PRESENTED TO THE LIBRARY BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA CT \' V < M^QILL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 229828 1928 ACC. NO. DATE REPORT OF JOINT BOARD OF ENGINEERS ON ST. LAWRENCE WATERWAY PROJECT Dated November 16, 1926 OTTAWA F. A. ACLAND PRINTER TO THE KING’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1927 CONTENTS MAIN REPORT Constitution of the Board. Instructions to Board. Description of the Great Lakes Sj’stem. Prior Reports. Report of 1921..... Recommendation of International Joint Commission. Work done by the Joint Board of Engineers.. -. -. Improv’^ement of levels and outflows of the Great Lakes. Effect of regulating works, St. Ma.r>’s River. Diversion of Chicago Sanitary District. Black River diversions.... Diversions from Lake Erie. Changes in St. Clair River. Changes in Detroit River. Changes in Niagara River. Changes in St. Lawrence River.... Control of dredging sand and gravel in outlet rivers. Summary of effect of diversions and outlet changes. Regulation of Lake Ontario. Regulation of other lak(^.... Regulation for lake navigation. Regulation for power... General aspects of regulation. Compensating Works. Niagara River. St. Clair River. Construction period........ Compensation for authorized diversions only.. Cost of deepening channels through and between the lakes.. Improvements on the St. LawTence River. Description . General features of Plans. Navigation . Channel depths. Standards for channels and locks. Capacity of waterway. Power installations.... Winter power operation. Thousand Island Section... International Rapids Section. Description . Prior* plans. Plans proposed.. Available heads—Single-Stage plan. Available heads—Two-Stage plan. Maximum installed capacities. Winter operation—Single-Stage plan. Winter operation—^Two-Stage plan. Control of ferry operation. Costs ... Recommendations ... Location of Barnhart Island dam and power houses Control of flow. Alternative plans considered. Improvement for navigation only. Summary . Lake St. Francis Section. 45827—A P.AGE 4 4 6 9 9 11 11 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 25 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 229828 ii Contents Soulanges Section— Description . Prior plans. Improvement for navigation and power. Complete river development. Improvement for navigation alone... Conclusions . Lachine Section— Description . Prior plans. Plan recommended by Board. Power development. Joint improvement for navigation and power.. General Summaiy—Lake Ontario to Montreal Harbour—^with costs. St. Lawrence River at and below Montreal— Description . Effect of diversion of water. Restoration of navigable depths. Control works with locks below Montreal.... Findings on questions contained in the instructions to the Joint Board of Engineers.. MEMORANDUM RE APPENDICES. P.\GE 35 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 39 40 41 42 46 46 47 48 49 56 APPENDIX “A” FIELD AND OFFICE INVESTIGATIONS Investigations by Canadian Section— Staff . 57 Borings . 57 Surveys . 58 Temperature measurements. 59 Investigation of ice jams and packs. 59 Experiments on strength of ice. 59 Discharge measurements. 59 Investigations by United States Section. 60 Designs and estimates. 60 Survey—Clayton to Brockville. 60 Survey—Chimney Point to Cardinal. 60 Survey—Barnhart Island. 60 Borings . 60 Special Exploration of the dam site at Long Sault Rapids. 61 Synopsis of Geological and Boring information. 64 Thousand Island Section. 64 International Rapids Section. 64 Galop Rapids. 65 Ogden Island. 65 Crj’sler Island. 66 Long Sau'lt Rapids. 66 Lake St. Francis Section. 69 Soulanges Section. 69 Lachine Section. 71 APPENDIX “B ’ LAKE LEVELS AND OUTFLOWS Description— Areas and storage capacity. 73 Supply . 73 Outflow. 74 Annual fluctuation in lake levels. 75 Temporary oscillation of lake surfaces. 75 Levels prior to 1860. 75 Earth tilt. 75 Contents iii Diversions and outlets enlargements affecting lake levels— Diversions and regulation works, St. Marys River. Outlet enlargements and diversions, Lakes Michigan and Huron. Discharge formula, St. Clair-Detroit Rivers. Effect of a diversion from Lake Michigan. Black River diversions.... • •:. Effect of diversions from Lake Erie on levels of Michigan-Huron. Changes in discharge capacity of St. Clair River. Diveisions, Lake Erie. Effect of diversions... Effect of diversions, Lake Ontario. Summary of effect of diversions. Improv'ement of lake levels and outflows. Scope of investigations. Prior proposals..... Comparison of benefits from regiilation and compensation. Detailed studies of lake regulation. Supplies to the lakes. Permissible high levels of lakes. Maximum discharge capacity of outlets. Minimum permissible discharge through outlets. Program of regulation to secure maximum benefits to lake levels. System adopted. Details of computation. Results secured. Effects on lake levels. Effect on outflow. Design and cost of regulating works. Works on St. Clair River. Point Edward by-pass... Stag Island contraction. Woodtick Island contraction. Contraction at delta. Summary—St. Clair River. Alternative plan of dam with lock. Works in Niagara River. Summary ....... Comparative cost of compensiiting works with dredging. Conclusions .. ;••••. . Regulation with partial control of the St. Clair River. Re-sults gecured. Works in St. Clair River only... Combined regulation of Lake.s Erie and Ontario. Regulation of Lakes Michigan. Huron and Erie for the benefit of power development. Program directed to raising Lake Ontario levels. Regulation of Lake Erie for Niagara Power. Compensating works— On Niagara River. EvStimated cost. Effect on oscillations at Buffalo. .. Adaptibili'ty to changing conditions. Construction period. On St. Clair River. Const motion period. Alternative plans. Effect of ice gorging. Compensation for enlarged navigation channels. Effect of control of lake levels on cost of interlake channels. Datum planes.. Cost of channels from Lake Erie to Lake Superior. Regulation of Lake Ontario only. Ends secured by proposed program. Lake Huron corrections. Results secured. 45827—A J Page 76 79 79 79 80 81 81 82 83 83 84 85 85 85 86 87 88 91 93 95 95 96 97 100 100 101 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 104 104 105 105 105 107 108 109 109 110 111 111 111 113 113 113 113 113 114 114 115 115 116 117 117 118 118 118 120 k-l', J } iv Contents Tables— 1 . Local supply to Lake Superior. 2. Total supply to Lake Miohigan-Huron. 3. Local suppb^ to Lake Michigan-Huron. 4. Total supply to Lake Erie. 5. Local supply to Lake Erie. 6 . Total supply to Lake Ontario... 7. Local supply to Lake Ontario.... 8 . Effect of present regulation of Lake Superior. 9. Effect of regulation—Lake Superior. 10. Effect of regulation—Lake Michigan-Huron. 11 . Effect of regulation—Lake Erie.... 12 . Effect of regulation—^Lake Ontario..... ''i'"’ 13. Partial of damages which would result from high water in Lakes Michigan and Huron...•.. 14. Partial list of damages which would result from high water in Lake Erie.... 15. Partial list of damages which \sx)uld result from high water in Lake Ontario.. 16. Maximum safe stages for regulation.... 17. Storage at determining points on storage distribution curves, for regulation with complete control of St. Clair River... 18. Typical computation, proposed regulation of Lake Ontario only. 19. Effect of proposed program for regulation of Lake Ontario alone- ........ 20. Details of cost of works for regulation with complete control of St. Clair River. Plates— 1 . Effect of present regulation of Lake Superior. 2 . Mass diagram of total supply to the Great Lakes. 3. Stages in all lakes with probable frequency of once in 8 , 20 , and 50 years. 4. Maximum allowable discharge of St. La\sTence River. 5. Predicted supplies for program of regulation.y.. 6 . Supply to Lake Superior, May, showing relation to supply during previous month .. . 7. Typical storage distribution curves. Regulation with complete control of St. Clair River— 8 . Comparative levels and discharges—^Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron- 9 . Comparative levels and discharges—’Lakes Erie and Ontario. 10 . Stage duration curves of various schemes of regulation. 11 . Discharge duration curves of various schemes of regulation. Regulation with partial control of St Clair River— 12 . Rule for controlling outflow of Lake Superior. 13. Rule for controlling outflow of Lake Michigan-Huron. 14. Rule for controlling outflow of Lake Erie. 15. Rule for controlling outflow of Lake Ontario. 16. Comparative levels and ' Bay-Melocheville Project for navigation alone—summary".. 34b 16 Lateral Canal on North Side of River for navigation alone—details. 347 17. Lateral Canal on North Side of River for navigation alone—summary...... 3oU 18 Navigation combined with all river development—Centre pool elev. 115— details .. • • ..T * i * ‘ * 19. Navigation combined with all river development—Centre pool elev. 115— summar>^ ... • • • ..;>,■"/.i ’ * i-i i k ’ ‘ 20 Navigation combined with all river development—Centre pool elev. 115 over all • • • ... • • • .. 21. Navigation combined with all river development—Ontre pool elev. 125 details ....i"i- ioK*’ 22. Navigation combined with all river development-centre pool elev. 125— summary .... om 23. Power alone as in Recommended Project.—details. 24. Power alone as in Recommended Project—summary .A ' * ^V* 25. Navigatio-n combined with partial jiower developmenh—Hungiy Bay-Meloche- ville Route—Diversion for power—31,800 c.f.s.—details. VI Contents Page 26. Navigation combined with partial power development—Hungiy Bay-Meloche- ville Route—Diversion for power—15,500 c.f.s.—summary. 374 27. Navigation combined wdth partial power development—Hungry Bay-Meloche- ville Route—Diversion for power—31.800 c.f.s—summaiy.. 374 28. Navigation combined with partial power development—Hungry Bay-Meloohe- ville Route—Diversion for power—66,700 c.f.s.—^summary. 3p 29. Over all cost of various schemes of improvement. 375 Lachine Section— 30. Recommended Project—Navigation alone—details. 376 31. Recommended Project—Navigation alone—summary... 382 32. Power development, subsequent to Navigation—details. 383 33. Power development, subsequent to Navigation—summary. 387 34. Power development, subsequent to Navigation—over all cost. 387 35. Navigation alone without control dam—details. 388 Power House Installations— 36. International Rapids Section. 389 37. Soulanges Section. 390 38. Lachine Section. 391 Flooded Lands—^Various schemes— 39. International Rapids Section. 392 APPENDIX “D” RIVER LEVELS AND DISCHARGES AT AND BELOW MONTREAL Discharge St^e relation curves. 393 Effect of Chicago Diversion on water levels. 396 Compensation . 396 Dredging Montreal Harbour... 397 Piers and dock walls. 397 Summary . 397 Table No. 1 . Derivation of Discharge—Stage relation for Lock 5—Lachine—^Period 1904 to date 398 2 . Derivation of Discharge—Stage relation for Lock 5—Lachine—Period 1860 to 1877 401 3. Derivation of Discharge—Stage relation for Lock 1 —Lachine. 401 4. Derivation of Discharge—Stage relations at Varennes and Sorel. 404 APPENDIX “E” ICE FORMATION ON THE ST. LAWRENCE AND OTHER RIVERS Ice pressure. 406 Ice formation in rapid water. 407 Effect on power improvement. 407 Factors affecting ice covers. 407 Limiting velocities for advance of ice packs. 409 Rates of ice production. 409 Slopes through ice covered sections. 412 Summary of conclusions. 414 Table No. T.ables 1. Ice formation conditions between Lanoraie and Sorel on the St. LawTence River 2. Conditions under which ice bridges or packs have advanced on the St. Lawrence River . 3. Conditions under which ice bridges or packs have receded on the St. Lawrence River . 4. Amount of frazil or slush formed under various conditions. 5 . Degree days of freezing to which water surfaces at Montreal and Kingston are exposed . 6. Average air temperature at certain stations for winter months. 7. Values found for “V” and ‘"M” in Bazins formula. !.!!!!!.. . 8. Values found for “V” and “M*’ in Bazins formula.1 9. Relation between slope in feet per mile and curvature in degrees per mile through ice packs. 10. Determination of the rate of heat loss in exposed water surface, during cold weather, between various stations on the St. Lawrence River.. 415 416 417 418 418 418 419 420 421 422 Contents VI1 APPENDIX “F ” EXPERIMENTS ON STRENGTH OF ICE Page Objects of tests. ^24 Apparatus used. 425 Continuous yielding of ice under small pressure. Standard method of loading in compression tests. . aor Direction of applied load, and determination of modulus of elasticity. Compression tests at 28°F. to .. Compression tests at to ... ^29 Compression tests at 3°F. 42Q Tables showing deformations of compression blocks.-- Summary of compression tests at different loading rates at temperatures ranging from about 30°F. to 3°F................. . Deformations under sustained loa^ at 14°F. to lb I'... Bending tests—modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture. Compression or crushing strength of ice. Miscellaneous tests. Weight of ice...;; •••/-■ V i ‘' 1 . 444 Deflection of beam under small sustained loads. . ^ Deflection of beams under their own weight.. Acknowledgments . Plates Plates 1-7—Results of experiments on physical properties of ice. 446 8 —Apparatus used in experiments. APPENDIX “G” CONSTRUCTION PROGR.AM Construction schedule. Thousand Islands Section.. International Riipids Section.. Improvement by Two Stage Projects. . Cr>'sler Island Project. Lake St. Francis Section. Soulanges Section. Lachine Section. 454 457 457 458 458 459 459 459 THE FOLLOWING PLATES TO ACCOMPANY APPENDICES ‘ C’% ‘ IN THE BOX ACCOMPANYING THE REPOUT D” AND “E” ARE APPENDIX “C” Plate No. 1 . Plan and Section of Typical Lock. _ . , ^ „ a 2. Diagram showing relation between Quantity of Concrete m Power Houses and Height-Draft Tube floor to coping. 3. Diagram showing relation between cost of Generators, Turbines, Exciters and Governors, and Maximum Operating Head. 4. Diagram showing relation between cost of switching per Horse Power and Maximum Operating Head. , t-. i. 5 . Diagram showing relation between RP.M. and cost of Generators and Exciters. 6 Diagram showing relation between Head and cost of Turbines and Governors. 7. Diagram showing relation between Head, c.f.s. per unit, and Throat Diameter. 8 . Diagram showing relation between Head, Speed and Throat Diameter. 9 . Types of Banks adopted for estimating purposes. 10-16. Thousand Island Section—^Brockville to Clayton. Intern.^tional R.\pids Section 17-24. Single Stage Scheme—242. , • 25. Relation between surges on Lake Ontario and Barometric Pressure. 26-33. Two Stage Development—224. 34-38. Two Stage Development—217-Crysler Island. 39-43. Single Stage Development—238. 44-45. Diagrams .showing results of Backwater calculation. viii Contents Lake St. Francis Section 46-48. Project Recommended. SouLANGEs Section 49-50. Project Recommended—1st StTge of He aux Vaches Project. 51. Subsequent Stages of He aux Vaches Project. 52-53. All River Development—^Centre Pool Elev. 115. 54-55. All River Development—Centre Pool Elev. 125. 56-57. Navigation and Power Combined. Hungry Bay-Melocheville Route. 58-59. Alternative Navigation Project. Hungry Bay-’Melocheville Route. 60-61. Alternative Navigation Project. Lateral Canal on North Side. Lachine Section 62-64. Project Recommended. 65-66. Power Development Subsequent to Project Recommended. APPENDIX “D” 1 . Derivation of Dischai'ge Stage relation for Lock No. 25. 2 . Relation between Gauge reading at Lock 25 and discharge of St. Lawrence River. 3. Relation between Gauge reading at Grenville, Que., and discharge of the Ottawa River. 4. Relation betw’een Gauge reading at Upper St. Annes Lock and discharge of Ottawa River into Des Prairies and Mille lies Rivers. 5. Relation between Gauge reading at Upper St. Annes Lock and discharge of Ottawa River into Lake St. Louis. 6 . Derivation of Discharge Stage for Lock No. 5, Lachine. Period 1860-1877. 7. Derivation of Discharge Stage for Lock No. 5, Lachine. Period 1904 to date. 8 . Relation between Gauge reading at Lock No. 5, Lachine, and discharge of St. Lawrence River. 9. Relation between Gauge Reading at Pointe Claire, Que., and discharge of St. Lawrence River. • 10 . Derivation of Discharge Stage for Lock No. 1, Lachine. 11 . Typical Discharge Stage relation for Lock No. 1, Lachine. 12 . Derivation of Discharge Stage for Varennes, Que. 13. Derivation of Discharge Stage for Sorel, Que. APPENDIX ‘‘E’^ 1. Air and Water Temperature at various points. Lake Ontario to Montreal, 1921, 1922 and 1923. 2 . Air and Water Temperatures at various points. Lake Ontario to Montreal, 1924, . 1925 and 1926. 3. Effect of snowfalls and cold weather on height of ice jams in St. Lawrence River 1913, 1916 and 1920. ’ 4. Effect of snowfalls and cold weather on height of ice jams in St. Lawrence River 1918, 1922 and 1923. ’ 5. Effect of snowfalls and cold weather on height of ice jams in St. Lawrence River 1923 and 1925. 6 . Effect^of cold weather on height of ice jams in St. Lawrence River, 7. Relation between slope through ice packs and curvature of river 8 . Slush sections, St. Lawrence River—Winter of 1923-24. 9. Slush sections, St. Lawrence River—Winter of 1923-24. REPORT OF JOINT BOARD OF ENGINEERS ON ST. LAWRENCE WATERWAY PROJECT 1. The Joint Board of Engineers appointed by the Governments of the United States and Canada presents herein its report on the improvement of the St. Lawrence River between Lake Ontario and Montreal, and on related questions referred to it by the two countries. 2. The report is subdivided into the following parts;— Part I —Constitution of Board; Instructions to Board; General Description of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence; Prior Reports; Work Done by Board. Part II —^The Great Lakes; Existing Diversions and their Effects; Remedial Measures; The Cost of Improving the Lake Channels to conform to the Improvement of the St. Lawrence. Part 777—Improvement of the St. Lawrence above Montreal; The Plans Recommended by the Board for Improvement for Navigation and Power. Part IV _The St. Lawrence at and below Montreal; Effect of Diversions; Remedial Measures; Effect of the Proposed Improvement of the Upper St. Lawrence on the Lower River. Part V _Specific Answers to Questions contained in the Instructions to the Board. 45827-H 4 St. Lawrence Waterway Project PART I CONSTITUTION OF THE BOARD 3. The President of the United States appointed, on March 14, 1924, a national committee of nine members, designated as the St. Lawrence Commis¬ sion of the United States, having as its chairman the Hon. Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Commerce, to act as an advisory committee to the Government on all questions that might arise in the consideration of the project for the improve¬ ment of the St. Lawrence. 4. The Government of Canada on May 7, 1924, appointed a National Advisory Committee of nine members, having as its chairman the Hon. George Perry Graham, Minister of Railways and Canals, to advise that Government on the matters relating to the project. 5. Following a recommendation of the International Joint Commission in a Report on the Improvement of the St. Lawrence River, dated December 19, 1921, it was agreed by the two countries that a Joint Board of Engineers, con¬ sisting of three members representing Canada and three members representing the United States, should be constituted to review the plans then formulated and to report on additional related matters referred to it with the mutual approval of the two countries. 6. The^ United States Government designated as members of the United States Section of the Board and as advisers to the St. Lawrence Commission of the United States, the following officers, assigned to that duty by orders of the War Department, dated April 2, 1924:— Major General Edgar Jadwin, Chief of Engineers (then Colonel, Corps of Engineers). Colonel William Kelly, Corps of Engineers. Lieut.-Col. George B. Pillsbury, Corps of Engineers. 7. The Government of Canada appointed on recommendation of the Privy Council, approved by the Governor General, May 7, 1924, the following mem¬ bers of the Canadian Section of the Board, who also act as advisers of the National Advisory Committee of Canada:— Mr. Duncan W. McLachlan, of the Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa. Mr. Olivier 0. Lefebvre, Chief Engineer Quebec Streams Commission, of Montreal. Brig.-General Charles Hamilton Mitchell, C.B., C.M.G., of Toronto. 8. Instructions to Board. The instructions to the Joint Board of Engi¬ neers were agreed to by the two Governments by an exchange of notes dated February 4 and March 17, 1925, and are as follows:— The Governments of Canada and the United States have accepted the recommendation, made by the International Joint Commission in its report dated December 19, 1921, that the question of the development of the St. Lawrence river for navigation and for the supply of power be referred to an enlarged joint board of engineers. It is desired that the new board should review the report dated June 24, 1921 made by the late Mr. W. A. Bowden and Col. W. P. Wooten, and that it should extend its inquiries to certain additional matters with a view to supplying the technical information St. Lawrence Waterway Project likely to be relevant to the proposals made in the report of mi^on above referred to. The new board is therefore charged at this time with reporting upon the following:— 1 . Is the scheme for the imiprovement of the St. Lawrence waterway, presented by the board in its report of June 24, 1921, practicable and does it provide to the advantage, at this time and ultimately, for the development of the capacities and possibilities waterway? j j • j 2 . What alternative scheme, if any, would be better adapted to secure the ends desired, due consideration being given,— ^ . . (a) To any special international or local interests having an importalice juStiiymg exceptional consideration; and i n j* j xu (b) To the extent and character of the damage through flooding and the probate effect of the works upon the fonnation of ice and the consequent effect on tne flow of the river? 3 . Should the estimates of cost be revised and, if so, what are the revised estimates of cost having regard to alternative schemes? 4 In order to assist either Government to allocate the amounts chargeable to naviga¬ tion and power, what would be the respective estimated costs for improving the river for navigation alone and for power alone? 5 To what extent may water levels in the St. Lawrence river at and below Montreal, as well as the river and lake levels generally, be affected by the execution of the project? 6 (a) To what extent and in what manner are the natural water levels in the St. Law- ‘ rence river and on the lakes affected by diversions authorized by license by either Canada or the United States, from or in the St. Lawrence river watershed? (b) Bv what measures could the water levels or navigable depths affected by the diversions referred to in section 6 (a) be restored, and what would be the cost (c) How^much power could be developed on the St. Lawrence river with the wateir diverted from the watershed referred to in section 6 (a) under- CD The plans recommended. . , , , x r xi. • o (2) Alternative plans providing for a full practical development of the nverf (d) Without considering compensation by the present relative diversions of water from the Niagara river and from lake Erie, and without prejudice to a future consider¬ ation thereof, what works, if any, could be constructed to recover on the St. Law¬ rence river the amount of power determined under section 6 (c), and what would be the cost of such works? 7. Having regard to economy of construction and maintenance, expedition of construc¬ tion and efficiency of operation,— (a) Which of the works should be constructed under the technical supervision of an international board and what other works, if any, might advantageously be con¬ structed under such supervision? (b) Which of the works should be maintained and operated by an international board and what other works, if any, might advantageously be so maintained and operated? 8 . What, if any, readjustments in the location of the international boundary^ are neces¬ sary or desirable to place power structures belonging to either country within its borders, as recommended by the International Joint Commission? 9 If the board is of the opinion that it would be advantageous to provide in the first instance for channel depths other than 25 feet, but less than 30 feet, for what draft of vessel should provision be made? 10. Having regard to the recommendation of the International Joint Commission that the new Welland ship canal should be embodied in the scheme and should be treated ^ a part thereof, and to the fact that if a greater depth than 21 feet be adopted for the initial project depth of the St. Lawrence, such greater depth would not be available to the upper lake ports without further work in the navigation channels in the lakes, what would be the cost of improving the main navigation channels between and through the lakes, so as to provide, without impairing the present lake levels for (a) a depth of 25 feet and (b) for such other depth not exceeding 30 feet, as may be determined by the board to be that for which it would be most advantageous to provide on the St. Lawrence river? 11 . What is the time required to complete the proposed works, the order in which they should be proceeded with, and the progress which should be made yearly toward the ^m- pletion of each in order to secure the greatest advantage from each of the works and from the development of the waterway as a whole? • . a 6 S^. Lawrence Waterway Project It is desired that the report be accompanied by such drawings as are necessary for showing the location and general character of the works proposed. It is also desired that in the preparation of the report, due regard should be had to any diversions from or in the St. Lawrence River watershed which, at the date of the report, are authorized by license by either Canada or the United States. It is desired that the board report, from time to time, on the matters referred to it as the progress of its inquiries permits, and that these inquiries be so prosecuted that, if practicable, the board siiould have reported on all such matters by the end of April, 1926. 9. Funds for the work of the Canadian Section of the Joint Board were voted by the House of Commons of Canada yearly as required. Funds for the American Section were provided by the Deficiency Act of March 4, 1925, which made available for that purpose, under the direction of the President, not exceeding $275,000 of funds appropriated for maintenance and improvement of river and harbour works. DESCRIPTION 10. The Great Lakes are the source of the St. Lawrence, and form with it a waterway system extending from the interior of the continent to the sea. Lake Superior, the uppermost and largest of the Great Lakes, discharges into lake Huron through the rapids of St. Marys falls and the St. Marys river. Lake Michigan is connected with lake Huron by the wide and deep straits of Macki¬ nac. Lake Huron discharges into lake Erie through the St. Clair river, lake St. Clair, and the Detroit river. Lake Erie discharges into lake Ontario through the Niagara river. From lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence flows 533 miles north¬ east to Father Point, which marks its transition into the gulf of St. Lawrence. The first 115 miles of the river is on the international boundary between Canada and the United States; the remainder of its course is through Canadian territory. The city of Montreal is 183 miles downstream from lake Ontario. 11. The distances by the ordinary vessel routes from Duluth, Minn., and Port Arthur, Ont., at the head of lake Superior, to Kingston, Ont., at the head of the St. Lawrence, are respectively 1,160 and 1,038 statute miles. The distance from Chicago to the head of the St. Lawrence is 1,067 miles. 12. The fall, at mean stages, between lake Superior and lake Huron is 21 feet. Lake Michigan and lake Huron are at the same level. The fall from lake Huron to lake Erie averages 8.5 feet, taken up in the slopes of the connecting rivers. The fall from lake Erie to lake Ontario is 326 feet, of which approxi¬ mately 165 feet is concentrated in the drop at Niagara falls proper. The fall from lake Ontario to Montreal harbour averages approximately 226 feet, and from Montreal to the sea about 20 feet, the latter distributed through the 160 miles of river between Montreal and Quebec. 13. Present Navigation. Navigation from lake Superior to lake Huron passes through the locks at St. Marys falls. Channels have been excavated through the St. Marys river above and below the locks, and through the St. Clair river, lake St. Clair, and the Detroit river, to afford a minimum depth of 20 feet at the lake levels that have been adopted as the standard for improve¬ ments. The extreme low stages reached by the lakes during the last few years have been generally below these levels, with the result that the channel depths are less than 20 feet. In the latter part of the navigation season of 1925, the depth available was 18 feet, and at no time during that year did the maximum draft that could be carried from lake Superior to lake Erie exceed 19 feet. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 14 The dredged channels between lake Superior and lake Erie apregate nearly 100 miles in length. Their cost, for capital account only, including the costs of the locks in the St. Marys river, has been as follows:— Expended by the United States (to June 30, 1926) Expended by Canada (to March 31, 1925). Total. 44,721,319 69 5,560,009 00 $50,281,328 69 15 Navigation from lake Erie to lake Ontario passes through the Welland canal, constructed and operated by the Dominion of Cana^ ^ Welland canal affords a depth of 14 feet at normal lake levels The ne^ Welland ship canal, under construction by Canada, is 25 miles m length, with 7 locks eac having a lift of 46^- feet, and one guard lock. The portions of this canal first excavated were given a depth of 25 feet; the later contracts provide for a depth of 27 feet. The depth over the sills of the locks is 30 feet, to provide for sub- sequent enlargement of the canal reaches. The cost of the new Welland ship canal to March 31, 1925, has been $50,772,092./7, and the estimated total cost when completed is $114,526,484. These figures do not include interest during construction. 16. Navigation on the St. Lawrence river from lake Ontario to Montreal is provided by isolated channel improvements and a senes of side canals around the rapids (also constructed and operated by Canada), which afford 14 feet depth. 17. The channels between Montreal and the sea have been dredged to a depth of 30 feet and a project to provide a 35-foot depth is about half com- pleted. 18. Navigation on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence at the present time falls into three categories: (o) Lake navigation, operating normally on 20-foot draft, on and between all of the lakes except Ontario. (b) Canal navigation, operating normally on 14-foot draft, between lake Erie ports and Montreal through the Welland canal, lake Ontario, and the St. Lawrence. (c) Deep-sea navigation, from Montreal to the ocean. 19 The completion of the new Welland ship canal will open lake Ontario to lake navigation, which will then be separated from deep-sea navigation by the 183 miles of the St. Lawrence above Montreal. 20. The present lake commerce is upward of 100,000,000 tons per annum. The bulk cargoes, principally iron ore, coal, and grain, are moved in a special class of vessels developed for that purpose, of great length in proportion to their draft, so designed that they can be loaded and unloaded rapidly by special machinery installed for that purpose at terminal ports. 21 The present canal commerce through the Welland and St. Lawrence canals is carried by smaller vessels of similar design. These vessels are rela- ( tively high powered, to meet the swifter currents on the St. Lawrence. This commerce has been increasing rapidly in recent years; that on the St. Law¬ rence canals amounted to 6,206,988 tons in 1925. Nearly all of the gram reach¬ ing Montreal harbour in recent years is transported by this route. 8 St, Lawrence Waterway Project 22. Navigation Seasons. The average dates of opening and closing navi¬ gation on the inter-connecting channels of the Great Lakes and on the St. Lawrence river during the last twenty years have been as follows:— Great Lakes above Welland canal,. April 18 to December 19. Welland canal, April 18 to December 16. St. Lawrence canals above Montreal, April 26 to December 9. The average date of the arrival of the first vessel from the sea into the port of Montreal during the last ten years has been April 28; the average date of the last departure for the sea, December 7. 23. The St. Law^rence.. The part of the St. Lawrence with which this report is particularly concerned lies between lake Ontario and Montreal. The river here runs in deep slow-flowing reaches and lake-like expansions, readily improved for navigation, with intervening reaches of rapids and swift currents. For the first 67 miles from lake Ontario the river is a deep slow-flowing stream. It then passes through the remaining 49 miles of the international border in a succession of rapids and swift water. Leaving the border, the river expands into the quiet waters of lake St. Francis. From this lake it drops in a suc¬ cession of rapids to lake St. Louis, and from lake St. Louis drops through more rapids to Montreal harbour. 24. As it is fed from the great reservoirs formed by the lakes, the St. Lawrence has a remarkably steady flow. The mean discharge out of lake Ontario during the past 66 years has been 246,000 cubic feet per second, the maximum average discharge for any month 318,000 cubic feet per second, and the minimum average discharge for any month 174,200 cubic feet per second. Except where affected by ice gorging in winter, the fluctuations in the river sur¬ face nowhere exceed a few feet. The bed and banks are not subject to erosion and the river is free from silt. 25. Geologically, the St. Lawrence is a new river. Rock surfaces exposed indicate the passage of the continental glaciers across the valley, and the bed of the swifter portions is paved with boulders from them, mingled with those formed from the country rock. The rock itself, as determined by borings, is generally uniform in contour, but is broken by valleys and ridges which strike across it northwards. These are sometimes intersected by depressions from pre-glacial drainage. In the upper reaches the rock disclosed by borings is crystalline limestone of a firm character and close texture, mostly quite suit¬ able for supporting hydraulic structures. Between lakes St. Francis and St. Louis rock is a hard limestone and a hard sandstone, equally sound. In the lower reaches around Lachine and Montreal, there are igneous intrusions amongst limestone and shale which, while providing firm foundations, would require special protection against scouring. 26. The main banks and islands of the river are formed of mixtures of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders, lying or deposited on the rocky floor of the valley. These materials are mixed in strata and irregular bodies but, in gen¬ eral, tight enough to form fairly watertight foundations for hydraulic struc¬ tures under low heads. The high points on both islands and mainland are capped with extensive but shallow boulder deposits. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 9 PRIOR REPORTS r\ 27. On the 21st of January, 1920, the Governments of the United States and Canada referred to the International Joint Commission, created by the treaty of the 11th of January, 1909, between the Governments of the United States and Great Britain, questions relating to the improvement of the St. Lawrence river between lake Ontario and Montreal for the purpose of making it navigable for deep-draft vessels, and securing the greatest beneficial use of the water for power. 28. Each of the Governments also designated an engineer to co-operate in the surv'eys necessary to plans for improvement, and in the preparation of plans and estimates. These engineers were instructed to submit the surveys, plans and estimates to the International Joint Commission. 29. Colonel William P. Wooten, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, was designated as the engineer for the United States, and the late Mr. W. A. Bowden, Chief Engineer, Department of Railways and Canals, was designated as the engineer for Canada, these officers receiving identical instructions from their respective Governments. 30. Report of 1921. Their report was submitted to the International Joint Commission on June 24, 1921. It is hereinafter referred to in this report as the Report of 1921. The salient conclusions and recommendations in that report are as follows:— (1) That the physical conditions (on the St. Lawrence) are favourable for improvements for navigation which will be permanent, and will have very low upkeep costs. (2) That improvement of the entire reach from Montreal to lake Ontario for navigation alone is feasible, but the loss of the power that can be generated as a by-product in some reaches is not warranted. (3) That the development of nearly all the potential power in the river, amounting to approximately 4,100,000 horse-power, can be made as co-ordinate parts of schemes for the improvement of navigation. (4) That the simultaneous development of such a vast quantity of power is not a sound economic procedure, as a market to take this output is not now in existence, and cannot be expected to spring into being at once. (5) That the sound method of procedure is to improve for navigation along those reaches where side canals and locks can most economically be used, and where the development of the power at some future time is not interfered with by the proposed improvements; and in that part of the river where the construction of locks and dams offers the most feasible means of improving navigation to provide for the development of the incidental power obtainable as a result of the heads created by the dams. (6) That the improvements undertaken afford a navigation channel 25 feet in depth, with lock sills 30 feet in depth, so built as to permit the eventual enlargement of the channel to that depth. (7) That the improvement be secured by the combined development for navigation and for power of the rapids section on the international boundary, side canals around the other rapid sections, and the necessary channel excava¬ tion elsewhere. 10 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 31. The estimated cost of the entire work to provide a 25-foot channel and to develop 1,464,000 horse-power was as follows:— First division—side canal from Montreal Harbour to deep water in lake St. Louis.* v * * t “ *• * Second division—side canal from deep water in lake St. Louis to deep water in lake St. Francis.. Third division—channel dredging in lake St. Francis.... Fourth division—combined navigation and power development in international section, with annual power output of 1,464,000 horse-power (total installed capacity approximately 1,850,000 horse-power) ...:. Fifth division—navigation improvement above rapid section. .. . 55,783,000 36,590,000 . 1,158,000 159,097,200 100,000 Total $252,728,200 32. The estimated cost of increasing the navigable depth throughout the entire stretch to 30 feet at a later date was §17,986,180. 33. The report considered, but did not recommend, plans for power develop¬ ment in the First and Second divisions, respectively. 34. Of the total estimated cost of the project, §159,097,200 was for the combined navigation and power development on the international section of the river. A head of 74 feet was to be developed by a dam across the river at the Long Sault rapids. A second dam was to be constructed 23 miles upstream at Ogden island, just upstream from Morrisburg, to provide navigation through the upper rapids of the reach, afford control over the flow of the river and insure suitable winter operation. The head of approximatelv 8 feet available at this dam in summer was not to be developed. The main dam and related structures were, however, to be so designed that they could be raised subsequently so as to utilize fully whatever head the operation of the works might show to be economically practicable. 35. It was estimated that if the improvements were carried on simul¬ taneously it would be possible to complete them in eight years from the time the work was begun, if funds were made available as fast as needed. 36. The report pointed out that the construction of the upper dam pro¬ posed (at Ogden island) and the enlargement of the discharge capacity of the upper reaches of the river would afford control over the level of lake Ontario and the flow in the St. Lawrence river. This control can be so exercised as to raise the mean level of the lake without causing it to fluctuate beyond the limits previously reached. The studies made did not show, however, that any very great increase in the natural low-water flow can be made for the benefit of either power or navigation in Montreal harbour, or the ship channel below. 37. The engineers of the two countries united in all of the recommenda¬ tions contained in the Report of 1921, except as to the program of regulation of the levels and outflow from lake Ontario which should be put into effect after the project was completed, each submitting a program regarded as most suitable to that end. The essential difference between the two was tha,t the program proposed by the Canadian engineer provided for a greater restriction of the winter flow, with a view to creating more desirable ice conditions. With this restriction it was not possible to secure quite as favourable results from regulation as would be afforded by the program proposed by the United States engineer. 38. The plans presented in the Report of 1921 were made the subject of public hearings before the International Joint Commission. At these hearings St. Lawrence Waterway Project several alternative plans were presented for the consideration of the commis¬ sion, especially wdth relation to the development of power m the Internationa Section. 39. Recommendations of International Joint Commission. The report of the International Joint Commission included the following recommenda¬ tions:— (1) That the Governments of the United States and Canada enter into an ^^^^^ement by way of treaty for a scheme of improvement of the St. Lawrence river between Mont and lake Ontario. ., , ^ ^ a (2) That the new Welland ship canal be embodied in said scheme and treated as a part thereof. . i i j i.u (3) That the proposed works between Montreal and lake Ontario be based upon the report of the engineering board—(Report of 1921)—but that before any final decision is reached the report of the board, together with such comments, criticisi^ and alternative plans as have been filed with the commission be referred back to the board enlarged by other leading members of the engineering profession, to the end that the whole question be given that further and complete study that its magnitude and itnportance demand^, an that after completion the administrative features of the improvement be carried out as set forth in recommendations 7 and 8 hereof. (4) That there shall be an exhaustive investigation of the extent and character of the damage through flowage involved in the plan of development finally adopted. (5) That, assuming the adoption of the plans of the engineering board, or of other plans also involving a readjustment of the international boundary, in order to bring each of the power houses on its own side of the boundary, appropriate steps be taken to transter to one country or the other, as the case may be, the slight acreage of submerged land involved. (6) That Canada proceed with the works necessary for the completion of said new Welland ship canal in accordance with the plans already decided upon by that country. (7) That such “ navigation works ” as do not lie wholly within one country or are not capable of economic and efficient construction, maintenance and operation within one country as complete and independent units, be maintained and operated by a board here¬ inafter called “the International Board,” on which each country shall have equal repre¬ sentation. (8) That such “ navigation works ” as lie wholly within one country and are capable of economic and eflBcient construction, maintenance and operation as complete and inde¬ pendent units be maintained and operated by the country in which they are located with the right of inspection by the said international board to insure economy and efficiency. (9) That “ power works ” be built, installed and operated by and at the expense of the country in which they are located. (10) That, except as set forth in recommendation (11), the cost of all “navigation worli ” be apportioned between the two countries on the basis of the benefits each will receive from the new waterways: Provided, That during the period ending five years after completion of the works—and to be known as the Construction Period—the ratio fixing the amount chargeable to each country shall be determined upon certain known factors, such as the developed resources and foreign and coastwise trade of each country within the ter¬ ritory economically tributary to the proposed waterw’ay, and that that ratio shall be adjusted every five years thereafter and based upon the freight tonnage of each country actually using the waterway during the previous five-year period. (11) That the cost of “navigation works” for the combined use of navigation and power over and above the cost of works necessary for navigation alone should be appor¬ tioned equally between the two countries. WORK DONE BY THE JOINT BOARD OF ENGINEERS 40. A program of the field work and office investigations to be undertaken respectively by the two sections of the Board was adopted at a meeting held at Ottawa, April 13-16, 1925. This embraced surveys of the sections of the river not previously covered in detail, and borings to determine foundation 12 St. Lawrence Waterway Project conditions at sites of proposed structures, with a special examination by shafts and borings at the site of the dam proposed in the Report of 1921 at the Long Sault rapids. 41. The Canadian Department of Railways and Canals, having available the data collected for the Report of 1921, continued investigations on the St. Lawrence river through the years 1922 and 1923 until the appointment of this Board in the spring of 1924. Through the remainder of that year the Chadian Section of the Board further continued these investigations, and in Ap^li, 1925, after the adoption of the Board’s program, both of the sections vigorously prose¬ cuted extensive surveys and discharge meterings together with numerous borings, completing these in the summer of 192G. The United States Section devoted itself mainly to surveys and borings in the International Section, including the special work at dam sites around Long Sault rapids. The two sections together have made upwards of 400 borings covering the most critical portions of the St. Lawrence river between the Galop and Lachine rapids; these included a set of borings across the river in the swift water at the head of the Cedars rapids. The Canadian Section carried out in November and December of 1924 and 1925 ^n extended set of temperature measurements to determine the rate of loss of heat in the river, and in February and March, 1926, a set of experiments to determine the resistance of ice as bearing on the design of dams in the river. 42. Each section employed a competent and extensive engineering force in office and field to carry out its investigations. The office staff of the United States Section was maintained at the United States Lake Survey, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, at Detroit, and the Canadian, at the Depart¬ ment of Railways and Canals" at Ottawa. The United States Section engaged the services of the engineering firm of Viele, Blackwell and Buck as consulting engineers on features relating to powder development. 43. The Board had available for its use a large voliune of data obtained from other sources. This consisted not only of topographic and hydraulic information concerning the lakes and river, but a great number of boring determinations as well as construction and price data useful for estimating purposes. • The various departments of the Canadian and United States Govern¬ ments contributed a large part of this. Other sources of information were the reports of the United States Board of Engineers on Deep Waterways of 1900 and the Georgian Bay Canal Survey of 1908, and data supplied by the St. Lawrence Power Company, the Canadian Light and Power Company, and the Montreal Light, Heat and Power Consolidated, and by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario which for several years has carried on extensive investigations in the vicinity of Morrisburg and the Long Sault rapids. The Board has had a special advantage with respect to navigation cost data in the current prices established on the new Welland ship canal, a similar work now under construction. The Board has also received much valuable data from operating power companies and manufacturers of hydraulic and electrical machinery in both countries. 44. The Board held frequent meetings at various points on the river and Great Lakes, to study and discuss the problems involved in the improvement. 45. The results of these various investigations are set forth in appendices to this report. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 13 PART II IMPROVEMENT OF LEVELS AND OUTFLOW OF THE GREAT LAKES 46. This part of the report deals with,— (a) The extent to which the levels of the Great Lakes are affected by diversions of water (Question 6 a of the instructions to this board). (b) The feasible measures for raising the levels of the lakes to correct the effect of authorized diversions, and to reduce the cost of improving the lake channels (Questions 66 and 10). (c) The extent to which the outflow from the lakes can be improved by the manipulation of their levels (Question 6 d). (d) The cost of deepening the channels through and between the lakes (Question 10). DESCRIPTION 47 . The Great Lakes serve two great economic uses; as navigation routes of vital concern to the two countries; and as a reservoir to equalize the flow of the St. Lawrence river. 48. The supply of water to the Great Lakes is furnished by the inflow of the many relatively small rivers of their drainage basins, increased by the rain¬ fall on the lakes themselves, and decreased by the evaporation from the lake surfaces. The total area of the drainage basins of the lakes is approximately 300,000 square miles, of which nearly one-third is occupied by lake surface Computations show that the average supply received from the land areas about equals that received as rainfall on the lakes, but that roughly 40 per cent o this total gross supply is lost by evaporatiom The net supply varies widely The records show rates of net supply to the whole lake system exceeding 800,0W cubic feet per second for a month; and they also show months during which tne evaporation from the lakes exceeded the water received from all sources, with a consequent negative net supply. The average monthly net supply for the months of April and May is at a rate exceeding 500,000 cubic feet per second, and the average net supply for the month of November is at a rate of less than 20,000 cubic feet per second. 49. Notwithstanding this wide variation in supply, the monthly mean out¬ flow from the lakes during the past 65 years has ranged between the narrow l i m its of 318 000 cubic feet per second and 174,000 cubic feet per second. But even this minimum was due partly to ice retardation. The minimum monthly mean dis¬ charge with open-river conditions was 194,000 cubic feet per second. 50. The lakes absorb the great variati ons in supply because of the rise and fall of their levels. When th^ supply is high, they rise and store water; when it is low they fall and deliver the stored water. The average annual rise and fall of the various lakes due to the seasonal variations in supply is from I 4 feet to 2 feet* but extreme variations in seasonal supply have caused fluctuations in lake levels ranging from 2.67 feet on lake Superior to over 4 feet on lake Ontario. Extreme high and low lake levels are reached at the ends of periods of excessive or deficient supply extending over several years The rnaximuin ranges of the montly mean levels of the various lakes since 1860 vary fr^ 3.5 feet on lake Superior to a little more than 6 feet on lakes Michigan and Huron. 14 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 51. The period of low rainfall occurring during the past few years has brought down the levels of the lakes, and with other factors mentioned later has created record low levels on lakes Michigan, Huron and Erie. The rains of the summer of 1926 have, however, started the levels upward, and the lakes will return to their ordinary levels if the increased rainfall continues. DIVERSIONS AND OUTLET ENLARGEMENTS AFFECTING LAKE LEVELS 52. It is evident that as the level of a lake falls, that of its outlet river will fall also, and the discharge capacity of the outlet river will be reduced. When water is diverted from the outlet, the lake levels will be steadily lowered with respect to their natural levels until the discharge capacity of the outlet has been reduced by an amount corresponding to the diversion, after which the effect of the diversion on lake levels ceases to increase. Thus, at mean stages of lake Erie, a fall of 6 inches in its level will reduce the discharge capacity of its outlet, the Niagara river, by 11,000 cubic feet per second. After a diversion of 11,000 cubic feet per second has lowered lake Erie by 6 inches, it will be balanced by the reduced outflow, and from then on the lake levels will remain substantially 6 inches below the levels that they would have if the diversion were not in existence. 53. The relation between the volume of flow of the various outlet rivers and the elevation of their water surface, or stage, has been accurately determined by repeated current-meter measurements made during the past quarter century, and the amounts by which the various existing diversions have affected the lake levels can be stated with assurance. 54. The time required for the decreasing outflow to reach an equilibrium with the decreased supply due to a diversion depends on the area of the lake in relation to its outlet capacity. Under present conditions, approximate equilibrium is reached on lakes Erie and Ontario in about a year, but several years are required to establish this equilibrium on the great reservoir formed by the combined areas of lakes Michigan and Huron. 55. It is obvious that any enlargement of the outlet channel will lower the level of a lake in the same manner as a diversion of water. 56. The levels of the Great Lakes have been affected by the following arti¬ ficial factors:— (а) The operation of the regulating works constructed to correct for the power diversions in the St. Marys river at the outlet of lake Superior. (б) The diversion of the Chicago Sanitary District from lake Michigan. (c) Diversions from lake Erie for power and navigation through the Wel¬ land canal and from the Niagara river. (d) Changes in the discharge capacity of the St. Clair river at the outlet of lake Huron, and of the St. Lawrence river affecting lake Ontario. 57. Effect of Regulating Works, St. Marys River. The extensive diver¬ sions of water for power development at St. Marys falls, amounting to approxi¬ mately 50,000 cubic feet per second, has made necessary the installation of gates across the river, at the head of the falls, to control the outflow and levels of lake Superior. The gates are operated and the diversions are controlled by an Inter¬ national Board of Control in accordance with conditions laid down by the Inter¬ national Joint Commission, May 26-27, 1914. Their operation substitutes artifi- St. Lawrence Waterway Project cial for natural control of the levels of lake Superior, and has, in general, increased the levels of that lake at low water, and somewhat diminished those at mg water. The control of the outflow of lake Superior for power and for navigation at St. Marys falls has therefore, in general, been beneficial rather than injurious in its effect on the levels of lake Superior. 58 The operation of these regulating works has affected somewhat the levels of the other lakes, since the controlled discharge from lake Superior into them is at times greater than the natural discharge, and at times less. A com¬ putation shows that the maximum effect since the regulation was begun was reached in 1922 and 1923, when lakes Michigan and Huron were lov^^^ed by inches, and lakes Erie and Ontario by 3 inches. From 19p to 1925 the release of water from lake Superior w\as in excess of the outflow that would ha^ occurred under natural conditions, with the consequence that by January, lU^^b, the other lakes were slightly higher than they would have been had there been no regulation of lake Superior. 59. Diversion of Chicago Sanitary District. The diversion by the Sani¬ tary District of Chicago of an average yearly flow of 8,500 cubic feet per second from lake Michigan through the Chicago Drainage canal into the basin of the Mississippi river has been authorized by the United States under the ® a revokable permit issued by the Secretary of War, effective March 3, 1925. The permit was issued subject to the conditions, among others, that the Sam- tary District should construct extensive sewage purification works, and control works in the river, within five years, and provides that the authorization shall terminate on December 31. 1929, unless specifically extended. The estimated cost of the sewage purification works required under the permit is $92,000,000. It is reported that these works are 46 per cent completed. 60. The diversion by the Sanitary District authorized by the permit is exclusive of the water pumped by the city of Chicago into its water-supply system and thence passing through the sewers into the Drainage canal. The amount so diverted in 1924 was reported as about 1,200. cubic feet per second. The permit was made contingent upon the adoption by the city of Chicago of an extensive program for metering its water service, and the execution of program within ten years. The metering, which is estimated to cost $15,000,000, will reduce the amount of water diverted through the city water-supply systein, and will expedite the sewage purification by reducing the volume to be treated. 61. The official reports of the War Department show that the total diversion, including that diverted via the water-supply system, has averaged 8,660 cubic feet per second during the past five years. The Secretary of War, in issuing the permit, informed the Sanitary District that the diversion of water should be reduced to reasonable limits with utmost despatch. It was appreciated that the desired reduction could not be made instantaneously, but the conditions required under the permit were drawn with a view to making a substantial reduction by the time the permit expires. 62. The diversion of the Chicago Sanitary District authorized by license by the United States is taken in the present report as the diversion of 8,500 cubic feet per second specifically authorized in the permit issued by the Secre¬ tary of War. 63. Black River Diversion. There is a small diversion from lake Huron into the Black river, which discharges into the St. Clair river below the head of the latter. Its effect on lake levels is negligible. 16 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 64. Diversions from Lake Erie. On the Welland canal, in addition to the water required for lockages, etc., diversions for power purposes aggregating the equivalent of a total of 2,050 cubic feet per second have been authorized by the Department of Railways and Canals of the Dominion of Canada. The best measurements available indicate a total present average flow of 3,100 cubic feet per second for both navigation and power. More water will be required for the large locks of the new deep-draft canal now under construction. The Board is informed by the Chief Engineer, Department of Railways and Canals of the Dominion of Canada that the total average flow wWl not exceed 5,000 cubic feet per second after the new canal is put in operation. 65. On the Niagara river a diversion for navigation purposes through the Black Rock canal, operated by the United States to carry lake shipping past the rapids at the head of the river, has a small effect on the levels of lake Erie. There is a diversion of approximately 1,500 cubic feet per second through the New York State Barge canal, including 275 cubic feet per second for power purposes. This water is drawn from the Niagara river at Tonawanda below the rapids at the head of the river and is discharged into lake Ontario. Its effect on lake levels is negligible. The effect of the considerable diversions for power on the Niagara river has been compensated for, at least to a large degree, by intake structures and the deposit of excavated material. The effect of the power diversions on the levels of lake Erie, if any, is also regarded as negligible. 66. The diversions via the Welland canal and the Black Rock canal affect not only the levels of lake Erie, but also to a small degree the levels of lakes Michigan and Huron. 67. Changes in St. Clair River. The St. Clair river (the outlet of lake Huron) is the one outlet of the Great Lakes system whose discharge capacity is not controlled by a natural weir of rock. The river has a sand and gravel bed. Any change in the slope of the river has an effect on the level of lake Huron. At the entrance from lake Huron it is contracted in a deep and narrow channel known as the Port Huron rapids, changes in the cross-sectional area of which; have a much greater effect than those in any other similar length of the river. There is every reason to believe that this contraction was formed by the drift of beach gravel from lake Huron. 68. A detailed analysis of all available gauge records made by the United States Lake Survey indicates that between 1890 and 1900 discharge capacity of the St. Clair river increased possibly to the extent of 0.34 foot of stage of Huron. The question has been raised as to whether this was due to the dredg¬ ing of navigation channels in the river. Most of such dredging was done, how¬ ever, through the delta of the St. Clair, where the river flows with a flat slope through a number of channels into lake St. Clair, and the extent of the dredg¬ ing was insufficient to produce any sensible increase of the discharge capacity of the river as a whole. A more probable explanation of the apparent increase in discharge capacities during that period is the natural erosion of the gravel bed of the Port Huron rapids. The discharge measurements subsequent to 1899 afford a more definite basis for determining the changes in the discharge capacity of the river since that year. The shoaling caused by the wrecks of two schooners in the Port Huron rapids in 1900 reduced the discharge capacity by 0.1 foot of stage, leaving a net change of 0.24 foot to that date. No further change is indicated by the discharge measurements until after 1908. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 17 69. The computations of the United States Lake Survey show that, between 1908 and 1925, the discharge capacity again enlarged to the extent of 0.38 foot of stage, and that this increase occurred in the contracted section near the head of the river. Its computations show no indication of any sensible increase in the discharge capacity except in this section. They do not show that the dredging done for the improvement of navigation during this period (embrac¬ ing the removal of a shoal opposite Port Huron to the depth required for navi¬ gation), or the dredging of gravel for commercial purposes do^stream from this contracted section, which has been permitted by both the United States and Canda, has sensibly affected the discharge capacity of the river. 70 In order to improve the navigable depth to the Point Edward docks, at the 'foot of the Port Huron rapids, the Department of Public Works of the Dominion of Canada authorized the licensees of the province of Ontario to dredge gravel in this contracted section. The records of the province show a total of 1 519,000 cubic yards dredged from this locality during the period. A survey made in 1925 disclosed that this dredging had been carried on by the licensees and others to such an extent as to create a material enlargement of the cross- sectional area of the river through a distance of about 6,000 feet, such enlarge¬ ment for about one-half this distance amounting to more than 30 per cent of the original area. This survey showed an apparent removal of 2,400,000 cubic yards. The computed effect of the enlargement is 0.29 foot and agrees reasonably closely with the observed increase in the discharge capacity during the period. The survey showed that the narrow section above the location of the dredging had contracted during the period, leaving this dredging as the only assignable cause of the increase in the discharge capacity of the river. 71. From the above figures, the total effect of the enlargement of the dis¬ charge capacity of the river is taken at 0.6 foot of stage. 72. Precise information as to the effect of gravel dredging in the part of the river below Point Edward cannot be given at the writing of the report, but a joint survey is being made by the officers of the two countries covering the upper¬ most six miles of the river. From this survey further information will become available in regard to this matter. 73. Changes in Detroit River. The Detroit river has a wide sill of ledge rock across its lower reaches. The enlargement of the natural channels through this section of the river was commenced in 1876 and has been pro¬ gressive since that time. In the lack of contemporaneous discharge measure¬ ments, the effect of the earlier excavation cannot be determined, but the amount of this excavation is insufficient to have caused any material increase in the discharge capacity of the St. Clair-Detroit outlet as a^ whole. In 1907 the excavation of a new straight channel, known as the Livingstone channel, was begun, but in the execution of the work the excavated material was so deposited as to compensate for the enlargement. The discharge measurements and computations made by the United States Government engineer in charge of the improvement since the opening of the channel have convinced the Board that the compensation for all channel excavation since 1901 was accomplished. 74. Changes in\ River. The Niagara river has had various minor contractions by bridge piers, shore encroachments, etc., and enlargements through the dredging of gravel for commercial purposes. Recent discharge measurements show that these have so closely balanced each other that the dis¬ charge capacity of the river has been substantially unchanged. 45827—2 18 St, Lawrence Waterway Project 75. Changes in St. Lawrence River. In the St. Lawrence river, the works undertaken by the Canadian Government in connection with the present 14-foot navigation included the closure of a minor channel at the head of the Galop rapids by what is known as the Gut Dam. This work was undertaken for the purpose of improving navigation at the rapids, but caused a reduction in the discharge capacity of the outlet of lake Ontario, which, in addition to counteracting minor channel enlargements made in the same period, raised the levels of the lake by somewhat more than 0.4 foot. 76. Control of Dredging Sand and Gravel in Outlet Rivers. The estimates of the cost of the channels of specified depths through and between the lakes, hereinafter presented, are based on the premise that the lake levels will not be lowered by the further enlargement of their outlets through the dredging of sand and gravel for commercial purposes. The control of this dredging to prevent injurious enlargements is now being considered in corre¬ spondence between the two countries. 77. Summary of Effect of Diversions and Outlet Changes. Omitting the small and varying changes resulting from the regulation of lake Superior, the effect of the various diversions and outlet changes is found to be as follows. The minus sign indicates a lowering of lake levels and the plus sign a raising of lake levels. Cause Amount of div'ersion, cubic feet per second Effect, in feet, on levels of Lakes Michigan and Huron Erie Ontario Authorized Diversions:— Chicago Sanitary District. 8,500 2,050 -0-5 -0 025 1 1 oo oo 1 Power diversions, Welland canal. All pre^nt diversions and outlet changes:— Chicago Sanitary District. 8,660 3,100 1,000 -0-5 -0-04 -001 -0-3 -0-3 1 1 1 ooo 1 ooo Welland canal. Black Rock canal. Changes in St. Clair river outlet— Prior to 1908. Subsequent to 1908. Gut Dam... +0-4 Total. -M5 CD O 1 « 0-0 ♦ Upon the opening of the new Welland Ship Canal the lowering of the level of Lake Erie will be increased to 0.7 feet. IMPROVEMENT OF LAKE LEVELS AND OUTFLOW 78. Compensating and Regulating Works. The levels of the Great Lakes can be raised by works in their outlet rivers, which may be wholly in the form of fixed weirs and contractions or may be provided with sluice gates. The first of these have come to be termed compensating works, while the second are termed regulating works. 79. The effect of compensating works is to raise both the high and low lake levels in substantially the same degree, the fluctuation of levels remaining un¬ changed. After the lake levels have adjusted themselves to the new regimen of the outlet, the outflow from the lake will likewise be substantially the same as St. Lawrence Waterway Project **9 if the compensating works had not been built. By operating the gates of regu¬ lating works, the discharge from a lake, and consequently the levels of the lake, can be controlled within limits to be discussed later. 80. Regulation of Lake Ontario. The regulation of Lake Ontario is an inherent part of the plans for the improvement of the St. Lawrence river for navigation and power, proposed in Part III of this report, since these pl^s include a major enlargement of the rock sill at the head of the Galop rapids, which now controls the outflow from the lake, and provide for the control of outflow by sluice gates. The program for the regulation of lake Ontario recom¬ mended by the Board is presented in Appendix B. 81. Regulation of Other L.\kes. Since regulating works are already in operation at the outlet to lake Superior, as a consequence of the large power diversions at St. Marys falls, there remains only the consideration of com- pensating or regulating works at the outlet of lake Huron (controlling also the levels of lake Michigan) and of lake Erie. 82. A widespread belief has arisen among members of the engineering pro¬ fession as well as among the public at large, that a remedy for low lake levels and discharges can be found through a comprehensive system of regulation ol these lakes. The Board has given the question searching study, and has turned to compensating works in the outlets of lake Huron and Erie only after it was found that the results that can be secured from regulating works are entirely incommensurate with their cost. 83. Limitations of Lake Regulation. To many of the persons concerned in the levels of the Great Lakes, the apparent remedy for such low-water levels as are now occurring is the construction of regulating works across their outlets, with gates which can be closed at low-water periods to hold back the water which now runs out in excess of the supply, and which can be opened when the supply again becomes normal. It is the excess discharge during low-water periods however, that furnishes the bulk of the flow of the Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers. There have been times when, for two months consecutively, practically all of the water flowing out of the lakes into the St. Lawrence came from the recession of lake levels. The lake levels would therefore have to be allowed to recede, when the rainfall is deficient, to maintain the natural low- water flow in the Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers. 84. Similarly, when the lakes reach high stages, it is not possible to hold back more water for storage against a future low ppply, without raising the Lakes to such extent as would do great damage to industries and lands on the lake shores. 85. The operation of regulating works must therefore be liniited to holding back water in storage when the supply is in excess of the requirements of the Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers, and the stages of the lakes are at the same time such that the water can be stored without risk of causing excessively high levels. The water stored can subsequently be used for maintaining the outflow of the Niagara and St. Lawrence during periods of deficient supply without drawing down the Lakes as far as they would fall under present conditions. 86. The lake levels can be raised by compensating works to the extent regarded as justifiable with respect to high lake levels. With regulating works the range of stage can be reduced, so that, with the same high levels, the low levels will be higher than those secured by compensating works. 45827—2J 20 St, Lawrence Waterway Project 87. Regulation for L.4ke Navigation. To determine the extent of the benefit, a program of regulation was formulated by the Board, which was designed to secure, with as complete a control over the outflow of the lakes as is at all practicable, the maximum improvement in lake levels, and at the same time assure a minimum discharge of 176,000 cubic feet per second out of lake Erie and 200,000 cubic feet per second into the St. Lawrence river. The natural discharge heretofore has fallen below these figures but 5 per cent and 15 per cent of the time, respectively. This program was then applied to conditions that actually occurred on the lakes during the period from 1894 to 1925, inclusive. Considering only the levels affecting navigation, and eliminating the fluctua¬ tion in the natural stages which were due to progressively increasing diversions and outlet enlargements, the results are as follows:— Lakes Range of stage of Lakes as regulated Range in stage if not regulated Gain by regulation Superior. Feet 2-4 Feet 2-8 Feet 0-4 M ichigan-Huron. 2*4 3-5 M 2-8 3-3 0-5 Ontario. . 2-8 4-2 1-4 88. The mnimum cost of regulating works necessary to put the program into effect is estimated at $36,400,000. The cost of securing the same improve¬ ment in lake channels and harbours by compensating works supplemented by dredging is $13,400,000, it being assumed that the dredging is undertaken in both cases as a part of the comprehensive project for channel enlargement. It is clear, therefore, that the construction of regulating works for the benefit of lake navigation is not economically justified. 89. Moreover, reflation works in the St. Clair river will necessarily be a burden to its present intensive water traffic. A preliminary investigation indi¬ cates that the control over the discharge of the river necessary to regulation could be obtained by a series of works, each with an open navigable pass having a width, depth, and current velocity suitable for navigation, and the estimate of $36,400,000 is based on such a scheme. The scheme involves the main¬ tenance of many miles of channel at the predetermined dimensions necessary to accomplish the result, and its practicability is not assured. It would certainly afford a waterway less convenient for navigation than are the present free channels. The somewhat more expensive plan that has been advanced, of works in which locks would be provided to pass vessels at the regulating works, would be more certain of operation, but would inflict a serious loss on present commerce through the delay of lockage. The total delay for each vessel pass¬ age, including the time lost in approaching the lock and delays awaiting lockage, would be approximately one hour. The aggregate economic loss resulting from such a delay to the great vessel movement through the waterway would be in the vicinity of $1,000,000 per annum. 90. Furthermore, an analysis of the outflow from the lakes afforded by the program of regulation tested shows that, while the lowest outflow would be somewhat increased, the discharge would be held down to a lower flow than now occurs for nearly half the time, in order to build up the lake levels. As explained in Appendix B, a prolongation of the periods of low discharge dis¬ proportionate to the increase in the minimum discharge is an inevitable conse- St. Lawrence Waterway Project 21 quence of the restricted discharge capacity of the lake systems, ^side from the effect on the future development of power, such long-continued low di^ charges would have serious consequences in reducing the water levels in Mont¬ real harbour. 91. Various modified programs for regulation were tried out, but all with the same result; such improvement in lake levels as could be secured \s^s at a cost greatly in excess of the saving effected in future channel and harbour dredging, and at the expense of prolonging the periods of low now in the bt. Lawrence. 92. Regulation for Power. While the general regulation of the Great Lakes is clearly inadvisable for the purpose of improving the lake levels for lake navigation, there remained a question whether it might be justifiable lor the purpose of increasing the flow for pow’er on the St. Lawrence. A ^udy was made, therefore, to determine the results that could be expected if the opera¬ tion of the works was directed toward that end, instead of toward reducing the fluctuations in the levels of the lakes. While the outflow could be thus redistributed to increase the primary power potentially available, no prograin of regulation was found that would increase materially the total output of plants with an installed capacity sufficient to utilize the mean flow of the river. The advisability of undertaking the regulation for the benefit of the power on the St. Lawrence depends, therefore, wholly on the nature of the market for power that may develop as the installation of power works proceeds The regulation of lake Ontario alone will afford a sufficent control over the flow of that river for the advantageous development of power until a.t least the enormous amounts available without further regulation is absorbed. There is, therefore, no present justification for the great expenditure necessary to pro¬ vide regulating works in the interest of power pioduction. 93 Ge'^ekal Aspects of Regulation. Regulation works could be admin¬ istered' to serve either of two divergent purposes. They could be used to decrease the fluctuations in the lake levels for the benefit of navigation and of riparian interests on the Lakes, at the expense of the outflow into the St. Law¬ rence; or they could be used to improve the outflow into the St. Lawrence for the benefit of power production and of navigation in the lower river, at the expense of the levels of the Lakes. The predominant interests concerned in the levels of the Great Lakes are in the United States; the predominant interests concerned in the outflow into the St. Lawrence are in Canada. Lake refla¬ tion might therefore, create points of difference between various interests in the two countries. It is not even possible to fix in advance a definite allocation of such benefits as might accrue from lake regulation, because any program of regulation must be based on past experience as to the supply of water to tf lake system. If a future deficiency in supply should exceed past ref rds m extent and duration, the question would arise whether the emergency should be met by holding back water in the lakes at the expense of the St. Lawrence, or whether the navigable depth in Montreal harbour is to be maintained at the expense of lake navigation. 94. The regulation of lake Superior has been satisfactory to the two cora- tries for the reason that the fluctuations introduced in discharge from that lake are absorbed in the great reservoir formed by lakes Michigan and Hurra without greatly affecting the levels of the latter or materially affecting the discharge of the Niagara and the St. Lawrence rivers. The recent great defi¬ ciency in supply to lake Superior, which was not anticipated when the program for regulation was drawn up, gave rise, therefore, to no special complications. 22 St. Lawrence Waterway Project The regulation of lake Ontario, proposed as a necessary part of the improve¬ ment of the St. Lawrence, affects but one lake only, which has but 8 per cent of the area of the Great Lakes system. Its regulation will not affect in any substantial manner divergent national interests, and is a relatively minor prob¬ lem, whose solution offers no serious difficulties. The regulation of the lakes as a whole is an entirely different matter. 95. Compensating Works. The investigations made by the Board show that it is advisable to construct compensating works in the Niagara and St. Clair rivers to counteract the effect of all diversions and outlet enlargements on the levels of lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie. 96. Works Proposed, Niagara Ri\’er. The works proposed in the Niagara river are located just above the contracted section of the river at Fort Erie, and in effect merely prolong this contracted reach. A longitudinal dyke, approximately one-half mile in length, is to be constructed to secure the required contraction. It is to be connected with the Canadian shore by a weir with its crest slightly below low-water-level, which will force practically all of the flow through the contraction at low lake levels, and a less proportion of the flow at high lake levels. The structures will not interfere with the free passage of ice, nor with such light-draft navigation as follows the river instead of using the Black Rock canal. In view of the approaching opening of the new Welland ship canal, with an increased diversion for its operation, they are designed to raise the low levels of lake Erie by 0.7 foot and the high levels by a slightly less amount. Should the amounts of the present or prospective diver¬ sions be reduced, the works can be altered at small cost to balance the reduced diversion. The cost of these works is estimated at $700,000. 97. Works Proposed, St. Cl.\ir River. The works proposed on the St. Clair river are a series of submerged rock sills with crests 30 feet below the low-w'ater stage of the river. It has been shown in paragraph 77 that present diversions and outlet enlargements have lowered the levels of lakes Michigan and Huron by 1.15 feet. The Board regards it as safe to restore them to the extent of one foot. The back-water effect of the compensating works proposed in the Niagara river is computed as 0.15 foot on lake Huron. It is estimated that 31 sills in the St. Clair river, will secure the remaining O'.85 foot of com¬ pensation proposed, at a cost of $2,700,000. 98. This form of compensating works is selected primarily for the reason that the sills will not reduce the navigable width of this important waterway, nor will they increase the cost of providing a channel depth of 30 feet. While these works once built cannot be altered readily to meet a future reduction in the amount of the Chicago diversion, yet on account of the commercial value of the gravel in the river bed, it would not be costly to again enlarge the capacity of the river to meet such a reduction. 99. Construction Periods. To avoid an unwarranted reduction in the flow of the Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers while the lakes are being raised by the compensating works, the construction on the Niagara river should be spread over two years, and on the St. Clair river over four years^ time, and the prosecution of the latter should be suspended during any extreme low-water periods that may occur at the time they are undertaken. 100. Compensation for Authorized Diversions Only. The iproposed compensating works will counteract not only the effect of diversions authorized by license in the United States and Canada, but also the effect of outlet enlarge¬ ments, diversions for navigation, and diversions not covered by license. The 23 St. Lawrence Wciterway Project lake levels could be restored by similar but less extensive works to the extent that they have been reduced by diversions authorized by license “e two countries The cost of such works would be nearly proportional to the amount of compensation of level effected, and is estimated as follows:— Diversion compensated for Cost of works in Niagara River Cost of works in St. Clair River $ 400,000 100,000 $ 1,350,000 COST OF DEEPENING CHANNELS THROUGH AND BETWEEN THE LAKES 101. An uncompensated enlargement of the navigation channels through the St. Clair and Detroit rivers would slightly increase the discharge ^ these rivers and hence will tend to lower the levels of lakes ^l^^the On the Detroit river an enlargement can be compensated by ° , excavated material On the St. Clair river some additional compensating works Xrobab“y be'required. The cost of these, to counterbalance the excavation of a channel to a depth of 25 feet, is estimated at $200,000. 102 The cost of improving the channels between lake p’le and lake Superior to secure a depth of 25 feet below the levels which past experience indicates will be available 99 per cent of the time during the navigation season, after compensating works have been constructed, is as follows. Twenty-FIVE Foot Channel. , . 3,600,000 Cost of compensating works. 41 100 000 Cost of excavation. ^ _ Total . The present project for the new Welland ship canal, when completed, will give this depth of 25 feet between lake Erie and lake Ontario. 103 The estimates are based on the deepening of present channels, with such minor enlargements and straightening p experience with these channels has proved necessiry. The lake levels on which the depths are based are.— ^ . . 601.0 Lake Superior.. 579 0 Lakes Michigan and Huron. Lake St. Clair . 57 ^ q Lake Erie . The estimates do not include a new lock in the St. Marys river, since the avail¬ able depth in two locks last built by the United States, the Davis and Fourth locks is 24 feet when lake Huron is at the level chosen as a basis for this improvement. The additional depth provided in the 25-foot channels is no more than is required for safe and convenient navigation. 104 The estimates show that a saving of approximately $1,250,000 will be effected in providing channels 25 feet in depth through and between the lakes by including compensating works in the project as proposed, rather than by securing the depth by dredging only. The construction of these compensating works will 24 St. Lawrence Waterway Project afford also increased depth in all the harbours, large and small, on lakes Michi¬ gan, Huron, and Erie, and will reduce the cost of improving such harbours as may be deepened to correspond with the enlarged interlake channels. Moreover, without compensating w^orks, the low-water depth in the Davis and Fourth locks at St. Marys falls will be but 23 feet. The construction of compensating works is therefore fully justified. 105. The costs of channels 27 and 30 feet deep, respectively, through and between the lakes at the same lake levels as those on which the channel 25 feet deep is based, are as follows:— For a Twenty-seven-Foot Channel Compensating works, Niagara and St. Clair rivers. 3,700,000 Channel excavation, lake Erie to lake Superior. 54,900,000 Lock in St. Marys river... New Welland ship canal, in addition to present project. 1,100,000 Total. $66,200,000 For a Thirty-Foot Channel Compensating works, Niagara and St. Clair rivers. 3,800,000 Channel excavation, lake Erie to lake Superior. 75,900,000 Lock in St. Marys river.. 6,500,000 New Welland ship canal, in addition to present project. 14,100,000 Total . $100,300,000 The studies made by the Board relating to lake levels and outflow, and to works for their control, will be given at length in Appendix B. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 25 PART III THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 106. This part of the report sets forth the plans presented by the Board lor the improvement of the St. Lawrence river for navigation and power, between lake Ontario and Montreal Harbour. DESCRIPTION 107. For convenience of reference, the Board will use the following names to designate the five sections into which this part of the river naturally divides itself. In order downstream these are:— The Thousand Islands Section (Fifth Division of the Report of 1921). embracing the deep, lake-like reaches of the river. 67 miles in length, from lake Ontario to the first swift water at Chimney point, 3 miles downstream from Ogdensburg, N.Y., and Prescott, Ont. , t> r The International Rapids Section (Fourth Division of the Report of 19^1), embracing the 48 miles of rapids and swift water between Chimney point an the head of lake St. Francis. , , , -n . « inoi\ The Lake St. Francis Section (Third Division of the Report of 1921), extending 26 miles through that lake to the end of deep water at its foot. The Soulanges Section (Second Division of the Report of 1921), embracing the 18 miles of rapids and shoal water from lake Sn. Francis to lake St. Louis. The Lachine Section (First Division of the Report of 1921), embracing lake St. Louis and the rapids and shoals from this lake to Montreal Harbour, a length of 23 miles. 108 The first two sections lie along the international boundary, between the province of Ontario and the state of New York. The remaining three he in the province of Quebec. The improvement of the Thousand Islands Sec¬ tion and of the Lake St. Francis Section is solely a question of excavating channels for navigation. The other three sections can be improved for power in addition to navigation. GENERAL FEATURES OF PLANS NA^^GATION 109 FUND 4 MENTAL PRINCIPLES. The plans have been prepared in accord¬ ance with the recognized principle that the interests of navigation on the St. Lawrence are paramount. A full observance of this principle does not inter¬ fere with the beneficial use of the flow of the river for power generation. On the contrary the improvement of the rapid sections of the river for the joint benefit of navigation and power affords, as a rule, much better navigation than could be secured by the improvement now economically justifiable in the inter¬ est of navigation alone. 110 In accordance with its instructions, the schemes presented by the Board are designed to provide to the best advantage, at this time and ulti¬ mately, for the development of the capacities and possibilities of the waterway. The magnitude of the interests in the two countries that would be affected 26 St. Lawrence Waterway Project bv the improvements if the project be adopted have been fully considered. The Board has visualized the fullest ultimate development of the navigable capacity of the waterway commensurate with cost. The endeavour has been made to provide the maximum amount of open-river navigation, with a minimum o locks and of canal navigation. For the initial improvement it has adoptea the minimum standards hereinafter set forth, but the plans are so drawn that the navigation improvements can be enlarged, at the least economic loss, as the traffic jus-tifies further improvement. Plans that would restrict the best eventual development of the waterway for navigation have therefore been discarded. 111. Channel Depth. Conforming to the tenor of the instructions, the estimates are based on navigation channels 25 feet in depth. The sills of all locks and fixed structures are placed at 30 feet depth to permit of the future enlargement of the waterway. The Board has given careful consideration to the question whether it would be advantageous to provide initially^ for a flan¬ nel depth other than 25 feet (Question 9 of Instructions), j^^^^^ority of the Canadian Section favour the initial excavation to a depth of 27 feet. Ikis is the depth to which the new Welland ship canal is being carried under the present contracts, and to which the sections of the canal previously excavated can be enlarged at relatively small cost. A majority of the United States Sec¬ tion regard the depth of 25 feet as sufficient initially, in the view that a pro¬ ject for a greater depth through the interlake channels above lake Erie is not foreseen for a long period. To afford full information on which to base the determination of this broad question of economic policy, the Board Presents, in the summaries at the end of this part of the report, the estimates of the addi¬ tional cost of excavating the channels initially to 27 feet; of the saving effected with an initial depth of 23 feet; and of the cost of subsequently enlarging the channel from 25 feet to 30 feet. Estimates for channels 23 feet deep are in¬ cluded since such channels would accommodate comfortably all shipping that can use the existing interlake channels above lake Erie. The designs presented, and the alignment of the channels, are not affected by the depth to which the channels are excavated initially. 112. To remove any confusion between the depth of the channels and the draft of the vessels which can use them, the Board points out that channels 25 feet in depth are suitable for safe and convenient navigation by vessels of not to exceed 23 feet salt-water draft, and channels 27 feet in depth by vessels of 25 feet salt-water draft. For vessels of this size fresh-water draft exceed^ salt-water draft by from 6 to 7 inches. 113 Standards for Channels and Locks. The Board recommends and has adopted the following standards for navigation improvements: Channels for navigation have a minimum width of 450 feet, except in canal sections, where they have a bottom width of 200 feet (at 25-foot depth). Open channels are widened where advisable on account of cross currents and at bends and are both widened and deepened as required to afford suitable cur¬ rent velocities for navigation. The minimuni_ radius of curvature of the chan¬ nels is 5,000 feet. . , , . w n j u- i The locks conform in dimensions with those in the new Welland ship canal, and have chambers 859 feet in length between inner quoin posts, and 766 feet between breast wall and fender. The clear width of the locks is 80 feet, and the depth over the sills 30 feet. Duplicate sets of gates are so provided that two gates may always be closed against the upper level. Fenders will afford an additionarsafety precaution, and guard gates or emergency dams are pro¬ vided when necessary to afford a means for stopping the flow that would result St. Lawrence Waterway Project from the accidental destruction of any lock gates. The plans are so drawn that all locks can be duplicated as commerce requires additioiial facilities, ana the estimates include the foundations for duplicating all flight locks, since these have less ultimate traffic capacity than single locks. 114 Capacity of Waterway. The 25-foot waterway as designed has an estimated traffic capacity of 24,000,000 tons per annum after any flight locks included in the adopted plans have been duplicated. Flight locks are included in alternative plans for the improvement of the Soulanges these alternative plans the initial capacity of the waterway would be 16,000,000 tons per annum until the duplicate locks of the flight were completed, after which the traffic capacity would be 24,000,000 tons, established by the capacity of the separate lock of the system having the highest lift. Power 115. Power Install-ations. The plans provide for an initial construction of power plants based on conservative estimates of the rate at which power can be marketed under restrictions as to exportation. The demand for power the world over is growing rapidly and the great potential power of the bt. rence river may well become an important factor in the economic welfare of the two countries. The Board has therefore drawn its plans with especial view to the eventual utilization of the complete power resources of the river. 116. The various power houses have the capacity for the development of the maximum flow which the Board considers as utilizaffie in the future. e interests of navigation require that the flow down the St. Lawrence be main¬ tained at a high degree of uniformity, and prevent the maximum use cif water for power by fluctuating the hourly flow to meet the fluctuating power demand. An installed capacity well in excess of the minimum flow of the river has been provided, however, since the increasing value of power will justify its eventual development from the flow available during high-water periods only. 117 The ultimate installation proposed by the Board in the International Rapids Section is somewhat less than the installation proposed by some of the applicants for authority to develop power in this section. The excess installed capacity provided in the plans of these applicants would afford little return on account of the limits inherent in the regulation of flow required in the interests of navigation and of power downstream. 118 The initial installation of power machinery in each power house will depend on the market available when the works are put in operation For pur¬ poses of estimating the initial expenditures required, the initial installation is taken at 50 per cent of the eventual capacity of the power houses first eon- structed. 119 Winter Power Oper.ation. A full study has been given to the winter operation of power plants. The fundamental problem is found to be the main¬ tenance of the winter discharge capacity of the river without excessive |oss o head from gorging with ice, rather than the local problems of handling the ice at the power plants themselves. 120 The power sections of the river now have so rapid a current that (with an exception elsewhere noted in this report) they always run open throughout the winter. ' From the time that the water reaches the freezing point, in late December or early January, until the end of winter, these exposed reaches are continuously losing heat and making ice, in the form of frazil and anchor ice. 28 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Frazil is the term applied to the particles of ice forming in water where the current prevents the formation of a surface ice sheet. These particles agglomer¬ ate in pans of soft, snow-like ice, which float down the surface of the river. Anchor ice is the ice forming on the bed of the river, due to the loss of heat by radiation. It rises to the surface when loosened by the heat of the sun, and floats downstream in masses resembling frazil ice. The term “ slu^i ice is often applied to both. The masses of slush ice are carried down by the current and pack under and against the ice sheet formed over the quiet water at the foot of the reach, gorging the channels to such an extent that rises in the water level of from 10 to 30 feet occur in winter at the foot of each open section. 121. The construction of a dam in any of the power sections for the dual purpose of concentrating head for power development and of improving the river for navigation will, in the general case, create a deep slow-flowing pool, certain to freeze over early in the winter. The situation to be guarded against is ^e throttling of the river by the gorging of the channel at the upper end of this frozen pool. It is established by the Board from measurements of the loss of heat from the river, confirmed by measurements of the Ke actually formed, that, with the temperatures obtaining in the region, Irom 15 to 20 cubic feet of ice will be made in the course of a severe winter for every square foot of open water. It is found, however, that in all cases where the current velocity is as low as 2.25 feet per second, the frazil and anchor ice consolidates on the sur¬ face when it meets an ice sheet, and extends this sheet upstream, without the excessive gorging and throttling of the river that occur at higher current veloc¬ ities. The plans for power development are therefore based on enlarging the upper reaches of the power sections by excavation where necessary to insure, with the discharges that must be maintained in winter, current velocities not exceeding 2.25 feet per second, except through short distances at the upper ends of the power reaches where the remaining area of open water could not produce enough ice to be of serious consequence. Such ice as may be formed in these short distances would be stowed in nearby enlargements of the river below. With an ice sheet extending down to the intakes of the power houses, the operation of the power plants will be nearly, if net entirely, free from ice difficulties. 122. MoDiFiCAiroN op Plans during Construction. In such an extensive project as that for the improvement of the St. Lawrence it is not possible, even in the time consumed by the Board in its investigations, to arrive at the best possible design of all features of the project, both for navigation and for power. The estimates are based on safe and adequate structures and channels, but it is expected that the responsible authorities in charge of the construction will exercise the usual latitude in making such alterations as are found to be desir¬ able in consequence of more detailed studies, and th«^ development of the art. 123. Datum Plane used in Report. All elevations in this report are ele¬ vations above mean sea-level. The precise reference planes used are described in Appendix C. THOUSAND ISLANDS SECTION (Fifth Division of Report of 1921) I 124. This section, 67 miles in length, extends from Tibbets point, taken as marking the end of lake Ontario, to Chimney point, 3 miles downstream from the towns of Ogdensburg, N.Y., and Prescott, Ont. The river is generally St. Lawrence Waterway Project 29 broad, deep and slow flowing, with a total fall at mean stage of but about one foot. Between Clayton, N.Y. (mile 20) and Brockville, Ont. (inile 52) a num¬ ber of granite reefs endanger navigation, and the narrow deep channels thro g the Thousand Islands and the Brockville group require some straightening for safe and convenient navigation by deep-draft vessels. The ' posed is the removal of twelve reefs and the cutting back points, all to a depth of 25 feet below a datum plane corresponding to ^evation 242 5 on lake Ontario. The cost, determined from a detailed survey made by Srpresent Board, is §1,100,000. Details of the estimate are given m Appendix c. 125. The work recommended follows the same lines as that proposed m the Report of 1921, but the estimated cost is greatly increased on account oi the more accurate data secured since that report. INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION (Fourth Division Report of 1921) 126. Description. This section extends from Chimney point (mile 67) to Colquhoun island (mile 115), opposite St. Regis, at the head of lake St. Francis, a distance of 48 miles. The river here runs in a succession of rapids, beginning with the Galop rapids, near the head of the sectioi^ and ending with the Long Sault rapids (miles 103 to 104), with the Rapide Plat just above Mornsburg about midway between. Swift currents predominate m .^be reaches beUeen the rapids and extend to the middle of Cornwall island (mile 111). The total fall through the section at mean river stage is 92 feet, of which approximately one- third occurs in the first 18 miles above the foot of the Plat ^sden island, and the remaining two-thirds below that point. The present 14-foo navigation on the river is carried around the rapids by a series of side canals along the Canadian shore. 127 Prior Plans. The improvement proposed in the Report of 1921 was the construction of a dam in the Long Sault rapids which wouhl raise the water level to elevation 231, creating a pool reaching into the Rapide Plat at Ogden island. At Ogden island a second dam with a lock was to be constructed, which with suitable channel enlargements would carry navigation through the upper part of the section. A canal along the Canadian snore, 8 iniles m length, with two locks was to carry navigation from the pool formed by the low er dam bRck Srihe riv'erarthe toL ot Lrnwall. The plan included the development ol power at a Canadian and an American power house located at the loot »< hart island with a head of 74 feet and a total installed capacity of 1,777,360 horse-power. In addition, a second power plant with a capacity of approxi¬ mately 60,000 horse-power, located near the head of Long Sault island, was to develop the surplus head of 29 feet created in the diversmn which f^ds the Dower nlant of the St. Lawrence River Power Company at Massena, N.Y. The head available at the upper dam at Ogden island, amounting to about 8 feet during the ice-free months, was not to be developed for power. It was estimated that most of this head would be absorbed in winter by the increased river slope due to ice conditions. The structures creating the lower pool were, however, to be so designed that the pool level could be raised to^ recover a part or all of the head lost at the Ogden island dam, if desired at a fuvure time. 128 Pl-ans Proposed. The present Board concurs in the opinion that the improvement of the International Rapids Section should include the develop¬ ment of power. Its length is such that a side canal for navigation would be extremely^ costly and would impose an unnecessary hindrance to shipping. 30 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 129. The Board has given extended study to various plans for improving the river for power and navigation, including those presented by the Hydro- Electric Commission of Ontario and others to the International Joint Commis¬ sion in 1921 and those recently submitted by American Corporations to the Water Power Commission of the State of New York. 130. The Board is of the opinion that the plan presented in the Report of 1921, although in a general sense practicable, should be modified to secure more dependable winter operation and to assure the fullest practicable utiliza¬ tion of power resources of the river. 131. Two plans meeting these requirements have been prepared by the Board, one for a single-stage development, with a dam and power houses in the vicinity of Barnhart island, at the foot of the reach, but with control gates at Galop island at the head of the reach, except across the channel provided for navigation.* The second scheme is for a two-stage development, with two pools, the upper pool formed by a dam and power house at Ogden island, just above Morrisburg, and the lower pool (at normal elevation 224) by a dam and powerhouses at Barnhart island.** 132. Navigation. With the single-stage development, navigation enters the pool through a free channel from the upper river, and passes from the lower end of the pool through a canal, with two locks, on the United States side of the river, which leads to the south channel at Cornwall island, thence a free channel leads to lake St. Francis. With the two-stage development navi¬ gation similarly enters the upper pool through a free channel, passes from the upper to the lower pool through a lock at Odgen island, and from the lower pool to the south channel at Cornwall island by a canal with two locks as in the single-stage scheme. The two-stage scheme requires one more lock than the single stage. 133. Available Heads, Single Stage Plan. The levels of the pool of the single-stage development, during the ice-free months, after the full estimated channel enlargements have been made, will vary normally between the limits of elevations 240 and 244, depending on the level of lake Ontario and the flow of water determined by the program of regulation. The tail-water elevation will be about elevation 157. Further channel enlargement below the power houses may lower the tail-water somewhat and add to the head, but the increased power made available is not considered in this report. The normal summer head at the power houses of the single-stage development will therefore be about 85 feet. The increased slope of the pool in winter due to ice retardation is expected to amount to about 6 feet, and a rise of about 4 feet in the tail- water levels is anticipated from the increased slopes below the power house, so that the net winter head expected is about 75 feet. 134. Available Heads, Two-stage Plan. With the two-stage develop¬ ment, the lower pool will be kept closely to elevation 224, both summer and winter, giving a summer head of 67 feet and a winter head of 63 feet. The summer levels of the upper pool at the Ogden island power houses will range between elevations 241 and 245. On account of the slopes of the lower pool, the summer head at the Ogden island power houses will be about 17 feet. A winter head of 12 feet is expected. The plans and estimates provide for the utilization of a head of 21 feet temporarily during the period between the com¬ pletion of the upper and lower plants, respectively. * The plans provide for partly closing the navigable channel by control gates, leaving a free opening for navigation at least 450 feet in v/idth. ** Attention is directed to an alternative two-stage project which was prepared after Par. 131 to Par. 166 of this Report was presented in November, 1926. In the alternative project, the upper dam is placed at Crysler Island instead of at Ogden Island. It is described in Appendix “C,” Par. 120 to Par. 134. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 31 135. M.4.XIMUM Installed Capacities. The maximum flow which the Board regards as eventually utilizable at the Barnhart island power houses is 245 000 cubic feet per second at winter head. The equivalent capacity at summer head in the single-stage development will be 261,000 cubic feet per second, and in the two-stage development 252,000 cubic feet per second. The utilization of such large flows will not be economically justified at the Ogden island power houses of the two-stage development, and the ultimate installation at these power houses is based on a flow of 212,000 cubic feet per second at winter head equivalent to 240,000 cubic feet per second at sunimer head. The installed capacitv of the power houses of the single-stage development based on the summer head and flow, and, including spares, is 2,326,000 horse-power. The installed capacity of the two-stage development, on the same basis, is as follows:— Lower power house, Barnhart island. ’’K fc^o^er Upper power house, Ogden island. ^ norse po . 2,215,000 horse-power 136. The fact must be appreciated that the additional capacity proposed in the single-stage development is not a measure of power delivered. Except for the slightly less efficiency of the machinery of the Ogden island power houses, which would not materially affect that can be delivered depends on the flow of water available, vdiich will less than the installed capacity of the plants for the considerable part of the time. 137 Winter Operation, Single-Stage Plan. As for winter operation, the pool formed by the single-stage development is so wide and deep as far upstreain as Ogden island that an ice cover will form over it promptly. The plans and estimates provide for the eventual enlargement of the constricted portions of the river from Ogden island as far upstream as Lotus island (at the foot of the Galop rapids), to the extent necessary to secure current velocities not exceemng 2.25 feet per second, in order to assure satisfactory ice conditions in winter. The contracted section from the foot of Lotus island to the head of Galop island, . miles in length, is to be given the area required for satisfactory navigation only, and is expected to have an open channel in wunter; but the extent of this op water would be too limited to be of serious consequence in winter operation. 138. The amount of channel enlargement required to assure satisfactory winter operation cannot be predicted in advance with certainty. It is proposed to execute initially only such enlargement as is necessary to insure satisfactory navigation conditions, and to prosecute this enlargement after the pool has been created when dredging can be done more advantageously, until satis^ctory winter operation is secured. The control of the head through the section afforded by the control gates at the Galop will afford a means for insuring the winter dis¬ charge capacity of the river during this period. 139. Winter Oper.\tion, Two-Stage Plan. In the two-stage develop¬ ment some enlargement of the channels in the 8-mile reach between Ogden island and Weavers point is required to secure the desired low current velocities to assure winter operation. Above Ogden island the enlargement required will be identical with that required in the single-stage development. This enlargement must be completed before the complete scheme is put in operation, m order to ensure control of the winter flow and provide uninterrupted power at the Ogden island plant. 32 St, Lawrence Waterway Project 140. Control of Ferry Operation. Is is assumed that proper control will be exercised over the ferries operating between Ogdensburg and Prescott to prevent the ice situation from being aggravated by the breaking up of the ice sheet between these towns and Galop island by these agencies. 141. Costs. The cost of the single-stage development, including the full channel enlargement to insure satisfactory winter operation, • is estimated at $235,000,000. The cost of the two-stage development is estimated at $264,600,000. 142. Recommendations. The United States Section of the Board recom¬ mends the single-stage development as affording better navigation by eliminating one lock, and obtaining slightly more power, at a cost of $29,600,000 less than the cost of a two-stage development. 143. The Canadian Section of the Board recommends the two-stage develop¬ ment on the ground that it can be carried out in two parts, so that the power from the upper development can be developed and marketed before the whole of the improvement is completed. It believes that for this reason its overall cost, including interest charges, will not be as greatly in excess^ of the single-stage development as appears from the comparative costs without interest charges. It believes that the control over the flow of the river will be better assured. The flowage of land will be reduced from about 28,000 acres to about 18,000 acres.* 144. Location of Barnhart Island Dam and Power Houses. Whatever plan be adopted, there is a choice of sites for the dam and power houses in the vicinity of Barnhart island that create the pool of the single-stage development, or the lower pool of the two-stage development. A suitable site for the dam exists at the foot of the Long Sault rapids, on an arc extending from the head of Barnhart island to the foot of Long Sault island and thence to the United States shore. With a dam at this site, the channel between Barnhart and Sheek islands would be utilized as a forebay channel to the power houses, which would be located at the foot of Barnhart island. This general arrangement was contem¬ plated in the Report of 1921. For the 224 two-stage development it is proposed to supplement the capacity of this forebay channel by utilizing also the channel known as Bergen lake, between Sheek island and the Canadian shore. The low banks prevent the use of this channel for that purpose at the high levels of the single-stage development. 145. With the dam built at the foot of Long Sault island, the navigation canal from the pool would leave the river at the middle of Long Sault island. It would be 6.9 miles long. 146. The second site for the dam is across the main river at the foot of Barnhart island. The foundation rock is here quite deep. With a dam at this site the navigation canal would leave the river at Robinson's bay, and its length would be reduced to 2.9 miles. The power houses would be adjacent to the dam. Two alignments for the dam and power houses at this location are shown on the plans, either of which is regarded as satisfactory. 147. The United States Section prefers the location for the dam at the foot of Barnhart island, since it reduces the length of the navigation canal, reduces the chance of local ice difliculties in winter (since the section of the pool above the power houses is ample to insure a firm ice cover), and simplifies operation through the juxtaposition of the dam and power houses. The Canadian Section ♦The above acreages include all lands the purchase of which is contemplated in the estimates. The area of land •ritually inundated at maximum emergency levels, including the inundated portions of islands, will be 22,000 acres and 12,000 acres respectively. SL Lawrence Waterway Project 33 prefers the location at the foot of Long Sault island on account of the higher rock foundations there found, which it believes will lessen construction difficulties. The choice between the two locations is regarded as a matter of detail, to be settled by the constructing agencies after the general type of development has been determined. • 148. The plans for the single-stage development submitted with this report show the dam across the main river channel at the foot of Barnhart island. Those for the two-stage development show it at the foot of Long Sault island. In the opinion of the Board either location can be used with either development. 149 Control op Flow. Whether the single-stage or the two-stage develop¬ ment is finally selected as best meeting the joint interests of the two countries, the Board points out that the use of water at the power houses and the operation ot. the sluice gates, which with the wheels control the flow of the river, should be under the control of an international board That board should be clothed with full authority to take such measures as will insure the regularity of now that is necessary in the interest of navigation in the lower river, and of the power houses downstream; and to insure such flows as will maintain the levels of J^ke Ontario within proper limits, while preserving the volume of flow required to prevent injury to navigation at and below Montreal. 150. Alternattv’^e Plans Consedered. Of the various alternative plans for the improvement of the International Rapids Section submitted to the Inter¬ national Joint Commission in 1921, the one requiring especial consideraLon at this time is that for navigation and power development proposed by the Hydro- Electric Commission of Ontario and designated as Scheme “ B This provided for a two-stage development broadly on the same lines as those proposed by the Canadian Section herein, except that the lower pool was to be held at elevation 210, or 14 feet below the elevation proposed in this report. At this low elevation a large amount of excavation would be required to secure suitable channels for navigation through the lower pool; and an enlargement to secure the low velocities regarded as necessary for satisfactory ice-covered winter operation would be excessively costly, and was not contemplated by the proponents. On the ^^ber hand, the higher head at the Ogden island power plants, amounting to about 30 feet, reduced materially the cost per horse-power of development of the upper head. 151. The operation of this scheme was based on maintaining an open chan¬ nel through the river during the winter, and only such channel enlargements were proposed as would be necessary for navigation. 152. The cost, on estimates paralleling those herein presented for a single- stage and two-stage development, would be $254,000,000. 153. The studies of the Board, and its investigations of power plants oper¬ ating under similar climatic conditions, show conclusively that it is neither feasible nor desirable to maintain an open channel through this section in winter when it is improved for powder. Even with the present current velocities the ice has at various times caught across the river in the quieter reaches of the section, starting an ice pack wffiich quickly attained large proportions and raised the river level by as much as 10 feet. The likelihood of the ice catching to form ice jams would be increased after the river has been improved, on account of the greatly reduced current velocities. It is certain that an open channel through this 35-mile stretch could not be maintained without ice breakers; and all experi- 43827-3 34 St, Lawrence Waterway Project ence shows that a reasonable number of ice breakers could not be depended upon to keep open continuously so long a channel under these conditions. If, how¬ ever, an open channel were maintained by such means, the accumulation of ice below the power houses of the lower pool at Barnhart island would raise the tail- water level at these power houses to such an extent that their output would be greatly curtailed. 154. Other alternative plans presented to the Joint Commission in 1921 were for two-stage developments with the upper dam at Crysler island (6 miles down¬ stream from the foot of Ogden island), and at Cat island (10 miles downstream from the foot of Ogden island). The further borings made at the Crysler island site show that the foundation conditions are not as good as were first supposed, and the proponents of the Cat island dam site now prefer a full single-stage development broadly on the lines of that proposed by the United States Section herein. 155. Improvement for Navigation Only. The least expensive method developed for improving the river for navigatoin alone is through the con¬ struction of a side canal on the American shore from the Galop rapids to Ogden island. Navigation would there enter a pool, with water level at elevation 220, to be formed by a dam at the head of the Long Sault rapids, and from this pool pass to the south channel of the river at Cornwall island through a canal on the same line as that proposed for the two-stage development. The navigation provided by such a plan would be far inferior to that provided by either the single or the two-stage developments respectively proposed. The estimated cost is $79,000,000. 156. Summary. Two alternative schemes for the improvement of the Inter¬ national Rapids Section in the joint interest of navigation and power are pre¬ sented by the Board as best providing for the development of the capacity and possibilities of this section. Their respective estimated costs are as follows:— (1) Single-stage Development- Works solely for navigation. Works common to navigation and power. Works primarily for power— Substructures and head and tail race excavation Superstructures and machinery. 22,000,000 106,500,000 42,000,000 64,500,000 Total cost (2,326,000 installed horse-power). $235,000,000 Initial cost with installation of 1,163,000 horse-power (remaining installation deferred awaiting growth of market) .. $203,000,000 Estimated initial expenditure to open navigation and provide 1,163,000 installed horse-power before channels are enlarged to ensure wihter operation (See par. 137, 138) . $190,000,000 ^ (2) Two-stage Development— Upper Pool — Works solely for navigation. 8,093,000 Works common to navigation and power.. 53,726,000 Works primarily for power— Substructures, head and tail race excavation. 23,737,000 Machinery and superstructure. 33,829,000 119,386,000 * “Additional borings, made since the preparation of this paragraph, have changed the conclusions of the Canadian Section of the Board, in regard to the Crysler Island dam site. See Appendix “C,“ Par. 120 to Par. 134." St. Lawrence Waterway Project 35 (2) Two-stage Development— Concluded. Lower Pool — Works solely for navigation. Works common to navigation and power.. Works primarily for power—• Substructures, head and tail race excavation. Machinery and superstructure. .25,388,000 37,130,000 36,866,000 45,777,000 Total cost (2,215,000 installed horse-power) . Rounded total. Estimated initial expenditure to open navigation jmd provide 406,400 horse-power in upper plant and 756,600 horse-power in lower plant (remaining installation in lower plant deferred awaiting growth of market). Estimated initial expenditure to open navigation and provide 1,163,000 horse-power at lower plant (remaining installation at lower plant and all that of upper plant being deferred). 