£ MBHBBi THB OBIVERSAL DREAMER, CONTAINING TNI IitorproUtio* of s great rarietv of Driuu, oxpUiniag tkoir Mtaaing, and diielonag The Secrets of Futurity. ; Printed by W. 8. FORTET?, Monmouth Court, Blooma- bury, W.C. •*'••■: d^}..'i'ii j ■'■*?->' n*M •jJTlt THE i G wra $ W, S. FORTE Y, Printer, Monmouth Court, London. Jir — To dream it's cloudy, and afterwards clear, denotes one part of your life will be unhappy, but the latter will be the reverse. j nts — To dream of ants denotes you will live in a great eity or town, or, in a large family; and have a large family. jlt er — To dream you are at the alter kneeling, is bad ; it im- plies repenting for past crimes, or, beseeching for forgiveness for some theft committed, perhaps against your benefactor, or those who employ you, Apparel-To dream you lose your wearing apparel, your cha- racter wMl be injured by an enemy. DREAMER. Apparitions. — To dream you see a ghost, hobgoblin, •pectre, and such kind of things, is of a very unfortunate •ature; they denote vexation and disappointment. Armed Men. — To see them in your dream is a good sign, •sad denotes one void of fear. To dream you see armed men •y is a sign of victory — to see men come in arms against you lignifies sadness Asps. — To dream of Asps denotes that you will become extremely rich, and have great quantities of money by you. If you are in love it imports that your love will be returned, and that your sweetheart will become, through your means, extremely wealthy. ^ Attorneys. — To dream you are speaking with them shows hindrance of business, and that a man will have small success in his affairs. Bacon. — To dream of Bacon denotes the death of some fiiend. or relation, and that enemies will endeavour to do you a mischief, in love it denotes disappointment and dis- content. Bailiffs — To dream you are arrested by bailiffs Is a sign you wiii escape some heavy misfortune ; but it also fortels that your present sweetheart will never marry you, and that you will be over-matched in a bargain. Banquets. — To dream of banquets is very good and pros- perous, and promises great preferment. Bason — To dream you are eating or drinking out of a feason is a certain sign you will soon be in love; but without great care you will not marry the first object of your affec- tions. It denotes prosperity in trade, and to the farmer. It you are a seafaring man, it indicates that the next port you touch u will fall in love. Bathing.— To dream of a bath is a very unpropitious ©men : expect after it to experience many hardships and much sorrow, if you are in love, your sweetheart will ex- perience many crosses and losses ; but to dream you are yourself in clear water denotes happiness, prosperity, and sui cess in love; but if the water is dirty, then it for- feod e and sorrow, and a disappointment in love. Bear. — To dream of a bear is not a good omen ; expect to much vexation, that some enemy will attempt to do you an ininry ; if yen are in love, some richer person will estrange DREAMER. molest you. But to dream you see one at night time, then act cautiously — cherish the day but beware of night, for an enemy lurks in some secret corner. Bed. — To dream you are in bed implies that he or she will be married in a month. Ball. — To dream of dancing at a ball denotes that you will be addressed by a lover— the prospect will be a momentary pleasure, but he will prove a gay deceiver. Boat. — To dream you are in a boat and that you fall into the water, and are rescued from the elements by the male. he will become your husband to a certainty. Bread.— To dream ot bread is good, particularly so if you make and bake it yourself. It forbodes immediate relief, but to appear burned is not good. Bridge, — To dream yon oross a bridge denotes you will leave a good place to seek a better ; but if you return and the bridge is destroyed, some other person will fill your place and you will rue your temerity. Barn — To dream of a barn and plenty of corn, and that you partake of the new corn bread, if served you by the farmer's son, you will be married to a countryman. Cupid. — To dream Oupid breaks his dart, your love will change. If he breaks his bow, very likely you will die an old maid. Cuckoo. — To dream yon hear the cuckoo, your sweetheart will prove a coquette. Church. — To dream that you are in church, and that the parson and pulpit are in white, and that he preaches a ser- mon to your taste, you will soon be married. If the parson is in black, and the congregation sing a hymn, it denotes grief. Clock — To dream the clock strikes, and that you count, but that instant it stands still, forbodea death to some old friend; but if the hand moves again, the party will recover. Clouds. — To dream of white clouds signifies joy and prosperity ; black clouds, trouble. Thick-set clouds moving rapidly in the air, grief and trouble to the dreamer. Clouds disappearing, and a pure sky, denote prosperity. Climbing. — To dream you are climbing a tree and gain the top, you will rise to preferment, or your love will succeed ; or if you dream you climb a very steep hill, fortells many difficulties in life. DREAMER. CWs.