° a ee er y - ~ Tape: fae = * «£ * 7 ¥ - a ee - RS - = oe > ‘ 5: als. RI TF seo? Sc aciee 4 —_ ie 8 Bap. 83-88. In the Fourteenth Year of GEORGE Hf. A.D. 1774. See C. 88, and 15 Geo. 3d, c. 40. Certain duties im- posed by his most Christian Majesty upon Rum, Brandy, &c. im- perted into Quebec. «to be disgontinued. herein contained, shall extend or be construed to extend, to prevent or hin- der His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, by his or their Letters Patent, ander the Great Seal of Great Britain, from erecting, constituting, and ap- pointing such Courts of Criminal, Civil, and Ecclesiastical Junsdiction, with- ‘n and forthe said Province of Quebec, and appointing, from time to time, the Judges and Officers thereof, as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, shall think necessary and proper for the circumstances of the said Pro- vince. XVIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to repeal or make void within the said Province of Quebec, any Act or Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain heretofore made, for prohibiting, restraining, or regulating the trade or commerce of His Majesty’s Colonies and Plantations in America; but that all and every the said Acts, and also, all Acts of Parliament hereto- fore made concerning or respecting the said Colonies and Plantations, shall be, and are hereby declared to be, in force within the said Province of Que- bec, and every part thereof. saantipoetind OR EOE OES er ret Se eee EE EE NE CHAP. LXXXVIILI. An Act to establish a Fund towards further defraying the Charges of the Administration of Jus- tice, and Support of the Civil Government within the Province of Quebec, in America, 7 HEREAS, certain Duties were imposed by the authority of His Most Christian Majesty,.upon Wine, Rum, Brandy, Eau de Vie de Liqueur, imported into the Province of Canada, now called the Province of Quebec, and also a duty of three pounds per centum ad valorem, upon all dry coods im- ported into, and exported from the said Province, w hich Duties subsisted at the time of the surrender of the said Province to your Majesty’s forces in the late war: And whereas, it is expedient that the said Duties should cease and be discontinued; and that in lieu and instead thereof, other Duties should be raised by the authority of Parliament, for making a more adequate provision for defraying the charge of the Administration of Justice, and the Support of the Civil Government in the said Province: We your Majesty’s most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain, in Parlia- ment assembled, do most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enact- ed, and be it enacted by the King’s most excellent Majesty, by. and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, 10 this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the fifth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and seventy five, all the Duties which were imposed upon Rum, Brandy, Eau de Vie de Liqueur, within the said Province, and also of three pounds per centum a valorem, on dried Goods imported into, or exported from the said Province, under the authority of His Most Christian Majesty, shall be and are hereby discontinued ; Chap. 88. Jn the Fourteenth Year of GEORGE HI. 8. D. 1775 discontinued ; and that in lieu and instead thereof, there shall. from and af. ter the said fifth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and seventy five, be raised, levied, collected, and paid, unto His Majesty, His Heirs and Sue- cessors, for and upon the respective Goods hereinafter mentioned, which shall be imported or brought into any part of the said Province, over and above all other Duties now payable in the said Province, by any Act or Acts of Parliament, the several Rates and Duties following : that is to say, For every gallon of Brandy, or other Spirits, of the manufacture of Great Britain, three pence. For every gallon of Rum, or other Spirits, which shall be imported or brought from any cf His Majesty’s Sugar Colonies in the West Indies, six pence. Por every galion of Rum, or other Spirits, which shall be imported or brought from any other of His Majeety’s Colonies or Dominions in America, nine pence. For every galfon of Foreign Brandy, or other Spirits of Foreign manufac- ture, imported or brought from Great Britain, one shilling. For every gallon of Rum or Spirits. of the produce or manufacture of any of the Colonies or Plantations in America, net inthe possession or under the cominion of His Majesty, imported from any other place except Great Bri- tain, one shilling. xe For every gallon of Molasses and Syrups, which shall be imported or brought into the said Province, in ships or vessels belonging to His Majes- ty’s subjects in Great Britain or treland, or to His Majesty’s subjects in the said Province, three pence. For every gallon of Molasses and Syrups, which shall be imported or bronght into the said Province, in any other ships or vessels, in which the same may be legally imported, sixpence; and after those rates for any greater or less quantity of such goods respectively. cr Hl. And itis hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Rates and Duties, charged by this Act, shall be deemed, and are hereby declared to be, Sterling Money of Great Britain, and shall be collected. re- covered and paid, to the amount of the value of which such nominal sums bear in Great Britain; and that such monies may be received and taken ac- cording to the proportion and value of five shillings and sixpence the ounce insilver; and that the said Duties, herein before granted, shall be raised, levied, collected, paid, and recovered, in the same manner and form, and by such rules, ways and means, and under such penalties and forfeitures, ex- eept in such cases where any alteration 1s made by this Act, as any other Duties payable to His Majesty, upon Goods imported into any British-Colo- ny or Plantation in America, are or shall be raised, levied, collected, paid, and recovered, by any Act or Acts of Parliament, as fully and effectually, to allintents and purposes, as if the several clauses, powers, directions, pe- nalties. and forfeitures, relating thercto, were particularly repeated and again enacted in the body of this present Act; and that all the monies that shall arise by the said Duties, (except the necessary charges of rais- ing, collecting, levying, recovering, answering, paying, and accounting fo - the L. and in stead the fo! lowing Duties to te paid fi Rates deemed Stey- ig money of Gicat Brits FP. Air fi cr: 73 Te PEM ge IRR EIAS Peg. ¥ at os ¢. =< FS. 19 Chup. 88. in the Fourteenil cll Year of GEO oR Py oj fTT. AA D. 1774, and how applied Soin om 0 De pal id the same.) shall be pa id by’ the Coliector of > te culations with res- pect to rouds breught mtothe Province char- ron : 0. seable, OE Penalties and for- féitures, ke. f His Majesty’s Customs, into the. eceiver General in the said Province for the time being, and shall be applied, 1 : the first place, in making a more certain and adequate prov ision, towards defray ig the expences of the Administration hands of His Majesty Ss H i* :} of Justice, and of the support of Uli a (iovernment in the said Province; and that the Lord High Treasurer, or Jommisstioners 6 f His Majesty’ s ‘Treasu- ry, or any three or more of them i for the time be ing, shall be, and is or are hereby empow ered, from time to time, by any warrant or warrants under his ly mone j to be ap} olied out of the said 1e@ Si 4d ing siy 4 and that be reserv od j inthe hands of or their hand or hands, to cause suc produce of ae said Duties. towards defray ying the residne of the pad 7 ties shal l}remain aid Lie ins ee oe . : oe § ’ ‘LEST iP a t) . the bail ict iN er Ge ral, for i ic ft pure Gispoesition of | 2 al ‘Hiame ot. Il. And it is hereby further enacted by tie author 10) aforesaul, That if any Goods ¢ hargeable with an y of the said uties herein before men tioned, Ss! hall be brought 1 te the said Province by lanu carriage, the same shall pass and be carried th rough the port of S: aint Johns near the River Sorrel; or if such Goods shall be brought into the sa id Provinee by any inland naviga- tion, other shit that upon the River Saint Lawrence, the same shalb pass and be carried upon the said River Sorrel, by the said port, and shall be there entered with, and the said respective Rates and Duties paid for the same, to such Officer or Officers of is Majesty’s Customs as shail be there appoited for that purpose; and if any such Goods com ning by land carriage oriniand 1 avigation, as aforesaid, shal! pass by or Beyond the said place. before name ed, without entry or payment of the said Rates and Duties, or shall be brought into any part of the said Province. by or thioctieh any other slace wh: itsoey. er. the said Goods shall be for! reited ; and every person who shall be assisting, or other wise concerned in the bringing or removing such Gadds 3, or to whose hands the same shall con sknowing ¢ that they were brought or rem oved contrary to this Act, shall forfeit treble the value of such Goods, to be estimated ‘and computed according to the best price that each respective commodity bears in the ‘Town of Quel yec, at the time such offence shall be committed; and all the horses, cattle, boats, vessels, and other carriages whatsoever, made use of in the remova il, carriage, or con- veyance of such Goods, shall also be forfeited ne lost, and shall and may be seized by any Officer of His Majesty’s Customs, a nd prosecuted, as here- y in after mentioned. LV. Anil it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said enalties and forfeitures by this Act inflicied, sh: Wl be sued for and prose- cuted in any Court of Admiralty, or Vice Admiral! y, having jurisdict 10f within the said Province, and the same shall and may be recovei red and di- Bs ‘1 the same manner and form, and by the same rules and regulations, 1» all respects, as other pen: alties and forfeitures for offences against the Lae s rel: iting to the Customs and Trade of His Majesty’s Colonies 10 Ame- rica, shallor may, by any Act or Acts of Parliament, be sued for, prose cuted, recovered, and divided. V. And be it further enacted by the authority «foresar , Chat there shall, from Chap. 88. In the Fourteenth Year of GEORGE WT. 4. D. 1774 1} from and after the fifth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and se- yventy-five, be raised, levied, collected, and paid unto His Majesty’s Re- ceiver General of the said Province, for the use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Suecessors, a Duty of one pound sixteen shillings, Sterling Money of Great Britain, for every licence that shall be granted by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Commander in Chief of the said Province, to any person or persons for keeping a house or any other place of public enter- tainment, or for the retailing wine, brandy, rum, or any other spirituous li- quors, within the said Province; and any person keeping any such house or place of entertainment, or retailing any such liquors without such li- cence, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten pounds for every such offence, upon conviction thereof; one moiety to such person as shall inform or pro- secute for the same, and the other moiety shall be paid into the hands of the Receiver General of the Province, for the use of His Majesty. VI. Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall extend or be eonstrued to extend, to discontinue, determine, or make void, any part of the territorial or casual revenues, fines, rents, or profits whatsoever, which were reserved to and belonged to His Most Christian Majesty, before and at the time of the conquest and surrender thereof to His Majesty the King of Great Britain; but that the same, and every of them, shall remain and be continued to be levied, collected, and paid, in the same manner as if this Act had never been made, any thing therein contained to the contrary not- withstanding, Vil. And he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any action or suit shall be commenced against any person or persons for any thing done in pursuance of this Act, and if it shall appear to the Court or Judge where or before whom the same shall be tried, that such action or suit is brought for any thing that was done in pursuance of and by the authority of this Act, the defendant or defendants shall be indemnified and acquitted for the same; and if such defendant or defendants shall be so acquitted, or if the plaintiff shall discontinue such action or suit, such Court or Judge ‘shall award to the defendant or defendants treble costs. ¢ H A P. Any person keeping athouse of public en- fertainment, to pay Jo! i6s for aliceace. Penaliy of £10 for every offence. Not to make void French revenues, &¢. Treble costs Explained & amend- ed, 15 Geo. 3. c @. IN THE FIFTEENTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF GEORGE THE THIRD, At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the twenty-ninth day of November in the year of our Lord 1774, in the fifteenth year of the Keign of our Sovereign Lord GEOR'1E the THIRD, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, $e. being the first Session of the Fourtcenth Parliament of Great Britain. AA han. An Act for amending and explaining an Act, passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, ‘* An Act to establish a fund towards further defraying the Charges of Adminis- tration of Justice, and support of the Civil Government within the Province of Quebec, in America,” eee AY 7HEREAS by an Act passed iu the fourteenth year of His Majesty’s i 1€C».3d, ¢ $8, Reign, intituled “ An Act to establish a fund towards further defray- ing the charges of the Administration of Justice, and support of the Civil Go- vernment within the Province of Quebec, in America,” it is, amongst other things enacted, That if any goods, chargeable with any of the Duties in the said Act mentioned, shall be brought into the said Province by. land car- riage, the same shall pass and be carried through the port of Saint John’s near the River Sorrel; or if such goods shall be brought into the said Pro- vince by any inland navigation, other than that upon the River Saint Law- rence, the same shall pass and be carried upon the said River Sorrel by the said port, and shall be there entered with, and the said respective Rates and Duties paid for the same, to such officer or officers of His Majesty’s Cus- toms, as shall be there appointed for that purpose; and if any such goods coming by land carriage or inland navigation, as aforesaid, shall pass by or beyond the said place before named, without entry or payment of the said Rates and Duties, or shall be brought into any part of the said Piovince, by or through any other place whatsoever, the said goods shall be forfeited; a every person who shall be assisting, or otherwise concerned, in the bringing or removing such goods, or to whose hands the same shall come, knowing that they were brought or removed contrary to this Act, shall forfeit treble the value ofsuch goods, to be estimated and computed according to the best price that each respective commodity bears in the Town of Quebec at i: the Char. 40. In the Fourteenth Year of GEORGE Il. A. D.AT74. 13 time such offence shall be committed; and all the horses, cattle, boats, ves- sels, and other carriages whatsoever, made use of in the removal, carriage or conveyance of such goods, shall be forfeited and lost, and shail and may be seized by any cflicer of His Majesty’s Customs, and prosecuted as therein al- ter mentioned: And whereas there is reason to apprehend that the regulations and restrictions contained in the said herein before recited clause, ‘so far as they relate to the bringing cf Rum, Brandy, or other Spirits, into the Pro- yince of Quebee, by land’ carriage, may, without further explanation, ope- rate to the prejudice and disadvantage of the commerce carried on with tlic Indians in the upper or interior parts of the said Province; We your Majes- ty’s most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain, in Par- liament assembled, do most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King’s most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Tenporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful to and for all His Majesty’s subjects, freely to bring, carry, or convey, by land carriage or inland navigation, into any parts of the Province of Quebec, not heretofore comprehended within the limits thereof by His Majesty’s Proclamation of the seventh of October, one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, any quantity of Rum, Brandy, or other Spirits ; any thing contained in the before recited Act of Parliament to the contrary thereot in any wise notwithstanding, CH A P. His iTajesty's Suv jects may bring any quantify of Ram, Bran- dy, Wt". IN THE THIRTY-FIRST YEAR OF THE REIGN OF GEORGE THE THIRD. Mt the Porliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Tventy-fifth day of November, in the year of our Lord 1790, tn the thirty-firsi year of the Reign of our Soverrign Lord GEORGE the THIRD, by the Grace ef God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, $c. being the first Session of the Seventeenth Parliament of Great Batain. - ait oe =m CHAP. XXXII. An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act, passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intitu'ed, ‘*An Act for making more effectual provision for the Goverment of the Province of Quebec, in North America,” and to make further provision for the Government of the said Province. | Vv HEREAS, an Act was passed in the fourteenth year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intifuled, “An Act for making more effectual i4th Géo. 3, cap.83, Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, inNorth America ;” eee And whereas, the said Act is in many respects inapplicable to the present condition and circumstances cf the said Province; And whereas, it is expe- dient and necessary that further provision shonld now be nade for the good Government and prosperity thereof: May it therefore please your Most Ex- cellent Majesty that it may be enacted, and Be it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and conent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament as- So much of recited Sembled, and by the authority of the same, That so much pf the said Act as Taubes ca Gouna in any manner relates to the appointment of a Council forthe affairs of the for Quebec, or its pow- Said Province of Quebec, or to the power given by the said Act to the said si camsbibe Council, or to the major part of them, to make Ordinanres for the peace, welfare, and good Government of the said Province, with the consent of His Majesty’s Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Commande: in Chief for the time being, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed. Preamble. If. And whereas, His Majesty has been pleased to signify, by his Message to both Houses of Parliameit, His Royal Intention to divice bis Province of Quebec i at Chap. 31. In the Fourteenth Year of GEGRGE Ul. A. D. 1774. 15 Quebec info two separate Provinces, to be called the Province of Upper Canada, and the P-ovince of Lower Canada: Be it enacted by the authority aforesaud, ‘That there shall be within each of the said Provinces respective- ly, a Legislative Council, and an Assembly, : be severally composed and constituted in the manner herein after described; and that in each of the said Provinces resjectively, His Majesty, His Heirs or Success sors, Shall have ower, during ine ‘ontinuance of this Act, by and with the advice and con- gent of the Legislative Counciband assembly of such Provinces res pec wien 6 to make Laws for the peace, welfare, and good Government thereof, suc! Laws not being repugnant to this Act; and that all such Laws, being paiss- ed by the Legislative (ouncnl and Assembly of ether of the said Provinces respectively, and assented to by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or assented to in His Majesty’s name, by such person as His Majesty, His Heirs er Successors, shal from time to time appoint to be the Governor or Lieu- tenant Governor o such Province, or by such person as [is Majesty, His Heirs or Successor, shall, from time to time, pee lo administer the Go- yvernment with in the same, shall ot and th e same are hereby declared to be, by virtue of and under the autho rity of this Act, vehi and binding, to all intents and purposes whatever, within the Province in which the same shall have been so passed. Hil, And be it frriher enacted by the authority aforesard, That for the pur- pose of constituting such Legislative Council, as aforesaid, in each of the said Provinces respectively, it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, oe lieirs or Successors, by an instrument under his or their Sign Manual, authorise and dired the Governor or Lieulenant Gove rnor, or Persoa a. ministering the Government, in each of the said Provinces $ respectively, within the time heiein after mentioned, id this Majesty’s name, and by an isirument under the Great Seal of hae i; Province, to summon to the said Legislative Council, to be established in each of the on Provinces respec- tively, a sufficient 1umber of discreet and proper persons, being not fewer than seven to the Legislative Council, for the Province of U pper Canada, and not fewer thanfifteen to the Legislative Council for the Provinee of Lower Canada; and that it shall also be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, from time to time, by an instrument ander his or their Sign Ma wual, fo authorse and direct the Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or Person Eats tering the Government in each © f the said Provinces respec- lively, to summon io the Legislative Couneil of such Province, in like man- set such other person or persons as His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, shall think fit ; and th: at every person who shail be so sumutoned to the i.e- fislative Guiiitc iio! either of thes said Provinces respectively, shall thereby become a Memberef such Legislative Council, to which he shall have beer 50 summoned. a IV. Provided aluays, and be wt enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no Person shalt be summoned to the Legislative Council, in either ef the said rovinces, who shal not be of the full age Rape 9 one vears, and a natural : S.A See Sy Ee : born subje ct of His Maiesty, or a sui biect of is Majesty naturalized by Act L i. Ate J ~ a * @ : ; x , i. > . 