145,161,000 $264,546,000 $264,600,000 $238,400,000 $214,500,000 These estimates exceed those given in the Report of 1921 because they pro- vide a fuller power development, and more elaborate measures to ensure satis¬ factory winter operation, besides being based on the higher unit costs indicated by the detailed studies made by the present board. LAKE ST. FRANCIS SECTION (Third Division of Report of 1921) 157. This section extends from Colquhoun island opposite St. Regis (mile 115) to deep water at the foot of lake St. Francis (mile 141). The currents through the lake are sluggish, and the total fall through the section is about one foot. While the lake contains many shoals, deep channels extend through it. The work proposed is the dredging necessary to secure a suitable channel. It is on substantially the same lines as was recommended in the Report of 1921. The estimated cost, for a channel 25 feet deep below a datum plane having an eleva¬ tion 151.5 at the head of the lake and 150.5 at its foot, is §980,000. The esti¬ mates differ by a small amount from those shown in the Report of 1921, prin¬ cipally because the limits of the section are slightly changed to conform to the modifications of the project in the International Rapids Section. SOULANGES SECTION (Second Division of Report of 1921) 158. Description. This section, 18 miles in length, extends from deep water in lake St. Francis (mile 141) to deep water in lake St. Louis (mile 159). The river falls from lake St. Francis to lake St. Louis in a succession of rapids, the Coteau rapids at. the head, the Split Rock and Cascades rapids at the foot, and the Cedars rapids about midway. The total fall through the section at present mean stages of the two lakes is 83 feet. 159. Present 14-foot navigation passes through the Soulanges canal, par¬ alleling the river on the north. 160. There are a number of existing powder developments in this section, which are described in Appendix C. The most important is that at the Cedars rapids where a third of the low-water flow of the river is diverted through a headrace canal to a power house with an installed capacity of 197,000 horse¬ power, at 32-foot head. 45827—3J 36 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 161. Prior Plans. The improvement proposed in the Report of 1921 was a lateral canal, 15 miles in length, for navigation oidy, on tlm south ^^e of t^ river designated as the Melocheville-Hungry Bay Route ^he re^rt outlin^ a plan for^navigation in conjunction with complete development of coSns thropinion that the rate of growth of the market for the arge block of /,560,000 hcSse-power afforded by‘the development was insufficient to justify its adoption. 162 Improvement for Navigation and Power. The Board finds that it is practicable and advantageous to combine the improvement for navigation in this section with the development of power on a progressive program of in¬ struction of power plants, only the first part of the power undertaken in conjunction with the works required to carry navigation through the section. 163. In brief, this plan provides for a dam at the head of the Cedare rapids, which will create a pool having a level from U feet to ^ I -f of lake St. Francis. The shores of that lake are so low that the raising of its high-water levels would destroy large areas of agricult^al land and, aside fr the large cost involved, is highly undesirable. The plans therefore include a extensive enlargement of the discharge capacity of the Coteau rapids to inswe that the backwater slope will not raise the high levels of hhe lak^ t^ria^ids passes from lake St. Francis to the pool by a canal around the Cote^ rapids 3 miles in length with a low lift lock. Even with the enlargemeij proposed, the currents in these rapids will be too swift for ®aj® the safe passage through the draw in the railroad bridge which here crosses the river.^ The canal has, however, been given such p alignment that converted into an open channel when the traffic justifies the large additional cost. A second canal, 5 miles in length, with two lift locks, carnes navigation from the pool to lake St. Louis. These locks may be either in flight sepamted by a shortpool. The difference in cost in favour of the separate locks is small. 164. The first part of the power development is the generation of a total of 382 000 horse-power at a power house with 22-foot head inrorporated in the dam. ’The present Cedars plant will be continued in operation, water being fed into the headrace through sluice gates. 165 The second part of the progressive development now en^saged is the generation of 500,000 horse-power at 75-foot head at a power house located on the shore of lake St. Louis north of Cascades point and near the Chambe^ gully. It will be supplied through a headrace canal formed, in part, by the enlargement of the navigation canal. 166. The third part is the construction of a dam and power house, with a 53-foot head, at the Cascades rapids, at the foot of the section, which mil develop a total of 974,000 horse-power. The present Cedars plant will then be put out of commission. 167. The estimated cost of these works is as follows:— First part, including navigation works. ^3729l’.000 Second part ..... 1! 63’,816!000 Third part . . .. $205,052,000 I St. Lawrence Waterway Project 37 168. The installed capacities in these plants, including spares, at normal summer heads are:— First part . Second part ..., Third part .... Total 404,300 horse-power 54.5,000 horse-power 1,030,400 horse-power 1,979,700 horse-power 169. If but one-half of the hydro-electric machinery is installed when the first part of the program is initially constructed, leaving the other half to be installed as the demand for power develops, the initial expenditure required to open navigation and provide 202,000 horse-power becomes §92,000,000. 170. Complete Ri-ver Development. An alternative scheme which affords the maximum ojjen river navigation warrants description. In this scheme two dams with pwwer houses would be constructed initially, the upstream dam substantially on the line of the dam proposed in the fii-st part of the recopa- mended scheme, and the second dam and power houses at the Cascades rapids at the site of the structure forming the third part of the progressive power development therein contemplated. Navigation would pass from lake St. Francis to the pool formed by the upstream dam as in the recommended scheme. From this pool it would pass through a short canal and lock to the pool formed by the Cascades dam and power houses, thence through a lock directly to lake St. Louis. The 5-mile canal provided in the recominended scheme between the upper pool and lake St. Louis thereby would be eliminated. 171. The pool of the Cascades dam would be held at elevation 115, giving a 43-foot head between this pool and lake St. Louis, instead of the 53-foot head contemplated in the third part of the recommended project. This change would reduce the difference of levels to a conservative lift for a single lock. The power houses at the upstream dam would be so located as to develop the remaining 30 feet of head available in the section. 172. The scheme would entail the reconstruction of the existing Cedars power plant as a part of the initial work, instead of permitting a postponement until the last part of the power development program. Arrangement would have to be made to supply the present customers during the reconstruction period. 173. The total cost of this alternative scheme, with a complete eventual installed capacity of 1,948,000 horse-power, would be §194,317,000 exclusive of interest charges, or approximately §10,700,000 less than the cost with the plans recommended. On the other hand, the initial expenditure would exceed largely the initial expenditure required with the recommended plan. The initial power installation must include, in addition to such new power as is provided, an installation of 207,000 horse-power to replace power lost at existing plants, this being 197,000 horse-power at the present Cedars plant, and 10,000 at other plants. The initial expenditure required to open navigation and to provide an installation of 404,300 horse-power of new power, together with this replace¬ ment of power at existing installations, would be §123,400,000, against the minimum initial expenditure of §103,945,000 required with the same installation of new power under the recommended plan. Unless power can be sold more rapidly than the Board is led to believe, the interest charges on the §19,455,000 increased initial cost would overbalance the §10,700,000 difference between the ultimate costs of the completed projects indicated by the foregoing estimates. The scheme makes a maximum use of the river and merits serious consideration if a market for the large amount of power can be developed within a reason¬ able period. 38 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 174. IMPROVE^rENT FOR NAVIGATION ALONE. The schemes studied by the Board for providing navigation alone are:— (al A lateral canal on the south side of the river extending f^rom Hungry bay to Melocheville, substantially as recommended in the Report of 1921. Its estimated cost is now $33,640,000. (b) k lateral canal on the north side of the river, so designed as to con- ^ form to an eventual combined improvement “3alTv and power on the lines recommended by the Board. Esscntiall , this scheme embraces the construction of the upper and canals proposed in the combined improvement, with a land canal con- necting^hL, the latter to be abandoned when the for power. The estimated cost of the c.anal, complete, is !H0,378,009. The part of the land canal that would be abandoned for naviga¬ tion would be used in part for drainage. Its estimated cost is $6,382,000. The estimated cost of the river connections is $1,922,000. (c) A river improvement as proposed in the recommended scheme, with substructures for power plant, but without power installation. Its esti- mated cost is $78,515,000. 175 Conclusions. The Board unites in the view that the navigation improvement combined with the progressive development of (P^';^^Sraphs 162 to 169) hereinbefore set forth better provides for the present and futuie development of the watenv-ay than any scheme for navigation alone, and is therefore the desirable scheme, if arrangements are made whereby power interests bear a fair proportion of the cost of the initial expenditure required. 176 If it be found impossible to arrange for such co-operation in meeting the initial cost a maioritv of the Canadian Section favour the construction of the latoal canal on the south side of the river (Melocheville-Hungry Bay pro- iect) which is the least expensive means for providing navigation. The United States Section submits the view that a route designed to serve so large a terri¬ tory will demand eventually the freer navigation of an open river. It believes, therefore, that even if arrangements cannot be made for the participation of power development in the initial improvement it will be better to adopt the river development (navigation scheme c) or a canal on the north side capable of conversion into a river development (navigation scheme b) rather than the Melocheville-Hungry Bay route, the investment in which would largely be lost when a river development is adopted. 177 A detailed description of the works proposed in the combined naviga- tion and power project recommended, including those necessary to prevent undue flowage with detailed estimates of cost, and a discussion of alternative schemes and their relative economic values at various rates of power consumption, are given in Appendix C. A general analysis of the estimated cost of the initial part of the recommended combined navigation and power project is as follows. oi rqi nnn Works solely for navigation... Works common to navigation and power. held ^ and tail race excavation. 24 586 000 Superstructure and machinery.. * * Total . i?103.945,000 Cost with initial installation of one-half of power machinery.. $92,000,000 39 St, Lawrence Waterway Project LACHINE SECTION (First Division of Report of 1921) 178. Description. This section extends from deep water at the head of lake St. Louis (mile 159) to Montreal harbour (mile 183). The first 11 miles ai'e through the deep water in the upper part of the lake; the next four miles are through the shoal water at its foot. From the foot of the lake, the river runs 5 miles with swift currents, through a channel badly obstructed with rock reefs, to the Lachine rapids. It drops through these rapids to the La Prairie basin, a wide expanse of shoal water, 5 miles in length; thence falls through a mile of shoal, swift running channels, to Montreal harbour. The total fall through the section is about 48 feet, of which 9 feet is between the upper end of lake St. Louis and the head of the Lachine rapids, 24 feet through these rapids, 4 feet through the La Prairie basin, and 11 feet between the La Prairie basin and Montreal. 179. The course of the river from lake St. Louis to Montreal harbour describes a wide bend to the south. The present 14-foot navigation passes through the Lachine canal, which cuts through the city across this bend. 180. In this section the St. Lawrence begins to receive water from the Ottawa river. The Ottawa discharges into the lake of Two Mountains, which lies just north of lake St. Louis, and is at a slightly higher level. That lake discharges a part of the flow through two outlets into lake St. Louis and the remainder into the St. Lawrence below Montreal, through two rivers lying to the north of the city. On account of the widely varying flow of the Ottawa, the range in the levels of lake St. Louis is about 8 feet. 181. The winter rise of the river due to the ice gorging raises the water in the La Prairie basin by 10 feet or more. 182. Prior Plans. The improvement proposed for this section in the Report of 1921 was a side canal, 9 miles in length (10 miles to the end of the Lachine breakwater), with two lift locks and one guard lock, extending from the upper entrance to the present Lachine canal across the bend in the river to a point on the shore 3 miles above Montreal harbour (avoiding the built up portion of the city), thence along the shore to the harbour. The eventual increase in depth from the 25 feet provided in that report to 30 feet was to be secured by a dam in the Lachine rapids, which would raise the low-water levels of lake St. Louis and the upper canal level by 5 feet. The report considered, but did not recommend, an alternative project for combining navigation and power by constructing a dam and power works in the Lachine rapids. 183. Plan Recommended by Bo.\rd. The Board has examined with care the feasibility of utilizing the contracted section of the river above the Lachine rapids for navigation, in connection with power development at these rapids, but finds that, without an excessive amount of costly excavation, the currents created by the concentration of the flow in the excavated channels would be excessive for navigation, even if the railroad bridge which here crosses the river were raised, at large cost, to provide overhead clearance. A side canal affords, therefore, the most suitable route for navigation between Montreal harbour and lake St. Louis. 184. The westward growth of the built up sections of the city of Montreal has already encroached on a part of the route selected for the canal in the Report of 1921. It is highly advisable to build the canal on a location that will not interfere with the future growth of the city and will eliminate the difficult problem inherent to the crossing of land and water traffic with the consequent incon- 40 St. Lawrence Waterway Project venience and delay to both. The route now proposed, therefore, follows dose to the river bank throughout and consequently cuts off no area capable ^ development. Its length and its cost are substantially the same as on the route "ecomSed in the Report of 1921. The canal has three lift locks and a guard gate instead of the two lift locks and the guard lock proposed m that report^ But 4 miles are in land cut with minimum section. The remaining 6 mUes (counting the length to the end of the Lachine breakwater) have a width of 300 feet. The additional lock assures the minimum alterations m sewerage and water supply systems, including the Montreal aqueduct. When the projecUs adopted, details can be modified to conform to any projected changes in these public utilities. 185 The excavation of the upper level of the canal, and through the long shoals at the foot of lake St. Louis, can be reduced by the construction of a con¬ trol dam in the river at the head of the Lachine rapids, above Heron island, to rat th“ low-tter levels of lake St. Louis to elevation 71 du^g the navigation season Since at low stages this would back the water up into the lake of Tw Cntains and slightly raise also the low-water levels of the latter, it f necessary to construct supplementary control works at the two northerly outlets of that lake (Mille lies and des Prairies rivers) in order to preserve the present distri¬ bution of the flow of the Ottawa, and to prevent a reduction m the flow in the main channel of the St. Lawrence past Montreal. The cost of the entire sys e of control works is about $2,000,000 in excess of the saving ® ’ but these works will reduce the cost of a future development of power at the Lachine rapids, besides being of benefit to local navigation on the two lakes. Their construction is therefore desirable, and is included in the plans of the initial improvement for navigation. , . • • a r A detailed description of the improvement proposed is given m Appendix L. Its complete cost is estimated at $53,000,000. 186. Power Development. The Board concurs in the views expressed m the Report of 1921 that the feasible power production m this section is limited io the development of the head of a little more than 30 feet available above the foot of the Lachine rapids. The winter rises of the river drown out the reman¬ ing head, and the upper level of a power developnaent cannot be carried below the foot of these rapids without causing widespread flood damage. 187. To assure the safe and dependable winter operation of a power develop¬ ment at the Lachine rapids, the discharge capacity of the contracted reaches above these rapids should be so enlarged that the maximum winter current velocities will not create ice gorging. The alternative of a development based on maintaining an open channel through the river in winter is rejected as hazardous for the same reasons that such a proposal is rejected in the Inter¬ national Rapids Section (paragraph 153). 188. The most feasible method of enlarging the discharge capacity of the river is found to be tbe construction of a deep, concrete-lined headrace canal on the south side of the river. The plans for improving the river for power nrovide therefore, for a development in two parts. The first part is the construkion of such a power canal along the south shore, from the foot of lake St Louis to the Lachine rapids, designed to carry a flow of 120,000 cubic feet per second at so high a velocity that an ice cover cannot catch across to form St. Lawrence Waterway Project 41 an ice jam. The water would be delivered to a power house on the south shore at the foot of the rapids, discharging into the La Prairie basin, and would develop 391,000 horse-power. 189. A control dam in the river, with auxiliary structures at the outlets of the lake of Two Mountains, is required with the first part of the development, to prevent the lowering of lake St. Louis by the large diversion, and to secure the maximum allowable head at the power-house. The mam control dam m the river would be at the head of the Lachine rapids, at the same location as the dam hereinbefore proposed to regulate the levels of lake St. Louis for the benefit of navigation, and the normal regulated level of the lake would be at elevation 71 in both cases. The auxiliary control structures would be identical. The rnam control dam would, however, require a different design. The dam proposed in connection with navigation improvement is designed with wide openings to be left clear in winter, in order to prevent the danger of the formation of an ice jam. With the power canal in operation, the currents in the main river would be so reduced as to eliminate the danger of an ice jam, but the openings must be reduced to such dimensions as will afford ^ safe and convenient winter operation of the gates. A dam constructed initially for navigation purposes would therefore require alterations when the first part of the power development is undertaken. The cost of these alterations is estimated at $281,000. 190. The estimated cost of this first part of the development is $88,131,000 if no control dam has been built for navigation purposes, and $81,247,000 if such a dam has been built, the latter figure including the necessary modifications m the dam. 191. The second part of the improvement for power is the development of 422,000 horse-power from the remaining flow of the river, at a power house to be constructed in the main river at the foot of the Lachine rapids, adjacent to the power house constructed in the first part of the development. The headrace to this power house would be formed by a longitudinal wall extending downstream from the control dam previously constructed, to the new power house, and by opening the portion of the control dam between this wall and the south shore. The estimated cost of the second part of the development is $41,966,000. 192. Joint Improvement for N.wigation and Power. If the first part of the power development be undertaken simultaneously with the navigation improvement, the estimated combined cost would be $133,358,000. 193. If the first part of the power development be undertaken subsequently to the navigation improvement, requiring the alteration of the control dam initially constructed for the latter purpose, the combined cost would be $134,247,000. 194. The economic saving from combining power development with the improvement of the Lachine Section for navigation is therefore but $889,000, and this saving would be soon counterbalanced by the interest charges on the large investment necessary to secure it, unless the power could be marketed promptly at remunerative rates. For this reason, and on account of the high cost of developing power in this section as compared with its cost in the Sou- langes Section, the Board does not include power development in its plans for the intial improvement of this section. The development of power can be undertaken when found economically justifiable from the standpoint of power production alone. 42 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 195. In summary, the estimates for this section are as follows: Recommended project for navigation alone. Power alone—1st part, 435,000 installed horse-power. 2nd part, 488,000 installed horse-power. 88,131,000 41,406,000 $ 53,000,000 Total, 923,000 installed horse-power. $129,537,000 Power subsequent to navigation— Ist part, 435,000 installed horse-power. 81,247,000 2nd part, 488,000 installed horse-power. 41,966,000 Total, 923,000 installed horse-power. $123,213,000 GENERAL SUMMARY Lake Ontario to Montreal Harbour 196. Improvement Proposed. In summary, the plans recommended by t^he Board for the improvement of the river wdll provide to the best advantage for a navigation route through the 183 miles of river and lake from lake Ontario to Montreal harbour, with a total not exceeding 25 miles of restricted canal navigation, and with not more than nine locks. It will be crossed by but eight bridges. The plans include power houses with an ultimate installed capacity of from 2,619,000 to 2,730,000 horse-power, and permit the eventual development with installed capacity of approximately 5,000,000 horse-power which is the full power potentiality of the river. 197. Initial Expenditure Required. The estimated expenditures required to open navigation with channels 25 feet in depth, with an initial power develop¬ ment having one-half the ultimate installed capacity of the power houses first constructed (the installation of the remainder being deferred to await the growth of the market), is as follows:— (la) Total cost of improvement if with a single-stage development in the International Rapids Section (1,365,000 horse-power initially installed) ... $350,100,000 or (16) Above improvement before channels are enlarged to ensure winter operation . $337,100,000 or (2) Total cost of improvement if with a two-stage development in the International Rapids Section (1,365,000 horse-power initially installed) . $385,500,000 or (26) Above improvement if the initial power installation in the International Rapids Section is all made at the lower (Barnhart island) plant.... $361,600,000 198. Cost of Works Complete. After all of the machinery in plants recommended by the Board has been installed, these costs will become respectively:— ( 1 ) ( 2 ) If with a single-Btage development of the International Rapids Section (2,730,000 installed horse-power). $394,000,000 or If with a two-stage development of the International Rapids Section (2,619,000 installed horse-power). $423,600,000 199. Alternative Plans. The Board has considered it advisable to present alternative plans and estimates in several instances for the reason that a choice between them rests on broad questions of policy rather than upon strictly engineering considerations. St Lawrence Waterway Project 200. Effect of Channel Depth on Cost. The estimated cost of additional channel excavation required to provide channels initially 27 feet deep from lake Ontario to Montreal instead of 25 feet deep is $5,800,000. 201 The estimated saving in the cost of channel excavation through providing channels initially 23 feet deep instead of 25 feet deep is $5,350,000. 202. The estimated cost of subsequently enlarging to 30 feet depth channels initially excavated 25 feet in depth is $24,400,000. 203. Cost of Additional Works for Full Development of Power. The estimated cost of additional works required to complete the full practicable development of power in the river, with works having an installed capacity of 2,500,000 horse-power is approximately $225,000,000. The total eventual power installation visualized is therefore approximately 5,000,000 horse-power; and the total eventual cost of developing this power, and of providing navigation with channels 25 feet in depth, is in round numbers from $620,000,000 to $650,000,000, depending upon the form of improvement adopted in the International Rapids Section. 204. Analysis of Costs. A general analysis of these costs is shown in the following tables:— Table I Recommended Plans vdth Single-Stage Development in International Power Section (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Section Cost of works sole¬ ly for navigation. Cost of works primarily for power. Cost of works joint¬ ly for power and navigation. Total cost with com¬ plete initial power installation. Initial cost if one half initial power installation is deferred. Complete installed capacity of initial works, provided in estimate column (e) Thousand Islands. $ 1,100,000 $ $ $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 h.p. International Rapids... 22.000.000 106.500,000 106.500.000 235,000.000 203,000.000* 2,326,000 Lake St. Francis. 980,000 980.000 980,000 Soulanges.. 31,594.000 37,665,000 34.686,006 103.945,000 92.000,000 404,300 Lachine. 53,000,000 53,000,000 53,000.000 . Total. 108,674.000 144,165,000 141,186,000 394,025,000 350,080,000* 2,730,300 — » Including $13,000,000 for channel enlargement to assure winter operation. 44 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Table II Recommended plans with Two-Stage Development in International Power Section (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Section Cost of works solely for navigation Cost of works primarily for power Cost of works jointly for power and navigation Total cost with complete initial power installation Initial cost if one half initial power installation is deferred Complete installed capa¬ city of initial w^orks provided in estimate column (e) Thousand Islands. $ 1,100,000 $ $ $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 h.p. International Rapids... 33,481,000 140,209,000 90,656,000 264,546,000 238,400,0001 2,215.000 Lake St. Francis. 980,000 980,000 980,000 Soulanges.. • 31,594,000 37,665,000 34,686,000 103,945,000 92,000,000 404,300 Lachine..*. 53,000,000 53,000,000 53,000,000 Total . 120,155.000 177,874,000 125,542,000 423,571,000 385,480,0002 2,619,300 >This becomes S214,500,000if installation is at Barnhart island powerhouses. :,iand ’This becomes $361,580,000 if initial installation in International Rapids Section is at Barnhart island powerhouses. Table III Estim.ated cost of additional works to complete the full practicable develop¬ ment of power in the river Section Installed Horsepower Cost Soulanges Section— t ^ tt $ S 545,000 1,030,000 435,000 488,000 37,391,000 63,816,000 81,247,000 41,966,000 Lachine Section— Total... 2,498,000 224,420,000 Table IV Estimated cost of improving the river for power alone, with power development as provided in the reconunended joint navigation and power improve¬ ment (14 foot navigation maintained). Section With the two-stage development of the International Rapids Section With the single- stage development of the International Rapids Section $ 231,800,000 77,172,000 $ 213,000,000 77,172,000 international rvapiub .. . 308,972,000 290,172,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Table V Estimated cost of improving the river for navigation alone, under the least expensive alternative plan Thousand Islands Section... International Kapids Section Xiake St. Francis Section... Soulanges Section. Lachine Section . 1 , 100,000 . 79,000,000 980,000 33,640,000 53,000,000 Total $167,720,000 Table VI Tabulated Estimates of cost of providing channels of various depths from the head of the Great Lakes to Montreal, including the installation of 1,365,000 horse-power on the St. Lawrence and the entire cost of the new Welland ship canal. 23 feet depth 25 feet depth 27 feet depth 30 feet depth Great Lake^ $ $ 41,100,000 $ 54,900,000 6,500.000 3,700,000 115,600,000 355,900,000 $ 75,900,000 6.500,000 3,800,000 128,600,000 ♦374.500,000 Compensating Works. . Welland Canal. St. Lawrence River to Montreal. 3,400.000 114,500,000 344,700,000 3,600,000 114.500,000 350,100,000 • 462,600.000 509,300,000 536,600,000 589,300,000 ♦Based on subsequent deepening from 25 feet. «,0 Ir. short, all the works of the improvement of the St. Lawrence nver must be so operated as to have no injurious effect on the water levels at and below Montreal. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 49 PART V FINDINGS ON QUESTIONS CONTAINED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE JOINT BOARD OF ENGINEERS 221. Answering specifically the questions contained in its instructions, the Board finds:— Question 1 “ Is the scheme for the improvement of the St. Lawrence w^aterway, pre¬ sented by the board in its report of June 24, 1921 (herein referred to as the Report of 1921), practicable and does it provide to the best advantage, at this time and ultimately, for the development of the capacities and possibili¬ ties of the waterway?” 222. Answer. The scheme as presented in the Report of 1921 is, in its broad lines, practicable; but should in the opinion of this Board be modified to provide to the best present advantage, at this time and ultimately, for the development of the capacities and possibilities of the waterway. Question 2 '' What alternative scheme, if any, would be better adapted to secure the ends desired, due consideration being given,— “ (a) To any special international or local interests having an importance justifying exceptional consideration; and '' (b) To the extent and character of the damage through flooding and the probable effect of the works upon the formation of ice and the conse¬ quent effect on the flow of the river?” 223. Answer. The plans recommended by the present Board are set forth in Part III of this report, and are described in detail in Appendix C. 224. The plans presented in the Report of 1921 are altered in their broader features as follows:— 225. In the International Rapids Section (Fourth Division of the Report of 1921) the plans now presented provide for the development of the entire power possibilities of the section, without subsequent alterations in the works. Two alternative schemes for accomplishing this result are presented, one for a two- stage development, the other for a single-stage development. 226. In the Soulanges Section (Second Division) the Board recominends a scheme for navigation correlated with a progressive development of power instead of a side canal for navigation only. 227. In the Lachine Section (First Division) the alignment of the navigation canal is changed to secure a minimum interference between land and water traffic, and a control dam to regulate the levels of lake St. Louis has been included in the initial development. 228. The plans proposed have been drawn with full regard to all interests concerned. Flowage damage is inseparable from a practicable development of power on the St. Lawrence, since freedom from floods has led to the occupation 45827—4 i gQ St. Lawrence Waterway Project of its banks almost to the waters edge. The plans have been dr»wP tt' pre“pa”rf wSh spec°an:5 to 3“= rondHio‘’nfaliSmrthe flow of the river. Question 3 “ Should the estimates of cost be revised, and, if so, what are the revised estimates of cost having regard to alternative schemes. 229 Answer. The estimates should be revised The propoSd by th.s Board, with Ity^-^sTuSril Exclusive of interest during construction, are as follows. _ (1) I£ a single-stage developnient be adopted in International Rapids Seot.on^^ Works solely for navigation.--.. • . 141,200,000 Works common to power and navigation. 144,100,000 Works primarily for power... $394,000,000 Total. .!-- Installed capacity 2,730,300 horse-power. (21 If a tivo-stage development be adopted in International Works solely for navigation.^.. 125.500,000 Works common to power and navigation. 177,900,000 Works primarily for power.. $423,600,000 Total.. Installed capacity 2,619,000 horse-power. 230 The Board considers that sound business management will dictate the initial LSUn of but a part of the and accessories With a total initial installation of 1,368,000 horse power, rne initial costs, including all features required for navigation 100 channel enlargement for winter power operation, becomes respectively $35 , , 000 and $385,500,000. 231 The plans presented by the Board outline a subsequent complete deveLpment oflhe power resources of the river, by the 1 me ‘^* 0 , power works with an installed capacity of approximately 2,500,000 horse-po , at an additional cost of approximately $225,000,000. 232 The total ultimate development visualized on the St Lawrence river bv the Board amounts therefore to approximately 5,000,000 horse-power at a total cost of from $620,000,000 to $650,000,000, including Further details of estimates are given m Part III, paragraphs 200 to 204. Question 4 “ In order to assist either Government to allocate the amounts charge¬ able to navigation and power, what would be the respective estimated costs for improving the river for navigation alone and for power alone. 233. Answer. The estimated costs for the initial irnprovement of each river section, (a) on plans recommended by the Board for both power ^d navigaUon (b) on similar plans for the development of the same amount of power Slout any navigation works other than to niaintain the existing 14-foot navi¬ gation, and^ (c) on alternative plans for practicable, though inferior, ^vigation through the power sections, are shown in parallel columns as follows. I St. Lawrence Waterway Project 51 (1) If a single-stage development is adopted in the International Power section— Section (a) Plans recommended (b) Power alone (c) Navigation alone Uppf^^* Tnt.#*rnat.ional , , . 1,100,000 235,000,000 980.000 103,945,000 53,000,000 1,100,000 79,000,000 980,000 33,640,000 53,000,000 International power.. 213,000,000 Lake St. Francis. Soulanges. 77,172,000 Lachine . ... . Total. $394,025,000 $290,172,000 $167,720,000 (2) If a two-stage development is adopted in the International Power Section— Section (a) Plans Recommended (b) Power alone (c) Navigation alone Upper International. 1,100,000 264,546,000 980,000 103,945,000 53,000,000 1,100,000 79,000,000 980,000 33,640,000 53,000,000 International power. Lake St. Francis. . 231,800,000 Soulanges. 77,172,000 Lachine. Total. $423,571,000 $308,972,000 $167,720,000 Question 5 To what extent may water levels in the St. Lawrence River at and below Montreal, as well as the river and lake levels generally, be affected by the execution of the project? ” 234. Answer. The irresponsible operation of the power works proposed by the Board, or indeed of any powTr works, however designed, that develop fully the power resources of any section of the river, would affect injuriously the water levels in the St. Lawrence river at and below Montreal; but it is feasible to operate these works under Government supervision in such manner that they will neither lower the summer levels in the lower river nor raise the winter and spring levels. With such control the improvements proposed will have no injurious effect whatever on the water levels of the St. Lawrence at and below Montreal. 235. The high levels on lake Ontario, of the upper reaches of the St. Lawrence river, extending 67 miles from that lake, and of lake St. Francis and lake St. Louis, will not be raised by the improvement. The low levels of lake Ontario and of these upper reaches of the St. Lawrence will not be made low^er. The low levels of lake St. Francis will be raised about a foot and of lake St. Louis about 5 feet. The dams proposed in the power reaches of the St. Lawrence will create material local changes in the levels of these reaches only. 236. The levels of the Great Lakes above lake Ontario cannot be affected by any works in the St. Lawrence proper. Works to restore the effects of channel enlargement and of diversions from lakes above lake Ontario, are dealt with under the replies to Question 6 (b) and 10. Question 6(a) “To what extent and in what manner are the natural water levels in the St. LawTence river and on the lakes affected by diversions authorized by license by either Canada or the United States, from or in the St. Law¬ rence river watershed?” 45827-41 52 St. Lawrence Watenuay Project 9-^7 Atc<^wer The diversion bv the Chicago Sanitary District of 8,500 Lakes and the St. Lawrence river as follows;— ^ ^ Lakes Michigan and Huron.1! o!4 foot Lake Erie ..!!!.. 0.4 foot Lake Ontario .^.i i St Lawrence rh^er between lake Ontario and Montrea ^ ^ At Prescott.. •:.. 0.6 foot At Lock 25 (Iroquois)... 9 5 foot At Lock 23 (IMorrisburg) ^ ‘C. 0.4 foot At Lock 21 (Dickensons Landing). ^ 3 At Lock 15 (Cornwall). ^ 2 foot Lake St. Francis. o.3 foot Lake St. Louis. St. La^vrence river at and below Montreal— . ^ At Montreal harbour. q 35 foot At Varennes. 0.28 foot At Sorel . . 0.24 foot At Batiscan . 0.24 foot At Lotbiniere. o.l7 foot At Platon .. 0.03 foot A.t Quebec .... 2‘^8 The diversion of 2,080 cubic feet per second from lake Erie 7 ^^ Uie Welland canal for power use by corporations and municipalities authorized y E“ by ^ tt'e Ms of the Great Lakes as Wlows:-^^ Lakes Michigan and Huron. q ^ f^^^ Lake Erie . ’ * * , 9‘IQ The foreeoing are the only authorized diver^ons found y , to affect IpreSly the levels of the lakes and the St. Lawrence. The effect ol aU dive?s^ions, induding those for navigation purposes, and of other factors, is described in Part II of this report. Question 6(b) “By what measures could the water levels of navigable ^cted by the diversions referred to in section 6(a) be restored, and what would be the cost thereof? ” 9 A(\ Atjwkr The water levels of lakes Michigan, Huron and Erie can bo fr^rf^ mnst advantageously by compensating works in the St. Clair and Niagara r fer Xch so Wd as to offset f" listing d.vers.ons rivers, . „ „,gii the diversions authorized by license, ihe tdal°?S\T these works is estimated at $3,400,000. The cost of similar but less extensive works designed to restore the effect of authorized diversions only, is estimated as follows:— Diversion compensated tor 750,000 Chicago diversion .‘ * $ 100,000 Power diversions, Welland canal. 'p 941 The effect of the diversions on the levels of lake Ontario ^^4 St Lawrence river above Montreal will be removed by the works provided for the improvement of this part of the St. Lawrence. 242 The effect of the authorized diversions on the levels of the St. LawTence river at and below Montreal can be restored by dredging and accessory w'orks at estimated costs as follow^s; 6.54000 Dredging Montreal harbour....... • • • * * i * i ’ * i. i sno ono Reconstruction of^ dock walls, Montreal harbour. 2*154 000 Dredging below Montreal. Total. $4^0 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 53 Question 6(c) How much power could be developed on the St. Lawrence river with the water diverted from the watershed referred to in section 6(a) under— (1) The plans recommended? (2) Alternative plans providing for a full practicable development of the river? ” 243. Answer. The following amounts of 24-hour power could be developed on the St. Lawrence river with the authorized diversion of 8,500 cubic feet per second from the water shed through the Chicago Drainage canal:— (1) At the average heads available at the power plants initially recommended— Horse-power In the International Power Section (82.5 feet average head).. 70,125 In the Soulanges Section (22 feet average head). 18,700 Total . 88,875 for the eventual full practicable development of the river— Horsc-pov In the International Power Section (82.5 feet average head).. 70,125 In the Soulanges Section (75 feet average head). 63,750 In the Lachine Section (32 feet average head). 27,200 Total. 161,075 Question 6 (d) Without considering compensation by the present relative diversions of water from the Niagara river and from lake Erie, and without prejudice to a future consideration thereof, what works, if any, could be constructed to recover on the. St. Lawrence river the amounts of power determined under section 6(c), and what would be the cost of such works?” 244. Answer. The Board finds that after the St. Lawrence river has been fully developed ^r power production, no works can be constructed which would recover on the St. Lawrence the power lost by the diversion of water from the watershed. Question 7 “ Having regard to economy of construction and maintenance, expedi¬ tion of construction, and efficiency of operation- “ (a) Which of the works should be constructed under the technical supervision of an international board and what other works, if any, might advantageously be constructed under such supervision? “ (b) Which of the works should be maintained and operated by an international board and what other works, if any, might advantageously be so maintained and operated? ” 245. Answer (a) Construction of Works. All dams, embankments, power house substructures, water-passages, gates and channel enlargements within the International Sections should be designed and constructed under the technical supervision of a single international authority. 246. The purpose of this is to make sure that the different parts of the works will not be so prosecuted as to interfere with each other, and that safe and equitable regulation of both winter and summer flows of the river will be possible 54 St. Lawrence Waterway Project both during and after construction; as well as to secure uniformity, economy and expedition by co-ordinating design and construction programs. 247 The «ame authority should co-ordinate for the entire river, from lake Ontario'to Montreal, the programs of construction and the channel dimensions and clearances for works necessary to secure through navigation. 248. (6) Maintenance and Operation of Works. The Board regards it as essential that an international control board be created with full regulate the use of water at the power plants in the ^ order that such use may be prevented from creating conditions harmful to nav- gation in any part of the St. Lawrence, and in order that the operation of thie various power plants be conducted with full regard to the use of water at other powe^plante on^the^rm^^vigation necessarily lie in the territory of one country or the other, and can be most advantageously maintained and operated by the usual government agencies of the two countries. Question 8 What if any, readjustments in the location of the international boundary are necessary or desirable to place either country within its borders, as recommended by the International Joint Commission?” 249 Answer. Readjustments in the international boundary are necess^y only in 'the International Rapids Section and depend upon the plan adopted for the imorovcmcnt of that section. . . i i • A change in the boundary in the vicinity of Barnhart island is necessa^ irrespective of whether the single-stage or the two-stage scheme be adoPted m this Action. If, with either of these general schemes, the dam is ocated at the foot of Long Sault island and both powerhouses at the foot of Barnhart island, as shown on the plans of the two-stage development, a change is necessary between Turning Points 10 and 14 to bring the power houses within the borders of the two countries. If, on the other hand, the dam and power houses are at the foot of Barnhart island, with the United States power house on the mainland of the United States, as shown on the plans of the single stage development, it is desirable to so change the boundary between Turning Points 10 and 21 as to bring all of Barnjiart island into Canadian territory. This island is separMed froni other American territory by the mam channel of the St. Lawrence. The estimates include the acquisition of the entire island in connection with power development, and the land remaining unsubmerged can, with this plan, be put to beneficial use only in connection with the Canadian power house located thereon. 250 With the two-stage scheme, a slight change is needed also in the boundary north of Ogden island, to bring the power houses at that locality within the borders of the respective countries. 251. A detailed description of the necessary changes will be given in Appendix C. ^ n Question 9 “ If the Board is of the opinion that it would be advantageous to pro¬ vide in the first instance for channel depths other than 25 feet, but less than 30 feet, for what draft of vessel should provision be made?”— 252. Answer. As explained in paragraph 111, Part III, the Board is not agreed on the advantage of any depth other than 25 feet. St, Lawrence Waterway Project 55 Question 10 Having regard to the recommendation of the International Joint Com¬ mission that the new Welland ship canal should be embodied in the scheme and should be treated as a part thereof, and to the fact that if a greater depth than 21 feet be adopted for the initial project depth of the St. Lawrence, such greater depth would not be available to the upper lake ports without further work in the navigation channels in the Lakes, what w’ould be the cost of improving the main navigation channels between and through the lakes, so as to provide, without impairing the present lake levels, for (a) a depth of 25 feet and (b) for such other depth not exceeding 30 feet, as may be determined by the Board to be that for which it would be most advantageous to provide on the St. Lawrence river 253. Answer. The cost of improving the main navigation channels between and through the lakes, so as to provide a depth of 25 feet, including all com¬ pensating works constructed in furtherance of the work, is estimated at §4-1,700,000, not including the cost of the new Welland ship canal. Question 11 What is the time required to complete the proposed works, the order in which they should be proceeded with, and the progress which should be made yearly tow’ard the completion of each in order to secure the greatest advantage from each of the works and from the development of the water¬ way as a whole 254. Answer. It is estimated that the waterway can be opened to naviga¬ tion in from seven to eight years from the time that active work has been begun. All works should be so prosecuted as to insure the completion of navigation w^orks at the same time. A complete program for the prosecution of the work will be presented in Appendix G. APPENDICES 255. The investigations by the Board are set forth more fully in appendices as follows:— Appendix A—Field investigations. “ B—Lake levels and outflows. C—Detailed plans and estimates for the improvement of the St. Lawrence. ‘‘ D—River levels and discharges at and below Montreal. “ E—Ice formation on St. Lawrence. << F—Experiments on strength of ice. G—Construction program. United States Section Canadian Section EDGAR JADWIN, DUNCAN W. McLACHLAN, Major General, Chief of Engineers, WILLIAM KELLY, OLIVIER 0. LEFEBVRE, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, G. B. PILLSBURY, CHARLES HAMILTON MITCHELL. Lieut, Colonel, Corps of Engineers. Washington, D.C., November 16, 1926. ST. LAWRENCE WATERWAY PROJECT Memorandum re Appendices to accompany Report of Joint Board of Engineers Since the completion of the Main Report dated November 16, 1926, the Board has completed Appendices as follows: Appendix A—Field Investigations “ B—Lake Levels and Out Flows « c_^Detail plans, and estimates of Projects « D_River levels and discharges at and below Montreal “ E_lee formation on the St. Lawrence « E—Experiments on the Strength of ice “ G—Construction program United States Section: EDGAR J AD WIN, Major General, Chiej of Engineers. Canadian Section: DUNCAN W. McLACHLAN. WILLIAM KELLY, Colonel, Corps of Engineers. OLIVIER 0. LEFEBVRE. G. B. PILLSBURY, Lieutenant Colonel, Corps of Engineers. CHARLES H. MITCHELL. Detroit, Michigan, July 13, 1927. 56 t St. Lawrence Waterway Project APPENDIX A FIELD AND OFFICE INVESTIGATIONS INVESTIGATIONS BY CANADIAN SECTION 1 . The Canadian Section of the Board was appointed on May 7, 1924. On that date funds were available for the work. A central office was etsablished in Ottawa and an organization was already in the field. After May, 1924, the personnel in both field and office was increased and work was prosecuted with energy from that time until the end of 1926. 2. Staff. Throughout the progress of investigations a field office was maintained at Cornwall. Mr. Russell A’uill, B.Sc., was in local charge of this office and also directed all boring and survey parties at work in the fieW. 3. Mr. Guy A. Lindsay, B.Sc., supervised the preparation of detail plans and estimates in Ottawa as well as the greater part of the hy.draulic computa¬ tions made. 4 . Mr. J. K. Wyman, B.Sc., developed stage relation diagrams for the St. Lawrence above and below Montreal and determined the effect of outlet changes at a number of critical points in the Great Lakes System. He developed a number of schemes for regulation of the Great Lakes, including that of Lake Ontario. 5 . Mr. A. L. Mudge, B.Sc., had charge of the assembly and preparation of tentative lay-out plans for power houses and the assembly of data obtained from manufacturers of hydraulic and electrical machinerj'. 6 . Mr. W. Chase Thomson, M.E.I.C., prepared outline plans and detail estimates for a large number of bridges at various points on the river. Other members of the staff of the Canadian Section did much useful work in connec¬ tion with the compilation of data, the working out of designs, and the prepara¬ tion of estimates. 7 . Mr. D. W. McLachlan, B.Sc., Chairman of the Canadian Section, was in general charge of all investigations made by the Canadian Section. 8 . Borings. A very important part of the work done by the Canadian Section was the borings made to determine the character of foundations. 9 Previous to the appointment of this Board, but subsequent to the filing of the report of 1921, the Canadian Government put down 63 borings, in the years 1922 and 1923. Almost all of these were in the International Section of the river. 10. During the year 1924, the Canadian Section put down 15 borings in the International Section and 15 in the La chine Section. 11 . For drilling in deep swift water, one strong spud scow was built at Cornwall and a lighter spud scow for drilling in quiet water was rented in the spring of 1925. The first scow was equipped with a churn drill and with a Calyx core drill and the second scow was equipped with a churn drill only. These two outfits were put to work in the Canadian Section of the river early in the summer of 1925, and worked continuously during the open season of 1925. They did much difficult work in that season in the Cedars and Lachine St. Lawrence Waterway Project rapids. The rented scow was not used during 1926, but the ^ scow was also used throughout that season, part of the time by the United States Section in the deep swift waters at the foot of Barnhart island. 12. In the years 1925 and 1926, taken together, 22 borings to rock were put down in the International Section and 144 in the part of the river below lake St. Francis. In 1927, 8 borings were put down in the International Section. 13 The number of borings made in the Soulanges Section was 88. number, 17 were along the north shore of the river between Coteau and Cas¬ cades 14 along the south shore of the river between Clark island and St. Timothee, 25 were along the route of a canal between Hungry Bay and Meloche- ville, 12 were in the river at Cedars, 17 in the Ottawa arm of lake St. Louis, and 3 in Hungry bay. , ^ ^ 14. The number of borings put down in the Lachine Section in 1925-26 was 51. Of these, 13 were at the foot of Lake St. Louis, 16 LaPrairie Basin 18 along the north shore of the river between the town of Lacmne and the shore of the river at Verdun, and 4 were on the south shore of the river above Lachine rapids. 15. In 1926, 5 borings to rock were made by the Canadian Section in the St. Lawrence river below Montreal. 16 In 1924 and 1925, the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario put down 128 borings in the International Section of the St. Lawrence. 17. A large number of cores were obtained in connection with the borings made The cores obtained by the Canadian Section are being preserved at Cornwall for future reference. In almost all cases in which borings were made, solid rock was penetrated a distance of from 10 to 15 feet in order to make sure that a boulder was not mistaken for solid rock. \\ ash boring equipment was used only in a very few cases by the Canadian Section. 18. The following summary shows the linear feet of borings made by the Canadian Section in 1924, 1925, 1926, and 1927:— Section Borings made Length in earth Length in rock Total length Uncored Cored ft. ft. ft. ft. T^nlnw *\TnntTPJll . 5 218 4 24 246 66 1,370 1,168 2,538 88 1,922 320 i27 2,369 XrifoTnnfionsvl "Rarilfls . . 45 1,954 409 187 2,550 XII ... ► 19. A detailed description of the material penetrated in each hole is on file in the Department of Railways and Canals at Ottawa. The rock elevations found and the location of all borings made are shown in the plans accompany¬ ing Appendix “C”. 20. Surveys. In the summer of 1924, the surveying of an uncharted por¬ tion of the St. Lawrence river, between the town of Lachine and the foot of the Lachine rapids, was undertaken and partially completed. This work was origin¬ ally plotted at a scale of 400 feet to 1 inch. 21. In the years 1925-26, contour surveys of all islands in the river between lake St. Francis and Montreal were made. Topographical information formerly obtained along the river in the Soulanges Section was greatly extended, par¬ ticularly on the north shore between lake St. Francis and lake St. Louis. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 59 22. In the Soulanges Section a number of water level profiles were made on both shores of the river and around the larger islands. 23. In a number of cases in this section, basic data from plans of power companies was secured and replotted so that the plans filed with this report show all the data extant in the section. 24. During 1925-26, the surveys of Lachine rapids and LaPrairie basin, begun in 1924, were completed, and topographical information formally derived was extended on both shores of the river so that all areas of interest to the St. Lawrence project were covered. 25. Detail plans showing all buildings and improvements in the village of Caughnawaga and in the highly developed territory between the town of Lachine and Verdun were prepared. 26. In the International Section of the St. Lawrence river, a number of small surveys were made by the staff of the Canadian Section. These embraced the south shore of the river between Lotus island and Iroquois point, the high portions of Ogden island, the lower part of the channel south of Long Sault island, the river bed in the Little Long Sault rapids, and a series of pmmer cross-sections of the river between Morrisburg and the Long Sault rapids. 27. A comprehensive valuation of all property and buildings affected by the proposed improvements on the Canadian side of the International Section, and in the Long Sault and Lachine Sections, was made in 1926. 28. Temperature Measurements.— In the autumn months of 1924, an elaborate series of water temperature measurements between lake Ontario and lake St. Louis were undertaken. This investigation extended through the early months of winter and furnished much needed data upon heat transfer between water and air in cold weather. 29. A series of water temperature measurements in the Ottawa river, between Grenville and the head of lake St. Louis, were completed during the month of November, 1924. 30. Investig.ation of Ice Jams and Packs. During 1925, a careful survey of the hanging dams at the head of lake St. Louis was made, and the progress of the ice packs as they built up from the foot of lake St. Peter to Montreal and from the head of lake St. Francis to the Long Sault rapids, was carefully recorded. 31. At the request of the Board, a special survey of an unusual ice jam in the Niagara river was made in the winter of 1924-25, by the staff of the Welland Ship Canal. 32. During the winter of 1924-25 and the two succeeding winters, record was kept of the movements of various ice jams and packs as they occurred at many points in the St. Lawrence river, between the foot of lake Ontario and the head of lake St. Peter. 33 . Experiment on Strength of Ice. In the winter of 1925-26, the use of two rooms in the refrigeration plant of the Harbour Commission of Montreal was secured and in these rooms a great many tests of the strength of ice were made. The information obtained from these tests is given in appendix “F”. 34. Discharge Measurements. During the open water period of 1924, and again in 1925, many meterings of the St. Lawrence were made above Iroquois Point. During the winter of 1925, careful measurements of the flow 60 St. Lawrence Waterway Project of the river at the head of lake St. Francis were made These, along with measurements made in the winter of 1923 and 1924, and data . United States Lake Survey, enabled a close determination of flow out ot la Ontario to be made both for winter and for summer. 35 In addition to meterings mentioned above Iroquois Point, measure- ments of river flow were also made opposite the mouth of 4Xn* duct, at Boucherville island, and at Vercheres island, and also on the Richelieu, Ottawa, St. Regis and Raquette rivers. INVESTIGATIONS BY UNITED STATES SECTION 36 The United States Section established a field office at Ogdensburg, N.Y., continuing from April, 1925, to January, 1926. Lieut. Joseph H. Stevenson, Corps of Engineers was in charge to July, 1925, assumed charge. Mr. F. W. Maltby was later engaged to collaborate with Col. Sturtevant on the studies of the proposed works. 37 Designs and Estimates. Extensive studies of hydro-electric develop¬ ment in the International Rapids Section were made for the United States Section of the Board bv the firm of Viele, Blackwell and Buck, engaged as consulting engineers on this feature of the improvement. Designs and estimates for various schemes for improving the International Sections of the river wre prepared by a special force organized in the United States L^ke Survey Office at Detroit, in the winter of 1925-26, under Mr. Roger B. McWhorter. 38. Survey Clayton to Brockville. All shoal areas in this critical section of the proposed navigation route through the upper St. determined by sweeping with a wire drag set at a depth of at least 33 feet The work followed the sweeping methods developed by the United States Lake Survey, and was done by a party from the Survey. All shoal spots were sounded at 50 feet intervals. The areas swept, and the shoals found, are shown on the maps accompanying appendix “C”. The detailed soundings of the shoal areas are on file in the United States Lake Survey. 39 Probings of the shoal spots were made with a steel rod in the course of the survey, and showed that these were principally solid rock (granite) or boulders. 40 Survey, Chimney Point to Cardinal. On account of the great importance of this section of the river in all plans for improvement, a detailed hydrographic survey of this territory was made and plotted on a scale oi 400 feet to the inch. 41. Survey, Barnhart Island. A new detailed hydrographic survey was made from Robinsons’ bay to Massena point, and was also plotted on a scale of 400 feet to the inch. 42. Borings. Under a contract entered into with Clarke Brothers, Mays- ville Kentucky, 93 wash borings were made to determine the character of the material between Chimney point and Point Three points, in the upper part of the river, and 61 borings, most of which were cored, were made to determine the elevation of suitable foundations for power houses, locks, etc., at the foot of Barnhart island, near the mouth of the Grass river, and at other points. In addition, 28 holes were drilled in this region with rented drills and on a footage basis. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 43. To determine the elevation of the rock at the dam site near the foot of the Long Sault rapids, supplementing the special investigations by test pits and horizontal borings later described, a rented diamond drill, rnounted on scow was placed with some difficulty on the mid-channel shoal at the locality, and 5 vertical holes were drilled into rock. The rock elevation at the abut¬ ments of a dam at this site were explored by 8 diamond drill borings. 44. It was found that the wash borings made under contract in the upper portion of the river did not afford a reliable indication of the quantity of ledge rock to be handled in the execution of the proposed improvement, and the critical areas were therefore re-examined with diamond and hea\^^ well-drills. These further investigations showed that ledge rock lies, at a number of places, at considerably lower elevations than was indicated by the wash borings above described or those made by the Deep Waterways Board in 1898 and 1899. A few wash borings were also made in the Lake St. Francis Section. 45 IMost of the boring operations were made during 1925, but a few sup¬ plementary borings were made in 1926 to establish the foundation conditions at sites for structures developed bv the office studies. The Canadian Section put its drill barge at the disposal of the United States Section for exploring the proposed dam site near the foot of Barnhart island during the latter season. 46. The following is a summary of the borings made:— Class Number Total length Borings cored into rock (total length cored approximately 1,100 feet). 102 24 21 96 5,285 1,283 579 1,600 Other borings-^ ^ ^ Reaching desired grade. i\ot rcciciiiiiB vicoiicvt . . 243 8,767 47 The location of the various borings, except such wash borings as were rejected, is sho^m on the detailed maps accompanying Appendix C A detailed description of the borings is on file in the office of the United States Lake Survey at Detroit. 48. Speclu. Exploration of the Dam Site at Long Sault R.apids. At this site, the river fiows in two channels on either side of a midstream bar. The swift currents and heavy breaking swells in these channels render ordinary boring inordinately expensive, if not impossible. A test shaft was therefore sunk on the shore on each side, on Barnhart and Long Sault islands respectively, and horizontal borings driven under the river from the bottom of these shafts. As previously described, vertical borings were made on the bar with a diamond drill. 49. Barnhart Island Sh.aft. T.he Barnhart island shaft was located on a bench about thirty-five feet above the river surface, and 100 feet from the water’s edge. Active work on sinking the shaft was begun July 15, 1925. The collar was set at elevation 210. A timbered shaft was carried to bed rock, which was reached July 25, at elevation 148. The shaft was continued, without tim¬ bering, to elevation 121. A sump, with a depth of nine feet, was then excavated and the whole was completed on September 9, 1925. 52 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 50. The material penetrated was as follows:— Elevations 210 to 207. 207 to 206-5... 206-5 to 205-5. 205-5 to 173... Description of Material 173 to 150. 150 to i48-5. 148-5 to 148. 148 to 145... 145 to 138-5. 138-5. 138-2 to 125. 125 to 121... 121 to bottom of sump, approx 112 . Heavy black loam. Coarse sand. mSfsh day rd sand small rock mixed, turning to a hardpan towards 'Slup i?seerd"totyTla7cm L'd^^wldl^^hoSld 12 to the south and varied in thickness from 12 to 18 . BirCestone^itr™ r to 1' thick of pure sand running both horison- ue^limestonr''Vw hard with tight seams running both horizontal. Shatters easily under 60 per cent powder. The Sears- th?ck oftonlKying almost level and extending clear across the hole. Blue^limestorr” softer and showing large amount of fossUs. Lighter m color. Hard blue limestone. 51. The work was done by hired labour and was under the supervision of Junior Engineer W. B. Anthony. ^9 T^nc Sault Island Shaft. This shaft was located at the foot of Long Sault island, on the shore, about seventy-five feet from the waters ' ing operations commenced on August 13, 1925 and tember 20 The collar of the shaft was placed at elevation 183.6. The tiiriber £wL Lried down from the surface and was bedded at elevation 159.2 on a limestone stratum. , , . • u 53 It was found that this limestone stratum was about ten inches thick, underlain by a four-foot layer of shale and separated therefrom by an open seam. When this seam was penetrated, the flow of water produced i^ ^lie drill hole indicated that the pumping equipment would be insufficient to handle the water if the seam was fully opened. Grouting was therefore resorted to, and the shaft was then successfully completed. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 63 54. The material penetrated was as follows:— From elevation To elevation 180-9 171-6 171-6 162-1 167-0 162-1 162-1 161-15 161-15 ’ 159-25 159-25 158-45 • 158-45 154-15 154-15 151-5 151-5 147-6 147-6 145-2 145-2 143-1 143-1 141-7 141-7 138-7 138-7 135-9 135-9 133-9 133-9 131-5 131-6 131-2 131-2 128-3 128-3 126-8 126-8 123-5 123-5 122-8 122-8 122-7 122-7 119-6 Description River gravel and sand. _ 1.1 o j Grayish, fine-grained marine clay, containing considerable nne sand. Bluish-gray, thick-bedded limestone. •, r i. j j ^ Note. —This formation was encountered on the west side of the shaft and extended about one-quarter of the way across the shaft. Bluish-gray, fossiliferous limestone. Bluish-giay shale. Bluish-gray limestone. , , , , . • i- x Bluish-gray shale. The contact between this shale and the overlying limestone stratum is an open water seam and was grouted as described above. It is thought that there is a change in the rock series at this contact. Bluish-gray, shaly, fossiliferous limestone. Bluish-gray, fossiliferous limestone. Light bluish-gray, crystalline limestone with shale partings. Bluish-gray, fossiliferous limestone. Bluish-gray, arenaceous limestone. Bluish-gray, crystalline limestone, with shale partings. Light-gray, dense, crystalline limestone with shale partings. Bluish-gray, cross-bedded, shaly Umestone. Gray, dense crystalline limestone. Bluish-gray, crystalline limestone, with shale partings. Dove-colored, dense, crystalline limestone. Bluish-gray, coarse, crystalline limestone. . , , 1 x- .ux. Bluish-gray, coarse, cr>’’stalline, cross-bedded limestone with shale partings, witn quartz deposition on joint planes. . 1 v 1 x- Bluish-gray, cross-bedded, finely crystalline limestone with shale partings. Same as No. 21, but lower shale partings. Bluish-gray, dense, crystalline limestone. 55 . The work was done by hired labour, three shifts being employed. Mr. W. W. Gruber, Junior Engineer, was in local charge of the work during the period of organization and preliminary construction. Mr. E. L. Lull, Jimior Engineer, was in local charge during the sinking of the shaft. 56. Horizontal Borings. The horizontal borings were driven under con¬ tract udth the Pennsylvania Drilling Co., by diamond drills from chambers excavated near the bottom of the shaft. The deflection of the holes from the horizontal was measured every 100 feet by means of etching solution on glass tubes inserted in the holes; and the deflection in direction by compass needle in a congealing solution. It was found that all holes tended to dip downward. The boring from the Long Sault Shaft was driven 690.7 feet with a total cal¬ culated downward deflection of 15.7 feet. The first hole driven from the Barnhart Island shaft, when it had penetrated 660 feet, had such a downward inclination that it was apparent that further information from this hole would have little value. A second hole was started with an upward inclination of l-V per cent. This hole also dipped downward to such an extent that, at the end of 350 feet, it was deemed desirable to discontinue it. A third hole was started with an upward inclination of 3 per cent, and reached a distance of 760 feet, with the elevation at the end of the hole 4 feet below the point of starting. The end of the hole was then approximately 600 feet from proved rock estab¬ lished by a drilled hole on the midstream bar. 57. The material penetrated by all horizontal borings was limestone bedded horizontally, with tight shale seams. No evidence of vertical seams or cavities was shown by any of the holes, and the leakage from all holes was insignificant. 64 St. Lawrence Watenvay Project SYNOPSIS OF GEOLOGICAL AND BORING INFORMATION KJA. - S'lnlt apS^'is ‘Snfantihe^ Srtolnctadraoi "Wal'po'ds of and Scted from those “1; ^SjXSnV"of cut across the glacier tracks in A j qJ ridges and valleys Si*=7irthjMairRe7ort tot‘“geologically the St. Lawrence is a new |ilS?glS2'ilSEi?SAS kept very closely to its relatively straight course. 62. Thousand Island Section. The rock syfa^^r^^Xtls to'bfexca- as found by hydrographic surveys are very irregular. The shoals vated are granite, characteristic of this region. 63 International R.apids Section. General; The inaterial overlying ana douiqct > iJr,„iHpr=! nccur freauentlv; they commonly form a pave- masses of hardpan f isUft; they are 7MrS7^irhXn7Sf.l.i^^ '"ei^Thfrock in the International Rapids Section as indicated by Wings is «renerally limestone of various degrees of hardness and varying thickness of strata with occasional seams of shale and sandstone. A good portion of the rock where excavated, may be used for different classes of construction, but Wy a limited quantity is suitable for concrete or other uses where uniformly ’’""’"^Gedogrc^rccmJs'lSo'^^^^ Survey of Canada, Ottawa and Cornwall Sheet No 120 1906), show calciferous dolomite between Chimney Point an Ogden Wand and at Karrans Point and in the Long Sanlt Rapids. They show Chazy limestone with occurrences of Chazy shale with bands of sandstone between Ogden Island and the foot of the section No geological faults have been found in the district. All rock encountered in this section appears to be quite strong and impervious. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 65 65. Galop Rapids. The head of Galop Rapids is formed by a rock ridge with its uneven surface filled in by boulder pavement. This ridge, which con¬ stitutes the control for the level of Lake Ontario and virtually forms the bed of the river, may be said to vary across the two channels, between Elev. 224 and 228. 66. The following boring record is given in order to present an idea of the typical character of the rock and its overburden in this general locality. ON GALOP ISLAND Location Done .. Elevation On North side of Galop island, near shore in large bay, about 3,000 feet below upper shore of island (on centre of pro¬ posed channel). .June 16, 1926, by United States Section with Well ” Drill (Boring No. S. 14, Index No. P. 144). .255.7 Ground surface 255.7 to 247.6 Clay 239.0 Normal water level 247.6 to 220.7 Hardpan with boulders 220.7 Rock surface Medium blue limestone ^ 210.7 Bottom of drilled hole 67. Ogden Island. At Ogden Island a rock sill crosses the north channel at Elev. 202 and a similar rock sill crosses the south channel at Elev. 214. At the lower end of the island the general level of rock appears to range around Elev. 175 while further down below Canada and Clark Island, it is more irregular varying under the river bed, between Elev. 150 and 170. Extensive boring data is avail¬ able in this locality. 68. The following boring records are herewith given as typical in this locality, the two selected being on the North shore of Ogden Island and alongside the main channel of the river. Location. Done .. Elevation Location. Done .. Elevation OGDEN ISLAND .On Pcwnt North side of Ogden Island, upper side of deep bay and about 4,500 feet from lower end of island. .September, 1923, by Can. Dept, of R. & C. with Well drill (Boring No. 9, Index No. 116). .240.8 Ground surface 240.8 to 230.3 Clay 230.3 to 221.8 Sand and Gravel with Boulders 218.0 Normal Water Level 221.8 to 202.5 Sand and gravel 202.5 to 198.6 Gravel with stones 198.6 to 196.6 “Hard” and “Soft” rock (limestone) 196.6 Rock Surface Limestone 190.3 Bottom of drilled hole OGDEN ISLAND Near shore, north side of Ogden Island, about 800 feet above lower end of island. July, 1923, by Can. Dept, of R. & C. with (Boring No. 3, Index No. 108). .220.4 215.0 226.4 to 197.9 197.9 to 195.9 195.9 to 191.4 191.4 to 174.4 174.4 to 173.7 173.7 173.7 to 171.5 171.5 to 164.2 164.2 Ground Surface Normal water level Sand and gravel with boulders Boulder, limestone Sand and gravel Sand and gravel with clay Sand Rock Surface Mediium and soft limestone Medium hard limestone Bottom of drilled hole. “ Well ” drill 45827-5 eg St. Lawrence Waterway Project 69 Crvsi,f.r Island. At and in the vicinity of Crysler Island about fortj^ oorin% have been made, this being an alternative location for a dam and power hou«e^ The borings showed marked irregularity m the mderlying rock surface and water under pressure was found in several holes. The core borings made after the completion of the Main Report, however, disclose more favourable foundation conditions further down stream. 70. Typical rock borings, above and below Crysler Island are as follows. CRYSLER ISL.\ND Location.At shore upper end of Crysler Island, midway between main IdodIvS of rivGi, - r ‘ 1.1 II 11 >> 1 'll .October, 1921. by Can. Dept, of R. & C. with “ tt ell” drill (Boring No. 1. Index No. 106). pip nation .213.0 Ground surface 208.0 Normal water level 213.0 to 181.0 Hardpan with boulders 181.0 to 176.0 Hardpan with small stones 176.0 to 165.5 Clay hardpan (Boulder at 168.0) 165.5 to 159.0 Sand gravel and a little clay 159.0 to 155.7 Quicksand 155.7 to 142.0 Hardpan 142.0 to 140.2 Sand and fine gravel 140.2 Rock surface 140.2 to 139.2 Slate rock 139.2 to 135.9 Limestone rock 135.9 Bottom of drilled hole. CRYSLk:R ISLAND Inpation .In river, 100 feet below lower point of Crysler Island, midway between main banks of river. i n /n • ■Hnnp .October. 1924, by Canadian Section with core drill (Boring No. 11, Index No. 104). Elevation.207.4 Water surface 192.5 River bed 192.5 to 183.1 Loose sand and gravel 183.1 to 174.8 Sand and loose gravel 174.8 to 167.5 Fine sand and coarse gravel 167.5 to 158.7 Sand 158.7 Rock surface Limestone 141.6 Bottom of cored hole. 71. Long Sault Rapids. The river bed forming the head of Long SauR rapids consists of a limestone sill or ridge with its crest at about Elev. 180, which it is to be observed is higher than the rock at Chrysler island, twelve miles upstream. At the proposed dam site, opposite the head Barnhart is.and, tL rock drops off to elevations ranging between 150 and 160. The exploration of this site, by methods hereinbefore described in detail, shows that the rock has ample bearing power for a dam structure. 72 The overburden in the banks and in the islands in the locality of ^is upper Barnhart Island Dam site, is of the usual boulder clay formation. The midstream shoal at this point is hard blue clay, with a paving of cobbles and boulders. . t. i i. • i j 73. The proposed dam and power house site at the foot of Barnhart island was explored for foundation conditions, both in the river itself, on the mainland and on Barnhart island. Within the river, six cored borings were sunk to depths of from 10 to 30 feet into the rock. The rock, at the general elevation of from 107 to 111, was limestone and drilling records indicate it to be impervi¬ ous. The overburden in the river, about 30 feet in thickness, is clay, sand. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 67 gravel, and boulders, generally hard and dry but with some water bearing seams! On the United States mainland, on the powerhouse site, the rock ranges from Elev. 104 to 109 and on the Canadian power house site on Barnhart island, from about Elev. 110 to 125. 74. Considering the United States mainland, both above and below Hawkins point, much attention was paid to investigation of the overburden because upon its impermeability will depend the security of this portion of the development if water is raised by a main dam across the river at the foot of Barnhart island. Various borings were put down along the river shore which indicate that the rock is lower around Hawkins point than further dowm at the power house and dam site. 75. A study was also made of the character of this area comprising a stretch of about three miles in length and especially of that lying under the oval contour 200 extending above and below Hawkins point. Particular atten¬ tion was paid to the water bearing strata as disclosed by the numerous wells on the farms in the locality. The top portions of knolls here, around Elev. 220 and 225, have the same predominating caps and shallow layers of boulders as elsewhere along the river, the boulders being embedded in a clay or hard-pan crust which holds rain and surface water in small ponds or swamps. There are sand and gravel strata below these, alternating with layers of hardpan and boulders. The water bearing strata hereabouts lie between Elev. 165, just about the surface of the water in the river, and Elev. 185, which is about the elevation of the top of the main clay or hardpan beds. Most of the water strata down river from Hawkins point are found about Elev. 165 and those above Hawkins point at Elev. 175 to 185. It is considered that for construction purposes, this long contour can be made reasonably impervious for the head that may be imposed, care being taken to secure tight connections to the main hardpan stratum at about Elev. 185. 76. On Barnhart island a similar situation would be created and in like manner special attention was paid to investigating both rock and overburden. The most critical portion of Barnhart island in this respect is the lower third, as it is here that the island will be called upon, under any method of power development, to act as an earth dam having a dyke on its crest to hold water above its present ground surface. Such necessity raises the question of the impervious character of the material overlying the rock. 77. Barnhart island is characteristic of all the St. Lawrence islands in this Section. Clay is mixed with sand, gravel, and boulders but in quite irre¬ gularly formed strata and at different levels. 78. Selecting 13 typical borings in the lower third of the island with special reference to the materials overlying the rock, the following several features emerge: In only one locality does water occur at an elevation above the river; this appears to come from ponds and surface sources. There is nothing in the borings or surface indications to cause a suspicion that river water finds its way in significant quantity from the higher to the lower reaches by means of underground channels either in or beneath the island. The higher levels carry boulders with coarse gravel and sand and some clay which occurs in pockets. Intermediate levels carry sand and gravel with some strata of clay; these are sometimes compacted into hardpan. The lower levels, next to rock, invariably are of sand and fine gravel interspersed with layers of coarse materials and sometimes found tightly compacted. The same conditions prevail on Sheek island where similar investigations were carried out. 45827-5i gg St. Lawrence Waterway Project 79. Considering the lower portion of Barnhart island where it will be called upon to sustain water at a high level, the borings indicate that the materials overlying the rock will be satisfactory lor the foundation of the earth dykes, provided they are properly prepared. 80. Borings along the navigation canal route between Robinson B^ and Grass river were made to supplement those made in 1900 by the Deep Water¬ ways Board. Those at the Robinson Bay lock site showed continuous hardpan to rock which is at Elev. 122. Seven borings cored into rock were made at the Grass River Lock site; the overburden is soft blue marine clay, in general extending to rock which is at about Elev. 104. 81 In order to convey some idea of the characteristics of these several critical* localities at and about Long Sault rapids, five typical borings m addition to the two shafts already described, have been selected and their records are as follows:— BARNHART ISLAND AND LONG SAULT RAPIDS I . ..South side Barnhart Island near shore about 3,000 feet below Point opposite Robinson Bay. u-y ^ May 8, 1923, by Canadian Dept, of R. & C. w-Jth Well’ drill (Boring No. 17, Index No. 48). Flevation .196.5 Ground surface . 196.5 to 191.5 Clay , . , , 194.5 to 187.5 Sand and gravel with boulders 187.5 to 178.5 Sand and gravel 162.0 Normal water level 178.5 to 119.5 Sand and gravel with clay 119.5 Rock surface Limestone Bottom of drilled hole. 116.5 II T_Centre of lower portion of Barnhart Island 2,500 feet up from Location. the lower end and in the forebay of “Two Stage” Power House site. ^ ^ ^ ^ n » .March 20, 1922, by Canadian Dept, of R. & C. with Well drill (Boring No. 4, Index No. 41). ..210.0 Ground surface .. ^ 5 Sand and gravel with boulders 182.5 to 170.0 Gravel with clay 170.0 to 159.0 Sand and gravel 159.0 to 154.0 White sand and coarse gravel 154.0 to 152.0 “Layer of limestone” (Boulder?) 152.0 to 151.6 Sand and gmvel 151.6 to 146.3 Clay hardpan 146.3 to 145.9 Sand and gravel 145.9 Rock surface “ Hard limestone 133.9 Bottom of drilled hole III Midstream, Main Channel, of and opposite lower . end of Barnhart Island, on “Single Stage*’ Dam and Power House site. 1 .,1 /-o • .May, 1926, by United States Section, with core drill (Boring No. R. 1, Index No. P. 53). .159.0 Water surface 141.1 River bed 141.1 to 131.1 Sand and gravel 131.1 to 122.5 Sand and gravel, with clay 122.5 to 112.8 Sand and gravel, with clay and water 112.8 to 110.7 Sand and gravel, with water 110.7 Rock surface Limestone Bottom of cored hole. Location. Done .. . Elevation. 89.5 St. Lawrence Waterway Project IV 69 Location.On United States mainland, near shore in bay 3,500 feet below Hawkins Point on Single Stage ” Power House site. Done.April 6, 1925, by United States Section, with core drill. (Boring No. P. 5, Index No. P. 59). Elevation.186.0 Ground surface 159.0 Water level 186.0 to 105.8 Sand and clay, with boulders. Material re¬ quired blasting at some places down to Elev. 137.0 to drive casing. 105.8 Rock surface 105.8 to 100.8 Blue limestone “shattered to some extent 100.8 to 80.8 Blue limestone, “hard and solid” 80.8 Bottom of cored hole. V Location. Done .. Elevation On Canal Line, near Robinson Bay Lock Site about 3,0(X) feet below Robinson Bay. . May 14, 1926, by United States Section with core dnll. (Bormg No. P. 6, Index No. P. 64). 190.8 Ground surface 190.8 to 182.8 Soft clay . 163.0 Normal water level m Robinson Bay 182.8 to 122.4 Hardpan with boulders 122.4 Rock surface Blue limestone 104.0 Water lost 97.4 Bottom of cored hole. 82. Lake St. Fr.a.ncis Section. In lake St. Francis some deposits of sand were found near its head, but, in general, the material to be removed in the channels consists of soft mud overlying sand and gravel. The land area south¬ east of the lake consists of layers of peat overlying clay. 83. SouLANGES Section. The material overlying the rock surface through¬ out this section is boulder clay in the ridges and marine clay in the flat por¬ tions. The marine clay appears to have been deposited after the boulder clay; in some cases both materials were foimd in the same boring. 84. The overburden at the upper end of this section is not very deep and in many cases the rock is close to the ground surface. This is especially so in the Coteau rapids, while at the upper end of Grande ile there is much rock out¬ crop, and most of the wells on this island are quite shallow. The overburden on Grande ile is boulder and marine clay and no sand or gravel was encoun¬ tered in any of the borings except at the east end of the island. 85. Between Cascades point and Cascades island, and on the latter, the solid rock surface is exposed but it falls off rapidly toward the Ottawa arm of lake St. Louis. 86. In Coteau rapids, ci^^stalline limestone is exposed and is of a specially hard gritty nature. In Cedars rapids, dolomite is exposed and in Cascades rapids, Potsdam sandstone. 87. On the south side of the river, along the line of the Himgry bay- Melocheville canal location as proposed in the report of 1921, the overburden is marine clay overlying gravel and sand, except along the St. Louis river, where rock outcrops and boulder clay ridges rise through the surface of the marine clay. The high ground between the St. Louis and St. Lawrence is heavily capped with boulder beds. At Melocheville, solid sandstone rises to the surface and has been quarried in some places. 70 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 88. Along the north shore of tlie river from Coteau to Cascades, the over¬ burden is all marine clay although some sand and gravel is found m borings made near Coteau Landing. On ile Juillet and ile aux Vaches clay sand and gravel overlie the rock. Some sand and gravel were also found m tne boiings put down in the river above ile Juillet. ^ . i i 89. Boulders and boulder pavements on the river bed and the islands are frequent throughout the whole section. When the river bed was exposed during the construction of the Cedar Rapids Power works, the bed of the head canal was foimd to be covered with boulders. 90 In general the rock surface in and on the shores of the river above Coteau rapids is about elevation 126. Similarly, it is at about elevation 100 at the upper end of Cedars rapids and from elevation 80 to 85 at the top ot Cas¬ cades rapids. . 91 Four typical borings in this section have been selected as indicating the character of rock and overburden. Their records are as follows:— COTEAU DU LAC I Tnntion .Near shore, north gide of river above Coteau du Lac, opposite Prisoner’s island (at mile 145 and on Coteau du l^c lock site'). , T)rinp ..May 13. 1925, by Canadian Section with ell drill. (Bor- ^ . ing No. 11,‘ Index No. 29) Elevation.LIO. 2 Ground surface 150.2 to 146.7 Clay 143.0 Normal water level 146.7 to 138.7 Sand and gravel 138.7 to 131.2 Sand and gravel with clay 131.2 to 129.4 Sand and clay 129.4 Rock surface Limestone (“Fairly hard”) 111.9 Bottom of drilled hole. ILE JUILLET II . Location.In river, 1000 feet upstream from lie Jufillet. (On line of proposed dam). . Hnnp .October 30. 1925, by Canadian Seclion with core drill (Boring No. 4. Index No. 50). Elevation.126.4 Water smface 118.4 River bed ns.4 to 105.0 Sand and coarse gravel 105.0 to 101.0 Sand and gravel with clay 101.0 Rock surface • Limestone 84.3 Bottom of cored hole HEAD OF CEDARS RAPIDS III , _in river, midstream-, :100 feet north of lower end of Ile Juillet, . toward Ile aux Vaches. (On power house site). ..November 10. 1925 by Canadian Section with core drill. (Boring No. 6. Index N'o. 55) Elevation.125.1 Water surface tswift) 115.1 River bed 115.1 to 103.9 Sand and coarse gravel with clay 103.9 to 100.8 Sand and coarse gravel 100.8 Rock surface Limestone 90.1 Bottom of cored hole. St. Lawrence Watenvay Project 71 CHAMBERRY GULLY IV Location... Done. Elevation.. .In Chamberry Gully, on canal location below Gully lock (at mile 155) April 27 1921. by Canadian Dept. R. & C. with (Boring No. ‘‘S”, Index No. 19) Ground surface 78.5 Clay 62.8 Gravel Rock surface Hard sandstone .54 8 Bottom of drilled hole. 98.0 98.0 to 73.5 to 62.8 Chamberry Well ” drill. 92. L.\chine Section. The material overlying the rock in this section is mostly of clay with small amounts of sand and gravel, usually near the rock and in comparatively thin layers. From above Lachine to the mouth ot tie Alontreal Aqueduct and from the foot of Lachine rapids to Montreal, the river is strewn and paved with boulders. In the borings, however, especially along the shores, very few boulders were encountered. t 4 . xu* 93. The surface of the rock is exposed in many places throughout this section both on the shores and on the islands, and in the form of shoals and ridges in the river and rapids. On the north shore between Lachine and Verdun, the rock surface is above the bed of the river but it drops off east of Verdun and from there to Montreal is generally below the bed of the river. 94 The rock found in the borings in the eastern end of lake St. Louis was shale or soft limestone. There is a large outcrop of Chazy limestone along the shore at Caughnawaga, while east of this point it is Trenton limestone, also exposed. Further east this is replaced by Utica shale. In the Lachine rapids there are frequent igneous dykes or intrusions through the shale, running across the river northwesterly; these outcrop on Heron island and on both mam shores. The shale disintegrates very rapidly on exposure but the igneous rockweath^s well 95 . The general surface of the rock opposite Lachine is at about Elev. 50 and this approximate level holds until near the head of Lachine Rapids. The general level at the foot of Lachine rapids is between Elev. 18 and 24 which holds along the north shore to Verdun. The rock along the proposed canal ^ute then ri‘=:es following the shore until near Victoria bridge where it is about Elev 30. Thence it rapidly falls to about Elev. minus 6 in the upper end of Montreal harbour. 96. Three typical borings of which are as follows:— have been selected for this section, the records LACHINE RAPIDS Location. Done... Elevation .On south shore at head of Lachine rapids, opposite upper end of He au Diablo (near dam site). February 2, 1925, by Canadian Section with “ Well ” drill. (Index No. 67). .59.2 Earth surface 57.0 Normal water level 59.2 to 54.2 Earth and stones .54.2 Rock surface 54.2 to 52.2 Slate rock .52.2 to 47.3 Shale and slate 47.3 to 46.1 Slate rock 46.1 to 40.2 Shale and slate 40.2 to 38.2 Hard slate 38.2 to 33.2 Shale 33.2 to 16.2 Slate 16.2 to -3.8 Black shale and clay -3.8 to -5.3 Slate -5.3 to -20.0 Black shale and clay -20.0 to -25.5 Limestone -25.5 Bottom of drilled hole. 72 Location. Done... . Elevation Location. Done... , Elevation St. Lawrence Waterway Project LACHINE RAPIDS .Island, north side of river about 2,000 feet west of present Lachine power house and 1,300 feet from river (near guard gate site) .August 10, 1925, by Canadian Section with “Weir^ drill. (Index No. . 66.9 66.9 to 63.9 63.9 to 59.9 59.0 59.9 to 56.9 56.9 to 54.2 54.2 to 50.0 50.0 50.0 to 39.5 39.5 39!5 to 34.9 34.9 to 31.7 31.7 Ground surface Hard sand Sand and clay Normal water level (head canal) Clay Gravel and stone Slate gravel Rock surface Slate rock Seam of sand and water (^^nch) Rock, very hard Rock (softer) Bottom of drilled hole. AT VERDUN .At shore, north side of Nun’s Island opposite Verdim pump house (on canal location, mile 180) February 19, 1924, by Canadian Section, with “WelU’ drill. (Index No. 10). 40.7 Water surface (winter) 33.3 Noniial wat-er level (summer) 32.9 River bed .32.9 to 23.5 Sand and gravel 23.5 Rock surface, shale 23.5 to 18.3 Shale 18.3 Rock surface, slate 18.3 to -6.8 Slate -0.8 Seam of sand —0.8 to -11.4 Slate -11.4 Bottom of drilled hole. 97. Information concerning the geology of the St. Lawrence river, between Prescott and Lachine, is contained in a Report on Structi^al Materials in this section, published by the Canadian Department of Mines, 1922. Refer¬ ences to other geological reports are given on pages 12 and 13 of that publica¬ tion. Adopted by Board, June 2, 1927. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 73 APPENDIX B LAKE LEVELS AND OUTFLOWS 1. This appendix sets forth the data and computations on which the con¬ clusions relating to the Great Lakes in Part II of the Report are based. DESCRIPTION 2. Areas and Storage Capacity. The areas of the Great Lakes are as fol- * Square Miles Lake Superior (including St. Marys river above St. Marys falls).... 31,820 Lake Michigan .; * “ kV-Ti*/ n . oo'm a Lake Huron—(including St. Marys river below St. Marys falls) .... 23,010 Lake St. Clair (including St. Clair river) . 460 Lake Erie (including Detroit river) ...;-- 9,940 Lake Ontario (including Niagara river and St. Lawrence river to Galop rapids) ... 7 , 5^0 Total . 95,160 3. The Great Lakes form an enormous reservoir system which equalizes the flow of the St. Lawrence river. In this system lakes Michigan and Huron are a single unit, since they are joined by the broad and wide straits of Mac¬ kinac and have always substantially the same level. Lake St. Clair can be included, without material error, in the reservoir capacity of lake Erie. 4. The flow of water that would be furnished by drawing dowm the several lakes by one foot, or conversely the flow required to increase the depth on the lakes by one foot, is as follows:— Cfs. for One Month Lake Superior Lakes Alichigan-Huron Lake Eric . Lake Ontario . 337,100 481.200 110.200 80,000 Total 1,008,500 5. A draw down of one foot on the lake system as a whole would provide the entire average flow delivered to the St. Lawrence for more than four months. It is of interest to note that the entire flow of the Mississippi river past New Orleans at flood time would raise the Great Lakes at the rate of but little more than one foot per month. 6. SXJPPLY. The water supply of the Great Lakes is furnished by the inflow of the many relatively small rivers of their drainage basins, increased by the rainfall on the lakes themselves, and decreased by the evaporation from the lake surfaces. The total area of the drainage basin of the lakes is approxi¬ mately 300,000 square miles, of which nearly one-third is occupied by the lakes themselves. Computations show that the average supply received from the land areas about equals that received as rainfall on the lakes, but that roughly 40 per cent of this total gross supply is lost by evaporation. (Table 45, pp. 367-368, Report on Diversion of Water from the Great Lakes, 1919.) 7. The net supply to any lake, from month to month, can be determined from the inflow from the lake above, the outflow from the lake, and the change 74 St. Lawrence Waterwaxj Project K a mSfmum of3^000 cfs" per annum in 1873 to a 145,700 cfs. per annum in 1895, with an average for the entire period of 242 000 _ 8. The seasonal variation in supply swings between i months is highest in the spring months of April to June, LVagL bv October to December. The average net supply of the lake basin by montns from 1861 to 1925 has been as follows:— Fall and Winter Spring and Summer Cfs. Cfs. _ 1 , . 367.800 August .., . 533,900 KQQ onn September October . . 445,300 November Tiilv . . 304,900 . December Average . . 438,200 January . February Average . the w Average . 9 During the high year of 1873 the supply for the month of r«tP of 825 500 cfs During the low year of 1895, the lake system as a per month and 35,500 cfs. per month respectively. 10. The monthly supplies to the individual lakes, from 1860 to 192o, are given in tables 1 to 7, appendix B. 11 OuTFLOw^ OF THE L.4KE B.\siN. The average yearly outflow from the Treat Lakes basin including the outflow through the canal of the Chicago Sanitary District, has ranged from 285,400 cfs. in Jgyg' The monthly outflow has ranged from an average of 318,000 cfs. in Maj >1870, to an average of 174.200 in February, 1872. This minimum was due to ice retardation ^ The minimum discharge with open-river conditions was m November 1895 and amounted to an average of 194,000 cfs for the month The averab total outflow from 1861 to 1925 has been 246,100 cfs. The apparent Srepfncf between the mean supply given in par. 7 and the mean outflow is reconciled by the relative lake levels at the beginning and end of the period. 12 The recorded maximum and minimum monthly outflows occurred prior CO the opening of the Chicago Drainage canal, and the figures given represent, therefore, the limits of variation of discharge into the St. Lawrence. 13 The total outflows through the Chicago Sanitary District canal are .riven in the following tabulation, extracted from the Report on the Illinois River published in House Document 4, 69th Congress, 1st Session:— Year Yearly Mean Discharge, Cfs. . 2,990 Year 1913 . Yearly Mean Discharge, Cfs. . 7,839 7 1009 . < .... 4,046 . 4,302 1915 . . 7,738 . 8,200 . 8,726 1903 . . 4,971 1916 . 1017 1904 . 1905 . 1906 . 1907 . . 4,480 . 4,473 . 5,116 A 44.*^ 1918 . 1919 . 1920 . 1021 - -. . 8,826 . 8,595 . 8,346 . 8,355 1908 . 1909 . 2910 . . 6,495 . 6,833 1922 . 1923 . . 8,858 . 8,348 . 9,465 . 8,277 2922 . . 6,896 1924 . 1912 . . 6,938 1925 . St. Lawrence Waterway Project 75 14 Annual Fluctuation in Lake Le^^ls. The annual fluctuation of the lake levels in absorbing the seasonal irregularities of supply has been as fol¬ lows. Average Maximum Feet Feet ^ . U 2.67 Superior . , J 2 58 Michigan-Huron . 2*99 :.2 4:17 15 Extreme Ranges of Monthly IMean Lake Levels. Extreme high and low waters are reached at the end of periods of excessive or deficient supp y extending over several years. The mean highest and lowest average monthlj levels of the Great Lakes between 1860 and 1925, in feet above mean sea level, are shown in the following tabulation:— Mean Glcvation Maximum Minimum Range SiinArinr at, ATamilPtte . 602-24 604-08 (Sept., 1869) 600-54 (April, 1911) 3- 54 6-10 6-05 4- 13 5- 45 OUpci lUi c*i y\ uv w . Alichi^&n «\t» \IilwfliikGG. 581-02 583-57 (JunG, 1886) 1876) 577-47 (Dgc., 1925) j925) 1925) 1895) Huron nt ^Inrbor BgucIi . 581-02 583-66 (July, 577-61 (Dgc., TPrio nf . 572-46 574-52 (JunG, 1876) 570-39 (Dgc., Ontario at OswGgo. 246-11 248-95 (May, 1870) 243-41 (Nov., 16. Tempor.ary Oscillations of Lake Surfaces. Superimposed on the rise and fall of the level surfaces of the lakes shown by the monthly mean levels,- there are occasional oscillations due to wind and barometric pressure, by which the water is raised temporarily bv several feet in a part of the lake, and depressed by an equivalent amount in another. Lake Erie particularly is subject to such disturbances. Its fluctuations reach their maximum at Buffa.lo, due to the con¬ figuration of the shore line at the east end of the lake. Durmg a westerly gale the water has risen 8 feet above its monthly mean level at Buffalo; and the water at Buffalo has been known to fall 4 feet below its monthly mean level. \Vhile these extremes are uncommon, fluctuations of one or two feet, lasting for a lew hours, are not uncommon, and more or less rythmic fluctuations of several inches, known as seiches, are nearly always occurring on all the lakes except Ontario. 17 Le\txs Prior to 1860. The systematic recording of the levels of the lakes was not begun until 1860. The gauge records prior to that date are gener¬ ally not continuous, and the datum to which some are referred is not certain. The lakes reached an unusually high level in 1838, and this high water level for vears used as a reference plane for lake levels. The high water leyel of 1838 on lake Erie is established at 575.11, which is 0.6 feet above the highest monthly mean level since 1860; on lake Michigan, the high water of 1838 is 584 69^^ w’hich is 1.1 feet above the maximum monthly mean level since 1860. The high wmter of 1838 on lakes Superior and Ontario was established by infer¬ ence rather than by records, but has been carried as 605.32 for lake Superior, and 248 98 for lake Ontario. For Superior, this high water datum plane is 1.2 feet above the highest monthly mean level recorded since 1860; on Ontario, the monthly mean level for May, 1870, was practically at the 1838 high-water plane. The old records further indicate that in 1819 the lakes may have been at substantiallj'^ the low' levels of 1925. 18. E.arth Tilt. The records of the several w'ater-level gauges on the Great Lakes show' a gradual steady rise of the earth surface on the northerly shores of the lakes relative to that on the southerly shores. This movement of the earth’s surface is in the same direction as that which occurred in past ages, as shown by the levels of old beaches. The axis of the present tilting as a w'hole is 76 St. Lawrence Waterway Project approximately 20 degrees north of west, and the rate of tilting is in the vicinity of one-half foot per hundred miles per hundred years, with indications of a somewhat greater rate in the northern areas. , , r x + The effect of this local tilting on the water levels and depths of water at any locality on any lake varies with the distance of this locality from an axis drawn through the controlling sill of the outlet to the lake. z-. x The maximum effect of this movement of the earth’s surface on Ureat Lakes levels should be felt in the tower St. Marys river, which is some 200 miles from an axis drawn through the outlet of lake Huron. If the tilting of the earth continues at the present rate it is to be expected that the depths in the channels and in the lower entrances to the locks in that river may be reduced by one foot in a hundred years. It is to be expected that the channels and lock structures will be deepened to meet the growing demands of commerce long before any substantial effect is felt from this slow movement of the earth’s surface. Detailed discussions of the subject are contained in an article entitled “Tilt of the Earth in the Great Lakes Region” by Mr. Sherman Moore, Assistant Engineer, United States Lake Survey, published in the Military Engineer, May-June, 1922, pages 153 et seq.] and in a paper “Recent Earth Movements in the Great Lakes Region ” by Dr. G. K. Gilbert, printed in Part II of the Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1896, pages 595 to 647. DIVERSIONS AND OUTLET ENL.\RGEMENTS AFFECTING LAKE LEVELS 19. Diversions and Regulating Works, St. Marys River. The outlet of lake Superior is the St. Marys River, the natural control section of which is the rock sill at the head of the 17 to 20-foot incline at St. Marys falls. Diver¬ sions of water into power canals, which draw water from above the falls and discharge it below the falls, was begun in 1895 and subsequently increased until at the present time nearly the entire flow of the river at low stages is drawn through the canals. 20. The existing diversions are as follows:— A—In the United States — , 11 - (1) By the Miichigan Northern Power Company under leases granted under authority of section 12. River and Harbour Act of March 3, 1909. By lease dated May 28, 1914. and expdring June 30, 1944, 25,000 cfs. primary water and 5,000 cfs. secondary water. . By lease dated September 10, 1918, and expiring June 30, 1944, 3,000 cfs. additional secondary water. 1 j ^ j (2) By the Edison Sault Electric Company as a part of lease of power works, dated June 25 1912, and expiring June 30, 1942, issued under authority of section 11 of River and Harbour Act of March 3. 1909; sufficient water^ to operate said works with additions, not exceeding an aggregate total capacity of 5,335 horsepower at 14-foot head over and above the power required by the United States for its owm use. (3) By the navigational canals and locks operated by the United States. B—In Canada — , . .1 ^ i. r (1) By the Great Lakes Power Company, under grant from the Department ot Lands and Forests, Province of Ontario, by virtue of Orders in Council of June 20, 1914, September 4, 1914, and March 11, 1919, covering the right to use 20.000 cfs. (2) By the Canadian Government for the operation of the navigatiion canal and lock. 21. The mean flows during 1925 were as follows:— Power diversion, Michigan Northern Power Co. . 29,983 . 1,411 . 796 Power diversion, Great Lakes Power Co. XTr.'.Tir»o4i/Mi oortol rinnnfln . . .. . 19,344 .. 106 Total 56,486 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 77 22. Obviously these power canals have greatly enlarged the natural discharge capacity of the river. The natural capacity had previously been somewhat reduced by the construction of the piers and embankments of a railroad bridge at the head of the rapids. As the diversion for power increased, its effect on the levels of lake Superior was first compensated for by contracting the river. There was a limit however to which such contractions could be carried. The flow through the natural outlet had ranged from about 50,000 cfs. at low stages to 130^000 cfs. at high stages, and this variation in discharge must be preserved to hold lake Superior within its natural range of stages. If the channel were contracted, say to one-half, in order to permit the diversion of 2o,000 cfs. without diminishing the low stages of the lake, the discharge capacity at high stages would be not far from one-half of 130,000 cfs. plus the diversion of 25,000 cfs.; a total of but 90,000 cfs. The high levels of the lake would there¬ fore be increased. 23. To overcome this situation, the power companies were required to install gates by which the low-water discharge over the falls could be curtailed without curtailing the total high-water discharge. The gates now eictend com¬ pletely across the river. With the control gates and the power canals, the dis¬ charge from lake Superior can be varied at will from no discharge up to approximately 100,000 cfs. at low lake stages, and from no discharge up to 130 000 cfs at high lake stages. The contractions made in the river reduce its capacity at high stages to approximately the same extent that the power canals have increased this capacity, so that the gross discharge capacity is now sub¬ stantially the same at high stages as originally. 24 The control gates are operated under a Board of Control in accordance with conditions laid down by the International Joint Commission. Applica¬ tion having been made by the Michigan Northern Power Company and the Algoma Steel Corporation, respectively, for approval of the obstruction, divers¬ ion and use of the waters of the St. Marys river, the Commission, in parallel Orders and Opinions dated May 26 and May 27, 1914, after reciting that the equal division of the water between the United States and Canada was con¬ ceded upon the hearing by their duly appointed representatives, granted the applications, subject to conditions, some of the more important provisions of which are as follows:— j - All compensating works heretofore built and all such works built under this order oi approval and all power canals, including their head-gates and by-passes shall be so operated M to maintain the level of lake Supenor as nearly as may be betw^n levels 602.1 and 603.6 ^ov^raid mean tide at New York, and in such manner ^ not to interfere with navigation. The operation of all the said works, canals, head-gates and by-passes for the above purpose shall be under the direct control of the board hereinafter authorized, which board shall be "^““Throffiliro? the'^Cmps° of ^gineers charged with the improvement of the falls of the St Mary’s river on the American side and an ofiRcer appointed by the Canadian Govern¬ ment shall form said board whose duty it shall be to formulate rules under which the com- oen^ting works and power canals and their head-gates and by-passes shall be operated so L tTfefure ^nearly as may. be the regulations of lake Superior ^ set forth herein. It bl the further duty of saiid board to see any rules or regiilations now or hereafter made by proper authority for the control of said works are duly obeyed. i x j u To guard against unduly high stages of water m l^e Superior the rules formulated by said b^afd wheS tested by the pliysical conditions which existed during “^^ed high water in lake Superior, when the monthly mean elevation of the lake exceeded 603.6 alfove said mean tide at New York shall give 09 monthly mean level of the lake greater than the maximum monthly moan actually experienced in sai d y^^r. To guard against unduly high stages of water in the lower St. Mays river the «ce^ di^scharee at any time over and above that which would have occuried at a like stage of La^e Superior prior to 1887, .«hall be restricted so tliat the elevation of the water surface hiiLdiately below the locks shall not be greater than 584.5 above said mean tide. At all times said board shall determine the amount of water availabk for power pur- jioses Said board will cause the amount of w.ater so used to be reduced whenever m its St. Lawrence Waterway Project opinion such reductions are necessary in order to prevent unduly low of water . lake Superior, and will fix the amounts of such reductions; Provided, that whenerei the monthly mjean level of the lake is less than 602 1 above said mean tide "f York he total discharge permitted shall be no greater than that which at would have been at the prevailing stage and under the discharge condiMons which obtained prior to 1887, pioviUea further, before any flow of primary water on either side of the river is reduced the use of all secondary water shall be discontinued, , „.n,for “ Primary waterns used herein shall be understood to mean the amount^ of water which is continuously available for use for power purposes. “ Secondary water shall oe understood to mean an amount of water, over and above that designated as primal y water, i.! .informittpnf IV nvnil.-ihlp fnr lisp for DOWer plllT)OSeS. 25. The operation of the regulating works has affected the jewels of lake Superior, and also the levels of the lower lakes, since the controlled discharge out of the lake is at times greater than the natural discharge and at times less To evaluate effect of this variation, it is necessary to know what the natural discharge would have been. Since the outflow of the St. Marys river had ^^n modified by various works prior to its first discharge measurements, in isyb, its original discharge can be inferred only. For this reason the regulated discharges were compared with the discharge that would have taken place under conditions existing in 1902, prior to the completion and operation ot the control gates, when the discharge relation was well established. On this basis of comparison, it is found that during the first period of operation of the regu¬ lation works, until 1917, an excess of water was discharged, with the conse¬ quence that the levels of lake Superior were lowered, and those of the lower lakes raised. From 1917 to 1922 water.was generally held back in lake Superior, with the consequence that its levels were raised, and those of the lower lakes made lower than would otherwise have occurred. From 1923 to date the release has been again above normal, with the consequence that, by January of 1926, lakes Michigan-Huron were 3 inches, lake Erie H inches, and lake Ontario 1 inch above what they would have been without the regulation of lake Superior. 26. The results are set forth in the following tabulation, and graphically on plate 1, appendix B. '• TABLE 8—EFFECT OF PRESENT REGULATION OF LAKE SUPERIOR, 1914-1925 Lake Superior Lake Mich.-Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario Changes due to regulation Amount Date Amount Date Amount Date Amount Date Maximum Stage with regulation.. 603-81 Sept., 1916 581 92 June, 1918 573-85 July, 1917 247-95 June, 1919 Maximum Stage Regula¬ tion. 604-18 Oct., 1916 581-80 July, 1918 573-79 June, 1919 247-84 July, 1919 Minimum Stage with Regulation. Minimum Stage 600-74 Mar., 1925 577-61 Dec., 1925 570-39 Dec., 1925 244-22 Jan., 1925 without Regula¬ tion. 600-51 April, 1924 577-41 Dec., 1925 570-29 Dec., 1925 244-26 Nov., 1925 ^laximum Increase in Stage (ft.)- Maximum 0-85 Dec., 1922 0-37 July, 1917 0-25 Sept., 1917 0-24 Jan., 1918 Decrease in Stage (ft.). 0-81 July 1 ^ 1917 0-38 Nov., 1922 0-26 Dec., 1922 0-25 April, 1923 Aug. J Maximum Increase in Discharge (Sec. ft.). 25,000 Aug., 1920 6,390 June 1917 5,420 Sept., 1917 4,970 Jan., 1918 Maximum De¬ crease in Dis¬ charge (Sec. ft.) 18,000 Dec., 1918 ] 6,530 Oct., \ 1922 5,630 Dec. 1922 \ 5,220 April., 1923 Aug., 1919 Nov. / Jan., 1923 / July, 1921 J Si. Laiorence Waterway Project 79 OUTLET ENLARGEMENTS AND DIVERSIONS LAKES MICHIGAN-HURON 27. Description. The outlet of lakes Michigan-Huron is through the St Clair river, lake St. Clair, and the Detroit river, into lake Erie Jhe total fall from lake Huron to lake Erie averages about 8.5 feet, of which 5.5 feet takes place in the St. Clair river and 3.0 feet in the Detroit river. 28 The St Clair river is approximately 40 miles in length. At the entrance from lake Huron, the river is contracted in a deep and narrow channel known as the Port Huron rapids through which the mean velocity reaches to from 5 to 6 feet per second. The fall through this section is somewhat less than 1 loot in a distance of two miles. The river then flows for 25 miles with.a mean depth of about 30 feet, a mean velocity of about 2^ feet per second, and with a slope of 0.15 feet to the mile. It then divides and enters lake St. Clair through several delta channels, the one improved for na\agation being 13 miles in length. The fall through the delta section of the river is about one foot. The bed and banks of the St. Clair river are generally sand and gravel. It has no controlling rock sill. 29. The Detroit river is about 31 miles in length. Through the upper 13 miles the river is a deep slow flowing stream. The lower part of the river is wide, split by islands, and is crossed by a wide sill of ledge rock. 30. Both the St. Clair and the Detroit rivers are subject to ice gorging in winter, which reduces the flow^ by varying amounts, not unfrequently to one half of the summer flow' for the same stage and fall. 31. DISCH.4RGE Formcl-a., St. Cl.air-Detroit Rivers. The discharge from lake Huron, during the ice free months, with the present regimen of the rivers, is given by the following formula, derived from recent studies made by the United States Lake Survey of all discharge measurements. (1) Qz=87.98 [(HB— 554.251+0.8 (Cl—554.25) ] ^ • » (HB—CIl^ -^ Where Q=discharge in cubic feet per second, HB=elevation Lake Huron (Harbor Beach gage). Cl=elevation lake Erie (Cleveland gage). 32 Effect of a Diversion from Lake Michigan. A diversion from lake Michigan or Huron will eventually lower the levels of these lakes sufficiently to reduce the discharge capacity of the St. Clair-Detroit rivers by the amount of the diversion. The effect of such a diversion, if the diversion is small in comparison with the total flow of the rivers, can be derived directly from the discharge equation and is— (2) aH=D (Q/2F+Q/R) +Ah (R—1.6F)/(R+2F) AH=effect of diversion on lake Huron, D is the amount of the diversion. F=fall, HB-Cl. R=.556(HB-554.25) + .444(C1-554.251 Ah=effect of diversion on lake Erie as determined by regimen of Niagara river. (Par. 59). 33 From equation (2) it is apparent that the effect of a given diversion from lake Michigan on the levels of lakes Michigan and Huron depends on the elevation of these lakes and of lake Erie. Three representative levels are as follows; Lake ]Michigan-Hurou Erie . 578.0 570,25 . ... 581.0 572.5 . ... 582.6 573.8 Low levels.. ^lean levels High levels. 80 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 34. The computed effect of the authorized diversion of 8,500 cfs. from lake Michigan by the Chicago Sanitary District (par. 59-62 of Report) is then as follows:— At low levels. O o® foot At mean le\'els. 0.49 foot At high levels. 0.45 foot It will be noted that the influence of the lake elevations on the effect of the diversion is not great. The precise effects computed would be realized only if the lakes remained constantly at the respective elevations and in an ice free condition for several years. The levels taken as low lake levels have not extended over a sufficiently long period of time to exercise their full^ influence on the effect of the diversion. The greatest refinement regarded as justifiable is that the effect of a diversion of 8,500 cfs. from lake Michigan is to lower lakes Michigan and Huron by 0.5 foot, or 6 inches. 35. The actual effect of the present diversion of the Chicago Sanitary District on the levels of lakes Michigan-Huron is subject to the uncertainty as to extent to which this effect is modified by the winter ice gorging of the river. Wlien the outflow is diminished by ice gorging, a given lowering of the levels of lake Huron probably diminishes the discharge capacity of the river by a less amoimt than under ice free conditions. The lowering of the levels of lake Michigan and Huron required to reduce the average annual discharge capacity of the river by the amount of a given diversion should therefore be somewhat greater than the amount computed for continuous ice free conditions. A reasonable procedure is to take the value of Q in formula (2) par. 32, as the average annual flow, as determined by the best evidence as to winter retarda¬ tion. On this basis, the computed effect of the total reported diversion, during each of the past five years, if continued indefinately at the mean lake levels of those years, would be as follows:— Year Amount of diversion Estimate average discharge from Lake Huron Average elevation Computed effect of diversion (feet) Huron Erie 1921. 8.355 8,858 8,348 9,465 8,277 175.900 175,500 169,600 163.900 153,800 580 03 579-89 579-28 579-02 578-14 572-30 572-00 571-41 571-68 570-87 0-54 0-57 0-54 0-62 0-56 1922 . 1923 . 1924 . 1925 . Average . 0-566 The estimated present effect of the actual diversion is therefor 0.56 feet. 36. These results are greater than those foimd in earlier studies, first because they are based on lower lake levels, and second because recent low-water dis¬ charge measurements have afforded better data on the relation between the discharge of the St. Clair-Detroit rivers, their stages, and fall. 37. Black River Ditorsion. There is a minor diversion of water from lake Huron through a small canal into the Black river, which discharges into the St. Clair river at Port Huron. The diversion is for fiushing sewage out of the river. It was authorized by the United States by a permit issued by the Secretary of War, May 14, 1901. A current-meter measurement made in 1926 showed a discharge of 150 cfs., and the capacity of the canal is insufiBcient to carry a materially greater amount. The effect of this diversion on the levels of lakes Huron and Michigan is inappreciable. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 81 38. Effect of Diversions From L.^ke Erie on Le\^els of Michigan- Huron. The back-water effect of the diversions from lake Erie on the levels of lakes Huron and Michigan is given by the formula:— A H= A h (R—1.6F) / (R+2F) where aH is the effect on lake Huron-Michigan, Ah is the effect on lake Erie. R and F are as indicated in par. 32. Within the ranges of levels normally occurring, the effect on lakes Huron- Michigan varies generally between 22 per cent and 27 per cent of the effect on lake Erie. At the average levels obtaining during the last 5 years, the per¬ centage is 25.6. The effect of the authorized diversions through the Welland Canal (par. 52) on the levels of lakes Michigan-Huron is therefore 0.025 foot, or approximatelv i inch. The effect of all present diversions from lake Erie (par. 53) is approximately 0.05 foot, which may be increased to 0.07 foot after the new Welland ship canal is opened. 39. Changes in Discharge Capacity of St. Clair River. The bed of the St. Clair river is not inherently stable, and an unchanging regimen of the river cannot be taken for granted. Systematic discharge measurements of the river were not begun until 1899. Changes prior to 1899 can only be inferred. 40. As explained hereafter (par. 77 to 79) the derivations of the discharges from lake Huron made for the purpose of determining the supply factors during these early years, disclosed an apparent increase between 1890 and 1900 in the discharge capacity of the St. Clair river relative to the Detroit river. Since the discharge capacity of the Detroit river cannot well have decreased during this period, it must be assumed that the discharge capacity of the St. Clair increased. This increase in discharge capacity is represented by the two equa¬ tions:— (3) Prior to 1890; Q=100 [(FI— 552>.84)+0-6(h-552.84) ] i-8(H-h)0-5 (4) 1895 to 1900; Q=100 [ (H—552-12)4-0 6(11—552 12) ] i ®(H-h) Where H is the elevation of Lake Huron (Harbour Beach gage); h is the elevation of Lake St. Clair (St. Clair Flats gage). It is found that, at representative elevations in the vicinity of 575-75 on Lake St Clair and 581-0 on Lake Huron, the second of these equations will give the same values of Q as the first, if the value of H is decreased by from 0-3 to 0-4 feet. The two equations represent therefore an increase in discharge capacity equivalent to between 0-3 and 0-4 feet of stage on Lake Huron during the period. 41. The deduction just made is open to the doubt as to stability of the St. Clair gage during the period, since precise level lines on the delta of the St. Clair run subsequently to 1900 show progressive subsidence of bench marks in the locality. A reasonable assumption as to the rate of settlement prior to 1900 is in itself diffident to explain the apparent increase in the discharge capacity of the St. Clair River above inferred. On the other hand, if an increase in the discharge capacity of the Detroit River occurred during the period, the increase in the discharge capacity of the St. Clair would be greater than was deduced in the preceding paragraph. 42 The changes in the discharge capacity subsequent to 1900 are dis¬ cussed at some length in the body of the report where they are found to be equivalent to a decrease of 0-3 feet in the stages of Lake Huron. The changes 45827-6 82 St. Lawrence Waterway Project in terms of changes in stage on Lake Huron are derived from the changes in the constants of the discharge formula given in paragraph 77, in the same man¬ ner as indicated in paragraph 40. i i- j The computations of the Canadian Section, based on data largely supplied by the United States Lake Survey, indicate 0-61 feet of lowering of stage of Lake Huron due to channel enlargement between the years 1899 and 1925. The computations of the Canadian Section show that 0-29 feet of this change in stage can be explained by channel enlargement in the Port Huron rapids, opposite Point Edward. DIVERSIONS. LAKE ERIE 43. Description.— The outlet of lake Erie is the Niagara river. A broad sill of iedge rock extends across the entrance to the river from the lake. Below the rapids, formed by this sill, there is a reach of quietly flowing river, which terminates in the rapids just above Niagara Falls. Diversions upstream from the latter rapids have some effect on the levels of Lake Erie. 44. The diversion of the Chicago Sanitary District reduces the supply of Lake Erie by exactly tlie amount of this diversion, and lowers the lake levels correspondingly. Other diversions affecting the levels of Lake Erie are made through: The AVelland Canal, The Black Rock Canal. 45. The following diversions for power purposes have been authorized on the Welland Canal by the Department of Railways and Canals of the Domin¬ ion of Canada:— Hamilton Cataract PoAver, Light and Traction Co., leases totalling. . 1,010 cfs Corporation of St. Catharines. 50 “ Provincial Paper Mills, Ltd. 760 “ Total. 