But in cafe where a Juflice of Peace, Conflable, or other Officer comes to a Felon to arrefl and take him, and he perceiving , flies into another County before he can be taken , in fuch cafe the Felon flrall be carried before fome Jei- flice of Peace of that County where he is taken, and committed to the Gaol. 44 ^ Guide Gaol of that County, although the Fe- lony were confimitted in another Coun- ty. Bro.fituxImpr.2<^. ii If a man be Arretted tor Felony, and the Conftable carry him to the Gaol, . and the Gaoler will not receive him, then the Conftable muft bring him back to the Town where he was taken, and that Town thall be charged with the keeping of him until the next Gaol Delivery, by the opinion of the Book, lo H« 4 " or the Conftable may in fuch cafe keep the Prifoner in hb own houfe, as it hath been held by fome. See 1 1 E. 4. Bre.faux Impr. 25. in fine, Valt. J. P. eb. 1 1 S.fol. 3 4 ®» 3 4 » • , But in fueh cafe where the Gaoler lefufes to receiver Prifoner as above-, faid, or takes any thing for receiving ' him , upon Information thereof to the Jufticesof the Gaol Delivery', they will punifti him for his offence. 4 E. 3. c. 10. Tojilton trifoH 6» Dah, F. ch. 1 18. The Conftable, or other Officer, that fliall Imprifon in the Stocks any Felon, may lock the Stocks, and if need b., may alfo put Irons on the Prifon«v for Conjiables^^c. 45 and when he conveyeth him fo the Gaol, or tothejuftice, hemaypinlon mm, or otherwife make him fure, fo that he cannot, efcape. Dak. f. p. ch 118. /o/. 342. CHAP. XIII. Ihe Cojtliahlei Office about Excife. T Hoie Officers under the Commii:. fioners of Exciie, called Gagers, are to have the Conftable along with them , when they enter by night into t Brewer, Inn- keeper. Victualler, &c. to Gage tlieir Coppers, Pats, or VelTels, or to take an Account ot their Beer, Ale, Worts, Perry, Syder, htrong-waters, Metheglin, Mead, Cof- tee, Chocoktte, Sherbet or Tea, brew- cd, made or diflilkd in the faid Houfcs. 12 Ciir. 2. c. 23, 24. Such peribns as lhall be convi^ed before the Juhiees of Peace, or Com- miffioners of Excife, of any offence and E orfeiture within the ACls for Excife i J^^^°"Jables, upon Warrant to them directed from the Juftfees of Peace, are t<5 46 A Guide to levy the penalties upon the Goods of the offenders by diftrefs and fale thereof, tendring the overplus to the owners, and for Want & are to cany the paity to the Gaol, there toremaintillfattsfaaionbe made. 12 C along the Sea-lhoat , or in any Haven or Creek, or within live miles ot the mouth of any Haven or Creek , by Filhing with Nets of lefs Mclh then for ConJlables^Scc. three Inches and an half between knot and knot) are to levy the penalty by diftrefsand fale of the offenders Goods rendring the overplus to the owners \ t^he penalty is Ten fhlllings and for- feiture of their Nets. ^ Jac.c. 12. Win- D- ^ Herring, Codd , or Pichard , Frefh or Salt, dried or bloat- ed , or any Salmons , tels or Congers taken by Foreigners, Aliens to the King- dom of £«g/W, fhall be imported, ut- to fale in this Kingdom , in fuch cafe the Conflable, Headborough or any other perfon half thereof muft go to the ufe of the Poor of the Parifh where the fame isfo fh^r the other half to j 8 cir f ^he fame, 1 <> Car, 2, e, 2, CHAP. 48 A Guide CHAP. XV. 7 k Co 4 Ma Office about forcible E»- triei-, &c. I F a ConftaWe, oi any private perfon of the fame County do tefufc to at> tend and affift the 5 uftices of Peace, up- on requeft to remove a Fofce, or to con- vey the parties to the Gad, he may e irnpxmed for his negled, and make Fine to the King. 15 R. 2. cb. 2. V P.c. aa./*. 57. CHAP. XVI. •fhe Conjlables Office about Hedge-break ing, &c. A ll fuch Lewd perfons as are con- vided before a Juftice of Peace, for taking away any Corn glowing. Robbing of Orchards, breaking Hedges, &e. and their Procurers , and Recei- vers knowing the fame, if cive the Parties grieved fuch latista- dion as the Juftice (hall think fit, then for Confiabtes, &c, 49 J unice may commit him to the Connable to be whipped for the firft offence , and the like pain for the fe- cond offence. And if the Conftable or othcx inferiour Officer, do not by him- lelf, or fome other, fee the fame be done accordingly , then the Juffice may commit fuch Officer to the Gaol there to remain without Bail , until the laid offender be by the faid Conftable or fome other by his procurement^ whipped as aforefaid, and this by the 45 £/. cb. 7. But now by the 15 Car. 2. everv Conftable , Headborough , or other perfon, in every County, City, Town- Corporate, or other place, where they ft all be, Officers and Inhabitants, have power to apprehend , or caufe to be apprehended fuch pcrfons as they fu- Ipeet , tor having or carrying, or any wife conveying any Burthen or Bun- dies of any kind of Wood , Under- Trees, o. Bark or Baft of any Trees , or any Gates Styles, Pofts, Fails, Rales, or Hedge* wood , Broom or Furze j and any Conftable, Headborough, by War- Mnt under the Hand and Seal of one B) Juftice, 50 -A Guide fuftice, &c. may enter into the Hou- fes , Outhoufes, Yards, Gardens or o- ther places belonging to the Houfes of fuch perfons as they fliall fufped to have any Woods, Underwoods,d^ and for the firft offence, if they do not give the owner fuch fatisfadion, and within fuch time as the Juftice lhall appoint, and pay o- for Conflables^ See, 5 1 ver and above down prefentiy fo fhe ufe of the Poor of the place where the offence is committed, fuch a fum of money as the Juftice ihall appoint, not exceeding ten killings, then thcjufticc may commit the party offending to the - “Ouft of Correiifion for fb long time not exceeding one Month , as he ihall think meet , or otherwife to be whip- ped by the Conllable or other Officer j and if fuch perfbn offend again, and be conviiifed as before , then he muft be lent to the Houfe of Corredfion for one month, and there held to hard la- bour i and if he offend the third time and be convidfed, then he mufi be ufed as an incorrigible Rogue. 15 C^r. 2. Cnf0 2 # 'I any burthens ood , Poles, Sticks, Underwood, of any who may juftly be fufpedfed to have lioln, or unlawfully come by the fame i then upon complaint to a Juftice of Peace, Head-Officer, if upon examination by Oath, &c. he find that the fame were bought of fuch per- j aforefaid, then the Juftice may Order the party that bought the fame to pay the treble value of the Wood, D 2 5 2 Guide &c. to the party from whom they were ftoln or unlawfully taken i and in de- fault of prefent payment , the Juftice may iffue out his Warrant to the Con- (lable to levy the fame by dillrefs and fale of the Offenders Goods , rendring the overplus to the owner, and for lack of fuch diftrefs , then to commit the party to the Gaol at his own charge, there to remain one month without Note, that none is to be puniflied by this Law, who hath been puniihed by a former Law for the fame offence , nor is any to be queftioned for any oflence within this Statute, unlefs it be within lix weeks after the offence committed. 1 5 Car. 2. th. 2- chAp. xvii. "Ihe Conflables Office about Uigh-ways. T He Churchwardens and Confta- bleSjOr Tythingmcn of every Pa- r fh are upon the Monday or Tuefday in E 'ltcf week ( after notice given pub- Uckiy in the Church the Sabbath day before) for CoMjiablesficc. 55 before ) after Morning Prayer ended, with the advice and confent of the ma- jor part of the Parifli then prefenf, to choofe two or more of the fufficlent Inhabitants of the place, to be Survey- ors or Supra vifors for their High- ways for the next year, and give notice thereof to the parties chofen in wri- ting, under pain of five pounds to be forfeited by the fame Conftable, Churchwardens and Parifo by the Sw\ 14 Car, 2, ch. 6. which Statute is to continue fill the end of the fir/t Sefii- ons of the next Parliament , or they may be punifiicd by Fine or Amercia- ment in the Quarter Seffions, by the dilcretion of the Juitkes, 2,5 P. cb^ o» The Conftables and Churchwardens - are then alfo to appoint fix days be- twixt that and the four and (v,’entieth day of>«e, for the amendment of the High-ways, and to give publick notice thereof in the Church the next Sunday- after. 2 3 p. M ch. 8. & « £/• chi 13 . ^ Stewards in Leets have power to enquire after the breach of the Ad of the 2 3 P. M. about High-waya, D 3 and 54 Guide and to (tt Fines upon ftich as make de- fault, at their difcretion, and fliall with- in lix weeks after Michaelmx deliver Indented Eftreats thereof under their Hands and Seals, viz. one part thereof to the Bayliff or High Conftable of the Liberty, and the other to the Conflable and Churchwardens of the Parilh where the Default was made. 2 & ^ P. & M. ch. 8. And in default of prefcntment thereof in Leets, the Juftices of Peace in the Seffions (hall enquire thereof, and fet fuch Fines as they or two of them (juor, unnit fliall think fit > whereof the Clerk of the Peace fliall deliver In- dented Ellreats under his Hand and Seal, within fix weeks of MkhaelmtK^ in li’te fort as aforefaid. 2 ,}P.& M. eh, 8. And thefc Eftreats of the Stewards ©f Leets, or Clerk of the Peace, fliall be a fufficient Warrant for the Bayliff or chief Conflable to levy the faid Fines by way of Diftrefs > and if no Diftrefs can be found, or the party do not pay the Fine within twenty days after law- ful demand thereof, he or they fliall forfeit double fo much > all which f iues for Conjtables^^c. 55 and Forfeitures fliall be bellowed by Conftable and Churchwardens on the Highways in the fame Parilh. 2, 3 P. ^ M, ch, 8 . "Dah, J. P. cb, 26, fol.71. ^ Arid the BaylifF or High Conflable IS yearly , between the firft of March ^d la ft of April , to render unto the Conftable and Churchwardens to whom the other part of the Eftreat was delivered, a true Account of the Moneys received by them. In pain of Forty fliillings, and the faid Confta- bles and Churchwardens have power to call the Bayliff or High Conftable before two Juftices of the Peace (^or. un. ) to pals the Account, who have power to commit fuch Bayliff or High Conftable, until they have fatisfied all the Arrearages by them received. 2, 3P.&M. eh. 8 . Valt. J. P. ch. 26.F0I. 70. And upon palling fuch Account, every Bayliff or High Conftable fnall have allowed Eight pence for their pains for every pound coIle to be le- vy ed as the penalties againft Conftables, &c. for their negle^s before men- tioned. The Surveyor upon negledf to come and labour, fhall complain thereof to the next Juftices, who upon Oath of one witnefs , fhall levy for every day labour negle^ed 1 8 and for every Man and Horfe 3 /. and for every Cart with two men i® r. for each day Beglc( 3 :ing. CHAP, 6o A Guide CHAP, xvrii. ’the Confiables Office about St’onedHorfes, N one ought to put to feed upon Fcrefts or Connmons ( except they be Commons where Mares are not ■ ufually kept ) any Stoned Horfe, being above two years old , and not fifteen hands high from the lower part ef the hoof to the upper part of the wither ( every hand containing four inches Standard meafure ) in pain toforfi:it\the fame Horie. 32 H. 8- c&. 15. If any Stoned Horfe of lelfer Stature be put to feed in any fuch Common f unlefs it be in Fen-grounds of the Ille of Ely, and of the Counties of Cam- bridj^etiuHtingtoH, Northampton jLincolit^ Norfolk^ ^ or Suffolk.., where they need . be but thirteen hands high ) any man may feize them to his own ufe, fb that firft by the affiftarrce of the keeper of " the ground, or Confiable, BaylifF, Head- borough, or other fuch Officer of tfic Parifh adjoyning , fuch Horfe be brought to the next Pound, and there i by fuch Officer, in the prefence of three 1 other ’ for Cot;jiables^%^cS>^ Si other fufficient men, he be ireafured and found lower then the Statute 32 H. 8. cb, 13. 8 E/iz. ch. 8. mnjiatt Abr. St at. "lit, Horjes. Thofe that refufe to Meafure, or to be prefent at Meafuring do forfeit 40 /. a- piece for every fuch default, to be di- vided between the King and Profecu- tor i but note that an Horfe that make» an Efcape into fuch Common, fliall not be quellioned, fo that he flay not above Four days after notice thereof at the owners Houfe, or in his Parilh Church. 32 jy* ch. 1^9 Forefls and Common grounds muft be driven yearly ztMichaelmof^ox with^ in fifteen days after , by the Keepers Conllables, or other Officers abovefaid in pain of Forty (hillings j and they have power to drive them at any other t^imeof the year at their plafure, and luch likewife have the owners of the ground. And if upon the drift any unlucky Tits (hall be found, they may be killed. 32 H. 8. ch. 1 3, Wingate Abr. Stat, 7 it.HorJix. Note that this Ad of the 32 H. 8. 13- is not to extend, to the County of CornwaV. 2 1 Jae. ch. 2 8, CHAP, d2 A Guide ^CHAP. XIX. •the CoHjiables Office about Hue and Cry. T He Conftables and Officers of e- vety Town, to which Hue and Cry ftiall come, ought to fearch in all fufpe^ed houfes and places within their Limits, and as well the Officers as all other perfons, which fliall pur- fue the Hue and Cry may attach and Aay all fuch perfons, as in their fearch and purfuit they (hall find to be fufpi- cious , and thereupon (hall carry them before fome Juftice of Peace of the County where they are taken , to be ex- amined, where they were at the time of the Felony committed v and if any Default be in the Officers, they may be fined by the Juftices for their Negled, J)ah. J. P. cb. 28./0/. 75. Ill cafe of a Robbery where Dama- ges are recovered againft one or*fome few Inhabitants of the Hundred , and the reft refufe to contribute thereun- to, in fuch cafe two Juftices of the Peace ( §uor. un.) dwelling within or near the Hundred , may for the levy- for Confiables^^cy rng thereof fet a Tax upon every Pa- rift within that Hundred i accord- ing to which the Conftables and Headboroughs of every Town muft Tax tlie particular Inhabitants with- in their Conftableries , and then levy the money upon fuch as refufc by Di- llrefs and Sale of their Goods , refto- ring them the overplus, and after the money is gathered , they are to deli- ver the fame to the Juftices, or fome of them that made the Rate within ten days. 27 EHz. chap. 13. m»~ gate's Abr. Stat. tit. Jobbery. Poult. Hue and Cry 6, Valt. J. P. ch. 48. foh 132. The Hundred where freft fuit ftali ceafe, ftall anfwer half the Damages to the Hundred where the Felony was committed , to be recovered in any Court at IP'efiminfier, in the Name of the Clerk of the Peace of the County where the Felony was committed, and here the death or change of the Clerk of tire Peace, ftall not abate the Suit •, to be taxed and levied as aforefaid. 27 E//z. 13. Wingates Stat. tit. Reb~ bery. Note , that the Hundred is not chargeable for the Robbery i when any one of the Ma’efadors fliall be appre- hended, or when the A^ion is not pro- fecuted within one year after the Rob- bery committed j and^ote alio that the Hue and Cry lhall not be deemed Legal, unlefs the purfuit be both by Hoife and Foot. Wingate's SHt. ‘Xit. Kohlery. Btad. Lib. ^.fol. 121. vide Co. 7. Lib. fol. 6, 7. 23 E//a. Vyerfol. 370. Valt. J. P. foh He that gocth not at the command of the Sheriff or the cry of the County, that is upon Hue and Cry to Arreft Felons, after Attainder (hall be grievoufly fined and imprifoned. Wefl.i._ ch. p. Co. 2. Part. I^i. fol. 172. 2 H. 7. 15. b. 5 H. 7. ^.a. CHAP. XX. 7 be Conjlablej O^ce about Labourers and Servants, T He Conftahle in the time of Hay and Corn HarveA, upon the re- queft to him made by any man who ' wants for CofiJiables,S(.c. 6$ wants Labourers for the avoiding of the lo(s of Corn, Grain, and Hay, may eaufc all fuch Artiftcets, as he fliall (ee meet to labour , to fcrve by the day for Mowing, Reaping, or otherwife, for the getting in of Corn or Hay abroad, according as they fee them fit and able to perform *, and if fuch perfbns (hall refufe to work, after they arc reque- ued thereunto by the Conftable , the Confiable may then fet ‘them in the Stocks by the fpace of two days and one night > and if the Conftable negledf to perform his Office, he Forfeits Forty fhillings. 5 Eliz. ch. 14. Wingues St at. tit. Labourers. And it is alfo provided by the faid 5 Eliz. that no peifon retained in Husbandry, or in any Arts appointed by that Statute , fhall depart after the time of fuch Retainer expired, out of (lie City, Town, 'or Parifh where he laft fcrved, to ferve in another with- out a Teftiraonial, to wit, f in a Town Corporate ) under the Hands and Seals of the Magiftrate and two Houfo- holders there, and in the Country un- der the Hands and Seals of the Con- ftable or Conftables , and two Houfe- holdcrs. 66 A Guide hblders of the Town or Parifli where he laft ftrved ) which Teftimonial muft be Regiftred by the Minifler, for which he is to have Two pence, and then to be delivered to the Party. 5 E/. e, 4. Win^ gate's Stat. ‘Tit. Labourers. But theie Teftimonials are now very feldom ufed , although the Statute be very penal in the fame j for the Matter that retains a Servant without fuch^a Tettimonial forfeits five pounds, being thereof convicted upon Indictment ta- ken in the Seffions of the Peace , and every Servant which iheweth not fuch a Tettimonial to the chief Officer in a Corporation, or to the Conttable or foch other Officer, Minittet or Churchwar- dens of the place where he is to dwell, may be imprifoned till he procure one^ and if he produce not one within one and twenty days, next after the firft day of his Imprifonment, or if he ihalHhew a falfe or counterfeit one, then he is to be whipped and ufod as a Vagabond. Valt, J, P, fol, 8d, 5 E/; ch, 4. for Conjiables^fic. 6y The Form of a Teftimonial is after this manner : Memorandum that A. B. Servant to C, D. (^Kirk-Leaventon, in the County of York, Huthandman^is Licenced to depart from hit faid Majier^ and it at h'u Liberty to ferve elfepohere . according to the Statute in that Cafe made and provided. In rvit- neft whereof noe have hereunto fet cur Hands and Seals tbn fenth day of No- vember, in the j$ih,year oftheKeignof our mo^ gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second j Annoque Domini i66^. Jo. Mtttczlf CoH^able of Leaventon. G Houfeholders there. If it be one that lives with a woman, then fay , it Licenced to depart from bit Mijlrefs or Vame as Jhe is y and if his Mafter be not an Husbandman, but a Taylor, Smith, Joyner, or fome other Trade, then name him accordingly in the Teitimonial. CHAP. 68 A Gitide CHAP. XXI. The Confiahles Office about Malt-making, "T'He Conftables and BaylifTs of any Town, where any deceitful Malt fhall be made, or mingled to be fold contrary to the St at. 2 E. 6. may from time to time view and fcarch all fuch Malt as fliall be made, or put to fale within any of their Towns, being evil made, or mingled with evil Malt, con- trary to the Statute » then the faid Con- ftablc or Bayliff, fo finding any fuch deceitful Malt, with advice of any one J uftice of Peace, may caule the fame to be fold to fuch perfons, and- at fuch rea- fonable prizes, as to the difcretion of the fame Juttice fhall feem expedient. 2 E. 6. cb. 10. 21 Jac, ch. 28. 3 Car, i, c. 4. t>alt. J. P. ch. ^yfol. 8 < 5 , 87. Now thefe deceitful Malts are of three forts, to wit, fuch as are not well made , and that is where Barly Malt hath not in the making thereof in the Fat, Floor, Steeping and drying there- of, three weeks at the leaft, except it be in the Months of June^July and Auguft,, forCoptjiabUf.Scc. 6^ and in thofe Months It raurt have ij days i for under fuch times it cannot be well made nor wholfom. to Valt. J.^^.fal.Sj. Secondly, No Malt ought to be put tofale, unlefs before the fale thereof, by treading, rubbing and fanning it, they take out of every Quarter half a peck of dull:, or more, on pain to forfeit 20 pence for every Quarter otherwife fold, to be divided between the King and the Pro- fecutor. 2 E. 6. to. And thirdly, if any Malts be put to lale, which are not well made, as afore- faid according to the limited time, or which are made of Mow burnt or Spi- red Early , or mixed of good and bad together, they forfeit for every Quarter fo put to fale two fliillings to be divided between the King and the Profecutor, as atorefaid. 2 E. 6 Wimate\ Stat.nt.Malt. ^ ® Note, that nonelhall bepunilhed by this A 6 t, who only make the Malt for their own provifion, nor for the penal- !if* ^ quarter , unlefs the Aftion be proftcuted within one year. Wingate Stat. Tit. Malt, 2 E. 6. 33.fcl.S7. CHAP. 70 A Guide CHAP. XXII. the Cof^ahles Office about the Militia. T Hc Conftables by Warrant to that purpole, under the Hand and Seal of the Lord Lieutenant, or any three or more of the Deputy Lieutenants, are' to Levy fuch Sums, Forfeitures, Penal- ties and Payments , as lhall be charged upon any perfon,or perfons, within their feveral Conflableries, for the furniihing of Arms, Horfe, or Foot, or payment of Soldiers, according tothe Ai^s for the Militia. 14 C^r. 2. ch. 3. 15 Car. 2. ■cb. 4. And where fufficient Diftrefs cannot be had, then the Lord Lieutenants, or their Deputies, by like Warrant to the Conliable, may commit fuch Offender to PrHbn until he (hall make fatisfadi- on according to the laid Forfeiture, Pay- ment, or Penalty. 1 5 Car. 2. ch. 4, CHAP. for CorJiablet^Scc, CHAP. XXIII. 71 ne Cottflabhs Office about Mofs. Troopers. T He Conftables and other Officers within the Counties of Northnm. berland and Cumberland^ upon Warrant from the Juftices of the Peace, are to Levy by Diftrefs and iaJe of the Par* ties Goods ( rendring the overplus to the owners ) all fuch fums as ffiall be charged upon any perfon within their feveral Conjableries , by the Juftices at their Seffions , for the fafeguard of the Counties againft the Injury Theft and Rapine of Mofs- Troopers •, and the julhees alfb may examine any complaint againft the Conftables or o- ther Officers that (hall negleift , or re- a 2’ 8*'"^ obedience to the ^7: f" diOurbance therwf, and bind over fuch perlbn to the (garter Seffions to be proceeded apintt according to Juftice. 14 Car. 2. This Ad took force from Michael- »w> , The Conftable , or other Officer, before he Arreft the party upon a War- rant for the Peace, ought lirft to ac- Quainthim with the matters, and with- al to require or charge the party m ^ the Kings Name, to goalongw'ith him 1 before the Juftice, to find and put in Sureties according to the Warrant 1 and if the party rCtufc either to go before the Juftice, or to find Sureties 1 then she Officer by vertue of the lata Warrant for Cotfjiahles^ See. 7 j Warrant may and ought forthwith Ar- rett him , and convey him to the Gao! without carrying him to any Juftice.and there the party is to remain until he mu voluntarily o/Fer and find Sureties ; and then fuch officer ,muft be at the next Seffions of the Peace, there to de- hver his faid Warrant in, and tocertific II that he hath done thereupon. t>a/f, j. P. ch.69.fol. ,66 5 E. 4. 15. lam^. 92. Bro. faux Imp. 18. Cromp. 255. But if the party yield to go and find Sureties, then the Officer may not abfo- lutely Arreft him, but yet the Officer is not bound to go up and down with the party to find Sureties , but may keep him till he can procure Sureties to coir.e to him i and if afterwards the Fwy lhall mike any refifiance, orffiall offer to go his way , then the Officer may Arreft him , and carry him to the S. L’ imprifon him in the fefocks unti he can provide aid to car- ^ y ^ 9 - It a Conftable or other Officer, ha- ving a Warrant from a Juftice of Peace o rreft a man , to find Sureties for we rcaccp do afterwards receive a Tl 2 perfedeas out of the Chancery, or from another Juftice of the Peace of the fame County , to difcharge the fame .Surety of the Peace, and yet neverthelefs the Officer will urge the party to tind Sureties by vertue of the Warrant, the party may refufe to give it, and if he be Arrefted or Imprifoned for fuch Refufal, he may have his Adiion of falfe Impri- fonment againA fuch Officer i for fuch Superfedeof is a Difcharge of the former Precept or Warrant. Lamb. loj. T>alt. J. P. c. S^.foU idS. If any (hall abufe a Conftable in do- ing of his Office,thc ConAable may have the party bound to his good behaviour for it. fiiz. Barr. 202. Cromp. 