3 ree Of the British Parliament, ora subje ct of Hlis Ifa yes ly, Having Decaine sinh by th © CO} ij juest catia cession of the - roy ince “of ¢ Canadas ae Within each of the intended Provinces, a LezgisiativeCoune | and Assembly to be consti tuted, by whose advice His Majesty may make Liws for the Gover: ment of the Pravince: His Majesty may authorize the Govers or, or Lieutenant Go- vernor of each Pra- vince,to umMmon me m- bers to the Leg lative Council, No person’ under 39 years of age, &¢. to be Suinmoner i, “fg 16 Chap. 81. In the Fourteenth Year of GEORGE WI. 4. D.1774. embers to hold their seats for life. His Majesty may an- nex to hereditary titles ef honor, the right of being summoned to the } egislatis e Council, V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, ‘That every Mem- ber of-each of the said Legislative Councils shall hold his seat therein for the term of his lh: oo ine subject nevertheless to the provisions herein afier contained for vacating the same, in the eases herein after specified. VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, shall think proper to confer upon any subject ‘of. the Crown of Great Britain, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of either of the said Provinces, any hereditary title of honor, rank, or dignity of such Province, eseenasbie according to any course of descent limited in such Letters Patent, it shall and may “be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, to annex shereti by the said Letters Patent, if His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, shall so think fit, an he- reditary right of being summoned to the Legislative Council of such Pro- vince, descendible ac cording to the course of descent so limited with respect to such title, rank, or dignity; and that every person on whom such right shall be so conferred, or to whom such right shall severally so descend, shall thereupon be entitled to demand from the Gov ernor, Lieutenant Go- vernor, or Person administering the Government of such Province, his writ of summons to such Le egislative Council, at any time after he shall have at- tained the age of twenty-one years, subject nevertheless to the provisions herein after contained, VIl. Provided al: nays, and be it furt her enacted by the authority aforesaid, ‘That when and so often as any person to whom such hereditary rigat s shall have descended, ¢ hall, without the permission of His Majesty, Tis Heirs or Successors, signified tg the Legislative Council of the Province by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government there, bh ave been absent from the said Province for the space of four years continually, at any time between the date of his succeeding to such right, and the time of his applying for such writ of su mmons, if he shall have h een ee age of twenty-one years, or upwards‘at the time of lis so suc- ata ceeding, ny time bel tween the date of his attainmeg the e's ‘is d age and the time of i so applying, if he shall not have béen of the said ege at the time of his so succeeding; and also, when and so often as an re such person shall, at any time before his applying for such writ of summons, have taken any oath of x allegiance or wedieice to any Foreign Prince cr Power, 19. every such case such person shall not be entitled to receive any writ of summons to the Legislative Council by virtue of such hereditary right, une less His Majesty, Hiis Heirs’or Successors. shall, at any time think fit, by instrument under his or their Sign Manual, to direct that such person chall be summoned to the said Council; and the Governor, Lieutenant Govern- or, or Person administering the Government in the said Provinces soars 1968 tively, is hereby authorized and required, previous to eranting such writ of summons to any person 60 § applying for the: same, Pe interrogate such person upon oath, touching the said several particulars. before euch Exe- cutive Council as shall have been appointed by His Majesty, His Heirs or ouecessors, within such Province. ford the affairs thereof. vIn Ws Chap. 31.. In the Thirty-first Year of GEORGE II. A.D. 1791. ay VIIl. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That _ Seats ia Council va- if any Member of the Legislative Councils of either of the said Provinces °°! "°°" @*** respectively, shall leave such Province, and shall reside out of the same for the space of four years continually, without the permission of His Ma- jesty, His Heirs or Successors, signified to such Legislative Council by the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering His Majesty’s Government there, or for the space of two years continually, without the like permission, or the permission of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor. or Person administering the Government of such Province, signified to such Legislative Council in the manner aforesaid; or if any such Member shall take any oath of allegiance or obedience to any Foreign Prince or Power, his seat in such Council shall thereby become vacant. IX. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That Tete miinty rights ol in every case where a writ of summons to such Legislative Council, shall Sek ic dee have been lawfully withheld from any person to whom such hereditary pended during the lives right as aforesaid, shall have descended, by reason of such absence from their deriinee eat the the Province as aforesaid, or of his having taken an oath of allegiance or Seton ag entitled _ obedience to any Foreign Prince or Power, and also in every case where aes en the seat in such Council of any Member thereof, having such hereditary right as aforesaid, shall have been vacated by reason of any of the causes herein before specified, such hereditary right shall remain suspended dur- ‘ing the life of such person, unless His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, shall afterwards think fit to direct that he be summoned to such Council; ' but that on the death of such person, such right, subject to the provisions herein contained, sha!! descend tothe person who shall next be entitled thereto, according to the course of descent limited in the Letters Patent by which the same sha!l have been originally conferred. X. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That. Seats in Couneil for- j if any Member of either of the said Legislative Councils shall be attainted sights extinguished, for for Treason in any Court of Law within any of His Majesty’s Dominions, ‘e+. his seat insuch Council shall thereby become vacant, and any such heredi- tary right as aforesaid then vested in such person, orto be derived to any _ other person through him, shall be utterly forfeited and extinguished. XI. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That gp nestions respecting whenever any question shall arise respecting the right of any person to wes pe hgh ag summoned to either of the said Legislative Councils respectively, or respect- owes Riot d as ing the vacancy of the seat in such Legislative Council, of any person having been summoned thereto, every such question shall, by the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor of the Province, or bythe Person administering theGo- vernment there, be referred to such Legislative Council, to be by the said Council heard and determined; and that it shall and may be lawful, either for the person desiring such writ of summons, or respecting whose seat such question shall have arisen, or for Eis Majesty s Attorney General of such _ Province in His Majesty’s name, to appeal from the determination of the + gaid Council, in such case, to His Majesty in His Parliament of Great Bri- tain; and that the judgment thereon of His Majesty, in His said Parlia- ment, shall be final and conclusive to all intents and purposes whatever. a & XI. iv ; ~ Fat% » = pee SH . = ee 3 4 PG = — ~ =. ee - = - ” ‘ ere s Pees Reems | eet ere Seen See = EE A OS wrt eg ~ ~ Ty. Pees 18 Cc The Goverwor of the Province may appoint and remove the Speak- er, His Majesty may au- thorize the Governor to call together the As- sembly, and, for the purpose uf electing the Members, to issue a Proclawation dividing the Province into Districts, &c. Power of the Gos vernor to appoint Re- turning Officers to con* tinue two years ‘vom the commencement of this Act, hap. 31. In the Thirty-first Year of GEORGE I. A. D. 1791. XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Go- vernor or Lieutenant Governor of the said Provinces respectively, or the Person admmistering His Majesty’s Government therein respectively, shall have power and authority from time to time, by an instrument under the Great Seal of such Province, to constitute, appoint, and remove the Spea- kers of the Legislative Councils of such Provinces respectively. XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, 'Vhat for the purpose of constituting such Assembly as aforesaid, in each of the said Provinces respectively, it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, by an instrument under his or their Sign Manual, to authorise and direct the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or Person admi- nistering the Government in each of the said Provinces respectively, within the time hereinafter mentioned, and thereafter from time to time, as occasion shall require, in His Majesty's name, and by an instrument under the Great Seal of such Province, to summon and call together an Assembly in and for such Province. XIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That for the pur- pose of electing the Members of such Assemblies respectively, it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, by an instrument under his or their Sign Manual, to authorise the Governor or Lieutenant Governor of each of the said Provinces respectively, or the person admi- nistering the Government therein, within the time hereinafter mentioned, to issue a Proclamation dividing such Province into Districts, or Counties, or Circles, and Towns or Townships, and appointing the limits thereof, and de- claring and appointing the number of Representatives to be chosen by each of such Districts, or Counties, or Circles, and Towns or Townships respee- tively; and that it shall also be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Sueces- sors. to authorize such Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or Person admi- nistering the Government, from time to time, to nominate and appoint proper persons to execute the office of Returning Officer in each of the said Dis- tricts, or Counties, or Circles, and Towns or Townships, respectively ; and that such division of the said Provinces into Districts, or Coun- ties, or Circles, and Towns or Townships, and such declaration and appointment of the number of Representatives to be chosen by each of the said Districts, or Counties, or Circles, and Towns or Town- ships, respectively, and also such nomination and appointment of Re- turning Officers in the same, shall be valid and effectual to all the purposes of this Act, unless it shall at any time be otherwise provided by any Act of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province, assented to by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors. XY. Provided nevertheless, and be tt further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the provision herein before contained, for impowering the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government of the said Provinces respectively, under such authority as aforesaid from His Majesty His Heirs or Successors, from time to time, to nominate and appoint proper persons to execute the office of Returning Officer in the said Districts, Counties, Circles, and Towns or ‘Townships, shall remain and cone in orce % , j sf pe " Chap. 81. In the Thirty-first Year of GEORGE Il. A. D. 1791. 