^-To dream that you possess a great quantity erf coal denotes that you will enjoy property, servants, and every blessing that attends housekeeping. Cows. — To dream you possess a great number of cows, ac- cording to the number in your dream you will live that number of years. Cat.-— If a man dreams of a cat, and he caresses her, and the cat scratches him, his sweetheart is a spiteful termagant. If a female dreams of a cat that acts similarly, she may & rest assured that she has a rival. Cakes.— To dream of cakes denotes joy; that you will thrive in all your undertakings. Candle.— To dream a candle burns bright and clear de- notes, a pleasing letter from your sweetheart ; but if the candle's blaze was dull, you will be disappointed. Cattle.— To dream of oxen, sheep, and lambs in great number signifies that plenty will reign throughout the land. Coach. — To dream of a coach implies that something will transpire to give joy and satisfaction in a month after; per- haps marriage, if single. _ Cradle.— Implies that marriage is certain ; therefore, we wish the dreamer all happiness. Corn — To dream you pass through fields of corn fit for the cycle denotes the comforts of life near at hand. Dress —To dream you are dressed fine and gay, and re- markably cheerful, bodes that the dreamer will be blessed with a store of gr od health. Dairy.— To dream you are in a dairy, skimming the cream off the milk, and that your sweetheart partakes of the cream, denotes him inclined to luxury ; but if he drinks the milk it is a sign of frugality. Dice.— To dream you are playing at dice denotes a por- tion of our time will meet with various fortune ; sometimes rich, sometimes poor To play at cards, and you prove the winner, fortune will favour you during the year. Death.— To dream of death denotes happiness and long Me. To see him sink into the groimd is a certain death ; to vanish in smoke, sickness. Dancing —-To dream you are dancing and e>,j ymg all the pleasures of life in quick succession denotes gri f poverty, and despair. To dream as above, and that you are dejected DREAMER. and poor, you will have intervals of prosperity ; indigence wifl follow, and prosperity bring up the rear. D-vl —To dream of this individual denotes many troubles. A widow to dream of him (after she has buiied a bad hus- band) is sure to have another ; so widows, beware ! Dirt. — To dream you travel through dirty roads that have many crossings, up slippery hills and down steep precipice*, portends sickness, crosses, and misfortunes; but to dream that your person is miserably dirty, bodes much sickness to vourself, perhaps loss of character. j) ogs _To dream of dogs, and that they fawn upon yo*, your company will be caressed by all If one bites you, & man or woman you fancy your dearest friend will become your inveterate enemy. To dream a dog howls you will hear of a death; if it is playing and skipping about, look out for prosperity. Eagles.— -To dream you see an eagle or a hawk peroned ;nid they suffer you to caress them, you will be married to a unitary* man, either an officer, sergeant, or private. Kating. — To dream you see others eating is a bad omen; but if you dream you are asked to eat, and partake of those things you like beBt, some relief perhaps will follow, Eclipse —To dream you see an eclipse of the moon de- notes sickness, perhaps absence or disgrace of some female friend; but if the eclipse leaves the moon quids ly, and shines cbudless, your sweetheart is virtuous and constant ; if the stars shine bright, you will be married and blessed with a family that will be true to their callings, religious, and in- dustrious. Eyes — To dream you lose your eyes is a very unfavour- able omen ; it denotes a decay of circumstances, loss of friends, death of relations, in fact, everything unhappy, even the loss of liberty. Earthquake.— To dream of an earthquake warns you to be cautious and careful; if you see houses tumble, your friends will feel a shock, public confidence is lost, or some dire calamity will befall them Eggs.— To dream of EggB is honourable ; whatever you are then about will succeed. To dream of broken eggs, if married, denotes trouble ; but to dream of eating them, you will have many children. DREAMER. dren. who will all do well and be very happy ; it sometimes indicates that you will take a long journey, which will turn out advantageous to you. Fortune. — To dream you make a sudden fortune, is a very bad omen ; to the tradesman, it forbodes losses in trade, quarrelling with his creditors, and the loss of liberty ; to the lover, it denotes that his sweetheart does not return his love ; to the sailor, it indicates storms and shipwrecks. Fox. — To dream of this crafty animal, is the forerunner of much difficulty ; if you are in love, your sweetheart will turn out of a sour, disagreeable, ill-natured disposition. Friend. — To dream you see a friend dead, betokens hasty news, of a