135. If a Conftable be informed that a .man and a woman be in Adultery or Fornication together, or that a man and a woman of evil Report are gone to a fufpedfcd houfe together in the Night, the Conftable m^ take company with him , and if he find them fo, he may carry them before a Juftice of Peace, to find Sureties for the good behaviour. 1 3 H.7. 1 o. Bro.’traverf .432. Valt. J. P. eh.y^.fol, i8p. CHAP. for Corrflables^^Q, CHAP. XXVI. 77 "Ihe CoMfiables Office about Thyficiani.. He Confrables and .other Officers miles the Prefident of the Collcdge of Phyfi. aid Colledge for the due execution of f^d^Colt^"'^ Statutesbclongingto the laid Colledge , upon pain of running mro contempt to the King, r M. Par. ,! W. ‘li*- fhyfi- CHAP. XXVII. rhe Corjlabks Office about the Pl^gne, Pdwiii— " or l>eing or fh/oT infei^ed with the Plague, {hall be by the Conlhbk commanded to keep hishoufe, and not- an^rn"'^'"f wilfully- go abroad and converfe m company ; having any ■■*a.ous So,, on hr„;’i, isFefoo"? E 3 and A Guide and if fuch peifon ihall not have fuch Sore about him, yet for hts offence he {hall be punilhed as a Vagabond > by the appointment of any one Juftiee ot the Peace, and further (hall be bound to his good behayiour for one whole year. IVmgateh Stat. lit. Tlague. l Jnc. c. 3 1. Valt^ J. P. c. sp.fil- 9 1 • ^ The Juftices of Peace, or any one them, and other Head Officets in Cor- porate Towns, within their (everal h- mifs, may appoint Searchers, Watch- men, Examiners, Keepers, and Burners for the perfons and places infeaed > and if any perfon infeded, ®r dwel- ling and being in an houfe infected, fliall contrary to the commandment or appointment of the Juftiee of Peace, or Conftable, wilfully attempt to go abroad, ot to refill fuch their Keepers or Watchmen, then may fuch Watch- men with violence force them to keep their houfes , and if any hurt happen thereupon, the Watchmen lhall not be impeached therefore. i J‘tc. ch. 31. Valt.J. P,ch. Cramp. 122. t>, Wingetee^s Stat. 'lit. Plague. If the Conftable or other Omeer wil- fully neg’edt to levy the njoney ( by for Conjiables^^c. 7 ^ Warrant from two Judices of Peace, upon the Statute for Relief of any Town infeded with the Plague) by Dihrefs and fale of the Goods of fuch perfons as refufe or negkdt to pay i then they forfeit for every fuch Of^ fence ten (hillings to be innployed.tty the faid Charitable ufe. VTingcite'i Sut! fif. Plague. I Jac.c.31. Valt. J. ?. c^ fp.fol. pi. CHAP. XXVIIf. T[be Cofifiahles Office about conveying Pri- foners to the Gaol. A n Oflfender which is to be con- veyed to the Gaol, if he be able, mull bear all charges , both of himfdf and of thole that guard him > and if he refufe to defray and bear the charges, ©r (liall not at the time of oommitment pay or bear the fame, then upon a War- rant from a Judice of Peace, the Con- (lable of the Townfhip, where the Of- fender hath any Goods ( being within the fame County ) may (ell (b many of the parties- Goodj as in the difcrction E 4. of 8o ^ A Guide of the Juftice (hall be thought fuffici- ent to fatlshe the faid charges, the Ap- pri^ement to be made by Four Inhabi- tants of the Parifii where fuch Goods, be, and the overplus to be rend red to the owner. 3 Jac. c. 10. T)alt. c, 104. Wingate's Stat.Ht. Prifon. And if the Offender have no Goods to fatisfic the charges, then the charge muft be born by the Town where the Offender was taken, which mud be laid on by Way of Tax by the Conftable, Churchwardens , and two or three 0- ther honed Inhabitants , and where there are no fuch Officers, then four of the principal Inhabitants of the Parilh mud lay on the Tax, which being al- lowed under the hand of a Judice of Peace, every Inhabitant mud pay their proportion according to the Tax j and if any refu(e to pay,the Condablc,Tyth- ingman, or other Officer, by Warrant from a Judice of Peace , may levy the fame by Diflrefs Cand after apprifement by four Inhabitants there ) may fell the fame,rendring the over-plus to the party Ib refufing. 3 Jac. c. 10. Wingate's Stat. “lit. Prifon. Here if the Confiable, or other Offi- for CoMjiak'es,Scc^^ 8i cer, that di(trains,bc fued, he (hall plead Jiiitihcation , and upon verditft for or Nan fuitof the Plaintiff, he ffall recover treble Damages, befides Colls of Suit. S jac. c. 10. CHAP. XXIX. ConJijbles Office about TuTveyance. ^^He ConAab’es duty about Purvey- A ance, upon the Stat. 3 d E. 5 . c. 2 . 5 E. 3. ch. 2.20 H..d. ch. 8. 2 3 H. 6 . ch.iy. &2,3P.^ M. ckd. is how of little or no ule i for it is enadfed by the 12 Car. 2^ That fiom henceforth no Moneys , or other thing foall betaken, rated orlevyed for any Provifion, Car- mges , or Purveyance for the King, his Heirs, ^c. or for t lie King, Queen or any of their Children , for the time being, or any of his Houdiold, of any Timber Fewel, Cattel, Corn, Grain, Malt , Hay, Stiaw, Vidruals, ^art, or Carnage, Oxen, Horfes, Ploughs, Wains or other Carriages, or any o- ther thing from any Subjedf, wiihout full and. free confent of the owucr E 5 firfi’ fir ft obtained without menace or forcemcnt i but note , that this afore- faid claufe being found to be t^ preju- dicial to the King, if the Subjeds might not be forced at reafonable prices^ to furnifh the King with Carriages , it is- therefore altered by the Stj*t.oftl>e 13 Car. 2. ch. 8. and is thus enaded : That the Clerk or Chief Officer of the Kings Carriages three days before his MajelUes Arrival, by Warrant from the Greencloth , foall give notice in writing to two Juftices of the Peace adjoyning to the place where his Ma- ielly is to come, to provide fuch.a nvnn- ber of Carts and Carriages as the faid Officer ihall need for the work, and to exprefs the time and place where the laid Carts and Carriages are to attend and then thefe ]uftices are to require the Country to provide the number ot Carts and Carriages of four able Hor- fes , or four Oxen and two Horles a piece, at fix pence a mile for every mile they go laden, to be paid them in han^ * at the place of lading > and no Carri- age to be enforced to travel above one days Journey , from the place where they receive their Lading » and if ^ lefute. firCotiJlahles^ &c. 8^ rePiile, or fiull not be ready at the time and place , not having good cauie to fliew to the contrary , the faid JulHce? upon due proof thereof, and convicaion of the offence by the Oath of two Wit- neffes, or the Oath of tlie Conftable, or other Off :er, may C by their Wirrant ) ca ift to be levied of the Goods of the Offender 40/. by dillrefs and fale, ren- dring the overplus to the owner. 12 Car. 2 * c. 8. If any Jufltce of Peace, Officer, or Conltable, flnll take any Gift or Re- ward to fpare any perfon from making, fuch Carriage , or fhall imprefs more Cirriages then fhall be directed from the Greencloth , upon due proof and convicffion thereof, the parties offend- ing (hall forfeit Ten pounds to be reco- vered by any perfon by A. 8. In the two before going Cafes fay order of the Greencloth ) or other things by co- lour of any Authority of Purveyance for the King, &c. contrary to the 12 Car. 2. ch. 24. then two or one Juftice of Peace next adjoyning, and the Con»- liable of the place where fuch o^nce (hall happen, at the requeft of the party grieved, fliall commit the party oflend- ing to the Gaol, until the next Seffi- ons, there to be Indidled and proceed- ed againft for the fame, and the party grieved fliall have his Action againft the Offender, and therein fliall recover treble damages and treble cofis. ii Car, z. c. 24. Two or more Juflices of the Peace by Warrant from the Lord High Ad- miral of ’England^ 01 two or mere of for Coffjtabks, §5 tte Principal Officers, or Commiffio- ^rs of the Navy, or of the Mafter of h°s the Lieutenant of h's Ordnance, are to provide Car- mges with Horfes and Oxen out of not being above 12 miles dUfant fiom the place of Jadine the of load evew^"' P""f and for every Tun of other Commodities 8 pence per mile i and fuch perfons as re- ti'fc or negkks^ ^c. CHAP. XXX. The Cenjiahles Office about garter hlo^ Mies for Maimed Soldiers^ Trifoners- fir/* ^ He Conftables and Churchwardens are to levy, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, fuch money as is rated upon any pcrfon within their ^onftablery for the Relief of poor maimed Soldiers and Mariners , ren- dring the overplus to the owner. 43 ¥M&. 3. mngate's Stat.Tit,Captai»s and Soldiers, i^Car. a.c.p. And this Money, do colteiffed, Is to- be paid quarterly to the High Con- ffafale of the Hundred Ten days be- fore every Quaiter Sdfois , or elfe. the Conltable and Churchwardens , their Executors, &c. forfeit twenty fliillings; And the High Conftable is to pay in the Colledficwi money ( to the Trcaiurers appointed by the Juftices) every Quarter Scflions, or otherwife he,, his Executors, c^c. forfeitS4o /. which forfeitures are to be levied and employ- ed by the Treafurers for the encreafo 88 A Guide of their Stock for the ufes aforcfaid. 43 El. c. 3. 14 Cdr. 2. c. p. & ITmgau s tStaf. 7 it. Captainr and S oldiers . The High Conftables are to make Quarteriy payment , at every Seilions unto the CoUedors appointed by the lulVices, of all fach Sums of money as are raifed in every Parlib, and paid to theni by the Churchwardens or Con- ftables, for the Relief of the poor Pri- foners in the Gaol, under pain of Hve pounds. i\El.c. Wingate^'s Stat.Titi Vrifon and Vrifoners. The Conftables and Churchwardens are to levy, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Oifenders Goods, fo much money as is rated upon any perfon within their Pa- ri(h for the Relief of the Prifoners in the kings Bench and Marftialfey , and alfo of Hofpitals and Almflioufes, and relief of the poor within their Coun- ty, rendring the overplus to the own- er > and for want of fuch Diftrefs, the Tuftice of Peace may comtnit the party to Prifon, there to abide till it be paid, without Bayl or Mainpriie i which mo- ney the Churchwardens are to pay to the High Conftable ten days before the end of every Quarter SeftTions, -, aud for Cofijlablesfizc. if the Churchwardens their Executors^. &c. fail to pay this Money, they for- feit Ten fliillings j and if the High ConfiabIe,his Executors, fail to pay the Treafurers of the County the fame money at the Quarter Seffions, they for- feit twenty (hillings > which Forfeitures the Treafurers may levy by Diftrefs and Sale as aforeiaid, and the Moneys to be imployed to the ufes aforefaid. 43 £//«. ch. 2. Wingate's St at. rit. toor People. T>alt. J.P. eh, 135. CHAP. XXXI. 7 he Confiables Office about Popiffipiecu- fantf, l^Opiih Reculants above Sixteen j ^8^) O’ all within Forty ays after their convitSion repair to their ufual dwelling, and not remove above Five miles from thence, in pain Goods and Lands, and Annuities during Life i and if they lave no certain abode , then are they to repair to the place where they were born. A Guide born , or 'where their Father and Mo- ther dwells , and within twenty days after their arrival , there to give their Names in writing to the Minifler, Conftables and Headboroughs, which Minifter is to enter them in a Book to be kept for that purpoie , and he, together with the faid Conllabks and Headboroughs, are to certiftc the fame to the next Quarter Scifions, where the Juftices of Peace mull caufe the tame to beinrolled. n.c. 2. Wingate s Siau Cron>n. The Conftables and Churchwardens, of every Pariih, or the one of them, or if there be none fuch , then the High Conftables of the Hundred there , arc once every year to prefent at the Gc» neral Seffions of the Peace, the month- ly abfence from Church of evei'y Po- pifli Recufanf and their Children, be- ing above the ag'e of nine years , and^ their Servants together with the age of their Children as near as they can know them , in pain to forfeit refpe- Cjively for every fuch default twenty [hillings s which Piefentment the Clerk of the Peace, or Town Clerk fliall Re* cord without Fee , in pain of Forty for CaKjiablesfiz.c. ftilHngs. Wingate^ Sut.Ttt. Crown, 2 . Jac. c. If the Mini/Ier, petty Conftable, or Churchwardens of any Parifti, or any two of them, fhail complain to any Ju- ft ice of Peace, \>f any perfon fufjjedied for Rccufancy , then any fuch Juftice may tender the Oath of Supremacy to the perfon fafpeded , and if lie refufe to take it, then the Juftice may com- mit the party to the Gaol , there to re- main until the next Affifes or Selfions of the Peace > and if then the party refufe again, he incurs a Vrimunire, but if it be a Woman Covert, flie ihall only be imprifoned, there to remain without Bail till ftie take the faid Oath. Win- gate^s St at, Tit. Crown. Dalt, J, P, ch,. 108. 7 Jac, c. 6. CHAP. XXXII. ’the Conjiable/ Office about Riott and Routt, S Heri/fs, Conftables , and all other the Kings Officers , (hall fupprefs^ Rioters, and imprilbn them, and all o- . ther 92 A Guide ther Offenders againft the Peace. Win- gate^ % Stat.’tit.KieU^&cc, 27 R. 2. ch. 8. Knights and all other Temporal per- fbns under that degree, that be above the Age of Fifteen years, and be able to Travel, upon wartiing given are to be affiftant to the Juflices, when they (hall be reafonably requefted to fupprefs Ri- ots on pain of Imprifbnment , and to make Ranfom to the King. 2 H. 5.8. Wingate'' s Stat, ‘Tit. Kioti^ dec, Valt. J, P. ch. 4d. fol. 114. Note , where three perfons or more (hall come or affemble themfelves to- gether, to the intent to do any unlaw- ful Ad, with force or violence, againft the perfon of another his polfelfions or Goods? as to kill, beat, or otherwife to hurt, or to imprifon a man v to pull down an Houle, Wall, Pale, Hedge, or Ditch i Wrongfully to enter upon, or into another mans Pofleflion, Houfe, or Lands, &c. or to cut or take away Corn , Gra(s , Wood, or other Goods wrongfully , or to hunt unlawfully in any Park or Warren, or to do any 0- ther unlawful ad (with force or vio- lence) againft the Peace, ortoth^ma- nifefl terrour of the people j if they for ConJiahles^Scc. 92 only meet to fuch a purpofe or intent although they ftall after depart of thpr own accord, without acting any thung yet this is an unlawful Aflem- bly faecaufe of their intention at the 3 part.lHfl.fol. ij 6 .^. foL 2 1 7. ^ermI de Ley^verb. Rout. Lamb. lyp.iSi. th/Jthflf as aforefald, they ihall ride, go, or move forward to- wards the execution of fuch Aft, whe- ther they put their intended purpofe in executmnornot,thisisaRourBi" de°L^' Therms rfe Uy^ verb. Rout.Vah. J. p, oh. %.fol. T « IS a Riot. Co. 7 part vai/ i ^^0^' CHAP. 94 A Guide CHAP. XXXIII. Ik* Confiables Office about Rogues and Vagabonds, T He Conftable Hcadborough , or Tythingman, affilkd by the Mt- nifter and one other of the Paiilh, is to fee ( or do it himfelf; Rogues and Va- rgabonds, wh'ch {hall be taken begging, iirippcd naked from the middle up- wards, and openly whipped till their body be bloody, and then forthwith to be lent away from Conflable to Con- ftable the next ftraight way to the place of their birth, and if that cannot be known, then to the place where they la(t dwelt by the (pace of one whole year , before fucfa punilhment •, and if that cannot be known , then to the Town through which they laft palled unpuniflied : And when they come there, if it cannot be difcovCred where they were born, or laft dwelt as afore- faid , then are they by that Conftable to be conveyed to the Houle of Cor- redion , or Common Gaol of the County, to be imployed in work, or for Coftjiablet^ See. p 5 placed in feme fervice, and fo fo con- tinue by the fpace of one year i or in cafe they be not able in body , that Town is tolceep them till they may be placed in ibme Almihouie within the ftme County, sp El. ch. 4 . Wing. Stat. Ttt, Vagabonds. Refolue. Judges Sed 714* ^oljt. 2. Fart. Rep. fol. 258. ^ After fuch whipping, the Vagabond K to have a Teftimonial under 'the Hand and Seal of the Conilable, Tyth- ing-man,^c, and the Minifler, teftify- ing the day and place of his puniih- ment , the place to which he is to be conveyed, and the time limited for his palTage thither i which time, if by his own Default he exceeds, he ih all from time to time incur the like puniihment till he arrive at the place limited i the ^bftance of the Teftimonial is to be Regiftred by the Minifter in a Book which he is to keep for that purpofein ^f'th °r See the^ Form If any Conftable, Head borough or 1 ythingman, be found negligent in the due execution of the Aift of the jp E- A Guide liz. aforefaid, he forfeits Ten fhillings for every Default, and all fuch perfons as fhall in any wife difiurb or hinder the execution of the Law > or any part thereof, concerning the punifhmcnt of Rogues forfeit five pounds , and to be bound to the good behaviour : and obferve therefore that by the Re- fblution of the Judges, SeS. 13, 14* •where a Rogue is to be conveyed from Conftable to Conftable the next ftraight way to the place of his birth, in fuch cafe , if the Co.rftable of any Parifh will not receive fuch Rogue, to convey him to the next Conftable, &c. this is a forfeiture of Five pounds in fuch Officer that (hall not receive the party, to convey him or her, and he may be bound, as aforefaid, to the good behaviour, and if he receive him, and do not convey him to the next Conftable, it feems he incurs the like penalty, 3? Eliz. ch. 4. Foul. Vag. 5 > J. P. ch. 47. /o/. 128. & Kefol. Judges. 13,14. , , Every perfon fhall apprehend or caufe to be apprehended, fuch Rogues as he fhaU fee or know to refort to his houfe to beg, or receive any Alms, and for ConJ{ab!es,^C. anJ hta or , hem fhall carry, orcaofc to be carried to the next ConftabJp rfht: ault Ten fiiillmgs i and the Conftabic >s to whip and convey fuch Rogues as afore directed on pain of twenfy (hil. hngs. x Foul, y^g. 5. T>alt. T.,/v^Zt by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, may caufe to be levied by Di- alUhfr f i!'" Offenders Goody the Fines and Forfeitures aforefaid W.nted by the 35 E/feet 4! ^ r 7' /lid of P«C aT' flip lift- ’ 1 appear before te Julticcs at tltti, meetiog appoior- ti fcr .ha, purpjfe . vpon Oath in Writing under f ^8 AGnidt the Mlnifters hand , teftitying what Rogues, they have taken in that. fe«ch, or fince the laft meeting, and how many have been pun.fhed ot otherwife fent to the Houfe of Cor- region, or if convey fuch to the Houfe of Corrc- aion, as by the faid ]uftices Warrant are to be committed thither, ^ to incur what Fine the ]uftices pleafc to fet upon them , fo that it ex^ed not Forty^fhilUngs.^. Wingates Stat.7it, Vagabond. Any luftice of Peace may Reward a- ny petfon or perfons who fhall appre- hLd and bring before him any Rogue, Vagabond, or Sturdy Beggar , by I?nlg to fuch perfon a Warrant hi Hand and Seal <0 Cc^ ftable , or Tythingman oi *e through which the Rogue, «S^c. did P»f% unapprehended, ordering^ the Confta- ble, ^c. to give fuch perfon two ft.l- lines for every Rogue fo taken and if fuch Conhable, &c. lefufe or negk= paired U„appj?h"en- ?he LL / * Certificate under hand of fome Juflice of Peace of the County where fuch Rogue was aL the Confiabl^d;!! "rpay'"twf lif' ceed again,, ft, h Coinaile, V? S p“[t “ P»r MUngs ,0 .1^ P y> or io much thereof, for lofi of c“'l?fa!-'“'’'“"“'' ''>“ *• '4. Whereaa ConOaMei, Tyching,nen, F z -■ 100 AGftide &c. are at great charges in Relieving conveying with PalTes , and carrying Rogues, &c. to the Houfes of Corre- dion, &c. It is enaded that all Con- ftables , Tythingmen, e 5 >-c. fo out ci Purfe, together with the Churchwar- dens and Overfecrrs of the Poor, and ether Inhabitants of the Pariflr , rray make a Rate and Tax. all the Inh^ bitants of the Parifh, chargeable by the 42 Eliz. which Rate mutl be conhrm- ed by two JuAices of the Peace under their Hands and Seals •, and if any per- fon refufeto pay his part thereof, then by Warrant from Two J.uftices the Con- liable may levy the fame upon the par- ties Goods, that refufeth, rendnng the overplus to the owner, if any be. 14 Car. 2. ch. 12. r Note, That all thefe perfons follow- ing, being above the Age of feven yeai^ , Man or Woman , Sole or Co- vert , that wander from their uiual place of abode , abroad every where begging v or if they do not beg, “ they wander and loyter abroad with- out a lawful PalTport, and give no good reafon for their Travel , ate accoun- ted Rogues ; All Scholars and Sea-tar- for ConJi 4 l>ies^^c. w which beg , wandring pex- Craft pf Games, fufatile v-rart, or Plays, or pretending them- felves to have skili in Phyfiognomy Pa!medry,or the like, . or to be ne-tellersi all Proctors, Patent ga- for r Collectors or Gaols, Prifoners, or Hofpitals wandring abroad. Fencers, Bearwards’ Common Players of Enterludcs and idjers or Mmftrels wandring abroad Juglers. Tinkers, Pedlersfand nonial , all counterfeit Egypthns not 0^030*^*^ delivered out of Gaols , which beg for their Fees or go to or from the Batlies and do not ^rfue^ their Licence i Soldiers and Cerdheay counterfeit a j-ertiheate of their Commanders s AH Labourers which wander .k j of flic P-, n, wander abroad out villi '”''"8 »> li- anii^r i. *^aintain thcnipilves whi' h “ ’ S^ral Pafipott ^ IS not diredled froin Parifli to L 5 Parifli i •102 Gnidc parifii V all thefc are accounted Rogues, Vagabonds, and Sturdy Beggars: And all Servants departing out ot their Ser- vice ( to wit, forth of one City, Town or Parifh to another, or out of one Hun- dred or County to ferve in anotl^r ) without a Teftimonial , or which ftall be taken with a falfe one , anc. thole that are fick of the Plague , and wil- fully go abroad in company againlt the command of Officers , are to be puriilhed as Vagabonds , but obferve that none but the wandring Rogue is to be lent to the place 6f his birth. Or lart habitation i for thofc poor people which beg in their own Parilh, without the appointment ot the Over- feers, or in the High, ways, are to be fent to the Houfe of Corredion. 3 ? , Ete. cb, IT > 43 ch.T. 21 Jac. cb.2$. 7 Jac. ch 24. < E//Z. ch. 4. Vag. 2 e:- T.Kefol. •judges. 13, 15. J‘ P‘ 47 - fol. 123, 124, 125. &Cro.2.fort.P.ef.. ^ Note, That the Wife , and Children under feven years of age , being va- grant, mult go and be placed with the Husband » and if the Husband be dead, then foi- Cmfiubles^Bz.C. 103 then with the Wife where (he was born* or laff dwelt i and vagrant Children above feven years of Age, mult be fent to the place of their birth i and if the vagrant Parents with their Children under feven years of Age be placed at the place of the birth of the Parents, or at the la ft place of dwelling, as the c.ife tails out i if afterwards the Parents, or either of them die, or run away yet the Children once fetled, mu/t remain there ftill, and may not be fent to the place of their birth, though afterwards they attain to the age of (even years i and the Wi e being but a vagrant Rogue , ought to be fent to the Hus- and, though he be but a Servant in ano- Rogue whofe place of birth or dwelling cannot be known, having a Wife or Children under feven years of age , they muft go with the Husbai^ to the place where they were laft fuC-red wilfully to pafs through unpunilhed i where the Children mult be relieved with the work of their Pa- rents, though their Parents be commit- ted to the Houfe of Corre and isaffigned to pafs forthwith from FariJh*to Farijh^ by the Officers thereof^ the next jlraight way to A. in the County of Weft- merland^ where m he confejfeth he was born V and he is limited to be at k. afore- faid^ within fen days now next enfuing at his peril. Given under the Hands and Seals of J. H. Minijier of Kirk- Leaven- ton aforefaid^ and J. M. Conflable there* Wingate’/ Stat. Tit. i CHAP. for CoMjiahlesf^c, CHAP. XXXIV'. 