19 force in each of the said Provinces respectively, for the term of two years, from and after the commencement of this Act, within such Provinee, and no longer; but subject nevertheless to be sooner repealed or varied by any Act of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province, assented to by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors. XVI. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesard, That no person shall be obliged to execute the said oflice of Returning Offi- cer for any longer time than one year, or oftener than once, unless it shall at any time be otherwise provided by any Act of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province, assented to by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors. XVII. Provided also, and be it enacted by the authority aforesad, That the whole number of Members to be chosen in the Province of Upper Canada, shall not be less than sixteen, and the whole number of Members to be chosen in the Province of Lower Canada, shal! not be less than filty. XVIII. And he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That writs for the Election of Members to serve in the said Assemblies respectively, shall be issued by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering His Majesty’s Government within the said Provinces, respectively, within fourteen days after the sealing of such instrument as aforesaid, for summon- ing and calling together such Assembly, and that such writs shall be direc-- ed to the respective Returning Officers of the said Districts, or Counties, or Circles, and Towns or Townships, and that such writs shall be made re- turnable within fifty days at farthest from the day on which they shall bear date, unless it shall at any time be otherwise provided by any Act ofthe Le- gislative Council and Assembly of the Province, assented to by His Majes- ty, His Heirs or Successors; and that writs shall in hke manner and form be issued for the election of Members, 1n the case of any vacancy which shall happen by the death of the person chosen, or by his being summoned to the Legislative Council of either Province, and that such writs shall be made returnable within fifty days at farthest from the day on which they shall bear date. unless it shall at any me be otherwise provided by any Act of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province, assented to by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors ; and that in the ease of any such vacan- cy which shall happen by the death of the person chosen, or by reason of his being so summoned as aforesaid, the writ for the election of a new Mem- her shall be issued within six days after the same shall be made known to the proper office for issuing such writs of election. XIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all and every the Returning Officers so appointed as aforesaid. to whom any such writs as aforesaid. shall be directed, shall, and they are hereby authorized and re- quired duly to execute such writs. XX. And be it hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Members for the several Districts. or Counties, or Circles, of the said Pro- vinces respectively, shall be chosen by the majority of Votes of such per- SONS No person obliged to serve as Returning Off- cer more than once unless otherwise pro- vided by an Act of the Province. Number of Members in each Province. Regulations for issu- ing Writs for the Elee- tion of Members to serve in the Assem- blies. Returning Officers to execute writs. By whom the Mem- bers are to be cliosen. MAA edi wet ere: os tae ghd - ps > SS Sarr eS en] bo oO Certain persons not eligible to the Assem- blies, No person under 21 years of age, &. capa- dle of voting or being elected ; nor any person attaint- ‘ed for treason or felony Voters if required, to ‘take the following Oath, Chap. 31. In the Thurty-first Year of GEORGE III. A. D. 1791. sons as shall severally be possessed, for their own use and benefit, of lands or tenements within such District, or County, or Circle, as the case shall be, such lands being by them held in freehold, or in fief, or in roture, or by cer- tificate derived under the authority of the Governor and Council of the Pro- vince of Quebec, and being of the yearly value of forty shillings Sterling, or upwards, over and above all rents and charges payable out of or in respect of the same; and that the Members for the several Towns or ‘Lownships within the said Provinces respectively, shall be chosen by the majority of Votes of such persons as either shall be severally possessed, for their own use and benefit, of a dwelling-house and lot of ground in such Town or Lownship, such dwelling-house and lot of ground being by them held in like manner as aforesaid, and being of the yearly value of five pounds Sterling, or upwards, or, as having been resident within the said Town or Lownship for the space of twelve calendar months next before the date of the writ of summons for the Election, shall bona fide have paid one year’s rent for the dwelling house in which they shall have so resided, at the rate of ten pounds Sterling per annum, or upwards. XXL. Provided always, and be ub furtier enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person shall be capable of being elected a Member to serve in ei- ther of the said Assemblies, or of sitting or voting therein, who shall be a Member of either of the said Legislative Councils, to be established as afore- said in the said two Provinces, or who shall be a Minister of the Church of England, or a Minister, Priest, Ecclesiastic, or Teacher, either according to the rites of the Church of Rome, or under any other form or profession of religious faith or worship. XXII. Provided also, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person shall be capable of voting at any Election of a Member to serve in such Assemcly, in either of the said Provinces, or of being elected at any such Election, who shall not be of the full age of twenty-one years, and a natural born subject of His Majesty, or a subject of His Majesty na- turalized by Act of the British Parliament, or a subject of His Majesty, ha- ving become sach by the conquest and cession of the Province of Canada. XXIfL. And be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person shall be capable of voting at any Election of a Member to serve in such As- sembly, in either of the said Provinces, or of being elected at any such Election, who shall have been attainted for Treason or Felony, in any Court of Law within any of His Majesty’s Dominions, or who shal] be within any description of persons disqualified by any Act of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province, assented to by His Majesty, His Heirs or wlUCCEeSSOPS, XXIV. Provided also,-and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That every Voter, before he is admitted to give his vote at any such Elec- tion, shall, if required by any of the Candidates, or by the Returning Officer, take the following oath, which shall be administered jn the English or French language, as the case may require : I, 4. B. do declare and testify, in the presence of Almichty God, that I am, Chap. 31. In the Thirty-first Year of GEORGE Ill. A. D.17 am, tothe best of my knowledge and belief, of the full age of twent years, and that I have not voted before at this lection. And that every such person shall also, if so required as aforesaid, make oath, previous to his being admitted to vote, that he is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, duly possessed of such lands and tenements, or of such a dwelling house and lot of ground, or that he las bona fide been so resident and paid such rent for his dwelling house, as entitles him, accord- ing to the provisions of this Act, to give his vote at such Eleetion, for the County, or District, or Circle, or for the Town or Tewnship for which he shall offer the same. y-one XXV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, to authorize the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Govern- ment, within each of the said Provinces respectively, to fix the time and place of holding such Elections, giving not less than eight days notice of such time, subject nevertheless to such provisions as may hereafter be made in these respects, by any Act of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province, assented to by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors. XXVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, to authorize the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor of each of the said Provinces res- pectively, or the Person administering the Government therein, to fix the places and times of holding the first and every other Session of the Legisla- tive Council and Assembly of such Province, giving due and sufficient no- tice thereof, and to proregue the same from time to time. and to dissolve the same, by Proclamation or otherwise, whenever he shall ; udge it neces- sary or expedient. XXVIl. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Legislative Council and Assembly, in each of the said Provinces, shall be called together once at the least in every twelve calendar months, and that every Assembly shall continue for four years from the day of the return of the writs for chusing the same, and no longer, subject nevertheless to be sooner prorogued or dissolved by the Governor or Lieutenant Gover- hor of the Province, or Person administering His Majesty’s Government therein. XXVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all ques- tions which shall arise in the said Legislative Councils or Assemblies respec- tively, shall be decided by the majority of voices of such Members as shall € present; and that in all cases where the voices shall be equal, the Spea- ker of such Council or Assembly, as the case shall be, shall have a casting - Voice. XXIX. Provided always, and be tt enacted by the authority aforesad, ‘That no Menmber, either of the Legislative Council or Assembly, neither of the Said Provinces, shall be permitted to sit or vote therein, until he shall have takén 91. La ho — ee ho nee Se a St and to make vath to the partieulars hercin spe cified. | s a epee = ne oh ee ee ee = Qh en xs - tap vorea® < lis Majesty may aa. thorize the Goveruor to fix the time and place > for holding Elections, c-< J ae ee and of holding the Ses- sions of the Council and fy Assembly, &e. - i Counc'l and Assem- bly to be called toge- ther once in 12 months, wc, and a!] questions there- in to be decided by the wajority of votes, No Member to sit or vote till he has taken the folluw ing ES Pp ete nip thee hgyingip eens Sobel oe pup a @ath. Governor may give er withhold His Ma- jesty’s assent to bills passed by the Legisla- tive Council and As- sembly ,or reservethem for His Majesty's plea- sure. Governorto transmit to the Secretary of State, copies of such bills as have been as- sented to, which His Majesty inCouncil may declare his disallow- ance of, within two years from the receipt. Chap. 31. Inthe Thisty-frst Year of GEORGE Ii AD. AA. taken and subscribed the following oath, either before the Governor or Lieu- tenant Governor of such Province, or Person administering the Government therein, or before sume person or persons authorized by the said Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or other Person as aioresaid, to administer such oath, and that the same shall be administered in the English or French language, as the case shall require. I, A. B. do sincerely promise and swear, that 1 will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to His Majesty King George, as lawful Sovereign of the Kingdom of Great Britain, and of these Provinces dependent on and be- longing to the said Kingdom ; and that I will defend him to the utmost of my power against all traitorous conspiracies and attempts whatever which shall be made against his Person, Crown, and Dignity; and that | will do my utmost endeavour to disclose and make known to His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, all treasons and traitorous conspiracies and attempts which I shall know to be against him, or any of them; and all this 1 do swear without any equivocation, mental evasion, or secret reservation, and re- nouncing all pardons and dispensations from any person or power whatever to the contrary—So help me God. XXX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever any Bill which has been passed by the Legislative Council, and by the House of Assembly, in either of the said Provinces respectively, shall be presented, for His Majesty's assent, to the Governor or Lieutenant Governor of such Province, or to the Person administering His Majesty’s Government therein, such Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government, shall, and he is hereby authorized and required to declare, according to his discretion, but subject nevertheless to the provisions con- tained in this Act, and to such instructions as may from time to time be eiven in that behalf by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, that he assents to such Bill in His Majesty’s name, or that he withholds His Ma- jesty’s assent from such Bill, or that he reserves such Bill for the significa- tion of His Majesty’s pleasure thereon. XKXE. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever any Bill, which shall have been so presented for His Ma- jesty’s assent to such Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person adwinis- tering the Government, shall, by such Governor, Lieutenant Governor, oF Person administering the Government, have been assented to in His Ma- jesty’s name, such Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person as aforesaid, shail, and he is hereby required, by the first convemient opportunity to transmit to one of His Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State, an authentic copy of such Bill so assented to; and that it shall and may be lawful, at any time within two years after such Bill shall have been so received by such Secretary of State, for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, by lus or their Order in Couneil, to declare his or their disallowance of such Bill, and that such disallow ance, together with a certificate, under the hand an seal of such Secretary of State, testifying the day on which such Bill was received, as aforesaid, being signified by such Governor, Lieutenant Go- yernor, or Person administering the Government, to the Legislative Council an < —_ i Chap. 31. In the Thirty-jirst Year of GEGRGE Hl, A. D. 1791. 25 and Assembly of such Province, or by Proclamation, shall make void and annul the same, from and after the date of such signification. XXXII. And be it further enacted by the authority afuresaid, That no such pitts reserved for His Bill, which shall be so reserved for the signification of His Majesty’s plea- Majesty's pleaeesh 08 sure thereon, shall have any force or authority within either of the said His Me jesty’s eee es Provinces respectively, until the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or communicated to the Person administering the Government, shall signify, either by Speech or er en Message, to the Legislative Council and Assembly of such Province, or by Proclamation. that such Bill has been laid before His Majesty in Council, and that His Majesty has been pleased to assent to the same; and that an entry shall be made, in the Journals of the said Legislative Council, of every such Speech. Message, or Proclamation; and a duplicate thereof, duly at- tested, shall be delivered to the proper Officer, to be kept amongst the public records of the Province; And that no such Bill, which shall be so reserved, as aforesaid, shall have any force or authority w ithin either of the said Provinces respectively, unless His Majesty’s assent thereto shalt have been so signified, as aforesaid, within the space of two years from the day on which such Bill shall have been presented for His Majesty’s assent to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Go- vernment of such Province. XXXII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all EawWs, — cawsinforce at the Statutes, and Ordinances, which shall be in force on the day to be fixed in commencement of this - the manner herein after directed for the commencement of this Act, within cat fepaanaaaie’ the said Provinces, or either of them, or in any part thereof respectively, >y ts & shall remain and continue to be of the same force, authority and effect, in each of the said Provinces respectively, as if this Act had not been made, and as if the said Province of Quebec bad not been divided ; except in so far as the same are expressly repealed or varied by this Act, or in so far as the same shall or may hereafter, by virtue of and under the authority of this Act, be repealed or varied by His Majesty, His Heirs, or Successors, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Councils and Assem- blies of the said Provinces respectively, or in so far as the same may be repealed or varied by such temporary Laws or Ordinances as.may be made in the manner herein after specified. XXXIV. And whereas by an Ordinance passed in the Province of Que- _ Estatiishment of 2 bee, the Governor and Council of the said Province were constituted a tion inacb Province Court of Civil Jurisdiction, for hearing and determining appeals in certain cases therein specified, Be i further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Phat ihe Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Go- vernment of each of the said Provinces respectively, together with such Ex- ecutive Council as shalk be appointed by His Majesty for the affairs of such Province, shall be a Court of Civil Jurisdiction within each of the said Pro- _ -vinces respectively, for hearing and determining appeals within the same, , “Gn the like cases, and in the like manner and form, and subject to such ap- os therefrom, as such appeals might, before the passing of this Act, have een heard and determined by the Governor and Council of the —, 0 \{ . Sas ew ws PDS g Oe re, aaa! a too on ve aie oe a aed 4 Sie 24s er ee ee comisterSe>) * vr ss 24 Chap. 31. In the Thirty-first Year of GEORGE Ill. A. D. 1791. of Quebec; but subject, nevertheless, to such further or other provisions as _ may be made in this behalf, by any Act of the Legislative Council and As. . sembly of either of the said Provinces respectively, assented to by His Ma- jesty, His Heirs or Successors. i4Gco 3¢,089,and XXXV. And whereas, by the abovementioned Act, passed in the four- teenth year of the Reign of His present Majesty, it was declared, That the Clergy of the Church of Rome, in the Province of Quebec, might hold, , receive, and enjoy their accustomed dues and rights, with respect to such | persons only as should profess the said Religion; Provided nevertheless, That it should be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, to make such provision out of the rest of the said accustomed dues and rights, for the encouragement of the Protestant Religion, and for the maintenance and support of a Protestant Clergy within the said Province, as he or they should from time to time think necessary and expedient: And whereas, by His Majesty’s Royal Instruction, given under His Majesty’s Royal Sign Manual, on the third day of J anuary, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, to Guy Carleton, Esquire, now Lord Dorchester, at that time His Majesty’s Captain General, and Governor in Chiefin and over His Majesty’s Province of Quebec, His Majesty was pleased, amongst * 2 ge thegal se, other things, to direct, “That no incumbent professing the Religion of the Geaaire, bic. and Curch of Rome, appointed to any Parish in the said Provinee, should be entitled to receive any tythes for lands or possessions occupied by a Protestant, but that such tythes should be received by such persons as the said Guy Carleton, Esquire, His Majesty’s Captain General and Governor _ in Chief in and over His Majesty’s said Province of Quebec, should appoint, — and should be reserved in the hands of His Majesty’s Receiver General of the said Province, for the support of a Protestant Clergy in His Majesty's said Province, to be actually resident within the same, and not otherwise, according to such directions as the said Guy Carleton, Esquire, His Ma- jesty’s Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His Majesty’s said Province, should receive from His Majesty in that behalf; and that in like manner, all growing rents