joyous nature ; if you are in love, it fortells a speedy marriage with the object of your affections. Fruit. — To dream of fruit has a different interpretation, according to what fruit it is that you dream of. For the sake of enabling our readers more readily to discover the meaning of their dreams, we have arranged the different fruits alphabetically, with their explanations. Apples betoken long life and success, faithfulness in your sweetheart, and riches by trade. Cherries indicate disappointment in life, vexation in the marriage state, and slight in love. Figs are the forerunner of prosperity and happiness ; to the lover, they denote the accomplishment of his wishes; to the tradesman, increase of trade ; they also indicate a legacy Grapes fortell to the maiden that her husband will be a cheerful companion, and a great songster; they denote much happiness in marriage, and success in trade; if you are in love, they augur a speedy union between you and your sweetheart. Lemons denote contentions in your family, and uneasiness on account of children ; they announce the death of some relation, a: d disappointment in love. Mulberries are of good import ; to the maiden they fortell a speedy and happy marriage ; to the lover constancy and affection in his mistress •, they also denote wealth, honour, and many children; they are particularly favourable to sailors and farmers. Nuts, if you see clusters of them, denote riches and happi- ness; to the lover, success and a good tempered sweetheart; if you are gathering them, it is not a good omen, for you will i pursue some matter that will not turn out to your advantage. DREAMER. Elephants —To dream of Elephants is a favourable dream and denotes great sagacity. If you are in love it implies great prudence and caution ; if it lifts you with its trunk and lays you down in a place of safety, and walks round jou, it is a true sign of a happy union jr a rs.— To dream you have lost your ears and hearing de- notes some evil which will spring from your misconduct : but to dream you regain your hearing denotes that wisdom hath returned to bestow happiness on you. Fall.— To dream that you fall into the miie and you are covered in filth, if a servant, you will lose your character through pilfering ; if the dirt gets into your eyes, you will experience confinement, most likely imprisonment ; ^ if you see clouds rapidly moving, beware of transportation. 1 o run and fall, then rise and run agaiD, is a sign that you have a temper that will ruin vou. But to dream you run without interruption is a sign of diligence, and that you will accom plish your designs. Feasting denotes that you will meet with many disap- pointments, particularly in the thing you are most anxious about. It also fortels of having undutiful children, with many heavv losses. m ' Field.— To dream you are walking in a held ot wheat denotes great prosperity and riches. In love, a completion of your most sanguine wishes, and foretels much much hap- piness, with many children when you marry. Fi rt _To dream that you are married, and that the tire burns ciear, and the smoke spires from the chimney, is a happy omen ; but to dream the fire is difficult to light, and the smoke returns to the ground, is a sign that in matriinony you will prove unhappy. If the fire ceases to bum, it is a sure sign of separation. .*■■■+ *i, n + Flies —To dream of flies, or other vermin, denotes that you will have many enemies, and be much harassed in your circumstances ; it also denotes that your sweetheart is not sincere, and cares very little about you; to dream of killing them is a good omen. Fluinq.—'Xo dream you are flying is an excellent omen ; it fortells elevation of fortune, that you will arrive at dignity in the state, and be happy. If in love your sweetheart will be true, and if you marry you will have many cml- DREAM EK. Oranges are very bad omens ; they forbode loss of goods and reputation, attacks from thieves, wounds, and fickleness to the object of your affections. Pear* prefigure elevation in life, accumulation of riches and honours, success in undertakings, and constancy in love. If a woman dreams of them, she will have a girl, who will marry one far above her rank, before she is seventeen ; to the maiden they denote that she will shortly marry a man who will carry her into a far distant country, where he will make a great fortune, and return with her to his native land. Raspberries forewarn you of success in your undertakings, of happiness in marriage, of fidelity to your sweetheart, and some news from beyond the sea to your advantage. Strawberries denote to a maiden speedy marriage with a man who will become rich and make her happy; to a youth they denote that his wife will be sweet tempered. Observe, if you dream of any of these fruits when out of season, or that you are gathering tnem when green, it denotes sickness; if you dream they are rotten, it fortells poverty. To dream of gathering ripe fruit, when there is plenty, be- tokens happiness and riches, and the speedy