105 the Conflablet Office about Frofane Stvearing. TF any pcrfon or perfons (hall pro- •."L r Swear, for every umc fo oflPending they forfeit Twelve ^nce i the offence to be proved within wenty days after it is committed, by theOath of Two Witneffes,or by con- leffjon of the party before any Juftice of Peace, or Head Officer of any City or Town Corporate i who thereupon may iffue out their Warrant to the ^nftables, and Churchwardens, and Overfeers of the Poor of that Parilh where the faid offence (hall be com- mitted , and the faid Conftables, &c. are m levy the fom and fums of money by diflrefs and falc of the Offenders Coods rendrmg the overplus,^ tf any be to the owner. 21 f&ar.l ^’^.W,ngatefsStat,fit. St^earm Valt. J.P.c. 55./. 138. * ''s to be , the Offender , if above Twelve years of Age , (hall by Warrant as a- ^ 5 forefaid, A Guide ^orefaid, to be fet in the Stocks Three whole hours i but if the Offender be under the Age of Twelve years , and fliall not forthwith pay the faid fum of Twelve pence C)athj then he orihc is to be whipped by the Conftable , or by the Parent, or Mafter , in the Con- iiables prefencc. 2i J»c, chap. 20. 5 ■ Car. !• chap. "Dalt, jf. F. chap. 55* fol. 13,8. CHAP. XXXV. "Ihe Cof^ahles Office about Profaningthe Sabbath. T He Conftable by ■Warrant from a Juftice of Peace, (or the chief Of- ficer of any City, Borough, or Town Corporate ) under their Hand and Seal, againft foch as ufe unlawful Games on the Sabbath day, as Bull-baiting, Beat- baifpg, 'interludes, or other unlawful Exerci^s within their own Patifh , or out of their own Parifti at any fuch •Sports whatfoever , .may levy the pe- nalty of Three (hillings and Four pence by pjftrefs and Sale pf thp, Pflfendcrs Goods, for to/tJiciblef^%z.c. Goods , rendring fhe overplus to the owners i and in default of Diftrefs the Conftable is to fet the Offenders in the Stocks by the fpace of three hours : Note, that the party offending in the(e Games, muft be queftioned within a mon th after the offence committed.iOr. I . ch. I. Bait. J. P. cb. 2^.fol. 6^. If any one on the Sabbath day keep, or be prefent at any Wreftlings, Shoot- ings, Bowlings, Ringing of Bells for pleafure, Mask, Wake, Church-Ale, Dancing , Games , Sport , or partime whatfoever, they forfeit Five (hillings if he or (he be above Fourteen years of Age and if under that Age, then Twelve pence by him that hath the go- vernment of the party, to be levied by Sale and Diftrefs by the Conftable, by Warrant from a Juftice of Peace , or chief Olficer , as aforefaid j and for want of Diftrefs to be fet Three hours in the Stocks j and every Carrier go- ing with his Horfes on this day , % Wagoner, Carter or Waynman going with any Wagon, Cart or Wayn, or Dr^er with his Cattel, forfeit Twen- ty (hillings for every offence, to be levied alfo by Diftrefs and Sale of his ^oods. Goods, if he be quehioncd within Six weeks after the offence done > but there muft be but one Twenty (hillings for- feited for one Journey, although they pafs through feveral Parifhes, and this Twenty (hillings that Parilh (hall have where the Diihefs is (irft taken. 3 Car, j, ch. I. •yO.fol. 134. And if any Butcher by himfelf, or any for him , (hall kill or fell any Vi- suals upon the Lords day, he forfeits Six (hillings and Eight pence, to be le- vied by the Cohftable by Diftrefs and Sale, as aforelaid, upon Warrant from a Juftice of Peace, &e. the offence to be queftioned within Six weeks after it is committed , and the parties to be convided before any Juflice of Peace, Mayor, or head Officer, &c. upon their own view, proof of Two Witneffes 01 more , or the parties own confcflion > and the Juftice, May.or,«^c. may reward the Informer with a Third part of the penalty. 3 Car.i. cb. i. Dalton’s J. P. ch. <^o.fol. 134. CHAP. forCo^fiabUf,^^ jop CHAP. XXXVI. UeConjiables Office about 'lobacco P W. A of" Peace rr.iJni j ’i Information or Complaint made to them , or any of them , by any of the Officers o/the^ Cu.Ooins or by any ocher perfon or perfons whatsoever, that there is any Tobacco fet, fown, planted, or crow^ mg withm their Jmifdidions or Prt cincSs r except fuch as is growing in ny PhyiTck Garden of efther UniJe^ %, or m any other private GardZ where the quantity of ground planted* exceeds not one half of one Pole ^ one place or Garden } Tey a/e ten days after fuch InformaJion or Com. p aint, to caufetobe burnt, plucked ud* TOnfumed, or utterly deftroyed all fS gainft any perfon or perfonsk the due execu- IIO A Guide execution of this Office as abbvefaid, every peribn oi perfons for every fuch offence, (hall forfeit the fum of Five pound?, to be recovered in any Court of Record i and be alfo committed to the common Gaol of the County where the offence was committed, there to re- main without Bayl or Mainprite, until he, (he, or they, do enter into Recogni- zance to his Majefty, his Heirs and Suc- ceffo^s , with two fufficient Sureties in Jen pounds penalty, not to do or com- mit the like offence again. 1 2 Car, 2, and if any perfon do not llrike the fame even with the brina i and any Conftable may feize and break fuch other Mea- fure , and prefent the Offender at the next Private or Quarter Seffi-. ons. CHAP. f&r CovjiuLles^Z^c. 1 1 5 C KAP. XXXVIII. The Conjiables Office about Watches. T Ke Conftables,e^'c. of every Town, are to caufc Night Watch to be Kept from Ajeenfion till MichaeJmu, in their Towns, which Watch muft con- tinue from Sun fet to Sun rife, and may be by two or four men, according to the greatnefs of the Town, rj £, i. eh. 4. T>alt. J. 6 o,fol, 140. Foul, Iv itch. I, Theic Watchmen are to apprehend • all Strangers that pafs by them in the Night, and rouft examine them i and if they Hnd caufe of fufpicion in them, then they rnay keep them till the morn- ing > and if the parties refufe to obey the Arreft , then the Watchmen may levy Hue and Cry for the taking of the laid Night-walkers i or the Watchmen may jufiitie the beating of them upon their refinance , and fet them in the blocks till the morning, and then if no lulpicion be found in the parties, they fhem go quit : but if they find wfpicion in them, then the Watchnien may i r4 ^ Gnide may deliver them to the Conftable, who is to convey them to a Juftice of Peace to be examined, and to be bound over, or committed until they be acquitted according to due form of Law. Vah. J. P. eh. 6o. fol. 140. & ch. 109. fol. 292. 5 E. 3. 14. 5 H. 7. 5. a. Lamb. Office Co»li. Thefe Watchmen are alio to appre- hend Rogues and Vagabonds, Night- walkers , Evefdroppers , Scouts , and fuch like, and fuch as go armed, &c. And note, that thefe particulars fol- lowing have been held for Law con- cerning Watches. Firlt , That the Watch muft be by men of able body, and fufficiently ar- med, and that no man is compellable to watch,except he be an Inhabitant with- in the fame Town. Secondly, That fuch as arc Inhabi- tants within the Town, are not compel- lable to watch at the will of the Con- ftable,but only when their turn cometh, according to the ufe and cuftom of the place, which mod commonly is by turn, or houfe. Thirdly, If a man who is compellable to watch , (hall contemptuoufly refufe 10 for Coftjiables^Sic. 1 15 to watch, upon the command of the Conhabic > it hath been held, by (bme, that the Conftable in fuch cafe, ex Offi- cio, may fet the party in the Stocks for his contempt i but the fafdt way is for the Conftable to prefent fuch perfbn for his default at the Aflites or SeiTions of the Peace, or elfe to complain of him to a Juflice of Peace, who may bind the Of- fender to the good behaviour and fo over to the next Quarter Sdfions, &c, Valt, J. P. ch, 6 o» fcl. 141. CHAP, xxxrx. 'the Cof^ables Office about Executing W arrants. A Juftice of Peace may diretff his Warrant fo the SheriflT, Bayltff, Con liable, or other Officer, or to any other Indifferent perfbn by Name, thougb he be no Officer. 14 H. 8. i5. Bro. Peace 6. Valt. J. P. ch, iin.fol. 332. A Warrant dire^ed by the Juftice of Peace to the Conftable , or other fworn Officer, and to a Stranger who is BO llS A Guide no Officer , and the Warrant is made to them joyntly and feverally, and is delivered to the Stranger who execu- teth it, this is good enough : and if a Warrant from a Juftice of Peace be di- re< 5 fed to two men joyntly to Arreft a- nother> yet any one of them may do U alone. Cromjr. 147. Vuit. J% P. H 7 * fol. 332. If a Juftice of Peace dire^ his War- rant to the Sheriff, he may by word command his Underfheriff, Bayliff, or other known and fworn Officer , to ferve It without any Precept to them in writing,and they upon fuch Command- ment of the Sheriff may lawfully do it. Lamb. pi. Bro.faux Imprif. 43. ^ Tref- paff 53p. Valt. J. P. eh. 1 17./0/. 332. But if the Sheriff in fuch cafe do command a Stranger , who is neither his Servant nor Sworn Officer , then he muft do it by Precept in writing , or otherwife an Atftion of faife Imprifon- ment lies for the Arreff. Valt. J. P. ch. 117./^/. 352. Where a Warrant is direded by a Juftice of Peace to the Sheriffs Bayliff, or his Servant, or to the Conftable, or pther privat|S perfon to Arreft one, fuch for Coffjiailes^Zic. fuch perfon cannot command another to do It, neither by word nor writing but muft do it himfelf. p. S’ M 7. p. 20 H. 7. 13. 21 J^P-ch. II j.foi. 552 . 'tbaii^k ^°'^bomany Warrant ftall be dire^ed, ought with all fpeed and fecrecy to feek and find out the party, and then to execute his faid War A (worn and known Officer (be he fiaMM tinker- Sheriffi Bayliff; 01 Con- «able; needs not to fhew his Warrant to a man when becomes to ferve it up- on h,m, although he demand it j but he who, s no fworn Officer ought to fhew his Warrant upon demand , or other- wtle the party may make refinance and wt obey him, and a (worn Officer alfo lyon the Arrelt, though he wi]J not fhew lns Warrant, yet he ought to ac- the\onten« r ^ 5 • ^t. fp.c. iiy.‘f .^0 2 3 3 5 Note, that an Officer giveth fuffici- ent nonce what he is, when he faiS m party , I yo» in the Kinat Name^dic. and in fuch cafe the party at ii8 A Guide his peril ought to obey him, though he knowcth him not to be an Officer > and if he have no lawful Warrant, the par- ty grieved may have his Adiion of falfe Imprifonment againft him. Co.p.l. Kep, f.Sp.Valt. J. ?. «.i 7 -/« 333 * If a Conltable or other Officer A r* reft a man for the Peace, or the like, be- fore that he have a Warrant, and then afterwards doth procure a Warrant ( or a Warrant cometh after him) to Arreft the party for the fame caufe, yet the firft Arreft was wrongful, and the Officer is fubjed to an Action of falfe Imprifon- ment. "Dyff f, Lsmb, c. 1 17./. 333. , .j „ Where a Warrant is granted out againft /.N. the fon of T. P. and the Conftable or other Officer takes J. W. the fon of L. P. although he in truth be the fame perfon that offended, and a- gainft whom the complaint was made, yet this Arreft is tortuous, and the Offi* cer liable to an Adion of falfe Impri- fonment. 10 £. 4. /I 12. Bre. faux Impr» But it is faid by fome , that where two or three are known by the Name of 7 . R. of K. Yeoman, and upon a War- ran.t for Co»Jiables,Scc. rant or other procefs granted out a- gamft one of them, another of them is Arrehed, m fuch cafe an A and again fo of- ten as he cicapeth , although he were out of view, or that he do flie into a- nothcr Town or County i and itisfaid that the Officer in fuch cafe, though the party be taken in another County after the Efcape, yet he may bring the party before the julUce on whofe Warrant he was firil Arrclled. Cromp; 21 a. 148. 172. 173* ] Jj’ f- 333 ' & c. 1 18./0/. 340. By the opinion of the Court of the 14 ll. 8. it was held tltsre that a ]u- ftice of Peace cannot make a Warrant to Arielt a Felon, unlefs he be indided of Felony ( or that the julUce himfeli hatlt a fufpicion of the Felon > But if ilve wm mmm fir Cp»Jial>/es,Scc. s^i thcXonftabk, or other Officer, ffiajl r he may uftifie the fame, though the Juflice did erre in awarding thereof 24 E. s.p. 14. H.S l< 5 . Bro. 6 . & faux Impr. B& p. Note , Jhat where a Tuttke of Peace doth makca Warrant for a mat- f*^ Jurifdiaion though It he beyond his Authority, yet It- IS not difputable by the Confiable or other fuch Officer, but mud be o - beyed and execnted by them i as if Arrea one for the Peace , or good behaviour, &c, without any caufe ^e Officer ffiall not be puniffied for ^eijuting the Warrant ; But if a Tu- fttce of Pe«c foaJl make his Warrant to do a thing out of his JurifdicSion, or in a Caufe wherein the Tuffice is nfil u ^ he is pu- niihabk for it j for the Officer is not of the Caufe, no more than he is bound w Stranger i and fo note tha the Officer is bound at his peril take notice of the Authority and G Ju, 122 A’Guide^S^c. ]utif(U 0 Printed in the Year, 167a, To all Churclrwardcns, Overfeers, isfc. Gentlemen, T Hefe foUoveiffg Offices^ as n>eU as that of the Co^fiable, have been touched alfo by Mr. Lambert, and Mr. Sheppard ; but ffnce the one vprtt , there have been many bimdred new Statute Laws 5 and the other. Writing in the late times of Rebellion , hath moulded his work fuit able to the Manners then in fafbien , and many of the Rules laid down by Mr. Sheppard Jl^eral Offices , SwA thwart the Laws of the Kingdom, ^»dPriviledges of the Church, are flow out of doors : I have therefore CP’f tfe eaCe and fatisfa&ion of thofe who defire to be put in the riqlit G 3 Way 1^6 The Epiftle Dedicatory. JVaj and fun Road mtbe executing of theje JeveralOflices coUededaaid fublijhed tbk [mall Treatife, briefly laying down tbe Authority and Du- ty of Churchwardens fyverfeers^ &c. in their feveral Office The de^re of praife could not carry me aloft, TohowantWingsforit'^ but the main thing, here aimed at, is the good of my Count ry-fuen, and 1 hope to reap the fruit of my labour in it, that is, your kjnd acceptance,Dear Friends : which if I may obtain, it is all that is deflred by him, whois,andfhall be Your& Ready to lerve you^ George Meriton* A A guide for C H U R C H-W ARDENS. ' CHAP. I. lb* Antiquity of the Churcht^ardeHi Of- fice^ and bow they are to be chofen. ^ Hiftorfans, niir r 4 in the year of Rome 1 divided Loth in Sf”*" ofher places, Cbuixhes rafp/*" Parilhes to Cu- Mtes , and DiocelTes to Bilhops and c. the Pa^ lilhioners of If^albroei^s CaCb in hondon. Cro. 2 part. Kep. The like againft a Churchwarden chofen by the Parfon of St. 7 bomM in London, P. 1 5 Car. i- B.R. Evelins Cafe, Cro. 3 part, and the like granted between Vraper and Stone for Abchurch in London , P. 4 B.R. Rot.420. Rob’s Cafes, 2 part.f. 287. 6. An Attorney cannot be nriade a Churchwarden : if he be put in and refufe , and fo be fued in the Spiritual Court, he may have a Prohibition » P. laCtfr. i.B.R. Wilfon'scaje, e^ Tr. 15 Car. 1. B. R. Barbfr’s caje. R«B s 2 part.f. 272. n. By the Stat, 1 5 Car. 2. All Veftry men, or thofe who arc rnembers of a- ny Veftry within any Parifh in the Ci- ties of London and W pfJwiiijier, Borough of Southrvark., and Weekly Bills of Mortality , and in all other Cities , Boroughs and Towns Corporate, for Churchwardens. j 2 where Seled' Ve/tries are uPd ,i,e Kingdom of tn^fand , are whh n ! n;o„,h afie, rtei?Elc«i“ btr" Z Klpeftra ArchbiHop, Bifliop. 0^05! 0“!,? D.W “ Chai.«lb„r as follow* Arms p ii, MssjrHim ?=s#ss -« unlar.f.1 O^h I JZ 71 Car. 2 , c. 5 . ^’ngdom. 1 5 wiuifn^^h?*!- Subfcription ♦ n the time sfore/airl \c it r /' x- *pa.ved of f.,ch hi, man. and a «w onetobechofo . and ■ *'‘'f '' "hoShf« month after fuch vacancy, then the re fpedive ^^t^^hbifhop^BiOvopor oftheDiocefs tnay under hts^"" Seal eleft and nominate a ducreet pe InoftherefpeaiveParifh. who after Subfcrijption within the istofta^d. t5Cf.2.e.5- This to continue till the end of the hrft bel fion of the next Parliaments CHAP. H. "fhe Churchvpardens Office „aiion of the Sabbath , and of the Church. fi.Tr'Hefe Officers are di^ently to fee ^ 1 . that all the Pariftuoners duly rcfort to their pariffi Church upon all Sundays and Holydays, and thete con- tinue the whole time of Divjne Service, and none to walk or ftand idle, o^alk- ing in the Church, Church-yard , or Church-PorCh during that time v and fioT Chuf'chwaycleftf, sll Tuch as (hali be found flack oi nc 2 -» ligenc in reforting to the Church ( ha- ving no great or urgent caufe of ab- fence ; they fhall earneftly call upon them, and after due admonition, If they' amend not , they muft prefent their Names to the Ordinary of the place. 5 , 6 E. 6. c. i,camn ip, po, Ii i. lo. If the Churchwardens firid any perfon abfent from the Church upon ^undays or Holydays , in the time of Divine Service , Preaching , or other holy Excrcife , fuch perfon is to pay 12 d. to the ufeof the Poor i and this extends as well to all Women Covert as to other perfons : or the Church- wardens , if the pleafe , may prefent fuch perfon in the Ecclefiaftical Court* But note that none are to be puniAed twice for one offence, fo that they muff not pay their twelve pence, and be ^efented too. t El. ch. Uohhm*s Rep. fol. py. u. And if they find anyTiplingin an Inn or Alehoufe, &c. then , befides the tvvelve pence for being abfent from the Church as aforefaid , they f Aillings four pence more tor Tipling , and the Msrfter of the Houfe A Gti itie Houfe ttn (HiHings fisi fufFering diem to Tipple 1 which forfeitures are to go to the ufc of the Poor. c« 5 * 12. The Churchwardens or Quelt- men are to fuflfep no Plays, Fealls, Ban- » quets, Suppers, Church Ales, Drinkings, Temporal Courts or Leets, Lay Juries, Mutters, or any other profane ufage to be kept in the Church , Chappel , or Church-yard v neither the Bells to be rung fuperttitioufly upon Holy days, pr Eves abrogated by the Book of Comnaon Prayer, nor at any other times, with- out good cauie, to be allowed by- their Minittcr of the place and by themfelves. Canon 88 . 13, Neither the Minifter , Church- wardens , nor any other Officers of the Church, fhall fuffer any man to preach within their Churches orChappels, but fuch as by (hewing their Licence to preach (hall appear unto them to be fufficiently Authorized thereunto ; And • the Churchwardens or Queftmen are alfo to fee that in every meeting of the Congregation the Peace be well kept, ahd that all perfons excommunicated, and fo denounced, be kept out: of the Church. Canon 50. 85* CHAP. '^5 for ChurchxoardetTs. CHAP. ir. i Some fm Cafes ceneerniHa ASiont /?.•. ond-againfChstrchwardens, ^ ]\r^r’ k r** taw doth make rn Officers a kind of a enablecT by that name to take moireable Goods-ot battels, and to ftieand to be fued at Uw concerning ffich Goodsfor the ufc and pToht of theiV Pariffi i for the oro tSm f of ‘he Church L in Hed_to take them for the ufeand pro- ofthe Panffi : and therefore a roan - n^ay well m his life time, or by his M movX'cSnf*"' or other moveable Goods to the Churchwar fo?the°R of f“ch a Pariffi ' for the Reparations of the Church ol for buying of Books, Communion Cups, Linnen Cloths, or other, decent *"«‘"hure for the W ^ 7 - fwcA’s Laa> 2j%.: *’• '?*• r 5 « But they cannot take an Eftate of Lands jo^- AGut^^ to them by Name of Ch»^- wardens only , for if a Feoffment be made to the ufe of the Churchwardens of P. this is a void ufe, for they ha no capacity to take fuch ^ ‘ finch. Lih.2. ch. 17. p. i’J9-^oVtCaJn, ' NdAer can they prefcrlbe to have Lands to them and their Succel- fors V for they are no Corporation to have Lands, but for Clnirch only. P. 37 p- ^ . J, ^fj Itleredines caje. Ko^s cafes ^ i p • If a Man buy a Bell, and hang it ^ • flip Steeple or make a Pew and It up in the Church, though he make neither^ words nor writing hejeof , yet by this the Bell and Pevy are fo dedic*- «d to the Church, that the p^^y that did owe them, can never have th.m a- gain i for if they fhould come to >remo"e fhem , the Churchwardens might fue them for it. SB. 7^ 12. mon Law to Recover any Goods of which they never had the ' But if the Churchwardens be o^e. for Chtrchwardens, iff F^flciTcd of *iy Goods, or Ornaments belonging t6 the GbufCh , and a'Her^ wards- , the fahie things are taken from tnetn^ then they ha Ve' the fame remedy, for the things, ai other riien hatfe^for the G^ds takcti frotfi'them: And there- fore if fnch Gdods be ftoln, they may hS ve ah A ppeal 6f Robbery, and if they be otlierwifc taken atvay or abufedf v as if Bell be broken, or the tike, tlic Churchvyardens may have an Adiom agaihft him that doth it : and in this Adtion they retover Damages to the ^^be Parifh, and not to their own ufe. Tr. 8 £.4./. 6 , b. 37 H.<5. 32. Finch- 'i: ' 7 *. m. Ah,. VaJ]. fol. 7^. KttchtH., fag. 277. i. 2781 a . Ip. And it (eems alfo, that the party that doth ileal or take away any Goods befonging to the Church may be pu- niihed for it as for a facrilegious ofo. fonce : And Obferve , that if the Churchwardens from whom the Goods were taken be out of their Office, their SuccelTors , as it feems , may lue tor , or recover the fame , or da- mages for them to the ufe of the Parifh. ytde M Et. B. R. Hadman & 138 A Guide & Kingwood^s cafe, Cro. Kep. 3. Part. 20. But note, that the Churchwar- «Jens have no fuch pioperty in the Goods of their Church, as thereby to have power to give, fell, releafe, hurt Of impair them, without the affent of theSidemen or Veftry. Vide 38 El. Me- thold & JVinttes cafe. KoVs cafes i parK fol. 3P3. and fee Hil. 7 Jac. B. R. in Starve and Bartot^s cafe. Qpo, Rcf. a part.&vide H. y.p. 21, If the Churchwardens (hall give or impair the Goods in their culiody, the Parifhioners may choofe new ones, who may have an account againft their PrcdecefTours. 8 £. 4. /«/. 6 . h. finch. L 2. ch. 17. R. i7p. 22. If the Organs be taken out of the Church, the Churchwardens may have an A< 9 ^ion of Trefpafs for the fame, for the Organs belong to the Pari(hio- ners, and not to the Par (bn i and there- fore the Parlon cannot fue fuch party rn the Ecclefiaftical Court that took them. T'r. 12 Jac. B. R. per Curiam. Ikoh cafes, i part. fol. 23. But if the Walls. Windows, or Doors of the Church be broken down, or the Trees uuhe Churchyard be cut down, for Churchwardens. down ojt the Grafs thereof be eaten Churchwardens fliall have an Adlon or It, for they are a Corporation only ?s to moveable Goods, and fee 8 H. 6 . A where the Parfon brought an A^ion of Trcfpafs for breaking and entring into his houfe and clofc, which Church-yard. P- 2 1 H. 7.fol. 2 1. & Par. JousLarv^f.ipi, 24. The Churchwardens by the arent and agreement of the Parifhioners, may take a ruinous Bell, and deliver it to a S n agree with him that ne lhall ha ve four pounds for cafline It and that he ftall retain the fame till* the four pounds be paid ; and fuch Agreement of the Pariibionets (hall ex- cu(e the Churchwardens in a Writ of Account brought againa them by their ^^'“rch wardens. M. 57 28 TA B. K. Methold& Winnes cafc.itus 25. If a Prefentment be made by the Churchwardens in the Ecclefiallical Court, That J. S. one of the Pariflii- oners IS a Railer and a Sower of Dif^ cord amonga his Neighbours, a Pro- hibition A Guide hibitton lies in fuch cafe v for this be- longs to the Leet, and not to the Spi- litual Court, unlefs fuch Railing were in the Church, or fuch like place. M. i 6 Jae. C. B. Rot. 7 id. PaHWel’s eafe. ttoharuRtf. fol.lif6. Roll f cafes, 2part.fol.2B6> 26. If the Chutchw«dens of a Church fue in the EcclelialHcal Court for a way to the Church, which they claim to belong to all the Parifliidners by Prefoription, in fuch cafe a prohibi- tion will be granted, for this is a tem- poral caufe. P. Id Jac. B.K. between the. Ghurcliwardens of Bythorn and BotP, RoHs Cafes, 2 part.fol 287 . 