1,820 All of these diversions discharge into lake Ontario. In addition, diversions aggregating 260 cfs. have been authorized from the Welland Canal to the Wel¬ land river, which enters the Niagara river at the foot of the Grass Island pool. About 10 per cent of the effect of thi.< diversion on Lake Erie levels is thereby restored. 46. The actual total flow from lake Erie into the present Welland Canal, for both power and navigation purposes, as determined by random discharge measuren ents made by the Department of Railways and Canals in 1922, 1923, and 1924, is approximately 3,400 cfs. during the navigation season and 2,500 cfs. during the remainder of the year, an average throughout the year of 3,100 cfs. 47. The new Welland Ship canal for deep-draught vessels is so designed that a flow of 6,000 cfs. can be drawn from lake Erie without interfering with its use by shipping. The Chief Engineer, Department of Railways and Canals, authorizes the statement that the diversion through the new Welland Ship Canal, including both the water required for lockage and that for power purposes, will not exceed 5,000 cfs. 48. The Black Rock canal is a navigation canal alongside the upper part of the Niagara river. It is operated by the United States Government to carry navigation past the rapids at the head of the river to the industries on the river below them, and to the entrance of the present New York State Barge canal at Tonawanda. The diversion from Lake Erie through this canal is approximately 1 000 cfs., much of which finds its way into the Niagara river through the river wall of the canal. The remainder is discharged into the Niagara river at the lock at the loot of the canal. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 83 49. The New York State Barge canal diverts a flow estimated at 1,500 cfs. from the Niagara river at Tonawanda, the water being eventually discharged into lake Ontario. Of this total a flow of 275 cubic feet per second is classifled as for power purposes. The effect of this diversion on the levels of lake Erie is negligible. 50. Power companies in the United States and Canada divert considerable quantities of water from the river upstream from the rapids at the heads of the Falls; under the treaty of 1909. These diversions have been compensated for, at least to a considerable degree, by intake structures and the deposit of dredged material. The remaining effect on the levels of Lake Erie is negligible. (See page 381, Report on Diversion of Water from the Great Lakes and Niagara River, 1921.) 51. Effect of Diversions. The discharge formula for the Niagara Rivei Q=:3904(H-558 37)1-5 Where H is the elevation of Lake Erie on the Buffalo gage. From this formula it is easily shown that the rate of increase in the discharge capacity of the Niagara river per foot rise of Lake Erie, commonly called the increment for the Niagara river, is as follows:— At lake elevation 570.25 (low level). 20,190 cfs At lake elevation 572.5 (mean level). 22,000 At lake elevation 573.8 (high level). 23,000 “ 52. The authorized diversions have the following effect on the levels of Lake Erie:— Amount of diversion Effect in feet at — Low level (elev. 570-25) Mean level (elev. 572-5) High level (elev. 573-8) r:hi<’fVg<"‘ S^mitnry District . 8,500 0-42 0-39 0-37 Power lease's Welland Canal. 2,050 0-10 0-09 0-09 Total..•. 0-52 0-48 0-46 53. The actual present diversions have the following effects on Lake Erie:— Chicago Sanitary District (8,660 cfs). .41 Welland Canal (3,100).15 Black Rock Canal. .04 Total.60 The increased diversion required for the operation of the new Welland Ship canal is expected to bring the total to 0.68 foot. EFFECT OF DIVERSIONS LAKE ONTARIO 54. Description.— The outlet to lake Ontario is the St. Lawrence river, the control section of which is the limestone ledge forming the sill of the Galop rapids. The Galop canal, for 14-foot navigation, lies along the river bank at these rapids. 45827-6i St. Lawrence Watencay Project 55 The levels of lake Ontario have been affected by the diversion of the Chicago Sanitarv District, by diversions for power and navigation through the Galop canal, and by a contraction of the Galop rapids known as the Gut Dam. The diversions authorized by license from the Galop canal amount to 9oo els. 56. Effect of Diversions.— The formula developed by the United States Lake Survey for the flow into the St. Lawrence river is as follows:— Q=3428(H—229.13)1-5 Where H is the elevation of lake Ontario (Oswego gage), for the St. Lawrence has the following values;— At lake elevation 244.5 (low^ level) . At lake elevation 246.0 (mean level) At lake elevation 247.5 (high level) . The increment Cfs. 20,160 21,120 22,040 The computed back-water effect of the small diversion at the Galop is /5 per cent of the effect if.made directly from lake Ontario. 57. The effect of authorized diversions on the levels of lake Ontario is therefore as follows:— — Amount of diversion Effect in feet at Low level (elev. 244-5) Mean level (elev. 246-0) High level (elev. 247-5) Chicago Sanitary District. Galop Canal. 8.500 988 0-42 004 0-40 0-03 0-39 0-03 0-46 0-43 0-42 58. As explained in the bodv of the report the Gut Dam in the Galop rapids has raised the levels of lake Ontario by somewhat more than 0.4 feet. SUMMARY 59. The results are summarized as follows:— Cause Amount of diversion, cubic feet per second Effect, in feet, on levels of Lakes Michigan and Huron Erie Ontario Authorized diversions— Chicago Sanitary District. Pow’er diversions, Welland Canal. All present diversions and outlet changes— Chicago Sanitary District. WplKnd Canal . 8,500 2,050 -0-5 -0-025 -0-4 -0-1 -0-4 0 8,660 3,100 1,000 -0-5 -0-04 -0-01 -0-3 -0-3 -0-4 -0-15 -0-05 -0-4 0 0 BlaaSalle Causeway at Kingston and the Kingston dry dock. At lake levels above 248, damage would result as follows: Docks storehouses, and factories in addition to those before inentioned would be flooded or interfered with in Kingston, Wellington, Port Millford, Clayton, Cape Vincent, Sacketts Harbour, Oswego, Fairhaven, Little Sodus Bay, Sodus Point, and Charlotte and on the lower Niagara river. Such levels would render less efficient or damage the breakwaters and other aids to navigation at Sacketts harbour, Little Sodus bay, Great Sodus bay, Oswego, Charlotte, and Olcott. In addition to this, damage would probably be done to a number of other docks, roads bridges, an electric railway, and several beaches. Above 248.5, damage would be done to additional docks, coal sheds, and factories in Kingston, Red- nersville, Wellington, Massagana, Northport, and Forester Lt. Lake levels above elevation 249 would seriously damage a number of other important inter¬ ests in Gananoque, Kingston, Green Island, Prescott, and Ogdensburg. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 93 99. After considering the foregoing information, elevation 248.1 was selected as the flood level for lake Ontario, which should not be exceeded by the regulated levels to a greater extent than was the case in the past. The data on flooding damage is more nearly complete on lake Ontario than on the other lakes and indicates that a great deal more damage would result than is shown by the data for the other lakes. Plate 3 shows that, for this elevation also, the probable frequency, indicated by the last 25 years of records, was once in 20 years. 100. Summary. The flood levels on the several lakes fore, as follows:— Lake Superior . Lakes Michigan-Huron . Lake Erie .. Lake Ontario . may be taken, there- 603.6 582.2 573.9 248.1 101. It -wall be observed that the damages, as a rule, are not due to the dead level of the lake itself, but to the temporary fluctuations above that level caused by winds and barometric pressure, to the flooding of sewers by heavy rains which may happen to occur when the high lake levels have reduced their outlet capacity, and to the raising of flood heights of streams entering the lake. The riparian interests affected are not so directly concerned with the maximum height to which the monthly mean elevations of the lakes are raised as with the frequency -ndth which the lakes reach the levels which expose them to serious hazard of damage. As long as the frequency with which the lake levels rise above the flood levels is not increased by the construction of /compensating works, or by the operation of regulating works, no damage can be considered to result from their construction or operation. 102. A study of the nature of the damage done by increasing the frequency of high lake levels shows that it is so vddespread and diverse that compensation to the industries and individuals affected is out of the question. Communities have adjusted themselves to the lake levels that have actually existed, and cities and towns have built their sewage systems accordingly. The damages would not be met by merely paying for the flowage of such lands as might be actually flooded by the rise of lakes. It must be emphasized, moreover, that the inquiries did not bring to light all of the damages that would result from high water, for the reason that many of the citizens concerned and many of the responsible executives do not believe that a proposal to raise the high waters of the lakes will be seriously considered. MAXIMUM DISCHARGE CAPACITY OF OUTLETS 103. Lake Superior. The discharge capacity of the St. Mary’s river, the outlet of lake Superior, has already been enlarged by the power canals at the falls to such an extent that little benefit would be secured by further enlarge¬ ment. 104 Lakes Michigan-Huron. The St. Clair river is nearly 40 miles in length with a small and fairly evenly distributed slope, except at the Port Huron rapids at the head of the river. Wliile at first glance there seems to be an opportunity to provide a considerable increase in discharge capacity by the enlargement of this contracted section detailed computations show that a by-pass canal if built with a depth of 35 feet and width of 700 feet, entailing the excavation of 7,800,000 cubic yards would increase the discharge capacity of the river by only 8,000 cfs., i.e., by about 4 per cent of its present capacity. 94 St. Lawrence Waterway Project It may seem paradoxical that the one lake outlet that has been enlarged in recent years by the action of nature and man should be the least susceptrble to further material enlargement. It will be noted, however, that the total enlargement accorrnted for to date effects an iircrease of only about 5 per cent to 8 per cent in the discharge capacity at high stages, and^that this rs the cumulative effect of actions taking place over a period of 3o years. As has been previously pointed out, the discharge capacity of the river is much cur¬ tailed in winter, but this is not the season when large discharges are desrrable from the standpoint of regulation. 105. L.4KE Erie. A large increase of the discharge capacity of the Niagara river at the outlet of lake Erie, can be secured, although at large cost, by the excavation through the rock sill at its head. The program for complete regu¬ lation hereinafter considered is based on an enlargement of the discharge capacity by 40,000 cfs. 106. St. Lawrence River. The discharge capacity of the St. Lawrence river is limited by seasonal conditions. For the purpose of testing a program for complete regulation, the limitations were taken as shown on plate 4. The reasons for these limitations are as follows:— (1) The discharge at any time must not exceed the amount that can be passed through the enlarged yhannels vdthout creating excessive currents for navigation and without reQuiring a head that would seriouslj^ reduce the head available for power. This limitation restricts discharge from lake Ontario to amounts varying from 223,000 cfs. with the lake at elevation 244.0 to 330,000 cfs. with the lake a little below elevation 248. (2) The discharge must not create such stages in the St. Lawrence river as will cause serious damage to riparian property. The areas where such damage would occur are the lands bordering lake St. Francis and lake St. Louis. After the outlets of these lakes have been enlarged as a part of power develop¬ ment in the rapids below them, a maximum discharge of 330,000 cfs. should be possible. (3) During the period in which the Ottawa river is in flood, in May and June, the maximum discharge should be limited to 300,000 cfs. in order to prevent excessive levels in lake St. Louis. (4) The ice jams during the spring breakup, usually occurring in April, cause the highest rise of the water at Montreal. The higher the discharge of the St. Lawrence at such time, the higher the water is likely to rise. Large sums have been expended to prevent the flooding of the lower lying portions of the city at such times. The regulated discharge of the St. Lawrence has therefore been limited in April to an amount not exceeding the present discharge at the same stage. (5) During the winter months of Januarj-, February, and March, tlie discharge capacity of the river will be reduced to an amount materially below that possible during open-river months. The successful operation of power plants on the river requires the creation and preservation of an ice cover wher¬ ever it can be secured at reasonable expense. Since the formation of an ice cover depends upon currents of sufficiently low velocities, the proper winter operation of the power plants requires that the discharge be restricted. 107. The further studies, made before adopting a definite program for the regulation of lake Ontario alone, has indicated some desirable modifications of these limitations,, but these modifications are insufficient to alter materially the results to be obtained from a comprehensive system of regulation of the Great Lakes. 95 St. Lawrence Watencay Project MINIMUM PERMISSIBLE DISCHARGE THROUGH OUTLETS 108. The minimum discharges adopted in testing the programs for the com¬ plete regulation of the lakes were as follows:— St. Lawrence river . Niagara (including Welland canal) . St. Clair river (except when the natural charge was less) . St. Mary s river . dis- Minimum Minimum Natural Monthly Mean Regulated Discharge with Same Discharge Diversions (Summer) 200,000 185,000 176,000 167,000 150,000 151,000 50,000 49,000 109. The minimum discharges for the St. Lawrence and the Niagara were set with a view to affording a reliable How for power purposes. It is necessary to maintain an ample flow through the St. Clair and Detroit rivers to prevent the reversal of the current of the latter when storms raise its outlet into lake Erie, since such a reversal of flow would bring sewage-contaminated water to the water-supply intakes of the city of Detroit. Preliminary computations indi¬ cated that a minimum flow of 150,000 cfs. could be provided without substantial injury to the levels obtained by regulation. As later explained, an analysis of the results obtained indicates that some slight improvement in lake levels could be secured by fixing this minimum at 140,000 cfs. The minimum flow of 50,000 cfs. in the St. Mary^s river is designed to maintain the full navigable depths in that river and to afford water for the existing power plants. 110. Low Water Disch.-^rge Required to Maintain ]\Iontre.\l Harbour Levels.. The further study made before adopting a definite program for the regulation of lake Ontario alone, in connection with the improvement of the St. Lawrence, shows that a fixed minimum of 200,000 cfs. is insufficient to main¬ tain the ordinary low levels of Montreal harbour during the summer and fall months. The actual monthly mean flow down the St. Lawrence has fallen below 200,0(X) cfs. but once during the navigation seasons of the past 65 years. This was in November and December, 1895, when the flow was 194,000 cfs. Even had a diversion of 8,500 cfs. occurred continuously during the past 65 years, the unregulated monthly mean flow down the St. Lawrence during the navigation season would not have fallen below 200,000 cfs. except during October, November and December, 1895, with a minimum flow of 185,000 in November and December of that year. Past records show that, for at least 70 per cent of the time, unregulated outflows down the St. Lawrence in September, October and November exceeding the following amounts are to be anticipated. September. 237,000 cfs. October.. .. 228,000 “ November. 222,000 “ It is shown in paragraph 210 of the main report that a diminution of the flow past Montreal reduces the water levels in the harbour at the rate of one foot for each 23,000 cubic feet per second. The adoption of a minimum flow of 200,000 might therefore be expected to reduce the ordinary low water levels in the harbour by about a foot during the fall months. PROGRAM OF REGULATION TO SECURE MAXIMUM BENEFITS TO LAKE LEVELS 111. To determine the benefit to be anticipated from a complete system of regulation of the Great Lakes, a program was drawn up which was designed to secure such result, while maintaining the minimum outflows set forth in the preceding paragraphs. The lake levels and outflows that would have resulted 96 St. Lawrence Watenvay Project from its application from 1894 to 1925 were determined, the suitability of the system being tested by applying it also to the high and fluctuating discharges recorded between 1869 and 1876. 112. The computations were based on the supply of water to the various lakes that would have occurred had 8,500 cfs. been diverted continuously by the Chicago Sanitary District. 113. System AnorTEn. The program was designed to hold the lakes at the maximum safe levels whenever the water supply permitted. The “ maximum safe stage ” of each lake for each month of the year was determined from a study of their seasonal fluctuations in levels, as being the stage which, on the basis of levels reached during these months during the last twenty-five years, would be reached once in 8 years, as showm on table herewith. TABLE 16.—“MAXIMmi SAFE STAGES” FOR REGULATION ]Month Superior Michigan- Huron Erie Ontario January 1. February 1. 602-21 580-64 572-20 246-19 602-21 580-95 572-57 246-57 Marcb 1. 602-42 581-33 573-25 247-37 April 1.. May 1. June 1 . 602-78 581-64 573-50 247-67 603-00 581-82 573-53 247-71 603-18 581-78 573-37 247-58 July 1. August 1. September 1. 603-30 581-63 573-15 247-15 603-30 581-42 572-66 246-66 603-15 581-16 572-53 246-33 October 1. 602-92 580-90 572-26 246-08 November 1. 602-69 580-73 572-20 245-99 December 1. 602-42 580-63 572-14 246-08 When the lakes were below these stages at the beginning of a month, the outflow to the St. Lawrence was so reduced that the expected supply to the lakes during the month would bring them to the maximum safe levels at the end of the month, if this result could be accomplished without reducing the outflow below the established minimum of 200,000 cfs.; if not, the outflow was set at this minimum. Whenever the levels of the lakes were above their maximum safe stages, the outflow was increased as necessary, up to the maximum discharge capacity, to bring them back to maximum safe stages. In either case the dis¬ charge between the lakes was regulated, within the maximum and minimum limits, to secure at low levels the best equalization of the channel depths at the present improvement planes, and at high levels the distribution of excess water which would minimize the hazard of flood damage. 114. During high stages, therefore, the lakes were kept as nearly as possible at equai stages from the standpoint of flooding, and in times of low water at equal stages from the standpoint of navigable depth. Between high and low water a transition zone is necessary. The upper limit of this zone was taken at the highest safe stage, and the lower limit at that stage giving equal navigable depths and a total storage in all the lakes of one million second feet months less than the highest safe stage. 115. The discharge capacity of the various channels and the allowable minimum flows limited the regulation so that very rarely was it possible to secure the condition of highest safe stage in all the lakes at the same time, and only occasionally could the same relative stage in all five lakes be secured. When the ideal condition could not be secured, the nearest approximation to it was obtained. If, for example, the capacity of the St. Clair river was inadequate St. Lawrence Waterway Project 97 to discharge sufficient water to bring all the lakes to the same relative level, the maximum discharge possible was allowed in the St. Clair river; the Niagara river was regulated to give the same relative stages in lakes Erie and Ontario, and the St. Marys river was regulated to give the same relative stages in lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron. Because of the danger of flooding due to run off from the local drainage area, no lake was permitted to rise above its highest safe stage if it could be prevented without raising some lower lake to a relatively higher stage. For example, more than 200,000 cfs. minimum was frequently discharged from lake Ontario during the very low period of the last few years because, although the upper lakes were much below their highest safe stages, lake Ontario, with the minimum allowable flow coming in from lake Erie, and the probable local inflow, would exceed the highest safe stage and therefore be in danger of being flooded by a heavy local inflow unless more than the minimum flow was drawn out. 116. Because of the rapidity with which the relative levels of the lakes changed vdth respect to each other, and because to do so would have adversely affected navigable depths, no attempt was made to draw any of the lakes below their highest safe stage in order to have space available for wa.ter from lakes higher up which were above their liighest safe stage, but could not be immediately equalized with the lower lakes bet^ause of the dischaTge limita¬ tions of the interlake channels. For example, if lakes Michigan-Huron and Superior were too high, but could not be equalized with lakes Erie and Ontario on account of the limited capacity of the St. Clair river, lakes Erie and Ontario were not drawn down on account of the excess supply in the Michigan-Huron and Sui>erior, but were kept as nearly as possible at their highest safe stage. 117. Details of Computations. The effect of applying this system was computed by monthly periods on the form sheet shown herewith. It was assumed that at the first of each month the elevation of each lake could be determined from gauge readings. The probable local inflows for each lake were estimated from diagrams (plate 5) constructed from past records to give the probable inflow for the month as indicated by the local inflow to that lake during the past month. It was found by a study of the past supplies (one of which is shown on plate 6) that a month of large runoff was likelj^’ to be followed by another month of high runoff, and a month of low runoff by another of low runoff, and that from the diagrams much better results could be secured than by assuming that average conditions would probably occur in any given month. The outflows of the various lakes were computed which would give at the end of the month the best distribution of the storage if the probable inflow occurred, and the gates were set to give this outflow from the lakes during that month. With the known stage and storage at the beginning of the month, and these outflows, the storage and stage were computed which would have resulted at the end of the month, with the inflows which actually occurred in that month. The steps in detail are as follows:— 118. In line (1) was entered the elevation of each lake at the first of the month, and on line (2) the corresponding storage in each lake and the total storage above an assumed datum (two feet below the present improvement plane of the lake). Units of storage equivalent to the flow of a thousand second feet for a month were used, and flows were exqjressed in units of a thousand second feet. In line (3) were entered the probable net local inflow into each lake for the month and the probable total inflow as determined from the inflow diagrams. Line (4) is the sum of lines (2) and (3) and represents the probable storage at the end of the month if there were no outflow. In line (5) is recorded the 45827—7 (Continued on page 99) 9tJ St. Lawrence Waterway Project TYPICAL COMPUTATION FOR REGULATION WITH COMPLETE CONTROL OF ST. CLAIR RIVER^anuary, 1870 Superior Michigan- Huron Erie Ontario Total (1) Elevations of lakes at first of month. (2) Storage in lakes at first of month. (3) Probable local inflow for month. (4) Sum. (5) Total storage danger stage end of month... (6) Outflow to give danger stage... (7) Limits of outflow from system—Maximum (8) Minimum. (9) Outflow selected. (10) Desired distribution of storage. 01) Desired net outflow. (12) Desired gross outflow... (13) Limiting outflow—Maximum. (14) Minimum. (15) Outflow adopted—Net. (16) Gross. 602-93 1,129 -3 1,126 1,115 11 11 124 50 581-30 1,777 68 1,845 1,781 64 75 222 150 572-79 442 66 508 435 73 148 260 176 246-60 326 75 401 338 63 211 211 200 3,674 206 3,880 3,062 818 211 200 211 3,669 Superior-Michigan-Huron System (17) Total storage plus inflow. (18) Trial outflow. (19) Total storage, end of month. (20) Storage in system at danger stage. (21) Desired distribution of storage. (22) Outflow—Net. (22) Gross.. 1,126 1,027 39 39 1,845 1.734 111 150 Superior System (24) Total storage plus inflow. (25) Trial outflow. (26) Total storage, end of month. (27) Storage in system at danger stage (28) Desired distribution of storage — (29) Outflow—Net. (30) Gross. 1,126 1,076 50 50 Michigan-Huron-Erie System (31) Total storage plus inflow. (32) Trial outflow. (33) Total storage, end of month. (34) Storage in system at danger stage — (35) Desired distribution of storage. (36) Outflow—Net. (37) Gross. 50 1,845 508 50 1,791 54 104 436 72 176 Michigan-Huron System (38) Total storage plus inflow. (39) Trial outflow. (40) Total storage, end of month. (41) Storage in system at danger stage. (42) Desired distribution of storage. (43) Outflow—Net. (44) Gross. 50 1,845 50 1,745 100 150 2,971 150 2,821 2,408 282 1,126 50 1,076 950 1,076 2,403 176 2,227 1,826 1,895 150 1,745 1,458 1,745 Erie-Ontarto System (45) Total storage plus inflow. (46) Trial outflow. (47) Total storage, end of month. (48) Storage in system at danger stage. (49) Desired distribution of storage. (50) Outflow—Net. (51) Gross. (52) Storage, first of month. (53) Local supply factors. (54) Sum. (55) Outflow used—Net. (56) Storage, end of month—Approximate.. (57) Stage, end of month—Approximate. (58) Discharge, end of month—Approximate (59) Discharge, first of month. (60) Mean discharge. (61) Storage correction. (62) Storage, end of month—Corrected. (63) Stage, end of month—Corrected. (64) Outflow used—Gross. 1,129 9 1,138 50 1,088 602-82 1,088 602-82 50 150 150 1,777 118 1,895 100 1,795 581-34 1,795 581-34 150 508 474 34 184 442 65 507 34 473 573-07 473 573-07 184 401 374 27 211 326 62 388 27 361 247-02 215 211 213 2 359 247-01 213 1,059 211 848 654 848 3,674 254 3,928 211 3,717 3,715 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 99 total storage in the lake system if all lakes were filled to the highest safe stage for that month. Line (61, the difference between lines (4) and (51, is the out¬ flow which would be necessar\' from the lake system to have just sufficient storage in the system at the end of the month to bring all the lakes to their highest safe stage. In line (71 is entered the maximum flow of the St. Lawence river for the elevation of lake Ontario at the beginning of the month, as indicated by plate 4, and in line (81 the minimum flow for the scheme of regulation under consideration. A comparison of the figures in lines (61 and (71 shows that it is not possible to draw all the lakes down to their highest safe stage in month, and therefore the nearest possible result to this will be obtained or the outflow selected, line (91, will be the maximum possible, as entered in line (7). If the figure in line (61 had been less than 200, the minimum flow of 200 would have been used in line (91. and if between the maximum and minimum, the outflow in line (61 would be used in line (9). 119. In the last column of line (10) is entered the total storage remaining in the system at the end of the month if the outflow selected (211 thousand second feetl were withdrawn. This is distributed between the lak^ according to diagrams as plate 7, one for each month, which show the .storage in each lake which, for anv given total storage, will bring all of the Lakes to the same relative stage.' From plate 7, with 3669 as the total storage, is found the storage in each of the lakes showm in the other columns of line (10) . The values of the storage corresponding to the critical points on the storage distribution cuiw^es are given in Table 17. All curves go through the origin of co-ordinates as plate 7 The values of net outflow' from each of the lakes, line (11), w^hich will bring about the desired distribution of storage, are the difference betw'een the value in lines (4) and (10), and line (12) gives the gross outflow% or the summation of net outflows. In lines (13) and (14) are entered the maximum outflow possible in the interlake channels with the enlargements and control works and with the stages of the various Lakes the first of the month. In case of ice retardation in the St. Clair River, the same per cent of reduction w'as applied to the maximum unobstructed discharge with the enlargements as occurred in the natural river. In line (14) are entered the minimum allowable flow's, for the system of regulation under consideration. 120. By comparing the values in lines (12), (13), and (14), it w'ill be seen that to secure the desired distribution of storage, a flow less than the minimum allow'able would be necessary out of lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, and Erie, and lines (15) and (16) cannot be used in this case. It is necessary therefore to secure as nearly as possible the desired distribution w'ith the limitations of outflow'- The difference between the desired and allowable flows is greatest in the Michigan-Huron outflow, and it therefore is probably a controlling relation. Lines (17) to (23) treat lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron as a separate system, in the same manner as the wliole lake system was treated in lines (14) to (14), u< 5 ing the appropriate scale of ordinates on the right side of the storage distri¬ bution diagram (plate 7). The values in line (17) are the individual storages of the lakes of the Superior-Michigan-Huron system from line (4), and the inflow from lakes above (in this case zero), the sum of them being entered in the last column. The value in line (20) has no significance in this case, but has in cases w'here the storage in the system is near that required to fill all the lakes to their highest safe storage. The values in line (23) show that to bring Michigan-Huron and Superior to the same relative stage at the end of the 45827-7i 100 St. Lawrence Waterway Project month would require a flow less than the minimum allowable out of Lake Superior. Lake Superior is therefore treated as a separate system in lines (24) to (30), and a trial computation made in lines (31) to (37) shows that if lakes Michigan-Huron and Erie are brought to the same relative elevation with the minimum outflow necessary from Lake Superior, the outflow from Lake Michigan would be below the allowable limit. Lakes Michigan-Huron are therefore treated as a separate system in lines (39) to (44), using the minimum allowable out¬ flow, and lines (45) to (51) show that with this outflow lakes Erie and Ontario can be brought to the same relative stage within the limitations of outflow from lake Erie. To obtain the nearest possible result to the highest safe stage in all the Lakes with the probable inflows for the month and with the flow limitations of the interlake channels and the St. Lawrence river, it is therefore necessary to take the minimum allowable flow out of Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron and 184,000 second feet from Lake Erie, and the maximum possible out of lake Ontario. The regulating gates vrould therefore be held during the month to give flows of 50,000 second feet from Superior, 150,000 second feet from Michigan-Huron, 184,000 second feet from Erie and 211,000 second feet from Ontario. With these outflows, and the local inflows entered in line (53) which actually occurred during the month, the storage in each lake and the stage at the end of the month is computed on lines (56) and (57). A correction is made in lines (58) to (62) on account of the increase which is possible in the outflow of lake Ontario due to the increase in stage in that lake during the month. In lines *62) to (64) are entered the storage and stage at the end of the month and the gross outflow from all the lakes. 121. The example given above represents one of the more difiicult cases and involves much more computation than the average. Large-scale diagrams were used to show the storage distribution relations for the various months, of which plate 7 illustrates the principle. The numerical work contains a very complete series of checks which reduce the probability of error to a minimum. 122. Results Secured. The lake levels and outflows resulting from this system of regulations are given in tables 9-12 and are shown graphically on plates 8 and 9. The results are best summarized, however, on plates 10 and 11, which give the relative length of time at which the levels during the navigation season, and the discharges throughout the year, would be realized. 123. Effects on Lake Levels. In evaluating the beneficial effects of regulation on lake levels, it is misleading to deal with the- absolute minimum levels reached. Present bulk-cargo lake commerce, with its short voyages and highly organized management, is benefitted by a rise in the mean levels of the lakes to almost as great a degree as by a rise in the minimum levels; and even commerce entering the lakes from the sea, as a consequence of the improvement of the St. Lawrence, will not be vitally concerned with low levels which rarely occur. The basis of comparison adopted is therefore the level below which, on the basis of past experience a lake will not fall during more than 2 per cent of the time. 124. The following tabulation gives, on this basis, the range of levels of the various lakes, during the navigation season, which would be secured by the program of regulation described, during the period from 1894 to 1925, as com¬ pared with the range, on the same basis, that the lake levels would have had 101 St. Lawrence Watenvay Project during the same period with the outlets in their present condition and with the present diversions (and a total diversion of 5,000 cfs. through the Welland Canal) Regulated Unregulated ijaKe Highest Low Range Highest Low Range Superior. 603-7 601-3 feet 2-4 603-8 601-0 feet 2-8 Michigan-Huron. 582-5 580-1 2-4 581-8 578-3 3-5 Erie. 574-3 571-5 2-8 573-8 570-5 3-3 Ontario . 248-6 245-8 2-8 248-4 244-2 4-2 125. Since the levels of the lakes can be raised equally well by compensat¬ ing works to the maximums attained by this system of regulation, without increasing the present range between maximum and low stages, the advantage of regulation, from the standpoint of navigation, lies in the reduction in the range of stage. This is as follows:— Superior. MichiguD-Hurou, Erie. Ontario. 0.4 feet 1.1 “ 0.5 “ 1.4 “ 126. Taking the whole period from 1860 to 1925, on the assumption that the maximum stages under regulation would occur in 1870 or 1876, the total fluctuation of stage in the regulated and unregulated condition is:— Lake Total fluctuation Regulated Unregulated, with present diversions and outlets Siinprior ... 3-41 3-54 Michigan-Huron . . 3-52 4-92 3-29 3-53 . 3-83 5-54 Weighted average. 3-47 4-35 127. In paragraph 68 it was shown that a study of the mass curve of supply indicated that a minimum outflow of 200,000 cfs. could be maintained wdth a fluctuation of 2.0 feet on the lakes. The difference between this figure and the average fluctuation of 3.47 resulting from the detailed program of regulation, is due to the limitations imposed by the discharge capacities of the outlet. 128. Effect on outflow. An examination of plate 11 shows that the result of applying the program would have been to hold the outflow down the St. Lawrence to the minimum of 200,000 cfs. for nearly half the time in order to build up lake levels. The unregulated flow falls below 200,000 cfs. for a very small percentage of the time, but exceeds that figure most of the time. A detailed analysis of the effects of the regulated flows on the low water levels of Montreal harbour during the period 1913 to 1924 confirms the general analysis given in par. 110 that the program would lower the ordinary low water levels by approximately one foot. It is apparent, moreover, that the results secured would be unfavorable rather than beneficial from a power standpoint. A similar condition would be created in the Niagara river by the scheme studied. 102 St. Lawrence Waterway Project DESIGN AND COST OF REGULATING WORKS 129. The design of regulating works that will satisfactorily meet ice condi¬ tions in the Niagara river, and will accomodate the great volume of shipping in the St. Clair river, offers many complications. The designs forming the basis of the estimates of the cost herein presented are intended to afford only a reliable indication of the minimum cost, which might be increased materially by elabora¬ tions deemed necessary to meet the unusual requirements. 130. Works in St. Cl.\ir River. Because of the delay which locks would cause to the heavy traffic on the St. Clair and Detroit rivers, it is desirable to control the flow in these rivers by some means in which they are not required. The studies and estimates of cost indicate that sufficient control may be obtained by channel contractions to secure substantially as good results in lake control at about the same cost as would be possible with locks and dams. The method of restricting the outflow in the St. Clair river was to select a location where the river was divided into two or more channels by islands, placing control gates across all but one channel, thus allowing the navigation to pass unobstructed through this channel. By closing the gates the entire flow could be forced through the one channel, which would restrict the flow. Where natural divisions in the river were absent or insufficient, they were artifically constructed by longitudinal dikes. 131. Point Edward By-pass. To provide additional discharge capacity in the St. Clair river, a by-pass channel was provided around the Port Huron rapids at the town of Point Edward, where the St. Clair river leaves Lake Huron. The channel would extend from the Point Edward range lights at the head of the St. Clair river to Sarnia bay, and along the west side of this bay entering the St. Clair river at Bay point. It would have a length of about 8,000 feet, a bottom width of 700 feet, and a depth of 35 feet. Investigation showed that a greater increase in size would not secure sufficient increase in St. Clair river flow to justify the additional cost. The control works would consist of concrete floor, piers, and abutments with Stoney sluice gates. As it would be necessar}^ to provide railroad and highway access to the docks to the west of the canal, the control works w^ould be combined with a railroad and a highway bridge. With all the gates open, this by-pass would increase the flow in the St. Clair river by about 8,000 cfs. The total cost of the canal and control works is estimated at $2,770,000. 132. Stag Island Contraction. The first contraction works would be located at Stag Island, near the town of Mar^^sville, about 8 miles below Lake Huron. The length of Stag Island is insufficient to give the desired reduction in flow, and dividing dikes would be extended from the upstream end of the island to opposite the town of South Park, and downstream from the lower end of the island to Oakland Dock, about 2,400 feet below the mouth of Pine river, near the town of St. Clair, the total length of river thus divided being about 46,000 feet, or slightly more than 8 miles. The control gates would be located across the channel east of Stag island, and were similar to those on the Point Edward Canal. Navigation would pass through the west channel, which would have a minimum width of 1,080 feet. To prevent the enlargement of this channel by the higher velocities which would result from closing the regulation gates, rock sills 10 feet wide and 3 feet average thickness could be placed on the bottom extending across the river at 100-foot intervals. The Stag island control works as thus outlined, with no deepening of the present channel would increase the stage necessar>' in Lakes Michigan-Huron for a discharge of 180,000 cfs. by 1.54 feet and would cost about $10,120,000. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 103 133. WooDTiCK Island Contraction. The second control would be at Woodtick Island, near Marine City, about 22 miles below lake Huron. At this point the flow to the east of the island is so small that closing it off would cause little effect, and a dividing dike would be built in the west channel extending the entire length of the control works, from a point opposite the center of Marine City to a point opposite the plant of the Michigan Sault Manufacturing Com¬ pany, a distance of about 11,000 feet. Two control gate structures would be necessary, one extending from the dike to Woodtick Island and the other across the channel east of this island. These wodld be similar in construction to those designed for the Point Edward Canal. The channel to the west of the dividing dike would be protected against enlargement in the same manner as proposed for Stag island. The minimum width of the navigation channel is 1,040 feet. The cost of this control is estimated at about $3,730,000 and the effect in the lake would be about 0.51 foot. 134. Contraction at Delta. Near the town of Algonac, the St. Clair river divides into a number of mouths which pass through a delta into lake St. Clair. Where the river divides into two channels, control works would be built across one branch by which more water coulld be forced through the other (the south channel), thus increasing its slope and reducing the total discharge of the river. Since this channel is somewhat narrow, but must carr>^ all the through naviption of the St. Clair river, and because of the easily eroded character of the soil, the amount of water forced through this branch would be limited to that which would produce a mean velocitv of 3 feet per second. To prevent enlargement, sills of loose rock, averaging 10 feet wide and 3 feet thick, would be pUced across the channel at 200-foot intervals. This mouth contains a bad bend, which would be cut off by a channel of 600 feet bottom width. The estimated cost of the works is $6,150,000 and their effect on the level of Lakes Michigan- Huron is 1.25 feet. 135. Since all the other mouths are cut off from Lake St. Clair by bars which have formed at their outlets into this lake, the control works across their upper end would cut off the access of boats to them. A 200-foot channel would therefore be excavated through one of these bars to let navigation pass up through one of these mouths and from it into the others which are cut off. 136. SuMM.ARY, St. Clair River. In summar\% the contraction works designed for the control of the St. Clair river for complete regulation, and their effectiveness in feet of fall, are as follows:— Stag^sTand". Total. $20,000,000 Increased head 1.54 .51 1.25 3.30 The works could be operated to reduce the outflow from lake Huron by roughly 30 per cent when so desired. 137 The total length of the contracted channels in this scheme of control, counting the delta channel as 7 miles in length, is 18 miles, and the success of the scheme depends on preventing an enlargement of their sections with the increased current velocities created by the contractions. The estimates provide for what is regarded as ample protection of the bed against scour below a depth af 30 feet, but there is no precedent for determining the extent to which this protection would have to be carried. 104 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 138. Alternative Plan of Dam With Ix)cks. An alternative is to con¬ struct control gates with locks at a suitable point in the river. Since a minimum flo\y of approximately 140,000 cfs. must be maintained, the gates need not entirely close the river, and a navigable pass could be left through which the lighter shipping could pass downstream. It is not believed that the lake cargo freighters (which are normally carr^dng their full loads downstream) could use such a pass, and the locks should be sufficient to pass all vessels of that class. In 1925, the total number of steam-vessel passages through the St. Marys falls canals, exclusive of tugs, yachts, etc., was 18.718. The number of vessel pas¬ sages through the Detroit river during the same year was 18,146, exclusive of sand carriers and passenger steamers, tugs, yachts, etc. The lock capacity provided in any works in the St. Clair river should be at least equal to that which has been found necessary at the St. Marys falls canals, which is a capacity to pass six lake freighters simultaneously. Three double-length locks would therefore be required. The cost of the locks, approaches, dam and pass is estimated at not less than $30,000,000. 139. The average time required in 1925 for passage through the United States canal, including one lock and If miles of canal, was 1 hour and 9 minutes. The average time, up and down bound, to pass through the canal is 17 minutes. The average time of lockage only, including delays, is therefore 52 minutes. The average freight carried per vessel passage was 4,370 tons, and the average rate per ton-mile was 1.08 mills. Assuming that a delay of 52 minutes is equivalent to 9 miles of travel, the average cost per vessel passage, light and loaded, in terms of revenue producing capacity of the vessel, becomes $42, and for 18,146 vessel passages $762,000 per year. The economic loss would increase with increasing traffic on the waterway. This economic loss would justify heavy maintenance costs on an open-channel scheme. Despite the uncertainty of the latter, it has been considered advisable to present it as a basis for regulation works. 140. Works in Niagara River. The works designed for controlling the outflow of lake Erie were located at the upper end of the Niagara river at Buffalo. A longitudinal dike would be built in the river, extending from Bird island, opposite the Buffalo W^ater W^orks pumping station, down the river to Ferry street, a distance of about 7,000 feet. It would be roughly parallel to the present dike along the west side of the Black Rock canal and would be on the average about 700 feet farther out in the river. It would reduce the minimum width of the river from approximately 1,600 to 1,000 feet. At the upper end of this dike, Stoney gate control works would be located by means of which the flow through the channel inside the dike could be shut off, thus reducing the flow out of lake Erie. To increase the outflow, 4,300,000 cubic yards of rock from the controlled channel and from Limekiln reef opposite its upper end would be excavated. The maximum hold-back capacity of this control on lake Erie as compared with present conditions would be 2.50 feet, and the increase in discharge which is possible as a result of the excavation is 40 000 cfs. The cost was estimated at $13,650,000. ^ 141. IVIuch of the excavation could be done more economically by using the longitudinal dike as a cofferdam. However, it would not be possible to entirely close off the entire area at once, as this would raise Lake Erie toe high ; but another cofferdam could be built first between the location of the longitudinal dike and the bank, and a channel excavated behind this This channel could then be opened, the longitudinal dike built, and the rock between the first cofferdam and the longitudinal dike excavated. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 105 142. Summary. In summary, the estimated cost of the works required for the program of complete regulation is as follows:— $13,600,000 20 , 000,000 2,800,000 Niagara l iver. St. Clair river control works Point Edward by-pass. $36,400,000 Total 143. It is of interest to note that the estimated cost of the works proposed by the Engineering Board of Review for the Chicago Sanitary District, as given by Mr. John R. Freeman in an appendix to that report, is as follows:— $ 8,174,000 25,312,000 $33,486,000 Total These estimates do not include, however, certain protective works in the Niagara river, nor the enlargement of its discharge capacity required for effect¬ ing its regulation in the lower range of levels now found necessary, and the provision made for navigation in the St. Clair river may be criticized as inade¬ quate. 144. Comparative Cost of Compensating Works With Dredging. In comparison, the cost of securing the same increase in the navigable depths of the channels and harbours of the lakes affected, by compensating works sup¬ plemented by dredging, is hereinafter shown to be as follows:— Cost of compeii-sating works. $ 3,400,000 Additional cost of dredj^ing lake channels. 5,000,000 Additional cost of dredging harbours. 5,000,000 $13,400,000 Total 145. Conclusions. In view of this showing, the construction of reflat¬ ing works as a means for impro^^ng navigation is regarded as economically unjustifiable. It therefore has been considered unnecessary to give to the designs on which the above estimates are based the searching study that would be required if their construction was to be recommended. 146. Improvements Possible in the Program for Complete REGxmATioN. —In view of the disappointing results attained by -the program for regulation that was tested, a study was made of the possibility of a program that would yield better results. It is found that the “ maximum safe stages ” chosen on Michigan-Huron and Erie in the preceding study were somewhat too conserva- ative, and that the levels on Michigan-Huron could have been raised 0.3 foot, and on Erie, 0.4 foot, without raising the regulated high-water levels above the natural high-water levels. This would not change the range in stage, except in so far as the increased discharge capacity due to the higher levels might offer the means for a reduction. Analysis of the critical periods shows that the effect on the range would be trifling. A reduction in the capacity artificially provided in the Niagara would become permissible, but further works in the St. Clair river would be required to secure the increased stages, the saving on the one hand and the cost on the other about balancing each other. The minimum discharge of 150,000 cfs. set for the St. Clair River (except when in winter the natural discharge is less) is at a few short critical periods a little more than is necessary to afford the minimum discharf set for the Niagara; but a reduction in flow during these short periods would effect but a trifling improvement in the 106 St. Lawrence Waterway Project low levels of Michigan and Huron. By reducing the minimum set for the discharge of the St. Mary’s River the range of stage on lake Superior could be decreased at the cost of increasing the range on Michigan-Huron, but no material advantage would result therefrom. 147. An entirely independent program of regulation, based on fixed rule- curves for determining the regulated monthly outflows, was tested over a portion of the period and found to give substantially the same results as those secured by the more elaborate program that has been described. 148. Finally, it may be noted that the results secured are not out of line with those predicted from the scheme of regulation advanced in the report of the Engineering Board of Review for the Sanitary District of Chicago. Putting the upper limit of the normal range of levels suggested in that report at the flood levels found in paragraph 100 of this report, the normal regulated low-water levels of the lakes under the two schemes become as follows:— Lakes Regulation pro¬ posed by Engineering Board of Review for Chicago Sanitary District Complete pro¬ gram of regu¬ lation studied in this report (corrected as in par. 144) Superior. 601.1 601.0 Michigan-Huron. 579.7 580.4 572.4 571.8 The higher level secured in the one case on lake Erie is at the expense of a lower level on lakes Michigan-Huron. The comparison is not satisfactory, since it compares normal ” stages, which may not mean the same thing in the two cases; but this Board has not the detailed tabulation of the levels under the program of regulation had in view by the engineers for the Sanitary District on which to base a more exact comparison. While the program indicated by them afforded a higher minimum flow to the Niagara River, it did not take into consideration the limitations that must be imposed on the discharge through the St. Lawrence. 149. The program for regulation was based, as is usual, on maintaining a fixed discharge each month, determined by the lake levels at the beginning of the month. It has been thought that materially better results could be secured if the discharge were varied during the month in accordance with the lake levels tliat actually developed during the month. An examination of a few critical periods indicates, however, that the improvement would be slight. The differ¬ ence between the actual and expected supplies may indeed result, in rare cases, in lake levels at the end of a month differing as much as six inches from those predicted at the beginning of the month. The extreme high levels are, however, the result of a period of high supply lasting for several months, during all of which the program for regulation would provide the maximum allowable dis¬ charge. The best that could be done by adjusting the discharge to the levels during a month would be the starting of the maximum discharge say two weeks earlier. Since high discharges are put in effect as the lake levels approach the maximum safe stages, the gain by starting the full maximum permissible dis¬ charge two weeks earlier would be very small. Similarly, extreme low levels occur at the ends of long periods of low supply, during which the regulated discharge is held down each month to the permissible minimum in any event. The actual experience with the regulation of lake Superior confirms the con¬ clusion that no material improvement could be realized by the refinement of clianging the discharge during a month. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 107 150. Regulation with Partial Control of the St. Clair River.— In view of the great cost of w^orks in the St. Clair river, required to effect the depee ot control over its flow, necessary to the complete program of regulation hpem- before describ^, and the uncertainties as to the cost^of preventing the enlpge- inent of the many miles of contracted channel in the St. Clair river contemplatea by the design, wdth consequent loss of effectiveness, a program of regulation was worked out w’hich could be put in effect wdth less extensive works. 151. The works in the St. Clair river, contemplated in the modified scheme, are control structures at Stag island (8 miles below the head of the river) and at Woodtick Island (22 miles below the head of the river). The works at Stag island are similar to those proposed at this site for complete control (par IdO), but the longitudinal dike extends only to the ends of the natural bar extending up and down stream from the island, giving a total length of 17^000 feet of con¬ tracted channel. Their estimated cost is $2,560,000 and their effectiveness, with the gates closed, is measured by 0.50 foot of head on lake Huron. The works at Woodtick island are identical with those proposed for complete control (par. 131) Their estimated cost is $3,730,000 and their effectiveness is measured by 0 51 foot on lake Huron. The total cost of the works is therefore $6,290,000 and their total effectiveness is 1.01 feet on lake Huron. The closinng of the gates at both works would reduce the discharge capacity of the St. Clair-lJetroit rivers by roughly 10 per cent. 152 The contemplated works for the Niagara River are similar to those con¬ sidered for regulation with complete control of the St. Clair river (see paragraph 140) but with less outlet enlargement. The enlargement proposed requires the excavation of 2,100,000 cubic yards and gives an increase m discharge capacity of 25 000 cfs, as compared with 4.300,000 cmbic yards and 40,000 cfs in the com¬ pile control scheme. The cost is estimated at $8,575,000. These works if continuously closed would raise lake Erie 1.25 feet. 153. The program of regulation is based on the same limitations as to minimum flows and flood levels as governed that for complete regulation. The operation of the gates was, however, based on set rule curves, instead of budget¬ ing the water between the lakes. These rules were in the form of diagrams as shown on plates 12 to 15. Plate 12, the diagram for lake Superior outflow, gives the number of gates in the control works at St. !Mar>^ falls which shoiud be opened during each month for the various stages in the lake on the flrst of the month, and curves showing the discharge which such gate openings would pro¬ duce Plate 13 gives the rule by which the gates of the Stag and Woodtick Island controls in the St. Clair river would be regulated, and diagram showing the discharge of the St. Clair river for the various stages m lakes Huron and Erie with all the gates of these two controls both open and closed. The same per cent of retardation from ice was assumed for the controlled flow as existed for the natural flow. Plates 14 and 15 give the discharge to be allowed during the month for the various stages on the first of the month m the Niagara and St. Lawrence, respectively. 154 This system of regulation materially changes the outflow of lake Superior, reducing the flow in the early part of the year and substantial y increasing it in the fall. This causes the lakes to rise more rapidly m the early nart of the year, and thus produces greater depths in the lake; and the increased Lw in the fall reaches lakes Michigan-Huron at a time when their levels are beginning to drop, and thus tends to keep them up. Looking from a different angle it may be said that the heavy inflows into lake Superior take place later 108 St. Lawrence Waterway Project in the year than in the other lakes. By reducing the outflow during the first part of the year lake Superior is made to rise more nearly synchronously with the other lakes, and by discharging larger quantities in the latter part of the year, the falling levels are also more nearly synchronized. This tends to keep the depths of water in the navigation channels of all the lakes more nearly the same. 155. The application of the rule curves of the St. Clair river, is such that over long periods of years the gates remain closed, except for an adjustment period immediately after completing the work. Two of these long periods are 1863 to 1874, inclusive 4 and 1889 to 1903, inclusive, 12 and 15 years, respec¬ tively. 156. Results Secured by Regulation with Partial Control of the St. Clair River. The lake levels and discharges secured by this less complete control are shown in tables 9 to 12, and are shown graphically on plates 16 to 19. The results are summarized in the duration curves shown on plates 10 and 11. 157. Eliminating as before the low levels occurring less than 2 per cent of the time, the range in level during the navigation seasons in the period between 1894 and 1925 would have been as follows, had the system been in effect during that period:— Superior. M ichigan-Huron Erie. Ontario. Lakes High Low Range 603-4 600-6 2-8 582-3 579-2 3-1 574-5 571-3 3-2 248-0 244-6 3-4 158. These ranges compare as follows with those heretofore found (par. 124) for complete regulation and for the unregulated flow through the present out¬ lets:— Lakes Superior. M ich igan-Huro u Erie. Ontario. Range in stage, 1894-1925 With corapleto regulation With partial control of the St. Clair River Unregu¬ lated, with present outlets 2-4 2-8 2-8 2-4 3-1 3-5 2-8 3-2 3-3 2-9 3-4 4-2 159. As compared with the results secured by compensating works, the system of regulation with the works proposed for the partial control of the flow of the St. Clair river would afford, therefore, but 0.4 foot gain in the low levels on lakes Michigan-Huron and 0.1 foot on Erie, if the high levels were raised to the same elevation in the two cases. 160. As in the case of complete regulation this system would increase some¬ what the minimum discharge of the Niagara and St. Lawrence rivers, but would prolong the period during which low discharges occur. The irregularity intro¬ duced in the flow of these rivers would not be nearly as far reaching as in the St. Lawrence Waterway Project 109 case of the complete system of regulation. The effect on the ordinary levels of Montreal harbour, as tested from 1914 to 1924 would be a reduction of a few tenths only in the harbour levels. A slight modification of the rule cur\'es would remedy this effect. 161. Works in St. Clair River only. The Board has considered a sug¬ gestion made by Mr. M. G. Barnes, Chief Engineer, Division of Waterways State of Illinois, that works similar to those just discussed be constructed in the St. Clair river only, for the purpose of raising the low water stages of lakes Michigan-Huron, without raising the high-water levels corresponding!}'. The control over the flow in the St. Clair river secured from the works suggested would not be far different from that secured from those proposed for the modified program of regulation pust considered. If these works were operated as proposed in that program to hold back water when it could be spared from lake Erie, the gain in the levels of Michigan-Huron could not exceed that found from the modified program described, amounting to a few tenths only in excess of the gain that can be pro\'ided by compensating works. It must be recollected that to raise lakes Michigan-Huron one inch in a month, it would be necessary to hold back a flow of 40,000 cfs. during that period, and that this would lower the level of lake Erie by 4^ inches. 162. The present natural retardation of the flow of the St. Clair and Detroit rivers by ice gorging in winter serves to raise the levels of lakes Michigan and Huron; and, since it occurs just prior to spring rise in Erie, does not reduce the minimum navigation levels on the latter. Since the amount of winter retardation varies from year to year, the thought has occurred to engineers who have given lake levels long study, that it would be useful to provide artificial works to insure this retardation when nature fails to effect it. A study of the discharges of the St. Clair river under the program for complete regulation, shown on plate 8. discloses that this is substantially the effect brought about by that program. But to bring it about it is necessar}’ to construct very elaborate and expensive works on the St. Clair. The results that can be secured from less comprehensive works, which will at the same time afford free channels of the capacity required for navigation, are indicated by results predicted under the modified program of regulation hereinbefore discussed, and would amount to a gain in the levels of lakes Michigan and Huron exceeding by only a few tenths of a foot the gain that can be provided by fixed compensating works. 163. Combined Regulation of Lakes Erie and Ontario. .\n attempt was made to devise a program for the regulation of Lake Erie that could be put in effect in conjunction with the required regulation of lake Ontario to the mutual advantage of the levels and outflows of the two lakes. It was found, however, that the program arrived at after considerable study increased the maximum range of stage on lake Erie, and the fluctuations in its discharge, while at the same time the regulation of lake Ontario that could be secured with the altered flow from lake Erie was not as beneficial as that which could be secured with the natural flow. The reason for this seeming anomoly is not difficult to dis¬ cover. The present natural discharge from lake Erie to lake Ontario increases gradually as lake Erie rises, and decreases gradually as it falls. Extreme fluctuations in Erie are therefore checked, while at the same time lake Ontario is not subjected to violent changes in inflow. It is not difficult to work up a program that would improve the present situation during a given sequence of unusually high or low supplies to the two lakes; but if such extremes happen to occur in a different sequence, the program is apt to aggravate rather than to 110 St. Lawrence Waterway Project improve the situation. To devise a program that will best meet all extremes that have occurred is no small task; and it is well to recollect that such a program might not meet the combination of extreme conditions that may occur in the future. In any event, the only possible way by which the preseut fluctuations in the levels of lake Erie can be reduced is by intensifying the fluctuations in discharge, and such course cannot serve otherwise than to render the regulation of Ontario more difficult in the long run and to decrease the benefits derivable from the regulation of that lake. 164. Regulation of Lakes Michigan-Huron and Erie for the Benefit OF PowEm Development. The schemes for regulation of these lakes heretofore considered have been directed primarily to reducing the range of fluctuation of lake levels, in order to raise the low levels for the benefit of navigation without raising the high levels to the detriment of the cities and towns on the lake shores. It has been seen that the results attainable are small in. relation to the cost of the works necessary to produce them. While it is true that the systems proposed effect at the same time a small increase in the absolute minimum flow available in the power reaches of the Niagara and the St. Lawrence, yet the systems greatly prolong the period during which low discharges occur. 165. A study of the levels and outflows resulting from the program of com¬ plete regulation., shown on plates 8 and 9, indicates that during the period of 32 years covered by the diagrams, a minimum flow of about 215,000 or 220,000 cfs. could have been maintained into the St. Lawrence (except during such times in winter as such a draft might be inadvisable due to ice conditions), and a minimum flow of 186,000 cfs. maintained out of lake Erie (Niagara River and Welland Canal combined) without causing a greater fluctation in the levels of the Lakes than actually occurred in their unregulated condition. Under such a program the benefit to navigation on the Great Lakes, as compared with the benefits to be secured from compensating works, would have been nil. The advantages, and disadvantages, to power on the St. Lawrence would have been roughly as follows:— (1) For about one-third of the time, during which the natural flows ranged from 186,000 to say 217.000 cfs. the flow would have been increased to 217,000 cfs. (2) For another third of the time, during which the natural flows ranged from 217,000 to 240,000 cfs., the flow would have been decreased to 217,000 cfs. (3) For the last third of the time the flows would have been in excess of the capacity of the power plants in either case. 166. Had the St. Lawrenee river been fully developed for power, the output that might be classed as strictly primary would have been increased by about 15 per cent, but the total kilowatt hours that could have been delivered from hydro-electric plants with installed capacity to utilize the natural mean flow of the river would not have been increased materially if at all. 167. The redistribution in flow would be of doubtful benefit to Montreal harbour. Taking the critical month of October, it is found that a flow of 217,000 cfs. would raise the extreme low harbour levels occurring 10 per cent of the time, but would depress the levels occurring the remaining 90 per cent of the time. 168. That any program of regulation of the Great Lakes must prolong the periods of lower outflow is not generally appreciated or even suspected; but is an inevitable consequence of the restricted discharge capacity of the outlets. An ordinary storage reservoir has a spillway capacity sufficient to discharge all St. Lawrence Waterway Project in of the water that reaches it in floods, so that water can be stored at pl^sure^ The outlets of the Great Lakes, both separately and as a whole, are insufficient to discharge the water which reaches the Lakes during periods extending over several months in each year, and enlargements possible with the expenditure of millions of dollars will increase the capacity but by a relatively small degree. To maintam lake stages within their present limits of fluctuation it is necessary, therefore, to spread an increased discharge over a range of stage so wide th^ it infringes on the beneficial storage resulting from the present outlet regime. Ihe storage of w'ater by regulation must be limited to periods when all or most of the natural outflow has some present or prospective beneficial use. But the water so stored can be put to beneficial use only if the subsequent supply is below normal. If the subsequent supply is above normal the stored water must, be discharged at an accelerated rate, and has no beneficial use. 169. Program Directed to Raising Lake Ontario Lei’els. Power on the International Section of the St. Lawrence might also be benefited by a difterent program of regulation directed toward reducing the fluctuations of lake Ontario so that it could be held continuously at high levels. The h^d on the upper power plants could therefore be increased and better conditions realized tor maintaining the winter flow without creating current velocities incompa,tible with the maintenance of an ice cover. Such a program would, in effect, eliminate lake Ontario from the reservoir system of the Lakes, but inasmuch as its area is but about 8 per cent of the total lake area, its loss would not curtail serioi^ly such beneficial effects of regulation as may at some future time be regarded as worth their cost. Preliminary computations indicate that a program of regulation based on these lines is practicable. 170. Regulation of Lake Erie for Ni.agara Poxver. The regulation of lake Erie for the primary purpose of restributing the daily flow of the Niagara to the best interest of the scenic beauty at the Falls and power resources of the river has been suggested, but this phase of lake regulation is outside of the purview of the present Board. It is enough to say that there are a number ot difficulties to be met in effecting such regulation, and the construction of works for the purpose cannot be regarded as probable in the near future. 171. Regulation of Lake Ontario Alone. The regulation of lake Ontario alone, in connection with the improvement of the St. Lawrence for navigation and power, forms the subject of a separate study, at the end of this appendix. COMPENSATING WORKS 172 Compensating Works on Rii'er. It has been shown (para¬ graph 59) that the present diversions from lake Erie have lowered its level by 0.6 foot and that it mav be lowered by a total of 0.7 foot after the new \\elland Ship Canal is in operation. The compensating works herein proposed are designed to raise the low-water levels by 0.7 foot and the high levels a slightly less amount. The plans for the compensating works are designed to meet the winte’- ice conditions, and to fit in with works for regulating the outflow, should the lattei be undertaken at some future time. 173 During the winter an ice sheet forms over the eastern end of lake Erie, up to the shoal water at the head of the Niagara river, but from these «shoals to the Falls the river runs open. W inter storms telescope the ice sn^t against the shores and shoals, building it up into thick masses, and occasionally 112 St. Lawrence Waterway Project large areas of lake ice are broken up and driven into the river. The volume of ice set in motion at such times may be judged from the fact that in December, 1924, when, the run of ice created by one storm jammed at the outlet of the Niagara into lake Ontario, it filled in two days the lower portion of the river to a depth of twenty feet or more for a distance of 7 miles, and backed up the water level at the upper end of the reach some 20 feet above the summer level. If a jam should form in the portion of the river above the falls during a heavy run of ice, it would cut off the water supply to existing power installations, and might so curtail the outflow from lake Erie as to cause a rise in lake levels that cause widespread flood damage. The Board regards it as essential that any compensating w^orks now* constructed in the Niagara river, and any regulating works that may be undertaken in the future, be so located and designed that the danger of an ice jam in the upper river will not be incurred. 174. Some of the plans heretofore proposed for compensating and regulating works m the Niagara River have placed these w’orks just above the rapids at the head of the Falls. Since the level of the river at this point must be raised from 4 to 5 feet to produce the desired rise of 0.7 foot in the levels of lake Erie, the attempt to control the levels of lake Erie by works at this site would necessarily result in the slackening of the current through the pool by about 25 per cent and consequently increase the risk of an ice sheet catching across the river, with the consequent formation of an ice jam. The future development of such works into regulating works would entail a still greater slacking of the current, and further increase the hazard. Aside from the question of flowage of the low land bordering the Grass Island Pool, the works at its foot for the control of lake Erie are not regarded as advisable. 175. The construction of submerged rock sills in the narrow and swift portion of the river between Fort Erie and Squaw Island, as proposed in the W^ren Report, w^ould accomplish the desired compensation wdthout interfering wuth the free passage of ice. Such w^orks w^ould, however, greatly increase the cost of a controlled enlargement of the discharge capacity of the river, should the installation of regulating works ever become advisable. Niagara River Proposed by Present Bo.ard. The site selected for the compensating works now proposed is therefore just above the contracted section at the head of the river. The construction proposed is shown on the drawing accompanying the main report. It consists of a longitudinal dike, 2,400 feet long, with a riprap weir 1,670 feet long connecting the upper end to the Canadian shore. The crest of this weir is to be but slightly below the securing at such stages an effective contraction by the longitudinal dike; but at high stages a considerable flow will pass over the weir, reducing the effectiveness of the contraction. The high levels of the lake will be rais^ by an amount somewhat less than the low levels. Four submerged rock sills are to be placed across the relatively deep hole in the main river channel opposite the dike, with crests at the ruling depth of this part of the river which is 13 feet below the Lake Survey standard low-water datum pese sil s are to have a stop width of 15 feet and side slope of 3 horizontal to 1 yertica . The works proposed will not interfere with the light-draught navi¬ gation which occasionally passes through this section. Ordinary commercial navigation will not be affected, since it passes through the Black Rock canal. 1 here is no risk of loss of effectiveness from the scouring of the contracted channel, since the r^er bed at the site is generally ledge rock. The structures will not interfere with the free passage of ice, nor produce any slacking of the current m the mam river channel which would tend to cause ice jams. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 113 177. Estimated Cost of Proposed Works. The estimated cost of the pro¬ posed works is as follows:— LoDKitudinrl dike: Cribuork, 22,360 cu. yds. at $8.00 . Concrete cap, 5,450 cu. yds. at $12.00. Weir: Rock fill (up to 10-ton stone), 36,000 cu. yds. at $6.50 Submerged sills (up to 10-ton stone), 17,450 cu. yds. at $6.50 $591,705 Engineering and contingencies, approximately 20 per cent .. 108,295 Total . $700,000 178. Effect on Oscillations at Buffalo. At various times in the past, objection has been made to the construction of compensating or regulation works in the upper part of the Niagara under the theory that this portion of the river now acts as a safety valve to check an extreme rise of lake Erie at Buffalo when westerly storms pile up the water at the eastern end of the lake. Computations show that the relief afforded by the increasing discharge of the Niagara river at such times must be quite small, and since the discharge will increase a little more rapidly with the compensating works than at present, these works will raise the extreme storm levels by an amount a trifle less than that by which they raise the normal levels. The storm levels will therefore be no higher than they would have been had no diversions been made from lakes Michigan and Erie. Even if the compensating works are eventually developed into regulating works, with a free passage substantially as wide as the present restricted section of the river, the effect on increasing the storm fluctuations of level at Buffalo would be negligible, if the gates were not opened to meet the storm rise; but by opening the gates, the present situation might be somewhat improved. 179. Adapt.ability to Changing Conditions. The degree of compensation afforded by the works herein proposed can be controlled, within limits, by the elevation of the crest of the weir. The computed crest elevation required to provide the desired rise of 0.70 foot in the levels of lake Erie is approximately elevation 570, but discharge determinations made as the work proceeds will permit adjustment of the elevation of the last portion built. 180. Should the diversions affecting lake Erie be reduced in the future to an extent such that these works would raise unduly the high lake levels, a reduction in the amount of compensation afforded can be secured by removing a portion of the weir. Should the construction of regulating works become desirable, sluice gates can be substituted for the weir to form a part of the control structure. 181. Construction Period. The construction of any control works entails a reduction in the outflow from the lake while it is filling. If the construction is spread over two years, the reduction in outflow should not exceed 3,000 to 4,000 cfs. at any time; and such a reduction, if not made at the culmination of a low-water period, will have no noticeable effect on the flow and levels of the Niagara and the St. Lawrence. 182. Compensating Works in the St. Clair River. As previously shown (paragraph 59), the present diversions and changes in the outlet capacity of the St. Clair river have lowered the levels of lakes Michigan and Huron by approximately 1.15 feet, and future extensions of the diversions may slightly increase this figure. The lowering has been in progress for many years, and 45827—8 $178,880 65,400 234,000 113,425 B 114 St. Lawrence Jfaterway Project has been in part discounted in constructions on the shores of the lake. The Board regards it as safe, however, to raise the levels of lakes Michigan and Huron by one foot. 183. The compensating works proposed in lake Erie will raise the water levels of lake St. Clair by nearly 0.4 foot, and, with the present river channels, would raise the levels of lakes Michigan and Huron by a little less than 0.2 foot. The compensating works proposed in the St. Clair river will, however, reduce this backwater effect on lakes Michigan-Huron to about 0.15 foot. In order to raise the levels of these lakes by one foot, it is necessary, therefore, to increase the fall of the St. Clair river by 0.85 foot. 184. Works Proposed on St. Clair River. Compensating works in the St. Clair river must be designed with full regard to the great volume of com¬ merce that passes through the waterway. To this end, and to permit of the future deepening of the navigation channels to the maximum extent now fore¬ seen, the works recommended are a series of submerged rock sills, at the general locations shown on plate 20, with crests 30 feet below the low-water stage of the river. Eight of these sills are placed in the deep section of the river just below the gorge at its head, and are intended to compensate for the enlargement caused by gravel dredging in that locality, and to stabilize conditions in this controlling section of the river. A total of 23 more sills are distributed along the river from Port Huron-Sarnia to Marine City, at localities where the depth is in excess of 30 feet. The estimated quantity of rock required for the entire construction is 1,156,000 cubic yards. Since suitable rock for their construction is produced on a large scale for fluxing purposes, and is an article of the com¬ merce of the waterway, it can be secured and placed at moderate prices. The estimated cost of the works is $2,700,000. 185. It is recognized that the number of sills required to produce the desired results cannot be foretold with assurance, for data on the effect of such deeply submerged weirs is meager. A study of all available data, including the actual effect of the vTecks of the two schooners sunk near the head of the river in 1900, indicates that the desired results possible may be secured with a fewer number of sills. It is not considered that conclusive data can be secured by experiments with small-scale models, or by further observations on dams in other streams when deeply submerged by floods, for existing data indicates that the effect of such weirs depends on the local conditions of flow. The con¬ struction of the sills should be prosecuted consecutively, their effectiveness determined by discharge observations as the work proceeds, such changes made in the location of the sills subsequently constructed as is dictated by the results of these observations, and the work stopped when the desired results are secured. 186. Construction Period. The filling of lakes Michigan and Huron by one foot will require a reduction in the outflow from these lakes by an amount averaging 8,000 cfte. for a period of five years. Since the full effect of the last weirs constructed will not be realized for some years after their completion, no violent reduction in outflow will occur if the work is spread over four years time. To avoid accentuating the effect on existing diversions on the lakes below and on the St. LawTehce, the construction of the compensating works should be suspended during extreme low-water periods. 187. Alternative Plans. The compensating works herein proposed run contrary to the controlled enlargement of the river that will be required should the regulation of its outflow be undertaken at some future time. For this reason the Board has given full consideration to a plan for effecting a part of the com- B St. Lawrence Waterway Project 115 pensation by closing one of the channels at Stag island by a dike that could be removed at relatively small cost if regulation works were undertaken. There is, however, a strong likelihood that the concentration of the flow in one channel at Stag island would result in the enlargement of that channel by scour, with consequent loss of effectiveness of the contraction originally secured; and the extent and cost of works required to prevent such enlargement can not be pre¬ dicted with certainty. At the present time, north-bound traffic follows one of the channels at Stag island and south-bound traffic the other, eliminating any risk of collision at the particular locality. While it is true that the use of a single channel by both up and dowm commerce is not hazardous in any ordinary sense of the term, yet the volume of traffic is so great that the unnecessary introduction of any additional risk whatever is inadmissable. The desired amount of compensation of levels can be secured at substantially the same probable cost without discontinuing the present local separation of traffic, and it is clearly inadvisable to subject important present commerce to disadvanta¬ geous conditions on the slight chance that some money may be saved in the future by such a course. 188. Effect of Ice Gorging. The ice conditions on the St. Clair river are the opposite to those in the upper Niagara river. As has been pointed out, the upper Niagara river always runs open, so that no ice gorging occurs. It is essential that compensating or regulating works preserve this condition, in order that the serious consequences of an ice jam may be prevented. The St. Clair river always closes in winter, with a consequent throttling of the winter flow. The effect of the diminished outflow is a part of the normal regimen of the lakes, to which all interests have adjusted themselves. Since, after an ice cover has once formed, any increase in current velocities tends to aggravate the ice accumulations, it is to be anticipated that the compensating works, which wdll cause local increases in current velocities, may increase the retardation of the discharge in winter. This effect will tend to increase the effectiveness of the works, and if found at all marked, can be allowed for by omitting some of the sills included in the estimate. 189. Compensation for Enlarged Navigation Channels. The deepening of the navigation channels in the St. Clair and Detroit rivers will tend to increa^ their outlet capacities and consequently to draw down the levels of lakes Michi¬ gan and Huron. To counteract this effect it will be necessary to supplement the compensating works heretofore proposed, in a degree depending upon the dimensions of the channel provided for navigation. The situation docs not arise on any other of the lakes, for at no other outlet does an open deep-draft navigation channel pass through the portion of the outlet that controls the level of the lake. 190. The enlargement of the discharge capacity of the St. Clair river con¬ sequent to any channel enlargement that now can be foreseen is much less than is commonly supposed. The contracted section at the head of the river, which has a major influence on the discharge capacity, affords a navigable channel exceeding 40 feet in depth. The remainder of the river has navigable depths generally exceeding 30 feet, so that dredging will be required at isolated shoal reaches only. The excavated material can be disposed of most economically by placing it in the portions of the river that are larger than need be, so that a considerable amount of compensation will be effected automatically. The slopes of the river are generally so slight, and the enlargements required for navigation at the various shoal sections are so small in proportion to the present section of 45827-8i 116 St. Lawrence Waterway Project the river, that a convincing determination of the amount by which these slopes would be reduced on account of the dredging is scarcely attainable. A study shows, however, that an entirely uncompensated enlargement of the river to afford a navigable channel 30 feet deep with ample width for navigation could not lower the levels of lakes Michigan-Huron by more than 0.2 foot, and a channel 25 feet deep by more than 0.1 foot. After considering the compensation that can be effected by the dredged' material itself, it is considered that the addition of 4 additional sills at a cost of §400,000 will fully compensate for the enlargement of the St. Clair river required to produce a navigation channel 30 feet deep; a total of 3 additional sills at a cost of §300,000 for that caused by a channel 27 feet deep; and 2 additional sills at a cost of §200,000 for a channel 25 feet deep. The cost of compensating work becomes relatively more expensive as the amoirnt of compensation of level increases. If the only compensation undertaken were for the increase in the present outlet capacity due to an enlarge¬ ment for navigation, the cost would be but about a quarter of the above figure. 191. On the Detroit river, it will be practicable to so place the material excavated in the enlargement of the channel for navigation as to prevent any sensible increase in the discharge capacity of the river, and any consequent effect on lake levels. This course was pursued in the excavation of the Living¬ stone Channel, which is the most recent and the major enlargement of the river for navigation, and subsequent discharge measurements indicate that the desired result was accomplished. Most of the material to be excavated in this river is rock, so that the spoil will be suitable for the construction of contraction works, and there are sufficient sites at which such contractions can be made without creating conditions detrimental to navigation. The cost of so placing the excavated material is included in the costs of the channels hereinafter presented. EFFECT OF CONTROL OF LAKE LEVEIES ON COST OF INTERLAKE CHANNELS 192. The cost of improving the main navigation channels between and through the lakes, so as to provide the depths required in conjunction with the improvement of the St. Lawrence, obviously depends upon the levels at which the lakes are held. It is not possible to raise the lake levels sufficiently to eliminate channel dredging for this purpose; all that can be accomplished is to reduce the amount of excavation required. Furthermore, the cost of channel dredging will not be reduced in full proportion to the reduction of the yardage of material excavated, as the unit costs of dredging increase as the depth of cut decreases beyond a certain point. 193. The lake levels determined upon as datum planes for navigation channels with various systems of control are shown in the tabulation below. Those for channels secured by excavation only are the levels which would have been available during the navigation season for at least 99 per cent of the time during the past 66 years, had the present diversions and the prospective diversion through the Welland canal been running continuously during that period, and had the outlets to the lakes been in their present condition. In other words they are the monthly mean levels which past experience shows will be exceeded except during one month in a hundred and through the entire navi¬ gation seasons of eleven years out of twelve. They are based on the construc¬ tion of tlie such relatively minor compensating works in the St. Clair river as St. Lawrence Waterway Project 117 are necessary to preserve the present levels of lakes Michigan and Huron when that river is enlarged for navigation. The datum levels with the proposed com¬ pensating works are obtained by adding the amounts by which these works will raise the low levels of the lakes (paragraph 172 and 182). The datum levels with regulating works are obtained by again adding the reduction in the range of stage anticipated from the operation of such works (paragraph 125 and 159), it being assumed that the regulating works would be operated for the benefit of navigation under the program described and to keep the high levels of the lakes from exceeding the levels reached by the compensating works. DATUM PLANES — Superior Michigan and Huron St. Clair Erie Proposed Plaxes— Witbout control works. 601 0 578-0 573-4 570-25 Witb compensating works. 601 0 579-0 573-75 571-0 Witb. complete regulation . 601-4 580-1 574-00 571-5 Witb modified regulation. 601-0 579-4 573-8 571-1 Present Planes— United States datum for channel and harbour improvements. 601-6 579-6 573-8 570-8 Canadian datum for channel and harbour im¬ provements . 601-0 580-0 570-8 For new Welland Ship Canal. 568-0 It will be noted that the proposed datum planes for channels without control works are generally lower than the datum planes now adopted by the two countries. The latter were fixed prior to the recent low-water period. 194. The cost of securing channels of 25, 27, and 30 feet depths, respec¬ tively^ from deep water in lake Superior to deep water in lake Erie, at the lake levels indicated in the preceding paragraph, are shown in the following tabu¬ lations. These costs are based on the deepening of existing channels, witli such enlargements and rectification as experience with these channels has proved necessary. The estimates for channels 27 and 30 feet deep include the cost of a new lock in the St. Marys river, with chamber 80 feet in width and 1,350 feet in length, and with 30 feet depth over the sills at the datum plane indicated. The Davis and Fourth locks, already built, will pass vessels of 23-foot draft, for which the channels 25 feet in depth are designed. COST OF CHANNELS FROM LAKE ERIE TO LAKE SUPERIOR -—--j- Cost of excavation and lock Cost of control works Total cost Twenty-ptv'e Feet Deep— 1. Without control works. $45,900,000 $ 50,000 $ 45,950,000 2. With compensating works. 41,100,000 3,600,000 44,700,000 3. With partial regulation. 39,800,000 14,900,000 54,700,000 4. With complete regulation. 36,800,000 36,400,000 73,200,000 Twenty-seven Feet Deep— 1. Without control works. 66,500,000 100,000 66,600,000 2. With compensating works. 61,400,000 3,700,000 65,100,000 3. With partial regulations. 60,000,000 14,900,000 74,900,000 4. With complete regulations. 56,900,000 36,400,000 93,300,000 Thirty Feet Deep— 1. Without control works. 88,100,000 100,000 88,200,000 2. With compensating works. 82,400,000 3,800,000 86,200.000 3. With partial regulation. 80.900,000 14,900,000 95,800,000 4. With complete regulation. 77,400,000 36,400,000 113,800,000 118 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 195. It will be seen that the cost of compensating works will be more than counterbalanced by the saving they effect in providing the main interlake channels. Their construction will effect also a saving in the cost of such enlargement of the harbours on the lakes as is undertaken in conjunction with the provision of deeper main channels. The amount of such enlargement that will be regarded as justifiable can only be roughly forecast, but general figures indicate that the raising of the lake levels by compensating works may save $5,000,000 in the cost of harbour works likely to be undertaken by the two countries. REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ONLY 196. Necessity for Program of Regulation. All plans for the improve¬ ment of the International Rapids Section for the benefit of deep draft naviga¬ tion and power include a major enlargement of the present control section at the Galop rapids, and the control of the outflow through the wheels of the power plants and the sluice gates of the dams. A program for the regulation of the outflow is therefore requisite. 197. A number of studies have been made by several engineers on the regulation of lake Ontario in connection with the development of power on the St. Lawrence and these studies have been considered by the Board. An examination of the duration curves of outflow through the application of the several programs to past supplies to lake Ontario shows that the benefit to’ power operation obtained by any of them is not great. The minimum flow is increased only by decreasing the outflow available for a major proportion of the time. 198. Ends Secured by Proposed Program. The program herein presented by the Board is drawn up to secure the following results:— (а) To keep the fluctuations of the levels of lake Ontario within the levels that it has had in the past. (б) To maintain, without impairment, the low water levels of Montreal harbour. (c) To maintain low flows during the winter period December 15 to March 31, in order that the difficulties of winter power operation may not be aggravated. (d) To maintain flows during the first half of April no greater than would naturally occur, in order to avoid the danger of aggravating the spring rise during the breakup of the ice below Montreal. (e) To avoid any material increase in the amount and duration of the high discharges during May, in order not to aggravate high water heights in lake St. Louis during the Ottawa floods. (/) To hold back the natural excess outflow during the early summer months, in order to raise the ordinary levels of lake Ontario. (g) To secure the maximum dependable flow throughout the year for power operation. 199. Specific Program Proposed. The rule curves on which the program is based are shown on plate 21. The regulated outflow for any monthly or half monthly period is to be determined by applying to the rule cur\^e for the month, the level of lake Ontario at the beginning of the period, as established by several gages, the discharge so found to be modified by a correction based on the mean level of lake Huron during the previous month. The controlling sluice gates are then to be so set as to maintain during the period the required discharge out of the lake, through the turbines and sluices. 200. Lake Huhon Correction. The correction based on lake Huron levels is for the purpose of applying the forecast that these levels furnish on the supply to lake Ontario. The base levels of lake Huron are as taken as follows:— St. Lawrence Waterway Project 119 1860 to 1888 After 1889 1860 to 1888 After 1889 April ..... . 581.46 580.66 August. .... 582.13 581.33 May .. . 581.78 580.98 September .. _ 581.95 580.15 Jline ...., . 582.04 581.24 October. _ 581.73 580.93 July.. . 582.18 581.38 November ... _ 581.52 580.72 When the monthly mean level of lake Huron is above its base level for the month the regulated discharge from lake Ontario for the following month, as determined from the rule curv^es, is increased at the rate of 10,000 cfs. per foot of excess of lake Huron level; when the monthly mean level of lake Huron is below its base level, the regulated discharge from lake Ontario is decreased at the same rate. The correction is not applied, however, to increase the dis¬ charge during the first half of April, nor to increase the discharge during any month above 310,000 cfs. No lake Huron correction is made in the winter months, December to March inclusive, since such correction might unduly increase the flow during these months. 201. Thus, in June 1876, the mean level of lake Huron was 583.22 or 1.18 feet above the base for that month. The lake Huron correction for July, 1876 would have been 12.000 cfs. The regulated stage of lake Ontario at the end of June would have been 248.22. The discharge for July, from the diagram, would be 307,000 cfs. The correction would bring the regulated discharge to 319,000 cfs. The regulated discharge is therefore taken at the maximum of 310,000 cfs. The computations of the effect of the program of regulation are illustrated in detail in table 18, which shows the derivation of the regulated levels and outflows for the years 1860 to 1862, inclusive. T\BLE No. 18.—TYPICAL COMPUTATION. PROPOSED REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ONLY Year Month Supply to Ontario (a) Dis¬ charge (b) L. Huron correc¬ tion (b) Corrected discharge (b) Storage for month (a) Storage (ft.) Level at end month 1 QAn June 247-28 loOU. July 264 268 -fll 279 -15 -019 7-09 Aug. 236 258 -fll 269 -33 -0-41 6-68 Sept. 245 251 4-11 262 -17 -0-21 6-47 Oct. 254 247 4-10 257 - 3 -0 04 6-43 Nov. 267 263 4- 9 272 - 5 -006 6-37 Dec. 248 300 300 -26 -0-32 6-05 216 216 + 16 +0-20 6-25 1861 Jan. 229 210 210 +19 +0-24 6-49 Feb. 257 223 223 +34 +0-42 6-91 Mar. 270 242 242 +28 +0-35 7-26 April 323 268 268 +28 +0-35 7-61 293 4- 9 302 + 10 +0*12 7-73 May 350 291 4- 9 300 +50 +0-62 8-35 June 307 310 -fl2 310 - 3 -004 8-31 July 282 310 -fl3 310 -28 -0*35 7-96 Aug. 265 288 +13 301 -36 -0-45 7-51 Sept. 273 289 +14 303 -30 -0-38 7-13 Oct. 295 288 + 15 303 - 8 -010 7-03 Nov. 276 304 + 15 310 -34 -0-42 6-61 Dec. 259 310 310 -26 -0*32 6-29 218 218 +20 +0-25 6-54 l«f>9 Jan. 214 212 212 + 2 +0 02 6-54 Feb. 242 224 224 18 +0-22 6-78 Mar. 293 240 240 +53 +0-66 7-44 April 355 272 272 +42 +0-52 7-96 310 +11 310 +22 +0-28 8-24 May 331 310 + 11 310 +21 +0-26 8-50 June 297 310 + 11 310 -13 -016 8-34 July 287 310 +10 310 -23 -0*29 8-05 Aug. 249 292 + 9 301 -52 -0-65 7-40 Sept. 233 283 + 9 292 -59 -0-74 6-66 Oct. 235 256 + 9 265 -30 -0*38 6-28 Nov. 244 247 +14 261 -17 -0-21 607 Dec. 257 239 239 + 9 -Oil 6-18 217 217 +20 +0-25 6-43 (a ) In thousands of cubic feet per second, (b) In thousands of cubic feet per second per month. 120 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 202. Results Secured. The program was tested by applying it to the conditions that would have obtained from 1860 to 1925 had a diversion of 8,500 cfs. from the lake basin been continuous during the period. The resulting levels and outflows, month by month, together with the natural levels and outflows, are shown in table 19. The duration curves of outflows, and of lake levels are shown on plates 10, 11, and 22. 203. An examination of the results from the proposed program shows:— Without regulation With actual diversions With continuous diversion of 8,500 cfs. Regulated Maximum level Lake Ontario at end of any month. Minimum level, Lake Ontario, at end of any month. Level of Lake Ontario exceeded 90 per cent of time during navigation seasons. Number of months in 65 years in which stage of Lake Ontario exceeded 248-1 (at end of month). Maximum monthly mean outflow,. Minimum monthly mean outflow. Outflow exceeded— 90 per cent of time. 70 per cent of time. 50 per cent of time. 248-79 (May, 1870} 243-42 (Nov., 1895) 245-0 26 318,000 cfs. 174,000 cfs. 248-37 (May, 1870} 243-00 (Nov., 1895) 8 310,000 cfs. 166,000 cfs. 199,000 223,000 238,000 248-95 (May, 1870) 243-58 (Nov., 1895) 245-6 20 310,000 cfs. 182,000 cfs. 203,000 212,000 233,000 204. The program would maintain the flow during the summer and fall months sufficiently to preserve completely the low water levels of Montreal harbour resulting from the unregulated flow. The regulated flows during the first half of April would not exceed, in amount or frequency, the unregulated outflow. The maximum regulated flow for May would not exceed that which has occurred in nature. 205. The regulation of lake Ontario, in such manner as to injure no interest, and at the same time to effect some improvement of lake levels and outflow, is therefore wholly practicable. 206. Acknowlhdgments. The program for the complete regulation of the lakes, described in this report, was conceived and worked up by Mr. E. W. Lane, temporarily employed as Assistant Engineer, and placed in charge of the investigations relative to regulation. The program for the regulation with partial control of the St. Clair river, and the studies looking to raising the levels of lake Ontario, were conceived and worked up by Mr. F. G. Ray, Senior Engineer, U.S. Lake Survey, assisted by Mr. Sherman Moore, Associate Engineer. Mr. Ray’s intimate knowledge of the behavior of the Great Lakes, gained by his long service in the United States Lake Survey, was drawn on throughout. 207. The program for the regulation of lake Ontario was formulated by Mr. D. W. McLachlan, Chairman of the Canadian Section of the Board. Minor modifications of the program were worked out by Lt.-Col. G. B. Pillsbury that it might rigidly meet all of the requirements set forth in the preceding para¬ graphs. St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 1—LOCAL SUPPLY TO LAKE SUPERIOR In Thousand Second Feet 121 _ Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. 1 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1860. IRfil 16 40 129 180 168 129 108 112 109 85 13 1 12 9 123 266 235 162 133 91 99 58 -22 - -30 1862. IRfiR . . -7 48 93 207 210 92 122 151 113 36 - - 9 11 29 23 53 105 90 90 211 205 72 7 6 15 -10 44 85 101 129 122 101 111 68 5 17 16 1865 . 1866 . 1867. 1Rf>R 34 40 114 232 236 222 171 122 71 -23 • -57 * -20 -11 28 142 198 159 174 185 97 53 45 51 63 19 24 80 97 200 262 141 97 115 29 • -36 5 -45 25 166 180 142 112 118 102 113 116 51 -22 1869 . 1870 . 1871 . 1872 . 1873 . 1874 . 1875 . 1876 . 1877 . 1878 . 1879 . 1880 . 1881. 1882. 1883 . 1884 . 1885 . IRRa 4 -53 • 86 246 158 156 238 328 186 -27 -62 —58 9 t3 99 157 116 89 126 123 99 37 - -102 -103 -41 7 217 246 189 123 112 119 99 66 -56 -83 16 26 25 156 253 198 168 157 114 58 19 20 7 18 84 159 212 192 178 145 101 65 24 -33 3 69 85 102 127 192 179 133 129 84 15 — 8 26 81 86 124 189 160 115 155 123 57 40 19 17 31 68 178 299 294 203 121 46 32 32 — 10 -10 - 2 31 69 117 193 171 84 67 61 42 55 81 —45 60 114 171 146 79 38 63 61 — 9 37 76 28 107 36 37 42 -75 161 42 299 148 247 133 115 76 88 69 85 75 69 - 7 34 —25 - 4 15 38 43 107 203 172 108 135 191 148 41 — 11 -18 10 42 87 112 166 187 121 71 60 54 14 -13 18 113 118 91 142 130 92 46 26 37 52 36 23 14 63 141 133 104 126 190 126 33 6 7 25 48 115 180 177 151 104 50 33 3 — 10 16 32 71 125 142 118 81 69 99 76 34 — 1 1RR7 21 127 145 55 62 157 149 76 47 35 3 17 1888. 1889. IRQO 51 51 50 143 283 263 i54 114 73 59 8 —34 — 18 - 5 40 129 156 135 150 140 82 5 -27 2 25 - 8 14 90 177 209 161 131 100 42 -19 —47 1891. 1RQ9. -23 30 45 89 112 113 101 61 79 66 — 15 1 15 -18 31 113 183 143 99 103 68 29 — 9 —31 1893 . 1894 . 1895 . 1896 . 1897 . 1898 . 1899 . 1900 . — 9 41 74 157 234 216 138 75 56 44 8 — 4 1 42 97 225 249 136 121 98 78 83 45 — 1 -12 1 24 115 191 173 129 120 124 54 -23 — 8 4 0 48 97 251 163 103 66 4 39 69 28 10 12 61 135 190 194 161 103 45 4 -40 —59 -26 - 6 27 103 188 230 172 122 92 40 7 —21 -26 35 66 182 282 213 159 149 95 45 37 — 8 -13 2 19 84 114 126 179 232 197 103 25 —36 Average — 1860-1900. .. 7-2 26-3 69-7 135 0 177*6 167*9 142*5 119*3 92*2 51*5 6*2 - 7* 1901 . 1902 . 1903 . 1904 . 1905 . -29 -17 24 109 141 179 188 81 62 71 11 -41 —28 - 2 42 125 169 163 116 84 63 55 36 —25 —35 - 4 74 179 215 178 131 103 106 66 -23 —39 - 6 22 41 112 176 150 115 123 141 108 - 2 -38 -24 - 7 87 152 149 165 159 145 121 68 25 9 1906. - 6 -15 27 121 186 15 113 96 73 38 17 0 AQ 1907. 9 19 46 99 174 183 148 167 131 40 — 10 — 4o -15 QO 1908. -35 2 25 115 225 221 146 75 29 — 8 —23 1909. -22 - 2 25 100 167 164 150 118 63 57 68 08 1910. -16 -26 42 102 108 91 84 86 65 26 — 19 — 12 OA 1911. -31 -24 - 9 78 175 194 195 155 77 37 13 1912. - 6 - 5 40 135 184 140 118 117 60 34 — 1 — ^0 7 1913. -43 - 9 70 158 187 167 140 105 133 69 21 — i OR 1914 . -11 -21 4 117 172 150 121 97 75 29 —23 — 35 1915. - 1 2 5 88 170 182 151 103 140 143 70 38 7 1916. 24 -11 58 214 264 210 143 140 108 60 28 — / on 1917. . -28 11 63 98 145 138 102 88 72 33 — 13 —3y 1A 1918 . . -15 - 1 18 81 166 155 111 108 79 72 51 lU I R 1919. - 2 -17 43 115 126 112 77 45 35 45 28 — 15 1 o 1920 . . -13 27 113 138 155 170 117 78 33 1 — 17 — 13 RO 1921. -29 -44 40 151 170 127 110 72 20 —23 —45 — 53 0 A 1922 . -51 -13 48 153 168 135 115 79 21 — 12 —24 — on 1923 . . -32 -27 16 85 102 105 117 78 54 38 — 1 — 3y RO 1924 . —25 -37 - 1 74 96 83 108 133 91 26 — 16 — 5o An 1925 . . -35 - 8 32 79 117 131 97 59 43 17 —25 — 4y Average — 1901-1925.. . -19-( 3 - 8-: 3 38' 9 119- 1 164*: 3 154* 1 126*' 9 101* 4 76*! 9 43*1 6 4*‘ 7 -19 1860-1925.. . - 21 ^ 13- 2 58-1 0 129-1 0 172*1 6 162* 6 136* 6 112* 5 86* 4 48* 5 5*1 6-12 Average 90-8 94- 7 88-9 75-5 65-8 95- 2 98- 7 86-1 88-2 100-2 57-8 85-7 100-8 96 0 92-5 97-9 109-3 73-2 56-3 54-7 100-0 99- 2 75-5 71-0 82-9 73- 6 71- 8 74- 5 101- 3 65- 4 72- 9 54-9 60-5 85- 8 97-8 74-0 72-7 68-0 77- 3 102- 4 86 - 0 5 82-3 64- 9 66- 5 79-3 78- 5 88-1 67- 9 79- 1 63-1 77*2 41-9 72-7 67-5 82-6 56-3 90-9 102-6 56-7 69-6 49-3 65- 8 41- 4 48-8 42- 2 39-9 38-2 •2 65-2 -0 75-9 122 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 2—TOTAL SUPPLY TO LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON In Thousand Second Feet—8,500 Second Feet Deducted for Chicago Diversion — Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Average 1860. 202 196 225 255 262 262 200 136 102 59 96 135 177*5 1861. 197 301 324 331 347 293 307 209 119 140 120 122 234*2 1862. 121 198 321 297 302 221 189 195 166 103 79 153 195*4 1863. 202 211 189 251 269 218 162 129 132 82 171 228 187*0 1864. 112 231 192 236 317 163 128 86 23 53 110 87 144*8 1865. 130 219 334 350 235 300 307 175 110 7 -30 46 181*9 1866. 52 129 287 331 290 313 260 164 128 135 95 106 190*8 1867. 195 242 278 314 311 310 218 112 50 5 -15 57 173*2 1868. 128 326 324 226 301 243 111 45 67 102 96 83 171*0 1869. 167 117 184 347 376 408 340 235 79 77 93 131 212*8 1870. 204 276 349 380 313 263 213 211 145 16 15 137 210*2 1871. 212 303 390 336 305 232 164 - 7 -138 13 26 - 1 152*9 1872. 141 119 182 291 330 279 187 166 136 86 -53 8 156*0 1873. 179 257 378 452 467 350 214 180 142 137 130 174 255*0 1874. 212 244 203 167 272 284 185 148 134 43 79 115 173*8 1875. 123 189 272 366 375 294 242 222 162 133 109 142 219*1 1876. 237 276 298 405 440 423 304 197 94 108 136 80 249*8 1877. 154 178 188 233 183 242 210 138 137 178 174 169 182*0 1878. 146 168 219 279 325 255 164 107 134 157 111 48 176*1 1879.,. 79 119 186 223 243 231 167 130 114 95 151 196 161*2 1880. 179 162 206 292 396 383 255 142 71 60 99 126 197*6 1881. 233 309 215 289 347 264 200 137 221 278 177 128 233*2 1882. 130 223 294 277 288 298 265 205 103 83 88 88 195*2 1883. 140 216 222 363 427 436 362 186 88 110 162 142 237*8 1884. 110 201 301 325 292 236 175 114 162 162 94 206 198*2 1885. 254 226 236 338 366 301 288 244 155 122 104 182 234*7 1886. 213 226 317 342 311 216 145 136 144 126 71 101 195*7 1887. 247 333 220 236 283 247 184 95 47 41 56 117 175*5 1888. 140 217 270 336 359 286 206 151 87 114 75 80 193*4 1889. 161 147 159 193 302 347 213 126 80 39 60 159 165*5 1890. 181 145 224 298 340 324 216 135 97 91 40 75 180*5 1891. 107 151 249 299 225 185 157 119 46 12 77 173 150*0 1892. 200 152 163 256 347 333 237 164 88 57 52 78 177*3 1893. 128 185 294 390 364 289 180 86 70 75 71 146 189*8 1894. 182 224 269 341 348 279 186 86 67 85 62 47 181*3 1895. 85 131 207 242 227 181 140 110 48 31 51 139 132*7 1896. 2 j 2 144 165 267 328 259 172 141 107 100 111 156 179*3 1897. 172 214 278 362 359 296 229 127 47 63 70 100 193*1 1898. 173 247 330 318 255 236 162 84 86 88 56 76 175*9 1899. 127 205 199 331 381 338 235 135 62 66 59 55 182*8 1900. Average— 103 161 177 248 256 262 260 225 187 168 115 61 185*3 1860-1900... 162*4 207*8 251*7 302*8 318-6 282*4 213*1 144*5 100*0 90*3 84*0 113*4 189*2 1901. 81 134 248 283 269 248 • 238 165 78 58 51 45 158*3 1902. 37 98 219 279 320 324 271 119 55 109 90 64 165*4 1903. 96 189 273 277 247 272 215 194 189 85 20 67 177*0 1904. 116 183 313 386 376 316 203 160 148 102 29 57 199*1 1905. 41 101 251 348 359 344 232 177 97 61 75 125 184*3 1906. 200 206 226 293 297 247 206 122 73 99 143 152 188*7 1907. 138 147 224 290 316 313 206 166 135 55 58 121 180*8 1908. 88 137 201 373 364 304 222 82 6 -20 12 73 153*5 1909. 113 157 209 366 378 257 188 122 26 34 123 112 173*8 1910. 83 143 247 290 263 190 136 140 129 80 37 30 147*3 19J1. 95 124 182 278 311 234 144 127 118 111 134 149 167*3 1912. 83 122 196 333 414 308 220 240 165 129 136 106 204*3 1913. 109 139 350 413 285 244 203 120 74 83 93 90 183*6 1914. 86 116 151 252 301 278 198 129 108 47 19 57 145*2 1915. 108 178 132 173 243 239 257 194 103 72 85 104 157*3 1916. 153 179 241 393 439 377 216 97 74 174 205 i40 224*0 1917. 102 147 280 352 373 397 296 148 75 91 64 58 198*6 1918. 131 222 304 277 327 271 172 108 71 103 168 130 190*3 1919. 100 159 270 348 299 188 124 78 75 104 72 61 156*5 1920. 65 134 284 349 257 265 239 163 89 57 61 98 171*8 1921. 125 122 280 344 236 163 101 95 111 81 92 95 153*8 1922. 57 158 341 414 330 253 202 125 43 2 -13 49 163*4 1923. 56 108 250 328 333 257 162 119 101 46 35 58 154*4 1924. 124 147 194 297 293 245 245 181 82 -13 -20 20 149*6 1925. Average— 60 153 196 189 177 198 156 87 36 39 60 100 120*9 1901-1925... 97*9 148*1 242*5 317*0 312*3 269*3 202*1 138*3 90*4 71*6 73*2 86*5 170*8 1860-1925... 138*0 185*2 248*2 308*2 316*2 277*5 209*0 142*2 96*4 83*2 79*9 103*2 182*3 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 3—LOCAL SUPPLY TO LAKES MICHIGAN-HURON In Thousand Second Feet—8,500 Second Feet Deducted for Chicago Diversion _ Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Average 1860. 108 108 138 162 160 156 94 28 - - 4 - -48 - - 6 42 78-2 1861. 110 220 246 244 242 184 194 96 10 30 18 30 135 • 3 1862. 38 120 242 218 204 122 90 92 62 0 - -16 66 103-2 1863. 120 132 114 176 188 138 78 30 34 - -12 86 146 102 • 5 1864. 38 162 122 166 240 82 44 2 ■ -64 - -28 34 16 67-8 1865 64 154 272 278 148 204 202 68 4 - -94 - -118 - -34 95-7 1866 . -20 62 220 254 204 222 162 60 32 38 6 16 104-7 1867. 112 162 202 234 228 212 112 8 -54 • -98 - -108 • -28 81-8 1868. 48 260 250 148 210 154 16 -48 • -28 8 ■ - 2 — 4 84 - 3 1869. 86 42 120 270 286 318 240 124 -50 -40 -16 38 118-2 1870. 118 196 268 298 220 174 118 116 48 • -78 —74 70 122-8 1871. 138 232 326 268 224 142 74 - -100 -232 -76 —58 -76 71-8 1872 . . 72 52 120 230 248 194 92 64 32 -14 - -150 -78 71*8 1873. 102 184 304 378 380 260 114 74 34 32 30 80 164-3 1874 130 166 128 94 190 192 84 46 32 -62 -20 18 83-2 1875. 36 108 192 280 282 194 140 120 54 28 10 56 125 - 0 1876. 152 192 220 326 344 314 184 76 -28 - 6 28 -16 148-8 1877. 64 88 100 148 98 152 112 38 42 82 84 82 90-8 1878. 64 92 146 206 246 170 76 20 54 74 30 -28 95 - 8 1879. 12 62 134 168 180 164 94 56 42 22 82 136 96*0 1880. 124 108 154 240 326 296 162 .52 -22 -28 10 44 122-2 1881 . 158 236 142 218 266 178 no 48 128 174 76 34 147-3 1882 . 48 146 220 204 206 214 172 no 10 - 8 - 2 4 110-3 1883 . 66 144 150 290 354 354 276 90 0 26 80 66 158-0 1884 . 36 132 234 262 220 162 96 34 80 78 8 126 122-3 1885. 178 152 166 271 286 213 196 147 64 35 18 103 152-4 1886. 142 159 250 275 233 135 60 48 59 40 -13 27 117-9 1887. 178 267 155 174 212 166 94 8 -37 -47 -26 44 99-0 1888. 71 156 208 274 283 190 107 52 -10 17 -18 2 111-0 1889. 89 81 92 126 224 265 126 39 - 7 -45 -18 89 88 - 4 1890. 110 85 164 239 272 2-14 129 50 14 9 -39 2 106-6 1891 . 48 90 191 237 154 115 85 47 -25 -60 7 no 83-3 1892. 138 97 112 202 282 261 162 89 12 -17 -16 15 111-4 1893. 76 136 245 336 299 214 102 6 - 7 - 1 - 4 81 123-6 1894. 121 165 212 277 265 191 96 - 4 -21 - 4 —25 -34 103-3 1895. 10 58 138 174 151 97 52 22 -44 -63 -33 58 51-7 1896. 131 73 98 198 248 171 81 50 18 18 28 76 99-2 1897. 97 145 208 291 280 210 138 34 -43 -24 -16 24 112-0 1898. 106 185 271 256 186 159 80 0 1 5 —25 — 4 101-7 1899. 58 138 133 267 299 249 141 39 -38 -29 -33 -34 99-2 1900. 24 85 105 176 180 184 178 139 93 73 20 -24 102-8 .\verage— 1860-1900... 87-8 137-4 183-2 232-5 237-8 195-5 121-0 ,50-5 6-0 - 2-3 - 4-4 32-7 106-5 1901. 1 59 180 213 193 169 i51 75 - 9 -20 -27 -26 79-9 1902 . -30 36 162 218 254 254 197 43 -22 34 15 - 6 96-3 1903. 31 128 213 215 177 194 1.35 113 109 4 -61 - 7 104-3 1904 . 44 112 246 315 .300 234 118 73 60 11 —59 -25 119-1 1905. -37 30 184 274 279 261 144 89 8 -33 -14 41 102-2 1906 . 118 129 152 217 215 161 117 34 -15 12 58 73 105-9 1907 . 64 76 158 219 243 234 121 77 42 -34 -30 39 100-8 1908. 13 68 136 311 296 225 134 - 7 -80 -102 -68 - 2 77-0 1909. 46 97 156 312 319 189 115 40 -57 —46 50 33 104-5 1910. 12 77 185 230 201 121 64 67 55 7 -32 -32 79-6 1911. 40 73 133 228 257 178 85 65 56 49 74 92 110-8 1912. 27 68 143 279 355 245 157 173 97 60 67 41 142-7 1913. 47 78 292 351 218 175 132 47 - 1 5 17 17 114-8 1914. 15 48 86 188 232 206 125 54 30 -42 -68 — 13 71-8 1915. 42 111 66 no 173 167 180 116 27 - 3 8 31 85-7 1916. 83 no 172 319 356 278 117 - 8 -43 55 89 30 129-8 1917. 11 59 194 262 281 306 209 72 0 13 -10 — 1 116-3 1918. 71 164 245 219 268 206 114 47 4 34 104 75 129-3 1919. . 45 106 217 295 244 135 70 26 20 49 16 5 102-3 1920. 8 78 228 294 183 188 158 63 8 - 2 3 43 104-3 1921. . 72 68 228 291 188 117 47 41 55 26 44 50 102-3 1922. 15 114 297 370 286 212 159 81 0 —45 -61 1 119-1 1923. 8 59 199 277 278 203 109 66 49 - 4 -14 8 103-2 1924. . 74 97 143 245 240 195 198 131 33 -63 -71 -30 99-3 1925. 8 102 144 135 122 145 103 30 -26 -27 - 3 41 64-5 Average— 1901-1925.. . 33- 1 85-t 9 182-- i 255-J 5 246-; 1 199-1 9 130-^ 1 64-1 3 16-( }- 2-i 5 1- 1 19- 1 102-6 1860-1925.. . 67- 1 117-! 9 182-1 9 241-: 2 241-1 [) 197-; 2 124-( B 55-' 7 9-1 3 - 2-: 3 - 2-: 3 27( 6 105-0 124 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 4-TOTAL SUPPLY TO LAKE ERIE In Thousand Second Feet—8,500 Second Feet Deducted for Chicago Diversion Jan. Feb. 1860. 175 211 1861. 173 206 1862. 203 206 1863. 261 242 1864. 182 215 1865. 135 160 1866. 160 196 1867. 165 195 1868. 145 181 1869. 177 203 1870. 235 213 1871. 170 199 1872. 162 154 1873. 167 177 1874. 237 218 1875. 15a 175 1876. 226 279 1877. 175 178 1878. 219 227 1879. 171 191 1880. 230 211 1881. 164 210 1882. 241 242 1883. 202 224 1884. 202 240 1885. 174 170 1886. 186 152 1887. 214 285 1888. 181 182 1889. 198 180 1890. 248 234 1891. 190 226 1892. 174 161 1893. 161 194 1894. 205 182 1895. 155 154 1896. 175 165 1897. 194 209 1898. 201 211 1899. 187 192 1900. 198 219 Average— 1860-1900... 189-7 201-7 1901. 157 144 1902. 152 158 1903. 189 223 1904. 174 222 1905. 166 156 1906. 206 178 1907. 221 175 1908. 212 211 1909. 189 207 1910. 172 204 1911. 170 177 1912. 171 176 1913. 255 228 1914. 177 161 1915. 178 198 1916. 238 217 1917. 187 186 1918. 154 216 1919. 216 226 1920. 126 147 1921. 199 209 1922. 167 175 1923. 168 165 1924. 205 179 1925. 156 187 Average— 1901-1925... 184-2 189-0 1860-1925... 187-6 196-9 Mar. April May June 278 285 250 220 287 310 267 229 275 301 257 241 231 246 237 215 239 276 261 208 240 273 244 208 242 247 233 234 238 253 164 230 257 271 254 237 234 245 259 256 233 270 240 227 253 254 237 218 179 213 232 216 248 311 256 221 225 230 229 228 209 237 247 239 290 282 267 245 208 244 230 232 244 260 244 228 220 236 223 217 222 234 236 226 246 268 252 231 261 254 255 242 223 241 280 285 259 275 257 228 226 292 290 261 242 290 253 237 276 239 245 226 234 257 231 230 201 229 237 248 249 266 266 236 222 188 200 202 207 266 287 269 235 284 269 214 213 238 244 224 186 199 199 183 188 219 222 193 235 244 229 212 238 244 219 196 224 224 221 202 226 221 215 197 235-2 254-0 244-8 226-6 185 198 201 221 219 236 223 244 272 260 214 210 284 289 245 233 207 261 266 250 200 234 228 219 216 246 246 245 267 271 242 218 226 261 277 227 239 248 241 199 208 229 215 187 243 278 230 208 296 324 230 214 209 280 262 213 191 197 211 213 222 265 265 247 262 289 272 282 238 195 220 232 255 287 274 222 222 269 249 228 248 268 231 204 247 276 244 218 215 234 223 210 208 245 233 223 221 204 175 173 232-0 253-8 236-7 221-6 234-0 253-9 241-7 224-7 July Aug. Sept. Oct. 209 200 184 192 224 228 209 213 222 197 188 179 217 200 170 161 189 187 178 173 204 200 189 164 208 191 204 194 193 176 161 150 188 163 160 155 236 199 176 i57 229 210 188 175 207 193 163 147 194 178 166 160 213 190 168 172 215 185 159 151 218 202 172 161 223 211 195 196 224 202 188 179 215 201 193 183 201 175 168 158 212 188 171 170 200 176 182 189 226 209 187 175 247 216 195 185 213 196 177 167 232 226 217 215 220 203 195 182 202 192 172 169 224 186 164 188 210 173 159 155 184 184 189 199 185 174 162 141 211 179 159 152 184 164 159 156 183 172 169 164 173 169 148 143 197 188 155 146 195 177 152 151 181 171 160 172 181 157 154 167 194 180 163 160 206-9 189-5 174-8 169-9 194 177 164 153 243 188 177 182 200 187 178 158 204 188 179 169 217 194 182 170 210 190 177 191 213 189 196 194 205 186 167 148 199 177 146 157 186 178 177 167 179 176 180 165 198 206 189 172 199 179 165 179 190 183 176 150 227 213 182 161 200 167 158 170 244 202 186 207 214 204 199 189 198 188 184 180 222 196 175 177 189 172 163 175 196 185 168 149 180 167 161 152 203 178 173 146 176 167 149 147 203-4 185-5 174-0 168-3 205-6 188-0 174-5 169-3 Nov. Dec. Average 197 186 215-6 213 208 230-6 194 237 225-0 173 179 211-0 191 178 206-4 165 168 195-8 190 188 207-3 46 158 194-1 166 i71 195-7 190 235 213-9 183 185 215-7 157 153 195-9 148 154 179-7 207 245 214-6 154 160 199-3 197 207 201-8 208 174 233-0 205 214 206-6 201 189 217-0 172 230 196-8 172 149 201-8 202 240 213-3 162 165 218-3 193 199 224-2 IVO 186 214-2 218 223 228-7 187 198 212-1 193 199 217-7 199 202 206-5 191 233 201-2 199 184 219-8 163 193 187-2 160 159 198-7 178 215 201-1 175 166 194-6 170 185 172-0 160 175 181-9 178 188 197-0 177 193 196-9 164 174 187-3 174 180 193-9 181-5 190-9 205-5 174 176 178-7 171 172 197-1 150 171 201-0 162 165 209-5 178 203 204-2 216 236 207-1 189 218 212-3 150 184 205-1 170 179 201-3 161 165 194-8 189 198 189-4 173 220 205-3 192 196 221-4 163 168 194-3 164 202 194-8 179 192 210-0 206 156 223-3 205 206 206-0 179 154 213-6 193 210 201-2 191 187 203-0 151 173 195-8 179 206 188-3 141 162 191-3 167 133 171-3 175-7 185-3 200-8 179-3 188-7 203-7 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 125 TABLE 5—LOCAL SUPPLY TO LAKE ERIE In Thousand Second Feet 126 St, Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 6—TOTAL SUPPLY TO LAKE ONTARIO In Thousand Second Feet—8,500 Second Feet Deducted for Chicago Diversion — Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Average 1861. 229 257 270 323 350 307 282 265 273 295 276 259 282-2 1862. 214 242 293 355 331 297 287 249 233 235 244 257 269-8 1863. 246 239 268 320 312 283 249 243 245 234 249 244 261-0 1864. 198 217 259 323 333 292 2.52 235 244 246 263 284 262-2 1865. 260 227 243 285 288 275 244 216 218 223 222 221 243-5 1866. 189 193 224 265 250 296 298 254 247 240 244 250 245-8 1867. 219 255 301 338 330 295 250 •231 217 192 181 182 249-3 1868. 193 190 238 287 283 280 240 230 212 206 228 237 235-3 1869. 207 202 217 299 303 295 295 275 264 252 254 295 263-2 1870. 272 255 282 357 321 279 275 246 234 231 224 238 267-8 1871. 213 220 266 302 284 261 242 226 215 205 198 199 235-9 1872. 166 151 194 238 243 248 230 220 206 210 204 187 208-1 1873. 184 193 275 346 282 262 252 230 217 217 240 272 247-5 1874. 266 269 270 265 268 277 263 232 210 208 200 201 244-3 1875. 169 164 231 273 259 252 242 228 214 211 209 229 223-4 1876. 252 265 293 340 322 307 280 243 234 241 236 227 270-0 1877. 185 211 255 283 256 254 248 222 207 208 230 240 233-3 1878. 226 249 268 281 280 263 259 250 240 239 279 291 260-4 1879. 211 216 235 280 269 268 240 219 209 200 211 232 231-7 1880. 234 238 244 262 269 268 239 214 219 212 234 200 235-2 1881. 163 212 252 263 260 260 241 208 202 217 226 250 229-5 1882. 250 253 275 281 293 297 264 240 223 209 209 215 250-8 1883. 194 196 235 291 314 325 298 254 233 233 242 247 255-2 1884. 231 267 291 311 286 272 267 253 233 219 221 237 257-3 1885. 208 182 216 292 311 293 273 253 249 253 270 288 257-3 1886. 265 255 281 323 296 267 251 244 243 230 236 243 261-2 1887. 243 300 285 310 308 275 249 223 216 221 212 211 254-4 1888. 187 190 235 272 252 254 248 228 211 214 227 239 229-8 1889. 231 216 228 263 268 278 260 223 204 196 233 280 240-0 1890. 264 258 266 292 315 306 253 230 237 246 252 229 262-3 1891. 221 256 279 284 253 232 228 212 193 172 188 215 227-8 1892. 197 181 211 248 250 281 270 235 220 205 211 206 226-3 1893. 175 189 240 316 322 272 236 222 218 202 208 232 236-0 1894. 230 207 235 252 276 273 224 197 201 203 193 194 223-8 1895. 181 164 190 242 220 202 189 175 172 158 176 201 189-2 1896. 211 208 223 262 227 215 207 194 179 181 190 191 207-3 1897. 173 191 230 264 256 245 233 213 174 179 203 217 214-8 1898. 217 235 248 259 249 233 211 199 192 205 216 218 223-5 1899. 195 195 234 265 253 243 213 187 180 185 198 215 213-6 1900. Average— 214 216 227 268 246 236 227 206 194 195 218 225 222-7 1861-1900... 214-6 220-6 250-2 289-5 282-2 270-2 250-2 228-1 218-3 215-7 223-6 232-5 241-3 1901. 191 184 234 294 256 238 217 207 196 185 197 217 218-0 1902. 191 193 248 253 241 258 268 234 212 209 204 215 227-2 1903. 217 237 273 286 257 256 253 232 233 207 200 191 236-8 1904. 183 229 283 329 302 284 265 245 231 218 197 196 246-8 1905. 181 181 221 276 258 276 269 246 235 219 217 234 234-4 1906. 233 208 220 258 249 252 242 210 200 220 237 255 232-0 1907. 237 216 236 277 270 262 252 232 230 238 238 259 245-6 1908. 244 241 261 320 313 286 259 229 200 197 199 197 245-5 1909. 192 215 244 298 304 264 242 219 203 198 196 205 231-7 1910. 187 219 249 262 265 242 228 217 203 202 199 199 222-7 1911. 190 196 218 248 239 228 211 195 190 194 210 222 211-8 1912. 201 193 246 304 294 274 231 227 226 231 239 260 243-8 1913. 256 246 276 322 284 273 249 221 211 215 226 220 249-9 1914. 211 204 237 300 262 245 225 220 211 196 196 192 224-9 1915. 204 214 208 217 224 219 234 239 218 204 203 216 216-7 1916. 229 219 240 311 320 307 257 217 201 199 203 207 242-5 1917. 192 201 253 296 274 295 283 247 230 243 242 220 248-0 1918. 198 233 274 279 254 248 234 223 225 229 235 238 239-2 1919. 226 218 246 301 329 297 250 231 215 216 215 204 245-7 1920. 172 181 219 254 231 234 236 222 215 217 225 239 220-4 1921. 217 219 259 282 262 239 220 201 195 197 199 210 225-0 1922. 192 201 256 302 278 267 251 215 201 198 181 184 227-2 1923. 183 197 234 261 255 243 211 195 187 181 195 224 213-8 1924. 214 196 216 273 275 247 232 216 208 197 184 179 219-8 1925. Average— 163 215 249 243 221 208 199 190 184 191 214 207 207-0 1901-1925... 