FRONTISPIECE This man doth wander round the tow Vv ah iTuit, both fresh and sweet For those, who do attend their book And go both dean and neat. THE SILVER PENNY, FOR THE AMUSEMENT ' INSTRUCTION OF GOOD CHILDREN- YORK: Printed by J. Kcndrew, Collier^. The Apple with its rosy cheek, Doth first begin this pretty toy; How sweet it tastes! and oft is mad The prize of each goodnatuv'd boj Silver Penny. $ B Bull, b The crafty Bull with vicious haste, Pursues the trav'ler o'er the field; Till caught and fastened to the stake, The fiercer mastiffs make him yield. 6 Silver Penny, The Cat,, which some by nature hate, Wit h freedom ranges thro 5 the house Lurks when her distinct prey she spies , Silver Fenny.. 7 D Dog, d • Some Dogs for pleasure, some for use. And some of neither sort we find, But this great Dog, which here you see, For watchiPSf houses was desigu'd. % Silver Pemiv. E Elephant, e The Elephant has bones as brass A castle on his back can hear> Just like an ox he eateth grass^ He drinketh at the river clear, Silver Penny. 9 b ish See thro' the stream how round the bait, The wanton Fishes frisk about ; But one ensnar'd— the angler draws The poor deluded captive out, 10 Silver Penny, G Gold, 2* Gold, when to virtuous hands 'tis Blesses like ti.e dew of Heaven; Like Heaven then hem the orphan's A $j| cries, flj|p And wipe the tears from widow's eyes e Silver Penny. 11 Th' unweildy Hog, with grov'ling snout, And bristly coat, like pointed wire, Avoids the good and wholesome road, And loves to wallow in the mire* 12 Si Iver Penny* J Judas, j Jddas was he that by a kiss, Did lose a more substantial bliss. First sold his Lord for paltry pelf, Then sneak'd away and h^xig d Idm* self, Silver Penny, 13 14 Silver reiiii}^ L Lion, 1 Here is the ruler of all beasts, (As mighty monarchs govern men) They tremble at the Lion's roar, And fly before him o'er the plain. Silver Fenny. 15 Jj ouse, m And here's the little nimble Mouse/ With sharpened teeth and downy skin, Which once, as iEsop's fable say g, Released a lion from the gin. 16 Silver Penny. Here is a Nag, and harness too, vVhich evVy little boy may gain, If lie would strive to mind his book Aiivi ciiler prove an iionest man. Silver Penny* O Owl, o 17 Emblem of wickedness, the Owl, Files from the chearful face of lighfa An 1 rock'd in some old tott'ria r to,v'r With doleful cries complains all night* Silver Penny, P Peacock, p How would the Peacock be admir'd* (Like fops) in various colours drest, But that thro* w'fy shade we see That pride which men of sense detest. Silver Penny. Q Queen, q Some rais'd to majesty may shine, With honours not their own, But all agree, that Britain's Queen, Adds lustre to the throne, Oft,vIien the ground, all clad insnow. Denies the birds their food, Poor Robin seeks the homely cot> And flies the leafless wood. nny. 21 Squirrel ^ s ere is the Squirrel cracking nuts Pears, plumbs,?irjcl apples it devours what a pretty play thing 'tis, And may perhaps in time he your's Make much of time if you are wise, Because it will of no man stay; And you may lose it m a trice — Then while the sun shines make vour hay. Silver Penny . £3 U Up-and-Down, Ue Here some go up and some go ■- 1 owfl, To take their pastime at the f ir; Just so it is the world ail round Each has iiis pleas ure, eachlus car®- £4 Silver Penny. &s kings do govern all mankind, And the fierce lion rules the woods, So bv wise nature's great command, The Whale's the monarch of the floods, See here the young and tender Lamb, And take good note from thence, In ev'ry stage of mortal fe^ How blest is innocence! Silver Penny. Z Zany, z Liiusrh at that strange and fool'shface For such there are, and many; And be assur'd, each naughty boy Ls nothing but a Zany. 2S Silver Penny, OF THE Fatal Effect? of* a bsH Education, The Bull and the Mastiff* As on a time, in peaceful reign, A bull enjoy 'd the flow'ry plain, A mastiff pass'd, inflam'd with ire, His eye-halls shot indignant fire. He foam'd,- he rag d, with thirst of blood, [[stood ; Spurning the ground the monarch And roar'd aloud, suspend the fight, In a whole skin go sleep to-night; Or tell me, ere the battle rap-e. What wrongs provoke thee to engag&> Is it ambition fires thy breast, Or avarice, that ne'er can rest? From these alone unjustly springs, The world destroying wrath of Kings. Silver Penny. & The surly mastiff thus returns, Within my bosom glory burns; Like heroes of eternal name. Whom poets sibg, I %ht for fame,, The butcher's spirit stirring mind, To daily war my youth inclined He train'd me to heroic deed, Taught me to conquer or to bleed. Curs'd dog, the bull reply'd, no more I wonder at thy thirst of gore: For thou (beneath a butcher train'd Whose hands with cruelty arestain'd, His daily murders in thy view, Must, like thv tutor, blood pursue, Take then thy fate. With Torino* wound At once he lifts him from the ground: Aloft the sprawling hero flies, Mangled he falls, he howls and dies* SO Silver Penny, The MORAL. Seek you to train your favourite boy Each caution, ev'ry care employ; And 'ere you venture to confide,, Let his preceptor's heart be try'd : Weigh well histtianners,life andscope^ On these depend your future hope. As education forms the will, Our future conduct's good or ill. Roman Alphabet. JL ABCDEFG II I J K L M N O P Q R S T V U W XYZ& M (E a b c (1 e f g h i j k 1 m n o p qrstvu w x y z &, Italian AlnJiahet. JL ABC DE F GHIJ KL 31 N P Q R S T V U W X Y Z 4 abed cfg ]i ijk I m n op q r s i v u xv x if % &. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Antepodean HUNTSMAN.