27. If the Churchwardens of G. fue in the Ecclefiaftical Court j« S. for that he, and all thofe whofe Eftate he hath in fuch an Houfe> the perr ■ ambulation of the Parifhioners of the Parifh diet ufe to find a refrelhing for them ( to wit) Bread and Ale, and fuffer them to rett there •, here a Pro- hibition (hall be granted , for that they claim it m nature of a Corrody v and if that fliould be fuffered, a grdit inconvenience would enfut , W. 13 jac. B. R. The Churchwardens ot Vf- for Churchvpurdens. 14 1 fngfoM^S cafe In Barkshire^ Hill. 1 5 Car. t. B. R. The like Prohibition prayed in one Zocjs cafe which was referred to Juftice Rolls cafes ^ 2. part. f. 287. The like Piohibition granted in one Reynold's cafe. Mores Churchwardens of a rhurch fue in the Court Ghriftism J.S. fuppofing by their Libel, that he and ?I1 thofe^who had an Ellate in certain Lands adjoyning to the Churchyard, have ufed time jout of mind to repair fo much of the Fences of tiie Church- were next adjoyning to the faid Land, in this Cafe a Proldbi- tion will be granted j for this ought to be tryed at the Common Law, in fo much as that it doth charge a Tempo- it H Car. I. B. R. Churchwardens of Claydon and Vmcomb s cafe , Rolls cafes, a part. fol. CHAP. 142 A Ouide CHAP. III. Jhe ChnrchvpardeHS Office about of Seats in their Church. 2p,' |‘'Hefe Officers are to look to the X repair of the Seats In the' Church , but the difpoHng of the Seats in the body of the Church, belongs of common Right to the Ordinary of the Diocefs, fo that he may place and dit place whom he pleafeth, except in fome cafes. Kell’s cafes^ 2 part.fol, 288. 30. For if a Man and his Anceftors, and all thoie whofc Eitate he hath in a certain Meffuage, have ufcd timeout of mind, &c. to repair an Ifle of the Church, and to fit there and none elfe, the Ordinary in fuch cafe cannot dif- place him > for if he do, a Prohibition lies, becaufehehath it by a Prefeription for a reaibnablc confideration. M.iojac. C. B. Timme’s cafe , per curiam , Rolf’s cafes, 2 part. fol.2SS. 31. If a man preferibe that he and his Anceftors , and all thofe whole E- ftates they had in a certain Meffuage, did ulc to fit in a certain Seat in the body f(fr Churchwardens. 145 body of the Church , time without mindj^c. in confideration that he and *hey, &c. have ufed time out of mind to repair the faid Seat i if the oldl* remove him from fuch Seat, a Pro- ^fion may be brought i for the Or- Jinipr hath no power to difpofe of it int«I5 ** * Ptefcription, and by intendment there hath been a good «f”r commencement of fuch Prefcription. tr. i 2 jac. C. B. cafe. M. 13 Jac. C. B. Laugh & HuJ^f cafe, M. 13 Jac. C. B. Boothby 32; But if a man prefcribe to have a Seat ,n the body of the ChurS ^n^ fhf* r’ confideration to repair the fame then the Ordinary in K KoU s cafis^ 2 part. fit. 288 . ^ 33* The Ordinary hath uothinc to Jo 7'h *0 Stats in the chapK- r"f "LVn i 34- But ifa Layman by the dilToIntl- J44- , A Guide on of Mpnafteries hath a Monaftfiy m 'which there is a Church, parcel ot tt, and hefuters the PariOiioneis for a long time to come to it, and do vice and toufe it as their Pariflt Church, thisV vtnlefs for all the whole time the party hath ufed to p'ace r^n m ^eir Seat's himfelf) fhall give Junfdi becaufe then he might be twice charged, for he may be charged in the Parifh where the Land lies, as is ihewed before, 5 ’ei?. 38. P. id. Joe. B. R.Sir Wil- liam Butler Verf. Rollt cafes, 2 part. f. 28p. Co. ^.Rep.f.Sy. 42. If a petty'Chapman take a Stall in the wafte of a Manner for Rent, within the Market for two or three hours every Market day to fell his commodities , the Market being held there one day every week, but he inha- bits in another Parifh , here he cannot be rated to the Reparation of the Church for fuch Stall or Standing. M. 20. fac. B. R. between Holms and the Churchwardens of Kettering in hamptonjhiret refolved, and a Prohibiti- on granted accordingly. Rollt Cafes, 2 part. f. 2$p. 43. If a Citizen of London build an houfe in the Parifh of A. and inhabit therein the time of Sicknefsin London, and hath not any Land in the Parifh, and afterwards he isafTefTed 20 J. for the Reparation of the Church , where others that have an 1 00 Acres of Land in tlw fameParifn pay but 6 d. yct not- with- for ChMrchwardent. j.q wlthftanding no Prohibition lies in this cafe m the Court Chriftian be caufe they have the Jurifdiaion oVthe thing i and therefore he muft be order- ed according to their Caw M. < 7 to repair the cLppd' tWei^ wi^t* z I-'-st- Chittch, but inuft contribute toi^ffot wardens of JJhton and the ParlL'Lt "’■= tu. m„„p,r.hi“Vterfat^^^^^^^ ^ 2- tual 2 A CjMtd>6 toal Court.M:i i JacS.K.per cmm.'Koh Ciksfi 2^1. a(5. If the greater part of the Parilhi- onersofaPariOi where there are four Bells, agree that there foall be made a fifth *Bell, and it is made accordingly/, and they make a Rate for payment for it this thall bind the temaind« ot the Pariftiionets, although they did not a- sreetoitvfpt otherwife any obftmate Serfons might hinder any thing inten- ^d, and what is fit for the Ornament of the Chnrch. M. 2 Car. i. B. R. Kolls cafeSii part,fi.2pi. 47. Note, That a man ought to be rated according to his perfonal and not according to his Lands for the Ornaments of the Church. M. 20. Jac. B. R. ^ 2 p i. ' 48. Thefe things hereafter mention- ed are accounted Church Reparations, viz. the Walls of the Chmch jni Church-Steeple, the Church- yard Walls of Stone or Brick, the Windows of <5tone or Brick, and the Bars of Iron, and Glafs, the Roof of Timber, with Laths Nails, Prigs, Dogs and Bolts of Iron the covering of Lead) Tile Slates, or Shingles, the Floor with Stone or for Churchwardens. paving Tile, the Doors of Timber whh Locks, Keys, Ridges, Hooks and Nails, the furniture of the Steeple with Stairs^ Floors, Bells , Wheels and Ropes, the Pulpit and the Pews or Seats, not rnade by private men, and all thefe are to be performed by Land- Rate &c, though the occupier lives in another Parifli, as afore ihewed. 49. But thefe hereafter mentioned are not properly Church-Reparations , viz. the Communion Table , with the Coverings thereof, the Communion Cups, the Bread and Wine for the Communicants, the Bible and other Books appointed to be in Churches the wadiing of the Communion clothes! the Candles for the Le< 9 -ure days, the Surplice, the Pulpit Cloth and Cuihi- on, the Clerk and Sextons wages, and expences of the Churchwardens and Sidemen at the Vifitation j and there- fore all thefe are to be performed Ka- tably by the Inhabitants of the Parifli and not by out dwellers. ’ H 4 CHAP. J52 A Guide G H A P. VI. Some Cafes wherein the Churchwardens are equally concerned with the Confla- Bles andOverfeers of the Poor. Seefol. 52> ^^,^i[.thetr Power again^ Conven- ticles, 50. TF any of their own authority A (hall wilfully difturb any Mini- fter in his Preaching or Reading of Divine Service, the Churchwardens or Conftables may of their own Authori- ty apprehend fuch perfons , and bring them to a Juftice of Peace to be dealt with -according to Law- r. Mar, e. 6 , See the Conftables Guide ^ ch, Difturbing of Mittifters, 8 c c. 51. Thefe Officers are to joynwith the Overfeers of the Poor in the exe- cution of their Office, for they have an equal Authority and charge with them in the execution of the whole Officer ’’therefore fee afterwards in the Office of Overfeers of the poor, ch. i. 52. If a Rogue be brought to thefe Officers, they mull receive him and look to him, or forfeit 5 pound, and be bound for Churchwardens.^ 15^ bound to the good bchaviour^ytitt, 32. £l. See Conftables Guide, ch, Rogues,&cc. 53. Thefe Officers, by Warrant from a Jurtice of Peace, may levy the forfei- ture for Curling and Swearing vvhich is twelve pence upon the Offenders Goods. 21 fac. c. 20. 3. Car. i ch. 4. See Confior- hits Guide, ch. Swearings Sec. 54 * If any forfeiture be by any of- fence about killing Hares , Pheafants, or Rr.‘ridges , and fhejuftice of peace force the payment thereof to thefe Of- ficers, they are to fee it imployed to the ufe of the poor of the Parifh.i Jac. ch. 27. 55. Thefe Officers are to prefent the Offences againft the i Jac. for fuffer- ing Tipling and Drunkennefs, and fel- ling by unlawful meafure, and are to execute the Warrants &om the Jufti- ces concerning the fame, i Jac. ch. p. I Car. I . ch. 4. 2 1 Jac. eh. 7. 4 Jac. ch. 5. See Conjiahles Guide, ch.Alehott^ fes, &c. 5^* Thefe Officers alfo are to execute the Warrant againft fuch as profane the Lords Day by Sports, &c. 3 Car.i. ch. & ch.22. See Conflahles Guide, ch, Trofanation of the Sabbath, H 5 57. Thefe A Guide 57. Thefe Officers alfo are to execute the Warrants againft fuch as deftroy Fi(h unlawfully. ^ Jac. chap, 12. See Con- gablet Guide^ c. Fijh^ &c. 58. Thefe Officers are alfo to joyn with the Conflables, in the making of Rates for the Relief of poor maimed Soldiers and Mariners, and for convey- ing Prifoners to the Goal, and to execute the Warrants for the fame. 43 E/. 14 E/. ch. 5. 3 Jac.c. 10. See Conjiables Guide, eh. garter Moneys^ & c. conveying Pri- foners to the Goal. 5P. Thefe Officers are alfo to joyn with the Conflables in the choofing of Surveyors for the High-ways, and in the fetting down of days for the work, and in the over-fight of the High-Con- fiables Account for the Monies they do receive upon any forfeiture about the Highrways and they may alfo with the help of two Juftkes of the Peace ^ ^uor. unut J force High-Conftables that have received any monies forfei- ted for default of High- ways, to ac- count for it, and pay in, what is in their hands to be imployed about the High-ways j and thefe Officers alfo are to execute the Juftices Wananis for • all for Churchwardens. ^ 155 all fuch penalties about cleanling the ftreets and repairing High-ways, as are forfeited by the 14 Car. 2. ch. 2. vide 2* 3. P. M. ch. 8. Vid. Conftables Guidcy c. High- ways. do. Thefe Officers have equal Au- thority with the Condable or Over- feers of the Poor, about the feizing of foreign Cattel Imported into Englandy &c. 18 Car. 2. ch.2. V.Conjiables Gnide^ ch. Irijh Cattel. 61. Thefe Officers together with the Overfeers of the poor, are to execute the Jullices Warrant for levying the penalty of hve pound upon the parties Goods that is not buried in Woollen, which penalty is to be imployed to the ufe of the poor of the Pariflj , where fuch party is buried. 1 8 Car.z. ch- 4. 62. Thefe Officers in the feveral Parifhes within the Cities of London and Borough of Sottthwark^y & c. upon every Tuefday or Wednefday in Ea~ lier Week, together with the Confta- bles, Overfeers of the poor, and Sur- veyors of the High- ways of every Pa- rilh refpeftively, or the greater num- ber of giving notice unto , or i5<* J Guide calling together fuch other Inhabi- tants of their refpedivc Parifhes , as have formerly born the like Offices, they or the greater number of them are to make choice of, and lhall nondnate and appoint two or more able per- fons, that are Tradefmen of their Parifh , to be Scavengers for the Streets, Lanes, and other open pafla- ges of each Ward or Divilion within the faid Pariffi for the year then next following, and untill others be chofen and fetled in their place. 14 Car, 2 c. 2. CHAP. VII. “The ChurchtrarJens Office about paffing Accounts^ together mth the Heads of moffi of the things which they are to pre~ pent in the Viftation Court, A LL Churchwardens at the end of their year , or within a month after at the moft, are before the MiniOer and Parifhioners to give up a juft Account of fuch Monies as they have received, and al?b what particular- ly they have bellowed in Reparations or for Churchwardens. 1 57 or otherwife for the ufe of the Church : And laft of all, going out of their Office, they muft truly deliver up to the Parifhioners whatfoever Monies or other thinp of Right belonging unto the Church or Parifh which remains in thejr hands, that it may be delivered o* ver by them to the next Churchwardens* by Bill Indented. Vide Canon 8p. ^ 4 * And if they refufe to do this, they may be prefented at the next Vifitation Court for it, or the fucceeding Church- wardens may have an Adion of Ac- count againft them by the Common Law, and compel them to give an Ac- count, and anfwer for their doings du- ring the time of their Office i And if they have done the Parifn any wrong to niake amends and fatisfadion fS the fame to the ufe of the Parifh for me harm it hath received by their de- Jault : And in this Account the old Officers fhall have allowances for all the needful Sums of Mony laid out or 'pent by them, either upon the Repara- nons of the body of the Church , Relief of the Prifoners in the Gaol ^ or o- therwjfe where the Law doth injoyn them A Guide them to pay or disburfe any mony. Vid> 8 E- 4-/* 65. Now as touching the Church- wardens Prefentments. Note, That no Churchwardens, Queftmen or Sidemen of any Parifh (hall be inforced to exhi- bit their prefentments to any having lEcclefiaftical Jurifdidion , above once in every year, where it hath been no oftner uftd , not above twice in any Diocefs whatfoever, except it be at the Bifhops Vilitation j for the which pre- fentments of every Pariih, Church, or Chappel , the Regilkr of any Court where they to he exhibited 3 ihsll not receive in one year above four pence, under pain for every offence therein, of fufpenfion from the execu- tion of his Office for the fpace of one month toties quoties^ but the Church- wardens may voluntarily ^ upon their own account prefent oftner if they pleafe. Canon. 1 1 d. , ^ a 66 . But no Churchwardens, Quett- men or 5'idemen, (hall be called or ci- ted, but only at the (aid time or times before limited, to appear before any Ecclefiaftical Judge whatfoever , for refufing at other times to prefent any ® faults I I for Churchwardens. i^p faulis committed in their Pariflies, and puniihable by Ecclefiaftical Lawsi neither (hall they, nor any of them, af- ter their Prefentments exhibited , at any of thofe times be any further trou- bled for the fame, except upon manifeft and evident proof it may appear, that they did then willingly and wittingly omit to prefent fome fuch publick crime or crimes as they knew to be committed, or could not be ignorant that there was then a publick fame of them, unlefs there be very juft caufe to call them for the Explanation of their former Prefentments : In which cafe of wilful! omiilion, their Ordinaries lhall proceed againft them in fuch fort, as in caufes of wilfull perjury in a Court Ec- cleiiaftical it is already by Law provided Canon 117. 67. Note, That one of the two times for Prefentmmts is always to be about a Week or a Fortnight after EaUesy at which time alfo the old Churchwar- dens are to leave the Office, and new ones are to come in, but the new ones are not to be fworn till the old ones have given in their Prefentmentj and every Parfon or Vicar, and in the law- full i6d A Guide ful abfer^e of the Parfon or Vfcar, then their Curates and Subftitutes are tojoyn in every Prefentment with the Churchwardens » Sidemen and Queft- men \ and if the Churchwardens , &c. refufe to prefent, then every fuch Par- fon and Vicar, or in their abfence, as a- forefaidi their Curates may thenrifelves prefent to their Ordinaries at all fuch times, and when elfe they think meet. Cmon^w'^^ 1 1 8 . (58. The Heads of the Articles, moft commonly exhibited to the Church- wardens to make their prefentments upon, are as followeth ; dp. Whether their Church and Chancel^ Bells and Ropes he good and well repaired^ and the Ten Commandments^ Lords Pray- esy and Creed^ drawn out in fair Letters^ the Kings Arms fet up^ Aff'efsments made for the Repair of the Churchy and frho refufes to pay If theyjoave a Font^ Com- munion-Tabhy Carpet^xable-cloth^ Flag- gnns with CupSy and Cover for Bread and Wine^Reading Vesk^fulpit with a Cufhion and Covering ft for tty a Common Prayer^ Bool^of the largeft Volume s and the Bible of King James’s Tranflation in FoliOy with a Boo^of HomilieSyand Book^of Canons yand for Churchwardefii. k5i a Surplice? If the fombr^ Monuments and Grave-Stones be fafely l^ept from removing and breaking'^ a Book^ of Parchment for Regifiring.ChriflniHgs, &c, A Chejhwith three Locks to put the fame and the Church Ornaments in^ rrith a Box for Alms^ and a fable of Degrees prohibited in Marriage, fet forth 1563. hung up in the Church? And if the P arfonage^houfe and ouuhoufes be in good repair > and the Churchyard well fenced to keep out Swine, &c. 70. fhen, whether their Parfon^ Vicar^ or Curate , read the Common Prayer at Morning and Evening Service, wear bis Surplice , bid Holydays , Preach every Sunday , or read a Homily, Catechife , obCerve the 5. November, 30# Jan. and 2^. May , and k^ep Perambulations , Preach found DoUrine, and vent no Se- dition againfi the King or Government,^ Celebrate the Lords Supper three times e* very year at leafi, whereof at Eafter for once s Baptife Infants with Godfathers and Godmothers, vifit the Sick,, and pray with them. Bury thef)ead according to the Eook, of Common Prayer, Marry none Clande- finely, Preach in his Gown, be a man of a fober and chafe life, a Peace-maker amongf his Neighbours, and one that takfs care 1^2 A Guide cate to reduet Se^ariest Popijh P-ecuftHtf^ Separatip and Refra&ory perfons to the Obedience and DoHrine of the Church^and reads the Bos\of Canons to the People at once every year ^ and the Articles ttvice every year^ according to his Maje- fiies Letters publijhed 1662 ? 71. then,Whether all their Parifhioners of due Age^ refort to the Church to Divine Servieejbehave themfelves reverently there^ . Kneel, Stand upland ma\e anftver accord- ing to the Rubriek^oftbe Common Prayer Book,? Whether any mrk,or fell wares on Sundays or Holydays, or Vintners, VtClua- lers. Innkeepers, or others, receive any into their boufes to tipple on thofe dayslWhetber any Marry xvithin the prohibited Degrees, bcAdulterers, Fornicators, Bl^jphemers, SsissarerSy T^runk,ardsy or SoYcererSy and if all above fixteen years old receive the Lords Supper at leajl three times every year lier to be one ^ and whether any keep tueit Children unbaptizedy f^^'otnen a^ter very in due time come not to be Churchedy Of any bring not their dead to be buried af^ ter the Service of the Churchy keep Con- venticlesjoave been married without Banes §r Licence at unlawful hours'^ and whether their Almjhoufes ^H'^f^itaf School^ or Spit- for Churchwardens. 1 6 ^ if they have any^ be well and godlily ufed^ or any thing detained from it ? What Legacies given to pious ufes *, and if the Parifh toners be placed into Tews or Seats^ without off'ence or contention. ^2. And lajilyyWhether their Tarifh Clerks andSexton(if they have any)be duly chofeny can write and readjbe of an honeji life^and make the Kefffonfes to the Hymns and other ^Suffrages ? and if the Sehoolmafiery and VJhefy Thyfmany ChirurgioHy or MidwifOy ( if they have any of them )teach orpraSiJe without Licence}! f the Churchwardens be dulychofen in the Week^after Eafter, by the Parfon and TarifhUners^accordingto the Canon or cuftom ? and if the old Church^ wardens have been diligent to k^ep the Church in good Repair^ topreferve all the Furniture thereof and wal\ out of the Church ufually about the midfi of I>ivine Service^ to fee who are abroad in the Ale- houfoyor elfewhere abfent or evilly imploy^d 73. Thefe are the heads of moft: of the Articles that are inquired of at the Vititation Courts i but it is probable there may be feme fmall alteration, ac- cording to the ufe of the feveral Dio- cefTes in feveral places. FIN I S. A A GUIDE FOR Overfeers of the Poor, CH A p. I. Oj^the Antiquity of the Offeersybeir i^Aifications^ andhow andvphen to be chofen. 'PHis Office of Overfeers of the Poor, is a Name and Office of great Excellency and Antiquity, and may befeem the bert and not the mean- eft men in a Parifti i for this Is not the leaft Office> to be called Overfeers of the Poor i for as God himfelf hath a fpecial refpe^ to the miferies of the Poor, fo they be like God which provide for the neceilities of the Poor 2. Now A Guide 2. Now it Is certain, that the Anti- quity of this Office is above fixteen , hundred years handing, as appears by holy Writ » for we find Sr. Stephen the . Proto-tnartyr, a man full of Faith and of the Holy Ghoft, and Philip, znd Pro- ■ cborut. and Nieanor , and timon , and Parmenas, and Nicolas a Profelyte of , Antioch, chofento this Office, as appears ACts 6. 5. and fee AGs 20. & 28. & I Cor.16. 2, 3. r L r 3. As for the qualifications ot thele , Officers, they ought to be fubftantial * perfons, having competency of Wealth, Wifdom, a good Confcience, and ot . honeh report i (cz Ads 6,8c P, C, XO./, ^ 3 ' r I Ti 4. Now thefe Overfeers of the Poor, here with us in England, are certain Of- ficers appointed yearly to be joynedt and affiftapt to the Churchwardens ot the Pariffi, in the over-fight and order- ing of the Poor of the Pariffi, and they are to be appointed by two or more luftices ofthe Peace of the County (whereof one to be of the ^orum) dwelling in or near the Pariffi orDi- vifion, 8cc. who are yearly under their Hands and Seals, at Eaiier, or within a innnth for Overfeers of the Poor. i <57 month after to appoint 4, 3, orajfub- ftantial Houiholders, (according to the greatnefs of the Pariih to be joyned with the Churchwardens of the Pariih^ and all thefe together are to look to the Poor of the Pariih i for the Churchwar- dens of the place have an equal pow- er and charge with the Overfeers , and may be punilhed for their ntgle<9-, if they refufcto meddle herein, 43 E/.2.21. Jac. C.28. T>alt. J.P.C ^ofp^. IVingate's , S tat. ‘tit. poor People. 5. The major part of thefe Officers, without the reft of them may do any thing belonging to their Office. But they are to have the allowance and confent either in particular or in ge- neral of Two Juftices of the Peace (Httor. unus) to every thing they doa- bout their Office. And thefe Officers, or ftich of them as (hall not be let by juft excufe, (to be allowed by two ]u- lUces) are to meet monthly in the Church on Sunday after Evening Prayer, and there they are to confider of fome meet diredions about their Office, and they are to ufe all poffible diligence in their Office, on pain to forfeit for every fuch Default twenty (hillings 1 68 A Guide (billings. 43. EI.c. 2, Wiugafs Stat. ‘tit. Poor People. 6 . The Inhabitants of the Townthips within the great Pari(hes of Lanc^ire, Chejhire, Derbylhire, Pork^fhire, Northum- berland^ Bifboprick oCDurhamfiumber- land and PPefimerelandf are to take care for the Poor of their Townlbips and Villages only, and are yearly to choofe Overfeers for the Poor within their feveral Townfhips and Villages : And thefe Officers (hall have the fame pow- er in the place where they are chofen, for the relief of the Poor there , and forfeit the like penalties for their neg- ka, as fuch like Officers for intire Pa- rUhes (hill do. ixCar. 