204-2 210-2 244-0 281-8 268-7 257-7 240-7 221-2 210-4 208-0 210-0 215-6 231-1 1861-1925... 210-6 216-6 247-8 286-6 277-0 265-4 246-6 225-4 215-3 212-8 218-4 2226-0 237-4 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 7—LOCAL SUPPLY TO LAKE ONTARIO In Thousand Second Feet 127 — Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Average 1861. 25 60 63 94 110 64 47 27 40 68 47 38 56-9 i862. -8 25 75 117 85 52 42 14 6 16 32 46 41-8 1863. 24 12 40 99 76 51 20 15 28 27 51 45 39-9 1864. 7 20 59 113 107 66 32 22 35 45 66 86 54-8 1865. 70 50 59 84 75 62 33 8 9 21 29 30 44-2 1866. 6 7 33 62 43 81 82 44 37 32 39 46 42-7 1867. 20 65 101 131 112 69 29 16 12 —5 —5 0 45*4 1868. 15 12 56 86 75 60 23 23 10 16 40 55 400 1869. 24 22 24 100 92 76 68 54 48 46 57 90 58-4 1870. 62 41 71 132 91 49 46 16 11 18 17 34 49 0 1871. 13 27 64 89 65 41 23 12 5 10 7 16 31 0 1872. -14 -22 22 60 56 52 33 25 16 23 23 13 23-9 1873. 11 20 101 143 66 43 34 14 9 16 43 70 47-5 1874. 56 54 56 47 48 56 39 13 2 10 11 16 340 1875. -11 -14 52 84 58 44 30 17 6 14 17 30 27-3 1876. 55 55 66 104 78 60 35 5 -1 20 12 11 41*7 1877. -22 10 57 75 47 40 30 5 -9 1 25 34 24-4 1878. 19 36 56 59 49 34 32 27 19 26 71 83 42-6 1879. 9 18 36 74 57 47 29 12 9 4 25 41 30-1 1880. 34 36 40 53 53 51 20 -1 9 15 27 10 28-9 1881. -18 28 62 56 43 39 21 -5 -3 14 27 45 25-8 1882. 33 39 50 50 57 58 26 8 -3 -10 0 15 26-9 1883. 0 -4 30 73 96 89 59 15 4 10 27 33 360 1884. 25 52 74 80 50 35 34 24 12 6 19 38 37*4 1885. 13 -10 28 85 90 60 40 19 17 26 43 62 39-4 1886. 39 47 77 99 65 34 18 17 21 14 28 36 41-3 1887. 39 87 56 81 75 37 16 0 -1 3 7 2 33-5 1888. -17 -4 41 65 41 39 27 11 1 7 24 30 22-1 1889. 25 14 37 62 65 63 44 9 1 3 42 79 370 1890. 51 50 52 72 87 69 22 13 24 35 37 20 44-3 ' 1891. 19 56 75 78 52 31 23 13 -1 -15 4 28 30-3 1892. 11 10 36 58 47 62 46 20 9 3 15 12 27*4 1893. -4 13 57 119 no 50 18 17 20 3 13 36 37-7 1894. 33 19 45 57 71 58 13 -3 3 8 1 6 25-9 1895. -4 -7 20 68 38 18 7 -5 -8 -18 12 30 12-6 1896. 36 35 57 87 40 30 16 -2 -7 2 9 15 26-5 1897. -10 15 46 67 51 38 28 10 -21 -7 16 28 21-8 1898. 30 51 55 54 41 26 6 -5 -2 14 21 25 26-3 1899. 3 13 37 73 57 40 13 -6 -8 4 18 25 23-3 1900. 24 31 38 73 43 34 24 8 -1 7 26 35 28-6 Average— 1861-1900... 18-1 270 52-9 81-4 66-6 50-2 30-7 13-2 90 13-3 25*6 34-9 35-2 1901. 11 10 66 120 79 50 26 18 7 1 16 35 36-6 1902. 8 24 77 70 51 61 58 25 10 6 4 25 34-9 1903. 22 48 75 73 44 40 38 23 27 3 4 —5 32-7 1904 . 8 46 90 114 77 54 38 26 16 10 -6 -3 39-2 1905. -9 1 41 86 57 59 46 28 21 10 16 30 32-2 1906. 28 13 31 62 47 44 33 2 -3 19 33 50 29-9 1907. 19 6 36 65 54 39 26 11 17 22 24 48 30-6 1908. 26 34 51 97 85 57 32 8 -15 -5 -2 -1 30-6 1909. 6 23 53 99 88 42 22 6 -1 -1 6 20 30-3 1910. 2 41 59 64 55 33 21 18 6 5 6 10 26-7 1911. 7 18 40 64 44 31 16 4 7 6 16 27 23*3 1912. 11 15 68 102 84 66 23 19 15 28 32 56 43-3 1913. 48 31 69 82 46 34 16 -3 0 10 17 12 30-2 1914. 9 9 52 99 47 27 13 9 7 -2 -4 4 22-5 1915. 24 32 22 32 34 25 32 33 15 2 4 24 23-3 1916. 23 14 41 101 98 80 31 -1 -12 -13 1 8 30-9 1917. -2 11 61 86 52 61 42 12 4 18 20 2 30-6 1918. -5 38 70 78 52 39 20 12 10 22 23 24 32-8 1919. 13 9 38 79 96 61 18 4 -6 6 3 -2 26-6 1920. -12 8 42 65 29 25 22 12 9 14 22 30 22*2 1921. 14 19 60 67 43 19 5 -9 -10 0 8 6 18-5 1922. -5 17 70 101 64 50 35 7 -2 1 -15 -2 26-8 1923. -1 19 54 73 60 43 14 1 0 -2 16 35 260 1924. 13 12 34 80 71 40 22 12 8 4 -8 -7 23-4 1925. -1 47 74 61 38 47 18 12 9 8 36 29 31-5 Average— 1901-1925... 10-: 5 2l-i i 55( ) 80? J 59 } 45-: 1 26-’i J ll-( 5 5( 5 6d ) 101 ) 18-( 5 29-4 1861-1925... 15*] 1 25-( ) 53': I 81-] 1 64-( ) 48-1 2| 29-J 1 121 5 7( 5 \0‘l i 191 ) 28*( 5 330 128 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SUPERIOR Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month (a) 1860— January..., February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November, December. 1861— January.... February.. March. April. • May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1862— January.... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December.. 1863— January.... February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December.. 1864— January. February... March. April. May. Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Monthly mean First of mean Monthly mean Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) 602-69 94 602-44 88 602-42 87 602-69 93 602-92 102 603-09 106 603-05 106 603-10 108 603-08 106 603-12 107 602-95 102 602-60 93 602-40 87 602-15 81 602-01 78 602-42 87 603-05 105 603-20 109 603-36 113 603-32 113 603-23 109 603-26 110 602-92 102 602-54 92 602-19 83 602-00 78 602-03 79 602-09 79 602-77 98 602-76 99 602-73 99 602-90 103 603-02 104 602-95 103 602-62 95 602-35 87 602-16 82 602-03 79 601-86 75 601-90 75 602-03 81 601-95 80 602-09 84 602-71 99 602-73 98 602-56 94 602-21 85 602-10 82 601-81 74 601-60 69 601-67 70 601-69 70 601-85 77 Partial regulation . system, assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete First of mean Monthly mean Stage (f) Discharge (g) 602-80 81 602-61 80 602-48 103 602-56 120 602-73 122 602-87 122 602-88 83 602-96 109 602-97 109 602-97 109 602-90 106 602-62 103 602-32 78 602-13 76 601-93 51 602-14 79 602-68 "122 603-02 125 603-12 126 603-15 127 603-25 112 603-20 111 603-05 108 602-66 103 602-27 51 602-09 51 602-07 51 602-20 79 602-57 120 602-84 122 602-74 82 602-87 109 603-00 109 603-00 108 602-79 105 602-45 101 602-19 51 602-12 76 601-95 51 601-96 51 602-12 • 51 602-23 51 602-34 52 602-82 109 603-11 * 110 603-00 108 602-70 104 602-41 101 602-15 51 601-97 51 601-95 51 602-05 51 602-19 52 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 129 TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SUPERIOR—ConOTYl ViOT* 601-40 76 602-05 51 1879— To nil O T^TT 601-49 67 602-01 51 601-46 57 602-09 51 *\T n n 601-76 52 602-23 77 601-37 55 602-11 50 . 601-01 63 601-75 50 Jiin0 601-24 67 601-72 51 July 601-48 73 602-00 51 A iicthqT 601-60 74 602-25 78 601-49 72 602-25 78 601-58 73 602-22 78 Viot* 601-50 69 602-21 76 601-14 60 601-97 50 1880— TanimTV 600-99 55 601-74 50 P'^kViTiiQ rv 600-98 54 601-68 50 OT‘/'*n 600-89 52 601-63 50 600-92 52 601-61 50 TVT^v 601-52 70 601-93 51 June 602-30 87 602-68 83 July 602-45 93 603-15 126 AiinniQf' 602-44 90 603-12 125 ViPT 602-44 93 603-01 109 602-39 88 602-94 108 "W rk vom Vk Ar 602-33 89 602-83 106 TiAPAm Kap 602-07 82 602-61 103 1881— Tn nil n f\7 601-81 75 602-29 51 Ti'Al'k'ninrv . . . 601-71 73 602-19 77 March .... 601-62 73 602-06 51 601-53 71 602-04 51 Tvr^v 601-83 81 602-20 52 June 602-27 86 602-66 82 July . 602-33 90 602-92 106 Aiimisf. . 602-38 89 602-93 109 SArkt Am tkAr 602-61 93 603-01 110 October . 602-95 104 603-24 113 November . 602-88 101 603-35 112 December. 602-60 94 603-14 109 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 133 TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SUPERIOR—Con/anued Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) 1882— 602-25 82 602-78 81 602-00 77 602-49 79 601-89 74 602-28 78 601-81 73 602-18 78 601-97 82 602-20 51 601-99 84 602-38 52 602-44 93 602-71 82 602-56 95 603-03 110 602 - 60 93 603-07 109 602-43 91 602-95 108 602-41 90 602-81 106 602-22 84 602-65 104 1883— ■ OtlllOT^f 601-99 74 602-38 78 601-70 72 602-11 76 j: euniury. 601-70 72 601-§4 51 601-95 73 602-13 78 601-96 73 602-24 52 Mjay. 602-06 82 602-36 52 Tiilxr 602-31 86 602-62 81 602-33 96 602-77 106 August. 602-29 88 602-73 105 le III ut?r. 602-09 84 602-55 103 601-94 82 602-33 100 IN o V Gill uur . r^OT* 601-83 76 602-14 51 1884— To Till O T*xr 601-80 74 602-14 51 ol^mi O T^f 601-63 69 602-10 76 o T*/iri 601-54 67 601-94 51 601-32 63 601-84 51 601-54 72 601-87 51 601-74 74 602-15 51 ThItt 601-88 79 602-38 52 601-89 80 602-54 80 Q!/vr\4^0TVl V\OT* 602-16 82 602-68 106 oepteiuDcr. 4* V\ O T* 602-52 84 602-92 109 602-42 86 602-98 108 602-21 80 602-75 105 1885— 601-98 76 602-46 79 January. 601-80 74 602-25 77 February. 601-72 70 602-09 51 601-67 67 602-09 51 602-00 80 602-27 52 602-28 88 602-66 82 T.iKr 602 - 52 92 602-93 124 602-64 97 603-02 109 602-57 91 603-01 108 September. October. 602-40 87 602-84 106 November. 602-25 86 602-62 103 December. 601-92 79 602-33 99 1886— 601-72 71 602-00 51 January. 601-59 67 601-90 50 February. 601-53 67 601-84 51 601-62 67 601-90 51 May. 601-87 78 602-11 51 T ■I '[•: 134 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SUPERIOR—Con«ina«d Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) 1886— June. 602 01 81 July. 602*08 85 August. 601*99 88 September. 601*97 85 October. 602*07 86 November. 601*92 84 December. 601*78 74 1887— January. 601*47 69 February. 601*49 66 March. 601*80 65 April. 601*97 62 May. 601*76 71 June. 601*92 81 July. 602*20 90 August. 602*28 87 September. 602*14 84 October. 602*07 88 November. 601*83 82 December. 601*61 73 1888— January. 601*50 69 February. 601*51 61 March. 601*44 62 April. 601*44 62 May. 601*91 76 June. 602*69 96 July. 602*88 99 August. 603*02 99 September. 602*97 97 October. 602*88 97 November. 602*74 93 December. 602*39 78 1889— January. 602*07 72 February. 601*85 66 March. 601*68 67 April. 601*69 67 May. 602*04 78 June. 602*16 82 July. 602*35 87 August. 602*54 87 September. 602*67 87 October. 602*51 84 November. 620*20 78 December. 601*90 70 1890— January. 601*76 71 February. 601*63 60 March. 601*39 60 April. 601*36 59 May. 601*57 68 June. 602*02 80 July. 602*32 87 August. 602*47 85 September. 602*60 83 October. 602*57 82 Stage (d) Discharge (e) First [ month Monthly mean Stage (f) Discharge (g) 602*39 52 602*58 52 602*67 81 602*64 105 602*61 104 602*54 102 602*33 100 602*03 51 601*95 51 602*14 78 602*35 115 602*16 51 602*20 52 602*50 52 602*79 106 602*71 105 602*54 102 602*34 100 602*05 51 601*96 51 601*96 51 601*95 51 601*96 51 602*22 52 602*92 125 603*31 129 603*39 129 603*35 127 603*19 110 603*03 108 602*74 104 602*33 78 602*04 51 601*88 51 601*85 51 602*07 51 602*39 52 602*63 82 602*84 108 602*94 108 602*86 106 602*56 102 602*18 51 602*02 51 601*95 50 601*78 50 601*67 50 601*79 51 602*17 52 602*62 81 602*87 108 602*94 108 602*92 107 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 135 TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SUPERIOR—Con \J V dll Lfd ••••••••••••••• V»pr 601-42 63 601-91 50 1892— TomiQT^r 601-42 62 601-76 50 "R'oVkniQTV 601-14 55 601-66 49 \T o Tnli 601-01 51 601-47 49 601-02 54 601-41 50 \T«ir 601-35 65 601-59 50 Juno 601-73 72 601-79 51 July 601-76 75 602-06 51 A 601-88 75 602-20 78 601-93 76 602-28 78 October 601-83 74 602-24 77 nxrom VtPT* 601-66 68 602-10 51 T^or»om 601-38 63 601-92 50 1893— ToniinTV 601-10 52 601-68 50 TT’rkVMniat^r 601-01 49 601-51 49 X tJUlUcll^ .. 1^1 arch 601-06 49 601-47 50 601-16 54 601-55 50 AT a vr . 601-66 65 601-86 51 602 -18 75 602-41 52 July 602-48 78 602-88 83 A ii OC 78 February . 602-45 76 602-38 85 /O March . 602-23 72 602-15 58 50 Oi ^pfi] . 602-13 72 602-03 01 . 602-30 76 602-13 50 50 50 110 131 01 June. 602-36 78 602-32 oz July . 602-58 82 602-54 602-oD 602- 75 603- 12 603-36 603-34 603-08 inQ August . 602-94 86 602-89 lUo September. 603-46 94 603-43 US 1 1 Q October . 603-54 95 603-49 131 130 75 llo 119 November. 603-51 95 603-40 ins December. 603-13 85 603-09 lUo 1901— January . 602-78 80 602-77 77 68 52 50 50 50 124 126 50 50 126 62 602-65 602-33 602-05 601- 97 602- 14 602-41 602- 77 603- 09 603-01 602-87 602-77 602-49 80 78 . 602-48 75 602-45 March . 602-28 68 602-18 Oi 51 April . 602-22 70 602-11 52 52 83 1 in May . 602-51 76 602-24 Junp . 602-61 79 602-56 July . 603-09 87 602-94 August. 603-22 90 603-13 1 lu September. 603-04 87 603-00 lUO 107 October . 603-07 78 603-03 lU/ 105 101 November. 603-00 78 603-10 December. 602-68 72 602-75 1902— January. 602-32 67 602-45 50 61 57 50 50 63 60 50 59 74 50 115 602-07 601-83 601*67 601-65 601-86 ^AO OO 51 51 50 51 51 52 52 106 104 103 101 76 F0t)ruaT*y . 602-11 62 602-22 March. 601-97 57 601-98 April . 602-02 61 601-93 May . 602-34 66 602-15 Junft . 602-64 70 602 - 50 July . 602-88 74 602-80 602-54 August . 602-89 76 602-96 602-73 602-67 602-54 602-40 602-21 September . 602-93 77 603-07 October. 602-81 75 603-07 November . 602-81 75 603-02 December . 602-58 70 602-97 1903— January . 602-24 65 602-56 57 50 50 84 118 122 74 50 54 87 129 59 601-90 601-65 601-49 601-56 601-93 51 . 601-98 61 602-30 OU 50 M ar^b . 601-88 60 602-13 April . 602-07 62 602-22 OU May. 602-56 70 602-48 602-78 Oi 52 Junp . 602-94 78 602-42 82 108 108 1052 July . 603-14 80 602-94 602-79 August . 603-25 81 603-11 602-94 602-92 602-91 602-79 602-42 September. 603-27 80 603-26 D(^tobpr . 603-40 81 603-42 lUo 104. Govern bpr. 603-18 81 603-36 lU^ 100 December. 602-80 74 602-90 lUU ■ ma ■ 138 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SUPERIOR—Coniinufd Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month (a) Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) 1904— January. 602-50 72 602-61 64 602-00 51 February. 602-33 71 602-41 78 601-83 51 March. 602-23 67 602-24 81 601-75 50 April. 602-17 71 602-15 50 601-72 51 May. 602-47 76 602-33 50 601-89 51 June. 602-77 82 602-70 50 602-27 52 July. 602-86 85 602-99 50 602-55 52 August. 602-95 87 603-17 50 602-74 106 September. 603-08 88 603-40 115 602-79 107 October. 603-26 91 603-48 50 602-89 108 November. 603-19 88 603-65 133 602-89 106 December. 1905— 602-74 82 603-25 128 602-57 102 January. 602-47 78 602-77 53 602-15 51 February. 602-13 71 602-54 100 601-93 51 March. 602-04 67 602-23 74 601-76 51 April. 602-25 74 602-27 124 601-87 51 May. 602-49 80 602-35 55 602-16 52 June. 602-67 83 602-62 50 602-46 52 July. 602-97 88 602-96 50 602-78 82 August... 603-10 88 603-28 114 603-01 110 September. 603-32 89 603-37 113 603-13 111 October. 603-33 94 603-42 130 603-17 110 November. 603-17 89 603-23 124 603-05 108 December. 1906— 602-96 84 602-94 90 602-80 105 January. 602-72 82 602-Vo 69 602-52 79 February. 602-43 77 602-48 50 602-27 77 March. 602-22 74 602-29 50 602-00 51 April. 602-15 76 602-21 50 601-93 51 May. 602-48 82 602-43 76 602-13 52 June. 602-78 86 602-76 122 602-53 81 July. 602-90 89 602-87 64 602-75 82 August. September. 602-93 602-95 88 88 603-02 603-15 50 76 602-85 602-82 107 106 October. November. December. 1907— 602-84 602-66 602-45 87 85 79 603-13 602-98 602-90 83 50 50 602-72 602-52 602-27 105 102 77 January. 602-22 74 602-76 59 602-06 51 February. 602-06 71 602-62 91 601-94 51 March. 601-94 66 602-40 108 601-84 51 April. 601-94 71 602-21 57 601-83 51 May. 602-10 73 602-34 50 601-96 51 June. 602-55 79 602-71 75 602-33 52 July. 602-70 85 603-03 69 602-71 82 August. September. October. November. December. 1908— 602- 93 603- 17 603-15 602-88 602-53 89 93 89 88 82 603-26 603-50 603-50 603-20 603-00 94 131 130 50 64 602- 91 603- 09 603-14 602-94 602-56 109 no no 106 101 January. February. March. April. 602-10 601-87 601-72 601-63 75 69 65 62 602-66 602-43 602-27 602-12 50 51 77 50 602-12 601-86 601-72 601-65 51 51 50 50 May. 602-03 68 602-30 50 601-83 51 I St. Lawrence Waterway Project 139 TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SUPERIOR—Con^inwed Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) 1908— June. 602-57 79 602-82 122 602-36 52 July . 602-85 88 603-12 127 602-84 83 August. 602-92 89 603-19 59 603-03 109 September. 602-77 86 603-23 67 602-94 107 October. 602-59 82 603-11 79 602-70 104 November. 602-23 80 602-87 77 602-37 100 December. 601-99 75 602-56 83 602-00 51 1909— January. 601-69 67 602-27 61 601-81 50 February. 601-46 60 602-02 50 601-60 50 March. 601-35 53 601-87 50 601-44 50 April. 601-29 54 601-81 50 601-37 50 May. 601-62 59 601-93 50 601-51 50 June . 601-94 68 602-30 50 601-86 51 July. 602-18 73 602-63 50 602-19 52 August. 602-40 82 602-93 66 602-49 80 September. 602-40 83 603-07 98 602-60 104 October. 602-29 80 602-98 103 602-48 102 November. 602-26 73 602-83 99 602-35 101 December. 602-26 79 602-75 79 602-24 78 1910— January. 602-01 71 602-63 77 602-13 51 February . 601-74 66 602-35 84 601-93 51 M nreh . 601-51 62 602-03 50 601-71 50 April . 601-62 60 602-00 50 601-68 51 May . 601-75 62 602-15 50 601-83 51 June. 601-90 69 602-33 50 602-00 51 July . 601-88 72 602-45 50 602-12 51 August. 601-97 73 602-55 50 602-22 78 September. 601-96 74 ' 602-66 50 602-25 78 October . 601-92 73 602-70 50 602-21 77 November. 601-68 69 602-63 50 602-06 51 December. 601-41 62 602-43 51 601-85 50 1911— January. 601-07 55 602-15 59 601-58 50 EeV»niary . 600-89 51 601-87 50 601-34 49 March . 600-66 49 601-65 50 601-13 49 April . 600-54 50 601-48 50 600-96 49 May . 600-82 54 601-57 50 601-04 49 June . 601-27 56 601-93 50 601-42 50 July . 601-62 59 602-36 65 601-83 51 August . 602-09 62 602-74 121 602-27 79 September. 602-18 62 602-85 123 602-50 80 October. 602-18 62 602-73 64 602-48 102 November. 602-03 61 602-63 50 602-29 78 December. 601-90 57 602-53 50 602-10 51 1912— January.*... 601-76 56 602-41 50 601-99 51 February... 601-53 54 602-23 78 601-82 50 March . 601-43 53 602-00 50 601-66 50 April . 601-45 54 601-98 50 601-63 50 May . 601-90 59 602-22 50 601-87 51 June. 602-20 63 602-63 58 602-27 52 July . 602-35 63 602-87 50 602-53 52 August . 602-53 67 603-07 50 602-73 106 September. 602-65 68 603-26 50 602-76 106 October. 602-60 69 603-35 53 602-68 104 140 St. Lawrence Waterwmj Project TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SUPERIOR—Con/tnucd Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month (a) Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Partial regulation S 3 'stem; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) 1912— November. 602-44 69 603-22 60 602-47 101 December. 1913— 602-20 65 603-11 53 602-17 76 January. 601-89 62 602-89 82 601-87 50 February. 601-57 61 602-52 50 601-59 50 March. 601-51 58 602-58 73 601-42 50 April. 601-64 62 602-57 50 601-48 50 May. 602-07 67 602-65 50 601-79 51 June. 602-36 69 603-05 125 602-20 52 July. 602-64 71 603-18 79 602-53 52 August. 602-78 73 603-36 73 602-80 106 September. 602-83 75 603-46 93 602-80 107 October. 603-02 78 603-56 131 602-86 107 November. 602-88 76 603-39 125 602-75 105 December. 1914— 602-70 73 603-07 67 602-50 101 January. 602-40 71 602-87 82 602-18 51 February. 602-21 68 602-59 98 602-00 51 March. 601-92 65 602-23 52 601-79 50 April. 601-84 64 602-08 50 601-65 51 May. 602-23 69 602-29 59 601-84 51 June. 602-46 72 602-63 83 602-21 52 July. 602-68 73 602-83 50 602-49 52 August. 602-75 75 603-03 56 602-70 81 September. 602-81 78 603-16 74 602-74 105 October. 602-73 89 603-14 58 602 - 65 104 November. 602-45 87 603-07 99 602-43 100 December. 1915— 602-09 70 602-72 66 602-06 51 January. 601-82 66 602-41 50 601-81 50 February. 601,69 67 602-26 82 601-65 50 March. 601-47 66 602-03 50 601-51 50 • April. 601-32 63 601-90 50 601-37 50 May. 601-61 70 602-01 50 601-48 50 June. 601-92 72 602-36 85 601-83 51 July. 602-25 77 602-65 50 602-21 52 August. 602-36 78 602-94 124 602-50 80 September. 602-40 76 602-87 50 602-57 105 October. November. 602-73 602-81 75 77 603-15 603-19 127 127 602-66 602-78 106 106 December. 1916— 602-69 73 603-03 125 602-66 104 January. 602-60 70 602-76 93 602-46 79 February. 602-41 69 602-58 100 602-30 77 March. 602-15 69 602-24 50 602-04 51 April.-. 602-34 74 602-27 75 602-06 52 May... ’. 602-96 83 602-67 121 602-53 121 June. 603-43 99 603-09 126 602-96 125 July. 603-60 99 603-33 71 603-20 126 August. 603-69 105 603-56 83 603•25 128 September. 603-81 117 603-73 134 603-29 112 October. 603-64 119 603-64 133 603 - 27 111 November. 603-45 116 603-43 73 603-12 109 December. 1917— 603-13 no 603-28 54 602-87 106 January. 602-75 91 603-12 126 602-54 79 February. 602-42 88 602-67 51 602-22 77 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 141 TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SWEHIOR—Continued Stages in Feet Above Mean Stea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) 1917— 602-33 86 602-55 119 602-02 602-06 602-19 602-47 602-72 602-78 602-73 51 51 52 52 81 106 105 103 100 51 602-28 90 602-37 88 602-38 92 602-41 50 602-60 91 602-68 50 602-65 87 602-94 50 602-69 76 603-10 50 602-73 74 603-21 50 October. 602-67 78 603-28 69 602-63 602-42 November. 602-46 74 603-17 55 December . 602-16 59 602-97 57 602-09 1918— January . 601-93 60 602-73 72 601-85 601-65 601-50 601-41 601-49 601- 84 602- 14 602-32 602-41 602-41 602-32 602-17 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 79 79 102 100 67 February . 601-71 58 602-46 56 March . 601-61 59 602-30 50 . 601-46 58 602-20 50 May . 601-74 59 602-29 50 Jync . 602-10 65 602-63 50 July . 602-26 58 602-94 53 Augu^^t . 602-42 61 603-11 50 September . 602-54 67 603-28 82 • October . 602-49 69 603-27 84 November. 602-55 64 603-23 103 December. 602-43 55 603-08 67 191 — Januarj^ . 602-28 55 602-94 90 601-98 601-82 601-62 601-60 601- 79 602- 02 602-19 602-27 602-17 602-05 602-03 601-96 51 50 50 50 51 51 51 78 February. 602-09 53 602-65 97 March . 601-90 53 602-31 50 April. 602-03 53 602-29 54 May. 602-26 55 602-47 50 June. 602-46 53 602-68 50 July . 602-60 54 602-88 50 50 August . 602-60 52 602-96 September. 602-56 55 602-95 50 77 51 51 51 October . 602-48 55 602-90 50 N o vember. 602-50 56 602-89 50 . 602-32 56 602-69 60 1920— January. 602-07 57 602-59 58 601-77 601-58 601-51 601-70 601- 95 602- 26 602-60 602-71 602-64 602-42 602-13 601-85 50 50 50 51 51 52 81 105 104 101 76 51 February. 601-90 56 602-38 87 March. 601-91 56 602-20 98 April. 602-25 55 602-25 115 May. 602-39 74 602-32 50 June. 602-74 77 602-60 65 July. 602-93 81 602-94 86 50 Aiicrimt, .. 602-96 100 603-04 September . 602-80 81 603 12 50 October.. 602-68 59 603-07 50 50 50 November. 602-47 58 602-93 Decern her . 602-24 55 602-73 1921— January. 602-07* 53 602-54 50 50 50 601-67 601-43 601-17 601-14 601- 43 601-80 602- 01 59 49 49 FeV)ruary. 601-75 54 602-30 March . 601-54 52 602-03 j\pril . 601-68 53 602-00 50 4y 50 May. 602-11 48 602-30 602-“bo 50 50 74 June .. 602-42 46 01 51 July. 602-58 54 602-88 142 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 9—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE SWEniOn—Concluded Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 cfs. diversion at Chicago and new Welland Canal complete Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) 1921— August. 602-76 54 602-98 91 602-19 51 September. 602-69 56 602-93 50 602-26 77 October. 602-55 55 602-82 50 602-09 51 November. 602-22 48 602-59 50 601-87 50 December. 602-01 45 602-33 50 601-59 50 1922— January. 601-64 42 602-03 50 601-28 49 February. 601-45 44 601-72 50 600-99 49 March. 601-33 44 601-57 50 600-81 49 April. 601-47 44 601-55 50 600-81 49 May. 601-96 44 601-85 50 601-10 49 June. 602-22 41 602-20 50 601-46 50 July. 602-51 43 602-45 50 601-71 51 August. 602-65 44 602-65 50 601-90 51 September. 602-72 43 602-74 50 601-99 51 October. 602-52 47 602-65 50 601-90 51 November. 602-37 48 602-46 50 601-72 50 December. 602-10 48 602-23 50 601-50 49 1923— Januar . 601-88 48 602-00 50 601-25 49 February. 601-'62 49 601-75 50 601-01 49 March. 601-47 51 601-53 50 600-79 48 April. 601-41 51 601-43 50 600-70 48 May. 601-67 55 601-53 50 600-80 49 June. 601-69 54 601-67 50 600-96 49 July. 601-97 53 601-85 50 601-13 49 August. 602-08 53 602-04 50 601-33 50 September. 602-12 52 602-13 50 601-42 50 October. 602-09 50 602-04 50 601-43 50 November. 602-05 49 602-10 50 601-40 49 December. 601-80 50 601-94 50 601-25 49 1924— January. 601-58 50 601-72 50 601-02 49 February. 601-35 50 601-44 50 600-80 48 March. 601-09 51 601-23 50 600-55 48 April. 601-04 52 601-09 50 600-41 48 May. 601-22 53 601-15 50 600-48 48 June. 601-30 50 601-30 50 600-63 48 July. 601-41 47 601-39 50 600-73 49 August. 601-67 50 601-57 50 600-91 49 September. 601-91 49 601-73 50 601-16 49 October. 601-91 50 601-93 50 601-28 49 November. 601-77 51 601-86 50 601-21 49 December. 1925— 601-52 50 601-67 50 601-02 49 January. 601-15 52 601-36 50 600-6a 48 February. 601-00 51 601-11 50 600-39 47 March. 600-83 52 600-88 50 600-29 47 April. 600-88 54 600-88 50 600-23 47 May. 600-97 55 600-97 . 50 600-33 48 June. 601-25 53 601-17 50 600-56 48 July. 601-42 53 601-40 50 600-82 49 August. 601-52 57 601-55 50 600-99 49 September. 601-43 62 601-58 50 601-02 49 October. 601-41 66 601-55 50 601-00 49 November. 601-14 63 601-44 50 600-83 48 December. 600-90 59 601-24 50 600-60 48 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 143 TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Year—Month Monthly Mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) 1860— January. 582-51 214 February. 582-69 154 March. 582-72 194 April. 582-85 200 May. 582-97 213 June. 583-09 231 July. 583-13 240 August. 582-94 237 September. 582-74 235 October. 582-43 218 November. 582-10 221 December. 58i-94 209 1861— January. 581-83 204 February. 581-92 x84 March. 582-31 219 April. 582-41 213 May. 582-83 218 June. 582-99 226 .July. 583-12 230 August. 583-36 235 September. 583-05 229 October. 582-93 228 November. 582-70 223 December. 582-53 219 1862— January. 582-33 208 February. 582-18 169 March. 582-48 221 April. 582-64 213 May. 582-89 220 June. 583-02 223 July. 582-92 220 August. 582-91 222 September. 582-84 223 October. 582-73 224 November. 582-34 217 December. 582-20 214 1863— January. 582-13 210 February. 582-18 209 March . 582-17 201 April. 582-17 207 May. 582-38 211 June. 582-47 215 July. 582-42 212 August. 582-29 210 September. 582-11 208 October. 582-02 212 November. 581-58 203 December. 581-92 211 1864— January. 581-69 204 Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Surv^ey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly mean Stage Discharge (d) (e) Partial regulation system: assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of month Stage (f) Discharge (g) Monthly First of Monthly month mean Stage (h) Discharge (i) 581-36 58i-54 581-57 581-70 581-82 581-94 581-98 581-79 581-59 581-28 580-95 580-79 580- 68 58a-77 581- 16 581-26 581-68 581-84 581- 97 582- 21 581-90 581-78 581-55 581-38 581-18 581-03 581-33 581-49 581-74 581-87 581-77 581-76 581-69 581-58 581-19 581-05 580- 98 581- 03 581-02 581-02 581-23 581-32 581-27 581-14 580-96 580-87 580-43 580-77 580-54 206 145 186 191 205 222 232 228 227 209 213 199 i96 175 211 204 210 217 222 226 221 219 215 210 200 160 213 204 212 214 212 213 215 215 209 205 202 200 193 198 203 206 204 201 200 203 195 202 581-50 581-49 581-59 581-74 581- 94 582- 13 582-27 582-16 581-97 581-71 581-38 581-13 581-03 581-03 581-26 581-48 581- 73 582- 09 ,582-29 582-48 582-45 582-22 582-03 581-82 581-63 581-43 581-44 581-65 581- 85 582- 21 582-28 582-23 582-17 582 05 581-80 581-52 581-42 581-38 581-39 581-35 581-41 581-51 581-50 581-37 581-25 581-15 580-95 580-94 196 . 581-06 195 137 175 181 195 210 234 231 228 221 2i7 .93 194 168 198 198 201 208 236 237 236 231 228 224 194 155 200 200 204 209 232 231 228 229 224 219 195 194 187 193 195 196 196 195 194 193 193 193 193 144 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Con/mwed Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 cfs diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,500 cfs diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1864— February. 581-55 207 580-40 198 580-84 190 March. 581-80 209 580-65 201 580-87 189 April. 581-51 195 580-36 186 580-85 185 May. 582-02 203 580-87 195 580-91 186 June. 582-01 200 580-86 191 581-15 188 Julv. 581-91 201 580-76 193 581-03 188 August. 581-73 199 580-58 190 580-91 185 September. 581-46 194 580-31 186 580-70 183 October. 581-07 191 579-92 182 580-41 178 November. 580-90 187 579-75 179 580-19 176 December. 580-77 181 579-62 172 580-11 173 1865— January. 580-56 165 579-41 157 579-94 152 February. 580-65 155 579-50 146 579-87 137 March. 580-82 191 579-67 183 579-98 179 April. 581-31 198 580-16 189 580-30 180 May. 581-47 195 580-32 187 580-60 182 June. 581-51 196 580-36 187 580-79 185 July. 581-94 206 580-79 198 581-09 194 August. 581-96 207 580-81 198 581-38 197 September. 581-84 205 580-69 197 581-38 197 October. 581-60 202 580-45 193 581-21 192 November. 581-04 193 579-89 185 580-84 186 December. 580-73 186 579-58 177 580-43 179 1866— January. 580-47 179 579-32 171 580-19 176 February. 580-23 180 579-08 171 579-89 170 March. 580-28 181 579-13 173 579-76 171 April. 580-73 183 579-58 174 579-98 171 May. 580-91 185 579-76 177 580-26 175 June. 581-20 189 580-05 180 580-50 178 July. 581-46 193 580-31 185 580-75 184 August. 581-52 196 580-37 187 580-89 185 September. 581-37 193 580-22 185 580-90 187 October. 581-26 190 580-11 181 580-81 185 November. 581-17 190 580-02 182 580-73 185 December. 580-91 180 579-76 171 580-58 181 1867— January. 580-89 192 579-74 184 580-45 181 February. 580-94 193 579-79 184 580-48 180 March. 581-12 176 579-97 168 580-57 164 April. 581-41 196 580-26 187 580-82 186 May. 581-63 197 580-48 189 581-08 190 June. 581-94 199 580-79 190 581-28 192 July. 582-09 207 580-94 199 581-49 197 August. 582-02 204 580-87 195 581-58 198 September. 581-75 203 580-60 195 581-45 198 October. 581-42 198 580-27 189 581*16 192 November. 580-96 192 579-81 184 580-78 186 December. 580-61 183 579-46 174 580-39 179 1868— January. 580-45 182 579-30 174 580-17 178 February. 580-41 173 579-26 164 580-01 104 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 145 TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Con/inued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean Stage (f) Discharge (g) Stage (i) Discharge (h) 580-29 184 580-55 183 580-63 183 580-87 184 580-97 185 580-79 182 580-47 180 580-27 177 580-14 176 579-99 172 580-75 163 579-84 172 580-74 198 579-83 158 580-60 150 579-74 159 580-63 108 579-77 167 581-17 203 580-08 172 581-59 172 580-50 179 582-00 227 580-95 187 582-12 225 581-25 192 582-18 238 581-11 190 581-88 198 580-90 188 581-68 214 580-71 186 581-47 165 580-53 181 581-20 150 580-45 178 581-34 150 580-50 166 581-54 203 580-69 169 581-88 231 581-07 192 582-21 175 581-35 199 582-45 192 581-75 200 582-52 244 581-85 203 582-37 191 581-79 203 582-31 241 581-84 205 582-05 237 581-73 201 581-64 230 581-37 196 581-27 219 581-03 191 581-08 203 580-88 191 581-03 187 580-88 188 581-23 221 581-09 197 581-56 226 581-48 200 581-86 232 581-72 204 582-12 237 581-88 206 582-29 240 582-00 208 581-88 233 581-90 204 581-45 150 581-48 194 580-94 150 580-83 185 580-75 154 580-50 182 580-55 180 580-22 175 580-15 151 579-87 172 580-10 204 579-77 171 579-96 183 579-62 171 Year—Month (a) 1868— March. April. May.. June. July. August. September. October...» November. December. 1869— January.... February.., March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1870— January.... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1871— January.... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September October... November December. 1872— January.... February.. March. 45827—10 ( Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record i Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Monthly Monthly mean mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) 581-09 196 579-94 188 580-99 189 579-84 180 581-27 190 580-12 182 581-48 192 580-33 183 581-51 194 580-36 186 581-17 189 580-02 180 580-93 186 579-78 178 580-70 185 579-55 176 580-63 187 579-48 179 580-35 180 579-20 171 580-25 183 579-10 175 580-32 171 579-17 162 580-06 167 578-91 159 580-43 179 579-28 170 580-76 184 579-61 176 581-29 193 580-14 184 581-67 196 580-52 188 581-93 204 580-78 195 581-82 204 580-67 196 581-46 198 580-31 189 581-34 197 580-19 189 581-06 189 579-91 180 581-12 178 579-97 170 581-21 180 580-06 171 581-51 186 580-36 178 581-93 203 580-78 194 582-27 207 581-12 199 582-41 211 581-26 202 582-52 211 581-37 203 582-43 209 581-28 200 582-57 216 581-42 208 582-17 212 581-02 203 581-77 203 580-62 195 581-42 192 580-27 183 581-57 206 580-42 198 581-49 174 580-34 165 582-09 210 580-94 202 582-29 213 581-14 204 582-64 219 581-49 211 582-68 219 581-53 210 582-71 220 581-56 212 582-48 217 581-33 208 581-81 201 580-66 193 581-12 190 579-97 181 581-07 191 579-92 183 580-48 175 579-33 166 580-36 182 579-20 174 580-35 183 579-20 174 580-13 182 578-98 174 146 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Conli'nued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean (a) Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1872— April. 580-38 182 579-23 173 580-00 169 579-62 171 May. 580-63 187 579-48 179 580-21 174 579-84 175 June. 581-00 191 579-85 182 580-52 150 580-12 176 July. 581-03 194 579-88 186 580-71 168 580-26 178 August. 581-01 192 579-86 183 580-80 176 580-26 176 September. 580-94 192 579-79 184 580-85 195 580-26 178 October. 580-82 188 579-67 179 580-77 186 580-19 176 November. 580-52 187 579-38 179 580-60 169 580-02 172 December. 1873_ 579-87 172 578-72 163 580-21 150 579-59 166 January. 579-87 178 578-72 170 579-98 174 579-30 166 February... 579-91 176 578-76 167 580-08 192 579-34 166 March. 580-22 179 579-07 171 580-11 185 579-51 173 April. 580-79 183 579-64 174 580-56 156 579-96 175 May. 581-35 197 580-20 189 58M4 150 580-53 189 June. 581-98 211 580-83 202 581-70 229 581-12 198 July. 581-94 208 580-79 200 581-95 233 581-50 199 August. 582-04 211 580-89 202 581-90 231 581-59 200 September. 581-85 208 580-70 200 581-81 231 581-59 203 October. 581-79 210 580-64 201 581-65 230 581-48 200 November. 581-56 206 580-41 198 581-43 227 581-36 199 December. 1874_ 581-52 202 580-37 193 581-21 183 581-24 194 January. 581-48 164 580-33 156 581-12 182 581-23 160 February. 581-77 136 580-62 127 581-15 144 581-34 128 March. 581-92 197 580-77 189 581-27 150 581-55 188 April. 581-82 204 580-67 195 581-49 210 581-59 196 May. 581-80 200 580-65 192 581-50 150 581-54 199 June. 582-17 215 581-02 206 581-77 168 581-64 200 July. 582-10 211 580-95 203 581-90 231 581-73 202 August. 582-11 212 580-96 203 581-85 227 581-66 201 September. 581-86 215 580-71 207 581-75 230 581-61 202 October. 581-51 211 580-36 202 581-57 229 581-49 200 November. 581-31 200 580-16 192 581-21 212 581-18 195 December. 580-97 203 579-82 194 581-00 212 580-96 192 1875— January. 580-77 201 579-62 193 580-75 213 580-82 191 February. 580-70 201 579-55 192 580-56 210 580-66 189 March. 580-76 200 579-61 192 580-60 212 580-64 191 April. 581-12 198 579-97 189 580-60 210 580-86 196 May. 581-68 207 580-53 199 581-19 184 581-27 201 June. 581-92 214 580-77 205 581-50 167 581-62 203 July. 581-89 216 580-74 208 581-71 153 581-77 205 August. 582-06 216 580-91 207 581-81 208 581-82 206 September. 581-99 219 580-84 211 581-75 230 581-87 228 October. 581-84 216 580-69 207 581-62 229 581-74 224 November. 581-63 215 580-48 207 581-43 228 581-57 223 December. 1875- 581-44 201 580-29 192 581-14 213 581-35 192 January. 581-39 20 S 580-24 200 581-06 208 581-29 198 February. 581-59 204 580-44 195 581-22 174 581-37 196 March. 581-92 197 580-77 189 581-28 150 581-50 197 April. 582-12 205 580-97 196 581-58 163 581-72 199 St. Lawrev.ce Waterway Project 147 TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Con/iwt/erf Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Complete regulation system, assuming 8,5()0 c.f.s diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,5()0 c.f.s diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of Monthly First of Monthly month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (f) (g) (i) (h) 582-04 214 582-14 192 582-54 244 582-65 219 582-94 252 583-10 251 583-07 259 583-25 253 582-98 255 583-17 252 582-57 249 582-86 245 582-21 243 582-58 212 581-96 238 582-36 236 581-65 582-06 212 581-93 186 581-87 139 581-96 165 582-02 170 581-99 207 581-98 207 581-96 207 581-83 227 581-67 224 581-60 223 581-52 219 581-45 194 581-35 152 581-37 180 581-47 197 581-65 201 581-86 203 581-96 206 581-87 204 581-70 204 581-61 222 581-52 220 581-33 199 581-00 172 580-78 168 580-70 177 580-78 185 580-84 186 580-94 187 580-99 189 580-91 188 580-80 187 580-66 185 580-49 184 580-43 181 580-45 186 580-43 173 580-39 177 580-45 179 580-68 186 Year—Month (a) 1876— May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December.., 1877— January. February.... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December.. 1878— January’. February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September., October_ November. December.. 1879— January. February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October_ November. DecemVjer.. 1880— January- February... March. April. May. 45827-lOi Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Monthly mean Monthly mean Stage (b) Discharge (c; Stage (d) Discharge (e) 582-74 199 581-59 191 583-15 226 582-00 217 583-49 237 582-34 229 583-42 238 582-27 229 583-37 241 582-22 233 582-79 234 581-64 225 582-89 231 581-74 223 582-42 241 581-27 205 582-28 213 581-13 205 582-29 197 581-14 188 582-29 148 581-14 140 582-67 177 581-52 168 582-56 182 581-41 174 582-63 226 581-48 217 582-60 227 581-45 219 582-48 226 581-33 217 582-27 222 581-12 214 582-28 218 581-13 209 582-16 216 581-01 208 582-10 215 580-95 206 581-98 209 .580-83 201 581-91 164 580-76 155 582-07 195 580-92 187 582-09 205 580-94 196 582-39 214 581-24 206 582-53 220 581-38 211 582-54 219 581-39 211 582-22 218 581-07 209 582-02 214 580-87 206 581-91 217 580-76 208 581-78 216 580-63 208 581-46 192 580-31 183 581-15 185 580-00 177 581-16 159 580-01 150 581-20 188 580-05 180 581-19 197 580-04 188 581-32 194 580-17 186 581-39 200 580-24 191 581-48 200 580-33 192 581-29 199 580-14 190 581-17 200 580-02 Ui2 580-95 197 579-80 188 580-73 197 579-58 189 580-76 194 579-61 185 580-80 192 579-65 184 580-71 185 579-56 176 580-75 191 579-60 183 580-92 189 579-77 180 581-26 196 580-11 188 148 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Con/tnwcd Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation Complete regulation Partial regulation Actual conditions New Welland Canal system, system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. occurring assumed complete assuming 8,.*^00 o.f.s. in past as Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at diversion at Year—Month given in record Chicago and Chicago and Other lowerings from New Welland Canal New Welland Canal data compiled by complete complete U.S. Lake Survey Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean (a) Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1880— June. 581.77 205 580-62 196 581-09 581-47 581-67 581-62 581-38 581-14 580-98 192 200 201 201 198 194 192 July. 581-99 211 580-84 203 August. 582-02 210 580-87 201 September. 581-72 210 580-57 202 October. 581-38 205 580-23 196 November. 581-06 204 579-91 196 December.—_ 580-89 192 579-74 181 1881— January. 580-90 186 579-75 178 580-89 580- 96 581- 18 581-21 581-36 581-62 581-75 581-79 581-69 581-76 581-89 581-80 179 188 186 193 197 199 202 204 206 228 230 220 February. 581-11 '02 579-96 193 March. 581-40 196 580-25 188 April. 581-31 205 580-16 196 May. 581-82 208 580-67 200 June. 582-05 209 580-90 200 July. 582-02 214 580-87 206 201 August. 582-02 210 580-87 September. 581-79 209 580-64 201 October. 582-12 219 580-97 210 November. 581-95 225 580-80 217 December. 581-85 210 580-70 201 1882— January. 581-63 208 580-48 200 581-65 581-50 581-55 581-77 581- 93 582- 05 582-17 582-28 582-26 582-03 581-76 581-51 201 188 199 201 205 205 210 233 233 227 224 219 February. 581-62 195 580-47 186 March. 581-99 203 580-84 195 April. 582-12 207 580-97 198 May. 582-22 206 581-07 198 June. 582-49 214 581-34 205 July. 582-62 211 581-47 203 August. 582-81 213 581-66 204 September. 582-69 219 581-54 211 October. 582-28 217 581-13 208 November. 582-07 213 580-92 205 December. 581-74 203 580-59 194 1883— January. 581-48 204 580-33 196 581-28 581-18 581-21 581-26 581- 59 582- 03 582-43 197 195 177 196 204 209 238 239 238 233 233 225 February. 581-52 208 580-37 199 March. 581-61 187 581-46 179 April. 581-82 206 580-67 197 May. 582-30 217 581-15 209 June. 582-66 219 581-51 210 July. 583-26 223 582-11 215 August. 583-23 230 227 582-08 581-89 221 219 September. 583-04 Ooz •oy 582-61 582-33 582-12 582-01 October. 582-82 223 581'67 214 November. 582-37 232 581-22 224 December. 582-29 221 581-14 212 1^84— January. 582-07 166 580-92 158 581-79 581-66 581-74 581- 92 582- 13 582-27 152 165 205 206 209 210 February. 582-19 179 581-04 170 March. 582-44 215 581-29 207 April. 582-62 221 581-47 212 * May. .582-83 225 581-68 217 June. 582-99 224 581-84 215 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 149 TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Con/inwcd Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from daca compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1884— July 582-83 226 581-68 218 582-28 232 582-69 226 581-54 217 582-11 227 582-44 222 581-29 214 581-88 227 582-44 229 581-29 220 581-79 226 ^Jr»vpm ViPr 582-08 224 580-93 216 581-71 225 582-05 214 580-90 205 581-49 201 1885— Jflnnn.ry 582-06 215 580-91 207 581-56 206 RpHrimry 582-29 223 581-14 214 581-67 208 M 582-25 212 581-10 204 581-69 207 1^ pril 582-44 215 581-29 206 581-72 205 582-80 228 581-65 220 581-96 209 ay J^jnp 583-01 232 581-86 223 582-24 212 July 583-10 235 581-95 227 582-41 238 A IICTIIcf. 583-31 237 582-16 228 582-60 241 Sppf PTnViPT 583-17 236 582-02 228 582-64 242 (^p^rtKpr 583-03 234 581-88 225 582-49 237 "M^rk^rpm Vkpr 582-73 229 581-58 221 582-30 233 J^pppfn V»pr 582-44 222 581-29 213 582-07 231 1886— Janiiarv 582 - 67 182 581-52 174 582-01 171 jr .. ’P'pKniarv 582-69 162 581-54 153 582-07 151 582-97 202 581-82 194 582-16 190 Arkril 583-24 209 582-09 200 582-40 196 Mav 583-50 233 582-35 225 582-67 218 583-57 245 582-42 236 582-82 222 July 583-38 241 582-23 233 582-74 243 A iirmcf 583-15 238 582-00 229 582-48 237 AUgUot . ftprkf pm Kpr 582-91 235 581-76 227 582-26 235 f^ofr\YknT 582-81 233 581-66 224 582-11 231 ^^rkvpm Hpr 582-47 230 581-32 222 581-93 228 "pjpppm Hpr 582-14 218 580-99 209 581-64 222 1887— Ja niiari/ 582-06 217 580-92 209 581-45 202 U'pKniarv 582-43 221 581-29 212 581-52 201 \f jiroVi 582-59 201 581-45 193 581-71 185 XlXOl V.'XI . pril 582-54 210 581-40 201 581-82 193 \f a V 582-74 216 581-60 208 582-02 204 ivxaj^ . 582-87 226 581-73 217 582-15 208 J,lly 582-81 229 581-67 221 582-17 210 A iimief 582-67 225 581-53 216 582-05 228 Rpr»f pm V\PT 582-33 219 581-19 211 581-81 224 Op+rkVkPr 581-88 217 580-74 208 581-49 198 ^JrtvpmV^pr 581-55 211 580-41 203 581-19 194 T^pppm V»pr 581-43 204 580-29 195 580-94 189 1888— .Toniiorxr 581-25 200 580-11 192 580-75 187 TTpVknia r\r 581-20 200 580-06 191 580-62 185 March. 581-38 193 580-24 185 580-65 176 A nril 581-59 204 580-45 195 580-83 188 xxpi lA* ••••••••••• \Ta V 581-97 201 580-83 193 581-11 185 ITXOrjr 582-24 221 581-10 212 581-43 198 July. 582-25 218 581-11 210 681-67 1 203 150 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE tMICHIGAN-HURON—Conimwed Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year — Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system, assuming 8,5()0 c.f.s diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,5()0 c.f.s diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) h) 1888— 582*13 220 580*99 211 581*75 203 September. 581*98 216 580*84 208 581*71 204 581*73 581•68 211 580*59 202 581*53 220 November. 208 580*54 200 581*34 216 581*10 201 579*96 192 581*08 189 . 1889— 581*08 197 579*94 189 580*91 191 Uciiiix»i y . . 581*05 176 579*91 167 580*87 166 J; t;iJI IXcil y . ^Tii.rpVl 581*03 176 579*89 168 580*78 J63 XVX<*1 L/IL. A.pril. 581*04 180 579*90 171 580*74 169 Ma-v 581*12 192 579*98 184 580*76 180 ivxixy . 581*58 203 580*44 194 580*96 189 .Tilly 581*76 207 580*62 199 581*22 193 A iicriicf 581*52 208 580*38 199 581*27 193 XVIX^iXol/. •*••••••• Sot\4'^tyi r\OT* 581*35 206 580*21 198 581*17 193 v^llX X/x^X •«•••• 581*10 201 579*96 192 580*98 189 ATYl r^AF 580*75 195 579*61 187 580*71 186 X^XXVCXXXU^X •••••• nAPATTI V^AF 580*57 186 579*43 177 580*50 177 1890— Tn TuiftTv 580*65 188 579*51 180 580*43 179 •JcXilUCfcX jr . "PoViriitirir 580*61 185 579*47 176 580*40 174 s. C'L/x iiAi y »»»••••• ]Vf nri^Vi 580*59 180 579*45 172 580*30 • 171 A.pril.. 580*91 185 579*77 176 580*40 174 \f ny 581*14 187 580*00 179 580*64 177 581*55 196 580*41 187 580*95 184 •Tilly 581*62 202 580*48 194 581*18 190 A iicriisf. 581*54 205 580*40 196 581*23 192 Spp^pm Hpr 581*34 201 580*20 193 581*16 193 Opf.nKpr 581*23 198 580*09 189 581*02 190 ^JriVAm V^AF 580*89 194 579*75 186 580*87 186 T^pppfinVipr 580*54 187 579*40 178 580*62 183 1891— Jf^TUlfiry 580*52 181 579*38 173 580*45 177 TJ'pViriiprv 580*28 185 579*14 176 580*30 175 X \ IJL Ut«i Jr •••••*•• 580*47 163 579*33 155 580*20 159 ^ pril 580*78 184 579*64 175 580*38 175 \Tn V 580*88 186 579*74 178 580*61 175 Xf J 4* Jr .. 581*03 198 579*89 189 580*68 183 July 580*86 198 579*72 190 580*64 183 A iinriict. 580*79 197 579*65 188 580*55 181 •••.••••• Sppt pm Vipr 580*56 194 579*42 186 580*43 180 Opf nVipr 580*20 188 579*06 179 580*17 174 "M n vpm hpr 579*80 182 578*66 1V4 579*84 172 JJpppfnHpr 579*74 181 578*60 172 579*66 169 1892— Jnnimry 579*86 174 578*79 166 579*65 165 Rphniary 580*05 150 578*98 141 579*70 142 Ma^rph 579*95 156 578*88 148 579*70 148 A pr"*! 580*01 177 578*94 168 579*74 169 M ny 580*43 180 579*36 172 579*91 171 Jiinp 580*88 186 579*81 177 580*25 173 July. 580*89 192 579*82 184 580*54 178 August . 580*97 196 579*90 187 . . 580*62 180 TABLE 10.- Year—Month (a) 1892— September. October. November. December. 1893— January. February. March. April. May. June. July. Aug. September. October. November. December. 1894— January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1895— January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1896— January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. St. Lawrence Watenvay Project 151 -EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Conh'nueJ Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 580-77 192 579-70 184 580-60 182 580-53 192 579-46 183 .580-41 178 580 -?6 190 579-19 182 580-16 176 579-99 180 578-92 171 579-87 169 579-98 155 578-97 147 579-65 139 580-12 157 579-11 148 579-63 142 580 - 23 180 579 - 22 172 579-70 172 580-69 184 579•68 175 579-96 174 580 - 99 184 579-98 176 580-40 166 581-32 199 580-31 190 580-79 183 581-34 202 580-33 194 580-96 188 581-17 201 580-16 192 580-96 189 580-85 196 579-84 188 .580-81 188 580-71 195 579-70 186 580-63 189 580 - 32 192 579-31 184 .580-47 183 580 - 25 186 579-24 177 580-29 179 580-26 189 579-31 181 580-73 153 580-30 179 580-29 175 579-34 166 580-82 181 580-29 163 580-55 188 579-60 180 580-90 210 580-37 175 580-70 185 579-75 176 581-15 206 580-57 172 581-24 195 580-29 187 581-52 215 580-89 184 581-40 209 580-45 200 581-86 229 581-24 194 581-43 212 580-48 204 582-03 232 581-49 199 581-35 208 280-40 199 581-90 232 581-54 199 580-92 205 579-97 197 581-60 173 581-34 197 580-71 201 579-76 192 581-40 162 581-12 193 580-44 200 579-49 192 581-23 222 580-93 190 580-09 191 579-14 182 580-97 217 580-71 185 579-91 178 578-99 170 .580-72 213 580-47 182 579-80 174 578-88 165 ^ 580-47 169 580-28 179 579-77 183 578-85 175 .580-44 181 580-12 178 579-97 172 579-05 163 580-48 150 580-15 162 580-13 179 579-21 171 580-62 150 580-27 168 580-18 193 579-26 184 580-73 180 580-35 179 580-07 191 579-15 183 580-82 192 580-29 178 579-95 189 579-03 180 580-77 177 580-20 176 579-68 187 578-76 179 580-70 181 580-11 175 579-31 185 578-39 176 580-49 183 579-89 171 579-09 178 578-17 170 580-35 204 579-62 168 578-98 170 578-06 161 579-98 150 579-43 166 579-06 171 578-18 163 579-95 1.50 579-42 166 579-10 147 578-22 138 580-02 170 579-46 137 579-11 158 578-23 150 579-90 150 579-42 151 579-29 168 578-41 159 579-90 150 579-42 163 579-57 170 578-69 162 580-10 150 579-60 162 579-89 184 579-01 175 580-52 150 579-90 172 579-83 184 578-95 176 580-82 183 580-15 176 579*76 182 578-88 173 580-81 150 580-21 175 1 579-66 182 578*78 174 580-75 150 580-18 176 152 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE [10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKEi MICHIGAN-HURON—Con/inued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system, assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New W’elland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1890- October. 579-61 179 578-73 170 580-60 170 580-08 174 November. 579-39 181 578-51 173 580-37 171 579-97 174 December. 579-34 173 578-46 164 580-19 169 579-87 168 1897— January. 579-33 176 578-48 168 580-20 160 579-85 172 February. 579-41 169 578-56 160 580-21 187 579-80 169 March. 579-72 173 578-87 165 580-25 150 579-83 170 April. 579-89 175 579-04 166 580-47 150 580-03 166 May. 580-38 183 579-53 175 580-87 153 580-38 173 June. 580-65 196 579-80 187 581-24 183 580-73 184 July. 580-84 199 579-99 191 581-48 194 580-95 189 August. 580-78 200 579-93 191 581-62 173 581-02 190 September. 580-53 196 579-68 188 581-49 163 580-93 189 October. 580-24 192 579-39 183 581-20 178 580-68 185 November. 579-98 190 579-13 182 580-94 174 580-47 182 December. 579-76 183 578-91 174 580-65 150 580-27 178 1898— January. 579-72 180 578-90 172 580-49 150 580-11 176 February. 579-86 156 579-04 147 580-51 150 580-08 151 March. 580-18 177 579-36 169 580-68 150 580-22 172 April. 580-50 181 579-68 172 581-04 210 580-54 172 May. 580-78 182 579-96 174 581-25 152 580-82 175 June. 580-91 195 580-09 186 581-42 150 580-95 186 July. 580-89 197 580-07 189 581-54 185 581-00 189 August. 580-69 196 579-87 187 581-57 169 580-89 188 September. 580-34 195 579-52 187 581-44 163 580-72 186 October. 580-33 190 579-51 181 581-30 182 560-56 183 November. 579-92 189 579-10 181 581-07 150 580-41 180 December. 579-58 183 578-76 174 580-82 150 580-20 175 1899— January. 579-53 177 578-73 169 580-65 162 579-99 168 February. 579-61 177 578-81 168 580-57 166 579-87 166 March. 579-81 113 ^79-01 105 580-62 134 579-89 90 April. 580-08 164 579-28 155 580-81 150 580-09 157 May. 580-52 192 579-72 184 581-24 204 580-42 181 June. 580-83 199 580-03 190 581-70 227 580-79 188 July. 581-04 205 580-24 197 582-00 233 581-17 195 August. 580-96 203 580-16 194 582-07 236 581-33 198 September. 580-82 201 580-02 193 581-82 232 581-26 196 October. 580-49 195 579-69 186 581-53 225 581-01 191 November. 580-31 193 579-51 185 581-28 220 580-78 188 December. 579-81 184 579-01 175 580-92 210 580-55 186 1900— January. 579-66 137 578-88 132 580-67 155 580-33 132 February. 579-77 125 578-99 119 580-54 150 580-27 118 March. 579-94 130 579-16 125 580-59 146 580-35 135 April. 580-07 176 579-29 170 580-62 150 580-41 171 May. 580-31 180 579-53 175 580-78 150 580-53 175 June. 580-42 189 579-64 183 580-95 i50 580-65 182 July. 580-53 194 579-75 189 581-12 151 580-76 187 August. 580-70 193 579-92 187 581-27 208 580-86 190 September. 580-65 196 579-87 191 581-37 201 580-99 193 October. 580-66 197 579-88 191 581-42 224 581-01 193 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Continued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month (a) 1900— November.. December... 1901— January. February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November., December.. 1902— January. February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December.. 1903— January.... February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December., 1904r- January.... February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September, October,... November, llecember. Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation ( New Welland Canal assumed complete i Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey ;;jomplete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal ] complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly Mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharg Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 580-52 198 579-74 193 581-37 224 581-00 193 580-19 189 579-41 183 581-22 217 580-88 182 579-95 160 579-24 156 580-87 176 580-67 155 579-92 107 579-21 102 580-67 120 580-52 102 580-34 130 579-63 126 580-68 146 580 - 58 128 580-49 126 579-78 121 580-87 150 580-81 120 580-92 174 580-21 170 581-09 157 581-10 189 580-97 203 580-26 198 581-27 177 581-27 198 581-06 204 580-35 200 581-36 177 581-31 199 581-11 206 580-40 210 581-57 215 581-39 198 .580-92 200 580-21 196 581-53 182 581-37 198 580-56 198 579-85 193 581-25 156 581-17 193 580-23 196 579-52 192 560-98 196 580-95 191 . 579-95 158 579-24 153 580-77 155 580-71 154 579-76 115 579-09 111 580-53 129 580-55 111 579-61 122 578-94 117 580-32 134 580-36 116 579-84 176 579-17 172 580-28 150 580-29 174 579-91 178 579-24 173 589-42 150 580-38 175 580-30 187 579-63 183 580-66 150 580-57 185 580-50 191 579-83 186 580-98 164 580-84 187 580-83 190 580-16 186 581-30 150 581-08 191 580-85 194 580-18 189 581-53 150 581-21 191 580-48 189 579-81 185 581-41 i50 581-13 191 580-33 184 579-66 179 581-17 150 580-91 187 580-22 185 579-55 181 581-08 171 580-80 187 ,. 579-93 176 579-26 171 580-85 210 580-66 176 579-72 124 579-08 121 580-65 146 580-44 123 579-90 *119 579-26 115 580-52 137 580-36 115 580-09 163 579-45 160 580-61 150 580-47 163 580-36 180 579-72 176 580-88 150 580-69 178 580-45 185 579-81 182 581-16 150 580-87 183 580-63 188 579-99 184 581-45 171 580-97 184 580-81 191 580-17 188 581-77 190 581-10 191 580-71 192 580-07 188 581-80 198 581-17 192 580-79 193 580-15 190 581-73 230 581-23 195 580-62 196 579-98 192 581-58 227 581-28 196 580-26 192 579-62 189 581-32 223 581-10 193 .. 579-94 159 579-30 155 580-98 185 580-79 158 579-99 138 579-38 135 580-70 158 580-66 138 579-98 131 579-37 127 580-61 149 580 - 57 127 580-26 147 579-65 144 580-70 150 580-63 147 580-72 181 580-11 177 581-11 150 580-96 185 581-09 194 580-48 191 581-56 150 581-33 193 581-47 202 580-86 198 581-98 233 581-67 198 581-48 205 580-87 202 582-08 234 581-85 202 581-38 206 580-77 202 581-94 233 581-79 203 581-31 203 580-70 200 581-71 229 581-74 20o 581 -18 204 580-57 200 581-60 150 581-67 223 580-88 201 580-27 198 581-42 226 581-45 219 .. 580-54 187 579-93 183 581-10 214 581-10 184 154 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF {REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Conlmued Stages in Feet above !Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at8,500c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly Mean mean month mean month mean (a) Stage Discharg Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 1905— January. 580-39 97 579-81 93 580-87 110 580-87 93 February. 580-31 103 579-73 98 580-67 114 580-71 96 March. 580-45 150 579-87 146 580-72 168 580-67 147 April. 580-83 196 580-25 191 580-90 217 580-87 191 May. 581-09 199 580-51 195 581*28 179 581-14 194 June. 581-48 206 580-90 201 581-58 173 581-44 196 July. 581-62 208 581-04 204 581-87 231 581-68 200 August. 581*59 208 581*01 203 581-79 230 581*74 202 September. 581-49 208 580-91 204 581-74 230 581-74 204 October. 581-05 205 580-47 200 581-53 227 581-57 219 November. 580-78 201 580-20 197 581-26 222 581-27 195 December. 580-63 195 580-05 190 581-01 218 581-06 192 1906— January. 580-61 184 580-03 180 580-83 163 580-97 181 February. 580-76 141 580-18 136 580-89 156 581-01 136 March. 580-91 164 580*33 160 580-93 176 581-13 158 April. 581-09 191 580-51 186 580-98 196 581-24 187 May. 581-35 206 580-77 202 581-13 172 581-40 199 Jure. 581-47 207 580-89 202 581-37 190 581*55 199 July. 581-48 208 580-90 204 581-57 155 581-64 202 August. 581-45 206 580-87 201 581-63 159 581-64 201 September. 581-10 202 580*52 198 581-47 166 581*52 200 October. 580-91 197 580-33 192 581-23 164 581-29 195 November. 580-75 194 580-17 190 581-08 150 581*13 193 December. 580-70 170 580-12 165 581-06 161 581-06 167 1907— January. 580-64 142 580-05 139 580-92 150 581-03 139 February. 580-68 127 580-09 123 580-86 140 580-99 122 March. 580-74 167 580-15 164 580-91 178 580*99 162 April. 581-00 190 580-41 186 581-10 195 581-09 184 May. 581-16 200 580-57 197 581-27 151 581-26 194 June. 581-52 204 580-93 200 581-57 166 581-48 197 July. 581-52 209 580*93 206 581-86 173 581-66 200 August. 581-44 206 580-85 202 581-87 232 581*68 201 September. 581-42 206 580-83 203 581-73 229 581*65 203 October. 581*17 202 580*58 198 581*63 227 581-55 218 November. 580-76 196 580-17 193 581-36 150 581-25 194 December. 1908— 580-65 189 580-06 185 581*08 214 581*01 190 January. 580-48 122 579-90 120 580-86 139 580-91 119 February. 580-57 114 579*99 111 580-69 126 580*80 108 March. 580-64 108 580-06 106 580-68 119 580-81 103 April. 580-94 186 580-36 183 580-86 150 580-99 182 May. 581-50 198 580-92 196 581-32 181 581-36 194 June. 581-64 205 581-06 202 581*66 226 581-69 199 July. 581*83 209 581-25 207 581*91 232 581-85 205 August. 581-72 206 581-14 203 581-97 233 581-88 204 September. 581-28 201 580-70 199 581-60 156 581-67 201 October. 580-92 194 580-34 191 581*24 154 581-31 194 November. 580-27 189 579-69 187 580-87 170 580-91 189 December. 1909— 580*13 187 579-55 184 580-57 197 580-59 184 January. 579*88 162 579-31 160 580-30 170 580-31 159 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 155 TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON— Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month ( Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record i ( Z^omputed conditions for present regimen without regulation ( New Welland Canal assumed complete £ Chicago diversion issumedat8,500c.f.s. Other lowerings from ' data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; issuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and i^ew Welland Canal complete Monthly Mean Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) 1909— 580 02 no 579-45 107 580-17 121 March. 580-10 146 579-53 144 580-22 150 150 150 April. 580-36 182 579-79 179 580-33 M ay. 580-88 187 580-31 185 580-78 June . 581-08 195 580-51 192 581-23 150 July . 581-05 196 580-48 194 581-42 150 August. 581-07 194 580-50 191 581-45 153 September. 580-80 192 580-23 190 581-36 179 October. 580-32 187 579-75 184 581-07 183 November. December. 580-21 580-17 183 172 579-64 579-60 181 169 580-80 580-77 158 196 1910— January. 579-95 126 579-50 125 580-62 143 February. 579-94 135 579-49 133 580-50 150 March. 580-01 181 579-56 180 580-52 150 April. 580-37 185 579-92 183 580-70 150 150 May . 580-50 189 580-05 188 589-97 June . 580-57 192 580-12 190 581-17 150 July . 580-49 189 580-04 188 581-23 150 August. 580-33 189 579-88 187 581-15 150 September. October . 580-29 580-10 187 186 579-84 579-65 186 184. 581-08 580-98 150 190 November. December. 579-78 579-46 183 153 579-33 579-01 182 151 580-71 580-41 160 162 1911— January. 579-20 126 578-85 125 580-12 146 141 February. 579-40 124 579-05 122 580-03 March . 579-23 171 578-88 170 579-98 150 April . 579-50 173 579-15 171 580-05 150 150 M ay . 579-77 180 579-42 179 580-33 June. 580-05 185 579-70 183 580-65 150 184 168 188 157 171 150 July. 579-89 184 579-54 183 580-82 Aug. 579-85 183 579-50 181 580-74 September. October. 579-75 579-65 178 177 579-40 579-30 177 175 580-78 580-75 November. December. 579-37 579-48 176 170 579-02 579-13 175 168 580-67 580-57 1912— January. 579-27 126 578-94 125 580-55 150 150 150 150 150 189 165 175 230 228 222 222 February. 579-29 129 578-96 127 580-40 March. 579-35 145 579-02 144 580-39 April. 579-52 170 579-19 168 580-48 AT ay . 580-05 184 579-72 183 580 - 85 .Tunp . 580-46 188 580-13 186 581-38 July. 580-53 188 580-20 187 581-62 August. 580-63 190 580-30 188 581-72 September. October. 580-71 580-41 194 192 480-38 580-08 193 190 581-81 581-64 November. December. 580-42 . 580-18 194 193 580-09 579-85 193 191 581-40 581-20 1913— January. . 580-01 175 1 579-69 175 580-95 150 Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of month Monthly mean Stage (h) Discharge (i) 580-18 103 580-25 143 .580-39 180 •580-76 185 581-17 189 581-27 191 581-23 192 581-08 191 580-79 185 580-52 184 580-45 180 580-31 118 580-19 125 580-19 172 580-33 176 580-54 180 580-70 181 580-68 182 580-54 181 580-47 182 580-37 178 580-18 175 579-85 145 579 - 59 113 579-55 116 579-54 164 579-59 168 579-81 172 580-11 174 580-21 177 580-14 174 580-08 175 580-00 172 579 95 173 579 91 167 579-87 120 579-78 124 579-76 139 579-88 169 580-21 175 580-71 183 580-94 188 580-99 191 581-18 194 581-20 194 581-14 194 581-09 191 580-94 176 156 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON— Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at8,500c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system ; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete i Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly Mean mean month mean month mean (a) Stage Discharg Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 1913— February. 579-84 129 579-52 128 580-89 150 580-78 127 March. 580-13 158 579-81 158 580-84 150 580-76 159 April. 580-82 179 580-50 178 581-28 150 581-16 183 May. 581-13 187 580-81 187 581-82 150 581-61 193 June. 581-26 190 580-94 189 582-07 234 581-78 197 July. 581-26 198 580-94 198 582-20 236 581-63 201 August. 581-26 200 580-94 199 582-08 236 581-81 202 September. 580,98 195 580-66 195 581-92 234 581-71 202 October. 580-75 191 580-43 190 581-61 228 581-51 219 November. 580-44 190 580-12 190 581-41 224 581-29 194 December. 580-30 184 579-98 183 581-24 218 581-14 192 1914— January. 580-07 146 579-77 146 580-96 171 580-99 150 February. 580-04 137 579-74 136 580-82 158 580-81 137 March. 579-99 151 579-69 151 580-78 162 580-73 151 April. 580-15 174 579-85 173 580-73 150 580-70 183 May. 580-36 180 580-06 180 580-91 150 580-81 184 June. 580-64 182 580-34 181 581-21 150 581-03 185 July. 580-79 189 580-49 189 581-50 150 581-18 190 August. 580-69 190 580-39 189 581-56 171 581-16 191 September. 580-49 192 580-19 192 581-43 162 581-05 192 October. 580-37 188 580-07 187 581-30 168 580-93 189 November. 579-82 183 579-52 183 581-00 178 580-67 185 December. 579-53 162 579-23 161 580-70 150 580-35 161 1915— January. 579-45 117 579-17 117 580-50 138 580-10 113 February. 579-67 134 579-39 133 580-40 150 580-06 132 March. 579-60 146 579-32 146 580-48 150 580-10 142 April. 579-56 167 579-28 166 580-43 150 580-05 163 May. 579-73 171 579-45 171 580-45 150 580-04 174 June. 579-89 175 579-61 174 580-59 150 580-15 174 July. 579-98 182 579-70 182 580-80 150 580-24 176 August. 580-21 184 579-93 183 580-97 150 580-37 177 September. 580-01 181 579-73 181 581-15 150 580,41 180 October. 579-81 180 579-53 179 581-01 157 580-32 177 November. 579-46 176 579-18 176 580-95 186 580-16 176 December. 579-41 164 579-13 163 580-85 202 580-04 163 1916— January. 579-16 153 578-90 153 580-72 150 579-98 152 February. 579-30 124 579-04 123 580-79 150 580-00 120 March. 579-46 122 579-20 122 580-93 150 580-13 122 April. 579-95 150 5/9-69 149 581,-06 156 580-35 150 May. 580-49 184 580-23 184 581-56 200 580-80 188 June. 581-10 193 580-84 192 582-11 234 581-42 196 July. 581-31 197 581-05 197 582-47 215 581-85 204 August. 581-06 201 580-80 200 582-41 243 581-94 204 September. 580-67 198 580-41 198 582-07 237 581-76 223 October. 580-50 196 580-24 195 581-75 231 581-45 199 November. 580-65 193 580-39 193 581-68 231 581-38 220 December. L917— 580-56 186 580-30 185 581-55 218 581-34 186 January. 580-44 144 580-22 145 581-26 165 581-23 142 February. 580-36 145 580-14 145 581-20 166 581-13 143 St. Lawrence Waterwaxj Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Conlinued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record IJomputed conditions for present regimen without regulation ( New Welland Canal assumed complete { Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey IJomplete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system: assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly Mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharg Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (0 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 1917— March. 580-49 191 580-27 192 581-09 220 581-10 195 580-85 185 580-63 185 581-28 222 581-22 184 581-18 193 580-96 194 581-55 190 581-48 196 June. 581-63 201 581-41 201 581-83 230 581-78 199 July . 581-97 211 581-75 212 582-09 208 582-10 206 August. 581-91 212 581-69 212 582-20 239 582-29 230 September. 581-71 206 581-49 207 581-97 234 582-19 229 October. 581-39 203 581-17 203 581-57 228 581-93 223 November. 581-20 195 580-98 196 581-27 184 581-71 220 December. 580-77 150 580-55 150 581-00 168 581 - -44 149 1918— January. 580-82 125 580-60 126 580-85 136 581-23 122 February'. 580-84 143 580-62 143 580-77 156 581-24 140 M arch. 581-13 168 580-91 169 580-92 181 581-37 166 /Vpril. 581-50 131 581-28 131 581-15 139 581-64 125 May . 581-75 199 581-53 200 581-41 210 581-94 197 JuTif* . 581-98 208 581-76 208 581-63 218 582-20 213 July . 581-97 212 581-75 213 581-70 155 582-29 235 Aiifnist. 581-87 212 581-65 212 581-75 158 582-15 229 a; X I £ > s pc 581-49 210 581-27 211 581-62 174 .581 - 94 227 October. 581-20 202 580-98 202 581-43 201 581-64 220 November. 581-07 200 580-85 201 581-25 222 581-47 220 December. 581-13 196 580-91 196 581-23 227 581-44 197 1919— January. 580-77 189 580-56 190 581-05 2(H 581-35 181 February. 580-71 178 580-50 178 580-91 163 581-18 172 March . 580-81 181 580-60 182 581-06 181 581-12 177 T^pril . 581-14 187 580-93 187 581-16 205 581-33 182 I^Iav . 581-46 195 581-25 196 581-48 194 581-66 191 Junp . 581-60 198 581-39 198 581-68 150 581-89 200 July . 581-37 203 581-16 204 581-86 218 581-86 201 August. 581-12 199 580-91 199 581-66 152 581-70 199 September. 580-77 197 580-56 198 581-49 150 581-50 198 October. 580-68 193 580-47 193 581-33 173 581-29 195 November. 580-42 189 580-21 190 581-17 221 581-09 192 December. 580-08 154 579-87 154 580-85 173 580-84 148 1920— January. 580-00 108 579-79 108 580-62 118 580-65 99 February. 580-04 119 579-83 118 580-51 131 580-57 113 starch . 580-19 155 579-98 155 580-58 170 580-59 152 April . 580-57 189 580-36 188 580-92 217 580-86 194 May . 580-82 186 580-61 186 .581-31 194 581-17 195 June . 580-93 192 580-72 191 581-40 1.50 581-26 194 July. 581-08 200 580-87 200 581-62 188 581-3o 196 August . 581-11 201 580-90 200 581-73 184 581-45 198 September. 580-93 201 580-72 201 581-57 158 581-39 197 October. 580-59 190 580-38 189 581-37 172 581-22 194 Nov. 580-32 182 580-11 182 581-11 152 581-02 190 December. 580-10 184 579-89 183 580-91 163 580-79 180 1921— January. 579-91 181 579-71 181 580-76 177 580-61 178 February. 579-87 126 579-67 125 580-64 144 580-44 119 March. 579-96 162 579-76 162 580-53 166 580-43 160 158 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Table lO .—effect of regulation—lake MICHIGAN-HURON— Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at8,500c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly Mean mean month mean month mean (a) Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) tc) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 1921— April. 580-44 183 580-24 182 580-78 165 580-68 181 May. 580-62 180 580-42 180 581-19 150 581-01 186 June. 580-65 186 580-45 185 581-37 150 581-13 187 July. 580-48 191 580-28 191 581-42 150 581-08 188 August. 580-18 189 579-98 188 581-35 150 580-90 185 September. 580-03 189 579-83 189 581-31 180 580-71 186 October. 579-87 185 579-67 184 581-16 199 580-60 183 November. 579-69 175 579-49 175 580-90 l^O 580-38 179 December. 579-51 170 579-31 169 580-77 150 580-21 166 1922— January. 579-29 127 579-10 128 580-68 153 580-07 127 February. 579-26 126 579-07 126 580-41 148 579-94 126 March. 579-50 165 579-31 166 580-44 172 580-00 164 April. 580-04 176 579-85 176 580-85 191 580-39 174 May. 580-52 183 580-33 184 581-37 213 580-89 186 June. 580-62 190 580-43 190 581-63 217 581-22 192 July. 580-73 196 580-54 197 581-73 161 581-36 195 August. 580-64 196 580-45 196 581-82 180 581-40 195 September. 580-43 193 580-24 x94 581-72 228 581-27 194 October. 580-02 186 579-83 x86 581-35 159 580-97 188 November. 579-59 180 579-40 181 581-03 166 580-59 182 December. 579-14 181 578-95 181 580-80 170 580-19 176 1923— January. 579-10 U1 578-91 141 580-41 *170 579-93 140 February. 578-83 116 578-64 115 580-17 135 579-76 112 March. 579-04 165 578-85 165 580-15 150 579-74 164 April. 579-27 167 579-08 166 580-33 150 579-93 165 May. 579-70 183 579-51 183 580-70 150 580-25 • 180 June. 579-90 188 579-71 187 581-07 150 580-57 183 July. 579-96 186 579-77 186 851-28 196 580-71 185 August. 579-79 185 579-60 184 581-20 171 580-66 184 September. 579-69 184 579-50 184 581-09 183 580-52 183 October. 579-41 181 579-22 180 580-92 176 580-35 179 November. 579-09 176 578-90 176 580-65 164 580-07 174 December. 1924— January. 578-80 170 578-61 160 580-37 150 579-79 169 578-54 146 578-40 148 580-19 150 579-55 145 February. 578-77 120 578-63 121 580-13 143 579-51 116 March. 578-75 145 578-61 147 580-14 150 579-56 143 April. 578-99 160 578-85 161 580-23 150 579-67 159 May. 579-29 173 579-15 175 580-53 150 579-94 170 June. 579-45 176 579-31 177 580-82 150 580-20 171 July. 579-53 177 579-39 179 581-03 150 580-34 177 August. 579-67 181 579-53 182 581-23 150 580-50 179 September. 579-55 182 579-41 184 581-28 150 580-51 181 October. 579-30 174 579-16 175 581-17 150 580-30 175 November. 578-78 169 578-64 171 580-82 150 589-91 170 December. 578-47 146 578-33 147 580-45 150 579-51 144 1925— January. 578-30 127 578-26 128 580-19 150 579-25 126 February. 578-25 132 578-21 132 589-99 150 579-11 131 March. 578-33 149 578-29 li50 580-02 150 579-13 150 April. 578-51 160 578-47 160 580-09 150 579-22 161 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 10.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON—Conc^i(ier\r 572-79 214 572-00 208 572-21 185 tiaiiUAi jr»*«*»***« T’pHmQfv 573-05 220 572-26 213 572-33 190 \T ^rpVi 573-24 224 572-45 218 572-71 205 April 573-79 236 573-00 229 573-17 225 May............ 574-06 243 573-27 237 573-55 237 ,Tiinp 574-14 244 573-35 237 573-65 239 .Tilly 573-92 239 573-13 233 573-50 246 A iimiaf. 573-76 236 572-97 229 573-30 243 K Ar 573-33 226 572-54 220 572-95 229 Opf nKpr 573-00 218 572-21 211 572-58 218 "Wrkvpm V»pr 572-52 208 571-73 202 572-15 188 "Ploppm Kpr 572-45 206 571-66 199 572-06 195 1885— .TaTiimr\r 572-27 202 571-49 196 571-92 176 TTpHnitirv 572 06 198 571-28 191 571-86 176 AT firpVi 571-92 195 571-14 189 571-77 176 April 572-74 213 571-96 206 572-24 186 AT ay 573-47 229 572-69 223 573-18 225 .T^inp 573-98 241 573-20 234 573-66 240 Tilly 573-94 240 573-16 234 573-72 253 August. 573-95 240 573-17 233 573-61 262 166 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 11.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE BniE—Continued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Surv^ey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly Mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1885— September . 573-80 237 573-02 231 573-37 248 573-70 234 572-92 227 573-18 225 573-58 232 572-80 226 573-19 253 December. . . 573-53 231 572-75 224 572-95 248 1886— January... 573-55 231 572-78 225 572-86 212 February. 572-82 214 572-05 207 572-59 200 March 572-63 210 571-86 204 572-14 181 April. 573-51 230 572-74 223 572-65 202 May. 573-81 237 573-04 231 573-40 232 June. 573-91 239 573-14 232 573-49 234 July. 573-89 239 573-12 233 573-37 242 August. 573-68 234 572-91 227 573-23 238 September 573-44 228 572-67 222 572-97 230 October 573-21 223 572-44 216 572-71 222 November.... 572-80 214 572-03 208 572-38 206 December. 572-85 215 572-08 208 572-25 218 1887— January. 572-62 210 571-86 204 572-17 183 February. 573-04 219 572-28 212 572-38 192 March . 573-85 236 573-09 230 573-06 219 April. 573-87 235 573-11 228 573-50 234 May. 574-05 240 573-29 234 573-46 233 June. 574-08 243 573-32 236 573-51 235 July. 573-84 239 573-08 233 573-33 241 August. 573-52 230 572-76 223 572-84 226 September_ 573-29 223 572-53 217 572-63 220 October. 572-70 224 571-94 217 572-30 200 November. 572-43 212 571-67 206 571-92 176 December. 572-45 216 571-69 209 571-98 186 1888— January. 572-27 211 571-52 205 572-04 177 February. 572-00 • 198 571-25 191 572-01 177 March. 572-10 199 571-35 193 572-00 176 April. 572-73 214 571-98 207 572-44 193 M ay. 572-98 217 572-23 211 572-93 2i4 June. 573-11 221 572-36 214 573-00 217 July. 573-26 226 572-51 220 572-97 230 August. 573-16 223 572-41 216 572-83 226 September. 572-72 216 571-97 210 572-38 206 October. 572-35 212 571-60 205 571-95 176 November. 572-41 208 571-66 202 572-22 193 December. 572-29 215 571-54 208 572-40 235 1889— January. 572-31 211 571-57 205 572-05 178 February. 572-15 206 571-41 199 572-22 185 March. 571-99 198 571-25 192 572-16 183 April. 572-34 206 571-60 199 572-28 188 May. 572-52 209 571-78 203 572-63 202 June ,, -, - ... 572-95 220 572-21 213 572-91 214 July. 573-15 221 572-41 215 573-15 235 August. 572-84 219 572-10 212 572-84 226 September. 572-45 210 571-71 204 572-29 199 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 167 TABLE 11.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE EHIE—Continued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month (a) 1889— October. November., December.. 1890— January. February... March. April. May. June.. July. August.. September. October.... November. December.. 1891— January.... February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December.. 1892— January.... February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1893— January.... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October..., Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation < New Welland Canal assumed complete s Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c .f .s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation .system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly Mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 572*03 199 571*29 192 571*87 176 571*76 199 571*02 193 571*64 176 572*02 206 571*28 199 571*76 176 572*38 219 571*65 2i3 572*29 188 572•67 215 571*94 208 572*82 210 572*79 220 572*06 214 572*97 216 573 * 28 226 572*55 2i9 573*25 227 573 * 62 234 572*89 228 573*56 237 t;70.QQ 242 573*26 235 573*78 244 01 o W r,7o. fit 235 572*88 229 573*65 251 0*0 Oi C70.17 225 572*44 218 573*01 231 Old 11 572*98 217 572*25 211 572*53 217 572*79 C70.7fi 216 572*06 209 572*25 195 221 5/2*03 215 5.2*28 198 01 A 10 *179. *i^ 215 571*80 208 572*28 222 01A * Od C7O.OI 209 571*59 203 571*96 176 Of ui C70.9Q 206 571*57 199 572*12 180 Of 1:79.7K 210 572*03 204 572*48 195 01 Z'lO e;79. fi9 212 571*90 205 572*75 206 01 Z vZ 207 571*72 201 572*58 200 OiZ' Vk C79 ,KQ 207 571*86 200 572*53 198 0 f z 00 C70,AQ 211 571*76 205 572*51 217 0 f ^ 7O . 572*21 *179.0^ 205 571*49 198 572*i3 186 201 571*31 a95 571*95 176 01 Z vd . 571*65 *i71 .91 193 570*93 186 571*76 176 191 570*49 185 571*39 176 Of 1*^1 C71.9Q 192 570*56 185 571*23 176 . Oil* ZO *171 .^1 190 570*60 184 571*35 176 Oll*dl *171 .in 176 570*39 169 571*30 176 . Ol1 *lU *171.14. 180 570*43 174 571*16 176 Oil*1^ *171 .70 198 570*99 191 571*44 176 Ol 1 *lU *179. *10 207 571*79 201 572*24 186 . otZ OU *177.9ft 225 572*55 218 573*13 222 . 0/d*40 *17Q. 230 572*67 224 573*49 245 . Dio do 222 572*32 215 573*09 233 0/0 Uu *179.71 216 572*00 210 572*52 217 Ol 4 11 *179.1 *I 208 571*44 201 571*96 176 0/4*10 1171 .09 200 571*11 194 571*69 176 0/1'o4 C71,cc 200 570*84 193 571*47 176 • 0/1 00 (I71.17 183 570*47 177 571*37 176 . 0/1*1/ f:7i .OPC 182 570*55 175 571*16 176 • 0/1 aO C71.47 igg 570*77 182 571*23 176 0/1*4/ (179.90 203 571*50 196 571*76 176 0/4*4U e:7Q. AJ. 219 572*34 213 572*71 205 0/0 *17Q. 97 226 572*53 219 573*21 225 0/d*4d C70 AC 224 572*25 218 573*03 232 0/^ \f0 *179 R1 210 571*91 203 572*51 217 0/4*01 e:70 .OQ 205 571*53 199 571*98 176 0/iS iwO . 571*88 203 571*18 196 571*81 176 168 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 11.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ERIE—Con/mMed Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete 1 Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly Mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1893— November. 571-48 202 570-78 196 571-60 176 December. 571-56 202 570-86 195 571-60 176 1894— January. 571-84 202 571-14 196 572-20 200 571-97 176 February. 571-72 193 571-02 186 572-00 179 572-20 185 March. 571-75 196 571-05 190 572-16 205 572-13 181 April. 572-15 200 571-45 193 572-51 180 572-37 191 May. 572-54 211 571-84 205 573-30 237 572-74 206 June. 572-85 220 572-15 213 573-62 263 573-05 219 July. 572-73 216 572-03 210 573-62 258 573-02 231 August. 572-36 206 571-66 199 573-20 210 572-52 217 September. 572-19 202 571-49 196 573-16 176 572-10 184 October. 571-87 202 571-17 195 572-88 176 571-96 176 November. 571-63 198 570-93 192 572-50 232 571-85 176 December. 571-66 195 570-86 188 572-25 224 571-82 176 1895— January. 571-23 192 570-53 186 572-05 212 571-75 176 February. 571-00 177 570-30 170 571-91 178 571-65 176 March. 571-01 176 570-31 170 571-72 182 571-58 176 April. 571-26 180 570-56 173 571-82 176 571-68 176 May. 571-48 187 570-78 181 571-92 176 571-87 176 June. 571-57 190 570-87 183 571-94 176 572-05 177 July. 571-46 190 570-76 184 571-97 176 572-05 177 August. 571-38 186 570-68 179 572-00 176 571-95 176 September. 571-28 186 570-58 180 571-93 180 571-84 176 October. 570-80 182 570-10 175 571-66 176 571-64 176 November. 570-70 171 570-00 165 571-42 217 571-29 176 December. 570-86 176 570-16 169 571-30 176 571-20 176 1896— January. 570-96 180 570-27 174 571-27 176 571-32 176 February. 570-88 178 570-19 171 571-15 176 571-33 176 March. 570-83 171 570-14 165 571-43 176 571-21 176 April. 571-28 181 570-59 174 571-54 176 571-32 176 May. 571-66 192 570-97 186 571-85 176 571-73 176 June. 571-93 192 571-24 185 572-15 176 572-15 181 July. 571-81 196 571-12 190 572-09 176 572-23 194 August. 572-02 201 571-33 194 572-34 176 572-23 194 September. 571-70 192 571-01 186 572-23 176 572-18 191 October. 571-46 186 570-77 179 571-82 176 571-85 176 November. 571-09 186 570-40 180 571-56 176 571-71 176 December. 571-12 182 570-43 175 571-40 176 571-56 176 1897— January. 571-09 190 570-40 184 571-43 176 571-59 176 February. 571-29 180 570-60 173 571-52 218 571-78 176 March. 571-66 191 570-97 185 571-68 176 572-12 180 April. 572-21 203 571-52 196 572-07 176 572-66 203 May. 572-54 212 571-85 206 572-55 176 573-02 217 June. 572-64 212 571-95 205 572-83 185 573-10 221 July. 572-63 211 571-94 205 573-05 183 572-96 230 August. 572-47 208 571-78 201 573-17 176 572-60 219 September. 572-19 201 571-50 195 573-02 176 572-19 191 October. 571-70 191 571-01 184 572-58 187 571-83 176 November. 571-57 192 570-88 186 572-21 182 571-61 176 December. 571-54 194 570-85 187 572-10 176 671-61 176 169 St, Lawrence Waterway Project jTABLE 11.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE Continued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month ( Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record i ( CTomputed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled U.S. Lake Survey Monthly Mean Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) 1898— January. 571-59 192 570-91 186 February. 571-79 189 571-11 182 March. 572-05 198 571-37 192 April. 572-6^ 211 571-95 204 M ay. 572-78 214 572-10 208 June. 572-81 214 572-13 207 July. 572-59 210 571-91 204 August. 572-39 209 571-71 202 September. 572-01 200 571-33 194 October. 571-81 197 571-13 190 November. December. 571-69 571-52 199 200 571-01 570-84 193 193 1899— January. 571-67 198 570-99 192 February. 571-46 188 570-78 181 March. 571-83 193 571-15 187 April. 572-13 197 571-45 190 May. 572-44 203 571-76 197 .Tune. 572-56 208 571-88 201 July. 572-46 206 571-78 200 August. 572-21 198 571-53 191 September. 571-85 194 571-17 188 October. 571-61 185 570-93 178 November. December. 571-62 571-34 186 196 570-94 570-66 180 189 1900— January. 571-36 189 570-69 186 February. 571-57 188 570-90 184 March. 571-92 192 571-25 189 April. 572-23 200 571-56 196 May . 572-39 204 571-72 201 .Tune . 572-47 205 571-80 201 July . 572-34 206 571-67 203 August. 572-31 203 571-64 199 September. October. 571-99 571-75 198 190 571-32 571-08 195 186 November. December. 571-49 571-45 193 192 570-82 570-78 190 188 1901— January. 571-35 183 570-72 181 Fehniary. 571-00 175 570-37 172 March. 570-88 171 570-25 169 April . 571-29 176 570-66 173 May . 571-31 179 570-67 177 .T\ine . 571-72 190 571-09 187 July . 571-91 194 571-28 192 August./t... September. 571-78 571-71 190 191 571-15 571-08 187 189 October. 571-33 186 570-70 183 November. December. 571-16 571-19 183 183 570-53 570-56 181 180 1902— January. 571-08 184 570-50 182 Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of month Monthly mean Stage (f) Discharge (g) 572-00 179 571-98 177 572-33 188 572-61 218 573-17 185 573-29 176 573-15 176 573-16 176 572-95 176 572-59 176 572-56 185 572-22 176 572-15 199 572-06 195 571-93 176 572-63 209 572-72 176 573-30 216 573-52 239 573-31 230 573-04 205 572-93 230 572-71 258 572-17 202 572-25 191 572-52 216 572-82 226 573-00 231 572-75 176 572-86 176 572-76 176 572-58 176 572-80 176 572-76 222 572-52 233 572-27 221 572-20 194 572-05 176 571-92 182 572-13 176 572-59 176 572-70 176 572-91 176 572-87 176 573-00 176 572-77 176 572-23 177 572-23 176 572-26 178 Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of month Monthly mean Stage (i) Discharge (h) 571-75 176 572-00 176 572-30 188 572-78 208 573-08 220 573-07 220 572-84 226 572-40 207 572-05 177 571-88 176 571-85 176 571-83 176 571-99^ 176 572-07 179 572-18 184 572-57 200 572-79 208 572-86 212 572-74 222 572-32 202 571-92 176 571-74 176 571-70 176 571-60 176 571-59 176 571-80 176 572-02 177 572-49 195 572-72 205 572-80 208 572-68 221 572-39 207 572-15 188 571-93 176 571-79 176 571-76 176 571-78 176 571-59 176 571-29 176 571-40 176 571-60 176 571-81 176 572-21 192 572-20 191 572-04 178 571-92 176 571-71 176 571-68 176 571-69 176 170 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 11.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ERIE—Con/mwed Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regiinen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s, Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,5(W c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (0 (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1902— February. 570-63 171 570-05 168 572-19 199 571-49 176 March. 570-94 174 570-36 172 571-96 176 571-30 176 April. 571-49 186 570-91 183 572-15 176 571-71 176 May. 571-86 191 571-28 189 572-49 176 572-26 187 June. 572-12 198 571-54 195 572-61 176 572-59 200 July. 572-74 212 572-16 210 573-02 176 572-99 230 August. 572-72 210 572-14 207 573-31 190 573-14 235 September. 572-38 203 571-80 201 572-94 176 572-70 221 October. 572-29 205 571-71 202 572-63 176 572-33 202 November. 572-02 200 571-44 198 572-43 202 572-21 192 December. 571-82 192 571-24 189 572-04 207 572-05 194 1903— January. 571-72 196 571-18 195 572-10 176 571-89 176 February. .. 571-70 190 571-16 188 572-44 209 572-04 177 March. 572-28 200 571-74 199 572-76 217 572-39 192 April. 573-05 215 572-51 213 573-13 208 573-15 222 May. 573-09 215 572-55 214 573-41 204 573-48 234 June. 573-05 217 572-51 215 573-20 176 573-29 228 July. 572-98 218 572-44 217 573-39 195 573-11 234 August. 572-76 210 572-22 208 573-45 225 572-80 225 September. 572-59 208 572-05 207 573-20 254 572-48 214 October. 572-25 204 571-71 202 572-87 244 572-18 190 November. 571-77 197 571-23 196 572-42 219 571-91 176 December. 571-43 197 570-89 195 572-10 176 571-70 176 1904— January. 571-32 176 570-83 175 572-33 202 571-69 176 February. 571-42 182 570-93 180 572-28 216 571-70 176 March. 572-01 193 571-52 192 572-54 206 572-09 179 April. 573-13 216 572-64 214 573-31 220 573-09 220 May. 573-33 224 572-84 223 573-68 224 573-76 242 June. 573-52 230 573-03 228 573-53 245 573-79 243 July. 573-41 228 572-92 227 573-74 280 573-68 252 August. 573-10 221 572-61 219 573-34 243 573-22 238 September. 572-84 215 572-35 214 573-13 235 572-76 245 October. 572-49 210 572-00 208 572-88 176 572-18 190 November. 572-12 203 571-63 202 572-37 221 572-18 190 December. 571-77 199 571-28 197 572-10 197 572-10 200 1905— January. 571-52 191 571-07 189 572-08 179 571-79 176 February. 571-31 180 570-86 177 572-12 232 571-73 176 March. 571-18 182 570-73 180 571-58 185 571-50 176 April. 571-83 192 571-38 189 571-98 189 571-80 176 May. 572-46 205 572-01 203 572-86 176 572-56 199 June. 572-98 218 572-53 215 573-53 220 573-16 224 July. 573-06 225 572-61 223 573-54 271 573-34 241 August. 572-87 220 572-42 217 573-30 241 573-07 233 September. 572-63 215 572-18 213 573-12 240 572-69 221 October. 572-31 211 571-86 208 572-88 239 572-31 201 November. 571-93 203 571-48 201 572-46 227 572-29 199 December. 571-91 206 571-46 203 572-24 221 572-07 197 1906— January. 571-94 205 571-51 204 572-33 200 572-14 181 February. 571-93 195 571-50 193 572-22 180 572-36 191 171 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 11—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ERIE—Con/mued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month C Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record { computed conditions ‘or present regimen without regulation < N^ew Welland Canal assumed complete a Chicago diversion issumed at8,500c.f.s. 3ther lowerings from 1 data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complece regulation system; issuming 8,500 c.f.s. i diversion at Chicago and ^7ew Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly mean Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage ] (d) Discharge (e) Stage 1 (f) Discharge (g) Stage 1 (i) Discharge (h) 1906— 571-71 190 571-28 189 572-42 572-36 572- 85 573- 05 573-33 573-20 572-95 572-64 572-53 572-40 222 189 176 1 7A 572-21 A79.9*i 185 186 204 212 228 221 206 186 191 237 572-13 198 571-70 196 0 / Z ZO R79,AQ 572-40 202 571-97 201 Of Z OiT C79.87 June. 572-60 207 572-17 205 208 206 1^0 1 7A Of Z Of 572-89 572-69 *;79.0Q July . 572-64 209 572-21 1/D 1 7A August . 572-63 208 572-20 I/O 176 176 188 241 September. October. 572-35 572-21 202 202 571-92 571-78 201 200 0/ Z’oV 572-12 572-19 572-42 November. Decern Lpr. 572-17 572-42 204 206 571-74 571-99 203 204 1907— January. 572-76 218 572-34 218 572-33 572-60 572-37 572- 50 573- 14 573-35 573-62 208 217 215 1 fit; 572-44 572-70 572-43 572- 62 573- 00 573-23 573-36 573-03 572-61 572-38 572-44 572-23 193 200 193 201 217 226 242 232 219 206 211 216 T'pLmarv . 572-46 207 572-04 206 March . 572-24 201 571-82 201 207 215 221 226 218 214 213 212 209 ^pril . 572-71 210 572-29 loO ay . 572-88 215 572-46 1^0 1 7A June. 573-27 222 572-85 I/O OAQ July. 573-31 226 572-89 ZUo OAT All crust. 573-03 219 572-61 573-38 573-12 573-02 572-67 572-17 OQA September. 572-77 214 572-35 260 October. 572-69 214 572-27 November. December. 572-41 572-26 212 210 571-99 571-84 z\j6 234 1908— January. 572-57 126 572-17 217 204 209 222 229 228 225 220 212 200 201 196 572-30 572-71 572- 71 573- 43 573-10 573-35 573-48 573-41 573-14 572-67 572-09 570-70 185 OOA 572-29 572-52 572- 58 573- 19 573-61 573-62 573-40 573-03 572-60 572-12 571-80 571-57 188 198 200 220 238 238 241 232 219 185 176 176 "RpHriiarv. 572-19 204 571-79 zzo 201 07Q X V jf ••••••• March . 572-66 208 572-26 April . 573-27 222 572-87 Zlo 199 998 j^Iay . 573-51 228 573-11 Juup. 573-51 228 573-11 908 July .,. 573-32 224 572-92 Zoo 9AA August. 573-14 220 572-74 176 176 176 176 September. October. 572-68 572-31 211 200 572-28 571-91 November. Dpepmher.. 571-71 571-42 200 196 571-31 571-02 1909— January. 571-48 186 571-14 187 187 192 197 216 220 221 211 204 198 190 198 501-89 571- 72 572- 13 572-25 K70 77 217 17A 571-63 571-74 571- 93 572- 35 573- 03 573-56 573-42 572-97 572-47 572-16 571-87 571-83 176 176 176 185 218 237 243 230 213 189 176 176 February.. 571-46 187 571-12 1/D 218 1 7A March . 571-78 191 571-44 April. 572-08 197 571- 74 572- 56 1 / D 176 j^lay . 572-90 215 573-36 573-27 C 7 Q no JuT**^ , T. 573-20 220 572-86 lUO 17A July. 573-00 220 572-66 1 / D 176 17A August. 572-80 211 572-46 o/o-Uo 572-75 572-37 572-18 571-79 September. Qpt-obpr . 572-36 . 571-76 203 198 572-02 571-42 I/O 176 7A . November. December. 571-61 . 571-39 189 198 571 - 27 571-05 x /0 179 1910— January. . 571-25 183 570-97 185 177 189 572-17 572-20 572-25 187 91R 571-95 571- 87 572- 01 176 176 177 "PpHruarv 571-16 176 570-88 ZIO 1 80 March. 571-66 187 1 571-38 loo 172 St. Lawrence ^yaterway Project TABLE 11.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ERIE—Continued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month (a) 1910— Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly mean Monthly mean First of Monthly month mean Stage Discharge (b) (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of Monthly month mean Stage Discharge (i) (h) April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1911— 572 08 572-57 572-61 572-40 572-22 572-02 571-88 571-46 571-34 196 209 208 205 199 193 195 190 186 571- 80 572- 29 572-33 572-12 571-94 571.74 571-60 571-18 571-06 197 211 209 207 200 195 196 192 187 572-48 572-83 572-07 572-93 572-42 572-35 572-03 572-00 571-67 176 i76 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 572-51 572- 90 573- 07 572-78 572-35 572-05 571-98 571-83 571-62 197 213 220 225 204 179 176 176 176 January.... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September, October.... November December. 1912— January.... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1913— 571-04 571-09 571-08 571-61 571-88 571-94 571-75 571-61 571-52 571-53 571-13 571-42 571-28 571-08 571- 23 572- 28 572-59 572-66 572-56 572-49 572-50 572-15 571-92 571-55 180 173 176 182 192 193 193 186 181 184 192 188 570-79 570-84 570- 83 571- 36 571-63 571-69 571-50 571-36 571-27 571-28 570- 88 571- 17 186 174 174 198 206 207 205 206 206 201 204 201 571-06 570- 86 571- 01 572- 06 572-37 572-44 572-34 572-27 572-28 571-93 571-70 571-33 183 175 179 184 195 195 196 188 184 186 195 190 571-67 571-82 571-80 571- 90 572- 19 572-28 572-08 572-13 572-00 572-13 571-87 571-95 189 176 177 200 209 209 208 208 209 203 207 203 571- 99 572- 05 572-05 572- 70 573- 29 573-13 573-44 573-44 573-38 572-97 572-54 572-35 176 195 179 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 571-47 571-37 571-30 571-53 571- 98 572- 26 572-18 572-00 571-93 571-93 571-80 571-89 189 199 178 194 216 176 176 199 273 256 223 226 571-98 571-91 571- 88 572- 45 573- 19 573-14 572-97 572-66 572-55 572-29 572-01 571-98 176 176 176 176 176 187 190 176 176 176 176 187 176 176 176 194 226 222 230 220 217 205 177 186 January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1914— 572-23 572-41 572- 45 574-03 573- 98 573-86 573-57 573-24 572-75 572-43 572-27 572-14 204 210 204 234 235 233 230 219 206 202 205 203 572-04 572-22 572- 26 573- 84 573-79 573-67 573-38 573-05 572-56 572-24 572-08 571-95 208 213 208 237 239 236 234 222 210 205 209 206 572-58 572- 89 573- 25 573- 72 574- 25 573-50 573-75 573-37 573-08 572-87 572-72 572-41 195 , 2ll 235 239 276 231 279 246 229 234 256 250 572-30 572-91 572- 97 573- 71 574- 47 574-20 573-87 573-34 572-73 572-26 572-36 572-27 188 214 215 241 264 256 257 246 222 197 204 220 January.. February. March... April. 572-05 571-71 571- 48 572- 18 197 191 181 197 571-89 571-55 571- 32 572- 02 201 194 185 200 572-27 572-17 572-05 572-45 212 196 176 176 572-10 572-11 571- 93 572- 24 180 180 176 186 4 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 11—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ERIE—Con/int/ed Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet 173 Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record { ( New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Monthly mean Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) 1914— May. 572-90 212 572-74 216 June. 573-03 215 572-87 218 July. 572-82 211 572-66 215 August. 572-56 206 572-40 209 September. 572-32 201 572-16 205 October. 572-06 194 571-90 197 November. 571-47 195 571-31 199 December. 571-41 185 571-25 188 1915— January. 571-11 176 570-98 180 February. 571-36 177 571-23 180 March. 571-41 181 571-28 185 April. 571-45 178 571-32 181 May. 571-68 185 571-55 189 June. 571-85 i89 571-72 192 July. 572-04 196 571-91 200 August. 572-31 201 572-18 204 September. 572-20 199 572-07 203 October. 571-97 197 571-84 200 November. 571-45 195 571-32 199 December. 571-37 187 571-24 190 1916— January. 571-66 198 571-56 203 February. 571-99 198 571-89 202 March . 571-87 191 571-77 196 April. 572-45 204 572-35 208 May. 572-86 214 572-76 219 June. 573-28 221 573-18 225 July. 573-22 220 573-12 225 August. 572-82 212 572-72 216 September. 572-29 205 572-19 210 October. 571-89 199 571-79 203 November 571-67 194 571-57 199 December. 571-52 193 571-42 197 1917— January. 571-60 190 571-52 196 February. 571-35 181 571-27 186 March. 571-58 187 571-50 193 April. 572-60 204 572-52 209 May. 573-00 215 572-92 221 June . 573-53 227 573-45 232 July. 573-85 236 573-77 242 Au‘’’ust. 573-57 229 573-49 234 September.. 573-27 220 573-19 226 October. 572-84 219 572-76 224 November. 572-98 216 572-90 222 Df**^ernber. 572 - 56 212 572-48 217 1918— January. 571-89 196 571-81 202 February. . 571-65 187 571-57 192 March. 572-25 198 572-17 204 April . 572-26 195 572-18 200 May. .. 572 -17 198 572-09 204 Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean Stage (f) Discharge (g) Stage (i) Discharge (h) 573-18 201 573-17 225 573-47 201 573-54 237 573-27 176 573-35 241 573-08 176 572-87 227 572-96 176 572-46 213 572-66 176 572-10 184 572-28 178 571-80 176 572-10 178 571-68 176 571-90 194 571-61 176 571-95 203 571-61 176 572-06 180 571-80 176 572-20 176 571-91 176 572-25 176 572-07 179 572-37 *76 572-38 192 572-48 176 572-55 217 572-68 176 572-58 218 572-67 176 572-47 213 572-45 176 572-16 201 572-18 182 571-76 176 572-05 198 571-65 176 572-44 212 571-89 176 572-64 221 572-44 194 572-86 232 572-58 200 573-03 235 572-79 208 573-49 243 573-29 228 573-51 243 573-65 239 574-10 268 573-64 249 573-49 255 573-23 238 573-25 240 572-60 219 572-86 230 572-26 197 572-65 263 572-05 179 572-25 230 572-28 222 572-20 204 572-02 177 572-22 220 572-10 180 572-10 223 572-11 180 572-70 229 572-88 211 573-58 269 573-56 237 573-57 277 573-89 246 573-86 283 574-17 266 573-39 258 573-90 258 573-22 255 573-53 247 572-86 243 573-15 235 572-75 244 573-07 251 572-30 228 572-86 246 571-82 188 572-03 177 571-60 198 571-79 176 571-88 198 572-08 179 572-35 176 572-59 200 1 572-58 176 572-51 197 174 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 11.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ERJE—Continued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey i Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean (a) Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Disch (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1918— June. 572-54 204 572-46 209 573-06 177 572-68 204 July. 572-59 207 572-51 213 573-65 190 572-97 230 August. 572-55 205 572-47 210 573-35 176 573-01 231 September. 572-47 207 572-39 213 573-11 185 572-80 225 October. 572-30 202 572-22 207 572-90 231 572-69 221 November. 572-13 206 572-05 212 572-53 238 572-65 227 December. 1919— January. 572-19 198 572-11 203 572-44 253 572-60 240 572-18 208 572-11 214 572-27 207 572-29 188 February. 572-21 201 572-14 206 572-45 203 572-46 195 March. 572-59 203 572-42 209 572-52 227 572-64 202 April. 573-05 215 572-98 220 572-77 232 573-08 220 May. 573-68 228 573-61 234 573-43 251 573-62 239 June. 573-77 230 573-70 235 573-62 199 573-88 246 July. 573-44 225 573-37 231 573-37 223 573-67 251 August. 573-14 221 573-07 226 573-29 176 573-14 235 September. 572-75 213 572-68 219 572-97 176 572-70 221 October. 572-47 205 572-40 210 572-61 176 572-34 203 November. 572-22 206 572-15 212 572-47 241 572-14 186 December. 571-87 198 571-80 203 572-18 187 572-08 198 1920— January. 571-30 180 571-23 185 572 05 185 571-62 176 February. 570-78 167 570-71 171 571-61 183 571-00 176 March. 570-85 170 570-78 175 571-40 178 570-70 176 April. 571-62 183 571-55 187 571-94 208 571-10 176 May. 572-29 197 572-22 202 572-75 176 571-98 176 June. 572-48 203 572-41 207 573-49 208 572-72 205 July. 572-62 208 572-55 213 573-29 210 572-94 229 August. 572-61 204 572-54 208 573-29 199 572-82 227 September. 572-38 201 572-31 206 573-12 176 572-50 216 October. 572-08 198 572-01 202 572-72 176 572-08 183 November. 571-93 196 571-86 201 572-57 176 572-07 183 December. 571-93 204 571-86 208 572-47 241 572-22 214 1921— January. 571-94 197 571-88 202 572-00 201 572-16 183 February. 571-88 192 571-82 196 571-94 187 572-29 188 March. 572-11 194 572-05 199 572-60 236 572-37 191 April. 572-79 208 572-73 212 572-60 176 572-88 212 May. 573-08 214 573-02 219 573-12 185 573-35 230 June. 573-00 213 572-94 217 573-29 176 573-41 232 July. 572-85 212 572-79 217 573-22 176 573-15 235 August. 572-47 204 572-41 208 572-97 176 572-67 221 September. 572-16 200 572-10 205 572-59 176 572-18 190 October. 571-74 192 571-68 196 572-39 188 571-90 176 November. 571-79 186 571-73 191 572-41 183 571-87 176 December. 571-74 199 571-68 203 572-27 214 572-02 190 1922— January. 571-50 189 571-45 195 571-84 211 571-96 176 February. 571-17 177 571-12 182 572-05 202 571-83 176 March. 571-39 177 571-34 183 572-00 176 571-76 176 April. 572-32 204 572-27 209 572-50 176 572-37 189 May. 572-74 208 572-69 214 573-35 260 573-20 225 June. 572-87 212 572-82 217 573-47 245 573-38 231 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 11.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE BRIE—Concluded Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete £ Chicago diversion issumedat8,500c.f.s. Other low’erings from ' data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chic£igo and New’ Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly mean Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage it) Discharge (g) Stage (i) Discharge (h) 1922— July. August. September. October. November. December. 1923— January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1924— January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 1925— January. February. March. April.. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. 572-74 572-50 572-32 571-88 571-42 571-11 571-16 570- 83 571- 00 571-49 571- 82 572- 00 571-99 571-69 571-51 571-23 570- 96 571- 25 571-27 571-31 571-22 571- 77 572- 16 572-30 572-44 572-15 571-95 571-70 571-06 570-78 570-62 570-50 570- 92 571- 32 571-31 571-18 571-12 571-08 570-94 570-60 570-45 570-39 209 203 197 193 188 180 177 170 174 182 189 195 192 188 182 177 174 183 194 176 175 186 197 200 204 198 192 187 185 180 164 162 170 175 178 177 176 172 170 169 171 172 572-69 572-45 572-27 571-83 571-37 571-06 571-12 570-79 570- 96 571- 45 571-78 571-96 571-95 571-65 571-47 571-19 570- 92 571- 21 571-26 571-30 571-21 571- 76 572- 15 572-29 572-43 572-14 571-94 571-69 571-a5 570-77 570-61 570-49 570- 91 571- 31 571-30 571-17 571-11 571-07 570-93 570-59 570-44 570-38 215 208 203 198 194 185 182 174 179 186 194 199 197 192 187 181 179 187 201 182 182 192 204 206 211 204 199 193 192 186 170 167 176 180 184 182 182 177 176 174 177 177 573-47 573-33 573-26 572-83 572-35 571-08 571-79 571-77 571-73 571- 95 572- 32 572-46 572-42 572-55 572-35 572-22 571-96 571-87 571- 95 572- 25 572-19 572-41 572- 93 573- 22 573-40 573-37 573-11 572-78 572-29 571-78 571-67 571-45 571- 69 572- 07 572-26 572-12 571-97 571-82 571-65 571-33 571-01 570-91 176 176 250 176 176 183 200 188 177 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 178 176 206 187 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 202 180 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 573-25 572-82 572-43 572-03 571-77 571-54 571-47 571-38 571-23 571- 55 572- 06 572-42 572-53 572-16 571-95 571-79 571-55 571-55 571- 81 572- 04 571- 98 572- 24 572- 76 573- 03 573-00 572-71 572-26 572-00 571-71 571-38 571-30 571-11 571-17 571-57 571-81 571-76 571-70 571-66 571-58 571-32 571-02 570-91 239 226 211 178 176 176 176 176 176 176 178 193 217 189 176 176 176 176 176 177 176 186 207 218 231 222 197 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 7 176 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATIONS—LAKE ONTARIO Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation Complete regulation Partial regulation Actual conditions New Welland Canal system; system; occurring assumed complete assuming 8,500 c.f.s. assuming 8,500 c.f.s. in past as Chicago diversion diversion at diversion at Year—Month given in record assumed at 8,500 c.f .s. Chicago and Chicago and Other lowerings from New Welland Canal New Welland Canal data compiled by complete complete U.S. Lake Survey Monchly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean (a) Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1860— January. 246-58 246-80 February. 246-72 246-94 March. 246-77 247-00 * April. 246-80 247-03 May. 247-03 247-27 June. 247-57 283 247-79 274 247-20 247-67 247-35 246-63 246-32 245-95 245-76 266 297 296 271 274 273 279 Julv. 247-82 285 248-05 277 August. 247-26 283 247-51 274 September. 246-86 277 247-09 269 October. 246-67 267 246-89 258 November. 246-75 273 246-98 264 December. 246-73 269 246-95 260 1861— January. 246-44 244 246-65 235 245-55 245-53 245- 93 246- 07 246- 85 247- 96 248- 25 247-85 247-41 202 204 229 245 262 286 327 322 312 314 310 303 February. 246-56 243 246-78 234 March. 247-01 251 247-25 243 April. 247-23 285 247-47 277 May. 248-18 305 248-46 297 June. 248-54 310 248-84 301 July. 248-32 309 248-61 301 August. 248-07 302 248-35 294 September. 247-60 293 247-86 284 October. 247-81 294 248-08 286 247-03 246-88 246-70 November. 247-82 292 248-09 284 December. 247-61 297 247-87 288 1862— January. 247-11 259 247-35 250 246-45 246-21 248-38 246- 85 247- 72 248- 19 248-15 247-83 247-28 246-49 245-96 245-66 209 209 235 259 290 291 327 321 305 286 274 280 February. 246-69 248 246-91 239 March. 247-18 247 247-67 238 April. 248-08 296 248-36 287 May. 248-88 318 249-29 310 June. 248-62 312 248-92 303 July. 248-72 310 249-02 301 August. 248-26 301 248-55 293 September. 247-61 290 247-87 281 October. 247-08 279 247-32 270 November. 246-73 270 246-95 261 December. 246-62 264 246-84 256 1863— January. 246-77 247 247-00 238 245-70 245- 92 246- 22 246- 62 247- 28 247-64 247-66 247-12 246-58 246-27 245-45 245-48 205 207 233 260 276 278 297 284 270 271 225 271 February. 246-83 242 247-06 234 March. 246-91 245 247-14 236 April. 247-63 283 247-89 275 May. 248-03 299 248-31 291 June. 248-18 301 248-46 292 July. 247-77 293 248-06 284 August. 247-31 285 247-56 277 September. 246-93 276 247-16 267 October. 246-74 266 246-96 257 November. 246-56 264 246-78 256 December. 246-57 261 246-79 253 1864— January. 246-33 223 246-53 214 244-85 197 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 177 TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE O'NTARIO—Continued Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—^Month (a) Actual conditions occurring ia past as given in record Com pu ted’cond it ion s for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Monthly mean Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly mean Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) 246-17 228 246-37 220 246-26 242 246-46 233 246-83 270 247-06 261 247-82 291 248-09 281 248-12 301 248-40 293 247-80 292 248-07 284 247-34 283 247-.59 275 246-81 273 247-04 274 246-58 266 246-80 257 246-55 268 246-77 260 246-65 272 246-87 263 247-08 245 247-32 236 247-23 225 247-47 216 247-38 242 247-63 234 247-46 284 247-72 275 247-62 288 247-88 280 247-66 288 247-92 280 247-51 283 247-77 275 246-90 273 247-13 264 246-29 260 246-49 252 246-07 251 246-26 242 245-82 246 245-99 238 245-66 244 245-84 236 245-46 205 245-60 197 245-47 200 245-61 191 245-48 214 245-62 205 245-96 251 246-15 243 246-02 260 246-21 252 245-92 272 246-10 263 246-84 274 247-07 266 246-74 270 246-96 262 246-65 265 246-87 257 246-52 262 246-73 254 246-28 265 246-48 256 246-20 272 246-40 263 245-95 238 246-14 230 245-92 238 246-10 229 246-62 246 246-84 237 247-52 283 247-78 274 248-21 300 248-49 292 248-48 307 248-78 299 248^11 298 248-36 290 247-48 285 247-74 277 246-98 272 247-22 263 246-33 256 246-53 248 245-59 249 245-74 241 244-83 234 245-12 225 244-51 210 244-58 202 244-61 184 244-69 176 First of Monthly month mean Stage (f) Discharge (g) Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of Monthly month mean Stage (i) Discharge (h) 1864— February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September., October_ November, December.. 1865— January. February... March. April. May. June.. July. August. September., October_ November. December.. 1866— January. February... March. April. May. June.. July. August. September. October_ November. December.. 1867— January. February... March. April. May. June.. July. August. September. October_ November. December.. 1868— January. February... 45827—12 244-68 196 244-68 198 245-15 215 246-27 243 247-35 270 247-69 298 247-31 294 246-67 274 246-16 265 245-64 242 245-63 279 245-66 206 246-17 209 246-38 236 246-37 247 246-53 251 246-85 254 247-15 270 247-04 280 246-38 259 245-87 246 245-50 230 245-19 227 244-93 198 244-74 196 244-58 196 244-74 199 245-44 210 245-98 210 247-08 266 247-71 314 247-17 299 246-59 293 245-92 271 245-54 274 245-37 202 245-34 203 245-81 227 246-46 258 247-36 279 248-00 286 248-20 325 247-54 306 246-77 279 246-06 258 244-99 198 244-66 195 244-42 194 244-39 194 178 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Con/inwed Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (0 (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1868— 244-88 210 244-97 201 244-43 196 245-52 246 245-66 237 244-88 201 246-12 251 246-31 243 245-66 222 •Tiinp 246-54 267 246-75 268 246-40 231 July. 246-42 264 246-63 256 247-07 266 August 246-13 258 246-31 249 247-04 280 245-94 252 246-12 244 246-64 272 October. 245-35 243 245-48 235 245-78 238 November...... 245-20 237 245-31 228 245-20 201 T)pcember. 245-37 244 245-50 235 245-39 258 1869— January. 245-22 217 245-33 208 245-98 206 245-06 199 February. 245-34 197 245-45 188 245-97 206 245-07 199 March. 245-56 196 245-71 188 246-13 213 245-06 199 April. 246-09 259 246-28 251 246-27 200 245-07 211 May. 246-75 276 246-98 268 247-42 236 246-07 237 June. 246-97 282 247-21 273 247-80 300 246-88 256 July. 247-29 288 247-54 280 247-89 330 247-45 286 August. 247-35 288 247-60 280 248-09 330 247-77 318 September. 247-17 284 247-41 275 247-72 324 247-54 318 October. 247-08 280 247-32 271 247-33 310 247-00 305 November. 246-68 272 246-90 264 246-82 297 246-29 286 December. 248-85 267 247-08 259 246-44 296 245-63 278 1870— January. 247-26 258 247-51 249 246-60 213 245-59 206 February. 247-41 258 247-66 249 247-01 215 246-22 210 March. 247-41 253 247-66 244 247-20 252 246-72 241 April. 248-35 304 248-64 295 247-67 291 247-21 277 May. 248-95 318 249.27 310 248-57 300 248-06 300 June. 248-63 313 248-93 305 248-57 300 248-35 296 July. 248-31 309 248-60 301 248-25 330 248-18 323 August. 247-97 296 248-25 288 248-31 325 247-74 316 September. 247-28 282 247-53 274 247-47 317 246-96 289 October. 246-95 276 247-19 268 247-17 307 246-37 278 November. 246-38 265 246-59 256 246-76 293 245-82 261 December. 246-13 260 246-32 251 246-26 287 245-12 217 1871— January. 246-06 231 246-25 222 246-20 208 245-33 201 February. 245-89 227 246-07 219 246-30 200 245-19 200 March. 246-09 243 246-28 234 246-92 244 245-23 202 April. 246-67 270 246-89 261 246-93 280 245-71 233 May. 247-12 278 247-36 269 247-31 283 246-45 249 June. 247-06 278 247-30 270 247-58 266 246-90 257 July. 246-91 275 247-14 266 247-64 278 246-98 262 August. 246-46 265 246-69 257 247-56 297 246-90 274 September. 246-12 257 246-31 249 247-11 218 246-42 261 October. 245-62 249 245-77 241 246-65 209 245-84 242 November. 245-21 235 245-32 227 246-35 212 245-13 199 December. 244-90 227 244-99 218 245-99 200 244-93 198 1872— January. 244-73 190 244-81 182 245-90 200 244-86 196 February. 244-51 174 244-58 166 245-42 200 244-43 192 March. 244-35 189 . 244-42 180 245-13 200 243-95 191 • St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Con^tnwed Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regirnen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly mean Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (0 Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) Stage (i) Discharge (h) 1872— April. 244-84 222 244-93 214 245-17 200 244-04 193 May. 244-96 234 245-06 225 245-65 200 244-58 197 June. 245-29 241 245-41 232 246-01 200 245-02 200 July. 245-35 242 245-48 234 246-36 200 245-37 202 August. 245-19 237 245-30 239 246-49 200 245-56 206 September. 244-90 232 244-99 224 246-50 200 245-60 219 October. 244-74 227 244-82 218 246-40 200 245-26 205 November. 244-69 228 244-77 220 246-38 234 245-19 200 December. 244-35 211 244-42 202 245-96 200 245-18 226 1873— January. 244-26 192 244-32 183 245-80 200 244-72 196 February. 244-37 194 244-44 185 245-65 200 244-61 195 March. 244-50 200 244-57 192 245-51 200 244-62 199 April. 246-40 254 246-61 246 246-55 264 245 - 59 231 May. 246-96 273 247-20 264 247-25 300 246-69 257 June. 246-91 275 247-10 267 247-16 236 246-99 261 July. 246-87 273 247-10 265 247-57 257 247-13 269 August. 246-58 266 246-80 258 247-58 313 247-15 286 September. 246-15 260 246-35 251 247-21 290 246-62 271 October. 245-73 249 245-89 241 246-50 251 246-05 257 November. 245-62 246 245-77 237 246-39 291 245-35 215 December. 245-79 251 245-96 243 246-33 292 245-40 259 1874— January. 246-37 238 246-58 229 246-45 212 245-77 207 February. 246-74 239 246-96 231 246-99 216 246-34 213 March. 247-29 261 247-54 252 247-48 254 247-03 247 April. 247-20 279 247-44 270 247-72 284 247-32 272 May. 247-17 273 247-41 265 247-31 200 247-20 274 June. 247-28 284 247-53 275 247-68 215 247-15 265 July. 247-22 282 247-46 274 248-00 321 247-36 281 August. 246-97 276 247-21 268 247-65 317 247-28 293 September. 246-34 262 246-54 254 247-05 262 246-64 272 October. 245-93 255 246-11 246 246-60 226 245-96 251 November. 245-40 245 245-53 237 246-39 240 245-14 199 December. 245-03 236 245-13 227 246-05 205 244-99 198 1875— January. 244-72 203 245-00 195 245-96 200 244-91 196 February. 244-38 177 244-45 168 245-92 200 244-52 194 March. 244-65 197 244-73 188 245-71 200 244-12 194 April. 245-41 238 245-54 230 246-39 200 244-55 198 May. 245-70 250 245-86 242 246-70 201 245-33 205 June. 245-87 253 246-05 244 247-55 204 245-69 206 July. 245-93 255 246-11 246 247-75 230 246-17 220 August. 245-75 250 245-92 242 247-65 285 246•65 261 September. 245-55 242 245-70 234 247-10 293 246-41 261 October. 245-27 238 245-39 229 246-60 235 245-94 294 November. 245-10 233 245-20 224 246-04 264 245-47 226 December. 244-90 229 244-99 220 246-05 281 245-09 211 187&- January. 245-29 217 245-41 209 246-05 210 245-73 206 February. 245-97 226 246-10 217 246-85 214 246-10 209 March. 246-52 240 246-73 232 247-11 249 246-64 239 Anril. 247-50 286 247-76 278 247-45 287 247-29 278 45827—124 180 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE "ONTARIO—Con/inMed Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f .s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal • complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (0 (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1876— May. 248 07 298 248-35 290 248-05 300 248-20 301 June. 248-29 304 248-58 295 248-34 300 248-63 301 July. 248-36 305 248-65 296 248-75 330 248-87 330 August. 247-91 294 248-18 286 248-39 327 248-51 330 September. 247-30 280 247-55 272 246-60 318 247-81 330 October. 246-97 277 247-21 269 247-08 306 246-95 304 November. 246-61 266 246-83 257 246-81 295 246-33 291 December. 246-40 265 246-61 256 246-32 287 245-93 282 1877— •January. 245-91 226 245-09 217 246-20 245-59 203 "FfiLniary 245 - 63 224 245-78 216 245-17 199 March 245-78 230 245-95 222 245-12 202 April 246-46 262 246-67 253 245-59 225 May. 246-54 266 246-75 257 246-12 238 Jiinp 246-42 265 246-63 256 246-36 230 July. 246-45 266 246-66 257 246-70 247 August. 246-20 259 246-40 251 246-88 272 Sftpt.ftmhftr 245-77 249 245-94 241 246-36 258 Octobftr 245-37 238 245-50 229 245-72 235 November 245-25 237 245-37 228 245-33 213 December 245-38 240 245-51 232 245-44 265 1878— .January . 245-48 223 245-62 214 245-51 201 February. 245-68 220 245-84 212 245-60 205 March . 246-38 238 246-59 230 245-96 230 April. 246-64 267 246-86 258 246-37 249 May. 246-98 275 247-22 266 246-72 258 •June . 246-96 274 247-20 266 246-99 261 July . 246-92 272 247-15 264 247-07 266 August. 246-88 272 247-11 264 247-15 287 September . .. 246-59 269 246-81 260 246-81 281 October. 246-33 261 246-53 253 246-31 274 November.... 246-21 260 246-41 251 245-78 257 December. 247-00 276 247-24 267 245-94 293 1879— January. 246-80 243 247-03 234 246-26 207 February. 246-46 245 246-67 236 245-99 206 March . 246-33 234 246-53 226 245-84 227 April. 246-70 267 246-92 259 245-66 227 May. 246-81 272 247-04 264 246-13 238 June. 246-81 272 247-04 263 246-44 234 July. 246-67 268 246-89 260 246-76 250 August. 246-31 259 246-51 250 246-83 270 September. 245-91 252 246-09 244 246-34 257 October. 245-47 242 245-61 233 245-58 226 November. 245-10 234 245-20 225 245-01 198 December. 245-11 230 245-21 221 245-04 204 1880— January. 245-30 222 245-42 214 245-20 201 February. 245-63 222 245-78 213 245-39 203 March. 245-95 232 246-14 223 245-80 227 April. 246-15 257 246-35 249 245-97 236 May. 246-33 262 246-53 254 . 246-26 243 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 181 TABLE 12—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Con/inwcd Stages in Feet above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record i Computed conditions for present regiinen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete : Chicago diversion assumed at8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Monthly mean Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) 1880— June. 246-53 266 246-74 257 July. 246-52 265 246-73 257 August. 246-09 255 246-28 246 September. 245-74 258 245-91 249 October. 245-36 239 245-48 231 November. 245-30 241 245-42 232 December. 245-10 229 245-19 221 1881— 177 January. 244-73 186 244-81 February. 244-72 195 244-80 186 March. 245-39 218 245-52 209 April. 245-80 248 245-97 239 May. 245-99 252 246-18 244 June. 246-20 257 246-40 249 July. 246-30 259 246-50 251 August. 245-98 252 246-17 243 September. 245-39 242 245-52 233 October. 245-19 235 245-30 226 November. 245-19 235 245-30 226 December. 245-20 236 245-31 228 1882— 221 January. 245-73 229 245-89 February. 245-91 231 246-09 222 March. 246-52 247 246-73 238 April. 246-81 269 247-04 261 May. 247-02 273 247-26 264 June. 247-55 286 247-81 277 July. 247-53 285 247-79 277 August. 247-19 278 247-43 269 September. 246-81 267 247-04 258 October. 246-30 255 246-50 247 November. 245-87 245 246-05 237 December. 245-62 246 245-77 238 1883— 203 January. 245-30 211 245-42 February. 245-35 192 245-48 184 March. 245-60 213 245-75 204 April. 246-15 253 246-35 245 May. 246-79 268 247-02 260 June. 247-49 284 247-75 275 July. 248-03 293 248-33 284 August. 247-84 289 248-11 281 September. 247-37 279 247-62 270 October. 246-94 268 247-17 260 November. 246-69 265 246-91 257 December. 246-56 263 246-78 254 1884— 218 January. 246-51 226 246-72 February. 246-91 234 247-14 225 March. 247-58 248 247-84 240 April. 248-16 294 248-44 285 May. 248-19 298 248-47 290 June. 248-09 293 248-37 285 Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of Monthly month mean Stage (f) Discharge (g) Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First* of month Monthly mean Stage (i) Discharge (h) 246-57 241 246-97 261 246-88 272 246-31 255 245-93 249 245-28 208 245-22 232 244-65 194 244-21 193 244-35 196 244-88 200 245-51 214 246-12 217 246-78 251 246-90 274 246-27 253 245-70 234 245-36 216 245-52 277 245-58 205 245-95 209 246-53 238 246-99 266 247-23 274 247-52 274 247-89 308 247-55 306 247-10 296 246-42 282 245-66 245 245-42 262 245-00 198 244-73 196 244-54 197 244-93 204 245-84 227 246-93 258 247-77 302 247-98 329 247-45 314 246-87 311 246-06 284 245-87 282 245-71 204 245-78 206 246-23 233 246-80 264 247-31 277 L 247-43 272 182 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Con/znued Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1884- July. 247-99 293 248-27 285 247-45 286 August. 247-64 287 247-90 279 247-38 298 September. 247-22 275 247-46 267 247-00 290 October. 246-80 264 247-03 256 246-38 278 November. 246-30 256 246-50 248 245-71 2-50 December. 246-15 .252 246-35 243 245-18 226 1885— January. 246-15 228 246-35 219 245-28 200 February. 245-88 212 246-06 204 245-14 198 March. 245-59 209 245-74 200 244-75 198 April. 246-27 241 246-47 233 245-08 208 May. 247-07 272 247-31 263 245-87 230 June. 247-44 281 247-69 273 246-93 258 July. 247-58 283 247-84 274 247-45 286 August. 247-44 276 247-69 268 247-54 306 September. 247-20 273 247-44 265 247-24 302 October. 247-02 268 247-26 269 246-77 305 November. 247-07 269 247-31 260 246-09 286 December. 247-24 276 247-48 267 246-21 298 1886— January. 247-60 256 247-86 247 246-37 211 February. 247-67 256 247-93 247 246-87 215 March. 247-81 259 248-08 251 247-27 249 April. 248-43 298 248-72 290 247-39 279 May. 248-65 304 248-95 296 247-67 289 June. 248-41 300 248-70 291 247-77 281 July. 248-04 293 248-32 284 247-61 294 August. 247-59 284 247-85 276 247-18 287 September. 247-24 277 247-48 268 246-77 279 October. 246-83 268 247-06 260 246-42 282 November. 246-51 266 246-72 257 245-86 265 December. 246-44 261 246-65 253 245-48 271 1887— January. 246-16 233 246-36 224 245-27 202 February. 246-92 258 247-15 249 245-52 206 March. 247-43 264 247-68 256 246-43 236 April. 247-64 288 247-87 280 246-92 268 May. 248-20 296 248-48 288 247-52 285 June. 248-16 296 248-44 288 247-83 282 July. 247-88 289 248-15 281 247-70 298 August. 247-38 277 247-63 268 247-18 287 September. 246-76 265 246-99 256 246-61 261 October. 246-37 258 246-58 250 245-89 246 November. 246*02 246 246-21 238 245-36 217 December. 245-75 242 245-92 233 244-94 198 1888— January. 245-45 214 245-59 205 244-81 195 February. 245-30 194 245-42 186 244-37 193 March. 245-54 208 245-68 200 244-12 193 April. 246-17 253 246-37 245 244-42 197 May. 246-31 256 246-51 248 245-20 202 June. 246-28 258 246-48 250 245-85 207 July. 246-34 258 246-54 250 246-46 234 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 183 TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Continued Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month (a) 1888— August. September... October. November... December... 1889— January. February.... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December... 1890— January. February.... March. April. May.. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December.. 1891— Januarj^. February..., March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October- November. December.. 1892— January- February... March. April. May. June. July. August. Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Monthly mean Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New W’^elland Canal complete Monthly mean Stage ] (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) 246-24 257 246-44 248 245-85 249 246-03 240 245-49 239 245-63 231 245-41 239 245-54 231 245-41 240 245-54 231 245-62 226 245-77 217 245-77 212 245-94 204 245-93 220 246-11 212 246-17 256 246-37 248 246-32 258 246-52 249 246-63 267 246-85 259 246-82 270 247-05 262 246-57 265 246-79 256 246-07 253 246-26 244 245-57 239 245-72 230 245-18 234 245-29 226 245-72 245 245-88 237 246-26 239 246-46 230 , 246-60 239 246-82 231 246-97 252 247-21 243 247-17 276 247-41 268 . 247-52 285 247-78 276 428-16 295 248-44 286 . 247-99 295 248-27 286 247-33 280 247-58 271 . 246-97 273 247-21 265 . 246-64 264 246-86 255 . 246-71 265 246-93 256 . 246-51 259 246-72 250 . 246-19 232 246-39 224 . 246-45 233 246-66 224 . 246-99 247 247-23 239 . 247-47 283 247-73 274 . 247-24 279 247-48 270 . 246-83 268 247-06 260 . 246-55 266 246-77 257 . 246-11 255 246-30 247 . 245-68 245 245-84 236 . 245-04 230 245-14 221 . 244-44 222 244-51 213 244-43 221 244-50 212 . 244-51 202 244-58 193 244-48 187 244-55 178 244-61 190 244-69 182 245-20 231 245-31 222 . 245-25 234 245-37 225 . 245-81 247 245-98 238 246-33 260 246-53 252 . 246-25 255 246-45 246 Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of Monthly month mean Stage (f) Discharge (g) First of Monthly month mean Stage (i) Discharge (h) 246-75 246-39 245-74 245-08 245-30 245-57 245-57 245-53 245-58 245- 92 246- 35 246- 95 247- 19 246-52 245-68 245-02 245-25 245-48 245- 92 246- 56 246- 93 247- 35 247- 92 248- 27 247-58 246-78 246-30 245-76 245-50 245-10 245-05 245- 49 246- 21 246-70 246-64 246-45 246-53 245-83 245-14 244-68 244-49 244-60 244-50 244-39 244- 61 245- 07 245- 47 246- 45 247- 17 266 259 235 200 244 203 202 215 222 232 229 260 288 266 232 199 237 204 208 238 266 278 285 328 308 279 274 255 274 199 201 213 246 257 244 234 254 230 198 195 195 195 194 194 197 201 206 234 287 184 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OFiREGULATION—LAKEIONTARIO—Conhnwed Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean Stage Dischai^e Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 1892— September. 246 04 254 246-23 246 October. 245-60 242 245-75 234 November. 245-32 236 245-44 227 December. 245-20 232 245-31 224 1893— January. 244-87 201 244-96 192 February. 244-77 183 244-86 174 March. 245-25 199 245-37 190 April. 245-99 249 246-18 240 May. 247-13 275 247-37 266 June. 247-37 282 247-62 274 July. 247-11 277 247-35 268 August. 246-57 262 246-79 254 September. 246-31 259 246-51 250 October. 245-78 247 245-95 239 November. 245-37 238 245-50 230 December. 245-23 233 245-34 225 1894— January. 245-56 218 245-71 209 245-99 208 February. 245-75 197 245-92 188 246-28 209 March. 246-05 230 246-24 222 246-16 219 April. 246-10 251 246-29 243 246-51 200 May. 246-27 256 246-47 248 246-98 231 June. 246-80 269 247-03 260 247-96 300 July. 246-60 263 246-82 255 248-08 330 August. 246-03 250 246-22 241 247-32 233 September. 245-51 240 245-65 232 247-00 200 October. 245-26 234 245-38 225 246-75 218 November. 244-95 229 245-05 220 246-34 265 December. 244-57 220 244-61 211 245-95 227 1895— January. 244-50 196 244-57 187 245-94 200 February. 244-44 178 244-51 170 246-09 200 March. 244-33 181 244-39 172 245-72 200 April. 244-87 224 244-96 215 245-73 200 May. 245-00 229 245-10 220 246-27 200 June. 244-89 226 244-98 218 246-47 200 July. 244-59 220 244-77 211 246-39 200 August. 244-35 217 244-42 108 246-18 200 September. 244-00 208 244-05 200 245-81 200 October. 243-67 200 243-70 192 245-48 200 November. 243-41 194 243-43 185 244-92 200 December. 243-43 194 243-45 185 245-30 200 1896— January. 243-80 187 243-84 179 245-37 200 February. 244-27 188 244-33 180 245-52 200 March. 244-49 185 244-56 177 245-65 200 April. 245-41 233 245-54 225 246-08 200 May. 245-43 237 245-56 229 246-88 200 June. 245-34 237 245-46 229 247-07 200 July. 245-08 233 245-18 224 247-11 200 August. 244-94 228 245-03 219 247-00 200 September. 244-46 216 244-53 207 246-72 200 Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete First of month Monthly mean Stage (i) Discharge (h) 246-75 278 246-10 260 245-09 199 244-99 198 244-87 196 244-57 194 244-50 196 244-96 208 246-05 236 247-04 262 247-20 273 246-91 274 246-41 262 245-60 227 245-00 198 244-89 198 245-06 199 245-18 200 245-23 202 245-54 220 245-88 230 246-47 235 246-99 262 246-77 266 246-11 245 245-39 213 245-03 198 244-77 196 244-60 194 244-32 192 244-03 191 244-09 194 244-71 197 244-93 199 244-89 196 244-73 195 244-43 193 244-12 190 243-73 189 243-72 190 243-93 191 244-19 193 244-42 196 244-88 201 245-66 222 245-59 203 245-70 204 245-78 216 245-49 231 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 185 TABLE 12—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Coniinwed Stages in Feet Above !Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete i Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Alonthly Alonthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (0 (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) h) 1896— October. 244-23 209 244-29 200 246-31 200 245-13 198 November. 243-97 209 244-02 200 246-06 200 244-87 197 December. 243-99 204 244-04 195 245-85 200 244-72 196 1897— January. 243-87 187 243-91 178 245-75 200 244-66 194 February. 243-83 182 243-87 173 245-32 200 244-31 193 March. 244-30 193 244-36 184 245-73 200 244-29 194 April. 244-96 229 245-06 220 246-00 200 244-69 200 May . 245-41 239 245-54 231 246-52 200 245-58 218 Jiinft . 245-62 245 245-77 236 246-89 200 246-21 222 July. 245-61 242 245-76 233 247-18 200 246-69 246 August. 245-60 242 245-75 233 247-30 211 246-84 270 September. 245-10 228 245-19 220 246-98 209 246-33 256 October. 244-47 215 244-54 207 246-31 200 245-26 214 November. 244-41 211 244-48 203 246-08 200 244-82 197 December. 244-47 215 244-54 207 246-06 207 244-76 197 1898— January. 244-64 201 244-71 193 246-00 200 244-85 198 February. 245-08 210 245-18 201 246-21 208 244-96 199 March. 245-48 223 245-62 214 246-30 234 245-31 204 April. 245-92 244 246-09 235 246-41 223 245-80 232 M ay . 246-07 249 246-26 241 247-10 200 246-18 240 Jiinp. . 246-13 250 246-31 241 247-41 200 246-44 234 July . 245-85 244 246-03 236 247-42 200 246-59 241 August. 245-51 237 245-65 229 247-22 200 246-48 251 September. 245-09 228 245-19 220 246-86 200 245-66 232 October. 244-84 221 244-93 213 246-51 200 245-15 199 November. 244-88 221 244-97 213 246-40 233 245-04 198 December. 244-90 224 244-99 215 246-08 215 245-02 202 1899— January. 244-98 205 245-08 196 245-90 200 245-01 198 February. 244-88 198 244-97 189 245-92 200 244-76 197 Maroh . 245-14 210 245-24 201 246-01 200 244-72 198 ^pril . 245-69 241 245-85 232 246-30 200 245-14 210 M Jiy . 245-94 247 246-12 238 247-32 210 245-92 232 JUT\P . 246-07 251 246-26 243 247-61 251 246-34 228 July . 245-92 246 246-10 238 247-68 273 246-64 244 Aiipifst. . 245-46 234 245 - 60 226 247-40 259 246-53 254 September. 244-95 224 245-05 216 246-97 221 245-79 228 October. 244-55 215 244-63 207 246-68 255 245-04 198 November. 244-42 213 244-59 205 246-40 290 244-82 197 December. 244-36 215 244-43 207 246-22 247 244-78 197 1900— January. 244-63 199 244-71 193 245-96 200 244-83 198 February. 244-88 199 244-97 194 246-12 207 244-86 198 AT arch . 245-19 204 245-30 198 246-62 242 244-98 199 April . 