receipt of money; it you gather fruit from an old withered tree, it is a sign that you will unexpectedly inherit the effects of some aged person. Gallows. — To dream of the gallows is a most fortunate omen; it shows that the dreamer will become rich, and arrive at great honours. Geese. — To dream of geese is the forerunner of good; expect soon to see a long absent friend ; they denote success and riches to the dreamer in the furtherance of his pursuits; in love they augur speedy marriage, and fidelity in your sweetheart Gifts. — To dream you have anything given to you is a sign that some good is about to happen to you ; it also de- notes that a speedy marriage will take place betwixt you and your sweetheart. Globe* — To dream you are looking at a globe, fortells much good, and that you will be a great traveller ; to the lover, it shews that you will not marry your present sweet- heart, but that you will take a journey to a distant place, when you will fall in love and marry, become very rich, and live kappy. DREAMER. Grave. — To dream you see a grave, for tells sickness and disappointment; if you are in love, depend you will never marry your present sweetheart; if you go into the grave it shews you will experience a loss of property, and that false friend's will defame you. Hail. — To dream you are in a hail-storm denotes great sorrows in life through the divulging of some import secrets. Hanged — To dream you see people hanged, or that you are going to be hanged yourself, denotes that you will rise above your present condition. Hills. — To dream of travelling over steep hills, shews that you will encounter many difficulties, and enter upon some arduous undertaking. House. — To dream of building a Souse is a very favourable omen ; if you are in trade it denotes success ; if in love, that your sweetheart is good tempered and faithful, and will make you very happy. Hunting. — To dream you are hunting a fox, and that he is killed, shews much trouble through the pretensions of false friends, but that you will discover them, and overcome all their machinations. Ice. — To dream of ice is a very favourable omen ; to the lover, it shews that your sweetheart is of an amiable temper, and faithful ; to the tradesman, it denotes success and riches; to the farmer, a plentiful harvest. Keys. — To dream of keys is favourable to any person, and to a sailor, they denote some gift, and that the dreamer will become rich. Knives, — To dream of knives, U a very unpropitious one; it betokens lawsuits, poverty, disgrace, strife, and a general failure in the pursuit of your projects. Ladder. — To dream you climb a ladder, denotes a happy marriage with the object of your affections, and that you will become by industry rich, and settle your children happily. Letters. — To dream of receiving letters is demonstrative of your being beloved by a person of the opposite sex. Linen. — To dream you are dressed in clean linen, denotes that you will shortly receive some glad tidings ; if it is dirty, then it denotes poverty, a prison, and disappointment in love, with the loss of something valuable. Marriage. — To dream you are married, is ominous of death, and very unfavourable to the dreamer; it denotet tpoverty, a prison and misfortune* DREAMER. Milk.— To dream you are selling milk, denotes that you will be crossed in love, that you will be unsuccessful in trade. Mir*. — To dream one sticks fast in the mire, or dirt shews many cares and troubles. ' Money. — To dream of receiving money, denotes success in your undertakings. Monkies — To dream of monkies is ominous of evil, they announce deceit in love, unfaithfulness in the married state undutiful children, malicious enemies, and an attack by thieves. Moon — To dream of the moon, denotes sudden and unexpected joy, great success in love, and that the dreamer is tenderly beloved; to dream of seeing the new moon is the forerunner of success and happiness. Mother. — To dream you see your mother, is a certain prognostic of some agreeable adventure being about to happen to you, and that you will hear from a friend at a distance. Mule. — To dream of a mule, signifies malice and vain imaginations, and sickness. Music. — To dream you hear delicious music, is a very favourable omen ; it denotes joyful news from a long absent friend. Myrtle Tree. — To dream you see a very fine myrtle tree, is a sign you will soon be in love ; that you will have many amours, and that you will suddenly receive a sum of money that will be of great use to you. Nakedness. — To dream ©f nakedness, denotes scandal of character ; it fortells that some unexpected honours await you. Nightmare. — To dream of being ridden by the nightmare, is a sign of sudden marriage, or to be domineered over by a fool. V ■Nightingale. — To dream of this pretty warbler is the fore- runner of joyful news, and great success in business; of plentiful crops, and of a sweet tempered lover. For a married woman to dream of a nightingale, shews that she will have children who will be great singers. r DREAMER. Onions, Garlic, &c— To dream of onions, garlic, leeka, or othtr strong herbs, gignifies a discovery of secrets. Office. To dream you are turned out of office, forshadows death and loss of property ; to a lover it indicates want of affection in your sweetheart, and misery if you marry the present object of your affections. Old Man.