2. c. 12, 7. And if it happen that Overfeers be not appointed according to the 43 El. then every ]ullice of Peace , or Head Officer of that Divifion or Cor- poration (hall forfeit 5 /. to be levyed by a Seffions Warrant, and imployed 10 the ufe of the Poor of the Parifhes where fuch default is made, 43 El. cb. 2 Wingate^ Stat. tit. Poor people. CHAP. for Overfeerj of the 169 CHAP. ir. Of the feveral Sorts of Foot People, and vobat Poor the Overfeers are to provide . for and relieve, or fet to poorkc That there are three forts or degrees of Poor, as firft the Poor by impotency and defed, as the aged and decrepit that are paft their la- bour i the Infant Fatherlefs and Mother- lefs, and not able to work, the perfon naturally difabled either in Wit or Mem- ber , as an Ideot , Lunatick , Blind, Lame, &c. not being able to work, and the perfon vifited with grievous fickneft or difeafe, though cafually, yet there- u r L inapotent. All thefe the Overfeers are to provide for that they have necelTary Relief and Al- lowances proportionable and according to the continuance and meafure of their maladies and needs, and of thefe it may be faid, Si non pavijti,- occidijii : Valt. j , P . c . 40. /. 100. 9 > Then Secondly, the Poor by ca- fualty, as a perfon cafually difabled or maimed in his body, as the Soldier or 1 La- I 1^0 ^ \jUiC4.C Labourer, &c. maimed in their lawful Callings, the Houfboldcr decayed by cafualty of Fire, Water^Robbery, Sure- and the poor man overcharg- ed with Children : All thefe C and fuch like others ) having ability and ftrength ^ of body but not fufficient means to maintain them^l^^S arc to be fet to Wk by the Ovetfeers, and being not able to live by their work, they are in Charity to be relieved in fome reafona- ble proportion , according to their fe- veral want|S atii neceflities. If sit. j.I. ch, ^o.J. .109^ lo^ Then laAly, The thriftlefs poor, as tht riotous , and prodigal petfon, that epnlumes aji with play or drinking? &e. tije diflblute perfon,, as the Strumpet, Pilferer, &<^, the .Slpthfui; perfon that tefufel\t'p, work, ;a»d ^he vagabond that wpl abit^ iuihO'dM^^ feryice,? and all thefe; the' Hopfe of Corr^ £iioD i? thg. place where they are to be • fentto, and being, of, able bodies there .they ^e tO' be, held-to hard laboupf,- and to maintain themfelvcs by- their l^bout^ and„WQrk, without charging t;h? Town _ OTipountiey ; for any allowance. 7 Jae. cb, 4. Valt* J. F. ch.^p.f. iQU _ ' ' ^ II. But for Overfeers of the FooK‘~^iyi 11. But it feem/eth thaft if any of chefe laft fort of Poor happen to prove {m- pocenf,, and alfo in cafes pf manifeftex- trennity, then they are to be relieved by the Town. Dalt, J. P, c. 40./. loi. 12. If the Parents be, able to work, and may have work, .they are to.hnd thek Children: by their labwr, and not the Parilh j but if they be-, overcharged- with Children, they may have help, by having fomp of -their Children put out) Apprentices by the Overfeers. fi P. e. 4p. /. p8. , 13. * The Father, Grandfather, Mo- ther, Grandmother, and the- Children and Grandchildren of every poor itn^ potent perfon not able to work, being of fnfficient ability, fliall relieve foch poor perfons in fueb manner, as the Juftice-s of Peace of ^har County (yrherc fueh fufficient perfon dwelletb) at their General Quarter Stffions (hall Affefs i and\|f fuch perfon refufe to. abide' the Order they forfeit 30 /. for every month ^ro'the poor of the -Parilh,, which ■forfei- rure is to-be levyed by the Gluirchwar^ dens Or Overfeers, or one of them, by Warrant from any two Ju likes of the Peace'C^for, within their Limits, I 2 by ■r ! i 1 f 'I i A Guide by diftrcfs and fale of the Offenders Goods , and fot want of diftrefs, any two fuch Juftices may commit the Of- fender to prifon, there to remain with- out Bail till the faid forfeiture be paid. 43 El. 2. c. 2. Kefol. Judges l< 5 , 17. J)alt. J. P. c. 40* /• 14. But note. That if a man marry a Grandmother that hath no Eftate, the Grandfather in Law is not chargeable : But if (he hath an Eftate caufed without fuch marriage, or that comes after tnar- riage by defeent or otherwife to her, here he may be charged: But where they have taifed themfelves to an E- ftatc by their own Induftry there it is doubtful. But in no cafe fliall he be charged longer than his wife lives » and it feems alfo Baftard Children are not within this Law, neither can the ]ufti- ces do any thing herein againft a man that lives out of their County. See Boul- Kep. 2. part. f. 2 ^$y 24<5, 247. 15. No Poor may beg but in tn«r own Parifti, and there by licence of the Overfeersof the Poor jand they may not licence them to beg In the High ways there, and without the licence of the Overfeers they may not beg at alb for Operfem of the Poor. ,7, 16. No Inhabitants may ferve any Poor_at their Door, but thofeof their , own Pariih, that have licence from the Overfeers of the Poor to bee thire under pain of 10 /. for every time they doja I Jao. 7. mit. J, P. ch 47. fol 17* Officers to make pro vifion or a poor man that wants an Houfe Herdfman or ^ confent of the Lord of ms I^nd and Seal, either by therafeives w with a Seffions Order, may eredt a ttage upon any part of the Wafte of notwFthfb Inmates therein, notwKhftanding the 31 £/, 7. Biu fuch Cottage may not be afterwards employed otherwife than to lodge im- potent perfons there i for if it befthL TforefaiT^r ?/ E/. married^' them i/fp^ maintain of S f ^ oidmary and daily Trade PerL aIf?‘‘'’'‘^*"^"Sby, and fueh perfons alfo as can get no work, are to I3 he A Guide • be fet on work by the Overfeers i ^hd any one ]uftice of Peace the Houfe of Coneaion, or Common Gaol-, ftich as {hall not imploy them- fclves to work, being appointed there- to by the Churchwardens and Over- feersV the poor of theParilh. 43 c. 2 . T>At, J.P.c. 40. f. p 3 • , , ,p. And to this purpofe the Church- wardens and Overfeers of the Poor by, and with the confent of two or «,ore|ul«ces of the Peace Set up, ttfe,' and occupy J«de, Myffcry, ot Occupation, only Sing on work.' and ^better relief of the Poor - of theP 4 ri(h, Town “ where they are Overfeers, &c- 3 Car. r. Stat. tit.^Boor peofe. 20. If a Stranger come into the Fa- ri(h into any Tenement, under the yearly value of 10 /. The Overfeers may require fufficient ° ?or the difeharge of the ParKh, and if he refufe, they may complain to the Tuftices of Peace within 4 ° days aftet* the party comes there, and they may order him to do it, or otherwife re- move him. *4 ^ ^ ^ ^ p. I for Ove^eers d/ 'the Poor. C H A P. m. fhe Duty bf the Gherfierr 'aboptt fthtini^ forth and bindittb df AppteatJces 'mtb the form of the In denture for ' fuch- furpofe, 2r.|N the putting 6irt 6f Chiiaren *. Apprentices, there Ought to ^ regard had to the Mafrer,the ChUd,and the Parents-, firft to the Mafter, that he w of ability and honehy, otherwife by fome device or hard intreaty they may provoke their Apprentices to depart 6r run^away , and regard is affo tobe had to his Trade or Faculty,, left the prentice confume his rime without learning any thing : Secondly, Regard IS to be had to the Apprentices to ptit them out timely, and while they ate young and tradable ( fo th« they be above the age of feven years ) omCr- wi^Te by reafon of their idle and bafe Educations they will hardly keep their ' Service or imploy themfelves to- work : Then laftly, Regard is to be had to the Parents to take away fuch from' them as are brought up to live idlely and I 4. loolly 'a Guide loofly* ot elfe fuch as are a burthen and charge to their Parents. Valt. J. P. ch. .40. P5* r 1 / 22. Note, That the choice of thele Apprentices are to be out of the pooreft fort of Children, whofe Parents are the leaft able to relieve them, and they are to be above 7 under 1 5 years of Age, when they are firll bound. 7 c. 3. m»gateh Stat. ’tit. Poor People. 23. And thefe Officers are to have the conient of two Juftices of the Peace in the placing out of fuch Apprenti- ces y and they may bind the Manchild till 24 years of age, and the Woman- child till 21 years of age, or till (he be married, which (hall firft happen ; And thefe Apprentices may be bound to Weavers, Mafons, Dyers, Fullers, or any other Trade, as well as to Husban- dry or Houfewifery. See 43 £/• ch 2. Dale. J. P. ch. 3 1. > 83. Wingate s Stat. 'lit. Poor People. 24. Now this placing of Apprentices may be to any man, whom the Officers and Juftices think fit to receive them, within the fame Pariffi or elfewhere in other ParUhes within the fame Hun- dred either with, ot without Money i there- for Overfeert ef the Poor. 177 therefore It is fit in this cafe to confider. It the Child be young, and the party to whom they place it is not very able, then they may give money , if they pleaf^ as the party and they ftiall agree. ■Key. Judge 1 1635. r, 25. All men that have, or may have ule for Servants, as Knights, Clergy- and Yeomen, as well as I radefmen, are bound to take Ap- j^enficesi yea, though wealthy men Cable rhemfelves, or live fo privately, that they have no ufe for a Servant, yet they may be compelled to take them, or elfe to pay 3 fum of money for putting them Apprenticeselfewhereiand if they refufe to pay the fum impofed upon JufteofthePeaceZ b. Jin '•'■y Ay 6 n.e Good tr"? j tic^^" Refufers to take Appren- th?S and indited for ? .u ^ “Pon the Stat. 45. £/. ^ , 27- An Apprentice put to » man in ^ 5 > tefpe^ tcfpea of his Fatm when his Leafe ex- oireth, the Apprentice lhall go hiU with the Farm, if the firft Matter be fo pleafcd V otherwife tt is where an Ap- prentice is put to a ™an in regard ot Us ability, or for other refpe^s. And where any differences are between the Officers and the man that is to «“ive an Apprentice, about money, and what money (hall be given or otherwife, h^ere the Jufticcs thereabouts, or, defaults, the Seflions mutt end «. Re/a/. Juc^es, i < 533 - 2 . Valt, J. P. c. the Parents of Poor Children {hall refufe to let their Children be pu^t forth Apprentices C without good caule {hewed > fuch Parents may be ver, by the Juftices, to a^lwer. their faid Default, and if the Children fhall Kfufc, the Juttices tnay fend them to the Houfe of Coiie<3:ton, there to re- main till they be content to be bound and ferve. > P- c.^o.&3 ufi Nocer. <^iat this binding, mutt be by Indenwe, and may not well be done by a Verbal Agteeipenr, and the ladmmc. rettft be dtfa« between the for Overfeers of the Poor. ■ Juftices, ChurchwardenSj and Overl*eer5, or them, and the Apprentice on the one part, and him that takes the Ap- prentice of the other part, as appears by the form of the Indenture in the end of this Chapter > and he muli be named by the name of Apprentice exprclly, or elfe he is no Apprentice, though he be bound. Cromp,\ %\.Dali. J.P.^ 3 1./.82. 30. And this binding is as effe(ftual to all purpofes, as if the Chi'dren were of full age, and did bind themfelves by Indentures and Covenants i and all fuch as are bound by the Overfeers, as a- bovefaid, may fafely be received and kept as Apprentices by their Mafters. i jac.c. 25. 21 Jac. c. 2 %, Dalt.J.Pi. c. i\. f. 83. 3 Car, I. c. 4. 5 £/. c. 4. Crompt. 184, 31 . Note, That money given, to put out poor Children Apprentices, is to be employed in Corporate Towns, by the Corporations,; and in other places by the parfon or. Vicai^ together ,w|th the Conllables, Churchwardens, and Overfeers of thePpor, p» the moft part of them i who fhall not .forbear or re- fufe to employ the fame ..accordingly, in pain to forfeit five tnarks^ each of them l8o ^ A Guide them fo making default, to be divided betwixt the Poor of the Parifh and the Profecutor. T Jtc- cb> ^.Pf^iugnte^s St at. "tit. Poor People. 32. And the party, taking any money with fuch Apprentice, (hall give good Security by Obligation to repay it at the end of feven years next enfuing the date of the faid Obligation, or within three months next after the end of the faid feven years i and if fuch Appren- tice (hall die within the feven years, then within one-year after his or her death i and if the Mailer, Midrefs, or Dame, happen to die within the feven years, then within one year after their death ; fo as the money may be employed in placing the Apprentice with fome other of the fame Trade, to ferve out his time, at the diferetion of the parties traded as aforefaid. 7 Jac. c. 3. 33. And the trwney fo given (hall be ierployed within three months after the Receipt thereof, and if there (hall not be apt perfonfi found in the places where it is given to the Apprentices, it flrall then be imployed in the Pariihes next adjoyning, by the parties that are trufted with U in the place where it was^ for Overfeers of the Peor. 1 8 r was fo given, and there alfo Bond fliall be taken, as afore is declared. 7 Jae. cb. 3 , ' Note, That if the Mafter ihall g|t his Apprentice into Apparel, it is a Omin Law, and he cannot afterwards take It away, though he ihould part with his Apprentice. Bro. Tranfgr. p,, 35* An Apprentice cahnot be dif- charged from his Apprentiihip, but by 4 Juflices the Peace at the lea/}, and in open Seffions, or elfe by the Agree- under his Matters hand in writing. DaU. 31.7.79. 3 ^; The Form of thefc Indentures mentioned before, is asfoIJoweth, ^ t ember, m the 20 year of the Reign of Our moft Gracious Sovereign Lord Sd of ^y the Grace of od of SnglaHd^ Scotland^ France znd King, Defender of the FaiA WitnelTeth that ^ ^ Overfeers of the Poor bv’ u"?" fame Town. <=onPent of Sir J. P. iimght and Baronet, and f. M. Efgi two. i 82 ^ Date of thefe prefents, until ^ r - i ? 1'. (hall come to the age of 21 ttJ'ol u m.nhi. which IbaU tad happen* according to the Statute in cafe made and provided i by and during all which time and ^ I Lll the faia E. H.het Dame wel ^ j'f^ifhfullv ferve in all fuch lawful r r..e6 a“X ftidE.H. (hall put her the / t ability, and honeftly Safore(aid7-f.inthe f of Houfewifery the he» manMt th (he cm. d. may, (hall teach and mfotrn. or eaufe to be taught and mfo-nt'd. « for Overfeerj of the Poor. 185 nuich as thereunto belongeth, and (he the faid E. H. knoweth •, and alfo du- ring all the faid Term to find unto her faid Apprentice, Meat, Drink, Linnen, Woollen, Hofe, Shooes, Wa(hing, and all other things needful or meet for an Apprentice. In witnefs whereof, &c. 37. Note, If It be a Boy that is to be bound Apprentice to Husbandry, or a- ny other Trade, then he may be bound till 24 years of Age, as is (liewed before in this Chapter. CHAP. TV. Several Cafes about Settlements^ and alfo touching Bajiards^ &c. There have been former- ^ ly rnany Controverfies, what' time (hould be accounted a Legal Set- tlement ) but ROW all ObjetSHons in that point are anfwered i for it is appointed by the 14 Car. 2. that 40 days (hall he accounted a Legal Settlemen,t;> but then this Settlement ought lieither to be ob- fcurc, interrupted, .or brought about by prat^ice. 3p. As A Guide 70. A« touching Selling of Poor People-, Note, That the Jurtices arcto meddle with none but thofe whoare impotent, and fuch as are like to be chargeable to the place where they are. Bow/jir.. Rfp. I 347* . . 40. And as to this, know that tt is ena^ed by the 14 C<»r. 2. c. 12, That if any Stranger come into a Patifli to fet' tie there in any Tenement,, under 10 /. a year, and. he.refufe to give fuch Se- curity for the Difcharge of the Pariih as two Juftices (hall think fit V then any two JutUces ( ^or. unm ) may upon complaint to them made by the Churchwardens or Overfecrs within 40 days after the Stranger comes into the Parifh, make their Warrant to fend him to the place, where he was lift le- gally fetled as a Native , Houiholdcr, Sojourner, Apprentice, or Servant 40 days or mote '•> fo that by this, it feems to be the opinion of this Parliament, that no man that Rents 10 /. a year, or above, is to be accounted fuch a poor man as to be removed by order of the Juftices ; where any perfon finds him- felf a^rieved by the two Juftices or- der, he may appeal to thenext Qh«“ far Overfeers of the Poor. 1 85 Ut S«iTions held for the County for his relief. i^Car. 2 ,cb. 12. 41. But any perfon may go info any County, Parifh, or place to work in time of Harveft, or at any time to work at other work> Co as they carry with him or them a certificate from the Mi- tt ifter of the Parifli, one of the Church- wardens, and one of the Overfeers of the Poor, that they have a dwelling Houfe wherein they inhabit, and that they have left Wife and Children, or Come of them there, and is declared an Inhabitant there i and in fuch cafe, if the perfon (hall not return to the place aforefaid , when his work is done, or ihail fall iick or impotent, while he is in the faid work, yet this (hall not be accounted a Settlement > but any two juftices may fend the perfon or per- fbns to the place or places of his or their Habitation ; and if any perfon (hall refufe to go, or ihall not remain in the Parifli where he ought to be fet- led, then 'the Jufticts may fend fuch perfbns to the Houfe of Correfl'ion , there to be punifhed as a Vagabond, or to a publick Workhoufe to be employ- ed in a work or labour. i^Car. 2. c. 12. This ir \%6 A Guide This Statute, as to the point af<»efaid, is to continue to the end of the nrlt Seffions of the next Parliament. ' ij.2. Note,That no man but a Vagrant Besreer, ought to be fent out of any Fa- ri(h to the place of his birth or laft ha- bitation-, for if any refufe to vvork m the Parifli where he is fetled , or to work for the wages alTelTed, then he is by the Juftices to be fent to the IHoufe of Gorredion. Co. i.psrt. 7 Jetc. c. 4 . Rr/o/. 9 J* S.Ci±J.f. 12(5. . ^ 43 . If a Scholar in the Univerfity, or in a Grammar School begtn^to be fu- fpea:, he may be, or if he doth become impotent, and rs like to be a charge to the ParHh where he is, he muft be fent to his Parents if he have any, otherwttc to the place where he was laft legal y fetled before he came to School. bJ\. ^ A. Ifonebeborn, and live 20 years in A. and then go to B. and there live in a Houfe and pay his Rent, and alter he comes to C. and there works ao Weeks as a Labourer in a ^arry 0 Stones, where he breaks his back, and b«om« tapotent. and there ts «ken for Overfeers of the Foot. j S7 vagrant and begging? in this cafe he muft be Cent to A. the place of his birth? and there muft be provided for. ive/T ■ Judges Car, 1. ' 45. If a man that hath a Wife and Children, ' take an Houfe in one Parifh for a year, and during this time he is illegally forced out of his PoffeiTion i then he fakes an Houfe as Inmate in another Parifh, out of which he is put within two or three days, and then not having any place to be in, he gets into a Barn in the third place* and there his Wife is delivered of another Child ; in this cafe they are all to be fent to the Parifh out of which they, were firft il- legally forced. Refd. Judg, 166^^ Se^. 24. 4d. One born in T>. left that place for the fpace of 20 years, then lived in -S', took an houfe and paid rent, and left that place alfo ^ or 7 years, and then came to L. in another County, and there was 20 weeks, did work, and there became impotent, and did wan- der and beg in the fame place, and was taken as a Vagrant, and it was ordered he fhould be palTed and fctled at D. where he was born, by the Judges at iror. 1 88 A Guide fVorcc^er Adrfes* 14 Kep. i.part.f. s 57 : , , . 47. No Child under the Age of 7 years (hall be adjudged a Rogue with- in the Stat. 3?. EL ch. 4. But it feems fuch Children vagrant and begging muft be Cent and placed with tbe Fa- ther or Husband of the Wife » and “be be dead, then with the Mother ( where (lie was born, or lafl dwelt by the fpace of one year ) and fuch Children, once thus fetled or placed, muft there re- main, and not be fent from thence to their place of birth, though after *bdr Parents dye or run away, or that the faid Children grow above the ageot 7 years j yea, though alt. y.P. 0^.47./* 125. 48. But Children above 7 ot age, going al^ut vagrant or begging in the Country, (hall be punilbed as Rogues, and fent to their place of birth. T>alt. J. P. c. 47. /. 12 5. dt* RefoL Judg. 4, 3p. EL c. 4. 4P. The Wife , being a Vagrant Rogue, for Gverfeer/ of the Poor, . , 2 p ^ Husband, Aough he be but a Servant in anothe^ Town i and where the Husband and Wife have an Houfe, ( though as an Inmate) and either of them Rogue a- bout, in this cafe they are to be fent to the place where the houfe is. T>alt, J. p. e. 47 */* *25. Kef. Judges 3, 5. Vk of or Jaft dwelling cannot be known, ha- ving Wife and Children under 7 years of age, they muft go with the Husband to the place where they were laft wilful- y fuifered to pais through without pu- nifhment, where the Children muft be relieved by the work of their Parents, though the Parents be committed to the Houfe of Correalt.f.P. c.^o.f.99- . . . ^ 4" i^33- If have a Baftatd Child by B. born in Vale, lo years Reputed Father marries an^^r Wo- man and they breed the ChUd lo years . in the Pariihof Sale, and the the Child is in Service all this while, and a Single Woman, Jje ' ther dies i in this cafe the Child is to be fent to the Mother firft, to be main- tained by her if (he be aMc, and if not, it muft be kept W the ^ari^^ of where it was fetled with the Father i vears. Eep. a. 3 ^ cp. If aWoman have a Baftatd Chdd, and^is like to be chargeable *bePa- rifti, and (he is fent to the Houfe of Correaion for it ( as (he tnay he by Law ) in this cafe it hath been queftio l^ed whether (he Child muft go wuh her, or remain in the Town where it was born, ( or fetled with the Mother ) for Ovtrfeers cf the Poor. jpj and there to be relieved by the work of the Mother, or by Relief from the Re- puted Father, upon the i8 El. and it feems moft reafonable to be fo 5 and yet the common opinion and prac^-ice is o- therwife, ( to wit) to fend the Child with the Mother to the Houfe of Cor- redion : And this may alfo feem reafo- nable where the Child fucketh on the Mother* jyslt. ‘^ 11, 5 ^* 60. If a Woman with Child be fent to the Houfe of Corre but moft properly by the *^0 next Tuftices, and the queftion muft be a- bout fuch a BaQard Child as is like to be a charge to the Patilh v and the curity muft be given to the Panft where the Child is ^om, to fccure the Pariih from the charge of ’ or to keep the Child: It muft be a Pa- tiih within the County where the Tuftices have power , and the ^ ^ muft be certain how long the for Overfeert tf the Poor. 1^5 Father muft keep the Child, fecurc the Tsrifli, &ct and it twuft be made againfl the perfon that is fufpeded to have gotten the Baftard Child, and not a- gainft another perfon to contribute towards it, becaufe it was gotten In his houfe, &c. and the Order rnuft ex- prefs the Child by the name of a Ba- ftard Child, and not the reputed Child of fuchan one, and the Juftices for the better difcovery of the matter, may upon Oath examine the Mother her fcJf concerning the reputed Father, the time, &c. Valt. J. P. Ch. i i. fi. 37. 1 8 Eliz. Cb. 5 . 7 Jac. Ch. 4. See SteePs A 154, 245, 24^, 247, 388. and fee PrtdgeoH s Cafe. Hit p Car. x.B.R. and Slater’s Cafe. Pafch. 13 Car. i.B.R. Cro. Rep. i. Part. 63. Where the Putative Father or Mother of a Bailard Child (hall run out of a Parifh or County, and leave their Children upon the charge of the Parith, having Elfates fufficient to dif- charge the Pariih, there the Church- wardens and Overfeers of the Poor of the place where the Child is born, may fehe fo many of the Goods and Chat- tels, or Rents of his other Lands, for K 2 the the difcharge of the PariOi, and bring- ing up and providing for the Child, as any two Juftices (hall order i and *b^te- upon the SelTions is to difpofe and fell the Goods and Chattels, and the Sellions may order the Officers aforefaid, what they (hall receive of the Rents and Lands alfo for the purpofes aforefaid. 