V. LITTLt FOLK^S Y BOOKS. /Q>^. THE STORY OP mM LITTLE BO-PEEP AND 5 V >1 OTHER TALES. ^)y WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. Published for ^ LONDON. the Proprietors by Dart on cjr Co. n / 1 mit /nllt'3 %uh. ^ fittlt 1^0- AND OTHER TALES. IMlrii lii{ 35iiiti;ii!!r te CltHtrlain. 7 ■ mit fon-|K|t. Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep, And cannot tell where to find 'em ; Leave them alone, and they'll come homo, And bring their tails behind 'em. Little Bo-peep fell fast asleep. And dreamt she heard them bleatino-; When she awoke, she found it a joke, For still they all were fleeting. \ LITTLE BO-PEEP. Then up she took her little crook, Determin'd for to find them ; She found thera indeed, but it made her heart bleed, For they'd left their tails behind them. It happen'd one day, as Bo-peep did stray Unto a meadow hard by ; There she espied their tails side by side, All huEg on a tree to dry. She heaved a sigh, and wiped her eye, And over the hillocks she raced; And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should, That each tail should be properly placed. LITTLE BO-PEEP, \ €\i dDl^ Wmm ml \)n ^ There was an old woman, as I've heard tell, She went to the market her eggs for to sell, She went to the market, all on a market day, And she fell asleep on the king's highway. ' THE OLD WOMAN AND HER EGGS. !l There came a little pedlar^ his name it was Stout, He cut off her petticoats all round about; He cut off her petticoats up to her knees, Until her poor knees began for to freeze. When the little old woman began to awake, She began to shiver, and she began to shake; Her knees began to freeze, and she began to cry, ^^ Oh lawk ! oh mercy on me ! this surely can't be I. " If it be not I, as I suppose it be, I have a little dog at home, and he knows me ; If it be I, he will wag his little tail, But if It be not I, he'll bark and he'll rail." m ' THE OLD WOMAN AND HEE EGOS* XJp jump'd the little woman, all in tlie dark, Up jump'd the little dog, and he began to barkj The dog began to bark, and she began to cry, '' lawk ! oh mercy on me ! I see it is not I." ^ f^/^M (Dili Sntljjr iBmu. <^, Old Mother Goose, when She "wanted to wander, "Would ride through the air On a very fine gander ^ OLD MOTIiER GOOSE. Mother Goose had a house, *Twas built in a wood, Where an owl at the door For sentinel stood. This is her son Jack, A plain-looking lad, He is not very good, Nor yet very bad. She sent him to market, A live goose he bought; *^ Here, mother,'' says he, " It will not go for nought.' OLD MOTHER GOOSE. Jack's goose and her gandei Grew very fond, They'd both eat together, Or swim in one pond. Jack found one morning As I have been told, His goose had laid him An egg of pure gold. Jack rode to his mother, The news for to tell; She caird him a good boy, And said it was well. OLD MOTHER GOOSS, J^« Jack sold his gold egg To a rogue of a Jew, Wlio cheated him out of The half of his due. Then Jack went a-courtin^ A ladj so gay, As fair as the lily And sweet as the May. The Jew and the Squire Came close at his back, And "began to belabour The sides of poor Jack. OLD MOTHER GOOSK They threw the gold egg In the midst of the sea; But Jack he jump'd in, And got it back presently. The Jew got the goose, Which he vow'd he would kill, Resolving at once His pockets to fill. Jack's mother came in, And caught the goose soon, And, mounting its back. Flew up to the pioon. ^ L V; L 33li£.1CL*^ d LITTLE FOLK'S BOOKS. THIRTY-SIX KINDS, ALL ILLUSTRATED. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. JACK THE GIANT KILLER. SIR GUY OF WARWICK. TOM HICKATHRIFT. BOLD ROBINIHOOD. TOM THUMB. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. THE SLEEPING BEAUTY. FAIR ONE & GOLDEN LOCKS. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. CINDERELLA. )elTHE PRINCESS ROSETTA. S PUSS IN BOOTS. i r^- THE WHITE CAT. THE UGLY LITTLE DUCK. (\r'B I'HE CHARMED FAWN. ^^ THE ELEVEN WILD SWANS. ^ THE BLUE BIRD. OLD MOTHER HUBBARD. LITTLE BO-PEEP, &C. THE THREE BEARS. HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT. DEATH OF COCK ROBIN. LITTLE MAIA. THE FAIRY FOREST. THE ELFIN PLOUGH. THE NINE MOUNTAINS. JOHNNY AND LISBETH. THE LITTLE FISHER BOY. HANS IN LUCK. THE GIANT AND TAILOR. THE GOATHERD. THE NOSE TREE. THREE GOLDEN HAIRS. THE JEW IN THE BUSH. tl LITTLE GOODY TWO-SHOES. LONDON, PUBLISHED BY DARTON & CO.