— For a woman to dream she is courted by an old man is a sure prognostic that she will receive a sum of money and be successful in her undertakings. For a maid to dream of it shows that she will marry a rieh young fellow. Oven.— To dream you see an oven fortells separation. Owls.— To dream of owls fortells sickness, poverty, and Imprisonment, and want of success in your undertakings. Oysters.— Fox a maid to dream she is eaticg them shows she will soon be married. Oxen.— To dream of seeing fair and white cattle shows virtuous inclinations ; to see fat or lean oxen signifies present gain or misfortune. 1 .Qfchard — To dfeam you are in an orchard denotes that you will become rich by the inheritance of a large legacy , and that you will marry to your advantage. Old Women.— ¥ot a man to dream he is courting an old woman and that she returns his love, is a very fortunate omen ; it prefigures success in worldly concerns, and that he will marry a beautiful young woman, have lovely children, and be very happy. Palm — -To dream you are gathering palm denotes plenty of riches and success in your undertakings. Paper. — To dream you write on paper signifies an accu- sation will be made against you. Paths— To dream you are walking in a good wide path denotes health. . . Peacock. — To dream of seeing this beautiful bird is a very good omen ; it denotes great success in trade ; to a man, a very beautiful wife, much riches, and a good place; toa maid, a good and rich husband ; to a widow that she will be courted by one who will tell her many tales without being sincere ; it also denotes great prosperity by sea, and a hand- some wife in a distant part. Peas.— To dream of peas is a sign of prosperity ; to dream you gather them showa great happiness and contentment. DREAMER. Pictures. — To dream that you are looking at any beautiful pictures denotes that you will be allured by false appearances into some very disagreeable situation ; if you are married, be sure your partner deceives you, and prefers another, and that the party who has estranged her affections is your most intimate friend. Pigeons. — To dream you see pigeons flying imports hasty news of a very unpleasant nature, but great success in your undertakings. Pit — To dream of falling into a deep pit shows some very heavy misfortune is about to attend you ; that your sweet- heart is false and prefers another ; to a sailor it denotes some sad disaster at the next port you touch at. Play. — To dream you are at play is the forerunner of much good ; it betokens great happiness in the married state and success in business. Plough. — To dream of a plough is good for married people but requires time to bring its explanation. EontL — To dream you see a little pond signifies you enjoy the love of a beautiful woman; for a female to have that dream she will have her desires accomplished- Purse. — To dream of finding a purse of money denotes great happiness ; if empty, disappointment. Quails — To dream you see quails denotes bad news at sea ; quarrels, treachery, debates, and much jangling and discontent in the married state. Quarrelling pot tends unexpected news. Queen. — To dream you see the queen or king signifies honour and prosperity. Rain. — To dream you are in a shower of rain, if it be gentle and soft, denotes great success in your present affairs ; it is very favourable to J overs, as it denotes constancy, affec- tion, and a sweet temper ; to the sailor, it promises good for- tune at sea. Rainbow. — To dream you see a rainbow signifies great travelling and change ot fortune ; it also foretels sudden news of a very agreeable nature. Rats. — To dream ot rats is a sign of many enemies, and that you are exposed to many dangers from pretended Mends. Ring. — To dream of a ring signifies marriage. L JUST PUBLISHED, Priee Ome Panny. 8 Paget, Demy Quarto. THE NEW ^BLRT OF Containing initrnetioni to Batter, Bowler, Ac., a Diagram of the Cricket Field, showing the Position of the Player*, Ac The Hew CRICKET SCORING SHEET, Pnated on Supernne Paper, with Bold Type, Extra Large, 13 pott free for 8 stamp*. THE NEW ART OF SWIMMING, Containing instruction! how to Learn to 8wim» Swim- ming like a Preg to Plunge, Dire A Float, Swimming and Thrusting on the Back, the Place to Swim, Time, Dress, Ac. U§etul Hinte and General Information. THE NEW ART OF COWJDRIRG ARD MAGIC, Containing instructions to Perform a Great Number of Trick* by Sleight of Hand, Aa^ aa Performed by the most celebrated Artiete* of the present day. rOOO~R TD D L E S , CONUNDRUMS, ENIGMAS, CHARADES, Aa, Affording many hours Amusement for white* cTeniags W. 8. FORTE Y, Steam Printer aad Publiahar, J * 8, MOHMOUTB COURT, BLOOM8BDRT, W.C. sm J