and profits of a vacant benefice should, dur- ing such vacancy, be reserved for and applied to the likeuses;” And whereas, His Majesty’s pleasure has likewise been signified to the same effect in His et ee ee Majesty’s Royal instructions given in like manner to Sir 'rederick Haldi- to Lord Dorchester, ree Mand, Knight of the most honorable Order of the Bath. late His Majesty’s cited, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His Majesty’s said Pro- | vince of Quebec; and also in His Majesty’s Royal instructions, given In like manner to the said Right Honorable Guy Lord Dorchester, now His Seeger Majesty’s Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over His Ma- provisions therein re- JeSty’s said Province of Quebee: Be tt enacted by the authority aforesaid, f Beta i. Mi That the said declaration and provision contained in the said above men- : comtinue in force. tioned Act, and also the said provision so made by HisM ajesty in consequence Be thereof, by his mstructions above recited, shall remain and continue to be | of full force and effect in each of the said two Provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada respectively, except in so far as the said declaration oF provisions respectively, or any part thereof, shall be expressly varied or — repealed by any Act or Acts which may be passed by the Legislative bts an —_ 2 Se ——— = — —— . — err — _ rd 7s J _— 2 — = = a s 7 ey ee ae S : - —_ ee + > = . _ a) ra. ~oe F - sade = Pa ree ae Se ne ~~ Pi asus —, — 7 —- ~ ee ou Ae ent ae . i a z yes y = x a oe Pang SS oe jes eee - 3 gy J a ie pres 5a. 3 . ° ise eee ee ee ee Chap. $1. In the Thirty-first Yeer of GEORGE HI. A.D. 179%. 23 and Assembly of the said Provinces respectively, and assented to by His Ma- jesty, His Heirs or Successors, under the restriction herdin after provided. XXXVI. And whereas, His Majesty has been graciously pleased, by Mes- sage to both Houses of Parliament, to express His Royal desire to be en- abled to make a permanent appropriation of land in the said Provinces, for the support and maintenance of a Protestant Clergy within the same, in woportion to such lands as have been already granted within the same by dis Majesty: And whereas, His Majesty has been graciously pleased, by his said Message, further to signify His Royal desire that such provision may be made, with respect to all future grants of land within the said Provinces respectively, as may best conduce to the due and sufficient support and maintenance of a Protestant Clergy within the said Provinces, in proportion to such increase as may happen in the population and cultivation thereof: Therefore, for the purpose of more effectually fulfilling His Majesty’s graci- ous intentions, as aforesaid, and of providing for the due execution of the ‘Same in all time to come, Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His tieirs or Successors, to autho- rize the Governor or Lieutenant Governor of each of the said Provinces respectively, or the person administering the Government therein, to make, from and out of the lands of the Crown within such Provinces, such allat- ment and appropriation of lands, for the support and maintenarice of a Pro- testant Clergy within the same, as inay bear a due proportion to the amount of such lands within the same as have at any time been granted by or under the authority of His Majesty: And that whenever any grant of lands within eliher of the said Provinces shall hereafter be made, by or under the autho- rily of His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, there shall at the same time be made, in respect of the same, a proportionable allotment and appropria- tion of lands for the above mentioned puipose, within the Township or Pa- rish to which such lands so to be granted shall appertain or be annexed, or as nearly adjacent thereto as circumstances will admit ; and that no such grant shall be valid o7 effectual unless the same shall contain a specification of the lands so allotted and appropriated, in respect of the lands to be there- by granted ; and that such lands, so allotied and appropriated, shall be, as hearly as the ci:cumstances and nature of the case will admit, of the like quality as the lands in respect of which the same are so allotted and appro- priated, and shall be, as nearly as the same can be estimated at the time of making such grant, equal in value to the seventh part of the lands so granted. _XXXVII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all and every the rents, profits, or emoluments, which may at any time arise from such lands, so allotted and appropriated, as aforesaid, shall be applicable solely to the maintenance and support of a Protestant Clergy, within the Lrovinee in which the same shall be: situated, and to no other use or pur- pose whatever. ~ XXXVIIL. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, to eho * Dp the His Majesty's mes- sage (o Parliament re- cited, His Majesty may au- thorize the Governor to make allotments of lands for the support of a Protestant Clergy in each Province ; and the rents arising from such allotments to be applicable to that purpose solely, His Majesty may au- thorize the Goy ernor, with the advice of the Executive Council. to erect Parsonages, and endow them, (A eee se / ‘- aie ot 4 . as +, Lae 4 a ee ~ sear i. 4 Commas + ~f, > 3 oe Ce ‘ — a ee 26 Chap. 31. In the Thirty-first Year of GEORGE Hf. A. D. 1791. 222 bre Naas Re: poe Ot ee 29 EE. Woe ” i el Te? Cie ee the Governor or Jieutenant Governor of each of the said Provinces respec- tively, or the persoh administering the Government therein, from time to {ime, with the advice of such Executive Council as shall have been ap- pointed by His.Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, within such Province, for the affairs thereof, to constitute and erect, within every ‘Yownship or Parish which now is or bereafter may be formed, constituted, or erected within such Province, one or more Parsonage or Rectory, or Parsonages or Rectories, ac- cording to the establishment of the Church of England ; and from time to time, by instrument under the Great Seal of such Province, to endow every such Parsonage or Rectory with so much or such a part of the lands so al- jotted and appropriated, as aforesaid, in respect of any lands within such Township or Parish, which shall have been granted subsequent to the com- mencement of this Act, or of such lands as may have been allotted and ap- propriated for the same purpose, by or in virtue of any instruction which may be given by His Majesty, in respect of any lands granted by His Majesty be- fore the commencement of this Act, as such Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government, shall, with the advice of the said Executive Council, judge to be expedient under the then existing circum- stances of such ‘Township or Parish. pe ee a — = eS. a 3 antes = et ee Hy and the Governor to XXXIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall yresent incumbents to “1, fe : eo. ; ey $s 50 : them, whoare toenjoy and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, to authorize eae ie aed the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government of each of the said Provinces respectively, to present to every such Parsonage or Rectory an Incumbent or Minister of the Church of England, who shall have beeh duly ordained according to the rights of the said Church, and to supply from time to time such vacancies as may happen therein; and‘that every person so presented to any such Parsonage or Rectory, shall hold and enjoy the same, aad all rights, profits, and emoluments thereunto belonging or granted, as fully and amply, and in the same manner, and on the same terms and conditions, and liable to the performance of the same duties, a8 the Incumbent of a Parsonage or Rectory in England. Presentations to Pare Ls Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, — Waste i That every such presentation of an Incumbent or Minister to any such Par- subject to the jurisdic. Sonage or Rectory, and also the enjoyment of any such Parsonage or Rec- onigrented tothe Bi tori aie of the rights, profits, and emoluments thereof, by any shch Incum- mop of Nova Scotia, 1 45+ or Minister, shall be subject and liable to all rights of institution, and all other spiritual and ecclesiastical jurisdiction and authority, which have been lawfully granted by His Majesty’s. Royal Letters Patent to the Bishop of Nova Scotia, or which may hereatter, by His Majesty’s Royal authority,. be lawfully granted or appointed to be administered and executed within the said Provinces, or either of them respectively, by the said Bishop of Nova Scotia, or by any other person or persons, according to the Laws and Canons of the Church of England, which are lawfully made and received in England. a ee XLI. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, ihe oie support of a Lhat the several provisions herein before contained, respecting the allot- Protestant Clergy, &e. myent and appropriation of lands for the support of a Protestant Clergy within | the 7 the said Provinces, and also respecting the constituting, erecting, and en- dowing Parsonages or Rectories within the said Provinces, and also respecting the presentation of Incumbents or Ministers to the same, and also respecting the manner in which such Incumbents or Ministers shall hold and enjoy the same, shall be subject to be varied or repealed by any express provisions for that purpose, contained in any Act or Acts which may be passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly of the said Provinces+respectively, and assented to by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, under the restriction herein after provided. XLII. Provided nevertheless, and be it further enacted by the authority afore- sad, Uhat whenever any Act or Acts shall be passed by the Legislative Council and Asseinbly of either of the said Provinces, containing any provi- sions to vary or repeal the above recited declaration and provision contained in the said Act passed in the fourteenth year of the Reign of His present Majesty ; or to vary or repeal the above recited provision contained in His Majesty’s Royal instructions, given on the third day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, to the said Guy Carleton, Esquire, now Lord Dorchester ; or to vary or repeal the provisions herein before contained for continuing the force and effect of the said decla- ration and provisions: or to vary or repeal any of the several provisions herein before contained respecting the allotment and appropriation of lands for the support of a Protestant Clergy within the said Provinces; or respecting the constituting, erecting, or endowing Parsonages or Rectories within the said Provinces ; or respecting the presentation of Incumbents or Ministers to the Sane; or respecting the manner in which such Incumbents or Ministers shall hold and enjoy the same: And also that whenever any Act or Acts shall be