Brochures from the Totham Private Press “ ©he reprints, $rc. of J^lr. CDlarh are berp toell executed, anh tto great ereltit to hi» typographical shill.” — ©imperley’s ©ypography, p. 541. ^ropll^(t 0 liat 0 co))£reti: Iietns tfie ILtbes anti I9eat$0 o( ttoo ^eaber^ of (i!!:olc^e 0 tet, hibo affirmeti tffms seJbeB tile tbio great ^Propijeta bibtcb sboulb tome in tije enH of tje biotlb, 1642. 5l2aitJ) an appenbii, — 4to. i». s 1844 SlSill of Cl^oinao flTuflocr, author of “ jFibe l^un* bteb OJointB of ffioob JftuBbanbcg,” &c. Nob) first printeb. \/ KSaitlj f)i» jWetrtcal autobiograpb®, ^rc.,— 4to. i#- = 1846 ^ WatCf notl^ealip i!«aDe, but ISoopofien. steal poem on matrimong, bg Robert ^glett, SL.E. j®., a natibe of ^Sraiteb, lEssei, 1653.] ®2Eitt) an aippenbii, anb a af= simile of t^e rare ^Portrait bg ®rosse, — 4to. 2«. = s 1847 iFatrlop anO tts ^fFounbor ; or, ^Facts anb dTun for tj&e .c^orest jFrolicfeers.— (ttontains^emoirs,anecbotes, ^Poems, 5)ongs, ^cc. anb tbe eurious aZttill of jWr. I0ag,— 8bo. is. 1847 IPleasant