i ft I To che jour iben at liber tr I 1 THE CHILD'S INSTRUCTOR, OR 'etnre Alphabet. Good Girls and good Boys Prefer Books to Toys, And with the Cock ri^e To read and grow wise. GLASGOW, PUBLISHED AND SOU), WHOLESALE, BY LUMSDEN 8f SON. / Pri c e T w o : j e n ( e . 1 a An-gler. An-pler ab eb ib ob ub An An-p-ler is one who catch-es fish-es with a hock. tmmm mm to tot ■ mmm ■■flfl^^l Black. Black. ba be bi bo bu Black Men and Wo-men are na- tives of warm ec-un-trie*. C c ca ce ci co cu ^."V^V-VW-X. -W -v^. w A Cap-tain is an of-fi-cer who com-mands a hun-dred sol-diers. Drunk-ard. Drunk-ard, da de di do du A Drunk-ard is a per-son who drhiks of-ten and to cx-ccs;-. eb ec ed ef eg An Elk is an an-i-mal that is to he found in north-era coun-tries. Fid-dler. Fid-dler. fa fe fi fo fu A Fid-dler is a per-son who plays on a fid-die or vi-o-lin. ga ge gi go gu A Goose is a large wa-ter-fowl like a duck. Hay-mak-er. Hay-mak-er. ■vx-w-vv-w 'X.'V -vx. •w ha he hi ho hu A Hay-mak-er is a per-son who gath-ers dry cut grass in-to heaps. ib ic id if iff An Inn is a house for loclg-ing and en-ter-tain-inar trav-el-ers. ja je ji jo ju A Jack-daw is a small noisy kind of crow. ka ke ki ko ku