245-80 242 245-97 236 246-90 2.53 245-18 210 M ay . 245-99 248 246-18 242 247-52 227 245-90 231 JUTIP ,. 245-91 249 246-09 243 247-43 200 246-11 217 July. 245-82 247 245-99 242 247-57 200 246-43 233 August. 245-54 240 245-68 234 247-53 228 246-59 258 September. 245-12 232 245-22 227 247-00 209 246-06 242 186 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Con^tnwed Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month ( Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regirnen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at8,500 c.f.s. Other low’erings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1900— 212 October. 244-72 223 244-80 218 246-60 247 245-37 November. 244-55 219 244-63 213 246-38 268 245-01 198 December. 244-84 226 224-93 220 246-26 281 245-05 206 1901— 199 January. 244-68 205 244-78 200 245-98 206 245-13 February. 244-62 200 244-72 196 245-95 200 244-98 198 March. 244-39 198 244-48 193 245-78 200 244-83 199 April. 245-63 237 245-80 233 246-38 200 245-36 219 May. 245-91 246 246-11 242 247-58 268 246-32 245 June. 245-99 249 246-20 245 247-40 210 246-45 234 July. 245-74 244 245-92 239 247-91 209 246-35 229 August. 245-42 237 245-57 233 247-50 226 246-21 238 September. 245-10 231 245-22 227 247-10 200 245-84 230 October. 244-65 223 244-83 219 246-57 207 245-28 206 November. 244-28 213 244-36 208 246-20 200 244-92 198 December. 244-36 216 244-45 212 246-10 212 244-85 198 1902— 198 January. 244-42 197 244-54 193 246-10 200 245-02 February. 244-30 177 244-41 172 245-91 200 244-85 198 March. 244-95 208 245-10 204 246-21 200 244-88 200 April. 245-40 237 245-58 232 246-88 255 245-54 220 May. 245-47 240 245-66 235 246-75 200 245-87 230 June. 245-55 242 245-75 238 247-09 200 245-98 210 July. 245-97 250 246-21 245 247-57 212 246-43 243 August. 246-11 251 246-35 247 247-81 297 247-18 287 September. 245-66 244 245-87 239 246-80 209 246-84 282 October. 245-42 237 245-60 233 246-51 206 246-20 267 November. 245-05 230 245-20 226 246-22 223 245-46 226 December. 244-89 225 245-03 221 246-00 219 245-08 210 1903— January. 244-92 209 245-08 205 246-16 200 245-19 200 February. 245-16 207 245-34 204 246-17 210 245-17 201 March. 245-75 225 245-91 222 246-72 246 245-47 212 April. 246-44 258 246-55 254 247-32 282 246-16 246 May. 246-56 261 246-62 257 247-28 235 246-78 260 June. 246-44 257 246-45 254 247-43 200 247-01 262 July. 246-59 260 246-55 257 247-67 227 247-09 266 August. 246-35 256 246-26 253 247-71 304 247-17 287 September. 246-07 251 245-93 248 247-02 303 246-68 274 October. 245-72 240 245-53 236 246-75 292 246-26 271 November. 245-36 227 245-12 224 246-20 234 245-29 209 December. 245-11 220 244-82 216 246-07 200 244-93 197 1904— January. 244-72 192 244-41 188 245-72 200 244-61 i95 February. 245-00 196 244-69 192 245-83 207 244-47 196 March. 245-63 207 245-32 203 246-50 245 244-80 201 April. 247-00 255 246-69 251 247-25 286 245-65 235 May. 247-61 270 247-30 266 247-90 300 246-87 263 June. 247-87 277 247-56 273 247-94 300 247-56 275 July. 247-89 279 247-58 275 247-91 330 247-84 306 August. 247-64 275 247-33 271 247-77 317 247-65 312 September. 247-25 266 246-94 262 247-17 296 247-04 293 October. 246-87 257 246-56 253 246-60 217 246-64 296 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 187 TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO Continued Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month (a) 1904— November... December... 1905— January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September... October. November... December... 1906— January. February.... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.., October. November.. December.. 1907— January. February.... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December.. 1908— January. February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December.. ( Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record £ !;Jomputed conditions for present regimen without regulation ' New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion issumedat8,500c.f.s. 3ther lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chic£igo and New Welland Canal complete Monthly mean Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean St£ige (b) Discharge (0 Stage 1 (d) Discharge (e) Stage ] (f) Discharge (g) Stage ] (i) Discharge (h) 246-36 245 246-05 241 246-22 246 245-44 223 245-81 223 245-50 219 245-83 200 244-95 198 245-79 198 245-50 194 245-76 200 244-94 197 245-49 205 245-20 201 245-38 200 244-57 194 245-29 199 245-00 195 245-79 200 244-35 194 246-13 242 245-84 238 246-12 200 244-63 199 246-25 244 245-96 240 247-07 200 245-42 210 246-59 251 246-30 247 247-47 241 245-99 210 246-98 260 246-69 256 247-95 330 246-89 257 246-90 259 246-61 255 247-78 320 247 - 47 292 246-75 256 246-46 252 247-14 301 246-89 285 246-45 250 246-16 246 246-64 288 246-36 2/8 246-07 243 245-78 239 246-15 247 245-52 231 245-88 237 245-59 233 246-10 255 245-31 246 246-13 229 245-86 225 246-07 207 245-07 199 246-10 221 245-83 217 246-31 208 245-20 200 245-91 218 245-63 214 246-13 227 245•25 201 246-25 243 245-98 238 246-42 200 245-44 217 246-36 247 246-09 243 247-08 200 245-85 227 246-41 249 246-14 245 247-35 200 246-14 218 246-58 252 246-31 247 247-60 206 246-62 242 246-27 245 246-00 240 247-65 243 246-85 270 245-81 236 245-54 232 246-83 200 246-26 257 245-52 233 245-25 229 246-49 200 245•64 229 245-59 231 245-32 227 246-42 246 245•34 214 . 245-71 229 245-44 225 246-10 282 245-47 270 246-34 212 246-10 209 246-21 208 245-68 204 246-47 218 246-23 215 246-40 210 245-79 205 246-47 224 246-23 220 246-56 238 245-81 227 246-86 256 246-62 253 246-70 200 245-84 234 247-09 262 246-85 259 247-34 200 246-24 242 247-12 263 246-88 260 247-70 216 246-61 242 247-12 265 246-88 261 247-70 229 246-89 257 246-90 260 246-66 257 247-72 315 247-02 279 246-50 251 246-26 247 247-00 271 246-57 269 246-40 249 246-16 246 246-78 299 246-16 265 246-33 247 246-09 243 246-58 277 245-71 250 246-33 247 . 246-09 243 245-94 267 245-52 274 246-73 221 246-52 217 246-12 207 245-40 202 246-99 218 246-78 214 246-18 210 245-54 204 247-39 223 247-18 220 246-80 242 245-88 228 248-02 281 247-81 277 246-93 285 246-17 248 248-46 292 248-25 289 248-00 300 247-03 268 248 - 62 294 248-41 291 247-80 297 247-71 279 248-34 289 248-13 286 247-63 279 247-90 309 247-95 279 247-74 276 247-52 303 247-45 301 247-14 264 246-93 260 246-91 201 246-69 274 246-44 249 246-23 245 246-40 200 245-81 241 245-92 239 245-71 236 246-08 200 245-05 198 .. 245-51 230 245-30 227 245-73 ' 200 244-76 195 188 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.-EFFECT OF REGULATION-LAKE ONTARIO-Con^inwed Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Ohicago and New W'elland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean (a) Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge Stage Discharge (b) (0 (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1909— January. 245-17 203 244-99 201 245-42 200 244-51 194 February. 245-28 197 245-10 194 245-72 200 244-36 194 March. 245-70 211 245-52 208 245-70 200 244-43 196 April. 246-18 243 246-00 240 246-58 200 244-84 203 May. 247-16 262 246-98 259 247-52 247 245-85 230 June. 247-30 267 247-12 264 247-71 262 246-81 253 July. 247-16 264 246-98 262 247-40 200 247-13 269 August. 246-82 257 246-64 254 247-38 212 247-09 282 September. 246-28 245 246-10 242 247-00 207 246-52 266 October. 245-84 237 245-66 235 246-61 203 245-85 243 November. 245-35 225 245-17 222 246-27 200 245-16 199 December. 245-21 224 245-03 221 246-06 200 244-95 les 1910— January. 244-94 198 244-79 195 246-02 200 244-93 197 February. 245-03 188 244-88 186 245-90 206 244-69 198 March. 245-75 214 245-60 212 246-52 238 244-93 200 April. 245-97 238 245-82 235 246-56 204 245-38 216 May. 246-42 249 246-27 246 247-02 200 245-94 232 June. 246-46 250 246-31 247 247-40 200 246-39 230 July. 246-29 247 246-14 244 247-51 200 246-67 246 August. 246-05 243 245-90 241 247-48 219 246-67 262 September. 245-70 232 245-55 230 247-19 232 246-17 248 October. 245-38 227 245-23 224 246-56 205 245-39 213 November. 245-15 221 245-00 218 246-25 200 244-99 198 December. 244-98 216 244-74 214 246-02 200 244-80 196 1911— January. 244-77 194 244-64 192 245-87 200 244-67 195 February. 244-86 191 244-73 188 245-65 200 244-52 194 March. 244-96 197 244-83 194 245-80 200 244-51 196 April. 245-44 225 245-31 223 246-07 200 244-76 198 May. 245-60 232 245-47 230 246-52 200 245-28 202 June. 245-66 233 245-53 231 246-80 200 245-50 203 July. 245-54 232 245-41 230 246-80 200 245-69 204 August. 245-19 224 245-06 221 246-78 200 245-72 214 September. 244-88 215 244-75 213 246-52 200 245-30 203 October. 244-62 212 244-49 210 246-32 200 245 -05 198 November. 244-50 213 244-37 210 246-08 200 244-85 197 December. 244-63 214 244-50 211 246-00 203 244-79 198 1912— January. 244-76 192 244-65 191 246-00 200 245-00 198 February. 244-87 181 244-76 180 246-00 206 244-87 198 March. 245-10 189 244-99 187 246-08 200 244-79 199 April. 246-32 237 246-21 235 246-68 243 245-35 219 May. 246-82 254 246-71 253 247-33 274 246-32 245 June. 247-34 269 247-23 267 247-67 234 247-13 264 July. 247-01 259 246-90 258 247-75 231 247-43 284 August. 246-66 253 246-55 252 247-35 233 247-05 281 September. 246-38 248 246-27 246 247-16 309 246-53 266 October. 246-17 244 246-06 243 246-90 301 246-10 260 November. 246-08 242 245-97 241 246-68 291 245-76 255 December. 246-11 244 246-00 242 246-26 286 245-18 226 1913— January. 246-51 232 246-42 230 246-20 209 245-38 203 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 189 TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Continued Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet ( IJomputed conditions for present regimen without regulation Complete regulation Partial regulation Actual conditions New Welland Canal system; system; occurring assumed complete £ assuming 8,500 c.f.s. assuming 8,500 c.f.s. in nast as Chicago diversion diversion at diversion at given in record issumed at 8,500 c.f .s. Chicago and Chicago and Y ear—Month 3ther lowerings from J N’ew Welland Canal New Welland Canal data compiled by complete complete U.S. Lake Survey • Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge St£ige ] Discharge Stage ] Discharge Stage ] Discharge (a) (b) (0 (d) (e) (f) (g) (i) (h) 1913— February. 246-75 239 246-66 238 246-61 212 245-79 206 246-71 234 246-62 232 246-98 250 246-27 234 247-86 273 247-77 271 247-67 289 246-90 269 247-97 278 247-88 277 248-06 300 247- 57 286 dime . 248-02 281 247-93 278 248-33 300 247-87 283 July. 247-83 ?78 247-74 277 247-92 328 247-95 311 A,iigus+*,. 247-31 266 247-22 265 247-48 284 247-47 302 September. 246-74 253 246-65 252 246-97 264 246-73 277 October. 246-29 244 246-20 242 246-57 256 246 - 05 257 November. 246-06 243 245-97 241 246-40 290 245-42 222 December. 245-91 240 245-82 238 246-20 284 245-41 262 1914— January. 245-60 214 245-53 213 245-95 200 245-04 198 February. 245-87 202 245-80 201 246-20 206 244-92 198 M fireh . 245-67 203 245-60 202 246-20 200 244-81 198 246-75 250 246-68 248 246-55 200 245-18 213 . I^T jvy . 246-95 257 246-88 256 247-47 269 246-08 237 June . 246-91 257 246-84 255 247-21 200 246-52 238 July . 246-72 253 246-65 251 247-59 200 246^85 254 Aiigu^'t . 246-33 246 246-26 244 247-45 206 246-84 270 September. 246-09 241 246-02 240 247-20 222 246-42 261 Oetriber . 245-59 230 245-52 229 246-60 276 245-91 248 November. 245-25 227 245-18 226 246-18 200 245-09 198 December. 244-83 216 244-76 215 245-85 200 244-77 196 1915— January. 244-70 199 244-65 198 245-64 200 244-57 195 February. 244-99 191 244-94 190 245-85 206 244-63 196 March . 245-27 208 245-22 207 246-15 211 244-78 197 245-04 222 244-99 221 246-11 200 244-80 198 . 245-15 222 245-10 221 246-20 200 244-92 198 . June. 245-12 220 245-07 219 246-32 200 245-10 200 July. 245-13 222 245-08 221 246-34 200 245-31 203 August. 245-43 228 245-38 227 246-43 200 245-88 222 September. 245-45 229 245-40 228 246-55 200 246-25 252 October. 245-17 225 245-12 224 246-44 203 245-95 250 November. 244-94 219 244-89 218 246-15 200 245-36 216 December. 244-78 213 244-73 212 245-96 204 244-91 198 1916— January. 245-05 205 245-02 204 246-21 209 244-94 198 February. 245-41 2(^ 245-38 203 246-50 211 244-95 198 March. 245-46 201 245-43 200 246-79 245 245-08 201 April. 246-40 246 246-37 245 247-13 284 245- 58 230 May.. 247-13 262 247-10 262 247-80 300 246 - 58 253 .Tune .. 247-86 276 247-83 275 248-31 300 247-49 274 July. 247-93 278 247-90 277 248-60 330 248-05 317 August. 247-36 267 247-33 266 248-21 323 247-60 309 September. 246-69 254 246-66 253 247-36 289 246-70 275 October. 246-06 241 246-03 240 246-60 242 245-85 243 November. 245-65 231 245-62 230 246-28 258 245-11 198 December. 245-37 224 245-34 223 246-35 264 244-88 199 1917— January. 245-26 204 245-25 203 246-01 200 245-27 199 February. 245-08 205 245-07 205 246-05 207 244-97 198 March. 245-17 207 245-16 207 246-35 240 244-89 200 190 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTARIO—Confinueci Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet Year—Month Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record Computed conditions for present regimen without regulation New Welland Canal assumed complete Chicago diversion assumed at 8,500 c.f.s. Other lowerings from data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New W'elland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly mean Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean First of month Monthly mean (a) Stage (b) Discharge (c) Stage (d) Discharge (e) Stage (f) Discharge (g) Stage (i) Discharge (h) 1917— April. 246-24 243 246-23 242 246-90 280 245-40 221 May. 246-51 246 246-50 245 247-33 300 246-35 246 June. 246-98 258 246-97 257 247-60 300 246-89 257 July. 247-46 269 247-45 268 248-08 330 247-52 289 August. 247-35 269 247-34 268 248-01 323 247-75 317 September. 246-93 258 246-92 258 247-35 308 247-17 299 October. 246-68 254 246-67 253 246-75 283 246-57 291 November. 246-69 251 246-68 250 246-45 288 246-09 286 December. 246-45 246 246-44 245 246-16 271 245-89 279 1918— January. 246-07 217 246-08 216 245-65 200 245-50 201 February. 245-98 212 245-99 211 245-45 200 245-14 201 March. 246-61 228 246-62 227 245-88 209 245-31 204 April. 247-17 259 247-18 258 246-64 223 245-88 236 May. 247-13 261 247-14 260 247-02 200 246-41 248 June. 247-01 260 247-02 259 247-35 200 246-42 233 July. 246-85 258 246-86 257 247-57 213 246-55 239 August. 246-43 249 246-44 248 247-42 219 246-69 262 September. 246-20 244 246-21 243 247-15 230 246-45 262 October. 246-00 238 246-01 237 246-70 274 246-10 260 November. 246-00 240 246-01 239 246-44 287 245-90 268 December. 245-89 236 245-90 235 246-13 284 245-68 279 1919— January. 246-09 226 246-10 225 246-14 208 245-61 203 February. 245-91 222 245-92 221 246-32 209 245-58 203 March. 246-01 226 246-02 225 246-35 235 245-59 218 April. 246-43 252 246-44 251 246-71 240 245-86 238 May. 247-27 269 247-28 268 247-62 300 246-62 254 June. 247-95 279 247-96 278 248-20 300 247-62 277 July. 247-75 275 247-76 274 247-90 200 248-00 314 August. 247-33 267 247-34 266 247-60 225 247-43 300 September. 246-86 256 246-87 255 247-03 207 246-67 274 October. 246-35 246 246-36 246 246-60 200 245-94 249 November. 246-11 241 246-12 240 246-36 273 245-45 225 December. 245-74 236 245-75 235 246-00 200 245-00 198 1920— January. 245-31 201 245-32 201 245-81 200 244-97 196 February. 245-01 192 245-02 192 245-45 200 244-47 194 March. 245-05 197 245-06 197 245-38 200 244-35 194 April. 245-55 232 245-56 232 245-61 200 244-64 198 May. 245-60 231 245-61 231 246-50 200 245-18 200 June. 245-56 230 245-57 230 246-58 200 245-24 202 July. 245-70 234 245-71 234 246-99 200 245-59 238 August. 245-62 231 245-63 231 247-40 235 246-16 236 September. 245-47 229 245-48 229 247-10 219 246-20 250 October. 245-29 226 245-30 226 246-68 217 245-89 246 November. 245-23 220 245-24 220 246-32 218 245-28 208 December. 245-40 227 245-41 227 246-08 282 245-24 234 1921— January. 245-54 215 245-55 215 245-96 206 245-36 201 February. 245-46 210 245-47 210 246-11 202 245-31 202 March. 245-79 222 245-80 222 246-10 237 245-38 207 April. 246-38 247 246-39 247 246-83 233 245-93 237 May. 246-68 253 246-69 253 247-03 200 246-46 250 June. 246-61 252 246-62 252 247-40 200 246-76 250 July. 246-37 247 246-38 247 247-32 200 246-77 250 m St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 12.—EFFECT OF REGULATION—LAKE ONTABIO—Concluded Stages in Feet Above Mean Sea Level Discharges in Thousand Second Feet 191 Year—Month (a) 1921— August. September... October. November... December... 1922— January. February.... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December... 1923— January. February.... ^larch. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December.. 1924— January. February..., March. April. May. June. July. August. September., October...., November. December.. 1925— Januarj'- February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October- November. December.. c Actual conditions occurring in past as given in record j ^^omputed conditions for present regimen without regulation < New Welland Canal assumed complete a Chicago diversion issumedat8,500c.f.s. ^ 3ther lowerings from ] data compiled by U.S. Lake Survey Complete regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and S’ew Welland Canal complete Partial regulation system; assuming 8,500 c.f.s. diversion at Chicago and New Welland Canal complete Monthly Monthly First of Monthly First of Monthly mean mean month mean month mean Stage Discharge Stage ] Discharge Stage Discharge Stage ] Discharge (b) (0 (d) (e) (0 (g) (i) (h) 245-93 238 245-94 238 247-08 200 246-64 260 245-43 228 245-44 228 246-68 200 246-05 242 245-11 221 245-12 221 246-27 200 245-29 206 244-85 210 244-86 210 246-10 200 244-92 197 244-83 215 244-84 251 246-00 230 244-76 197 244-73 197 244-74 197 245-88 200 244-76 195 244-70 188 244-71 188 245-97 200 244-46 194 245-08 202 245-09 202 246-18 200 244-44 197 246-06 244 246-07 244 246-77 235 245-06 210 246-55 250 246-56 250 247-27 300 246-06 236 246-75 253 246-76 253 247-57 282 246-72 248 246-92 258 246-93 258 247-74 221 247-13 269 246-56 250 246-57 250 247-61 243 247-19 288 246-03 239 246-04 239 246-87 270 246 - 50 265 245-61 233 254-62 233 246-60 200 245-80 240 245-15 220 245-16 220 246-30 200 245-04 197 246-64 210 244-65 210 245-82 200 244-59 194 244-50 190 244-54 190 245-60 200 244-34 193 244-47 188 244-48 188 245-58 200 244-12 192 244-74 199 244-75 199 245-67 200 244-16 194 245-33 227 245-34 227 246-03 200 244-62 198 245-62 230 245-63 230 246-65 200 245-25 201 245-93 236 245-94 236 247-08 200 245-72 206 245-80 232 245-81 232 247-32 200 246-11 217 245-41 226 245-42 226 247-21 200 246-29 242 245-03 217 245-04 217 246-92 200 245-64 220 244-65 208 244-66 208 246-62 205 245-09 198 244-34 203 244-35 203 246-25 200 244-80 197 244-47 206 244-48 206 246-13 200 244-74 197 244-77 198 244-81 198 246-30 208 244-92 198 244-85 192 244-89 192 246-07 206 244-81 197 244-88 196 244-92 196 246-22 200 244-71 197 245-36 224 245-40 224 246-48 200 244-87 201 246-10 239 246-14 239 247-19 204 245-69 223 246-27 242 246-31 242 247-70 229 246-38 230 246-21 242 246-25 242 247-56 200 246-73 249 246-04 239 246-08 239 247-52 223 246-79 267 245-65 230 245-69 230 247-08 219 246-38 258 245 -45 225 245-49 225 246-67 200 245-71 234 244 - 95 218 244-99 218 246-40 209 245-03 197 244-58 208 244-62 208 245-90 200 244-67 194 244-22 169 244-26 169 245-51 200 244-35 193 244-41 176 244-45 176 245-50 200 244-13 194 245 - 20 201 245-24 201 245-88 200 244-50 198 245-61 226 245-65 226 246-48 219 245-15 204 245-65 228 245-69 228 246-71 200 245- 55 216 245-42 225 245-46 225 246-88 200 245- 53 204 245-21 220 245-25 220 247-16 200 245-77 204 244-90 215 244-94 215 247-08 200 245-64 209 244-56 207 244-60 207 246-92 207 245-38 207 244 - 32 201 244-36 201 246-67 217 245-10 198 244 - 31 205 244-35 205 246-28 203 244-92 198 244-55 208 244-59 208 246-39 258 1 245-09 211 i*''! i ■ CM 192 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 13—REGULATION OF THE GREAT LAKES—PARTIAL LIST OF DAMAGES WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM HIGH WATER IN LAKES MICHIGAN AND HURON 580- 6 581- 0 581-2 581-6 582-0 582-1 582- 6 583- 0 This would flood some land along Main and Grand Calumet Rivers. Above this would seriously affect sewerage system, flood basements, flood docks of Standard Oil Co. and cause unwarranted damage at Green Bay. Above this would; Seriously affect sewerage systems of Chicago and vicinity, cause excessive flooding of base¬ ments during hard rains, raise ground water level in low parts of city, reduce widths of bathing beaches, reduce clearance under bridges to the point where excessive number of openings would be necessary and thereby cause additional delay and confusion in street traffic. Above this w/)uld affect operation of Great Lakes Power Co. Ltd., of Sault Ste. Marie, through loss of head, unless present head was maintained by raising Lake Superior. . . Above this might affect sewerage systeni^of Naval Training Station. U.S. Weather Bureau at Alpena state that this would cause unwarranted damage to riparian interests in that locality. This would partially submerge the jetties in the Chic^o Engineer District and endanger riparian interests during storms by causing additional sliding along high banks. Above this would interfere with operations at docks and elevators of Canadian National Ry. Above this would interfere with operations at docks and elevators of Goderich Elev. & Transit Co., Goderich. Above this would seriously affect sewerage system of Meno- Above this would necessitate raising draw bridges of Michigan Central Railroad at Michigan City and Calumet. Above this would interfere with operations at majority of structures from French River to St. Marys River. They are constructed to render greatest efficiency with mean level of 581-0. U.S. States Weather Bureau at Alpena states that this would interfere with operations of navigation and commercial interests in that locality. At Alpena, this would interfere with operations at wharves of Huron Contracting Co. and cause unwarranted damage to riparian interests. At Muskegon, this would interfere with operations at wharves of Standard Oil Co. At Green Bay, this would interfere with operations at wharves of Standard Oil Co. Above this might damage city parks of Evanston. This would affect sewarage system and flood some basements in Manitowoc. Above this would cause unwarranted damage at Racine... This would cause unwarranted damage at Holland. 583-1 583-5 583-6 583-7 This would cause some damage due to flooding of basements in downtown section of Milwaukee. U.S. Weather Bureau at Alpena states that this would flood docks and do unwarranted damage in that locality. At Muskegon this would flood docks and do unwarranted damage to Standard Oil Co. This would flood docks and cause unwarranted damage to Huron Contracting Co., at Alpena. At Mackinac Island, this would: Flood docks and interfere with operations of Municipal Light and Power Co. Cause unwarranted damage to riparian interests. Above this, would flood docks and cause unwarranted damage and interfere with operations of Huron Transportation Co. Authority District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Chicago, Ill. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Chicago, Ill. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Sault Ste. Mane, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Chicago, Ill. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Chicago, Ill. Vice-President, Canadian Nat’l Rys., Montreal, Que. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, London, Ont. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Wilwaukee, Wis. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. District Engineer, Engineer U.S. Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Chicago, Ill. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis. City Engineer, Milwaukee, Wis. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 193 TABLE 13—REGULATION OF THE GREAT LAKES—PARTIAL LIST OF DAMAGES WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM HIGH WATER IN LAKES MICHIGAN AND HURON—Conc/iidcd Stage — Authority 585-0 At Bay City, this would flood docks and do unwarranted damage and interfere with operations at wharves of Standard Oil Co. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Ofiice, Detroit, Mich. 585-6 At Rogers, this would interfere with operations at wharves of Michigan Limestone and Chem. Co. Above this would flood considerable lands on lake shore north of Chicago. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Chicago, Ill. 586-6 At Rogers, this would flood docks and cause unwarranted damage to Michigan Limestone and Chem. Co. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. 587-6 At Rogers, this would cause unwarranted damage to riparian interests. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. TABLE 14—PARTIAL LIST OF DAMAGES WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM HIGH WATER IN LAKE ERIE Stage 571-6 571- 1 572- 3 572-8 572- 9 573- 1 573- 5 574- 0 574-0 574-2 574-3 574-4 Below this would affect operation of Erie Lighting Co’s Plant. Below this would affect operation of Cleveland Elec. Ill. Co’s Plant. Above this might inconvenience car ferry, Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Co., Port Maitland. National Tube Co., Lorain, believe levels above this would cause unwarranted erosion of south shore of lake. Much increase above this would affect waste water drainage system. So. Buffalo Ry., Lackawanna. Above this would seriously interfere with operation of power plants, Cleveland Elec. Ill. Co. Above this may damage property. Lake Erie Coal Co Rondeau and Port Stanley. Above this would: Interfere with operations, Maple Leaf Milling Co., lort Colbome. i •, o , Delay loading and unloading of steamers and would liood pit of power-house Pittsburgh and Conneaut Dock Co., Conneaut. ^ . . z-m.. Damage works, Ohio Public Service Co., Lorain, Ohio.. Affect drainage system, Bethlehem Steel Co., Lackawanna.. Above this would interfere with operations of unloading plants, Erie R.R., Cleveland. ^ Above this would flood turn-table pit, Can. Nat. Ry., Port Dover. Above this would halt operation of elevators, Washbum- Crosby Co., Buffalo. Above this might damage Larman Coal Co., Port Colborne.. Authority Superintendent, Power Stations, Erie Lighting Co., Erie, Pa. Assistant to President Cleveland Elec. III. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Pub. Works, London, Ont. Manager, National Tube Co., Lorain, Ohio. Chief Engineer, So. Buffajo Ry. Co., Lackawanna, N.Y. Asst, to President, Cleveland Elec. III. Co., Cleveland, Ohio. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Pub. Works, London, Ont. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Pub. Works, London, Ont. General Superintendent Pitts¬ burgh and Conneaut Dock Co., Conneaut, Ohio. Division Manager, Ohio Public Service Co., Lorain, Ohio. Chief Engineer, Bethelem Steel Co., Lackawanna, N.Y. Vice-President, Erie R.R. Co., New York, N.Y. Chief Engineer, Central Region, Can. National Rys., Toronto, Ont. General Superintendent, Wash- bum-Crosby Co., Buffalo, N.Y. District Engineer, Can. Dept Pub. Works, London, Ont. 575-0 Above this would: Interfere with unloading operations, Penn. R.R., Sandusky Interfere with unloading operations, Penn. R.R. at Buffalo Erie, Sandusky, Ashtabula and Cleveland, Ohio.^ Interfere with operations, National Tube Co., Lorain. Above this would cause unwarranted damage to property ol Hammerill Paper Co. Superintendent, Toledo Division, Pennsylvania R.R., Toledo, Ohio. Assistant Chief Engineer, Penn¬ sylvania R.R., Pittsburgh, Pa. Manager, National Tube Co., Lorain, Ohio. •f Assistant Secretary, Hammer- mill Paper Co., Erie Pa. 45827—13 194 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 14.—PARTIAL LIST OF DAMAGES WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM HIGH WATER IN LAKE ERIE Stage — Authority 575 0 Interfere with unloading operations, Buffalo, Creek Ry., Buffalo. Buffalo Creek R.R., Buffalo, N.Y. 575-5 575-5 This would flood docks, coal storage, etc., Erie Lighting Co. Above this would: Stop operation of Canadian Government Elevator, Port Colbome. Superintendent, Power Stations, Erie Lighting Co., Erie, Pa. Superintendent, Gov’t Elevator, Can. Dept. Railways and Canals, Port Colbome, Ont. 576-0 This would probably flood docks and yard, American Ship Bldg. Co., Lorain. General Superintendent, Ameri¬ can Ship Bldg. Co., Lorain, Ohio. 576- 8 577- 0 This would flood docks. East Side Iron Elev. Co., Toledo.. This would: Interfere with operations. East Side Iron Elev. Co., Toledo. Flood docks and yard, Canadian National Ry. Port Dover. Flood docks, U.S. Engineer Office, Toledo. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. Chief Engineer, Central Region, Can. National Rys., Toronto, Ont. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. 577-3 This would flood dock. National Milling Co., Toledo. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. 577-5 Considered by Pennsylvania R.R. as highest level which would be safe for Toledo Division. Superintendent, Toledo Division, Pennsylvania R.R., Toledo, Ohio. 578-0 This would flood buildings and halt operations Hammermill Paper Co., Erie. Above this would flood yard Ganson St. Freighthouse, Erie R.R., Buffalo. Assistant Secretary, Hammer- mill Paper Co., Erie, Pa. Vice-President, Erie R.R. Co., New York, N.Y. 578-8 This would flood docks. Red Star Navigation Co., Cleveland. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. 579- 0 580- 0 Above this would flood docks and property, Erie R.R., Buffalo. Above this would: Cause some damage to property and overflow tracks Buffalo Creek Ry., Buffalo. Flood docks, Lehigh Valley R.R., Buffalo. Vice-President, Erie R.R. Co., New York, N.Y. Buffalo Creek R.R., Buffalo, N.Y. Superintendent, Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., Buffalo, N.Y. 580-8 This would flood docks, B. & 0. R.R., Toledo. District Engineer, U.S. Engineer Office, Detroit, Mich. TABLE 15—PARTIAL LIST OF DAMAGES WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM HIGH WATER IN LAKE ONTARIO Stage Authority 246 0 247 0 Above this, it is believed that numerous small private docks and boat houses on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River above Galop Island would be flooded and damaged. This would flood wharf and coal shed, A. Collier, Port Milford Above this, probably some docks and buildings at Clayton, Cape Vincent, Sackett’s Harbour, Oswego, Fairhaven, Sodus Point, Charlotte, Olcott, Youngstown and Lewis¬ ton would be flooded and operations interfered with at others. Above this would affect Central Island Park, Toronto. This would flood dock and canning factory. Port, Milford Packing Co., Port Milford. This would seriously affect drainage of cellars in lower section of Kingston. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. City Engineer, Kingston. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 195 T \BLE 15—PARTIAL LIST OF DAMAGES WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM HIGH W^ATER IN LAKE O'^TARIO—Continued Stage 247-5 248-0 248*5 This would flood— , , Wharf and two coal sheds, Jas. Soward, Kingston; wharf and 2 coal sheds, Ault & Reynolds, Brockville; L. H. Dept., Can. Dept, of Marine, Prescott; wharf and ware¬ house, A. Collier, Port Milford; and wharf and siding, C.P.R. Co., Kingston; wharf, Mrs. Cooper at Bath; Farmers’ wharf, South Bay. ^ Above this would damage plant of Lake Ontario Sand Co., Charlotte. Above this would affect LaSalle Causeway, Kingston, King¬ ston Dry dock, and Belleville wharf. This would flood piers of Geo. Hall Corp. Shipyard, Ogdens- burg, N.Y. . . Above this, probably some docks and buildings at Ogdens- burg, ^lorristown and Alexandria Bay would be flooded and operations interfered with at other docks. This would flood— Wharf, A. Anglin & Co., Kingston; wharf, Canadian Govt., W'ellington; wharf and storehouse, A. Collier, Port Milford; wharf, storehouse and evaporator, factory, D. W’^attham, Waupoos; cribwork and waterworks dock. City of Kingston; wharf and freight and coal sheds, J Swift & Co., Kingston. , . , , j Above this would probably flood majority of docks and seriously interfere with operations at N.Y. Central wharves at Clayton, Cape Vincent and Sacketts Harbour. Above this, breakwater at Sackett’s Harbour probably could not be used for mooring vessels. , Above this would seriously interfere with operations at N .Y Stage Barge Canal Terminals and 1,000,000 bush, elevator and at coal docks of N.Y.O. & W.R.R. and D.L. & W.R. R., at Oswego, N.Y.; coal dock of L.V.RR. at Fairhaven Little Sodus B; coal dock of Penn. RR. at Sodus Pt.; coal docks of N.Y.C.RR. at Charlotte; and docks of Niagara Nav. Co. on Niagara River. Abcve this, the lake would probably break through the low narrow strips of sand which have been built up between the shoreward ends of the breakwaters and the higher ground, to protect the entrances to Little Sodus and Great Sodus B.; and through the strip which separates Sterling Creek Pond from the lake. Thiw sould necessitate reconstructing government piers and breakwaters at Oswego, Little Sodus Bay, Sodus Bay, Charlotte and Olcott to retain their effectiveness. Above this. Sand Point, in Sodus Bay, with numerous sum mer cottages of probably low value, would probably be flooded. . ,1 j Above this would probably flood state road on strip of land which separates Irondequoit Bay from the lake. Above this would probably necessitate raising fixed steel bridges, about 100 ft. in length, which carry N.Y.C.RR. and the state highway across entrance to Irondequoit Bay. Above this would probably damage numerous summer cot¬ tages and private docks in Irondequoit Bay. Above this would probably flood the greater parts of Summer¬ ville, Windsor Beach and Ontario Beach, with numerous summer cottages, at Charlotte. .\bove this would probably affect electric railway (about 8 miles long), constructed on low strip of land across en¬ trances to numerous small bays, between Charlotte and Manitou Beach. Above this would probably flood part of beach with summer cottages at Olcott. This would flood:— , , Dock, Hosierj^ Mill, Kingston; Ferry dock, Kingston Dock, Kingston Yacht Club, Can. Gov’t, wharf, Redner- ville; entrance piers. Can. Govt., W'ellington; dock and 2 coal sheds, Frontenac Str. and Coal Co., Kingston freight and passenger wharf, Massagagna; wharf, elevator and coal shed, Northport; wharf. Forester Lt. Secretary, Lake Ontario Sand Co., Charlotte, Rochester, N.Y. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. Secretary, Geo. Hall Corp., Ogdensburg, N.Y. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public W^orks, Ottawa, Ont. Authority District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public W^orks, Ottawa, Ont. District Engr., Can. Dept. Pub. Works, Ottawa, Ont. 15827—lai 196 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 15—PARTIAL LIST OF DAMAGES WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM HIGH WATER IN LAKE ONTARIO—Continued Stage 249 0 249-5 250 0 250-5 251 0 Above this, would probably flood majority of docks at Ogdensburg and Morristown, and seriously interfere with operations at docks of N.Y. Central RR. Terminal, at docks and 500,000 bush, elevator at Rutland R.R Ter¬ minal, and at docks of Standard Oil Co., Geo. Hall Corp., Algonquin Paper Corp., and Pulp Terminal, at Ogdens¬ burg. This would flood Central Island Park, Toronto. This would flood— Town dock, Gananoque; wharf and coal shed, R. Crawford, Kingston; Cribworks, C.P.RR.Co., Kingston; wharf. Dr. Williams, Geen Island; wharf and cattle barns, J. P. Wiser & Sons, Prescott. This, at Oswego, would probably stop operations at N.Y. Stage Barge Canal Terminals and at N.Y.O. & W.RR. and O.L. & W.RR. coal docks; flood some foundations along lower part of Oswego River and large portions of Diamond Match Co.’s plant and yard and Standard Oil Co.’s. Lumber yard and mill; and reduce power head from 17 ft. to 14 ft., of mills on east bank of Oswego River below Bridge St. It also would reduce power head of 12,000 H.P. plant, under construction by General Develop¬ ment Co., from 15 ft. to about 12 ft. This would flood dock, L. H. Service, Rockport; 2 docks, J. Smart Mfg. Co., Brockville. This would flood— Water Works Pier, Corp. of Brockville; L. H. Dept, wharf. Can. Govt. Depart. Marine, Prescott; wharf and warehouse. Plum, Prescott; wharf, Buckley, Prescott; wharf, R. Weddell & Co., Trenton; Public wharf. Can. Govt. Trenton; Public Coal Dock, Can. Govt., Tren¬ ton; Anderson Dock, Belleville; wharf. Way & Gulliver, Picton; wharf and freight shed, Adolphns Town, wharf. Emerald; wharf, Stella; wharf, coal and freight shed, Robinson, Bath; Portsmouth, Brewery wharf; wharf, Portsmouth; wharves, Ty. siding and elevator, Montreal Transp. Co., Kingston; waterworks dock. Town of Gan¬ anoque; dock and freight shed, Gananoque; wharf. Can. Govt. Public Works Dept. Mallorytown; wharf, Laing Co., Brockville. This would flood— 2 wharves and 2 coal sheds, B. Power & Co., Trenton; dock, C.P.RR., Trenton; Allen’s dock Belleville, coal wharf, Stevens, Napanee; Lights wharf, Napanee; wharf, Rankin, Collins Bay; Breakwater, Can. Govt., Portsmouth, Entrance to Can. Govt, drydock, with 2 travelling cranes, Kingston; Cribwork, Kingston; wharf and grain elevator, J. Richardson & Son, KingMton. Authority District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont This would flood— Wharf and coal storage bldgs. Trenton Cooperage Mills, Ltd.; public wharf, track and store house. Can. Govt. Belleville; wharf and coal sheds, G.T.RR., Belleville; Public wharves along side LaSalle Highway, Can. Govt., Dept. Public Works, Kingston wharves and boat house. Royal Militia College, Kingston; Public wharf. Can. Govt., Burnt Is.; wharf, coal and freight sheds, Taylor and Green Co., Gananoque, docks, Ry. sidings and freight shed. Thousand Island Ry. Co., Gananoque; Public wharf. Can. Govt., P.W. Dept., Gananoque; Public wharf Lansdown; Carnegie wharf, Rockport; Public wharf, Can. Govt., P.W. Dept., Brockville; wharf, siding, storehouse and derrick, C.P.RR. Co., Brockville; wharves, coal shed and shed, Buckley, Prescott; wharf, tracks and freight shed, C.P.RR.Co., Prescott. Above this would probably flood parts of railroad terminals at Ogdensburg and flood or stop operations at principal docks at Ogdensburg, Morristown, Alexandria Bay, Clayton, Cape Vincent and Sackett’s Harbour. This would flood part of yard, Rutland RR. Ogdensburg. District Engineer Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. Rutland Railroad Co., Ogdens burg, N.Y. Ht. Lawrence Waterway Proiect 197 TABLE 15—PARTIAL LIST OF DAMAGES WHICH WOULD RESULT FROM HIGH WATER IN LAKE ONTARIO—Concluded Stage — 251-0 Above this would flood inner wharves, Toronto. Above this would probably affect line of New York Central RaUroad between Ogdensburg and Morristown. This would flood LaSalle Causeway, Kingston and Belleville wharf. 252-5 This would flood— Private crib wood, Kingston, wharf, railway sidmg and oil pipe line, C.P. Railroad, Brockville. 253-0 This would probably flood all docks and all railroad termmals at Ogdensburg. , , ^ j j This would flood entire yard of Rutland Railroad, Ogdens¬ burg. 253-5 This would flood— _ Cribwork, Penitentiary and Gumis Tannery, Portsmouth, wharf and sheds. Can. Cement Co., Point Aune. 254-5 This would flood— , , t-. x Breakwater, Can. Govt., Portsmouth; Dock, Eastern Milk Products Co., Gananoque; wharf and grain elevator, Prescott Elevator Co., Prescott. Authority District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. Rutland Railroad Co., Ogdens- burg, N.Y. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. District Engineer, Can. Dept. Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. TABLE 17.—REGULATION OF THE GREAT LAKES Storage at Determining Points on Storage Distribution Curves, for Regluation with Complete Control of St. Clair River Month Upper Limit—Regulation for Equal Navigable Depth Highest Safe Stage A High Point on Curves Lower Limit—Regulation for Equal Flood Probability Regulation for Equal Rood Probability Lake Su¬ perior Lake Mich¬ igan— Huron Lake Erie Lake On¬ tario Total Stor¬ age Lake Su¬ perior Lake Mich¬ igan— Huron Lake Erie Lake On¬ tario Total Stor¬ age Lake Su¬ perior Lake Mich¬ igan— Huron o 2 ^ h:) ’C Q} d c So Total Stor¬ age Jan. Feb. March.. April.... May.... June.... July.... Aug. Sept.... Oct. Nov.... Dec. ... 689 672 746 877 987 1,041 1,048 1,017 960 880 796 736 985 960 1,066 1,252 1,409 1,486 1,497 1,453 1,372 1,258 1,138 1,051 225 218 243 286 322 340 342 332 313 287 260 240 164 160 177 208 234 247 248 242 228 209 189 175 2,063 2,010 2,232 2,623 2,952 3,114 3,135 3,044 2,873 2,634 2,383 2,002 950 880 880 950 1,071 1,146 1,208 1,248 1,248 1,197 1,120 1,041 1,458 1,462 1,611 1,795 1,945 2,030 2,012 1,940 1,839 1,713 1,589 1,506 368 375 416 491 519 522 505 480 448 412 382 375 286 295 325 389 413 416 406 372 332 306 286 278 3,062 3,012 3,232 3,625 3,948 4,114 4,131 4,040 3,867 3,628 3,377 3,200 1,388 1,255 1,255 1,242 1,357 1,290 1,365 1,562 1,562 1,502 1,570 1,510 2,325 2,329 2,523 2,443 2,619 2,398 2,380 2,612 2,501 2,407 2,597 2,448 542 556 641 641 656 587 562 590 557 524 542 540 428 443 508 509 543 480 466 483 440 406 424 423 4,683 4,583 4,927 4,835 5,175 4,755 4,773 5,247 5,060 4,839 5,133 4,921 Note.— Datums used in computing above storages were Superior 599-6, Michigan-Huron 577-6, Erie 568-8 and Ontario 242-5. All storages in thousand second foot months. 198 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 19—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated wdth continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of * month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1860— 247-28 283 247-70 274 247-28 July. 285 247-54 277 247-12 279 247-09 August. 283 247-06 274 246-64 269 246-68 September. 277 246-76 269 246-34 262 246-47 October. 267 246-71 258 246-29 257 246-43 November. 273 246-74 264 246-32 272 246-37 December. 269 246-58 260 246-16 300» 2162 246-05 246-25 1861— 246-49 January. 244 246-50 235 246-08 210 February. 243 246-78 234 246-36 223 246-91 March. 251 247-12 243 246-70 242 247-26 April. 285 247-70 277 247-28 2681 302* 247-61 247-73 May. . 305 248-36 297 247-94 300 248-35 June. 310 248-43 301 248-01 310 248-31 July. 309 248-20 301 247-48 310 247-96 August. 302 247-84 294 247-42 301 247-51 September. 293 247-70 284 247-28 303 247-13 October. 294 247-82 286 247-40 303 247-03 November. 292 247-72 284 247-30 310 246-61 December. 297 247-36 288 246-94 3101 2182 246-29 246-54 1862— January. 259 246-90 250 246-48 212 246-56 February. 248 246-94 239 246-52 224 246-78 March. 247 247-63 238 247-21 240 247-44 April. 296 248-48 287 248-06 2721 3102 247- 96 248- 24 May. 318 248-75 310 248-33 310 248-50 June. 312 248-67 303 248-25 310 248-34 July. 310 248-49 301 248-07 310 248-05 August. 301 247-94 293 247-52 301 247-40 September. 290 247-34 281 246-92 292 246-66 October. 279 246-90 270 246-48 265 246-28 November. 270 246-68 261 246-26 261 246-07 December. 264 246-70 256 246-28 2391 2172 246-18 246-43 1863— January. 247 246-80 238 246-38 212 246-85 February. 242 246-87 234 246-45 227 247-00 March. 246 247-27 236 246-85 244 247-30 April. 283 247-83 275 247-41 2691 3032 246- 62 247- 72 May. 299 248-10 291 247-68 299 247-88 June. 301 247-98 292 247-56 307 247-58 July. 293 247-54 284 247-12 284 247-14 August. 285 247-12 277 246-70 263 246-89 September. 276 246-84 267 246-42 264 246-65 October. 266 246-65 257 246-23 260 246-33 November. 264 246-56 256 246-14 257 246-23 December. 261 246-45 253 246-03 2941 2092 245- 92 246- 14 1864— January. 223 246-25 214 245-83 209 246-00 February. 228 246-22 220 245-80 217 246-00 March. 242 246-54 233 246-12 217 246-52 April. 270 247-32 261 246-90 2411 2712 247-03 247-35 May. 291 247-97 281 247-55 277 248-05 * First half of month. * Second half of month. St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 19 —EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE—Con/tnucd Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1864— 301 247-96 293 247-54 310 291 266 263 259 273 3021 218* 247-83 292 247-57 284 247-15 247-34 283 247-08 275 246-66 246-95 246-71 246-55 246-43 246-32 246-73 273 246-70 274 246-28 266 246-56 257 246-14 268 246-60 260 246-18 272 246-86 263 246-44 1865— 245 247-16 236 246-74 214 233 247 2631 276* 273 282 270 259 249 240 235 2071 210* 247-31 247-23 247-18 225 247-30 216 246-88 ^.rrh . 242 247-42 234 247-00 ^pril. 284 247-54 275 247 -12 247-32 288 247-64 280 247-22 247 -37 247-56 . June. 288 247-58 280 247-16 246-76 247-47 July . 283 247-20 275 247-15 246-61 246-22 246-01 245-85 245- 94 246- 02 August. 273 246-60 264 246-18 Sept-ern hftr. 260 246-18 252 245-76 Octohpr ,. 251 245-94 242 245-52 N ovember. 246 245-74 238 245-32 P^ppfnbftr. 244 245-56 236 245 -14 1866— January . 205 245-46 197 245-04 208 211 207 2031 216* 221 241 269 277 288 280 275 2831 215* 245-78 245-56 245- 77 246- 16 February . 200 245-48 191 245-04 March. 214 245-72 205 245-30 April. 251 245-99 243 245-57 j^Iay . 260 245-97 252 245-55 245- 96 246- 37 246-28 246-46 246-82 June. . . 272 246-38 263 247-51 July . 274 246-79 266 247-87 0>47 RQ AiicniRt.. 270 246-70 262 24/*00 September . 265 246-58 257 246-16 247-07 246-57 246-18 245- 98 246- 20 October . 262 246-40 254 245-98 Novernbftr. 265 246-24 256 245-82 Decern ber. 272 246-08 263 245-66 1867— January. 238 245-94 230 245-52 245- 85 246- 65 247- 44 210 220 240 2741 208* 310 310 305 268 265 245 228 2011 200* 246-31 Ff'b'niary. 238 246-27 229 246-75 M ftrrh . 246 247-07 237 247-51 April . 283 247-86 274 247 *91 ^lay. 300 248-34 292 247-92 247-88 247-38 246-81 246-24 245-54 248 -10 248-35 June. 307 248-30 299 248-16 0>47 A7 July . 298 247-80 290 24/-4/ 0>I7 A1 August . 285 247-23 290 24/-Ul 246-41 245-75 245-16 245-04 244-93 September . 272 246-66 263 October . 256 245-96 248 November . 249 245-21 241 244-79 Decern b*^r . 234 244-67 225 244-25 1868— January. 210 244-56 202 244-14 244-32 244- 78 245- 40 199 200 200 2051 210* 211 244-85 OA A 70 TTpKriiRrv . 184 244-74 176 244*/o 245-21 March. 210 245-20 201 April T . 246 245-82 237 245-72 May. 251 246-33 243 245-91 246 • 20 247-10 * First half of month. ♦ Second half of month. 200 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 19.—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE —Continued Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Osw’ego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1868— June. 267 246-48 268 246-06 256 247-40 July. 264 246-28 256 245-85 268 247-05 August. 258 246-04 249 245-62 252 246-77 September. 252 245-64 244 245-22 246 246-35 October. 243 245-28 235 244-86 234 246-00 November. 237 245-28 228 244-86 226 246-02 December. 244 245-30 235 244-88 220» 2172 246-12 246-24 1869— January. 217 245-28 208 244-86 210 246-20 February. 197 245-45 188 245-03 219 245-99 March. 196 245-82 188 245-40 217 245-99 April. 259 246-42 251 246-00 2071 2342 246-57 246-97 May. 276 246-86 268 246-44 244 247-71 June. 282 247-13 273 246-71 282 247-87 July. 288 247-32 280 246-90 284 248-01 August. 288 247-27 280 246-84 287 247-86 September. 284 247-12 275 246-70 305 247-35 October. 280 246-88 271 246-46 298 246-77 November. 272 246-76 264 246-34 294 246-27 December. 267 247-06 259 246-64 2961 218* 246-27 246-75 1870— January. 258 247-34 249 246-92 214 247-47 February. 258 247-41 249 246-99 235 247-72 March. 253 247-88 244 247-46 255 248-06 April. 304 248-65 295 248-23 2861 3102 248-51 248-81 May. 318 248-79 310 248-37 310 248-95 June. 313 248-47 305 248-05 310 248-56 July. 309 248-14 301 247-72 310 248-12 August. 296 247-62 288 247-20 300 247-44 September. 282 247-12 274 246-70 290 246-74 October. 276 246-66 268 246-24 269 246-26 November. 265 246-26 256 245-84 251 245-92 December. 260 246-10 251 245-68 2081 2172 246-11 246-23 1871— January. 231 245-98 222 245-56 210 246-27 February. 227 246-00 219 245-58 220 246-27 March. 243 246-40 234 245-98 226 246-77 April. 270 246-91 261 246-49 2531 2772 247-07 247-22 May. 278 247-09 269 246-67 275 247-33 June.. 278 246-98 270 246-56 281 247-08 July. 275 246-68 266 246-26 269 246-74 August. 265 246-29 257 245-87 257 246-35 September. 257 245-87 249 245-45 247 245-95 October. 249 245-42 241 245-00 237 245-55 November. 235 245-06 227 244-64 225 245-21 December. 227 244-82 218 244-40 2011 201* 245-20 245-19 1872— January. 190 244-62 182 244-20 201 244-75 February. 174 244-43 166 244-01 200 244-14 March. 189 244-60 180 244-18 190 244-19 April. 222 244-90 214 244-48 1931 194* 244-47 244-75 May. 234 245-12 225 244-70 197 245-33 1 First half of month. * Second half of month. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 201 T\BLE 19—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE—Continued Year and Month (a) 1872— June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December... 1873— January. February.... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November., December.. 1874— January. February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1875— January.. February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1876— January.... February.. March. April. May. Unregulated with Unregulated with actual diversions continuous diversion (from records) of 8,500 c.f.s. Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. 241 242 237 232 267 228 211 192 194 200 254 273 275 273 266 260 249 246 251 238 239 261 279 273 284 282 276 262 255 245 236 203 177 197 238 250 253 255 250 242 238 233 229 Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) 245-32 245-27 245-04 244-82 244-72 244-52 244-33 244-34 244- 44 245- 46 246- 73 246-96 246-90 246-74 246-39 245-96 245-66 245- 70 246- 07 246- 55 247- 02 247-24 247-18 247-22 247-24 247-10 246-66 246-14 245-66 245-20 244-88 244-56 244- 51 245- 04 245-58 245-79 245-88 245-83 245-66 245-41 245-18 244- 99 245- 10 Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) 232 234 239 224 218 220 202 183 185 192 246 264 267 265 258 251 241 237 243 229 231 252 270 265 275 274 268 254 246 237 227 195 168 188 230 242 244 246 242 234 229 224 220 Elevation Ontario end of month (e) 244-90 244-85 244-62 244-40 244-30 244-10 243-91 243- 92 244- 02 245- 08 246- 31 246-54 246-48 246-32 245-97 245-54 245-24 245-28 245-65 246-13 246-60 246-82 246-76 246-80 246-82 246-68 246-24 245-72 245-24 244-78 244-46 244-14 244-09 244- 62 245- 16 245-37 245-46 245-41 245-24 244-99 244-76 244-57 244-68 245-22 245- 82 246- 59 247- 37 247-77 217 226 240 286 298 245- 64 246- 24 247- 01 247- 79 248- 19 209 217 232 278 290 1 First half of month. * Second half of month Regulated •vN'ith diversion of 8,500 c.Ls. Discharge 1.000’s Elevation Ontario of c.f.s. end of period (f) (g) 198 245-95 219 246-09 229 245-98 230 245-68 223 245-52 220 245-32 2021 245-22 202* 245-12 201 244-91 201 244-81 200 245-75 2041 246-64 241* 247-29 265 247-50 278 247-30 268 247-10 258 246-75 253 246-30 242 245-99 237 246-03 2231 246-33 218* 246-67 213 247-36 233 247-81 256 247-99 2841 247-87 310* 247-59 288 247-34 273 247-39 274 247-25 264 246-85 259 246-24 243 245-80 229 245-44 2031 245-43 203* 245-42 203 245-00 202 244-52 198 244-93 2041 245-35 2(H* 245-77 205 246-45 233 246-69 248 246-61 247 246-37 244 245-99 237 245-67 230 245-41 2031 245-57 204* 245-72 206 246-30 220 246-86 242 247-50 2731 247-92 310* 248-11 310 248-26 202 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 19—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALO'^^'E—Continued Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1.000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1876— June. 304 248*34 295 247*92 310 248*22 July. 305 248*14 296 247*72 310 247*84 August. 294 247*60 286 247*18 297 247*16 September. 280 247*13 272 246*71 287 246*50 October. 277 246*78 269 246*36 263 246*22 November. 266 246*51 257 246*09 257 245*96 December.t. 265 246*16 256 245*74 2131 2162 246*05 246*13 1877— 245*83 January. 226 245*76 217 245*34 209 February. 224 245*70 216 245*28 212 245*82 March. 230 246*12 222 245*70 212 246*36 April. 262 246*50 253 246*08 2341 2592 246*66 246*81 May. 266 246*48 257 246*06 255 246*82 June. 265 246*45 256 246*03 256 246*80 July. 266 246*34 257 245*92 257 246*69 August. 259 245*98 251 245*56 255 246*28 September. 249 245*56 241 245*14 247 245*78 October. 238 245*30 229 244*88 234 245*46 November. 237 245*32 228 244*90 228 245*48 December. 240 245*43 232 245*01 2041 2062 245*70 245*91 1878— January. 223 245*58 214 245*16 207 246*15 February. 220 246*04 212 245*62 218 246*54 M arch. 238 246*52 230 246*10 235 246*95 April. 267 246*81 258 246*39 2611 2762 247*07 247*09 May. 275 246*98 266 246*56 264 247*29 June. 274 246*95 266 246*53 275 247*14 July. 272 246*89 264 246*47 268 247*03 August. 272 246*72 264 246*30 261 246*89 September. 269 246*46 260 246*04 263 246*60 October. 261 246*27 253 245*85 256 246*39 November. 260 246*62 251 246*20 263 246*59 December. 276 246*92 267 246*50 3091 2202 246*48 246*93 1879— January. 243 246*63 234 246*21 216 246*87 February. 245 246*38 236 245*96 227 246*73 March. 234 246*50 226 246*08 240 246*67 April. 267 246*76 259 246*34 2481 2582 246*87 247*01 May. 272 246*85 264 246*40 253 247*21 June. 272 246*72 263 246*33 261 247*17 July. 268 246*50 260 246*08 259 246*93 August. 259 246*11 250 245*69 249 246*55 September. 252 245*68 244 245*26 241 246*15 October. 242 245*26 233 244*84 233 245*74 November. 234 245*08 225 244*66 223 245*59 December. 230 245*21 221 244*79 2051 2062 245*77 245*93 1880- January. 222 245*46 214 245*04 207 246*27 February. 222 245*77 213 245*35 220 246*49 March. 232 246*03 223 245*61 233 246*63 April. 257 246*20 249 245*78 2441 2492 246*74 246*82 May. 262 246*39 254 245*97 240 247*18 1 First half of month. * Second half of month St. Lawrence Waterwaxj Project 203 TABLE 19 —EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGR.4M FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE—Continued Year and Month (a) 1880— June... July. August. September. October_ November. December.. 1881— January... February. March_ April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December.. 1882— January... February. March_ April. May. June. July. August. September. October- November. December.. 1883— January... February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December.. 1884- January.... February... March. April. May. Tpirst half of month. Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Elevation Discharge Ontario Discharge Elevation 1 1,000’s (Oswego) 1,000’s Ontario of c.f.s. end of of c.f.s. end of month month (b) (c) (d) (e) 266 246-52 257 246-10 265 246-30 257 245-88 255 245-90 246 245-48 258 245-52 249 245-10 239 245-29 231 244-87 241 245-18 232 244-76 229 244-92 221 244-50 186 244-74 177 244-32 195 245-06 186 244-64 218 245-60 209 245-18 248 245-90 239 245-48 252 246-10 244 245-68 257 246-24 249 245-82 259 246-12 251 244-70 252 245-68 243 244-26 242 245-29 233 244-87 235 245-18 226 244-75 235 245-18 226 244-76 236 245-46 228 245-04 229 245-82 221 245-40 231 246-20 222 245-78 247 246-66 238 246-24 269' 246-92 261 246-50 273 247-28 264 246-86 286 247-52 277 247-10 285 247-36 277 246-94 278 247-00 269 246-58 267 246-56 258 246-14 255 246-09 247 245-67 245 245-74 237 245-32 246 245-46 238 245-04 211 245-35 203 244-93 192 245 - 50 184 245-08 213 245-88 204 245-46 253 246-46 245 246-04 268 247-14 260 246-72 284 247-76 275 247 -34 293 247-93 284 247-51 289 247-60 281 247-18 246-72 279 247-14 270 268 246-80 260 246- 38 265 246-62 257 246- 20 263 246-53 254 246-11 226 246-70 218 246-28 234 247-22 225 246- 80 247- 44 248 247-86 240 294 248-18 285 247-76 298 248-14 290 247-72 Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 259 266 255 245 235 227 2051 205* 205 202 204 2121 226* 222 250 257 250 239 229 230 2041 207* 209 225 244 2711 292* 279 287 285 270 271 251 239 2041 205* 205 207 205 2061 225* 236 284 299 288 287 273 269 2941 211 * 209 222 244 2751 310* 309 247-29 246-95 246-44 245-99 245-70 245-65 245-63 245-61 245-09 245-21 245- 81 246- 13 246-35 246-83 246-95 246-75 246-23 245-77 245-62 245-57 245- 86 246- 14 246- 65 247- 00 247-39 247-45 247-37 247-55 247-67 247-41 247-03 246-43 245-91 245-53 245-61 245-67 245-53 245-39 245- 77 246- 29 246- 70 247- 68 248- 19 248-18 247-76 247-08 246-58 246-58 245- 94 246- 16 246- 44 247- 00 247-59 247-81 247-81 247-52 * Second half of month. 204 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 19.—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE —Continued Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated w^th continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1884— June. 293 247-98 285 247-56 293 247-26 July. 293 247-76 285 247-34 278 247-12 August. 287 247-44 279 247-02 268 246-93 September. 275 247-01 267 246-59 270 246-47 October. 264 246-55 256 246-13 254 246-03 November. 256 246-22 248 245-80 247 245-71 December. 252 246-14 243 245-72 2061 2082 245- 91 246- 09 188d^— January. 228 246-00 219 245-58 209 246-08 February. 212 245-73 204 245-31 218 245-63 March. 209 245-93 200 245-51 208 245-73 April. 241 246-67 233 245-25 2101 2392 246-24 246-56 May. 272 247-26 263 246-84 242 247-42 June. 281 247-51 273 247-09 286 247-51 July. 283 247-50 274 247-08 287 247-33 August. 276 247-32 268 246-90 275 247-05 September. 273 247-12 . 265 246-70 280 246-66 October. 268 247-04 259 246-62 269 246-46 November. 269 247-16 260 246-74 279 246-35 December. 276 247-42 267 247-00 2991 2182 246-27 246-71 1886— January. 256 247-64 247 247-22 214 247-35 February. 256 247-74 247 247-32 233 247-63 March. 259 248-12 251 247-70 253 247-98 April. 298 248-54 290 248-12 2841 3102 248-23 248-31 May. 304 248-54 296 248-12 310 248-13 June. 300 248-24 291 247-82 310 247-59 July. 293 247-82 284 247-40 294 247-05 August. 284 247-42 276 247-00 270 246-73 September. 277 247-10 268 246-68 264 246-47 October. 268 246-73 260 246-31 259 246-11 November. 266 246-46 257 246-04 251 245-92 December. 261 246-30 253 245-88 2091 2172 246-13 246-29 1887— January.;. 233 246-54 224 246-12 210 246-70 February. 258 247-18 249 246-76 225 247-64 March. 264 247-54 256 247-12 254 248-03 April. 288 247-92 280 247-50 2851 3102 248-18 248-18 May. 296 248-18 288 247-76 310 248-16 June. 296 248-02 288 247-60 310 247-72 July. 289 246-62 281 247-20 291 247-20 August. 277 247-06 268 246-60 269 246-62 September. 265 246-56 256 246-14 255 246-13 October. 258 246-20 250 245-78 243 245-85 November. 246 245-88 238 245-46 237 245-54 December. 1888— 242 245-60 233 245-18 2041 2052 245-59 245-63 January. 214 245-37 205 244-95 205 245-41 February. 194 245-42 186 245-00 205 245-22 March. 208 245-86 200 245-44 204 245-61 April. 253 246-20 245 245-72 2081 2192 246-01 246-33 May. 256 246-26 248 245-84 221 246-72 ^ First half of month. * Second half of montho St. Lawrence Waterway Project 205 T\BLE 19—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION " * Continued OF LAKE ONTARIO • Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) 1888— June. July . 258 258 246-31 246-29 250 250 245-89 245-87 245-62 245-25 245-04 245-00 245-10 257 246-04 248 249 245-67 240 Oetr)ber. 239 245 -46 231 239 245-42 231 240 245-52 231 1889— 226 245-69 217 245-27 245-42 245-63 245-82 212 245-84 204 220 246-05 212 April. 256 246-24 248 . 258 246-48 249 259 246-06 246-30 246-28 245-87 245-37 244- 95 245- 04 245-58 June. 267 246-72 July . 270 246-70 262 AiicniQf. . 265 246-29 256 SeptcmbBr. 253 245-79 244 Octob^iT . 239 245-37 230 November. 234 245-46 1 226 Dscembcr. 245 246-00 237 1890- January. 239 246-46 230 246-00 246-34 246-63 246-93 Februai*y. 239 246-76 231 jLlareh . 252 247-05 243 268 April. 276 247i35 j^Jav. 285 247-84 276 286 286 271 265 255 256 250 247-42 June. 295 248-08 247 - 66 July. 295 247-66 247 -24 Aiiffiist . 280 247-14 246-72 246-38 246-26 246-20 245-93 September ... 273 246-80 October. 264 246-68 November. 265 246-62 December . 259 246-35 1891— Toniiarv. 232 246-32 224 224 245- 90 246- 30 246-81 246-94 TToKTuarv .. 233 246-72 arch .. 247 247-23 239 274 Arjril . 283 247-36 I^ay. 279 247-04 270 260 257 247 236 221 213 212 246-62 June. 268 246-69 246-27 July . 266 246-33 245-91 Alienist. 255 245-90 245-48 a A A OA Sonfambpr . 245 245-36 244-32 October . 230 244-74 "Mrwpnnbpr . 222 244-42 244-00 244-04 ■riopprriber . 221 244-46 1892— Toniiarv . 202 244-50 193 178 244-08 244-12 244-48 244-80 UaiiuCkX . . TToVwmorv . 187 244-54 X C U1 UCfcl . . \f OToh . 190 244-90 182 • 222 231 245-22 Ma- 234 1 245-53 1 225 245-11 1 First half of month. * Second half of month. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Discharge 1,000’s Elevation Ontario of c.f.s. end of period (f) (g) 246 246-82 256 246-72 250 246-44 247 245-59 236 245-71 228 245-70 206' 245-90 207* 246-10 209 246-38 221 246-32 227 246-33 2321 246-53 249* 246-62 239 246-98 256 247-26 271 247-12 263 246-62 253 246-01 239 245-47 226 245-56 2041 246-04 216* 246-44 212 247-09 230 247-44 251 247-63 2761 247-73 3012 247-68 290 247-99 306 247-99 299 247-41 269 246-92 264 246-58 255 246-47 270 246-25 2951 245-84 2072 245-98 208 246-14 218 246-62 237 247-14 2641 24V-26 2762 247-31 271 247-09 259 246-75 247 246-51 241 246-15 234 245 -64 222 245-02 213 244-71 1971 244-82 1982 244-92 199 244-90 201 244-65 199 244-80 1991 245-10 2002 245-40 199 246-04 206 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 19—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE—Coniinucd Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1892— June.. 247 246 06 238 245-64 211 246-92 July. 260 246-28 252 245-86 250 247-17 August. 255 246-14 246 245-72 256 246-91 September. 254 245-82 246 245-40 257 246-45 October. 242 245-46 234 245-04 244 245-96 November. 236 245-26 227 244-84 231 245-71 December. 232 245-04 224 244-62 2061 2062 245-71 245-71 1893— January. 201 244-82 192 244-40 206 245-32 February. 183 245-00 174 244-58 204 245-13 March. 199 245-62 190 245-20 203 245-59 April. 249 246-57 240 246-15 2021 2252 246-30 246-88 May. 275 247-26 266 246-84 244 247-86 June. 282 247-24 274 246-82 297 247-55 July. 277 246-84 268 246-42 277 247-04 August. 262 246-44 254 246-02 257 246-60 September. 259 246-04 250 245-62 248 246-22 October. 247 245-58 239 245-16 238 245-77 November. 238 245-30 230 244-68 228 245-52 December. 233 245-39 225 244-97 2041 2062 245-70 245-86 1894— January. 218 245-65 209 245-23 207 246-15 February. 197 245-89 188 245-47 218 246-01 March. 230 246-06 222 245-64 217 246-23 April. 251 246-18 • 243 245-76 2271 2342 246-38 246-49 May. 256 246-54 248 246-12 228 247-09 June. 269 246-70 260 246-28 259 247-27 July. 263 246-31 255 245-89 269 246-71 August. 250 245-76 241 245-34 250 246-05 September. 240 245-38 232 244-96 235 245-63 October. 234 245-10 225 244-68 225 245-35 November. 229 244-76 220 244-34 219 245-03 December. 220 244-54 211 244-12 2001 2002 244-99 244-95 1895— January.. 196 244-46 187 244-04 199 244-73 February. 178 244-38 170 243-96 199 244-29 March. 181 244-60 172 244-18 193 244-25 April. 224 244-94 215 244-52 1981 1982 244-53 244-81 May. 229 244-94 220 244-52 198 245-09 June. 226 244-74 218 244-32 196 245-17 July. 220 244-46 211 244-04 195 245-09 August. 217 244-17 208 243-75 205 244-71 September. 208 243-83 200 243-41 203 244-32 October.. 200 243-54 192 243-12 202 243-77 November. 194 243-42 185 243-00 191 243-58 December. 194 243-62 185 243-20 1881 1892 243-66 243-74 1896— January. 187 244-03 179 243-61 182 244-10 February. 188 244-38 180 243-96 189 244-34 March. 185 244-95 177 244-53 194 244-70 April. 233 245-42 225 245-00 1911 1922 245-14 245-58 May. 237 245-39 229 244-97 191 246-03 1 First half of month. * Second half of month. St, Lawrence Waterway Project 207 TABLE 19 —EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE —Continued Year and Month (a) 1896— June. July. August. September. October_ November. December.. 1897— January... February. March- April. May.. • ■ June. July. August. September. October- November. December.. 1898— January... February. March.... April. May. June. July. August. September.. October- November. December.. 1899- January... February. March- April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November. December.. 1900- January... February. March.... April. May. i^irst half of month. Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Discharge 1,000’s Elevation Ontario Discharge Elevation D (Oswego) 1,000’s Ontario of c.f.s. end of of c.f.s. end of i (b) month (c) (d) month (e) 237 245-22 229 244-80 233 245-01 224 244-59 228 244-70 219 244-28 216 244-34 207 243-92 209 244-10 200 243-68 209 243-97 200 243-55 204 243-92 195 243-50 187 243-85 178 243-43 182 244-07 173 243-65 193 244-64 184 244-22 229 245-18 220 244-76 239 245-50 231 245-08 245 245-61 236 245-19 242 245-60 233 245-18 242 245-35 233 244-93 228 244-78 220 244-36 215 244-44 207 244-02 211 244-44 203 244-02 215 244-56 207 244-14 201 244-86 193 244-44 210 245-28 201 244-86 223 245-70 214 245-28 244 246-00 235 245-58 249 246-10 241 245-68 250 245-99 241 245-57 244 245-68 236 245-26 237 245-30 229 244-88 228 244-96 220 244-54 221 244-86 213 244-44 221 244-90 213 244-48 224 244-94 215 244-52 205 244-93 196 244-51 198 245-00 189 244-58 210 245-41 201 244- 99 245- 40 241 245-82 232 247 246-00 238 245-58 245-58 245-27 244-78 244-33 251 246-00 243 246 245-69 238 234 245-20 226 224 244-75 216 215 244-48 207 244 - 06 243-97 213 244-39 205 215 244-50 207 244-08 199 244-76 193 244-48 244-76 199 245-04 194 204 245-50 198 245-22 245-62 242 245-90 236 248 245-95 242 245-67 L. * Second half of month. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. 1,000’s (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 204 218 219 216 208 205 1981 197* 197 194 193 1941 195* 198 225 240 240 235 217 211 1981 199* 200 204 209 2191 231* 231 244 243 233 226 216 214 2021 203* 204 205 204 2011 211 * 216 244 250 239 226 216 212 1961 197* 198 202 203 2001 208* 212 246-17 246-03 245-72 245-26 244-92 244-73 244-68 244-64 244-34 244-30 244- 76 245- 20 245- 64 246- 36 246-61 246-52 246-18 245-42 244-94 244-84 244- 96 245- 07 245-28 245- 67 246- 16 246-41 246-59 246-81 246-67 246-27 245-85 245-43 245-29 245-31 245-41 245-51 245-40 245-28 245- 66 246- 06 246-40 246-86 246-85 246-39 245-74 245-16 244-77 244-59 244-71 244- 82 245- 02 245-20 245-50 245- 92 246- 30 246-72 208 St. Lawrence Waterway Project T.AJBLE 19.—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE —Continued Year and Month (a) 1 Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1.000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1900- June. 249 245-86 243 245-58 236 246-72 July. 247 245-68 242 245-40 240 246-56 August. 240 245-33 234 245-05 238 246-16 September. 232 244-92 227 244-64 232 245-68 October. 223 244-64 218 244-36 224 245-32 November. 219 244-70 213 244-42 218 245-32 December. 226 244-76 220 244-48 2021 245-47 2042 245-59 1901— January. 205 244-65 200 244-43 205 245-41 February. 200 244-50 196 244-28 205 245-15 March. 198 245-01 193 244-79 203 245-54 April. 237 245-77 233 245-55 2031 246-12 2182 246-60 May. 246 245-95 242 245-73 233 246-89 June. 249 245-86 245 245-64 249 246-75 July. 244 245-58 239 245-36 247 246-37 August. 237 245-26 233 245-04 238 245-98 September. 231 244-88 227 244-66 233 244-52 October. 223 244-46 219 244-24 221 244-07 November. 213 244-32 208 244-10 216 244-83 December. 216 244-39 212 244-17 1981 244-95 1992 245-06 1902— January. 197 244-36 193 244-15 200 244-95 February. 177 244-62 172 244-41 201 244-85 March. 208 245-18 204 244-97 200 245-45 April. 237 244-44 232 245-23 1991 245-79 2042 246-09 May. 240 245-51 235 245-30 204 246-55 June. 242 245-76 238 245-55 230 246-90 July. 250 246-04 245 245-83 247 247-16 August. 251 245-88 247 245-67 254 246-91 September. 244 245-54 239 245-33 255 246-37 October. 237 245-24 233 245-03 238 246-01 November. 230 244-97 226 244-76 228 245-71 December. 225 244-90 221 244-69 2061 245-76 2062 245-81 1903— January. 209 245-04 205 244-86 206 245-95 February. 207 245-46 204 245-28 215 246-23 March. 225 246-10 222 245-92 224 246-84 April. 258 246-50 254 246-32 2521 247-05 2622 247-20 May. 261 246-50 257 246-32 260 247-16 June. 257 246-52 254 246-34 256 247-16 July. 260 246-47 257 246-29 257 247-11 August. 256 246-21 253 246-03 253 246-85 September. 251 245-90 248 245-72 251 246-63 October. 240 245 -54 236 245-36 251 246-08 November. 227 245-24 224 245-06 236 245-63 December. 220 244-92 216 244-76 2051 245-54 2042 2^5-46 1904— January. 192 244-86 188 244-66 204 245-20 February. 196 245-32 192 245-12 203 245-52 March. 207 246-32 203 246-12 207 246-47 April. 255 247-30 251 247-10 2351 247-06 9632 247-47 ' First half of month. * Second half of month. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 209 T\BLE 19—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONIARIO Continued Year and Month (a) 1904— May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December... 1905— Januarj^. February.... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December.. 1900— January. February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December., 1907— January.... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November, December. 1908— January.... February.. March. April. Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Discharge Elevation Ontario Discharge Elevation 1,000’s (Oswego) 1.000’s Ontario of c.f.s. end of of c.f.s. end of (b) month (c) (d) month (e) 270 247-74 266 247-54 277 247-88 273 247-68 279 247-76 275 247-56 275 247-44 271 247-24 266 247-06 262 246-86 257 246-62 253 246-42 245 246-08 241 245-88 223 245-80 219 245-60 198 245-64 194 245-44 205 245-39 201 245-19 199 245-71 195 245-51 242 246-19 238 245-99 244 246-42 240 246-22 251 246-78 247 246-58 260 246-94 256 246-74 259 246-82 255 246-62 256 246-60 252 246-40 250 246-26 246 246-06 243 245-98 239 245-78 237 246-00 233 245-80 229 246-11 225 245-89 221 246-00 217 245-78 218 246-08 214 245-86 243 246-32 238 246-10 247 246-40 243 246-18 249 246-49 245 246-27 252 246-42 247 246-20 245 246-04 240 245-82 236 245-64 232 245-42 233 245-53 229 245-31 231 245-66 227 245-44 229 246-04 225 245-82 212 246-40 209 246-23 218 246-46 215 246-29 224 246-66 220 246-49 256 246-96 253 246-79 262 247-10 259 246-93 263 247-12 260 246-95 265 247-01 261 246-84 260 246-70 257 246-53 251 246-49 247 246-32 249 246-40 246 246-23 247 246-33 243 246-16 247 246-53 243 246-36 221 246-86 217 246-70 218 247-19 214 247-03 223 247-71 220 247-55 281 248-24 277 248-08 1 First half of month. * Second half of month. 45827—14 Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 278 247-77 293 247-66 283 247-44 269 247-14 273 246-62 256 246-14 242 245-58 2051 245-53 2042 245-48 204 245-19 203 244-91 201 245-16 2031 245-61 2062 246-05 210 246-65 242 247-07 263 247-15 262 246-95 264 246-59 255 246-14 242 245-83 2061 246-01 2162 246-12 209 246-42 222 246-24 225 246-18 2251 246-38 2382 246-50 232 246-71 246 246-79 253 246-65 249 246-16 239 245-67 227 245-58 224 245-74 2061 246-04 2162 246-29 210 246-63 224 246-53 235 246-54 2421 246-76 2552 246-90 251 247-14 262 247-14 264 246-99 259 246-65 252 246-37 247 246-26 248 246-14 2671 246-09 2162 246-37 211 246-78 226 246-97 243 247-32 2691 247-64 2962 247-79 210 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE19.—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE —Continued Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1908— May. 292 248-54 289 248-38 296 248-00 June. 294 248-48 291 248-32 309 247-71 July. 289 248-14 286 247-98 287 247-36 August. 279 247-55 276 247-39 269 246-86 September. 264 246-79 260 246-63 261 246-10 October. 249 246-18 245 246-02 238 245-59 November. 239 245-72 236 245-56 225 245-27 December. 230 245-34 227 245-18 2021 2022 245-25 245-23 1909— January. 203 245-23 201 245-09 202 245-11 February. 197 245-49 194 245-35 203 245-26 March. 211 245-94 208 245-80 204 245-76 April. 243 246-67 240 246-53 2061 2292 246-34 246-76 May. 262 247-23 259 247-09 237 247-60 June. 267 247-23 264 247-09 283 247-36 July. 264 246-99 262 246-85 269 247-02 August. 257 246-55 254 246-41 255 246-57 September. 245 246-06 242 245-92 245 246-05 October. 237 245-60 235 245-46 233 245-61 November. 225 245-28 222 245-14 221 245-30 December. 224 245-08 221 244-94 2021 2022 245-32 245-34 1910— January. 198 244-98 195 244-85 203 245-14 February. 188 245-39 186 245-26 203 245-34 March. 214 245-86 212 245-73 205 245-89 April. 238 246-20 235 246-07 2091 2222 246-21 246-46 May. 249 246-44 246 246-31 221 247-01 June. 250 246-37 247 246-24 250 246-91 July. 247 246-17 244 246-04 249 246-65 August. 243 245-88 241 245-75 238 246-39 September. 232 245-54 230 245-41 234 246-00 October. 227 245-26 224 245-13 226 245-70 November. 221 245-02 218 244-89 220 245-44 December. 216 244-83 214 244-70 2031 2032 245-42 245-40 1911— January. 194 244-81 192 244-70 203 245-24 February. 191 244-91 188 244-80 204 245-14 March. 197 245-20 194 245-09 203 245-33 April. 225 245-52 223 245-41 1941 1982 245-67 245-98 May. 232 245-63 230 245-52 196 246-52 June. 233 245-60 231 245-49 224 246-57 July. 232 245-36 230 245-25 231 246-32 August. 224 245-03 221 244-92 226 245-93 September. 215 244-75 213 244-64 219 245-57 October. 212 244-56 210 244-45 209 245-38 November. 213 244-56 210 244-45 208 245-40 December. 214 244-69 211 244-58 2031 2042 245-52 245-63 1912— January. 192 244-81 191 244-74 205 245-58 February. 181 244-98 180 244-91 207 245-40 March. 189 245-71 187 245-64 205 245-91 April. ^ First half of month. 237 * Second ha] 246-57 If of month. 235 246-50 2021 2312 246- 55 247- 00 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 211 TABLE 19—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALOlSiF.—Continued Year and Month (a) 1912— May. June. July. August. September.. October. November.. December.. 1913— January. February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September.. October. November. December.. 1914— January- February... March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 1915— January... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November, December. 1916— January.. February.. March. April. L^nregulated with actual diversions (from records) L'nregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 254 247 08 269 247 17 259 246-83 253 246-52 248 246-27 244 246-12 242 246-09 244 246-31 232 246-63 239 246-73 234 247-28 273 247-91 278 248-00 281 247-92 278 247-57 266 247-02 253 246-51 244 246-17 243 245-98 240 245-75 214 245-73 202 245-77 203 246-21 250 246-85 257 246-93 257 246-81 253 246-52 246 246-21 241 245-84 230 245-42 227 245-04 216 244-76 199 244-84 191 245-13 208 245-15 222 245-09 222 245-13 221 245-12 222 245-28 228 245-44 229 245-31 225 245-05 219 244-86 213 244-91 205 245-23 204 245-43 201 245-93 246 246-76 253 247-01 267 247-10 258 246-76 252 246-45 246 246-20 243 246-05 241 246-02 242 246-24 230 246-56 238 246-66 232 247-21 271 247-84 277 247-93 279 247-85 277 247-50 265 246-95 252 246-44 242 246-10 241 245-91 238 245-68 213 245-66 201 245-70 202 246-14 248 246-78 256 246-86 255 246-74 251 246-45 244 246-14 240 245-77 229 245-35 226 244-96 215 244-69 198 244-80 190 245-09 207 245-11 221 245-05 221 245-09 219 245-08 221 245-24 227 245-40 228 245-27 224 245-01 218 244-82 212 244-87 204 245-19 203 245-39 200 245-89 245 246-72 242 247-65 276 247-63 272 247-12 249 246-84 249 246-55 245 246-37 252 246-21 292» 246-01 2162 246-29 210 246-87 227 246-98 244 247-38 2671 247-73 2952 247-91 300 247-71 291 247-49 274 277-18 259 246-70 250 246-21 237 245-93 231 245-87 2071 245-95 2122 246-00 208 246-04 217 245-88 214 246-17 2201 246-67 2432 247-02 249 247-18 256 247-04 253 246-73 243 246-44 237 246-12 231 245-68 221 245-37 2031 245-29 2022 245-23 202 245-25 204 245-37 205 245-41 1961 245-53 1982 145-64 194 246-02 203 246-22 217 246-43 227 246-58 236 246-36 231 246-02 224 245-76 2061 245-82 2062 245-88 207 246-16 219 246-16 222 246-38 2251 246-92 2502 247-30 1 First half of month. 45827—141 - Second half of month. 2i2 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 19—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE —Continued Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1916— 248-02 May. 262 247-49 262 247-45 262 June. 276 247-89 275 247-85 300 248-11 July. 278 247-64 277 247-60 298 247-60 August. 267 247-02 266 246-98 268 246-96 September. 254 246-37 253 246-33 259 246-24 October. 241 245-85 240 245-61 238 245-75 November. 231 245-51 230 245-47 226 245-46 December. 224 245-31 223 245-27 2041 2042 245-48 245-50 1917— 245-35 January. 204 245-17 203 245-13 204 February. 205 245-12 205 245-08 205 245-30 March. 207 245-70 207 245-66 204 245-91 April. 243 246-38 242 246-34 2131 2362 246-43 246-81 May. 246 246-75 245 246-71 245 247-17 June. 258 247-22 257 247-18 264 247-56 July. 269 247-40 268 247-36 280 247-60 August. 269 247-14 268 247-10 276 247-24 September. 258 246-80 258 246-76 281 246-60 October. 254 246-68 253 246-64 257 246-42 November. 251 246-57 250 246-53 266 246-12 December. 246 246-26 245 246-22 2591 2072 245-87 245-95 1918— January. 217 246-03 216 245-98 208 245-83 February. 212 246-30 211 245-25 212 246-09 March. 228 246-89 227 245-84 220 246-77 April. 259 247-15 258 247-10 2531 2672 246- 93 247- 01 May. 261 247-07 260 247-02 262 246-91 June. 260 246-93 259 246-88 258 246-79 July. 258 246-64 257 246-59 259 246-48 August. 249 246-32 248 246-27 249 246-16 September. 244 246-10 243 246-05 242 245-95 October. 238 246-00 237 245-95 238 245-84 November. 240 245-95 239 245-90 233 245-86 December. z36 245-99 235 245-94 2071 2162 246-06 216-20 1919— January. 226 246-00 225 245-96 210 246-40 February. 222 245-96 221 245-92 222 246-35 March. 226 246-22 225 246-18 228 246-57 April. 252 246-85 251 246-81 2441 2622 246- 92 247- 17 May. 269 247-61 268 247-57 266 247-96 June. 279 247-85 278 247-81 306 247-85 July. 275 247-54 274 , 247-50 290 247-35 August. 267 247-10 266 247-06 263 246-95 September. 256 246-60 255 246-56 260 246-39 October. 246 246-23 246 246-19 241 246-08 November. 241 245-92 240 245-88 234 245-84 December. 236 245-53 235 245-49 2071 2062 245-82 245-81 1920— January. 201 245-16 201 245-16 206 245-39 February. 192 245-03 192 245-03 205 245-09 M arch. 197 245-30 197 245-30 203 245-29 April. 232 245-57 232 245-57 2001 2032 245-63 245-95 1 First half of month. * Second half of month. St. Lawrence Watenvay Project 213 TA.BLE 19.—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR REGUL.\TION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE —Continued Unregulated actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1920— May. June. July. August. September. October.... November December. 231 230 234 231 229 226 220 227 245-58 245-63 245-66 245-55 245-38 245-26 245-32 245-47 231 230 234 231 229 226 220 227 245-58 245-63 245-66 245-55 245-38 245-26 245-32 245-47 206 224 233 238 236 230 226 2061 2152 246-26 246-38 246-42 246-22 245-96 245-80 245-79 245- 99 246- 14 1921— January... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November December. 215 210 222 247 245-50 245- 62 246- 09 246-53 215 210 222 247 245 -50 245- 62 246- 09 246-53 253 252 247 238 228 221 210 215 246-65 246-49 246-15 245-68 245-27 244-98 244-84 244-78 253 252 247 238 228 221 210 215 246-65 246-49 246-15 245-68 245-27 244-98 244-84 244-78 209 220 224 2421 2542 254 259 249 236 228 218 212 2021 2032 246-24 246-23 246-67 246- 92 247- 10 247-20 246-95 246-59 246-15 245-74 245-48 245-32 245-37 245-42 1922— January... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November December. 197 188 202 244 244-72 244- 89 245- 57 246- 30 250 253 258 250 239 233 220 210 246-65 246-83 246-74 246-30 245-82 245-38 244-89 244-57 197 188 202 244 244-72 244- 89 245- 57 246- 30 250 253 258 250 239 233 220 210 246-65 246-83 246-74 246-30 245-82 245-38 244-89 244-57 203 204 204 2031 2302 244 266 265 253 244 232 220 2021 2012 245-28 245-24 245- 89 246- 51 246- 96 247- 38 247-39 247-21 246-73 246-19 245-77 245-28 245-17 245-07 1923— January... February.. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.... November. December. 190 188 199 227 244-48 244- 60 245- 04 245-47 230 236 232 226 217 208 203 206 245-78 245-86 245-60 245-22 244-84 244-50 244-40 244-62 190 188 199 227 244-48 244- 60 245- 04 245-47 230 236 232 226 217 208 203 206 245-78 245-86 245-60 245-22 244-84 244-50 244-40 244-62 200 201 200 1891 1912 194 231 242 229 222 211 205 2011 2022 244-86 244- 81 245- 11 245- 56 246- 00 246-76 246-91 246-52 246-10 245-66 245-28 245-16 245-31 245-45 1924— January.. February March.... April. 198 192 196 224 244-81 244- 86 245- 12 245-73 198 192 196 224 244-81 244- 86 245- 12 245-73 203 208 206 1891 2022 245-59 245-44 245- 56 246- 08 246-52 First half of month. 2 Second half of month. I 214 St. Lawrence Watencay Project TABLE 19.—EFFECT OF PROPOSED PROGRA3I FOR REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO ALONE —Concluded Unregulated with actual diversions (from records) Unregulated with continuous diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Regulated with diversion of 8,500 c.f.s. Year and Month (a) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (b) Elevation Ontario (Oswego) end of month (c) Discharge 1.000’s of c.f.s. (d) Elevation Ontario end of month (e) Discharge 1,000’s of c.f.s. (f) Elevation Ontario end of period (g) 1924— May . 239 246-18 239 246-18 210 247-33 June . 242 246-24 242 246-24 253 247-25 July . 242 246-12 242 246-12 248 247-05 \ugust . 239 245-83 239 245-83 238 246-77 September. 230 245-55 230 245-55 237 246-41 October. 225 245-20 225 245-20 229 246-01 November . 218 244-77 218 244-77 217 245-60 Pecembpr . 208 244-40 208 244-40 2051 245-44 2032 245-29 192&- January . 169 244-32 169 244-32 202 244-80 Febrna^'v . 176 244-80 176 244-80 200 244-99 M arch . 201 245-40 201 245-40 202 245-58 April . 226 245-62 226 245-62 1861 245-93 M ay . 228 245-53 228 245-53 1942 191 246-23 246-61 June . 225 245-32 225 245-32 214 246-53 July . 220 245-05 220 245-05 215 246-33 August . 215 244-73 215 244-73 211 246-07 September. 207 244-44 207 244-44 208 2.45-77 October . 201 244-32 201 244-32 201 245-65 November. 205 244-43 205 244-43 197 245-86 December. 208 244-42 208 244-42 2071 245-86 2072 245-86 1 First half of month. * Second half of month. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 215 TABLE 20—DETAILS OF COST OF WORKS FOR REGULATION WITH COMPLETE CONTROL OF ST. CLAIR RIVER Control Pt. Edward BM)ass. Canal. Regulating works. Stag Island. Regulating works.. Longitudinal dike... Channel protection. Woodtick Island. St. Clair Delta Control Niagara River.. Structure Excavation. Property damage. Railroad changes. En^eering and contingen- Regulating works .. Item Quantity Concrete. Riprap. Piles. Cofferdam and pumping Gates and superstructure.. Operating machine-y.. Ilock (low dike). High dike. Riprap. En^eering and contingen¬ cies. Ix)ngitudinal dike... Channel protection. Concrete. Riprap. Gates and superstructure. Operating machinery. Piling. Cofferdam and pumping. Dredging. High dike. Riprap. Engineering and contingen¬ cies. Regulating works.... Channel straightening... Connection with middle and north channels... Channel protection.. Materials. Excavation. Property damage.. Excavation. Land damage. Excavation. Riprap. Longitudinal dike, cofferdam. Channel enlargement... Waterworks intake.. Regulating works... Total Cost for (Om-| plete control.. Engineering and contingen¬ cies. Oib dike. Pumpine.. Dri-- rocK e Dtj' rock excavation. Wet rock eacavation. Relocation. Engineering and contingen¬ cies. 8(K),000 15 -® 21,500 5,050 72,000 2,500 045,000 134,000 17.200 12.200 850,000 15+% 25.500 6,000 1,175,000 73,000 3,000 150,000 12,300 183,000 15+% 4,400,000 11,200,000 1,020,000 220 000 15-' 4,000 4,000 3,450.000 850,000 15+% Unit cu. yd. cu. yd. lin R. lbs. cu. yd. lin.^ft. cu. yd. cu.^yd. lbs. lin.^ft. cu. yd. lin. ft. cu. yd. .yd. lin. ft. cu. yd Unit price cts 0 20 15 00 3 00 0 85 240 00 0 08 2 50 175 00 210 00 2 00 15 00 3 00 0 0 85 210 00 0 50 128 00 2 00 0 25 0*25 0 25 2 00 160 160 Cost 1,560,000 150.000 50,000 650,000 2,410,000 360,000 2,770,000 322.500 15,150 61,200 600.000 163,600 30.000 335,000 3,010,000 2.562.000 1,700,000 8,799,450 1,320,550 10 . 120.000 382,500 18.000 94,000 40,000 62,050 630,000 75,000 1,574.400 366,000 3.241,950 488.050 3,730,000 593,COO 1 , 100,000 80,000 2,800.000 81,000 255.000 440,000 5.349.000 801,000 6.150,000 640,000 640,000 100,000 6.038,000 3,400,000 60,000 990.000 11,868,000 1.782.000 13,650.000 36.420.000 Detroit River—Not used. . c:k)ntrol works west of Grosse Isle...S Control works oast of Fjghting Island - - - ■ • .. -. J • * Longitudinal dike on bar near upper end of Grosse Isle. l.uzu.^ Control works, Grosse Isle to longitudinal dike. 766,000 Engineering and contingencies 15+%. $ 3.695,000 555,000 $ 4,250,000 'I ’-'^* <1‘- ' - -V-. i •■ ■ ' • - "V ’■■■■ i||||MPfj Hift’ "{:'"ii6*:!¥ l l i a i fc i i w y KV- ■ ■ Nva- r." -mmi' , , .5o3rt*r 1(11 tr V ‘ U •■'^ ► -■ -■** i; . , !Si^i . . 4.* i.;(4Mncl ■"*—Ji • ^ >1^ > 4 ‘d ^.t4 • • * t* • r 'J *,r4 -t c.r'N i ^6 .% *•»• • I A. H » ‘ I ri - ' '• ■'‘I •r'K f^ ■ • ‘ I ' -y4 ‘V ^..-- i • ■n?5 '4^ dH' •■4 ,. 1J MJ - •^T, --‘s. re 1 *« - jrtf « m» jm • 1 .v14 i.’-'i’' “*‘^4 '( ■ ' 'i '. v .; ■ J ■■" ■ i ' sfi ««s>^i:sysaf,%.r»fcr: "'• ' at *‘4 (^ • ^1. U#.|K,f I ^ ^‘■ /£ fiii •■ ■ - *. . f •# »•■ -v'^:r!ry:A^ 4 APPENDIX B-PLATE I EFFECT OF PRESENT REGULATION OF LAKE SUPERIOR niuampay Htpait aT Jsfnl ioonl rf dalat Xinmfcr ». BM Mffmntit B-nmU I &t. Lawrence Waterway Project APPENDIX 6 - PLATE 2 218 St. Lawrence Waterway Project St. Lawrence Waterway Project • 219 APPENDIX B-PLATE 3 APPENDIX B- PLATE 4 220 ’ St. Lairrcncc Katenvay Project St. Lciicrence Watcncay Project 221 APPENDIX B- PLATE 5 APPENDIX B-PU\TE 6 Total Storaqe in Thousand Second Feet Months^ AH Lakes. ^ ^ . f.. Js. APPENDIX B- PLATE? soeo mo mo jsoo 3000 zsoo 1000 mo U LU t i a V bO u ov V ftn rif tt-l - ■Si— N 4000- < -1 . ii ’ ^ ■8- C: -u c: 1 1 ft®/ bf 0. i Sx^ - I 3500- ' ' 1 ; ( j - > a ki . 4r - ~fri ^ / 't)' i < V 3000- ] 1 - 1 n -1 i c o ' J - 1 zfoo-: f £- ^ i ^ / . 4 —4 1 - of-f- .1- / St.Lawi'm.m \idterway UECLTLATION OF THE GREAT LAIOIS VVn I H COMPLETE CONTROi. OF mo- Navigable T ST.CLAIR RIVER \TICAL STORAGE DISTRIBUTIC \eport of Joint Bo* ted November' 16, A i>s3«ncit.x B - PijxL SOO-. V fi - l// To accompatty B do ard of E, 1926. e 7 ngineers 0 -M —V f Q/IO 7 fiOO f T4- 3500 - 3000 - 3500- 3000- I 3: I I 2SOO •S' .-5 c t ZOOO— fSOO- soo- 3000- u C3ZS00- c A> <0 c U4 'tj t: 2000 - k c ta ^f500-\ lo to - I - t 5> mo- iy JQ ^ 500- mo- Q mo- -J r ^ soo— lo 5 »2 iooo- e: o $ 00 - BOOa 100 to Ck c 2 Jt E: 500- ^ (U C ki >0 tu -it 400- 300 r § ZOO' 5 too- » fcft 4frev4 $w U*vbI QiKKar|« 111 thcwund Stf Tt 5tai« irt APPENDIX a-PLATE 8 224 St, Laivrcnce Watenray Project APPENDIX B' PLATE 9 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 226 St. Lawrence Waterway Project APPENDIX B PLATE 10 10 2 !0 2 Percent of Time 10 40 50 60 •] fo a 0 < )0 w r/Oi vd teve , 603.6 1 603 LAKE SUPi :rior 1 =^-'Z2= lated te \ els, com^ /!to/a con vrol OU^ _J 602 u s Regt i fated le\ vets, pa. tiial coi r tro! "7 Pi wroym^ ' ^ oUc Pr vposed / nprovem int Plan J 601.0 UJ > UJ \v 601 -j z < 600 -^ 600 2 CO 2 z ood tdVi ?/ 532 2 u > 582 o OQ 582 2 ' — LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON u < h 581 u UJ V.. Mated levels, c implete control 581 o < F- hJ L. Z 5gQ 580 e uJ Presen ' lmpro\ 'ement Ptooe^J^ z£2l] p~~^ 'SZ Z i5 579 Proposei f Impro lement I pane 5 § Levi /s that wouId\ have occurn ed Xv 579 578 W/fh pre sent p 1 )version: ■ and outlets 576 Note Diversii T) of & 500 Sec \Ftat t hicaao 1 \and 55 10 Sec.i 't -1 *;77 at Nev\i Wellani 1 Canal 1 excep ' for >1 ^ctua! '.evels. 577 o / / 575 Percent of Time 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 576 57. N / food le\ st 5735 1 574 LAKE ERIE 573 J" ■■■■^ impensQ led levt Is io/d t^x/A Ide — eon 573 _ Prelate i levels , partial rfOt - control _J UJ > 572 UJ Levi >l3 that would ’ — -1 UJ hav^ ? occur enf — divi red w! 1h and ou. ^lets — 572 > UJ -J < lo — pres Pi 'oposed ^ Improv, ^.ment f 'lane 5: 77' — < Present Imi trovemer t Plane 570.B- 571 CO 1 570 -V 570 z < UJ 2 ABOVE K. riool i Leve. ' 245 / UJ > o — LAKE ONTARIO 248 GQ < F- U 747 I^Ga/Z/r.* I- UJ UJ u. 4 ✓ 247 U. Z UJ 246 c K-^l' O/,. - 246 z O — \ UJ lo 245 ' In Preser. t Impi ovemer f Plane 2445' 245 244 244 Note:- DNersk n of b 500 Sec Ft at ( 'htcacfo ond 55 OO Sec 7. \ 243 at Nevr Weibnt Cana! except for Ad ja! Lev 9/5 10 20 30 40 60 6C Percent of ) 70 60 9i Time 0 Z43 St Lawrence Watcrwc^ BECULATION OF THE GREAT LAKES STAGE DURATION CURVE OF VARIOUS SCHEMES OF REGULATION PERIOD 1894 - 1925 NAVIGATION SEASON APRIL I.TO DECEMBER 1. To accompany Report of Joint Board of Engineers —^_ AppendCn B - Platm IQ St. Lawrence Watenvay Project 227 APPENDIX B-PLATE II 1 Percent of Time 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 rotsdOlUtWokOB ol^t^^OaO gggggoo oooooo Fhousand Second Feet Total Discharge in Thousand Second Feet 1 300 - 1 1 ^ LAKE EF ME Q 280 t 1 Z y 1 ^ 1 UJ quiafei ^ Flom' , com pi ife coi i fro! 1 cn 260 ^ 1 z I < 1 iO 2A0 ^ 1 o \gulat6i now* part in / co/7/, " ol 1 z 1 1- - \ 1 z - _ ..--fa 7IVS th: ft WOU 'i i havi\ occur red 1 ^ 1 ^ ■N,- J fh prei ^ent di 1 versions and : outlets 1 ^ 200 1 X -^ > 1 O 1 ^ 1 r\ . ^ Total Discharge in Thuusand Second Feet Total I oo ooSooo ooOO Note • - i Ihicaao DrainCi K Cane diveri ion ^aken c s 8500 Sec. FI in all cases. flc > i( 1 ) 2 0 2 0 30 40 50 60 70 60 9 Percent of Time 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 0 u V A- \ LAKE ONTARIO 1 \\ - l\\ \\w \\ V f—Rec ^ulafed Flows, complei 3 conti “C/ OX" ^' \ . V Rejula ed Flo\ vs. par tia! CO ifro! -X W" Regula fek/ F/o Ks, cor fro/ L 7/(e On fer/b 0. n!^ k ..-Ftom \ that would have t ccarrec 240 Z -V- \ N with presen ^ diver. vo/75 a nd outl \)ts u X 220 < V «s. ^ 1 2 200 ^ -' i \ -V - 180 ^ Note'' -ChicoQ I' Dr a! naga c Zina! a version > i 1 taken 73 8500 Sec. rt. in c h! casei s. - 160 10 20 30 AO 50 60 70 60 90 Percent of Time St.Linvrance^ Uatef'wt^ REGULATION OF THE GREAT LAKES DISCHARGE DURATION CUR\T: OF VARIOUS SCHEMES OF REGUXATION PERIOD 1894 - 1925 To (vccotTipcuw R&port of Joint BoorJ of E>iigmo£'rs dated Nov. 16.1926 ‘ Appendix h-Huurji 45827—151 228 St, Lawrence Waterway Project APPENDIX B-PLATE 12 o 605 I 604 /,cnUix B - HOife. IT 6020 T 7 i 605 604 60J 602 601 600 Month c; -Q i? 1. 9 I S' §- <0 b; € 0 2i ^0 2i ^0 2t ^0 1 Si. LcLwrence Wate rit'ttv j ivr-uui^M 1 nji\ *jr inr- UKtiAl LAI\t,c» WITH PARTIAL CONTROL OF ST.CLAIR RIVER RUI.K FOR CONTROLLING OUTFl.OW OF LAKi: KRIE To accoinpanv Hjtporl, of Joint Doond of Fnqineei s dated November 16,1926 Appendix B-Ftate 14 L - i S I C I- , s .. j u .J 248 < UJ C/) 247 < UJ 2 UJ 246 > (D < 245 u ili^ z 244 “ y 243 (D 300 —X- \ 1 \ h- UJ w \ \ LJ L- “A-V- \' a z o a (O 260 Q Z < § 240 O I h- z 220 u i5 < 200 I £ 180 -J < h- £ P" 160 140 aj 2^ > UJ -J < 248 UJ W) 1 247 UJ 2 ^ 246 O CD < H- 245 uJ UJ Li. 2 244 UJ O < h 243 ' V Regulai ed •v *v * '‘•fc.. Ni dura /. 0/sc/ia ! \ _ \\ As sum/ni 7 d/ve/z /on of i ^SOOc.t \' \ \ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Percent of Time lO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 L n- \\ Reouioi 'ed Lev a/(s '-iC t- ActL a/ Levi s& (fra 77 e/eva ^/ons af ends c f mont ^s) . ^ u ! 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 AO 90 Percent of Time'* S(. I.wvr^ncf Watarway PROPOSED REGULATION OF LAKE ONTARIO DURATION CURVES OF DISCHARGE FOR YEAR AND LAKE LEVELS DURING NAVIGATION SEASON APRIL 15. TO DECEMBER 15. PERIOD I8GI - 1925 To accompany Report of Joint Board of Engineers dated Nov. 16.1926 Appendix B -PlaU 22 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 239 APPENDIX C DETAILED PLANS AND ESTIMATES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE ST. LAWRENCE UNIT COSTS 1. The extended study made by the Board of the probable cost of the works has led to the adoption of unit costs in the several sections as follows:— 2. Thousand Islands Section. The material to be excavated is principally granite rock, and practically all excavation is subaqueous. The basic unit cost is taken as $10 per cubic yard for excavation with a cutting face of at least 4 feet suitably increased to cover the proportional amount of excavation having a less cutting face, and further increased to cover the cost of transporting the plant to and from the work. 3. Intern.\tional Rapids Section. The material overlying rock in Uiis section is generally a mixture of clay, sand, gravel, hardpan, and boulders. The swifter portions of the river, where most of the dredging is to be done, is generally paved with boulders. 4. Material for Concrfte. Crushed rock can be obtained from quarries on the American shore between Gouverneur and Potsdam, ^^ith a rail haul of from 30 to 50 miles; from quarries north of Cornwall, with a short rail haul, or by water from the Thousand Islands region, with about 100 miles haul It is doubtful whether the rock obtained from excavation wiW be suitable for con¬ crete, since the borings show that it contains shale. , r rri 5. Sand can be obtained from extensive deposits north of Prescott. I he river bed above Ogdensburg, and sand and gravel pits which may be developed in the vicinity of the work, offer possibilities of alternative sources. 6. Unit Prices. Considering the nature of the material to be excavated, and the sources of the material for concrete, the following basic unit prices are used:— Per Cubic Yard Excavation, earth, dry . Hredijing, other than rock . Rock, di V . Dredging, rock . Embankments by United States Section Enibankmcnts by Canadian Section .... Concrete, mass, in locks, etc. Concrete, mass, in dams . Concrete, mass, in power house . $1.60 to 90 and $ 65 90 I 75 4 25 75 60 10 00 12 00 15 00 The basic prices for excavation and fill are departed from when the special conditions, such as the disposal of excavated material, indicate that different prices should be adopted. 7. Lake St. Francis Section. On account of the nature of the material to be excavated in this section, and the disposal areas available, the unit price taken for soft mud overlying sand and gravel is 55 cents per cubic yard. 8 SouLANGES AND Lachine SECTIONS. In the Soulanges Section the bulk ot the material to be removed is marine clay. This material can be easily excavated by hydraulic dredges where conditions permit the use of such plant. The unit \ 240 St. Lawrence Watencay Project prices adopted for the excavation of marine clay in this section varies from 35 to 55 cents per cubic yard, depending upon the conditions of disposal. The unit prices adopted for the removal of boulder clay is 65 cents per cubic yard. The unit price for excavation of rock, dry, is taken at $1.60 per cubic yard. 9. In the Lachine Section the overburden is largely boulder clay, and the price adopted for earth is 65 cents per cubic yard, that adopted for the excava¬ tion of shale rock is $1.20 per cubic yard, dry, and $3.per cubic yard, wet. Other rock is at $1.60 per cubic yard, and $4.25, wet. 10. The work proposed in the Soulanges and Lachine Sections involves the excavation of large amounts of solid rock. ]\luch of this rock, when crushed and washed, will be suitable for concrete. Sand can be obtained from deposits near the mouth of the Chateauguay river and in the Lake of Two Mountains. 11. On account of the ease with which rock and sand can be obtained in these sections, the unit price for concrete is taken at $1 less per cubic yard than in the International Rapids Section. 12. Flowage. In compiling estimates of flowage damage, a detailed field examination was made of all properties affected. Liberal allowances were made in all cases, and due cognizance was taken of severance and other disabilities which owners might suffer by execution of the work proposed. No allowance has been made for water rights, but the values of leases of water-power on Government canals has been included in the estimates under the terms of sur¬ render provided therein. NAVIGATION STANDARDS 13. Channels. In general, navigation channels are not less than 200 feet bottom width when flanked by two embankments, not less than 300 feet when flanked by one embankment, and not less than 450 feet when both sides of the channel are submerged. In cases where navigation is carried through restricted stretches of river, a sectional area of 65,000 square feet is provided at mean stage. This is equi¬ valent to a sectional area of about 70,000 square feet at high stages, and a maximum velocity somewhat less than 5 feet per second in such channels. In general, maximum velocities and channels 450 feet wide are used only in short stretches of river where the view is unobstructed and where cross-currents are not encountered. The minimum radius of curvature adopted is 5,000 feet with at least one-quarter mile of tangent between reversals. The alignment is drawn so as to eliminate cross-currents wherever possible. 14. Bridges. Bridges are designed to afford a least horizontal clearance of 200 feet at right angles to the channel, except where located at locks, where they span the entire channel. All bridges crossing the channel are drawbridges. In general, the draws are of the vertical lift type. The estimates are based on a lift affording 120 feet clearance, corresponding to the bridges in the New Welland Ship canal, but the clearance can be increased at any time at relatively small cost. 15. Locks. As stated in paragraph 113 of the Main Report, the locks con¬ form in dimensions with those of the new Welland Ship canal, and have chambers 859 feet in length between inner quoinposts and 766 feet between breast wall and fender. Their clear width is 80 feet and the depth on the sills 30 feet. The general design of a typical lock is shown on Plate 1, Appendix C. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 241 Power-House Design 15. The design of power-houses, for the large flow and varying heads on the St. Lawrence, was gone into with care. The conditions in general on the river call for power units of larger dimensions than have yet been built, and the Board recognizes the uncertain trend of present practice with regard to draft-tube design. 17. The Board established certain dimensional ratios and stability coefficients conforming to current practice. From tentative designs, a curv^e of quantities was prepared and is shovTi on Plate 2. This method of pro¬ cedure secures a correct comparison between projects and safe estimates gen¬ erally. 18. The prices used for power-house equipment are derived from curves prepared from many direct quotations coupled with actual prices of equipment recently installed in power stations. (Plates 3-8.) 19. Dykes.— The standard design for dykes adopted by the Board is shown on Plate 9. Administr.\tion and Contingencies 20. To cover the costs of administration, engineering, and contingencies, a percentage of about 124 per cent has been added to all estimates, including the estimated costs of power-house machinery'. 21. The foundation conditions at the various dams cannot be definitely kno\sTi until the sites are unwatered. The estimates are based on founding the structures from 3 to 8 feet below the rock surface indicated by the borings, besides pro\dding a heel trench of ample dimensions. To cover the contingency that, when a site is unwatered, suitable foundations will be found at a some¬ what lower elevation than is indicated by the borings, a special allowance of 10 per cent of the quantity of the concrete as computed on the above basis, has been added in case of each dam. D.\tum Planes 22. The datum plane used in all plans west of Summerstown on lake St. i Francis is mean sea level New York Harbour, United States 1903 adjusted / levels, and the datum plane used in all plans east of that point is that of the Georgian Bay adjusted levels. The zero of the Georgian Bay adjusted datum is 0.30 foot below the Georgian Bay instrumental datum used in many pub¬ lished water-level records, and is 0.30 foot above United States 1903 adjusted datum at Ogdensburg. THOUSAND ISLANDS SECTION (Mile 0 to Mile 67) 23. As explained in the Main Report, the St. Lawrence river between Tibbetts point, at the outlet of lake Ontario, and Chimney point, at the foot of the section, is vdde and deep for the greater part of the 67 miles embraced in the section. At numerous places, however, granite reefs endanger navigation. For a length of about 7 miles through the Alexandria bay narrows and for a length of about 34- miles through the Brock\dlle narrows, the river flows through a rocky gorge with an average velocity of about three feet per second, over a solid rock floor 150 feet below the surface at many points. 45827—16 242 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 24. In this reach there are on the average about 200 hours of fog in the navigation season. Navigation through these two narrow stretches of ny®’’ will be hazardous for the larger ships if a fog should close in while making the passage, since they cannot anchor on account of poor holding ground. In accordance with standards adopted, the minimum width of channels shown m these stretches is 450 feet. To enlarge the channels to a wudth of 600 m the Alexandria bay and Brockville narrows w'ould be exceedingly expensive on account of the* amount of solid rock requiring removal. To provnde separate up and dowm channels would be less costly. , 25 If found to be necessarj^, a series of landing cribs can be built aloOo the north side of the channel at some of the points where, solid rock is exca¬ vated. If this were done ships could reverse their engines and moor to these cribs on the dowTistream voyage should visibility be unexpectedly inter ere with. As there is some doubt as to the necessity of these provisions and as landing cribs can be added when required, they are not included in the plans attached to this report. i • i 26. Plans of the portion of the section in w'hich the work is located are shovTi on plates 10 to 16. 97 The detail estimates of the excavation are as follows:— CHANNEL 25 FEET DEEP Excavation, rock, 64,000 cu. yds. at $12.50 . Overdepth, 12,000 cu. yds. at $12.50 ... Administration, inspection, and contingencies 12^ per cent .. $ 800,000 150,000 119,000 Total . Rounded total $1,069,000 1,100,000 CHANNEL 23 FEET DEEP Excavation, rock, 41,000 cu. yds. at $13.25 . Overdepth. 7,400 cu. yds. at $13.25 .... Administration, inspection, and contingencies 12§ per cent .. 543,000 98,000 80.000 Total ... Saving in cost under channel 25 feet deep $ 721.000 348,000 CHANNEL 27 FEET DEEP Excavation, rock, 96.000 cu. yds. at $12.00 . 1,152,000 Overdepth. 17,500 cu. yds. at $12.00 . 210,000 Administration, inspection, and contingencies 12^ per cent .. 170,000 Total . $1,532,000 Exces.s cost over channel 25 feet deep. 463,000 ENLARGEMENT OF CHAN^^EL FROM 25-FOOT DEPTH TO 30-FOOT DEPTH Excavation, rock, 98,500 cu. yds. at $12.00 . $1,182,000 Overi 180 The third largest plant in this section is the Provincial Power Plant which is owned by the Montreal Light, Heat and Power Consolidated. It has a practicable capacity of 12,000 horse-power and draws its water supply from the Soulanges Canal. It operates under a head of about 52 feet. 181. The fourth development of importance is at Valleyfield and consists of a group of plants largely owned by the Montreal Cotton Co. This group uses about 10,000 cfs. at a head of about 11 leet. The output may be taken at about 10 000 horse-power, all of which power is used in the adjacent mills and city. The head at this point was originally created by a dam built by the Canadian Federal Government in 1849, for the improvement of navigation in the entrance to the Beauharnois canal. The power works now in existence at Valleyfield have been brought about by a series of plant extensions extending over half a century. 262 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 182. The country on either side of the river between Lake St. Francis and Lake St. Louis is generally flat and uniform except where boulder clay ridges rise through the marine clay which generally covers the country. A large area of territory south of St. Timothee and north of the St. Louis river is occupied by these ridges but in a few places passes are left, through which the marine clay plain is continuous. 183. South of the boulder clay outcrops above described, the country slopes to the St. Louis river, but there are no creeks or water courses because the area drained is small. 184. In the Soulanges Section, solid rock outcrops in many places and it does not appear to be far below the bed of the river throughout the section. It forms the bed of the river in the Coteau, Cedars, and Cascades rapids and can be seen at many points in the countrj^ north and south of the city of Valley field. It is exposed on the south side in the St. Louis river, five miles east of lake St. Francis, and on the sloping hillside at Melocheville. On the north side of the river it is exposed at Coteau du Lac, in Chamberry Gully and all along the river from Cedars to Cascades Point. 185. The chief urban centre in the section is Valleyfield, population 10,000. It is situated on a small outlet of lake St. Francis on the south side of Grande He. The ground level of this city is from 5 to 10 feet above the level of lake St. Francis. 186. Other villages to be noted in this section are Coteau du Lac, Cedars and St. Timothee. Coteau du I^ac, population 485, is on the north side of the St. Lawrence river about 3 miles below lake St. Francis near the foot of Coteau Rapids where the DeLisle river comes into the St. LawTence from the north. Its ground level is about the elevation of lake St. Francis. The village of Cedars, population 536, is located on the north side of the river at the head of Cedars Rapids. Its ground level is about ten feet below the elevation of lake St. Francis. The village of St. Timothee, population 450, is located a little below Cedars on the south side of the river. Its ground level is about 25 feet below the level of lake St. Francis. 187. The floor of the river in Coteau rapids is crystalline limestone of a specially hard gritty nature. That in Cedars Rapids is dolomite, and that in the Cascades rapids is Potsdam sandstone. 188. At the present time the river runs open in the winter throughout this whole section, from the foot of lake St. Francis to the head of lake St. Louis. In this distance fourteen square miles of water surface is exposed to the cooling influence of the air, and about 240,000,000 cubic yards of frazil is formed each wdnter. This is stowed under the ice cover at the head of lake St. Louis and produces a vdnter rise of from 10 to 15 feet in the water level at the foot of Cascades rapids near Melocheville. 189. Proposed Plan of hnprovement. As shown in paragraphs 163 to 169 of the Main Report, the Board finds it practical and economical to combine improvement for navigation in the Soulanges section with improvement for power. It also finds that a combined river and overland canal project, consider¬ ing interest charges, gives greater economy than any other joint navigation and power project investigated. As stated in paragraph 175 of the Main Report, this project “ better provides for the present and future development of the waterway than any scheme for navigation alone, and is therefore the desirable scheme, if arrangements are made whereby power interests bear a fair propor¬ tion of the cost of the initial expenditure required.^' This project is called the He aux Vaches Three Stage Project for navigation and power. It is shown on plates 49 to 51. Its estimated cost is $103,945,000. Detailed estimates are given on tables 9 and 10. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 263 190. This project is similar in form to the “Cascades Point— Coteau Rapids Project” described in the Report of 1921, but , fome respects. The power features of this project are planned to be developed in three successive stages. . c+orr^^ 191. The works comprised in the navigation project and in the hrst stage of the development for power are as follows:— j . u i (a) A short submarine channel, 450 feet wide and protected by break¬ waters, leading from deep water in lake St. Francis to the north shore of the river at Coteau Landing. , j- f „„ (b) An overland canal, 12,500 feet long and 200 feet wide, extending frorn the shore of the St. Lawrence river at Coteau Landing to the mouth of the DeLisle river. , , . . j (c) A lock at the east end of this canal with lift of from 1 to 5 feet ‘ISns upon the stage of the lake, along with an approach channel leading into what will be deep water in a Coteau du Lac-Cedars pool. (rf) .A dam across the St. LawTence river extending from ^b^^+lo ^ village to Point du Domaine on Grande ile which is virtually the south shore of the river. This dam is to control the level of lake St. Francis and is to be connected with a power house at lie aux \ aches and lie .luillet capable of developing 382,000 horse-power at a head of atout 22 feet. Embankments are provided to protect the low lands on both sides of the river. • i i ui (e) An enlargement of the river at Coteau Rapids so as to enable the le of lake St. Francis to be extended to a pool below Coteau du Lac with a loss of head of not more than H feet in periods of low, discharge and not more than 5 feet in periods of extreme flood. This is to be done by means of an enlargement at Round island and a long dive sion channel, 240 feet wnde on the bottom wnth ^ade Elev. ^0, separ ate from the river and extending from above Clarke island to below toanimd, a distance ot abolt 24 miles. The flo« Jrough U™ diversion channel can be controlled by means of 13-50 ft. gates, 20 foot deep (/) \ sick canal from the shore of the river above Cedars to the Ottawa arm of lake St. Louis, north of the outlet of Chamber^ gully, along with a submarine channel leading out into lake bt. Taouis. (g) A pair of guard gates in the middle of this canal w’ltli two lift locks ne^r its casterlv end. One of the locks is located a short distance west of the point w^here the canal crosses Chamberry gully and the other is located near the shore ot lake St. I^uis. The locks in this side cana are designed to overcome a total difference in level of 80 feet. (h) Such drainage and diversion works as are required to protect lages of Coteau Junction and Coteau du Lac and the vallej^ of the Delisle, Rouge and A la Graisse rivers from the raised levels of the river. 192. The works comprised in the second stage of the improvement have to do with power entirely. They are as followis;— a) A head race canal from above Cedars village to the Ottaw’a arm of lake Ix)uis with a power plant at the mouth of Chainberry gu y ctabk of rveioping 500,00o’h.p. at a head of 75 feet, with embank¬ ments hricke® extension of syphon culverts and other works required to make available the 500,000 h.p. at that point, '^ss 12,000 h.p. to be put out of commission at the provincial plant near Cedars. 264 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 193. The works comprised in the third stage of the development have also to do only with power. They are as follows:— (а) A dam across the St. Lawrence river a short distance above the village of Alelocheville. This dam to be connected with a power plant on the shore of lake St. Louis north of Cascades island, capable of developing 974,000 h.p. at a head of 53 feet, but will put 212,000 h.p. out of com¬ mission at Cedars and St. Timothee. (б) A new road on the south side of the river from above the village of St. Timothee to Melociheville, and such other works as are necessary to adjust the community to a raised level of elevation 125 in the reach between Cedars and Me^locheville. 194. Economic Considerations. The determination of the best method of improving a river in which power resources are to be developed depends partly upon the physical cost of improvement by various schemes and partly upon the rate at which power resources if made available, can be absorbed. 195. Statistics show that the province of Quebec west of Quebec city has been absorbing power at the rate of 250,000,000 kilowatt hours per year for the past six years. This is exclusive of power used in electric steam boilers which is generally off-peak power. This is equivalent to about 72,000 horse-power peak load growth per year at 50 per cent load factor. Some of the territory included in the above district is not tributary to the St. Lawrence and unless all distributing companies are prepared to exchange power it cannot be expected that all power needs for any period can come from the St. LavTence. 196. Recently the Water Power Branch of the Canadian Department of the Interior predicted a growth in installed capacity of power plants- in the St. Lawrence basin, of 225,000 horse-power per year. According to factors which they have developed, this would mean a growth of about 150/000 horse-power per year in base load plants such as those on the St. Lawrence river. It appears reasonable to take half of this grov^th as in Quebec and half in Ontario as the amount of power in use in these two provinces is about the same. 197. The annual growth in simultaneous peaks of the power systems now connected in the Montreal, Eastern Tovmships and Quebec districts, is about 50,000 horse-power and until the cheap power now undeveloped on the Ottawa and on its tributary streams is put to use, it is not likely that the whole province west of Quebec city will draw the additional power it needs from any one source. 198. After all cheap power sites are developed and after all the power on the International section of the St. Lawrence is put to use, the rate of absorp¬ tion from the Quebec section of the St. Lawrence will probably be much greater. A rate of absorption in Canada of at least 150,000 horse-power per year for this St. Lawrence power fifteen years hence is not unreasonable. 199. In order to give an idea of the overall cost of various projects, rates of absorption of 40,000 horse-power, 75,000 horse-power, and 150,000 horse-power are taken and 5 per cent per year is added to the first cost to cover interest during half the construction period and during half the period required to market power, as derived from the above rates of absorption. The results are shown on tables Nos. 11 to 13 and 29. 200. The Soulanges section offers many opportunities for variation in designs of projects but analysis shows that those projects which can be executed in successive stages bring about greater economy than projects which require all the works connected with them to be constructed at one time. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 265 201. A feature of the He aux Vaches Three Stage project which makes it more economical than any other, having in view the interest of both navigation and power, is the fact that through navigation may be secured on an economica general plan with the first stage of the power development without any expendi¬ ture for stages two and three, and without interference with the operation ot the present Cedars pl.ant. , . . , . , 202. The side canal between Cedars and lake St. Louis is designed so that some excavation msde for it may be of use in connection with power development in stage two. This is done by joining the alignments of the power and navigation canals about two miles east of Cedars village. . , „ .i„ 203. The estimated cost of this complete project including the power woik. of stages two and three is $205,052,000. The first stage is estimated to cost $103,945,000. In the latter amount $11,821,000 is for a side canal from lake fe. Francis to Coteau du Lac; $19,773,000 is for a side canal between Cedarsjind lake St. Louis; $9,212,000 is for the enlargement of Coteau rapids and the reduc tion of open water at that point; $38,553,000 is for the dam and power substructures at Cedars along with embankments and drainage w^orks required to raise the water level of the river to complete the improvement for navigation. $101,107,000 is for the work in Stages two and three. 204 The He aux Vaches Three Stage Project for navigation and power above described, involves the removal of the northerly part of the village of Cedars and the dyking of the village of Coteau du Lac in the first stage of improvement. It also requires the inundation of part of the village of St. Timothee and the remova of the present Cedars plant in the third stage of improvenaent. It requires the use of extensive dvkes along the north shore of the river between Coteau du Lac and Cedars and along both sides of the navigation improvement between Ceprs and Cascades Point, as well as the use of some embankments behreen point du Domaine on Grande ile and the high land northwest of the city of Valleyfield. 205 The project is designed to pass maximum floods without raising the level of Lake St. Francis higher than it would go under natural conditions. It is designed so as not to retard the flow in winter. It is designed so as to secure a complete ice cover from Lake St. Francics to the Coteau Bridge, and also from the foot of Broad Island to the dam to be constructed at ile aux Vach^. It is designed to secure an ice cover in the head race canal between Cedafs and Cham- berrv gully which is part of the second stage of the improvement, and also an almost complete ice cover from ile aux Vaches to the dam at Cascades island when the works described for the third stage are built. ■ • . 206. The water surface areas which are expected to remain open in winter when the improvement of the section is complete, are confined to; a stretch of river about 11,000 feet long between the present Coteau bridge and Coteau du Lac* a diversion channel varying in wddth from 270 to 670 feet, and extending from Clarke island to the foot of Broad island; a short stretch of river immedi¬ ately below the proposed power plants at He aux Vaches and below the proposed dam in Cascades rapids. 207 A lock in the side canal between Coteau Landing and Coteau du Lac is included in the plan. If there were no lock at this point, the canal would have to be 700 feet wide to give satisfactory navigation velocities. This wide channel would cost about $16,000,000. A velocity of 4-]. feet per second m a navigation channel is not low’ enough for an approach to a diaw biidge, and if the lock in this canal is done away with, an e.xtra expenditure of about $5,000,000 would be required for a new bridge in quieter water. A deduction of $2,600,000 from this $21,000,000 could be made if no lock is built, making an increased expenditure of $18,400,000. As the extra power created by the wider channels 266 St. Lawrence Waterivay Project and the time saved to initial navigation will probably not justify the extra expen¬ diture involved, open river navigation at this point is not included in the initial project at this time. 208. Much consideration has been given to the relative advantages of single and flight locks at the foot of the overland canal between Cedars Village and the Ottawa Arm of lake St. Louis. Comparative estimates show no material advan¬ tage for either type of improvement rnd the conclusion is that either may be used without loss of efficiency or economy. Single locks are provided for in plans and estimates. 209. A number of locations for the power house on the ile aux Vaches dam are available. Estimates show no material difference in cost of these and the plans filed can be varied in this regard. 210. A difficult feature of the ile aux Vaches project is the improvement of Coteau rapids so as to permit the raising of the Cedars pool to the height desired, without interfering with flood levels on lake St. Francis and without introducing ice jams that would endanger the continuity of the winter flow of the river. The plan of improvement shown at Coteau rapids consists in an enlargement of the river at Round Island and in the excavation of a deep smooth diversion channel, separate and distinct from the river, from above Clarke island to below Broad island. To simplify the bridging of the diversion channel, the line of the Cana¬ dian National Railway is relocated in the vicinity of Bellerive. The diversion channel is designed to divert about 52,000 c.f.s. under winter conditions. It will reduce the velocity in the river above Coteau Bridge to 1.86 feet per second with a winter flow of 230,000 c.f.s. and thereby assist in firmly holding the foot of the ice cover at the Coteau Bridge throughout the winter. This will leave the area of exposed water surface at the head of the Coteau du Lac-Cedars pool at about 45,000,000 square feet or 1.6 square miles, and about 13,000,000 cubic yards of frazil may be expected to form. As the cross-sectional area of the river just below Coteau du Lac at elevation 147 is about 145,000 square feet and as the flowing water will only occupy about 65,000 square feet, after the pack is formed, this volume of slush and frazil will create a pack about 4,400 feet long. From many observations in other sections of the St. Lawrence, it is predicted that the loss in head in January and February from this cause will vary from 1 to 2 feet, depending upon the weather. 211. The sectional areas of the overland power canal between Cedars and Chamberry gully, under the second stage, is made of such dimensions that 500,000 horse-power can be developed at Chamberry gully without velocities greater than 2.25 feet per second being set up. This will permit an ice cover to form in this canal. 212. The third stage of the lie aux Vaches scheme for the development of power at Cascades contemplates the raising of the water surface in the Cedars rapids to a point where the average velocity of the water will be about 2.7 feet per second from the power house at Ile aux Vaches to the village of St. Timothee. This velocity is believed to be low enough to permit an ice pack to work upstream without any large quantity of frazil being carried underneath the ice cover and as a consequence no great rise of water level in the tail-race of the Ile aux Vaches plants is expected in winter. 213. An important feature in the improvement of this section is the exist¬ ence of the 197,000 horse-power plant now operated by the Montreal Light, Heat and Power Consolidated, at the foot of Cedars rapids. As has been explained this plant now utilizes a head of 32 feet in the middle of a series of rapids having a total fall of 83 feet. This plant has operating difficulties on account of ice conditions. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 267 214. The third stage of the He aux Vaches development involves scrap¬ ping this plant, but all the excavation now done in the head-race and m the river will be utilized. x -i-i 215. In an effort to use this plant, a three stage river developm^t with side canals as in the lie aux Vaches project has ^ewi considered, m first step of this improvement would be a plant inth a 22 f^t head at ■ Vaches. the second step a plant with a 32 foot head at Cedars and the third, a plant with a 20 foot head at Cascades island, all utilizing the complete flow of the river. tt i r *>16 This scheme would treat the river above lie aux Vaches from a hvdraulic point of view in the same way as the He aux Vaches scheme and it would preserve water levels above and below the present Cedars pla . In the designing of this kind of a scheme no difficulty is found m securing a good operating proposition in summer, but m winter a length of 7 2 miles between ile aux Vaches and lake St. Louis will run open pd would form 120,000,000 cubic yards of frazil and slush ice which must be stored somev here. The bulk of this mav accumulate as it does now, at the head of lake bt. Lou in which case the operating head of the power plant at Cascades would lose about 10 feet and its output would be reduced by about 2o0,000 horse-power. On the other hand if this ice be accumulated above the Cascades Island power house and dam, as is probable, the old and new power plants at Cedars woukl have their operating head reduced to one-half that now utilized uith a I0..S 0 power amounting to about 360,000 horse-power. , u j j • 217. Such a project cannot economically 'be improved by dredging on account of the enormous yardage, a large part of is rock, that has to be removed to make the project workable m winter. This scheme, therefore, out of the question from an operating and financial point ot view. 218. A scheme to improve the river for power, making only P‘''rH^l use ol the present Cedars plant, was also considered. It involves the building of a new power plant just north and east of the Cedars plant, to customers while the old plant is being rebuilt to utilize a higher head Ilm. scheme requires power plants at Cedars to operate for a tniM at one tail water level and afterwards at a tail water level ten feet higher. This is not a desir¬ able feature but it was thought to be a practical solution Provided 33 per cent of the flow be diverted from the river at this point and us'ed to develop power directly from a power canal at Chambcrry under a head of 18 feet. Analysis of this'scheme showed its first and also its overall cost to be more than the lie aux Vaches three-stage scheme, and as it has no operating advantage^? over that scheme, it need not be further considered. . j • i j. • +i 219 If there were a large market for power and no vested interests m the river the best scheme of improvement for both power and navigation would be an all river project with the reaches between Cotep du Lac and Cedars and between St. Timothee and Vlelocheville used as navigation pools. For such a project the level of the lower reach must be raised to at least elevation 115 m hdlr to escape expensive submarine excavation between Cedars and Meloche- ville. It is shown on plates 52 and 53. Detailed estimates are given m tables 18 to 20. Its estimated cost is $194,317,000. 