TJIE STORY OF SINFUL SALLY j THE HAMPSHIRE TRAGEDY ; i THE BAD BARGAIN; AND BGBKl&E APvD RICH ARB. Sold by HOWARD and EVANS. (Printers to the Cheap Repository for »J nr:A a rut Rel^ioesTrnc^, ) No.41 and 12, Lo> t *Lanc : VV^stS7nMifcl4, } J>; No. 190, Picmdillj!, London. l)y S. HAZARD, Ba/h ; ami by all, Newsmen $c Hawkers in Town $ Country. V G:eat Allowance will be made to Shopkeeper* a'fld Hawki-s PKICE ON P. PE.\>;y, Q r ^ pC r H.ndr.d THE STOlf OF SINFUL SALLY, TOLD BY HERSELF. Shewing bow from being Sally of the Grfen she was first led to become Sinful Sally, and after- wards Drunken ,l, and how at last she cam? U a most melancholy and almost hopeless End; being therein a Warning to all young ft omm both in Toivn and Country. COME each maiden lend an ear, Country lass and London belie i Come ana drop a mournful tear, O'er the tale that I shall tell. I that ask your tender pity, Ruin'd now and ail forlorn, Once, like you, was young and pretty. And as chearful as the morn. in yon distant cottage sitting, Far away from London town, Once you might have seen me knitting: In my simple kersey gown. Where the little lambkins leap, Where the meadow looks so gay, Where the drooping willows weep. Simple Sally us'd to stray, 3 Then I tasted many a blessing, Then I had an honest fame ; Father, mother me carressing, SmilM and thought me free from blame. Then, amid my friends so dear, Life it speeded fast away ; O ! it moves a tender tear, To think how peaceful was the day ! From the villages surrounding, Ere I well had reach'd eighteen, Came the modest youths abounding. All to Sally of the Green. Courting days were thus beginning, And 1 soon had prov'd a wife ; O ! if 1 had kept from sinning, Now how blest had been my life, Come each maiden lend an ear, Country lass and London belle ; Come ye now and deign to hear How poor Sinful Sally fell : Where the hill begins inclining, Halt a furlong from the road, O'er the village white and shining, Stands Sir Williams great abode, Near his meadow I was tripping, Vainly wishing to be seen, When Sir William met me skipping And he spoke me on the green. Bid me quit my cloak of scarlet, Blanvd my simple kersey gown; Ey'd me then so like a varlet, Such as live m London town. 4 With his presents I was loaded, And bedeck'd in ribbons gay; Thus my ruin was foreboded, O, how crafty was his way ! Vanish'd now from cottage lowly, My poor parents' heart I break, Enter on a state unholy, Turn a mistress to a rake, Now no more by morning light Up to God my voire I raise; Now nb shadows of the night" Call my thoughts to pray'r and praise. Hark ! a well known sound I hear ! 'Tisthe church's Sunday belli No: I dread to venture near ! No : I'm now the Child of Hell. Now I lay my bible by, Chuse that impious book so new; Love the bold blaspheming lie, And that filthy novel too. Next to London town I pass, (Sinful Sally is my name, ) There to gain a front of brass, And to glory in my shame. Powder 'd well, and puff'd and painted, Rivals all i there outshine; With skin so white and heart so tainted, Rolling in my chariot fine. In the Park I glitter daily, Then I dress me for the play, Then to masquerade so gaily, See me, see me tear away, 5 When I meet some meaner lass, Then I toss with proud disdain; Laugh a id giggle as I pas& Seeming not \ 3 know a pain. Still at every hoir of leisure, Something whispers me within, « G! I bate this life of pleasure, For it is a life of sin," Thus amidst my peals of laughter, Horror seizes oft my frame : Pleasure now — damnation after, And a never-dying flame : ,f Save me, save me, Lord," I cry, " Save my soul from Satan's chain !" Now I see salvation nigh. Now 1 turn to sin again. Is it then some true repentance That I ferl for evil done ? No: 'tis horror of my sentence, 'Tis the pangs of hell begun. By a thousand ills o'ertaken, See me now quite sinking down, 'Till so lost and so forsaken, Sal is cast upon the town. At the dusk of evening grey, Forth I step from secret cell ; Roaming like a beast of prey, Or some hateful imp of hell. Ah! how many youths so blooming By mv wanton looks I've won; Then by vices all consuming, Left them ruin'd and undone J o Thus the cruel spider stretches Wide his web for every fly, Then each victim that he catches Strait he poisons till he die. Now no more by conscience troubled, Deep I plunge in every sin, True— my sorrows are redoubled, But I dr own the in all in gin. See me next with front so daring, Band of ruffian rogues a rong; Fighting, cheating, drinking, swearing, And the vilest of the throng. Mark that youngest of the thieves, Taught by Sal he ventures further, What he filches Sal receives, 'l is foi Sal he does the murther. See me then attend my victim, To th 'fatal g 'lows tree; PleasM to think how I have nick'd him. Made him swing while 1 am free. Jaciv I laughing see depart, While w'tu Dick I drink and sing. Soon again I'll nil the cart, * Make this pre sen: lover swing. But while thus with gu It surprising, Sav pursues he b