14 C Car. i. by Juftice and Cw^. • ® Parifh in Reputa- t^ion (hall be a Pariih within this taw i u /u JaJA ancient Pariih that hath Officers in it, and there be a Town within this Parifh, which fora long time hath been ufed and reputed Parochial Rights, as Churchwardens, &c; here this place may be Rated as a Pariih to- wards the Poor. Hn/ton’s Kep. fo. 02. cJ- M. 3. C^r. B. R. Hilton & PattPs Caih Cro. 3 . Part. Rep. ^ 7 * This Tax muft be fet upon the K 3 Te- ,^8 ~ ^ Tenants and Occupiers of Lands > and not upon the Land-Lords living wuh- in or without the Parifh » for the Te- nant only is chargeable for the Land. ^Ijired’s 1 . Part. Rep. fo. 3 54' <58. TheParfon, having a full Tenth Part of the Profits of the Place, may be rated to a Tenth Part. Refol. Judges. 1^22. SeU. 32* 1 • 6g. He that doth occupy Lands in his own hands, lying in feveral ParUhes, he muft be charged In every Parilh for his Land lying therein, only according to the proportion thereof , and no mote » but for his perfonal Eflate it feems reafonablc he ftiould be charged for it in the place where his P^fon *• All Lands Ancient Deineafn Guilda- ble, and Copyhold, are to be charged with thefe Rates, which ought to be according to the value, or by the pound, and not according to the quantity, i^ea canfuetudo toVit Legem. ^ j • no. The Rate for Stock or Goods is thought reafonable to be fet after the proportion of Lands C ^ . pound in fiock to be rated after 5 or d pound a year in Land. , 1 ^ 71 . Note, That m fome fpecial cafes fer Ovtrfetrt of the Poor. jpp a man may be rated beyond his ability, as where one brings a charge upon a Pariihi or under any pretence brings in a man that may be chargeable in a Parilh, he may, if there be caufe for this, be raifed in his Rate to the full value of his Eftate > and fo was the Opi- nion of Sir Nicholas Hide. Valt. J. P. Ch. 40. fo. 72) where the Inhabitants of any Parifli are not able to relieve their Poor.any two Juftices (^Hor. mm) may tax other Pariftics and places within the Hundred, yea, the whole Hundred, if need require i and where that is not fufBcienr, the JufHces in their Seffions may tax the County in parr, or wholly at their diferetion. 43 El. Ch. 2. fFitt- gate’s Ahr. St at. lit. Poor People. 14 Car. 2. Ch. 12. 73* If any peribns find themlelves agiEvcd in any Tax or other Ad done by the Overfeers, or by the Juftices of Peace, they are to be Relieved at the Quarter Selfions. Valt. J. P. ch. 40. fo. ?7. mngate’sAbr. St at. lit. Poor People. 74. The Father, Grandfather, Mo- her. Grandmother, and Children of every poor perfon, (hall be alTefted to- K> 4 wards- 2 OS Guide wards their Relief, as the juaitfes of the Peace in their Seflions of the Peace in the County where fuch Father, &e. dwells, {halUimit and appoint, in pain to forfeit 20 r. a Month to the ufe of the Poor, to be levyed by diHrefs and fale as aforefaid, and for want of di- llrefs to be committed to Prifon till the Forfeiture be paid. 43 £/• Gh. 2. Whi- gate’s Abr. Stat. "tit. Foor Feofle. Halt. J.F.Ch. ^o. fo. 9S. 7 5. Head Officers in Cities and Cor- porate Towns, and Aldermen of Lon- don, have in their feveral Precinds like Authority that Jufiices. of Peace have in their Counties, and no other Jufiices ofSPeace are to enter and intermeddle there. IVingate’s Ahr, Stat. ‘Lit, Poor People. 43E/.C&. 2. yd. If any Parifh (hall extend two Counties, or part thereof to lie in any City or Corporate Town where they have Juftices v Then the Juftices of every County, &c. are to intermed- dle only within their own limits i and every of them refpedively within their limits are to execute this Law concerning the nomination of Over* feers, binding of Apprentices, granting Warrants J — for Overfeers of the Poor. 201 Warrants to levy Taxations, taking Accounts of Overfers , and commit- ting fuch as refufe to account or to pay their Arrearages i and yet the Over- feers lhall without dividing themfelves, execute their Office in all places within the faid Parifh, but (hall give up Ac- counts to the Juftices, or Head Officers of both places. Wingate’s Abr. Stat. fit. Poor People . 43 El. Ch. 2. Va[t. 'jl F. Ch. 40. fo. py, pS. • 77 * Thefe Officers within four days after the end of their year, (and that q- ther Officers are nominated) are tq yield up a true account to two Juftfi ces (^or. muf) of rhefe things follow- ing, I. What fums of Money they have received or rated , and not received ? 2. What flock of Ware or Stuff is in their hands, or in the hands of any of the Poor? 5, What Apprentices they have put out> and bound according to the Statute? 4. What Poor they hav6 fct to work or. relieved ? 5. What Poor they have fuffered to wander and beg out of their Town , or in the High- ways, or in their Town without their diredfions ? 6 , Whether they naeet monthly to conlidcr of the thingste- K 5 iODging A Guide iJngtng to their Office? 7 - Whether they made their Rates indifferently upon all men , according to their ability 8. Whether they have endeavoured to gather and levy fuch AffelTments? p. Whether they have negleifted the Juftices Warrants to them, or any ot them diredted for the levying of any forfeiture according to the Stat. 43 El. Ch. 2. T>alu J. P. Ch. 40. fo. 9 ^. 78. Now if the Churchwardens or Overfeers, or any of them, (hall refuie to make and yield a true and P«f«<^ Account to the faid )uftices, of all (uch money and of all fuch (lock as afore- faid, any two Juftices {^or. unw) may commit them to the Common Gaol, there to remain without Bayl, till^they have made a true account, and fatistied and paid to the new Overfeers fo much of the faid Sum or Stock, as upon the faid Account (hall be remaining in bis or their hands , &c. And if they make a falfe account, they m^ be bound over to the AfRtes or Seffions, and there an Indi^mcnt may be pre- ferted againii-them. Paft* 4®* ^ np, Alfo if any of the Churchwar- * dens for Overfetrs of the Fear. 203^ dens or Overfeers (hall refufc, orde-- ny to pay or deliver over to the new Overfeers the Arrearages C Sums of Money or Stock ) which fliall be in their hands, and due and behind upon their Account to be made as aforefaid, and two fuch Juftices of Peace may make their Warrant to the prefent or fubfequent Churchwardens and 0 ?er- feers, or any of them, to levy the fame by dihrefs and fale of the Offenders Goods, rendring to the Parties the O- vcrplus j and in default of fuch Di- lirefs , any two Juftices of the Peace may commit him or them to the Gom- mon Gaol j there to remain without Bayl, until payment or delivery of the faid Sum , Arrearages , and Stock be made. 43 £/. Ch. 3. Palt. J. P, Ch. 40. fo.p6. 80. If any fuch Stock (hall be in the hands of any of the Poor to work, and- fuch Poor (hall refufe to deliver the fame, two fuch Juftices may make the like Warrant, to levy the fameby di> llrefs, and for lack tbeieof may commit fuch Offenders to the Gaol as aforefaid. Dalt, J, P. Ch, 40. fo, p6, 81; And for thefe aforefaid, and all other. other Negligendes of the Churchwar- dens and Overfeers, in the execution of their Office, about the Poor, &c. tvety of them for every default he makes for- ' feitsao /. which Default rouft be proved either by the Offenders own Confeffion, or by Examination of Witneffes , and it is to be levyed by the new Church- wardens and Overfeers, or one ot them, by Warrant from two juftices, as afore- faid, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offen- ders Goods i and for want of Diftrefs, two fuch Juftices may commit Offenders to the Goal, there to remain without Bail, till the faid Forfeitures ftiall be paid i which faid Forfeitures are to be imployed to the ufe of the Poor of the fame Parifh. I>ah. J. F, Ch. 40. fa. py. 43 Eliz. Ch. 2. Their duty in fuppreffirjg Converrti- cles i See here /fl/. 34. FINIS. G U i D E FOR SURVEYORS O F High-ways and Bridges. CHAP. I. Of the Cbaice of thefe Officer/, bom many Sorts of mays there are, with fame fern General Cafes concerning High-mays. I. ^ ■' "'HESE Supctvifors or Sur- J veyors of the High-ways are Officers yearly chofen by the Coniiabies and Churchwardens of every Pariffi : and by the 14 Car. 2. the Churchwardens, Conftablcs, or Tythingmen of every Pariffi, Town or Hamlet, for the time beingi are upon Monday 2q6 a Gmie for Surveynri Monday or Tuefday in Eafler-week, with the advice of the major part of the Inhabitants to choofe two or more fufficient Inhabitants of the Pariih, Town, or Hamlet, to be Surveyors ot the High- ways for the year following, and they are to give notice thereof in writing to the perfons cho^n next Sunday after i and for default of fuch choice, the Conftable, Churchwardens, and Inhabitants of every Parilh, Town, or Hamlet, fhall forfeit and loofe 5 /. 14 Car. 2,Ch. 6. .rtf 2. And after choice made or thele Officers, as aforefaid, and notice given them* they are forthwith to take the Office upon them, on pain to forfeit 20 s. 2,3 P. M. Ch. 8. Wingate's Abr. St at. lit. Higb-wsyf. 3. The Confiablcs and Churchwar- dens are then alfo to appoint fix days betwixt then and Midfummer, to be fet apart for the amendment of the, High-waysi and muft give publick no- tice thereof in the Church the next Sunday after Eajier. 5 E/.C&. 13 • ^3 P. M. Ch. 8. Wingate's Abr. Stat. lit. Higb-ipayt, 4. Nofo, of High-nays and Bridges. 207 4. Note, That there are three kind of ways, (to wit) hrft a Foot* way, cal- led Iter gtiodeli jus eundi, vel ambulandi bominis. Secondly, a Foot-way, and an Horfe-way, called aQus ab agenda^ and this vulgarly is called a Pack or Drift way, and is both Foot-way and Horfe- way. Thirdly, a Cart-way, &c. called Via or Addim, (and this containcth the other two, and a Cart way alfo ) for this is juf eu»di,vehendi^& vehiculum & jumtnium ducendi s and this is two- fold, to wit. Via Regia, the Kings High- way for all men, & eommunis Strata, belong- ing to a City or Town, or between Neighbours. Halt. J.P.Ch. 26. fo. 6j. 5. Note, That the Kings High- way ( or Via Regia _) leading either to the Market, or from Town to Town, the Freehold and Soil thereof, and the inte- reft of all Trees» and other fuch Pro- fits thereupon growing, do belong to ' the Lotd of the Soil, or the Lord of the Manner, and therefore fuch Lords are chargeable to cut down the Trees and Buihes growing in fuch Highk- ways ; and it is called the Kings High- way, for that the King at all times hath therein Palfage for Hitnfelf and his People, 2©8 A Guide for Surveyors PeopIe» and may punifh all Nufances therein, though otherwife the Intereft be in the Lord to bring his Adtion for digging therein, or other like Trefpafs there done. P« Ch. 26. fb, 68. and fee Koh Cafes, i. Tart. fo. ^92. 2 £. 4. p. 8 E. 4. 9 > 17 E. 3. /«. 43 * Bro. Chemine, jo, 11. & Leet. 3. 27 H. %U.' 5. , , ^ 6. Generally the owner of the Soil on both Tides of the way (hall have the Trees growing in the way : But the Lord of a Rape , within which there are Ten Mannors , may preferibe to have all the Trees growing within any High-way within fuch Rape, although the Mannor or Soil adjoyning belong to another perfon, for the ufage and taking of the Trees is a good badge of Ownerfhip. P. 1 1- B-P- between Sit 'iho. Telham^ & & Blake, KoVs Ca- fes. I. Tart. fo. 3JJ2. 7. Where any perfon fliall inclofe any part of the High-way, luch perfon fhall be charged to amend the High- way next adjoyning to the faid Inclo- fure. And if one man have inclofed on one fide, and another man on the other fide> they Iball be both charged to mend of High-n>ayf and Bridges. 2cp the fame way. Valt. J. P. Ch. 26. fo. 6^. and fee 7r. lo.Car. i. B. K. Sir Edward DmcomFs Cafe, Cro. 3 . Part. Rep, & 6 Jac. & I p Jac. fo Refolvcd. Rolls Cafes 1. Part. fo. 3po. 8. But otherwife generally High- ways mud be fufhciently amended at the charge of the whole Town : And it is not enough for the Inhabitants to do their full Six days work yearly j except their ways be all well and fufficiehtly repaired thereby j For if all their faid ways be not fufiiciently amended, the whole Town may be Indifted there- fore : and if Six days work in the year will not ferve to amend them, the Sur- veyors may, yea, muft appoint more days. Valt.J. P.Ch. 26. fo. dp, i-fCdr. 2. Cb, d. p. The owner of Lands, if he be not the occupier thereof, ought not to be charged towards the repair of the common High-ways > but the Tenant who occupies the Lands is to be charg- ed. Hill. II. Car. 1. Br. in one Fojier’s Cafe» per Curiam. Rolls Cafes, i. Part, fo. 3po. CHAP. ^10 A Guide for Surveyort C H A P. II. “^he Duty of the Surveyors about Setting and Calling the Farijhionersto the Com- mon days rrorkr for the Higb-n>ays^and t about taking and digging for Gravely Cbal\^ Sandy 8cc. See fol, 58, 5 P* the days appointed , and that accor- ding to thcfe Rales following, viz^ E- very perfon having in his own Occu- pation a Plough Land in Tillage or in Pafture in the fame Pariih, or keeping there a Plough or Draught, (hall find and fend on every day to the place ap- pointed by the Surveyors, one Waiii or Cart provided, after the fafhion of the Country, with Oxen, &c. fit for the carriage, and with necelfary Tools fit for the work, and with two able who are there to do fuch work with their Wains, &c. as they (hall be ap- pointed (by the Surveyors) by the fpace of eight hours every of the faid (ix days, on pain of 10 s. every day default is made, 2 , 4 P* hdtCb. 8« KaJiaU, ^99' of High~n>ayf and Bridges. 2i i Lamb. 45p. ff^ingate’s Abr. St at. 'Tit: High-reayS) Valt. J. P. Ch. 26 . fo. <58. ir. And every other Houfholder, Cottager, and Labourer of the Pari(h, Town, &c. C able to labour, and being no hired Servant by the year ) muft by himfelf, or fotne other able man, be then and there ready to work every of the faid fix days, by the fpace of eight hours, as aforefaid, where they (hall be appointed by the Surveyors, under pain fo forfeit i 2 d. for every day they make Default. 2, 3 ?. M. Ch. 8. 12. Note , That all perfons being chargeable but as Cottagers by the 2, & 3 P. M. yet if they be in Subfidy 5" /• in Goods, or 40 ihillings in Lan Ch. 26 . fo. d8. 12. If any of the Carriages thall not be thought needful by the- faid Survey- ors upon any of the faid days , they may appoint infiead of a Team, two- able men to work, as aforefaid, who, (hall not fail in pain that the party that (hould fend them lhall forfeit 1 2 pence for every day that either of them 212 A Guide for Survey on them make default* Wingate's Abr. Stat. fit. High-roays. 2, 3 P. M. Ch.o. T>alt. J. P. Ch. 25 . fo. 58 . 13. He that fhall occupy a Plow-land in Tillage or Failure, lying in feveral Parifhes, (hall be chargeable only in the Pariih where he dwelleth > and he that eccupieth feveral Plow- lands in feveral Pariihes, ihall be charged in each To wn or Pariih where fuch Land lyeth ( to wit) to find in each Town or Pariih one Cart furniihed as aforefaid, though he be no Inhabitant there. 18 El.Ch.p, Dalt. J. 58 . 1 4. Now for the further opening of thefe things, note, That it is faid that a Plow-land is not of any certain con- tent, but ordinarily it is fo much as one Plough may Plough in one year, which in feme Countries is more, and in fome left, according to the heavi- nefs of the Soil. Co. p. Kep. fo. 124. 0. on Lit. fo. 6p.- & vide Lamb, ver . Hide. H. 6. fo. 2p. 15. And note. That a Plow-land or Carve of Land may contain Houfe, Meadow, Failure, and Wood : And if one have fo much of this as will keep a Plough and yield Tillage for it, if part ef High- ways and Bridges . — ^213 part of it were eared in this cafe, it feems he is to fend his Plough. Vide Co. 4. Lih. Kep. fo. 37. b. & $. 122. 16. He that hath a Plough Land, and no Plough , but doth iuffer his Land to lie frelh, yet he is to find a Plough for this work j and" (o it hath been agreed by the Judges. Mich. 21. Jac. Dalt. J. P. Cb. 26. fo. 72. 17. He that kcepeth a Plough or Draught for carriage, although he oc- cupieth little or no Land, but carrieth or plougheth for other men,yct it feems he is to fend his Cart to the High- ways i and if a man keep only two Horfes and a Cart for his own bufinefs, in this cafe it feems he is to come with his Cart and two Horfes with a man to‘ manage them. Vide Valt. J. P. Cb. 26. fo. 72. 18. It is held by feme, that fomany Ploughs or Draughts men have, and ufe frequently about their own bud* neft in Summer, fo many they are to bring with them to the High-ways j fo that if a man have one Plough and five or fix Horfes, and (hall plough feven or eight fcore Acres of Land, and (hall ufually go in the Summer time with two a 1 4 "a Guide for Surveyors two Carts or Draughts > in this cafe* it feems he is to come with two Carts i’or Draughts to this Service : And he that occupieth 40 or 50 Acres of Land , and keepeth only three Horfes , and one Draught or Cart, he is to come with one Draught or Cart. Vide Valt. y.P.Cfc. 2d. /o. 72. to. Note,That an Indi and if he who is to fend a Team negle^, he forfeits 10 r. and the labourer that ' negleds to come, forfeits 18 d for eve- ry day •. but then by 14 Car. 2. Ch. 6. the Surveyors are to pay them for their work for all the days above fix days, according to the Rates of the Country i and if they cannot agree, the next ]i> iVtce of Peace living out of the Panin is to determine the bufinefs between them. i\Car.2.Ch.6. , r 20. Thefe Officers may, if they fee sf Higb-ways and Bridget, 215 caufe, for the amendment of the High- ways, take and carry away fo much of the RubbUh, and fmallefi broken fiones already digged > of any mans Quarry lying within the fame Pariih without leave of the owner, as they (hall think needful, or gather the loofe (tones lying difperfed in any mans grounds > But they may not without Licenfe dig in any mans Quarry for new Stones, nor take the great Stones already dig- ged t and if there be no fuch Rubbifli to be found in any mans Quarry with- in the faid Parifti, then may they enter into any mans feveral ground within the Pariih, lying near the place where the ways are decayed, and there fif they fee any hopes of finding materials fit for the Reparation thereof^ without leave of the owner, they may dig for Sand, Stones, Gravel, &c, fo that it be not in the Houfes, Gardens, Orchards, or Meadows of any man i for they are not come there without Licence of the owner > and in fuch place where they may dig without leave, they are not to make a pit above ten yards in breadth or length , and they arc to take care that the place be filled up a- 2 1 § A Guide for Surveyors gain at the charge of the Pariih within one month after, upon pain to forfeit 'five marks to the owner of the ground to be recovered by Adion of Debt> and this is by the 5 *3- 2 1. The fame power alfo is granted to Surveyors by the 14 C Provided it be not in the Hon^e, Garden, Orchard, Court, Yard, Park with Deer in it, or in the Meadow of fuch party •, and this they may do without paying any thing for the fame Sand, Gravel, &c. only Damages to the party for the carriage of the fame over his Grafs, &c. and the pits and holes are to be filled up in fuch manner, and under fuch penalties as are prefcribed in the 5 E/. in the Se- dion, next before (hewed. 14 Car. 2. Ch. 6. CHAP. CHAP. m. "the Surveysrf T^uty about cutting dotptt Bujhes, 'trees y and Scouring of Ditches in the High-ways j and alfo touching Trefentments and Inquiries about Ve~ faults, faffing of Accounts^ travelling of W tggonSy Waynst &c. 22. TF the owners of the Grounds 1 . next adjoyning to the High.- ways do not keep their Hedges low, and cut down their Trees and Bulhcs growing in the fame ways, they forfeit ten (hillings. Tf^ingati^sr Abr. Stat. tit. High-ways. ^El.Ch, i^. 8 El. 23. And he that fcowrs not his Ditches in the ground next adjoyning to the Ground that is next the High- way, to the end the water iflay-havfe the better palTage out of the High- way, (hall forfeit 12 pence (or every Rod fo left unfeowred. 18 £. Ch. 10. Win- gate ut fupra. 24. If an,y fcowr his Ditch by the High- way fide, and thrbw the fcow- ring thereof into the High-way, and fulfer it to lie there fix months, he for- L feits 2iS Guide for Surveyors " felts for every lo?d thereof 12 pence i and the Surveyors are to make Sluces where fuch banks have been heretofore made, for carrying away the water out of the Highrway. iS El.Ch. 10. 25. Every Surveyor may caufe any Water-courfe, or Spring of Water be- ing in the High-way , within their Parifh ) to be turned, into another mans feveral Ditch or Ground next ad joy n- ing to the (aid way, in fuch manner as by the diicret ion of the faid Surveyor (hall be thought meet. Valt, J. P. Ch. 26. fo.»yo, 26. Note, That the Forfeitures of the A<^ of the 18 Eh 10. muft be levy- cd by the Surveyors for the time being, C by Warrant (rom the Juftices before whom the party (hall be convi^) by Diftrefs and Sale of Goods i which forfeitures are to be employed towards the amendment of the High-ways > and if the Surveyors negledl to do it with- in one year after the offence commit- ted, then the Conftables and Church- wardens by like Warrant may do it. lOf^Wingate's Ahr. Stau fit., E^b-fpayu 27. The of Higb-xvayt and Bridge/, aij 27. The Surveyors or one of them ate to prefent to the next Juftice of Peace every default upon the 2, & 3 P, & M. Ch. 8. & 5 El. Cb. 13. within one month after it ihall be made, in pain of 40 /. and the Juftice is in pain of 5 /. to certifie the fame at the next Quarter Seffions , where the Juftices have power to inquire of the Default, and (hall fet fuch Fine upon the Delin- quents, as they or two of them ( ^or. unus) ihall think fit. 5 El. Ch. 13. Valt. J, P.Ch. 16, fo. 70. 28. Note, That the Prefentment of a Juftice of Peace in Seffions, upon his own knowledg, ihall be a good Con- vidion> whereupon the Juftices in Sef- fions, or any two of them ( Q^>'» ttum) may aiTefs a Fine , as well aS' upon a verdieft of Twelve men > but in this cafe the Delinquent ihall be admitted to his Traverfe as in other cafes, 5 El.Ch. 13. vide RaliaV, 2p. The Defaults and Offences upon thefe Stat. 2, 3 F. M. 5 £/. & 18, Eliz. are inquirable by the Juftices of Peace in their Seffions, or by Stewards in Leets, either of which have power to fet Fines upon Offenders at their L 2 ffif- 220 A Cufde for Surveyors cUfcretions j of which Fines IndenPed Eftrcats ( in the Seffions under the Hand and Seal of the Clerk of the Peace, in the Leet under the Hand and Seal of the Steward ) (hall be delivered within fix weeks after Michaelmas^ one part of the Eftreate to the Bayliff or High- Conftable of the Liberty, and the other part to the Conftables and Church- wardens of the Pariih where the Of- ' fenders live. 2, 3 P. M. Ch. 8. 5 E/. Ch. 13.^ 18. Wingate's Ahr. St at. ‘lit. High-ways. 30. And thefe Eftreatcs (hall be a fofficient Warrant for the Bayliff or Chief Conftable of the Liberty to levy the faid offences by way of Diftrefs j and if no Diftrefs can be found, or the party do no not pay the fine within 20 days after lawful demand therereof, he or they (hall forfeit double fo much i all which Fines and Forfeitures are to be Jmployed and beftowed towards the amendcHent of the High-ways in the Parifh where the offences are commit- ted. Wingate's ' Abr. Stat. Tit. High- waysy 2, 3 P. Af. Ch. 8. 31. The Bayliff, or High Conftable, ihall yearly betwixt the firft of March and of High-ways and Bridges. and laft of Afril^ rendfer an Account unto the Coniiables and Church-war- dens, who have the other parts of the Eftreats of the Fines, of what money they have received, in pain of 40 fliit- lings i and the faid Confta'oles and Churchwardens have power to call the Bayliff or High-Conilable before two or more Juftices of the Peace ( ^or. Mnus ) to pafs his Account, who have power to commit him, until he have iatisfied all the Arrearages by him re* ceived, lave 8 d. in the pound for his own Fee, and 12 d. in the pound for the Clerk of the Peace, or Steward of the Leet, and in this cafe the fucceed’- ing Coniiables and Churchwardens have the fame power as their PtcdccelTors had. 2, 3 P.M. Cl». 