220. This project, with power houses at Cedars and at Cascades involves the raising of the whole river between Coteau and Cascades about 20 feet qt the same time unless power is secured elsewhere to supply Cedars cus¬ tomers while the development is being made. This requires the building of one-third of the Cascades Island plant as a first part of tlie first-stage of the project, then installing machinery in a new power plant at Cedars as the other 268 St. Lawrence Waterway Project part of the first stage. It involves reconstructing the present Cedars plant as the second stage and completing the Cascades Island development as the third stage of the project. This scheme proposes to take care of the present Cedars customers by transferring load to the first part of the Cascades Island develop¬ ment early in the spring of some selected year and then arranging during the succeeding summer for the cofferdamming of the present Cedars plant and the raising of the upper reach before the advent of the winter ice. The hazards connected with the operating of this scheme during construction would be serious. 221. When interest is considered and a growth of 75,000 horse-power is assumed, this scheme shows about the same overall economy as the He aux Vaches project. It would, however, in the first stage of its construction inter¬ fere with the present Cedars plant and would require a very large expenditure before any power would be produced. 222. Another project which was considered was a simple two-stage scheme with a 22 foot initial development for power opposite point a Biron, a short distance above He aux Vaches. Incorporated with this, was a 54 foot develop¬ ment at Cascades island. This scheme utilized the investment in the Cedars Rapids head-race, but required the removal of the Cedars building itself when the 54 foot plant at Cascades island would go into commission in the second stage of the improvement. It is shown on plates 54 and 55. Its estimated cost is $203,692,000. Detailed estimates are shown on tables 21 and 22. 223. This method of developing the power in the river would leave the valley of Chamberry gully free to be occupied by navigation works as there would be no power development at Chamberry gully and no overland power canal between Cedars and that point. The first cost of this project is $1,360,000 less than the He aux Vaches three-stage project, but the overall cost on the assumed growth of the power demand, is much greater due to the necessary execution of the work in two stages instead of three. 224. Another scheme which has carefully been considered is the improve¬ ment of the river for navigation and power by means of an. enlarged side canal between Hungry bay and Melocheville, this work to be coupled with a river development so as to give a 4-stage power development. The first stage of this scheme consists in building a canal between Hungry bay and Melocheville and developing a certain amount of power at a 78 foot head at Melocheville. It is shown on plates 56 and 57. There would be a guard lock at Hungry bay and double flight locks at Melocheville for deep navigation as in the project recom¬ mended in the Report of 1921 together with bridges, and channels in Lake St. Francis and Lake St. Louis as in that project. The second stage of this pro¬ position consists in developing 370,000 horse-power at He aux Vaches above Cedars as in the He aux Vaches scheme. The third stage consists in the develop¬ ment of a certain amount of power hi a head of 78 feet at Chamberry gully. The fourth stage develops the same amount of power at Cascades island as is developed in the He aux Vaches scheme. 225. In this scheme of development, the capacity of the first and third stages can be varied between wide limits but the size of the second and fourth stages must remain constant as river channels planned will cover with ice only when the flow in them is limited to set amounts. 226. In order to show the effect of improving the river in the above manner, the Hungry bay-Melocheville canal has been laid out with a width of 300 feet, 400 feet and 930 feet, and with capacities of 15,500 cfs., 31,600 cfs., and 66,700 cfs. exclusive of the water required for navigation. The total cost of / St. Lawrence Waterway Project 269 improving the whole section by each of these variations is 533,000 and $237,778,000 respectively. Detailed estimates with 31,o00 diverted are shown on table 25. < • i • 227. In the first case the average velocity of the water in the canal is take at 2.0 feet per second. In the others it is taken at 2.25 feet per second. Analysis of the above costs shows that the development ot power by means o the smallest diversion is more economical than by the larger dn-ersions. A1 developipents with power at Melocheville are more costly than by the recom¬ mended project. (See tables 26 to 29.) Improvement of Souianges Section for N.wigation Alone 228. If an improvement solely for navigation is desired one way it can be secured is by building an overland side canal from deep water in via Hungry bay and the low Hat uniform country north of the St. Louis me to the head of "lake St. Louis at ]Melocheville. i ui i i 229. An improvement of this kind has been laid out. It has double locks in flight at its lower end where an ideal solid rock foundation is available, and it has a guard lock at its upper end to protect the long 13 mile reach from ig water levels on lake St. Francis. The improvement shown is similar to that laid out and recommended in the Report o 1921. It will be referred to as the Hungry Bay-Melocheville project, and is shown on plates 58 and 59. 230 A waterwav built along this route does not require the i^moval of a very large amount o'f excavation as the ground surface is uniformly below the level of lake St. Francis and yet the retaining embankment will not be high, and no creeks or rivers are crossed at any point in the route. In this project very little solid rock has to be removed. Three combined railway and highwaj erodings and three crossings for highway traffic are provided m this section. The length of restricted navigation in the canal is about 13 miles, exclusive o 231. The project is designed to have ultimately double flight locks at Melocheville, these together overcome a lift of 80 feet and give a tra c capacity of 40,000,000 tons per year. iRonnoort 232. As the traffic capacity of one set of fliglit locks is about 16,000,0OU tons per year, it is thought the construction of the second set for some years and the project is laid out in that way. In order, lion ever, to facilitate the later construction of duplicate locks, estimates and plans provide for the execution of the foundations and the construction of walls to the ordinarj ^^'^^233*^The^estimated cost of the Hungry' Bay-Melocheville project for navi¬ gation alonfi^$37,541,.000 of which an experiditure of $3,901,0W can be delay^ until the completion of duplicate locks as described above. For detailed esti¬ mates see tablU Nos. 14 and 15. The above estimate provides for the use of lift bridges of 200 feet clear span. , , tu i 234 An overland canal of similar design can be built on the north shore of the river See plates 60 and 61. It would be slightly shorter and crossed by fpwer bridges but it would be more costly as three rivers are cross^ and good rou„“Slir lock, arc deeper. It. cost i. eetimatol at 940,378,000 as shown in ^^bles Nm. restricted navigation in the above scheme can be reduced bv the construction of a lock and dam system of river improvement. This Iviously involves power potentialities and the substructure of a Po^'er^ouse Should be incorporated with the dam required in such an improvement. If this be done it would become the first stage of the project recommended. 270 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 236. An advantage of this north canal is that it could be combined with a river improvement, subsequently made for power, by constructing two short connections to the river. The length of restricted navigation would thus be reduced. See paragraph 174i» of the Main Report. The estimated cost of these two connections is $1,922,000. See table No. 17. Improvement of Soulanges Section for Power Alone 237. Various projects for improving the Soulanges section for power alone were investigated. In general, the same problems presented themselves as in improvement for both navigation and power. It was found that no economical project could be laid down which would not interfere with present 14-foot navi¬ gation in the Soulanges canal, and also no project could be laid down which would not interfere, in some stage of its development, with the present Cedars plant. Analysis shows that the best form of improvement is the lie aux Vaches Three-Stage scheme with 14-foot side canals taking the place of the deep water¬ way shown in the recommended project. The cost of this project is estimated at $180,711,000, as shown in tables Nos. 23 and 24. 238. Overland earaal projects which carried a diversion for power all the way from the foot of lake St. Francis by the St. Louis and Chateauguay rivers to the St. Lawrence river at the head of La Prairie basin have been considered. Two methods of utilizing a diversion made in this way were investigated. One was by a single-stage sclieme and the other by a double-stage scheme, placing one drop at the junction with the Chateauguay river and the other at the head of La Prairie basin. These projects appeared to the best advantage when the diversion made did not exceed 30,000 cubic feet per second, but even then were not economical when compared with improvements of the Soulanges and Lachine sections by means of other projects described. LACHINE SECTION 239. Description. This section may be taken as extending from deep water at the head of lake St. Louis to the Alexander pier in Montreal harbour, .mile 159 to mile 183. It is 24 miles long and covers the same territory as Division No. 1 in the Report of 1921. The section includes the expansion of lake ^t. Louis, the narrow stretch of river between Caughnawaga and Heron island with Lachine rapids at its foot, the short expansion of La Prairie basin and the swift water between Nuns island and Montreal. The total fall in the section with 242,000 c.f.s. flowing past Lachine is 48 feet. This is distributed as fol¬ lows: Between Melocheville and the outlet of the Chateauguay river, the fall is three-tenths of one foot. Between the Chateauguay river and'Lachine wharf, the fall is 1-1 feet. Between Lachine wharf and the head of Lachine rapids, the fall is 7-8 feet. Between a point half a mile above the head of He au Diabfe and the foot of Heron island, which may be taken as Lachine rapids, the drop is 23-5 feet. Between the foot of Lachine rapids and Victoria bridge the fall is 6-8 feet, and between Victoria bridge and Montreal harbour the fall is 9 0 feet. 240. Upstream navigation through the Lachine rapids is impossible and the only boats that navigate them on the downstream journey are the specially built passenger boats which operate for the tourist trade. All freight boats use the present Lachine canal which provides a 14-foot draft. This canal extends from Lachine to Montreal, a distance of 8t miles, and has five locks. 241. Several urban centres are located along the river in the Lachine Sec¬ tion. The city of Lachine and the towns of St. Annes, Pointe Claire, Dorval, St. Lawrence Waterway Project 271 Beauharnois and Caughnawaga are located on the shores of city of Verdun and tlie town of La Prairie are located on the Prairie basin. The city of Montreal extends along from La Prairie basin to the wide and spacious river belovs St. Helen - s a • The town of St. Lambert is located on the south shore at the end of \ ictoria 242. The lands on the north side of Lake St. Louis for eight miles above Lachine are low, specially near the lake shore. In this s rip of land and at t e Chateauguav Basin on tlie south side a large investment has been made ^ sum¬ mer homes which would be inundated should the lake surface be laised mater > Siove its high water levels. Considerable areas east of La Prairie are often inundated when the river is breaking up in April. Verdun are dyked to protect them from inundation during the hi»h watei le\el of the breakup period. 243. The Ottawa River flows into the St. Lawrence through four outlets tno of which, Vaudreuil and St. Anne, flow into Lake St. Louis; and two the Mille Isles and Des Prairies Rivers, join the St. Lawrence the foot of Montieal Island about fifteen miles below Montreal Harbour. Fhe peiTentage of flow through each of these channels varies with the stage of lake of Two Mountain^ 244. The maximum recorded flood occurred on May 1 ^, 187^ when 195,000 cf.s. flowed into lake St. Louis from the Ottawa river, and ^^b,000 c.f s. flowed out of lake St. Louis to La Prairie basin. In three other years records of 160,000 cfs in the St. Anne and Vaudreuil channels and o00,000 c.f.s. at the outlet o lake St. Louis are recorded. Records show that extreme flood levels on lake St. Louis occur betw'een the 29th of April and the 29th of May. 245 Lake St Louis is a relativelv deep and short lake which overlies a trough in tiie rock surface. This trough provides a deep straight uniform chan¬ nel from Melocheville to the mouth- of the Chateauguay river From this po nt east to the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge below Lachine the bed is irregular and is obstructed by dykes of igneous rock which penetrate the sui face and ma e navigation dangerous for any kind of craft. Between the Canadian Pacific Rail- w'ay bridge and^ the head of the Lachine Rapids a short stretch of uniform, rock floOTed river intervenes. From the middle of this section, he city of Alontreal draws its water supply by use of a submerged pipe and intake crib. From the head of Lachine Rapids to their foot, the river gradually expands m width and igneous dvkes penetrate the surface m many places, especially on the north side. Through the Lachine rapids, downstream navigation is on.y possible a ong one central channel and this is flanked by rocky projecting dykes which break up the w'ater into innumerable cascades or abrupt falls. 246 In winter the regimen of the St. Lawrence river between the head of lake St. Louis and Montreal harbour undergoes a great change With the advent of cold weather the water flowing out of lake Ontario gradually cools as it pio- ceeds to the sea The rate of this cooling is proportional to the surface area exposed and lake St. Francis, lake St. Louis and lake St. Peter are effective agents in lowering the temperature of the water. The water Aownig through t ie lak^ of the Ottawa is cooled in the same way but more rapidly than that of the St. Lawrence. Usuallv, about the 1st of December the w^ter flowing into Lake St. Louis from the Ottawa will be found to be at about the freezing point and lake of Two Mountains will then be freezing over. About two weeks after lake of Two Mountains is cooled down to 32 degrees lahrenheit, lake St. Peter, 6o miles below Montreal, reaches the freezing point and, if the weather is cold, an ice bridge immediately forms at that point. At this time, the temperature of the river at Kingston will be found to be about 6 degrees above the freezing point, 272 St. Lawrence Watenvay Project and that of the water in 'lake St. Louis and lake St. Francis some degrees above that of lake St. Peter and below that at Kingston. If cold weather continues, lake St. Louis and lake St. Francis soon reach the freezing point and cover with ice. Usually, about 16 days after an ice cover forms on lake St. Peter, the water at the outlet of lake Ontario, opposite Kingston, is cooled down near to the freezing point and ice forms. Should warm weather intervene shortly after lake St. Peter, lake St. Louis or lake St. Francis freeze over, they may open up again, especially if winter is ushered in by a short period of very cold weather in which an ice cover is formed on these lakes, while lake Ontario is still relatively warm. 247. The ordinary flow out of lake St. Louis varies from 210,000 to 260,000 cfs. in the early part of winter. The maximum cross-sectional area of lake St. Louis, opposite Beauharnois, is about 490,000 square feet at low water. Opposite the foot of ile Perrot and opposite the mouth of the Chauteauguay river, the area is reduced to about 150,000 square feet. As will be observed from the size of the above cro^-sections, the velocity of the water moving through the upper ten miles of lake bt. Louis is less than 1. i feet per second and, as may be expected, its surface area west of the mouth of the Chateauguay, 48 square miles, freezes over almost as soon as it is cooled to the freezing point at the beginning of each winter. Between the mouth of the Chateauguay river and the Lachine Wharf, the cross-sectional area of the river is about 116,000 square feet and the average velocity of the mbving water in winter is over two feet per second. In this stretch of river no ice cover forms except in the shallow bays near shore. Between Lachine wharf and the head of Lachine Rapids, the sectional area is about 53,000 square feet and velocities are so high that no ice cover forms except on a narrow fringe along the shore. 248. The surface area of water ordinarily exposed in winter between ice- cover in lake St. Louis and the head of La Prairie Basin is about 11 square miles and the volunie of ice formed by this exposure is usually about 170,000,000 cubic yards. This ice is carried through Lachine rapids and is largely stowed in the form of hanging dams under the ice cover which forms below arid in La Prairie basin. More than half of the exposed surface mentioned above is upstream from the entrance to the Lachine canal where the velocity of the water is almost low enough to form an ice cover. 249. At the foot of Lachine rapids, the river spreads out into the shallow La Prairie basin, through which the water moves slowly for about one mile. Below this stretch of quiet water, a number of boulder ridges rise out of the water. These separate the river into three or four more or less distinct channels through which the water moves quite rapidly to the foot of the basin and on past Victoria bridge to Montreal harbour. 250. In the early stage of winter the southerly and northerly parts of La Prairie basin cover with ice, but a central channel near Nuns island remains open until the ice pack which starts in lake St. Peter makes upstream pas^- Montreal, under Victoria bridge, and into the basin. While the pack below Montreal is building upstream, the water level at Montreal gradually rises until the head of the pack passes that point. After that, it falls slightly and remains at a constant level unti I the breakup period brings down large quantities of frazil and slush and raises the water level again. The maximum January rise in Montreal harbour is ordinarily about 16 feet. With continued cold weather the water level at the head of the La Prairie basin continues to rise slowly as more and more ice is brought to it from above. In general, the highest level recorded is coincident with the last week of cold weather in February or March Usually at that time the water level is about 11 feet above ordinary summer levels. Under these conditions, the surface slope in the ice gorged section between Lachine rapids and Montreal is about 1.6 feet per mile. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 273 251. In April, warm rains and sun weaken the surface ice which holds the hanging dams in place and a large quantity of surface ice, frazil and slush moves from its wide berth in La Prarie basin to the narrow restricted river below Victoria bridge. This movement increases the length of the gorged section at Montreal. Under these conditions, the total surface drop becomes much greater than in the depth of winter and high water levels, 16 feet above summer stage for similar discharges are frequently found opposite the city of Verdun and in La Prairie basin generally. 252. It is believed that the operation of ice breakers below Montreal in recent years has reduced the height to which such flood levels rise. This is due to the fact that the length of ice cover in the river below the gorged section is reduced before it begins to move and a jam far down the river where it is very narrow is prevented by clearing lake St. Peter of ice at an early date in April. It is clear, however, that the length of gorged section near the City of Montreal is not affected by the ice breakers operations. 253. The St. Lawrence river flows over a floor formed chiefly of solid rock from about a mile above Lachine to below ^lontreal harbour. Rock surface is exposed above the water level of the river at Lachine and Caughnawaga. It .s exposed on both shores throughout the length of Lachine rapids and at many points in La Prairie basin and below Victoria bridge in the harbour of Montreal. Test borings also show the solid rock surface to be close to the river bed on the north and west sides of La Prairie basin. North and east of the river, between Lachine and Verdun, the solid rock surface is a:bove the bed of the river, buc between Verdun and Montreal harbour it is below. 254. Plans for Improvement. The Board has considered the following plans, for the improvement of the Lachine section:— (1) A side canal with locks for navigation with control of lake St. Louis. (2) An all river improvement for both navigation and power. (3) A side canal with lock for navigation without control of lake St. Louis. 255. Plan Recommended for Project. The plan recommended by this Board is for a side canal with locks for navigation with control of lake St. Louis and is described in paragraphs 183 to 185 of the Main Report. It is shown on plates Nos. 62 to 64. Its estimated cost is $53,000,000. Detailed estimates are given on tables Nos. 30 and 31. i 256. The works comprised in this improvement may be listed as follows:— (a) A long submarine channel extending from deep w’ater in lake St. Louis to Lachine; this channel to be 600 feet wide for 4 miles of its length and 300 feet wide for 1.2 miles of its length. (b) An overland canal extending from Lachine to a junction with deep water opposite the Alexandria pier in Montreal harbour. This canal flanks the north shore of the river and is about 10 miles long. It is to be equipped with a pair of guard gates and supply weir situated 3.4 miles east of Lachine and with three lift locks. One lock is at Verdun, 5 miles east of Lachine; one is at the foot of Nuns island; and one is at the entrance of Montreal harbour, north of Victoria bridge. (c) A dam across the St. Lawrence river at ile au Diable together with dams at the two northern outlets of Lake of Two Mountains and such other works as are required to hold the low water level of lake St. Louis to elevation 71. 257. As currents at the outlet of lake St. Louis cross the submarine channel at a small angle with its axis, the navigation channel is given a width of 600 feet between deep water in lake St. Louis and the end of the present Lachine 45327—18 274 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Canal breakwater. Along the inside of this breakwater the channel has a width of 300 feet. Between Dorval island and the north shore, an enbankment is provided for reduction of cross currents at this point. 258. The overland canal above described runs parallel with the river and near the north shore to a point 7,800 feet east of the present canal embank¬ ment at Lachine. It is to be separated from the river for this length by timber cribwork. This makes it possible for the excavation inside this embankment to be done in the dry. A double track vertical lift bridge is provided at the intersection of the Canadian Pacific Railway with the proposed canal at High¬ lands. The proposed canal leaves the shore of the river 7,800 feet east of Lachine and proceeds for a length of about one half mile in a prism 55 feet deep which is excavated in earth. East of that point it is carried in earth and rock for a length of about three miles through low flat country to the shore of the river opposite the Verdun Asylum, where a lock with a lift of 20 feet is located. 259. Retaining embankments are placed on both sides of the canal for a length of three miles above the lock at Verdun, the south embankment being connected with the north end of the dam at ile au Diable. Syphon culverts are located at the head of the Montreal aqueduct. A subway for highway traffic is provided under the canal and is located between the guard gates and the Verdun lock; it provides for two openings 25 feet wide and 15 feet high. 260. East of the Verdun lock, the canal is carried for a length of 2^ miles in a high level basin formed by the north shore of the river on one side and an embankment on the other. In this reach the prism, 300 feet wide, is in shallow excavation. At the lowm’ end of this basin the Nuns island lock, with a 12-foot lift, is located at the foot of the island near the north shore. Water is to be sup¬ plied to this basin by a vsupply weir at the Verdun lock and is discharged from it by a weir in an embankment north of the lock at Nuns island. 261. Betw’een Nuns island lock and Victoria bridge the canal is formed in deep rock excavation in a basin which is separated from the river by a long embankment high enough to protect the reach from flood levels in the river. At Victoria bridge a weir and culvert are provided for discharging the surplus water of the canal and the local drainage into Montreal harbour. Two lift bridges are provided for the raihvay and highw^ay traffic at the Montreal end of Victoria bridge. 262. About 1,500 feet below' Victoria bridge the Montreal lock, with a maximum lift of 21 feet, carries navigation into Montreal harbour. Retain¬ ing w’alls and the upper entrance piers of the lock hold the reach level. 263. In the project recommended, a dam is located at ile au Diable. This structure is of the open wdeket type and is introduced to reduce the volume of excavation required in the channel which leads from deep water in lake St. Louis to the lock at Verdun. It wdll also reduce the velocities at the outlet of lake St. Louis and wdll also reduce the cost of pow'er development w^hen such development is undertaken. The dam proposed is to consist of large concrete piers, 160 feet centre to centre, wdth steel truss bridges and drop wdekets for low'ering in the spring of each year after the flood flows are passed. These wdekets are to be opened at the end of each navigation season. The throttling effect of the piers during flood discharge is to be compensated for by means of a small diversion channel wdiich leads from the navigation channel at the north end of the dam. It is designed to raise the low w^ater level of lake St. Louis to elevation 71.0. 275 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 264. As this is higher than the extreme low water of Lake of Two I\Ioun- tains, this rise in level will reflect on the level of that lake, and dams will be required at its two northerly outlets in order to control the distribution of out¬ flow. 265. If flood flows in the future were to be no greater than in the past, the works described above would be all that are required to bring about the improve¬ ment. However, other complications enter. The immediate improvement of the International Section and the-future improvement of the Lachine Section, place certain restrictions on maximum winter outflows. Then again power values make it desirable that winter flows be made more regular than they are in nature. Moreover, navigation interests demand some regulation of this flow. The scheme of regulation of lake Ontario submitted with the Board’s report, endeavours to secure the greatest good to the greatest number of interests possible, but in doing so, it contemplates increasing the flood flows in May to the extent of about 15,000 cfs. in extreme years. The conservation works on the Ottawa, wdiich have been recently built and others wdiich are in progress of construction, will compensate for the proposed increase in flow out of Lake Ontario at these periods. 266. Alternative Plans. Before selecting the side canal project wdth the control of lake St. Louis above described, the Board carefully considered the practicability of utilizing the river channel for navigation by means of the con¬ struction of locks and dams wdth channel excavation. An apparently practical place for a dam and lock improvement is suggested by the nature of the river bed and the drop in w^ater level at Lachine Rapids. Another place is suggested by the drop in w’ater level below’^ Victoria bridge. A dam and lock at either site might be combined with a dam and iock at the other, or either might be com¬ bined wdth a side canal and a number of locks above or below it. In investigat¬ ing conditions, it w^as found that the stretch of river betw^een Lachine wdiarf and Lachine rapids cannot be made safe for deep draft navigation without an enormous amount of channel enlargement, a large part of which must be secured by the excavation of solid rock. 267. To maintain the standards on wdiich the waterway is designed, maxi^ mum velocities in the navigable channels must be kept down to 5 feet per second, and a cross-sectional area of 100.000 square feet must here be provided to care for a discharge of 500,000 cfs., wLich is sometimes reached in the month of May. This requires a net enlargement of at least 35,000 square feet for a length of 54 miles, or the excavation of about 37,000,000 cubic yards, the greater part of wLich is solid rock. 268. Obviously, no project involving such an amount of excavation can be justified as an improvement for navigation wdien the side canal, as described, can be built for one-third of the cost of a river enlargement betw^een Lachine Wharf and the head of Lachine rapids. 269. If the enlargement of the river between Lachine Wharf and Lachine Rapids were carried to the point where an ice cover w^ould be secured, thie amount of excavation required w^ould be much increased. 270. Further, conditions in this reach are especially hard to deal wuth because the natural depth in part of the river is 35 feet wdiile in another part it is only 10 feet. This means a very high velocity in some parts and a very low* velocity in others. 271. It is not possible to execute a project for permanently raising the level of La Prairie Basin by means of a dam at Victoria Bridge without securing an ice cover in the river above Lachine Rapids because the 170,000,000 cubic 45827-18i fr mssm 276 St. Lawrence Waterway Project yards of ice must be stowed in La Prairie Basin if the river remains open above it and because a twelve-foot drop across La Prairie Basin must be available to overcome resistances in a gorged condition. 272. Even though the enlargement of the river above Lachine Rapids should be justifiable as a power venture and such enlargement should cut off the move¬ ment of ice from above, the building of a dam and lock at \ictoria Bridge can not be justified as a navigation proposition, as comparative estiinates show that it is cheaper to raise a section along the north shore of the basin than it is to raise the whole of the basin itself. This is due to the great length of dykes and other works which are necessary to protect the town of La Prairie and the low land adjacent from the raised level in the basin, as well as to the length of the dam itself. 273. From a power point of view, it might be suggested that the level of Lake St. Louis could be extended through Lachine Rapids and La Prairie Basin to a dam, power house and lock at Victoria Bridge where the whole head in the section would be concentrated at one point. Such a scheme would involve long and high dykes on either side of La Prairie Basin as well sls extensive •pumping and drainage wprks. As the water level in the river below Montreal would still rise a considerable amount due to ice resistance in winter, nothing very material would be gained from the large expenditures required to build the high dam and dykes above mentioned. 274. Preliminary estimates of the cost of the above project and the value pf the extra power derived by such a scheme made it evident at once that the levels of lake St. Louis should be extended only to the head of La Prairie basin. 275. A dam at Victoria bridge wdth a power plant at that point combined with a dam and power house at the foot of Lachine rapids is not a workable proposition as the total head available, especially in winter, is too small to divide. Then again, if a power plant were located at Victoria bridge it would always be in danger of losing a part of its head through a future rise in tail- water level by a dam in the main river below Montreal. 276. The power problems, therefore, centre upon how power plants might be built near the foot of Lachine rapids and how water might be conducted to them with a minimum loss of head. This can be done, so far as summer condi¬ tions are concerned, by a moderate enlargement of the cross-sectional area of the river between the foot of lake St. Louis and the head of La Prairie basin, such as is shown by the Lachine Rapids project in the Report of 1921. 277. The Lachine Rapids project, as described in that Report, contemplates the enlargement of the river so that it will give a cross-sectional area of 83,000 square feet when lake St. Louis stands at elevation 71 at the upper entrance of the Lachine canal. Analysis of such enlargement shows that it would care for the maximum flood flows occurring in the St. Lawrence at this point in sum¬ mer, namely 550,000 cubic feet per second, without raising the level of lake St. Louis above the elevation to which it has gone in nature and still leave a jeaisonable head for the development of power at the head of La Prairie basin. .In winter, however, this relatively small sectional area would make it imperative that open water be continuously maintained between the power plant at the head of La Prairie basin and lake St. Louis in order to insure the quiet passage of expected flows without excessive damage to properties around lake St. Louis. 278. It is thought that this improvement cannot be operated so as always to maintain open water immediately above the power dam and power plant at vthe head of La Prairie basin, as there is danger of ice accumulating above the piers of the dams and power houses and making upstream so fast that an ice St. Lawrence Waterwaij Project 277 jam would be formed before anything could be done to release it. If such an ice jam should form, the velocity at its head would be about 3.2 feet per* second with a discharge of 265,000 cfs., which records show must be pa^ed under certain winter conditions. As shown in appendix “ E,” this velocity is too high to insure the maintenance of a free and open channel underneath this ice cover and any filling up or gorging of this free and open channel between the power house shown at the head of La Prairie basin and the outlet of lake bt. Louis opposite the entrance to the Lachine canal wdll cause a great rise m water leve in lake St. Louis and damage to the property around its shores. 279 As a consequence of this situation, the Board finds that the Lachine Rapids project, as in the Report of 1921, requires modification. An enlargement of the section of the river from the foot of lake St. Louis to the powder plants at the head of La Prairie basin so that it would provide a cross-sectional area of about 115,000 square feet or a velocity of 2 - 4 - feet per second ^^der extreme wdnter flood conditions w^ould, no doubt, provide a safe and w^orkable scheme for the development of this section of the river. This w’ould involve an enlarge¬ ment of the river to the extent of about 50,000 square feet for a len^h of about 6 miles, requiring the removal of about 50,000,000 cubic yards, j w’hich is rock Such a project w’ould be enormously costly and w^ould be justmecl as a power development, only if no chaper method of improvement were available. *>80 Power Development. The navigation improvement selected by this board and set forth in paragraphs 183 to 185 of the Mam Report can be a^o- ciated with a subsequent power improvement (paragraph 186, Mam Report), which provides for a diversion of a large portion of the flow of the river, through qn artificial channel wdiich makes it possible to use the natural capacity of the "river in an ice-covered condition from the outlet of lake St. Louis to the head of La Prairie basin. The artificial channel is designed to carry a large amount of water with a small area of exposure. This complete power project is intended to be constructed in two successive stages, the first of which would be com¬ pleted and put into operation before the second stage is undertaken. In this way the cost of the project, including interest, would be le^.^han if R had all to be built and completed at one time. It is shown on plates IS os. 6 -^ nnd 66 . Its estimated cost when built subsequent to the improvements de^ribed for navigation is 8123.213,000. Detailed estimates are shown on tables ^os. 32 to 34. 281. The works in the first stage of the power project may be summarized as foliow^s:— (a) A Dow’cr house on the south shore east of Paquette island. This power ho4e is to be equipped with 19 units of 22,900 horsepower each and is designed to develop 391,000 horsepower at a 31i-foot head. (b) A canal extending from the foot of lake St. Louis west of the village ^ of Cau— Earth excavation. Dredging.j •; .. Dredging over depth. 2,169,000 800,000 3,615,000 625,000 2,123,000 373,000 2,225,000 541,000 2,503,000 1,160,000 800,000 583,000 52,000 880,000 3,174,000 237,000 Unit Cu. yd. ii Cu. yd. U Cu. yd. « Cu. yd. « Cu. yd. (( Cu. yd 14. Control dam at Galop— T?»«oTrQ*iAn rorlc..1 Excavation, rock. Concrete. Gates. • • • Towers and crane tracks.. Service tracks. Operating cranes. Stop logs, fixed parts. Stop logs, movable parts. Cribs. Unwatering. Removal of Gut Dam.... 400 000 61 61 61 6,200 42,000 Cu. yd Cu. yd Spans <( Each Sets Cu. yd Unit price Amount $ cts. 0 65 1 25 1 25 Cu. yd. 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 65 0 90 15,000 Sub-totals 1,784,000 1,114,000 58,000 738,000 458,000 50,000 268,000 838,000 61,000 2,956,000 1,246,000 1,167,000 183,000 905,000 112,000 418,000 72,000 1,410,000 720,000 2,350,000 563,000 1,380,000 336,000 1,446,000 487,000 1,627.000 1,044,000 520,000 466,000 42,000 572,000 2,539,000 190,000 1,690.000 26,731,000 11,363.000 4,329.000 114,000 1,440,000 432.000 142,000 244,000 60,000 24,000 39.000 50.000 1,610,000 63,000 4,218,000 286 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE I.—ESTIMATE OF COST INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME am—Continued) (As proposed by United States Section) Item Quantity Unit Unit price 15. Flo wage and damage— (a) Canadian shore— Chimney Point to Morrisburg— Lands. $ cts Improvements. Town property. Morrisburg to head of Bergen Lake— Land directly required and ir severance. 1 Improvements. Town property. (h) United States shore— Chimney Point to Waddington, in¬ clusive— Lands. Improvements. Town property. Waddington to Massena Canal— Lands. Improvements. Massena Canal to Massena Point— Lands... Improvements. (c) Islands— Above Long Sault Island— Lands. Improvements. Long Sault Island. Barnhart Island. Sheek Island. (d) Power leases. 16. Railroad relocation— Norwood and St. Lawrence Railroad— Track. 4-5 Miles 35,000 00 Bridges. Station. Canadian National Railway— Track. 5«9 Miles 100,000 00 Bridges. 17. Highway relocation— (a) Canadian shore— Johnstown to Morrisburg— Roads. 10-7 Miles 40,000 00 Bridges. Morrisburg to Bergen Lake— Roads. 19 Miles 40,000 00 Bridge at Nash Creek.. o w (b) United States shore— Chimney Point to Waddington— Raising grade. Waddington to Massena Canal— Concrete roads (including embank¬ ment . 72 1-5 Miles ii 60,000 00 5,000 00 Earth roads. Bridges. Amount Sub-totals $ $ 295,000 772,000 364,000 1,435,000 1,658,000 1,050,000 5,574,000 188,000 175,000 488,000 706,000 494,000 513,000 335,000 2,897,000 402,000 343,000 265,000 219,000 20,000 1,249,000 275,000 275,000 158,000 50,000 30,000 590,000 30,000 9,995,000 858,000 428,000 25,000 760,000 7,000 37,000 1,220,000 432,000 8,000 84,000 - 561,000 1.781,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 287 TABLE I —ESTIMATE OF COST INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—SINGLE-STAGE lAouai.. SCHEME (242)—Co«(inu« 0 65 102,000 9,000 \ « 0 65 6,000 224,000 « 0 80 179,000 40,000 125 % 0 80 32,000 387,OOC 49,00c 436,000 288 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE I.—ESTIMATE OF COST INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME (2i2)—Continued (As proposed by United States Section) Item Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Sub-totals B. Additional cost if channels are made 27 feet deep originally— (1) Approach channel above Robinson Bay- Excavation added. 108,000 160,000 10,000 261,000 37,000 Cu. yd. S cts. 0 65 0 65 0 65 0 80 0 80 $ 70,000 104,000 7,000 209,000 22,000 38,000 $ (2) Canal prism, Robinson Bay lock to Grass River lock— Excavation added. (3) Approach channel, Grass River lock to river— Excavation added. it (4) Dredging for navigation only, south channel, Cornwall Island— Dredging added. Over depth added. it (5) Control dam at Galop— Additional gate and pier. 450,000 56,000 Engineering administration and contingencies.. 12^% Total. 506,000 C . Cost of future enlargement from 25-foot depth to 30-foot depth— (1) Excavation, above Galop Island— Dredging, loose. 78,000 67,000 38,000 Cu. yd. it 0 80 6 45 6 45 60,000 432,000 245,000 Dredging, rock. Dredging, rock, over depth. it (2) Revision of control works. (3) Approach channel above Robinson Bay— Dredging. 231,000 46,000 393,000 80,000 24,000 5,000 772,000 340,000 it 0 75 0 75 0 75 0 75 0 75 0 75 0 75 0 75 169,000 35,000 290,000 60,000 18,000 4,000 579,000 255,000 Dredging, over depth. u (4) Canal prism, Robinson Bay lock to Grass River lock— Dredging. it Dredging, over depth. it (5) Approach channel. Grass River lock to shore— Dredging. it Dredging, over depth. it (6) Dredging for navigation only, south channel at Cornwall Island— Dredging. it Dredging, over depth. it 2,197,000 275,000 Engineering, administration and contingencies. m% Total. 0 479 non ^ 1 7 f ^ 1 Ul/v/ TABLE 2—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME WITH DAM AT HAWKINS POINT Item Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Sub-totals 1. Dam and power houses at foot of Barnhart Island— (a) Dam, except unwatering— Excavation, earth. 1,435,000 145,000 893,800 Cu. yd. « $ cts. 0 65 2 25 12 00 $ 933,000 326,000 10,726,000 1,072,000 330,000 224,000 S Excavation, rock, dry. Concrete. a Foundation contingencies. ^10% Spans Gates. 33 10,000 00 6,800 00 Towers, track, and bridge. 33 St. Lawrence Waterway Proiect 289 TABLE 2.—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME WITH DAM AT HAWKINS POINT—Conlinued Item 1. Dam and power houses, etc.—Con. Operating cranes. Stop logs.. . Tail-race excavation oelow Dam— Dry earth. Dredging, loose. (h ) Power-house substructures— United States power house— Excavation, earth, dry. Excavation, rock, dry. Concrete, below drafMube floor. Concrete, above draft-tube floor. Canadian power house— Excavation, earth, dry. Excavation, rock, dry. Concrete, below draft-tube floor. Concrete, above draft-tube floor. Quantity (c) Unwatering dam. (d) Abutments to power bases— United States power house— Excavation, earth. Excavation, rock. Back fill. Concrete. Canadian power house— Excavation, earth. Excavation, rock. Back fill. Concrete. (c ) Tail-race excavation— United States power house— Excavation, earth, dry... Canadian power house— Excavation, earth, dry... Dredging, earth. Dredging, rock. Excavation, dry, rock.... (f) Rail connections to power houses— Railroad to United States power house, track , Railroad to Canadian power house, track. Bridges. 3 4 4,442,000 1,330,000 1,907,000 57,600 346,000 721,800 1,378,000 57,600 38,000 718,500 459,000 3,000 339,000 120,100 276,000 2,900 206,000 69,800 6,504,000 2,475,000 689,000 43,600 122,000 (g) Superstructure and machinery— Estimate I, item 1 (g) - 2. Navigation works (channels 25 feet deep)— Estimate I, item 2 (a) to (in) . 3. Dykes— « x c (a) Canadian shore from 2 miles west of Aultsville to Bergen Lake— Estimate I, item 3 (a) . (b) Head of Bergen Lake to Head of Barn¬ hart Island— Estimate I, item 3 (b). (c) Head of Barnhart Island to Canadian power house— Stripping. Earth fill... Riprap slope protection. 56 , 740, 13, Unit Each Sets Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Miles 200 000 100 Cu. yd Unit price cts. 16,000 00 12,500 00 0 65 1 25 0 65 2 25 10 00 15,00 0 65 2 25 10 00 15 00 0 65 3 50 0 40 12 00 0 65 3 50 0 40 12 00 0 65 0 65 1 25 5 00 1 75 40,000 00 40,000 00 Amount 0 65 0 75 3 00 48,000 50,000 2,887,000 1,663,000 1,240,000 130,000 3,466,000 10,827,000 896,000 130,000 380,000 10,778,000 2,440,000 298,000 11,000 136,000 1,441,000 179,000 10,000 82,000 838,000 4,228,000 1,609,000 861,000 218,000 214,000 84,000 108,000 139,000 53,571,000 19,284,000 3,240,000 820,000 37. 555, 39, Sub-totals 18,279,000 000 000 000 27,847,000 2,440,000 2,995,000 7,130,000 331,000 53,571,000 112,593,000 19,284,000 3,240,000 820,000 631,000 45827-19 290 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 2-SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME WITH DAM AT HAWKINS POINT—Continued Item Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Sub-totals 3. Dykes— Con. (d) United States Shore, Cole Creek to Massena Canal, exclusive— Estimate I, item 3 (d) . S cts. S 1,012,000 $ 1,012,000 2,218,000 755,000 (e) Massena Canal, inclusive to foot of South Sault— Estimate I, item 3 (e) . 1,040,000 (f) Foot of South Sault to Robinson Bay lock— Estimate I, item 3 (f) . 2,218,000 (g) Robinson Bay lock to United States power house— Stripping. 41,000 935,000 8,900 Cu. yd. 0 65 0 75 3 00 27,000 701,000 27,000 65,388,000 Earth fill. Riprap slope protection. 4 to 18—Estimate I, items 4 to 18, inclusive... 9,716,000 Total net cost. 65,388,000 206,981,000 25,873,000 Engineering, administration, and contingencies m% 232,854.000 Summary , Item Net cost Overhead Total 1. Dam and power houses at foot of Barnhart Island. 2. Navigation works (channels 25 feet deep). 3. Dikes. S 112,593,000 19,284,000 9,716,000 65,388,000 $ 14,074,000 2,411,000 1,214,000 8,174,000 $ 126,667,000 21,695,000 10,930,000 73,562,000 4 to 18, inclusive. 206,981,000 25,873,000 232,854,000 TABLE 3.—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME—WITH DAM AT LONG SAULT SITE Item Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Sub-totals 1. Dam at Long Sault and power houses at foot of Barnhart Island— (a) Dam, except unwatering— Excavation, earth. 1,267,000 143,000 716,100 Cu. yd. $ cts. 0 70 $ 887,000 501,000 8,593,000 859,000 327,000 290,000 56,000 24,000 $ Excavation, rock. 3 50 12 00 Concrete. « Foundation contingencies. 10% Each Gates. 46 7,100 00 6,300 00 14,000 00 4,000 00 Towers, track, and bridge. 46 Spans Each Operating cranes. 4 Stop logs. 6 Sets 11,537,000 (h) Powerhouse substructures— United States and Canadian power houses— Excavation, earth, dry. 1,386,000 299,500 7,600 1,294,400 Cu. yd. << 0 65 901,000 674,000 76,000 19,416,000 Excavation, rock, dry. 2 25 Concrete, below draft-tube floor... Concrete above draft-tube floor,... ii 10 00 15 00 21,067,000 St., Lawrence Watenvay Project 291 TABLE 3.—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME-WITH DAM AT LONG SAULT f>lTEr-Continued Item Quantity 1. Dam at Long Sault, etc.— Con. (c) Unwatering dam and power’houses— Power houses. Dam. Diversion cut across Long Sault Island Excavation, earth. Excavation, rock. Dredging, loose. Concrete, lining. Compensation weir. Temp>orary gates at dam to control diversion. (d) Ice sluice at end of ITnited States power house, including abutments- Excavation, earth. Excavation, rock. Concrete. Back fill. Gates. Stop logs. Operating machinery. (e) Ice sluice at end of Canadian power house— Excavation, earth. Excavation, rock. Concrete. Gates. Stop logs.. Operating machinery'. (f) Tail-race excavation— United States and Canadian power houses— Excavation, earth, dry. Excavation, rock, dry. Dredging, loose. (g) Forebav excavation— United States and Canadian houses— Excavation, earth, dry. Enlargement of Little River— Excavation, earth. power (h ) Superstructures and machinery— United States and Canadian power houses— Estimate I, item 1 (g) . (i) Rail connections to power houses— [^ilroad to United States power house track. Railroad to Canadian power house track. Bridges. (j) Ice divertor, at head of Little River— Excavation, earth. Concrete. Boom. Unwatering. Training dike: Earth fill. Riprap. 2. Navigation works (channels 25 feet deep)— (a) Embankment, South Sault— Rock fill. 2,472,000 125,000 707,000 32,000 479,300 19,000 199,900 200,000 4 1 40,000 28,400 109,300 4 1 3,615,000 975,300 374.000 444,000 88,000 1 54 53,000 29,500 1,800 106,000 3,800 197,000 Unit Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Each Set Cu. yd. Each Set Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Miles Cu. yd. Lin. ft. Cu. yd Cu. yd Unit price S cts. 0 65 1 25 0 70 12 00 0 65 3 50 12 00 0 40 6,500 00 8,000 00 Amount 0 68 3 50 12 00 6.500 00 8,000 00 0 65 1 75 1 25 0 65 0 65 40,000 00 40,000 00 0 75 12 00 75 00 0 75 3 00 1 00 2,416,000 3,527,000 1,607,000 219,000 495,000 384,000 400,000 100,000 312,000 67,000 2,399,000 80,000 26,000 8,000 20,000 26,000 99.000 1,312,000 26,000 8,000 20,000 2,350,000 1,707,000 468,000 289,000 57,000 53,571,000 360.000 62,000 139,000 40,000 354,000 135,000 98,000 80,000 11,000 197,000 Sub-totals 9,148.000 2.912,000 1,491,000 4,525,000 346,000 53,571.000 561,000 718,000. 105,876,000 197,000 45827-19i 292 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 3.—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME—WITH DAM AT LONG vSAULT Continued Amount S 813,000 18,000 1,000 874,000 61,000 294,000 3,781,000 785,000 310,000 175,000 544,000 168,000 40,000 1 72,000 13,000 4,026,000 144,000 6,000 679,000 49,000 235,000 3,.373,000 730.000 300,000 330,000 61,000 270,000 40,000 227,000 307,000 757,000 2,000 308,000 1,308,000 526,000 117,000 25,000 Item Quant ity Unit L’nit price Sub-totals 2. Navigation works, etc.— Con. (b) Channel above upper lock— Excavation, earth. Concrete, bank protection... Lighting. (c) Upper lock (N\ 8)— Excavation, earth.... Excavation, rock. Back fill. Concrete. Gates. Operating machinery. Emergency dam. Approach walls— Concrete. Piling. Office and dwellings.. l,2i:0,000 2,000 0-5 1,165,000 17,500 736,000 378,100 6 Cu. yd. Lin. ft. Mile Cu. yd. Pair 54,400 198,000 Cu. yd. Lin. ft. (d) Dike, at Robinson Bay— Earth fill. Riprap. (e) Canal prism, upper lock to Grass River lock— Excavation, earth. Concrete bank protection. Lighting. (f) Grass River lock (No. 7)— Excavation, earth. Excavation, rock. Back fill. Concrete. Gates. Operating machinery. Approach walls— Timber cribs. Piling. Concrete. Office and dwellings. 96,000 4,200 6,194.000 16,000 3 905,000 13,900 588,000 337,250 6 Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Lin. ft. Miles Cu. yd. Pair 41,200 71,260 27,000 C'u. vd. Lin.'ft. Cu. yd. (pj Approach channel. Grass River lock to river— Estimate I, item 2 (e) . (h) Dike at Grass River lock— Estimate I, item 2 (f) . (i) Waste weir at Grass River lock— Estimate I, item 2 (y) . (j) Drainage ditch, north of Grass River lock— Estimate I, item 2 (h) . (k) Diversion dike and flood channel at mouth of Grass River— Estimate I, item 2 (i) . (1) Diversion of Ottawa Branch, York Central Railroad— Estimate I, item 2 (j) . New (jn) Dredging for navigation only, south channel, Cornwall Island— Estimate I, item 2 (k) . (n) Road relocation... (c) Ferry across canal. S cts. 0 65 9 00 2,000 00 0 75 3 50 0 40 10 00 0 85 0 75 0 3 50 0 40 10 00 0 85 832,000 7,032,000 85,000 4,176,000 6,067,000 227,000 307,000 757,000 2,000 308,000 1,308,000 526,000 117,000 25,000 21,966,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 293 TABLE 3—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME—WITH DAM AT LONG SAULT SlT'Er—Continued Item Quantity 3 ID xkcs — (a) Canadian shore, from 2 miles west of Aultsville to Bergen Lake— Estimate I, item 3 (a) . (b) Head of Bergen Lake to foot of Sheek Island— Stripping. Fill, earth. Fill, rock. Riprap. (c) Foot of Sheek Island to spillway at Little River- Stripping . Fill, earth.,. Fill, rock. Riprap. (d) United States shore. Cole Creek to Massena Canal, exclusive— Estimate I, item 3 (d) . (e) Massena Canal to Sault dam— Stripping. Earth fill. Riprap. (f) Long Sault dam to United States power house- stripping. Earth fill. Riprap. 4 to 14. Estimate I, items 4 to 14, inclusive 15. Flo wage and damage— (a ) Canadian shore— Estimate I, item 15 (a). Lands. (h) United States shore— Chimney Point to Waddington, inclu Estimate I, item 15 (b) . Waddington to Massena Canal- Estimate I, item 15 (c) . Massena Canal to Massena— Lands . Seepage. Severance. (c) Islands— Above Galop Island— Estimate I, item 15 (c). Long Sault Island— Estimate I, item 15 (c). Barnhart Island- Estimate I, item 15 (c). Sheek Island- Lands. Seepage. (d) Power leases. 97,000 2,015,000 15,000 22,100 323,000 7,191,000 149,000 19,300 35,000 730,000 17,000 59,000 1,240,000 20,400 160 1,720 1,225 Unit Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Acres Acres Unit price cts. Acres 0 65 0 75 2 00 3 00 0 65 0 75 0 50 3 00 0 65 0 75 3 00 0 65 0 75 3 00 1,000 00 155 00 149 00 Amount 3,240,000 63,000 1,534,000 30,000 66,000 Sub-totals 210,000 5,399,000 75,000 58,000 1,012,000 23,000 548,COO 51,000 38.000 930,000 61,000 52,174,000 5,574,000 160,000 3,240,000 1,693,000 5,742,000 1,012,000 622,000 1,029,000 13,338,000 .52,174,000 5,734,000 849,000 1,200,000 514,000 25,000 267,000 2,855,000 745,000 265,000 1 219,000 ) 183,000 25,000 ) ) - 1,437,000 ) 275 000 275,000 858,00( 10,301,000 -1 858,000 16. Railroad relocation— Estimate I, item 16.. 294 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 3.—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME—WITH DAM AT LONG SAULT SITE—Continued Item Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Sub-totals 17. Highway relocation— United States and Canadian shores— Estimate I, item 17 (a) and (b) . $ cts. $ 1,781,000 $ 1,781,000 18. Clearing reservoir site. 5,600 Acres 100 OC 560,000 Net total. 560,000 206,854,000 25,857,000 Engineering, administration, and contingencies 232,711,000 Summary Item f Net cost Overhead Total 1. Dam at Long Sault and power houses at foot of Barnhart Island. S 105,876,000 21,966,000 13,338,000 52,174,000 10,301,000 858,000 1,781,000 560,000 S 13,234,000 2,746,000 1,667,000 6,522,000 1,288,000 107,000 223,000 70,000 S 119,110,000 24,712,000 15,005,000 58,696,000 11,589,000 965,000 2,004,000 630,000 2. Navigation works (channel 25 feet deep). 3. Dikes. 4 to 14, inclusive (see Summary, estimate I). 15. Flowage and damage. . 16. Railroad relocation. 17. Highway relocation. 18. Clearing reservoir site. 206,854,000 25,857,000 232,711,000 Item » Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Sub-totals For Other Channel Depths A. Saving if navigation channel is 23 feet deep originally— (1) Approach channel above upper lock— Excavation saved. 153,000 483,000 Cu. yd. it S cts. 0 65 0 65 S 99,000 314,000 6.000 211,000 S 630,000 79,000 (2) Canal prism, upper lock to Robinson Bay lock— Excavation saved. (3) Approach channel. Grass River lock to river— Estimate I, item A (3). (4) Dredging, for navigation only, south channel, Cornwall Island— Estimate I, item A (4). Engineering, administration and contingencies m7o Total. 709,000 B. Additional cost if channels are made 27 feet deep originally— (1) Approach channel above upper lock— Excavation added. 149,000 470,000 Cu. yd. it 0 65 0 65 97,000 306,000 276,000 679,000 85,000 (2) Canal prism, upper lock to Robinson Bay lock— Excavation added. (3) to (5), inclusive— Estimate I, items B (3) to (5). Engineering, administration and contingencies. mvo Total. 764,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 2 TABLE 3—SINGLE-STAGE SCHEME—WITH DAM AT LONG SAULT SYTB—Continued Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Sub-Totals For Other Channel Depths — Con. C. Cost of future enlargement from 25-foot depth to 30-foot depth— (1) Excavation above Galop Island— S cts. S 737,000 50,000 273,000 54,000 858,000 172,000 856,000 S 3,000,000 375,000 (2) Revision of control works— (3) Approach channel above upper lock— Drcdffintr . 364,000 72,000 1,144,000 229,000 Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 0 75 0 75 0 75 0 75 I3redging over depth . (4) Canal prism, upper lock to Grass River lock— DrpdffinET . T^rpfltrinff ovpr dpDtli . (5) and (6)— xijSiimate i, luem \oj uuu . Engineering, administration and contingencies. m% 3,375,000 TABLE No. 4.—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—DETAILED ESTIMATE OF TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—224 See Plates Nos. 26-33 item and description Upper Pool, Works Solely for Navigation’— 1. Approacn Channels—Ogden Island Lock lA. Guide Pier in South Galop. 2. Ogden Island Lock and Entrance Piers. Classification Excavation—Dry earth.. Dredging... Overdepth. Cribi^ork. 3. Engineering and contingencies. 4. Total. Upper Pool, Works Common to Navigation and Power— 5. Channel Excavation—^ fa j^Chimney Point.. .. fib ) RemoA’al of Spencer Island Pier. (c) Removal of Gut Dam... (d) Removal of Centre Wall of Lock 27 and 28 and Canal Bank.. (e) North Galop Channel to below Bay era ft Island* Concrete.*... Gribwork... Excavation—Earth. Dry rock. Tiiench rock. Close drilling.. Gates and operating machinery. Valx"cs and operating machiae^ 3 ^..,. Fenders, capstans, lighting equip ment, etc... Emergency gate. Operating buildings, etc.. .. 12^ per cent. Excavation—Wet rock.. Wet rock overdepth_ Dredging. Dredging overdepth.... Excavation, Excavation. Excavation—Masonry and Crib work Dredging.... Dredging overdepth_ Excavation—Dry earth. Dry rock.. Unit Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu* yd. Cu. yd. tf tt Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. U Cu. yd., Rate cts. 0 65 0 90 0 90 5 00 10 00 5 00 0 65 1 60 4 10 0 45 4 25 4 25 0 90 0 90 1 50 1 SO 1 60 0 90 0 90 0 65 1 60 Quantity 477,070 U048,000 96,500 6,000 375,580 38,000 1,064,640 3,380 1,900 4,510 155,800 24,700 288,400 26,790 123,950 44,640 14,630 167,670 13,330 3,318,860 265,660 Amount S 310,100 943,200 86,850 30,000 3,755,800 190,000 692,120 5,410 7,790 2,030 688,000 100,000 181,700 175,000 25,000 662,150 104,980 205,560 24,110 185,930 66,960 23,410 150,900 12,000 2,157,260 425,060 Total 1,340,150 30,000 5,822,850 7,193,000 900,000 8,093,000 996,800 185,930 66,960 186,310 296 St. Lawrence Waterway Project i Dredging.--- • -— Dredging overdeptn.*.. Wet rock.. Wet rock overdepth.... (f) South Galop Channel—from of Bay craft Island. Butternut Island lo_3outh Excavation—Dry earth . Dry rock. Dredging. . Dredging overdepth.... Univatering—Banks—Earth fill. Rock fill. Stripping...... Cofferdams and pumping' Cu. yd. ti tt it tt it ti 0 iK)i 0 90 4 25 4 25 2,189,360 137,030 333,800 60,740! 1,970,430 133,330 993,650 258,150 0 65 ! 60 2, 0 90 0 90 0 60 1 00 0 90 429,430 506.G30 199,940 31,480 105,690 91,540 20,000 279,120 4,010,610 179,950 23,340 63,420 91,540 18,000 1,250,000 (g) South of Bay craft Island to below Lotus Island (h) South of Lalone Island.. — - .. Excavatioh—Dry earth,. Dry rock. Dredging.; V ’ Dredging overdepth.... Excavation—Dry earth. Dry rock,.. (}) Sparrow hawk Point. (k) Galop Canal Bank, Presqu’isle and Toussaints Islands (l) Above Lock 25 to River at Iroquois,.. . (m) Point Rock way.. - . Excavation—Dredging. ■ ■ ■ — ■ ■ ■ • * ■ Dredging overdepth.... Dry earth. Excavation—Dredging- Dredging overdepth.... Dry earth. Excavation—Earth.... Excavation—Dry earth. Dredging-, ■ ■ v ' Dredging overdepth— (n ) Point Three Points Excavation—Dredging.\V '' Dredging overdepth..., Dry earth... (o) Channel from Above Three Points. Point Rockway to below Point Excavation—Dredging... - ■ ■ ■ Dredging overdepth..,. Dry earth... Dry earth...... (p) Leishman’s Point Excavation—Dredging. Dredging overdepth... Dry earth... — Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. it 0 65 297,990 193,690 1 €0 230,670 369,070 0 ® 2,492,780 2,243,510 0 90 156,000 140,400 0 65 289,200 187,9® 1 ® 263,2® 421,120 0 90 2,880,420 2,592,3® 0 90 124,070 111,6® 0 65 1,490,790 969,010 Cy. yd. ti 0 90 0 90 0 65' 2,435,870 121,730 324,770 2,192,280 109,560 211,100 Cu. yd. Cu. yd. tt tt Cu. yd. it Cu.yd. it f( tt 0 65 0 05 0 90 0 90 0 90 0-90 0 65 0-90 0 90 0 65 0 40 39,470l 691,330 1,620,450 81,500 25,660 449 , 3 ® 1,458,400 73,350 2,327,810 137,770 204,970 2,095,030 124,000 133,230 694,520 65,000 2,088,480 3,900,000 625,070 58,500! 1,357,510 1,5®, 000 Cu, yd. tf tt 0 90 0 90 0 65 70,770 6,110 622,870 63,6® 5,500 404,870 5,927,880 5.920,9® 2,946,670 609,100 3,673,050 2,512,940 25, ®0 1,981,110 2,352,260 3,®1,080 474,0® Carried forward.,. 31,4®,790 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 4—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—DETAILED ESTIMATE OF TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—224-C'on/iVmtrf Sec Plates Nos* 26-3S Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought fonvard..... S cts. 8 g 3 ] i ftp 7Qn Uppeii Pool Wobks Common to Navigation anb Poweh—Cow. 5. C'hannel Excavation—C ob. (q) North End of Ogden Island.. Excavation—Dredging . . Cu. yd. a 1 0 90 0 90 0 65 530,050 37,000 64,800 477,050 33,300 42,120 a i , 'tuo, i yu Dredging overdepth.... Dry earth.. 552,470 (r) Morrisburg Canal Bank... Excavat inn—Dredging Cu. yd. ii 0 90 0 90 1 60 1,126,530 75,700 13,770 1,013,880 68,130 22,030 Dredging overdepth.... Masonry. 1,104,040 (s) South side of Ogden Lsland...*. Excava f ion—Dredgi ng Cu. yd. ti fS 0 90 0 90 0 65 24,170 6,670 1,638,090 219,000 21,750 6,000 1,064,760 350,400 402,500 Dredging overdepth.... Dry earth. Dry roek.. a 1 60 Unwatcring..... 1,845,410 (i) Channel through Ogden Island... Excax'.mtion—Bet roek Cu. yd. tt t( 4 25 4 25 I 60 0 65 125,350 17,200 209,250 3,309,080 150,670 532,740 73,100 334,800 2,150,900 135,010 Wet rock overdepth_ Dry i*ock .. Dry earth.. u Dredging. u 0 90 3,227,150 6. Rock fill Islands above Galop Island....: Roek Fill. Cu. yd. 0 40 269,600 107,840 107,840 7 Dam at Head of Channel through Galop Island___ Concrete. Cu. yd. a 12 00 10 00 45,780 22,460 549,360 224,600 40,000 28,540 44,470 3,040 308,700 400,000 Concrete.. .. Foundation contingency. Excavation—Earth... Cu. yd. 0 65 43,910 18,530 740 Rock (footing).. 2 40 4 to Rock (trench)......... tt Gates^ towers, hoists, etc...... Unwatering... 1,598,710 8. Dam at North End of North Power House..... *. Concrete.... .. Cu. yd. 12 00 10 00 30,070 10,290 360,840 102,900 25,000 47,020 19,060 94,900 Concrete. Foundation contingency. Excavation—Earth.. Cu. yd. a 0 65 2 40 72,330 7,940 Rock (footing). Gates, Towers, Hoists, etc. 649,720 298 St. Lawrence Waterway P7'aject t 9. Dam in Bay on North Side of Ogden Island 10. rrotection to Irociuois.*. IL Property damages—Canadian side. 12. Property damages—United States side 13. Property damages—Islands. 14. Highway changes..*- 15. Clearing pool.. 16. Railroad changes.. 17. Engineering and contingencies—.. 18. Total.. Cii. yd- 12 00 10 00 108, seo 69.360 1,302,960 693,600 70,000 67, MO 7,910 352,790 337,300 18,750 5,270 3,190 300,000 3,159,110 Zf3 r'' tr^ 1,289,390 1 § § 1,091,490 ^ & 744.000 p 257.000 y a. «, a 497,000 1 1 76.500 ) 180,000 47,840,620 5,885,380 Excavation—Rock (footing)... ' Rock (trench). Earth... Cu. yd. U 2 40 4 10 0 65 28,060 1,930 542,750 Banks—Earth fill.. Rock fill.... Stripping.. Cu. yd. u tt 0 90 0 GO 0 G5 20,830 8,790 4,910 Bank—Earth fill. Rock fill... Stripping.... Ditches—Excavation....... Cu. yd. u u 0 90 1 00 0 65 0 65 866,240 252,560 214,490 76,600 779,620 252,560 139,420 49,790 41,000 27,000 Sew'crs and pumping... 648.780 285,600 33,000 124 ’, no 87,000 435,000 168,000 54.000 170,000 87,000 1. J.J 1|JJ. V* T IJ Ifcl^KPli - ■ - ■ ■ 37,000 435,000 25,000 jCanadian shore—New roads . Mile 50,000 00 8*7 United States shore. .. . Canadian shore. Acre n < tf Mile 100 OO 100 OO 100 00 100,000 OC 560 1 25 1 ISO \ 1-S 5G,00C 2,50C I8.00C . Can. National Ry. at Iroquois— Relocation. ; 150, OOC 3O,O0C i , 12|%... * . 1 . . 53,726.000 CO tD no [ I TABLE No. ^^INTERNATIONAL RAPfDs sitiUTlON—DETAILED ESTIMATE OF TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—224—Confmwecf See Plates Nos. 2Ch33. Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Uppeb Pool, Works Primarily for Power: Substructures, Head and Taii>-Race Excavation— 19. Excavation above North power house...... 20. Substructure, etc.—North power house. 21. Substructure, etc.—South power house. 22. Engineering and contingencies, 23. Total.... Exeavation—Dry earth.. Dredging... Dredging, over depth.. Wet rock.... Wet rock, over depth.. Concrete.. Concrete.... Cribwork.. Excavation—Earth.. Rock.. Rock (lootings). Gates and racks...... Unwatering.... Cu. yd. Cu Concrete.. Concrete... Excavation—Earth... Rock. Rock, trench. Bank—Earth fill.,.. Rock fill. Stripping. Gates and racks,. Cu, yd. cts 0 65 0 90 0 90 4 25 4 25 15 00 10 00 5 00 0 65 1 2 40 888,500 1,302,020 61,410 94,930 28,470 532,400 9,600 52,000 520,ISO 554,100 400 yd. 15 00 10 00 0 65 1 60 4 10 0 90 0 60 0 65 203,280 39,800 518,400 77,880 1,440 40,750 16,340 8,350 I2|%. L^pper Pool, Works Primarily for Power: Machinery' and S UPERSTR UCrURE S— 24. North power house........ Generators and turbines—54-5570... Switehing. Cranes and service units..... Superstructure. H.P. units 25. South power house. Generators and turbines—19-5570.. Switching..... H.P. units 577,530 1.171,820 55,270 403,450 121,000 7,986,000 96,000 260,000 338,100 886,560 960 1,831,730 2,760,000 3,049,200 398.000 336,960 124,610 5,900 36,680 9,800 5,430 644,500 15,272,880 2,476,660; 358,540 4,050,400 5,376,060 871,420 S 2,329,070 14,159,350 4,611,080 21,099,500 2,637,500 23,737,000 22.158,480 300 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 26. Engineering and contingencies 27. Total. Cranes and sendee units Superstructure. 193,140 1 , 470,480 m% 7,911,100 30,069,580 3,759,420 33,829,000 Lower Pool, Works Solkly for Natation— 28, Channel excavation— a t (a} Below Clark Island to above Long Sault Island. Excavation—Dredging TlL«»^d4indTirhl’n (b) Above Long Sault Island to Pobinson Bay lock (c) Robinson Bay lock to Grass River lock. (d) Grass River lock to shore line... (e) At lower end of Cornwall Island....- ■ (f) At moutn of Grass River.— 29. Drainage ditch..... ' Excavation—Dry earth . Paving—Concrete .-. Excavation—Dry earth. Excavation—Dredging. Excavation—Dredging.; ' ; ■ Dredging, over depth Excavation—Dredging... Exeax^ation—Earth. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. a Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 0 90 0 90 0 65 11 00 0 65 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80 104,500 15,250 4,359,540 10,770 2,682,200 364,000 307,460 82,030 227,000 94,050 13,730 2,823,700 118,470 1,743,4301 291,200 245.970 65,630 181,600 107,780 2,942,170 1,743,430 291,200 311,600 181.600 0 65 10,200 6,630 6,630 30. Dykes— (a) Above Robinson Bay lock Earth fill. Earth fill. Rock fill. iStripping.. Trimming. Paving—Concrete Cu- yd. ti t€ €i Sq. yd. Cu. yd. 0 42 0 60 1 00 0 65 0 25 11 00 188,210 450,770 49,870 117,250, 98,150 14,300 79,050 270.460 49,870 76,220 24.540 157,300 (b) Robinson Bay lock to Grass Rh^er. Earth fill.... Earth fill. Stripping. Trimming. Sodding... Paving—Concrete. Cu. yd. it ii Sq. yd. u Cu. yd. 0 42 0 60 0 65 0 25 0 45 11 00 669,270 357,250 146,510 167,010 22,000 13,880 281,090 214,350 95,230 41,750 9,900 152,680 (c) Rock fill—Guide dike below Grass Rix'er lock Pock fill 31. Guard gate and supply weir. Carried forward.,. Concrete.... - • Concrete... - > Foundation contingency — Crib work—. Excavation—Earth. Earth, trench Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. £C 2 00 12 00 10 00 63,000 4,520 32,730 5 00 0 65 3 10 37,030 44,060 3,340 126,000 .54,240 327,300 5,400 185,150 28,640 10,350 657,440 795,600 126,000 7.162,850 St. Lawrence Waterwatj Project ■ TABLE No. 4—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—DETAILED ESTI1I.\TE OF TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—224-Co»iiH«f(i See Plates Nos* 26-33 Item and description Brought forward. Lower Pool, Works Solely for Navigation—C on. 31. Guard gate and supply weir—Con... 32, Robinson Bay lock—Entrance piers and weir, 33, Regulating weir at Robinson Bay. 34. Grass River lock and entrance piers. 35, N.Y.C. Ry, diversion and bTxdges. Classification Sheeting and bracing... Lock gates, operating machinery, etc. Sluice gates, hoists, etc. Concrete.... Concrete... Cribwork .... Excavation—Earth. Lock gates and operating machinery Lock valves and operating machinery Emergency gate... Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment, etc.... Sluice gates, hoists, etc... Concrete... Concrete.... Foundation contingency. Excavation—Rock, footings. Rock, trench... Earth... Un watering... Sluice gates, hoists, etc.. Unit Mft.b.m. Cu. yd. Rate S ets. 110 00 Cu. yd. Concrete..... Excavation—Earth. Crib work..... Lock gates and operating machinery Lock valves and operating machinery Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment, etc.. Bridge over Polly's Gut... “ canal........ “ Grass River. Railroad relocation Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Mile Quantity 10 m 15 00 5 00 0 65 12 00 10 OO 2 40 4 10 0 65 10 OO 0 65 5 00 50,000 00 65 221,640 92,160 73,360 974,140 13,200 22,190 2,970 450 348,360 351,060 1,296,950 76,050 4'5 Amount 7,150 120,000 33,800 2.216.400 1.382.400 366,800 633,190 603,000 100,000 175,000 206,700 52,690 158,400 221,900 15,840 7,130 1,850 226,430 35,650 30,800 3,510,600 843,020, 380,250 845,600 100,000 206,700 728,000 175,000 180,000 225,000 16,000 Total S 7,162,850 772,030 5,736,180 698,000 5,886,170 1,308,000 16,000 30, Canal lighting and office. 302 St, Lawrence Waterway Project 37* Clearing pool. 38* Roads... Clearing. Diversion. Improvements. New.— . 39. Property damages. Flo wage. Severance. 40. Engineering and contingencies. 41. Total. Lower Pool, Works Common to Navigahon and Power— 42. Dikes— (a) Canadian shore» Wales to Moulinette.... 12|% approximately. (b) Canadian shore, Millo Roches to power house. (c) United States shore, Wilson Hill to Louisville Landing. (d) W'est and east of Alassena Canal. (e) Between Massena Canal and Navigation Canal. (f) East and Avest end of Long Sault Dam.*. f'jjJ On Barnhart Island. .... Earth fill.. Rock fill.,. Stripping... (Earth fill.. I Rock fill... Stripping.. Earth fill.. Rock fill.. Stripping.. Earth fill.. Rock fill.. Stripping.. Earth fill., Rock fill,. Stripping.. Earth fill. Rock fill.. Stripping. Earth fill. Rock fill.. Stripping. 43. Cliannel excavation— (a) Canada Island to Long Sault Island. Aero Alile Excavation—Dry earth.. - Dredging.-.. Dredging, over deptli. Cu. yd. ^if Cu. yd. u Cu._yd. tt Cu. yd. It tt Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu, yd. Cu* yd. K) 00] 150 15,000 15,000 117,690 596,930 10 oo' K) 00 M) 00 L25 2-73 2-4 37,500 8,190 72,000! 330,330 266,600 22,308,850 3,079,150 25.388, (TO 0 65 170,670 110,940 0 90 71,560 64,400 0 l>5 63,690 41,400 216,740 0 90 778,090 700,280 0 65 246.750 160,390 0 65 99,020 64,360 925,030 0 90 13,280 11,950 1 00 6,000 6,000 0 65 7,580 4,930 22,880 0 90 224,620 202,160 1 00 78,800 78,800 0 65 60,960 39,630 320,590 0 65 i 7,130 4,630 1 OC ^ 3,140 3,140 0 65 . 4,680 3,040 10,810 1 0 9C 1 , 81,280 73,150 0 i 25,340 16,470 1 0 65 i 10,330 6,720 96,340 1 0 9( ) 181,866 163,680 0 U > 65,776 \ 42,75C 1, 0 65 > 37,52[ 1 24,39C ! 230,820 ) 0 6: > 1,211,30C ) 787,3S( 0 91 9 1,438,12t ) 1,294,31( >1 0 91 D 86,5d ) 77,92( - 2,159,580 Carried fonvard. 3,982,790 w o oa St. Lawrence Waterway Project t TABLE No. 4.—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—DETAILED ESTIMATE OF TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—224—Coffin we;? See Plates Koa. 26-33 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought forward. $ cts. S S Lower Pool, Works Common to Na^tcation and Power—C owJ 43. Channel escavation— Con, ! (b) North side of Cornwall Island... Excavation—Dry narth Cu. yd. 0 65 0 ao 800,000 582,500 52,000 520,000 466,050 41,600 o, uOiS, 1 aU Dredging. Dredging, over depth.. It 0 so 1,027,650 (c) South side of Cornwall Island... Excavation—Dry Cu. yd. «r 0 05 0 80 0 80 018,270 2,932,360 218,010 401,880 2,345,890 174,410 Dredging... Dredging, over depth.. 2,922,180 44. Supply ehannel and weir at Massena Canah_____ Concrete. Cu. yd. 12 00 10 00 19,260 31,150 231.120 311,500 33,160 11,020 3,570 566.120 38.700 2,700 72,050 75.700 Concrete.. Foundation contingency.... Excavation-—Rock footings,..... Cu. yd, it 2 40 4,590 8?0 870,960 43,000 3,000 6,550 Rock, trench.. 4 10 Earth...... it 0 65 0 90 Dredging. it Dredging, over depth.. Paving—Concrete. ti a 0 90 n 00 Sluice gates^ hoists, etc.. 1,335,640 45. Diversion cut through Long Sault Island... EscaA^ftt.inn—Dr\'' pnrt.h Cu. yd. 0 65 1 60 0 90 0 90 11 00 2,172,420 29,110 287,900 29,000 28,270 1,412,070 46,580 259,110; 26,640' 310,970: Dry rock -. -, -.. Dredging. tt Dredging, over depth.- Paving—Co ncre te. tt 2, OeS, 3 ^ 0 46- Main Long Sault Dam..... Cnrnrfttf*. Cu.yd. 13 00 10 00 498,470 39,260 5,981,640 392,600 598,200 590,670 252,720 3,200 646,060 3 700 ono Concrete.. Foundation contingency__ Excavation-—Earth..... Cu. yd. 0 05 2 40 4 30 908,730 305,300 780 Rock, footings,........ Rock, trench.. tt Gates, towerSj hoists, etc. Unwatering... .... 47. Drainage— u 1 l/UU: 12,165,090 (a) Ditches, etc,, Wales to Moulinette... Excavation. Cu. yd. 0 65 378,740 246,180 ^0 non Bridges_ ....... .... Punrip station... OKlf UuU 18,000 294,ISO 304 St. Lawrence Watenvay Project 45827—20 (b) Sewer for paper mill at Mill© Roches. 8. 14-it. lock» entrance piers and weir at Mill© Roches 49. Railroad changes, 50. Clearing pool. 51. Highway changes. 52. Property damages—United States side 53. Property damages—Canadian side 54, Protection to Morrisburg. 55. Engineering and contingencies 56. Total... Trench excavation. Cu. yd. M. ft.b.m Feet Cu. yd. It 3 10 no 00 4 00 12 00 10 00 18,410 497 15,000 57,070| 54,670 Sheeting and hmcing .. Supplying and laying 24-in. pipe.... Ont*' T ... 60,000 13,750 131,130 165,000 1,311,300 16,500 15.800 197,560 7,130 4.700 82,000 30.800 f^nnfr^tpi ... ^rihwfT'rk ................ Cu. yd. it tt t* 5 OO 0 90 2 40 4 10 3.160 219.510 2,970 1.160 Eycsvfkti'^n—Enrth - ... Rock, footings.. Rock, trench.— Lock gates, valves, operating mach- United States side, Norwood and St- L Railroad-^—Relocation... Mile 35,000 00 2 70,000 22,000 370,000 Norwood and 3t. L. Railroad— Canadian side C.N. Ry.—Relocation Mile Acre 100,000 00 100 00 3-7 1,610 161,000 Q+ntiia ■is’hnrp—Tioiifls 265,000 50,000 823,500 85,000 Hrldges.. Rridges............ 572,000 116,220 327,600 179,520 219,120 160,430 4,000 36,000 n'l/T.mi'ficrp_'ITnitprl Stjitjp'H Rhore. ..... TTni+fd StfitpH sKoTfl ..... T.nnfr fljiiilt. TRlund ..... Other Islands... 2,615,720 627.800 41,250 52,800 149,160 Orchards. Sheek Island.. pi’viq.H’ni? nnwpr dfiVplOTimGntS______ Bank—Earth fill... Cu. yd. 0 90 1 00 0 65 0 65 78,180 35,490 27,650 8,000 70,360 35,490 ■ 17,970 ■ 5,200 52,000 Hock fill..... Stripping... Drainage Ditch—Excavating—^Earth SLfh-urp-pq onrl 'nilTTininff . - - -. 171,740 1,830,850 462,000 161,000 1,223,500 1,614.890 3,486,730 181,020 $ 32,914,630 4,215,370 S 37,130,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 305 TABLE No, 4.—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION-DETAILED ESTIMATE OF TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—224— See Plates Nog. 26-33 Item and description ClassiBcation Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Lower Pool, Works Prisiarily for Power: Substructures, Head and Tail-Race Excavation— $ cts. 57. Head and Tail-race excavation.. faji Removal of Upper and Lower Sheek Isd. dams. (b) Tail-race. 56. Spillway North of Power House 59. Ice Sluices at South end of Power House. 60. Power House substructure, etc. Excavation—Earth... Masonry. Cu. yd. 0 90 249,020 4 25 530 Excavation—Dry earth.. Dry rock..... Dredging. “ over depth... Cu. yd. «« rr it 0 65 1 60 0 90 0 90 3,266,580 1,208,340! 3,120,570 281,000 Concrete Concrete Cu. yd. n 00 68,880 10 00 106,350 Foundation contingency_ Excavation—Earth Rock footings. Trench_ Cu. yd U U 0 65 2 40 4 10 31,080 14,100 2,190 Concrete. Concrete___ Foundation contingency Excavation—Earth.. Rock footings. " trench,. Gates, towers, hoists, etc Cu. yd. 12 00 91,130 10 GO 60,090 Cu. yd. 0 65 1,106,260 it 2 40 13,500 4 10 490 Concrete Cu. yd. 15 00 1.002,440 Gates, racks, etc Un watering___ 224.120 2,260 2,123,260 1.933.340 2,808,520 252,900 826,560 1,063,500 80,000 20,200 33,840 8.980 1,093,560 600,900 100,000 719,070 32,400 2,010 74,000 15,036,600 3,592,260 1,905,230 226,380 7,118,040 2,033,080 2,621,940 20.534,090 61. Railway Spur to Power House Bridges_ Railway spur. 12approximately. 248,000 70,000 - 318,000 $ 32,851,530 4,014,470 I 36,866, 000 62. Engineering and contingencies 63. Total... 306 St, Lawrence Waterway Project ; Lower Pool^ Works Primilahlt for Power: Machinery and SuPBRarRCCTURE — 64. Barnhart Island power house..... Generators and turbines 38-47,600 TT P iinitq . 27,208,000 8,130,600 495,420 4,847,200 40,690,220 6,086,780 Cranes and service units... 124% . I ^"3 /Q 4 *-••**'** * ... ® 45.777,000 St, Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE NO. 4.—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—DETAILED ESTIMATE OF TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—224—Coraimued S&e Plates No. 26-33 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Saving if navigation channels made 23 ft. deep originally Quantity Amount Additional cost ii navigation channels made 27 ft. deep originally Quantity Amount Cost of future enlargement from 25 ft. depth to 30 ft. depth Quantity Amount 67, Chimney Point to above Ogden Island... 08. Approach channels to Ogden Island lock... 69. Below Clark Island to above Long Sault Island... 70. Above Long Sault Island to Robinson Bay lock.. 71. Robinson Bay lock to Grass River lock______ Excavation—Wet rock.. Wet rock over depth,, Dredging.. Dredging over depth.. Excavation—Dry earth.. Dredging... Dredging over depth.. Excavation—Dredging. Dredging over depth.. Excavation—Dry earth___ Dredging... Dredging over depth.. Cu, yd. 72. Grass River lock to Shore line. 73. Lower end of Cornwall Island. Excavation—Dry earth... Dredging. Dredging over depth. Excavation—Drj^ earth.... Dredging.. Dredging over depth. . Excavation—Dredging.... Dredging over depth. 74. Engineering and contingencies, 75. Total. 121% approximately . $ cts. 5 OO 5 00 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 SO 0 SO 0 so 0 SO 54p220 193,000 32,110 3,710 257,690 270,000 9,000 177,960 66,580 628,000 207,000 213,200 31,480 3,140,000 1,038,500 191,880 28,330 35,240 173,700 54,220 192,000 35.240 172,800 28,900 3,340 167,500 47,700 7,250 252,790 42,930 6,520 164,310 617,540 120.900 130.900 40,260 655,790 108,810 117,810 36,230 616,160 126,400 554,540 113,760 175,500 260,000 169,000 5,850 10,000 6,500 630.000 120,000 667,000 103,000 142,370 53,260 214,540 17,970 171,630 14,380 24,000 6,000 522,240 344,400 19,200 4,800 417,790 275,520 785,660 130,340 783,310 117,690 7,277.960 919,040 916,000 901,000 8,197.000 308 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE NO. 4.-INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION-DETAILED ESTIMATE OF TWO-STAGE DEI.ELOPMENT-224-C<».««««i Stjmmaht ■ Item No. Amount Total 4 IS 23 S 8,093.000 53.726,000 23,737,000 33,829,000 S Works primarjly for power:— _ Substructure, bead and tail—rtace excavation... 27 119,385.000 41 56 63 25,388,000 37,130,000 36,866,000 Works primarily tor power:— ^ ^ , . Substructures, head and tail—Race excavation..* - .. 66 45,777,000 145,161,000 264,546,000 264,600.tX>0 Estimated initial expenditure ta open navigation and PJX^i^d\Ta.&o^th!“ 238,400,000 lower plant, (Remaining installation at lower plant deferred awaiting growth ot marKCtj.... Estimated initial expenditure to open navigation and provide 1.163.000 horee-power at lower plant. (Remaining installation 214,500,000 lower plant and all that of upper plant being aeferrecl/. * 75 916,000 Saving if navigation channels made 23 feet deep originally. 75 901,000 Additional cost if navigation channels made 2/ feet deep originally.. Cost of future enlargement from 25 foot depth to 30 foot depth..*... 75 ' 8,197,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 5—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—CRYSLER ISLAND—TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—217 See Plates Noa, 34—38 Item and deacription Upper Pooij—Works Solely for Navigation'— 1. Guide pier in south galop....... 2. Approach channels—Bradford Pt. Lock and Dykes. 3. Bradford Point lock and entrance piers. Engineering and Contingencies. 4. Total.. Upper Pool—Works commoht to Na\igation' ako Power:— 5. Channel excavation— (a) Above Chimney Point to below Point Three Points. (b) Leishman's Point. (c) Opposite Leishman's Point. (d) North and South side of Ogden Island. Classihcation Crib work. Excavation—Dry earth., Dredging... Over depth. Earth fill... Rock fill. Stripping. Concrete..... Concrete... Crib work. Excavation—Earth... Pumping. Gates and operating machinery_ Valves and operating machinery..... Fenders, capstans, lighting equip- ment, etc... Emergency gate......... Operating buildings, etc... 121 %. See Table No. 4—Items No. 5 (a) to 5 (o) inclusive. Excavation—Dredging...... Dredging over depth,. Dry earth_...... Excavation—Dredging____ Dredging over depth.. Dry earth............ Excavation—Dry earth....... Unit Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu yd. Cu. yd. €i Cu. yd. (( (( Cu. yd. Rate $ cts. 5 00 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 90 1 00 0 65 10 00 15 00 5 OO 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 00 0 90 0 65 0 65 Quantity 6,000 2,526,490 231,230 30,000 627.560 231,330 116.560 194,960 60,810 85,000 547,890 666,450 66,670 329,930 573,130 50,000 133,020 3,174,350 Amount S 30,000 1,642,220 208,110 27,000 564,800 231,330 75,760 1,949.600 912,ISO 425,000 356,130 129,600 728,000 100,000 181,700 175,000 25,000 599,800 60,000 214,450 515,820 45,000 86,460 2,063,330 Total $ 30,000 2,749,220 4,982,180 S 7,761,400 970,600 S 8,732.000 30,986,730 874,250 647,280 310 St. Lawrence Waterway Project I (e) Morrisburg canal bank, (f) Canada Island.. G. Rock Fill Islands above Galop Island and Cribs above Point Three Points.... E, Dykes— i t i j (a ; Canadian side— Crysler Island. (b) V .B. side—Crysier Island- 9, Provision for 14 ft. navigation. 10. Crysler Island dam. Dredging... Over depth. Dry rock— Un watering. Excavation—Dredging. Masonry.. Excavation—Dry earth... Dredging,.. Over depth. Rip-rap.... Rock fill.. Crib work. 7. Dam at head of channel through Galop Island and dam between Adams Island and Galop Island..... - Concrete.... Concrete.;.. Foundation contingency. Excavation—Earth..... Rock footings.. Rock trench. Gates, hoists and superstructure. Un watering.... Earth fill.. Rock fill... Stripping.. Earth fill. Rock fill.., Stripping.. Cu. yd. it Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. tt CuVyd. Lock and ent. piers—Concrete. Ckibwork— Gates, etc... Entrance chan’l—Excavation—Earth Pav ing—Concrete. Concrete....... Caissons, sheet pilings excavation and unwatenng. Grouting... Sluice gates, hoists^ etc.. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. it Cu. yd. U Cu. yd. 0 90 0 90 1 60 0 90 1 60 0 65 0 90 0 90 2 70 0 40 6 00 12 00 10 00 0 65 2 40' 4 10 0 00 1 00 0 05 0 90 1 00 0 65 10 00 5 00 827,290 119,200 65,490 0 65 11 00 12 00 1,202,230 13,770 20U300 143,700 19,000 5,180 269.600 44,300 46,190 24,470 99,220 9,280 740 562,140 240,760 176,510 270,630 148,240 97,330 20,740 16,680 185.560 2,150 475.560 744,560 107,280 104,780 194,930 1,082.010 22,030 130,850 129,330 17,100 13,990 107,840 221,500 554,280 244,700 55,430 64,490 22,270 3,030 1,336,360 491.640 505,930 240,760 114,730 333,570 148,240 63,260 207,400 83,400 65,000 120,610 23,650 5,706,720 4,152,500 200,000 645,600 3,214.880 1,104,040 291,270 329,340 2,772.200 861,420 545,070 500,060 10.704,720 52,831,260 w Carried forv'aTd. St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 5—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—CRYSLER ISLAND—TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—217—Coniiniifd See Plates Nos. 34h38. Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought foiTvard...... $ cts. % ■ $ 52 831 260 Upper Pool, Works Common to Navigation and Power— Con. IL Protection to Towns— (a) Iroquois....... See Table No, 4—Item No, 10 1,289,390 (b) Morrisburg.. Bank—Karth fill Cu.yd. 0 90 1 00 476,480 183,250 92 160 428,830 183,250 59,900 5,200 55,000 458,120 250.800 173.800 Rock fill..... Stripping. ti 0 65 Drainage ditch—Excavation—Earth Culverts, sewers and pumping.. 0 65 8,000 Sewer to below Grysler Island— Trench excavation.. Sheeting and bracing. Concrete. Cu. yd. M.F.B.M. Cu. yd. 3 10 110 00 20 00 147,780 2,280 8,690 1,614,900 12. Property Damages—Canadian side.. Improv^ements.... 1,347,290 663 000 Flowage____ Flowage orchards..... 48,000 124,110 Existing Power Developments. 2.182,400 13, Property damage's—U.S. Side.... Improvements. 435,000 387,000 168,000 480,000 53,500 12,000 Towti property required... Farm lands.... Farm lands...... Severance.......... * Severance...... 1,535,500 523 000 14. Property damages—Islands.... 15, Highway changes.. U. S. Shore—New’ roads Mile 60,000 6o 5-4 324,000 84,000 670,000 32,000 WiiU 1 MW Bridges. Canadian Shore—New roads. Mile 50,000 00 13-4 Bridges... 1,110,000 16. Clearing Pool..... U.S. Shore...... Acre ii 100-00 100-00 2,660 325 720 266,000 32,500 72,000 Canadian Shore... Islands..... 100-00 370.500 17. Railroad changes. Canadian National Ry., at Iroquois- Relocation.......! Mile 100,000 00 1-6 150,000 30,000 365,000 Bridges_______ Canadiaa National east of Morris¬ burg—Relocation... 312 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Norwood and St, LaisTence Ely — Bridges... Engineering and contingencies, 18. Total... Upper Pooii—’VV orkb Pbimabilt fob Power;—Suebtrtictures 19, Head and Tailrace excavation—North power house... 20. Head and Tailrace excavation—South power house. Excavation—Dry earth.. Dredging.... Over depth. Excavation—Dry earth,. Dredging... Over depth. 21. Power house substructures. 22 . RaiL’way connection to power houses. 23, Ice sluices and w'alls,. Concrete. Gates and racks. Unwatering..,... New^ railway line... Bridge, to\rersand crane. Concrete,... Concrete. Concrete.. Foundation contingency.... Excavation—Earth... Trench earth. Sheeting and bracing.. Gates, hoists, etc.... 24. Engineering and contingencies, 25. Total... m%. Mile Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 35,000 00 Mile Cu. yd. Cu. yd. n 0-65 0 90 0-90 0-65 0*90' 0-90 15 00 4-5 157,500 50,000 50,000 00 1500 12-00 10 00 868,700 1,621,530' 106,500 292,890 674,360 61,100 808,930 564,660 1,459,380 95,850 190,380 606,920 54,990 12,133.950 2,692,980 3,263,120 250,000 209,000 24,900 28,980 37,320 Upper Pool—Works Primarily for Power:—Machinery and S u perbtrtjct ube— 26. Machinery and supexstructure.*. 27. Engineering and contingencies, 28. Total—. Generators and turbines -36—16,600 H.P. Units....... Sivitching.. ... Cranes and service units.. Superstructure. * * - m%. 0 65 3 10 110 00 38,370 25,530 198 373.500 347,760 373,200 34,780' 24,940 79,140 21,780 66,300 752,500 62,209,450 7,776,550 69,986,000 19,223,100 3,919,860 533,860 3,665,090 2,119,890 852,290 18,090,050 459,000 1,321.400 22,842,630 2,855,370 25,698,000 27,341,910 3,418,090 30,760,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 5—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—CRYSLER ISLAND—TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—217—Continued ^ See Plates Nos. 34-38 Item and deseription Classification Loweb Pool—Works Solely fob Navigation— 29. Channel excavation- (u} Morr bburg to above Long Sault Island Excavation—Dredging,.... Dredging ox'er depth.,, (b) Above Long Sault Island to Robinson Bay lock Excavation—Dry earth. Pa ving—Concrete. ic) Robinson Bay lock to below Cornwall Island 30, Drainage ditch..... See Table No, 4.—Items No. 2S (cj to2S r/J,,... Excavation—Earth___ 31. Dykes— (a) Above Robinsoir Bay lock. Earth fill.. Earth fill,.. Rock fill,.. Stripping.. Trimming. Paving—Concrete, (b) Robinson Bay lock to Grass River. ic) Rock fill—Guide dyke below Grass River lock 32. Guard gate and supply weir..... 33. Robinson Bay Lock—Entrance piers and weir, See Table No. 4—Item No. 30 ft j... See Table No. 4.—Item No. 30 (c) .. Concrete... Concrete..... Foundation contingency. Cribwork______ Excavation—Earth.. Earth (Tr.). Sheet and brace..I Lock gate, etc., etc. Sluice gates, etc., etc.... Concrete..... Concrete.. Cribwork... Excavation—Earth..... Lock gates and operating machinery Lock valves and operating machin¬ ery.. Emergency gate... Fenders, capstans, lighting equip- mentr etc.... Sluice gates, hoists, etc..... Unit Cu. yd. Rate Cu. yd. cts 0 90 0 90 0 65 11 00 0 65 Quantity 11,850 2,960 5,894,140 21,840 10,200 Amount 10,670 2,660 3,831,190 240.240 6,630 Total S 13,330 4,071.430 2,527,830 6,630 ti tt it tt 0 42 163,430 68,220 0 60 131,300 78,780 1 00 10,870 10,870 0 65 70,840 46,050 0 25 74,070 18.520 11 00 14,300 157,300 Cu. yd. 4t 12 00 10 00 tt M.F.B.M, 5 00 0 65 3 10 110 00 4,520 32,710 37,030 44.060 6 , ISO 86 54,240 327.100 5,400 185,150 28,640 16,060 0.460 110,000 33,800 Cu. yd. tt tt 10 00 15 00 5 00 0 65 200,010 85,000 76,750 1,063,570 2 , 000,100 1,275,000 383,750 691,320 550,000 379,740 795.000 126,000 778,850 100,000, 175,000 206,700 52,690 5,434,560 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 34* Begulating weir at Robinson bay.... 35. Grass River lock and entrance piers. 36. N- y. Rly* Diversion and bridges... 37. Canal lighting and office.. 38. Clearing pool... 39. Roads.-. 40. Property damageg..* *. * See Table No. See Table No. See Table No. See Table No. See Table No. See Table No. See Table No. 41. Engineering and contingencies. 42. Total... * ■ Lower Pooi/—Works Common to NA\^QWION and Power— 43. Dykes— (a) Miile Roche to Power House.------- 4—Item No. 33- 4—Item No. 34. 4—Item No. 35. 4—Item No. 36. 4—Item No. 37. 4—^Item No. 38. 4—Item No. 39. 12i%. (b) West and east of Massena Canal... (c} Between Massena Canal and Navigation Canal. (d) On Barnhart island. 44. Channel Excavation— , ^ t i i (a) Farrans Point, Canal bank and north side of Croil Island Eartft fill.. Rock fill- - Stripping.. Earth fill., Rock fill.. Stripping., Earth fill. Rock fill.. Stripping.. Earth fill. Rock fill.. Stripping- } North side of Long Sault Island . Eveavation—Dry earth-..... Dredging. Dredging, overdepth... Excavation—Dry earth.., Dredging... Over depth. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. (c} North side of Cornwall Island..... (d) South side of Cornwall Island.. 45. Supply channel and weir at Massena Canal. Carried forward. See Table No. 4—Item No. 43 (b},. See Table No. 4—Item No. 43 (c).. Concrete....* - Concrete.... ... Foundation contingency. Excavation—Rock footings. Rock trench. Earth... Dredging. Overdcpth..... Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 0 90 0 65 0 65 9 90 1 00 0 65 0 65 1 00 0 65 0 90 0 65 0 65 0 65 0 90 0 90 0 65 0 90 0 90 519,350 169,770 74,850 121,850 37,050 14,710 12,670 5,810 5,140 108,230 39,580 22,420 265,510 1,426.780 84,810 317,130 315,490 22,300 12 00 10 00 2 40 4 10 0 65 0 90 0 90 16,560 20,750 4,320 560 834,230’ 43,000 3,000 467,420 110,350 48,660 109.670 37,050 9,560 8,240 5,810 3,340 97,410 25,730 14,570 172,580 1,284,100 76,330 141,130 283,940 20,070 198,720 207,500 19,870 10,370 2,300' 542,250 38,700 2,700 698,000 5,886,170 1,308,000 16,000 15,000 117,690 596,930 22,771.160 2,846,840 25,618,000 626,430 156,280 17.390 137,710 1,533,010 445,140 1,027,650 2,922,180 6,865,790 os at St. Lawrence Watenvay Project TABLE No. 5.—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—CRYSLER ISLAND—TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—217— See Plates Nos. 34-38 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Brought forward.. $ cts. S Lower Pool—Works Common to Navigation a nr Power— Con. 45. Supply channel and weir at Maasena Canal..... Concrete—Paving ... . rt 11 00 6,550 72,050 75,700 46. Diversion cut through Long Sault Island.. Sluice gates, hoists, etc,.... See Table No. 4—Item No. 45.. 47. Main Long Sault dam,.. Concrete.. . . Cu.^yd. 12 00 10 00 449.240 84,880 5,390,880 349.800 539,090 596.800 247,730 1,310 654,980 3,700,000 48. Sewer for paper mill at Mille Roches.. Concrete..... Foundation contingency .... Excavation—Earth. Cu. yd. a a 0 65 2 40 4 10 018,160 103,220 320 Rock footings. Rock trench.. Gates, towers, hoists, etc..... Unwatering... See Table No. 4r-Item No. 47 (6).,. 49. 14 ft. Lck, entrance piers and weir at Mille Roches. Concrete,..... Cu, yd. 12 00 10 00 11,770 110,350 141,240 1,103,500 14,120 15.800 197,560 6,600 4,510 76.000 30.800 50. Railroad changes . .. . . . . Concrete . . Foundation contingency ... Cribwork .. .... Cu. yd- tt n tt 5 00 0 90 2 40 4 10 3,160 219,510 2,750 LlOO Excavation — Earth _____ Rock footings, . . Rock trench . Lock gates, valves, operating mach¬ inery, etc . Sluice gates, hoists, etc .. Canadian side C. N. Rly. at Moulin- ette — Raising line __ mile Ace 100,000 00 lOO 00 LO 560 100,000 51. Clearing pool. . . . . . .. 56,000 52. Highway changes. . . ...... United States Shore —^ Roads . 60,000 485,000 53. Property Damages — U.S. side .. .. Canadian Shore — Hoads. .. . Improvements . 188,000 44,160 84,000 117,480 219 ,120 52,000 Flowage — U.S. shore __ U.S. shore... Long Sault Island__ Barnhart Island___ Other Islands.... Total S 6,865,790 L170,160 2,055,370 11,480,590 171,740 L590,130 100.000 56,000 545,000 316 St. Lawrence Waterway Project S4. Property damages—Canadian Shore*.'.. 55. Engineering and contingencies. 56. Total.. Loiver Pool—Works Primarily for Power—Substructures, Head and TaiIt-Race Excavation— 57. Head and tail-race excavation— (a) At Upper and Lower Sheek Island dains. (b) Between Sheek and Barnhart Island. (c} Above power house. (d) Tail-race.. . . *. 58. Spillway North of Power House- Brought forward..- 69. Ice sluices at south end of pow'cr house. . 60. Powder house substructure^ etc. 6L Railway Spur to power house.. Carried forward.. 2.7501 20.000 1,109,210 260,000 12,500, 39,600 149,160 727,510 1 CTA 4TA Existing power development.. . * 26,332,760 3,291,240 29,624,000 Cu. yd. 0 90 727,340 46,710 654.610 42,040 2,260 JliXC3iVaUiOIl X-jiiAl KMl * p - - H ^ ► p - ► ► ^ - overdeoth.-. “ 0 90 698,910 Masonry. . it 4 25 530 Cu. yd. 0 65 1,446,000 939,900 939,900 634,130 7,118,040 JZjAV-cI V£lvlWi.l f p ■ - - H p Cu- i-'d. 0 65 975,590' 634,130 a V Mi i.p.ah-*’*--" « k -w ri T" ± C’T /II. 1 See Table No 4—Item No. 57 (bj Cu. yd. 12 66 74,670 86,770 867.700 89,610 10 00 Foundation contingency . Cu. yd. 0 65 15,010 47,260 38,190 8,610 HiXcavaujuii i m - v*.. Uni^lr ... 2 40 Rock trench. if 4 10 2,100 1 947 410 . Concrete. .. .. Concrete. .- .. Cu'.'yd.’ .12 00 10 00 .8i’380 1 42,650 .976^560 426,501] 97,661] lU 338’390 1 Cu. yd. 0 6j: t 481,32C > 30,60C ) 3,61( 74,0fl( y p p B P . 1 -. Rock footings . , . .. . i4 2 4C 1 12, i 5C \ Rock trench . - • ^ 4 ; 4 1C }' 88t i j Gatcs^ tow^ers^ hoists » etc . Cu. yd. 15 m J 840.70( ) 12,610,50( ' 3,309,88( T rini; 2,090,250 1 } } 1 1 tJkJift - 17.825.610 318,000 bee 1 able jno. ^— iiem x^u. ui . *... 31,572,250 St, Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 5. INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—CRYSLER ISLAND—TWO-STAGE DEVELOPMENT—217—Conc/uded See Plates Nos. S4-3S Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Brought forward. S cts. S Lower Pool^Works Prqiarily for Power—Substructures, Hear and Tate- Race Excavation—C on. 62. Engineering and contingencies. 12| per cent__ 63 Total.... Lower Pool—Works Primarily for Power—Machinery and SURERSTR UCTURE— 64, Barnhart Island pow'er house... Generators and turbines—36’44, 500 H.P. units....... 26,058,240 7,745,760 550,880 4,239,000 65. Engineering and contingencies... Switching. Cranes and service units........ Superstructure. 12 - 2 " per cent... 66. Total.. Total £ 31,572,250 3,946,750 35,519.000 38,593,880 4,824,120 43,418,000 Summary Upper Pool —Works solely for navigation.... If t-PTin "NTn A 8,732,000 69,986,000 23,698,000 30,760,000 135,176,000 134,179,000 Works common to navigation and power.. “ 18 Works primarily for power— Substructures, head and fail-race excavation... “ 25 Machinerj^ and superstructure. « 98 Lower Pool— Works solely for navigation. ZO ^ ^ i H , . 25,618,000 29,624,000: 35,519,000 43,418,000 Works common to navigation and power . J-tCJ.S.1 y y .. " 56 Works primarily for power— Substructure, head and teil-race excavation. Machinery and superstructure 63.... Total. “ 66. 269,355,000 Additional cost if dam is placed between Adams Island and North Shore at Galop Rapids... § 9 : ^ 000 318 St, Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 6-INTERNATXONAL RAPIDS SECTION-SINGLE STAGE DEVELOPMENT-2S8 See Plates Noa. 39—43 Item and description Works Solely for NAyiOATioN— 1, Channel excavationr— , , i (a) Approach channels^Lotua Isiand lock. Above Long Sault Island to Robinson Bay lock. (c) Robinson Bay lock to below Cornwall Island. 2, Drainage ditch,...-.. 3i Dikca— (a} Above Robinson Bay lock. fb) Robinson Bay lock to Grass River.— .. - ■ (c) Rock fill—Guide dike below Grass River lock, 4, Lotus Island lock and entrance piers. Classification Excavation—Earth... Dry rock... Dredging... Over depth. Excavation—Dry earth,. Paving. Unit Cu. yd. Cu, yd. Rate cts. 0 65 1 60 0 90 0 90 0 65 11 00 Quantity See Table No. 4—Items No. 28 (c) to 28 f/J. Excavation—Earth.... Earth fill-- Earth fill.. Rock fill.. Stripping,.. Trimming. Pav ing—Concrete. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Sq. yd. Cu. yd. 5, Guard gate and supply weir above Robinson Bay lock. Carried ford war. See Table No. 4^Item No. 30 (b) See Table No. 4^Item No. 30 fcj. Concrete..... Excavation—Dry rock. .— Rock trench... Earth. Close drilling.-. Gates and operating machinery... Valves and operating machinery,. Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment, etc....—. Emergency gate..—. Operating buildings, etc. Concrete... Concrete......— Foundation contingency. Cribwork. Excavation—Earth. Trench.... Sheeting and bracing.... Cu. yd. sq. ft. 0 65 0 42 0 60 1 00 0 65 25 11 00 725,000 170,000 1,196,910 51,850 2,259,520 10,020 Amount $ 471,250 272,000 1,077,220 46,670 10,200 338,180 1,644,510 155,400 232,960 173,740 14,300' 10 00 1 4 10 0 65 0 45 Cu. yd. 12 00 10 00 4,520 34,080 iCu. yd. 5 00 f 38,390 0 65 i 42,960 It 3 1C 1 3,370 10 OC 1 61 171,070 54,650 2,1001 363.770' 37,570 1,468,690 110,220 6,630 142,040 986,710 155,400 151.620 43,440 157,300 1,710,700 87,440 8,610 236,450 16,910 634,500 100 ,ooo! 181,700 175,000 25,000 54,240 340,800 5,400 191,950 27,920 10,450 6,710 Total 1,867,140 1,578,910 2,527,830 6,630 1,636,510 795,000 126,000 3,176.310 11,714.330 C£> S^. Lawrence Waterway Pi^oject TABLE No. 6—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—SINGLE STAGE DEVELOPMENT—224—ConJiaueii See Plates Nos. 39-43. Item and description Classification Unit Rate 1 Quantity Amount Total Brought forward.... S cts. % % 11,714,330 792,800 6,634,050 698.000 5,886,170 1,308,000 16,000 15,000 117,690 596,930 W 0 HK 3 Solely for Navigatioj^—C on. 5, Guard gate and supply weir above Robinson Bay lock. 6. Robinson Bay lock—Entrance piers and weir.. *_ Lock gates, operating machinery, etc.. _ 121,530 33,800 Sluice gates, hoists, etc.. Concrete. Cu. yd. <4 10 00 15 00 5 00 0 65 281,650 103,660 79,320 831,020 2,316,500 1,629,900. 396,600 672,660 684,000 100,000 175,000 206,700 52,690 7. Regulating weir at Robinson Bay. Concrete. Cribwork. Excavation—Earth.. Lock gates and operating machinery Lock valves and operating machinery Emergency gate.. Fenders, capstans, lighting equip merit, etc.. - Sluice gates, hoists, etc.. See Table No. 4—Item No. 33. 8. Grass River lock and entrance piers. “ 4— “ 34. 9. N.Y.C. Riy. diversion and bridges.. “ 4r- “ 35. 10. Canal lighting and ofEce..... 4— " 36. 11. Clearing pool..... “ 4r— 37. 12. Roads... “ 4— 38. 13. Property damages. “ 4^ “ 39.. 14. Engineering and contingencies..... 12|%...... 27,778,970 3,472,030 15. Total........ 31,251,000 Works Common to Navigation and Power— 16. Channel excavation— (a) Chimney Point to below Point Three Points. See Table No. 4—Items No. B (a) to 5 ( 0 } inclusive..... 30,986,730 (b) Point Three Points to below Canada Island. See Table No. S—Items No. 5 to 5 (f) inclusive.. (c) North side of Cornwall Island. See Table No, 4—-Item No. 43 fb)... 1,027,650 2,922,180 1,598,710 fd) South side of Cornwall Island.... “ 4^ '' 43(c)... 17. Dam at head of channel through Galop Island... 4— “ 7. 18. Dams and banks in South Galop.. Concrete... . Cu. yd. 12 00 10 00 73,030 8,500 876,360 85,000 Concrete____ 320 St. Lawrence Waterway Pi^oject 19. Dikes— (a) Canadian shore—West of Aultsville to Dickenson's Landing...... (b) Dast and west of 14-ft. lock at head of Sheek Island.. . (c) Skeek Island to power house.*. (d) United States shore—Wilson Hill to Louisville Landing. (e) West and east of Massena Canal... (f) Between Massena Canal and Navi^tion Canal. (g} East and Tveat of Long Sault dam... (h) On Barnhart Island.......... 20. Supply channel and Weir at Massena Canal. Foundation contingeney— ... ^ Excavation—Earth... Rock footings. Rock trench. Gates, towers, hoists, bridges, etc Banks—Earth fill —.... Rock fill.. Stripping. Earth fill. Rock fill.. Stripping. Earth fill... Earth fill.. Rock fill.... Stripping..... Earth fill... Rock fill.. Stripping. Earth fill... Rock fill.. Stripping. Earth fill.. Rock fill... Stripping. Earth fill... Rock fill... Stripping.. Earth fill. Rock fill.. ..... - Stripping.. Earth fill... Rock fill..... Stripping.. Concrete... Concrete... Foundation contingency.... Excavation—Rock footings. Rock trench.. Earth.. 87,640 Cu. yd. 0 ^5 66,270 43,080 2 40 19,340 46,420 u 4 10 600 2,460 1,548,170 Cu. yd. 0 GO 114,760 68,860 0 60 99,540 59,720 0 65 22,620 14,700 Cu. yd. 0 65 1,210,510 786,830 1 00 466,350 466,350 u 0 65 276,700 179,860 Cu. yd. K 0 65 321,460 208,950 0 90 379,340 341,410 u 1 00 242,080 242,080 (t 0 65 107,220 69,700 Cu. yd. 0 90 4.850,000 4,365,000 0 60 1,183,920 710,350 « ! 0 65 295,130 191,830 Cu. yd. 0 90 183,400 165,060 1 00 77.610 77,610 it 0 65 48,470 31,510 Cu. yd. 0 90 773,160 695,840 1 00 275,450 275,450 (f 0 05 128,570 93,570 Cu. yd. 0 65 180,380 117,250 1 00 67,020 67,020 « 0 65 35,610 23.150 Cu. yd. 0 90 161,170 145,050 1 00 37,380 37,380 ir 0 65 19,050 12.380 Cu. yd. 0 90 648,850 583,960 U 1 00 222,180 222,180 U 0 65 103 580 67,330 Cu. yd. 12 00 25,890 310,680 u 10 00 55.660 556,600 31,070 Cu. yd. 2 40 5,210 12,510 4 10 590 2,420 4i; 0 65 961,910 625,240 2,832p410 1,433,040 802,140 5,267,180 274,180 1,064,860 207,420 194,810 873,470 55,676,500 Carried forward. St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. &—INTERNATIONAL RAPID? SECTION—SINGLE STAGE DEVELOPjMENT— 23S—Cottiinued See Plates Nos. 34-S9 Item and description Brought forTS'ard. WoHKs Solely fok Navigation—C on. 20. Supplj*' channel and weir at Massena Canal , 21. Diversion cut through Long Sault Island. 22. Main Long Sault Dam..... 23. Drainage—Ditches, etc.—E. Williamsburg to Bergen Lake 24. 14 H. Lock, entrance piers and ItVelr at head of Sheek Island 25, Railroad changes. 6. Clearing Pool. Classification Unit Rate Quantity S cts. Excavation—Dredging.. Cu. yd. 0 90 0 90 11 00 43,000 3,000i 6,550 Over depth..... Concrete paving.... Gftt.fiR, brfdgftSj hoist.R, pte.. Sap TahjA Nrv- 4— Nn. 45. Concrete.. .... Cu. yd. 12 00 10 00 716,140 65,010 Concrete.... Poundat.ior. {contingency... Excavation—Earth.. Cu. yd. if 0 65 2 40 4 10 1,327,470 120,670 470 Rock footings... Rock trench.... Gates, towers, hoists, etc. llnwatering. .. Excavation—Earth.. Cu. yd. 0 65 2,133,470 RrirlfTAs . r' drriips ..,. .*. Concrete.... Cu. yd. EE 12 00 10 00 11,100 108,750 Concrete.... Emindatlon Contingency. Crib work..... Cu. yd. it tt M.B.M. 5 66 0 90 3 10 4 10 110 OO 4,500 41,970 4,250 180 51*2 Excavation—Earth. Earth trench.... Rock trench.. . Sheeting and bracing.. Lock gates, valves, operating mach¬ ine ry, etc.' Sluiep gates, hoists, etc. C.N.R. at Iroquois—to be raised- Bridges for above.. *. Mile 100,000 OO 16 C.N.R. east of Morrisburg. Mile ti 100,000 OO 35,000 00 3-3 2-6 Norwood and St. L. Railway. Bridges for above..... Above Morrisburg. Acre it 100 00 100 00 510 3,740 Below Morrisburg... Amount 38, 3, 72, 75, 000 700 050 700 8,503, 650, 850, 862, 289, I, 646, 3,700, 100 370 860 610 930 060 000 1,386, 129, 58, 760 500 000 133, 1,087, 13, 22 , 37, 13, 200 500 320 500 780 180 740 630 84,110 30,800 150,000 30,000 330,000 91,000 29,000 61,000 374,000' Total 55,676,500 1,727,670 2,055,370 15,603,610 1,574,260 1,428,760 630,000 425,000 322 St. Laivj^ence Watenoay Project 458272—211 27. Highway changes— fa ) Above Morrisburg. (h) Below Morrisburg 28, Property damages—U.S. side.— fa) Above Morrisburg... (b) Below Morrisburg. 29. Property damage—Islands— (a) Above Morrisburg. (b) Below'Morrisburg. 30. Property Damages—Canadian shore— (a) Above Morrisburg..... - (h) Below Morrisburg. 31. Protection to Towns— (a) Iroquois..... Carried forw'ard 457,000 Oanad ian shore... Mile 50,000 00 S 400,000 20,000 37*000 U.S. Shore.... Canad ian shore... Mile 50*000 OO 18-2 910*000 7*000 432,000 7*500 73*000 TJ S shore-Ofmerete. Mile 41 60,000 00 5,000 OO 7-2 1-5 TJ’ia.rth.. 64,000 411,000i 128*000 3,000 486,000 182,530 661,000 10,200 25,000 ^ 1 rMKPO rvo . 170*000 87,000 265,320 219,120 52,800 25*000 256*000 201*500 Uin0r xsiainir^iiiipiv/v^xiivuLD. ^ ^ 593*860 235,600 30,500 124,110 2,274,670 734*000 43*000 149,160' Bank Earth fill... Cu. yd 0 90 1 00 0 65 0 65 772*030 229*120 207*610 76,600 i 701,130 229,120 134*950 49*790 41*000 27*000 fill. Stripping... Dit ch cs_... 1,429*500 006,000 1.304,730 257,000 1,019*740 984,070 3,200*830 1*182*990 89,623*030 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 6.—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—SINGLE STAGE DEVELOPMENT—238—Coniinued See Plates Nos. 34-39 Item and descriptioti Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought fonvard... S cts. $ $ 89,623,030 Works Solely for Navigation—C cm. SI. Proteetion to towns— Con. (b) Morrisburg.......... Bank—Earth fill Cu. yd. n 0 &0 1 20 255,330 105,550 56,010 8,000 229,800 105,650 30,410 6,200 65,000 Rock fill...... Stripping.. u 0 65 Drainage Ditch—Excavation— Earth..;... u 0 65 Sewds and pumping.. 431,960 (c) Farrans Point..... Pumping plant, etc. 29,000 29,000 (d) Aultsville.... Pumping plant, etc. . 36,000 36,000 32. Engineering and contingencies... 12| per cent. 90,119,990 11,265,010 33. Total,... 101,385,000 Works Primarily for Power—Substructures, Head and Taiu- Race Excavation, etc. 34. Head and tail-race esca%^ation— (a) Between Sheek and Barnhart Island... Excavation—Dry earth.. . Cu, yd. 0 65 0 so 6,916,800 424,300 72,300 4,495,920 381,870 65,070 Dredging. Overdepth.. CC 0 90 4,942,860 (b) Tail-race.... See Table No. 4—Item No. 57 (b) 7,118,040 35. Spillway north of power house,. Concrete. Cu- yd. 12 00 10 GO 86,860 118,350 1,042,320 1,183,500 104,230 18,690 34,920 9,220 Concrete. Foundation contingency. Excavation—Earth..... Cu-yd. ill 0 65 2 40 28,750 14,550 2,250 Rock footings.... . Rock trench. €€ 4 10 2,392,880 36. Ice sluices at south end of pow'er house,... Concrete..... *.,, Cu. yd. 12 00 10 00 119,470 98,670 1,433,640 985,700 143,370 669,930 36,840 2.870 74,000 Concrete.... Foundation contingency___ Excavation—Earth.. Cu. yd. 0 65 1,030,660 16,350 700 Rock footings. 2 40 Rock trench. ti 4 10 Gates, hoists, tow^ers, etc__ 3,346,350 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Sr. rower house substructure, etc. gX racks; etc.'. IJn watering. 38. Railway spur to power house. 39. Engineering and contingencies..... 40. Total-....... .. ’WoBKs PbimariiiY foe Power—Machinery .4Nd STjPBRSTKtrcruBE- 41. Barnhart Island power house. .. See Table No. 4—Item No. 61- 121 per cent.... 42. Engineering and contingencies. 43 . Total.... Generators and turbines—44-50, 600 H.P. units.. Switching--- Cranes and service units—.. Superstructure..... 12i per cent. Cu. yd. 15 00 Summary 1,224,640 18,369,600 3,200,570 1,905,230 29,660,400 8,700,800 498,680 4,626,750 23,475,400 318,000 41,593,530 5,448,470 47,042,000 43,495,630 5.436,370 $ 43,932,000 Works solely for navigation.... -....T ^^ . Works common to navigation and power.... - ... Works primarily for power— .... Item No, 15 “ 33 « 40 “ 43 . S 31,251,000 101,385,000 47,042,000 48.932,000 Siihstrurtures. head and tail-race excavation, etc... 1 228,610,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 326 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 7.—IMPROVEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION FOR NAVIGATION ALONE (CHANNEL 25-FEET DEEP) Item Quantity Unit Unite price Amount Subtotals $ cts. S S 1 . Channel excavation. Chimney Point: Dredging. 513,000 Cu. yd. 0 80 250,000 Dredging over depth. 41,000 0 80 33,000 Dredging rock. 185,000 <( 4 25 786,000 Dredging, rock, over depth. 38,000 (t 4 25 162,000 1,231,000 2 . Approach channel to upper lock— Excavation, earth. 149,000 « 0 65 97,000 Excavation, rock. 179,000 1 75 313,000 Dredging. 268,000 it 0 80 214,000 Dredging over depth. 23,000 tt 0 80 18,000 Riprap dike. 260,000 ** 1 00 260,000 902,000 3. Guard lock at Galop (Lock 10):— Excavation, earth. 505,000 0 65 328,000 Excavation, rock. 714,300 ft 1 75 305,000 Back fill. 120,000 tt 0 40 48,000 Concrete. 141,700 tt 10 00 1,417,000 Gates. 524,000 Operating machinery. 200,000 Emergency dam. 175,000 Approach walls— Concrete. 27,700 10 00 277,000 Cribbing. 56,900 tt 8 00 455,000 Office and dwellings.!. 40,000 3,769,000 4. Sluiceway at guard lock— Excavation, earth. 400,000 tt 0 65 260,000 Excavation, rock. 900 tt 3 50 3,000 Back fill. 8,000 0 40 3,000 Concrete. 3,400 tt 10 00 34,000 Gates and operating machinery. 4,000 304,000 5. Canal, Lock 10 to Lock 9— Excavation, earth. 17,893,000 i< 0 65 11,630,000 Excavation, rock. 1,407,000 €( 1 75 2,462,000 Dikes, rock fill. 402,800 U 2 00 806 000 Dikes, earth fill. 1,734,000 « 0 75 1,301,000 Concrete, bank protection. 90,000 Lin. ft. 9 00 810,000 Lighting. 12-2 Miles 2,000 00 24,000 17,033,000 6 . Lock at Ogden Island (Lock 9)— Un watering. 390,000 Excavation, earth. 118,000 Cu. yd. 0 65 77^000 Excavation, rock. 153,000 “ 1 75 268,000 Back fill. 170,000 0 40 68,000 Concrete. 131,000 ** 10 00 1,310,000 Gates. 542,000 Operating machinery. 300!000 Approach walls, concrete. 22,500 ii 10 00 225,000 Approach walls, cribbing. 43,300 U 8 00 346,000 3,526,000 4 . Weir and abutment at Lock 8— Excavation, earth. 33,000 Cu. yd. 0 65 22,000 Excavation trench. 1,000 5 00 5,000 Excavation, rock. 8,000 3 50 28,000 Back fill. 8,000 0 40 3,000 Concrete. 27,400 tt 10 00 274,000 Stop logs and bridge. 17,000 8 . Navigation channel. Lock 9 to Long 349,000 Sault Island— (a) Lock 9 to Murphy Island— Excavation, earth. 980,000 ti 0 65 637,000 Excavation, rock, dry. 20,000 tt 1 75 35,000 Dredging. 956,000 tt 0 90 860,000 Dredging. 86,000 tt 0 90 77,000 Dredging, rock. 187,000 tt 4 25 79^,000 Dredging, rock, over depth. 34,000 tt 4 25 145,000 2,549,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 327 TABLE 7 —IMPROVEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RAPIDSJ^CTION FOR NAVIGATION ALONE (CHANNELS 25-FEET 'DBET)—Continued Item 8 . Navigation channel. Lock 9 to Long Sault Island— Con. (b) Murphy Island to Weavers Point Dredging. Dredging over depth. (c) Weavers Point to entrance Long Sault Canal— Dredging. Dredging, over depth.. 9 . Channel, Long Sault Island to Lock 8 Excavation, earth.. Concrete bank protection. Lighting. 10. Lock 8— Excavation earth. Excavation, rock. Back fill. Concrete. Gates.. Operating machinery. Emergency dam. Approach walls, concrete. Approach walls, piling— Ofl5ce and dwellings. 11 . Canal prism, Lock 8 to Grass River lock— Estimate III, item 2 (e) . 12. Dike at Robinson Bay- Estimate III, item 2 (d). 13. Lock 7, Grass River— Estimate III, item 2 (f). 14. Approach channel. Grass River lock to river— Estimate I, item 2 (e) . 15. Dike at Grass River lock— Estimate I, item 2 (f) . 16. Waste weir at Grass River lock— Estimate I, item 2 (g) . 17. Drainage ditch, north of Grass Riv( lock— Estimate I, item 2 (h) . 18. Diversion dike and flood channel mouth of Grass River— Estimate I, item 2 (i) . 19. Diversion of Ottawa Branch, New York Central Railroads— Estimate I, item 2 (j) . 20. Channel excavation. Lake St. Francis to mouth of Grass .River— Dreding. Dredging over depth. Quantity 369,000 57,000 378,000 28,000 3,773,000 13,000 11 1,070,000 15,650 512,000 278,000 52,500 187,000 l,990,i 25,. Unit Cu. yd. Lin. ft. Miles Lin. ft. Cu. yd Unit price $ cts. 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 65 9 00 2,000 00 0 65 3 50 0 40 10 00 12 00 0 85 Amount 332,000 51,000 340,000 25,000 2,452,000 117,000 2,000 696,000 55,000 208,000 2,780,000 600,000 300,000 175,000 630,000 159,000 40,000 4,176,000 85,000 6,067,000 227,000 307,000 757,000 2,000 307,000 1,308,000 1,592,000 200,000 Subtotals 383,000 365,000 3,297.000 2,571,000 5,643,000 4,176,000 85,000 6,067,000 227,000 307,000 757,000 2,000 307,000 1,308,00 1,792,000 328 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 7.—IMPROVEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION FOR NAVIGATION ALONE (CHANNEL 25-FEET DEEP)—Continued Item Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Subtotals 21. Dam across main river channel at head of Long Sault Rapids— Dam— Excavation, earth. 89,00C 54,00C 144,OOC 1 Cu. yd. 1 “ $ cts. 0 80 3 50 12 00 $ 71,OOC 190,OOC 1,728,000 173,000 387,000 3,000,000 33,000 20,000 8,000 14,000 221,000 $ ( Excavation, rock. ( Concrete. 1 ** 1 Foundation contingencies. 10% Gates, stop logs, bridge, cranes. Un watering. Abutments— Excavation, earth. 50,000 4,000 2,400 34,000 22,100 Cu. yd. 0 65 5 00 3 50 0 40 10 00 Excavation, trench. Excavation, rock. Back fill..'.. Concrete. it 5,845,000 22. Diversion out and control works across long Sault Islands— Cut— Excavation, earth. 2,340,000 125,000 70,7000 32,000 4,400 32,300 0 65 1 75 0 70 12 00 3 50 12 00 1,521,000 219,000 495,000 384,000 15,000 368,000 39,000 224,000 29,000 16,000 16,000 13,000 205,000 Excavation, rock. it Excavation, dredging. tt Concrete lining. t€ Control works— Excavation, rock. Concrete.. tt Foundation contingencies. 10% Gates stop logs, bridge, cranes.. Abutments— Excavation, earth. 45,000 3,100 4,600 32,000 20,500 (( 0 65 5 00 3 50 0 40 10 00 Excavation, trench. tt Excavation, rock. tt Back fill. It Concrete. tt 3,564,000 3. Dam across South Sault— Dam— Excavation, earth. 2,600 Cu. yd. EEF—Concluded Item Quantity Unit Unit price Amount Sub-totals 26. Flowage and damages— Canal right of way— 646,000 150,000 874,000 158,000 371,000 117,000 139,000 581,000 270,000 3,306,000 565,000 55,000 70,323,000 8,790,000 Canadian shore— United States shore, to Massena Canal— Islands— Canal right of way, etc., Long Sault Island to Grass Riv'er— 27. Highway relocation— Canadian shore— Roads, concrete. 6-8 Miles 40,000 00 272,000 31,000 80,000 3,000 61,000 118,000 United States shore, to Massena Canal— Roads, concrete. Roads, earth. 2 0-5 Miles 40,000 00 6,000 00 United States shore, below Massena Canal— 28. Clearing pools. 556 Acres 121 % 100 00 55,000 Engineering, administration and con- 79,113,000 TABLE 8—LAKE ST. FRANCIS SECTION—RECOMMENDED PROJECT See Plates Nos. 46^S Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total (A) Depth of Navigation' Channel—25 Ft.— L Glengarry Point to Hamilton Island... Excavation—^Earth . Cu. yd. «4: Cu, yd. l€ Cu. yd. Cu. yd. tt S ets. 0 55 0 55 0 55 0 55 0 55 0 55 0 55 0 55 762,940 86,460 200,300 73,350 398,700 54,170 6,210 2,410 $ 419,620 47,550 $ 467,170 150,510 249,080 4,740 2. Hamilton Island to Squaw Island....... Over depth Excavation—Earth.*. 110,170 40,340 3. Lancaster Bar*.... Earth, over depth. Excavation—Earth 219,290 29,790 4- East of Hay Point... Earth, over depth.. *.., Excavation—Earth. 3,420 1,320 5. Engineering and contingencies.... Earth, over depth. 124%. 871.500 108.500 Total.. 980,000 (B) Decrease in Cost for 23-rT. Depth— Decrease.... Excai^ation—Earth. .. * Cu. yd. it 0 55 0 55 418,110 53,220 229,960 29,270 259,230 32,770 Engineering and contingencies.. Earth, over depth. 124 %...... Total decrease..___ 292,000 (C) Increase in Cost for 27-ft. Depth— Increase. Exca^^ation—Earth * ^ . Cu. yd. 0 55 0 55 506,130 60,050 278,370 33,030 311,400 38,GOO Engineering and contingencies.. Earth, over depth. 124 %... Total increase... 350,000 (D) Cost to Deepen from 25 ft, to 30 et. Depth.*. Excavation—Earth. Cu. yd. ti 0 55 0 55 1,350,200 346,710 742,610 190,690 933,300 116,700 Engineering and contingencies.*..... Earth, over depth. 124 %..... Total cost to deepen..... 1,050,000 330 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 9.-SOULANGES SECTION-RECOMMENDEDDEVELOPMENT) PROJECT-NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF POWER ;E STAGE DEVELO"—- See Plates Nos. 49-51 Works Solely for Navigation- L Channel excavation— „ „ . . i ■ fa} Deep water in Lake St. Francis to below Pomte an Diable Excavation—Earth. Earth, over depth- Dry rock.. Wet rock. Wet rock^ over depth. Crib work, .* - Paving—Riprap.* * .. (b) At Leonard Island, Excavation—Earth.. Dry rock.. - Wet roek... • Wet rock, over depth. Unw'atering... (c) Canal, P.L.H. & P. Co. head-race to Cham berry Gully lock..*. fd j Cham berry Gully lock to Cascades lock, (e) Below Cascades lock... 2. Dikes— ^ ^ (a) Breakwaters, Lake St, Francis:. Excavation—Earth.. Excavation^—Earth. Paving—Concrete.., Excavation—Earth.; ■ ■ / * Earth, over depth. Excavation—Earth. — Wet rock. Rock fill. Concrete... Crib work.... (h) Above Coteau du Lac —.. (c) Cedars Village to Chamberry Gully lock. Carried forward. Earth fill. Rock fill.. Stripping.. Earth fill. Earth fill. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu, yd. Cu. yd, Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 0 65 0 65 1 4 25 4 25 1 60 2 70 0 65 1 60 4 25 4 25 3,775,050 187,890 903,300 45,4S0 16v800 45,210 11,900 133,910 196,950 30,360 740 3,453,780 122,130 1,445,280 193,290 71,400 72,340 32,130 0 55 0 55 11 00 0 65 0 65 0 65 4 25 1 80 9 00 5 00 0 42 0 60 0 65 0 42 0 60 L183,890 2,365,400 5,250 1,036,600 105,000 87,040 315,120 129,030 3,150 238,100 651,140 1,300,970 57,750 106,780 5,330 415,430 6,470 86,280 468,660 191,820 103,590 1,266,320 1,375,550 673,790 68,250 69.410 22,650 747,770 58,230 431,400 196,840 115,090 67,340 531,850 825,330 4,390,350 illli m 772,440 651,140 1,358,720 742,010 1,329,460 379,270 9,623,420 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 9—SOULAKGES SECTION—RECOMMENDED PROJECT—NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF POWER (THREE STAGE DEVELOPMENT)—Con/mued See Plates Nos. 49-51. Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought forward ... . _ S cts. S $ q ftOQ 49(1 Works Solely for Navigation — Con, 2 . Dikes—Coil. (c) Cedars Village to Cham berry Gully lock— Con . Rock fill . Cn. yd. 0 80 1 00 38,160 110,820 368,230 110,660 11,500 8,150 30,530 110,820 239,350 27,670 5,180 89,650 Rock fill ... . • f>tripping . ti 0 65 Trimming ... Sq. yd. 0 25 Sodding . 0 45 Paving—Concrete. ... *. Cu: yd. 11 00 1,860.380 (d) Chamberry Gully lock to Cascades lock —____ _ ,. Earth fill .... Cu. yd. 0 42 0 65 0 25 52,580 6,980 7,650 22,090 4,540 1,920 Stripping . Trimming. ... .. . Sq. yd. 28,550 3. Coteau du Lac guard lock and Entrance piers . Concrete ... Cu.^ yd. 9 00 0 65 129,160 8,630 169,120 35,000 99,900 1,162,440 5,610 270,590 175,000 44,960 591,000 100,000 175,000 206,700 72,500 Excavation—Earth ... Rock . U 1 60 5 00 0 45 Cribwork ... u Close drilling . Sq. ft. Lock gates and operating machinery Lock valves and operating machinery Emergency gate .... Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment, etc .... Unwatering. .. 2,803,800 4. Guard gate. Entrance piers and weir ... Concrete . Cu. j^d. 11 00 9 00 12,320 7S,880i 135,520 709,920 13,550 277,200 258,950 6,860 3,080 74,460, 449,800 Concrete .... Foundation contingency. .. Cribwork. ... Cu, yd. 5 00 0 65 55,440 398,390 2,860 750 87,600 Excavation—Earth . Rock footings .. 2 40 Rock trench .. 4 10 Round bearing piles . Lin. ft. 0 85 Gates, operating machinery, etc _ 1,929,340 5, Chamberry Gully lock. Entrance piers and weir. ... Concrete ... Cu. yd. 11 00 9 00 14 00 14,850 159,970 120,270 163,350 Concrete. Concrete .. If 1 1 ^t>^| raU 1 7i!iri Foundation contingency . 1 1 Qa^ 1 r o\l 16,340 369,450 Cribwork . Cu. yd- 5 00 73,890 '532 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 6. Cascades Lock, entrance piers and weir 7 , Railway bridge for C.>i.Ey* at Coteau—* S. Highway changes.... 9. Canal ligh ting and offices-- 10- Property damages above Pointe au Diable. 11. Engineering and contingencies. 12. Total... Close drilling.. Excavation—Earth, dry. Rock, dry. Eock, footings. Rock, trench. Round bearing piles...... Lock gates and operating machmery Lock valves and operating machinery Fenders, capstans, lighting equip- Sq.ft. Cu. yd. Lin ft. 0 45 0 65 1 60 2 40 4 10 0 85 48,4801 1,559.340 82.200 3,080 570 2,880 21,820 1,013,570 131,520 7,390 2,340 2,450 785,600 100,000 161,700 22,800 5,921,840 4.914,670 345,280 134,000 ■351 fdVl Concrete.... Concrete.... Cu. yd. 11 00 9 00 7,150 252,730 78,650 2.274,570 7,870 557,000 19,460 643,420 186,090 5,280 1,030 128,800 676,000 100,000 206,700 30,800! Crib work.....-. Close drilling.. Excavation—Earth. Dry rock,.- - -. Rock footings.. Rock trench. Cu. yd. S.f. Cu. yd. it u 5 00 0 45 0 65 1 60 2 50 4 10 111,400 43,240 989,870 116,340 2,200 250 Lock gates and operating machinery Lock valves and operating machinery Fender.s, capstans, lighting equip- . Superstructure..... -. - . 283.440 61,840 , roads,... .. Mile 40,000 00 0-6 24,000 110,000 35.000 405,040 82,000 oO, UW 1 1 , 487,040 28,083,320 3,510,680 31.594,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 9.~S0L'LANGES SECTION—RECOMIJ^'DED PROJECT—NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF POWER (IHREE STAGE DEVELOPMENT) —Continued See Platea Nos. 49—51 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Works Common to Navigation and Power— 13. Channel excavation— (a) Coteau Rapids above Clarke's Island to below Broad Escavation^—Elarlh. Cu- yd. S cts. 0 65 0 65 1 60 4 25 4 25 2,199,160 56,450 1,301,040 330,370 22,200 $ 1,429,460 36,700 2,081,670 1,404,080 94,350 S Island- Earth overdepth. Dry rock... €4 Wet rock. (h) Round Island Channel.. Wet rock overdepth.... ££ 5,046,260 Excavation—En rtTi Cu. yd. 0 65 0 65 1,109,290 74,100 Earth overdepth. 1,706,000 114,000 (c) Pointe a Eiron.. 1,183,290 Eseavat.inn—Earth Cu. yd. 0 55 0 55 670,600 49,260 Earth overdepth. 368,830 27,100 (d) Cedars to P.L.H. and P. Co. Head-Race. 395,930 Excavation—Earth. Cu. yd.. 0 55 1,895,200 1,042,360 14. Dykes— (a) Coteau du Lac to Cedars..... 1,042,360 Earth fill. cu. yd. 0 75 0 80 0 65 010 con iSQD Cifin Rock fill. UlC ,aZU 410,320 077 Atn 890 328,260 180,320 Stripping... ti Grande lie... :. 9 ^iU 1,197,470 Earth fill cu. yd. 0 90 0 84 0 65 Atfi 9 1A 369,280 144,680 59,570 Rock fill . 4I0p*l0 172,240 Stripping . ii 15. Dams at Clark's Island . 1 tntU 573,530 Concrete cu. yd. 11 OO 9 00 0 T 0 1'rt 300,410 57,150 30 040 Concrete ..... 27,310 6,350 Foundation contingency.! Excavation—Earth. cy. yd. 0 65 2 40 12,400 12,635 si 060 30,320 ofii Ann Rock footings.. . . 0n watering.. Gates, towers, hoists, etc. DOJI g qUU 16. Cedars Dam. . . .. Oi/U 1,026.630 Conerpte cu. yd. 11 00 9 00 so 00 tin n 5,683,4801 530,640 2,515,500 .*568 Concrete . olo, 680 Concrete ____ a •Jo, ffUU Foundation contingency . Excavation—Earth .. cu. yd. ti 0 55 3 10 2 40 4 10 1,054,140 3,940 234,160 1.000 iJViOg. DUU 579,780 12,210 561,990 4,100 4 Afii AftA Earth trench . Rock footings ... U Rock trench __ it L'mvatering ........ Gates, towers, hoists, etc. * p LI p VoL/ 684,300 15,205.030 334 St. Lawrence Waterwaij Project f 17. Drainage— ^ , (a) Diversion River Delisle. Excavation—Earth.