so passed, containing any provisions which shall in any manner relate to or affect the enjoym: nt or exercise of any religious form or mode of worship ; or shall impose or create any penalties, burthens, disabilities, or disqualifica- tions in respect of the same; or shall in any manner relate to or affect the payment, recovery, or enjoyment of any of the accustomed dues or rights herein before mentioned; or shall in any manner relate to the granting, im- posing, or recovering any other dues, or stipends, or emoluments whatever, to be paid to or for the use of any Minister, Priest, Ecclesiastic, or Teacher, according to any religious form or mode of worship, In respect of his said office or function ; or shall in any manner relate to or affect the establish- Ment or discipline of the Church of England, amongst the Ministers and Members thereof within the said Provinces ; or shall in any manner relate to or affect the King’s prerogative touching the granting of waste lands of the Crown within the said Provinces ; every such Act or Acts shall, previous to any declaration or signification of the King’s assent thereto, be laid before both Houses of Pa:liament in Great Britain ; and that it shall not be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, to signify his or their assent to any such Act or Acts, until thirty days after the same shall have been laid before the said Houses, or to assent to any such Act or Acts, in case either House of Parliament shall, within the said thirty days, address His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, to withhold his or their assent from such Act or Acts ; and that no such Act shall be valid or effectual to any of the said purposes, with- in either of the said Provinces, unless the Legislative Council and cae! , | O Chap. 81. In the Thirty-jirst Year of GEORGE III. A. D. 1791. may be varied or re pealed by the Leyisla tive Council and As- sembly. Acts of the Legisla- tive Council and As- sembly, containing pro- visions to the effect herein mentioned to be laid before Parlia- ment, previous to re- ceiving His Mejesty’s assent, ac. 27 = yee . * ~~ - ia. > ” 4 as ai ek wre wet wes = apg 4 Zé ott IO ET “as ‘ i i“ i a i oni - ; Lands in Upper Ca- nada to be granted in free and common soc- cage, aud also in Lower Canada, if desired. Persons holding lands in Upper Canada, nay have fresh grants. Such fresh grants not to bar any right or title to the lands. i8 Geo, $d, ¢ 22, re- cited. 28 Chap. 31. In the Thirty-first Year of GEORGE Ill. A. D. 1791. of such Province shall, in the session in which the same shall have been passed by them, have presented to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Person administering the Government of such Province, an address or, ad- dresses, specifying that such Act contains provisions for some of the said purposes herein before specially described, and desiring, that, in order to give effect to the same, such Act should be transmitted to England without delay, for the purpose of being laid before Parliament previous to the signi- fication of His Majesty’s assent thereto. ALU. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, ‘That all lands which shall be hereafter granted within the said Province of Upper Cana- da, shall be granted in free and common soccage, in like manner as lands are now holden in free and common soccage, im that part of Great Britain called England; and that in every case where lands shall be hereafter granted within the said Province of Lower Canada, and where the grantee thereof shalf desire the same to be granted in free and common seecage, the same shall be so granted; but subject nevertheless to such alterations, with respect to the nature and consequences of such tenure of free and common soccage, as may be established by any Law or Laws which may be made by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province. XLIV. And be tt further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any per- son or persons holding any lands in the said Province of Upper Canada, by virtue of any certificate of occupation derived under the authority of the Governor and Council of the Province of Quebec, and having power and authority to alienate the same, shall, at any time, from and after the com- mencement of this Act, surrender the same into the hands of His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, by petition to the Governor, or Lieutenant Gover- nor, or Person administering the Government of the said Province, setting forth that he, she, or they is or are desirous of holding the same in free and common soccage, such Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or Person ad- ministering the Government, shall thereupon cause a fresh grant to be made to such person or persons of such lands, to be holden in free and com- mon soccage. ALY. Provided nevertheless, and be it further enacted by the authority afore- said, That such surrender and grant shall not avoid or bar any right or title to any such lands so surrendered, or any interest in the same, to'which any person or persons, other than the person or persons surrendering the same, shall have been entitled, either in possession, remainder, or reversion, oF otherwise, at the time of such surrender; but that every such surrender and grant shall be made subject to every such right. title, and interest, and that every such right, title, or interest, shall be as valid and effectual as if such surrender and grant had never been made. XLVI. And whereas, by an Act passed in the eighteenth year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “« An Act for remoying all doubts and apprehensions concerning taxation by the Parliament of Great Britain, | in in any of the Colonies, Provinces, and Plantations, in North America, and the West Indies; and for repealing so much of an Act, made in the seventh year of the Reign of His present Majesty, as imposes a duty on tea im- ported from Great Britain into any Colony or Plantation in America, or re- sett thereto,” it has been declared, “« That the King and Parliament of Great Britain will not impose any duty, tax, or assessment whatever, pay- able in any of His Majesty’s Colonies, Provinces, and Plantations in North America, or the West Indies, except only such duties as it may be expe- dient to impose for the regulation of commerce, the net produce of such duties to be always paid and applied to and for the use of the Colony, Pro- vince, or Plantation. in which the same shall be respectively levied, 1n such manner as other duties collected by the authority of the respective General Courts or General Assemblies of such Colonies, Provinces, or Plantations, are ordinarily paid and applied:” And whereas, it is necessary, for the general benefit of the British Empire, that such power of regulation of commerce should continue to be exercised by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, and the Parliament of Great Britain, subject nevertheless to the conditions herein before recited, with respect to the application of any duties which may be imposed for that purpose: Be a therefore enacted by the authority wforesaid, ‘That nothing in this Act contamed shall extend, or be construed to extend, to prevent or affect the execution of any Law which hath been or shall at any time be made by His Majesty, His Heirs or Suc- cessors, and the Parliament of Great Britain, for establishing regulations or prohibitions; or for imposing, levying, or collecting duties for the regulation of navigation, or for the regulation of the commerce to be carried on be- tween the said two Provinces, or between either of the said Provinces and any other part of His Majesty’s dominions, or between either of the said Provinces and any Foreign Country or State, or for appointing and direct- ing the payment of drawbacks of such duties so imposed, or to give to His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, any power or authority, by and with the advice and consent of such Legislative Councils and Assemblies respective- ly, to vary or repeal any such Law or Laws, or any part thereof, or in any manner to prevent or obstruct the execution thereof. XLVII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the net produce of all duties which shall be so imposed, shail, at all times hereafter be applied to and for the use of each of the said Provinces respec- tively, and in such manner only as shall be directed by any Law or Laws which may be made. by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of such Province. : XLVIIi. And whereas, by reason of the distance of the said Provinces nd of the change to be made by this Act in the Govern- ment thereof, it may be necessary that there should be some interval of time between the notification of this Act to the said Provinces respectively, and the day of its commencement within the said Provinces respectively ; Be it therefore enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall’and may be lawful for His Majesty, with the advice of the Privy Council, to fix “" de- clare. from this country, 2 Chap. 31. In the Thirty-first Year of GEORGE III. A. D. 1791. This Act not to pre- vent the uperation of any Act of Parliament, establishing _ probibi- tions or imposing du- ties for the regulation of navigation and com- i merce, &c. i Such duties to be ap- plied to the use of the respective Provinces. His Majesty in Coun- cil to fix and declare the commencement of this Aci, &c. Ht 39 Chap. 31-138. In the Forty-third Year of GEORGE III. A. D. 1808. Time for issuing the writs of summons and election, &c. not te be tater than December 31, 1792, Between the com- meneement of this Act, and the first meeting of the Legislative Council and Assembly, tempo- rery Laws may be made, clare, or to authorize the Governor or Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Quebec, or the Person administering the Government there, to fix and declare the day of the commencement of this Act within the said Provinces respectively, provided that such day shall not be later than the thirty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one. XLIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesmd, That the time to be fixed by His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or under his or their authority by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government in each of the said Provinces respectively, for issuing the writs of summons and election, and calling together the Legislative Coun- cils and Assemblies of each of the said Provinces respectively, shall not be later than the thirty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. L. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That during such interval as may happen between the commencement of this Act, within the said Provinces respectively, and the first meeting of the Legislative Council and Assembly of each of the said Provinces respective- ly, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor or Lieutenant Governor of such Province, or for the Person administering the Government therein, with the consent of the major part of such Executive Couneil as shall be ap- pointed by Bis Majesty for the affairs of sach Province, to make temporary Laws and Ordinances for the good Government, peace, and welfare of such Province, in the same manner, and under the same restrictions, as such Laws or Ordinances might have been made by the Council for the affairs of the Province of Quebec, constituted by virtue of the above mentioned Act of the fourteenth year of the Reign of His present Majesty; and that auch temporary Laws or Ordinances shall be valid and binding within such Province, until the expiration of six months after the Legislative Council and Assembly of such Province shall have been first assembled by virtue of and under the authority of this Act; subject nevertheless to be sooner repealed or varied by any Law or Laws which may be made by His Ma- jestv. His Heirs or Successors, by and with the advice and consent of the said Legislative Council and Assembly. a C HAP. CXXXVIIL. An Act for extending the Jurisdiction of the Courts of Justice in the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, to the trial aud punisliment of persons guilty of crimes and offences within certain Paris of North America adjoining to the said Provinces. [11th August, 1803.] . HEREAS, crimes and offences have been committed in the Indian Territories, and other parts of America, not within the limits of the Provinces » Provinces of Lower or Upper Canada, or either of them, or of the jurisdic- tion of any of the Courts established in those Provinces, or within the limits of any Civil Government of the United States of America, and are there- fore not cognizable by any jurisdiction whatever, and by reason thereof, great crimes and offences have gone and may hereafter go unpunished, and greatly increase: For remedy whereof, may it please your Majesty that it may be enacted, and Be it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled. and by the authority of the same, That from and afier the passing of this Act, all offences com- mitted within any of the Indian Territories, or parts of America not within the limits of either of the said Provinces of Lower or Upper Canada, or of any Civil Government of the United States of America, shall be, and be deemed to be, offences of the same nature, and shall be tried in the same manner and subject to the same punishment, as if the same had been com- mitted within the Provinces of Lower or Upper Canada. Il. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Governor, or Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government for the time being of the Province of Lower Canada, by Commission under his Hand and Seal, to authorize and empower any person or persons wheresoever resi- dent or being at the time, to act as Civil Magistrates and Justices of the Peace for any of the Indian Territories or parts of America not within the limits of either of the said Provinces, or of any Civil Government of the United States of America, as well as within the limits of either of the said Provinces, either upon informations taken or given within the said Provinces of Lower or Upper Canada, or out of the said Provinces, in any part of the indian Territories or parts of America aforesaid, for the purpose only of hearing crimes and offences, and committing any person or persons guilty of any crime or offence to safe custody, in order to his or their being con- veyed to the said Province of Lower Canada, to be dealt with according to Law; and it shall be lawful for any person or persons whatever,’ to appre- hend and take before any persons 50 commissioned, as aforesaid, or to ap- prehend and convey, or cause to be safely conveyed, with all convenient speed, to the Province of Lower Canada, any person or persons guilty of any crime or offence, there to be delivered into sale custody for the purpose of being dealt with according to Law. Il. And be it further enacted, That every such offender may and shall be - prosecuted and tried in the Courts of the Province of Lower Canada, (or if the Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or Person administermg the Go- vernment for the time being. shall, from any of the cireumstances of the crime or offence, or the local situation of any of the witnesses for the pro- secution or defence, think that justice may more conveniently be adminis- tered in relation to such crime or offence in the Province of Upper Canada, and shall, by any instrument under the Great Seal of the Province of Lower Canada, declare the same, then that every such offender may and shall be prosecuted and tried in the Court of the Province of Upper Canada,) In which crimes or offences of the like nature are usually tried, and where the same Chap: 138. In the Furty-third Year of GEGRGE III. A.D. 1808. Offences committed within any of the Io- dian Territories, &c. shall be tried in the same manner as if com- mitted within the Pro- vinces of Lower or Upper Canada, The Governor of Lower Carada may empower persons toact as Justices for the In- dian ‘Territories, &c, for committing offen- ders till conveyed to Canada for trial, we. Place and manner of trial of such offenders. ‘ 32 Chap. 138. In the Forty-third Year of GEORGE I] A, D: 1203. same wculd have been tried if such crime or offence had been committed — within the limits of the Province where the same shall be tried under this — Act; and every offender tried and convicted under this Act, shall be liable and subeet to such punishment as may, by any "aw in force in the Province _ where he or she shall be tried, be inflicted f»":stch crime or offence; and such crine or offence may and shall he laid and charged to have been com- mitted within the jurisdiction of suctm Court, and such Court may and shall ‘ proceed therein to trial, judgrfigit, wid execution, or other punishment for such crime or offence, in the Sa.ie manner in every respect as if such crime or offence had been realiy committed within the jurisdiction of such Court; and it shall also be lawiul for the Judges and other officers of the said Courts, t> issue subp: xs and other processes for enforcing the attendance of witnesses on any such trial; and such subpeenas and other processes shall beas valid and effectual and be in full force and put in execution, in any parts of the Indian Territories, or other parts of America out of and not within tle limits of the Civil Government of the United States of America, as well as within the limits of either of the said Provinces of Lower or Up- per Canada, in relation to the trial of any crimes or offences by this Act made coznizable in such Court, or to the more speedily and effectually bringing any offender or offenders to justice under this Act, as fully and amply asany subpcenas or other processes are, within the limits of the juris- diction of the Court from which any such subpcenas or processes shall issne as aforesuid; any Act or Acts, Law or Laws, custom, usage, matter, or thing to the contrary notwithstanding. Offenders not being _ LV. Provided always, und be it further enacted That if any crime or of- subjects of His Majes- fence charged and prosecuted under this Act, shall be proved to have been ty, and also within the : x, | be oe “i ‘ I. limits, belonging to any committed by aly person or persons not being a supject or subjects of His paropean ge Shall Majesty,and also within the limits of any Colony, Settlement, or Territory 2€ acquitted. ’ - ~ . : pe. belonging to any European State, the Court befere which such prosecution shall be iad, shall forthwith acquit such person or persons, not being such subject or subjects as aforesaid, of such charge. Se eee ee V. Provided nevertheless, That it shall and may be lawful for such Court although offence be to proceed in the trial of any other person, being a subject or subjects of His. tases Majesty, who shall be charged with the same or any other offence, notwith- standing such offence shall appear to have been committed within the limits of any Colony, Settlement, or Territory belonging to any European State as aforesaid « ORDINANCES OF THE LATE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. EO T appears, on a revision of the Ordinances of the late Provinceof Quebec, that none | of them remain in force in this Province, unless it be the 2d and 4th clauses in an Or- dinance passed in the 17th year of George 3. ch 7, entitled “ An Ordinance to prevent the selling of Strong Liquors to the Indians in the Province of Quebec, a3 also to deter persons from buying their Arms or Clothing, and for other purposes relative to the trade and inter- course with the said Indians” which prohibits the purchase of Indian Presents, and where- by it isenacted “ That from and after the publication of this Ordinance, no person or per- sons whatsoever shall purchase, or receive in pledge, or in exchange, any cloaths, blan- kets, fire-arms, or ammunition, belonging to any Indian or Indians w thin this Province, un- der a penalty of five pounds, and imprisonment for any time not exceeding one month, for the first offence, and of ten pounds, and imprisonment for any time not exceeding two months, for the second and every other subsequent offence.” “That it shall and may be Jawful for any person or persons whatsoever, to sue for the penalties and forfeitures aforesaid, by information before one or more of the Commissioners of the Peace of the District in which any offence against any of the above articles of this Ordinance shall have been committed, who is and are hereby authorised and required to hear and determine such information in a summary manner, and upon the oath of one cre- dible witness, (being some other than the informer himself, ) and to inflict the said impri- sonment, and to levy the said penalties or forfeitures, together with the costs of suing for the same, by a warrant to seize and sell the goods or lands of the offenders. Provided al- ways, ‘That such informations shall be brought within six calendar months from the time the offence shall have been committed, and not after.” | And that part of the Ordinance passed in the 29th year of George the 3d, c 35 entitled “ An Act to continue an Ordinance regulating the Practice of the Law, and to provide more effectually for the dispensation of Justice, and especially in the new Districts” which enacts “That simple larceny, when the goods stolen shall not in value exceed twenty shillings sterling money of Great Britain, shall be deemed and adjudged only petty larceny. ‘ SO et ote Tee < ater : — ig TT ~~ sy vo te — “= San oi Se a hea = ag oh Lent Ne Sana et on tale N Nn ‘ aN = eo pa piney y =e ex = = + 7 te! ' i} we \ . > eo oe \ 2 \ \ ~ WW + N \, rn 4 ’ ve \ oN . _ nA vw \ ~\ ‘\ | - nN ¢ . . e | n~ “A. 8 ‘ | a Qa, ~ —_ we . \ . ss ee ' “~ ~ . YQ ‘ “ is ~ 4, ; . \ Y ' . . » . F ; me Ee e . a ‘* ~ “ \ . ‘ ~ * \ ~ ee ~ > . \ a _ » " ¥ 4 \ >. 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