8. 32. Two Juftices of the Peace by the Star. i8 E/. may take Accounts of the Surveyors of the ways, and of the petty Coniiables and Churchwardens, for fuch Forfeitures ( within that Statute ) as they have Levyed. '18 El.Cb. 10. Valt. J. P. Cb. 26. fo. j I, 33. By the 14 Car. 2. Ch 6% Every perfon eleded a Surveyor of the High- ways, lhall within one month after his L 3 year aaa A Gnide for Surveyors yearly expired yield up to the Inhabi'- tants of the Pariih Town, or Hamlet, •t fome publick meeting appointed by the Inhabitants, a perfedi; Account of all monies he hath received and paid within the year, by reafon of his faid Office, and of whom, what fum, and to whom he paid the fame, what monies are in Arrear for Fine, Forfeitures, Penalties, &c. And if any overplus be in his hands, he (hall turn the fame to the next Surveyor for the ufe of the Pariih, Town, or Hamlet, to be diC- Inarfed ia and about the High-ways the year following. And if the Surveyor fhall not make fuch Account and Pay- ment, then two Juftices near the Pariffi upon complaint may examine the bufi- nefs upon Oath, and upon default found in the Surveyor, they may com- mit him to the Goal of the County, City, &c. there to remain till he have made a true Account and Payment. 14 Car. 2. Ch, 6 . 34. All Juftices of Affife, Oyer and Terminer, and Juftices of Peace are im- powred to hear and determine all mat- ters concerning Charitable Gifts , for the amending and keeping in Repair any 'V^ - of Htgh~way/ and Bridges. 225 any common High-ways, Pavements, Streets, &e. within their CommilTion, and to make Orders for the due Im- pioyment of fuch Gifts ( except the Gift be made to the ufe of any Col- ledge, Hall, Free-School, or Hofpital, who have proper Vifitors of their own ) and to determine all offences j and de- feds in Surveyors concerning the fame » and in ca^e any perfon be agrieved by fuch order, he may appeal to the Court of Chancery, as in cafe of a Decree made upon the Statute of Charitable Vfes. i£f Car. 2. Ch. 6 . 35, No Travelling Wain, Wagon, Cart, or Carriage, wlierein any Goods, Burthens, or Wares (hall be carried or drawn for hire ( other than fuch Carts and Carriages as are imployed about Husbandry, and managing of Lands, and in carrying of Hay, Srraw, Corn unthrelhed. Coal, Chalk, Timber for Shipping » Materials for Building , Stones of all forts, or fuch Ammuni- tion or Artillery as (hall be for his Majefties Service ) fhall at any one time Travel, be drawn, or go in any publick or common High-way with above 7 Horfe Bealls, whereof fix (hall L 4 draw 224 ^ Guide for Surveyors draw in pairs, nor with a bone 8 Oxen, car fix Oxen and two Horfes i nor (hall at any time carry above 2000 weight between the firft of OSoher and the firft cf May, ( except fuch particulars as a- bovefaid ) nor above 3000 weight be- tween the firft of May and the firft of OCiober \ nor above five quarters of Wheat, Meal, Mefline , Rye , Peafe, Beans, Tares, nor above eight quarters of Barly, Malt, or Oats j nor fliall any Wagon, Wain, or Carriage, be imploy- ed for the laid ufes, the wheels whereof are leis in breadth than four inches in the tyre, upon pain every owner of fuch Waggon, Wain, or Carriage, Horfe, Beads, or Oxen, (hall for every of the faid offences forfeit 40 (hillings, to be divided into three equal parts, one to the Surveyors of the High-ways where any of the offences (hall be committed towards the repair of the High-ways of the Pariih there, one other part to the Overfeers of the Poor of the Pariih where the offence is committed for the Relief of the Poor there, and one 0- ther part to him that (hall difeover and profecute for every of the faid offencesi The penalties tt) be levyed by Diftrefs of of High-way f and Bridges. ^25 of all or any the Horfe, Bealls or Oxen, and to be dillributed as aforefaid, by the Conflables, Surveyors of the High- ways- and Overfcers of the Poor '■> and in cafe the penalties be not paid within three days after Dillrefsi then the fame to be fold, rendring the overplus, the charges of keeping and felling firli de- du(Sed. 14 Car. 2. Ch. 6 . ^ 6 , Note, There are feveral Statutes which concern particular High-wayS| in which thefe Surveyors are little con- cerned v I fl^all therefore Only name ■ the Statutes, and they who defire to be further informed therein, may look the Statutes at large. 37. Star. 3p El.Ch. ip. for Repair- ing the High-ways in the Wild of S»J^ fix , Surrey, and Kent^ uled for Iron Works, Stat. 37- H. B. 3. For Huft- tington Lane near to Chklie^f Stdt. 14 H.‘S. Ch. 6 . & For lay- ing out pew High ways in the Wild of Kent or Sufex, Stat. i M. Par. 2. Ch. 5’. For the Cawfey between Dorchejier and Sberbnrn, Stat.. 1 8 ii^Chi 10. about the Kings Ferry in-^Kfxt. L 5 CHAE- 22 5 A Guide for Survey art CHAP. IV. Some Heads of the Stat. 14 Car. 2. Ch. 2. concerning the Ways^ Server Pave- ments, &c. in London, and the Sca- vengers Office. 38. rjO R the inlargement of the r High-ways, Streets, Pavements, Gutters and Sewers In and about Lon- don > thefe things are to be known, that there are Commillioners to be appoin- ted under the Kings Great Seal ^ any Five or more of which Commiflioners may dire for the carrying away of Filth and Dirt in the Streets, > and every Houfeholder in L9ndotty}reiiminjier,B\irTO\i^h d( Sotetih- wark^y and places adjacent, arc to fwcep and cleanfe the Streets, Lanes, Allies, and publick places, before their houfes, twice every week ( to wit ) Wedncf- days and Saturdays, and make it ready for the the Scavenger to carry away, on pain pf ^ r. 4 d for every negled. 14 Car* 2 # 2 * * ■ 41, And no perfon wbatfpever,upon pain of five (hillings, is to throw any Filth, Dirt, A'fhes, or noyfom thing in- to the Streets, Lanes, Allies, or again ft the Walls of any Church or Church- yard, or other Houfes, nor throw the fame into any Vault or Sink i but they are to keep the fame in their Houfes, until 228 A Guide for Surveyors until the Scavenger come, and then they are to carry it out to him, or o- therwile put it in his Cart, upon pain to forfeit for every offence twenty (hil- lings. i 4 fCar. 2 . Ch.2. 42. None are to hoop , wafli, or cleanfe any Pipe , Barrels , or other Casks or Veffels, in any of the Streets, Lanest or Paffages aforefaid, nor fet out any empty Coaches to make or mend, or rough Timber or Stones to be fawn or wrought in the Streets, on pain of twenty (hillings for every offence > and every Hou(hoIder is to repair and keep paved the Streets, Lanes, &c. before his Houle unto the Channel or middle of the fame Street, upon pain of twen- ty (hillings for every Rod , and after that proportion for a le(s quantity for every Default i and twenty (hillings fer week for every week after till it (hall be well paved and amended i fuch Streets as have been otherwife repaired are to keep their old cudom > and every Houlholder alfo, whofe Houle adjoyns next the Street, is to hang out his Light from Micbaelntiis till Lady-doy , from fuch time as it begins to grow dark, till nine of the clock in the Evening, upon pain 43- Every Juftice of- either Bench, Barons of the Exchequer, or Juftices of Peace in the places aforefaid, within their feveral Limits, may upon their own knowledg, or view, confeffion of the Party , or proof of one Witnefs upon Oath convidf any perfon, &c. of the offences aforefaid , whereby they fhall incur the penalties aforefaid, one moiety to the repairing and cleanfing of the Street, &c. the other to the DiC-. coverer i but in cafe the Juftice himfelf convidf the party upon knowledg or view of himfelf, then all the penalty is to be imployed for the repairing of the Street or place where the offender lives : And thefe Forfeitures are to be levyed by Diftrels and Sale of the Of- fenders Goods by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any fuch Juftice, &c. rendring the Overplus to the party, and for Default of Diftrefs or Non- payment within fix days after demand, or notice in writing left at the Offen- ders dv/elling houfe by the Conftable or other Officer , the Offender C not being a Peer of the Realm ) may by filch r 230 A Guide for Survey or t fuch Juftice be committed to the Com- mon Goal, there to remain till pay- ment. 14 Car. 2. Ch. 2. 44, W ithin and the Liberties thereof, the Scavengers, Rakers, and fuch like Officers are to beeledfed, and fuch Payments made by the Parifliio- thegi, for clean fing the Str’eets, as hath been ufed by cuftom j and in Welimiulier alfo they are to obferve their Cuftoms for Eledfion and Pay- ments as aforefaid, and in all other Parifhes and places upon every Tuef- day or Wednefday in Eajhr-week, the Conilables, Churchwardens, and Over- feersofthe Poor, and Surveyors of the High- ways of every Pariffi aforefaid, ■giving notice or calling together the Inhabitants of the Pariffi that have born fuch Office, they, or the greater number of them ffiall appoint two Tradefmen of their Pariffies to be Sca- vengers for the Streets, &e. of each Ward for that year following i which perfons being appointed and confirm- ed under the hands of two Juftices of Peace, within their Limits, &c. are within feven days after to take the Of- fice upon them , on pain of twenty pounds ef High-ways and Bridges. 231 pounds upon every Refufer i and it af- ter this others be chofen, and rcfufe as aforefaid, they are to fuffer the like penalty : which penalties are to go to- wards the repairing of the Streets of the Pariih where, &c. to be levyed by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, by Warrant from any Juftice of Peace within the limiiSj-e^e. directed to the Conftables, or other Officers, or any two of them, rendring the over- plus to the owners j and (or want of Diftrefs or Non-payment fix days after demand, the offenders to be committed by any fuch Jullice to the Common Gaol, there to remain till payment. 14 Car. 2, Ch. 2. 45. Within twenty days after Ele- <£iion and Confirmation as aforefaid, the Conftables and other Officers and Inhabitants as aforefaid, or the greater number of them, (hall fet a Rate accor- ding to the pound Rate, to be impofcd upon the Inhabitants of the Parifii, Ward, &c. for the year following, which being allowed and confirmed by two ]uftices of the : peace of the place aforefaid, refpedively, fhatl be yearly paid by every Inhabitant, upon demand thereof, thereof by the Beadle of the Parifli, or other Officer appointed to colled the fame, and in cafe of refufal, two fuch Jufticesmay grant their Warrant to levy the fame by Diftrefs and Sale > and for want of Dirtrefs, to imprifon the Of- fender as aforefaid, ( not being a Peer of the Realm ) till payment be made. 1 5 Car. 2. Ch, 2. \6. The Rakers and Scavengers eve- ry day in the week (except Sundays and Holy-days) mull bring Carts, Dung- pots, or other fitting Carriages, into the Streets within their refpedive Wards, Pariffies, and Divifions, where fuch Carts, &:C. can pafs i and at and before their approach by a Bell Clapper, or o- therwife, fliall make a loud noife, and give notice of their coming j and fo in- to every Court, where Carts cannot paft, and abide and fiay there a conve- nient time, that 9II perfoiis concerned AffieSi ^*7 to the faid Caj^ts, all which the fa id Rakers and .Scavengers fliall carry away,oti .paifr of 40. fliillings for of High-ways and Bridges. 2 J 3 C H A P. V. Some T articular s gathered out of the AUs^ 15 Car. 2. Ch. I. & 16 1-7 Cit. 2. Ch. 10. about the B.epair of the High- ways in the Northern-Bof-'^oad from London to York, &c. Aj. XT Or the amendment of the and- JT ent High- way and Port- road leading from Londen, (for many miles in the County o( Hertford, Cambridge, znd Huntington ) to Tork-, and fo into-fco#- land, and likewife from London into Lincoftijhire, and from the City of Nor- wich, St. Edmunds-Bury, and the Town efCambride to London v and from L««- don to Newmark^t,ind fo intoNorfbll^nd Suffolk, beginning at Fuckidge in Hert- frrdjhire^ and fo to Barley in the fame County, it is provided, as followeth : 48. The Jnftices of Peace at their Eaiier Seffions yearly , for- the refpe-, (ftive Counties aforefaid, from time to time are to nominate and appoint nine, fufficient able perfons, refiding and in- habiting within the faid feveral Coun- ties, to be Surveyors of the fei^ral 234 ^ Guide for Surveytrt places in the ways aforefaid, for the year then next following, the Jufticcs for the County of Hertford , to ap- point the i^uryeyors for the High- way, lying in the feveral Towns' and Pariihes within the faid County, and Jufticfs for the Counties of Cambridge and Huntington refpeftively to do the likei and the Juftices and thefe Of- ficers are not to meddle out of their refpedive Counties: After the 'choice of the Surveyors, the Juftices are to give them notice in writing, and if they negle(3: or refufe the Office, the Jnftices at their Seffions may fet any Fine under lo pounds upon every fuch perfon fo refuHng or negle(3:ing i and in cafe any one fo chofen (hall die, or ftiall be difchargcd of his Office, then any two or more Juftices of the Coun- ty, near to the High-way and places, may appoint fome other fit perfon in his place, and give him notice thereof under their Hands and Seals i and if he refufe or negled it, then to be under the fame penalty as the Refufers of them that were firft eleded. i ■; Car, 2 . CL I. ^ 4P« The Surveyors within a week af- ter of Wgh-roiys and Bridges. 2J5 fcr notice given them of their choice, having no lawful impediment to be al- lowed by the Juftices that do choofe them , are to meet in each of their Counties refpe Team , or Cart for the amending of the High- ways; and other perfons chargeable in perfon only, to labour herein for three days in a week, fo that it be not in Seed-time > Hay, or Corn-harvcft» to come or fend their Wains, Carts, or Teams provided, as by Law they ought to do , for repair of the High-ways i and when they are come , to appoint them their feveral work, and to pay them after the rate of the Country for their work, and if any difference be, two Juftices of the Peace of the Coun- ty are to end it i he that fails to fend his Wain, &c. for every day forfeits ten fiiillings, and the Labourer refufing or neglet^ing for every day 1 8 penct. 1 5 Car, 2. Ch, i. 52. Any three or more of the Sur- veyors may appoint any to dig, take, and carry away fo much as they fhall think needful of the Gravel , Chalk, Sand, or Stones out of the Walk or Common of any neighbouring Pwiffi or place near adjoyning to the place in decay, without paying any thing for it> and if it be not there to be had, then they $f Uigb-wayt and Bridges. 237 they may take it out of any mans fcve- ral ground ( not being an Houfe, Gar~ den Orchard , Yard or Park liored with Deer ) in any PariOi chargeable, toward the repair of the faid High- wzv ^ giving only to ^ the owner of the ground for the damage he hath thereby , accordingly as tlw ^di- ces at any of their Quarter SelUons fhall fet down, if any difference be ; And they are with all fpeed convenient to fill up and level fuch Pits as they (hall make, or elfe to rail them about, that they be not dangerous to Man or Beaft. IK Car»2.Ch, I, 53. The Surveyors are always at the Quarter Seffions next after Ealier to give in an Account under their Hands to the JuQices of all the money they have received from the Coikdkor or Receiver of the Toll, and what they have laid out about the High- ways or in the execution of their Office i and if they have any money in their hands, they are to pay it to the Surveyors for the next year, or to their Treafur^ or Receiver s and then they are to nave albwance for their pains v and if they {hall not account and pay in the money in 338 A Guide for Surveyor t in their hand, or if the Colledior or Receiver of the Toll refufe to pay in the money to the Surveyors upon Re- queft, then they rcfpedively at any Quarter Seffions may be committed to Prifon, till they do fo account and pay in the money. 15 Car, 2. Ch. i, 54. If the Juftices at their Quarter Seflions make any Rate for the Repair of thefe High-ways , the Surveyors are to colle<^ and receive it, and in cafe of refufal they or their Receivers and Colledors may dilirain for it, and fell the Diftrefs , rendring the over- plus fo the owners v and they or their Receivers are to receive all the Fines and Forfeitures named in the Adf, and to imploy them towards the Repair of the High-ways i they might alfo ( with the confent of the Juftices at their Quarter Seflions ) borrow money to repair the faid High-ways, and ingage the Toll for it in their refpeSive Counties, by Indenture under their Hands and Seals for any time under nine years, for Security of the Repayment of the Money borrowed with- Interefl, and therewith repay the fame. 15 Car. 2. CL I. 55. The fes, Coaches, Carts, Waggons, Droves, and Gangs of Cattel, that (hall pafs, be led, or driven in or through the Toll Gates at Stilton in Huntingtonjhire^ at Arrinpon-Bridge in Camhridgejhvre^ and at Wades-MiH in Hartfordjhire, after the proportion following : That is to (ay, for every Horfe one peny, every Coach fix pence, every Cart eight pence, eve- ry Waggon twelve pence , every fcorc of Sheep or Lambs one half peny, an<^ fo proportionably for greater or lelTer numbers » for every fcore of Hogs fWo pence, and fo proportionably for grea- ter or lefler numbers, not be^ig under Five i for every fcore of Ox^n or Neat Cattel five pence, and^fo proportiona- bly for greater or lelTer numbers i and if any refufe or neglect to pay, the Col- led:or may difirain the Horfe, Coach> Cart, Waggon, Oxen, or other Cattel aforefaid , or any of them , and keep them till the Toll be paid, and damages for keeping the Difirefs. 15 Gar. 2, Ch. I . and fee id, 8c 17 Qir. z.Ch. 10. 56. Note, 240 A Guide fir Surveyor t 55. Note, That no Palfenger is to pay twice in one day at the fame place, neither is any Souldier in his March, or Poft-rider to pay Toll, and certain adjacent Towns alfo to the faid places appointed for taking of Toll are ex- empted. See the Statute it felf 1 5 Car. 2. Ch. I. 57. The Toll at Stilton and Arring- ton Bridge is to continue i i years, to begin from the 7th of July in the i5t;& year of the King, if the ways be not well amended, and the monies borrow- ed paid in again, before the expiration of the faid Term} and the Toll at W idet Mill is to continue for 2 1 years, after the 1 1 years expired, if the ways ,be not adjudged to be well amended in the mean time, and all monies borrow- ''ed for that purpofe, with the Intereft thereof repaid again. 15 C<»r. 2. Ch.i. 16) & 17 Car. 2. Cb. 10. ■ 58. The Colledtor of the Toll at ades Mill is to account weekly to the Receiver General } and the next Jufiice may give the Collealt. J. P. Cb. 13. fo. 40. 22 H. 8. Cb. 5. Co. 2. Tart. Infi. 705. 66 . The faid Juflices alfo are to ap- point two Surveyors, who (hall fee fuch decayed Bridges and ways repaired and amended from titnc to time ^s of- ten as need (hall require , to whofe hands of Higb-neayt and Bridges. 245 Jiands the Colledors muft pay the Mo- nies by them received. Dj/;. 7 p rh id- fo. 40. 22 H. 8. Ch. 5. . ■ ■ ^7. And the faid Colledors and Sur- veyors, and their Executors and Ad- miniarators, and every of them fliaH rom time to time make a true Account JO the faid Juftices of Peace , of the and Expences of Ihem ’ and if any of them refufe fo to do, then the faid Ju- hy their difcretions, may make out procefs againft the faid Collectors and Sur- veyors, their Executors and Admini- fh-ators by Attachment, Precept, or Warrant under their Hands and Seals returnable at their General SelTions of the Peace and the faid Juftkes may allow fuch reafonable Colts and Char- ts to the faid Surveyors and Colle- ^ors upon their Account, as to them T> L convenient. 22 H. 8. Ch. 5. 68. If any fuch Bridge be wholly in a City, or other Corporate Town, the Inhahtants of the faid City or Corpo- where inch Bridge lies out of fuch City or M 3 Cor- 24*5 ^ Guide for Surveyors Corporate Town , the fame muft be made by the Inhabitants of the Shire or Riding within which the fame Bridge (hall be, and if part of the Bridge be m one Shire or Riding, City, or Corpo- late Town, and part in another, then every of them lhall be charged to make and repair fuch part as (hall lie and be within their own limits. 22 H. 6 . Ch. 5. Co. 2. Part. Inf. ft. 7®^. j. P. Ch. 12. fo. _ 6 p. But otherwife no Village or Free- man (hall be compelled to make any Bridge i but fuch as of old time, and by Right they were wont to make. Magna Charta Ch. 15. 70. By the Common Law feme per- fons were bound to repair Bridges, R or on both, are not bound m Common Right to repair the fame. 44 £/. 3. 31.21 E. 4 * ')H.'J.3.Crompt. l 8 < 5 . 8 H. 7. 5. b. 71. If a man, which holdeth too A- cres of Land, ought to repair a Bridge bv tenure of the fame, do alien 2p A- ^ cres vf High-rvayf and Bridges. 247 cres thereof to one man, and 10 Acres to another man, in fuch cafe every ow- ner or occupier of fuch Lands muH be charged proportionably for their faid Lands. Kegifi.26%. a. F. N. B. 235. B. Co* 2, Part, Inji, fo, 700. 72. Again^fome by the Common Law* were bound by prefeription to repair a Bridge, but herein there is a diverfity between Bodies Politick or Corporate^ Spiritual or Temporal , and Natural Perfons i For Bodies Politick, &c, may be bound by ufuage and prefeription Only, becaufe they are local, and have a perpetual fuccellion, and never dyes but a Natural perfon cannot te bound by the Acft of his Anceftor, without AiretSjOr fome profit to be taken there* fore. 21 E. fo, 38. b. 27. Crompt. 187. Co. 2. Part. fo. 700. Dalt. J. P. Ch, fo. 73 * By Common Right Bridges are to be amended by the whole County, if it be not known who ought to do the fame otherwife. Pafeb. 10 E. 3. 28^ 2p. Co. 2. P one Pariffi with another, and this is by the 43 E/. Cb, 3. but it is provided further by the 1 4 Car. 2, Qh. p. that the Juftices I’reafurerf, See. 2.53^ Juftices may tax every Parifii more than the Rates aforefaid, fo as it ex- ceed not two (hillings and fix pence, nor be under three pence per week. And thefe firais, thus taxed, muft be afleffed in every Pari(h by theParilhioners ( or in their Default ; by the Confiables and Churchwardens ( or in their Defaujt ) hy the next Juftice or Juflices of the Peace. 43 El. Ch. 3. 3. And the Confiables and Church* wardens have power to levy the Tax in every Parifli of every perfon refu- fing to pay the fame, by Diftrefs and bale of his Goods, rendring the over- plus to the owner i and in the Con- fiables and Churchwardens Default , the next adjoyning Jufiice may difirain *he fame. 43 El.Ch. 3. Winirate's St 4 t, lit. Captain^ & Dalt. J. p, Ch. 53- A t35* r' the Tax is levyed i the Confiables and Churchwardens are to deliver it quarterly ( ten days before mry garter SeflionsJ to the High Confiable of their Divifion, who muft deliver to the Treafurers of the Coun- ty at the fame Quarter Seffions all the lame money i and if the Confiables or Church- 2 ^ 4 . ^ Guide for Churchwardens, their Exeeutors, &c. fail in the payment to the High Con- fiable within the time aforefaid, then they are to forfeit 20 (hillings v and if the High Conftable fail to pay the Treafurers every Seffions > then he forfeits 40 (hillings-, which Forfei- tures, afe it feems, the Treafurers may levy by Didrefs and Sale of the Of- fenders Goods, without any Warrant, rendring the overplus to the owner: and thefe Forfeitures are to go in Aug- mentation of the Treafurers Stock. 