- -1 cu. yd. Bridges.. (b) Ditdi. Cedars to P. L. H. and P. Co. Head-Race. fej Culverts for Rivera Graisae, Rouge, Deliale, including excavation ^ulanges Canal and existing culverts. Excavation—Earth. 18. Highway changes. ..*. 19. Property damages---*.. * 20. Railroad rdocation. C.N.Hy. at B'^Uerive... ■ 21. Interruption in operation of PX.H. and P. Co.. Concrete.....* * * • Excavation—Earth. Earth overdepth. Rock. Round bearing piles.*.. Accessories. New roads.. -. Bridges... Improvements. Lands. New' line Bridges,. 22. Engineering and Contingencies. 23. Total.. FIRST STAGE OF POWER DEVELOPMENT—lie aui Vaches- 4(H,300 installed H.P. TT,rAn Awn (A) WOBKB PniMARILY FOB POW^IB: SUBSTBUCTUBES, HEAD, AND Tail-Race Excavation— 24. Pow^er House Substructures, etc., He aux Vaches. m%. cu. yd, cu. yd. t€ lin. ft. 0 65 55S,500' mile 0 65 11 OO 0 65 0 65 1 60 0 85 50,000 00 15,420 41,250 897,400 28,020 1,180 50,490 L7 H.P. Yrs, Concrete...- .... Excavation—Earth.. Earth overdepth. Dry rock. Unwatering....*. Gates and racks... 25. Channel through Grande He. 26. Engineering and contingencies. 27- Total.. Cu. yd. 20 00 12.000 H.P. 2 Yrs. 14 00 0 55 0 55 1 60 Excavation—Earth. 121 %. Cu. yd- 0 65 450,870 1,459,420 33,000 936,000 1,153,960 363.030 55,000 10,020 453,750 683,310 18,210 L890 42,920 3,860 308,000 751,230 711,080 449,000 85,000 847,600 480,000 $ 30,834,500 3,851,500 S 34,686,000 6,312,180 802,680 18.150 1.497,600 300,000 1,944,940 418,030 10,020 1.103.940 1,059,230 1,160,080 932,600 480,000 750,080 10,875.550 750,080 $ 11.625,630 1,453.370 $ 13,079,000 OJ 3t Obamberry frully to nascftflefl lock. *.... Excavation—Earth.... Cu.yd. 0 55 79,360 43,650 76,220 41,920 184,700 101,580 EATt.h ^ over dept h *. . . . ■ 0 55 33,400 18.370 .'iQt "Rfilow r^ftscades lock.. ^. .. .. Excavation—Earth... Cu. yd. 0 65 213,290 138,040 208,190 135,320 509,110 330,920 Earth, over depth. 0 65 1,137,450 1,124,720 105,000 68,250 4,365,260 fill U^nrfiiTimTiTirr anrl r»ir\ri+.iniyAinj^tPQ 12^% approximate!V.. 142,550 140,280 545,740 Al Tr,tal 1,280,000 1,265,000 4,911,000 .1. St. Lawrence Waterxoay Project 339 Co TABLE 9.—SOULANGES SECTION—RECOMMENDED PROJECT—NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF POWER o fTHREE STAGE DEVELOPMENT)—Coneluifed SUMMAHT iNrTLAii Stage: Navigation and Power —Installed Capacity 404,300 h.p.— Works solely for navigation.... ..... ... Works common to navigation and power.*... Works primarily for power— Substructures, head, and tail-race excavation........ . Machinery and superstructures..... Second Stage: Power North of Cascades Point—I nstalled Capacity 545,000 h.p.— Substructure, head, and tail-race excavation —... Machinery" and superstructure.... Third Stage: Power at Cascades Rapids— Installed Capacity 1,030,400 h.p.— Substructure, head, and tail-race excavation.... Machinery and superstructure.. Total —Total installed capacity 1,970,700 h.p—.... Cost of initial stage with. 50 per cent of complete installation—202,000 h.p. Saving if navigation channels made 23 feet deep originally. Additional cost if navigation channels made 27 feet deep originally. Cost of future enlargement from 25 feet depth to 30 feet depth. Item Amount 61 01 61 12 31,594,000 23 34,686,000 27 13,079,000 30 24,586,000 39 22,054,000 42 14,637,000 51 30,531,000 54 33,285,000 Total S 103,945,000 37,291,000 63,816,000 205,052,000 92,000,000 1,280,000 1,265,000 4,911,000 St, Lawrence Watenoay Project 341 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 10. —SOULANGES SECTION—RECOMMENDED PROJECT—(ILE ALX VACHES THREE STAGE)—For details, see Table No. 9 Power—1st stage—He aux Vaches.. 2nd “ North of Cascades Point. 3rd “ Cascades Rapids. 1st Stage— Works solely for navigation. Works common to navigation and power.... • • .. • Works primarily for power substructures, head and tail-race excavation. Machinery and superstructures.. 382,000 h.p. 488,000 h.p. 762,000 h.p. S 31,594,000 34,686,000 13,079,000 24,586,000 -^$103,945,000 2nd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation Machinery and superstructure. 22,654,000 14,637,000 - 37,291,000 3rd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation Machinery and superstructure. 30,531,000 33,285,000 63,816,000 Total $205,052,000 Cost of 1st stage with 50 per cent of complete installation. Cost with double locks in flight. Cost with single locks in flight...: ' i’,. Saving if navigation channels made 23 ft. deep originally........ • Additional cost if navigation channels made 27 ft. deep originally Cost of future enlargement from 25 ft. depth to 30 ft. depth. $ 92,000,000 207.210,000 204,044,000 1,280,000 1,265,000 4,911,000 Power House Installations 1st stage— 26—15,550 h.p. units (22 ft. head)... 2nd “ 10—54,500 “ (75-5 ft. head). 3rd “ 28—36,800 “ (53 ft. head)... Total. 404,300 h.p. 545,000 h.p. 1,030,400 h.p. 1,979,700 h.p. TABfF No 11 —SOUTjANGES SECTION—TABLE SHOWING OVERALL COST OF PROJECT RECO^kBIENDED—(ILE AUX VACHES THREE STAGE PROJECT) Power marketed at ^ 0,000 h.p. per year. Interest during construction and marketing period 5 per cent. Construction program planned for expenditure of $10,000,000 per year. — First cost Half con¬ struc¬ tion period Half market period Interest Recommended Project— 31,594,000 2-39 0124 3,920,000 20,000,000 1 cfX nAn Vi n . 47,765,000 2*35 4-77 0-418 ISL siage—H.p. 24,586,000 22,654,000 M3 610 0-423 9,600,000 ^nQ StAgC ^oo 1 Uvvi . 14,637,000 30,531,000 1-53 9-53 0-715 21,800,000 ora Stage—/o^,uuu . . 33,285,000 205,052,000 55,320,000 205,052,000 $260,372,000 342 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 12.—SOULANGES SECTION—TABLE SHOWING OVERALL COST OF PROJECT RECO]MMENDED—(ILE AUX VACHES THREE STAGE PROJECT) Power marketed at 75,O00 h.p. per year. Interest during construction and marketing period —5 per cent. Construction prograui planned for expenditure of $10,000,000 per year. Reco.mmended Pkoject— Navigation. 1st stage—382,000 h.p.. 2nd stage-^88,000 h.p.. 3rd stage—762,000 h.p.. Add first cost. Total. First cost 31,594,000 47,765,000 24,586,000 22,654,000 14,637,000 30,531,000 33,285,000 205,052,000 Half con¬ struc¬ tion period Half market period 2-39 0 124 2-39 2-55 0-272 M3 3-26 0-239 1-53 508 0-381 Interest 3,920,000 13,000,000 5,410,000 11,630,000 33,960,000 205,052,000 $239,012,000 TABLE No. 13.—SOULANGES SECTION—TABLE SHOWING OVERALL COST OF PROJECT RECOMMENDED—(ILE AUX VACHES THREE STAGE PROJECT) Power marketed at isofioo h.p. per year. Interest during construction and marketing period —5 per cent. Construction program planned for expenditure of $10,000,000 per year. Reco.mmexded Project— Navigation. 1st stage—382,000 h.p.. 2nd stage—188,000 h.p. 3rd stage—762,000 h.p., Add first cost. First cost 31,594,000 47,765,000 24,586,000 22,654,000 14,637,000 30,531,000 33,285,000 205,052,000 Half con¬ struc¬ tion period Half market period 2-39 0-124 2-39 1-27 0-196 1-13 1-63 0-145 1-53 2-54 0-220 Interest 3,920,000 9,360,000 3,290,000 6,710,000 23,280,000 205,052,000 $228,332,000 Total. TABLE No. 14.-SOULANCES SECTION-HUNGRY BAV-MELOCHEVILLE PROJECT FOR NAVIGATION ALONE See Plates Nos. 58-59 Item and description Classification 1. C’hannel excavation— ^ i tt -d (a) Deep water in Lake St. Francis to below Hungry Bay Guard Lock..... *. (b} Weir Cbaniiel at Hungiy Bay Guard Lock. Excavation—Earth.... Earthy over depth. Earth..... Dry rock.... Excavation—Earth. I^arth...____ Dry rock. (c) Below Hungry Bay Guard Lock to above Meloeheville Flight locks... (d) Above Flight Locks to Deep Water in Lake St. Louis. 2 ~ (a) Breakwater, Lake St. Francis. f5 } Above Hungry Bay Guard Lock. (c) Hungry Bay Guard Lock to Flight Locks. 3, Supply Weir at Guard Lock. Carried forward- Excavation—Earth. Earth..... Dry rock. l^xcavation—Dr>' rock.. - Wet rock. ^Yet rock, over depth. Rock fill. Earth fill. Rock hll.. Stripping. Earth fill. Earth fill. Stripping.... Trimming. Sodding. Paving—Concrete. Concrete..... C'oncrete. . . Foundation contingency. Excavation—Earth.... Earthj trench. Unit Rate Quantity Amount $ cts. $ Cu. yd. 0 35 1,194,570 418,100 0 35 163.340 57,170 0 65 725,540 471,600 1 60 122,580 196,130 Cu.yd. 0 35 499,220 174,730 0 65 96,240 62,560 tt 1 60 9,450 15,120 Cu.yd. 0 45 10,716,250 4,822,320 0 65 1,351,940 878,760 a 1 60 415,600 664,960 Cu. yd. 1 GO 902.910 1,444,660 4 25 57,390 243,910' 4 25 6,600 28,a50 . Cu, yd. 1 80 747,500 1,345,500 . Cu. yd. 0 42 119,660 50,260 ti 0 60 52,830 31,700 0 65 32,900 21,390 . Cu.yd. 0 42 6,300,040 1 2,646,020 0 60 422,000 1 253,200 (f 0 65 1.066,540 1 693,250 . Sq. yd. 0 25 1,232.75C t 308,190 0 45 155,43C ) 69,950 f u. yd. 11 oc 118,74( 1 1,306,140 Cu. yd. 11 (K ] 3,19{ ) 35,090 9 01 ) 3,50( ) 31,500 3,510 Cu. yd. J 6,220 3 K ) 87( [I 2,700 Total 1,143,000 2.52,410 6,366,040 1,716,620 1,345,500 103,350 5,276,750 16,203,670 eg St. iMwrence Watenvay Project TABLE No, 14—SOULANGES SECTION—HUNGRY BAY—MELOCHEVILLE PROJECT FOR NAVIGATION ALONE—Conlinucd See Platea Nos. 58—59 Item and description i Classihcation Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought forward. S cts. $ S 3. Supply Weir at Guard Lock —Con _ Excavation—'Rock footings Cu._yd. 2 40 4 10 no 00 Id,203,670 Rock trench. 1,050 190 23-2 » 3,960 780 2,550 37 600 Sheeting and bracing... Gates, hoists, etc. M.F.B.M. 4. Hungry Bay Guard I-ock and Entrance Pier 123,910 Concrete. Cu, yd. Sq. ft. 9 OO 0 45 105 cun 1,114,020 12,270 372,000 100.000 Close drilling.. 97 9'JO Lock gates and operating Machine.. . jiu 1 , Lock val ves and operating machine.. Fenders, capstans^ lighting equip* ment, etc. 5. Flight locks (single flight) and Entrance Piers. iUU'p tlAI 1,805,890 Concrete. Cu. j^d. Sq, ft. 9 00 0 45 5,812,110 143,760 982,000 112,500 17A finn Close drilling... tHo, iUu 51 Q Afia Lock gates and operating machine... Lock valves and operating maehine,. Emergency gate. Fenders, capstans^ lighting equip¬ ment, etc... X f ti 1 vu/u JAfl Unwatering... OiOU 1 6. Railroad diversions.. lUu-r y*! U 7,684,440 i\*7i rtdfk 7. Bridges. i 271,240 S. Highway changes. 2,312,000 2,312,000 Third class roads Lin. ft. Sq. yd. 13,200 106,000 Macadam on banks. 2 OO 2 00 6,600 53,000 9. Ditches. 110,200 Exravj^tinn_ T^ar+K Cu. yd. 404,940 31 500 V ai^i.Ul-1 1 IiXJIl p ptPPPHi.p.,p^pfc..p,. Bridges. 0 35 1,156,960 10. Fences.. ... 436,440 Fencing Rod Each 33.250 3,030 Gates. .. . 3 50 IS 00 0,500 1AB 36,280 11, Property damages. .. . luo Improvements. ACA jTifrh Lands. 2aypU5ti fiin rtfin 12. Canal lighting and office.... v>iUp uuu 869,050 4 A AAA 40,000 40,000 1 29,902,120 St, Lawrence Waterway Project i ■ 3.737,880 13. Engineering and contingencies... 33,640,000 3.901,000 15- Additional cost to provide double flight locks at Melocheville.. Item and Description Classification 16. Deep water in Lake St. Francis to deep .nmin-w in T.nlrn S.'t T Excavation—^Earth.. Earth. .. Enrth. . Earth over depth. Earth over depth.. Earth over depth. Dry rock, ............. W*t mnk .. . . . Wet rock o\'er depth.. . 17. Engineering and contingencies.. . .. .. ^^ 3/0 .. Unit Rate Saving if naviga¬ tion channels made 23 ft* deep origin¬ ally Additional cost if navigation channels made 27 ft. deep originally Cost of future en¬ largement from 25 ft. to 30 ft. depth Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Quantity Cu. yd. cts. 0 35 0 45 0 65 0 35 0 45 0 65 1 60 4 25 4 25 346.480 675.400 383.070 150.310 15.260 S 121.270 303.930 249.580 350,190 628,000 350,500 S 125.720 282.600 227,830 919,060 1.500.860 036.340 165,000 80,000 240,500 64,860 132,200 14.890 211,520 63,280 323,670 474.270 113,700 3980,140 122,860 $910,950 113,050 $1,103,000 $1,024,000 Amount $ 321.670 675.390 608,620 57,750 36,000 210.390 2,015,650 483,230 $4,408,700 551,300 $4,960,000 j St. Lawrence Waterway Project 346 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 15.-S0ULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION ALONE.—HUNGRY BAY— MELOCHEYILLE ROUTE For details—See Table No. 14 Canal excavation. Earth dykes. Hungry Bay guard lock and weir.... Melocheville Locks (single flight)..., Property damages. Bridges. Roads, railways and miscellaneous.. Engineering and contingencies—12|% $9,478,070 6,725,600 1,929,800 7,684,440 869,050 2,312,000 903,160 3,737,880 Total Additional cost to provide double flight locks. Saving if Navigation Channels made 23 ft. deep originally. Additional cost if Navigation Channels made 27 ft. deep originally Cost of future enlargement from 25 ft. depth to 30 ft. depth. $33,640,000 $3,901,000 1,103,000 1,024,000 4,960,000 TABLE No. 16—SOULANGES SECTION—LATERAL CANAL ON NORTH SIDE OF RIVER—FOR NAVIGATION ALONE See Plates Nos. GO-61 Item and description 1. Channel Excavation— i x y- i (a) Deep water in Lake St. Francis to Coteau du Lac Guard Lock. (h) Guard Lock to Chamberry Gully Lock... (c) Chamberry Gully Lock to Cascades Lock, (d ) Below Cascades Lock.. 2. Dykes— (a) Breakwaters—Lake St- Francis, (b) Above Coteau de Lac Guard Lock. (c} Guard Lock to Chamberry Gully Lock- (d) Chamberry Gully Lock to Cascades Lock. Excavation—Earth. Dry rock.. Dredging,... Dredging overdeplh., Wet rock. Wet roek overdepth.. Excavation—Dry earth. Dry rock.. Excavation—Earth. Paving—Concrete... Classification Excavation—Earth. Earth overdeptb, Exca vation—Earth. Rock fill.— Crib work. Concrete. Earth fill. Rock fill... Stripping. Pav ing— Concre te. Earth fill. Rock face..... Stripping... Trimming.. Scudding. Paving—Concrete, Earth fill. - Stripping... Trimming. Unit Cu. yd , ti it it a u Cu. yd. it Cu-yd. Cu, yd. il Cu- yd. a it tt Cu- yd. €l H Cu. yd- ti Sq-yd. ti Cu, yd. Cu. yd. u Sq. yd- Ratc cts. 0 65i 1 60 0 65 0 65 4 25 4 25 0 56 1 GO 0 55 11 00 0 65 0 65 0 65 I m 5 00 9 00 0 42 0 60 0 65 II 00 0 42 0 SO 0 65 0 25 0 45 11 00 0 42 0 66 0 25 Quantity 1,087,950 9®, 920 462,550 75,360 118,030 14,010 12.327,060 574.840 2,365.400 5.250 1,036,600 105,000 10,960 415.430 38.730 2,3® 106,210 30,2® 23,6® 8,560 3,248,890 530 , 5 ^ 5®, 310 110 , 6 ® 11.5® 8 . 1 ® 52,5® 6 ,! 7,650 Amount £ 707,170 1,537,470 3®, 6® 48.9® 501,630 59,540 6,779,8® 919,740 1,3®, 970 57,7® 673,790 68 , 2 ® 7.1® 747.770 193,6® 21,240 44.610 18.160 15.380 94.160 1,364,530 477,5® 368,1® 27,670 5,180 89,6® 22 . ®0 4,540 1.9® Total 3,155,450 7.699,620 1,358.7® 742,040 969.780 172,310 2.332,659 28,5® 16,459,1® Carried fon^'ard St. Lawrence Waterway Project 347 TABLE No. 16.—SOULANGES SECTION—LATERAL CANAL ON NORTH SIDE OF RIVER—FOR NAVIGATION ALONE—Cow(inwetf See Plates Nos. 6IF-61 Item and description Classihcation Unit R ate Quantity Amount Total Brought forward.... S cts. $ S 16,459,120 2,452,940 1,929,340 5,921,840 4,914,670 1,000,000 10,020 345,280 2,202,130 37,000 619,290 3. Coteau du Lac Guard Lock, Entrance piers and weir. Concrete... Cu. yd. 11 00 9 00 2.750 145,060 30,250 1,305,540 3,030 7,620 591,000 ' 100,000 33.SOO 175,000 206,700 4. Guard gate, entrance piers and weir. Concrete*... Foundation contingency. Excavation—Rock, earth, etc. Lock gates and operating machinery Lock valves and operating machinery Sluice gates, hoists, etc. Emergency dam. Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment, etc. Same as Item No. 4—Table No. 9.. * 1,929,340 5. Cham berry Gully Lock, entrance piers and weir____ Same as Item No* 5—Table No. 9... 5,921,840 6. Cascades Lock, entrance piers and weir„.. Same as Item No. 6—Table No. 9... 4,914,670 7. Drainage— (a) Culverts for Rivers Graisse, Rouge and Delisle. 1,000,000 (bj Ditch—Cedars to P.L,H. & P. Co* head-race. Excavation—Earth. Cu. yd. 0 65 15,420 10,020 8. Railway bridge for C.N* Ry. at Coteau... Same as Item No. 7-—Table No. 9... 345,280 9. Highway changes.. —... * .. 2,202,130 10* Canal lighting and offices*.. 37.000 ii* Property damages.... 619,290 12* Engineering and contingencies. *.... 12|%.... 135,891,630 4,486,370 13. Total....... $40,378,000 14* Cost to divert canal into river when power is developed.. $1,922,000 15. Cost of portion that would be abandoned when canal is diverted into river.—.... $6,382,000 348 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Item and Description Classification Unit Hate Saving if naviga¬ tion channels made 23 ft. deep Originally Additional cost if navigation channels ‘ made 27 ft. deep Originally Cost of future enlargement from 25 ft. to 30 ft. depth Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Quantity Amount Q 16. Lake St, Francis to Lake St. Louis. 17. Enlargement to 30-foot depths assurning it is done after Canal is diverted to river. Excavation—Earth.... Earth.. Dry rock—. Wet rock. ■ - ■ Same as Item Nos. 65—59—Table No. 9. Cu. yd. tt ti IT $ cts, 0 65 0 55 1 60 4 25 350,750 874,440 193,280 16,560 S 227,990 480,940 309.250 70,380 373.540 837,940 203,980 19,800 s 242,800 460.870 326,370 84,150 5 4,3 65.260 545,740 61,088,560 136,440 1,114,190 140,810 !8. Engineering and contingencies. 1*17(3.. *.. 1,225,000 1,255,000 4.911,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 17.—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION ALONE—LATERAL CANAL ON NORTH SIDE OF RIVER uin For details—See Table No. 16 ^ Canal excavation. Earth dykes.. Coteau du Lac guard lock and weir. Guard gate and weir. Cham berry Gully lock and weir....... Cascades lock and weir Property damages. Roads, bridges, and miscellaneous_ Engineering and contingencies—12^ per cent. S 12,955,830 3,503.290 2,452,940 1,929,340 5,921,840 4,914,670 619,290 3,594,430 4,486,370 Total Cost with double locks in flight. Cost with single locks in flight.^ .. Saving if navigation channels made 23 feet deep originaily....... Additional cost if navigation channels made 27 feet deep orieinaliv. bLvCTtecf to rivCT®''.* assuming it is doneafter canal Cost to divert canal into river when power is developed.. Cost of portion of canal that would be abandoned when canal is diverted into river. S 40,378,000 $ 42,536,000 39,370,000 1,225,000 1,255,000 4,911,000 1,922.000 6.382,000 table No. 18.-S0ULANGES SECTlON-NAVIOAXroX CG>tB WITH ALL RIVER DEVELOPMENT-CENTRE POOL See Plates Nos- 52-53 Item and description Works Solely for Navigation— 1. Channel Excavation— . , , ^ Deep water in Lake St. Francis to below Pointe au Diable.. (b) At Leonard Island..- - -.. (c) Approaches to Cedars Lock... Classification (d} Approaches to Melocheville Lock, 2. Dykes— ^ ^ (a) Breakwater—Lake St. Francis... (b) Above Coteau du Lac.. - (c) Above Cedars Lock—south side. 3. Coteau du Lac Guard Lock and entrance piers. 4. Cedars Lock and entrance piers.. .. 5. Melocheville Lock and entrance piers. Carried forward . See Table No. 9—Item No. 1 (a}.. See Table No. 9—Item No. 1 (b)... Excavation—Earth...— Wet rock... Wet rock overdepth... Excavation—Earth. Dry rock. Wet rock —.. Wet rock overdepth.... Unit See Table No. 9-—Item No. 2 (a)- < See Table No. &— Item No. 2 (b),. Earth fill..— Rock fill.. Stripping.- . Rate cts. eu. yd. 0-55 323,000 4 25 156,380 it 4-25 45,890 cu. yd. 0-55 538,600 1 60 105,390 (( 4 25 127,520 rc 4 25 22,220 cu. yd. Sec Table No. 9—Item No. 3..... Concrete... Cribwork... .. Close drilling.. Excavation—Earth. Rock..... Gates and operating machinery... Valves and operating machinery. Emergency gate-- -.. ^. Fenders, capstans, lighting equip- ment, etc..-. Concrete.-. Close drilling... Excavation—Rock--- Rock trench.. Cates and operating machinery.. Valves and operating machinery. cu. yd. sq. ft. cu. yd. cu. yd, sq, ft, cu. yd. Quantity Amount 0 42 1 05 0 65 265,060 14,S00 29,270 9 00 5 00 0 45 0 65 1 60 236,020 113,430 54,680 491,100 124,310 177,650 664,620 195,030 296,230 168,630 541,960 94,430 Total 111,330 15,540 19,030 2,124,180 567,150 24,610 319,220 198,900 705,000 100,000 175,000 206,700 9 00 334,840 0 45 92,270 1 60 233,930 4 iC 2,400 3,013,560 41,520 374,290 9,840 806,000 100,000 4,390,350 772,440 1,037,300 1,101,250 1,329,460 379,270 145,900 2,803,800 4,420,760 16,380,530 o; St. Lawrence Watevivay Project TABLE No. I8-SOULANGES ®®^TION-NAVIGATmN^COMBiraDJV^ ALL RIVER DEVELOPMENT-CENTRE POOL See Plates Nos. 62—S3 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought foreard. S cts. $ 8 Works Solely for Navigation—C on. 5. Melocheville Lock and entrance oiers —Con _ Emergency gate. 1 jTknri 16,380], 530 Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment. etc. 175,000 ■anR '700 Un watering..... iOO, #U0 cm ocn 6. Railway Bridge for C.N.Rv. at Coteau . 7. Highway changes. 8< Canal lighting and offices See Table No. 9—Item No. 7. See Table No. 9—Item No. 8,. ol>i, UaU 5,330,960 345,280 134,000 35,000 487,040 9. Property damages above Pointe au Diable. See Table No. 9^—Item No. 9. See Table No, 9—Item No. 10. 10. Engineering and contingencies. 12| per cent. 22,712.810 11. Total. 2,857,190 25,570,000 Works Common to NA\^GATTo5^ and Power— 12. Channel excavation— i (a) Through Coteau Rapids. See Table No. 9—Items No. 13 (aj and fb} . (b) Pointe a Biron_ .... 6,229,650 395,930 13. Dykes— (a) Coteau du Lac to Cedars Power House..... oee laoie rsio. y—Item No. 13 (c). Earth fill. i cu. yd. 172,600 81,120 688,890 43,970 328,260 230,410 Earth fill. 0 42 n an 410,950 135,200 918,520 43,970 410,320 354,470 Earth fill. U DU 0 75 Rock ^’1.. €€ T noi Rock fill. it n fin Stripping. it U oU n fill (b) Grande He. S^ Table No. 9—Item No. U (b).. u oa 1,545,250 573,530 (c) East end of Cedars Dam to Power House.... Earth fill. ^ Rock fill. . cu. yd. 0 60 T nn 1,318,630 202,390 791,180 202,390 (d) At St. Timothee..... Earth fill cu. yd. it i uu 0 90 1 fin 993,570 Rock fill____ 77 780 35,010 37,240. 70,000 63,020 Stripping.. U 1 'QUi n a^l u oai 24,210 157.230 352 St. Lawrence Waterway Project t 14. Dama at Clarke'a Island ]5. Cedars Dam —... See Table No. 9—Item No* 15. Concrete... Concrete.-..— Foundation contingency.. Excavation—Farth.. Earth trench. Rock footings,,.. Rock trench- cu. yd. cu, yd. if Unwatering— .. Gates, towers, hoists, etc. 11 00 9 OO 631,880 6,950,680 8,360 75,340 695,070 0 55 3 10 2 40 4 10 860,140 3,940 185,160 1,000 473,080 12,210 444,380 4,100 4,064.680 453,700 16. Cascades Dam 17. Drainage.— (a) Diversion of river Dehsle.^.- ^ . • / (b) Drainage for Rivers Graisse, Rouge and Delisle, in¬ cluding excavation Soulanges Canal. Concrete... Concrete. Foundation contingency.. Excavation Rock footings. Earth....... Earth fill.... Rock fill.... ■ - Stripping.... - Gates, hoists, etc.. Unwatering.... Cu. yd. Cu. yd. it U 11 00 319,820 9 00 45,540 3 40 0 55 0 90 2 00 0 65 132,150 22,580 810,280 229,270 8,110 3,518,020 409,860 351,800 317,160 12,420 729,250 458,540 5,270 735,200 2,008,480 See table No. 9—Item No. 17 (a). Excavation—Walls, etc.. Earth. Earth over depth... Cu. yd. if Coii'crcte 1 60 0 65 0 65 900 622,220 28,020 1,440 404,440 18,210 50,000 18, Highway changes New roads. Bridges. 247,120 234,880 19. Property damages Improvements.. Lands.... 20 . 21 . Railroad relocation—C.N. Rly. at Bellerive Interruption in operation of P.L.H. & P. Co. See Table No. 9—^Item No. 22. St. Timothec Power House See Table No. 9—Item No, 2,412,090 646.400 20 , H,P,-yrs. 48. 20 00 12,000 b.p.— 2 yrs. 5,000 h.p.— 7 yrs. 480,000 700,000 23. Engineering and contingencies 24. Total... 123i per cent 1,026,630 13,173.140 8,546,000 418,030 474,090 482,000 3,058,490 932,600 1,180,000 1,540,000 40,726,140 5,110,860 45,837,000 St, Lawrence Waterway Project TABJ.K No. 18—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH ALL RIVER DEVELOPMENT—CENTRE POOL See Plates Nos, 52-53» Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total WORKS PRIMARILY FOR POWER—FIRST STAGE— 2/2 000 installed h.p. at Cascades. 631,800 installed h.p. at Cedars. S cts. S S (A) Sui^JRUGTTIEES, HeAD AND TaII-RaCE ExCAV.ATION, ETC.— 25, Channel excavation— (a) lie aux Vaehes... Excavation—Earth Cu. yd. it 0 55 0 55 1,053,630 45,290 (b) Headrace and powerhouse—Cedars.. . Earth, over depth. 1,915,700 82,340 1,098,920 Es cava tion—Earth Cu. yd. £.£ 0 55 0 55 Oi QTQ' 5,433,080 59,850 215,260 Earth overdepth. 108,810 134,540 Dry rock. 1 60 (c) At St. Timothee.. 5,708.190 Excavation—Earth Cu. yd. 1 00 1 00 C i AiVn 516,090 55,500 (d) Tail-race—Cascades plant.... Earth over depth_ 516,090 55,500 571,590 Excavation—Dry rnek Cu. yd. €€ 1 60 0 55 0 55 478,470 274,270 21,910 765,.550 150,850 12,050 Earth..... 26. Ice sluices, etc., at Cedars power house. Earth, over depth.. U 928,450 Concrete.. Cu. yd. i-i 11 00 9 00 49,720 27,500 546,920 247,500 54 690 Concrete. Foundation contingency.... . Excavation—Earth. Cu. yd. 0 65 4 10 2 40 77 7Pn 50 " 540 4,020 27,460 KAn Rock trench. iT 1 , J oU esn Rock footings_ ..... it sou 11,440 Gates, hoists, etc.... 27. Power house substructure—Cedars 1.054,630 Concrete. Cu. yd. 1 A ilA fro oon 8,096,620 1 700 990 Gates and racks.. oiiSpdso Un watering,.. 1 , 4 ^ UU, nnn 28. Power house substructure—Cascades Concrete.. uOU,UUU 10,456,740 Cu. yd. 14 00 220,780 3,090,920 5i AQ 1 fin Gates and racks.... iOU 3,939,080 29. Engineering and contingencies. 12| per cent... 23,757,600 0 n ill 4 30. Total.. .. 2,969,400 26,727,000 354 St. Lawrence Waterivay Project 45727—23i f (B) Machinery and Superstructores— 31. Cedars power house... 32. Cascades power house 33. Engineering and contingencies. 34. Total... SECOND STAGE—Remodelling present Cedars Plant—194,400 installed h.p.— Generators and turbines—26-34300 h.p, units.... Switching.,...... Service Units and cranes.. Superstructure... Generators and turbines—&-34000 h.p, units.. Switching.... .... Service units and cranes..... Superstructure... 16,833.600 3,872,960 314,860 4,133,860 5,730,800 I,428,000 356,550 1,431,030 12| per cent 25,155,270 8,946,380 34,101,650 4,262,350 38,364,000 (A) Substructure, He.^d and Tail-race Excavation— 35. Removal of present Cedars power house. 36. Pow'cr house substructure, etc Excavation—C oncretc. Dry rock Wet rock. Cu. yd. 4 00 1 60 4 25 180,000 86,000 58,000 Un watering 720,000 137,600 246,500 1,000,000 Concrete. Gates and racks Cu. yd. 14 00 172,040 2,408,560 525,920 2,104,100 2,934,480 37. Engineering and contingencies 124 % 5,038,580 629,420 38. Total 5,668,000 (B) M.-kCIITNERY AND SUPERSTRUCTURE— 39. Power house machinery, etc- Generators and turbines—8-24,300 h.p. units. Switching.... Superstructure..... m% ...- 5,228,800 1,191,680 1,276,230 7,696,710 962,290 8,659,000 40. Engineering and contingencies 41. T otal.. St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 18—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH ALL RIVER DEVELOPMENT—CENTRE POOL ELEVATION 115— See Plates Nos. SSf-SS Item and description THIRD STAGE^Completion of Cascades Plant—850,000 in stalled h,p.— (A) Substructure, Head and Tail-race Exca\\ation— 42. Excavation and unwatering... 43. Completion of dam, walls, etc. 44. Power house substructure, etc.. 45. Engineering and contingencies. 46. Total. (B) Machinery and Superstructure— 47. Machinery and superstructure. , 48. Engineering and contingencies. 49. Total__ Classification Excavation—Earth... Earth. Earth, over depth. Dry rock... TJn watering.... Concrete... Excavation—Rock, footings. Concrete....... Gates and racks.. 121 %. Generators and turbines—25-34, OOOi h.p.units.. Switching. Superstructure.... 121 %. Unit Cu. yd. Cu.yd. Cu. yd. Rate cts 0 65 0 55 0 55 1 60 9 OO 2 40 14 00 Quantity 990,390 548,530 43,830 953,200 37,850 18,800 463,000 Amount 643,750 301,690 24,110 1,525,120 894,990 340,650 45,120; 6,432,000 1,696,310 17,950,000 4,462,500 4,293,070 Total 3,389,660 385,770 8,178,310 11,953,740 1,494.260 13,448,000 26,705,570 3,338,430 30,044,000 356 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Summary Works solely for navigation..... Works common to navigation and power, *.... * *,, Works primarily for power— . . ^ , First Stage-Total installed capacity—903,800 h. p. Substmcturesp head and tail-race excavation, etc. Machinery and superstructures... Second Stage—Total installed capacity, 194,400 h.p. Substructures, head and tail-race excavation, etc. Machinery and euperatnictures. Third Stage—Total installed capacity—850,000 h.p. Substructure, head and tail-race excavation, etc. Machinery and superstructure. Total —Total installed capacity—1,948,200 h.p....... Cost to open navigation and provide an installation of 404,300 h.p. “f lost at existing plants, i.e. 197,000 h.p. at present Cedars plant and 10,000 h.p. at other plants....- Item No. 11 “ 24 30 34 ZB 41 46 _404,300 h.p.—Total installation in first stage of recommended project. 26.727,000 3-8.364,000 5,668,000 8,659,000 13,448.0CM) 30,044,000 25,570,000 45.837,000 65,091,000 14,327,000 43,492,000 £194,317,000 $123,400,000 dt St. Lawrence Waterway Project 'I ] 358 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 19.—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION AND POWER—ALL RIVER DEVELOPMENT—CENTRE POOL ELEVATION 115 For details—See Table 18 Power —1st Stage—One-quarter of Cascades Rapids and portion of Cedars. 638,000 h.p. 2nd Stage—Reconstruction of present Cedars plant. 180,000 h.p. 3rd Stage—Balance of Cascades Rapids. 806,000 h.p. 1st Stage— Works solely for navigation. 25,570,000 Works common to navigation and power. 45,837,000 Works primarily for power— Substructures, head and tail-race excavation. 26,727,000 Machinery and superstructures. 38,364,000 ^ ^ - 136,498,000 2nd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation. 5,668,000 Machinery and superstructure. 8,659,000 3rd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation. 13,448,000 Machinery and superstructure. 30,044,000 —-- 43,492,000 Total. $194,317,000 Cost to open navigation and provide an installation of new power equal to that in 1st Stage of recommended project, i.e., 404,300 h.p. $123,400,000 Powerhouse Install.\tions 1st Stage— Cascades, 8-34,000 h.p. units (43 ft. head). 272,000 Cedars, 26-24,300 h.p. units (32-5 ft. head). 631,000 „ - 903,800 h.p. 2nd Stage, 8-24,300 h.p. units (32-5 ft. head). 194 400 h.p. 3rd Stage, 25-34,000 h.p. units (43 ft. head).!.!..! 850!000 h!p! Total. 1,948,200 h.p. TABLE 20.-SOULANGES SECTION-TABLE SHOWING OVERALL COST OF ALL RIVER DEVELOPMENT—CENTRE POOL ELEVATION 115 Power marketed at 75,000 h.p. per year. Interest during construction and marketing period, 5 per cent. Construction program planned for expenditure of $10,000,000 per year. Half « Con¬ Half — First cost struction Market Interest period period Navigation. S 25,570,000 72,564,000 38,364,000 3-58 3-63 0192 0-469 S 4,910,000 34,050,000 1st Stage—638,000 h.p. 4-25 2nd Stage—180,000 h.p. 5,668,000 8,659,000 0-28 1-20 0-075 non ‘±dO , uuu 3rd Stage—806,000 h.p. 13,448,000 30,044,000 0-67 5-37 0-343 d ftin non oiu,uuu Add first cost.. 194,317,000 43,995,000 1Q4 .?17 non X U*T « U 1. f 1 V/Vv Total. 2S8 212 OftO t TABLE No. 21.—SOULANGEa SECTION—NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH—ALL RIVEE DEVELOPMENT—CENTRE POOL ELEVATION 12a See Plates Nos. 5^55 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Works Solely for NAtTOATtoN— 1 , Channel excavation— (a} Deep water in Lake 3t. Francis to below Pointe au See Table No. 9—Item No. 1 (s)... $ cts. $ s 4,390,350 772,440 2,183,500 1,358,720 742,040 1,329,460 379,270 2,381,650 28,550 2,803,800 1,929,340 5,921,840 4,914,670 345,280 1,039,830 35,000 10,020 487,040 183,100 31,235,900 3,904,100 f0 } At Leonara island..... Excavation—Earth..... Cu. yd. 0 55 3,970.000 2,183,500 (d} ChambeTry Gulb’' Lock to Cascades Lock —.. oGG lapic l\Ui 1 “ “ 1 fe).... 2 , Dikes— . « „ “ “ 2 (a).... (a) Breakwaters—Lake St. Francis... “ “ 2 (b}.... (b) Above Cot‘=*au du Lac Lock... fc} Pointe k Biron to Chamberry Gully Lock... Earth fill..* - Rock fill.. Stripping.. Trimming.. .. Sodding. Pav Lng—Concrete. V| 1 Ch Cl 0_ Xf^OTTl T^O 2 M Cu.ya.. it tt Sq* yd. it Cu, yd. 0 42 0 60 1 00 0 65 0 25 0 45 11 00 2,171,110 1,229,420 173,240 484,110 175,780 8,460 17,860 911,870 737,650 173,240 314,670 43,950 3,810 196,460 (d} Chamberry Gully Lock to Cascades Lock... « 3. 3. Coteau du Lac Guard Lock, etc..... “ “ 4. 4. Guard Gate, entrance piers and weir... 5. Chamberry Gully Lock, entrance piers and w'eir. “ “ 5. 6 . Cascades Lock, entrance piers and weir.... “ “ 6. tt <« y 7. Railway bridge for C.N.Kly. at Goteau.... 174,000 865,830 Excavation—Earth... Cu. yd. 11 . Property damages— (a) Above Pointe au Diable—... , 57,500 125,600 (b) Pointe dr Biron to Cascades Point.. 35,140,000 T. St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No, 2L—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH ALL RIVER DEVELOPMENT—CENTRE POOL ELEVATION 125 See Plates Nos. 54-55 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total M OUKS Common" to Power and NA^^^GATION—' 14. Channel excavation— Through Coteau Rapids. See Table No. 9—Item No. 13 (a) (b) .■... S cts. S S 6,229,650 904,050 775,480 1,026,630 12,081.550 418.030 1,103,940 158,000 976,980 932,600 480,000 15. Dikes— (a) Coteau dn Lac to Pointe a Biron. Earth fill. Cu. yd. U H Cu. yd. i4 ii 0 75 0 80 0 65 0 90 0 84 0 65 674,650 314,710 225,060 5.59,950 231.440 118,640 505,990 251,770 146,290 (b) GradUc He...... Rock fill,.. Stripping.... . Earth fill 503,950 194,410 77,120 16. Dams at Clarke's Island.... Rock fill____ , .. Stripping. See Table No. 9—Item No. 15. 17. Cedars Dam.. CoTicr^itjp! Cu. yd- 11 00 9 00 462,300 44,100 5,085,300 396,900 508,530 381,410 312,480 5,580 4,950.650 440.700 18. Drainage— (a) Diversion—River Delisle.... _ Concrete,... Foundation, contingencv... Excavation—^Earth.. Rock footings.. Roek trench.. Cu. yd. 0 55 2 40 4 iO 693,470 130,200 1,360 Unwatering. .... Gates^ tow'crsp hoists, ete. See Table No. 0-—Item No. 17 (a) fb) Rivers, Graisse, Rouge and Delisle.. “ ** 17 (b),. 19. Highway changes..... 20. Property damages. Improvements,. 653,580 323,400 21, Railroad relocation—C,N. Rlv. at Bellerive.. .. Lands. See Table No. 9—Item No. 20. 22. Interruption in operation of PX.H. & P.Co.... See Table No. "S—Item No, 21, 23, Engineering and contingencies..... 12| per cent________ 25,086,910 3,135,090 24. Total. 28,222,000 Works Primarily for Power—First Stage —Pointe a Biron—559,800 installed h,p.— (A) Substructures, Head and TailtRace Excav.ation, etc,. 25, Head and tail-race excavation.... Excavation—Earth..... Cu. yd. 0 55 2,429,780 1,336,380 360 St, Laivrence Waterway Project 26. Power house substrueture. 27. Engineering and contingencies- 2g, Total... (B) Machinery and SuPBBaTRircTURES-* 29. Machinery t etc.. Earth. Earth.. Earth. Earth, overdept.h. Earth over depth. Dry rock —.. Un watering... Concrete.* Gates and racks. 12 i per cent. Cu. yd, Generators and turbines—36-15,550 h.p. units.. Switching. Service unita and cranes. Superstructure.-.. 30. Engineering and contingencies... 31. Total... .. SECOND STAGE—Cascades Island—1,398,400 installed h.p.- (A) SussTRUcruRES, Head and Tatd-race Excavatiok, eix,. 32. Removal of present Cedars power house. 33 . Dam at Cascades Island... — 12 i per cent. 0 65 1 00 0 80 1 00 0 SO 1 60 14 00 468,3001 1,200,070 7,708,110 114,070 425,020 975,970 624,030 34. Power house and tail-race excavation. 35. Highway changes. 36. Property damages.. 37. St. Timothee power house. Carried for\^^rd — Concrete... Concrete.. Foundation contingency- Excavation—Rock footings. Earth... ■ - Gates, hoists, etc.— Unw^atering... - Earth fill... Rock fill.. Stripping... Excavation—Earth —.......... Earth, over depth . Dry rock... Cu. yd. Cu. yd. See Table No. 9—Item No- 46 9 — “ 47. « 0— “ 48. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 11 00 9 00 304.4501 1,200,070 6,166,490 114,070 340,740 1,561,560 366,680 8,736,420 2,692,980 11,390,430 11,429,400 22,819,830 2,852,170 25,672,000 22.017,600 3,715,200 536,740 3,752,360 417,680 129,490 2 40 0 65 0 90 2 00 0 65 0 55 0 55 1 60 170,600 22,580 153,360 62,280 36,100 822,800 65,740 1,478,440 4,594,480 1,165,410 459,450 409,440 14,680 735,200 2,926,940 138,020 124,560 23,470 452,540 36,160 2,365,500 30.021,900 3,752,100 33,774,000 480,000 10,591,650 2,854,200 227,500 1,384,280 1,540,000 17,077,630 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 21.—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION OTMBI NED WITH ALL RIVER DEVELOPMENT-CANT RE POOL V A1 lU N 125— Concluded See Plates Nos. 54—55 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought forw'ard. S cts. S % 17,077,630 14,662,280 Head akd Tail-race Excavation', etc.— Con. 38. Power house substructure... Concrete Cu. yd. 14 00 797,750 11.168,500 3,493,780 39, Engineering and contingencies. Gates and racks... 12|%... S 31,739,910 3.967,000 40. Total . (B) Machineby aKd Supebstructuhe— 41. Machinery, etc. Generatora and turbinesr-38-36,800 h.p. units. 28,522,800 6.931.200 366,950 4.336.200 $ 35,707,000 40,157,150 5,019,850 42. Engineering and contingencies. Switching. Service units and cranes. Superstructure. m% ... 43. Total. 45,177,000 SUMMABY Works solely for navigation.... Works common to navigation and power...],' Works primarily for power— First Stage—Total installed capacity—559,800 h.p. Substructures, head and tail-race excavation, etc. Machinery and superstructures.. Second Stage—Total installed capacity—1,398,400 h.p. Substructures, head and tail-race excavation, etc. Machinery and superstructures.. Total —Total installed capacity—1,958,200 h.p. CJost to open navigation and provide an installation of 404,300 h.p. of new power. Note. 404,300 h.p.—Total installation in first stage of recommended project. Item No. 13 35,140,000 “ 24 28,222,000 “ 28 25,672,000 “ 31 33.774,000 59,446,000 “ 40 35,707,000 43 45,177,000 80,884,000 -C'Hrtr} iirtn rtAn 5203,692,000 5113,687.000 w 05 to St. Lawrence Waterway Project St. Lawrence Waterway Project 363 TATiTF 99 SOTIL\NGES SECTION—NA\^GATION AND POWER—ALL RI\Ti^R TABLE 22.-SOULA^NGEb^^^^^^ ELEVATION 125 For details—See Table 21 Power—1st Stage—Pointe ^ Biron... 2nd Stage—Cascades Rapids 516.000 h.p. 1,113,000 h.p. 1st Stage— W^orks solely for navigation. Works common to navigation and power. Works primarily for power— Substructures, head and tail-race excavation Machinery and superstructures. S 35,140,000 28,222,000 25,672,000 33,774,000 -—$122,808,000 2nd Stage— , , Substructure, he^d and tail-race excavation Machinery and superstructure. S 35.707.000 45,177,000 - 80,884,000 Total $203,692,000 Cost to open navigation and provide an installation of new power equal to that in 1st recommended project, i.e., 404,300 h.p. Stage of ..$113,687,000 Power House Installations 1st Stage—36-15,500 h.p. units (22 ft. head). 2nd Stage—38-36,800 h.p. units (53 ft. head). 559,800 h.p. 1,398,400 h.p. Total 1,958,200 h.p. TABLE 23. -SOULANGES SECTION—POWER ALONE—AS IN RECOMMENDED PROJECT fILE VACHES THREE STAGE DEVELOPMENT) Item and description FIRST STAGE—He aux Vaches—404,300 installed h.p. (A) CcTTEAu Rapid s Eniargembnt— 1. Channel from above darkey's Island to below Broad Island. 2. Round Island channel...... .. 3. Dams at Clarke's Island...].! ” ' ^] 4. Railroad relocation C.N, Ry. at Beilerive,V.. 5- Property Damages.... .. 6. Engineering and contingencies. 7. Total... (B) Revision of 14 rr. Navigation— 8. Excavation for Canal. 9. Guard gate and weir above Chamberry Gully Lock. Classification See Table No. 9—Item No. 13 (a). See Table No. 9—Item No. 13 (h). See Table No. 9—Table No. 15. See Table No, 9—Item No. 20..... 124 %. Excavation—Earth_ Dry' rock. . C oncrete... Concrete... Foundation cont ingency. Crib work... Excavation—Earth. Round bearing piles_ Steel Sheet Piling. Lock gates, etc... Sluice gates, etc. 10. Chamberry Gully and Cascades Locks. 11. Regulating weirs. Unit Cu.yd. Cu. yd. Rate S cts Concrete... Cribwork.. Gates, etc. Concrete..... Concrete. Foundation contingencies... Excavation—Rock. Rock trench.. Earth.... Earth trench. Sheeting and bracing... Gates, hoists, etc..... Cu. yd. lin, ft. tons Cn. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 0 65 1 60 11 00 9 00 5 00 0 65 0 85 100 OO Quantity 2,440,500 120,850 2,520 9,000 9 00 5 00 11 00 9 00 1 60 4 10 0 65 3 10 110 00 8,800 6,520 34,710 209 98,640 19,920 11,050 51,640 Amount Total 5,046,260 1,183,390 1,026,630 932,600 50,000 1,586,330 193,360 27,720 81,000 2,770 44,000 4,240 29,500 20.900 11,000 18.900 887,760 99,600 105,000 2,550 1,360 133,500 7,990 127 121.550 464,760 12,150 4,C 5,570 86,780 24,770 13,970 35.550 8,238,880 1,029,120 9,268,000 1,779,690 240,030 1,092,360 769,180 364 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Earth fill. .. .. . cu. yd, a U Sq. yd, Cu, yd. 0 m\ 1 05 1 00 0 m 0 25 0 45 11 00 2,913,260 49,760 76,320 402,210 175,780 8,460 12,480 1,747,960 52,250 76,320 261,440 43,950 3,810 137.280 2,323,010 130,000 56,000 6,410,270 801,730 13, Bridges ... . ... 14, Property damages.. - * .. Rock fill... Rock fill.. ... Stripping ... Sodding. — Lands, ... . .56’66d 15. Eagineering and coatingencies. . 1*5/o- - ..*..* ■ 7,212,000 (C) SuBSTRUCTU RESt DaM, HeAD AND TAIl-ItACE EXCAVATION, ETC- 17. Channel Excavation — See Table No. 9—Item No. 13 (c)... 395,930 750,080 1,107.470 573,530 15,205,030 1,531,990 158,000 926,980 480,000 10,875,550 (b) Channel through lower end of Grande He . 18. Dykes— ^ , See Table No. 9—Item No. 14 fa)... See Table No. 4—Item No. 14 ftj... See Table No. 9—Item No. 17 (ah 21. Highway changes .... 23. Interruption in operation of P.L.H. & Co... ■ 24. Substructures—He aux Vaches Power Houses... New roads,... . Improvements.. . Lands .- ■ ^ ■ -- ' 603.580 323,400 See Table No. 9—Item No. 24. 32,094,560 4,011,440 36,106,000 26, Total . (D) Machinery and Supebstrtjctuhb— 24,586,000 SECOND STAGE—Power House North of Cascades Pt, 545,000 installed h.p.— (A) SUBSTRUCTHBE, HeAD AND TaHtRACE EXCAVATION Excavation — Barth.... Cu. yd. 0 55 i. 17,408,(KK J 9,574,40( 1 - 9,574,400 1,727,620 28. Head-race — ■‘ueu.ars xo jrower xiutiae . . . .1. 29. Tail-race and power house excavation,.. . 11,302,020 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE Item and description - Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Carried forw'ard. $ cts. S S SECOND STAGE. Etc—Con. *^'0 Taiit-b-^ce Excaa'atioji, etc.—C on. 30. Dykes—Cedars to power house... Earth filL. 5,010,620 51,770 277,250 600,300 2,104,470 11,302,020 Rock fill..... Cu. yd. u 0 42 1 1A Rock mi,. u 1 1 JU 1 oo 56,950 277,250 390,200 Stripping. tt 31. Ice sluices and walls at power house. 32. Power house substructure See Table No. 0—Item No. 34. See Table No. 9—Item No. 35 2,828,870 1,551,290 33. Highway changes..... New roads. Bridges. 150,000 4 4 ft AAA 5,269,970 34. Property damages. Improvements... 44JpiJUU 592,000 Lands. OCA no' 945 565,210 ^Uu UU 189,000 754,210 35. Engineering and contingencies. 121%. 22,298.360 36. Total. 2,787,640 {B) Machineby and Superstkdctuee— 37. Total. 25,086,000 See Table No, 9—Item No. 42.. Power House at Cascades Rapids— 1,030,400 lustalled h.p.— (A) Substructure, Head and Tail-race. ExcavatioNj etc. JS. Total.. 14,637,000 See Table No. 9 —Item No. 51. (B) Macbinbbt and Superstbuctuiie—. 39- Total. 30,531,000 See Table No. 9—Item No. 54 i 33,285,000 W S? O) St. Lawrence Waterioay Project Summary First Stage —Power at II© aux Vaches—Installed capacity 404,300 h.p.— Item No. V “ 16 26 “ 27 Item No. 36 “ 37 Item No. 38 “ 39 S 9,268,000 7,312,000 36,106,000 24,586,000 S 77,172,000 39,723,000 63,816,000 Second Stage— Power north of Cascades Point—Installed capacity 545,000 h.p — 25,086,000 14,637,000 Third Stage— Power at Cascades Kapids—Installed capacity 1,030^400 h.p — 30,531,000 33,285,000 S 180,711,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 368 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 24.—SOULANGES SECTION—POWER ALONE—ILE AUX VACHES—THREE- STAGE PROJECT For details—See Table 23 1 st Stage—He aux Vaches. 382,000 h.p. 2 nd Stage—North of Cascades Point. 488,000 h.p. 3rd Stage—Cascades Rapids. !!!.!. 762,000 h.p. 1st Stage— Coteau Rapids enlargement.$ 9,268,000 Revision of 14-ft. navigation. 7,212,000 Substructures, dams, head and tail-race excavation. 36,106,000 Machinery and superstructures. 24,586,000 2nd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation..$ 25,086,000 Machinery and superstructure. 14,637*, 000 o ^- 39,723,000 3rd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation.$ 30,531,000 Machinery and superstructure. 33,’285,’000 -^-’— 63,816,000 Total.$180,711,000 Power House Install.\tions 1 st Stage—26-15,550 h.p. units (22 ft. head). 404 300 h.p. 2nd Stage—10-54,500 h.p. units (75*5 ft. head). 545*000 h.D.' 3rd Stage—28-36,800 h.p. units (53 ft. head).1,030,400 h!p! Total 1,979,700 h.p. 45827- TABLE No. 2S.-SOULANGES SECTION-NAVIGATION COMl^ POWER DEVELOPMENT-HUNGRY BAY- MrjLOt. H V1 LrLt. HU U i Jir Balance of Power as in Recommended Project—(He aux Vaches Note —Navigation and 1st Stage of Power Development Shown on PJatesah-ST____ Item and description Works Solely for Navigation— L t’hannel excavation— (a) Deep water in Lake St. Francis to below Hungry Bay guard lock. (b) Above flight locks to deep water in Lake St. Louis... Classification Excavation—Earth.. Earth over depth. I^arth. Dry rock. Unit Excavation- 2. Breakwater, Lake St. Francis.. .. 3. Hungry Bay guard lock and entrance piers— 4. Flight locks (single flight) and entrance piers. 5. Bridges.. —.... 6. Property damages.. ■ -Earth... Dry rock. Wet rock. Wet rock over depth,.. t'ee Table No. 14—Item No. 2 (flj. See Table No. 14—^Item No. 4. See Table No. 14—Item No. 5. Improvements--- Lands.... . 7. Canal lighting and office, 8. Engineering and contingencies.. 9. Total... Works Common to K.wigation and Power— 10. C hannel excavation— i , • Below Hungrj^ Bay guard lock to above flight locks. 11. Dykes—Below guard lock to above flight lock, 12^ per cent. Excavation—Earth..... Earth. Dry rock. cu. yd. cu. yd. Rate £ cts. 0-35 0 35 0 65 1 60 0 45 1 60 4 25 4 25 Quantity 1,47L670 163,340 748,810 131,950 902,000 1,075,210 57,390 6,600 'Carried forward, Earth fill. Earth fill... Rock fill.... .. Stripping... Trimming. ... Sodding. Paving—concrete. cu. yd. it a cu. yd, ti sq. yd. cu. yd. Amount 8 515,090 57,170 486,730 211,120 405,900 1,720,340 343,910 28,050 161,010 100,000 0 45 22,403,910 10,081,760 0 65 5,237,650 3.404,480 1 60 1,206,980 1,931,170 0 42 6,614,770 2,778,210 0 60 422,000 253,200 0 60 60,590 36,360 0 65 1,122,960 729,930 0 25 1,255,130 313,780 0 45 157,740 70,980 11 00 128,980 1,418,780 Total 1,270,110 2,398,200 1,345,500 1,805,890 7,684,440 2,099,450 261,010 40,000 16,90-1,600 2,113,400 19,018,000 15,417,410 5,601,240 21,018,650 St. Lawrence Waterumj Project TABLE 25-SOULANGES SECTION-NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH PARTIAL POWER DEVELOPMENT-HCNGRY BAY- M ELO C H EVIL L E RO U TE —Continued Balance of Power as in Recommended Project—(lie aux Yaches Three Stage) Note— Navigation and 1st Stage of Power Development Shown on Plates 56-57 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Brought forward. $ ets. S 3 oi mo Works Common to Navigation and Pow^xh—C on. 12. Supply ’weir south of guard lock.. Concrete. cu. yd. 11 00 9 00 18,480 9,150 orhfi OQi\ t U iSf tiuU Concrete. 82,350 20,330 9,750 15,840 12,560 3,610 11,880 132,900 Foundation contingency. Fxcavation—Earth... cu. yd. 0 ^ 2 40 3 10 4 10 no 00 15,000 6,600 4,050 880 108 Rock footings.... Trench earth.. « Trench rock. €€ Sheeting and bracing. M.F.B.M. Gates, hoists, etc. 13. Railroad dh-^ersions... 492.500 14- Highway changes. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^! 15. Ditches.... 16. Fences. See Tabic No. 14—Item No. 8. See Table No. 14—Item No. 9. . , See Table No. 14—Item Nn, in 119.200 436,440 36,280 17. Property damages.... Improvements. Lands... 98,040 nnn uuu 604,040 IS. Engineering and contingencies.. 12^ per cent.... 22,982,050 0 C70 Qtn 19. Total,... rtfc oec AAA Works Prisiarilt for Power—First Stage—Melocheville— Installed capacity, 2^3,800 h.p.— (A) Substructure, Head and T.ul-race Excavation, etc.— 20. Channel excavation— (a) Deep w'ater in Lake St. Francis to below supply weir. AiT-j 0&-&P UiK) Excavation—Earth.... cu. yd, n 0 35 0 65 0 65 1 60 4 25 4 25 163,170 1,555,390 30,560 550,460 798,670 58,340 57.110 1,011,000 19.860 880.740 3,394,250 247,950 Earth.. Earth over depth.. Dry rock... it IrVet rock. it (b) Above flight locks to power house. Wet rock over depth... ic 5,611,010 Excavation—Earth CU. yd. cc 0 4S 0 65 1 60 2,310,120 22 260 1.039,550 14.470 1,720,340 Earth. Dry Rock.. u 1,075!210 2,774,360 370 St. Lawrence Waterway Project (c) Tail-race, 2L Control works in Coteau Rapids. 22. Ice sluices and walls at power house. 23. Power house su bstruc ture. 24. Bridge aobe power house. 25. Property damages... 26. Engineering and contingencies. 27. Total. (BJ Machinery anr SuPBRSTETjcrtrEE— 28. Macbineryii etc—.. 29 Engineering and contingencies. 39, Total.. Excavation—Dry rock... Wet rock_ Over depth. Concrete. Concrete.. ■. Foundation contingency ...,. Excavation—Rock footings. Earth... Gates* hoistSp etc... Cribw'ork. - ■ Unwatering.. . Concrete.... Concrete... Foundation contingency. Excavation—Dry rock,. Gates, hoists* etc.--- Concrete.... Gates and racks, SECOND STAGE^ILE AUX VACHES—104*300 Installed h.p. (A) CoTEAU Rapids Enlargement— 31. Same as Table No. 23—Item No. 7. less $4,422,000. Improvements. Lands. ]2i per cent. Generators and turbines—0—47,3 h.p. units.- ■ Switching... Service units and cranes. Superstructure.. 121 per cent. cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu, yd. cu. yd. 1 60 4 25 4 25 11 00 9 00 2 40 0 65 5 00 Cu. yd. Cu.yd. 11 00 9 00 1 60 14 00 00 822,860 225,950 21,180 14,040 1,300 9,360 6,000 12,000 11,760 83,420 3,450 141,570 1,316,580 900,290 90,020 154,440 12,240 15,440 22,470 3,900 151.400 60,000 200.400 129,360 750,780 12,940 5,520 37*700 1,981,980 424,300 26*450 100 OOO 4,551,120 1,152,000 152,400 914,640 2,366,890 620,290 936,300 2,406,280 215,540 126,450 15,057.120 1,882,880 16,940,000 6,770,160 846,840 7,617*000 4,846,000 St. LawreT^ce Watemmy Project TABLE Ko. 25—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION COMBINED WITH PARTIAL POWER DEVELOPMENT—HUNGRY BAY— MELOCHEVILLE ROUTE—ConcMcii Balance of Power as in Recommended in Projcef^dle aux Vaches Three Stages) Note— Navigation and 1st Stage of Power Development Shown on Plates 56-57. Item and description Class! beat ion Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total SECOND STAGE. Etc.—Cm. (B) Substructures, Dam, Head axd Tail-Race Excavation, ETC.— 32, Same as Table No. 23—Item No. 2D, less S558.000 due to decrease in cost of unwatering Cedars Dam. S cts. S S 35,548,000 (C) Machinery and Superstructure— 33. See Table No. 9—Item No. 30... 24,586,000 THIRD STAGE—NORTH OF CASCADES POINT—327,000 instaUed h.p.— (A) Sufebstructure, and T.ail-race Excavation— 34, Head-race, Cedars to power house.. Excavation—Earth Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 0 55 0 55 0 55 1 60 4 25 4 25 6,435,640 1,210,000 67,000 3,900 14.000 4,800 4,639,600 4,639,600 1.247.290 2,828,870 1.551.290 3,268,410 592,000 754,210 35, Tail-race and power house excavation.. Excavation—Ea rth 665,500 36,850 14,240 59,500 20,400 450,800 36. Dikes—above power house.... Earth, over depth. Dry rock... Wet rock. Wet rock over depth... Unwatering....... See Table No. 33—Item No. 30.. 37. Ice sluices and walls at power house.. See Table No, 9—Item No. 34.,.... 38. Power house substructure... Concrete. Cu. yd. 14 OO 190,080 2,661,120 607,290 39. Highway changes.... Gates and racks.. . See Table No. 23—Item No. 33. 40. Property damages.... See Table No. 23—Item No, 34., . 41. Engineering and contingencies.. 12| per cent.... 14,881,670 1,860,330 42. Total.... 16,742,000 (B) Machinery and Superstructure— 43. Machinery and superstructure.. .......... Generators and turbines—6-54,500 h.p. units.... 7,938,940 Switching...... 1,332,000 219,640 1,113,480 Service units and cranes. Superstructure.... 372 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 992,060 44. Engineering and contingencies.... . 8,931,000 FOURTH STAGE^CASCADES RAPIDS—1,030,400 installed h*p- — _ (A) SUBSTHUCTUREt HeAD AND TAIL-RACE EXCAVATIOK 46 Same as Table No. 9—Item No. 51, less $366,000 due to 30,165,000 (B) Machinery and SuPERaTRUcruBE— 33,285,000 Summary FIRST STAGF^NAVIGATION AND POWER VIA HUNGRY BAY-MELOCHEVILUE-Installed capacity 283,800 h.p.— Item No. 9 19,018,000 25,855,000 16,940,000 7,617,000 69,430,000 64,980,000 25,673,000 63,450,000 " 19. Works common to navigation and power.... ' Works primarily for power-— “ 27. Substructure, bead and tail-race excavation, etc... .. “ 30. SECOND STAGE—POWER AT ILE AUX VACHES—Installed capacity 404,300 h.p.— Item No. 31. 4,846,000 35,548,000 24,586,000 32. Substructures, head and tail-race excavation, etc.......... » 33. THIRD STAGE—POWER AT CASCADES POINT—Installed capacity—327,000 h.p....— Item No. 42. 16,742,000 8,931,000 Substructure, head and tail-race excavation, etc... “ 45. FOURTH STAGE—POWER AT CASCADES ISLAND—Installed capacity—1,030.400 h.p.— Item No. 46. .... 30,165,000 33,285,000 Substructure, head and tail-race excavation, etc..... > - .. 47. Total —Total installed capacity—2,045,500 h.p.. *. 223,533,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 374 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 26.—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION AND PARTIAL POWER DEVELOP¬ MENT VIA HUNGRY BAY-MELOCHEVILLE—BALANCE OF POWER AS IN RECOMMENDED PROJECT Diversion to Melocheville for Power, 15,500 c.f.s. Navigation— Via Hungry Bay—Melocheville route. Power— Four-stage development— 1st Stage—Melocheville. 2nd Stage—He aux Vaches. 3 Stage—North of Cascades Point. 4th Stage—Cascades Rapids. 116,000 h.p. 370,000 h.p. 384,000 h.p. 762,000 h.p. 1st Stage— Works solely for navigation (single flight locks).. Works common to navigation and power. Works primarily for power— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation.. Machinery and superstructure. 2nd Stage— Coteau Rapids enlargement. Substructures, head and tail-race excavation, etc Machinery and superstructures. 3rd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation. Machinery and superstructure. 4th Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation. Machinery and superstructure. Total Power House Installations 1st Stage— 3-47,300 h.p. units (77-5 ft. head). 2nd Stage—26-15,550 h.p. units (22 ft. head). 3rd Stage— 8-54,500 h.p. units (75-5 ft. head). 4th Stage—28-36,800 h.p. units (53 ft. head). Total. $ 19,676,000 17,048,000 9,199,000 3,945,000 -S 49,868,000 $ 7,108,000 35,834,000 24,586,000 - 67,528,000 S 20,734,000 11,742,000 - 32,476,000 $ 30,352,000 33,285,000 - 63,637,000 $213,509,000 141,900 h.p. 404,300 h.p. 436,000 h.p. 1,030,400 h.p. 2,012,600 h.p. TABLE 27.—SOULANGES SECTION—NAVIGATION AND PARTIAL POWER DEVELOP¬ MENT VIA HUNGRY BAY-MELOCHEVILLE-BALANCE OF POWER AS IN RECOMMENDED PROJECT Diversion to Melocheville for Power, 31,800 c.f.s. For details—See Table 25 Navigation —Via Hungry Bay-Melocheville route. Power —Four-stage development— 1st Stage—Melocheville. 2nd Stage—He aux Vaches. 3rd Stage—North of Cascades Point. 4th Stage—Cascades Rapids. 1st Stage— Works solely for navigation. Works common to navigation and power. Works primarily for power— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation.. Machinery and superstructure. 2nd Stage— Coteau Rapids enlargement. Substructures, head and tail-race excavation, etc, Machinery and superstructures. 3rd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation. Machinery and superstructure. 4th Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation. Machinery and Superstructure. 239,000 h.p. 370,000 h.p. 261,000 h.p. 762,000 h.p. .$ 19,018,000 . 25,855,000 . 16,940,000 7,617,000 -$ 69,430,000 S 4,846,000 35,548,000 24,586,000 - 64,980,000 $ 16,742,000 8,931,000 - 25,673,000 S 30,165,000 33,285,000 - 63,450,000 Total $223,533,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 375 Table 27—Con.—P ower House Installations 1st Stage— 6-47,300 h.p. units (77-5 ft. head). 2nd Stage—26-15,550 h.p. units (22 ft. head). 3rd Stage— 6-54,500 h.p. units (75-5 ft. head). 4th Stage—28-36,800 h.p. units (53 ft. head). 283,800 h.p. 404,300 h.p. 327,000 h.p. 1,030,400 h.p. Total 2,045,500 h.p. T\BLE 28—SOUL\NGES SECTIOX—NAVIGATION AND PARTIAL POWER DEVELOP- ^'^®^MlkT \ IA HUNGRY AS IN 1st and 3rd stages OF RECOMMENDED PROJECT Diversion to Melocheville for Power, 66,700 c.f.s. Navigation —Via Hungry Bay-Melocheville route. Power —Three-stage development— 1st Stage—Melocheville. 2nd Stage—He aux Vaches. 3rd Stage—Cascades Rapids. 1st Stage— Works solely for navigation. Works common to navigation and power. Works primarily for power— Substructure, heSid and tail-race excavation.. Machinery and superstructure. 2nd Stage— Coteau Rapids enlargement. Substructures, head and tail-race excavation, etc Machinery and superstructures. 3rd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation. Machinery and superstructure. . 500,000 h.p. . 370,000 h.p. . 762,000 h.p. S 19,873,000 44,594,000 33,719,000 15,143,000 -$113,329,000 S 1,763,000 34,936,000 24,586,000 - 61,285,000 29,879,000 33,285,000 - 63,164,000 Total Power House Install.\tions 1st Stage—12^7,300 h.p. units (77*5 ft. head). 2nd Stage—26-15,550 h.p. units (22 ft head). 3rd Stage—28-36,800 h.p. units (.53 ft. head). Total. $237,778,000 567,600 h.p. 404,300 h.p. 1,030,400 h.p. 2,002,300 h.p. TABLE No 29 —SOULANGES SECTION—TABLE SHOWING RELATIVE OVERALL COST OF SCHEMES OF IMPROVEMENT Interest during construction and marketing period at 5%. Construction program planned for expenditure of $10,000,000 per year. “A”—Recommended Project—He aux Vaches Three Stage Project. (S^Tabies Nos. 9 10, H, 12 and 13.) “B”—Separate Navigation & Power Works. Navigation via Hungry Bay—Melochville Route. Power as in Recommended Scheme—He aux \ aches Three Stage ProjecL^ o n f a i “C”—Four Stage Project—15,500 c.f.s. via Hungry Bay—Melocheville (Canal 300 x 2o—\el. 2 0 f.s.). Balance of Power as in Recommended Project, (^fe 26)* , “D”—Four Stage Project—31.800 c.f.s. via Hungry Bay—Melocheville (Canal 360 x 35 —Vel. f.s.). Balance of Power as in Recommended Project (See Table No. 27). oi f « x “E”—Three Stage Project—66,700 c.f.s. via Hungry gay— Melocheville (Canal 790 x 35 -^el. 2* f.s.). Ralnnpp nf Power as in 1st and 3rd Stages of Recommended Project. (See Table No. 28). _ “A” ‘•B” “C’ “D” “E” 1. Assuming no transfer of power between Provinces— (a} Power marketed at 40,000 h.p. per 260,372,000 263,239,000 265,629,000 276,293,000 319,958,000 year. (b) Power marketed at 75,000 h.p. per 239,012,000 241,869,000 246,159,000 256,713,000 290.888,000 yG£ir. (c) Power marketed at 150,000 h.p. per 228,332,000 231.069,000 236,379,000 246,843,000 276,198,000 year. 2. Assuming Quebec supplied with 200,000 h.p. from International Section— (a) Power marketed at 40,000 h.p. per vpar . 281,042,000 265,239,000 267.629,000 278,293,000 321,958,000 (b) Power marketed at 75,000 h.p. per 249,512,000 243,869,000 248,159,000 258,713,000 292,888,000 (c) Power marketed at 150,000 h.p. per year. 234.102,000 233,069,000 238,379,000 A “TT'* 248,843,000 278,198,000 1 vnliigi rtf flip Note Mention canal via Hungry Bay-Melocheville over that of the Recommended Project. _ $2 000,000 has been added to all Schemes under No. 2 to cover cost of renewing generators in Barn- Island’ Power House from 60 cycles to 25 cycles. TABLE No, 30,—LAC HI NE SECTIO N—RECOMMEN DED P ROJECT-NAVIGATION ALONE See Plates Nos. 62-64 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total L Channel excavation— S cts. S 1 S (a) Deep water in Lake St. Louis to Lachine Wharf Excavation—Earth... Cu. yd. 0 65 3 7'5'g 700 2 4‘>3 fifin Earth, over depth. 0 65 V 1 ■ g 1 4JFU 257,6§0 167,490 Wet rock.... tt 3 00 294,100 882,300 Wet rock, o\^er depth. . it 3 OO 33,340 100,020 Wet rock. .. 4 25 221,500 941,380 Wet rock, over depth.. ii 4 25 56,510 240,170 (h) Lachine Wharf to Verdun Lock_ Excavation—Earth Cu yd 0 65 K QOT Ofin ^ Qjn ion 4,755,020 Dry rock.. it. 1 20 Mg CU J g^ UOU S37,630 1,005,160 Dry rock.... iC 1 60 122,010 195,220 Wet rock. il 3 00 274,700 824,100 Wet rock. ii 4 25 91,570 389,170 Wet rock, over depth. . ii 4 25 62,300 264,770 Close drilling. Sq.ft. 0 45 79,300 35,690 (c) Above guard gate to control dam. Excavation—Earth C'li vH 0 65 fieq one C77 QOA 6,554,300 Dry rock.... u 1 20 Or??7 ^ aUU, 163,000 Oil,UoO 195,600 77Q f;cn (d) Verdun Lock to Nun's Island Lock. ..... . Excavation—Earth yd-. 0 65 OAK &9n JL10 70n 110,OoU Rock. 1 20 IrtU j 255,120 ■riy, /ou 306,140 Close drilling.. Sq. ft. 0 45 38,630 17,380 (e) Nun's Island Lock to Montreal Lock. Excavation—Earth Cu, yd. 0 65 Q79 ton 9iit ■ocn 743,300 Rock.. 1 20 ai ^ i ZU 972,550 ^■41, Sou 1,167,060 Close drilling. Sq. tt. 0 45 161,140. 72,510 Un watering. 547,400 (f) Below Montreal Lock..... Excavation—Diy^ rock Cu. yd. 1 9f\ iJlil 2,028,850 Wet rock.. 3 00 oao, 211,490 bbU^7/0 634,470 Wet rock, over depth.. “ 3 00 10,000 30,000 Close drilling. Sq. ft. 0 45 37,230 16,750 2, Dykes and walls— 1,350,990 (a) Rock fill north of Dorval Island. Rock fill Ou yd 0 25 718,270, 16 680 179,570 1 Sin lan (b) Lachine Whaif to Verdun Lock. .... Concrete. Cu. yd. 9 00 179,570 Concrete paving. 11 00 54 [300 lOU,izu 597,300 Crib w^ork. ti 5 001 148,200 741,000 Earth fill... . a 0 42 1,288,570 541,200 Rock fill.... it 0 60 108,900 65,340 Stripping. it 0 65 239,630 155,760 376 St. Lawrence Waterway Project (c) Verdun Lock to Nun^s Island Lock (d) Nun’s Island Lock to Montreal Lock (e) South end of control dam 3. Control works—Lake of Two Mountains 4. Control dam at lie au Diable 5* Guard gate, entrance piers and weir,.... Carried forward.... Trimnning.... Sodding.. Un watering. Excavation—Earth. Earth fill. Earth fill. Rock fill. .. Trimming... Concrete paving. Stone face.. Slone face on Verdun Dyke. Concrete. . Earth fill.. Rock fill. . Stone face. Trimming. Earth fill, Rock fill. , Concrete. Ex cavation— Rock Earth fill... Cofferdam. Stop logs. . . .. Stop log hoists..... Concrete... Concrete. Foundation contingency. Excavation—Earth. Earth, trench. Rock footings. Rock trench .. . Sheeting and bracing. Reinforcing steel... Superstructure and gates.. . Unw^atering. C^oncrete.- Concrete.... Foundation contingency. Cribw'ork.. Excavation—Rock.. Rock footings, Sq. yd. Cu. y d . Sq. yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd, i>i; Sq- yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Lin. ft. M.F.B.M Each Cu. yd, 0 25 0 45 Cu. yd. M.F.B.M Ton 0 65 0 42 0 70 0 26 0 25 11 OO 0 65 0 75 9 00 0 65 0 20 18 00 3 00 0 30 50 00 00 00 5,000 00 0 00 11 00 Cu. yd. Cu. yd. 0 65 3 10 2 40 3 70 110 00 100 oo! 146,760 14,000 9 00 11 00 5 00 1 20 1 SO 390,350' 311,400 L434,2S0 203,680 111,990 12,300 61,440 78,370 119,210 521,690 193,100 52,110 52,610 4,950 2,750 8,450 4,550 2,000 4,700 34 3 8,270 133,480 10,120 1,100 62,190' 1,200 27 50 50,390 2,970 6,430 15,620 1,630 36.690 6,300 166,460 253,730 130,790 1,004,000 52,960 28,000 135,300; 39,940 58,780 1,072,890 339,100 38,620 33,870 13,150 5,450 6.050 152,100 13,650 600 235,000 3,060 15,000 74,430 1,468,280 146,830 6,580 3,410 149,260 4,440 2,970 5,000 1,684,700 1,559,250 453,510 32.670 3,270 32,150 18,740 2,930 2,460,170 1.703,500 1,497,630 11.500 419,410 5,105,150 27.582,970 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 30—LACHINE SECTION—RECOMMENDED PROJECl—NAVIGATION ALONE—Coniiaued See Plates Nos. 62^—64 Item and descriptioa Brought forward... 5. Guard gate entrance, etc.— Con.. 6. Verdun Lock, entrance piers and weir. 7. Nun's Island Lock, entrance piers and Tveir. Classification Unit Rate Quantity S cts. . Excavation—Rock trench.. Cu. yd. 3 7C 3 10 110 00 0 45 f 370 > 610 11 3,360 Earth trench__ Sheet ing—Bracinp M.F.B.M. Close drilline.... . Sq. ft. Lock gates, operating machinery, etc. Sluicegates, hoists, etc. 1 Concrete... Cu.^ yd. 9 00 206,830| 8,360 Concrete. il 00 Foundation contingency.. . Concrete paving. Cu. yd, U 11 00 0 65 0 65 3 10 1 20 1 80 3 70 0 45 110 00 3,450 15,370 568,680, 4,620 134,580 5,340 410 91,760 Eini Stone face on bank... Excavation—Earth U Earth trench. Rock.. li it Rock footings.. it Rock trench.y Close drilling. 41 Sq. ft. M.E.B.M. Sheeting and bracing. Lock gates and operating machinery. Lock valves and operating machinery Sluice gates, hoists, etc... Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment, etc. Emergency lock gate..... Cn watering. Concrete. Cu. yd. 9 00 11 no 147,860 4,710 Concrete. Foundation contingency.. 11 uu Exca vat ion—Earth. Cu. yd. 0 65 3 10 1 20,870 60 190,610 1,740 280 94,960 2 2,480 Earth trench. Rock... it Rock footings. U 1 no Rock trench. Close drilling..... U Sq. ft. VI.F.B.M. l oU 3 70 Sheeting and bracing. ] Concrete paving... 110 00 11 00 Amount $ L370 LSQd 1,210 1,510 265,000 33,800 1,861,470 91,960 9,200 37.950 9,990 369,640 14,320 161.500 9,610 1,520 41,290 6,490 641.500 100,000 30,800 196,700 175,000 769,580 Total 1,330,740 51,810 5,180 13,570 190 228,730 3,130 1,040 42,730 220 27,280 4,528,520 CO 3 $ 27,582,970 848,050 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 8. Montreal Lock 9. Culverts under canal (or Montreal aqueduct 10. Subway above Verdun lock 11. Culverte at west end of Victoria Bridge Carried fonvard Ivock gates and operating machinery . Lock valves and operating machinery Sluice gates, hoists, etc....... Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment. etc.. Un watering—. Concrete.... Excavation—Rock. Close drilUng...-. Concrete paving... Lock gates and operating machinery Lock valves and operating machinery Fenders, capstans, lighting equip¬ ment, etc. Un watering. Cu. yd. Sq. ft. Cu. yd. 9 00 1 20 0 45 11 00 m,740 285,200 ISO,290 2,250 582,000 100.000 42,200 196,700 1,095,950 1.572.600 342.240 62.680 24,750 050,500 100,000 196,700 Concrete. - - Excavation—Earth... Earth trench. Rock.. Rock trench. Removal concrete walls,.. Sheeting and bracing—... .. Close drilling.... Raising head works, present aqueduct Cu. yd. ii. U riE ili M ft. b,m. Sq. ft. 11 00 0 65 3 10 I 20 Z 70 1 60 no 00 0 45 51.050* 32.200 13,560 22.600 840 1,800 240 13,800 Unwatering G.oncrete.. Macadam. Excavation—Earth. Rock. Rock trench Close drilling. Pumping equipment. Cu. yd. Sq. yd. Cu. yd. 44 44 Sq.U 11 OO 2 00 0 65 I 20 3 70 0 45 14,720' 7.480 79,450 47,100 230 28.070 561.550 20,930 42,040 27.120 3,110 2,880 26.400 6,210 15,600 52,090 161.920 14.960 51,640 56,520 850 12,630 5.000 Concrete.. Excavation—Earth.. Earth trench...... Rock.. —. Rock.. Rock trench. Close drilling.. Sheeting and bracing. Girders, etc., for maintaining traffic Stop logs and hoists—.. Cu, yd. “ 1 Sq. ft. M ft.b.m. 11 00 0 65 3 10 1 20 1 80 3 70 0 45 110 00 36,660 89,250 8,900 33, no 9,200 940 51.560 300 403.260 58,000 27.600 39,730 16,560 3,480 23,200 33.000 86.550 13,380 3,721,470 3,038,080 757,930 303,520 704.760 41.485,300 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 30.—LACHINE SECTION—RECOMMENDED PROJECT—NAVIG.-VTION ALONE—Cosduded See Plates Nos. 62-64 Item and description Classification Unit Rate Quantity Amount Total Carried forward _ § ets. S S ai one 12, Bridges:— (a) C.P, Ry, Vertical lift at Lachine . Substructure .. 594 IWI 41 , 400, olPU Superstructure . 536,740 (b) Victoria bridge . . . 760,740 Substructure. . ... onn nnn Superstructure.. 957,470 13. Removal of Lachine hydraulic plant . 1,157,470 ojo rwi 14. Water supply to Verdun and Westmount . umi 240,000 S ft. diam, pipe. lin. ft. 20 00 25 00 4,400 7,300 88,000 182,500 6 ft. diam. pipe . 15. Highway changes . 270,500 First class roads lin. ft. Sq. yd. 8 00 2 00 C nnn 42,400 77 HOn Macadam . 0,i30U 3S,900 16. Property damages— (a) North Shore .. _ . 1 t , ouU 120,200 Local water supply below Lachine Bridge .. . 7n noft Right-of-W ay—Land s . d&U f IIUU 1,363,000! 1,443,170 Improvements . (b) South Shore. . 2,826,170 Right of Way—Lands. ... Improvements_ 2 3 8 60 17. Canal office and lighting.. 136,820 Office. Lighting..... 10,000 i fui nnn J uu, uuu. 110,000 I8. Engineering and contingencies..... \2\% . 47,107,200 5,892,800 19. Total...... fi KO JVIA rt/hTi 26. If the ^ntrol Dam to raise the low water level of Lake St, Louis is not included, the total cost for improvement for navigation alone becomes. ■5 ua(lMJU|UOU 'S nnn. o cU,{$40,UilU' 380 St. Lawj'ence Waterway Project f Item and Description Classification 21. Deep water in Lake St. Louis to Lachine wharf. 22. Lachine wharf to Verdun lock. Unit Rate 23. Verdun lock to Nun's Island lock. 24. Nun’s Island lock to Montreal lock. 25. Beio%v Montreal lock Excav $i\ ion—Earth. Ear..h overdepth. vVet rock... Wet rock overdepth. Wet rock... Wet rock over depth. Excavation—Earth..--- Dry rock... Dry rock.... Wet rock. Wet rock. Wet rock over depth — Wet rock overdepth— Excavation—Earth —. Earth overdepth. Dry rock—.. Wet rock overdepth— Excavation—Dry rock... Wet rock. We. rock overdepth— Excavation—Dry rock. Wet rock.... Wet rock overdepth.... 20. Engineering and contingencies. 27. Totals. 124% approximately. Cu.yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd Cu. yd. Cu. yd Saving if Naviga¬ tion channels made 23 ft. deep origin¬ ally Quantity Amount 0 65 0 65 Z 00 3 00 4 25 4 25 0 65 1 20 1 60 3 00 4 25 Z oo' 4 25 0 63 0 65 1 20 ! z m 1 20 3 00 3 00 . 20 3 OO 3 00 571,530 60,010 108,950 123.580 224.590 M,m 94,920 31.640 118.260 107,090 126,450 39.320 16,980 3 371,490 Additional Cost if navigation channels made 27 ft. deep originally Quantity I Amount 678.960 180,030 463,040 80,270 269,510 27,200 284,760 134,470 76,870 129,590 151,740 47,j80 50,940 2,267,090 249,910 37,iS0 139,510 76,570 274,350 15,660 98,900 32,980 194,200 86,990 135,200 40,130 31,830 2,517,000 3 441,320 111,450 592,920 49,770 329,220 25,060 296,700 140,170 126,230 104,390 162,240 43,160 95,490 2,523,120 315,880 2,839,000 Cost of Future enlargement from 25 ft. to 30 ft. depth Quantity 1,671,000 333,700 113,630 21.480 357,300 80,810 172,650 842,570 68,860 135,010 93,040 319,800 31,110 89.180 336,740 65,050' 178,090 13,330 Amount 1,086.150 216,900 340,890 64.440 1,518,530 343,440 112,220 2,527,710 292,650 405.030 395,420 207,870 20,220 268,440 1,010,220 197,850 534,270 39,990 10,657,830 1,903,170 12,561,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 382 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 31.—LACHINE SECTION—NAVIGATION ALONE—RECOMMENDED PROJECT For details—see Table No. 30 Lake of Two Mountains control. Navigation works—Lake St. 1 ouis to Montreal Control dam. Engineering and contingencies- \2\ per cent. . . . $ 419,410 40.809,060 5.878,730 5,892,800 -$ 53,000,000 paving if navigation channels made 23 ft. deep originally. Additional cost if navigation channels made 27 ft. deep originaily Cost of future enlargement from 25 ft. depth to 30 ft. depth S 2,517.000 2,839,000 12,561,000 TABLE No. 32.—LACHINE SECTION—POWER DEVELOPMENT—SUBSEQUENT TO NAVIGATION AS IN RECOMMENDED PROJECT See Plates Nos. 65-66 Item and description 1ST STAGE—POWER FROM CANAL ON SOUTH SHORE- Total installed capacity, 435,000 h,p. (A) SuBSTBUCTTJRE, HeaD AND TAID-RACE EXCAVATION, ETC.— 1. Channel excavation— f'a J In Lake St, Louis above control weir. ffe) Control weir to po’wer house. (c) Power house tailrace. 2. Control weir at Cau^bnawaga. 3. Dykes and walls—Control weir to power house. 4. Ice sluices at power house. Carried forward. Excavation—Earth,... Earth over depth. Dry rock.. Unwalering... Classification Excavation—Dry rock. Dry rock. Earth_ Excavation—Earth__ Dry rock. Wet rock. Wet rock over depth. Earth... Cone rete. Concrete. Foundation contingency. Excavation—Rock footings. Gates, hoists, etc. Concrete... Concrete. Foundation contingency. Excavation—Rock footings. Earth fill.. Rock fill. Stripping. Unwatering. Concrete... Concrete... Foundation contingency. Excavation—Rock footings. Rock trench.,. Eart h trench.. Unit Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu* yd. Cu. yd* Cu. yd. Cu* yd. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. (( Cu. yd. Bate 0 65 0 65 1 60 1 20 1 60 0 65 0 65 9 00 n 00 2 40 9 00 11 00 2 40 0 60 0 60 0 65 9 00 11 00 2 40 4 10 3 10 Quantity 3,154,600 400,000 1,407.800 1,284,000 12,633,100 3,198,780 1,142,800 762,000 154,170 72,000 113.000i 3,300 42,510 18,530 656,770 191,000 68,000 370,260 138,760 68.300 8,320 17.360 6,200 500 490 Amount 2,050,490 260,000 2,252,480 578,160 1,540,800 20,212,960 2,079,210 742,820 1,219,200 655,220 306,000 73,450 20.700 467,610 46,760 44,470 289,900 5,910,930 2,101,000 210,100 163,200 222,160 83,260 44,400 1,085,600 74.880 190,960 19,100 14.880 2.050 1,520 Total 5,141,130 23,832,970 2,996,690 878,440 9,820,650 42,669,880 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No* 32—LACHINE SECTION—POWEk DEVELOPMENT—SUBSEQUENT TO NAVIGATION AS IN RECOMMENDED project —Continued See Plates Nos* 65-66 Item and description Brought fonvard. 1ST STAGE, Etc.—C on, (A) SUBSTRUCTUKE, HeAD AND TaIL-RACE ExCAVATION^ ETC*— Con. 4. Ice sluices at power house—Con*.... 5. Transforming movable dam in river with cribs and stop logs 6. Revision at C.P.Rly*—Bridge at Caughnawaga. 7* Power house substructure. 8, Roads and property damages. 9. Engineering and contingencies. 10. Total.. (B) Macrinery akd Superstructure- 11. Machinery and superstructure.., 12* Engineering and contingencies. 13* Total... Classification Sheeting and bracing. Gates, hoists, etc. Cribwork... Stop logs... Hoists, etc*. Bridge—Substructure... Superstructure. Railway relocation. Subway.... Concrete. Gates and racks. Unwatering___ Roads—New... Macadam on banks. Property—Right of w^ay, . Improvements. 12^ per cent. Unit M.F*B.M. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Lin. ft. Sq. yd. Rate -S cts. 110 00 Quantity 10 5 00 110-00 14 00 S 00 2 00 Generators and turbines, 19-22,900 h.p. units. Switching. Cranes and sendee units... Superstructure. 12| per cent. 24,930 676 370,260 18,000 10,220 Amount UlOO 94,900 124,650 74,360 50,000 150,000 256,000 242,420 50,000 5,183,640 1,353,820 961,400 144,000 20,440 215,280 1.624,200 Total 12,304,020 2,783,310 258,680 3,354,800 53.519,480 6,689,520 60,209,000 18,700,810 2,337,190 21,038,000 w 2 42,669,880 399,390 249,010 698,420 7,498,860 2,003,920 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 45S27- 2ND STAGE—POWER IN RIVER AT FOOT OF LACHINE RAPIDS—Total installed capacity, 488,000 h.p. (A) S\jBSTKUCTURE, HeAH AND TAn/-IlACE EXCAVATION^ ETC*^ I 14. Removal of movable dams and cribs... 15. Dam. ■ > .. .. 16. Power bouse substnictare, 17. Engineering and contingencies. 18. Total.. (B> Machinery and SuPERSTRUcrroRE— 19. Machinery and superstructure. 20. Engineering and contingencies. 21. Total. Excavation. Concrete... Concrete.- -.. - Foundation contingency. Excavation—Rock footings. Rock trench... Earth. Earth fill.... Rock fill... Stripping. Unwatering.. ..- Gates, hoists, etc.— Concrete...... Gates and racks... Excavation—Earth. Dry rock. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Cu Cu Unwatering. Wet rock. Wet rock, over depth. Earth over depth- 12J per cent. Generators and turbines—19-25,700 h.p. units... Switching.----- Cranes and service units.......... Superstructure.. 124 per cent. Cu yd. yd. yd. 4 25 9 00 11 00 2 40 4 10 *0 65 0 60 0 60 0 65 14 00 0 65 1 60 4 25 4 25 0 65 106,630 31,420 275.450 68,930 3,470 536,620 252,520 93,470 44,460 368,650 1,235,200 762,000 278,000 70,000 111,000 453,180 282,780 3,029,950 303,000 165,430 14,230 348,800 151,510 56,280 28,900 1,634,720 689.000 5,161,100 1,353,820 802,880 1,219,200 1,181,500 297,500 72,150 1,357,000 12,304,020 2,783,310 258,680 3,354,800 453,180 6,704,600 11,445,150 18,602,930 2,325,070 20.928,000 18,700,810 2,337,190 21,038,000 St, Lawrence Watertvay Project TABLE No. 32—LACHINE SECTION—POWER DEVELOPMENT—SUBSEQUENT TO NAVIGATION P RO J ECT—Con clitded AS IN RECOMMENDED Summary iBT STAGE—Installed capacity 435,000 h.p.— Substnicture, head and tail-race excavation, etc....... Machinery and superstructure . Item No. 10.__ S tso, 209,000 21,038,000 % 81,247,000 41.966,000 2 tirp STAGE—Installed capacity 488,000 h.p,— Substructure, head and tail-race escavation, etc. Machinery and superstructure “ 13.. Item No, IS_ 20,928,000 21,038,000 Total —Total installed capacity 923.000 h.p........... “ 21. m, 213,000 Cost of 1st stage of development ii no control dam is built for navigation 88,131,000 St. Lawrence Waterway Project St. Lawrence Waterway Project 387 TABLE No. 33.—LACHINE SECTION—POWER SUBSEQUENT TO NAVIGATION For details—see Table No. 32 1st Stage—Power house on south shore. 2nd Stage—Power house in river. 1st Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation Machinery and superstructure. 391,000 h.p. 422,000 h.p. V 60.209,000 21,038.000 - % 81,247,000 2nd Stage— Substructure, head and tail-race excavation Machinery and superstructure. $ 20,928.000 21,038,000 - - 41,966,000 Total $123,213,000 Power House Installations 1st Stage—19-22,900 h.p. units (31 ft. head). 2nd Stage—19-25,700 h.p. units (33-5 ft. head). Total. 435,000 h.p. 488,000 h.p. 923.000 h.p. TABLE No. 34—LACHINE SECTION—TABLE SHOWING OVER ALL COST OF POWER DEVELOPMENT SUBSEQUENT TO NAVIGATION Interest during construction and marketing period, 5 per cent. Power marketed at 75,000 h.p. per year. Construction program planned for expenditure of $10,000,000 per year. — 1st cost Half con¬ struction period Half market period Interest 1st Stage—391,000 h.p. 2nd Stage—422,000 h.p. 60.209,000 21,038,000 20,928,000 21,038,000 301 1-05 2-60 2-81 0-315 0-209 18,980,000 4,370,000 $123,213,000 $ 23,350,000 123,213,000 $146,563,000 45827—251 TABLE No. 35.—LACHINE SECTlOi\—NAVIGATION ALONE WITHOUT CONTROL DAM Item and description I. Channel excavation— (a) Deep water in Lake Louis to Lachine Wharf. (h) Lachine Wharf to Verdtin Lock. (c) Verdun Lock to below Montreal Lock. 2. Dikes and walls— (a) Rock fill north of Dom-al Island. Classification Unit Excavation—Earth.. Earth, over depth_ Wet rock. Wet rock over depth. Wet rock...... Wet rock over depth.. Excavation—Earth.... Dry rock. Dry rock. Wet rock.. Wet rock.. Wet rock over depth, Close drilling.. See Table No, 30—Item No. 1 (d (e), (f) ..... Rock fill. Cu. yd. Cu. yd. Sq. ft. Rate Cu, yd. S cts. 0 65 0 65 3 OO 3 00 4 25 4 25 0 65 1 20 1 60 3 00 4 25 4 25 0 45 Quantity 0 25 5,399,700 333,700 407,730 21.480 578,800 S0.810 6,080.630 1,441,040 141,600 513,860 140,840 62.300 79.300 718,270 Amount 3,509,810 216,910 1,223,190 64,440 2,459,900 343,440 3,952,410 1,729,250 226,560 1,541,580 598,570 264,770 35,690 179,570 Total 7,817,690 8,348,830 4,123,140 (b) Lachine Wharf to Verdun Lock Concrete. Concrete paving. Crib work. Earth fill_____ Rock fill. Stripping. Trimming. Sodding. Unwatering...,. Cu* yd . it tt ii it Sq. yd. 9 00 15,560 11 00 54,300 5 00 133,880 0 42 1,288,570 0 60 108,900 0 65 239,630 0 25 146,760 0 45 14,000 140,040 597,300 669,400 541,200 65,340 155,760 36,690 6,300 166,460 179,570 (c) Verdun Lock to Montreal Lock.. 3. Guard gate, entrance piers and weir... 4. Verdun Lock, Nun’s Island Lock, and Montreal Lock 5. Culverts under Canal for Montreal Aqueduct. 6. Subw ay above Verdun Lock........ 7. Culverts at west end of Victoria Bridge. 8. Bridges... 9. W'ater supply to Verdun and Westmount-..... 10. Highway changes._______ 11- Property damages. 12- Canal office and lighting... See Table No. 30—Item No-2 (c) (d) “ 6,7,8...- “ 9 . “ 10 . “ 11 . “ “ 12 . See Table No. 30—Item No- 14 <.1 15 . 16 (a) 17 . 2,378,490 3,201,130 843,050 11,288,070 757,930 303,520 704,760 1,918,210 270,500 120,200 2,826,170 110,000 45,196,260 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 5,651,740 13. Engineering and contingencies... 50,84S.OOO Cost of future enlargement from 25 feet depth to 30 feet depth— 11,388,000 3,774,000 (h} Subsequent to powder development... TABLE 35—INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION—POWER HOUSE INSTALLATIONS Site Heads Flow excl- of spares c.f.s. Unit Rating Installation Units No, (a) H H.P, c.f,s. Total Service Unite W.L^s H H H.P. ci.s. H H.P, No, H.P, Ogden Isd. 224. N-S. N.W. Barnhart Isd, 224. N.S. N.W. Max. O. Min. 0. Crysler Isd, 217. N.S. N.W. Max. O Min. O Barnhart Isd. 217.. N.S. 244-227 240-228 224-157 224-161 226-155 224-163 243-5-219 239-5-220 244-128 237- 222 217-157 217-161 219-155 217-163 238- 167 236-161 239- 155 242- 157 236-161 243- 155 235-163 17 12 67 63 71 61 24-5 19-5 26 15 60 56 64 54 81 75 84 85 75 88 72 230,300b 211,400 252,000 245,000b 16 63 5,190 43.520 3,240 6,800 P F 70+3 36+2 17 12 67 63 5,570 3.620 47,600 43,520 3,2e0 3,020 7,000 6,800 17 12 67 63 406,610 264,260 1,808,800 1.653,760 2 3 6 1,000 1,500 + 500 231,200 218,000b 20 12,900 6,450 P 34+2 24-5 19-5 16,600 12,500 6,800 6,420 19-5 450,000 245,820 240,000b 60 44,500 7,300 F 34+2 60 56 44,500 40,200 7,050 56 1,447,200 N.W. Max, 0 Min. 0 Barnhart Isd, 238- N.S. 259,980 250.000b 75 45,100 5,950 F 42+2 81 75 50,600 45,100 6,190 5,950 75 1,984,400 N.W. Max. 0 Min, 0 Barnhart Isd, 242. 266,280 250,000b 76 45,100 5,950 F 42+2 85 75 54,400 45,100 6,340 5,950 85 75 2,393,600 1,984.400 N.W, Max. O Min. 0 Note. —(b) Denotes flow on which installatioTi is ba^d. N.S,—Normal Summer. N.W.—Normal W inter. F.—Francis wheel. fa) Last figure equals number of spares. Max. 0.—Maximum Operating. Min. 0.—Minimum Operating. P.—Propel lor wheel. St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 37. SOULANGES SECTION—POWER HOUSE INSTALLATIONS Site Heads Flow Lnit Ratinjr Installation excl. of spares H Total Serv^ ice Units W.L’s H c.f.s. H H.P. c.f.s. L' n it 3 No. (a) H.P. 1 c.f.s. H H.P. No, H.P. Recommended PRojEcr — 1. He au3E Vaches_ N,S. N.W. Max. 0. 2. Chamberry Gully N.S. NAV. Max. O. 149^121 147-128 150-126 ' 22 S 19 i 24 173.300 163.300 1 20 1 13,706 1 6,646 ) P 26 22 19 15,550 12,850 6.800 6,550 ' 22 19 404,300 334,100 ' 5 1,200 147-5-72 144-74 75-5 70 66,700 10 75-5 70 0 54,500 7,020 75-5 545,000 486,000 3 1,000 147-5-71 125-72 125-74 76*5 ^0^ DUIP 6,760 70-0 0 . i..a5Caaes Isa. N.S. NAV. 53 51 '183;300 28 53 51 36.800 QA CAA 6,900 53 1,030,400 974,400 3 urn Max. 0, 125-71 54 6,750 51 River Route—Centre Pool El. 115— 1. Cedars—South Plant N.S. 14S-115-5 32-5 30 22,000 7,300 T> 26 32-5 29-0 24.300 7,450 ■7 32-5 NAV. 145-116 29 184,500 -T 631.800 551,200 27^000 256.800 3 1,500 1 Cascades Isd_ N.S. N.W. 149-114 115-72 115-74 35 43 41 ei^ooo 40 ’ 31'coo '7‘66o p " " s'' ' '43' ' 4L dbl 1 Z\Af 34;o6o w i nn i t 7,640 29-0 43‘ ...... 'i;56o Max. O. n -nA .n. £■ "il 'I'l _■ M 115-71 44 lUU 41 £■* Pi Ortll — * Heads as for South Plant_ 29 65,500 30 22,000 7,300 8 32-5 29*0 24,300 21,200 ........ 3. I Cascades Isd.—Heads as for i Cascades.. P 7,450 7,250 32-5 194,400 169,600 1 1.500 41 188,900 40 31,000 7,600 25 43 41 34,000 32,100 River Route—Centre Pool P 7,730 7,640 43 41 850,000 802,500 3 1,500 El. 125— 1. Pte. k Biron. N.S. N.W. 149-127 147-m 22 19 240,000 235,000 20 13,700 6,640 P 36 j 22 19 15,550 1 *> fiilO 6,800 22 559,800 462,600 Lsos;™ 1,322,400 6 1,200 Max. O. 2. Cascades Isd. N.S. N.W. 150-126 125-72 125-74 24 53 51 ‘250,000 "57' icioo .7;i40 “f ■' 38 S3 51 14 ,03U 36;800 “iA nnn 6,550 '6;960i A 'TR.Ht 19 53' ■ ■'4' ■ L500 Max. O. Four Stage Project— 1. Melocheville_ N.S. 125-71 149-5-72 54 77-5 75 45,000 5,900 6 77*5 74-0 O'! , ouu 47,300 44 nufii Dt 6,000 ^ ORA 51 N.W. 148-74 74 33,600 r 77-5 283,800 264,000 1 1.000 Max. O. 149-5-71 78-5* mill Of SODi 74-0 2. He aux Vaches — As in 1st Stage of Recommended Pro¬ ject. ... 22 19 404,300 334,100 5 1,200 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 3. ChamberGully—Heads as in Recommended Scheme., . 35,000 75 54,000 7,000 F 6 75-5 54,500 7,020 75*5 327,000 291,600 2 1,000 70-0 48,600 6,760 700 4. Cascades Isd.—As in 3rd Stage of Recommended Pro- 53 1,030,400 3 lit 500 51 974,000 Note.— N.S.—Normal Summer. N.W.—Nornal Winter. Max. O.—Maximum Operating. (a) No. ol Units including spares. P — Propellor W heel. F.—Francis Wheel. TABLE 38.—LACHINE SECTION—POWER HOUSE INSTALLATIONS Site Lachine—Canal.. N ,S. N.W. Max. 0. Mid. O. Lachine—River. N.S. N.W. Max. O. Min. O. Heads W.L*s 68-37 68-41 70-36 68-45 70-5-37 69- 5-41 70- 5-36 68-45 H 31 27 34 23 33- 5 28 5 34- 5 23 Flow excl. of spares c.f.s. 132,(XW 128,000 135.000 130,000 U nit Rating H 30 30 H.P. 22,000 22,000 c.f.s. 7,300 7,300 Installation Units No. (a) 81 + 1 18+1 H i-i p c.f.s. Total Service Units H H.P. No. H.P. 31 22,900 7,350 31 435,100 3 1,500 27 19,300 7,110 27 366,700 23 15,800 6,830 23 300,200 33-5 25,700 7,600 33-5 488,300 3 1,500 28-5 20,600 7,200 28-5 391,400 23 15,800 6,830 23 300,200 NOTE.-(a) Last figure equals aumber of spares. N.S.-Normal Summer. N.W.-Normal Winter. Max. O.-Maximura Operating. Min. O.-Minimum Operating. P.— Propellor Wheel. CO to St, Lawrence Waterway Project 392 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE 39.—ACREAGE 0\"ERFL0\VED AT MAXIMUM LEVELS BY VARIOUS ALTERNATIVE PROJECTS IN INTERNATIONAL RAPIDS SECTION — Single stage Project No. 1-242 Ogden Island Project No. 4-224 Crysler Island Project No. 5-217 Single stage controlled Project No. 6-238 In Canada (Mainland). acres 4,952 11,359 5,542 acres 3,258 4,434 4,295 acres 4,471 5,444 acres In United States (Mainland). o, 7 491 On slands. I , ‘t Zl 5,308 0, Total. 21,853 11,987 13 380 16,222 392a St. Lawrence Waterways Project ♦T\BLE XO 40—INTEHXATIOXAL RAVIDS SECTIOX—CRYSLER ISD—TWO-STAGE I)EVELOP-\IEXT—217 Cost to develop power at Cryslev Island and to Francis, including works necessary to raise lower pool to ele^atlon -17 at Long bault. Upper Pool — Works solely tor Navigation... Works common to Navigation and Power. Works primarily for Power— Substructures, Head and Tailrace Excavation. Machinery and Superstructures. 8,732,000 69,986,000 25,698.000 30,760,000 135,176,000 Lower Pool — Works solely for Navigation... Works common to Navigation and Power- Permanent Works . Temporary Works— . Dam north of L. Sault Isd. including bank and Lnwatering 25,618,000 14,180,000 4.750,000 44,548,000 Total 8179,724,000 SUBSEQUENT COST TO DEVELOP POWER AT BARNHART ISLAND Works common to Navigation and Power. Works Primarily for Power— Substructures, Head and Tailrace Excavation Machinery and Superstructures. Total . 13,153,000 35.519.000 43,418,000 8 92,090,000 Grand Total — Total cost of development of all nower in International Rapids Section by this method of Procedure. $271,479,000 Prepared by Canadian Section. Not checked by United States Section. * ^ -t-- . ,V • \ A'- ■/ fc.: ■ • ■ ' 'V ■- f ^-’H* « 'X. ,n!#. -'•■ '■'■'■- ,M#iV> ‘ ■- ■ - • ■ .-v;*:7;rr<<' , *■ ♦ ‘ I- » . Hn - . Tf I lif: # * M lf> ;* naf?: jtl itm JbjdT ^. V. *'* %. ^irU ^ ■ ' ' <¥^<(|lt t, !..<( ;ivi4Hfii|f 4>£"terference of the tide and the sensitiveness of the river to changes of the wind. The back-water effe^ of the inflow from the rivers downstream from the P®® outlet of the Ottavva river is noticeable in Montreal harbour but its magnitude is small, except when the lower tributaries are in flood. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 395 15. In order to develop discharge stage relations that would enable the effect of given diversions to be dealt with, a series of discharge stage relations were derived at a number of points at and below Montreal from diagrams for Lachine, plate No. 8, and Pointe Claire, plate No. 9, based on periods during which the discharges down the Mille lies and Des Prairies rivers were constant. 16. In the preparation of diagrams a series of periods during which the water levels at Upper St. Annes varied between 69.6 and 70.0, 70.0 and 70.4, 70.4 and 70.8, etc., were grouped together and a diagram of discharges and stages for lock No. 1, Montreal harbour produced for each series. The plotted results in two of the series used are attached to this Appendix, plate No. 11, along with the table (No. 3) from which they were obtained. The result of all the computations, plate No. 10, shows that, as the general discharge stage rela¬ tions are express^ by straight lines, the amount of change in stage for a given change in flow is constant, regardless of the stage of the river at Lock No. 1, Montreal. With a rise or fall of 1 foot on the Lock 1 gauge, the level of Lake of Two Mountains remaining constant, the increase or decrease of flow in the St. Lawrence may be taken as 23,000 cubic feet per second. Conversely, if the flow in the St. Lawrence be reduced by 23,000 cubic feet per second, the lower¬ ing of the water level at Lock No. 1 will be 1 foot. By proportion, a reduc¬ tion of flow of 8,500 cubic feet per second (which is the present authorized diversion at Chicago) lowers the water level in the harbour to the extent of 0.37 feet. 17. The detiermination of the discharge stage relation at Varennes ,is simpler than the determination of this relation in Montreal harbour, because the flow past the point in this case is the factor which largely governs in the relation. However, the volume of inflow from rivers below Varennes still influences stages at Varennes. The determination of the precise manner in which changes in flow in each stream affects the stage at Varennes would be a long and futile task as the number of points where water enters is very large and the effect of many is so small that they cannot be detected in gauge rela¬ tions which are also affected by tide and wind. 18. The best that can be done is to approximate from the Chezy formul® the back-water effect of one or two of the larger rivers and assume that a cer¬ tain percentage of the flow in these would produce the actual stages found if it were added to the flow past the point. 19. In this way, the diagram, plate No. 12, attached to this appendix, was developed. The discharge taken as governing the relation is: That of the main river, derived from the pointe Claire gauge, plus the discharge for the Mille lies and Des Prairies rivers derived from the Upper St. Annes gauge, plus that estimated for the tributary area between these gauges and Varennes, plus one-half the flow of the Richelieu river and one-third of the St. Maurice to cover an amount that would produce the same effects at the gauge as that which does actually enter the St. Lawrence below Varennes. The inflow from the tributary area between lake St. Louis and Lake of Two Mountains and Varennes was taken as a proportion of the St. Maurice river. The computa¬ tions are shown on Table No. 4. 20. The discharge stage relation for Sorel, plate No. 13, was obtained by taking the governing flow as that of the main river plus that of the Mille lies, Des Prairies and Richelieu rivers, plus that of the drainage area between Sorel and the outlets of lake St. Louis, Lake of Two Mountains and lake Champlain, plus the flow of the St. Francis river and a portion of the flow of the St. Maurice. Computations are included in Table No. 4. 396 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 21. The Cloves of discharge stage relation shown on plates Nos. 12 and 13, are so drawn in the lower range as to be parallel to lines connecting series of observations in which the flow of the St. Alaurice stood constant. In this way the slope of the lower part of the curve is more accurately shown than might appear from the points on the diagram. 22. Prom table No. 4, it may be seen that at low stages a change in flow of 24,500 cubic feet per second causes a change of stage of 1 foot at Varennes, or a diminution of 8,500 cubic feet per second in flow lowers the level at that point to the extent of 0.35 foot, and at Sorel, 31,000 cubic feet per second represents a change of stage of 1 foot or a diminution in flow of 8,500 cubic feet per second causes a lowering in water level of 0.28 foot. 23. In a way similar to that above described, the effeot of a reduction in flow of 8,500 cubic feet per second at Batiscan was found to be equivalent to 0.24 foot of stage. At points further dowm, the effect of the diversion was taken as proportional to the relative change in level as shown on published charts. 24. The effect of a diminution in flow of 8,500 cubic feet per second at various points in the lower St. Lawrence may be summarized as follows:— Montreal Harbour Varennes . Sorol . Bati.scau . Lotbiniere . Pt. Platon . Quebec . Feet 0.37 0.35 0.28 0.24 0.24 0.17 0.03 25. Compensation. The losses in stage summarized in the last paragraph can be restored by dredging Montreal harbour and the river channel to a greater depth and lowering the foundations of docks and wharves in the harbour accordingly. The amount of dredging required would be the amount of losses showm with an addition of about 15 per cent in the case of Montreal harbour and an average of 6 per cent in the channel between Varennes and Quebec, this addi¬ tional amount being necessary to compensate for the further recession resulting from this dredging. The probability of dredging for compensation being done as a special work is not entertained as this would be an expensive undertaking. It seems reasonable to assume that it would be incorporated in a general pro¬ gram and the rates used in the estimate of cost are based on this assumption. The programs of the past have been for deepening from 274: to 30 feet and a later progr^, now about half completed, is for deepening from 30 to 35 feet. The following table shows the yardage involved in deepening the channel to the extent of 5 feet from Montreal to deep water above Quebec, with an estimate of the further quantities to be removed to compensate for a diversion from the river above Montreal of 8,500 cubic feet per second. Montreal to Sorel . Sorel to Bafitiscan . Batiscan to Lotbiniere .. Lotbinieie to St. Augustin Cubic Yards To excavate from 30 to 35 feet 16,571,961 24,938,875 6,595,441 3,601,766 Cubic Yards Required to compensate 1,330,000 1,380,000 364,000 94,000 Total 3,168,000 3.168,000 cu. yds. at 42.5 cents per cu. yd. Plant, shops, surveys, etc., average, proportional cost since begin¬ ning of works, 60 per cent . $1,346,400 807,600 Total $2,154,000 397 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 26. Dredging Montreal Harbour. The dredged area in Montreal harbour at the present time is about 18,364,000 square feet in earth and 5,540,000 square feet in shale rock. • i onn A loss in depth of about 1.15 feet has occurred m this harbour since 1899, from causes other than the Chicago diversion. A deepening of the whole hour to the extent of 3 feet probably represents what will be done as regards some parts and what has already been done in others. The estimated cost of such deepening over and above what was and is required to preserve original works is as follows:— $2,160,000 2,040,000 Shale rock dredging 5,540,000 x %7= 616,000 c.y. at $3.50 Earth dredging .. 18,364,000 x %?=2,040,000 c.y. at 1.00 $4,200,000 The cost, total 420,000 Add for engineering and contingencies 10% $4,620,000 Total Of this 3 feet, the portion chargeable to the Chicago Diversion is 0.37 foot, increased by 15%=0.425 foot. The amount chargeable to Chicago Diversion therefor vnll be 0.425 x 4.620,000—§654,000. 3 27. Piers and Dock Walls. To restore all losses due to lowered water levels in Montreal is a large undertaking. There are at present 46,000 lineal feet of high dock wall, all of which are solid retaining crib construction, below the bottom level of which excavation cannot be carried vdthout danger of collapse. Some of it is founded on shale rock and some of it has only an earth founda¬ tion. The dock walls which were built before 1901 are all of timber construc¬ tion throughout, while those recently built are timber in the lower 30 feet of their height, and concrete above. The upper 24 feet of the older work is subject to decay, and reconstruction of this will be required before long. 28. The estimate prepared by the Canadian section (see paragraph 214, main report) “assumes that the newer docks were built deep enough to care for the loss in depth due to the diversion at Chicago and that the older docks will require to be rebuilt to a greater depth in the near future. r o r i. -n The cost of reconstruction of docks for an increase in depth of 3 feet will be:— $ 8,148,000 2,870,000 406,000 $11,424,000 1,143,000 Add engineering and contingencies, 10% $12,567,000 Total As in the case of harbour dredging, the portion chargeable to Chicago diversion is in the ratio of 0.425 feet to 3.0 feet, which is, say $1,800,000. 29. Summary. The total estimated cost of increasing the depth in Mont¬ real harbour and the St. Lawrence ship channel, to compensate for a diversion of 8,500 cubic feet per second, will be as follows:— Dredging ship channel, Montreal to St. Augustine Dredging, Montreal harbour . Reconstruction of dock walls, etc. $2,154,000 654,000 1,800,000 Grand total $4,608,000 Adopted by the Board, June 2, 1927. St. Lawrence Waterway Project I TABLE NO. I.SHOWING DEEIVATION OF DISCHARGE STAGE RELATION FOR LOCK 5, LACHINE GAUGE. PERIOD ISO* TO DATE—Conrinwed w (O to St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE NO. 1.—SHOWING DEHIVATION OF DISCHARGE STAGE RELATION FOR LOCK 5. LACHINE GAUGE. PERIOD 1904 TO DATE—Conceded 8 Date 3 «3 CO M O < .2 .a Cj 0} ^ 1 Qci 3 m o tS ■ «t pj.e ^f5 O 3 ai CO *ra -glF .2^ i a s"" Mississippi R. Disch, (Drainage A.-1,400 S.M.) .od -Co «a g, m ^ p: 39 la a o ■5 v w .1 Q h e w c3 .c Q 1 11 ‘ M (M 0 , 0 lo H « uCO B II "oM .o .lyi‘ Q o 00 1 Il§l3 •c-c <0 il “«o7 B Ifsl Q (J w Q lO Ci .iA u o -c g Q pcf 1 pLi i 0> Q JB it .2 .2 a a u n 12 : . a CQT3 s| B.> > •a> B Id (9 »-] .bd S? 1 '^+ ■c>« tn ^ s+ ■is la 2+ H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 May 1919. 1 June 1919. Oct. 1923. Sept. 1923. 2.110 i 1.180 12,230 8,370 4,490 1 4.910 4,290 0,010 10.600 13,720 9,342 9,342 33,720 34.190 20,850 21,200 3,100 4,100, 3,400 25,240 25,600 268,900 278.300 208,500 215.300 202,100 121,000 132,000 24,000 33.500 25.500 225,000 271,OCM) 31,500 41,000 34,000 121,000 135,500 10,400 19,000 12,000 71 45 71 99 65- 69 66- 21 65-73 398,140 442,900 410,750 433,000 222,000 238,400 217,500 Nov 1923. .1. Cols fl6) aod (17) give discharge by alternative methods of calculations, aelectea to estabJisli the curve. The results are in fair agreemeat, but as those in Col. (17) appear more consietant, they have been St. Lawrence Waterway Project St. Lawrence Waterway Project 401 TABLE NO. 2.—SHOWING DERIVATION OF DISCHARGE STAGE RELATION FOR LOCK 5, LACHINE GAUGE. PERIOD 1860-1877 Date Discharge at Ste. Annes and Vaudreuil into Lake St. Louis Discharge Coteau Landing Discharge Richelieu River Allowance for Drainage Area between Coteau Landing and Lock 5. 1,300 X -Col 8,200 (4) Total Discharge at Lock 5, Lachine Cols. (2) + (3)+(5) Water Surface Elevation at Lock 5, Lachine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sept. 6, 1872. 10,000 239,700 19,500 3,300 253,000 65-90 June 1, 1873. 151,700 292,000 26,000 4,400 448,100 71-67 Sept. 12, 1873. 10,000 270,400 11,200 1,900 282,300 67-27 Oct. 31. 1873. 37,000 267,000 14,200 2,500 306,500 67-49 June 1, 1874. 121,000 298,000 27,100 4,800 423,800 71-07 May 17, 1876. 212,700 323,000 37,600 6,300 542,000 73-74 May 26, 1877. 42,000 270,300 13,200 2,300 314,600 68-72 Oct. 26, 1877. 10,200 233,300 4,100 800 244,300 66-15 TABLE NO. 3.—SHOWING DERIVATION OF DISCHARGE—STAGE RELATION FOR LOCK NO. 1. LACHINE W.L. AT Upper St. Annes between 69-6 and 70 0 Date Pt. Claire Gauge Pt. Claire Discharge Lock 1 Gauge 1 2 3 4 Oct. 21-22, 1923. 66-73 217,900 18-01 Sept. 13-15, 1922. 67-93 252,000 19-68 Sept. 29-30, 1922. 67-72 245,800 19-31 Oct. 1- 4, 1922. 67-65 243.400 19-16 Oct. 13-16, 1922. 67-61 242,500 19-10 Oct. 30-31, 1922. 67-30 233,500 18-73 Aug. 11-13, 1921. 67-99 253,400 19-75 Aug. 27-30, 1921. 67-71 245,500 19-09 Sept. 20-26, 1920. 67-56 241,000 18-94 Oct. 8-10, 1920. 67-56 241.000 19-13 W.L. AT Upper St. Annes between 70-0 and 70-4 Sept 8-10, 1924. 67-83 249,000 223.500 218,200 217.800 267.500 264,000 255.800 256.800 252.200 250.200 245,000 243,000 231.200 232,000 261.900 267,500 260.800 2.58.900 241,300 19-59 Oct. 7- 9, 1923. 66-94 18-34 Oct. 18-19, 1923. 66-75 18-28 Oct. 21-22, 1923. 66-73 18-01 Aug. 15-16, 1922. 68-45 20-27 Aug. 18-20, 1922. 68-33 20-19 Aug. 30-31, 1922. 68-05 19-96 Sept 3- 5, 1922. 68-08 19-79 Sept 13-14, 1922. 67-94 19-69 Sept. 16-19, 1922. 67-88 19-60 Sept 28-29, 1922. 67-70 19-42 Oct. 17-18, 1922 .. 67-62 19-14 Oct. 29, 1922. 67-22 18-74 Nov. 1- 3, 1922.■. 67-25 18-76 July 16-18, 1921. 68-26 19-96 July 27-28, 1921. 68-25 19-91 July 30-31, 1921. 68-23 19-81 Aiip. 1— 2, 1921 . 68-16 19-87 Oct. 24-25, 1921. 67-57 19-56 Nov. 14, 1921. 67-10 228,000 247.600 244.000 245,000 245,000 18-63 Aug. 23-24, 1920. 67-79 19-42 Aug. 26, 1920. 67-66 19-29 Sept. 5- 9, 1920. 67-70 19 35 Sept. 20, 1920. 67-70 19-24 Oct. 5- 6, 1920. 67-82 248,800 247.600 19 91 Nov 4, 1920. 67-78 19-39 45827—26 402 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE NO. 3.—SHOWING DERIVATION OF DISCHARGE—Conitnued W.L. AT Upper St. Annes between 70-4 and 70*8 Date Pt. Claire Gauge Pt. Claire Discharge Lock Gauge 1 2 3 4 Aug. 23-25, 1924. 68-03 255,000 19-95 Aug. 16-28, 1924. 68-11 257,100 19-99 Sept. 12, 1924. 67-81 248,300 20-18 Aug. 5- 8, 1923. 67-68 244,600 19-30 Aug. 9-11, 1923. 67-57 241,300 19-11 Aug. 23-24, 1923. 67-57 241,300 19-25 Sept. 3, 1923. 67-46 238,000 19-15 Sept. 8- 9, 1923. 67-36 235,200 18-91 Oct. 4, 1923. 67-09 227,500 18-72 Nov. 1- 4, 1923. 66-90 222,200 18-48 Nov. 5- 7, 1923. 66-89 222,000 18-54 Nov. 16, 1923. 66-72 217,500 18-39 Aug. 4-5, 1922. 68-56 271,000 20-66 June 28-29, 1921. 68-54 270,400 20-46 July 1- 4, 1921. 68-41 266,300 20-24 July 13-15, 1921. 68-34 264,200 20-20 Oct. 26-29, 1921. 67-31 234,000 19-20 Aug. 22-23, 1920. 67-79 247,700 19-46 Aug. 27-28, 1920. 67-67 244,100 19-25 Nov. 6- 7, 1920. 67-73 246,200 19-49 W.L. AT Upper St. Annes Between 70-8 and 71*2 Aug. 7-10, 1924.... Aug. 11-13, 1924.... Sept. 22-24, 1924.... Setp. 27, 1924.... July 24-26, 1923.... Sept. 17-19, 1923.... Sept 23, 1923.... July 17-19, 1922.... July 20-21, 1922.... July 31-Aug. 2, 1922 June 17-19, 1921.... July 5- 7, 1920.... Aug. 6- 9, 1920.... Aug. 10-12, 1920.... 68-22 260,300 68-32 263,500 67-92 251,400 67-61 242,200 67-93 252,000 67-40 236,300 67-16 229,300 68-98 284,000 68-98 284,000 68-65 273,900 68-77 277,500 68-16 258,300 68-02 254,400 68-03 255,000 20-42 20-47 19-93 19-55 19-85 19- 24 18- 98 20- 98 21- 03 20-86 21-02 20-29 19- 84 19-85 W.L. AT Upper St. Annes between 71-2 and 71-6 July 24-30, 1924.... Oct. 9-11, 1924.... July 20-23, 1923.... July 1- 7, 1922.... July 22-23, 1922.... June 14-17, 1921_ June 24-26, 1920.... June 29-30, 1920_ July 2- 3, 1920_ July 23-29, 1920_ July 20-25, 1919_ Oct. 7- 8, 1919. July 30-31, 1918_ Aug. 1- 5, 1918. Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 1918, Aug. 27-31, 1917. Sept. 9-11, 1917. Nov. 5- 8, 1917. 68-54 270,200 20-83 68-22 260,200 21-00 68-12 257,500 20-05 69-50 300,900 22-39 68-93 282.500 21-06 68-93 282,500 21-25 68-22 260,200 20-32 68-17 259,000 20-10 68-05 257,800 20-12 68-29 262,800 20-41 69-47 300,000 21-64 68-85 280,000 21-12 69-05 286,800 21-49 68-75 276,800 20-97 68-64 273,500 20-99 69-28 293,600 21-60 68-90 281,800 20-97 69-09 287,400 21-82 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 403 TABLE No. 3.—SHOWING DERIVATION OF DISCHARGE— W.L. AT Upper St. Annes between 71-6 and 72-0 Date Pt. Claire Gauge Pt. Claire Discharge Lock 1 Guage 1 2 3 4 July 9, 1924.. 68-70 275,400 21-09 .Tilly 12 1.*! 1024 . 68-61 272,600 20-73 Oct. 5, 1924 . 68-76 277,000 22-16 Opt 7 10 1024 . 68-40 266,000 21-35 July 10-12i 1923. 68-40 266,000 20-49 June 20, 1922........ 69-42 298,200 22-64 July 1, 1922 . 69-55 302,600 22-72 June 13, 1921 ... 69-07 287,000 21-34 June 15 1920 . 68-42 266,800 20-72 July 9-12, 1919 . 69-80 311,000 22-06 Optr 16-18 1010 ... 68-86 280,200 21-28 Opt* 10-22* 1010 . 68-73 276,200 20-94 16-17* 1010 . 68-94 283,000 21-35 .Tnlv 30 31* 1018 . 69-05 286,700 21-50 Optr 12-l.'i 1018 . . 69 00 285,000 21-66 Opf. 16-18* 1018 . 68-72 276,000 21-28 10^ 1917..... 69-52 301,900 22-10 Aug 25-28* 1917 . 69-32 295,000 21-69 July 21 22* 1916 . 69-69 307,000 22-32 June 9-11* 1915 . 68-06 256,100 20-11 June 19-22* 1915 . 68-04 255,800 20-31 June 23 25* 1915 . 67-98 253,100 20-41 Julv 5- 8* 1915 . 67-94 252,400 19-93 W.L. AT Upper St. Annes Between 72*4 and 72-8 June June M-ay Jiine July June Aug. July June June May May June June June 21 - 22 , 5- 3, 30-31, 1- 3, 6 , 17- 23, 2 , 7-10, 5, 13- 15, 18- 20, 14- 17, 24-26, 1- 3, 28-29, 1923. 1922. 1921. 1921. 1919. 1918. 1917. 1916. 1915. 1924. 1921. 1920. 1919, 1918, 1916. 68-96 283,200 21-73 69-44 298.700 22-05 69-53 301,900 22-03 69-42 298,300 21-88 70-05 320,000 22-80 69-65 305,800 22-44 70-08 320,700 23-00 70-17 363,600 23-20 68-21 260,100 20-59 69-77 310,000 23-06 70-17 324,000 23-30 69-49 300,200 22-95 70-80 346,000 23-86 70-46 334.000 23-29 70-89 349,000 24-45 W.L. AT Upper St. Annes between 74*8 and 75*2 70-34 330,000 24-67 1022 . 70-76 344,800 24-40 Anril -^fl-Mav 2 1921 . 70-80 346,000 25-12 UToir I'i-IQ 1017 . 70-63 340.000 ;i24-81 UToir ^10-^1 1017 . 70-44 332,700 M24-07 Tiina 1- A 1017 . 70-64 340,800 ■24-04 12-12 lOlfi . 71-40 368-000 ii25*68 TABLE No. 4.-SHOWING DERIVATION OF DISCHARGE STAGE REL.4TIONS AT VARENNES AND SOREL Daie 1924 2tJth April to 2nd May... 11th May to 17th May... , ' 26th May to 1st June.. 9th June to 15th June___ 9th July to 15th July. 24th July to 30th July. 7th August to 13th August... 23rd August to 29th August. 6th September to 12th September. 2l3t September to 27th September.. 1923 23 rd April to 29 th April. 8to May to 14th May. 23rd May to 29th May.. 7th June to 13th June. 21st June to 27th June... 6th July to 12th July.....^ ^ ^ 20th July to 26th July.. 5th August to 11th August...._ 19th August to 25th August.. 3rd September to 9th September... 17th September to 23rd September.. 3rd October to 9th October_ 17th October to 23rd October. 1st November to 7th November... 16th November to 22nd November.. 1922 4th May to 10th May ... 19th May to 25th May.. . 2nd June to 8th June.... 17th June to 23rd June... 1st July to 7tb July. 17th July to 23rd July.... Slet July to 6th August Discharge Pt. Claire and Des Prairies River 398,000 455,300 465,600 386.900 312,700 336.900 293,500 284,400 272,100 280,000 457.100 465.100 463.100 403.400 326.800 311.600 289.600 270,500 267.800 263,900 265.400 250,200 240.600 248,300 243.600 468,000 430,300 356*800 342,000 367,800 317,200 301,100 Dis¬ charge Richelieu Dis¬ charge St. Francis 16th August to 2l3t August .^ [ 289^300 29.500 34,600 24.500 17,800 8.300 6,000 4,700 4,000 4,000 4.300 30,300 38,200 24.600 19.600 14.600 9,400 6,100 4.300 3.600 2.600 1,600 1,800 1.300 3,000 3,600 31,600 23.400 17.400 20,300 21,100 14,900 10,500 8,300 19,500 9,200 4,300 2,900 1,800 4,700 8,000 2,600 22,300 4,300 25.100 11.300 6,800 8.900 3.500 4,400 2,100 1.900 2.300 1,600 2,300 2,300 2,000 3.100 2.500 7.500 3,200 3,800 19,900 13,600 2,700 2.500 3.500 Dis¬ charge St. Maurice 56.800 136,100 18,300 35,400 18.800 24,200 24,700 14,500 30,000 26,000 34.300 102,200 65.300 19.700 15.100 13.900 12.900 13.900 15,800 18.100 16.700 13.600 14,100 19,000 15.600 56.200 37.600 24.100 23.300 24.300 20,500 20.600 16.200 1,850 - of 16,200 St. Maurice discharge 6,500 15,500 9,300 4,000 2,200 2,800 2,800 1,700 3,400 3,000 11,700 7.500 2,300 1,700 1,600 1.500 1,600 1,800 2.100 1,900 1,600 1,600 2,200 One-half RicbeHeu discharge 6.400 4.300 2,800 2,700 2,800 2.300 2.400 14,800 17.300 12.300 8,900 4.200 3,000 2,400 2,000 2,000 2.200 15.200 14.100 12,300 9.800 7.300 4.700 3.100 2.200 1.800 1.300 800 900 700 1,500 1,800 15,800 11,700 8,700 10,200 10,600 7,500 5,300 4,200 One-third St.^ Maurice discharge, 18,900 45,400 27,100 11,800 6,300 8,100 8,200 4,800 10,000 8,700 Total flow at Varennes 438,200 533.500 514,300 411,600 325,400 350,800 306.900 292.900 287.500 293.900 Gauge at 2+6-h7+8 Varennes 34,100 525,000 23-80 21,800 . 504,700 23-46 6,600 422,100 20-82 5,000 340,800 18-45 4,600 322,500 17-77 4,300 298,500 17-06 4,600 278,900 16-26 5,300 276,700 16-27 6,000 273,300 16-18 5,600 273,700 16 33 4,500 257,200 15-56 4,700 247,600 15-36 6,300 258,300 15-68 18,700 508,900 23-47 12,500 458,800 21-76 8,000 376,300 19-40 7,800 362,700 20 07 8,100 389,300 19-47 6,800 333,800 17-81 6,900 315,700 17-60 5,400 22-06 24-06 23-49 20-59 17-75 17-80 17-45 16-87 16-69 16 90 Total flow at Sorel 2+3-f4-f5 503.800 635.200 575,700 443,000 341.600 371.800 330,900 305,500 328,400 314.600 546.800 606.900 559.800 451.600 360,000 339.300 310.700 290.600 255 .700 286,200 286,000 267.900 258,000 273,400 265.300 563.300 494.500 402,100 405.500 425,800 355.300 334,700 317.300 Gauge at Sorel 18- 94 2102 19- 75 16-95 14 30 14-37 14-27 13-59 13-93 13-63 19- 38 20- 42 19-81 1710- 15-10 14-24 13^81 12- 98 13- 16 12- 93 13- 09 12-41 12-23 12-68 12-33 19-73 17-91 15- 92 17-45 16- 20 14-53 14-48 13-81 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 30th August to 5th Septomber.. 13th September to 19th September. 2Sth September to 4th October. 13th October to 19th October. 28th October to 3rd November_ 1921 SOth April to 6th May... . 14th May to 20th May.. ... 30th May to 5th June. I3th June to 19th June.. J8th Juno to 4th July. 1:2th July to 18th July.. 27th July to 2nd August. 11th August to 17th August.. 25th August to 31st August. 27th September to 3rd October. 9tb October to I5th October...... 23rd October to 29th October. 8fcb Novejnber to 14th November. 22nd November to 28th November. 1920 25th April to 1st May.... 11th May to 17th May.. 25th May to Jlst May. —.. 9th June to 15th June.. 24th June to 30th June... 2nd July to 8th July—.. 23rd July to 29th July.. 6th August to 12tn August. 22nd August to 2Sth August. 5th September to 11th September.. 20th September to 26th September. 4th October to 10th October. 20th October to 26th October. 3rd November to 9th November.. 279,900 5,900 2,700 273,600 4,800 2,300 265,100 3,600 1,900 263,400 3,600 2,700 254,700 1,700 3,200 434,000 20,700 5,300 401,300 15,100 2,600 347,200 11,300 2,300 317,000 7,100 2,300 295,300 5.200 1,700 288,lOO 4.600 1,800 284,000 3,800 1,700 273,300 2,500 2,100 265,300 2,100 1,900 247,GOO 1,400 1,800 251,400 2l0 3,700 262,100 900 3,200 253,000 900 2,400 269,300 4,600 6,700 389,800 38,900 26,200 371,900 30,300 6,100 344,000 23,000 2,200 313.800 15,000 2,200 295,900 10,800 1.200 292,400 9,800 2,300 299,500 8,100 1,900 285,700 5,900 1,300 269,000 4,900 1,000 269,200 3,700 1,900 261,900 4.200 3,4C0 267,100 7,300 4,300 251,300 6.300 2/700 271,000 6,600 6,900 17,700 30,300 18,000 28,200 19,400 113,600 33.600 21,400 25,200 17.600 19.600 13.900 15,000 12.300 22.600 32,700 45.300 19.900 22,500 66,800 60.300 57.300 34.700 20,800 30,000 24.400 15.400 21.400 14.900 13,800 16.700 15.400 21.900 I 2,000 3,000 5,900 290,800 16-80 306,200 13-64 3,500 2,400 10,100 389.600 16-58 311,000 13-43 2,100 1,800 6,000 376,000 16-19 288,600 13-00 3,200 1,800 9,400 377,800 16-00 297,900 12-83 2.200 900 6,500 364,300 15-73 279,000 12-59 13.000 10,400 37,900 495,300 22-76 573,600 19-33 3,800 7,600 11,200 433,800 20-87 452,500 17-14 2.400 5,700 7,100 362,400 18-89 382,200 15 17 2,900 3,600 8,400 331.900 18-25 351,600 14-81 2,000 2,600 5,900 305,800 17-35 319,800 14-03 2,200 2,300 6,500 299,100 17-13 314,100 13-73 2,200 1,900 6,300 394,400 16-81 308,400 13-4t 1,700 i,300 5,000 281,300 16-52 292,900 ! 15-19 1,400 1,100 4,100 272,900 16-21 281,600 12-92 i,600 700 7,500 258,400 15-56 273,400 12-63 3,700 lOO 10,900 266,100 15-94 288,000 12-96 3,200 500 15,100 282,900 16-67 311,500 13-59 2,300 500 6,600 262,400 15-81 276,200 12-63 305,100 13-98 7,600 19,500 22,300 439,200 22*11 521,700 19-00 6,900 15,200 20,100 414,100 20-66 469,600 17-26 6,800 11,500 19,800 382,100 19-72 428,500 16-38 4,000 7,800 11,600 337,200 18-24 366,300 14-77 2,400 5,400 6,900 310,600 17-28 328,700 13-84 3,400 4,900 10,000 310,700 17-41 334.300 14*21 2,800 4,100 o,100 314,500 17-61 333,900 14-06 1,800 3,000 5,100 295,800 17-00 303,500 13-65 2,400 2,500 7.100 28U000 16*44 296,300 13-n 1,700 1,900 5,000 277,800 16-56 289,700 13-42 1,800 2,100 5,300 271,100 16-00 285,300 12-62 1.900 3,700 5,600 278,300 16-74 295,400 13-55 1,800 3,200 5,100 261,400 15-56 275,700 12-73 2,300 3,300 7,300 284,100 16-56 306,400 13-42 In c-t* 3 S e o o 406 St. Lawrence Waterway Project APPENDIX E ICE FORMATION ON THE ST. LAWRENCE AND OTHER RIVERS 1. When the problem of preparing plans for the improvement of the St. Lawrence river was first undertaken, particularly by the Canadian Government, about ten years ago, there was a great deficiency of basic data on which to pre¬ dicate designs. Since that time systematic surveys have been made of ice covers, packs and gorges, as they occur, and as a result of these, much exact knowledge is now available. This data is presented in summary in this appendix. 2. Ice Pressure. In northern latitudes a solid covering of ice forms on quiet river and lake surfaces in winter. This melts away with the advent of warm weather. The thickness of ice cover varies with the coldness of the climate. A thickness of about 2.5 feet is found in latitude 45 and 5.5 feet in latitude 57 in the eastern half of North America. Sheet ice as formed on lakes and rivers is made up of great numbers of crystals standing with axes vertical and closely packed side by side. As the air with which ice is in contact changes in temper¬ ature from day to day, the temperature of ice on rivers and lakes changes also. In cases where the ice surface is free from snow, the amplitude of this change at ^id depth is about one-half that of the air so long as the temperature of the air IS below freezing. If an ice sheet is covered with snow this change in ampli¬ tude IS less than one-half that of the air. 3. As ice heats and cools it expands and contracts. Daily expansion and contraction of ice sheets is noticeable on lakes and rivers in northern regions. In some cases cracks have been observed to open or close as much as ten feet in a period of several days and these usuallv occur in the same places year after year. 4. The coefficient of free unrestrained expansion of ice is given by many authorities as about .00004 per degree Fahrenheit change in ice temperature per unit of length. On this basis a sheet of ice one mile long, with a temperature change of 5 degrees,, would expand or contract to the extent of one foot. Actually, movements of two feet per mile have been observed at free ends of ice sheets on large lakes and rivers during extreme changes of weather. On small lakes and nvers, ^e^ movement of the ice is believed to be restrained by the shores at least to a sufficient extent to prevent it being much noticed. 5. There are records of failure of some light dams and structures which were due to ice action but the fact that dams of dimensions not sufficient to resist theoretical ice action are in place, proves that the full crushing strength of ice IS not applied to them. 6. In order to set up a more definite value for probable ice pressure on dams a series of tests were carried out by Professor Ernest Brown of McGill University Department of Railways and Canals in the winter ot 1925-26. These show that sheets of ice flow or slowly change their shape as soon as subjected to pressures in excess of about 100 pounds per square inch A special report giving details of tests made in this connection is given in appendix foregoing, the Board has reached the conclusion that ice pressure will not exceed 22,000 pounds per linear foot on the upstream side of dams under weather conditions to be expected in the St. Lawrence region. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 407 8. Ice Formation in Rapid Water. As is well known, the precipitous rapids of northern rivers remain open in winter and solid smooth ice covers 19 ™ the gently flowing sections; thus, open and closed conditions alternate one another. The laws or conditions governing the location of the boundaries between an open and closed surface are not well known. Observations of the behaviour of rapids and open stretches of river show that they are subjected to much coo ing in winter, but they do not freeze over because the ice crystals formed in pre¬ serving the heat equilibrium, attach themselves to the bottom or are carried o by the turbulent water before they have time to connect to one another or bridp the stream. As the water with its burden of ice moves downstream it ultimately reaches a river or lake expansion where its velocity and turbulence moderate and where the ice and slush move quietly on its surface. Under these conditions ice bridges form across the river or lake and then the pack, as it is called, advances upstream until it reaches a point where the velocity becomes so great that ice is carried under the surface of the pack and is deposited there in the form 01 a ‘‘hanging dam^^ These hanging dams continue to increase in length as long as the temperature of the air is below about 20 degrees Fahrenheit, or while snow is falling and as long as large open surfaces remain in the river al^ve. As soon, however, as the temperature of the air rises above 20 degrees Fahrenheit or the area of the water surface exposed above reduces in size, the length and steepness of the water slope through these dams becomes less, and in the warm weather of approaching spring the jam melts away. The forrnation of an ice COTer on a stream acts as a blanket and prevents the formation of frazil in the water beneath. ^ , 1 xi, 9 Sometimes ice gorges cause the inundation of large areas above them as in the vicinity of Montreal and sometimes they greatly reduce the flow of water as in the St. Clair river. 10. Effect on Power Improvement. In the improvement of northern rivers for power it is usually possible to establish water surface levels high enough to secure low velocities and eliminate or reduce to small proportions all water surface areas remaining open in winter. This opportunity is generally available because most rivers have deep wide valleys with small winter flows compared with those of summer. .v t 11 Much difficulty is found in reducing open water areas on the bt. L«aw- rence river to smaJl proportions. The river carries a large winter flow which must be maintained, the river valley is relatively narrow and the water level at the head of the rapids sections cannot be raised on account of property values involved in flooding. , . . i- x- j 12. As a consequence of this situation a number of investigations were made to determine the facts with regard to the following matters:— (a) Conditions under which smooth ice covers, ice packed covers, and hanging dams may be expected to form. (b) The amount of ice formed by a given open water exposure in a given (c) Thf lo^ in head due to ice covers and packs of various kinds, or the effect of such packs on the flow of water under them. 13 Factors Affecting Ice Covers. Whether an ice cover forms or does not form across a river depends upon the temperature of the air, the temperature of the water, the velocity of the wind, and the velocity and tui-bulence of the 14 Actual observations at a number of points on the St. Lawrence slww little variation in what takes place at a given point from year to year. Dor 408 St. Lawrence Waterway Project instance, an ice cover always forms on lake St. Louis at a point where the average velocity is about one foot per second and gradually makes downstream to a point where the average velocity is close to two feet'per second. An ice cover forms at the lower end of lake St. Peter at a point where the average velocity IS from 1.0 to 1.25 feet per second. At the foot of Vercheres Island where the avera^ge velocity of the water is about 1.4 feet per second, ice covers do not form until the ice pack reaches this point from below. At other points on the river, such as the sections at Croil island. Cat island and at Drummond island, ice covers do form at from 1.30 to 1.40 feet per second, under extremely COM weather conditions. After an ice cover has started in quiet water near K re 1 will extend into swifter water. The actual surface velocities along the edge of an ice sheet have been observed to be as high as 2.5 feet per second. , ® average velocity” as herein used is the velocity determined 1 ^ 1 discharge by the area of the cross section at the water level The term surface velocity”, where used, is the observed velocity deter¬ mined by surface floats. The surface velocity at a section may be as much as oU per cent in excess of the average velocity. P^bable that an ice cover would always form on a section of the bt. Lawrence early in winter unless provision is made for reduction of the average velocity m the section to about 1.25 feet per second. 17. After ice covers are formed and attain, some thickness it is found that average velocities can be increased up to 2.5 feet per second without danger of breaking up the ice sheet. This is current practice in the operation of power canals in the St. Lawrence district. • immediate outlet of large lake expansions and in some rivers in Ontario large openings or air holes are sometimes found where the velocity is below one foot per second. This phenomenon is apparently caused by heat accumulated rernaimng in the water underneath the ice. Not many cases of tms are found in the St. Lawrence where the yelocity is so low but the phenomenon is noticeable at the outlet of Rice lake on the Riyer Trent and in Other places. 19. In stretches of river w'here average velocities exceed 1.40 feet ner second, ice covers will not form from shore to shore but after a bridge is formed below, ice and slush will pack upstream against an average velocity up to 2.25 fbf the floating slush or crystals being carried underneatii the advancing ice bridge. This fact permits channels of reasonable size to be used for power works in northern latitudes, and is of economic importance in reducing the cost of improving rivers to obtain the power available in them lot ? t formation of the ice pack which forms each winter at the foot of laLe St Peter and gradually builds up to Montreal has been watched for many years, b^ause it furnishes information of special value in connection with ice packs. Gauges were established in this stretch of river twelve years atm and water leyel records are ayailable which show the change in slope" which'occurs in this reach as the ice pack advances from day to day. u- the above records and direct observations, the conditions under which the ice pack failed to advance have been clearly defined. If slush or frazil IS carried underneath an ice bridge and is deposited in the form of a continue throughout the winter. If the ice bridge advances without slush or frazil being carried underneath the cover, the section will not show any slush in place and surface slopes m succeeding winters will be moderate and uniform , The observed data are shown on table No. 1. This table shows that frazil IS likely to be carried under the ice cover and deposited if the average St, Lawrence Waterway Project 409 velocity exceeds 2.25 feet per second, but is not ordinarily carried under unless the velocity exceeds that figure. The section chosen at Lanoraie is one in whi^h the conditions are as adverse as can be expected anywhere. 23. On account of the need for reliable information on this matter an effort has been made to obtain corroborative data in other parts of the river. This search has only been partly successful as no other section is available which is naturally suited to furnishing such information. In the International Section of the St. Lawrence river and on the Niagara river, records show ice packs advancing upstream under velocities which may vary from 2.4 to 3.2 feet i>er second depending upon the temperature of the air and the amount of frazil and slush ice carried in the water (table 2). These velocities may also depend to some extent on the crookedness of the river as records in general show higher velocities at the head of advancing packs in the International Section than in the St. Lawrence below Montreal. Records also show the average velocity of the w’ater at the point where deposits of frazil and slush cease at the lower ends of hanging dams to be about 2 feet per second. It is probable that some ice is generally carried under sections when the ice pack is advancing, but obviously the point where it would cease to be carried under is near at hand else the pack would not advance. Again, the fact that water does not cariy ice under a cover at a velocity less than 2 feet per second suggests that velocities of less than 2.25 feet per second would not cause it to submerge. Records of receding ice jam is during the breakup period (table 3) indicate that the average velocity of the water at the head of the jam in these cases varies from 2.2 to 2.5 feet per second. 24. The deduction made from this information is that an average velocity of less than 2.25 feet per second must be provided to ensure an unobstructed section, especially in mild weather immediately following cold periods. 25. Limiting Velocities for Advance of Ice Packs. In the improvement of the St. Lawrence it is important to define conditions under which a stretch of river will remain open and free from ice covers of all kinds. River channels were cross-sectioned in winter and re-cross-sectioned in summer; flows were metered in winter and in summer, and every effort was made to ascertain the truth in each case which appeared to furnish typical information. A variation is found in the velocity and temperature required to produce a bridge in different sections of the river. This is shown by table 2. 26. An examination of data accumulated shows that with velocities between 2.7 and 3.3 feet per second ice covers, if formed, will go and come with changes of weather but, with velocities in excess of about 3.3 feet per second, surfaces will generally remain open under all winter conditions on the St. Lawrence. 27. Rates of Ice Production. In addition to determining the water velocity conditions under which ice covers and packs of various kind's are foimed, the volume of ice in the form of frazil made by a given exposure to cold is important because it is not always possible to arrange for the whole of a river to be ice covered. Two methods for determining this volume are avail¬ able. 28. The actual contents of hanging dams in lake St. Louis, lake St. Francis, and above Croil island have been measured by cross-sections under the ice at these points. The measurements made when related to the water surface exposed show the production of from 3 to 15 cubic feet of ice per square foot of exposure. These variations depend upon the place of measurement and the coldness of the winter in the year in question. 410 St, Lawrence Waterway Project 29. Another method of arriving at the volume of ice formed is by the estab¬ lishment of the rate at which a water surface loses heat previous to its being cooled down to the freezing point in the fall of each year and the application of the rate found to later exposures. The temperature of both air and water was recorded at Kingston, Brockville, Drummond Island, Dickinson^s Landing, Cornwall, Hamilton island and Coteau, for periods of about two months previous to the actual formation of ice in the years 1924 and 1925. 30. By relating heat losses to differences in temperature found between air and water, the rate of transfer of heat between surfaces was established with a fair degree of accuracy. An examination of the statement attached (table 10) shows that this rate may be taken at about 95 British Thermal Units trans¬ ferred per day per square foot per degree difference in temperature between air and water, and is independent of the character of the river sections in question. That is, the surface of rapids, the surface of lakes and the surface of smooth sections of river all give about the same cooling coefficient or rate of heat transfer. 31. As shown from an inspection of diagrams which have been prepared, the coefficient derived from these measurements is affected in some degree by snowfall, rainfall and wind. A correction for the effect of snowfall and rainfall has been made in the results given but the effect of wind cannot easily be taken into account. As its effect is small compared to the general difference in tem¬ perature between air and water it may be disregarded in the use of this data. 32. As one pound of ice is formed by water at 32° Fahr. giving up 144 British Thermal Units, the total amount of ice formed by a given length of the river in a given time can be approximately determined from temperature records. During the winter of 1924-25, for a period of 80 days the average temperature of the air in the vicinity of Montreal was 17-6° Fahir. below the freezing point, makii^ an aggregate of 1,410 degree days. Taking the cooling coefficient of 95 British Thermal Units per degree day given in paragraph 30, it will be found that this exposure accounts for 16-3 cubic feet of ice per square foot of surface. Actually, 14-4 cubic feet of slush per square foot of surface exposed was found by measurement under the solid ice cover at the head of lake St. Louis at the end of that winter, as shown on table 4. Similarly, in the year 1923 the water surface area exposed in the vicinity of Ogdensburg was subjected to 1,246 degree days of freezing which should form theoretically 14-2 cubic feet per square foot of surface exposed. Cross-section measurements made at the head of lake St. Francis show a deposit of 13-0 cubic feet per square foot of surface exposed between lake St. Francis and Ogdensburg. Other measurements in other years indicate similar relations, as shown on table 4. 33. An approximation of the volume of ice formed by a given exposure can also be made from the rate at which ice packs make upstream from Lanoraie to Longue Pointe below Montreal in zero weather. If cold weather comes on gradually in winter lake St. Peter freezes over a few days before lake St. Louis or lake St. Francis and the area of water at the freezing point can be approxi¬ mated from temperature measurements at a number of points in this section of the river. 34. In the year 1925-26 specially good means were provided for estimating the area forming ice because lake St. Francis in that year froze three days before lake St. Louis, and lake St. Louis was open w'hile the pack advanced from Lanoraie to Longue Pointe. In that year the temperature of the water coming down the river reached the freezing point at Cedars about the time the ice pack reached Sorel coming up, but a high west wind kept lake St. Louis open while the pack advanced up stream to Vicker’s dry-dock, just below Montreal. The St. Lawrence Waterway Project 411 actual travel of the pack upstream during the two days with 27 degrees of freezing was^ fifteen miles. With ice taken as fifteen inches thick 25,500,000 cubic yards would be formed or accumulated in one day in this section of the river. This gives about the same volume as is derived by the use of 95 as the cooling coefiicient and 77 square miles as the area of surface exposed at that time. 35. An inspection of tables No. 5 and 6 indicates that the degree days of freezing to which water surfaces are exposed in the vicinity of Kingston, after they reach a freezing temperature, is only about 80 per cent, and at Ogdensburg 90 per cent of that to which similar areas are exposed at Montreal. This differ¬ ence is due to the moderating influence of lake Ontario on the temperatures of both air and water in the upper river as well as to differences in latitude. 36. The general seasonal variations in temperature of the air and water all along the St. Lawrence from lake Ontario to Montreal are shown in a number of diagrams which are attached to this Appendix (plat^ 1 and 2). These show the manner in which the great volume of water held in lake Ontario lengthens the season of open water to a decreasing extent all the way down the river from Kingston to Montreal. On account of the proximity of lake Ontario water, temperatures opposite Kingston at the beginning of winter are still 9 degrees above the freezing point when the inflow from the Ottawa river at the head of lake St. Louis reaches the freezing point. The temperature of the water at Kingston is generally about 6 degrees above the freezing point when the water at the foot of lake St. Peter, 65 miles below Montreal, reaches the freezing point. Usually ice begins to form opposite Kingston at the head of the St. Lawrence about sixteen days after the ice begins to form on lake St. Peter below Montreal and almost a month after ice begins to form on lake of Two Mountains at the outlet of the Ottawa river. 37. Early in the spring of the year, warmer water from the depths of lake Ontario makes itself felt and ice generally disappears in the stretch of river above Ogdensburg about two weeks before a through channel is available at the head of lake St. Louis and lake St. Peter. However, as soon as lake St. Louis and lake St. Peter are clear of ice the temperature of the water at these points rises rapidlv and is soon found to be higher than that flowing out of lake Ontario. Throughout the early summer months the temperature of the water downstream from lake Ontario is tolerably uniform at all points. 38. As a consequence of the above conditions the winter or ice-covered period in the St. Lawrence at the head of the International section is about one month shorter than that of the river in the vicinity of Montreal. 39. In addition to considering the amount of frazil created by a given exposure, consideration should be given to the fact that water which flows for any ^eat length of time underneath an ice cover, even in winter, accumulates a certain amount of heat from some source. Temperature measurements of the water at the foot of lake St. Francis and at the foot of Bergan lake show that the water flowing out of these ice-covered sections is about 0-03 of a degree warmer than freezing throughout the whole winter period from the time the ice is formed until soft slush makes its appearance on the surface of the ice in March. Measurements also show the temperature of the water under the ice is about 0-16 of a degree warmer than freezing opposite Clayton and 0-08 of a degree warmer than freezing at Prescott during the coldest part of the winter. This heat has an important bearing on the design of works, especially at Galop rapids. If the flow of the river in winter be taken at 200,000 cfs. and the average temperature of the weather as 20 degrees below freezing, it will require an exposure of 45,000,000 square feet to cool the water to the freezing point. 412 St. Lawrence Waterway Project This means that three miles of open water may exist at this point and yet no frazil on the average accumulate, as cold weather is always succeeded by warmer spells and the average temperature for winter months seldom falls below +12® Fahrenheit. 40. Slopes through Ice Covered Sections. Gauge relations show that even the smoothest forms of ice covers impose resistance to the flow of water in the sections which they cover. This is easily seen by comparison of summer and winter slopes between Summerstown and Coteau, on lake St. Francis, Ottawa and Grenville, on the Ottawa river, Peterborough and Hastings, on the Trent, and the slopes in certain canals where the discharge is known. 41. The data gathered wdth regard to the resistance of this form of ice cover indicate that it is comparable to the resistance of concrete surfaces. In canals where a value of in Bazin formula, of 4.0 satisfied summer condi¬ tions a value of 2.3 will satisfy winter conditions, the ice cover being taken as part of the wetted perimeter. A value of averaged with the value established for open water conditions will give its value close enough for prac¬ tical purposes. 42. The resistance to flow^ caused by an ice cover formed by the accumula¬ tion of slush and frazil at the head of an advancing ice bridge is of great import¬ ance in the design of the St. LawTence Project, and elaborate arrangements w^ere made to establish values for this form of resistance. 43. Special gauges were established at Varennes, Repentigny and Lavaltrie on the St. LawTence river below Montreal. These were read winter and summer for tw^o years and slopes were related to discharges derived from gauges farther up river. Through this section of the river no deposits of frazil are found and average summer velocities vary from 2 to 2.6 feet per second while winter velocities vary from 1.3 to 1.6 feet per second, depending upon the state and dis¬ charge of the river. From these relations and actual cross-sections of the river made winter and summer, values of in the Bazin formula were obtained. These are shown on table No. 7. 44. Gauge readings between Lanoraie and Sorel and discharge relations were also used to determine values for these years in which it was apparent no frazil or slush was carried into the section (table 8). The values obtained in this w^ay check closely with those obtained in the section flrst described. In this reach velocities vary from 2 to 3.4 feet per second in summer, to 1 6 to 2 feet per second in winter. 45. ^ The data above described indicate that winter slopes on the St. Law¬ rence river may safely be figured wdth a value of ''M'' in the Bazin formula taken as the average betw’een that applicable to summer conditions and 5 5 for January and 4.5 for February and March. All the values of ‘'M'' derived from gauge readings show a gradual smoothing of the ice cover as the season advances from the time it is first formed until it begins to melt out in the month of March. 46. The foregoing results apply to ice covers when formed as a packed surface without hanging deposits. The slopes occurring w^hen all kinds of ice are carried underneath the section and lodged in the form of hanging dams jams or gorges require consideration. * 47 A number of ice jams or gorges occur on the St. Lawrence each winter. One of these is at the head of lake St. Francis; one is at the head of lake St. Louis; and one is opposite the city of Montreal between the foot of Lachine rapids and Long^ addition to these, occasional jams occur between Mornsburg and Croil island and m the Niagara river. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 413 48. The gorge at the head of lake St. Francis has been watched with care for a number of years and slopes obtained in this section are interesting but, as the river is divided at this point by Cornwall island, deductions from records must be made with care. 49. The gorges wdiich occurred in the river between Morrisbm’g and the foot of Croil island were especially instructive. Those which occurred at this point in 1887 and in 1905 also furnish information of value, though the records of these jams are not complete. When the jam of 1923 occurred the Depart¬ ment of Railways and Canals placed a large staff of men at recording the phenomena, and records of great value were obtained. 60. In 1925 an extensive gorge occurred in the lower Niagara river. This jam was especially instructive in view of the straight uniform character of the river. The water level at the head of this jam and the volume of the ice in the section were carefully determined by surveys carried out by the Department of Railways and Canals. 51. The surface slopes opposite Montreal have been recorded for a number of years. Many cross-sections of jams near Montreal were made by the Mont¬ real Flood Commission in 1887. The gorge at the head of lake St. Louis was cross-sectioned by the staff of the Canadian section of this Board in 1925. 52. From the surface irregularity of ice jams it might appear that no pre¬ diction could be made as to the form which such jams take or as to the slope of the water surface flowing through them. Many cross-sections, however, dis¬ close the fact that these hanging dams tend to assume a definite shape with ribbons of clear water of uniform sectional area flowing underneath the jam. 53. Just after an ice movement or a consolidation of a jam the underlying ribbon of water is often irregular but it soon changes to the typical and regular form. The average velocity of the water in the resultant section is generally about three feet per second but does reach four feet per second in some cases and also falls to two feet per second at the foot of gorges in mild weather. Typical sections of jams are shown on plates 12 and 13. 54. Observations of gorges during formation show that frequently there is a series of pushes in the upper part of the gorge in which the cover at the head is telescoped and on-coming ice from the upper part plunges under the lower part in a continuous stream which sometimes keeps moving for a full day at a time. These partly compressed coverings of ice in pushing down the river bend around curves and change their shape with difliculty. Ice coverings appear to make upstream against higher velocities in crooked channels than they do in straight reaches. 55. The observed slopes of the St. Lawrence through ice jams are shown on table 9. These are plotted on plate No. 7. This plate shows that surface slope in feet per mile is always greater after heavy snow-falls than even during periods of intensely cold weather. 56. Records as plotted on plates 3 to 6 show that the advent of moderate weather succeeding cold periods or periods of snow-fall alw-ays produces some lowering of water level at the head of the jam. These often show a rise in the lower portions of the jam indicating a movement of ice from the upper to the lower parts. Continuous moderate w-eather also produces openings at specially narrow points in the river. These openings, when they break out, generally show velocities in excess of 7 fet per second an.d in some cases velocities as high as 9 feet per second. This shows that, for a time at least, the ice deposited in a jam or gorge will resist velocities as great as 7 feet per second. 57. Plate No. 7 show’s that in general the slope of an ice jam can be taken at about 1.6 feet per mile if there is no snow and very little curvature in the river. 414 St. Lawrence Waterway Project while a slope of about 2.7 feet per mile under the same conditions will maintain with recent snowfall. This diagram also shows that if the river is so crooked that it turns 120 degrees per mile, a slope of about 3 feet per mile will be set up in ordinary winter weather by an ice jam and 4.6 feet per mile in such a reach after a snowfall. What slope would be set up if by some chance the water level at the foot of a jam should be lowered is not known an,d there seems to be no way of determining it. 58. The fact that open slits break out at narrow points in the river with velocities of 7 to 9 feet per second indicates that such velocities are close to the maximum to be expected under ice jams under any conditions. Further indi¬ cations of^ the truth of this statement are given in the fact that certain power canals which operate without ice covers find velocities of about 7 feet per second much more satisfactory than velocities of 4 feet per second, because velocities of 7 feet per second prevent adherence of anchor ice to the floor of the canal. 59. In addition to the diagrams shown on plates 3 to 6 many others have been prepared which show changes in water level from day to day at various points in the jams as these form below the Lachine rapids, at Montreal, and at the foot of the Long Sault rapids and at the head of lake St. Francis. Strangely, the highest winter levels opposite Montreal are associated with warm, not cold, winters. This is due to the fact that in warm winters a channel remains open through La Prairie Basin until a late date and large amounts of ice periodically move down from there into the section below Montreal, filling that section of the river with frazil and chuck ice before the advent of spring brings down the final consignment from La Prairie Basin in the breakup period. 60. In summary, the conclusions arrived at by the Board as a result of this study may be stated as follows:— 1. Sheets of ice in the latitude of the St. Lawrence River may, under certain conditions, exert a pressure of about 22,000 pounds per linear foot of dam. 2. Smooth ice covers may be expected to form in rivers with velocities up to 1.25 feet per second in zero weather provided there is no high wind preventing such action. 3. Ice covers may be expected to pack upstream up to a velocity of 2.25 feet per second without danger of ice going under the cover. 4. Water surface slopes through ice jams on the St. Lawrence river can be taken as 1.6 feet per mile if there is no snow and 2.7 feet with recent snowfall if the stretch is comparatively straight. 5. The amount of frazil to be expected from a given area of water exposed to cooling action of air can be calculated from the following formula: Volume of ice formed per day=95 x Aver. Diff. in temperature between air and water x sq. ft. of water exposed divided by 144 x 57.4. 6. For obtaining winter slopes under ice covers formed by packing upkream the value of “M” in the Bazin formula may be taken as 5.5 for .Janu¬ ary and 4.5 for February and March, averaged with ordinary values applicable to the stretch in question in summer, the wetted perijneter being taken as including the ice cover. Prepared by D. W. McLachlan. Adopted by Board, July 5, 1927. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 415 TABLE I—ICE FORMATION CONDITIONS BETWEEN LANORAIE AND SOREL ON THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER (SECTION TAKEN AS 110,700 SQUARE FEET AT 12-6 AT LANORAIE) Statement Showing Conditions under which Frazil was carried under the Ice Cover Date i Tempera¬ ture of air Drop in water level after bridge formed Average velocity derived from Grenville and Lock 25 Average velocity derived from Coteau and Grenville Average velocity derived from Montreal Aqueduct and Des Prairies River feet feet per sec. feet per sec. feet per sec. feet per sec. 4-20°F. +32°F. 4-2 4*2 2-56 2-33 2-60 2-57 -h 5®F. 4-2 2-40 2-43 2-31 +25°F. 5-9 202 (Not representa¬ tive) 2-27 heavy local rain +40"F. 5-9 (Not repre¬ sentative) 207 2-24-frain -M4°F. 30 2-25 2-26 2-33 0®F. 3-6 2-28 2-28 -fl2°F. 3-9 2*35 2-41 2-47 -M0°F. 40 2-74 2-49 H-10°F. 2-6 2-24 2-43 2-38 Dec. 25, 1912... Jan. 11, 1913... Jan. 9, 1913... Jan. 3, 1916... Jan. 6, 1916... Dec. 19. 1916... Dec. 11, 1917... Jan. 4, 1919... Dec. 18, 1919... Dec. 17. 1924.., Statement Showing Conditions under which Ice Covers formed without Frazil being carried UNDER THE ICE CoVER rioo in 1Q14. . -f5®F. 21 203 non 9.7 1Q20 . -3°F. 1-7 2-36 2-28 non 99. 1Q21 . -3®F. 1-6 2-34 2-10 Statement Showing Conditions under which only very Slight Amounts of Frazil were carried UNDER Ice Cover non 9R lOP.*, . + 9°F. +11^. 2-6 2-26 Dec. 17, 1924. 2-6 2-24 2-43 2-38 TABLE No. 2. STATEMENT SHOWING WHICH^^ BRIDGES OR PACKS HAVE ADVANCED ON Location Crysler Monument, Lock 23. Doran Island..... Weavers Point.. , , , Halfway iVeavers Pt. to Bradford Pt Willard Creek.. Bradford Point.. Hoasic Creek. Lock 23..’ Cooks Point. Cornwall Island. Massena Point... Polly’s Gut. Massena Point.. Polly’s Gut... 4,CXK) ft. east of N. Y.O. railway bridge Date February 1905 February 7,1905,. February 13, I90S., Massena Point. February 8,1023... February 8 and 9. .. February 9, 1923... February 9,1023... February 15, 1023... February 17, 1923... February S, 1023.. January 3, 1022. January 11, 1922_ January 11. 1022 ... February 8, 1922. January 21, 1022... January 29-30, 1925 January-- 7.. January 24, 1926.,. Tempera¬ ture of air +4 ^F. 0-4 -2(rF. +3 0 -2-3 -2-3 +0 0 January 25, 1926__ January 17, 1925_ February 27, 1925... +6-7 +22-5 - S'’F, + 10°F. -10”F. on 22nd +20“F, on 23rd & 24 th lO'^F. 7'’F. Water level 210*0 219-0 223-7 215-5 215-5 219-0 220-0 221-5 215-5 156-4 168 0 167,0 167 0 167-0 IS9-5 159-3 169-5 166+ 177-2 177-0 Area of Section sq. ft. 75,001 64 000 66,000 64,000 65- 000 63,500 67,200 63,900 55,000 61,600 64,400 66- 700 65,000 58,000 64,000 58.000 71-600 71,600 67,300 63,500 54,800 54,800 Q. 1 Discnarge C.F.S. 206,000 206,100 106,000 206,000 100,000 190,000 196.000 196,000 176,500 176,000 190,000 187,000 181,000 181.000 177,000 186,000 103,000 192.000 163,000 163,000 140,000 152,000 V. Velocity in ft. per second at head of pack 2- 74 3- 22 3-12 3-22 2- 93 3- 00 2- 92 3- 07 3-22 2-86 2-95 2-81 2- 79 3- 10 2- 77 3- 20 2-70X 2-70x 2-42X 2-57s 2-56X 2-78 Remarks Fstimated mild, average of 2 sections. Observed nest day, probably O.K. Tck> high, some water—Barnhart Island packed through. Sections appear to be about 1,000 feet too Large. St. Lawrence Waterway Project iz-Lzm i TABLE No. 3.—STATEMENT SHOWING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH ICE BRIDGES OR PACKS HAVE RECEDED ON ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Location • Date Tempera¬ ture of air Water level Area of section sq. ft. Q. Discharge C.F.S. V. Velocity in feet per second at head of pack Remarks Lock 19, ... . 1 February 29, 1924... +28°F. 171 0 83,000 194,000 2-34 Cornwall laland. *. . January 29^ 1924. +24'’F. 159 5 70,000 188,000 2*70 Cornwall Island. ^. January 4 ,1925. -f32'’F. 156*9 64,400 180,000 2*80 Cornwall Island...... January 7^ 1925..... +3S“F. 160-0 71,000 176,000 2-45 Opened South Cornwall Island and stayed open. Comw'all Island...... January 19, 1925. - 3°F, 158*0 67,000 163,000 2*44 Stayed open. South Cornwall Island. January 21, 1925..... +25'’F, 1575 64,200 164,000 2*56 Filled a second time. Willard Creek... April 9, 1923....... 218-5 66,200 209,000 3-16 Lock 23. April 9» 1923. 221-0 60,600 209,000 3*45 Goose Neck Island.. *,.. April S, 1923........ 218-5 75,600 209,000 2-77 Below Lock 23. April 9, 1923. 221-0 77,000 209,000 2-72 Below Weavers Point.... April 11, 1923. 211-0 74.900 220,000 : 2-94 Head Barnhart Island. January 31, 1925. 195-4 49.000 141,000 2-88 Massena Point. January 28, 1924. 171 0 69.500 174,000 2-52 Below Lanoraie.. December 11, 1886.. Mild 20-9 132,000 335,000 2-52 Allows for average of 10 sections and winter retardation. Victoria Bridge... March 31, 1925. 44-5 140,000 352,000 2-50 Allows for winter retardation and piers of bridges. Victoria Bridge.. ... April 23, 1857. 47-0 167,000 396,000 2-43 He Ronde ... April 25, 1887. 40-0 152,000 405,000 2-66 Perhaps some water comes in from tributaries near La Prairie. Moffat Island ... April 1, 1925.. 45-0 160,000 352,000 2-20 Fort St. Helen’s Island.. April 22. 1887,. 46-4 181,000 396,000 2-20 Breakup. I St, Lawrence Waterway Project 418 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 4.—STATEMENT SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF FRAZIL OR SLUSH FORMED UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS Place Area exposed Volume of frazil or slush Degree days of freezing Volume formed per sq. foot of exposure Montreal Ogdens- burg By actual measure¬ ment Calculated with cooling coefficient of 95 cu. ft. sq. ft. cu. ft. cu. ft. Lake St. Louis, 1925. 442,000,000 6,355,700,000 1,410 1,200 14-4 16-3 Lake St. Francis, 1924. 460,000,000 3,721,000,000 817 738 8-1 8-45 1923. 320,000,000 4,160,000,000 1,357 1,246 130 14-2 1922. 460,000,000 3,950,000,000 1,029 890 8-5 10-3 Above foot Croil Island.... 190,000,000 1,394,000,000 916 826 7-33 9-5 TABLE No. 5.--STATEMENT SHOWING DEGREE DAYS OF FREEZING TO WHICH WATER SURFACES AT MONTREAL AND KINGSTON ARE EXPOSED BETWEEN THE TIMES LAKE ST. FRANCIS AND LAKE ST. LOUIS FREEZE OVER AND THE HIGHEST REACHED WATER LEVEL AT MELOCHEVILLE TAKEN AT THE END OF THE WINTER Year Date of freezing of Lake St. Louis (A) Date of freezing of River at foot of Cornwall Island (B) Date of highest water level. Head of Lake St. Louis (C) Degree days of freezing for period A-C Degree days of freezing for period B-C 1924—25. Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Mar. 5 M 1,410 1,200 K 1,070 920 1923-24. Jan. 4 Jan. 21 Feb. 25 M 1,046 817 K 777 659 1922-23. Dec. 18 Dec. 28 Feb. 28 M 1,481 1,357 K 1,199 After Jan. 19, 916 1921-22. Dec. 22 Dec. 31 Feb. 28 M 1,240 1,029 1919-20. Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Mar. 16 M 1,606 1,535 1918-19. Dec. 20 Jan. 7 Feb. 20 M 853 582 1917-18. Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Feb. 9 M 1,672 1,672 1916-17. Dec. 29 Dec. 29 Mar. 6 M 1,458 1,458 1915-16. Dec. 20 Jan. 12 Mar. 10 M 1,285 1,013 1914-15. Dec. 22 Mar 5 1 136 1913-14. Jan. 11 Jan. 11 Feb. 25 M 1,606 l,’i47 1912-13. Jan. 13 Jan. 13 Mar. 10. M 883 883 1911-12. Jan. 1 Jan. 4 Mar. 6 M 1,627 1,588 1910-11. Dec. 14 Dec. 18 Feb. 24 M 1,407 1,358 1909-10. Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Feb. 23 890 858 M = Montreal records. K = Kingston records TABLE No. 6.—STATEMENT SHOWING AVERAGE AIR TEMPERATURE AT CERT4IN STATIONS FOR WINTER MONTHS Fahrenheit Thermometer Year Month Canton Moira Ogdens- burg Chezy Montreal Kingston Ottawa 1923-24. Dec. Jan. 31*7 17-9 31-2 170 32-8 190 31-9 18-8 29-7 14-3 340 210 310 12-5 Feb. 10-1 10-8 12-8 100 11-8 140 9-7 Mean. 19-9 19-7 21-5 20-2 18-6 230 17-7 1922-23. Dec. Jan. 21-4 10-8 18-8 10-7 23-3 13-2 21-8 12-2 18-5 11-2 240 140 170 80 Feb. 9-2 7-8 10-8 10-6 9-7 130 60 Miar. 20-6 20*1 21-7 22-2 19-2 220 17-2 Mean. 15-5 14-4 17-3 16-7 14-7 18-2 120 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 419 TABLE No. 6—STATEMENT SHOWING AVERAGE AIR TEMPERATURE, Etc.— Concluded Year Month Canton Moira Ogdens- burg Chezy Montreal Kingston Ottawa 1921-22. Dec. 21-8 20-2 20-6 21-2 19-8 260 17-5 Jan. 12-8 13*3 15-6 14*2 13-2 160 9-5 Feb. 20-1 19-2 20-6 20-2 16-6 210 13-5 March.... 320 31-8 320 32-6 30-6 300 27 5 Mean. 21-7 2M 22-2 220 200 23-2 17 0 1920-21. Dec. 23-2 22-6 24-4 240 22-1 270 20-5 Jan. 20-9 20-6 21-5 21-8 180 250 15-5 Feb. 20-9 20-6 23-2 21-2 18-9 250 170 Mean....'. 21-7 21-3 230 22-3 19-7 25-7 17-7 1919-20. Dec. 21-4 18-8 23-3 21-8 160 200 125 Jan. 41 4-3 6-7 5-4 4-9 7-5 0-5 Feb. 15-4 14-8 15-6 160 14-5 170 no Mean. 13-6 12-6 15-2 14-3 11-8 14-8 80 TABLE No. 7 Values found for V and M in Bazin’s Formula V SJ RJ in Summer and in Winter m 1 + 3 — V R Thickness of Ice allowed for at 2 feet Varenxes to Lavaltrie—Distance 85,200 feet Q R V F C M — Discharge Hydraulic Velocity Fall C.F.S. radius ft. per sec. feet Open water—Mean flow. 425,600 260 2*46 2*03 97*7 3*12 “ High flow. 508,000 29* 1 2*62 1*99 100*6 3*05 “ Low flow. 253,000 19-6 1*94 209 88*1 3*46 Average open water. 3*21 Jan. 5- 7, 1925. 225,720 12-6 1*34 3*94 56*5 6*34 Jan. 1-15, 1925. 223,270 120 1*39 3*78 60*1 5*60 Jan. 16-31, 1925. 197,170 11*3 1*31 3*25 63*0 5*03 Feb. 1-14, 1925. 201,640 11-8 1*28 2-94 63*5 5*08 Feb. 15-28* 1925. 239,710 12-8 1*40 2*75 68*9 4*61 Mar. 6- 8, 1925. 247,640 12-9 1*44 2-80 69*9 4*51 Mar. 1-15, 1925. 253,150 130 1*47 2-76 71*6 4*32 Mar. 16-31, 1925. 313,780 14*8 1*59 2-58 75*0 4*21 iinnpr cover.... 4*96 Repentignt to Lavaltrie—Distance 69,000 feet Open water—Mean flow. “ High flow. “ Low flow. Average open water. 425,600 508,000 253,000 25*9 29*4 19*8 2*48 2*62 1*93 1*42 1*42 1*39 107*4 106*3 96*3 2*37 2*52 2*82 2*57 Jan. 5- 7, 1925. 225,720 12*5 1*36 2*81 60*3 5*70 Jan. 1-15, 1925. 223,270 12*2 1*39 2*78 62*5 5*30 Jan. 16-31, 1925. 197,170 11*3 1*31 2*40 66*0 4*66 Feb. 1-14, 1925. 201,640 11*9 1*28 2*12 66*9 4*68 Feb. 15-28, 1925. 239,710 12*8 1*42 1*99 73*9 4*05 Mar. 6- 8, 1925. 247,640 13*0 1*44 2*05 72*1 4*25 Mar. 1-15, 1925. 253,150 13*0 1*47 1*92 77*1 3*75 Mar. 16-31, 1925. 313,780 14*8 1*59 1*82 80*3 3*69 Average under ice enver.... 4*51 45827—271 420 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE No. 8 Values found for V and M in Bazin’s formula V = 157-6 Rj in summer and in winter m IH- V R Thickness of ice allowed for 2 feet Lanoraie to Sorel—Distance = 46,000 Feet — Discharge C.F.S. R Hydraulic radius V Velocity feet per sec. F Fall feet C M Open Water Average for October, 1914. 251,100 33-0 1-98 0-46 109-1 2-52 Average for October, 1915. 275,500 33-3 2-15 0-52 111-0 2-43 June 10, 1919. 465,100 38-9 3-10 0-74 124-0 1-68 Average for June, 1919. 477,800 39-2 3-17 0-76 124-5 1-66 Average for October, 1920. 261.300 33-4 2-03 0-43 114-9 2-15 Average for October, 1921. 258.600 33-0 1-97 0-34 126-2 1-43 Average for October, 1922. 264,600 33-3 2-07 0-46 113-5 2-26 Average for November, 1924. 266,500 33-5 2-07 0-46 113-2 2-28 October 26, 1925. 250,200 33-6 1-94 0-38 116-4 2-05 October 27, 1925. 249,100 33-7 1-92 0-35 120-0 1-02 Average for October, 1925. 253,100 33-5 1-96 0-32 128-5 1-32 Average open water. 1-96 Ice Cover January 8,1915. 227,300 17-3 1-71 2-06 61-5 5-99 January 24, 1915. 234,700 16-9 1-82 1-78 71-1 4-95 January 8,1921. 277,100 18-0 2-00 2-12 69-5 5-36 January 24, 1921. 257,700 17-6 1-90 1-83 71-9 4-96 January 7,1922. 252,700 17-6 1-86 1-45 79-0 4-15 January 29, 1922. 239,500 17-4 1-79 M7 85-0 3-55 January 8,1925. 228,000 17-3 1-71 2-00 62-3 6-35 January 27, 1925. 189,100 17-0 1-45 1-37 64-5 5-49 January 5, 1926. 253,100 18-2 1-80 2-56 56-5 7-63 January 26, 1926. 236,226 17-7 1-72 2-06 61-1 6-61 Average for January. 5-51 February 23, 1915. 230,000 17-2 1-74 1-74 68-2 5-41 February 9,1921. 249.200 17-1 1-09 1-60 77-5 4-27 February 28, 1921. 239,200 16-8 1-85 1-28 85-5 3-45 February 22, 1922. 218,800 17-7 1-60 0-96 83-2 3-75 February 10, 1925. 204,400 17-8 1-50 1-61 60-1 6-82 February 24, 1925. 223,800 18-6 1-56 1-59 61-5 6-16 February 9, 1926. 216,100 17-3 1-62 1-72 63-6 6-15 February 27, 1926. 215,100 17-7 1-58 1-75 60-9 6-68 Average for February. 5-34 March 4, 1915. 249,200 18-1 1-79 1-29 79-5 4-18 March 20, 1915. 248,500 17-1 1-89 1-50 80-0 4-01 March 16-25, 1915. 248,200 17-2 1-88 1-36 83-3 3-70 March 7, 1921. 245,600 17-2 1-85 1-50 78-1 4-20 March 12-17, 1921. 289,800 18-9 1-99 1-74 74-5 4-82 March 12, 1922. 251,600 18-5 1-76 0-98 88-5 3-34 March 27, 1922. 282,900 18-4 2-00 0-96 102-0 2-33 March 20-29, 1922. 289,500 18-8 2-00 0-98 99-7 2-51 March 7, 1925. 249,600 18-6 1-74 1-54 69-6 5-28 March 27, 1925. 321,900 21-0 1-98 1-86 67-9 6-03 March 22-31, 1925. 325,200 21-1 2-00 1-92 67-4 6-14 March 9, 1926. 214,500 17-5 1-59 1-62 64-0 6-10 March 26, 1926. 213,200 17-3 1-60 1-67 63-9 6-08 March 20-26, 1926. 213,500 17-2 1-61 1-59 66-0 5-75 Average for March. 4.fi1 *x U1 421 St. Lawrence Waterway Project TABLE NO. 9.—SHOWING RELATION BETWEEN SLOPE IN FEET PER MILE AND CURVATURE IN DEGREES PER MILE THROUGH ICE PACKS Dist¬ ance Miles Fall Curvature No. Station to Station Date Fall Feet Feet Per Mile Total Degrees Degrees Per Mile Remarks Lock 15 to Dickerson’s Isd.... Jan. 30. 1922.. 10-0 6-45 1-55 203 31-5 Mean Conditions. 2 Hd. Cornwall Isd. to Lock 15.. Jan. 30. 1922.. 7-8 2-50 3-00 288 115-0 New Pack. 3 Hd. Cornwall Isd. to Lock 15.. Feb. 16, 1922.. 6-1 2-50 2-40 288 115-0 Mean Conditions. 4 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Head 100-0 New Pack. Jan. 26, 1922.. 4-7 2-00 2-35 200 5 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Head 100-0 Mean Conditions. Feb. 16, 1922 3-2 2-00 1-60 200 6 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Head 2-75 200 100-0 Snow. Feb. 27. 1922.. 5-5 2-00 7 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Tx)ck 15... Feb. 4, 1922.. 10-5 4-60 2-30 483 105-0 Mean Conditions. 8 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Lock 15... Jan. 30, 1922.. 12-5 4-60 2-72 483 105-0 9 Robinson Bay to Hd. Cornw'all 2-87 285 77-0 Temporary. Isd. Jan. 27, 1922.. 10*6 3-70 10 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Lock 15... Feb. 28, 1922.. 11-2 4-60 2-45 483 105-0 6 inches Snow. 11 Hd. Barnhart Isd. to Lock 15.. Jan. 29, 1918. 35-5 8-80 4-00 826 94-0 12 Hd. Barnhart Isd. to Lock 15.. Feb. 4. 1918.. 17-6 8-80 2-00 826 94-0 Mean. Cold 0“F. 13 Hd. Cornwall Isd. to Lock 15.. Feb. 25. 1918.. 90 2-94 3-06 335 115-0 Mean Conditions. 14 Lock 15 to Dickerson’s Isd.... Feb. 4, 1923.. 90 6-45 1-44 203 31 -5 Mean Conditions. 15 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Lock 15... Feb. 4. 1923.. 12-0 4-60 2-60 483 105-0 New Pack. 16 17 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Lock 15... Weaver’s Pt. to Upper Farrans Feb. 9. 1923.. 8-7 4-60 1- 89 2- 05 483 136 105-0 38-0 Mean 19®F Conditions New Pack. Pt. Feb. 9. 1923.. 7-4 3-60 18 Weaver’s Pt. to Upper Farrans Pf Feb. 21, 1923.. 5 7 3-60 1*58 136 38-0 Mean Conditions. 19 Lock 23 to Weaver’s Pt. Feb. 18, 1923.. 9-3 6-25 1-50 325 52-0 Mean, No Snow 0“F. 20 21»V frk WAnv<»r’«* Pt. Mar. 2, 1923.. 11-0 6-25 1-76 325 52-0 Snow 24®F. Hd. to Ft. Cornwall Isd. Feb. 8. 1926.. 14-8 5-50 2-80 368 67-0 22 Hd. to Ft. Cornwall Isd. Mar. 11, 1926.. 13-4 5-50 2-42 368 67-0 Mean. No Snow Condi¬ 23 Hd. to Ft. Cornwall Isd. Feb. 16, 1924.. 12-5 5-50 2-27 368 67-0 tions. 24 Robinson Bay to Hd. Cornwall 285 77-0 Snow, Temporary. Isd. Feb. 9, 1924.. 13-5 3-70 3-65 25 No. 5 to Ft. Cornwall Isd. Feb. 8. 1926.. 4-5 2-46 1-83 120 49-0 Mean Conditions. 26 Hd. Cornwall Isd. to I^ck 15.. Feb. 15, 1924.. 7-5 2-50 3-00 288 115-0 Mean Conditions. 27 Hd. Cornwall Isd. to Lock 15.. Feb. 8. 1924.. 90 2-50 3-60 288 115-0 Mean Conditions. 28 Lock 15 to Ft. Cornwall Isd... Feb. 6. 1926.. 50 3 00 1-70 100 33-0 29 30 Lock 15 to Ft. Cornwall Isd... Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Hd. Corn¬ Feb. 24, 1924.. 60 3 00 2-00 100 200 33-0 100-0 Mean Conditions. Mean, No Snow. wall Isd. Feb. 5, 1925.. 4-5 2-00 2-20 31 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Hd. Corn- w’all isd. Feb. 13, 1925.. 70 2-00 3-50 200 100-0 Mean, No Snow Con¬ ditions. 32 Transmission Line to Head 2-73 378 86-0 New Pack. Cornwall Isd. Jan. 19, 1925.. 120 4-40 33 Hd. Cornwall Isd. to T.ock 15.. Jan. 6, 1925. 12-0 2-50 4-80 288 115-0 Snow. 34 Hd. Cornwall Isd. to Lock 15.. Jan. 27, 1925.. 10-6 2-50 4-24 288 115-0 Steady Snow. 35 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Head Cornwall Isd. Jan. 18. 1925.. 8-5 2-10 4-00 200 100-0 Newly formed Snow. 36 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Head 3-24 200 100-0 Thaw. Cornwall Isd. Feb. 13. 1925.. 6-5 2-0 37 Ft. Barnhart Isd. to Head 200 100-0 Mid-winter. Cornwall Isd. Jan. 31, 1925.. 4-8 20 2-40 38 Hd. to foot Barnhart Isd. Jan. 31. 1925.. 19-0 4-7 4-00 410 87-0 Snow, Temporary. 39 Lock 23 to Upper Farrans Pt.. Feb. 15. 1925.. 17-5 9-8 1-73 402 41 -0 Cold. 40 41 42 Niagara River. Jan. 3. 1925.. 18*2 6-4 2*84 176 27-5 Snow. Niagara River. Jan. 15. 1925.. 9-3 6-4 1-45 176 27-5 Cold. Tx)ck 15 to Dickerson’s Isd... Feb. 6. 1925.. 11-4 6-45 1-77 203 31-5 43 44 45 lyick 15 to Dickerson’s Isd... Hd to Ft. Barnhart Isd. Feb. 26. 1924.. Feb. 22, 1924.. 10-7 16-7 6-45 4-70 1*66 3-55 203 410 31 -5 87-0 A few small air holes. Lock 15 to "E” 8,000* East.... Feb. 15. 1923.. 4 06 1-54 2-78 no 71-0 Snow. 46 Anderson’s Ferry to Grass Isd. Feb. 15. 1922.. 5-8 4-20 1-38 105 25-0 47 .Anderson’s Ferry to Grass Isd. Feb. 24, 1922. 6-6 4*20 1 -57 105 25-0 48 Monument No. 3 to Grass Isd.. Feb. 14. 1922. 7-5 500 1-50 197 39-0 49 50 51 52 53 54 Y 3 to Ft Cornwall Isd. Feb. 15. 1924.. 9-7 5*25 1-85 194 37-0 Y 3 to Ft Cornwall Isd. Feb. 25. 1924. 9-0 5-25 1-71 194 37-0 Hd to Ft. Pollvs Gut. Feb. 21. 1924.. 3-5 1-29 2-72 146 113-0 Snow. Hd to Ft. Pollvs Gut. Feb. 8. 1924.. 6*7 1-29 5-20 146 113-0 Hoasic Cr. to Strawberry Isd. Hoasic Cr. to Strawberry Isd.. Feb. 18. 1923.. April 9. 1923.. 5-9 8-0 3-20 3-20 1-84 2*50 210 210 66-0 66-0 Prescott ice 23 -5 F. Day before 33-9®F. 55 56 57 58 59 Lock 1 to Vickers . Feb. 9, 1913.. 7-20 4-00 1-80 84 21-0 Lock 1 to Vickers. Feb. 15. 1916.. 8-8 4 00 2-20 84 21-0 Lock 1 to Longue Pointe. Dec. 28. 1924.. 90 5-60 1-60 106 19-0 New Pack. Tx)ck 1 to Vickers. Feb. 4. 1913.. no 4-00 2-75 84 21-0 No. 3 to No. 5 Sth. Cornwall 2-30 3-65 145 63-0 Snow. Isd . Jan. .25. 1926.. 8*4 60 No. 3 to No. 5 Sth. Cornwall Isd . Feb. 8. 1926.. 6-4 2-30 2-80 145 63-0 Mean Conditions. 61 62 fjd Pollys Gut to No. 3. Jan. 29. 1926.. 7-0 1-80 3-90 146 81-0 Snow. Mean conditions. jjd Pollys Gut to No. 3. Feb. 8, 1926.. 4-0 1-80 2-20 146 81-0 TABI.E NO. m. TABLE SHOWING °™™^O^N^OF^RATE^OF HpA^T LO||^IN SUEF^ACE^DURI^ COLD WEATHER BETWEEN Station to Station Kinj^ston to Brock- ville. Kingston to Nortt Channel. North Channel to 3ifas^ena Pt. Date passing Upper Statior Massena Point to Sou- langes. Kingston to Caidinal Kingston to Massena Point. Massena Point to Sou- langes. Dee. 1924 7,12:01 am. 10.12:01 a.m. 13, 12:01 a.m. Nov. Dee. 1924 30. 12:01 am. 3. 12:01 am. 6,12:01 a.m Dec 1924 10,10:20 a m 14. 9:28 a m 18, 8:49 a.m Dec. 1924 3^ 9:21 p.m. 10, 9:50 a.m Dec. 1925 7, noon 10. noon \Zr noon Dec 1925 12:01 a.m. 10, 12:01 a.m. 14.12:01 am Dec. 1925 13» 1:44 p.m. IS, 4.57 a m 10, 8:10 p.m. Time of passage Days 9 78T 10-940 0-793 1-030 11 00 11-850 1-634 Upper Water Temp. I>ower Water Temp, Mean of Water Temp’s, Diff. of Water Temp’s. Centre date of period Days '■T” Mean Air Temp’s. "T” River Area between Stations l.OOOsq.ft. River Volume between Stations UOOOcn.ft. River D].scharge liOOOcu.ft. per day Formula for “'C" in Br. Ther, Units ^E^alue of 'C” ifean Valje of 40-82 41 00 35-43 33-62 38-12 37-31 5-39 7 38 11-89 14 89 27-80 19-80 10-3 17-5 4,873,600 176,830,000 18,067,000 i2 -4 s V X D 120 7 97-4 97-6 93- 1 HI-9 121 7 94- 5 124-5 86-6 79-6 97-6 39-07 32-79 36-23 6-88 17-89 14-90 21-3 3-7S7xAx{M>T) 62-4 xV X D 42-70 41 40 38-50 37-50 40-60 39-45 4-20 3-90 5 45 8-45 30-95 32-00 9-65 7-45 5,314,000 198,800,000 18,230,000 108-9 40 60 35-20 ' 37-90 5-40 11 45 28-40 9-50 10 9 X A X [M-T) 62-4 X V X D 38-66 37-10 37-72 34 92 38-19 36 10 0-94 2-18 10-83 14-79 19-65 3 23 18-54 32 74 602.600 14,300,000 18,020,000 101 -9 34 68 33-60 34-14 1-08 18-77 1080 23-34 0-793xAx(M-T) 62-4 xVxD 38-90 36 SO 37 85 2 10 4-70 22-75 15 10 U993,500 ?.9.765,000 18,260,000 79-3 37-90 35 55 36-70 2-35 11-22 19-70 17-00 1 l-63xA X (M-T) 62-4 xV X D 79-0 85-8 91-4 100-5 98-S S3 0 93-8 40 30 38-50 34 75 34 00 37-50 36-25 5-55 4-50 13-00 16-00 24 05 26-00 13-45 10-25 5.403,600 :06.202,000 18,000,000 92-6 38-00 32-90 35 45 5-10 19-00 24-90 10 55 11-Ox A (M-T) 62 -4 xV X D 40-50 38-70 1 34-30 34-05 37 40 36-35 6 20 4-65 11-92 15-92 25-55 25-75 11 85 10-60 5,917,000 313,085,000 17,900,000 91-9 37-75 32-50 35-10 5-25 19-92 24-60 10 50 ll-SSrAxCM-T) 62 -4 I V .X D 35-65 35-00 32-70 32-60 34 IS 33-80 2-95 1 2-40 14-39 16-02 18-60 17-45 15 55 16-35 1,994,000 29,516,000 18.060,000 107- 5 83-2 108- 8 99-8 34-50 32-00 33-25 2-50 17-66 20-25 13-00 l-634xAx(M-T) Mean. 96-0 * 422 St. Lawrence Waterway Project St. Lawrence Waterway Project 423 APPENDIX F EXPERDIENTS ON STRENGTH OF ICE McGill University, Montreal, Que., May 20, 1926. To D. W. McLachlan, Esq., Chairman, Canadian Section, Joint Board of Engineers, St. Lawrence Waterways .Project, 317 West Block, Ottawa, Ont. Sir,—I have the honour to submit the following report on tests to determine the physical properties of ice at different temperatures. GENERAL The tests herein described were made under general instructions received from you, and were carried out during the months of February and March, 1926, at the Cold Storage Warehouse of the Harbour Commissioners of Mont¬ real, where rooms which could be kept at uniform temperatures ranging from 0° F. to 32^ F., were available. A supply of river ice of excellent quality was obtained through the City Ice Co., of Montreal, from their ice cutting field in the LaPrairie basin of the St. La^Tence river, off Verdun. It was noticeably free from fiaws, cracks, air bubbles or foreign material, and the upper layer of white ice was only about one inch thick. The blocks were cut under special supervision and handled with the greatest care during transportation to the warehouse so as to avoid risk of damage, and were stored in a room at a tempera¬ ture of about 30® F. where the necessary specimens were prepared for test. It was proposed to carry out tests at different temperatures, and as the work of cutting specimens could be carried out more conveniently at a temperature near the freezing point than at a temperature near zero, it was decided to cut and store all specimens at about 30® F., removing them to other rooms at lower temperatures as required for testing. It was found later that ice splinters considerably when savn at temperatures near to 0° F. but at 30® F. the sawing was accomplished with comparatively little difficulty. A series of special mitre boxes was made by which compression specimens 5 inches by 5 inches by 5 inches and 5 inches by 5 inches by 10 inches, and beams 3 inches by 2 inches by 50 inches long were prepared, using ordinary carpenters saws and planes, on the rough specimens cut with ice saws from the larger blocks. (See blueprint attached). All specimens were marked to denote the direction of the crystals. OBJECTS OF TESTS The primary object of the tests was to determine the behaviour of ice at different temperatures when compressed normally to the crystals, as may occur under natural conditions above dams, power houses, bridges and such structures. The deformation of the ice was to be measured by the use of mirror extenso- meters, and its elastic properties and strength determined. Tests were to be made also on beams, to find the modulus of rupture and the modulus of elasticity, 424 St. Lawrence Waterway Project by observation of the deflection under load. The scope of the tests could not be defined in advance, as the field of investigation and method of com- pression testing proposed were new, very little information having been pub¬ lished regarding the properties of ice at different temperatures. The complete series of tests includes the following:_ (a) Compression tests at about 30^F., 16°F. and 3°F. with definite load increments corresponding to about 10 pounds per square inch applied ^ regular tinie intervals ranging from 5 seconds to 320 seconds. (o) Crushing strength of ice at the above temperatures under loads applied uniformly, and suddenly. continuous yielding of ice in compression at about oU r . under loads as low as 20 pounds per square inch. (d) The yielding of ice in compression at 14°F. under sustained loads of dilterent intensities from 100 pounds per square inch to 400 pounds per square inch. (e) Bending tests at about 30°F. and 16°F. at four different rates of load¬ ing. (/) Miscellaneous tests. APPARATUS USED . the Strength of Materials Laboratory at McGill University and included an Olsen Testing Machine of 10,000 pounds capacity, Martens Mirror Extensometers, Telescopes and Scales, for compres¬ sion tests; apparatus for supporting beams for bending tests, weights deflec- tion scales and sundry minor accessories. ^ , ...Jhf ^^^rtens’ Extensometer was adopted on account of its peculiar adapt¬ ability to such tests, experience in the laboratories at McGill University having demonstrated its sensitiveness and accuracy. Two Extensometers were used in each compression test, being held against opposite faces of the specimens (See blueprint.) To provide bearing for the sharp edges of the Extensometer flat pieces of galvanized iron about -i inch square with small projecting points soldered to them, were pressed by hand against the faces of the specimens and ^^rangement proved entirely satisfactory. Some initial difficulty m maintaining the Extensometers in place without slipping was over¬ come by stretching a heavy rubber band over four vertical bars screwed into the testing machine outside the four corners of the specimen, and placing short pieces of wood between the Extensometer bars and the stretched rubbe? band, so as to exert a pressure between the Extensometers and the ice block The gauge length of the Extensometers was 2 inches, and a change of 0 001 inch produced a movement of one main scale division, or ten small divisions amounting to 0.5 inch, on the scale. Readings were made as usual bv tele: scope, fractions of tlie small scale divisions being easily estimated Each main scale division corresponds to a compression of 0.001 inch, and an estimated division to 0.00001 inch, so that a strain of- 5 ^ could be measured. The of compression specimens of materials such as con- crete stone etc, is rarely the same, and the mean of a number of readies bf obSS"^ In tC deformation is to mean of the two readings was 4'etto’dereminlTheTel^^^^^^^ St. Lawrence Waterway Project 425 To secure uniform bearing and load distribution a heavy iron plate with planed faces was slightly warmed above room temperature and passed ovei the loading faces so as to melt the ice slightly. The resulting moisture was wiped off and the block set on a thin sheet of blotting paper placed on the lower loading faces of the machine. The heavy iron plate was then placed on th^ upper face of the block, and a steel washer was inserted between it and another plate directly under the upper loading face. When a small compressive load (250 pounds) had been applied, shims were placed between the two plates. The loading was then continued as required. The load was unifoimly distributed by this means. The tool marks of the loading plate could be seen clearly on the blocks after a test v/as over, and the print of the circular marks on the lower face of the testing machine provided for centering the specimens were also trans- feiTed completely to the paper under the block. Details of these arrangements are shown in the attached blueprint. CONTINUOUS YIELDING OF ICE UNDER SMALL PRESSURES After the preliminary work necessary in finding suitable means of securing Extensometers and loading the blocks as noted above, tests were made on the recovery of the ice when compression was applied and removed. A block 4.9 inches by 4.9 inches by 4.65 inches high was loaded at 28° F. with 250 pounds sustained for five minutes and there was complete recovery on removal of the load. After second and third applications of this load, sustained as before, recovery was not complete. The shortening in the latter cases was 0.00005 inch in 2 inch gauge length, and 0.00002 inch remained on removal of the load. A load of 500 pounds was then applied and sustained 3 minutes during which time the shortening increased from 0.00006 inch to 0.00008 inch, and 0.00003 inch remained on removal of the load. There was thus a definite ‘‘.creep” of the Extensometers, and permanent set, at this small load of about 20 pounds per square inch. A similar condition was found with a load of 750 pounds and it was decided to observe the behaviour of a block under a sustained load of 500 pounds. The results are shown in plate 1. It will be seen that the block yielded continuously for 3 hours 30 minutes, the load intensity being 20.8 pounds per square inch. The yield is shown for both sides of the block. On one side the total was 0.00182 inch of which only 0.00009 inch, about 5 pe- cent, was recovered when the load was removed. On the other side the total yield was 0.00047 inch, and recovery 0.00005 inch—about 10 per cent. The ice is therefore “plastic” under very small load at this temperature, viz. 29° F. As the block yielded, the screws operating the loading head had to be turned slightly to maintain the floating lever of the testing machine in mid position. Movement had practically ceased when the test ended, one extenso- meter showing no change during the last 15 minutes, and the other a change of 0.00001 inch only in that time. Readings were taken every 5 minutes and were very regular. The deformations were noticeably different on the two sides. The mean of the two is taken as measuring the deformation due to the load. This continued yielding is evidently of the greatest importance in considering the question of ice pressure against structures. If the mean, total deformation, 0.00023 inch, during the first 10 minutes be used in computing the modulus of . ,, , 20.8 pounds per square inch bv 2 inches elasticity (E), it would be-0 00023 inch-'- ~ 180,800 pounds per square inch whereas if the mean total deformation of 0.00114 inch during the whole 3 hours 30 minutes to be used, E would be 36,500 pounds per square inch. The value of E corresponding to the mean total deformation during 426 St. Lawrence Waterway Project the first minute in which the load was sustained, was 489,000 pounds per square inch. As already noted, the block recovered only very slightly when the load was removed. STANDARD METHOD OF LOADING IN COMPRESSION TESTS The results of the test just described showed that it was necessary to adopt some standard rate of loading, as the movements of the extensometers due to any load increment will depend largely on the length of time during which the load is sustained before readings are taken. It was decided to apply the load in all cases in increments of 250 pounds. One operator moved the balance weight along the beam, while another operator kept the beam floating by rotating the screws of the machine. Extensometer readings were taken at different time intervals, there being one observer for each extensometer. Four persons were thus employed on each test, one of the machine operators giving the time signals to those reading the extensometers, and then adding load as soon as the readings were taken. In this way readings were made as follows:— At temperatures 28° F. to 30° F.—Intervals of 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 secs. At temperatures 14° F. to 16° F.—Intervals of 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 secs. At temperatures 3° F.—Intervals of 5 and 320 secs. The reasons for making tests at 3° F. at only two loading rates were (a) that less importance w’as attached to tests at this temperature than at the higher temperatures; (6) that time was limited, and the tests were intended primarily to determine whether the general conclusions drawn from the more extended series of tests at the higher temperatures would be supported by tests at the lower temperature. For these reasons the longer intervals of loading were used, and the tests bore out the conclusions already reached. DIRECTION OF APPLIED LOAD, AND DETERMINATION OF MODULUS OF ELASTICITY The loads were applied normally to the axis of the crystals, this being the direction in whicli pressure would act in a natural ice cover. The ice is not elastic except for extremely small loads, and as the loading progressed at any one rate, the deformation corresponding to a given load increment was found to increase. It follows that strictly speaking, there is no definite modulus of elasticity, and that values of E calculated from the deformations resulting from successive increments of load, as if the deformations were elastic, will decrease as the loading progresses. Furthermore, as the deformation under any load increases as the load is sustained, the values of E corresponding to any given range of load will decrease as the length of the loading interval increases. In order to obtain comparative results the following standard procedure was adopted:— The loading block was shimmed as described above when the load was 250 pounds. All specimens were approximately 5-in. by 5-in., so that 250 pounds load cori'esponds to about 10 pounds per square inch. IMost of the specimens were approximately cubes, but a few w^ere about 10 inches long. These were noted in the Tables. The determinations in the 2 inch gauge lengths corresponding to successive increments of 1,000 pounds applied in four equal amounts of 250 pounds with time intervals as noted, were found, and values of E calculated from the mean increments. By plotting these values as ordinates on a base line St. Lawrence Waterway Project 427 representing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., increments of 1,000 pounds the variations of E, both with stage of load and with rate of loading, can be easily seen. The results of the tests at different temperatures are now submitted, after which notes are given of the general behaAuour of the blocks. COMPRESSION TESTS AT 28"F. TO 30°F. (a) Modulus of Elasticity—E Plate 2 shows the results at the different loading rates, and it will be seen that apart from the running together of the curves for 20 sections and 40 sec¬ tions rates at the higher loads, the values of E are progressively lower as the time interval of loading increases, and as the actual load increases. Each point plotted represents the average of 7, 8 or 9 tests, as will be seen from Tables of actual deformations in each test, and of average deformations quoted later on Pages 15-18. From these tables it is clear that at the higher loads the deform¬ ations in individual tests, depart more from the average for all tests, than they do at the lower loads. This may explain in part the overlapping of curves as noted above as the ice ^'flows’' more rapidly as the intensity of loading increases. It should be emphasized that the averages of all completed tests are shown. No process of selection was used. Occasionally tests failed, as for example by dis¬ placement of extensometers due to local cracking of the ice, but the only tests rejected were for these or similar reasons. These remarks apply to tests made at all temperatures, and to both compression and bending tests. While there¬ fore the actual values of E might be altered somewhat if a larger number of tests could have been made at each rate of loading, it is improbable that the changes would be great, and that the general laws of variation would be invalidated. Tests at the lower temperatures gave similar results, and served to emphasize the extreme importance of the time factor. (b) General Behaviour under Ti:st—Compressive Strength—Recovery AFTER Load. The blocks were remarkably clear and free from flaws—so clear that ordin¬ ary book print could be easily read through them. The first outward signs of yielding occurred at loads from 2,500 pounds to 5,000 pounds. They were both audible and visible, and the term “crackling’^ was applied to them. Suddenly a slight noise would be heard, and one or more spots of a slaky appearance would develop in the block. These appeared to be due to breakdown between the crystals, and spread gradually, through the block. When they became numer¬ ous, the block was no longer transparent, but was described as ‘^clouded.” Dur¬ ing this stage the blocks ^fielded fairly rapidly, and the compression head had to be kept moving to preserve the weighing beam in the floating position. This was described as ^Tollowing.^' Had the loading been maintained without further increment after ‘‘clouding’’ was well developed, the yielding would have been both continuous and rapid, but the predetermined rate of loading was main¬ tained, and the ice ‘‘flowed” continuously. Sometimes the loadings were con¬ tinued up to the capacity of the machine. 10,000 pounds, but no value can be assigned for the compression strength of ice under such conditions, as owing to the flow (even at the 5 seconds loading rate) the area under load was continu¬ ously increasing. Blocks originally 5 inches by 5 inches would flow beyond the edges of the loading plate, 6 inches square, and a length of 5 inches was fre¬ quently and rapidly reduced to about 3-^ inches under sustained high load at the end of a test. When specimens failed under such conditions the pieces showed a tent-like appearance, the horizontal crystals piling up to form a ridge jiarallel to the loaded faces. 428 St. Lawrence Waterway Project In tests made at lower temperatures the deformations were not so great, and the recovery was noted when the load was reduced to zero after reaching the capacity of the machine. At the temperature of 28®F. to 30°F. at which the first series of tests was carried out, the clouded appearance of the blocks, and the large deformations showed that recovery would be negligibly small. In many cases the blocks crushed after becoming thoroughly clouded, but as stated above no compressive strength can be quoted on account of the “flow’' of the ice. COMPRESSION TESTS AT 14"F. TO 16°F. Modulus of Elasticity and Behaviour: Plate 3 shows the results of tests similar to those described in detail for temperature 28°F to 30°F. They are the averages of from 6 to 8 tests at each loading rate, and show the same characteristic with regard to the time influence as was shown at the hiahcr temperature. The values of E corresponding to a particular stage of a given loading rate are higher than at 28°F. to 30°F., and the curve for the o seconds and 10 seconds loading rates are practically straight lines. At these loading rates the ice “crackled” as at the higher temperature, but to a lesser extent and generally at higher loads, so that in general the blocks were not clouded—w’hen the maximum load of 10,000 pounds was reached None of the blocks failed under that load and only w’hen the load was removed did they become clouded—faintly and fairly uniformly as a rule. The appear¬ ance of the blocks w’as very noticeably different from that at the higher temperatures, and it w^as only at the slow’er rates of loading that the character¬ istic behaviour noted at all loading rates at 28° F. to 30° F. was found. At these slower rates of loading the blocks w^ere clouded during application of the load, and on removal of load the recovery w'^as much less than in the tests at the 5 seconds and 10 seconds loading rates. (See tables on page 19 to 21). There is some overlapping or apparent irregularitv in the curves for 40 seconds and 80 seconds loading rates, after loads of 4,000*^ pounds to 5,000 pounds were reached. ^ It must be remembered that this is the stage at which deformations are considerable, and that the average of 6 or 8 tests only is available. The curve for the 160 seconds loading rate falls w’ell below all the others, and bearing in mind the nature of the material and the limitations regarding the number of tests made, the results generally are reasonably consistent. Special reference is made on Page 25 to yielding of blocks at 14° F. to 16° F. under sustained loads of different intensities. A load of about 200 pounds per square inch— which is approximately that to which reference has just been made—may be a critical load, and the point will be discussed further. The values of “E” for small loads seem to be of the same order for all loading rates up to 40 seconds, the curves being bunched irregularly, for the first 1,000 pounds increment of load. This IS perhaps not surprising. Deformations at these loads are much more n,early elastic than at higher loads, and are small. For loads longer maintained, greater deformations result, as the ice has a greater tendency to flow. Values of “E” for the first 1,000 pound load increment are about 1,000,000 pounds per square inch for loading rates up to 40 seconds but for the loading rates of 80 seconds and 160 seconds the values drop to 700,000 pounds per square inch and 500,000 pounds per square inch respectively. The general evidence of these results is the same as that found from tests at 28° F. to 30° F.:—That the value of “E” decreases as the load increases, for all rates of loading; and that for any given range of loading, the value of “E” decreases as the length of the loading interval increases. Furthermore the corresponding “E” values are higher at 14° F. to 16° F. than, at 28° F to 30° St. Lawrence Waterway Project 429 F. Thus for the 7th increment of 1,000 pounds (corresponding to a stress intensity of about 280 pounds square inch) and a loading rate of_5 seconds for 250 pounds, “E” is 450,000 pounds square inch at 14° F. and 150.000 pounds square inch at 28° F. Values of “E” at 14° F. for the loading rate of 160 seconds are consistently higher than those at 28° F. for a loading rate of 80 seconds. Other comparisons substantiating the general conclusions drawn are readily made from the Plates, and are strengthened by the results of tests made at 3° F. as described below. COMPRESSION TESTS AT 3° F. Modulus of Elasticity and Gf.nlral Beh.aviour. Tests were made at two rates of loading: 5 seconds for 250 pounds and 320 seconds for 250 pounds and the results are shown in Plate 4. The curve for the former rate is approxi¬ mately a straight line, the values of “E” differing but slightly from those at 14° F. The genera! behaviour was similar to that of the specimens tested at the same loading rate at 14° F., but at the loading rate of 320 seconds the characteristic “flowing” took place, as had been anticipated, and values of “E’’ are much lower than at the 5 seconds rate. They are, however, much higher than corresponding values, at 14° F. In fact, the curve for a loading rate of 160 seconds at 14° F. is almost the same as that for the loading rate of 320 seconds at 3° F. The figures for the 5 seconds rate are the averages of 7 tests, those at 320 seconds rate being the averages of 5 tests. These results confirm the conclusions already drawn from the other tests. The time factor is the all- important quantity at all temperatures. TABLES SHOWING DEFORMATIONS OF COMPRESSION BLOCKS REFERRED TO ABOVE The following tables are submitted in detail to emphasize the general results already given, and to show how widely the deformations vary, particularly at the higher loads. The departure of individual readings from the group averages is much greater at high loads than at low loads, and at 30° F. than at 14° F. or 3° F,, and yet the averages point clearly to the well-defined laws enumerated. The increase of deformation for each successive load increment of 1,000 pounds at any particular loading rate and temperature is clearly seen, as also the increase in deformation with lengthening loading interval for corresponding load increments. These comparisons are facilitated by the Summary Table on page —. It may be w'orth pointing out that the readings given are the deformations in a 2-inch gauge length corresponding to definite ranges of load. Owing to minor variations in the sizes of the blocks, the stress intensities for these ranges are not the same in all cases, so that a comparison of the deformations of any two blocks is not a time comparison of the values of “ E ”. A general compari¬ son is, however, both valid and instructive. N.B.—In the tables, the deformations in a gauge length of 2 inches, corresponding to a successive load increments of 1,000 pounds are shown, the unit of deformation being of an inch. The initial load was 250 pounds in all cases. 430 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 28® F. TO 30® F. 5 sec. Rate Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit =0 001' Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 10 11 35+ 36 45 46 49+ 1st. 0-085 0-110 0-165 0-275 0-465 0-575 0-975 1- 645 2- 405 0-060 0-100 0-150 0-165 0-215 0-320 0-115 0-160 0-205 0-260 0-350 0-515 1-530 0-100 0-111 0-125 0-160 0-170 0-195 0-245 0-285 0-295 0-060 0-110 0-180 0-375 0-520 0-725 0-950 1- 330 2- 070 0-055 0-100 0-130 0-200 0-275 0-355 0-490 0-135 0-150 0-200 0-300 0-365 0-495 0-765 1-030 0-087 0-120 0-165 0-249 0-337 0-454 0-708 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. Size of Specimen, Inches. 4- 96 X 5- 00 4- 95 X 5- 00 4-85 X 4-85 4- 90 X 5- 05 5-00 X 5-02 4- 97 X 5- 00 4-86 X 4-86 10 Sec. Rate. Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit=0 001" Load Incr. of 1000 lb. 1st.. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th., 6th.. 7th., 8 th.. 9 th.. Size of Specimen, Inches. Per cent recovery. 13 0180 0-270 0-410 0-550 0-780 0-960 1-275 1- 825 2- 870 4-90 X 4-90 Specimen Number 27 0-105 0-125 0-160 0-270 0-530 0-840 1- 385 2- 670 5-105 4- 90 X 5- 00 30 0-090 0-170 0-360 0-590 0-725 0-795 1-050 1-645 3-225 4-90 X 4-93 32+ 0-145 0-180 0-245 0-310 0-665 1-080 1-765 4-410 4- 95 X 5- 00 38 0-100 0-100 0-120 0-160 0-200 0-215 0-275 0-355 0-815 5-00 X 5-03 39 0-115 0-180 0-220 0-500 0-695 M85 2-020 3-385 5-750 5-00 X 5-00 40 0-080 0-080 0-250 0-545 0-825 0-950 1-075 1-055 1-000 4- 98 X 5- 02 48+ 0-800 0-110 0-125 0-145 0-175 0-195 0-215 0-260 0-300 4-87 4-91 49 Average 0-112 0-152 0-236 0-384 0-574 0*777 1-133 +Specimens noted thus were approximately 10" high, all others being approximately 5" high. 28* F. ro30°F. 20 Sec. Rate Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit =0-001' Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 14 16 29 34+ 41 42 43 47+ 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4 th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 0-110 0-180 0-260 0-395 2-140 2-400 7-715 0-120 0-170 0-285 0-440 0-575 0-685 0-875 1-040 1-295 0-140 0-260 0-455 0-965 1- 585 2- 555 4-530 10-990 0-135 0-335 0-700 1- 335 2- 535 5-295 0-220 0-465 0-785 1-155 1- 650 2- 305 3- 700 0-220 0-335 0-475 0-575 0-670 0-865 0-185 0-275 0-445 0-580 0-800 1-370 0-090 0-135 0-180 0-245 0-295 0-410 0-153 0-269 0-448 0-711 1-281 1-986 8th. 1-800 4-620 14-50 2-560 6-700 0-605 9 th. 1-520 . Size of Specimen, Inches 4- 94 X 5- 00 4-84 X 4-90 4- 90 X 5- 00 4-90 X 4-93 4- 95 X 5- 05 4- 96 X 5- 05 5-00 X 4-90 4-95 X 4-95 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 431 28° F. TO 30° F. 40 Sec. Rate Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit =0* 001' Load Incr. of 1,000 1b Specimen Number Average 50 51 52 163 164 165 166 167 168 1st. 0-230 0-400 0-120 0-105 0-185 0-125 0-195 0-105 0-085 0-172 2nd. 0-465 0-935 0-260 0-185 0-360 0-240 0-335 0-235 0-150 0-352 3rd. 0-595 1-465 0-380 0-335 0-595 0-340 0-535 0-380 0-240 0-541 4th. 0-675 2-385 0-545 0-460 0-815 0-425 0-880 0-615 0-280 0-787 5th. 0-710 5-215 0-675 0-630 M45 0-470 1-705 1-080 0-340 1-330 fit.h 0-795 0-850 0-665 1-925 0-515 3-815 1-710 0-880 7f.h 0-875 1-135 1-080 4-840 0-630 14-78 3-380 4-350 Rfli 1-025 1-410 2-180 22-13 0-685 11-37 1-225 1-835 9-280 0-970 Size of Specimen, 5-00 X 4-89 X 4 -98 X 4-98 X 4-90 X 4-95 X 4-93 X 4-97 X 4-92 X Inches. 5-02 4-97 4-98 500 5-00 5-06 5-00 4-99 5-05 26 +Specimens noted thus were approximately 10" high, all others being approximately 5" high. 80 Sec. Rate Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit=0 001" Load Incr. of 1.0001b. Specimen Number Average 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 I ■‘^tf - - 0-160 0-465 1- 095 2- 105 4-675 0175 0-330 0-465 0-605 0-810 1-005 1-415 4-155 0-130 0-385 1- 035 2- 675 5-810 0-215 0-545 1-015 1-685 3-545 15-45 0-145 0-270 0-455 0-745 1-425 3-485 0-245 1-165 1- 400 2- 125 4-900 0-195 0-475 0-700 1-100 1-580 3-520 14-27 0-181 0-505 0-881 1-579 3-249 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Otl' 7+Vi 8th. Size of Specimen, Inches. 4- 93 X 5- 00 5-01 X 5-03 4- 87 X 5- 00 4 -99 X 5-02 4-97 X 4-98 4- 97 X 5- 04 4- 98 X 5- 01 • Summary of Tests at 28° F. to 30° F. Average of Deformations due to Loading Rate 1st 1,000 2nd 1,000 3rd 1,000 4th 1,000 5th 1,000 6th 1,000 7th 1,000 0-087 0-120 0-165 0-249 0-337 0-454 0-708 in QOr-Q . 0-112 0-152 0-236 0-384 0-574 0-777 1-133 OA 0-153 0-269 0-448 0-711 1-281 1-986 Af\ o£^r*a 0-172 0-352 0-541 0-787 1-330 QA Q^r^Q . . 0-181 0-505 0-881 1-579 3-249 This summary table shows how the deformation corresponding to any given range of load incrpases as the loading rate becomes longer, and how the deformation corresponding to equal successive increments of load increases as the load increases, at any prescribed loading rate. 432 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 14® TO 16® F. 5 Sec. Rate _ Deformations in 2" gauge length XJnit =0 001" Load incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 70 71 72 73 74 75 854- 874- 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th... 5th. 6th. 7th. 8 th. 9 th. 0 080 0 080 0100 0110 0 120 0 145 0 165 0 190 0-230 0-080 0-090 0-120 0-125 0-135 0-170 0-195 0-140 0-240 0-085 0-105 0-110 0-130 0-145 0-045 0-020 0-070 0-005 0-105 0-105 0-120 0-130 0-150 0-170 0-195 0-225 0-275 0-075 0-105 0-125 0-155 0-205 0-180 0-290 0-315 M35 0-085 0-090 0-090 0-110 0-120 0-125 0-135 0-170 0-165 0-080 0-090 0-090 0-100 0-115 0-125 0-150 0-170 0-215 0 090 0-110 0-120 0-130 0-160 0-190 0-215 0-265 0-305 0-085 0-097 0-109 0-124 0-139 0-139 0-171 0-193 0-321 Size of Specimen, Inches 4- 95 X 5- 00 4- 91 X 5- 00 5-02 X 5-03 4-95 X 4-95 4- 90 X 5- 00 4- 87 X 5- 00 4-91 X 4-96 4-91 X 4-93 Per cent Recovery. 70-0 67-0 95-0 31-0 49-5 77-5 58-8 65-8 64-3 Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit=0 • 001 Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 57 .68 69 76 77 78 844- 884- 1st. 0-055 0-115 0-060 0-065 0-100 0-065 0-130 0-100 0-086 2nd. 0-075 0-140 0-080 0-080 0-115 0-085 0-180 0-115 0-109 3rd. 0 080 0-180 0-125 0-090 0-115 0-105 0-255 0-155 0-138 4th. 0-110 0-210 0-150 0-070 0-145 0-135 0-330 0-175 0-166 5th. 0-120 0-270 0-165 0-095 0-170 0-145 0-485 0-220 0-209 6th. 0-135 0-235 0-180 0-080 0-195 0-165 0-690 0-275 0-244 7th. 0-120 0-275 0-200 0-130 0-230 0-185 0-880 0-340 0-295 8th. 0-120 0-565 0-375 0-270 A. one; 1 OfiK 0-462 9th. 0-180 0-765 0-900 0-315 \J ^uo 0-250 1" ^uO 1-590 0-495 0-665 0-666 Size of Specimen, Inches 5-00 X 4-88 X 4-97 X 4-85 X 4-85 X 4-89 X 4-93 X 4-93 X 5-00 4-93 4-98 4-98 4-88 4-91 4-94 4-94 Per cent Recovery. 26-0 27-7 62-6 63-9 10-8 39-3 38-4 4-Specimens noted thus were approximately 10" high, all others being approximately 5" high. Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit=0 • 001" Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 64 65 66 80 81 82 83+ 89+ 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5 th. 6th. 7th. 8 th. 9th. 0-100 0-130 0-120 0-130 0-175 0-240 0-285 0-350 0-370 0-115 0-110 0-255 0-455 0-680 0-800 0-070 0-135 0-245 0-445 0-730 0-790 0-885 1-120 1-780 0-075 0-090 0-135 0-165 0-190 0-210 360 0-645 0-975 0-085 0-140 0-185 0-255 0-330 0-550 0-830 1-140 1-810 0-095 0-105 0-140 0-180 0-385 0-530 0-685 1-095 1-480 0-110 0-130 0-180 0-215 0-285 0-380 0-475 0-655 0-905 0-090 0-120 0-140 0-190 0-225 0-260 0-295 0-320 0-370 0-093 0-120 0-175 0-254 0-375 0-470 0-545 0-761 1-100 Size of Specimen, Inches 4-90 X 4-93 4-93 X 4-97 4-93 X 4-97 5-00 X 5-00 4- 94 X 5- 00 4- 85 X 5- 00 4-95 X 4-97 4-87 X 4-87 Per cent Recovery. 52-5 19-4 23-6 I 18-3 30-8 70-6 30-7 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 433 14° F. TO 16°F. 40 Sec. Rate Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit—0-001" Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 90 91 92 115 127 128 129 1st. 0*030 0*150 0*110 0*060 0*200 0*110 0*065 0-103 2nd. 0*060 0*260 0*220 0*095 0*320 0*210 0*075 0*177 3rd. 0*065 0*405 0*320 0*165 0-475 0*355 0*100 0*269 4th. 0*095 0*495 0*410 0*210 0*660 0*520 0*105 0*356 5th . 0*340 1*085 7*10 0*465 0*870 0*790 0*140 6th . 0*785 2*355 0*780 1*230 1*350 1*555 7th . 2*185 4*375 1*650 1*760 2*305 2*090 0*185 8th . 6*065 11*56 2*285 5*615 4*225 0*205 9th. 4*645 15*77 10*30 0*220 Size of Specimen, Inches. 4*93 X 4*87 X 5*00 X 5*00 X 4*99 X 5*00 X 4*98 X 5*02 5*05 5*02 5*00 5*00 5*00 5*02 2*2 72*0 80 Sec. Rate Deformations in 2" gaupe length Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 126 130 131 132 149 150 152 1 fit . 0*125 0*140 0*060 0*155 0*200 0*080 0*175 0*134 2nd . 0*205 0*200 0*125 0*245 0*310 0*190 0*215 0*213 3rd . 0*270 0*230 0*170 0*400 0*440 0*230 0*220 *2800 4th . 0*380 0*275 0*265 0*535 0*560 0*270 0*225 0 * 359 5th. 0*420 0*285 0*290 0*590 0*635 0*335 0*195 0*392 0*436 6th . 0*545 0*310 0*355 0*555 0*660 0*400 0*225 7tV^ . 0*935 0*215 0*450 0*585 0*755 0*560 0 * 583 8th . 1*460 0*265 3*545 0*685 0*915 0*665 2*630 1*024 1*065 9th. 2,470 1*100 0*825 0*775 0*980 0*955 5*340 Size of Specimen, Inches. 4*83 X 4*94 X 4*90 X 4*96 X 4*91 X 4*92 X 4*93 X 5*05 5*04 4*97 4*97 4*93 5*00 5*02 13*3 18*8 32*0 12*0 25*0 39*5 .. 23*5 i 6r C0I1U xvccuvtfxy. 160 Sec. Rate Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit-0*001" Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 133 151 153 154 158 159 0*080 0*130 0*185 0*250 0*255 0*270 0*325 0*320 0*385 0*185 0*370 0*545 0*845 1*120 2*270 7*510 0*400 0*635 0*860 1*130 1*680 4*435 0*195 0*400 0*675 0*975 2*400 0*175 0*340 0*455 0*550 0*555 0*460 1*385 9*455 0*135 0*355 0*670 1-265 4*845 0*195 0*372 0*532 0*669 1*809 2nd . 14*19 o+u . Size of Specimen, Inches. 4*90 X 4*91 4*89 X 4*94 4*97 X 4*99 5*00 X 5*02 4*93 X 5*03 5*00 X 5*02 28*2 C// -t-Specimens noted thus were approximately 10" high, all others being approximately 5" high. 45827—28 434 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Summary of Tests at 14® F. to 16° F. Loading Rate 5 secs. 10 secs. 20 secs. 40 secs. 80 secs. 160 secs. Average of Deformations due to 1st 1,000 2nd 1,000 3rd 1,000 4th 1,000 5th 1,000 6th 1,000 7th 1,000 8th 1,000 Oth 1,000 0 085 0-097 0-109 0-124 0-139 0-139 0-171 0-193 0-321 0 086 0-109 0-138 0-166 0-209 0-244 0-295 0 093 0-120 0-175 0-254 0-375 0-470 0 103 0-177 0-269 0-356 0-629 0-134 0-213 0-280 0-359 0-392 0-436 0-583 1-024 1-065 0-995 0-372 0-532 0-669 1-809 This table shows the same general results as those noted already at 28® F. to 30° F. There is, however, some irregularity in the deformations at the 80-seconds rate. These increase continuously for successive load increments, but the deformations for the 5th and Oth thousands of load do not fit in with the general law shown by the other columns as read vertically, being less than those noted at the 40-seconds rate. Wliether this is the chance result of aver¬ ages or not cannot be stated definitely, but it may be noted that it occurs at a loading stage (about 200 pounds per square inch) at which certain peculiarities seem to arise very frequently. Reference will be made to this later, when con¬ sidering the effect of sustained loads of different intensities at this temperature. The reduction in the rate at which deformation increases as the loading increases is so marked at the 5-seconds loading rate that the average for the Oth thousand of load is the same as for the 5th thousand. 2° F. TO r F. 5 Sec. Rate Deformations in 2" gauge length. Unit=0-001"-- Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 182 184 185 186 187 188 189 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. Oth. Size of Specimen, Inches. 0-080 0-070 0-085 0-085 0-110 0-110 0-150 0-130 0-150 4- 95 X 5- 02 0-110 0-115 0-125 0-130 0-140 0-185 0-470 0-295 0-200 4-96 X 4-96 0-080 0-075 0-095 0-095 0-115 0-140 0-145 0-180 0-185 4-95 X 4-96 0-105 0-110 0-125 0-185 0-210 0-370 0-530 0-355 1-530 4- 87 X 5- 00 0-060 0-075 0-090 0-105 0-125 0-150 0-315 0-200 0-340 4-92 X 4-96 0-070 0-085 0-085 0-095 0-125 4- 93 X 5- 00 0-075 0-070 0-110 0-105 0-130 0-140 0-120 0-045 0-170 4-93 X 4-98 0-083 0-086 0-102 0-114 0-136 0-183 0-288 0-201 0-429 Per cent Recovery. 68-0 73-0 70-0 41-0 66-0 63-6 320 Secs. Rate Deformations in 2" gauge length Unit=0'001" Load Incr. of 1,000 lb. Specimen Number Average 196 197 201 202 203 0-115 0-190 0-215 0-245 0-355 0-475 0-515 0-680 2-050 0-235 0-485 0-825 1-160 2-160 5-300 0-245 0-480 0-795 1-170 1- 965 2- 705 0-220 0-375 0-500 0-630 0-690 0-980 1-520 0-120 0-290 0-355 0-460 0-720 1-375 0-187 0-364 0-538 0-733 1-178 2,167 2nd. 3rd. 4 th. 5th. 6th. 7 th. 8th. Oth. Size of Specimen, Inches. 4-92 X 4-98 4-94 X 4-97 4-87 X 4-95 4-93 X 4-98 4-95 X 4-95 Per cent Recoverv. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 435 These results tshow the same characteristics as were found at the higher temperatures. Deformations (average) increase progressively as the loading increases at the 5 seconds and 320 seconds loading rates, and are much greater at the latter than at the former. There is some irregularity at about 8,000 pounds load at 5 seconds, similar to that noted at 14° F. to 16° F. at loads of 5,000 pounds to 6,000 pounds. The defoimations are noticeably less for the 8th thousand than for the 7th in five cases out of six, and this effect is well marked in the average column. It is possible that there is a critical stress at about this load at this temperature, and that such a critical stress exists at all temperatures well below 32° F., increasing in value as the temperature is reduced. The evidence of the above tests, and of others, at sustained loads at 14° F. to 16° F. tends to support such a view. SUMIMARY OF COMPRESSION TESTS AT DIFFERENT LOADING RATES AT TEMPERATURF:S RANGING FROM ABOUT 30° F. TO 3° F. The results of the above tests are conveniently summarized for comparison in the following table. Average deformations of all tests under each particular ■condition are tabulated, firstly for different loading rates at a given tempera¬ ture, and secondly for the same loading rates at different temperatures. Apart from the irregularities at certain loads referred to above, the deformations at any given temperature and stage of loading increase as rate of loading becomes slower, and at any given loading rate they decrease at any given stage of load¬ ing as the temperature drops. Deformations in 2" Gauge Length Unit=0-001" Loading Rate Secs. Increments of 1,000 lbs. load Temp. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 0 087 0-120 0-165 0-249 0-337 0-454 0-708 10 0-112 0-152 0-236 0-384 0-574 0-777 1-133 28° F 90 0-153 0-269 0-448 0-711 1-281 1-986 to Z\J . 0-172 0-352 0-541 0-787 1-330 30° F . 0-181 0-505 0-881 1-579 3-249 oU. 5. 0-085 0-097 0-109 0-124 0-139 0-139 0-171 0-193 0-321 10 0-086 0-109 0-138 0-166 0-209 0-244 0-295 14° F 90 0-093 0-120 0-175 0-254 0-357 0-470 to Z\J . . 40 0-103 0-177 0-269 0-356 0-629 16° F 80. 0-134 0-213 0-280 0-359 0-392 0-436 0-583 1-024 1-065 IfiO 0-195 0-372 0-532 0-669 1-809 lOU. 5. 0-083 0-086 0-102 0-114 0-136 0-183 0-288 0-201 0-429 2° F ^90 0-187 0-364 0-538 0-733 1-178 2,167 to 3° F e; 0-087 1-120 0-165 0-249 0-337 0-454 0-708 28° F 5 . 0-085 0-970 0-109 0-124 0-139 0-139 0-171 0-193 0-321 14° F. 5. 0-083 0-086 0-102 0-114 0-136 0-183 0-288 0-201 0-429 2°F 10 0-112 0-152 0-236 0-384 0-574 0-777 1-133 28° F 10 0-086 0-109 0-138 0-166 0-209 0-244 0-295 14° F 90 0-153 0-269 0-448 0-711 1-281 1-986 28° F 90 0-093 0-120 0-175 0-254 0-357 0-470 14° F i&U. 40 0-172 0-352 0-541 0-787 1-330 28° F . 40 0-103 0-177 0-269 0-356 0-629 14° F RO 0-181 ' 0-505 0-881 1-579 3-249 28° F OU. fiO 0-134 0-213 0-280 0-359 0-392 14" F Ov. 436 St. Lawrence Waterway Project The great deformations at 28° F. as compared with those under correspond¬ ing conditions at 14° F. are very obvious, as also is the fact that the deforma¬ tions at 28° F. increase much more as the rate of loading becomes slower than do the corresponding deformations at 14° F. These results are of great signifi¬ cance in considering the pressure which ice can exert against such structures as dams. DEFORMATIONS UNDER SUSTAINED LOADS AT 14° F. TO 16° F. A series of tests was made to determine the deformation under sustained compressive loads of different intensities, ranging from about 100 pounds pef square inch to 400 pounds per square inch. The load required to produce these conditions was applied in all cases at the rate of 250 pounds per 5 seconds, and the deformations then read at regular intervals under sustained load, the weigh¬ ing beam of the testing machine being kept floating by rotating the screws as the blocks jdelded. The mean of the readings of two extensometers was taken, as in all previous tests, and the curves showing deformations plotted against the time during which the loads were sustained are very regular. (See Plate 5.) Only a sufiicient number of points are plotted to enable curves to be drawn. All deformations were measured in 2-inch gauge length. A load of 103 pounds per square inch maintained for 3-^ hours caused a total deformation of 0 0016 inches, and a load of 300 pounds per square inch caused a total deformation of 0 022 inches in about 8 minutes. The curve for a load of 400 pounds per square inch could not be plotted on the same time scale, being practically coincident with the deformation axis. The form of the curves for loads of 103 pounds per square inch and 300 pounds per square inch suggested that there might be some particular load intensity for which the curve would be a straight line, and several tests were made to investigate this point. Curves are shown for load intensities of 150, 175, 190 and 198 pounds per square inch. It will be seen that these curves fall in regular order, and that there is a large field open between the curves for 190 pounds per square inch and 198 pounds per square inch. This is specially interesting in view of the results already noted in the tests under loads applied at different rates, when it was found that deformations per 1,000 pounds of load increment were frequently less for, say, the 6th thousand than for the 5th thousand. This peculiarity or irregularity was generally observed at a load of about 200 pounds per square inch and tlie sustained load tests showed that for load intensities of this order the informations vary greatly. Thus at 190 pounds per square inch the total deformations in U hours was 0-0066 inches, and at 198 pounds per square inch it was 0-027 inches in about 45 minutes. Reference to the tables for progressive loading at different rates at this temperature shows that the deformations for the higher loads varied very greatly, the departure of individual readings from the average being distinctly greater, at large loads than at small loads. The curves shown for sustained loads are for single tests only, but it is improbable that the regular order in which they lie is the result of chance. The evidence points towards the view that at a load intensity of about 200 pounds per square inch the ice is in a critical condition. There may be some inter-crystalline slip or cleavage at this load, followed by yielding of very variable rate, which can¬ not be predicted from the appearance of the ice as seen by the eye. It is also ■interesting to note that the modulus of rupture found from the beam tests described later was of the order of 200 pounds per square inch. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 437 Irregularities in the deformation per 1,000 pounds of load increment were also noted at 3° F., but at higher loads. No sustained load tests were possible at this temperature, but it may well be that there is a critical load at this tem¬ perature, of a higher value than that suggested by the tests at 14® F. BENDING TESTS—MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AND MODULUS OF RUPTURE A number of bending tests were made at the same temperatures as in the compression tests described above, and at different loading rates. In all cases the beams were approximately 3 inches wdde by 2 inches deep, and the span was, 41 inches. Glass or brass bearing plates were placed between the beam and the supports to distribute the pressure, and the load was applied in increments of 1 pound at each of two loading sections 14 inches from the supports. Half-round, wooden-bearing blocks were placed across the beam, and cords were passed over the top and notched ends of these, being kept vertical and close to the. faces of the beam by wooden spacing bars at a convenient distance below the beam. A cord attached to the centre of the spacer bars carried a circular piece of wood on which the slot weights were placed, to load the beams. The sup¬ ports were carried on a hea\’y" lathe bed, on which was set a telescope by which the central deflections were read on a small steel scale attached to the face of the beam by freezing in place under a small pressure. The deflections were estimated to O-OOl inches. (The general arrangement is shown in the blue print at the beginning of the report.) Preliminary tests showed that the recovery was not complete even for very small loads, and that the deflection increased continuously over long periods imder sustained load. It was decided to make the tests at different loading rates, the procedure being as follows:— After the zero reading of the scale had been taken, each of two operators added 1 poimd load at his stirrup, and the deflection was read say 5 seconds later. Similar loads were added and deflections read every 5 seconds until the beam broke. Tests were made in the same way with loading intervals of 10, 20 and 40 seconds at temperatures approximately 14®F. and 28®F. Time did not permit making tests at 3® F. In all cases the deflections per pound increment of load increased as the loading proceeded, so that values of the modulus of elasticity computed for successive stages of loading would show continuously decreasing values. Approximations to the form of the load-deflection cuiwes were made by draw¬ ing two straight lines, representing the first and second stages of loading, the latter extending to the point of fracture. This was deemed to be sufficient, as the results cannot be compared as simply as those for the compression tests. In the latter the blocks were all approximately 5 inches by 5 inches, so that deformations due to a given load were comparable. But in the case of the beams, the specimens could not be prepared so easily to a definite size, and variations in breadth and depth, particularly the latter, affect the stress due to any given load. All the beams broke suddenly and fracture occmred at or near the loading point. The modulus of rupture and values of “E^^ corresponding to the two stages of loading defined above were computed for all beams, and the results are shown in the tables appended, and in plates 6 and 7. Tests were made with crystals horizontal and vertical, the average of three tests being given, except in cases where only two tests were made. 438 St. Lawrence Waterway Project Examination of the results shows in general:— (1) That values of are somewhat greater when the crystals are vertical than when they are horizontal. (2) That values of “E’^ are greater at 14°F. than at 28°F. under similar conditions. (3) That values of ‘^E’^ decrease as the load increases under all conditions and generally as the length of the loading time interval increases for both stages of loading. (4) That the modulus of rupture is about the same value for crystals horizontal and crystals vertical, but is much greater at 14°F. than at 28®F., the average of all tests at these temperatures being 226 pounds per square inch and 171 poimds per square inch respectively. (5) That the modulus of rupture does not vary much at the different load¬ ing rates. Other comparisons may appear from a study of the results, but it is worth suggesting that there may be a connection between the modulus of ruptme and the load intensity at which certain peculiarities were noted, particularly at 14 °F., during the compression tests. These have also been referred to in describing the results of tests at 14°F. under sustained loads, and the evidence suggests that a critical condition, possibly related to inter-crystalline displace¬ ments, exists at a load intensity of about 200 pounds per square inch. The average modulus of rupture for 24 beams at this temperature was 226 poimds per square inch. In the compression tests at 28°F. to 30®F. the deformation increased con¬ tinuously for successive loa,d increments of 1,000 poimds. There were no cases similar to those at 14°F., in which the actual deformations for certain of the later increments of load were less than those for earlier increments. But the tables show that in many cases, such for example as Specimens 36 *45 and 49 at the five seconds loading rate (page 16), the increases in the deformations per 1,000 pounds of added load were less between the 4th and 5th thousands than between the 3rd and 4th. The average modulus of rupture of 21 beams was 171 pounds per square inch, which corresponds to a load of about 4 250 pounds on a 5-inch by 5-inch cube. ' This distinct lagging in the deformations at higher loads was noted also in some of the compression tests at 3°F., and occurred at higher loads than those at which it was noted at 14°F. No beam tests were made at 3^F so that modulus of rupture values are not available, but the evidence so far as it goes IS consistent and interesting. Tests on the compressive or crushing strength of ice showed that it becomes greater as the temperature is lowered fSee dLp 441.) This also is consistent with the results just described * ^ ^ ^ St. Lawrence Waterway Project BEAM TESTS AT TEMPERATURES FROM 28®F. TO 30®F. 439 Test No. B D Crystals First Stage Second Stage 1 lb.load at each stirrup in Bending stress — Modulus of rupture — ins. ins. lb. per sq. Elb. lb. per sq. Elb. in. per sq. in. in. per sq. in. 98. 2-89 1-97 Hor. 84-5 836,000 167 555,000 99. 2-99 1-99 81-8 745,000 190 622,000 5 secs. Mean. 830 790,000 178 588,000 18. 2-90 1-90 Vert. 810 750,000 177 429,000 19 2-90 1-95 ii 1010 602,000 200 316,000 20. 300 1-95 li 610 670,000 134 462,000 5 secs. Mean. 81 0 674,000 170 402,000 96 2-89 1-86 Hor. 76-2 686,000 160 386,000 97. 2-92 1-93 940 533,000 187 330.000 10 secs. Mean. 850 610,000 173 358,000 21 ... 2-86 1-93 Vert. 72 0 790,000 143 566,000 22 .. 2-90 1*90 ii 105 0 682,000 210 423,000 23. 2-90 1-92 “ . 79-5 780,000 158 450,000 10 secs. Mean. 85-5 751,000 170 480,000 _ N.B.—^All beams were supported freely on a span of 41 inches, and loaded equally at sections 14 inches from each support. E was computed from the central deflection. BEAM TESTS AT TEMPERATURES FROM 28®F. TO Continued Test No. B D Crystals First Stage Second Stage 1 lb.load at each stirrup in Bending stress — Modulus of rupture — ins. ins. lb. per sq. Elb. lb. per sq. Elb. in. per sq. in. in. per sq. in. 94 300 1*93 Hor. 69-6 473,000 129-5 247,000 95. 2-99 1-98 ii 810 427,000 138-5 256,000 Mean. 75-3 450,000 134-0 251,000 20 secs. 24 2-92 1-95 Vert. 1000 640,000 229-0 434,000 25 2-90 1-95 1160 830,000 306-0 579,000 26. 304 1-94 it 830 513,000 193-0 227,000 Mean. 1000 661,000 243-0 413,000 20 secs. 176 2-86 1-93 Hor. 87-3 415,000 158-0 164,000 177 2*90 1-86 84-5 335,000 135-0 163,000 178. 2-97 1*93 “ . 77-8 315,000 131-0 150,000 Mean. 83-2 355,000 141-0 159,000 40 secs. 179 2-85 1-98 Vert. 99-4 218,000 197-0 127,000 180 2-83 1-95 ii 71-5 473,000 126-0 191,000 181. 2-98 1-85 ** . 75-3 531,000 133-0 239,000 Mean. 82-1 441,000 152-0 186,000 40 secs. N.B.—All beams were supported freely on a span of 41 inches, and loaded equally at sections 14 inches from each support. E was computed from the central deflection. 440 St. Lawrence Waterway Project BEAM TESTS AT TEMPERATURES FROM 14®F. TO 16®F. Test No. B D Crystals First Stage Second Stage 1 lb. load at each stirrup in Bending stress — Modulus of rupture — ins. ins. lb. per sq. Elb. lb. per sq. Elb. in. per sq. in. in. per sq. in. 61. 2-89 1-90 Hor .. 113*5 690 000 210*0 non 63. 3-00 1-75 (( 1190 \JU\J 1 \J\J\J 975,000 232*0 OOL 1 WXJ non 140. 2-92 1-96 “ . 129*0 866!000 253*0 Ui/U 1 uuu 770,000 5 secs. Mean. 127*0 844,000 232*0 682,000 62. 2-91 1-84 Vert.. . 94*5 877,000 205*0 71Q non 141. 2-89 1’90 113*5 787 000 178*0 1 J.fJ y V/UU f\Qo non 142. 2-85 1-93 “ ... 112*0 761,000 191*0 VUJLi 1 VVU 660,000 5 secs. Mean. 107*0 808,000 191*0 688,000 137. 2-90 1-87 Hor 115*5 721,000 266*0 fii4 non 58. 2-89 1-96 84*5 685*000 213*0 01^1 V/Uvl ^4.1 nnn 59. 2-88 1-94 . 94*0 637,000 172*0 y VUU 472,000 10 secs. Mean. 95*0 681,000 217*0 542,000 60. 2-89 1*92 Vert....... 119*0 874,000 237*0 A 4 Q non 138. 2-85 1-95 U 102*0 672!000 203*0 \}*±0 y WXJ non 139. 2-78 1-86 « 104*0 714!000 209*0 9 UvV/ 490,000 10 secs. Mean. 108*0 1 753,000 216*0 562,000 N.B.—All beams were supported freely on a span of 41 inches, and loaded equally at sections 14 inches from each support. E was computed from the central deflection. BEAM TESTS AT TEMPERATURES FROM 14°F. TO WY.—Continued Test No. B D Crystals First Stage Second Stage 1 lb. load at each stirrup in Bending stress — Modulus of rupture — 55. ins. 2*90 2*88 2*90 ins. 1*90 1*97 2*00 Hor. lb. per sq. in. 101*0 136*5 125*0 Elb. per sq. in. 586,000 598,000 692,000 lb. per sq. in. 209*0 256*0 219*0 Elb. per sq. in. 299,000 387,000 524,000 20 secs. 134. ii 135. « Mean. 121*0 625,000 228*0 403,000 56. 2*94 2*86 2*89 1*85 1*87 1*99 Vert. 107*0 93*0 112*0 670,000 637,000 653,000 201*0 202*0 222*0 400,000 345,000 447,000 20 secs. 57. ii 136. it Mean. 104*0 653,000 208*0 397,000 143. 2*86 2*96 2*84 1*96 1*96 2*01 Hor . 109*0 121*0 105*0 526,000 608,000 710,000 246*0 301*0 296*0 352,000 424,000 522,000 40 secs. 144. 145. it Mean. 112*0 615,000 281*0 432,000 146. 2*90 2*91 2*91 1*95 1*90 1*93 Vert.. . 93*0 105*0 100 0 566,000 712,000 948,000 230*0 177*0 311*0 274,000 465,000 558,000 40 secs. 147 . 148 . (( <( Mean. 99*0 742,000 240*0 432,000 N.B.—All beams were supported freely on a span of 41 inches, and loaded equally at sections 14 inches rom each support. E was computed from the central deflection. St. Lawrence Waterway Project 441 COMPRESSION OR CRUSHING STRENGTH OF ICE The tests described above show that the term “compression or crushing strength of ice” is meaningless in itself. The behaviour of ice in compression is different at the same rates of loading at different temperatures, and at differ¬ ent rates of loading at the same temperature. The time-factor is the all import¬ ant quantity. To obtain characteristic compression fractures the load must be applied rapidly, so that the ice has no opportunity to “flow”, and tests were made at different temperatures with this principle in mind. After preliminary experimenting it was found that two operators, one moving the balance weight along the lever and the other rotating the screws of the machine, could apply the load continuously, at the rate of 1,000 pounds in 2 seconds. This was the most rapid rate which could be controlled, and was adopted as a standard. In some cases the blocks did not fail under 10.000-pound load (approximately 400 pounds per square inch) applied at this rate, and tests were made in which, the balance weight having been set at a given reading, the screws were rotated as rapidly as possible so as to apply the load quickly. Sometimes the blocks carried 400 pounds per square inch applied in If seconds and in other cases the blocks failed before the beam floated, so that the load carried was not known. When the 5 inch by 5 inch blocks did not fail at the full capacity load of the machine, smaller specimens were cut from other 5 inch by 5 inch blocks and tested at the standard loading rate. A summarj' of tests made at tempera¬ tures about 14° F, 2° F, and 28° F is appended, this being the order in which tests were made. u-F. LOADS APPLIED AT RATE OF 1,000 POUNDS IN 2 SECONDS NORMALLY TO CRYSTALS Number Size Maximum load Pound per sq^uare incn at failure Remarks 101 . inches 4-90 X 4-94 lb. 10,000 Not fail Faint crackling 8,250 pounds. 102. 5 02x 5 01 10,000 Flow'ing under maximum load. Crackling, medium clouding when load 103 . 4-82 x5 00 10,000 was removed. Crackling. Heavy clouding with 10,000 104. 4-78 x 5 00 10,000 it pounds sustained. Light clouding upper part after unloading. 107. 4-87 X 4-96 10,000 a Faint crackling. 113 . 4-45 X 4-49 10,000 if 116. 3-99 x 4 00 10,000 it Loud crackling. Load 625 pounds per 117. 4 00x4 16 10,000 ti square inch. Loud crackling. Load 600 pounds per 119. 3 06x 3*39 7,250 672 square inch. Typical compression failure. 120. 3*41 X 3*37 3,250 282 <€ it 121. 3*41x3*39 8,250 ‘ 715 Note.—A ll specimens were approximately 5 inches high. Numbers 119, 120 and 121 were cut from the same block. 442 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 14°F. LOADS APPLIED SUDDENLY (TIMES AS STATED) NORMALLY TO CRYSTALS Number Size Pound per Maximum load square inch at failure Time Remarks inches lb. secs. 105. 4*78 x 5 00 10,000 Not fail 3-2 Load applied suddenly 7 times. 105. 4 • 78 X 5 • 00 10,000 30 No sign of failure. Slightly clouded on 105. 4*78 X 5 00 10,000 <( 2-4 removal of load. 105. 4 • 78 X 5 • 00 10,000 it 1-8 The block has been loaded previously to 105. 4*78 X 5 00 10,000 ** 1-4 10,000 pounds at standard rate. 105. 4-78 X 5-00 10,000 1-4 Number 104 in table above. 105. 4-78 X 5 00 10,000 u 1*4 106. 4-98 x 5 00 10,000 It 1-4 Faint uniform clouding upper part. 107. 4-87 X 4-96 10,000 1-2 Tested previously at standard rate. Much clouding under sustained maxi¬ mum load. 113. 118. 4*45 X 4-49 10,000 501 20 Tested previously at standard rate. Typical compression failure. 4 04 X 4 08 8,250 502 1-4 Typical compression failure. 122. 4-98 X 5 02 10,000 Not fail 1-2 This block had been used in sustained load tests, 150 pounds per square inch. (Plate 5). Cleavage plane developing from top to bottom and parallel to crystals. Note .—All specimens were approximately 5 inches high. LOADS APPLIED AT RATE OF 1,000 POUNDS IN 2 SECONDS. 2°F. Number Size Load to crystals Maximum load inches lb. 190. 2-98 X 2-96 Normal 8,500 +191. 2-95 X 3 00 6,500 + 192. 2-92 X 2-95 5,750 193. 2-95 X 300 Parallel 8,250 194. 2-94 X 2*96 6,750 195 2-93 X 2-93 it 10,000 198. 2-97 x 3 00 Normal 5,000 199. 2-91 X 2-85 7,250 200. 2-99 x 3 00 9-250 Pound per square inch at failure Remarks 963 735 617 932 776 Not fail Over 1,165 561 874 1,030 Typical fracture. Like tent with ridge. Conical. Split from top to bottom. « tt ti it it it Cleavage planes developing. Typical failure. Like tent with ridge. it it N.B.—All specimens were approximately 5 inches high. Specimens 191 and 192 probably had crystals parallel to load Types of fracture were quite distinct for the two cases. All original blocks 5 inches by 5 inches were carefully marked to show direction of crystals, and in cutting these down to ensure failure at loads within the capacity of the machine some ereor may have arisen. Blocks were brittle and diflacult to saw without chipping at this low temperature. ^ St. Lawrence Waterway Project 443 BLOCKS AT 28®F. 1,000 POUNDS IN 2 SECONDS Number Size Load to crystals Maximum load Pound per suqare inch at failure Remarks 204. inches 4-86 x 5 03 Normal lb. 10,000 Not fail Crackling at 2,250 pounds. 205. 5-00 X 5-00 « 10,000 ii Clouded. 206. 4 04 x 4 06 ii 5,250 320 Clouded and flowed very ' rapidly. 207. 4 03x4 06 3,500 214 Typical fracture. Flowed rapidly. 208. 3-92 x 4 03 4,750 300 Typical fracture. Ridge parallel to 209. 3-95x415 5,000 305 crystals. it ii 210. 3-93 x4 05 « 4,350 273 ii a ii 211. 4 05x 5 10 Parallel 6,800 329 Typical fracture. Conical. 212. 4 00x 4 00 U 4,000 250 “ ** 213. 215. 3-98 x 4 03 5 00x 5 00 * u Normal 10,000 8,000 Not fail 320 Typical fracture. Ridge parallel to 216. 5 00x 5 00 « 9,750 390 crystals. 217. 4-82 X 4-84 <( 10,000 Not fail LOADS APPLIED SUDDENLY. TIMES AS STATED. 28°F. 204. 4-86 x 5 03 Normal 10,000 in. 1*2 secs. 409 Load applied immediatly after standard loading in table above. (Ridge frac¬ 213. 3-98 x 4 03 Parallel 8,000 in. 1-2 secs. 498 ture.) Table above. Conical fracture. 217. 4*82 X 4-84 Normal 8,000 in. 1 sec. 343 Table above. Ridge fracture. N.B.—All specimens were approximately 5 inches high. Most of the tests were made with the load normal to the crystals, but a few w^ere included with the load parallel to the crystals. In the former, the typical failure was tent-like, the horizontal crystals forming a ridge parallel to the loaded faces, while in the latter distinctly conical fractures resulted. There appears to be little difference between the strengths at failure under these two conditions, and there was considerable variation in results at each temperature. i At 28° F. the average ultimate strength of nine specimens which failed under the standard rate of loading was 300 pounds per square inch. Three others which had not failed under the standard rate of loading were broken immediately afterwards by suddenly applied loads, the average strength being 417 pounds per square inch. The load in two cases was of less intensity than, had been sustained previously. At 14° F. the loads carried were higher than at 28° F. none of the specimens measuring approximately 5 inches by 5 inches failing at a load of 10,000 pounds even when this was applied suddenly. One specimen No. 105, withstood this sudden load seven times after being loaded previously to 10,000 pounds at the standard rate. Of three specimens Nos. 119, 120 and 121 which failed at the standard rate of loading, No. 120 failed unaccountably at a much lower load than the other two. All were cut from the same block. The mean of the two higher results is 693 pounds per square inch, which compares rationally with 600 pounds per square inch and 625 pounds per square inch for Nos. 116 and 117 respectively, these being loads which did not cause failure. Of six blocks tested under suddenly applied loads, only two failed, at approximately 500 pounds per square inch. 444 St. Lawrence Waterway Project At 2° F. eight out of nine blocks tested failed under the standard loading rate, and the average ultimate strength was 811 pounds per square inch. The other block, with crystals vertical, carried over 1,165 pounds per square inch applied at the standard rate without failure. The strengths were approximate)}' the same for both conditions of loading. The tests show that the crushing strengths of the given blocks loaded at the rate of 1,000 pounds in 2 seconds were as follows:— Crushing strength, Ib./sq. in. Temp. '^'F. 28 ... 14 ... 2 ... 300 693 811 For other loading rates different figures would be obtained. It has been shown that the time element is probably the greatest factor in determining the pressure of ice against a structure. Conclusions drawn from the crushing strength alone are of no value. The crushing strength itself at any given temperature depends on the rate of loading. MISCELLANEOUS TESTS Weight of Ice.— By measuring and weighing a block of ice approximately 5 inches by 5 inches by 10 inches at a temperature of 28° F., the weight per cubic foot was found to be 57.4 pounds. This figure was used in. the calcu¬ lations for the modulus of rupture in the beam tests. Deflection of Beam under Small Sustained Loads. A beam 2.90 inches wide by 1.95 inches deep was loaded on a span of 41 inches by equal weights placed 14 inches from each support, as in the tests for modulus of rupture. Each load was 4 pounds and the bending stress, including that due to the beam itself and the stirrups, was about 55 pounds per square inch. The deflections were read at intervals for several days, and on the first day the recovery when the load was removed was observed for about 4-J hours. There was about 0.025 inch recovery in a total deflection of 0.158 inch and under sustained load'the deflection increased steadily to 0.585 inch in 6 days when the test was stopped The temperature during the test was from 28° F. to 30° F. The following table shows the results:— ° Date Hour Load at each loading point Deflection in inches February 19 5.55 p.m. 5.55 p.m. 10.00 a.m. 10 05 a.m. 10.15 a.m. Stirrup only, 0*000 (datum) .February 20, Stirrup and 4 lbs... U Stirrup only. 0*002 0*158 0*145 0 * 1.^4 February 22 4.45 p.m. 10*15 a.m. 1.15 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 10.00 a.m. 1*00 p.m. 4*30 p.m. 9.00 a.m. 0*349 0*358 0*418 0*428 0*435 0*490 0*500 0*509 0*567 0*572 0*585 February 23 February 24 February 25, noon 4.00 p.m. St, Lawrence Waterway Project 445 Deflection of Beams under their Own Weight. Two beams approxi¬ mately 3 inches wide by 2 inches deep were supported side by side with their ends free, and allowed to bend under their own weight. One, with crystals horizontal, had a span of 54.5 inches, and after 20 days had deflected 9:|: inches or 17 per cent of the span, resembling a letter “V”. The other, with ciystals vertical, had a span of 51^ inches, and deflected only 1 inch, or about 2 per cent of the span in the same period. Another beam of the same dimensions with crystals horizontal, was set so as to project 40 inches as a horizontal cantilever and allowed to deflect under its own, weight. The vertical deflection at the free end after 16 days was 13f inches, or 34 per cent of the cantilever length. The room temperature was from 28° F. to 30° F., during these tests, and the results show clearly the plastic nature of ice under small loads at this temperature. AcKNOwTiEDGMENTS. Tlianks are due to the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal for allowing the use of suitable rooms at the Cold Storage Warehouse, and to the staff at the warehouse who were directly concerned in the control of room temperatures. The author of this report, under whose direction the tests were carried out, wishes to pa}" special tribute to the invaluable assistance received from Mr. E. D. McIntosh, of the Department of Railways and Canals, and the members of his staff engaged in the preparation and testing of specimens. It is largely due to Mr. McIntosh’s enthusiasm and skill in supervising the testing, that so much work was accomplished in the time available for the tests. (Sgd.) E. Brown. Appendix "F" - Plate No. 1 Appendix " F" - Plate No. 2 :1 5 ^. Lawrence Waterway Project 447 Value of i 448 St, Lawrence Waterway Project 4S827—29 i Appendix *T" • Plate No. 4 i Range of Load w vi ^ _o o or ifi Ld u (D Q. Q -O b. O TJ C Li ^ D J ID D O JC *D I o in tsi JM I o I o C-J u\ I I o T} c D JH 1 _ 1 > Values 1 1 3F "E" FOR 1 1 Ice at 2‘F. to 3T. < ST. LAWRENCE WATERWAY DIAGRAM SHOWING RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ICE TO accompauy report or ^oint board of engineers DATED NOV. le^i* 19 26 —^ \ > ;—'— ^ 1- Increment of 1000 lbs Iniiia! Load Z50 lbs. ^ 1. St. Lawrence Watei'way Project i St. Lawrence Waterway Project Uz-izm Hundred lbs.per Apperiffix "F" • Plate No. 7 St. Lawrence Waterway Project St. Lawrence Waterway Project 453 3 s ns 6af Iron Sarf Guides 2' ] 1 _1_ ■ - fncf flev. 4'1 r I J 2 ’ H •1 n II t \ |j CufSy n n £• •l t t Y 1 L 2 - 3/de f/ey^'fion Vff So//s \-e-- End f/e V. Comfyness/pn Hesd 1. tT^ JL- 7'-0" End £/ev. M/TRE BOXES 5tde Elevai'/on - 2 “ — tr ^ 1. ■ /j- - H r n r 1 loading 0/3gram /- — Cord ■x: Bearing 5 /oc k fee I" Scs/e Sect ton on B-B BLOCKS Comores3ton f-fesd Upper Load/n^ P/a/e yvssher \ Spsc 'n^ Bar BE/fMS Cord Disc -for /Vet^his End Side Stirrup 3 — ■ffi*/ i L,....r g Section on Efsstfc Band Kni-fe eef^e oE M/rro r _3Bse PfsH: Com Head Screr^ St. LAWRENCE WATERWAY SKETCHEIS OF APPARATUS USED IN EXPERIMENTS ON ICE NOT TO SCALE TO ACCOMPANY REPORT OF JOINT BOARD OF ENGINEERS DATED NOV. I6T!» 1926 Appendix" F " » Plate No. 8 454 St. Lawrence Waterway Project APPENDIX G CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 1. The works required for the improvement of the St. Lawrence are divided into five sections. The works proposed in each section are independent of those proposed in other sections, but the program of construction has been prepared on the basis that through navigation be completed in all sections seven years after the beginning of the works. 2. The time required to complete the through navigation project is largely dependent upon the works in the International Rapids Section, as there the expenditure is larger than in other sections and the works are more difficult to execute. 3. The opening of the St. Lawrence to through deep-draught navigation, with the power works initially connected therewith, under the various plans presented by the Board, will require, in round figures, the following:— Cubic yards Concrete . 7,000,000 Earth excavation, dry . 80,000,000 Earth excavation, dredging .40,000,000 to 50,000,000 Rock excavation, dry . 12,000,000 Rock excavation, subaqueous . 2 300 000 The execution of this work will require the acquisition of considerable new plant which will have relatively little value after the completion of the work. As a consequence, the value of the plant used must be absorbed in the cost of the work. This, along with interest accumulations during the progress of the work, indicates that maximum economy will be secured by choosing a construc¬ tion period of about seven years for the heaviest part of the work. 4. A detailed construction program, based on these premises, follows This program is intended to show a sequence of operations by which the work can be executed in seven years, but it is not designed to circumscribe the operations of the engineers in charge of the actual construction. The program is based on completion in seven years after actual construction is begun, with the under¬ standing that unforeseen conditions may force an extension of the time. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Item Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thousand Island Section. X X X International Power Section—Scheme 1-242— Dam and power houses at foot of Barnhart Island— Construction railroads, camps, construction plant, etc. Excavation power houses. X X X Concreting power houses. X X X X X X X X X X X X Superstructures and installations machinery.. O'OnstTuctioii of dfiiiii^ to closiiTo. - Closure of dam and raising pool. Tail-race excavation. X X X X X X X St, Lawrence Waterway Project CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE— 455 Year Item Innternational Power Section— Con. Navigation Works— i i Approach channel above Robinson Bay lock. Robinson Bay lock.... • • • • Canal prism, Robinson Bay lock to Grass River lock Grass River lock and wasteway... Approach channel, Grass River lock to river. Dike at Grass River lock. Diversion dike and flood channel, mouth of Grass River.,• v: • Diversion—Ottawa Branch, New York Central Rail- Dredging, south Cornwall Island channel.., Excavation, north Cornwall Island channel Road relocation for canal.. Dykes and drainage ditches. Protection Iroquois. Protection Morrisburg. Fourteen-foot lock at Bergen Lake. Control works, head of Massena power canal. Initial channel excavation— At Chimney Point. Above Galop Island. Cut through Island. Channel below cut. Channel below Lalone-Lotus Islands. Sparrowhawk Point to Ogden Island. Control works at Galop. Railroad relocation. Highway relocation. Clearing pool. Ogden Island Project No. 4-224— Channel enlargement north of Galop Island. Dam in channel north of Galop Island. Excavation at Chimney Point. Cofferdams, south Galop channel. Excavation of south Galop channel. Removal of cofferdams.v; "j * V';'' j. Excavation, Sparrowhawk Point to Ogden Island. Diversion at Ogden Island and channel south of Ogden Island... Dam in diversion at Ogden Island. Lock at Ogden Island... Power house south of Ogden Island. Cofferdam north of Ogden Island... Power house substructure north of Ogden Island. Diversion through Long Sault Island. Dam in south Sault channel. Dam at head of Barnhart Island. Pow'er houses at foot of Barnhart Island. Excavation at foot of Barnhart Island. Excavation of Grass River lock. Concrete in Grass River lock...... Excavation of channel, Robinson Bay lock to Grass X X X X X X X X X X . X X X X X X X X X . XXX XXX X Concrete in Robinson Bay lock and guard gates. Excavation of channel above Robinson Bay Icok. Excavation north and south of Cornwall Island. Lock for 14-foot navigation, Canadian mainland. Diversion of Ottawa and New York Railroad. Dykes and drainage ditches, Morrisburg to Barnhart Island... New Massena Canal intake. Dykes, United States side. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X _ X . . . . , X .... X X Chrysler Island Project No. 5-217— Channel enlargement at Chimney Point.... Channel enlargement north of Galop Island fr 456 St. Lawrence Waterway Project CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE—Conimuei I i ' h Item Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chrysler Island Project No. 5-217— Con. Dam in channel north of Galop Island. X Cofferdams above and below channel south of Galop Island. 1 X Excavation of material in south Galop channel. X X Removal of cofferdams. X Enlargement of channels, Sparrowhawk Point to Morris- burg. X X Cofferdams at sites of United States and Canadian power houses Chrysler Island. X X Construction of power houses at Crysler Island. X X X Lock for 14-foot navigation and part of dam at Chrysler Island. X X North 2,200 feet of dam at Crysler Island. X X Excavation of sites for lock opposite Weavers Point.... X Construction of above lock. X X Excavation of material in channel above and below lock opposite Weavers Point. X X Diversion of Grand Trunk Railway and building of dykes, Iroquois to Crysler Island. X X Excavation of head-race North, Crysler Island power house. X Excavation of tail-race rock, Crysler Island power house X X Diversion through Long Sault Island. X X X Dam in south Sault channel. X Dam at head of Barnhart Island. X X Power houses at foot of Barnhart Island. X X Excavation at foot of Barnhart Island. X X Excavation of Grass River lock. X X Concrete in Grass River lock. X X Excavation of channel, Robinson Bay lock to Grass River. X X Concrete in Robinson Bay lock and guard gates. X . Excavation of channel above Robinson Bay lock. X X Excavation north and south of Cornwall Island. X X X * Lock for 14-foot navigation, Canadian mainland. X Diversion of Ottawa and New Railroad. X Dykes and drainage ditches, Morrisburg to Barnhart Island. X New Massena Canal intake. X Dykes, United States side. X Lake St. Francis Section. X Soulanges Section—He aux Vaches Project—1st Stage— Diversion of Riviere Delisle west of Coteau Junction.... X X X Excavation of site of Coteau du Lac lock. X Construction of lock at Coteau du Lac. X Construction of side canal, Coteau Landing to Coteau du Lac, with breakwater at Coteau Landing. X X Construction of lock at Cascades Point. X X Construction of lock at Cham berry Gully. X X Removal of materials required for side canal, Cham- berry lock to Cascades lock, and construction of dyke adjacent. X X Removal of material in side canal, Cedars to Cham- berry Gully lock. X Construction of syphon culverts east of Provincial power house, with channels between Soulanges Canal and river. X X Construction of control works at Clark Island and exca¬ vation of diversion channels, Clark Island to Broad Island; relocation and reconstruction of Canadian National Railway on Clark Island and Grand He X Excavation of diversion channels east end of Grand He.. X X X Construction of dam and substructures of power house. He Juillet to He aux Vaches. X X X Construction of dam. He aux Vaches to Cedars, with substructures of power houses. X X X I St, Lawrence Waterway Project CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE— 457 Item Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Soulanges Section— Con. X X Construction of dykes, Coteau du Lac to Cedars, dykes X X X X Deepening of Soulanges Canal and closing of the present T^aIiqIa T^oiirrp a.tiH A 1a Cttaissp Rivers X X Completion of entrance channels at the head and foot of the Section and enlargement of Coteau Rapids at Round Island.... . X X X Lachine Section— Removal of material in submarine channel, deep water Lake St Louis to old lock No. 5 Lachine . X X X X Construction of syphon culverts at head of the aqueduct X X X X Lli lUl c*l; Colf UllO xoiaiiVA . . 04*1^ 1/^+1/Ml f\t 1r\/>1/’o onH V^ATrliiTi X X X Construction of new intakes for Verdun and The Montreal Wa+nr Qnri "Pniror Cr» X X Construction of timber-crib walls above and below r^oTiQ/^ioTi "RQilxiroTr TTiorVi 1Qnria X X Excavation of material in overland canal, Lachine to Vorrliin . X X X X Excavation of site of Verdun lock and preparation of + f/M* rlTrlma Vnr/^iin ^JiinQ Tcls^nrl X Construction of lock at Verdun and guard gates above X X X r\t /liflroQ MiiTiQ TqIatiH X X RoTYinval nf TnAf.AriAl in nrimn VprHiin f,o Nuns Island X X Construction of culverts under Canadian National Rail- Trroi? amVionlrmnn^ Q'f Rrtin^ Sf*. i X “lU if c*u V/IAIO kJO* >^1A<»11^0« • .. Removal of material in prism, Nuns Island to Montreal lock . X X X Construction of walls and dykes. Nuns Island to the lock at Montreal. X X Construction of supply weir and dykes. Nuns Island lock ■fr, VprHiin sborp . X X X X X Construction of high level bridges at the Canadian Pacific Railway intersection at Highlands and the Canadian National Railway intersection at Victoria X X 5. The following remarks explain the foregoing program:— 6. Thousand Islands Section. The plans for this section show material to be removed at about a dozen places. The work to be done at each of these places could be allotted to a separate construction agency, but lower prices will be obtained if the number of such agencies is reduced to one or two, as larger plant will then be utilized and overhead expenses will be proportionately small. In this section the material to be removed is not large and can be done by one dredging outfit in three years. The plant required is not special and would not have to be built for this work. As a consequence, this work need not be com¬ menced until three years before the time chosen for the completion of through navigation. 7. International Rapids Section. As explained in Appendix C, there are a number of proposals for the improvement of the International Rapids Section. 458 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 8. In the single-stage project with the main dam and power houses on deep foundations at the foot of Barnhart island, the time required for the construc¬ tion of these structures determines the time within which the project can be built. The time chosen, however, gives maximum economy for the general excavation work. 9. If the alternative is chosen of placing the main dam at the head of Barnhart island, it will be necessary to construct diversion works before work on the dam is begun, and no substantial saving in time of construction is antici¬ pated. 10. Improvement by Two-stage Projects. With either of the two-stage projects, a diversion at Galop rapids is required to be completed before the channel south of Galop island is unwatered, or work is begun on the improve¬ ments shown in that channel. This requires shifting of plant, and concentra¬ tion of forces on three works, one after the other. Estimates show that the’ vwk at Galop rapids can be done with a moderate amount of plant in four or nve years The excavation at Galop island cannot, however, be quite com¬ pleted without a reference to condition of works at Ogden island, or at Crysler island, as the case may be. The cofferdam at the head of the south Galop channel cannot be removed before the water level below is raised. 11. With project No. 4-224, the dam, power house, and lock at’Ogden island can be built without special regard to what is done at Barnhart island, but the completion of all channel enlargement between Lotus island and Ogden island IS required before the plant at Ogden island begins to operate. In this project the works at the foot of Barnhart island must be built simultaneously the works at Ogden island. They should not be built imn^r ^ difficulties would then arise in constructing the upper works, and in dealing with ice conditions icio ®^‘=ayation of a diversion channel through Ogden island IS required before the mam channel of the river can be cofferdammed and before the construction of the power house at that point can be begun This involves some shifting of plant, but it will not involve loss of time^as large ? excavation h^e to be done between Lotus island and Ogden island which can be delayed until the diversion channels at Ogden island are completed. The unwatering of the sites of the power house at Oo’den islonrl should not prove difficult after the diversion channel is completed as the solid rock surffices are not far below the water level at that point^ ’ iect t Its* rsatt “ liam 14. With the two-stap development, the lock and canal at Ogden island are closely associated with the works to be built in the river and Lth k completed at the same time. However, the locks and side canal reqffirS for carrying naviptip past the lower dam and power house at the footTthe sS- tion are not closely ppciated and the construction of the lock can be delavS A lock for passing 14-foot navig^ion is required north of Sheek island in S to connect the water level as it is raised with the present Cornwall cana° gram itTroveter at Qalop rapid, and at Barphar. island. Arc'^^risTan^the fo* are diffpent rom those proposed at Ogden island and a different proceffeTs St navigation is required in the dam at the 459 St. Lawrence Waterway Project 16. The side canal and lock at this point can be built without special reference to the dam and power houses. Some economy is, however, obtained by bringing the lock and side canal into use when the water level in the river is raised above elevation 229. Estimates are prepared on this basis. The eleva¬ tion of water passages in power houses at Crysler island will permit water to be passed through them after their construction, if desired. 17. Lake St. Fr.ancis Section. The execution of the work in this section requires the dredging of 1,584,000 cubic yards. This can be done by one dredge in three years. 18. SouEANGES Section. In the He aux Vaches project, progress must be well arranged in advance, as the several works are dependent upon one another. 19. To prevent flooding of the lands north of the He aux Vaches pool, the water can not be raised above elevation 140 before the present Soulanges canal is utilized as a drainage outlet, and consequently abandoned for navigation. A new waterway must then be ready to pass ships of 14-foot draft at elevation 140. At this stage the canal and enlargement of the river at Coteau rapids and the dam at Cedars must be practically completed. The side canal from Cedars to the Ottawa arm of lake St. Louis must be ready to hold water at elevation 140. 20. At the beginning of the winter chosen for the transfer of 14-foot navi¬ gation from the present Soulanges canal to the new canal, arrangements must be made for the closing of the Soulanges canal above Coteau du Lac and the joining of this canal with the syphon culverts just east of the Provincial power house. This must be followed'by the lowering of the water level in the Sou¬ langes canal and the deepening of that canal to the extent of about 9 feet. This is to be done to enable the old canal to carry the spring discharge of the Delisle, Rouge and A la Graisse river. 21. During the open-water period after the Cedars reach is raised to eleva¬ tion 140, the various works will have to be put in shape for a higher level, as winter conditions will require a rise to about 148 in order to operate with safety. This will require the completion of works at Cedars eight months after the Soulanges canal begins to act as a drainage canal. 22. L.ACHINE Section. The project for the Lachine section can be built without interfering with the power development and without interfering with 1-foot navigation. 23. The works proposed in this section can be separated into many parts, each of which can be built and completed without regard to others. Before the works between Nuns island and Victoria bridge can be completed, it is neces¬ sary to build culverts at the north end of Victoria bridge to care for drainage. It is also necessary to change the intake works of the Montreal Water and Power Co. and those of the city of Verdun from the river to the Montreal aqueduct. . . . , , 24. Before the 2o-foot canal for improved navigation can be built across the aqueduct of the city of Montreal, it will be necessary to divert the flow at the point and to construct syphon culverts under the new canal. 25. In the project presented, a dam is to be built across the river at He au Diable. This can be constructed by ordinary methods, as the solid rock at that point is close to the present water surface and the river is not deep. ^ 26. The work in the Lachine section can be economically done in about six years. Adopted by Board July 13, 1927. ’Klrt^^ kaM »WJ«T...irtKIwi.*^!/-.^*™ «t (nSJsfci? Sts,®:'.' S { fittiT ,^-ff w'rt»iwifiM<.|» •»!^'4#'Wrt#>j%#'l(i%4»^i(iiu^|| rj(r:;yirt •w: dim ;j »»jiu M6|i»»^I^ iDoiiilw' * u« 'M^9n T*rh *ilLJ«fa5it «i(iitl ni (v si .Mii& » IJUJI , V"i ,.TW1 .fcl 4hil kmoSl ^4 ^ •U VS. DATE DUE DUE RETURNED -’. •:-»-v ^ i]-:' ' .... ••.■ ' • *• - ' ........ . y/'\ • ■ .. t • *, ■ •* v :-’';2$:rt'2: , , • . - ■’. *^' r-'i; ,-i