43 'E/. 3 * 5. The Maimed Souldier or Mari- ner which was preli, (hall repair fif he be able to Travel ) to the Treafurers of the County where he was preft i if he were not preft, then to the Trea- furers of the County where he was born, or where he laft dwelt by the fpace of three years, at his Eledions but if he be not able to Travel, then to the Treafurers of the County where he Lands i and he is to bring with him a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the Chief Commander, or of the Cap- tain under whom he ferved, containing the particular of his hurts and fervi- ireafurers^ 6 cc. 255 ces, which Certificate fhall alfo be al- lowed by the Mufter-Mafter, or the Re ceiver General of the Rolk for the Mufter, under one of their hands. 45 ' _ Then upon fuch a Certificate, the freafurers aforefaid may allow- the party Relief to maintain him till the next Quarter Seilions i andlhen the ma- Juftices may allow him a Renfion, which the Treafurcrs maft pay him Quarterly, until it fhalfbe re- voked or altered by the faid Juftlces » and this allowance is not to exceed lo pounds7>er arm. to a common SouJdier nor 15 pounds to an Officer under 3 Lieutenant, nor 20 pounds to a Lieu- tenant. 43 El Ch.^.Wingauh Stat. Tit. i^aptatns and Souldierr^ 7 * Note> where Souldiers and Mari- ners arrive far from the place where they Treafurers there fhall give them Relief, and a Tcfti- monial whereby they may pafs from Treafurer to Treafurer, until they fhall come to the place requirediand this fhall be done upon the bare Certificate of the Oommander and Gaptainjalthough they avc not as yet obtain’d any allowance from ^ Guide for from the Mufter-Mafter , or Receiver General of the Mufter Rolls. Wingate's Sut.’fit, Captains and Souldiers, 43 E/. Cb. 3. S. If any Souldier or Mariner beg, or Counterfeit a Certificate, he Ihall be punUhed as a common Rogue, and (hall loofe his Penfion, if he have any. 43 E/. Ch. 3. Wingate ubi fupra. When out of the County tvhere thfjparty was preft, a fit Penlion cannot be lafisfied, it lhall then be fapplied by the County where he was born , or where he laft dwelt by the fpace of three years. Wingate ubi jnpra. 43 E/. cL 3. 10. By the 14 Car. 2. Cb- It is provided, that every Officer, Souldier, or Mariner maimed, indigent, aged, or difabled in body for work, in the Ser- vice of King Charles the Firft,or of his Majefty that now is, during the late Wats, or which are fo iropoveriffied by their fuffcrings under any of the late ufurped Powers, as that they are deftitute of any compe'tent fubfiftenee or livelyhood, and have continued faithful to their Truft, and not defer- vcd the fame, by taking up Arms againft Treafurers^ &c. 257 his late Majeflyi or his MajcAy that row is, or other wife, is to repair to the place where he was laft fetled be- fore he took up Arms, ( with a Certir hcateof his Service and hurts received under the hand of his Captain, or other Commiffionated Officer ) and there repair to the two next Jufliices, s^o upon examination of the truth of fuch Certificate ( upon Oath of the Party and fuch Witnefs as he ihall produce ) may by Warrant unto the Treafurers affign him Relief unto the next Quar- ter SeflTionsj to be holden for that County or Liberty » at which time a yearly Penfion may be fetled on him, which muft not exceed 20 pounds to any one petfbn> which Penfion is to be with power of Revocation or Altera- tion i and in cafe where the Captain or Officer appointed to make fuch Cer- tificate is dead, the Juftices upon Re- queft to them made in behalf of the party maimed, aged, indigent or dif- abled, as aforefaid, by perfons of cre- dit, are to give fuch Relief, as in cafes of Examination as aforefaid. 14 Car. 2. Ch. p. II. And touching the Widows and Or- 258 A Guide for Orphans of fuch as dyed in the Service aforefaid, it is provided. That C over and beGde fuch Relief as they (hall gain by their labour and work> and what fhall be allowed by the charjty and benevolence of the Parifli, Town, or Hamlet where they are fetled ) the Treafurers for the maimed Souldiers for fuch County (hall allow fuch fur- ther’ Relief from time to time, as (ball be adjudged meet by two next Ju dices of the Peace of fuch County » and the (aid Relief is to be paid out of the Surplufage of fuch Stock of Main- tenance as (hall remain in the hands of the faid Treafurers after fuch Pcn- fions and Payment of them raade> And of which furplufage and allow- ance made unto fuch Widows and Or- phans, the faid Treafurers (hall give account from time to time, and the fame diftribute as by the Jufti- ces (hall be dire( 3 :cd. 14 Car. 2. Ch, p. 12. The Treafurers are to Regifter all their Receipts and Disburfements, and muft enter the Names of the Par- ties reiieved into their Book, and ai- fo the Certificate, by vertuc whereof the T’reafttrerfy &c. the disburfements are madei and where they difallow of a Certificate, they are to fct down the Reafons of their Refufal under the Certificate » or on the back thereof/ 43 E/iz. Ch. 3. fVtH- gate^s Stitii lilt. €aptairts and Soul-- diers. 13. If any Treafurcr wilfully refufe to give Relief in the cafes aforefaid, the Janices of the Peace in their Seffions tray fct a Fine upon him, Which may be levyefl by Diflrefs and Sale of his Goods. ff^iHgate ubi fitfra, 43 Ch, 3. 14. Thcfe Officers at the end of their year, within 10 days after EaUer Sef- fionsj are to give up a juft account to the fuccceding Treafurers of all their Receipts and Disburfements within the time of their Office i and then if they have any money in their hands, they are to deliver it to their Succef- fors i and if any fuch Officer, his Exe- cutors, or Adminiftrators lhall not give up fuch Account within the time aforefaid , or ftiall be otherwife neg- Jigent in the execution of his Officer The Juftices at their Seflfions may affefs what fine they pleafe upon him » fo that 2^0 A Guidt forl’reafurerj^ Sec. it be not under five pounds, but what they pleafe above five pounds upon him, his Executors or Adminifirators. gate ubf fupray 43 El.Ch,^. 1 5. In Corporations the Juftices there are to put this A^ion in execution, and not the Juftices of the County > This Ad is not to prohibit the City of Lon- doHy to make a Tax if need require, differing from that above limited in this Ad, fo that no Parifh pay above three (hillings weekly , nor under 12 pence weekly one Parilh with another. 43 E//a. Cb. 3. FINIS. A GUIDE FOR TREASURERS OF THE County Stock, for the Relief of Poor Prifoners in the Kings-Bench and AlarJljalfea, and for Hofpitals and Almf- houfes in their feveral Coun- ties. I. T^HESE Officers are to be I , yearly chofea by the Jufti- ces at their Quarter Seffi- ons about EalUr^ and they muft be two for 262 A Guide ftr for every County, Riding, &c. and by the words of the Statute they ought to be Subfidy men, of 5 pound in Lands, or 10 pounds in Goods at the leaii, or near that value i and thefe Officers are to continue in their Office but one year, and tiien others to be chofen, and they arc to have the charge of the Receipt and Disburfements of the money taxed and levyed upon the whole County yearly, for the Relief of the Prifbners in the Kings Bench and Marjhal/ey, and for the Relief of Hofpitals and Almf- houfes within the feme Cqunty. 43 Ch. 2. 2, And for this purpofe the Juftices of Peace of every County or Corpo- ration, or the major part of them, at Ettfier Sfffions yearly , or as often as they (hall think fit, may rate every Pa- riffi at a certain fura to be paid weekly i but fo as no Parifh may pay more than fix pence, nor lefs than a half peny, and one Parifh with another , not a- bove two pence through the whole County or Corporation , which fum fo rated, the Conflables and Church- wardens in every Parifh , or any of them, ( or in their default the next Ju- 'treafurer/^ icc. 26^ ftice of Peace ) have power to Affefs, and to levy by Didrefs and fale of the Parties Goods rcfufing to pay , Ren- dring the overplus to the owners > and for Default of Diftrefs, the fald juflicc may commit the Party to Prifon till it be paid. Wingate^s Stat, 7it, Poor. 43 El. 12. Ch. 2. Valt. J. P. Ch. 53. fo. 135. 3. And thefe fums> colletfled and le- vyed as aforefaid, the Churchwardens orConftables of everyPariih are to pay to the High Conftable of that Divilion ten days before every Seffions, in pain that they or their Executors> &c. (hall for- feit ten (hillings ; And the High Con- ftable is to pay over the Sums received to the Treafurers, or one of them, e- vety Quarter Seffions, in pain that he, his Executors , t^c. (hall forfeit 20 (hillings •> and thefe Forfeitures are to be levyed by the Treafurers by Dihrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, ren- dring the overplus to the party offen- ding> which Forfeitures ate to be im- ployed by the Treafurers for the ufes a- forefiid. 43 Eliz. Ch, 2. Wingatis Stat. "Xit, Poor. 4. And 24 + ^ Chide for 4. And fuch Sums as the Juftkes (Kail appoint for the Kinge Bench and Mar- jhalfey ( which muft be 20 (hillings yearly out of each County to each of them ) Thefe Officers muft pay over in convenient time to the Lord Chief Juftice of England^ and Knight Mar- (hal for the time being, equally to be divided to the ufes aforefaidj taking their Acquittances for the fame, and in default of the faid Chief Juftice, the next antienteft Juftice of the Kings Bench. Wingate ubi fiepra 43. El. Cb. 2. 5. They ate to pay yearly alfo, by a Quarterly Payment, fuch Sums of Mo- ney as (hall be fet down by the Jpftices of Peace at their Quarter Sellions , unto the Matters and Governours of the Houfes of Corte(fiion , the which if they do refufe or negled to do, the fame Matters or Governours ( without any Warrant ) may levy the fame of the Goods of the faid Treafurers by ' Diftrefs and Sale, rendring them the overplus. 7 Jae. Ch, 4. 6 . And tire Surplufage of the money, by the Trealurers received, they muft dtttribute and beftow for the Relief of the ^6‘J GUIDE FOR MASTERS OF THE Houfc of Corredion, and Gover- nours of the Corporations, or Work'Houfts in London, Weii‘ minjier, &c. I. p ■ ^He Governor or Matter of I the Houfe of Corredlon is I anOfficer appointed by the J||L> Juttices of Peace at their Quarter Seffions, to have the Overfighc and Government of the Houfe of Corre- dion within their County or Riding»of whom the Juttices are to take fufnci- and if the Treafurers refufc or negledfc to pay it, the Matter of the Houfe of Corredfion may levy the fame,' or fo much thereof as (hall be unpaid, upon the Treafurers Account, by Di- Arefs and Sale of their Goods, rendring back the overplus of the money. 3^ £/• Ch. 4. 7 fac, Cb. 4. 2. Now the Office and Duty of this Officer confifts in thefe things follow- ing, viz. To look well to the fame Houfe, and the backfide f hereof* and to all the Implements and Goods he doth find find there, and to look to all fuch lewd perfons as he finds there at his entrance, and to receive all fuch Rogues, Vaga- bonds, and idle or diforderly perfons, as by any of the Juftices of Peace fliall ba fent thither- Co. 2.Fart. lHjh /‘’•73'* 2 He is alfo to keep fafely all luch as arecon>mitted to his cuftody, and not to fuffei them to wander abroad about the Country *, or to efcape away whhout order of ]ufttces. 7 4. Co. 2. 4. He is alfo to fee and take care, that amongft the perfons committed to his charge, if there be any fick, or other- wife Impotent, that ftands in peed of Relief, that he do relieve thetn, accor- ding to their neceffity. 7 Ch. 4. Co. 2. Part. Itiji. fo. 73^’ , , ■ <. And for the reft that are able to work, he is to fee and take care that from time to time, as long as they re- main there, they be fet to work and la^ hour V for during that time, they muft in no fort be chargeable to the Coun- trey for any allowance, either at their coming in, or going forth , or abode there, for they are to have fuch and fo much allowance only as they {halide- ferve by their own labour and work ; and if they will not work and perforin their Task, he is to punifh then) as he lees caufe, with putting on Fetters or Gives upon them , arid by moderate whipping of them. 7 Jac.Ch. 4. Co. 2. Tart. Infi. fo.y^i. 6. And laftly, at every Quarter Sef- nons the Mafter is to give an account of all fuch perfons as have been com- mitted to his cuftody j And if he offend in any of thefe particulars before re- faearfed, or in any other Duty incident to his Office, the Juftices of Peace may impofe fuch Fines and Penalties upon him for the fame, as they (hall think fit i and thefe Fines muff be paid unto, and' muff be accounted for by the Treafurer of the County Stock for the Kinaj Bench and Marjhalfey., See. 7 Jac. Ch. 4 * Co. 2. Injl, fo, 7^4. 7. Now touching the Corporations and Work-Houfes in London znA minfter^znA within the Burrough Towns and places of the County of Middleftx and Surrey within the weekly Bills of Mortality , and their Officers i thefe things are to be obferved following; Firft it is ordained, that there (hall be Ma^eri of^ &c. 271 one or rtiore Corporation or Corpo- rations, Work-houfe or 'Work-heufes within the Cities of London and Wefi- minjier, and the Burroughs and places within the Counties of Middlefex and Surrey, lying within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, confifting of a Prefidenr, Deputy Prefident, and Treafurer s and the Lord Mayor to be Prefident of the Corporation , Work-houfe or Work- houfes within the City of London^ and the Aldermen and 52 other Citizens to be chofen by the Common Council to be Aflxftants i which Prefident and Af- fiftants, or the major part of them, are to choofe a Deputy Prefident and Treafurerj and ali other neceffary Of- ficers to execute the powers appointed by the Adf > and a Prefident, Deputy Prefident, Treafurer and Affiftants are to be appointed by the Lord Chancel- lour or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal for the City of fFejiminfier^ and the Li- berties thereof, for the Corporation or Corporations, Work-houfe or Work- houies within the fame j and for the faid places within the Weekly Bills of Mortality in the Counties oi Middle^ fex and Surrey^ a Prefident Deputy and N 4 Trea- TJ 2 a Guide for Trcafurcrs are to be chofen by the major part of the Juftices of the fat’d Counties at their Quarter Seffions, of the mofl: able Inhabitants and Freeholders of the faid Counties of Middlefex and Surrey^ for the Corporation or Corporations, Work or Workhoufes of the faid Coun- ties. Uf Car. 2. ch. 12. 8^ And upon Vacancy^ Death, or o- therwife of any of the Prefidents, De- puty Prefidents, Treafurers or AffiftairtS in the City of Weftminfer and places aforefaid, in Middlefex inA Surrey, the major part of the Juftices at their Ge- neral (garter Seffions have power to eled: others in their rooms > and at e- very Quarter Seffions the faid Juftices are to take an account in writing of ail the Receipts , Charges and Disburfe- ments of the Officers and Treafurer of, fuch Corporation qr Corporations , Work-houfe or Work-houfes, how, and how many poor people have been im- ployed and fet to work in the year laft paft, and what Stock there was and is remaining. 14 Car. 2. Ch. 12. p. The Prelident, Deputy Prefident, Treafurers and Affiftants aforefaid (hall be Bodies Politick and Corporate for Mafiers ofy &c. fpr ever, and fliall have a perpetual Succeilion , 'and may fue, plead » and be impleaded by the Name of a Pre* fident and Governours of the Poor for the refpet^ive places aforefiid ,, in all Courts and places of Judica- ture within the Kingdom of Eng- land and Wales, &c. and may without Licence in Mortmain , Purchafe , or receive any lands, &c. not exceeding the yearly value of ^qoo 1 . per annunit of the Gift , Alienation or Devife of any perfon or perfons » and- every of the Gor potations may keep Courts for the ends and purpofcs in the Aft' expreffed , at fuch rfme and place as- fliall be appointed by the faid Prefi- dent, Jiis Deputy or the Treafurer j who are upon the defire of any four of the' faid Corporation', at any time to caufe^ d Co'ift to be warned accor- dingly , and may from time to time make Common ^eals for the flfe of the Rcfpeftive Gbrporatibnsr Can 2. Gh, 12. : tnt ti- ■ q iV. 10. Thef^^|l^eft?ve''Prefidciits and Governours of the faid' Corporations^ or any two of therh, or any pftfon- au- thorhed and appointed by them, or any N s- two 74 Guide for two of them, may from time to time apprehend, or caufe to be apprehended any Rogues, Vagrants, Sturdy Beggars, or Idle or diforderly perlbns, within the laid Cities and Liberties, Places, Divi- lions, and PrecintSs, and caufe them to be kept and fet to work in the feveral and refped Corporations or Work- houfes- 14 Car. 2. CA. 12 . II. If the Prefidentand Governours of any of the faid Corporations ihall certifie under their Seals, at any time their want of money for a Stock, and what Surp they think fit for the fame,to the Common Council of the City of Londoiii^ and the BurgelTes and Juftices of Peace in their Quarter SelTions for Weftminjler^ or to the Juftices of the refpecaive Counties for Middlefex and Surrey In their Quarter Seflions, then they are from time to time to fet down and afeertain fuch competent fums of tsoney for ^he purpofes aforefaid, not exceeding one years R^te ufually fit upon any perfon for, and towards thcj Relief of the Poor > and the (am^ to ROi^itipn out of the feveral Ward«,.' Precincts ^ Counties^ Divifians^ an4Patifhes, as they (hall think fir. M^^'err-df^-'Scd fif, and accordmg to tlife TaixH^n^or- tions for the faiafeveral Wards, Pre- cra6ls and Parilhcs, to Tax and Rate the (cTcral Inhabitants) within the faid lefpeftive Wards , , Predfidiis and Pa- rities V in which Taxif aoy'fhall find hhpfclf agtlcVcd, or they arc to ap- peal to the Jufttces of the, Peace at their next open Sciiions, where the bulihefs is to be finally ended. 14 Car. 2. Ck 12.. 12. And any' Aldcrma'p pfXo«fifo»,or hfs Deputy,' BurgeiTes and jhfilices of Ifecfe of the Cohrtties of A^Ahfek and 'warrant ufider' tWelr Tfands and Seals, fhfa'y Authorize the Church- wardens^, dl' ■Overfeers of 'the Poor within the Places and Parilhes afore- faid, tp reee|ve and - demand of 'every p^rfon and ^erfons fneh Ihms oThioney is fhalibe a'tcfled tipon therri) by Vertue of the Taxitibhb and ConliituHonS a- fbrefaid ; ' and for defadft of payment tvithb ten days after demand oy notice left at' tl^’ dwelftng holtfe or lbig|ng of ‘es'crVrperfon a'Selted, . yh^ t 6 levy ■ by ' piM: and, salt of life , Cbd3^,''Vendrin4‘‘ht& \ht^bvexp’us. 14 Car.z.Cht X2. >3. The 2^6 jI Guide , for 13. The refpedive Prefident and Go- ▼einours, or feven of them may make and conftltute Orders and By*laws for the better relieving) regulating, and fet- ting the Poor to work, apprehending and puniihing of Rogues , and . Vaga- bonds, within the Cities, Liberties, and places afotefaid, provided the faid By- Laws be preiented to the Juftices of Peace at their Quarter SeiEons, and con- firmed by the order of the faid Court > And the Prefidents and Governours, or four of them of any of the. faid Corpo- rations or Work-houfes , may choofe and entertain all fuch OfEce|rs ^s (hall be needful to he imployed.ip aqd about the prerailTes, and remove them as they, fee caufe, ^and make fuch reafbnable allow- ance? unto them out of the$tock belongr ing to the Work-honfe , as they (ball think hr. i4Car. 2. CL 12. 14. This A(^ is not, to prejudice any the FranchifeS) Rights, Liberties, or ^rivlledges heretofore grantedj by any JSirigs obOgeens of this Realttu to the iDean and Chapter , of the Cvilegigte Church of St, Teters in Wefmmpir, 14 Cw.z.Cbtiz, ' FINIS. K ? 77 . A GUIDE FOR BAYLIFFS ; •: • . ; 'i 1 ' . • ^ ■ :0 F - . ■ m'annours. iij- j f, . " • , ! 7 ' ! . ' ■ ..V I. i I an Officer chofen by the Lord of the Mannor, and this Officer by. the ancient Saxons wa$ call|:djij^efc, ,,ibr the panne Bayliff was not known amonj^l^thetnv but came in with the Nomafu it feems. Termes de Ley^ verb. Bayliff. ■. 2. This Officei is to Sammon and ... « . - 278 A Guide for call the Lords Courts, and to colled his Rents, Fines, Herriots, and Atna- ciaments , and other profits hapning within the Mannor as they grow due » and he may feize or diftrain for them ex where feizure and dillrefs is -ju- ftifiable without any fpecial command bf the Lord, he may alfo pay Quit- Rents. Termes de Ley^ ubi fupra. 3. It IS iaid he may alio order his Lords Husbandry, diffrain Bealls, da- mage Feafant, .repair any Houfes, Hays, or Pdes, and for that purpofe cut down Timber or Trees : but it Is not fafe for him to build a new Houfe, or “P Houte that is fain, or to make' any new' Additions or Alterati- ons as to Tyle the Houfe, which betb/e was Thatched, or pale it where before it was hedged, or the like, without a fpecial commahd from his ' Coj&S’fo to do i for other wife be will h6$ Tref- paffer fo'fheLord. ' 4* It is laid allb, .that he may fake any Catterfor his Lofd B =}fcmpolFhis ground as an Agolbhiot, ^ndcuf dbwij Underwoods that hivc'beeq u|fca' B ht cur, and he is to over-fee and bfdet the Labour of other Labourds and Servants Bayliff of Manner f. 2 jp Servants under him about his Lords work. 5. And ladly, Thefe Officers are to give Account to their Lords of all their Receipts and Disburfemcnts , and pay into him the money remaining in their hands, being required thereunto; and if they refufe, the Lord may compel them thereunto by an Adion of Ac- count given to him for his Relief in fuch cafe. Bro.Baylijf, 31, 8 £. 4. yj. 13. FINIS, 28 i A GUIDE FOR governours FAmS. Owner, Governour, Ra- I ler, Farmer , Steward, Bay- lilf, or Chief Keeper of eve- ry Fait and Market overt, are to ap- point and limit out a certain and open place, within the Town, Place, Field, or Circuit, where Horfes , Mate^ Geldings, and Colts tnuft be fold, ^^nd 2^2 Guide for they muft appoint one fufficient perfon or more to take Toll, and keep the iame place from ten of the clock before Noon until Sun-iet of every day of the aforefaid Fair or Market , upon pain to lofe for every default 40 (hil- lings. 2, 3 P. M. Ck 7. Co. 2. Tart. Infl, fo.Ji'S. 2. And the Toll-gatherer, his Depu- ty or Deputies are to take their due and kwful Tolls for every Horfe , Mare, A a * aforefaid : And they are to have before them at the taking of the faid Toll, the Par- ties to the Bargain, Exchange, Gift, ^on trad-, or putting away of every fucii Horfe , Mare, and alfo the lame Horfe, Marc, &c. fo fold, exchang- ed, or pufaway, and then the Toll- ^therer mull write in his Book the Names, Sirnames, and dwelling places parties, and the colour With One fpecial mark at the lea/l of the faid Horfe, Mare, &c. on pain to lorfeit for every default 40 fliillings. 2 , 3 P. M. Ch. 7. Co. 2. Tart. Inih fo. 715* ^ 3 * And the faid Toll-gatherer is with- in one day after the Fair, &c. to bring his CovtrnoHrs of Fain. his Book to the Owner, Governour or RuIeF) &c, of the Fsir, or Market, who is then to caufe a note to be made out of the fame -, of the true number of all the Horfes, Mares, Sold at the faid Fair or Market , to which note he muft fet his hand or mark, on pain of 40 (hillings : And if the Toll-ga- therer negle or if any other take above one peny for feah’ng a Bufhel, one half peny for the Half Bufhel or Peck, or more than one . Farthing for any lelTer Meafure , he incurs the Penalties in the Statute 17 Car. I. That at the charge of fuch perfi^s who have the Toll, or profit of the Market where no Toll is taken, there (hall be before 2p. Sept. i6yo. one Meafure of Brals provided and chained in the Market place , upon pain to for- feit 5 A F I N I S. ^CjjLnm : I